217839960 Chapter 13 Managing Divers



Chapter 13--Managing DiversityStudent: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. Today, organizations recognize that diversity is a business imperative and perhaps the single most important factor of the twenty-first century for organization performance. True False 2. The genuine efforts to accept and manage diverse people in North America are a phenomenon that emerged in the 1800s. True False 3. Today's workforce is growing older with an average age of 40.8 years in 2006 and it is expected to increase to 42.1 years in 2016. True False 4. In 1970, Joseph Searles became the first African American member of the New York Stock Exchange. True False 5. In 2010, PepsiCo appointed its first female CEO. True False 6. Because employees with different backgrounds bring different options and ideas to the table, a diverse workforce may lead to increased conflict, anxiety, and misunderstanding. True False 7. The aging population phenomenon is a huge factor in the United States and Canada. On other continents, the workforce is actually becoming younger. True False 8. The traditional dimension of diversity can be acquired or changed throughout one's lifetime. True False 9. Age, race, and gender are included in the primary dimension of diversity. True False 1 10. Shortly after she landed a corporate-level job at InfoBasis, Tonya Kennel formed a women’s leadership group to help women advance within the company. Membership within the group was voluntary and open to women with a desire to advance in the company. Tonya’s group can best be described as a(n): A. B . C . D . E . 11. focus group network group self-help group diversity team multicultural team Scenario - Sarah's Sharks As the marketing director for Sarah's Sharks, Gloria Riviera is particularly well aware of diversity within the firm's clients in the market place. As a successful woman manager, she is also sensitive to the importance of diversity among employees at Sarah's Sharks. Gloria has recognized that valuing diversity is good for her organization for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. e. 2 it increases unde it efficiently uses employee talent. it increases the quality of team problem solving. it is mandated by ethical responsibility. it reduces costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits. 12. Scenario - Sarah's Sharks As the marketing director for Sarah's Sharks, Gloria Riviera is particularly well aware of diversity within the firm's clients in the market place. As a successful woman manager, she is also sensitive to the importance of diversity among employees at Sarah's Sharks. Although she loves her job, Gloria is contemplating leaving it to focus her energy on parenting her three children. This would demonstrate which factor affecting women’s careers? a. b. c. d. e. 3 Female advanta Opt-out trend Glass ceiling Glass wall Opaque ceiling all of these are valid strategies. she is also sensitive to the importance of diversity among employees at Sarah's Sharks. Gloria would like to form a women’s leadership group to help other women at Sarah’s Sharks advance within the company. Gloria can enjoy higher success through diversity by accommodating employees' special needs. d. Membership within the group will be voluntary and open to anyone. reassess job sch employees. 14. As a successful woman manager. c. This group would best be described as a(n): a. e. 4 focus group diversity team self-help group network group multicultural team . provide training material and information packages in foreign languages for no provide paternity and maternity leave and flexible hours for dual income famili provide long-term care and life benefits for elderly of disabled workers. b. Scenario .13.Sarah's Sharks As the marketing director for Sarah's Sharks. including all of the following EXCEPT: a. b. Gloria Riviera is particularly well aware of diversity within the firm's clients in the market place. c. e. d. dimensions. their ability to handle the rigors of corporate management. _____. senior organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and . ________________________________________ 17 A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs is called a(n) . otherwise feel isolated and ignored. ethnocentrism. ethnic. and cultural backgrounds.15 Education. known as _____. True False 5 . . the _____. . ________________________________________ 22 _____ is designed to make people aware of their own prejudices and stereotypes. military experience. including employees who would . ________________________________________ 19 _____ means that an organization accommodates several subcultures. ________________________________________ 18 _____ is the belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal. religious beliefs. ________________________________________ 23 A higher ranking. ________________________________________ 20 The invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions is known as . ________________________________________ 25 The belief that your group and subculture is not as good as other groups and subcultures is . support to a protégé's professional career is a(n) _____. racial. geographic location and income are all _____ . ________________________________________ 21 _____ implies that women's commitment to their children limits their commitment to the company or . ________________________________________ 24 _____ are made up of members from diverse national. . ________________________________________ 16 The belief that one's own group or subculture is inherently superior to other groups or cultures is . True False 30 In a recent survey. True False 28 Most organizations make a conscious effort to shift from a pluralism perspective to one of . True False 31 Research shows that companies with several senior-level women underperform financially and . True False 27 The belief that ethics are not absolute but instead need to be evaluated relative to the situation refers to . less . leadership. hierarchical. 37 percent of highly qualified women report that they voluntarily left or "opted-out" . True False 33 The most important component of a successful diversity strategy is management commitment. . monoculture. True False 29 An invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from advancement to important lateral . True False 6 . same nationality. ethnorelativism. produced by . is known as monoculture. of the workforce at some point in their careers. movement within the organization defines the glass ceiling. True False 34 A successful diversity plan leads to a workforce that demonstrates cultural competence in the long run. . ethnocentrism. True False 35 Workforce diversity refers to hiring people from different geographic regions of the country but of .26 A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs. organizationally in comparison to those without senior-level women. True False 32 Many people believe that men make better managers because of their more collaborative. relationship-oriented approach that is in tune with today’s global and multicultural environment. and support. (2) focus on diversity recruiting. sexual harassment does not include harassment by the same . . and (5) offer training and education. True False 45 Solicitation with the promise of reward is the highest level of sexual harassment. choosing solutions to fit . relationships. (4) accommodate special needs. effectively in a diverse environment. senior organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and . (3) establish mentor relationships. diversification of middle and upper management. a balanced strategy. True False 46 According to the U. True False 42 Mentoring programs are not consistent with the Civil Rights Act of 1991 that requires the . True False 37 The first step in diversity skills training is to help people learn how to communicate and work . True False 39 A higher ranking.36 Uncovering diversity problems. to: (1) change structures and policies. True False 38 Diversity training is special training which can help people become aware of their own biases and . and is used by many organizations. support to a protégé's professional career is known as a sponsor. True False 41 Research indicates that women and minorities are more likely than men to develop mentoring . . sex. strengthening top management commitment. True False 43 The five major steps in implementing a change for a program to develop a truly diverse workplace is . stereotypes. True False 44 Sexual harassment in the workplace is a violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act .S. True False 7 . and demanding results are all steps to implementing a diversity plan. Supreme Court. True False 40 The mentoring relationship is an excellent way to overcome the problem of a glass ceiling. Barriers to entry B Affirmative . minorities account for about two-third of the U. action C Equal . True False 49 An important characteristic of network groups is that they are created informally by employees.S. and membership is voluntary. 8 Gener ation X Generation Y Baby boomers Teeny boppers Generation A . D . . population. Which workforce generation category is characterized as ambitious but lacking loyalty to the organization? A. E . racial. opportunity D The glass wall . _____ serves as invisible barriers to important horizontal movement within the organization. backgrounds. C . not the . organization. ethnic. True False 50. ceiling 51. E The glass . and cultural . True False 48 Multicultural teams are made up of members from diverse national.47 Today. A. B . ed 9 . older Dmore likely to be male E uneducat . C women . B growth in Hispanic and Asian workers. B . outnumbering men D growth in foreignborn population. 54. A. today. D. worker. E . 