
March 25, 2018 | Author: CoolerAds | Category: Advertising, Credit Card, Money, Business



MondayJune 1, 2015 Published by arens corp. P.O. Box 69 • 395 S. High St. Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 FAX: 855-715-0890 E-MAIL: [email protected] Check us out on the net! www.arenspub.com ECRWSS Postal Customer Penny Saver PRE-SORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation Where Your Ad IS The News Pictured, L-r: Lindsay, dave, Abby, Joan, Luke, Kristi, & Nicole Moorman Moorman Family Invites Penny Saver Along To Switzerland & Germany The Moorman family of Maria Stein traveled to Switzerland and Germany in July of last year. In Switzerland, they traveled around the city of Zurich and went tobogganing down Mt. Pilates. They drove on to Germany, visiting the Dachau concentration camp where they are pictured with their Penny Saver for our “Take Us Along” contest. They toured Munich, which included the English Garden and the Hofbrahaus. They met up with a former exchange student in Hessen before moving on to Heidelberg and Limburg. “It was a once in a lifetime trip,” wrote the Moormans, who will receive a prize on being selected winners in our contest. " !" # ~ GROCERY INDEX ~ BUSCHUR’S Page 3 ~ INSERTS ~ Full: Wagner’s IGA, Kroger Zoned: Johns IGA, Anna Market SUNDAY 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store) 937-492-6730 Visit our website! www.goffenafurniture.com HOURS: M-F 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm SAVE up to 60% in the Clearance Center ! ### SALE ENDS Check Out HUNDREDS of Floor Model Blow Outs! " PAGE 2 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 1, 2015 www.arenspub.com ! CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES # Stillwater Valley Advertiser & Penny Saver # " " THURSDAY, 5:00 PM $ ! " 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2020 FAX: 937-473-2500 ! " " $" %# " # # $ ! ! $# ! ! E-MAIL: [email protected] ! # ! "# " # ! " # # ! ! ! “Full Service Travel Agency with Over 15 Years Experience” ! %# # ! "$ " $$ ! 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Call us today! 473-2028 Advertise YOUR Business, Service or Product In The Penny Saver Business Service Directory The Penny Saver is delivered weekly to over 11,000 homes in Minster, New Bremen, New Knoxville, Maria Stein, Ft. Loramie and surrounding areas. What better way to make your business, service or product known to them, than to advertise right here on our Business Service Directory page! For the low, low cost of ONLY $26 PER MONTH (1 column X 1 inch ad), you can make your business known to thousands of prospective customers. YOUR business could be advertised here next week! In addition, your business occasionally will be featured, along with a photo, giving a brief description of your business and the services or products you offer. Participating businesses will be featured on a rotating basis. CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION! 937-473-2028 √ COUNT ME IN... I want my business included every week in the Penny Saver BSD. I understand it is delivered to more than 11,000 homes. I want them to think of me and my services for the low, low cost of only $2 per month, for a 1x1 ad. I also understand the featured picture (which I submit with a small write-up of my business) will be run on a rotating basis and is determined and used according to the length of time I let my ad run. This is a FREE additional service! Name______________________________________ Category 1 column x 1 inch $2 per month 1 column x 2 inch $4 per month 1 column x 1-1/2” $3 per month Address_____________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Clip & Mail To: Business Service Directory The Penny Saver P.O. Box 69, Covington, Ohio 45318 Print ad copy here: A www.arenspub.com #,20 !!