2014 Minova MAI Product Catalog

March 17, 2018 | Author: Brenda Loera | Category: Corrosion, Drill, Anchor, Galvanization, Science



Minova MAI SDA self-drilling anchorsThe Ground Support Company The system provides advantages for all areas of its applications. The Minova MAI SDA self-srilling anchor is today’s answer to the increasing demands of the tunnelling industry and ground engineering for safer and faster production.Minova Rock Reinforcement Ongoing development of faster. emphasis is placed on flexible and intelligent support systems in which rock and soil reinforcement is expected to contribute to the productivity and safety of the operation. The trend has been to provide rock support and reinforcement systems that are easy to install. safer and more exotic tunnelling techniques places a constant pressure on manufacturers to provide more efficient rock support solutions which will help the shortening of cycle time. As ground conditions get more and more demanding. where boreholes would require the time consuming drilling with casing systems in unconsolidated or cohesive soil. 2 . assure efficiency and provide safety. gravel. cold rolled to form a standard ISO rope thread profile. and in soft to medium fractured rock formations. increasing the yield strength. The rolling process refines the grain structure of the steel. data is collected from projects around the world.MAI SDA self-drilling anchors Minova MAI SDA self-drilling anchors provide a unique bolting solution for unstable ground conditions such as sand. In order to improve on performance and cost efficiency. and is responsible for the productivity of the installation. and has a left-hand rope thread for connection to standard drill tooling. MAI SDA self-drilling anchors should be considered as the most productive reinforcement solution. and to reduce manufacturing costs. It is manufactured from API standard heavy walling steel tubing. The anchor rod features a hollow bore for flushing or simultaneous drilling and grouting. The sacrificial drill bit is the most crucial part of the anchoring system. For projects facing such ground conditions. and producing a durable drill rod suitable for a range of applications. Minova MAI SDA self-drilling anchors are rigorously tested to ensure the best quality and reliability. Quality of Minova MAI SDA self-drilling anchors is ensured through regular quality testing. Nut Anchor plate Hollow rod MAI SDA self-drilling anchors also available in a hot dip galvanized version for corrosion protection and also as CE certified products. Main components Extension coupling MAI SDA self-drilling anchors consists of five basic components: • A hollow rod • One or more extension couplings which act as connectors between the rods • A sacrificial drill bit • A nut and • A plate Hollow rod Sacrificial drill bit 3 . and incorporated into the design with the aim to improve penetration rate and bit quality. silt and clay. 5 mm Cross-sectional area 350 430 520 750 900 1070 1870 2400 3185 4395 mm² Ultimate tensile load (UL) 210 280 360 500 550 800 1600 1900 2640 3650 kN Yield load (YL) 160 230 280 400 450 630 1200 1500 2000 2750 kN Yield strength 460 530 530 530 500 590 640 630 630 630 N/mm² Tensile strength 600 650 690 660 610 750 860 790 830 830 N/mm² Weight 2.0 30.4 47.4 0.5 95.0 mm Weight 0.2 5.Quick reference MAI SDA anchor rods Description R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S T111 L T 111 N Unit Outer diameter 32.0 mm Length 145.7 4.3 0.0 190.0 10.0 170.0 150.6 kg .0 111.8 3.0 44.3 0.0 mm Length 45.0 8.0 41.0 145.3 30.0 35.9 7.0 41.6 18.8 kg MAI SDA anchor plates Description Doomed anchor plates Solid anchor plates MAI SDA spacers Description 4 R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S T111 L T 111 N Unit Outside diameter 72.0 45.0 6.0 130.0 91.8 