25 April- 1 May 2009



"0O ?O C°u+|· ×0 O?0?OO ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ ÞÞ+·×.¤¤ VOLL-XVI ISSUE - 46 BHUBANESWAR 25 April- 01 May 2009 Re. 5.00 NIJUKTI KHABAR Employment & Education based leading weekly Tel: 2587532,2582533 Fax : 2582535 e- mai l : ni j ukt i khabar @gmail. com ·ÐO ¬?¨ «'»·¨ ···O ¨ ?8» ¯.¨:¢.¢¢ : ¨'¯» ¯.¨¯¢.¢¢ ¯ ¨'¯» ¯.:~.¢¢ ¯¬' ¨· ô« ¨/ ?+'¬ « 'U ô'»'¨·¨ ¯u'O ¯'¨·? 1 Manager, Nijukti Khabar, TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Bhubaneswar - 10 C??| ´¯«'¨' «'»·Ð'·¬ ·ÐO ¬?¨ ¨¬'Ou ?' ¯¨3 ¬ '»»¨'·¬ «c'O ¯ ô'Ð'Oôö ·Ð ·¯¨'·· ¬?¨ »' ¬« ¯ë» ·¨ ·Ð·»' c¯ ·Ð'¬'·Ð'¬ ·?·- ¬ '»» ·¨¨ O·O¸¬ »¨?' «¨¨¦ ô·¯1 · ¯¯'¨ ¯¨¯'-» ?|C O 0u|O ?| C2O 02Þ|, ? O ® u?O ¬0? G<O0?? 0O www.nijuktikhabar.net nnnn n n n n MEMBER RNI No. 52621/93 Postal Regd.No-BN/43/09-11 www.nijuktikhabar.net CMYK ?CT| ?¤|? C|OUOi O|O+C Þ Medical Science Technician Training û 6 ¯ Ð ?·¬'¬¦¬ ¯ » ¯' ? -'· O¯·¨ -'· ´?° ·»'û- ·Ð'¬'O · Ð O ´?° ô'¯ · Ð O ¯ ¤ »¨ ?' ¯'O , ¨'«+ ¯¨»'¨ ¯¯·6¯ ··OöU 1 OO ¯'O ¨ , ô'8- » ¯ » ¯' ? -'· ·? 8· » ¯ ¯ ¬'·, O ?··û ¨¬ ¨'d¨·¨ ¯ ¯'· »¨'Ð ? 1 ¯'O ¨ ô?d ¨ ?8 1 ´» DIPLOMA ¯'u+» ¨·¨ OPERATION THEATRE TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, NURSING ASSISTANT, X-RAY TECHNICIAN, PHYSIOTHERAPY & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, COSMETOLOGY & BEAUTY PARLOUR MANAGEMENT O¯+'¯ ? 8·¨'·¬·¨ ¯'O ¨ ¯ ô'Ð ? 1 ´u ¯'O ¯ 'u ¦/¯ 'u ·¦¨'·¬¨ ¯? · ¨ û 6'¬¯ ·Ð'¬+¯' »'O÷ O ¯'¯ U ·»¯ ¯¨¦6'·¨ OO¦« ·»'Ou ·? 1 »·¤O¨ ¯ ? d' ôö 1 U¨ ! · ·¨'?-¦ · ¨ O ¬ ¯ »'Ð +'-·¨ «'»·Ð'·¬ ¯.¨¢¢/· ? · ¨··¨ ¨ - ¯'¨ ? 1 ¯¨¬'3 ¨ - ?'¨ ·û8 ¯'¨ ¬ ¯¢.¢~.¨¢¢^ REGIONAL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE(RMTI) At- Palasuni, P.O. G.G.P., (Rasulgarh), Bhubaneswar-751025, (Orissa) Ph.: (0674) 2370415, 9937440788 Sponsored by Planning Commission, Government of India Affiliated by Bharat Sevak Samaj OPPORTUNITIES FOR TECHNICAL PERSONEL Ratna Infrastructure projects Pvt. Ltd., a fast growing Engineering construction company with a CAGR of over 50% is on the look out for experienced personnel for its projects in INDUSTRIAL and POWER sectors for immediate placement. Persons willing to work anywhere in the country only need apply. S. POSITION QUALIFICATION EXPERINECE NO. NO. REQD. 1. PROJECT Graduate in Civil/ 8 to 10 years Experience MANAGER Mech. Engg. in Heavy Industrial 3 Foundations, Structures Including Built Up Structures, Multi Story Buildings etc. with exposure to IS, BS & DIN standards. 2. ASST. Graduate in Civil/ -do- but with 2 to 4 years 9 ENGINEER. Mech. Engg. experience 3. STRUCTURAL Diploma in 8 to 10 years Hands on 6 ENGINEER Mech. Engg. experience in fabrication & erection of heavy industrial structures etc. with exposure to IS, BES & DIN standards 4. SUPERVISORS Diploma in 2 to 4 years hands on Mech. Engg. experience in Industrial 9 Structures i/c foundations Ratna Infrastructure Projects Pvt. Ltd. Plot#25, Nava Nirman Nagar, Road # 71, Jubilee Hills, Hyderbad-33, Email: [email protected] or [email protected] O|u | ?+|¬ 0Þ|? O??i C°u+| : ^^l ¯'u¦ ô·O'O··¨ ¯¨¬'3 ¯'¬O »¨?' ¯?¨ ¯·'»¨ ¯¯»¯' ¯» ¯ë« ?-'¯·¯» ¯«··?' 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Applications in prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for direct recruitment from the Bar in the cadre of District Judge. 2. THE LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: 06.05.2009. Warning: Applications received incomplete and / or defective in any respect are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence on that score will be entertained. 3 ELIGIBILITY: A candidate in order to be eligible for direct recruitment to the post of District Judge must :- (a) be a graduate in Law of a recognized University or an Institution recognized by the Government; (b) be having at least seven years of practice as an advocate on the 1st day of August, 2009; and (c) not below 35 years of age and above 45 years of age on 1 s ’day of August, 2009. 4. DISQUALIFICATION FOR APPOINTMENT. No person shall be eligible for appointment to the service:-. (a) Unless he or she is a citizen of India (b) If he or she is dismissed from service by any High Court, Government or Statutory or Local Authority. (c) If he or she has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or the Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission from appearing in any examination or selection conducted by it. (d) If he or she directly or indirectly influences the recruiting authority by any means for his or her candidature. (e) If he is a man and has more than one wife living and if a woman has more than one husband living or has married a man who has already another wife living. (f) Unless he or she is able to speak, read and write Oriya; (g) Unless he or she has passed a test in Oriya equivalent to Middle School Standard. : 5. SCALE OF PAY: Rs.16,750-400-19,150-450-20,500/- 6. No. OF VACANCIES: 15 (fifteen). 7. PERIOD OF PROBATION: The period of probation shall be for two years which may be extended by such period not exceeding a further period of two years by the appointing authority on the recommendation of the High Court. 8. APPLICATION FEE: Every application submitted directly to the High Court shall be accompanied by a Bank draft of Rs. 250/- in favour of the Registrar General, Orissa High Court, Cuttack, payable at S.B.I., Cuttack (Main Branch). The fees paid in connection with the application will not be refunded in any case. 9. CERTIFICATE / DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED: A candidate must submit true copies of the following documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer with their application. (1) Matriculation / H.S.C.E. or equivalent Certificate in| support of their age. (2) +2 Examination Certificate. (3) +3 Examination Certificate. (4) Bachelor’s Degree in Law. (5) Master’s Degree in Law, if any. (6) Master’s Degree in other faculty, if any. (7) Diploma / Ph. D. etc. if any. (8) Certificate from the concerned District Judge of the district’ showing the period of his practice at the Bar. (9) Certificate of physical fitness from a registered Medical Practitioner. : (10) Three passport size recent photographs signed by the candidate on its face. (11) Original Bank Draft amounting to Rs. 250/-. (12) Character Certificates from two Gazetted Officers. (13) Two,self-addressed stamped envelopes,. (14) Certificate from the competent authority in proof of passing Oriya’of Middle School Standard. 10. EXAMINATION: The Examination shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Orissa Superior Judicial Service and Orissa Judicial Service Rules, 2007. There shall be a written examination consisting of two papers carrying 100 marks each having duration of two hours. PAPER-I Code of Civil Procedure - 30 Marks, Personal Law - 30 Marks, Transfer of Property Act, Specific Relief Act, Limitation Act, Law of Contract, Orissa Consolidation of Holdings and Prevention of Fragmentation of Land Act, O.E.A. Act, Orissa Land Reforms Act and Law of Motor Accident Claim - 40 Marks. PAPER-II Code of Criminal Procedure - 30 Marks, Indian Penal Code - 30 Marks, Indian Evidence Act - 30 Marks, N.D.Ps Act, Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, Prevention of Corruption Act, Essential Commodities Act, Environment Protection Act, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act & Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 - 10 Marks. (2) Interview: Interview shall carry 30 marks. Candidate shall be called for interview in proportion of 1:10 provided that such candidates have, obtained at least 50% of marks in each of the written papers. A candidate shall not be selected for appointment unless he/she secures minimum 40% of marks in the interview. 11. MEDICAL BOARD: The selected candidates must be physically fit and shall be required to appear before the State Medical Board before final appointment. No candidate shall be appointed unless found fit physically. 12. Note (1) No T.A. will be allowed to the candidates. (2) At the time of interview / viva-voce test, the candidates are required to produce the Original Certificates, failing which they shall be debarred from the interview / viva-voce. (3) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. (4) Candidates must properly arrange and attach enclosures to their applications. (5) Incomplete and defective application shall be summarly rejected. List of candidates whose applications are rejected shall be published in he Court Website / Notice Board. Date: 17.04.2009 Registrar General Place : Cuttack. Orissa High Court, Cuttack FORAMT Application for the post of : ____________________ Advertisement No. ___________ Date ____________ 1. Name of the Applicant (In Block Letters) 2. Father’s/Husband’s Name 3. Permanent Address 4. Present Address: 5. Nationality 6. Religion 7. Sex 8. Date of Birth (As recorded in H.S.C.E./ Equivalent Examination). 9. Age as on 01.08.2009: Year Month Days 10. Educational Qualification 11. Length of Bar Practice 12. Other Qualification, if any 13. Mother Tongue 14. Bank Draft : No: ....................... Date: ............................. DECLARATION I hereby declare taht all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect before or after the interview/ viva-voce action can be taken against me by the High Court. Place: FULL SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT Date: Affix recent passport size photograph O|OOi¤ O O ® ? ?+| O O ¤|?, u? 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An ISO 9001: 2000 & 14001: 2004 Institution. COURSES OFFERED Hotel Management: DHM, BHM, BSc (HM), MBA (HM) Management: BBA, MBA (HR, FIN, MAR, IT) Information Technology: BCA, MCA ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA * For Under Graduate Courses- 10+2 or equivalent * For Post Graduate Courses- 10+2+3 or equivalent PLACEMENT: Not only do we ensure quality placement for every student but also a lifetime of confidence for growth & success through brilliant academic & exceptional placement support. EDUCATIONAL LOAN: Assistance from HDFC Bank PROSPECTUS AND APPLICATION * Forms can be collected from any of the campuses against payment of Rs. 250/- * By Post send a DD/MO of Rs. 300/- drawn in favour of “NIPS” * Download application form and send it along with a DD/MO of Rs. 300/- Free Laptop for BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA courses Campus I : EC 98, Sector I Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700064 Phone: 0332358 6476/23343079 * Fax: 033 2334 3067 Campus II: Mahishbathan, Sector- V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 102 Phone: 033 23675127/ 28/ 29 * Fax: 033 23675177 Campus III: New Campus coming up near Shovabazar Metro Station E-mail: [email protected] * Website: www.nipsgroup.in SMS ‘INFO’ to 54999 * Helpline: 1860420 4201 M B A in H O S P ITA L IT Y M A N A G E M E N T B.S. ABDUR RAHMAN UNIVERSITY B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology (Estd.u/s 3 of the UGC Act, 1956) (Formerly B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College) Seethakathi Estate, Vandalur, Chennai- 600 048, Tamilnadu, India Phone: 044-22751347, 22751348, 22751350, 22751375 Fax: 044-22750520 Web: www.bsauniv.ac.in APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENTS MENTIONED BELOW: Professor Civil Engg./ Mech. Engg./ EEE/ECE/ICE/ Associate Professor : CSE/Information Tech./ Polymer Tech./ MBA/MCA Assistant Professor Mathematics/ Physics/Chemistry/ English Dean : School of Business and Management Studies Director: Centre for International Collaboration Director : Centre for Online and Distance Education Assistant Registrar (Finance) Assistant Registrar (Human Resources) Salary: As per UGC Scales of Pay (6th Pay Commision) Position Pay Band (Rs.) Academic Grade Pay (Rs.) Assistant Professor 15600-39100 6600 Associate Professor 15600- 39100 8000 Professor 37400- 67000 11000 ¨ DA ad HRA ¨ Other benefits like EPF, Pension (through EPF), Personal Accident Benefit, Medical Insurance, Gratuity, etc. ¨ Encouragement for Research and Publications ¨ Special Allowance for Ph.D ¨ Career Advacnement as per UGC norms Gross Salary: (Pay Band + Academic Grade Pay + Allowances) Candidates in the relevant disciplines may apply with full details within 12 days to the Registrar. The application form can be downloaded from : www.bsauniv.ac.in REGISTRAR PRABHUJEE ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL (Affiliated to CBSE) V.S.S. NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR- 751007 APPOINTMENT POST QUALIFICATION PGT: English, Physics, Chemistry Masters Degree with B.ED Physical Education, M.P.Ed. Computer Science M.C.A./ B.E. (Minimum 3 years experience in Sr. Secondary level) TGT:- English, Georaphy, M.A./ B.A./ BEd. History, Physics M.Sc./ B.Sc. B.Ed. TGT:- English, Oriya, Graduate with B.Ed. Mathematics, Gen. Science Computer Science Graduate with PGDCA Activity Teacher M.A. (English/ Geography) having good communicative skill in different languages/ subjects Nursery Teachers Graduate with NTT (English Medium background or Anglo Indian Preferable) PET Graduate with B.P.Ed. (C.P.Ed. is preferable) Receptionist Graduate with good communication skill in English. D.T.P. Operator Graduation, DTP course in English, Oriya, Hindi & Sanskrit with Graphics. Music Teacher M.Mus (Odissi/ Vocal) Dance Teacher (Part Time) M.Mus (Odissi/ Vocal) Moral Science Teacher Graduate with Vedacharya (Part Time) Salary: Attractive Salary as per experience and qualification with P.F. facilities, Age: Below 40 years. Interested eligible candidates having experience and good personality may apply to the Secretary with complete Bio-Data attested copies of mark sheets & certificates, one self addressed stamped envelop, one passport size photo and DD for Rs. 100/- for each post drawn in favour of Prabhujee E.M. School, Bhubaneswar within 7 days of publication of the advertisement. No. TA/DA is a dmissible for interview. SECRETARY } UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2008 PERSONALITY TEST/ INTERVIEW The Union Public Service Commission is conducting Interviews of candidates who have qualified in the writtn part of Engineering Services Examination, 2008, commencing from 27th April, 2009 and concluding on 14th May, 2009. Interview letters to all the eligible candidates have been dispatched. If any eligible candidate has not received the call letter so far, he/she may contact UPSC on Telephone Nos. 011-23387402 or 011-23098591 (Extn.4331). The candidates can also send fax messages on FAX No. 011- 23387310. 2. The date of interview for individual candidates is available at Uni on Publ i c Servi ce Commi ssi on’ s Websi te at “http:// www.upsc.gov.in.” Mobile phones and such IT gadgets are banned in the Campus of UPSC Examination Halls. + O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 ADMISSION OPEN - 2009 ORISSA’S NO.1 TRAINING INSTITUTE COMPUTER HARDWARE MULTIMEDIA MOBILE REPAIRING Rs. 5000 SPOKEN ENGLISH Rs. 1000 PGDCA DCA A/37, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar Mobile: 9861451832, 9861443909 NIRMATA NIRMATA B.O.: F-4, 54/6 I.D. Market, BBSR, Mob: 9861443909, 9861451832 FRANCHISES ENQUIRY- 9338423063 O8|¤O / ?¸ C TOi¤ ? O ® ?¤|O? Advt. No. (04/09)!«û'¨ ¯¨3 «O¸'¨'·¬¨ ¨+·¯¯'O¯/´·.´.¯./ ?¸» ´?° ¯8'·¯ ô8-·¨ û 6 ¯ / ô« û 6 ¯ ·?»'¨u ?' Ð ?» Ð ?¯¦¨'·¬ ·¯¨'·¬ ·Ð'¬+¯' ô· Ð'·¦ ¯¨»'¨¦ ·¨« ¤ O O ¯°¯ '¨'·¬·¨ ¯ '·¦· Ð O »¨'O?' ·¨·U THE HELP LINE ¯'u¦/¯'u·¦¨'·¬u'¨ ··¨'O ¯¯?¦ · ¨·U ¯¨¬'3 (BIO DATA) ¯» ¯'¯ U ·»¯¨ XEROX ´?° ¯ O¯ SELF ADDRESSED POSTAL ENVELOPE ô'¯U' ¯' ¨~.¢~.¢^ ¨ ¬ ¯ «' «'»/ ·»'¨ô¨ / O··¨O ¨'d¨·¨ ¬»c »¨öU 1 ¯¯?¦ ¨ ·' ¨ ¯¯?¦ û 6' ¬¯ ?·¯ ¨' ¯ » ¯¨¨' ¯°¬+' ·Ð' ¬+¯' ¬ ' ¨¦ c ? »' û ôd »' ¨¦ ¯~¢ ô¤¨·û c¦¨ O« ¨l·:~ ¯.¨¢,¢¢¢ ¨ (RURAL DEV. OFFICER) ¯.¨¨,~¢¢/· ¯»' ·» · Ð O ¯ ?º» ¯¢¢ ¨'¯ » ¯'¯ ¨ O« ¨l·:~ ¯.¨¨,~¢¢ ¨ ASST.EMP. MANAGER ¯.¨:,~¢¢/· O¯·¨'O ¯¯?¦ · ¨ O ·»?- ¯'6'¯»'¨ ¨'d¨·¨ · Ð O ¯ ¯'· »¨'Ð ? ´?° ¨'¯» Stipend ¯.¨¢,¢¢¢/· ¨ ¯.¨¨,~¢¢/· ¯¯'· »¨'Ð? 1 : ¨'¯ ¯·¨ »'Ð +¯6¯' »'¯O »¨ u ?' ¯¨3 ¯ 'u ¦¨'·¬ ¯ '·¦ · Ð O ¯ ¯'· ¯» ¯ ¨« ¯ ¯¨¨' »'¨ ¯.¨¨,~¢¢/· ¨ ¯.¨:,~¢¢/· ¯ ¯'· »¨'Ð ? ´?° ¯O '· ¯'·¨ Two wheeler ¯¯° « O'·? Free ·¨ ¯ ¯'· »¨'Ð ? 1 ´u · ¨ O ¯ 'u ¦¨'·¬ U¨ ! ¯'O ¨ ¬¬ ?»· »¨ ?'» ¯« ? 1 ¤|/· Þ u+ OO ?|uC THE HELP LINE (Govt. Regd. Office), Peyton Sahi, Main Road, Buxi Bazar, Cuttack-1, email: [email protected] Special Crash/Regular Course O-JEE (MBA) MAT BANKING J. P. Dutta 99.59% (MAT) 209, Saheed Nagar, BBSR (Infront of Meghdoot Hotel) Mob. : 9438734530 Starts ICICI (PO) DEMO We are recognized by SBI/ NABARD / ANDHRA / UCO QUEST M.B. Bhuyan, RBI, Scholar 08-09-2yrs. D E M O HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD DIRECT RECRUITMENT TO THE UTTAR PRADESH HIGHER JUDICIAL SERVICE- 2009 Abridged advertisement Appl i cati on for di rect recruitment against 68 vacancies in the Uttar Pradessh Higher Judicial Service for 41 backlog vacancies (Gen-10, SC- 15, ST-2 & OBC-14) and 27 currenct vacanceis (Gen.-14, SC-6, OBC-7) in the pay scale of Rs. 16,750-20,500 (un- revised) are invited from Advocates of not less than 7 years standing on 01.01.2010, who are between the age of 35 years and 45 years as on 01.01.2010. Age l i mi t shall be higher by 3 years i n case of candi dates belonging to SC/ST/OBC. There shal l be 20% horizontal reservation for woman. The last date for submi ssi on of dul y compl eted appl i cati on form is 15.05.2009 till 4.30 p.m. The recruitment wi l l be based on a Preliminary Examination (objective) to be held on 28.06.2009 at Allhabad and onl y those candi dates shal l be called to appear in the Main Written Examination who secure 50% or more marks in the preliminary provided candiddates not more than 20 times of number of vacanci es shall be admitted to the Main Written Examination. The candidates securing 50% or above in the Main Written Examination shall be called to appear in the Interview. The eligibility, application form, detai l ed i nstrucati ons, for the gui dance of the candidates, syllabus and other details are available on the websi te of Al l ahabad Hi gh Court (www.allahabadhighcourt.in) Registrar General SANATANA DHARMA COLLEGE Sanatanpuram P.O. Alappuzha- 688003 Phone-Office-0477-2269350 Principal- 0477-2266704 WANTED LECTURERS Applications in the prescribed form are invited for the following posts. Sl. No. Subject Number of vacancies 1 Mathematics Substantive 3 (1 open-2 community merit) FIP Leave vacancey-2 2. Hindi Substantive 1 (open) 3. Malayalam Substantive 1 (community) FIP Leave vacancy- 1 4. Botany Substantive 2 (open) 1- post subject to sanction from the Government. 