
March 25, 2018 | Author: parmitchoudhury | Category: Databases, Information Technology, Computer Data, Data Management, Computing



Hyperion EssbaseWhat we will cover        Introduction To Essbase Hyperion Essbase Demonstration Designing & Explanation of Analytics Service Database Loading Data Understanding Analytics Services Structure Consolidating and Calculating Data Spreadsheet Addin Corporate Information Pyramid      Mainframes and OLTP Data RDBMS SQL Reporting Applications Text Files Spreadsheet Applications Information Exploration / SQL/ Relational/ Cleansing/ Data Transaction Multidimensionality    Multidimensionality converts two dimensional row and column oriented data into a multidimensional cube. sophisticated business analysis. Structures data around natural business concepts. The faces of the cube represents dimensions. East West January February Actual Budget Actual Budget Sales Margin TV VCR TV VCR . Provides foundation for efficient. Cube is a metaphor for multidimensional data storage. Relational table Data cube Product Time Sales Diet Cola January 166 Diet Cola February 182 Root Beer January 131 Root Beer February 149 … … … January February Diet Cola 166 182 Root Beer 131 149 … … … .Data Cube    Analysts prefer to view multidimensional data in the form of a data cube rather than in relational tables. N-D cube can be visualized as series of (n-1)-D cubes. Root Beer. NY (Markets) Measures  Sales s et Y k N ar T M C C Products  A Diet Cola 166 182 143 Root Beer 131 149 120 Cream Soda 123 150 115 Fruit Soda 267 196 231 Jan Feb Mar Time 267 units of fruit soda sold in CA in Jan . Fruit Soda (Products)  CA.3-D Cube   Dimensions  Time  Products  Markets Members  Jan. Cream Soda. CT. Feb. Mar (Time)  Diet Cola. consistent.The OLAP Solution-Hyperion Essbase  Online Analytical processing System (OLAP) is a category of software that lets analysis .  Conforms to the client-server architecture. interactive access to a wide variety of possible data views.managers and executables gain insight into data thru fast .  OLAP solution as Essbase XTD Analytics Services facilitates intensive analysis and let managers invent their analysis interactively.  Provides a graphical user interface. .  Provides multiple-user access to the analytic information.  OLAP transforms raw data into transformation reflecting the real dimensionality of the enterprise as understood by the user. Hyperion Essbase Demonstration . .Hyperion Essbase Demonstration    Starting The Essbase Analytics Server Starting Administration Server Start Administration Server Console      Defining The database outline Defining the automatic rules for developing complex outlines Creating Calculation Script Creating Load Rules for loading data into database Providing log reports for trouble shooting. Hyperion Essbase –Product Architecture Client Tier Middle Tier •Hyperion Analyzer Database Tier TCP/IP •Hyperion Reports Spreadsheet Add-in HTTP Spreadsheet Services HTTP Administration Services Administration Console HTTP Administration Services TCP/IP Essbase . Essbase    Multi-threaded OLAP database software Based upon Web-deployable. Data Mining . thin-client architecture Components:  Essbase Server  Essbase Client – Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in – ESSCMD – MaxL data definition language (MaxL DDL) – Data manipulation language (MDX) – Optional. Administration Services   Database and system administrators' interface to Essbase Components:  Administration Server  Administration Console . launch the Essbase Server Agent executable:  To stop the Essbase Server. enter EXIT or QUIT in the Agent Console. Essbase Server Agent Essbase Server Agent Console Essbase Server .Starting and Stopping the Essbase Server  To start the Essbase Server. launch the following executable: %EASPATH%\eas\server\bin\stopadminsvr.exe Administration Server Agent Administration Server Agent Console Administration Server . launch the Administration Server Agent executable:  To stop the Administration Server.Starting and Stopping the Administration Server  To start the Administration Server. .Starting the Administration Console  To start the Administration Console: 1. Log on to the console. Launch the console executable: %EASPATH%\eas\server\console\admincon.exe 2. Enterprise View Enterprise View displays your Essbase environment in a hierarchy. Shortcut Menu Custom View . Life Cycle of Essbase Database Design Build MDB Report and Verify Load Data Calculate . Creating an Essbase Application 1 2 3 . Essbase Databases   Data repository that contains multidimensional analytic data Database objects:  Database outline  Data sources  Rules files  Calculation scripts  Report scripts  Security definitions  Linked reporting objects  Partition definitions . Creating an Essbase Database 1 2 3 . Designing An Analytics Services Database .  