76.0 56.0 90.0 250.0 mm Length 30.4 2.0 30.0 50.0 80.8 - - - - - - kg Dimension - 95x95 120x120 140x140 150x150 180x180 250x250 250x250 300x300 350x350 mm Thickness - 25.0 8.0 51.0 50.0 51.0 1.5 63.0 - - - - - - mm Weight 1.5 15.0 220.7 1.0 34.0 19.0 35.6 1.0 220.0 kg R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S T111 L T 111 N Unit Dimension 150x150 200x200 200x200 200x200 - - - - - - mm Thickness 8.0 100.5 26. Additional lengths up to 12 metres are available on request.0 30.8 1. MAI SDA extension couplings Description R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N Diameter 42.0 mm Weight - 1.2 4.3 0.5 11. 4.6 3.4 0.0 mm Hole diameter - 35.0 33.0 90.0 50.0 32.0 metres.0 40.0 46.0 32.0 72.0 51.2 10.0 63.0 70.4 14. 120.4 26.0 72.0 80.0 mm Weight 0.0 85.0 30.0 45.7 2.4 51.0 38.0 130.0.8 0.0 100.0 80.0 75.2 51.0 75.0 91.2 3.7 11.6 2.0 140.0 140.6 1.0 70.0 40.0 220.0 35.7 18.0 30.0 12.4 0.0 90.0 130. 3.5 kg MAI SDA nuts Description R32 L R32 N R32 S R38 N R51 L R51 N T76 N T76 S T111 L T 111 N Unit Key size 46.4 42.0 78.9 25.9 1.0 9.0 75.0 220.0 40.3 0.3 0.0 - - - - - - mm Hole diameter 35.6 3.7 2.0 60.0 mm Inner diameter 20.9 0.0 111.4 4.0 45.0 60.0 46.5 kg/m T76 N T76 S T111 L T 111 N Unit Standard delivery lengths for MAI SDA self-drilling anchors are 2.0 250.0 120.0 30.0 130.0 170.0 mm Weight 0.0.0 76.0 60.7 9.0 150.5 1.0 56.0 95.0 170.0 35.0 and 6.0 76.3 0.1 5. the criteria for MAI SDA drill bits are defined by consideration of the following factors: • Service life of the drill bits should be at least equal to the anchor length. Compared to conventional drill bit types offered globally for maximum standing performance for rock or soil. including bands of soft rock Loose to dense soil/sand. sand and gravel Type of soil/ ground Bit Type Soft clay and soil Bit shape < 40 - < 40 - < 50 < 50 - > 50 < 10 Mpa > 50 < 10 Mpa > 50 < 10 Mpa < 50 Mpa < 50 Mpa < 70 Mpa < 100 Mpa 76 51 90 76 110 90 51 EYY ECC 51 76 76 76 76 76 EXX 51 ESS-F 51 51 90 130 90 110 76 110 130 90 130 150 90 76 150 175 R51 (L&N) 100 115 76 76 100 100 90 130 130 100 150 150 175 170 120 200 T76 (N&S) T111 (L&N) 130 130 130 150 145 150 175 175 200 200 220 220 170 Main selection criteria for MAI SDA drill bits A successful installation of Minova MAI SDA self-drilling anchors depends to a large extent to the correct selection of suitable drill bits. • Diameter depending on geology and design requirements. including bands of soft rock Weak cemented soil/sands and weak fractured rock & plain concrete Weak cemented soil/sands and weak fractured rock & plain concrete Weak cemented soil/sands and weak fractured rock & plain concrete Medium fractured rock formations Medium fractured rock formations Medium to strong fractured rock formations Strong fractured rock formations SPT-N Value UCT (N/mm2) Clay Bit Loose to medium dense soil. 5 . • Selecting the right bit design and inserts to reach optimum performance depended on the differend ground formations encountered.Quick reference MAI SDA drill bits R32 (L&N&S with R38 adaptor R38 (N) with R51 adaptor XX EX EC ES-F ES-D EY Loose to dense soil/sand. 0 12.0 6.8 32.0 13.1 32.4 32.0 5.0 32.1 32.0 8.2 32.4 32.0 520 360 280 9899 1007 58 9899 7024 53 R32 S 3.0 16.4 9899 1501 15 9899 7024 27 MAI SDA R32 nuts Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Key size (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R32/SW46 L&N&S 45.6 32.0 15.0 10.0 18.6 350 210 160 9899 1013 77 9899 7024 64 R32 L 3.0 8.5 430 280 230 9899 1011 60 9899 7024 58 R32 N 3.0 20.6 350 210 160 9899 7013 79 9899 7024 62 R32 L 4.0 8.0 0.0 42.6 350 210 160 9899 7013 81 9899 7024 60 R32 N 2.0 520 360 280 9899 1013 67 9899 7024 52 R32 S 3.4 9899 7000 78 9899 7024 68 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R32 N&S 160.4 32.5 430 280 230 9899 1007 54 9899 7024 59 R32 N 