2013 Regulation Syllabus IT



ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS R-2013 B.TECH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY I - VIII SEMESTERS CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS SEMESTER I SL. COURSE No. CODE THEORY 1. HS6151 2. MA6151 3. PH6151 4. CY6151 5. GE6151 6. GE6152 PRACTICALS 7. GE6161 8. GE6162 9. GE6163 COURSE TITLE Technical English – I Mathematics – I Engineering Physics – I Engineering Chemistry – I Computer Programming Engineering Graphics Computer Practices Laboratory Engineering Practices Laboratory Physics and Chemistry Laboratory - I TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 17 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 P 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 2 11 C 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 1 26 SEMESTER II SL. COURSE No. CODE THEORY 1. HS6251 2. MA6251 3. PH6251 4. CY6251 5. CS6201 CS6202 PRACTICALS 7. GE6262 8. IT6211 9. IT6212 COURSE TITLE Technical English – II Mathematics – II Engineering Physics – II Engineering Chemistry – II Digital Principles and System Design Programming and Data Structures I Physics and Chemistry Laboratory - II Digital Laboratory Programming and Data Structures Laboratory I TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 18 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 8 C 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 25 1 SEMESTER III SL. COURSE No. CODE THEORY 1. MA6351 2. CS6301 3. CS6302 4. CS6303 5. CS6304 6. GE6351 PRACTICAL 7. IT6311 8. IT6312 9. IT6313 COURSE TITLE Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Programming and Data Structures II Database Management Systems Computer Architecture Analog and Digital Communication Environmental Science and Engineering Programming and Data Structures Laboratory II Database Management Systems Laboratory Digital Communication Laboratory TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 18 T 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 9 C 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 25 SEMESTER IV SL. COURSE COURSE TITLE No. CODE THEORY 1. MA6453 Probability and Queuing Theory 2. EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3. CS6402 4. CS6401 5. CS6403 PRACTICAL 6. IT6411 7. 8. IT6412 IT6413 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Operating Systems Software Engineering Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory Operating Systems Laboratory Software Engineering Laboratory TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 15 T 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 P 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 9 C 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 22 2 SEMESTER V SL. COURSE No. CODE THEORY 1. CS6551 2. IT6501 3. CS6502 4. IT6502 5. IT6503 6. EC6801 PRACTICAL 7. IT6511 8. IT6512 9. IT6513 COURSE TITLE Computer Networks Graphics and Multimedia Object Oriented Analysis and Design Digital Signal Processing Web Programming Wireless Communication Networks Laboratory Web Programming Laboratory Case Tools Laboratory TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 18 T 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 9 C 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 26 SEMESTER VI SL. COURSE No. CODE THEORY 1. CS6601 2. IT6601 3. CS6659 4. CS6660 5. IT6602 6. PRACTICAL 7. 8. 9. IT6611 IT6612 GE6674 COURSE TITLE Distributed Systems Mobile Computing Artificial Intelligence Compiler Design Software Architectures Elective I Mobile Application Development Laboratory Compiler Laboratory Communication and Soft Skills - Laboratory Based TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 18 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 10 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 24 3 IT6701 2. 5. IT6712 8. IT6711 7.NO. IT6801 2.SEMESTER VII SL. CS6701 3. IT6713 COURSE TITLE Information Management Cryptography and Network Security Data Ware Housing and Data Mining Grid and Cloud Computing Elective II Data Mining Laboratory Security Laboratory Grid and Cloud Computing Laboratory TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 15 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 9 C 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 21 SEMESTER VIII SL. IT6702 4. IT6811 COURSE TITLE Service Oriented Architecture Elective III Elective IV Elective V Project Work TOTAL L 3 3 3 3 0 12 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 12 12 C 3 3 3 3 6 18 TOTAL NO. COURSE No. 1. 2. 3. COURSE CODE IT6001 IT6002 CS6001 GE6757 CS6012 COURSE TITLE Advanced Database Technology Information Theory and Coding Techniques C# and . PRACTICAL 6. OF CREDITS: 187 LIST OF ELECTIVES SEMESTER VI – ELECTIVE I S.Net Programming Total Quality Management Soft Computing L 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 4 . 4. COURSE No. CODE THEORY 1. CODE THEORY 1. 3. CS6703 5. PRACTICAL 4. 4. 1. 1. 5. 5. IT6007 IT6008 GE6075 CS6503 IT6009 COURSE TITLE Free and Open Source Software Network Programming and Management Professional Ethics in Engineering Theory of Computation Web Engineering L 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 SEMESTER VIII – ELECTIVE IV S. 4. CODE NO.SEMESTER VII – ELECTIVE II S. CODE NO. 1.NO. 2. CODE NO.NO.NO. 2. BM6005 CS6004 CS6702 CS6010 IT6010 COURSE TITLE Bio Informatics Cyber Forensics Graph Theory and Applications Social Network Analysis Business Intelligence L 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 SEMESTER VIII .NO. 2. 3.ELECTIVE V S. 2. IT6011 IT6012 CS6008 IT6013 MG6088 COURSE TITLE Knowledge Management TCP/ IP Design and Implementation Human Computer Interaction Software Quality Assurance Software Project Management L 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 5 . CODE NO. 3. 4. 3. 3. 5. 5. 1. IT6003 IT6004 IT6005 CS6003 IT6006 COURSE TITLE Multimedia Compression Techniques Software Testing Digital Image Processing Ad hoc and Sensor Networks Data Analytics L 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 SEMESTER VIII – ELECTIVE III S. 4. Listening to specific task . Speaking .Interactive exercises for Grammar & Vocabulary .Word formation .Compound words . Reading – Critical reading . Grammar Tenses (Past) .Pictures of flow charts and tables for interpretations.Free writing on any given topic (My favourite place / Hobbies / School life.Sentence completion . Cause and effect words.  To ensure that learners use the electronic media such as internet and supplement the learning materials used in the classroom. Grammar . E-materials .Use of imperatives . pie charts etc.Types of listening .Biographical writing (place.Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary .Reference words . Grammar .Note-making. E-materials .Definitions Recommendations – Instructions. Vocabulary . one‟s family / friend.Different forms and uses of words.Speaking in formal situations (teachers.Jumbled sentences .) .Telephone skills – Telephone etiquette.) .Process descriptions (general/specific) .Paraphrasing. – Introducing oneself. foreigners). Reading .Watching videos / documentaries and responding to questions based on them.Role-play – Simulation Group interaction .Word Association (connotation). people) . Reading .Informal writing (letter/e-mail/blogs) .  To inculcate the habit of reading and writing leading to effective and efficient communication.Tenses (Simple).Skimming a reading passage – Scanning for specific information . important festivals etc. Speaking .film scenes . Grammar .focused audio tracks.Wh-questions .Listening to audio (verbal & sounds). Writing . Writing .Adverbs – Tenses – future time reference. Writing .Reading comprehension exercises .Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary Excerpts from films related to the theme and follow up exercises . E-materials . officials.  To emphasize specially the development of speaking skills amongst learners of Engineering and Technology.Prepositions . UNIT I 9+3 Listening .Adjectives. Reading . Vocabulary .Listening to audio files and answering questions. etc.Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary Sample interviews .Autobiographical writing (writing about one‟s leisure time activities.Word expansion (root words / etymology).Sifting facts from opinions.Speaking about one‟s place.Different forms of interviews . Writing .Describing a simple process (filling a form. etc.Types of paragraph (cause and effect / compare and contrast / narrative / analytical) .dialogue writing.Subject-verb agreement. Vocabulary .Introducing learners to GIE . UNIT IV 9+3 Listening . E-materials . Vocabulary .Speaking at different types of interviews.Finding key information in a given text . UNIT II 9+3 Listening .Listening exercises with sample telephone conversations / lectures – Picture-based activities.Reading and interpreting visual material.Essay writing – Different types of essays. Speaking Responding to questions .) .Interpreting visual materials (line graphs.Listening and responding to video lectures / talks.Making inference from the reading passage .HS6151 TECHNICAL ENGLISH – I LT P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES:  To enable learners of Engineering and Technology develop their basic communication skills in English. etc. 6 . UNIT III 9+3 Listening . Speaking .Coherence and cohesion in writing Channel conversion (flowchart into process) .Single word substitutes Use of abbreviations and acronyms. hometown.Asking and answering questions .).Use of sequence words .Predicting the content of a reading passage. Poster making. Orient Blackswan.UNIT V 9+3 Listening .com TEACHING METHODS:  Lectures  Activities conducted individually. E-materials Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary . New Delhi. writing exercises (using language lab wherever necessary/possible) etc.  Listen/view and comprehend different spoken discourses/excerpts in different accents. Anna University. organizing their ideas logically on a topic. 1999. Listening to broadcast and telecast from Radio and TV. New Delhi. Orient Blackswan. Raman. Chennai. Abdul.Reading the attachment files having a poem/joke/proverb Sending their responses through email.  Read different genres of texts adopting various reading strategies. Oxford University Press. confidently. Viswamohan. Speaking . Universities Press. Grammar . http://www. Cambridge University Press. Aysha. New Delhi. Dhanavel. English for Technical Communication.Giving impromptu talks. 7 . Listening to Speeches/Presentations.Lexical items (fixed / semi fixed expressions). Mindscapes: English for Technologists and Engineers. Andrea. grammar and vocabulary games. 2008 EXTENSIVE Reading (Not for Examination) 1. Rutherford. Writing . WEBSITES: 1. Making presentations on given topics.  Write cohesively and coherently and flawlessly avoiding grammatical errors. Meenakshi & Sangeetha Sharma.com 2. S. Chennai.  Discussions  Role play activities  Short presentations  Listening and viewing activities with follow up activities like discussion. 2011 2.Interpreting posters. 2011 REFERENCES: 1. Hyderabad. English for Engineers. Pearson. New Delhi.Creative writing. Regional Institute of English.Listening to different accents. 2001 5. 2005 4.Direct and indirect speech. 2006 3. using a wide vocabulary range. Tata McGraw-Hill. http://www. English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering. Rizvi.P. etc. TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Learners should be able to:  Speak clearly. filling up worksheets.Sending emails with attachment – Audio / video excerpts of different accents . 2012 2. Reading . Effective Technical Communication. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice. Tata McGraw-Hill.Email communication . Vocabulary . peer introduction. group poster making.usingenglish. Wings of Fire. New Delhi. in pairs and in groups like self introduction. Ashraf. Department of English. comprehensibly.uefap. and communicate with one or many listeners using appropriate communicative strategies. J Basic Communication Skills for Technology. M. Kalam. TEXTBOOKS: 1. dialogues. Gamma. This is needed in many branches of engineering. Beta and Error functions which are needed in engineering applications.  To familiarize the student with functions of several variables.  To acquaint the student with mathematical tools needed in evaluating multiple integrals and their usage. UNIT II SEQUENCES AND SERIES 9+3 Sequences: Definition and examples – Series: Types and Convergence – Series of positive terms – Tests of convergence: Comparison test. 8 . Integral test and D‟Alembert‟s ratio test – Alternating series – Leibnitz‟s test – Series of positive and negative terms – Absolute and conditional convergence. essays etc. Interview. End Semester Examination: 80% MA6151 MATHEMATICS – I L T P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES:  To develop the use of matrix algebra techniques this is needed by engineers for practical applications. etc.  To make the student knowledgeable in the area of infinite series and their convergence so that he/ she will be familiar with limitations of using infinite series approximations for solutions arising in mathematical modeling. from direct to inferential  Writing assessment: Writing paragraphs. All the four skills are to be tested with equal weightage given to each. Group discussions  Reading assessment: Reading passages with comprehension questions graded from simple to complex. Pair work activities like role play. UNIT I MATRICES 9+3 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a real matrix – Characteristic equation – Properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors – Statement and applications of Cayley-Hamilton Theorem – Diagonalization of matrices – Reduction of a quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation – Nature of quadratic forms. film clippings with questions on verbal as well as audio/visual content. Writing should include grammar and vocabulary.  To introduce the concepts of improper integrals.  Speaking assessment: Individual speaking activities.EVALUATION PATTERN: Internal assessment: 20% 3 tests of which two are pen and paper tests and the other is a combination of different modes of assessment like  Project  Assignment  Reviews  Creative writing  Poster making.  Listening/Viewing assessment: Lectures. Cengage learning. O‟Neil. Peter V. New Delhi. and Er. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company.Evolute as envelope of normals. 5. 3rd Edition. UNIT V MULTIPLE INTEGRALS 9+3 Double integrals in cartesian and polar coordinates – Change of order of integration – Area enclosed by plane curves – Change of variables in double integrals – Area of a curved surface . 2011. 7th Edition. UNIT I CRYSTAL PHYSICS 9 Lattice – Unit cell – Bravais lattice – Lattice planes – Miller indices – d spacing in cubic lattice – Calculation of number of atoms per unit cell – Atomic radius – Coordination number – Packing factor for SC. UNIT IV DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES 9+3 Limits and Continuity – Partial derivatives – Total derivative – Differentiation of implicit functions – Jacobian and properties – Taylor‟s series for functions of two variables – Maxima and minima of functions of two variables – Lagrange‟s method of undetermined multipliers. 2.K.. TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  This course equips students to have basic knowledge and understanding in one fields of materials.. Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd. Glyn James. B. Second Edition. 2012. Khanna Publications. integral and differential calculus. S... (2012). Rajnish Verma. Sivarama Krishna Das P. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”. PH6151 ENGINEERING PHYSICS – I L T P C 3 0 0 3 various OBJECTIVES:  To enhance the fundamental knowledge in Physics and its applications relevant to streams of Engineering and Technology. Pearson Education. Delhi. BCC. Ramana B. Grewal. 4.V.” Higher Engineering Mathematics”. Bali N. 3. “Engineering Mathematics”. “A Text book of Engineering Mathematics”. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”. P and Manish Goyal. and Rukmangadachari E. 2011.S. melt (Bridgman and Czochralski) and vapour growth techniques (qualitative) 9 . Chand Private Ltd. PEARSON Publishing. 2008. FCC and HCP structures – Diamond and graphite structures (qualitative treatment)Crystal growth techniques –solution. Eighth Edition.Triple integrals – Volume of Solids. Volume I. “Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics”. 2011. REFERENCES: 1. 2011.UNIT III APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 9+3 Curvature in Cartesian co-ordinates – Centre and radius of curvature – Circle of curvature – Evolutes – Envelopes . TEXT BOOKS: 1. Dass. 2. H. 41st Edition.” Advanced Engineering Mathematics”. Engineering Physics.Sonogram UNIT V PHOTONICS AND FIBRE OPTICS 9 Spontaneous and stimulated emission. PHI Learning Pvt.Newton‟s law of cooling . University Physics. VRB Publishers.thermal conductivity. refractive index. PEARSON Publishing. Engineering Physics. Engineering Physics I.decibel. Arumugam M. 3. Dhanpat Rai publishers.derivation using growth and decay method – Absorption Coefficient and its determination –factors affecting acoustics of buildings and their remedies. Semiconductor lasers (homojunction & heterojunction)Industrial and Medical Applications. Theory and experimental verification – Properties of Matter waves – G.. 2009. Types of lasers – Nd:YAG. 4.UNIT II PROPERTIES OF MATTER AND THERMAL PHYSICS 9 Elasticity. Senthilkumar G. bending . Medical applications . Engineering Physics I.Weber–Fechner law – Sabine‟s formula. Optics. 2009. Mani P. Rajagopal K. 2011. Searls and Zemansky. and Gupta S.Scanning electron microscope .Active and passive fibre sensors. REFERENCES: 1. Mani Naidu S.B and C – scan displays. PHI. 2011.K. 2011. Engineering Physics. Dhanam Publications.acoustic grating -Non Destructive Testing – pulse echo system through transmission and reflection modes . CO2 .Fibre Optical Communication system (Block diagram) . Anuradha publishers. Engineering Physics.Transmission electron microscope. 2010.L.Relationship between three modulii of elasticity (qualitative) – stress -strain diagram – Poisson‟s ratio –Factors affecting elasticity –Bending moment – Depression of a cantilever –Young‟s modulus by uniform bending. Gaur R.P Thomson experiment -Schrödinger‟s wave equation – Time independent and time dependent equations – Physical significance of wave function – Particle in a one dimensional box . Engineering Physics. acoustics etc.Population inversion -Einstein‟s A and B coefficients derivation. 6.Hooke‟s law .Types of optical fibres (material. 10 . mode) – attenuation.I-shaped girders Modes of heat transfer. Marikani A. Production of ultrasonics by magnetostriction and piezoelectric methods . UNIT IV ACOUSTICS AND ULTRASONICS 9 Classification of Sound. 3. 2009 2. 2011.Linear heat flow – Lee‟s disc method – Radial heat flow – Rubber tube method – conduction through compound media (series and parallel) UNIT III QUANTUM PHYSICS 9 Black body radiation – Planck‟s theory (derivation) – Deduction of Wien‟s displacement law and Rayleigh – Jeans‟ Law from Planck‟s theory – Compton effect. 5. 2011. SCITECH Publications.A.Endoscope. Second Edition. Palanisamy P. and they will apply these fundamental principles to solve practical problems related to materials used for engineering applications TEXT BOOKS: 1. dispersion. Principle and propagation of light in optical fibres – Numerical aperture and Acceptance angle . New Delhi.Electron microscope . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The students will have knowledge on the basics of physics related to properties of matter.. Engineering Physics. India.K. 2. nano rod. nanotube(CNT) and nanowire. hydrothermal. Functions and effect of alloying elements.classification – lead-silver system.water system Reduced phase rule .Nichrome and Stainless steel – heat treatment of steel. instrumentation (Block diagram only).Absorption of radiation – Electronic. laser ablation. thermolysis. number average and polydispersity index.CY6151 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY .Ferrous alloys. their properties and applications. electrodeposition.Photo processes . UV-visible and IR spectroscopy – principles. Properties and applications TOTAL :45 PERIODS 11 . UNIT II CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS 9 Terminology of thermodynamics .  To make the student acquire sound knowledge of second law of thermodynamics and second law based derivations of importance in engineering applications in all disciplines. Molecular weight – weight average. Stark–Einstein law and LambertBeer Law. Non-ferrous alloys – brass and bronze. entropy of phase transitions.distinction between molecules. size-dependent properties. UNIT IV PHASE RULE AND ALLOYS 9 Phase rule: Introduction. Properties of polymers: Tg. Synthesis: precipitation. definition of terms with examples. Alloys: Introduction.entropy change for an ideal gas. and Epoxy resin.Two Component Systems. Spectroscopy: Electromagnetic spectrum . Inter-system crossing. Chemiluminescence and Photo-sensitization. zinc-magnesium system.I L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To make the students conversant with basics of polymer chemistry. UNIT III PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND SPECTROSCOPY 9 Photochemistry: Laws of photochemistry . Thermoplastic and Thermosetting. Types and mechanism of polymerization: Addition (Free Radical. Criteria of spontaneity. solvothermal.Grotthuss–Draper law. properties and uses of Nylon 6.Significance of alloying.Second law: Entropy . Free energy and work function: Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy functions (problems). solution and suspension.  To acquaint the students with the basics of nano materials. One Component System. Quantum efficiency – determination. Phosphorescence.Properties of alloys. cationic and anionic).  To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of phase rule and its applications to single and two component systems and appreciate the purpose and significance of alloys. GibbsHelmholtz equation (problems). Techniques of polymerization: Bulk. Functionality – Degree of polymerization. UNIT V NANOCHEMISTRY 9 Basics . condensation and copolymerization. Preparation.Internal Conversion. nanoparticles: nano cluster.Definition. Maxwell relations – Van‟t Hoff isotherm and isochore(problems). chemical vapour deposition. reversible and irreversible processes. UNIT I POLYMER CHEMISTRY 9 Introduction: Classification of polymers – Natural and synthetic.  To acquaint the student with concepts of important photophysical and photochemical processes and spectroscopy. Tacticity. Vibrational and rotational transitions. Clausius inequality.6. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. emulsion. Fluorescence. nanoparticles and bulk materials. functions. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Umare S. Chennai.String operations – String Arrays. New Delhi 2010 2. Viswanathan N.  Be exposed to the syntax of C. C. Gowariker V. 2005. Variables – Data Types – Expressions using operators in „C‟ – Managing Input and Output operations – Decision Making and Branching – Looping statements – solving simple scientific and statistical problems. A. Chand & Company Ltd. “Engineering Chemistry”. Ravikrishnan A. Kannan P. New Delhi. “Engineering Chemistry”. 12 . phase rule and nano materials will provide a strong platform to understand the concepts on these subjects for further learning. Jain P. Sivasankar B. GE6151 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The students should be made to:  Learn the organization of a digital computer.Introduction to „ C‟ programming –fundamentals – structure of a „C‟ program – compilation and linking processes – Constants. 4.V.. UNIT III ARRAYS AND STRINGS 9 Arrays – Initialization – Declaration – One dimensional and Two dimensional arrays. 2006..R. 2010 2. Chennai. thermodynamics. and JayadevSreedhar. UNIT II C PROGRAMMING BASICS 10 Problem formulation – Problem Solving ...S. spectroscopy. and Monica Jain.  Learn to think logically and write pseudo code or draw flow charts for problems. and Arsenault A. Simple programs.S. Ltd. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.OUTCOMES:  The knowledge gained on polymer chemistry. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 8 Generation and Classification of Computers. “Polymer Science”. Ltd.  Be familiar with programming in C. Need for logical analysis and thinking – Algorithm – Pseudo code – Flow Chart.  Learn to use arrays. String. 3. “Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials”.. strings. S. Ozin G.Basic Organization of a Computer –Number System – Binary – Decimal – Conversion – Problems.  Be exposed to the number systems. REFERENCES: 1. 2008..sorting.searching – matrix operations. “Engineering Chemistry”. . New Delhi. Sri Krishna Hi-tech Publishing Company Pvt. “Engineering Chemistry”. RSC Publishing. 2009. New Age International P (Ltd. Dara S. Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd.). structures and unions in C. pointers...C. Pearson Education.Free hand sketching of multiple views from pictorial views of objects 13 . Yashavant P. ideas and design of Engineering products  To expose them to existing national standards related to technical drawings. 2007.Programs using structures and Unions – Storage classes. 2006. 3. “Let Us C”. CONCEPTS AND CONVENTIONS (Not for Examination) 1 Importance of graphics in engineering applications – Use of drafting instruments – BIS conventions and specifications – Size. Curves used in engineering practices: Conics – Construction of ellipse.W and Ritchie. 2. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Pearson Education.B. Tata McGraw-Hill. Pre-processor directives. 2009 3. 2011.. Anita Goel and Ajay Mittal. Second Edition.M. 2011.D.. Schaum‟s Outlines. Second Edition. 2. Pearson Education in South Asia.UNIT IV FUNCTIONS AND POINTERS 9 Function – definition of function – Declaration of function – Pass by value – Pass by reference – Recursion – Pointers . UNIT I PLANE CURVES AND FREE HAND SKETCHING 5+9 Basic Geometrical constructions. UNIT V STRUCTURES AND UNIONS 9 Introduction – need for structure data type – structure definition – Structure declaration – Structure within a structure . graphic skills for communication of concepts. Visualization concepts and Free Hand sketching: Visualization principles –Representation of Three Dimensional objects – Layout of views. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. “Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C”.Definition – Initialization – Pointers arithmetic – Pointers and arrays. “The C Programming language”. Oxford University Press. Kernighan. Kanetkar.Union . layout and folding of drawing sheets – Lettering and dimensioning. GE6152 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS L T P C 2 0 3 4 OBJECTIVES:  To develop in students.  Write and execute C programs for simple applications TEXTBOOKS: 1. Pradip Dey. BPB Publications. First Edition. REFERENCES: 1. 2006. Fourth Reprint. Scales: Construction of Diagonal and Vernier scales. Ltd.G. parabola and hyperbola by eccentricity method – Construction of cycloid – construction of involutes of square and circle – Drawing of tangents and normal to the above curves. the student should be able to:  Design C Programs for problems.Example Problems. “Programming with C”. “Fundamentals of Computing and Programming in C”. Dromey R. “How to Solve it by Computer”. Byron S Gottfried. Manas Ghosh.  Do orthographic projection of lines and plane surfaces.D. and Duff. 5. cylinders.J. Development of lateral surfaces of simple and sectioned solids – Prisms. and Panchal V.. New Delhi. “Engineering Drawing”. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. New Age International (P) Limited. UNIT IV PROJECTION OF SECTIONED SOLIDS AND DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES 5+9 Sectioning of above solids in simple vertical position when the cutting plane is inclined to the one of the principal planes and perpendicular to the other – obtaining true shape of section.  Draw projections and solids and development of surfaces.. cone and truncated solids when the axis is inclined to one of the principal planes by rotating object method and auxiliary plane method. Subhas Stores. cones. Chennai.C.M.. Perspective projection of simple solids-Prisms. 3.  Prepare isometric and perspective sections of simple solids. pyramids. Bangalore.combination of two solid objects in simple vertical positions and miscellaneous problems. and Rana B. Charotar Publishing House. Development of lateral surfaces of solids with cut-outs and holes UNIT V ISOMETRIC AND PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS 6+9 Principles of isometric projection – isometric scale –Isometric projections of simple solids and truncated solids .John M. 2. Venugopal K. cylinder. pyramids. 2007. 2009. REFERENCES: 1. Shah M. Luzzader. 4.M. Pearson.. Basant Agarwal and Agarwal C. Gopalakrishna K. 2005. 2008. 2009.B.. “Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing with an introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics for Design and Production. “Engineering Graphics”. 2nd Edition. LINES AND PLANE SURFACES 5+ 9 Orthographic projection.R. Projection of straight lines (only First angle projections) inclined to both the principal planes Determination of true lengths and true inclinations by rotating line method and traces Projection of planes (polygonal and circular surfaces) inclined to both the principal planes by rotating object method. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. 6. Bhatt N. “Engineering Drawing ”. COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING (Demonstration Only) Introduction to drafting packages and demonstration of their use.  Demonstrate computer aided drafting TEXT BOOK: 1. New Delhi. pyramids cylinders and cones.V. Ltd. 2010.UNIT II PROJECTION OF POINTS. Eastern Economy Edition. Dhanalakshmi Publishers. Warren.principles-Principal planes-First angle projection-projection of points. “Engineering Drawing” (Vol.. UNIT III PROJECTION OF SOLIDS 5+9 Projection of simple solids like prisms. I&II combined). 2008. 50th Edition. and Prabhu Raja V. Natrajan K. OUTCOMES: On Completion of the course the student will be able to:  Perform free hand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views of objects.. “Engineering Drawing”. 3 TOTAL: 75 PERIODS 14 . “A text book of Engineering Graphics”.Prisms. pyramids and cylinders by visual ray method ..  Design and implement C programs for simple applications. functions. Program using Recursive Function and conversion from given program to flow chart. 3D 3. 6. 3. IS 11669 – 1986 & SP 46 – 2003: Dimensioning of Technical Drawings. 10.Publication of Bureau of Indian Standards: 1. manipulate data using MS office/ Open Office 2. strings. Program using structures and unions. All questions will carry equal marks of 20 each making a total of 100. 2. 4. IS 9609 (Parts 0 & 1) – 2001: Technical products Documentation – Lettering. the student should be able to:  Apply good programming design methods for program development. 7. The examination will be conducted in appropriate sessions on the same day GE6161 COMPUTER PRACTICES LABORATORY L T P C 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with the use of Office software. Problem formulation. Problem Solving and Flowcharts 4. 2D.  Learn to use Arrays.  Be exposed to presentation and visualization tools. C Programming using Simple statements and expressions 5. IS 15021 (Parts 1 to 4) – 2001: Technical drawings – Projection Methods. (or) Server with C compiler supporting 30 terminals or more. generate. Presentation and Visualization – graphs. LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: Standalone desktops with C compiler 30 Nos. 5. There will be five questions. The answer paper shall consist of drawing sheets of A3 size only. 15 . structures and unions. 