240281 MerriamWebsters a Dictionary of Prefixes Suffixes and Combining Forms

March 18, 2018 | Author: marta_srg | Category: Ammonia, Amine, Languages Of Europe, Linguistics



A Dictionary ofPrcfixcs, Suffixcs, and Combining Forms from Webster's 1hird New lnternationa/ Dictionary, Unabridçed © 2002 Webster's 1hird New lnternationa/ Dictionary is now onIinc visit www.Mcrriam-WcbstcrLnabridgcd.com for a 14-day frcc triaI www.mcrriam-wcbstcr.com www.wordccntraI.com abIativc accusativc activc ad}cctivc advcrb AngIo-Frcnch AIbanian aItcration anatomy aorist Armcnian Avcstan bioIogy botany ccntimctcr-gram-sccond chcmistry combining form con}unction contraction crystaIIograµhy Dutch Danish dativc diaIcct diminutivc EngIish csµcciaIIy Frcnch fcmininc from frcqucntativc futurc Gcrman gcnitivc gcoIogy Grcck Gcrmanic Gothic Hittitc Indo-Euroµcan imitativc indicativc intcr}cction Irish GacIic irrcguIar IntcrnationaI Scicntific VocabuIary ItaIian itaIic Latin Latc Grcck IitcraIIy Lithuanian Latc Latin mascuIinc MiddIc Dutch MiddIc EngIish mcdicinc MiddIc Frcnch MiddIc Grcck MiddIc High Gcrman MiddIc Irish McdicvaI Latin modification noun ncutcr Ncw Latin nominativc noun µIuraI obsoIctc OId EngIish OId Frcnch OId Frisian OId High Gcrman OId Irish OId Latin OId Norsc OId Pcrsian OoI ProvcnçaI OId Prussian originaIIy OId Saxon OId Scandinavian OId SIavic OId WcIsh µarticiµIc µcrhaµs µcrson Portugucsc µIuraI µrcµosition µrcscnt µrobabIy µronoun Russian Scots singuIar Sanskrit Sµanish sµccificaIIy suµcrIativc Swcdish Tocharian A Turkish usuaIIy variant vcrb VuIgar Latin WcIsh Abbrcviations in This Work Thc abbrcviations in this Iist arc rcguIarizcd to onc styIc without µcriods, aIthough thcy may aµµcar with µcriods in contcxt, dcµcnding on whcthcr µrintcd in roman tyµc or itaIics. abI acc act ad} adv AF AIb aItcr anat aor Arm Av bioI bot cgs chcm comb. form con} contr crystaIIog D Dan dat diaI dim E csµ F fcm fr frcq fut G gcn gcoI Gk Gmc Goth Hitt IE imit indic intcr} IrGacI irrcg ISV It itaI L LGk Iit Lith LL masc MD ME mcd MF MGk MHG MIr ML modif n ncut NL nom n µI obs OE OF OFris OHG OIr OL ON OPcr OProv OPruss orig OS OScan OSIav OW µart µcrh µcrs Pg µI µrcµ µrcs µrob µron Russ Sc sing Skt Sµ sµccif suµcrI Sw Toch A Turk usu var vb VL W ¹a- pre/ix [ME, fr. OE a-, an, on] 1 : on : in : at _abcd; _afoot; _asundcr; - somctimcs uscd in diaIcct sµccch in Iocutions not found in standard _hc did it a-µurµosc; 2 : in (such) a statc or condition _afirc; _asIccµ; - oftcn uscd with with _acrawI with ants; 3 : in (such) a manncr _aIoud; 4 : in thc act of : in thc µroccss of _daddy`s gonc a-hunting; _months Iatcr thc shiµ was stiII a-buiIding; ²a- or an- pre/ix [L & Gk; L a-, an-, fr. Gk - morc at L×-] : not : without _achromatic; _ascxuaI; - uscd chicfIy with words of Gk or L origin; a- bcforc consonants othcr than h and somctimcs cvcn bcforc h, an- bcforc vowcIs and usu. bcforc h _ahistoricaI; _ancsthcsia; _anhydrous; -a- conbininç /orn [ISV] : rcµIacing carbon csµ. in a ring - in initiaI combining forms as sccond constitucnt aftcr a first constitucnt dcsignating a chcmicaI cIcmcnt _arsa-; _aza-; -a n su//ix -s [NL, µrob. fr. originaIIy nonsignificant -a in naç- nesia, fr. ML -a (in naçnesia, aIchcmicaI substancc), fr. Gk -a, -e (in naçnesia, naçnesie, aIchcmicaI substancc, magnct), fr. nom. sing. fcm. ad}cctivaI cnding corrcsµonding to nom. sing. masc. -os and nom. sing. ncut. -on] : oxidc _ccria; _Ian- thana; _thoria; ¹ab- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L, fr. ab from] 1 : from : dcµarting from _abnormaI; 2 : away : outsidc of _abcn- tcric; ²ab- pre/ix [abso/ute] - uscd for a cgs cIcctromagnctic unit _abamµcrc; _abhcnry; abdomin- or abdomino- conbininç /orn [L abdonin-, abdonen] : abdomcn : abdominaI _abdoninaIgia; _abdoninoµcrincaI; _abdoninocardiac; -ability a/so -ibility n su//ix -rs [ME -ab/ete, -abi/ite, -ib/ete, -ibi/ite, fr. MF -ab/eté, -abi/ité, -ib/eté, -ibi/ité, fr. L -abi/itas, -ibi/itas, fr. -abi/is, -ibi/is + -tas -ty] : caµacity, fitncss, or tcn- dcncy to act or bc actcd on in a (sµccificd) way _cnsiIabi/ity; _washabi/ity; abio- conbininç /orn [²a- + bio-] : whatcvcr is IifcIcss _abio- gcncsis; -able a/so -ible adi su//ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -abi/is, -ibi/is, fr. -a-, -i- (thcmatic vowcIs of various con}ugations of vcrbs) + -bi/is caµabIc or worthy of (bcing actcd uµon)] 1 : caµabIc of, fit for, or worthy of (bcing so actcd uµon or toward) - chicfIy in ad}cctivcs dcrivcd from vcrbs _brcakab/e; _conncctib/e; _catab/e; _Iovab/e; 2 : tcnding to, givcn to, favoring, causing, abIc to, or IiabIc to _agrccab/e; _changcab/e; _knowIcdgc- ab/e; _µcaccab/e; _µcrishab/e; - -ableness n su//ix -rs - -ably a/so -ibly adv su//ix -ac n su//ix -s [Gk -akos of or rcIating to, var. of -ikos ¹-ic aftcr noun stcms cnding in i] : onc affcctcd with _hcmoµhiIiac; _nostaIgiac; acanth- or acantho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk akanth-, akan- tho-, fr. akantha, akin to ON öçn awn] : thorn : sµinc _acan- thocarµous; _Acanthoµhis; -acanthus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk akantha thorn] : ani- maI having (such) a sµinc or (such or so many) sµincs _CcµhaIacanthus; _Ctcnacanthus; - in gcncric namcs csµ. of fishcs acar- or acari- or acaro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Acarus] : mitc _acaroid; _acaricidc; ace- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. acetic] : acctic _acenaµhthcnc;; speci/ : rcIatcd to accnaµhthcnc _aceanthrcnc; -ace n conbininç /orn -s [LGk ake µoint] : aµcx having (so many) faccs _hcµtace; _tcssarace; -acea n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L, ncut. µI. of -aceus -accous] : animaIs charactcrizcd by : animaIs of thc naturc of _Cctacea; _Crustacea; - in namcs of zooIogicaI divisions Iargcr than a gcnus, csµ. ordcrs and cIasscs -aceae n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L, fcm. µI. of -aceus -accous] : µIants of thc naturc of _Acanthaceae; _Rosaceae; - in namcs of famiIics of µIants; formcrIy in namcs of ordcrs of µIants ¹-acean adi su//ix [NL -acea, -aceae + E -an] : -AcroLs _rosacean; ²-acean n su//ix -s : organism charactcrizcd by : organism of thc naturc of _crustacean; _rosacean; - in singuIar corrc- sµonding to µIuraIs in -acea, -aceae acenaphth- or acenaphtho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. acenaph- thene] : accnaµhthcnc : accnaµhthyIcnc _acenaphthoµhcn- anthrcnc; -acene n su//ix -s [ISV, fr. anthracene] : aromatic µoIycycIic hydrocarbon containing thrcc or morc fuscd bcnzcnc rings in straight Iincar scqucncc _naµhthacene; -aceous adi su//ix [L -aceus] : charactcrizcd by _arcnaceous; _argiIIaceous; : of thc naturc of _hcrbaceous; : bcIonging to or conncctcd with a division of animaIs charactcrizcd by or of thc naturc of _cctaceous; _crustaceous; : bcIonging to or conncctcd with a famiIy of µIants of thc naturc of _soIana- ceous; - oftcn in ad}cctivcs corrcsµonding to bioIogicaI cIas- sification namcs in -acea, -aceae acet- or aceto- conbininç /orn [F & L; F acét-, fr. L acet-, fr. acetun vincgar] : acctic acid : acctic : acctyI _acetaIdchydc; _acetamidc; _acetobcnzoic; achro- or achroö- conbininç /orn [Gk achroos, fr. a- ²a- + -chroos coIorcd - morc at -cnÞooLs] : coIorIcss _achrodcx- trin; _achroöcyst; achromat- or achromato- conbininç /orn [Gk achrõnatos coI- orIcss, fr. a- ²a- + -chrõnatos coIorcd, fr. chrõnat-, chrõna coIor] : achromatic _achronaturia; : somcthing achromatic _achronatoIysis; acou- or acouo- conbininç /orn [F acou-, fr. Gk akouein to hcar] : hcaring : Iistcning _acoumctcr; _acouoµhonia; -acousia or -acusia n conbininç /orn, p/ -acousiae or -acusiae [NL, fr. Gk akousis (fr. akouein to hcar + -sis) + NL -ia] : hcar- ing _µrcsbyacousia; _hyµcracusia; acr- or acro- a/so akr- or akro- conbininç /orn [MF or Gk; MF acro-, fr. Gk akr-, akro-, fr. akros toµmost, cxtrcmc; akin to Gk akne µoint] 1 : bcginning : cnd : tiµ _acroIogy; 2 a : toµ : µcak : summit _acroµctaI; _acroccµhaIy; b : hcight _acro- µhobia; c : cxtrcmity of thc body, csµ. thc human body _acrocyanosis; acromio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. acronion] : acromiaI and _acroniodcItoid; _acroniostcrnaI; ¹-act adi conbininç /orn [Gk aktis ray - morc at Ac1r×-] : having (such or so many) rays _µoIyact; _tctract; - in tcrms aµµIicd to sµongc sµicuIcs ²-act n conbininç /orn -s : onc having (such or so many) rays _hcxact; _triact; - in namcs of sµongc sµicuIcs actin- or actini- or actino- conbininç /orn [NL actin- ray, fr. Gk aktin-, aktino-, fr. aktin-, aktis, akin to OE uhte morning twiIight, OHG uhta, ON õtta, Goth uhtwo, Skt aktu Iight, night, L noct-, nox night] 1 a : having a radiatcd structurc _Actinoµoda; _Actinomyccs; b : actinian _actiniform; _Actinozoa; 2 a : actinic _actinautograµhy; b : of, rcIating to, or causcd by actinic radiation (as X rays) _actinothcraµy; -actinal adi conbininç /orn [Gk aktin-, aktis ray + E -a/] : -Ac1r×r -actine adi conbininç /orn [Gk aktin-, aktis] : having (such or so many) rays _discoactine; _µcntactine; - csµ. in tcrms aµµIicd to sµongc sµicuIcs actinio- conbininç /orn [Actinia] : actinian _actiniochromc; _actiniohcmatin; acu- conbininç /orn [ML, fr. L acu, abI. of acus nccdIc; akin to L acies cdgc] : with a nccdIc _acuµuncturc; Prcfixcs, Suffixcs, and Combining Forms from Webster's 1hird New lnternationa/ Dictionary acuti- conbininç /orn [ML, fr. L acutus] : sharµ-µointcd _acu- tifoIiatc; : sharµIy angIcd _acutiµIantar; acuto- conbininç /orn [acute] : acutc and _acuto-gravc; : acutcIy _acuto-nodosc; ad- or ac- or af- or ag- or al- or ap- or as- or at- pre/ix [ad- fr. ME, fr. L, fr. ad, ac- fr. ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. ad, a/- fr. ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. ad, aç- fr. ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. ad, a/- fr. ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. ad, ap- fr. ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. ad, as- fr. ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. ad, at- fr. ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. ad] 1 : to : toward - usu. ac- bcforc c, k, or q _accuIturation; and a/- bcforc / _a/formativc; and aç- bcforc ç _açgradation; and a/- bcforc / _a/Iincation; and ap- bcforc p _apµcrsonation; and as- bcforc s _asscIf; and at- bcforc t _attunc; and ad- bcforc othcr sounds _adnominaI; _advcrbiaI; but somctimcs ad- cvcn bcforc onc of thc Iistcd consonants _adµronominaI; 2 : ncar : ad}accnt to - in this scnsc aIways in thc form ad- _adoraI; _adrcnaI; ¹-ad n su//ix -s [MF & L; MF -ade, fr. L -ad-, -as, fr. Gk -ad-, -as, fcm. suffix dcnoting dcsccnt from or conncction with] 1 a : µcriod of timc _quinqucnniad; b : grouµ, aggrcgatc, or unit of (so many) µarts _quintad; c : cIcmcnt, atom, or rad- icaI having (such or so grcat) a chcmicaI vaIcncc _artiad; _µcrissad; _dyad; 2 : cµic of : µocm ccIcbrating _CoIumbiad; 3 [µrob. fr. NL -ad-, -as (uscd as finaI cIcmcnt in botanicaI gcnus namcs), fr. Gk] : mcmbcr of (such) a botanicaI grouµ _magnoIiad; _moringad; 4 : kind of µIant or animaI µroduccd by or associatcd with _ccad; _variad; - -adic adi su//ix ²-ad adv su//ix [L ad] bio/ : in thc dircction of : toward : -wAÞo _ccµhaIad; _vcntrad; -ade n su//ix -s [ME, fr. MF, fr. OProv -ada, fr. LL -ata, fr. L, fcm. of -atus -atc] 1 : act : action _bIockade; 2 a : µroduct _}amrosade; b : swcct drink _orangcade; adel- or adelo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ade/, ade/o- unsccn, fr. ade/os, fr. a- ²a- + de/os visibIc, cvidcnt; akin to OE tætan to gIaddcn, OHG reir dcar, ON teitr gIad, Skt dideti hc shincs, L dies day] : conccaIcd : not aµµarcnt _Ade/astcr; _ade/oµod; adelpho- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. ade/phos] : brothcr _ade/phogamy; -adelphous adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -ade/phus, fr. Gk ade/phos brothcr, fr. a- (fr. assumcd ha-, akin to heis, nia, hen onc, honos samc) + -de/phos (akin to de/phys womb)] : having (such or so many) stamcn fascicIcs _isade/phous; _monade/p- hous; aden- or adeno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk adeno-, fr. aden-, aden, akin to ON ökkr Iumµ, L inçuen groin, Gk nephros kid- ncy] 1 : gIand : gIanduIar _adenitis; _adenocarcinoma; 2 : gIanduIar and _adenoncuraI; adip- or adipo- conbininç /orn [L adip-, adeps, fr. Gk a/eipha, akin to Gk /ipos fat, Iard] 1 : fat : fatty tissuc _adipic; _adipoccIc; 2 : conncctcd with adiµic acid _adipamidc; _adiponitriIc; adren- or adreno- conbininç /orn [adrena/] 1 : adrcnaI gIands _adrenocorticaI; _adrenomcduIIary; _adrenotroµic; : adrcnaI and _adrenogcnitaI; 2 : adrcnaIinc _adrencrgic; aer- or aero- conbininç /orn [ME aero-, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. Gk aer-, aero-, fr. aer-, aer] 1 a : air : atmosµhcrc : acriaI _aer- atc; _aercnchyma; _aerobic; b : acriaI and _aerohydrous; 2 : gas _aeromctry; _aerosoI; 3 : aviation _aerodromc; _aero- tcchnicaI; aeri- conbininç /orn [LL aeri-, fr. L aer] : air _aeriform; _aer- ify; aeto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk aetos, akin to L avis bird] : cagIc _aetomorµh; _Aetosaurus; - csµ. in namcs of taxo- nomic grouµs in zooIogy -aetus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk aetos - morc at Ar1o-] : cagIc - in gcncric namcs of birds _Circaetus; afr- or afro- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L A/r-, A/er African] : African _A/ramcrican; : African and _A/ro-Asiatic; agam- or agamo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. LL açanus unmar- ricd, fr. Gk açanos, fr. a- ²a- + çanos marriagc] : ascxuaI _açanic; _açanogcncsis; agath- or agatho- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. açathos, µcrh. akin to OE çõd good] : good _Açathosma; _açathoIogy; -age n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -aticun] 1 : aggrcgatc : coIIcc- tion _ccIIaraçe; _surµIusaçe; _trackaçe; _wordaçe; 2 a : action : µroccss _covcraçe; _hauIaçe; _stoµµaçe; b : cumu- Iativc rcsuIt of _brcakaçe; _shrinkaçe; c : ratc of _dosaçe; _Icakaçe; _outaçe; _sIiµµaçe; 3 : housc or µIacc of _orµhan- açe; _µarsonaçe; 4 : statc : rank _bondaçe; _µconaçe; 5 : chargc for (an act or scrvicc) _µostaçe; _towaçe; _wharfaçe; -agogue a/so -agog n conbininç /orn -s [F & NL; F -açoçue, fr. LL -açoçus µromoting thc cxµuIsion of, fr. Gk -açõços, fr. açõços Icading, drawing forth, fr. açein to Icad; NL -açoçon, ncut. of -açoços µromoting thc cxµuIsion of, fr. Gk -açõços] : substancc that µromotcs thc sccrction or cxµuIsion of _choIaçoçue; _Iymµhaçoçue; -agra n conbininç /orn, p/ -agrae a/so -agras [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. açra hunting, catch; akin to W aer war, L açere to drivc] : scizurc of µain _cardiaçra; _mcIaçra; agrio- conbininç /orn [GK & NL; NL, fr. Gk, fr. açrios, fr. açros ficId] : wiId _açrioIogy; agro- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. açros ficId] 1 : of or bcIonging to ficIds or soiI : agricuIturaI _açronomy; _açros- tcroI; 2 : agricuIturaI and _açroindustriaI; -aholic or -oholic n conbininç /orn -s [a/coho/ic] 1 : onc who fccIs comµuIsivcIy thc nccd to (do somcthing) _shoµaho/ic; _winaho/ic; 2 : onc who Iikcs (somcthing) to cxccss _goIfa- ho/ic; ailur- or ailuro- or aelur- or aeluro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ai/ouro-, fr. ai/ouros] : cat _ai/urodon; _ai/uroµhobia; ¹-al adi su//ix [ME -a/, -e/, fr. OF & L; OF -a/, -e/, fr. L -a/is] : of, rcIating to, or charactcrizcd by _dircctiona/; _fictiona/; _hormona/; _organizationa/; _sµcctra/; _tida/; ²-al n su//ix -s [ME -ai//e, fr. OF, fr. L -a/ia, ncut. µI. of -a/is] : action or µroccss _bcstowa/; _rchcarsa/; _withdrawa/; ³-al n su//ix -s [F, fr. a/coo/ aIcohoI, fr. ML a/coho/] 1 a : aIdc- hydc _butana/; _saIicyIa/; b : acctaI _butyra/; 2 : µharma- ccuticaI µroduct _barbita/; alb- or albo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. a/bus] : whitc _a/bitc; _a/bocincrcous; albumin- or albumini- or albumino- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F, fr. L a/bunin-, a/bunen] : aIbumcn : aIbumin _a/bu- ninoid; _a/buninifcrous; _a/buninoIysis; alco- or alcoo- conbininç /orn [a/coho/] : aIcohoI _a/cogcI; _a/cosoI; _a/coomctcr; ald- or aldo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F a/d-, fr. a/déhyde, fr. G a/dehyd] 1 : containing thc aIdchydc grouµ - in namcs of cIasscs of comµounds _a/dohcxosc; 2 : rcIatcd to an aIdchydc _a/diminc; aldon- or aldono- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. a/donic (in a/donic acid)] : rcIatcd to or dcrivcd from an aIdonic acid _a/don- amidc; _a/donoIactonc; -ales n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L, µI. of -a/is -aI] : µIants bcIonging to or rcIatcd to _Chytridia/es; _Rosa/es; - in thc namcs of ordcrs of µIants; in somc cIassifications in thc namcs of othcr suµcrfamiIiaI grouµs of µIants (as aIIianccs or cohorts) aleuro- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. a/euron whcat fIour, fIour; akin to Arm a/an I grind] : fIour _a/euromctcr; alg- or algo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk a/ç-, fr. a/ços] : µain _a/çcsthcsis; _a/çancsthcsia; _a/çoµhobia; -algia n conbininç /orn -s [Gk -a/çia, fr. a/ços] : µain : µainfuI condition _ccµhaIa/çia; _µoda/çia; - -algic adi conbininç /orn -algy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -a/çia] : -ALcrA ali- conbininç /orn [L, fr. a/a] 1 : wing _a/iform; _a/itrunk; 2 : rcIating to thc sidc µarts of (a sµccificd organ or structurc) _a/icthmoid; _a/inasaI; -alia n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ha/ia asscmbIy & Gk ha/-, ha/s sca; Gk ha/ia akin to Gk ei/ein to comµrcss, OSIav ve/ikŭ grcat, and µcrh. to L vu/çus common µcoµIc; Gk ha/s sca, akin to Gk ha/s saIt] : rcaIm of marinc animaI Iifc - in namcs of biogcograµhic rcaIms _Arcta/ia; _Bassa/ia; - -alian adi conbininç /orn acuti- -alia 2 alk- conbininç /orn [a/ky/] : aIkyI _a/kacryIic; _a/kiodidc; alka- conbininç /orn [a/kane] : aIkanc _a/kadiync; _a/kaµoIy- cnc; all- or allo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. a//os othcr, diffcrcnt] 1 : othcr : diffcrcnt : dissimiIar : cxtrancous _a//crgy; _a//oµa- thy; _a//oscmatic; 2 a//o- : isomcric form, cIosc rcIativc, or varicty of (a sµccificd chcmicaI comµound) _a//o-ocimcnc; _a//otcIIuric acid;: as a : thc morc stabIc form (of two gco- mctricaI isomcrs) _a//ocinnamic acid; b : 1ÞA×s- 3 - csµ. in namcs of stcrcoisomcric comµounds containing two fuscd sat- uratcd rings _a//ochoIanic acid; _a//oµrcgnanc; 3 usu a//o- : having dissimiIar gcnomcs _a//ohctcroµIoid; _a//oµIoid; _a//otriµIoid; - oµµoscd to aut- allant- or allanto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, sausagc, fr. a//ant-, a//as, µrob. of ItaIic origin; akin to L a/iun garIic] 1 : aIIantoic : aIIantoid _a//antochorion; _a//antoin; 2 : sausagc _a//antiasis; allelo- conbininç /orn [Gk a//e/o- cach othcr, fr. a//e/õn of cach othcr, fr. a//os . . . a//os onc . . . thc othcr, fr. a//os othcr] 1 : aItcrnativc _a//e/omorµh; 2 : of or for cach othcr : rcciµro- caI : rcciµrocaIIy _a//e/ocataIytic; _a//e/otroµism; allo- conbininç /orn [GK a//os . . . a//os onc . . . thc othcr, fr. a//os othcr] : bcing onc of a grouµ whosc mcmbcrs togcthcr constitutc a structuraI unit csµ. of a Ianguagc _a//oµhonc; _a//omorµh; - comµarc -rmr allox- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. a//oxan] : aIIoxan -ally adv su//ix [¹-a/ + -/y] : ²-Lv _scmantica//y; - in advcrbs formcd from ad}cctivcs cnding in -ic with no aItcrnativc form cnding in -ica/ alterni- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L a/ternus aItcrnatc] : aItcrnatc : aItcrnatcIy _a/ternifoIiatc; _a/terniµctaIous; _a/terniµinnatc; alti- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. a/tus] 1 : high _a/tisonant; 2 : aItitudc _a/tigraµh; _a/timctcr; alumin- or alumino- conbininç /orn [MF a/unin-, fr. L, fr. a/u- nin-, a/unen] 1 : aIum _a/uniniform; 2 : aIuminum _a/u- ninograµhy; alveol- or alveolo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. a/veo/us] 1 : aIvcoIus _a/veo/cctomy; 2 : aIvcoIar and _a/veo/oIabiaI; -am n conbininç /orn -s [µrob. fr. G, µrob. fr. NL annonia] : chcmicaI comµound rcIatcd to ammonia _Iactan; _µhos- µhan; ambi- pre/ix [L anbi-, anb- both, on both sidcs, around; akin to L anbo both, Gk anphõ both, anphi around] : both _anbiIatcraI; _anbiµarous; ambly- or amblyo- conbininç /orn [LL anb/y-, fr. Gk, fr. anb/ys, akin to L no//is soft, no/ere to grind] 1 : bIunt : obtusc _Anb/yccµhaIus; 2 : duIIcd : dimmcd _anb/yacou- sia; 3 : conncctcd with ambIyoµia _anb/yoscoµc; amer- or amero- conbininç /orn, cap [Anerican] : Amcrican _AneroµhiIc; : Amcrican and _Anerasian; americo- conbininç /orn, cap [Anerica] 1 : rcIating to Amcrica or Amcricans _Anericomania; 2 : Amcrican and _Anerico- Libcrian; amid- or amido- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. anide] 1 : containing thc grouµ NH, charactcristic of amidcs unitcd to a radicaI of acid charactcr _anidosuIfuric; - distinguishcd from anin- 2 : Amr×- _anidoµhcnoI; 3 : containing thc radicaI ÷CONH÷ charactcristic of µoIyamidcs, µcµtidcs, and µrotcins amin- or amino- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. anine] now usu anino- : containing thc grouµ NH, charactcristic of µrimary amincs unitcd to a radicaI othcr than an acid radicaI _aninoacctaniIidc; _aninoguanidinc; - distinguishcd from anid- amm- or ammo- conbininç /orn [anno-, fr. Gk, fr. annos sand] : sand _annoµhiIous; ammino- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. G, fr. annin amminc] : amminc _anninochIoridc; ammoni- or ammonio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. annoniun] : containing ammonia or ammonium _annoniocuµric suI- fatc; ammono- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. annonia] 1 : ammonia _annonoIysis; 2 : dcrivcd from ammonia - in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds _annonocarbonic acid HN=C(NH,),;; comµarc AqLo- 2 amnio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. annion, fr. Gk] 1 : amnion _anniotomc; 2 : amniotic and _annioaIIantoic; amorph- or amorpho- conbininç /orn [Gk, anorph-, fr. anor- phos] : amorµhous _anorphism; _anorphoµhytc; ampel- or ampelo- conbininç /orn [NL anpe/-, fr. Gk anpe/-, anpe/o-, fr. anpe/os] : graµcvinc _anpe/oµsis; _anpe/ogra- µhy; amphi- or amph- pre/ix [L anphi- around, on both sidcs, fr. Gk anphi-, anph-, fr. anphi - morc at Amnr-] 1 : around _anphisµcrmous; 2 : on both sidcs : of both kinds : both _anphicarµic; _anphivorous; ampho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk anphõ - morc at Amnr-] : both _anphoµhiIic; amygdal- or amygdalo- conbininç /orn [L anyçda/-, fr. anyç- da/a] 1 : aImond : aImond famiIy _anyçda/asc; _anyçda/if- crous; 2 [NL, fr. anyçda/a] a : tonsiI _anyçda/otomy; b : tonsiIIar and _anyçda/o-uvuIar; amyl- or amylo- conbininç /orn [LL any/-, fr. L any/un, fr. Gk any/on, fr. ncut. of any/os not ground at thc miII, fr. a- ²a- + ny/os, ny/e miII] : starch _any/asc; _any/cmia; _any- /omctcr; ¹-an or -ian a/so -ean n su//ix -s [-an & -ian fr. ME -an, -ian, -ien, fr. OF & L; OF -ien, fr. L -ianus, fr. -i- + -anus, fr. -anus, ad}. suffix; -ean fr. such words as Mediterranean, European] 1 : onc that is of or bcIonging to _Amcrican; _Bostonian; 2 : onc skiIIcd in or sµcciaIizing in - csµ. in dcrivativcs from nouns cnding in -ic or -ics, in thc Iattcr casc with Ioss of -s _diaIcctician; _µhonctician; _statistician; 3 : onc bcIonging to a (sµccificd) zooIogicaI grouµ _crustaccan; _mammaIian; _crocodiIian; ²-an or -ian a/so -ean adi su//ix [-an & -ian fr. ME -an, -ian, -ien, fr. OF & L; OF -ien, fr. L -ianus, fr. -i- + -anus, -ean fr. such words as Mediterranean, European] 1 : of or bcIonging to _Amcrican; _FIoridian; _WcsIcyan; 2 : charactcristic of : rcscmbIing _Mozartean; _Shavian; 3 : of or bcIonging to a (sµccificd) gcoIogic µcriod, cµoch, or scrics _Cambrian; ³-an n su//ix -s [ISV -an, -ane, aItcr. of -ene, -ine, & -one] 1 : unsaturatcd carbon comµound _toIan C,H,C÷CC,H,; _urc- than; - csµ. in namcs of hctcrocycIic comµounds _furan; _aIIoxan;; comµarc -A×r 2 a : anhydridc rcµrcscnting a µoIy- mcr of a carbohydratc - usu. rcµIacing finaI -ose of thc car- bohydratc namc _xyIan; _dcxtran;, Icss oftcn rcµIacing finaI -e _µcntosan; b : intramoIccuIar anhydridc of a carbohy- dratc - rcµIacing finaI -e of thc carbohydratc namc _ß-gIu- cosan; ana- or an- pre/ix [ML, fr. L ana- & LL an-, fr. Gk ana-, an-, fr. ana uµ, on] 1 : uµ : uµward _anodc; _Anacardium; 2 : back : backward _ananym; 3 : again : ancw _anagcncsis; -ana or -iana n p/ su//ix [NL, coIIcctcd quotations from, fr. L, ncut. µI. of -anus -an & -ianus -ian] : coIIcctcd itcms of infor- mation csµ. anccdotaI or bibIiograµhicaI conccrning _Amcricana; _Johnsoniana; _Burnsiana; _coIIcgiana; - chicfIy in dcrivativcs from µcrsonaI namcs and µIacc namcs anarch- or anarcho- conbininç /orn [ML anarch-, fr. Gk, fr. anarchos] 1 : without govcrnmcnt _anarchicaI; 2 a : anar- chism and _anarchoµacifism; b : anarchist and _anarchoin- dividuaIist; anatomico- or anatomo- conbininç /orn [anatonic] : anatomi- caI and : anatomicaI _anatonicoµathoIogicaI; _anatonocIini- caI; -ance n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -antia, fr. -ant-, -ans -ant + -ia -y] 1 : action or µroccss _attcndance; _dcIivcrance; _fur- thcrance; : instancc of an action or µroccss _aµµcarance; _µcrformance; 2 : quaIity or statc _rcscmbIance; _tcmµcr- ance; : instancc of a quaIity or statc _µrotubcrance; 3 : amount or dcgrcc _conductance; _transmittance; -ancy n su//ix -rs [L -antia - morc at -A×cr] 1 : quaIity or statc _buoyancy; _µIiancy; 2 : instancc of a quaIity or statc _cxµcctancy; -ander n conbininç /orn -s [NL -andrus, fr. Gk -andros having alk- -ander 3 (such or so many) mcn - morc at -A×oÞoLs] : onc having (such or so many) stamcns - in words dcnoting mcmbcrs of Linnacan botanicaI cIasscs in -andria _hcxander; andr- or andro- conbininç /orn [MF andro-, fr. L andr-, andro-, fr. Gk, fr. andr-, aner man (maIc µcrson); akin to OIr nert strcngth, OScan ner man (maIc µcrson), Skt nr] 1 : man _androccntric; _androµhagous; : of or bcIonging to a man or mcn _androcracy; _androµhobia; : having thc charactcristics of a man and _androtauric; 2 : maIc _androgcncsis; : maIc and _androgynous; 3 : stamcn : anthcr _androccium; -andra n conbininç /orn [NL, fcm. of -andrus -androus] : onc having (such) a stamcn - in gcncric namcs of µIants _CaIIiandra; _Pachysandra; -andria n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fact or condition of having (such or so many) mcn - morc at -A×oÞv] : µIants having (such or so many) stamcns - in namcs of Linnacan botanicaI cIasscs _PoIyandria; -androus adi conbininç /orn [NL -andrus, fr. Gk -andros hav- ing (such or so many) mcn, fr. andr-, aner man (maIc µcrson) - morc at A×oÞ-] : having (such or so many) stamcns _monandrous; -andry n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -andria, fr. Gk, fact or con- dition of having (such or so many) mcn, fr. -andros + -ia -y] : µosscssion of (such or so many) stamcns _hctcrandry; -ane n su//ix -s [ISV -an, -ane, aItcr. of -ene, -ine, & -one] 1 : ³-A× 1 _urcthane; 2 : saturatcd or comµIctcIy hydrogcnat- cd carbon comµound - in namcs of hydrocarbons and somc µarcnt hctcrocycIic comµounds _mcthane; _choIcstane; _dioxane;; distinguishcd from -ene, -yne anem- or anemo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F anéno-, fr. Gk anen-, aneno-, fr. anenos] 1 : wind _anenosis; _anenomc- tcr; 2 : inhaIation _anenoµathy; ang- conbininç /orn [ançu/ar] usu ita/ : anguIar -ange n conbininç /orn -s [NL -ançiun] : -A×crLm angi- or angio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ançei-, ançeio- vcs- scI, bIood vcsscI, fr. ançeion, dim. of anços vcsscI; µcrh. akin to L ançu/us angIc] 1 a : bIood or Iymµh vcsscI _ançioid; _ançioIith; _ançiosis; b : angiomatous _ançiofibroma; : angiomatous and _ançiocavcrnous; 2 : sccd vcsscI _ançio- carµous; -angium n conbininç /orn, p/ -angia [NL, fr. Gk ançeion - morc at A×cr-] : vcsscI : rcccµtacIc _gamctançiun; _gonançiun; anglo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [NL, fr. ML Anç/i EngIish µco- µIc, fr. L, AngIcs] 1 : EngIish: a : of or bcIonging to EngIand _Anç/o-Norman; b : of EngIish origin, dcsccnt, or cuIturc _Anç/o-Indian; _Anç/o-Irish; 2 : EngIish and _Anç/o- Jaµancsc; _Anç/o-Russian; anguli- or angulo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. L ançu/us angIc] 1 : angIc _ançu/omctcr; : anguIar _ançu/incrvcd; 2 : of or bcIonging to thc anguIar and _ançu/osµIcniaI; angusti- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. L, fr. ançustus] : narrow _ançustifoIiatc; _ançustirostratc; anhydr- or anhydro- conbininç /orn [modif. (infIucnccd by hydr-, hydro-) of Gk anydr-, fr. anydros] 1 a : watcrIcss _anhy- drcmia; b : Iacking fIuid _anhydromycIia; 2 : anhydridc of _anhydrogIucosc; ¹anis- or aniso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. anisos, fr. an- + isos cquaI - morc at rs-] : uncquaI _anisodont; _anisos- thcnic; ²anis- or aniso- conbininç /orn [L anisun anisc] : anisc _anisic; : anisic acid _anisoyI; ankyl- or ankylo- a/so anchyl- or anchylo- or ancyl- or ancylo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk anky/-, anky/o-, fr. anky/os, akin to Gk ankos gIcn] 1 : crookcd : curvcd _Ancy/ostoma; 2 [NL, fr. Gk anky/-, anky/o-, fr. anky/õsis] a : stiff, immobiIc, con- strictcd, or cIoscd bccausc of adhcsion _anky/ogIossia; _anky/urcthria; b : ankyIosis _anky/oµhobia; ano- pre/ix [NL, fr. Gk anõ uµward, abovc, fr. ana uµ, on] 1 : uµward _anogcnic; _anooµsia; 2 : uµµcr _anocarµous; anom- or anomo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk anon- IawIcss, fr. anonos, fr. a- ²a- + nonos Iaw, fr. nenein to distributc] : unusuaI : abnormaI : irrcguIar _anonitc; _anonocarµous; anomal- or anomali- or anomalo- conbininç /orn [L anona/-, fr. Gk, fr. anõna/os uncvcn, irrcguIar] : anomaIous : irrcgu- Iar _anona/ifIorous; _anona/ism; _anona/occµhaIus; anopl- or anoplo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk anop/os, fr. an- + -hop/os (fr. hop/on tooI, wcaµon)] : unarmcd - chicfIy in namcs of zooIogicaI taxa _Anop/anthus; _anop/occµhaIic; ¹-ant n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. -ant, µrcs. µart. suffix, fr. L -ant-, -ans, µrcs. µart. suffix of first con}ugation, fr. -a- (vowcI of first con}ugation) + -nt-, -ns, µrcs. µart. suffix; akin to OE -nde, µrcs. µart. suffix, OHG -nti, ON -ndi, Goth -nds, Gk -nt-, -n, µrcs., fut., & aor. µart. suffix, Skt -nt, µrcs., fut., & aor. act. µart. suffix] 1 a : onc that µcrforms (a sµccificd action) : µcrsonaI or imµcrsonaI agcnt _assistant; _cIaimant; _cooIant; _dcodorant; _rcsuItant; b : thing that µromotcs (a sµccificd action or µroccss) _cxµcctorant; 2 : µcrson or thing conncctcd with _annuitant; _chcmothcraµcutant; 3 : thing that is actcd uµon (in a sµccificd manncr) _inhaIant; _ingcs- tant; 4 : thing that is uscd (for a sµccificd µurµosc) _antifog- gant; ²-ant adi su//ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. -ant, µrcs. µart. suffix] 1 : µcr- forming (a sµccificd action) or bcing (in a sµccificd condition) _dcnudant; _µroµcIIant; _somnambuIant; 2 : µromoting (a sµccificd action or µroccss) _cxµcctorant; ante- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, fr. ante bcforc, in front, in front of; akin to OE and-, on- against, OHG ant-, int-, ON and-, Goth anda-, and-, Gk anti bcforc, against, Skt anti in thc µrcscncc of, Hitt hanti in front] 1 a : µrior : µrcccdcnt : carIicr _antenati; _anteµast; _antetyµc; b : antcrior _anteroom; : forward _ante- fIcxion; _antevcrsion; 2 a : µrior to : carIicr than _antecIassi- caI; _antenataI; _anteµartum; b : in front of _anteorbitaI; _antetcmµIc; antero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L anterior] : antcrior _anteroµarictaI; : antcrior and _anteroIatcraI; : from front to _anteroµostcrior; anth- or antho- conbininç /orn [L anth-, fr. Gk anth-, antho-, fr. anthos] 1 : fIowcr _anthccoIogy; _anthocyanin; 2 : fIow- crIikc _Anthozoa; -anthema n conbininç /orn, p/ -anthemata or -anthemas [LL, fr. Gk -anthena, akin to Gk anthos fIowcr] : cruµtion : rash _cnanthena; -anthemum n conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk anthenon fIowcr, fr. anthos] : µIant having (such) a fIowcr - in gcncric namcs _HcIianthenun; _Xcranthenun; -anthera n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. anthera] : µIant having (such) an anthcr - in gcncric namcs _Adcnanthera; _Pyxidanthera; -antherous adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -antherus, fr. anthera anthcr] : having (such) an anthcr or (such or so many) anthcrs _dccantherous; _µhacnantherous; -anthery n conbininç /orn -rs : µosscssion of anthcrs, csµ. as indicatcd _µhacnanthery; -anthes n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -anthes bIooming, fIow- crcd, fr. anthos fIowcr] : µIant having (such) a fIowcr - in gcncric namcs _Achyranthes; _PoIianthes; _Zcµhyranthes; -anthous adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -anthus, fr. Gk anthos fIowcr] : -fIowcrcd _gymnanthous; _monanthous; - -anthy n conbininç /orn -rs anthr- or anthra- conbininç /orn[ISV anthracene] : anthraccnc nucIcus _anthroI; _anthragaIIoI; anthrac- or anthraco- conbininç /orn [L anthrac-, fr. Gk anthrak-, anthrako- charcoaI, carbuncIc, fr. anthrak-, anthrax] 1 : coaI : carbon _anthracosis; _anthracoIithic; _Anthraco- saurus; 2 : carbuncIc _anthracnosc; : anthrax _anthracoid; _anthracocidc; -anthrene n conbininç /orn -s [ISV anthracene] : substancc rcIatcd to anthraccnc _µhcnanthrene; _choIanthrene; anthrop- or anthropo- conbininç /orn [L anthropo-, fr. Gk anthrõp-, anthrõpo-, fr. anthrõpos, µcrh. irrcg. fr. andr-, aner man (maIc µcrson) + -õpos (fr. õps facc) - morc at A×oÞ-] : human bcing _anthropoid; _anthropogcncsis; -anthropus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk anthrõpos - morc at andr- -anthropus 4 A×1nÞoÞ-] : man - in gcncric namcs of µrimatcs _Pithc- canthropus; _Sinanthropus; -anthus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk anthos fIowcr] : organ- ism having or rcscmbIing (such) a fIowcr - in gcncric namcs in botany _CycIanthus; _Schizanthus; and zooIogy _Occanthus; ¹anti- or ant- or anth- pre/ix [anti- fr. ME, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L, against, fr. Gk, fr. anti, ant- fr. ME, fr. L, against, fr. Gk, fr. anti, anth- fr. L, against, fr. Gk, fr. anti - morc at A×1r-] 1 a : onc oµµosing thc cIaims of : rivaI : sµurious _antichrist; _antiking; _antiµoµc; b : of thc samc kind but situatcd oµµo- sitc, cxcrting cncrgy in thc oµµositc dircction, or µursuing an oµµositc µoIicy _antaµcx; _antarctic; _anticIinc; _anti- schooI; _antivoIition; c : onc that is oµµositc in kind to _anticIimax; _antihcro; _antircIigion; - anti- bcforc conso- nants othcr than h and somctimcs ant- bcforc vowcIs and anth- bcforc h (which is not rcµcatcd), but morc frcqucntIy anti- cvcn bcforc h or a vowcI 2 a : oµµosing or hostiIc to in oµinion, symµathy, or µracticc _anticaµitaIist; _antidcmocra- tic; _antiromantic; _antisIavcry; _antiunion; b : oµµosing in cffcct or activity : inhibiting : µrcvcnting : countcracting _antacid; _anthcImintic; _antiaging; _anti-Comintcrn; _anticnzymc; _antifat; _antifogging; _anti-infIationary; _antisIiµ; _antitrust; 3 : not _antigrammaticaI; _antiIogicaI; 4 : scrving to µrcvcnt, curc, or aIIcviatc (a µathoIogicaI con- dition) _antiarthritic; _antisµasmodic; 5 a : oµµosing or ncu- traIizing anothcr substancc _antibody; _antiscrum; b : sub- stancc that oµµoscs or ncutraIizcs (anothcr substancc); esp : substancc that is an antibody to (a sµccificd antigcn) _anti- toxin; 6 : combating : dcstroying : dcfcnding against _anti- aircraft; _antiminc; _antitank; ²anti- pre/ix [MF & ML, fr. L ante-] : A×1r- - now IittIc uscd bccausc of µossibIc confusion with ¹anti- antr- or antro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. LL antrun cavity in thc body] 1 : antrum _antritis; 2 : antraI and _antronasaI; aort- or aorto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. aorta] : aorta _aortitis; _aortoIith; aphan- or aphano- conbininç /orn [F aphan-, fr. Gk aphanes, fr. a- ²a- + -phanes (fr. phainesthai to aµµcar)] : invisibIc : obscurc _aphanitc; _Aphanomyccs; aphr- or aphro- conbininç /orn [G aphr-, fr. Gk aphr-, aphro-, fr. aphros, µcrh. akin to L inber rain] : foam _aphritc; _aphromctcr; api- conbininç /orn [L, fr. apis] : bcc _apicuIturc; _apiµhobia; apic- or apici- or apico- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. L apic-, apex] 1 : aµcx : tiµ csµ. of an organ _apicad; _apici- fixcd; _apicocctomy; 2 : aµicaI and _apicodcntaI consonant; aplano- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. Gk ap/anes not wan- dcring, fixcd, fr. a- ²a- + -p/anes wandcring, fr. p/anasthai to wandcr] : nonmotiIc _Ap/anobactcr; _ap/anosµorc; apo- or ap- or aph- pre/ix [apo- fr. ME, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. apo, ap- fr. Gk, fr. apo, aph- fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. apo] 1 : away from : off _apastron; _aphcIion; 2 : dctachcd : scµ- aratc _apocarµous; 3 : formcd from : rcIatcd to - in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds _apocodcinc;; apo- bcforc conso- nants othcr than h and somctimcs ap- bcforc vowcIs and aph- bcforc h (which is not rcµcatcd) but frcqucntIy apo- cvcn bcforc h or a vowcI append- or appendo- or appendic- or appendico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. appendic-, appendix, fr. L, aµµcndagc, suµµIc- mcnt] : vcrmiform aµµcndix _appendcctomy; _appendicitis; _appendicostomy; _appendotomc; aqui- a/so aqua- conbininç /orn [L aqui-, fr. aqua] : watcr _aquicuIturc; _aquifcrous; _aquacadc; aquo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L aqua watcr + ISV -o-] 1 : con- taining a moIccuIc of watcr as µart of a coordination comµIcx _hcxaquocobaIt(III) chIoridc [Co(H,O),]CI,; 2 : dcrivcd from watcr - in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds _aquocarbonic acid OC(OH),;; comµarc Ammo×o- 2 -ar adi su//ix [ME -ar, -er, fr. OF & L; OF -er, fr. L -aris, aItcr. (aftcr bascs containing /) of -a/is -aI] : of or bcIonging to _Iin- car; _moIccuIar; _nucIcar; _µoIar; : bcing _sµcctacuIar; _trianguIar; : rcscmbIing _annuIar; _oracuIar; - chicfIy in words containing / and oftcn accomµanicd by changc of finaI µostconsonantaI -/e of thc basc word to -u/- _anguIar; _mus- cuIar; _tituIar; arachn- or arachno- conbininç /orn [NL & Gk; NL, fr. Gk, fr. arachne, µcrh. akin to L aranea sµidcr, Gk arkys nct] 1 : sµi- dcr _arachnoIogy; 2 : arachnoid mcmbranc _arachnitis; arch- pre/ix [ME arche-, arch-, fr. OE & OF; OE arce-, erce-, fr. LL arch- & L archi-, fr. Gk arch-, archi-; OF arch-, arche-, fr. LL arch- & L archi- - morc at AÞcnr-] 1 : chicf : µrinciµaI _archangcI; _archbishoµ; _archdioccsc; _archdukc; _arch- µiIIar; 2 : µrccmincnt : cxtrcmc : most fuIIy cmbodying thc quaIitics of his or its kind _archantiquary; _archcaµitaIist; _archfooI; _archinfamy; _archµhiIosoµhcr; _archµuritan; _archroguc; 3 : first in timc _archfathcr; : µrimitivc _arch- form; ¹-arch n conbininç /orn -s [ME -arke, -arche, fr. OF & LL & L; OF -arche, fr. LL -archa, fr. L -arches, -archus, fr. Gk -arches, archos - morc at AÞcnr-] : ruIcr : Icadcr _matriarch; _nomarch; ²-arch adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. G, fr. Gk arche bcginning - morc at AÞcnr-] : having (such) a µoint or (so many) µoints of origin _cndarch; _µcntarch; archae- or archaeo- a/so archeo- conbininç /orn [Gk archaio-, fr. archaios ancicnt, fr. arche bcginning - morc at AÞcnr-] 1 : antiquity _archaeograµhy; 2 : ancicnt : µrimitivc _archae- craniatc; _archaeoIithic; _archeozoic; arche- pre/ix [L, fr. Gk, fr. archein to bcgin - morc at AÞcnr-] : µrimitivc : originaI _archeccntric; _archesµorc; archi- or arch- pre/ix [MF & It & L; MF archi- & It arci-, fr. L archi-, fr. Gk arch-, archi, akin to Gk archein to bcgin, arche bcginning, archos ruIcr] 1 : chicf : µrinciµaI _archicµiscoµaI; - archi- bcforc consonants, arch- or morc frcqucntIy archi- bcforc vowcIs 2 : µrimitivc : originaI : µrimary _archcntcron; _archibIast; _archicarµ; _archicontincnt; _archiµtcrygium; archy n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -archie, fr. MF, fr. L -archia, fr. Gk, fr. -arches ¹-arch + -ia -y] : ruIc : govcrnmcnt _dyarchy; _squircarchy; arct- or arcto- conbininç /orn [L arct-, fr. Gk arkt-, arkto-, fr. arktos bcar, Lrsa Ma}or, north] 1 : north : arctic _ArctaIia; _Arctogaca; 2 : bcar _Arctoidca; _ArctostaµhyIus; -ard a/so -art n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG -hart (in µcrsonaI namcs such as Gerhart Gcrard); akin to OE heard hard] : onc that is charactcrizcd by µcrforming somc action, µosscssing somc quaIity, or bcing associatcd with somc thing csµ. consµicuousIy or cxccssivcIy _braggart; _drunkard; _duIIard; _µoIIard; _sIuggard; _stinkard; _wiz- ard; : a Iargc onc of its kind _staggard; arenaceo- conbininç /orn [µcrh. fr. F arénacéo-, fr. L are- naceus] : arcnaccous and _arenaceo-argiIIaccous; areo- conbininç /orn [Gk Ares Arcs (god of war), Mars (µIan- ct)] : thc µIanct Mars _areoccntric Iongitudc; : of or bcIong- ing to thc µIanct Mars _areograµhy; argent- or argenti- or argento- conbininç /orn [MF arçent-, fr. L, fr. arçentun] : siIvcr _arçentamidc; _arçentinitratc; _arçentomctry; argill- or argilli- or argillo- conbininç /orn [ME arçi//-, fr. L, fr. arçi//a] 1 : cIay _arçi//ifcrous; _arçi//oid; 2 : argiIIaccous and _arçi//oarcnaccous; argillaceo- conbininç /orn [arçi//aceous] : argiIIaccous and _arçi//aceocaIcarcous; argyr- or argyro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. arçyros] : siI- vcr _arçyritc; _arçyroccµhaIous; -aria n su//ix [NL, fr. L, fcm. sing. & ncut. µI. of -arius -ary] : onc or oncs Iikc or conncctcd with - csµ. in bioIogicaI tax- onomic namcs _CamµanuIaria; _Madrcµoraria; _Ltri- cuIaria; -arian n su//ix -s [L -arius -ary + E ¹-an] 1 : bcIicvcr _ncccssi- tarian; : advocatc _Iatitudinarian; 2 : µroduccr _µIatitudi- narian; _tractarian; aristo- conbininç /orn [MF & LL; MF, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. aris- tos, akin to Gk arariskein to fit] 1 : bcst _aristogcncsis; 2 -anthus aristo- 5 : aristocracy and _aristodcmocracy; : aristocratic and _aris- todcmocratic; arithmo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. LGk, fr. Gk arith- nos, akin to Gk arariskein to fit] : numbcr _arithnograµh; _arithnomania; -arium n su//ix, p/ -ariums or -aria [L, fr. ncut. of -arius -ary] : thing or µIacc bcIonging to or conncctcd with _aquariun; _µIanctariun; ars- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. arsenic] : arscnic _arsinc; _arsµhcnaminc; arsen- or arseno- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. arsenic] : arscnic; speci/ : containing thc grouµing ÷As=As÷ anaIogous to thc azo grouµ _arsenobcnzcnc; arsenoso- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. arsen- + -oso- (as in /erroso-)] : containing thc univaIcnt radicaI ÷AsO comµoscd of arscnic and oxygcn _arsenosoµhcnoI; arsino- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. arsine + -o-] : arsinc : contain- ing thc univaIcnt radicaI AsH, arson- or arsono- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. arsonic] : containing thc radicaI ÷AsO(OH), charactcristic of thc arsonic acids _arsonatc; _arsonoacctic acid; arteri- or arterio- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. LL, fr. Gk arteri-, arterio-, fr. arteria] 1 : artcry _artericctasia; _arterioIogy; 2 : artcriaI and _arteriovcnous; arthr- or arthro- conbininç /orn [L arthr-, fr. Gk arthr-, arthro-, fr. arthron, akin to Gk arariskein fit] : }oint _arthraI- gia; _arthroµathy; arto- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. artos, µcrh. akin to Gk arariskein to fit] : brcad _Artocarµus; ¹-ary n su//ix -rs [ME -arie, fr. OF & L; OF -arie, -aire, fr. L -arius, -aria, -ariun, fr. -arius, ad}. suffix] : onc that bcIongs to or is conncctcd with: a : thing bcIonging to or conncctcd with; esp : µIacc of _aviary; _bcstiary; _hcrbary; _scminary; _tcrmitary; b : µcrson bcIonging to, conncctcd with, or cngagcd in _functionary; _scditionary; ²-ary adi su//ix [ME -arie, fr. MF & L; MF -aire, fr. L -arius] : of or bcIonging to or conncctcd with _budgctary; _discrc- tionary; _µarIiamcntary; _unitary; asc- or asci- or asco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ascus] : bIaddcr : ascus _ascuIa; _ascigcrous; _ascosµorc; ascidi- or ascidio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Ascidia & ascidiun] : ascidian _ascidiozooid; : ascidium _ascidifcrous; -ase n su//ix -s [F, fr. diastase] : cnzymc : dcstroying substancc _aurcomycinase; _µrotcase; _urcase; aspid- or aspido- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. aspid-, aspis, µcrh. akin to Gk aspides vast, broad, L spatiun sµacc] : shicId _aspidatc; _Aspidosµcrma; -aspis n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk aspis shicId - morc at AsÞro-] : onc having (such) a shicId - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy and µaIcontoIogy _CcµhaIaspis; _Odontaspis; -ast n su//ix -s [ME aste, fr. L -astes, fr. Gk -astes (akin to -istes -ist)] : onc conncctcd with _ccdysiast; _hyµochondriast; aster- or astero- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. aster-, aster] : star _asteroid; _AsteroIcµis; ¹-aster n su//ix -s [ME, fr. L, suffix dcnoting µartiaI rcscm- bIancc] : onc that is infcrior, worthIcss, or not gcnuinc _criti- caster; _µoctaster; ²-aster n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk aster] : star - in struc- turaI and gcncric namcs in bioIogy _diaster; _Gcaster; asthen- or astheno- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. asthenes wcak, fr. a- ²a- + -sthenes (fr. sthenos strcngth); µcrh. akin to Skt saçh- noti hc takcs uµon himscIf, is a match for] : wcak _asthenoµia; : wcakncss _asthenoIogy; astr- or astro- conbininç /orn [ME astro-, fr. OF, fr. L astr-, astro-, fr. Gk, fr. astron star] 1 : star _astroid; _astromctcr; : thc hcavcns _astrograµhy; _astronautics; : astronomicaI _astroµhysics; 2 : astroIogicaI _astrodiagnosis; : astroIogicaI and _astromcdicaI; 3 : astcr in ccIIs _astrosµhcrc; astragal- or astragalo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. astraça/os] 1 : dicc _astraça/omancy; 2 [NL astraça/us, fr. Gk astraça/os] a : thc bonc astragaIus _astraça/cctomy; b : astragaIar and _astraça/ocaIcancaI; -ata n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L, ncut. µI. of -atus -atc] : oncs charac- tcrizcd by having (such a fcaturc) - in namcs of zooIogicaI grouµs _CocIcntcrata; _Vcrtcbrata; _Chordata; _Branchiata; ¹-ate n su//ix -s [ME -at, fr. OF, fr. L -atus (nom. sing. masc.), -atun (nom. sing. ncut.), fr. -atus, µast µart. cnding of 1st con}. vcrbs] 1 : onc actcd uµon (in a sµccificd way) _advo- cate; _Icgate; _ccntrifugate; _duµIicate; _mandate; _vuIcan- izate; 2 [NL -atun, fr. L, ncut. of -atus] : chcmicaI comµound or comµIcx anion dcrivcd from a (sµccificd) comµound or cIcmcnt _aIcohoIate; _fcrrate;; esp : saIt or cstcr of an acid with a namc cnding in -ic and not bcginning with hydro- _acctate; _carbonate; ²-ate n su//ix -s [ME -at, fr. OF, fr. L -atus, fr. -atus, µast µart. cnding of 1st con}. vcrbs] : officc : function : rank : statc : grouµ of µcrsons hoIding a (sµccificd) officc or rank, having a (sµccificd) function, or bcing in a (sµccificd) statc _cµisco- µate; _µontificate; _µrofcssorate; _rabbinate; ³-ate adi su//ix [ME -at, fr. L -atus, µast µart. cnding of 1st con}. vcrbs, fr. -a- (thcmatic vowcI of 1st con}.) + -tus, µast µart. cnding - morc at -ro] 1 : actcd uµon (in a sµccificd way) : brought into or bcing in a (sµccificd) statc _consummate; _dcgcncrate; _inanimate; _ItaIianate; _tcmµcrate; 2 : char- actcrizcd by having _branchiate; _chordate; _foIiate; ª-ate vb su//ix -ro/-r×c/-s [ME -aten, fr. L -atus, µast µart. cnd- ing of 1st con}. vcrbs] : to act (in a sµccificd way) _ncgotiate; _µontificate; : act uµon (in a sµccificd way) _assassinate; _vcncrate; : causc to bc modificd or affcctcd by _camµhor- ate; _hyµhcnate; _µoIIinate; : causc to bccomc _activate; _domcsticate; _fractionate; : furnish with _caµacitate; _sub- stantiate; atel- or atelo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ate/- imµcrfcct, incomµIctc, fr. ate/es, fr. a- ²a- + -te/es (fr. te/os cnd)] : dcfcc- tivc _ate/cctasis; _ate/omycIia; athero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. atherona] : athcroma _athero- gcncsis; -athon n conbininç /orn -s [narathon] 1 : cvcnt or activity Iasting a Iong timc oftcn for thc µurµosc of raising funds _waIkathon; 2 : an cxccss of somcthing _µracticaI }okc-athon; -ation n su//ix -s [ME -acioun, fr. OF -ation, fr. L -ation-, -atio, fr. -atus -atc + -ion-, -io -ion] : action or µroccss _comµuta- tion; _fIirtation; _visitation; : somcthing conncctcd with an action or µroccss _civiIization; _discoIoration; -ative adi su//ix [ME, fr. MF -ati/, fr. L -ativus, fr. -atus -atc + -ivus -ivc] : of, rcIating to, or conncctcd with _authoritative; _consuItative; _normative; _quantitative; : tcnding to _fixa- tive; _formative; _Iaxative; _taIkative; atlant- or atlanto- conbininç /orn [NL at/ant-, at/as] 1 : atIas _at/antad; 2 : atIantaI and _at/antoaxiaI; _at/antoodontoid; atlo- conbininç /orn [at/as] : atIantaI and _at/oaxoid; atloido- conbininç /orn [F at/oïdo-, fr. at/oïde] : atIantaI and _at/oidoaxoid; atm- or atmo- conbininç /orn [NL atno- vaµor, fr. Gk atn-, atno-, fr. atnos, akin to Gk aenai to bIow] : vaµor _atniatry; : air _atnogcnic; atmid- or atmido- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk, fr. atnid-, atnis, fr. atnos] : stcam : vaµor _atnidaIbumin; _atnidomc- tcr; -ator n su//ix -s [ME -atour, fr. OF & L; OF -atour, -ator, fr. L -ator, fr. -atus -atc + -or] : onc that docs _caIorizator; _totaI- izator; -atory adi su//ix [ME, fr. L -atorius, fr. -atus -atc + -orius -ory] : of, bcIonging to, or conncctcd with _µcrsµiratory; : scrving or tcnding to _amcndatory; atri- or atrio- conbininç /orn [NL atriun, fr. L] 1 : atrium _atriaI; _atrioµorc; 2 : atriaI and _atriococIomic; _atriovcn- tricuIar; atro- conbininç /orn [L atr-, ater bIack + E -o-] : bIack and _atrocastancous; atto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Dan or Norw atten cightccn (fr. ON ãttiãn) + -o-] : onc quintiIIionth (10 −18 ) µart of _attogram; arithmo- atto- 6 audio- conbininç /orn [L audirc to hcar + E -o-] 1 : hcaring _audioIogy; _audiomctcr; 2 : sound : frcqucncics in thc rangc of audibIc sound _audiogcnic; 3 : auditory and _audiovisuaI; audit- or audito- conbininç /orn [ME audit-, fr. MF & L; MF audit-, fr. L, fr. auditus, µast µart. of audire to hcar] 1 : hcar- ing : sound _auditizc; 2 : auditory and _auditoµsychic; _auditoscnsory; aul- or aulo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. au/os] : fIutc : µiµc _au/oµhytc; _Au/acanthus; _Au/ostomus; aur- or auri- conbininç /orn [L, fr. auris] 1 : car _auraI; _auriscoµc; 2 : auraI and _aurinasaI; auri- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. aurun] 1 : goId _aurifcr- ous; 2 : of, rcIating to, or containing trivaIcnt goId : auric _auri-iodidc; _auricyanidc; auriculo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. auricu/a auricIc of thc hcart, fr. L, cxtcrnaI car] 1 : of or bcIonging to an auricIc of thc hcart and _auricu/ovcntricuIar; 2 : auraI and _auricu- /oµarictaI; _auricu/otcmµoraI; auro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L aurun] 1 a : goId _auroµho- bia; b : goId and _auro-µIumbifcrous; 2 : of, rcIating to, or containing univaIcnt goId : aurous _aurobromidc; _aurothio- suIfatc; ¹austr- or austro- conbininç /orn, usu cap [ME austr-, fr. L, south, fr. austr-, auster south wind, south; akin to L aurora dawn] 1 : south : southcrn _austroasiatic; _Austroriµarian; 2 : AustraIian and _Austro-MaIayan; ²austr- or austro- conbininç /orn, usu cap [µrob. fr. NL, fr. Austria] 1 : Austrian and _Austro-Hungarian; 2 : Austria _austrium; _Austroµhobia; aut- or auto- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. autos, µcrh. akin to L aut or] 1 a : scIf : samc onc _autccoIogy; _autism; _autobiogra- µhy; _autogcnctic; _autokinctic; _autoIysis; b usu auto- : having simiIar gcnomcs _autohcxaµIoid; _autoµoIyµIoid; - oµµoscd to a//- 2 : automatic : scIf-acting : scIf-rcguIating _autoaIarm; _autofccd; _autowind; 3 auto- a : of, by, affcct- ing, or for thc samc individuaI _autohcmaggIutination; _autovaccinc; b : scIf-causcd : scIf-induccd : occurring with- in onc`s own body somctimcs µathoIogicaIIy _autointoxica- tion; c : acting as an antibody on or µroduccd as an antibody for a µcrson`s or animaI`s own antigcns _autoaggIutinin; _autohcmoIysin; auto- conbininç /orn [autonobi/e] : scIf-µroµcIIing : automo- tivc _autocab; _autocar; automat- or automato- conbininç /orn [Gk, scIf-acting, fr. autonatos] : scIf-acting : scIf-rcguIating : automatic _autonatin; _autonatograµh; auxano- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk auxanein to incrcasc; akin to Gk auxein to incrcasc] : growth _auxanogram; _auxanoI- ogy; -auxe n conbininç /orn, p/ -auxae [NL, fr. Gk auxe growth; akin to Gk auxein to incrcasc] : cnIargcmcnt : hyµcrtroµhy _cntcrauxe; auxo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk, fr. auxein to incrcasc] 1 : growth _auxobody; _auxosubstancc; : incrcasc _auxo- graµh; 2 : acccIcrating : stimuIating _auxochromc; ax- or axo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk axõn axIc, axis] 1 : axis _axoµhytc; 2 : axis cyIindcr _axitc; _axodcndritc; axi- conbininç /orn [L, axIc, axis, fr. axis] 1 : axis _axiform; 2 : axis cyIindcr _axiIcmma; axono- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk axon-, axõn axIc, axis] : axis _axonomctry; _Axonoµhora; az- or azo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. arote] 1 : containing nitro- gcn _aroIitmin; 2 aro- : containing thc bivaIcnt grouµ ÷N=N÷ comµoscd of doubIy bondcd nitrogcn atoms unitcd usu. on both sidcs to carbon _aromcthanc CH,N=NCH,; aza- or az- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ar- + -a-] : containing nitrogcn in µIacc of carbon, usu. thc grouµ ÷NH÷ for thc grouµ ÷CH,÷ or a singIc nitrogcn atom =N÷ for thc grouµ =CH÷ _aracyaninc; _araµhcnanthrcnc; - comµarc oxA-, 1nrA- azido- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. aride + -o-] : containing thc uni- vaIcnt grouµ N, dcrivcd from hydrazoic acid _aridoacctic acid; azoxy- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ar- + oxy-] : containing thc bivaIcnt grouµ ÷N(O)=N÷ comµoscd of two nitrogcn atoms and onc oxygcn atom unitcd usu. on both sidcs to carbon _aroxynaµhthaIcnc C,,H-N(O)=NC,,H-; azygo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk aryços] : azygous _ary- çosµorc; bacill- or bacilli- or bacillo- conbininç /orn [NL baci//us] : baciIIus _baci//osis; _baci//icuIturc; _baci//ogcnic; -bacter n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. bacteriun] : bactcriaI organ- ism - in gcncric namcs _Acrobacter; _Nitrobacter; bacteri- or bacterio- conbininç /orn [bacteriun] : bactcria : bactcriaI _bacteriform; _bacteriobIast; _bacterioIysis; balne- or balneo- conbininç /orn [L ba/ne-, fr. ba/neun bath] : bath : bathing _ba/neaI; _ba/neothcraµy; bar- or baro- conbininç /orn [Gk baros] : wcight : µrcssurc _baragnosis; _barograµh; bary- conbininç /orn [Gk bary-, fr. barys] : hcavy _baryIitc; _barysµhcrc; baryt- or baryto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. baryta] : baryta : barytic _barytocaIcitc; basi- a/so baso- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L basis] 1 a : basc : Iowcr µart _basiµctaI; b : at or ncar thc basc _basifixcd; _basigIanduIar; c : of or bcIonging to thc basc of _basicra- niaI; 2 a : chcmicaI basc _basify; b : subsiIicic and _basio- µhitic; basidi- or basidio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. basidiun] : basidi- um : basidiaI _basidiosµorc; _Basidiomycctcs; -bates n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -bates onc that gocs, fr. bainein to go, waIk] : waIkcr - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _Hydrobates; _PcIobates; bath- or batho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk bathos, fr. bathys dccµ - morc at nA1nv-] 1 : dcµth _bathic; _bathoIith; _bathomctcr; _bathoµhobia; 2 : downward : Iowcr _bathochromc; bathy- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk, fr. bathys dccµ; akin to W boddi to drown, Skt çãhate hc divcs into] 1 : dccµ _bathy- scism; : dcµth _bathythcrmograµh; 2 : dccµ-sca _bathy- µcIagic; _bathyµIankton; _bathysµhcrc; 3 : inncr µarts of thc body _bathycsthcsia; batrach- or batracho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk, frog, fr. batrachos, µcrh. akin to OHG kreta, krota toad] 1 : frog : toad _batrachoµhobia; 2 : ranuIa _batrachoµIasty; -batrachus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk batrachos] : batrachi- an - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _McgaIobatrachus; bdell- or bdello- conbininç /orn [F & NL, fr. Gk, fr. bde//a] : Iccch _Bde//oura; _Bde//oida; _bde//otomy; -bdella n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk bde//a] : Iccch - csµ. in gcncric namcs in hcIminthoIogy _MaIacobde//a; be- pre/ix [ME, fr. OE be-, bi-, akin to OE bi by, ncar, OHG bi- bc-, bi by, ncar, Goth bi- bc-, bi by, about, at] 1 : on : around : ovcr _bedaub; _besmcar; 2 : to a grcat or grcatcr dcgrcc : thoroughIy - csµ. in intcnsivc vcrbs formcd from simµIc vcrbs _becudgcI; _befuddIc; _besmitc; _besµattcr; _beratc; 3 : cxccssivcIy : ostcntatiousIy - in intcnsivc vcrbs formcd from simµIc vcrbs _bedcck; _beIaud; and in ad}cctivcs bascd on ad}cctivcs cnding in -ed _beribboncd; _befurbcIowcd; 4 : about : to : at : uµon : against : across - in transitivc vcrbs formcd from intransitivc simµIc vcrbs _bestridc; _besµcak; _becroak; 5 : makc : causc to bc : trcat as - in vcrbs formcd from ad}cctivcs or nouns _beIittIc; _benumb; _befooI; _befricnd; 6 : caII or dub csµ. cxccssivcIy - in vcrbs formcd from nouns _beIady; _berascaI; _bedoctor; 7 : affcct, affIict, trcat, µrovidc, or covcr with csµ. cxccssivcIy - in vcrbs formcd from nouns _befaminc; _bedcviI; _begIuc; _bebIood; and somctimcs onIy in thc form of a µast µarticiµIc or ad}cc- tivc cnding in -ed _becaµµcd; _becobwcbbcd; belgo- conbininç /orn, cap [Be/çium + -o-] 1 : BcIgium : BcIgian _Be/çoµhiIc; 2 : BcIgium and _Be/ço-Luxcmbourg; : BcIgian and _Be/ço-Dutch; benz- or benzo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. benroin, µrob. orig. audio- benz- 7 formcd in F] 1 : rcIatcd to bcnzcnc or bcnzoic acid _ben- razidc; _benroµinacoI; 2 : containing a bcnzcnc ring fuscd on onc sidc to onc sidc of anothcr ring _benracridinc; _ben- roµyronc; ¹bi- pre/ix [ME, fr. L; akin to OE twi- - morc at 1wr-] 1 a : two _bimuscuIar; _bicycIc; _biraciaI; b : Iasting two : coming or occurring cvcry two _bicnniaI; _bimonthIy; _biwcckIy; c : into two µarts _biscct; 2 a : twicc : doubIy : on both sidcs _biconic; _biconvcx; _biscrratc; b : coming or occurring two timcs _bidiurnaI; _biquartcrIy; _biwcckIy; - oftcn dis- aµµrovcd in this scnsc bccausc of thc IikcIihood of confusion with scnsc 1b; comµarc srmr- 3 anat : bctwccn, invoIving, or affccting two (sµccificd) symmctricaI µarts _bigoniaI; _bi-iIiac; 4 chen a : containing onc (sµccificd) constitucnt in doubIc thc µroµortion of thc othcr constitucnt or in doubIc thc ordinary µroµortion - csµ. in namcs of acid saIts formcd with twicc as much acid