5. Economics FIP Leave vacancy-1 Age and Qualification as per Government of Kerala/ University/ UGC rules. Applications can be had from the office of the Principal by remmitting Rs. 300/- (Rs. 350/- by post). Apply within one month from the date of advertisement to Principal, Sanatana Dharma College, Sanatanapuram. P.O. Alappuzha- 03, Sd/-Principal GURUKULA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FOR WOMEN (GCEW) (Obtained LOI from AICTE, New Delhi vide F.No. 06/02 Orri/ Engg-W/2009/01) Bhubaneswar, Orissa Ph 0674-2111096, 2472525, Fax: 0674-2470170, Web: www.gitbbsr.org, Email: [email protected][email protected] RECRUI TMENT Applications are invited for Teaching/ Technical/ Non- Technical staffs as per following : 1. Principal 2. Professor/ Assistant. Professor/ Lecturers in: i. Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. ii. Computer Science and Engg. iii. Electrical and Electronics Engg. iv. Applied Elecronics & Instrumentation v. Civil Engg. vi, Mechanical Engg. English vii. Chemistry viii. Physics ix. Mathematics 3. Technical Asst/ Lab Asst. a. EEE, b. ETC, c. CSE, d. Civil Engg., e. Physics, f. Chemistry 4. Librarian 5. Programmer 6. System Engineer 7. Workshop Instructor 8. Accontant 9. Administrative Officer, 10. Office Superintendent/ Office Office Asst. 11. Receptionist 12. Attendant. Eligibility: Principal, Professor/ Assistant. Professor/ Lecturer: As per AICTE norms. Technical Asst: 1st. Class Diploma/ M.Sc./ B.Sc (For Phy./ Chem. with at least 1 to 2 years of experience. Librarian: M.Lib with 2 to 3 years of Experience. Programmer: MCA/ Diploma with 2 to 3 years of expereicne. System Engineer: B.E./ MCA with CCNA/ MCSE with 2 years of experience in software and hardware. Workshop Instructor: ITI with 2 to 3 years of experience Accountant: ICWA/ B.Com/ M.Com with minimum 3 years of exp and computer knowledge in Tally. Administrative Officer: MBA with 5 yrs of administrative exp. Office Superintendent/ Office Asst.: Graduate with 2 to 3 years of experience. Front Desk Executive/ Receptionist: Graduate with good communication skills with 2 years experience. Scale of Pay As per AICTE norms with 100% DA (Higher start/ preference for experienced candidates) Apply by post or by E-mail within 12 days with photocopies of certificates and photo to: The Principal, Gurukula College of Engineering for Women, Jamujhari, Chhatabar, Bhubaneswar- 752054, Orissa. Contact: Ph. 9337212151 (Teaching), 9437102320. 9437277751 (Non Teaching) No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview. Sd/- Chairman CÞ ?|Oi O|?O+C ¬C NEW OFFFICE 0O PERMANENT JOB O|G ?9 Od CÞ?|Oi O|?O+C 1 0O|U+O|· H.S.C. Pass/ above, ?¤C CiÞ|:· ¨l¨ ¨l ?8 , Þ|CC 0O|OU|O· Rs. 4500/- ¬?° O?u 1 ?OO Bio-data C2 O|Cu| ¤?/¤×/?¤¤^ ÞU0O C|B|O COu 1 The Manager, MICRO EXPANSION, N/6- 315, 1st floor, Infront of Bank of Baroda, Jayadev Vihar, Bhunbaneswar-15, Ph:- 9238100178 × O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 NIJUKTI KHABAR WûKù~ûùM Mâ ûjK ù\d º -a (s-c eu·|) --· c¤| - ·|e (--c eu·|) º¤·c¤| ¤ ·|e (º¤c eu·|) -s c¤| - .« .. o|ac¤ a |r- :«a a|.-|c ac-u i e(|rc|c ac -| ac|o - ) ^ò dcûakú: v a|r- :«a Cash/DD o|-|c:c arc -c|o|: ) v DD a c - NIJUKTI KHABAR, BHUBANESWAR¤ -|·:c -c-|- :r- ) o« DRAFT -co|s :c:- c|u ac- :o:-'ce -·|¤c u-:-uc u|u| ua:c :r-| o|-u·- ) v DD/CASH ac|.-| :-:- -·:c o-| u·c- acc -c c|r| erc ac|.-|- ac- ) v - s ·- oc c ac|.-| :-:- - · :c o -| u· c - a cc -c ·- oc c u· c - · u|a:c o -| e |-:c oc|« |c| -a|. ac|.:- ) I am enclosing herewith my CASH/DD sending here with M.O. for ................. Yrs./Months. Name................................................................................ ........................................................................................... ................................................................PIN..................... Current Subscription No........................ ( o« o|ac a-c -o¤ u-c ·a|uo|s) www.nijuktikhabar.net UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD P.O. Central University, Hyderabad 500 046 Special Admission Announcement for 2009-2010 (Mainly for the attention of SC, ST, OBC & PH candidates) In continuation of the Admission Announcement 2009-2010 dated 30.03.2009. Published in all leading news papers including Eenadu/ Hindu, Indian Express, Andhra Jyothi, Times of India etc., inviting applications for admission to post-graduate and research programmes during 2009-10, the following is notified for the benefit of prospective SC, ST, OBC & PH applicants. I. i) 15%, 7.5% seats in each course are reserved for SC and ST candidates respectively with a provision for interchangeability between SC & ST wherever necessary. Upto 3% of approved intake in each course are provided as supernumerary seats for Physically Challenged candidates., ii) For admission to Integrated Master’s degree, PG and PG Diploma courses, a relaxation of marks in the minimum eligible condition for admission to SC/ST/PH candidates is provided. The cut- off marks in the entrance examination (both written and interview put together) for these candidates will be 20% lower than the cut off marks prescribed for General Category., iii) For admission to M.Phil., M.Tech., and Ph.D., a relaxation of 5% marks in the minimum eligibility condition is provided to SC/ST/PH candidates., iv) Seats available in the University Hostels will be provided to SC/ST candidates as per G.O.I. norms., v) These students may avail social welfare and other Govts. Scholarships as per their eligibility., vi) Remedial courses in English and other subjects will be arranged, for SCs/STs if necessary and vii) Candidates claiming reservation under the above categories must enclose an attested copy of the Certificate on their claim without which their claim will not be considered. II. 27% of the seats in each course are reserved for OBC (Noncreamy layer) candidates. There is no relaxation in the minimum qualification for admission and cost of application cum prospectus for OBCs. The cut-off marks in the entrance examination (both written and interview put together) for OBC candidates would be 10% lower than the cut off marks prescribed for General Category. Prospectus cum Application forms can be obtained in person from the Academic Section, Office of the Controller of Examinations,Administration Building, University Campus, Hyderabad - 500 046 or from Golden Threshold (GT) premises of the University at Nampally Station Road, Hyderabad - 500 001, against cash payment of Rs.150/- for SC. ST& PH candidates and Rs.400/- for OBC candidates. The forms can also be downloaded from the University’s website available for downloading upto 30.04.2009 and submit along with the prescribed fee of Rs.75/- in the case of SC/ST & PH and Rs.200/- in the case of OBCs. Filled in applications along with the necessary enclosures should be submitted well in advance so as to reach the Dy. Registrar (Acad & Exams), Office of the Controller of Examinations, University of Hyderabad, either in person or by post on or before 30.04.2009. Applications received after this date will not considered. Dr.Ch.Venkateswara Rao Dated : April-15, 2009 Controller of Examinations Ranked amongst the Top 2 Universities in the Country by Govt. of India, Ministry of Science & Technology; Awarded by NAAC the highest score of 3.89, out of 4.0 (A Grade) ever given. UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD P.O. Central University Campus, Gachibawli, Hyderabad- 500046. (A.P.) CORRIGENDUM TO THE ADMISSION ANNOUNCEMENT 2009-10 The following partial modification to the Admission Announcement 2009-10 dated 30.3.2009 appeared between 31st March to 4th April, 2009 in different leading dailies viz., Eenadu, The Hindu, Indian Express, Times of India, Hindustan Times etc., may be noted: Admission to 5 year Integrated Master of Science in Health Psychology and also Nursing Sciences will be through the University Entrance Test followed by an interview. The written test for the Health Psychology will be held as was already notified. The written test for Nursing Sciences will be held at 10.00 a.m. on 5.6.2009. Dr. Ch. Venkateswara Rao Date: April 15, 2009, Controller of Examination UNITED BANK P.O./CLERK (No, of Vacancies : P.O.- 900 & Clerk -500) Complete Personal Guidance by M. Halder (Guest Faculty of various banks for pre-recruitment and pre-promotion training. Experienced over 30 years in the field of Competitive Exams, and 9 National Awards winner including Shiksha Bharati, Bharat Gaurav, Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini etc. for education excellence) *Revised Study Materials according to latest syllabus *Regular Mock Test *Moderate Fees *Hostel facility arranged *Limited seats Admission is going on for WBCS ‘10, GENERAL COMBINED COURSE, BANK PO / CLERICAL, SCHOOL SERVICE & WBCS GR. A - PERSONALITY TEST Contact personally or 22486618/39 or 9433441102 Halder College of Further Education 13-A, Dacres Lane (Near Raj Bhawan), Kol-69 Transform Yourself into Tomorrows Champ ! MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Announces Admissions In B.TECH / M.TECH PROGRAMMES as also INTEGRATED B.TECH FOR 10 th PASSOUTS Career Institute of Technology & Management, approved by AICTE since 1997 and accredited by NBA twice in 2003 & 2007 and Institute of Information & Communication Technology, constituent Institutes / Departments of the University of futuristic Manav Rachna International University offers various courses as detailed below in the academic session 2009-10: B.Tech Programmes, Normal Entry, 4 year duration, 1st Shift at CITAM (Aeronautical Engg, Automobile Engg, Biomedical Engg, Biotechnology, Civil Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Electrical and Electronics Engg, Information Technology, Mechanical Engg) B.Tech Programmes, Normal Entry, 4 year duration, Normal Shift at IICT (Computer Science & Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Information Technology) Minimum eligibility: 60% marks in 10+2 / Senior Secondary Examination with English, Physics and Math as compulsory subjects and any one of the subject out of Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Computer Science. Admission on the basis of merit in AIEEE-2009 (1 st preference), ENAT-2009 (2nd preference) and Qualifying Examination (3rd preference) B.Tech Programmes, Lateral Entry, 3 year duration, 1st Shift at CITM (Civil Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Mechanical Engg) Minimum eligibility: 50% marks in Diploma in Engineering, Admission on the basis of merit in ENAT-2009 (1st preference) and Qualifying Examination (2nd preference) B.Tech Programmes, Normal Entry, 4 year duration, 2nd’’ Shift at CITM (Automobile Engg, Civil Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Electrical and Electronics Engg, Mechanical Engg) Minimum eligibility; 50% marks in 10+2 / Senior Secondary Examination with English, Physics and Math as compulsory subjects and any one of the subject out of Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Computer Science. Admission on the basis of merit in AIEEE-2009 (1st preference), ENAT-2009 (2nd preference) and Qualifying Examination (3rd preference) B.Tech Integrated Programmes, 6 year duration with exit option after 3 year with Diploma in Engineering, 2nd Shift at CITM (Automobile Engg, Civil Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Electrical and Electronics Engg, Mechanical Engg) Minimum eligibility: 50% marks in 10th / Secondary Examination. Admission on the basis of merit in ENAT-2009 (1st preference) and Qualifying Examination (2nd preference) M.Tech Programmes, 2 year duration, 2nd Shift at CITM (Biotechnology, Computer Science & Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg, Mechanical Engg) Minimum eligibility: 60% marks in relevant B.Tech / M.Sc. as per details given in the Admission Brochure. Admission on the basis of merit of valid GATE Score (1st preference) and Qualifying, Examination (2nd preference) Admission in all courses shall be made on the basis of merit of EPSI National Admission Test- ENAT 2009 and seats remaining vacant on the basis of merit in qualifying examination. Information Hand Book-cum-Application Form for appearing in ENAT-2009 is available from various branches of Punjab National Bank as per details given on the website of the University www.mriu.edu.in. Last date for submission of Application Form is 30.04.2009. Brochure and Application Form can also be downloaded from the website. MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Declared as deemed-to be university under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 GOI Administrative Headquarters: 5E/1-A, Bungalow Plot, N.I.T. Faridabad, Phone: 0129-4198600 (30 lines) E-mail: [email protected] MRIU Aravalli Campus: Sector- 43, Delhi- Surajkund Road, Faridabad, Phone: 0129-4198100 (30 lines) URL: www.mriu.edu.in ADMISSION NOTICE SESSION 2009-10 Space donated by A Well Wisher × O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 ANDHRA BANK (A Govt of India Undertaking) Head Office :: Hyderabad (PLEASE READ THIS NOTIFICATION CAREFULLY BEFORE SUBMITTING THE ONLINE APPLICATION) (PAY APPLICATION FEES BY DEMAND DRAFT IF BRANCH OF ANDHRA BANK IS NOT AVAILABLE AND IT SHOULD BE ATTACHED TO THE APPLICATION PRINT OUT) Candidates can pay the fees online where Branches of Andhra Bank are available. Those who make payment of fees online, online registration of application is sufficient and they need not send the printout of application Andhra Bank a leading Public Sector Bank invites applications from Indian citizens for the following posts. Candidates are requested to apply on–line through Bank’s website www.andhrabank.in. No other means /mode of application will be accepted. Where the candidates are making payment by way of Demand Draft UNLESS THE COMPUTER PRINTOUT IS RECEIVED BY ORDINARY POST ALONG WITH DEMAND DRAFT/PAY ORDER WITH PHOTOGRAPH AND RELEVANT ENCLOSURES BEFORE THE SPECIFIED DATE, THE ON-LINE REGISTRATION will NOT BE VALID. Last Date For Online Registration 07.05.2009 Last Date for receipt Last Date for receipt of Date of written test Date of written test for of print-out of applications from for Clerks Probationary Officers & registered application far flung areas Specialist Officer 12.05.2009 19.05.2009 14.06. 2009 05. 07. 2009 1.Posts : Post Name of the Post Grade No. of Vacancies Age as on 01.04.2009 Code Min Max 1 Probationary Officers JMGS-I 295 21 yrs 30 yrs 2 Technical Officers JMGS-I 15 21 yrs 30 yrs 3 Officer-HR JMGS-I 15 21 yrs 30 yrs 4 Security Officers MMGS-II 11 21 yrs 33 yrs 5 Chartered accountants MMGS-II 12 21 yrs 33 yrs 6 MarketingAssociates 100 21 yrs 25 yrs (On Contractual Basis – Junior Level) 7 Clerks 550 18 yrs 28 yrs 1.1 Pay scale, allowances and perquisites: Grade/Cadre Pay Scale Approximate total monthly emoluments inclusive of Basic, DA,CCA,HRA etc., at the start of the scale at metropolitan centres Officers in JMGS I Rs.10000– Rs.18240 Rs.16,200/- Officers in MMGS II Rs.13820 –19920 Rs20, 500/- Clerks Rs.4410 –13210 Rs.7,200/-(including Graduation increments) Officers are also eligible for other benefits like furniture, Leased Accommodation in lieu of HRA, Medical Aid, and Reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses, L F C etc Marketing Associates Rs.2,50,000/- per annum With fixed pay of 60% and (On Contractual Basis – variable pay of 40% linked to Junior Level) performance Candidates are not eligible for any other benefits other than the compensation. 1.2 Reservation in posts Post Name Grade No. of Reservation particulars Code of the Posts Post SC ST OBC UR PWD 1. Probationary JMGS-I 295 46 39 14 Officers Back Log- 83 157 Backlog-4 16 (VI-3 OC-1) 2. Technical Officer JMGS-I 15 3 Officers-HR JMGS-I 15 Currrent Current-10 Reserva- (VI-5 OC-5) tion-23 4 Security Officer MMGS-II 11 3 5 Chartered MMGS-II 12 3 3 5 12 Accountants (VI-2 OC-1) 6 Marketing 100 3 Associates 15 7 27 51 (VI-2 (On Contractual (OC-1) Basis-Junior Level) * The Backlog vacancies are to be treated as a distinct entity 1.3 State-wise vacancies for Marketing Associates (On Contractual Basis- Junior Level) posts S No State No of Vacancies 1 Karnataka 5 2 Orissa 5 3 Tamilnadu 6 4 Kerala 2 5 West Bengal 4 6 Gujarat 2 7 Uttar Pradesh 2 8 Rajasthan 2 9 Delhi 2 10 Punjab 2 11 Maharashtra 4 12 Madhya Pradesh 2 13 Andhra Pradesh 62 TOTAL 100 1.3 State-wise vacancies for clerical posts with Reservation S No Name of the State No of vacancies Percentage of Reservation UR SC ST OBC 1 HARYANA 15 9 3 - 3 2 UTTAR PRADESH 15 8 4 - 3 3 PUNJAB 15 8 5 - 2 4 TAMILNADU 25 13 6 - 6 5 KERALA 8 4 2 - 2 6 KARNATAKA 25 13 4 2 6 7 ORISSA 25 13 3 6 3 8 BIHAR 8 5 1 - 2 9 JHARKHAND 6 3 1 2 - 10 CHATTISGARH 5 4 - 1 - 11 ASSAM 4 2 - 1 1 12 MAHARASHTRA 30 15 4 4 7 13 MADHYA PRADESH 10 5 1 2 2 14 GUJARAT 10 5 1 2 2 15 GOA 5 4 - 1 - 16 RAJASTHAN 15 8 2 2 3 17 DELHI 15 8 2 2 3 18 UTTARANCHAL 11 7 2 - 2 19 MEGHALAYA 3 2 - 1 - 20 ANDHRA PRADESH 300 150 48 21 81 TOTAL 550 286 89 47 128 1.4 RESERVATIONS FOR EX-SM AND PWD for Clerical Posts. Ex- servicemen O C V I HI 79 5 6 5 The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank The recruitment of clerks will be state-wise / union territory-wise as indicated above. A candidate can apply for a vacancy in only one state / union territory and should be willing to be initially posted at any place in that state / Union Territory and serve for a minimum period of 5 years in that state/Union Territory. Further the knowledge of local language is essential. The candidate will have to appear for the written test from an examination centre specified for that particular state / Union Territory only, and the examination call letter will be issued accordingly. No change in the state / union territory applied for & or examination centre will be permitted after submission of the application form. The reservation for Persons with disabilities and Ex - servicemen is on horizontal basis. The selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category (viz., SC, ST, OBC, General etc.) to which they belong. Bank reserves the right to fill up the posts to the extent of requirement. ABBREVIATIONS & DEFINITIONS: i) Category of Persons :- GEN (UR) - General (Unreserved); SC – Scheduled Caste; ST – Scheduled Tribe; OBC–Other Backward classes XSM - Ex-Servicemen PWD - Persons With Disabilities (Physically Challenged Persons) are: - OC – Orthopaedic ally Challenged; HI - Hearing Impaired. VI - Visually impaired (Blind / Partially Blind / Low Vision). (ii) An Orthopaedic ally Challenged (OC) person is one having a minimum of 40% physical defect or deformity which causes interference with the normal functioning of the bones, muscles and joints and is so certified by a Medical Board appointed by the State Government. (iii) Visually Impaired (VI): Blindness refers to a person who suffers from either of the following conditions: a. Total absence of sight, b. Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses, Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse and so certified by a Medical Board appointed by the State Government. c. A person with Low Vision means one with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment of standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assisting device. (iv) Deaf & Hearing Impaired (HI) : (a) Deaf are those persons in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of life, i.e. with total loss of hearing in both ears. They do not hear and understand sounds at all - even with amplified speech. (b) Hearing impairment means loss of more than 60 decibels in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. In case of non-availability of reserved candidates in PWD category, Bank reserves its right to inter–change these sub-categories as per Government Directives. It is clarified that it may not be possible to employ Persons With Disabilities in all Offices/ Branches of the Bank and they will have to work in the post identified by the Bank as suitable for them. Candidates belonging to reserved category including Persons With Disabilities, for which no reservation has been announced, are free to apply for vacancies announced for general category without availing relaxations in any manner. Whenever written examination is held, the blind candidates and candidates whose writing speed is affected by cerebral palsy can use own scribe at their cost during the written examination. In all such cases where a scribeis used, the following rules will apply: i. The candidate will have to arrange his/her own scribe at his/her own cost. ii. For the post of Technical Officer (JMGS-I), the scribe should be from academic discipline different from that of the candidate. iii The academic qualification of the scribe should be one grade lower than the stipulated eligibility criteria See Next Page... 0 O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 iv. The scribe should possess marks less than the candidate but in no case more than 60% in his own academic stream. v. Both the candidate and the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking, confirming that the scribe fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe as mentioned above. Further, in case it later transpires that he did not fulfil any of the laid down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts, the candidature of the applicant would stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the written test. vi. Such candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes for every hour of the examination. 2. Eligibility Criteria 2.1 Nationality / Citizenship A candidate must be either (i) a citizen of India or (ii) a subject of Nepal or (iii) a subject of Bhutan or (iv) a Tibetan Refugee who came over to India before 1st Jan. 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt. of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination/ interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Govt. of India. 2.2 Applications from serving employees : Interested and eligible employees of Andhra Bank may also apply through proper channel. Such candidates, if selected shall resign from their present position in the Bank and rejoin the service afresh. 3. Educational qualifications and Post-qualification Work Experience Note: a)The Educational qualifications prescribed for the post are the minimum. Candidates must possess the requisite qualifications as on 31.03.2009 and must attach proof, i.e., attested photocopies of the Provisional Pass/Degree Certificate and Mark sheet . Wherever work experience is specified, it is essential to possess the relevant experience and it should be full time, relevant to the post applied for and should be post-qualification, i.e. it will be counted from the date of acquiring the prescribed qualification and up to 31.03.2009. b) In addition to the educational qualification prescribed , computer knowledge is also essential for all posts. 3.1 Educational qualifications & Experience: Post with Educational qualifications Experience Grade/cadre Probationary Officers- Graduation in any discipline with -------------------- JMGS-I I class with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA from any University recognised by UGC Technical Officer B.E/B.Tech in Mechanical/Civil/Electrical -------------------- JMGS I with I Class with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA from any university recognised by UGC/ any AICTE accredited Institution. In addition to graduation in Engineering with First Division Candidates with MBA (Finance) from any University recognised by UGC/ any AICTE accredited Institute will be preferable. Officers-HR JMGS I MBA (HR)/MA (HRM)/MA (Social Work with ------------------------ Specialisation in PM & IR) with 1st class with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA from any university recognised by UGC/AICTE accredited Institution Security Officers MMGS II A degree in any discipline or equivalent 1). An Officer with minimum qualification from a recognised 5 years commissioned University. service in the Defence force (The service rendered for a continuous period of 5 years is equivalent to Graduation) 2.) A Police Officer not below the rank of Asst. S.P./Dy S.P. with 5 years service. 3) Officers of identical Rank in Para Military forces with minimum 5 years service. 4) Preference will be given to Security Officers working in Banks/PSUs/ reputed Private Sector Organisations. Chartered Accountants Graduate of any recognised ---------------------- MMGS II university with a pass in the final examination of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Marketing Associates Graduation in Arts/Commerce/Science ------------------------ (On Contractual Basis- with 50% marks in aggregate or Junior Level) equivalent CGPA from any University recognised by UGC Knowledge of local language is essential Knowledge in Computers(MS Office use of web is essential) Period of Contract: -Two years with a review of performance at an interval of six months The contract may be renewed subject to satisfactory performance and requirement of the Bank CLERKS Graduation in any discipline from any ------------------- recognised University or 10 + 2 Examination or equivalent with First Class with 60% marks. Knowledge of Official Language of the State/UT to which the candidate applies is essential. 3.2 RELAXATION IN EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: In the case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD candidates minimum qualifying marks will be 55% for all the posts and 45% for the post of Marketing Associates. In case of XSM for the post of clerks, the qualifying marks will be 55%. 3.3 Relaxation in Upper Age limit for reserved posts S.No Category Age relaxation 1 SC/ST Candidates 5 years 2 OBC (Below Creamy layer) 3 years 3 Ex- Service men (in addition to the actual period of service rendered in Defence Forces) -only for Clerical posts 3 years 4 Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division in J&K State during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 5 years 5 Persons With Disability 10 years 6 The children/Family members of those who died in the 1984 riots 5 years 7 Widows divorced or separated Judicially and not remarried women (only for Clerical posts) 09 years Note: a) An ex-serviceman who has once joined a government job on the civil side after availing of the benefits given to him as an ex-serviceman for his re-employment, his ex-serviceman status for the purpose of re-employment in Government ceases. b) The relaxation in upper age limit is allowed on cumulative basis as per Govt. guidelines. c) All persons eligible for age relaxation under 3.3 (4) above must produce the domicile certificate at the time of interview from the District Magistrate in the Kashmir Division within whose jurisdiction he/ she had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this regard by Govt. of J & K to the effect that the candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J & K during 1stJan.1980 to the 31st day of December 1989. 4. SELECTION PROCEDURE Post Name of the Post Grade Selection Procedure Code 1 Probationary Officers JMGS-I Written Test + Interview 2 Technical Officers JMGS-I Written Test And/Or Group Discussion and /or Interview* 3 Officers -HR JMGS -I Written Test And/Or Group Discussion and /or Interview* 4 Security Officers MMGS-II Written Test And/Or Group Discussion and /or Interview* 5 Chartered Accountants MMGS-II Written Test And/Or Group Discussion and /or Interview* 6 MarketingAssociates Written Test And/Or Group Discussion (On Contractual Basis- and /or Interview* Junior Level) 7 Clerks Written Test + Interview * will be decided later basing on the number of applications received. 4.1 Written Test : ( Objective Type ) P.O JMGS I Technical Officers JMGS I Clerks Test of General awareness Test of General awareness Test of Clerical Aptitude English Language English Language English Language Quantitative Aptitude Quantitative Aptitude Test of Numerical ability Test of Reasoning Test of Reasoning Test of Reasoning The candidates have the option to answer the objective test in Hindi or English except the Test on English Language, which has to be answered in English only Note: The candidates shall be required to qualify in each objective type test as per cut-off marks determined on the basis of Group performance in each test subject to a minimum of 40% marks (35% in case of SC/ST/PWD candidates) in aggregate. Wrong answers given in the objective test will result in negative marks. 4.2 Descriptive Test for Probationary Officers – JMGS I and Clerical Cadre will beof one-hour duration. The candidates appearing for the exam of Probationary Officer Post have the option to answer Descriptive Paper in Hindi or English. Candidates appearing for the exam of Clerk post have the option to answer Descriptive Paper in Hindi or English or Official Language of the State. The Descriptive Test for the Post of Probationary Officers and Clerks is only of qualifying nature and the marks obtained there in shall not be reckoned for preparing the merit list. 4.3 For Specialist Officers in JMGS I & MMGS II the Descriptive Test in the area of Specialization will beof one-hour duration. The candidates have the option to answer Descriptive Paper also in Hindi or English. The marks obtained in the descriptive test shall be added to the marks of the objective type test for the purpose of preparing merit list. 4.4 For the post of Probationary Officers and Clerks the final Selection will be made on the basis of Marks obtained in Written Test and Interview. Accordingly list of selected candidates will be drawn in order of merit. Pre-Examination Training (For recruitment of Probationary Officers & Clerks only) It is proposed to impart free Pre-Examination Training to a limited number of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes /Minority communities at some examination centers at the discretion of the Bank. An eligible candidate who wishes to avail Pre-examination Training should invariably fill in the relevant column in the application format. All expenses regarding traveling, boarding, lodging, etc. will be borne by the candidate for attending the Pre-examination Training programme at the concerned Training Centre. The Bank has the discretion to add or delete the pre examination training centers indicated below. ANDHRA BANK Continued from previous page... See Next Page... 9 O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 FOR RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS 1) DELHI 2) MUMBAI 3) KOLKATA 4) CHENNAI 5) HYDERABAD FOR RECRUITMENT OF CLERKS 1) DELHI 2) HYDERABAD 3) VIJAYAWADA 4) TIRUPATHI 5).BHOPAL 6).BHUBANESWAR 7).AHMEDABAD 8). BANGALORE Specialist Officers: Technical Officers (JMGS-I), Officers-HR (JMGS-I), Security Officers (MMGS-II) Chartered Accountants (MMGS-II) and Marketing Associates (on Contractual Basis – Junior Level) The Selection will be made on the basis of Written Test and / or Group Discussionand / or Interview. Bank reserves the right to decide as to whether Written Test/ Group Discussion / Interview should be held or only a process of interview may be prescribed depending upon the nature of post, qualification, experience prescribed and also the number of applications received. Where the number of applications received in response to the advertisement is large and it is not convenient for the Bank to interview all the candidates, the Bank may at its discretion restrict the number of candidates to a reasonable limit on the basis of higher/specialized qualifications, experience etc., Candidates should therefore mention the qualifications and experience in the relevant column over and above the minimum qualifications and should attach attested copies of the certificates in support thereof. The Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates for the interview after preliminary screening/short listing with reference to candidate’s qualification/suitability and experience etc. Candidate has to secure minimum marks of 40% (35% in case of SC/ST/PWD) in the interview to be eligible for selection to any of the posts WRITTEN TEST CENTRES 1. PROBATIONARY OFFICERS and 2. Specialist Officers (Written Test is Subject to response) The written test will be held at the following centres and the address of the venue will be advised in the call letters: Centre Centre Contact address Code 21 NEW DELHI The General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, Signature Towers, Ground Floor, South City-1, NH-8, Gurgaon- 122001,Haryana State- Telephone No.:0124-2581938, Fax 0124- 2581935 22 KOLKATA Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office,4-2, Karaya Road, 2nd Floor, Behind 67 Theatre Road, KOLKATA-700017;Ph:033-22810608; fax: 033-22891954 23 MUMBAI General Manager, Andhra Bank, ZONAL Office, AML Centre-2, 8 Mahal Industrial Estate, Mahankali Caves Road, Andheri(East), Mumbai-400093 ;Ph:022-26876181 ;fax:022-26876194 24 CHENNAI Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, Mowbreys Road, 255, TTK Salai, CHENNAI-600 018; Ph:044-24991868; fax:044-24993518 25 HYDERABAD General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, Sultan Bazaar, Koti, Hyderabad-500195; Ph:040-23468632/23468584; fax:040-23468607 26 BANGALORE Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank Zonal Office,1st Floor, Zenith Chambers, 4/1, Anjaneya Swamy Temple Street,Off Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560 027.;Ph:080-22959632; fax:080-22959614 27 BHUBANESWAR Dy.General Manager, Zonal Office Andhra Bank, Opp Rajadhani College, Baramunda housing board Colony, BHUBANESWAR-751003;Ph: 0674-2537907 Fax-0674-2357901 28 VISHAKAPATNAM Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, Seethammadhara, VISAKHAPATNAM (A.P.) -530013 ; Ph:0891-2552422 Fax-0891-2551462 29 VIJAYAWADA Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, R.R.Apparao Street, VIJAYAWADA(A.P.)-520001;Ph:0866-2560402/2562181, Fax-0866-2560401 FOR RECRUITMENT OF CLERKS Centre Centre Contact address Code 051 CHENNAI Dy General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, (Tamilnadu) 255,Mowbrays Road, TTK Salai, CHENNAI-600 018, Phone: 044-24991868 Fax: 044-24993518 52 MUMBAI General Manager, Andhra Bank, ZONAL Office, AML Centre-2, 8 Mahal (Maharashtra) Industrial Estate, Mahankali Caves Road,Andheri(East), Mumbai-400093 ;Ph:022-26876181 ;fax:022-26876194‘ 053 BHOPAL The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank,No.36, Bhadbhada Road, TT Nagar, (M.P. & Chattisgarh) Bhopal-462063 Tel.No:0755-5221102,2760335(fax)/2554001 054 PANAJI The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank, Gouri Nivas. Dr. Atmaram Barker (Goa) Road. Panjim, Goa -403 001, Tel.No.0832-2223513,2222476, 2432461(Fax) 055 AHMEDABAD The Asst. General Manager, Andhra Bank, Ahmedabad branch,41, (Gujarat) Kaycrest, Parimal Society,Ellis Bridge, CG.Road, Ahmedabad-380006, Tel.No.079-26460945,26460947(fax) 056 BHUBANESWAR Dy.General Manager, Zonal Office, Andhra Bank, Opp Radjadhani College, (Orissa) Baramunda housing board Colony, BHUBANESWAR-751003;Ph: 0674- 2537907 Fax-0674-2537901 057 BANGALORE Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank Zonal Office,1st Floor, Zenith Chambers, (Karnataka) 4/1, Anjaneya Swamy Temple Street, Off Hosur Road, Bangalore – (Kerala) 560027.;Ph:080-22959632; fax:080-22959614 058 JAIPUR The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank, G1,G2,G3 Brijanukampa,K13, Ashok (Rajasthan) Marg, C Scheme, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 302 001, Tel.No:0141- 2369606,2376232,2364094(Fax) 059 RANCHI The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank, Laljee Hirjee Road, Upper Supermarket (Bihar, Jharkhand) Road,RANCHI Ph: 0651-2202663 060 DELHI General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, Signature Towers, Ground (U.P, Delhi) Floor, South City-I, NH-8 Gurgaon – 122 001. Ph : 0124-2581938,2581935 (Fax) 061 GUWAHATI The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank, Near Stock Exchange, A T Road, Opp (Assam, Meghalaya) PoliceReserve, GUWAHATI – 781 001, Kamrup District (ASSAM) Tel: 0361-2547909/2540842 062 CHANDIGARH Assistant General Manager, Andhra Bank, S.C.O. 202-3-204,Sector- (Chandigarh, Punjab, 17-C, CHANDIGARH- 160017 Tel No: 0172-2703048/2721704 Haryana, Uttaranchal) 063 HYDERABAD (AP) General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, Sultan Bazar, ANDHRA BANK Continued from Previous Page... Koti, Hyderabad-500195; Ph:040-23468632; fax:040-24757589 064 VISHAKAPATNAM Dy. General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, (AP) Seethammadhara, Plot.No.2 P&T colony, VISAKHAPATNAM(A.P.) -530013; Ph:0891-2552422 Fax-0891-2551462 065 VIJAYAWADA Dy. General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, (AP) R.R.Apparao Street, VIJAYAWADA(A.P.)