
April 30, 2018 | Author: Varsha Kulkarni | Category: Government Information, Government, Politics, Crime & Justice, Justice



RCLIANCe TelecomA nitDhir ub h aAi m b a n iGro u p Retiance Tetecom Limited DN -53, Sector- V Satt Lake,Kotkata- 700 091 Tet : +9133 30120001-06 Fax: +9133 3012OO12 LETTER OF APPOINTMBNT RTLiCELL/HRD/APPT 162I I2OO7 Date:-10thMuy,2007, Sh Hemant Khator 236/237,Line No. 2, Birla Nagar, Gwalior (IvP) - 474004 Dear Hemant, This hasreferenceto your application and subsequentinterview you had with us, we are pleasedto appoint you as Asst. Manager - Accounts in Grade - 9 on the following terms and conditions: PLACE OF POSTING : 01. Your initial posting will be at Jabalpur. However, during employment with the Company, you may be posted / transferredto any of the offices / projects / divisions / departments/ units of the Company existing or to be set at any other location in India or abroad, without any additional remuneration.Your date ofjoining will be with effect from the day you join the Company. 02. COMPENSATION: Your compensationon a Cost to Company basis will be 175000/- per annum (Rupees One Lac Seventy Five Thousand only) and shall comprise of Base Pay and Choice Pay as detailed in Annexure l-a. The choice pay componentof your compensationrequiresyou to make and speci$r amountsagainstapplicablechoice pay element.Pleasereturn the duly filled 'Choice Pay Selection Sheet' (Annexure 1-b) to HRD immediately on joining. \ Continaed Page 2 Office H Btock,1st Ftoor,DhirubhaiAmbaniKnowtedgeCity,Navi Mumbai- 4O0 710 Registered i t'l t, MEDICAL FITNESS AND VERIFICATION OF PARTICULARS : Your appointmentis subjectto: a) Your being declared medically fit by a Medical Officer or by a Doctor specified by the Company and your continuing to remain medically fit. your services would be liable for termination at any time without any notice or any compensationin lieu thereof.In caseyou are found medically unfit to continuewith the job. you will lose your lien on the job.ReLfANCe Telecom A n i tD h i r u b h aAim b a n G i roup 03. You will be required to becomea member of the Company's Provident Fund Schemeimmediately on joining. pRovIDENT th Hemant Khator FUND scHEME . hardwork. the appointment is terminable either by the company or by yourself without any notice and without assigning any reasonwhatsoever. regularity in attendance. good conduct. s\ Continued Page 3 . which may be extendedor reducedat the sole discretion of the Management.you shall continueto be on probation. b) In case particulars mentioned in your application are found false. employee'sperformanceis reviewedoncea year. Generally. COMPENSATION PROGRESSION: Future increasein your compensationand future prospectsin the company shall entirely depend on your efficiency.sincerity. PROBATION i CONFIRMATION : You will initially be on probation for a period of 6 months. Company's performance and such other relevant factors as adjudged by the management. You will be governedby the rules in force from time to time. The Company's contribution under this scheme which at present is I2%oof Basic Salary with a matching compulsory contribution from you. Any action arisingout of this review is solely at the discretion of the management. The Managementhas the right to get you medically examined by any Certified Medical Practitioner during the period of your service. During the period of probation. not authentic or without documentary proof. 04. On completion of initial probation period till such time that you are intimated in writing regardingyour confirmation. You will be required to submit enrollmenVtransferforms to the Personnel/HRDepartmentimmediately. RCLIANCC Telecom A n i lD h i r u b h aAi m b a nG i roup Sh Hemant Khator 07. processor improvement so that the benefit thereof shall accrueto the Company and you will execute and do all instruments. Contravention of this will lead to the termination of your servicewithout any notice or any compensationin lieu of such notice. b) You will devote your entire time and attention to the work of the Company and will not undertake any direct /indirect business or work. honorary or remuneratory except with the written permission of the Managementin each case.firms or companies. particulars or details of the Company's manufacfuring processes. invention. If and when required to do so by the Company. processor improvementmade or discoveredby you while in the Company's service. which may be required by the Company for assigning. technical know-how. in order to enable the Company to perform the service.and such discovery. administrative and/or organizationalmaffers of a confidential/secret nature. d) You shall neither divulge nor discloseto any unauthorizedperson during the period of your service or even afterwards by word of mouth or otherwise.This also includes such information as is already known to the public which also you will not release. processor improvement shall belong absolutely to and be the sole and absolute property of the Company. c) You shall not seek membership of any local or public bodies without first obtaining written permission from the Management.as the company may direct as the sole beneficiary thereof. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: a) The company will expect you to work with a high standardof integrity.take out or apply for the Company'sPatent. deeds and things. e) You shall keep confidential all the information and material provided to you by the Company or by its clients concerning their affairs. Your obligation to keep such information confidential shall remain even on termination or cancellationof this employment.transferring or otherwisevesting the same and all benefits arising in respectthereof in the Company's favour or in favour of such other person or persons. which may be your privilege to know by virtue of your being the company's employee. security affangements. privileges or protection as may be directed by the Company in respect of any such discovoly. invention. \ Continued Puge 4 . invention. you shall at the Company's expense. Licenses or other rights.use or disclose except with the prior written permission of the Company. D You will discloseto us forthwith any discoVe{/. initiative. efficiency and economy. acts. regulations and proceduresetc. rules. laws. i) You shall be fully responsiblefor timely compliancesof all applicable statutes.4 RCLIANCC Telecom A nitDhir ubhaAi m b a n Gro i up s) Sh Hemant Khator You will not enter into any commitmentsor dealingson behalf of the Company for which you have no expressauthority nor alter or be aparty to any alterationof any principle or policy of the Company or exceedthe authority or discretionvestedin you without the previous sanction of the Company or those in authority over you. Ens uring proper implementation of all applicable statutes. procedures of central I state government.the company will have a right to assesson its own basis and recover the damagesof all such materials from you and to take such other action as it deemsproper in the event of your failure to account for such material or property to its satisfaction. autonomous I appropriate authorities/bodies and institutions that may be required by your position at any given point of time. rules. regulationsand proceduresetc. v. vi. regulations.alia shall include : i. iv. iii. regulationsand proceduresetc. Keeping the management apprised of the compliances made with proof in support thereof. laws. Keeping yourself aware and updatedon all applicablestatutes.laws. rules. You will be responsiblefor the safekeeping and return in good condition and order of all the propertiesof the company. Theseinter. \ Continued Page 5 .laws. rules. regulationsand proceduresas above ii.laws. care or charge. Maintaining all records/proof as required under the applicable statutes. vii. custody. Timely filing of all returns/documents/information/ parliculars to concerned authorities.which may be in your use. semi-government. h) You shall abide by code of ethics/ conduct of the company as existing from time to time.For the loss of any property of the company in your possession. Taking any other actions thatmay be required for complianceof applicablestatutes. rules. RCLIANCe Telecom Sh Hemant Khator uP i A nitDhir ubh aAi m b a n Gro 08.'ffi il:::ffi :::::::.. leave originally b) If you absent yourself without leave or remain absentbeyond the period of granted or subsequentlyextended. the Company. TBRMINATION OF PERMANENT SERVICE : a) you will automatically retire from the service of the company on attaining the superannuation age of 58 Years. Continued Page 6 . a) GENERAL : you may be selectedand sponsoredby the Company for familiarizationltraining assignmentswith in India or abroad.H:"'#10.'""TJ.you shall be considered as having voluntarily abandoned your employment without giving any notice unlessyou : .:11.The cost of by the company subject such training including the travel fare and related expenseswill be borne to agreementsto be drawn up and signed by the Company and you. 09. l::H*-J:T"1ff therightto takeappropriate reserves companv c) "'"fl :J::. b) orders will The service rules and regulations including conduct.s Technical Collaboratorsor any other InstitutionslOrganizations you will diligently and beneficially take part in the training and such assignments.ffi::ff'. either party may terminate the appointment by giving months notice or payment of salary (Basic) in lieu thereof.