53. workforce. All of the following are changes that are reshaping our workforce EXCEPT: A. C. White African American Asian Hispanic Native American The average U. aging workforc e. Which racial or ethnic category currently represents the largest and fastest growing minority group? A. E younger .52. C.S. is _____ than ever. more likel y to be marr ied younger B . C . _____ is defined as all the ways in which people differ. race. D. D . 57. E . religious beliefs. B. te 56. . A. an CAfric an Amer ican D Euro . Hi sp an ic B Asi .55. E . pean E Whi . Mul tipli city Diversi ty Seniori ty Cultur e Variati on Traditional model dimensions of diversity include: A. education. C . parental status. Which of the following group is expected to grow the most in employment from 2008 to 2018? A. B . 10 income . military experience. . diversity. physical ability. D . age. B. B. inco me. all of these. 59. E . Inclusive dimensions of diversity include: A. C . income. work style. D .58. lifestyle. D. C. B . All of these are inclusive dimensions of diversity EXCEPT: A. 60. All of the following are traditional model dimensions of diversity EXCEPT: A. E . religious beliefs. sexual orientation. sexual orientation. nationalit y. E all of these are primary dimensions of . pay level. 11 parents. C. Ccan change throughout one's lifetime. E . have a greate r impac t than do prima ry dimen sions. model C Traditional . 12 Learning model Static model . 62. are inborn. Hopetech Industries has a corporate diversity plan that limits diversity to areas that do not change throughout a person’s lifetime. Inclusive dimensions of diversity: A. and disability. Hopetech’s diversity plan follows which model of corporate diversity? A. Dinclude such factors as gender.61. B . E none of . such as race. gender. age. model D . these. Inclu sive mode l B Exclusive . E Reduced costs associated with high turnover. E Enhanced quality of team problem . work. Increased understanding of the marketplace C. Increased quality of team problem solving D Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions . 65. has an onsite daycare facility and provides employees fulltime daycare at a very low cost. The company implemented this years ago when managers realized that childcare responsibilities were contributing to high turnover and absenteeism. B Increased understanding of the . According to MANAGER'S SHOPTALK in chapter 13. lawsuits 13 . absenteeism. Better use of employee tale B. which of the following is not a characteristic used to help foreign managers understand Americans? A. absenteeism. Smileline Inc. D Increased costs associated with high turnover. punctuality. Reduced costs associated with high turnover. This example highlights which dividend of workplace diversity? A. B Americans value . and lawsuits. solving. and lawsuits.63. Which of the following is not a dividend of workplace diversity? A. Americans are formal. D Americans are independent and individualistic. E Americans are . C. an . marketplace. absenteeism. competitive. 64. C Americans believe in . Better use of employee talent. Chil dcare B Flexible work schedule CHomebased employme nt DMaternity or paternity leaves E All of . B . Maxi-Min approach C Managing differentiation . which of the following may be helpful to accommodate the parents’ needs? A. D .66. exaggerated. pe 14 . D Advantageous approach . Managing diversity B. these 67. A. Labe l Prejudic e Typecas t Discrimi nation E Stereoty . In a family where both parents work. A. irrational belief associated with a particular group of people. C . E Maximum benefit . _____ is a rigid. approach 68. _____ means creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational or group performance are maximized while the potential disadvantages are minimized. ethnocentrism C. “Don’t be such a girl. D . resource training C Cultural . E the female . prejudices. Which of the following refers to special training to help people identify their own cultural boundaries. training E Empathy . stereotyp e B. attack that presentation!” Now Stephanie is so concerned about appearing tough that she can barely concentrate on the content of the presentation. and stereotypes and to develop the skills for managing and working in a diverse workplace? A. advantage 70. training 71. A. _____ is a psychological experience of a person who. Typeca st threat B Discriminatory . usually engaged in a task. Stephanie is nervous about giving a presentation at the marketing firm where she works. E . Globali zation training B Human . One of her male coworkers told her. 15 Labeling Stereotype threat Classified threat .69. threat C. plurality D glass ceiling threat . is aware of a stereotype about his or her identity group suggesting he or she will not perform well on that task. training D Diversity . Stephanie’s anxiety stems from: A. a diverse organization. Phlex is most likely: A. B an organization that . D ethnorelativism. 73. E . Phlex has been known to discourage the emergence of alternative values. B diversity in the . D . pluralism. 