2014TRB_RT129 - Mdl to Dist1.pdf

March 23, 2018 | Author: SrikanthMadhu | Category: Road Infrastructure, Expense, Transport Infrastructure, Transportation Engineering, Land Transport



GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANAABSTRACT R&B Department –Widening of Single roads to Double lane roads to connecting Mandal Head Quarters to District Head Quarters –Administrative sanctionAccorded-Orders - Issued. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSPORT, ROADS & BUILDINGS (R.II) DEPARTMENT G.O.RT.No. 129. Dated:27-11-2014. Read the following:(R&B),S.R,CRN&RSW,Hyd., 1. From the Engineer-in-Chief Lr.No.ENC(R&B)/EE®/2014, Dt.05.07.2014. 2. From the Engineer-in-Chief (R&B),S.R,CRN&RSW,Hyd., Lr.No.ENC(R&B)/EE®/2014, Dt.06.08.2014. 3. From the Engineer-in-Chief (R&B),S.R,CRN&RSW,Hyd., Lr.No.ENC(R&B)/EE®/2014, Dt.10.11.2014 4. From the E-in-C(R&B)S.R,CRN&RSW,Hyd., Lr.No.Plan works/ENC(R&B)/DEE6/AE2/2014, Dt.24.11.2014. ORDER: In the letter first read above, the Engineer-in-Chief(R&B)S.R&CRN, Hyderabad, has stated that there are 445 Mandals in Telangana State out of which 149 Mandal Headquarters are not connected to District Headquarters with Double Lane roads. It is imperative to widen these roads to Double Lane, in view of increase in traffic and speed of the vehicles. It would also be useful to the public, especially farmers to reach the District headquarters within short time and transport their agricultural produce to the agricultural market yards which are mostly available in the District head quarters. The industrial development will be decentralized in the districts if transportation facilities are improved. Double lane road connectivity enhances this transportation facility, thereby creating opportunity for all-round development of the state. Hence he has proposed for improving at least one road connecting Mandal Headquarters to District Headquarters from single lane to Double lane in 149 Mandals with a cost of Rs.2585.00 crores. 2. In order to provide the above facilities and the proposal of the Engineer-inChief (R&B), SR & CRN, Hyderabad, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby accord administrative sanction for 143 works of 1996 kms in 149 mandals costing an amount of Rs.2585.00 crores (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Five Crores) as per annexure I and II annexed to this order, for Widening of Single lane roads to Double lane roads connecting Mandal Head Quarters to District Head Quarters. 3. The amount sanctioned in Para (2) above shall be debited to the Head of Account "5054 Capital Outlay on Roads & Bridges -04 District and Other Roads – M.H 800 Other Expenditure –G.H 11 Normal State Plan – S.H 42 –Providing Double lane roads from Mandal to District Head Quarters-530-Major Works-531 Other Expenditure” 4. The Engineer-in-Chief(R&B)S.R&CRN,Hyderabad, is directed to incur the expenditure on the above sanctioned works in a phased manner over the three consecutive financial years 2014-15,2015-16 & 2016-17, within the budget provision of respective financial year subject to the following conditions:i. Digital photographs / video of entire road surface shall be taken at the time of preparation of estimates and after completion of work (i.e. before and after grounding) ii. The work flow of the roads programme such as sanction, progress and completion of works shall be entered on the website. iii. Ensure the present sanction of works shall not overlap of any sanctioned works in any other Schemes. (P.T.O) 1 P. Hyderabad.R.S to Principal Secretary to C. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF TELANGANA) SUNIL SHARMA SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To.W. Hyderabad.M.R.S. The Pay & Accounts Officer. vide their U.S to Secretary to TR&B. 6.-25..X) Dept.CRN&R. Hyderabad. //FORWARDED BY ORDER// SECTION OFFICER 2 . Hyderabad.6869/165/A1/EBS-X/2014. The Director of Works & Accounts. Telangana. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (EBS.O. Copy to: The Accountant General. Telangana. CRN&RSW. The Engineer-in-Chief(R&B)S. Sf/Sc. P. Hyderabad shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.No. Dt. The Engineer-in-Chief(R&B)S. Telanagana. and he shall report the physical and financial targets and achievements every month regularly and he is requested to submit the necessary budget provision proposals in accordance with the Scheduled work programme. The Finance(EBS-X) Department.26/11/2014. 00 2585.129 Dt.30 2 Nizamabad 15 14 231.No.00 143 132.O.00 7 Khammam 8 8 98.00 SUNIL SHARMA SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 3 .27/11/2014 ABSTRACT WIDENING TO DOUBLE LANE CONNECTING MANDAL HEADQUARTERS TO DISTRICT HEADQUATERS (District wise) S.90 10 Improvements of bridges and culverts Total 149.00 8 Nalgonda 17 14 255.30 6 Ranga Reddy 10 10 147. No District Headquaters No.of works Amount required (Rs in crores) 1 Adilabad 23 21 514.00 3 Karimnagar 20 20 311. of Mandal No.ANNEXURE-I TO G.Rt.00 9 Mahabubnagar 31 31 452.50 5 Warangal 13 13 172.00 4 Medak 12 12 271. 00 14.00 12. 9/6.50 15.00 11 Lokeshawarm Dahegoan-Lokeashwaram road from Km 0/0-20/0 25.ANNEXURE-II TO G.000 Sunkidi to Talamadugu road from Km.50 6 7 8 9 10 Kubeer Kallur-Dounelly road upto Ola village from Km 0/0-12/0 4 12.00 15.00 15.O.No. 83/6-84/6.500 Bhainsa-Kubeer road from Km 0/020/0 Laxmanchand Kankapur-Chintalchanda road from a Km 0/0-9/2 Bazarhatnur Ichoda-Sonala road from Km 0/012/0 Narnoor Hasnapur-Yellapura road from Km 0/0-10/4 Tanoor Mudhole-Tanoor road from Km 0/0-12/0 26.Rt.00 . 81/0-83/4. 6/6-11/6 and 13/0-16/0 Mamada and Basar-Luxettipet road from Km Khanapur 71/2-96/0 (Working reach from Km 75/5 to 78/0. 15/4.27 /11/2014 LIST OF THE ROADS TO BE WIDENED TO DOUBLE LANE CONNECTING MANDAL HEADQUARTERS TO DISTRICT HEADQUATERS S. No Mandal Name of Work Amount (Rs in Crores) ADILABAD DISTRICT 1 2 3 4 5 Bela Adilabad-Bela road from Km 11/8 to 21/4 including construction of bridges in Km 5/6.00 4.000 Sunkidi to Tamsi road from Km. 20/6 and 24/6 Indravelly Gudihatnoor-Utnoor-Indanpally road from Km 2/3 to 6/0.00 7.0/0 to 5/0 6.0/0 to 2/7 3. 