22106320 Sewage Treatment Plant Design Project

April 3, 2018 | Author: Shreyas Panchal | Category: Sewage Treatment, Sanitary Sewer, Wastewater, Liquids, Hydrology



ABSTRACTVellore Municipality has been upgraded with Corporation status. The steady incremental in the city population results in the increase of domestic sewage generation. But still now there is no treatment plant. So it is required to construct a Sewage Treatment Plant with sufficient capacity to treat the increased sewage. The project deals with the design of the Sewage Treatment plant and its major components such screening chamber, grit chamber, skimming tank, sedimentation tank, secondary clarifier, active sludge tank and sludge drying beds. The project covers the 10.54 sq.km, 48 wards of Vellore Municipal Corporation for next 30 years and its increased population. Vellore City, the Head Quarters of the Vellore District is at a distance of 135 km West of Chennai and 35 km south of Chittoor Town (Andhra Pradesh). With regard to Vellore, almost the entire town and environment are plain and the general slope is from West to East. The town is situated at the alti tude of 12°S5°N latitude and 78°E longitude. The soil of the area is being gravel, rocky and a large proportion of sand and gravel. All the aspects of Vellore¶s climate and topography, its population growth rate is to be considered while designing the project. By the execution of the project the entire sewage of the city can be treated effectively and efficiently. 1 ABBREVIATIONS Qo (m3 / h) Qe (m3 / h) Qr (m3 / h) Qw (m3 / h) BOD (mg / L) BODo (mg / L) SS (mg / L) SSr , w (mg / L) A (m3 / h) MLSS (mg / L) t (h) OL (kg BOD / m . day) F / M (kg BOD / kg MLSS . day) R SA (day) ASR (m3 / kg BOD) E (%) Cd 3 Influent flow - rate Effluent flow - rate Recycled sludge flow - rate Wasted sludge flow - rate Biochemical oxygen demand Influent biochemical oxygen demand Suspended solids (SS) Recycled and wasted sludge SS Air flow - rate Mixed liquor suspended solids Hydraulic retention time Organic loading Food to microorganism ratio Recycle ratio Sludge age Air supply rate BOD removal efficiency Co-efficient of discharge 2 INTRODUCTION SEWERAGE ± GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both runoff (effluents) and domestic. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its objective is to prod uce a treated effluent and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment. This material is often inadvertently contaminated with many toxic organic and inorganic compounds. Sewage implies the collecting of wastewaters from occupied areas and conveying them to some point of disposal. The liquid wastes will r equire treatment before they are discharged into the water body or otherwise disposed of without endangering the public health or causing offensive conditions. As the cities have grown, the more primitive method of excreta disposal have gain place to the water -carried sewerage system. Even in the small cities the greater safety of sewerage, its convenience, and freedom from nuisance have caused it to be adopted wherever finances permit. DEFINITIONS Sewerage is the art of collecting, treating and finally disposing of the sewage. Sewage is liquid, consists of any one or a mixture of liquid waste origins from urinals, latrines, bath rooms, kitchens of a dwelling, commercial building or institutional buildings. Storm sewage is a liquid flowing in sewer during or following a period of rainfall and resulting there from. 3 A Partially Separate Sewer System is the sewerage system in which the domestic sewage is carried with the storm water in the rain season. Activated sludge is the active biological floc produced in activated sludge plants, largely composed of saprotrophic bacteria, protozoan flora (amoebae) and a range of other filter feeding species. Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) is the amount of suspended solids in the mix of raw water and activated sludge. Return activated sludge (R.A.S) is the activated sludge extracted from the system and mixed with raw water to form the mixed liquor. Waste activated sludge (W.A.S.) or Surplus Activated Sludge (S.A.S.) is excess activated sludge that is extracted from the system to be directed to sludge treatment. Sludge Age is the average residence time of biological solids in the system. It can be defined as the average lifespan of bacteria in the system. Overflow rate / Surface loading is the discharge per unit of plan area. This parameter is the design factor in designing the settling tanks. Food to Micro-organisms ratio (F/M ratio) is the ratio between daily BOD load applied to Aerator System and total microbial mass in the system. 