*' d) to the other three After confirmation.. discipline and administrative come in force from time to cover you and any such other rules or ordersof the companythat may time. c) your date of birth mentioned in the Matriculation / Higher Secondary certificate will be deemed to be the conclusiveproof of your date of birth' d) you will intimate in writing to the Management any change of addresswithin a week from change recordedaddressshall be deemed of the same.. e) you will hand over the Chargeor Letter of Authority and/or Power of Attorney issuedto you and of cessationof your also any property lmaterialof the company in your possessionat the time emploYmentwith the comPanY..failing which any communicationsent on your last to have been servedon You.. date of bitth and othertestimonialsin originaltogetherwith copiesthereof.X Ray & Urine Test.RCLIANCC Telecom A ni[Dhir ub h aAmb i anG i ro u p Sh Hemant Khator 0 Your compensation strucfurecanbe restructuredat anytime protectingthe grosssalary. SECTORV.You will be reimbursed \ ContinuedPage7 .700091. Calcutta. RelianceTelecomLimited. g) You arerequiredto submitthe following documents.experience.The medicalreportalongwith all testshouldbe at actualssubjectto a maxof Rs 500/-for thepurpose sentto us. Acceptanceletterandall futurecoffespondence shouldbe addressed to : HRD Department. 3) Relievingletterfrom your lastemployerin caseyou wereemployed. Medical examinationshould cover General registeredMedical Practitioner/reputed Physicalcheck-up. SaltLake. 5) Copy of the letterof resignationduly acknowledged by your previousemployer.ECG bloodtest. You are required to carry out pre employmentmedical examinationas per proforma enclosedby a diagonasticclinic. DN. l) Certificatesin supportof your educational/ professionalqualifications. 2) Three copiesof your recentpassportsizephotographscoloured-with abluebackground (not lighterthansky blue andnot darkerthanseablue). if you havenot submiffedthe sameearlier.53. 4) Copy of the lastpay slip issuedby the previousemployer. Pleasenote that your compensationpackageis strictly personaland confidentialto you and you are thereforeadvisednot to divulgethe same. . Sincerelyyours. You are required to report to Sh ServeshMathur at Reliance Telecom Limited.' (Authorised Signatory) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & ACCEPTANCE : 1' r I shallreportfor duty on o I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and hereby signiff my acceptanceof the same.RCLIANCC Telecom A nitDhir u b h aAmb i a n iGro u p Sh Hemant Khator You are required to report for duty on or before 2l-May-07.AB Road. 7th Floor Industry House. SIGNATURE: DATE: This Letter of appointment shall automatically stand withdrawn in case we do not receive your acknowledgement and acceptancewithin l0 days from issue of this letter and also in the event of your not reporting for duty within the time limit/date specified herein. We look forward to a long. Indore (MP) who shall brief you about your assignments. for RELIANCE TELECOM LIMITED @.ry Rajendra K Singh . successfuland pleasantassociation. 45 COSTTO COMPANY 175000.55 Amountsblockedas MandatorydebittowardsBonus 4991.15 rOTAL BASEPAY 69992.00 PF CONTRIBUTION(@.34 Amountblockedfor lnsurance 4344.40 Gratuitv (@4.RCLIANCe Tetecom A nitDhir ub h aAi m b a n Gro i up ANNEXURE [-a NAME sh Hemant Khator Grade 9 E LE M E N T S h Annualised t'Rs) BASIC 59920.00 Balanceavailablefor ChoicePay 95672.12%of Basic) 7190.11 TOTAL CHOICEPAY 105007.00 .81%of Basic) 2882. 00 4991.a) (For employees NOT allotted Company Vehicle) CHI LD R E N ' SE D U C A T IO N AL L OW A N C E Maxi mum2400/(@ Rs 1O0/Child/Monthupto 2 children) LEAVE TRAVEL ASSISTANCE Upto Two Months Easic Salary SPECIALPERSONALALLOWANCE Any amount within overall Choice Pay Cap. MAINTENANCECOST (As per policy) / M ED IC A LBE N E F IT I NS UR AN C E (As per policy) STATUTORYBONUS ( @ 8.LEASE RENTALVALUE (As per policy) Not Applicable (for those who have been alloted Company Vehicle LE A S E DC AR .ReLIANCe Telecom i A nitDhir ub h aAmb a n iG ro u p ANNEXURE L-b NAME S h Hemant Khator Grade I AND BENEFITSSHEET COMPENSATION CHO I C EP AY C O MP O N EN T C E ILIN GA MOU N T(P erA nnum) HOUSERENTALLOWANCE Uptoa maximumof 50%of Basic MEDICALALLOWANCE Maximum15000/- CONVEYANCEALLOWANCE Maximum9640/- Actual Choice (p.F U ELC OS T (As per policy) LEASEDCAR .33 % of Basic) S I G NED(Emp l o y e e ) \ DATE Not Applicable Not Applicable 4344.34 . (As per policy) HO US IN GF AC IL IT Y Not Applicable (Company LeasedAccomodationinclusive of notionalintereston Security Deposit) LEASEDCAR . 2007.7OO091 T e t : + 9 1 3 33 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 . 2007 Sh Hemant Khator 2361237.RCLIANCC Telecom A nitDhir u b h aAmb i anG i ro u p Retiance Tetecom Limited DN -53.474004 Dear Hemant. Birla Nagar.RELIANCE TBLECOM LIMITED Wry Rajendra K Singh \J' (AuthorisedSignatory) \ \ 400710 Mumba vav xn'w'leayc'r1 . 2.Kotkata.Line No. This hasreferenseto your appointment letterdated 10thMuy. Gwalior (MP) .162II2OO7 Date : . Also note that the PERFORMANCELINKED INCENTIVE (PLD mentionedabove reflects potential earningsandshallform part of the perfonnancelinkedpay.V Satt Lake. Pleasenotethatyou will alsobe entitledto a maximumPerfonnance Linked Incentiveof Rs 26250l-(Rupees Twenty Six ThousandTwo Hundred and Fifty only) per annum. Sector.10th Muy.0 6 Fax: +9133 3O12OO12 RTL/CELL/IIRD/APPT . Sincerelyyours FoT.
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