March 28, 2018 | Author: hswed91 | Category: Structural Steel, Rolling (Metalworking), Steel, Strength Of Materials, Welding



IS 2062:2006(Superseding IS 1977:1996 and IS 8500: 1991) TkFi’TF&T-l-d ( u-mp%w ) Indian Standard HOT ROLLED LOW, MEDIUM AND HIGH TENSILE STRUCTURAL STEEL (Sixth Revision) ICS 77.140.01 0 BIS 2006 BUREAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN STANDARDS ZAFAR MARG 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 October 2006 Price Group 5 g) Requirements of IS 1977 and IS 8500 have been incorporated. 1. While reviewing this standard. the final value. 1S0 Standard may also be followed as an alternate method. c) A new clause on references has been incorporated. wide flats. the method as specified in relevant While revising the standard assistance has been derived fkom 1S0 630: 1995 ‘Structural steels — Plates. For the purpose ~f deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. during the next revision. The revised standard shall supersede the following standards: a) IS 1977: 1996 Low tensile structural steels b) IS 8500:1991 Structural steel — Microalloyed (medium and high strength qualities) To keep the pace of technical upgradation in the steel industry. in the light of experience gained during these years. b) Amendments No. For all the tests specified in this standard (chemical/physical/others). The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex A. 1992 and 1999. sections tid profiles’.. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value sho-uldbe the same as that of the specified value in this standard. . 1975. 1984. d) Number of grades have been increased to nine. MTD 4 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Sixth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. bars. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. Q Provision of normalizing rolling/controlled cooling have been incorporated. 3 and 4 have been incorporated. the Committee decided to revise it to bring in line with the present practices being followed by the Indian industry and overseas standards of structural steels. simultaneously old designations have also been given in parentheses. expressing the result of a test or analysis. . In this revision the following changes have been made: a) Title of this standard has been modified. observed or calculated. the Committee agreed to reduce the sulphur and phosphorus content. 2.Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee. e) ‘International grades designation system based on yield stress has been adopted. after the drafl finalized by the Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering Division Council. This standard was first published in 1962 and revised in 1969. 1 Micro-Alloying Elements — Elements. 1. vanadium and titanium added singly or in combination to obtain higher strength 1731:1971 1732:1989 .IS 2062:2006 Indian Standard HOT ROLLED LOW. boron. etc. which through reference in this text constitute provisions of this standard. channel and angle sections (third revision) Hot rolled slit steel tee bars (second revision) Hot rolled steel bulb angles — Dimensions (j7rst revision) Method for bend test (second revision) Metallic materials — Tensile testing at ambient temperature (third revision) Steel plates sheets. At the time of publication. bolted and IS No. such as niobium.1. for use in structural work. 228 (in various parts) 808:1989 Method for chemical analysis of steel Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam. engineering revision) 1757:1988 Title purposes (first Method for Charpy impact test (Vnotch) for metallic material (second revision) Rolling aird cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel products ~ourth revision) Hot rolled steel bulb flats ~irst revision) riveted structures and for general engineering purposes.1. MEDIUM AND HIGH TENSILE STRUCTURAL STEEL (Sixth Revision ) 1 “SCOPE 1. channels. tees. 1 10842:1984 12778:1989 Testing and evaluation procedure for Y groove crackability test Dimensions for hot rolled steel parallel flange beam and column sections 1730:1989 3 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of this standard.1 The steels are suitable for welded. 3. 1. shapes and sections (angles. 