22 Oil Gas Industry Guidelines
22 Oil Gas Industry Guidelines
March 20, 2018 | Author: Amir Sherafatipour | Category:
Occupational Safety And Health Administration
Drilling Rig
Occupational Safety And Health
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Oil and Gas Industry GuidelinesModule 22 What standards are enforceable? OSHA standards By industry and type of operation Take precedence over industry standards Standards incorporated by reference Only the parts concerning health and safety Recognized hazards Generally accepted industry standards OSHA guidance documents can interpret ambiguities 2 ©2006 TEEX Elements Required to Prove Violation of General Duty Clause The employer failed to keep the orkplace free of a hazard to hich employees of that employer ere exposed The hazard as recognized The hazard as causing or as likely to cause death or serious physical harm There as a feasible and useful method to correct the hazard Reference! "#R$ %hapter ### &%'&('&c' )ot the lack of a particular abatement method )ot a particular accident 3 ©2006 TEEX G! + citations AS$23A)S# B4* series! 4 citations A-# 0B! / citation )2%! / citation %ompany safety practices! 4 citations Operating manuals! + citations 4 ©2006 TEEX . A-# R.IC !"## tandards Cited by O $% Com&liance Officers under '(a)(!) October (**+ through September (**..+.! /0 different sections1 some multiple times A-# R. Recommended Practice for Occu&ational afety for Oil and Gas Well Drillin* and ervicin* O&eration API RP 54 . ! General /5/ -urpose! recommend practices and procedures for promotion and maintenance of safe orking conditions for personnel engaged in drilling operations and ell servicing operations1 including special services 6 ©2006 TEEX . ! General /5( Scope! rotary drilling rigs1 ell servicing rigs1 special services Operations on location )ot seismic or ater ell drilling )ot site preparation or site abandonment /54 Responsibility! 2ach employer trains o n employees Operator and contractor share information #mmediate supervision of authorized person ith authority to commence1 modify1 cease or improve ©2006 TEEX . + References A-# standards A%G#H T67s A)S# standards AS$2 Boiler and -ressure 7essel %ode )"-A standards #ncorporated for special topics ! ©2006 TEEX . " Definitions 45/588 shall! Recommended practice has universal application to specific activity 45/580 should! Recommended practice Safe comparable alternative available $ay be impractical or unnecessary under certain circumstances " ©2006 TEEX . .irst %id .5/ General 9 immediate reporting and treatment: follo . In-uries and .54 "irst aid 9 %-R trained individual and first aid kit at orksite .up reporting: cause investigation and prevention .5( $edical services 9 #nformation available and arrangements made .5. 2mergency eye or body ash stations here e<posed to in=urious materials #0 ©2006 TEEX . ' Personal Protective Equi&ment (PPE) +5/ General! >ear --2 hen there is reasonable potential for prevention of harm --2 only used hen engineering or administrative controls impractical ## ©2006 TEEX . '/+ Wearin* %&&arel Hard hat! each person 2ye protection here probable in=ury Safety.toe foot ear Alternative practice for e<treme cold Gloves1 apron1 boots1 other appropriate --2 for chemical handling )o loose or poorly fitted clothing #2 ©2006 TEEX . '/+ Wearin* %&&arel )ever ork in clothing saturated ith flammable1 hazardous1 or irritating substances )ever ear =e elry that could be snagged or hung ?eep hair contained if long enough to cause hazards Hair3beard must not interfere ith --2 #3 ©2006 TEEX . ' Personal Protective Equi&ment (PPE) +54 Hearing protection +5. Respiratory protection $%$ &all protection for ork /* feet above rig floor or other orking surface Guardrail1 net1 or -"AS Alternative fall protection plan if infeasible #4 ©2006 TEEX . 0/! O&erations 1 General 'ell control maintained at all times (ig floor attended by person @ualified in ell control AHorseplay and careless actsB not permitted Training and safety program Cnsafe conditions reported to supervisor and relayed bet een shifts #$ ©2006 TEEX . 