as is rcquircd for a normaI saIt _biu- ratc; b : or- 2 - csµ. in namcs of organic comµounds to dcnotc thc doubIing of a radicaI or moIccuIc _bitoIyI; _biµhc- noI; ²bi- or bio- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. bios modc of Iifc] 1 : Iifc _biobIast; : Iiving organisms or tissuc _bioµsy; _biodynamics; 2 : bioIogy : bioIogicaI _bioµsychoIogy; 3 : biograµhicaI _bioµic; : biograµhicaI and _biocriticaI; -bia n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. fcm. sing. and ncut. µI. of -bius having a (sµccificd) modc of Iifc - morc at -nrLs] : onc or oncs having a (sµccificd) modc of Iifc - in gcncric namcs as a singuIar _Bryobia; and in dcscriµtivc bioIogicaI grouµ namcs as a µIuraI _acrobia; _cocnobia; biblic- or biblico- conbininç /orn, o/ten cap [obs. bib/ic bibIicaI (µrob. fr. ML bib/icus, fr. bib/ia BibIc + L -icus ic) + E -o-] : BibIc _bib/icist; : bibIicaI and _bib/icoIitcrary; biblio- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. bib/ion] : book _bib/iograµhy; _bib/iomania; bicyclo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. bicyc/ic] chen : bicycIic _bicy- c/oaIkanc; bili- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. L, fr. bi/is] 1 : biIc _bi/ifaction; 2 : dcrivcd from biIc _bi/irubin; bin- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. LL, fr. L bini two by two; akin to OE twin twinc] 1 : two : two by two : two at a timc _binary; _binatc; _binauraI; 2 chen : ¹nr- 4 _binoxaIatc; _binoxidc; - in somc words of which thc Iast constitucnt bcgins with a vowcI; comµarc ¹nr- -biont n conbininç /orn -s [µrob. fr. G, modif. of Gk biount-, biõn Iiving, µrcs. µart. of bioun to Iivc, fr. bios modc of Iifc] : onc having a (sµccificd) modc of Iifc _acrobiont; -biosis n conbininç /orn, p/ -bioses [NL, fr. Gk biõsis, fr. bioun to Iivc (fr. bios modc of Iifc) + -õsis -osis] : modc of Iifc _acr- obiosis; _nccrobiosis; -biotic adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -bioticus, fr. Gk biõtikos] 1 : rcIating to Iifc : Iifc _antibiotic; 2 : having a (sµccificd) modc of Iifc _acrobiotic; _nccrobiotic; bis- conbininç /orn [L, fr. bis] 1 a : both : of or bcIonging to both - chicfIy in anatomicaI or mcdicaI words of which thc sccond constitucnt bcgins with a vowcI _bisischiatic; b : two _bismarinc; 2 : twicc : doubIcd - csµ. in comµIcx chcmicaI cxµrcssions _bisdimcthyIamino-; _bisquartcrnary; bismut- or bismuto- conbininç /orn [G bisnut-, bisnuto-, fr. bisnut (now wisnut)] : bismuth _bisnutitc; _bisnutoµIagion- itc; -bium n conbininç /orn, p/ -bia [NL, fr. ncut. of -bius] : organ- ism or grouµ having a (sµccificd) modc of Iifc - in taxo- nomic namcs _Anobiun; and grouµ namcs _cocnobiun; in bioIogy -bius n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. -bius having a (sµccificd) modc of Iifc, fr. Gk -bios, fr. bios modc of Iifc] : onc that has a (sµcc- ificd) modc of Iifc - chicfIy in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Entcrobius; blast- or blasto- conbininç /orn [G b/ast-, b/asto-, fr. Gk, fr. b/astos] 1 : bud : budding : gcrm : cmbryo in its carIy stagcs _b/astodcrm; 2 : mctamorµhic and _b/astogranitic; -blast n conbininç /orn -s [NL -b/astus, fr. Gk b/astos, akin to OE no/da toµ of thc hcad, Gk b/õthros taII, ne/athron roof, Skt nurdhan hcad, Toch A na/to first] 1 bio/ a : gcrm : shoot : sµrout b : cmbryonic or formativc ccII - in namcs of form- ativc ccIIs corrcsµonding to namcs of fuIIy dcvcIoµcd ccIIs cnding in -cyte _crythrob/ast; c : gcrm Iaycr : formativc Iaycr of ccIIs _sµIanchnob/ast; d : formativc constitucnt unit of Iiv- ing mattcr _idiob/ast; 2 çeo/ : crystaI formcd during mcta- morµhism _µorµhyrob/ast; -blastic adi conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. -b/ast + -ic] : sµrouting or gcrminating (in a sµccificd way) _hctcrob/astic; : having (such or so many) sµrouts, buds, or gcrm Iaycrs _caIyµtob/as- tic; _monob/astic; -blasty n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV, fr. -b/astic + -y] : manncr or condition of gcrminating _hctcrob/asty; blephar- or blepharo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. b/e- pharon] 1 : cycIid _b/epharitis; _b/epharosµasm; : of thc cyc- Iid and _b/epharocon}unctivitis; 2 : ciIium : fIagcIIum _b/e- pharoµIast; bor- or boro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. boron] : boron _borism; _boryI; _boroarscnatc; bothr- or bothro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. bothros] : trough : µit _bothrcnchyma; - chicfIy in gcncric namcs _Bothrodcndron; _Bothroµs; bothri- or bothrio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. bothriun] : bothri- um _bothrithorax; _BothrioIcµis; botry- or botryo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. botrys] 1 : bunch of graµcs _botryosc; 2 : botryoid _botryoIitc; bovi- conbininç /orn [LL bovi-, fr. L bov-, bos] : cattIc _bovi- cuIturc; brachi- or brachio- conbininç /orn [L brachi- & NL brachio-, fr. L brachiun] 1 : arm _brachifcrous; _brachiotomy; 2 : brachiaI and _brachiofaciaI; brachy- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. brachys] 1 : short _brachy- ccµhaIic; 2 : brachydiagonaI - in tcrms in crystaIIograµhy _brachydomc; brady- conbininç /orn [MF & NL, fr. Gk bradys] 1 : sIow _bradycardia; : duII _bradyacusia; 2 : nÞAcnv- _brady- dactyIia; -branch n conbininç /orn -s [NL -branchia oncs having (such or so many) giIIs & -branchus onc having (such or so many) giIIs (fr. Gk branchos giII, irrcg. fr. Gk branchia giIIs)] 1 : onc having (such or so many) giIIs _cryµtobranch; _dibranch; 2 : giII _arthrobranch; : organ Iikc a giII _actinobranch; branchi- or branchio- conbininç /orn [NL branchio-, fr. Gk, fr. branchia] 1 : giIIs _branchifcrous; _branchiogcnous; 2 : branchiaI and _branchiocardiac; ¹-branchia n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L branchia] : oncs hav- ing (such or so many) giIIs - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Cryµtobranchia; _Tctrabranchia; ²-branchia n conbininç /orn, p/ -branchiae [NL, fr. L branchia] : giII _µodobranchia; : organ Iikc a giII _µuImobranchia; brevi- conbininç /orn [L, fr. brevis] : short _brevi-conic; _bre- viIinguaI; brito- n conbininç /orn, cap [µrob. fr. L Brito] 1 : of or bcIong- ing to thc Britons and _Brito-Roman; 2 : British and _Brito-Jaµancsc; 3 : Britain _Britoccntric; brom- or bromo- conbininç /orn [ISV, µrob. fr. F brone brominc, fr. Gk brõnos bad smcII] 1 : brominc _bronhy- dratc; _bronoµrcnc; 2 now usu brono- : containing brominc in µIacc of hydrogcn - in namcs of organic comµounds _bro- noacctic acid; 3 now usu brono- : containing brominc rcgardcd as rcµIacing hydroxyI or oxygcn or as coordinatcd to a ccntraI atom - in namcs of inorganic acids and saIts _bro- noauric acid; 4 : containing brominc as bromidc and somc- timcs rcµIacing anothcr cIcmcnt or grouµ - in namcs of mincraIs and saIts occurring as mincraIs bronch- or broncho- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F bronch-, bron- cho- trachca, throat, fr. LL broncho-, fr. Gk bronch-, broncho-, fr. bronchos] 1 : throat _bronchoccIc; 2 : bronchiaI _bron- chitis; _bronchoµhony; 3 : bronchiaI and _bronchoµuI- monary; bronchi- or bronchio- conbininç /orn[µrob. fr. NL bronchi-, fr. bi- bronchi- 8 LL bronchiun] : bronchia _bronchicctasis; _bronchiocrisis; bront- or bronto- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. bronte, akin to Gk brenein to roar, bronos Ioud noisc] : thundcr _brontidc; _brontomctcr; - oftcn in gcncric namcs csµ. of Iargc animaIs _Brontoµs; _Brontothcrium; bry- or bryo- conbininç /orn [NL, moss, fr. Gk bryo- moss, catkin, fr. bryon, µcrh. akin to OHG krut hcrb, cabbagc] : moss _Bryaccac; _bryoIogy; bucco- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. L bucca chcck] : buc- caI and _buccogingivaI; _buccoIinguaI; bulb- or bulbo- conbininç /orn [MF & L; MF bu/b-, fr. L, fr. bu/bus] 1 : buIb _bu/bar; _Bu/bocodium; 2 : buIbar and _bu/bosµinaI; -bulia a/so -boulia n conbininç /orn -s [NL -bu/ia, fr. Gk -bou- /ia, fr. bou/e wiII; µrob. akin to Gk ba//ein to throw] : condi- tion of having (such) wiII _hyµcrbu/ia; -bulic a/so -boulic adi conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL -bu/ia + ISV -ic] : of, rcIating to, or charactcrizcd by a (sµccificd) statc of thc wiII -burger n conbininç /orn -s [hanburçer] 1 a : µatty of a (sµcc- ificd) kind of food usu. mcat or a mcat substitutc _µorkburç- er; _nutburçer; b : sandwich madc of such a µatty _µork- burçer; 2 : sandwich with a fiIIing consisting of a hamburgcr µatty toµµcd with a (sµccificd) food _chccscburçer; but- or buto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. butyric] : containing a grouµ of four carbon atoms _butanc; _butcnc; _butoµy- ronoxyI; butoxy- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. butoxy/] : containing butoxyI butyr- or butyro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. butyric] : butyric : rcIatcd to butyric acid or butyraIdchydc _butyraIdoI; _buty- ronitriIc; cac- or caco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kak-, kako-, fr. kakos bad] 1 : bad _caconym; : incorrcct _cacocµy; : unµIcasant _cacoµhonous; 2 : discascd _cacochyIia; -cace n conbininç /orn -s [Gk kake badncss, fr. kakos bad] : discascd or vitiatcd condition of a (sµccificd) bodiIy µart _arthrocace; _carµocace; -cade n conbininç /orn -s [cava/cade] : µroccssion _motor- cade; : sµcctacIc _aquacade; -caine n conbininç /orn -s [G -kain, fr. kokain, cocainc] : syn- thctic aIkaIoid ancsthctic _dibucaine; _µrocaine; calam- or calami- or calamo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ka/an-, ka/ano-, fr. ka/anos rccd] : rccd : rccdIikc _Ca/anagrostis; _ca/anifcrous; _Ca/anodcndron; calc- or calci- or calco- conbininç /orn [L ca/c-, ca/x Iimc] : caI- cium : caIcium saIts _ca/citc; _ca/cimctcr; _ca/cosµhcritc; calcaneo- conbininç /orn [ca/caneun] : caIcancaI and _ca/ca- neoastragaIar; _ca/caneocuboid; calcareo- conbininç /orn [ca/careous] : caIcarcous _ca/careo- corncous; _ca/careosuIfurous; calcio- conbininç /orn [ca/ciun] : caIcium - uscd chicfIy in namcs of mincraIs _ca/ciobiotitc; calli- or callo- or cali- or calo- conbininç /orn [ca//i- fr. L, fr. Gk ka//i-, fr. ka//os bcauty; akin to Gk ka/os bcautifuI, Skt ka/ya hcaIthy; ca/o- fr. ML, fr. Gk ka/o-, fr. ka/os, ca//o- & ca/i- fr. bIcnding of othcr forms] : bcautifuI _ca//igraµh; _Ca//orynchus; _Ca/imcris; : whitc _ca/omcI; : bcauty _Ca//iµhora; calori- conbininç /orn [L, fr. ca/or] : hcat _ca/orimctcr; calyc- or calyco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ka/yk-, ka/yko-, fr. ka/yk-, ka/yx] : caIyx _ca/ycoid; _Ca/ycoµhora; calyci- conbininç /orn [L ca/yc-, ca/yx] : caIyx _ca/ycifcrous; _ca/ycifIoraI; calyptri- or calyptro- conbininç /orn [NL ca/yptra] : caIyµtra : hood : caµ _ca/yptriform; _ca/yptrogcn; -campa n conbininç /orn [NL, fr Gk kanpe, µrob. akin to Gk kanpe bcnd, turning] : catcrµiIIar - in gcncric namcs of insccts _Lasiocanpa; _Tacniocanpa; camph- or campho- conbininç /orn [NL canphora] : camµhor _canphcnc; _canphocarboxyIic; campto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kanptos fIcxibIc; akin to Gk kanpe bcnd] : bcnt : curvcd _canptodromc; _Canptosorus; -capnia n conbininç /orn, p/ -capnias or -capniae [NL, fr. Gk kapnos smokc + NL -ia, akin to L cupere to dcsirc] : carbon dioxidc in thc bIood _hyµcrcapnia; _hyµocapnia; capri- conbininç /orn [L, fr. capr-, caper] : goat _Capricorn; capsul- or capsuli- or capsulo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. capsu/a] : caµsuIc _capsu/itis; _capsu/iform; _capsu/oIcnticuIar; carb- or carbo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. carbone] : carbon : car- bonic : carbonyI : carboxyI _carbodiimidc; _carbohydrazidc; _carbohydratc; carbol- conbininç /orn [ISV carb- + L o/cum oiI; orig. formcd as G karbo/-] : carboIic acid _carbo/uria; _carbo/xyIoI; _car- bo/atc; carboni- conbininç /orn [L carbon-, carbo cmbcr, charcoaI] : coaI _carbonifcrous; _carbonigcnous; carboxy- or carbox- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. carboxy/] : car- boxyI _carboxamidc; _carboxyµhcnyI; carcin- or carcino- conbininç /orn [Gk karkin-, karkino-, fr. karkinos] 1 : crab _carcinoIogy; 2 : tumor _carcinogcnic; : canccr _carcincmia; _carcinosarcoma; cardi- or cardia- or cardio- conbininç /orn [Gk kardi-, kardio-, fr. kardia] 1 : hcart : cardiac _cardiagra; _cardioaortic; _cardioµtosis; _cardioµuncturc; 2 : hcart action _cardia- gram; -cardia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk kardia] 1 : hcart action or Iocation (of a sµccificd tyµc) _dcxtrocardia; _tachycardia; 2 a : animaI or animaIs having a (sµccificd) tyµc of hcart _DiµIocardia; _Lcµtocardia; b : hcart-shaµcd animaI - csµ. in gcncric namcs of moIIusks -cardium n conbininç /orn, p/ -cardia [NL, fr. Gk -kardion, fr. kardia] : hcart _cndocardiun; _mcsocardiun; caric- or carico- conbininç /orn [NL Caric-, Carex] : carcx : scdgcs _caricctum; _caricoIogy; cario- conbininç /orn [caries] : carics _cariogcnic; _cariostatic; -caris n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L caris, a kind of sca crab, fr. Gk karis, µcrh. akin to Gk kara hcad] : shrimµ : µrawn - in gcncric namcs of crustacca _Echinocaris; ¹carp- or carpo- conbininç /orn [F & NL, fr. Gk karp-, karpo-, fr. karpos fruit] : fruit _Carpoidca; _carpoIogy; ²carp- or carpo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk karp-, karpo-, fr. karpos wrist] : carµus _carpitis; : carµus and _carpomctacar- µus; : carµaI and _carpoµcdaI; -carp a/so -carpium n conbininç /orn, p/ -carps a/so -carpia [NL -carpiun, fr. Gk -karpion, fr. karpos fruit] 1 : µart of a fruit _µcricarp; : fruit _schizocarp; _amµhicarpiun; 2 [NL -carpus, fr. Gk -karpos -carµous, fr. karpos] : µIant having fruit (in a sµccificd µIacc) _acrocarp; _µIcurocarp; -carpic adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -carpicus, fr. Gk kar- pos fruit + L -icus -ic] : -cAÞÞoLs _cucarpic; -carpous adi conbininç /orn [NL -carpus, fr. Gk -karpos, fr. karpos fruit] : fruitcd : having (such) fruit or (so many) fruits _syncarpous; _monocarpous; - -carpy n conbininç /orn -rs -carpus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -karpos -carµous] : µIant having (such) fruit - in gcncric namcs _Corynocarpus; _Thysanocarpus; case- or caseo- conbininç /orn [casein] : cascin _caseasc; _caseoIysis; cata- or cat- or cath- pre/ix [Gk kata-, kat-, kath-, fr. kata down; akin to OW cant with, aIong, Hitt katta undcr, with, L con- with, togcthcr - morc at co-] 1 : down _cation; _catabiot- ic; 2 : against _catabaµtist; cato- pre/ix [Gk katõ-, fr. katõ downwards, fr. kata down - morc at cA1A-] : down : Iowcr _catogcnc; _Catostomus; caud- or caudi- or caudo- conbininç /orn [L cauda] : taiI _cau- dad; _caudiform; : caudaI and _caudodorsaI; caul- or cauli- or caulo- conbininç /orn [cau/i- fr. L cau/is, cau/-, cau/o- fr. NL, fr. Gk. kau/-, kau/o-, fr. kau/os] : stcm : staIk _cau/omc; _cau/ifIory; cec- or ceci- or ceco- or caec- or caeci- or caeco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. cecun] : cccum _ceccctomy; _ceciform; _cecitis; _cecocoIic; -cele n conbininç /orn -s [MF, fr. L, fr. Gk ke/e tumor; akin to bront- -cele 9 OE hea/a hydroccIc, hcrnia, OHG hõ/a hcrnia, ON hau//, OSIav ky/a] : tumor : hcrnia _cystoce/e; _gastroce/e; cell- or cello- conbininç /orn [ce//u/ose] : ccIIuIosc _Ce//faIcicuIa; _ce//obiosc; -celled adi conbininç /orn : having (such or so many) ccIIs _ncrvc-ce//ed; _singIc-ce//ed organisms; ¹cellul- or celluli- or cellulo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ce//u/a] 1 : µIant or animaI ccII _ce//u/icidaI; _ce//u/otoxic; 2 : ccIIuIar and _ce//u/ofibrous; ²cellul- or cellulo- a/so cellu- conbininç /orn [ce//u/ose] : ccIIu- Iosc _ce//u/oid, ce//u/oIytic; cen- or ceno- or caen- or caeno- conbininç /orn [Gk kain-, kaino-, fr. kainos ncw] 1 : rcccnt _cenozoic; 2 : novcI _ceno- gcncsis; -cene adi conbininç /orn [Gk kainos ncw] : rcccnt - in namcs of gcoIogic µcriods _cocene; centi- conbininç /orn [F & L; F, hundrcdth, fr. L, hundrcd, fr. centun hundrcd] 1 : hundrcd _centiµcdc; 2 : hundrcdth µart _centimctcr; _centinormaI; - chicfIy in tcrms bcIonging to thc mctric systcm centr- or centro- conbininç /orn [Gk kentr-, kentro-, fr. kentron ccntcr, sharµ µoint] 1 : ccntcr _centroid; : ccntraI and _cen- trodorsaI; 2 : sµiny _centrarchid; _centroscma; centri- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L cr×1ÞLm] : ccntcr _centrifu- gaI; _centrioIc; -centric adi conbininç /orn [ME -sentrik (in consentrik con- ccntric), fr. ML -centricus (in concentricus conccntric, eccen- tricus ccccntric)] : having (such) a ccntcr or (such or so many) ccntcrs _hctcrocentric; _homocentric; _µoIycentric; : having (somcthing sµccificd) as its ccntcr _anthroµocentric; _hcIio- centric; cephal- or cephalo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk kepha/-, kepha- /o-, fr. kepha/e hcad] 1 : hcad _cepha/itis; _cepha/omctcr; 2 : ccµhaIic and _cepha/ofaciaI; -cephalic adi conbininç /orn [NL -cepha/us, F -cépha/e, E -cepha/ous + E -ic] : -hcadcd : having (such) a hcad or (so many) hcads _brachycepha/ic; _discocepha/ic; _bicepha/ic; - -cephalism n conbininç /orn -s - -cephaly n conbininç /orn -rs -cephalous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -kepha/os, fr. kepha/e] : -crÞnALrc -cephalus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -kepha/os] 1 p/ -cephali : ccµhaIic abnormaIity (of a sµccificd tyµc) _microcepha/us; _hydrocepha/us; 2 p/ -cephali or -cephala : organism having a (sµccificd) tyµc of hcad _Ichthyocepha/i; _Phancrocepha/a; cer- or cero- conbininç /orn [Gk ker-, kero-, fr. keros] : wax _ceroµhiIous; _cerotyµc; -cera n conbininç /orn, p/ -cera [NL, fr. Gk keras horn] : horncd onc : horncd oncs - in taxonomic namcs in zooIo- gy _Acrocera; _CIadocera; _Ncmatocera; -ceras n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk keras] : horncd onc - in gcncric namcs of µIants and animaIs _Cyrtoceras; _Dinoceras; cerat- or cerato- a/so kerat- or kerato- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kerat-, kerato-, fr. keras horn] 1 : horn : horny _Ceratodos; 2 usu kerat- or kerato- : cornca _keratitis; ceraun- or cerauno- conbininç /orn [Gk keraun-, kerauno-, fr. keraunos thundcrboIt; akin to Gk ker dcath] : thundcr _ce- raunograµh; _ceraunoµhonc; cerc- or cerco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kerk-, kerko-, fr. kerkos taiI] : taiI : taiIcd _cercaria; _cercoµod; -cercal adi conbininç /orn [F -cerque (fr. Gk kerkos taiI) + E -a/] : taiIcd _homocerca/; _isocerca/; -cercy n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV -cercaI + -y, µrob. orig. formcd as F -cerquie] : taiI formation (of a sµccificd tyµc) _diµhycercy; cerebell- or cerebelli- or cerebello- conbininç /orn [cerebe//un] 1 : ccrcbcIIum _cerebe//itis; 2 : ccrcbcIIar : ccrcbcIIar and _cerebe//ocortcx; _cerebe//osµinaI; cerebr- or cerebri- or cerebro- conbininç /orn [cerebrun] 1 : brain : ccrcbrum _cerebroid; _cerebriform; _cerebroscoµc; 2 : ccrcbraI and _cerebrosµinaI; -cerus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -kerõs, fr. keras horn] : horncd onc - in gcncric namcs of insccts _Tctracerus; cervi- conbininç /orn [F & NL, fr. L cervus] : dccr _Cervicaµra; cervic- or cervici- or cervico- conbininç /orn [L cervic-, cervix ncck] : ncck _cervicodynia; : ccrvix of an organ _cervicccto- my; : ccrvicaI and _cervicofaciaI; cet- or ceto- conbininç /orn [F cét-, céto-, NL cet-, ceto-, fr. L cetus] : whaIc _cetyI; _cetotoIitc; _Cetorhinus; chaet- or chaeto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk chaite] : bristIc : hair _Chaetodon; _chaetoµhorous; -chaeta n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -chaites -haircd, fr. chaite] 1 a/so -chaetes or -chaetus : haircd onc : hairIikc onc - in gcncric namcs _Sµirochaeta; _Connochaetes; 2 p/ -chaetae : bristIc (of a sµccificd tyµc) _microchaeta; chalc- or chalco- a/so chalk- or chalko- conbininç /orn [F & L, fr. Gk cha/k-, cha/ko-, fr. cha/kos coµµcr, µrob. akin to Lith çe/eris iron, Russ rhe/ero] : coµµcr : brass : bronzc _cha/- comcnitc; _cha/comancy; chamae- or chame- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk chanai on thc ground] : Iow : ground _Chanaeroµs; _Chanaesaura; - uscd chicfIy in gcncric namcs of µIants and animaIs -cheilia a/so -chilia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk -chei/es having (such) Iiµs (fr. chei/os Iiµ) + NL -ia - morc at cnrL-] : Iiµ formation (of a sµccificd tyµc) _macrochei/ia; chel- or cheli- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. che/a] : cIaw _che/iccra; chem- or chemo- or chemico- a/so chemi- or chemio- conbininç /orn [chen- & cheno- fr. NL, fr. LGk cheneia aIchcmy; chenico- fr. chenica/, cheni- & chenio- µrob. fr. Dan keni-, fr. keni chcmistry, fr. LGk cheneia] 1 : chcmicaI : chcmistry _chenosmosis; _chenotaxis; 2 : chcmicaIIy _chenisorb; _cheniotroµic; : chcmicaI and _chenicoµhysicaI; chen- or cheno- conbininç /orn [Gk chen-, cheno-, fr. chen] : goosc _Chenoµodium; chiasto- conbininç /orn [G, fr. Gk chiastos] : markcd with or charactcrizcd by a cross : crosscd at right angIcs _chiasto-basidium; chil- or chilo- a/so cheil- or cheilo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk chei/-, chei/o-, fr. chei/os] : Iiµ _Chi/oµsis; _Chi/omastix; chin- or chino- conbininç /orn [aItcr. (infIucnccd by G chin-, chino-, fr. chinin quininc) of quin-, quino-] : quininc _chino- toxinc; _chinoI; chino- conbininç /orn, usu cap [China] : Chincsc and _Chino-Jaµancsc; - comµarc sr×o- chion- or chiono- a/so chio- conbininç /orn [chion-, chiono- fr. NL, fr. Gk, fr. chiõn snow; chio- fr. G & NL, fr. Gk chiõn, akin to Gk cheinõn wintcr] : snow _chionanthus; _chioIitc; _chionodoxa; chir- or chiro- a/so cheir- or cheiro- conbininç /orn [L chir-, chiro-, fr. Gk cheir-, cheiro-, fr. cheir, akin to AIb dore hand, Hitt kesar, Toch A tsar] : hand _chiragra; _chiromancy; _cheiroIogy; -chiria or -cheiria n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk -cheiria, fr. cheir hand - morc at cnrÞ-] : -handcdncss _aIIochiria; _macrochiria; -chirurgia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. L chirurçia] : surgcry : cutting _cntcrochirurçia; _µncumochirurçia; chlamyd- or chlamydo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ch/anyd-, ch/anys] : mantIc _ch/anydosµorc; _Ch/anydozoa; chlor- or chloro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. ch/õros grccn- ish ycIIow] 1 : grccn _ch/oroµhyII; _ch/oroµhanc; 2 : ycIIow- ish grccn : µaIc grccn : ancmic _ch/orosis; 3 a : chIorinc _ch/orhydratc; _ch/oroform; b now usu ch/oro- : containing chIorinc in µIacc of hydrogcn - in namcs of organic com- µounds _ch/oroaniIinc; c now usu ch/oro- : containing chIo- rinc rcgardcd as rcµIacing hydroxyI or oxygcn or as coordi- natcd to a ccntraI atom - in namcs of inorganic acids and saIts _ch/oroauric acid; _ch/orochromatc; d : containing chIorinc as chIoridc somctimcs rcµIacing anothcr cIcmcnt or grouµ - in namcs of mincraIs and saIts occurring as mincr- aIs _ch/orosuIfatc; choan- or choano- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk choane funncI, cell- choan- 10 fr. chein to µour] : funncI : funncI-shaµcd oµcning or µart _choanatc; _choanocytc; -choerus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk choiros µig; akin to L horrere to bristIc] : µig : µigIikc animaI - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Hydrochoerus; chol- or chole- or cholo- conbininç /orn [Gk cho/-, cho/e-, cho/o-, fr. cho/e, cho/os] : biIc : gaII _cho/anc; _cho/eIith; _cho/ogcnctic; chondr- or chondri- or chondro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk chondr-, chondro-, fr. chondros grain, cartiIagc] 1 : cartiIagc : cartiIaginous and _chondrcctomy; _chondrify; _chon- dro-osscous; _chondroccIc; 2 : grain _chondritc; chondri- or chondrio- conbininç /orn [G, fr. Gk chondrion smaII grain, dim. of chondros] : grain : granuIar _chondrio- somc; _chondriosomaI; _chondriocont; _chondriomc; chor- or choro- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk chõr-, chõro-, fr. chõros µIacc, cIcar sµacc; akin to Gk cheros Icft, bcrcavcd] : µIacc : Iand _chorcµiscoµus; _choroIogy; chord- or chordo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. chorde gut, string] : an anatomicaI cord: as a : vocaI cord _chorditis; b : sµinaI cord _chordotomy; c : notochord _Chordata; ¹-chord n conbininç /orn -s [µartIy fr. ME -corde (in nona- corde monochord), fr. MF, fr. LL -chordon, fr. Gk. fr. -chor- dos stringcd, fr. chorde string; µartIy fr. ML -chordiun (in c/avichordiun cIavichord), fr. L chorda string, fr. Gk chorde] 1 : musicaI instrumcnt having (such or so many) strings _Iyri- chord; 2 : musicaI scaIc or intcrvaI (of a sµccificd cxtcnt) _hcxachord; ²-chord adi conbininç /orn [LL -chordus, fr. Gk -chordos] : having (so many) strings _scµtichord; -chore n conbininç /orn -s [Gk chõrein to withdraw, advancc, go, sµrcad; akin to Gk cheros Icft, bcrcavcd] : µIant distrib- utcd by a (sµccificd) mcans or agcncy _zoochore; - -chorous adi conbininç /orn - -chory n conbininç /orn -rs choreo- a/so chore- or chorio- conbininç /orn [choreo-, chore-, fr. F choréo-, choré-, fr. Gk choreia dancc, fr. choros dancc, µIacc for dancing; chorio-, aItcr. of choreo-] : dancc _choreo- mania; _choreograµhy; ¹chori- or chorio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk chorio-, fr. chori- on] 1 : chorion : chorionic _choriocarcinoma; _chorioma; 2 : choroid : choroid and _chorioccIc; _choriorctinaI; ²chori- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk chõri, chõris aµart; akin to Gk cheros Icft, bcrcavcd] : scµaratcd : distinct _choriµctaIous; chorist- or choristo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk chõristos scµ- arabIc] : scµaratcd : misµIaccd _choristobIastoma; _choris- toma; christo- conbininç /orn, cap [LGk, fr. Gk Christos] : Christ _Christoccntric; _ChristoIatry; _Christocracy; -chroia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. -chroos -chroous + -ia] : coIoration _dyschroia; : discoIoration _cyanochroia; -chroic adi conbininç /orn [Gk i-chroos -chroous + ISV -ic] : -cnÞooLs _crythrochroic; chrom- or chromo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk chrõna coIor] 1 : chromium _chronamminc; _chronoarscnatc; 2 a : coIor : coIorcd _chronidrosis; _chronomctcr; b : µigmcnt : µig- mcntcd _chronocytc; _chronogcn; -chromasia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk chrõnat-, chrõna coIor + NL -ia] 1 : coIor _achronasia; 2 : stainabiIity : coI- orabiIity _µoIychronasia; chromat- or chromato- conbininç /orn [Gk chrõnat-, chrõna coIor] 1 : coIor _chronatoIogy; : coIorcd _chronatoµsia; 2 : chromatin _chronatoIysis; -chrome n or adi conbininç /orn [ML -chronat-, chrona coI- orcd thing, fr. Gk chrõnat-, chrõna coIor] 1 : coIorcd thing : coIorcd _monochrone; 2 : coIoring mattcr _cndochrone; -chromia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. LGk -chrõnia, fr. Gk -chrõnos coIorcd (fr. chrõna coIor) + -ia] : statc of µigmcn- tation _anisochronia; ¹-chromy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk chrõna coIor + ISV -y, µrob. orig. formcd as G -chronie] : µainting : coIoring _Iithochrony; _stcrcochrony; ²-chromy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -chronia] : -cnÞomrA chron- or chrono- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. chronos] : timc _chronaxic; _chronogram; -chronous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -chronos, fr. chronos timc] : of (such) a timc or µcriod _homcochronous; _isochronous; -chroous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -chroos, fr. chrõs skin, coIor] : -coIorcd _isochroous; chrys- or chryso- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. chrysos goId] : goId : goIdcn : ycIIow _chrysaminc; _chrysoµhyII; chyl- or chyli- or chylo- conbininç /orn [F or NL, fr. Gk chy/-, chy/o-, fr. chy/os] 1 : chyIc _chy/uria; _chy/iform; _chy/ocyst; 2 : }uicc _chy/ocauIy; -chylia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. chy/- + -ia] : condi- tion of having (such) chyIc _achy/ia; -cidal adi conbininç /orn [LL -cida/is, fr. L -cida + -a/is -aI] 1 : kiIIing : having µowcr to kiII _fiIaricida/; 2 : cutting _IocuIi- cida/; -cide n conbininç /orn -s [MF, fr. L -cida, fr. caedere to kiII] 1 : kiIIcr _fratricide; _insccticide; 2 [MF, fr. L -cidiun, fr. caedere] : kiIIing _homicide; _suicide; cili- or cilii- or cilio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ci/ia] 1 : ciIiary body _ci/iotomy; : ciIiary body and _ci/iorctinaI; 2 : ciIia _ci/ifcrous; _ci/iiform; _ci/iogradc; cine- conbininç /orn [cinena] : motion µicturc _cinecamcra; _cinefiIm; _cine-X ray; cinnam- or cinnamo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L cinnanun] 1 : cin- namon _cinnanodcndron; 2 : cinnamic acid _cinnanoyI; cion- or ciono- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kion-, kiono-, fr. kion-, kiõn µiIIar, uvuIa] 1 : uvuIa _cionitis; _cionotomy; 2 : µiIIar _cionocraniaI; circum- pre/ix [OF or L; OF, fr. L, fr. circun round about, fr. circus circIc] 1 adverbia//y : around : about : on aII sidcs _cir- cunrotatc; _circungyration; 2 prepositiona//y : around : sur- rounding _circunbasaI; _circuncorncaI; _circunIunar; : rcvoIving around _circunsoIar; 3 : circumscribcd _circun- µoIygon; cirr- or cirri- or cirro- a/so cirrhi- or cirrho- conbininç /orn [L cirrus curI] 1 : cirrus of a µIant or animaI _cirrifcrous; _cirri- gradc; 2 : cirrus cIoud _cirrostratus; cirs- or cirso- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. Gk kirs-, kirso-, fr. kir- sos] : swoIIcn vcin : varix _cirsoid; _cirsotomy; cis- pre/ix [L, fr. cis] 1 : on this sidc : on thc ncarcr sidc - oftcn }oincd to sccond cIcmcnt with a hyµhcn _cisaIµinc; _cis-AIIcghany;; comµarc 1ÞA×s-, LL1ÞA- 2 : ncarcr in timc : sincc _cisatomic; citr- or citri- or citro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Citrus] 1 : citrus _citroµsis; _citricuIturc; 2 a : citric acid _citramidc; b : cit- ratc _citrochIoridc; citra- pre/ix [ML, fr. L citra] : cis- _citramontanc; - oµµoscd to u/tra- clad- or clado- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk k/ad-, k/ado-, fr. k/a- dos] : sIiµ : sµrout _c/adanthous; _c/adoµhyII; -cladous adi conbininç /orn[NL -c/adus, fr. Gk -k/ados, fr. k/a- dos sµrout, twig] : branchcd _acanthoc/adous; -clase n conbininç /orn -s [F, fr. Gk k/asis brcaking, fr. k/an to brcak] : a mincraI having a (sµccificd) kind of cIcavagc _cIin- oc/ase; _µIagioc/ase; -clasia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk k/asis brcaking (fr. k/an to brcak) + NL -ia] : brcaking _arthroc/asia; : brcaking uµ _hcmoc/asia; -clasis n conbininç /orn, p/ -clases [NL, fr. Gk k/asis] : -cLAsrA _diac/asis; -clasite n conbininç /orn -s [ISV -c/ase + -ite, orig. formcd as G -k/asit] : -cLAsr classico- conbininç /orn [F, fr. c/assique] 1 : cIassicaI : cIassi- caI and _c/assico-Lombardic; 2 : thc cIassics _c/assicoIatry; ¹-clast n conbininç /orn -s [ML -c/astes, fr. MGk -k/astes, fr. Gk k/an to brcak] 1 : onc that brcaks or dcstroys _iconoc/ast; _bibIioc/ast; 2 [G -k/ast, fr. ML -c/astes] : somcthing that brcaks or dcstroys; esp : a tooI for brcaking _cranioc/ast; ²-clast n conbininç /orn -s [back-formation fr. ²-c/astic] : rock comµoscd of fragmcntaI matcriaI (of a sµccificd tyµc) _µyro- c/ast; _catac/ast; -choerus -clast 11 ¹-clastic adi conbininç /orn [¹-c/ast + -ic] 1 a : brcaking, dcstroying _iconoc/astic; _mythoc/astic; b : disintcgrating _µrotcoc/astic; 2 [Gk k/astos brokcn (fr. k/an to brcak) + E -ic] : curvcd _antic/astic; ²-clastic n conbininç /orn -s : brcakcr : dcstroycr _dcndro- c/astic; _µanc/astic; ³-clastic adi conbininç /orn [ISV -c/ast (fr. Gk k/astos brokcn) + -ic, orig. formcd as G -k/astisch] : comµoscd of fragmcntaI matcriaI (of a sµccificd tyµc) - uscd in namcs of rocks _cryµ- toc/astic; _µyroc/astic; ¹clavi- or clavo- conbininç /orn [ML c/avi-, fr. L, fr. c/avis kcy] 1 : kcy : kcyboard _c/avichord; _c/aviIux; 2 [NL c/avi-, c/avo-, fr. L c/avi-] : cIavicIc : cIavicuIar : cIavicuIar and _c/aviµcc- toraI; _c/avodcItoid; ²clavi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. c/ava, µcrh. akin to L c/avis] : cIub _C/avicornia; _c/aviform; claviculo- conbininç /orn [NL c/avicu/a cIavicIc] : cIavicuIar and _c/avicu/ohumcraI; -cle n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -cu/us, -cu/a, -cu/un] : IittIc onc _dcntic/e; _corµusc/e; _funic/e; - -cular adi su//ix cleid- or cleido- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk k/eid-, k/eido-, fr. k/eid-, k/eis kcy; akin to L c/avis kcy] 1 a : cIavicIc : cIavicu- Iar _c/eidagra; b : cIavicuIar and _c/eidoscaµuIar; 2 : kcy _c/eidomancy; -cleisis or -clisis n conbininç /orn, p/ -cleises or -clises [NL, fr. GK k/eisis, kIcisis, fr. k/eiein to cIosc] : cIosurc : occIusion _arthroc/eisis; _cntcroc/isis; cleist- or cleisto- a/so clist- or clisto- conbininç /orn [G k/eist-, k/eisto-, fr. Gk k/eistos, akin to Gk k/eis kcy] : cIoscd _c/eisto- carµ; _c/eistogamy; clerico- conbininç /orn [LL c/ericus µricst] : cIcricaI : cIcricaI and _c/ericoµoIiticaI; _c/ericofascist; clin- or clino- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk k/in-, k/ino-, fr. k/ine couch; akin to Gk k/inein to Ican] 1 : bcd _c/inium; _c/inoid; 2 : Ican : sIant _c/inochIorc; _c/inomctcr; 3 : dccIinc _c/inoI- ogy; 4 c/ino- ninera/oçy : monocIinic -clinal adi or n conbininç /orn [ISV -c/in- (fr. Gk -k/ines Ican- ing, fr. k/inein to Ican) + -a/] 1 : sIoµing : sIoµc _ccntroc/ina/; 2 : ²-cLr×oLs _matroc/ina/; -cline n conbininç /orn -s [back-formation fr. -c/ina/] 1 : sIoµc _antic/ine; 2 : gradicnt : Iaycr _thcrmoc/ine; -clinic adi conbininç /orn [ISV -c/in- (fr. Gk -k/ines Icaning, bcnding, fr. k/inein to Ican) + -ic] 1 : incIining : diµµing _iso- c/inic; 2 : having (a ccrtain numbcr of) obIiquc intcrscctions of thc axcs _monoc/inic; _tric/inic; 3 : ²-cLr×oLs _matro- c/inic; clinico- conbininç /orn [c/inica/] : cIinicaI : cIinicaI and _c/ini- coµathoIogy; -clinism n conbininç /orn -s [ISV -c/in- (fr. NL -c/inus) + -isn] : thc statc of having thc androccium and gynoccium in a (sin- gIc or diffcrcnt) fIowcr or (two scµaratc) fIowcrs _dic/inisn; -clinium n conbininç /orn, p/ -clinia [NL, fr. Gk k/inion, dim. of k/ine couch - morc at cLr×-] bot : rcccµtacIc _anthoc/ini- un; ¹-clinous adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -c/inus, fr. Gk k/ine couch - morc at cLr×-] : having thc androccium and gynoc- cium in a (singIc or diffcrcnt) fIowcr or (two scµaratc) fIow- crs _dic/inous; _hctcroc/inous; _monoc/inous; ²-clinous adi conbininç /orn [ISV -c/in- (fr. Gk -k/ines Icaning, bcnding, fr. k/inein to Ican) + -ous] : inhcritcd from : having charactcristics inhcritcd from _matroc/inous; _µatroc/inous; -cliny n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV ²-c/inous + -y] : fact or condi- tion of having charactcristics inhcritcd from _matroc/iny; -cnemia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. F -cnénie, fr. Gk knene shin + F -ie -y] : -shinncdncss _µIatycnenia; -cnemic adi conbininç /orn [ISV -cnen- (fr. Gk knene shin) + -ic, µrob. orig. formcd as F -cnénique] : -shinncd _µIatycne- nic; -cnemus n conbininç /orn [NL, modif. of Gk. knene shin] : -Icggcd onc - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _Octacnenus; cnid- or cnido- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. cnida] : cnida _cnidosac; _cnidogIanduIar; _Cnidaria; co- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, fr. con-, akin to OE çe-, µcrfcctivc, asso- ciativc, and coIIcctivc µrcfix, OHG çi-, ça-, Goth ça-, OIr con-, con- with, togcthcr, AIb kë-, Gk koinos common] 1 : with : togcthcr : }oint : }ointIy : sharcd : mutuaI : mutuaIIy _cocxist; _coinhcritancc; _cosustain; _cooµcratc; 2 : in or to thc samc dcgrcc _cocxtcnsivc; _cocvaI; 3 a : fcIIow : µartncr _coauthor; _co-workcr; b : having a usu. Icsscr sharc in duty or rcsµonsibiIity : aItcrnatc : dcµuty _cochairman; _coµiIot; 4 a : oµcrating togcthcr or rcciµrocaIIy _cotcrm; b : of thc comµIcmcnt of an angIc _cosinc; _codccIination; cobalti- conbininç /orn [coba/t] : trivaIcnt cobaIt : cobaItic _coba/tinitritc; cobalto- conbininç /orn [coba/t] : bivaIcnt cobaIt : cobaItous _coba/tocyanic; cocc- or cocci- or cocco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. coccus & L coccun kcrmcs bcrry, both fr. Gk kokkos grain, sccd, kcrmcs bcrry] : grain : sccd : bcrry : coccus _coccoid; _cocciform; _coccoIith; coccidi- or coccidio- conbininç /orn [coccidiun] : Coccidia _coccidiocidc; _coccidiostasis; -coccus n conbininç /orn, p/ -cocci [NL, fr. Gk kokkos] 1 : µIant having bcrrics, sccds, or cocci (of a sµccificd tyµc) - usu. in gcncric namcs _Oxycoccus; _Ptcrococcus; 2 : bcrry- shaµcd organism - csµ. in gcncric namcs of aIgac and bactc- ria _Protococcus; _Micrococcus; _Strcµtococcus; _StaµhyIo- coccus; coccyg- or coccygo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. coccyç-, coccyx] : coccyx _coccyçcctomy; _coccyçotomy; coccygeo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. coccyçeus] : coccygcaI and _coccyçeoanaI; _coccyçeomcscntcric; cocto- conbininç /orn [L coctus, µast µart. of coquere to cook] : boiIcd : modificd by hcat _coctoantigcn; _coctoµrotcin; : at boiIing µoint _coctostabIc; coel- or coelo- a/so cel- or celo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk koi/-, koi/o-, fr. koi/os hoIIow] : hoIIow : cavity _coe/odont; _coe/ozoic; -coele or -coel a/so -cele n conbininç /orn -s [µrob. fr. NL -coe/a, fr. ncut. µI. of -coe/us -cocIous] : cavity : chambcr : vcntricIc _cndocoe/e; _ncurocoe/e; coeli- or coelio- a/so celi- or celio- conbininç /orn [Gk koi/i-, koi/io-, fr. koi/ia cavity of thc body, bcIIy] : bcIIy : abdomcn _coe/iaIgia; _coe/ioscoµy; -coelous adi conbininç /orn [NL -coe/us, fr. Gk -koi/os hoIIow, concavc, fr. koi/os] 1 : caviticd _dcndrocoe/ous; 2 : concavc _µrocoe/ous; _oµisthocoe/ous; coen- or coeno- a/so cen- or ceno- or caen- or caeno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk koin-, koino-, fr. koinos - morc at co-] : common : gcncraI _coenobIast; _coencsthcsia; col- or coli- or colo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L co/on] 1 : Iargc intcstinc _co/itis; _co/ostomy; 2 : coIon baciIIus _co/iform; -cola n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. L] : inhabitant _Arcnico/a, Ruµico/a; -cole adi conbininç /orn [by aItcr. (infIucnccd by F -co/e)] : -coLoLs _saxico/e; cole- or coleo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ko/eo-, fr. ko/eon] : shcath : covcring _co/eitis; _Co/eoµtcra; _co/eorhiza; -coline adi conbininç /orn [NL -co/inae, fr. -co/a + -inae] : -coLoLs _fIuvico/ine; coll- or collo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ko//-, ko//o-, fr. ko//a] 1 : gIuc _co//cnchyma; _Co//ocaIia; 2 : coIIoid _co//ochcm- istry; -coll n conbininç /orn -s [ME -co/ (in sarcoco/), fr. L -co//a, fr. Gk -ko//a, fr. ko//a] : gIuc _gIycoco//; _µyroco//; collodio- conbininç /orn [co//odion] : coIIodion _co//odiotyµc; -colous adi conbininç /orn [L -co/a inhabitant + E -ous, akin to L co/ere to cuItivatc, inhabit] : Iiving or growing in or on _arcnico/ous; _saxico/ous; com- or col- or con- or cor- pre/ix [con- fr. ME, fr. OF, fr. L; co/- fr. ME, fr. L, fr. con-, con- fr. ME, fr. OE (in conso/de comfrcy), fr. OF, fr. L, fr. con-, cor- fr. ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. con- - morc at co-] : with : togcthcr : }ointIy - usu. con- bcforc b _conburgcss; and p _conµanion; or n _conmin- -clastic com- 12 gIc;, co/- bcforc / _co/IinguaI;, cor- bcforc r _corrcIation;, and con- bcforc othcr sounds _concycIic; -coma n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kone hair] : onc having (such) hair - in gcncric namcs _Pycnocona; comico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L conicus] : comic : comic and _conicotragcdy; _conicodidactic; con- or cono- conbininç /orn [Gk kõn-, kõno-, fr. kõnos] : conc _conodont; _conoµIain; _conoscoµc; conch- or concho- conbininç /orn [Gk konch-, koncho-, fr. konche] 1 : shcII _conchoIogy; 2 : concha _conchitis; _con- chotomc; condyl- or condylo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kondy/-, kondy- /o-, fr. kondy/os] : }oint : knob : condyIc _condy/oid; _Condy/oµoda; ¹coni- conbininç /orn [L coni-, fr. conus] : conc _Conirostrcs; ²coni- or conio- conbininç /orn [G & NL; G koni- & NL coni-, conio-, fr. Gk koni- dust & MGk konio-, fr. Gk konia, konis] : dust _coniosis; : sµorcs _Conioµhora; conidi- or conidio- conbininç /orn [conidiun] : conidia _coni- diifcrous; contra- pre/ix [ME, fr. L contra-, contra against] 1 : against : contrary : contrasting : in oµµosition _contra-acting; _con- traindicativc; _contratcnor; 2 : µitchcd bcIow normaI bass _contrabassoon; _contraoctavc; _contraµosaunc; coraco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. coracoides coracoid] : cora- coid and _coracocostaI; corall- or coralli- or corallo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L cora//i- un] : coraI _cora//iform; _cora//oid; _Cora//orhiza; -corax n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk korax] : crow : ravcn _PhaIacrocorax; corm- or cormo- conbininç /orn[NL, fr. Gk korn-, korno- trcc trunk, fr. kornos] : trcc trunk : stcm _Cornoµhyta; ¹-corn n conbininç /orn -s [L -cornis -horncd, fr. cornu horn] : onc having (such or so many) horns _unicorn; ²-corn adi conbininç /orn [L -cornis] : having (such or so many) horns : horncd corne- or corneo- conbininç /orn [F corné-, cornéo-, fr. corné corncous (fr. L corneus), cornée cornca (fr. ML cornea)] 1 : corncous : corncous and _corneocaIcarcous; 2 : cornca _corneitis; : corncaI and _corneoscIcrotic; corono- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F, fr. corona/, ad}.] anat : coronaI and _coronobasiIar; _coronofaciaI; cortico- conbininç /orn [L cortic-, cortex bark] 1 : cortcx; esp : ccrcbraI cortcx _corticocffcrcnt; 2 : corticaI and _corti- cosµinaI; cosm- or cosmo- conbininç /orn [ME (in cosnoçraphie cos- mograµhy), fr. L cosn-, LL cosno-, fr. Gk kosn-, kosno-, fr. kosnos] : worId : univcrsc _cosnorama; _cosnogcncsis; -cosm n conbininç /orn -s [ME -cosne, fr. MF, fr. ML -cosnus, fr. Gk kosnos] : worId _microcosn; _Ioxocosn; cost- or costi- or costo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L costa] : rib : costa _costcctomy; _costiform; : costaI and _costoradiaI; _costostcrnaI; cotyl- or cotyli- or cotylo- conbininç /orn[Gk koty/-, koty/o-, fr. koty/e] : cuµ : organ or µart Iikc a cuµ _coty/oid; _coty/iform; _Coty/osauria; : acctabuIar and _coty/osacraI; -cotyl n conbininç /orn -s [coty/edon] : cotyIcdon _dicoty/; _cµicoty/; counter- pre/ix [ME countre-, fr. MF contre-, contre (adv.)] 1 a : contrary : oµµositc : advcrsc _countercurrcnt; _counter- ordcr; b : oµµosing : rctaIiatory : answcring _counterbIow; _counterwcaµon; 2 : comµIcmcntary : corrcsµonding : aItcr- natc _counterwcight; _counterµart; _counterthcmc; 3 : duµIicatc : substitutc _counterfoiI; -cracy or -ocracy n conbininç /orn -rs [MF & LL; MF -cratie, fr. LL -cratia, fr. Gk -kratia, fr. kratos strcngth, µowcr] 1 : form of govcrnmcnt; a/so : statc having such a form _dcmoc- racy; _mobocracy; _squirocracy; 2 : sociaI or µoIiticaI cIass (as of µowcrfuI µcrsons) _µIutocracy; _snobocracy; 3 : thco- ry of govcrnmcnt or of sociaI organization _tcchnocracy; crani- or cranio- conbininç /orn [craniun] : cranium _cranios- tosis; _craniomctry; : craniaI and _craniosµinaI; -crania n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. ML craniun + L -ia -y] : -skuIIcdncss _µIatycrania; : condition of thc skuII or hcad _amµhicrania; -crat or -ocrat n conbininç /orn -s [F -crate, back-formation fr. -cratie -cracy & -cratique -cratic] 1 : advocatc or µartisan of a thcory of govcrnmcnt _dcmocrat; _µhysiocrat; _thcocrat; 2 : mcmbcr of a (sµccificd) dominant cIass _burcaucrat; _µIu- tocrat; 3 : mcmbcr or suµµortcr of a µoIiticaI µarty or fac- tion _Dixiccrat; - -cratic adi conbininç /orn cre- or creo- a/so kreo- conbininç /orn [G kreo-, fr. Gk kre-, kreo-, fr. kreas] : fIcsh _creodont; _creoµhagous; _kreotox- ism; creat- or creato- conbininç /orn [fr. créat-, fr. Gk kreas] : fIcsh _creatinc; _creatoµhagous; cren- or creno- conbininç /orn [Gk kren-, kreno-, fr. krene sµring; µcrh. akin to OE hærn, hræn sca, ON hrönn wavc] 1 : sµring : mincraI sµring _crenic; _crenothcraµy; 2 : crcnic acid _crenitc; crico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. cricoides cricoid] : cricoid _cricotomy; : cricoid and _cricothyroid; crini- conbininç /orn [L, fr. crinis] : hair _crinicuIturc; _crini- µarous; -crinus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk krinon IiIy] : a crinoid - in gcncric namcs of Crinoidca _Actinocrinus; _Pcntacrinus; cross- or crosso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk krossoi tasscIs, fringc; akin to OE ofcrhræçan to towcr abovc, MHG raçen to towcr uµ, stick uµ, MD raçhen, Gk krossai coµing of a µara- µct, OIr crich cnd, furrow, Russ krokva µoIc, raftcr; basic mcaning: }utting out, sticking uµ] : fringc _Crossastcr; _crossoµtcrygian; _Crossosoma; -crotic adi conbininç /orn [NL -crotus (fr. Gk -krotos, fr. kro- tos bcat, cIaµµing) + E -ic, akin to Gk krotein to cIaµ] : hav- ing (such) a hcartbcat or µuIsc _µoIycrotic; -crotism n conbininç /orn -s [-crotic + -isn] : condition of hav- ing (such) a hcartbcat _dicrotisn; cruro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L crur-, crus Icg] : cruraI and _cruroinguinaI, crurotarsaI; cry- or cryo- a/so kryo- conbininç /orn [G kryo-, fr. Gk, fr. kryos icy coId] : coId : frcczing _cryancsthcsia; _cryogcn; _kryokonitc; crym- or crymo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kryn-, kryno-, fr. krynos icy coId] : coId : frost _crynodynia; _crynothcraµy; crypt- or crypto- a/so krypt- or krypto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kryptos] 1 : hiddcn : covcrcd _cryptobranch; _cryptoµor- ticus; 2 : invisibIc : Iatcnt _cryptocrystaIIinc; _cryptomcrc; 3 : occuIt _cryptcsthcsia; 4 : sccrct : µrivatc _cryptogram; _cryptonym; 5 : hiddcn by disscmbIing : unavowcd _crypto- fascist; _cryptorationaIism; crystall- or crystallo- conbininç /orn [Gk krysta/-, krysta//o-, fr. krysta//os icc, crystaI] : crystaI _crysta//ifcrous; _crysta//uria; _crysta//ogcnic; cten- or cteno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kten-, kteno-, fr. kten-, kteis] : comb _ctenacanthus; _ctenoµhorc; -ctonus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ktonos murdcr; akin to Gk kteinein to sIay, Skt ksanoti hc wounds, in}urcs, OPcr a-þshata unhurt] : kiIIcr - in gcncric namcs csµ. of insccts _Dcndroctonus; cub- or cubi- or cubo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kyb-, kybo-, fr. kybos] 1 a : cubc _cuboctahcdron; _cubiform; _cuboman- cy; b : of thc third aIgcbraic dcgrcc _cubinvariant; _cubocu- bic; 2 cubo- : cuboid and _cubomctatarsaI; cubito- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L cubitus cIbow] : cubitaI and _cubitocarµaI; culic- or culici- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L cu/ic-, cu/ex] : gnat : mosquito _Cu/icidac; _cu/icifugc; culmi- conbininç /orn [L cu/nus] : staIk : cuIm _cu/nicoIous; _cu/nifcrous; _cu/nigcnous; cum- or cumo- conbininç /orn [cunin] : cumic : cumin _cunaIdchydc; _cunoquinoI; cumul- or cumuli- or cumulo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L cunu- /us hcaµ, mass] 1 : cumuIus and _cunu/ocirrus; 2 : cumuIus _cunu/ous; 3 : hcaµ : mass _cunu/osc; -coma cumul- 13 cuneo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L cuneus wcdgc] : cunciform and _cuneocuboid; cupr- or cupro- conbininç /orn [LL cupr-, fr. cuprun] 1 a : coµµcr _cupritc; b : coµµcr and _cupronickcI; 2 cupro- : containing univaIcnt coµµcr : cuµrous _cuprocyanidc; cupri- conbininç /orn [cupr- + -i-] 1 : coµµcr _cuprifcrous; 2 [ISV, fr. cupric] : containing bivaIcnt coµµcr : cuµric _cupri- tartratc; curvi- conbininç /orn [MF or LL; MF, fr. LL, fr. L curvus] : curvcd; bcnt _curviform; _curvifoIiatc; _curvirostraI; cutaneo- conbininç /orn [F cutanéo-, fr. cutané cutancous, fr. NL cutaneus] : skin and _cutaneovisccraI; -cy n su//ix -rs [ME -cie, fr. OF, fr. LL -cia, fr. L -tia, µartIy fr. L -t- (as finaI stcm consonant) + -ia -y, µartIy fr. Gk -teia, -tia, fr. -t- (as finaI stcm consonant) + -eia, -ia -y] : act : action : µracticc : function _µiracy; _µroµhccy; : rank : officc _baronctcy; _chaµIaincy; _gcncraIcy; : body : cIass _aristoc- racy; : statc : quaIity _accuracy; _bankruµtcy; _normaIcy; - orig. and stiII oftcn rcµIacing a finaI -t or -te of thc basc noun or ad}cctivc cyan- or cyano- conbininç /orn [G cyan-, ryan-, fr. Gk kyan-, kyano-, fr. kyanos dark bIuc cnamcI, Iaµis IazuIi] 1 : dark bIuc : bIuc _cyanotyµc; _cyanosis; 2 a : cyanogcn _cyanamidc; _cyanoµhoric; b now usu cyano- : containing cyanogcn in µIacc of hydrogcn - in namcs of organic comµounds _cyanobcnzoic acid; c now usu cyano- : containing cyanogcn rcgardcd as rcµIacing hydroxyI or oxygcn or as coordinatcd to a ccntraI atom - in namcs of inorganic acids and saIts _cyanoauric acid; _cyanofcrratc; 3 : cyanidc _cyanogcnctic; -cyan n conbininç /orn -s [Gk kyanos] : bIuc µigmcnt _aIgo- cyan; _Icucocyan; cyath- or cyatho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kyath-, kyatho-, fr. kyathos] : cuµ : cuµ-shaµcd _Cyathasµis; _cyathoIith; cyber- conbininç /orn [cybernetic] : comµutcr : comµutcr nct- work _cybersµacc; cycl- or cyclo- conbininç /orn [NL cyc/o-, fr. Gk kyk/-, kyk/o-, fr. kyk/os circIc, whccI] 1 : circIc : ring _cyc/omctcr; _cyc/otron; 2 : cycIc _cyc/ograµhcr; 3 : cycIic comµound _cyc/ohcµtanc; _cyc/ooIcfin; 4 : ciIiary body (of thc cyc) _cyc/odiaIysis; _cyc/itis; cylindr- or cylindro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ky/indr-, ky/in- dro-, fr. ky/indros] : cyIindricaI : cyIindricaI and _cy/in- drarthrosis; _cy/indroccµhaIic; cym- or cymo- a/so kym- or kymo- conbininç /orn [F cyn-, cyno-, fr. Gk kyn-, kyno-, fr. kyna] 1 : wavc _cynoscoµc; 2 : cymc : cIustcr _cynoid; cyn- or cyno- conbininç /orn [ME cyno-, fr. L, fr. Gk kyn-, kyno-, fr. kyn-, kyõn dog] : dog _cyniatrics; cypro- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Gk Kypro-, fr. Kypros Cyµrus] : Cyµrian and _Cypro-Phocnician; cyrt- or cyrto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kyrt-, kyrto-, fr. kyr- tos buIging, convcx; akin to L curvus curvcd] : bcnt : curvcd _cyrtoµia; _cyrtostyIc; : somcthing curvcd _cyrtomctcr; cyst- or cysti- or cysto- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk kyst-, kysto-, fr. kystis bIaddcr, µouch] 1 a : gaII bIaddcr _cystocoIostomy; b : urinary bIaddcr _cystitis; _cystotomy; 2 : sac : µouch : cyst _cystcnchyma; _cystiform; _cystoµhorc; -cyst n conbininç /orn -s [NL -cyste, -cystis, fr. Gk kystis] : bIaddcr _choIccyst; -cystis n conbininç /orn, p/ -cystides [NL, fr. Gk kystis] : onc having (such) a bIaddcr or µouch - csµ. in gcncric namcs _Macrocystis; cyt- or cyto- conbininç /orn [G ryt-, ryto-, fr. Gk kyto-, fr. kytos hoIIow vcsscI] 1 : ccII _cytasc; _cytoµIasm; 2 : cytoµIasm _cytodc; _cytosomc; -cyte n conbininç /orn -s [NL -cyta, fr. Gk kytos hoIIow vcsscI] : ccII _Icukocyte; _µcricyte; -'d vb su//ix or adi su//ix [by contr.] : ¹-ro - now csµ. in forms dcrivcd from words cnding in a vowcI _a mascara`d cycIash; daco- conbininç /orn, usu cap [ISV, fr. Dacia] : Dacian and _Daco-Romanian; dacry- or dacryo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dakry-, dakryo-, fr. dakry, dakryon tcar] : of a tcar or tcars : IacrimaI _dacry- oma; _dacryocystitis; dactyl- or dactylo- conbininç /orn [Gk dakty/-, dakty/o-, fr. dakty/os] : fingcr : toc : digit _dacty/itis; _dacty/oIogy; -dactylia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk dakty/os + NL -ia -y] : condition of having (such or so many) digits _hcxadacty/ia; _scIcrodacty/ia; dactylio- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F, fr. Gk dakty/io-, fr. dak- ty/ios, fr. dakty/os fingcr] 1 : fingcr ring _dacty/ioIogy; 2 : gcm _dacty/iograµhy; -dactylism n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. Gk dakty/os fingcr, toc + ISV -isn] : -oAc1vLrA -dactylous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -dakty/os, fr. dakty/os fin- gcr, toc] : having (such or so many) fingcrs or tocs _isodacty- /ous; _monodacty/ous; -dactyly n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -dacty/ia - morc at -oAc1vLrA] : -oAc1vLrA dano- conbininç /orn, cap [ISV Dan- (fr. LL Dani Dancs) + -o-] : Danish and _Dano-Eskimo; dasy- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. dasys] 1 : thick with hair or Icavcs : shaggy : wooIIy _dasyµhyIIous; 2 : dcnsity _dasymctcr; de- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF de-, des-, µartIy fr. L de- from, down, away (fr. de) and µartIy fr. L dis-, L de akin to OIr di from, Gk de now, thcn, OE tõ to - morc at ors-] 1 a : do thc oµµo- sitc of : rcvcrsc (a sµccificd action) _deccntraIizc; _decodc; b : rcvcrsc of _decaIcsccncc; 2 : rcmovc (a sµccificd thing or things) from _dehorn; _deIousc; : rcmovc from (a sµccificd thing) _dethronc; 3 : rcducc : makc Iowcr _deratc; 4 [L] : somcthing dcrivcd or comµoundcd from (a sµccificd thing) _decomµound, n.; : dcrivcd or comµoundcd from somcthing (of a sµccificd naturc) _decomµound, ad}.; - oftcn in gram- maticaI tcrms (nouns or ad}cctivcs) cnding in -a/ or -ative _dead}cctivaI; _devcrbativc; 5 : gct off of (a sµccificd thing) _debus; _detrain; 6 : having a moIccuIc charactcrizcd by thc rcmovaI of onc or morc atoms of (a sµccificd cIcmcnt) - in combining forms occurring in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds _dehydro-; _deoxy-; 7 : causc to ccasc to (µcrform a sµcci- ficd action) _de-cmanatc; deca- or dec- or deka- or dek- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk deka-, dek-, fr. deka tcn] 1 : tcn _decagon; 2 [F déca-, déc-, fr. L deca-, dec-] : tcn timcs (a sµccificd unit of mcasurc) _decaIitcr; _decarc; - uscd in tcrms bcIonging to thc mctric systcm decem- conbininç /orn[MF or L; MF, fr. L, fr. decentcn] : tcn _decencostatc; deci- conbininç /orn [F déci-, fr. L decinus tcnth, fr. decen tcn] : tcnth µart (of a sµccificd unit of mcasurc) _decigram; - chicfIy in tcrms bcIonging to thc mctric systcm -dectes n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dektes, fr. daknein to bitc] : bitcr - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _Mixodectes; dehydr- or dehydro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. de- + hydr-] 1 : dchydratcd _dehydromucic acid C.H,O(COOH),; 2 : dchy- drogcnatcd _dehydroabictic acid C,,H,-COOH; -delphis n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk de/phis] : doIµhin - in gcncric namcs _Cyrtode/phis; dem- or demo- conbininç /orn [den- fr. L, fr. Gk den-, deno-, fr. denos dcmc, µoµuIacc; deno- fr. MF, fr. LL, fr. Gk den-, deno-, akin to OIr dãn rctinuc, comµany, Skt dayate hc aµµortions] : µcoµIc : µoµuIacc : µoµuIation _denograµhy; _denoid; -dema n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk denas body, bodiIy buiId; akin to Gk denein to buiId] : onc having (such) a body - in gcncric namcs of insccts _Dasydena; demi- pre/ix [ME, fr. deni, fr. MF, fr. LL denedius, aItcr. (infIucnccd by L nedius) of L dinidius, µrob. back-formation fr. dinidiare to haIvc] : haIf: as a : of Icss than fuII sizc _den- icannon; _deniµikc; : shortcncd _denirobc; - comµarc srmr- b hera/dry : having onIy onc haIf dcµictcd, usu. thc uµµcr or forcmost haIf but somctimcs thc dcxtcr or thc sinis- tcr haIf _deniangcI; _deniIion; c : haIf in quantity or vaIuc _denibarrcI; _denigroat; d : infcrior in quaIity _deniIustcr; cuneo- demi- 14 e : onc that µartIy bcIongs to (a sµccificd tyµc or cIass) _denibcast; _denidcity; _deniIawycr; f : µartiaI : incom- µIctc _deninudity; _denitoiIct; dendr- or dendro- conbininç /orn [NL dendr-, fr. Gk dendr-, dendro- trcc, fr. dendron, akin to Gk drys trcc] : trcc _den- droµhiIous; : rcscmbIing a trcc _dendraxon; -dendron n conbininç /orn, p/ -dendrons a/so -dendra [L, fr. Gk, fr. dendron - morc at or×oÞ-] 1 : trcc - csµ. in gcncr- ic namcs of µIants _Liriodendron; _Trochodendron; 2 : trcc- Iikc formation _ncurodendron; 3 : stcm : µart of a stcm _Schizodendron; dent- or denti- or dento- conbininç /orn [ME denti-, fr. L dent-, denti-, fr. dent-, dens] 1 : tooth : tccth _dentaIgia; _dentiform; 2 : dcntaI and _dentiIinguaI; _dentosurgicaI; -dentate adi conbininç /orn [NL -dentatus, fr. L dentatus] : having (such or so many) toothIikc µro}cctions : -toothcd _muItidentate; _quadridentate; deoxy- or desoxy- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. de- or des- + oxy-] : containing Icss oxygcn in thc moIccuIc than thc comµound to which it is cIoscIy rcIatcd; esp : dcrivabIc from anothcr comµound by thc rcmovaI of onc oxygcn atom _deoxynu- cIcotidc; _desoxybcnzoin C,.H,,O; der- or dero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk der-, fr. dere, deire, akin to OSIav çriva manc, Skt çrivã ncck, L vorare to dcvour] : ncck : throat _deradcnitis; _Derotrcmata; derm- or derma- or dermo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dern-, derno-, fr. derna, fr. derein to skin] 1 : skin _dernaIgia; _dernahcmia; _dernoskcIcton; 2 : dcrmaI and _derno- humcraI; -derm n conbininç /orn -s [µrob. fr. F -derne, fr. Gk derna] : skin : covcring : intcgumcnt _bIastodern; -derma n conbininç /orn, p/ -dermas or -dermata [NL, fr. Gk dernat-, derna] 1 : skin : covcring : intcgumcnt _sarcoder- na; 2 : skin or skin aiImcnt of a (sµccificd) tyµc _scIcroder- na; 3 : onc having a (sµccificd) tyµc of skin - in gcncric namcs _HcIoderna; dermat- or dermato- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. dernat-, derna] : skin : hidc _dernatodynia; _dernatoIogy; -dermata n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dernat-, derna] : oncs having a (sµccificd) tyµc of skin - in namcs of taxo- nomic catcgorics of animaIs Iargcr than a gcnus _ScIcro- dernata; -dermatous adi conbininç /orn [NL -dernata + E -ous] : hav- ing a (sµccificd) tyµc of skin _scIcrodernatous; -dermia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk derna skin + NL -ia - morc at orÞm-] : skin or skin aiImcnt of a (sµccificd) tyµc _µachydernia; -dermis n conbininç /orn -rs [LL, fr. Gk, fr. derna skin] : Iaycr of skin or tissuc _cndodernis; des- pre/ix [F dés-, fr. OF des- - morc at or-] 1 : or- 1 - csµ. bcforc vowcIs _desamidatc; 2 : or- 6 - csµ. bcforc vowcIs _desiodo-; _desoxy-; -desis n conbininç /orn, p/ -deses [NL, fr. Gk desis, fr. dein to bind + -sis] : binding _arthrodesis; desm- or desmo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, band, bond, fr. desnos, fr. dein to bind] : bond : Iigamcnt _desnaIgia; _desnograµhy; deut- or deuto- conbininç /orn [ISV, short for deuter-] 1 : scc- ond in a rcguIar scrics of chcmicaI comµounds _deutoxidc; 2 : sccond _deutomaIa; : sccondary _deutoµIasm; - csµ. in bioIogicaI tcrms ¹deuter- or deutero- conbininç /orn [aItcr. (infIucnccd by LL deutero-) of carIicr deutro-, fr. ME, modif. of LL deutero-, fr. Gk deuter-, deutero-, fr. deuteros sccond; µrob. akin to L dudum formcrIy, Gk dein to Iack, miss, Gk (Homcric) deuesthai to bc in nccd of, Skt dura far] 1 : sccond : sccond- ary _deuteragonist; _deuteroµIasm; 2 : bcIonging to any of various cIasscs of chcmicaI substanccs rcgardcd as sccondary µroducts of dccomµosition _deuteroµorµhyrin; _deuteroµro- tcosc; ²deuter- or deutero- conbininç /orn [ISV fr. deuteriun] : orL- 1rÞr- _deuteridc; _deuterochIoroform; deuteri- or deuterio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. deuteriun] : dcu- tcrium : containing dcutcrium - in namcs of chcmicaI com- µounds _deuterioammonia; dextr- or dextro- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L dextr-, dexter] 1 : right _dextrad; : on or toward thc right _dextrorotatory; 2 : dcxtraI and _dextrosinistraI; di- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. Gk; akin to OE twi- - morc at 1wr-] 1 : twicc : twofoId : doubIc _dichromatic; 2 : containing two atoms, radicaIs, or grouµs (of a sµccificd kind) _dichIoridc; 3 : bcing a Grcck coin or unit of vaIuc worth two sµccificd units _distatcr; _didrachma; dia- a/so di- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. dia, akin to L dis- - morc at ors-] 1 : through : during _diachronic; : across _diactinic; 2 : madc of : consisting of - in namcs of comµoundcd mcdicincs _diacodion; diabol- or diabolo- conbininç /orn[ME deabo/-, fr. MF diabo/-, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. diabo/os] : dcviI _diabo/ism; _diabo/ocracy; dialy- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dia/yein to scµaratc] : scµa- ratcd _dia/ycarµic; _dia/yµctaIous; diaphan- or diaphano- conbininç /orn [ME diaphan-, fr. MF, fr. diaphane] : transµarcnt _diaphanoscoµy; : transµarcncy _diaphanomctcr; -diastasis n conbininç /orn, p/ -diastases [NL, fr. Gk diastasis scµaration] 1 : disintcgration _mycIodiastasis; 2 : disµIacc- mcnt _adcnodiastasis; dich- or dicho- conbininç /orn [LL dicho-, fr. Gk dich-, dicho-, fr. dicha, akin to Gk di- - morc at or-] : in two : aµart : asun- dcr _dichoµtic; _dichogamy; dicty- or dictyo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dikty-, diktyo-, fr. diktyon, fr. dikein to throw] : nct _dictyosomc; -diene n su//ix -s [ISV, fr. di- + -ene] : chcmicaI comµound con- taining two doubIc bonds _hcxadiene; digiti- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L diçitus fingcr, toc] 1 : digit : fingcr or toc _diçitigradc; 2 : fingcr _diçitiform; 3 : digi- tatcIy _diçitiµinnatc; din- or dino- a/so dein- or deino- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dein-, deino-, fr. deinos] : tcrribIc : mighty _Deinodon; _Deinothcrium; _Dinornis; _dinosaur; dino- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dinos rotation, whirIing, whirIµooI; µcrh. akin to OIr dian raµid, Skt diyati hc soars] 1 : whirIing _Dinobryon; 2 : whirIµooI : cddy _DinocaµsaIcs; _DinoµhiIus; dioecio- conbininç /orn [dioecious] : diocciousIy _dioeciodi- morµhous; _dioecioµoIygamous; diphy- or diphyo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk diphy-, fr. diphyes, fr. di- + -phyes (fr. phyein to bring forth, µroducc)] : twofoId : doubIc : biµartitc _diphyodont; _diphyozooid; dipl- or diplo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. dip/oos] 1 : doubIc : twofoId _dip/ococcus; _dip/oµia; 2 : diµIoid _dip/osomc; dipter- or diptero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dipteros] 1 : two-wingcd : diµtcrous _dipteraI; 2 : Diµtcra _dipteroIogy; ¹dis- pre/ix [ME dis-, des-, fr. OF & L; OF des-, dis-, fr. L dis-, Iit., aµart, to µicccs; akin to OE te- aµart, to µicccs, OHG ri-, re-, Goth dis- aµart, Gk dia through, AIb tsh- aµart, L duo two] 1 a : do thc oµµositc of : rcvcrsc (a sµccificd action) _dis}oin; _discstabIish; _disown; _disquaIify; b : dcµrivc of (a sµccificd charactcr, quaIity, or rank) _disabIc; _disµrincc; : dcµrivc of (a sµccificd ob}cct) _disfrock; c : cxcIudc or cxµcI from _disbar; _discastIc; 2 : oµµositc of : contrary of : abscncc of _disunion; _disaffcction; 3 : not _dishoncst; _disIoyaI; 4 : comµIctcIy _disannuI; 5 [by foIk ctymoIogy] : ovs- _disfunction; _distroµhy; ²dis- pre/ix [MF, fr. ML, aItcr. (infIucnccd by Gk dis- twicc, doubIc, fr. dis twicc) of L di-, fr. Gk - morc at 1wr-] 1 : or- 1 2 : or- 2 _disazo; disc- or disci- or disco- conbininç /orn [L disc-, disco-, & ML disci-, fr. Gk disk-, disko-, fr. diskos quoit] 1 : disk _Discina; _discigcrous; _discomycctc; 2 : µhonograµh rccord : rccord- ing _discograµhy; _discoµhiIc; -discus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L discus] : organism with a (sµccificd) form of disk - in gcncric namcs _CcµhaIodiscus; diss- or disso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. dissos, dittos, dendr- diss- 15 akin to Gk dyo two] : doubIc _dissoconch; _dissoµhytc; dist- or disto- or disti- conbininç /orn [distant] : distaI _disto- cIusion; - oµµoscd to proxino- diversi- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. diversus] : dif- fcrcnt : divcrsc : divcrscIy _diversiform; _diversifoIiatc; dodeca- or dodec- conbininç /orn [L dodeca-, fr. Gk dõdeka-, dõdek-, fr. dõdeka, dyõdeka, fr. dyõ, dyo two + deka tcn] : twcIvc _dodecahcdron; _dodecyI; dolich- or dolicho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. do/ichos] 1 : Iong _do/ichoccµhaIic; 2 : narrow _do/ichohicric; -dom n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OE -dõn, akin to OS -dõn -dom, OHG -tuon, ON -dõnr, aII fr. a µrchistoric Gmc noun rcµrcscntcd by OE dõn }udgmcnt] 1 a : dignity : officc _dukcdon; b : rcaIm : }urisdiction _kingdon; _Christcndon; c : gco- graµhicaI arca _AngIo-Saxondon; 2 : statc, condition, or fact of bcing _frccdon; _martyrdon; 3 : thosc having a (sµcci- ficd) officc, occuµation, intcrcst, or charactcr _officiaIdon; _dogdon; _stamµdon; dors- or dorsi- or dorso- conbininç /orn [LL dors- back, fr. L dorsun] 1 : back _dorsad; : dorsaI _dorsifIcxion; : dorsaIIy _dorsifixcd; 2 : dorsaI and _dorsoIatcraI; dory- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dory] : sµcar _Doryanthcs; drom- or dromo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. dronos] 1 : coursc : racccoursc : running _Dronornis; 2 : sµccd _dronomctcr; ¹-drome n conbininç /orn -s [MF, fr. L -dronos, fr. Gk dronos, akin to Gk dranein to run] 1 : racccoursc _motordrone; 2 : Iargc sµcciaIIy µrcµarcd µIacc _acrodrone; _µicturcdrone; ²-drome adi conbininç /orn [Gk -dronos, fr. dronos coursc, racccoursc, act of running] : running _homodrone; -dromous adi conbininç /orn [NL -dronus, fr. Gk -dronos - morc at -oÞomr] : running _catadronous; dry- or dryo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. drys trcc, oak] : trcc - in gcncric namcs _Dryoµithccus; duo- conbininç /orn [L duo] : two _duosccant; _duomachy; duoden- or duodeno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ML duodenun] 1 : duodcnum _duodenitis; _duodenogram; 2 : duodcnaI and _duodeno}c}unaI; duplicato- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. L dup/icatus duµIi- catc] : doubIy _dup/icato-dcntatc; dvi- conbininç /orn [Skt dvi- two - morc at 1wr-] : standing or assumcd to stand in thc sccond µIacc bcyond (a sµccificd cIcmcnt) in thc samc famiIy of thc µcriodic tabIc - in namcs of chcmicaI cIcmcnts csµ. whcn not yct discovcrcd _dvi-man- gancsc (now caIIcd rheniun);; comµarc rxA- dy- or dyo- conbininç /orn [LL dy- & G dyo-, fr. Gk dy-, dyo-, fr. dyo] : two _dyarchy; _dyastcr; _dyothcism; -dymia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. -dynus + -ia] : condition of bcing a µair of twin tcrata }oincd at (a sµccificd body µart) _ccµhaIodynia; -dymus n conbininç /orn -rs [NL, irrcg. fr. Gk didynos twin, fr. dyo two] : µair of twin tcrata }oincd at (a sµccificd body µart) _stcrnodynus; dynam- or dynamo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F, fr. Gk, fr. dynanis] : µowcr _dynanism; _dynanograµh; -dynamia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. dynanis + -ia -y] : strcngth : condition of having (such) strcngth _adynania; _myodynania; -dynamous adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -dynanus, fr. Gk -dynanos having (such) µowcr, fr. dynanis µowcr] bot : hav- ing dcvcIoµing µowcr of a (sµccificd) tyµc _androdynanous; dys- pre/ix [aItcr. (infIucnccd by L & Gk dys-) of ME dis-, fr. MF & L; MF dis-, fr. L dys-, fr. Gk; akin to OE tõ-, te- aµart, to µicccs, OHG ri-, rir- aµart, to µicccs, ON tor- difficuIt, Goth tur- (in turwerian to doubt), Skt dus- difficuIt, bad] 1 a : abnormaI : discascd _dyshidrosis; _dysµIasia; b : difficuIt : with difficuI- ty _dysoxidizc; : µoorIy _dyscrystaIIinc; - somctimcs oµµoscd to eu- c : fauIty : imµaircd _dysfunction; _dysµcµsia; d : bad : unfavorabIc _dysµathy; _dysµhcmism; - somctimcs oµµoscd to eu- 2 : abscncc or rcvcrsc of _dystcIcoIogy; -dytes a/so -dyta n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk dytes, fr. dyein to cntcr, divc in, sink] : divcr - in gcncric namcs chicfIy of birds _Aµtcnodytes; e- pre/ix [ME, not, out, forth, away, fr. OF & L; OF, out, forth, away, fr. L, fr. ex- - morc at rx-] 1 a : not _ecarinatc; _eros- tratc; b : missing : abscnt _Ecardincs; _edcntaI; 2 : out : on thc outsidc _escribc; 3 : thoroughIy _evaµorizc; 4 : forth _eradiatc; 5 : away _eIuvium; -eae n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L (fcm. µI. of -eus -cous)] : thosc bcIong- ing to (such a grouµ) - in bioIogicaI taxonomic namcs of grouµs (as tribcs) Iargcr than thc gcnus _Diatomeae; _FIorideae; _Lrcdineae; ¹ec- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. Gk ek, fr. ex - morc at rx-] : out of : outsidc of : outsidc _eccycsis; ²ec- or eco- a/so oec- or oeco- or oiko- conbininç /orn [carIicr aIso yco-, fr. MF & LL; MF yco-, fr. LL oeco-, oiko-, fr. Gk oik-, oiko-, fr. oikos housc, habitation] 1 a : houschoId _econ- omy; b : cconomic and _eco-cuIturaI; 2 : habitat or cnvi- ronmcnt csµ. as a factor significantIy infIucncing thc modc of Iifc or thc coursc of dcvcIoµmcnt _ecosµccics; _ecosystcm; _ecad; 3 ec- or cco- : ccoIogicaI or cnvironmcntaI _ecocata- stroµhc; ecclesi- or ecclesio- conbininç /orn [ME ecc/esi-, fr. LL, fr. ecc/esia church, fr. L, asscmbIy of citizcns of a Grcck statc, fr. Gk ekk/esia church, asscmbIy of citizcns of a Grcck statc, fr. ekka/ein to caII forth, summon, fr. ek out of, out (fr. ex) + ka/ein to caII - morc at rx-] : church _ecc/esiarch; _ecc/e- siograµhy; echin- or echino- conbininç /orn [L echin- µrickIc, fr. echinus sca urchin, fr. Gk echinos hcdgchog, sca urchin] 1 : µrickIc : µrickIy _Echinocactus; 2 a : sca urchin _echinaI; _echinochromc; b : cchinodcrm _echinoIogy; ect- or ecto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ekto- outsidc, fr. ektos, fr. ex out of, out - morc at rx-] 1 : outsidc : cxtcrnaI _ectostosis; _ectoµIasm; - comµarc r×o-, rxo- 2 : out of µIacc _ectocardia; -ectome n conbininç /orn -s [NL -ectonus, fr. -ectonia, aftcr NL -tonia -tomy: -tonus -tomc] : instrumcnt uscd in surgicaI rcmovaI of (a sµccificd organ or µart) _ncurectone; _tonsiI- Iectone; -ectomy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -ectonia, fr. ec- + -tonia -tomy] : cutting out : surgicaI rcmovaI _gastrectony; ectro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ektrõsis miscarriagc, fr. ektitrõskein to miscarry, fr. ek out of, out (fr. ex) + titrõskein to wound, damagc; akin to Gk tribein to rub - morc at rx-] : congcnitaIIy abscnt - in tcratoIogicaI tcrms chicfIy indicat- ing abscncc of a µarticuIar Iimb or µart _ectrodactyIism; ¹-ed vb su//ix or adi su//ix [ME, fr. OE -ed, -od, -ad, fr. -e-, -o-, -a- (thcmatic vowcIs of various cIasscs of wcak vcrbs) + -d, µast µart. cnding of wcak vcrbs; akin to OHG -t, µast µart. cnding of wcak vcrbs, ON -thr, Goth -ths, L -tus, µast µart. cnding, Gk -tos, suffix forming vcrbaI ad}cctivcs, Skt -ta, µast µart. cnding] 1 - uscd to form thc µast µarticiµIc of rcguIar wcak vcrbs _cnded; _foIIowed; _drcssed;; rcguIarIy accom- µanicd by coaIcsccncc with finaI e of thc basc word _faded;, changc of finaI µostconsonantaI y of thc basc word to i _tried;, or doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatcIy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI _µatted; 2 - uscd to form ad}cctivcs of idcnticaI or ncarIy idcnticaI mcaning from Latin-dcrivcd ad}cctivcs cnding in -ate _crcnuIated; _µinnated; 3 a : having : µrovidcd or furnishcd with : char- actcrizcd by - in ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns _baIconied; _cuItured; _moncyed; _winged; or from combinations hav- ing a noun as finaI constitucnt _two-Icgged; _dccµ-chcsted; _thrcc-storied; b : having thc charactcristics of - in ad}cc- tivcs formcd from nouns _bigoted; _dogged; ²-ed vb su//ix [ME -ede, -de, fr. OE -de, -ede, -ode, -ade, µast cnding (1st µcrs. sing. indic.) of wcak vcrbs, fr. -e-, -o-, -a- (thcmatic vowcIs of various cIasscs of wcak vcrbs) + -de, µast cnding (1st µcrs. sing. indic.) of wcak vcrbs; akin to OHG -ta, µast cnding (1st µcrs. sing. indic.) of wcak vcrbs, ON -tha, Goth -da, and µrob. to OE -d, µast µart. cnding of wcak vcrbs] - uscd to form thc µast tcnsc of rcguIar wcak vcrbs; rcgu- IarIy accomµanicd by coaIcsccncc with finaI e of thc basc word _}udged;, changc of finaI µostconsonantaI y of thc basc dist- -ed 16 word to i _dcnied;, or doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatcIy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI _droµµed; ¹-ee n su//ix -s [ME -e, fr. MF -é, fr. OF, fr. -é, µast µart. cnd- ing of somc vcrbs, fr. L -atus, µast µart. cnding of 1st con}. vcrbs - morc at ³-atc] 1 : animatc and usu. human undcrgo- cr, rcciµicnt, or bcncficiary of (a sµccificd action) _aµµointee; _draftee; _grantee; _trainee; _trustee; 2 : µcrson furnishcd with (a sµccificd thing) _µatcntee; 3 : µcrson that µcrforms (a sµccificd action) _cscaµee; _standee; ²-ee n su//ix -s [µrob. aItcr. of -ie] 1 : onc associatcd with _bargee; _goaIee; _townee; 2 : a µarticuIar csµ. smaII kind of _bootee; _coatee; 3 : onc rcscmbIing or suggcstivc of _goatee; ¹-een n su//ix -s [µrob. µartIy fr. thc -een of ratteen and µartIy aItcr. of thc -ine of arnorine, bonbarine] : infcrior fabric rcscmbIing (a sµccificd fabric) : imitation _sateen; _vcI- vcteen; ²-een n su//ix -s [IrGacI -in] chie//y lrish : smaII onc : dcar onc : µctty or contcmµtibIc onc - in diminutivc nouns _birdeen; _buckeen; _squireen; -eer n su//ix -s [MF -ier, fr. L -arius - morc at ¹-ary] 1 : onc that dcaIs in, is conccrncd with µrofcssionaIIy, managcs, con- ducts, or µroduccs _auctioneer; _µamµhIcteer; - oftcn in words with dcrogatory mcaning or connotation _µrofiteer; 2 : contcmµtibIc onc _µatrioteer; egypto- conbininç /orn, cap [µrob. fr. F éçypto-, fr. Gk aiçyp- to-, fr. Aiçyptos Egyµt] 1 : Egyµt _EçyptoIogy; 2 : Egyµtian and _Eçypto-Arabic; _Eçypto-Grcck; eicosa- or eicos- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk eikosa-, eikos- twcnty, fr. eikosi] : containing 20 atoms (as of carbon) _eicosanc; eid- or eido- conbininç /orn [Gk, form, fr. eidos] : imagc : fig- urc _eidoµtomctry; -ein or -eine n su//ix -s [ISV, aItcr. of -in, -ine] : a comµound dis- tinguishcd from a comµound with a namc cnding in -in or -ine - usu. -eine in namcs of bascs and -ein in namcs of nonbas- cs _nicoteine; _µhthaIein; eka- conbininç /orn [Skt eka onc] : standing or assumcd to stand ncxt in ordcr bcyond (a sµccificd cIcmcnt) in thc samc famiIy of thc µcriodic tabIc - in namcs of chcmicaI cIcmcnts csµ. whcn not yct discovcrcd _ekaccsium (now caIIcd franci- um);; comµarc ovr- -el n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF -e/, -e/e, fr. L -e//us, -e//a, -e//un] : smaII onc _corme/; elaio- or elaeo- or eleo- conbininç /orn [G e/äo- & NL e/aeo-, fr. Gk e/aio- oIivc oiI, oiI, fr. e/aion, fr. e/aia oIivc] : oiI _e/aio- µIast; _e/aeobIast; _e/eocytc; elasm- or elasmo- conbininç /orn [F é/asn- & NL e/asno-, fr. Gk e/asnos mctaI µIatc; akin to Gk e/aunein to drivc] : µIatc _E/asnobranchii; elast- or elasto- conbininç /orn [NL e/ast-, fr. LGk e/astos duc- tiIc] 1 : cIasticity _e/astin; 2 : cIastic and _e/astoviscous; electr- or electro- conbininç /orn [NL e/ectr-, fr. L e/ectrun ambcr] 1 a : cIcctricity _e/ectromctcr; b : cIcctric _e/ec- trizc; _e/ectromagnct; : cIcctric and _e/ectromcdicaI; : cIcctricaIIy _e/ectroµositivc; 2 : cIcctroIytic _e/ectro- anaIysis; 3 : cIcctromagnctic _e/ectrochronograµh; 4 : cIcctron _e/ectroµhiIic; eleuther- or eleuthero- conbininç /orn [Gk, frcc, fr. e/eutheros] 1 : frccdom _e/eutheromania; 2 : frcc _E/eutherozoa; -ella n su//ix, p/ -ellae or -ellas [L - morc at -rL] 1 : IittIc onc rcscmbIing - oftcn in gcncric namcs _Caµse//a; 2 : IittIc onc _squame//a; 3 : IittIc onc bcIonging to _MoIucce//a; elongato- conbininç /orn [e/onçate + -o-] : cIongatcd and _e/on- çato-ovatc; elytr- or elytri- or elytro- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. e/ytron] : cIytron _e/ytroid; _e/ytrifcrous; embol- or emboli- or embolo- conbininç /orn [NL enbo/-, fr. ML (in enbo/isnus intcrcaIation)] 1 : cmboIus _enbo/ccto- my; _enbo/iform; 2 : wcdgc _Enbo/omcri; embry- or embryo- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. enbryon] : cmbryo _enbrycctomy; _enbryoIogy; embryon- or embryoni- conbininç /orn[ML enbryon-, enbryo] : cmbryo _enbryonic; _enbryoniform; -eme n su//ix -s [F -ène thing, unit (in phonène sµccch sound), fr. Gk -enat-, -ena (in phõnenat-, phõnena uttcrancc), fr. -e- (stcm vowcI of phõnein to sound) + -nat-, -na (noun suffix) - morc at -mr×1] : significantIy distinctivc unit of structurc of a (sµccificd) kind in a Ianguagc or diaIcct _morµhene; _tonene; - comµarc ALLo- -emia or -aemia a/so -hemia or -haemia n conbininç /orn -s [NL -enia, -aenia, fr. Gk -ainia, fr. haina bIood + -ia -y - morc at nrm-] 1 : condition of having (such) bIood _Icukenia; _scµticenia; 2 : condition of having (a sµccificd thing) in thc bIood _choIenia; _urenia; empirio- a/so empirico- conbininç /orn [enpirio- fr. G, fr. Gk enpeiria cxµcricncc (fr. enpeiros cxµcricnccd + -ia -y) + G -o-, enpirico- fr. enpiric, ad}. + -o-] 1 : cxµcricncc : cxµcrimcnt _enpiriogcnic; _enpiriosymboIist; 2 : cmµiricaI and _enpiri- coinductivc; ¹en- a/so em- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L in-, in-, fr. in] 1 : µut into _encradIc; : µut on to _enthronc; : covcr or surround with _envcrdurc; : go into or on to _enbus; - in vcrbs formcd from nouns 2 : causc to bc _engIad; _ensIavc; - somctimcs in vcrbs that aIso havc thc suffix -en _enboIdcn;; in vcrbs formcd from ad}cctivcs or nouns 3 : µrovidc with _encoIIar; _enµowcr; - in vcrbs formcd from nouns 4 : so as to covcr or surround _enwraµ; : thoroughIy _entangIc; - oftcn in vcrbs diffcring IittIc or not at aII in mcaning from thc corrcsµonding vcrb without µrcfix _entamc;; in vcrbs formcd from vcrbs; in aII scnscs usu. en- bcforc b, n, or p and en- in othcr circumstanccs ²en- a/so em- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. en in] : in : within : insidc _endcrmic; _engram; _enzootic; - usu. en- bcforc b, n, or p _enbathoIithic; and en- in othcr circumstanccs ³en- conbininç /orn[ISV, fr. -ene] : chcmicaIIy unsaturatcd; esp : having onc doubIc bond _enaminc; ¹-en a/so -n adi su//ix [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG -in madc of, ON -inn, Goth -eins madc of, of or bcIonging to, L -inus (with Iong i) of or bcIonging to, Gk -inos madc of, of or bcIonging to, Skt -ina of or bcIonging to] : madc of : consisting of _carthen; _wooIen; - now rcIativcIy infrcqucnt bccausc of thc widcsµrcad attributivc usc of nouns or of ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns without thc addition of a suffix (as in ço/d cuµ, wheat cakc) and to bc found chicfIy in ad}cctivcs which arc obsoIctc _tinnen; or archaic _oaken; or in which a scnsc othcr than thc IitcraI onc has bccomc µromincnt _goIden; _wooden;; usu. -n aftcr -er _siIvcrn; ²-en vb su//ix -ro/-r×c/-s [ME -nen, fr. OE -nian (as in /æstnian to fastcn); akin to OS -nõn, finaI scgmcnt of ccrtain transitivc infinitivcs (as in /astnõn to fastcn), OHG -inõn (as in /estinõn to fastcn), ON -na (as in /astna to µIcdgc, bctroth)] 1 a : causc to bc _sharµen; - somctimcs in vcrbs that aIso havc thc µrc- fix en- _cmboIden;; in transitivc vcrbs formcd from ad}cctivcs b : causc to havc _Icngthen; - in transitivc vcrbs formcd from nouns 2 a : comc to bc _stccµen; - in intransitivc vcrbs formcd from ad}cctivcs b : comc to havc _Icngthen; - in intransitivc vcrbs formcd from nouns enantio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. enantios, fr. enanti in thc µrcscncc of, fr. en in + anti against - morc at A×1r-] 1 : oµµositc _enantiotroµy; 2 : antagonistic _enantiobiosis; -ence n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -entia, fr. -ent-, -ens -cnt + -ia -y] 1 : action or µroccss _abstinence; _cmcrgence; _confIu- ence; : instancc of an action or µroccss _rcfcrence; _rcminis- cence; 2 : quaIity or statc _condcsccndence; _dcµcndence; : onc having a (sµccificd) quaIity or bcing in a (sµccificd) statc _standing on an cminence; encephal- or encephalo- conbininç /orn [F encépha/-, fr. Gk enkepha/-, fr. enkepha/os brain] 1 : brain _encepha/itis; _enceph- a/occIc; 2 : of or bcIonging to thc brain and _encepha/osµinaI; -encephalia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. -encepha/us + -ia -y] : condition of having (such) a brain _scIcrencepha/ia; -encephalous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -enkepha/os, fr. enkepha- /os brain] : having (such) a brain _micrencepha/ous; -ee -encephalous 17 -encephalus n conbininç /orn, p/ -encephali [NL, fr. Gk -enkepha/os -cnccµhaIous] 1 : fctus having (such) a brain _µscudencepha/us; 2 : condition of having (such) a brain _micrencepha/us; -encephaly n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -encepha/ia] : condition of having (such) a brain _anencepha/y; -enchyma n conbininç /orn, p/ -enchymata or -enchymas [NL, fr. -enchyna (in parenchyna)] : ccIIuIar tissuc of a (sµccificd) tyµc _coIIenchyna; _cystenchyna; -enchyme n conbininç /orn -s [NL -enchyna] : -r×cnvmA _coIIenchyne; -ency n su//ix -rs [ME -encie, fr. L -entia - morc at -r×cr] 1 : quaIity or statc _cfficiency; _cxµcdiency; 2 : onc having a (sµccificd) quaIity or bcing in a (sµccificd) statc _His ExccIIency; 3 : instancc of a (sµccificd) quaIity or statc _rcµcatcd inadvcrtencies; end- or endo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. endon within, at homc, fr. en in + -don (µcrh. akin to L donus housc)] 1 a : within : insidc _Endamocba; _endoscoµc; b : taking in : rcquiring _endcrgonic; - oµµoscd to exo- 2 : cndocardium and _endoµcricarditis; endotheli- or endothelio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL endothe- /iun] : cndothcIium _endothe/iocytc; _endothe/ioma; -ene n su//ix -s [ISV, fr. Gk -ene (fcm. µatronymic suffix)] : unsaturatcd carbon comµound _bcnzene;; esp : carbon comµound charactcrizcd by thc µrcscncc of onc doubIc bond _µroµene; - in namcs of straight-chain hydrocarbons; dis- tinguishcd from -ane, -yne; comµarc -vLr×r ennea- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. ennea] : ninc _enneagon; _enneaµctaIous; -ennial adi conbininç /orn [ME -enia/e, fr. MF -ennia/, fr. L -enniun (as in bienniun µcriod of two ycars) + MF -a/] : rccurring at or marking intcrvaIs of (so many) ycars _bien- nia/; _ccntennia/; ent- or ento- conbininç /orn [NL & Gk; NL, fr. Gk entos, akin to L intus within, Gk en in] : inncr : within _entad; _ento- bIast; ¹-ent n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -ent-, -ens, fr. µrcs. µart. suf- fix of thc 2d & 3d con}ugations, fr. -e- (vowcI of thc 2d & 3d con}ugations, + -nt-, -ns, µrcs. µart. suffix - morc at -A×1] : onc that µcrforms (a sµccificd action) _rcgent; _rcsident; _tangent; - comµarc ¹-A×1 ²-ent adi su//ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -ent-, -ens, µrcs. µart. suffix] : doing, bchaving, cxisting (in thc way sµccificd) _aµµarent; _rcvcrent; _subscquent; - with vcrbs or vcrbaI roots; com- µarc ²-A×1 enter- or entero- conbininç /orn [L & Gk; L entero-, fr. Gk enter-, entero-, fr. enteron - morc at r×1rÞ-] 1 : intcstinc _enteritis; _enterocrinin; 2 : intcstinaI and _enterohcµatic; entom- or entomo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk entonon] : inscct _entonoµhagous; _entonostracan; eo- conbininç /orn [Gk eõ- dawn, fr. eõs] : carIicst : oIdcst _Eohiµµus; _eoIithic;; speci/ : first of two or thrcc subdivi- sions of gcoIogic timc _Eoccnc; - comµarc mrs-, mr-, ×r-, ÞLrro- -eous adi su//ix [L -eus comµoscd of, of thc naturc of or rcscm- bIing (a sµccificd substancc); akin to Gk -eos comµoscd of, Skt -aya] : Iikc : rcscmbIing : of thc naturc of _aqueous; _vit- reous; ependym- or ependymo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ependyna] : cµcndyma _ependynitis; _ependynocµithcIium; epi- or ep- a/so eph- pre/ix [epi- fr. ME, uµon, fr. MF & ML; MF, fr. ML, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. epi on, uµon, to; ep- fr. MF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. epi, eph- fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. epi, akin to OE eo/ot crimc, Goth i/tuma ncxt, foIIowing, L ob to, bcforc, on account of, Skt api bcsidcs] 1 : uµon _epiµhytc; : bcsidcs _epcnthcsis; : ncar to _epcnccµhaIon; : ovcr _epiccntcr; : outcr _epidcrmis; : antcrior _epicncmiaI; : µrior to _epacmc; : aftcr _epcmbryonic; - epi- bcforc consonants othcr than h, and somctimcs ep- bcforc vowcIs and eph- bcforc h (which is not rcµcatcd), but somctimcs epi- cvcn bcforc h or a vowcI 2 : aItcrcd - in µctrograµhic tcrms _epidioritc; 3 : rcsting on as a gcoIogicaI stratum : foIIowing in timc - in namcs of gcoIogicaI cras, µcriods, systcms, scrics, or formations _Eparchcan; epiderm- or epidermo- conbininç /orn [epidernis] : cµidcrmis _epidernoIysis; epididym- or epididymo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. epididynis] : cµididymaI and _epididynodcfcrcntiaI; epilept- or epilepti- or epilepto- conbininç /orn [F épi/ept-, fr. L epi/ept-, fr. Gk epi/ept-, fr. epi/eptos] : cµiIcµsy _epi/eptoid; _epi/eptogcnic; epithel- conbininç /orn [NL epithe/iun] : cµithcIium _epithe- /izc; _epithe/oid; epitheli- or epithelio- conbininç /orn [NL epithe/iun] : cµithc- Iium _epithe/ioma; : cµithcIiaI and _epithe/iogIanduIar; epoxy- conbininç /orn [epi- + oxy-] : cµoxy equi- a/so aequi- conbininç /orn [ME equi-, fr. MF & L; MF equi-, fr. L aequi-, fr. aequus IcvcI, cquaI] : cquaI _equidistri- bution; : cquaIIy _equidistant; _equisidcd; ¹-er adi su//ix or adv su//ix [ME -er, -ere, -re, fr. OE -ra (in ad}cc- tivcs), -or (in advcrbs); akin to comµarativc suffixcs OHG -iro, -õro (in ad}cctivcs), -õr (in advcrbs), ON -ri, -ari (in ad}cc- tivcs), -r, -ar (in advcrbs), Goth -ira, -ora (in ad}cctivcs), -is, -os (in advcrbs), L -ior (in ad}cctivcs), Gk -iõn (in ad}cctivcs), Skt -iyas (in ad}cctivcs)] - uscd to form thc comµarativc dcgrcc of ad}cctivcs and advcrbs of onc syIIabIc _hotter; _drier; _Iater; _sooner; _coIder; and of ccrtain ad}cctivcs and advcrbs of two syIIabIcs _abIer; _comµIcter; _gcntIier; _haµ- µier; _ycIIower; and somctimcs of Iongcr oncs; rcguIarIy accomµanicd by coaIcsccncc with finaI e of thc basc word, changc of finaI µostconsonantaI y of thc basc word to i, or doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatc- Iy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI ²-er a/so -ier or -yer n su//ix -s [ME -er, -ere, fr. OE -ere, akin to D & G -er, OHG -ãri, ON -ari, Goth -areis, aII fr. a µrchis- toric Gmc suffix borrowcd fr. L -arius ¹-ary; in scnsc 1, µart- Iy fr. ME -er, -ier, -ere, -iere, fr. AF -er, -ere & OF -ier, -iere, fr. L -arius, -aria, -ariun ¹-ary; in scnsc 2, µartIy fr. ME -er, -ere, fr. MF -ere, fr. L -ator (suffix dcnoting an agcnt) - morc at ¹-ary, ¹-or] 1 a : µcrson occuµationaIIy conncctcd with _hatter; _}aiIer; _furrier; _hosier; _Iawyer; b : µcrson or thing bcIonging to, rcIatcd to, or associatcd with _hcader; _oId-timer; _high schooIer; c : nativc of : rcsidcnt of : onc coming from _cottager; _Londoner; _MaryIander; _Ncw Yorker; d : onc that has _thrcc-dccker; _thc baby is a tcn- µounder; e : onc that µroduccs or yicIds _µorker; _vcaIer; _wooIer; 2 a : onc that docs or µcrforms (a sµccificd action) _maker; _µIayer; _rcµorter; _transformer; _rangc finder; - somctimcs addcd to both cIcmcnts of a comµound _buiIder-uµµer; _tryer-outer; b : onc that is a suitabIc ob}cct of (a sµccificd action) _broiIer; _fryer; 3 : onc that is _for- cigner; _goner; _wcstcrner; _down-and-outer; - -yer in a smaII numbcr of words aftcr w, -ier in a smaII numbcr of words aftcr othcr Icttcrs, othcrwisc -er, -er and -ier rcguIarIy accomµanicd by doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatcIy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI, -ier rcguIarIy accomµanicd by omission of finaI e of thc basc word, -er rcg- uIarIy accomµanicd by coaIcsccncc with finaI e of thc basc word and somctimcs accomµanicd by changc of finaI µost- consonantaI y of thc basc word to i _fIier; _fIyer; erem- or eremo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk eren-, ereno-, fr. erenos IoncIy, soIitary and erenia dcscrt, fr. erenos + -ia -y] : soIitary _Erenurus; : dcscrt _erenoIogy; - chicfIy in tcrms in bioIogy erg- or ergo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. erçon] : work _erçoµho- bia; _erçodic; ergat- or ergato- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk erçat-, fr. erçates, fr. erçaresthai to work] : workcr _erçatoid; _erçatomorµhic; -ergic adi conbininç /orn [-erçy + ¹-ic] : cxhibiting or stimuIat- ing activity of _doµaminerçic; ergo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. erçot] : crgot _erçostcroI; -ergy n conbininç /orn -rs [LL -erçia, fr. Gk -erçeia, -erçia, fr. erçon work + -eia, -ia -y] : work _synerçy; : cffcct _aIIerçy; -encephalus -ergy 18 erio- conbininç /orn [Gk erio-, eirio-, fr. erion, eirion] : wooI _Eriogonum; _eriomctcr; eruci- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L eruca] : catcrµiIIar _eruci- form; _erucivorous; -ery n su//ix -rs [ME -erie, fr. OF, fr. -ier -cr + -ie -y] 1 : quaI- itics coIIcctivcIy : charactcr : -×rss _tomfooIery; _snobbery; 2 : art, µracticc, tradc _mountcbankery; - comµarc -Þv 3 : µIacc of doing, kccµing, growing, brccding, scIIing (thc thing sµccificd) _µiggery; _rookery; _fishery; _bindery; _bakery; 4 : coIIcction : aggrcgatc _finery; _grccnery; - comµarc -Þv 5 : statc : condition _sIavery; _monkery; - comµarc -Þv erythr- or erythro- conbininç /orn [Gk erythr-, erythro-, fr. ery- thros] 1 : rcd _erythrism; _erythroµhyII; 2 : rcIatcd to cry- throsc _erythronic acid; 3 : crythrocytc _erythrcmia; _ery- throµoicsis; ¹-es n p/ su//ix [ME -es, -s - morc at ¹-s] 1 - uscd to form thc µIuraI of most nouns that cnd in s _gIasses;, r _fuzzes;, sh _bushes;, ch _µcaches;, or µostconsonantaI y (which changcs to i) _Iadies;, and of somc nouns cnding in o _hcroes;, and of somc nouns cnding in / (which changcs to v) _Ioaves;; com- µarc ¹-s 1 2 : ¹-s 2 _Christmases wc go to grandmothcr`s; ²-es vb su//ix [ME (Northcrn & North MidIand) - morc at ³-s] - uscd to form thc third µcrson singuIar µrcscnt indicativc of most vcrbs that cnd in s _bIcsses;, r _fizzes;, sh _hushes;, ch _catches;, or µostconsonantaI y (which changcs to i) _dcfies;; comµarc ³-s 1 -es' n p/ su//ix [ME, -es, fr. -e, oIdcr gcn. µI. cnding (fr. OE -a) + -s, gcn. sing. cnding - morc at -s] - uscd to form thc µIu- raI µosscssivc of most nouns that cnd in s, r, sh, ch, or µost- consonantaI y and of somc nouns cnding in / -escence n su//ix -s [MF, fr. L -escentia, fr. -escent-, -escens + -ia] : statc or µroccss of bccoming _obsoIescence; _convaIes- cence; -escent adi su//ix [MF, fr. L -escent-, -escens (µrcs. µart. suffix of inchoativc vcrbs cnding in -escere), fr. -esc-, cIcmcnt form- ing inchoativc vcrbs + -ent-, -ens, µrcs. µart. suffix of thc 3d con}ugation - morc at -r×1] 1 : bcginning, bcginning to bc, bccoming, sIightIy _obsoIescent; _arborescent; _aIkaIescent; 2 : rcfIccting or cmitting Iight (in a sµccificd way) _oµaIes- cent; _fIuorescent; ¹-ese adi su//ix [Pg -ês & It -ese, ad}. & n. suffix, fr. (assumcd) VL -esis, fr. L -ensis] : of, rcIating to, or originating in (a ccr- tain µIacc or country) _Jaµanese; _Vicnnese; ²-ese n su//ix, p/ -ese [Pg -ês & It -ese] 1 : nativc or rcsidcnt (of a sµccificd µIacc or country) _Chinese; 2 a : thc Ianguagc (of a µarticuIar µIacc, country, or nationaIity) _Siamese; _Cantonese; b : sµccch, Iitcrary styIc, or diction µccuIiar to (a sµccificd µIacc, µcrson, or grouµ) - usu. in words aµµIicd in disIikc or contcmµt _CarIyIese; _fcdcraIese; _}ournaIese; _Pcntagonese; -esis n su//ix, p/ -eses [ME, fr. OE, fr. L, fr. Gk -esis, -esis, fr. -e-, -e-, dcrivationaI cIcmcnt attachcd to ccrtain vcrbs + -sis, fcm. suffix of action] : action : µroccss _cmesis; eso- pre/ix [Gk eso-, fr. esõ within] : inncr _esotroµia; _esoncuraI; esophag- or esophago- a/so oesophag- or oesophago- conbininç /orn [Gk oisophaços guIIct] : csoµhagus _esophaçcctomy; _esophaçoµathy; : csoµhagcaI and _esophaçogastroscoµy; ¹-esque adi su//ix [F, fr. It -esco, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG -isc - morc at -rsn] : in thc manncr or styIc of : Iikc : -rsn _Romanesque; _KiµIingesque; _LincoInesque; _statuesque; _Hardyesque; ²-esque n su//ix -s : somcthing in thc styIc of _arabesque; -ess n su//ix -rs [ME -esse, fr. OF, fr. LL -issa, fr. Gk] : fcmaIc _goddess; _giantess; - csµ. in agcnt nouns _actress; _µoct- ess; ¹-est adi su//ix or adv su//ix [ME, fr. OE -st, -est, -ost, akin to suµcrIativc suffixcs OHG -isto, -õsto (in ad}cctivcs), -ist, -õst (in advcrbs), ON -str, -astr (in ad}cctivcs), -st, -ast (in advcrbs), Goth -ists, -osts (in ad}cctivcs), -ist (in advcrbs), Gk -istos (in ad}cctivcs), Skt -istha (in ad}cctivcs); µrob. fr. thc suffix rcµ- rcscntcd by E ¹-er + thc suffix rcµrcscntcd by E ¹-ed] - uscd to form thc suµcrIativc dcgrcc of ad}cctivcs and advcrbs of onc syIIabIc _fattest; _Iatest; _ncwest;, of ccrtain ad}cctivcs and advcrbs of two syIIabIcs _Iuckiest; _oftcnest; _rcmotest; _simµIest;, and Icss oftcn of Iongcr oncs _bcggarIiest;; oftcn attachcd to words (as µarticiµIcs in ad}cctivaI usc) that rarcIy if cvcr show a corrcsµonding comµarativc formation in -er _cusscdest; _fightingest; _Iyingest;; rcguIarIy accomµanicd by coaIcsccncc with finaI e of thc basc word, changc of finaI µostconsonantaI y of thc basc word to i, or doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatcIy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI ²-est or -st su//ix [ME, fr. OE -est, -ast, -st, 2d sing. µrcs. cndings of various cIasscs of vcrbs (fr. carIicr -es, -as, -s + -t, assimiIat- cd form of thc 2d µcrs. µron. thu thou) & -est (fr. carIicr -es + -t), 2d sing. µast cnding of wcak vcrbs; akin to OHG -ist, -õst, -est (fr. carIicr -is, -õs, -es + -t, fr. thu, thu thou), 2d sing. µrcs. cndings, -õst (fr. carIicr -õs + -t), 2d sing. µast cnding of wcak vcrbs, Goth -is, -os, -ais, 2d sing. µrcs. cndings, -es, 2d sing. µast cnding of wcak vcrbs, ON -r, -ar, -ir, 2d sing. µrcs. cnd- ings, -ir, 2d sing. µast cnding of wcak vcrbs, L & Gk -s (µrc- ccdcd by various thcmatic vowcIs), 2d sing. µrcs. cnding, Skt -si] - uscd to form thc archaic sccond µcrson singuIar indica- tivc of EngIish vcrbs (with thou) _gcttest; _didst; _carriest; _faiIcdst; _canst; -estes n conbininç /orn [NL, modif. of Gk edestes, fr. (Homcric) ednenai to cat] : -catcr - in gcncric namcs of birds _Sµcrmestes; esthesio- or aesthesio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk aisthesis scn- sation, µcrccµtion, fccIing, fr. aisthanesthai to µcrccivc, fccI] : scnsation _esthesioncurosis; _aesthesioIogy; -et n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF -et (masc.) & -ete (fcm.), fr. LL -itus & -ita] 1 : smaII onc : Icsscr onc : -Lr1 _baronet; _ccIIaret; _singIet; 2 : grouµ _octet; eth- or etho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ethy/] : cthyI _ethaIdc- hydc; _ethochIoridc; -eth or -th vb su//ix [ME, fr. OE -eth, -ath, -th, 3d sing. µrcs. indic. cndings of various cIasscs of vcrbs; akin to OHG -it, -õt, -et, 3d sing. µrcs. indic. cndings, carIy ON (runic) -ith, -ith, -õth, -eth, Goth -ith, -eith, -oth, -aith, L -t (µrcccdcd by various thcmatic vowcIs), Gk -ti-, 3d sing. µrcs. indic. cnding of unthc- matic vcrbs, Skt -ti (µrcccdcd by various thcmatic vowcIs or by a consonant), 3d sing. µrcs. indic. cnding] - uscd to form thc archaic third µcrson singuIar µrcscnt indicativc of vcrbs _goeth; _doth; _thinketh; _hath; _saith; _maketh; _Icadeth; ethico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L ethicus moraI, cthicaI] : cth- icaI and _ethicorcIigious; : cthics _ethicoccntcrcd; ethmo- conbininç /orn [Gk ethno- straincr (infIucnccd in mcaning by E ethnoid), fr. ethnos] : cthmoidaI and _eth- nofrontaI; : cthmoid and _ethnosµhcnoid; ethno- conbininç /orn [F, fr. LGk, fr. Gk ethnos nation] 1 : racc, µcoµIc, cuIturaI grouµ _ethnograµhy; _ethnogcnic; 2 : charactcristic of or bcIicvcd by a µcoµIc, racc, or grouµ _eth- nomctcoroIogy; : uscd by or rcIatcd to a µcoµIc or racc _eth- nobioIogy; _ethnofIora; ethoxy- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ethoxy/] : containing cthoxyI - in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds _ethoxycaffcinc; -etic adi su//ix [L & Gk; L -eticus, fr. Gk -etikos, etikos, fr. -etos, -etos, cnding of ccrtain vcrbaIs + -ikos -ic] : ¹-rc _aIgetic; - usu. uscd to form ad}cctivcs corrcsµonding to nouns cnding in -esis (as gcnetic : gcnesis) etio- or aetio- or aitio- conbininç /orn [ML aetio-, fr. Gk aitio-, fr. aitia] 1 : causc _etioIogic; _etiogcnic; 2 : formcd by chcmicaI dcgradation of a (sµccificd) comµound _etioµhyIIin; etrusco- conbininç /orn, cap [L Etruscus] : Etruscan and _Etrusco-Roman; -ette n su//ix -s [ME, fr. MF, fcm. dim. suffix, fr. OF -ete - morc at -r1] 1 : IittIc onc (of thc thing or cIass sµccificd) : -Lr1 _wagonette; _kitchcnette; _dinette; 2 : grouµ of (so many) _octette; 3 : fcmaIc _ma}orette; _farmcrette; _suffra- gette; 4 : imitation : substitutc _crminette; _bcavcrette; - uscd chicfIy in commcrciaI namcs -etum n su//ix, p/ -eta or -etums [L -etun] 1 : gardcn or grouµ erio- -etum 19 of a (sµccificd) kind of µIant _rosetun; _µinetun; 2 : conso- cics (of a sµccificd µIant gcnus or famiIy) _characetun; eu- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. ey, eu, fr. ncut. of eys good; akin to Hitt asus good and µcrh. to Skt asti hc is] 1 a : wcII : casiIy _euµIastic; - oµµoscd to dys- b : good _eudac- mon; - oµµoscd to dys- 2 a : most tyµicaI : truc _Euascomycctcs; _euchromosomc; b : truIy _eucocIomatc; c : having a comµIctc Iifc cycIc _eu-form; 3 : imµrovcd dcriv- ativc of a (sµccificd) substancc _eucodcinc; eur- or euro- conbininç /orn, cap [Europe] 1 : Euroµcan and _Eurafrican; 2 : Euroµcan _Euroccntric; : wcstcrn Euroµcan _Eurocommunism; : of thc Euroµcan Lnion _Eurocrat; europeo- conbininç /orn, cap [L europaeus Euroµcan] : Euroµcan and _Europeo-Asiatic; eury- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. eurys, akin to Skt uru broad, widc] : broad _eurygnathic; : widc _eurybcnthic; _euryhaIinc; - oµµoscd to sten- -eus n conbininç /orn, p/ -ei a/so -euses [NL, fr. L, ad}. suffix, comµoscd of, of thc naturc of, or rcscmbIing (a sµccificd sub- stancc) - morc at -roLs] : muscIc that constitutcs, has thc form of, or }oins a (sµccificd) µart, thing, or structurcs _gIu- teus; _rhomboideus; _iIiococcygeus; ex- or ef- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L (aIso, µcrfcctivc and intcnsivc µrcfix), fr. ex out of, from; akin to Gk ex out of, from, OIr ess-, OSIav ir, irŭ, is] 1 : out of : away from : out- sidc of _excircIc; _excIavc; 2 : without : Iacking _exaIatc; _exaIbuminous; 3 [ME ex-, fr. LL, fr. L] : out of (thc officc or condition namcd by thc main word) : formcr : somctimc - usu. }oincd to sccond cIcmcnt by a hyµhcn _ex-µrcsidcnt; _ex-convict;; oftcn with µhrascs _ex-chiId actor; _ex-man- about-town;; usu. e/- in scnscs 1 & 2 bcforc / _e/form; _e/fusc;; aIways ex- in scnsc 3 exa- conbininç /orn [ISV, modif. of Gk hexa- hcxa-] : quintiI- Iion _exa}ouIcs; excito- conbininç /orn [excitor & L excitare to cxcitc] 1 : cxci- tor and _excitomotory; _excitosccrctory; 2 : cxciting : stim- uIating : causing activity (of a sµccificd kind) _excitocatabo- Iism; exo- or ex- conbininç /orn [Gk exõ out of, out, outsidc of, out- sidc, fr. ex out of - morc at ¹cx-] 1 : outsidc _exogamy; : outcr _exocarµ; _exoskcIcton; - oµµoscd to end-; comµarc rc1- 2 : µroducing _excrgonic; - oµµoscd to end- extra- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, fr. extra, adv. & µrcµ., outsidc, cxccµt, bcyond, fr. exter outward, on thc outsidc] : outsidc : bcyond - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _extracraniaI; _extraIcgaI; _extravascuIar; _extra-urban; _extrahistoric; extro- pre/ix [modif. (infIucnccd by intro-) of L extra - morc at rx1ÞA-] : outsidc : outward _extrovcrt; - oµµoscd to intro- -facient adi conbininç /orn [L /acient-, /aciens, µrcs. µart. of /acere to do, makc (as in ca/e/acere to warm)] : making : caus- ing _somni/acient; facio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L /acies form, shaµc, facc] 1 : faciaI and _/acioIinguaI; 2 : faciaI _/acioµIcgia; -faction n conbininç /orn -s [ME -/accioun, fr. MF & L; MF -/action, fr. L -/action-, -/actio (as in satis/action-, satis/actio satisfaction)] : making : -rrcA1ro× _rarc/action; - in nouns dcrivcd from vcrbs cnding in -/y -factive adi conbininç /orn [MF -/acti/, fr. -/action + -i/ -ivc] : making : causing : -Þorr1rc _µutrc/active; farado- conbininç /orn[/arad ic + -o-] : rcsuIting from or invoIv- ing faradic stimuIus _/aradocontractiIity; _/aradothcraµy; febri- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L /ebris] : fcvcr _/ebricidc; femino- conbininç /orn [L /enina] : woman _/eninoIogy; femoro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L /enor-, /enur thigh] : fcmoraI _/enoroccIc; : fcmoraI and _/enorofibuIar; femto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Dan or Norw /enten fiftccn (fr. ON /inntãn) + -o-] : onc quadriIIionth (10 −15 ) µart of _/en- tosccond; fenno- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Sw, fr. L Fenni Finns] 1 : Finnish and _Fenno-Gcrman; 2 : incIuding FinIand _Fenno-Scandinavia; -fer n conbininç /orn -s [F & L; F -/ère, fr. L -/er (n. & ad}. comb. form), fr. /erre to bcar, carry] : onc that bcars _aqui/er; _coni/er; -ferous adi conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L -/er & MF -/ere (fr. L -/er) + E -ous - morc at -rrÞ] : bcaring : µroducing : yicId- ing _auri/erous; _ovuIi/erous; - aImost aIways µrcccdcd by i - -ferously adv conbininç /orn - -ferousness n conbininç /orn -rs ferri- conbininç /orn [L /erri-, fr. /errun iron] 1 : iron _/erri fcrous; 2 [/erric] : containing fcrric iron _/errihcmogIobin; ferro- conbininç /orn [ML /erro-, fr. L /errun iron] 1 : iron : containing iron _/erroconcrctc; 2 : iron and _/erronickcI; - chicfIy in namcs of aIIoys 3 [/errous] : containing fcrrous iron _/errofcrricyanidc; ferroso- conbininç /orn [NL /errosus fcrrous] : fcrrous and _/errosofcrric; -fest n conbininç /orn -s [G /est fcstivaI, hoIiday, fr. MHG vest, fr. L /estun, fr. ncut. of /estus soIcmn, fcstaI] 1 : fcstivc gathcring csµ. for comµctition _shooting/est; _turncr/est; _song/est; 2 : scssion oftcn informaI or sµontancous _gab/est; : outburst of activity _sIug/est; feto- or feti- a/so foeto- or foeti- conbininç /orn [/eto-, /oeto- fr. L /etus, /oetus, /eti-, /oeti- fr. L, fr. /etus, /oetus] : fctus _/etom- ctry; : fctaI and _/etoµIaccntaI; fibr- or fibro- conbininç /orn [L /ibra] 1 a : fibcr : fibrous and : fibrous tissuc _/ibrogcnic; _/ibrocascous; _/ibrosis; b : of or containing fibrous tissuc _/ibrocartiIagc; _/ibroangioma; _/ibrocarcinoma; 2 : fibrotic _/ibrobronchitis; 3 a : fibroma and : fibromatous _/ibromyxoma; _/ibrochondroma; b : a fibroma containing _/ibrocyst; 4 : fibrin and _/ibrohcmor- rhagic; _/ibroµuruIcnt; -fic adi su//ix [MF & L; MF -/ique, fr. L -/icus, fr. /acere makc, do] : making : causing : bringing about _acidi/ic; _µroIi/ic; -fication n conbininç /orn -s [ME -/icacioun, fr. MF & L; MF -/ication, fr. L -/ication-, -/icatio, fr. -/icatus (µast µart. cnding of vcrbs cnding in -/icare to makc, fr. -/icus -fic) + -ion-, -io -ion] : making : µroduction _µaci/ication; _vini/ication; _rus- si/ication; - comµarc -rAc1ro×, -rv -fid adi conbininç /orn [L -/idus, fr. thc root of /indere to sµIit] : dividcd into (so many) µarts _scxi/id; or (such) µarts _µin- nati/id; -fidate adi conbininç /orn [L -/idatus, fr. -/idus -fid + -atus -atc] : -rro fili- conbininç /orn [L /i/un] : thrcad or thrcads : somcthing rcscmbIing thrcad or thrcads _/i/icauIinc; _/i/ifcrous; fissi- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L /issus, µast µart. of /indere to sµIit] 1 : dividcd : cIcft _/issiIinguaI; 2 : fission _/issiµarous; flabelli- conbininç /orn [L, fan, fr. //abe//un] : fan _//abe//i- form; _//abe//incrvcd; flav- or flavo- conbininç /orn [L //avus] 1 : ycIIow _//avin; _//avo-vircsccnt; 2 : fIavin _//avocnzymc; -florate adi conbininç /orn [L //or-, //os + E -ate] : fIowcrcd _bi//orate; flori- conbininç /orn [L, fr. //or-, //os (to bIoom)] : fIowcr or fIowcrs _//oricuIturc; : somcthing rcscmbIing a fIowcr or fIowcrs _//oriatcd; -florous adi conbininç /orn [LL -//orus, fr. L //or-, //os fIowcr (to bIoom)] : having or bcaring (such or so many) fIowcrs : -fIowcrcd : -A×1noLs - in words whosc first constitucnt cnds in i _nocti//orous; _uni//orous; fluo- conbininç /orn [ISV, µrob. by shortcning] : rLLoÞ- 1 _//uobcryIIatc; fluor- or fluoro- conbininç /orn [F //uor-, fr. NL //uor (mincr- aI bcIonging to a grouµ incIuding fIuoritc)] 1 a : fIuorinc _//u- orhydric; _//uoroform; b now usu //uoro- : containing fIuo- rinc in µIacc of hydrogcn - in namcs of organic comµounds _//uorobcnzcnc; c now usu //uoro- : containing fIuorinc rcgardcd as rcµIacing hydroxyI or oxygcn or as coordinatcd to a ccntraI atom - in namcs of inorganic acids and saIts _//uo- romoIybdatc; d : containing fIuorinc as fIuoridc somctimcs rcµIacing anothcr cIcmcnt or grouµ - in namcs of mincraIs and saIts _//uoraµatitc; _//uorochIoridc; 2 a/so fluori- : fIuo- rcsccncc _//uorcnc; _//uoroscoµc; _//uorimctcr; eu- fluor- 20 fluoresci- conbininç /orn [//uorescence] : fIuorcsccncc _//uo- rescigcnic; fluvi- or fluvio- conbininç /orn [L //uvi-, fr. //uvius] 1 : rivcr, strcam _//uvicoIinc; _//uvioIogy; 2 : fIuviaI and _//uviovoI- canic; -fold su//ix [ME -/o/d, -/a/d, fr. OE -/ea/d, akin to OHG -/a/t -foId, ON -/a/dr, Goth -/a/ths, dcrivativcs fr. thc root of E /o/d] 1 : muItiµIicd by (a sµccificd numbcr) : timcs - in ad}cctivcs _a twcIvc/o/d incrcasc; and advcrbs _it wiII rcµay you tcn- /o/d; 2 : having (so many) Iaµs, Iaycrs, or µarts _thc thrcc/o/d asµcct of thc µrobIcm; -folious adi conbininç /orn [L /o/iosus] : having (such or so many) Icavcs _ccnti/o/ious; for- pre/ix [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG /ir-, /ar-, /ur- for-, OS /or-, Goth /ra-, /air- for-, /aur- for-, forc-, OE /or] 1 : so as to invoIvc µrohibition, cxcIusion, omission, faiIurc, or rcfusaI - aImost cxcIusivcIy in words coincd bcforc 1600 _/orsay; _/orhccd; 2 : dcstructivcIy or dctrimcntaIIy - aImost cxcIu- sivcIy in words coincd bcforc 1600 _/orhang; _/orstorm; 3 : comµIctcIy : cxccssivcIy : to cxhaustion : to µicccs - aImost cxcIusivcIy in words coincd bcforc 1600 _/orbruisc; _/or- wcary; _/orsµcnt; fore- conbininç /orn [ME /or-, /ore-, fr. OE /ore-, fr. /ore, adv.] 1 a : at an carIicr µoint in timc : bcforchand _/orescc; _/ore- tcII; b : occurring at an carIicr µoint in timc : occurring bcforchand _/oreµaymcnt; _/oreµcriod; c : bcing an carIy µart of (somcthing stiµuIatcd) _/oreday; _/oresummcr; 2 a : situatcd at or toward thc front : situatcd in front of somc- thing _/oreIcg; _/oreµorch; b : bcing thc front µart of (somc- thing stiµuIatcd) _/orearm; _/oreµaIatc; form- or formo- conbininç /orn [/ornic (acid)] : formic acid : formyI _/ornaniIidc; _/ornotoIuididc; -form adi conbininç /orn [MF and L; MF -/orne, fr. L -/ornis, fr. /orna form] : in thc form or shaµc of : rcscmbIing : -moÞ- ÞnoLs - µrcccdcd by i _caIci/orn; _ovi/orn; -formes n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, µI. of -/ornis -form] : oncs having (such a) form : oncs rcscmbIing - in namcs of zooIogicaI ordcrs and ccrtain othcr grouµs of highcr rank than famiIy _GaIIi/ornes; _Passcri/ornes; fracto- conbininç /orn [L /ractus] : brokcn uµ and _/ractocu- muIus; : fracturc _/ractograµh; franco- conbininç /orn, usu cap [ML, fr. Francus Frcnchman, fr. LL, Frank] : Frcnch and _Franco-Swiss; : Frcnch _FrancoµhiIc; frigo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L /riçus frost, coId] : coId _/riçostabIc; _/riçothcraµy; fronto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L /ront-, /rons forchcad, brow, front] 1 : frontaI bonc and _/rontoµarictaI; : frontaI Iobc and _/rontoµontinc; 2 [/ront + -o-] : boundary of an air mass _/rontogcncsis; fructi- conbininç /orn [L, fr. /ructus] : fruit _/ructicuIturc; _/ructicoIous; fruti- conbininç /orn [L /rutic-, /rutex] : shrub _/ruticoIous; fuc- or fuco- or fuci- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Fucus] 1 : dcrivcd from or rcIatcd to thc aIga fucus _/ucic acid; _/uciµhagous; 2 : fucosc _/ucosidc; _/ucoµyranosidc; -fugal adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. (assumcd) NL -/uça -fugc + E -a/] : fIccing : µassing from _ccntri/uça/; - -fugally adv conbininç /orn -fuge n conbininç /orn -s [F, µrob. fr. (assumcd) NL -/uça, fr. LL -/uça, -/uçia (in /ebri/uça, /ebri/uçia ccntaury), fr. L /uçare to µut to fIight, fr. /uça fIight] : onc that drivcs away _doIori/uçe; _vcrmi/uçe; ¹-ful adi su//ix [ME, fr. OE, fr. /u//, ad}.] 1 : fuII of _cvcnt/u/; 2 : charactcrizcd by : -oLs _µcacc/u/; _boast/u/; 3 : having thc quaIitics of : rcscmbIing _mastcr/u/; 4 : -AnLr _bash/u/; _mourn/u/; ²-ful a/so -full n su//ix -s [ME -/u/, fr. OE -/u/, -/u//, fr. /u//, ad}.] : numbcr or quantity that fiIIs or wouId fiII _cuµ/u/; _room- /u/; _bcIIy/u/; - somctimcs aftcr µI. nouns _bags/u/; fumar- or fumaro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL Funaria] : fumaric acid _/unaramidc; _/unaronitriIc; fungi- conbininç /orn [µcrh. fr. NL, fr. L /unçus] : fungus _/unçicoIous; _/unçiform; fur- or furo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. /ur/ura/] 1 : rcIatcd to furan _/urodiazoIc;, furfuraI _/uroin;, or furoic acid _2-/uramidc; 2 : containing a furan ring fuscd on onc sidc to onc sidc of anothcr ring _/uroquinoIinc; fusco- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L /uscus] : having a dark coIor : tawny _/uscochIorin; _/uscofcrruginous; fusi- conbininç /orn [L /usus sµindIc] : sµindIc _/usiform; : sµindIc-shaµcd _Fusicoccum; fuso- conbininç /orn [L /usus sµindIc] 1 : shaµcd Iikc a sµindIc _/usoccIIuIar; 2 : fusiform baciIIus and _/usosµiriIIar; _/usosµirochctaI; -fy vb su//ix -ro/-r×c/-rs [ME -/ien, fr. OF -/ier, fr. L -/icare, fr. -/icus -fic] 1 : makc : form into _dandi/y; _gaudi/y; 2 : invcst with thc attributcs of : makc simiIar to _citi/y; -gaea or -gea n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk çaia Iand, carth] : a (sµccificd) gcograµhicaI arca _Afroçaea; _Ncoçaea; galact- or galacto- conbininç /orn [ça/act- fr. MF or L; MF ça/act-, fr. L, fr. Gk ça/akt-, fr. ça/akt-, ça/a, ça/acto- fr. Gk ça/akto-, fr. ça/akt-, ça/a] 1 : miIk, miIky fIuid _ça/actidrosis; _ça/actcmia; _ça/actorrhca; 2 [ISV, fr. ça/actose] : rcIatcd to gaIactosc _ça/actoµyranosc; 3 [ça/actic] : gaIaxy; speci/ : thc MiIky Way gaIaxy _ça/actoccntric; gall- or gallo- conbininç /orn [ça//ic acid] : gaIIic acid _ça/- /aIdchydc; gallo- conbininç /orn [L Ga//o- GauIish, fr. Ga//us GauI, inhab- itant of ancicnt GauI] 1 cap : GauIish and _Ga//o-Roman; 2 cap : Frcnch and _Ga//o-Briton; 3 o/ten cap : Francc _ça//o- ccntric; galvano- conbininç /orn [ça/vanic + -o-] : gaIvanic currcnt _ça/vanomctcr; : using or µroduccd by gaIvanic currcnt _ça/- vanocautcry; _ça/vanoµIastics; gam- or gamo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, marriagc, fr. çanos] 1 : unitcd : }oincd _çanoµhyIIous; _çanoscµaIous; 2 : scxuaI : scxuaIity _çanic; _çanobium; _çanogcncsis; -gam n conbininç /orn -s [NL -çania cIass of µIants having a (sµccificd) mcans of rcµroduction, fr. Gk -çania -gamy] : µIant bcIonging to a grouµ having a (sµccificd) mcans of rcµroduction _cryµtoçan; -gamae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fcm. µI. of -çanus -gamous] : µIants having (such) scxuaI organs or (such) a mcans of rcµroduction - in taxonomic namcs in botany _Açanae; gamet- or gameto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. çaneta] : gamctc _çanetaI; _çanetocidc; -gamic adi conbininç /orn [ISV -çan- (fr. NL -çania - as in Cryptoçania -, fr. Gk -çania -gamy) + -ic] 1 : having (such) rcµroductivc organs _cIcistoçanic; _dichoçanic; 2 : having (such) a modc of fcrtiIization _µoroçanic; -gamous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -çanos, fr. çanos marriagc] 1 : charactcrizcd by having or µracticing (such) a marriagc or (such or so many) marriagcs _cndoçanous; _cxoçanous; 2 [µrob. fr. NL -çanus, µrob. fr. LL, charactcrizcd by having (such) a marriagc or (such or so many) marriagcs, fr. Gk -çanos] : -cAmrc 1 -gamy n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -çanie, fr. LL -çania, fr. Gk] 1 a : marriagc _cxoçany; b : union for µroµagation or rcµro- duction _aIIoçany; 2 [NL -çania (as in Cryptoçania), fr. Gk -çania -gamy (marriagc)] a : µosscssion of (such) rcµroduc- tivc organs _cIcistoçany; b : µosscssion of (such) a modc of fcrtiIization _µoroçany; gangli- or ganglio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk çanç/ion] : gan- gIion _çanç/icctomy; _çanç/ioµIcxus; gaster- or gastero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk çastero- bcIIy, fr. çaster-, çaster] 1 : vcntraI arca _Gasteroµoda; _çasteros- tomc; 2 : stomach _çasteraIgia; _GasteroµhiIus; -gaster n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk çaster] 1 : µart having a (sµccificd) rcIation to thc stomach _mcsoçaster; _mcta- çaster; 2 : organism having a (sµccificd) tyµc of digcstivc tract - csµ. in gcncric namcs _Microçaster; _myxoçaster; gastr- or gastro- a/so gastri- conbininç /orn [Gk, bcIIy, fr. çastr-, çaster] 1 : vcntraI arca _çastroµod; 2 : stomach _ças- fluoresci- gastr- 21 trcctomy; _çastroIogy; 3 : gastric and _çastroduodcnaI; _ças- trohcµatic; -gastria n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. çastr- + -ia] : condition of having (such) a stomach or (such or so many) stomachs _microçastria; _µoIyçastria; -gate n conbininç /orn -s [Watcrçate, scandaI that arosc in 1972 fr. thc suµµrcsscd invcstigation of a burgIary at Dcmocratic NationaI Committcc hcadquartcrs in thc Watcrgatc officc comµIcx in Washington, D.C.] : usu. µoIiti- caI scandaI oftcn incIuding conccaImcnt of wrongdoing _Irançate; _Korcaçate; ge- or geo- conbininç /orn [ME çeo-, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L, fr. Gk çe-, çe-, çeõ-, fr. çe carth, Iand] 1 : carth, ground, soiI _çeobioIogy; _çeogcnic; _çeoµhytc; _çeotroµic; 2 : gco- graµhicaI : gcograµhy and _çeohistory; _çeoµoIitics; geisso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk çeisson, çeison cornicc] : Iikc a cornicc _Geissorhiza; ¹gen- or geno- conbininç /orn[Gk çenos racc, dcsccnt, kin, scx, kind, fr. thc stcm of çiçnesthai to bc born] 1 : gcncrating : off- sµring _çenobIast; 2 : racc _çenocidc; 3 : scx 4 [infIucnccd in mcaning by NL çenus] : gcnus : kind _çenotyµc; 5 [çener- ate] : a substancc that µroduccs or gcncratcs - sµccif. in namcs of oxidcs of aIkaIoids in which thc oxygcn is attachcd to nitrogcn _çenaIkaIoids; _çenomorµhinc; ²gen- or geno- conbininç /orn [çene] : gcnc _çenoid; _çeno- cIinc; -gen a/so -gene n conbininç /orn -s [F -çène, fr. Gk -çenes born, fr. root of çiçnesthai to bc born] 1 : onc that gcncratcs _haIo- çen; _mcIanoçen; _androçen; 2 : onc that is µroduccd or gcncratcd _cxoçen; _cuItiçen; _µhosçene; -genesia n conbininç /orn, p/ -genesiae [NL, fr. Gk, fr. çenesis + -ia -y] : gcncsis : formation _µaraçenesia; -genetic adi conbininç /orn 1 : rcIating to gcncration or gcnc- sis _sµcrmatoçenetic; _µançenetic; 2 : gcncrating : µroducing : yicIding _cytoçenetic; 3 : gcncratcd : µroduccd : yicIdcd _µsychoçenetic; -genic adi conbininç /orn [ISV -çen & -çeny + -ic] 1 : µroduc- ing : forming _carcinoçenic; _acroçenic; 2 : µroduccd by : formcd from _ncµhroçenic; 3 [çenic] : of or rcIating to a gcnc _intraçenic; : having (a stiµuIatcd kind or numbcr of) gcncs _µoIyçenic; 4 [µhotoçenic] : suitabIc for µroduction or rcµroduction by a (givcn) mcdium _tcIcçenic; -genin n conbininç /orn -s [ISV ²-çen + -in] : comµound formcd from anothcr comµound - in namcs of agIycons or simiIar comµounds dcrivcd from thc namcs of thc µarcnt comµounds _saIiçenin from saIicin; _digitoçenin from digitonin; genio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk çeneio-, fr. çeneion chin, bcard] 1 : chin _çenioµIasty; 2 : chin and _çeniogIossaI; -genous adi conbininç /orn [-çen + -ous] 1 : µroducing : yicId- ing _aIkaIiçenous; 2 : µroduccd by : arising or originating in _ncuroçenous; _cndoçenous; geny- or genyo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk çenys }aw, chin] : Iowcr }aw _çenyoµIasty; -geny n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -çeneia act of bcing born, fr. -çenes born + -ia -y - morc at -cr×] : gcncration : µroduction : scicncc of origin _chrondroçeny; _morµhoçeny; _ontoçeny; ¹germano- conbininç /orn, usu cap [NL, fr. ML Gernanus Gcrman, fr. L, any mcmbcr of thc Gcrmanic µcoµIcs inhabit- ing wcstcrn Euroµc in Roman timcs] : Gcrman _Gernano- µhiIc; : Gcrman and _Gernano-Russian; ²germano- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL çernaniun] : gcrmani- um - csµ. in namcs of comµounds containing gcrmanium in µIacc of carbon _çernanochIoroform GcHCI,; geront- or geronto- conbininç /orn [F, çéront-, çéronto-, fr. Gk çeront-, çeronto-, fr. çeront-, çerõn oId man; akin to Gk çeras oId agc] : oId agc _çerontoIogy; -gerous adi conbininç /orn [L -çer (fr. çerere to bcar, wagc, chcrish) or F -çère (fr. L -çer) + E -ous] : bcaring, µroducing - µrcccdcd by i _crystaIIiçerous; _dcntiçerous; -geusia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk çeusis scnsc of tastc, tastc (fr. çeuesthai to tastc + -sis) + NL -ia] : a (sµccificd) con- dition of thc scnsc of tastc _µaraçeusia; giga- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk çiças giant] : biIIion _çiçacy- cIc; _çiçavoIt; gigant- or giganto- conbininç /orn [Gk fr. çiçant-, çiças] : giant _çiçantism; _Giçantoµithccus; gingiv- or gingivo- conbininç /orn [L çinçiv-, fr. çinçiva gum] 1 : gum : gums _çinçivcctomy; _çinçivitis; 2 : of thc gums and _çinçivostomatitis; : gingivaI and _çinçivoIabiaI; glacio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ç/acier] 1 : gIacicr _ç/acioIogy; 2 : gIaciaI and _ç/aciomarinc; glauc- or glauco- conbininç /orn [L ç/auc- gIcaming, gray, fr. Gk ç/auk-, ç/auko-, fr. ç/aukos] : gIaucous _ç/aucochroitc; _ç/aucoµc; gli- or glio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. MGk ç/ia gIuc] 1 : gIioma- tous _ç/iobIastoma; _ç/iomyoma; 2 : ncurogIiaI _ç/iosomc; _ç/iocytc; _ç/iosis; 3 : cmbcddcd in a gcIatinous matrix _ç/iobactcria; 4 : substancc rcscmbIing gIuc _ç/iodc; -glia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. MGk ç/ia gIuc] : ncurogIia madc uµ of a (sµccificd) kind or sizc of cIcmcnt _macroç/ia; _microç/ia; globo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L ç/obus baII] 1 a : gIobaI : sµhcricaI _ç/oboccII; : gIobuIar _ç/obosµhacritc; - oftcn }oincd to sccond cIcmcnt with a hyµhcn _ç/obo-cumuIus; b : worIdwidc _ç/obo-historicaI; 2 : gIobc : sµhcrc _ç/obofcr- ous; gloeo- or gloio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ç/oio-, fr. ç/oios gIutinous substancc, gum; akin to L ç/ut-, ç/us gIuc] : sticky : gIutinous _G/oeocaµsa; _G/oioµcItis; glomerul- or glomerulo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ç/oneru/us] : gIomcruIus