


RNC COMMANDSINDEX Subject Index RNC Main Menu 1. Basic Commands 2. Alarms 3. Working State of Units 4. SW and HW Version Information 5. MML Command Log 6. ATM I/F handling 7. Plug-In unit HW Information 8. Diagnostics 9. System Restarts 10. DSP service statistics information 11. Collect DSP service related information 12. Basic Instructions for displaying logs and for monitoring messages 13. Procedure for Power Cycling NIP1 Cards 14. Procedure for Problems with AAL2 Signalling 15. Stripping out and rebuilding a DCN 16. Building Site On RNC Page ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ 9 9 11 12 14 1 I ............ O .......... D . ................... N ...... A ... R ..MAIN LEVEL ? .... L ...... U .. Q . Y . T .. DISPLAY MENU ALARM SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ROUTING STATE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM SUPPORT AND COMMUNICATION I/O SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION BROADBAND ADMINISTRATION SS7 NETWORK ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTARY SS7 NETWORK ADMINISTRATION O&M NETWORK ADMINISTRATION ROUTING ADMINISTRATION TRAFFIC ADMINISTRATION UNIT ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM SUPERVISION END DIALOGUE/DESTINATION SELECTION (:) MAIN LEVEL COMMAND <___> < LINE EDITOR COMMANDS: CTRL A = INSERT/REPLACE CTRL D = CURS LEFT CTRL F = CURS RIGHT CTRL H = CURS HOME CTRL K = CHANGE LANGUAGE CTRL N = CURS BEGINNING OF PARAM BLOCK CTRL P = PAGE MODE ON/OFF CTRL S = PAUSE OUTPUTTING CTRL U = EMPTY EDIT BUFF CTRL Y = INTERRUPT BREAK = END OF DIALOG CTRL 7 = ERROR DESCRIPTION CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL CTRL B E G I L O Q T X Z 4 = = = = = = = = = = = EDIT PREV CMND CURS END OF LINE CURS DOWN CURS UP DEL CHAR HARDCOPY CONT OUTPUTTING OUTPUT RINGBUFFER JUMP TO CMD GROUP LEVEL DEL CHARS IN EDIT BUFF MML TEST MODE ON/OFF ? AND <UP ARROW> = LIST OF PREVIOUS COMMANDS <number> AND <UP ARROW> = EDIT CERTAIN PREVIOUS COMMAND <string> AND <UP ARROW> = EDIT PREVIOUS COMMANDS CONTAINING GIVEN STRING 2 .... Z. C . W . OPERATIONAL STATE ----------ENABLED PHY TTP ------13 ATM INTERFACE CREATED ------------YES IMA GROUP ----1 PAYLOAD TYPE ------ATM 1.5 To PING units from the RNC: ZQRX:OMU. 1.(unit id):ON:DIA=OFF. YDI:13.0.2 To identify a PET/IMA with a PYTTP/ATM IF: ZYDI:(PYTTP id). Loop OFF 1.3 To identify PETs associated to an IMA Gp and check both ends of a link: ZYBI:(IMA Gp id).(unit id):ON:DIA=ON. Basic commands 1. 3 .1 To identify an Exchange terminal with a PYTTP and IMA Gp: ZYAI:PET. Loop ON ZYAM:PET. LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 1. LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 4.1.2-0 INTERROGATE PET CONFIGURATION EXCHANGE TERMINAL -------PET 0 IF MODE ---E1 IMPEDANCE (OHM) --------120 LOOPBACK DIA LINE --------OFF OFF PAYLOAD SCRAMBLING ---------ENABLED SA BIT FOR SSM ------5 IMA GROUP ----- PHY TTP ------- 1. ZYBI:1.6 To change working states of units: See section 3.4 To place loops onto Pets for diagnosing CoCo issues: ZYAM:PET.10-0 INTERROGATE IMA GROUP IMA GROUP ----1 IMA ID TX RX ------1 1 PET ----3 4 LINK ID ---0 1 PHY TTP ------13 MIN / TOT LINKS --------1 / 2 RELATIVE DELAY(MS) --------0 0 TRL PET TX RX ------3 3 STATE -----------------OPERATIONAL NEAR-END STATE -----------------ACTIVE ACTIVE FAR-END STATE -----------------ACTIVE ACTIVE 1.0:IP:IP=(IP address). <unit index>. if the problem situation emerged on 2005-11-28 at 00:10 and ceased on 2005-11-28 at 03:20. 4 .INFO:DEPTH OF UNIT HIERARCHY: IE.7 To check working state of elements: ZUSI: UNIT IDENTIFICATION:WORKING CONFIGURATION.2005-11-28. Alarms RNC active alarm: ZAAP.04-20-00. RNC active alarm for one specific unit: ZAAP:<unit type>. RNC alarm history for one specific unit: ZAHP:<unit type>.1. to check the working state of PETS on a NIP ZUSI:NIP1.