3. Programs with user defined functions – Includes Parameter Passing 9. Special points applicable to University Examinations on Engineering Graphics: 1 . TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. The students will be permitted to use appropriate scale to fit solution within A3 size. 4. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Scientific problem solving using decision making and looping. 2. IS 10711 – 2001: Technical products Documentation – Size and lay out of drawing sheets. each of either or type covering all units of the syllabus.  Develop recursive programs. Search.  Be familiar with programming in C. Solving problems using String functions 8. IS 10714 (Part 20) – 2001 & SP 46 – 2003: Lines for technical drawings.  Be exposed to problem solving techniques and flow charts. Simple programming for one dimensional and two dimensional arrays. charts. windows and furniture. (b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone pulley. setting down and bending. Example – Exercise – Production of hexagonal headed bolt. funnels. (e) Demonstration of plumbing requirements of high-rise buildings. Electrical and Electronics Engineering. doors. 9 buildings. etc. swaging. Carpentry using Power Tools only: (a) Study of the joints in roofs. taps. connections with different 13 16 . elbows in household fittings. Mechanical. couplings. reducers. (b) Study of pipe connections requirements for pumps and turbines. GROUP A (CIVIL & MECHANICAL) I CIVIL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Buildings: (a) Study of plumbing and carpentry components of residential and industrial aspects. (b) Gas welding practice Basic Machining: (a) Simple Turning and Taper turning (b) Drilling Practice Sheet Metal Work: (a) Forming & Bending: (b) Model making – Trays. planing and cutting. (c) Different type of joints. unions. its location and functions: valves. (b) Hands-on-exercise: Wood work. Safety Plumbing Works: (a) Study of pipeline joints.GE6162 ENGINEERING PRACTICES LABORATORY LT P C 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES:  To provide exposure to the students with hands on experience on various basic engineering practices in Civil. (c) Fitting – Exercises – Preparation of square fitting and vee – fitting models. II MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Welding: (a) Preparation of arc welding of butt joints. (c) Preparation of plumbing line sketches for water supply and sewage works. joints by sawing. Machine assembly practice: (a) Study of centrifugal pump (b) Study of air conditioner Demonstration on: (a) Smithy operations. (d) Hands-on-exercise: Basic pipe connections – Mixed pipe material connection – Pipe joining components. lap joints and tee joints. upsetting. blow pipe and other welding outfit. 2 Sets. Measurement of ripple factor of HWR and FWR. 5 Sets. 5 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Sets. fuse. Power Tools: (a) Rotary Hammer 2 Nos (b) Demolition Hammer 2 Nos (c) Circular Saw 2 Nos (d) Planer 2 Nos (e) Hand Drilling Machine 2 Nos (f) Jigsaw 2 Nos MECHANICAL 1. ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PRACTICE 13 1. elbows. OR. wire brush. Welding booth with exhaust facility 3. door joints.GROUP B (ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS) III ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 10 1. 5. couplings. Residential house wiring using switches. rms period. 5. Models of industrial trusses. power & power factor in RLC circuit. plugs and other fittings.  Ability to fabricate electrical and electronics circuits. Measurement of electrical quantities – voltage. Carpentry vice (fitted to work bench) 15 Nos. Stair case wiring 4. lamp and energy meter. chipping hammer. EOR and NOT. Measurement of energy using single phase energy meter. 2. Measurement of resistance to earth of an electrical equipment. Arc welding transformer with cables and holders 2. 4. foundry tools 5 Nos. 2. Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders. 2 Nos. Soldering practice – Components Devices and Circuits – Using general purpose PCB. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  Ability to fabricate carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works. Fluorescent lamp wiring. 3. flexible pipes. Centre lathe 6.  Ability to use welding equipments to join the structures. Hearth furnace. Welding accessories like welding shield. Study of Electronic components and equipments – Resistor. 15 Sets. plastic pipes. Study of logic gates AND. 4. Moulding table. etc. Generation of Clock Signal. Assorted components for plumbing consisting of metallic pipes. unions. anvil and smithy tools 7. 6. furniture joints 5 each 5. Standard woodworking tools 15 Sets. indicator. 3. 2. 4. 5. colour coding measurement of AC signal parameter (peak-peak. frequency) using CR. current. 3. LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: CIVIL 1. IV 17 . (2007). 4.L. REFERENCES: 1. Bawa H. Jeyapoovan T. air-conditioner 2 Nos One each. Determination of Young‟s modulus by Non uniform bending method 6. Natarajan S. “Engineering Practices Lab Manual”....M. & Sarma P.Ltd. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor – Lee‟s Disc method.. Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Limited. ELECTRICAL 1. 10 Nos. FM radio. fan and regulator. (1999). 50 Nos. Electrical measuring instruments 10 Sets 3. and particle size using Laser (b) Determination of acceptance angle in an optical fiber. Sree Sai Publication. thermal physics and properties of matter. “Workshop Practice”. & Narayana K. 5. & Balasubramanian S. “Manual on Workshop Practice”.S. (2006) 3. Assorted electronic components for making circuits 3. “Workshop Practice”... emergency lamp 1 each 4. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS (Any FIVE Experiments) 1 (a) Determination of Wavelength. Assorted electrical components for house wiring 15 Sets 2. Multimeters 5.S.8. 2. Power Tool: Angle Grinder 9.M. Saravanapandian M. Study purpose items: Iron box. 2. 5. Jeyachandran K. GE6163 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY LABORATORY – I L T P C 0 0 2 1 PHYSICS LABORATORY – I OBJECTIVES: To introduce different experiments to test basic understanding of physics concepts applied in optics. Determination of velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid – Ultrasonic interferometer. Study purpose items: Telephone. Anuradha Publications. Soldering guns 2. 10 Nos. 3. & Pranitha S. Study-purpose items: centrifugal pump.. Power Tools: (a) Range Finder 2 Nos (b) Digital Live-wire detector 2 Nos ELECTRONICS 1. Determination of specific resistance of a given coil of wire – Carey Foster‟s Bridge OUTCOMES: The hands on exercises undergone by the students will help them to apply physics principles of optics and thermal physics to evaluate engineering properties of materials. Vikas Puplishing House Pvt. Megger (250V/500V) 1 No. “A Primer on Engineering Practices Laboratory”. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating 4. Small PCBs 4. Scitech Publications. Kannaiah P. Rajendra Prasad A. low-voltage power supply 10 Nos. (2002). (2007). 18 . 5. Iodine flask 2.M. weights Carey foster‟s bridge set up (vernier Caliper.and Denny vogel‟s R. Diode laser. “Text book of quantitative analysis chemical analysis”. Determination of chloride content of water sample by argentometric method Determination of strength of given hydrochloric acid using pH meter Determination of strength of acids in a mixture using conductivity meter Estimation of iron content of the water sample using spectrophotometer (1. knife edge.B. Inc. 2. mercury lamp. Ostwald Viscometer - 30 Nos 5 Nos 5 Nos 5 Nos 10 Nos Common Apparatus : Pipette. dropper (each 30 Nos. “Vogel‟s Textbook of practical organic chemistry”.LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: 1. conical flask. Jeffery G..  To acquaint the students with the determination of molecular weight of a polymer by vacometry. 5. 1996. grating Lee‟s Disc experimental set up Traveling microscope. 2. LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: 1. LBS Singapore 1994. glass plate. reading lens are required for most of the experiments) CHEMISTRY LABORATORY-I LIST OF EXPERIMENTS (Any FIVE Experiments) OBJECTIVES:  To make the student to acquire practical skills in the determination of water quality parameters through volumetric and instrumental analysis. Palleros. 6. ELBS 5th Edn.. Mcmillan.C. Conductivity meter 4.. Bassett J. Hannaford A.. meter scale.10. et al. 3. Smith P.R. Kolthoff I.H. pH meter 3. New Yor 2001. Mendham J.J.) 19 . Sandell E. Burette. “Experimental organic chemistry” John Wiley & Sons. Singapore publishers. Spectrophotometer 5. “Quantitative chemical analysis”. Singapore. Screw gauge. lycopodium powder..phenanthroline / thiocyanate method) 6 Determination of molecular weight of polyvinylalcohol using Ostwald viscometer 7 Conductometric titration of strong acid vs strong base TOTAL: 30 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The students will be outfitted with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysis of water quality related parameters 1 2 3 4 5 REFERENCES: 1. Longman. percelain tile. Ultrasonic interferometer Spectrometer.W. Determination of DO content of water sample by Winkler‟s method. Daniel R. Madras 1980. 4. optical fiber. 4. 3.S.G and Tatchel A. Furniss B. Format for journal articles – elements of technical articles (abstract. UNIT III 9+3 Listening . UNIT I 9+3 Listening .Listening to informal conversations and participating. Vocabulary Phrasal verbs and their meanings.résumé preparation – vision. „sum‟). Extensive reading activity (reading stories / novels). Comprehension skills. „can‟) . Grammar . Vocabulary .Speed reading – reading passages with time limit . asking for directions (using polite expressions). 20 . Language Lab .Dialogues (Fill up exercises).Interactive exercise on Grammar and vocabulary Speed Reading practice exercises.Skimming. general wish.Applying for a job – cover letter .Listening to situation based dialogues. „train‟.Language Lab . Grammar .Connectives (discourse markers).Conversation practice in real life situations. UNIT IV 9+3 Listening .Writing a review / summary of a story / article. Purchasing goods from a shop. E-materials . discussion. Reading .Turn taking . methodology. Discussing various aspects of a film (they have already seen) or a book (they have already read).Conditional clauses . mission and goals of the candidate.).Minutes of meeting – format and practice in the preparation of minutes . conclusion. telephonic and video conferencing). Speaking Conversation skills with a sense of stress. thanks). Speaking . anger. etc. -asking questions. „ring‟).g.g.Writing summary after reading articles from journals . Posting reviews in blogs . intonation.Reading a short story or an article from newspaper. Deductive and inductive reasoning . „some‟. giving directions (using imperative sentences). Critical reading. Language Lab Listening to different types of conversation and answering questions. Writing . Writing . congratulating someone for his / her success. -note taking – passing on messages. Reading . Vocabulary . comments on topics like weather) .Active and passive voice.g.Homonyms (e.Role play practice in telephone skills .Writing strategies.Interactive exercise on Grammar and vocabulary – blogging.HS6251 TECHNICAL ENGLISH II L T P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES:  To make learners acquire listening and speaking skills in both formal and informal contexts.Using „emoticons‟ as symbols in email messages. results.Interactive exercises on Grammar and vocabulary.  To help them develop their reading skills by familiarizing them with different types of reading strategies.Seeking information – expressing feelings (affection.  To equip them with writing skills needed for academic as well as workplace contexts.listening and responding. Recording students‟ dialogues.Words used as nouns and verbs without any change in the spelling (e.Developing analytical skills.Effective use of SMS for sending short notes and messages . Writing . Purpose expressions. thanking one‟s friends / relatives). Reading . Grammar .Listening to the conversation . references) . regret. E-materials .  To make them acquire language skills at their own pace by using e-materials and language lab components. Reading . Writing . „rock‟.Listening to a telephone conversation. Viewing model interviews (face-to-face.Homophones (e.Regular and irregular verbs . Speaking . E-materials . UNIT II 9+3 Listening . Using phrasal verbs in sentences.Closing a conversation (excuses. pronunciation and meaning . Grammar .Intonation practice using EFLU and RIE materials – Attending a meeting and writing minutes.modal verbs. Speaking .Understanding the structure of conversations. positive comment. Personal letter (Inviting your friend to a function.Opening a conversation (greetings.Cause and effect expressions.Extensive reading.Numerical expressions .Reading the job advertisements and the profile of the company concerned – scanning. Role play and mock interview for grasping interview skills. appendices. introduction. Pictures for discussion.english. Macmillan. Vocabulary – Collocation. Communication Skills for Engineers. New Delhi. critical. Interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises.edu TEACHING METHODS: 21 . TEXTBOOKS: 1. Orient Blackswan.Interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises . analytical and evaluative writing. Mindscapes: English for Technologists and Engineers. Pearson. http://www. TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Learners should be able to:  Speak convincingly.P. 2009 5. Shiv. exposition and argument as well as creative.e-résumé writing.Idioms and their meanings – using idioms in sentences. Riordan.Filling up a résumé / cover letter.Viewing a model group discussion and reviewing the performance of each participant Identifying the characteristics of a good listener. 2012 2. Anna University. negotiate.Telephonic interview – recording the responses . New Delhi. 2011 3. Dhanavel.Interactive exercises on Grammar and Vocabulary . 2005 4. Cengage Learning. Smith-Worthington. Reading . description. English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering. Orient Blackswan. Technical Communication.purdue. New Delhi.Different forms of résumés.com 2. PHI Learning. infer implied meanings and critically analyse and evaluate them for ideas as well as for method of presentation. Cengage.  listen/view and comprehend different spoken excerpts critically and infer unspoken and implied meanings. 1998. Anderson. Ematerials . Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists.Note making skills – making notes from books. Department of English. Language Lab .Intensive reading. Language Lab . Daniel. Cengage. Websites 1. New Delhi. Muralikrishna. You can Win.Group discussion skills – initiating the discussion – exchanging suggestions and proposals – expressing dissent/agreement – assertiveness in expressing opinions – mind mapping technique. Sharma. Grammar . Chennai. Sangeetha & Binod Mishra. express their opinions clearly.  read different genres of texts.Different models of group discussion.Use of clauses. 2008 2. initiate a discussion. Technical Writing for Success. 2011 REFERENCES: 1.englishclub. argue using appropriate communicative strategies. Khera. Writing – Checklist . & Sunita Mishra.Types of reports – Feasibility / Project report – report format – recommendations / suggestions – interpretation of data (using charts for effective presentation). Chennai. E-materials . http://owl. Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach. Delhi. or any form of written materials . G. UNIT V 9+3 Listening . Mason USA. S. Speaking .  write effectively and persuasively and produce different types of writing such as narration.Sample GD . Paul V. 2007 EXTENSIVE Reading (Not for Examination) 1.Vocabulary . Darlene & Sue Jefferson. UNIT I VECTOR CALCULUS 9+3 Gradient.  Listening/Viewing assessment: Lectures. divergence and curl – Directional derivative – Irrotational and solenoidal vector fields – Vector integration – Green‟s theorem in a plane. 22 . interviews. in pairs and in groups like individual writing and presentations.     Lectures Activities conducted individually. mock interviews etc using a combination of two or more of the language skills EVALUATION PATTERN: Internal assessment: 20% 3 tests of which two are pen and paper tests and the other is a combination of different modes of assessment like  Project  Assignment  Report  Creative writing. in application areas such as heat conduction. writing exercises (using language lab wherever necessary/possible) etc Projects like group reports.  To acquaint the student with the concepts of vector calculus. Writing should include grammar and vocabulary. dialogues.  To make the student appreciate the purpose of using transforms to create a new domain in which it is easier to handle the problem that is being investigated. elasticity. reporting. film clippings with questions on verbal as well as audio/visual content graded following Bloom‟s taxonomy. group discussions. Gauss divergence theorem and Stokes‟ theorem (excluding proofs) – Simple applications involving cubes and rectangular parallelopipeds. End Semester Examination: 80% MA6251 MATHEMATICS – II L T P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES:  To make the student acquire sound knowledge of techniques in solving ordinary differential equations that model engineering problems. All the four skills are to be tested with equal weightage given to each.  Speaking assessment: Individual presentations. filling up worksheets. reports etc. fluid dynamics and flow the of electric current. Group discussions  Reading assessment: Reading passages with comprehension questions graded following Bloom‟s taxonomy  Writing assessment: Writing essays. needed for problems in all engineering disciplines. etc Long presentations using visual aids Listening and viewing activities with follow up activities like discussions. etc.  To develop an understanding of the standard techniques of complex variable theory so as to enable the student to apply them with confidence. CVs. .V. 1/z. P and Manish Goyal. Eighth Editio n. UNIT III LAPLACE TRANSFORM 9+3 Laplace transform – Sufficient condition for existence – Transform of elementary functions – Basic properties – Transforms of derivatives and integrals of functions . and Rukmangadachari E. New Delhi.. ez and bilinear transformation. UNIT V COMPLEX INTEGRATION 9+3 Complex integration – Statement and applications of Cauchy‟s integral theorem and Cauchy‟s integral formula – Taylor‟s and Laurent‟s series expansions – Singular points – Residues – Cauchy‟s residue theorem – Evaluation of real definite integrals as contour integrals around unit circle and semi-circle (excluding poles on the real axis). UNIT IV ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS 9+3 Functions of a complex variable – Analytic functions: Necessary conditions – Cauchy-Riemann equations and sufficient conditions (excluding proofs) – Harmonic and orthogonal properties of analytic function – Harmonic conjugate – Construction of analytic functions – Conformal mapping: w = z+k. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. 5. Inverse Laplace transform -Statement of Convolution theorem – Initial and final value theorems – Solution of linear ODE of second order with constant coefficients using Laplace transformation techniques. REFERENCES: 1. 2011 2. Laplace transform and complex functions. Chand Private Ltd. Khanna Publications.Transforms of unit step function and impulse functions – Transform of periodic functions. 4. Rajnish Verma. Peter V. Dass.” Advanced Engineering Mathematics”. Sivarama Krishna Das P. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”.S. Ramana B. “A Text book of Engineering Mathematics”. B. H. 7th Edition. ODE. 2012.K.. kz.Derivatives and integrals of transforms . 2011. 41 Edition. Grewal. S. 2012.” Higher Engineering Mathematics”. Delhi. 3rd Edition. Cengage learning. 3. and Er. PEARSON Publishing 2011. Glyn James. st 2. “Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics”. z2. TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The subject helps the students to develop the fundamentals and basic concepts in vector calculus. 2011. Students will be able to solve problems related to engineering applications by using these techniques TEXT BOOKS: 1. Pearson Education. Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd. 2008. Bali N. O‟Neil. “Engineering Mathematics” Volume II.. 23 . “Higher Engineering Mathematics”.UNIT II ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9+3 Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients – Method of variation of parameters – Cauchy‟s and Legendre‟s linear equations – Simultaneous first order linear equations with constant coefficients. Second Edition. 2009 24 . Dhanam Publications. UNIT V ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 9 Metallic glasses: preparation.derivation of carrier concentration in n-type and p-type semiconductor – variation of Fermi level with temperature and impurity concentration –– Hall effect –Determination of Hall coefficient – Applications. Solid State Physics.. 2010 2. UNIT III MAGNETIC AND SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS 9 Origin of magnetic moment – Bohr magneton – comparison of Dia. magnetic levitation. 2011. Mani P. Engineering Physics II. 2009 REFERENCES: 1. orientational and space charge polarization – frequency and temperature dependence of polarisation – internal field – Claussius – Mosotti relation (derivation) – dielectric loss – dielectric breakdown – uses of dielectric materials (capacitor and transformer) – ferroelectricity and applications. Senthilkumar G. properties and applications. application. Para and Ferro magnetism – Domain theory – Hysteresis – soft and hard magnetic materials – antiferromagnetic materials – Ferrites and its applications Superconductivity : properties – Type I and Type II superconductors – BCS theory of superconductivity(Qualitative) . Anuradha publishers. UNIT I CONDUCTING MATERIALS 9 Conductors – classical free electron theory of metals – Electrical and thermal conductivity – Wiedemann – Franz law – Lorentz number – Draw backs of classical theory – Quantum theory – Fermi distribution function – Effect of temperature on Fermi Function – Density of energy states – carrier concentration in metals.. Shape memory alloys (SMA): Characteristics. Pillai S. Engineering Physics II. India. VRB Publishers. 2011. publishers. ionic. cryotron. Engineering Physics. 3.optical Kerr effect – Classification of Biomaterials and its applications TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The students will have the knowledge on physics of materials and that knowledge will be used by them in different engineering and technology applications TEXT BOOKS: 1.. properties of NiTi alloy. SCITECH Publishers. Palanisamy P.High Tc superconductors – Applications of superconductors – SQUID.PH6251 ENGINEERING PHYSICS – II L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To enrich the understanding of various types of materials and their applications in engineering and technology..K. UNIT IV DIELECTRIC MATERIALS 9 Electrical susceptibility – dielectric constant – electronic. 2. Nanomaterials– Preparation -pulsed laser deposition – chemical vapour deposition – Applications – NLO materials –Birefringence. Materials Science.O. Marikani A. Materials Science. 2011. Arumugam M. New Age International(P) Ltd. UNIT II SEMICONDUCTING MATERIALS 9 Intrinsic semiconductor – carrier concentration derivation – Fermi level – Variation of Fermi level with temperature – electrical conductivity – band gap determination – compound semiconductors -direct and indirect band gap. 4. PHI Learning Pvt. factors.manufacture.types-chemical. electrode potential. properties and applications of engineering materials.  Principles of electrochemical reactions.Nernst equation (derivation and problems).differences between nuclear fission and fusion.electrochemical series and its significance .theoretical calculation of calorific value. solar cells.explosive range . decrease in efficiency.lithium battery. colloidal) .setting and hardening of cement.breeder reactor.electrochemical protection – sacrificial anode method and impressed current cathodic method.light water reactor.oxidation potential.  Preparation.coalanalysis of coal (proximate and ultimate). calorific value calculations.cetane number .lead storage batterynickel-cadmium battery. Portland cement. Paints. UNIT II ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND CORROSION 9 Electrochemical cell .disadvantages (wastage of fuels. Electroplating of Copper and electroless plating of nickel. liquid and gaseous fuels. Manufacture of alumina.fuel cell H2 -O2 fuel cell. electrochemical corrosion (galvanic.solar energy conversion. redox reactions in corrosiion of materials and methods for corrosion prevention and protection of materials.diesel oil.controlled nuclear fission.material selection and design aspects .calculation of stoichiometry of fuel and air ratioignition temperature. thermal spalling.constituents and function. thermal expansion.  Principles and generation of energy in batteries. UNIT I WATER TECHNOLOGY 9 Introduction to boiler feed water-requirements-formation of deposits in steam boilers and heat exchangers.causes.CY6251 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY-II L T P 3 0 0 C 3 OBJECTIVES:  To make the students conversant with boiler feed water requirements. properties and uses.nuclear chain reactions. characteristics.liquefied petroleum gases(LPG). Glass . UNIT V FUELS AND COMBUSTION 9 Fuel: Introduction.caustic embrittlement-boiler corrosion-priming and foaming. special cementwaterproof and white cement–properties and uses.manufacture and properties . Combustion of fuels: introduction.nuclear fusion. wind mills and fuel cells. Refractories: definition.calorific value. Corrosion. Power alcohol and bio diesel. related problems and water treatment techniques. calgon.natural gas.wind energy. UNIT III ENERGY SOURCES 9 Introduction. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 25 . magnesite and silicon carbide.alkaline battery. corrosion control .compressed natural gas(CNG).nuclear energy.higher and lower calorific values. UNIT IV ENGINEERING MATERIALS 9 Abrasives: definition. Batteries and fuel cells:Types of batteries. properties – refractoriness and RUL.nuclear reactor power generatorclassification of nuclear reactor.flue gas analysis (ORSAT Method).classification of fuels.water gas.knocking. dimensional stability.petroleum. porosity. boiler explosion) prevention of scale formation -softening of hard water -external treatment zeolite and demineralization .redox reaction.nuclear fission.reduction potential.manufacture of synthetic petrol (Bergius process).origin of electrode potential.applications. classification or types.carbonization.octane number . nuclear reactors.internal treatment. differential aeration).manufacture of metallurgical coke (Otto Hoffmann method) . grinding wheel.  Types of fuels. measurement and applications . abrasive paper and cloth.boiler compounds (phosphate. manufacture of solid.solar cells.producer gas. types.desalination of brackish water –reverse osmosis. classification. carbonate. 3. “Engineering Chemistry”...“Engineering Chemistry”. New Delhi. Code Conversion – Decoders and Encoders – Multiplexers and Demultiplexers – Introduction to HDL – HDL Models of Combinational circuits.  Learn Boolean Algebra  Understand the various logic gates. 2010 REFERENCES: 1. New Delhi.. 2009 2. New Delhi . Ltd. Pahari A and Chauhan B..  Be exposed to designing using PLD UNIT I BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES 9 Review of Number Systems – Arithmetic Operations – Binary Codes – Boolean Algebra and Theorems – Boolean Functions – Simplification of Boolean Functions using Karnaugh Map and Tabulation Methods – Logic Gates – NAND and NOR Implementations.. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Firewall Media. 2010. 2010. ACME Learning Private Limited. Dara S.. energy sources and water treatment techniques will facilitate better understanding of engineering processes and applications for further learning. 2010 CS6201 DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the various number systems. “Engineering Chemistry”.New Delhi..OUTCOMES: The knowledge gained on engineering materials... fuels. AshimaSrivastava and Janhavi N N.. Wiley India Pvt Ltd. UNIT III SYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL LOGIC 9 Sequential Circuits – Latches and Flip Flops – Analysis and Design Procedures – State Reduction and State Assignment – Shift Registers – Counters – HDL for Sequential Logic Circuits. “Engineering Chemistry”. “Concepts of Engineering Chemistry”. and Ravikrishnan A. 26 .. Kannan P.. 2011 2.  Be familiar with designing synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. RenuBapna and Renu Gupta. Chand & Company Ltd.  Be familiar with various combinational circuits.S and Umare S. Macmillan India Publisher Ltd..S. Sri Krishna Hi-tech Publishing Company Pvt. UNIT II COMBINATIONAL LOGIC 9 Combinational Circuits – Analysis and Design Procedures – Circuits for Arithmetic Operations. Vairam S. UNIT IV ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL LOGIC 9 Analysis and Design of Asynchronous Sequential Circuits – Reduction of State and Flow Tables – Race-free State Assignment – Hazards.. 4. Chennai. “Engineering Chemistry”. Kalyani P and Suba Ramesh.. S. UNIT V MEMORY AND PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC 9 RAM and ROM – Memory Decoding – Error Detection and Correction – Programmable Logic Array – Programmable Array Logic – Sequential Programmable Devices – Application Specific Integrated Circuits. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the student will be able to:  Perform arithmetic operations in any number system.  Simplify the Boolean expression using K-Map and Tabulation techniques.  Use boolean simplification techniques to design a combinational hardware circuit.  Design and Analysis of a given digital circuit – combinational and sequential.  Design using PLD. TEXT BOOK: 1. Morris Mano M. and Michael D. Ciletti, “Digital Design”, IV Edition, Pearson Education, 2008. REFERENCES: 1. John F. Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 2. Charles H. Roth Jr, “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, Fifth Edition – Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 2003. 3. Donald D. Givone, “Digital Principles and Design”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2003. 4. Kharate G. K., “Digital Electronics”, Oxford University Press, 2010. CS6202 PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES I L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with the basics of C programming language.  Be exposed to the concepts of ADTs  Learn linear data structures – list, stack, and queue.  