85/3-87/4 & 88/4-91/0) Kadam Basar-Luxettipet road from Km 94/0-132/0 (Working reach from Km 110/2 to 112/0 and 112/6 to 116/0) Talamadugu& Adilabad-Talaiguda road from Km Tamsi 9/0-12/0 30.00 12 Kuntala 14.129 Dt. 00 23 Pitlam 24.00 25.00 .00 8.00 25.00 14.00 24 Jukkal 25 Nizamsagar 26 Madnoor 27 Gandhari 28 Navipet Maddelcheru-Pitlam road from Km 0/0 to 19/0 ThakkadpallyJukkal road from KM 0/0 to 10/150 Annasagar-Pitlam road from Km 3/8 to 10/5 1) Manoor to Dongli road from KM 0/0 to 7/2 2) BichkundaDongli road from KM 8/0 to 16/4 3) ZP road BichkundaDongli road to Kurla 4) Birkur to Manjira River from Km 0/0 to 4/475) Gandhari to Chadmel road from KM 0/0 to 12/2 PWD road Sarangpur-Jannepally road to Navipet Via Gundaram.Ananthagiri road from Km 0/0 to 13/2 2) Navipet Jalal pur via KamalapurMokanpally road from 5 12.00 28.00 24.13 Kerameri 14 Kouthala 15 Bijjur 16 Dehegaon 17 Bheemini 18 Tiryani 19 Kotapally 20 Vemanapally 21 Nannel Adilabad-Kerameri road from Km 0/750-55/6 and Narnoor -Kerameri road from Km 0/0-13/650 Sirpur-Bijjur road from KM 0/019/7 Sirpur-Bijjur road from KM 31/052/2 Khagaznagar-Kadam-Babasagar road from KM 5/8-25/6 85.00 20.00 NIZAMABAD DISTRICT 22 Birkur Someshwar to pothangal via Birkur road from Km 0/0 to 23/3 28.00 Khagaznagar-Dehegaon road from KM 0/0-30/0 Tandoor-Bheemini road from KM 0/0-29/0 Asifabad-Tiryani via Chirrakunta.00 38.50 8.Dampur road from KM 0/0-32/0 Chennur-Vemanapally road from KM 6/5-13/0 Chennur-Vemanapally road from KM 13/0-31/125 36.00 38.30 23.00 Bheemaram-Gurijal via Nannel road from KM 31/7 to 41/700 12. 00 Vedira cross road to Gundi from Km 0/0 to 8/0 NH-63 Korutla to Mallapur road from km 15/0 to 26/250 9.KM 0/0 to 4/2 29 Ranjal 1)JamlamSatapur road from Km 0/0 to 9/150. 0/0 to 20/5 33 Bheemgal&D harpally Indalwai .00 35 Domkonda NH-16 to Bonkanpally via Boargaon.50 KARIMNAGAR DISTRICT 36 Veenavaka 37 Srirampur 38 Boinpally 39 Eligaid 40 Ramadugu 41 Mallapur (a) Jammikunta .00 .00 32 Srikonda Manikbandar .Bheemgal road from Km. Shanthinagar road from Km. Krishnanagar.00 8.00 31 Nandipet 15.Gangaram Simrajpally road from Km.00 13.Km 22/4 to 24/4 and 25/3 to 30/150 and (b) Manakondur to Utoor road from Km 0/0 to 0/8 and 4/060 to 4/660 and Km 6/5 to 13/6 Sulthanabad to Kalvasrirampur road fom km 0/360-7/400 & 15/0-25/4 in KarimnagarDist Shabazpally to Namilikonda Road from Km 0/0 to 17/2 (Working reach 0/0 to 10/0) (a) Sulthanabad to Peddapur Road from km 5/4-8/5 (b) PWD Road to Narasapur road from km 0/0-2/8 in KarimnagarDist 30.Tuljapur road from Km. 2)(ZP road from KM 0/0 to 2/0 (JS road to Ranjal ) 11. 6/0 to 18/550 SrikondaVenulawada road from Km.50 6 21.00 30 Srikonda Branch road to Srikonda road from Km. 0/0 to 4/0 25. 0/0 to 8/9 Lead road to Domakonda from Km.Lalithapur road from Km 12/740 to 21/6.50 34 Makloor 15.00 7. 0/0 to 4/6 6. 0/0 to 5/5 &Domakonda . 23/0 to 38/5 16.00 12. Mallapur Ellanthakkunta road from 10/8 to 18/6 PWD to Tadicherla Road from Km 0/0 . 21.00 9.00 7 .00 Huzurabad .00 17. 