23-Heating,Ventilation & Air Conditioning

March 28, 2018 | Author: Ajeesh Abdul Azeez | Category: Duct (Flow), Mechanical Fan, Polyvinyl Chloride, Hvac, Air Conditioning



Al Ain MEP-TradesAircraft Maintenace Hangar Revision August 2010 MEPALA1N SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION VENTILATING, SECTION 23 00 00 AIR 23 - HEATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTION, VENTILATION, SUPPLY, AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 11/09 PART 1 GENERA L 1 . 1 REFERENCES 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.2.1 Mechanical Equipment Identification Charts Diagrams 1.2.2 Service Labeling 1.2.3 Color Coding 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.4.1 Prevention of Corrosion 1.4.2 Asbestos Prohibition 1.4.3 Use of Ozone Depleting Substances, Refrigerants 1.4.4 Detail Drawings 1.4.5 Test Procedures 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Other than PART 2 PRODUCT S 2.1 IDENTIFICATION PLATES 2.2 EQUIPMENT GUARDS AND ACCESS 2.3 ELECTRICAL WORK 2.4 ANCHOR BOLTS 2.5 PAINTING 2.6 INDOOR AIR QUALITY 2.7 DUCT SYSTEMS 2.7.1 Duct Access Doors 2.7.2 Fire Dampers 2.7.3 Automatic Smoke-Fire Dampers 2.7.4 Diffusers, Registers, a nd Grilles 2.7.5 Louvers 2.7.6 Air Vents, Penthouses, and Goosenecks 2.7.7 Bird Screens and Frames 2.7.8 Radon Exhaust Ductwork 2.8 AIR SYSTEMS 2.8. EQUIPMENT 1 Fans 2. 1.1 Centrifugal Fans 8 2 1.2 In-Line Centrifugal Fans . 8 1.3 Centrifugal Type Power Roof Ventilators 1. 2. 4 Propeller Type Power Roof Ventilators 8 2 8.2 Coils . 8 Water Coils 8.3 Air Filters 2 2 Extended Surface Pleated Panel Filters Extended Surface Nonsupported Pocket Filters Sectional Cleanable Filters Holding Frames Filter Gauges 2.9 AIR HANDLING UNITS 2.9.1 Factory -Fabricated Air Handling Units SECTION 23 00 00 Page 106 AI Ain - Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN Casings Cooling Coils Air Fi Iters Fans Access Sections and Fi 11er/Mixing Boxes Diffuser Sections 10 TERMINAL UNITS 2.10.1 Room Fan-Coil Units 2 10 1 1 Enc1osures . 2 10 1 2 Fans . 2 10 1 3 Coils . 2 10 1 4 Drain Pans . 2 10 1 5 Manually Op . 2 10 1 6 Filters . 2 10 1 7 Motors . I . Coil Induction C 2 2 10 2 1 Enclosures . 2 10 2 2 Air Plenums . 2 10 2 3 Coils . 2 10 2 4 Screens . 2 10 2 5 Drain Pan . 10.3 Variable Air Volume (VAV) and Dual Duct Terminal Units Constant Volume, Single Duct Terminal Units Variable Volume, Single Duct Terminal Units Variable Volume, Single Duct, Fan-Powered Terminal Units Ceiling Induction Terminal Units Series Fan Powered Variable Air Volume (VAV) Terminals 10.4 Unit Ventilators 2 10 4 1 Enclosures 2 10 4 2 Fans 2 10 4 3 Coils 2 10 4 4 Drain Pans 2 10 4 5 Filters 2 10 4 6 Dampers 2 10 4 7 Motors 2 10 4 8 Outside Air Intakes 2.11 ENERGY RECOVERY DEVICES 2.11.1 Rotary Wheel 2.12 FACTORY PAINTING 2.13 SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES 2.13.1 Chilled, Condenser, or Dual Service Water Piping 2.13.2 Condensate Drain Lines 2.13.3 Backflow Preventers 2.13.4 Insulation 2.13.5 Controls PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 3.2 INSTALLATION 3.2.1 Condensate Drain Lines 3.2.2 Equipment and Installation 3.2.3 Access Panels 3.2.4 Flexible Duct 3.2.5 Metal Ductwork Underground Ductwork SECTION 23 00 00 Page 107 AI Ain - Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN Radon Exhaust Ductwork 3.2.6 FRP Ductwork 3.2.7 Kitchen Exhaust Ductwork Ducts Conveying Smoke and Grease Laden Vapors Exposed Ductwork Concealed Ducts Conveying Moisture Laden Air 3.2.8 Acoustical Duct Lining 3.2.9 Dust Control SECTION 23 00 00 Page 108 1 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 3.2.12 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING 3.2 Operation And Maintenance Training -. AND BALANCING 3.2.9 DAMPER ACCEPTANCE TEST 3. ADJUSTING.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 3.End of Section Table of Contents -- SECTION 23 00 00 Page 109 .10 Insula t ion 3.11 PERFORMANCE TESTS 3.4 CUTTING AND PATCHING 3.Aircraft Ma i ntenace Hanga r MEP-Trades .13.13 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 3.13 Power Transmission Components Adjustment 3.8 IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS 3.2.10 TESTING.12 Power Roof Ventilator Mounting 3.11 Duct Test Holes 3.13.3 EQUIPMENT PADS 3.Al Ain .6 PENETRATIONS 3.5 CLEANING 3.2.7 FIELD PAINTING OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 3. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only.51 (2002) Acoustics Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources using Sound Pressure Precision Method for Re verberation Rooms CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA AIR (ACCA ACCA Manual 4 (2001) Installation Techniques for Perimeter Heating & Cooling. ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA (ASA) ASA S12. 11/09 PART 1 GENERAL 1 .Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEPALAIN MEP-Trades - Revision August 2010 SECTION AIR SUPPLY. DISTRIBUTION. AHRI 260 HEATING AND REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE (AHRI) (2001. Errata 2008) for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test Data AIR-CONDITIONING. Addendum 2002) Standard for Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils (1999) Standard for Central -Station Air-Handling Units (2008) Standard for Room Fan -Coils and AHRI 350 AHRI 410 AHRI 430 AHRI 440 Unit Ventilators SECTION 23 00 00 Page 110 . INT 2007. Addendum 2002) Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment (2000) Sound Rating of Non -Ducted Indoor Air-Conditioning Equipment (2001. 11th Edition AIR MOVEMENT AND CONTROL ASSOCIATION AMCA 201 AMCA 210 (2002) INTERNATIONAL (AMCA) Fans and Systems (2007) Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance R ating (2005) Reverberant Room Method for AMCA 300 Sound Testing of Fans AMCA 301 Methods (2006. 1 REFERENCES The publications l i s t e d below form a p a r t o f this specification to the extent referenced.Al Ain . 23 00 00 AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS VENTILATION. Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEPALAIN MEP-Trades - Revision August 2010 AHRI AHRI 880 885 (2008) ( 20 08) Standard for Air Terminals for Estimating Procedure Occupied SECTION 23 00 00 Page 111 .Al Ain . Al Ain . Errata 2009.2 (2007.1 ASME ASME A13. INT 2-15 2008. R 1999} Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Rol1er Bear ings (1990. Errata 2009) Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size (2007. e.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN Space Sound Levels in the Application of Air Terminals and Air Outlets AHRI DCAACP AHRI Guideline D (Online) Directory of Certified Air-Conditioning Products Applied (1996) Application and Installation of Central Station Air-Handling Units BEARING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (ABMA) AMERICAN ABMA 11 (1990. f and h 2008. Black and Hot-Dipped. and Strip (2007) Standard Specification for Pipe. Errata 2008. Errata 2009) Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (1997) Laboratory Method of Testing to Determine the Sound Power In a Duct (2006) Method of Testing for Rating the Performance of Air Outlets and Inlets (2008) Method of Testing Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers . b. Supplement 2008. R 2000) Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS (ASHRAE) HEATING. Steel.SI (2007. R 2009) Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate. SI Edition INTERNATIONAL (ASME) ASHRAE 62. Addenda a. Addenda B 2008. Errata 2009. REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ABMA 9 ASHRAE 52.1 (2007) Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) (2009) Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products (1999. INT 1-3 2009) Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Welded and Seamless ASTM A 123/A 123M ASTM A 167 ASTM A 53/A 53M SECTION 23 00 00 Page 112 . Zinc-Coated. INT 2007. Sheet.1 ASHRAE 6 8 ASHRAE 0 ASHRAE 84 7 ASHRAE 9 0.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test R 2005) Zinc Dust Pigment ASTM B 117 ASTM B 7 66 ASTM C 1071 ASTM C 553 ASTM C 916 ASTM D 16 54 ASTM D 17 85 ASTM D 24 66 ASTM D 2 5 64 ASTM D 2855 (2006) Standard Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Cloth (2009c) Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (1987. Schedule 4 0 (2004el) Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems (1996. R 2007) Standard Specification for Adhesives for Duct Thermal Insulation (2008) Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments (2006) Standard Speci fication for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC). R 2006) Standard for Industrial Controls and Systems Enclosures SECTION 23 00 00 Page 113 .Impingement and Dry Types. R 2002) Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with PolyfVinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings (2009) ASTM D 3359 ASTM D 52 0 ASTM E 2016 ASTM E 84 (2000.Revision August 2010 ASTM A 924 /A 924M (2009a) Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet. Schedules 40.MEPALAIN AI Ain . Plastic Pipe. and 120 (2006) Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings. R 2007) Standard Specification for Filter Units. 80. R 2008) Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Cadmium (2005el) Standard Specification for Fibrous Glass Duct Lin ing Insulat ion (Thermal and Sound Absorbing Material) (2008) Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulat ion for Commercial and Industrial Applications (1985.Aircraft Ma interlace Hangar MEP-Trades . Viscous . Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process (2009) Standing Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus (1986. Replaceable ASTM F 1040 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) NEMA ICS 6 (1993. Air Conditioning. Dampers (1999. Rev thru Feb 2009) Standard for Fire Smoke Dampers UL 555S Rev thru Mar 2009) UL 586 (2009) Standard for High-Efficiency Particulate. Smoke and Installation Guide for SMACNA 66 19 (2005) HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS Protection of LABORATORIES (UL) ADMINISTRATION (NARA) Stratospheric Ozone U. 4 0 CFR 8 2 UNDERWRITERS UL 1995 (2005. AMD 1 2008) National Electrical Code 2008 Edition (2008. 5th Ed) Radiation Damper HVAC Systems Fire. Rev thru Oct Ventilators 2009) Standard for Power UL 6 UL 705 UL 723 (2008) Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials SECTION 23 00 00 Page 114 .S. R 2007) Energy Management Guide for Selection and Use of Single Phase Motors NEMA MG 11 NATIONAL NFPA 70 FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) (2008.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN NEMA NEMA MG 1 MG 10 {2007.Al Ain . Errata 2008) Motors and Generators Standard for (2001. Air Filter Units (2007) Standard for Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit-Steel (2004. Errata 2009) Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems (2007) Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations SHEET METAL AND AIR CONDITIONING (SMACNA) CONTRACTORS' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION NFPA 90A NFPA 96 SMACNA 1403 SMACNA 1819 (2008) Accepted Industry Practice for Industrial Duct Construction (2002. Rev thru Jul 2009) Standard for Heating and Cooling Equipment UL 555 (2006. R 2007) Energy Management Guide for Selection and Use of Fixed Frequency Medium AC Squirrel-Cage Polyphase Induction Motors (1977. post these items where directed. at least 2 weeks prior to start of related testing. equipment. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 115 . Where more than one chart or diagram per space is required. Rev thru Jun 2009} Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances (2009) (2009) Building Materials Directory Fire Resistance Directory 1 . system diagrams that show the layout of equipment.1.2.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN UL 900 UL 94 (2004.Al Ain . safe-operation. and voltage and current characteristics.XXX-XXX instrument air Exhaust Fan Number VAV Box Number Fan Coil Unit Number LABEL AND TAG DESIGNATION AHU . and electrical work. 1. Labels shall be in accordance with the typical examples below : SERVICE Air handling unit Number Control and EF . and typed condensed operation manuals explaining preventative maintenance procedures.XXX-XXX VAV - XXX-XXX FC . extruded aluminum frame holders which open to 170 degrees. air handlers. Coordinate the work of the different trades to avoid interference between piping. etc. Provide complete.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . provide neat mechanical drawings provided with extruded aluminum frame under 3 mm glass or laminated plastic. all necessary offsets in piping and ductwork. and procedures for safely starting and stopping the system. 2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION UL Bid Mat Dir UL Fire Resistance Furnish ductwork. pipe sizes.2. mount these in edge pivoted. and all fittings. piping. Rev thru Nov 2009) Standard for Air Filter Units (1996. 1.1. methods of checking the system for normal. 1. with labels made of self-sticking. 1.2.2 Diagrams Submit proposed diagrams. structural. After approval. horsepower. swinging leaf. piping offsets. in place. pressure and temperature differences.2. heating and cooling capacities. plastic film designed for permanent installation.1 Charts Provide chart listing of equipment by designation numbers and capacities such as flow rates. fittings. required to install the work as indicat ed and speci f ied. and accessories as required to provide a complete installation.XXX-XXX CONTROL AND INSTR. and other components.2 Service Labeling Label equipment.1 Mechanical Equipment Identi f ication The number of charts and diagrams shall be equal to or greater than the number of mechanical equipment rooms. terminal units. and ductwork. including fans. Submit the fo llowing in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-02 Shop Drawings G. In congested or hidden areas and at all access panels at each point required to clarify service or indicated hazard. G. submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. b. G. locate labels at distances within eyesight of each other not to exceed 2 2 meter.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation. Label and arrow piping in accordance with the following: a. AE SECTION 23 00 00 Page 116 . All labels shall be visible and legible from the primary service and operating area. a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. In long straight runs. For Bare or Insulated Pipes for Outside Diameters of d. AE Room Fan -Coil Units. AE Detail Drawings. Where pressures could exceed 860 kilopascal.2. G. Each walls.Al Ain . tees. include the maximum system pressure in the label.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIM SERVICE Terminal Unit LABEL AND TAG DESIGNATION Box Number TB UV XXX-XXX XXX-XXX Ventilator Number Identify similar services with different temperatures or pressur es.. point of entry and exit of pipe passing throuqh Each change in d irect ion.e. i. c. Penthouses. When used.3 Color Coding all piping systems shall be in accordance with ASME A13.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Let tering 13 19 32 64 89 millimeter millimeter millimeter millimeter millimeter 13 thru 39 millimeter 40 thru 64 millimeter 65 thru 150 millimeter 151 thru 250 millimeter 250 millimeter and larger 1. elbows. and Goosenecks Centrifugal Fans In-Line Centrifugal Fans Centrifugal Type Power Roof Ventilators Propel1er Type Power Roof Ventilators Air Handling Units.1 Color coding of 1. SD-03 Product Data Duct Access Doors. AE Fire Dampers Automatic Smoke-Fire Dampers Louvers Air Vents. Fan-Powered Terminal Units. Single Duct. AE Constant Volume. AE Diagrams. G. Outline methods of testing used by the specified agencies. G. Single Duct Terminal Units. G.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE G. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 117 .Al Ain . G. Where materials and equipment are specified to conform to the standards of the Underwriters Laboratories. G . G. AE Coil Induction Units. stating that the items have been tested and that the units conform to the specified requirements. AE SD-07 Certificates Bolts SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions Manufacturer's Installation Instructions Operation and Maintenance Training SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data Operation and Maintenance ManuaIs Fire Dampers. Where materials or equipment are specified to be constructed or b.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN Coil Induction Units. G . G. G. the label of or listing with reexamination in UL Bid Mat Dir. AE Test Procedures SD-0 6 Test Reports Performance Tests. AE Room Fan-Coil Units. G. AE In-Line Centrifugal Fans. AE Energy Recovery Devices. Single Duct Terminal Units. G . Sing1e Duct Termina1 Units. AE Variable Volume. Single Duct Terminal Units. G. approval of materials and equipment is based on manufacturer's published data. Ceiling Induction Terminal Units. G. G. In lieu of such label or listing. AE Constant Volume. G . Cei1ing Indue t ion Terminal Uni t s. AE Variable Volume. AE Uni t Vent ila t ors Energy Recovery Devices. AE Variable Volume. AE Variable Volume. G . G. submit a written certificate from any nationally recognized testing agency. G. AE Except as otherwise specified. AE 1. AE Damper Acceptance Test. Single Duct. G. AE. AE Centrifugal Type Power Roof Ventilators. AE Centrifugal Fans. G. a. AE Propeller Type Power Roof Ventilators. AE Air Handling Units. AE Automatic Smoke-Fire Dampers. adequately equipped and competent to perform such services. GY AE Unit Ventilators. and UL 6 is acceptable as sufficient evidence that the items conform to Underwriters Laboratories requirements. G.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . G. Fan-Powered Terminal Units. Provide written certification from the bolt manufacturer that the bolts furnished comply with the requirements of this specification. 1. and the number of each type of bolt to be furnished in the certification. d.1 Prevention of Corrosion Conformance t o such agency requi rement s does not reli eve t h e it rom compliance with other requ i rement s o f these speci f icat ion em f Protect metallic materials against corrosion. solvent wipes. including. clamps. barrier material. ductwork layout showing the location of all supports and hangers.4. in accordance with t h e standards of the ASTM International IASTM).66 Subpart C. reinforcement spacing rigidity SECTION 23 00 00 Page 118 . the ASME International (ASME). open cell foam. and miscellaneous parts not of corrosion-resistant steel or nonferrous materials shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 123/A 123M for exterior locations and cadmium-plated in conformance with ASTM B 766 for interior locations. thimbles. bolts. guards. washers. Ferrous parts such as anchors. closed cell polyethylene foam and closed cell polypropylene foam except for flexible or packaging foam used in coaxial Any aerosol product or other pressurized dispenser which contains a chlorofluorocarbon. Do not use aluminum in contact with earth.2 Asbestos Prohibition Do not use asbestos and asbestos-containing products.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIM tested. typical hanger details. nuts. s. or both.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Submit the waiver request in writing to the Contracting Officer. Include illustrations of product markings. braces. 1. b. Request a waiver if a facility requirement dictates that a prohibited material is necessary to achieve project goals. Manufacturer shall provide rust-inhibiting treatment and standard finish for t h e equipment enclosures. Protect aluminum by approved fittings. a manu f acturer's certificate of compliance of each i t em i s acceptable as proof of compliance. rods. and where connected to dissimilar metal. shims. or treatment. solvent sprays. 1. closed cell extruded polystyrene sheet foam. c.4.66 Subpart C is prohibited.4. 1. including liquid packaging. fittings. Other than Refrigerants The use of Class I or Class II ODS1s listed as nonessential in 40 CFR 82 Part 82.4 Detail Drawings Submit detail drawings showing equipment layout. Any plastic party spray streamer or noise horn which is propelled by a chlorofluorocarbon Any cleaning fluid for electronic and photographic equipment which contains a chlorofluorocarbon. open cell rigid polyurethane poured foam. boxes. c. and gas sprays Any plastic flexible or packaging foam product which is manufactured with or contains a chlorofluorocarbon. except for those listed in 40 CFR 82 Part 82.4. These prohibited materials and uses include: a.Al Ain . The waiver will be evaluated and dispositioned. or other standards. including assembly and installation details and electrical connection diagrams. bodies. pins.3 Use of Ozone Depleting Substances. gauge reinforcement. gears. keys. Identification plates shall be three layers. 1. at least 2 weeks prior to the start of related testing. but not shown. operating platforms. integral disconnects. or other contaminants. ELECTRICAL WORK Provide motors. 2. high temperature equipment and piping exposed to contact by personnel or where it creates a potential fire hazard. and performance tests of systems.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar HEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN classificat ion. ladders. dirt and dust. Submit designation with the shop drawings. black-white-black.4.Al Ain . and guardrails are specified in Section 05 50 13 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS. chains. provide high-efficiency type.3 a. 1. The requirements for catwalks. and controls with their respective pieces of equipment. Additionally. identification plates larger than 40 mm high shall be 3 mm thick. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 119 . including clearances required for operat i on and maintenance. STORAGE.Properly guard or cover with insulation of a type specified. projecting setscrews. 2. Provide electrical equipment. provide engraved laminated phenolic ident i f icat ion plates for each piece o f mechanical equipment. Identification plates are to designate the function of the equipment. Letters shall be upper case. pulleys. and foundation bolts prior to concrete foundation construction for all equipment indicated or required to have concrete f oundat ions. as specified in Section 26 20 00 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Install identification plates using a compatible adhesive. cap or plug all pipes until installed. b.5 Test Procedures Submit proposed test procedures and test schedules for the ductwork leak test. include manufacturer provided controllers with the required monitors and timed restart. Include any in f ormat ion requ ired to demonstrate that the system has been coordinated and functions properly as a unit on the drawings and show equipment relationship to other parts of the work.5 DELIVERY. PART 2. with engraved lettering 3 mm high. couplings. For packaged equipment. Identification plates 40 mm high and larger shall have beveled edges. contactors. For single-phase motors. Submi t drawings showing bolt-setting information.6 mm thick. controllers. Provide manual or automatic control and protective or signal devices required for the operation specified and control wiring required for controls and devices specified. and other rotating parts exposed to personnel contact according to OSHA requirements. humidity and temperature variations.2 EQUIPMENT GUARDS AND ACCESS Fully enclose or guard belts. engraved to show white letters on black background. including motors and wiring. and static pressure and seal class i f icat ions. Submi t f unct ion designat ion o f the equipment and any other requirements specified throughout this Section with the shop drawings. except controllers indicated as part of motor control centers. AND HANDLING Protect stored equipment at the jobsite from the weather.1 2 PRODUCTS IDENTIFICATION PLATES In addition to standard manufacturer's identification plates. with engraved lettering of suitable height. Identification plates 40 mm high and smaller shall be 1. in accordance with NEMA MG 11. e. make the doors as large as practicable. Otherwi se. Provide motor duty that allows for maximum frequency start-stop operation and minimum encountered interval between start and stop. including motors that are part of a system . including motors that are part of a systern.7. Provide equipment and components that comply 62. Equip doors 600 by 600 mm or larger with fasteners operable from inside and outside the duct. Integra1 size motors sha11 be the premium ef f ic i ency type i n accordance with NEMA MG 1. return equipment to the f actory for ref inishing. 2.Al Ain . coils.1 DUCT SYSTEMS Duct Access Doors Provide hinged access doors conforming to SMACNA 1966 in ductwork and plenums where indicated and at all air flow measuring primaries. automatic dampers. ANCHOR BOLTS d. Provide doors that are a minimum 375 by 450 mm.6 INDOOR AIR QUALITY with.the requirements of ASHRAE specified herein. 2.7 2. unless otherwise shown. and other apparatus requiring service and inspection in the duct system. Provide fire dampers that conform to the requirements of NFPA 90A and UL 555. Field retouch only i f approved. Bolts to be of the size and number recommended by the equipment manufacturer and located by means of suitable templates. fire dampers. Fit motor bearings with grease supply fittings and grease relief to outside of the enclosure. For polyphase motors. Provide motor starters complete with thermal overload protection and other necessary appurtenances. provide squirrel-cage medium induction motors. Provide motor torque capable of accelerating the connected load within 20 seconds with 80 percent of the rated voltage maintained at motor terminals during one starting period.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN fractional-horsepower alternating-current motors.7. Installation of anchor bolts shall not degrade the surrounding concrete.5 PAINTING Paint equipment units in accordance with approved equipment manufacturer's standards unless specified otherwise. c. Provide variable frequency drives for motors as specified in Section 26 29 23 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE SYSTEMS UNDER 600 VOLTS.2 Fire Dampers Use 1.5 hour rated fire dampers unless otherwise indicated. Provide motors rated for continuous duty with the enclosure specified. Select premium efficiency polyphase motors in accordance with NEMA MG 10. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 120 .1 unless more stringent requirements are 2. and that meet the efficiency ratings for premium efficiency motors in accordance with NEMA MG 1. thermostats. Where duct size does not accommodate this size door. 2. Provide mot or s in accordance with NEMA MG 1 and of su f f i cient size to drive the load at the specified capacity without exceeding the nameplate rating of the motor. Provide access doors upstream and downstream of air flow measuring primaries and heating and cooling coils. 2.4 Provide anchor bolts for equipment placed on concrete equipment pads or on concrete slabs. Use insulated type doors in insulated ducts. 7.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar HEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN Perform the fire damper test as outlined in NFPA 90A. except linear slot diffusers. Fold or bead edges SECTION 23 00 00 Page 121 . spread. partition or floor slab depth or thickness. Perform acceptance testing of fire dampers according to paragraph Fire Damper Acceptance Test and NFPA 90A.7. Provide sound rated and certified inlets and outlets according to ASHRAE 70. and Goosenecks Fabricate air vents. air movement faster than 0. penthouses. 2. Accurately fit and secure louver blades to frames. Ensure that pressure drop in the damper open position does not exceed 25 Pa with average duct velocities of 13 m/second. and goosenecks from galvanized steel sheets with galvanized structural shapes. reinforcement. 2. an automatically controlled device is acceptable. further qualif ied under UL 55 5S as a leakage rated damper. Provide outlets for diffusion.3 Automatic Smoke-Fire Dampers Multiple blade type. 2. does not impair the operation of the damper. Install dampers that do not reduce the duct or the air transfer opening cross-sectional area.5 Louvers Provide louvers for installation in exterior walls that are associated with the air supply and distribution system as specified in Section 08 91 00 METAL LOUVERS. throw. Provide a pressure relief door upstream of the fire damper. comply with the installation details given in SMACNA 1819 and in manufacturer's instructions for fire dampers. Equip sleeves or frames with perimeter mounting angles attached on both sides of the wall or floor opening.6 Air Vents. Equip fire dampers with a steel sleeve or adequately sized frame installed in such a manner that disruption of the attached ductwork. Provide diffusers and registers with volume damper with accessible operator. UL 555 as a 1.7. and Grilles Provide factory-fabricated units of aluminum that distribute the specified quantity of air evenly over space intended without causing noticeable drafts. unless otherwise indicated. or if standard with the manufacturer. Reg i sters. Provide automatic operating fire dampers with a dynamic rating suitable for the maximum air velocity and pressure dif f erent ia1 to which it is subj ected. Install dampers so that the centerline of the damper depth or thickness is located in the centerline of the wall. Where the inlet and outlet openings are located less than 2 m above the floor. smoke damper assembly to include pneumatically powered operator.5 hour rat ed fire damper. Penthouses. and fabrication that conform to SMACNA 1966.25 m/s in occupied zone. Certify performance according to ASHRAE 70.7. Provide a leakage rating under UL 555S that is no higher than Class II at an elevated temperature Category B ( 121 degrees C for 30 minutes ). Unless otherwise indicated.4 Dif fusers. 82 degrees C fusible fire damper 1 ink. 2. Provide fire damper s approved for the specific application. Provide curtain type with damper blades out of the air stream or single blade type fire dampers. Provide linear slot diffusers with round or elliptical balancing dampers.Al Ain . Provide sound power level as indicated. if any. If the ductwork connected to the fire damper is to be insulated then provide a factory installed pressure relief damper. protect them by a grille or screen according to NFPA 90A. Provide opposed blade type volume dampers for all diffusers and registers. Construct ductwork in fire-rated floor-cei1ing or roof-cei1ing assemhly systems with air ducts that pierce the ceiling of the assemblies in conformance with UL Fire Resistance. Provide sheet metal thickness. or dead spots anywhere in the conditioned area. and noise level as required for specified performance. and install according to their listing. Select each fan to produce the capacity required at the fan static pressure indicated. with AMCA Pressure Class I. Provide fan wheels 900 SECTION 23 00 00 Page 122 . . Install air moving devices to minimize fan system effect. Provide forward curved or backward-inclined airfoil design fan blades in wheel sizes up to 750 mm. 2 mesh. Provide fittings that conform to ASTM D 2466.8.7 Bird Screens and Frames Provide bird screens that conf orm to ASTM E 2016. Provide fan and motor assemblies with vibration-isolation supports or mountings as indicated. Provide "light" rated stainless steel screens. II. Provide variable pitch motor sheaves for 11 kW and below. Provide fan wheels over 900 mm in diameter with overhung pulleys and a bearing on each side of the wheel. . provide a replaceable sheave when needed to achieve system air balance. unless otherwise indicated. rotation. Provide standard AMCA arrangement. Obtain the sound power level values according to AMCA 300.7.