+G%sAVER ( $ - JUNE '! 1, 2015 PAGE 5 -#PENNY Macpa ads Week of JUNE 1, 2015 ANNoUNcEMENts Acorn StAirliftS. the AfforDABle Solution to your StAirS! **limiteD time -$250 off your StAirlift PurchASe!** Buy Direct & SAVe. PleASe cAll 1-800-410-7127 for free DVD AnD Brochure. ANNoUNcEMENts DonAte your cAr, trucK or BoAt to heritAGe for the BlinD. free 3 DAy VAcAtion, tAx DeDuctiBle, free towinG, All PAPerworK tAKen cAre of. cAll 1-800-895-7416 ANNoUNcEMENts Got An olDer cAr, BoAt or rV? Do the humAne thinG. DonAte it to the humAne Society. cAll 1- 800-758-2204 ANNoUNcEMENts Got Knee PAin? BAcK PAin? ShoulDer PAin? Get A PAin-relieVinG BrAce -little or no coSt to you. meDicAre PAtientS cAll heAlth hotline now! 1800-419-3684 ANNoUNcEMENts Sell your StructureD Settlement or Annuity PAymentS for cASh now. you Don't hAVe to wAit for your future PAymentS Any lonGer! cAll 1800-391-0460 ANNoUNcEMENts SociAl Security DiSABility BenefitS. unABle to worK? DenieD BenefitS? we cAn helP! win or PAy nothinG! contAct Bill GorDon & ASSociAteS At 1-800-208-6915 to StArt your APPlicAtion toDAy! AUtoMotIVE Auto-inSurAnce-helP-line. helPinG you finD A cAr inSurAnce PAyment you cAn AfforD. toll free 888-800-2312 www.Auto-inSurAnce-helPline.orG AUtos WANtED cASh for cArS: cArS/trucKS wAnteD! runninG or not! we come to you! Any mAKe/moDel. inStAnt offer - cAll: 1-800-569-0003 BUsINEss to BUsINEss ADVertiSe to 500,000 homeS with A BuSineSS cArD Size AD. you chooSe the AreA of coVerAGe in free community PAPerS...we Do the reSt. cAll 800-450-7227 or ViSit mAcnetonline.com EMPLoYMENt the PAth to your DreAm joB BeGinS with A colleGe DeGree. eDucAtion QuArterS offerS A free colleGe mAtchinG SerVice. cAll 1-800-375-6219 EMPLoYMENt - DRIVERs new trucKS ArriVinG - exPerienceD otr DriVerS VAn DiViSion: runS 48 StAteS, heAVy from wi to PhilADelPhiA/ BAltimore/ mD AreA. flex home time. 99% no-touch. toP PAy! VAcAtion/ 401K/ ViSion/ DentAl/ DiSABility/ heAlth. reQuire clASS A cDl, 2 yrS otr exP. GooD mVr, referenceS. cAll ruth/miKe tti, inc. 1-800-558-2664 www.ttitrucKinG.com EVENts holDinG A cArniVAl! fAir! feStiVAl! juBilee! Promote it to oVer 1 million reADerS for only $200!!! ViSit www.miDAtlAnticeVentS.net for more DetAilS or cAll 800-450-7227. FoR sALE SAfe SteP wAlK-in tuB Alert for SeniorS. BAthroom fAllS cAn Be fAtAl. APProVeD By ArthritiS founDAtion. therAPeutic jetS. leSS thAn 4 inch SteP-in. wiDe Door. Anti-SliP floorS. AmericAn mADe. inStAllAtion incluDeD. cAll 1-800-906-3115 for $750 off '&" &$ 7 %& $& $% E ! $ &"$% & $! &"$% E && $ % #3:90 # #$"# ! & ! % # & $"" ! % $ % $( DI SERVICES !" . )2#(%-1 !1%,%-21 &$ !2(1 !* (''%#&" '" ( #&#&" $ ))!) ) ,49 %> > :<,840 LP Tank & Equipment Sales *2 . *, (&" 3 1 1 1 ! &- " , 0 & " - / * ( "A9492 C:?< :A9 >,96 ;,C= 1:< 4>=071 49 5?=> :90 C0,< ,7 ,7 ,7 % " % +0,<= B; ! ?77C 9=?<0/ $ G => 3 "'' ! "!%&$' & "! 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SAVe! reGulAr Price $32.99 ASK ABout free SAme DAy inStAllAtion! cAll now! 877-451-6721 Lots & AcREAGE uPStAte ny lAnD liQuiDAtion! forecloSureS, Short SAleS, ABAnDoneD fArmS, country eStAte liQuiDAtionS country trActS AVG. oVer 10 AcreS from $12,900 wAterfront, StreAmS, PonDS, ViewS, fArmhouSeS! termS AVAil! cAll 888-738-6994 now! newyorKlAnDAnDlAKeS.com " PAGE 6 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 1, 2015 www.arenspub.com (-23$1 *3.!$1%$23 1 #$ (2 -.6 ""$/3(-& -.,(- 3(.-2 %.1 1 -# 12' + " ! ! # & +$ 2$ 2$-# +$33$1 23 3(-& 1$ 2.-2 8.4 %$$+ 3'(2 /$12.