
May 17, 2018 | Author: salim4sap | Category: Invoice, Information, Software Engineering, Information Technology Management, Technology



2017-11-15 Page 1/52146545 - Freight cost distribution integration with SAP ERP is not correctly creating agency business document. Version 2 Type SAP Note Language English Master Language English Priority Correction with high priority Category Consulting Release Status Released for Customer Released On 23.07.2015 Component TM-FRS-FCD ( Freight Cost Distribution ) Please find the original document at https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/ 2146545 Symptom 1. You have different scenarios for Freight cost posting and want to understand how to achieve this. 2. Various BAdIs and its uses in the TM Freight Cost integration with ABD. 3. You want to derive CO-PA segment suiting your scenario requirement in the ABD 4. You want to pass additional fields in the Accounting document that is created for the ABD. Other Terms FSD, FCD, ABD, cost distribution integration, STO, FAQ, intercompany sales, OTR, DTR. Reason and Prerequisites TM-ABD integration. Solution 1. You want to set up ABD posting in SAP ERP with reference to the Freight Costs posted in TM settlement document for OTR/DTR items which are linked to Intercompany Sales Example:- You have an Inter-Company Sales scenario as below Sales organization S002 belonging to Company code 0002 is selling a product to a customer. The Product is shipped out of a Plant (PL01) which belongs to the company code 0001. When you create Freight Documents for the OTR/DTR and transfer the FSD liked to such Freight document to SAP ERP in standard integration: The Purchase order (service) is set up based on the Mapping maintained in IMG path Integration with Other SAP Components à Transportation Management à Invoice Integration à Invoicing à Mapping of Organizational Units à Assign Organizational Units for Purchasing (TCM_V_PUR_MAP). The company code and plant of the Purchase order is set based on the Company code and Plant maintained in this mapping.( Let's Say the company code is 0002 and Plant is PL02) The Service Entry Sheet (SES) when posted, post to the Company code (0002) linked to the Purchase order. The AB Document is created with the following data Sales organization (S002) from the Sales order, The AB document item for the product is set up with Plant PL01 from the sales order, and the AB Document Header company code is set to 0001. © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved The Product is shipped out of a Plant (PL01) which belongs to the company code 0001 and you have an Outbound delivery created. You may want to consider implementation of BAdI WZRE_TRANSFER_SO_DATA_BADI in order to switch the company code or Sales area in this scenario (IMG Path Integration with Other SAP Components->Transportation Management->Invoice Integration-> Mapping for Cost Distribution->Posting via Agency Business->BAdI: Transfer Sales Order Data). The company code and plant of the Purchase order is set based on the Company code and Plant maintained in this mapping. i. All rights reserved . You may modify the content of the Header and Item fields of the ABD document during creation in this BAdI. When you create Freight Documents for the OTR/DTR and transfer the FSD liked to such Freight document to SAP ERP in standard integration: The Purchase order (service) is set up based on the Mapping maintained in IMG path Integration with Other SAP Components à Transportation Management à Invoice Integration à Invoicing à Mapping of Organizational Units à Assign Organizational Units for Purchasing (TCM_V_PUR_MAP). You may need to plan the organization mapping TCM_V_PUR_MAP so that the final posting picture is complete in one company code for your scenario. You may have situation where you may require a different handling of the posting of freight cost: As an expense to the Supplying plant and supplying company code As an expense to the Receiving Plant and Receiving company Code To Material account of the Receiving Plant and Receiving Company Code There are BADI's provided as indicated below to handle the adjustments that may fit your scenario. You can Define posting type for distinguishing each Agency business document(IMG Path Integration with Other SAP Components->Transportation © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. and the AB Document Header company code is set to 0002. There are BADI's provided as indicated below to handle the adjustments that may fit your scenario. Example:-You have an Inter-Company STO scenario as below Plant PL01 belonging to Company code 0001 (Shipping company) is transferring a product to Plant PL02 which belongs to the company Code 0002 (Receiving Company). You may want to consider usage of a Posting Type (EXT_POST_TYPE) to identify for example the above scenarios distinctly.( Let's Say the company code is 0002 and Plant is PL02) The Service Entry Sheet (SES) when posted post to the Company code linked to the Purchase order.2017-11-15 Page 2/5 This may create an undesired FI posting which is different between the Freight cost posting to company 0002 but the distribution posting is going to company 0001. The AB document item for the product is set up with Plant PL02 form the STO Item.There is no BAdI available to adjust the PO/SES posting to a particular company code. In the second case may be you would desire to adjust also the Sales area to the sales area linked to the delivery plant PL01. Example:-You may want to post the Expense to the company code which is involved in the sale in (0002) or post Expense to the company code which is involved in the delivery of the goods (0001). The AB Document (category 2 Invoice) for posting to material account (use case 30) is created with the following data Purchase organization (P002) from the STO. You want to set up ABD posting in SAP ERP with reference to the Freight Costs posted in TM settlement document for OTR/DTR items which are linked to Intercompany Stock Transfer Order. Note:. 