2 REFERENCES The standards listed below contain provisions. column.1 This standard covers the requirements of steel including micro-alloyed steel plates. etc). AU standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below: Title IS No. flats. strips. the editions indicated were valid. bars. the following definitions in addition to those given in the relevant parts of IS 1956 shall apply. beams. welding procedure should be as specified in IS 9595.1 (Part 2): 1985 Sections TS H. strips and flats for structural and general engineering purposes (second revision) Dimensions for steel flats for structural and general engineering purposes @st revision) Dimensions for round and square steel bars for structural and general 1852:1985 1863:1979 1956 (in various Glossary ofterms relatingto iron and steel (in various parts) parts) 2314:1986 3803 (Part 1): 1989 3954:1991 Steel sheet piling sections (first revision) Steel — Conversion of elongation values : Part 1 Carbon and low alloy steels (second revision) Hot rolled steel channel sections for general engineering purposes (first revision) technical delivery General requirements for steel and steel products Metal arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels — Recommendations (@t revision) Dimensions and tolerances for hot rolled track shoe sections: 8910:1978 9595:1996 1173:1978 1252:1991 1599:1985 1608:2005 10182 (Part 1): 1982 Sections TS 1.2 Where welding is employed for fabrication and guaranteed-weldability is required. 1 All finished steel shall be well and cleanly rolled to the dimensions. as also normalizing rolling/controlled rolling during manufacturing of sections or as the agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier. strips. in order to achieve fine grain micro structure and optimum mechanical properties. flats. followed by cooling in natural air to a temperature below the transformation temperature. 4 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL General requirements relating a supply of structural steel shall conform to IS 8910. Permissible limits of variation in case of product analysis from the limits specitled in Table 1 shall be as given in Table 3.2 Weldability — A metallic substance is considered to be weldable by a given process and for the given purpose. The finished material shaIl be reasonably free from surface flaws. surface defects which cannot be dealt with as in 7.2. when metallic continuity to a stated degree can be obtained by welding using a suitable procedure. Selection of location of test pieces may also be mutually agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturerlsupplier. “7. The recommended locations for taking test samples for plates.3 Controlled -Rolling — A hot rolling process in which the temperature of the steel and its reduction ratio are controlled. For testing of flat products like plates tensile and bend test pieces may be cut in the transverse direction.2.u-ther hot rolling into steel plates. 9 SELECTION AND PREPARATION SAMPLES OF TEST 9. 3. 5 GRADES There shall be nine grades of steel as given in Tables 1 and 2.2 may be repaired by chipping or grinding followed by welding and inspection by a mutually agreed procedure such that: a) After complete removal of the defects and before welding. 3. . rough/jagged and imperfect edges and all other harmful defects. 1.2 Product Analysis The product analysis shall be carried out on the finished product from the standard position. 3.1 The position from which test samples are taken shall be so located in the product as to yield the clearest possible information regarding properties in the crosssectional and longitudinal planes. 7 FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS 7. 7.1 Ladle Analysis The ladle analysis of the steel.4 Normalizing Rolling — A hot rolling process in which the final rolling passes are carried out at a suitable higher temperature. formability and weldability as compared to unalloyed steel of similar strength level. the item may be required to be normalized or otherwise heat-treated at the purchaser’s discretion. 7. etc. 8 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 8. sections and masses specified. and c) Subsequent to the finish grinding. sections. Alternatively. While placing the order the steeI should be designated by ‘Designation’ (see Tables 1 and 2). If required. secondary refining may follow steel making. in case of sections.3 Welding as mentioned in 7. analogous to that obtained by a separate normalizing treatment of hot rolled product. 8.1 is not permissible for grade designation E 250 C material. the samples may be taken horn the web. 6 MANUFACTUR-E The processes used in the steel making and fi. particularly during the final rolling passes. in order to produce a structure. sections and bars are indicated in Fig.IS 2062:2006 to weight ratio combined with better toughness. so that the joints comply with the requirements specified in regard to both their local properties and their influence on the construction of which they form a part. laminations.2 Minor surface defects may be removed by the manufacturer/supplier by grinding provided the thickness is not reduced locally by more than 4 percent below the minimum specified thickness. shall be as given in Table 1. are left to the discretion of the manufacturer/ supplier. the procedure given in IS 228 and its relevant parts shall be the referee method and where test methods are not specified shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier.1 Subject to agreement with the purchaser. the thickness of the item is in no place reduced by more than 20 percen~ b) Welding is carried out by approved procedure by competent operators with approved electrodes and that the welding is ground smooth to the correct nominal thickness. bars. Reduction in thickness by grinding greater than 4 percent but not 2 exceeding 7 percent may be made subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer/ supplier. when carried out by the method specified in the relevant parts of IS 228 or any other established instrumental/chemical method. In case of dispute. 