3.0 18.0 20.4 9899 7000 83 9899 7024 69 R32 S 190.7 32.4 32.0 520 360 280 9899 1007 60 9899 7024 49 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R32 L 2.0 18.6 350 210 160 9899 7000 51 9899 7024 61 R32 N 2.4 46.0 12.0 20.0 8.5 430 280 230 9899 1021 88 9899 7024 54 R32 S 2.0 15.0 9899 1011 61 9899 7024 23 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R32/SW46 1 Average internal diameter 2 Cross sectional area 3 Ultimate load 4 Yield load 6 L&N&S 45.0 20.0 20.0 18.0 15.8 32.3 32.0 1.6 350 210 160 9899 7000 50 9899 7024 65 R32 L 3.0 10.0 9899 1007 67 9899 7024 74 46.0 6.0 520 360 280 9899 1024 43 9899 7024 48 * Additional lengths available on request MAI SDA R32 extension couplings Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R32 L&N 145.5 430 280 230 9899 1007 56 9899 7024 55 R32 S 2.0 42.0 18.0 15.0 520 360 280 9899 1007 59 9899 7024 51 R32 S 4.4 .0 20.3 32.0 0.0 15.4 32.8 32.0 520 360 280 9899 1013 66 9899 7024 50 R32 S 4.0 15.5 430 280 230 9899 1007 55 9899 7024 57 R32 N 4.2 32.6 350 210 160 9899 7000 49 9899 7024 63 R32 L 4.2 32.5 430 280 230 9899 1018 52 9899 7024 56 R32 N 4.0 0.0 1.0 18.0 10.8 42.0 16.0 5.0 13.0 10.MAI SDA R32 MAI SDA R32 anchor rods Size Length* (m) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Inner Ø1 (mm) Area2 (mm²) UL3 (kN) YL4 (kN) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R32 L 2. 1 28.4 51.0 9899 7025 18 9899 7024 81 R32 N 200x200 8.5 51.0 35.MAI SDA R32 MAI SDA R32 anchor plates MAI SDA R32 domed plates Size Type Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (kg) Dome height (mm) Hole Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R32 L 150x150 8.2 35.0 76.0 9899 7025 33 9899 7023 27 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R32 N 95x95 25.0 9899 702 772 9899 702 772 Drill bit R32 L&N&S/Clay Clay 90.0 9899 1500 31 9899 1500 31 Button bit R32 L&N&S/L110 ESS-F 0.2 28.0 3.0 9899 1007 79 9899 1007 79 Drill bit R32 L&N&S EX 0.0 35.0 1.0 9899 1507 52 9899 1507 52 Drill bit R32 L&N&S/Clay Clay 76.0 35.4 51.0 9899 1500 30 9899 1500 30 Button bit R32 L&N&S ESS-F 0.0 9899 1510 37 9899 1510 37 Drill bit R32 L&N&S EYY 1.0 9899 7025 32 9899 7023 22 R32 S 120x120 30.3 25.2 76.0 9899 1500 83 9899 1500 83 Split arc bit R32 L&N&S ECC 0.0 3.0 35.0 9899 1503 54 9899 1503 54 Button bit R32 L&N&S ES-F 0.9 51.7 28.0 9899 7025 22 9899 7024 79 R32 N 200x200 8.0 9899 1012 67 9899 1012 67 Drill bit R32 L&N&S/L74 EXX 0.0 9899 7025 21 9899 7023 82 R32 S 200x200 10.3 9899 7023 28 9899 7023 28 7 .4 51.0 1.0 9899 7025 20 9899 7024 82 MAI SDA R32 solid plates Size Type Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (kg) Hole Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R32 N 95x95 25.0 1.6 35.0 3.5 51.6 35.0 9899 1509 63 9899 1509 63 Split arc bit R32 L&N&S EC 0.4 51.0 9899 1007 81 9899 1007 81 Drill bit R32 L&N&S EX 1.0 9899 7025 35 9899 7023 61 R32 S 120x120 30.9 28.0 3.0 3.3 25.0 9899 7004 09 9899 7004 09 Drill bit R32 L&N&S EY 1.3 51.2 35.0 9899 7025 19 9899 7024 83 R32 S 200x200 10.0 9899 7025 36 9899 7023 63 MAI SDA R32 drill bits Size Type Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE Drill bit R32 L&N&S X 0.2 76.0 9899 702 634 9899 702 634 1.0 35.0 9899 702 773 9899 702 773 Drill bit R32 L&N&S/Clay Clay 110.7 MAI SDA R32 spacers Type Outer Ø (mm) Length (mm) Weight (kg) Product number Non-CE Product number CE L&N&S 72.0 0.0 35.0 9899 1007 98 9899 7024 78 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R32 L 150x150 8.0 30.0 3.0 1. 