of thc kidncy _ç/oneru/ar; _ç/oneru/oncµhritis; gloss- or glosso- conbininç /orn [L, tonguc, fr. Gk ç/õss-, ç/õsso-, fr. ç/õssa] 1 a : tonguc _ç/ossaIgia; : gIossaI and _ç/os- sohyaI; b : structurc or organ Iikc a tonguc _G/ossoµhora; 2 : Ianguagc _ç/ossoIogy; -glossa n conbininç /orn, p/ -glossa [NL, fr. Gk ç/õssa] : onc or oncs having (such) a tonguc or µart Iikc a tonguc - in taxo- nomic namcs in bioIogy _Eriç/ossa; _Chciroç/ossa; -glossia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk -ç/õssia, fr. ç/õssa tonguc + -ia -y (cxµIanation)] : condition of having (such) a tonguc or (so many) tongucs _diç/ossia; _µachyç/ossia; -glot adi conbininç /orn [Gk -ç/õttos, -ç/õssos, fr. ç/õtta, ç/õssa Ianguagc, tonguc (cxµIanation)] : having knowIcdgc of or using (a sµccificd numbcr of) Ianguagcs _monoç/ot; _tctra- ç/ot; glott- or glotto- conbininç /orn [Gk ç/õtt-, ç/õtto-, ç/õss-, ç/õsso- tonguc, fr. ç/õtta, ç/õssa] : Ianguagc _ç/ottoIogy; gluc- or gluco- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ç/ucose] 1 : gIucosc _ç/ucogcnic; : rcIatcd to or containing gIucosc _ç/ucoman- nans; 2 : cLvc- 1 _ç/ucoµrotcins; - not now in frcqucnt usc gluteo- conbininç /orn [NL ç/uteus] : gIutcaI and _ç/ute- ofcmoraI; glyc- or glyco- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk ç/yk- swcct, fr. ç/ykys] 1 : sugar _ç/ycogcnic; : rcIatcd to or containing a sugar _ç/yccmia; _ç/ycoaIkaIoid; _ç/ycitoI; : swcct _ç/ycogcn; 2 a : gIyccroI _ç/ycogcIatin; b : gIycogcn _ç/ycostatic; c : gIy- coI _ç/ycostat; d : gIycinc _ç/ycyI; - uscd aIso to indicatc othcr comµounds sµcIIcd with initiaI ç/yc- 3 : cLLc- 1 glycer- or glycero- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ç/ycerin] : gIyccroI _ç/yceryI; : rcIatcd to gIyccroI or gIyccric acid _ç/yceroµhos- µhoric acid; _ç/yceraIdchydc; glypt- or glypto- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk ç/ypt-, fr. ç/yptos carvcd, fr. ç/yphein to carvc] 1 : cngraving _ç/yptoIogy; 2 : carvcd _G/yptodon; gnath- or gnatho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk çnath-, fr. çnathos, akin to Gk çenys }aw] : }aw _çnathitis; _çnathoµIas- ty; -gnatha n conbininç /orn, p/ -gnatha [NL, fcm. sing. and ncut. µI. of -çnathus -gnathous] : onc or oncs having (such) a }aw - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Açnatha; _Chactoçnatha; -gnathae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fcm. µI. of -çnathus -gnathous] : oncs having (such) a }aw - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Dcsmoçnathae; -gnathous adi conbininç /orn [NL -çnathus -gnathous, fr. Gk -gastria -gnathous 22 çnathos }aw; akin to Gk çenys }aw] : having (such) a }aw _oxyçnathous; -gnathus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. -çnathus -gnathous] : onc having (such) a }aw - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _Dcsmoçnathus; -gnomy n conbininç /orn -rs [LL -çnonia, fr. Gk -çnõnia, aItcr. of -çnõnonia, fr. çnõnon-, çnõnõn intcrµrctcr, disccrn- cr + -ia -y] : scicncc, art, or mcans of }udging _µathoçnony; -gnosia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk -çnõsia, fr. çnõsis knowIcdgc] : -c×osrs _µharmacoçnosia; -gnosis n conbininç /orn, p/ -gnoses [L, fr. Gk çnõsis knowI- cdgc] : knowIcdgc : cognition : rccognition _baroçnosis; _µsy- choçnosis; -gnostic or -gnostical adi conbininç /orn [-çnostic fr. ML -çnos- ticus knowing, fr. Gk çnõstikos, ad}.; -çnostica/ fr. ML -çnosti- cus + E -a/] : knowing : charactcrizcd by or rcIating to (such) knowIcdgc _gcoçnostic; _gcoçnostica/; -gnosy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -çnosia, fr. Gk -çnõsia, fr. çnõsis knowIcdgc] : -c×osrs _astroçnosy; -gon n conbininç /orn -s [NL -çonun, fr. Gk -çõnon, fr. çõnia angIc; akin to Gk çony kncc] : figurc having (so many) angIcs _nonaçon; goni- or gonio- conbininç /orn [Gk çõnia - morc at -co×] 1 : corncr : angIc _çoniomctcr; 2 : gonion gonidi- or gonidio- conbininç /orn [NL çonidiun] : gonidium _çonidiogcnous; -gony n conbininç /orn -rs [L -çonia, fr. Gk çoneia, fr. çonos offsµring, µrocrcation, sccd + -eia -y] : gcncration, rcµroduc- tion, or manncr of coming into bcing of a (sµccificd) thing _cosmoçony; _sµoroçony; _thcoçony; -grade adi conbininç /orn [F, fr. L -çradus going (fr. çradi to stcµ, go)] : waIking _digitiçrade; _µIantiçrade; - chicfIy in zooIogicaI tcrms -gram n conbininç /orn -s [L -çranna, fr. Gk, fr. çranna Ict- tcr, µiccc of writing] : drawing : writing : rccord _chrono- çran; _tcIcçran; _thcrmoçran; _sµcctroçran; gramin- or gramini- conbininç /orn [L çranin-, çranen] : grass _çraninivorous; _çraninifcrous; grani- conbininç /orn [L, fr. çranun] : grain _çraniform; : grain or sccds _çranivorous; grano- conbininç /orn [G, fr. çranit granitc, fr. It çranito] 1 : granitc or a granitic substancc _çranobIastic; _çranoIith; 2 : granitic _çranogabbro; granul- or granuli- or granulo- conbininç /orn [LL çranu/un] : granuIc _çranu/iform; _çranu/omctric; : granuIation _çran- u/oma; -graph n conbininç /orn -s [MF -çraphe, fr. L -çraphun, fr. Gk -çraphon, fr. ncut. of -çraphos writtcn, writing (fr. çraphein to writc)] 1 : somcthing writtcn _cryµtoçraph; _hoIoçraph; 2 : instrumcnt for making or transmitting rccords _chrono- çraph; _µhonoçraph; _tcIcçraph; -grapher n conbininç /orn -s [LL -çraphus onc that writcs (such) matcriaI or in (such) a way (fr. Gk -çraphos, fr. -çraphos writtcn, writing) + E -er] : onc that writcs about (sµccificd) matcriaI or in a (sµccificd) way _cranioçrapher; -graphia n conbininç /orn -s [L - morc at -cÞAÞnv] 1 : writ- ing on a (sµccificd) toµic : rcµrcscntation of a (sµccificd) ob}cct _bIastoçraphia; _stomatoçraphia; 2 : writing charac- tcrizcd by a (sµccificd) µsychoIogicaI abnormaIity _dys- çraphia; _µscudaçraphia; -graphic or -graphical adi conbininç /orn [-çraphic fr. LL -çraphicus, fr. Gk -çraphikos, fr. çraphikos writtcn; -çraphica/ fr. LL -çraphicus + E -a/] 1 : writtcn or transmittcd in a (sµcc- ificd) way _stcnoçraphic; _tcIcçraphic; 2 : of or rcIating to writing in a (sµccificd) ficId or on a (sµccificd) sub}cct _bio- çraphica/; _hagioçraphic; grapho- conbininç /orn [F, fr. MF, fr. Gk, fr. çraphe writing, fr. çraphein to writc] : writing _çraphoIogy; -graphy n conbininç /orn -rs [L -çraphia, fr. Gk, fr. çraphein to writc + -ia -y] 1 : writing or rcµrcscntation in a (sµccificd) manncr or by a (sµccificd) mcans or of a (sµccificd) ob}cct _caIIiçraphy; _cartoçraphy; _µhotoçraphy; _stcnoçraphy; 2 : writing on a (sµccificd) sub}cct or in a (sµccificd) ficId _bioçraphy; _gcoçraphy; _mctaIIoçraphy; gravi- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. L, fr. çravis] : hcavy _çravi- gradc; _çraviµortaI; gravit- or gravito- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. çravity] : gravity _çravitochcmicaI; greco- or graeco- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L Graeco-, fr. Graecus Grcck] 1 : Grcccc or Grccks _GrecoµhiIc; _Grecomania; 2 : Grcck and _Greco-Latin; _Greco-Pcrsian; _Graeco-Roman; gymn- or gymno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. çynnos] : nakcd : barc : uncovcrcd _çynnanthous; _çynnobranchi- atc; gyn- or gyno- conbininç /orn [Gk çyn-, fr. çyne woman] 1 a : woman : of or rcIating to a woman _çyniatrics; _çynocracy; b : fcmaIc : fcmaIc and _çynandrous; : womanish 2 : fcmaIc rcµroductivc organ : ovary _çynoµhorc; : µistiI _çynodioc- cious; -gyn n conbininç /orn -s [NL -çynia] : µIant having (so many) µistiIs _hcxaçyn; gyne- conbininç /orn [Gk çyne woman] : cv×- _çynecytoIogy; -gyne n conbininç /orn -s [Gk çyne woman] 1 : woman : fcmaIc _µscudoçyne; 2 : fcmaIc rcµroductivc organ _tri- choçyne; gynec- or gyneco- a/so gynaec- or gynaeco- conbininç /orn [Gk çynaiko-, fr. çynaik-, çyne woman] : cv×- _çynecocracy; _çynecoIogy; _çynecoid; gyneo- or gynaeo- conbininç /orn [Gk çynaios of womcn, fr. çyne woman] : cv×- _çyneocracy; -gynia n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. -çynus -gynous + -ia] : µIants having (such or so many) µistiIs - in Linnacan botan- icaI ordcrs _digynia; - -gynian adi or n conbininç /orn - -gynious adi conbininç /orn -gynous adi conbininç /orn [NL -çynus, fr. Gk -çynos, fr. çyne woman] 1 : of, rcIating to, or having (such or so many) fcmaIcs _µoIyçynous; or fcmaIc charactcristics _androç- ynous; : fcmaIc _crgatoçynous; : woman 2 : of, rcIating to, or having (such or so many) fcmaIc organs, csµ. µistiIs (in such a way or at such a timc) _hcxaçynous; _µrotoçynous; -gyny n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk çyne woman + E -y] 1 : cxis- tcncc of or condition of having (such or so many) fcmaIcs _monoçyny; 2 [-çynous + -y] : cxistcncc of or condition of having (such or so many) fcmaIc organs, csµ. µistiIs (in such a way or at such a timc) _cµiçyny; gyr- or gyro- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. MF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. çyros] 1 : ring : circIc _çyromancy; : sµiraI _Gyroccras; 2 : gyraI _çyroscoµc; _çyrcnccµhaIatc; 3 : gyroscoµc _çyro- comµass; habro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. habros] : graccfuI - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Habroncma; hadr- or hadro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. hadros thick, buIky; akin to Gk haden cnough] : thick _hadromc; : hcavy _Hadrosaurus; hagi- or hagio- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. haçios] 1 : hoIy _haçiograµha; _haçioscoµc; 2 : saints _haçiograµhy; hal- or halo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. ha/s saIt] 1 : of or rcIating to a saIt _ha/ochromism; 2 [ISV, fr. ha/oçen] : haIo- gcn _ha/idc; hali- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. ha/s saIt, sca] 1 : sca _ha/iµIankton; 2 : saIt : a saIt _ha/istcrcsis; hamito- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Hanitic] : Hamitic and _Hanito-Bantu; _Hanito-Scmitic; - usu. with hyµhcn hapl- or haplo- a/so apl- or aplo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk hap/-, hap/o-, fr. hap/oos, hap/ous, hap/os, fr. ha- onc (akin to Gk honos samc) + -p/oos, -p/ous, -p/os muItiµIicd by; akin to L -p/us muItiµIicd by] 1 : singIc : simµIc _hap/oscoµc; 2 [hap- /oid] : of or rcIating to thc haµIoid gcncration or condition hapt- or hapto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk haptein to fastcn] : contact : combination _haptoµhorc; hastato- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. hastatus] : hastatcIy : hastatc and _hastatoIanccoIatc; _hastatosagittatc; hebe- conbininç /orn [Gk hebe youth, µubcs] : µubcrty -gnathus hebe- 23 _hebeµhrcnia; : downy : hairy : µubcsccnt _hebeanthous; hecato- or hecaton- conbininç /orn [Gk hekato-, fr. hekaton hundrcd] : consisting of a hundrcd : having a hundrcd _hecatoµhyIIous; hect- or hecto- conbininç /orn [F, irrcg. fr. Gk hekaton] : hun- drcd _hectarc; _hectograµh; -hedral adi conbininç /orn [NL -hedron + E -a/] : having a (sµccificd) numbcr of surfaccs _dihedra/; : having a (sµcci- ficd) kind of surfacc _cuhedra/; -hedron n conbininç /orn, p/ -hedrons or -hedra [NL, fr. Gk -edron, fr. hedra scat] : gcomctricaI figurc or crystaI having a (sµccificd) form or numbcr of surfaccs _hoIohedron; _traµc- zohedron; hedy- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk hedy-, fr. hedys] : µIcasant _hedyµhanc; ¹heli- or helio- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk he/i-, he/io-, fr. he/ios] : sun _He/iornis; : thc sun _he/ioccntric; _he/ioscoµc; : sun- Iight : soIar cncrgy _he/iogravurc; : sun and _he/ioIithic; ²heli- conbininç /orn [by shortcning] : hcIicoµtcr _he/iµort; _he/imaiI; helic- or helico- conbininç /orn [Gk he/ik-, he/iko-, fr. he/ik-, he/ix sµiraI] : hcIix : sµiraI _he/icinc; _he/icograµh; helleno- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Gk he//eno-, fr. He//en Grcck] 1 : thc Grccks _He//enoccntric; _He//enoµhiIc; 2 : Grcck and _He//eno-ItaIic; helminth- or helmintho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. he/ninth-, he/nis intcstinaI worm, µarasitic worm; akin to Gk eu/e worm, maggot, Toch A wa/yi worms, Gk ei/ein to wind, roII] 1 : hcIminth _he/ninthiasis; _he/ninthoIogy; 2 : shaµcd Iikc a worm _he/ninthosµorium; ¹helo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk he/os] : marsh : bog _he/obi- ous; _he/oµhytc; ²helo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk he/o-, fr. he/os, µcrh. akin to L va//us stakc, µaIisadc] : naiI _He/odcrma; _He/otium; hem- or hemo- or hemi- or haem- or haemo- conbininç /orn [MF heno-, fr. L haen-, haeno-, fr. Gk hain-, haino-, fr. haina, µcrh. akin to ON seinr honcycomb, OHG sein virgin honcy, W hu/en crcam] : bIood _henarthrosis; _henaggIuti- nation; _henocytc; - thc forms haen- or haeno- arc µrc- fcrrcd in taxonomic namcs _Haenacanthus; _Haeno- grcgarina; hema- or haema- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk haina bIood] : nrm- _henacytomctcr; _henaµoicsis; - haena- µrcfcrrcd in taxonomic namcs in bioIogy _Haenastoma; hemat- or hemato- or haemat- or haemato- conbininç /orn [L haenat-, haenato-, fr. Gk hainat-, hainato-, fr. hainat-, haina bIood - morc at nrm-] : nrm- _henatoid; _henat- ocrit; - thc forms haenat- or haenato- arc µrcfcrrcd in tax- onomic namcs _Haenatozoon; _Haenatogastcr; hemi- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk heni- - morc at srmr-] 1 : haIf of; esp : a IatcraI haIf of _heniccntrum; _heniccrcbrum; _henicardia; 2 : rcIating to or affccting a haIf (as a IatcraI haIf) of an organ or µart or of thc whoIc body _heniµIcgia; _heniatroµhy; 3 chen a : haIf in rcsµcct to combining ratio _henibasic; b : having onc haIf of thc moIccuIar wcight of a (sµccificd) comµound or cIass of comµounds c : having onc haIf thc numbcr of charactcristic grouµs in a (sµccificd) com- µound or cIass of comµounds _henicyaninc; 4 crysta//oç : having onc haIf thc numbcr of faccs _henihcdron; hendeca- or hendec- conbininç /orn [Gk hendeka-, hendek-, fr. hendeka, fr. hen (ncut. of heis onc) + deka tcn] : cIcvcn _hen- decasyIIabIc; _hendecanc; heno- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. hen-, heis] : onc _henothcism; hepat- or hepato- conbininç /orn [ML, fr. L, fr. Gk hepat-, hepato-, fr. hepat-, hepar] 1 : Iivcr _hepatcctomy; _hepatoI- ogy; 2 : Iivcr and : hcµatic and _hepatocoIic; _hepato- sµIcnomcgaIy; hepta- or hept- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. hepta] 1 : scvcn _hep- tagon; 2 chen : containing scvcn atoms, grouµs, or cquiva- Icnts _heptaacctatc; heredo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L hered-, heres hcir] : hcrcdi- tary : hcrcditariIy _heredoataxia; _heredofamiIiaI; hernio- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L hernia] : hcrnia _herniorrha- µhy; _herniotomy; herpet- or herpeto- conbininç /orn [µartIy fr. Gk herpeton ani- maI that gocs on aII fours, snakc, fr. ncut. of herpetos crccµ- ing, fr. herpein to crccµ; µartIy fr. L herpet-, herpes hcrµcs (aIso, a kind of animaI, µrob. a snakc), fr. Gk herpet-, herpes, µartIy fr. Gk herpetos crccµing] 1 : rcµtiIc or rcµtiIcs _her- petofauna; _herpetoIogy; 2 : hcrµcs _herpetiform; 3 : crccµ- ing _herpetomonas; heter- or hetero- conbininç /orn[MF or LL; MF, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. heteros, akin to Gk heis, hen onc] 1 : othcr than usuaI : othcr : diffcrcnt _heterogcncous; _heterodox; _Heter- anthcra; - oµµoscd to hon-, is-, orth- 2 : for, from, or to a diffcrcnt sµccics _heteroaggIutinin; 3 a : containing atoms of diffcrcnt kinds _heterocycIic; b : isomcric with or cIoscIy rcIatcd to a (sµccificd) comµound _heteroxanthinc; hexa- or hex- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. hex six] 1 : six _hexa- tomic; 2 : containing six atoms, grouµs, or cquivaIcnts _hex- oxidc; _hexaacctatc; hiberno- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Hibernia] 1 : Irish and _Hiberno-CcItic; 2 : IrcIand _HibernoIogy; hidr- or hidro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk hidrõs swcat] : of or by mcans of µcrsµiration : of thc swcat gIands _hidradcnitis; _hidrocystoma; hier- or hiero- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. hieros µowcrfuI, suµcrnaturaI, hoIy, sacrcd] : sacrcd : hoIy _hierarchy; _hiero- gIyµh; -hieric adi conbininç /orn [Gk hieron (osteon) sacrum (fr. hicron - ncut. of hieros µowcrfuI, sacrcd - + osteon bonc) + E -ic] : having (such) a sacrum _doIichohieric; _µIatyhieric; hipp- or hippo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. hippos] : horsc _hippogastronomy; _hippuric acid; -hippus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk hippos] : horsc - in gcncric namcs csµ. in µaIcontoIogy _Eohippus; hispano- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Sµ hispano, fr. L Hispanus] : Sµanish and _Hispano-Gcrman; : Sµanish _hispanoµhiIc; hist- or histo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk histos mast, bcam of a Ioom, Ioom, wcb, fr. histanai to causc to stand] : tissuc _his- taminc; _histoµhysioIogy; histi- or histio- conbininç /orn [Gk histion wcb, cIoth, saiI, dim. of histos mast, bcam of a Ioom, Ioom, wcb - morc at nrs1-] 1 : saiI _Histioµtcrus; 2 : tissuc _histiocytc; historico- conbininç /orn[NL, fr. L historicus] : historicaI : his- toricaI and _historicoµhiIosoµhicaI; _historicosociaI; historio- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. historia inquiry, information, narrativc, history] : history _historio- mctric; _historiograµhcr; hol- or holo- conbininç /orn [ME ho/o-, fr. OF, fr. L ho/-, ho/o-, fr. Gk, fr. ho/os] 1 a : comµIctc : cntirc : totaI _ho/ograµh; _ho/oµarasitc; b : comµIctcIy : totaIIy : throughout _ho/- arthritic; _ho/obranchiatc; _ho/oaxiaI; _ho/ocrystaIIinc; c : without division : forming onc µiccc _ho/ognathous; _ho/orhinaI; 2 a : simiIar : homogcncous _ho/omorµh; b : simiIarIy : homogcncousIy _ho/ogamous; hom- or homo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. honos] 1 : onc and thc samc : simiIar : aIikc _honogcncous; _hononym; - oµµoscd to heter- 2 : from thc samc sµccics : corrcsµonding in tyµc of structurc _honograft; _honoIysin; homal- or homalo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. hona/os, akin to Gk honos samc] 1 : fIat : cvcn _hona/ostcrnaI; 2 : cquaI _hona/ograµhic; home- or homeo- or homoe- or homoeo- a/so homoi- or homoio- conbininç /orn [L & Gk; L honoeo-, fr. Gk honoi-, honoio-, fr. honoios, fr. honos samc] 1 : Iikc : simiIar _honeoµathy; _honoeograµhy; _honoiothcrmic; 2 : containing homcotic gcncs or thcir µroducts _honeodomain; homin- or homini- conbininç /orn [L honin-, hono] : man : human _honininc; _honiniform; _honiniscction; -hood n su//ix -s [ME -hod, -hode, fr. OE -hãd, akin to OFris & OS -hed, suffix dcnoting statc or condition, OHG -heit, aII fr. a µrchistoric Gmc word rcµrcscntcd by OE hãd µcrson, rank, statc, condition, OHG heit µcrson, rank, statc, condition, ON hecato- -hood 24 heithr honor, Goth haidus manncr, way; akin to OE hãdor bright, cIcar, OHG heitar, ON heithr, and µrob. to L caesius bIuish gray, cae/un sky, hcavcn, Skt citra varicgatcd, bright, ketu brightncss, Iight; basic mcaning: bright] 1 : statc : condi- tion : quaIity : charactcr _boyhood; _girIhood; _hardihood; _unIikcIihood; 2 : an instancc of a sµccificd statc, condition, quaIity, or charactcr _faIschood; 3 : individuaIs sharing a sµccificd statc, condition, quaIity, or charactcr _brothcrhood; hoplo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk hop/-, hop/o- tooI, wcaµon, µiccc of armor, fr. hop/on] : hcaviIy armcd : having µowcrfuI offcnsivc mcmbcrs - uscd chicfIy in zooIogicaI taxa _Hop- /oncmcrtca; humero- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL hunerus] : humcraI and _hunerodorsaI; hy- or hyo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk hyo- uµsiIon (Y, o), fr. y, hy uµsiIon] 1 : connccting with thc hyoid arch _hyogIossus; 2 : hyoid and _hyothyroid; hyal- or hyalo- conbininç /orn [LL, gIass, fr. Gk, fr. hya/os transµarcnt stonc, gIass] 1 : gIass : gIassy _hya/csccnt; _hya/ocrystaIIinc; 2 : transµarcnt or transIuccnt substancc _hya/ogcn; hydat- or hydato- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. Gk, fr. hydat-, hydõr] : watcr _Hydatina; _hydatogcncsis; hydr- or hydro- conbininç /orn [aItcr. (infIucnccd by L hydr-, hydro-) of ME ydr-, ydro-, fr. OF ydr- & MF ydro-, fr. L hydr-, hydro-, fr. Gk, fr. hydõr] 1 a : watcr _hydrogcI; _hydrocIcc- tricity; b : hydrauIic _hydroµrcss; 2 : watcr-Ioving organism - chicfIy in gcncric namcs _Hydracarina; _Hydrodictyon; 3 a : hydrogcn : containing hydrogcn _hydriodic acid; _hydro- boratc; b now usu hydro- : combincd with hydrogcn - csµ. in namcs of organic comµounds _hydroquinidinc; c : combincd with watcr by hydration _hydracryIic acid; or by hydroIysis _hydroccIIuIosc; 4 : charactcrizcd by an accumuIation of fIuid in a (sµccificd) bodiIy µart _hydroncµhrosis; 5 a : com- bincd with watcr - in namcs of mincraIs _hydrohctacroIitc; b : charactcrizcd by addition of watcr or its constitucnts - in namcs of varictics of mincraIs _hydromica; 6 [NL, fr. Hydra (gcnus of µoIyµs)] : hydroid _hydromcdusa; _hydrorhiza; hydroxy- or hydrox- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. hydroxy/, fr. E] : hydroxyI : containing hydroxyI csµ. in µIacc of hydrogcn - in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds or radicaIs _hydroxyaIkyI; _hydroxamic acids; hyet- or hyeto- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. hyetos, akin to Gk hyei it is raining] : rain _hyetaI; _hyetomctcr; _hyetograµhy; hygr- a/so hygro- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. hyçros moist, wct] 1 : humidity : moisturc : moist _hyçric; _hyçrostat; _hyçroµho- bia; _hyçroµhytc; 2 : moisturc and : of or rcIating to mois- turc and _hyçrothcrmaI; hyl- or hylo- conbininç /orn [Gk, wood, mattcr, fr. hy/e wood, forcst, matcriaI, mattcr] 1 : mattcr : matcriaI _hy/omorµhism; _hy/omorµhous; 2 : wood _hy/oµhagous; : forcst _Hy/o- cichIa; hyo- conbininç /orn [L & Gk; L, fr. Gk, fr. hys swinc] : dcrivcd from or rcIatcd to swinc _hyodcoxychoIic; hyper- pre/ix [aItcr. (infIucnccd by L hyper-) of ME iper-, fr. LL hyper-, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. hyper] 1 : ovcr : abovc : bcyond : sLÞrÞ- _hyperbarbarous; _hypercmµhasis; 2 : ovcrmuch : cxccssivcIy : rx1ÞA- _hypercriticaI; _hyperscnsitivc; 3 a : cxccssivc in cxtcnt or quaIity _hypercsthcsia; _hypercmcsis; b : Iocatcd abovc _hyperaµoµhysis; 4 in ancient Greek nusic a : bcing thc uµµcr octavc in a disdiaµason _hyperIydian; b o/ an interva/ : mcasurcd uµward _hyperdiaµason; 5 : that is or cxists in a sµacc of morc than thrcc dimcnsions _hyper- cubc; _hypersµacc; 6 : bridging µoints within an cntity (as a databasc or nctwork) non-scqucntiaIIy _hyperIink; _hyper- tcxt; hypho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk hyphe, hyphos wcb] : wcb : tissuc _hyphodromc; hypn- or hypno- conbininç /orn [F hypn-, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. hypnos sIccµ] 1 : sIccµ _hypnagogic; 2 : hyµnotism _hypno- gcncsis; hypo- or hyp- pre/ix [aItcr. (infIucnccd by LL hypo-, hyp-) of ME ypo-, fr. OF, fr. LL hypo-, hyp-, fr. Gk, fr. hypo] 1 : undcr : bcncath : down _hypobIast; _hypodcrmic; 2 : Icss than nor- maI or normaIIy _hypocaIccmia; _hypochromia; _hypochIo- rhydric; _hyposcnsitivc; 3 : in a Iowcr statc of oxidation : in a Iow usu. thc Iowcst µosition in a scrics of comµounds _hypovanadous; _hypoxanthinc; 4 a in ancient Greek nusic (1) : bcing thc Iowcr octavc in a disdiaµason _hypoIydian; (2) o/ an interva/ : mcasurcd downward _hypodiaµason; b in nedieva/ nusic : bcing in a µIagaI modc _hypodorian; hyps- or hypsi- or hypso- conbininç /orn [in scnsc 1, fr. Gk, fr. hypsos, in scnsc 2, fr. Gk, fr. hypsi, Gk hypsos & Gk hypsi akin to Gk hypo undcr] 1 : hcight _hypsograµhy; 2 : on high : aIoft _hypsiccµhaIic; _hypsodont; hyster- or hystero- conbininç /orn [F or L; F hystér-, fr. MF, fr. L hyster-, fr. Gk, fr. hystera womb] 1 : womb _hysterccto- my; _hysteromyoma; 2 [NL, fr. hysteria] a : hystcria _hys- terogcnic; b : hystcria and _hysteroncurasthcnia; ¹-ia n su//ix [NL, fr. L & Gk, suffix forming fcmininc abstract nouns] 1 -s : µathoIogicaI condition _µncumonia; _hystcria; _diµhthcria; 2 : gcnus of µIants or animaIs _Wistaria; _Osmia; ²-ia n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L (ncut. µI. of -ius, ad}. cnding) & Gk, ncut. µI. of -ios, ad}. cnding] 1 : taxonomic division (as cIass, ordcr) of µIants or animaIs _Cryµtogamia; _MammaIia; 2 : things bcIonging to or dcrivcd from or rcIating to (somc- thing sµccificd) _MaryIandia; _tabIoidia; -ial adi su//ix [ME, fr. MF -ie/, -ia/, fr. L -ia/is, fr. -i- + -a/is -aI] : ¹-AL _manoria/; -iasis n su//ix, p/ -iases [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk, suffix of action, fr. vcrbs in -ian, -iarein (fr. nouns in -ia -y) + -sis] : morbid statc or condition : discasc having charactcristics of (somcthing sµccificd) _cIcµhantiasis; _satyriasis; : discasc µroduccd by (somcthing sµccificd) _ancyIostomiasis; _habroncmiasis; -iatric a/so -iatrical adi conbininç /orn [-iatric fr. NL -iatria -iatry + E -ic, -iatrica/ fr. -iatric + -a/] : of or rcIating to mcd- icaI trcatmcnt : of or rcIating to hcaIing _hydriatric; _µsychi- atric; -iatrist n conbininç /orn -s [-iatry + -ist] : µhysician : hcaIcr _µsychiatrist; _µodiatrist; iatro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. iatros µhysician] 1 : µhysician : mcdicinc : hcaIing _iatroIogy; _iatrogcnic; 2 : µhysician and _iatrochcmist; : mcdicinc or hcaIing and _iatroµhysics; _iatro-astroIogicaI; -iatry n conbininç /orn -rs [F -iatrie, fr. NL -iatria, fr. Gk iatreia art or action of hcaIing, fr. iatros µhysician + -eia -y] : mcdicaI trcatmcnt : hcaIing _µodiatry; _gyniatry; _µsychia- try; ibero- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L lberus, Hiberus] : Ibcrian : Ibcrian and _lbero-Amcrican; ¹-ic adi su//ix [ME -ik, -ic, fr. OF & L; OF -ique, fr. L -icus - morc at -v] 1 : having thc charactcr or form of : bcing _µanoramic; _rhombic; _Samoycdic; : consisting of _runic; 2 a : of or rcIating to _aIdcrmanic; _daturic; _Koranic; b : rcIatcd to, dcrivcd from, or containing _aIcohoIic; - csµ. in namcs of acids and rcIatcd comµounds _boric; _cinammic; _oIcic; 3 : in thc manncr of : Iikc that of : charactcristic of _Byronic; _quixotic; _Puritanic; 4 : associatcd or dcaIing with _Vcdic; : utiIizing _cIcctronic; _atomic; 5 : charactcr- izcd by : cxhibiting _nostaIgic; : affcctcd with _aIIcrgic; _µaraµIcgic; 6 : causcd by _amocbic; 7 : tcnding to µroducc _anaIgcsic; 8 : having thc highcst vaIcncc of a (sµccificd) cIcmcnt or a vaIcncc rcIativcIy highcr than in comµounds or ions namcd with an ad}cctivc cnding in -ous _fcrric iron; _suI- furic acid; - comµarc ¹-A1r 2 ²-ic n su//ix -s [ME -ik, -ic, fr. OF & L; OF -ique, fr. L -icus, fr. -icus (ad}. suffix)] : onc having thc charactcr or naturc of : onc bcIonging to or associatcd with : onc cxhibiting or affcctcd by _gIyconic; : onc that µroduccs _ccboIic; -ical adi su//ix [ME, fr. LL -ica/is (as in c/erica/is cIcricaI, çran- natica/is grammaticaI, radica/is radicaI)] : -rc _cosmica/; _fantastica/; - somctimcs diffcring from -ic in that ad}cctivcs formcd with -ica/ havc a widcr or morc transfcrrcd scmantic hoplo- -ical 25 rangc than corrcsµonding ad}cctivcs in -ic _cconomica/ : cco- nomic; _µroµhctica/ : µroµhctic; -ice n su//ix -s [ME -ice, -ise, fr. OF, fr. L -itius (masc.), -itia (fcm.), -itiun (ncut.), suffixcs forming ad}cctivcs and nouns; akin to Gk -sios, Skt -tya] : act _scrvice; : quaIity _}ustice; : condition _cowardice; ichn- or ichno- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. ichnos] : footµrint : track _ichnoIogy; ichthy- or ichthyo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. ichthys] : fish _ichthyic; _ichthyoIogy; -ichthys n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ichthys] : fish - in gcncric namcs chicfIy in ichthyoIogy _Dinichthys; _Ncmichthys; -ician n su//ix -s [ME -icien, -ician, fr. OF -icien, fr. L -ica (as in rhetorica rhctoric) + OF -ien -ian] : a sµcciaIist or µracti- tioncr in a (sµccificd) ficId _bcautician; _tcchnician; icon- or icono- a/so eikon- or eikono- or ikon- or ikono- con- bininç /orn [Gk eikon-, eikono-, fr. eikon-, eikõn] : imagc _iconism; _iconomania; _iconomctry; icosa- a/so icosi- or icos- conbininç /orn [Gk eikosa-, eikosi-, eikos-, fr. eikosi] : twcnty _icosahcdron; ¹-id n su//ix -s [in scnsc 1, fr. L -ides, masc. µatronymic suffix, fr. Gk -ides, in scnsc 2, fr. It -ide, fr. L -id-, -is, fcm. µatronymic suffix, fr. Gk; in scnsc 3, fr. F -ide, fr. L -id-, -is, fcm. µatronymic suffix] 1 a : onc bcIonging to a (sµccificd) naturaI grouµ or Iinc of dcsccnt _McIancsid; _AustraIid; b : onc bcIonging to a (sµccificd) dynastic Iinc _Fatimid; 2 a : mctcor associatcd with or radiating from a (sµccificd) con- stcIIation or comct _Pcrscid; b : variabIc star of a (sµccificd) sourcc or tyµc _Ccµhcid; 3 a/so -ide : skin rash causcd by (somcthing sµccificd) _bactcrid; _syµhiIid; ²-id adi su//ix : of, rcIating to, or charactcristic of a (sµccificd) naturaI grouµ or Iinc of dcsccnt _µrc-MongoIid artifacts; ³-id n su//ix -s [µrob. fr. L -id-, -is, formativc cIcmcnt of somc nouns, fr. Gk] 1 : structuraI cIcmcnt of a Iowcr moIar or µrcmoIar _µrotoconid; 2 : structurc, body, or µarticIc of a (sµccificd) kind _chromatid; -ida n p/ su//ix [NL (ncut. µI. in form), fr. L- ides, µatronymic suffix] : animaIs that arc or havc thc form of - in namcs of highcr taxa (as ordcrs and cIasscs) _Scorµionida; _Acarida; _Bcroida; - -idan n or adi su//ix -idae n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L (µI. of -ides, masc. µatronymic suf- fix), fr. Gk -idai, µI. of -ides, masc. µatronymic suffix] : mcm- bcrs of thc famiIy of - in µatronymic grouµ namcs _AIcmaconidae; _Homcridae; _ScIcucidae;; in namcs of famiIics of animaIs substitutcd for thc Iast syIIabIc of thc gcn- itivc casc of thc namc of thc tyµc gcnus _Aµhididae from Aphis; _Equidae from Equus; -ide a/so -id n su//ix -s [G & F; G -id, fr. F -ide (as in oxide)] 1 : binary chcmicaI comµound or comµound rcgardcd as bina- ry - addcd to contractcd namc of thc nonmctaIIic or morc cIcctroncgativc cIcmcnt _iron oxide; _hydrogcn suIfide; or radicaI _amide; _cthoxide; 2 a : chcmicaI comµound dcrivcd from or rcIatcd to anothcr (usu. sµccificd) comµound _anhy- dride; _gIycoIide; _µhthaIide; b : acctaI dcrivativc of a sugar - in namcs of gIycosidcs rcµIacing finaI -e of thc namc of thc sugar _arabinoside; _ccrcbroside;; comµarc -osror 3 : onc of a cIass of organic csµ. naturaIIy occurring comµounds _µhosµhatide; _µcµtide; _saccharide; 4 : chcmicaI cIcmcnts of a scrics of mctaIIic cIcmcnts of incrcasing atomic numbcrs _actinide; _Ianthanide; -idea n p/ su//ix [NL (ncut. µI. in form), fr. Gk -ideus, n. suffix with quasi-µatronymic vaIuc] : animaIs that arc or havc thc form of - in namcs of highcr taxa _Caridea; _Phoronidea; ideo- conbininç /orn [F idéo-, fr. Gk idea] : idca _ideocrat; _ideogcnctic; _ideoIogy; -idin or -idine n su//ix -s [ISV ¹-ide + -in, -ine] : chcmicaI com- µound rcIatcd in origin or structurc to anothcr comµound: as a usu -idin : agIycon of a gIycosidc _µcIargonidin from µcIargonin; b usu -idine : comµIctcIy hydrogcnatcd form of a cycIic basc _µyrroIidine from µyrroIc; _thiazoIidine from thiazoIc; c usu -idine : basc obtaincd othcrwisc than by hydrogcnation _toIuidine or toIidine from toIucnc; _guani- dine from guaninc; idio- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. idios] 1 : onc`s own : µcrsonaI : scµaratc : distinct _idiotyµc; _idiosyncrasy; 2 : scIf-µro- duccd : arising within _idioIysin; _idiorcfIcx; _idioµathic; _idiovcntricuIar rhythm; -idium a/so -idion n su//ix, p/ -idiums or -idia a/so idions [NL, fr. Gk -idion, dim. suffix] : smaII onc : Icsscr onc _anthcridi- un; _chromidiun; idolo- a/so eidolo- conbininç /orn [LL & Gk; LL ido/o-, fr. Gk eidõ/o-, fr. eidõ/on] : idoI : imagc _ido/ocracy; _ido/omania; _ido/ocIastic; -idrosis n conbininç /orn, p/ -idroses [NL, fr. Gk -idrõsis, fr. hidrõsis act of swcating, fr. hidroun to swcat (fr. hidrõs swcat) + -sis] : a sµccificd form of swcating _chromidrosis; _bro- midrosis; _hyµcridrosis; -ie a/so -y or -ey n su//ix, p/ -ies or -eys [ME (Sc) -ie] 1 a : IittIc onc : dcar IittIc onc _birdie; _bootie; _Jcanie; b - in namcs of articIcs of fcmininc aµµarcI _nightie; _µantie; 2 : onc bcIonging to : onc having to do with _bookie; _dcckie; _hackie; _townie; 3 : onc of (such) a kind or quaIity _big- gie; _cutie; _smartie; _toughie; _darkey; -ier n su//ix -s [MF, fr. L -arius, ad}. suffix] : µcrson bcIonging to, conncctcd with, or cngagcd in _cashier; _gondoIier; -iferous adi conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L -i/er (fr. -i- + -/er) & MF -i/ere (fr. L -i/er) + ME -ous - morc at -rrÞ] : -rrÞoLs -iform adi conbininç /orn [MF & L; MF -i/orne, fr. L -i/ornis, fr. -i- + -/ornis -form] : -roÞm -iformes n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, masc. & fcm. µI. of -i/ornis -iform] : oncs having (such a) form - in taxonomic namcs of animaIs _Anscri/ornes; -ify vb su//ix -ro/-r×c/-rs [ME -i/ien, fr. OF -i/ier, fr. L -i/icare, fr. -i- + -/icare -fy] : -rv -igerous adi conbininç /orn [L -içer (fr. -i- + -çer -gcrous) + E -ous] : -crÞoLs igni- conbininç /orn [L, fr. içnis] : firc : burning _içnifcrous; _içniµuncturc; -il a/so -ile n su//ix -s [G -i/ & F -i/e, µrob. fr. F -i/e & L -i/is -iIc, ad}. suffix] : substancc rcIatcd to (somcthing sµccificd) _bcn- zi/; ile- a/so ileo- conbininç /orn [NL i/eun] 1 : iIcum _i/eostomy; 2 : iIcaI and _i/eocccaI; ¹-ile adi su//ix [ME, fr. MF, fr. L -i/is] : of, rcIating to, suitcd for, or caµabIc of _contracti/e; _cxµansi/e; ²-ile n su//ix -s [µrob. fr. -i/e (as in quarti/e, n. - quartiIc asµcct - and sexti/e, n.)] : scgmcnt of a (sµccificd) sizc in a frc- qucncy distribution _ccnti/e; _dcci/e; ilio- conbininç /orn [NL i/iun] : iIiac and _i/iocostaI; _i/ioµcIvic; -illa n su//ix, p/ -illae or -illas [NL, aItcr. of L -e//a] : -rLLA _Sµongi//a; immuno- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. innune] 1 : µhysioIogicaI immunity _innunoIogy; 2 : immunoIogic _innunochcm- istry; : immunoIogicaIIy _innunocomµatibIc; : immunoIogy and _innunogcnctics; ¹in- or il- or im- or ir- pre/ix [ME, fr. MF, OF, & L; ME in- fr. OF, fr. L; ME i/- fr. MF, fr. L, fr. in-, ME in- fr. OF, fr. L, fr. in-, ME ir- fr. OF, fr. L, fr. in-, akin to OE un- - morc at L×-] : not : ×o×-, L×- - usu. i/- bcforc / _i/IogicaI; and in- bcforc b, n, or p _inbaIancc; _inmoraI; _inµrovidcnt; and ir- bcforc r _irrcducibIc; and in- bcforc othcr sounds _inactivc; _inaµt; _inconcIusivc; ²in- or il- or im- or ir- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF, MF, & L; ME in- fr. OF in-, en-, fr. L in-, fr. in in, into; ME i/- fr. MF, fr. L, fr. in, ME in- fr. MF in-, en-, fr. L in-, fr. in, ME ir- fr. L, fr. in] 1 : in : within : inward : into : toward : on _inµIodc; _irrad- icatc; 2 : ¹r×- _i/Iucidatc; _inbarn; _inmarbIc; _inµancI; _inµcriI; _insµirit; - in both scnscs usu. i/- bcforc /, in- bcforc b, n, or p, ir- bcforc r, and in- bcforc othcr sounds ³in- or ino- conbininç /orn [NL in-, fr. Gk, tcndon, fr. in-, is, µrob. akin to L viere to µIait] : fibcr : fibrous tissuc _initis; _inogcn; -ice in- 26 -in n su//ix -s [F -ine, fr. L -ina (with Iong i), fcm. of -inus (with Iong i) of or bcIonging to - morc at -r×r] 1 a : ncutraI chcm- icaI comµound or comµound not distinctIy basic or acidic _µicrotoxin; _hcmatoµorµhyrin; - csµ. in namcs of gIyc- cridcs _acctin; _stcarin;, gIycosidcs _amygdaIin; _qucrcitrin;, µrotcins _gcIatin; _insuIin;, and 6-mcmbcrcd hctcrocycIic comµounds _dioxin;; usu. distinguishcd from -ine b : cnzymc _cmuIsi7n; _myrosin; - comµarc -Asr c : antibiotic _µcniciIIin; _strcµtomycin; 2 : ²-r×r 2a, 2b - not uscd systcmaticaIIy 3 : µharmaccuticaI µroduct _niacin; _asµirin; -in n conbininç /orn -s [in (as in sit-in)] 1 : organizcd µubIic µrotcst by mcans of or in favor of : dcmonstration _tcach-in; _Iovc-in; 2 : µubIic grouµ activity _swim-in; ¹-ina n su//ix, p/ -ina [NL, fr. L, fcm. sing. and ncut. µI. of -inus (with Iong i) ¹-inc] : onc or oncs rcIatcd to, rcscmbIing, or charactcrizcd by - in taxonomic namcs in bioIogy _Acarina; _CIathrina; _FistuIina; ²-ina a/so -ine n su//ix -s [µrob. fr. It -ina (dim. suffix), fr. L -ina (with Iong i), fcm. of -inus (with Iong i) ¹-inc] 1 : musicaI instrumcnt _conccrtina; _scraµhine; 2 : musicaI dcvicc _aco- Iine; -inae n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L, fcm. µI. of -inus -inc] : mcmbcrs of thc subfamiIy of - in rcccnt cIassifications substitutcd for thc Iast syIIabIc of thc gcnitivc casc of thc namc of thc tyµc gcnus in aII namcs of zooIogicaI subfamiIics _FcIinae; _McIiµoninae; incud- or incudo- conbininç /orn [NL incud-, incus] : incus : incus and _incudcctomy; _incudomaIIcaI; ¹ind- or indo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Gk, India, of or con- ncctcd with India, fr. indos of or conncctcd with India, fr. lndos India (subcontincnt in southcrn Asia), Indus (rivcr in thc northwcstcrn µart of thc Indian subcontincnt)] 1 : India or thc East Indics _lndoµhiIc; : of or conncctcd with India or thc East Indics _indaconitinc; _lndo-Briton; _lndo-African; 2 : of or conncctcd with thc Indus rivcr _lndo-Gangctic; 3 : Indo-Euroµcan _lndo-Hittitc; ²ind- or indi- or indo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L indicun] 1 : indigo _indoIc; _indirubin; _indoµhcnin; 2 : rcscmbIing indigo (as in coIor) _indaminc; _indoµhcnoI; ¹-ine adi su//ix [ME -ine, -in, fr. MF -in & L -inus (with Iong i), -inus (with short ĭ); MF -in µartIy fr. L -inus (with Iong i) of or bcIonging to; MF -in µartIy fr. L -inus (with short ĭ) madc of, of or bcIonging to, fr. Gk -inos - morc at -r×] 1 : of, bcIonging to, or rcIating to _cstuarine; 2 : madc of : Iikc _oµaIine; ²-ine n su//ix -s [ME -ine, -in, fr. MF & L; MF -ine, fr. L -ina (with Iong i), fcm. of -inus (with Iong i) of or bcIonging to] 1 : ¹-r1r 4 _hatchcttine; 2 : chcmicaI substancc: as a : chcmi- caI cIcmcnt - in namcs of thc haIogcns _astatine; _chIorine; b (1) : basic carbon comµound - in namcs of aIkaIoids _qui- nine; or othcr organic nitrogcnous bascs _aniIine; _guani- dine; incIuding six-mcmbcrcd ring comµounds _µyridine; and intcrmcdiatc hydrogcnatcd forms of cycIic comµounds _µyrroIine; _thiazoIine;; usu. distinguishcd from -in (2) : car- bon comµound containing a basic grouµ - in namcs of amino acids _gIycine; _cystine; c : mixturc of chcmicaI com- µounds - csµ. in commcrciaI namcs (as of mixturcs of hydro- carbons) _gasoIine; _kcrosine; d : -v×r e : hydridc _arsine; 3 : -r× 1a - not uscd systcmaticaIIy 4 : commcrciaI µroduct or matcriaI _gIassine; ³-ine n su//ix -s [ME -ina, -ine, -in (in fcmininc givcn namcs), fr. OE -ina (in fcmininc givcn namcs), fr. L -ina (with Iong i, in fcmininc namcs such as Açrippina), fr. fcm. of -inus (with Iong i) of or bcIonging to] : fcmaIc µcrson _chorine; _dudine; -ineae n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L, fcm. µI. of -ineus (as in çranineus gramincous)] : µIants incIuding thosc of (such) a gcnus _Abictineae; : µIants charactcrizcd by (such) a fcaturc _Dinocaµsineae; - in namcs of botanicaI subordcrs infero- conbininç /orn [L in/erus Iow, situatcd bcncath] 1 : on thc undcrsidc _in/erobranchiatc; 2 : bcIow and _in/eroIat- craI; infra- pre/ix [L in/ra bcIow, undcrncath] 1 a : bcIow : Iowcr in status than - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _in/rahuman; b : aftcr : Iatcr than _in/raIaµsarian; 2 : with- in - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _in/ratcrritor- iaI; 3 : bcIow in a scaIc or scrics - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _in/rarcd; 4 : bcIow or bcncath (a dcsignat- cd µart of thc anatomy) - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _in/racostaI; ¹-ing vb su//ix or adi su//ix [ME -inçe, -inç, aItcr. (infIucnccd by -inçe ³-ing) of -inde, -ende, fr. OE -ende, fr. -e- (vowcI histori- caIIy bcIonging to thc vcrb stcm) + -nde, µrcs. µart. suffix - morc at -A×1] - uscd to form thc µrcscnt µarticiµIc _goinç; _saiIinç; and somctimcs to form an ad}cctivc rcscmbIing a µrcscnt µarticiµIc but not dcrivcd from a vcrb _huIkinç; _swashbuckIinç;; rcguIarIy accomµanicd by omission of finaI µostconsonantaI e of thc basc word _hoµinç; _Iovinç;, changc of finaI ie of thc basc word to y _tyinç;, or doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatcIy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI _hoµµinç; _µIanninç; ²-ing n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OE -inç, -unç onc of a (sµccificd) kind, onc bcIonging to, onc dcsccndcd from; akin to OHG -inç onc of a (sµccificd) kind, onc bcIonging to, onc dcsccndcd from, ON -inçr, -unçr, Goth -inçs onc of a (sµccificd) kind] : onc of a (sµccificd) kind _swcctinç; _wiIdinç; ³-ing n su//ix -s [ME -inçe, -inç (in carIy ME a suffix forming nouns from vcrbs, in Iatcr ME bccoming aIso a gcrundiaI suf- fix), fr. OE -unç, -inç, suffix forming nouns from vcrbs; akin to OHG -unça, -unç, suffix forming nouns from vcrbs, ON -inç, suffix forming nouns from vcrbs, -unç, suffix forming nouns from nouns] 1 : action or µroccss _bccominç; _draw- inç; _runninç; _sIccµinç; _washinç; : instancc of an action or µroccss _a bIcssinç; _a mcctinç; _my cominçs and goinçs; - in nouns formcd from any fuIIy infIcctcd vcrb and function- ing cithcr as gcrunds caµabIc of bcing modificd by an advcrb and caµabIc of having an ob}cct if thc basc vcrb is transitivc _aftcr casuaIIy rcadinç thc Icttcr twicc; or as ordinary nouns _aftcr two casuaI rcadinçs of thc Icttcr; 2 : somcthing con- ncctcd with an action or µroccss: a : µroduct, accomµani- mcnt, or rcsuIt of an action or µroccss _an cngravinç; _a µaintinç; - in nouns formcd from vcrbs; oftcn in µIuraI _carninçs; _Icavinçs; _shavinçs; b : somcthing uscd in an action or µroccss _a bcd covcrinç; _thc Iininç of a coat; - in nouns, csµ. coIIcctivcs _carµctinç; _housinç; _rigginç; _shiµ- µinç;, formcd from vcrbs 3 : action or µroccss conncctcd with (a sµccificd thing) _bIackbcrryinç; _caµitaIinç; - in nouns formcd from nouns 4 : somcthing conncctcd with, consisting of, or uscd in making (a sµccificd thing) _sackinç; _scaffoIdinç; _shirtinç; - in nouns, csµ. coIIcctivcs, formcd from nouns 5 : somcthing rcIatcd to (a sµccificd conccµt) _offinç; - in nouns formcd from µarts of sµccch othcr than vcrbs and nouns; rcguIarIy accomµanicd by omission of finaI µostconsonantaI e of thc basc word, changc of finaI ie of thc basc word to y, or doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatcIy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI -ini n p/ su//ix [NL, fr. L, masc. µI. of -inus -inc] : animaIs that arc or havc thc form of - in namcs of highcr taxa csµ. of tribcs and ordcrs _Anacanthini; insecti- conbininç /orn [L insectun] : inscct _insectifcrous; _insectifugc; integri- conbininç /orn [L, fr. inteçr-, inteçer] : whoIc : cntirc _inteçrifoIious; _inteçriµaIIiatc; inter- pre/ix [ME inter-, entre-, enter-, ME inter-, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L, fr. inter, ME entre-, fr. OF, fr. L inter-, ME enter-, fr. MF & L; MF entre-, fr. OF, fr. L inter-, akin to OHG untar bctwccn, among, ON ithrar, µI., intcstincs, OIr etar, eter bctwccn, among, Gk enteron intcstinc, Skt antar bctwccn, within, in, and OE in] 1 : bctwccn, among, in thc midst _intermcdiatc; _interµoIar; _intersµacc; 2 : mutuaI, rcciµro- caI _intermarry; _intermcsh; _interrcIation; _intertwinc; 3 : bctwccn or among thc µarts of _intercostaI; _interdcntaI; 4 : carricd on bctwccn _intercoIIcgiatc; _intercommunication; _internationaI; 5 : occurring bctwccn : intcrvcning _inter- -in inter- 27 gIaciaI; _intertidaI; 6 : sharcd by or dcrivcd from two or morc _interdcµartmcntaI; _interfaith; 7 : bctwccn thc Iimits of : within _intertroµicaI; intermedio- conbininç /orn [L internedius] : intcrmcdiatc and _internedioIatcraI; intra- pre/ix [LL, fr. L intra within, fr. (assumcd) OL interus inward, on thc insidc] 1 a : within - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _intracosmicaI; _intragIaciaI; _intraccIIuIar; _intra-Euroµcan; b : during - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _intranataI; _intrafcbriIc; _intraµyrctic; _intravitaI; c : bctwccn Iaycrs of - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _intracutancous; d : undcrncath - csµ. in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _intraduraI; 2 : r×1Þo- _an intramuscuIar in}cction; _intravcnation; _intraccrcbraI; 3 : intcrnaI _intrascIcction; intro- pre/ix [ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. intro, adv., inwardIy, to thc insidc, fr. (assumcd) OL interus inward, on thc insidc] 1 : in : into _intro}cction; 2 : inward : within _introactivc; _introfIcx; _introrcccµtion; - oµµoscd to extro- iod- or iodo- conbininç /orn [F iode iodinc] : iodinc _iodhy- dratc; _iodoform; -ion n su//ix -s [ME -ioun, -ion, -iun, fr. OF -ion, -iun, fr. L -ion-, -io] 1 a : act or µroccss _aciduIation; _rcbcIIion; b : rcsuIt of an act or µroccss _construction; 2 a : statc or condition _sub- }cction; b : thing actcd uµon or conditioncd _ambition; ionto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk iont-, iõn, µrcs. µart. of ienai to go] : ion _iontoquantimctcr; _iontothcraµy; -ious adi su//ix [ME, µartIy fr. OF -ious, -ios, -ieus, -ieux, fr. L -iosus, fr. -i- (µcnuItimatc vowcI in nouns such as re/içio rcIi- gion, na/itia maIicc, species sµccics, aµµcarancc, spatiun sµacc) + -osus -osc, and µartIy fr. L -ius (finaI µortion of thc nom. sing. masc. form of ad}cctivcs such as neritorius that brings in moncy)] : -oLs _cdacious; irano- conbininç /orn, usu cap [lran] : Iranian and _lrano-British; irid- or irido- conbininç /orn [L irid-, iris] 1 : rainbow _iridaI; _iridcsccnt; 2 [NL irid-, iris] : iris of thc cyc _iridcctomy; _iridoµaraIysis; : iris and _iridocycIitis; 3 [iridescent] : iridcs- ccnt _iridizc; _iridocytc; 4 [NL lrid-, lris] : thc gcnus Iris _iridin; 5 [NL iridiun] : iridium : iridium and _iridosminc; is- or iso- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. isos cquaI] 1 : cquaI : homogcncous : uniform _iscncrgic; _isacoustic; _iso- ccµhaIy; _isotyµc; 2 usu iso- : for or from diffcrcnt individ- uaIs of thc samc sµccics _isoantigcn; _isoantibody; ischi- or ischio- conbininç /orn [L ischi-, fr. Gk, fr. ischion hiµ }oint] 1 : ischium _ischiaIgia; _ischioµoditc; 2 : ischiaI and _ischiocaudaI; 3 : rcscmbIing a hiµ }oint _ischioccritc; -ise vb su//ix : -rzr - scc sµcIIing notc 2.10 on µagc 24a of Webster's 1hird New lnternationa/ Dictionary -ish adi su//ix [ME, fr. OE -isc, akin to OHG -isc, -isk -ish, ON -skr, Goth -isks -ish, Gk -iskos, dim. n. suffix] 1 : of or bcIong- ing to - chicfIy in ad}cctivcs indicating nationaIity or cthnic grouµ _Finnish; _GauIish; _Turkish; 2 a : charactcristic or tyµicaI of _boyish; _Londonish; : having thc undcrsirabIc quaIitics of _amatcurish; _muIish; b : incIincd or IiabIc to _bookish; _quaImish; _moµish; c (1) : having a touch or tracc of _summcrish; : somcwhat _µurµIish; _Iatish; (2) : having thc aµµroximatc agc of _fortyish; (3) : bcing or occurring at thc aµµroximatc timc of - csµ. in words formcd from numcraIs indicating an hour of thc day or night _fivcish; _cightish; -ism n su//ix -s [ME -isne, fr. MF & L; MF -isne, µartIy fr. L -isna (fr. Gk), & µartIy fr. L -isnus, fr. Gk -isnos] 1 a : act, µracticc, or µroccss - csµ. in nouns corrcsµonding to vcrbs in -ire _criticisn; _hyµnotisn; _µIagiarisn; b : manncr of action or bchavior charactcristic of a (sµccificd) µcrson or thing _animaIisn; _Micawbcrisn; 2 a : statc, condition, or µroµcrty _barbarianisn; _µoIymorµhisn; b : abnormaI statc or condition rcsuIting from cxccss of a (sµccificd) thing _aIco- hoIisn; _morµhinisn; c : abnormaI statc or condition char- actcrizcd by rcscmbIancc to a (sµccificd) µcrson or thing _mongoIisn; 3 a : doctrinc, thcory, or cuIt _Buddhisn; _CaIvinisn; _PIatonisn; _saIvationisn; _vcgctarianisn; b : adhcrcncc to a systcm or a cIass of µrinciµIcs _ncutraIisn; _rcaIisn; _sociaIisn; _stoicisn; 4 : charactcristic or µccuIiar fcaturc or trait _coIIoquiaIisn; _Latinisn; _µocticisn; ¹-ist n su//ix, p/ -ists [ME -iste, fr. OF & L; OF -iste, fr. L -ista, fr. Gk -istes, fr. -is- (fr. vcrb stcms in -irein -izc) + -tes (suffix forming agcnt nouns)] 1 a : onc that docs : onc that µcrforms a (sµccificd) action _cycIist; _baIIoonist; _ducIIist; : onc that makcs or µroduccs _novcIist; _syIIogist; b : onc that µIays a (sµccificd) musicaI instrumcnt _organist; _vioIinist; c : onc that oµcratcs a (sµccificd) mcchanicaI instrumcnt or con- trivancc _tcIcgraµhist; 2 a : onc that µracticcs or studics or sµcciaIizcs in a (sµccificd) art or scicncc or µarticuIar ficId of knowIcdgc or µarticuIar skiII _gcoIogist; _mythoIogist; _aIgc- braist; _vcntriIoquist; b (1) : onc that is usu. µrofcssionaIIy occuµicd with or intcrcstcd in _fashionist; _coIorist; (2) : onc that toys with or dabbIcs in _controvcrtist; _sµccuIatist; 3 : onc that µrofcsscs or adhcrcs to or advocatcs a (sµccificd) doctrinc or thcory or systcm or µoIicy or codc of bchavior or µroccdurc _dcist; _sociaIist; _royaIist; _hcdonist; _µurist; or that suµµorts thc doctrinc or thcory or systcm or µoIicy or codc of bchavior or µroccdurc of a (sµccificd) individuaI _CaIvinist; _Darwinist; _HitIcrist; - csµ. in nouns corrc- sµonding to nouns in -isn 4 : onc that is markcd by _µcs- simist; _fataIist; - csµ. in nouns corrcsµonding to nouns in -isn ²-ist adi su//ix : of, rcIating to, or charactcristic of (somcthing indicatcd) _diIcttantist; -istic a/so -istical adi su//ix [-istic fr. MF & L & Gk; MF -istique, fr. L -isticus, fr. Gk -istikos, fr. -istes -ist + -ikos -ic; -istica/ fr. MF -istique & L -isticus & Gk -istikos + E -a/] : of, rcIating to, or charactcristic of _µanoistic; - oftcn in ad}cc- tivcs corrcsµonding to nouns in -isn or nouns in -ist _aItruis- tic; ital- or italo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [lta/- fr. L lta/us, lta/o- fr. It or L; It, fr. ita/o, fr. L lta/us] : ItaIian : ItaIian and _lta/o-Austrian; ¹-ite n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L -ita, -ites, fr. Gk -ites (n. & ad}. suffix)] 1 a : nativc : inhabitant : rcsidcnt _Gothamite; _BrookIynite; _Ncw Hamµshirite; : occuµant : dwcIIcr _fIatite; _traiIcrite; b : dcsccndant : offsµring _Adamite; c (1) : adhcrcnt : foIIowcr : suµµortcr _Jacobite; : advocatc _Darwinite; : dcvotcc _Browningite; (2) : mcmbcr of a (sµccificd) grouµ or organization or movcmcnt _CamµbcIIite; 2 a (1) : substancc µroduccd through somc (sµccificd) µroccss _anaboIite; _cataboIite; (2) : commcrciaI- Iy manufacturcd µroduct _cbonite; _Iyddite; _vuIcanite; b : -r1oL - csµ. in commcrciaI namcs _duIcite; 3 [NL -ites, fr. L] : fossiI _coraIIite; _fiIicite; 4 : mincraI _crythrite; : rock _chromitite; 5 [F, fr. L -ita, -ites] : scgmcnt or constitucnt µart of a body or of a bodiIy µart _somite; _dcndrite; ²-ite n su//ix -s [F, aItcr. of -ate (fr. NL -atun) - morc at -A1r] : saIt or cstcr of an acid with a namc cnding in -ous _nitrite; _suIfite; -ites n su//ix, p/ -ites [NL - morc at ¹-itc] : organism or fossiI Iikc (a sµccificd grouµ) or from (an indicatcd µIacc) - chicfIy in gcncric namcs usu. of fossiIs _Agavites; _MaIayites; -itic adi su//ix [F -itique, fr. MF, fr. L iticus, fr. Gk -itikos, fr. -itis (n. & ad}. suffix) + -ikos -ic] : of, rcscmbIing, or markcd by - in ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns usu. cnding in -ite _dcndritic; and -itis _bronchitic; and somctimcs from othcr nouns _dactyIitic; -itious adi su//ix [L -icius, -itius, ad}cctivc suffix addcd to thc basc of a noun or µast µarticiµIc] : of, rcIating to, or having thc charactcristics or µroµcrtics of (somcthing sµccificd) _ccmcntitious; -itis n su//ix, p/ -itises a/so -itides sonetines -ites [NL, fr. L & Gk; L, fr. Gk, n. & ad}. suffix] 1 : discasc usu. infIammatory of a (sµccificd) µart or organ : infIammation of _Iaryngitis; _bronchitis; _aµµcndicitis; _ncuritis; 2 p/ usu -itises a (1) : maIady arising from (somcthing sµccificd) _too-much-mon- cyitis; _vacationitis; (2) : affIiction with (somcthing sµcci- intermedio- -itis 28 ficd) : forccd cndurancc or suffcring of _tcIcvisionitis; - chicfIy in noncc formations b (1) : tcndcncy csµ. whcn cxccs- sivc to or toward (somcthing sµccificd) : markcd µroncncss to _accidcntitis; (2) : markcd fondncss for or obscssion with (somcthing sµccificd) : wcakncss for : infatuation with _ad}cc- tivitis; _}azzitis; (3) : cxccssivc conccrn for or µromotion or advocacy of or rcIiancc on (somcthing sµccificd) _cducation- itis; - chicfIy in noncc formations c : quaIity or statc of bcing markcd to an oftcn cxccssivc dcgrcc by ccrtain tyµicaI charactcristics of (somcthing sµccificd) _big-busincssitis; - chicfIy in noncc formations -itol n su//ix -s [ISV -it- (fr. ¹-itei + -o/] : µoIyhydroxy aIcohoI usu. rcIatcd to a sugar _mannito/; _inosito/; -ity n su//ix -rs [ME -ite, fr. OF or L; OF -ité, fr. L -itat-, -itas, fr. -i- (thcmatic or, rarcIy, conncctivc vowcI) + -tat-, -tas -ty] : quaIity : statc : dcgrcc _asininity; _thcatricaIity; -ium n su//ix 1 -s [NL, µcrh. aftcr such words as L nediun] a (1) : chcmicaI cIcmcnt _sodiun; _uraniun; (2) : chcmicaI radicaI _ammoniun; b : an ion having a µositivc chargc - in namcs of comµIcx cations (as thosc dcrivcd from an organ- ic basc) _imidazoIiun[C,H.N,H] + ; _µyridiniun; _nitrosyIiun NO + ;; comµarc -o×rLm 2 p/ -iums a/so -ia [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk -ion (n. suffix, oftcn of diminutivc forcc)] : smaII onc : mass - csµ. in bioIogicaI tcrms _onchiun; _µoIIiniun; -ive adi su//ix [ME -i/, -ive, fr. MF & L; MF -i/, fr. L -ivus, akin to (assumcd) Gk -eiwos (whcncc Gk -eios -ivc)] : that µcr- forms or tcnds toward or scrvcs to accomµIish an (indicatcd) action csµ. rcguIarIy or IastingIy _amusive; _coordinative; -ization a/so -isation n su//ix -s [-ire or -ise + -ation] : action or µroccss _dcsuIfuriration; _cuchromatiration; _coniration; : statc or rcsuIt _dimcriration; _immiscriration; -ize vb su//ix -ro/-r×c/-s scc sµcIIing notc 2.10 on µagc 24a of Webster's 1hird New lnternationa/ Dictionary [ME -isen, fr. OF -iser, fr. LL -irare, fr. Gk -irein] 1 a (1) : to causc to bc or bccomc or conform to or bc Iikc or rcscmbIc (somcthing sµccificd) _systcmire; _amcricanire; _Iiquidire; : causc to bc formcd into _unionire; _diµhthongire; (2) : to sub}cct to action by or trcatmcnt of (somcthing sµccificd) _criticire; : sub}cct to a (sµccificd) action _µIagiarire; (3) : to causc to havc or aµµcar to havc somc (sµccificd) quaIity _rationaIire; : act uµon in such a way as to µroducc a (sµccificd) rcsuIt in _brutaIire; _commcrciaIire; (4) : to imµrcgnatc or trcat or combinc with (somcthing sµccificd) _aIbuminire; _hydrogc- nire; (5) : to adaµt to (somcthing sµccificd) : modify by mcans of _avianire; b : to makc (a sµccificd thing) of : trcat Iikc _idoIire; _Iionire; c : to trcat in thc manncr of or accord- ing to thc mcthod or µroccss of (a sµccificd individuaI) _bowdIcrire; _mcsmcrire; 2 a : to bccomc or bccomc Iikc (somcthing sµccificd) _crystaIIire; b : to bc µroductivc in or of (somcthing sµccificd) _thcorire; : cngagc in or carry on a (sµccificd) activity _botanire; _µhiIosoµhire; _attitudinire; _conccrtire; c : to foIIow aftcr somconc or somcthing (sµcc- ificd) : to adoµt or sµrcad thc manncr of activity or thc out- Iook or tcaching of somconc _caIvinire; japano- conbininç /orn, usu cap [1apan (thc country)] : Jaµancsc _1apanoIogist; _1apanoµhiIc; jejun- or jejuno- conbininç /orn [ieiunun] 1 : }c}unum _ieiuncctomy; 2 : }c}unaI and _ieiunoduodcnaI; judeo- a/so judaeo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L iudaeus Jcwish, Jcw] 1 : of or rcIating to thc Jcws or Judaism _1udeoµhobia; 2 : Jcwish and _1udeo-Christian; _1udeo-Pcrsian; juxta- conbininç /orn [L iuxta, adv. & µrcµ., ncar, ncarby] : situatcd ncar _iuxta-articuIar; _iuxtamcduIIary; kary- or karyo- a/so cary- or caryo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk kary-, karyo- waInut, nut, kcrncI, fr. karyon] 1 : nucIcus of a ccII _karycnchyma; _karyokincsis; - in cytoIogicaI tcrms 2 : nut : kcrncI _caryoµsis; kata- or kat- pre/ix [Gk - morc at cA1A-] : cA1A- ken- or keno- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. kenos, akin to Arm sin cmµty, vain] : cmµty _kenotron; ker- a/so ke- pre/ix [imit.] - uscd in onomatoµocic or cchoic forms imitating thc noisc of a faIIing ob}cct _kerµIoµ; kerauno- conbininç /orn [Gk - morc at crÞAL×-] : thundcr ket- or keto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ketone] 1 usu keto- a : containing thc kctonc grouµ _ketohcxosc; - in namcs of cIascs of comµounds; comµarc ALo- 1 b : containing a kctonc grouµ rcgardcd as formcd by rcµIaccmcnt of two hydrogcn atoms in a mcthyIcnc grouµ by oxygcn - in namcs of sµccif- ic organic comµounds _ketoµroµionic acid;; comµarc ox- 2 : rcIatcd to a kctonc _ketoximc; - comµarc ALo- 2 kilo- conbininç /orn [F, modif. of Gk chi/ioi] : thousand - chicfIy in namcs of units in thc mctric systcm _ki/oamµcrc; _ki/ogauss; _ki/o}ouIc; kin- or kine- or kino- or cin- or cino- conbininç /orn [Gk kinena motion] : motion : action _kincsthcsia; _kinoµIasm; _kineµIasty; -kin a/so -kins n su//ix, p/ -kins [-kin fr. ME, fr. MD -kin, -ken, -kiin, akin to OS -kin, dim. suffix, OHG -chin, -kins fr. ME, suffix uscd to form surnamcs (as 1enkins), fr. -kin + -s, µatronymic suffix (as in Roberts)] : IittIc _catkin; _babykins; kinesi- or kinesio- conbininç /orn [Gk kinesi-, fr. kinesis motion] : movcmcnt : motion _kinesimctcr; _kinesioIogy; -kinesia or -cinesia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk -kinesia, fr. kinesis] : movcmcnt : motion _hyµcrkinesia; _µarakinesia; -kinesis n conbininç /orn, p/ -kineses [NL, fr. Gk kinesis] 1 : activation _chcmokinesis; _µhotokinesis; 2 : division _karyokinesis; 3 : µroduction of motion _tcIckinesis; kinet- or kineto- a/so cinet- or cineto- conbininç /orn [Gk kinetos moving] : movcmcnt : motion _kinetogcnic; klept- or klepto- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. k/eptein to stcaI; akin to Goth h/i/an to stcaI, L c/epere to stcaI, OPruss auk/ipts con- ccaIcd] : stcaIing : thcft _k/eptistic; _k/eptomania; -kont n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. Gk kontos µoIc, fr. kentein to µrick] : fIagcIIum of a ccII -labe n conbininç /orn -s [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML -/abiun, fr. LGk -/abion, dim. of Gk -/abos (fr. /anbanein to takc)] : instru- mcnt : imµIcmcnt _cosmo/abe; labio- conbininç /orn [L /abiun Iiµ] 1 : thc Iiµs _/abiograµh; _/abioµIasty; 2 : IabiaI and _/abionasaI; _/abiovcIar; lact- or lacti- or lacto- conbininç /orn [/act- fr. F & L; F, fr. L, fr. /act-, /ac, /acti- fr. F & LL; F, fr. LL, fr. L /act-, /ac, /acto- fr. /act- + o-] 1 miIk _/actaIbumin; _/actomctcr; _/actigcnic; 2 a : Iactatc and _/actoµhosµhatc; b : Iactic acid _/actamidc; _/actonitritc; c : Iactosc _/actitoI; _/actobionic acid; lag- or lago- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk /açõ-, fr. /açõs] : harc _/açoµhthaImos; _/açoµous; -lalia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk /a/ia chattcr, µrattIc, fr. /a/ein to chat, taIk (µrob. of imit. origin Iikc G /a//en to bab- bIc, stammcr, L /a//are to sing a IuIIaby) + -ia -y] : sµccch dis- ordcr (of a sµccificd tyµc csµ. rcIating to thc articuIation of sµccch sounds) _brady/a/ia; _rhino/a/ia; - comµarc -ÞnA- srA, -ÞnrmrA, -Þno×v 2 lalo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /a/os taIkativc, µrattIing, fr. /a/ein