14.28/0 to 32/6 PWD Road to Julapally via kmanpurMandal Km 0/0 -4/0 in Karimnagar Dist.42 Odela 43 Saidapur 44 Julapally 45 Konaraopet 46 Kamanpur 47 Bejjaki 48 Pegadapalli 49 Muttaram 50 Beemdevarap ally 51 Ellanthakunta 52 Malhar Rao (a) Madka to Pegadapaly road from km 0/0-4/0 (b) PWD Road to Gumpula from km 0/0-13/8 in KarimnagarDist Molangoor . (b)Choppadandi to Yedurgutta road from Km. 0/0 to 27/5 (2) Vemulawada -Sirikonda road from Km.00 8.00 54 MahaMuttara m PWD road to Mahamuttaram road from Km 0/0 to 20/880 25.14/0 in Karimnagar Dist.12/7 in Karimnagar Dist.00 53 Koheda Mulkanoor to Koheda road from Km 0/0 to 16/0 and Koheda village limits 0/0 to 1/5 of KohedaSamudrala road 21.00 (a)Pegadapally to Gundi road from km 0/0-7/4 & (b) Vedira cross road to Gundi from Km 8/0 to 12/6 and ( C) pegadapally to Gundi road from km 7/4 to 11/067 KalvacherlaMuttaram road from Km 0/0 .Kannaram (via) BheemadevarapallyMandal 0/4 to 12/0 Venkatrao pally .50 15.00 7.0/8 to 2/0 (1)PWD(chandrampet) road to Marrimadla (via) Konarao pet mandal.00 5.90 36. 19.50 (a) Bhoopalapatnam to Medaram via Julapally road from km 0/0-9/6 in Karimnagar Dist.Saidapur road from km 0/0 to 7/4 in Karimnagar Dist. Bejjanki Cross road to Gunukulakondapur road from Km 0/0 to 5/6 13. 00 19.00 65 Munipally Munipally Junction to Singoor (via) Mallareddypet Km 0/0 to 4/0 5.60 MEDAK DISTRICT 56 Doulthabad (i)Doultabad to Gajwel road from Km 0/0 to 22/5& (ii)RamayampetDoultabad road from Km 0/0-22/0 54.S Road 10.00 58 Yeldhurthy (i)Narsapur to Kukunoor road from Km 0/0 to 21/2 & (ii) Pothamshetty-YeldhurtyToopran road from Km 18/0 to 38/0 48.55 Kataram Peddapally .00 60 Kangti 61 Kalher 62 Nyalkal 63 Manoor (i)Bonthapallykaman to meet Gagillapur road from Km 0/0 to 10/0 & (ii) Nagaram PWD road to Jinnaram PWD road from Km 0/0 to 8/8 Narayankhed-Digulwadi road from Km 0/0 to 35/7 Nizampet"X" road to kalher from Km 0/0 to 15/8 AM road to meet State Boarder from Km 0/0 to 4/0 Narayankhed-Santhpur road (via) Pulkurthy from Km 0/0 to 8/0 64 Regode Shankarampet to Narayankhed(via) Regode from Km 1/0 to 14/0 16.00 10.00 67 Kondapur NH-9 to Sangareddy (via) Pedapur.00 59 Jinnaram 23.00 6.00 57 Kondapak Ponnala to Thimmareddypally road from Km 0/0-20/5 25.Kataram Kaleshwaram road at Km 35/0 in bits and 4Nos in bits widening Arched narrow culverts 6.00 .50 66 Dubbak Dubbak to meet M. Mubarakpur road from Km 0/0 to 10/0 12.00 WARANGAL DISTRICT 68 Shayampet Atmakur to Shayampet Road from Km 0/0 to 5/0 8 6.00 43. 0/0 to 4/030 Thorrur .30 78 Maddur 23.1/0 to 3/0 & RANGASAIPETCHINTHANECKONDA ROAD Km. DUGGONDI.50 75 Kodakandla PWD ROAD TO PARVATHAGIRI (VIA) WADLAKONDA.0/0 to 11/0 13.48/0 to 59/1 15.00 7.Bandlagudem Road from Km 0/0 to 7/2 8.50 11. Ghanpur to Zaffargadh Road Km 0/0 to 9/5 74 Paravathagiri 9.70 27.INGURTHY ROAD Km.00 8.00 79 Narmetta Road starting from Muthyala Wadlakonda road Km 7/0 (Maddur)a and ending at JangaonHusnabad road at Km 27/0 (Tarigoppula) Raghunathpally to Narmetta Road from Km 0/0 to 22/3 80 Linghalaghan pur Jangaon .50 77 Duggondi MOHD.00 RANGA REDDY DISTRICT 81 Tandur 82 Yalal Vikarabad-Tandur Road from KM 17/0 to 39/3 Laxminarayapur-Devanoor Road from KM 0/0 to 7/0 9 24.Valigonda Road Km.PAKHAL ROAD Km.23/2 to 27/960 Madikonda to Dharmasagar Road from Km 0/0 to 6/240 8. VENKATAPUR Km.00 76 Kothaguda 13.9/3 to 21/750 YELLANDU.50 .69 Nekkonda NECKONDA .Suryapet 'X' Road Km 4/2 and Nellutla .50 5.80 72 Palakurthy 13.00 70 Dharmasagar 71 Sangem Ookal to Thorrur Road from Km 0/0 to 9/0 10. Ghanpur to Palakurthy Road Km 3/0 to 14/0 Stn.50 73 Zaffargardh Stn.7/0 to 14/661 Yelchal -Kodakandla Road Km. UPPARAPALLY ROAD Km.GHOUSEPALLY TO GIRNIBAVI ROAD (VIA) NANDIGAMA. 