<end time>.23-10-00.<unit index>. For example. STATE.8-0 WORKING STATES OF UNITS UNIT NIP1-0 PET-0 PET-1 PET-2 PET-3 PET-4 PET-5 PET-6 PET-7 PET-8 PET-9 PET-10 PET-11 PET-12 PET-13 PET-14 PET-15 PHYS 0014H 2008-12-19 LOG 441AH STATE WO-EX SE-NH WO-EX WO-EX WO-EX SE-NH SE-NH SE-NH WO-EX WO-EX SE-NH WO-EX SE-NH WO-EX WO-EX WO-EX SE-NH 11:05:47 INFO - NUMBER OF UNITS DISPLAYED = 17 2. enter the command ZAHP:::2005-11-27.<start time>. Display the alarm history with the MML command: ZAHP:::<start date>.0::FULL. LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 3.<end date>. RNC alarm history from start date (default is current date): ZAHP:::[start date]:. 5 . GTPU).<unit index>. SE-NH (Seperated – No Hardware) *NB.3.. As an example. Note that the userid should have enough access rights to output the MML command log of all users. ICSU.(No/):(WORKING STATE). This information is needed at least in case of faults. enter the HMS address (displayed in the first row of the execution printout) as parameters to the WFL MML command. MML command log Display the MML command log with the MML command ZIGO:<start date>. and the version of all software modules that are run in the computer unit. These commands are applicable to all DMX units (OMU. In case of a Chorus unit.2005-11-28. TE. Also the parameters of ZIGO command should be such that all information of all commands of all users is output. 3. 4.3. and the end date should be the day when the problem occurred. It can be obtained by first finding out the HMS address of the plug-in unit with the MML command ZWFI:P::::<unit type>.2. The working state changes from WO. Working state of units 3. RSMU. enter the ZIGO:2005-11-27.<unit index>.1 Display the state and info of the units configured into the system with the MML command: ZUSI:::FULL. The start date should correspond to the day preceding the problem occurrence. 5. SE-OU (Seperated – Out of Use). RRMU. For major elements with a spare unit within the pool. ICSU or OMU) if the Spare needs to brought to WO the WO unit first needs to be put into the SP (Spare) state. which have led to a spontaneous restart of a computer unit. if the HMS address displayed in the execution printout of the WFI command is CHMS: 01 SHMS: 2 PPA: 03.txt”. ZWQV:<unit type>. as well as to all Chorus units (= other computer units than the ones listed above).2 Change the working state of units: ZUSC:(UNIT). if the problem situation emerged on 2005-11-28 at 00:10 and ceased on 2005-11-28 at 03:20. Display the interchangeability information of the plug-in unit that is attached to the computer unit. After this. in which the problem exists.<end date>. SW and HW version information Display the version of the SW build.. (IE. For example.<unit index>:”cat /image/sys_bank/versions. display also the version information of the components included into the boot image with the MML command: ZDDE:<unit type>. this will automatically bring the SP to WO. then the command for finding out the interchangeability information of the plug-in unit would be ZWFL:P:1. Collect this information with the following MML commands: ZWQO:CR. VC:1. LCI:10.2 Change ATM Admin State .ZLAI:INTERFACE TYPE:INTERFACE ID.VPI. ZLAI:UNI:10. VCI:USAGE. 6. 6. LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 6.ZLCS:INTERFACE ID. 6 .VCI: CHANGING ACTION. and ZWDI.ZLAS:INTERFACE ID:NEW ADMIN STATE.ZLCI: INTERFACE ID.1 Interrogate ATM I/F . Plug-in Unit HW information ZWFL:P. ZLAS:10:LOCKED. INTERROGATE TERMINATION POINT I/F ID ----10 VPI ----1 OAM SEGMENT --------NO VCI ----33 USAGE -----CNBAP TRAFFIC SHAPING VP LEVEL -------FULL INGRESS EGRESS SERVICE CATEGORY ---------------CBR CBR INGRESS CDVT_PCR ----------14 MSEC EGRESS ADMIN STATE -------UNLOCKED 14 MSEC EFF ADMIN STATE --------UNLOCKED EPD --------DISABLED DISABLED CDVT_SCR ----------N/A N/A PPD --------DISABLED DISABLED PCR ----------120 CPS 51 KBPS 120 CPS 51 KBPS QOS CLASS --------C1 C1 SCR ----------N/A BURST TOL ----------N/A N/A N/A EFF OPER STATE -------ENABLED 7.6. ATM I/F handling: 6.6-0 INTERROGATE INTERFACE INTERFACE ID TYPE -------10 UNI ADMIN STATE -------UNLOCKED PHY TTP -------10 ACC PROF ---YES OPER STATE -------ENABLED 6.4 Interrogate ATM Term Point . TP TYPE: VPI.3 Change ATM Term Point Admin State .33. FC.177 ms 8.30.5 To PING an Element from the RNC: QRX:OMU. The message shall be sent both in the working OMU and in the spare OMU.177): 56 data bytes 36 bytes from 192.(No/):ON:DIA=ON. Applies Loop Removes Loop 8.177 PING Statistics---1 packets transmitted.19. If displaying of the system restart information is supported in the SW build in question. The lower service terminal connector shall be used because the output is displayed only via it.252: Redirect: Host New addr: 192. 9. (UNIT id).47 Object unit : SFU-1 Working state : WO-EX Recovery task : fault by alarm Fault observer : 0000 0002 0000 00 Alarm(s) : 1227 FFFF FFFF Fault class : fault_class_t_disturbance_c 7 .177: icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=11.(UNIT id).8..68.6034.*.1 Start diagnostic: ZUDU:(UNIT).3.30. display the system restart history by sending the following message from the service terminal connected to the lower service terminal connector in the front panel of the OMU. 8.19...19.2 Monitor Diagnostics in progress: ZUDQ.168.4 Putting a loop onto a PET: ZYAM:PET. 1 packets received.).177 (172.30. 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 11.19.1 System restart history If there was a system restart caused by the problem.177/11. Diagnostics 8.177 ms ----172.177:PING:. 8.177/11.212 for icmp_s eq=0 64 bytes from 172. ZOS:FF.. System restart 9.168.3 Output diagnostic history report: ZUDH:(UNIT). RNC BM0RNC01 2008-03-23 08:39:29 PING.68.(No/.(No/):ON:DIA=OFF. ZYAM:PET.30.0:IP=172. information on four latest system restarts is displayed on the service terminal in the following format: ======================= Record number 0x0002 ====================== Date and time : 2005-09-16 13:40:45.19..30. SENDING UNIT: OMU-0 PING 172.9 To Check errored seconds on a PET ZYMO:PET.. 8. ZDDE:<unit type>. RRMU. DMCU. as well as their control file.bbox..<unit index>:”bblog –c –a <y>”.txt): You should display the black box of both OMUs and the black box (DMX unit) / system dump and logs (Chorus unit) of the object unit shown in the system restart history. Note that this information may reside in the system restart history of the current spare OMU if there was a switchover of OMU made in connection with the system restart. In that case you also should attach to the outage report all the stored black box information of the DMX units of interest (i.3 Spontaneous restart of a CHORUS unit (MXU. GTPU) Black Box(es) of the restarted unit (store to a file named like omu_0_bbox. ICSU. as the physical address of the OMU-1 is 0001 (obtained from the output of the USI MML command).bbox … 0001_11. as well as their control file. ZDDE:<unit type>.<unit index>:”sysdump –W”.