20 c 0.38 percent.040 0.045 0.012 percent which shall be ensured by the manufacturer by occasional check analysis.20 to 0.25 Mn (4) 1.045 0.40 0.045 0.045 0.22 A 0. the silicon content shall not be less than 0. 10 Incidental element— Elements not quoted in Table 1 shall not be intentionally added to steel without the agreement of the purchaser.80 0.045 0.45 0. Copper maybe present between 0.40 0:39 Killed 1. V.20 B 0.22 D 0.01 percent.02 percent.41OW) E 250 (Fe410W) E 300 (Fe 440) E 350 (Fe 490) E410 (Fe 540) E 450 (Fe 570) E 450 (Fe 590) E 0.60 0.23 (2) — (3) 0.045 0.20 — 0. Max Carbon Equivalent’) Method of Deoxidationl) c (1) E 165 (Fe 290) E 250 (F. 7 Nitrogen content of steel shall not exceed 0. B and C are generally suitable for welding processes. The copper bearing quality shall be designated with a suflix Cu.25.46 Semi-killed or.40 0. other than for the purpose of finishing the heat.40 Semi-killed or killed 1.1 and 8.45 0.45 0. Lower limits for carbon equivalent and closer limits for other elements maybe mutually agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 5 6 Steels of qualities A.045 0.25 s (5) 0. for example.35 percent as mutually agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 4 New grades designation system based on yield stress has been adopted.22 0. When the steel is silicon-ahrminium killed.50 0.009 percent.content shall be between 0.IS 2062:2006 “rable 1 Chemical ”Composition (Clauses 5.8. For micro alloyed steel this is to be reduced to 0.17 and 0.045 P (6) 0. the silicon content shall not be less than 0. I) Obesupplied @ the T subject agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.045 0.45 0.41 Killed 1. simultaneously old designations have also been given in parentheses. 3 . When the steel is killed by silicon alone. 3 Microalloying elements like Nb.50 0.045 0.42 Semi-killed or killed 1.040 0.60 0. Ti and B shall be added singly or in combination. In case of product analysis the copper.30 0. The weldablity increases from quality A to C. Total microalloyingelernents shall not be more than 0. Percent.03 percent and total ahrminium content shall not be less than 0.42 Semi-killed or killed 1.10 percent.50 0.50 0.killed 1. mechanical properties and applicability.045 0.045 0.44 Semi-killed or killed 1. E 250 Cu.20 0.45 0. the total aluminium content shall not be less than 0.48 Semi-killed or killed NOTES Mn 1 Carbon equivalent (CE)bsrsed orrladle analysis = C+ — 6 5 15 + (Cr+Mo+V) + (Ni+Cu) 2 When the steel is killed by ahsminium alone.41OW) E 250 (F.2) Grade Designation Quality Lartle Analysis.045 Si (7) - (CE).045 0.045 0. 8 9 The steel if required maybe treated with rare earth element for better formability.045 0. Mu-x (8) — (9) Semi-killed or killed 1. AH reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the addition from scrap or other materials used in manufacture of such elements which affect the hsrrdenability. 9.O 5.03 0. the test sample shall undergo. R*H Percentage Elongation.65 ~SO s 25 I >25 (9) – (1) E 165 (Fe 290) E 250 (Fe410 E 250 (Fe410W) E 250 (Fe410 E 300 (Fe 440) E 350 (Fe 490) E 41-0 (Fe 540) E 450 (Fe 570) E 450 (Fe 590) W) W) (2) (3) 290 (4) (5) 165 (6) (7) 23 (8) 2t --l 44 Impact Energy Charpy V-Notch Min J Room -20”C (11) - Tempz) (lo) - A 410 250 240 230 23 3t 2t - - B 410 250 240 230 23 2t 3t 271) (see Note 3) c 410 250 240 230 23 2t 3t 272) (see Note 3) 440 300 290 280 22 2t 3t 50 30 — 490 350 330 320 22 2t 3t 50 25 540 410 -390 380 20 2t 3t 50 25 D 570 450 430 420 20 2t 3t 45 20 E 590 450 430 420 20 2t 3t 45 20 NOTES 1 2 3 1 MPa= lN/mm2 = lMN/ml = 0. If this is not possible. Min MPa L. if possible.03 0. Max Carbon Manganese Sillcon Copper Sulphur Phosphorus 0.005 0.2 Wherever practicable..4 at Gauge Length.4 psi Temperature of Charpy impact values will be subject to mutual agreement.005 9. prior to use as a test piece.1) Grade Designation Quality Tensile Strength Yield Stress.05 0. but should only be adopted for thickness exceeding 20 mm. 10.3. The more stringent requirements than those given above may be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.2) Constituent Permissible Variation Over the Specified Limit.3 and 10. Percent. the rolled surface of the steel shall be retained on the two opposite sides of the test samples.4 In case of flats up to 16 mm thick. At least one rolled surface shall be Iefl on rectangular test samples taken from plates exceeding 32 mm in thickness. the 4 .02 0. Round test samples are permitted. ‘) t is the thickness of the test piece. no machining whatever.3 In case of flat test samples for tensile test.102 kgt7mm2 = 144. Min 1 I 1 I I 1 Internal Bend Diameter ~inl) Min MPa R.IS 2062:2006 Table 2 Mechanical Properties (Clauses 5. 