Shared Member : The data values associated with a shared member come from another member with the same name.e Year .quarter.weeks etc.months.  Dimensions : A perspective on the data being Analyzed eg Time Units i.  User Defined Attribute (UDA): Used to describe a member.Analytics Services Terminology  Outline : The presentation of the relationships among the members in the database.  Sibling: A child member at the same branch level as another child member with the same parent. . There are two types of dimensions as  Standard  Attribute  Members : Discrete component making up dimensions  Generation/ Levels : Describe position within the hierarchy of the dimension. The shared member stores a pointer to data contained in the other member and the data is only stored once. Sparse Dimension : A dimension with a low percentage of data position filled.Standard Dimensions Essbase maximizes the performance by dividing the standard dimensions into two types :   Dense Dimension : A dimension with a high probability that one or more data points are occupied in every combination of dimension. . Hence Accounts . Year & Scenario are considered Dense Dimensions. Essbase File Structure Essbase Server creates a directory for each application and database. %HYPERION_HOME% %ARBORPATH% Directory for all applications TBC application directory Sales database directory Outline Transaction control Free fragment file Database file Database backup Kernel Data source file Rules files Index file Data file Calculation script . Database Outline    Tree structure for dimension hierarchies Consolidations and mathematical relationships between members Outline Editor . Outline Terms: Generations Generation defines a member’s location within the outline hierarchy from the top of the dimension. Gen 1 Scenario Gen 2 Actual Gen 2 Budget Gen 2 Forecast Gen 2 Variances Gen 3 Act vs Bud Gen 3 Act vs Fcst Gen 3 Bud vs Fcst Dimension Leaves Branch Leaves . Scenario Level 1 Actual Level 0 Budget Level 0 Forecast Level 0 Variances Level 1 Act vs Bud Level 0 Act vs Fcst Level 0 Bud vs Fcst Level 0 Level 2 .Outline Terms: Levels Level defines a member’s location within the outline hierarchy from the bottom of the dimension. Scenario Actual Budget Forecast Descendants of Scenario Variances Ancestors of • Act vs Bud • Act vs Fcst • Bud vs Fcst Parent Act vs Bud Child Act vs Fcst Child Bud vs Fcst Child .Outline Terms: Genealogy Genealogy names relationships between members in the outline. Separate Dimension Model Total Year Fiscal Year Crossover Model Year Qtr1 FY03 Qtr2 FY04 Qtr3 Qtr4 Year 2003 2004 Qtr1FY04 Qtr2FY04 Qtr3FY04 Qtr4FY04 .Time Dimension Time dimension defines the time period of the analytic data. Toolbar Tabs Working pane Control buttons .Outline Editor Outline Editor enables you to design the database outline. Adding a child Adding a sibling .Adding Dimensions and Members You can add dimensions and members to the outline manually or dynamically. Setting the Dimension Type Dimension Type Buttons 2 1 Assigned Dimension Type . Verifying and Saving the Database Outline Essbase enables you to:  Check the database outline for errors  Save the outline to the Essbase server or the client file system Outline errors . Enhancing Computational Capabilities The database outline contains the following metadata that enhances Essbase computational capabilities:  Consolidation operators  Member formulas  Variance reporting calculation  Time balance . Consolidation Property and Operators  Consolidation property defines how the member rolls up to its parent.  Valid consolidation operators are:  Addition (+)  Subtraction (-)  Multiplication (*)  Division (/)  Percent (%)  Ignore (~) Excluded from consolidation Margin Sales (+) COGS (-) Margin = Sales – COGS .  Essbase operators and functions return sets of member or data values.Cost) % Retail.Defining Member Calculation  Member formulas define complex computations in the outline. . Markup = (Retail . "Ending Inventory" = "Opening Inventory" .Sales + Additions. 2 3 Formula Editing pane 4 1 5 .Creating Member Formulas Create the member formula in Formula Editor. Variance Reporting Calculation  Members that represent expense must have the Expense Reporting tag.  