<unit index>:”loadext bblog”.”Z1U”.”ZL:1”.2 Spontaneous restart of a DMX unit (OMU. The black box files of a certain unit. the back box files of the OMU1 are named as 0001_00.0. NIP1. This directory contains max. Note that there may be more than one system restart occurring in a row in a certain fault situation.seq.”ZL:1”. A2SU. If the system restart history is not supported in the SW build in question.”Z1U”. can be identified on the basis of the physical address of the unit. ZDDE:<unit type>. The unit displayed as the object unit is the one that is the origin of the system restart.seq. try to figure out (e. Note that there may be more than one unit restart occurring in a row in a certain fault situation. NIS1.g. where <y>= 2…10 8 . 9.<unit index>.======================= End of record number 0x0002 =============== On the basis of the date and time shown in the first data row you can identify the information. ZDDE:<unit type>. which concerns the system restart that is of interest. and the control file is named as 0001. which is used as a part of the name of these files. For example. of OMUs and of system restart object units) from the “W0-/var/crash/” directory on the disk.BOX”. In that case you should attach to the problem report all the stored black box information of the DMX unit in question from the “W0-/var/crash/” directory on the disk.<unit index>:”ZLP:1.txt): Display the black box with the following MML commands: ZDDE:<unit type>. This directory contains max.BOX”. 9.<unit index>:”loadext sysdump”. the back box files of the OMU-1 are named as 0001_00. on the basis of the alarm history) the object unit by your own and display the black box / system dump & logs of that unit as instructed in the section “Spontaneous restart of a DMX unit” or “Spontaneous restart of a Chorus unit”. can be identified on the basis of the physical address of the unit. 12 latest formed black boxes for each DMX unit. For example. The black box files of a certain unit.bbox. SFU) System dump of the restarted unit: Display system dump and the stored computer logs and OS logs from the restarted unit with the following commands ZDDE:<unit type>.bbox … 0001_11. which is used as a part of the name of these files. Black box(es) of the computer units of interest (store to a file named like omu_0_bbox. respectively.<unit index>:”ZLP:1. as the physical address of the OMU-1 is 0001 (obtained from the output of the USI MML command). For example: ZDVL::CONT:::::OMU. and the control file is named as 0001. Printout of the MML command: ZDVL::CONT:::::<unit type>. RSMU. 12 latest formed black boxes for each DMX unit.e. 34.10 Dump DSP fatal error log under directory /DSP cat /DSP/dsp_fatal_errors. RSMU. DSP service statistics information RN2. computer log in long format ZDDE:<unit type>. DMCU.<unit index>:”bblog –o <y>”. and SFU ZDDE:<unit type>. and so on.1 Start a remote session to the suspected faulty DMPG ZDDS:DMPG. Printout of the MML command: ZDVL::CONT:::::<unit type>. Collect DSP service related information 11. NIS1.1 Displaying computer logs and system logs from Chorus units.2 Commands for displaying computer logs and system logs from DMX units The DMX units are: OMU.INDEX=<unit index>:ALL.ZDDE:<unit type>. NIP1.<unit index>:”clog –sa”. The chorus units are: MXU.9 Dump RMDPRB log under directory /DSP cat /DSP/rmd_log. log data written before the previous unit restart is shown. Please make sure that you define the value y correctly in order to display the logs that have been written just before the unit restart(s) of interest.0 ZWPS:U:UNIT=<unit type>.5 Get current DSP service instance information rmdext –d 3 11.2 Load rmdext service terminal extension into DMPG ram disk loadext rmdext 11. 11. 11. and GTPU ZDDE:<unit type>. With the parameter value 2.2 and RN3. RRMU.4 Get current DSP service related information rmdext –d 2 11. For example: ZDVL::CONT:::::DMPG.<unit index>.1 ZWPS:UNIT.<unit index>:”ZSLP”.txt 11.DMCU.