0 9899 7000 34 9899 1020 42 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R38 N 220.0 38.0 38.0 19.0 0.0 12.0 9899 1008 00 9899 7024 80 41.0 750 500 400 9899 1020 43 9899 7024 44 R38 N 4.0 9899 7025 37 9899 7023 64 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R38 8 N 140x140 35.0 750 500 400 9899 1007 64 9899 7024 45 R38 N 4.0 750 500 400 9899 1026 65 9899 7024 46 R38 N 3.0 750 500 400 9899 1007 65 9899 7024 43 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R38 N 2.0 1.6 Dome height (mm) Hole Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE 41.0 24.0 5.0 19.0 41.0 .MAI SDA R38 MAI SDA R38 anchor rods Size Length* (m) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Inner Ø1 (mm) Area2 (mm²) UL3 (kN) YL4 (kN) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R38 N 2.0 9899 1019 81 9899 7024 22 MAI SDA R38 nuts Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R38/SW50 N 60.4 50.0 38.0 19.6 MAI SDA R38 solid plates Size Type Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (kg) Hole Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R38 N 140x140 35.0 0.4 1 Average internal diameter 2 Cross sectional area 3 Ultimate load 4 Yield load MAI SDA R38 anchor plates MAI SDA R38 domed plates Size Type Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (kg) R38 N 200x200 12.0 18.0 38.0 5.0 19.0 9899 7024 77 9899 7024 26 Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Key size (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R38/SW50 N 60.0 38.0 1.0 3.0 9899 1007 68 9899 7024 73 50.0 18.0 3.0 19.0 9899 1019 80 9899 7024 84 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R38 N 200x200 12.0 9899 7025 34 9899 7023 29 41.0 750 500 400 9899 1026 66 9899 7024 42 * Additional lengths available on request MAI SDA R38 extension couplings Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R38 N 220.7 51.8 51.0 12.0 24.0 38.0 750 500 400 9899 1007 63 9899 7024 47 R38 N 3.0 19. 0 9899 1510 17 9899 1510 17 Drill bit R38 N EYY 0.2 76.3 9899 7023 21 9899 7023 21 9 .0 9899 7026 33 9899 7026 33 1.0 9899 1500 41 9899 1500 41 Drill bit R38 N EXX 1.9 76.0 Drill bit R38 N/Clay Clay Drill bit R38 N/Clay Clay Drill bit R38 N XX Drill bit R38 N Drill bit R38 N Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE 90.3 90.MAI SDA R38 MAI SDA R38 drill bits Size Type Weight (kg) Drill bit R38 N/Clay Clay 1.3 90.0 90.4 110.0 9899 7027 74 9899 7027 74 1.0 9899 1500 16 9899 1500 16 Button bit R38 N ES-F 1.9 76.0 9899 1506 22 9899 1506 22 Button bit R38 N ESS-F 1.6 115.0 0.0 9899 1500 28 9899 1500 28 Drill bit R38 N EY 0.0 76.0 9899 7032 59 9899 7032 59 XX 2.0 76.0 9899 7032 58 9899 7032 58 Button bit R38 N ESS-D 2.0 9899 1025 43 9899 1025 43 XX 2.0 9899 1500 29 9899 1500 29 MAI SDA R38 spacers Type Outer Ø (mm) Length (mm) Weight (kg) Product number Non-CE Product number CE N 78.0 9899 7026 78 9899 7026 78 110.0 9899 1007 82 9899 1007 82 Drill bit R38 N EX 1.0 9899 7000 85 9899 7000 85 Drill bit R38 N EX 1.0 9899 1026 23 9899 1026 23 Drill bit R38 N EYY 1.0 130.3 130.3 150.0 30. 8 51.0 51.2 1070 800 630 9899 7000 45 9899 7024 29 * Additional lengths available on request MAI SDA R51 extension couplings Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R51 L 170.2 63.0 33.5 9899 1509 84 ? R51 N 200.0 50.2 1070 800 630 9899 1509 89 9899 7024 31 R51 N 4.2 1070 800 630 9899 1500 35 9899 7024 30 R51 N 6.0 33.3 900 550 450 9899 1509 88 9899 7024 38 R51 L 4.7 63.0 28.4 51.9 63.0 42.0 16.0 33.0 30.0 14.0 30.0 33.0 51.0 28.3 900 550 450 9899 7000 42 9899 7024 36 R51 N 2.3 900 550 450 9899 1500 57 9899 7024 41 R51 L 3.0 51.0 21.0 1.0 30.0 30.0 1.3 900 550 450 9899 1500 64 9899 7024 37 R51 L 6.0 30.5 9899 7000 35 9899 7027 26 R51 N 220.2 1070 800 630 9899 150063 9899 7024 28 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R51 L 2.0 16.3 900 550 450 9899 1500 52 9899 7024 39 R51 L 4.0 9899 1500 23 9899 7024 72 75.0 21.2 63.0 1.0 2.3 900 550 450 9899 150047 9899 7024 35 R51 N 2.0 51.MAI SDA R51 MAI SDA R51 anchor rods Size Length* (m) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Inner Ø1 (mm) Area2 (mm²) UL3 (kN) YL4 (kN) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R51 L 2.0 30.2 51.0 25.0 51.5 