Essbase provides two variance reporting functions:  @VAR(mbrName1. . mbrName2)  @VARPER(mbrName1.67 COGS (Expense Reporting) 100 120 20 16. mbrName2)  Example: Actual Budget Variance Variance % Sales 100 120 -20 -16. Budget). Variance = @VAR(Actual.67  Variance equals Actual minus Budget. Time Balance Property  Time balance property defines member consolidation across the Time dimension. Total Year Qtr1 (TB First) Additions Ending Inventory Feb Mar 25 20 20 11 10 15 36 Qtr1+Qtr2+ Qtr3+Qtr4 31 25 30 30 Value of Qtr4 20 Inventory Opening Inventory Jan (TB Last) 31 .  Skip option determines how Essbase treats zero and missing values. Label Only Members  Do not store data  Group members to ease navigation and reporting  Take the value of the first child that stores data Total Year Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 120 125 150 150 545 Actual 120 125 150 150 545 Budget 110 140 140 170 560 Scenario Label Only . Member Aliases  Aliases improve outline and report readability  Essbase stores aliases in the alias tables  You can create up to 10 alias tables Default Year Year Total Qtr1 Quarter 1 Jan Feb Mar + January February March … Year Total Quarter 1 January February March . Attribute Dimensions  Attributes describe characteristics of data such as the size and color of products.  Through attributes you can group and analyze members of dimensions based on their characteristics. . Attribute Dimensions Analysis by attribute provides depth and perspective. supporting more informed decisions . Base dimension Products Colas Attribute dimensions Caffeinated Intro Date Promotion True 01-25-2003 Summer Time Fun False 05-10-2002 Old Time Favorites Caffeine Free 09-30-2001 New Millennium Kool Cola 01-01-2001 Cola . Associating Attribute Dimensions 4 3 2 1 Associated Attribute Dimensions 5 . .Setting member storage properties Storage Property Store Dynamic Calc and Store Dynamic Calc Never share Label only Shared member When to Use Store the data value with the member. Share values between members. Not calculate the data value until a user requests it. Not calculate the data value until a user requests it. in the Sample Basic database. create the shared member with the same name and tag it as shared. members that contain no data values. Not allow members to be shared implicitly. the 100-20 member is stored under the 100 parent and shared under Diet parent. Members tagged as Never share can only be explicitly shared. and then store the data value. that is. and then discard the data value. For example. Create members for navigation only. To explicitly share a member. You can change the sign of the data as it is loaded into the database based on its UDA.  .UDA (User Defined Attributes)  A user-defined attribute (UDA) is a word or phrase about a member. After you define a UDA. you can query a member for its UDA in a calculation script.  Use UDAs in the following places:  Calculation scripts. Data loading. Loading Data . Loading Data Overview Error File Formatted Data File Administration Console + Nonformatted Data File Essbase Server Rules File MaxL Shell Data Prep Editor Database . 2 629.Free-Form Data Loading You can load a data source directly if it contains all information required to load its data values into the database.8 484 629. Measures Scenario Products Markets Budget "200-30" Dallas Jan Feb Mar Apr May Sales 150 160 150 140 130 COGS 60 60 60 50 50 Marketing 20 20 20 20 10 Payroll 20 20 20 20 20 Scenario Markets Budget Budget Budget Budget Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Products "Kool "Kool "Diet "Diet Cola" Cola" Cola" Cola" Measures Sales COGS Marketing Payroll Jun 110 40 10 20 Total Year January February March April Total Year Data Data 1669.2 . Performing Free-Form Data Loads 2 1 3 4 . 1st quarter Budget Data Jan Feb Mar Diet Cola Sales 150 160 150 Kool Cola COGS 60 60 60 C-Free Cola Marketing 20 20 20 Replace C-Free Cola with Caffeine-Free Cola.  You can apply the rules to many data sources. Aspen Denver Manchester Map the header to Budget in the Scenario dimension.Structured Data Loading with Rules  You can format the data source to map its data to the database. and Measures dimensions. Qtr1 460 180 60 Ignore field during data load. Map fields to Markets. Products. .  