-52001,Ph:0866- 2560402/2562181 Fax-0866-2560400 066 TIRUPATHI (AP) Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office, 1st Floor, Andhra Bank Bldgs., S.V.University, Tirupathi(A.P.) -517 502, Tel.No.0877-2247911/2242834(Fax) 067 KARIMNAGAR Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office,Opp. Lane (AP) to Collector Office complex, Mukhrampura, Karimnagar(A.P.) – 505001. Tel.No. 0878-2235477/2262211 (fax) 068 RAJAHMUNDRY The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank,29-18-3, 1st Floor (AP) ,Kandakam Road, Lakshmi Complex, Rajahmundry (A.P.) –533101, Tel.No.0883-2442262/2442272 069 KURNOOL(AP) Dy.General Manager, Andhra Bank, Zonal Office,40-301, 1st Floor, Bellari Road, Kurnool (A.P.) – 518 004, Tel.No. 08518- 220516/220017 Fax-08518-249492 Request for change of Centre of Examination shall NOT be entertained. Bank reserves the right to cancel any of the centers and/or add some other centers, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. Bank also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any of the centers other than the one he/she has opted for. 5. APPLICATION FEE & POSTAGE CHARGES (NON-REFUNDABLE) Post Category Application Fees Postal Chages Total Probationary Officer General & OBC Candidates Rs. 325.00 Rs. 75.00 Rs. 400.00 Specialist Officer SC/ST/PWD -------------- Rs. 75.00 Rs. 75.00 Probationary Clerks General & OBC Candidates Rs. 175.00 Rs. 75.00 Rs. 250.00 SC/ST/PWD/XMS ------------ Rs. 75.00 Rs. 75.00 candidates NOTE: Candidates can apply for more than one post. They must however, send separate applications in separate envelopes for each post accompanied by separate fee and separate attested copies of required certificates. The fees should be paid through ON-LINE where ANDHRA BANK Branches are located and the candidates do not have to send the system generated print out and other documents. Where there is NO Branch of ANDHRA BANK the fees should be paid by way of Demand Draft/Pay Order favouring ANDHRA BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT-2009 Payable at MUMBAI only. The Demand Draft should be invariably attached to the print out and sent to Mumbai address by ordinary post only. Candidate’s name, post code and date of birth should be written on the reverse of the Demand Draft/Pay Order Please note that Cash, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Stamps etc. will NOT be accepted.. The Demand draft/Pay order should not be dated before 17.04.2009 and not after 07.05.2009 (including for those applying from far flung areas) Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. 6. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS a) Educational Qualifications: The qualifications prescribed for the post are the minimum. Candidates must possess the qualifications as on 31.03.2009 b)Probation Period & Service Bond The candidates selected as Probationary Officers will be required to execute a Service Bond undertaking to serve the Bank for a minimum period of 5 years or to pay the Bank a sum of Rs.75000/- Other Specialist officers selected in JMGS I will have to serve the Bank for a minimum period of 3 years or to pay the Bank a sum of Rs.100000/- All Officers recruited to JMGS-I will be on probation for a period of TWO years Specialist Officers selected in MMGS II will have to serve the Bank for a minimum period of 3 years or to pay the Bank a sum of Rs.150000/- c) The Bank takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss in postal transit of any application or communication. d) As the applications are to be processed by a computerised system, it is essential that the application is strictly in accordance with the prescribed format and properly and completely filled in. e) Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Decision of Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of examination, interview, selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. The Bank in this behalf shall entertain no correspondence or personal enquiries. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated. f (i) Candidates, must submit the attested photocopies of all the certificates in support of educational qualification ,experience, date of birth/ caste/ and disability if any. (ii) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and Persons with Disability should send an attested copy of their Caste Certificate/Certificate of disability issued by the Competent Authority. However, these candidates will have to produce original caste certificate/relevant certificates at the time of interview, failing which his/her candidature will be cancelled. (iii) Candidates belonging to and applying for a post under the Reserved OBC category are required to submit a Certificate regarding his/her “ Community” in the prescribed format. The Certificate should contain the “NON CREAMY LAYER” Clause, based on the income for the financial year ending 31-03-2008 or later. But the candidates coming in the “CREAMY LAYER” are not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as ‘Gen’ or ‘Gen Physically challenged’ as applicable. OBC certificate should not be more than one year old as on the date of application. (iv) “Persons With Disabilities” claiming the benefit of reservations/age relaxation should submit a copy of Medical Certificate as specified in The Persons With Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act of 1995 in support of their disability. See Next Page... l O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 ANDHRA BANK Continued from previous page... g) An application not accompanied by copies of relevant certificates, where necessary or requisite fee or not in prescribed format or not signed by the candidate or incomplete in any respect will not be entertained. h) A recent, recognisable passport size photograph should be firmly pasted on the application and should be signed across by the candidate. Three copies of the same photograph should be retained for use at the time of written examination and interview. Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of written test/ interview may lead to disqualification. i) The candidates will have to appear for written test at their own expense. However, eligible (Unemployed) outstation SC/ST & Physically Challenged candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed to & fro Second Class Rail/Bus fare by the shortest route on production of evidence of travel. Fare will not be reimbursed to candidates belonging to other categories appearing for interview. j) Candidates applying for officer posts should be willing to serve anywhere in India k) Candidates applying for Clerk post should be willing to serve in any of the branches in the State for which he/she has applied. However all the clerical employees are governed by the Service conditions applicable to them and the Bank reserves the right to transfer the candidates to any of its branches/offices on administrative exigencies. l) Candidates serving in Government/Public sector undertaking (including banks) should send their applications through proper channel and produce “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of interview, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered. Advance copy of the application along with the original demand draft may be sent to the addressee within the stipulated time. m) Any request for change of address will not be entertained. n) Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated in Hyderabad only. o) The Bank takes no responsibility to connect any certificate/ remittance sent separately. p) In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation in version other than English, English version will prevail. q) No candidate is permitted to use calculator, telephones of any kind, pagers or any other such instruments. r) The candidates will appear for the written examination at the allotted centres at their expenses. s) The Bank may at its discretion hold re-examination wherever necessary in respect of a centre/ venue/specific candidate(s) t) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of the Bank. u) The Bank reserves the right to modify/reverse/cancel any or all of the provisions in the process v) Publication of this advertisement in full or part by any Agency without Bank’s specific permission will be considered as an offence and will be liable for legal action. w ) Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct : Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or should not suppress any material information while filling up the application form. At the time of Written Examination/Interview, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of: i) using unfair means during the examination or ii) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or iii) Misbehaving in the examination hall or taking away the question booklet/ answer sheet from the examination hall or iv) Resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature by selection or x) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means, such a candidate may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable : a) to be disqualified from the examination for which he/she is a candidate b) to be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any examination or recruitment conducted by Bank. y) The Bank would be analysing the responses of a candidate with other appeared candidates to detect patterns of similarity. If as per the laid down procedure it is suspected that the responses have been shared and the scores obtained are not genuine/valid, the Bank reserves the right to cancel his/her candidature. 08. HOW TO APPLY Candidates are required to apply through on-line through website www.andhrabank.in. No other means /mode of applications will be accepted. The last date of receipt of system-generated print out of the applications is 12.05.2009 (applicable to candidates making payment of fee through Demand Draft mode). Application link on our website will be opened from 17.04.2009 to 07.05.2009 The guidelines for filling application are as under · Candidates MUST POSSESS HIS/HER OWN VALID PERSONEL E-MAIL ID WHICH SHOULD BE VALID FOR THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THIS RECRUITMENT PROJECT. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail id, he/she should create his/her new e-mail id. THIRD PARTY E-MAIL Ids ARE NOT PERMITTED. The candidates should have their Demand Draft payable at Mumbai favoring ANDHRA BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2009 READY BEFORE APPLYING ON LINE. Without DD details, data will not be registered. The DD should not be dated before 17.04.2009 and not after 07.05.2009 (including for those applying from far flung areas). Candidates should have the transaction id number and depositing branch code no. (Receipt of payment of fees) from branch of Andhra Bank before applying on line. The candidate should keep a copy of the Application print out and payment challan for their record. After applying on-line, the registered candidates should obtain a system-generated printout of the application, sign at the appropriate place and send along with application fee (i.e DD/Pay Order) The Demand Draft should invariably be attached to the print out. · A recent photograph should be pasted on the application · Candidate’s name, Post and date of birth should be written on the reverse of Demand Draft /Pay Order Application complete in all respects should be sent only by ordinary post in a closed envelope super scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _____________________________ in Andhra Bank”, at the following address: For Probationary Officers JMGS I , ANDHRA BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2009 POST BOX NO. 8218, DAHISAR (EAST) MUMBAI 400068 For Specialist Officers ANDHRA BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2009 POST BOX NO. 8590 KANDIVALI (EAST) MUMBAI 400101 For clerks ANDHRA BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2009 POST BOX NO. 9004, GOREGAON (EAST) MUMBAI 400063 9. LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS The application should reach the address mentioned above by ordinary post before 12.05.2009.and for the candidates staying abroad and for those posting application from Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Minicoy Islands, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladak Division of J & K State, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of application will be 19.05.2009.An application received after the last date will not be entertained by Bank. The Bank will not be responsible for any loss of application in transit or for rejection of application because of non-receipt of application on or before the stipulated date. PAYMENT OF Application Fee through online : The Printed copy of the System Generated Application Form with a passport size photograph affixed thereon, photocopy of the Recruitment Application Fee Payment Challan and one set photocopies of the specified Documents NEED NOT BE SUBMITTED at the time of making the Application. All these Documents along with the Original of these Documents are required to be submitted only when invited for the Personal Interview. PROCEDURE FOR DEPOSITING ON LINE FEE. The application fee must be paid in cash, separately for each post at any branch of Andhra Bank. Before depositing the fee, the candidate must download two copies of cash payment challan from our website www.andhrabank.in and enter all the details in both the copies. The candidate must ensure that the transaction id generated is entered into voucher. Each candidate will have to pay fees separately through the Specimen Challan. Candidates should not join together and pay the combined fees through one challan. 10. CALL LETTERS FOR THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION The dates of the written examination are TENTATIVELY FIXED as follows: Post : Clerks: 14.06.2009 Probationary Officers & Specialist Officers :05.07.2009 However the dates will be intimated in the Call Letter along with the Centre/Venue for the examination, well in advance of the date of written examination. All eligible candidates will receive call letters by post at the correspondence address given by the candidate in their application form. An eligible candidate who does not receive the call letter as on the date mentioned hereunder may contact the Bank’s office at the respective centre’s address alongwith internet printout application and fee deposit challan with transaction id (in case of online fee payment) anddetails of Demand Draft ,address etc., as applicable to the post he/she has applied for taking immediate remedial action. The Duplicate call letters will be issued between FOR THE POST OF CLERKS: 07.06.2009 to 13.06.2009 FOR THE POST OF PROBATIONERY OFFICERS & SPECIALIST OFFICERS – 30.06.2009 to 04.07.2009 GENERAL MANAGER (H R) CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF PLASTICS ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (CIPET) (Ministry of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Govt. of India) B-25, CNI Complex, Patia, Bhubaneswar- 751024 Tel: (0674) 2742029, 2743462, 2744607, Fax: (0674) 2743863 Website: cipet.gov.in E-mail: [email protected] ADMISSIONS 2009 UNDERGRADUATE & POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME COURSE ELIGIBILITY COURSE OFFERED AT M.Tech. (Plastics 4 Years degree B.E./ B.Tech, in Mech./ Chem/ Prodn./ Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad, Engineering-(2 Yrs.) Polymer/Plastic Tech./ Engg. Or M.Sc in Polymer Chennai, Hajipur and Science/ Chemistry with polymer specialization, Max. Lucknow age limit: 35 years. M.Tech (Nano 4 Years degree B.E./ B.Tech. in Plastic Engg./ Tech./ Laboratory for Advanced Technology- (Polymer Polymer/ Chemical Or M.Sc in Polymer Chemistry/ Research in Polymeric Concentration)- 2 Yrs. Physics/ Chemistry/ Electronics. Materials (LARPM), CIPET Max. age limit : 35 years Bhubaneswar M.Tech (CAD/CAM/ 4 Years degree B.E./ B.Tech/ In Mech./ Prodn./ Plastic Advance Research School CAE) (2 Yrs.) Tech./ Engg./ Tool Engg./ Aeronautics/ Automobile/ for Technology and Mechatronics. Max. age limit: 35 years. product Simulation (ARSTPS) CIPET Chennai B.Tech. (Plastics 10+2 (Academic Stream) with Mathematics, Physics Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad Engineering)-( 4 Yrs.) & Chemistry (Minimum 55% aggregate marks). Max. Chennai & Lucknow Age limit: 21 years. POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA/ POST DIPLOMA/ DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Post Graduate Diploma in Plastics 3 year degree in science with Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad, Processing & Testing (PGD-PPT) chemistry (Max. Age limit: 24 Years) Chennai, Amritsar, Aurangabad 1 ½ Yrs.) Bhopal, Guwahati, Hajipur, Integrated Diploma/Post Diploma in 10th Std. with Maths, English and Haldia, Hyderabad, Imphal, Plastics Mould Technology/ Sceince. The candidate will have the Jaipur, Mysore Panipat and (DPMT/PD-PMT) (3/4 Yrs) choice to opt for 3/4 Year Diploma or Lucknow Integrated Diploma/Post Diploma in Post Diploma at the time of Plastics mould Technology (DPT/PDM-PMT admission. Max. Age limit: 19 years. (3/4 Yrs.) Note: Age limit is relaxable upto 5 How to apply: By remitting a Mode of Payment: By Cash or years for SC/ST Category, applications registration fee of Rs. 400/- with crossed demand draft drawn in sponsored by Industries from north a self addressed envelope size favour of Director General, eastern region. Result awaited students 35 cm x 25 cm stamped for CIPET payable at Chennai on may also apply. Rs. 50/- by post or in person. any nationalized bank dated not earlier than 1st March 2009. Exclusive campus for Under Graduate & Post Graduate programmes at High Learning Centres. Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad, Chennai and Lucknow. Selection and eligiblility as per BPUT Roukela for Bhubaneswar Centre and for other Centre as per respective affiliating university norms. ADMISSION FORMS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING SALES COUNTER AND POST OFFICES ð CIPET Main Campus, B/25 CNI Complex, Patia, Bhubaneswar- 751024, Contact Person: Mr. B.K. Behera, Ph. 9338497034 ð CIPET (Satellite Centre) Shed No. S3/79,Sector- A, M.I.Estate, BBSR- 10, Contact Person: Mr. J.K. Das, Ph. 9437171558 ð MR. S. Pati, M/s. Ori-Plast (P) Ltd. O.T. Road, Balasore. Ph. Np. 06782-264551-53. ð Mr. Sisir Das, M/s. Chanakyas Academy, Nr. Kalki Temple, Gandhinagar, 2nd Lane, Berhampur, Moble: No. 9337385264 POST OFFICES Angul (H.O.)