21 Rmm temperature = 25 +2°C for lmPact test Table 3 Permissible Variation Analysis for Product (Clause 8. 9. both surfaces are normally to be left on the test samples for strips and plates up to 32 mm thick. strips. 1. an adequate allowance shall be left for removal by machining. For bars having diameters or thicknesses exceeding71 mm. sections.8 Test samples shall be cut in such a manner that the deformation is avoided as far as possible. 9.IS 2062:2006 T V 2/3 -b 213 1/3 w 1/3 2/3 A & 1/3 2/3 77 -L ‘\. The rolled surface of the test 5 regarding cast number.5 Bars below 28 mm shall be tested without machining. 9. strips. STEEL POSITION ANDORIENTATION OFSAMFLE piece shall be on the outer side of the bend during the test. sections and flats. the test sample may be taken from the position shown in Fig.9 Test samples shall not be subjected to heat treatment unless the material from which they are cut is similarly treated with the material before . In case of plates. the bars may be symmetrically reduced by machining. it is permissible to remove metal from one side of the test sample before using it as a test piece.6 In case of plates. sections and flats exceeding 28 mm in thickness. flats and bars in each cast shall be fhmished by the manufacturer to the purchaser. bend tests shall be carried out on rectangular test samples which as far as possible should be of the full thickness of the product. 1 SmUJCTURAL SECTIONS./” 2/3 1/3 I?ia Position of test pieces FIG. 9.7 Before test samples are detached. In case of plates the number of plates in each cast shall also be given. In case of bars having diameters or thickness between 28 mm and 71 mm. If shearing of flame-cutting is employed. fhll particulars test sample shall undergo the minimum amount of machining. 9. . size and mass of plates. 9. 2 Should a tensile test piece break outside the middle half of the gauge length (see -IS 1608) and the percentage elongation obtained is less than that specified.1. the test shall be carried out on the next lower thickness and so on. if it meets the requirements-specified. the test piece at room temperature shall withstand bending through 180° to an internal diameter not greater than that given in Table 2 without cracking. 12. the limits of sizes. 2. the whole cast shall be deemed to meet the requirements of the test.1 Number of Bend Test 11. 10.3 Bend Test Bend test shall be conducted in accordance with IS 1599.1 Impact test shall normally be carried out on products having thicknesskliameter greater than -or equal to 12 mm or subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier.3. 11.1 As a rule. 10. flats and bars. because the toughness of the product will be dependent on the rolling direction as well as on the section size. 12.65 4S0in accordance with IS 3803 (Part 1). Sections Flats and bars (round hexagonal. 11 BEND TEST 11. Any slight straightening of test samples which may be required shall be done cold. these shall be not less than 40 mm wide. where LO the gauge is length and SOis the cross-sectional area of the test piece. 10. 12. etc) Direction ofBend Tests Crosswise Lengthwise for each type Lengthwise . 10 TENSILE TEST 10.2. the test may be discarded at the manufacturer/supplier’s option and another test made from the sample plate. The test specimen is parallel to the direction of rolling and the base closer to the rolled surface is more than 1 mm from it. strip.1 In all bend test pieces.1 For bendtest. the dimensions of the test pieces shall be in conformity with IS 1757. flats and bars. 10.3 Tensile Test Tensile strength. yield strength and percentage elongation of steel-shall be determined from standard test pieces cut crosswise from plates and strips and lengthwise from sections. other than 5. 6 Number of bend test shall be 2 per castheat Class of Steel Product Plates strips. section.65 4S0 should be used for the tensile test. 10. this particular thickness as also other sections of lower thickness shall be deemed to satisfythe specification. If this thickness also does not meet the requirements. 11. square.3. When section permits. If the manufacturer/supplier so desires. 12 IMPACT TEST 12.65 4S0maybe used in which case the elongation values shall be converted to 5. hexagonal and -flat bars and structural sections shall be bent in the fill section as rolled. The test shall be carried out as on the standard test pieces prepared in accordance with IS 1608.1 Test pieces with a non-proportional gauge length. 