2013 - 23 April - St George Great Martyr

March 17, 2018 | Author: Marguerite Paizis | Category: Glory (Religion), Mercy, Jesus, Eastern Orthodox Church, Miracle



Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All AfricaBy the Grace of God COMPILED, ADAPTED, EDITED & PRINTED BY MARGUERITE PAIZIS ARCHONDISSA & TEACHER BY DIVINE GRACE GREEK ORTHODOX PATRIARCHATE OF ALEXANDRIA & ALL AFRICA ARCHDIOCESE OF GOOD HOPE HOLY CHURCH OF THE DORMITION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD PO BOX 28348 SUNRIDGE PARK 6008 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA [email protected] or [email protected] OR DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY FROM Matins Service 23 April 2013 (BEFORE HOLY PASCHA) St George G r e a tt M a r tty r & T r o p h y B e a r e r Grea Mar yr & Trophy Bearer – M A RG UERITE P AIZIS ON S CRIBD RE-EDITED & PUBLISHED - 15 MARCH 2013 32. F E S TA L M A T I N S S E R V I C E - S T G E O RG E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] St George the Great Martyr St George was born into a devout Christian family of Cappadocia (a district in Asia Minor) but after his father was martyred for Christ while St George was still a child, his mother moved the family to Palestine where they owned land. There she continued raising him in strict Piety. St George joined the Roman military forces and proved himself to be extremely courageous in battle, which soon drew the attention of the pagan Emperor, Diocletian, (284-305) who made him Comites or Military Commander of his Imperial Guard. Although Emperor Diocletian did much for the restoration of the power and dominance of the Roman Empire, he realised the threat to their idolatrous gods by the Triumph of the Crucified Saviour, Jesus Christ, and subsequenctly intensified his cruel persecution against the Christians in the final years of his reign. Following the advice of the Senate at Nicomedia, Emperor Diocletian gave all his Governors complete freedom in their court proceedings against all Christians and promised them his full support. As soon as St George learnt of the wicked Decree against Christians, he distributed his entire earthly wealth amongst the poor, freed his servants, and then appeared before the Senate to bravely speak out openly against the Emperor’s persecution. He daringly confessed his own Christianity and appealed to everyone to acknowledge Christ our Living God: “I am a servant of Christ, my God, and trusting in Him, I have come among you voluntarily, to bear witness concerning the Truth.” “What is Truth?” one of the dignitaries asked, echoing the question of Pontius Pilate. The Saint replied:“Christ Himself, Whom you persecuted, is Truth.” Stunned by the bold speech of the valiant warrior, the Emperor, who had loved and promoted St George, tried to persuade him not to throw away his youth, glory and honours, but rather to demonstrate his loyalty to the State by offering sacrifice to the gods according to Roman custom. However, St George responded: “Nothing in this inconstant life can weaken my resolve to serve God.” Then by order of the enraged Emperor the armed guards shoved St George out of the assembly hall with their spears, and led him off to prison. But the deadly steel of their spears became as soft as wax and bent as they harmlessly touched the Saint’s body. In prison they fixed the Martyr’s feet in stocks and placed a heavy stone on his chest to slowly suffocate and crush him. The next day at the interrogation, powerless but firm of spirit, St George again defied the Emperor, telling him: “You will grow tired of tormenting me sooner than I will tire of being tormented by you.” So Diocletian gave orders to subject St George to even more intense tortures. The executioners tied St George to a wheel, beneath which were boards of sharp iron spikes that pierced and slashed his naked flesh as the wheel was turned. At first St George loudly cried out to our Lord, but he soon became silent, not uttering even a groan, which caused Diocletian to decide that as he was already dead, his battered body could be removed from the wheel. Emperor Diocletian then went to the pagan temple to offer thanks to his lifeless gods. Suddenly it became very dark, thunder boomed, and a Voice was heard: “Fear not, George, for I Am with Thee!” A wondrous Light shone, and at the wheel of torture an Angel of the Lord appeared in the form of a Radiant Youth, and he placed his hand upon the Holy Martyr, saying to him: “Rejoice!” whereupon St George stood up, completely healed . The shocked soldiers led him to the pagan temple where Emperor Diocletian had gone shortly before in arrogant triumph – and he could not believe his own eyes thinking that he saw a ghost! In confused terror the pagans examined St George carefully, and became convinced that a Great Miracle had most certainly occurred – many of whom then believed in the Life-Creating God of the Christians. Two illustrious officials, St Anatolios and St Protoleon, who were secretly Christians, openly confessed their Christianity and immediately - without even a mockery of a trial, they were beheaded by sword by order of Diocletian. ke genea. Ego ipa: Kyrie, eleison me, iase tin psihin mou oti imarton Si. piin to Thelima Sou, oti Si I O Theos mou. Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. do Thy Will, for Thou art my God. Kyrie, Pros Se katefigon; didaxon me tou O Lord, to Thee have I fled; teach me to Oti para Si Pigi Zois; en to Foti Sou opsometha Fos. For with Thee is the Fountain of Life; Thy Light we shall see Light. in Paratinon to Eleos Sou tis ginoskousi Se. §Agios §Doxa O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios Athanatos, eleison imas.[3] Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Extend Thy Mercy to those who know Thee. § Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. [3] § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Amin §Agios Athanatos, eleison imas. §Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Athanatos, Eleison imas. Agios Amen §Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. § Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. TONE 4 Festal Apolytikion – St George- Os ton ehmaloton Eleftherotis, ke ton ptohon Iperaspistis, asthenounton Iatros, vaileon Ipermahos, Tropeofore Megalomartis Georgie, Presveve Hristo to Theo, Sothine tas psihas imon. As the Liberator of prisoners, and the Protector of those in Physician of the sick, and of ruling Kings, O Triumphant Great Martyr, with Christ our God, so souls may be Saved. poverty, Defender George intercede that our THE DIVINE LITURGY FOLLOWS IMMEDIATELY   2. F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E T H E G R E A T M A R T Y R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] 31. by means of tortures. Unto him let us cry aloud: O Victorious Martyr, earnestly entreat for the Salvation of our souls! Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Now and ever, and to the Ages of ages. Amen Amin THE BELLS The Great Doxology THE CONGREGATION MUST STAND ARE RUNG AND ALL THE LIGHTS ARE SWITCHED ON §Doxa Si to dixanti to Fos. §Doxa en Ipsistis Theo ke epi gis Irini, en anthropis Evdokia. § Glory to Thee Who has shown us the Light! § Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth Peace, Goodwill among men. Imnoumen Se, Evlogoumen Se, Proskinoumense, Doxologoumen Se, Efharistoumen Si, dia tin Megalin Sou Doxan. Vasilef, Epouranie Thee, Pater Pantokrator; Kyrie Ie Monogenes, Isou Hriste, ke Agion Pnevma. §We Praise Thee, we Bless Thee, we Worship Thee, we Glorify Thee, we give Thee Thanks for Thy Great Glory. § Kyrie Kyrie § Lord, Lord King, God of Heaven, Father Almighty: Lord, Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. O Theos, O Amnos tou Theou, O Ios tou Patros, O eron tin amartian tou Kosmou, eleison imas, O eron tas amartias tou kosmou. tin deisin imon, O kathimenos en dexia tou Patros, ke eleison imas. God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, Who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us; O Thou Who takes away the sins of the world. our Prayer, Thou Who sits at the right Hand of the Father, and have mercy on us. Thou alone art Holy, Thou alone art Lord, Jesus Christ, to the Glory of God the Father. Also present in the pagan temple was Empress Alexandra, the wife of Diocletian, who also knew the Truth of God and as she was on the point of Glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ, one of the servants of the Emperor quickly removed her and led her off to the palace. Diocletian was even more furious at the consequences of such an obvious Divine Miracle. He stubbornly refused to cede defeat in persuading St George to renounce Christ and offer his worship of the pagan gods, so he handed him to worse, fiercesome torments. After throwing St George into a deep pit, the executioners filled it with lime. Three days later they dug him out, but to their utter amazement, they found him cheerful and unharmed. The torturers then shod St George with red-hot iron sandals of nails, before beating him all the way back to the prison with whips. In the morning, when they dragged St George back to face interrogation, he was cheerful and his feet were healed. And when Diocletian asked the Holy Martyr how he had liked his sandals, St George told him that they had been just the most perfect size! That day the executioners beat him with ox thongs until pieces of his flesh came off and his blood soaked the ground, but the brave Holy Martyr, being Strengthened by the Power and Grace of God, remained unyielding. The aggravated Emperor concluded that St George was being helped by ‘magic,’ so he summoned the well known Sorcerer, Athanasios, to deprive him of his Miraculous Powers, or else to simply poison him to death. The Sorcerer forced St George to drink two goblets of poisoned liquid but again, miraculously, by the Grace of God, they had no effect on him at all, and St George continued to denounce the pagan superstitions and to loudly Glorify the one Living and Almighty God, as before. When Diocletian asked St George what sort of Power was helping him, the Holy Martyr said: “Do not imagine that it is any human learning that keeps me from being harmed by these torments. I am Saved only by calling upon Christ and His Power. Whoever believes in Him has no regard for tortures and is able to do the things that Christ did.” (JOHN 14:12). Prosdexe Receive §Oti Si i Monos Agios, Si i Monos Kyrios, §For Iisous Hristos, is Doxan Theou