Be exposed to sorting, searching, hashing algorithms UNIT I C PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS- A REVIEW 9 Conditional statements – Control statements – Functions – Arrays – Preprocessor - Pointers Variation in pointer declarations – Function Pointers – Function with Variable number of arguments UNIT II C PROGRAMMING ADVANCED FEATURES 9 Structures and Unions - File handling concepts – File read – write – binary and Stdio - File Manipulations UNIT III LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES – LIST 9 Abstract Data Types (ADTs) – List ADT – array-based implementation – linked list implementation –– singly linked lists- circularly linked lists- doubly-linked lists – applications of lists –Polynomial Manipulation – All operation (Insertion, Deletion, Merge, Traversal) 27 UNIT IV LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES – STACKS, QUEUES 9 Stack ADT – Evaluating arithmetic expressions- other applications- Queue ADT – circular queue implementation – Double ended Queues – applications of queues UNIT V SORTING, SEARCHING AND HASH TECHNIQUES 9 Sorting algorithms: Insertion sort - Selection sort - Shell sort - Bubble sort - Quick sort - Merge sort Radix sort – Searching: Linear search –Binary Search Hashing: Hash Functions – Separate Chaining – Open Addressing – Rehashing – Extendible Hashing TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:  Use the control structures of C appropriately for problems.  Implement abstract data types for linear data structures.  Apply the different linear data structures to problem solutions.  Critically analyse the various algorithms. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”, 2 nd Edition, Pearson Education, 1988. 2. Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 1997. REFERENCES: 1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, Clifford Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms", Second Edition, Mcgraw Hill, 2002. 2. Reema Thareja, “Data Structures Using C”, Oxford University Press, 2011 3. Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, “Data Structures and Algorithms”, Pearson Education,1983. 4. Stephen G. Kochan, “Programming in C”, 3rd edition, Pearson Ed., GE6262 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY LABORATORY – II PHYSICS LABORATORY – II L T P C 0 0 2 1 OBJECTIVES:  To introduce different experiments to test basic understanding of physics concepts applied in optics, thermal physics and properties of matter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Any FIVE Experiments) Determination of Young‟s modulus by uniform bending method Determination of band gap of a semiconductor Determination of Coefficient of viscosity of a liquid –Poiseuille‟s method Determination of Dispersive power of a prism - Spectrometer Determination of thickness of a thin wire – Air wedge method Determination of Rigidity modulus – Torsion pendulum. OUTCOMES:  The students will have the ability to test materials by using their knowledge of applied physics principles in optics and properties of matter. 28 LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Traveling microscope, meter scale, Knife edge, weights Band gap experimental set up Burette, Capillary tube, rubber tube, stop clock, beaker and weighing balance spectrometer, prism, sodium vapour lamp. Air-wedge experimental set up. Torsion pendulum set up. (vernier Caliper, Screw gauge, reading lens are required for most of the experiments) CHEMISTRY LABORATORY -II (Any FIVE Experiments) OBJECTIVES:  To make the student acquire practical skills in the wet chemical and instrumental methods for quantitative estimation of hardness, alkalinity, metal ion content, corrosion in metals and cement analysis. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Determination of alkalinity in water sample Determination of total, temporary & permanent hardness of water by EDTA method Estimation of copper content of the given solution by EDTA method Estimation of iron content of the given solution using potentiometer Estimation of sodium present in water using flame photometer Corrosion experiment – weight loss method Conductometric precipitation titration using BaCl2 and Na2SO4 Determination of CaO in Cement. TOTAL : 30 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The students will be conversant with hands-on knowledge in the quantitative chemical analysis of water quality related parameters, corrosion measurement and cement analysis. REFERENCES: 1. Daniel R. Palleros, “Experimental organic chemistry” John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,New York (2001). 2. Furniss B.S. Hannaford A.J, Smith P.W.G and Tatchel A.R., “Vogel‟s Textbook of practical organic chemistry, LBS Singapore (1994). 3. Jeffery G.H, Bassett J., Mendham J. and Denny R.C., “Vogel‟s Text book of quantitative analysis chemical analysis”, ELBS 5th Edn. Longman, Singapore publishers, Singapore, 1996. 4. Kolthoff I.M. and Sandell E.B. et al. Quantitative chemical analysis, Mcmillan, Madras 1980.  Laboratory classes on alternate weeks for Physics and Chemistry. LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Potentiometer Flame photo meter Weighing Balance Conductivity meter 5 Nos 5 Nos 5 Nos 5 Nos Common Apparatus : Pipette, Burette, conical flask, percelain tile, dropper (30 Nos each) 29 OUTCOMES: At the end of this course. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS HARDWARE: 1. HDL simulator.  Design and Implement combinational and sequential circuits. Design and implementation of combinational circuits using MSI devices:  4 – bit binary adder / subtractor  Parity generator / checker  Magnitude Comparator  Application using multiplexers 4. Design and implementation of a simple digital system (Mini Project). Design and implementation of combinational circuits using basic gates for arbitrary functions. Digital ICs required for the experiments in sufficient numbers 96 SOFTWARE: 1. Digital trainer kits 30 2. 3. Design and implementation of sequential circuits:  Shift –registers  Synchronous and asynchronous counters 5.IT6211 DIGITAL LABORATORY L T PC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the various logic gates. 2. Verification of Boolean Theorems using basic gates.  Design the different functional units in a digital computer system. 6. the student will be able to:  Use boolean simplification techniques to design a combinational hardware circuit. code converters.  Be exposed to sequential circuits  Learn to use HDL LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1.  Be familiar with various combinational circuits. IT6212 PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES LABORATORY I L T P C 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The students should be made to:  Be familiar with c programming  Be exposed to implementing abstract data types  Learn to use files 30 .  Analyze a given digital circuit – combinational and sequential.  Understand the various components used in the design of digital computers.  Design and Implement a simple digital system. Coding combinational / sequential circuits using HDL. Solutions of one dimensional wave equation – One dimensional equation of heat conduction – Steady state solution of two dimensional equation of heat conduction (excluding insulated edges). LIST OF EQUIPMENTS FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: Standalone desktops with C compiler 30 Nos. Strings and Pointers and Functions 3. the student should be able to:  Design and implement C programs for implementing stacks. Operations on a Stack and Queue – infix to postfix – simple expression evaluation using stacks Linked Stack Implementation – Linked Queue Implementation 6. queues.  To acquaint the student with Fourier transform techniques used in wide variety of situations.Linear partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous types. MA6351 TRANSFORMS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS LT P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES:  To introduce Fourier series analysis which is central to many applications in engineering apart from its use in solving boundary value problems. UNIT II FOURIER SERIES 9+3 Dirichlet‟s conditions – General Fourier series – Odd and even functions – Half range sine series – Half range cosine series – Complex form of Fourier series – Parseval‟s identity – Harmonic analysis. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.Solutions of standard types of first order partial differential equations .  To introduce the effective mathematical tools for the solutions of partial differential equations that model several physical processes and to develop Z transform techniques for discrete time systems. Learn to implement sorting and searching algorithms. Implementation of Linear search and Binary Search. UNIT III APPLICATIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9+3 Classification of PDE – Method of separation of variables . File Handling in C – Sequential access – Random Access 5. (or) Server with C compiler supporting 30 terminals or more.  Develop searching and sorting programs. 1. C Programs using Arrays.  Apply good programming design methods for program development. Implementation of Sorting algorithms 7.Lagrange‟s linear equation -. linked lists.  Apply the different data structures for implementing solutions to practical problems. UNIT I PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9+3 Formation of partial differential equations – Singular integrals -. 31 . Representation of records using Structures in C – Creation of Linked List – Manipulation of records in a Linked List 4. C Programs using Conditional and Control Statements 2.  Be exposed to graph algorithms  Learn to apply Tree and Graph structures UNIT I OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS 9 C++ Programming features . New Delhi. 2007.Elementary properties – Inverse Z . 2012. polymorphism. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Glyn James.. "Higher Engineering Mathematics".S. 2007. "Transforms and Partial Differential Equations".class . 6. CS6301 PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES II L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with the C++ concepts of abstraction. 3. Tata Mc-GrawHill Publishing Company Limited. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. 2013. B. "Advanced Engineering Mathematics".B. Pearson Education. 7th Edition. Datta. Grewal. Ramana.. Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd .Formation of difference equations – Solution of difference equations using Z . 4...V.Encapsulation .object . TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  The understanding of the mathematical principles on transforms and partial differential equations would provide them the ability to formulate and solve some of the physical problems of engineering.C. "Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics". 2008.K. 2012. T. 2007. Sixth Edition.L.transforms . 8th Edition.P and Manish Goyal. Bali. S. 2. C and Barrett.Viswanathan Publishers Pvt Ltd. 2. REFERENCES: 1.B. Manicavachagom Pillay. "A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics". 3rd Edition. Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd. Wiley India. 2012.constructors . "Advanced Engineering Mathematics" Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.transform. Narayanan.UNIT IV FOURIER TRANSFORMS 9+3 Statement of Fourier integral theorem – Fourier transform pair – Fourier sine and cosine transforms – Properties – Transforms of simple functions – Convolution theorem – Parseval‟s identity. UNIT V Z .G "Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students" Vol. Delhi. Delhi. II & III.N.Role of this pointer – Storage classes – function as arguments. Ltd.static members – constant members – member functions – pointers – references . 3. New Delhi.transform (using partial fraction and residues) – Convolution theorem . New Delhi.S. encapsulation. Khanna Publishers..TRANSFORMS AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 9+3 Z. 32 .K and Ramanaiah.T. 42nd Edition.  Learn advanced nonlinear data structures. 1998. Veerarajan. overloading and Inheritance.. Erwin Kreyszig. 5.Data Abstraction . Ray Wylie. "Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering". Second reprint. constructor. "Higher Engineering Mathematics". Pearson Education. 2005. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. UNIT III C++ PROGRAMMING ADVANCED FEATURES 9 Abstract class – Exception handling . Wiley Publishers.  To familiarize the students with the different types of databases. Ronald L. 2 nd Edition. Bjarne Stroustrup.  To make the students understand the Security Issues in Databases.Binomial Heaps – Fibonacci Heaps – Disjoint Sets – Amortized Analysis – accounting method – potential method – aggregate analysis. “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”. 2. Second Edition. Michael T Goodrich.  To make the students understand the relational model. encapsulation and inheritance for problem solutions. 2.  Apply the concepts of data abstraction. 3rd Edition. Thomas H.Polymorphism – compile time and run time polymorphisms – function overloading – operators overloading – dynamic memory allocation . 2004. “The C++ Programming Language”. Rivest and Clifford Stein.  Apply the different data structures to problem solutions.  Use the control structures of C++ appropriately.File handling concepts.  To expose the students to SQL. Mark Allen Weiss.Nested classes Inheritance – virtual functions. Charles E. "Introduction to Algorithms". UNIT IV ADVANCED NON-LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES 9 AVL trees – B-Trees – Red-Black trees – Splay trees . TEXT BOOKS: 1. Leiserson. REFERENCES: 1. Cormen.templates – class template .Standard libraries . UNIT V GRAPHS 9 Representation of Graphs – Breadth-first search – Depth-first search – Topological sort – Minimum Spanning Trees – Kruskal and Prim algorithm – Shortest path algorithm – Dijkstra‟s algorithm – Bellman-Ford algorithm – Floyd-Warshall algorithm. Mc Graw Hill. “Data Structures and Algorithms in C++”. Roberto Tamassia. the student should be able to:  Design problem solutions using Object Oriented Techniques. 33 . 7th Edition. CS6302 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LTPC 3 0 03 OBJECTIVES:  To expose the students to the fundamentals of Database Management Systems. 2002.  To familiarize the students with ER diagrams.Generic Programming . 2007.  To make the students to understand the fundamentals of Transaction Processing and Query Processing.function template – STL – containers – iterators – function adaptors – allocators Parameterizing the class .UNIT II OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS 9 String Handling – Copy Constructor . David Mount.  Critically analyse the various algorithms. Pearson Education. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon.UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO DBMS 10 File Systems Organization . Pearson Education. Sudharshan.1NF to 5NF. A.Kannan and S. New Delhi. the student should be able to:  Design Databases for applications.Data types . 2006. “An Introduction to Database Systems”. Direct . UNIT III TRANSACTION PROCESSING AND CONCURRENCY CONTROL 8 Introduction-Properties of Transaction.Database Objects. Pearson Education. LOGICAL DATABASE DESIGN: Relational DBMS Codd's Rule . 2.Date.. ER diagrams. Sixth Edition. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”. Vikas Publishing House Private Limited. Korth and S.Entity-Relationship model .Serializability.Statistical Databases.Relational Algebra.Heuristics and Cost Estimates in Query Optimization.Domain Key Normal Form – Denormalization. 34 .Swamynathan. UNIT V ADVANCED TOPICS 9 DATABASE SECURITY: Data Classification-Threats and risks – Database access Control – Types of Privileges –Cryptography.Multidimensional and Parallel databases. Henry F. Pearson Education. UNIT II SQL & QUERY OPTIMIZATION 8 SQL Standards . REFERENCES: 1. C. UNIT IV TRENDS IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY 10 Overview of Physical Storage Media – Magnetic Disks – RAID – Tertiary storage – File Organization – Organization of Records in Files – Indexing and Hashing –Ordered Indices – B+ tree Index Files – B tree Index Files – Static Hashing – Dynamic Hashing . 3. New Delhi. 2008. “Database System Concepts”.DDL-DML-DCL-TCL-Embedded SQL-Static Vs Dynamic SQL . Abraham Silberschatz.Object Oriented Databases-XML Databases.Distributed Databases-Architecture-Transaction Processing-Data Warehousing and Mining-Classification-Association rules-Clustering-Information Retrieval.QUERY OPTIMIZATION: Query Processing and Optimization . Atul Kahate.Data models – Types of data models – Components of DBMS.Data marts. “Introduction to Database Management Systems”. 4. 2006.Data Warehouse-Mining.  Use the Relational model.  Design the Query Processor and Transaction Processor.Client server technology. TEXT BOOK: 1.  Apply security concepts to databases.Introduction to Distributed Databases. 2011.J.Spatial and multimedia databasesMobile and web databases. Navathe.Sequential. “Database Management Systems”.Purpose of Database SystemDatabase System Terminologies-Database characteristics. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Fifth Edition.Extended ER Normalization – Functional Dependencies. Anomaly. 2003. Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Pointer.Concurrency Control – Locking MechanismsTwo Phase Commit Protocol-Dead lock. Tata McGraw Hill.Relevance ranking-Crawling and Indexing the Web.  Apply concurrency control and recovery mechanisms for practical problems. Eighth Edition. Indexed. 5.Input/output system. Patterson and John L. 2011.  Understand parallel processing architectures. the student should be able to:  Design arithmetic and logic unit. Rob Cornell. programmed I/O. 2010. “Computer organization and design‟.  To familiarize the students with hierarchical memory system including cache memories and virtual memory.  To familiarize the students with arithmetic and logic unit and implementation of fixed point and floating-point arithmetic operations. 2011. DMA and interrupts. 2014. Fifth edition. G. UNIT I OVERVIEW & INSTRUCTIONS 9 Eight ideas – Components of a computer system – Technology – Performance – Power wall – Uniprocessors to multiprocessors.  To understand the hardware-software interface. UNIT III PROCESSOR AND CONTROL UNIT 11 Basic MIPS implementation – Building datapath – Control Implementation scheme – Pipelining – Pipelined datapath and control – Handling Data hazards & Control hazards – Exceptions. UNIT IV PARALLELISM 9 Instruction-level-parallelism – Parallel processing challenges – Flynn's classification – Hardware multithreading – Multicore processors UNIT V MEMORY AND I/O SYSTEMS 9 Memory hierarchy . Tata McGraw Hill.  Design and anlayse pipelined control units  Evaluate performance of memory systems. Fourth Edition. CS6303 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To make students understand the basic structure and operation of digital computer. 6.  To expose the students with different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces. TLBs . Morgan auffman / lsevier. David A. Raghu Ramakrishnan. TEXT BOOK: 1. Cengage Learning. 7.Addition and subtraction – Multiplication – Division – Floating Point operations – Subword parallelism. 35 . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.Memory technologies – Cache basics – Measuring and improving cache performance .K.  To expose the students to the concept of pipelining. “Database Management Systems”. “Database Systems Design and Implementation”.Gupta. Instructions – operations and operands – representing instructions – Logical operations – control operations – Addressing and addressing modes.”Database Management Systems”. I/O processors. Hennessey. Tata McGraw Hill. UNIT II ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS 7 ALU .Virtual memory. Zvonko G. UNIT IV SOURCE AND ERROR CONTROL CODING 9 Entropy. McGraw-Hill Inc. New Delhi. http://nptel. Second Edition. Heuring. 5. Seventh Edition.External Noise.Noise Calculation. Pearson Education. Theory of Amplitude Modulation . channel coding theorem. Shannon fano coding. Tata McGraw Hill. Varanesic and Safat G. VI edition. Source encoding theorem. Zaky.serial and parallel interfaces. Tata McGraw Hill. Design Principles and Applications".ac. Pulse Communication: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) – Pulse Time Modulation (PTM) – Pulse code Modulation (PCM) . convolution codes. “Computer Architecture and Organization”.  Gain knowledge on multi-user radio communication. Hayes. Third Edition. 2005.Data communication Hardware .in/. 2006. linear block codes. Pearson Education.Internal Noise. Jordan. UNIT I ANALOG COMMUNICATION 9 Noise: Source of Noise . Govindarajalu. 3.  Be familiarized with source and Error control coding. William Stallings “Computer Organization and Architecture”.REFERENCES: 1. “Computer System Architecture”.Standards Organizations for Data Communication. 2. cyclic codes. 36 .Error Detection and Correction Techniques . Huffman coding. 2005. mutual information.Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) – 8 QAM – 16 QAM – Bandwidth Efficiency– Comparison of various Digital Communication System (ASK – FSK – PSK – QAM). Harry F. 4. “Computer Organisation“.Theory of Frequency and Phase Modulation – Comparison of various Analog Communication System (AM – FM – PM). first edition. “Computer Architecture and Organization.Evolution and Description of SSB Techniques . channel capacity. John P. UNIT III DATA AND PULSE COMMUNICATION 9 Data Communication: History of Data Communication .Need for Modulation. viterbi decoding algorithm.  Learn data and pulse communication techniques.Comparison of various Pulse Communication System (PAM – PTM – PCM). V. CS6304 ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand analog and digital communication techniques.Data Communication Circuits . 6.Carl Hamacher.Data Communication Codes . Error Control Coding. 1998. 2012. UNIT II DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 9 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) – Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) –Phase Shift Keying (PSK) – BPSK – QPSK – 8 PSK – 16 PSK . Introduction to Communication Systems: Modulation – Types . Vincent P. “Electronic Communication Systems”. "Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice".Channel Assignment and Hand off . John Wiley & Sons.Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) .  To study the interrelationship between living organism and environment. Blake. Prentice Hall of India.Satellite Communication . Pearson Education.  To study the dynamic processes and understand the features of the earth‟s interior and surface.Bluetooth. 7.  To appreciate the importance of environment by assessing its impact on the human world. “Digital Communication Education 2007. “Principles of Communication”. 2nd Edition.S.Sklar. natural resources. Thomson Delmar Publications. B. 4.  Utilize multi-user radio communication. Wayne Tomasi.Lathi. P.Taub. 37 . “Modern Analog and Digital Communication Systems”. 2007 3. REFERENCES: 1. 2002. 2007. Simon Haykin. “Communication Systems”. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Oxford University Press. D L Schilling and G Saha.Roden. Rappaport T. 5. 6th Edition. technological.  To study the integrated themes and biodiversity. “Analog and Digital Communication System”. “Advanced Electronic Communication Systems”. 3rd Edition. TEXT BOOK: 1.UNIT V MULTI-USER RADIO COMMUNICATION 9 Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) .Overview of Multiple Access Schemes . H. Martin S. Pearson Education. B. Fundamentals and Applications” 2 nd rd Edition Pearson GE6351 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: To the study of nature and the facts about environment:  To finding and implementing scientific. 2009. 2007. 4th Edition. 3rd Edition. its functions and its value. envision the surrounding environment. the student should be able to:  Apply analog and digital communication techniques.  Use data and pulse communication techniques.  Analyze Source and Error control coding. 2004 2. 6. 3 Edition.Code division multiple access (CDMA) – Cellular Concept and Frequency Reuse . 2002. economic and political solutions to environmental problems. Pearson Education. pollution control and waste management. water logging. effects and control measures of: (a) Air pollution (Atmospheric chemistryChemical composition of the atmosphere. Bioconversion of pollutants. characteristic features. land degradation. renewable and non renewable energy sources.Control of particulate and gaseous emission. soil erosion and desertification – role of an individual in conservation of natural resources – Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. Water quality parameters – physical. lakes. insects.UNIT I ENVIRONMENT. poaching of wildlife. UNIT IV SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT 7 From unsustainable to sustainable development – urban problems related to energy – water conservation. species and ecosystem diversity – biogeographical classification of India – value of biodiversity: consumptive use. ECOSYSTEMS AND BIODIVERSITY 12 Definition. dams and their effects on forests and tribal people – Water resources: Use and overutilization of surface and ground water. streams. use of alternate energy sources.Mitigation procedures. CO and HC) (b) Water pollution : Physical and chemical properties of terrestrial and marine water and their environmental significance.disaster management: floods. Physical hazards.scheme of labeling of environmentally friendly products (Ecomark). oceans. case studies – Food resources: World food problems. 38 . scope and importance of Risk and hazards. hill slopes. Energy Conversion processes – Biogas – production and uses. consumers and decomposers-Oxygen cycle and Nitrogen cycle – energy flow in the ecosystem – ecological succession processes – Introduction.nuclear accidents and holocaust. fertilizer-pesticide problems. Public awareness. aesthetic and option values – Biodiversity at global. chemical and biological.central and state pollution control boards. case studies.Water treatment processes. types. productive use. UNIT II ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 10 Definition – causes. oxygen and ozone chemistry.soil waste management: causes. effects of modern agriculture. anaerobic digestion. mining. birds Field study of simple ecosystems – pond. rivers. Field study of local area to document environmental assets – river / forest / grassland / hill / mountain. man-wildlife conflicts – endangered and endemic species of India – conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. deforestation. national and local levels – India as a mega-diversity nation – hot-spots of biodiversity – threats to biodiversity: habitat loss. NOX. ethical.timber extraction. case studies – role of non-governmental organizationenvironmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions – 12 Principles of green chemistry. estuaries) – Introduction to biodiversity definition: genetic. changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing. man induced landslides. Field study of common plants. its problems and concerns. enforcement machinery involved in environmental legislation. Introduction to Environmental Biochemistry: Proteins –Biochemical degradation of pollutants. salinity.. etc. UNIT III NATURAL RESOURCES 10 Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation. case studies – Land resources: Land as a resource. structure and function of the (a) forest ecosystem (b) grassland ecosystem (c) desert ecosystem (d) aquatic ecosystems (ponds. case studies. watershed management – resettlement and rehabilitation of people. acid rain. Chemical and photochemical reactions in the atmosphere formation of smog. Chemical hazards. Control of SO2. case studies – Energy resources: Growing energy needs. earthquake. absorption of heavy metals . (c) Soil pollution . dams-benefits and problems – Mineral resources: Use and exploitation. social. Biological hazards in the environment – concept of an ecosystem – structure and function of an ecosystem – producers. 1998 and amendments. PAN. – wasteland reclamation – consumerism and waste products – environment production act – Air act – Water act – Wildlife protection act – Forest conservation act – The Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules. rain water harvesting. river. effects and control measures of municipal solid wastes – (d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards–role of an individual in prevention of pollution – pollution case studies – Field study of local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural. environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. cyclone and landslides. Class Templates & Function Templates.New Delhi. Jaico Publ. W. Enviro Media. R. 39 . 2. Pearson Education 2004. „Environmental law‟. Polymorphism & Function Overloading. Mumbai.-GIS-remote sensing-role of information technology in environment and human health – Case studies. 8. Gorhani. variation among nations – population explosion – family welfare programme – environment and human health – human rights – value education – HIV / AIDS – women and child welfare –Environmental impact analysis (EIA). „Environmental Science and Engineering‟. T. 2006.UNIT V HUMAN POPULATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT 6 Population growth. House. 3. New Delhi.  Development and improvement in std. Sengar. Gilbert M. IT6311 PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURE LABORATORY II L T PC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiarized with good programming design methods. particularly Top. Tata McGraw-Hill. „Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science‟.Down design. 5. 2. 2001. Inheritance. „Environmental Studies-From Crisis to Cure‟. Friend Function & Friend Class. Guidelines. Oxford University Press 2005. Benny Joseph.P. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: 1. Standard Template Library concept.  Public awareness of environmental is at infant stage. Vol. I and II. Trivedi. Exception Handling Mechanism.Masters. 9. Overload Unary & Binary Operators Both as Member Function & Non Member Function. Constructors & Destructors. Cunningham. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Environmental Pollution or problems cannot be solved by mere laws. 6. R. Rules.  Getting exposure in implementing the different data structures using C++  Appreciate recursive algorithms.  Ignorance and incomplete knowledge has lead to misconceptions. “Environmental Encyclopedia”. 7. One will obtain knowledge on the following after completing the course. of living has lead to serious environmental disasters. „Handbook of Environmental Laws. 4. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Public participation is an important aspect which serves the environmental Protection. Virtual Functions. 2 nd Edition..H. 4. Compliances and Standards‟. Copy Constructor. Prentice hall of India PVT LTD.K. REFERENCES: 1. Dharmendra S. Rajagopalan. 2007. Cooper. Shortest Path Algorithms TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCE: spoken-tutorial. 7. Sequence.10. Creation of a database and writing SQL queries to retrieve information from the database. Write a PL/SQL block to satisfy some conditions by accepting input from the user. 10.  Be Exposed to different applications LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Mini project (Application Development using Oracle/ Mysql ) a) Inventory Control System. Altering. Performing Insertion. 6. 11.org. Deletion. Creating an Employee database to set various constraints. linked lists. Synonyms. IT6312 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LABORATORY LT P C 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn to create and use a database  Be familiarized with a query language  Have hands on experience on DDL Commands  Have a good understanding of DML Commands and DCL commands  Familiarize advanced SQL queries. 40 . Write a PL/SQL block that handles all types of exceptions.  Apply the different data structures for implementing solutions to practical problems. Study of PL/SQL block. 9. Applications of Stack and Queue 12. Save point. 4. 8. Creation of Views. Binary Search Tree 13. Tree traversal Techniques 14. 5. File Stream classes. OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. 3. 2. and graphs. Updating and Viewing records based on conditions.  