00 .00 KHAMMAM DISTRICT 91 Vemsoor Lankapally .Dornakal road KukkunooruAswaraopeta (R&B) road to Reddy gudem cross road 20.00 90 Ibrahimpatna m Widening & Strengthening the Existing carriageway from Ibrahimpatnam to ManchalMandal 14.00 87 Bantaram 26.83 Dharur Vikarabad-Tandur Road from KM 3/0 to 17/0 16.00 86 Marpally Shankarpally-Marpally road from KM 21/6 to 22/450. 29/0 to 31/600 & 33/0 to 38/0 10.00 7.00 12.30 92 Chintakani Venkatayapalem.10 96 97 Chandrugond a Garla PWD road .Mehtankhanguda road from KM 13/0 to 17/8 6.PWD road via Kamepally.Chandrugonda Road 98 Kukunoor SatyanarayanaPuram .40 94 Singareni Karepally Branch road 4.60 95 Kamepally 9.50 85 Peddemul Tandur-Kotepally road from KM 12/0 to 20/0 10.80 84 Kulkache rla Pargi-Nancherla road from KM 0/0 to 16/0 19.50 93 Dammapeta Dammapeta-Palvancha Road 6.00 NALGONDA DISTRICT 99 Atmakur (S) PWD road to Athmakur (S) from Km 0/0 to 4/5 in Nalgonda District (to connect Athmakur (S) Mandal headquarters) 10 6. Vutkoor Dornakal.Chintakani Road 19.10 16.Vemsoor Road 15.20 88 Doma Nagasamundram -Bantaram road from KM 0/0 to 10/2 &DharurKotepally road from KM 0/0 to 11/6 Sulthanpur-Basapally road from KM 0/0 to 10/0 89 Nawabpet Ekmamidi . (to connect ThungaturthyMandal headquarters) 16.50 106 Nampally Marriguda . Gundala headquarters) Dindi DindiDevarkonda road from Km.Gurrampode road from Km 13/0 to 32/6 in Nalgonda District.3/5 to 33/8 (connecting Dindimandal Headquarters) in Nalgonda district 37.00 105 Nadigudem Barakathgudem to Kagithaamramachandrapuram road from Km 0/0 to 7/0 in Nalgonda District.100 Thungaturthy Nagaram-Maddirala road from Km 0/0 to 13/0 in Nalgonda District.Choutuppal road from Km 12/4 to 47/0 in Nalgonda District. 17/0 to 18/0 and 30/0 to 41/0 in Nalgonda District.50 108 Shaligourara m Carriageway from Km 5/0 to 18/6 on Nakrekal – Gurajala in Nalgonda District.50 107 Kattangur Nalgonda-Kattangur road from Km 4/0 to 5/8 and 11/0 to 13/7 in Nalgonda District(to connect KattangurMandal headquarters) 5. ( To connect Narayanpur and MunugodeMandal Headquarters with District Headquarters by double lane) 42. ( To connect NampallyMandal Headquarters) 23.00 103 Gundala&Mot (i) Narketpally-Ammanabole road hkur from Km 0/0 to 10/0 & (ii) Widening of Jeedical – Ammanabole road from Km 20/0 to 40/8 in Nalgonda District (to connect Mothkur.00 102 Marriguda&C Kanagal-Mall road from Km 3/1 to handur 15/0. (to connect ShaligowraramMandal Headquarters) 16.00 101 Narayanpur& Munugode Nalgonda . (to connect NadigudemMandal headquarters) 8.00 .50 104 11 36.( To connect Marriguda and ChandurMandal Headquarters) 29. 