9899 1509 85 9899 7024 24 Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Key size (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R51/SW75 L&N 70.5 9899 7000 36 9899 7024 75 Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R51 L 120.2 51.6 51.8 51.0 9899 1512 61 9899 7024 21 MAI SDA R51 nuts Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R51/SW75 1 Average internal diameter 2 Cross sectional area 3 Ultimate load 4 Yield load 10 L&N 70.0 33.6 51.2 1070 800 630 9899 1500 61 9899 7024 32 R51 N 4.0 1.0 30.7 75.0 14.0 1.0 51.2 1070 800 630 9899 1513 12 9899 7024 33 R51 N 3.0 33.7 .2 1070 800 630 9899 1500 62 9899 7024 34 R51 N 3.0 25.0 33.3 900 550 450 9899 7000 41 9899 7024 40 R51 L 3.0 33.0 33.0 51. 0 9899 7025 86 9899 7025 86 Drill bit R51/Clay Clay 175.0 6.0 9899 1500 59 9899 1500 59 MAI SDA R51 spacers Type Outer Ø (mm) Length (mm) Weight (kg) Product number Non-CE Product number CE L&N 91.2 130.8 100.0 9899 1507 53 9899 1507 53 Button bit R51 ESS-D 2.0 9899 1500 96 - R51 L 150x150 40.6 56.0 9899 7019 17 9899 7019 17 Button bit R51 ESS-F 1.9 200.6 56.0 9899 7029 74 9899 7029 74 Drill bit R51 EX 1.0 9899 7025 24 9899 7023 31 R51 N 250x250 40.0 9899 1511 64 - R51 N 180x180 45.0 9899 7000 66 9899 7000 66 Drill bit R51 XX 2.0 0.9 150.1 90.0 9899 1500 22 9899 1500 22 Button bit R51 ES-D 2.MAI SDA R51 MAI SDA R51 anchor plates MAI SDA R51 solid plates Size Type Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (kg) Hole Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE R51 L 200x200 30.0 76.3 56.1 110.0 9899 7025 25 9899 7023 46 8.3 9899 7023 30 9899 7023 30 11 .0 10.7 76.5 60.0 9899 7026 86 9899 7026 86 Drill bit R51 XX 2.0 9899 7000 63 9899 7000 63 Drill bit R51 XX 2.0 9899 1508 92 9899 1508 92 Button bit R51 ESS-F 1.0 9899 7025 27 9899 7023 66 MAI SDA R51 drill bits Size Type Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE Drill bit R51/Clay Clay 1.0 9899 7027 56 9899 7027 56 Drill bit R51/Clay Clay 2.0 9899 7032 60 9899 7032 60 Button bit R51 ES-F 1.0 9899 7025 85 9899 7025 85 Drill bit R51/Clay Clay 1.0 R51 L 150x150 40.3 56.0 9899 7000 09 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) R51 L 200x200 30.0 115.0 10.0 9899 1500 42 9899 1500 42 Drill bit R51 XX 2.5 150.7 100.0 9899 7025 26 9899 7023 31 R51 N 250x250 40.8 60.8 60.0 9899 1500 97 - R51 N 180x180 45.0 115.8 100.0 8.7 175.0 18.0 6.0 9899 7027 75 9899 7027 75 Drill bit R51 XX 2.0 9899 7023 18 9899 7023 18 Drill bit R51 EX 130.0 18.5 60.0 30. 0 60.0 4.0 44.0 9899 7003 26 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) T76/SW100 N&S 80.0 113.0 9899 7032 88 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) T76 12 N&S 250x250 60.0 9899 1506 45 - 2.0 1870 1600 1200 9899 1506 44 - T76 N 3.0 1870 1600 1200 9899 1506 50 - T76 N 4.0 56.7 76.0 44.0 76.0 2400 1900 1500 9899 1511 05 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) T76 N 2.8 76.0 51.0 2400 1900 1500 9899 7003 24 - T76 S 4.0 76.0 2400 1900 1500 9899 7003 23 - T76 S 3.6 76.0 9899 1510 47 - 90.0 2400 1900 1500 9899 1511 03 - T76 S 4.0 1870 1600 1200 9899 7003 21 - T76 S 2.8 76.0 51.0 44.0 1870 1600 1200 9899 1506 51 - T76 N 6.MAI SDA T76 MAI SDA T76 anchor rods Size Length* (m) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Inner Ø1 (mm) Area2 (mm²) UL3 (kN) YL4 (kN) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T76 N 2.0 75.0 9899 7003 25 - MAI SDA T76 nuts Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Key size (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T76/SW100 N&S 80.0 60.0 2.7 100.0 76.0 44.6 76.0 56.0 1870 1600 1200 9899 1506 52 - T76 S 2.0 2400 1900 1500 9899 1511 04 - T76 S 6.0 45.0 76.0 44.0 30.0 44.0 4.0 51.0 37.4 76.0 44.0 30.0 2400 1900 1500 9899 1511 02 - T76 S 3.0 76.0 37.7 95.7 100.0 2400 1900 1500 9899 7002 02 - * Additional lengths available on request MAI