Develop recursive programs using trees and graphs. Creation of database triggers and functions 11. Minimum Spanning Trees 15. LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: Standalone desktops with C++ compiler 30 Nos. Creating relationship between the databases. Indexes. the student should be able to:  Design and implement C++ programs for manipulating stacks. (or) Server with C++ compiler supporting 30 terminals or more. Creation of Procedures.  Apply good programming design methods for program development. trees. Modifying. queues. Delta modulation. 5. LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS HARDWARE: Standalone desktops 30 Nos. Signal Sampling and reconstruction 2. adaptive delta Modulation 6. Pulse code modulation and demodulation. BPSK modulation and Demodulation (Hardware& Simulation using MATLAB/SCILAB/ Equivalent) 9. (or) Server supporting 30 terminals or more. pulse shaping. Hotel Management System REFERENCE: spoken-tutorial. Amplitude modulation and demodulation 3. The lab will cover.  Prepare reports. Frequency modulation and demodulation 4. FSK. and noise analysis. BFSK modulation and Demodulation (Hardware(Kit based) & Simulation using MATLAB / SCILAB / Equivalent) 8. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS EXPERIMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: 1. analog to digital conversion. modulation. Web Based User Identification System. Personal Information System. Railway Reservation System. Error control coding schemes (Simulation) 41 . SOFTWARE: Front end: VB/VC ++/JAVA or Equivalent Back end: Oracle / SQL / MySQL/ PostGress / DB2 or Equivalent IT6313 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION LABORATORY L T PC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this lab is to explore digital communications with a software radio to understand how each component works together. Line Coding Schemes 7. Timetable Management System.b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Material Requirement Processing.org TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. PSK and DPSK schemes (Simulation) 10. Hospital Management System. the student should be able to:  Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain  Populate and query a database  Create and maintain tables using PL/SQL. PCM. TDM and FDM TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOME: To develop necessary skill in designing. Uniform. TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  The students will have a fundamental knowledge of the probability concepts. UNIT I RANDOM VARIABLES 9+3 Discrete and continuous random variables – Moments – Moment generating functions – Binomial. FM. UNIT III RANDOM PROCESSES 9+3 Classification – Stationary process – Markov process .DIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES 9+3 Joint distributions – Marginal and conditional distributions – Covariance – Correlation and Linear regression – Transformation of random variables.Queues with finite waiting rooms – Queues with impatient customers: Balking and reneging. Communication link simulation 13. 3 STUDENTS / EXPERIMENT: i) Kits for Signal Sampling. LAB FREQUIREMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS.11. DM and Line Coding Schemes ii ) Software Defined Radio platform for link simulation studies iii) MATLAB / SCILAB for simulation experiments iv) PCs .  Acquire skills in analyzing queueing models.M/G/1 queue – Pollaczek Khinchin formula . Geometric. UNIT IV QUEUEING MODELS 9+3 Markovian queues – Birth and Death processes – Single and multiple server queueing models – Little‟s formula . analyzing and constructing digital electronic circuits. Spread spectrum communication (Simulation) 12. UNIT II TWO . AM.  It also helps to understand and characterize phenomenon which evolve with respect to time in a probabilistic manner. Exponential. TDM. Gamma and Normal distributions. Poisson. UNIT V ADVANCED QUEUEING MODELS 9+3 Finite source models .Poisson process – Discrete parameter Markov chain – Chapman Kolmogorov equations – Limiting distributions.10 Nos v) Signal generator / Function generators / Power Supply / CRO / Bread Board each -15 nos MA6453 PROBABILITY AND QUEUEING THEORY L T P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES: To provide the required mathematical support in real life problems and develop probabilistic models which can be used in several areas of science and engineering. 42 .M/D/1 and M/EK/1 as special cases – Series queues – Open Jackson networks. Keyboard display interface and Alarm Controller. 3. and Goodman. and Harris. John Wiley and Sons. 5. Ltd. 2007. 3rd Edition. R. Random Variables and Random Processes".  Learn the design aspects of I/O and Memory Interfacing circuits. 2012. Wiley Student edition.D.. Trivedi. .S. Yates. Pearson Education. Queueing and Computer Science Applications". LED display .Instruction set and assembler directives – Assembly language programming – Modular Programming . 2004.Stacks . 43 .  Study about communication and bus interfacing.Multiprocessor configurations – Coprocessor.C. D. Asia. Gross. Wiley India Pvt.. Hwei Hsu. "Schaum‟s Outline of Theory and Problems of Probability. EC6504 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LT PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Study the Architecture of 8086 microprocessor. 2nd Edition.Instruction set . UNIT IV MICROCONTROLLER 9 Architecture of 8051 – Special Function Registers(SFRs) . REFERENCES: 1. UNIT I THE 8086 MICROPROCESSOR 9 Introduction to 8086 – Microprocessor architecture – Addressing modes . Closely coupled and loosely Coupled configurations – Introduction to advanced processors.  Study the Architecture of 8051 microcontroller. UNIT III I/O INTERFACING 9 Memory Interfacing and I/O interfacing .Addressing modes .K.Linking and Relocation . Bangalore. C..Procedures – Macros – Interrupts and interrupt service routines – Byte and String Manipulation. 1st Indian Reprint.A. Springer. UNIT II 8086 SYSTEM BUS STRUCTURE 9 8086 signals – Basic configurations – System bus timing –System design using 8086 – IO programming – Introduction to Multiprogramming – System Bus Structure .Timer – Keyboard /display controller – Interrupt controller – DMA controller – Programming and applications Case studies: Traffic Light control.M.. O. 8th Edition. Robertazzi. "Computer Networks and Systems: Queueing Theory and Performance Evaluation". H.Parallel communication interface – Serial communication interface – D/A and A/D Interface .TEXT BOOKS: 1. Taha. "Fundamentals of Queueing Theory".. "Probability and Stochastic Processes". “Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes". Tata McGraw Hill Edition. J. 2. 2004. 2002. 2. LCD display. 2nd Edition. 4.Assembly language programming. 2007. D. 2006. "Operations Research". Ibe. New Delhi. Elsevier.I/O Pins Ports and Circuits . "Probability and Statistics with Reliability.. Greedy Technique– Prim‟s algorithm.UNIT V INTERFACING MICROCONTROLLER 9 Programming 8051 Timers .  Design and implement 8051 microcontroller based systems. 2.Kruskal's AlgorithmDijkstra's Algorithm-Huffman Trees.Assignment problem. 2011. Second Edition. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Notion of an Algorithm – Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving – Important Problem Types – Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency – Analysis Framework – Asymptotic Notations and its properties – Mathematical analysis for Recursive and Non-recursive algorithms. UNIT IV ITERATIVE IMPROVEMENT 9 The Simplex MeFthod-The Maximum-Flow Problem – Maximm Matching in Bipartite Graphs. “Microprocessors and Interfacing.2012 CS6402 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the algorithm analysis techniques.Serial Port Programming . Second Edition. Mohamed Ali Mazidi. UNIT III DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING AND GREEDY TECHNIQUE 9 Computing a Binomial Coefficient – Warshall‟s and Floyd‟ algorithm – Optimal Binary Search Trees – Knapsack Problem and Memory functions. Janice Gillispie Mazidi.Stepper Motor and Waveform generation. Rolin McKinlay.Closest-Pair and Convex-Hull Problems-Exhaustive Search . “Microcomputer Systems: The 8086 / 8088 Family Architecture. Yu-Cheng Liu.  Become familiar with the different algorithm design techniques. DAC & Sensor Interfacing .  Design Memory Interfacing circuits. Glenn A.ADC. TMH.The Stable marriage Problem.Traveling Salesman Problem . 44 .Gibson. UNIT II BRUTE FORCE AND DIVIDE-AND-CONQUER 9 Brute Force . “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C”. Programming and Design”. Doughlas V. Pearson Education. Divide and conquer methodology – Merge sort – Quick sort – Binary search – Multiplication of Large Integers – Strassen‟s Matrix Multiplication-Closest-Pair and Convex-Hull Problems.Interrupts Programming – LCD & Keyboard Interfacing . 2007. Programming and Hardware”.Knapsack Problem .  Design I/O circuits.External Memory Interface. TEXT BOOKS: 1. REFERENCE: 1. the student should be able to:  Design and implement programs on 8086 microprocessor. Prentice Hall of India.Hall. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.  Understand the limitations of Algorithm power. Skiena.. Volumes 1& 3 Pearson Education. 4. 2012. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.  Critically analyze the different algorithm design techniques for a given problem. PHI Learning Private Limited. Rivest and Clifford Stein.Computer System OrganizationOperating System Structure and Operations. Steven S. Springer. 2008.  Study I/O management and File systems.  Learn the basics of Linux system and perform administrative tasks on Linux Servers. http://nptel. 3. Ronald L. Alfred V.  Modify existing algorithms to improve efficiency.Cormen. the student should be able to:  Design algorithms for various computing problems. “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”. Third Edition.  Understand the principles of concurrency and Deadlocks.UNIT V COPING WITH THE LIMITATIONS OF ALGORITHM POWER 9 Limitations of Algorithm Power-Lower-Bound Arguments-Decision Trees-P. “Data Structures and Algorithms”.Leiserson. REFERENCES: 1. “The Algorithm Design Manual”. TEXT BOOK: 1. Aho. 2009. John E. UNIT I OPERATING SYSTEMS OVERVIEW 9 Computer System Overview-Basic Elements. System Programs.  Learn about Processes. Evolution of Operating System.  Understand the structure and functions of OS. Anany Levitin.  Learn various memory management schemes. Pearson Education. “Introduction to Algorithms”. Thomas H. Knuth. Memory Hierarchy. Multiprocessor and Multicore Organization. Direct Memory Access. 45 . Second Edition. Cache Memory. OS Generation and System Boot.Backtracking – n-Queens problem – Hamiltonian Circuit Problem – Subset Sum Problem-Branch and Bound – Assignment problem – Knapsack Problem – Traveling Salesman Problem. Pearson Education.  Analyze the time and space complexity of algorithms. Operating system overview-objectives and functions.in/ CS6401 OPERATING SYSTEMS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Study the basic concepts and functions of operating systems. Charles E. Ullman. 2.ac.System Calls. Interrupts. Donald E.Approximation Algorithms for NP – Hard Problems – Traveling Salesman problem – Knapsack problem. Reprint 2006. “The Art of Computer Programming”. Instruction Execution. NP and NP-Complete Problems--Coping with the Limitations . Threads and Scheduling algorithms. 2012. Third Edition. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. ac. Virtualization. Sharing and Protection. 9th Edition. Operations on Processes. Second Edition. Addison Wesley. 2011.  Compare and contrast various memory management schemes. “Operating Systems – Internals and Design Principles”. Tata McGraw Hill Education”. 7th Edition. “Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach”.Basic Concepts. 32 and 64 bit architecture Examples. Tanenbaum. REFERENCES: 1. Andrew S. 2001. Interprocess Communication. File System Storage-File Concepts. 2007. Allocating Kernel Memory. OS Examples. John Wiley and Sons Inc.Basic Concepts.in/.Critical Section Problem. 4.Overview. Directory Structure. D M Dhamdhere.  Design and Implement a prototype file systems.  Design deadlock.  Perform administrative tasks on Linux Servers. 46 . Monitors. Directory and Disk Structure. Threads. I/O Systems.File System Structure. Segmentation.Overview. Setting up a LINUX Multifunction Server. http://nptel. System Administration-Requirements for Linux System Administrator. 1996. Process Scheduling. 5. Multithreading Models. Windows 7 Thread and SMP Management. Thrashing. Free Space Management. Multicore Programming. Paging.VMware on Linux Host and Adding Guest OS. Abraham Silberschatz. “Operating System Concepts”. “Modern Operating Systems”. prevention and avoidance algorithms. Setting Up Xen. 2.  Apply the principles of concurrency. Disk Scheduling and Management. Allocation. Mutex Locks. 2012. Page Replacement. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Second Edition. Domain Name System.Demand Paging. Setting Up Local Network Services. UNIT III STORAGE MANAGEMENT 9 Main Memory-Contiguous Memory Allocation.UNIT II PROCESS MANAGEMENT 9 Processes-Process Concept. Virtual Memory.. Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. “Operating Systems: A Concept-Based Approach”. TEXT BOOK: 1. 3. File System Implementation. Process Synchronization . William Stallings. Charles Crowley. the student should be able to:  Design various Scheduling algorithms. UNIT IV I/O SYSTEMS 9 Mass Storage Structure. Prentice Hall. CPU Scheduling and Deadlocks. UNIT V CASE STUDY 9 Linux System. Semophores. Allocation Methods. traditional Components. Architectural Mapping using Data Flow. EVA . Make/Buy Decision. Planning Process. RMMM .Risk Management. COCOMO Model – Project Scheduling – Scheduling.  Apply systematic procedure for software design and deployment.  Concepts of requirements engineering and Analysis Modeling. LOC Based. UNIT III SOFTWARE DESIGN 9 Design process – Design Concepts-Design Model– Design Heuristic – Architectural Design – Architectural styles.Planning – Project Plan. Earned Value Analysis .CS6403 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the phases in a software project  Understand fundamental concepts of requirements engineering and Analysis Modelling. Seventh Edition. requirements management-Classical analysis: Structured system Analysis. the student should be able to  Identify the key activities in managing a software project.  Learn various testing and maintenance measures UNIT I SOFTWARE PROCESS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 9 Introduction to Software Engineering. Software Requirements Document – Requirement Engineering Process: Feasibility Studies. requirements validation. Roger S. UNIT IV TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION 9 Software testing fundamentals-Internal and external views of Testing-white box testing . Requirements elicitation and analysis. Petri Nets.Scheduling and Tracking –Relationship between people and effort.Data Dictionary. “Software Engineering – A Practitioner‟s Approach”. Software Process.  Compare and contrast the various testing and maintenance TEXT BOOKS: 1. 47 . Scheduling. Architectural Design. 2010. Perspective and Specialized Process Models – Software Project Management: Estimation – LOC and FP Based Estimation.User Interface Design: Interface analysis. COCOMO II .  Compare different process models. RFP Risk Management – Identification.Process and Project Metrics.Regression Testing – Unit Testing – Integration Testing – Validation Testing – System Testing And Debugging – Software Implementation Techniques: Coding practices-Refactoring.  Understand the major considerations for enterprise integration and deployment.basis path testing-control structure testing-black box testing. Mc Graw-Hill International Edition. Task Set & Network. System requirements. Projection. User requirements. UNIT II REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS AND SPECIFICATION 9 Software Requirements: Functional and Non-Functional. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Pressman. Interface Design –Component level Design: Designing Class based components. UNIT V PROJECT MANAGEMENT 9 Estimation – FP Based. A/D and D/A interface and Waveform Generation 8051 Experiments using kits and MASM 14. “Software Engineering”.REFERENCES: 1. Square and Cube program.Schach. Find 2‟s complement of a number 16. Pankaj Jalote. Print RAM size and system date 6. A Precise Approach”. 2007. “Software Engineering. Ian Sommerville. Password checking. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. Counters and Time Delay Peripherals and Interfacing Experiments 7. Code conversion. Printer status 12. http://nptel. 6. sorting and searching 5. IT6411 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER LABORATORY LT PC 0 03 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Introduce ALP concepts and features  Write ALP for arithmetic and logical operations in 8086 and 8051  Differentiate Serial and Parallel Interface  Interface different I/Os with Microprocessors  Be familiar with MASM LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 8086 Programs using kits and MASM 1. 3. Serial interface and Parallel interface 13. Unpacked BCD to ASCII TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. 4. Rajib Mall. Pearson Education Asia. “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”. Traffic light control 8. Floating point operations. 2007. Stephen R. the student should be able to:  Write ALP Programmes for fixed and Floating Point and Arithmetic  Interface different I/Os with processor  Generate waveforms using Microprocessors  Execute Programs in 8051  Explain the difference between simulator and Emulator 48 . Third Edition. decimal arithmetic and Matrix operations. 4.in/. Stepper motor control 9. Digital clock 10. Move a data block without overlap 3. 2. Wiley India. “Software Engineering”. Kelkar S.ac.A. 5. 9th Edition. string manipulations. 2010. 2011. PHI Learning Private Limited. Basic arithmetic and Logical operations 15. Basic arithmetic and Logical operations 2.. 2009. “Software Engineering”. Key board and Display 11. and Detection Algorithms  Compare the performance of various CPU Scheduling Algorithm  Critically analyze the performance of the various page replacement algorithms  Create processes and implement IPC 49 . Implement Paging Technique of memory management. page replacement algorithms and Deadlock avoidance LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Implement Shared memory and IPC 11. Implement all file allocation strategies a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked 5. Basics of UNIX commands. Implement Threading & Synchronization Applications TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCE: spoken-tutorial.Each 10 nos Microcontroller . 12. Implement e all page replacement algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU 10. Shell Programming. 3.30 nos Interfacing Units .30 nos IT6412 OPERATING SYSTEMS LABORATORY LT PC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn shell programming and the use of filters in the UNIX environment. Implement Semaphores 6.30 nos SOFTWARE: Intel Desktop Systems with MASM 8086 Assembler 8051 Cross Assembler .  Learn to use the file system related system calls. 2. Implement an Algorithm for Dead Lock Detection 9. Implement all File Organization Techniques a) Single level directory b) Two level c) Hierarchical d) DAG 7.  Be exposed to programming in C using system calls.LAB EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: HARDWARE: 8086 development kits . Implement the following CPU scheduling algorithms a) Round Robin b) SJF c) FCFS d) Priority 4. Implement Bankers Algorithm for Dead Lock Avoidance 8. the student should be able to  Implement deadlock avoidance.  Be familiar with implementation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms.org OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.  Be exposed to process creation and inter process communication. Prepare test plan. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: Open source Tools: StarUML / UMLGraph / Topcased Prepare the following documents for each experiment and develop the software using software engineering methodology. sequence diagrams and add interface to class diagrams. Problem Analysis and Project Planning -Thorough Identify Project scope. Site check and site monitor. (or) Server with C / C++ / Java / Equivalent complier supporting 30 terminals or more. Objectives and Infrastructure. memory leaks. Software Requirement Analysis .Use work products – data dictionary. Student marks analysing system Railway domain 3.Describe the individual Phases/modules of the project and Identify deliverables. Course Registration System 2. Quiz System 10. perform validation testing. build and test class diagrams. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 50 . Data Modelling . ATM system 8. 1. Remote computer monitoring Finance domain 7. Sample Experiments: Academic domain 1.LAB EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: Standalone desktops with C / C++ / Java / Equivalent complier 30 Nos. E-mail Client system. Software Development and Debugging – implement the design by coding 5. Stock maintenance Human Resource management 9.  To develop an efficient software using case tools. Online ticket reservation system 4. Platform assignment system for the trains in a railway station Medicine domain 5. develop test case hierarchy. IT6413 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LABORATORY LT P C 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES:  To understand the software engineering methodologies for project development. use case diagrams and activity diagrams. 4.  To gain knowledge about open source tools for Computer Aided Software Engineering. coverage analysis. Software Testing . Expert system to prescribe the medicines for the given symptoms 6. 3. study of the problem – 2. Layering and protocols .Wireless LANs – 802. IMAP.UDP .Error Detection . RED) – QoS – Application requirements UNIT V APPLICATION LAYER 9 Traditional applications -Electronic Mail (SMTP. the students should be able to:  Use open source case tools to develop software.Flow control UNIT II MEDIA ACCESS & INTERNETWORKING 9 Media access control .Framing . DHCP. Link layer Services . MIME) – HTTP – Web Services – DNS . POP3.  Analyze and design software requirements in efficient manner. OSPF.Retransmission – TCP Congestion control .Flow control .SNMP TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.Congestion avoidance (DECbit.Ethernet (802. PIM) UNIT IV TRANSPORT LAYER 9 Overview of Transport layer . Multicast – addresses – multicast routing (DVMRP.3) .Switching and bridging – Basic Internetworking (IP.  Be familiar with the components required to build different types of networks  Be exposed to the required functionality at each layer  Learn the flow control and congestion control algorithms UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS & LINK LAYER 9 Building a network – Requirements . CIDR.Connection management .ICMP ) UNIT III ROUTING 9 Routing (RIP. metrics) – Switch basics – Global Internet (Areas.OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course. IPv6). LAB EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: SOFTWARE: Argo UML / StarUML / UMLGraph / Topcased or Equivalent. the student should be able to:  Identify the components required to build different types of networks  Choose the required functionality at each layer for given application  Identify solution for each functionality at each layer  Trace the flow of information from one node to another node in the network 51 .Reliable byte stream (TCP) .Internet Architecture – Network software – Performance . ARP. BGP. HARDWARE: Standalone desktops 30 Nos CS6551 COMPUTER NETWORKS LTPC 3 00 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the division of network functionalities into layers.11 – Bluetooth . “Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach”. 2011. cognitive. UNIT II THREE-DIMENSIONAL CONCEPTS Three-Dimensional object representations − Three-Dimensional geometric transformations − Three-Dimensional viewing − Hidden surface elimination − Color models – Virtual reality . Mir. 2010. information architecture.e. F. Fourth Edition. UNIT IV MULTIMEDIA FILE HANDLING 9 Compression and decompression − Data and file format standards − Multimedia I/O technologies − Digital voice and audio − Video image and animation − Full motion video − Storage and retrieval technologies. Fifth Edition.TEXT BOOK: 1.Animation.A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet”. 3. 2011. cultural. sound. Keith W. Behrouz A. motion. Kurose. and technology merge to form effective and compelling interactive experiences for a wide range of audiences and end users. Bruce S. Pearson Prentice Hall Publishers.  Be aware of current issues relative between new emerging electronic technologies and graphic design (i. and 9 modeling UNIT III MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS DESIGN 9 Multimedia basics − Multimedia applications − Multimedia system architecture − Evolving technologies for multimedia − Defining objects for multimedia systems − Multimedia data interface standards − Multimedia databases.Attributes − Two. 2. Peterson. 2011. social. etc).  Appreciate the importance of technical ability and creativity within design practice. “Data communication and Networking”. motion/animation. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Fred Baker.Dimensional geometric transformations − Two-Dimensional clipping and viewing – Input techniques. Forouzan. Mc Graw Hill Publisher. Larry L. Nader. 52 . Ren-Hung Hwang. 4. Ross. Pearson Education.). UNIT I OUTPUT PRIMITIVES 9 Basic − Line − Curve and ellipse drawing algorithms − Examples – Applications . Tata McGraw – Hill. “Computer Networks: A systems approach”. understand the relationship between critical analysis and the practical application of design. “Computer and Communication Networks”. Ying-Dar Lin. REFERENCES: 1. James F.  Be familiar with various software programs used in the creation and implementation of multimedia (interactive. presentation. etc. “Computer Networking . IT6501 GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA LT P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Develop an understanding and awareness of how issues such as content. 2009. design. Fifth Edition. Davie. presentation. Pauline Baker. 2003. Pearson Education.Finding conceptual classes and description classes – Associations – Attributes – Domain model refinement – Finding conceptual class Hierarchies .structural – Bridge – Adapter behavioral – Strategy – observer UNIT III CASE STUDY 9 Case study – the Next Gen POS system. K and Kiran Thakrar. Vandam. UNIT I UML DIAGRAMS 9 Introduction to OOAD – Unified Process . component and Deployment Diagrams UNIT II DESIGN PATTERNS 9 GRASP: Designing objects with responsibilities – Creator – Information expert – Low Coupling – High Cohesion – Controller . P. “Multimedia in practice: Technology and Applications”. “Computer Graphics C Version”. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course.Domain Models . “Multimedia Systems and Design”. “Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice”. 2. 2. 1998. extend and generalization .Relating Use cases – include. Feiner and Huges. CS6502 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the basics of OO analysis and design skills  Learn the UML design diagrams  Learn to map design to code  Be exposed to the various testing techniques.UML diagrams – Use Case – Class Diagrams– Interaction Diagrams – State Diagrams – Activity Diagrams – Package. Andleigh. the student should be able to:  Effectively and creatively solve a wide range of graphic design problems  Form effective and compelling interactive experiences for a wide range of audiences. 2003. Inception -Use case Modeling . 2nd Edition. PHI.Aggregation and Composition 53 . REFERENCES: 1.UNIT V HYPERMEDIA 9 Multimedia authoring and user interface − Hypermedia messaging − Mobile messaging − Hypermedia message component − Creating hypermedia message − Integrated multimedia message standards − Integrated document management − Distributed multimedia systems. Judith Jeffcoate.Design Patterns – creational .factory method . 2003. Foley. PHI. Pearson Education. motion/animation. Donald Hearn and M.Elaboration .  Discuss issues related to emerging electronic technologies and graphic design TEXT BOOKS: 1.). etc.  Use various software programs used in the creation and implementation of multi-media (interactive. John Vlissides. Addison-Wesley. Addison Wesley. Auerbach Publications.UML class diagrams .UNIT IV APPLYING DESIGN PATTERNS 9 System sequence diagrams . Jorgensen. 2005. Mc-Graw Hill Education. UNIT I SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 9 Basic elements of DSP – concepts of frequency in Analog and Digital Signals – sampling theorem – Discrete – time signals. 4.Relationship between sequence diagrams and use cases Logical architecture and UML package diagram – Logical architecture refinement . Pearson Education.Filtering methods based on DFT – FFT Algorithms . Erich Gamma. “Design patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”. a n d Richard Helm. 2. Taylor and Francis Group. Simon Bennett.  To teach the design of infinite and finite impulse response filters for filtering undesired signals.  To introduce signal processing concepts in systems having more than one sampling frequency. Craig Larman. the student should be able to:  Design and implement projects using OO concepts  Use the UML analysis and design diagrams  Apply appropriate design patterns  Create code from design  Compare and contrast various testing techniques TEXT BOOK: 1. Third edition.Applying GoF design patterns UNIT V CODING AND TESTING 9 Mapping design to code – Testing: Issues in OO Testing – Class Testing – OO Integration Testing – GUI Testing – OO System Testing TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. IT6502 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LT P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES:  To introduce discrete Fourier transform and its applications. Third Edition. 54 . REFERENCES: 1.A Craftsman‟s Approach”. 2010. "Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development”. 2003. “UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language”. 2008. “Software Testing:. “Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML”. 1995.UML interaction diagrams . UNIT II FREQUENCY TRANSFORMATIONS 9 Introduction to DFT – Properties of DFT – Circular Convolution . Fourth Edition. Steve Mc Robb and Ray Farmer.Decimation – in – time Algorithms. Ralph Johnson. systems – Analysis of discrete time LTI systems – Z transform – Convolution – Correlation. Decimation – in – frequency Algorithms – Use of FFT in Linear Filtering – DCT – Use and Application of DCT. 3. Third Edition. Paul C. Martin Fowler. data types . BPF.events .  Finite word length effects in digital filters TEXT BOOK: 1. TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course. Sanjit K. Scripting basics. Second Edition.  Learn the concepts of web based application using sockets. 2007. 3.Oppenheim. 8th Indian Reprint. Proakis and Dimitris G. 9 Web page Designing using HTML. Pearson Education. Approximation of derivatives – (LPF.Verifying forms.Browser object model . Frequency sampling techniques UNIT V FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS IN DIGITAL FILTERS 9 Binary fixed point and floating point number representations – Comparison . Pearson. “Digital Signal Processing – Principles. Tata Mc Graw Hill. UNIT IV FIR FILTER DESIGN 9 Structures of FIR – Linear phase FIR filter – Fourier Series .Client side and server side scripting.  