Patros Amin. Kath’ ekastin imeran Evlogiso Se, ke enesio to Onoma Sou is ton eona ke is ton Eona tou Eonos. Kyrie, en ti emera tafti anamartitous filahthine imas. Amen Every day I will Bless Thee, and praise Thy Name forever and to the Ages of Ages. Kataxioson, Evlogitos Grant, O Lord, this day to keep us without sin. art Thou, O Lord, the God of our Fathers, and praised and glorified is Thy Name unto the Ages. I, Kyrie, O Theos ton Pateron imon, ke Eneton ke Dedoxasmenon to Onoma Sou is tous Eonas. Blessed Amin Genito, Kyrie, to Eleos Sou ef imas, kathaper ilipisamen epi Se. i, Kyrie, didaxon me ta Dikeomata Sou. [3] katafigi, egenithis imin en genea Amen May Thy Mercy O Lord, be upon us, as we have put our hope in Thee. §Evlogitos Kyrie, 30. §Blessed Lord, art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy Statutes [3] Thou hast been our Refuge from generation to generation. I said: Diocletian then asked what sort of things Christ had done whereupon St George replied: “He gave sight to the blind, cleansed the lepers, healed the lame, gave hearing to the deaf, cast out demons, and raised the dead.” Knowing that they had never been able to resurrect the dead through sorcery, nor by any of the gods known to him, and wanting to test the Saint, Diocletian commanded St George to raise up a dead person before his eyes, to which the Faithful Saint retorted: “You wish to tempt me, but my God will work this Sign for the Salvation of the people who shall see the Power of Christ.” They led St George down to the cemetery, and he cried aloud: “O Lord! Show to those here present, that Thou art the only God in all the world. Let them know Thee as the Almighty Lord.” Suddenly the earth quaked, a grave opened and the reposed one emerged from it alive! Having witnessed the Divine Power of our Lord Jesus Christ with their own eyes, the people wept and Glorified the True and Living God. The Sorcerer, Athanasiss, fell down at the feet of St George and confessed Christ as the AllPowerful God, and begged forgiveness of his sins, which had been committed in ignorance. However, the obdurate Emperor Diocletian, in his impiety, reacted differently. In a rage he commanded both St Athanasios and the man raised from the dead to be beheaded there and then, and he ordered St George to be imprisoned. Untold numbers of people, weighed down with their infirmities, visited the prison and received Healing and Help from St George. A certain farmer named Glycerios, whose ox had collapsed, also visited St George who consoled him and assured him that God would restore his ox to life and later, when he saw the ox was indeed alive, the farmer Glorified the God of the Christians throughout all the city, until, hearing of it, Diocletion ordered the arrest and beheading of St Glycerios. The innumerable exploits and Holy Miracles of the Great Martyr St George increased the numbers of Christians, which caused Diocletian to make a final attempt to force him to worship the man-made idols. On the final night St George prayed fervently, until eventually he beheld our Lord Jesus Christ, Who raised him up with His Hand, and embraced him. Our Divine Saviour then placed a F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S TA L M A T I N S S E R V I C E - S T G E O RG E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] 3. Crown on St George’s head and said: “Fear not, but have courage, and Thou will soon come to Me and receive what has been prepared for Thee.” Having set up a court at the pagan temple of Apollo, the next morning, Diocletian offered St George the exalted position and social status as his Co-Administrator - second only to the Emperor himself to which the Holy Martyr responded: “Caesar, thou should have shown me this mercy from the very beginning, instead of torturing me. Let us go now to the temple and see the gods that thou worship.” And the arrogant Diocletion, believing that St George was finally going to accept his ridiculous offer, went with his entire retinue and a vast multitude of citizens into the temple of Apollo. St George approached the cold, lifeless statue of Apollo, made the Sign of the Cross and addressed it as if it were alive: “Are you the one who wants to receive from me sacrifice befitting God?” And the demon inhabiting the idol cried out loudly for all to hear: “I am not a god and none of those like me is a god, either. The only God is He Whom Thou preach. We are fallen angels, and we deceive people because we are jealous.” St George exclaimed: “How dare you remain here, when I, the servant of the True God, have entered?” Then noises and wailing were heard from the marble idols, and they fell to the ground and were shattered into dust. There was great confusion and noise and the frenzied, terrified pagan priests seized St George, tied him up and began to beat him mercilessly, calling for his immediately execution. The Holy Empress, St Alexandra, tried to reach him and pushing her way through the unruly crowd, she cried out: “O God of George, help me, for Thou Alone art All-Powerful!” And suddenly she found herself at the feet of the Great Martyr where she confessed our Lord Jesus Christ, Who had humiliated the pagan idols and those who worshipped them. Emperor Diocletian immediately pronounced the death sentence on St George, and his wife, the Holy Empress, St Alexandra, who followed St George to execution without any resistence at all. Along the way she felt faint and slumped against a wall, and there she surrendered her soul to God. St George gave thanks to God and prayed that he would also end his life in a worthy manner. At the place of execution he prayed that our Lord would forgive the torturers who acted in ignorance, and that Christ would lead them to the Knowledge of His Divine Truth. Calmly and bravely, St George bent his neck beneath the sword and joyfully received his Immortal Crown of Holy Martyrdom on 23 April 303. The pagan era was coming to an end, and Christianity was about to triumph. Within ten years, the Roman Emperor, St Constantine the Great, would issue the Edict of Milan, granting religious freedom to Christians and others. Of the many Miracles worked by St George, the most famous is depicted in Iconography when outside Beirut, near Mount Lebanon, he slayed an enormous dragon-like serpent, to which the pagan citizens had been offering their children, one by one. Having Blessed himself with the Sign of the Cross, St George, on his white horse, rushed at the creature, crying out: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” St George pierced the throat of the serpent with his spear and trampled it with his horse. Then he told the girl to bind the serpent with her sash, and lead it into the city like a dog on a leash. The people fled in terror, but St George stopped them with the words: “Do not be afraid, but trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in Him, since it is He Who sent me to Save you.” Then he killed the serpent with his sword, and the people burnt it outside the city. (The creature represents our sinful habits, which we need to conquer and defeat.) 25 000 families were then Baptized and later a church was built and dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Great Martyr St George. St George is known as ‘Trophy’ or ‘Victory’ Bearer, not only for his military achievements, but for successfully enduring Martyrdom. exeroumenos pantas, pisti imnountas Se Martis, proskaloumenous Se Georgie. tous ke Thou became an Earnest Interceder for us, rescuing all those who extol Thee and with ardent Faith call upon Thee from the storms of life, All Holy Martyr George. Enite afton en timpano ke horo. afton en hordes ke organo. Enite Praise When Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with strings and pipe. Thou conscientiously had tilled the Seed of the Word that was planted within Thy purest soul, Thou increased it through the Labours of Thy Martyrdom. Having wisely stowed it away in Heavenly Storage, O Blessed One, Thou therefore gained the Undefiled Reward. Hence, now as Thou fully enjoy this, by Thine Intercessions with Christ God, Save the lives of those who laud Thee faithfully. Sporon georgisas emmelos, ton katavlithenta tou logou, ti kathara Sou psihi, touton epleonasas, ponis athliseos. Ke sofos apothemenos, en epouranies, thikes tin akiraton evres apolavsin. Is nin emforoumenos Makar, tes pros ton Theon Sou Presvies, tous Pistos imnountas Se perisoze. Enite afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion. athlofore tou Hristou, tous en diaforis anagkes, Soze Presvies Sou, pasis peristaseos apolitroumenos, ke diokon psiholethron, dinin athimian, Harin de ke Eleos imin etoumenos, opos tes lites Sou sothentes, herontes gereromen pantes, tous septous agonas Sou Georgie. Praise Him with tuneful cymbals; praise Him with loud cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Martis O Martyr who received the Prize from Christ: by Thy Intercessions preserve us who are diversely distressed; rescue us rom every dire and painful circumstance; drive away terrible and soul-destroying depression. Earnestly beseech that Grace and Mercy come to us, so that being Saved by Thy Prayers, we might all, rejoicingly, honour the Contests Thou won by Faith, O Martyr George. TONE (5) PLAGAL 1 Stihera of St George the Great Martyr - § Doxa Aneteile Patri, Pnevmati ke Io, ke Agio § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit to ear, defte evohithomen! Exelampsen i Anastasis Hristou, defte evfranthomen! I tou Athloforou mnimi, tous pistous fedrinousa anedihthi. Dio fileorti, defte Mystikos aftin panigirisomen. Outos gar os kalos stratiotis, indrisato kata ton tiranon, ke toutous katishine, mimitis genoumenos tou pathous tou Sotiros Hristou. Ouk ileise to skevos to pilinon to eaftou, alla gimnon anehalkevsen, en vasanis afto prosamivomenos. Afto voisomen. Athlofore iketeve, is to sothine tas psihas imon. Spring is here: come: let us be merry! And Christ’s Resurrection has shone brightly: come, let us be joyous! The memory of the Prize-winning Martyr has come upon us, gladdening the Faithful. Therefore, come all who are fond of Feasts: let us celebrate it Mystically. For, as a Good Soldier, he stood up manfully against the tyrants and put them utterly to shame, and thus emulated the Passion of Christ our Saviour. He had no mercy on the clay vessel of his own body, but rather taking it naked, he reforged and exchanged it 29. 