0/! O&erations 1 General -ipe threads cleaned ith brush to prevent finger ounds Hazardous substances properly labeled: users trained Blo out prevention here necessary: ell control drills )o field elding on tongs1 elevators1 bails1 or heat treated rig e@uipment #6 ©2006 TEEX . 0/! O&erations 1 General 7ehicles not involved in operations! at least /** feet or derrick height a ay from ellbore1 or other safety measures if not possible )round rig substructure1 derrick1 mast1 and other e@uipment as appropriate # ©2006 TEEX . 0/+ Over Water O&erations #nstruction in abandonment procedures1 emergency signals1 ater entry ≥ ( emergency escape means to ater -ersonal flotation devices D ring buoys ≥ ( life floats or alternatives %old ater attire Basket stretcher or litter1 and instruction #! ©2006 TEEX . 0/+ Over Water O&erations Rules for crane transport of personnel A-# R.(E for offshore pedestal cranes )o crane operation during helicopter takeoff or landing -ersonal flotation devices for crane or s ingrope transfer to3from boats Tag lines to steady all loads #" ©2006 TEEX . 0/" Preliminary Ri*23& O&erations Revie planned arrangement to avoid hazardous conditions -ipelines Ctility lines (ig up safely before commencing ell operations 6ocate change rooms and outbuildings far enough from boilers and fuel tanks 20 ©2006 TEEX . 0/" Preliminary Ri*23& O&erations *hec+ .ell for pressure1 and remove it or operate safely under pressure All personnel out of derrick or mast and cellar and stand clear hen Subsurface pump is being unseated or #nitial pull on tubing is made 2# ©2006 TEEX . 4lo5out Prevention Equi&ment Blo out prevention e@uipment installed and tested here ell might flo #nstall1 operate1 maintain! A-# R.=ob meeting Erills under variety of conditions Anchor choke and kill lines 9 prevent hipping 22 ©2006 TEEX .0/.+4 Rig personnel must understand and be able to operate blo out preventer Eiscuss in pre. 0/' $ouse6ee&in* %lean ork areas: remove trip hazards Avoid 3 clean up et floors &from leaks1 spills1 or pulling et pipe' ?eep cellar clear of fluids or loose e@uipment3material ?eep egress routes unblocked Store tools D e@uipment to avoid falling ?eep fire fighting e@uipment accessible 23 ©2006 TEEX . 01 ++1 ..0/0 $ydro*en ulfide Environment Safety guidelines referenced A-# R.8 -rotect personnel and general public 24 ©2006 TEEX . 0/7 Confined &ace8 E9cavations8 or $a:ardous Environments >here unusually hazardous gases present1 advise employees1 contractors1 and service company supervisors of hazards "ill the cellar if it is not needed Eefinition of confined space Testing1 permit system before entry Eeclassification of confined spaces 2$ ©2006 TEEX . feet and may contain a hazardous atmosphere! Test for o<ygen1 flammable gases3vapors1 to<ic air contaminants 2valuate hether e<cavation is a confined space1 and permit if necessary -recautions to prevent e<posures 2mergency response procedures 26 ©2006 TEEX .0/7/' E9cavations #f deeper than . 0/. <achinery and =ools -ersonnel only operate machinery on hich they are @ualified Belts1 drive chains1 gears1 and drives must have guards installed 2<cept rotary table1 catheads1 kelly Guards in place and properly maintained for operation $aintenance! report to rig supervisor 2 ©2006 TEEX . 0/. <achinery and =ools $oving parts guarded or stopped before cleaning1 lubrication1 or repair $aintain tools in safe condition Eouble insulate or ground tools: Cse G"%# 2lectric or pneumatic tools! deadman s itch or starting s itch that cannot be locked in Secure materials to body hen carrying them up a ladder 2! ©2006 TEEX . 0/> ?oc6out@=a*out 6ocks3tags identify e@uipment or circuits being orked on %ritical systems! include identity of orker Train and discipline personnel 6ock3tag removed by person ho installed it1 or authorized replacement #f neither available1 supervisor may remove after ensuring no hazard created 2" ©2006 TEEX . 0/!