Know the importance of object oriented aspects of Scripting. Fourth Edition.R. 4. Pearson Education. Schafer and J. 2007.HTML 5 canvas . and Barrie. students will be able to  Perform frequency transforms for the signals.Quantization noise – truncation and rounding – quantization noise power. 2.W. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. “Digital Signal Processing”.  Design IIR and FIR filters.Overflow error-signal scaling.  Understand creating database connectivity using JDBC. HPF.built-in functions. names.W. Andreas Antoniou. IT6503 WEB PROGRAMMING L TP C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the technologies used in Web Programming. Emmanuel C.UNIT III IIR FILTER DESIGN 9 Structures of IIR – Analog filter design – Discrete time IIR filter from analog filter – IIR filter design by Impulse Invariance.windows documents . Buck. Hanning Window). R. REFERENCES: 1.statements and features. 55 . Java ScriptObject. Prentice Hall. Third Edition. A.Web site creation using tools. UNIT I SCRIPTING. 2002.Filter design using windowing techniques (Rectangular Window.Manolakis. Bilinear transformation.Jervis. 2004. Mitra. “Digital Signal Processing”. “Digital Signal Processing – A Computer Based Approach”.Ifeachor. Tata McGraw Hill.V.input quantization error.frames . 2006. Algorithms & Applications”. Prentice Hall. literals. BRF) filter design using frequency translation.-HTML5CSS3. operators and expressions. Hamming Window. John G.coefficient quantization error – limit cycle oscillations-dead band. Harvey Deitel.Life cycle of an applet – Adding images to an applet – Adding sound to an applet. Introducing AWT: Working with Windows Graphics and Text. the students will be able to  Design web pages.  Use technologies of Web Programming.XSL – XSLT. John Pollock. Abbey Deitel.Catching Database Results.  Build web based application using sockets. Tata McGraw Hill.TCP sockets . TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course. UNIT III JDBC 9 JDBC Overview – JDBC implementation – Connection class – Statements . TEXT BOOKS: 1. Handling HTTP Request and Response. 3rd Edition –. 2. Layout Managers and Menus. Using AWT Controls.  Apply object oriented aspects to Scripting. Tata McGraw. handling database Queries. Networking– InetAddress class – URL class. Herbert Schildt. Event Handling. variables and arrays – Operators – Control statements – Classes and Methods – Inheritance. UNIT IV APPLETS 9 Java applets.Tata McGraw-Hill Edition. using Cookies. Servlet – life cycle of a servlet.Hill Edition. EC6801 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION LTPC 3 0 03 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Know the characteristic of wireless channel  Learn the various cellular architectures  Understand the concepts behind various digital signaling schemes for fading channels  Be familiar the various multipath mitigation techniques  Understand the various multiple antenna systems 56 . 2. Passing parameters to an applet.The Complete Reference. Packages and Interfaces – Exception Handling – Multithreaded Programming – Input/Output – Files – Utility Classes – String Handling.UNIT II JAVA 9 Introduction to object oriented programming-Features of Java – Data types. REFERENCES: 1. Java . Java Beans –RMI. Keyur Shah. Internet and World Wide Web: How To Program 5th Edition.UDP sockets.Web services-UDDI-WSDL-Java web services – Web resources. The Servlet API. Session Tracking. 7th Edition. Gateway to Java Programmer Sun Certification. Michael Morrison XML Unleashed Tech media SAMS. 2002.A Beginners Guide.  Create databases with connectivity using JDBC. Javascript . Introduction to JSP. 3. UNIT V XML AND WEB SERVICES 9 Xml – Introduction-Form Navigation-XML Documents. UNIT II CELLULAR ARCHITECTURE 9 Multiple Access techniques . and Ramji Prasad. John Wiley – India. 2000.FDMA. CDMA – Capacity calculations–Cellular conceptFrequency reuse . Pearson Education. Andreas.channel assignment. Rappaport.transmitter diversity. 2. R. “Fundamentals of Wireless Communication”. p/4-DQPSK.Beam forming . 2010. Diversity combining techniques.T.Parameters of mobile multipath channels – Time dispersion parametersCoherence bandwidth – Doppler spread & Coherence time. David Tse and Pramod Viswanath. Rake receiver. UNIT V MULTIPLE ANTENNA TECHNIQUES 9 MIMO systems – spatial multiplexing -System model -Pre-coding .S. 2006. the student should be able to:  Characterize wireless channels  Design and implement various signaling schemes for fading channels  Design a cellular system  Compare multipath mitigation techniques and analyze their performance  Design and implement systems with transmit/receive diversity and MIMO systems and analyze their performance TEXTBOOKS: 1. Cambridge University Press. Molisch.interference & system capacity. REFERENCES: 1.. “Wireless communications”. Oxford University Press.hand off. Fading due to Multipath time delay spread – flat fading – frequency selective fading – Fading due to Doppler spread – fast fading – slow fading. Van Nee.Channel state information-capacity in fading and non-fading channels. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Zero forcing and LMS Algorithms. OFDM principle – Cyclic prefix. Artech House. “OFDM for wireless multimedia communications”. 2005.F. Principles of Offset-QPSK. Upena Dalal. UNIT IV MULTIPATH MITIGATION TECHNIQUES 9 Equalisation – Adaptive equalization. “ Wireless Communication”. Error probability in fading channels with diversity reception. Linear and Non-Linear equalization. 2009. Second Edition. 57 . receiver diversity. TDMA. Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying. 2. Error performance in fading channels. 3. “Wireless Communications”. Diversity – Micro and Macrodiversity. UNIT III DIGITAL SIGNALING FOR FADING CHANNELS 9 Structure of a wireless communication link. Windowing.trunking & grade of service – Coverage and capacity improvement. PAPR.UNIT I WIRELESS CHANNELS 9 Large scale path loss – Path loss models: Free Space and Two-Ray models -Link Budget design – Small scale fading. Minimum Shift Keying.  Analyse the performance of the protocols in different layers. Implementation of Stop and Wait Protocol and Sliding Window Protocol. Write a code simulating PING and TRACEROUTE commands 5. i. SNMP f. 4. Applications using TCP Sockets like a. Write a program to implement RPC (Remote Procedure Call) 7. Study of Network simulator (NS). Write a code simulating ARP /RARP protocols. Applications using TCP and UDP Sockets like d. DNS e. Distance vector TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCE: spoken-tutorial. File Transfer 10.  Be familiar with simulation tools. Link State routing ii.org OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Flooding iii. Study of Socket Programming and Client – Server model 3.  Have hands on experience on various networking protocols.  Analyze various routing algorithms LIST OF EQUIPMENTS FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS SOFTWARE  C / C++ / Java / Equivalent Compiler  Network simulator like NS2/Glomosim/OPNET/ Equivalent HARDWARE Standalone desktops 30 30 Nos 58 . 6. Perform a case study about the different routing algorithms to select the network path with its optimum and economical during data transfer. File Transfer 9. Create a socket for HTTP for web page upload and download. the student should be able to  Use simulation tools  Implement the various protocols. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. 8. Chat c. Echo client and echo server b. 2.and Simulation of Congestion Control Algorithms using NS 11.IT6511 NETWORKS LABORATORY LTPC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn socket programming. Implementation of Subnetting . Net 14. frames. 11.  Learn to write PHP database functions. Program for manipulating Databases and SQL. Create a script that asks the user for a name. Apache Server HARDWARE: Standalone desktops 30 Nos 59 .  Write Client Server applications.  Create dynamic web pages using server side scripting. but also keeps a "paper trail" of all your previous work 12. Create a script that prompts the user for a number and then counts from 1 to that number displaying only the odd numbers. Design a web site using HTML and DHTML. LAB REQUIREMENTS FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: SOFTWARE: Java. Write a program to implement web service for calculator application 15. Implement RMI concept for building any remote method of your choice. Dream Weaver or Equivalent. 3. Program using PHP database functions. 6. tables etc 2.  Learn to create dynamic web pages using server side scripting. the student should be able to  Design Web pages using HTML/DHTML and style sheets  Design and Implement database applications.Net frame work and RMI LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. This script should run from a button. then greets the user with "Hello" and the user name on the page 4. 5. Images. Write a html program for Creation of web site with forms. 9. MySQL or Equivalent. Using CSS for creating web sites 8.IT6512 WEB PROGRAMMING LABORATORY LAB EXERCISES (For IT branch) L T PC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with Web page design using HTML / DHTML and style sheets  Be exposed to creation of user interfaces using Java frames and applets. Reading and Writing the files using . Create a script that will check the field in Assignment 1 for data and alert the user if it is blank. 10. Create a script that collects numbers from a page and then adds them up and prints them to a blank field on the page. Write a web application that functions as a simple hand calculator. Install Tomcat and use JSP and link it with any of the assignments above 13. Creating simple application to access data base using JDBC Formatting HTML with CSS.  Learn . 7. links. Use Basic text Formatting. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Draw the partial layered. Using the identified scenarios. Software personnel management system 8. Develop and test the Domain objects layer. logical architecture diagram with UML package diagram notation. find the interaction between objects and represent them using UML Sequence diagrams. Develop and test the User interface layer.  Use the UML analysis and design diagrams. Recruitment system 11. 3. Passport automation system. Student Information System TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. 2. Draw relevant state charts and activity diagrams. 6. 2.  Compare and contrast various testing techniques LAB EQUIPMENTS FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: SUGGESTED SOFTWARETOOLS: Rational Suite (or) Argo UML (or) equivalent. Develop and test the Technical services layer. e-book management system 10. 7. 5. Identify the conceptual classes and develop a domain model with UML Class diagram. E-ticketing 7. Exam Registration 4. Identify the User Interface. and Technical services. 8. Suggested domains for Mini-Project: 1. Identify Use Cases and develop the Use Case model. 9. Conference Management System 13.  Create code from design. To develop a problem statement. 1. 5. Library Management System 15. Online course reservation system 6.  Be exposed to the UML design diagrams. 4. the student should be able to  Design and implement projects using OO concepts. Credit card processing 9.  Learn to map design to code. Book bank 3. Domain objects.  Be familiar with the various testing techniques LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: To develop a mini-project by following the 9 exercises listed below. Stock maintenance system. Eclipse IDE and Junit 60 . Foreign trading system 12. BPO Management System 14.  Apply appropriate design patterns.IT6513 CASE TOOLS LABORATORY L T PC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the basics of OO analysis and design skills. UNIT IV SYNCHRONIZATION AND REPLICATION 9 Introduction .Global states – Coordination and Agreement – Introduction .Distributed File Systems –Introduction . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 61 . Issues. Addresses.Logical time and logical clocks .Shared memory approaches Distributed objects . File System: Features-File model -File accessing models . Network virtualization: Overlay networks. Visual Paradigm Eclipse IDE and JUnit PCs 30 user License 30 CS6601 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand foundations of Distributed Systems  Introduce the idea of peer to peer services and file system  Understand in detail the system level and support required for distributed system  Understand the issues involved in studying process and resource management UNIT I INTRODUCTION 7 Introduction – Examples of Distributed Systems–Trends in Distributed Systems – Focus on resource sharing – Challenges. Case study: Java RMI . UNIT II COMMUNICATION IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM 10 System Model – Inter process Communication . UNIT V PROCESS & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 9 Process Management: Process Migration: Features.Group communication .File service architecture – Andrew File system.Request-reply protocols .Publish-subscribe systems .Remote method invocation.Threads: Models.Features of Scheduling Algorithms –Task Assignment Approach – Load Balancing Approach – Load Sharing Approach.Routing overlays.Remote procedure call .Case study: Enterprise Java Beans -from objects to components UNIT III PEER TO PEER SERVICES AND FILE SYSTEM 10 Peer-to-peer Systems – Introduction .Distributed mutual exclusion – Elections – Transactions and Concurrency Control– Transactions -Nested transactions – Locks – Optimistic concurrency control .Synchronizing physical clocks. Resource Management: Introduction.Clocks.Peer-to-peer – Middleware .File sharing semantics Naming: Identifiers. events and process states .Timestamp ordering – Atomic Commit protocols -Distributed deadlocks – Replication – Case study – Coda. Case study: World Wide Web. Tapestry. Overlay case studies: Pastry.the API for internet protocols – External data representation and Multicast communication. Mechanism .Message queues . Implementation. Name Resolution – Name Space Implementation – Name Caches – LDAP.Napster and its legacy . Case study: MPI Remote Method Invocation And Objects: Remote Invocation – Introduction .SOFTWARE TOOLS Rational Suite Open Source Alternatives: ArgoUML. IT6601 MOBILE COMPUTING L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the basic concepts of mobile computing. Van Steen M. UNIT III MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM 9 Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) – General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) – Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). MAC Protocols – Wireless MAC Issues – Fixed Assignment Schemes – Random Assignment Schemes – Reservation Based Schemes. the student should be able to:  Discuss trends in Distributed Systems.L. Pearson Education. 3. Fifth Edition. “Distributed Computing. Tanenbaum A. Principles and Applications”.. Pradeep K Sinha. 62 . Overview of TCP/IP – Architecture of TCP/IP.OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.. “Distributed Systems Concepts and Design”.  Gain knowledge about different mobile platforms and application development .  Apply network virtualization. Nancy A Lynch. UNIT II MOBILE INTERNET PROTOCOL AND TRANSPORT LAYER 9 Overview of Mobile IP – Features of Mobile IP – Key Mechanism in Mobile IP – route Optimization. 2004. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Mobile Computing – Mobile Computing Vs wireless Networking – Mobile Computing Applications – Characteristics of Mobile computing – Structure of Mobile Computing Application. "Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design". 2.  Design process and resource management systems. “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms”. USA.  Learn the basics of mobile telecommunication system. TEXT BOOK: 1.. Pearson Education.  Apply remote method invocation and objects.Adaptation of tCP Window – Improvement in TCP Performance. Prentice Hall of India.S.  Be exposed to Ad-Hoc networks. Liu M. UNIT IV MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKS 9 Ad-Hoc Basic Concepts – Characteristics – Applications – Design Issues – Routing – Essential of Traditional Routing Protocols –Popular Routing Protocols – Vehicular Ad Hoc networks ( VANET) – MANET Vs VANET – Security . 2007. Morgan Kaufman Publishers. 2012. 2007. Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg. REFERENCES: 1. Pearson Education.  Be familiar with the network protocol stack. 2003. “Distributed Algorithms”. 4. George Coulouris. Apple Developer : https://developer. New Delhi. Nicklons and Thomas Stober.android. Uwe Hansmann. 6.C. Matching.Y. Android. Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd.Problem solving methods .com 9. Constraints satisfaction . “Principles of Mobile Computing”. Lothar Merk. REFERENCES: 1. Control strategies. 3. Dharma Prakash Agarval. Qing and An Zeng.Related algorithms. 4. 2002. Second Edition. 2005. Android Developers : http://developer. Windows Phone Dev Center : http://developer. "Introduction to Wireless and Mobile systems". PHI Learning Pvt. 2. TEXT BOOK: 1. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Search strategies. Pearson Education. Prasant Kumar Pattnaik.Toh.UNIT V MOBILE PLATFORMS AND APPLICATIONS 9 Mobile Device Operating Systems – Special Constrains & Requirements – Commercial Mobile Operating Systems – Software Development Kit: iOS.com/ 8. C. 5.apple.2006.K. 2007. “Mobile Communications”.Lee.com/index. Second Edition. “AdHoc Mobile Wireless Networks”. 2003. Martin S. “Fundamentals of Mobile Computing”. Rajib Mall. Ltd.windowsphone. Problem Definition -Production systems. New Delhi – 2012.blackberry. the student should be able to:  Explain the basics of mobile telecommunication system  Choose the required functionality at each layer for given application  Identify solution for each functionality at each layer  Use simulator tools and design Ad hoc networks  Develop a mobile application. First Edition. Schller. Windows Phone – MCommerce – Structure – Pros & Cons – Mobile Payment System – Security Issues.com/ CS6659 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Study the concepts of Artificial Intelligence. Production system characteristics -Specialized production system. Measure of performance and analysis of search algorithms. 63 .  Learn the methods of solving problems using Artificial Intelligence. Indexing and Heuristic functions -Hill Climbing-Depth first and Breath first. Pearson Education.“Mobile Cellular Telecommunications-Analog and Digital Systems”. BlackBerry Developer : http://developer.  Introduce the concepts of Expert Systems and machine learning. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO Al AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to AI-Problem formulation. Problem characteristics. BlackBerry. William.Problem graphs.Tata Mc Graw Hill Edition . Springer.html 7. Jochen H. Pearson Education.Shafer theory.  Learn how to optimize and effectively generate machine codes.2008.Architecture of expert systems. Resolution.5). Kevin Night and Elaine Rich. 2. “Artificial Intelligence (SIE)”. 3.. Peter Jackson. 2. Dan W. UNIT V EXPERT SYSTEMS 9 Expert systems .Machine learning. McGraw Hill. DART.in/ CS6660 COMPILER DESIGN L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the design principles of a Compiler.Knowledge representation. Knowledge representation using other logic-Structured representation of knowledge. http://nptel. Bayesian Theory-Bayesian Network-Dempster . 3rd Edition. UNIT IV PLANNING AND MACHINE LEARNING 9 Basic plan generation systems . Roles of expert systems . Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig “AI – A Modern Approach”. Learning.  Formalise a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods. Inference . (Unit-III) REFERENCES: 1. 2007. Pearson Education 2007.Backward chaining.Knowledge Acquisition – Meta knowledge. Fuzzy reasoning . and state the conclusions that the evaluation supports. Introduction to predicate calculus.UNIT II REPRESENTATION OF KNOWLEDGE 9 Game playing .  Identify appropriate AI methods to solve a given problem. 4. Pearson Education. Frame based system. Deepak Khemani “Artificial Intelligence”. XOON. Patterson.2.Certainty factors. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Nair B. UNIT III KNOWLEDGE INFERENCE 9 Knowledge representation -Production based system.Strips -Advanced plan generation systems – K strips -Strategic explanations -Why.  Learn the various parsing techniques and different levels of translation. Use of predicate calculus. “Introduction to Expert Systems”. Why not and how explanations. Forward chaining. the student should be able to:  Identify problems that are amenable to solution by AI methods. 2nd Edition.ac. (Unit-1. 64 . 2007. Typical expert systems .  Design and carry out an empirical evaluation of different algorithms on a problem formalisation. Knowledge representation using Predicate logic. Heuristics.MYCIN. TEXT BOOKS: 1.  Implement basic AI algorithms.4. Expert systems shells. “Introduction to AI and ES”. adaptive Learning. Rule value approach. Tata Mc Graw Hill Education 2013. Alfred V Aho. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.  Apply the various optimization techniques. “Crafting a Compiler with C”. Pearson Education. “Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures: A Dependence-based Approach”.Type Systems-Specification of a simple type checkerEquivalence of Type Expressions-Type Conversions. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Elsevier Science. Charles N. Steven S. 2007. Monica S. REFERENCES: 1. 2008. Richard.Design of predictive translator .Elsevier Science.UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO COMPILERS 5 Translators-Compilation and Interpretation-Language processors -The Phases of Compiler-Errors Encountered in Different Phases-The Grouping of Phases-Compiler Construction Tools Programming Language basics.Minimization of DFA-Language for Specifying Lexical Analyzers-LEX-Design of Lexical Analyzer for a sample Language. India. UNIT IV SYNTAX DIRECTED TRANSLATION & RUN TIME ENVIRONMENT 12 Syntax directed Definitions-Construction of Syntax Tree-Bottom-up Evaluation of S-Attribute Definitions. UNIT V CODE OPTIMIZATION AND CODE GENERATION 9 Principal Sources of Optimization-DAG. 2nd Edition. Randy Allen. LeBlanc. Lam. Keith D Cooper and Linda Torczon.A Simple Code Generator Algorithm. 2004.Error Handling and Recovery in Syntax Analyzer-YACC-Design of a syntax Analyzer for a Sample Language . Indian Reprint 2003. UNIT III SYNTAX ANALYSIS 10 Need and Role of the Parser-Context Free Grammars -Top Down Parsing -General StrategiesRecursive Descent Parser Predictive Parser-LL(1) Parser-Shift Reduce Parser-LR Parser-LR (0)ItemConstruction of SLR Parsing Table -Introduction to LALR Parser . 2. Pearson Education. Fischer. Techniques and Tools”. Ken Kennedy.Optimization of Basic Blocks-Global Data Flow AnalysisEfficient Data Flow Algorithms-Issues in Design of a Code Generator . 2002. “Compilers – Principles. Muchnick. UNIT II LEXICAL ANALYSIS 9 Need and Role of Lexical Analyzer-Lexical Errors-Expressing Tokens by Regular ExpressionsConverting Regular Expression to DFA. RUN-TIME ENVIRONMENT: Source Language Issues-Storage Organization-Storage AllocationParameter Passing-Symbol Tables-Dynamic Storage Allocation-Storage Allocation in FORTAN. TEXTBOOK: 1. “Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation”. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers . 4. 3. 65 . J. the student should be able to:  Design and implement a prototype compiler. Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D Ullman. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. “Engineering a Compiler”.  Use the different compiler construction tools. 2011  Mark Hansen. James Broberg. 2010. Prentice Hall. Len Bass. 9 UNIT III ARCHITECTURAL VIEWS 9 Introduction – Standard Definitions for views – Structures and views . SEI's perspectives and views – Case studies UNIT IV ARCHITECTURAL STYLES 9 Introduction – Data flow styles – Call-return styles – Shared Information styles .  Rajkumar Buyya.IT6602 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES LTPC 3 00 3 OBJECTIVES:  Understand software architectural requirements and drivers  Be exposed to architectural styles and views  Be familiar with architectures for emerging technologies UNIT I INTRODUCTION AND ARCHITECTURAL DRIVERS 9 Introduction – What is software architecture? – Standard Definitions – Architectural structures – Influence of software architecture on organization-both business and technical – Architecture Business Cycle. Special topics: SOA and Web services – Cloud Computing – Adaptive structures OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course. A Practitioner's Guide”. Anthony J Lattanze. “Software Architectures Principles and Practices”. and Mark Klein. Len Bass.Introduction – Functional requirements – Technical constraints – Quality Attributes. Views and Beyond”. and Andrzej Goscinski. Addison-Wesley. Rick Kazman. Addison-Wesley. Auerbach Publications. David Garlan. and Rick Kazman. 2003. 2001.Architectural Description Languages – ACME – Case studies. UNIT II QUALITY ATTRIBUTE WORKSHOP Quality Attribute Workshop – Documenting Quality Attributes – Six part scenarios – Case studies. Addison-Wesley. “SOA Using Java Web Services”. 2007 66 . John Wiley & Sons. UNIT V DOCUMENTING THE ARCHITECTURE 9 Good practices – Documenting the Views using UML – Merits and Demerits of using visual languages – Need for formal languages .  Paul Clements. Felix Bachmann. “Evaluating software architectures: Methods and case studies. Siemens 4 views. James Ivers. Robert Nord. 2nd Edition. “Architecting Software Intensive System. Paul Clements. 2010. Principles and Paradigms”.Event styles – Case studies for each style. and Judith Stafford. “Cloud Computing. REFERENCES:  Paul Clements.Representing views-available notations – Standard views – 4+1 view of RUP. “Documenting Software Architectures. 2. Paulo Merson. 2nd Edition. Reed Little. the students will be able to  Explain influence of software architecture on business and technical activities  Identify key architectural structures  Use styles and views to specify architecture  Design document for a given architecture TEXT BOOKS: 1.  David Garlan. Develop an application that makes use of RSS Feed.” 31-56.). Develop a native application that uses GPS location information. Implement an application that writes data to the SD card. 4.30 Nos. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 6. Develop a native calculator application. Mieso K Denko. 9. Implement an application that implements Multi threading 8. 10. Write an application that draws basic graphical primitives on the screen.  Understand how to work with various mobile application development frameworks. Implement an application that creates an alert upon receiving a message.  Understand the capabilities and limitations of mobile devices.  Learn the basic and important design concepts and issues of development of mobile applications. IT6612 COMPILER LABORATORY LTPC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be exposed to compiler writing tools. 11. 7. and Shang-Wen Cheng. Font and Colours 2. “Software Architecture-Based SelfAdaptation.  Learn to implement the different Phases of compiler  Be familiar with control flow and data flow analysis  Learn simple optimization techniques 67 . and Yan Zang (eds. 3. Springer Verlag. 2009 IT6611 MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY LTPC 0 03 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Know the components and structure of mobile application development frameworks for Android and windows OS based mobiles. Develop an application that uses Layout Managers and event listeners. “Autonomic Computing and Networking”. Develop an application that makes use of database. Write a mobile application that creates alarm clock TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Bradley Schmerl. Develop an application that uses GUI components. Laurence Tianruo Yang.  Deploy applications to hand-held devices LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS Standalone desktops with Windows or Android or iOS or Equivalent Mobile Application Development Tools with appropriate emulators and debuggers . 5. the student should be able to:  Design and Implement various mobile applications using emulators. ) 3. Implement control flow analysis and Data flow Analysis 8. comments.LABORATORY BASED LTPC 00 4 2 OBJECTIVES:  To enable learners to develop their communicative competence. news programmes. Implement type checking 7. identifiers. Implement any one storage allocation strategies(Heap.  To equip them with employability skills to enhance their prospect of placements.  To facilitate them to hone their soft skills. 11.) TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. discussions. . sub. Also simple addressing modes are used. a) Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression that usesoperator +. d)Implementation of Calculator using LEX and YACC 5. operators etc. Implementation of Simple Code Optimization Techniques (Constant Folding. Listening to lectures. 6. Implement the back end of the compiler which takes the three address code and produces the 8086 assembly language instructions that can be assembled and run using a 8086 assembler. LEX and YACC GE6674 COMMUNICATION AND SOFT SKILLS . Develop a lexical analyzer to recognize a few patterns in C. Implementation of Lexical Analyzer using Lex Tool 4.Stack. (Ex. Construction of DAG 10. The target assembly instructions can be simple move.Static) 9. Implementation of Symbol Table 2. Convert the BNF rules into Yacc form and write code to generate Abstract Syntax Tree. etc. UNIT I LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS 12 Conversational skills (formal and informal) – group discussion and interview skills – making presentations. 68 . talk shows. (or) Server with C / C++ compiler and Compiler writing tools supporting 30 terminals or more. add.LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. * and /. constants. b) Program to recognize a valid variable which starts with a letterfollowed by any number of letters or digits. jump... Generate YACC specification for a few syntactic categories. dialogues from TV/radio/Ted talk/Podcast – watching videos on interesting events on You tube. the student should be able to  Implement the different Phases of compiler using tools  Analyze the control flow and data flow of a typical program  Optimize a given program  Generate an assembly language program equivalent to a source language program LIST OF EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: Standalone desktops with C / C++ compiler and Compiler writing tools 30 Nos. UNIT IV SOFT SKILLS (1) 12 Motivation – self image – goal setting – managing changes – time management – stress management – leadership traits – team work – career and life planning. 4 Television 46” 1 No. tweet. 4. No.  PIII System  256 or 512 MB RAM / 40 GB HDD  OS: Win 2000  Audio card with headphones  JRE 1. 5 Collar mike 1 No. 5. text and email employing appropriate language. Learners are to be encouraged to blog.3 3 Handicam 1 No. 2.  PIV System  1 GB RAM / 40 GB HDD  OS: Win 2000 server  Audio card with headphones  JRE 1. GD/Interview/Role Play/Debate could be conducted off the laboratory (in a regular classroom) but learners are to be exposed to telephonic interview and video conferencing.UNIT II READING AND WRITING SKILLS 12 Reading different genres of tests ranging from newspapers to philosophical treatises – reading strategies such as graphic organizers. Learners are to be assigned to read/write/listen/view materials outside the classroom as well for graining proficiency and better participation in the class. LAB INFRASTRUCTURE: S. Description of Equipment (minimum configuration) Qty Required Server 1 1 No. 7 Audio Mixer 1 No. 9 LCD Projector with MP3/CD/DVD provision for 1 No. Suitable audio/video samples from Podcast/YouTube to be used for illustrative purposes. 