4. F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E T H E G R E A T M A R T Y R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. PEOPLE Trisagion Prayers Amin §Agios Kyrios O Theos imon! [3] Ear Amen § Evlogitos O Theos imon, pantote nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. PRIEST §Blessed is our God always now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Praises to the Lord imin Despotou, ke Thia exanastasis, pros Ouranion Pasha, ek gis imas parapempon, tafti de sineklampi, tou panendoxou Martyros, Georgiou i mnimi, i fotavgis, in fedros telesomen, ina thias, aiothomen haritos, pros Hristou tou Sotiros. §Holy is the Lord our God [3] F e s t a l E x a p o s t e i l a r i o n – S t G e o r g e – TONE 2 exelampsen, i lampra tou Springtime has shown forth Amin PEOPLE Amen §Doxa Si, O Theos, Doxa Si! §Glory to Thee, O God, Glory to Thee! Vasilei Ouranie, Paraklite, to Pnevma tis O Heavenly King, O Comforter, the Aklithias, O Panatahou paron ke ta panta pliron, O Thisavros ton Agathon ke Zois Korigos elthe ke skinoson en imin ke katharison imas apo pasis kilidos ke Soson, Agathe, tas psihas imon. Spirit of Truth, Who art in all places and fillest all things; Treasury of Good Things and Giver of Life: come and dwell in us and cleanse us from every stain, and Save our souls, O Gracious Lord. unto us with the Divine and Brilliant Resurrection of Christ our Lord, and it transports us from earth to the Heavenly Pascha. With which together shines forth the Bright and Splendid Memory of the Great and Most Glorious Martyr George. Let us therefore festively celebrate it, to be accounted worthy of Grace from Jesus our Saviour. §Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios Athanatos, Eleison imas. §Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us. to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. § Doxa Lauds: The Praises to God -Psalm 148 ALL CREATION PRAISES THE LORD OUR GOD Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, elas thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, eneken tou Onomatos Sou. §Glory Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite Afton en tis Ipsistis. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Aftou. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the Heavens; praise Him in the Highest. To Thee praise is due, O God. Amin §Panagia Amen §All Holy Trinity have mercy upon us. Enite Praise Him, all His Angels; praise Him, all His Powers. To Thee praise is due, O God. Psalm 150 – Prosomia - St George LET ALL THINGS PRAISE THE LORD! Lord, wash away our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy Name’s sake. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Kyrie Eleison [3] §Doxa Patri ke Amin E VERYONE Enite afton epi tes Dinasties Afton. Enite Afton kata to plithos tis Megalosinis Aftou. tin paneorton fedran, endoxon Anastasin pantes, panigirisantes, palin eortasomen fedran panigirin, Georgiou tou Martiros, ke stepsomen touton, earinis anthesin, onta aittiton. Opos tes aftou ikesies, lavomen ton thlipseon ama, ke plimmelimaton apolitrosin. Praise Come Him for His Mighty Acts; praise Him according to the greatness of His Majesty. all: having celebrated Christ’s Glorious and Bright Resurrection, the Joyous Feast of Feasts: let us once again observe the Sacred Feastival of the Glorious Martyr, St George, and crown him with Vernal Blossoms as is due to one who is invincible, so that by his fervent entreaties we might be absolved of transgressions and also be delivered from adversities. Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Lord have mercy [3] §Glory to the Father, and to the Amen Defte Our Lord’s Prayer PRAYS IN UNISON Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Agiasthito Our Father Who art in Heaven: Hallowed to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis gis. Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis imas is pirasmon, alla rise imas apo tou ponirou. be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our Daily Bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. PRIEST Enite Olon afton en iho salpingos. Enite afton en psaltirio ke kithara. proseninohas safton, to si dedokti pammakar, zoin olokliron, osper olokarposin, sosan ke empsihon, ke thisian evprosdekton, ke katharotatin. Othen ehrimatisas presvis thermotatos, zalis Praise As Him with the sound of the trumpet; praise Him with lute and harp. a Whole Burnt Offering, O Saint, animate and alive, Thou offered Thyself entirely and as an acceptable and most clean Sacrifice, O All Blessed One, to Him Who gave Thee His whole Life. Wherefore § Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke i Doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Amin For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, § of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Amen PEOPLE 28. F E S TA L M A T I N S S E R V I C E - S T G E O RG E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] 5. Troparia to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ Soson Kyrie ton laon Sou ke Evlogison tin Klironomian Sou, Nikas tis Vasilevsi kata varvaron doroumenos ke to son filatton dia tou Stavrou Sou Politevma. O Kathile Lord, Save Thy people, and Bless Thine Inheritance, granting to our God-fearing Rulers Victory over all adversaries, and by Thy Cross preserving Thine Estate. and to the Holy Spirit dinastas apo thronon ke ipsose tapinous. Pinontas eneplisen agathon ke ploutountas exapestile kenous. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the humble and meek. He has filled the empty with Good Things, and the rich He has sent away empty. VERSE STIHOS § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. O ipsothis en to Stavro ekousios, ti eponimo Sou keni politia tous iktirmous Sou Dorise, Hriste O Theos. Evfranon en ti Dinami Sou tous Pistous Vasilis imon, Nikas horigon aftis kata ton polemion. Tin simmakian ehien tin Sin, oplon Irinis, Aittiton Tropeon. § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Do Thou Who, of Thine own Good Will, upon the Cross was lifted up, bestow Thy Bounties upon the New State, which is called by Thy Name, O Christ God; gladden with Thy Might our God-fearing Rulers, granting Victory over adversaries to those who have Thine Aid, which is a Panoply of Peace, a Trophy Invincible. § Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim ke Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon Se Megalinomen. § More Honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more Glorious than the Seraphim, Thou Who without stain bore God the Word, True Theotokos, we Magnify Thee! His servant Israel, as He promised to our Forefather, Abraham and his seed forever. Antelaveto Israil pedos Aftou mnisthine Eleous kathos elalise pros tous Pateras imon, to Avraam ke to spermati aftou eos eonos. He, remembering His Mercy, has helped STIHOS Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Now and ever, and the Ages of Ages. Amen § Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim ke Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon Se Megalinomen. VERSE Amin §Prostasia Fovera ke akateskinte, mi paridis, Agathi, tas ikesias imon, Panimfite Theotoke. Stirixon Orthodoxon politian. Soze nothen tin Nikin. Dioti etekes ton Theon, Moni Evlogimeni. § More Honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more Glorious than the Seraphim, Thou Who without stain bore God the Word, True Theotokos, we Magnify Thee! 9th Ode Katavasia of the Ever Blessed Theotokos - Theotokion §O Champion Dread, Who cannot be put to confusion, despise not our Petitions. O Good One, All Lauded Birth-giver of our God, establish Thou the State of those who hold the Orthodox Faith; Save our Godfearing Rulers, whom Thou has called to rule over us, and bestow upon them Victory from Heaven: for Thou gave Birth to God, O Only Blessed One. Apas gigenis skiratato to pnevmati lampadouhoumenos. Panigirizeto de ailon noon fisis, gererousa TA IERA THAVMASIA tis Theomitoros ke voato. Heris, Pammakariste Theotoke Agni, Aiparthene. & PRAISES TO Let THE SMALL LITANY THE LORD every mortaL born on earth, carrying his lamp, in spirit leap for Joy; and let the Orders of Angelic Powers celebrate and honour THE HOLY FEAST of the Theotokos, and let them cry: “Hail, All Blessed Theotokos, Pure and Ever Virgin!” The Small Litany Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou Soson, Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Hariti PRIEST Again, yet again, in Peace let us pray to the Lord. Litany of Fervent Supplications Eleison imas O Theos, kata to Mega Eleos Sou, deometha Sou, epakouson ke Eleison. ton Orthodoxon Hristianon. efsovon ke PRIEST Have Mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great Mercy, we pray Thee, hear us and have Mercy Lord have mercy [3] Again, let us pray for all devout Lord have mercy PRIEST Help us, Save us, have Mercy upon PEOPLE us, and Protect us, O God, by Thy Grace. Kyrie Eleison [3] Eti deometha iper Kyrie Eleison [3] Eti deometha iper (NAME) PEOPLE PRIEST Amin/Kyrie eleison § Tis Panagias, and Orthodox Christians ke Adelfotitos. pasis tou Arhipiskopou tis en Hristo Lord have mercy [3] PRIEST Again, we pray for our Archbishop PEOPLE (NAME) and all our Brotherhood in Christ. PEOPLE ahrantou, ipere vlogimenis, endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke alilous ke pasan tin zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. M Amen/Lord have mercy PRIEST § Remembering our Most Holy, All PEOPLE Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and each other, and all our life to Christ our God. & BOW DOWN TO GOD Kyrie Eleison [3] Oti eleimon ke iparhis ke anapempomen 6. Filanthropos Theos Si tin Doxan § to Patri ke to Io ke PRIEST Lord have mercy [3] For Thou art a Merciful and Loving AKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS God, and to Thee we give Glory, to the § Father, and to the Son, and to §Si Kyrie §Oti Se Enousi pase e Dinamis ton Ouranon, ke Si tin Doxan anapempousi, to Patri, ke to Io, ke to §To Thee, O Lord! PRIEST For all the Powers of Heaven praise PEOPLE Thee, and to Thee we ascribe Glory: § to the Father, and to the Son, and 27. F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E T H E G R E A T M A R T Y R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] The Magnificat STANDING BEFORE THE HOLY ICON OF THE EVER BLESSED THEOTOKOS, THE PRIEST DECLARES THE FOLLOWING, AFTER WHICH HE CENSES THE SANCTUARY, HOLY ICONS AND CONGREGATION WHILE THE MAGNIFICAT HYMN IS CHANTED. to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of