4 TREATMENT OF SEWAGE The treatment of sewage consists of many complex functions. The degree of treatment depends upon the characteristics of the raw inlet sewage as well as the required effluent characteristics. Treatment processes are often classified as: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Preliminary treatment Primary treatment Secondary treatment Tertiary treatment. PRELIMINARY TREATMENT: Preliminary treatment consists solely in separating the floating materials like tree branches, papers, pieces of rags, wood etc. and heavy settable inorganic solids. It helps in removal of oils and greases and reduces the BOD by 15% to 30%. The processes under this are:  Screening  Grit chamber ± to remove floating papers, rags, clothes. ± to remove grit and sand. Skimming tank ± to remove oils and greases. PRIMARY TREATMENT: Primary treatment consists in removing large suspended organic solids. It is usually accomplished by sedimentation in settling basins. The liquid effluent from the primary treatment often contains a large amount of suspended organic material and has a high BOD (about 60% of original). 5 Anaerobic Biological Units: I) II) III) Anaerobic lagoons Septic tanks Imhoff tanks.SECONDARY TREATMENT: Here the effluent from primary treatment is treated through biological decomposition of organic matter carried out either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. ground. etc. Aerobic Biological Units: I) II) Filters ( intermittent sand filters.). trickling filters) Activated Sludge Plant (feed of active sludge. river. TERTIARY TREATMENT: The purpose of tertiary treatment is to provide a final treatment stage to raise the effluent quality before it is discharged to the receiving environment (sea. The effluent from the secondary treatment contains a little BOD (5% to 10% of original) and may contain several milligrams per litre of s DO. it is always the final process. lake. 6 . secondary settling tank and aeration tank) III) Oxidation ponds and Aerated lagoons. If disinfection is practiced. More than one tertiary treatment process may be used at any treatment plant. It is also known as "effluent polishing". Vellore Corporation.4 300 mg/l 600 mg/l 50 mg/l 600 mg/l 61 mg/l 50 mg/l 5 mg/l 100000 MPN/ml 5. RAW SEWAGE OF VELLORE Corp. ** .* EFFLUENT (expected)** PARAMETERS pH BOD COD Oil & Grease Total Suspended Solids Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen Total Phosphorus (as PO4) Total Coli form 6. tested in Environmental laboratory with Technical division.Expected effluent characteristics according the design.5-9. The future period for which the provision is made in designing the capacities of various components of the sewerage is known as design period.0 ” 20 mg/l ” 250 mg/l ” 5 mg/l ” 30 mg/l ” 5 mg/l ” 50 mg/l ” 5 mg/l ” 1000 no/100 ml * . 7 . the future expansions of the city and consequent increase in the sewage quantity should be forecasted to serve the community satisfactor ily for a reasonable year. This sewage treatment plant is designed for 30 years.DESIGN PERIOD: A sewerage scheme involves the laying of underground sewer pipes and construction of costly treatment units.Raw sewage characteristics. which cannot be replaced or increased in their capacities easily or conveniently at a later date. In order to avoid such complications. 413 Avg = -34.13.9 x 14278 + 0.89. x (-1342) 8 .366 25.77. = -1342. x = +n +n Base period as 2010.413 + 0. Year Population Incremental Incremental increase 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 1.622 9.024 7.082 1.74.165 814 2.742 1.538 = =  = 14.9 = 1.351 1.39. = 1.75.247 1.278.061 1.POPULATION FORECAST: Forecasting method: Incremental increase method.718 1.116.389 Avg = -5.430 35.352 17. 45. = 1.4 x 14278 + 2.9 x 14278 + 3.45.413 + 3. Ultimate design period as 2040. x (-1342) x (-1342) 9 .343.9 = 2.920. = 1.77.413 + 2.Intermediate period as 2025.920 At design period of 30 years the forecasted population of the Vellore city is 2.77.4 = 2.10. 