3. Writing job applications – cover letter – resume – emails – letters – memos – reports – blogs – writing for publications. summarizing and interpretation. UNIT III ENGLISH FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS AND PLACEMENTS 12 International English Language Testing System (IELTS) – Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) – Graduate Record Examination (GRE) – Civil Service (Language related) – Verbal ability. UNIT V SOFT SKILLS (2) 12 Multiple intelligences – emotional intelligence – spiritual quotient (ethics) – intercultural communication – creative and critical thinking – learning styles and strategies. To be totally learner-centric with minimum teacher intervention as the course revolves around practice. Portfolio approach for writing to be followed. TOTAL: 60 PERIODS TEACHING METHODS: 1. Audio/video facility 69 .3 Client Systems 2 60 Nos. 8 DVD recorder/player 1 No. 6 Cordless mike 1 No. com/pages/article/newCDV_34. Mumbai. 6. REFERENCES: 1. OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. learners should be able to  Take international examination such as IELTS and TOEFL  Make presentations and Participate in Group Discussions. Graded Examinations in Spoken English and Spoken English for Work downloadable materials from Trinity College. 2009.htm 70 .kent. Presentation – should be extempore on simple topics. b.mindtools. case studies and abstract concept. learning outcomes and so on. Business English Certificate Materials. Cambridge University Press. EXTERNAL: 80 MARKS Online Test Interview Presentation Group Discussion . Robert M Sherfield and et al.net/rohitjsh/presentation-on-group-discussion http://www. “Developing Soft Skills” 4th edition. 2. WEB SOURCES: http://www.slideshare.edu/doit/TeamN/present_tips. 3. general topics. Interactive Multimedia Programs on Managing Time and Stress. Interview – mock interview can be conducted on one-on-one basis. Telephonic conversation.ac.EVALUATION: INTERNAL: 20 MARKS Record maintenance: Students should write a report on a regular basis on the activities conducted. New Delhi: Pearson Education. focusing on the details such as the description of the activity. At the end of the semester records can be evaluated out of 20 marks.35 marks .com/words/writing-job-applications http://www. London. 4.15 marks . Cambridge University Press.washington.fixing an official appointment / placing an order / enquiring and so on. Marketing engineer convincing a customer to buy his product. Discussion – topics of different kinds. 5. Speaking – example for role play: a. International English Language Testing System Practice Tests.html http://www.15 marks . 3. Times Multimedia.15 marks NOTE ON INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL EVALUATION: 1.uk/careers/cv/coveringletters.htm http://www.  Successfully answer questions in interviews. 2. ideas emerged.oxforddictionaries. Personality Development (CD-ROM). 4. Navigation systems and Labelling systems. Organizing information. UNIT II DATA SECURITY AND PRIVACY 9 Program Security. TEXT BOOKS: 1.  To examine the basic issues in information governance and information integration  To understand the overview of information architecture.IT6701 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT LT PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To expose students with the basics of managing the information  To explore the various aspects of database design and modelling. OS level protection.org/ Next Gen databases that are distributed.Four dimensions of big data and other ebooks on Big Data Analytics 4. Granularity of Content.com/big-data . Jeffrey A. Java database Connectivity (JDBC). Confidential and Sensitive data handling. 2011 2. Larry Dubov MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT AND DATA GOVERNANCE. 10 Edition. Peter Morville. Network Security Intrusion detection systems. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web. UNIT III INFORMATION GOVERNANCE 9 Master Data Management (MDM) – Overview. Security – Firewalls. Stored Procedures. Data Privacy Laws and compliance. MapReduce. Need for MDM. Louis Rosenfeld . regulatory requirements and compliance. 2006 3. Hive. V Ramesh . http://nosql-database. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. 2012 2. Create and maintain data warehouses. open source and scalable. Tata McGraw Hill. MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 9 Database design and modelling . http://ibm. 4/E. Security in Computing. Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld. Alex Berson. Privacy. Pfleeger. Data Privacy principles. Conceptual design. O'Reilly Media. 1998 REFERENCES: 1.MODERN DATABASE MANAGEMENT. UNIT V INFORMATION LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT 9 Data retention policies. Trends in Big Data systems including NoSQL . Data Governance – Synchronization and data quality management.  Learn recent advances in NOSQL . Archive data using Hadoop. Second Edition 2011 71 . UNIT IV INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE 9 Principles of Information architecture and framework.Hadoop HDFS. Database connection Manager. Testing and delivering big data applications for performance and functionality. Big Data and related tools. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the students will be able to:  Cover core relational database topics including logical and physical design and modeling  Design and implement a complex information system that meets regulatory requirements. O'Reilly Media. Heikki Topi. 2/E. PEARSON.Jeffrey Carr. Malicious code and controls against threats. Prentice Hall. Challenges with data administration. lifecycle management costs.Business Rules and Relationship. Charles P. and enhancements. 3. Hoffer. define and manage an organization's key master data entities  Design. UNIT I DATABASE MODELLING. CS6701 CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY LTPC 3 00 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand OSI security architecture and classical encryption techniques. transposition techniques.FINITE FIELDS AND NUMBER THEORY: Groups. Rings. UNIT V E-MAIL. steganography). TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course. Web Security: SSL/TLS Basic Protocol-computing the keys.  Understand various block cipher and stream cipher models.client authentication-PKI as deployed by SSLAttacks fixed in v3Exportability-Encoding-Secure Electronic Transaction (SET). ISAKMP/IKE Encoding).Diffie Hellman Key exchangeElliptic curve arithmetic-Elliptic curve cryptography. substitution techniques.establishing keys privacy-authentication of the source-Message Integrity-Non-repudiation-Pretty Good Privacy-S/MIME. IP & WEB SECURITY 9 E-mail Security: Security Services for E-mail-attacks possible through E-mail . UNIT I INTRODUCTION & NUMBER THEORY 10 Services.509 Authentication services . Intruder – Intrusion detection system – Virus and related threats – Countermeasures – Firewalls design principles – Trusted systems – Practical implementation of cryptography and security. IPSecurity: Overview of IPSec .Polynomial Arithmetic –Prime numbers-Fermat‟s and Euler‟s theoremTesting for primality -The Chinese remainder theorem. Fields-Modular arithmeticEuclid‟s algorithm-Finite fields.  Acquire fundamental knowledge on the concepts of finite fields and number theory.Types of Firewalls . Public key cryptography: Principles of public key cryptosystems-The RSA algorithm-Key management .Internet Firewalls for Trusted System: Roles of Firewalls – Firewall related terminology.SET for E-Commerce Transactions.Firewall designs . hash functions and digital signature. UNIT III HASH FUNCTIONS AND DIGITAL SIGNATURES 8 Authentication requirement – Authentication function – MAC – Hash function – Security of hash function and MAC –MD5 . UNIT II BLOCK CIPHERS & PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY 10 Data Encryption Standard-Block cipher principles-block cipher modes of operation-Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-Triple DES-Blowfish-RC5 algorithm.IP and IPv6-Authentication Header-Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP)-Internet Key Exchange (Phases of IKE.HMAC – CMAC .  Describe the principles of public key cryptosystems.SHA .Digital signature and authentication protocols – DSS – EI Gamal – Schnorr. the students should be able to:  Compare various Cryptographic Techniques  Design Secure applications  Inject secure coding in the developed applications 72 .Discrete logarithms. Mechanisms and attacks-the OSI security architecture-Network security model-Classical Encryption techniques (Symmetric cipher model. UNIT IV SECURITY PRACTICE & SYSTEM SECURITY 8 Authentication applications – Kerberos – X. Ferouzan. 4. Associations and Correlations – Mining Methods – Mining various Kinds of Association Rules – Correlation Analysis – Constraint Based Association Mining – Classification and Prediction . Prentice Hall of India. 4th Edition.IV).  Be acquainted with the tools and techniques used for Knowledge Discovery in Databases.III. William Stallings. Wiley Publications.TEXT BOOKS: 1. “Algorithms and Protocols”. Private Communication in Public World”. REFERENCES: 1. Cryptography and Network Security. 2000. Bruce Schneier and Neils Ferguson. UNIT I DATA WAREHOUSING 9 Data warehousing Components –Building a Data warehouse –.in/. 2002. and Transformation Tools –Metadata. 1995. Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner. 3. 6th Edition. Douglas R Simson “Cryptography – Theory and practice”. “Cryptography & Network Security”. IT6702 DATA WAREHOUSING AND DATA MINING L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with the concepts of data warehouse and data mining. Charles Pfleeger. Tata Mc Graw Hill. March 2013. 8. UNIT II BUSINESS ANALYSIS 9 Reporting and Query tools and Applications – Tool Categories – The Need for Applications – Cognos Impromptu – Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) – Need – Multidimensional Data Model – OLAP Guidelines – Multidimensional versus Multirelational OLAP – Categories of Tools – OLAP Tools and the Internet. UNIT III DATA MINING 9 Introduction – Data – Types of Data – Data Mining Functionalities – Interestingness of Patterns – Classification of Data Mining Systems – Data Mining Task Primitives – Integration of a Data Mining System with a Data Warehouse – Issues –Data Preprocessing. Charlie Kaufman. Second Edition. 73 . 2. 2003. (UNIT I.Bayesian Classification – Rule Based Classification – Classification by Back propagation – Support Vector Machines – Associative Classification – Lazy Learners – Other Classification Methods – Prediction. “Internet Security Protocols”. “Network Security”. 5. 6. Man Young Rhee. Mike Speciner. Wiley Dreamtech India Pvt Ltd.II. “Practical Cryptography”. First Edition. 2006. Prentice Hall of India. First Edition. UNIT IV ASSOCIATION RULE MINING AND CLASSIFICATION 9 Mining Frequent Patterns.Basic Concepts . Behrouz A. 2007. Cleanup.ac. (UNIT V). Charlie Kaufman and Radia Perlman.Decision Tree Induction . “Network Security. PHI 2002. “Security in Computing”.Mapping the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor Architecture – DBMS Schemas for Decision Support – Data Extraction. Pearson Education Asia. 2003. http://nptel. 2. Pearson Education. “Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles”. 7. Ulysess Black. CRC Press. “Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies”.Grid computing Infrastructures – cloud computing . Person Education. “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”. Aja. “Data Warehousing.Larose. 2. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber.Constraint – Based Cluster Analysis – Outlier Analysis – Data Mining Applications. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Tata McGraw – Hill Edition. G. 2007. Daniel T. Gupta. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Evolution of Distributed computing: Scalable computing over the Internet – Technologies for network based systems – clusters of cooperative computers .  Gain knowledge on the concept of virtualization that is fundamental to cloud computing. Thirteenth Reprint 2008. Shyam Diwakar and V. K. Prentice Hall of India. Pang-Ning Tan. REFERENCES: 1. Third Edition. CS6703 GRID AND CLOUD COMPUTING L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand how Grid computing helps in solving large scale scientific problems.Smith.Density-Based Methods –Grid Based Methods – Model-Based Clustering Methods – Clustering High Dimensional Data .UNIT V CLUSTERING AND TRENDS IN DATA MINING 9 Cluster Analysis . 2012. Elsevier.  Understand the security issues in the grid and the cloud environment. Wiley-Interscience. Eastern Economy Edition. Soman.Types of Data – Categorization of Major Clustering Methods – K-means– Partitioning Methods – Hierarchical Methods .  Use data mining tools. 3. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: After completing this course.service oriented architecture – Introduction to Grid Architecture and standards – Elements of Grid – Overview of Grid Architecture.P. the student will be able to:  Apply data mining techniques and methods to large data sets. K. “Introduction to Data Mining”. 2006. 2. UNIT II GRID SERVICES 9 Introduction to Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) – Motivation – Functionality Requirements – Practical & Detailed view of OGSA/OGSI – Data intensive grid service models – OGSA services. “Data Mining Methods and Models”. Prentice Hall of India. “Insight into Data Mining Theory and Practice”. Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar.  Learn how to program the grid and the cloud. 2006. 74 . Eastern Economy Edition.  Compare and contrast the various classifiers. Alex Berson and Stephen J. 4. 2006. Data Mining and OLAP”. Barry Wilkinson. map and reduce functions. host and application level – aspects of data security. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. 2009 2. 2005 4. Bart Jacob (Editor). IBM Red Books. Carl Kesselman. 2009. PaaS. CRC. Daniel Minoli. dataflow of File read & File write. 2012. Geoffery C. Identity and access management architecture. an Imprint of Elsevier. “Hadoop The Definitive Guide”. “Introduction to Grid Computing” CRC Press. UNIT V SECURITY 9 Trust models for Grid security environment – Authentication and Authorization methods – Grid security infrastructure – Cloud Infrastructure security: network. 5. O‟Reilly. John Wiley Publication. 7. 2nd Edition. Vervante. Morgan Kaufman Publisher. REFERENCES: 1. “Grid Computing: Techniques and Applications”. HDFS concepts. Tom White. the student should be able to:  Apply grid computing techniques to solve large scale scientific problems  Apply the concept of virtualization  Use the grid and cloud tool kits  Apply the security models in the grid and the cloud environment TEXT BOOK: 1. 2009.UNIT III VIRTUALIZATION 9 Cloud deployment models: public. First Edition. First Edition. Dongarra. Taylor and Francis Group. provider data and its security.Build Scalable. 6. specifying input and output parameters. “The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure”. SaaS. IAM practices in the cloud. UNIT IV PROGRAMMING MODEL 9 Open source grid middleware packages – Globus Toolkit (GT4) Architecture . 75 . “Introduction to Grid Computing”. Chapman and Hall. Memory and I/O devices – virtual clusters and Resource Management – Virtualization for data center automation. Grids. Configuration – Usage of Globus – Main components and Programming model . Ian Foster. Distributed Applications in the Cloud”. “Pro Hadoop. Clouds and the Future of Internet”. 3. Kai Hwang. software . 2005. command line and java interface. Jason Venner. “Distributed and Cloud Computing: Clusters. A Press. Morgan Kaufmann. hybrid. configuring and running a job – Design of Hadoop file system. “A Networking Approach to Grid Computing”.Introduction to Hadoop Framework Mapreduce. Frederic Magoules and Jie Pan. Key privacy issues in the cloud. Fox and Jack J. private. Input splitting.Pros and Cons of cloud computing – Implementation levels of virtualization – virtualization structure – virtualization of CPU. platform. community – Categories of cloud computing: Everything as a service: Infrastructure. 2010. IaaS availability in the cloud. 5. 6. 7.  Compare and contrast the various classifiers. FP-Growth Algorithm. Applications of classification for web mining. Net Strumbler LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 4.SHA-1  Learn to use tools like GnuPG.MD5. Implement the following SUBSTITUTION & TRANSPOSITION TECHNIQUES concepts: a) Caesar Cipher b) Playfair Cipher c) Hill Cipher d) Vigenere Cipher e) Rail fence – row & Column Transformation 76 . Decision Tree. Case Study on Text Mining or any commercial application. K-means clustering. RapidMiner. Bayesian Classification. Creation of a Data Warehouse.  Be exposed to web mining and text mining LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. 3. DB Miner or Equivalent HARDWARE Standalone desktops 30 Nos IT6712 SECURITY LABORATORY LTPC 0 03 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be exposed to the different cipher techniques  Learn to implement the algorithms DES. Apriori Algorithm. 9. 10. Support Vector Machines.  Be acquainted with the tools and techniques used for Knowledge Discovery in Databases. One Hierarchical clustering algorithm. RSA.IT6711 DATA MINING LABORATORY L T PC 0 0 32 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with the algorithms of data mining. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: After completing this course. 8. LAB EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: SOFTWARE: WEKA. the student will be able to:  Apply data mining techniques and methods to large data sets. 2. KF sensor.  Use data mining tools. Installation of rootkits and study about the variety of options 7. Demonstrate how to provide secure data storage.Digital Signature Standard 4. KF Sensor or Equivalent. Demonstrate intrusion detection system (ids) using any tool (snort or any other s/w) TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. Setup a honey pot and monitor the honeypot on network (KF Sensor) 6. Net Stumbler or Equivalent HARDWARE: Standalone desktops (or) Server supporting 30 terminals or more. 5. 77 . Perform wireless audit on an access point or a router and decrypt WEP and WPA. Using Apache Axis develop a Grid Service. the student should be able to  Implement the cipher techniques  Develop the various security algorithms  Use different open source tools for network security and analysis LAB EQUIPMENTS FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: SOFTWARE: C / C++ / Java or equivalent compiler GnuPG. 3. IT6713 GRID AND CLOUD COMPUTING LABORATORY LTPC 0 03 2 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be exposed to tool kits for grid and cloud environment. secure data transmission and for creating digital signatures (GnuPG). Develop new OGSA-compliant Web Service.( Net Stumbler) 8.  Learn to use Hadoop LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: GRID COMPUTING LAB: Use Globus Toolkit or equivalent and do the following: 1. -30 Nos.  Be familiar with developing web services/Applications in grid framework  Learn to run virtual machines of different configuration. Develop a new Web Service for Calculator. Snort.2. Implement the following algorithms a) DES b) RSA Algorithm c) Diffiee-Hellman d) MD5 e) SHA-1 3 Implement the SIGNATURE SCHEME . 2. Write a word count program to demonstrate the use of Map and Reduce tasks.4. 6. Find procedure to run the virtual machine of different configuration. the student should be able to  Use the grid and cloud tool kits. 4. 9.  Be exposed to build applications based on XML.  Be familiar with the web services technology elements for realizing SOA. Develop secured applications using basic security mechanisms available in Globus Toolkit.  Design and implement applications on the Grid. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course. 5. Show the virtual machine migration based on the certain condition from one node to the other.  Design and Implement applications on the Cloud. CLOUD COMPUTING LAB: Use Eucalyptus or Open Nebula or equivalent to set up the cloud and demonstrate. 6. where user can submit a job and get the result. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO XML 9 XML document structure – Well formed and valid documents – Namespaces – DTD – XML Schema – X-Files. 3. 1. Implement it with and without GRAM concept. Develop applications using Java or C/C++ Grid APIs 5. Develop a Grid portal. 7.  Understand the key principles behind SOA. 8. 78 .  Learn the various web service standards. Install a C compiler in the virtual machine and execute a sample program. Find procedure to attach virtual block to the virtual machine and check whether it holds the data even after the release of the virtual machine. Write a program to use the API's of Hadoop to interact with it. LAB EQUIPMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS: SOFTWARE: Globus Toolkit or equivalent Eucalyptus or Open Nebula or equivalent to HARDWARE Standalone desktops 30 Nos IT6801 SERVICE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn XML fundamentals. Find procedure to set up the one node Hadoop cluster. Mount the one node Hadoop cluster using FUSE. 2. Find procedure to install storage controller and interact with it. Check how many virtual machines can be utilized at particular time. Frank P. Pearson Education. Greg Lomow. The review committee may be constituted by the Head of the Department. students will be able to:  Build applications based on XML. 4. Eric Newcomer.BASED APPLICATIONS 9 Parsing XML – using DOM.UNIT II BUILDING XML. Prentice Hall.  Build SOA-based applications for intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise applications.Coyle. and Design”.Stevens.  Develop web services using technology elements. UNIT V BUILDING SOA-BASED APPLICATIONS 9 Service Oriented Analysis and Design – Service Modeling – Design standards and guidelines -Composition – WS-BPEL – WS-Coordination – WS-Policy – WS-Security – SOA support in J2EE. Pearson Education.Principles of Service orientation – Service layers.Sameer Tyagi. Ron Schmelzer et al. 2005. 2002. Technology. Services Architecture”. TEXTBOOKS: 1. “Developing Enterprise Web Services: An Architect's Guide”. Sandeep Chatterjee and James Webber. “XML. UNIT III SERVICE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE 9 Characteristics of SOA. Comparing SOA with Client-Server and Distributed architectures – Benefits of SOA -. Michael E. SAX – XML Transformation and XSL – XSL Formatting – Modeling Databases in XML. The progress of the project is evaluated based on a minimum of three reviews. Pearson Education. 20044. The students in a group of 3 to 4 works on a topic approved by the head of the department under the guidance of a faculty member and prepares a comprehensive project report after completing the work to the satisfaction of the supervisor. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Sunil Mathew. ”Java Web. 2. 3. “Service Oriented Architecture: Concepts. To train the students in preparing project reports and to face reviews and viva voce examination. The project work is evaluated based on oral presentation and the project report jointly by external and internal examiners constituted by the Head of the Department. A project report is required at the end of the semester. “ XML and Web Services”. UNIT IV WEB SERVICES 9 Service descriptions – WSDL – Messaging with SOAP – Service discovery – UDDI – Message Exchange Patterns – Orchestration – Choreography –WS Transactions. 2005. James McGovern. TOTAL: 180 PERIODS 79 . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course. REFERENCES: 1. IT6811 PROJECT WORK L T P C 0 0 12 6 OBJECTIVES:  To develop the ability to solve a specific problem right from its identification and literature review till the successful solution of the same. 2002 2. 2003. Pearson Education. “Understanding SOA with Web Services”. Web Services and the Data Revolution”. Thomas Erl.  Be familiar with the relational database theory.Video Databases – Audio Databases – Multimedia Database Design. UNIT II OBJECT AND OBJECT RELATIONAL DATABASES 9 Concepts for Object Databases: Object Identity – Object structure – Type Constructors – Encapsulation of Operations – Methods – Persistence – Type and Class Hierarchies – Inheritance – Complex Objects – Object Database Standards.XML Querying – Web Databases – JDBC – Information Retrieval – Data Warehousing – Data Mining. and be able to write relational algebra expressions for queries. UNIT III XML DATABASES 9 XML Databases: XML Data Model – DTD . 80 .OUTCOMES:  On Completion of the project work students will be in a position to take up any challenging practical problems and find solution by formulating proper methodology. IT6001 ADVANCED DATABASE TECHNOLOGY L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with a commercial relational database system (Oracle) by writing SQL using the system.Mobile Transaction Models .Effect of Mobility on Data Management Location Dependent Data Distribution . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course.Distributed Systems – Parallel Databases: I/O Parallelism – Inter and Intra Query Parallelism – Inter and Intra operation Parallelism – Distributed Database Concepts Distributed Data Storage – Distributed Transactions – Commit Protocols – Concurrency Control – Distributed Query Processing – Three Tier Client Server Architecture. UNIT IV MOBILE DATABASES 9 Mobile Databases: Location and Handoff Management . UNIT V INTELLIGENT DATABASES 9 Active databases – Deductive Databases – Knowledge bases – Multimedia DatabasesMultidimensional Data Structures – Image Databases – Text/Document Databases.  Develop transaction processing systems with concurrency control.XML Schema . Languages and Design: ODMG Model – ODL – OQL – Object Relational and Extended – Relational Systems : Object Relational features in SQL / Oracle – Case Studies.Case Studies.  Design and develop a database application system as part of a team. the student should be able to:  Apply query evaluation techniques and query optimization techniques. UNIT I PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED DATABASES 9 Database System Architectures: Centralized and Client-Server Architectures – Server System Architectures – Parallel Systems.Concurrency Control Transaction Commit Protocols.Mobile Database Recovery Schemes. NET 9 Building windows application. Array List. sealed class and methods. Objects. Variables. polymorphism. validating controls. Elmasri. Arrays. UNIT V CLR AND . A. Literals.B. Sixth Edition. properties.Date.Kannan and S. Thomas Cannolly and Carolyn Begg.NET.NET. operator overloading. viewing meta data. 2011.NET) UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO C# 9 Introducing C#. “ Multimedia Databases”. inheritance. 2. DataSet. Sudharshan. ASP. Enumerations. handling exceptions. handling transaction. Eighth Edition. Operators. working with XML and . reflection. 2008. passing datasets. Versoning. Fifth Edition. Constant. McGraw Hill. interface.NET PROGRAMMING L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the foundations of CLR execution  Learn the technologies of the . accessing data with ADO. boxing and unboxing. Dialog Box(Modal and Modeless). Attributes. indexers.Swamynathan.NET introduction.”An Introduction to Database Systems”. Abraham Silberschatz and S. overview of C#. SQL Server with ADO. web services. index overloading. security in . marshalling. R. events. A Practical Approach to Design. Data Adapter. errors and exception. Constructors and its types.NET  Learn web based applications on .NET. Branching. Third Edition. Understanding . UNIT IV WEB BASED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ON . returning exceptions from SQL Server.NET FRAMEWORK 9 Assemblies. 2006. Pearson Education/Addison Wesley. reflection on type. updating database using stored procedures. implicit and explicit casting. String Builder. Pearson Education. UNIT II OBJECT ORIENTED ASPECTS OF C# 9 Class. 5. Morgan Kauffman Publishers. SDI and MDI application. String.NET(ASP. 4. Pearson Education.config. Data Types. checked and unchecked operators. 2007. Threading. Subramaniam. Array Class. abstract and interface. S. Creating our own window forms with events and controls. menu creation. 3. windows application configuration. type discovery. Creating Virtual Directory and Web Application. remoting. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”. abstract class. C. “Database System Concepts”. session management techniques.REFERENCES: 1.NET TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 81 . delegates.NET 9 Programming web application with web forms. Navathe. 2007. Structure. Looping. inheriting window forms. Methods. UNIT III APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ON . CS6001 C# AND . typed dataset. handling exceptions. “Database Systems.J.NET framework  Know the object oriented aspects of C#  Be aware of application development in .NET. Henry F Korth. returning datasets from web services. Expressions. web. Implementation and Management”. “The Complete Reference: C# 4.NET platform. 82 . A Press. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Andrew Troelsen .  Analyze the basic structure of a C# application  Debug. 2012.  Be aware of compression and decompression techniques. Tata McGraw Hill.  Learn the concepts of multimedia communication. UNIT II DATA AND VOICE CODING 9 Differential Pulse code Modulation – Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation – Adaptive subband coding – Delta Modulation – Adaptive Delta Modulation – Coding of speech signal at low bit rates (Vocoders. IT6002 INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING TECHNIQUES L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand error–control coding.OUTCOMES: After completing this course.0”. the student will be able to:  List the major elements of the .5”.  Understand encoding and decoding of digital data streams. and run a simple application. 2. UNIT IV COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES 9 Principles – Text compression – Static Huffman Coding – Dynamic Huffman coding – Arithmetic coding – Image Compression – Graphics Interchange format – Tagged Image File Format – Digitized documents – Introduction to JPEG standards. “Pro C# 2010 and the .NET  Design and develop Web based applications on . UNIT III ERROR CONTROL CODING 9 Linear Block codes – Syndrome Decoding – Minimum distance consideration – cyclic codes – Generator Polynomial – Parity check polynomial – Encoder for cyclic codes – calculation of syndrome – Convolutional codes. LPC). UNIT I INFORMATION ENTROPY FUNDAMENTALS 9 Uncertainty. Information and Entropy – Source coding Theorem – Huffman coding –Shannon Fano coding – Discrete Memory less channels – channel capacity – channel coding Theorem – Channel capacity Theorem. 2010.  Be familiar with the methods for the generation of these codes and their decoding techniques.  Develop programs using C# on . Ian Griffiths. “Programming C# 4. Sixth Edition.NET frame work  Explain how C# fits into the . 2. Fifth edition. “Professional C# 2012 with . O‟Reilly. Wiley India. REFERENCES: 1.NET 4 Platform. Matthew Adams.NET 4. Jesse Liberty. 2012.NET  Discuss CLR. Christian Nagel et al.0”. 2010. Herbert Schildt. compile. Methodology.Employee involvement . John Wiley and Sons.Strategic quality planning.Definitions of quality . Fred Halsall. service sector including IT .TPM . “Multimedia Communications.New management tools .Partnering. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction .Basic concepts of TQM . TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course. Asia 2002. Customer satisfaction. 