ages. PEOPLE §Tin Theotokon ke Miter to Fotos: en imnis timontes Meglinomen! §The Amin En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison, Pater. § Doxa ti Agia ke Amin M AKE THE Amen In Theotokos and Mother of the Light: with hymns let us Magnify! the Name of the Lord, Bless us, Father. Omoousio ke Zoopio ke Adiereto Triadi, pantote, nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. PRIEST §Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Undivided Trinity, always, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Amen BOW DOWN TO THE BELLS ARE RUNG AT THIS POINT PEOPLE Praises to Almighty God SIGN OF THE Megalini STIHOS i psihi mou ton Kyrion ke igaliase to pnevma mou epi to Theo to Sotiri mou. My VERSE CROSS & GOD: soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour. §Doxa Kyrie, en Ipsistis Theo ke epi gis Irini, en anthropis evdokia. [3] ta hili mou anixis, ke to stoma mou anageli tin enesin Sou. [2] § Glory O § Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim ke Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon Se Megalinomen. § More Honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more Glorious than the Seraphim, Thou Who without stain bore God the Word, True Theotokos, we Magnify Thee! Handmaiden: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me Blessed. to God in the Highest, and on earth Peace, Good Will towards mankind. [3] Lord, open Thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Thy praise [2] Psalm 3 HELP FOR THE AFFLICTED Oti epevlepsen epi tin tapinosin tis doulis Aftou. Idou gar apo tou nin Makariousi me pase i genee. For He has regarded the Humility of His Kyrie, ti eplithinthisan i thlivontes me ? Polli epanistante ep eme. Polli legovsi ti psihi mou: Si de Kyrie, Antiliptor mou, ke ipon tin kefalin mou. ‘Ouk esti Sotiria afto en to Theo aftou.’ ( DIPALMA). i Doxa mou, O Lord, why do those who afflict me multiply? STIHOS § Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim ke Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon Se Megalinomen. VERSE § More Honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more Glorious than the Seraphim, Thou Who without stain bore God the Word, True Theotokos, we Magnify Thee! He Who is Mighty has magnified me, and Holy is His Name; and His Mercy is upon those who Fear Him, throughout all generations. Honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more Glorious than the Seraphim, Thou Who without stain bore God the Word, True Theotokos, we Magnify Thee! has shown Strength with His Arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. Honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more Glorious than the Seraphim, Thou Who without stain bore God the Word, True Theotokos, we Magnify Thee! Many are those who rise up against me. Many are those who say to my soul: ‘There is no Salvation for him in his God’. (PAUSE) But Thou, O Lord, art my Protector, my Glory, and the One Who lifts up my head. Oti epiise mi Megalia O dinatos ke Agion For to Onoma Aftou, ke to Eleos Aftou is genean ke genean tis fovoumenis Afton. STIHOS Foni Ego mou pros Kyrion ekeraxa, ke epikouse mou ex Orous Agiou Aftou. ( DIPALMA). I I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His Holy Mountain. (PAUSE) lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord helps me. of people who set themselves against me and who surround me. for Thou struck all those who were foolishly at enmity with me – Thou broke the teeth of sinners. Timioteran ton Herouvim ke Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon Se Megalinomen. Aftou diania § Tin VERSE § More ekimithin ke ipnosa; exigerthin, oti Kyrios antilipsete mou. kiklo epitithemenon mi. Ou fovithisome apo mnriadon laou, ton I will not be afraid of tens of thousands Epiise STIHOS Kratos en Vrahioni dieskorpisen iperifanous kardias afton. He Anastra Kyrie Soson me O Theos mou, Arise, O Lord, and Save me, O my God, oti Si epataxas pantas tous ehthrenontas mi mateos, odontas amartolon sinetripsas. Timioteran ton Herouvim ke Endoxoteran asingritos ton Serafim, tin adiafthoros Theon Logon tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon Se Megalinomen. § Tin VERSE § More Tou Kyriou i Sotiria, ke epi ton Laon Sou Salvation i Evlogia Sou. Ego is of the Lord, and Thy Blessing is upon Thy People. I awoke, for the ekimithin ke ipnosa; exigerthin, oti Kyrios antilipsete mou. I lay down and slept; Lord helps me. 26. F E S TA L M A T I N S S E R V I C E - S T G E O RG E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] 7. Psalm 37 [38] A PSALM OF REPENTANCE Kyrie, mi to Thimo Sou elegxis me, mide O Lord, do not rebuke me in Thy Wrath, ti Orgi Sou pedevsis me! nor chasten me in Thine Anger! Katavasia of the Ever Blessed Theotokos ODI 1 ODE 1 TONE 4 Anixo Oti ta Veli Sou enepagisan mi, ke epestirixas ep eme tin Hira Sou. estin iasis en ti sarki mou apo prosopou tis Orgis Sou, ouk estin Irinin tis osteis mou apo prosopou ton amartion mou. e anomei mou iperiran tin kefalin mou, osi fortion vari evapinthisan ep eme. For Thine arrows pierce me deeply and Thy Hand rests upon me. Ouk There is no healing in my flesh because of Thy Wrath, nor any Peace in my bones because of my sins. ODI 3 to stoma mou ke plirothisete Pnevmatos ke logon erevxome ti Vasilidi Mitri. Ke ofthisome fedros Panigirizon ke aso gnothomenos I TAFTIS TA THAVMATA. shall open my mouth and the Spirit will inspire it, and I shall utter the words of my song to the Queen and Mother: I shall be seen radiantly keeping Feast and JOYFULLY PRAISING HER MIRACLES Tous ODE 3 Oti For my My transgressions rise up over my head - like a heavy burden they press me down. wounds grow foul and because of My foolishness. fester ODI 4 Prosoxesan Sous Imnologous, Theotoke, izosa ke Afthonos Pigi, Thiason Sigkrotisantas Pnevmatikon, stereoson. Ke en ti Thia Doxi Sou Stefanon Doxis axioson. O ke espisan i milopes mou, apo proopou ti afrosinis mou. Mother of God, Thou living and plentiful Fount, grant strength to those united in Spiritual Fellowship, who sing Hymns of Praise to Thee: and in Thy Divine Glory grant them Crowns of Glory. ODE 4 Etaleporisa ke katekamfthin eos telous - I suffer misery, and I am utterly bowed olin tin imeran skithropazon eporefomin, oti i psihi mou eplisthi empegmon, ke ouk estin iasis en ti sarki mou. down – all day long I mourn, for my loins are filled with mockeries, and there is no healing in my flesh. Tin anexihniaston Thian Voulin tis ek tis Perceiving the Unsearchable Purpose of Parthenou sarkoseos Sou to Ipsistou O Profitis Avvakoum katanoon ekravgaxe. Doxa ti Dinami Sou, Kyrie ODI 5 ODE 5 God concerning Thine Incarnation from a Virgin, O Most High, the Prophet Habakkuk cried: Glory to Thy Power, O Lord! whole world was amazed at Thy Divine Glory: for Thou, O Virgin, Who has not known wedlock, has been Translated from earth to the Eternal Mansions to the Life without end, bestowing Salvation upon all who sing Thy praises. Ekakothin Ke I I ke etpinothin eos sfodra, irfomin apo stenagmou tis kardias mou. enantion sou pasa i epithimia mou, ke o stenagmos mou ouk apekrivi apo Sou. I am afflicted and great humbled; I roar because of the groaning of my heart. Exesti O Lord, all my desire is before Thee and My sighing is not hidden from Thee. me, and even the light of my eyes has failed me. ODI ODI 6 ta simpanta epi ti Thia Doxi Sou. Si gar, apirogame Parthene, eshes en Mitra ton epi Panton Theon ke tetokas ahronon Iion, pasi tis imnousi Se Sotirian vravevousa. The kardia mou etarahthi, egkatlipe me i ishis mou, ke to fos ton ofthalmon mou ouk esti met emou. fili mou ke i plision mou ex enantias mou ingisan ke estisan, ke i engista mou makrothen estisan. exeviazonto i zitountes tin psihin mou. Ke i zitountes ta kaka mi elalisan mateotitas, ke dolistitas olin tin imeran emeletisan. de osi kofos ouk ikonon, ke osi alalos ouk anigon to stoma aftou. My heart is troubled – my strength fails My friends and neighbours who draw near stand against me, and my family stands afar off. ODE 6 Tin Thian Taftin ke Pantimon Telountes As Eortin i Theofrones tis Theomitoros, defte tas hiras krotisomen, ton ex aftis tehthenta Theon Doxazontes. ODI 7 ODE 7 Ke And we celebrate this Sacred and Solemn Feast of the Theotokos, let us come, clapping our hands, O people of the Lord, and Glorifying God Who was Born of her. Holy Children bravely trampled upon the threatening fire, preferring not to worship created things rather than the Creator, and they sang in Joy: “Blessed art Thou and praised above all: O Lord God of our Fathers!” the Lord! those who seek my soul use violence, and those who seek evil for me speak foolishness, and they plan deception all day long. Ouk elatrefsan ti ktisi i Theoforones para The ton Ktisanta. Alla piros apilin andrios patisantes, herontes epsallon. Iperimnite, O ton Pateron Kyrios ke Theos, Evlogitos i ODI 8 ODE 8 Ego, I, like a deaf man, do not hear – and I am like a mute who does not open his mouth. and who has no reproofs in his mouth. Thou will hear, O Lord my God. Ke egenomin osi anthropos ouk akouon, And I am like a man who does not hear ke ouk ehon en to stomati aftou elegmou. Theos mou. §Enoumen, Pedas Oti epi Si Kyrie ilpisa, Si isakousi Kyrie O For in Thee, O Lord, I hope Oti ipa: ‘Mi pote epiharosi me i ehthri mou, ke en to salefthine podas mou, ep eme emegalorrimonisan.’ Evlogoumen Proskinoumen ton Kyrios. ke §We Praise, we Bless and we Worship The Offspring of the Theotokos saved the Holy Children in the furnace. He Who was then prefigured has since been born on earth, and He gathers together all Creation to sing: “O ye Works of the Lord: Bless ye the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!” 25. For I said: ‘Let not my enemies rejoice over me, for when my foot slips, they boasted against me.’ evagis en ti kamino O Tokos tis Theotokou diesosato, tote men tipoumenos, nin de energoumenos tin ikoumenin apasan agiri psallousan. Ton Kyrion imnite ta Erga ke iperipsoute is pantas tous eonas. 