924 cumec 10 . sewage generation per day = Avg.56 MLD In cumec. water supply per day = 135 lpcd = 24920 x 135 = 33199200 § 33200000 = 33.8 x 33.920 Per Capita Water Supply Avg.2 = 26. sewage generation per day = 80% of supplied water = 0.308 cumec Max. discharge = 3 x 0.CALCULATION OF SEWAGE GENERATION: Ultimate design period = 30 years Forecasted population at 2040 = 24. Avg. discharge = 3 x avg. discharge         = 0.308 = 0.2 MLD Avg. The natural forces of purification cannot purify any amount of sewage within specified time. the objective of sewage treatment is to produce a disposable effluent without causing harm or trouble to the communities and prevent pollution. then receiving water will become polluted or the land will become sewage sick.SEWAGE TREATMENT PROCESS GENERAL Sewage contains various types of impurities and disease bacteria. This sewage is disposed of by dilution or on land after its collection and conveyance. These treatment processes will directly depend on the types of impurities present in the sewage and the standard up to which trea tment is required. 11 . which will convert it into harmful substances. OBJECT OF TREATMENT The main object of treatment units is to reduce the sewage contents (solids) from the sewage and remove all the nuisance causing elements and change the character of the sewage in such a way that it can be safely dis charged in natural water course applied on the land. is more and porous land or large quantity of water bodies is not available for the proper disposal of sewage. Under such circumstances it becomes essential to do some treatment of the sewage. industrial sewage etc. Practically the treatment of sewage is required in big cities only where the volume of the sewage is more as well as the quantity of various types of solid. If the quantity of sewage is more. If the sewage is directly disposed of. In other words. so that it can be accepted by the land or receiving water without any objection. it will be acted upon the natural forces. The plant should not be much far away from the town to reduce the length of the sewer line. the plant should be located near the river bank. 12 . but also result in the maximum use of the end product with economy. Care should be taken that the plant is not considerably under loaded in the initia l stages. The ultimate design period should be 30 years and to that extent sufficient accommodation should be provided for all the units necessary to cater to the need of ultimate population. The regulatory bodies might have laid down standard for the effluent or might specify the condition under which the effluent must be discharged into the natural stream. In some cases. the treatment plant should be located near the land at such a place from where the treated sewage can directly flow under gravitational forces toward the disposal point. The time lag between the design and completion should not normally exceed 2-3 years. DESIGN PERIOD The treatment plant is normally designed to meet the requirement over a 30 year period after it completion. If the sewage as to be disposed finally in to the river. particularly the sedimentation tank. The method of treatment adopted should not only meet the requirement of the regulatory bodies. LOCATION OF TREATMENT PLANT The treatment plant should be located as near to the point of disposal as possible. Care should be taken while locating the site that it should be on the downstream side of the city and sufficiently away from water intake works. it may b e necessary to combine a number of sewage systems with a common sewage treatment plant. If finally the sewage as to be applied on land.DEGREE OF TREATMENT The degree of treatment will mostly be decided by regulatory agencies and the extent to which the final product of treatment are to be utilized. y The site of treatment plant should be very neat and give very good appearance. 13 . that it may cause difficulties in the expansion of town and may pollute the general atmosphere by smell and fly nuisance. so that sewage from one process should directly go to other process. y Bypass and overflow weir should be provided to cut out of operation any unit when required. y If possible all the plant should be located at such elevation that sewage can flow from one plant into next under its force of gravity only. y y Sufficient area should be occupied for future extension. so that operators can watch the plant easily. Staff quarter and office also should be provided near the treatment plant. y All the treatment units should be arranged in such a way that minimum area is required it will also ensure economy in its cost.On the other hand the site should not be close to the town. convenience and economy in the operation. All channels. LAYOUT OF TREATMENT PLANT The following point should be kept in mind while giving layout of any sewage treatment plant: y All the plant should be located in the order of sequence. conduits should be laid in such a way as to obtain flexibility. 