SDA T76 extension couplings Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T76 N&S 220.0 9899 1506 46 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) T76 N&S 220.0 75.0 1870 1600 1200 9899 7003 20 - T76 N 4.0 45.0 51.7 76.4 90.0 26.4 .0 90.0 76.0 51.0 51.0 1870 1600 1200 9899 7003 19 - T76 N 3.7 95.0 26.0 1 Average internal diameter 2 Cross sectional area 3 Ultimate load 4 Yield load MAI SDA T76 anchor plates MAI SDA T76 solid plates Size Type Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (kg) Hole Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T76 N&S 250x250 60.0 51.0 76. 0 9899 7027 43 - Drill bit T76/Clay Clay 5.0 9899 7027 49 - Drill bit T76/Clay Clay 4.6 145.2 200.0 9899 1522 81 - Drill bit T76 XX 5.0 175.2 130.1 175.MAI SDA T76 MAI SDA T76 drill bits Size Type Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE Drill bit T76/Clay Clay 3.0 40.9 9899 1510 44 - 13 .6 120.0 9899 7027 44 - Drill bit T76/Clay Clay 6.0 9899 7004 93 - Drill bit T76 XX 5.5 130.0 9899 7004 73 - Drill bit T76 ESS-F 4.5 200.0 0.0 9899 7000 93 - MAI SDA T76 spacers Type Outer Ø (mm) Length (mm) Weight (kg) Product number Non-CE Product number CE N&S 130.0 9899 7000 03 - Drill bit T76 XX 4.0 130.0 9899 7027 50 - Drill bit T76 XX 4.0 9899 7000 94 - Drill bit T76 EX 6.0 9899 7000 54 - Drill bit T76 EX 6.0 150.5 150. 5 4395 3650 2750 9899 7017 69 - T111 N 6.8 130.8 130.0 9899 7026 92 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) T111/SW120 L&N 120.8 111.0 56.0 75.0 3185 2640 2000 9899 7017 76 - T111 N 2.0 108.5 4395 3650 2750 9899 7026 88 - * Additional lengths available on request MAI SDA T111 extension couplings Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T111 L&N 250.0 76.2 111.0 75.0 76.5 140.5 4395 3650 2750 9899 7017 71 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) T111 L 3.0 47.0 9899 7032 90 - .0 3185 2640 2000 9899 7017 74 - T111 L 6.0 9899 7020 99 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) 14 T111 L 300x300 80.0 9.8 111.4 111.0 170.MAI SDA T111 MAI SDA T111 anchor rods Size Length* (m) Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Inner Ø1 (mm) Area2 (mm²) UL3 (kN) YL4 (kN) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T111 L 2.6 111.0 85.0 9899 7026 90 - MAI SDA T111 nuts Size Type Length (mm) Weight (kg) Key size (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T111/SW120 L&N 120.0 3185 2640 2000 9899 7026 87 - T111 N 3.3 120.6 111.0 3185 2640 2000 9899 7017 72 - T111 L 3.0 108.5 4395 3650 2750 9899 7017 68 - T111 N 4.0 3185 2640 2000 9899 7017 73 - T111 L 4.0 9899 7020 98 - T111 N 350x350 90.9 111.0 113.0 75.0 85.0 72.0 9899 7032 89 - T111 N 350x350 90.0 85.0 47.5 4395 3650 2750 9899 7017 67 - T111 N 3.2 111.0 75.0 11.0 85.0 9899 7017 78 - 9.0 1 Average internal diameter 2 Cross sectional area 3 Ultimate load 4 Yield load MAI SDA T111 anchor plates MAI SDA T111 solid plates Size Type Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm) Weight (kg) Hole Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE T111 L 300x300 80.0 217.5 140.8 130.0 75.0 9899 7017 77 - Corrosion protected (Galvanized in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999) T111 L&N 250.0 145.9 111.0 85.2 111.0 85.3 120.0 85.8 130.0 11. 0 9899 7017 79 - EX 10.0 9899 7017 80 - Drill bit T111 ESS-F 8.0 50.2 170.7 220.6 220.MAI SDA T111 MAI SDA T111 drill bits Size Type Weight (kg) Outer Ø (mm) Product number Non-CE Product number CE Drill bit T111/Clay Drill bit T111 Clay 9.8 9899 7030 45 9899 7030 45 15 .0 9899 7017 81 - MAI SDA T111 spacers Type Outer Ø (mm) Length (mm) Weight (kg) Product number Non-CE Product number CE L&N 170.0 1. 