- .1& -(9 3(.- #$2$15$2 3'(2 3(3+$ (+ $-31($2 3. (-23$1 *3.!$1%$23 1 #$ .7 (-23$1 = +(&(!(+(38 1$04(1$,$-32 1$ 2 %.++.62 ( #!" ! " # " !" " !" !" " ( #!" $ " " ! "! " !" # "& ( # " % " #" ! ' " $ $ & "! " % ' # " !" $ " #!" !! " %" " " ' $ # " % % ! !! " %" ! " " ! "& $ $ " #"& ( & " !" " $ $ " !& % ! 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Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. %" !%& $ ! ) $ ! ( )"$ $ &" $ ! & " ! $ ! ! %'$$"'! ! " ' !& % $ &% & "! " ! % ! !& $& ! !& "$ & % + $,% ' $ "! $& $ % $ $ % ( $ ! ) &% & % + $ &" $ ! && & " ( $+& ! "$ % % + $,% ! '# " !& $& ! !& % % " ")% ! ' ! %& ( % "$ !%& $ ) $ ! ! ) !"*( '< 92* 92* 92* 92* 90< 90< 90< 90< 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, *48 (8 3:.* '1.0< .,-8 *; 6*1*2 97/ 26.(-1*28 8( *; 6*1*2 41 '659.7 .278*6 41 .)2.,-8 4*(.'0 *; 6*1*2 41 $'08 (-1.81*<*6 8-* 3320.,-8*67 *; 6*1*2 41 & $ %# 4.88.2= 1',* *; 6*1*2 41 ;.2, 6' '2) .278*6 41 = $ !34 -*0+ .278*6 41 '6').7* 70'2) '2) .278*6 41 ! $ '(/ 36(- ;.2, '2) .278*6 41 ., '2) 392)7 3+ ;.2, *; 6*1*2 41 " ! $ ! ! ! ! "! $&% ) ! !%& $ ! ! ) $ ! & $")! ( "! ! & & " '! &+ $ "!,& "$ & &" $ ! +"'$ DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-4779659 Dish Network - Get MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) PLUS Bundle & SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) CALL Now! 1-800-615-4064 Wanted to Buy CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800371-1136 Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at [email protected] or visit our website cadnetads.com for more information. Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada. $)0& / / / / / / / / / / ( 0 & ' (" (0' + # $) $) * #$ $"% ( ( $# * !! ( )' # '' # ($+# & & #$ # + % $%! "$* # #($ -$)& & $) + #( ($ % -$)& ! & #* #($&$) * "$& )' # '' ( # -$) # # ! &( & ( ' . &$ $) * "$& ( # #$) & # ' ( ( ' $% -$)& )' # '' %# -$) & ($$ )'$) # (( -$)& ( & " !! $# ( ' - & ( &( , ' $) * #$ ' & ($ +$& & $) +$)! * ($ & "$& % $%! ($ # ! ( ( $# ! )' # '' ( ( * &( ' # & # ' ( " ($ '( &( * &( ' # + # -$) $#0( & + ( !! ( $* %! ($ '( &( * &( ' # ' % % &' ( ( * & )! 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But now, you find yourself asking: “Is it all worth it?” It’s time to create a consistent, customer-pulling ad campaign that gets results! Let us help you measure your current budget and marketing scheme... and turn it into one that will get results fast! arens corporation PO Box 69 • Covington, OH 45318 • 1-937-473-2028 www.arenspub.com PAGE 7 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 1, 2015 FOR SALE: ‘06 Honda VTX1300C motorcycle. Black. Windshield. Saddle bags. 18,600 miles. $4,300. 419-629-3037 Mobile Auto Repairs LLC ASE certified. 35+ years experience. GM engine, transmission, & differential repair. Call Dennis at 937-459-8451. Garage Sales " ! '+ 0 '+/0#. #/'"# '. ,,0 ! ! SALE!!! USA Pottery; jewelry; old bottles; quilts; colored glassware; diecast cars; maple bench; antique lamps. June 7, 9:30-4. 5385 W. Kessler-Cowlesville, West Milton. HUGE GARAGE SALE: June 4-6, 9-6. 269 N. Main St., West Milton. Antiques & garage sale items. 3 # 1')"'+% #- '.'+% 0 .0#./ )0#.+ 0,./ #+#. 0,./ $,. 10, %.'!1)01.# +" +"1/0.' ) .'+# ,0,.!2!)# +" )) -,.0/ #&'!)#/ 3 ,*-)#0# '+# ,$ #( 00#.'#/ ,. )# ! 3-FAMILY BARN SALE: TV stand; sewing machine; kitchen stove; flute & piccolo; many electronics. Just a few items mentioned. Come check it out! June 4-5-6, 9-? 8909 W. Covington-Gettysburg Rd., Covington. ! ! $ ! ! %$! !% " ! ! !