14 . 15 . 16 . but the average domestic flow plus the maximum industrial flow on the yearly re cord basis. y y Self cleaning velocity should develop at every place and stage.POINT CONSIDERED IN DESIGN: Following points are considered during the design of sewage treatment unit: y y The design period should be taken between 25 to 30 years. y Overflow weirs and the bypasses should be provided to cut the particular operation if desired. y Instead of providing one big unit for each treatment more than two numbers small units should provided. easy in maintenance should offer flexibility in operation. which will provide in operation as well as no stoppage during maintenance and repair of the plant. The design should not be done on the hourly sewage flow basis. The design of the treatment units should be economical. 44 m3 Provide. depth = 3m Area = = 18. The main sewer pipe is directly connected with this tank. DESIGN: Design flow = 0.8 m2 Vrqd = 55.924 x 60 Vrqd = 55.44 m3 Vdes > Vrqd Receiving chamber is designed for the size of 6. It is a rectangular shape tank constructed at the entrance of the sewage treatment plant.2m CHECK: Volume designed = 6.2m X 3m X 3m (SWD) + 0.5 (FB) 17 .48 m2 Length: Breadth = 2:1 L x B = 2B x B =2B2 = 18.RECEIVING CHAMBER Receiving chamber is the structure to receive the raw sewage collected through Under Ground Sewage System from the city.924 cumec Detention time = 60 sec Volume required = flow X detention time = 0.2 x 3 x 3 Vdes = 55.48 B = 3m L = 6. 18 . tampons. The bypass channel is provided with vertical bar screen. rags. y To remove the major floating matters from the ra w sewage in a simple manner before it reaches into the complex high energy required process. y To protect the pumps and other equipments from the possible damages due to floating matter. 19 . COARSE SCREENS ` The coarse screens essentially consist of steel bars or flat placed 30° to 60° inclination to the horizontal.SCREENING GENERAL: Screening is the very first operation carried out at a sewage treatment plant and consists of passing the raw sewage through different types of screens so as to trap and remove the floating matter such as tree leaves. interfere with the satisfactory operation of treatment unit or equipment. PURPOSE OF SCREENING: Screening is essential in sewage treatment for removal of materials which would otherwise damage the plant. paper. cans. gravel. fibre. These racks are cleaned mechanically. A well drained trough is provided to store the impurities while cleaning the rack. The width of the rack channel should be sufficient so that self cleaning velocity should be available and a bypass channel should be provided to prevent the overtopping. The opening between bars are 50mm or above. timber pieces. and kitchen refuse etc. These racks are placed in the screen chamber provided in the way of sewer line. 6 m/s Clear area = = 0. Velocity through screen at peak flow = 1.DESIGN OF COARSE SCREEN: Peak discharge of sewage = 0.924 m3/s Assume the velocity at average flow is not allowed to exceed 0.5 m (FB) 20 .16 m2 Clear opening between bars Size of the bars = 30 mm = .13 m Provide width of the channel = 1.2 m Coarse screen channel is designed for the size of 1.03 m = 75 mm x 10 mm Assume width of the channel = 1m The screen bars are placed at 60° to the horizontal.8 m/s The net area screen opening required = = 1.2 m X 0.7m (SWD) + 0.837 m2 No of clear openings = =28 Nos Width of channel = (28 x 30) + (29 x 10) = 1130 mm = 1. 21 . The grit chamber is designed to scour the lighter organic particles while the heavier grit particles remain settled. egg shells and other non -putrescible materials that may clog channels or damage pumps due to abrasion and to prevent their accumulation in sludge digesters. gravel. Therefore volume of one aerated chamber = m3 = 84 m3 Assume depth of 3m and Width to depth ratio 2:1 Width of the channel =2x3 =6m 22 . grit. DESIGN Peak flow of sewage = 0.924 m3/s Assume average detention period = 180 s Aerated volume = 0. Here the horizontal flow type grit chamber is designed to give a horizontal straight line flow velocity. which is kept constant over varying di scharge.GRIT CHAMBER Grit removal basins are the sedimentation basins placed in front of the fine screen to remove the inorganic particles having specific gravity of 2.65 such as sand.924 x 180 = 168 m3 In order to drain the channel periodically for routine cleaning a nd maintenance two chambers are used. 7 m Increase the length by about 20% to account for inlet and outlet Provide length = 4.Length of the channel =   = 4.7m X 6m X 3m 23 .7 x 1.7m Grit chamber is designed for the size of 5.2 m = 5. 