16 . workplace. encourages pluralism. perspective. Ethnor elativi sm Ethnocentri sm Pluralism Geocentrici sm Regiocentris m An ethnocentric perspective leads to: A. E minority-owned . . C. a monoculture. geocentric.72. Phlex Plastic has a very strong set of corporate values. _____ reflects the belief that one's own group is superior to other groups. B . organization. E a global . C. A. In fact. 74. a monocult ure. D. C. pri mar y cult ure B preferre . d culture C dominati ng culture D monocu . B. Mono cultur alism Pluralism Ethnorelativ ism Geocentrici sm Ethnocentris m A culture that accepts only one way of doing things and one set of values and beliefs is referred to as a(n) _____. ism E Monocultu .75. ism C Pluralism . A. D Geocentric . C . m 17 . _____ is the belief that groups are inherently equal. re 76. D . A. Ethno relati vism B Ethnocentr . lture E pluralis . 77. Which of the following means that an organization accommodates several subcultures? A. E . 18 . Which of the following is an invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions? A. against a 79. Cmust make a conscious effort to D can . action. ceiling.78. barriers to entry. C equal . The barrier to entry Affirmative action Equal opportunity The glass ceiling The glass wall Women make up less than 16 percent of all Fortune 500 executives. E the glass . . can never naturally B . D the glass wall. B . This could be due to: A. C . D . easily E are . Most organizations _____ shift from a monoculture perspective to one of pluralism. opportunity. E . A. 80. B affirmative . Balanci ng family prioriti es B Invisible . Trouser's promotes from within and top management is most comfortable with individuals who are similar to them. Women and minorities at this company who wish to be promoted are likely to experience _____. D Family . minorities C Opt-out trend . A. _____ implies that women's commitment to their children limits their commitment to the company or their ability to handle the rigors of corporate management. commitment E Cost of . cultu ral diver sity B the glass ceiling effect Crapid promotion and advancem ent D ethnorela . Trouser's Inc. A. top management is exclusively made up of older white males. tivism E all of .81. these 82. diversity 19 . ceiling D Glass wall . trend C Glass . After ten years with the company. she learns that the manager network is made up exclusively of men. Josephine would like to become part of an elite manager network at her company so she can get access to general and line management experience to help her succeed within the company. trend C Glass . E Opaque . However. Femal e advant age B Opt-out . E Opaque . ceiling D Glass wall . This demonstrates which factor affecting women’s careers? A. she decided to leave and become a fulltime mother and caregiver to her ailing father. Femal e advant age B Opt-out . ceiling 84.83. This example demonstrates which factor affecting women’s careers? A. ceiling 20 . Riya was a highly successful manager at Optics International. Bbuilding a corporate culture that values diversity. Dchanging the current organizationa l structure. In particular. Pattie's Pancakes recently held a series of focus groups to gather information on employee perceptions of women and minorities in the workplace. these. B . 86. This is an example of: A. E none of . managers may conduct a ___________ to uncover diversity problems in the organization. and beliefs that currently exist in their organization.85. Pattie's was interested in learning about the myths. E . A. values. 21 reports audit financial audit cultural audit diversity audit special needs audit . C. Cchanging the current organizationa l design. D . During the first step of the diversity development process. sensiti vity trainin g. Revelation B. Exposure C. E Cultural barrier . C. _____ involves exposing traditional managers to nontraditional peers to help break down stereotypical beliefs. competence 88. regularly establishes numerical goals tied to diversity. Publicity D Innovative breakdown . ethnocent rism ethnorelativism B . stereotyping E cultural . a human resource manager at WorldPlus Corp. breakdown 89.. B . 22 Demanding results and revisiting goals Maintaining momentum to change the culture Choosing solutions to fit a balanced strategy Uncovering diversity problems in an organization Strengthening top management commitment . pluralism D. The ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures refers to _____. E . and managerial positions for women and minorities. D . rates of promotion.87. such as tracking salaries. C . Rebecca. This involves which step for developing diversity and cultural competence? A. A. A. gen der disc rimi nati on Bethnic discrimi nation C stereoty . 