March 24, 2018 | Author: Houman Hatamian | Category: Welding, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Nondestructive Testing, Electric Arc, Curriculum



20121-800-332-9448 EXT. 5433 www.welding.org PHONE 937-332-5433 FAX 937-332-5220 To order, use form on page 19, call 800-332-9448 Ext. 5433, or visit www.welding.org 1 HIWT world-class curriculum materials on all theory modules or “topics.” Each skill topic includes a video segment that demonstrates the welds students are expected to perform. Separate modules cover essential theory. Even the Instructor Guide is broken into modules. So, you have the flexibility to customize implementation to address the needs SENSE standards and curriculum of your region or industry. guidelines, based on input from industry, labor and educators, were first introduced in 1995. The goal of the SENSE program is to bring welding education in line with today’s increasingly complex industrial environment. The American Welding Society (AWS) has published standards and curriculum guidelines for entry-level, advanced and expert welders as part of the SENSE program (Schools Excelling through National Skill Standards Education). The Level I standard (QC10) and the corresponding Curriculum Guidelines (EG2.0) have recently been modularized. This means that your students can receive credentials for each welding process completed—Great news if you’re teaching in a high school setting. Hobart Institute of Welding Technology curriculum materials are developed around SENSE standards, curriculum guidelines and qualication tests. So, whether you’re aligning your welding program with SENSE, or whether you just want to turn out welders with the skills required to succeed in today’s global market place, HIWT curriculum materials are carefully designed to deliver results. Aligned with AWS SENSE Modular design for flexible Each skill topic reinforces symbols and blueprint objectives and curriculum implementation guidelines Each course is divided into skill and reading skills Each skill topic starts with a graphic of the workpiece with animated weld symbols as the narrator introduces each weld. The same graphics appear with dimensions in the workbook so students become familiar with the basics of blueprint reading as they progress through the course. Perfect for open entry/open exit programs HIWT curriculum materials are perfect for open entry/open exit environments because they’re modular. Since video modules are designed to present core information and model proper technique, students entering your program can work through the videos and practice sessions independently, with the aid of their workbooks and coaching from you. Designed with input from welding instructors across the country We consult with welding instructors across the country during the development phase to make sure that our c u r r i c u l u m materials do the job you need them to do. AWS terms & definitions used throughout Each workbook includes a glossary of AWS terms and definitions, and proper Student workbooks AWS terms and definitions are used in designed to facilitate all curriculum materials. So students skill transfer learn the essential vocabulary they Demonstrations featured in the DVD need to succeed. modules are broken down into step-bystep practice sessions in the student Best arc shots in the business workbooks. Workbooks also include All skill modules feature close-up arc summaries of essential theory with lots shots from the welder’s perspective. of illustrations. We filter out all the flare, so students All destructive tests are based on AWS, get a clear, under-the-hood view into ASME or API codes. Each practice the puddle, and they hear the sound session includes objectives, set-up in- of the arc so they develop a sense of structions, a list of required equipment what a good arc sounds like. and materials, and high-resolution images taken directly from the video to facilitate skill transfer. Put 80 years of welding training experience to work for you Since 1930, HIWT has trained over 80,000 welders and thousands of welding inspectors and welding educators. We’ve learned a lot about training welders how to weld, and you can put what we’ve learned to work for you by adopting our curriculum materials. ................ 15 Welding Texts from Goodheart-Willcox .................. electrodes.......... CONTENTS COMPLETE CURRICULUM PACKAGES About HIWT curriculum material ......................................................... safety and more........... 17 Welding codes and specifications ......................................major processes based on AWS SENSE criteria Each complete course includes— Instructor Guide With comprehensive instructions for implementing each topic.............................3 Welding skill courses ............ 16 General welding books ...................................4 Technical courses ................................... name & objective from workbook....) 20% Educational Discount applies to non-profit schools with 501(c)3 status............... pre............ 18 Order form and shipping charges .................................... (50 copies of each written test are shipped with each complete course................. Suggested testing methodology for each topic........and post-weld procedures...................9 WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS & REFERENCES Student workbooks for skill courses .................................. 13 Technical guides ................................................... Recommended practice time for each topic.. Some exceptions apply.................... notes & cautions for implementing each topic................... Topic number.......... ...... Complete list of materials required to implement each topic............................... 15 Pipe welding & pipe layout books ..... A complete script of recommended things to say (bold) and questions to ask (indentend) along with suggestions............... 12 Programmed learning courses ........................ One Technical Guide One Student Workbook Featuring easy-to-follow practice sessions based on video demonstrations and summaries of essential theory............................................................. each technical guide contains process specific information on equipment.......... An invaluable resource for instructors and students............... weldability. 14 AWS books ... 19 HIWT promotional materials ................................................. 17 Wall posters ...................................... process variables.. IBC Answer Keys for Written Tests Answer keys for each written test make it easy for instructors to measure student mastery of key concepts......... shielding gases................... 12.. lap & T-joints. vertical position up. butt joint. Square-groove weld.. Protective Gas from electrode coatinG molten weld metal slaG solidified weld metal electrode wire electrode coatinG arc metal droPlets base metal Shielded Metal Arc Welding 27. Square-groove weld.. overhead position (E6010) 24. Multi-pass fillet welds... up (E6010) 17.. 7..0 Shielded Metal Arc Welding ....... call 800-332-9448 Ext. V01.... 50 copies each English and Spanish Based on AWS Entry-Level SENSE (QC10 and EG2..Str uctural (Advanced 1) Complete Course: 3 DVDs (1 hr.... AWS QC10 3G qualification test (E7018) 38..... lap joint.. Three-bead fillet weld.... T-joint.. Square-groove weld.. The low hydrogen electrode and its uses 32. Site License .... Topics 1. SMAWA-2 (Prepipe) teaches welding on single V-groove welds with open root on carbon steel with multipass welds in all positions.. butt joint........org . vertical (3G) position Destructive testing Single V-groove weld... 2... vertical position. butt joint. Topics 1. 3. 3.. 2..... 11. butt joint. DV02. course overview Introduction to shielded metal arc welding Safety and health of welders Single V-groove weld. 11 ga.... 10.. Power sources 22. 4 written tests.41 40. T-joint. butt joint.... with 2 weave beads (E6010) 19. butt joint. T-joint.welding..COMPLETE SKILL COURSES The shielded metal arc welding program is a complete training program... 8.... horizontal & vertical positions... horizontal (2G) position destructive test Single V-groove weld.. horizontal....0 $995..... The fundamentals of shielded metal arc welding are covered in the basic program... overhead (4G) position Nondestructive testing Single V-groove weld..00 Instructor guide* ........ 19... 13........ Fillet weld.. 6.. flat (1G) position Product Item No.. horizontal (2G) position Air carbon arc cutting and gouging Single V-groove weld.. 6Ó Pipe Uphill and 6Ó Pipe Downhill.. flat..0)... There are three pipe welding courses.00 Instructor guide* . 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests...... 6.. vertical position. horizontal (2G) position Weld size and profile Procedure and welder qualification Single V-groove weld. Multi-pass fillet welds... Shielded Metal Arc Welding Basic (SMAWB) Complete Course: 4 DVDs (3 hrs. T-joints. butt joint.....0 Recommended as an advanced plate curriculum for Structural welding and displaying the use of backing strips... 