# # ! ! " ! $ "! ! $! ≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤ GARAGE SALE: 307 Ullery Dr., Covington. June 4-5-6, 9-? Collectibles; baby items; porcelain dolls; household; lots of misc. SALE!!! 702 Walnut St., Covington. Colorful, painted, re-purposed furniture; home decor; misc. items. June 5, 8-5; June 6, 8-3. You don’t want to miss this one! 5-FAMILY SALE: June 4-5-6. 8870 Klinger Rd., Covington. ‘10 camper; designer purses; vintage glass; bistro set; wicker swing; air conditioners; clothes; household items. DAYCARE CLOSING: Toys; high chair; schoolbus slide; riding toys; Pack ‘n Plays. GARAGE SALE: Fri. & Sat., June 5-6, 9-? 420 W. Franklin, Pleasant Hill. Mopar complete Sunriser soft-top for ‘07-’15 Wrangler JK 2-door Jeep; 5th Wheel cover; 5th Wheel hitch; Dell XPO-8100, 8gm memory, keyboard & mouse; & more! HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. preceding publication. VILLAGE OF LAURA COMMUNITY GARAGE SALES: June 4-6. LARGE 3-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: June 4-5-6, 9-5. Antiques & vintage glassware; furn.; craft items; material; toys; men’s, women’s & girls’ clothes; household & misc. Corner of Clark & Linden (1401), Piqua. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: June 4 thru 6, 8-? 9190 N. Rangeline, Covington. GARAGE SALE: 11540 St. Rt. 571 (corner of Lowrey Rd. & 571), Laura. June 4-5, 8-? Loveseat; women’s clothing; bell collection; small appliances; & much more! MULTI-FAMILY MOVING SALE: 414 E. Broadway, Covington. Furn.; household items; dorm room carpet; stove, 1 yr. old; clothes. June 4-5-6, 9-? HUGE ANTIQUE & GARAGE SALE! Formerly Cornergate Antiques — just moved! Furn.; Flow Blue dishes; baskets; boxes; pictures; wreaths; pillows; linens; new resin wicker set w/cushions; garage items; & lots more. June 4-5-6 (?), 8-5. Brookston Subdivision, 114 Crosby St., Covington. GARAGE SALE: Books; collectors’ items; records; puzzles; clothing; household items; Christmas items; misc. 294 N. Ludlow, Covington. June 4-6, 9-5. ARE YOU PLANNING A GARAGE SALE Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5:00 PM preceeding publication the next week. INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has full-time employment. Laborer: $10/hr. CDL Driver: $16-$18/hr. Training provided. Benefits. Apply at: 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City HELP WANTED: Food service for Fairs & Festivals. Full- & part-time. Must be at least 17 years of age. Call 937-692-5798 GREAT CLERICAL Opportunity with Local Company! Clerical & customer service duties. Qualified applicant must be willing to transition to some sales in the future. Send resume to: Clerical Opportunity, P.O. Box 74, West Milton, OH 45383. WANTED: Class A CDL Driver. Full- or part-time. Dump trailer experience preferred, but willing to train the right person. Home daily. Retirees welcome. Must pass drug screen & have physical card. 937-538-0524 W Wo or rk k W Wa an nt te ed d DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation work. 937-232-7380 MARK HOMAN & SONS Maria Stein, Ohio Will do any type of spring tillage work. Planting (have several planters). Big baling (wet & dry). Silo filling. Reasonable rates. Contact Ron Homan, 419-733-3648. AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc. For FREE estimate, call 260-701-8020. LICENSED PLUMBER looking for small repair/remodel jobs. Water heaters & water softeners installed for $150. 937-875-7312 AFFORDABLE CLEANING, LLC: Cleaning up homes & businesses. 20 yrs. experience. Affordable rates. Insured. 419-852-8338 Page 8 - PENNY SAVER - juNE 1, 2015 www.arenspub.com Select 131 S. Washington St. New Bremen 419-629-2683 • 1-800-700-0405 www.timselect.com Tim Hemmelgarn Broker, Owner, ABR Brian Schwieterman Realtor Chris Thobe Realtor Jon Wente Donna Albers Realtor Realtor The Strength of Teamwork... The Reputation For Results! 