# %u9iliary Esca&e 6and rigs! derrick or mast must have au<iliary means of escape before ork in the derrick Securely anchored escape line attached to derrick or mast for escape from derrickmanFs platform &Geronimo line' >ire rope ith safety buggy ith braking or controlled descent device Safety buggy releases hen eight is applied 30 ©2006 TEEX . /( feet of sag in middle Ground anchor point distance ≥(< height Ground anchor point should ithstand 4*** lb pull Alternate fast escape if line is infeasible Training on use )ever ride e<cept in emergency 3# ©2006 TEEX .0/!# %u9iliary Esca&e Tension on escape line! -eriodically checked and ad=usted .. 0/!! Personnel ?iftin* ystems )ever ride the elevators5 2<cept in e<treme emergency1 as determined by supervisor1 ith full fall protection and no pipe or other e@uipment BosunFs chair attached to traveling block or tugger line for inaccessible location Hydraulic or air inch lines allo able under certain conditions 32 ©2006 TEEX . 0/!+ Rac6in* =ubulars and Drill Collars Secure rods1 tubulars1 drill pipe1 drill collars hen racked or hung in derrick or mast to keep from falling Safety clamps removed before hoisting continues Cse stops1 pins1 or chocks to keep round e@uipment from rolling off storage rack -revent3remove ice plugs in tubulars 33 ©2006 TEEX 0/!" $andlin* Drillin* .luid Chemicals and %dditives )ever use asbestos as additive #nstruct personnel handling fluid and additives in handling1 disposal1 and --2 34 ©2006 TEEX 7/! .ire Prevention Store combustible and flammable materials safely -revent rubbish accumulation )o smoking1 or source of ignition1 near operations that could cause fire hazard 9 signs necessary %hange rooms in safe areas for smoking 3$ ©2006 TEEX 7/! .ire Prevention -otential ignition sources located at safe distance from ellhead or flammable storage areas Only safety;designed heaters near rig floor1 substructure1 or cellar Eo not allo oil and gas accumulations Store oily aste in covered metal containers 36 ©2006 TEEX 7/! .ire Prevention )ever use natural gas or 6-G to operate spray guns or pneumatic tools %leaning solutions! flash point ≥/**G" %onductive containers &e5g5 metal' to handle1 store1 or transport flammable li@uids Ground and bond any plastic containers )"-A HH and A-# -ublication (**4 3 ©2006 TEEX ire Protection "ire fighting e@uipment not tampered ith or removed "ire fighting ater system may be used for ash do n if capacity is not compromised 2@uipment accessible1 plainly labeled 2@uipment inspected D maintained %re familiar ith location D use 3! ©2006 TEEX .7/+ . pound B% e<tinguishers1 depending on operation >ell servicing rigs! at least ( (*.ire Protection Erilling rigs! at least .7/+ . (*.pound B% e<tinguishers1 depending on operation "ire fighting e@uipment near all elding "ire atch for elding3cutting outside designated elding area 3" ©2006 TEEX . lammable ?iquids Approved portable containers Tanks and Erums properly labeled Refueling operations! -rocedures for over ater transfers Shut do n engines hile refueling unless shutdo n causes greater hazard Assign a person to monitor filling tank to prevent spillage Ground during refueling 40 ©2006 TEEX .. . /" ?iquefied Petroleum Gas (?PG) "ollo )"-A +8 #gnition source control -rotective caps on cylinders Csual cylinder precautions )o temperatures I/(+G"1 no direct heat -rotective gloves for refilling or replacing bottles! freeze burns ©2006 TEEX 4# .. /..lammable ?iquid tora*e Storage area re@uirements! ventilation1 e<its1 housekeeping1 arning1 e<tinguishers1 classification On land! )ot ithin +* feet of ellbore1 or e@uivalent safety measures 6-G tanks I(+* gallons at least /+* ft from and parallel to closest side of rig: labeled Offshore! appropriate precautions 42 ©2006 TEEX . . >/! Drillin* and Well ervicin* Ri* Equi&ment 1 General Openings in rotary table kept covered hen not occupied Rathole and mousehole openings kept covered hen not occupied ith e@uipment 43 ©2006 TEEX . >/+ Derric6s and <asts Substantial1 ell designed D maintained -ermanent name plate! $anufacturer $odel and serial number Rating including static hook load capacity ith number of lines Recommended guying pattern if applicable #f not noted1 guy according to A-# .G 44 ©2006 TEEX . >/+ Derric6s