5. Stringer beads.95 *Includes 1 student workbook.50 $500. flat....00 4 To order.00 5 written test. flat position and crater filling (E6012) Fillet weld. 58 min. horizontal (2G) position destructive test Single V-groove weld. horizontal position (E7024) 31.... overhead position (E6010) 23.. 12. vertical (3G) position Metals identification for welding Single V-groove weld.... horizontal position. Three-bead fillet weld.. up (E6010) 18. butt joint flat position. 50 copies each ITEM NO......... vertical position. (E6012) 28..... Shielded metal arc welding structural.. 50 copies ea.. T-joint.. 13..... 7... 9... DV01.... butt joint. Square-groove weld. lap & T-joints........ destructive test 15.... Distortion control ITEM NO. vertical & overhead positions (E7018) 35. Multi-pass fillet weld.... horizontal position (E6010) Square-groove weld.. V01........ 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests. overhead position... 1 Instructor Guide. V02..95 * Includes 1 student workbook.. Multi-pass fillet weld. SMAWA-1 (Structural) teaches welding on single V-groove welds on carbon steel with multipass welds in all positions with backing strips. List Price Complete SMAWA-1 course . butt joint. 33 min.. 8. List Price Complete SMAWB course. Course Overview Introduction to shielded metal arc welding Safety and health of welders The five essentials Striking and controlling the arc Pad of beads. Electrode selection 16. . destructive test 21... 10.. AWS QC10 2G qualification test (E7018) 37..... lap joint..... 16 ga. V02.. lap joints... 18. vertical position (E7018) 33... horizontal position (E6010) Fillet weld... (E6012) 30......... T-joint.... 14....... horizontal position (E6012) Pad of beads.. or visit www.... vertical position up.. 11. butt joint. 5.40 49. overhead position (E6011/E7018) 26. 2Ó Pipe Uphill...). (E6012) 29.0 $995.. butt joint.00 SMAW is an electric arc welding process where the heat for welding is generated by an electric arc between a covered metal electrode and the work. 16 & 11 ga. V01.... 9. V02.... Shielded Metal Arc Welding Basic.. T-joint.50 $500. Square-groove weld...... 5 written tests. DV01. 1 Instructor Guide.. 4... overhead (4G) position Welding cast iron and hard surfacing welds Single V-groove weld.. horizontal position (E7018 & E7024) 36... destructive test 25..... butt joint...... lap joint. down... Fillet welds.41 40... Fillet weld. flat position (E6010) The welderÕ s role in quality control Three-bead fillet weld.. Fillet weld..40 49..00 4 written tests. It provides training in all positions.. Fillet weld. butt joint... T-joint. 50 copies ea..DV02.... on mild steel with single and multipass welds.. horizontal & vertical positions. Site License . destructive test Pad of beads. SMAWA-2 is in preparation for the transition to pipe welding.. horizontal position.. AWS QC10 destructive test Product Item No. overhead position (E7018) 34....... butt joint.... 16.).... Fillet weld. vertical position. use form on page 19.. 5433....... T-joint..... horizontal position (E6011/E7018) 14..... .. 4...... 17. Fillet weld.... up (E6011/E7018) 20. lap joint... 15.. butt joint.. Single V-groove weld............00 Instructor guide* ....40 49.. Butt Joint... 6Ó Pipe .... (5G) Position. 1 Instructor Guide..... 49 min).. 2Ó Pipe . Site License . Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe .DV04.50 $500... 4 written tests... 15........ 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests......0 DV03.. overhead (4G) position 18. 5....... Butt Joint....).. 10.......... 4............. butt joint.welding...... V05....... 12.. 9.... butt joint..00 Instructor guide* . butt joint.)...........Schedule 80 Single V-Groove Weld..41 40.... 11.. Butt Joint.. Site License .....95 * Includes 1 student workbook..... Product Item No.......41 40. 6.40 49...00 5 written tests. 6... course overview 2.. butt joint..Schedule 80 Pipe Downhill Pipeline Construction & Welding Ð Downhill How to Read and Apply Welding Procedures . 9... 1 Instructor Guide.00 2 written tests.. Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6Ó Pipe Uphill ........ Air carbon arc cutting and gouging 14..... 2...)....... 4.. 3.. Butt Joint.. 12..00 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6-Inch Pipe Uphill Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hr.. flat (1G) position Product Item No..... (2G) Pipe Ð Double Extra Strong (XX Strong) Standard Destructive Test .......Downhill Safety & Health of Welders Weld Quality: Reading The Puddle ........ Site License ..... (6G) Pipe Ð Double Extra Strong (XX Strong) Preparation & Assembly of an Open Root Pipe Joint Schedule 80 Single V-Groove Weld... 5..... 6.... 1 Instructor Guide.. butt joint... (5G) Pipe . 12. 8..0 $995..Downhill Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hr......00 Instructor guide* .. Butt Joint... 5433.. vertical (3G) position destructive test 16. vertical (3G) position 15.Course Overview Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Safety and Health of Welders Weld Quality: Reading the Puddle Preparation & Assembly of an Open Root Pipe Joint Ð Double Extra Strong (XX Strong) Single V-Groove Weld.... Destructive testing 10...41 35. V03....... overhead (4G) position 11... horizontal (2G) position destructive test 8...00 To order..Downhill Single V-Groove Weld.. Single V-groove weld....Downhill Single V-Groove Weld........ use form on page 19.... Welding cast iron and hard surfacing welds 19....Course Overview Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Safety & Health of Welders Weld Quality: Reading the Puddle Preparation and Assembly of an Open Root Pipe Joint Single V-Groove Weld.0 Product Item No..... vertical (3G) position 9............ 58 min...40 49. Weld size and profile 6. 5 written tests. Butt Joint....0 $995.0 $995...00 4 written tests..... 13.. V04....... V05.. 4.. 50 copies ea. Topics 1. 13. List Price Complete SMAWA-2 course ... or visit www. DV04. 2Ó Pipe ... 2... V04. Butt Joint (2G) Pipe – Schedule 80 Standard Destructive Test – Schedule 80 Pipe Methods of Applying the Root Pass Single V-Groove Weld................ Single V-groove weld.....95 * Includes 1 student workbook.......... .. DV06...Schedule 80 Pipe Scheduling and Tubing Dimensions ITEM NO. 57 min.... Single V-groove weld.. 10.....50 $500... Butt Joint...........50 $500... V05... V03... 11. 9. 50 copies each ITEM NO........ Nondestructive testing 12.... List Price Complete SMAWPD course...DV05.... call 800-332-9448 Ext. 7....... 50 copies each ITEM NO..... V03. V04....Downhill Product Item No.. DV06.....95 * Includes 1 student workbook.....41 30. List Price Complete SMAW 6Ó Pipe Uphill ... 3.Double Extra Strong Pipe (XX Strong) Single V-Groove Weld....COMPLETE SKILL COURSES Shielded Metal Arc Welding ..org 5 ......Downhill Single V-Groove Weld.40 49. vertical down (3G) position 13.... Metals identification for welding 17........... Butt Joint.Downhill Single V-Groove Weld.. Procedure and welder qualification 7.... (6G) Position. horizontal (2G) position 5. 11..... 2..Downhill Standard Destructive Test. (6G) Position............... 6Ó Pipe ...0 Topics 1.... 14..00 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2-Inch Pipe Uphill Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hr. Single V-groove weld. 2 written tests...... (5G) Position.50 $500.Pre-pipe (Advanced 2) Complete Course: 3 DVDs (1 hr.....Downhill Travel Preparation & Assembly of a 6Ó Open Root Pipe Joint . 8.. 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests...0 Recommended as an advanced curriculum to prepare students for SMAW – open root – pipe welding....... 7...... Butt Joint..0 $995. Safety and health of welders 4. 7. . V06....... 8.... 3.....Course Overview Introduction To Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe ... 50 copies each Topics 1.. 1 Instructor Guide...00 2 written tests.... .Downhill Standard Visual Inspection .. Site License ...... butt joint... V06... 5... Single V-groove weld..95 * Includes 1 student workbook. DV03... 10... 50 copies each Topics 1... Introduction to shielded metal arc welding 3.00 Instructor guide* ...... Butt Joint (6G) Pipe E7018 Root Schedule 80 ITEM NO... Butt Joint........ Single V-groove weld.... Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Downhill .. (5G) Pipe Ð Double Extra Strong (XX Strong) Single V-Groove Weld. Butt Joint (6G) Pipe – Schedule 80 Preheat and Interpass Temperatures Single V-Groove Weld... Single V-groove weld.... butt joint..... Single V-groove weld. Guided Bend & Nick Break Test Preparation & Assembly of a 2Ó Open Root Pipe Joint . 50 copies ea. List Price Complete SMAW 2Ó Pipe Uphill .. Shielded metal arc welding pre-pipe. ... 54 min... 13..... 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests.... V06...... 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests.. Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2Ó Pipe Uphill . butt joint......... 50 copies ea....... 14...... Butt Joint (5G) Pipe – Schedule 80 How to Read and Apply Welding Procedures Single V-Groove Weld. (2G) Pipe .00 DV05... (6G) Pipe ....Schedule 80 Standard Destructive Test Schedule 80 Pipe Single V-Groove Weld...... 2 written tests.... 50 copies ea. . flat position 6.. 2 written test. Weld Quality: Visual Inspection 8. 50 copies ea........ 2 written tests....0 Topics 1...... Single V-groove weld... Metal transfer and shielding gases 12.00 ITEM NO.... and shots of the arc so clear you can see the silicon island in the weld puddle..... lap joints....... Safety and Health of Welders 4...95 * Includes 1 student workbook. Single V-groove weld.... Single V-Groove Weld Butt Joint (5G) Position Downhill Root... butt joint... 52 min... Lap and T-Joint (3F) position 12.......... horizontal position.... setup and maintenance of equipment 5.... Single V-groove weld... butt.. List Price Complete GMAWP course .. lap joints..... up 11.. V15. Equipment Set-up.... 50 copies each ITEM NO.41 30. flat position 19.Schedule 80 Pipe 9........... Fillet Weld....... 5433...... 50 copies ea..). .. butt joint....... use form on page 19.... Square groove & fillet welds.. Weldability of Aluminum Alloys 10. horizontal position 8.... DV15.DV11.....40 49..COMPLETE SKILL COURSES There are three courses in the gas metal arc series Ñ Basic... Butt Joint (4G) Position 15. horizontal position with spray transfer 24........ lap & T-joints. Single V-groove weld.. Surfacing welds... 1 Instructor Guide... Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic was completely revised in 1997.00 Instructor guide* ... DV10.........00 2 written tests. butt.00 Instructor guide* ... butt joint... vertical position. horizontal position 14.... DV11... Single V-Groove Weld.40 49.. Square groove & fillet welds. Single V-groove weld.. Site License . V10.. 1 Instructor Guide..... butt joint.... Advanced (Aluminum) & Pipe.0 Gas Metal Arc Welding Pipe (GMAWP) Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hr.....welding. lap & T-joints. V11.... Standard Destructive Test 9....... Single V-groove weld...... vertical position down 22. guided bend test 15.. Uphill Fill & Cover 11. DV15..... Fillet Weld....)..00 DV10. lap & T-joints....00 2 written test..95 * Includes 1 student workbook. butt.. The course provides training in all positions on mild steel.... List Price $995....... Fillet Weld.. Topics 1. Gas metal arc welding basic... lap & T-joints.0 and QC10...............50 $500.......... Introduction to Pulse Spray Transfer 7... The quality of welds 9.. Butt Joint (3G) Position 13... butt joint.. Topics 1.. flat position 7... . Single V-Groove Weld Butt Joint (6G) Position Downhill Ð 2 Inch Pipe Product Item No.... 50 copies each ITEM NO.. lap & T-joints.. butt joint..... Single V-groove weld..... Operation and Shut-down. 5........ Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding Ð Spray & Pulse Spray Transfer 3... Single V-Groove Weld Butt Joint (5G) Position Ð Downhill 10.0).... flat position with spray transfer 23... vertical position down 16....50 $500....... Fillet welds. Single V-Groove Weld. V15...41 30. Single V-Groove Weld Butt Joint (6G) Position Downhill Ð 6 Inch Pipe 12. Square groove & fillet welds... course overview 2...41 30. Butt Joint (3G) Position with Visual Inspection and Microetch Test 14. V11. Fillet welds... Safety and health of welders 4.. 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests Site License ......... Butt Joint (2G) Position Ð Pulse 8... the program features male & female narration... Square groove & fillet welds. V15..... Fillet welds..0 $995.. Lap and T-Joint (2F) position Product Item No. call 800-332-9448 Ext... or visit www.. V10.. with single and multi-pass welds using short circuiting transfer.... Single V-Groove Weld. vertical position up 18.. V10.......... Course Overview Ð Gas Metal Arc Welding Pipe 2.. butt.... 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests.... 50 copies each English and Spanish Based on AWS Entry-Level SENSE (QC10 and EG2........ horizontal position 21........00 Instructor guide* ... 2 written tests..40 49.. lap & T-joints. Course Overview Ð Gas Metal Arc Welding Advanced 2.0 Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic (GMAWB) Complete Course: 3 DVDs (2 hrs... Standard Destructive Test .95 * Includes 1 student workbook.... .. Site License ... Based on AWS EG2.....).00 Complete GMAWB course .. Single V-Groove Weld.............. animated graphics.... Fillet welds..........50 $500... Butt Joint (1G) Position Ð Spray 6.. lap & T-joints... down 10..... Square groove & fillet welds. guided bend test 17. Operation and Shut-down 5.. 35 min... 1 Instructor Guide....00 6 To order.. Introduction to gas metal arc welding 3..... Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding 3..0 $995.0 2 written test. vertical position down.. Safety and Health of Welders 4..... List Price Complete GMAWA course ...... as well as flat and horizontal welds using spray transfer. V11..... butt....... 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests.. 10 min......... overhead position 20...... Installation... Single V-groove weld.. Equipment set-up.. 50 copies ea. vertical position.. butt joint. shieldinG Gas molten weld metal solidified weld metal nozzle electrode arc base metal GAS METAL ARC WELDING Gas Metal Arc Welding Advanced (GMAWA) Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hr.. Single V-Groove Weld Butt Joint (2G) Position 7. flat position with spray transfer Product Item No... overhead position 13.. Lap and T-Joint (2F) position 11.... Preparation & Assembly of an Open Root Pipe Joint 6..org . Single V-Groove Weld........ Fillet weld.. horizontal (1G) position (selfshielded) 15. The welding characteristics of aluminum 25... use form on page 19. vertical (3G) position (gas & self-shielded) 10. flat position (carbon steel) 10.. 4 written tests.DV12. lap joint. horizontal. horizontal position (stainless steel) 20. butt joint.. Fillet weld.. and teaches the student to weld on 2-inch Sch.00 ITEM NO.. butt joint. Fillet weld. Single-V-groove weld. butt joint.0)..95 * Includes 1 student workbook. Fillet weld... horizontal & flat positions (stainless steel) 21. Single-V-groove weld. Students also weld on stainless steel pipe and with a consumable insert. Fillet weld. stainless steel and aluminum. flat position (aluminum) 28. Fillet welds..40 49... Gas tungsten arc welding 2-inch pipe prepares the student for pipe welding.. horizontal & flat positions (aluminum) ITEM NO... flat position (aluminum) 26.. It provides training on mild steel. call 800-332-9448 Ext. Single-V-groove weld. V12. Introduction to flux-cored arc welding 3.00 Instructor guide* . adjustment and shut down 5.. horizontal (2G) position (gas & self-shielded) 8. butt joint..... flat (1F) position (metal-cored) 16. base metal DV12. 5433. Square-groove weld..... V12... The effect of process variables on the welding arc 27. or visit www.. 80 pipe. 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests. overhead position (carbon steel) 16..... Square-groove weld 1G destructive test (carbon steel) 14. Course Overview 2. Single V-groove weld. butt joint. butt joint.. and SMAW to complete the weld...... T-joint.... lap joint. outside corner joint. in all positions. Equipment setup. DV20. 2 written tests. Fillet weld. weldinG torch shieldinG Gas molten weld metal solidified weld metal tunGsten electrode arc filler rod flex cored electrode arc Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) Complete Course: 3 DVDs (2 hrs. 2G destructive test 9.... Fillet weld. lap joint. T-joints.. adjustment and maintenance 5.....). butt joint. The fundamentals of gas tungsten arc welding are covered in the basic program... 40 min..).welding..... Square-groove weld..... 20 min... Introduction to gas tungsten arc welding 3.0 To order.. Site License . overhead (4G) postion (gas & self-shielded) 11. horizontal (2G) position (gas & self-shielded) 18.00 2 written tests..41 30... It provides training in all positions. Stringer bead.0 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Complete Course: 4 DVDs (3 hrs. horizontal. Fillet weld. Fillet weld. up (aluminum) 29... 50 copies each Based on AWS Entry-Level SENSE (QC10 and EG2. 50 copies ea. Single V-groove weld.. Square-groove weld....COMPLETE SKILL COURSES The flux cored arc welding training program provides the student with a thorough understanding of the flux cored arc welding process. 50 copies each Based on AWS Entry-Level SENSE (QC10 and EG2...... Equipment setup.. Safety and health of welders 4... butt joint.. horizontal fixed position (5G).. Fillet weld. flat position (carbon steel) 13.... 