1 9899 1500 08 MAI Drill bit adapters R51/R38 0.1 9899 1510 92 MAI SDA Drill bit adapters Description Type MAI SDA Injection adapters Description Type MAI SDA Grout swivel system Selection guide MAI SDA Grouting Swivel 16 When to use MAI Grout swivel body. on rock drill/drifter side MAI grout swivel body. Ø 150 mm T111 .MAI SDA Accessories MAI SDA Coupling boxes .Injection adapters MAI SDA Coupling boxes Description Type Weight (kg) Product number MAI Adaptor coupling R25-R32 with middle stop l=200 mm L&N&S 1.1 9899 1500 08 MAI Drill bit adapters R51/R38 0.9 9899 1510 59 MAI Adaptor coupling R51-R38 with middle stop l=200 mm L&N 5.2 9899 1507 37 MAI Adaptor coupling R38-R38 with middle stop l=200 mm 2.Adapters .2 9899 1024 94 MAI Adaptor coupling H55-T76 with middle stop l=200 mm N&S MAI Adaptor coupling R38-T45 with middle stop l=200 mm N 2.4 9899 1018 31 MAI Adaptor coupling R32-R38 with middle stop l=200 mm L&N&S 2.4 9899 1018 32 MAI Adaptor coupling R32-T38 with middle stop l=200 mm 2. on rock drill/drifter side MAI grout swivel body.6 9899 1518 29 MAI Adaptor coupling R32-T45 with middle stop l=200 mm 3.1 9899 1500 26 MAI Adaptor coupling R51-T38 with middle stop l=200 mm L&N 5. Ø 100 mm R51 and R32/R38 for bigger thread than T45.0 9899 1500 25 MAI Adaptor coupling R51-T45 with middle stop l=200 mm L&N 4.6 9899 7000 75 MAI Adaptor coupling R38-T38 with middle stop l=205 mm 2.4 9899 7027 40 Weight (kg) Product number MAI Drill bit adapters R38/R32 0.8 9899 7026 44 MAI Adaptor coupling T51-R51 with middle stop l=235 mm 4. Ø 120 mm T76 MAI grout swivel body.6 9899 1027 02 MAI Adaptor coupling R32-R32 with middle stop l=200 mm L&N&S 1.7 9899 1500 27 MAI Adaptor coupling T51-T76 with middle stop l=220 mm 7.1 9899 1510 92 Weight (kg) Product number MAI Drill bit adapters R38/R32 0. Ø 75 mm R32/R38 for up to T45 thread.6 9899 1018 30 MAI Adaptor coupling R25-R38 with middle stop l=200 mm N 2.2 9899 1515 88 6. 0 9899 7024 96 Swivel shaft for Ø 100 mm.0 9899 7024 99 Swivel shaft for Ø 75 mm.0 - 0.MAI SDA Accessories MAI SDA Grout swivel system MAI SDA Swivel bodys Description Diameter (mm) Thread connection Weight (kg) Product number Swivel body 75.0 9899 7024 97 Swivel shaft for Ø 120 mm.1 9899 7025 09 Anchor seal T111 111.0 Box T38/Box R38 6.0 9899 7025 02 Swivel body 100. Box T38/Box R32 75.0 9899 7025 29 Swivel body 120.0 - 10.0 Box H55/Box R51 13.0 - 0.0 - 0.0 9899 7026 19 Swivel shaft for Ø 75 mm. Box H55/Box R32 100. Box T38/Box R38 75. Box H90/Box T76 120. Box H55/Box R38 100.0 - 6. Box H55/Box R51 100.0 - 8.0 9899 7022 32 Swivel body 150.1 9899 7025 10 Anchor seal R38 38.0 - 0. Box R38/Box R33 75.0 Box R38/Box R33 6.0 - 0.0 9899 7025 17 Swivel shaft for Ø 100 mm.0 - 0.0 - 0.1 9899 7025 12 Anchor seal T76 76.0 Box H55/Box R38 13.0 9899 7025 01 Swivel shaft for Ø 100 mm.0 Box H90/Box T76 20.2 9899 7025 06 Body seal kit 150. Box T51/Box R38 100.2 9899 7022 74 17 .0 9899 7025 00 Swivel shaft for Ø 100 mm.2 9899 7025 30 Body seal kit 120.0 9899 7026 25 Swivel shaft for Ø 100 mm.1 9899 7025 11 Anchor seal R51 51.2 9899 7025 05 MAI SDA Body seal kit MAI SDA Swivel shafts Description Diameter (mm) Thread connection Weight (kg) Product number Swivel shaft for Ø 75 mm. Box T45/ Box R51 100.2 9899 7025 03 Body seal kit 100.0 9899 7022 73 MAI SDA Anchor seals Description Diameter (mm) Thread connection Weight (kg) Product number Anchor seal R32 32.0 Box R32/Box R32 6.0 Box H90/Box T111 31.0 9899 7026 18 Swivel shaft for Ø 75 mm.0 9899 7022 49 Swivel shaft for Ø 150 mm.0 Box T38/Box R32 6.0 9899 7022 72 Description Diameter (mm) Thread connection Weight (kg) Product number Body seal kit 75.0 Box T51/Box R38 13.0 Box H55/Box R32 13.0 - 5.0 - 0.0 Box T45/Box R38 6.0 Box T45/Box R51 13.0 - 0. Box T45/Box R38 75.0 9899 7024 98 Swivel shaft for Ø 75 mm. Box R32/Box R32 75. Box H90/Box T111 150. 1. . 