24 . The clogged screen is often cleared by cone brush. The fine screen is attached with electric motors. flow design velocity = 0.008 m Net clear width of channel = = 1. The brass metal is used as it has higher resistant towards rust and corrosion.13 m2 Clear opening = 8 mm = 0.16 m2 SWD provided = 0.6 m/s Assuming the screen bars are placed at 40° to the horizontal. The fine screens often get clogged need frequent cleaning.924 cumec At avg.7 m At peak design velocity = 1. Clear area =  •‹ = 1.8 m/s Area required = =1.41 m 25 . DESIGN Design flow = 0. Here the disc type fine screen is designed and the wire mesh of the screen is made up of brass metal.FINE SCREEN Fine screens are the structures built between the grit chambers and primary sedimentation tank in order to remove some amount of suspended solids from sewage. of clear openings = 178 No.5 m (FB) 26 .2 m X 0.2 m Fine screen is designed for the size of 3.No.8 m (SWD) + 0. of bars = 178 Size of the bars = 50mm x 10 mm Width of channel = (178 x 8) + (179 x 10) = 3. 27 . soaps. fats. The greasy and oily matter may form unsightly and odorous scum on the surface of settling tanks or may interfere with the activated sludge process.25 m/min = 0. The rising air tends to coagulate and solidify the grease and cause it to rise to the top of the tank whereas chlorine destroys the protective colloidal effect of protein.SKIMMING TANK Skimming tanks are the tanks removing oils and grease from the sewage constructed before the sedimentation tanks.6 m3/day Vr = 0. In skimming tank air is blown along with chlorine gas by air diffuser placed at the bottom of the tank.25 x 60 x 24 = 360 m/day 28 .924 x 60 x 60 x24 = 79833. Municipal raw sewage contains oils. The greasy materials are collected from the top of the tank and the collected are skimmed of specially designed mechanical equipments. DESIGN The surface area required for the tank A = Where     m2 q = rate of flow sewage in m3/day Vr = minimum rising velocity of the oily material to be removed in m/min q = 0. fatty acids etc. which holds the grease in emulsified form. waxes. 5B L x B = 1.5: 1 Therefore L = 1.5m X 1m X 3m + 0.5B2 Therefore B= 1m L = 1.5 m Skimming tank is designed for the size of 1.5 m2 Provide the depth of the skimming tank is 3m The length breadth ratio is 1.A=     A =1.37 m2 § 1.5m (FB) 29 . 30 . DESIGN: Max.65 .PRIMARY SEDIMENTATION TANK Primary sedimentation tank is the settling tank constructed next to skimming tank to remove the organic solids wh ich are too heavy to be removed i. Built on the concept of inclined plate clarification. these clarifiers use gravity in conjunction with the projected settling area so as to effect a fairly high percentage of removal of suspended solids as 60 to 65% of the suspended solids and 30 to 35% of the BOD from the sewage.e. The designed tank is circular type which makes settling by allowing radial flow.56 MLD Surface loading = 40 m3/m2/day Detention period = 1 hrs Volume of sewage =   =1106. These are fabricated using carbon steel with epoxy lining on the inside and epoxy coating on the outside.2 mm and specific gravity of 2. the particles having lesser size of 0.5 m Surface area = = 444 m2 31 .7 m3 }1110 m3 Provide effective depth = 2. quantity sewage = 26. 07 m §29.5 (FB) 32 .5 m (depth) + 0.Surface Area the tank =  = =664 m2 Use greater of area of these two.2 m   Primary sedimentation tank is designed for the dimension of 29. Therefore area surface area of the tank =664 m 2   Diameter of the tank = =29.2 m (dia) X 2. 