10.1 If stated in the order.1 In case of sections the &ickness of which is not uniform throughout the profile. test pieces with a proportional gauge length complying with the requirements LO=5. if not. impact tests may be carried out on products having a thickness less than 12 mm.3.2. The notch axis shall be perpendicular to the rolled surface.IS 2062:2006 testing. yield strength and percentage elongaticm when determined in accordance with IS 1608 shall be as given in Table 2.3 The test sample-shall be taken from the tlickest product. the test shall be performed on a section of next lower thickness rolled from same cast. the rough edge-arises resulting from shearing may be removed by filing or grinding or machining but the test pieces shall receive no other preparation. 11. given in Table 2 shall be applied according to -the actual maximum thickhess of the piece adopted for testing. Temperature of Charpy impact test will be subject to mutual agre~ment. flat or bar.2 Tensile Test Pieces The tensile strength.1. If the test sample taken from tie thickest product rolled from a cast meets the requirements. round. The minimum impact energy values of reduced sizes shall be as shown in -Fig.1 Number of Tensile Tests Number of test samples shall be 2 per cast/heat and a class of steel product irrespective of cast/heat size.2.2 Thk testis carried out using a V-notch test piece (see IS 1757) the value for consideration being the arithmetic mean of the results obtained on three test pieces taken side by side tlom the same product (see Table 2).2 Bend Test Piece The test pieces shall be cut crosswise from plates and strips and lengthwise from sections. 9 10 Width of test piece. 14 OTH-ER TESTS 14. mm FIG. if specifically agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier. meets the requirements given in Table 2 provided no individual value shall be less than 70 percent of the specified value.3. inclusion content to be carried out subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier. three additional test pieces from the same sample shall be tested and the results added to those previously obtained and a new Provided this new average average calculated.2 Metallurgical tests for grain size. 15 DIMENSIONS Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and 7 Y groove crackability tests may be carried out in . complies with the specified requirement. 13 s . 12. 14. if the average value of 3 test specimens. 13 Y GROOVE CRACKABILITY TEST accordance with IS 10842 for TIroductsof onlv Grade E 250 C material havirrg thick&ss 12 mm an~ above. directionality. 6 I 7 8 .1 The material maybe subjected to non-destructing testing to determine soundness of material subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier.4 The material represented shall be deemed to comply with the standard. NOTE The Y groove crackability test will not be applicable — forrounds andit is mainly for plates and sections. 2 MINIMUM IMPACT ENERGY VALUES FORTESTPIECES WITH WmH BETWEEN mm A 5 10 mm 12.IS 2062:2006 27 1 w“ u “= v w 26 2’ u 25 Ii c o 26 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1s 14. If the average value of the-three Charpy impact tests fails to comply by an amount not exceeding 15 percent of the specified minimum average value.1 One test sample shaIl be taken fi-om thickest product per caswheat. the material represented shall be deemed to comply with this standard. 20.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. 20. 20. Platespoduced tlom strip in coil form shall be marked with cast/heat number on top plate of each pile/ packet.85 g/cm3. 18 CALCULATION OF MASS The mass of steel shall be calculatedon the basis that steel weighs 7. The details of conditions under which the licence for the use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. Designation of steel should also be similarly marked on the product or tag. 8 . Should the test The material may also be marked with the Standard Mark. channel and angle section Tee bars Bulb angles Plates. Table 4 Indian Standards Which Give Nominal Dimensions of Rolled Steel Products Products Relevant Indian Standard 1s 808 pieces from either of these additional samples fail.4 BIS Certification Marking Parallel beam and column sections IS 12778 16 TOLERANCES Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 20.1 Each product. the material represented by the test samples shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of that particular test. Should the test pieces from both these additional samples pass. with the exception of round. 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. 17 RETESTS Should any one of test pieces fust selected fail to pass any of the tests specified in this standard. shall carry a tag or be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trade-mark. suitable protective treatment may be given to the material after rolling.3 The ends of the rolled products shall be painted with a colour code. the rolling and cutting tolerances for steel products conforming to this standard shall be those specified in IS 1852.2 Every heavy. column. the nominal dimensions of ro1 products conforming to this standard shall be in led accordance with the relevant Indian Standard. medium structural mill and plate mill product shall be marked with the cast number. 