- 759122; Ph. 06764-230595 Samabalpur (H.O.): 768001 Ph. 0663-2410965 Bolangir (H.O.) - 767001; Ph. 06652-232376 Sundargarh (H.O.)- 770001; Ph. 06622-272241 Bhadradk (H.O)- 756100; Ph. 06784-250266 Bhubaneswar (GPO)- 751001; Ph. 0674-2390165 Paralakhemundi (H.O.)- 761200; Ph. 06815-222266 Bhawanipatna (H.O)- 766001; Ph. 06670-230571 Jajpur (H.O.)- 755001; Ph. 06728-222164 Cuttack (GPO)- 753001; Ph. 0671-2622749 Keonjhargarh (H.O.)- 758001; Ph. 06766- 255513 Dhenkanal (H.O)- 759001; Ph. 06762-226542 Jaypore (H.O.)- 764001; Ph. 06854-233001 Jagatsinghpur (H.O.)- 754103; Ph. 06724-220026 Baripada (H.O.)- 757001; Ph. 06792-252678 Kendrapara (H.O.)- 754211; Ph. 06727-232210 Phulbani (H.O.)- 762001; Ph. 06842-253642 Koraput (H.O)- 764020; Ph. 06852- 250251 Puri (H.O.)- 752001; Ph. 06752-222051 Rourkela (H.O.)- 769001; Ph. 0661-2600698 IMPORTANT DATES ¨Issue of application forms: 2 March, 2009 ¨ Laste Date for Issue of Application forms: 11 May, 2009 ¨ Last Date for receipt of filled in application forms: 18 May 2009 ¨ Date of Joint Entrance Exam (JEE): 14 June, 2009 ¨ Commencement of Course: 13 July, 2009 ^ O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 HEAD OFFICE : 66, RAJAJI SALAI CHENNAI 600 001 RECRUITMENT OF 700 CLERKS INDIAN BANK, a leading Public Sector Bank with headquarters in Chennai having geographical presence all over India and abroad invites applications from Indian Citizens for the posts of Clerks (Job role includes handling cash) Candidates are requested to apply online between 2 0 . 0 4 . 2 0 0 9 a n d 1 6 . 0 5 . 2 0 0 9 only through our Bank’s website www.indianbank.in. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. IMPORTANT DATES Opening date for online registration 20.04.2009 Closing date for online registration 16.05.2009 Date of Written Test 21.06.2009 (Afternoon) 1. Details of Vacancies: State Vacancies in States/ No of Vacancies Out of which Code Union Territories SC ST OBC GEN Total PC XSM VH OH H I 1 ANDHRA PRADESH 18 8 31 58 115 1 1 1 12 2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 ASSAM 0 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 4 BIHAR 4 0 7 16 27 0 1 0 3 5 CHATTISGARH 1 3 1 5 10 0 0 0 1 6 GOA 0 1 2 9 12 0 0 0 1 7 GUJARAT 2 3 6 12 23 0 1 0 2 8 HARYANA 3 0 5 9 17 0 1 0 2 9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 2 0 1 3 6 0 0 0 0 10 JAMMU & KASHMIR 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 11 JHARKHAND 2 3 2 6 13 0 0 0 1 12 KARNATAKA 4 2 7 12 25 0 1 0 3 13 KERALA 2 0 4 9 15 0 0 1 2 14 MADHYA PRADESH 2 3 2 9 16 0 1 0 2 15 MAHARASHTRA 2 1 4 9 16 0 1 0 2 16 MEGHALAYA 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 17 NAGALAND 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 18 ORISSA 2 2 1 5 10 0 0 0 1 19 PUNJAB 2 0 2 4 8 0 0 0 1 20 RAJASTHAN 4 3 5 12 24 0 0 1 2 21 SIKKIM 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 22 TAMIL NADU 44 2 63 123 232 1 4 2 23 23 TRIPURA 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 24 UTTARAKHAND 2 0 1 7 10 0 0 0 1 25 UTTAR PRADESH 9 0 12 23 44 0 0 1 4 26 WEST BENGAL 3 1 3 8 15 1 0 0 2 27 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 0 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 28 CHANDIGARH 1 0 2 5 8 0 0 0 1 29 DELHI 2 1 4 8 15 0 0 0 2 30 PUDUCHERRY 3 0 5 10 18 0 1 0 2 TOTAL 115 36 173 376 700 3 12 6 70 Abbreviations stand for: - SC - Scheduled Caste, ST - Scheduled Tribe, OBC - Other Backward Classes, GEN - General PC – Physically Challenged, OH- Orthopaedically Handicapped, HI - Hearing Impaired, VH- Visually Handicapped, XSM - Ex-service men NOTE:- 1. As the reservation for Physically Challenged and Ex-servicemen is on horizontal basis, the selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category (viz. SC/ST/OBC/General) to which they belong. 2. The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank. 3. Recruitment to vacancies in each state is a separate recruitment for all purposes. A Common written examination is held on the same day for various states for administrative convenience only. 4. A candidate can apply for vacancies in one state/Union Territory only and has to apply for the examination from a centre attached to that particular State/Union Territory only and examination call-letter will be issued accordingly. No change in the preference of the State / Union Territory applied and / or Examination Centre will be permitted after submission of the application form. 5. Selection of a State by a candidate would be construed as total willingness of the candidate to serve in any place within the State. 6. Reserve category candidates applying for the State where no vacancy for that category is shown, may apply against the vacancy of General category provided they fulfill all the norms of eligibility, age criterion etc. of that of General category. 7. Applications received for posts which are not advertised at all or posts not advertised in a particular State/ Union Territory will not be entertained. 8. It is clarified that it may not be possible to employ Physically Challenged candidates in all offices/branches of the Bank and they, in case of selection have to work in the post identified by the Bank as suitable for them. 9. Candidate will be considered for appointment upon selection to vacancies at Branches/ Offices located in the state for which he/she has applied. His appointment in the state for which he/she has applied will be for minimum periods as prescribed by the Bank and request for transfers/postings to place outside the state would not be entertained by the bank during this period under any circumstances. However, Bank reserves the right to post/transfer the candidate upon selection to any place in India depending upon requirement. 10. In case sufficient candidates are not available for selection in a particular state, Bank reserves the right to select the candidates from other states where sufficient candidates are available and to fill up the vacancies in the shortage state. 2. Emoluments for the post of clerical cadre : Pay Scale of Rs.4410 p.m - Rs.13210* p.m plus DA, HRA, CCA. Other benefits include Medical Aid, Hospital Expenses, Conveyance Expenses, LFC, Retirement Benefits, as per Bipartite Settlement / Rules of the Bank amended from time to time. * ( Under revision from November 2007 ) 3. How to Apply: - Application fee may be paid in cash at any branch of INDIAN BANK only before applying online. After payment, the candidate must collect the payment receipt ; the particulars thereof are to be quoted in the online application and the original receipt must be produced along with the call letter at the time of written test. Eligible candidates are required to apply only 'ONLINE' through our website www.indianbank.in and no other means/ mode of application will be acceptable. Guidelines for the candidates (a) The candidates should have a valid email id before applying online. (b) If the candidate does not have a valid email id, he/she should create a new valid email id before applying online. For the purpose of locating the branch address for remitting fees , applicants may log on to our Bank’s website www.indianbank.in wherein provision is available for locating address of the branches. Applicants are advised to type nearby town/ city/place in the space provided under “Branch Search” in the website. For assistance in locating the branch in case of need, applicants may contact 044- 25246076 or 044-25233231(Extn.752). The last date for registering application online and payment of fees is 16.05.2009. Application for registration will be available on our Bank’s website between 20.04.2009 and 16.05.2009. The challan for payment of fees will be made available on the Bank’s website. Candidates have to take a print out of the challan from the website and remit the fees only in any of our branches using this challan. On payment, the receipt portion of the challan will be given back to the candidate by the concerned branch incorporating the following details:- 1. DEPOSIT JOURNAL NUMBER 2. BRANCH NAME 3. BRANCH CODE 4. DATE OF REMITTANCE The above details are to be mentioned by the candidates at the appropriate place in the on line application format while submitting the same. The payment of fees should be made on or before -16.05.2009 Applications once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid shall not be refunded or shall it be held in reserve for any other examination. Candidates should keep a copy of the application print out and payment receipt (Deposit Journal No.) for their record. Original payment receipt will have to be submitted with the call letter at the time of written examination. Application fee ( including postage charge) non refundable (a) For SC/ST/PC/Ex-Serviceman - Rs.50/- * (b) For all others (including OBC) - Rs.200/- *The fee for SC/ST/PC/Ex-Serviceman is towards postage only and for others the fee includes postal charges of Rs.50/- Requisite application fee is to be paid at any of the branches of INDIAN BANK only. An application registered online without actual payment of fees will not be entertained 4. Eligibility Criteria: A. NATIOINALITY/CITIZENSHIP A candidate must be either i) a Citizen of India or ii) a subject of Nepal or iii) subject of Bhutan or iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination/ interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the Government of India has issued the necessary eligibility certificate. B. Educational Qualifications: (As on 01.01.2009): A Degree in any discipline from a recognized university or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government Or A pass with 50% or more marks in Higher Secondary examination of 10+2 of the 10+2+3 pattern / Intermediate / Pre University or any equivalent examination / Diploma in Banking recognized by Central / State Government or UT Administration. C. Relaxation for SC/ST / Ex-serviceman / Physically Handicapped candidates: A pass in Higher Secondary Examination of 10+2 of 10+2+3 pattern / Intermediate / Pre University or any equivalent examination. Note: • For Ex-Servicemen (who do not possess the above) a pass in Service (Departmental) Examination which is recognized as equivalent to Civil Examination not below the level of Higher Secondary School Examination. • All Educational Qualifications should be from recognized University / Central / State / U.T. Administration. • Should be able to write and speak English fluently. Continued on next page..... INDIAN BANK "¤ O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 • Knowledge to read , write and speak the official language of the state for which the candidate has applied is essential. • Computer Literacy – Apart from relevant qualification for the above post, computer literacy shall be an essential qualification, which the candidate must either possess or acquire within six months of joining the Bank. DEFINITION OF EX-SERVICEMEN (XSM) i. EX-SERVICEMEN (XSM) :Only those candidates shall be treated as Ex-Serviceman who fulfill the revised definition as laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms Notification No. 36034/5/85 Estt. (SCT) dated 27.10.1986 as amended from time to time. ii. DISABLED EX-SERVICEMEN (DISXSM) : Ex-Servicemen who while serving in Armed Forces of the Union were disabled in operation against the enemy or in disturbed areas shall be treated as DISXSM. iii. DEPENDENTS OF EX-SERVICEMEN KILLED IN ACTION (DXSM): Ex-Servicemen killed in the following operations would be deemed to have been killed in action attributable to military service (a) war (b) war like operations or Border skirmishes either with Pakistan on cease fire line or any other country (c) fighting against armed hostiles in a counter insurgency environment viz. Nagaland, Mizoram, etc.(d) serving with peace keeping mission abroad (e) laying or clearance of mines including enemy mines as also mine sweeping operation between one month before and three months after conclusion of an operation (f) frost bite during actual operations or during the period specified by the Government (g) dealing with agitating para- military forces personnel (h) IPKF Personnel killed during the operations in SriLanka. NOTE: (1) Candidates still serving in Defence Services and desirous of applying under Ex-Servicemen category should submit a certificate from the Competent Authority to the effect that they would be released / retired on or before 30.06.2009.(2) Ex-Servicemen candidates who have already secured employment under the Central Government in Group 'C' & 'D' / Public Sector Undertakings will be permitted the benefit of age relaxation as prescribed for Ex-Servicemen for securing another employment in a higher grade or cadre in Group 'C' / 'D' under the Central Government / Public Sector Undertakings. However, such candidates will not be eligible for the benefit of reservation for Ex- Servicemen in Central Government / Public Sector Undertakings jobs. RESERVATION FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED PERSONS Reservation is available to Physically Challenged Persons. Persons under Section 33 of the Persons With Disabilities ( Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995. Accordingly, candidates with the following disabilities are eligible to apply. Applicants claiming such benefits should produce certificate in original in support of their claim at the time of interview. Definition : Visually Handicapped (VH) 1. Blindness refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions namely ( i ) Total absence of sight, (ii) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200(snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses, (iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending in angle of 20 degree or worse. 2. Low vision means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive connection but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning of execution of a task with appropriate assisitive device. Hearing Impaired (HI) Hearing impaired means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. Orthopaedically Handicapped (OH) 1. Locomotor Disability means disability of bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy. 2. Cerebral Palsy means a group of non-progressive conditions of person characterised by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of development. All the cases of Orthopaedically Handicapped persons would be covered under the category of ‘Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy’. Only such persons would be eligible for reservation in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40 percent of relevant disability. • As the reservation of Orthopaedically Challenged persons is on horizontal basis, the selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category (SC/ST/OBC/GEN) to which they belong. • Wherever written examination is held , the blind candidates and candidates whose writing speed is affected by cerebral palsy can use own scribe at their cost during the written examination. In all such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will apply: (i) The candidates will have to arrange his own scribe at their own cost. (ii) The academic qualification of the scribe should be one grade lower than the stipulated eligibility criteria (i.e) the Scribe’s educational qualification should be less than HSC. (iii) The Scribe should possess less marks than the candidate and not more than 60% marks in his own academic stream. (iv) The Scribe may be from any academic stream. (v) Both the candidate as well as the Scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking, confirming that the Scribe fulfills all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a Scribe mentioned above. Further, in case it later transpires that he did not fulfil any of the laid down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts, the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the written test. (vi) Such candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes for every hour of the examination. D. AGE: Not below 18 years and not above 28 years as on 01.01.2009 RELAXATION IN UPPER AGE LIMIT (i) SC/ST - by 5 years (ii) OBC - by 3 years (iii) VH/HI/OH - by 10 years (iv) XSM - by 3 years ( in addition to the actual period of service in the Defence forces subject to a maximum age of 50 years) (v) Widows. Divorced women and Women Judiciously separated from their husbands, who have not remarried – by 9 years subject to a maximum of 35 years for General Category and 40 years for SC/ST Category. (vi) Persons ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from 1.1.80 to 31.12.89 – by 5 years (Certificate to this effect from the competent authority to be produced at the time of interview). Note : In case of a candidate who is eligible for relaxation under more than one of the above categories, the age relaxation will be available on cumulative basis with any one of the remaining categories for which age relaxation is permitted as mentioned above. This cumulative age relaxation is available to SC/ST/OBC candidates only. 5. Probation : On appointment, candidates will be on probation for a minimum period of 6 months. On successful completion of the probation, and found if suitable, they will be confirmed in the services of the Bank. 6. Selection Procedure Selection will be made on the basis of performance in Written Test and Interview. Details of Written Test and Interview are as under: A) Written Test: a. Objective Tests (Time duration – 95 minutes) S.NO Name of the Test Medium of No. of Maximum Examination Questions Marks 1 Test of Reasoning ability English & Hindi 50 80 2 Test of English Language English 50 00 * 3 Test of Numerical Ability English & Hindi 50 80 4 Test of Clerical Aptitude English & Hindi 50 40 * This test is only qualifying and carries no weightage in the total Marks. • There will be negative marks for the wrong answers in the Objective Test. • The candidates shall be required to qualify in each objective test separately. b) Descriptive Test – The des cr i p t ive t e s t wi l l be of 45 minut e s dur a t i on. It will consist of 5 compulsory questions with internal options, to assess knowledge on Socio- Economic Developments and Communication skills. The descriptive test is only of qualifying nature. Note: • Candidates have the option to answer Descriptive Tests Paper either in English or Hindi or in the Official Language of the State/Union Territory for which they have applied. • Candidates have to pass in each of the Objective and Descriptive Test separately. • Depending upon the number of candidates against the vacancies, only those candidates, who rank sufficiently high in the objective test will be called for interview. Mere eligibility/pass in the test shall not vest any right in a candidate for being called for interview. • Final selection will be on the basis of the ranking accorded after adding the marks obtained in the Objective Tests and Interview. • Other detailed information regarding the written examination will be given in the information booklet, which will be made available to the candidate along with the call-letter. The Bank reserves the right, if required to hold a second stage of written test on the basis of order of merit in the written examination of first stage, as referred above. If the second stage of written test is held, the subsequent process of interview and further process would be on the basis of order of merit of the second stage examination. Written Test Centres: The written test will be held at the following centres for the vacancies in the respective states mentioned in the brackets and the address of the venue will be advised in the call letters: Hyderabad, Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh ), Guwahati (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura), Patna(Bihar, Jharkhand), Chandigarh(Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab), Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), Bangalore (Karnataka), Panaji(Goa), Ernakulam(Kerala), Mumbai, Pune(Maharashtra), Bhubaneswar(Orissa), Raipur(Chattisgarh), Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy, Tirunelveli(Tamil Nadu), Lucknow(Uttar Pradesh), Dehradun(Uttarakhand), Port Blair(Andaman & Nicobar Islands), Puducherry(Puducherry), Kolkata (Sikkim, West Bengal), Ahmedabad(Gujarat), Jaipur(Rajasthan), New Delhi(Delhi). • Request for change of Centre of Examination will NOT be entertained. • The Bank reserves the right to alter written test date and / or alter/cancel written test centre under unforeseen circumstances, if any. • A candidate who applies for vacancy in a particular State/Union Territory will have to appear for the examination at the specified centre indicated above. In case of any discrepancy between States/Union Territory and centre marked by the candidate, centre will be decided on the basis of State/Union Territory applied. B) Interview: Those short listed candidates in the order of ranking in the written test as per the cut-off marks determined by the Bank shall be called for interview and the decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final. Final selection will be on the basis of the ranking accorded after adding the marks obtained in the Written Test and Interview. 