4.00 110 Chandampet Chandampetmandal headquarters to road from Dindi .32/6 to 42/2 (PA Pally mandal headquarters) in Nalgonda district 12.0/0 to 19/8 KhillaGhanpur to Kothamolgera road from Km.00 111 Bommalaram aram Kondamadugumettu – Bommalaramaram road from Km 0/0 to 14/650 in Nalgonda District.00 112 Chintapally Chintapally Branch road from Km 1/0 to 1/4 in Nalgonda District.109 PA Pally Kunkuduchettuthanda to MahaboobnagarNalgonda road from Km.00 11. ( connecting BommalararamMandal headquarter) 18.00 114 Wanaparthy 115 Lingal 24.Devarkonda road from Km. ( To connect ChinthapallyMandal Headquarters ) 1.00 12 .1/2 to 10/0 and 12/0 to 13/8 23.0/0 to 14/0 16.00 MAHABUBNAGAR DISTRICT 113 Koilkonda Mahabubnagar-Koilkonda Road from km.00 b) Diversion road joining PebbairYaparla and Kollapur-Yaparla Km.00 118 Balmoor Achampet-Lingal road from Km.5/320 to 8/0 and 8/6 to 12/6 8.0/0 to 5/0 6.50 c) Pebbair-Yaparla Road from Km. 14.18/0 to 27/130 117 Veepanagandl a) Ayyavaripalli-Veepanagandla a road from Km.0/6 to 20/2 Wanaparthy-Atmakur Road from Km.0/0 to 12/0.6/720 to 13/075 8.0/0 to 3/2 (Chandampetmandal Headquarters to Nalgonda district.00 119 Nawabpet Mahabubnagar-Nawabpet Road from Km.00 116 Ghanpur Telkapally-Lingal Road from Km.00 13. 00 2.40 Amarchintha-Jaklair Road from Km.00 c) Mahabubnagar-Mannanur road from Km.14/2 to 23/0 Gadwal-Raichur Road from Km.51/0 to 52/6 128 ChinnaChinta Kunta a) Nellikondi-Allipur road from Km.0/0 to 2/8 3.0/0 to 16/2 b) Amangal-Charakonda road from km.0/0 to 9/0 b) Narsaipally-Nagarkurnool road from Km.16/0 to 28/910 15.55/0 to 62/6 9.00 13.50 .0/8 to 8/0 8.0/0 to 15/0 18.0/0 to 3/0 Tunkimetla-Narayanpet Road from Km.10/0 to 12/0 2.27/0 to 33/4 8.60 a) Mahabubnagar-Mannanur road from Km.0/0 to 11/0 13.120 Peddamandad Peddamandadi .00 b) Mahabubnagar-Mannanur road from Km.00 124 Vangoor 125 Damargidda 126 Telkapally 11.50 Vangoor gate to Vangoor Km.000 10.500 129 Dharur 130 Madugula (b) Development road under Koilsagar project from Km.NH7 (va) Mojerla i Road from Km.56/0 to 67/137 3.8/4 to 10/8 3.0/0 to 23/8 a) Peddakothapalli-Nagulapally Road from Km.20 121 Uppununthala Achampet-Rakonda road from Km.50 127 Kalwakurthy Mahabubnagar-Nalgonda road from kmm.60 122 Kondurg 28.2/5 to 9/0 a) Amangal-Nagarjunasagar PWD road Km.50 131 Narva 13 8.00 19.00 123 Kodair Nawabpet PWD road to KondurguptoKollur from Km. 0/0 to 18/0 NH7 to Kalukuntla road from Km.0/0 to 1/0.00 6.22/4 to 27/0 Pangal Wanaparthy-Kollapur Road from Km.0/0 to 7/0 PWD Road to Bomraspet from Km.50 132.00 5.26/0 to 29/0 Tunkimetla-Narayanpet Road from Km.50 21. 1.50 18.50 135 Itikyal 8.50 3.0/0 to 19/450 23.0/0 to 1/1 1.21/0 to 46/0 Yerrigara-Ieeja-Alampur Road from Km.0/0 to 25/3 24.00 2585.50 134 Utkoor R&B Cross Road to Bijwar Road from Km.50 5.50 b) Dharur-Macherla Road from Km.50 136 Bomraspet 137 Ieeja 138 Maddur 139 Waddepally NH7 to Itikyal road from Km.0/0 to 15/4 Improvements of Bridges and Culverts Total 2.0/0 to 4/1 Narayanpet Marical-Minaspur road from Km.0/0 to 2/0 Gadwal-Ieeja Road from Km.60 30.00 SUNIL SHARMA SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 14 .132 Gattu a) Dharur Old Road Km.51/6 to 57/0 140 Doulthabad 141 Manopad 142 143 Kosgi-Doulthabad Road from Km.00 133 Talakondapall Talakondapally-Midjil Road from y Km.
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