19 DELIVERY Subject to prior agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier. strips and flats Flats Round and square bars Bulb flats Sheet piling sections Channel sections Track shoe sections 1s 1173 IS 1252 Is 1730 Is 1731 IS 1732 IS 1863 IS 2314 1s 3954 IS 10182 (Part 1) IS10182(Part2) and hexagonal bars and flats. Currently available Indian Standard are listed in Table 4.4. 20 MARKING 20. Stricter tolerances maybe followed. if agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier. Bars and flats shall carry a tag bearing the manufacturer’s name or trade-mark. as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier. square Beam.IS 2062:2006 the manufacturer/supplier. the material represented by the test -samples shall be considered as not having complied with this standard. two further samples shall be selected for testing in respect of each failure. TYAGI (Alternate) SHRtS. K. C. ARORA DR ADARSHKOMAR (Alternate) SHRJ R. M. K. New Delhi Consumer Protection Council. R. Central Marketing 01 ganization. BHAmACHARYA(Alternate) JotNTCONTROLLER QUALtTVASSOMNCE OFFtcER(Alternate) JorNTDEWCTOR(CHEMICAL) JotNTDIRECTOR(I & L) (Alternate) SHRJ S. Rourkela All India Induction Furnace Association. New Delhi Nuclear Fuel Complex. SHARMA SHRI K. Salem Steel Plant. P. Bharat Heavy Electrical Hyderabad/New Ltd. C. Salem Steel Furnace Association of India. Thane National Metallurgical Laboratory. GALGALt(Alternate) 9 . HAIUDAS SHRJB. S. Bhilai Steel Plant. VARSHNEV SHJUC. DGS & D. Kolkata Jindal South West Steel Ltd. K. KHERA (A/ternafe) Sunflag Iron & Steel Co Ltd. Jamshedpur DR S. Kolkata SAIL.-RANJAN SHRJS. Dastur & Co Ltd. H. Rourkela Steel Plant. S. K. Vasind/Vijaynagar M. M.IR. MONDAL (Alternate) SHRI D. R. GOPALKRJSHNAN (Aherrrate) DR ATWLKUMARGOPTA SHP. S. SOOD(Alternate) SHRJR. Faridabad. K. P. V. CHAODHUIU “DRD. New Delhi Steel Re-rolling Mills Association of lndiA Mandi Gobindgafh SHSU SISOD]A S. Delhi Kolkata Ichapur Lucknow New Delhi Ministry of Steel (Govt of India). Mukand Ltd. D. SHRJH. TARAFDAR DR R. Vishakhapatnam SAtL. LALITHAKUMAtU (Alternate) SHRI S. K. KUMAR (Alternate National Physical Laboratory. VERMA (A/ternate) SHRIJ. PRADHAN DR M. Faridabad Institute of Steel Development and Growth. HEGOE (Alternate) S Smu SUBHALiRATAENGUPTA SHRJR. Bhilai I) SHRJP. DATTA (Alternate 11) SAIL. GHOSH SHJUS. GANOULY SHJUB. S. K. D. UNINAYAR SHRJR. R. P. K. K. K. ATWNALE SHRI V. GOPALAN SHRI K. SHIU B. Ranchi SHRJ G. V. VAtDYANATMN Hyderabad SHRJA. SHRJVASTAVA SHRJK. SHRJ K.IS 2062:2006 ANNEX A (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee. GOEL SHSU L. Gurgaon Rashtriya lspat Nigam Ltd (VSP). New Delhi Atomic Minerals Division. DAS (Alternate) SHruC. PANDIT REPRESENTATIVE DR S. Bokaro Steel Plant. C. Durgapur SAIL. K.WNSWARJ SHRI S. Bhilai Nagar Escorts R &. Rourkela Defence Metallurgical Research Lab (DMRL). SHRJ K. SAHA SHtUA. MALHOTRA SHRtR. GOFTA (Alternate) K. Kotru (Alternate) DR H. B. MTD 4 Organization SAIL. SmH Ssssu K. Strwr SHRJJAYANTAKUMAR SAHA (Alternate) M. Koikata/New Ministry of Defence (DGOFB).D Centre. AHUJA (Alternate) M. N. Ministry of Defence (DGQA). M. Hyderabad Power Grid Corporation. SIUNWASAN (A/ternu/e) Central Boilers Board. ANANDANi(Alternate) SHRI B. BHATIA SHRJH. V. MUKHERJEE (Ahernarel) SHRJB. Ministry of Railways (RDSO). K. SODH1 (Alfernate) SHRJB. K. AGIWWAL SHJUANtL AGRAWAL(A1/errrare) SHJUR. Bokaro SAIL. S. RANA (A[ternate) SHJUALOK NAYAR DR R. Bhopal Delhi Representative(s) DR SANAKIWSHRA(Chairman) SHRIN. K. PANIGRAM(AlfernaIe II) SAtL. Bhandara Tata Motors Limited. ARORA(Alternate) SHRJM. Pune SHRI R. B. K. Research & Development Center for iron & Steel. Durgapur Steel Plant. C. M. VERMA (Alternate) SHIU Ssrrwrm SUDHIR SHIU SUWL MALHOTRA(A1/ervrafe) SHRI T. Udaigiri. K. Gurgaon The Tin Plate Company of India Ltd. C. K. Distt Nasik Usha Beltron Ltd. K. SADHU(Mferrrale) SHRI P.)] BIS Directorate General Member Secretary SHIU DEEPAXJAN Scientist ‘E’ (MTD). MAHESHWASJAlternate 1) ( SHRI M. SHArwfA SHRIR. BIS Flat Products %bcotnrnittee. Dolvi Maruti Udyog Ltd. BHArr S. K. JHA SHiU T. BANDHOPADHVAY (Alternaie) SHIU RAMBIURSH SIPiGH SHSU RNENDERAK.IS 2062:2006 Orgarrizatiorr Tata Steel Ltd. BAPAT SHRIBHASXARMAZUMDAR(Alternate) SHRIE. MATHUR SHIU AVTAR SrNoH Delhi-l 10091) 10 . BANSAL(Alternate) SHRI B. K. PRABI+AKAR SHFU SWENIVAS(Alternate) J. Kolkata Visvssvaraya Iron& Steel Ltd. GHOSH SHRI A. R. REPRSSE~A~E DR S. Mumbai Indian Gas Cylinders. L. MTD 4:3 Tata Steel Ltd. MAHESHWARI(Convener) SHRIM. Jamshedpur Veiny Containers Ltd. L. Faridabad Indian Oil Corporation Limited. Scientist ‘F’ & Head (MTD) [Representing Director General (Eq@cio)] (U. Distt Surat Federation of Engineering Industries of Indi~ New Delhi GKW Limited. Kaushambi. Jamshedpur Apex Chambers of Commerce. Noida Ispat Industries Limited. A/rash Darhan Society. SHSUR. BHARDWN SHsr H.GUPTA. Jamshedpur Representative(s) DR DEBASHHHBHATTACHARCIEE Dk M. K. D. Bhadrawati “Impersonal capacity [403.P. PATEL SHIUM. BALASUBRAMAFUAM SHSO R. SAOHU(Alternate 11) Thyssenkrupp Electrical Steel India Pvt Ltd. D. S. Ludhiana DR M. Essar Steels Ltd. MITRA Srjiu S. SHRIH. GHOSH(Alternate) (Alternate) SHurP. ANANO Distt Ghaziabad SHRI N. D. Mayur i’ihar-1. Hyderabad In personal capacity (248. I. marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.Mt) MUMBAI 400093 : AHMEDABAD.28327892 Central Eastern Northern Southern Western Branches : Manak Bhavan. CHENNAI 600113 : Manakalaya. RAJKOT. Printed at Simco Printing Press. Standards are also reviewed periodically. COIMBATORE. Andheri (F. Sector 34-A. Delhi . BIS. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. Review of -Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. . Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications). FARIDABAD.2323 9402 website: www. Marol.23378561 { 23378626. Scheme VII M.I.23233375. PUNE. 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization.I. GHAZIABAD. LUCKNOW. New Delhi 110002 Telephones: 23230131. VISAKHAPATNAM. JAIPUR. MTD 4 (4590). BHOPAL. Campus. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 : 1/14 C. BHUBANESHWAR.22542315 28329295.org. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. BANGALORE. it is taken up for revision. such as symbols and sizes.22541442 { 22542519. HYDEW”BAD. Road. a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that . CHANDIG-ARH 160022 : C. Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No.P.T. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and’ Standards: Monthly Additions’. KANPUR. Date of Issue Text Affected q BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. NAGPUR.T. of necessary details. IV Cross Road. This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No.no changes are needed.bis. in the course of implementing the standard. Kankurgachi KOLKATA 700054 : SCO 335-336. if the review indicates that changes are needed. E9 MIDC. V.in Regional Offices: Telephones 23237617 { 23233841 23378499.28327858 { 28327891. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg.23379120 2603843 { 2609285 22541216. This does not preclude the free use. GUWAHATI. PARWANOO. PATNA. type or grade designations.Bureau of Indian Standards BIS k a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. 045 P (6) 0. ineaseoftheplatesbeyond 12mminthickness.8.5 Accelerated Cooling — Itis a process of faster cooliig of the product after ftish rolling followed by air cooling to impart fine fkrritic grain structure. Table 4) – Delete reference to 1731:1971 Dimensions for steel flats for structural and general engineering purposes (@f revision). For grades E 250 to E 450 there shall be 4 subqualities (A. prodsseed fromcutting ofHRcoi~thesampleixtensile f testing shall betaken onlyintransverse direction. B~ BOand C indicate impact test and deoxidation mode as follows A BR BO c Impact test not required.1) – Insertthe following note below the existing clauw ‘NOTE— However.’ Sub-qualities A.41 0.40 (cE)Xa (8) 0. killed’ rolling’.23 E 250 BR Bo c A 0.re 2.45 0.42 (9) semi-killed killed (1) (2) A (3) 0. clause 5 ) – Substitute the following for the existing ‘There shall be 8 grades of steel as given in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1) – Substitute the following for the existing table: Table 1 Chemical Composition (Clauses 5.4) – Insert anew subclause as given below: ‘3.045 0. clause 3.50 1.IS 2062:2006 AMENDMENT NO.’ (Page 2. at room temperature if require~ killed Impact test mandatory at O“C. cku.1 is not permissible for gmde desiion (Page2. MEDIUM AND HIGH TENSILE STRUCTURAL STEEL (Sixth Revision) (Page 1.22 0.040 0.045 0.killed Impact test mandatory at –20”C. B~ BO& C) and for grades E 550 to E 650 there shall be 2 sub-qualities (A & BR).3) – Substitute the folIowing fw the exa ~ E 250 C.39 0.040 0.50 1. (Page 2.40 0. (Page 2. clause 7.045 0. semi-kdledMled Impact test optioml.’ ‘Repair by welding as mentioned in 7. This process ensures achieving specified mechanical properties including impact toughness in the rolled product.30 0. 1 MARCH 2009 TO HOT ROLLED LOW. chruse 9. claure 6) — Substitute the ‘accelerated cooling’ for ‘normaMng robgkmtrolkd (Page 2.50 s (5) 0.1 and8.2) Grade Designation Quality c Ladk Assalysig Pereen~Max MO (4) 1.40 Killed Killed semi-killed killed E 300 BR Bo c Killed Price Group 2 1 .20 1. E 300 to E 650.40 0. andpage 8.2.045 Carbon’) Equivalent Methodof ikoxidation’~ Si (7) 0.045 0.20 0.’ (Page 3. V.025 (Cr+Mo+V) (Ni+Cu) — Mn + 1 Carbon equivalent(CE) baaed 0ssladle anatysis= c + — + 15 5 6 2 When the steel is killed by ahsminiumalone.025 0.60??for E 650.52 l-%%+ Semi-killed/ killed Killed 0.02 percent.60 0.35 pereent as mutuallyagreed to betwwrsthe purchaser and the manutheturer.50 0. 