7. Pre-examination Training: (For SC/ST/XSM/ PC/ Minority Community Candidates Only): It is proposed to impart Pre-Examination Training to a limited number of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Physically Challenged /Minority Communities at Chennai, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Mumbai, Thanjavur, Tiruvananthapuram and Vijayawada. The Bank has discretion to conduct at some additional centres or the Bank may delete some of the centres indicated for the training. An eligible candidate who wish to avail of Pre-Examination Training should fill in the relevant column in the ONLINE APPLICATION. They are advised to bring attested copy of community certificate in the case of SC/ST and Minority Communities, discharge Certificate in the case of Ex-Serviceman and necessary Medical Certificate in the case of Physically Challenged candidate to the venue for admission. All expenses regarding travelling, boarding, lodging etc. have to be borne by the candidate for attending the pre-examination training programme at the concerned Centres. 8 . Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct: Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any material information while filling up the application form and submitting the certified copies/testimonials. At the time of written examination/interview, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of: (i) Using unfair means during the examination or (ii) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or (iii) Misbehaving in the examination hall or (iv) Taking away the question booklet/answer sheet from the examination hall or (v) Resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for selection or (vi) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means, such a candidate may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable : (a) to be disqualified from the examination for which he/she is a candidate (b) to be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any examination or recruitment conducted by Bank/IBPS. (vii) The Bank/IBPS would be analysing the responses of a candidate with other appeared candidates to detect unusual/patterns of responses. If as per the laid down procedure, it is suspected that the responses have been shared and the scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Bank reserves the right to cancel his candidature. Continued on next page..... Indian Bank...... Continuation of page....9 "" O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 9. Important General Instructions: - a. Candidates are required to apply only 'ONLINE'. Any other form of application shall be rejected. b. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the advertisement. The Bank is free to reject any application, at any stage of the recruitment process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post. The decision of the Bank in any matter relating to recruitment at all the stages of the recruitment process will be final and binding upon the candidate. No correspondence or personal queries in this regard shall be entertained by the Bank. c. In case it is detected by at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment his /her services are liable to be terminated. d. The Bank/IBPS shall not be responsible for any application being rejected which is based on wrong information provided by in any advertisement issued by unauthorized person/institution. e. Only candidates willing to serve anywhere in India need apply f . Once an application is submitted by the candidate under particular category, it cannot be changed subsequently. g. Candidate’s admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the admission letter has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared by the Bank. h. Any dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of courts situated at Chennai only. i. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. j. All candidates will have to produce, if called for interview, originals as well as attested photocopies of their educational and experience certificates as well as caste certificate, certificate of handicap or any other certificate in support of their eligibility, failing which their candidature will be cancelled. k. In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, the certificate inter-alia must specify that the candidate does not belong to “CREAMY LAYER” section excluded from the benefits of reservations for OBCs in Civil Post and Services under Government of India. The OBC certificate containing “Non Creamy Layer Clause” should be based on income for the financial year 2008-09 and issued on or after 01.04.2009. l. Candidates serving in Government /Quasi Government Offices/Public Sector Undertakings including Nationalised Banks and Financial Institutions will be required to submit “No Objection Certificate” from the employer at the time of interview, failing which the candidature may not be considered. m. The candidates will have to appear for written test and interview at their own expenses and risks and the Bank will not be responsible for any injury/losses etc. However, eligible ( as per extant government guidelines ) SC/ST/PC outstation candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed to and fro second-class ordinary train/bus fare by the shortest route on production of evidence of travel. This concession will not be admissible to candidates who are already in service in Central/State Government, Corporations, Public Undertakings/Local Government, Institutions and Panchayats. n. Any request for change of address will not be entertained. o. No candidate is permitted to use calculator, telephones of any kind or any such other instruments in the written test. p. The Bank may at its discretion hold re-examination wherever necessary in respect of a centre/Venue/specifically for a candidate(s). q. Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of the Bank r. In case of any dispute on account of interpretation in any version other than English, the English version shall prevail. 10. The Competent Authority for the issue of the Certificate to SC/ST/OBC/PC is as under: (a) For SC/ST/OBC (i) District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Division Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner. (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate (iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar (iv) Sub – Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides (b) For Physically Challenged Authorised Certifying Authority will be Medical Board duly constituted by the Central Or the State Government consisting of atleast three members out of which atleast one shall be a specialist in the particular field of disability from which the person is suffering. 11. Call Letters For The Written Examination:- The date of the Written Test is 21.06.2009 (Sunday afternoon). The date of written test will be intimated in the Call Letter along with the Centre/Venue for the Examination. All eligible candidates will be issued Call Letters at the correspondence address given by them in their online application, which will be sent by post on or after 25.05.2009. Facility for downloading call letters online will also be provided from 25.05.2009, the details of which will be made available in the Bank’s website. Note: The Version of the detailed advertisement given in the Bank’s website shall be treated as final and shall supercede any other versions for all purposes. Accordingly, the candidates are advised to visit Bank’s website www.indianbank.in Decision of the Bank in respect of all matters pertaining to this recruitment would be final and binding on all candidates. GENERAL MANAGER (H&M) Indian Bank...... Continuation of page....10 VITS ENGINEERING COLLEGE (A Unit of Vidyasagar Institute of Technical Studies) Regd. Office 379, Bomikhal, Bhubaneswar VEC has obtained LOI from AICTE, New Delhi for 2009-10 session. AP P OI NT ME NT Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts from academic year 2009-10 PRINCIPAL 15 years of Teaching/ Industrial experience PROFESSOR/ ASST. PROFESSOR/ LECTURER ¨ Physics ¨ Chemistry ¨ Mathematics ¨ English ¨ Mechanical Electrical ¨ Computer Science * Electronics & Telecommunication COMPUTER LAB STAFF System Administrator for a wi-fi campus having experience in Software/ Hardware, Networking & Programming. Also Data Entry Operators. TECHNICAL/ LABORATORY ASSISTANT Physics, Chemistry, Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Office Superintendent, Public Relation Officer, Students Welfare Officer, Training & Placement Officer, Security Officer, Accountant, Librarian, Receptionist, Drivers, Electrician, Plumber, Peon & Sweeper. Qualification: As per AICTE Norm for Teaching Staff. Scale of Pay: AICTE Apporved Pay Scale with D.A. upto 150%, comparable with the best in industry. Send your application with 2 passport size photographs and CV before April 30, 2009 to the address given below. 9, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar- 751007 Ph.: 0674- 2542136, E-mail: [email protected] ADMISSION NOTICE DIPLOMA IN TOOL & DIE MAKING Applications are invited in the prescribed form from intending candidates for admission to four years Diploma In Tool & Die making course for the session 2009-2010 from August 2009 .Eligibility :Matriculation or equivalent examination from a recognised Board with Mathematics & science (physics or chemistry or both)with minimum 50%marks (40% in case of candidate belonging to SC/ST)in aggregate. Age :Between 15 to 18 years (born in between 02.08.1991 to 01.08.1994) (Gen) Relaxable to 21 years (born in between 02.08.1988 to 01.08.1994 for SC/ST candidate ) as on 01.08.2009. Selection :Selection will be made through admission tests .The priliminary multiple choice type test will be on 12.07.2009(sunday) at 09.00am and final written test will be held on 13.07.2009(monday)at 09.00am for short listed candidates of priliminary Test .candidate awaiting result of 10th can also appear for written test .however the result should be available at the time of admission .How to apply :Application form along with prospectous can be obtained in person from the administrative office by paying Rs 400/-(Rs.150/-in case of SC/ST candidates) in cash or by sending demand draft of Rs445/-(Rs.195/- for SC /ST candidates) in favour of “central Tool Room &Training Center “,Bhubaneswar to get the prospectus by speed post /courier.DD should accompany self addressed envelop of size 20cmx25cm.SC/ST candidates should send proof of caste. 22.5% seats are reserved for SC/ST candidates for whom no fee will be charged subject to production of two photo copies of caste certificate duly attested by Gazetted officer .However,caution deposit is to be paid in case of admission which will be refunded after successful completion of Training with minimum 85% attendance .caste certificate in original from competent authority is to be produced for verification at the time of admission which may be reverified from the Issuing Authority. Last date of issue dt 15.06.09 &Receipt of application dt 22.06.09 CENTRAL TOOL ROOM &TRAINING CENTER (Ministry of Micro .small &Medium Enterprises ,Govt of India ) B-36,chandaka Industri al Area ,Bhubaneswar -751024,ph.No- (0674)02743349,3011733,3011702,Fax:(0674)2743061 E mai l :[email protected],Website:www.cttc.gov.in "+ O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 THE INDIAN NAVY BECOME A SHORT SERVICE COMMISSIONED OFFICER IN THE SUBMARINE CADRE SUBMARINE CADRE SUBMARINE CADRE SUBMARINE CADRE SUBMARINE CADRE (TECHNICAL BRANCHES) COURSE COMMENCING - JAN 2010 BE A SUBMARINER - JOIN THE ELITE 1. Applications are invited from unmarried Male candidates for grant of Short Service Commission in Submarine cadre (Technical Branches) of the Indian Navy for course commencing Jan 2010 at NAVAC Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates to fulfil condition of nationality as laid down by the Government of India. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 2. Age. Between 19 ½ to 25 years (Candidates to be born between 02 Jan 1985 to 01 Jul 1990; both dates inclusive). 3. Educational Qualifications. BE/B Tech (or equivalent) from Recognised University or AMIE with minimum 55% marks in aggregate. Calculation for aggregate percentage should be based on total marks obtained in all the semesters (including I & II ), divided by total number of semesters, in any of the following disciplines :- (a) Engineering Branch. Mechanical (b) Electrical Branch. (i) Electrical (ii) Electronics (iii) Telecommunications (iv) Control Engineering. Note: Candidates in 8th semester can also apply provided they have aggreegate of 55% marks till 7th semester. PHYSICAL STANDARDS 4. (a) Height and Weight. Minimum height - 157 cms with corelated weight. (b) Eye Sight. The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/24, 6/24 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/night blind. SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION 5. Short Service Commission is granted for a term of 10 years, extendable to 14 years, subject to service requirement and performance/willingness of the candidate. On completion of these tenures, officers are entitled for gratuity under the extant rules. Disciplined life, leadership qualities and professional skills imbibed during the service would stand as an added advantage in acquiring second career, post exit from the Navy. HOW TO APPLY 6. (a) Application Forms, in accordance with the prescribed format, and complete in all respects with superscription on the envelope “SSC SUBMARINE CADRE -JAN 2010 ” are to be sent to the address given below by 18 MAY 2009. POST BAG NO. 05, GPO, NEW DELHI – 110001 (b) Application must be sent in the format given in this advertisement, otherwise it will be rejected. (c) Application must be accompanied by attested copies of 10 th standard certificate (for verification of Date of Birth) and other Educational certificates as required. (d) Application must be accompanied by two self addressed stamped envelopes. (e) Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stitched by thread only.IHQ-MoD(N) will not be responsible for loss of Enclosures if sent loose. Note:- Application sent by Speed Post/Regd Post/Courier will not be accepted. SELECTION PROCEDURE 7. (a) The candidates will be issued call up for Services Selection Board (SSB) interviews based on their performance in BE/B Tech Degree qualification. No communication will be entertained on this account. (b) SSB interviews for short listed candidates will be scheduled during Jun 09 to Dec 09 at Bangalore / Bhopal / Coimbatore. (c) The total duration of SSB interview is of 5 days, consisting Stage I (Day one) and Stage II (Four days). Stage I Tests, consist Officers Intelligence Rating test (OIR), Picture Perception and discussion test (PDPT). Candidates who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day from SSB centre. Stage II Tests consist of Psychological Tests, Group Task Tests, Group discussion and interview. The recommended candidates would then undergo Special Medical Examination at nearest military hospital (approx duration of 05 days). (d) Candidates recommended by the SSBs and declared medically fit, will be appointed for training in order of All India Merit depending on the number of vacancies. The confirmation in the service is subject to satisfactory Police Verification Report and Character & Antecedent Certificate. (e) Change of SSB centre for interview is not permissible under any circumstances. (f ) Candidates who wish to change their SSB dates must apply to the President of the SSB, with a copy of the application addressed to Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment (OI&R), Room No. 204, C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, IHQ-MOD(Navy), New Delhi-110011 (Fax No.011-23011282). Award of fresh dates for SSB would be subject to availibility at respective SSB. (g) No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of tests. (h) Return 2 nd Class Sleeper rail fare is admissible for the SSB interview, if appearing for the first time for the entry. TRAINING 8. The training is scheduled to commence in JAN 2010. 