8. F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E T H E G R E A T M A R T Y R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] Festal Kontakion - St George the Great Martyr Oti ego is mastigas etimos, ke i algidon For I am ready for wounds, and my pain mou enopion mou diapantos, oti tin anomian mou anangelon , merimniso iper tis amartias mou. eme - ke eplithinthisan i misountes me adikos; i antapodidontes kaka anti Agathon, evdievallon me, epi katediokon Dikeosinin. is continually with me, for I will declare my transgressions, by remembering my sins. enemies live, and have become stronger than me – and those who hate me unjustly are multiplied; those who repaid me evil for good slandered me because I pursue Righteousness. from me – heed me and help me, O Lord of my Salvation! [2] Georgithis ipo Theou anedihthis, tis efsevias georgos timiotatos, ton areton ta dragmata sillexas seafto. Spiras gar en dakrisin, evfrosinin therizis, athlisas de di’ ematos, ton Hriston ekomiso. Ke tes Presvies Agie tes ses, PASI PAREHIS PTESMATON SIGHORISIN. When Thou were tilled by God, Thou proved Thyself clearly to be a very worthy Tiller of Piety, for Thou had gathered in the Sheaves of Virtue for Thyself. Having sowed the Seeds of Tears, Thou now reap the Rejoicing; contending to the point of blood, Thou won Christ as Thy Trophy. And by Thine Intercessions Thou, O Saint, PROVIDE FORGIVENESS OF TRESPASSES UNTO ALL! I de ehthri mou zosi, ke kekrateonte iper My Festal Oikos – St George the Great Martyr Mi egkatalipis me Kyrie O Theos mou! Do not forsake Me, O Lord! Mi apostis ap emou. Proshes is tin O My God, do not depart voithian mou Kyrie tis Sotirias mou! [2] Ton iper kosmou tis Zois tin psihin Aftou Yearning thenta, Hriston ton Vasilea, pothon O Stratiotis, O Megas Georgios, spevdi thanin iper aftou. Zilon gar Thion en kardia eshikos, aftos eafton prosigage. Touton oun ke imis animnisomen Pisti, os thermon prostatin imon, os Endoxon onta Hristou Doulon, mimoumenon safos ton idion Despotin, ke etounta afton, PASI PAREHIN PTESMATON SIGHORISIN. to be with Christ the King Who laid down His Life for the Life of the world, George the Great Soldier hastened to die for Him. With Divine Zeal in his heart, he presented himself voluntarily. Let us with Faith therefore extol him, as our fervent Protector, as a Glorious Servant of Christ, as one who clearly imitated his Master and who entreats Him to GRANT FORGIVENESS OF TRESPASSES UNTO ALL. the 23rd day of this month we commemorate the Holy and Glorious Great Martyr, St George the Trophy-bearer. Martyr St Valerios. Psalm 62 [63] FRIENDSHIP WITH ALMIGHTY GOD O Theos O Theos mou pros Se orthrizo; edipise Se i psihi mou. en gi erimo ke avato ke anidro. O God my God: I rise early to be with Thee: my soul thirsts for Thee. a desolate, impassable and waterless land. Pos aplos Si i sarx mou, Outos How often my flesh thirsts for Thee like So in the Holy Place I appear before Thee, to behold Thy Power and Thy Glory. Thy Mercy is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee. in Thy en to Agio ofthin Si, tou idin tin Dinamin Sou ke tin Doxan Sou. Synaxarion of 23 April Ti KY’ tou aftou minos, Mnimi tou Agiou On ke Endoxou Megalomartiros Georgiou tou Tropeoforou. Oti krisson to Eleos Sou iper zoas,ta hili Because mou Epenesovsi Se. Outos Osi Evlogiso Se en ti zoi mou; en to Onomati Sou aro tas hiras mou. steatos ke pititos emplisthii i psihi mou, ke hili agaliaseos enesi to Onoma Sou. Thus will I Bless Thee in my life; Name I will lift up my hands. Ti afti imera, Mnimi tou Agiou Martiros On this day we Commemorate the Holy Ovaleriou. Anatoliou Stratilaton. ke Protoleontos, As if Ti afti imera, Mnimi ton Agion Martiron On this day we Commemorate the Holy Martyrs St Anatolios and Protoleon the Commanders. St with marrow and fatness may my soul be filled, and with rejoicing lips my mouth shall sing praises to Thy Name. I emnimonefon Sou epi tis stromnis mou, If en tis orthris emeleton is Se, oti egnithis Voithos mou, ke en ti Skepi ton Pterigon Sou Agaliasome. Ti afti imera, Mnimi tou Agiou Martiros On this day we Commemorate the Holy Athanasiou tou apo Magon. Martyr St Athanasios, the former magician. Ti afti imera, Mnimi tou Agiou Martiros Glikeriou tou Georgou. xifi teliounte. On this day we Commemorate the Holy Martyr Glycerios the farmer. this day the Holy Martyrs St Donatos and St Therinos were perfected by the sword. Mercy on us. I remember Thee on my bed, at daybreak I meditate on Thee; for Thou art my Helper, and in the Shelter of Thy Wings will I greatly rejoice. soul follows closely behind Thee – Thy right Hand upholds me. Ekollithi Ti afti imera, i Agii Donatos ke Therinos On Tes ton Agion Sou presvies, O Theos, Eleison imas. i psihi mou opiso Sou - emou antelaveto i Dexia Sou. iselefsonte is ta katotata tis gis. My Anti de is matin exitisan tin psihin mou, Paradothisonte is hiras merides alopekon esonte. romfeas, Yet At their Holy Intercession, O God, have Amen those who seek my soul in vain, shall go into the lowest parts of the earth. portion for foxes. They shall be delivered to the sword - a King, however, shall be glad in God; everyone who swears by Him shall be praised, for mouths that speak unrighteous things are 9. Amin O de Vasilefs evfranthisete epi to Theo, The epenethisete pas O onmion en Afto oti enefragi stoma lalounton adika. 24. F E S TA L M A T I N S S E R V I C E - S T G E O RG E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] stopped. En tis orthris emeleton is Se: oti egnithis At Voithos mou, ke en ti Skepi ton Pterigon Sou Agaliasome. Prostasies dawn I meditate on Thee: for Thou art my Helper, and in the Shelter of Thy Wings will I greatly Rejoice. soul follows closely behind Thee – Thy right Hand upholds me. and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to theAges of Ages. ton Timion, Dinameon Asomaton... Epouranion Through Of the Protection of the honourable Bodiless Powers of Heaven... the honourable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John; of the Holy, Glorious and All Laudable Apostles... our Fathers among the Saints the Great Hierarchs and Ecumenical Teachers: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; Athanasios, Cyril [and John the Almsgiver] Patriarchs of Alexandria... our Holy Father Nicholas of Myra, Nektarios of Pentapolis, Spyridon of Trymithountos the Wonderworkers.. George the Victorious, Demetrios the Myrrh-gusher, Theodore the Tyron, Theodore the General, Menas the Wonder-worker, and the Hieromartyrs: Charalambos and Eleftherios... the Holy, Glorious, Great Martyrs: Thekla, Barbara, Anastasia, Catherine, Kyriaki, Photini, Marina, Paraskevi and Irene... the Holy, Glorious and Victorious Martyrs... our Venerable and Godly Ascetic Illuminators ... Ekollithi i psihi mou opiso Sou, emou antelaveto i Dexia Sou. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. My Ikesies tou Timiou, § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Amin Alleluia [3] § Doxa Si, O Theos [3] Kyrie Eleison [3] § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Amin Kyrie Amen Alleluia[3] §Glory to Thee, O God [3] Lord have mercy [3] § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. ke Evdoxou Profitou, Prodromou, ke Vaptisou Ioannou; ton Agion Endoxon ke panevfimon Apostolon... en Agiis Pateron imon, Megalon Ierarhon, ke Ikoumenikon Didaskalon: Vasiliou tou Megalou, Grigoriou tou Theologon ke Ioannou tou Hrisostomou; Ananasiou ke Kirillou, Patriarhon Alexandries... tou en Myris, Nektarios Pentapolis, Spyridonos Episkopou Trymithountos, ton Thavmatourgon... Ton Of Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Nikolaou Ton Of Amen Psalm 87 [88] THE DARKNESS OF DEATH O Theos tis Sotirias mou: imeras ekeraxa ke en nikti Evantion Sou. enopion Sou i prosefhi mou klinon to ous Sou is tin disin mou, Kyrie, oti eplisthi kakon i psihi mou, ke is zoi mou to Adi ingise. O Lord, God of my Salvation: I cry out day and night before Thee. my Prayer come before Thee. Incline Thine Ear to my Supplication, O Lord, for my soul is filled with sorrows, and my life draws near to Hades. Iseltheto Let Agion Evdoxon Megalomartyron: Georgiou tou Tropeoforou, Dimitriou tou Mirovlitou, Theodorou tou Tironos, Theodorou tou Stratilatou, Mina tou Thavmtourgou, ke Ieromartirou Haralambos ke Eleftheriou... Theklas, Varvaras, Anastasias, Ekaterinis, Kyriakis, Photinis, Marinas, Paraskevis ke Irinis... Of the Holy and Glorious great Martyrs: Ton Agion Evdoxon, Megalon Martyron: Of Proselogisthin meta ton katavenonton is I am counted among those who go down Lakkon egenithin os anthropos avoithitos, en neris eleftheros, osi trafmatie errimmeni kathendontes en tafo, on ouk emnisthis eti, ke afti ek tis Hiros Sou aposthisan. to the Pit - I am like a helpless man, free among the dead - like slain men thrown down and sleeping in a tomb, whom Thou Remembers no more, and who are removed from Thy Hand. Ton Ton Agion Evdoxon Martyron... ke Kallinikon Of Of Osion ke Theoforon Pateron imon ton en Askisei Lampsanton... Theopatoron Ioakim ke Annis, ke ( SAINT) tin MNIMIN episteloumen, ke Panton Sou ton Agion... Ethento Ep me en lakko katotato, skotinis ke en Skia Thanatou. en They laid me in the lowest pit, in dark places and in the Shadow of Death. Tou (AGIOU TOU NAOU) ... Ton Agion ke Dikeon Of (THE PATRON OF THE PARISH) ... Of the Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna, and of (SAINT) whose memory we Commemorate today, and of all Thy Saints... eme epestirihthi O Thimos Sou, ke pantas tous metorismous Sou epigages ep eme! ( DIAPALMA) ethento me vdeligma eaftis; paredothin ke ouk exeporevomin. Thy Wrath rested upon me, and Thou brought all Thy Billows over me. (PAUSE) Iketevomen Emakrinas tous gnostous mou ap emou, Thou I removed my acquaintances far from me; they made me an abomination among themselves – I was betrayed, and did not escape. eyes have weakened from poverty. and I cry to Thee, O Lord - all day long I stretch out my hands to Thee. Se, Mone Polielee Kyrie: epakouson imon ton amartolon deomenon Sou ke Eleison imas. We beseech Thee, the Only, Most Merciful Lord: hear us sinners who pray unto Thee, and have Mercy on us. and Bounties and Compassion of Thine Only Begotten Son, with Whom Thou art Blessed, together with Thine All Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. ofthalmi mou isthenisan apo ptohias, ke ekekraxa pros Se Kyrie - olin tin imeran, dipestasa pros se tas hiras mou. tis nekris piisis Thavmasia? I Iatri anastisofsi ke Exomologisonte Si? My Kyrie Eleison [12] §Elei, ke Iktirmis, PEOPLE Mi 10. ke Filanthropia Monogenous Sou Iou, meth Evlogitos is, sin to Panagio, Agatho, ke Zoopio Sou Pnevmati, ke ai, ke is tous Eonas ton Eonon. tou ou ke nin PRIEST Lord have mercy [12] §Through the Mercies Will Thou work Wonders for the dead? Or will Physicians raise them up, and acknowledge Thee? Amin PEOPLE Amen 23. F E S T A L M A TI N S S E R V I CE - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] Therapon Hristou ke prostata thermotate, mi ellipis presvevin