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar EP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN of louver blades for rigidity and baffle these edges to exclude driving rain. Provide backward-inclined airfoil design fan blades for wheels over 750 mm in diameter.1 Ain . Use V-belt drives designed for not less than 150 percent of the connected driving capacity. Connect fans to the motors either directly or indirectly with V-belt drive. Calculate system effect on air moving devices in accordance with AMCA 201 where installed ductwork differs from that indicated on drawings.1 Centrifugal Fans AIR SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT Provide fully enclosed. Select variable pitch sheaves to drive the fan at a speed which can produce the specified capacity when set at the approximate midpoint of the sheave adjustment. When fixed pitch sheaves are furnished. and discharge as indicated. Use vibration-isolation units that are standard products with published loading ratings. Provide power ventilators that conform to UL 705 and have a UL label. Provide "medi urn-1ight" rated aluminum screens . Provide motors for V-belt drives with adjustable rails or bases. No.8 .1 Fans Test and rate fans according to AMCA 210. Provide sound power level as indicated. . Provide air vents. Where system effect is unavoidable. except that the screens need not be provided. or double-width double-inlet centrifugal fans. Otherwise provide metal radon exhaust ductwork as specified herein. Provide removable metal guards for all exposed V-belt drives. penthouses. The sound power level of the fans shall not exceed 85 dBA when tested according to AMCA 300 and rated in accordance with AMCA 301.1. aluminum or stainless steel. and fixed pitch as defined by AHRI Guideline D. i .8. Provide fans with personnel screens or guards on both suction and supply ends. and goosenecks with bird screen. Provide impeller wheels that are rigidly constructed and accurately balanced both statically and dynamically. Use solvent cement conforming to ASTM D 2564 to make joints. determine the most effective way to accommodate the inefficiencies caused by system ef fee t on the installed air moving device. where ducts are connected to the fan. Provide removable type frames fabricated from either stainless steel or extruded aluminum. and provide speed-test openings at the center of all rotating shafts.7. single-width single-inlet. or III as required or indicated for the design system pressure.8 Radon Exhaust Ductwork Fabricate radon exhaust ductwork installed in or beneath slabs from Schedule 40 PVC pipe that conforms to ASTM D 1785. Provide all fans with an AMCA seal. 2. Test each coil at the factory under SECTION 23 00 00 Page 123 . Provide a fan that axially flows the air in and out. 2. Provide motors with dripproof enclosure. Provide fans with birdscreen. 2. Provide L5 0 rated bea ring life at not less than 200. manual disconnect mount on unit. Provide centrifugal type kitchen exhaust fans according to UL 705. des i gned for the at tachment of angles and bolt s f or attaching flexible connections.s that do not exceed 1800 rpm and have totally enclosed enclosures. formed to provide structural strength. provide mot nr.. Provide steel.1. internal and external belt guards. roof curb.6 mm galvanized steel. Provide hinged or removable weathertight fan housing.19 mm minimum thickness. Mount fans in a welded tubular casing. Enclose and isolate fan bearings and drive shafts from the air stream.4 Propeller Type Power Roof Ventilators Provide direct driven fans. fitted with V-belt drive.000 hours as defined by ABMA 9 and ABMA 11. Provide L50 rated bearing life at not less than 200. constructed of heavy gauge aluminum. 2. Provide fan outlets of ample proport ions. Provide copper tube wall thickness that is a minimum of 0.2 Coils Provide fin-and-tube type coils constructed of seamless copper tubes and aluminum fins mechanically bonded or soldered to the tubes. stationary discharge conversion vanes. Provide magnetic motor starters across-the-line with general-purpose enclosures. Provide automatically operated inlet vanes on suction inlets.1.8. Provide automatically operated outlet dampers. provide multiple tube supports to prevent tube sag. Provide reduced-voltage-start type motor starters with weather-resistant enclosure. Streamline inlets with conversion vanes to eliminate turbulence and provide smooth discharge air flow. and windband upblast discharge configuration. Unless otherwi se indi cat ed.8. Provide casing and tube support sheets that are not lighter than 1. Furnish fans with motor operated dampers.2 In-Line Centrifugal Fans Provide in-line fans with centrifugal backward inclined blades. Provide dripproof type motor enclosure. Furnish motors with nonfusible. and adjustable motor mounts.1. Provide remote manual switch with pilot indicating light where indicated.Al Ain . Provide totally enclosed fan cooled type motors.000 hours as defined by ABMA 9 and ABMA 11.8.8. or preci s ion self-aligning roller or ball-type with accessible grease fittings or permanently lubricated type.3 Centrifugal Type Power Roof Ventilators Provide direct driven centrifugal type fans with backward inclined. motorized dampers. self aligning ball or roller type fan bearings that are sealed against dust and dirt and are permanently lubricated. Provide aluminum fins that are 0.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . horsepower rated. Provide sleeve type. Connect grease fittings to tubing for serviceability f rom a si ngle acces s ible poi nt. sound curb. Use only lubricated bearings. accurately finished fan shafts. with key seats and keys for impeller hubs and fan pulleys. Provide precision.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN mm or less in diameter that have one or more extra long bearings between the fan wheel and the drive. Provide remote manual switch with pilot indicating light where indicated. When required. non-overloading wheel. birdscreen sound curb. with motor and power transmission components located in outside positively air ventilated compartment. round hood. Provide hinged or removable and weatherproof motor compartment housing.508 mm. and extended base. Use only lubricated bearings. fitted with framed rectangular base constructed of aluminum or galvanized steel. self-aligning and self-oi1i ng bear ings with oil reservoi rs. integral residue trough and collection device. disconnect switch. Mount coils for counterflow service. and nonwoven cotton and synthetic fiber mat media.38 MPa working pressure and 149 degrees C operating temperature unless otherwise stated.3.Al Ain .54 m/s that does not exceed 0.3 Air Filters List air filters according to requirements of UL 9 00. supported in the air stream by a wire or non-woven synthetic backing and secured to a galvanized steel metal header.3 Sectional Cleanable Filters Provide 50 mm thick cleanable filters. Provide UL Class 2 filters. Provide pockets that do not sag or flap at anticipated air flows. Provide one washing and charging tank for every 100 filter sections or fraction thereof. Gauges shall be at least 98 mm SECTION 23 00 00 Page 124 . Provide fibrous glass media. welded steel or copper. except list high efficiency particulate air filters of 99.8.2. Provide initial resistance at 2. 2. Make all joints airt ight.2. sectional. Provide viscous adhesive in 20 L containers in sufficient quantity for 12 cleaning operations and not less than one L for each filter section. Furnish each coil with a plugged vent and drain connection extending through the unit casing.3. Rate and certify coils to meet the requirements of AHRI 410. side access housing or a factory-made sectional frame bank.3.8. Provide UL Class 1 filters.2.8.97 percent efficiency by the DOP Test method under the Label Service to meet the requirements of UL 586.2 Extended Surface Nonsupported Pocket Filters Provide 750 mm depth.76 MPa air pressure and make suitable for 1.4 Holding Frames Fabricate frames from not lighter than 1.6 mm sheet steel with rust-inhibitor coating.54 m/s that does not exceed 0.8. Bond all four edges of the filter media to the inside of the frame to prevent air bypass and increase rigidity.3. including those filters which are furnished as integral parts of factory fabricated air handling units. 2. 2. disposable type filters of the size indicated with a MERV of 8 when tested according to ASHRAE 52. diaphragm actuated draft for all filter stations.3.1 Water Coils Install water coils with a pitch of not less than 10 rnm/m of the tube length toward the drain end.8.8. Provide initial resistance at 2. sectional.1 Extended Surface Pleated Panel Filters Provide 50 mm depth. 2. as indicated. Equip each holding frame with suitable filter holding devices. Attach a wire support grid bonded to the media to a moisture resistant fiberboard frame. 2. Provide gasketed holding frame seats.1125 kPa. Provide removable water coils with drain pans.5 Filter Gauges Provide dial type filter gauges. replaceable dry media type filters of the size indicated with a MERV of 13 when tested according to ASHRAE 52. Use headers constructed of cast iron. 2. Install each filter with an extended surface pleated panel filter as a prefilter in a factory preassembled. with each washing and charging unit consisting of a tank and double drain rack mounted on legs and drain rack with dividers and partitions to properly support the filters in the draining position.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN water at not less than 2.09 kPa. 2.8. Individually removable exterior panels with standard tools. two 1. 2.1. constructed of a minimum 1. condensate from the upper coils shall not flow across the face of lower coils. the full height of the unit steel or corrosion-resisting sheet steel conforming Inspection doors shall be a minimum 300 mm wide by 300 mm high. and graduated in 0. with one stacked above the other. Install a minimum 200 by 200 mm in all access doors. spray type humidifier.3 mm outer and one mm inner panels made of either galvanized shall be rigid and provided with heavy duty hinges and latches. sealed glass window suitable for the intended application.Inner casing of double -wall units that are a minimum one mm solid galvani zed steel or corrosion-resisting sheet steel conforming to ASTM A 167. double -wall type inspection and access to ASTM A 167. Design and construct casing with an integral insulated structural galvanized steel frame such that exterior panels are non -load bearing. with white dials with black figures.3 mm corrosion -resisting sheet steel conforming to ASTM A 167. Construct drain pans water tight. and all hardware and accessories for gauge mounting. Type 304. whichever is less. that dimensions of each air handling unit shall be suitable to fit space allotted to the unit with the capacity indicated.5 m minimum lengths of 6.9. and appurtenances required for Physical is rated in Provide vibration isolators as indicated. Provide intermediate drain pans or condensate collection channels and downspouts. airtight insulated casing. 50 mm double wa11 or type .1 Casings Provide the following: a.1.25 kPa beyond the specified final resistance for the filter bank on which each gauge and is applied. c. a minimum of 1800 mm.9 2. sections where indicated. mixing box combination sectional filter -mixing box.Al Ain . Construct drain pan to allow for easy visual inspection. filter sections. according to paragraph AIR HANDLING UNITS. vibration -isolators. Furnish casings wi th access sect ions. specified operation. d. treated to prevent corrosion. Provide air handling unit certified for cooling.1 Provide AIR HANDLING UNITS Factory-Fabricated Air Handling Units single-zone draw-through typeblow-through double-deck Units shall secondary include fans. inspection doors.9.Aircraft Ma intenace Hanga r MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN in diameter. Type 304. shall be a minimum 600 mm wide. Double-wall insulated type drain pan (thickness equal to exterior ca sing) constructed of 1. as required to carry condensate to the unit drain pan out of the air stream and without moisture carryover. and access doors. the coil and to including underneath the coil without removal of SECTION 23 00 00 Page 125 . Access doors casing or of a minimum 1. Removal shall not affect the structural integrity of the unit.3 430 and AHRI 1. two molded plastic vent valves. access indicated. Casing sect ions mm galvanized steel. doors. as fully gasketed. and designed for positive condensate drainage. coils. Provide each gauge with a integral screw operated zero adjustment two static pressure tips with compression fittings. prefilters. Type 304. conforming to ASHRAE 62.4 mm galvanized steel . an d air blender type units as drives.0025 kPa. b. When 2 or more cooling coils are used. Doors all capable of opening a minimum of 90 degrees. with a minimum range of 0. accordance with AHRI 2. Insulated. indicated.35 mm diameter aluminum tubing. g. 2. Dynamically balance fans and shafts prior to installation into air handling unit. cleaning of the pan underneath the coil Coils shall be individually removable Casing insulation that conforms to NFPA 90A. Foil-faced insulation is not an acceptable substitute for use on double-wall access doors and inspections doors and casing sections. f. Fan bearings that are sealed against dust and dirt and are precision self-aligning ball or roller type.Aircraft Ma int enace Hangar MEP-Trades . or die formed sheet structural members. Protect exposed insulation edges and joints where insulation panels are butted with a metal nosing strip or coat to meet erosion resistance requirements of ASTM C 1071. 2. Bearings shall be permanently lubricated or lubricated type with lubrication fittings readily accessible at the drive side of the unit. Do not fasten bearings directly to the unit sheet metal casing. c. Factory applied fibrous glass insulation that conforms to ASTM C 1071. h. e. Fans that are double-inlet. Double wall insulation sha11 be completely sealed by inner and outer panels. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 126 . Single-wall casing sections handling conditioned air shall be insulated with not less than 25 mm thick. Duct liner material.033 W/m-K.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN allow complete and easy physical without removal of the coil. Fans that are driven by a unit-mounted. 24 kg/cubic meter density coated fibrous glass material having a thermal conductivity not greater than 0. then after it has been installed in the air handling unit. with L50 rated bearing life at not less than 200.9. and that meets the requirements of NFPA 90A.1.9. Furnish belt guards that are the b. Double-wall casing sections handling conditioned air shall be insulated with not less than 50 mm of the same insulation specified for single-wall casings. accurately ground and finished.1. in the fan and coil sections. Foil-faced insulation is not an acceptable substitute for use with double wall casing. except that the minimum thickness and density requirements do not apply.1. coating. Cooling Coils specified in paragraph AIR SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT.000 hours as defined by ABMA 9 and ABMA 11.4 Fans Provide the following: a.Al Ain . Support bearings by structural shapes. access doors and access sections where indicated. Furnish fans and scrolls with coating indicated. centrifugal type with each fan in a separate scroll. or support plates securely attached to the unit casing. Make air handling unit casing insulation uniform over the entire casing. Mount fans on steel shafts. statically and dynamically balance the entire fan assembly.2 Provide coils as 2.9. A latched and hinged inspection door.3 Air Filters specified in paragraph AIR SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT for types Provide air filters as and thickness indicated. Plus additional inspection doors. from the casing. or a floor-mounted motor connected to fans by V-belt drive complete with belt guard for externally mounted motors. and adhesive that conforms to fire-hazard requirements specified in Section 23 07 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. Construct access sections and filter/mixing boxes in a manner identical to the remainder of the unit casing and equip with access doors. motor switch. ASHRAE 68.3 service factor based on motor nameplate rating. or steel treated for corrosion with manufacturer's standard corrosion-resisting finish. Sound power values apply to units provided with factory fabricated cabinet enclosures and standard grilles.10. fans. Access Sections and Fi1ter/Mixing Boxes e.Al Ain . motor speeds. Motor starters of reduced-voltage-start type with weather-resistant enclosure. Belt drives sha11 be des i gned for not less than a 1. aluminum. d. Furnish motors for V-belt drives with adjustable bases.9.9. the use of var iable pi tch sheaves is allowed during air balance. Provide a diffuser section that contains a perforated diffusion plate. Provide diffuser sections that are fabricated by the unit manufacturer in a manner identical to the remainder of the unit casing. Design mixing boxes to minimize air strat i f icat ion and to promote thorough mixing of the air streams. fabricated of galvanized steel. Type 316 stainless steel. an enclosure for cabinet models and casing for concealed models. blowers. air filter. fan drive. subparagraph CONTROLS. Values obtained for the standard cabinet models are acceptable for concealed models without separate test provided there is no variation between models as to the coil configuration.6 Diffuser Sections Furnish diffuser sections between the discharge of all housed supply fans and cooling coils of blow-through single zone units and filter sections of those units with high efficiency filters located immediately downstream of the air handling unit fan section. 2. Provide automatic valves and controls as specified in paragraph SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES. and sound power levels as indicated. motor.5 Provide access sections where indicated and furnish with access doors as shown. or relative arrangement of parts. Select variable pitch sheaves to drive the fan at a speed that produces the specified capacity when set at the approximate midpoint of the sheave adjustment.1. Provide units with capacity indicated. 2. Where fixed sheaves are requi red.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN three-sided enclosed type with solid or expanded metal face. designed to be airtight under positive static pressures up to 2 kPa and with an access door on each side for inspection purposes. Provide room SECTION 23 00 00 Page 127 . Motor sheaves that are variable pi tch for 20 kW and below and f ixed pitch above 20 kW as defined by AHRI Guideline D. Select unit fan or fans to produce the required capacity at the fan static pressure with sound power level as indicated. outside air damper. and designed to accomplish uniform air flow across the down-stream coil while reducing the higher fan outlet velocity to within plus or minus 5 percent of the required face velocity of the downstream component. 2. and with totally enclosed enclosures. leveling devices integral with the unit for vertical type units. coil assembly drain pan valve and piping package. or AHRI 260.10 2. but replace them with an appropriate fixed sheave after air balance is completed. Obtain the sound power level values according to AMCA 300.1.1 TERMINAL UNITS Room Fan-Coil Units Provide base units that include galvanized coil casing. Obtain sound power level data or values for these units according to test procedures based on AHRI 350. Fasten each unit securely to the building structure. In 1ieu of metal. Test coils hydrostatically at 2000 kPa or under water at 1700 kPa air pressure. 2.2 Fans Provide steel or aluminum. Provide enclosures with front panels that are removable and have 7 mm closed cell insulat ion or 13 mm thick dua1 densi ty foil f aced fibrous glass insulat ion.3 Coils Fabricate coils from not less than 10 mm outside diameter seamless copper tubing.1.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN fan-coil units that are certified as requirements of UL 1995.1.1. and manual air vent. a smoke developed rating no higher than 50. Provide galvanized or factory finished ferrous metal surfaces with corrosion resistant enamel. 2. Make the exposed side of a high densi ty.9 mm type 304 stainless steel or noncorrosive AES plastic. Provide coils suitable for 1400 kPa working pressure. Make provisions for coil removal. Design drain pans so as to allow no standing water and pitch to drain.5 Manually Operated Outside Air Dampers Provide manually operated outside air dampers according to the arrangement indicated.Ai rcra f t Ma i nt enace Hangar MEP-Trades . if metal.1 Enclosures complying with AHRI 4 4 0. Provide coils with not less than 13 mm outside diameter flare or sweat connectors. Provide a discharge grille that is adjustable and that is of such design as to properly distribute air throughout the conditioned space. 3 mm steel.10. Disassemble and re-assemble by means of mechanical fastening devices and not by epoxies or cements. 2. Provide duct di scharge collar f or concea1ed models. erosion-proof material suitable for use in air streams with velocities up to 23 m/s. Plastic discharge and return grilles are acceptable provided the plastic material is certified by the manufacturer to be classified as flame resistant according to UL 94 and the material complies with the heat deflection criteria specified in UL 1995.10. and of a waterproof type or coated with a waterproofing material. eliminating insulation of the packages. and access doors or removable panels for piping and control compartments. Provide minimum 19 mm NPT or 15 mm OD drain connection in drain pan. multiblade. Extend insulation at control and piping connections 25 mm minimum over the auxiliary drain pan.10.1.Al A i n . fans and scrolls could be of non-metallic materials of suitably reinforced compounds with smooth surfaces. with copper or aluminum fins mechanically bonded or soldered to the tubes. Provide blades that rotate on stainless steel or nylon SECTION 23 00 00 Page 128 .10.10. Provide plastic or metal auxiliary drain pans to catch drips from control and piping packages. Dynamically and statically balance the fans. Provide condensate drain pans designed for self-drainage to preclude the buildup of microbial slime and thermally insulated to prevent condensation and constructed of not lighter than 0. Provide insulation with a flame spread rating not over 25 without evidence of continued progressive combustion. and meet the Fabricate enclosures from not 1ighter than 1 . and parallel airfoil type dampers of galvanized construction. reinforced and braced. provide auxiliary pans that comply with the requirements specified above. accessory piping package with thermal connections suitable for connection to the type of control valve supplied. centrifugal type fans.4 Drain Pans Size and locate drain and drip pans to collect all water condensed on and dripping from any item within the unit enclosure or casing. 2. plus easy access for filter replacement. 2.1. Provide accessible assemblies for maintenance. In lieu of the above fan speed control. Sound power values apply to units provided with factory fabricated cabinet enclosures and standard grilles. shown in watts. provided there is no variation between models as to coil configuration. water coil assembly. valve and piping package. 2. plus an enclosure for cabinet models and casing for concealed models.Al Airi . condensate drain pan. and mounted on an identified plate inside the unit below or behind an access door.1.6 Filters Provide filters of the fiberglass disposable type. Provide a sound power level as indicated with power level data or values for these units based on tests conducted according to ASA S12.10.1.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . and adjustable air-balancing dampers. a solid-state variable-speed controller having a minimum speed reduction of 50 percent is allowed. Provide motor switch with two or three speeds and off. Provide a motor power consumption.10. 25 mm thick. air discharge grilles. 2. Make each unit capable of producing not less than the capacity indicated without exceeding the indicated static pressure. air balancing dampers. air discharge nozzles. conforming to ASTM F 1040. or relative arrangement of parts.7 Motors Provide motors of the permanent split-capacitor type with built-in thermal overload protection.10. manually operated. air-discharge nozzles. The values obtained for the standard cabinet models are acceptable for concealed models without separate tests. Provide motors with permanently-lubricated or oilable sleeve-type or combination ball and sleeve-type bearings with vibration isolating mountings suitable for continuous duty.51. directly connected to unit fans. Filters in each unit shall be removable without the use of tools.2 Coil Induction Units Provide base unit that includes air plenums. Provide automatic valves and controls as specified in paragraph SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES. subparagraph SECTION 23 00 00 Page 129 .Revision August 2010 MEPALA3N sleeve bearings. recirculation grilles. at the fan operating speed selected to meet the specified capacity that does not exceed the following values: Free Discharge Motors Uni t 94 142 189 283 378 472 566 Capaci ty (L/S) Maximum Power Consumpt ion 230V 110 110 150 210 240 250 400 High Static Motors Uni t Capaci ty(L/S) 94 142 189 283 378 472 566 Maximum Power Consumption 145 145 210 320 320 530 530 (Wat ts) (Watts) 2. 5 Drain Pan Size and locate drain and drip pans to collect condensed water dripping from any item within the unit enclosure. a smoke developed rating no higher than 50.2 mm steel. Provide drain pans constructed of not lighter than 0. Make connect i on a minimum 19 mm NPT or 15 mm OD. drain pans constructed of die -formed 0. mechanically bonded or soldered to the tubes.10. g alvanized after fabrication. Test coils hydrostatically at 2000 kPa or under water at 1700 kPa air pressure and provide coils suitable for 1400 kPa working pressure.3 a.9 mm steel. size. mounted in the ceiling or wall cavity.8 mm steel are allowed. and that is a waterproof type or coated with a waterproofing material.9 mm type 304 stainless steel insulated as specified above.2. 2.2.10. Provide access doors for all piping and control compartments. mitered elbow transition piece for connection between the unit and ductwork.3 Coils Fabricate coils from not less than 10 mm outside d iameter seamless copper tubing.4 Screens Provide easily accessible lint screens or throwaway filters for each unit. 2. Secure each unit to the building structure. reinforced and braced. and thermally insulated to prevent condensation. plus units that are suitable for single or dual duct system applications.2. Provide a removable front panel of enclosure and insulate when required acoustically and to prevent condensation. 2. Provide an adjustable air -balancing damper in each unit.Al Ain .2. 2. with capacity indicated.1 Enclosures Provide units Fabricate enclosures from not lighter than 1. furnish a streamlined.10.Aircraft Ma i nt enace MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 Hangar MEPALAIN CONTROLS. 2. 2. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 130 . formed from a single sheet and galvanized after fabrication and insulated and coated as for the 0. accessory piping package with terminal connections suitable for connection to the type of control valve supplied. vaned. subparagraph CONTROLS. Furnish coil connections with not less than 13 mm outside diameter flare or sweat connectors.9 mm steel material or of die-formed 0. Provide actuators and controls as specified in paragraph SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES. with copper or aluminum fins. Where coil induction units are supplied with vertical runouts.10. In lieu of the above. and capacity shown. Variable Air Volume (VAV) and Dual Duct Terminal Units Provide VAV and dual duct terminal units that are the type.10. Pitch drain pans to drain. Provide insulation that has a flame spread rating not over 25 without evidence of continued progressive combustion. Provide drain connection when a condensate drain system is indica L ed.2. Provide heat -resistant nozzles that are integral with or attached airtight to the plenum.2 Air Plenums Fabricate plenums from galvanized steel with interior acou stically baffled and lined with sound absorbing material to attenuate the sound power from the primary air supply to the room. Provide discharge grilles that are adjustable an d properly distribute air throughout the conditioned space. Plastic discharge and return grilles are not acceptable. and manual air vent.10. direct-driven. at minimum cooling. 2. 2. Provide volume regulators that control air delivery to within plus or minus 5 percent of specified air flow subjected to inlet pressure from 200 to 1500 Pa.3 Variable Volume. Fan-Powered Terminal Units Provide variable volume. 2.