3 Acre Lake Front Featured Homes d l o S $ 290K ID# 223 N. Franklin St., New Bremen, ID# 2025 412 West Haven, New Bremen Sale ng i d n Pe ID# 2022 212 S. Main St., New Bremen www.timselect.com N e wi n g List 2009 12550 Shelby Rd., Minster Very spacious 2 story home located in New Bremen. This home offers an abundance of square footage and living space. The main floor features a living room, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, a huge laundry room/study, and a rec room with pool table and bar. There is also a two car attached garage and a fenced back yard with an above ground pool. The home has seen numerous updates over the years and has been well maintained. There are two separate HVAC units for the upstairs and downstairs areas and the average utilities are very reasonable. This is a great opportunity to own a family size home at an affordable price. www.timselect.com d l o S 420 S. Washington St., New Bremen d Price 00 7,8 2 1 $ at 4545 Lock Two, New Bremen, ID# 2018 ID# 2004 12022 Lotus Rd., Minster www.timselect.com ice r P New ID# 2001 211 W. Spring St., New Knoxville 00 9 , 9 7 $ Very well maintained home located in Lock Two just outside of New Bremen. This home features spacious rooms and plenty of living space. There is a bedroom located on the first floor and 2 bedrooms, with the possibility of a third, on the second level. The laundry room is located on the first floor. Outside, the home has very little maintenance with durable siding and a new roof in 2010. This is a nice opportunity to own a home outside of town for a very reasonable price. ID# 2026 213 E. Front St., New Bremen www.timselect.com Cardinal Subdivision Lot 11 Sale ng i d n Pe www.timselect.com ice r P New ice r P New ice r P New d l o S ID# 2024 315 W. Monroe St., New Bremen 224 S. Washington St., New Bremen www.timselect.com www.timselect.com Sale ng i d n Pe ID# www.timselect.com 233 W. Main St., Russia www.timselect.com N e wi n g List 2011 11 Kamman Circle, New Bremen, ID# 2003 ID# 2008 20 N. Main St., New Bremen www.timselect.com ID# 2028 115 Dicke Dr., New Bremen www.timselect.com d l o S 2644 Russia Houston Rd., Russia ID# 2015 12024 Lotus Rd., Minster www.timselect.com www.arenspub.com Page 9 - PENNY SAVER - juNE 1, 2015 reMax SeleCt iS SelliNg HouSeS!!! Yours Could Be Next. We will advertise your home here every Week. Call us for maximum marketing exposure!!! www.TIMSELECT.com Check Out NEW Sur veyed Lot Lines Sale ng i d n Pe ID# ID# 2021 310 S. Washington, New Bremen www.timselect.com ID# 2002 20402 St rt 119, maplewood 311 Main St., Anna 2007 www.timselect.com ed c u d e R Price 0k $1 ice r P New ID# ID# 2010 2006 8 Kamman Circle, New Bremen 146 St. Clair Place, New Bremen www.timselect.com www.timselect.com Subdivision a place to call home www.timselect.com commercIal ID# 2005 721 W. Monroe St., New Bremen www.timselect.com CoMMerCial Building lots Schwieterman St. Between New Bremen & Minster Lots Starting at $56,000 Walnut Street Subdivision New Bremen Cardinal Subdivision New Bremen 32 lots available 17 lots available near the high school Prices start at Prices start at $40,000 Cardinal Subdivision Lot 25 d l o S $40,000 www.timselect.com www.timselect.com s 114 Harlamert Dr., New Bremen Select Tim Hemmelgarn Broker, Owner, ABR Brian Schwieterman Realtor Chris Thobe Realtor Jon Wente Realtor 131 S. Washington St., New Bremen 419-629-2683 • 1-800-700-0405 Each office is independently owned and operated.