2.Stages.Supplier partnership .TQM Framework . Bench marking process . “Compression in Video and Audio”. the student should be able to:  Design an application with error–control. Kaizen . Juran and Crosby . 5S.Reason to bench mark.Process Capability . 2. UNIT II TQM PRINCIPLES 9 Leadership .FMEA . Chapters: 3.Motivation. 4th Edition.Customer orientation.Customer focus .Quality statements . “Communication Systems”.Barriers to TQM . Types.4. Quality circles Recognition and Reward. MPEG audio coders – Dolby audio coders – Video compression – Principles – Introduction to H. Applications Networks Protocols and Standards”. 1995. Watkinson J.  Use compression and decompression techniques. London.Dimensions of product and service quality .Evolution of quality . REFERENCES: 1. 2001.Need for quality .  Apply the concepts of multimedia communication TEXT BOOKS: 1. Empowerment. UNIT III TQM TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES I 9 The seven traditional tools of quality . Focal Press.Concepts of Six Sigma . “Data Compression Book”.Bench marking .PDCA cycle. Team and Teamwork. 83 . Pearson Education. Customer retention .5. Supplier Rating.Six sigma: Concepts.Concepts.UNIT V AUDIO AND VIDEO CODING 9 Linear Predictive coding – code excited LPC – Perceptual coding. GE6757 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES :  To facilitate the understanding of Quality Management principles and process.Performance measures. UNIT IV TQM TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES II 9 Control Charts .Costs of quality. Supplier selection.Contributions of Deming. improvement needs .Continuous process improvement . Mark Nelson. Simon Haykin. BPB Publication 1992. applications to manufacturing.261 & MPEG Video standards.Quality Function Development (QFD) Taguchi quality loss function . Customer complaints. Quality Councils . Performance appraisal . R.traditional optimization and search techniques . Prentice Hall (India) Pvt.. B and Gopal ..TQM Implementation in manufacturing and service sectors. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  The student would be able to apply the tools and techniques of quality management to manufacturing and services processes. ART network..basic models .K. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt.ISO 14000 . "Total quality Management". Besterfiled. LVQ – CP networks. First Indian Edition. "Total Quality Management". BAM.  Learn genetic programming. 2012.ISO 9001-2008 Quality System . Requirements and Benefits .Text and Cases".Genetic basic concepts.biological background . tolerance and equivalence relations. Documentation.applications. Cengage Learning. "The Management and Control of Quality".UNIT V QUALITY SYSTEMS 9 Need for ISO 9000 .associative memory network: auto-associative memory network. REFERENCES: 1. non-iterative fuzzy sets.Concepts.Elements. CS6012 SOFT COMPUTING L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the various soft computing frame works.  Be exposed to fuzzy logic.  Be exposed to hybrid systems. hetero-associative memory network.crisp sets. Janakiraman. Third Edition. Pearson Education Asia.L and Anand Samuel. 2006. 2006.fuzzy sets . RBF. fuzzy relations. James R.linear separability . Genetic algorithm. 2. Lindsay. 8th Edition. TDNN.hebb network .  Be familiar with design of various neural networks. Quality Auditing QS 9000 . multiple adaptive linear neuron. iterative autoassociative memory network & iterative associative memory network –unsupervised learning networks: Kohonen self organizing feature maps.. Ltd. Evans and William M..learning methods – taxonomy – Evolution of neural networks. Ltd. Fuzzy logic: Introduction .crisp relations and fuzzy relations: cartesian product of relation .classical relation. 84 . UNIT II NEURAL NETWORKS 9 McCulloch-Pitts neuron . characteristics. BPN. 3. et at. "Total Quality Management . UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Artificial neural network: Introduction. TEXTBOOK: 1. hopfield networks. Indian Reprint 2006.important technologies .adaptive linear neuron. Suganthi. Dale H.Introduction .supervised learning network: perceptron networks . UNIT III FUZZY LOGIC 9 Membership functions: features. Wiley India Pvt Ltd. Pearson Education. “Neural Networks Comprehensive Foundation” Second Edition.  Apply genetic programming. S.fuzzy arithmetic and fuzzy measures: fuzzy arithmetic extension principle . 1997. the student should be able to:  Apply various soft computing frame works. 3.genetic neuro hybrid systems .fuzzy measures .genetic programming – multilevel optimization – real life problem.general genetic algorithm – operators . TEXT BOOKS: 1. David M.R.genetic fuzzy hybrid and fuzzy genetic hybrid systems . S. "Principles of Soft Computing". George J.  Discuss hybrid soft computing. 5. 85 . 4.N. “Fuzzy Set Theory: Foundations and Applications” Prentice Hall. C.A.  Use fuzzy logic. Goldberg.Rajasekaran and G.Generational cycle stopping condition – constraints .N. “Neural Networks Algorithms.advances in GA..T.Vijayalakshmi Pai. aggregation of fuzzy rules.fuzzy rule base and approximate reasoning : truth values and tables. Ltd. Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm: Synthesis & Applications".methods . Ute St.Sivanandam and S. and Programming Techniques. 2006. formation of rules-decomposition of rules. PHI / Pearson Education 2004. Pearson Education India. Sun and E. David E. Bo Yuan.simplified fuzzy ARTMAP . "Neural Networks. James A. Applications. UNIT V HYBRID SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES & APPLICATIONS 9 Neuro-fuzzy hybrid systems . 2005.  Design of various neural networks. Simon Haykin.Deepa. 2011. 2. 2.Mizutani. 1991. Klir. soft computing based hybrid fuzzy controllers. 2013. Freeman. Clair. methods of membership value assignmentsDefuzzification: lambda cuts . Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Skapura. J.S. “Genetic Algorithm in Search Optimization and Machine Learning” Pearson Education India.measures of fuzziness -fuzzy integrals . UNIT IV GENETIC ALGORITHM 9 Genetic algorithm and search space . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course.Applications: A fusion approach of multispectral images with SAR. fuzzification. optimization of traveling salesman problem using genetic algorithm approach.classification . fuzzy reasoning-fuzzy inference systems-overview of fuzzy expert system-fuzzy decision making. REFERENCES: 1. “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”. fuzzy propositions.Jang. 263-MPEG 1. animation.261-H. hardware. KR. sound. TEXT BOOKS: 1. video. 3.CODEC Methods. Tay Vaughan. Fred Halshall “Multimedia Communication . Nahrstedt. R. Protocols. Steimnetz.IT6003 MULTIMEDIA COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES LT P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand error–control coding. TMH 2007. 2. D A Milovanovic. UNIT III TEXT AND IMAGE COMPRESSION 9 Compression principles-source encoders and destination encoders-lossless and lossy compressionentropy encoding –source encoding -text compression – static Huffman coding dynamic coding – arithmetic coding –Lempel Ziv-Welsh Compression-image compression. H. Rao.  Be familiar with the methods for the generation of these codes and their decoding techniques.  Use compression and decompression techniques.Ross” Computer Networking “a Top down Approach.  Understand encoding and decoding of digital data streams. VoIP challenges. 2.323/ SIP –Network Architecture. REFERENCES: 1. Standards. Call establishment and release. TMH 2008 98. “Principles of Multimedia”. 3.  Apply the concepts of multimedia communication.Z S Bojkovic.Text. UNIT V MULTIMEDIA NETWORKING 9 Multimedia networking -Applications-streamed stored and audio-making the best Effort serviceprotocols for real time interactive Applications-distributing multimedia-beyond best effort servicesecluding and policing Mechanisms-integrated services-differentiated Services-RSVP. and Networks”.  Be aware of compression and decompression techniques. 2007. Protocols and Standards”. the students will be able to  Design an application with error–control. “Multimedia Computing.Multimedia components and their characteristics . K. Pearson Education.  Learn the concepts of multimedia communication.Multimedia skills . “Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques. graphics. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course. 2. images. 7th Edition. Pearson Education Ranjan Parekh. UNIT II AUDIO AND VIDEO COMPRESSION 9 Audio compression–DPCM-Adaptive PCM –adaptive predictive coding-linear Predictive coding-code excited LPC-perpetual coding Video compression –principles-H. Quality of Service. 86 . VoIP and SS7. Pearson Education 2007. Pearson Education 2005. Mc Graw Hill 1999.Applications. UNIT IV VOIP TECHNOLOGY 9 Basics of IP transport. “Multideai: Making it Work”. Communications and Applications”.VOIP applicability. and 4. Networks. Kurose and W. UNIT I MULTIMEDIA COMPONENTS 9 Introduction . Marcus Goncalves “Voice over IP Networks”. UNIT V TEST AUTOMATION 9 Software test automation – skill needed for automation – scope of automation – design and architecture for automation – requirements for a test tool – challenges in automation – Test metrics and measurements – project.  Prepare test planning based on the document. UNIT II TEST CASE DESIGN 9 Test case Design Strategies – Using Black Bod Approach to Test Case Design – Random Testing – Requirements based testing – Boundary Value Analysis – Equivalence Class Partitioning – Statebased testing – Cause-effect graphing – Compatibility testing – user documentation testing – domain testing – Using White Box Approach to Test design – Test Adequacy Criteria – static testing vs. progress and productivity metrics.  Document test plans and test cases designed. Beta Tests – Testing OO systems – Usability and Accessibility testing – Configuration testing – Compatibility testing – Testing the documentation – Website testing.  Be familiar with test management and test automation techniques.  Learn the design of test cases. UNIT IV TEST AMANAGEMENT 9 People and organizational issues in testing – Organization structures for testing teams – testing services – Test Planning – Test Plan Components – Test Plan Attachments – Locating Test Items – test management – test process – Reporting Test Results – The role of three groups in Test Planning and Policy Development – Introducing the test specialist – Skills needed by a test specialist – Building a Testing Group. UNIT III LEVELS OF TESTING 9 The need for Levers of Testing – Unit Test – Unit Test Planning – Designing the Unit Tests – The Test Harness – Running the Unit tests and Recording results – Integration tests – Designing Integration Tests – Integration Test Planning – Scenario testing – Defect bash elimination System Testing – Acceptance testing – Performance testing – Regression Testing – Internationalization testing – Adhoc testing – Alpha.  Use of automatic testing tools.  Be exposed to test metrics and measurements. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the students will be able to  Design test cases suitable for a software development for different domains. 87 . UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Testing as an Engineering Activity – Testing as a Process – Testing axioms – Basic definitions – Software Testing Principles – The Tester‟s Role in a Software Development Organization – Origins of Defects – Cost of defects – Defect Classes – The Defect Repository and Test Design – Defect Examples – Developer/Tester Support of Developing a Defect Repository – Defect Prevention strategies. structural testing – code functional testing – Coverage and Control Flow Graphs – Covering Code Logic – Paths – code complexity testing – Evaluating Test Adequacy Criteria.IT6004 SOFTWARE TESTING L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Expose the criteria for test cases.  Develop and validate a test plan.  Identify suitable tests to be carried out. boundary segments – Boundary description – Shape number – Fourier Descriptor. Springer International Edition.color models UNIT II IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 10 Spatial Domain: Gray level transformations – Histogram processing – Basics of Spatial Filtering– Smoothing and Sharpening Spatial Filtering – Frequency Domain: Introduction to Fourier Transform – Smoothing and Sharpening frequency domain filters – Ideal. Ilene Burnstein.Patterns and Pattern classes . Srinivasan Desikan and Gopalaswamy Ramesh. 4.TEXT BOOKS: 1. moments.Multiresolution expansions . Butterworth and Gaussian filters UNIT III IMAGE RESTORATION AND SEGMENTATION 9 Noise models – Mean Filters – Order Statistics – Adaptive filters – Band reject Filters – Band pass Filters – Notch Filters – Optimum Notch Filtering – Inverse Filtering – Wiener filtering Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities–Edge Linking and Boundary detection – Region based segmentationMorphological processing.. 1995. 3. Second Edition.erosion and dilation UNIT IV WAVELETS AND IMAGE COMPRESSION 9 Wavelets – Subband coding . Edward Kit. “Software Testing – Principles and Practices”. IT6005 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING LTPC 3 00 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn digital image fundamentals  Be exposed to simple image processing techniques  Be familiar with image compression and segmentation techniques  Learn to represent image in form of features UNIT I DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS 8 Introduction – Origin – Steps in Digital Image Processing – Components – Elements of Visual Perception – Image Sensing and Acquisition – Image Sampling and Quantization – Relationships between pixels . Boris Beizer. 2. New York. 1990. REFERENCES: 1. “Foundations of Software Testing _ Fundamental Algorithms and Techniques”. 2007. Pearson Education. Ron Patton. Texture . Pearson Education. 2008. 2006. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 88 .” Software Testing in the Real World – Improving the Process”.Recognition based on matching. Mathur. 2. Pearson Education. signature. Sams Publishing.” Software Testing Techniques” – 2nd Edition. Pearson Education. “ Software Testing”. “ Practical Software Testing”. Van Nostrand Reinhold. Ltd.Compression: Fundamentals – Image Compression models – Error Free Compression – Variable Length Coding – Bit-Plane Coding – Lossless Predictive Coding – Lossy Compression – Lossy Predictive Coding – Compression Standards UNIT V IMAGE REPRESENTATION AND RECOGNITION 9 Boundary representation – Chain Code – Polygonal approximation. Aditya P.Regional Descriptors – Topological feature. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. 2003. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Technology – The Electromagnetic Spectrum – Radio propagation Mechanisms – Characteristics of the Wireless Channel -mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) :concepts and architectures. Eddins.caen.  Be familiar with different types of adhoc routing protocols. Gonzales.11 UNIT III ROUTING PROTOCOLS AND TRANSPORT LAYER IN AD HOC WIRELESS NETWORKS 9 Issues in designing a routing and Transport Layer protocol for Ad hoc networks. 2011. Third Edition.Contention based protocolsContention based protocols with Reservation Mechanisms. 2002. UNIT II MAC PROTOCOLS FOR AD HOC WIRELESS NETWORKS 9 Issues in designing a MAC Protocol.  Learn the architecture and protocols of wireless sensor networks. Richard E. Steven L. Ltd. Gonzalez. Woods.OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course. Willliam K Pratt. Applications of Ad Hoc and Sensor networks. “Digital Image Processing”. 4. Design Challenges in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks. Pakhira. “Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition”. 2011. 89 .  Be expose to the TCP issues in adhoc networks. 2011. 2. reactive routing (on-demand)..html CS6003 AD HOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the design issues in ad hoc and sensor networks.proactive routing. 5. Pearson Education. students will be able to:  Discuss digital image fundamentals  Apply image enhancement and restoration techniques  Use image compression and segmentation Techniques  Represent features of images TEXT BOOK: 1. John Willey. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. “Digital Image Processing”.Contention based protocols with Scheduling Mechanisms – Multi channel MAC-IEEE 802. Anil Jain K.Classification of Transport Layer solutions-TCP over Ad hoc wireless Networks.uiowa.poly. 2010. Malay K. hybrid routing.. http://eeweb. Woods.. Rafael C. 3. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”. Third Edition Tata McGraw Hill Pvt.edu/~dip/LECTURE/lecture. Richard E. Rafael C. PHI Learning Pvt. http://www. REFERENCES: 1. Ltd.  Learn the different types of MAC protocols..Classification of MAC Protocols.html 6.edu/~onur/lectures/lectures. First Edition. “Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB”. Dharma Prakash Agrawal “Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications”. and B. “Wireless Sensor Network Designs”. Analysis vs reporting . resampling. 2006. Anna Hac. 2007. Kazem Sohraby. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course. Wiley. triangulation-QOS in WSN-Energy Efficient Design-Synchronization-Transport Layer issues. IT6006 DATA ANALYTICS LTPC 3 003 OBJECTIVES: The Student should be made to:  Be exposed to big data  Learn the different ways of Data Analysis  Be familiar with data streams  Learn the mining and clustering  Be familiar with the visualization UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO BIG DATA 8 Introduction to Big Data Platform – Challenges of conventional systems . REFERENCES: 1. Hybrid TDMA/FDMA and CSMA based MAC.4. Siva Ram Murthy. 2.15. 4. S. statistical inference. analytic processes and tools.WSN Network architecture: typical network architectures-data relaying and aggregation strategies -MAC layer protocols: self-organizing. Daniel Minoli. Stastical concepts: Sampling distributions.  Design routing protocols for ad hoc and wireless sensor networks with respect to some protocol design issues. 2005 3. John Wiley.Localization – Indoor and Sensor Network Localization-absolute and relative localization. UNIT V WSN ROUTING. C.  Analyze the protocol design issues of ad hoc and sensor networks. 3. 2008. John Wiley. Feng Zhao and Leonides Guibas. the student should be able to:  Explain the concepts. World Scientific Publishing Company.  Evaluate the QoS related performance measurements of ad hoc and sensor networks. Holger Karl and Andreas Willig “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”.UNIT IV WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS (WSNS) AND MAC PROTOCOLS 9 single node architecture: hardware and software components of a sensor node . prediction error. "Ad hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols ".Modern data analytic tools. Carlos De Morais Cordeiro. 90 . Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference. and Applications”.IEEE 802. "Wireless Sensor Networks". TEXT BOOK: 1. Manoj. & Taieb Znati. 2003. network architectures and applications of ad hoc and wireless sensor networks. Elsevier Publication – 2002. “Wireless Sensor Network s-Technology. LOCALIZATION & QOS 9 Issues in WSN routing – OLSR.Web data – Evolution of Analytic scalability. Protocols. Means – Clustering high dimensional data – CLIQUE and PROCLUS – Frequent pattern based clustering methods – Clustering in non-euclidean space – Clustering for streams and Parallelism. Sampling data in a stream – Filtering streams – Counting distinct elements in a stream – Estimating moments – Counting oneness in a window – Decaying window . Bayesian modeling. 2011. Analysis of time series: linear systems analysis.Stream Computing. Multivariate analysis. interaction techniques. Bill Franks. 3. Mining of Massive Datasets.case studies .Realtime Analytics Platform(RTAP) applications .Visual data analysis techniques. principal component analysis and neural networks. John Wiley & sons. John Wiley & Sons. Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman.Cambridge University Press. 2007.Market based model – Apriori Algorithm – Handling large data sets in Main memory – Limited Pass algorithm – Counting frequent itemsets in a stream – Clustering Techniques – Hierarchical – K. Reprinted 2008. Jiawei Han.Rule induction . 2. UNIT III MINING DATA STREAMS 8 Introduction to Streams Concepts – Stream data model and architecture . Hive. Glenn J. Systems and applications: TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The student should be made to:  Apply the statistical analysis methods.  Design distributed file systems. Making Sense of Data. Elsevier. fuzzy decision trees. David J. Michael Berthold. Second Edition. MapR – Sharding – NoSQL Databases . competitive learning.Neural networks: learning and generalization.S3 . Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with advanced analystics.Hadoop Distributed file systems – Visualizations .real time sentiment analysis. O‟Reilly. 2007 Pete Warden. Springer. stock market predictions. UNIT V FRAMEWORKS AND VISUALIZATION 8 MapReduce – Hadoop. Fuzzy logic: extracting fuzzy models from data. Stochastic search methods. Micheline Kamber “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”. nonlinear dynamics .  Compare and contrast various soft computing frameworks. Hand. Intelligent Data Analysis.UNIT II DATA ANALYSIS 12 Regression modeling. Myatt. 91 . Support vector and kernel methods. UNIT IV FREQUENT ITEMSETS AND CLUSTERING 9 Mining Frequent itemsets . inference and Bayesian networks.  Apply Stream data model. 2.  Use Visualisation techniques TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2012. REFERENCES: 1. Big Data Glossary. 2012. UNIT III PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Programming using languages like Python or Perl or Ruby 9 UNIT IV PROGRAMMING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES 9 Usage of design Tools like Argo UML or equivalent. UNIT II LINUX 9 Linux Installation and Hardware Configuration – Boot Process-The Linux Loader (LILO) . Sixth Edition. Stephen Figgins.The Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) .Package Management Systems UNIT V FOSS CASE STUDIES Open Source Software Development .FOSS Licensing Models . Ellen Siever. Version control system URL: http://git-scm.FDL .  Gather information about Free and Open Source Software projects from software releases and from sites on the internet. Libre office: http://www. OReilly Media.  Build and modify one or more Free and Open Source Software packages.org/. The Python Tutorial available at http://docs.com/. the student should be able to:  Install and run open-source operating systems.  Use a version control system.  Contribute software to and interact with Free and Open Source Software development projects.Boot-Time Kernel Options. Ruby programming book at http://ruby-doc. 3.  Be familiar with participating in a FOSS project  Learn scripting language like Python or Perl  Learn programming language like Ruby  Learn some important FOSS tools and techniques UNIT I PHILOSOPHY 9 Notion of Community--Guidelines for effectively working with FOSS community--.samba.Dual-Booting Linux and other Operating System . TEXT BOOK: 1. 92 .python.org/philosophy/.AGPLLGPL .org/.com/docs/ProgrammingRuby/.IT6007 FREE AND OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be exposed to the context and operation of free and open source software (FOSS) communities and associated software projects.org/2/tutorial/.Case Study – Libreoffice -Samba 9 TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course. 2009. 7.org/LDP/lame/LAME/linux-admin-made-easy/. 8. free software.gnu. – Bug Tracking Systems. 6. 4. Samba: URL : http://www. Robert Love. Philosophy of GNU URL: http://www.org/books/beginning-perl/.libreoffice.FOSS Licenses – GPL. 2. “Linux in a Nutshell”. Version Control Systems like Git or equivalent. REFERENCES: 1.Implications – FOSS examples. 5.X Windows System Configuration-System Administration – Backup and Restore ProceduresStrategies for keeping a Secure Server. Perl Programming book at http://www. Arnold Robbins.perl. Benefits of Community based Software Development --Requirements for being open.tldp. open source software –Four degrees of freedom . Linux Administration URL: http://www. REFERENCE: 1.Object syntax . D. TEXT BOOKS: 1.System Calls .Protocol Independent functions in TCP Client/Server Scenario UNIT III ADVANCED SOCKETS 9 IPv4 and IPv6 interoperability .ping program . UNIT V SNMP V2.POSIX Signal Handling .Management information . “Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. PHI Pearson Education. Server host Crashes.SNMPv1 .Address conversion functions .Thread creation and termination .Raw sockets . V3 AND RMO 9 Introduction to SNMPv2 .  Learn to develop Macros for including Objects In MIB Structure.  Develop Macros for including Objects In MIB Structure. Comer. v2 and v3 protocols & practical issues. William Stallings. UNIT I SOCKETS AND APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 9 Introduction to Socket Programming .TCP echo server using threads . gethostbyaddr.Threaded servers .SNMPv3 . Server Crashes and reboots. “UNIX Network Programming Vol-I”. Third Edition.Multiplexing TCP and UDP sockets .IP socket options ICMP socket options .Streaming Example . Server Shutdown .gethostbyname. Pearson Edition.Raw socket creation .Generic socket options . Second Edition.Raw socket output . 2003.  Understand SNMPv1. getservbyname and getservbyport functions .Server process Crashes.Protocol . SNMPv3 and RMON 1 and 2”.III: Client-Server Programming and Application BSD Sockets Version”.Domain name system .SNMPv1 protocol and Practical issues.MIB Structure . 2003.TCP socket options . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course.SCTP Sockets SCTP Client/server .E.traceroute program UNIT IV SIMPLE NETWORK MANAGEMENT 9 SNMP network management concepts . “SNMP.getsockopt and setsockopt functions . SNMPv2.  Use Socket Options.Standard MIB‟s .Condition variables .IT6008 NETWORK PROGRAMMING AND MANAGEMENT LT P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the basics of socket programming using TCP Sockets.I/O Models -TCP echo client/server with I/O Multiplexing UNIT II SOCKET OPTIONS 9 Socket options . Pearson Edition.Architecture and applications Security and access control model . 2.Boundary conditions .  Learn about Socket Options. 93 .Overview of RMON.MIB-II Groups .  Use SNMPv1. W. the student should be able to: Develop programs using TCP Sockets.Mutex . 2009.I/O Multiplexing .Raw socket input .SMI for SNMPV2 . Richard Stevens. Third Edition. v2 and v3 protocols.Server with multiple clients . 2009 3.\ 6. Charles B. 2004. Hartman and Joe Desjardins. Govindarajan M. Cengage Learning. “Engineering Ethics”. Charles E. 2. Rabins. “Engineering Ethics – Concepts and Cases”. Mike W. RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS 9 Safety and Risk – Assessment of Safety and Risk – Risk Benefit Analysis and Reducing Risk Respect for Authority – Collective Bargaining – Confidentiality – Conflicts of Interest – Occupational Crime – Professional Rights – Employee Rights – Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – Discrimination UNIT V GLOBAL ISSUES 8 Multinational Corporations – Environmental Ethics – Computer Ethics – Weapons Development – Engineers as Managers – Consulting Engineers – Engineers as Expert Witnesses and Advisors – Moral Leadership –Code of Conduct – Corporate Social Responsibility TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES :  Upon completion of the course. 2011 94 . UNIT I HUMAN VALUES 10 Morals. Prentice Hall of India. 2. „ Value Education‟. Martin and Roland Schinzinger. 2003. “Fundametals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers”. Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry. the student should be able to apply ethics in society. “Engineering Ethics”.New Delhi 2013. Pearson Education. Natarajan S. “Ethics and the Conduct of Business”. Senthil Kumar V. New Delhi. Tata McGraw Hill.Theories about right action – Self-interest – Customs and Religion – Uses of Ethical Theories UNIT III ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION 9 Engineering as Experimentation – Engineers as responsible Experimenters – Codes of Ethics – A Balanced Outlook on Law. Harris. values and Ethics – Integrity – Work ethic – Service learning – Civic virtue – Respect for others – Living peacefully – Caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing time – Cooperation – Commitment – Empathy – Self confidence – Character – Spirituality – Introduction to Yoga and meditation for professional excellence and stress management. UNIT IV SAFETY. New Delhi. Fleddermann. Pritchard and Michael J. 2004.GE6075 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN ENGINEERING LTPC 3 00 3 OBJECTIVES:  To enable the students to create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values. discuss the ethical issues related to engineering and realize the responsibilities and rights in the society TEXTBOOKS: 1. “Ethics in Engineering”. S. Erode. “Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity and Social Responsibility” Mc Graw Hill education. to instill Moral and Social Values and Loyalty and to appreciate the rights of others. 2003 4. Pearson Prentice Hall. Oxford University Press. Vethathiri publications. REFERENCES: 1. New Delhi. Michael S. John R Boatright. Oxford.. World Community Service Centre. Ltd. Laura P. UNIT II ENGINEERING ETHICS 9 Senses of „Engineering Ethics‟ – Variety of moral issues – Types of inquiry – Moral dilemmas – Moral Autonomy – Kohlberg‟s theory – Gilligan‟s theory – Consensus and Controversy – Models of professional roles . India Pvt. 2001 5. New Jersey. UNIT II GRAMMARS 9 Grammar Introduction– Types of Grammar .Web sources: 1.Basic Mathematical Notation and techniques.  Explain the Decidability or Undecidability of various problems 95 .  Be aware of Decidability and Un-decidability of various problems. and Turing Machine.org CS6503 THEORY OF COMPUTATION L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand various Computing models like Finite State Machine.Context Free Grammars and Languages– Derivations and Languages – Ambiguity. the student should be able to:  Design Finite State Machine.Definitions – Moves – Instantaneous descriptions – Deterministic pushdown automata – Equivalence of Pushdown automata and CFL .Tractable and possibly intractable problems .Polynomial time reductions.Null productions – Greiback Normal form – Chomsky normal form – Problems related to CNF and GNF UNIT III PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA 9 Pushdown Automata. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course.org 2.ethics.nspe. www.Pumping Lemma for Regular sets – Problems based on Pumping Lemma.org 3. Pushdown Automata. www.The Halting problem – Partial Solvability – Problems about Turing machine.onlineethics.  Learn types of grammars UNIT I FINITE AUTOMATA 9 Introduction.Relationship between derivation and derivation trees – Simplification of CFG – Elimination of Useless symbols . Pushdown Automata.Unit productions .moves – Regular Languages.Regular Expression – Equivalence of NFA and DFA – Equivalence of NDFA‟s with and without €-moves – Equivalence of finite Automaton and regular expressions –Minimization of DFA. and Turing Machine.Finite State systems – Basic Definitions – Finite Automaton – DFA & NDFA – Finite Automaton with €. www.. MEASURING AND CLASSIFYING COMPLEXITY: Tractable and Intractable problems.pumping lemma for CFL – problems based on pumping Lemma.globalethics.Chomskian hierarchy of languages. www.P and NP completeness . UNIT IV TURING MACHINES 9 Definitions of Turing machines – Models – Computable languages and functions –Techniques for Turing machine construction – Multi head and Multi tape Turing Machines .org 4. UNIT V UNSOLVABLE PROBLEMS AND COMPUTABLE FUNCTIONS 9 Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions – Primitive recursive functions – Recursive and recursively enumerable languages – Universal Turing machine. Kamala Krithivasan and Rama.Categorizing Architectures.2.. Inter action Design. Functional Design. Prentice Hall of India. Navigation Design. Motwani R. REFERENCES: 1. Software Design: A Programming Activity. Product-related Characteristics.E. Notations. (UNIT 1. Hypertext Structure Modeling Concepts. Relation to Hypertext Modeling.TEXT BOOKS: 1. 