iper imon pros Kyrion. cease not to intercede for us with the Lord. Mi diigisete tis en tafo to Eleos Sou, ke tin Alithian Sou en ti apolia? Sou, ke i Dikeosini eplelismeni? Sou en gi Shall anyone in the tomb describe Thy Mercy and Thy Truth in Destruction? Thy Wonders be known in Darkness, and Thy Righteousness in a Forgotten Land? I, O Lord, cry to Thee, and in the morning my Prayer shall come near to Thee. O Lord, dost Thou reject me – hiding Thy Face from me? Triodion Idiomelons Mi gnosthisete en to Skoti ta Thavmasia Shall Kago pros Se, Kyrie, ekeraxa, ke to proi i prosevhi mou profthasi Se. §Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati IHOS PLAGAL ∆ §Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit TONE PLAGAL 1 Yet Tis Metanias anixon mi Pilax, Zoodota. Arthrixi gar to pnevma mou pros Naon ton Agion Sou, Naon feron tou somatos olon esplomenon. All’ os iktirmon Katharon Evsplaghno Sou Elei. nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. evthinon mi trivous, Theotoke; eshres gar katerriposa tin ihin amarties, os rathimos ton vion mou olon ekdapanisas; tes ses Presvies rise me pasis akatharsias. Open to me the Gates of Repentance, O Life-giver; for my soul goes early to the Temple of Thy Holiness, coming in the temple of my body, wholly polluted. But because Thou art Compassionate, Cleanse me by Compassion of Thy Mercies Inati Kyrie apothis tin prosevhin mou apostrefis to Prosopon Sou ap emou? imi ego ke en kopis ek neotitos mou; ipsothis de etapinothin ke exiporithin. eme diilthon e Orge Sou; ke i Foverismi Sou exetaraxan me ekiklosan me os idor - olin tin imeran periehon me ama. ap emou filon, ke gnostous mou apo taleporias. tous Why, Poor Thy Ptohos Ep am I and in trouble since my youth; yet having been exalted, I was humbled and brought into despair. Ke Now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages Amen Prepare for me the Ways of Salvation, O Theotokos; for I have profaned myself with coarse sins, and consumed my whole life with procrastination. But by Thine Intercessions Purify me from all abominations. Amin Tis Sotirias fierce Anger passed over me, and Thy Terrors greatly troubled me – they compass me like water all day long – they surround me all at once. from me neighbour, friend and my acquaintances because of my misery. Lord, God of my Salvation: I cry out day and night before Thee. Emakrinas Kyrie Thou removed far O O Theos tis Sotirias mou imeras ekeraxa ke en nikti evantion Sou. Eleison IHOS (6) PLAGA B me, O Theos, kata to Mega Eleos Sou ke kata to plithos ton iktirmon Sou Exalipson to anomima mou. plithi ton pepragmenon mi dinon ennoon O talas, tremo tin foveran Imeran Tis Kriseos. Alla tharron is to Eleos tis Evsplaghnias Sou, os O David voo Si: Eleison me O Theos kata to Mega Sou Eleos. Have mercy on me, O God, TONE (6) PLAGAL 2 Iseltheto according to Thy Great Mercy; according to the multitude of Thy Mercies take away my offences. I think of the multitude of my evil deeds, I tremble for the terrible Day of Judgement. But trusting the Compassion of Thy Mercy, I shout to Thee like David: Have Mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy Great Mercy! enopion Sou i prosefhi mou klinon to ous Sou is tin disin mou, Kyrie. A PRAYER OF Let my Prayer come before Thee. Incline Thine Ear to my Supplication, O Lord. AND Psalm 102 [ 103 ] PRAISE FOR GOD’S MERCY HIS ANGELIC HOSTS Ta When Evlogi i psihi mou ton Kyrion, ke panta Bless ta entos mou to Onoma to Agion Aftou. the Lord, O my soul; and everything within me: Bless His Holy Name! the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His Rewards: He Who is Merciful towards all your transgressions, Who heals all your diseases, Who Redeems your Life from corruption, Who crowns you with Mercy and Compassion, Who satisfies your desire with Good Things; and Renews your youth like the eagle. Evlogi Prayer of Salvation Soson O Theos ton Laon Sou, Evlogison tin Klironomian Sou. ke PRIEST O Lord, Save Thy People and Bless Thine Inheritance. Christians, and send down upon us Thy rich Mercies. Episkepse ton kosmon Sou en Elei ke Iktirmis. Visit Thy world with Mercies and Bounties. i psihi mou ton Kyrion ke mi epilanthanou pasas tas Enesis Aftou: Ton evilatefonta pases tes anomies sou; ton iomenon pasas tas nosous sou; ton litroumenon ek fthoras tin Zoin sou; ton stefanounta se en Elei ke Iktirmis; ton empiplonta en Agathis tin epithimian sou; anakenisthisete os meou i neotis sou. Bless Ipsoson Keras Hristianon Orthodoxon ke Exalt the Horn of Orthodox katamempson ef imas ta Elei Sou ta Plousia. Pion eleimosinas O Kyrios, ke krima pasi The Lord shows Mercies and Judgement tis adikoumenis. to all who are wronged. made known His Ways to Moses – His Will to the Sons of Israel. - slow to anger, and abounding in Mercy. Egnorise tas odous aftou to Mosisi tis Iis He Israil ta Thelimata Aftou. §Presvies tis Panahrantou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias... §Through the Intercessions of our All Pure Lady, the Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary... Iktirmon Ouk ke Eleimon O makrothimos ke Polieleos. Kyrios, Compassionate and Merciful is the Lord He will not become angry to the end, nor will He be wrathful forever. 11. Dinami tou Timiou ke Zoopiou Stavrou... Through the Might of the Precious and Life-giving Cross... 22. F E S TA L M A T I N S S E R V I C E - S T G E O RG E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] is telos orgisthisete, oude is ton eona minii. F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] Ou kata tas amartias imon epiisen imin, He oude kata tas anomias imon antapedoken imin, oti kata to ipso tou Ouranou apo tis gis, ekrateose Kyrios to Eleos Aftou epi tous Fovoumenous Afton - kathoson apehousin anatole apo dismon, emakrinen af’ imin tas anomias imon. does not deal with us according to our sins, nor rewards us accoding to our transgressions, for according to the height of Heaven from earth, so the Lord reigns in Mercy over those who Fear Him – as far as the East is from the West, so does He remove our transgressions from us! a father has compassion for his children, so does our Lord have Compassion on those who Fear Him, for He knows how He formed us – He remembers that we are clay. - like a flower of the field he flourishes; for the wind passes over it, and it shall not remain – and it shall no longer know its place. to Ages upon those who Fear Him. Apodos mi tin Agalliasin tou Sotiriou Sou, ke Pnevmati Igemoniko stirixon me. anomous tas Odous Sou, ke asevis epi Se epistrepsousi. Restore to me the Joy of Thy Salvation, and uphold me with Thy Guiding Spirit. Didaxo I will teach transgressors Thy Ways, and the ungodly shall return to Thee. me from blood guiltiness, O God, the God of my Salvation, and my tongue shall greatly rejoice in Thy Righteousness. Rise me ex ematon, O Theos, O Theos tis Deliver Sotirias mou, agalliasete i glossa mou tin Dikeosinin Sou. Kathos iktiri patir iious oktirise Kyrios tous fovoumenous afton, oti aftos egno to plasma imon -Mnisthiti oti hous esmen. As Kyrie ta hili mou anixis, ke to stoma mou aanangeli tin Enesin Sou, oti i ithelisas thisian, edoka an Olokaftomata ouk evdokisis. O Anthropos - osi hortos e imere aftou, osi As for mankind – his days are like grass anthos tou agrou outos exanthisi. Oti pnevma diilthen en afto, ke ouk iparxi, ke ouk epignosete eti ton topon aftou. Eos tou Eonos epi tous Fovoumenous Afton. Lord, Thou shall open my lips, and my mouth will declare Thy Praise, for if Thou desired Sacrifice, I would give it – Thou will not be pleased with Whole Burnt Offerings. broken and humbled heart God will not despise. Thisia to Theo, pnevma sintetrimmenon - A Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit – a Kardian sintetrimmenin ke tetapinomenin exoudenosi. O Theos ouk To de Eleos tou Kyriou apo to Eonos ke Yet the Mercy of the Lord is from Ages Ke i Dikeosini Aftou epi iious iion, tis filassousi tin Diathikin Aftou, ke memnimenis ton Entolon Aftou tou Piise Aftas. en to Ourano itimase ton Thronon Aftou, ke i Vasilia Aftou panton despozi. dinati ishii piountes ton Logon Aftou tou akouse tis Fonis ton Logon Aftou. Agathinon, And His Righteousness is upon children’s children to those who keep His Covenant and remember His Commandments – to obey them. Kyrie, en ti evdokia Sou tin Sion, ke ikodomithito ta tihi Ierousalim, tote eudokisis Thisian Dikeosinis, anaforan ke Olokaftomata - tote aniisousin epi to Thisiastirion Sou moshous. Do Good, O Lord, in Thy Good Pleasure to Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built, then Thou will be pleased with a Sacrifice of Righteousness, with Offerings and Whole Burnt Offerings - then shall they offer young bullocks on Thine Altar. Kyrios The Lord prepared His Throne in Heaven and His Kingdom rules over all. the Lord, all you His Angels – Mighty in Strength – who do His Word - who heed the Voice of His Words. the Lord, all you His Hosts – His Ministers who do His Will. the Lord, all His Works, in all places of His Dominion! Eleison me, O Theos! Have mercy on me, O God! Divine Mercy Intercessory Hymns for Evlogite ton Kyrion pantes Angeli Aftou, Bless § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati §Tes Ke ATHLOFOROU Presvies, eleimon, exalipson ta plithi ton emon egklimaton. § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit §Through Now Evlogite ton Kyriou passe e Dinamis Aftou - Litourgi Aftou piountes ta Thelimata Aftou en panti topo tis Despotias Aftou. Bless the Intercessions of THE CHAMPION MARTYR, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of our transgressions. Evlogite ton Kyrion pante ta Erga Aftou, Bless Evlogi i pshihi mou ton Kyrion. [2] WAITING IN THE nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. tis Theotokou Presvies, Eleimon, exalipson ta plithi ton emon egklimaton. TONE and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. the Intercessions of the Theotokos, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of our transgressions. Bless, O my soul, the Lord! DARKNESS FOR THE Amin §Tes Amen §Through Psalm 142 [143] [SPIRITUAL] [DIVINE] LIGHT Idiomelon of St George the Great Martyr (6) PLAGAL 2 Kyrie isakouson tis Prosefhis mou; enotise tin deisin mou en ti Alithia Sou, epakouson mou en ti Dikeosini Sou. mi iselthis is krisin meta tou doulou Sou, oti ou Dikeothisete enopion Sou pas zon. O Lord hear my Prayer; hear my Supplication in Thy Truth - answer me in Thy Righteousness. Eleison Ke And do not enter into Judgement with Thy servant, for in Thy Sight no-one living is Righteous. me, O Theos, kata to Mega Eleos Sou ke kata to plithos ton Iktirmon Sou exalipson to anomima mou. i ikoumeni pasa athloforou avgazete aktisi. Hristou Ekklisia tis oraizomeni, Georgie, tes tou Ke i tou anthesin voa Si. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy Great Goodness; according to the multitude of Thy Mercies blot out my offences. Simeron Today the entire civilized world is Illumined by the Rays of the Champion Martyr. And the Church of Christ and our own Protector, 21. 12. F E S T A L M A TI N S S E R V I CE - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] Ke esesthe misoumeni ipo panton dia to And Onoma Mou. you will be hated by all for My Name Sake not a hair of your head shall be lost. Oti Ke En thrix ek tis kefalis imon ou mi apolite. ti ipomoni imon ktisasthe tas psihas imon. But Katedioxen O ehthros tin psihin mou. Etapinosen is tin gin tin zoin mou, ekathise me en skotinis os nekrous eonos. For the enemy 1 persecutes my soul. He humbled my life to the ground, he caused me to dwell in dark places like one who was long dead. By your Patience possess your souls. PEOPLE Ke ikidiasen ep’ eme to pnevma mou en emi etrahthi i kardia mou. imeron arheon, ke emeletisa en pasi tis Ergis Sou - en piimasi ton Hiron Sou emeleton. And my spirit was in anguish within me - my heart was troubled within. § Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! §Glory to Thee, O Lord: Glory to Thee! Emnisthin I Psalm 50/51 THE PSALM OF REPENTANCE remembered the days of old, and I meditated on all Thy Works – I meditated on the Works of Thy Hands. stretch out my hands to Thee – my soul thirsts for Thee like a waterless land. (PAUSE) me speedily, O Lord – my spirit faints within me. Eleison Sou. me, O Theos kata to Mega Eleos Have Mercy on me, O God, according to Thy Great Mercy. Dipetasa pros se tas hiras mou - i psihi I mou os gi anidros Si. Ke Epi kata to plithos ton Iktirmon Sou exalipson to anomima mou. plion plinon me apo tis anomias mou, ke apo tis amartias mou Katharison me. tin anomian mou ego ginosko, ke i amartia mou enopion mou esti diapantos. And according to the abundance of Thy Compassion, blot out my transgressions. Tahi Mi isakouson mou, Kyrie - exelie to pnevma mou! aspostrepsis to Prosopon Sou ap’ emou, ke omiothisome tis katavenonsin is Lakkon. oti epi Si ilpisa. Hear Wash me thoroughly from my lawlessness, and Cleanse me of my sin. Turn not Thy Sight from me, lest I become like those who go down into the Pit. Oti For I know my lawlessness, and my sin is always before me. Thee only have I sinned and done evil in Thy Sight – that Thou may be Justified in Thy Words, and overcome when Thou art Judged. in my Akouston piison mi to proi to Eleos Sou, Cause Gnorison mi, Kyrie, Odon en i porefsome, oti pros Se ira tin psihin mou. me to hear Thy Mercy in the morning, for I hope in Thee. me know, O Lord, the Way wherein I should walk, for to Thee I lift up my soul. Make Si mono imarton, ke to poniron enopion Against Sou epiisa. Opos an Dikeothis en tis Logis Sou, ke nikisis en to krinesthe Se. Exelou me ek ton ehthron mou, Kyrie, oti Deliver pros Se katefigon. Theos mou is Si. Idou me from my enemies, O Lord, for to Thee I flee for Refuge. for Thou art gar en anomies sinelifthin, ke en amarties ekissise me i mitir mou. Ta adila ke ta krifia tis Sofias Sou edilosas mi. Behold, I was conceived transgressions, and in sins mother bore me. Didaxon me tou piin to Thelima Sou, oti Teach me to do Thy Will, my God. Idou gar Alithian Igapisas. Behold, Thou Thou Love Truth – Thou showed me the unknown and secret things of Thy Wisdom. To Pnevma Sou to Agathon Odigisi me en ti Evthia. Thy Good Spirit shall Guide me in Uprightness. Eneka tou Onoma Sou, Kyrie, Zisis me. En ti Dikeosini Sou exexis ek thlipseos ton psihin mou - ke en to Eleei Sou exolothrevsis tous ehthous mou - ke apolis pantas tous thlivontas tin psihin mou, oti doulos Sou imi ego. isakouson tis prosefhis mou, enotise tin deisin mou en ti alithia Sou, epakouson mou en ti Dikeosini Sou. For Thy Name’s sake O Lord, grant me Life. Randiis me issopo, ke katharisthisome. Plinis me, ke iper hiona levkanthisome. Akoutiis mi agalliasin ke evfrosinin, agaliasonte ostea tetapinomena. shall sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be Cleansed. whiter than snow. In Thou shall wash me, and I will be made Thou shall make me hear Joy and Gladness – my bones that were humbled shall greatly Rejoice. out all my transgressions. Thy Righteousness Thou shall bring my soul out of affliction – and in Thy Mercy Thou shall destroy my enemies – and Thou shall utterly destroy all who afflict my soul, for I am Thy servant. Lord hear my Prayer; hear my Supplication in Thy Truth - answer me in Thy Righteousness. Kyrie O Apostrepson Kardian Mi to Prosopon Sou apo ton amartion mou, ke pasas tas anomias mou exalipson. Turn Thy Sight from my sins, and blot Create in me a clean heart, O God, and Renew a right spirit within me. katharan ktison en emi, O Theos, ke pnevma evthes Engenison en tis engatis mou. aporripsis me apo tou Prosopou Sou, ke to Pnevma Sou to Agion mi antanelis ap emou. Ke mi iselthis is krisin meta tou doulou Sou, oti ou dikeothisete enopion Sou pas zon. [2] And do not enter into Judgement with Thy servant, for in Thy Sight noone living is Righteous. Do not cast me away from Thy Presence, and taken not Thy Holy Spirit from me. 1 O U R E N E M I E S ARE NOT ONLY OUR PHYSICAL, HUMAN ENEMIES, BUT ESPECIALLY THE INVISIBLE ENEMIES – THE EVIL ONE AND HIS DEMONS WHO OBSESSIVELY AND CEASELESSLY, SEEK OUR DESTRUCTION AND FAILURE IN OUR EARTHLY AND ETERNAL ENDEAVOURS. BUT, NO MATTER HOW THEY TEMPT US INTO SPIRITUAL DEATH, THE CHOICE IS OURS TO MAKE – OBEY GOD AND REAP ALL THE SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL BENEFITS – SPIRITUAL LIFE WITH GOD - OR CHOOSE THE WEAKER, DESTRUCTIVE, SELF-INDULGENT TEMPTATIONS THAT LEAD US TO SPIRITUAL DEATH AND EVENTUALLY, ETERNAL CONDEMNATION AND ALIENATION FROM GOD AND EVERYTHING GOOD! 20. F E S TA L M A T I N S S E R V I C E - S T G E O RG E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] 13. To Pnevma Sou to Agathon Odigisi me Thy en ti Evthia. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Good Spirit shall Guide me in Uprightness. and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto Ages of Ages. Festal Prokeimenon – St George § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Amin Allelouia [(3) § Doxa Si, O Theos! [3] I Elpis imon, Kyrie, doxa Si! En Irini tou Kyriou deithomen Kyrie Eleison Iper tis Anothen Irinis ke tis Sotirias ton psihon imon, tou Kyriou deithomen... Dikeos os finix anthisi, ke osi kedros i en to Libano plithinthisete. STIHOS: The VERSE: Righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; they shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. Amen Alleluia [3] §Glory to Thee, O God. [3] Our Hope, O Lord: Glory to Thee! In Peace let us pray to the Lord PEOPLE Lord have mercy PRIEST For the Peace from Above and for PRIEST Pefitevmeni en to iko Kyriou, en tes avles tou Theou imon exanthisousin. Those who are planted in the House of the Lord shall flourish in the Courts of our God. Dikeos os finix anthisi, ke osi kedros i My en to Libano plithinthisete. The Great Litany mouth shall speak Wisdom, and the meditation of my heart, Understanding. Holy Gospel – St George T H E P R I E S T S T A N D S B E F O R E T H E H O L Y A L T A R I N T H E S A N C T U A R Y . ON SUNDAYS HE READS THE HOLY RESURRECTION GOSPEL AND THE EOTHINON AT THE HOLY ALTAR, BUT ON OTHER DAYS HE READS THE HOLY GOSPEL FOR THE FEAST FROM THE ROYAL GATES [HOLY DOORS] FACING THE CONGREGATION. the Salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord... PEOPLE PRIEST Ke Kyrie Eleison Iper tis Irinis tou simpantos kosmou, efsthias ton Agion tou Theou Ekklision ke tis ton panton enoseaos tou Kyriou deithomen... whole world, for the well-being of the Holy Churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.... Lord have mercy For the Peace of the iper tou kataxiothine imas tis akroaseos tou Agiou Evangeliou Kyriou ton Theon imon iketevsomen. tou Agiou PRIEST And that He will graciously vouchsafe unto us to hear His Holy Gospel, let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy [3] Wisdom! Arise! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Kyrie Eleison [3] Sofia! Orthi! Akiousomen Evangeliou PEOPLE PRIEST Kyrie Eleison Iper tou Agiou Ikou toutou ke ton meta Pisteos, evlavias ke Fovou Theou isionton en afto, tou Kyriou deithomen... Lord have mercy PRIEST For this Holy Temple, and for those PEOPLE who enter with Faith, Reverence and the Fear of God, let us pray to the Lord... Irini pasi! Ke to pnevmati sou Ek tou kata St Loukan Agiou Evangeliou to anagnosma... Peace be with you all. PEOPLE And with thy spirit PRIEST The Lesson is from the Holy Gospel according TO ST LUKE 21: 12-19 Kyrie Eleison Iper tou Patros imon: Papa ke Patriarhi (T H E O D O R O U ) ke tou Arhiepiskopou imon (NAME) tou Timiou Presviteriou, ) tis en Hristo Diakonias, pantos tou Kyriou ke tou laou tou Kyriou deithomen. Lord have mercy PRIEST For our Father: Pope PEOPLE & Patriarch (THEODOROS) and for our Archbishop (NAME) for the Venerable Priesthood of the Diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the laity, let us pray to the Lord. and city, and for every city and country, and for the Faithful who dwell therein, let us pray to the Lord for the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord Proshomen § Doxa Si, Kyrie, Doxa Si! PEOPLE Let us attend § Glory to Thee, O Lord: Thee! Glory to MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS & BOW TO GOD IN GRATITUDE AND WORSHIP Holy Gospel According to St Luke 21 : 12 – 19 Kyrie Eleison Iper tis Koinotita ke poleos taftis, pasis poleos, horas, ke ton pisti ikounton en aftes tou Kyriou deithomen. Lord have mercy PRIEST For this Community PEOPLE Prosehete apo ton anthropon; epivalousi Beware gar ef imas tas hiras afton ke dioxousi, paradidontes is Sinagogas ke filakas, agomenous epi vailis ke igemonas eneken tou Onomatos Mou. of men, for they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the Synagogues and prisons; you will be brought before Kings and Rules for My Name’s Sake. it will turn out for you as an occasion for Testimony. Kyrie Eleison Iper efkrasias aeron, eforias ton karpon tis gis ke keron irinikon tou Kyriou deithomen. Lord have mercy PRIEST For seasonable weather, PEOPLE Apovisete de imin is martirion Thesthe oun is tas kardias imon mi promeletan apologithine; Ego gar doso imin stoma ke Sofian, i ou dinisonte antipin oude antistine pantes i antikimeni imin. But Therefore, settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; for I will give you a mouth and Wisdom, that all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist. Kyrie Eleison Iper pleonton, odiporounton, PEOPLE PRIEST nosounton, kamnonton, ehmaloton ke tis Sotirias afton tou Kyriou deithomen. and those who travel by land or air, for the sick and the suffering, for captives and for their Salvation, let us pray to the Lord Lord have mercy For those at sea, Paradothisesthe de ke ipo goneon ke singenon ke filon ke Adelphon, ke thanatosousin ex imon. You Kyrie 14. Eleison PEOPLE Lord have mercy will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. 