® Donna Albers Realtor www.facebook.com/newbremen www.timselect.com PAGE 10 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 1, 2015 www.arenspub.com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enny Saver FOR RENT—FORT LORAMIE: Four bdrms., 2 full baths. $850/mo. + deposit. Refrig. & stove included. W/D hook-up. Large fenced-in backyard. Small pets OK. 937-602-0434 APT. FOR RENT FORT LORAMIE Two bdrms. Stove & refrigerator furnished. W/D hook-up. Off-street parking. 937-295-2002 FOR RENT—FT. LORAMIE: Very nice 2 bdrm. Remodeled. Light oak, well-lit kitchen & bath. High-efficiency furnace, water heater, & air. Well insulated. Taking applications. 937-295-3664 FOR RENT: Small house in New Bremen. One-car attached garage. No pets. Non-smoker. References required. $475/month + deposit. 419-628-2961 FOR RENT—MINSTER: Half duplex. One bdrm. Call 419-346-0629 FOR RENT—BRADFORD: One bdrm. apt. $350/month. Two bdrm. apt. w/20x20 garage. $475/month. 937-448-0526 FOR SALE: 5+ acre farm east of Covington. Three bdrms., 1.5 baths. Two-story farm house. Separate garage. Four acres tillable. 937-671-4255 FOR RENT—PLEASANT HILL: Two bdrm. apt. Off-street parking. Stove, refrig. & W/D furnished. 1st floor. $385/mo. + $385 deposit. 937-216-7550 FOR RENT—PLEASANT HILL: Three bdrm. apt. Stove, refrig. & W/D furnished. Off-street parking. Upstairs. $450/mo. + $450 deposit. 937-216-7550 ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™ WEST MILTON: Two bdrm. apt. & 2 bdrm. townhouse. W/D hook-up. Appliances included. Trash paid. No pets. 937-698-0113 www.viewanapartment.com Classifieds MATTRESS WOW! New, in plastic. With warranty. 14” Profile mattress. No-flip pillowtop. Soft layers of comfort, providing superior support without any pressure points. Luxurious cover. Price includes FREE box springs. Twin: $219. Full: $237. Queen: $259. King: $399. We deliver! 937-884-5455 NICE, STURDY Oak Cabinets: $2,250. Already removed. Countertops included. Pictures on website: www.tinyurl.com/nbcabinets. New Bremen, 614-783-3664 WOOD FOR SALE: Several hundred board feet of dried oak, cherry, & walnut. Please call 937-902-1397 if interested or for more information. 1976 JOHN DEERE 2040 Tractor: Runs good. Has no loader. Tac broken. Not replaced. Asking price: $6,500 OBO. Wapakoneta 419-568-5725 ROLL-TOP DESK, 48x41 in., 5 drawers, $75; Garden Oasis gazebo, 10x12 ft., new, still in box, $175; sofa, 76 in. long, cream floral, 3-cushion, like new, $200. 937-216-4426 PICNIC SET: Used once. Forest green/tan. $20. (2) framed pictures, 22x20, country scenes. $25 for pair. 937-448-0186 CAMPER FOR SALE: ‘95 Electra, 31’ long. $4,800. 937-526-3193. 8727 Burns Rd., Versailles. Noon-5 p.m. ‘05 AVALON PONTOON: 20 ft. of family fun! With 40hp Yamaha motor. Good cond. Seldom used. Docked at Lake Loramie. $6,900. 937-295-2323 FRESH PICKED STRAWBERRIES!!! Burns’ Market, 4865 Myers Rd., Covington. Turn east off 41 onto Myers. Watch for signs! Closed Sunday. WEIGANDT $&( #'( & # ( ! * # ( # ( ! $# ( *** * # (& ! '( ( $" *** * # ( ) !$%" #( $" ! Page 11 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 1, 2015 www.arenspub.com LD! SO 22 ID 30 Minster - 180 W. Fourth St. Two-unit investment property. 5 bdrm apartment & commercial shop/office space. lake loramie waterfront lot 28 ID 95 Minster - 93 S. Hanover St. Endless amounts of character, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, many updates, 2-1/2 car garage with heated workshop. westphalia estates subdivision Minster - 2029 Green Timber Trail Nicely updated home, 1.12 acre “wooded lot”, 4 bdrms, 4 bath, family rm, living rm, full basement, 3-car garage. ID 15 28 Minster - 126 Northcrest Dr. Exceptional 5/6 bdrm, 4-1/2 bath home located in Parkview Acres. Call Todd to discuss the details of this outstanding opportunity! Minster - 187 N. Hanover St. 3 bdrm, 1 bath home. Newer furnace, roof, windows, electrical panel ... Owner says sell! ID 80 28 ID 67 28 Minster - Eagle Acres Plaza - Commercial space for lease in high traffic area, lease as-is or owner will build to suit. Call Todd for more details. 