21st Century Teacher Deped

March 19, 2018 | Author: Cleslie Joy Apuya | Category: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Learning, Curriculum, Creativity



The 21st Century Teacherand Learner K to 12 classifications of the 21st Century Skills DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Curriculum Exits DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Visual and information literacies 2. Productivity and accountability 5. Global awareness 1. Creativity and curiosity 2. moral and spiritual values . Initiative and selfdirection 3. Flexibility and adaptability 2. Risk taking 1. Collaboration and interpersonal skills DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1. scientific.Curriculum Exits 1. Leadership and responsibility 6. Ethical. economic and technological literacies and multicultural literacy 4. Social and crosscultural skills 4. Critical thinking problem solving skills 3. Media literacy 3. Basic. Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and innovation Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration . Tech skills Access and evaluate information Use and manage information Analyze media Create media products Apply technology effectively .Info. Media. Life and Career Skills • Flexibility and adaptability • Initiative and self-direction • Social and cross-cultural skills • Productivity and Accountability • Leadership and responsibility . edu/knilt/index.Characteristics of a 21st Century Learner Knowledge Network for Innovations in Learning and Teaching (KNILT) http://tccl.php/Unit_1__The_21st_Century_Learner by Palfrey and Gasser http://roryjonmanning.rit.com/Scholar.html DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .albany. . com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/21st+Century+Word+Cloud.http://nicholasroseth.jpg . https://edorigami. software and hardware designed for a business model into tools utilizable by a variety of age groups and abilities to a dynamic teaching experience.wikispaces.com/21st+Century+Teacher . the curriculum and the requirements to teach to the curriculum in imaginative ways.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher 21st Century Educators are able to adapt 1. 2. 3. teaching style to be inclusive of different modes of learning. https://edorigami. control. They do not only know how to do communication. moderate. as a communicator. stimulate.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher The 21st Century teacher. they also know how to facilitate. and manage communication. must be fluent in tools and technologies that enable communication and collaboration anywhere.com/21st+Century+Teacher . anytime.wikispaces. com/21st+Century+Teacher .wikispaces. • continue  to absorb experiences and knowledge.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher The 21st Century teacher. • change and learn as the horizons and landscape changes. as a learner. https://edorigami. • endeavor to stay current. must • be lifelong learners. as a visionary.com/21st+Century+Teacher . • look at others’ ideas and envisage how they would use these in their class. grasp. must have rich imagination to: • see the potential in.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher The 21st Century teacher.wikispaces. and manipulate the emerging tools and web technologies. and • make other fields as leverage to reinforce their own teaching and the https://edorigami. • looks across the disciplines and through the curricula and make links that reinforce and value learning in other areas. • is an advocator. early adopter— a maverick.com/21st+Century+Teacher .wikispaces. as a leader. • leads by example by championing processes and modeling skills—walks the talk. • set clear goals and objectives crucial to the success of a project https://edorigami.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher The 21st Century teacher. global awareness. and reflection • reflective practice by monitoring and evaluating their teaching via blogs. twitter and other medium where educators can look both inwards and outwards https://edorigami.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher The 21st Century teacher. acceptance. should model • the behaviors that they expect from their students—tolerance. a wider view than just their curricula areas.wikispaces. as a model.com/21st+Century+Teacher . contribute. Wikispaces. Slideshare. adapt and invent using these collaborative tools https://edorigami. Blogger. MySpace.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher The 21st Century teacher. MSN. as a collaborator. Pinterest. Bebo. Instagram and Facebook to enhance and captivate our learners • Share.wikispaces. must be able to • leverage collaborative tools like Linkedin.com/21st+Century+Teacher . Ning. as a risk taker.wikispaces.Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher The 21st Century teacher. must • have a vision of what s/he wants and what the technology can achieve to be able to identify goals and facilitate learning • take risks and sometimes surrender to the students’ knowledge and use the strengths of these digital natives to understand and navigate products have students teach each other https://edorigami.com/21st+Century+Teacher . com/learning/25-critical-thinking-strategies-for-the-modern-learner/ .teachthought.What must 21st century teachers do to develop critical thinking in students? • Commitment • Competence • Creativity • Compassion • Character DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION http://www. Understanding is more important than knowing 4.peelschools.Innovation and exploration are part of learning 5.Teachers and students are all learners 2.21st Century Teaching and Learning .org/aboutus/21stCentury/byod/parentresources/Documents/Vision%20for%2021st %20Century%20Teaching%20and%20Learning.The focus is more on questions. IDEAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 1.We connect and learn with the world http://www.pdf DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION . less on answers 3. 21st Century Teaching and Learning .Critical thinking and problem-solving 4.org/aboutus/21stCentury/byod/parentresources/Documents/Vision%20for%2021st%20Century%20Teaching%20and%20Learning. 21st century teaching and learning must be based on the following broad skills: 1.peelschools.Communication http://www.Collaborative inquiry to solve real and relevant problems 2.pdf DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .Creativity and innovation 3. anytime 2.Using social media to support inquiry and communication while building social responsibility and digital literacy 5. Technology. then.peelschools.Strengthening connections with parents http://www. is what supports and enables this kind of learning and engages students by: 1.Providing learning—anywhere.pdf DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .Enhancing equity of access through the use of personal devices and internet resources 4.Supporting teacher innovation and capacity building 3.21st Century Teaching and Learning .org/aboutus/21stCentury/byod/parentresources/Documents/Vision%20for%2021st%20Century%20Teaching%20and%20Learning. youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=c0xa98cy-Rw#!%20 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .20th Century Learning VS 21st Century Learning 20th Century Learning = learning content 21st Century Learning = learning the tools and skills to remake the content to become the producer and creator ~Diana Rhoten www. Some Quick Suggested TECHNOLOGY TOOLS Provide crossword and word search puzzles for your students in order to address vocabulary or to introduce new topics in your lessons.co m .discovery. You may visit this site: http://puzzlemaker.school. For Graphic Organizers http://www.enchantedlearning.com/graphicor ganizers/ . rubistar..Creating Online Rubric.4teachers. RUBISTAR www..org . Finding Rubrics . Creating Rubrics . . "The children are now working as if I did not exist.is to be able to say.."The greatest sign of a success for a teacher.“ – Maria Montessori . wikispaces.com/21st+Century+Transdisciplinary+Learning DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .Thank You! http://fis-pyp-wiki.
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