19. F E S T A L M A TI N S S E R V I CE - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] Small Litany Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou Soson, PRIEST yet again, in Peace let us pray to the Lord. Again, Iper tou Risthine imas apo pasis thlipseos, orgis, kindinou ke anangis, tou Kyriou deithomen Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Hariti. PRIEST For our Deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger and necessity, let us pray to the Lord Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Hariti. Lord have mercy PRIEST Help us, Save us, have Mercy on us, PEOPLE Kyrie Eleison Antilavou Soson, Lord have mercy PRIEST Help us, Save us, have Mercy upon PEOPLE and Protect us, O God, by Thy Grace. PEOPLE PRIEST Amin/Kyrie eleison § Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, Ipere Vlogimenis, Endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. M AKE Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary, together with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another, and all our life to Christ our God. Amen/ Lord have mercy §Remembering our Most Holy, All us, and Preserve us, O God, by Thy Grace. Amin/Kyrie eleison § Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, Ipere Vlogimenis, Endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. M AKE THE Amen/Lord have mercy PRIEST § Remembering our All Holy, Pure, PEOPLE Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary, with all Thy Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God. BOW DOWN TO THE SIGN OF THE CROSS & BOW DOWN PEOPLE PRIEST SIGN OF THE CROSS & PEOPLE PRIEST GOD § Si Kyrie Oti Evlogite Sou to Onoma, ke Dedoxaste Sou i Vasilia, §tou Patros, ke tou Iiou, ke tou Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai, ke is tous eonas ton eonon. § To Thee, O Lord! For Blessed is Thy §Si Kyrie Oti prepi Name and Glorified is Thy Kingdom, § of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. PEOPLE Si pasa Doxa, Timi ke Proskinisis § to Patri ke to Io ke to Agio Pnevmati nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. all Glory, Honour and Worship, § to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. § To Thee, O Lord! For to Thee belong Amin PRAISE TO PEOPLE Amen 2 Amin Amen TONE 4 Psalm 117 /118 GOD FOR Festal Antiphons – HIS EVERLASTING MERCY Ek neotitos mou, pola polemi me pathi From al aftos andilavou, ke soson, Sotir mou. [2] Theos STIHOS my youth up many passions have warred against me. But do Thou succour and save me, O Saviour. [2] who hate Zion shall be put to confusion by the Lord; like grass in the fire shall they be withered up. [2] and to the Holy Spirit Kyrios ke Evlogimenos O Onomati Kyriou! epefanen imin. erhomenos en The Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord! VERSE 1: I misoundes Sion, eshinthite apo tou Kyriou; os hortos gar, piri esesthe apexirameni. [2] Those 1: Exomologisthe to Kyrio, oti Agathos, oti is ton eona to Eleos Aftou! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good; His Mercy endures forever! Theos STIHOS 2: § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Agio Pnevmati, pasa psihi zooute, ke katharsi, ipsoute, lambrinete, ti Triadiki Monadi, Ierokrifios nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Pnevmati, anavlizi ta tis Haritos reithra, arthevonda, apasan tin ktisin pros Zoogonion. § Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Through the Holy Spirit is every soul quickened and exalted in purity, and Illumined by the Triune Unity in Mystic Holiness. and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. Kyrios ke Evlogimenos O Onomati Kyriou! epefanen imin. erhomenos en The Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord! VERSE 2: Panta ta Ethni ekiklosan me, ke to Onomati Kyriou inamin aftous. epefanen imin. erhomenos en All the nations surrounded me, but in the Name of the Lord I drove them back. Theos STIHOS 3: Ke Now Kyrios ke Evlogimenos O Onomati Kyriou! The Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord! VERSE 3: Amin §Agio Amen §From the Holy Spirit do the streams of Grace well forth; they irrigate everything created, so that Life can be produced. Para Kyriou egeneto afti, ke esti thavmasti en ofthalmis imon. epefanen imin. erhomenos en This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Theos Kyrios ke Evlogimenos O Onomati Kyriou! The Lord is God, and has appeared to us. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord! 2 AFTER “THEOS KYRIOS...” THE TONES AND HYMNS OF THE DA Y APPLY. (REFER TO THE MONTHLY FESTAL CALENDAR) 18. F E S T A L M A TI N S S E R V I CE - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] 15. Festal Apolytikion – St George - TONE 4 First Festal Kathisma – St George - TONE 1 Os ton ehmaloton Eleftherotis, ke ton ptohon Iperaspistis, asthenounton Iatros, vaileon Ipermahos, Tropeofore Megalomartis Georgie, Presveve Hristo to Theo, Sothine tas psihas imon. As the Liberator of prisoners, and the Protector of those in Physician of the sick, and of ruling Kings, O Triumphant Great Martyr, with Christ our God, so souls may be Saved. poverty, Defender George intercede that our Anetilen idou, to tis Haritos ear, epelampse Hristou, i Anastasis pasi, ke tafti sineklampi nin, Georgiou tou Martiros, i paneortos, ke fotoforos imera, defte apantes, lamproforountes entheos, fedros eortasomen. Behold, with Spring the season of Grace has arisen. And shining over all is the Lord’s Resurrection. Together with this now shines the Most Radiant Festive Day of St George the Great and Holy Martyr and Athlete. All you faithful, come, wearing our radiant garments, let us celebrate with Holy Joy. § Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati Os ton ehmaloton Eleftherotis, ke ton ptohon Iperaspistis, asthenounton Iatros, vaileon Ipermahos, Tropeofore Megalomartis Georgie, Presveve Hristo to Theo, Sothine tas psihas imon. §Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit poverty, Defender George intercede that our As the Liberator of prisoners, and the Protector of those in Physician of the sick, and of ruling Kings, O Triumphant Great Martyr, with Christ our God, so souls may be Saved. § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, Amin Potho ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. § Glory Amen to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. TONE 3 Second Kathisma of St George – zeonti, to tou Despotou, pirpoloumenos, andriofronos, ta tis planis tamia katevales, ke en stadio Hriston omologisas, Tropeofore Pammakar Georgie, Martis Endoxe, Hriston ton Theon iketeve, dorisasthe imin to Mega Eleos. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Now and ever, and to the Ages of ages. O Amin. Eti ke eti, en Irini tou Kyriou deithomen. Kyrie Eleison Antilavou Soson, Amin § Tis Eleison ke Diafilaxon imas O Theos, ti Si Hariti. Amen Small Litany PRIEST Again, yet again, in Peace let us pray to the Lord Lord have mercy! Help us, Save us, have Mercy on us, Amen §Remembering our Most Holy, All Victorious, All Blessed Martyr: Thou were on fire with ardent yearning for our Master; and thus Thou courageously brought down the shrines of the error of idolatry; and Thou confessed Christ as God in the stadium. O All Glorious St George: pray to Christ our God, beseeching Him to grant us His Great Mercy! to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. – TONE 4 PEOPLE PRIEST § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. § Glory Amen and Preserve us, O God, by Thy Grace PEOPLE PRIEST Amin Georgisas emmelos, sporon ton Thion Entolon, dieskopisas ptohis, panta ton plouton efsevos, antiktisamenos Endoxe Hristou tin Doxan. Othen pepithos, pros agonas horis, ke ponous tous makrous, Martis Georgie, ke kinonos genomenos tou pathous, tou apathous ke egerseos, tis vasilias, aftou meteshes, iper imon nin deomenos. Panagias, Ahrantou, Ipere Flogimenis, Endoxou Despinis imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Marias meta panton ton Agion Mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous ke pasan tin Zoin imon Hristo to Theo parathometha. Third Kathisma of St George Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, Theotokos and Ever Virgin Maria, with all the Saints, let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole Life to Christ our God. Thou MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS & BOW DOWN §Si Kyrie § Oti son to Kratos ke sou Estin i §To Thee, O Lord! PRIEST For Thine is the Dominion, PEOPLE Vasilea, ke i Dinamis ke i Doxa § tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton Eonon. Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory § of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the Ages of Ages. took care to till the Seed of God’s Commandments and Laws, and Thou piously dispersed all Thy wealth to the poor; and in return Thou obtained the Divine Glory of Christ. Therefore, Thou advanced to Holy Contests with Faith, O Glorious St George, and Thou endured much pain, and Thou shared the sufferings of the Saviour Who is dispassionate, and also His Resurrection, and Thou partake of His Uncreated Rule, and now Thou entreat Him on our behalf. Amin PEOPLE Amen § Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, Amin ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton eonon. § Glory Amen to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the Ages of ages. 16. F E S T A L M A TI N S S E R V I CE - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] F E S T A L M A T I N S S E R VI C E - S T G E O R G E TH E G R E A T M A R TY R – 23 A P R I L 2013 - [BEFORE HOLY PASCHA] 17.
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