23 Expanding recruitment efforts Establishing mentor relationships Accommodating special needs Providing diversity skills training Increasing awareness of sexual harassment . D . With most new employees in the late twenties or early thirties. Which of the following is the most common diversity initiative. Albertson & Sons Inc. recruiting 92. Mentor relationships C Accommodating special . needs D Training and education . ce 91. according to Fortune 1000 respondents? A. B . ping D sexual harassm ent E prejudi . E . Community outreach B. Paying a woman less than a man for the same work is an example of:: A. This is an example of what type of diversity initiative or program? A.90. E Diversity-focused . has learned that helping new employees secure home loans has been a valuable service that pays off in the long term. C. 93. A. buildi ng a corpor ate cultur e that values divers ity. cul tur es Bstructur es and policies C develo . pment s D bureau . C diversity . This is an attempt to change existing _____ within the organization. D . 24 all of these. cracies E traini . TickTock Clock Corporation is attempting to develop a truly diverse workplace. TickTock's president assigned the human resources department the task of determining the demographics of the local area labor market. training. The major steps involved in building a truly diverse workplace include: A. changing structures and policies so that they support diversity. ng 94. E . none of these. . senior organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and support to a protégé's professional career? A. B . 25 Sp ons or Ment or Expatr iate Deleg ate Advis or . D . B . Organizations must find ways to eliminate the glass ceiling effect. to hire only white males. through affirmative action. E . C . One effective way to do this has been: A. C . 96. E . through targeted recruitment .95. Which of the following refers to a higher ranking. D . top management speeches. to develop mentoring relationships. Inc. Women. B . minoriti es B Minorities. men . religion. women C. . E Whites. C . Which of the following prohibits discrimination on the basis of race. national origin. E . E . Men. Birmingham Boardwalk. D . minorities 99. 98. C. women D Women. D. . uses a(n) _____ program to provide minorities and women with direct training and inside information on the norms and expectations of the organization. A. 26 Age Discrimination in Employment Act Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Equal Pay Act of 1963 Americans with Disabilities Act Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act Amendment of 1972 . spo nso rin g mentor ing expatri ate delega te adviso ry _____ are less likely than _____ to develop mentoring relationships. color. B.97. A. and sex? A. White B African . Eastern 101. these 27 . American C. D . C . _____ mentoring relationships sometimes leave both parties uncomfortable. Which of the following groups has the largest wage gap between genders? A. A. ed E All of . European E Middle . _____ is(are) categories of sexual harassment. A. B . Cros srace Femalemale Malemale Femalefemale E Same . Inap propr iate/ offen sive BCoercion with threat of punishment CSolicitation with promise of reward D Generaliz .100. race 102. Hispanic D. generalized.103. B solicitation with promise of reward. 28 . This type of sexual harassment would be categorized as: A. C. appropriate. Which is the highest level of sexual harassment? A. 104. E . B. C. Generalized Inappropriate/offensive Sexual crimes Solicitation with promise of reward Coercion with threat of punishment Matthew is Mandy's supervisor. coercion with threat of punishme nt. authority. D . D. E positional . He promises to fire her if she does not engage in sexual activity with him. S. E None of . Supreme Court take? A. Which of these actions did the U. Broadened the definition of sexual harassment to include same sex harassment and harassment of men by female coworkers. Broadened the definition of sexual harassment to include harassment of men by female coworkers. 29 . Restri cted the definit ion of sexual harass ment to exclud e office roman ce. Broadened the definition of sexual harassment to include same sex harassment. these.105. Research has shown that: A. C. 107. these. creativity has nothing to do with group composition. Which of the following is a basic aim of diversity awareness training? A. homogeneous groups are less satisfied than diverse groups. Complying with federal employment law D. Teaching people the differences between women and men B Helping individuals become aware of their own prejudices . diverse groups are more creative than homogeneous groups. prejudices 30 . E none of .106. homo geneo us group s are more creati ve than divers e group s. Reinforcing stereotypes employees may hold E Helping individuals become aware of management's . Chelp retain minority employees. employees. on concerns of employees from that group are called _____. create divisi ons in the workp lace. organization. such as gender or race. C the groups are formally created by the . these. B the groups pursue a variety of activities. and organized by employees to focus 0. 