33 . a sludge return line from the secondary settling tank to the aeration tank and an excess sludge waste line. W.) is returned to the head of the aeration system to re-seed the new sewage entering the tank. METHOD: CONTACT STABILIZATION METHOD y Microorganisms consume organics in the contact tank. In activated sludge plant. a secondary settling tank.) is removed from the treatment process to keep the ratio of biomass to food supplied (F:M) ratio.S known Waste Activated Sludge (W. the combination of raw sewage and biological mass is formed.S is further treated by digestion under anaerobic conditions. once the effluent from the primary clarifier get sufficient treatment.A.S. Part of the settled sludge called Return Activated Sludge (R. CONCEPT: Atmospheric air is bubbled through primary treated sewage combined with organisms to develop a biological floc which reduces the organic content of the sewage. Excess sludge which eventually accumulates beyond R. y y Soluble materials pass through bacterial cell walls.A.S. while insoluble materials stick to the outside. The essential units of the process are an aeration tank. 34 .ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS The activated sludge process is an aerobic. the excess mixed liquor is discharged into settling tanks and the treated supernatant is run off to undergo further treatment.A. Effluent from primary clarifier flows into the contact tank where it is aerated and mixed with bacteria. biological sewage treatment system to treat the settled sewage consist a variety of mechanisms and processes that use dissolved oxygen to promote the growth of biological floc that substantially removes organic material.A. The Mixed Liquor . FLOW CHART OF CONTACT STABILIZATION ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS y Solids settle out later and are wasted from the system or returned to a stabilization tank. PROCESS The activated sludge functions in the above mentioned concept b y following the Contact stabilization method. y Waste Activated Sludge is removed and sent to further treatment. New activated sludge is produced continuously and W. and are then recycled back to the contact tank.S is disposed along with primary treated sludge after proper digestion. because they need more food.A.A. Then it is mixed for 4 to 8 hours in the aeration tank by the combined aerator which does compressed air diffusion and mechanical mixing. The settled sludge known as activated sludge is then recycled to head of aeration tank and mixed with the new entering sewage. The moving organisms oxidize the organic matter and make it to settle in the secondary clarifier. The effluent from primary clarifier is mixed with 40 to 50% of own volume of activated sludge (R. 35 . y Microbes digest organics in the stabilization tank.S). 36 . (iii) Constant rate of return sludge is made to be kept through out the process.The activated sludge plant results 80 to 95% of BOD removal and 90 to 95% bacteria removal by making the necessary set up such as (i) (ii) Ample supply of oxygen to plant Intimate and continuous mixing sewage with activated sludge. 4 to 6m wide and 20 to 200m length. These are rectangular in shape having the dimensions ranging 3 to 4. Air is introduced continuously to the tank.8 x 300 (20 % of BOD removed at Grit chamber) Yo = 240 mg/l BOD at outlet YE = 20 mg/l BOD Removed in Activated Plant = 240-20 = 220 mg/l 37 .5m deep.AERATION TANK Aeration tank is the mixing and diffusing structure in the activated sludge plant. This results in higher efficiency and lesser detention period and lesser amount of compressed air. of Aeration tank = 2 Design flow = 26.56 MLD Average flow of each tank =  = 13280 m3 BOD at inlet = 0. Combined Aeration type aerators having the diffused air aeration as well as mechanical aeration together in a single unit are used in the project. DESIGN No. The Dorroco model is designed as it gives higher efficiency and occupies less space. d = 4.Minimum efficiency required in the activated plant = Min.5 m 38 .2 B = 9. B = 10 m.2 = 2.4 Volume the tank required V =      x =   = 2344. efficiency = 91.5 m The Width to Depth ratio as 2.67 m3 § 2345 m3 Assume the liquid depth of the tank as 4.9 m § 10 m L=  = 54 m L = 54 m.7 % Since the adopted extended aeration process can remove 85-92 % Hence it is OK MLSS (Xt) = 3000 mg/l F/M ratio = 0. Volume provided = 54 x 10 x 4.5 = 2430 m3 (i) CHECK FOR AERATION PERIOD / HRT: Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) = t =     = 4.V. S.39 hrs Since it lies between 3-6 hrs it is OK.0 ± 1.171 kg/m3 Since it lies between 1.6 g/m3 =1.2 it is OK (iii) CHECK FOR RETURN SUDGE RATIO: Return activated sludge = = Where.I = Sludge Volume Index Qr =Sludge Recirculation Rate 39 . (ii) CHECK FOR VOLUMETRIC LOADING: Volumetric loading =     = = 1171. 