<unit index>:”ZGSC”. system log of frozen programs 9 . system log of other system errors ZDDE:<unit type>. Basic Instructions monitoring messages for displaying logs and for 12. ICSU.<unit index>.8 Get RMDPRB event log rmdext –l 11.txt 12. chorus unit log 12. 10. where <y>= 2…10 The parameter value y (where y = 2…10) in the commands above defines the order number of the log.11 Dump RMDPRB severe error log under directory /DSP cat /DSP/rmd_serv. RN2.3 Get current DSP state and other information rmdext –d 1 11.txt 11.<unit index>:”ZGDC”.<unit index>:”ZSLE”.7 Get current channel list rmdext –d 6 11. computer log in short format ZDDE:<unit type>.<unit index>.6 Get current connection list rmdext –d 5 11. A2SU. 9 Wait approx 15 secs for card to power up then return it to WO 13.2. 13.1 Check Alarms on relevant NIP1 card(s): ZAAP:NIP1. ZUSC:NIP1.13. 13.6 Shut down power to the card: ZHDG:1. The position is found from the CHMS SHMS and PPA : ZWFI:P::::NIP1.11 PET’s not requiring connection to ccts are to be put into SE-NH 10 .1:SE. ZUSC:NIP1.3.5 Check to see if HMS is loaded: ?  If HMS is missing then load by using the following command: ZLP:H. 13.1:TE.1:SE.SE-NH N. NI16P1A 000 CHMS: 01 SHMS: 3 PPA: 02 USR: 13. WILL HAVE TO FORCED: 13.Seperated (out of use) SE-OU ZUSC:NIP1. .2 Take NIP1 card to Seperated (No Hardware)-SE-NH.7 *WAIT 5 mins then proceed to apply power to the unit: ZHDH:1. Procedure for Power Cycling NIP1 Cards 13.3 Find the NIP location within the RNC: ZWFI:P::::NIP1. 13.3.1:TE::FCD.1.1.B. : 13. .2. IF NIP CARD CANNOT BE TAKEN TO SE-NH THE UNIT ZUSC:NIP1.8 Close the remote Debugger Session and return to the Main Menu: ZZE.10 Ensure that all PET’s on the card are available: ZUSI:NIP1.4 A Remote Debugger Session now need to be started: ZDDS. 13.1::FULL.1.HME 13. ----. – ZRRI:ROU=(ROUTE NO/).4 To Block the AAL2 path – ZLSB:(ANI):(PATH ID). 14.------291 1021 186 1 46 SHARED LOCAL 1*10E-3 10..2 Check the AAL2 path state – ZLJI:ROU=(AAL2 SIG ROUTE NOs). Procedure for Problems with AA2 Signalling If the AAL2 path is showing problematic. and in the ‘NBR’ column will be the AAL2 Sig Route No/s.1 Find the Route No/s to the BTS – ZRII:TREE=1.0 MS OVERALL STATE ------SE – SY This also highlights the Path ID. 11 .----.8-0 ROUTES ROU TYPE PRO USER_ST 291 AAL2 UNI WO-EX ANI A00001001 NET - SPC(H/D) - 14. one solution is to block and unblock the link: 14.5 To unblock the path use – ZLSU:(ANI):(PATH ID). LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 2.-------.14.2-0 RNC BM0RNC05 TREE= 1 DIGITS 4900001020 4900001040 4900002020 4900002040 4900003020 2008-03-23 03:09:47 ATYPE=N AL 0 0 0 0 0 NBR 291 292 169 170 187 RT ROU ROU ROU ROU ROU CT NGC NGC NGC NGC NGC SP 0 0 0 0 0 NL 0 0 0 0 0 RC APR APR APR APR APR DEST 306 307 175 176 193 SDEST 306 307 175 176 193 In the first column locate the BTS ID No/.-----.3 Find the ATM Node Identifier (ANI) No/.----. ZLSB:A00001001:1021.------. INTERROGATE ENDPOINT ROUTE PATH TERMINATION POINT AAL2 CPS-SDU NUMBER ID IF ID VPI VCI EP USAGE OWNER LOSS R MUX DEL -----. LJI:ROU=291.---------. 14. LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 14. MAIN LEVEL COMMAND <___> < ZRII:TREE=1. 14. ZRRI:ROU=291. 12 .3.-------OMU LOG AA29 15.2 15.32.2 Remove Network I/F ZQRG:OMU.25.3. 15.L:AA29.0&&1:(AA I/F).3 ATM IF VPI VCI -----. 15.-----OMU-0 AA29 ADM IF STATE MTU TYPE ----.177 LOG 70 15.1.---------OMU-1 172. Cross reference the AA I/F.3.152. 15.---. ATM I/F and VPI for the O&M.152.4 Change administrative state ZLCS:(ATM I/F). INQUIRED TCP/IP ATM INTERFACE EXTERNAL TERMINATION POINT(S): UNIT&INDEX TYPE IP INT ---------.1.5 Change administrative state ZLCS:(ATM I/F). Can be found by ZQKB:OMU.-----------------..1. 