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN b. Single Duct Terminal Units Provide variable volume. Vary primary air upon demand of the room thermostat. Provide a terminal unit capable of closing to full shut off without additional actuators or linkage changes.3.10. single duct. Provide external SECTION 23 00 00 Page 131 . primary air valve. double-inlet type with forward curved blades. permanently lubricated. Provide terminals that reset primary air volume within plus or minus 5 percent determined by the thermostat regardless of upstream changes in the static pressure. actuator. and accessory relays. Single Duct Terminal Units c.2 Variable Volume. Uni ts with f1ow limiters are not acceptable. Provide unit air volume that is factory preset and readily field adjustable without special tools. single duct. 2. Provide acoustical lining according to NFPA 90A. Show discharge sound power for minimum and 375 Pa inlet static pressure.10. Base acoustic performance of the termina1 units upon units tested according to AHR1 880 with the calculations prepared in accordance with AHRI 885. delivers 25 percent primary air. Upon a demand for maximum cooling. Provide units that control primary air volume to within plus or minus 5 percent of each air set point as determined by the thermostat with variations in inlet pressure from 200 to 1500 Pa. Provide factory furnished fan control that is wired into the unit control system.85 mm or aluminum sheet not lighter than 1.3.3 mm. Constant Volume. provide a unit that delivers 100 percent primary air and. fan-powered terminal units with a calibrated air volume sensing device. Isolate fan/motor assembly from the casing to minimize vibration transmission.Al Ain . Provide either single speed with speed controller or three-speed. Arrange unit to induce air from the ceiling plenum to maintain a maximum total flow circulated to the conditioned space. induced air damper. terminal units with a calibrated air volume sensing device. permanent split-capacitor type fan motor. Provide external differential pressure taps separate from the control pressure taps for air flow measurement with a 0 to 250 Pa range. actuator.10. a constant volume regulator. Attach a flow chart to each unit.1 Provide constant volume. fan and motor.10. air valve or damper. Provide a minimum inlet static pressure that does not exceed 250 Pa. Provide sound power level as indicated. Provide sing1e or multiple discharge outlets as required. Provide unit fan that is centrifugal. Provide unit enclosures that are constructed of galvanized steel not lighter than 0. terminal units that contain within the casing. including a maximum of 75 Pa downstream static pressure. Single Duct. air valve or damper. and accessory relays. Provide units that control air volume to within plus or minus 5 percent of each air set point volume as determined by the thermostat with variations in inlet pressures from 200 to 1500 Pa.3. Provide a factory-mounted pressure switch to operate the unit fan whenever pressure exists at the unit primary air inlet or when the control system fan operates. single duct. Provide units with an internal resistance not exceeding 100 Pa at maximum flow range. and insulated induction tube.3.4 Ceiling Induction Terminal Units Provide ceiling induction unit with a calibrated primary air volume sensing device. Obtain flow measurement within plus or minus 5 percent of rated airflow with 1. Connect damper to operating shaft with a positive mechanical connection.3. designed. and have three speeds or are equipped with solid state speed controllers. filter. and electrical disconnect. Provide damper or valve leakage at shutoff that does not exceed 2 percent of capacity at 250 Pa pressure. round primary damper or valve. Make each unit norma1ly closed upon loss of pneumatic pressure. multiblade. Provide units that include casing. listed in the AHRI DCAACP and that produce a supply air discharge mix by modulation of conditioned primary air and recirculating of return air. Insulate inside of casing with manufacturer's standard insulation. 2. Electronic controls contained in NEMA ICS 6.5 Series Fan Powered Variable Air Volume (VAV) Terminals Provide units factory assembled. Regulator: Provide electronic volume regulator. when factory assembled. permanently lubricated bearings. discharge air damper. System powered regulators are not permitted. Provide units that have recirculating air inlet equipped with filter frame. Provide isolation between fan motor assembly and unit casing. Fans and motors: Provide centrifugal. Cylindrical die cast aluminum valve inlet tapered to fit round flexible ducts with integral flow diffuser and beveled self-centering disc. rated in accordance with AHRI 880. d. Type 1 enclosure sealed from airflow. Flow sensor: Provide ring or cross type sensor with minimum of two pickup points which average the velocity across the inlet.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN differential pressure taps separate from control pressure taps for primary air flow measurement with 0 to 250 Pa range. Provide nylon bearing for damper shaft.5 diameters of straight duct upstream of unit and inlet static variation of 124 to 1240 Pa. b. Electrical: Provide unit that incorporates single point electrical connection with electrical disconnect. Primary VAV damper or valve: Provide galvanized steel damper blade that closes against gasket inside unit. that are AHRI certified. Casing: Provide removable full bottom access panels for servicing internal components without disturbing duct connections. recirculating air filter frames.Al Ain . Provide unit with controls mounted on side or on air valve. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 132 . installed in accordance with NFPA 70 and mounted in control box. primary air inlet cone with high and low pressure flow sensors. Provide volume regulator that resets primary air volume as determined by thermostat. Supply flow measuring taps and calibration flowchart with each unit for field balancing airflows. Provide fan and motor that is removable through casing access panel." Volume regulators shall be field adjustable. Electrical components shall be UL or ETL listed. centrifugal fan and motor. factory set and calibrated to indicated maximum and minimum primary airflows. e. primary VAV damper or valve. within upstream static pressure variation noted in paragraph titled "Flow Sensor. fan wheels with direct-drive motors. and unit mounting brackets. Provide motors that are the high efficiency permanent-split capacitor type with thermal overload protection. electronic volume regulator. c. tested. f. direct acting and normally closed upon loss of pneumatic pressure.10. Units UL or ETL listed as an assembly do not require airflow switch interlock with electric heating coil. a. forward curved. Factory pipe actuator and accuracy controls requiring only field installation of 138 kPa pneumat ic ma in air and room thermostat. 10.SI as specified in paragraph AIR SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT. self-aligning permanently lubricated ball bearings. fire -resistant adhesive. fan assembly. and sound power level as indicated. Provide the unit ventilators with capacity indicated.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN g.4. Provide casing that is acoustically and thermally insulated internally with not less than 13 mm thick dual density fibrous glass insulation. Provide insulation that is coated with a fire -resistant waterproofing material. Provide discharge grilles that have adjustable grilles or grilles with adjustable vanes and properly distribute air throughout the conditioned space. air filters.10. or all welded framework with panels to provide equivalent strength. Fasten the insulation with waterproof. Obtain sound power level data or values for these units according to test procedures based on AHRI 350. 2.0 mm steel SECTION 23 00 00 Page 133 . sleeve bearings. valve and piping package. 2. centrifugal type fans. Filters: Provi de UL list ed throwaway 2 5 mm thick iberglass filters.10. Sound power values apply to units provided with factory fabricated cabinet enclosures and standard grilles.Al Ain . Plastic discharge or return grilles are not acceptable. when handling standard flow for which the unit air capacity is rated. capable of not less than 2000 hours of operation on one oiling. multiblade. Provide drain pans constructed of not lighter than 1.10. Design front panel for easy remova1 by one person. drain pans constructed of die -formed 1.4.2 Fans Provide fans that meet the requirements of ASHRAE 90.4 Drain Pans Size and locate drain and drip pans to collect all condensed water dripping from any item within the unit enclosure. as required. and ventilate the room.3 Coils Provide coils that are circuited for a maximum water velocity of 2. coil assembly. Install gaskets at the back and bottom of the unit for effective air seal. motor. Provide automatic valves and controls as specified in paragraph SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES.4 Prov ide unit vent ila tors that i nclude an enclosure. Provide galvanized steel or aluminum.1 . Provide fan switch that is key operated or accessible through a locked access panel. Unit Ventilators f 2.4 m/s wi thout excessive pressure drop and are otherwi se as speci f ied for hot water coils in paragraph TERMINAL UNITS. subparagraph CONTROLS. dynamically and statically balanced. drain pan. motor cont rol1er. Equip fan housings with resilient mounted. Provide the year -round classroom type unit ventilator with automatic controls arranged to properly heat. 2.6 mm ga1vani zed steel. erosion-proof material sui table for use in air streams with veloci ties up to 246 m/s. and thermally insulated to prevent condensation. cool.4. Make the exposed side a high density.4. or combination ball and sleeve bearings. ga1vani zed casi ng. damper opera tors. 2.10.2 mm steel. Make the sequence of control any one of the standard ANSI cycles specified in paragraph CONTROLS. damper s. Provide direct -connected fans. In lieu of the above. Furnish removable panels or access doors for all piping and control compartments. Secure each unit to the building structure. Provide return grilles that are removable where front panel does not provide access to interior components. reinforced and braced.1 Enclosures Fabricate enclosures f rom not 1ighter than 1. galvanized after fabrication. fan dr ive. standard dust -holding capacity. 1 percent of exhaust airflow rate at system design differential pressure. field adjustable. 2. 2 5 mm thick.4. or of die-formed 1.11. In lieu of speed control. laminated.4. Provide recovery control and rotation failure provisions as indicated. including purging sector if provided with wheel.10. isolated from the casing and suitable for operation on electric service available. In addition.8 Outside Air Intakes Provide the manufacturer's standard design outside air intakes furnished wi th 13 mm mesh bird screen or louvers on 13 mm centers. moisture-resistant. mounted on an identified plate inside the unit below or behind an access door. F 1040. pneumatic motor.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN is allowed. Where outside air and recirculated air proportioning dampers are provided on the unit. Fabricate enclosure from galvanized steel and include provisions for maintenance access.10.5 Filters rated in accordance wi th ASTM F iberg la ss di sposable type. Furnish drain connection unless otherwise indicated. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 134 . subparagraph CONTROLS. 2.3 mm steel material. provide a solid state variable speed controller having minimum speed reduction of 50 percent.Al Ain . Isolate exhaust and supply streams by seals which are static.3 mm type 304 stainless steel insulated as specified above. Pitch drain pans to drain. provide a vane to prevent excessive outside air from entering unit and to prevent blow-through of outside air through the return air grille under high wind pressures. with device performance according to ASHRAE 84 and that delivers an energy transfer effectiveness of not less than 85 percent with cross-contamination not in excess of 0.10. Make the minimum connection 19 mm NDT or 18 nun OD. Provide exchange media that is chemically inert. 2.1 ENERGY RECOVERY DEVICES Rotary Wheel Provide unit that is a factory fabricated and tested assembly for air-to-air energy recovery by transfer of sensible heat from exhaust air to supply air stream. Factory paint new equipment.7 Motors Provide permanent spli t-capaci tor type motors with bui11.in therma1 overload protection and automatic reset. or electric motor to operate the face and bypass dampers and outside air damper or outside air and recirculated air dampers in the sequence as specified in paragraph SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES.12 FACTORY PAINTING which are not of galvanized construction. 2.10. Provide a manually operated motor switch that provides for 2 or 3 speeds and off. Mount motor on a resilient mounting. 2. 2. Provide face and bypass dampers for each unit to ensure constant air volume at all positions of the dampers. Equip chain drive mechanisms with ratcheting torque limiter or slip-clutch protective device. Furnish each unit with a factory installed control cam assembly. installed upstream of coil.11 2. an additional vane is not required.4. nonmetallic material which complies with NFPA 9OA. formed from a s ingle sheet and galvani zed after fabr i ca t ion and insulated and coated as for the 1. fire-retardant. and replaceable.4.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades .6 Dampers Provide an outside air proportioning damper on each unit. 2. COMPONENTS/SERVICES or Dual Servi ce Wa ter Piping Condenser. GENERAL PURPOSE except as modified herein.13. average creepage not grea t er than 3 mm. Submi t evidence of satisfactory paint performance for a minimum of 12 5 hours for units to be installed indoors and 500 hours for units to be installed outdoors. and floors.3 Backflow Preventers are specified in Section 22 00 The requirements for backflow preventers 00 PLUMBING. 2. 20 BACnet DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR HVAC. 2.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Provi de rating of the inscribed area that is not less than 10. CHILLED-HOT. or dual service water piping and accessories are specified in Section 23 64 26 CHILLED.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN Paint with a corros ion resist ing pa int finish according to ASTM A 123/A 123M or ASTM A 924 /A 924M.Al Ain . Perform installation so that there is no degradation of the designed fire ratings of walls. Factory painting that has been damaged prior to acceptance by the Contracting Officer shall be field painted in compliance with the requirements of paragraph FIELD PAINTING OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT.4 Insulation The requirements for shop and field applied insulation are specified in Section 23 07 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. Accomplish installation by workers skilled in this type of work. Clean. ADJUSTING.2 Condensate Drain Lines Provide and install condensate drainage for each item of equipment that generates condensate in accordance with Section 22 00 00 PLUMBING. provide a final shop docket of zinc-rich protective paint on exterior surfaces of welds or welds that have burned through from the interior according to ASTM D 520 Type I. and ASTM D 3359. no failure. ceilings. phosphatize and coat internal and external ferrous metal surfaces with a paint finish which has been tested according to ASTM B 117. 3. partitions.1 3 EXECUTION EXAMINATION After becoming familiar with all details of the work. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 28 . condenser. Provide rating of failure at the scribe mark that i s not less than 6. GENERAL PURPOSE. On units constructed of galvanized steel that have been welded.2 a.13 2.5 Controls The requirements for controls are specified in Section 23 05 93 TESTING. and advise the Contracting Officer of any discrepancy before performing the work. AND BALANCING OF HVAC SYSTEMS and 23 09 23. AND CONDENSER WATER PIPING SYSTEMS 2.1 SUPPLEMENTAL Chi11ed.13. verify all dimensions in the field. ASTM D 1654. PART 3. The requirements for chi11ed. INSTALLATION Install materials and equipment in accordance with the requirements of the contract drawings and approved manufacturer's installation instructions.13. Submit foundation drawings as specified in paragraph DETAIL DRAWINGS. Floor mount or cei1ing hang air handling units as indicated. Provide access panels as specified in Section 05 50 13 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS.4 Flexible Duct Install pre-insulated flexible duct in accordance with the latest printed instructions of the manufacturer to ensure a vapor tight joint. pa r t 1910. 3. valves. to include gauges. Provide an area in front of all access doors that clears a minimum of 910 mm. Set floor-mounted equipment on not less than 150 mm concrete pads or curbs doweled in place unless otherwise indicated.333 (Electrical-Safety Related work practices)and an additional 910 mm. 3.2.2. Provide hangers. dampers. Provide a depth of each seal of 50 mm plus 0. Provide concrete for foundations as specified in Section 03 30 00 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE. In front of all access doors to electrical circuits. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 136 .Al Ain . 3. vents.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . controls.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN b. buiId a concrete pedestal block with isolators placed between the pedestal block and the floor. pumps. dampers. duct work and the surrounding structure. air handling units. compressors. Provide water seals that are constructed of 2 tees and an appropriate U-bend with the open end of each tee plugged. fans. No installation is permitted to block or otherwise impede access to any exi st ing machine or system. as recommended in writing by the equipment manufacturer. 3. Provide the lines connected to the pump mounted on pedestal blocks with flexible connectors. Connect drains indicated to connect to the sanitary waste system using an indirect waste fitting. Install all hinged doors to swing open a minimum of 120 degrees. Except as otherwise indicated. Provide pipe cap or plug cleanouts where indicated. In 1ieu of a concrete pad foundation. and other similar items requiring supports. clear the area the minimum di s tance to energ i zed ci rcu its as spec i f ied i n OSHA St anda rds. and locate them so that the concealed items are easily serviced and maintained or completely removed and replaced. Mount all indicators. and alarms in order to be easily visible by people in the area . Anchor and fasten as detailed. Condensate Drain Lines c. install emergency swi tches and a1arms in conspicuous locations.2 Equipment and Installation Provide frames and supports for tanks. of the type recommended by the duct manufacturer and set at the intervals recommended.2. Make concrete foundations heavy enough to minimize the intensity of the vibrations transmitted to the piping. meters. Make the concrete foundation or concrete pedestal block a mass not less than three times the weight of the components to be supported. Insulate air conditioner drain lines as speci f ied in Section 23 07 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. coils.1 mm for each Pa. when required to suspend the duct.2.3 Access Panels Install access panels for concealed valves. and items requiring inspection or maintenance of sufficient size. of the total static pressure rating of the unit to which the drain is connected.1 Provide water seals in the condensate drain from all units . Crevice-free butt lay-up joints are acceptable where flanged joints are not indicated. When ambient temperatures are lower than 10 degrees C. Include with duct construction an external perimeter angle sized in accordance with SMACNA 1966. bolts. unless otherwise specified. 3. except place welded joint reinforcement on maximum of 600 mm centers. and flexible ceramic cloth gasketed cleaning access provisions where indicated. Type 304L or 316L.2 Radon Exhaust Ductwork Perforate subslab suction piping where indicated. 3.7. the same material as that specified for the duct unless indicated otherwise.2. etc.2.3 Concealed Ducts Conveying Moisture Laden Air Type Fabricate concealed ducts conveying moisture laden air from minimum 1. 3. Install duct supports for sheet metal ductwork according to SMACNA 1966. pipe couplings. Type 304L or 316L. 300 series.1 Underground Ductwork Provide PVC plastisol coated galvanized steel underground ductwork with coating on interior and exterior surfaces and watertight joints. stud bolted. Install ductwork as indicated. Make seams. 3.6 FRP Ductwork Provide fibrous glass reinforced plastic ducting and related structures that conform to SMACNA 1403..Al Ain .5. 3.3 mm. stainless steel . pitched to drain at low points. Provide flanged joints where indicated.2. Install PVC joints as specified in ASTM D 2855. joints.7. steel framed. Erect supports on the risers that allow free vertical movement of the duct. Attach supports only to structural framing members and concrete slabs. Do not anchor supports to metal decking unless a means is provided and approved for preventing the anchor from puncturing the metal decking.2.2. Do not use friction beam clamps indicated in SMACNA 1966. frames. Where supports are required between structural framing members.Revision August 2010 Al Ain .2.2.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Provide duct material that is a minimum 1. welded pipe coupling-plug drains at low points. provide retainer clips.7 3. Pitch ducts to drain at hoods and low points indicated.7.3 mm. provide suitable intermediate metal framing.3 mm.Revision August 2010 3.1 Ki tchen Exhaust Ductwork Ducts Conveying Smoke and Grease Laden Vapors Provide ducts conveying smoke and grease laden vapors that conform to requirements of NFPA 96. stainless steel . according to ACCA Manual 4 and manufacturer's instructions. Match surface finish to hoods.Aircraft Ma interlace Hangar MEP-Trades . stainless steel with continuously welded joints and seams.5. braze. continuously welded companion angle bolted flanged joints with flexible ceramic cloth gaskets where indicated. Make angles.2.5 Metal Ductwork Install according to SMACNA 1966 unless otherwise indicated. Where C-clamps are used. 3. Continuously weld. or SECTION 23 00 00 Page 137 . welded fire protection and detergent cleaning penetration. heat cure joints by exothermic react ion heat packs. and duct-to-hood collar connections with a liquid tight continuous external weld. Anchor risers on high velocity ducts in the center of the vertical run to allow ends of riser to move due to thermal expansion.2 Exposed Ductwork Provide exposed ductwork that is fabricated from minimum 1. penetrations. Maximum burial depth is 2 m. nor mar the f ini sh or the surface of the duct . burn through. Make alignment of direct driven couplings to within 50 percent of manufacturer's maximum allowable range of misalignment. debris and foreign material during construction. piping. Protect the distribution system (supply and return} with temporary seal-offs at all inlets and outlets at the end of each day's work.11 Duct Test Holes Provide holes with closures or threaded holes with plugs in ducts and plenums as indicated or where necessary for the use of pitot tube in balancing the air system. predrill holes for fasteners. 3.MEPALAIN M E PA LA IN solder joints to be liquid tight. 3.2.13 Power Transmission Components Adjustment Test V-belts and sheaves for proper alignment and tension prior to operation and after 72 hours of operation at final speed. fire res istant adhesive. Apply duct liner to flat sheet metal prior to forming duct through the sheet metal brake. NFPA 90A. Coat exposed edges of the liner at the duct ends and at other j oints where the 1 ining i s subj ect to erosi on with a heavy brush coat of the nonf1ammable.2. companion ang1e bol ted and gasketed. perform temporary dust control protection. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 138 . Type I. nylon. patched over with insulation and then marked to indicate location of test hole if needed for future use.9 Dust Control To prevent the accumulation of dust. and equipment according to Section 23 07 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. are acceptable. 3.2. Pitch ducts to drain at points indi cated. adhered clips of metal.8 Acoustical Duct Lining Apply lining in cut-to-size pieces a 11ached to the interior of the duct with nonflammable fire resistant adhesive conforming to ASTM C 916. 3.2. including adhesives and fas teners.10 Insulation Provide thickness and application of insulation materials for ductwork. UL 723. Plug insulated duct at the duct surface. cover width of roof curb mounting flange. or high impact plastic. Make trans i t ions to other neta1s 1 i qu id t ight. Make pins and washers flush with the surfaces of the duct liner and seal all breaks and punctures of the duct 1 iner coating with the nonf1ammable. closed-cell.12 Power Roof Ventilator Mounting flexible elastomer insulation to Where wood nailers are used. to prevent delamination of glass fibers. Provide foamed 13 mm thick. cup-head pins. Keep temporary protection in place until system is ready for startup. Uniformly load belts on drive side to prevent bouncing. Provide top and bottom pieces that lap the side pieces and are secured with welded pins. Other methods indicated in SMACNA 1966 to obtain proper installation of duct liners in sheet metal duct s. 3. or adhered clips tha t do not di stort the duct. Additionally secure lining at the top and bottom surfaces of the duct by welded pins or adhered clips as specified for cut-to-size pieces. Externally insulate outdoor air intake ducts and plenums up to the point where the outdoor air reaches the conditioning unit or up to the point where the outdoor air mixes with the outside air stream. and ASTM E 84. Provide welded pins. and speed washers or we1ding cup-head pins instalied according t o SMACNA 19 66.2.2. fire resistant adhesive. 3. Insulation: Provide duct insulation in accordance with Section 23 07 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS continuous through sleeves and prepared openings except firewall penetrations. When the work area is in an occupied space such as office. unless otherwise indicated. provide black steel pipe conforming with ASTM A 53/A 53M. Cut sleeves flush with each surface. Pack spaces between sleeve or opening and duct or duct' insulation with mineral fiber conforming with ASTM C 553. and diffusers. registers.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . registers. or other material during handling and construction before such surfaces are prepared for final finish painting or are enclosed within the building structure.3 EQUIPMENT PADS Provide equipment pads to the dimensions shown or. Make holes in exposed locations. Terminate duct insulation at fire dampers and flexible connections.6 PENETRATIONS Provide sleeves and prepared openings for duct mains. rectangular or oval ducts. prepared openings for round duct larger than 380 mm and square. Where sleeves are installed in bearing walls or partitions. provide insulation continuous over the damper collar and retaining angle of fire dampers. which are exposed to unconditioned air. from 1 mm thick mill galvanized sheet metal. all floor surfaces vacuum-swept clean. except as otherwise specified or indicated.Al Ain . Sleeves: Fabricate sleeves. grease. laboratory or warehouse protect all furniture and equipment from dirt and debris. to con form to the shape of each piece of equipment served with a minimum 7 5 mm margin around the equipment and supports. and finger marks. including piping. Make holes through masonry wal1s to accommodate sieeves with an iron pipe masonry core saw. Type 1. 3. c. ducting. 3. Sleeves and framed openings are also required where grilles. and other penetrating items.4 CUTTING AND PATCHING Install work in such a manner and at such time that a minimum of cutting and patching of the building structure is required. by drilling and smooth by sanding.Revision August 2010 3. when constructed of concrete or grout. in or through existing floors. to cure a minimum of Id calendar days before being loaded. Provide 25 mm clearance between penetrating and penetrated surfaces except at grilles.Revision August 2010 Al Ain . Before final acceptance.Aircraft Ma interlace Hangar MEP-Trades . Use of a jackhammer is permitted only where specifically approved. Incorporate housekeeping for field construction work which leaves all furniture and equipment in the affected area free of construction generated dust and debris. Allow equipment bases and foundations. a. Closure Collars: Provide closure collars of a minimum 100 mm wide. and install during the construction of the surface to be penetrated. clean mechanical equipment. plaster. For duct handling air at or below 16 degrees C. and. 3. Schedule 20. for exposed ducts and items on each side d. and diffusers are installed at the openings. SECTION 23 00 00 Page 139 .5 CLEANING Thoroughly clean surfaces of piping and equipment that have become covered with dirt. Place sleeves for round duct 380 mm and smaller. and free from dirt. branches. from 1 mm b. Build framed. if not shown. Class B-2. and fixtures. Framed Prepared Openings: Fabricate framed prepared openings galvani zed steel. unless otherwise indicated. Attach to collars a minimum of 4 fasteners where the opening is 300 mm in diameter or less.05 mm to metal surfaces subject to temperatures greater than 205 degrees C. Firestopping: Where ducts pass through fire-rated walls. copper wire. Where more than one coat of paint is specified. apply one coat of pretreatment primer applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 0. Operate all fire dampers and smoke dampers under normal operating conditions.8 Provide identification tags made of brass. a. Attach tags to valves with No. Temperatures between 50 and 205 degrees C: Apply two coats of 205 degrees C heat-resisting enamel applied to a total minimum thickness of 0. and two coats of enamel applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 0. prime and paint metal surfaces. 3. FIELD PAINTING OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 3. Apply coatings to clean dry surfaces. Install collar tight against the surface and fit snugly around the duct or insulation.0255 mm per coat to metal surfaces subject to temperatures less than 50 degrees C. c. Fabricate collars for round ducts 380 mm in diameter or less from 1 mm galvanized steel. one coat of primer applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 0. IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS b.05 mm to metal surfaces subject to temperatures between 50 and 205 degrees C. dirt. except aluminum surfaces need not be painted. fire partitions. Temperatures greater than 205 degrees C: Apply two coats of heat-resisting paint applied to a total minimum dry film thickness of 0. Provide tags that are 35 mm minimum diameter with stamped or engraved markings. 12 AWG 2 mm diameter corrosion-resistant steel wire. 3. and fire rated chase walls. rust. pretreat.0076 mm. seal the penetration with fire stopping materials as specified in Section 07 84 00 FIRESTOPPING. Install collars with fasteners a maximum of 150 mm on center. Make indentations black for reading clarity. chrome-plated beaded chain or plastic straps designed for that purpose.Al Ain ~ Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN of penetrated surface. apply the second coat after the preceding coat is thoroughly dry. at least 2 weeks prior to the start of test. and a minimum of 8 fasteners where the opening is 500 mm in diameter or less. Clean the surfaces to remove dust. except clean to bare metal on metal surfaces subject to temperatures in excess of 50 degrees C.0255 mm. engraved laminated plastic. except where equipment is installed. Fabricate collars for square and rectangular ducts with a maximum side of 380 mm or less from 1 mm ga1 vanized steel. Test each fire damper equipped with fusible link by SECTION 23 00 00 Page 140 . prior to the occupancy of a building to determine that they function properly. Fabricate collars for square and rectangular ducts. indicating service and item number on all valves and dampers. or engraved anodized aluminum. Temperatures less than 50 degrees C: Immediately after cleaning. or round ducts with mi nimum dimensi on over 380 mm from 1. Provide aluminum or light gray finish coat. e.7 Clean.40 mm galvanized steel.9 DAMPER ACCEPTANCE TEST Submit the proposed schedule. Grind sharp edges smooth to prevent damage to penetrating surface. oil and grease by wire brushing and solvent degreasing prior to application of paint. Lightly sand damaged painting and retouch before applying the succeeding coat . and the ducts. and performance tests in booklet form. thoroughly clean ducts. and casing of debris and blow free of small particles of rubbish and dust and then vacuum clean before installing outlet faces. and final test results in the reports. unit ventilators.11 PERFORMANCE TESTS After testing.Al Ain . Adjust fans to the speed indicated by the manufacturer to meet specified conditions. plenums.