5 Steels of qualities & BR.70 0.8 & 10 shall not be intentionally added to steel without the agreement of the purchaser.45 0. the silicmrcontent shall not be less than 0. the total aluminhmr content shall not be leas than 0. All rcasortrdrle precautions shall be takersto prevent the addition ti’omscrap or other materials used in manufacture of such elements which affectthe Irardenability.42 Killed Semi-killed/ killed A E410 n E 450 BR Bo c A BR A BR 0. NOTES Totalmicrordloyingelements shall not 2 .es. other than for the purpose of finishhg the heat.22 0.38 perecnt.22 1.50?4 for E 600 and 0.025 0.The copper bearing qusdityshall be designated with a suffix Cuj for example.012 percent which shall be ensured by the manufacturer by occasional check analysis. Ti and B may be added singly or in combination be more than 0.020 0.03 percentand total aluminiumcontent shall not be less than 0.045 0. 8 The steel if required maybe treated with rare earth element for better forrntillity. hr case of product analysis the copper contentshall be between 0.01 percent.50 0. 4 New grades designation system based on yield stress has been adopted. Percent.50 050 0. 7 Nitro8en content of steel shall not exceed 0.045 0..015 0.48 Killed Semi-killed/ killed E 550 Killed ““ E 650 t---+-l022 A BR 0.45 0.46 Killed Serni-kilIed/killed 0.045 0. 9 Lower limits for carbon equivaknt and closer limits for other elements maybe mutually agreed to behveertthe purchaser and the manufacturer 10 Alloyingelements such as Cr.6.45 0.50 0.20 1.17 and 0.60 0.50 0. Max Mn s P Si Semi-killed/killed BR BO c 0. NI. E 250 Cu. When the steel is silicon-alurninksmkilled.045 0. subject to agreement between h pirdmser ad r’mmuf-. When the-steel is killed by silicon alone. and Mo may be added singly or in combination and shall not be more than 0.10 pereent.Amend No.20 to 0.20 1 1. 1 to IS 2062:2006 Grade Designation Quality c A E 350 1 Ladle Analysis. v To be suPPll~.045 0.25. 11 lrrcioknkdekrnerrt — Elements not quoted in this table and other than giversin Notes 3. 3 Mlcroalloyingelements like Nb.BOandC aregenerrdlysuitable for welding proccs.045 0.The weldablity increases fiwmquality Ato C for grade designationE 250. 6 Coppermaybe present between 0. the silicon content shall not be less than 0.65 1.22 1.mechanical propertiesand applicability.020 0.70 1. 1 to IS 2062:2006 (Page 4. clause 12.65 +3.5t - c1 650 12 12 3. (Page 4.if required.3 and 10.03 (Page 6.1) – Substitutethe following for the existing clause: ‘Impact test shall normally be carried out on products having thickness/diameter greater than or equal to 12 mm. Min Internal Bend Diameter Max (See Note 2) s25 >25 (9) Charpy Impact Test Temp ‘T Min J (1) (2) A (3) (7) (8) (lo) (11) E 250 BR 410 23 2t 3t + BO E 300 71-Y 71--BR 440 BO BR RT o (-)20 RT 0 (-)20 RT 0 (-)20 RT 0 (-)20 RT 0 (-)20 RT - 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 25 25 25 20 20 20 ‘15 15 15 22 2t - E 350 i BO 490 22 2t - =1E 410 BR Bo 540 20 2t - + c Al E 450 I E 550 E 600 ---1 --l -1 BR BO A 570 20 2.H MPa MPa Percentage Elongation A. The test specimen is parallel to the direction of rolling and the base closer to the rolled surfhce is more than 1 mm fkomit. ‘t’ is the thickness of the test piece.’ 3 .20 0. LO=5.02 0.102 kgt7mm2=144. at Gauge Length.3.20 Carbon zO. The notch axis shall be perpendicular to the rolled surface.4psi 2 Bend test not required for tlickaess ~25 mm for gra&s E300 to E650.5t - BR J A 730 BR RT RT E 650 12 4. A4in R.10. 3 For subqoality BR impact test is optional at room temperature(25+2°C). &fin Yield Stress.Amend No. Table 3) – Substitute the following for the existing entry: Carbon <0.ot - NOTES 1 MPa = lN/mm2= lMN/m2 = 0. Table 2) – Substitute the following for the existing table: Table 2 Mechanical Properties (Clause 5.ot 3.1) Grade designation Quatit Y Tensile Strength R. E300. New Delhi India 4 . 1 to IS 2062:2006 (Page 6.Amend No.2.’ (Page 6. clause 12. lastentence) – Delete. 2 for grades E250. s (Page 8. For other grades. E350. clause 16) – Substitute the following for the existing clause ‘Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the manufwturer. retesthortingk-treatment clauses of IS 8910. Other tolerances may be follow~ withii the total tolerance range as specified in IS 1852 and IS 12779 as applicable.1.’ (Page 8. the rolling and cutting tolerances for steel products conforming to thk standard shall be those specified in IS 1852 except for parallel flange beams and columns covered by IS 12778 for which the tolerances shall be as per IS 12779:1989 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled parallel flange beams and column sections.1) – Substitutethe following for the existing ‘The minimum impact energy values of reduced sizes shall be as shown in Fig.’ shall be carried out as per the relevant (h4TD4) Reprography Uni~ BIS. c[ause 17) – Substitute the following for the existing clause: ’17 RETESTS If a test does not give the specified results. clause 12. the values shall be reduced in direct proportion to the cross-sectional area of the test piece.
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