You can store the rules in a rules file. Creating Data Load Rules Files 3 1 2 . Opening Data Sources 1 2 3 . Loading Data with the Rules File 2 1 3 4 5 6 . Understanding Analytics Services Structure . sophisticated analytics  .Essbase Data Storage Options Aggregate Storage Large number of base dimensions  Extremely small batch window. allocations. or many applications to compute  Combinations of large dimensions  Block Storage Calculation script-based applications  Write-back capability  Interactive planning. Dense Dimensions rio a en c S Sparse Dimensions ts e k ar M Measures Products Total Year Customers .Block Storage Overview Block storage databases use dense and sparse dimensions. Setting Dimensions as Dense or Sparse 1 2 Data-descriptor dimensions Business-view dimensions Attribute dimensions 3 . operational analytics Significantly reduces calculation times and disk footprint Designed to work seamlessly with existing interfaces and user skills Reduces complexity when creating Essbase databases .Aggregate Storage Overview  A new storage kernel  Aggregate-intensive cubes  Larger numbers of dimensions and     members Optimized for sparser data sets. Consolidating & Calculating Data .  Analytic Services offers two ways that you can calculate a database:  Outline calculation  Calculation script calculation  Retrieval performance can be improved by aggregating and storing selected level 0 data.Database Calculation  Data consolidation and calculation is performed upon retrieval. Level 0 Data Report Aggregated Data .  Used for less complex calculations  Follow outline relationships  Fastest way to calculate entire database Calculated Database Input Data Outline . CALC ALL consolidates all dimensions and members and calculates all formulas in the outline.Outline Calculations  By default. the calculation for a database is a CALC ALL of the database outline. Order of Outline Calculations Essbase calculates the outline in the following order: 1. Other sparse dimensions in top-down order 5. Time dimension 3. Other dense dimensions in top-down order 4. Members that are tagged as Two-Pass calculations 1st Pass Level 0 Data 2nd Pass Calculated Data (Before Two-Pass) Calculated Data (After Two-Pass) . Accounts dimension 2. and formulas.  Calculate all or a portion of the database  Control the order in which dimensions are calculated  Perform complex calculations Calculated Database Level 0 Data Calculation Script .  You use a calculation script to define calculations other than the calculations that are defined by the database outline.Calculation Scripts Calculation scripts enable you to:  A calculation script contains a series of calculation commands. equations. Creating Calculation Scripts Dimensions and Members Opening the Calculation Script Editor Functions and Commands Outline Enhancements That Affect Calculations  Two-Pass Calculations  Dynamic Calculations  Dynamic Time Series Two-Pass Calculations  Before Two-Pass  After Two-Pass         Dynamic Calculations  Advantages  Shorten batch database calculation time  Reduce disk storage usage  Reduce database restructure time  Reduce time to perform a backup  Disadvantages  May increase retrieval time  Change calculation order Precalculated Database Data Request Calculated Request Report . Dynamic Time Series Jan Feb Jan Feb January February March Sales 100 120 130 QTD Sales 100 220 350 Calc Script Dynamic Time Series Stored QTD Non-stored QTD . Spreadsheet Addin . and analyze data  Provides the interface with Essbase Server MS Excel with Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in Essbase Server Essbase Database .Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in  Is a software program that is embedded in a client spreadsheet application  Enables you to retrieve data. create ad hoc reports. Essbase Menu and Toolbar The Essbase menu and toolbar provide tools to access the database. Essbase Menu Essbase Toolbar . Connect ConnecttotoHyperion Hyperion Essbase Server Essbase Server . Excel.Hyperion HyperionEssbase Essbase Spreadsheet SpreadsheetAdd-In Add-In provides providesad-hoc ad-hocanalysis analysis ininExcel. Connecting to and Disconnecting From a Database Connecting to the Database Disconnecting from the Database 1 1 2 3 5 2 3 4 4 . Retrieving Data  Select Essbase > Retrieve. 1 2 3 MS Excel Essbase Server 4 Top-level Data Essbase Database .  Essbase returns top-level data into an empty spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet layout has four sections: Header Labels Column Labels Row Labels Data Cells .Retrieving Multidimensional Data into a TwoDimensional Spreadsheet Report  All dimensions must be represented in the spreadsheet. Display Options  Indentation Totals  Replacement Subitems None . )  Suppress  Aliases Use Aliases Member Names Use Both Member Names and Aliases .Display Options (cont. Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? .
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