3G destructive test 14. Gas (oPtional) molten metal solidified weld metal molten slaG slaG nozzle (oPtional) FLUX CORED ARC WELDING GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING The gas tungsten arc welding program is a complete training program. flat position (stainless steel) 18.. V12... outside corner joint... ..... Single-V-groove weld. butt joint.. horizontal & flat positions (carbon steel) 8.. vertical & overhead positions (gas & self-shielded) 6. T-joint.. using small and large diameter flux cored electrodes.... with and without shielding gas... flat position (stainless steel) 22.. Introduction to GTAW using pulsed current 17. Single-V-groove weld.. Gas tungsten arc welding 6-inch pipe provides training on 6-inch pipe using GTAW to deposit the root and second pass. Square-groove weld..... Electrode classification & selection 7. vertical up & flat positions (stainless steel) 23. Single-V-groove weld. Gas tungsten arc welding pipe is divided into two programs.. vertical (3G) position (gas & self-shielded) 13.. T-joint. overhead position (carbon steel) 12. vertical position.50 $500.. 1 Instructor Guide..0 $995. butt joint.. butt joint. outside corner joint. List Price Complete FCAW course (DVD) ...org 7 ...... Fillet weld. The welding characteristics of stainless steel 19. flat (1G) position (metal-cored) 17. horizontal & vertical up positions (carbon steel) 15. on carbon steels. Topics 1. Flux-cored arc welding.. Single V-groove weld. Square-groove weld. course overview 2...0) Topics 1.. horizontal. 1 Instructor Guide. flat position (carbon steel) 6. butt joint.... butt joint. The metallurgy & weldability of carbon steel 9... Single-V-groove weld. using both direct and alternating current.. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. vertical up & flat positions (carbon steel) 11. The essentials of GTAW 7... lap joint. horizontal (2G) position (gas & self-shielded) 12.. stainless steel 24.... pipe Product Item No. Stringer bead. Safety and health of welders 4.. Single-V-groove weld. outside corner joint. butt joint. Visual inspection test... ..41 24.. Course Overview 12.. Single V-Groove Weld.With & Without Filler Metal. There is related information on weld quality and applications of fuel gases... Introduction to Oxyacetylene Flame Cutting 14..... Brazed Copper (5F) Position DV26.... 50 copies ea.... Cutting and Brazing (OAW) Complete Course: 4 DVDs..50 $500...... not used in this course... 30 min..95* *Includes 1 student workbook..... Bevel & Hole Cuts . Topics 11. 1 Instructor Guide.............0 ITEM NO. Butt Joint.. cast iron and copper. Butt Joint (2G) Pipe Destructive Test 19..... Fillet weld... V20..... Butt Joint (5G) Pipe Destructive Test 17.... Application of Fuel Gases 19.). Preparation & Assembly of an Open Root Pipe Joint 15.Vertical (3F) Position 11.. Square-Groove Weld.40 49. Lap Joint . Joint Design for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Pipe and Tubing 13.. Site License .. List Price Complete GTAWB course (DVD) .0 ITEM NO.. call 800-332-9448 Ext. Single V-Groove Weld... V20. 5433.. up (aluminum) 33... V22....... V26......... 2 written test. 50 copies ea. 1 technical guide & answer key for tests.. Course Overview .. Single V-Groove Weld..Vertical (3F) Position 12...... Lap Joint .41 30...... Single V-Groove Weld......... Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2Ó Pipe Course Overview 12.. Safety & Health of Welders 14..org . Single V-Groove Weld. Single V-Groove Weld.... Single V-Groove Weld.. 1 Instructor Guide. V22. use form on page 19..... Butt Joint Ð Horizontal (2G) Position 25.00 Instructor Guide* . Butt Joint (6G) Pipe 19.... Square-Groove.. It teaches the student to flame cut plate. 50 copies Recommended as an entry-level curriculum to teach cutting techniques and hand-eye coordination associated with good puddle control and filler addition.. Site License .. Braze Weld. Socket Joint......... Bevel & Hole CutsÐ Visual Inspection 21.. aluminum Product Item No...... Inside Corner Joint ...0 $995.0 $995.... 50 copies each ITEM NO...... Fillet Weld...Visual Inspection & Guided Bend 15.. Single-V-Groove Weld... Preparation & Assembly of an Open Root Pipe Joint 16..... Butt Joint (6G) Stainless Steel Pipe 12.. List Price Complete GTAW-SMAW 6 Inch Pipe . Single V-Groove Weld. Introduction to Oxyacetylene Welding.....41 40. (5G) Position Ð 2Ó Pipe 26. Pipe Weld Quality 18.... Flat Position 8...)..00 Oxyacetylene Welding...... Brazing and Cutting 2... V20.0 $995...... Butt Joint (2G) Pipe 17... Butt Joint (2G) Pipe 18. Health and Safety of Welders 5....... Safety & Health of Welders 14. DV30.COMPLETE SKILL COURSES 30..Horizontal (2F) Position 9....... Topics 11.... 1 written test. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6Ó Pipe.... Butt Joint Ð Vertical (3G) Position 22...... Butt Joint ÐH orizontal (2G) Position 18. Single V-Groove Weld.. Butt Joint (2G) Pipe with Consumable Insert 15... Operation and Shutdown 6..... Oxyacetylene Welding Safety 4...... Brazed Copper (2F) Position 30. Fillet Weld... Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Pipe 13. Butt Joint (5G) Pipe 16.. or visit www.Manual 20.. Equipment Setup.. Standard Destructive Test ..00 2 Written Tests 50 copies ea... Site License ..... V26. Single V-Groove Weld...... cutting and brazing program is a complete training program. Square-Groove Weld.. Butt Joint Ð Vertical (3G) Position 13. Single V-Groove Weld...... Lap Joint.......welding. DV22. butt joint.. Inside Corner Joint . Brazing and Braze Welding 28... Square-groove weld....00 4 written tests...... Fillet weld.00 Instructor guide* . (6G) Position Ð 2Ó Pipe 27.. Butt Joint Ð Flat (1G) Position 16.. Butt Joint Ð Flat (1G) Position 23. Stainless Steel Pipe Welding 10.. Stringer Bead.. Square-Groove.. Butt Joint Ð Overhead (4G) Position 24.... Square Groove.0 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding – Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6 Inch Pipe Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hr..... Adjustment and Shutdown 15....Oxyacetylene Welding. Topics 1.... Pipe Weld Quality Product Item No. Horizontal (2F) & Flat (1G) Position 29. horizontal & flat positions (aluminum) 32. 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests. .... Single-V-Groove Weld... Bead on Plate .50 $500.DV20....50 $500.. 1 Instructor Guide..... 1 technical guide & answer key for tests. Socket Joint....... 57 min..... Butt Joint (6G) Pipe Product Item No... Weld Quality: Controlling the Welding Variables 7.. . T-joint.... Introduction to Soldering. Butt Joint (5G) Pipe 10... flat position (aluminum) 31. Brazing and Cutting 3... OXYACTYLENE WELDING.. written tests. Fillet Weld... Single V-Groove Weld...DV26.Horizontal (2F) Position 10...... Butt Joint...00 Instructor guide* ...95* * Includes 1 student workbook............. Fillet Weld.00 1 written test..40 49..... vertical position....... V26.. Single V-Groove Weld.. 50 copies weldinG torch tiP inner cone filler rod acetylene feather molten weld metal solidified weld metal DV22.... Fillet Weld......00 8 To order.. ... braze mild steel....... Butt Joint Ð Overhead (4G) Position 17.. Single V-Groove Weld.. Butt Joint.. Preparation & Assembly of a Pipe Joint with Consumable Insert 14. V22.95 * Includes 1 student workbook. Square-Groove Weld... List Price Complete GTAW 2 inch Pipe ...40 49.. T-joint.... Square-Groove Weld.... Preparation & Assembly of a Stainless Steel Pipe Joint 11..... Equipment Setup. Visual inspection test................... Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Pipe 13..00 The oxyacetylene welding............ CUTTING AND BRAZING Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2 Inch Pipe Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hrs............. . .00 ITEM NO.........0 $995...... 1 written test.......41 40........... 1 technical guide & answer key for test.............. V86.............. DV86.................. 50 copies ... 1 technical guide & answer key for test............74 49................00 Nondestr uctive Testing Methods Complete Course: 1 DVD (45 min.......... List Price Complete course...95 * Includes 1 student workbook.................. use form on page 19......... V86......... 1 written test.... 1 written test. List Price Complete course...40 $440.....welding...COMPLETE SKILL / TECHNICAL COURSES Product Item No List Price Complete OAW course ....... 50 copies ...........)........35 $500... 12 min. 50 copies ea.................95 * Includes 1 student workbook.......50 $440........ Site License .......50 TECHNICAL COURSES Welding Procedures and Qualification Complete Course: 1 DVD (59 min.. V86....................... V86... 1 Instructor Guide.... V86........... List Price Complete course..75 49....................40 Product Item No....95 * Includes 1 student workbook. V86........................00 1 written test.00 Destructive Testing Methods Complete Course: 1 DVD (43 min............00 Instructor guide* ................DV30........50 $500.00 1 written test....org 9 ..00 Instructor guide* ... Site License ...00 Student Workbooks are listed on Page 12 To order....)....... 1 technical guide & answer key for test.............86 30.... DV86.. V86.............. V86............................... 