9. Candidates finally selected for Submarine Cadre, will be inducted as officers in the rank of Sub Lieutenant and undergo Naval Orientation Course at the Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala followed by professional training in other Naval Training Establishments/Ships. On completion of the training the candidates will have to pass Submarine Qualifying Board. The candidate who fail to qualify in the Submarine Qualifying Board will not be retained in service. Full pay and allowances are admissible to officers, whilst under training. They will be on probation for a period of two years, during which they are liable to be discharged, if their performance is unsatisfactory. In addition, the candidates will be entitled for Submarine Pay (Rs.9,000 - 14,000/-) per month only after qualifying the Submarine Qualifying Board . 10. Only unmarried candidates are eligible for training. Any candidate who is found to be married or marries while under training will be discharged and shall be liable to refund full pay & allowances drawn by him and other expenditure incurred on him by the Government. DUTIES OF SUBMARINE TECHNICAL OFFICER 11. As a Submarine Technical Officer you will be responsible to run & maintain modern submarines and its weapon systems. You would get professional satisfaction of maintaining hi-tech machines with state-of-the-art weapon control systems, computer controlled machinery and awesome fire power. On successful completion of the rigorous training conducted at different training establishments, you will be a proud possessor of ‘Dolphin Badge’ and become a member of a very elite arm of the Navy. Your career in Navy will interspersed with technical courses up to post graduation level in India/abroad. Navy provides some of the finest training facilities, which will turn you in to a physically fit, mentally agile and a skilled professional. Life in Navy is full of challenges and adventures. THE NAVY OFFERS YOU 12. Promotions: The promotion criteria for different ranks is as follows:- Rank Promotion Criteria Sub Lieutenant (SLt) On Commission Lieutenant (Lt) 02 years as SLt Lieutenant Commander 04 year from date of promotion to Substantive Lt Commander (Cdr) 11 years from date of promotion to Substantive Lt Note: - Promotion from Sub Lt to Cdr is on time scale subject to fulfilment of requisite service conditions. 13. Allowances. Technical Pay, Submarine Allowance, Dearness Allowance, Instructional Allowance, Transport Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance, Outfit Allowance, Qualification Pay/Grant Sea Going Allowance and House Rent Allowance, (as per eligilibility condition ).Low Rate interest loan from Govt. sources for purchase of Car/House. 14. Group Insurance & Gratuity. Insurance cover of Rs. 20 lakhs (on contribution) as per latest rules in vogue. Gratuity will be granted to the officer as per the latest rules in vogue. 15. Leave & Leave Encashment. Officers are entitled to (subject to service exigencies) 60 days annual and 20 days casual leave every year. Free travel for self and Dependents as per rules & 50% concession by air. Leave encashment is permissible, as per the latest rules in vogue. 16. Other Benefits. Entitled ration as per scale, furnished accommodation and allied services at concessional rates,Free medical facilities for self and dependents. Group Housing Scheme, concessional transport facilities for school going children, Canteen facilities and study leave up to two years on merit (with pay and allowances). 17. Adventure & Sports. The Navy provides facilities to pursue any sport of your liking. In addition, one can learn and participate in adventure sports, such as river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning, hang gliding, wind surfing, etc. Continued on page...14 "× O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 Regd. No.................... (For Official use only) APPLICATION FORMAT APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION IN THE NAVY FOR SUBMARINE CADRE JAN 2010 COURSE Last date for receipt of application 18 MAY 2009 1. Candidate’s Name:- (a) Name: ....................................................................................... (As in Matric/Equivalent Certificate) (b) Surname or last name .............................................................................. (c) Expanded full name (if abbreviated).................................. 2. Date of Birth:- D D M M Y Y Y Y (As per Matric/Equivalent Certificate; Should be between 02 Jan 1985 & 01 Jul 1990, both dates inclusive) 3. (a) Father’s Name :.............................................................................................. (b) Father’s Occupation/Designation.................................................................. 4. Address: - For Correspondence ............................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................. ......................................................... Pin ................................................................. Telephone/Fax No, if any.................................. E-Mail............................................. Permanent Address .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ......................................................... Pin ................................................................ Telephone/Fax No, if any................................ E-Mail......................................... 5. Write Branch/Cadre for Which Applying: ............................................................ (Submarine Cadre Engineering Branch/Submarine Cadre Electrical Branch) 6. Write Marital Status (Married/Unmarried) .................................................................. 7. Write State to which you Belong............................................................................. 8. Nationality.................................................................................................................. 9. Educational Details:- (a) BE/B Tech (....................................................) Aggregate Percentage ............% (Write stream Mechanical/Electrical/ Electronics etc.) (b) Name of the College/Institution along with Address from Where Studied ................... .............................................................................................................................. (c) Name of college/institution with address of university to which it is affiliated .............................................................................................................................. 10. Details of Marks Secured in Graduation & above:- (Candidates who have not completed their BE/B. Tech (i.e. appearing candidates) .. need not apply, their application will not be accepted) (Certified copies of mark sheet of each semester/year must be attached. In case evaluation is in grades, certified equivalent marks to be indicated). Subjects (Main subjects including Electives) Semester/ Year Maximum marks Marks obtained % of Marks BE/B Tech .................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Examination Passed Graduation Semester/Year wise Marks secured Other Qualification Total: Affix self attested passport size colour photo INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP 1. APPLY ON A 4 SIZE PAPER (TYPED OR HANDWRITTEN) AS PER FORMAT BELOW. 2. CANDIDATE SUBMITTING MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. 3. APPLICATION FORM TO BE FILLED IN ENGLISH ONLY IN BLOCK CAPITALS. 4. STRIKE OUT WHATEVER IS NOT APPLICABLE. 5. ATTACH ATTESTED COPY OF CLASS TEN CERTIFICATE FOR DATE OF BIRTH VERIFICATION. 6. ATTACH ATTESTED COPIES OF ALL OTHER EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATES 7. APPLICATION AND ENCLOSURES TO BE PROPERLY TAGGED TOGETHER/STITCHED BY THREAD TO AVOID LOSS OF ENCLOSURES. PHYSICAL FITNESS 18. In Naval Academy curriculum, lot of emphasis is laid on physical fitness. You are, therefore, advised to build yourself up by physical training, sports, running, swimming, etc. so that you meet the training goals successfully. 11. Have you attended any other SSB interview earlier? If yes, indicate (for all the earlier attempts) :- Navy Army Air Force (a) Type of Entry ................................................................................................ (b) Name and Station of SSB ............................................................................. (c) Batch No ..................... ................................................................................ (d) Month and Year of Interview ...................................................................... (e) Whether Recommended ................................................................................. 12. Details of service under Central/State Govt., if any ............................................... (Candidates already in service should apply through proper channel and obtain NOC from the present employer) 13. List of documents attached (as applicable) :- (a) ............................................................................................................................ (b) ........................................................................................................................... (c) ............................................................................................................................ (d) ............................................................................................................................ DECLARATION 14. I, hereby, declare that I am unmarried male, governed by nationality conditions as laid down by the Govt. of India and have never been debarred from appearing at any examination I have never been arrested/ prosecuted and convicted by a criminal court nor have been involved in any other case registered by the Police. 15. I, hereby, solemnly declare that all the statements made in the above application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 16. I, fully understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, appropriate action can be taken against me. Place : ........................ Signature................................ Date : .......................... Name of the Applicant............. The terms and conditions, given in this Advertisement, are subject to change and should, therefore, be treated as guidelines only Details are also available on website : www.nausena-bharti.nic.in The Indian Navy.... Continuation of page....13 ADMISSION NOTICE SWAMI VIVEKANAND NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REHABILITATION TRAINING AND RESEARCH (SVNIRTAR) OLATPUR, PO: BAIROI, DIST: CUTTACK- 754010 (ORISSA) Tel: 0671-2805552, 2805347 FAX: 0671-2805862 E-mail:[email protected] Website: http:/www.nirtar.nic.in *The duration of the above courses is 4 and 1/2years. * SVNIRTAR Courses are affiliated to Utkal University, Vanlvihar, Bhubaneswar & NIOH Courses are affiliated to West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata. ELIGIBILITY FOR DEGREE COURSES: - Candidate who have appeared or passed the XII class Examination or equivalent under 10+2 system with minimum five subjects and have secured or expect to secure 50% aggregate marks in PCB for BPT and BOT courses and 50% aggregate marks in PCB or PCM for BPO course (40% in case of SC.ST and Physically Handicapped candidates and candidates from J & K). Age not less than 17 years and not exceeding 22 years as on 31st March 2009, RESERVATION: As per Government Of India Guidelines. The Prospectus- cum-Application form can be purchased from Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research, Olatpur, PO- Bairoi, Dist- Cuttack against Bank Draft of Rs. 500/- for General category candidates and Rs. 400/- for SC; ST/PH candidates. The Bank Draft should be in favour of Director, NIOH drawn on any Nationalized bank payable at Kolkata. Candidates desiring to obtain Prospectus-cum-Application form by Regd. Post may obtain the same from the Director, NIOH, by sending the Bank Draft of Rs. 550/- tor General candidates and Rs.450/- for SC/ST/PH candidates drawn on any Nationalized bank payable at Kolkata. Application form can also be downloaded from the NIOH website: http://ww.nioh.in. However, the candidates are required to enclose the required Demand Draft of the prescribed fees in favour of Director, NIOH along with filled application form. IMPORTANT DATES 1. Sale of Prospectus-cum-Application form - 31.03.2009. 2. Last date of sale of Application form- 29.05.2009. 3. Last date of receipt of Application form - 29.05.2009 4. Last date for receipt of application of North East States, J & K and Andaman & Nlcobar Islands- 01.06.2009 5. Date of CET - 14.06.2009 6. Result declaration - 22.06.2009 7. First Round of Counselling- 05.07.2009 8. 2nd and Final Round of Counselling.- 21.07.2009 Duly filled and completed application form should reach The Chairman, (CET-2009), C/o.-Director, NIOH, B.T. Road, Bon-Hooghly, Kolkata-700 090 on or before 29.05.2009 by registered post only. For more details log on to http://www.nioh.in CHAIRMAN, CET-2009 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE ORTHOPAEDICALLY HANDICAPPED (NIOH) B.T. ROAD, BON-HOOGHLY, KOLKATA- 700090 Tel: 033-25311248, Fax: 033-25318379 (Under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India) Applications are invited from the candidates on prescribed form to undertake a Common Entrance Test (CET- 2009) for admission to following professional course. DEGREE COURSES AT SV NIRTAR DEGREE COURSES AT NIOH 1. Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) 1. Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) 2. Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) 2. Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) 3. Bachelor of Prosthetics & Orthotics (BPO) 3. Bachelor of Prosthetics & Orthotics (BPO) GOA SHIPYARD LIMITED SHIPBUILDERS, SHIPREPAIRERS & ENGINEERS (A Govt. of India Undertaking, Ministry of Defence ) ISO 9001-2000 Certified Company, VADDEM, VASCO-DA-GAMA, GOA 403802 Advt/ No. 03/2009 Goa Shipyard Limited is a schedule ‘B’ Mini Ratna Category I Company under Ministry of Defence. The Company is ISO 9001- 2000 certified, engaged in designing and building special purpose modern and technically advanced ships for the Indian Navy Sr. Post No. of Scale of Pay* Upper age limit No. Post as on 01.05.2009 1. Chief Manager (Co-ordination & UR-01 Rs. 16000-400-20800 42 years Development- Delhi Office 2. Senior Engg (Civil)/ Assistant UR-02 Rs. 8600-250-14600 UR- 30/33/36 years Manager/ (Civil) Deputy Manager Rs. 10750-300-16750 (Civil) (On Fixed term basis for 02 years) Rs. 13000-350-18250 * The pay scales are due for upward revision with effect from 01.01.2007. * Last date for receipt of duly filled in application is 10.05.2009 For more details such as educational qualification, experience etc., & application format refer to our Website: www.goashipyard.com or www.goashipyard.co.in "× O?0?OO, ?׬OÞ· ¤" ÞG ?¤¤^ NIJUKTI KHABAR Bhubaneswar 25 April- 01 May 2009 ALI YAVAR JUNG NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE HEARING HANDICAPPED (Registered Society under Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, New Delhi) IS/ISO 9001:2000 Certified Organization BANDRA RECLAMATION, BANDRA (WEST), MUMBAI- 400 050 Ph: 26400215/228 Fax: (022)- 26404170 email: [email protected] Website: ayjnihh.nic.in ADMISSION NOTIFICATION The Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped graded as an excellent Institute by the Rehabilitation Council of India, imparts professional training of international recognition, in the area of Audiology, Speech- Lanugage Pathology and Special Education (Hearing Impairment). It also provides clinical, educational & rehabilitation services in a whole life perspective for persons with hearing impairment and communication disorders and is engaged in research and development activites. Applications are invited for admission to the academic year- 2009-10 for the following courses: Sr. Course Center Seats Duration Eligibility No. 01. Ph.D. in Audiology Mumbai As per Minimum For deatils log on to Instiute website: & Speech Language MUHS 3 years www.ayjnihh.nic.in & www.muhsnashik.com Pathology norms Maximum 4 years 02. Master of Education Mumbai 15+4*** One B.Ed (HI) or any other equivalent degree (Hearing year from a recognized University Impairment M.Ed (HI) with 50% aggregate marks OR B.Ed/(SE-DE) (HI) with 50% aggregate marks and one year teaching experience OR B.Ed. (Gen) with 50% aggregate marks and D.Ed. (HI)/ DSE (HI) with 50% aggregate marks . 03. Master of Audiology Mumbai 15+2*** Two i) Bachelor of Audiology & Speech- & Speech- Language Kolkata 10+3*** years Language Pathology or any equivalent Pathology degree recognized by the respective Universities and RCI (including internship) ii) Internship mandatory for candidates who have completed Bachelor in Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology after May/June 2001. 04. Bachelor of #Mumbai 25+7*** One #Three year degree course Degree in any Education (Hearing Kolkata 15+4*** year discipline or equivalent from any recognized Impairment) University. 05 ** Bachelor of Mumbai 30+3*+4*** 4 years i) Pre-University exam of any recognized Audiology and Kolkata 20+2 +5*** university in India or equivalent of 10+2/ Speech-Language New Delhi 20+5*** HSC in India or abroad Pathology ii) For Mumbai center the combination with COMPULSORY: * Physics (P) + Maths (M), * Physics + Biology (B) ANYONE SUBJECT: * Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science (CS) Mathematics, Chemistry computer science iii) For Kolkata center the eligibility is Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English and any other Vth subject. 