and <asts Raising and lo ering masts! )ot moved hile raised &e<cept for skidding' 7isual inspection of raising3lo ering mechanism before use Tools and unsecured materials removed from mast before raising3lo ering Base level and positioned before raising1 lo ering or telescoping1 or tightening guylines Jualified person in charge of raising3lo ering 4$ ©2006 TEEX . >/+ Derric6s and <asts Raising and lo ering masts! Bolts1 nuts and pins secured )o e<tra personnel in3under mast unless fully raised or lo ered Guylines tensioned before load applied Euring unusual loading! Only essential personnel on rig floor )o one in derrick1 mast1 or cellar 46 ©2006 TEEX . >/+ Derric6s and <asts -latforms above rig floor maintained and secured to support stresses $aterials not kept above rig floor unless in use and secured against falling )o one on rig floor during overhead repair unless their help is needed )o unguarded openings big enough for person to fall e<cept ladder opening bet een supports of cro n block 4 ©2006 TEEX . >/+ Derric6s and <asts Bumper blocks! Safety cable or strap along full length -revent ood fragment falling ith screen %ounter eights! Safety line anchored to derrick3mast if not encased or in permanent guides Travel of tong counter eights limited to elevations needed for tongs Safety devices for =acks 4! ©2006 TEEX . >/" ?adders8 tair5ays8 and Platforms "i<ed ladder from rig floor to cro n block and to each intermediate platform 6adders securely attached by manufacturer specifications 6adders must not lean back from vertical $inimum clearances for ladders Side rails e<tend ≥.( inches past landing 4" ©2006 TEEX . ays .4 risers/ Securely fastened Handrails and midrails over entire length Cniform1 level stair treads $0 ©2006 TEEX .>/" ?adders8 tair5ays8 and Platforms %ages and platforms not re@uired if -"AS is used -latforms herever ladders are offset1 if -"AS is not used -pen stair. >/" ?adders8 tair5ays8 and Platforms At least ( stair ay e<its on drilling rigs from rig floor to ground level Rig floor1 ramps1 stair ays1 ladders1 platforms kept free of slip3trip hazards Eerrick platforms! #nside mast1 e<cept stabbing board1 must completely cover space from edge to legs Secured to protect against dislodging $# ©2006 TEEX . >/" ?adders8 tair5ays8 and Platforms >ell servicing rigs! >ork not at ground level is on a orking platform large enough for ( people Safety fasteners hen folded for storage "inger board fingers bolted1 elded1 hinged.pinned1 or e@uivalent1 to beam $2 ©2006 TEEX .and. ft5 above ground or other orking level . inch toe boards to prevent falling items $3 ©2006 TEEX .( inch top rail1 intermediate rail1 posts 2<cept for -ersonnel e<its and entrances %at alk and 7.door opening hen being used >ork station used to rack tubulars Alternate arrangements ith e@uivalent safety .>/" ?adders8 tair5ays8 and Platforms Guardrails at outer edge ≥. >/" ?adders8 tair5ays8 and Platforms "loor and deck openings not left open "loor holes people may alk into! securely covered ith no more than / inch opening $4 ©2006 TEEX . Dra55or6s 7isual inspection once per day Guard remains in place and in good condition during operation Eo not lubricate during operation Eo not leave brake ithout securing1 unless e@uipped ith automatic driller Shut.do n s itches at drum control console $$ ©2006 TEEX .>/. >/. Dra55or6s Brake systems inspected and maintained per manufacturer recommendations Erilling rigs! Eouble &au<iliary' braking system Safety device to keep traveling block from striking cro n block Tested before each trip and after drill.line slipping or cutting operation $6 ©2006 TEEX . inch: rebuild and turn to avoid fouling ?eep lines from being entangled ith cathead line )o rope or line on unattended cathead $ ©2006 TEEX .