15.32:LOCK.32. ATM I/F.3 Remove TCP/IP ATM I/F ZQMD:EXT:OMU:(AA I/F):(ATM I/F).3 15. QKB:OMU.----206 69 32 ENC METHOD ---------LLC/SNAP USAGE -----IPOAM OPER STATE ------RUN ADMIN STATE ----UP Deleting DCN 15.(VPI):LOCK.1 Information required prior to carrying out this procedure is: 15.4 AXC IP AA I/F Subnet Static address = Gateway IP IP address = BTS IP + 4 IP address = Destination IP = AXC IP -1 Route No/. 15.25.176/28 172.28:172.1 Delete Static Route ZQKA:(Route No/. and VPI with ZQMI: ZQMI:OMU.-----------------.1 15.6 Delete termination point ZLCD:(ATM I/F).5 AA I/F. Found by cross referencing the AXC IP ZQRI.2 These can be found from Dimension. INTERROGATED STATIC ROUTES ROUTE UNIT DESTINATION GATEWAY ADDRESS TYPE NBR --------. ATM report for the Node and VP0.---------------------------------------L (172.----.3.(VPI). 15.177:LOG. Stripping Out and rebuilding a DCN 15.189)/32 ->172.:172.3. The Static Route No/.152.177 15.---UP 1544 ADDR TYPE IP ADDRESS ---.(VP). INTERROGATING NETWORK INTERFACE DATA IF UNIT NAME --------. NETMASK:GATEWAY IP ADDRESS:LOG.----.152.).:DESTINATION IP ADDRESS.----. ZQRI. 4 Configure network I/F ZQRN:OMU:(AA I/F).(VPI).VC.15.(VPI).32. 15. 15.C1:::150.3.L:(AA I/F):(ATM I/F).4.7 Delete termination point ZLCD:(ATM I/F).4.VC:::C. 15.32::U.VP.2 Create termination point ZLCC:(ATM I/F).N:(AA I/F IP)..(VPI).(VPI).4.3 Configure I/F for EXT use ZQMF:OMU.4 Create static route ZQKC:OMU.. 15.U:U.1 Create termination point ZLCC:(ATM I/F).4.0&&1:(destination IP).4 Rebuilding the DCN 15.. 15.CPS:STATE=UNLOCKED.L:32:(AXC IP):1544.4. 13 .....U::::STATE=UNLOCKED.29:(AXC IP):LOG.. Second IP address is AXC IP address) (First IP Address is RNC **********Create Static Routes***Blue for RAN2***Red for RAN 1********** ZQRC:OMU..:32:172.CPS.32:::U.IPOAM.C1:::150.U:U..118. *ZYBC:111:PET.16.118..U.CPS.118. (Create 2E1 Access profile for RAN 1) ZLAF:111:13471. (AA I/F normally =ATM I/F But can patched + Normally VP0 but can change if DCN is VP patched on passport) change when VP **********Create DCN********** ZQRN:OMU:AA111..CPS:4:7. (Create Static Route for OMU 0) (Create Static Route for OMU 1) 14 . and 1) (Create Static Route for OMU 0 ZQRC:OMU. passport) (Normally VP0 but can change if DCN is VP patched on ZLCC:111.0..0.VP. (AA I/F normally =ATM I/F But can change when VP patched + Normally VP0 but can change if DCN is VP patched on passport) ZQMF:OMU:AA111:111.N:172. ZYDC:111:PET=1 ZLAC:111:UNI.25.28:GW:IP:IP=172.VC:NO.118.17:1544:UP.U:U.. (Create 3E1 Access profile for RAN 1) **********VP Termination Point***Blue for RAN2***Red for RAN1********** ZLCC:111.1&2&3:3..32:1.IPOAM.CPS.32:1.CPS:4:7.VC.118.17.25. (Create Access profile for RAN 2) ZLAF:111:4528.U.0&&1:172.32::U.17.28:GW:IP:IP=172.VC:YES.16.CPS.16.CPS:4:7..25.FULL::C.0. *If on 3E1 IMA Gp use this command *If on 2E1 IMA Gp use this command (Create Physical Termination Point (Create Physical Termination Point (Create ATM Interface) to build IMA Gp to build IMA Gp For IMA Gp) For PET) **********Access Profile***Blue for RAN2***Red for RAN1********** ZLAF:111:4:7.CBR1. ZQRC:OMU.25.UBR1.25.29.. patched on passport) (Normally VP0 but can change if DCN is VP **********Create AA Interface***Blue for RAN2***Red for RAN1********** ZQMF:OMU.UBR1.CPS.118..0:172.28:GW:IP:IP=172.118.118.FULL:::C.25.C1::150.0.4528.. (Create 1E1 Access profile for RAN 1) ZLAF:111:8980.0.L:AA111:111.25.. Building Site on RNC *ZYBC:111:PET. ZYDC:111:IMA=111..25.17.16.L..8980.0. patched on passport) (Normally VP0 but can change if DCN is VP ZLCC:111..1:172. AA I/f Address.UNLOCKED. is VP patched on passport) (Normally VP0 but can change if DCN **********VC Termination point***Blue for RAN2***Red for