5 m + 0.5 constant for municipal sewage with respect to MLSS Ke = 0.06 d-1 constant for municipal sewage C= Solids Retention Time (SRT) Yo = 240 mg/l YE = 20 mg/l V = 2430 m3 Xt = 3000 mg/l Q = 13280 m3/day 2430 x 3000 = 1+ 0.0.2004 c = = 7.= = = 53% It lies between 0. y=        0.5 ± 1.12 days c It lies between 5-8 days.5 m (FB) 40 . The deign is OK Provide the Aeration tank as 54 m X 10 m X 4.06 c=  š  … 0. Design is OK (iv) CHECK FOR SRT ( C): V x Xt = Where. 41 . 42 .2 kg/day = 133 kg/hr Oxygen requirement = 1 kg/kg of BOD applied Peak oxygen demand =125 % Oxygen transfer capacity of the aeration standard condition = 1.AERATED SIZING: BOD5 applied to each tank = 240 mg/l Average flow in each tank = 13280 m 3/day BOD5 removed in each tank = 13280 x 0.9 kg/kWh = 1.0 x 133 x1.269 kg/HP/hr Oxygen to be applied in each tank = 1. of 40 HP aerators.240 = 3187.25 = 167 kg/hr HP of aerators required =  = 132 HP Provide 4 Nos.41 kg/HP/hr Oxygen transfer capacity aerators at field conditions = 0.9 x 1.41 = 1. The surface area for the secondary sedimentation tank is designed for both overflow rate basis and solids loading rate basis. DESIGN No. of Secondary clarifier = 1 Average flow = 26560 m 3/day Recirculated flow = 53% = 14070 m3/day Total inflow = 26560+14070 = 40630 m3/day Provide hydraulic detention period = 2 hrs Volume the tank (exclusive of hopper portion) = 40630 x = 3386.54 m2 43 . provisions for the removal of scum. floatage are not needed. The larger value is adopted.SECONDARY SEDIMENTATION TANK A sedimentation tank constructed next to the aeration tank is the secondary sedimentation.5 m Area = = 967. This tank will be as the primary sedimentation tank with certain modifications as no floating materials are here.4 m3 Assume liquid depth = 3. 7 m § 37 m Provide diameter of 37m (i)CHECK FOR WEIR LOADING: Average flow = 26560 m3/day Weir loading =   = 176.4 m2 Using greater area of the two values Therefore surface area = 1062.13 m3/day/m It is lesser than 185 m3/day/m.4 m 2   Diameter = =36. Hence it is OK (ii)CHECK FOR SOLIDS LOADING: Recirculated flow = 14070 m 3/day Average flow = 26560 m3/day MLSS in the tank = 3000 mg/l 44 .Surface loading rate of average flow = 25 m3/m2/day Surface area provided =  =1062. 07 MLD capacity in the dry well are 45 .8 m Wet well dimension as 9.6 m3 Provide depth as 3m.Total solids in flow = (26560+14070) x 3 = 121890 kg/day Solids loading = = 125.5m (FB) Dry well dimension as 9.8 m 2 No. of pump house each of 14.771 m3/min Detention time = 15 min Volume of wet well = 9. width as 5 m Therefore length is = 9.771 x 15 = 146.5 m (FB) Hopper slope shall be 1in 12.98 kg/day/m2 It lies between 100-150 kg/m2/day Hence it is OK Provide secondary sedimentation as 37 m (dias) X 3.5 m (depth) + 0.8m X 9. STABILIZATION TANK: Total return flow = 14070 m3/day = 9.8m X 5m X 3m + 0. It is the quite suitable to dewater in Vellore due to its hot climate. Seepage collected in the under -drains is returned to the plant wet well for treatment with the raw wastewater. through distribution troughs.015 Solid content = 2% Volume of sludge =   46    . 30 to 45 cm thick graded layers of gravel or crushed stone varying in size from 15cm at bottom and 1. After the period the sludge cakes are removed with spades and they are used as manure as it contains 2 to 3% of NPK Sludge drying beds are open beds of land 45 to 60 cm deep. A portion of the moisture drains through the bed while most of it gets evaporated to the atmosphere.25 cm at top. Large beds are portioned by concrete walls. DESIGN Sludge applied to drying bed at the rate of 100kg/MLD Sludge applied = 300kg/day Specific gravity = 1. The digested sludge from digestion tank contains a lot of water. Open jointed under drain pi pes of 15 cm diameter are laid below the gravel layers. The sewage sludge is brought and spread over the top of drying beds to a depth of 20 to 30 cm. In hot countries like India it takes 6 to 12 days to dry. So it is necessary to dry up or dewater the digested sludge before it disposed of dumping. and a pipe header from the digesters with gated openings allows application of sludge independently to each cell.provided SLUDGE DRYING BEDS Drying of the digested sludge on open beds of land is sludge drying and such open beds of land are known as sludge drying beds. 6 m2 § 500 m2 Provide 5 nos.778 X 10 = 147.78 m3 Spreading a layer of 0. Area of each bed = 100 m2 5 beds of dimension 12. Period of each cycle = 10 days Volume of sludge per cycle = 14.