06. **Diploma in Kolkata, 20+5***in One 10+2 passed with PCB/ PCM or its equivalent Hearing, Language New Delhi each center year & Speech Bhubaneswar 07. ***Diploma in Kolkata, 20+5***in Two 10+2 or equivalent examination from a Education Special New Delhi, each center years recognized Board of education with Minimum Education(Hearing Bhubaneswar marks: 45% for General Category 40% for Impariment) SC/ST/PH 08. **Diploma in Sign Mumbai 15 in each One 10+2 equivalent examination from a recognized Language Interpreter Kolkata center year Board of education. Preference will be given Course( Rs.2,000/- New Delhi to more qualified candidates. p.m. stipend) 1. Prescribed application form and prospectus can be obtained from the respective centers in person or by post on- payment of Rs. 500/- for General Category and Rs. 300/- for SC/ST/PH by way of Demand Draft in favour of “The Director, AYJNIHH, Mumbai”. Those desirous of admission to B.ASLP at AYJNIHH should send Demand Draft in favour of “The Director.AYJNIHH, Mumbai” only. 2) The filled in application form should be submitted to the respective center(s) where admission is sought. Postal Address of Centers: i) AYJNIHH, K.C. Marg, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (W), Mumbai400050. Telefax-022-26404170. ii) AYJNIHH, NRC, Kasturba Niketan, Lajpat Nagar- II, New Delhi-110 024. Telefax-011-29815093 iii) AYJNIHH, ERC, B.T. Road, Bon Hooghly, Kolkata-700 090, Telefax: 033-25311427 iv) AYJNIHH, TCTD, Ogalpada, Hospital Chowk, Janla, Dist Khurda, Orissa 752054 Telefax: 0674-2460641. 3) Other details: i) For B.ASLP and M.ASLP at AYJNIHH, Mumbai, 50% seats will be filled through MH-CET. ii) For B.Ed.(HI) & M.Ed.(HI) at AYJNIHH, Mumbai entrance examination will be held’. Candidates appearing for final year degree in 2009 can also apply for B.Ed.(HI), iii) For BASLP at AYJNIHH, NRC, New Delhi and all courses at SRC, AYJNIHH the advertisement will be released separately. iv) For fee sand other information refer to prospectus/website. v) Seats are reserved forSC/ST/OBC/PH as per Government of India rules, vi) “Candidates appearing in Class 10 + 2 in 2009 can also apply. vii) Applications received after the last date and incomplete applications will be summarily rejected, viii) * Seats for foreign candidates. ix) Admission to Diploma courses will be made on merit basis, x)The Director retains the right to reject any application without assigning reasons, xi) Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification. xii) Ph.D. registration schedule is subject to change as per Notifications/Schedules issued by MUHS, Nashik, xiii) *** OBC candidates shall be admitted subject to the approval of course affiliating University at Mumbai and all Regional Centers, xiv) For M.ASLP hall tickets can be collected on the day of the examination at the respective Center where admission is sought. If applying to two Centers, they must indicate in the application form the place where they would appear for the entrance examination, xv) Candidates need to fulfill University and RCI requirements. 4) LAST DATE FOR ISSUE AND RECEIPT OF APPLICATION FORM WILL BE 25th MAY, 2009. 5) Ph.D. Registration in Audiology & Speech Language Pathology under MUHS, Nashik (twice a year) Sale of forms -27th April to 10th June, 2009 and 1st October to 30th November, 2009. DD for Rs.1000- in f/o Director, AYJNIHH, Mumbai, payable at Mumbai. Date of submission to MUHS - 1st July to 31st July, 2009 & 17th January to 15th February, 2010 No separate advertisement shall be released for Ph.D. 6) The details of entrance examinations are as follows: Sr. Name of the Course Place of entrance examination Date of entrance No. examination 01. B.Ed. (HI) Mumbai & Kolkata 14th June 2009 02. M.Ed. (HI) Mumbai 14th June 2009 03. B. ASLP Mumabi, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati and Mysore 6th June 2009 04. M.ASLP Mumbai & Kolkata 20th June 2009 DIRECTOR ADMISSION NOTICE SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE, NEW DELHI (Deemed to be a University) 4, Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi- 110002 Applications are invited for admission to Academic Programmes (Full-Time) for the session 2009-10 BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES (Architecture/Planning) Admission to Bachelor’s Programmes in Architecture/Planning in the School will be made through All India Engineering/ Architecture Entrance Examination (AIEEE-2009) conducted by CBSE in April, 2009, strictly on merit (All India Rank) as per the prescribed qualifications notified by CBSE in the newspapers and as per directions of the Government of India. RESERVATION OF SEATS: Reservations will be applicable as per rules of the Government of India. MASTER’S PROGRAMMES IN: (Two Years) 1. ARCHITECTURE WITH SPECIALISATIONS IN: (a) Architectural Conservation (b) Industrial Design (c) Urban Design 2. PLANNING WITH SPECIALIZATIONS IN: (a) Environmental Planning (b) Housing (c) Regional Planning (d) Transport Planning (e) Urban Planning 3. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: 4 BUILDING ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT ELIGIBILITY: 1. Architectural Conservation & Urban Design: Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture/Planning from a recognized university or equivalent. 2. Industrial Design: Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture from a recognized University or equivalent. 3. Environmental Planning, Regional Planning & Urban Planning: Bachelor’s Degree in Planning/Arehiteeture/Civil Engineering/ Architectural Engineenng/M.A, Geography/, Economics/ Sociology from a recognized university or equivalent. 4. Housing: Same as at S. No. 3 above as well as Bachelor’s Degree in Municipal Engineering/ Building Engineering from a recognized university or equivalent except MA Geography. 5. Transport Planning: Same as at S. No. 3 above as well as Master’s Degree in Statistics/ Operational Research from a recognized university or equivalent except M.A. Sociology/ Geography. 6. Landscape Architecture: Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Architecture/Architecture/Planning or equivalent, or Master’s Degree in Planning from a recognized university or equivalent. 7. Building Engineering & Management: Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineenng/Buiiding Engineering/Architecture/ Architectural Engineering/Building Science or Five Years Diploma in Construction Technology or equivalent from a recognized University/institution established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature. NOTE: A.I.I.A. (by examination) has been treated as equivalent to B.Arch. Degree Programmes (Full-Time) for the session 2009-10. MARKS: Candidates with atleast 55 percent marks in aggregate at the qualifying examination, 50% aggregate marks in respect of SC/ST candidates. APPLICATION BY POST: Eligible candidates must apply in prescribed application form available from selected branches of UCO bank in Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Nagpur, Kolkata and Mumbai or forms can be downloaded from the School’s website www.spa.ac.in ONLINE APPLICATIONS: Candidates may visit the School’s website www.spa.ac.in for submitting forms Online. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Separate application forms are to be submitted for each course. There are no restrictions on the number of courses that the candidate may apply for. Each application form must be submitted alongwith DD of Rs. 750/- drawn in favour of School of Planning and Architecture, payable at New Delhi. No copies of the certificates, marksheets, etc. are to be attached with the application forms. PG SCHOLARSHIPS: The distribution of the limited number of scholarships @ Rs. 8000/- p.m. to GATE/CEED (applicable only for ID course) / UGC (NETR/JF qualified candidates and contingency grant of Rs. 8,000/- per annum shall be made as per the prescribed guidelines. FN/NRI/PIO: (Foreign National (FN)-10%, (Non Resident Indian (NRI)-3% and Person of Indian Origin (PlO)-2%) may apply alongwith documents and registration fee of US dollar 300 (non-refundable). The candidates who have qualified from the foreign boards/ universities and recognized as equivalent by the AIU shall be considered. In case of NRIs, who has studied aboard for five years in the last eight years of the stay and has passed the required qualifying examination from that country are eligible to apply. Foreign nationals who are awarded Govt. of India scholarship under various schemes/self-financing foreign students sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India shall be given preference. Detailed guidelines may be obtained from the School. Applications already received will be considered. RESERVATION OF SEATS: Reservations for all the courses will be applicable as per rules of the Government of India. For details please visit our website. QUERIES: Any queries may be addressed to Assistant Registrar (A & E) in writing or by e-mail to [email protected] or fax 011-23702396. IMPORTANT DATES 1. Issue of Application Forms Commences on: 2. Available from UCO Bank Branches from DELHI: IIPA (I.P. Estate, Ring Road), Defence Colony (Near Mool Chand Flyover), Connaught Place (Near Marina Hotel), Karol Bagh (Arya Samaj Road), Som Vihar (R.K. Puram), Punjabi Bagh (Ring Road), BANGALORE, PUNE, NAGPUR, KOLKATA, CHENNAI AND MUMBAI against payment of the Application Fee of Rs. 750/- in cash (during working hours only.) 20.4.2009 3. Last Date of Issue of Application Forms from notified branches of UCO Bank 16.5.2009 4. Last Date of Receipt of completed Application Forms by the School at the Counter and by Registered Post or Online 18. 5. 2009 For details, please visit our website www.spa.ac.in Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751 010, Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan , TS-3/193, Mancheswar Ind.Estate, Bhubaneswar-751010, Phone No.(0674) 2587532, 2582533, FAX: 2582535 e-mai l : ni j ukti [email protected] CÞ|?C · CuiO CÞ|O OG| Editor - Sudhir Kumar Panda "0 RNI No. 52621/93, Postal Regd. No. BN/43/09-11 Approved by Govt. of India (DAVP, Min. of I & B) & Govt. of Odisha 25 April- 01 May 2009 CMYK JOB OPPORTUNITY IN SWADHAR PROJECT Applications are invited for following positions in the shelter Home for women under the SWADHAR project sponsored by Government of India, Ministry of HRD, Deptt. of Women & Child Development and run by AHEAD (Association for Health, Education and Devel- opment) at Nayagarh, Dist- Nayagarh. POST ELIGIBILITY Resident Superintendent Women graduate/Post-graduation in any discipline minimum 2 years experience in NGO/Social Development activities with computer knowledge. Counsellor Women graduate wi th mi ni mum 2 years rel evant Counselling experience with computer knowledge. Apply with detail bio-data and photograph within 15 days from the date of publication to Post Box No.85, GPO, Bhubaneswar-1 REQUIRED FOR VOLTAGE ENGINEERIG LTD. QATAR EPIC Contractor for Oil & Gas and Electricity Network Projects 1. Project managers/ Engineers (Electrical) : 14 Post 2. Instrumentation Engineer (Elect./ Instr.) : 2 Posts 3. Procurement Manager/ Engineer (Elect.) : 2 Posts 4. QA/QC Engineer (Electrical/ Civil) : 3 Posts 5. Mechanical Engineer : 5 Posts (piping/Directional Drilling work) Degree or Diploma in appropriate discipline with 7-20 Yrs. Experience with reputed EPIC Contractor/ Corporation. Apply: Fax: +974683746, E-Mail: [email protected] Online: www.velqatar.com SWAMI VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE Jagannath Temple Road, Gosaninuagaon, BERHAMPUR, Ganjam, Orissa, Ph. No.: 0680- 3201133, 2211332 9238164774, (BERHAMPUR) Ph. No.: 06856- 223774, 9438650800 POST VACANT FOR BRAHMAPUR/ RAYAGADA 1. PRINCIPAL: Quali. PHD in any subject with 8-10 yrs. experience in academics and administration. 2. LECTURER IN: (i) Commerce (ii) Physics (iii) Chemistry (iv) Botany (v) Zoology (vi) IT Oriya (vii) English (ix) Yoga Quali. Master or Equivalent Degree with minimum 60% of mark and 2 yrs of experience in relevant subjetcs. 3. DEMONSTRATOR: (i) Physics (ii) Chemistry (iii) IT (iv) Botany (v) Zoology. Quali.: Bachelor or Equivalent Degree in relevant subjetc with 2 yrs. expepri ence i n handl i ng laboratory. 4. LIBRARIAN: Quali.: M. Lib. with 1 yr. experience. B.Lib with 3 yrs. experience. 5. OFFFICE SUPERINTENDENT: Quali: Graduation with 2-5 yrs. experience in handling all sorts of offi ce works. Computer Proficiency highly required. 6. FRONT OFFICE EXECUTIVE: Quali: Graduation with pleasing personality, fluency in English, Hindi, Oriya & Tulgu with Computer knowledge. 7. STUDENTS COUNSELLOR: Quali: Postgraduation with friendly personality and ability to handle student related issues with patience. 8. HOSTEL WARDEN: (MALE): Quali.: Graduation with friendly personality to stay in the Boys Hostel round the clock. 9. HOSTEL WARDEN : (FEMALE) : Quali: Female graduate with friendly personality to stay with the girls round the clock. 10. HOSTEL CARE TAKER FOR BOTH THE HOSTELS: Matriculate male and female. 11. OFFICE ATTENDANT: Quali: Matriculation 12. LAB ATTENDANT: Quali.: +2 SC. 13. WATCHMAN : Quali: Matriculate with strong personality. 14. DRIVER : Quali: Matriculate with DL and driving experience. 15. COOK: Experienced in handling big mess. 16. SWEEPER: 17. GARDENER : 18. HOSTEL MAID Salary for all the post is negotiable. The persons interested in any post can contact the given nos or may personally meet the president/ principal (SVIITM) PRINCIPAL, DIRECTOR Contact: H.Q. SVIITM, VIP Colony, Kamapalli, BRAHMAPUR R. Ch. Ulaka’s residence, New Colony, RAYAGADA A milestone on the path of success. The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani is an Institution declared as Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC act. Applications are invited for admission to the following higher degree and Ph.D. programmes offered by the institute. Admissions will be made on all-India basis strictly according to merit and suitability of the candidate to pursue the following programmes of studies. A. HIGHER DEGREE PROGRAMMES: (I) At BITS, Pilani-Pilani Campus M.E.: Bi otechnol ogy; Chemi cal : Chemi cal (wi th specialization in Petroleum Engg.): Civil (with specialization i n Structural Engg./ Transportati on Engi neeri ng); Communi cati on Engi neeri ng; Mi croel ectroni cs; Electrical(with specialization in Power Electronics & Drives); Embedded Systems; Mechanical; Manufacturing Systems Engineering; Design Engineering; Computer Science; Software Systems. M.Pharm.; M.Pharm. (with specialization in Pharmaceutics/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry) Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Engineering & Technol ogy Management; IT Enabl ed Servi ces Management. Master of Public Health (MPH) M.Phil. (Chemistry) (II) at BITS, Pilani-Goa Campus M.E.: Biotechnology; Chemical*; Design Engineering; Embedded Systems: Software Systems. * Chemical with specialization in Process System Engineering is also being planned. (III) at BITS, Pilani-Hyderabad Campus M.E.: Microelectronics; Computer Science Duration: Normally Four Semesters Eligibility: A minimum of 60% aggregate in the qualifying examination. Programmewise eligibility is available at BITS website www.bitsadmission.com/hd/ Note: Offering of Programmes will depend upon the minimum number of suitable candidates for the particular programme. B. DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES LEADING TO Ph.D. IN ALL DISCIPLINES Input Qualification: Any Higher Degree of BITS or its equivalent with a minimum of 60% aggregate in the qualifying examination. Any applicant with qualification equivalent to integrated first degree of BITS will be first examined for suitability to one of the higher degree programmes of the Institute.Such candidates may first be admitted to the M.E/M.Phil programmes offered by the Institute subject to the eligibility conditions. Employed professionals working in Industries and R & D Organizations and having long experience and proven competence aspiring for Ph.D. programme will be considered under the Ph.D Aspirant’s scheme and will be allowed to pursue their research at their own locations of work. Candidates holding any of the BITS degree or working in an organization collaborating with BITS will normally be considered under this scheme. Industries interested in the scheme for the development of their manpower at the doctoral level are invited to seek collaboration with BITS and sponsor their suitable candidates along with their applications in the prescribed format. Note: (i) Admission to Higher Degree Programmes are based on the performance of the candidates in the computer based online test and/or written test, group discussions and interview conducted by BITS. The details of test, syllabus for the test and admissions modality are available at the BITS website. www.bitsadmission.com/hd/ The online tests will be held during 12th- 13th June 2009 at planned centers in Bangalore, Chennai, Goa, Noida, Hyderabad, Kolkatta, Nagpur & Pilani subject to a certain minimum number of candidates opting for each center. Based on test performance candidates will be short listed and asked to come to Pilani/ Goa/Hyderabad on 27th July 2009 for interviews/written test/ Group Discussion at their own cost. (ii) For the Ph.D. Programmes short listed candidates will be asked to come to Pilani for test and interview at their own cost. (iii) ASSISTANTSHIPS FOR TEACHING CAREER: Applicants for admission to the higher degree and Ph.D. programmes will also be considered for financial assistance in the form of Teaching/Project/Research Assistantship. Such selected candidates will be required to participate in teaching and other developmental programme of the Institute under the guidance of a mentor. C. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Interested and eligible candidates should apply through the prescri bed appl i cati on from avai l abe onl i ne at www.bitsadmission.com/hd/ and take the printout of the filled form. The completed application form alongwith the prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- should be sent to Admissions Officer, BITS, Pilani- 333 031. Details of methods of fee payment are available at the website while applying online. Deadling for submission of the completed application form is 5.00 P.M on 30th May 2009. For more details candidates must consult the BITS website www.bitsadmission.com/hd/ ADMISSION OFFICER April, 2009 BITS, Pilani- 333031 (Raj) BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE (BITS) PILANI, (RAJASTHAN) 333 031 http://www.bits-ilani.ac.in ADMISSION TO HIGHER DEGREE AND Ph.D. PROGRAMMES FOR I SEMESTER 2009-2010
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