4. Database-centric Architectures. “Elements of the Theory of Computation”. Second Edition. Third Edition. 2007. Layered Architectures. 2008. Interplay with Technology and Architecture. User Interaction User Interface Organization. Aspects. Hypertext. Navigation and Orientation. N-Layer Architectures Data-aspect Architectures. John C Martin. Development-related Characteristic. Languages and Computation”. Categories of Web Applications. Hypertext Modeling. Characteristics of Web Applications. Pearson Education. and Ullman J.3). Adapting RE Methods to Web Application Development. Presentation of Nodes and Meshes. “Introduction to Formal Languages. Architectures for Web Document Management. Merging Information Design and Software Design. New Delhi. 2-Layer Architectures. Mishra K L P and Chandrasekaran N. Relation to Content. Access Modeling Concepts. Harry R Lewis and Christos H Papadimitriou. Principles for RE of Web Applications. R. 2002. Pearson Education. Automata Theory and Computation”. New Delhi. Phases Customization. Modeling Requirements. Pearson Education 2009. 2004. A Proposed Structural Approach. 2. Structured Dialog for Complex Activities. Web Design from an Evolutionary Perspective. 3. Prentice Hall of India. 96 . Requirement Types. Hopcroft J. “Introduction to Automata Theory. Usage related Characteristics. “Theory of Computer Science . 2003. Relation to Content Modeling. Third Edition. Architectures for Multimedia Data Modeling Specifics in Web Engineering. Evolution of web engineering . (UNIT 4. Narosa Publishers. Information Design.Requirements Engineering Activities RE Specifics in Web Engineering. Customization Modeling. New Delhi. Languages and Computations”. Designing Link Internals.Automata.D. Tools UNIT II WEB APPLICATION ARCHITECTURES & MODELLING WEB APPLICATIONS 10 Introduction. Peter Linz. Third Edition. Designing a Link Representation.5). “Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation”. and Presentation Modeling UNIT III WEB APPLICATION DESIGN 10 Introduction. Problems and Restrictions in Integrated Web Design. Presentation Modeling. Components of a Generic Web Application Architecture. Device-independent Development. Specifics of Web Application Architectures. 2. Approaches. Levels. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. Presentation Design. “An Introduction to Formal Language and Automata”. IT6009 WEB ENGINEERING L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the characteristics of web applications  Learn to Model web applications  Be aware of Systematic methods  Be familiar with the testing techniques for web applications UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO WEB ENGINEERING AND REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING 9 Motivation. Second Edition. Test Automation.  Learn microarray analysis. Test Methods and Techniques. Refining Framework Activities. 97 . Managing Quality. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Need for Bioinformatics technologies – Overview of Bioinformatics technologies Structural bioinformatics – Data format and processing – Secondary resources and applications – Role of Structural bioinformatics . Conventional Approaches. Terminology. Browser Testing. Wiley India Edition.  Test web applications. 2. “Web Programming: Building Internet Applications”. Agile Approaches.web sockets. 2006. Applying the Scheme to Web Applications. Tata McGraw Hill Publication. Introduction to node JS . Test Approaches. Roger S. Third Edition. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course. Cengage Learning. Building a Web Team. Test Levels. “Web Engineering”. Test-driven Development.UNIT IV TESTING WEB APPLICATIONS 8 Introduction. Managing Risk.  Exposed to Pattern Matching and Visualization. the student should be able to:  Apply the characteristics of web applications. BM6005 BIO INFORMATICS LTPC 3 00 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Exposed to the need for Bioinformatics technologies. Load. “Web Programming”. Test Specifics in Web Engineering. and Continuous Testing. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. REFERENCES: 1.  Be familiar with the modeling techniques. Test Objectives.Biological Data Integration System. Guy W. Three Test Dimensions. 2007. Wiley Dream tech. UNIT V WEB PROJECT MANAGEMENT 8 Understanding Scope.  Design web applications. Managing Change. Pressman. Benefits and Drawbacks of Automated Test. Link Testing. “Web Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005”. Developing a Schedule. Chris Bates. Test Scheme. Birgit Proll. “Web Engineering”. Test Tools. 3. Testing Security. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Gerti Kappel. Quality Characteristics. 2006. Tracking the Project. Stress. John Paul Mueller. David Lowe. 2007 2.  Model web applications. Role of the Tester. 2008. Lecky-Thompson. Usability Testing. Fundamentals. Key Management Protocol for IPSec. Pearson Education. Second Edition. 2.  Apply micro array technology for genomic expression study TEXT BOOK: 1. 2003.  Learn computer forensics.  Be familiar with forensics tools. Protein. Oxford University Press. filtering – cluster analysis – gene network analysis – Compared Evaluation of Scientific Data Management Systems – Cost Matrix – Evaluation model . “Bio Informatics Computing”.Transport layer Security: SSL protocol. Arthur M Lesk. First Indian Reprint. UNIT V MICROARRAY ANALYSIS 9 Microarray technology for genome expression study – image analysis for data extraction – preprocessing – segmentation – gridding – spot extraction – normalization.Benchmark – Tradeoffs. UNIT IV PATTERN MATCHING AND VISUALIZATION 9 Gene regulation – motif recognition – motif detection – strategies for motif detection – Visualization – Fractal analysis – DNA walk models – one dimension – two dimension – higher dimension – Game representation of Biological sequences – DNA.IP ESP . 2005 CS6004 CYBER FORENSICS L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the security issues network layer and transport layer. Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen (Ed). “BioInformatics Technologies”. Bryan Bergeron. Cryptographic Computations – TLS Protocol. 2007.  Learn to analyze and validate forensics data. UNIT I NETWORK LAYER SECURITY &TRANSPORT LAYER SECURITY 9 IPSec Protocol . REFERENCES: 1. Springer Verlag. UNIT III MODELING FOR BIOINFORMATICS 9 Hidden markov modeling for biological data analysis – Sequence identification –Sequence classification – multiple alignment generation – Comparative modeling –Protein modeling – genomic modeling – Probabilistic modeling – Bayesian networks – Boolean networks . Amino acid sequences.IP Authentication Header .UNIT II DATAWAREHOUSING AND DATAMINING IN BIOINFORMATICS 9 Bioinformatics data – Data warehousing architecture – data quality – Biomedical data analysis – DNA data analysis – Protein data analysis – Machine learning – Neural network architecture and applications in bioinformatics. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course. the students will be able to  Develop models for biological data  Apply pattern matching techniques to bioinformatics data – protein data genomic data. “Introduction to Bioinformatics”.  Be exposed to security issues of the application layer. 98 .Molecular modeling – Computer programs for molecular modeling. Second Edition. UNIT IV EVIDENCE COLLECTION AND FORENSICS TOOLS 9 Processing Crime and Incident Scenes – Working with Windows and DOS Systems. 3rd Edition Pearson Education. “Computer Forensics”. CS6702 GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be familiar with the most fundamental Graph Theory topics and results.Incident and incident response methodology .  Analyze and validate forensics data. 2. TEXT BOOKS: 1. “Algorithms and Protocols”. 2008. 2005 2. 3rd Edition. Circuits –Connectedness – Components – Euler graphs – Hamiltonian paths and circuits – Trees – Properties of trees – Distance and centers in tree – Rooted and binary trees. Steuart. “Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles”.S/MIME . Cengage Learning. Paths.Forensics Technology and Systems . . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course.  Be exposed to the techniques of proofs and analysis. Cengage Learning.Firewall designs .SET for E-Commerce Transactions. Marjie T. UNIT V ANALYSIS AND VALIDATION 9 Validating Forensics Data – Data Hiding Techniques – Performing Remote Acquisition – Network Forensics – Email Investigations – Cell Phone and Mobile Devices Forensics.Vacca.Types of Firewalls . John R.Britz. “Computer Forensics and Investigations”. Prentice Hall. Traditional problems associated with Computer Crime.Understanding Computer Investigation – Data Acquisition. Wiley Publications. UNIT III INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER FORENSICS 9 Introduction to Traditional Computer Crime. 99 . Richard E. India Edition. Types of CF techniques . Preparation for IR: Creating response tool kit and IR team. 2003.UNIT II E-MAIL SECURITY & FIREWALLS 9 PGP .Internet Firewalls for Trusted System: Roles of Firewalls – Firewall related terminology. Introduction to Identity Theft & Identity Fraud. Man Young Rhee. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Graphs – Introduction – Isomorphism – Sub graphs – Walks. 2013. REFERENCES: 1. Current Computer Forensics Tools: Software/ Hardware Tools. Phillips.  Apply security principles in the application layer.  Explain computer forensics. Enfinger. “Internet Cryptography”.  Use forensics tools. “Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime”: An Introduction”.Forensic duplication and investigation. the student should be able to:  Discuss the security issues network layer and transport layer. Nelson. 3.Smith. 2008. CONNECTIVITY & PLANARITY 9 Spanning trees – Fundamental circuits – Spanning trees in a weighted graph – cut sets – Properties of cut set – All cut sets – Fundamental circuits and cut sets – Connectivity and separability – Network flows – 1-Isomorphism – 2-Isomorphism – Combinational and geometric graphs – Planer graphs – Different representation of a planer graph.. REFERENCES: 1. the students should be able to:  Write precise and accurate mathematical definitions of objects in graph theory.  Reason from definitions to construct mathematical proofs.Combinatorial numbers . Clark J. Mott J.  Validate and critically assess a mathematical proof. Prentice Hall of India. Narsingh Deo. “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications”.UNIT II TREES. 4. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course. Prentice Hall of India. 2007. “Graph Theory: With Application to Engineering and Computer Science”. “Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction”.First order and second order – Non-homogeneous recurrence relations Method of generating functions. 1995. Grimaldi R. UNIT IV PERMUTATIONS & COMBINATIONS 9 Fundamental principles of counting . Allied Publishers. Kandel A. Addison Wesley.Arrangements with forbidden positions.Exponential generating function – Summation operator Recurrence relations . Liu C. McGraw Hill.. 100 . COLOURING AND DIRECTED GRAPH 8 Chromatic number – Chromatic partitioning – Chromatic polynomial – Matching – Covering – Four color problem – Directed graphs – Types of directed graphs – Digraphs and binary relations – Directed paths and connectedness – Euler graphs.Binomial theorem combinations with repetition . 3. “A First Look at Graph Theory”. “Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians” . Rosen K. UNIT III MATRICES.Partitions of integers .P. 2. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 1985.  Use a combination of theoretical knowledge and independent mathematical thinking in creative investigation of questions in graph theory.H. 2. UNIT V GENERATING FUNCTIONS 10 Generating functions .  Use mathematical definitions to identify and construct examples and to distinguish examples from non-examples.A.P.L.. and Holton D. 2003.Principle of inclusion and exclusion Derangements . “Elements of Discrete Mathematics”. McGraw Hill. 1994. 1996.Permutations and combinations .L. and Baker T. Privacy in online social networks .Context .CS6010 SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the concept of semantic web and related applications.Web-based networks .Cover networks . UNIT II MODELLING.Trust derivation based on trust comparisons .Matrix representation . UNIT III EXTRACTION AND MINING COMMUNITIES IN WEB SOCIAL NETWORKS 9 Extracting evolution of Web Community from a Series of Web Archive .Development of Semantic Web Emergence of the Social Web .Definition of community .Ontology languages for the Semantic Web: Resource Description Framework . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course.Centrality .Advanced representations.Community welfare Collaboration networks .Methods for community detection and mining . Visualizing social networks with matrix-based representations .Applications of Social Network Analysis.Hybrid representations .Matrix and Node-Link Diagrams .Trust in online environment .User data management Inference and Distribution .Clustering .Enabling new human experiences .  Visualize social networks.Evaluating communities .Social Network analysis: Development of Social Network Analysis Key concepts and measures in network analysis .Visualizing online social networks.Reality mining .Co-Citation networks. Blogs and online communities .Attack spectrum and countermeasures. UNIT V VISUALIZATION AND APPLICATIONS OF SOCIAL NETWORKS 9 Graph theory .Ontological representation of social relationships Aggregating and reasoning with social network data .Tools for detecting communities social network infrastructures and communities . 101 . AGGREGATING AND KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION 9 Ontology and their role in the Semantic Web: Ontology-based knowledge Representation .Web Ontology Language Modelling and aggregating social network data: State-of-the-art in network data representation Ontological representation of social individuals .  Predict human behaviour in social web and related communities. the student should be able to:  Develop semantic web related applications.Combining trust and reputation .Electronic sources for network analysis: Electronic discussion networks.Trust models based on subjective logic .Applications of community mining algorithms . UNIT IV PREDICTING HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND PRIVACY ISSUES 9 Understanding and predicting human behaviour for social communities .Trust network analysis .Detecting communities in social networks .  Learn knowledge representation using ontology.Applications .Awareness .Decentralized online social networks Multi-Relational characterization of dynamic social network communities.  Understand human behaviour in social web and related communities  Learn visualization of social networks.Node-Edge Diagrams .  Represent knowledge using ontology.Trust transitivity analysis . UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction to Semantic Web: Limitations of current Web . “The Social Semantic Web”. “Web Mining and Social Networking – Techniques and applications”. Graphs. “Social Networks and the Semantic Web”. 2. Christine Julien and Chantal Soulé-Dupuy. UNIT II KNOWLEDGE DELIVERY 9 The business intelligence user types. cross efficiency analysis – virtual inputs and outputs – Other models. Predicting the Future. “Social information Retrieval Systems: Emerging Technologies and Applications for Searching the Web Effectively”. First Edition Springer. 2009. Considerations: Optimizing the Presentation for the Right Message. Springer. First Edition. Pattern matching – cluster analysis. 9 UNIT V FUTURE OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 9 Future of business intelligence – Emerging Technologies. Peter Mika. “Collaborative and Social Information Retrieval and Access: Techniques for Improved user Modelling”. 2011. Dion Goh and Schubert Foo. Alerts/Notifications. dimensional analysis. Alexandre Passant and Stefan Decker. 1st Edition. IGI Global Snippet. John G. 3. UNIT III EFFICIENCY 9 Efficiency measures – The CCR model: Definition of target objectives. REFERENCES: 1. IT6010 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Be exposed with the basic rudiments of business intelligence system  understand the modeling aspects behind Business Intelligence  understand of the business intelligence life cycle and the techniques used in it  Be exposed with different data analysis tools and techniques UNIT I BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 9 Effective and timely decisions – Data. Parameterized Reports and Self-Service Reporting. 4. Machine Learning. “Handbook of Social Network Technologies and Applications”. 2010. Guandong Xu . Max Chevalier. information and knowledge – Role of mathematical models – Business intelligence architectures: Cycle of a business intelligence analysis – Enabling factors in business intelligence projects – Development of a business intelligence system – Ethics and business intelligence. BI Search & Text Analytics – Advanced Visualization – Rich Report. Scorecards and Dashboards. Widgets. .Yanchun Zhang and Lin Li. IGI Global Snippet. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 102 . outlier analysis UNIT IV BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS Marketing models – Logistic and Production models – Case studies. Breslin. 2. Geographic Visualization. 2008.TEXT BOOKS: 1. Interactive Analysis and Ad Hoc Querying. Integrated Analytics. Springer. Standard reports. Springer 2007. Visualization: Charts.Peer groups – Identification of good operating practices. 2009. Borko Furht. Future beyond Technology. OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the students will be able to  Explain the fundamentals of business intelligence.  Link data mining with business intelligence.  Apply various modeling techniques.  Explain the data analysis and knowledge delivery stages.  Apply business intelligence methods to various situations.  Decide on appropriate technique. TEXT BOOK: 1. Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, “Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems”, 9th Edition, Pearson 2013. REFERENCES: 2. Larissa T. Moss, S. Atre, “Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle of Decision Making”, Addison Wesley, 2003. 3. Carlo Vercellis, “Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making”, Wiley Publications, 2009. 4. David Loshin Morgan, Kaufman, “Business Intelligence: The Savvy Manager‟s Guide”, Second Edition, 2012. 5. Cindi Howson, “Successful Business Intelligence: Secrets to Making BI a Killer App”, McGrawHill, 2007. 6. Ralph Kimball , Margy Ross , Warren Thornthwaite, Joy Mundy, Bob Becker, “The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit”, Wiley Publication Inc.,2007. IT6011 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the Evolution of Knowledge management.  Be familiar with tools.  Be exposed to Applications.  Be familiar with some case studies. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction: An Introduction to Knowledge Management - The foundations of knowledge management- including cultural issues- technology applications organizational concepts and processes- management aspects- and decision support systems. The Evolution of Knowledge management: From Information Management to Knowledge Management - Key Challenges Facing the Evolution of Knowledge Management - Ethics for Knowledge Management. UNIT II CREATING THE CULTURE OF LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING 8 Organization and Knowledge Management - Building the Learning Organization. Knowledge Markets: Cooperation among Distributed Technical Specialists – Tacit Knowledge and Quality Assurance. 103 UNIT III KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT-THE TOOLS 10 Telecommunications and Networks in Knowledge Management - Internet Search Engines and Knowledge Management - Information Technology in Support of Knowledge Management Knowledge Management and Vocabulary Control - Information Mapping in Information Retrieval Information Coding in the Internet Environment - Repackaging Information. UNIT IV KNOWLEDGEMANAGEMENT-APPLICATION 9 Components of a Knowledge Strategy - Case Studies (From Library to Knowledge Center, Knowledge Management in the Health Sciences, Knowledge Management in Developing Countries). UNIT V FUTURE TRENDS AND CASE STUDIES 9 Advanced topics and case studies in knowledge management - Development of a knowledge management map/plan that is integrated with an organization's strategic and business plan - A case study on Corporate Memories for supporting various aspects in the process life -cycles of an organization. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:  Use the knowledge management tools.  Develop knowledge management Applications.  Design and develop enterprise applications. TEXT BOOK: 1. Srikantaiah, T.K., Koenig, M., “Knowledge Management for the Information Professional” Information Today, Inc., 2000. REFERENCE: 1. Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H., “The Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation”, Oxford University Press, 1995. IT6012 TCP/IP DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the IP addressing schemes .  Understand the fundamentals of network design and implementation  Understand the design and implementation of TCP/IP networks  Understand on network management issues  Learn to design and implement network applications. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Internetworking concepts and architecture model – classful Internet address – CIDR – Subnetting and Supernetting – AARP – RARP- IP- IP Routing – ICMP – IPV6. 104 UNIT II TCP 9 Services – header – connection establishment and termination – interactive data flow – bulk data flow – timeout and retransmission – persist timer – keep alive timer – futures and performance. UNIT III IP IMPLEMENTATION 9 IP global software organization –routing table–routing algorithms – fragmentation and reassembly – error processing (ICMP) – Multicast Processing (IGMP). UNIT IV TCP IMPLEMENTATION I 9 Data structure and input processing – transmission control blocks – segment format – comparision– finite state machine implementation – Output processing – mutual exclusion –computing the computing the TCP Data length. UNIT V TCP IMPLEMENTATION II 9 Timers – events and messages – timer process – deleting and inserting timer event – flow control and adaptive retransmission– congestion avoidance and control – urgent data processing and push function. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:  Design and implement TCP/IP networks.  Explain network management issues.  Design and implement network applications. Develop data structures for basic protocol functions of TCP/IP.  Apply the members in the respective structures.  Design and implement data structures for maintaining multiple local and global timers. TEXT BOOKS 1. Douglas E Comer,”Internetworking with TCP/IP Principles, Protocols and Architecture”, Vol 1, Vth Edition 2006 and Vol 2, IIIrd Edition, 1999. 2. W.Richard Stevens “TCP/IP Illustrated” Vol 1. Pearson Education, 2003. REFERENCES 1. Forouzan, “ TCP/IP Protocol Suite” Second Edition, Tata MC Graw Hill, 2003. 2. W.Richard Stevens “TCP/IP Illustrated” Volume 2, Pearson Education 2003 CS6008 HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Learn the foundations of Human Computer Interaction  Be familiar with the design technologies for individuals and persons with disabilities  Be aware of mobile HCI  Learn the guidelines for user interface. 105 Applications. standards. Tools.  Be exposed to the management components of software quality.  Understand of how the SQA components can be integrated into the project life cycle.  Design effective HCI for individuals and persons with disabilities. Mobile Design: Elements of Mobile Design. Evaluation Techniques – Universal Design. Process Flow. Contextual Tools.  Be familiar with the software quality infrastructure.  Develop meaningful user interface. O‟Reilly Media Inc. O‟Reilly. rules. Inlays and Virtual Pages. Direct Selection. First Edition .0.. Overlays. First Edition. Gregory Abowd. guidelines. II & III) 2. Games.  Explain the HCI implications for designing multimedia/ ecommerce/ e-learning Web sites.Types of Mobile Applications: Widgets. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course. Design rules – principles. 2009. Case Studies. “Designing Web Interfaces”. HCI in software process – software life cycle – usability engineering – Prototyping in practice – design rationale.  Assess the importance of user feedback. UNIT III MODELS AND THEORIES 9 Cognitive models –Socio-Organizational issues and stake holder requirements –Communication and collaboration models-Hypertext. Mobile 2. Alan Dix. 2004 (UNIT I . 2009 (UNIT –IV) 3. Application frameworks.Paradigms. 3 rd Edition. UNIT IV MOBILE HCI 9 Mobile Ecosystem: Platforms. The computer: Devices – Memory – processing and networks.UNIT I FOUNDATIONS OF HCI 9 The Human: I/O channels – Memory – Reasoning and problem solving. Brian Fling.  Be exposed to the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) architecture and the details of SQA components. Russell Beale. UNIT II DESIGN & SOFTWARE PROCESS 9 Interactive Design basics – process – scenarios – navigation – screen design – Iteration and prototyping. the student should be able to:  Design effective dialog for HCI. “Human Computer Interaction”.(UNIT-V) IT6013 SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES: The student should be made to:  Understand the basic tenets of software quality and quality factors. Multimedia and WWW. UNIT V WEB INTERFACE DESIGN 9 Designing Web Interfaces – Drag & Drop. Pearson Education. TEXT BOOKS: 1. “Mobile Design and Development”. Interaction: Models – frameworks – Ergonomics – styles – elements – interactivity. 106 .Mobile Information Architecture. Janet Finlay. Bill Scott and Theresa Neil. UNIT II SQA COMPONENTS AND PROJECT LIFE CYCLE 9 Software Development methodologies – Quality assurance activities in the development processVerification & Validation – Reviews – Software Testing – Software Testing implementations – Quality of software maintenance – Pre-Maintenance of software quality components – Quality assurance tools – CASE tools for software quality – Software maintenance quality – Project Management. CERTIFICATIONS & ASSESSMENTS 9 Quality manangement standards – ISO 9001 and ISO 9000-3 – capability Maturity Models – CMM and CMMI assessment methodologies . UNIT IV SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT & METRICS 9 Project process control – Computerized tools . REFERENCES: 1.Checklists – 3S developmenting . 1997.  Apply the concepts in preparing the quality plan & documents.Software quality metrics – Objectives of quality measurement – Process metrics – Product metrics – Implementation – Limitations of software metrics – Cost of software quality – Classical quality cost model – Extended model – Application of Cost model. 107 .UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE QUALITY & ARCHITECTURE 9 Need for Software quality – Quality challenges – Software quality assurance (SQA) – Definition and objectives – Software quality factors. “Software Quality: Theory and Management”. Alan C. 1997. UNIT V STANDARDS.Staff training and certification Corrective and preventive actions – Configuration management – Software change control – Configuration management audit -Documentation control – Storage and retrieval.  Assess the quality of software product.Templates . International Thompson Computer Press. 2. TEXT BOOK: 1.Bootstrap methodology – SPICE Project – SQA project process standards – IEEE st 1012 & 1028 – Organization of Quality Assurance – Department management responsibilities – Project management responsibilities – SQA units and other actors in SQA systems. “Software Quality Assurance”. Pearson Publication. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the students will be able to:  Utilize the concepts in software development life cycle. International Thomson Computer Press.  Demonstrate their capability to adopt quality standards. Daniel Galin. UNIT III SOFTWARE QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE 9 Procedures and work instructions . 2009. Gillies.McCall‟s quality model – SQA system and architecture – Software Project life cycle Components – Pre project quality components – Development and quality plans. Mordechai Ben-Menachem “Software Quality: Producing Practical Consistent Software”. UNIT IV PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL 9 Framework for Management and control – Collection of data Project termination – Visualizing progress – Cost monitoring – Earned Value Analysis. UNIT I PROJECT EVALUATION AND PROJECT PLANNING 9 Importance of Software Project Management – Activities Methodologies – Categorization of Software Projects – Setting objectives – Management Principles – Management Control – Project portfolio Management – Cost-benefit evaluation technology – Risk evaluation – Strategic program Management – Stepwise Project Planning. Mike Cotterell and Rajib Mall: Software Project Management – Fifth Edition. Gopalaswamy Ramesh. TEXTBOOK: 1. Wysocki “Effective Software Project Management” – Wiley Publication. Fourteenth Reprint 2013. Bob Hughes.MG6088 SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT LTPC 3 0 03 OBJECTIVES:  To outline the need for Software Project Management  To highlight different techniques for software cost estimation and activity planning. 1998. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  At the end of the course the students will be able to practice Project Management principles while developing a software. UNIT V STAFFING IN SOFTWARE PROJECTS 9 Managing people – Organizational behavior – Best methods of staff selection – Motivation – The Oldham-Hackman job characteristic model – Ethical and Programmed concerns – Working in teams – Decision making – Team structures – Virtual teams – Communications genres – Communication plans.mental delivery – Rapid Application development – Agile methods – Extreme Programming – SCRUM – Managing interactive processes – Basics of Software estimation – Effort and Cost estimation techniques – COSMIC Full function points . Walker Royce: “Software Project Management”. Tata McGraw Hill.Project tracking – Change control. 3. “Managing Global Software Projects” – McGraw Hill Education (India).Staffing Pattern. 2012. REFERENCES: 1.2011. Robert K.Addison-Wesley. UNIT III ACTIVITY PLANNING AND RISK MANAGEMENT 9 Objectives of Activity planning – Project schedules – Activities – Sequencing and scheduling – Network Planning models – Forward Pass & Backward Pass techniques – Critical path (CRM) method – Risk identification – Assessment – Monitoring – PERT technique – Monte Carlo simulation – Resource Allocation – Creation of critical patterns – Cost schedules.Software Configuration Management – Managing contracts – Contract Management. 108 . 2. UNIT II PROJECT LIFE CYCLE AND EFFORT ESTIMATION 9 Software process and Process Models – Choice of Process models .COCOMO II A Parametric Productivity Model . New Delhi.
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