50 copies ....40 49....83 30......60 $440...........30 Product Item No List Price Complete course............... size and contour 4 Common causes of discontinuities related to internal inconsistencies and weld metal irregularities 5 Common causes of discontinuities related to weld & base metal properties Product Item No...DV86..... V86.....................00 ITEM NO....DV86.........55 $500...... V86.....00 1 written test....... I written test....73 49........ 1 Instructor Guide........... DV86................... call 800-332-9448 Ext..65 $500.... Site License . DV86....... 1 technical guide & answer keys for tests..84 30. 50 copies Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction to destructive testing Tensile tests Impact tests Guided bend tests Nick break tests Fillet weld break tests Etch tests ITEM NO...............30 $440.......00 Instructor guide* ...........45 $500........... 50 copies ...... Site License .............. 1 instructors Guide....................... V30.............95 * Includes 1 student workbook............................. V30..95 * Includes 1 student workbook... V30...). or visit www... 50 copies Topics 1 Weld inspector responsibilities related to discontinuities and defects 2 Identification & definition of weld discontinuities & defects 3 Common causes of discontinuities related to shape... 50 copies Topics 1 Purpose of welding procedures & qualification 2 Welding procedure specifications 3 Procedure qualification records 4 Performance qualification 5 Maintaining qualification records Product Item No.. V86........60 Welding Discontinuities & Defects Complete Course: 1 DVD (1 hr...85 30............00 Instructor guide* ... 50 copies Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction to nondestructive testing Principles of visual inspection Principles of liquid penetrant testing Principles of magnetic particle testing Principles of ultrasonic testing Principles of radiographic testing ITEM NO....................76 49.... Site License .....................................00 Instructor guide* .00 1 written test.... 5433........00 4 written tests.................... 1 technical guide & answer key for test....DV86.DV86.. 1 Instructor Guide............)........................ V86......... ..00 SITE LICENSE (SL) In response to requests to place DVD’s on company and school intranets (private networks) a site license (SL) at an additional cost of $500..... Information is given about the equipment and consumables used with each of the processes...... A separate site license is required for each program you intend to distribute... Submerged Arc Welding Equipment and Consumables 19.TECHNICAL COURSES Basic Metallurgy 1 DVD (40 min..... The Plasma Arc Welding Process 12......welding... Introduction to Flux Cored Arc Welding 16... includes a signed document authorizing the electronic distribution of HIWT training materials to others within your organization’s secure network.00 per program is now available for each DVD program purchased from Hobart Institute of Welding Technology (HIWT). The Stud Arc Welding Process 15..........DV40. The Submerged Arc Welding Process 18....DV85.00 $325. Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding 15. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Equipment and Consumables 11......DV85.. The Carbon Welding Process 14....00 175...... 11....) Included in complete GTAW course (DV20..... Introduction to the Arc Welding Processes 12..... Flux Cored Arc Welding Electrode Classification and Selection 17...0) Topics The metallurgy & weldability of carbon steel The welding characteristics of stainless steel The welding characteristics of aluminum Product Item No..... use form on page 19. granted for a three year period...01 Topics 9-16 (79 min) .. or visit www.......) .. 10 To order. List Price Basic Metallurgy (DVD) ....... DVD programs may contain multiple DVD’s.......0 Common Arc Welding Processes An overview of the most common arc welding processes for the technical student..... Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding 13..... The site license. The intranet distribution of Hobart Institute DVD’s without a site license is prohibited. 5433.02 List Price $175. call 800-332-9448 Ext... Plasma Arc Welding Equipment and Consumables 13.... Topics 1-8 (90 min.. Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 10.... Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrode Selection 14.. Electroslag Welding Equipment and Consumables Product Item No...org . The Electroslag Welding Process 16. ......0 Recommended for AWS Entry-Level SENSE (QC10 and EG2. Topics 1. DV80.............95 * Includes 1 student workbook & answer key for tests....... not DVD program.)..TECHNICAL COURSES SYMBOLS FOR WELDING AND BLUEPRINT READING These technical courses are designed to be used with Programmed Learning Courses on page 13..... Groove weld symbols 8......... Review of welding symbols 5. Introduction 2.... Dimensional tolerance and stock allowance 12..00 $500.0 $440. DV91...00 Note: Tests are included with each Symbols student packet on page 13...00 Instructor guide* ................ Site License ... call 800-332-9448 Ext.. Backing.. Edge weld and combination weld symbols Product Item No.. not DVD program.. Interpreting blueprint information 8. Blueprint Reading for Welders and Fitters Complete Course: 2 DVDs (1 hr............ or visit www..) ...........50 $500........... V80.0). Scale drawings 11..0 Site License ....... V91....... DV81......00 Note: Tests are included with each Blueprint student packet on page 13. Site License ..... Surface and centerline relationships 9........ V81........ Basic elements of the system 3. Auxiliary views 10........00 Instructor guide* ...... 1 Instructor Guide ITEM NO....... Safety and Health of Welders DVD (20 min.95 * Includes 1 student workbook & answer key for tests...... Weld symbols for length and arrangement 4. Supplementary symbols and reference 5.0)........ Safety and Health of Welders 1 DVD (18 min. Metrics and metric conversions 4.... V81.... Plug and slot welds 6.. Symbols for Welding Complete Course: 1 DVD (58 min).. Standard drawing lines and symbols 7... V80..welding..... Set-up applications Product Item No........... 5433..00 Product Item No....0 Instructor Guide (V80........ Spot welds and seam welds 7......40) recommended for AWS Entry-Level SENSE (QC10 and EG2.......40 49.......) Covers the following areas of arc welding safety: radiation · Arccontamination · Air shock · Electric explosion · Fire and · Safety standards ITEM NO........ 1 Instructor Guide ITEM NO..... back.....40 49. melt-thru and surfacing symbols 9............org 11 .... Introduction to blueprint reading for welders and fitters 2.....DV91....... List Price Complete Blueprint Reading course . Set-up tools 13...... List Price Complete Symbols for Welding course .............. Orthographic views 6.50 $500............ Review of mathematics 3............. Topics 1.......0 · Compressed gases · Cleaning hazards · Other welding data sheets · Material safety List Price $85.... 40 min.50 To order. DV80. use form on page 19..... DV81...0 $440... ... EW-369 GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2 Inch Pipe ..... Product Item No........ EW-269 GTAWT List Price $20........... and summaries of essential theory with lots of illustrations..... 20.............................. 20..... EW-369 GTAWP2 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 6 Inch Pipe ..00 ea.... use form on page 19............. EW-512-5 Nondestructive Testing Methods ....00 ea.... 20.......00 ea....00 ea..............00 ea. ASME or API codes. Welding Procedures and Qualification .. set-up instructions....... 12 To order. and take a step-by-step approach to practice sessions....... EW-269 PAW Gas Tungsten Titanium ...... 20...... 20...................... EW-369 GMAWP Flux Cored Arc Welding ................. EW-512-3 Welding Discontinuities and Defects ..........WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS Student Workbooks for Skill Courses Workbooks follow the DVDs topic-by-topic.......... EW369 SMAWPU6 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Downhill . EW-369 SMAWPD Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic ..... 20......... 5433.....00 ea. EW369 GTAW EW-369 GMAWB EW-369 SMAWB EW369 FCAW Student Workbooks for Technical Courses Product Item No... EW-369 GTAWP6 Submerged Arc Welding .. EW-369 GMAWA Gas Metal Arc Welding Pipe .... 20.......... Oxyacetylene Welding....00 ea....00 ea............................. 20................ All destructive tests are based on AWS............... EW-369 SMAWA-2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2 Inch Pipe Uphill .............00 ea.............................welding.............. 20.............00 ea.....00 ea.............. 20. EW369 SMAWPU2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6 Inch Pipe Uphill ...00 ea......... 20...........00 ea..................... 20... EW-369 GMAWB Gas Metal Arc Welding Aluminum Advanced ........ featuring objectives.............. call 800-332-9448 Ext........org ....... 20.. EW-269 SAW Plasma Arc Welding .................00 ea..............00 ea... materials and machine settings.. 20......... 20. EW-369 FCAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding ...... EW-512-6 List Price $20....00 ea..................00 ea. EW-369 SMAWB ShieIded Metal Arc Welding Structural (Advanced 1) ........ EW-369 OAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding Basic . 20.. or visit www............ 20.. EW-512-4 Destructive Testing Methods ......... EW-369 SMAWA-1 Shielded Metal Arc WeIding Pre-pipe (Advanced 2) ...00 ea.........00 ea..00 ea................ 20..00 ea...... 20.......... Cutting and Brazing .... ... For the benefit of students not familiar with welding symbols......... The symbols for welding course is based on the AWS A2........ brackets and pipe flanges........... use form on page 19.welding.......... EW-342 Key to tests ..... symbols for nondestructive examination...... Pipe layout for welders and fitters ..org 13 .......................... laterals & circumferential sleeves....................... 5433....... setup tools..Ó and Ò Pipe Trades Pocket Manual......... calculated welded offsets......................... 3 Tests are included with each student packet... or visit www............................... 113 pages............ angles and angular layout........ call 800-332-9448 Ext........ 5 Tests are included with each student packet....................... elliptical holes.. Product Item No.................... This system of communication provides the vital link between the designer and people responsible for producing and planning welding. Blueprint reading for the welder..... Product Item No.....................00 9....EW-519 List Price $41...... mathematics & plane figures.....EW-459 Key to tests............WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS Programmed Learning Courses from the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology These courses provide a simple yet complete method for students to learn and understand the principles of welding symbols........ List Price $16.....00 7.......4............... Each page builds for the next as the student learns in an efficient and rewarding manner.............. pipe blanking.. Symbols for welding ....00 6.................... Symbols for nondestructive examination ...EW-458 This course is designed to teach students how to interpret nondestructive examination symbols based on AWS 2......95 Blueprint reading for welders and fitters Pipe layout for welders and fitters This 10 section......95 To order.......... programmed learning course includes: pipefitter terminology. blueprint reading and pipe layout.. 170 pages......00 8.......... Each page is designed to teach a small amount of information which is reinforced through an action/ problem and self-check (see illustration at right).... 1 Test is included with each student packet..............95 Symbols for welding Symbols for nondestructive examination Product Item No.......... self-study.EW-460 List Price $25............... the first part of the course serves as an introduction....................95 The blueprint reading for welders and fitters course contains valuable information on mathematics and metrics......... tees... Product Item No........................... FranklandÕ s Ò The Pipe Fitters and Pipe WelderÕ s Handbook...... 38 pages.. EW-343 List Price $23. Based in part on Thomas W.4 Symbols for Welding and Nondestructive Examination Standard.. blueprint reading for the fitter. and set-up applications............................ Blueprint reading for welders and fitters ..EW-457 Key to tests....Ó 10 Tests are included with each student packet.........EW-517 Key to tests... 80 pages...... List Price $24.... EW-473 ....... List Price $24. EW-607 . non-destructive testing process descriptions.......... 104 pages.... Item No........ applications....... 116 pages.. electrode selection charts...... Item No....00 Shielded Metal Arc Welding — Describes the SMAW process.... procedures...00 Flux-Cored Arc Welding — This guide describes the self-shielded and gas shielded processes. List Price $15.... procedures and applications....................WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS Technical Guides These guides contain extensive welding information on individual welding processes and welding subjects.... procedures.........00 *Also available in Spanish..... EW-492 . Item No....... *Welding Guide — Provides general welding information including common arc welding process descriptions............ Item No........ applications....... safety and welding symbols are all explained in detail...... welding safety and explains equipment used.. They supplement the student workbooks for welding training and have application for manufacturing engineering and quality control............ List Price $24.... safety and procedures. welding training and safety.......... welding data charts and tables. methods of application..... Item No................ equipment.......... EW-38 5 EW-470 EW-47 2 EW-473 EW-492 14 To order.00 Gas Metal Arc Welding — The GMAW process..... Item No. equipment........... 100 pages..... EW-470 ... weldability of metals.......... 23 pages..... and metric conversion... 108 pages.................................. 5433.... or visit www.................org . equipment.. EW-472 ...welding.....00 *Gas Tungsten Arc Welding — Covers the process in detail.............00 Safety and Health of Welders — A valuable guide to protection against the hazards associated with welding............. use form on page 19.... EW-385 ............ call 800-332-9448 Ext.. List Price $24. List Price $24......... List Price $180.95 Pipe Fitters Bluebook — Contains charts.. or visit www. fittings..50 Pipe Trades Pocket Manual by Frankland Tables for bending.. Featuring Howard CaryÕ s practical. planner. EW517 . joints... 410 pages.......List Price $21. elbow offsets. Sixth Edition by Howard B. welding shops.. A great study guide for the AWS CWS exam.. Over 1.....Eng.... Builders... 222 pages. Item No.. Reduce those day-of-test jitters by putting yourself in command of the material that everyone must know to succeed on the CWI exam.. Item No... national standards...... elliptical holes. 300 pages.. P. and Don L. Scott C.. Over 360 questions and answers. 208 pages. concepts.List Price $132. Kenneth M. (ANSI/AWS A3.... EW-696 .. offsets. Sixth Edition Welding Inspection — Essential information for the CWI on manual arc welding inspection techniques including destructive testing and nondestructive examination methods. P..95 Modern Welding Technology. Leatherette bound. easy-to-understand explanations of the essential things that every welder and welding professional should understand to be considered knowledgeable.. describes in detail the manipulative procedures used to weld pipe joints.. angles and angular layout. EW-389 . Barckhoff......List Price $21.00 Modern Welding Technology. 248 figures.......000 illustrations. 128 pages.. Leatherette bound.. EW475 . 7Ó x 10Ó .... engineers. Item No. Item No... mitered joints and other useful information for shop and field use... Item No. Cary... Item No..0) Item No....95 Pipe Welding Procedures by H...... 715 pages... pipe layout. GMAW and GTAW)... P. Published in 1995......List Price $148.... instructions on pipe joints and layout..... miter turn fittings..00 This compact set of three calculators (one each for SMAW. manufacturers. self-study...E. designers and educators will benefit from this indispensable reference book. EW519 ..... EW-436 . for the American Welding Society Ð A comprehensive approach to present the welding supervisor....... EW-697 .....List Price $9.. programmed learning course from the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology includes pipefitting terminology... EW498 .... Item No. and techniques to apply this welding knowledge.List Price $4.. Item No.org 15 . 950 pages. offsets.. Leatherette bound. EW-390 . EW223 .. mathematics & plane figures.List Price $23.List Price $38. offsets. Item No.. EW-356 .....00 Welding Metallurgy. drawings. in a handy vinyl carrying case...WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS AWS Books Certification Manual for Welding Inspectors — A great study aid for the AWS CWI/ CWE exam....95 To order... use form on page 19. Item No.00 Welding Process Calculator Set Certified Welding Supervisor Manual for Quality and Productivity Improvement by Jack R.. 10 tests are included with each copy.00 Pipe Welding & Pipe Layout Books Pipefitters Handbook — A comprehensive reference including tables for pipe bends. 498 pages. Heltzer — Newly revised to include the latest in welding technology.. Encyclopedic in scope.00 Pipe Layout for Fitters and Welders — This 10 section.. solving angles with steel square and more...00 Welding Terms and Definitions — The comprehensive and official listing of welding and cutting terms and definitions. 