>/' Catheads and ?ines Po5ered by the Cathead Shaft head covered by a thimble a rope cannot ind around Rope guide for manually operated rope %heck for grooves I/3. >/' Catheads and ?ines Po5ered by the Cathead Era orks control attended hile manual cathead is in use )o rope splices on cathead friction surface1 e<cept properly spliced endless rope Headache post or guard for dra orks control personnel hen line is near operator $! ©2006 TEEX . >/' Catheads and ?ines Po5ered by the Cathead Training re@uired before operation of cathead or lines $aintain lines and automatic catheads in safe orking condition >hen lifting tubulars1 use slings that ill not slip off5 $" ©2006 TEEX . >/0 $oistin* lines and other 5ire ro&e 7isually inspect at least once per day: detailed inspection once per month Remove hen too many broken ires %onsider removal for corrosion (emo0e lines ith corroded1 cracked1 bent1 orn1 improper end connections Remove for kinking1 crushing1 birdcaging1 cutting1 cold orking 60 ©2006 TEEX . mile limits: see A-# R.>/0 $oistin* lines and other 5ire ro&e Hoisting line! 2nd securely fastened: enough e<tra line on drum to avoid fastener strain Anchors at least as strong as line Ton.0B $oving hoisting line not to come in contact ith anything stationary e<cept cro n block sheaves and traveling block sheaves 6# ©2006 TEEX . >/0 $oistin* lines and other 5ire ro&e Hoisting line not removed from drum until traveling block rests on rig floor or is suspended separately Slings should be identified by size1 grade1 rated capacity1 reach 62 ©2006 TEEX . >/7 $oistin* =ools8 $oo6s8 4ails8 Elevators8 and Related Equi&ment Good engineering practice: maintained safe5 See A-# Spec 8A1 8B1 8% )ever e<ceed design load Safety latch on hoisting hook to prevent accidental release Tra0eling bloc+s guarded properly %ro n blocks secured to keep sheaves from =umping out of bearings 63 ©2006 TEEX . >/7 $oistin* =ools8 $oo6s8 4ails8 Elevators8 and Related Equi&ment Traveling blocks not moved hile cro n block is being lubricated "asten pump end of rotary hose to derrick3mast by cable or chain "asten s ivel end of rotary hose to s ivel ith similar cable or chain #nspect elevators1 latches1 latch locks1 pins1 springs: replace if orn3damaged 64 ©2006 TEEX . Rotary Only engage po er hen rotary table is clear of all people and materials Eo not use rotary table for initial breakout of tool =oints 9 only spinning out after initial breakout Cse smooth kelly bushings to prevent catching of people1 clothes or material 6$ ©2006 TEEX .>/. >/> Drill trin* $andlin* Equi&ment $anual drill pipe slip handles! Cse manufacturerFs original or e@uivalent Short enough to not pro=ect beyond master bushing 6ubricate tapered side of drill pipe slips Eo not kick slips into place Attach tongs to fi<ed structure using ire rope or stiff arm 66 ©2006 TEEX . >/> Drill trin* $andlin* Equi&ment $aintain tongs properly Tong safety lines! long enough to use breakout cathead1 but short enough to prevent complete rotation of tongs -o er tongs! -ressure systems! safety relief valve -o er input pressure line disconnected to ork on tongs 6 ©2006 TEEX . >/!# Wei*ht Indicators Csed for all rigs that manipulate tubulars $aintained to register ithin +K %hecked periodically for calibration Gauge visible to operator -rotected from falling 6! ©2006 TEEX . >/!! Drillin* .luid =an6s On land! -its and tanks used to circulate flammables located ≥/** feet from ell1 or e@uivalent Erilling fluid tanks treated as confined spaces 7entilation1 ventilation alarms1 gas detectors Blo ers ith appropriate electrical classification 6" ©2006 TEEX . >/!+ Pi&e Rac6s and Pi&e =ubs -ipe handled at the ends hile loading1 unloading1 or transferring ?eep people out of the ay during transfer or loading3unloading -revent pipe from rolling off! 6oad and unload by layers1 ith each layer blocked at all . corners5 Temporary supports to skid or roll pipe 0 ©2006 TEEX . >/!" Pressure Equi&ment -ressure relief valve discharges located to prevent hazard ith sudden discharge or piping movement 6ines and hoses secured to prevent unsafe movement )ever operate above rated pressure Hammer unions must be the same thread 9 some look alike but ill fail # ©2006 TEEX . pin relief valves enclosed to prevent flying pins 2 ©2006 TEEX .