11 Groups that are based on social identity. Research has shown that network groups: A. Bare bad experiences for minority employees. All of the following are true about employee network groups EXCEPT: A. the groups are based on social identity. 109. Dreduce creativity by being homogeneous . D the mechanism of the groups work well . E none of .108. E the groups help retain minority . . ________________________________________ 31 . with multicultural teams. Identify the traditional and inclusive dimensions of diversity. 11 Name five dividends of workplace diversity. 2. 11 What are the five steps to developing diversity and cultural competence? 3. 11 Define workforce diversity. 32 . 5. 11 List the five categories or forms of sexual harassment. 4.11 Name at least three factors that negatively affect women’s career advancement? 1. 11 What is the difference between ethnocentrism and ethnorelativism? 6. 33 . 9. 7. 11 List and describe the five forms of sexual harassment. 11 Briefly explain the concepts of a glass wall and a glass ceiling. 11 What are the 5 steps in implementing a change to develop a truly diverse workplace? 8. Chapter 13--Managing Diversity Key 1. FALSE 28. monoculture 18. TRUE 7. FALSE 3. TRUE 4. Ethnorelativism 19. TRUE 5. FALSE 29. FALSE 30. FALSE 6. FALSE 9. FALSE 8. TRUE 10. Opt-out trend 22. B 11. inclusive 16. glass ceiling 21. Pluralism 20. d 12. ethnocentrism 17. TRUE 2. TRUE 34 . Multicultural teams 25. mentor 24. e 14. FALSE 26. Diversity awareness training 23. TRUE 27. d 15. b 13. B 58. TRUE 44.31. A 64. TRUE 41. FALSE 47. TRUE 34. TRUE 37. TRUE 35. A 56. FALSE 42. FALSE 38. FALSE 33. E 59. E 61. B 57. FALSE 43. C 60. C 55. D 54. TRUE 50. D 35 . C 63. FALSE 48. FALSE 40. B 52. TRUE 39. FALSE 32. C 62. FALSE 36. TRUE 49. TRUE 45. E 53. FALSE 46. D 51. E 69. C 93. D 72. A 70.65. D 78. B 89. E 92. B 97. A 68. E 67. C 79. D 95. B 82. E 66. C 96. E 88. B 86. C 87. A 76. B 85. C 83. D 36 . B 73. D 71. B 98. C 84. A 90. E 81. D 80. C 75. A 74. A 94. A 91. B 77. · Glass ceiling · Glass wall · Wage gap · Opt-out trend 112. C 107. 116. B 100. E 103. absenteeism. inappropriate/offensive.99. the belief that different groups and subcultures are inherently equal and that none are inherently better or worse is ethnorelativism. These results in preventing significant experience in areas such as line supervisor positions that would enable women and minorities to advance vertically. D 106. C 110. · Better use of employee talent · Increased understanding of the marketplace · Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions · Increased quality of team problem solving · Reduced costs associated with high turnover. and sexual crimes/misdemeanors. 115. B 108. A 102. A 105. coercion with threat of punishment. and (5) offering training and education. The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions. C 109. Prevailing attitudes and subtle biases combine to prevent significant vertical movement to these groups. Step 1: Uncover diversity problems in the organization Step 2: Strengthen top management commitment Step 3: Choose solutions to fit a balanced strategy Step 4: Demand results and revisit goals Step 5: Maintain momentum to change the culture 114. employee network groups 111. and lawsuits 113. 37 .4 in the text for the different dimensions of diversity. 118. A 101. solicitation with promise of reward. The five steps include: (1) changing structures and policies. Workforce diversity means the hiring and inclusion of people with different human qualities or who belong to various cultural groups. (4) accommodating special needs. Ethnocentrism is the belief that your own group or subculture is inherently superior to other groups or subcultures. In contrast. (2) focusing on diversity recruiting. Please refer to exhibit 13. Generalized. C 104. The concept of a glass wall is that invisible barriers (or glass walls) prevent women and minorities from taking important lateral movement within organizations. (3) establishing mentor relationships. 117. it causes discomfort in a coworker. with the potential for criminal prosecution. if reported to the police. promotions. This form involves sexual remarks and actions that are not intended to lead to sexual activity but that are directed toward a coworker based solely on gender and reflect on the entire group. these acts would. Inappropriate/offensive. The harasser coerces a coworker into sexual activity by using the threat of power (through recommendations. Though not sexually threatening. and so on) to jeopardize the victim's career. grades. be considered felony crimes and misdemeanors. Generalized. Sexual crimes and misdemeanors. This action treads a fine line as an attempt to "purchase" sex.119. The highest level of sexual harassment. whose reaction in avoiding the harasser may limit his or her freedom and ability to function in the workplace. Coercion with threat of punishment. 38 . Solicitation with promise of reward.
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