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Provide temporary filters prior to startup of all fans that are operated during construction. Make coincidental chart recordings at points indicated on the drawings for the duration of the time period and record the temperature at space thermostats or space sensors. Maintain all equipment installed under the contract until close out documentation is received.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN having the fusible link cut in place. Provide tests that cover a period of not less than 5 days for each system and demonstrate that the entire system is functioning according to the specifications. Properly lubricate bearings with oil or grease as recommended by the manufacturer.13. Submit data complying with the requirements specified in Section 01 78 23 SECTION 23 00 00 Page 141 . upon complet ion of test ing. Make corrections and adjustments as necessary to produce the conditions indicated or specified. dirt. air terminal units.13 3. Conduct capacity tests and general operating tests by an experienced engineer. Test dynamic fire dampers with the air handling and distribution system running. adjusting. Record the testing during the applicable season. and balancing only when the air supply and distribution. dust. and balancing is complete as specified. Begin testing. with the exception of performance tests. including controls. 3. and balancing are specified in Section 23 05 93 TESTING. repairs/adjustments made. and install new filters after all construction dirt has been removed from the building. 3. casings. ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR HVAC. Document phases of tests performed including initial test summary. adjusting. with no traces of oil. adjusting. plenums. test each system as a whole to see that all items perform as integral parts of the system and temperatures and conditions are evenly controlled throughout the building.1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Operation and Maintenance Manuals Submit six manuals at least 2 weeks prior to field training. Adjust control valves and other miscellaneous equipment requiring adjustment to setting indicated or directed. Tighten belts to proper tension. the project is completed and the building has been documented as beneficially occupied. Wipe equipment clean. 3. Reset all fire dampers with the fusible links replaced after acceptance testing.12 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING Provide a temporary bypass for water coils to prevent flushing water from passing through coiIs. or paint spots. install the damper so it is square and f ree f rom racking. Maintain system in this clean condition until final acceptance. AND BALANCING The requirements for testing. Inside of room fan-coi1 uni tscoi1.induct ion units. the humidity at space humidistats or space sensors and the ambient temperature and humidity in a shaded and weather protected area. ADJUSTING. has been completed. To ensure optimum operation and performance. 3.10 TESTING. Submit test reports for the ductwork leak test. and other items specified have been vacuum cleaned. Make the training period consist of a total of 16 hours of normal working time and start it after all work specified herein is functionally completed and the Performance Test s have been approved.Al Ain .Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA. Conduct field instruct ion that covers all of the i terns contained in the Operat ion and Maintenance Manua1s as we11 as demonstrations of routine maintenance operat ions.2 for the Operation And Maintenance Training Conduct a training course for the members of the operating staff as designated by the Contracting Officer. Submi t the proposed On-site Training schedule concurrently with the Operation and Maintenance Manuals and at least 14 days prior to conducting the training course.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . -End of Section -- SECTION 23 00 00 Page 142 . Submit Data Package 3 items/units listed under SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data 3.13. 3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. 23 - HEATING.7 3 Liquid-.1 Assembly and Components 2.6.Al Ain .6.7 4 Thermal Well .7.3 Bull 1s-Eye and Inline Sight Glass Reflex Lens 2.2 Contract Drawings 1.7.6. 2. 6 1 Stem Cased-Glass 2.1 Filter Driers .4.Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades .6. and Supports .5 Strainers . AND AIR CONDITIONING 23 23 00 SECTION REFRIGERANT PIPING 10/07 PART 1 1.5 Safety Relief Valves .2.6.2 Sight Glass and Liquid Level Indicator 2.6. AND HANDLING 1 . Inserts.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION VENTILATING. .7 Insulation 2 2 SECTION 23 23 00 Page 1 .6. FITTINGS AND END CONNECTIONS (JOINTS) 4.4 Expansion Valves . Extra Materials PART 2 PRODUCTS GENERAL STANDARD COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL WORK REFRIGERANT PIPING SYSTEM PIPE.2 Factory Applied Gauge Glass 2.3 Brazing Filler Metal VALVES 2 .5.6.1 General Refrigerant Access Valves PIPING ACCESSORIES .6.4 Moisture Indicator .3 Vibration Dampeners .6 Evaporator Pressure Regulators.2.1 Copper Tubing 4.2.3 Liquid Solenoid Valves .3. Solid-.8 Pipe Hangers.7 2 Bimetallic Dial and Vapor-Filled Dial 2.4 Flexible Pipe Connectors .9 Escutcheons FABRICATION .6. 5 MAINTENANCE 1.2 Check Valves .6. STORAGE.1 REFERENCES 1.8 .2 SUBMITTALS 1.1 Factory 2 2 Coating .6.6.7 2 .5.1 Qualifications 1.5.2 Solder .5.5. Direct-Acting .6.4 DELIVERY.6 Pressure and Vacuum Gauges Temperature Gauges .5.1 Refrigerant Stop Valves . Al Ain - Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades - Revision August 2010 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 3.2 INSTALLATION 3.2.1 Directional Changes 3.2.2 Functional Requirements 3.2.3 Fittings and 3 2 3 1 Threaded Connections End Connections 3 2 3 2 Brazed Connections 3 2 3 3 Weided Connect ions 3 2 3 4 Flared Connections 3 2 3 5 Flanged Connections 2 4 Valves 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 General 2 4 2 Expansion Valves 2 4 3 Valve Identification 5 Vibration Dampers Strainers 3 3 3 3.2.8 Sight 2 7 Filter Dryer Glass 3.2.9 Discharge Line Oil Separator 3.2.10 Accumulator 3.2.11 Flexible Pipe Connectors 3.2.12 Temperature Gauges 3.2.13 Pipe Hangers, Inserts, and Supports Hangers Inserts C-Clamps Angle Attachments Saddles and Shields Horizontal Pipe Supports Vertical Pipe Supports Pipe Guides Steel Slides High Temperature Guides with Cradl Multiple Pipe Runs Structural Attachments 3.2.14 Pipe Alignment Guides 3.2.15 Pipe Anchors 3.2.16 Building Surface Penetrations Refrigerated Space General Service Areas Waterproof Penetrations Fire-Rated Penetrations Escutcheons 3.2.17 Access Panels 3.2.18 Field Applied Insulation 3.2.19 Field Painting Color Coding Color Coding Scheme 3.3 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING 3.4 TRAINING COURSE 3.5 REFRIGERANT PIPING TESTS 3.5.1 Preliminary Procedures 3.5.2 Pneumatic Test 3.5.3 Evacuation Test 3.5.4 System Charging and Startup Test 3.5.5 Refrigerant Leakage 3.5.6 Contractor's Responsibility -End of Section Table of Contents -- 2 6 SECTION 23 23 00 Page 2 Al Ain - Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN SECTION 23 23 00 REFRIGERANT PIPING 10/07 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The ion the publica t ions 1i st ed be!ow f nrm a part of to the extent referenced. The publications are text by the basic designation only. AIR-CONDITIONING, AHRI 711 HEATING AND REFRIGERATION {2009} Driers thi s speci f icat referred to within INSTITUTE (AHRI) Performance Rating of Liquid-Line AHRI 720 750 760 (2002} Refrigerant Access Valves and Hose Connectors (2007) Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves (2007) Performance Rating of Solenoid Valves for Use With Volatile Refrigerants HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ANSI/AHRI ANSI/AHRI AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS (ASHRAE) ANSI/ASHRAE 15 & 34 (2007; Std 15 Errata 2007, 2009, & Addenda a-f & h; Std 34 Errata 2007, 2008, Addenda a-v, x-ae) ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants (2008) Method of Testing Capacity of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves ASHRAE 17 AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY (AWS) AWS A5.8/A5.8M AWS BRH AWS Dl.l/Dl.lM (2004; Errata 2004) Specification for Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding (2007) Brazing Handbook Structural Welding (2008; Errata 2008) Code - Steel AWS Z.49.1 ASME ASME B16.22 (2005) Safety in Welding, Allied Processes INTERNATIONAL (ASME) Cutting and (2001; R 2005) Standard for Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings SECTION 23 23 00 Page 3 Al Ain - Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN ASME B16.26 (2006) Standard for Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes ASME (2007; Addenda a-2008) Power Piping Piping and Heat ASME B31.5 B31.1 (2006} Refrigeration Transfer Components (2005) Pressure Gauges tachments SEC ASME B40.100 and Gauge At ASME IX BPVC (2007; Addenda 2008; Addenda 2009) Bo i1er and Pressure Vessel Code; Sect ion IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM A 53/A 53M 12007) Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless ASTM A 653/A 653M (2009a) Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) (2009) Standing ASTM B 117 ASTM B 2 Apparatus 80 (2008) Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service (2008) Standard Specification for Solder Metal for (2009) Standard Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce ASTM B 32 ASTM B 62 Metal Castings (1999; R 2005) Standard Specification for Seamless Copper.Tube (Metric) ASTM B 7 5M ASTM B (2000; R 2009) Standard Specification for Liquid and Paste Fluxes for Soldering of Copper and Copper Alloy Tube 813 (2006) (2000; ASTM D 3 308 ASTM D 5 20 ASTM E 84 (2009c) Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY OF THE VALVE AND FITTINGS INDUSTRY (MSS) (2009) Pipe Hangers and Supports -Materials, Design and Manufacture, Selection, Application, and Installation (2003) MSS SP-69 Pipe Hangers and Supports PTFE Resin Skived Tape R 2005) Zinc Dust Pigment MSS SP-58 SECTION 23 23 00 Page 4 provided in adequate detail to demonstrate compliance with contract requirements. G. Plans and elevations which identify clearances required for maintenance and operation. AE Refrigerant Drawings. G. and list of names and identification symbols of qualified welders and welding operators. submi t tals not having a "G" des ignat i on are for in f ormat ion only. Piping layouts which ident ify all valves and f it t ings. options. b. d. When used. Demonstrations. SD-03 Product Data Piping System Refrigerant Manufacturer's standard catalog data. Identify the proposed date. c. size. b. G.Al Ain . AE at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the proposed SECTION 23 23 00 Page 5 . prior to non-factory welding operations. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-02 Shop Drawings Piping System. time. Qualifications. AE A schedule. A schedule. in adequate detail to demonstrate compliance with contract requirements. and location for each test. and Supports Spare Parts Spare parts data for each different item of equipment specified in Army projects only. at least 5 weeks prior to the purchase or installation of a particular component. at least 2 weeks prior to the start of related testing. G.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation. Drawings shal1 consi st of: a. etc.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEPALA1N MEP-Trades - Revision August 2010 Selection and Application (ANSI Approved American National Standard) 1. a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Refrigerant Piping Tests. for each test. highlighted to show material. Include in the data manufacturer's recommended installation instructions and procedures. performance charts and curves. Piping and Fittings Valves Piping Accessories Pipe Hangers. Inserts. at leas t 5 weeks prior to beg inning construet ion. AE copies of qualified procedures. Provide data for the following components as a minimum: a. abnormal shutdown. time. The booklets shall include the manufacturer's name. all and repairs/adjustments made.Al Ain . if practical. including the date the site was visited.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN training course. SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data Maint enance Operation and Maintenance Manuals Data Package 2 MAINTENANCE DATA. which for the tra ining. The service organizations shall be reasonably convenient to the equipment installation and be able to render satisfactory service to the equipment on a regular and emergency basis during the warranty period of the contract. emergency shutdown.1 Notify the Contracting Officer 24 hours in advance of tests to be performed at the work site. model number. AE A certified list of qualified permanent service organizations for support of the equipment which includes their addresses and qualifications. and a brief description of all equipment and their basic operating features. model number. include initial test summaries. and any discrepancies found. and location Verification of Dimensions A letter. the final test results. SD-07 Certificates Service Organization. Six complete copies of maintenance manual in bound 216 by 279 booklets listing routine maintenance procedures. at least 2 weeks prior to beginning construction. conformation of existing conditions. Procedures and welders shall be qualified in accordance with ASME BPVC SEC IX.1 Qualifications Piping shall be welded in accordance with the qualified procedures using performance qualified welders and welding operators.Aircraft Mairitenace Hangar MEP-Trades .3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. service manual. possible breakdowns and repairs. 1. The manuals shall include piping layouts and simplified wiring and control diagrams of the system as installed. G. Welding procedures qualified by others. The welder or welding operator shall apply the personally assigned symbol near each weld made. SD-06 Test Reports Refrigerant Piping Tests Six copies of the report in bound 216 by 279 mm booklets The report shall documenting all phases of the tests performed. and parts list.3. operation. and a trouble shooting guide. in accordance with Section 01 78 23 OPERATION AND Six complete copies of an operation manual in bound 216 by 279 booklets listing step-by-step procedures required for system startup. and normal shutdown at least 4 weeks prior to the first training course. identifies the date. and welders and welding operators qualified by another employer may be accepted as permitted by ASME B31. SECTION 23 23 00 Page 6 . The manuals shall include the manufacturer's name. Al Ain . Exposed equipment moving parts.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP -Trades Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN as a permanent record.3. The 2 years experience shall be satisfactorily completed by a product which has been sold or is offered for sale on the commercial market throu gh advertisements. structural and finish conditions that would affect the work to be performed and arrange such work accordingly. or brochures. a recommended spare parts list for 1 year of operation. Products shall be supported by a service organization. 1. fittings. The data shall include a complete list of parts and supplies. design and workmanship and that have been in satisfactory commercial or industrial use for 2 years prior to bid opening. parts whi ch may be electrically energized. electrical. manufacturer's catalogs.5 1. furnishing req uired offsets. Provide materials and equipment which are standard p roduct s of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturing of such products. AND HANDLING Protect stored items from the weather. Carefully investigate the plumbing.5. humidity and temperature variations. cap piping and simi 1ar openings to keep out dir t and other foreign matter. During installation. b. 1. dirt and dust.2 Contract Drawings Structural members shall 12 00 STRUCTURAL STEEL. be welded in Because of the small scale of the drawings. and accessories to meet such conditions.5. it is not possible to indicate all o ffsets. Products having less than a 2 year field service record will be acceptable if a certified record of satisfactory field operation. after approval of detail drawings and not later than 2 months prior to the date of beneficial occupancy. 1. can be shown. for not less than 6000 hours exclusive of the manufacturer's fact ory tests. The 2 year use shall include applications of equipment and materials under similar circumstances and of similar size. that are of a similar material. Proper protection and care of all material both before and during installation is the Contractor's responsibility. fittings. fire protection. System components shall be environmentally suitable for the indicated locations.1 MAINTENANCE General Operation and maintenance data shall comply with the requirements of Section 01 78 23 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA and as specified herein. accordance with Section 05 1. parts that produce high operating temperature. and accessories that may be required.2 Extra Materials Submit spare parts data for each different item of equipment specified. with current unit prices and source of supply. and a list of the parts recommended by the manufacturer to be replaced on a routine basis. d. Replace any materials found to be damaged at the Contractor's expense. c. STORAGE. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2. or other contaminants. SECTION 23 23 00 Page 7 .1 STANDARD COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS a.4 DELIVERY. 1 .8/A5. except Type BCuP-5 or BCuP-6 may be used for brazing copper-to-copper joints. Ref rigérant piping. valves. form. tin-ant imony alloy for service pressures up to 1034 kPa. grade Sb5.4. Valves 2 5 mm and smal1er shal1 have brazed or socket welded connections. and accessori es used for ref r igérant service shal1 be cleaned. Brass or bronze adapters for brazed tubing may be used for connecting tubing to flanges and to threaded ends of valves and equipment. Welding and cutting safety requirements sha11 be in accordance with AWS Z4 9. Wrought copper and bronze solder-joint pressure fittings shall conform to ASME B16. Valve bodies shall be of brass. and accessories sha11 be in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 15 & 34 and ASME B31.4. 2.4 2. and accessories sha11 be compatible with the fluids used and capable of withstanding the près sures and tempera tures of the service. Type BAg-5 with AWS Type 3 flux. except in pilot pressure or gauge lines where maintenance disassembly is requ ired and welded flanges cannot be used. Install safety devices so that proper operation of equipment is not impaired. Valve stems exposed to the atmosphere shall SECTION 23 23 00 Page 8 . fittings. fully enclosed. valves.4.26 and ASTM B 62.1 PIPE.22 and ASTM B 75M. and tested specifically for refrigerant service.8M.5. Cast copper alloy fittings for flared copper tube shall conform to ASME B16. 2. dehydrated. Copper tubing shall be soft annealed where bending is requi red and hard drawn where no bending is required. Joints shal1 be bra zed except that joints on 1ines 22 mmand smal1er may be flared. Threaded end connections shall not be used. 2. FITTINGS AND END CONNECTIONS (JOINTS) Copper Tubing Copper tubing shall conform to ASTM B 280 annealed or hard drawn as required. Field wiring shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.2 ELECTRICAL WORK Electrical equipment and wiring shall be in accordance with Section 26 20 00 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. or duct ile iron construct ion. Cast sweat-type joints and fittings shall not be allowed for brazed joints. manufactured.2 Solder Solder shall conform to ASTM B 32.5 VALVES Valves shall be designed. Internal part s shal1 be removable for inspection or replacement without applying heat or breaking pipe connections. guarded.3 Brazing Filler Metal Filler metal shall conform to AWS A5. Valves larger than 25 mm shall have butt welded end connections.3 REFRIGERANT PIPING SYSTEM Refrigérant piping.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEPALAIN MEP-Trades - Revision August 2010 and parts that may be a hazard to operating personnel shall be insulated.Al Ain . steel. bronze. 2. Refrigerant piping. non-corrosive and conform to 2. vaIves. Solder flux shall be liquid or paste ASTM B 813. except as specified herein. 2. or fitted with other types of safety devices. and sealed {capped or plugged) prior to shipment from the manufacturer's plant. Soft annealed copper tubing shall not be used in sizes larger than 35 mm. Joints and fittings for brazed joint shall be wrought-copper or forged-brass sweat fittings. fittings. 2.3 Liquid Solenoid Valves Valves shall comply with ANSI/AHRI 760 and be suitable for continuous duty with applied voltages 15 percent under and 5 percent over nominal rated voltage at maximum and minimum encountered pressure and temperature service conditions.Al Ain . at the main valve. totally encapsulated or encapsulated and metal jacketed as required. Gas limited liquid charged valves and other valve devices for limiting evaporator pressure shall not be used without a distributor or discharge tube or effective means to prevent loss of control when bulb becomes warmer than valve body. 2. manual lifting provisions shall be furnished. Valves shall have an operating pressure differential suitable for the refrigerant used. seal capped. charge and receiver valves shall be of manu facturer's standa rd con f i gurat ion.4 Expansion Valves Valve shall conform to ANSI/AHRI 750 and ASHRAE 17.5. Direction of flow shall be legibly and permanently indicated on the valve body. UL approved. Automatic pressure reducing or constant pressure regulating expansion valves may be used only where indicted or for constant evaporator loads. A de-energized solenoid valve may be used in the pilot line to close the main valve in lieu of a solenoid valve in the main liquid line. 2. Valve shal1 be the straight or angle pattern design as indicated. packless.5. Internal equalizers may be utilized where flowing refrigerant pressure drop between outlet of the valve and inlet to the evaporator coil is negligible and pressure drop across the evaporator is less than the pressure difference corresponding to 1 degree C of saturated suction temperature at evaporator conditions.5 Safety Relief Valves Valve shal1 be the two-way type. unless indicated otherwise. 2. Valves shall be direct-acting or pilot-operating type. Pilot-operated valves shall have a characterized plug to provide required modulating control. except that packed stem.1 Refrigerant Stop Valves Valve shall be the globe or full-port ball type with a back-seating stem especially packed for refrigerant service. Valve shall be provide with resilient seat. Control valve inlets shall be fitted with integral or adapted st ra iner or filter where recommended or requ i red by the manufacturer.Aircraft Ma int enace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN be stainless steel or corrosi on resistant meta1 plated carbon stee1 . Valves shall have safe working pressure of 2760 kPa and a maximum operating pressure differential of at least 1375 kPa at 8 5 percent rated voltage. Purge. Valve shall bear the ASME code symbol. Valve capacity shall be certified by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Bulb charge shall be determined by the manufacturer for the application and such that liquid will remain in the bulb at all operating conditions. Valve shall be provided with an external superheat adjustment along with a seal cap. Valve packing shall be replaceable under line pressure.5.5. Valve SECTION 23 23 00 Page 9 . Valve shall be provided with a handwheel or wrench opera tor and a sea1 cap. Solenoid coils shall be moisture-proof.2 Check Valves Valve shall be the swing or lift type as required to provide positive shutoff at the differential pressure indicated. 2. Valve shall be the diaphragm and spring-loaded type with internal or external equalizers.5. and bulb and capillary tubing. An isolatable pressure gauge shall be provided in the pilot line. moisture reactive. Pressure drop at system design load shall not exceed the pressure difference corresponding to a 1 degree C change in saturated refrigerant temperature at evaporator operating suction temperature. 2.3 MPa. and gauge glass guard.2. Minimum bursting pressure shal1 be 10.5. moisture and temperature criteria. and shall remove water. Evaporator Valve shall include a diaphragm/spring assembly. 2.7 Refrigerant Access Valves Refrigerant access valves and hose connections shall be in accordance with AHRI 720.1 PIPING ACCESSORIES Filter Driers Driers shall conform to AHRI 711. Sizes 15 mm and larger shall be the full flow.2. cake. red-line or green-line gauge glass.3 Vibration Dampeners Dampeners shall be of the all-metallic bellows and woven-wire type. 2. replaceable core type. Filter driers shall be constructed so that none of the desiccant will pass into the refrigerant 1ines.6. 2. Direct-Acting act iva t ion. channel.6. and packing followers.2.6.6 2. the moisture indicator shall be an integral part of each corresponding sight glass. 2.Al Ain .1 Sight Glass and Liquid Level Indicator Assembly and Components Assembly shall be pressure.4 Moisture Indicator Indicator shal1 be a self-reversible action.6 be of an automatically reseati ng des ign after Pressure Regulators. Ferrous components subj ect to condensat ion shal1 be electro-galvani zed. color changing media. 2.6. two plain lenses in one body suitable for backlighted viewing shall be provided. dust. and pressure gauge port.and temperature-rated and constructed of materials suitable for the service. Unless otherwise indicated.3 Bull's-Eye and Inline Sight Glass Reflex Lens Bull's-eye and inline sight glass reflex lens shall be provided for dead-end liquid service. SECTION 23 23 00 Page 10 . Glass shall be borosilicate type. 2. external pressure adjustment with seal cap. Valve shall maintain a constant inlet pressure by balancing inlet pressure on diaphragm against an adjustable spring load. or break down. Spring shall be selected for indicated maximum allowable suction pressure range.5.6.2 Gauge Glass Gauge glass shall include top and bottom isolation valves fitted with automatic checks. Cores shall be of suitable desiccant that will not plug.2. Indicator sha11 be furni shed wi th ful1-color-print ing tag containing color. and foreign material from the refrigerant. Sizes 13 mm and smaller shall be the sealed type.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN sha11 2. elastomer or polymer packing to suit the service. For pipe line mounting. acid.6.2 2.Aircraft Ma intenace Hangar MEP-Trades .6. cleanable.5 times the maximum system working pressure. not less than 60-mesh noncorroding screen of an area to provide net free area not less than ten times the pipe diameter with pressure rating compatible with the refrigerant service. Bimeta1lie element sha11 be si1icone dampened and unit fitted with externa1 calibrator adjustment. Where test wells are indicated.7. solid-. Remote element type temperature gauges shall be provided in thermal wells located 2.5 to 2. and connecting capillary tubing shall be double-braided bronze. m above the finished floor.6.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . with exterior reinforcement of bronze.6.4 Thermal Well Thermal well shall be identical size. provide captive SECTION 23 23 00 Page 11 .4 Flexible Pipe Connectors Connector shall be a composite of interior corrugated phosphor bronze or Type 300 Series stainless steel. Universal adjustable angle type or remote element type temperature gauges shall be provided in thermal wells located 1.2 Bimetallic Dial Bimetallic dial type case shall be not less than 89 mm. Each gauge range shall be selected so that at normal operating pressure. 2. 229 mm long.6 Pressure and Vacuum Gauges Gauges shall conform to ASME B40. The pointer shall be adjustable.3 Liquid-. Assembly sha11 be cons trueted with a safety fact or of not 1ess than 4 at 150 degrees C. Gauge shal1 be a minimum of 8 5 mm in diameter wi th a range f rom 0 kPa to approximately 1.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 2.6. stainless steel. 2. Y-or angle-pattern. Unless otherwise indicated. suitable for encountered cross-ambients. Gauges shall have Celsius scale in 1 degree graduations scale (black numbers) on a white face.7.Al Ain . and non-mercury filled glass tube with indicating-fluid column. the needle is within the middle-third of the range.1 Stem Cased-Glass Stem cased-glass case shall -be polished stainless steel or cast aluminum. 13 or 19 mm NPT connection. and vapor-filled dial type cases shal1 be not less than 89 mm. Fill shall be nonmercury. 2. Rigid stem type temperature gauges shall be provided in therma1 wel1s located within 1. Solid-. stainless steel or monel wire braid. brass or stainless steel.5 Strainers Strainers used in refrigerant service shall have brass or cast iron body. 2. 2.1 m above the finished floor.5 m of the f inished floor . and shal1 be hermetically sealed with clear acrylic lens. and Vapor-Filled Dial Liquid-. as required for fluid service. the length of a flexible connector shal1 be as recommended by the manufacturer for the service int ended. 2. stainless steel or cast aluminum with clear acrylic lens.6. with clear acrylic lens. Accuracy shall be one percent of dial range.7 Temperature Gauges Temperature gauges shall be the industrial duty type and be provided for the required temperature range.7. Screens shall be stainless steel or monel and reinforced spring-loaded where necessary for bypass-proof construction.6. 2.100 and shall be provided with throttling type needle valve or a pulsation dampener and shut-off valve.6. guides. and advise the Contracting Officer of any discrepancy before performing any work. and MSS SP-69. Material supplied by a manufacturer with a jacket shall be tested as a composite material. Insulation shall be tested in the same density and installed thickness as the material to be used in the actual construction. shall be factory finished with the manufacturer's standard finish. PART 3 EXECUTION 3 .6. SECTION 23 23 00 Page 12 .1. Jackets. 2 . wrinkling. Immediately after completion of the test. As a minimum.Al Ain . 