1. Use the Defined Posting type and Define 'Basic Settings for creation of Agency Document' to distinguish each scenario to uniquely set up the configuration so that the right ABD document category is picked up as desired.Posting type EXSP .Example: .Expense Supplying plant. (IMG path for BADI Integration with Other SAP Components->Transportation Management->Invoice Integration->Mapping for Cost Distribution->Posting via Agency Business->Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)) © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.Material Account Receiving plant etc. MARP . ii.Expense Receiving Plant.(IMG Path Integration with Other SAP Components-> Transportation Management->Invoice Integration->Mapping for Cost Distribution->Posting via Agency Business->Basic Settings for Creation of Agency Documents). EXRP . All rights reserved . Implement the BAdI WZRE_DET_CONTR_FIELDS_BADI (Determine Fields That Control Agency Document Creation) by determining the scenario (STO) in the implementation and pass the appropriate Posting type to be read from the customizing 'Basic Settings for creation of Agency Document' above. Example:- APPLICATION = TM REF_DOC_TYPE = 17 (Purchase Order / Contract) EXT_POST_TYPE = "EXSP" USE_CASE = 31 (Freight Distribution on G/L Account) KAPPL = M AGENCY_DOC_CAT = 1 (Settlement) APPLICATION = TM REF_DOC_TYPE = 17 (Purchase Order / Contract) EXT_POST_TYPE = "EXRP" USE_CASE = 31 (Freight Distribution on G/L Account) KAPPL = M AGENCY_DOC_CAT = 1 (Settlement) APPLICATION = TM REF_DOC_TYPE = 17 (Purchase Order / Contract) EXT_POST_TYPE = "MARP" USE_CASE = 30 (Freight Distribution on Material Account) KAPPL = M AGENCY_DOC_CAT = 2 (Invoice) i.2017-11-15 Page 3/5 Management->Invoice Integration->Mapping for Cost Distribution->Posting via Agency Business-> Define Application and Posting Type). are taken over form the linked Sales. you could implement the code restricting it to document type (field ABART in BAdI input parameter I_KOMLFK) to be B (Correction Billing Document.2017-11-15 Page 4/5 For help in implementation. method CHECK_COPA_RELEVANT and by setting the parameter C_RE_DETERMINATION_RELEVANT to TRUE(X). Example:. All rights reserved . you could consider implementing the BAdI WZRE_TRANSFER_PO_DATA_BADI (BAdI: Transfer Purchase Order Data) for this to modify the content of the Header and Item fields of the ABD document during creation. Profit Center. If you would have changed the plant information in the above BAdI.. information which is required to flow to FI for Freight costs involving either Stock transfer or Inter-company sales scenario. Since ABD does not take over all the data from the Order document (example Sales order) the automatic re determination of the CO-PA segment may not be sufficient in most cases. Activity type (LSTAR). etc.Cost center. To overcome this we recommend an Implicit enhancement to bypass the check in the Include LWLF1F0W subroutine check_werks_bukrs. © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. ABD in the TM fright cost integration scenario does not determine the CO-PA automatically. Stock Transfer Order Item if available. Subsequent Settlement) and use case (field USE_CASE) as 30 (Freight distribution on material account) and 31 (Freight distribution on G/L account). To limit the changes in all the above BADI to TM integration processes. company etc. The CO-PA segment used in the ABD is not the desired CO-PA segment The Account Assignments in the AB Document Item . STO you may need specific CO-PA segment to post expenses. Set the CO-PA determination to true by implementing the BADI WLF_DOCUMENT_EXT. you could refer to the standard implementation (Badi Implementation WZRE_DET_CONTR_FIELDS_S_TM. For example. In some cases. Trading partner(PARGB). method CHANGE_ITEM_LINE in order to achieve the same. during AB document creation.) and the data in the CO-PA segment are consistent else there may be run time exceptions due to data mismatch which will stop posting of the ABD. Purchase. CO-PA segment number. You require certain additional information to flow into the FI document posted for the ABD There may be additional fields in the FI integration which may be needed for your analysis or other business reasons when you post the distributed freight cost into financial. you may need to populate the Sales area information in the AB document of type 1 . You must make sure to put conditions such that this check is bypassed only for the ABDs of the use case type 30 and 31 which are from TM and only if you have the special cases like the inter company sales and STO. you need to modify the Purchasing related data (such as plant information).. you might receive an error message 06 167 ("Please only use plants with company code &&"). You could consider implementing the following BADIs for the same. 1. You may consider implementing the BAdI WLF_ACC_ENHANCEMENT_EXT. etc.you may need the Business Area (GSBER). For this scenario.Settlement and you may want to use the sales area via mapping of the Supplying plant to the sales area in table T001W ii. Inter-company Sales. Also kindly note that you will need to ensure that the Data between the ABD document (example Sales org. In case you are creating an expense posting on the supplying plant/Supplying company. i. Implementing class CL_WZRE_DET_CONTR_FIELDS_S_TM. 1. All rights reserved . Software Components Software Component Release SAP_APPL 605 . Subsequent Settlement) and use case (field USE_CASE) as 30 (Freight distribution on material account) and 31 (Freight distribution on G/L account).616 SAP_APPL 617 .120 SAPTM 130 .130 Other Components Component Description LO-AB Agency Business/ Settlement Management CO-PA Profitability Analysis This document is referenced by SAP Note/KBA Title 2135627 FAQ: Settings for Agency Business Document with reference to TM Freight Settlement Document Terms of use | Copyright | Trademark | Legal Disclosure | Privacy © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.605 SAP_APPL 606 .2017-11-15 Page 5/5 To limit the changes in all the above BAdI to TM integration processes you could implement the code restricting it to document type (field ABART in BAdI input parameter I_KOMLFK) to be B (Correction Billing Document.606 SAP_APPL 616 .110 SAPTM 120 .617 SAPTM 110 .
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