>/!" Pressure Equi&ment -ressure relief devices to discharge at or belo rated pressure of components Automatic air pressure controls for cleaning1 sandblasting1 etc5 -ump houses ith ( e<it doors in different directions to outside Shear. Generators8 <otors8 and ?i*htin* Generators ≥/** feet up ind of ellhead or e@uivalent Overload safety device to protect from shorting and burnout Ade@uate illumination1 by safe portable lights if necessary5 Headlights are not sufficient5 2<tension cords insulated: plugs in good condition 3 ©2006 TEEX .>/!. +** D +*+' 2nclosed and gasketed if not covered by +**3+*+ A)S#3#2S R-H /088! #ndustrial 6ighting %lass #1 Eivision # safeguards for shale shaker motor and area ithin + feet 6ockout3tagout before repairing electrical e@uipment Ground motors1 generators1 control panels 4 ©2006 TEEX . Generators8 <otors8 and ?i*htin* 6ighting and fi<tures of appropriate electrical classification &R.>/!. >/!' Internal Combustion En*ines Eiesel engines re@uire emergency shut. do n devices to shut off air Actuation check the rig po er emergency shut do n devices /<3 eek %heck all other internal combustion engine shutdo n devices /<34* days Spark arrestors or e@uivalent ithin /** feet of ellbore $ ©2006 TEEX . >/!0 Ins&ection of Critical Equi&ment -eriodically inspected by manufacturer recommendation or good engineering practice %ertified inspectors use recognized methods for nondestructive testing Jualified personnel for other inspection types 6 ©2006 TEEX . !#/! Wor6 in Pro9imity to E9&osed Ener*i:ed Po5er ources $inimum clearances to po er lines! Operating rig! /* ft L .energized ©2006 TEEX . ft L . in3/* k7 over +* k7 #ndividual designated as observer %onsider lines live unless o ner report or test by @ualified person says non. in3/* k7 over +* k7 6o ered mast! . " ! ©2006 TEEX ./.!#/+ Ri* Electrical ystems Equi&ment Eesigned for use in hazardous locations if used there $aintain! manufacturer recommendation "le<ible cord1 resistant to dampness and petroleum -rotect iring from damage: replace or properly repair hen insulation damaged Offshore! A-# R. +** and +*+ and )"-A 4* Ade@uate ventilation defined M/*K of lo er e<plosive limit &626' 2nclosed areas! / cubic foot3minute per s@uare foot1 but at least . air changes per hour )atural or mechanical " ©2006 TEEX .!#/" Classification of %reas See A-# R. up or rig.!!/! Well Pum&in* 3nits 2lectric po er deenergized during ell servicing and1 if necessary1 during rig moves and rig.do n "or ell servicing! -umping unit turned off Brake set -o er source locked3tagged out !0 ©2006 TEEX . !!/! Well Pum&in* 3nits -revent unintended counter eight movement Cse strong enough sling to handle horsehead #nstallation! bolt or latch as recommended $aintain brake systems in safe orking order Reinstall guards before startup !# ©2006 TEEX . !+ &ecial ervices General 2@uipment %ommunications Eischarge 6ine &Temporary Treating or %ementing 6ines' 6ubricator operations !2 ©2006 TEEX . !" Wireline ervice !3 General -lacement and Handling of >ireline Service Cnits Gin -oles &Telescoping and Single -oles' Rope "alls &Block and Tackle' >ellheads1 >ellhead %onnections1 and Adapters 6ubricators and >ireline Blo out -reventer 2@uipment >ireline Operations -erforating S abbing Bailing ©2006 TEEX . !. tri&&in* and nubbin* General Operations !4 ©2006 TEEX . !' Drill tem =estin* General -reliminary to Erill Stem Test -erforming the Erill Stem Test !$ ©2006 TEEX . racturin*8 and $ot Oil O&erations General -umping Operations !6 ©2006 TEEX .!0 %cidi:in*8 . !7 Cementin* O&erations General -umping Operations ! ©2006 TEEX . !. Gas8 %ir8 or <ist Drillin* O&erations General &All other re@uirements apply' Training 2@uipment -rocedures 1inimizing 2ources of 3gnition !! ©2006 TEEX . ree:in* O&erations General Hot Tapping Operations "reezing Operations !" ©2006 TEEX .!> $ot =a&&in* and . lame Cuttin* O&erations General >ritten safety ork permit system Avoid being a source of ignition %ertified elders for e@uipment hose primary function is to contain hydrocarbons "0 -ersonal -rotective 2@uipment &--2' "ire -rotection 2@uipment >elding "umes and 7entilation ©2006 TEEX .+# $ot5or68 Weldin*8 and .
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