27 ID 75 Waterfront building lot with 110’ of waterfront, central sewage, mature trees, located near maple grove, rare opportunity... Call for more Details. 10 ID 01 Minster - 148 N. Lincoln St. 3 bdrm, 1 full bath ranch style home, nice updates, appliances, full basement, 2-car garage. Co nd o Triplex Apartment 27 ID 85 ID 66 28 Minster - 37/39/41 East Fourth St. Easy to rent 3-unit apartment building, appliances, great cash flow. OwBe Y n B ou os r s! Co ID 70 93 nd o Lake Loramie - 12244 Short Dr. Unit #1 - Newer 3 bdrm “Water Front” Condominium. 28 ID 85 Minster - 710 Oakwood Drive Updated 2 bdrm, 2 bath condominium with full basement and 1-car garage. for Ca De ll tai ls Minster - 271 N. Main St. Commercial Building for sale or lease, drive up window, plenty of off-street parking, 2-car outbuilding, newer improvements in 2014. Minster - 12811 Luthman Rd. 2 bdrm, 2 bath ranch, 1-car heated garage, tranquil location, walk to Lake Loramie. Co ns New tru cti on ID 30 19 ! ! D L O S SOLD Minster - 5010 Hunters Trail. New Custom Built Home on Wooded Lot. 3 bdrm, 2 full bath, open floor plan, 2-1/2 car garage, full 9’ basement, great location. Minster - 11 Crestwood Dr. 4 bdrm, 2-1/2 bath, family rm, living rm, finished lower level. New Knoxville 12 lots Now available Developer Now offers $2,000 Rebate on all lots ... Ft. Loramie - 140 Liberty Way: Brand New “Custom Built” 2 bdrm, 2 bath condominium now under construction, full basement, 2-car garage and more. ID 60 20 New Knoxville - 107 W. Spring St. 4 bdrm, 2 full bath older, 2-story home, family rm, living rm, 2-car garage. $64,900 Minster - 44 S. Frankfort St. Nice, neat updated 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath condominium, 1-car garage, new paint & carpet. Full set of appliances. 27 ID 60 ID 40 15 SAL 28 ID 65 Minster - 117 E. Third St. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, living room, family room, 1-1/2 car garage, plus 2-car detached garage on additional lot. ! DING N E P E 28 ID 25 ! SOLD Lo Grea ca t tio n ID 90 25 28 ID 70 ID 75 28 27 ID 65 28 ID 90 We Deliver results ... ID 030 L1 deerfield run subdivision Minster/New bremen area ID 45 28 ! SOLD Developer offers $2,000 Rebate on lot Costs. only (2) lots Remain! BuSINESS FOR SALE - Be your own boss! Purchase “Curves” located in Eagle Plaza in Minster. Complete Turn-Key Sale ... Call for details! “There is no subsTiTuTe for experienCe” WEIGANDT Cruizer’s Bar and Grill - 115 North St., Russia Fabulous opportunity to purchase a very nice facility and established local business ... Call for details. Call for more Details ... Minster - 56 E. Sixth St. Updated 3/4 bdrm home, 1 full bath, new kitchen, new flooring, updated bath, great location. Now Celebrating 38 Years of Continued Service! View All Listings At: www.weigandtrealestate.com REAL ESTATE LTD. 90 North main St. minster, Oh. 45865 (419) 628-3107 (800) 803-8213 Email: [email protected] www.weigandtrealestate.com www.weigandtdevelopment.com dIck wEIGANdT brokEr JEff lENTz Todd wEIGANdT brokEr/AucTIoNEEr brokEr dEAN kEmpEr AGENT JANE kAylor AGENT rANdy spIllErs sANdy scHmITmEyEr AGENT AGENT Isaac Hoying AGENT Page 12 - PENNY SAVER - juNE 1, 2015 www.arenspub.com
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