2. Type I. or loss of adhesion and no sign of rust creepage beyond 3 mm on either side of the scratch mark. cracking. Factory insulated items instal1ed outdoors are not requ i red to be f i re-rated. factory insulated items installed indoors shall have a flame spread index no higher than 75 and a smoke developed index no higher than 150. the specimen shall show no signs of blistering.Aircraft Ha int enace Hanga r MEP-Trades . and in attic spaces shall have a flame spread index no higher than 25 and a smoke developed index no higher than 50. Flame spread and smoke developed indexes shall be determined by ASTM E 84. 2.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN plug-fitt ed type 13 mm NPT connect i on su i table for use with ei ther engraved stem or standard separable socket thermometer or thermostat . 7 FABRICATION 2. and Supports and supports shall conform to MSS SP-58 Pipe hangers. Extended neck thermal wells sha11 be of su f f ic ient length to clear insulat ion thickness by 2 5 mm.2 INSTALLATION Pipe and fitting installation shall conform to the requirements of ASME B31. facings. when fabricated from ferrous metal. Inserts. and adhesives shall have a flame spread index no higher than 25 and a smoke developed index no higher than 50 when tested in accordance with ASTM E 8 4 . Factory insulated items (no jacket) installed indoors and which are located in air pienums. perform a verification of dimensions in the field.8 Pipe Hangers. 2.6. either one piece or split pattern. 1 EXAMINATION After becoming familiar with all details of the work. Escutcheons Escutcheons shall be chromium-plated iron or chromium-plated brass. Pipe shall be cut accurately to measurements established at the jobsite. Cut edges of galvanized surfaces where hot-dip galvanized sheet steel is used shall be coated with a zinc-rich coating conforming to ASTM D 520.9 inserts.2 Factory Applied Insulation Refrigerant suction lines between the cooler and each compressor and cold gas inlet connections to gas cooled motors shall be insulated with not less than 19 mm thick unicellular plastic foam. 3. equipment and component items.7. except that items located outside of bui1dings sha11 have weather resistant f ini shes that will wi thstand 12 5 hours exposure to the salt spray test specified in ASTM B 117 using a 5 percent sodium chloride solution.1 Factory Coating Unless otherwise specified. in cei1ing spaces. held in place by internal spring tension or set screws. Mercury shall not be used in thermometers.7. and worked into place without springing or forcing. flattening.3 Welded Connections Welded joints in steel refrigerant piping shall be fusion-welded. 3. Mitering or notching pipe or other similar construction to form elbows or tees will not be permitted.2. 3. 3. pipe. Piping shall be supported prior to brazing and not be sprung or forced. During brazing. and other openings.3 3. alignment. and maintenance.2. except as modified herein.2 Brazed Connections Brazing shall be performed in accordance with AWS BRH. dirt. The centerline radius of bends shall not be less than 6 diameters of the pipe.Al Ain . such as nitrogen.2. Branch connections shall be made with welding tees or forged welding branch outlets.2 Functional Requirements Piping shall be installed 4 mm/m of pipe in the direction of flow to ensure adequate oil drainage. the pipe and fittings shall be filled with a pressure regulated inert gas. both the outside of the tube and the inside of the fitting shall be cleaned with a wire fitting brush until the entire joint surface is bright and clean. Weld defects shall SECTION 23 23 00 Page 13 .1 Direct ional Changes Changes in direction shall be made with fittings. or other malformations will not be accepted. entry. Pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned of all scale and foreign matter before the piping is assembled. Cutting or other weakening of the building structure to facilitate piping installation will not be permitted without written approval. Open ends of refrigerant lines or equipment shall be properly capped or plugged during installation to keep moisture. Brazing flux shall not be used.2.2. to prevent the formation of scale. Not more than three threads shal1 show after the joint is made.3. replacement. Equipment and piping arrangements shall fit into space allotted and allow adequate acceptable clearances for installation. or hangers.3. Tubing shall be protected against oxidation during brazing by continuous purging of the inside of the piping using nitrogen. servicing. joints. or other foreign material out of the system. 3. except that bending of pipe 100 mm and smaller will be permitted. and inspection of weld shall conform to ASME B31. Beveling. and shall permit free expansion and contraction without causing damage to the bui1ding structure. Before brazing copper joints. Surplus brazing material shall be removed at all joints. Joints in steel tubing shall be painted with the same material as the baked-on coating within 8 hours after joints are made. wrinkles. heat treatment. such as nitrogen. Piping shall remain capped until installation.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Pipe or tubing shall be cut square. Bent pipe showing kinks.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN completely clearing all windows. During welding the pipe and fittings shall be filled with an inert gas.1. Steel tubing joints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.2.1 Fittings and End Connections Threaded Connections Threaded connections shall be made with tapered threads and made tight with PTFE tape complying with ASTM D 3308 or equivalent thread-joint compound applied to the male threads only.3. 3. shall have burrs removed by reaming. doors. to prevent the formation of scale. provided a pipe bender is used and wide weep bends are formed. Equipment piping shall be in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's recommendations and the contract drawings. 4. The bulb shall installed in a horizontal portion of the suction line. and other similar items in multiple-unit installation.2. evaporators. If the bulb must be installed in a vertical line. Valves shall be furnished to match line size.4. to provide partial system isolation as required for maintenance or repair. 3.4. with the pigtail on the bottom. Stop valves shall be installed with stems horizontal unless otherwise indicated. Tags shall be in alphanumeric sequence. substantially attached to a component or immediately adjacent thereto. Filter dryers having access ports may be considered a point of isolation.1 General Refrigerant stop valves shall be installed on each side of each piece of equipment such as compressors condensers.3. progressing in direction of fluid flow. Tags shall be embossed.4 Valves 3. chillers. Safety switches shall not be fitted with isolation valves. the bulb tubing shall be facing up.2.2 Expansion Valves Expansion valves shall be installed with the thermostatic expansion valve bulb located on top of the suction line when the suction line is less than 54 mm in diameter and at the 4 o'clock or 8 o'clock position on lines larger than 54 mm. unless otherwise indicated or approved. Isolating valves for pressure gauges and switches shall be external to thermal insulation. sized approximately 34 mm diameter.3 Valve Identification Each system valve. 3. receivers. such as compressors. Electrodes sha11 be stored and dried in accordance with AWS Dl. 3. or equivalent dimension.3. Flanged joints shall be assembled square end tight with matched flanges. Tags shall be attached with nonferrous.2.2. including those which are part of a factory assembly.4 Flared Connections When flared connections are used. Tag numbers shall be referenced in Operation and Maintenance Manuals and system diagrams.2.Al Ain . and bolts.1M or as recommended by the manufacturer. and other similar items.2.2.5 Flanged Connections When steel refrigerant piping is used. union or flange joints shall be provided in each line immediately preceding the connection to each piece of equipment requiring maintenance. The bulb shall be insulated. or stamped plastic or nonferrous metal of various shapes. gaskets. shall be tagged. Electrodes that have been wetted or that have lost any of their coating shall not be used. engraved. if possible.5 Vibration Dampers Vibration damper shall be provided in the suction and discharge lines on SECTION 23 23 00 Page 14 . Purge valves shall be provided at all points of systems where accumulated noncondensable gases would prevent proper system operation. 3.Revision August 2010 HEPALAIN be removed and rewelded at no addi t i onal cost to the Government. 3. bead or 1ink chain. Ball valves shall be installed with stems positioned to facilitate operation and maintenance. The bulb shall be securely fastened with two clamps. heavy duty. nylon cable bands or as approved. a suitable lubricant shall be used between the back of the flare and the nut in order to avoid tearing the flare wh i1e t i ghtening the nu t.Aircraft Ha intenace Hangar MEP-Trades . 3.1/Dl . 14 gauge annealed wire. coils. Gaskets shall be suitable for use with the refrigerants to be handled. control valves. 12. Site glasses shall be full line size. Accumulators 3. Oil return line shall be connected to the compressor as recommended by the compressor manufacturer. Thermal wells for insertion thermometers and thermostats shall extend beyond thermal insulation surface not less than 25 mm.2.2.T r a d e s .2. 3. Vibration dampers shall be installed parallel with the shaft of the compressor and shall be anchored firmly at the upstream end on the suction line and the downstream end in the di scharge 1ine.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar M E P .13 Pipe Hangers. in perpendicular planes.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN spring mounted compressors.7 Filter Dryer A liquid line filter dryer shall be provided on each refrigerant circuit located such that all liquid refrigerant passes through a filter dryer.8 Sight Glass A moisture indicating sight glass shall be installed in all refrigerant circuits down stream of all filter dryers and where indicated. Piping subjected to vertical movement. 3.12 Temperature Gauges Temperature gauges shall be located specifically on. shall be supported SECTION 23 23 00 Page 15 . Piping for equipment with bidirectional motion shall be fitted with two flexible connectors. and the filter dryer replaced. the isolated portion of the system evacuated. and supports shall conform to MSS SP -58 and MSS SP-69.9 Discharge Line Oil Separator Discharge line oil separator shall be provi ded in the discharge line from each compressor.2.2.2.Al Ain . and Supports Pipe hangers.11 Flexible Pipe Co nnectors Connectors shall be installed perpendicular to line of . 3. Inserts. Piping guides and restraints related to flexible connectors shall be provided as required. 3. Pipe hanger types 5.10 Accumulator shall be provided in the suction line to each compressor. and 26 shall not be used.2. 3. 3. Reinforced elastomer flexible connectors sha ll be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. when operating temperatures exceed ambient temperatures. inserts. but not limited to the following: the liquid line leaving a receiver and the suction line at each evaporator or liquid cooler. 3.motion being isolated. Dryers shall be installed in the horizontal position except replaceable core filter dryers may be installed in the vertical position with the access flange on the bottom. Dryers shall be installed such that it can be isolated from the system..6 Strainers Strainers shall be provided immediately ahead of solenoid valves and expansion devices. except as modified herein.2. Dryers shall be sized in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the system in which it is installed. Hangers used to support piping 50 mm and larger shall be fabricated to permit adequate adjustment after erection while still supporting the load. Strainers may be an integral part of an expansion va1ve. atmospheric conditions. Lateral restraints shall be provided as required.6 Hori zontal Pipe Support s be spaced as specified in MSS SP -69 and a over 300 mm from the pipe fitting joint of the piping.13. the Type 39 saddle. and bearing loads encountered.2. Type 40 shields shall be used on all piping less than 100 mm and all piping 100 mm and larger carrying medium less than 16 degrees C.2.2. shall be used on all pipe 100 mm and larger when the temperature of the medium is 16 degrees C or higher.13. SECTION 23 23 00 Page 16 .4 m from end of risers. O n piping 100 mm and larger.8 Pipe Guides Type 35 guides using. 3. and at vent terminations.5 m apart at 3. Type only on trapeze hanger systems or on fabricated frames. an alternate guide method may be used. a Type 39 saddle shall be used. connected to the pipe. Horizontal pipe supports shall support shall be installed not at each change in direction spaced not over 1. 3. reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or graphite slides shall be provided where required to allow longitudinal pipe movement. Pipe supports shall be valves.B Sadd les and Shields Where Type 39 saddle or Type 40 shield are permitted for a particular pipe attachment application.13. a Type 40 protection shield may be attached to the pipe or insulation and freely rest on a steel slide plate.Al Ain . A high density insulation insert of cellular glass shall be used under the Type 40 shi eld for piping 50 mm and larger. 3. steel. 3.1 spring hangers and supports or by cons tant support hangers.13.13. 3.9 Steel Slides Where steel slides do not require provisions for restraint of lateral movement.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP -Trades Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN by variable 3.7 Vertical Pipe Supports Vertical pipe shall be supported at each floor. and at intervals of not more than 4 .13. furnis hed by the manufacturer. 3.13.4 Angle Attachments Type 20 attachments used on angles and channels shall be furnished with an added malleable-iron heel plate or adapter. except at slab -on-grade. Slide materials shall be suitable for the system operating temperatures.2 Inserts Type 18 inserts shall be secured to concrete forms before concrete is placed.3 C-Clamps Type 19 and 23 C -clamps shall be torqued in accordance with MSS SP -69 and have both locknuts and retaining devices. Continuous inserts which allow more adjustments may be used i f they otherwise meet the requirements for Type 18 inserts.2. On piping under 100 mm.2.13.2. 3. Field-fabricated C-clamp bodies or retaining devices are not acceptable.2. 5 m not more than 2.2.2. Hangers 24 may be used Type 3 shall not be used on insulated piping.13. or by an amount adequate for the insulat ion.2. headers. Sleeves in nonload bearing surfaces shall be galvanized sheet metal. SECTION 23 23 00 Page 17 . whichever i s greater. or masonry anchor devices. 3. The pipe shal1 be separated from the slide material by at least 100 mm.2. then the Type 35 guide shall include a pipe cradle. and equipment. or stays shall not be attached where they will injure the structure or adjacent construction during installation or by the weight of expansion of the pipeline.in anchors. Structural steel brackets required to support piping.13.14 Pipe Alignment Guides Pipe alignment guides shall be provided where indicated for expansion loops. Supports shall not be attached to metal decking. 3. Masonry anchors for overhead appli cat ions shal1 be constructed of ferrous materi als only.in concret e inserts.12 Structural Attachments Attachment to building structure concrete and masonry shall be by cast. and in lines 100 mm or smaller not more than 600 mm on each side of the joint.10 - Revision August 2010 High Temperature Guides with Cradles Where there are high system temperatures and welding to piping is not desirable. Sleeves shall not be installed in structural members. conforming to ASTM A 653/A 653M. Material used for support shal1 be as speci f ied under Sect ion 05 12 00 STRUCTURAL STEEL. bu i11. Standard weight. and bends and as recommended by the manufacturer for expansion joints. anchors.2. not to exceed 1.2. shall be provided under this section.2. Anchors shall consist of heavy steel collars with lugs and bolts for clamping and attaching anchor braces.16 Building Surface Penetrations Sleeves shall not be installed in structural members except where indicated or approved. 1. conforming to ASTM A 53/A 53M.11 Multiple Pipe Runs In the support of multiple pipe runs on a common base member. a clip or clamp shall be used where each pipe crosses the base support member.2. Detailed drawings of pipe anchors shall be submitted for approval before installation.5 m on each side of each expansion joint. Coating Class G-90.13.Aircraf t Ma interlace Hangar MEP-Trades 3. Supports. unless otherwise indicated. Sleeves in load bearing surfaces shall be uncoated carbon steel pipe.15 Pipe Anchors Anchors shall be provided wherever necessary or indicated to localize expansion or to prevent undue strain on piping.0 mm (20 gauge). 3. Sealants shall be applied to moisture and oil-free surfaces and elastomers to not less than 13 mm depth. offsets.MEPALAIN AI Ain . 3.13. Where pipe and conduit penetrations of vapor barrier sealed surfaces occur. but not shown. Inserts and anchors shal1 be applied with a safety factor not less than 5. 3. welded to the guide structure and strapped securely to the pipe. these items shall be anchored immediately adjacent to each penetrated surface. Anchor braces shall be installed in the most effective manner to secure the desired results using turnbuckles where required. Spacing of the base support members shall not exceed the hanger and support spacing required for an individual pipe in the multiple pipe run. to provide essentially zero movement within penetration seal. anchor lugs. flange shall extend not less than 200 mm from the pipe and be set over the roof or floor membrane in a troweled coating of bituminous cement. voids shal1 be f i1led with latex mixed mortar cast to shape of sleeve and flange/externa1 collar type sleeve sha11 be assembled with butyl elastomer vapor barrier sealant through penetration to cold side surface vapor barrier overlap and fastened to surface with masonry anchors. the annular space between pipe and sleeve or between jacket over-insulation and sleeve shall be sealed in accordance with Section 07 92 00 JOINT SEALANTS. Penetrations shall be sealed by either one of the following methods. and pressure ring with brass bolts. Seals shall consist of interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe/conduit and SECTION 23 23 00 Page 18 . Vapor barrier sealant shall be applied to finish warm side insulation surface.2. fibrous glass reinforced polyester or epoxy resin with a minimum thickness equal to equivalent size Schedule 40 steel pipe. or a 0. The flashing sleeve shall extend up the pipe a minimum of 50 mm above the roof or floor penetration. Waterproofing Clamping Flange: Pipes up to and including 250 mm in diameter passing through roof or floor waterproofing membrane may be installed through a cast iron sleeve with caulking recess.2 General Service Areas Each sleeve shall extend through its respective wall. or roof. 3.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 3. Except in pipe chases or interior walls. and skirt or.17 kg/sq. Pipes passing through concrete or masonry wall or concrete floors or roofs shall be provided with pipe sleeves fitted into place at the time of construction.in. floor. 3. Sleeves shall be of such size as to provide a minimum of 6 mm all-around clearance between bare pipe and sleeves or between jacketed-insulation and sleeves.1 Refrigerated Space Refri gera ted space bu ilding surface penetrat ions shal1 be fit ted with sleeves fabricated from hand-lay-up or helically wound. a modular mechanical type sealing assembly may be installed. m copper sleeve. mm thick aluminum sleeve. flashing clamp device.3 Waterproof Penetrations Pipes passing through roof or floor waterproofing membrane shall be installed through a 5. Modular Mechanical Type Sealing Assembly: In lieu of a waterproofing clamping flange and caulking and sealing of annular space between pipe and sleeve or conduit and sleeve.16. Wires in refrigerated space surface penetrating conduit shall be sealed with vapor barrier plugs or compound to prevent moisture migration through conduit and condensation therein. The annular space between the flashing sleeve and the bare pipe or between the flashing sleeve and the metal-jacket-covered insulation shall be sealed as indicated. In the case of masonry penetrations where sleeve i s not cast .Aircraft Ma in tenace Hangar MEP-Trades .16. Integral cast-in collar type sleeve shall be f1ashed as indicated.Al Ain . each within an integral skirt or flange. Waterproofing membrane shall be clamped into place and sealant shall be placed in the caulking recess. Sleeves shall be constructed with integral collar or cold side shall be fitted with a bonded slip-on flange or extended collar. Flashing sleeve shall be suitably formed. and shall be cut flush with each surface. a. Normally noninsulated penetrating round surfaces shall be sealed to sleeve bore with mechanically expandable seals in vapor tight manner and remaining warm and cold side sleeve depth shall be insulated with not less than 100 mm of foamed-in-place rigid polyurethane or foamed-in-place silicone elastomer. b. Warm side of penetrating surface shall be insulated beyond vapor barrier sealed sleeve insulation for a distance which prevents condensation. except in boiler. 3. 3.2. and pressure plates. controls. 3. Access panels shall be as specified in Section 05 50 13 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS.2. walls. tightening of the bolt shall cause the rubber sealing elements to expand and provide a watertight seal rubber sealing elements to expand and provide a watertight seal between the pipe/conduit seal between the pipe/conduit and the sleeve. 3. contaminated refrigerant.18 Field Applied Insulation Field installed insulation shall be as specified in Section 23 07 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS.2.Al Ain . moisture. vents. special deep-type escutcheons shall be used. bare or insulated.2. to remove small amounts of air and moisture. and as specified herein. and finish painting of items only primed at the factory are specified in Section 09 90 00 PAINTS AND COATINGS.3 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING Clean uncontaminated system(s) by evacuation and purging procedures currently recommended by refrigerant and refrigerant equipment manufacturers.2 Color Coding Scheme A color coding scheme for locating hidden piping shall be in accordance with Section 22 00 00 PLUMBING. and floors shall be sealed as specified in Section 07 84 00 FIRESTOPPING. 3. 3.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . 3.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN sleeve with corrosion protected carbon steel bolt s.5 Escutcheons Finished surfaces where exposed piping.2. Escutcheon shall be secured to pipe or pipe covering.19. or equipment rooms. or any foreign matter shall be considered SECTION 23 23 00 Page 19 . Systems containing moderate amounts of air. Where sieeves project slightly from floors.16. partitions. Access panels shall be of sufficient size and located so that the concealed items may be serviced and maintained or completely removed and replaced. nu t s. GENERAL PURPOSE. and items requiring inspection or maintenance. except as defined differently herein.1 Color Coding Color coding for piping identification is specified in Section 09 90 00 PAINTS AND COATINGS. After the seal assembly is properly positioned in the sleeve.4 Fire-Rated Penetrations Penetration of fire-rated walls. Links shall be loosely assembled with bolts to form a continuous rubber belt around the pipe with a pressure plate under each bolt head and each nut. pass through floors.2.19. The Contractor electing to use the modular mechanical type seals shall provide sleeves of the proper diameters.16.2. or ceilings. Each sea1 assembly sha11 be sized as recommended by the manufacturer to fit the pipe/conduit and sleeve involved. utility. sha11 be provided with escutcheons. 3.19 Field Painting Paint ing required for surfaces not otherwise specified.17 Access Panels Access panels shall be provided for all concealed valves. equipment which has been factory tested and refrigerant charged as wel1 as equipment which could be damaged or cause personnel injury by imposed test pressure. positive or negative. sha11 be per formed using cu rrently approved refrigerant and refrigeration manufacturer's procedures.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Provide the services of a qualified technician. shall be isolated from the test pressure or removed from the system. except those leading to the atmosphere. First stage test shall be at 69 kPa with every joint being tested with a thick soap or color indicating solution.5.5. Test gas shall be dry nitrogen. flushing. Water and electricity required for the tests will be furnished by the Government.2 Pneumatic Test Pressure control and excess pressure protection shall be provided at the source of test pressure. and startup tests as described herein. If the corrected system pressure is not exactly equal to the initial system test pressure. AND BALANCING OF HVAC SYSTEMS. as required. Pressure above 690 KPa shall be raised in 10 percent increments with a pressure acclimatizing period between increments. shal1 be removed and openings capped or plugged. Field tests shall be coordinated with Section 23 05 93 TESTING. 3. The training period shall cons ist of a total 8 hours of norma1 working t ime and start after the system is functionally completed but prior to final acceptance tests. the joint sha11 be taken apart. Restoring contaminated systems to clean condition including di sassembly. to perform all tests and procedures indicated herein. Safety relief valves and rupture discs. and re-charg ing. Final test pressures of the second stage shall be maintained on the system for a minimum of 24 hours. plus for increase and minus for a decrease. where not part of factory sealed systems. component replacement. Restoring contaminated systems shall be at no add i t i ona1 cost to the Government as determi ned by the Contract ing Officer. with minus 55 degrees C dewpoint and less than 5 ppm oil.Al Ain . 3. subject the entire refrigeration system to pneumatic. SECTION 23 23 00 Page 20 . Test pressure shall be applied in two stages before any refrigerant pipe is insulated or covered. A correction factor of 2 kPa will be allowed for each degree C change between test space initial and final ambient temperature. thoroughly cleaned. The initial test pressure shall be recorded along with the ambient temperature to which the system is exposed. then the system shall be investigated for leaking joints. equipment. ADJUSTING.4 TRAINING COURSE Conduct a training course for 5 members of the operating staff as designated by the Contracting Officer. instruments. Second stage tests shall raise the system to the minimum refrigerant leakage test pressure specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 15 & 34 with a maximum test pressure 25 percent greater. Water shal1 not be used in any procedure or test. At the end of the 24 hour period.1 Preliminary Procedures Prior to pneumatic testing. evacuat ion. Joints repaired by caulking. and personnel required for the test. 3. Conduct tests in the presence of the Contracting Officer. the system pressure will be recorded along with the ambient temperature to which the system is exposed. evacuation. purging. 3. Valves shal1 be wide open. and reconstructed as a new joint. To repair leaks. Provide all material. The field posted instructions shall cover all of the items contained in the approved operation and maintenance manuals as well as demonstrations of routine maintenance operations.5 REFRIGERANT PIPING TESTS After all components of the refrigerant system have been installed and connected.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN contaminated systems. at design or improved values.4 System Charging and Startup Test Following satisfactory completion of the evacuation tests. No more than one system shall be evacuated at one time by one vacuum pump. The steps shall include. the system shall operate with high-side and low-side pressures and corresponding refrigerant temperatures. procedures which will minimize the release of refrigerants to the atmosphere and the use of refrigerant recovery devices to remove refrigerant from the system and store the refrigerant for reuse or reclaim. but not be limited to. the vacuum line shall be closed and the system shall stand for 1 hour.5 Refrigerant Leakage If a refrigerant leak is discovered after the system has been charged.Al Ain . the ambient temperature shall be higher than 2 degrees C. 3. and refrigerant if the leak is the result of defective equipment. During evacuation of the system. If the pressure rises over 500 micrometers after the 1 hour period. the pressure shall be relieved and the entire system shall be evacuated to an absolute pressure of 300 micrometers. 3. 3.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN remelting. pressures shall be recorded by a thermocouple-type. electronic-type. labor. The system shall not be charged until a vacuum of at least 500 micrometers is maintained for a period of 1 hour without the assistance of a vacuum line.5. then the system shall be evacuated again down to 300 micrometers and let set for another 1 hour period. repair as required. 3. Following charging. Any system leaks within the first year shall be repaired in accordance with the requirements herein at no cost to the Government including material. the entire system shall be retested using the pneumatic tests described above.5.6 Contractor's Responsibility At all times during the installation and testing of the refrigeration system. Fluorocarbon systems shall be tested with halide torch or electronic leak detectors. Following repair. -End of Section -- SECTION 23 23 00 Page 21 . material.5.5. take steps to prevent the release of refrigerants into the atmosphere. Under no circumstances shall the refrigerant be discharged into the atmosphere. or a ca1ibrated-micrometer type gauge.3 Evacuation Test Following satisfactory completion of the pneumatic tests. or back-welding/brazing shall not be acceptable. The entire system shall be tested for leaks. Once the desired vacuum has been reached. or installation. the system shall be charged with the required amount of refrigerant by raising pressure to normal operating pressure and in accordance with manufacturer's procedures. The entire system shall be reassembled once the pneumatic tests are satisfactorily completed. check the system for leaks. At no time shall more than 85 g of refrigerant be released to the atmosphere in any one occurrence. the leaking portion of the system shall immediately be isolated from the remainder of the system and the refrigerant pumped into the system receiver or other suitable container. During evacuation. and repeat the evacuation procedure. If during the testing the pressure continues to rise. 1 Inspection General Requirements -.1 REFERENCES 1.2 Quality Assurance Testing 3. STORAGE.6.3 Corrosion Testers 3. 1.5 TESTS 3.3 ELECTRICAL WORK 2 .1 Chilled Water Quality Assurance Testing (quarterly) 3. 