= 14. Area of bed required = = 492. of beds.778m3/day For Vellore weather condition the beds get dried out about 10 days.3m per cycle .5m X 8m are designed. 47 . Number of cycle in one year = = 37 cycles. Vellore does not have any perennial river makes impossible for dilution. (i) Vellore Corporation is not a coastal city i.e. (i) (ii) Dilution ± disposal in water bodies. land disposal for the following reasons. (iv) It is an alternative source of water for irrigation and it contains the manure and some amount of NPK compounds. Effluent irrigation ± disposal on land.SEWAGE DISPOSAL The disposal of treated effluent into land or water body is sewage disposal. rivers or large body of water such as lake. In summer season it runs dry.e. EFFLUENT IRRIGATION: When the effluent is evenly spread on the surface of land it is effluent irrigation. (iii) The Sewage Treatment Plant is designed according to Indian Standards which produces effluent having lesser hazardous characteristics than the standards of land disposing. (ii) The nearby river stream Pallar has very small amount of dry weather flow. sea is out of reach. sea is called dilution. The remaining organic suspended solids are partly acted upon by the bacteria and are partly oxidized by exposure to atmospheric actions of heat. light and air. While considering the characteristics of Vellore Corporation it is preferred that Effluent Irrigation i. 48 . DILUTION: The disposal of effluent by discharging it into water courses such as streams. This can be of two methods. The water of sewage percolates on the ground and the suspended solids remain at the surface of the ground. whereas crops are grown on ridges.5-9.0 100 mg/l 200 mg/l 10 mg/l 600 mg/l 1000 mg/l 5.Sl. Here the land is first ploughed up to 45cm. After an interval of 8-10 days the sewage can be again applied depending on the crops requirement and the nature of the soil. The effluent to be disposed in Land Effluent Irrigation method and it is done by constructing Ridge and Furrow in the disposal land. The sewage is allowed to flow in furrows.5-9. Then each sub-plot is enclosed by small dykes. 49 . then leveled and divided int o plots and sub-plots.0 ” 20 mg/l ” 30 mg/l ” 5 mg/l ” 400 mg/l ” 250 mg/l Comparison between IS : 3307-1986 and expected effluent s characteristics.no Characteristics Tolerance limit as per IS : 3307-1986 Effluent from the plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 pH BOD Suspended solids Oil & Grease Chlorides Sulphate 5. Now ridges and furrows are formed in each sub-plot. 1 2 3 Project Sewerage type Partially Separate Sewerage System Population Census 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 4 5 Base year-2010 Intermediate 2025 Ultimate year 2040 6 7 Per Capita Water Supply Existing Sewerage system Method of Forecasting 1.082 1.742 1.06.024 1.89.77.No ATTIBUTE DATA Sewage Treatment Plant for Vellore Municipal Corporation.061 1.343 2.116 2.39.SALIENT DETAILS OF PROJECT Sl. 1.74.413 Incremental increase method Design Population 1.920 135 lpcd Nil 50 . in Vellore Municipal Corporation there is no proper treatment plant for sewage. The plant is designed perfectly to meet the future expansion for the next 30 years in accordance with Indian Codal provisions. it is necessary to construct a Sewage Treatment Plant.CONCLUSION A successful technical project involves integration of various fields. sedimentation tank. biological and chemical and civil engineering. active sludge tank and sludge drying beds for sewage. secondary clarifier . skimming tank. This is an attempt to combine several aspect s of environmental. This project consists the design of the complete components of a Sewage Treatment Plant from receiving chamber. Since. grit chamber. 51 . screening chamber. 2m X 0.5m (FB) Secondary clarifier 1 37m Ø X 3.5m (FB) Grit chamber Horizontal Flow type 2 5. Fine screen Mechanical 2 3. Radial flow 1 54m X 10m X 4.5m (FB) Sludge Drying bed Sand + Graded graveled 5 12.5m (SWD) + 0. Primary clarifier Radial flow 1 29.5m (FB) Circular type.5m (FB) Aeration tank CombinedDorocco type Circular type.2 m X 0.5m X 1m X 3m + 0.5m + 0.5 m (FB) Skimming tank Air diffuser + Chlorine gas 1 1.2m Ø X 2.PLANT DETAILS COMPONENT TYPE NOS DIMENSIONS Receiving chamber 1 manual Coarse screen 1 mechanical 1 6.5m (SWD) + 0.5m (FB) 2 1.5m X 8m 52 .8 m (SWD) + 0.7m (SWD) + 0.7m X 6m X 3m Disc type.2m X 3m X 3m (SWD) + 0. 53 .
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