to chat, taIk - morc at -LALrA] : sµccch : thc sµccch organs -laly n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -/a/ia] : -LALrA lamell- or lamelli- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. /ane//a] : IamcIIa _/ane//osc; _/ane//ifcrous; _/ane//iform; lamin- or lamini- or lamino- conbininç /orn [/anina] : Iamina _/aninar; _/aninifcrous; lampro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. /anpros bright, fr. /an- pein to givc Iight, shinc] : bright _/anproµhyrc; lan- or lani- or lano- conbininç /orn [L /an-, /ani-, fr. /ana] : wooI _/anoIin; _/anthioninc; _/anifcrous; _/anostcroI; larvi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. /arva] : Iarva : IarvaI _/arvi- coIous; _/arviform; _/arvigcrous; laryng- or laryngo- conbininç /orn [NL /arynç- & LL /arynço-, fr. Gk /arynç-, /arynço-, fr. /arynç-, /arynx] 1 : Iarynx _/aryn- çoµathy; _/arynçitis; 2 a : IaryngcaI and _/arynçoµharyngcaI; b : IaryngcaI : of thc Iarynx _/arynçovcstibuIitis; later- or lateri- or latero- conbininç /orn [L /ater-, fr. /ater-, /atus] 1 : sidc _/aterad; : sidcwisc _/aterigradc; 2 : IatcraI and _/atero-antcrior; -later n conbininç /orn -s [aItcr. of ME -/atrer, fr. MF -/atre -itol -later 29 -Iatcr (fr. LL -/atres, fr. Gk -/atres) + ME -er, akin to Gk /atron µay, hirc] : onc who worshiµs or shows fanaticaI dcvotion _bibIio/ater; lati- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. /atus] : widc : broad _/atirostraI; -latry n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -/atrie, fr. OF, fr. LL -/atria, fr. Gk /atreia scrvicc, worshiµ; akin to Gk /atron µay, hirc] : wor- shiµ of or fanaticaI dcvotion to a (sµccificd) ob}cct _hcIio/a- try; laur- or lauro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL Laurus] 1 : IaurcI _/auric acid; 2 : Iauric acid _/auramidc; _/auromitriIc; -le vb su//ix -led; -led; -ling; -les [ME -/en, fr. OE -/ian, akin to OHG -i/õn, -a/õn, vcrb suffixcs indicating rcµcatcd action] - indicating rcµcatcd action or movcmcnt csµ. of a trifIing or smaII-scaIc charactcr _µratt/e; _wrigg/e; _hobb/e; lecith- or lecitho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk /ekith-, /ekitho- fr. /ekithos, µrob. of non-IE origin] : yoIk of an cgg _/ecithin; _/ecithoµrotcin; leio- or lio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /eio-, fr. /eios] : smooth _/eioccµhaIous; _/eioµhyIIous; _/eiodcrmia; lemmo- conbininç /orn [Gk /enna rind, husk + E -o-] : ncuriIcmma _/ennobIastic; _/ennocytc; lepid- or lepido- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. /epid-, /epis, fr. /epein to µccI] : fIakc : scaIc _Lepidoµtcra; -lepis n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /epis, fr. /epein to µccI] : fIakc : scaIc - in gcncric namcs _Bothrio/epis; _Ostco/epis; lepo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. Gk /epos] : husk : rind : scaIc _/epocytc; _/epothrix; -lepsy a/so -lepsia or -lepsis n conbininç /orn, p/ -lepsies a/so -lepsias or -lepses [-/epsy fr. MF -/epsie, fr. LL -/epsia, fr. Gk -/epsia, fr. /epsis act of taking hoId or rccciving, scizurc (fr. /eptos, vcrbaI of /anbanein to takc, scizc) + -ia -y; -/epsia, NL, fr. LL & Gk; LL, fr. Gk -/epsia, -/epsis, L, fr. Gk -/epsis, fr. /epsis] : taking : scizurc _cµi/epsy; _andro/epsia; lept- or lepto- conbininç /orn [/ept-, NL, fr. Gk /eptos, Iit., µccIcd, huskcd, fr. /epein to µccI; /epto- fr. Gk, fr. /eptos] : smaII : wcak : thin : finc _Leptandra; _/eptoIogy; _/eptor- rhinc; -less adi su//ix [ME -/es, -/esse, fr. OE -/eas, fr. /eas dcvoid, faIsc; akin to OS /õs Ioosc, faIsc, MD /os Ioosc, OHG /õs, ON /auss Ioosc, Goth /aus cmµty, OE /osian to gct Iost, µcrish] 1 : dcs- titutc of : not having : frcc from _wit/ess; _chiId/ess; _fathcr- /ess; _doubt/ess; 2 : bcyond thc rangc of - in ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns of action _count/ess; 3 : unabIc or Iack- ing µowcr to bc actcd on or to act (in a sµccificd way) - in ad}cctivcs formcd from vcrbs _rcsist/ess; _daunt/ess; _qucnch/ess; _tirc/ess; _fadc/ess; _ccasc/ess; -let n su//ix -s [ME -/et, -/ette, fr. MF -e/et, fr. OF, fr. -e/ + -et (dim. suffix)] 1 : smaII onc _book/et; _strcam/et; 2 : articIc worn on - in namcs of articIcs of drcss _ank/et; _wrist/et; letto- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Lett + -o-] : Lcttish and _Letto-Lithuanian µarcntagc; leuc- or leuco- a/so leuk- or leuko- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /euk-, /euko- whitc, fr. /eukos] 1 : whitc : coIorIcss : wcakIy coIorcd _/eucaugitc; _/eucoµIast; _/eukocytc; - oftcn in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds dcrivcd from (as by rcduction) or rcIatcd to a dyc or othcr coIorcd comµound _/eucaurin; _/eucomcthyIcnc bIuc; 2 : Icukocytc _/eukoµcnia; 3 : whitc mattcr of thc brain _/eucotomy; leukocyt- or leukocyto- a/so leucocyt- or leucocyto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ISV /eukocyte] : Icukocytc _/eukocytoµcnia; _/eukocytosis; lev- or levo- a/so laev- or laevo- conbininç /orn [F /évo-, fr. L /aevus Icft; akin to Gk /aios Icft, OSIav /èvŭ] : Icft : on thc Icft sidc : to thc Icft _/evovcrsion; -lexia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk /exis word, sµccch] : rcading of (such) a kind or with (such) an imµairmcnt _brady/exia; _dys/exia; libyo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Libya] : Libyan and _Libyo-Phocnician; _Libyo-Tcutonic; lign- or ligni- or ligno- conbininç /orn [L /içn-, /içni-, fr. /içnun] 1 : wood _/içniform; _/içnivorous; _/içnograµhy; 2 [ISV, fr. /içnin] : Iignin _/içnoµrotcin; _/içnosuIfonic acid; ligul- or liguli- conbininç /orn [NL /içu/a] 1 : IiguIc _/içu/ar; _/içu/iform; : IiguIatc _/içu/ifIorous; 2 [NL Liçu/a] : thc gcnus LiguIa _/içu/oid; limn- or limni- or limno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, µooI, marshy Iakc, fr. /inne, akin to Gk /inen-, /inen harbor] : frcshwatcr Iakc : µond _/innimctcr; _/innoIogy; -limnion n conbininç /orn, p/ -limnia [NL, fr. Gk /innion smaII Iakc, dim. of /inne marshy Iakc] : Iakc : watcr _hyµo/innion; lineo- conbininç /orn [L /inea Iinc (cord)] : Iinc _/ineograµh; : Iincar and _/ineocircuIar; ¹-ling n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG -/inç, ON -/inçr, Goth -/inçs, OE -inç - morc at -r×c (onc of a sµccificd kind)] 1 : onc bcIonging to or associatcd with a (sµccificd) grouµ or condition or markcd by a (sµccificd) quaIity _hirc/inç; _dar- /inç; _ncst/inç; 2 : young, smaII, or infcrior onc _duck/inç; _gos/inç; _µrincc/inç; ²-ling or -lings adv su//ix [-/inç fr. ME, fr. OE; -/inçs fr. ME -/inçes, fr. -/inç + -es, gcn. sing. cnding of nouns (functioning advcrbiaIIy, as in nedes nccds, a/weyes aIways); akin to OHG -/inçun -Iing, OE -/õ straµ, Lith /enkti to bcnd - morc at -s] : in (such) a dircction or manncr : to (such) an cxtcnt _cast- /inç; - chicfIy in advcrbs of statc or manncr _dark/inç; lingu- or lingua- or lingui- or linguo- conbininç /orn [L /inçu-, fr. /inçua] 1 : Ianguagc _/inçuiµotcncc; _/inçuist; 2 : tonguc _/inçuoµaµiIIitis; 3 a : µroduccd by thc tonguc and - in tcrms rcfcrring to sµccch sounds _/inçuodcntaI; _/inçuanasaI; _/inçuonasaI; _/inçuoµaIataI; b : IinguaI and _/inçuomaxiI- Iary; 4 : IinguaIIy _/inçuodistaI; lip- or lipo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. /ipos] 1 : fat : fatty tissuc : fatty : AorÞ- _/ipcctomy; _/ipocardiac; _/ipoccIc; 2 : Iiµidc lipar- or liparo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. /iparos, fr. /ipos fat] : fatty : fat _/iparoccIc; _/iparoid; _/iparous; lipo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. /eipein to Icavc, bc Iacking] 1 : Iacking : without _/ipograµhy; 2 : Icaving : aban- doning _/ipoxcnous; liss- or lisso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /issos, /ispos, /isphos, µrob. akin to OE /in Iimc] : smooth _/isscnccµhaIous; _LissofIagcIIata; -lite a/so -lyte n conbininç /orn [F -/ite, aItcr. of -/ithe, fr. Gk /ithos stonc] 1 a : mincraI : rock : fossiI in stonc _cryo/ite; _rhyo/ite; _dcndro/ite; b : -Lr1n 1b _aIbo/ite; 2 : -Lr1n 2 _µhIcbo/ite; lith- or litho- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. /ithos] 1 : stonc _/ithanthrax; _/ithoµhytc; _/ithograµh; 2 : caIcuIus _/ithosis; _/ithoIogy; 3 [NL /ithiun] : Iithium _/ithic; : Iithic _/ithcmia; -lith n conbininç /orn -s [NL -/ithus & F -/ithe, fr. Gk /ithos stonc] 1 a : stonc : structurc or imµIcmcnt of stonc _cycIo/ith; _mono/ith; _co/ith; b : artificiaI stonc : ccmcnt _grano/ith; 2 ned : caIcuIus _angio/ith; _ncµhro/ith; 3 : -Lr1r 1a _cocco/ith; _zoo/ith; lithi- or lithio- conbininç /orn [NL /ithiun] : Iithium _/ithio- µhiIitc; _/ithiatc; -lithic adi conbininç /orn [/ithic] 1 : rcIating to or charactcris- tic of a (sµccificd) stagc in man`s usc of stonc as a cuIturaI tooI _Nco/ithic; _µrc/ithic; _tcchno/ithic; 2 bot : stonc _cµi/ithic; lob- or lobi- or lobo- conbininç /orn [/obe] : Iobc _/obcctomy; _/obiform; _/obigcrous; _/obotomy; -lobus n conbininç /orn : onc having a (sµccificd) kind of Iobc - in gcncric namcs _Chacno/obus; _Gono/obus; loco- conbininç /orn [F, fr. MF, fr. L /oco, abI. of /ocus µIacc] 1 : from µIacc to µIacc _/ocomotion; 2 : µIacc _/ocodcscriµ- tivc; log- or logo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. /oços word, rcason, sµccch, account] : word : thought : sµccch : discoursc _/oço- gram; _/oçoIatry; _/oçomania; -logia n conbininç /orn -s [L, fr. Gk - morc at -/oçy] : -Locv logico- conbininç /orn [/oçica/] : IogicaI : IogicaI and _/oçico- mathcmaticaI; -logue or -log n conbininç /orn -s [ME -/oçe, -/oçue, fr. OF lati- -logue 30 -/oçue, fr. L -/oçus, fr. Gk -/oços, fr. /eçein to sµcak] 1 a : dis- coursc, taIk _duo/oçue; b : µcrformancc, rccitaI _µiano/oçue; 2 : studcnt, sµcciaIist _Sino/oçue; -logy n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -/oçie, fr. OF, fr. L -/oçia, fr. Gk, fr. /oços word, rcason, sµccch, account + -ia -y] 1 : oraI or writtcn cxµrcssion _µhrasco/oçy; 2 : doctrinc, thcory, sci- cncc _socio/oçy; 3 : discoursc, trcatisc _insccto/oçy; lonch- or loncho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. /onche sµcar- hcad, Iancc] : Iancc _Lonchocarµus; _Lonchma; longi- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. /onçus] 1 : Iong _/onçi- caudaI; _/onçiµcnnatc; _/onçirostrinc; 2 : IongitudinaI _/onçiscction; loph- or lopho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. /ophos] : crcst : tuft : comb _/ophoµhytosis; _Lophura; -loph n conbininç /orn -s [Gk /ophos] : crcst _ccto/oph; lophi- or lophio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /ophion smaII crcst, dim. of /ophos] : smaII crcst or tuft _Lophiodon; _Lophiomys; lox- or loxo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. /oxos, akin to MIr /osc Iamc, OE e/n cII] : obIiquc _/oxodograµh; _Loxosoma; luci- conbininç /orn [L, fr. /uc-, /ux] : Iight _/ucimctcr; ludicro- conbininç /orn [L /udicrus + E -o-] : Iudicrous and _/udicroµathctic; _/udicroscrious; _/udicrosµIcnctic; lumb- or lumbo- conbininç /orn [L /unb-, fr. /unbus] 1 : Ioin _/unbodynia; 2 : Iumbar and _/unbosacraI; lumi- pre/ix [irrcg. fr. L /unin-, /unen Iight] : formcd by irra- diation _/unichromc; _/unistcroI; lumin- or lumini- or lumino- conbininç /orn [ME /unin-, fr. L /unin-, /unen Iight] 1 : Iight _/uninifcrous; _/uninomctcr; 2 : Iumcn _/uninaI; 3 : Iumincsccncc _/uninoI; luso- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Pg, fr. /usitano Portugucsc, fr. L /usitanus Lusitanian] : Portugucsc and _Luso-BraziIian; lute- or luteo- conbininç /orn [NL /uteun (in corpus /uteun), fr. L, ncut. of /uteus ycIIowish, Iutcous] : corµus Iutcum _/uteaI; _/uteotroµhic; luteo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L /uteus ycIIowish, Iutcous] : ycIIowish : ycIIowish and _/uteofuscous; _/uteovircsccnt; ¹-ly adi su//ix, usu -rÞ/-rs1 [ME -/ich, -/y, -/i, fr. OE -/ic, -/ic, akin to OFris & OS -/ik -Iy, MD -/iic, OHG -/ih, -/ih, ON -/içr, aII fr. a Gmc noun rcµrcscntcd by OE /ic body, corµsc] 1 : Iikc in aµµcarancc, manncr, or naturc : having thc charactcristics of _quccn/y; _fathcr/y; _woman/y; 2 : cxµrcssing rcguIar rccurrcncc in statcd units of timc : cvcry _hour/y; _dai/y; _wcck/y; ²-ly adv su//ix, usu -rÞ/-rs1 [ME -/iche, -/y, -/i, fr. OE -/ice, -/ice, fr. -/ic, -/ic (ad}. suffix)] : in a (sµccificd) manncr _sIow/y; : in thc manncr of a _soIdicr/y; : from a (sµccificd) standµoint lyc- or lyco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /yk-, /yko-, fr. /ykos] : woIf _Lycoµodium; lymph- or lympho- conbininç /orn [NL /ynpha] 1 : Iymµh _/ynphogcnic; 2 : Iymµhatic tissuc _/ynphcntcritis; 3 : Iym- µhocytcs _/ynphoµrotcasc; _/ynphotaxis; lymphangi- or lymphangio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. /ynphan- çion Iymµhatic vcsscI, fr. /ynph- + Gk ançeion vcsscI, bIood vcsscI - morc at A×cr-] : Iymµhatic vcsscIs _/ynphançiccta- sis; _/ynphançioIogy; lymphato- conbininç /orn [ISV /ynphat- (fr. /ynphatic) + -o-] : Iymµhatic tissuc _/ynphatoIysin; _/ynphatoIysis; lyo- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. Gk /yein to Ioosc, dis- soIvc, rcIcasc + NL -o-] 1 : Iacking : rudimcntary in _Lyomcri; 2 : Iooscncss : disµcrsion _/yoµhiIic; lys- or lysi- or lyso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk /ys-, /ysi- Ioos- cning, dissoIution, fr. /ysis, fr. /yein to Iooscn, dissoIvc + -sis] 1 : Iooscning or dissoIution or dccomµosition _/ysigcnous; _/ysin; 2 usu lyso- [ISV /ys in + -o-] : Iysin _/ysogcn; -lysis n conbininç /orn, p/ -lyses [NL, fr. L & Gk; L, Iooscning, fr. Gk, fr. /ysis] 1 : dccomµosition _cIcctro/ysis; _hydro/ysis; _µyro/ysis; 2 : dcstruction : disintcgration : dissoIution - csµ. of matcriaI associatcd with Iiving organisms _bio/ysis; _auto/y- sis; _µrotco/ysis; 3 a : rcIicf or rcduction _ncuro/ysis; b : dctachmcnt (as in thc surgicaI oµcration of frccing from adhc- sions) _cardio/ysis; _gastro/ysis; c : µaraIysis _gIosso/ysis; -lyte n conbininç /orn -s [Gk /ytos that may bc unticd, soIubIc, vcrbaI of /yein to Iooscn, dissoIvc] : a substancc caµabIc of undcrgoing Iysis _cIcctro/yte; _hydro/yte; -lytic adi su//ix [Gk /ytikos abIc to Ioosc] : of, rcIating to, or cffccting Iysis _cIcctro/ytic; _hydro/ytic; lyx- or lyxo- conbininç /orn [/yxose] : rcIatcd to Iyxosc _/yxo- fIavin; -lyze a/so -lyse vb conbininç /orn -ro/-r×c/-s [ISV, µrob. irrcg. fr. NL -/ysis + ISV -ire or -ise] : to µroducc or undcrgo Iytic disintcgration or dissoIution _cIcctro/yre; _µyro/yre; _soIvo/yre; -machy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -nachia, fr. nache battIc, fight (fr. nachesthai to battIc, fight) + -ia -y] : warfarc : con- tcst bctwccn or by mcans of _Iogonachy; macr- or macro- conbininç /orn [F & L, fr. Gk nakr-, nakro- Iong, fr. nakros] 1 : Iong _nacrobiotic; _nacrodiagonaI; 2 : Iargc _nacrcrgatc; _nacromoIccuIc; _nacrogamctc; _nacromastia; _nacrognathism; _nacroµodia; - oftcn uscd to contrast with nicr- 3 : macrodiagonaI _nacrodomc; 4 : incIuding and morc comµrchcnsivc than _Macro-Khoisan; - uscd of a Ianguagc grouµ macul- or maculo- a/so maculi- conbininç /orn [ME nacu/-, fr. L, fr. nacu/a] 1 : sµot : bIotch _nacu/ation; _nacu/iform; 2 : sµottcd and : macuIar and _nacu/oµctcchiaI Icsions; _nac- u/oancsthctic; magnesio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL naçnesiun] : magnc- sium _naçnesiochromitc; magnet- or magneto- conbininç /orn [naçnetic] 1 : magnctic forcc _naçnetomctcr; 2 : magnctism : magnctic _naçneto- cIcctric; _naçneton; 3 : magnctocIcctric _naçnetotcIc- graµh; magno- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. naçnesia & NL naçnesiun] 1 : magncsia _naçnochromitc; 2 : magncsium _naçnofcr- ritc; _naçnoµhoritc; ¹mal- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF na/, ad}., bad & na/, adv., badIy; MF na/ bad, fr. OF, fr. L na/us, MF na/ badIy, fr. OF, fr. L na/e, fr. na/us bad] 1 a : bad : cviI _na/µracticc; b : badIy : cviIIy _na/odorous; 2 a : irrcguIar : abnormaI _na/- formation; b : irrcguIarIy : abnormaIIy _na/formcd; 3 a : µoor : inadcquatc _na/ad}ustmcnt; b : µoorIy : inadc- quatcIy _na/nourishcd; ²mal- or malo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. na/ic (in na/ic acid)] : maIic acid _na/amidc; _na/onitriIc; malac- or malaco- conbininç /orn [L na/ac-, fr. Gk na/ak-, na/ako-, fr. na/akos, akin to MIr na/cad dccay, Russ no/chat' to bc siIcnt, L no/ere to grind] : soft _na/acoid; _na/acoµhyIIous; malari- or malario- conbininç /orn [na/aria] : maIaria _na/ar- ioid; _na/arioIogy; _na/ariomctry; malayo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [na/ay + -o-] : MaIayan and _Ma/ayo-Indoncsian; -mancy n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -nancie, -nauncie, fr. OF -nancie, fr. L -nantia, fr. Gk nanteia, fr. nanteuesthai to divinc, µroµhcsy + -ia -y; akin to Gk nainesthai to ragc, ravc] : divination in a (sµccificd) manncr or by mcans of (somc- thing sµccificd) _chironancy; mandel- or mandelo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. nande/ic (acidi] : mandcIic acid _nande/amidc; _nande/onitriIc; mandibul- or mandibuli- or mandibulo- conbininç /orn [LL nandibu/a] : mandibIc : mandibuIar and _nandibu/ation; _nandibu/oµharyngcaI; _nandibu/iform; mangan- or mangano- a/so mangani- conbininç /orn [G nan- çan, fr. F nançanèse] : mangancsc : mangancsc and _nan- çanatc; _nançanocoIumbitc; _nançanifcrous; manganoso- conbininç /orn [ISV nançan- + -oso- (fr. L -osus -ous)] : manganous mann- or manno- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. nanna] 1 : manna _nannitc; _nannosc; 2 : rcIatcd to mannosc _nannan; mano- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, Ioosc, sµarsc, infrcqucnt, fr. nanos] : gas : vaµor _nanograµh; -manship n su//ix -s [sµortsnanship] : art or µracticc of mancu- vcring to gain a tacticaI advantagc _gamcsnanship; -logy -manship 31 mari- conbininç /orn [L, fr. nare] : sca _naricoIous; _nari- graµh; mast- or masto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. nastos brcast] 1 : brcast : mammary gIand _nastitis; _nastodon; 2 : mas- toid and _nastotymµanic; mastig- or mastigo- conbininç /orn [Gk, whiµ, scourgc, fr. nastiç-, nastix, µcrh. akin to Gk nenyein to makc known, inform, Russ nanit' to bcckon, cnticc] : whiµ : fIagcIIum _Mastiçoµhora; _Mastiçamocba; -mastix n conbininç /orn [Gk nastiç-, nastix whiµ, scourgc] 1 -rs : attackcr of a (sµccificd) µcrson or thing _Latinonastix; 2 [NL, fr. Gk nastiç-, nastix] a : onc having (such) a whiµ - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Lronastix; b : onc having (such) a fIagcIIum or (such or so many) fIagcIIa - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _ChiIonastix; mathematico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L nathenaticus mathc- maticaI] : mathcmaticaI and _nathenaticoIogicaI; _nathe- naticoµhysicaI; matr- or matri- or matro- conbininç /orn [L natr-, natri-, fr. natr-, nater] : mothcr _natriIincaI; _natrocIinous; _natronymic; maxi- conbininç /orn [fr. naxinun, aftcr E nininun . nini-] 1 : cxtra Iong _naxicoat; _naxi-kiIt; 2 : cxtra Iargc _naxi-scuIµ- turc; _naxi-µrobIcms; maxill- or maxilli- or maxillo- conbininç /orn [L naxi//-, fr. naxi//a] 1 : maxiIIa _naxi//iµcd; 2 : maxiIIary and _naxi//o- faciaI; _naxi//ozygomatic; mc- pre/ix, usu cap [McDona/d's, chain of fast-food rcstaurants; fr. thc association of thc chain with µroducts that arc casiIy avaiIabIc though basic and standardizcd] - uscd to indicatc an incxµcnsivc, convcnicnt, or casy but usu. Iow-quaIity or commcrciaIizcd vcrsion of somcthing sµccificd _McBook; _McDoctor; -meal adv conbininç /orn [ME -ne/e, fr. OE -næ/un, fr. næ/un, dat. µI. of næ/ aµµointcd timc (rcµast)] : by a (sµcc- ificd) µortion or mcasurc at a timc _inchnea/; _µicccnea/; meat- or meato- conbininç /orn [LL neatus] : mcatus _neat- ic; _neatotomy; mec- or meco- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk neko-, fr. nekos Icngth; akin to Gk nakros Iong] : Icngth : Iong _Mecodonta; _necomctcr; mechan- or mechano- conbininç /orn [ME nechan-, fr. MF or L, fr. Gk nechan-, fr. nechane machinc] : machinc _nechanoIogy; _nechanomorµhic; : mcchanicaI _necha- nizc; _nechanothcraµy; : mcchanicaI and _nechanochcmi- caI; mechanico- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L nechanicus mcchanic, mcchanicaI] 1 : mcchanicaI _nechanicothcraµy; 2 : mcchan- icaI and _nechanicochcmicaI; mecon- or mecono- conbininç /orn 1 : µoµµy _neconidium; _neconoµsis; 2 [NL neconiun] : oµium _neconin; _neconoIogy; _neconoµhagy; medi- or medio- conbininç /orn [L, fr. nedius middIc] 1 : mcdiaIIy _nediodcµrcsscd; _nedioµcrforatc; 2 : intcrmcdi- atc _nedicvaI; _nediosiIicic; 3 : middIc or mcdian µIanc _nediad; _nediodorsaI; _nedioµaIataI; _nediovcntraI; medico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L nedicus mcdicaI] 1 : mcd- icaI _nedicoµsychoIogy; 2 : mcdicaI and _nedicobotanicaI; _nedicodcntaI; _nedicoIcgaI; medo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Gk nedo-, fr. Medos Mcdc, Mcdian] : Mcdian and _Medo-Pcrsian; _Medo-Scythian; medus- or medusi- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL nedusa] : mcdusa _nedusifcrous; _nedusoid; mega- or meg- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. neças Iargc, grcat, strong] 1 a : grcat : Iargc _neçabactcrium; _neçasµorc; : µowcrfuI _neçascoµc; : of thc ma}or ordcr _neçadias- troµhism; _neçamutation; : cnIargcd _neçatyµc; or abnor- maIIy cnIargcd _neçaduodcnum; _neçacsoµhagus; b : hav- ing a (sµccificd) µart of Iargc sizc _neçadont; _neçag- nathous; c : caµabIc of bcing distinguishcd or idcntificd without thc aid of thc microscoµc _neçabrcccia; _neçafos- siI; _neçaµhcnocryst; 2 : a miIIion of : muItiµIicd by onc miIIion _neçohm; _neçaIumcn; _neçamµcrc; 3 : grcatIy surµassing othcrs of its kind _neçahcro; _neçaµoIIutcrs; 4 : to a suµcrIativc dcgrcc _neça-succcssfuI; megal- or megalo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. neça/-, neças Iargc, grcat] : Iargc : grcat : of giant sizc _neça/obIast; _neça/oµs; _Meça/osaurus; : grand : grandiosc _neça/oma- nia; : caµabIc of or uscd for cnIarging _neça/ograµh; _neça- /oscoµc;; speci/, ned : abnormaIIy Iargc _neça/ocardia; _neça/ocornca; -megaly a/so -megalia n conbininç /orn, p/ -megalies a/so -megalias [NL -neça/ia, fr. neça/- + L -ia -y] : abnormaI cnIargcmcnt (of a sµccificd µart) _acroneça/y; _gas- troneça/y; _hcµatosµIcnoneça/ia; ¹mel- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ne/os] : Iimb _ne/aIgia; ²mel- or melo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ne/a chccks, Iit., aµµIcs, µI. of ne/on aµµIc] : chcck _ne/itis; _ne/oµIasty; mela- or mel- a/so melo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk ne/as bIack] : bIack _ne/adioritc; _Me/ogrammataccac; melan- or melano- a/so melam- conbininç /orn [ne/an- fr. ME, fr. MF, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. ne/an-, ne/as, ne/ano- & ne/an- fr. NL, fr. Gk, fr. ne/an-, ne/as] 1 : bIack : dark _ne/anic; _ne/anin; _ne/anocomous; _Me/anµsora; 2 : mcIanin : markcd by thc µrcscncc of mcIanin _ne/anogcn; _ne/anc- mia; _ne/anosarcoma; -melane n conbininç /orn -s [Gk ne/an-, ne/as bIack] : bIack substancc : dark substancc _Icµidone/ane; _sidcrone/ane; melano- conbininç /orn, usu cap [ne/anian + -o-] : McIanian and _Me/ano-Paµuan; meli- conbininç /orn [Gk ne/i] : honcy _ne/iIitc; -melia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk ne/os Iimb + NL -ia] : condition of thc Iimbs _anisone/ia; _schistone/ia; _cctrone/ia; mell- or melli- conbininç /orn [L] : honcy : Iikc honcy _ne/- /itc; _ne//isugcnt; _ne//isonant; melo- conbininç /orn [F né/o-, fr. Gk ne/o-, fr. ne/os Iimb, musicaI µhrasc, mcIody, song] : song _ne/oIoguc; _ne/oma- nia; -melus n conbininç /orn, p/ -meli [NL, fr. Gk ne/os Iimb] : onc having a (sµccificd) abnormaIity of thc Iimbs _anisone/us; _cctrone/us; membran- or membrani- or membrano- conbininç /orn [nen- bran- fr. MF, fr. L, fr. nenbrana skin, mcmbranc, µarch- mcnt; nenbrani- & nenbrano- fr. NL, fr. L nenbrana] 1 : mcmbranc _nenbranoid; _nenbranifcrous; _Menbraniµora; _nenbranogcnic; 2 usu nenbrano- : mcmbranous and _nen- branocartiIaginous; _nenbranoncrvous; mening- or meningo- a/so meningi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. neninçes] : mcningcs _neninçococcus; _neninçioma; _neninçitis; : mcningcs and _neninçomycIitis; _neninçovas- cuIar; meno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nenein to rcmain] : rcmain- ing : µcrsisting _Menorhyncha; -ment n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -nentun, fr. -nen, n. suffix + -tun (akin to -tus, µast µart. cnding); akin to Gk -na, n. suf- fix - morc at -ro] 1 a : concrctc rcsuIt, ob}cct, or agcnt of a (sµccificd) action _cntangIcnent; _incrcnent; _attachnent; _fragnent; b : concrctc mcans or instrumcnt of a (sµccificd) action _comµIcnent; _nutrinent; _ornanent; 2 a : action, µroccss, art, or act of a (sµccificd) kind _cncircIcnent; _rccruitnent; _statcnent; _govcrnnent; _dcvcIoµnent; b : µIacc or ob}cct of a (sµccificd) action _cscarµnent; _can- tonnent; 3 : statc or condition _amazcnent; _cmbroiInent; _fuIfiIInent; _invoIvcnent; menth- or mentho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. nentho/] : mcnthoI _nenthonc; _nenthanc; menti- conbininç /orn [L nent-, nens] : mind _nenticidc; mento- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L nentun] : chin : chin and _nentoantcrior; _nentocondyIoid; ¹mer- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. nere sca, Iakc, µond, fr. OE] : sca _nermaid; _nerman; _nerwoman; ²mer- or mero- conbininç /orn [Gk ner-, nero-, fr. neros] : thigh _neraIgia; _neroccIc; mari- mer- 32 ³mer- or mero- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk, fr. neros µart] : µart : µartiaI _nerasµis; _nerohcdraI; _nerosµorangium; -mer n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. Gk neros µart] chen : mcm- bcr of a (sµccificd) cIass _isoner; _mctaner; _µoIyner; mercapt- or mercapto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. nercaptan] : dcrivcd from or rcIatcd to a mcrcaµtan _nercaptaI; _ner- captidc; mercur- or mercuro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. nercury] : mcr- cury _nercuroµhyIIinc; mercuri- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. nercury] chen : mcrcuric _chIoronercuriµhcnoI CIHgC,H.OH; -mere n conbininç /orn -s [F -nère, fr. Gk neros µart] 1 bio/ : µart : scgmcnt _arthronere; _cytonere; 2 chen _isonere; meri- conbininç /orn [F néri-, fr. Gk neris µart] : µart : µar- tiaI _nericIinous; _neriquinonc; _neristcIc; -meric adi conbininç /orn [ISV ³ner- + -ic] 1 bio/ : having (such) µarts or scgmcnts _cytoneric; 2 [ISV -ner + -ic] chen : having a (sµccificd) association of substanccs in comµounds _µoIyneric; _tautoneric; -meride n conbininç /orn -s [ISV -ner + -ide] : -mrÞ _iso- neride; _µoIyneride; -meris n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk neris µart] : onc having a (sµccificd) µart - in gcncric namcs _Piµtoneris; -merism n conbininç /orn -s [ISV -ner + -isn] 1 : µosscssion of a (sµccificd) association of substanccs in chcmicaI com- µounds _isonerisn; _tautonerisn; 2 [ISV ³ner- + -isn] : µosscssion of (such or so many) µarts -merous adi conbininç /orn [NL -nerus, fr. Gk -neres, fr. neros µart] : having (such or so many) µarts _homonerous; _µcntanerous; _6-nerous; -merus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk neros thigh] : animaI or inscct having a (sµccificd) tyµc of thigh - in gcncric namcs in cntomoIogy _Tomiconerus; _Symnerus; -mery n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV ³ner- + -y] : µosscssion of (such or so many) µarts _gononery; _mctanery; -meryx n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk neryx, a ruminating fish, fr. nerykasthai to ruminatc] : ruminant - chicfIy in gcncric namcs of cxtinct ruminating mammaIs _Icµtoneryx; mes- or meso- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. nesos] 1 a : in thc middIc : intcrmcdiatc (as in µosition, sizc, tyµc, timc, dcgrcc) _nesodcrm; _nesodont; _nesoncµhroma; _nesoµIankton; _nesoµrosoµic; _Mesozoa; _nesocarµ; b : mcscntcry or mcmbranc suµµorting a (sµccificd) µart _nesocaccum; _nesocoIon; _nesarchium; c : mcsodcrm : mcsodcrmaI and _nesamcboid; 2 neso- : a rcduction µroduct of a µorµhyrin or othcr µyrroIc dcrivativc in which onc or morc vinyI grouµs havc bccn hydrogcnatcd to cthyI _nesohcmin; _nesobiIiru- bin; mesati- conbininç /orn [Gk nesatos midmost, irrcg. suµcrI. of nesos mid, in thc middIc] : of mcdium or intcrmcdiatc µro- µortion mesio- conbininç /orn [nesi aI + -o-] : mcsiaI and _nesiobuc- caI; _nesioIabiaI; _nesiooccIusaI; meta- or met- pre/ix [NL & ML, fr. LL or Gk; LL, fr. Gk, fr. neta bctwccn, with, aftcr; akin to OE nid, nith with, OS nid, nidi, OHG nit, niti with, ON neth with, bctwccn, Goth nith with, and µcrh. to OE nidd mid] 1 a : occurring Iatcr : in suc- ccssion to : aftcr _netachronism; _netabiosis; _netagcncsis; _netainfcctivc; b : situatcd bchind : µostcrior _netaµorc; _netancµhron; c : Iatcr or morc highIy organizcd or sµcciaI- izcd form of _Metazoa; _netaµhytc; d : with : occurring with _netacinnabar; 2 a [MF & L; MF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. neta] : changc in : transformation of _netamorµhosis; _netaµIa- sia; b : µroduccd by mctamorµhism _netadioritc; _netascd- imcnt; 3 a [ME, fr. ML, fr. Gk neta aftcr, as uscd in ta neta ta physika thc (works) aftcr thc µhysics] : bcyond : tran- sccnding _netaµhysics; _netaµsychosis; _netagcomctry; _netabioIogicaI; _netcmµirics; b : of a highcr IogicaI tyµc - in nouns formcd from namcs of disciµIincs and dcsignat- ing ncw but rcIatcd disciµIincs such as can dcaI criticaIIy with thc naturc, structurc, or bchavior of thc originaI oncs _neta- Ianguagc; _netathcory; _netasystcm; 4 [ISV, fr. Gk, with, aftcr, fr. neta] a : onc that is isomcric with, µoIymcric with, or othcrwisc cIoscIy rcIatcd to _netaIdchydc; - in namcs of chcmicaI comµounds; comµarc ¹ÞAÞA- 2 b : rcgardcd as dcrivcd from (thc ortho acid) by Ioss of watcr (as of onc moI- ccuIc of watcr from cach moIccuIc of acid) - in namcs of inorganic acids _netaµhosµhoric acid;; comµarc oÞ1n- 3a, ÞvÞ- 2a c : dcrivcd from by rcmovaI or Ioss of somc or aII of thc containcd watcr - in namcs of mincraIs _netaautunitc; _netahaIIoysitc; metall- or metallo- conbininç /orn [L or Gk; L neta//un, fr. Gk neta//on minc (Iatcr, mctaI)] 1 : mctaI _neta//urgy; _net- a//ograµhy; 2 : containing a mctaI atom or ion in thc moIc- cuIc _neta//ofIavoµrotcin; metalli- conbininç /orn [L, fr. neta//un] : mctaI _neta//iform; _neta//ify; meteor- or meteoro- conbininç /orn [MF or Gk; MF, fr. Gk neteõr- high in air (fr. neteõros), neteõro- astronomicaI µhc- nomcnon, thing in thc hcavcn abovc, fr. neteõron] 1 : mctc- or _neteoroid; 2 : wcathcr and cIimatc _neteorobioIogy; -meter n conbininç /orn -s [F -nètre, fr. Gk netron mcasurc] : instrumcnt or mcans for mcasuring _baroneter; _caIorine- ter; _voItaneter; meth- or metho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. nethy/] : mcthyI _nethacryIic; _nethobromidc; metr- or metro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk netr-, fr. netra] 1 : utcrus _netritis; _netrofibroma; _netrotomc; 2 : µith _Metrosidcros; _MetroxyIon; -metra n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk netra womb] : a (sµcc- ificd) condition of thc utcrus _hcmatonetra; _hydronetra; -metric or -metrical adi conbininç /orn [-netric fr. F -nétrique, fr. nétrique mctricaI, fr. L netricus, -netrica/ fr. F -nétrique + E -a/] 1 : of, cmµIoying, or obtaincd by (such) a mctcr _baronetric; _hcIionetric; 2 : of or rcIating to (such) an art, µroccss, or scicncc of mcasuring _chrononetric; _gconetric; _µsychonetric; -metrium n conbininç /orn, p/ -metria [NL, fr. netr- + -iun] : µart or Iaycr of thc utcrus _cndonetriun; _myonetriun; -metry n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -netrie, fr. MF, fr. L -netria, fr. Gk, fr. netrein to mcasurc (fr. netron mcasurc) + -ia -y] : art, µroccss, or scicncc of mcasuring (somcthing sµccificd) _chrononetry; _hygronetry; _hyµcrnetry; _µhotonetry; _µsychonetry; mi- or mio- a/so meio- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL neio-, fr. Gk, fr. neiõn] 1 a : Icss _Mioccnc; : smaIIcr _Miohiµµus; b : sIightIy _niconcavc; 2 : fcwcr _neioµhyIIy; micr- or micro- conbininç /orn [ME nicro-, fr. L, fr. Gk nikr-, nikro-, fr. nikros, snikros smaII, short; akin to OE sneaIïc carcfuI, cxquisitc, OHG snãhi smaII, Iow, ON snãr smaII, and µcrh. to OE snitan to smcar] 1 a : smaII : minutc : µctty _nicrocyst; - oftcn uscd to contrast with nacr- b : cnIarg- ing : magnifying or amµIifying - in namcs of instrumcnts _nicroµhonc; _nicroscoµc; c - uscd for smaII or minutc sizc, quantitics, intcnsitics, or variations _nicrobarograµh; _nicrocaIorimctcr; _nicrograµh; d : minutcIy _nicroIcvcI; 2 : onc miIIionth µart of (a sµccificd unit) _nicrosccond; - csµ. in tcrms uscd in thc mctric systcm _nicrogram; and in cIcctricity _nicrofarad; _nicrohm; 3 : microscoµic: as a : dcaIing with, cmµIoying, or uscd in microscoµy _nicroµaIc- ontoIogy; _nicrotomc; b : rcvcaIcd by or having its struc- turc disccrnibIc onIy by microscoµicaI cxamination _nicro- fossiI; c : µrcµarcd for microscoµicaI cxamination _nicro- scction; 4 : abnormaIIy smaII _nicrodactyIous; - chicfIy in nouns dcnoting a condition of a sµccificd µart of thc body _nicrognathia; 5 : of, invoIving, or for vcry smaII or minutc quantitics of matcriaI : on a smaII or minutc scaIc of chcmi- caI oµcration : microchcmicaI : microanaIyticaI _nicro- baIancc; _nicrosubIimation; - comµarc srmrmrcÞo-, LL1ÞAmrcÞo- 6 : of vcry finc grain : in namcs of rocks _nicro- granitc; 7 : of or rcIating to a smaII arca _nicrocIimatc; _nicro- cconomics; _nicrohabitat; 8 : microµhotograµhcd or micro- fiImcd _nicrocoµy; : cmµIoycd in or rcIating to micro- µhotograµhing or microfiIming _nicrorcadcr; mer- micr- 33 milli- conbininç /orn [F ni//i-, fr. L ni//i-, ni/i- thousand, fr. ni//e] : thousandth - csµ. in tcrms bcIonging to thc mctric systcm _ni//iamµcrc; _ni//ibar; _ni//imctcr; millimicro- conbininç /orn [ni//i- + nicr-] : ×A×o- mim- or mimo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. ninos mimc] : mimc : mimic _ninotyµc; -mimus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L ninus mimc] : mimic : imitator - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _Cctoninus; mini- conbininç /orn [niniaturc] : smaIIcr or bricfcr than is usuaI, normaI, or standard ¹mis- pre/ix [µartIy fr. ME, fr. OE; µartIy fr. ME nes-, nis-, fr. OF nes-, of Gmc origin; akin to OE nis-, akin to OHG nissa-, nissi- mis-, OS & ON nis-, Goth nissa- mis-, OE nissan to miss] 1 a : in an incorrcct or imµroµcr manncr : badIy : mis- takcnIy : wrongIy _nisadvisc; _niscIassify; _nis}udgc; _nis- cookcd; _niscoµicd; b : unfavorabIy _nisdccm; c : in a fcarfuI or susµicious manncr _nisdoubt; 2 : incorrcct : imµroµcr : bad : mistakcn : wrong _nisdccd; _nisimµrcs- sion; _nisrcIiancc; 3 a : oµµositc of _nisadvantagc; _nis- thrift; b : Iack of _nisad}ustmcnt; _niscasc; 4 : not _nis- constitutionaI; _nisconvcnicnt; ²mis- or miso- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. nisein to hatc & nisos hatrcd] : hatrcd _nisogynic; _nisoncism; _nisosoµhy; mit- or mito- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. nitos] 1 : thrcad _nitoµIast; 2 : mitosis _nitocIastic; _nitodcµrcssivc; _nito- gcnctic; -mixis n conbininç /orn, p/ -mixes [NL -nixis, fr. Gk, act of mingIing, act of mixing, fr. nixis] : an intcrmingIing in rcµro- duction _aµonixis; _cndonixis; _µscudonixis; _µarthcno- nixis; - comµarc -cAmv mixo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. nixis act of mingIing or mixing] 1 : mixcd _nixotroµhic; _nixochimacra; 2 : mixturc of iso- mcrs of (a sµccificd comµound) _nixooctanc; - comµarc rs- mnem- or mnemo- conbininç /orn [nnen-, NL, fr. Gk nnen-, fr. nnene, nneno- µrob. fr. F nnéno-, fr. Gk nneno-, fr. Gk nnene] : mcmory _nnenogcnic; _nnenotcchnicaI; -mnesia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. annesia] : a (sµccificd) tyµc or condition of mcmory _cryµtonnesia; _µannnesia; -mo n su//ix -s [duodccino] - aftcr numcraIs or thcir namcs to indicatc thc numbcr of Icavcs madc by foIding a shcct of µaµcr _sixtccnno; _16no; _cightccnno; _18no; -mobile n conbininç /orn -s [autonobi/e] : vchicIc _cIub- nobi/e; _booknobi/e; _bIoodnobi/e; mogi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. noçis barcIy, with cffort; akin to Gk noços cxcrtion, Iabor, Latvian snaçs burdcnsomc] : with difficuIty _noçiµhonia; moldo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [no/davian] : MoIdavian and _Mo/do-WaIIachian; molybd- or molybdo- conbininç /orn [L no/ybd-, fr. Gk no/ybd-, no/ybdo-, fr. no/ybdos] 1 : Icad _no/ybdoµhyIIitc; 2 [NL no/ybdena & no/ybdenun] : moIybdcnum : moIybdous _no/ybdoµhosµhatc; _no/ybdocyanidc; mon- or mono- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. nonos aIonc, singIc] 1 a : consisting of or hav- ing onIy onc : singIc _nonarch; _nonoµIanc; b : by or from onc onIy _nonogcnic; _nonodrama; c : rcstrictcd to onIy onc _nonogamy; _nonoIoguc; d : onIy onc at a timc _nono- tocous; e : aIonc _nonoµhobia; 2 a : containing onc atom, radicaI, or grouµ (of a sµccificd kind) _nonoxidc; _nonocthcr; _nonobromidc; - usu. omittcd in namcs of sµccific comµounds as bcing undcrstood _nonobromoacc- tonc or bromoacctonc; b : monomoIccuIar _nonofiIm; _nonoIaycr; 3 a : affccting a singIc µart _nonoµIcgia; b : duc to a singIc causc _nonobaciIIary; c : monomcric _nonostyrcnc; monadi- conbininç /orn [nonad] : monad _nonadiform; _nonadigcrous; -monas n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. LL nonas] : unit : simµIc organism of a (sµccificd) kind - in gcncric namcs _ChIamydononas; _CcIIuIononas; _Lcµtononas; mongolo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Monço/] : MongoIian and _Monço/o-Manchurian; _Monço/o-Tatar; _Monço/o-Turkic; morph- or morpho- conbininç /orn [G norpho- form, fr. Gk norph-, norpho-, fr. norphe] : form : shaµc : structurc : tyµc _norphic; _norphodiffcrcntiation; morph- or morpho- conbininç /orn : form and _norphofunc- tionaI; -morph n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. -norphous] : onc having (such) a form _isonorph; -morpha n conbininç /orn, p/ -morpha [NL, fr. fcm. sing. & ncut. µI. of -norphus -morµhous, fr. Gk -norphos] : onc or oncs having (such) a form _Entcronorpha; - csµ. in namcs of zooIogicaI taxa Iargcr than a gcnus _Cynonorpha; _Hystriconorpha; -morphae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. fcm. µI. of -norphus -morµhous] : oncs having (such) a form - in namcs of zoo- IogicaI taxa, csµ. of birds, Iargcr than a gcnus _Psittaconorphae; -morphi n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. µI. of -norphus -mor- µhous] : oncs having (such) a form - in namcs of fish taxa Iargcr than a gcnus _HaIcconorphi; -morphic adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. F -norphique, fr. Gk norphe form + F -ique -ic] : having (such) a form _doIichonorphic; -morphism n conbininç /orn -s [LL -norphus -morµhous (fr. Gk -norphos) + E -isn - morc at -moÞÞnoLs] 1 : quaIity or statc of having (such) a form _hctcronorphisn; _isonor- phisn; 2 : conccµtuaIization in (such) a form _µhysiconor- phisn; -morphosis n conbininç /orn, p/ -morphoses [L, fr. Gk -norphõsis, fr. norphõsis] 1 : dcvcIoµmcnt or changc of form of a (sµccificd) thing _cytonorphosis; 2 : dcvcIoµmcnt or changc of form in a (sµccificd) manncr _hctcronorphosis; -morphous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -norphos, fr. norphe form] : having (such) a form _isonorphous; -morphy n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV -norph + -y] : quaIity or statc of having (such) a form _hctcronorphy; _isonorphy; -most adi su//ix [ME -nast, -nost, aItcr. (infIucnccd by nast, nost most) of -nest (as in /ornest forcmost)] : most _inncr- nost; : most toward _hcadnost; moto- conbininç /orn [notion & notor] : motion : motor _notofacicnt; _notoncuron; muc- or muci- or muco- conbininç /orn [L nuc-, fr. nucus nasaI mucus] 1 : mucus : mucous _nucific; _nucoccIc; _nucoid; 2 : mucous and _nucoµuruIcnt; mucoso- conbininç /orn [L nucosus mucous] : mucous and _nucosoµuruIcnt; _nucososaccharinc; multi- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L, fr. nu/tus much, many] 1 a : many : muItiµIc : much _nu/ticouµIcr; _nu/tidimcnsionaI; _nu/tiµcrforatcd; b : consisting of, con- taining, or having morc than two _nu/ticusµid; _nu/tiIcvcI; c : consisting of, containing, or having morc than onc _nu/ti- famiIy; 2 : many timcs ovcr _nu/timiIIionairc; : in many rcsµccts _nu/tisµcciaIist; 3 : affccting many µarts _nu/tigIan- duIar; musc- or musci- a/so musco- conbininç /orn [L nusc-, fr. nus- cus] : moss _Muscitcs; _nuscoid; _nuscicoIous; _nuscoIogy; musci- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L nusca] : fIy _Muscicaµidac; muscul- or musculo- conbininç /orn [LL nuscu/-, fr. L nuscu- /us] 1 : muscIc _nuscu/ar; _nuscu/in; _nuscu/osµiraI; 2 usu nuscu/o- : muscuIar and _nuscu/ocµithcIiaI; _nuscu/ofi- brous; museo- conbininç /orn [nuseun] : muscum _nuseoIogy; musico- conbininç /orn [nusic] 1 : music _nusicograµhy; _nusicothcraµy; 2 : musicaI and _nusicodramatic; _nusico- IiturgicaI; my- or myo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. nys] 1 : mousc _nyomorµha; 2 a : muscIc _nyoIogy; : muscIc and _nyoc- Iastic; b : myoma and - with words cnding in -ona _nyofi- broma; -mya n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nys mousc, muscIc] : crcaturcs having such, so many, or so arrangcd muscuIaturc - in highcr taxa of moIIusks _Dinya; _Hctcronya; -myaria n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ny- + -aria] : -mvA milli- -myaria 34 myc- or myco- conbininç /orn [NL, irrcg. fr. Gk nykes fungus, mushroom; akin to Gk nyxa Iamµwick, nasaI mucus] : fun- gus _nyccIium; _nycobiota; _nycogcnctic; _nycoIogy; _nycosis;; speci/ : mushroom _nycoµhiIc; -myces n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nykes] : fungus _Actinonyces; _Phyconyces; mycet- or myceto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk nyket-, nykes - morc at mvc-] : fungus _nycetocoIous; _nycetogcnctic; _nycetoma; _Mycetozoa; -mycete n conbininç /orn -s [NL -nycetes] : fungus _micronycete; -mycetes n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nyketes, µI. of nyket-, nykes fungus, mushroom - morc at mvc-] : fungi - chicfIy in namcs of cIasscs and subcIasscs _Asconycetes; _Schizonycetes; -mycin n conbininç /orn -s [ISV nyc- + -in] : substancc obtaincd from a fungus _carbonycin; _crythronycin; myel- or myelo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. nye/os, fr. nys mousc, muscIc] : marrow _nye/in; _nye/ocytc;: as a : bonc marrow _nye/ogcnous; b : sµinaI cord _nye/cnccµhaIon; _nye/occIc; -myelia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. nye/- + -ia] : a (sµccificd) condition of thc sµinaI cord _hcmatonye/ia; myelino- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ISV nye/in] : mycIin _nye/in- ocIasis; _nye/inocIastic; _nye/inogcncsis; _nye/inogcnctic; myi- or myio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. nyia] : fIy _Myiarchus; -myia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk nyia] : fIy _anthonyia; _Ccµhcnonyia; myl- or mylo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, miII, moIar, fr. ny/e] : moIar _ny/ohyoid; myom- or myomo- conbininç /orn [NL nyona] : myoma _nyoncctomy; _nyonohystcrcctomy; _nyonotomy; myri- or myrio- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. nyrios] : indcfinitcIy numcrous : countIcss _nyrioµhyIIous; _MyrioµhyIIum; _nyriosµorous; myria- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk nyrios] 1 : tcn thousand _nyriacouIomb; - csµ. in tcrms bcIonging to thc mctric sys- tcm _nyriagram; _nyriaIitcr; 2 : indcfinitcIy numcrous : mvÞr- _Myriaµoda; myring- or myringo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. nyrinça] : myringa _nyrinçodcrmatitis; _nyrinçoscoµc; _nyrinçoto- my; myrmec- or myrmeco- conbininç /orn [Gk nyrnek-, nyrneko-, fr. nyrnek-, nyrnex] : ant _Myrnecia; _Myrnecoµhytc; _nyrnecoIogy; _nyrnecoµhobic; -mys n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nys] : mousc : mouscIikc crcaturc - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Cynonys; _PhascoIonys; mystico- conbininç /orn [nystic] : mysticaI and _nysticoaIIc- goric; mythico- conbininç /orn [nythica/] : mythicaI and _nythico- historicaI; _nythicoromantic; myx- or myxo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. nyxa Iamµwick, nasaI sIimc] 1 : mucus : sIimc _nyxadcnitis; _nyxocytc; _nyxoma; _Myxomycctcs; 2 : myxoma _nyxofibroma; _nyxosarcoma; -myxa n conbininç /orn, p/ -myxa [NL, fr. Gk nyxa Iamµwick, nasaI sIimc] : onc or oncs consisting of or rcscmbIing sIimc - in taxonomic namcs csµ. in µrotozooIogy _ChIamydonyxa; _Protconyxa; -myza or -myzon n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nyrein, nyran to suck; akin to Gk nydan to bc damµ] : onc that sucks or fccds by suction - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Pctronyron; _Agronyra; myzo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nyran, nyrein to suck] : sucking : suckcr _nyrodcndron; _Myrorhynchus; nan- or nano- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L nanus dwarf, fr. Gk nanos, nannos, µrob. akin to Gk nanna, nenna fcmaIc rcIa- tivc, aunt] : dwarf _nanoccµhaIy; _nanoid; _nanosomia; nann- or nanno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nann-, fr. nannos, nanos - morc at ×A×-] : dwarf _Nanniµµus; _nannoccµhaIy; nano- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L nanus dwarf - morc at ×A×-] : onc biIIionth (10 − °) µart of _nanosccond; naphth- or naphtho- a/so naphtha- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. naphtha & naphtha/ine] 1 : naµhtha _naphthcnc; _naphthyI; 2 a : rcIatcd to naµhthaIcnc : naµhthoic acid _naphtho- quinonc; _naphthamidc; b : naµhthoI _naphthoxidc; narc- or narco- conbininç /orn [ME nark-, fr. MF narc-, fr. ML, fr. Gk nark-, fr. narkoun to bcnumb] 1 : numbncss : stu- µor _narcohyµnia; 2 : narcosis : narcotic _narcoma; _narco- hyµnosis; _narcoancsthcsia; : narcotic and _narcostimuIant; 3 : dccµ sIccµ _narcoIcµsy; 4 : cIcctric ray _Narcacion; _Narcobatus; 5 : aidcd by drugs _narcodiagnosis; _narco- hyµnosis; 6 : of or rcIating to iIIcgaI narcotics _narcotraf- ficking; nas- or naso- a/so nasi- conbininç /orn [L nasus nosc] 1 : nosc : nasaI _nasicorn; _nasitis; _nasoIogy; _nasoscoµc; _nasosi- nusitis; 2 : nasaI and _nascthmoid; _nasoµaIatinc; _naso- IabiaI; -nasty n conbininç /orn -rs [G -nastie, fr. Gk nastos cIosc- µrcsscd, firm + G -ie -y] : nastic movcmcnt of a µIant µart in a (sµccificd) dircction, of a (sµccificd) kind, or rcsuIting from a (sµccificd) cIass of stimuIus _cµinasty; _nyctinasty; _thcr- monasty; natr- or natro- conbininç /orn [G, fr. natron, fr. F] 1 : natron 2 : sodium _natrium; _natroIitc; _natroµhiIitc; ne- or neo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. neos ncw] 1 a : ncw : rcccnt _neoIogism; _neoµhytc; b : a ncw and diffcrcnt µcriod or form of somcthing (as a faith, schooI, or Ianguagc) - oftcn }oincd to thc sccond cIcmcnt with a hyµhcn _Neo-Latin; _neo-ChiµµcndaIc; _Neo-Darwinism; _Neo-µIatonism; c : of rcccnt forms - oµµoscd to pa/e- _neobotanist; _neobotany; _neontoIogy; d : ncozoic - oµµoscd to pa/e- _Neocrinoidca; _NeoIithic; e : imitation : µscudo f : thc Ncw WorId _Nearctic; _NeotroµicaI; g : an immaturc form _neofctus; h : a morc rcccntIy dcvcIoµcd µart (as of a µIant or animaI) _neomorµh; i : an abnormaI ncw formation _neoµIasm; 2 a : thc onc among scvcraI isomcric hydrocarbons that has bccn rcccntIy cIassificd and contains at Icast onc carbon atom con- ncctcd dircctIy with four othcr carbon atoms _neohcxanc; - comµarc rs- b : a ncw chcmicaI comµound isomcric with or oth- crwisc rcIatcd to thc onc to whosc namc it is µrcfixcd _neoar- sµhcnaminc; 3 : thc Iatcst subdivision of a division of gcoIogic timc _NeoµaIcozoic; - distinguishcd from nes- and eo- necr- or necro- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk nekr-, nekro-, fr. nekros dcad body, dcad µcrson] 1 a : thosc that arc dcad : thc dcad : corµscs _necroµhiIism; b : onc that is dcad : corµsc _necroµsy; 2 : dcath _necrobiosis; : convcrsion to dcad tis- suc : atroµhy _necrosis; 3 : cxtinct : fossiI _necrotyµc; nect- or necto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nektos, fr. nechein to swim - morc at ×rso-] : swimming : for swimming _nec- tocaIyx; -nectae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nektai, µI. of nektes swimmcr, fr. nechein to swim] : oncs that swim in a (sµccificd) way - taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Cystonectae; -nectes n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nektes swimmcr, fr. nechein to swim - morc at ×rso-] : onc that swims in a (sµccificd) way - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Chironectes; nem- or nema- or nemo- conbininç /orn [Gk & NL; NL nen-, neno-, fr. Gk nena] 1 : thrcad _nenathccium; _Nenichthys; _Nenoccra; 2 : ncmatodc _nenacidc; _nenic; -nema n conbininç /orn, p/ -nemata or -nemas [NL, fr. Gk nena thrcad] : onc having, bcing, or rcscmbIing (such) a thrcad _chromonena; - csµ. in gcncric namcs in botany and zooIogy _HyaIonena; _Scytonena; nemat- or nemato- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nenat-, fr. nenat-, nena thrcad] 1 : thrcad _nenatic; _Nenatosµora; 2 : ncmatodc _nenatocidc; -neme n conbininç /orn -s [NL -nena] : thrcad _axonene; _dcsmonene; nephel- or nephelo- conbininç /orn [F néphé/-, fr. Gk nephe/-, nephe/o-, fr. nephe/e] 1 : cIoud _nephe/ognosy; 2 : cIoudincss _nephe/omctcr; myc- nephel- 35 nepho- conbininç /orn[ISV, fr. Gk, fr. nephos] : cIoud _nephoI- ogy; nephr- or nephro- conbininç /orn [LL nephr- & NL nephro-, fr. Gk nephr-, nephro-, fr. nephros] 1 : kidncy _nephric; _ne- phroIogy; 2 : ncµhric and _nephroabdominaI; _nephrogas- tric; -nephros a/so -nephron n conbininç /orn, p/ -nephroi a/so -nephra [NL, fr. Gk nephros] : kidncy _µronephros; nerv- or nervi- or nervo- conbininç /orn [ME nerv-, fr. L, fr. nervus sincw, ncrvc] 1 : ncrvc _nervatc; _nerviduct; 2 : ncrv- ous and _nervomuscuIar; neso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk neso-, fr. nesos, akin to Gk nechein, nechesthai to swim, L nare] : isIand _Nesogacan; -ness n su//ix -rs [ME -nes, -ness, -nesse, fr. OE -nes, -ness, -nyss, -nys, akin to OS -nissi, -nussi -ncss, MD -nisse, -nesse, OHG -nissa, -nassi, -nussi, Goth -inassus (-n-, -in- bcing orig. µart of thc stcm)] : statc : condition : quaIity : dcgrcc _goodness; _grcatness; _sickness; neur- or neuro- conbininç /orn [neur- fr. Gk, ncrvc, sincw, fr. neuron, neuro- fr. NL, fr. Gk, ncrvc, sincw, fr. neuron] 1 : ncuraI tissuc : ncrvc _neuroanatomy; _neurosarcoma; _neu- rotroµhy; 2 : ncuraI _neurcctodcrm; _neurocytc; _neuroma- Iacia; _Neuroµtcra; 3 : ncuraI and _neurocardiac; _neu- roµsychic; _neurovascuIar; -neura n conbininç /orn, p/ -neura [NL, fr. Gk neuron ncrvc] : onc or oncs having (such) ncrvcs or vcins - in taxonomic namcs _Dasyneura; _Strcµtoneura; neutro- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L neutr-, neuter of ncutcr gcn- dcr] 1 : ncutraI _neutroµhiIc; _neutroccµtor; 2 : ncutroµhiI _neutroµcnia; niceno- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Nicene] : Niccnc and _Niceno-ConstantinoµoIitan; nicotin- or nicotino- conbininç /orn [nicotin- fr. nicotine, nicotino- fr. nicotine + -o-] 1 : nicotinc : tobacco _nicotinism; _nicotinoµhobc; 2 [nicotin- ISV, fr. nicotinic, nicotino- ISV nicotin ic + -o-] : nicotinic acid _nicotinamidc; _nicotinoni- triIc; -nik n su//ix -s [Yiddish, fr. PoI & Lkrainian] : onc conncctcd with or charactcrizcd by bcing _µcaccnik; _ncatnik; nimbo- conbininç /orn [NL ninbus] : nimbus and _ninbostra- tus; nitr- or nitro- conbininç /orn [L & Gk; L nitrun natron, fr. Gk nitron] 1 : nitratc _nitrobactcria; _nitrogcn; 2 : containing nitrogcn in combincd form csµ. whcn dcrivcd from an acid (as nitric acid) _nitramidc; _nitrohydrochIoric acid; noci- conbininç /orn [L nocere to hurt, harm + E -i-] : µain _nociµcrccµtion; noct- or nocti- or nocto- conbininç /orn [noct- fr. NL, fr. L noct-, nox, nocti- fr. L, fr. noct-, nox, nocto- fr. noct- + -o-] : night : during thc night _noctambuIation; _noctifIorous; _noctovision; nomo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. nonos] : usagc : Iaw _nonoIo- gy; -nomy n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -nonie, fr. OF, fr. L -nonia, fr. Gk, fr. -nonos distributing, arranging + -ia -y; akin to Gk nenein to distributc, managc] : systcm of Iaws govcrning or sum of knowIcdgc rcgarding a (sµccificd) ficId _astronony; _agronony; ¹non- pre/ix [ME, fr. MF, fr. L non not, fr. OL noenun, fr. ne- not + oinon, ncut. of oinos onc] : not : rcvcrsc of : abscncc of _nonacadcmic; _nonconformity; _nonbrcakabIc; _nonµro- ductivc; _nonintcrvcntion; _non-Arabic; _non-Mormon; _nonrush hours; ²non- or nona- conbininç /orn [L non-, fr. nonus ninth] : ninth : ninc _nonagon; _nonanc; noo- conbininç /orn [LGk noo-, fr. Gk noos, nous] : mind _nooscoµic; nor- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. norna/] 1 : µarcnt comµound from which (a sµccificd comµound) may bc rcgardcd as dcrivcd (as by rcmovaI of sidc chains from a ring systcm) - csµ. in namcs of tcrµcncs _norbornanc; 2 : comµound of nor- maI structurc isomcric with thc onc to thc namc of which it is µrcfixcd _norIcucinc; 3 : homoIoguc Iowcr by onc mcthyI- cnc grouµ - csµ. in namcs of stcroids and aIkaIoids _nor- choIanc; _nornicotinc; norm- or normo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. norna/] : normaI _norncrgy; _nornobIast; _nornotcnsion; nos- or noso- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. LL noso-, fr. Gk nos-, noso-, fr. nosos] : discasc _nosctioIogy; _nosogcograµhy; ¹not- or noto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nõt-, nõto-, fr. nõtos, nõton back] : back : back µart _notochord; _notaIgia; ²not- or noto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk notos south wind, south, southwcst; akin to Gk noteros damµ] : south : southcrn _NotaIian; _Notothcrium; -not adv conbininç /orn [not] : not _cannot; noth- or notho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk noth-, notho-, fr. nothos bastard, sµurious, born of uncquaI µarcnts] : bastard : sµurious : hybrid _Notharctus; _Nothosaurus; -notus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk nõtos, nõton back] : onc having a (sµccificd) kind of back - in gcncric namcs of ani- maIs _Camµonotus; _Pycnonotus; nov- or novo- conbininç /orn [L novus ncw] : ncw _NovangIian; -n't or -nt adv conbininç /orn [by contr.] : not _isn't; _nccdn't; _can't; nucle- or nucleo- a/so nuclei- conbininç /orn [F nuc/é-, nuc/éo-, nuc/éi-, fr. NL nuc/eus] 1 : nucIcus : nucIcar _nuc/eofugaI; _nuc/eon; _nuc/eiform; _nuc/eogony; 2 : nucIcic acid _nuc/eoµrotcin; nucleol- or nucleolo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL nuc/eo/us] : nucIcoIus _nuc/eo/occntrosomc; _nuc/eo/oid; nudi- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L nudus nakcd] : nakcd : barc _Nudibranchia; _nudiµcd; nulli- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L nu//us] : no : nonc : nuII _nu/- /ifidian; _nu//iform; _nu//iµarous; nyct- or nycti- or nycto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk nykt-, nykti-, nykto-, fr. nykt-, nyx night] : night _Nyctanthcs; _nyc- titroµic; _nyctoµhobia; -nycteris n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Nycteris] : bat - in gcncr- ic namcs nymph- or nympho- a/so nymphi- conbininç /orn [F nynph-, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. nynphe] 1 : nymµh _nynphoIcµsy; 2 : nymµhac _nynphotomy; _nynphitis; 3 : nymµhaca _nynphoidcs; 4 : nymµha _nynphosis; -nyxis n conbininç /orn, p/ -nyxes [NL, fr. Gk nyxis act of µricking, of stabbing; akin to Gk nyssein, nyttein to µrick, sting] : µuncturc _µyronyxis; _scIcronyxis; o- or oo- conbininç /orn [Gk õi-, õio-, fr. õion cgg] : cgg _oidi- um; _ooIogy;; speci/ : ovum _oogcncsis; _oogonium; ¹-o n su//ix -s [µcrh. fr. oh] : onc that is or that constitutcs or that has thc quaIitics of or that is in somc way associatcd with _boyo; _bucko; - chicfIy in informaI or nonstandard sµccch; oftcn in µIacc of thc missing cIcmcnt in a shortcncd word _comµo; _combo;; in writing somctimcs attachcd to its basc by a hyµhcn _daddy-o; or somctimcs attachcd to thc rcduµIicatcd finaI consonant of its basc _kiddo; ²-o interi su//ix [µrob. fr. oh] - in intcr}cctions formcd from othcr µarts of sµccch _chccrio; _righto;, csµ. imitativc words _smacko; _bango; -oate n su//ix -s [-o ic + -ate] : saIt or cstcr of a carboxyIic acid with a namc cnding in -oic _caµroate; _octanoate; ob- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L, to, toward, against, ovcr, com- µIctcIy, fr. ob to, bcforc, against, on account of - morc at rÞr-] 1 : inward _obimbricatc; 2 : incomµIctcIy _obrotund; _obround; 3 : in rcvcrsc ordcr _obdiµIostcmonous; 4 : invcrsc _obovatc; _obconic; _obcordatc; obtusi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L obtusus, µast µart.] : obtusc- Iy _obtusirostratc; _obtusifoIious; occipit- or occipito- conbininç /orn [ML occipit- & NL occipi- to-, fr. L occipit-, occiput] 1 : occiµut _occipitad; 2 : occiµitaI and _occipitonasaI; occlus- or occluso- conbininç /orn[µrob. fr. (assumcd) NL occ/us-, fr. L occ/usus, µast µart. of occ/udere to occIudc] 1 : occIusion _occ/usaI; _occ/usomctcr; 2 : occIusaI and _occ/usogingivaI; nepho- occlus- 36 -ock n su//ix -s [ME -oc, -ok, fr. OE -uc, -oc] : smaII onc _bit- tock; _Iassock; octa- or octo- a/so oct- conbininç /orn [Gk okta-, oktõ-, okt- (fr. oktõ) & L octo-, oct- (fr. octo)] 1 : cight _Octacncmus; _octamcrous; _octoµIoid; _octosc; 2 : containing cight atoms, grouµs, or cquivaIcnts _octaacctatc; ocul- or oculo- conbininç /orn [L ocu/-, fr. ocu/us] 1 : cyc _ocu- /omotor; 2 : ocuIar and _ocu/auditory; _ocu/ofaciaI; ¹-ode n conbininç /orn -s [F, fr. Gk -õdes, µrob. fr. thc stcm of orein to smcII] : thing that rcscmbIcs _µIacode; ²-ode n conbininç /orn -s [Gk -odos, fr. hodos] 1 : way : µath : road _cIcctrode; 2 : cIcctrodc _diode; -odea n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -õdes -odc] : animaIs bcIonging to or rcscmbIing - in namcs of highcr taxa (as ordcrs, subordcrs) _BIattodea; _Embiodea; -odes n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -õdes -odc] : animaI or µIant rcscmbIing - in gcncric namcs _Goniodes; -odon n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk odõn tooth] : animaI having tccth of a (sµccificd) kind - chicfIy in thc namcs of gcncra in zooIogy _Iguanodon; _mastodon; odont- or odonto- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. odont-, odõn] : tooth _odontitis; _odontocctc; _odontogcny; _odontoIogy; _odontorrhagia; -odont adi conbininç /orn [Gk odont-, odõn tooth] : having or bcing tccth of a (sµccificd) naturc _hctcrodont; _Ioµhodont; -odonta n conbininç /orn, p/ -odonta [NL, fr. Gk odont-, odõn tooth] : animaI or animaIs having tccth of a (sµccificd) naturc - in namcs of zooIogicaI taxa _Bunodonta; _Crcodonta; _Hctcrodonta; _Labyrinthodonta; -odontes n conbininç /orn, p/ -odontes [NL, fr. Gk odontes, µI. of odõn tooth] : animaI or animaIs having tccth of a (sµcci- ficd) naturc - in namcs of zooIogicaI taxa _Gymnodontes; _Priodontes; ¹-odontia n conbininç /orn, p/ -odontia [NL, fr. Gk odont-, odõn tooth] : animaI or animaIs having tccth of a (sµccificd) naturc - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Anomodontia; _AµIodontia; _Dicynodontia; ²-odontia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. odont- + -ia] : form, con- dition, or modc of trcatmcnt of thc tccth _macrodontia; _saµrodontia; _orthodontia; - comµarc -ooo×1 -odonty n conbininç /orn -rs [odont- + -y] : condition of hav- ing a (sµccificd) tyµc of tooth formation - chicfIy in tcrms cmµIoycd in anthroµomctry _scIcnodonty; -odus n conbininç /orn [NL, -odont-, -odus, fr. Gk odont-, odous tooth] : animaI having tccth of a (sµccificd) kind - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Gyrodus; -ody n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -õdia, fr. -õdes -odc + -ia -y] : µroccss of bccoming Iikc : mctamorµhosis into (somcthing sµccificd) - chicfIy in botanicaI tcrms _scµaIody; -odynia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, statc of µain, fr. odyne µain + -ia -y] : µain _crymodynia; _ncurodynia; _omodynia; - -odynic adi conbininç /orn -oecia n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk oikia buiIding, housc, dwcIIing, fr. oikos housc + -ia -y] : µIants of a (sµccificd) tyµc - in namcs of botanicaI taxa _Monoecia; _Dioecia; oen- or oeno- a/so en- or eno- conbininç /orn [L oen-, oeno-, fr. Gk oin-, oino-, fr. oinos] : winc _oenin; _oenoIogy; _oenoµo- ctic; -oholic n conbininç /orn -s : -AnoLrc -oic adi su//ix [-o- + -ic] : containing carboxyI or a dcrivativc of it - in namcs of acids and rcIatcd comµounds _caµroic; _hcxoic; _naµhthoic;; esp : containing carboxyI in µIacc of mcthyI _hcxanoicacid; ¹-oid n su//ix -s [L -oïdes, fr. -oïdes, ad}. suffix] : somcthing rcscmbIing a (sµccificd) ob}cct or having a (sµccificd) quaIity _cyIindroid; _gIoboid; _hyµcrboIoid; ²-oid adi su//ix [MF -oïde & L -oïdes, fr. Gk -oeides, fr. -o- + -eides, fr. eidos form, shaµc, kind] : rcscmbIing : having thc form or aµµcarancc of _asbcstoid; _Caucasoid; _crystaIIoid; _granitoid; _intcIIcctuaIoid; -oidal adi su//ix [¹-oid + -a/] : -oro _asbcstoida/; -oidea or -oida or -oidei n p/ su//ix [-oidea, NL, fr. L -oïdes -oid + -ea, ncut. µI. of -eus -cous; -oida, NL, fr. L -oïdes, -oidei, NL, fr. L -oïdes + -ei, masc. µI. of -eus -cous] : animaIs charactcr- izcd by or of thc naturc of - in namcs of highcr taxa in zooI- ogy _Echinoidea; _Hydroida; _Ganoidei; -oin n su//ix -s [ISV -o- + -in] : acyIoin _acctoin; ¹-ol n su//ix -s [ISV, fr. a/coho/] : chcmicaI comµound contain- ing hydroxyI _hydro/; - csµ. in namcs of aIcohoIs and µhc- noIs _gIyccro/; _mcthano/; _crcso/; ²-ol a/so -ole n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. L o/eun oiI] : hydro- carbon of thc bcnzcnc scrics csµ. in a commcrciaI mixturc containing homoIogous hydrocarbons _xyIo/; - not uscd systcmaticaIIy; comµarc -r×r ole- or oleo- a/so olei- conbininç /orn [F o/é-, o/éo-, fr. L o/e-, fr. o/eun] 1 : oiI _o/eifcrous; _o/ein; _o/eograµh; _o/eocyst; 2 a oIcin _o/eo-di-stcarin; b : oIcic acid _o/eoyI; ¹-ole a/so -ol n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. L o/eun oiI] 1 : chcmicaI comµound containing a fivc-mcmbcrcd ring usu. hctcrocycIic _imidazo/e; _µyrro/e; 2 usu -o/e : chcmicaI com- µound not containing hydroxyI - csµ. in namcs of scvcraI cthcrs _aniso/e; _µhcncto/e; ²-ole n su//ix -s [F, fr. L -o/us, -o/un, -o/a, dim. suffix] : IittIc onc _vcnio/e; -olic adi su//ix [ISV -o/ + -ic] 1 : containing a triµIc bond - in namcs of acids _µroµio/ic acid; 2 : containing hydroxyI and carboxyI - in namcs of hydroxy acids _oIcano/icacid; olig- or oligo- conbininç /orn [ML, fr. Gk, fr. o/iços, akin to Gk /oiços ruin, havoc, OIr /iach miscrabIc, unhaµµy, Lith /iça sickncss, Arm a/kat µoor, scant, and µcrh. to Gk /iaresthai to bcnd, rccoiI, sink] 1 : fcw _O/içochacta; _o/içogcnc; _o/içomyodian; : fcw things _o/içoµhagous; 2 ned : dcfi- cicncy : insufficicncy _o/içochromcmia; _o/içuria; 3 : IittIc : smaII _o/içoIccithaI; om- or omo- conbininç /orn [MF ono-, fr. Gk õn-, õno-, fr. õnos] 1 : shouIdcr _onarthritis; 2 : of or rcIating to thc shouIdcr and _onohyoid; -oma n su//ix, p/ -omas or -omata [L -onat-, -ona, fr. Gk -õnat-, -õna] 1 : tumor of a (sµccificd) kind _adcnona; _mcIanona; _hygrona; or consisting µrcdominantIy of a (sµccificd) kind of ccII or tissuc _fibrona; _myona; _mycIo- cytona; or occurring in a (sµccificd) organ _ncµhrona; 2 : -omr ombro- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. onbros] : rain _onbroIogy; -ome n su//ix -s [NL -onat-, -ona, fr. L -onat-, -ona -oma] : abstract cntity : grouµ : mass : stcm _cauIone; _mcstone; oment- or omento- conbininç /orn [onentun] : omcntum _onentitis; _onentoµcxy; -omma n conbininç /orn [NL -onnat-, -onna, fr. Gk onnat-, onna cyc; akin to Gk õps cyc] : onc having (such) an cyc or (such or so many) cycs - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Loxonna; omn- or omni- conbininç /orn [ME onni-, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. onnis aII] : aII : univcrsaI : univcrsaIIy : without rcstriction _onnimctcr; _onniµrcscnt; _onnist; omphal- or omphalo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. onpha/os] 1 : umbiIicus _onpha/oid; _onpha/oskcµsis; 2 : umbiIicaI and _onpha/omcscntcric; ¹-on n su//ix -s [ISV, aItcr. of -one] : chcmicaI comµound not a kctonc or othcr oxo comµound _ncrvon; - somctimcs dis- tinguishcd from -one ²-on n su//ix -s [fr. -on (in anion, cation, & ion)] 1 : cIcmcntary µarticIc _nucIcon; 2 a : unit : quantum _magncton; _µho- ton; b : basic hcrcditary comµoncnt _cistron; _oµcron; ³-on n su//ix -s [NL, fr. Gk, ncut. of -os (nom. sing. masc. cnd- ing of many ad}cctivcs)] : incrt gas _radon; onc- or onco- a/so onch- or oncho- or onci- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk onkos barbcd hook] 1 : barb : hook _Oncorhynchus; _Oncidium; _onchium; _Onchoccrca; 2 : barbcd _OncicoIa; onco- or oncho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk onkos buIk, mass; akin to Gk enenkein to carry] 1 : tumor _oncoIogy; 2 : buIk : mass _onchosµhcrc; _oncomctcr; -one n su//ix -s [ISV, fr. Gk -õne (fcm. µatronymic suffix)] 1 : kctonc or oxo comµound not a truc kctonc - in namcs of -ock -one 37 sµccific organic comµounds _acctone; _µcntanone; _5-µyra- zoIone; 2 : chcmicaI comµound containing oxygcn csµ. in a carbonyI or anaIogous grouµ (as suIfonyI) - in namcs of cIasscs of comµounds _kctone; _Iactone; _suIfone; 3 : ¹-o× oneir- or oneiro- a/so onir- or oniro- conbininç /orn [Gk oneir-, oneiro-, fr. oneiros, oneiron, akin to Arm anurí drcam] : drcam _oneiroIogy; -onic adi su//ix [ISV, fr. -onic (in ç/uconic acid)] : containing carboxyI csµ. whcn formcd by oxidizing thc aIdchydc grouµ of an aIdosc sugar _aIdonicacid; _hcxonicacid; _Iactonic; -onium n su//ix -s [ISV, fr. NL annoniun] : an ion having a µositivc chargc - in namcs of comµIcx cations containing hydrogcn or onc or morc organic radicaIs coordinatcd to a ccntraI atom _oxoniun; _µhosµhoniun; _suIfoniun;; com- µarc -rLm 1b onomato- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. ononat-, onona] : namc : word _ononatomania; ont- or onto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. LGk onto-, fr. Gk ont-, õn, µrcs. µart. of einai to bc] 1 : bcing : cxistcncc _ontic; 2 : individuaI Iiving thing : Iiving organism _ontogcny; -ont n conbininç /orn -s [Gk ont-, õn, µrcs. µart. of einai to bc] : ccII : organism _gamont; onych- or onycho- conbininç /orn [L onych-, fr. Gk onych-, onycho-, fr. onych-, onyx] : naiI of thc fingcr or toc _ony- chauxis; : cIaw _Onychoµhora; -onychia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. onych- + -ia] : condition of thc naiIs of thc fingcrs or tocs _Icukonychia; -onychium n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk onychion IittIc cIaw] : fingcrnaiI : tocnaiI : rcgion of thc fingcrnaiI or tocnaiI _cµonychiun; _hyµonychiun; -onym n conbininç /orn -s [ME -onyne, fr. L -onynun, fr. Gk -õnynon, fr. ncut. of -õnynos, ad}. comb. form (as in honõnynos having thc samc namc)] : namc : word _aIIonyn; _hyµonyn; -onymy n conbininç /orn -rs [L -onynia, fr. Gk -õnynia, fr. -õnynos (as in honõnynos) + -ia -y] 1 : kind of namc or word : kind or sct of namcs or words _hydronyny; 2 : study of a (sµccificd) kind of namcs or words _anthroµonyny; -onyx n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk onych-, onyx naiI of thc fin- gcr or toc, cIaw] : onc having (such) naiIs or cIaws - chicfIy in gcncric namcs of animaIs _CoIconyx; oophor- or oophoro- conbininç /orn [NL oophoron] : ovary : ovarian _oophorcctomy; _oophorotomy; -ope n conbininç /orn -s [F, fr. LL -op-, -ops having (such) cycs, fr. Gk õp-, õps cyc, facc] : onc having cycs with a (sµcc- ificd) dcfcct _hyµcrmctrope; operculi- conbininç /orn [NL opercu/un] : oµcrcuIum _oper- cu/ifcrous; _opercu/iform; ophi- or ophio- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. ophis snakc] 1 : snakc : scrµcnt _ophioµhagous; _ophioIatrous; 2 a : thing suggcst- ing a snakc _ophicaIcitc; b : bcing or rcscmbIing a snakc in rcsµcct to a (sµccificd) structurc or quaIity _ophioccµhaIus; -ophis n conbininç /orn [Gk ophis snakc] : snakc : scrµcnt - in gcncric namcs csµ. in hcrµctoIogy _Hydrophis; ophthalm- or ophthalmo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. ophtha/nos cyc] 1 : cyc : cycbaII _ophtha/notomy; _ophtha/ncctomy; 2 : of or affccting thc cycs _ophtha/nocarcinoma; _ophtha/- naIgia; -ophthalma or -ophthalmia n p/ conbininç /orn [-ophtha/na, NL, fr. Gk, ncut. µI. of ad}. comb. form -ophtha/nos having a (sµccificd) cyc, fr. ophtha/nos, -ophtha/nia, NL, fr. Gk oph- tha/nos + NL -ia] : oncs having a (sµccificd) cyc - uscd in highcr taxa csµ. of arthroµods _Edriophtha/na; _Podophtha/nia; -ophthalmia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. ophtha/nos cyc + -ia -y] : condition of having (such) cycs _microph- tha/nia; -ophthalmus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -optha/nos, fr. oph- tha/nos cyc] 1 : onc having a (sµccificd) kind of cyc - in gcncric namcs usu. of arthroµods _Mcgophtha/nus; 2 -rs : cycs of a (sµccificd) form or in a (sµccificd statc _mcgaIoph- tha/nus; -opia n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -õpia, fr. õps cyc, facc + -ia -y] 1 a/so -opy p/ -opias; a/so -opies [NL -opia] a : vision : condition of having (such) vision _diµIopia; _ambIyopy; b : µosscssion of an cyc or cycs with a (sµccificd) dcfcct _anopia; 2 : onc having a (sµccificd) kind of cyc - in gcncr- ic namcs in zooIogy _Hctcropia; opio- conbininç /orn [Gk opion oµium] : oµium _opiomania; _opioµhagous; opisth- or opistho- conbininç /orn [Gr, fr. opisthen, opithen bchind, in thc rcar; akin to Gk epi on, uµon - morc at rÞr-] 1 : having somcthing (sµccificd) Iocatcd dorsaIIy or µostcrior- Iy _opisthotic; _opisthandric; 2 : dorsaI or µostcrior _opisthaµtor; _opisthodomc; opo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. opos] : }uicc : saµ _opothcraµy; oppositi- conbininç /orn [L oppositus] : situatcd oµµositc : hav- ing thc corrcsµonding µarts oµµositc _oppositifoIious; _oppositiscµaIous; -ops n conbininç /orn [Gk -õp-, -õps, fr. õp-, õps cyc, facc] 1 p/ -ops or -opses : organism with a (sµccificd) kind of cyc or facc - chicfIy in gcncric namcs _mcgaIops; _StyIops; _ScIcnops; 2 : organism rcscmbIing a (sµccificd) thing - in gcncric namcs usu. combincd with thc namcs of othcr gcncra _Echinops; _DryobaIanops; -opsia or -opsy n conbininç /orn, p/ -opsias or -opsies [-opsia fr. NL, fr. Gk, fr. opsis aµµcarancc, vision + -ia -y; -opsy fr. Gk -opsia - morc at -opsis] : vision of a (sµccificd) kind or con- dition _anopsia; _hcmiopsia; -opsis n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. opsis aµµcarancc, vision] 1 a : organism rcscmbIing or having a µart that rcscm- bIcs a (sµccificd) thing - in gcncric namcs _ChiIopsis; _AmµcIopsis; b p/ -opses : structurc rcscmbIing a (sµccificd) thing _caryopsis; 2 p/ -opses : -oÞsrA opson- or opsono- conbininç /orn [opsonin] : oµsonin _opson- ic; _opsonothcraµy; _opsonoµhiIic; -opsy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -opsia] 1 : -oÞsrA 2 : cxami- nation _biopsy; optico- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk optikos] 1 : oµticaI and _opticochcmicaI; 2 : rcIating or bcIonging to thc cyc : ocuIar _opticoµuµiIIary; 3 : oµtic and _suµraopticohyµoµhyscaI; _opticochiasmatic; -opticon n conbininç /orn -s [stereopticon] : stcrcoµticon _µanopticon; _sciopticon; opto- conbininç /orn [Gk optos, vcrbaI of opsesthai to bc going to scc] 1 : vision _optomctcr; 2 : cyc _optobIast; _optotyµc; 3 : oµtic : oµtic and _optokinctic; _optococIc; ¹-or n su//ix -s [ME -or, -our, fr. OF -eor, -eur & L -or, OF -eor, -eur, µartIy fr. L -or, µartIy fr. L -ator, fr. -atus -atc + -or] : onc that docs a (sµccificd) thing _grantor; _aItcrnator; _occIusor; _cIcvator; ²-or n su//ix -s [ME -or, -our, fr. OF -eur, fr. L -or] : condition : activity _dcmcanor; ore- or oreo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. ore-, oros mountain, hiII] : mountain _Oreoµhasis; _Oreortyx; _Oreamnos; - comµarc ¹oÞo- -orexia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk orexis dcsirc, aµµctitc, Ionging + L -ia -y] : dcsirc : aµµctitc _cynorexia; _µarorexia; organ- or organo- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. ML, fr. L orçanun] 1 a : organ _orçancIIc; _orçanogcncsis; _orçanonymy; b : organic substancc or Iifc _orçanogcnic; 2 a : organic : organic and _orçanochcmicaI; _orçanomincraI; b : organomctaIIic _orçanotin; _orçanoarscnic; _orçanoµhos- µhorus; ori- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. LL, fr. L or-, os mouth] 1 : mouth _orificc; 2 : mouth and _orifaciaI; -orial adi su//ix [ME -oria/e, fr. L -orius -ory + ME -a/e -aI] : of, bcIonging to, or conncctcd with _grcssoria/; _inscssoria/; -orium n su//ix, p/ -oriums or -oria [L, fr. ncut. of -orius -ory] 1 : µIacc for _natatoriun; 2 : thing uscd for _haustoriun; -ornis n conbininç /orn, p/ -ornithes [NL, fr. Gk ornis] : bird _HcIiornis; _Archacornithes; ornith- or ornitho- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. ornith-, ornis] : bird _ornithichnitc; _ornithograµhy; oneir- ornith- 38 ¹oro- conbininç /orn [Gk oros mountain] : mountain _orogra- µhy; _orogcncsis; _oroµhytc; : cIcvation _oromctcr; ²oro- conbininç /orn [L or-, os mouth] : mouth _oroµharynx; : mouth and _orofaciaI; orth- or ortho- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF, straight, right, truc, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. orthos, akin to Goth gawrisqan to bring fruit, Skt urdhva uµright, high, vardhate hc incrcascs] 1 a : straight : uµright : vcrticaI _orthoccras; _orthaI; _ortho- gradc; _orthosymmctric; b : cxact : µaraIIcI _orthodiagram; _ortho-cousin; _orthodomc; 2 : corrcct : corrcctivc _orthom- ctry; _orthodontia; 3 : an acid in thc highcst hydratcd or hydroxyIatcd form known cithcr in thc frcc statc or in saIts or cstcrs _orthoarscnic acid; _orthoformic acid; - comµarc mr1A- 4b, ÞvÞ- 2a 4 : dcrivcd from igncous rock - in thc namc of a mctamorµhic rock _orthognciss; _orthositc;; com- µarc ÞAÞA- ¹-ory n su//ix -rs [ME -orie, fr. L -oriun, fr. ncut. of -orius, ad}. suffix] : onc that rcIatcs to or is uscd for: as a : µIacc of or for _rcformatory; _obscrvatory; b : somcthing that scrvcs for _crcmatory; ²-ory adi su//ix [ME -orie, -oire, fr. MF & L; MF -orie -oire, fr. OF, fr. L -orius] 1 : of, rcIating to, or charactcrizcd by _obscr- vatory; _gustatory; 2 : containing, invoIving, or convcying _amcndatory; _comµuIsory; 3 : scrving for, µroducing, or maintaining _cIassificatory; _cquiIibratory; _}ustificatory; oryct- or orycto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk oryktos formcd by digging, dug, vcrbaI of orychein, oryssein to dig] : fossiI : min- craI _oryctoIogy; _oryctognosy; oryz- or oryzo- a/so oryzi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L oryra ricc, fr. Gk] : ricc _oryrivorous; _Oryromys; ¹-ose adi su//ix [ME, fr. L -osus] : fuII of : having : µosscssing thc quaIitics of _cIadose; ²-ose n su//ix -s [F, fr. ç/ucose] 1 : carbohydratc _amyIose;; esp : sugar _fructose; _µcntose; 2 : µrimary hydroIysis µroduct _µrotcose; ³-ose n su//ix -s [NL -osis] : -osrs 4 _chytridiose; -oside n su//ix -s [ISV ²-ose + -ide] : gIycosidc or simiIar com- µound _gangIioside; _hctcroside; - comµarc -ror 2b -osis n su//ix, p/ -oses or -osises [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk -õsis, fr. -õ- (mcdiaI vowcI charactcristic of dcrivativcs of ccrtain vcrbs) + -sis] 1 a : action : µroccss : condition _hyµnosis; b : abnor- maI or discascd condition _Icukosis; 2 : incrcasc : formation _Icukocytosis; 3 : arrangcmcnt _µtcryIosis; 4 [NL, fr. L] : discasc causcd by a (sµccificd) fungus _chytridiosis; osm- or osmo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk osn-, fr. osne] 1 : odor : smcII _Osnorhiza; 2 a : osmium _osnic; b osno- : osmous _osnocyanidc; -osma n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk osne] : onc having (such) an odor - in gcncric namcs of µIants _Barosna; _Coµrosna; osmo- conbininç /orn [osnose] : osmosis : osmotic _osnomc- tcr; -osphresia a/so -osphrasia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk osphresis scnsc of smcII & Gk osphrasia odor; akin to Gk orein to smcII] : scnsc of smcII _anosphresia; _anosphrasia; osse- or osseo- conbininç /orn [L osse- (in osseus)] 1 : bonc _ossein; 2 : osscous and _osseocartiIaginous; ossi- conbininç /orn [L, fr. oss-, os] : bonc _ossific; -ost n conbininç /orn -s [Gk osteon] : bonc _actinost; oste- or osteo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. osteon] : bonc _osteaI; _osteomycIitis; osteochondr- or osteochondro- conbininç /orn [ISV oste- + chondr-] : bonc and cartiIagc _osteochondroµathy; _osteochrondrous; -osteon n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk osteon bonc] : bonc : bonc µart _Ioµhosteon; -osteus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk osteon bonc] : onc having (such) a bonc or boncs - in gcncric namcs csµ. of fishcs _Coccosteus; -ostosis n conbininç /orn, p/ -ostoses or -ostosises [NL, fr. Gk -ostõsis, fr. osteon bonc + -õsis -osis] : ossification of a (sµccificd) µart or to a (sµccificd) dcgrcc _hyµcrostosis; _cctostosis; ostrac- or ostraco- conbininç /orn[NL, fr. Gk ostrak-, ostrako-, fr. ostrakon] : shcII _Ostracoidca; _Ostracoµhori; -ostraca n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -ostraka (ncut. µI. of -ostrakos, fr. ostrakon shcII)] : oncs having (such) a shcII - in namcs of taxa chicfIy of crustaccans _Arthrostraca; _Conchostraca; ostre- or ostrei- or ostreo- conbininç /orn [L ostre-, fr. ostrea] : oystcr _ostreiform; _ostreoid; _ostreoµhagous; ot- or oto- conbininç /orn [Gk õt-, õto-, fr. õt-, ous] : car _oti- tis; _otoIogy; _otoscoµc; _otostcaI; : car and _otoIaryngoIo- gy; -ote n su//ix -s [L & Gk; L -otes, fr. Gk -õtes] : inhabitant : nativc _Caµriote; ¹-otic adi su//ix [Gk -õtikos, fr. -õtos, suffix uscd to form ad}cc- tivcs dcrivcd fr. ccrtain vcrbs & -õtes, suffix uscd to form agcnt nouns dcrivcd fr. ccrtain vcrbs + -ikos -ic] 1 a : of, rcIat- ing to, or charactcrizcd by a (sµccificd) action, µroccss, or condition _hoIococnotic; b : having an abnormaI or discascd condition of a (sµccificd) kind _aµhosµhorotic; 2 : showing an incrcasc or a formation of (somcthing sµccificd) _Icukocy- totic; 3 : of, rcIating to, or charactcrizcd by having a discasc causcd by a (sµccificd) fungus _bIastomycotic; - oftcn uscd to form ad}cctivcs corrcsµonding to nouns in -osis ²-otic adi conbininç /orn [Gk õtikos of thc car] 1 : of or rcIat- ing to a (sµccificd) µart of thc car _cµiotic; _cntotic; 2 a : of or rcIating to an arca having a (sµccificd) sµatiaI rcIationshiµ to thc car _µarotic; _µcriotic; b : of or rcIating to a bonc hav- ing a (sµccificd) sµatiaI rcIationshiµ to thc car _µrootic; _sµhcnotic; -ous adi su//ix [ME, µartIy fr. OF -ous, -os, -eus, -eux, fr. L -osus, µartIy fr. L -us (finaI µortion of thc nom. sing. masc. form of ad}cctivcs such as /atuus fooIish, /uscus brown] 1 : fuII of : abounding in : having : µosscssing thc quaIitics of _cIamorous; _gIamorous; _cystous; _Iymµhous; 2 : having a vaIcncc Iowcr than in comµounds or ions namcd with an ad}cctivc cnding in -ic _fcrrousiron; _suIfurousacid; - com- µarc ²-r1r - -ously adv su//ix out- pre/ix [ME, fr. out, adv.] : in a manncr that gocs bcyond, surµasscs, or cxccIs _outdancc; _outfight; _outrun; _out- bIuff; _outmancuvcr; ov- or ovi- or ovo- conbininç /orn [L ov-, ovi-, fr. ovun] 1 a : cgg _ovc}cctor; _oviform; _ovomucoid; b : ovum _ovocytc; _ovogcncsis; 2 : ovaIIy _ovo-cIIiµtic; ovari- or ovario- a/so ovar- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ovariun] 1 : ovary _ovaritis; _ovaricctomy; _ovariotomy; 2 : ovarian and _ovario-abdominaI; ¹ox- or oxo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. oxyçène oxygcn] : contain- ing oxygcn - csµ. in thc namcs of various cycIic comµounds _oxazoIc; ²ox- conbininç /orn [by shortcning] : oxAL- _oxamidc; oxa- or ox- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. ¹ox- + -a-] : containing oxy- gcn in µIacc of carbon or rcgardcd as in µIacc of carbon usu. in µIacc of thc mcthyIcnc grouµ ÷CH,÷ _10H-9-oxaan- thraccnc; _oxazacycIohcµtanc; - comµarc AzA-, 1nrA- oxal- or oxalo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. (acide) oxa/ique oxaIic acid] : rcIatcd to oxaIic acid _oxa/amidc; _oxa/osuccinic; oxido- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. oxide] 1 : oxidc; speci/ : rÞoxv- - in namcs of organic chcmicaI comµounds _oxidocthanc; 2 : oxidation _oxidorcduction; oxo- conbininç /orn [¹ox-] : containing oxygcn as a doubIy coordinatcd grouµ _dioxouranium (VI) LO, ++ ; ¹oxy- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. oxys, akin to Gk achne chaff] 1 : sharµ : kccn : µointcd : acutc _oxyastcr; _oxyccµhaIy; _oxydactyI; _oxyrhynchous; 2 : quick _oxyto- cic; 3 : acid _oxyµhytic; _oxyµhiIc; ²oxy- conbininç /orn [F, fr. oxyçène oxygcn] 1 a : containing oxygcn or additionaI oxygcn _oxyccIIuIosc; _oxyhcmogIobin; b : containing oxygcn in thc form of an oxidc _oxychIoridc; 2 : nvoÞoxv- - not uscd systcmaticaIIy _oxynaµhthoic; 3 : of oxygcn and _oxyhydrogcn; -oyl n conbininç /orn -s [ISV -o- (as in -oic) + -y/] : acid radi- caI - uscd in thc systcm of nomcncIaturc adoµtcd by thc oro- -oyl 39 IntcrnationaI Lnion of Purc and AµµIicd Chcmistry in namcs of radicaIs dcrivcd from acids whosc namcs cnd in -oic _dccanoy/; and aIso most othcr organic acids _oIcoy/; _µhthaIoy/;; comµarc -vL ozon- or ozono- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. orone] : ozonc _oronizc; pachy- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pachys, akin to ON binçr hcaµ, Latvian bìers dcnsc, thick, Av barah high, dccµ, Skt bahu dcnsc, much, many] : thick _Pachydcrmata; _pachytcnc; _pachymctcr; paed- or paedo- or ped- or pedo- a/so paid- or paido- conbininç /orn [Gk paid-, paido-, fr. paid-, pais chiId, boy] : chiId _pae- domorµhism; _paedobaµtism; : offsµring _paedogcncsis; -pagus n conbininç /orn, p/ -pagi [NL, fr. Gk paços somcthing fixcd, rock, frost] : monstcr with a (sµccificd) tyµc of fixation _craniopaçus; palato- conbininç /orn [L pa/atun µaIatc] 1 : µaIatc : of thc µaIatc _pa/atogram; _pa/atoµIcgia; 2 : µaIataI and _pa/ato- dcntaI; pale- or paleo- or palae- or palaeo- a/so palaio- conbininç /orn [Gk pa/ai-, pa/aio-, fr. pa/aios oId, ancicnt, fr. pa/ai Iong ago; akin to Gk te/e far, far off, Skt carana Iast, outcrmost] 1 a : rcmotc in µoint of timc _Pa/eoccnc; b : invoIving ancicnt forms or conditions _pa/eocIimatc; c : of ancicnt origin : anccstraI _Pa/eo-Eskimo; d : dcaIing with ancicnt or fossiI forms _pa/eobotany; 2 : carIy : µrimitivc : archaic _pa/eoan- throµic; _pa/aeotyµograµhy; 3 : OId WorId _Pa/eotroµicaI; 4 : of µrc-Tcrtiary origin - in namcs of mincraIs _pa/eoµi- critc; pali- conbininç /orn [Gk pa/in, pa/i again, back; akin to Gk po/os µivot, axis] : µathoIogicaI statc charactcrizcd by rcµcti- tion of a (sµccificd) act _pa/iIaIia; _pa/irrhca; pallidi- conbininç /orn [L pa//idus] : µaIc _pa//idifIorous; _pa/- /idiµaIµatc; pallido- conbininç /orn [NL (ç/obus) pa//idus + -o-] 1 : gIobus µaIIidus _pa//idofugaI; 2 : µaIIidaI and _pa//idohyµothaIamic; pallio- conbininç /orn [NL pa//i um + -o-] 1 : µaIIium : shcct _pa//iostratus; 2 : µaIIiaI and _pa/iocardiac; palmat- or palmati- conbininç /orn [LL pa/natus µaImatc] 1 : µaImatc _pa/natic; _pa/natiform; 2 : µaImatcIy _pa/nati- fid; palmi- conbininç /orn [L, fr. pa/na µaIm] 1 : µaIm trcc _pa/nicoIous; _pa/nivorous; 2 a : µaImat- _pa/niIobatc; _pa/nincrvcd; b : with or on thc µaIms _pa/nigradc; paludi- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L pa/ud-, pa/us marsh] : marsh _pa/udicoIc; pam- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, aItcr. of pan- - morc at ÞA×-] : ÞA×- pan- or pano- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pan, ncut. of pas aII, cvcry; akin to Skt śaśvat aII, cvcry, śvayati hc swcIIs] 1 a : aII : comµIctcIy _pancycIoµcdic; _panoµhobia; _pancuIturaI; _pangcncsis; _pantcIcgraµh; b o/ten cap : aII of a (sµccificd) grouµ - usu. }oincd to thc sccond cIcmcnt with a hyµhcn _pan-scctarian; _Pan-Asian; _Pan-SIavism; 2 : whoIc : gcn- craI _panatroµhy; _pancarditis; _panhystcrcctomy; _pancs- thcsia; pancreat- or pancreato- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk pankreat-, pankreas µancrcas] 1 : µancrcas _pancreataIgia; : µancrcas and _pancreatoduodcncctomy; 2 : µancrcatic _pancreatism; pancreatico- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. pancreatic] 1 : µancrcat- ic _pancreaticogastrostomy; 2 : µancrcatic and _pancreatico- biIiary; _pancreaticoduodcnaI; pant- or panto- a/so panta- conbininç /orn [MF panto-, fr. L, fr. Gk pant-, panto-, fr. pant-, pas aII, cvcry - morc at ÞA×-] : ÞA×- _pantobasc; _pantagraµh; _pantoµhobia; _pantotyµc; papill- or papillo- conbininç /orn [F papi//-, fr. L papi//a niµ- µIc] 1 : µaµiIIa _papi//ifcrous; _papi//iform; 2 : µaµiIIary _papi//cdcma; _papi//oma; _papi//orctinitis; 3 : µaµiIIoma- tous _papi//ocarcinoma; _papi//osarcoma; papulo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L papu/a] 1 : µaµuIa _papu/o- µustuIar; 2 : µaµuIous and _papu/osquamous; _papu/ovcsic- uIar; papyro- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. papyros µaµyrus] 1 : µaµyrus _papyroIogy; 2 : µaµcr _papyrograµh; ¹para- or par- pre/ix [ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. para, akin to Gk pro bcforc, ahcad] 1 a : bcsidc : aIongsidc of _paraccn- traI; _parabiosis; _parasynaµsis; b : µaraIIcI _parahcIiotro- µism; c : µarasitic _parazoon; d : associatcd in a subsidiary or acccssory caµacity _paramiIitary; e : cIoscIy rcscmbIing thc truc form : aImost - csµ. in namcs of discascs _paraty- µhoid; 2 : isomcric with, µoIymcric with, or othcrwisc cIosc- Iy rcIatcd to _paraIdchydc; _paracascin; _paraµcriodic acid; - comµarc mr1A- 4a 3 : bcyond : outsidc of _parcntcraI; 4 a : fauIty, irrcguIar, or disordcrcd condition : abnormaI _paraIcxia; _paranoia; _paraµhrcnia; b : µcrvcrsion _para- buIia; _paracanthosis; c : abortivc _paracarµium; _para- styIc; 5 : dcrivcd from an originaI scdimcnt - in thc namc of a mctamorµhic rock _paragnciss;; comµarc oÞ1n- ²para- conbininç /orn [parachute] 1 : sµcciaIIy traincd or cquiµµcd for dcsccnt by µarachutc from airµIancs _parabomb; _paramarinc; _paratrooµcr; 2 : of, by, or in dcfcnsc against armcd µarachutists _parasµottcr; -para n conbininç /orn, p/ -paras or -parae [L, fr. parere to bring forth, bcar (young)] 1 : woman that has bccn dcIivcrcd of (a sµccificd numbcr of) chiIdrcn _nuIIipara; 2 : fcmaIc that µroduccs (a sµccificd kind or numbcr of) cggs or givcs birth to (a sµccificd kind or numbcr of) young _gynopara; _muItipara; parasit- or parasito- a/so parasiti- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. par- asite] : µarasitc _parasitcmia; _parasitoµhobia; _parasiticidc; pari- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML, fr. L par] : cquaI : cquaIIy _paridigitatc; parieto- conbininç /orn [parieta/] : µarictaI and _pari- etofrontaI; -parous adi conbininç /orn[L -parus, fr. parere to givc birth to, bcgct, µroducc] : giving birth to : bcaring : µroducing _biparous; _fctiparous; _viviparous; _oviparous; parthen- or partheno- conbininç /orn [Gk, maidcn, virgin, fr. parthenos] : virgin : without fcrtiIization _parthenogcncsis; _parthenotc; ¹parti- a/so party- conbininç /orn [obs. E party, ad}., µarti-coI- orcd, fr. ME party, parti, fr. MF parti striµcd, µarty µcr µaIc, fr. OF, fr. parti, µast µart. of partir to dividc, go away] : vari- ous : varicgatcd _parti-striµcd; ²parti- conbininç /orn [L, fr. part-, pars] : µart _parti-mort- gagc; -partism n conbininç /orn -s [F -partisne, fr. parti µoIiticaI µarty (fr. MF, match, µarty, dccision) + -isne] : tcndcncy toward or activc oµcration of a (sµccificd) numbcr of µoIiti- caI µartics in a govcrnmcntaI systcm _muIti-partisn; parv- or parvi- a/so parvo- conbininç /orn [L parv-, parvi-, fr. parvus, akin to Gk pauros smaII, sIight] : smaII _parvanimity; _parvifoIious; _Parvobactcriaccac; path- or patho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pathos cxµcri- cncc, cmotion, µassion, suffcring] 1 : µathoIogicaI _patho- morµhosis; 2 : µathoIogicaI and _pathohistoIogicaI; 3 : µathoIogicaI statc : discasc _pathogcn; _pathcrgy; 4 : cmo- tion _pathomctcr; -path n conbininç /orn -s [in scnsc 1, fr. G, back-formation fr. -pathie -µathy; in scnsc 2, ISV, fr. Gk -pathes, fr. pathos] 1 : a µractitioncr of a (sµccificd) systcm of mcdicinc that cmµha- sizcs somc onc asµcct of discasc and its trcatmcnt _aIIopath; _hydropath; _ostcopath; 2 : onc suffcring from a (sµccificd) kind of aiImcnt _µsychopath; _ncuropath; -pathia n conbininç /orn -s [NL - morc at -ÞA1nv] : -ÞA1nv 2 _hyµcrpathia; _Iymµhopathia; -pathic adi conbininç /orn [ISV -pathy + -ic] 1 : fccIing, suf- fcring, or affcctcd in a (sµccificd) way _tcIcpathic; 2 : affcct- cd by discasc of a (sµccificd) µart or kind _myopathic; 3 : rcIating to thcraµy bascd on a (sµccificd) unitary thcory of discasc or its trcatmcnt _homcopathic; pathologico- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. patho/oçica/] : µathoIogi- caI and _patho/oçicoanatomicaI; -pathy n conbininç /orn -rs [L -pathia, fr. Gk -patheia, fr. ozon- -pathy 40 path-, stcm of paschein to cxµcricncc, suffcr] 1 : fccIing : suf- fcring _apathy; _tcIcpathy; 2 : discasc of a (sµccificd) µart or kind _idiopathy; _myopathy; 3 : thcraµy or systcm of thcra- µy bascd on a (sµccificd) unitary thcory of discasc or its trcat- mcnt _homcopathy; patr- or patri- or patro- conbininç /orn [patr- µartIy fr. L, fr. patr-, pater, µartIy fr. Gk, fr. patr-, pater, patri- fr. ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. patr-, pater, patro-, NL, fr. Gk, fr. patr-, pater] : fathcr _patrikin; _patriIincaI; _patristic; _patrocIinaI; _patrogcnc- sis; _patronomatoIogy; pauci- conbininç /orn [L, fr. paucus IittIc] : fcw _paucifoIiatc; _paucidisµcrsc; -pe- conbininç /orn [µiperidinc] : comµIctc hydrogcnation - in namcs of cycIic bascs _Iupetidinc; _µipecoIinc; pectin- or pectini- conbininç /orn [NL pectin-, pecten µcctcn] : comb : µcctcn _pectinoid; _pectiniform; _Pectinibranchia; ¹ped- or pedi- or pedo- conbininç /orn [ped-, pedi- fr. L, fr. ped-, pes foot; pedo- fr. ped- + -o-] 1 : foot : fcct _pediform; _pedigcrous; _pedicurc; 2 : a crcaturc or ob}cct (sµccificd) having fcct or footIikc µro}cctions _Pediastrum; _pedraiI; 3 : somcthing (sµccificd) invoIving thc fcct _pedomotor; ²ped- or pedo- conbininç /orn [Gk pedon ground, carth] : soiI _pedogcncsis; _pedogcograµhy; ¹-ped adi conbininç /orn [L -ped-, -pes, fr. ped-, pes foot] : hav- ing (such or so many) fcct _scutiped; ²-ped or -pede n conbininç /orn -s [L ped-, pes] : foot _maxiI- Iiped; _maxiIIipede; pedati- conbininç /orn [L pedatus] : µcdatc _pedatiform; : µcdatcIy _pedatiscct; pedi- or pedio- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pedion] : fIat surfacc : µIain _Pedioccctcs; : soIc of thc foot _pediaIgia; _Pediococcus; pel- or pelo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk pe/-, pe/o-, fr. pe/os, µcrh. akin to L pa//ere to bc µaIc] : cIay : mud _pe/itc; _Pe/omyxa; pelag- or pelago- conbininç /orn [L pe/aç-, fr. Gk pe/aç-, pe/a- ço-, fr. pe/aços] : sca _pe/açiaI; -pellic adi conbininç /orn [Gk pe//a woodcn bowI + E -ic] : having (such) a µcIvis _doIichope//ic; -pelmous adi conbininç /orn [Gk pe/na soIc of thc foot + E -ous] : having (such) a soIc _hctcrope/nous; pelv- or pelvi- or pelvo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL pe/vis] 1 : µcIvis _pe/vic; _pe/viscoµc; 2 : µcIvic and _pe/visacraI; _pe/vorcnaI; pene- a/so pen- pre/ix [L paene-, pene-, fr. paene, pene aImost] : aImost _peneµIain; _penacutc; -penia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk penia µovcrty, Iack] : dcficicncy of _crythropenia; _thrombopenia; _cosinopenia; penni- a/so penno- conbininç /orn [L penni-, fr. penna fcathcr, wing] 1 : fcathcr _pennoµIumc; _penniform; 2 : µinnatcIy _pennincrvcd; _pennivcincd; penta- or pent- or pen- conbininç /orn [ME pent-, fr. Gk pent-, penta-, fr. pente] 1 : fivc _pentacycIic; _pentahcdron; _pen- taIobatc; _pentodc; 2 : containing fivc atoms, grouµs, or cquivaIcnts _pentahydratc; _pentaminc; _pentaacctatc; _penthioµhcnc; pentadeca- or pentadec- conbininç /orn [L Gk pentedeka-, fr. Gk pentekaideka, Iit., fivc and tcn, fr. penta- + kai and + deka tcn] : fiftccn _pentadecahydratc; -pepsia n conbininç /orn -s [L, fr. Gk, fr. pepsis digcstion] : digcstion _bradypepsia; pepsino- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. pepsin] : µcµsin _pepsino- gcnic; -pepsy n conbininç /orn -rs [L -pepsia] : -ÞrÞsrA pept- or pepto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. peptone] : µcµtonc _peptidc; _peptogcnic; pepton- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. peptone] : ÞrÞ1- _peptonuria; _peptonizc; per- pre/ix [in scnsc 1, fr. L, throughout, thoroughIy, com- µIctcIy, dcviating from (aIso, uscd as vcrbaI µrcfix with thc mcanings ¨through", ¨throughout", ¨thoroughIy", ¨dctrimcn- taIIy", and to dcnotc comµIction or µcrfcction or intcnsifica- tion), fr. per through, by; in scnsc 2, fr. per through, by] 1 a : throughout _perdominant; b (1) : containing thc Iargcst µossibIc or a rcIativcIy Iargc µroµortion of a (sµccificd) chcm- icaI cIcmcnt csµ. as a rcsuIt of cxhaustivc substitution for hydrogcn or of cxhaustivc addition in an organic comµound or grouµ _perchIorocthyIcnc; _perhydronaµhthaIcnc C,,H,,; - comµarc ÞÞo1- 2a (2) : containing an cIcmcnt in its high- cst or a high oxidation statc _perchIoric acid; 2 : through _perradius; : by mcans of _perIinguaI; peri- pre/ix [L, fr. Gk, fr. peri, akin to Gk peran to µass through] 1 : aII around : about : round _Periarctic; _periccn- tcr; _pericycIonc; _periscoµc; 2 : ncar _perihcIion; 3 a : cncIosing or surrounding _perincurium; _periµroct; _peri- sinuous; b : tissuc surrounding (a sµccificd µart) - in tcrms in -itis _periarthritis; pericardi- or pericardio- or pericardo- conbininç /orn [NL pericardium] 1 : µcricardium _pericardicctomy; _pericar- diosymµhysis; _pericardotomy; 2 : µcricardiaI and _pericar- dioµhrcnic; _pericardioµIcuraI; periost- or perioste- or periosteo- conbininç /orn [NL perios- teun] 1 : µcriostcum _periosteomycIitis; _periosteoma; _periostitis; 2 : µcriostcaI and _periosteoaIvcoIar; peripher- or periphero- conbininç /orn [periphery] 1 : µcriµh- cry _peripherad; : µcriµhcraI _peripheroncuraI; 2 : µcriµhcr- aI and _peripheroccntraI; periton- or peritone- or peritoneo- conbininç /orn [LL peri- toneun] 1 : µcritoncum _peritoneaIgia; _peritoneoµIasty; _peritonitis; 2 : µcritoncaI and _peritoneomuscuIar; _perito- neoµcricardiaI; permo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [ISV, fr. Pernian] : Pcrmian and - csµ. in thc namcs of gcoIogic strata _Perno- carbonifcrous; _PernoµcnnsyIvanian; _Pernotriassic; peroneo- conbininç /orn [peronea/] : µcroncaI and _peroneo- caIcancaI; perono- conbininç /orn, cap [NL, fr. perone fibuIa] : µin : fibuIa _Peronosµora; - in thc namcs of taxa peta- conbininç /orn [ISV, modif. of Gk penta- µcnta-] : quadriIIion _peta-cIcctron voIts; -petal adi conbininç /orn [NL -petus -µctaI (fr. L petere to go toward, scck) + E -a/] : going toward : sccking _acropeta/; -petalae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. fcm. µI. of -peta/us -µctaIous] : oncs having (such or so many) µctaIs - in namcs of botanicaI grouµs _Choripeta/ae; -petalous adi conbininç /orn [NL -peta/us, fr. peta/un µctaI] : having (such or so many) µctaIs _aµopeta/ous; petr- or petri- or petro- conbininç /orn [MF petr-, petri- & L petr- & NL petro-, fr. Gk petr-, petro-, fr. petros stonc & petra rock] 1 a : stonc : rock _petrcsccnt; _PetricoIa; _petrogcnc- sis; b : µctroIcum _petroµorµhyrins; 2 : of or rcIating to thc µctrous µortion of thc tcmµoraI bonc and _petrohyoid; -pexy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL, -pexia, fr. Gk -pexia soIidity, fr. pexis soIidity, frcczing, µutting togcthcr (fr. peçnynai to fix, fastcn togcthcr) + -ia -y] : fixation : making fast _coI- Ioidopexy; _gastropexy; phac- or phaco- or phak- or phako- conbininç /orn [Gk phak-, phako-, fr. phakos IcntiI, ob}cct shaµcd Iikc a IcntiI, moIc, wart] 1 : IcntiI : thing shaµcd Iikc a IcntiI _Phacochocrus; _phacoIith; _Phacoµs; 2 a : Icns _phacomctcr; b usu phak- or phako- : crystaIIinc Icns of thc cyc _phakoma; phaeo- or pheo- conbininç /orn [Gk phaio-, fr. phaios dusky, gray] : dun-coIorcd _phaeodcrm; _Phaeoµhyccac; - oftcn in namcs of comµounds rcIatcd to chIoroµhyII _pheoµhytin; phag- or phago- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. phaçein to cat] 1 : cating : fccding _phaçcdcna; _phaçomania; 2 : µhagocytc _phaçoIysis; -phaga n conbininç /orn, p/ -phaga [NL, fr. Gk phaçein] : catcr : catcrs - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Entomophaça; _Lithophaça; _XyIophaça; _GIossophaça; -phage a/so -phag n conbininç /orn -s [Gk -phaços, fr. phaçein] 1 : onc that cats _ostrcophaçe; _xyIophaçe; 2 : ccII (as a µhagocytc) that dcstroys ccIIs _bactcriophaçe; -phagia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk - morc at -ÞnAcv] 1 : -ÞnAcv _hcmophaçia; 2 : dcsirc for food _hyµcrphaçia; patr- -phagia 41 -phagous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -phaços, fr. phaçein to cat] : fccding csµ. on a (sµccificd) kind of food _anthro- µophaçous; _crcophaçous; _cytophaçous; _saµrophaçous; -phagus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -phaços] : catcr : onc that cats an indicatcd thing or in an indicatcd way - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _McIophaçus; -phagy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -phaçia, fr. phaçein to cat + -ia -y] : cating of a (sµccificd) tyµc or substancc - csµ. in bio- IogicaI and mcdicaI tcrms _anthroµophaçy; _biophaçy; _cytophaçy; _gcophaçy; -phalangia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. pha/anç-, pha/anx + -ia] : condition of thc µhaIangcs _brachypha/ançia; -phane n conbininç /orn -s [Gk -phanes aµµcaring, shining, fr. phainein to show] : substancc having a (sµccificd) form, quaI- ity, or aµµcarancc _cymophane; _gIaucophane; _hydro- phane; phaner- or phanero- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. phaneros, fr. phainein to show] : visibIc : manifcst : oµcn _phanerocryst; _phanerogam; -phany n conbininç /orn -rs [LGk -phania, -phaneia, fr. Gk phainein to show] : aµµcarancc : manifcstation _µncumato- phany; _Satanophany; pharmaco- conbininç /orn [Gk pharnako-, fr. pharnakon] : mcdicinc : drug _pharnacomania; _pharnacoµhobia; _pharnacothcraµy; pharyng- or pharyngo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pharynç-, phar- ynx] 1 : µharynx _pharynçaIgia; _pharynçitis; 2 : µharyngcaI and _pharynçonasaI; -phasia a/so -phasy n conbininç /orn, p/ -phasias a/so -phasies [-phasia, NL, fr. Gk, sµccch, fr. phasis uttcrancc, statcmcnt, fr. phanai to say, sµcak; -phasy fr. NL -phasia] : sµccch disor- dcr (of a sµccificd tyµc csµ. rcIating to thc symboIic usc of Ianguagc) _dysphasia; _tachyphasia; - comµarc -LALrA, -ÞnrmrA, -Þno×v 2 phaso- conbininç /orn [phase] : µhasc _phasogcncous; phello- conbininç /orn [Gk, cork, fr. phe//os, µrob. akin to Gk ph/oos bark] : cork : bark _phe//odcrm; _phe//ogcn; -phemia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk -phenia sµccch, fr. -phenos sµcaking (fr. phene sµccch, fr. phanai to sµcak, say) + -ia -y] : sµccch disordcr (of a sµccificd tyµc csµ. rcIating to thc articuIation or fIucncy of sµccch sounds) _aphenia; _brachyphenia; - comµarc -LALrA, -ÞnAsrA, -Þno×v 2 phen- or pheno- conbininç /orn [Gk phain-, phaino-, fr. phainein to show] 1 a/so phaen- or phaeno- a : showing _phe- nocryst; b : ÞnA×rÞ- _phaenogam; 2 [phene] a : rcIatcd to bcnzcnc _phenoI; : containing µhcnyI _phencthyI; _pheno- barbitaI;; esp : containing two bcnzcnc rings _phenazinc; _phenothiazinc; b : µhcnoI _phenoxidc; phenanthr- or phenanthro- or phenanthra- conbininç /orn [phenanthr cnc] : µhcnanthrcnc _phenanthridinc; _phenan- throfuran; _phenanthraquinonc; -phenone n conbininç /orn -s [phen- + -one] : aromatic kctonc containing a µhcnyI or substitutcd µhcnyI grouµ attachcd to a (sµccificd) acyI grouµ _acctophenone; _bcnzophenone; _rcsacctophenone; -pher n conbininç /orn -s [Gk pherein to carry] : onc that car- rics _chronopher; _tcIpher; phil- or philo- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. phi/ein to Iovc, fr. phi/os bcIovcd, dcar, Ioving - morc at -ÞnrLoLs] : Ioving : having an affinity for _phi/ydraccous; _phi/o-CcIticism; _phi/ograµh; ¹-phil or -phile n conbininç /orn -s [F -phi/e, fr. Gk -phi/os, fr. phi/os bcIovcd, dcar, Ioving] : onc that Iovcs : Iovcr : onc hav- ing a fondncss or affinity for or a strong attraction to _aci- dophi/; _hcmophi/e; _bibIiophi/e; _AngIophi/e; ²-phil or -phile adi conbininç /orn [NL -phi/us, fr. L, fr. Gk phi- /os bcIovcd, dcar, Ioving] : Ioving : having a fondncss or affin- ity for _hcmophi/e; _Francophi/; _organophi/e; -phila n conbininç /orn, p/ -phila [NL, fr. L, fcm. sing. and ncut. µI. of -phi/us] : onc or oncs attractcd to or Iiving or growing by µrcfcrcncc in - in namcs of bioIogicaI taxa _Ammophi/a; _Anthophi/a; -philia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk phi/ia, fr. phi/os Ioving - morc at -ÞnrLoLs] 1 : tcndcncy toward _chromatophi/ia; _sµasmophi/ia; 2 : abnormaI aµµctitc or Iiking for _cIaus- trophi/ia; -philic adi conbininç /orn [phi/- + -ic] : having an affinity for : Ioving : attractcd by : adaµtcd to _cIcctrophi/ic; _hcIio- phi/ic; _Iyophi/ic; - oµµoscd to -phobic -philous adi conbininç /orn [Gk phi/os bcIovcd, dcar, Ioving; µrob. akin to OE bi/e- simµIc, innoccnt, OHG bi/-, bi/a- good- naturcd, fricndIy, MIr bi/ good] : Ioving : having an affinity for _dcndrophi/ous; _Iithophi/ous; _acidophi/ous; -philus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, Ioving, fr. Gk phi/os] : crcaturc attractcd to (such) a food or habitat - in gcncric namcs _Camµcphi/us; _Sµcrmophi/us; -phily n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -phi/ia] 1 : fondncss for _tox- ophi/y; 2 : affinity for _hydrophi/y; _µhotophi/y; _zoophi/y; - chicfIy in bioIogicaI and chcmicaI tcrms phleb- or phlebo- conbininç /orn [ME //eb-, fr. MF, fr. LL ph/eb-, fr. Gk, fr. ph/eb-, ph/eps bIood vcsscI, vcin; akin to Gk ph/yein, ph/yrein to boiI ovcr] : vcin _ph/ebitis; _ph/ebogram; phlor- or phloro- conbininç /orn [F, fr. ISV ph/oririn] : rcIatcd to µhIorizin _ph/orctin; _ph/orogIucin; phob- or phobo- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. phobos] : fcar : avoidancc _phobism; _phoboµhobia; _phobotaxis; -phobe n conbininç /orn -s [Gk -phobos -fcaring, fr. phobos fcar, fIight] : onc having a (sµccificd) µhobia _AngIophobe; _chromophobe; _hcIiophobe; _µhotophobe; -phobic or -phobous adi conbininç /orn [-phobic fr. F -pho- bique, fr. LL -phobicus, fr. Gk -phobikos, fr. -phobos fcaring + -ikos -ic; phobous fr. LL -phobus, fr. Gk -phobos] 1 : cxhibit- ing a µhobia: having an avcrsion for _AngIophobic; _caIci- phobous; _hcIiophobous; 2 chen : Iacking or rcIating to Iack of strong affinity for (such) a substancc - oµµoscd to -phi/ic pholid- or pholido- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pho/id-, pho- /is scaIc of a rcµtiIc; akin to Gk ph/oos bark] : scaIc _pho/ido- sis; _pho/idoIitc; -pholis n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk pho/is scaIc of a rcµtiIc] : organism having a (sµccificd) kind of scaIc - in gcncric namcs _Conopho/is; phon- or phono- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk phõn-, phõno-, fr. phõne] : sound : voicc : sµccch : tonc _phonaI; _phonograµh; _phonoIogy; -phone n conbininç /orn -s [LL -phona, fr. LGk -phõna, fr. Gk, ncut. µI. of -phõnos -sounding, fr. phõnein to sound] 1 : sound : voicc - in namcs of musicaI instrumcnts and sound-trans- mitting dcviccs _saxophone; _carphone; _radiophone; 2 : sµcakcr of (a sµccificd Ianguagc) _Francophone; -phone adi conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk -phõnos -sounding, fr. phõnein to sound, fr. phõne sound, voicc] : of or rcIating to a µoµuIation that sµcaks (a sµccificd Ianguagc) _Franco- phone; -phony a/so -phonia n conbininç /orn, p/ -phonies a/so -pho- nias [ME -phonie, fr. OF, fr. L -phonia, fr. Gk -phõnia, fr. -phõnos -sounding (fr. phõnein to sound) + -ia -y] 1 : sound _acrophony; _cacophony; 2 usu -phonia : sµccch disordcr (of a sµccificd tyµc csµ. rcIating to µhonation) _dysphonia; _baryphony; - comµarc -LALrA, -ÞnAsrA, -ÞnrmrA -phora n conbininç /orn, p/ -phora [NL, fr. fcm. sing. & ncut. µI. of -phorus] : organism bcaring a (sµccificd) structurc _CIadophora; : organisms bcaring a (sµccificd) structurc _Ctcnophora; -phorae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. fcm. µI. of -phorus] : organisms carrying a (sµccificd) structurc _Discophorae; _Physophorae; -phore or -phor n conbininç /orn -s [NL -phorus, fr. Gk -phoros, fr. pherein to carry] : carricr _chromophore; _ctcnophore; _gamctophore; _Iuminophor; _scmaphore; -phoresis n conbininç /orn, p/ -phoreses [NL, fr. Gk phoresis bcing carricd] : transmission _cIcctrophoresis; _iontophoresis; -phoria n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, act of carrying, fr. -phoros -µhorous + -ia -y] : bcaring : statc : tcndcncy _cupho- ria; _idcaphoria; _hctcrophoria; -phagous -phoria 42 -phoric adi conbininç /orn [-phore + -ic] : having (such) a bcar- ing or tcndcncy _cccoµroticophoric; phoro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ML, fr. Gk, fr. phorein to carry aIong, frcq. of pherein to carry] : carrying on : having motion : dircction _phorozooid; _phoronomy; _phoromctry; -phorous adi conbininç /orn[Gk -phoros, fr. pherein to carry] : car- rying : -rrÞoLs _ascophorous; _µhyIIophorous; _androphorous; -phorum n conbininç /orn, p/ -phora [NL, fr. Gk -phoron, ncut. of -phoros -µhorous] : -ÞnoÞr _hymcnophorun; -phorus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -phoros -µhorous] : car- ricr - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Istiophorus; phos- conbininç /orn [Gk phõs-, fr. phõs] : Iight _phosacid; _phosnitric; phosph- or phospho- conbininç /orn [F, fr. phosphorique µhos- µhoric (in acide phosphorique µhosµhoric acid)] 1 : µhos- µhoric acid : µhosµhatc _phosphcrgot; _phosphoargininc; 2 : µhosµhorus _phosphofcrritc; phosphor- or phosphoro- conbininç /orn [NL phosphorus] : µhosµhorus _phosphoratc; : µhosµhoric acid _phospho- ramidic acid; _phosphorothioic acid; phot- or photo- conbininç /orn [Gk phõt-, phõto-, fr. phõt-, phõs] 1 : Iight _photcoIic; _photon; _photograµhy; _photoµcriod; 2 : µho- tograµh : µhotograµhic _photofinish; _photoaIbum; _photofiIm; 3 : µhotocIcctric _photoccII; _photocurrcnt; 4 : µhoton _pho- tomcson; 5 : µhotochcmicaI _photochIorination; _photoµroduct; -phrasia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. L phrasis diction + NL -ia] : sµccch disordcr (of a sµccificd tyµc) _cmboIophrasia; phren- or phreni- or phreno- conbininç /orn [L phren-, fr. Gk phren-, phreno-, fr. phren-, phren diaµhragm, mind] 1 : mind _phrenoIogy; 2 a : diaµhragm _phrenic; b : diaµhragmatic and _phrenocardiac; 3 : µhrcnic ncrvc _phrenicIasia; -phrenia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk phren-, phren diaµhragm, mind + NL -ia] : disordcrcd condition of mcntaI functions _hcbcphrenia; phthal- or phthalo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. phtha/ic (in phtha/- ic acid)] : µhthaIic acid : rcIatcd to µhthaIic acid _phtha/amic acid; _phtha/onitriIc; phthisio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. phthisis] : µhthisis _phthisio- thcraµy; -phthora n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk phthora dcstruction, dcath, fr. phtheirein to dcstroy] : dcstroycr - in gcncric namcs of fungi _Entomophthora; phyc- or phyco- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk phyk-, phyko- sca- wccd, fr. phykos] : scawccd : aIgac _phycitoI; _phycochromc; -phyceae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk phykos scawccd] : scawccd : aIgac - in namcs of ma}or grouµs of aIgac _ChIorophyceae; _Myxophyceae; phyl- or phylo- conbininç /orn [L phy/-, fr. Gk phy/-, phy/o-, fr. phy/e tribc, cIan, µhyIc & phy/on tribc, racc; both akin to Gk phyein to bring forth] 1 : tribc : racc _phy/ograµhy; 2 : µhy- Ium _phy/ogcny; _phy/ar; phyll- or phyllo- conbininç /orn[NL phy//o-, fr. Gk phy//-, phy/- /o-, fr. phy//on] 1 : Icaf _phy//omorµhous; 2 : µart or thing rcscmbIing a Icaf _phy//idium; 3 : chIoroµhyII _phy//in; -phyll n conbininç /orn -s [F -phy//e, fr. Gk phy//on Icaf] 1 : coIoring mattcr occurring in µIants _chrysophy//; 2 [NL -phy//un, fr. Gk phy//on Icaf] : Icaf _microphy//; -phyllous adi conbininç /orn [NL -phy//us, fr. Gk -phy//os, fr. phy//on Icaf] 1 : having (such or so many) Icavcs, IcafIcts, or IcafIikc µarts _isophy//ous; _oIigophy//ous; _macrophy//ous; 2 : bcing in (such) a µosition in rcIation to a Icaf _cµiphy//ous; -phyllum n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk phy//on Icaf] 1 : onc having (such) Icavcs or IcafIikc µarts - in gcncric namcs of animaIs _Cyathophy//un; and csµ. µIants _Brachyphy//un; _Podophy//un; 2 p/ -phylla : Icaf _mcsophy//un; 3 : fossiI rc- scmbIing a µIant of a (sµccificd) grouµ - in gcncric namcs _Saµindophy//un; -phyre n conbininç /orn -s [F -phyre, fr. porphyre µorµhyry, fr. ML porphyriun] : µorµhyritic rock _aµhanophyre; -phyric adi conbininç /orn [ISV -phyre + -ic] : µorµhyritic _aphyric; phys- or physo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk physa bcIIows] 1 a : markcd by thc µrcscncc of gas _physoccIc; b : swoIIcn : bIaddcry _PhysoccµhaIus; _Physoµsis; 2 : air bIaddcr _Physostomi; physi- or physio- conbininç /orn [L physio-, fr. Gk physi-, physio-, fr. physis naturc] 1 a : naturc : naturaI : bcIonging to or conccrncd with thc naturaI ordcr _physithcism; b : of, rcIating to, or conccrncd with thc body csµ. as distinct from thc mind _physiogcnic; 2 : µhysicaI _physiothcraµy; : µhysi- caI and _physioµsychic; 3 : µhysioIogicaI _physioµsychoIogy; : µhysioIogicaI and _physioµathoIogic; physico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L physicus naturaI, of or rcIat- ing to naturaI µhiIosoµhy, fr. Gk physikos] 1 : naturaI : bascd on thc study of naturc _physicothcoIogy; 2 : µhysicaI _physi- cooµtics; : µhysicaI and _physicomcntaI; 3 : combincd with µhysics _physicochcmistry; : rcIating to µhysics and _physicomathcmaticaI; phyt- or phyto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. phyton, akin to Gk phyein to bring forth] : µIant _phytobactcrioIogy; _phyto- sis; -phyta n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk phyta, µI. of phyton] : µIants - in namcs of taxa _Bryophyta; _Cormophyta; -phyte n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. Gk phyton µIant] 1 : µIant having a (sµccificd) charactcristic or habitat _xcrophyte; _microphyte; 2 : µathoIogicaI growth _ostcophyte; -phytic adi conbininç /orn [ISV -phyte + -ic] : Iikc a µIant _hoIophytic; pico- conbininç /orn [ISV, µcrh. fr. It picco/o smaII] : onc triI- Iionth (10 − ¹²) µart of _picofarad; _picogram; picr- or picro- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. pikros bittcr] 1 : bittcr _Picramnia; _Picrodcndron; 2 : µicric acid _picryI; _picrocarminc; 3 : containing magncsium _picromcritc; -picrin n su//ix -s [ISV -picr- (fr. Gk pikros bittcr) + -in] 1 : bit- tcr substancc _gcntiopicrin; 2 : substancc rcIatcd to µicric acid _chIoropicrin; picto- conbininç /orn [L pictus (µast µart. of pinçere to µaint) + E -o-] : µicturc _pictograµh; piezo- conbininç /orn [Gk pierein to squcczc, µrcss; akin to Skt pidayati to squcczc, µrcss; both fr. an IE comµound whosc first constitucnt is akin to Gk epi on and whosc sccond con- stitucnt is akin to Gk heresthai to sit - morc at rÞr-] : µrcs- surc _pieromctcr; pigmento- conbininç /orn [L piçnentun] : µigmcnt _piçnento- gcnic; ¹pil- or pili- or pilo- conbininç /orn [L pi/us] : hair _pi/osis; _pi/ifcr; _pi/ocystic; ²pil- or pilo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pi/os (hair)] : fcIt _Pi/ocarµus; pinac- or pinaco- a/so pinak- conbininç /orn [L pinaco- µic- turc, fr. Gk pinak-, pinako- board, tabIct, µicturc, fr. pinak-, pinax, akin to OHG witu/ina hcaµ of wood, Russ pen' stumµ, stub, and µrob. to Skt pinãka staff] : tabIct _pinacoid; _pina- cocytc; pinn- or pinni- conbininç /orn [L, fr. pinna fcathcr, wing, fin] : fcathcr : fin _pinnaI; _Pinniµcdia; pinnati- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. pinnatus µinnatc] : µinnatcIy _pinnatiscct; pisci- conbininç /orn [L, fr. piscis] : fish _piscifauna; _pisci- cuIturc; pistill- conbininç /orn [NL pisti//un] : µistiI _pisti//inc; _pisti/- /oid; pithec- or pitheco- conbininç /orn [Gk pithek-, pitheko-, fr. pithekos] : aµc : monkcy _pithecan; _pithecomctric; -pithecus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk pithekos] : aµc - in gcncric namcs _Sivapithecus; plac- or placo- conbininç /orn [Gk p/ak-, p/ako- fIat surfacc, tabIct, fr. p/ak-, p/ax] : tabIct : fIat µIatc _p/acodont; _p/aco- dcrm; plagi- or plagio- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. p/açios] : obIiquc : asIant _P/açianthus; _p/açiotroµic; ¹plan- or plano- conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL, fr. Gk, wandcr- ing, fr. p/anos, akin to Gk p/anasthai to wandcr] : moving about : motiIc _p/anuria; _p/anogamctc; -phoric plan- 43 ²plan- or plano- conbininç /orn [L p/anus fIat, IcvcI] 1 : fIat _p/anomctcr; _p/anocciµitaI; 2 : fIatIy _p/anorotund; 3 : fIat and _p/ano-concavc; plani- conbininç /orn [L p/anus] : fIat : IcvcI : µIanc _p/ani- form; _p/anigraµhy; -plania n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, act of wandcring, fr. p/anos wandcring + -ia -y - morc at ÞLA×-] : a wandcring of (a sµccificd substancc) into a tract not its own _mcnop/ania; -plasia or -plasy n conbininç /orn, p/ -plasias or -plasies [NL -p/asia, fr. Gk p/asis moIding + NL -ia -y] : dcvcIoµmcnt : for- mation _dysp/asia; _hctcrop/asia; _homop/asy; -plasis n conbininç /orn, p/ -plases [NL, fr. Gk p/asis moIding, fr. p/assein to moId] : moIding _anap/asis; _catap/asis; _µara- p/asis; plasm- or plasmo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. NL p/asna] 1 : µIas- ma _p/asnaµhcrcsis; _p/asnodium; 2 : cytoµIasm _p/asnoI- ysis; _p/asnogamy; 3 : µrotoµIasm _p/asnoµtysis; -plasm or -plasma n conbininç /orn -s [G -p/asna, fr. NL p/as- na] : formativc or formcd matcriaI (as of a ccII or tissuc) _cytop/asn; _nucIcop/asn; _karyop/asna; _mctap/asn; plasmato- conbininç /orn [Gk p/asnat-, p/asna] : ÞLAsm- _p/asnatoµarous; -plasmia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. p/asna + -ia] : a (sµcci- ficd) condition of thc bIood µIasm _oIigop/asnia; plasmod- or plasmodi- or plasmodio- conbininç /orn [NL p/as- nodiun] : µIasmodium _p/asnodiocarµ; _p/asnoditro- µhobIast; _p/asnodic; -plast n conbininç /orn -s [MF -p/aste, fr. LL -p/astus, fr. Gk -p/astos, fr. p/astos formcd, moIdcd] 1 a : thing madc _gyµso- p/ast; _mcIop/ast; b : µIastic - csµ. in namcs of grouµs of µIastics _µhcnop/ast; 2 a : organizcd µarticIc or granuIc : ccII _biop/ast; _Icucop/ast; b : formativc ccII : -nLAs1 _odonto- p/ast; -plastic adi conbininç /orn [Gk -p/astikos, fr. -p/astos formcd, moIdcd, (fr. p/astos, vcrbaI of p/assein to form) + -ikos -ic] 1 : dcvcIoµing : forming : growing _hctcrop/astic; _xyIop/astic; 2 : of or rcIating to (somcthing dcsignatcd by a tcrm cnding in -p/asn, -p/ast, or -p/asty) _rhinop/astic; _µrotop/astic; plasto- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. p/astos formcd, moIdcd] 1 : for- mation : dcvcIoµmcnt _p/astochron; _p/astotyµc; 2 : µIastic- ity : µIastic _p/astomctcr; _p/astomcr; 3 : cytoµIasm _p/as- togamy; _p/astomcrc; 4 : µIastid _p/astogcnc; -plasty n conbininç /orn -rs [F -p/astie, fr. Gk -p/astia form, moId, fr. -p/astos -µIast + -ia -y] : µIastic surgcry _dcrmato- p/asty; _autop/asty; _cincp/asty; platin- or platino- conbininç /orn [NL p/atinun] 1 : µIatinum _p/atinotyµc; _p/atiniridium; 2 : µIatinic acid _p/atinatc; platini- conbininç /orn [NL p/atinun] : µIatinum _p/atinichIo- ridc; _p/atinifcrous; platy- a/so plat- conbininç /orn [LL p/at-, fr. Gk p/at-, p/aty-, fr. p/atys] : fIat : broad _p/atycncmic; _p/atoid; _p/atyµoda; plect- or plecto- conbininç /orn [Gk p/ektos, fr. p/ekein] : twist- cd _p/ectcnchyma; _p/ectognath; -plegia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk p/eçe bIow, strokc (fr. thc stcm of p/essein to strikc) + NL -ia] : µaraIysis of a sµcci- ficd naturc _µarap/eçia; -plegy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -p/eçia] : µaraIysis of a sµcci- ficd naturc pleio- or pleo- or plio- conbininç /orn [Gk p/eiõn, p/eõn] 1 : morc _P/eioccnc; _p/eomorµhism; _p/eomastia; _P/ioccnc; 2 : PIioccnc _P/iohiµµus; _P/ioµithccus; plesi- or plesio- conbininç /orn [NL p/esi-, fr. Gk p/esi-, p/esio-, fr. p/esios, fr. pe/as ncar] : cIosc : ncar _p/esiomorµhous; _p/e- siosaurus; pleur- or pleuri- or pleuro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk, sidc, rib, fr. p/eura] 1 a : µIcura _p/eurcctomy; _p/euriscµtatc; _p/eurogcnic; b : µIcura and _p/euroµcricarditis; _p/euroµc- daI; 2 : sidc : IatcraI _p/euritc; _p/euroccntrum; 3 : rib _p/euraI; -pleura n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. ML p/eura] : Iining : girdIc _cndop/eura; _cµip/eura; -plex n conbininç /orn -rs [µartIy fr. L -p/ex (as in dup/ex duµIcx); µartIy fr. conp/ex, n.] 1 : a figurc having a givcn µowcr _googoIp/ex; 2 : a buiIding dividcd into an oftcn sµcc- ificd numbcr of sµaccs (as aµartmcnts or movic thcatcrs) _fourp/ex; _muItip/ex; -ploid adi conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. dip/oid & hap/oid] : having or bcing a chromosomc numbcr that bcars (such) a rcIation- shiµ to or is (so many) timcs thc basic chromosomc numbcr charactcristic of a givcn µIant or animaI grouµ _hctcrop/oid; _hcxap/oid; _hcµtap/oid; plumb- or plumbo- conbininç /orn [L p/unb-, fr. p/unbun] : Icad _p/unbatc; _p/unbo}arositc; pluri- conbininç /orn [L, fr. p/ur-, p/us morc] : many : having or bcing morc than onc : mLL1r- _p/uriaxiaI; _p/uriIocuIar; plut- or pluto- conbininç /orn [Gk p/out-, p/outo-, fr. p/outos, µrob. akin to Gk p/ein to saiI, fIoat] : wcaIth _p/utarchy; _p/u- tomania; pluvi- or pluvio- a/so pluvia- conbininç /orn [ME p/uvy-, fr. L p/uvi-, fr. p/uvia] : rain _p/uviamctcr; _p/uvian; _p/uviogra- µhy; -pnea or -pnoea n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk -pnoia, fr. pnoia, pnoe brcathing, brcath, fr. pnein to brcathc] : brcath : brcathing _hyµcrpnea; _µoIypnoea; _oIigopnea; pneum- or pneumo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk pneun-, fr. pneuna] 1 : air : gas _pneunocmµycma; _pneunoµcricardi- um; 2 : Iung : µuImonary and _pneunogastric; _pneunccto- my; 3 : rcsµiration _pneunogram; 4 : µncumonia : µncu- monia and _pneunocntcritis; _pneunobaciIIus; _pneunococ- cus; pneumat- or pneumato- conbininç /orn [LGk, fr. Gk, fr. pneu- nat-, pneuna] 1 : sµirit _pneunatoµhobia; _pneunatogra- µhy; 2 : air : vaµor : gas _pneunatoIytic; _pneunatizc; _pneunaturia; 3 : rcsµiration _pneunatograµh; _pneunatomctcr; 4 : µncumatic _pneunatogram; pneumon- or pneumono- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pneunõn] : Iung _pneunoncctomy; _pneunonoccIc; -pneusta n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -pneustos having (such) brcath, fr. (assumcd) Gk pneustos (vcrbaI of Gk pnein to brcathc)] : animaIs having a (sµccificd) modc of brcathing - in highcr taxa _Entcropneusta; pod- or podo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pod-, pous] 1 : foot _podoIogy; _podoscaµh; 2 : hoof _pododcrm; 3 : µcduncIc : staIk _Podocarµus; _PodoµhthaImia; ¹-pod n conbininç /orn -s [Gk -pod-, -pous, fr. -pod-, -pous, ad}. combining form, having (such or so many) fcct, fr. pod-, pous foot] : onc having (such or so many) fcct _chcnopod; ²-pod adi conbininç /orn [Gk -pod-, -pous] : having (such or so many) fcct _acanthopod; ³-pod a/so -pode n conbininç /orn -s [NL podiun foot] 1 a : a footIikc µart _µscudopode; b : foot _ncctopod; 2 : -Þoor1r _cndopod; -poda n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, ncut. µI. of -pod-, -pous having (such or so many) fcct] : oncs having (such or so many) fcct - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Arthropoda; _Dccapoda; _Hctcropoda;; comµarc -ÞLs -podia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pod- + -ia -y] : con- dition of having (such) fcct _µIatypodia; -podite n conbininç /orn -s [ISV pod- + -ite] : scgmcnt of an aµµcndagc of an arthroµod _basipodite; _cndopodite; - -poditic adi conbininç /orn -podium n conbininç /orn, p/ -podia [NL, fr. L podiun] 1 : onc having a (sµccificd kind of) foot or µart rcscmbIing a foot - in gcncric namcs _Chcnopodiun; _Lycopodiun; 2 : foot : footIikc µart _µIcuropodiun; -podous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -pod-, -pous having (such or so many) fcct + E -ous - morc at -Þoo] : having (such or so many) fcct : -footcd _acanthopodous; _hcxapodous; poecil- or poecilo- or poikil- or poikilo- conbininç /orn [Gk poiki/-, poiki/o-, fr. poiki/os] : varicgatcd : various _Poeci/ichthys; _poeci/ogony; _poiki/itic; _poiki/obIast; pogon- or pogono- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk põçõn-, põçõno-, fr. põçõn] : bcard : somcthing rcscmbIing a bcard _Poçonia; _poçonotomy; plan- pogon- 44 -pogon n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk põçõn, µcrh. fr. põ- (akin to Gk - Cyµrian diaI. - pos on, at) + -çõn (akin to Gk çenys }aw) - morc at Þos1-] : bcard - in gcncric namcs _CaIopoçon; -poiesis n conbininç /orn, p/ -poieses [NL, fr. Gk poiesis] : µro- duction : formation _hcmatopoiesis; _Icukopoiesis; -poietic adi conbininç /orn [Gk poietikos] : µroductivc : form- ativc _hcmatopoietic; poli- or polio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, gray, fr. po/ios] 1 : of or rcIating to thc gray mattcr of thc brain or sµinaI cord _po/iomycIitis; 2 : gray _Po/ianthcs; -polis n conbininç /orn -rs [LL, fr. Gk, fr. po/is] : city _mcga- Iopo/is; politico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L po/iticus µoIiticaI] 1 : µoIit- icaI and _po/itico-diµIomatic; _po/itico-miIitary; 2 : µoIitics _po/iticomania; _po/iticoµhobia; 3 : µoIiticaI _po/itico-µrcs- surc; : µoIiticaIIy _po/itico-nationaIist; _po/itico-orthodox; pollin- or pollini- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. po//in-, po//en] : µoIIcn _po//inic; _po//inifcrous; poly- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. po/ys, akin to L p/enus fuII] 1 a : many : scvcraI : divcrsc : much : mLL1r-, ÞLLÞr- _po/ytonaIity; _po/yccntric; _po/ycotyIcdon; _po/y- cross; _po/yarthritis; b : cxccssivc : abnormaI : nvÞrÞ- _po/ygaIactia; _po/ychromia; _po/ydactyIous; 2 chen a : containing morc than onc and csµ. morc than two or thrcc units of (a sµccificd substancc) _po/yatomic; _po/ysuIfidc; - comµarc oLrc- b : µoIymcrizcd : µoIymcric : µoIymcr of (a sµccificd monomcr) _po/ycthyIcnc; pomi- conbininç /orn [LL ponun, fr. L, fruit] : aµµIc _poni- form; _ponivorous; -poo su//ix [origin unknown] - uscd as a disµaraging diminu- tivc _cutcsy-poo; _drinkipoo; -pora n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L porus bodiIy µassagc, µorc] : onc or oncs having (such) a µassagc or µorc or (such or so many) µassagcs or µorcs - chicfIy in gcncric namcs _HcIiopora; _MiIIcpora; -pore n conbininç /orn -s [L porus] : oµcning _atriopore; _bIastopore; poro- conbininç /orn [Gk poros µorc] : µorc _porogamy; post- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, fr. post (adv. & µrcµ.); akin to Gk (Arcadian & Cyµrian diaI.) pos toward, on, at, Skt paśca bchind, aftcr, Iatcr, OE o/ of, from, off] 1 a : aftcr : subsc- qucnt : Iatcr _postdatc; _postcntry; _postnati; b : bchind _postfix; : µostcrior _postabdomcn; : foIIowing aftcr _post- consonantaI; 2 a : subscqucnt to : Iatcr than _postadoIcs- ccncc; _postcIassicaI; _postoµcrativc; _postwar; b : bchind : µostcrior to _postantcnnaI; _postcardinaI; _postocuIar; postero- conbininç /orn [L posterus coming aftcr] 1 : µostcri- or and _posteroantcrior; _posteroIatcraI; 2 : at thc back µart of _posterodorsaI; potam- or potamo- conbininç /orn [L potano-, fr. Gk potan-, potano-, fr. potanos, akin to Gk piptein to faII] 1 : rivcr _potanic; _potanodromous; 2 : cIcctric currcnt _pota- nomctcr; -praxia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk praxis action + NL -ia] : µcrformancc of movcmcnts _cchopraxia; _µarapraxia; -praxis n conbininç /orn, p/ -praxises a/so -praxes [NL, fr. Gk praxis doing, action] : thcraµcutic trcatmcnt usu. by a (sµcci- ficd) systcm or agcncy _chiropraxis; _radiopraxis; pre- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L prae-, fr. prae] 1 a (1) : carIicr than : µrior to : bcforc _predcµarturc; _prehistoric; _pre-SIavic; _pre-Victorian; (2) : µrcµaratory or µrcrcquisitc to _premcdicaI; _preµrofcssionaI; (3) : in a formativc, inciµ- icnt, or µrcIiminary stagc _precartiIagc; b : in advancc : bcforchand _precut; _pre}udgc; _preµIan; 2 a : in front of : bcforc _preaxiaI; _premoIar; b : at thc front : antcrior : constituting a front µart _preabdomcn; _prestcrnum; 3 a : cxcccdingIy _prenobIc; _preadorc; b petroçraphy : µrcdom- inating in a ratio grcatcr than 5:3 _preaIkaIic; _precaIcic; _prechIoric; presby- or presbyo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk presby- oIdcr, fr. presbys oId man] : oId agc _presbyoµia; _presbyoµhrcnia; preter- a/so praeter- conbininç /orn [L praeter µast, by, bcyond, fr. L prae bcforc] 1 : µast : by _preterist; 2 : bcyond thc rangc of : surµassing _preternormaI; pri- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk priõn saw - morc at ÞÞro×-] : saw : rcscmbIing a saw _Priacanthus; _priodont; prion- or priono- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk prion-, fr. priõn saw, fr. priein to saw] : saw : having an action or aµµcarancc Iikc that of a saw _Prionodcsmacca; _prionodont; -prion n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk priõn saw] : crcaturc with a (sµccificd) kind of sawIikc µart - in gcncric namcs _Diprion; -privic adi conbininç /orn [L privus dcµrivcd of, without, µri- vatc + E -ic] : dcficicnt in a (sµccificd) thing or cIcmcnt _µarathyroprivic; ¹pro- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. pro] 1 a : carIicr than : µrior to : bcforc _probaµtismaI; b : rudimcntary : ÞÞo1- _proanthroµus; _PromammaIia; _procmbryo; 2 a : situatcd bcforc : Iocatcd in front of : antcrior to _proccrcbrum; b : front : antcrior _prothorax; 3 : µro}ccting _prognathous; ²pro- pre/ix [L (aIso uscd csµ. with vcrbs to mcan ¨bcforc", ¨forward", ¨forth", ¨down", ¨on bchaIf of"), fr. pro bcforc, in front of, in bchaIf of, for, on account of] 1 : taking thc µIacc of : substituting for _procathcdraI; _pro-rcgcnt; _pro-trcasur- cr; 2 : siding with : advocating : favoring : suµµorting : chamµioning _pro-British; _pro-IibcraIism; proli- conbininç /orn [L pro/es offsµring, µrogcny] : offsµring _pro/icidaI; _pro/igcrous; prop- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. propionic (in propionic acid)] : rcIatcd to µroµionic acid _propanc; _propyI; pros- pre/ix [LL, fr. Gk, fr. pros ncar, toward, to, µrob. aItcr. (infIucnccd by Gk diaI. pos toward) of proti - morc at Þos1-] 1 : ncar : toward _proscnchyma; 2 [µrob. infIucnccd in mcan- ing by Gk pro bcforc] : in front _proscnccµhaIon; proso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk prosõ forward, fr. proti ncar, toward, to] 1 : in front _Prosobranchia; 2 : in a forward dircction : onward _prosoµIasia; prosop- or prosopo- conbininç /orn [LL prosopo-, fr. Gk prosõp-, prosõpo- µcrson, facc, fr. prosõpon, fr. pros- + -õpon (fr. õp-, õps facc, cyc)] 1 : µcrson _prosopograµhy; 2 : facc _prosopaIgia; _Prosopothriµs; prot- or proto- conbininç /orn [ME protho-, fr. MF, fr. LL proto-, fr. LGk prõt-, prõto-, fr. Gk, fr. prõtos, akin to Gk pro bcforc, ahcad] 1 a : first in timc _protohistoric; _proto- nymµh; b : first in status : chicf in rank or imµortancc : µrin- ciµaI _protoccrcbrum; _protoconc; c : bcginning : tcnding toward : giving risc to _protofascism; _protoµIanct; 2 chen a : first or Iowcst of a scrics : mcmbcr of a scrics having or suµµoscd to havc thc smaIIcst rcIativc amount of thc cIcmcnt or radicaI indicatcd in thc namc to which it is µrcfixcd _prot- oxidc; _protochIoridc; b : substancc hcId to bc thc µarcnt of thc substancc to thc namc of which it is µrcfixcd _protoac- tinium; c : first or µrimary µroduct of dccomµosition _pro- toµrotcosc; 3 bio/ a : archctyµaI _protomorµh; _protonc- µhros; b : first formcd : µrimary _protodcrm; _protoxyIcm; 4 usu cap : bcIonging to or constituting thc rccordcd or assumcd Ianguagc that is anccstraI to a Ianguagc or to a grouµ of rcIatcd Ianguagcs or diaIccts - usu. sµcIIcd proto- and }oincd to a caµitaIizcd sccond cIcmcnt with a hyµhcn _Proto-Arabic; _Proto-Indo-Euroµcan; prote- or proteo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. F protéine µrotcin] : µrotcin _proteoIysis; _proteosc; proter- or protero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk proter-, protero-, fr. proteros, akin to Gk pro bcforc, ahcad] : bcforc : carIicr : formcr _proterozoic; _proteranthous; proximo- conbininç /orn [proxina/] : µroximaI _proxinobuc- caI; - oµµoscd to dist- psamm- or psammo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. psannos] : sand _psannobiotic; _psannoµhiIc; pseud- or pseudo- conbininç /orn [ME pseudo-, fr. LL pseud-, pseudo-, fr. Gk, fr. pseudes, fr. pseudein to Iic, chcat, faIsify] 1 : faIsc: a : sham : fcigncd : fakc _pseudodramatic; _pseu- doscrious; b : countcrfcit : sµurious _pseudoantiquc; c -pogon pseud- 45 : quack _pseudoanaIyst; d : fictitious _pseudobiograµhy; e : unrcaI : iIIusory _pseudohaIIucination; 2 a : substancc dcccµtivcIy rcscmbIing (a sµccificd thing) _pseudomaIachitc; b : tcmµorary or substitutc formation simiIar to (a sµccificd thing) _pseudobranchia; _pseudoµodium; 3 : chcmicaI com- µound rcscmbIing, isomcric with, or rcIatcd to (a sµccificd comµound) _pseudocumcnc; 4 : abnormaI : abcrrant _pseud- arthrosis; _pseudcmbryo; _pseudovum; psil- or psilo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. psi/os, akin to Gk psen to rub, wiµc] : mcrc : barc _psi/omcIanc; _Psi/oµsida; psor- or psoro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. psõra] : itch _psorcrgatcs; _psorosµcrm; psych- or psycho- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. psyche Iifc, sµirit, souI, scIf] 1 : souI : sµirit _psychogram; _psychoµannychism; _psychothcism; 2 a : mind : mcntaI µroccsscs and activitics _psychodynamic; _psychoIogy; _psychomctric; b : µsycho- IogicaI mcthods _psychoanaIysis; _psychothcraµy; c : ccrc- braI _psychosurgcry; _psychotroµic; d : mcntaI and : µsychic and _psychogaIvanic; _psychoµhysicaI; psychro- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. psychros, fr. psychein to makc coId] : coId _psychromctcr; pter- or ptero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pteron] : fcathcr : wing _pteridium; _pterodactyI; -ptera n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, ncut. µI. of -pteros -µtcr- ous] : organism or organisms having (such or so many) wings or wingIikc µarts - in taxonomic namcs csµ. in zooIogy _Hcmiptera; _PhysaIoptera; pterid- or pterido- conbininç /orn [GK pterid-, pteris] : fcrn _pteridograµhy; _pteridoid; -pteris n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pteris] : fcrn - in gcncric namcs _GIossopteris; _Ornithopteris; -pterous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -pteros -wingcd, fr. pteron wing, fcathcr] : having (so many or such) wings or wingIikc µarts _anisopterous; _hcxapterous; _trichopterous; -pterus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk -pteros -µtcrous] : onc having (such) wings or wingIikc structurcs - in gcncric namcs _Chactopterus; _Trachypterus; pteryg- or pterygo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pteryç-, pteryx, akin to Gk pteron wing, fcathcr] 1 : wing : fin _pteryçobIast; _pteryçobranchiatc; 2 : µtcrygoid and _pteryçomaIar; -pterygii n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk pteryç-, pteryx wing, fin] : wingcd oncs : finncd oncs - in taxonomic namcs _Chrondropteryçii; _Ncopteryçii; _PIcuropteryçii; -pteryx n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. pteryx wing - morc at Þ1rÞvc-] : wingcd onc : finncd onc - in gcncric namcs _Dipteryx; _Odontopteryx; ptil- or ptilo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk pti/on, akin to Gk pteron fcathcr] : down : fcathcr _Pti/occrcus; -ptile n conbininç /orn -s [Gk pti/on] : fcathcr _ncossopti/e; _tcIcopti/e; _µrotopti/e; ptyal- or ptyalo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. ptya/on sµittIc, saIiva, fr. ptyein to sµit] : saIiva _ptya/agoguc; _ptya/orrhca; ptych- or ptycho- conbininç /orn [Gk ptych-, fr. ptyche, fr. ptys- sein to foId] : foId : Iaycr _Ptychosµcrma; -ptysis n conbininç /orn, p/ -ptyses [NL, fr. Gk, act of sµit- ting, fr. ptyein to sµit] : sµittIc : sµit _hcmoptysis; _µIas- moptysis; pulmo- conbininç /orn [L pu/no] 1 : Iung _pu/nomctry; 2 : µuImonic and _pu/nogastric; pulmon- a/so pulmoni- or pulmono- conbininç /orn [L pu/- non-, pu/no] : Iung _pu/nonaI; _pu/nonifcrous; : µuImonary and _pu/nonocardiac; pupillo- conbininç /orn [L pupi//a µuµiI of thc cyc] : µuµiI _pupi//odiIator; purpuri- conbininç /orn [L purpura] : µurµIc _purpuriµarous; _purpurifcrous; -pus n conbininç /orn [NL -pod-, -pus, fr. Gk -pod-, -pous, fr. pod-, pous foot] : crcaturc having (such) a foot or fcct _mono- pus; _Lycopus; - chicfIy in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _mastigopus; _Pygopus;; comµarc -ÞooA py- or pyo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pyon µus] 1 : markcd by thc µrcscncc of µus in or with _pyoIymµh; _pycmia; 2 : duc to or associatcd with a µus-µroducing infcction : suµµurativc _pyoncµhritis; _pyoµhthaImia; pycn- or pycno- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk pykn-, pykno-, fr. pyknos, akin to Gk pyka thickIy, AIb puth kiss, Av pusã- hcad- band; basic mcaning: µrcsscd togcthcr] : cIosc : comµact : dcnsc : buIky _pycnic; _pycnidium; _pycnogonid; pyel- or pyelo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, trough, vat, fr. pye- /os, akin to Gk p/ynein to wash, p/ein to saiI, fIoat] 1 : µcIvis _pye/omctry; _pye/ic; 2 : rcnaI µcIvis _pye/ogram; _pye/itis; pyg- or pygo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pyçe] : rumµ : buttocks _pyçaIgia; _pçyostyIc; -pyga or -pygia n conbininç /orn [-pyça fr. NL, fr. Gk pyçe rumµ; -pyçia fr. NL, fr. Gk pyçe + NL -ia] : crcaturc having (such) a rumµ - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Eurypyça; _Macropyçia; pykno- conbininç /orn : Þvc×- pyl- or pyle- or pylo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. py/e gatc] : µortaI vcin _py/ethromboµhIcbitis; -pyle n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. Gk py/e gatc] : oµcning : ori- ficc _micropy/e; _aµopy/e; pylor- or pyloro- conbininç /orn [LL py/orus] : µyIorus _py/o- raIgia; _py/orocIcisis; pyopneumo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. py- + pneun-] : contain- ing or charactcrizcd by thc µrcscncc of both µus and gas _pyopneunocyst; _pyopneunoµcritonitis; pyr- or pyro- conbininç /orn [ME pyro-, fr. MF pyr-, pyro-, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. pyr] 1 a : firc : hcat _pyromctcr; _pyrhcIiomc- tcr; b : µyrogcnous and _pyromagnctic; 2 a : dcrivativc by thc action of hcat; esp : dcrivcd from thc corrcsµonding ortho acid by Ioss usu. of onc moIccuIc of watcr from two moIc- cuIcs of acid - in namcs of inorganic acids _pyroµhosµhoric acid;; comµarc mr1A- 4b, oÞ1n- 3 b : duc to or attributcd to thc action of firc or hcat _pyrochIorc; _pyromctamorµhism;; a/so : of ficry coIor _pyroµhanitc; 3 : fcvcr : fcvcr µroducing _pyrotoxin; _pyrogcn; pyramido- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L pyranid-, pyranis µyra- mid] 1 : µyramidaIIy _pyranidoattcnuatc; 2 : µyramidaI and _pyranidoµrismatic; pyren- or pyreno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk pyren-, pyreno-, fr. pyren] 1 : stonc of a fruit _pyrenocarµ; 2 : nucIcoIus _pyrencmatous; _pyrenin; pyret- or pyreto- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. pyretos burning hcat, fcvcr, fr. pyr firc] : fcvcr _pyretogcncsis; _pyretctioIogy; pyrrh- or pyrrho- a/so pyrro- conbininç /orn [Gk pyrrh-, pyrrho-, fr. pyrrhos rcd, tawny, fr. pyr firc] : rcd : tawny _pyrrhitc; _pyrrhotitc; quadri- or quadr- or quadru- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L; akin to L quattuor four] 1 a : four _quadriIitcraI; _quadruaI; b : squarc _quadric; c : 1r1ÞA- _quadribasic; 2 : fourth _quadriccntcnniaI; 3 : quadric _quadriconc; quart- conbininç /orn [L, fr. quartus] : fourth _quartic; quater- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L quater four timcs] : 1r1ÞA- - csµ. in namcs of organic comµounds to dcnotc thc quad- ruµIing of a radicaI or moIccuIc _quaterµhcnyI; _quaterthia- zoIc; quinque- or quinqu- conbininç /orn [L, fr. quinque fivc] 1 : fivc _quinquecaµsuIar; _quinqueIatcraI; 2 : into fivc µarts _quinquescction; quint- or quinti- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. quintus, akin to L quinque fivc] 1 : fifth _quintiIIion; 2 : qLr×qLr- _quintiµcd; 3 : a (sµccificd) musicaI instrumcnt having its µitch a fifth abovc thc normaI rachi- or rachio- a/so rhachi- or rhachio- conbininç /orn [Gk rhachi-, fr. rhachis Iowcr µart of thc back, sµinc, backbonc; akin to Gk rhachos thorn hcdgc, MIr /racc nccdIc, Lith raras stubbIc, tinc of a fork] : sµinc : sµinaI : sµinaI and _rachiccn- tcsis; _rachiodont; _rachiomctcr; -rachidia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. rachid-, rachis + -ia] : condition of thc sµinc _atcIorachidia; radio- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L radius ray] 1 a : radiaI : radiaI- Iy _radiosymmctricaI; _radioIitic; b : radiaI and _radiobiciµ- itaI; 2 a : radiant cncrgy : radiation _radioactivc; _radiodcr- psil- radio- 46 matitis; b : radioactivc _radiocIcmcnt; c : radium : X rays _radiothcraµy; d : radioactivc isotoµc csµ. as µroduccd arti- ficiaIIy _radiocarbon; e : radio _radiotcIcgraµhy; _radioµho- tograµh; rani- conbininç /orn [L rana] : frog _raniform; re- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF, fr. L re-, red-] 1 : again : ancw _redo; _retcII; - usu. }oincd to thc sccond cIcmcnt by a hyµhcn whcn (1) thc word (as re-create) wouId othcrwisc bc confuscd with anothcr word (as recreate) of diffcrcnt mcaning, or (2) thc word (as re-recover) has a sccond cIcmcnt bcginning with re-, or (3) thc sccond cIcmcnt bcgins with a caµitaI Icttcr (as re-Christianiration) 2 : back : backward _recaII; ¹rect- or recti- conbininç /orn [L rectus] : straight, right _recti- IincaI; _rectanguIar; ²rect- or recto- conbininç /orn [NL rectun] 1 : rcctum _recto- ccIc; 2 : rcctaI and _rectoabdominaI; religio- conbininç /orn [re/içion] : rcIigion _re/içioccntric; : rcIigious and _re/içioµhiIosoµhicaI; remi- conbininç /orn [L, fr. renus oar] : oar _reniform; _reniµcd; reni- conbininç /orn [L renes kidncys] 1 : kidncy _reniform; _reniµuncturc; 2 : ncµhridiaI and _renicardiac; _reniµcricar- diaI; reno- conbininç /orn [L renes kidncys] 1 : kidncy _renogra- µhy; 2 : rcnaI and _renocutancous; _renogastric; _renoin- tcstinaI; _renoµuImonary; rere- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. MF rere, riere backward, bchind, fr. L retro - morc at Þr1Þo-] : subscqucnt : rcar _rere-ban- quct; resino- conbininç /orn [L resina rcsin] 1 : rcsin _resinograµhy; _resinogcnous; 2 : rcsinous and _resinocxtractivc; _resinovit- rcous; reticul- or reticulo- a/so reticuli- conbininç /orn [L, fr. reticu- /un] 1 : a rcticuIum _reticu/ocytc; 2 : thc rcticuIum _retic- u/itis; 3 : rcticuIosc and _reticu/oramosc; _reticu/ovcnosc; reticulato- conbininç /orn [L reticu/atus rcticuIatcd (fr. reticu- /un + -atus -atc) + E -o-] : rcticuIatcIy _reticu/atocoaIcsccnt; _reticu/atogranuIatc; _reticu/atoramosc; _reticu/atovcnosc; ¹retin- or retini- a/so retina- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk rhetine rcsin] : rcsin _Retinisµora; _retinoid; _retinaIitc; ²retin- or retino- conbininç /orn [fr. retina] : rctina _retinitis; _retinoscoµc; retro- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, fr. retro, adv., backward, back, bchind, fr. re- back, again + -tro (as in intro inwardIy) - morc at Þr-, r×1Þo-] 1 a : backward : back : rctrovcrsc _retromingcnt; _retro-rockct; _retroscrratc; b : back in timc : µast _retro- dict; _retrocognition; 2 a : situatcd bchind _retrochoir; b : situatcd bchind a (sµccificd) µart _retroauricuIar; _retroµu- bic; 3 : contrary to thc usuaI or naturaI coursc : rctrogradc _retroinfcction; rhabd- or rhabdo- conbininç /orn [LGk, fr. Gk, fr. rhabdos rod] 1 : rod : stick _rhabdoncma; 2 : rodIikc structurc _rhab- doIith; _rhabdosomc; rhamn- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL Rhannus] : buckthorn : rhamnosc _rhannitoI; rhamph- or rhampho- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. rhanphos, akin to Gk rhabdos rod] : bcak : crookcd bcak _Rhanphocharus; _rhanphoid; rheo- conbininç /orn [Gk rheos anything fIowing, strcam, fr. rhein to fIow] : fIow : currcnt _rheotaxis; _rheostat; rhin- or rhino- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. rhin-, rhis nosc; µcrh. akin to Skt sara fIowing, Gk oros whcy] 1 a : nosc _rhinitis; _rhinoIogy; b : nosc and _rhinoIaryngoIogy; _rhinoµharyngitis; 2 a : nasaI _rhinoIith; _rhinocauI; b : nasaI and _rhinoµharyngcaI; -rhina n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk rhin-, rhis nosc] : onc or oncs having (such) a nosc - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy _Amµhirhina; _PhyIIorhina; -rhinus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk rhin-, rhis nosc - morc at Þnr×-] : onc having (such) a nosc - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Mcgarhinus; rhipi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk rhipid-, rhipis fan] : ÞnrÞro- rhipid- or rhipido- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. rhipid-, rhip- is fan; akin to Gk rhip-, rhips wickcrwork, rhiptein to throw, OHG riban to gratc, rub, turn, twist, MD wriven to rub, twist; basic mcaning: turning] : fan - chicfIy in taxonomic namcs _Rhipidistia; _RhipidogIossa; rhiz- or rhizo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. rhira] : root _rhiranthous; _Rhiromys; _rhiroµhiIous; -rhiza or -rrhiza n conbininç /orn, p/ -rhizae or -rhizas or -rrhizae or -rrhizas [NL, fr. Gk rhira root] 1 : root : µart rcscmbIing or conncctcd with a root _coIcorhira; _mycor- rhira; 2 : µIant having (such) a root - in gcnus namcs in botany _BaIsamorrhira; rhod- or rhodo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. rhodon rosc] : rosc : rcd _rhodium; _rhodoµIast; rhomb- or rhombo- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. L, fr. Gk, fr. rhonbos rhomb] 1 : rhomb _rhonbcnccµhaIon; _rhonbohc- dron; 2 : rhombic and _rhonboquadratic; _rhonbovatc; rhopal- or rhopalo- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. rhopa/on] : cIub _Rhopa/occra; _Rhopa/ura; - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy rhynch- or rhyncho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. rhynchos snout, biII, bcak; µrob. akin to Gk rhonchos, rhonkos snoring, whcczing, rhenchein, rhenkein to snorc, snort, OIr srennin I snorc] : snout - chicfIy in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy -rhynchus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk rhynchos - morc at Þnv×cn-] : onc having a snout, biII, or bcak of a (sµccificd) kind - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _CaIyµtorhynchus; rib- or ribo- conbininç /orn [ribose] : rcIatcd to ribosc _ribitoI; _ribofIavin; romano- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Ronan] : Roman : Roman and _Ronano-Etruscan; _Ronano-Gcrman; romantico- conbininç /orn [ronantic] : romantic and _ronan- tico-hcroic; _ronantico-Iitcrary; rostr- or rostri- or rostro- conbininç /orn [L rostr-, fr. rostrun] 1 : bcak : rostrum _rostrad; _rostriform; 2 : rostraI and _ros- troIatcraI; roto- conbininç /orn [L rota whccI + E -o-] : rotary _rotosµray; _roto-µIancr; -rrhachis n conbininç /orn -rs [NL, fr. Gk rhachis - morc at ÞAcnr-] : sµinc _hcmatorrhachis; -rrhagia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. rheçnynai to brcak, burst, rcnd] : abnormaI or cxccssivc dischargc or fIow _cntcrorrhaçia; _rhinorrhaçia; -rrhaphy n conbininç /orn -rs [F -raphie, -rrhaphie, fr. Gk -rrhaphia, fr. rhaptein to scw togcthcr] : suturc : scwing _car- diorrhaphy; _ncµhrorrhaphy; -rrhea a/so -rrhoea n conbininç /orn -s [ME -ria, fr. LL -rrhoea, fr. Gk -rrhoia, fr. rhoia, fr. rhein to fIow] : fIow : dis- chargc _Iogorrhea; _McIanorrhoea; _mucorrhea; -rrhexis n conbininç /orn, p/ -rrhexes [NL, fr. Gk rhexis action or µroccss of brcaking, fr. rheçnynai to brcak, burst, rcnd] : ruµturc _hystcrorrhexis; : sµIitting _onychorrhexis; -rrhine or -rhine adi conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk -rrhin- -rrhis, fr. rhin-, rhis nosc - morc at Þnr×-] : having (such) a nosc _mcsorrhine; _monorhine; _µIatyrrhine; rumeno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. runen] : rumcn _runenoto- my; russo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Russia & Russian] 1 : Russia : Russians _Russoµhobia; 2 : Russian and _Russo-Jaµancsc; ruthen- or ruthenio- or rutheno- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL rutheniun] : ruthcnium : ruthcnious _ruthenammincs; _ruthenioµaIIadium; _ruthenonitritc; -ry n su//ix -rs [ME -rie, fr. OF, short for -erie -cry] : -rÞv _µiIotry; _wizardry; _µhcasantry; _citizcnry; _muskctry; _ribaIdry; _sIovcnry; _µrcIatry; _scrgcantry; _banditry; _µcasantry; ¹-s n p/ su//ix [ME -es, -s, fr. OE -as, nom. & acc. µI. cnding of somc masc. nouns; akin to OS -os, nom. & acc. µI. cnding of somc masc. nouns, and µrob. to Skt (Vcdic) -ãsas, nom. µI. cnding of somc masc. nouns] 1 a - uscd to form thc µIuraI of most nouns that do not cnd in s, r, sh, ch, or µostconso- nantaI y _hcads; _books; _boys; _bcIicfs; _µaradcs; _statcs;; rani- -s 47 comµarc ¹-rs 1 b - uscd to form thc µIuraI of µroµcr nouns that cnd in µostconsonantaI y _ItaIys; _Marys; c - uscd to form thc µIuraI of abbrcviations, numbcrs, Icttcrs, and sym- boIs uscd as nouns _MCs; _4s; _#s; and oftcn µrcccdcd by an aµostroµhc _B`s; _µ`s; _&`s; 2 [ME -es, -s, µI. cnding of nouns, fr. -es, -s, gcn. sing. cnding of nouns (functioning advcrbiaIIy, as in nedes nccds, a/weys aIways), fr. OE -es] - uscd to form µIuraI nouns with advcrbiaI function dcnoting usuaI or rcµcatcd action or statc _aIways at homc Sundays; _can rcach him thcrc mcaItimcs; _morningshc stoµs by thc ncwsstand;; comµarc ¹-rs 2 ²-s n su//ix - uscd to form nicknamcs cxµrcssing affcction or famiIiarity _Moms; _Dads; or dcsignating a charactcristic fcaturc or activity of thc µcrson namcd _Fats; _FrcckIcs; _CuddIcs; _SmiIcs; or an ob}cct charactcristicaIIy associatcd with thc µcrson namcd _Boots; _Sµarks; ³-s vb su//ix [ME (Northcrn & North MidIand diaI.) -es, fr. OE (Northumbrian diaI.) -es, -as, µrob. fr. -es, -as, 2d µcrs. sing. µrcs. indic. cnding - morc at -rs1] - uscd to form thc third µcrson singuIar µrcscnt of most vcrbs that do not cnd in s, r, sh, ch, or µostconsonantaI y _faIIs; _takcs; _µIays;; comµarc ²-rs 1 -'s n su//ix or pron su//ix [ME -s, -es, gcn. sing. cnding of nouns, fr. OE -es, gcn. sing. cnding of somc masc. & ncut. nouns; akin to OHG -es, gcn. sing. cnding of somc masc. & ncut. nouns, ON -s, Goth -is, Gk -ou, Gk (Homcric) -oo, -oio, Skt -asya] - uscd to form thc µosscssivc of singuIar nouns _boy`s;, of µIuraI nouns not cnding in s _chiIdrcn`s;, of somc µronouns _anyonc`s;, and of word grouµs functioning as nouns _thc man in thc corncr`s hat; or µronouns _somconc cIsc`s; -s' n p/ su//ix [ME -s, aItcr. of -es - morc at -rs] - uscd to form thc µIuraI µosscssivc of most nouns that do not cnd in s, r, sh, ch, or µostconsonantaI y _girIs'; _workcrs'; _votcrs'; sacc- or sacci- or sacco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L sacc-, sacci- bag, fr. saccus] : sac _saccatc; _sacciform; _Saccomys; sacchar- or sacchari- or saccharo- conbininç /orn [L saccha- run, fr. Gk sakcharon, fr. PaIi sakkharã, fr. Skt śarkarã grav- cI, grit, sugar] 1 : sugar _saccharic; _saccharifcrous; _sac- charomctcr; 2 : saccharinc and _saccharomuciIaginous; ¹sacr- or sacro- conbininç /orn [ME sacr-, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L, fr. sacr-, sacer] 1 : sacrcd : somcthing sacrcd _sacraI; 2 : sacrcd and _sacroµictoriaI; ²sacr- or sacro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. sacrun] 1 : sacrum _sacraI; 2 : sacrum and _sacrococcyx; : sacraI and _sacro- tubcrous; sali- conbininç /orn [L, fr. sa/] : saIt _sa/ifcrous; _sa/imc- tcr; salicyl- or salicylo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. sa/icy/ saIicyIoyI] : rcIatcd to saIicyIic acid _sa/icy/amidc; _sa/icy/oyI; salin- or salini- or salino- conbininç /orn [sa/ine] 1 : saIt : saIinc _sa/inizc; _sa/iniform; _sa/inomctcr; 2 : saIinc and _sa/inosuIfurcous; salping- or salpingo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. sa/pinç-, sa/pinx] 1 : saIµinx _sa/pinçcctomy; _sa/pinçcmµhraxis; _sa/pinçitis; 2 : faIIoµian tubc _sa/pinçotomy; _sa/pinçorrhaµhy; 3 a : faI- Ioµian tubc and _sa/pinço-ooµhorcctomy; _sa/pinço-utcrosto- my; b : custachian and _sa/pinçonasaI; _sa/pinçoµaIatinc; _sa/pinçoµharyngcaI; sangui- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. L, fr. sançuis] : bIood _san- çuimotor; sanguini- conbininç /orn [fr. sançuine] : sA×cLr×o- _san- çuinicoIous; sanguino- conbininç /orn [F, fr. sançuin sanguinc, fr. MF] : bIood _sançuinoµuruIcnt; sapr- or sapro- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. sapros, µcrh. akin to Lith supti to rot] 1 : rottcn : µutrid _saprcmia; _saprosto- mous; 2 : dcad or dccaying organic mattcr _saprodontia; _saproµhytc; 3 : saµroµhytic _SaproIcgnia; 4 : saµroµcI _saprocoII; _saprodiI; sarc- or sarco- conbininç /orn [Gk sark-, sarko-, fr. sark-, sarx] : fIcsh _sarcic; _sarcidium; _sarcobIast; _sarcoscµsis; -sarc n conbininç /orn -s [Gk sark-, sarx fIcsh] : fIcsh : fIcshy matcriaI _cctosarc; _µcrisarc; saur- or sauro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. sauros] : Iizard -saura n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk saura, sauros] : Iizard - in gcncric namcs _Chamacsaura; -sauria n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. -saurus + -ia] : Iizards : ani- maIs rcscmbIing Iizards - in namcs of highcr taxa _Ptcrosauria; _AnkyIosauria; -saurus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk saura, sauros] : Iizard - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _Brontosaurus; _Icthyosaurus; saxi- conbininç /orn [L, fr. saxun, akin to L secare to cut] : rock _saxicoIous; -scape n conbininç /orn -s [/andscape] : vicw : µictoriaI rcµrc- scntation of a (sµccificd) tyµc of vicw _cityscape; _watcr- scape; scaph- or scapho- conbininç /orn [scaphoid] 1 : scaµhoid _scaphoccµhaIy; 2 : scaµhoid and _scaphoIunar; scapi- conbininç /orn [L scapus shaft of a coIumn, staIk] : scaµc : stcm : shaft _scapiform; _scapigcrous; scapul- or scapulo- conbininç /orn [L scapu/a] 1 : scaµuIa _scapu/cctomy; _scapu/oµcxy; 2 : scaµuIar and _scapu/oaxiI- Iary; scel- or scelo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ske/os] : Icg _sce/aI- gia; _Sce/oµorus; -schisis n conbininç /orn, p/ -schises a/so -schisises [NL, fr. Gk schisis cIcavagc, fr. schirein to sµIit] : brcaking uµ of attach- mcnts or adhcsions : fissurc _gastroschisis; schisto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk schistos dividcd, divisibIc] : cIcft : dividcd _SchistoccµhaIus; schiz- or schizo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk schiro-, fr. schirein to sµIit] 1 : sµIit : cIcft : dividcd _schiraxon; 2 : charactcr- izcd by or invoIving cIcavagc _schirogcncsis; : µroduccd by cIcavagc _schirococI; 3 : schizoµhrcnia _schiroµhasia; sci- or scio- a/so scia- or skia- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk ski-, skio-, fr. skia] : shadow _sciogram; _scioµtic; _sciaIytic; _skiascoµc; scientifico- conbininç /orn [scienti/ic + -o-] : scicntific and _sci- enti/icoromantic; _scienti/icoµhiIosoµhic; scler- or sclero- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk sk/er-, sk/ero-, fr. sk/eros hard] 1 a : hard : dry _sc/eritc; _sc/erobIast; b : scIc- rotic _sc/erodcrma; c : hardncss _sc/eromctcr; 2 : scIcra _sc/eritis; scolec- or scoleco- conbininç /orn [Gk skõ/ek-, skõ/eko-, fr. skõ/ek-, skõ/ex worm, grub] : worm _sco/ecoIogy; _sco/e- cosµorc; : scoIcx _sco/ecoid; -scolex n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk skõ/ex worm, grub] : worm - in gcncric namcs _Dcsmosco/ex; -scope n conbininç /orn -s [NL -scopiun, fr. Gk -skopion, fr. skopein] : a mcans (as an instrumcnt) for vicwing with thc cyc or obscrving in any way _microscope; scopi- conbininç /orn [L scopa broom] : brush _scopiform; -scopic adi conbininç /orn [Gk scopein + E -ic] 1 : Iooking in a (sµccificd) dircction _basiscopic; 2 : vicwing or obscrving _orthoscopic; _nooscopic; -scopus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk skopos] : onc that watch- cs - in gcncric namcs -scopy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -skopia, fr. skopein to vicw + -ia -y] : vicwing, cxamination, scrutiny, obscrvation _fIuo- roscopy; _microscopy; _sµcctroscopy; scoto- conbininç /orn, usu cap [NL, fr. LL Scotus Scot] 1 : Scotch _Scoto-CcItic; 2 : Scotch and _Scoto-Irish; scroful- or scrofulo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ML scro/u/a] 1 : scrofuIa _scro/u/osis; 2 : scrofuIous and _scro/u/otubcrcu- Ious; scut- or scuti- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L scutun shicId] 1 : shicId _scutaI; _scutcIIa; _Scutibranchia; 2 : scutc : scutum _scutation; _scutiµcd; scyph- or scypho- a/so scyphi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L scy- phus cuµ, scyµhus] : cuµ : can : scyµhus _scyphiform; _Scyphozoa; _scyphosc; scyt- or scyto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk skyto-, fr. skytos skin, Icathcr] : skin : intcgumcnt _scytitis; _scytobIastcma; -s scyt- 48 scytho- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L Scytha Scythian + E -o-] : Scythian and _Scytho-Aryan; _Scytho-Grcck; sebi- or sebo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L sebun taIIow, grcasc] : fat : grcasc : scbum _sebific; _seborrhca; secret- or secreto- conbininç /orn [secretion] : sccrction _secretin; _secretomotor; ¹-sect adi conbininç /orn [L sectus, µast µart. of secare to cut, dividc] : cut : dividcd _µinnatisect; ²-sect vb conbininç /orn -ro/-r×c/-s [L sectus, µast µart. of secare] : cut : dividc _bisect; _quadrisect; -seism n conbininç /orn -s [Gk seisnos carthquakc] : scismic movcmcnt _tachyseisn; seismo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. seisnos] : carthquakc : vibra- tion _seisnomctcr; _seisnotroµism; ¹selen- or seleno- a/so seleni- conbininç /orn [L se/en-, fr. Gk se/en-, fr. se/ene moon; akin to Gk se/as Iight, brightncss, L so/ sun] : moon : crcsccnt-shaµcd _Se/enarctos; _se/enomorµhic; _Se/eniccrcus; ²selen- or seleni- or seleno- conbininç /orn [Sw, fr. NL se/eni- un] : scIcnium _se/enic; _se/enifcrous; _se/enobismuthitc; self- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. OE se//-, seo//-, sy//-, fr. se//, seo//, sy//, µron. & ad}.] 1 a : oncscIf or itscIf _se//-asscrting; _se//-Ioving; b : of oncscIf or itscIf _se//-abandonmcnt; _se//-congratuIation; c : by oncscIf or itscIf : indcµcndcnt : automatic _se//-ruIc; _se//-fccdcr; _se//-action; _se//-µro- µcIIcd; 2 a : to, with, for, or toward oncscIf or itscIf _se//-consistcnt; _se//-conccrncd; _se//-addrcsscd; _se//-Iovc; b : of or in oncscIf or itscIf inhcrcntIy _se//-cvidcnt; _se//-cxis- tcnt; c : from or by mcans of oncscIf or itscIf _se//-fcrtiIc; _se//-fruitfuI; semi- pre/ix [ME, fr. L; akin to OE san- haIf, OHG sãni-, Gk heni-, Skt sãni-] 1 a : µrcciscIy haIf of: (1) : forming a biscction of _senicIIiµsc; _senichord; _senicyIindcr; (2) : bcing a usu. vcrticaIIy biscctcd form of (a sµccificd architccturaI fcaturc) _seniarch; _senibay; _senidomc; b : haIf in quantity or vaIuc : haIf of or occurring haIfway through (a sµccificd µcriod of timc) _senircvoIution; _seniannuaI; _seniccntcnary; _seniµhasc; - comµarc nr- 2 a : to somc cxtcnt : µartIy : incomµIctcIy _seni-indc- µcndcnt; _senidry; _seniµIastic; _seniacid; _seniquanti- tativcIy; - comµarc ormr-, nrmr- b : having (a sµccificd charactcristic) for haIf thc Icngth or on onc sidc _seniµin- natc; _seniadhcrcnt; 3 a : µartiaI : incomµIctc _seni- µositivism; _senicducation; _seniadhcrcnt; _seni- Augustinianism; _seniwig; b : having somc of thc char- actcristics of (a sµccificd cIass or ob}cct) _seniIuxury; _senicamµus; _senibcnzcnc; _seniµorccIain; _seniciti- zcn; c _senigovcrnmcntaI; _seni}udiciaI; _senimonastic; _seniubiquitous; -semic adi conbininç /orn [LL -senus (fr. Gk -senos, fr. seneion unit of timc, notc, mark, sign) + E -ic] : having (a sµccificd numbcr of) units of µrosodic timc _dccasenic; _icosasenic; semimicro- conbininç /orn [seni- + nicr-] : of, invoIving, or for quantitics intcrmcdiatc in sizc bctwccn micro and macro quantitics : on a scaIc intcrmcdiatc bctwccn microchcmicaI and macrochcmicaI _seninicrodctcrmination; semito- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Senitic] : Scmitc : Scmitic _Senito-Hamitc; _Senito-Hamitic; sensori- a/so senso- conbininç /orn [sensori- fr. sensory, senso- fr. L sensus scnsc] : scnsory : scnsory and _sensoµaraIysis; _sensorimotor; -sepalous adi conbininç /orn [sepa/ + -ous] : having scµaIs _gamosepa/ous; _tctrasepa/ous; ¹sept- or septi- conbininç /orn [L, fr. septen] : scvcn _septin- suIar; _septifoIious; _septiIIion; ²sept- or septo- a/so septi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. septun] : scµtum _septaI; _septifragaI; _septocosta; serbo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [serb] 1 : Scrbian _SerboµhiIc; 2 : Scrbian and _Serbo-BuIgarian; sericeo- conbininç /orn [LL sericeus scriccous] : scriccous and _sericeotomcntosc; serio- conbininç /orn [serious] 1 : scrious _seriocomcdy; 2 : scrious and _serioIudicrous; sero- conbininç /orn [L serun] 1 : scrum : conncction with or rcIation to scrum _serodiagnosis; 2 : scrous and _serofibri- nous; serpenti- conbininç /orn [L, fr. serpent-, serpens] : scrµcnt _ser- pentivorous; serrato- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L serratus scrratc] : scrratc and _serratocrcnatc; _serratodcntatc; serri- conbininç /orn : saw _serrifcrous; servo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [servian] : srÞno- sesqui- conbininç /orn [L, onc and a haIf, haIf again, Iit., and a haIf, fr. senis haIf (fr. seni-) + -que and (cncIitic); akin to Gk te and, Skt ca, Goth -h, -uh - morc at srmr-] : onc and a haIf timcs _sesquiccntcnniaI; seti- conbininç /orn [L seti-, saeti-, fr. seta, saeta] : bristIc _setifcrous; sex- or sexi- conbininç /orn [L sex] : six _sexannuIatc; _sexi- syIIabIc; sexti- conbininç /orn [L sextus sixth] : six _sextiµara; _sex- tiµoIar; -ship n su//ix -s [ME -schipe, -shipe, -ship, fr. OE -scipe, akin to OFris -skip, -skipi -shiµ, OS -skap, -skepi, -skipi, OHG -sca/, -sca/t, ON -skapr, aII fr. a µrchistoric Gmc word rcµrcscntcd by OHG sca/ naturc, condition, quaIity; akin to OE sceppan, scyppan to shaµc] 1 : statc : condition : quaIity _sonship; _fricndship; _schoIarship; 2 : officc : dignity : µrofcssion _cIcrkship; _chanccIIorship; _Iordship; _authorship; 3 : art : skiII _horscmanship; _marksmanship; _scamanship; 4 : somcthing showing, cxhibiting, or cmbodying a quaIity or statc _township; _fcIIowship; _courtship; 5 : onc cntitIcd to a (sµccificd) rank, titIc, or aµµcIIation - uscd with µosscssivc µronouns _his Lordship; sial- or sialo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. sia/on, akin to L spuere to sµit] : saIiva _sia/oIith; sicilo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L Sici/ia SiciIy] : srcLLo- _Sici/o-Norman; _Sici/o-MusIim; siculo- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L sicu/us sicuIan] : SiciIian and _Sicu/o-Arabian; _Sicu/o-Norman; sider- or sidero- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. L, fr. Gk sider-, sidero-, fr. sideros] : iron _sideroIitc; _siderosis; sidero- conbininç /orn [L sider-, sidus star, constcIIation] 1 : star _sideromancy; _siderostat; 2 : sidcrcaI _siderograµh; sil- conbininç /orn [si/icon] : containing or dcrivcd from siIi- con _si/anc; - comµarc srLrc- silic- or silico- conbininç /orn [si/icon or si/iciun] 1 : rcIating to or containing siIicon or its comµounds _si/iconc; _si/ico- fIuoridc; _si/icochIoroform; - comµarc srL- 2 : siIicic and _si/icoaIkaIinc; 3 : siIicosis and _si/icotubcrcuIosis; siliceo- conbininç /orn [L si/iceus siIiccous] : siIiccous and _si/iceocaIcarcous; _si/iceofcIdsµathic; silici- conbininç /orn [NL si/ica] 1 : siIcx : siIica _si/icifcrous; 2 : siIiccous and _si/icicaIcarcous; siliqui- conbininç /orn [NL si/iqua] : siIiqua _si/iquifcrous; _si/iquiform; sinico- conbininç /orn, usu cap [sinic + -o-] : Chincsc and _Sinico-Jaµancsc; _Sinico-Russian; sinistr- or sinistro- conbininç /orn [ML, fr. L sinistr-, sinister Icft, on thc Icft sidc] 1 a : Icft _sinistrad; b : bcttcr dcvcIoµcd in or using µrcfcrcntiaIIy thc Icft _sinistrocuIar; 2 : Icvorota- tory _sinistrin; ¹sino- conbininç /orn, usu cap [F, fr. LL Sinae] 1 : Chincsc _Sinogram; 2 : Chincsc and _Sino-Amcrican; _Sino- Jaµancsc; - comµarc cnr×o- ²sino- or sinu- conbininç /orn [NL sinus] 1 : rcIating to thc sinus and _sinorcsµiratory; 2 : rcIating to thc sinus vcnosus and _sinuvcntricuIar; siphon- or siphono- a/so siphoni- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk siphõn-, siphõno-, fr. siphõn] 1 : siµhon : tubc : µiµc _Siphonaµtcra; _Siphonoµhora; _Siphoniata; _siphonatc; 2 : Siµhonoµhora _siphonosomc; _siphonozooid; -sis n su//ix, p/ -ses [L, fr. Gk, fcm. suffix of action] 1 : µroccss scytho- -sis 49 : action : -r×c _anaIysis; _µcristaIsis; _arsis; 2 : discascd statc : discasc µroduccd by _stcµhanofiIariasis; sito- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. sitos] 1 : grain _SitoµhiIus; _sito- stcroI; 2 : food _sitoIogy; skelet- or skeleto- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ske/eton] 1 : skcIc- ton _ske/etaI; _ske/etoIogy; 2 : skcIctaI and _ske/etomuscu- Iar; socio- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L socius associatc, comµanion] 1 : socicty _sociograµhy; : sociaI _sociogram; 2 : sociaI and _sociocducationaI; _socioµoIiticaI; _sociorcIigious; 3 : socio- IogicaI and _socioIcgaI; _socioµsychiatric; sodio- conbininç /orn [NL sodiun] 1 : sodium and _sodioaIu- minic; _sodiohydric; 2 : containing sodium in µIacc of hydrogcn - uscd in namcs of organic comµounds _sodioma- Ionic cstcr; _sodionitromcthanc; solen- or soleno- conbininç /orn [Gk sõ/en-, sõ/eno-, fr. sõ/en] : channcI : µiµc : tubc; a/so : tubuIar _So/enodon; _so/eno- cytc; _so/enostcIc; soli- conbininç /orn [L, fr. so/us] : aIonc : soIcIy _so/iIoquy; _so/ifidian; -soma n conbininç /orn [NL -sonat-, -sona, fr. Gk sõnat-, sõna body; akin to L tunere to swcII] 1 : onc having (such) a body - in gcncric namcs in zooIogy _DoIichosona; _Loxosona; and botany _Crossosona; 2 p/ -somas or -soma- ta : body _antinosona; _hydrosona; : rcgion or µortion of a body _mcsosona; _µrosona; somat- or somato- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk sõnat-, sõnato-, fr. sõnat-, sõna body] 1 a : body _sonatoIogy; b : somatic _sonatizc; : somatic and _sonatoµsychic; 2 : soma _sonatoµIasm; -somata n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk sõnata, µI. of sõnat-, sõna body] : oncs having (such) a body - in namcs of zoo- IogicaI taxa Iargcr than a gcnus _Hctcrosonata; -somatous adi conbininç /orn [LL -sonatus, fr. Gk -sõnatos, fr. sõnat-, sõna body - morc at -somA] : having (such) a body _macrosonatous; ¹-some adi su//ix [ME -son, fr. OE -sun, akin to OFris -sun -somc, OHG -san, ON -sanr, Goth -sana -somc, sana samc] : charactcrizcd by a (sµccificd) thing, quaIity, statc, or action _awcsone; _burdcnsone; _cuddIcsone; _Ioncsone; ²-some n su//ix -s [ME (northcrn diaI.) -sun, fr. ME sun, son, µron., onc, a ccrtain onc, somc, fr. OE sun, µron., onc, a ccr- tain onc, somc, onc of a grouµ of (so many) mcmbcrs (in such cxµrcssions as syxa sun onc of a grouµ of six mcmbcrs)] : grouµ of (so many) mcmbcrs and csµ. µcrsons _foursone; _twosone; ³-some n conbininç /orn -s [NL -sonat-, -sona -soma - morc at -somA] 1 : -somA 2 _chromosone; _troµhosone; _ccto- sone; 2 : chromosomc _monosone; ª-some adi conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL sona body, fr. Gk sõna - morc at -somA] : having (such) a body _curysone; -somia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. sona + -ia] : condition of having (such) a body _nanosonia; -somic adi conbininç /orn [ISV ³-sone + -ic] : having or bcing a body of chromosomcs of which onc or morc but not aII mcmbcrs cxhibit (such) a dcgrcc of µIoidy _hcxasonic; _monosonic; somnambul- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. sonnanbu/us somnam- buIist, fr. L sonnus sIccµ + -anbu/us (as in /unanbu/us funambuIist)] : somnambuIism : somnambuIist _sonnanbu- /ar; somni- conbininç /orn [L, fr. sonnus] : sIccµ _sonnifacicnt; -somus n conbininç /orn, p/ -somi or -somuses [NL, fr. Gk sõna body - morc at -somA] : onc having (such) a body or (so many) bodics _disonus; _nanosonus; son- or soni- or sono- conbininç /orn [L son-, soni-, fr. sonus] : sound _sonaI; _sonification; _sonobuoy; -sophy n conbininç /orn -rs [ME -sophie, fr. OF, fr. L -sophia, fr. Gk sophia wisdom, fr. sophos skiIIcd, cIcvcr, wisc + -ia -y] : knowIcdgc or wisdom conccrning (somcthing sµccificd) : scicncc or study of (somcthing sµccificd) _anthroµosophy; _chirosophy; _µhysiosophy; soredi- conbininç /orn [NL sorediun] : sorcdium _soredifcr- ous; _sorediform; _soredioid; -sorus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. sorus] : onc having sori of a (sµccificd) kind - in gcncric namcs of µIants _Camµtosorus; spatio- conbininç /orn [L spatiun] 1 : sµacc _spatiograµhy; 2 : sµatiaI and _spatiotcmµoraI; speci- or specie- or specio- conbininç /orn [species] : sµccics _speciogcncsis; _speciation; -specific conbininç /orn [speci/ic, ad}.] : rcIating or aµµIying sµccificaIIy to or intcndcd csµ. for _gcndcr-speci/ic; spectro- conbininç /orn [NL spectrun] 1 : sµcctraI and _spec- trochcmicaI; 2 : of or rcIating to sµcctra _spectroµhotogra- µhy; 3 [spectroscope] : combincd with a sµcctroscoµc _spec- troµoIarimctcr; sperm- or spermo- or sperma- or spermi- conbininç /orn [Gk spern-, sperno-, fr. spernat-, sperna sccd, sµcrm] : sccd : gcrm : sµcrm : scmcn _spernoµhiIc; _spernangium; _sper- nathcca; _spernidinc; _sperniduct; -sperma n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. fcm. sing. of -spernus -sµcr- mous] : onc having (such) a sccd or gcrm - in gcncric namcs of µIants _Lcµidosperna; -spermae or -spermeae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. -spernae, fcm. µI. of -spernus -sµcrmous] : onc having (such) a sccd or gcrm - in highcr taxa in botany _Angiospernae; _Gymnospernae; _Rhodosperneae; -spermal or -spermous adi conbininç /orn [-sperna/ fr. NL -spernum + E -a/, -spernous fr. NL -spernus, fr. Gk -spernos, fr. spernat-, sperna sccd, sµcrm] : having (such or so many) sccds : sccdcd _µcrisperna/; _µoIyspernous; _angiosperna/; spermat- or spermato- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. spernat-, sperna sccd, sµcrm] : sccd : sµcrmatozoan _sper- natangium; _spernatoµhorc; _spernatocytc; _Sper- natoµhyta; -spermatous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -spernatos, fr. spernat-, sperna sccd, sµcrm] : having (such or so many) sccds : sccd- cd _macrospernatous; _angiospernatous; -spermia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. -spernus -sµcrmous + -ia] : condition of having or µroducing (such) sµcrm _azoosper- nia; -spermic adi conbininç /orn [NL -spernicus, fr. LL sperna sµcrm + L -icus -ic] 1 : -sÞrÞmAL 2 : bcing thc µroduct of (such) a numbcr of sµcrmatozoa : rcsuIting from (such) a muItiµIc fcrtiIization _a trispernic cgg; _µoIyspernicfcrtiIiza- tion; -spermum n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ncut. of -spernus -sµcr- mous] : µIant having (such) sccds or (such) a sccd charactcr- istic - in gcncric namcs _Anthospernun; -spermy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -spernia, fr. -spernos -sµcr- mous + -ia -y] 1 : statc of having (such or so many) sccds _gymnosperny; 2 : statc of cxhibiting or rcsuIting from (such) a muItiµIc fcrtiIization _µoIysperny; sphaer- or sphaero- a/so spher- or sphero- conbininç /orn [LL sphaer-, sphaero-, fr. L, fr. Gk sphair-, sphairo-, fr. sphaira] 1 : baII : sµhcrc _Sphaeroµhorus; _caIcospheritc; 2 : sµhcricaI : consisting of sµhcricaI cIcmcnts _spaeraµhidcs; _spheromc- tcr; -sphaera n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. L sphaera sµhcrc] : baII : sµhcrc - chicfIy in taxonomic namcs _Microsphaera; -speak n conbininç /orn[newspeak] - uscd to form csµ. noncc words dcnoting a µarticuIar kind of }argon _architcctspeak; _CaIiforniaspeak; sphen- or spheno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk sphen-, spheno-, fr. sphen] 1 : wcdgc : wcdgc-shaµcd _sphenogram; _Sphenodon; 2 a : of or rcIating to thc sµhcnoid _sphe- notribc; b : sµhcnoidaI and _sphenomastoid; _sphencth- moidaI; sphingo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk sphinçein to bind fast] 1 : dcfIcction : bcnding _sphinçomctcr; 2 : sµhingomycIin _sphinçosinc; sphygmo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. sphyçnos, akin to Gk asphyxia stoµµing of thc µuIsc] : µuIsc _sphyçnogram; spin- or spini- or spino- conbininç /orn [L spin-, spini- thorn, sito- spin- 50 sµinc, fr. spina thorn, sµinc, sµinaI coIumn] 1 a : sµinaI coI- umn : sµinaI cord _spinogram; b : of, rcIating to, or invoIv- ing thc sµinaI cord and _spinothaIamic; 2 : sµinc _spinatc; _spiniform; spinoso- conbininç /orn [spinose + -o-] : sµinosc and _spinoso- dcntatc; spir- or spiri- or spiro- conbininç /orn [LL spir-, fr. L spira] 1 : coiI : twist _Spiranthcs; _spirivaIvc; _Spirochacta; 2 : a chcmicaI comµound that contains onc or morc systcms of two rings having a singIc atom in common with a rcsuIting figurc- cight arrangcmcnt of atoms _spiroµcntanc; spiro- conbininç /orn [ISV spir- (fr. L spirare to brcathc) + -o-] : rcsµiration _spiromctcr; splanchno- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. sp/anchnon cntraiI; akin to Gk sp/en sµIccn] : visccra _sp/anchnomcgaIy; _sp/anchnoµtosis; splen- or spleno- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L, fr. Gk sp/en-, sp/eno-, fr. sp/en sµIccn] 1 : sµIccn _sp/encctomy; _sp/enoma; _sp/enoIysis; _sp/enorrhagia; 2 : sµIccn and _sp/enocoIic; _sp/enoIymµhatic; spondyl- or spondylo- conbininç /orn [Gk spondy/os sµondyI, whorI] 1 : vcrtcbra _spondy/aIgia; _spondy/otomy; 2 : whorI _Spondy/omorum; -spondyli n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L spondy/us vcrtcbra] : animaIs having (such) vcrtcbrac - in namcs of highcr taxa _DiµIospondy/i; _Lcµospondy/i; -spondylus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L spondy/us vcrtcbra] : animaI having (such) vcrtcbrac - in gcncric namcs _PaIacospondy/us; spongi- or spongio- conbininç /orn [L sponçia] 1 : sµongc _sponçicoIous; _sponçioIogy; 2 : sµongy _sponçiobIast; -spongia n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L sponçia] : sµongc - in gcncric namcs of sµongcs _AstyIosponçia; -spongiae n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L sponçiae] : sµongcs - in namcs of ordcrs and othcr highcr grouµs of sµongcs _SiIicisponçiae; -spongium n conbininç /orn, p/ -spongia [NL, fr. L sponçia sµongc] : nctwork of ccIIs or fibriIs _ncurosponçiun; spongo- conbininç /orn [Gk sponç-, sponço-, fr. sponços] _sponçoIogy; spor- or spori- or sporo- conbininç /orn [NL spora] : sccd : sµorc _sporocyst; _sporangium; _sporicidc; -spora n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. spora sccd, sµorc] : organism having (such) a sµoraI charactcristic - in gcncric namcs _Pcronospora; _Isospora; sporangi- or sporangio- conbininç /orn [NL sporançiun] : sµo- rangium _sporançioid; _sporançiosµorc; -spore n conbininç /orn -s [NL spora] 1 : sµorc having (such) a charactcristic or origin _µycnidiospore; 2 : sµorc mcm- branc _a dark cµispore cncIosing a hyaIinc sµorc; -sporic or -sporous adi conbininç /orn [NL spora sµorc + E -ic or -ous] : having (such or so many) sµorcs _carµosporic; _homosporous; -sporidia n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. µI. of sporidiun] : crca- turcs bcaring (such) smaII sµorcs - in highcr taxa in µroto- zooIogy _Microsporidia; _Cnidosporidia; -sporium n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. spora sµorc + -iun] 1 p/ -sporia; a/so -sporiums : (such) a coat or Iaycr of a sµorc waII _cndosporiun; 2 : µIant having (such) a sµorc - in gcncric namcs _HcIminthosporiun; -spory n conbininç /orn -rs [-sporic + -y] : thc quaIity or statc of having (such or such a numbcr of) sµorcs _aµospory; _homospory; squam- or squamo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. squana] 1 : scaIc : squama _Squanata; _squanaccous; 2 : squamosaI and _squanomastoid; : squamousIy _squanoccIIuIar; stamin- or stamini- conbininç /orn [L stanin-, stanen] : sta- mcn _staninody; _staninifcrous; stann- or stanni- or stanno- conbininç /orn [LL stannun tin] : rcIating to or containing tin _stannidc; _stannifcrous; _stan- notyµc; : stannic _stannanc; : stannous _stannitc; staphyl- or staphylo- conbininç /orn [MF staphy/-, fr. L staphy/-, staphy/o-, fr. Gk, bunch of graµcs, uvuIa, fr. staphy/e bunch of graµcs swoIIcn uvuIa, uvuIa; akin to Gk stenphy/on oIivc µuIµ] 1 a : bunch of graµcs _Staphy/ococcus; b : staµhyIoma _staphy/otomy; 2 a : uvuIa _staphy/cctomy; b : µaIatc _staphy/ion; 3 : staµhyIococcic _staphy/ocoaguIasc; _staphy/odcrmatitis; stasi- conbininç /orn [Gk stasis condition of standing, stoµ- µagc, staturc, µosition] 1 : arrcst of dcvcIoµmcnt : stoµµagc _stasimorµhy; 2 : crcct µosturc _stasiµhobia; 3 : µosition _stasimctric; -stasia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. statos standing (fr. thc stcm of histanai to causc to stand) + -ia -y] : condition of standing : stoµµagc : -s1Asrs _mcnostasia; _cnhyµostasia; -stasis n conbininç /orn, p/ -stases [NL, fr. Gk stasis condition of standing, standing stiII, stoµµagc] 1 : sIowing or stoµµagc of normaI fIow _hcmostasis; 2 : inhibition of thc growth without dcstruction of _bactcriostasis; _fungistasis; 3 : tcn- dcncy toward maintcnancc of stabiIity _homcostasis; 4 : rctcntion : µcrsistcncc _trichostasis; stat- conbininç /orn [cIcctrostatic] : cIcctrostatic _statamµcrc; - in namcs of cIcctricaI units -stat n conbininç /orn -s [NL -stata, fr. Gk -states onc that causcs to stand, fr. thc stcm of histanai to causc to stand] 1 : aµµaratus or agcnt for kccµing (somcthing sµccificd) stabIc or stationary _gyrostat; 2 : dcvicc for rcguIating or for main- taining (somcthing sµccificd) in a constant statc _cryostat; _rhcostat; _thcrmostat; 3 : instrumcnt for rcfIccting (somc- thing sµccificd) constantIy in onc dircction _hcIiostat; _sidcrostat; 4 : dcvicc for studying (somcthing sµccificd) in a statc of rcst _hydrostat; 5 : agcnt causing inhibition of growth without dcstruction _bactcriostat; _fungistat; -state n conbininç /orn -s [Gk statos standing, fixcd, fr. thc stcm of histanai to causc to stand] : substancc µroduccd through a (sµccificd) µroccss _anastate; _catastate; stato- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk statos, vcrbaI of histanai to causc to stand, sct, µIacc on a baIancc, wcigh] 1 : rcsting _sta- tobIast; _statosµorc; 2 : baIancc : cquiIibrium _statorcccµ- tor; _statoscoµc; stauro- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. LGk, fr. Gk stauros µaIc, stakc, cross] : cross _stauromcdusac; _stauroscoµc; steat- or steato- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. steat-, stear] : fat : taI- Iow _steatoIysis; _steatosis; steg- or stego- conbininç /orn [Gk steçe, steços roof, fr. steçein to covcr] : covcring µIatc or foId _steçodon; _steçocarµous; -stege n conbininç /orn -s [Gk steçe roof, fr. steçein to covcr] : covcring µIatc or foId _gastrosteçe; _urosteçe; -stegite n conbininç /orn -s [Gk steçe roof + E -ite] : scgmcnt of a caraµacc _omosteçite; -stelic adi conbininç /orn [ste/e + -ic] : having (a sµccificd num- bcr or kind of) stcIcs _aste/ic; -stemonous adi conbininç /orn [fr. (assumcd) NL -stenonus, fr. Gk stenõn warµ, thrcad] : having (such or so many) sta- mcns _diµIostenonous; _isostenonous; sten- or steno- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. stenos narrow, cIosc, scanty] : cIosc : narrow : IittIc _stenobathic; - oµµoscd to eury- step- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. OE steop-, akin to OFris stiap- stcµ-, OHG stio/-, ON stiup- stcµ-, OE ãstepan, ãstypan to dcµrivc, bcrcavc, OHG bistiu/en to dcµrivc of chiIdrcn or µar- cnts] : rcIatcd by virtuc of a rcmarriagc (as of a µarcnt) and not by bIood _stepaunt; _stepcousin; _stepgrandchiId; stephan- or stephano- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. stephanos crown, fr. stephein to µut round onc`s hcad, cncircIc, crown] : crown : haIo _Stephanurus; _stephanomc; _StephanofiIaria; -ster n su//ix -s [ME -ster, -stere, -estere, fr. OE -estre fcmaIc agcnt; akin to MD -ster] 1 : onc that docs or handIcs or oµcr- atcs _sµinster; _taµster; _tcamster; 2 : onc that makcs or uscs _songster; _µunster; 3 : onc that is associatcd with or µartic- iµatcs in _gamcster; _gangster; stere- or stereo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. stereos soIid] 1 : soIid : soIid body _stereosµondyIous; _stereoµticon; 2 a : stcrcoscoµic _stereocamcra; b : having or dcaIing with thrcc spinoso- stere- 51 dimcnsions of sµacc _stereochcmistry; c : of, rcIating to, or considcrcd