1 EXAMINATION 3 .2 Chilled Water Test Kits 2.1 STANDARD PRODUCTS 2 .4.End of Section Table of Contents -- SECTION 23 25 00 Page 1 . SECTION 23 AND AIR CONDITIONING FOR 25 00 CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF WATER MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 11/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 Chilled Water Treatment 2.1 Chilled.5.7 SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES PART 3 EXECUTION 3 .2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.6 MAINTENANCE PART 2 PRODUCTS AND HANDLING 2.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 23 - HEATING.1 Drawings 1. 4 GAUGES 2.2.3 PIPING 3.5. 2 INSTALLATION 3.4 TRAINING COURSE 3. Water T esting (monthly) 3. VENTILATING.5.6. 2 NAMEPLATES 2.5.Al Ain .6.5 WATER ANALYSIS 2.6 INSPECTIONS 3.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.5 DELIVERY.6 CHILLED WATER SYSTEM 2. System.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation. including the items listed in paragraph Water Analysis. a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Water Treatment Water Analysis. a list of existing make-up water chemistry. submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. the final treated water control levels. Accessories. G. 1. Provide and install the systern with all necessary System Components. control scheme . safety and environmental concerns for handling the chemicals plus any SECTION 23 25 00 Page 2 . at least 5 weeks prior to the purchase of the water treatment system. AE G. Piping Components. R 2006) Reporting Results of ASTM D 596 Analysis of Water NATIONAL NEMA MG 1 ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) Standard for Motors (2007. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. of the proposed water treatment plan including a layout . a list of treatment chemicals to be added. AE Six complete copies.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION This section covers the provisions and installation procedures necessary for a complete and totally functional water system(s) chemical treatment.1 1 GENERAL REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced.Al Ain .100 INTERNATIONAL (ASME) (2005) Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D 2688 (2005) Corrosivity of Water in the Absence of Heat Transfer (Weight Loss Methods) (2001. ASME ASME B40. Errata 2008) and Generators 1. and a description of health. and Supplemental Components/Services. When used. the proportion of chemicals to be added.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN SECTION 23 CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF WATER 1 1 /08 25 00 FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS PART 1. Any required corrective action shall be documented within the report.Al Ain . Demons trations . SECTION 23 25 00 Page 3 . at least 2 weeks prior to the start of related testing. and typed condensed operation instructions. The manuals shall include testing procedures used in determining water quality. Steam Boiler Water Quality Assurance Tests The water quality test report identifying the chemical composition of the boiler. SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data Water Treatment System Six complete copies of operating and maintenance manuals for the step-by-step water treatment procedures. Any required corrective action shall be documented within the report. valves and control sequences. The report shall include a comparison of the condition of the boiler water with the manufacturer's or chemical vendor's recommended conditions. methods of checking the system for normal and safe operation. The reports shall identify the chemical composition of the condenser water. G. for the condenser/chilled/boiler/condensâte/feedwater water quality tests. Field Instructions Instructions. at least 2 weeks prior to the date of training course. piping. wiring and control diagrams. AE each different item of material and Test schedules. time. The posted instructions shall be framed under glass or laminated plastic and posted where indicated by the Contracting Officer. Tests. feedwater and condensate water. and procedures for safely starting and stopping the system. AE the proposed and location A schedule. for the training. Spare Parts Spare parts data for equipment specified. at least 2 weeks prior to construction completion. The reports shall also include a comparison of the manufacturer's or chemical vendor 1 s recommended operating conditions for the cooling tower and condenser in relation to the actual condition of the condenser water. G. time.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN special ventilation requirements. SD-06 Test Reports Condenser Water Quality Assurance Tests Test reports in bound 216 by 279 mm booklets. which identifies the date. The schedules shall identify the date. including equipment layout. The condensed operat ion instructions shall include preventative maintenance procedures. frequency and collection location for each test. Acid treatment chemicals shall not be used. fittings. for not less than 6000 hours exclusive of the manufacturer's factory tests. The two-year use shal1 include applications of equipment and materials under similar circumstances and of similar size. or other contaminants. or brochures.1 Drawings Because of the small scale of the drawings. STORAGE. the concentrât ions required. 1. d. SECTION 23 25 00 Page 4 .Al Ain . that are of a similar material. c. after approval of the detail drawings.2 NAMEPLATES Each maj or component of equipment shal1 have the manufacturer's name. with source of supply PART 2. dirt and dust. Products having less than a two-year field service record will be acceptable if a certified record of satisfactory field operation. and accessories to meet such conditions.5 DELIVERY. Provide materials and equipment which are standard products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturing of such product s. it is not possible to indicate all offsets.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 1. The chemical shall meet the requirements of this specification as well as the recommendations from the manufacturers of the condenser and cooling tower. b. and accessories that may be required.4. humidity and temperature variations. furnishing required offsets. can be shown. including their addresses and qualifications. electrical. All products shall be supported by a service organization. fittings. These service organizations shall be reasonably convenient to the equipment installation and shall be able to render satisfactory service to the equipment on a regular and emergency basis during the warranty period of the contract. 2. manufacturer's catalogs. The data shall include a complete list of parts and supplies.1 2 PRODUCTS STANDARD PRODUCTS a. des ign and workmanship and that have been in satisfactory commercial or industrial use for two years prior to bid opening. The two years experience shall have been satisfactorily completed by a product which has been sold or is offered for sale on the commercial market through advertisements. The selected service organization shall provide the chemicals required.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. fire protection.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Submit a certified list of qualified permanent service organizations for support of the equipment. and the water treatment equipment sizes and flow rates required. The company shall provide all chemicals required for the chilled water systems and fill the systems with chemicals to the levels specified. AND HANDLING Protect all equipment delivered and placed in storage from the weather. not later than 2 months prior to the date of beneficial occupancy. 1. Carefully investigate the plumbing.6 MAINTENANCE Submit spare parts data for each different item of material and equipment specified. structural and finish conditions that would affect the work to be performed and arrange such work accordingly. 2. Nameplates shall be provided for : a. or totally enclosed fan cooled enclosures. Class 1. shall be high efficiency type.3 Pump(s) Pump Motor(s) ELECTRICAL WORK Electrical equipment. Furni sh motors with a magnetic across-the-1ine or reduced voltage type starter as required by the manufacturer. motor starters. 2 . 4 GAUGES Gauges shall conform to ASME B40. Provide motor starters complete with therma1 overload protect ion and other appurtenances necessary for the motor cont rol indi ca t ed. Field wiring shall be in accordance wi th manufacturer's instruct i oris. motors.100.5 WATER ANALYSIS Conditions of make-up water to be supplied to the boilers. cooling towers and chilled water systems reported in accordance with ASTM D 596 are as follows: Date of Sample Temperature Silica (SiO 2) Insoluble Iron.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . 2. 115 mm in diameter with phenolic or metal case. total (Fe) Aluminum (Al) Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Carbonate {HCO 3) Sulfate (SO 4) Chloride (CI) Nitrate (NO 3) Turbidity pH Residual Chlorine Total Alkalinity Non-Carbonate Hardness Total Hardness Dissolved Solids Conductivity 2. ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ntu ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L} ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) ppm (mg/L) micromho/cm provided on the chilled water piping as SECTION 23 25 00 Page 5 . and unless otherwise indicated. Each motor shal1 conform to NEMA MG 1 and be of sufficient size to drive the equipment at the speci f ied capaci ty withou t exceeding the namepla te rat ing of the motor. b. Elertrical characteri sties and enclosure type shall be as shown. dripproof.6 CHILLED WATER SYSTEM A 18. Provide electrical motor driven equipment specified complete with motors.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN address. Motor starter shall be provided with NEMA 3R enclosures. and cata1og or serial number on a plate securely attached to the item of equipment. shall be provided. motor efficiencies. all motors of 745 W and above with open. Style X. 2. but not shown. and wiring shall be in accordance with Section 26 20 00 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. type or style.92 L shot feeder shall be degrees C. or 3.Al Ain . Type I or III as required. Manual or automatic control and protective or signa 1 devi ces required for the operat ion spec i f ied and any control wiring required for controls and devices specified. Al1 motors shal1 be cont inuous duty wi th the enclosure spec i f ied. and controls. 5. equipment and labor necessary to bring all system waters in conformance with the specified requirements. 40 50 ppm copper corrosion inhibitor {TT or MBT). PART 3 EXECUTION 3 .2 Chilled Water Test Kits One test kit of each type required to determine the water quality as outlined within the operation and maintenance manuals shall be provided (e. 1 EXAMINATION After becoming familiar with all details of the work. Drains which connect to sanitary sewer systems shall be connected by means of an indirect waste. 3.0. Borax/nitrite treatment shall be maintained at the limits of 600 to 1000 ppm nitrite. Daily operational tests shall be performed in the directed frequencies to maintain required control to prevent corrosion.4 TRAINING COURSE Conduct a training course for the operating staff as designated by the Contracting Officer.50 ppm copper corrosion inhibitor (TT or MBT). and advise the Contracting Officer of any discrepancy. 2. fittings. 7 SUPPLEMENTAL COMPONENTS/SERVICES Drain and makeup water piping shall comply with the requirements of Section 22 00 00 PLUMBING. 3. gauge glass.1 feeder shall be furnished with an air vent.6. Perform all work in accordance with the manufacturer's published diagrams. before performing any work. 3. GENERAL PURPOSE. verify all dimensions in the field.Al Ain . Chilled Water Treatment Treat chilled water with either a borax/nitrite type treatment or a molybdate type treatment. and pH of 8. Molybdate treatment shall be maintained at the limits of 100 to 125 ppm molybdate. 2. Both types of treatment can be used with glycol. 2. and pH of 8. recommendations.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN indicated.6.5 TESTS If the waters of the mechanical systems are not in conformance with the specified requirements or in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.0 to 9. the water treatment company shall take corrective action to enable compliance. valves. pH and nitrite or molybdate). and equipment warranty requirements.2 INSTALLATION Provide all chemicals.3 PIPING Connections between dissimilar metals shall be made with a dielectric union. The funnel. The field instructions shall cover all of the items contained in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals as well as demonstrations of routine maintenance operations. and piping. 40 .g. 3.5 to 9. The training period shall consist of a total 8 hours of normal working time and start after the system is functionally completed but prior to final acceptance tests. sealing and damage to equipment during operation SECTION 23 25 00 Page 6 . -. If the cooling tower and condenser are found not to conform to the manufacturer's recommended conditions. f [ [ [ 1 PH Nitrite or Molybdate Conductivity Iron (total.5.6 INSPECTIONS 3.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades .AI Ain . the water treatment company shall provide all chemicals and labor for cleaning or repairing the equipment as required by the manufacturer's recommendations. [ ___ ] I ___ ] I Once a month. Provide the Quality Assurance evaluation reports to the government. Corrosion testers shall be installed on the piping systems of the following systems. Rates of corrosion less than 3 mpy for steel and 0.1 Inspection General Requirements .3 Corrosion Testers ____ ] ppm (mg/L) ____ ] micromho/cm ____ ] ppm (mg/L) Install corrosion coupon and rack systems to verify corrosion control in the systems.End of Section -- SECTION 23 25 00 Page 7 .5. Both mild steel and copper metal samples are to be tested in the corrosion testers in accordance with ASTM D 2688.1 Quarterly.2.5. scale. and the water treatment company recommendations have been followed.5.1 Chilled Water the Testing (monthly) tests will be performed on chilled water.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 3. Chilled Water Quality Assurance Testing (quarterly) the following tests shall be performed on chilled water. Chilled water system 3. inspect the cooling tower and condenser for problems due to corrosion. following PH Nitrite or Molybdate Conductivity 3.6.. as Fe(2}0(3>) Written evaluation summary 3. Testers or coupons are installed in flowing system water through a sidestream or rack system. 3. Samples are to be replaced and analyzed every 3 months.2 Quality Assurance Testing ppm (mg/L) 1 micromho/cm Conduct quality assurance testing periodically by an independent water treatment lab/consultant to verify to managers that the mechanical and water treatment systems are being maintained properly.. and biological growth. Thirty days after project completion.2 mpy for copper are acceptable. 1 Verification of Dimensions 1.1 Definitions 1.1 Pipe 2.5 Dielectric Waterways and Flanges 2 .4.2.16 Float Valve 2.2. 2 STEEL PIPING 2.3. STORAGE.4 PIPING ACCESSORIES 2.3.6 DELIVERY.9 Automatic Flow Control Valves 2.4 Butterfly Valve 2.6 Ball Valve 2.13 Water Pressure Reducing Valve 2.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 23 - HEATING.3. 3 VALVES Water Temperature Regulating Valves 2.4. 3 SUBMITTALS 1.3.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Accessibility PART 2 PRODUCTS Drawings 1.4.7 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS 1. VENTILATING.3.2 Cyclonic Separator 2.17 Drain Valves 2.Al Ain .3 Combination Strainer and Pump Suction Diffuser 2.4.4 MODIFICATIONS TO REFERENCES Plug Valve 2.15 Combination Pressure and Temperature Relief Valves 2.18 Air Venting Valves 2.1 Threaded Connections 2.5 Pressure and Vacuum Gauges SECTION 23 171 26 Page 1 .4.19 Vacuum Relief Valves Gate Valve 2.14 Pressure Relief Valve 2.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 .7.3 Check Valve 2.1 STANDARD COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS 2.4 Flexible Pipe Connectors 2.2 Globe and Angle Valve 2.3. AND HANDLING 1.10 Pump Discharge Valve 2.4.1 REFERENCES 1.3.1 Strainer 2.3. SECTION WATER PART 1 GENERAL AND AIR CONDITIONING 23 64 26 CHILLED PIPING SYSTEMS 08/09 1.2 Fittings and End Connections (Joints) Flanged Connections 2.3.8 Calibrated Balancing Valves 2.7.7 Square Head Cocks Welded Connections 2.2.5 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1.11 Water Temperature Mixing Valve 2.4 Grooved Mechanical Connections For Steel 2. 1.1.1. 2 14 6 Tie Bolts and Nuts .9 Expansion Joints 2.7 AIR SEPARATOR TANKS 2.1.1 Construction Employer's Record Documents (For Welding) 3.1 Stem Cased-Glass 2.2 Chi lied Water 2. 2 14 5 Fixed and Movable Heads .13. and Supports 2.9 Temperature Gauges 31 7 Drains 3.3 Chilled Water System 2. and Vapor-Filled Dial Shop Painting Systems for Metal Surfaces Welding INSTALLATION 3.11 FACTORY APPLIED INSULATION 2.1 Factory Painting Systems 2.4.8 Escutcheons 2.3 Field Applied Insulation Field Painting 2.Al Ain .8.Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades .1.4 Thermal Well Color Coding 2.5.4. PART 3 EXECUTION 3. 2 14 4 Gaskets .2 Mechanical Shaft Seals 2.10.7 Pipe Hangers.9 ELECTRICAL WORK 2.4 Welding Safety 3.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 2.4.2 Inserts . Inserts.8 Flexible Pipe Connectors 3.10 Pipe Hangers. Inserts.4.13.1 Water Analysis 2. 2 14 7 Ports . Solid-.10.2 Field Applied Insulation 2.2 Color Coding For Hidden Piping 1 CHILLED WATER HEAT EXCHANGER 4 2 14 1 Thermal Design . PAINTING OF NEW EQUIPMENT 2.5 PUMPS 2. and Supports SECTION 23 64 26 Page 172 3.6 Temperature Gauges 2.6 EXPANSION TANKS 2.4. 2 14 3 Plates .1 Drain and Make-Up Water Piping 2.2 Bimetallic Dial 2.8 WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS 2.3 Examination of Piping Welds 3. 2 14 8 Surface Preparation and Painting .1.12 NAMEPLATES 2.2 Welding Procedures and Qualifications Directional Changes 3.13 RELATED COMPONENTS/SERVICES 2.13. 2 14 2 Mechanical Design . Functional Requirements 3 1 4 1 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 4 Threaded Connections Welded Connections Grooved Mechanical Connections Flared Connections 3 1 4 5 Flanges and Unions 31 5 Valves 31 6 Air Vent s Liquid-.10.4.1 Hangers 3. 4 Fittings and End Connections SECTION 23 64 26 Page 173 .Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades .Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 3.Al Ain .1. 4. 3. 0 3 1 1 8 Pipe Guides . 0 3 1 1 7 Vertical Pipe Supports . 3 1 1 L E A NB u i l d i n g A D J U S T I N G e n e t r a t i o n s C ING AND Surface P 3 3.1 .Aircraft Maintenace Hangar P-Trades Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 3 1 1 3 C-Clamps . 0 3 1 1 5 Saddles and Shields . 0 3 1 1 10 Multiple Pipe Runs . 0 3 1 1 4 Angle Attachments .2 E 3 3 . 0 3 1 1 11 Structural At tachments .4.4 FIELD TESTS 3 1 1 1 Refrigerated Space 3.3 .2 HVAC TAB 3 1 1 4 Fire-Rated Pénétrât ions 3.5 INSTRUCTION TO GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL . 2 1 P r e s sG e n e r a l tS e r v i c e A r e a s 4 1 ure Tes s 2 . 0 3 1 1 6 Horizontal Pipe Supports . 0 3 1 1 Pipe Alignment Guides 1 3 1 1 Pipe Anchors 2 LECTRICAL INSTALLATION 3. 3 . 0 3 1 1 9 Steel Slides .Ain .1 3 Equipment and Component Isolation .4. 1 Waterp Weld 31 3 3 Piping roof s Pénétrât ions . 3 . 3 3 1 1 5 Escutcheons -E n d o f3 S e c t i o n T a b l e o f Contents -- .3 3 Related Field Inspections and Testing 3 . ] ■ Access Panels 1 SECTION 23 64 26 Page 174 .3. 4 . 3 3. R 2008} Shoulder Screws Hexagon Socket Head (Metric Series) ASME B16. Requirements for Valves 2003) Performance Water Pressure Reducing ASSE 1017 (2003. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SANITARY ENGINEERING (ASSE) ASSE 1003 (2001. Errata 2009) Structural Grooved and Shouldered Joints AWWA C606 AMERICAN WELDING AWS D1. Errata. 150 and 300 ASME B16.21 ASME B16. Classes 150.20.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN SECTION 23 64 26 CHILLED WATER PIPING SYSTEMS 08/09 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 (2005) Safety in Welding. Classes 125 and 250 (2009) Forged Fittings. Cutting and Allied Processes ASME INTERNATIONAL (ASME) ASME Bl.Al Ain .3. R 2006} Purpose (Inch) Pipe Threads. General ASME B16.3M SECTION 23 64 26 Page 175 .1 (2005) Standard for Gray Iron Threaded Fittings.1/D1. Errata 2004) Temperature Actuated Mixing Valves for Hot Water Distribution Systems AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (AWWA) (2006) SOCIETY (AWS) (2008. Socket-Welding and Threaded (2005) Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets Flanges (2006) Classes for Pipe ASME B16.9 ASME B18.3 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings.Steel AWS Z49. 250.11 ASME B16. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only.Aircraft Ma i nt enace Hangar MEP-Trades . and 300 (2007) Standard for Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings (1986.1 REFERENCES The publi ca t ions 1i sted below f n r m a par t of this spec i f icat ion to the extent referenced.39 (2009) Standard for Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions.1 (1983.1M Welding Code . Black and Hot-Dipped. by the Hot-Dip Process ASTM A 47/A 47M ASTM A 53/A 53M (2007) Standard Specification for Pipe. Standard Specification for Steel Sheet. Steel.9 (2008) Building Services Piping ASME B40.100 ASME VIII BPVC SEC (2005) Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachment s (2007.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN ASME B31. R 2009) Aluminum-Coated. Addenda 2008. R 2009) Castings Standard Specification for Ductile Iron ASTM A 53 6 ASTM A (2009a) Standard Specification for Steel Sheet.Aircraft Ma interlace Hangar MEP-Trades . (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated 653/A 653M Zinc-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process (2003el. 520 ASTM D 596 (2001. Addenda 2009) Boi1er and Pressure Vessel Codes : Section VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessel ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM A 106/A 106M (2008) Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service ASTM A 183 (2003. Zinc-Coated.Al Ain . R 2009) Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Nipples (2009) Salt Spray Standing Practice (Fog) Apparatus for Operating ASTM A 733 ASTM B 117 ASTM D 2000 (2008) Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications (2006) PTFE Resin Skived Tape R 2005) R 2006) Zinc Dust Pigment Reporting Results of Analysis of Water ASTM D 3 308 ASTM D (2000. Welded and Seamless (1984. (2009c) Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E 84 ASTM F 1199 (1988. R 2004) Cast (All Temperatures and Pressures) and Welded Pipe Line Strainers (150 psig and 150 degrees F Maximum) SECTION 23 64 26 Page 176 . R 2009) Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts (1999. R INC. CSA/AM Z21.Materials.Selection and Application MSS SP-70 (2006) Valves. Valves R 2004) Standard for MSS SP-67 Butterfly MSS SP-69 Hangers (2003. Addenda B 2004) Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems CSA/ANSI 2001. R 2004) Standard for Pipe and Supports . Addenda A 2000.22 2001. Standard for Cast Iron Gate Flanged and Threaded Ends MSS SP-71 (2005) Standard for Gray Iron Swing Check Valves. Flanged and Threaded Ends (1999) Standard for Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt -Welding Ends for General Service (2005a) Cast Iron Plug Valves. Socket-Welding. Addenda B 2004) Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems HYDRAULIC HI 1. Design and Manufacture (2002a.1-1. (CSA/AM) (1999. Standard Marking System for Fittings. Solder Joint. Globe. R Z21. Angle Check Valves MSS SP-85 (2002) Standard for Cast Iron G lobe & Flanged and Threaded Ends Angle Valves. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) NEMA 250 (2008) Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) 1 (2007. Flanges and Unions MSS SP-25 MSS SP-58 (2009) Standard for Pipe Hangers and Supports .Al Ain .Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN CSA AMERICA. Errata 2008) Standard for NEMA MG Motors and Generators SECTION 23 64 26 Page 177 . Grooved and Flared Ends (2008) Valves. MSS SP-72 MSS SP-78 Flanged and Threaded Ends MSS SP-80 and (2008) Bronze Gate.22 (1999. Addenda A 2000.2 INSTITUTE (HI) (2000) Cent rifugal SOCIETY OF Pump Nomenclature THE VALVE AND MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION FITTINGS INDUSTRY (MSS) MSS SP-110 (1996) Ball Valves Threaded. Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN NEMA MG Guide 11 (1977.Al Ain . R 2007) Energy Management for Selection and Use of Single Phase Motors SECTION 23 64 26 Page 178 . fabrication. AE G. and testing shall be in accordance with the required and advisory provisions of ASME B31. G. 1. assembly.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN NATIONAL NFPA 90A FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) (2008. AE G. submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. This specification section covers the water systems piping which is located within. Calibrated Balancing Valves .2 SOCIETY FOR PROTECTIVE COATINGS (SSPC) (2007) Commercial Blast Cleaning 6/NACE No.9 except as modified or supplemented by this specification section or design drawings. AE Water Pressure Reducing Valve Pressure Relief Valve Combination Pressure and Temperature Relief Valves Expansion Joints. AE Water G.Al Ain . AE Pumps.66 meter line. Submit the following submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data G.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Provide the water systems having the minimum service (design) temperature-pressure rating indicated. and adjacent to building(s) within the building(s) 1. installation. AE Combination Strainer and Pump Suction Diffuser Expansion Tanks Air Separator Tanks SD-06 Test Reports Piping welds NDE report SECTION 23 64 26 Page 179 . Automatic Flow Control Valves. AE Grooved Mechanical Connections For Steel. Errata 2009) Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Venti1ating Systems THE SSPC SP 1. Temperature Regulating Valves. G. inspection. on. G. including materials. Pump Discharge Valve Water Temperature Mixing Valve. examination. Provision of the piping systems.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . erection. workmanship.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation. When used. AE G. all repa irs/adjustment s made .except as supplemented and modi f i ed by this speci f ication sect ion. G. AE SECTION 23 64 26 Page 180 .Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN Pressure tests reports. AE Expansion Joints. Control Valves. AE Water Temperature Mixing Valve. G. Data Package 3. Data Package Data Package 3 . Package 2. Data Package 2 . Submi t spare part s data for each di f f erent i tern of equipment specified. AE Pump Discharge Valve. Data G.Al Ain . AE Report shal1 be provided in bound 216 by 27 9 mm booklets. SD-07 Certificates Employer's Record Documents (For Welding) Welding Procedures and Qualifications Certificates shall be submitted for the following items showing conformance with the referenced standards contained in this section. and a list of the parts recommended by the manufacturer to be replaced on a routine basis. Include initial test summaries. Include service organi zat ion addresses and service area or expert ise. with operation and maintenance data packages. AE Water Temperature Regulating Valves. Data Package 2. AE G. G. Submit a list of qualified permanent service organizations with operation and maintenance data packages. G. document all phases of the tests performed. G. and the final test results. AE Pressure Relief Valve. Calibrated Balancing Valves. AE Automatic Flow Data G. a recommended spare parts list for 1 year of operation. Water Pressure Reducing Valve. Data Package 2. SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions Lesson plan for the Instruction Course . The service organizations shall be reasonably convenient to the equipment installation and be able to render satisfactory service to the equipment on a regular and emergency basis during the warranty period of the contract. G. with current uni t prices and source of supply. In the reports. G. 3. Data Package 3. Include a complete list of part s and supplies. AE SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data Requ i rements for data packages are spec i f ied Sect ion 01 7 8 2 3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA. Combination Pressure and Temperature Relief Valves. Package 3. Non-porous materials found to be contaminated with mold or mildew will be disinfected and cleaned prior to installation. furnishing required offsets. Separator Tanks." Reference to the "code official" shall be interpreted to mean the "Contracting Officer.7. 1. dirt and dust. 1. 1.5 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Exposed moving parts. Interpret references in these publications to the "authority having jurisdiction".7 1. parts which may be electrically energized. G. Any materials found to be damaged shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense." References to the "permit holder" shall be interpreted to mean the "Contractor. and parts that may be a hazard to operating personnel shall be insulated.2 Drawings Because of the small scale of the drawings.Al Ain . humidity and temperature variations. guarded. advisory provisions shall be considered mandatory.7. 1. parts that produce high operating temperature. Data Package 3. to mean the Contracting Officer.Revision August 2010 MEPALA1N Pumps. as though the word. fittings.4. STORAGE. or fitted with other types of safety devices. Data Package 2. structural and finish conditions that would affect the work to be performed and shall arrange such work accordingly. Any porous materials found to be contaminated with mold or mildew will be replaced at the Contractor's expense. "sha11 " had been substituted for "should" wherever it appears. AND HANDLING Protect stored items from the weather. AE TO REFERENCES In each of the publications referred to herein. electrical. AE Pump Suction Diffuser. or words of similar meaning. Package 2. The Contractor shall carefully investigate the plumbing. Combination Strainer and G. AE Expansion Tanks.1 Definitions For the International Code Counci1 {ICC) Codes referenced in the contract documents. or other contaminants. Safety devices shall be installed so that proper operation of equipment is not impa ired. fittings. consider the advisory provisions to be mandatory.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . and advise the Contracting Officer of any discrepancy before performing any work. fully enclosed. AE Air G.1 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS Verification of Dimensions The Contractor shall become familiar with all details of the work. it is not possible to indicate all offsets." 1. fire protection. verify all dimensions in the field. During installation. G.6 DELIVERY.4 MODIFICATIONS Data Data Package 2. cap piping and similar openings to keep out dirt and other foreign matter. and accessories to meet such SECTION 23 64 26 Page 181 . and accessories that may be required. 