4 Description Weight (kg) Product number Pull tester SDA manual hydraulic 300 kN 66. Description Weight (kg) Product number 1 SWX-SDA-Rx Pull tester hydraulic set manual 19.MAI SDA Accessories MAI SDA Pull test equipment SDA-SWX-Rx Pull test equipment complete (inlcudes Ref. MAI Grout pump M400NT MAI Grout pump M400NT Description MAI Grout pump M400NT (standard) Accessories Product number 9899 1226 07 Other pump constructions available on request! Technical Data Description Spur-wheel gear motor 6 kW/200 rpm Worm pump MP 3 “L” (Standard) 600 l/h High pr.2 kW Dimensions Total length 1730 mm Total width 570 mm Length without motor and pump 1040 mm Total height 960 mm MAI SDA anchor mortar Description 9899 1500 20 MAI mortar.0 9899 7027 10 - Box for pull tester 9899 7030 19 Please note: According to design and/or technical requirements. 16 KVA . normal/standard 9899 7000 80 Description data Weights Total weight 217 kg Max.1 A .Automatic reverse drive Delivery pressure 40 bar.Vibrator Delivery distance 40 .Tools 12. sulfat resistant 0.Autmatically polartiy control 6.3 mm ~ 1200 kg/m³ ~ 20% of dry mass Cube strength 1d 15 N/mm² Cube strength 3d 30 N/mm² Cube strength 7d 40 N/mm² Cube strength 28d 50 N/mm² . 3. grain size Weight without dismantled parts 125 kg Bulk weight Water consumption 18 Product number MAI mortar. Please consult with engineers in charge for verifications and instructions.0 9899 7030 07 Compoments Ref.Cleaning equipment 25 A .8 9899 7026 37 3 SWX-SDA-Rx Pull tester Gripping kit for SDA 2. 2.0 9899 7030 18 2 SWX-SDA-Rx Pull test frame complete 20. no.8 9899 7027 63 4 SWX-SDA-Rx Pull tester Tools and accessory set 4. .Automatic screen safety featre Elextricity supply 400 V.60 m max. mortor hose with quick-release coupling Ø 25 mm Delivery rate 400 .2000 l/h .Water pump optional Min. 50 Hz Amperage Main supply fuse Power requirement Normal Output . there are different types of Pull test methods which can be applied on MAI SDA self-drilling anchors. approx. com Minova Canada TOO „Minova Kasachstan“ Minova Chile Ruichy Minova Minova Bohemia [email protected] Minova Asia Pacific Ltd. India Phone +91 997 143 22 23 Email info. Switzerland Phone +41 43 344 1060 Email info.o [email protected]@minovaint.O. Turkey Phone +90 312 796 1265 OOO „Minova Ukraina“ Makeyevka.uk@minovaint. 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Italy Phone +39 031 56 99 57 Email info.com The Ground Support Company Minova MAI GmbH Werkstrasse 17 9710 Feistritz/Drau Austria Phone +43 (0)4245 65166 0 Fax +43 (0)4245 65166 800 eMail info.L.com Truskolasy.minovainternational.com Minova Romania S.minovainternational. Riaño-Langreo. Germany Phone +49 201 172 1038 Email info.r.com Siemianowice Slaskie. Australia Phone +61 3 9665 7111 Email [email protected] Severouralsk.com Minova Ksante Sp. Ilfov.com Santiago.L.com www.ro@minovaint. People‘s Republic of China Phone +86 21 622 99 229 Email vincent. Spain Phone +34 98 566 9911 Email info.it@minovaint. Poland Phone +48 32 7503 800 Email minova.zo. Russia Phone +7 3842 570 092 Email [email protected] Minova CarboTech GmbH Minova Arnall [email protected] Minova BWZ GmbH Minova Codiv S.C.com Ostrava. Minova Weldgrip Ltd.R.z o. Australia Phone +61 3 44 214 377 Email [email protected] Senna [email protected]@minovaint.com Jud. People‘s Republic of China Phone +86 10 5861 1212 Shanghai. Great Britain Phone +44 1246 857 006 Email [email protected] Internet www. OOO Minova Russia Barnsley. Georgetown KY.o Essen. Great Britain Phone +44 1226 280 567 Email [email protected] Minova International Ltd.o.es@minovaint. Chesterfield. Kazakhstan Phone +7 7212 462 538 Email info. Karaganda. Austria Phone +43 4245 651 660 Email info. France Phone +33 389 089 220 Email info. Chile Phone +56 9 7998 7354 Email william. Romania Phone +40 372 872 436 Email minova. Ukraine Phone +382 062 345 4916 Minova USA Inc. Germany Phone +49 2041 9969 10 Email info.com Minova AG Birmensdorf.
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