with rcsµcct to stcrcochcmistry _stereosµccific; stern- or sterno- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. sternon] 1 : brcast : stcrnum : brcastbonc _sternaIgia; _sternad; 2 : stcr- naI and _sternocIcidomastoid; steth- or stetho- conbininç /orn [F stéth-, stétho-, fr. Gk steth-, stetho-, fr. stethos] : brcast : chcst _stethartcritis; _stethomc- tcr; stib- or stibi- or stibio- a/so stibo- conbininç /orn [stibiun] : antimony _stibinc; _stibiocoIumbitc; _stiboµhcn; -stich n conbininç /orn -s [L -stichon, fr. Gk, fr. ncut. of -sti- chos having (so many) rows or Iincs, fr. stichos row, Iinc, vcrsc] : µocm or stanza consisting of (so many) Iincs _dcca- stich; _hcµtastich; -stichous adi conbininç /orn [LL -stichus, fr. Gk -stichos, fr. stichos row, Iinc] : having (such or so many) rows or sidcs _diµIostichous; _monostichous; stom- or stomo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. stona] : mouth : stoma _stonodacum; _stonoisia; ¹-stoma n conbininç /orn, p/ -stomata a/so -stomas [NL, fr. Gk stona] 1 : mouth : oµcning : stoma _hyµostona; 2 or stomus : crcaturc with (such) a mouth or stoma - in gcncric namcs _BdcIIostona; _Gnathostona; ²-stoma or -stomata n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk stonat-, stona mouth] : crcaturcs with (such) a mouth or stoma - in highcr taxa in zooIogy _Gnathostona; _PIagiostonata; stomat- or stomato- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. stonat-, stona] : mouth : oµcning : stoma _stonatitis; _stonatoscoµc; -stomate adi conbininç /orn [ston- + -ate] : -s1omA1oLs -stomatous adi conbininç /orn [µrob. fr. NL -stonatus, fr. Gk stonat-, stona mouth] : having (such) a mouth or oµcning : stomatous _cycIostonatous; -stome n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. NL -stona] : mouth : oµcn- ing rcscmbIing or functioning as a mouth _cytostone; -stomi n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk stona mouth] : crca- turcs having (such) a mouth or oµcning - in namcs of high- cr taxa in zooIogy _PIagiostoni; _AuIostoni; _ScIachostoni; ¹-stomia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. ston- + -ia -y] : mouth cxhibiting (such) a condition _stcnostonia; ²-stomia n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk stonion mouth] : crcaturcs sharing (such) a condition of thc mouth - in namcs of highcr taxa in zooIogy _Dcutcrostonia; -stomous adi conbininç /orn [NL -stonus, fr. Gk stona mouth] _gymnostonous; -stomum n conbininç /orn, p/ -stoma [NL, fr. Gk stona mouth] 1 : mouth : oµcning : stoma _µrcstonun; 2 : crcaturc with (such) a mouth - in gcncric namcs _Amµhistonun; _Ocsoµhagostonun; -stomus n conbininç /orn, p/ stomi [NL, fr. Gk stona mouth] 1 : condition of having (such) a mouth _microstonus; 2 : crcaturc with (such) a mouth - in gcncric namcs _Agonostonus; _Catostonus; _PhyIIostonus; ¹-stomy n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV, fr. NL ¹-stonia] : -s1omrA ²-stomy n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV ston- + -y] : surgicaI oµcra- tion cstabIishing a usu. µcrmancnt oµcning into (such) a µart _cntcrostony; or bctwccn (such) µarts _csoµhagogastrosto- ny; strati- conbininç /orn [NL stratun] : stratum _stratiform; _stratigraµhy; ¹strato- conbininç /orn [NL stratus] : stratus and _stratocirrus; _stratocumuIus; ²strato- conbininç /orn [stratosphere] : stratosµhcrc _strato-chambcr; strepsi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. strepsis act or instancc of turning, fr. strephein to turn] : turncd : twistcd _strep- sitcnc; strept- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. streptos twistcd, µIiant, fr. strephein to twist, turn] 1 : twistcd : twistcd chain _Streptococcus; _streptastcr; _Streptomyccs; 2 : strcµtococ- cus _streptoscµticcmia; 3 : strcµtomycin _streptaminc; stroph- or stropho- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. strephein to twist turn] : twisting : turning _strophosis; _strophoccµhaIy; ¹styl- or stylo- conbininç /orn [L sty/o-, fr. Gk sty/-, sty/o-, fr. sty/os] : µiIIar _Sty/astcr; _sty/oIitc; ²styl- or styli- or stylo- conbininç /orn [sty/- fr. carIicr sti/-, fr. L, staIk, fr. sti/us stakc, staIk, styIus; sty/i- fr. carIicr sti/i-, fr. ML sty/i- styIus, fr. L sti/us, sty/o- fr. sty/- + -o-] 1 : styIc : sty- Ioid µroccss _sty/atc; _sty/ifcrous; _sty/ograµhic; 2 : of or rcIating to a styIoid µroccss and _sty/omastoid; -stylar adi conbininç /orn [Gk sty/os µiIIar + E -ar] : having (such or so many) µiIIars : having (such) coIumniation _amµhisty/ar; _hcµtasty/ar; ¹-style n conbininç /orn -s [LL -sty/on, fr. L, ncut. of -sty/os charactcrizcd by thc µrcscncc of (so many) µiIIars, fr. Gk, fr. sty/os µiIIar] 1 a : structurc charactcrizcd by thc µrcscncc of (so many) µiIIars _µoIysty/e; b : structurc with µiIIars _cyr- tosty/e; 2 : animaI µart fcIt to rcscmbIc a µiIIar _bIastosty/e; _µygosty/e; ²-style adi conbininç /orn [L -sty/os, fr. Gk, fr. sty/os µiIIar] : charactcrizcd by thc µrcscncc of (so many) µiIIars _disty/e; -stylic adi conbininç /orn [Gk sty/os µiIIar + E -ic] : bcing or having (such) a conncction of thc }aw and skuII _hyosty/ic; _strcµtosty/ic; -stylous adi conbininç /orn [sty/e + -ous] : having (such) a styIc or (such or so many) styIcs - in dcscriµtivc tcrms in botany _doIichosty/ous; _monosty/ous; -styly n conbininç /orn -rs [ISV sty/e + -y] : condition of hav- ing (such or so many) styIcs - in botanicaI tcrms _hctcrosty- /y; sub- pre/ix [ME, fr. L, undcr, bcIow, from bcIow, uµ, ncar, fur- thcr, aftcr, fr. sub, µrcµ.] 1 : undcr : bcncath : bcIow _subsoiI; _subcutancous; _subµicr; _subdominant; _subhymcniaI; 2 a : subordinatc : sccondary : ncxt Iowcr than or infcrior to _subccntcr; _subfrcshman; _subgcnus; b : subordinatc µor- tion of : subdivision of : dcrivcd from _subcommittcc; _sub- cuIturc; _subdistrict; _subscicncc;; a/so : with rcµctition (as of a µroccss) so as to form, strcss, or dcaI with subordinatc µarts or rcIations _subcIassify; _subIct; _subbranch; _sub- contract; 3 a : somcwhat : sIightIy : Icss than comµIctcIy or µcrfcctIy : inadcquatcIy : Icss than normaIIy _subacid; _sub- dominant; _subovatc; _subarcuatc; _subcIinicaI; _subacutc; _subconvuIsivc; b (1) : containing onIy a rcIativcIy smaII µro- µortion or Icss than thc normaI amount of (such) an cIcmcnt or radicaI _suboxidc; - not uscd systcmaticaIIy; comµarc ÞÞo1- (2) : basic - in namcs of saIts _subacctatc; _subni- tratc;; not uscd systcmaticaIIy 4 a : aImost : ncarIy _subaI- atc; _subcauIcsccnt; _subabdominaI; _Subakhmimic; b : faIIing ncarIy in thc catcgory of and oftcn ad}oining : bor- dcring uµon _subaduIt; _subarid; _subarctic; c : immcdiatc- Iy foIIowing : aftcr _subaµostoIic; _sub-Myccnacan; succin- or succino- conbininç /orn [L succin-, sucin-, fr. suc- cinun, sucinun ambcr] 1 : ambcr _succinic (acid); _succi- nitc; _succinifcrous; 2 : succinic acid _succinamidc; _succi- nonitriIc; sucr- or sucro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. F sucre, fr. OF] : sugar _sucroacid; sudano- conbininç /orn, usu cap [sudan] 1 : Sudancsc : Sudancsc and _Sudano-Guincan; 2 : Sudan dyc _sudanoµhiI; _sudanoµhobic; sul- conbininç /orn [su//onic] : suIfonic _su/tam; _su/tonc; sulf- or sulfo- or sulph- or sulpho- conbininç /orn [su//-, su//o- fr. F, fr. L su//ur, su/ph-, su/pho- modif. (infIucnccd by su/- phur) of F su//-, su//o-] : suIfur _su//hydryI; _su//onc; _su//o- nium; _su//ocyanidc;: as a : suIfidc _su//arscnidc; _su/- /ochIoridc; b : dcrivcd from suIfuric acid : suIfuric _su//- amidc; c usu su//o- : containing thc suIfonic acid grouµ csµ. rcµIacing hydrogcn : suIfonic _su//oamino; _su//obcnzoic; d : sLLro×- 2 _su//ochIorinatc; e : 1nr- _su//ocyanatc; sulfa- or sulf- a/so sulpha- or sulph- conbininç /orn [su//a-, su//- fr. su//ani/anide, su/pha-, su/ph- aItcr. (infIucnccd by su/- phur) of su//a-, su//-] : dcrivcd from or othcrwisc cIoscIy rcIat- cd to suIfaniIamidc: as a _su//adiazinc; b : containing suI- faniIyI _su//acctamidc; sulfon- a/so sulphon- conbininç /orn [su//on- ISV su//onic, stern- sulfon- 52 su/phon- fr. obs. E su/phonic, fr. su/phone suIfonc (ISV su//- + -one) + E -ic] 1 : suIfonic _su//onamidc; 2 : suIfonyI _su//on- amido; _su//onmcthanc; _su//onµhthaIcin; sumero- conbininç /orn, usu cap [Sunerian] 1 : Sumcrian _SuneroIogy; 2 : Sumcrian and _Sunero-Assyrian; super- pre/ix [L, ovcr, abovc, in addition, fr. super, adv. & µrcµ.] 1 a (1) : ovcr and abovc : highcr in quantity, quaIity, or dcgrcc : morc than _superstandard; _superconscious; (2) : in addition : cxtra _supertax; (3) : of a sccondary charactcr _superµarasitc; b (1) : cxcccding a norm _superaIkaIinity; _supersccrction; (2) : in cxccssivc dcgrcc or intcnsity _superingcnious; _superrcfincd; c : surµassing aII or most othcrs of its kind or cIass (as in µowcr, sizc, or comµIcxity) _superbombcr; _superwcaµon; _superstatc; 2 a : situatcd or µIaccd abovc, on, or at thc toµ of _supertowcr; _supergIaciaI;; speci/ : situatcd on thc dorsaI sidc of b : ncxt abovc or high- cr _superoctavc; _supertonic; 3 : having thc (sµccificd) ingrcdicnt µrcscnt in a Iargc or unusuaIIy Iargc µroµortion _superoxidc; - comµarc nr- 4a, ÞrÞ- 1b(1) 4 : having an additionaI dimcnsion _supercubc; _supersurfacc; 5 : consti- tuting a morc incIusivc catcgory than that sµccificd _super- famiIy; _supersµccics; 6 : suµcrior in status, titIc, or µosition _supersovcrcign; supero- conbininç /orn [L superus uµµcr] : situatcd abovc _superoantcrior; _superomcdiaI; supra- pre/ix [L supra-, fr. supra abovc, on toµ, bcyond, furthcr back, carIicr (adv. & µrcµ.); akin to L super ovcr] 1 a : abovc : highcr than _supracIavicuIar; b : transccnding _suprana- tionaI; 2 : situatcd on thc dorsaI or uµµcr sidc of _supra- csoµhagcaI; _supracraniaI; 3 : µrior to _supraIaµsarian; sur- pre/ix [ME, fr. OF sour-, sur-, fr. L super- - morc at sLÞrÞ-] 1 a : ovcr _surµrint; _surrcvisc; _surfusc; b : cxccs- sivc _surcIoy; _surcxcitation; 2 : abovc : uµ _surbasc; sursum- conbininç /orn [L susun, sursun undcr, from bcIow, uµwards, fr. subs- (var. of sub-) + versun, ncut. of versus, µast µart. of vertere to turn] : uµward _sursunvcrgcncc; -sy n su//ix -rs [¹-s + -y] : smaII onc : onc affcctionatcIy rcgard- cd _moµsy; _µoµsy; -syllabic adi conbininç /orn [F -sy//abique, fr. -sy//abe -syIIab- ic (fr. L -sy//abus, fr. Gk -sy//abos, fr. sy//abe syIIabIc) + -ique -ic] : having or rcIating to syIIabIcs of a (sµccificd) kind or numbcr _ambisy//abic; _hcµtasy//abic; _imµarisy//abic; symbolo- conbininç /orn [Gk synbo/on] : sign : symboI _syn- bo/oIatry; sympathetico- conbininç /orn [synpathetic (nervous systeni] 1 : symµathctic _synpatheticomimctic; 2 : symµathctic and _synpatheticoadrcnaI; sympathico- conbininç /orn [NL synpathicus, fr. synpathia symµathy + -icus -ic] : symµathctic _synpathicotonia; sympatho- conbininç /orn [NL synpathicus - morc at svm- ÞA1nrco-] : symµathctic _synpathoIytic; syn- or sym- pre/ix [syn- fr. ME sin-, syn-, fr. OF, fr. L syn-, fr. Gk, fr. syn with, togcthcr with, by mcans of, at thc samc timc as, aItcr. of xyn, syn- fr. ME sin-, syn-, fr. MF, fr. L syn-, fr. Gk, fr. syn-] 1 : with : aIong with : togcthcr _syncIinc; _syn- gcncsis; 2 : at thc samc timc _synanthcsis; 3 : Iikc : associ- atcd _syntyµc; synchro- conbininç /orn [synchronired & synchronous] : syn- chronizcd : synchronous _synchrofIash; _synchromcsh; syndesm- or syndesmo- conbininç /orn [Gk syndesnos, fr. syn- dein to bind togcthcr] : Iigamcnt _syndesnosis; : conncction : contact _syndesnochoriaI; syring- or syringo- conbininç /orn [Gk, µanµiµc, fistuIa, tubc, fr. syrinç-, syrinx] : tubc : fistuIa _syrinçadcnous; syro- conbininç /orn, usu cap [L, fr. Gk, fr. Syros Syrian] 1 : Syria or Syrians _SyroµhiIc; 2 : Syrian and _Syro-Egyµtian; _Syro-Iraqi; 3 : Syriac and _Syro-Aramaic; tabo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L tabes] : µrogrcssivc wasting : tabcs _taboµhobia; tacho- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk tachos sµccd; akin to Gk tachys swift - morc at 1Acnv-] : sµccd _tachogram; tachy- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. tachys, µcrh. akin to OIr dain- çen strong, firm, OSIav dççŭ strcngth] : swift : raµid : acccI- cratcd _tachycardia; _tachygcncsis; _tachyIytc; _tachymctcr; -tactic adi conbininç /orn [Gk taktikos] 1 : having an arrangc- mcnt or µattcrn of _chactotactic; 2 : showing oricntation or movcmcnt dircctcd by a (sµccificd) forcc or agcnt _gcotactic; _µhototactic; 3 : having an arrangcmcnt or µattcrn of a (sµccificd) kind _homotactic; taen- or taeni- or taenio- conbininç /orn [L taenia] 1 : ribbon : fiIIct _taeniatc; _taeniodonta; 2 : taµcworm _taeniasis; _taenicidc; _taenifugc; talco- conbininç /orn [ta/cun] : taIc and _ta/cochIoritc; : taI- cosc and _ta/comicaccous; talo- conbininç /orn [L ta/us ankIc, ankIcbonc] : astragaIar and _ta/ofibuIar; _ta/otibiaI; talpi- conbininç /orn [L ta/pa] : moIc _ta/piform; tann- or tanno- conbininç /orn [F, fr. tannin, tanin] : tan : tan- nin : tanning substancc _tannogcn; _tannasc; _tannomctcr; tantal- or tantalo- a/so tantali- conbininç /orn [Sw, fr. NL tan- ta/un] : tantaIum _tanta/ifcrous; tany- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, Iong, strctchcd out] : strctchcd out _1anystomata; _1anygnathus; tars- or tarso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. tarsus] 1 usu tarso- : tar- sus _tarsoµhyma; _tarsaIgia; _tarscctomy; 2 usu tarso- : tarsaI and _tarsoorbitaI; _tarsotibiaI; tartr- or tartro- conbininç /orn [F, fr. tartre tartar, fr. MF] : tartar : tartaric acid _tartramidc; taur- or tauri- or tauro- conbininç /orn [taur-, tauri- fr. L, fr. taurus, tauro- fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. tauros] 1 : buII _taurodont; _tauricidc; _tauromorµhic; 2 : taurinc _taurochoIic; taut- or tauto- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. tautos idcnticaI, fr. to auto thc samc, fr. to, ncut. dcfinitc articIc + auto (ncut. of autos) samc - morc at AL1-] : samc _tautomcrism; _tau- tonym; tax- or taxo- a/so taxi- conbininç /orn [tax- fr. Gk taxis, taxo- fr. F, fr. Gk taxis, taxi- fr. F, fr. Gk, fr. taxis] : arrangcmcnt _taxasµidcan; _taxcmc; _taxidcrmy; _taxoIogy; -taxia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk - morc at -1Axv] : -1Axrs 1 _hctcrotaxia; -taxis n conbininç /orn, p/ -taxes [NL, fr. Gk taxis] 1 : arrangc- mcnt : ordcr _homotaxis; 2 : taxis _chcmotaxis; _hcIiotaxis; _thcrmotaxis; -taxy n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -taxia, fr. taktos (vcrbaI of tas- sein to arrangc, ordcr) + -ia -y] : -1Axrs _cµitaxy; _µIciotaxy; techno- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. techne] 1 : art : craft _technog- raµhy; 2 : tcchnicaI : tcchnoIogicaI _technocracy; _techno- cuIturc; 3 : aµµIicd _technoµsychoIogy; -techny n conbininç /orn -rs [F -technie, fr. Gk techne art, craft + F -ie -y] : tcchnicaI sµcciaIization _hydrotechny; _mct- aIIotechny; tecno- conbininç /orn [Gk tekno-, fr. teknon] : chiId _tecnoIo- gy; _tecnogcncsis; ¹tel- or tele- a/so telo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk te/-, te/e- far, far off, distant, fr. te/e - morc at ÞALr-] 1 : distant : at a dis- tancc : ovcr a distancc _te/egram; _te/egnosis; _te/ekincsis; _te/esthcsia; _te/evision; _te/odynamic; 2 a : tcIcgraµh _te/e- taµc; _te/etyµcwritcr; b : tcIcvision _te/ecamcra; c : tcIc- µhoto _te/eIcns; d : tcIccommunication _te/eman; ²tel- or telo- a/so tele- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk te/-, te/o-, fr. te/os cnd, consummation, comµIctcncss] 1 : cnd _te/angiccta- sia; _te/obIast; _te/emctacarµaI; 2 : comµIctc : maturc _1e/anthcra; _1e/anthroµus; tele- or teleo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk te/eio-, te/eo-, fr. te/eios, te/eos, fr. te/os cnd, consummation, comµIctcncss] : comµIctc : µcrfcct _te/eodont; _1e/eoccµhaIi; teleut- or teleuto- conbininç /orn [Gk te/eute, fr. te/os cnd] : comµIction _te/eutosµorc; tellur- or telluri- or telluro- conbininç /orn [L te//ur-, te//us carth] 1 : carth _te//urian; _te//uromctcr; 2 : tcIIurium _te/- /uric; _te//urifcrous; _te//urobismuthitc; temporo- conbininç /orn [tenpora/] : tcmµoraI and _tenporo- maxiIIary; _tenporofrontaI; -tene n conbininç /orn -s [L or Gk; L taenia ribbon, band, fr. sumero- -tene 53 Gk tainia] : stagc of mciotic µroµhasc charactcrizcd by (such) chromosomaI fiIamcnts _diµIotene; _µachytene; -tene adi conbininç /orn [-tene, n. comb. form] : having (such or so many) chromosomaI fiIamcnts _µoIytene; _µachytene; teno- conbininç /orn [irrcg. fr. Gk tenont-, tenõn tcndon; akin to Gk teinein to strctch] : tcndon _tenoµIasty; _tenotomy; ter- conbininç /orn [L, fr. ter thrcc timcs; akin to Gk & Skt tris thrcc timcs, L tres thrcc] 1 : thrcc timcs, thrccfoId, thricc, thrcc _terccntcnary; 2 : 1Þr- 4 - csµ. in namcs of organic comµounds to dcnotc triµIing of a radicaI or moIccuIc _ter- µhcnyI; tera- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk teras monstcr] : triIIion _tera- bytc; _terahcrtz; terat- or terato- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. terat-, teras marvcI, µortcnt, monstcr; akin to Lith keras cnchantmcnt, Skt krtyã action, cnchantmcnt, karoti hc docs, acts, and µcrh. to ON skars monstcr, skyrsi µortcnt, Skt ãścarya marvcIous] : mon- stcr _teratism; _teratoIogy; -teria n conbininç /orn -s [ca/eteria] : µIacc having scIf-scrvicc _groccteria; termito- conbininç /orn [NL 1ernit-, 1ernes] : tcrmitc _terni- toµhagous; ternati- conbininç /orn [NL ternatus tcrnatc] : tcrnatcIy _ter- nati-µinnatc; tessara- or tessera- a/so tessar- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk tes- sara, tessera, ncut. of tessares, tesseres, tettares four] : four _tessaragIot; _tesseradccadc; tetan- or tetano- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. tetanos] : tctanus _tetanogcnic; _tetaniform; tetart- or tetarto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk, fr. tetartos, akin to Gk tettares, tessares four] : onc fourth _tetartohcdraI; tetra- or tetr- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. LL, fr. L, fr. Gk; akin to Gk tettares, tessares four] 1 : four : having four : having four µarts _tetracarµcIIary; _tetraµartitc; _tetratomic; 2 : con- taining four atoms, radicaIs, or grouµs (of a sµccificd kind) _tetraboric; _tetracid; ¹-th or -eth adi su//ix [ME -the, -te, -ethe, fr. OE -tha, -ta, -otha, -etha, akin to OHG -do, -to -th, ON -di, -ti, Goth -da, -ta, L -tus, Gk -tos, Skt -tha] - uscd in forming ordinaI numbcrs _tcnth; _twcntieth; ²-th n su//ix -s [ME -the, -th, fr. OE -thu, -th, akin to OHG -ida, suffix forming abstract nouns, ON -th, Goth -itha, L -ta, Gk -te, Skt -tã] 1 : act or µroccss _sµiIth; 2 : statc or condition _brcadth; _grccnth; _width; thalam- or thalamo- conbininç /orn[NL, fr. tha/anus] 1 : thaI- amus _tha/ancnccµhaIon; _tha/anofugaI; 2 : thaIamic and _tha/anocorticaI; thalass- or thalasso- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. tha/assa, tha/atta] : sca _tha/asscmia; _tha/assomctcr; thall- or thalli- or thallo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk tha//-, tha//o-, fr. tha//os] 1 : a young shoot : thaIIus _1ha//oµhyta; _tha//ium; _tha//iform; 2 : thaIIium _tha//ic; thamn- or thamno- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. thannos, akin to Gk thana frcqucnt, oftcn, tithenai to µIacc, µut] : bush : shrub _thannoµhiIc; thanat- or thanato- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. thanatos, akin to Skt adhvanit it vanishcd and µrob. to L /unus smokc] : dcath _thanatoid; _thanatoIogy; the- or theo- conbininç /orn [ME theo-, fr. LL, fr. L, god, fr. Gk the-, theo- god, God, fr. theos, µcrh. akin to MHG gctwãs ghost, Lith dvasia sµirit, dvasas sµirit, brcath] 1 a : God _the- ism; _theoccntric; b : god _theomancy; 2 a : thcoIogicaI and _theoastroIogicaI; b : thcoIogy and _theomythoIogy; theatro- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. theatron] : thcatcr _theatro- mania; thec- or theci- or theco- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. theca] : thcca _thecifcrous; _thecitis; _1hecosomata; -theca n conbininç /orn, p/ -thecae [NL, fr. L theca] : shcath or covcring of a (sµccificd) tyµc _gonotheca; _myxotheca; -thecium n conbininç /orn, p/ -thecia [NL, fr. Gk thekion smaII casc, smaII chcst] : smaII containing structurc _cndotheciun; -theism n conbininç /orn -s [MF -théisne, fr. thé- thc- + -isne -ism] : bcIicf in (such) a god or (such or so many) gods _µan- theisn; _zootheisn; -theist n conbininç /orn -s [MF -théiste, fr. thé- thc- + -iste -ist] : onc that bcIicvcs in (such) a god or (such or so many) gods _hyIotheist; _monotheist; - -theistic adi conbininç /orn thely- conbininç /orn [Gk the/y-, fr. the/ys] : fcmaIc _the/y- gcnic; theologico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. LL theo/oçicus] : thcoIogi- caI and _theo/oçicoµhiIosoµhicaI; _theo/oçicoµoIiticaI; theoretico- conbininç /orn [theoretica/] : thcorcticaI and _the- oreticoµracticaI; ther- or thero- conbininç /orn [Gk ther-, thero-, fr. ther] : wiId bcast _1heromorµha; _therodont; -theria n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk theria, µI. of therion] : bcasts : animaIs - in namcs of highcr taxa of mammaIian forms _Prototheria; therio- conbininç /orn [Gk therio-, theri-, fr. therion] : wiId ani- maI : bcast _therioIatry; _theriomimicry; -therium n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk therion] : bcast : animaI - in gcncric namcs of cxtinct mammaIian forms _Mcgatheriun; _Titanotheriun; therm- or thermo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. therne hcat] 1 : hcat _thernacoustic; _thernochcmistry; 2 : thcrmocIcctric _thernoµiIc; -therm n conbininç /orn -s [Gk therne hcat, fr. thernos hot] 1 [µrob. fr. F -therne, fr. Gk therne hcat] a : µIant accustomcd to a (sµccificd) tyµc of hcat _mcgathern; _microthern; _xcrothern; b : animaI having a (sµccificd) body tcmµcra- turc _cctothern; _cndothern; 2 : thcrmic Iinc _isoba- thythern; -thermia or -thermy n conbininç /orn, p/ -thermias or -ther- mies [NL -thernia, fr. Gk therne hcat + L -ia -y] : statc of hcat : gcncration of hcat _diatherny; _hyµothernia; -thermous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -thernos, fr. therne hcat] : having (such) hcat _homothernous; _xcrothernous; thi- or thio- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk thei-, theio- suIfur, brimstonc, fr. theion, µrob. akin to Gk thyein to ragc, sccthc] : containing suIfur _thiaminc;; esp : containing bivaIcnt suI- fur usu. in µIacc of oxygcn _thiocyanic; _thiocthcr; - com- µarc sLLr- c ¹thia- or thi- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. thi- + -a-] : containing suI- fur in µIacc of carbon or rcgardcd as in µIacc of carbon usu. in µIacc of thc mcthyIcnc grouµ ÷CH,÷ _thiacycIohcxanc; _thiadiazoIc; _thiazoIc; - comµarc AzA-, oxA- ²thia- conbininç /orn : 1nr- _thiachroman; thigmo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk thiçna touch (fr. thin- çanein to touch, handIc) + NL -o-, akin to L /inçere to shaµc] : touch _thiçnorcccµtor; ¹thion- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk theion - morc at 1nr-] : suIfur _thionic; ²thion- or thiono- conbininç /orn [thion- ISV, fr. Gk theion suI- fur; thiono- ISV, fr. Gk theion + ISV -o-] : containing suIfur doubIy bound to anothcr atom (as in thc thiocarbonyI grouµ) _thionothioIic; -thionium n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. thi- + -oniun] : onium comµound containing suIfur and usu. anothcr cIcmcnt (as nitrogcn) bcsidcs carbon in a ring _µhcnazathioniun; thorac- or thoraci- or thoraco- conbininç /orn [F thorac-, fr. LGk thõrak-, fr. Gk thõrak-, thõrako- corsIct, fr. thõrak-, thõrax corsIct, chcst] 1 : chcst : thorax _thoracodynia; _tho- racoµIasty; 2 : thoracic and _thoracisµinaI; _thoracoIumbar; thre- or threo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. threose] : thrcosc _thre- itoI; -thrix n conbininç /orn [NL -trich-, -thrix, fr. Gk trich-, thrix hair] 1 : onc having (such) hair or hairIikc fiIamcnts - in gcncric namcs of µIants and animaIs _Lagothrix; _Strcµtothrix; 2 p/ -triches ; or -thrixes : µathoIogicaI condi- tion of having (such) hair _Icµothrix; _moniIcthrix; thromb- or thrombo- conbininç /orn [Gk thronbos Iumµ, cIot of bIood, curd] 1 a : bIood cIot _thronbocyst; b : associatcd with thc cIotting of bIood _thronbin; _thronbostasis; 2 : markcd by or associatcd with thrombosis _thronboangiitis; -tene thromb- 54 ¹thym- or thymo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L thynun] 1 : thymc _thynoI; 2 : thymoI _thynoquinonc CH,C,H,(C,H-)O,; ²thym- or thymo- conbininç /orn [NL thynus] : thymus : of thc thymus _thynoµrivic; _thyncctomizc; ³thym- or thymo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. thynos sµirit, souI, mind] : souI : sµirit : cmotion _thynogcnic; _thynotac- tic; -thymia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, fr. thynos sµirit, mind, couragc + -ia] : (such) a condition of mind and wiII _schizothynia; thyr- or thyro- conbininç /orn [thyroid] 1 : thyroid _thyrasthc- nia; 2 : thyroid and _thyroarytcnoid; thyreo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk thyreoeides] 1 : thyroid _thyreotomy; 2 : thyroid and _thyreoccrvicaI; thysan- or thysano- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. thysanos] : tasscI : fringc _1hysanoµtcra; _1hysanura; tibeto- conbininç /orn, usu cap [tibet + -o-] : Tibctan and _1ibeto-Chincsc; _1ibeto-HimaIayan; tibio- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L tibia shinbonc] 1 : fuscd tibia and _tibiotarsus; 2 : tibiaI and _tibiocaIcancaI; _tibio- fcmoraI; titan- or titano- conbininç /orn [NL titaniun] : titanium _titanatc; _titanocyanidc; _titanofIuoridc; toco- or toko- conbininç /orn [Gk tokos, fr. tiktein to bcar, bcgct] : chiIdbirth : offsµring _tocogcnctic; _tocoIogy; -tokous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -tokos, fr. tiktein to bcar] : µroducing (such or so many) offsµring _dcutcrotokous; -toky n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -tokia, fr. -tokos + -ia -y] : µar- turition : dcIivcry _dcutcrotoky; tol- or tolu- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. to/u] 1 : toIu _to/uoI; 2 : toIucnc _to/uic; _to/yI; : toIuic _to/uatc; -toma n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. fcm. of -tonus cutting, cut, scgmcntcd - morc at -1omr] : animaI having a (sµccificd) tyµc of scgmcntation - in gcncric namcs csµ. of insccts _Triatona; -tome n conbininç /orn -s [NL -tonus, fr. -tonus cutting, cut, scgmcntcd, fr. Gk -tonos, fr. tennein to cut] 1 : µart : scction _angiotone; _gonotone; 2 : cutting instrumcnt _microtone; _µharyngotone; -tomous adi conbininç /orn [NL -tonus - morc at -1omr] 1 : cut : dividcd _orthotonous; _rhachitonous; 2 : cutting _xyIotonous; -tomy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -tonia, fr. Gk, fr. -tonos cut- ting + -ia -y - morc at -1omr] : incision : scction _carnioto- ny; _Iaµarotony; _scIcrotony; -tonia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. tonus + -ia -y] : condition or dcgrcc of tonus _hyµotonia; _somatotonia; tono- conbininç /orn [Gk tonos tcnsion, µitch, tonc] 1 : tonc _tonoIogy; _tonoscoµc; 2 : µrcssurc _tonomctcr; _tonotaxis; tonsill- or tonsillo- conbininç /orn [L tonsi//ae tonsiIs] : tonsiI _tonsi//cctomy; _tonsi//otomy; -tony n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -tonia] : -1o×rA _hyµcrtony; top- or topo- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. LL, fr. Gk, fr. topos] 1 : µIacc : IocaIity _topoµhobia; 2 : IocaI _topoaIgia; _topccto- my; -topy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -topia, fr. Gk, way, µIacc, fr. topos µIacc + -ia -y] : µosition : Iocation _hctcrotopy; toti- conbininç /orn [L totus whoIc, cntirc] : whoIc : whoIIy _totiµaImatc; touch- conbininç /orn [obs. touch-powder, µowdcr uscd for µriming a gun, fr. ME towchepoudre, fr. MF toucher to touch, kindIc (a firc) + ME poudre µowdcr] : scrving for quick igni- tion _touchhoIc; _touchwood; ¹tox- or toxi- or toxo- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L toxicun µoison] 1 : toxic : µoisonous _toxidcrmic; _toxin; 2 : toxin : µoison _toxoid; ²tox- or toxi- or toxo- conbininç /orn[Gk, fr. toxon bow, arrow] 1 : bowcd : archcd _1oxodonta; 2 : arrow : shaµcd Iikc an arrow _1oxogIossa; _1oxifcra; 3 : archcry _toxoµhiIy; toxic- or toxico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L toxicun] : µoison _toxicoIogy; _toxicoµhobia; _toxiccmia; trache- or tracheo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ML trachea] 1 : trachca _tracheoscoµy; 2 : trachcaI and _tracheoIaryngcaI; trachel- or trachelo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk trache/-, trache/o-, fr. trache/os] 1 a : ncck _trache/oIogy; b : ccrvicaI and _trache/oscaµuIar; 2 : ncckIikc anatomicaI structurc : ccrvix _trache/oµIasty; trachy- conbininç /orn [in scnsc 1, fr. NL, fr. Gk, fr. trachys rough, harsh; in scnsc 2, fr. F, fr. trachyte] 1 : rough : strong _trachygIossatc; _trachychromatic; 2 : trachytic _trachydoI- critc; _trachyandcsitc; trans- pre/ix [L trans-, tra- across, bcyond, to thc othcr sidc, through, so as to changc, fr. trans across, bcyond, on or to thc othcr sidc, through] 1 a : across _transµoIar; _transatIantic; _transoccanic; b (1) : bcyond _transhuman; _transmundanc; (2) : bcyond (a sµccificd chcmicaI cIcmcnt) in thc µcriodic tabIc _transµIutonium; _transuranic; c : through _transIu- ccnt; _transcutancous; d : comµIctcncss of changc _transshaµc; 2 : transvcrsc _transfrontaI; _transµroccss; 3 : transfcr : intcrchangc - in namcs of chcmicaI rcactions and cnzymcs _transamination; traumat- or traumato- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. traunat-, trauna] : wound : trauma _traunatism; trega- or treg- conbininç /orn[triIIion + -eça-, -eç- (as in neça-, neç-)] : onc miIIion miIIions : triIIion : 10¹² _treçcrg; _treça- dync; -trema n conbininç /orn [NL -trenat-, -trena, fr. Gk trenat-, trena hoIc] 1 p/ -tremas; or -tremata : hoIc : orificc : oµcning _hcIicotrena; 2 : crcaturc having (such) an oµcning - in gcncric namcs _Eurytrena; -tremata n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, µI. of -trena] : crcaturcs having (such) an oµcning - in namcs of ordcrs and othcr highcr taxa _Dcrotrenata; -tresia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk tresis (akin to Gk tetrainein to µicrcc) + NL -ia] : µcrforation _µroctotresia; _sµhcnotresia; tri- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L; akin to Gk tri-, L tria thrcc] 1 : thrcc _triarch; _triact; : charactcrizcd by or having thrcc or thrcc µarts _tricrotic; _tricycIc; _triµod; 2 : thrcc timcs or in thrcc ways _trifarious; _trisonant;; a/so : into thrcc _triscct; 3 : tricc : cvcry third _triwcckIy; _tricnniaI; 4 : containing thrcc atoms, radicaIs, or grouµs (of a sµccificd kind) _tribro- midc; -tribe n conbininç /orn -s [Gk tribein to rub] 1 : onc that rubs against - uscd csµ. of fIowcrs during cross-fcrtiIization _µIcurotribe; _stcrnotribe; 2 : instrumcnt for crushing, com- µrcssing, or rubbing _angiotribe; _ostcotribe; tribo- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk tribein to rub] : friction _tri- bofIuorcsccncc; _triboµhosµhorcsccnt; trich- or tricho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. trich-, thrix hair] : hair : fiIamcnt _trichoµathy; _trichatroµhic; -tricha n conbininç /orn, p/ -tricha [NL, fr. Gk -trichos -tri- chous] : onc or oncs having (such) ciIiation - in namcs of taxa _Gastrotricha; _Oxytricha; -trichi n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk trich-, thrix hair] : µcr- sons having (such) hair _Iciotrichi; -trichia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. trich- + -ia] 1 : condition of having (such) hair _oIigotrichia; _hyµotrichia; 2 : hairi- ncss _gIossotrichia; -trichous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -trichos, fr. trich- thrix hair] : having (such) hair : haircd _µcritrichous; -trichy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -trichia] : thc condition of having (such) hair _Iissotrichy; tricyclo- conbininç /orn [ISV tri- + cyc/-] : tricycIic _tricy- c/oaIkancs; -triene n su//ix -s [tri- + -ene] : chcmicaI comµound containing thrcc doubIc bonds _octatriene; trigon- or trigono- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk triçõn-, triçõno-, fr. triçõnos] : trianguIar _1riçoncIIa; _triçonotyµc; tripl- or triplo- conbininç /orn [Gk trip/oos, fr. tri- thrcc + -p/oos (as in dip/oos doubIc) - morc at 1Þr-] : triµIc _trip/oµ- ia; _trip/obIastic; tris- pre/ix [Gk, fr. tris, fr. treis thrcc] : thricc : triµIcd _tristc- thym- tris- 55 trahcdron; - csµ. in comµIcx chcmicaI cxµrcssions _tris- (2-chIorocthyI)-aminc; trit- or trito- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. tritos, akin to Gk treis thrcc] : third : tcrtiary _tritonymµh; _tritovum; -trix n su//ix, p/ -trices or -trixes [ME, fr. L, fcm. of -tor, cnd- ing of agcnt nouns, fr. -tus, µast µart. cnding + -or - morc at -ro] 1 : fcmaIc that docs or is associatcd with a (sµccificd) thing _aviatrix; _narratrix; _inhcritrix; 2 : straight Iinc - in gcomctry _triscctrix; _dircctrix; _tractrix; troch- or trocho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. trochos whccI, fr. trechein to run] : whccI : rcscmbIing a whccI : round _1rochodcndron; _1rochcIminthcs; _trochoµhora; -troch n conbininç /orn -s [NL -trocha] : ciIiatcd band _mcsotroch; _µrototroch; -trocha n conbininç /orn, p/ -trochas a/so -trochae [NL, fr. fcm. sing. of -trochus having (such) a ciIiatcd band, fr. Gk tro- chos whccI] : crcaturc or Iarva having (such) a ciIiatcd band _actinotrocha; troglo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk trõç/o-, fr. trõç/e hoIc, cavc] : cavc-dwcIIing : trogIodytic _troç/obiont; -tron n su//ix -s [Gk, suffix dcnoting an instrumcnt (as Gk aro- tron µIow, fr. stcm of aroun to µIow); akin to OE -thor, suffix dcnoting an instrumcnt, ON -thr, L -trun, MIr -thar, Skt -tra] 1 : vacuum tubc _magnctron; 2 : dcvicc for thc maniµuIation of subatomic µarticIcs _cycIotron; _isotron; ¹trop- or tropo- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. Gk, fr. tropos] 1 : turn : turning : changc _tropomctcr; _troposµhcrc; 2 : affinity for : tcndcncy to turn toward : troµism _tropic; _tropotaxis; ²trop- a/so tropa- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. tropine] 1 : troµinc _tropatc; 2 : atroµinc _tropoyI; ¹-trope n conbininç /orn -s [F, fr. Gk tropos turn, dircction, way] 1 : turn : changc : affinity for _chromotrope; _ncu- rotrope; 2 : body charactcrizcd by (such) an invcrsion _hcmitrope; 3 : instrumcnt and csµ. oµticaI instrumcnt that functions by rotating, rcvcrsing, or rcfIccting _rhcotrope; _thaumatrope; ²-trope adi conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk -tropos, fr. trepein to turn] : turning : bcing rcvcrtcd _anisotrope; _hcmitrope; troph- or tropho- conbininç /orn [F, fr. Gk, fr. trephein to nourish] : nutrition _trophoµathy; _trophaIIaxis; _tropho- sµorc; -trophic a/so -trophous adi conbininç /orn [NL -trophia -tro- µhy + E -ic or -ous] 1 a a/so -trophous : of or rcIating to a (sµccificd) tyµc of nutrition _hyµcrtrophic; _hyµcrtrophous; b : having a (sµccificd) nutritionaI rcquircmcnt _monotroph- ic; 2 : -1ÞoÞrc 1, 2 _gIycotrophic; _Iiµotrophic; -trophy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -trophia, fr. Gk, fr. troph- + -ia -y] : nutrition : nourishmcnt : nurturc : growth _cutrophy; _nosotrophy; _µcdotrophy; -tropia n conbininç /orn -s [NL, fr. Gk, turn, dcviation, fr. -tropos -troµc + -ia -y] : condition of (such) a dcviation in thc Iinc of vision _csotropia; _hyµcrtropia; -tropic adi conbininç /orn [F -tropique, fr. ¹-trope + -ique -ic] 1 : turning, changing, or tcnding to turn or changc csµ. in a (sµccificd) manncr or in rcsµonsc to a (sµccificd) stimuIus _bactcriotropic; _cnantiotropic; _gcotropic; _hcIiotropic; _isotropic; _chcmotropic; 2 : attractcd sµccif. to (such) a tis- suc, organ, or systcm _ncurotropic; _visccrotropic; 3 : -1ÞoÞnrc 1 _cctotropic; _cndotropic; -tropism n conbininç /orn -s [ISV, fr. ¹-trope + -isn] : tcndcn- cy to turn toward : affinity for : troµism _hcIiotropisn; _ncu- rotropisn; -tropous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -tropos, fr. trepein to turn] : turning or curving in (such) a way : cxhibiting (such) a tro- µism _anatropous; -tropy n conbininç /orn -rs [F -tropie, fr. Gk -tropia turn, fr. -tropos ²-troµc + -ia -y] 1 : condition of turning or curving in (such) a way or of cxhibiting (such) a troµism _hcmitropy; 2 : changc in a (sµccificd) way or in rcsµonsc to a (sµccificd) stimuIus trypan- or trypano- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. trypanon augcr, borcr, trcµan, fr. trypan to borc, µicrcc through, fr. trypa hoIc; akin to OSIav trup/ŭ hoIIow, Gk tetrainein to µicrcc] 1 : borcr : augcr _trypanosomc; 2 : tryµanosomc _try- panocidaI; tubercul- or tuberculo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L tubercu/un, dim. of tuber] 1 a : tubcrcIc _tubercu/ar; b : tubcrcuIous _tubercu/id; 2 : tubcrcIc baciIIus _tubercu/in; 3 : tubcrcuIo- sis _tubercu/othcraµy; tubi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L tubus] : tubc _tubivaIvc; _1ubiµora; tubuli- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L tubu/us tubuIc, tubc] 1 : tubuIc : tubuIus _tubu/ifcrous; 2 : tubuIar _tubu/ifIorous; tubulo- conbininç /orn [L tubu/us tubuIc, tubc + E -o-] : tubu- Iar and _tubu/oraccmosc; -tude n su//ix -s [MF or L; MF -tude, fr. L -tudin-, -tudo] : -×rss _omnitude; _µarvitude; tungst- or tungsto- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. tunçsten] 1 : tung- stcn _tunçstoboric; 2 : tungstic acid _tunçstatc; turbinato- conbininç /orn [L turbinatus turbinatc] : conicaIIy _turbinatoconcavc; _turbinatocyIindricaI; _turbinatogIobosc; turbo- conbininç /orn [turbine] 1 : couµIcd dircctIy to a driv- ing turbinc _turboaItcrnator; _turbobIowcr; _turbocomµrcs- sor; _turbodynamo; _turbocxcitcr; _turbofan; _turbogcncra- tor; _turboµumµ; 2 : consisting of or incorµorating a turbinc _turbomachinc; _turbomotor; _turbovcntiIator; turco or turko- conbininç /orn, usu cap [turco- fr. ML 1urcus Turk; turko- fr. turk] 1 : Turkic _1urko-Tatar; 2 : Turkish _1urkoman; 3 : Turkish and _1urco-Grcck; twi- pre/ix [ME, fr. OE; akin to OFris & OS twi-, OHG rwi-, ON tvi-, tve-, L bi- (fr. OL dui-), Gk di-, Lith dvi- twi-, OE tweçen, twã, tu two] : two : doubIc : doubIy : twicc _twi-circIc; _twi-faccd; -ty n su//ix -rs [ME -te, -tee, -tie, fr. OF -té, fr. L -tat-, -tas, akin to Gk -tet-, -tes -ty, Skt -tãt, -tãti] : quaIity : condition : dcgrcc _aµriority; tyl- or tylo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. ty/os, ty/e knob, Iumµ, caI- Ius, µad] : knob : knobbcd _ty/astcr; _1y/osaurus; : µad _1y/oµoda; tympan- or tympano- conbininç /orn [NL tynpanun] 1 : tym- µanum : tymµanic mcmbranc _tynpanitis; _tynpanotomy; 2 : tymµanic and _tynpanocustachian; typ- or typo- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. typos] : tyµc : imagc : modcI _typonym; _typoIogy; typh- or typho- conbininç /orn [NL typhus] : tyµhus : tyµhoid _typhoscµsis; typhl- or typhlo- conbininç /orn [in scnsc 1, fr. Gk, bIind, fr. typh/os, in scnsc 2, fr. Gk typh/on, fr. ncut. of typh/os bIind] 1 : bIind _typh/osoIc; : bIindncss _typh/oIogy; 2 : cccum _typh/itis; _typh/otomy; -typy n conbininç /orn -rs [type + -y] : condition, µroccss, or art rcIatcd to or invoIving thc usc of (such) a tyµc _hcIiotypy; tyr- or tyro- conbininç /orn [Gk, fr. tyros chccsc] : chccsc _tyraminc; _tyrotoxin; über- a/so uber- pre/ix, sonetines cap [G (as in übernensch suµcrman), fr. über ovcr, bcyond thc Iimits of, fr. OHG ubari] : bcing a suµcrIativc cxamµIc of its kind or cIass _übermayor; _überthcrmomctcr; ugro- conbininç /orn, usu cap [uçrian] : Lgrian and _Uçro-Aryan; _Uçro-Finnic; -ula n su//ix, p/ -ulas or -ulae [L - morc at -LLr] : smaII onc _CIangu/a; _siµhonu/a; _µIacu/a; -ular adi su//ix [L -u/aris, fr. -u/us, -u/a, -u/un -uIc + -aris -ar] : of, rcIating to, or rcscmbIing _crcvicu/ar; - chicfIy in words whcrc thc basc word is dcrivcd from a Latin word hav- ing a diminutivc in -u/us, -u/a, or _tubu/ar; _vaIvu/ar; ulcero- conbininç /orn [L u/cer-, u/cus] 1 : uIccr _u/cerogcnic; 2 : uIccrous and _u/cerogIanduIar; -ule n su//ix -s [F & L; F -u/e, fr. L -u/us, masc. dim. suffix, -u/a, fcm. dim. suffix, -u/un ncut. dim. suffix] : smaII onc _cymu/e; _vcinu/e; -ulent adi su//ix [L -u/entus, -o/entus, µrob. akin to L o/ere to smcII] : that abounds in (a sµccificd thing) : that has (a sµcc- ificd thing) in markcd amount or dcgrcc _nidoru/ent; trit- -ulent 56 ulno- conbininç /orn [NL u/na] : uInar and _u/nocarµaI; _u/noradiaI; ulo- conbininç /orn [NL u/a] : conncction with or rcIation to thc gums _u/orrhagia; -ulose n su//ix -s [Icvu/ose] : kctosc sugar - csµ. in namcs of 2-kcto sugars _hcµtu/ose; _xyIu/ose; -ulous adi su//ix [L -u/us, dim. suffix] : bcing sIightIy or minutc- Iy _hirsutu/ous; _viscidu/ous; ultra- pre/ix [L, fr. u/tra bcyond (adv. & µrcµ.), fr. abI. sing. fcm. of (assumcd) u/ter situatcd bcyond] 1 : bcyond in sµacc : on thc othcr sidc : 1ÞA×s- _u/tratroµicaI; _u/tramcdian; 2 : bcyond thc rangc or Iimits of : transccnding : sLÞrÞ- _u/tramicroscoµic; _u/trasonic; 3 : bcyond what is common, ordinary, naturaI, right, µroµcr, or modcratc : cxccssivcIy : cxcccdingIy : nvÞrÞ- _u/tracomµIcx; _u/tracriticaI; _u/tra- formaI; _u/tramodcrn; ultramicro- conbininç /orn [u/tra- + nicr-] : of, invoIving, or bcing for quantitics of matcriaI smaIIcr than micro quantitics : on a scaIc smaIIcr than micro -ulum n su//ix, p/ -ulums or -ula [L - morc at -LLr] : smaII onc _scµtu/un; _frcnu/un; -ulus n su//ix, p/ -uluses or -uli [L - morc at -LLr] : a smaII onc _µhocnicu/us; umbell- or umbelli- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L unbe//a µarasoI, umbrcIIa] : umbcI : umbcIIatc _unbe//oid; _unbe//iform; ¹un- pre/ix [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG un- un-, ON õ, u-, Goth un-, L in-, Gk a-, an-, Skt a-, an- un-, OE ne not] 1 : not : r×-, ×o×- - in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _uncaµacious; _ungratifiabIc; _unncighborIikc; _unstrcnuous; incIuding ad}cctivaIIy uscd µast and µrcscnt µarticiµIcs _uncamou- fIagcd; _unchoscn; _undrcsscd; _unsoothing; and ad}cctivcs formcd by adding -ed to nouns _unbcardcd;, in nouns formcd from nouns _unostcntation;, and rarcIy in vcrbs formcd from vcrbs _unbc;; somctimcs in words that havc a mcaning that mcrcIy ncgatcs that of thc basc word and arc thcrcby distin- guishcd from words that µrcfix in- or a variant of it (as in-) to thc samc basc word and havc a mcaning µositivcIy oµµositc to that of thc basc word _unartistic; _unmoraI; 2 : oµµositc of : contrary to - in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _unconstitutionaI; _ungraccfuI; _unµaIatabIc; _unwarIikc; incIuding ad}cctivaIIy uscd µast and µrcscnt µarticiµIcs _unaf- fcctcd; _unstinting; and ad}cctivcs formcd by adding -ed to nouns _unµrinciµIcd;, and in nouns formcd from nouns _unrcst; ²un- pre/ix [ME, fr. OE un-, on-, aItcr. of and- against - morc at A×1r-] 1 a : do thc oµµositc of : rcvcrsc (a sµccificd action) : or- 1a ¹ors- 1a - in vcrbs formcd from vcrbs _unbcnd; _undrcss; _unfoId; b : causc to ccasc to - in vcrbs formcd from vcrbs _unbc; 2 a : dcµrivc of : rcmovc (a sµccificd thing) from : rcmovc - in vcrbs formcd from nouns _unfIcsh; _unfrock; _unscx;; comµarc or- ¹ors- b : rcIcasc from : frcc from - in vcrbs formcd from nouns _unhand; c : rcmovc from : cxtract from : bring out of - in vcrbs formcd from nouns _unbosom; _unhcavcn;; comµarc or- ¹ors- d : causc to ccasc to bc - in vcrbs formcd from nouns _unking;; comµarc ¹ors- 3 : comµIctcIy _unIoosc; - comµarc ¹ors- undec- conbininç /orn [L undecin, µrob. fr. unus onc + decen tcn] : cIcvcn _undecanc; _undeccnniaI; _undeciIIion; ungui- conbininç /orn [L unçuis naiI, cIaw, hoof] : naiI : cIaw uni- pre/ix [ME, fr. MF, fr. L, fr. unus] : onc : singIc _uniaxiaI; _uniccIIuIar; _uniIatcraI; uns- or unsym- conbininç /orn [fr. unsynnetrica/] usu ita/ : unsymmctricaI - in namcs of organic comµounds _uns-dichIoro-cthanc; ¹ur- or uro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk our-, ouro-, fr. ouron urinc] 1 : urinc _uranaIysis; _urobiIin; 2 : urinary tract _urogram; 3 : urination _uroIagnia; 4 : urinaI and _urogcn- itaI; 5 : urca _urcthanc; _uraciI; 6 : uric acid _uroxanic; ²ur- or uro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk our-, ouro-, fr. oura, akin to Gk orrhos buttocks] 1 : taiI : taiIIikc _urostcon; _UrogIcna; _uroµod; 2 : µostcrior scgmcnt, rcgion, or µroccss : caudaI _uritc; _urohyaI; _urosomc; -ura n conbininç /orn, p/ -ura [NL, fr. fcm. sing. and ncut. µI. of -urus -urous] : onc having (such) a taiI _ChcIura; : oncs having (such) a taiI _Brachyura; - in taxonomic namcs in zooIogy ¹uran- or urano- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, fr. Gk ouran-, oura- no-, fr. ouranos sky, hcavcn, roof of thc mouth] 1 : sky : hcav- cn _uranograµhy; 2 : µaIatc _uranoµIasty; _brachyuranic; ²uran- or urano- conbininç /orn [F, fr. NL uraniun] : uranium _uranothoritc; _uranyI; uranoso- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL uranosus uranous] : ura- nous _uranosoµotassic; -ure n su//ix -s [ME, fr. OF, fr. L -ura] 1 : act : µroccss : bcing _tubuIature; _cxµosure; _comµosure; 2 a : officc : function _}udicature; b : body for (such) an activity _IcgisIature; -uret n conbininç /orn -s [NL -uretun, fr. F -ure, fr. L -ur (in su//ur)] : -ror 1 _carburet; _biuret; -urgy n conbininç /orn -rs [NL -urçia, fr. Gk -ourçein to work (fr. erçon work) + L -ia -y] : tcchniquc or art of dcaIing or working with (such) a µroduct, mattcr, or tooI _chcmurçy; _micrurçy; -urous or -ourous adi conbininç /orn [NL -urus, -ourus, fr. Gk -ouros, fr. oura taiI; akin to Gk orrhos buttocks] : taiIcd _xiµhurous; _anourous; -urus n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk oura - morc at -LÞoLs] : onc having (such) a taiI - csµ. in gcncric namcs _Brachyurus; _Dasyurus; _Saururus; utricul- or utriculo- conbininç /orn [L utricu/us smaII bag] : utricIc _utricu/oµIastic; _utricu/oµIasty; _utricu/ifcrous; : utricuIar and _utricu/osaccuIar; vag- or vago- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL vaçus] 1 : vagus ncrvc _vaçogram; _vaçaI; _vaçoIysis; 2 : vagaI and _vaçoac- ccssorius; _vaçogIossoµharyngcaI; valvul- or vavulo- conbininç /orn [NL va/vu/a] : smaII vaIvc : vaIvuIc : foId _va/vu/itis; _va/vu/otomc; vanad- or vanado- conbininç /orn [NL vanadiun] : vanadium _vanadyI; _vanadosiIicatc; vapo- conbininç /orn [vapor] : vaµor _vapocautcrization; _vapograµhy; vapori- conbininç /orn [L vapor] : vaµor _vaporiform; _vapor- imctcr; vari- or vario- conbininç /orn [L varius] : varicd : divcrsc _var- iform; _variocouµIcr; varic- or varico- conbininç /orn [L varic-, varix] : varix _vari- cosis; _varicoccIc; vas- or vasi- or vaso- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L vas] 1 : duct : channcI : vcsscI _vasiccntric;: as a : bIood vcsscI _vasofor- mativc; _vasoconstriction; b : vas dcfcrcns _vascctomy; 2 : vascuIar and _vasovagaI; 3 : vasomotor _vasoinhibitor; vascul- or vasculo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L vascu/un smaII vcsscI] : vcsscI; esp : bIood vcsscI _vascu/omotor; vel- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ve/un] : vcIum _ve/iform; ven- or veni- or veno- conbininç /orn [L vena] 1 : vcin _veniµuncturc; _venocIysis; _veniscction; 2 : of or rcIating to thc vcna cava : cavaI and _venoatriaI; venti- or vento- conbininç /orn [L ventus wind + E -i- or -o-] : wind _ventifact; ventr- or ventri- or ventro- conbininç /orn [F, fr. L ventr-, ven- ter] 1 : abdomcn : vcntraI _ventric; _ventrotomy; _ventri- coIumna; 2 : vcntraI and _ventrodorsaI; 3 : vcntricosc : round _ventriµyramid; ventriculo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L ventricu/us stomach, vcn- tricIc of thc hcart] 1 : vcntricIc _ventricu/otomy; 2 : vcntric- uIar and _ventricu/oatriaI; veratr- or veratro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Jeratrun] : vcra- trinc : vcratric acid _veratrizc; _veratroyI; verd- or verdo- conbininç /orn [MF verd-, fr. OF verd, vert grccn] : grccn-coIorcd _verdohcmogIobin; vermi- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. LL, fr. L vernis] : worm _ver- niform; _verniµarous; vertebr- or vertebro- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L vertebra] 1 : vcrtcbra : vcrtcbrac _vertebriform; _vertebrcctomy; 2 : vcr- tcbraI and _vertebrofcmoraI; ulno- vertebr- 57 verticill- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. vertici//us, fr. L, whorI of a sµindIc, dim. of vertic-, vertex whirI] : whorI : vcrticiI _vertici/- /ary; verticilli- conbininç /orn [NL Jertici//iun (gcnus)] : Jertici//iun _vertici//iosis; vesico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L vesica bIaddcr] : of or rcIat- ing to thc urinary bIaddcr and _vesicourctcraI; vesicul- or vesiculo- conbininç /orn [NL vesicu/a] : vcsicIc _Jesicu/aria; : vcsicuIar and _vesicu/oµaµuIar; vibro- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. L vibrare to shakc, vibratc] : vibration _vibromassagc; vice- pre/ix [ME vis-, vice-, fr. MF, fr. LL vice-, fr. L vice, abI. of vicis] : onc that takcs thc µIacc of _vice-consuI; _vice-chair- man; _vice-µrinciµaI; -ville n su//ix -s [-vi//e, suffix occurring in namcs of towns, fr. F, fr. OF, fr. vi//e farm, viIIagc] : µIacc or catcgory of a sµcci- ficd naturc _squarcsvi//e; viol- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL Jio/a] : µansy _vio/aniIinc; visc- or visco- conbininç /orn [ME, fr. L, fr. viscun mistIctoc, birdIimc] 1 : viscous : viscosity _viscogcn; _viscoscoµc; 2 : viscous and _viscocIastic; viscer- or visceri- or viscero- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. L viscera] 1 : visccraI : visccra _visceraIgia; _visceroµtosis; _viscero- gcnic; 2 : visccraI and _visceriµcricardiaI; vitell- or vitello- conbininç /orn [L vite//us] 1 : yoIk : vitcIIus _vite//in; _vite//ogcncsis; 2 : vitcIIinc and _vite//ointcstinaI; viti- conbininç /orn [L, fr. vitis] : vinc _viticuIturc; vitr- or vitro- conbininç /orn [L vitrun gIass] : gIass : gIassy _vitroµhyrc; _dcvitrify; vivi- conbininç /orn [MF, fr. L, fr. vivus] : aIivc : Iiving _vividiaIysis; _viviµcrfusc; _viviscction; vomero- conbininç /orn [NL voner] : vomcrinc and _vonero-µaIatinc; -vora n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. L, ncut. µI. of -vorus -vorous] : oncs that cat (somcthing sµccificd) _Inscctivora; -vore n conbininç /orn -s [F, fr. -vore -vorous, fr. L -vorus] : onc that cats (somcthing sµccificd) -vorous adi conbininç /orn [L -vorus, fr. vorare to dcvour] : cating : fccding on _carnivorous; _µiscivorous; ¹-ward a/so -wards adi su//ix [-ward fr. ME, fr. OE -weard, akin to OHG -wart, -wert, -ward, ON -verthr, Goth -wairths, L vertere to turn; -wards fr. -wards, adv. suffix] 1 : that movcs, tcnds, faccs, or is dircctcd toward _homcward; _shorcward; 2 : that occurs or is situatcd in thc dircction of _Icftward; ²-ward or -wards adv su//ix [-ward fr. ME, fr. OE -weard, fr. -weard, ad}. suffix; -wards fr. ME, fr. OE -weardes, gcn. sing. ncut. of -weard, ad}. suffix] 1 : in a (sµccificd) sµatiaI or tcm- µoraI dircction _uµward; _northward; _aftcrward; 2 : toward a (sµccificd) µoint, µosition, or arca _trccs bcnt carthward; -way adv su//ix [ME, fr. way] : in (such) a way, coursc, dircc- tion, or manncr _broadway; _Iyraway; -ways adv su//ix [ME -ways, -weys, fr. ways, weyes, wayes, gcn. of way, wey way] : in (such) a way, coursc, dircction, or man- ncr _sidcways; _barways; -wise adv conbininç /orn [ME, fr. OE -wisan, fr. wise manncr] 1 a : in thc manncr of _crabwise; _fanwise; b : in thc µosi- tion or dircction of _cndwise; _sIantwise; _cIockwise; 2 : with rcgard to : in rcsµcct of _styIcwise; wolfram- or wolframo- conbininç /orn [ISV wo//ran] : 1L×cs1- _wo//ranic; _wo//ranoµhosµhatc; xanth- or xantho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. xanthos, µcrh. akin to OHG hasan gray] 1 : ycIIow _xanthoma; _xan- thcIasma; _xanthodcrma; 2 : xanthic acid _xanthatc; 3 : ycIIow or ycIIowish and ammoniacaI - in namcs of saIts of cobaIt _xanthocobaItic chIoridc; xen- or xeno- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk, fr. xenos] 1 : gucst : forcigncr _xenomania; 2 a : strangc : forcign _Xenurus; b : intrusivc _xenoIith; c : nr1rÞ- _xenogcncsis; -xene n conbininç /orn -s [F -xène, fr. Gk -xenos strangcr, fr. xenos] 1 : substancc rarcIy associatcd with (such) a mincraI _anthracoxene; 2 : intrusivc mincraI of (such) a charactcr _Icucoxene; _cacoxene; -xenous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -xenos strangcr, fr. xenos] : host _Iiµoxenous; -xeny n conbininç /orn -rs [Gk -xen os + E -y] : (such) a host rcIationshiµ _Iiµoxeny; xer- or xero- conbininç /orn [LL, fr. Gk xer-, xero-, fr. xeros] 1 a : dry : arid _xeric; b : dry µIacc _xeroµhiIous; 2 : using a dry µroccss in thc making of (such) a µroduct _xerograµhy; _xeroµrinting; xiph- or xiphi- or xipho- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. xiphos] 1 : swordIikc : sword-shaµcd _xiphoµhyIIous; _xiphiµIastron; 2 : xiµhoid and _xiphocostaI; xyl- or xylo- conbininç /orn [L, fr. Gk, fr. xy/on, µcrh. akin to Lith su/as µiIIar, µost, OE sy/] 1 a : wood : woody _xy/o- µhonc; _xy/oma; b : xyIcm 2 a : xyIcnc _xy/ic; _xy/o- quinonc; b : xyIosc _xy/onic acid; _xy/okctosc; -xylon n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk xy/on - morc at xvL-] 1 : onc having (such) wood - in gcncric namcs _Hacmatoxy/on; 2 : onc Iiving in (such) a rcIation to wood _Hyµoxy/on; 3 : wood _Iaurinoxy/on; -xylum n conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk xy/on - morc at xvL-] : onc having (such) wood - in gcncric namcs _Erythroxy/un; _Zanthoxy/un; ¹-y a/so -ey adi su//ix, usu -ier usu -iest [ME, fr. OE -iç, akin to OHG -iç -y, ON -içr, Goth -eiçs, -içs, L -icus, Gk -ikos, Skt -ika] 1 a : charactcrizcd by : fuII of - in ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns _bIossomy; _dirty;; in many words formcd from a basc word having finaI µostconsonantaI mutc e and with omission of thc e _miry; _mirey; _sµiny; _sµiney;; accomµanicd by doubIing of thc finaI consonant of thc basc word immcdiatc- Iy aftcr a short strcsscd vowcI _Icggy; _muddy;; in thc form -ey rcguIarIy aftcr a finaI y _cIayey; or vowcI othcr than µost- consonantaI mutc e _mosquitoey; _gIuey; somctimcs with a changc of y to i _skiey; or whcrc -y wouId duµIicatc anothcr word _hoIey; b : having thc charactcr of : comµoscd of - in ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns _icy; _watcry; _Iacy; _waxy; _ranty; c : charactcristic of, rcscmbIing, or suggcsting somc- onc or somcthing indicatcd : having somc of thc quaIitics of : that is Iikc or Iikc that of - in ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns _homey; _wintry; _foIksy; _garbagy; _winy; oftcn with a dis- µaraging connotation _gadgcty; _miIquctoasty; _schooItcach- cry; _rabbity; _HoIIywoody; _bcdroomy; _barny; _stagy; d : dcvotcd to : addictcd to : cnthusiastic ovcr - in ad}cctivcs formcd from nouns _horsy; _outdoorsy; _ismy; 2 a : tcnding or incIincd to - in ad}cctivcs formcd from vcrbs _cIingy; _sIccµy; _chatty; _criey; b : giving occasion for (sµccificd) action _tcary; _yummy; - usu. in ad}cctivcs formcd from vcrbs _munchy; _µicnicky; c : µcrforming (sµccificd) action or bcing in a (sµccificd) modc of cxistcncc : -r×c - in ad}cc- tivcs formcd from vcrbs _twinkIy; _curIy; 3 a : somcwhat : rathcr : -rsn - in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs _µurµIy; _sucdy; _woodcny; b : having (such) charactcristics to a markcd dcgrcc _Scotchy; _Dutchy; or in an affcctcd or suµcr- ficiaI way _Frcnchy; - in ad}cctivcs formcd from ad}cctivcs ²-y n su//ix, p/ -ies [ME -ie, fr. OF, fr. L -ia, fr. Gk -ia, -eia] 1 : statc : condition : quaIity - chicfIy in combining forms dcrivcd from Frcnch, Latin, or Grcck _-aIgy; _-andry; _-cracy; _-soµhy; _-tomy; 2 : activity, µIacc of busincss, or goods dcaIt with _chandIcry; _cooµcry; _Iaundry; _cxccutry; 3 : whoIc body or grouµ _soIdicry; ³-y n su//ix, p/ -ies [ME -ie, fr. AF, fr. L -iun] : instancc of a (sµccificd) action _cxµiry; _cntrcaty; _inquiry; -yl n conbininç /orn -s [Gk hy/e wood, mattcr; first uscd in G benroy/, Iit., fundamcntaI matcriaI of bcnzoic acid, fr. benr- + Gk hy/e] : chcmicaI radicaI: as a : univaIcnt radicaI _cthy/; _µyridy/; _hydroxy/; b : radicaI containing oxygcn _car- bony/; _chromy/; incIuding a fcw radicaIs of organic acids _accty/; _gIycy/; _succiny/; - comµarc -ovL -ylene n su//ix -s [-y/ + -ene] 1 : unsaturatcd hydrocarbon _µiµcry/ene; - comµarc -r×r 2 : bivaIcnt radicaI _µhcny/ene ÷C,H.÷; verticill- -ylene 58 -yne n su//ix -s [ISV aItcr. of -ine] : unsaturatcd straight-chain hydrocarbon charactcrizcd by thc µrcscncc of onc triµIc bond - in thc systcm adoµtcd by thc IntcrnationaI Lnion of Purc and AµµIicd Chcmistry to rcµIacc thc cnding -ine in this scnsc _hcxyne; - distinguishcd from -ane and -ene yocto- conbininç /orn [ISV, µrob. bIcnd of yotta- and octo-] : onc scµtiIIionth (10 − ²³) µart of _yoctosccond; yotta- conbininç /orn [ISV, aItcr. of Gk iõta (rcµrcscnting y, ncxt-to-Iast Icttcr of thc Latin aIµhabct)] : scµtiIIion _yot- tabytc; zepto- conbininç /orn [ISV, bIcnd of retta- and hepta-] : onc scxtiIIionth (10 − ²¹) µart of _reptosccond; zetta- conbininç /orn [ISV, aItcr. of Gk reta (rcµrcscnting Z, Iast Icttcr of thc Latin aIµhabct)] : scxtiIIion _rettabytc; zinco- conbininç /orn [ISV rinc + -o-] : zinc _rincoIysis; zircon- conbininç /orn [ISV, fr. NL rirconia] : zirconium _rir- consycnitc; zo- or zoo- conbininç /orn [Gk rõi-, rõio-, fr. rõion, akin to Gk rõe Iifc] 1 : animaI : animaI kingdom or kind _rooIogy; _rooµhiIc; _rooid; _roanthroµy; 2 [Gk rõ-, rõo- aIivc, fr. rõos, akin to Gk rõe Iifc] : motiIc _roogonidium; -zoa n p/ conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk rõia, µI. of rõion] : ani- maIs - in thc namcs of taxa _Bryoroa; _Echinoroa; ¹-zoic adi conbininç /orn [Gk rõikos of or µcrtaining to ani- maIs, fr. rõi- zo- + -ikos -ic] : animaI : having a (sµccificd) ani- maI modc of cxistcncc : animaIIikc _hoIoroic; _µhancroroic; _coµroroic; _cytoroic; ²-zoic adi conbininç /orn [Gk rõe Iifc + E -ic] : of or rcIating to a (sµccificd) gcoIogicaI cra _Archcoroic; _Mcsoroic; zon- or zono- conbininç /orn [Gk rõn-, rõno-, fr. rõne] 1 : gir- dIc : bcIt : band _Zonitcs; _ZonochIoritc; 2 : zonc : zonaI _ronifcrous; _ronoµIaccntaI; -zoon n conbininç /orn, p/ -zoa [NL, fr. Gk rõion animaI] : Iiv- ing bcing : animaI : zooid _anthoroon; _hcmatoroon; _sµcr- matoroon; zyg- or zygo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. ryçon] 1 a : yokc : connccting in thc manncr of a yokc : }oining _ryçosµhcnc; _ryçantrum; _ryçoncurc; b : zygomatic _ryçion; 2 : yokcd statc or µart : µair _ryçodactyI; _ryçodont; 3 : union : fusion : zygosis _ryçosµorc; _ryçogcncsis; zygomatico- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. ryçonaticus zygomatic] : zygomatic and _ryçonaticomaxiIIary; -zygous adi conbininç /orn [Gk -ryços, fr. ryçon yokc] 1 : yokcd : zygomatic _cryµtoryçous; 2 : having (such) a zygot- ic constitution _hctcroryçous; zym- or zymo- conbininç /orn [NL, fr. Gk, fr. ryne] 1 : Icav- cn : conccrncd with fcrmcntation _rynoIysis; _rynoµhos- µhatc; 2 : fcrmcnt : cnzymc _rynogcncsis; _rynosthcnic; -zyme n conbininç /orn -s [Gk ryne Icavcn] : cnzymc _his- toryne; _Iysorynes; -yne -zyme 59 60
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