1. Proper protection and care of all material both before and during installation shall be the Contractor's responsibility. the word "should" shall be interpreted as "shall. Schedule 40. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 182 . Use threaded pipe nipples conforming to ASTM A 733.2. 2.3 Access ibi1 i ty Install all work so that parts requiring periodic inspection.2. Grades A or B.1. manufacturer's catalogs. for not less than 6000 hours exclusive of the manufacturer's factory tests. Use threaded unions conforming to ASME Bl6.Aircraft Ma intenace Hangar MEP-Trades . The 2 years experience shall be satisfactorily completed by a product which has been sold or is offered for sale on the commercial market through advertisements. or brochures. maintenanee. 2.3. The standard products shall have been in satisfactory commercial or industrial use for 2 years prior to bid opening. controls. in locations freely accessible through access doors.Al Ain . Do not use Type F pipe. or flanged connections. and equipment requiring access. The manufacturer of each fitting shall be permanently identified on the body of the fitting in accordance with MSS SP-25. or welded connections. operation.2 STEEL PIPING Water piping shall be steel pipe tubing. The two year use shall include applications of equipment and materials under similar circumstances and of similar size.20.7. Piping and fittings larger than 25 mm and smaller than 80 mm shall have either threaded. System component s shal1 be environmentally suitable for the indicated locations.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN condi t i ons.39.2. welded. can be shown.1 2 PRODUCTS STANDARD COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS Materials and equipment shall be standard products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturing of such products. Type E or S. Used threaded fitting conforming to ASME B16. 1. Install concealed valves. grooved. 2. These service organi zations shall be reasonably convenient to the equipment installation and able to render satisfactory service to the equipment on a regular and emergency basis during the warranty period of the contract. dampers. design and workmanship. expansion joints. conform to ASTM A 53/A 53M. 2. and repair are readily accessible. Provide steel piping with a ANSI/ASME Class 125 service rating.2.1 Threaded Connections Use threaded valves and pipe connections conforming to ASME Bl.2 Fittings and End Connections (Joints) Piping and fittings 25 mm and smaller shall have threaded connections. which for 66 degrees C the pressure rating is 1207 kPa. which are of a similar material.1 Pipe Steel pipe. Products having less than a 2 year field service record shall be acceptable if a certified record of satisfactory field operation. The equipment items shall be supported by service organizations. PART 2. Piping and fittings 80 mm and larger shall have grooved. ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536. which for 66 Valves in sizes larger than 25 mm and used on steel pipe systems.3 Welded Connections Welded valves and pipe connections (both butt-welds and socket-welds types) sha11 conform to ASME B31 . M3BA610A15B44Z for circulating medium up to 93 degrees C.2. 1. Unless otherwi se spec i f ied.2. Provide dielectric waterways constructed of galvanized steel and have threaded end connections to match connecting piping.5 Dielectric Waterways and Flanges Provide dielectric waterways with a water impervious insulation barrier capable of limiting galvanic current to 1 percent of short circuit current in a corresponding bimetallic joint. gasket. Welded fittings shall be identified with the appropriate grade and marking symbol. and bolt patterns shall conform to ASME B16. or threaded component specified herein. nuts.2.2 F1anged Connect i ons Flanges shall conform to ASME B16.1. grooved piping component s shal1 meet the corresponding criteria specified for the similar welded.2. flanged.2. Coupling nuts and bolts shall be steel and shall conform to ASTM A 183.2. Use gaskets of molded synthetic rubber with central cavity. 2CA615A15B44F172 for circulating medium up to 110 degrees C or Grade No.2.ll. These gaskets sha11 contain aramid f ibers bonded with styrene butadeine rubber {SBR) or nitrile butadeine rubber (NBR).Aircraft Ma intenace Hangar MEP-Trades . Each grooved mechanical joint shall be a system. 3 VALVES Provide valves with a ANSI/ASME Class 125 service rating. the pressure rat ing is 1207 kPa. fasteners. Class 150. Grade 65-45-12. insulation barrier shall be able to withstand a 600-volt breakdown test. all furnished by the same manufacturer. full face or self-centering flat ring type. 2. Bolts.4 Grooved Mechanical Connections For Steel Rigid grooved mechanical connections may only be used in serviceable aboveground locations where the temperature of the circulating medium does not exceed 110 degrees C.Al Ain . Gaskets shall be nonasbestos compressed material in accordance with ASME B16. 2.9.21. 2. Provide joint installation be in compliance with joint manufacturer's written instructions. Grade B or ASTM A 53/A 53M. or steel conforming ASTM A 106/A 106M. When dry. Flexible grooved connections shall be used only as a flexible connector with grooved pipe system.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 2. Joint installation shall be in compliance with joint manufacturer's written instructions. degrees C. Socket-welded fittings shall conform to ASME Bl6.59 mm thickness. Grade 32510.9.2. Grooved mechanical connections shall conform to AWWA C606. Dielectric waterways shall be suitable for the required operating pressures and temperatures.1. may be SECTION 23 64 26 Page 183 . But t-welded fit t ings shal1 con form to ASME B16. Pipe connections and fittings shall be the product of the same manufacturer. Provide dielectric flanges with the same pressure ratings as standard flanges and provide complete electrical isolation between connecting pipe and/or equipment as described herein for dielectric waterways. pressure responsive configuration and conforming to ASTM D 2000 Grade No. Use f i 11 ing and coupling houses of malleable i ron conforming to ASTM A 47/A 47M. 2 . including coupling housing. and f1anged or threaded ends.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar HEP-Trades . Valve shall operate from fully open to fully closed by rotation of the handwheel to lift and turn the plug.3.7 Square Head Cocks Provide copper alloy or cast-iron body with copper alloy plugs. Valve shall be resilient. 2. soldered. 2. or flanged ends. Class 125. Ball valves may be provided in lieu of gate valves. 2.3.6 Ball Valve Full port design.3.4 Butterfly Valve be either the throt11ing 200 mm and adjustable Butterfly valves shall conform to MSS SP-67. Ball valves 15 mm and larger shall conform to MSS SP-72 or MSS SP-110 and shall be cast iron or bronze with threaded.3. Valves 200 mm or larger shall be provided with manual gear operators with position indicators.2 Globe and Angle Valve Globe and angle valves 65 mm and smaller shall conform to MSS SP-80. 2. have flanged or threaded ends. or flanged ends. double seated. copper alloy or stainless internal working parts. Class 125. or tetrafluoroethylene resin-coated type. Provide valve calibrated so that flow can be determined when the temperature and pressure differential across valve is known. Valve shall be lubricated. Gate valves 80 mm and larger shall conform to MSS SP-70. 2. Class 125.3. 2. Valves 200 mm or larger shall be provided with manual gear operators with position indicators. trunnion mounted with tapered lift plug capable of 2-way shutoff.5 Plug Valve Plug valves 50 mm and larger shall conform to MSS SP-78. non-lubricated.Al Ain .1 Gate Valve Gate valves 65 mm and smaller shall conform to MSS SP-80 Class 125 and shall be bronze with wedge disc. out side screw and yoke. Valves smaller than 2 00 mm sha11 have handles with a minimum of seven locking positions.3. rising stem and threaded. Class 125. 2. suitable for 125 psig water working pressure. Type 1 and shall wafer or lug type.3 Check Valve Check valves 65 mm and smaller shall conform to MSS SP-80. Valve shall a weatherproof operators with mechanical position indicators. Such grooved end valves shal1 be subj ect to the same requirement s as rigid grooved mechanical joints and fit t ings and. Valves 50 mm and smaller shall be bronze with NPT connections for black steel pipe and brazed connections for copper tubing. soldered.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN provided with rigid grooved mechanica1 joint ends.3.8 Calibrated Balancing Valves Copper alloy or cast iron body. Globe and angle valves 8 0 mm and larger sha11 con form to MSS SP-85. sha11 be furni shed by the same manufacturer as the grooved pipe joint and fitting system. and have cast iron bodies with bronze trim. Valves larger shall have totally enclosed manual gear operators with balance return stops and position indicators. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 184 .3. cast i ron with bronze trim. 2. Check valves 80 mm and larger shall conform to MSS SP-71. Valve shall be constructed with internal seals to prevent leakage and shall be supplied with preformed insulation.MEPALAIN Valve shall have an integral pointer which registers the degree of valve opening. CSA/AM Z21. Valve shall function as a service valve when in fully closed position.12 Water Temperature Regulatin g Valves direct acting. for the intended Provide copper alloy body. 2. Flow through the valve shall be manually adjustable from bubble tight shutoff to full flow. vent. 2.22 and shall have cast iron bodies with corrosion resistant internal working parts. for water service.3. shal1 speci f ied for the ball are electric type as indicated.9 Automatic Flow Control Valves automatically maintain Valve shall flow rate and the be the the constant flow indicated on the design across Valve shal1 drawings. Valve design shall allow the back seat for the stem to be replaced in the field under full line pressure. Valve shall modulate by sensing the pressure differential be selected tag carrying a permanent record of flow con trol pressure 5 percent of as the same levels. quick connecting hose fittings for The pipe extensions shall be provided with a portable differential pressure meter connections to verify the pressure differen tial.3. and carrying case as recommended by the valve Valve shall shall perform the functions of a nonslam check valve.13 Valve.11 Water Temperature Mixing Valve Valve. 2. manufacturer. 2. Valves s m a l l e r t h a n 5 0 mm s h a l l h a v e N P T c o n n e c t i o n s . Provide integral metering connections. Valves 50 mm and larger shall have flanged or grooved end connections. The discharge pipe from th e relief valve shall be the SECTION 23 64 26 Page 185 . automatic re -seating. copper alloy body.14 Pressure Relief Valve Valve shall prevent excessive pressure in the piping system when the piping system reaches its maximum heat buildup. with test lever. Provide valve that controls Valve materials for the flow required and provided Provide or plug with a permanent nameplate or flow within rating. and a shutoff. suitable for the operating pressure specified. 2. a manual balancing valve. ASSE 1017 2. factory-determined valve that valves.3.10 Pump Discharge Valve the meter complete with hoses. service.3. tag the the valve body. V alve shal1 be capable of positive shutoff against the system pump head.3. pilot operated. Provide valve bodies with tapped openings and pipe extensions with positive shutoff valves outside of pipe insulation. The pipe extensions shall be provided with quick connecting hose fittings and differential meter. valve bodies shall be provided with tapped openings and pipe extensions with shutoff valves outside of pipe insulation. Valve. Provide metal tag on each valve showing the liters per second flow for each differential pressure reading. Valve shall be of cast iron or ductile iron construction with bronze and/or stainless steel accessories.3. Water Pressure Reducing Valve ASSE 1003 for water service. Provide an integral pointer on the valve which registers the degree of valve opening. 3. except as modified and supplemented by this specification. gate valve. except as modified and supplemented in this specification.1 PIPING ACCESSORIES Strainer Strainer. The bodies shall have arrows clearly cast on the sides indicating the direction of flow.3. 2. Provide strainer with removable cover and sediment screen. 2.4. The flow shall be into the screen and out through the perforations. Pressure and Temperature Relief Valves test 1 ever. automatic re-seating.20 specific gravity. 2. Style A {angle pattern) .4.bodied. Air vent ing valves on water mains shall have not less than 20 mm threaded end connect ions. 2. linkage and removable seat.4 2. with removal capability of removing solids 45 microns/325 mesh in size and heavier than 1. Valve shall be manua1ly-operated. CID A-A-50541.19 Vacuum Relief Valves CSA/ANSI Z21. the same size as the pipeline. extension shall be properly supported and guided to avoid bending of f1oat rod or stressing of valve pilot 1inkage. 2. Where float rods are extended for tank applications. Air venting valves on water coils shal1 have not less than 3 mm threaded end connect ions. maximum pressure drop of 35 kPad. Provide va1ve with a water hose nipple adapter. 20 mm pipe size and above wi th a threaded end connect ion.3.30 times that of the entering pipe. copper a1loy body.8 mm monel. and discharge capacity based on AGA temperature steam rating.16 Float Valve Valve.2 Cyclonic Separator Metal.4. and discharge pipe nipple. 2. basket or "Y" type. with cleanout connection. MSS SP-80 gate valves. and tapped. with small perforations numbering not less than 60 per square centimeter to provide a net free area through the basket of at least 3. CSA/AM Z21. Strainer shall be in accordance with ASTM F 1199.Al Ain .3. Provide blowoff outlet with pipe nipple. Strainer shall be the cleanable. Unit body shall have arrows clearly cast on the sides indicating the direction of flow. 300 series corrosion-resistant steel float.3.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN Al Ain . and a blowdown outlet and plug.3 Combinat ion Strainer and Pump Suction Di f fuser Angle type body with removable strainer basket and internal straightening vanes.17 Drain Valves Valves. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 186 . Strainer bodies shall be fabricated of cast iron with bottoms drilled.18 Air Venting Valves Automatic type air venting shall be the ball-float type with brass/bronze or brass bodies.22 2.22. Air vent ing valves on all other applicat ions shal1 have not less than 15 mm threaded end connections. ASTM F 1199.Revision August 2010 size of 2.15 the valve outlet Combination unless otherwi se indi ca t ed. The screen shall be made of minimum 0. a suction pipe support.Aircraft Ma interlace Hangar MEP-Trades . the length of the flexible connectors shall be as recommended by the manufacturer for the service intended. brass or aluminum case. Rig id stem type temperature gauges shall be provided in thermal wells located within 1.4.6 Temperature Gauges Temperature gauges. Cas ing shal1 have connect ion sizes to match pump suet ion and pipe sizes. 4 . Internal sleeves or liners. compatible with circulating medium.5 m of the finished floor.4. Universal adjustable angle type or remote element type temperature gauges shall be provided in thermal wells located 1. Gauges shall have Celsius scale in 1 degree graduations scale (black numbers} on a white face.1 Stem Cased-Glass Stem cased-glass case shall be polished stainless steel or cast aluminum.MEPALAIN Strainer screen shall be made of minimum 0. shall be provided when recommended by the manufacturer. The pointer shall be adjustable.5 t imes the maximum sys tern working pressure. Provide warning tag for operator indicating scheduled date for removal. 229 mm long. 2.5 to 2. Provide unit cas ing with blowdown port and plug. with clear acrylic lens. and be provided with adjustable support foot or support foot boss to relieve pipi ng strains at pump suet ion. Remote element type temperature gauges shall be provided in thermal wells located 2. ASME B40.4. and siphon.100 with throttling type needle valve or a pulsation dampener and shut-off valve. and an accuracy within 2 percent of scale range.1 m above the finished floor or in locations indicated. and shall be hermetically sealed with c lear acrylic lens. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 187 .8 mm monel. the needle i s wi thin the middle-third of the range. Provide gauges with fixed thread connection. F low shall be into the screen and out through the perforations. Provide gauges with 115 mm dial.5 Pressure and Vacuum Gauges Gauges.1 m above the f inished floor or in locations indicated. A Flexible Pipe Connectors Provide flexible bronze or stainless steel piping connectors with single braid. Each gauge range shall be select ed so that at normal operat ing pressure.2 Bimetallic Dial Bimetallic dial type case shall be not less than 89 mm stainless steel.4.6. and non -mercury filled glass tube with indicating-fluid column. Provide an auxiliary disposable fine mesh strainer which shall be removed 30 days after start -up. Bimetallic element shall be silicone dampened and unit fitted with external calibrator adjustment. Unless otherwise indicated. Gauge shall have a minimum of wi th a range f rom 0 kPa to approximately 1. Provide covers to protect the bellows where indicated. 2. dial face gasketed within the case. 2. bronze tube. 2. with small per forat ions number ing not less than 60 per square cent imeter to provide a net free area through the basket of at least 3. Provide a magnetic insert to remove debris from system. Equip flanged assemblies with limit bolts to restrict maximum travel to the manufacturer's standard limits. 2.30 times that of the entering pipe. shall be the industrial duty type and be provided for the required temperature range.6. and connecting capillary tubing shall be double-braided bronze. Impeller shall be statically and dynamically balanced. Pump curve shall rise continuously from maximum capaci ty to shutof f.750 rpm. non-overloading. Bearings shall be ball-bearings. Escutcheons Provide one pi ece or spli t hinge metal plates for piping entering floors. and be efficiently sealed or isolated to prevent loss of oil or entrance of dirt or water. Pump motor shall have the required capacity to prevent overloading with pump operating at any point on its characteristic curve. Pump motor shall be equipped with an across-the-line magnetic controller in a NEMA 250. brass or stainless steel. Pipe hangers. Inserts. 15 or 20 mm NPT connection. or oil-lubricated bronze-sleeve type bearings.Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN 2.4.600 rpm. 2. centrifugal type which conform to HI 1. suitable for encountered cross-ambients. and Supports and supports: to MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69. Pump casing and bearing housing shall be close grained cast iron. glands.9 Expansion Joints / elastic expansion. Where test wells are indicated. 2. Solid-.2. Pumps sha11 be selected at or within 5 percent of peak efficiency.1 Construction Each pump casing shall be designed to withstand the discharge head specified plus the static head on system plus 50 percent of the total.6.4 Thermal Well Thermal well shall be identical size. impeller wearing rings.4. casing wear rings. Provide polished stainless steel plates or chromium-piated f i ni sh on copper a1loy plates in finished spaces. 2.3 Liquid-.4. and Vapor-Filled Dial Liquid-. Impeller. walls. except where the pump head is less than 180 kPa. low points shall be provided with drain plugs. Secure plates in place by internal spring tension or set screws. roller-bearings. solid-. Type 1 enclosure with "START-STOP" switch in the cover. guides. Extended neck thermal wells shall be of sufficient length to clear insulation thickness by 25 mm. Pump and motor shall be mounted on a common cast iron base having lipped edges and tapped drainage openings or structural steel base with lipped SECTION 23 64 26 Page 188 . but not less than 862 kPa. and have sufficient wattage for the service required.4. and vapor-filled dial type cases shall be not less than 89 mm.5. Pump motor shal1 conform to NEMA MG 1.Al Ain . Avoid expansion jonts2.8 inserts. and shaft sleeve shall be bronze. Pump speed shall not exceed 3. Provide threaded suction and discharge pressure gage tapping with square-head plugs. the pump speed shall not exceed 1.6. Shaft shall be carbon or alloy steel.1-1. Mercury shall not be used in thermometers.4. 2. 2.5 PUMPS Provide natural Pumps shall be the electrically driven. turned and ground. Fill shall be nonmercury.7 Pipe Hangers. and ceilings in exposed spaces. be totally enclosed. Provide paint finish on metal plates in unfinished spaces. High points in the casing shall be provided with manual air vents. stainless steel or cast aluminum with clear acrylic lens. provide captive plug-fitted type 15 mm NPT connection suitable for use with either engraved stem or standard separable socket thermometer or thermostat. Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN edges or drain pan and tapped drainage openings. Air released from a tank shall be to the atmosphere . Tank shall have a replaceable polypropylene or butyl lined diaphragm which keeps the air charge separated from the water.Aircraft Ma int enace Hangar MEP-Trades . brass or stainless steel seal head. carbon rotating face.7 AIR SEPARATOR TANKS External air separation tank shall have an internal design constructed of stainless steel and suitable for creating the required vortex and subsequent air separation. and system connections.8. limiting this pressure increase at all components in the system to the maximum allowable pressure at those components. Provide tanks precharged to the minimum operating pressure. Shaft seals shall be mechani cal. 2. and tungsten carbide or ceramic sealing face. shall be the captive air type. constructed for.seals or stu f f ing-box type. 2. Tank shall be steel. 2. The only air in the system shall be the permanent sealed-in air cushion contained within the expansion tank. and tested to pressure-temperature rating of 862 kPa at 66 degrees C. coupling guard. Tanks shall accommodate expanded water of the system generated within the normal operating temperature range. threaded for 50 mm and smaller and flanged for sizes 65 mm and larger. and motor shall each be bolted to a fabricated steel base which shall have bolt holes for secur ing base to support ing sur f ace.Pump sha11 be provided with s teel sha ft coupling guard.1 Water Analysis Conditions of make-up water to be supplied to the condenser and chilled water systems were reported in accordance with ASTM D 596 and are as follows : Date of Sample Temperature Silica (Sino 2 ) Insoluble Iron and Aluminum Oxides Calcium (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) r l r l t 1 r i \ 1 [ ] r l degrees C pp (mg/ 1 ) pp (mg/ 1 ) pp (mg/ 1 ) PP (mg/ 1 ) pp < mg/1 ) SECTION 23 64 26 Page 189 . an air charging valve. Tank shall be provided with a blow-down connection.Al Ain . Tank shall be supported by stee1 legs or bases for vertica1 installation or steel saddles for horizontal installations. the use of chemical-treatment products containing equivalent chromium (CPR) is prohibited.8 WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS When water treatment is specified. with filter or cyclone particle separator in 1ine. constructed for. 2. end-face-elastomer bellows type with stainless steel spring.5.2 Mechanical Shaft Seals Seals shall be single.6 EXPANSION TANKS Tank shall be welded steel. 2. Bypass line from pump discharge to flush connection in gland shall be provided. and tested to pressure-temperature rating of 862 ka at 66 degrees C Tank shall have tangential inlets and outlets connections. fill. inside mounted. Glands sha11 be bronze and of the water-flush design to provide lubrication flush across the face of the seal. Each tank air chamber shall be fitted with a drain. Pump shal1 be accessible for servicing without disturbing piping connections. Base-mounted pump. and piping.9 ELECTRICAL WORK Provide motors. Provide electrical equipment. including motors and wiring. 2.8. state. gauge glass. Manual or automatic control and protective or signal devices required for the operation specified and control wiring required for controls and devices specified.2 Chilled Water Water to be used in the chilled water systems shall be treated to maintain the conditions recommended by this specification as well as the recommendations from the manufacturers of the condenser and evaporator coils. Motors shall be rated for continuous duty with the enclosure specified. shall be provided. Motor torque shall be capable of accelerating the connected load within 20 seconds with 80 percent of the rated voltage maintained at motor terminals during one starting period. in accordance with NEMA MG 11. fractional-horsepower alternating-current motors.Al Ain . integral disconnects. Provide motor starters complete with thermal overload protection and other necessary appurtenances. the manufacturer shall provide controllers including the required monitors and timed restart. but not shown. except controllers indicated as part of motor control centers. 2. Motor duty requirements shall allow for maximum frequency start-stop operation and minimum encountered interval between start and stop. Motor bearings shall be fitted with grease supply fittings and grease relief to outside of the enclosure. contactors.3 Chilled Water System A shot feeder shall be provided on the chilled water piping as indicated.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN Sodium and Potas sium Carbonate (HO 3) Sulfate (SO 4) Chloride (JCL) Nitrate (NO 3) Turbidity PH. funnel. Provide polyphase. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 190 . Chemicals shall meet all required federal. as specified in Section 26 20 00 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. and local environmental regulations for the treatment of evaporator coils and direct discharge to the sanitary sewer. single-phase. fittings. and controls with their respective pieces of equipment. Provide high efficiency type. valves. Size and capacity of feeder shall be based on local reguirements and water analysis. that meet the efficiency ratings for premium efficiency motors in accordance with NEMA MG 1. squirrel-cage medium induction motors. including motors that are part of a system.Aircraft Ma i nt enace Hanga r MEP-Trades . controllers. _ Residual Chlorine Total Alkalinity Non-Carbonate Hardness Total Hardness Dissolved Solids Fluorine Conductivity (Nan and AK) r 1 [ ] t 1 r i r i r i r i pp (mg/1) pp (mg/1) PP (mg/i) pp (mg/1) pp (mg/1) unit (mg/1) PM (me/1) PM (me/1) PM (me/1) PP (mg/1) PP (mg/1) McMahon/c PP [ ] r i r i r i r i r i r i 2.8. For packaged equipment. including motors that are part of a system. The feeder shall be furnished with an air vent.. Provide motors in accordance with NEMA MG 1 and of sufficient size to drive the load at the specified capacity without exceeding the nameplate rating of the motor. Type I. Temperatures Less Than 50 Degrees C: Immediately after cleaning. factory insulated items installed indoors shall have a flame spread index no higher than 7 5 and a smoke developed index no higher than 150. Flame spread and smoke developed indexes shall be determined by ASTM E 84.11 Factory insulated items installed outdoors are not required to be fire-rated. and no loss of 3 mm on either side of the scratch mark. New equipment painting be as specified herein. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 191 . oil and grease by wire brushing and solvent degreas ing prior to appli cat ion of paint. and two coats of enamel applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 0. Salt-spray fog test shall be in accordance with ASTM B 117.0076 mm. prime and paint metal surfaces. the paint shall show no signs of blistering. 2.10. If manufacturer's standard factory painting system is being proposed for use on surfaces subject to temperatures above 50 degrees C. Color of finish coat shall be aluminum or 1ight gray. except meta1 sur faces subject to temperatures in excess of 50 degrees C shall be cleaned to bare metal.2 Shop Painting Systems for Metal Surfaces Clean. Where more than one coat of paint is specified. wrinkling.10. dirt. FACTORY APPLIED INSULATION 2.Al Ain .Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades . The factory painting system applied will withstand 125 hours in a salt-spray fog test. and in attic spaces shall have a flame spread index no higher than 25 and a smoke developed index no higher than 50. the metal surfaces subject to temperatures less than 50 degrees C shall receive one coat of pretreatment primer applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 0. or cracking. Factory insulated items (no jacket) installed indoors and which are located in air plenums.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN Provide variable 29 23 VARIABLE 2. Painting Systems Manufacturer's standard factory painting systems may be provided.10 PAINTING frequency drives FREQUENCY DRIVE OF NEW EQUIPMENT for motors as specified in Section 26 SYSTEMS UNDER 600 VOLTS. one coat of primer applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 0. The film thickness of the factory painting system applied on the equipment shall not be less than the film thickness used on the test specimen.1 Factory shall be factory applied or shop applied. apply the second coat after the preceding coat is thoroughly dry. retreat. rust. and for that test. 2. As a minimum. except that equipment located outdoors shall withstand 500 hours in a salt-spray fog test. resulting surfaces with no galvanizing shall be coated with a zinc-rich coating conforming to ASTM D 520. Lightly sand damaged painting and retouch before applying the succeeding coat. Apply coatings to clean dry surfaces.0255 mm. the acceptance criteria shall be as follows: immediately after completion of the test. Where hot-dip galvanized steel has been cut. except aluminum surfaces need not be painted.O255 mm per coat. a. in ceiling spaces. Clean the surfaces to remove dust. the factory painting system shall be designed for the temperature service. and shall and provided under each individual section. 1 Thermal Design To maintain velocity and reduce f ouling. Liquid velocity through the inlet and outlet port s shal1 be a maximum of 25 feet per second. uni t shal1 be s i zed to provide 100% of the area required.4. are specified in Section 09 90 00 PAINTING. .3 Field Applied Insulation Requ i rement s for field insta1led insulat ion i s 23 07 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. to minimi ze pressure drop and erosion. Plates sha11 be durable and legible throughout equipment life and made of stainless steel. 2. type or style.1 Color Coding Requirements for color coding for piping identi f icat ion are speci f ied in Section 09 90 00 PAINTING AND COATINGS. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 192 .4.13.14 CHILLED WATER HEAT EXCHANGER Heat exchganger shall be plate type.1 Ain .2 Field Applied Insulation 07 Requirements for field applied insulation is specified in Section 23 00 THERMAL INSULATION FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS.13.13 . facings.13. The namepla t e? of the distri bu ting agent will not be acc eptab 1 e .13. 2.13.2 Color Coding For Hidden Piping A color coding scheme for locating hidden piping shall be in accordance with Section 22 00 00 PLUMBING. GENERAL. expansion tanks. and finish painting of items only primed at the factory. 2. . 2. and modified by this specification section. and air separa tor tanks sha11 have the manu facturer's name.4 Field Painting speci f ied in Sect ion except as supplemented Requirements for painting of surfaces not otherwise specified.13. GENERAL PURPOSE . 2. . and adhesives shall have a flame spread index no higher than 2 5 and a smoke developed index no higher than 50 when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. Jackets.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar EP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN Insulation shall be tested in the same density and installed thickness as the material to be used in the actual construction. The unit shall be designed for future expansion to accommodate a minimum of twenty {20) percent extra heat transfer surface area.14.12 NAMEPLATES Major equipment including pumps.1 RELATED COMPONENTS/SERVICES Drain and Make-Up Water Piping Requirements for drain and make-up water piping and backflow preventer is specified in Section 22 00 00 PLUMBING SYSTEMS. Material supplied by a manu facturer with a jacket shal1 be tested as a compos i t e material. pump motors. 2. model or serial number on a plate secured to the item of equipment. Plates shall be fixed in prominent locations with nonferrous screws or bolts. Each flow channel shall be pressurized independently during testing. The first and last plates of the plate pack shall be designed to prevent fluid contact with the fixed or movable heads.14. Designs which do not have metal to metal contact are not acceptable. unless otherwise specified.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 2. For units with studded ports. 2. All gaskets must be elastomeric. to facilitate assembly and disassembly of the unit. Guide bar shall be stainless steel. 2. electrozinc plated for improved corrosion res i stance. the fixed and movable heads shall be provided with slotted holes. tie bolts. 2.3 times the design pressure. the fixed head connections shall be located on the bottom.Aircraft Ma intenace Hanga r MEP-Trades .3. Tie bolts and nuts shall be alloy steel.6 Tie Bolts and Nuts The tie bolt length shall allow the addition of twenty (20) percent more plates. Code stamping shall be provided. 3 Plates Minimum thickness of each plate shall be 0. Plate design must be adequate to withstand a hydro test pressure of 1. the gasket will interlock between adjacent plates. The design of the plates must permit metal to metal contact between adjacent plates. This arrangement will insure proper fluid distribution. such as compressed asbestos. A high quality gasket adhesive shall be used. ASME B18.5 Fixed and Movable Heads All nozzle connections .5 mm. This form of positive venting will eliminate mixing of the process fluids due to gasket failure. Plates must be fully supported by the carrier bar. Design of the fixed and movable heads shall be per ASME BPVC SEC VIII. If the exchanger is multipass. Unit design shall prevent the fixed and movable heads from contacting the fluids circulated. The guide bar shall be designed to maintain plate alignmentGuide bar shall not be used for support. Carrier bar surfaces that are in contact with the heat transfer plates shall be stainless steel. 2 Mechanical Design Frame.7 Ports Connections shall be male npt or 150 lb studded ports. 2. Gaskets shall be designed so that when the plates are tightened the gaskets will be compressed a minimum of 20 to 25 percent. The plate nozzle connections shall be arranged to force each fluid across the plate surface in a diagonal path. Metal port liners shall prevent the fixed and movable SECTION 23 64 26 Page 193 .14. For tie bolts of 1 inch or greater diameter.14.14. Division 1. must not be used. The movable head shall be supported by the carrier bar and guided by the guide bar.4 Gaskets Gaskets shall be of the glued design. Inelastic gaskets. Parallel flow paths shall not be permitted. to prevent slippage during assembly and cleaning of the unit. corrosion resistant stud bolts shall be provided by the manufacturer. The adhesive shall be applied to the plate gasket groove so that only one side of each gasket is glued.shall be located on the fixed head for single pass arrangements. This will also allow ease in disassembly and cleaning of the unit as furnished 2.3M or bet ter. and supports shall permit the future installation of twenty (20) percent additional plates. Port holes in each plate must be fully gasketed and vented to the atmosphere to force any leaks to the outside. Metal nozzle liners compatible with the plate material.14.Al Ain .14. or nozzle projections shall be provided. Gasket grooves must be designed such that in the compressed state. Obtain approval before interrupting service.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN heads from contacting the fluids circulated. brazing operators. List of qualified weld examination personnel that are proposed to be used to provide the work specified in this specification section.1. or hangers. and other incidental labor as required. doors. welding operators.1 Welding Provide welding work specified this section for piping systems in conformance with ASME B31. and fashion to permit free expansion and contraction without causing damage to the building structure. welding opera tors. Submit this information on the forms printed in ASME BPVC SEC IX or their equivalent. brazers. and nondestruct ive examinât i on personnel. joints. Cutting or other weakening of the building structure to facilitate piping installation is not permitted without written approval. or nozzle projections shall be provided. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 194 . This documentation and the subject. welders.3. and work into place without springing or forcing. 3.1 INSTALLATION to 80 Cut pipe accurately to measurements established at the jobsite.qualifications shall be in compliance with ASME B31. and other openings. remove burrs by reaming. arbon steel surfaces shall receive 40 micrometer of alkyd enamel paint. maintenance of welding records.1. completely clearing all windows.1. Notify the Contracting Officer in writing at least 15 calendar days prior to the date the connections are required. c.1. Approval of any procedure does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for producing acceptable welds. 2.1 Employer's Record Documents (For Welding) Submit for review and approval the following documentation. brazers. pipe. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.Al Ain . and brazing operators that are proposed to be used to provide the work specified in this specification section. backfilling. Metal nozzle liners compatible with the plate material.2 a. compacting. and examination methods for welds.8 Sur face Préparât ion and Pa i nt ing Carbon steel surfaces will be Commercial Grit blasted per SSPC SP 6/NACE No. List of qualif ied welding procedures that is proposed to be used to provide the work specified in this specification section. b. Furnish materials required to make connections into existing systems and perform excavating. Cut pipe or tubing square.9. Furnish labor and tools for making actual connections to existing systems. The welding work includes: qualification of welding procedures.9. 3. as modified and supplemented by this speci f icat ion sect ion and the accompanying drawings. List of qualified welders.1. a.14. Welding Procedures and Qualifications Specifications and Test Results: Submit copies of the welding procedures specifications and procedure qualification test results for each type of welding required. 3. Submit a piping welds NDE report meeting the requirements specified in ASME B31.4 Welding Safety Welding and cutting safety requirements shall be in acco rdance with AWS Z4 9. 3.1. Certifi cat ion : Bef ore assigning welders or weldi ng opera tors t o the work. servicing. except that bending of pipe 100 mm and smal1er i s permi t ted.3 Conduct non-destructive examinations (NDE) on piping welds and brazing and verify the work meets the acceptance criteria sp ecified in ASME B31. the code and procedure under which each is qualified.Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN b. 3.9 is visual inspection only.1.4. 3. The grade shall not be less than 2 mm in 1 m. Equipment and piping arrangements shall fit into space allotted and allow adequate acceptable clearances for installation. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 195 .1. Examination of Piping Welds 3. The centerline radius of bends shall not be less than 6 diameters of the pipe. together wi th da t a and certification that each individual is performance qualified as specif ied. The cert i f i cat ion sha11 state the type of welding and positions for which each is qualified.1. NDE on piping welds covered by ASME B31. 3. Cap or plug open ends of pipelines and equipment during installation to keep dirt or other foreign materials out of the system. replacement. Do not start welding work prior to submitting welder. Electric isolation fittings shall be provided between dissimilar metals.9.1 Fittings and End Connections Threaded Connect ions Threaded connections shall be made with tapered threads and made tight with PTFE tape complying with ASTM D 3308 or equivalent thread -joint compound applied to the male threads only. flattening.2 Directional Changes Make changes in direction with fittings.Al Ain . Not more than three threads shall show after the joint is made. wrinkles.Aircraft Ma i nt enace Hangar MEP-Trades . Bent pipe showing kinks. Piping located in air plenums shall conform to NFPA 90A requirements. ent ry.1. and the f i rm and indi v i dual cer t i fying the qua1 i f icat ion tests.1. and weldi ng operator qua1 i f ica t i ons. Connections to appliances shall be made with malleable iron unions for steel pipe 65 mm or less in diameter. Pipe not otherwise specified shall be uncoated. Reducing f i 11 ings shal1 be used for changes in pipe sizes.1. or other malformations is not acceptable.3 Functional Requirements Pi tch hori zontal supply mains down in the direct ion of flow as indicated.1. and with flanges for pipe 80 mm and above in diameter. submi t a list of quaii f ied welders.4 3. date qualified. Mitering or notching pipe or other similar construction to form elbows or tees is not permitted. and maintenance.1.9. provided a pipe bender i s used and wide weep bends are formed. Pipe and fittings installed in inaccessible conduits or trenches under concrete floor slabs shall be welded. Connections between ferrous and copper piping shall be electrically isolated from each other with dielectric waterways or flanges. 6 Air Vents Air vents shall be provided at all high points. Each valve except check valves shall be identified. The diameter of grooves made in the field shall be measured using a "go/no -go" gauge.4.1.1. Groove width and dimension of groove from end of pipe shal1 be measured and recorded for each change in grooving tool setup to verify compliance with coupl ing manufacturer's tolerances. Electrodes shall be stored and dried in accordance with AWS D1. Weld defects shall be removed and rewelded at no additional cost to the Government. 3. Pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned of all scale and foreign matter before the piping is assembled. and other similar items. and bolts. at the midpoint of all looped mains. heat treatment.1/D1.2 Welded Connections Branch connections shall be made with welding tees or forged weld ing branch outlets. or sectionalizing purpose. to prevent the formation o f scale. such as behind solid walls or ceilings. During welding.4 Flared Connections When flared connect ions are used. a sui table lubri cant shal1 be used between the back of the flare and the nut in order to avoid tearing the flare while tightening the nut. union or flanged joints sha11 b e provided in each line immediately preceding the connection to each piece of equipment or material requiring maintenance such as coils.5 Valves Isolation gate or ball valves shall be installed on each side of each piece of equipment.4. or other method specifically approved by the coupling manufacturer for the intended application. and where indicated to ensure adequate venting of the piping system.7 Drains Drains shal1 be provided at al l low points and where indicated to ensure complete drainage of the piping. on all water coils. Flanged joints shall be assembled square end tight with matched flanges. 3. such as nitrogen. pumps. 3.1M or as recommended by the manufacturer. and inspection of weld shall conform to ASME B31. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 196 . Gaskets shall be suitable for the intended application.1. vernier or dial caliper.4. 3. Beveling. and at any other points indicated or required for draining. Isolation valves may be omitted where balancing cocks are installed to provide both balancing and isolation functions. Drains shall be accessible.1. 3. or narrow-land micrometer. 3. unless an access panel is shown on the drawings for servicing or adjusting the joint.Aircraft Ma i nt enace MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 Hangar MEPALAIN 3. the pipe and fittings shall be filled with an inert gas. Electrodes that have been wetted or that have lost any of their coating shall not be used.3 Grooved Mechanical Connections Prepare grooves in accordance with the coupling manufacturer's instruct ions. Grooved joints shall not be used in concealed locations. Pipe and groove dimensions shall comply with the tolerances specified by the coupling manufacturer.1.Al Ain . gaskets.9. alignment. control valves. isolating.1.4. and shall consist of nipples and caps or plugged tees unless otherwise indicated.5 Flanges and Unions Except where copper tubing is used.1. Valves in h orizontal lines shall be installed with stems horizontal or above. 3. shal1 be of the type recommended by the flexible pipe connector manufacturer and shal1 be provided at the intervals recommended.2 Inserts Type 18 inserts shall be secured to concrete forms before concrete is placed. Type 40 shields shall be used on all piping less than 100 mm and all piping 100 mm and larger carrying medium less than 16 degrees C.10.10.Al Ain . 3.1.1. 3. Type 2 4 may be used only on trapeze hanger systems or on fabricated fra mes.Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN 3. on condenser water piping entering and leaving a condenser.1. and 26 shall not be used.1 Hangers Type 3 shall not be used on insulated piping.3 C-Clamps Type 19 and 23 C -clamps shall be torqued per MSS SP -69 and have both locknuts and retaining devices. Thermal wells for insertion thermometers and thermostats shall extend beyond thermal insulation surface not less than 2 5 mm.1.10.10. 3.1. 3.10. and where indicated or required for proper operation of equipment.6 Horizontal Pipe Supports specified in MSS SP -69 and Horizontal pipe supports shall be spaced as a SECTION 23 64 26 Page 197 .8 Flexible Pipe Connectors Connectors shall be attached to com ponents in strict accordance with the latest printed instructions of the manufacturer to ensure a vapor tight joint.1. 3. 3. and Supports Pipe hangers. inserts. Hangers. 3. connected to the pi pe. Piping subj ected to vert ical movement. Pipe hanger types 5.4 Angle Attachments Type 20 attachments used on angles and channels shall be furnished with an added malleable-iron heel plate or adapter. Hangers used to support piping 50 mm and larger shall be fabricated to permit adequate adjustment after erection while still supporting the load. Continuous inserts which allow more adjustments may be used if they otherwi se meet the requirements for Type 18 insert s.9 Temperature Gauges Temperature gauges shall be located on coolant supply and return piping at each heat exchanger. Inserts. when operat ing tempera tures ex ceed ambient temperatures.1.10. 1 2. shall be used on all pipe 100 mm and larger when the temperature of the medium is 16 degrees C or higher.10 Pipe Hangers. when required to suspend the connectors. the Type 3 9 saddle . A high density i nsulation insert of cellular glass shall be used under the Type 40 shield for piping 50 mm and larger.1. Field-fabricated C-clamp bodies or retaining devices are not acceptable. at each automatic temperature control device wi thout an integral thermometer.5 Saddles and Shields Where Type 39 saddle or Type 40 shield are permitted for a particular pipe attachment applicat ion. furnished by the manufacturer.1. except as supplemented and modified in this specification section. shall be supported by variable spring hangers and supports or by constant support hangers. and supports shal1 conform to MSS SP -58 and MSS SP-69. Supports shall not be attached to metal decking.10. atmospheric conditions.4 m f rom end of risers. a Type 39 saddle shall be used. steel. 3. Masonry anchors for overhead applications shall be constructed of ferrous materials only.1. a clip or clamp shal1 be used where each pipe crosses the base support member.5 m. Inserts and anchors shall be applied with a safety factor not less than 5. headers. not to exceed 1.11 Structural Attachments Attachment to building structure concrete and masonry shall be by cast-in concrete inserts. except at siab-on-grade. 3. and at vent terminations. shall be provided under this section.10.10. 3. and bearing loads encountered. and bends and as recommended by the manufacturer for expansion joints.7 Vertical Pipe Supports Vertica1 pipe shall be supported at each floor. Material used for support shall be as specified under Section 05 12 00 STRUCTURAL STEEL. 3.Al Ain . unless otherwise indicated. and in 1ines 100 mm or smaller not more than 600 mm on each side of the j oint. Slide materials shall be suitable for the system operating temperatures. Unless indicated otherwise. Pipe hanger loads suspended £rom steel joist with hanger loads between panel points in excess of 23 kg shall have the excess hanger loads suspended from panel points.1. Lateral restraints shall be provided as required.1. Pipe supports shall be spaced not over 1.Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP -Trades Revision August 2010 M E P A L A IN support shall be installed not over 300 mm from the pipe fitting joint at each change in direction of the piping. of f sets.1. reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or graphite slides shall be provided where required to allow longitudinal pipe movement.5 m apart at va1ves. and at int ervals of not more than 4. On piping 10 0 mm and larger. built-in anchors. anchors shall comply with the requirements specified.1.Anchors shall consist of heavy steel collars with lugs and bolts for clamping and attaching anchor braces. On piping under 100 mm a Type 40 protection shield may be attached to the pipe or insulation and freely rest on a steel slide plate.1.10. or masonry anchor devices. 3.8 Pipe Guides Type 35 guides using. Spacing of the base support members shall not exceed the hanger and support spacing required for an individual pipe in the mult iple pipe run. Supports shall not be attached to the underside of concrete filled floors or concrete roof decks unless approved by the Contracting Officer.10.1. 3. Structural steel brackets required to support piping. but not shown.10 Multiple Pipe Runs In the support of multiple pipe runs on a common base member. not more than 2. Anchor braces shall be installed in the most effective manner to secure the desired SECTION 23 64 26 Page 198 . an alternate guide method may be used.11 Pipe Alignment Guides Pipe alignment guides shal1 be provided where indicated for expans ion loops. and equipment. 3.5 m on each side of each expansion joint.9 Steel Slides Where steel slides do not require provisions for restraint of lateral movement.12 Pipe Anchors Anchors shall be provided where indicated. Al Ain - Aircraft Haintenace Hangar MEP-Trades Revision August 2010 - MEPALAIN results us ing turnbuckles where requ i red. Supports, anchors, or stays shall not be attached where they will injure the structure or adjacent construction during installation or by the weight of expansion of the pipeline. Where pipe and condui t penetrations of vapor barrier sealed surfaces occur, these items shall be anchored immediately adjacent to each penetrated surface, to provide essentially zero movement within penetration seal. 3.1.13 Bu ilding Sur f ace Penetrat ions SIeeves shal1 not be installed in s truetura1 members except where indi cated or approved. Except as indica ted otherwi se piping sleeves shal1 comply with requirement s speci f ied. SIeeves in nonload bear ing surfaces shall be galvanized sheet metal, conforming to ASTM A 653/A 653M, Coating Class G-90, 1.0 mm. Sleeves in load bearing surfaces shall be uncoated carbon steel pipe, conforming to ASTM A 53/A 53M, Standard weight. Sealants shall be applied to moisture and oil-free surfaces and elastomers to not less thanl3 mm depth. Sleeves shall not be installed in structural members. Refrigerated Space Refrigerated space building surface penetrations shall be fitted with sleeves fabricated from hand-lay-up or helically wound, fibrous glass reinforced polyester or epoxy resin with a minimum thickness equal to equivalent size Schedule 40 steel pipe. Sleeves shall be constructed with integral collar or cold side shall be fitted with a bonded slip-on flange or extended collar. In the case of masonry penetrations where sleeve is not cast-in, voids shal1 be filled with latex mixed mortar cast to shape of sleeve and flange/external collar type sleeve shall be assembled with butyl elastomer vapor barrier sealant through penetration to cold side surface vapor barrier overlap and fastened to surface with masonry anchors. Integral cast-in collar type sleeve shall be flashed with not less than 100 mm of cold side vapor barrier overlap of sleeve surface. Normally noninsulated penetrating round surfaces shall be sealed to sleeve bore with mechanically expandable seals in vapor tight manner and remaining warm and cold side sleeve depth shall be insulated with not less than 100 mm of foamed-in-place rigid polyurethane or foamed-in-place silicone elastomer. Vapor barrier sealant shall be applied to finish warm side insulation surface. Warm side of penetrating surface shall be insulated beyond vapor barrier sealed sleeve insulation for a distance which prevents condensation. Wires in refrigerated space surface penetrating conduit shall be sealed with vapor barrier plugs or compound to prevent moisture migration through conduit and condensation therein. General Service Areas Each sleeve shall extend through its respective wall, floor, or roof, and shall be cut flush with each surface. Pipes passing through concrete or masonry wall or concrete floors or roofs shall be provided with pipe sleeves fitted into place at the time of construction. Sleeves shall be of such size as to provide a minimum of 6.35 mm all-around clearance between bare pipe and sleeves or between jacketed-insulation and sleeves. Except in pipe chases or interior walls, the annular space between pipe and sleeve or between jacket over-insulation and sleeve shall be sealed in accordance with Section 07 92 00 JOINT SEALANTS. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 199 Al Ain - Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades - Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN Waterproof Penetrations Pipes passing through roof or floor waterproofing membrane shall be installed through a 5.17 kg/sq. m copper sleeve, or a 0.81 mm thick aluminum sleeve, each within an integral skirt or flange. Flashing sleeve shall be suitably formed, and skirt or flange shall extend not less than 200 mm from the pipe and be set over the roof or floor membrane in a troweled coating of bituminous cement. The flashing sleeve shall extend up the pipe a minimum of 50 mm above the roof or floor penetration. The annular space between the flashing sleeve and the bare pipe or between the flashing sleeve and the metal-jacket-covered insulation shall be sealed as indicated. Penetrations shall be sealed by either one of the following methods. a. Waterproofing Clamping Flange: Pipes up to and including 250 mm in diameter passing through roof or floor waterproofing membrane may be installed through a cast iron sleeve with caulking recess, anchor lugs, flashing clamp device, and pressure ring with brass bolts. Waterproofing membrane shall be clamped into place and sealant shall be placed in the caulking recess. Modular Mechanical Type Sealing Assembly: In lieu of a waterproofing clamping flange, a modular mechanical type sealing assembly may be installed. Seals shall consist of interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe/conduit and sleeve with corrosion protected carbon steel bolts, nuts, and pressure plates. Links shall be loosely assembled with bolts to form a continuous rubber belt around the pipe with a pressure plate under each bolt head and each nut. After the seal assembly is properly positioned in the sleeve, tightening of the bolt shall cause the rubber sealing elements to expand and provide a watertight seal rubber sealing elements to expand and provide a watertight seal between the pipe/conduit seal between the pipe/conduit and the sleeve. Each seal assembly shall be sized as recommended by the manufacturer to fit the pipe/conduit and sleeve involved. The Contractor electing to use the modular mechanical type seals shall provide sleeves of the proper diameters. Fire-Rated Penetrations shall be sealed b. Penetration of fire-rated walls, partitions, and floors as specified in Section 07 84 00 FIRESTOPPING. Escutcheons Finished surfaces where exposed piping, bare or insulated, pass through floors, walls, or ceilings, except in boiler, utility, or equipment rooms, shall be provided with escutcheons. Where sleeves project slightly from floors, special deep-type escutcheons shall be used. Escutcheon shall be secured to pipe or pipe covering. 3.1.14 Access Panels Access panels shall be provided where indicated for all concealed valves, vents, controls, and additionally for items requiring inspection or maintenance. Access panels shall be of sufficient size and located so that the concealed items may be serviced and maintained or completely removed and replaced. Access panels shall be as specified in Section 05 50 13 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 200 Al Ain - Aircraft Maintenace Hangar MEP-Trades - Revision August 2010 MEPALAIN 3.2 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION in accordance with NFPA 70 and Install electrical equipment manufacturers instruct ions. 3.3 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING Pipes shall be cleaned free of scale and thoroughly flushed of all foreign matter. A temporary bypass shall be provided for all water coils to prevent flushing water from passing through coils. Strainers and valves shal1 be thoroughly cleaned. Prior to test ing and balanci ng, air shal1 be removed from all water systems by operating the air vents. Temporary measures, such as piping the overflow from vents to a collecting vessel shal1 be taken to avoid water damage during the venting process. Air vents shall be plugged or capped after the system has been vented. Cont rol valves and other mi seellaneous equipment requi ring adjustment shal1 be adjusted to sett ing i ndi cated or directed. 3 . 4 FIELD TESTS Field tests shall be conducted in the presence of the QC Manager or his designated representative to verify systems compliance with specifications. Any material, equipment, instruments, and personnel required for the test shall be provided by the Contractor. 3.4.1 Equipment and Component Isolation and components that cannot withstand the tests Prior to testing, equipment shall be properly isolated. 3.4.2 Pressure Tests Each piping system shal1 be hydrostatically tested at a pressure not less than 1297 kPa (gage) for period of time sufficient to inspect every joint in the system and in no case less than 2 hours. Test pressure shall be monitored by a currently calibrated test pressure gauge. Leaks shal1 be repaired and piping retested until test requirements are met. No leakage or reduction in gage pressure shall be allowed. Leaks shall be repaired by rewelding or replacing pipe or fittings. Caulking of joints will not be permitted. Concealed and insulated piping shall be tested in place before concealing. Submit for approval pressure tests reports covering the above specified piping pressure tests; describe the systems tested, test results, defects found and repaired, and signature of the pressure tests' director. Obtain approval from the QC Manager before concealing piping or applying insulation to tested and accepted piping. 3.4.3 Related Field Inspections and Testing Piping Welds Examination of Piping Welds is specified in the paragraph above entitled "Examination of Piping Welds". HVAC TAB Requirements for testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) of HVAC water piping, and associated equipment is specified in Section 23 05 93 TESTING,ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING FOR HVAC. Coordinate with the TAB team, and provide support personnel and equipment as specified in Section 23 05 93 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING FOR HVAC to assist TAB team to meet the TAB work requirements. SECTION 23 64 26 Page 201 End of Sect ion -- SECTION 23 64 26 Page 202 . The lesson plan and instructi on course shall be based on the approved operation and maintenance data and ma intenance manual s. The number of man-days (8 hours per day} of instruction furnished shall be one man-day. Use approximately half of the time for classroom instruction and the other time for instruction at the location of equipment or system.Al Ain .Aircraft Ma in t enace Hangar MEP-Trades . -.5 INSTRUCTION TO GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL Furnish the services of competent instructors to give full instruction to the designated Government personnel in the adjustment. operation.. Conduct a training course for the opera t ing staff and maintenance staff selected by the Contracting Officer. Give the instruction during the first regular work week after the equipment or system has been accepted and turned over to the Government for regular operation. including pertinent safety requirements. Instructors sha11 be thoroughly fami liar with all part s of the installation and shall be instructed in operating theory as well as practical operation and maintenance work. and maintenance. of the chilled water . provide additional instruction to acquaint the operating personnel with the changes or modifications. When significant changes or modifications in the equipment or system are made under the terms of the contract. Submit a lesson plan for the instruct ion course for approval.Revision August 2010 MEPALA1N 3.
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