62 tables and 10 appendices...List Price $180. 249 pages.....List Price $76............ EW-700 .....95 Pipe Trades Handbook — Covers basic data on tube and pipe.List Price $20. Item No... Lynn...... 262 pages. engineer.. Kerluke........ Item No.. valves....00 Answer Key Item No..... EW-291 .List Price $41.. brackets and pipe flanges.welding.95 The Pipe Fitters and Pipe Welders Handbook by Frankland — Pocket size booklet containing layout information for making all types of pipe joints..... is designed to help you work more efficiently across your full range of welding applications.......... Item No.. tables. call 800-332-9448 Ext. 175 pages..... 5433. EW805 ...List Price $27... Rampaul Written for the welder..... mathematics and pipe welding. EW-234 . laterals & circumferential sleeves...List Price $142...E... tees...... pipe blanking.... A valuable reference and comprehensive textbook...... and other management personnel with the most useful technical welding information combined with the most effective management principles. calculated welded offsets... 4th Ed by Linnert — The premier publication on welding metallurgy of steel...... ...... EW-706 ...... Item No...... Item No. List Price $44. self-paced format with hundreds of illustrations............................ Bowditch Introduces the fundamentals of gas welding processes in a simple....oxyfuel gas welding and cutting........ Item No.............. Minnick Provides comprehensive. use form on page 19. drawing interpretation and welding symbols................................ EW-708 ........... Item No..... EW-701 ... Ruck A collection of 69 practical projects to stimulate student interest while developing important welding skills..... measurement and percentages.. List Price $44...... common fractions....... Item No........ GTAW and resistance welding..... Basic skills and proper procedures are presented in easy-to-understand language with hundreds of illustrations. List Price $56........ easy-to-understand coverage of the GMAW field with hundreds of illustrations..... List Price $56... Walker Presents the fundamentals................... GMAW.......................WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS Welding Texts from Goodheart-Willcox Welding Technology Fundamentals by William A.............. EW-703 ... Minnick Provides complete coverage of the gas tungsten arc welding field...........00 EW-704 EW-705 EW-706 EW-707 EW-708 EW-702 16 To order................00 EW-701 EW-703 Welding Projects by James A...... EW-702 ..... EW-704 . Item No.................00 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Handbook by William H.org ..... or visit www......... easy-to-understand......... Item No.. Includes technical information on weld inspection and testing............ EW-707 ....... Projects range in complexity from a simple set of push-up bars to a hydraulic engine lift.. Bowditch..... skills and techniques of shielded metal arc welding in 36 easy-to-understand units with numerous illustrations.......00 Flux Cored Arc Welding by William H........ decimal fractions....... List Price $53.. 5433........ Item No..00 Math for Welders by Nino Marion This combination text and workbook teaches basic mathematic skills and provides practical exercises useful in the welding field... List Price $76....... List Price $56. welder qualification..............00 Oxyfuel Gas Welding by Kevin E......... SMAW.... List Price 44..00 Gas Metal Arc Welding Handbook by William H....welding..... et al. FCAW.............................. Covers the equipment and techniques associated with the welding and cutting processes most widely used in industry ... Major areas of instruction include whole numbers........ call 800-332-9448 Ext.. Minnick Provides comprehensive coverage of the widely used FCAW process presented in a how-to format with hundreds of illustrations.... Each project includes scaled drawings and materials list.......00 Arc Welding by John R... EW-705 ........ . Item No... EW459 .. D1. 5433.List Price $496.... print reading for welders. troubleshooting guides for semiautomatic wire & equipment..95 Pocket Welding Guide.List Price $156.. It includes management principles.. and set up applications. EW609 ....... EW807 (Hardback).00 EW-220 EW-709 To order.. It is not a textbook or an academic paper.... EW460 .E.List Price $6.1 — Complete structural welding code for buildings....... EW-264 ...List Price $275..95 Blueprint Reading for Welders & Fitters — This 5 section self-study. 189 pages with index and glossary.. print reading for fitters. Item No... $39..... pre-and post weld processes.List Price $49.... Barckhoff...00 Answer Key Item No. 4” x 7” format.95 Item No. use form on page 19... inspectors and others involved with design and quality control of welded structures should have this book for guidance and reference... 176 pages..... GMAW welding parameter.... Odermatt Ð What is this simple but complex process called welding? When did it begin? This book is a humble attempt to answer just a few questions about the origins of welding. metric conversion tables. complete listing of filler metals with operating ranges. Item No. EW-220 ..... shielding gases & their uses... Item No.. weld quality control.. inspectors and engineers. 219 pages. and other joining processes. bridges......List Price $23. through the pen of Michael W....... EW-709 .List Price $38...... 5 tests included with each copy. thus helping the company to become more competitive and more profitable....List Price $8....org 17 ....... It aims to give the reader some basic knowledge of a few aspects of the history of welding and its problems and its contribution to society.. EW-676 .. Item No...00 Properties and Uses of Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals by Weiss & Leuchtman. 30th Edition — Known as the Ò WelderÕ s BibleÓ ... Williams... Item No..... causes & cures of common welding problems. Item No.. Item No......... Publisher of the Welding Journal. Item No... EW806 (Softback) .. Welding engineers...WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS General Welding Books WELDING: A Journey to Explore its Past by Andre A. Weber....welding. from antiquity to modern times. Item No.... call 800-332-9448 Ext.... teachers.. 112 pages.. design for welding... When adopted by a company.. from brazing and forging to gas welding and electric welding.. 216 pages.........00 EW-806 EW-800 We l d i n g C o d e s and Specifications Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification — tandard method of qualifying according to AWS requirements... including sections on aluminum alloys and characteristics.List Price $19. with a foreword by Jeffrey D. 148 pages.. set up tools and their uses.... programmed learning course from the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology features sections on mathematics and metrics.. guidelines for the identification of metals & calculating filler metal consumption.. GMAW.. Ð Providing a system focused on improvement.. manufacturing....... $24.. and a planning process with a structured approach..... Peter C... welding terms & definitions.. Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities — This code book published by the American Petroleum Institute provides the complete and detailed information needed by welders.. GTAW and resistance processes. metallurgy...95 EW-529 EW-609 Practical Welding Technology — A comprehensive text describing practical welding techniques on various joints in all positions on most commercial metals.. EW804 .00 AWS Structural Welding Code........ EW-529 .. or visit www. this newly updated edition features: overviews of all welding processes... or the world of industry and its history. welding symbols. and widely used by students. it can improve welding quality and productivity..00 API Standard 1104. examples of good and bad weld beads...... Hobart tells the family story and company history. and other welded structures.. EW800 ... EW-531 .. filler metal selector guide for welding ASTM steels..95 Total Welding Management by Jack R..95 The Industrial Hobarts — This captivating new publication is a must-read for anyone who has an interest in welding.95 Welding Aluminum: Theory and Practice The most complete publication available on the welding of aluminum. 458 pages.. and more..... hobbyists and professionals as a handy reference.95 The Metal Trades Handbook — A book covering all aspects of the metal trades from roping to welding. EW-230 . P.. oven storage & reconditioning of filler metals....List Price $25. List Price $39.... 184 pages Item No.. AWS filler metal classifications & comparative indices... Item No....List Price $80... .................................welding.00 6...............EW-911 Causes and Cures Common Welding Trouble .........00 6.......................................00 78..................EW-912 Good and Bad Welds Ñ FCAW ...EW-905 Welding Positions ....... and send the “quality” message with a complete set of these attractive and instructive...org Full Color Posters Size: 11″ x 17″ $2....... call 800-332-9448 Ext..... EW-901 Types of Welds ...................... use form on page 19......................EW-906 Typical Weld Joint Symbols ........... easy cleaning Spiff up your shop or classroom.. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) .........org ...........................00 6.........95 Item No........ or visit www.......... EW914 Welding & Joining Processes Item No.EW-908 Plasma Arc Welding (PAW) .00 To see pictures of our wall posters visit our web site at www............... blue-on-gray....00 6..........00 6...............00 6.00 6............................. welding-related posters...WP-13 $66................ .........................00 6........................EW-907 Electrode Selection and Identification ..................50 each Sciences in a Weld Item No...........................................EW-903 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) (MIG) ..........................EW-904 Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) ...........00 6............................ EW915 Industrial Sectors Using Welding Item No.......................... List Price EW-453 .................EW-902 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) (GTAW). EW917 18 To order... EW916 Spark Testing of Metals Fillet Weld Gauge A valuable tool for measuring both convex and concave fillet weld dimensions Item No...................00 6......... .................. 5433...............00 6..................................WELDING TRAINING MATERIALS Wall Posters WP11 Set of 11 Colored Posters ....EW-913 Complete Set of Posters ....$34.......................welding...................EW-910 Examples of Good and Bad Beads .............................00 Size: 11Ó X 17Ó Set includes: • Common Terms Applied to a Weld • Arc Length • Diagram of Shielded Metal Arc Welding • Learn to Read the Puddle • Electrode Angle • Tungsten Electrode Preparation • 5 Essential • 5 Methods of Control • Travel Speed • The Fire Triangle • Fire Extinguisher Ratings 35Ó x 23Ó size for good shop or classroom visibility .....................00 6.........EW-909 Oxyacetylene Welding (OAW) ............... have plastic surface for durability..................... $30........ org SOLD TO: Name Company City State Title/Dept. 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International orders will be shipped as requested by the customer at their expense.00 per program is now available for each DVD program purchased from Hobart Institute of Welding Technology (HIWT)... Hawaii.00 to 1000. Shipping charges for continental U. $ 20. call 800-332-9448 Ext. This material may not be duplicated in whole or in part. All shipping charges will be added to the order total. . granted for a three year period.00 $26.00ÉÉ $10...S. $ 8..00 $51. $150. includes a signed document authorizing the electronic distribution of HIWT training materials to others within your organizationÕ s secure network.00………... DVD programs may contain multiple DVDÕ s.org .000. The intranet distribution of Hobart Institute DVDÕ s without a site license is prohibited.S.00É . Cancellation Policy: Cancellation of an order or any part of an order by the purchaser must be made prior to shipment without a cancellation fee being assessed.) 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DVD Warranty: All Hobart Institute of Welding Technology DVDs are warranted for a period of ninety (90) days after invoice date against defects including dropout or loss of signal.00 $ 1. they should be returned to their original cases after use. $ 30.00 $ 5. . you will have the opportunity to view videos.Price: $195. • You must score at least a 76% on each test to pass and to print a Certificate of Completion. or visit www. This course concentrates on the single most used method of welding inspection Ð what we can see with the eye. • Completion time for the course varies with each individual.00 Optional paper version of the Programmed Learning Packet which would be mailed to you. *IMPORTANT* HIWT reviews each order for accuracy and to protect you and HIWT from fraud. • View the Symbols for Welding Videos which are broken down into Topic Sections. you will be sent an email (typically within 1 business day) with access instructions for your Symbols for Welding Course. procedures and qualifications related to visual inspection • Visual inspection checklist Item # OL-002ÉÉ. during.org SYMBOLS FOR WELDING ONLINE COURSE The NEW online version of the Symbols for Welding course is based on the AWS A2. Within the online course from your personal computer at your home.00 To order. 5433.00 NEW! VISUAL INSPECTION ONLINE Anyone involved with arc welding should know the fundamentals of what to observe prior to. inspection. Item #: EW-342ÉÉP rice: $23. • Your password is good for a period of one year with unlimited log-ins during that time. or supervision.org 21 . school or office. quality control. please add Ò welding. A separate email with account access instructions and a link to the online course.welding. The course provides background for anyone involved in welding. • Take each of the 3 required Tests.welding.ONLINE COURSES TO ORDER FROM www. You may start and stop at any point. you will receive: 1. After authorization and capture of your payment by HIWT personnel. Take into consideration the time to watch the video plus the time to work through the learning packet plus the time to take the tests. Item #: OL-001……………………………………Price: $89. .orgÓ to your trusted/safe senderÕ s list. Upon purchase of the course. and after welding. Within the online course: • You will have the opportunity to download the EW-342 Symbols for Welding Learning Packet and work on specific problems. take exams to measure what you have learned about: • Functions of common welding gauges • Temperature indicators • Equipment requirements • Terminology of weld defects • General requirements for workmanship standards • Making repair welds • Codes. In addition. use form on page 19. call 800-332-9448 Ext. 2. An email of your online receipt of purchase. Each test may be taken two times. engineering.4 Symbols for Welding and Nondestructive Examination Standard. PI-37 Pro camoullage cap $12.XXL PI-04 Denim shirt $24. PI-11 Logo patch $3.00 Black poly duck with gold logo on both sides. L . High gloss finish.00 Fabric embroidered with 3-color logo. PI. Design is 3-1/2” x 2-3/4” PI-18 Static window cling $2.org . PI-07 Black cap $12. 8 oz.XL . 4” x 2-3/4” PI-16 Pen $5. small. self-adhesive material.95 Authentic Swiss pocket knife with scissors and case.95 Embroidered with 3-color logo. 16 oz. 3-color logo.XXL PI-35 Garment dyed cap $12. call 800-332-9448 Ext.95 White ceramic with 3-color logo on both sides.95 One size fits all. PI-12 Lapel pin $2.21 Coffee mug $4.aspx PI-03 Black T-shirt $14.95 One size fits all.50 3-color logo. PI-22 Shot glass $3.95 One size fits all.org/c-11-promotional-items. or visit www. and white.XXL Embroidered with 3-color logo.XL .welding.00 Twist action ball point.00 Solid brass with raised logo. PI-26 Travel mug $4.95 M . Spill proof lid. Orders may also be placed on the website at http://www.95 Authentic Swiss pocket knife with openers and cork screw.95 Embroidered with 3-color logo.50 Clear glass with black imprinted logo. Available in burgundy. Full length zipper and carrying straps.00 L . PI-34 Two-toned cap $12. Real tree hardwoods design with embroidered 3-color logo. PI-30 Pocket knife (smaller) $14. Garment dyed cap in pebble/black with 3-color logo.XL .95 3-color logo and school name on clear plastic. Quality items for HIWT students and alumni L .Note: No discounts on promotional items.00 3-color logo design on white.XL . use form on page 19. PI-24 Gray T-shirt $14. 22 To order. PI-23 Black hooded sweatshirt $24.XL .95 One size fits all. PI-38 Waffle beanie $9. 2” x 2” PI-10 Window decal $1. navy.00 L . PI-06 Golf shirt $24. 3-color logo. large.XXL Preshrunk with silk-screened.L . 2-1/8” x 1-3/8” PI-13 Magnet $1. Embroidered with embroidered 3-color logo. L 23" x H 10” x W 11”.XXL Embroidered with 3-color logo.25 Full-color logo imprint encased within crystal-clear acrylic key tag. PI-14 Pocket knife (larger) $24.95 L . PI-09 Belt buckle $6. PI-20 Duffle bag $18.welding.00 3-color log silk-screened on clear. PI-01 Gray hooded sweatshirt $24. Black with gold trim and logo. 5433. PI-05 Golf cap $12.95 One size fits all Gray twill with embroidered 3-color logo.95 One size fits all Garment dyed cap in black with embroidered 3-color logo. 7/8” wide PI-15 Key ring $2.XL . gray. Fits most built-in dring holders.XXL Silk screened.95 Vintage blue with gold logo. Black with ribbed-edge in chrome with embroidered 3-color logo. . A PHONE 937-332-5433 FAX 937-332-5220 1-800-332-9448 EXT.400 TRADE SQUARE EAST.org .S. TROY. 5433 www. OHIO 45373 U.welding.
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