RAN1********** ZLCC:111.1&2:2.VC.13471.111.VP. 15 . Signalling Link To check the Signalling links use commands ‘ZNET’ . ZNET gives the following information: Route Sets. If the Sig Link reports BL-AD this highlights that the link has been locked down by the user and therefore should not need any further investigation. If any Signalling link fails it will need to be investigated. OR ‘ZNEL’. Link Sets.17. Signalling links SIGNALLING ROUTE SETS NETWORK: NA0 SP CODE H/D ================== 0406/01030 NAME ===== BM03W STATE ===== AV SIGNALLING ROUTES IN ROUTE SET STATE INFO ========================== ============ 0406/01030 AV-EX SIGNALLING LINK SETS NET SP CODE H/D ===================== NA0 0406/01030 LINK SET STATE ======== ===== 16 BM03W AV SIGNALLING LINKS IN LINK SET ================================== 0 1 2 3 SIGNALLING LINKS ATM BASED LINKS (Q2210) ======================= LINK CFNSAL LOG EXTERN EXTERN LINK LINK SET STATE UNIT H-ID TERM INTERF VPI-VCI =============== ==================================================== 0 16 BM03W AV-EX ICSU-16 2 0 1 1-34 ZNEL only gives the Signalling Links. unavailable-testing User has started a data link test and only test traffic can be UA-TST transferred by the link. Make a note of the External Interface No/. See the text. Place the Link into and Inactive state using ‘ZNLC:(Link No/).The following table explain the Sig Link states: Main state Name of the state Meaning and the change made -substate 1 -substate 2 AV-EX available-executing Link is working normally UA-AD unavailable- Operator has taken the link out of use and has denied the activation denied activation. IE ZNLC:0. SIGNALLING LINK STATES ATM BASED LINKS (Q2210) ======================= LINK CFNSAL LOG EXTERN EXTERN LINK LINK SET STATE UNIT H-ID TERM INTERF VPI-VCI ===================================================================== 0 16 BM04W AV-EX ICSU-14 4 0 1 1-34 2. unavailable- System has taken the link out of use. See the text The following commands can be used to investigate and try to bring the Link back to a working condition: 1.INA. IE: ZNLC:0. while no signalling traffic is allowed.ACT.INA. ZLAI To interrogate the ATM I/F and Discover the PHY TTP 16 . the Link No/. 3. To activate the link use deactivated by user command NLC. 4. Bring the Sig Link back into the Active state using ZNLC:(Link No/). See the text. UA-INU UA-INS unavailable- Operator has taken the link out of use. Link has not completed deactivated by the initial alignment or the signalling link test procedure system successfully.ACT. INTERROGATE PROTECTION GROUP CONFIGURATION GROUP ID ----3 PROTECTION GROUP TYPE ----------------MSP 1+1 (SDH) PROTECTION SWITCH MODE ------------NON-REVERTIVE SENT REQUEST -------------------MANUAL SWITCH LOCKOUT -------DISABLED RECEIVED REQUEST -------------------REVERSE REQUEST SET INDEX --------WORKING SECTION: 3 PROTECTION SECTION: 7 SELECTOR --------X CONDITION --------------OK OK PHY TTP ------VC PATH 1: 13 VC PATH 2: VC PATH 3: 7. LOADING PROGRAM VERSION 1. ZWFI 17 .LAI:NNI:1. INTERROGATE INTERFACE INTERFACE ID TYPE -------1 NNI 5. YWI:3:. To interrogate the PHY TTP OPERATIONAL STATE ----------ENABLED PHY TTP ------1 ADMIN STATE -------UNLOCKED PHY TTP -------1 ATM INTERFACE CREATED ------------YES ACC PROF ---YES OPER STATE -------ENABLED To interrogate the PHY TTP SDH VC PATH -----1 SET --0 PAYLOAD TYPE ------ATM ZYDI:13. ZYDI YDI:1:.5-8 OPERATIONAL STATE ----------ENABLED PHY TTP ------13 ATM INTERFACE CREATED ------------YES SDH PROTECTION GROUP -------------3 SDH VC PATH -----1 PAYLOAD TYPE ------ATM 6. 8. ZYWI to Interrogate the SDH Protection Gp and find the Which path is in use.
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