2012 DMS Catalog Tablet Ready
2012 DMS Catalog Tablet Ready
March 22, 2018 | Author: Alejandro De Faria | Category:
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DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGNSAPPLICATIONS GUIDE & LED DISPLAY CATALOG 2012-2013 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 25 27 29 30 31 33 34 35 ABOUT DAKTRONICS DAKTRONICS CUSTOMER SERVICE LED TECHNOLOGY BASICS TECHNOLOGY COMPARISON DMS APPLICATIONS WALK-IN ACCESS DMS VF-2020 MASKED FRONT-ACCESS DMS VF-2420 LOUVERED FRONT-ACCESS DMS VF-2320 REAR-ACCESS DMS VF-2120 LOUVERED FRONT-ACCESS DMS VL-3500 DEDICATED DMS VM-1020 VARIABLE SPEED LIMIT SIGN VS-5220 VANGUARD DMS MODEL COMPARISON VANGUARD DMS CONTROL VANGUARD V4 SOFTWARE DAKTRONICS ITS RESOURCES CUSTOMER LIST INSTALLATION MAP RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 As the ITS industry accelerates through 2012, Daktronics Transportation remains focused on your needs for reliable products, responsive service and financial stability for the growth of your display systems. This commitment hasn’t changed, and it never will. Perhaps more than ever, we’ve seen agencies striving to get the most value for their dollars. This is an exciting thing to me, because I strongly believe that DMS offer the best return on investment in this situation. Our DMS customers have been able to increase traffic capacity in places where road expansion – physically or fiscally – just isn’t an option. Our products and personnel are more equipped than ever. In the past year, Daktronics continued its tradition of improvement with several advancements in product design and application. Our cabinets are more robust, our components are more efficient and our service is more equipped. Many of these improvements are the result of the $18.9 million we invested in product development in the past year. In addition, our service team has completed geo-locating our displays and has finished organizing customer information into a quick-reference system for your convenience. Every financial quarter, we offer a first-hand look at our records, providing transparency and confidence for your agency. Because of our financial stability, we’re positioned to offer continuous support throughout the life of your DMS system. We would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you to see how we can make your next project a success. Jason Morrison ITS Market Manager Daktronics Transportation RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Test chambers include: • Environmental Simulator (4. expert support technicians and locally-dispatched field engineers collaborate with transportation agencies to meet deadlines for even the most complex ITS projects. no two installations are exactly the same. useful diagnostics and smart integration • Daktronics assists the development of NTCIP DMS standards • Intelligent systems and sensors provide constant uptime and monitoring • In-field.000 DMS installations STABILITY • FY2011 net sales of $441. third party and DOT-tested NTCIP compliance QUALITY • ISO 9001:2008 registered • Designed to all critical US ITS standards • Tested in Daktronics advanced product reliability lab • Continual investment in product research and development • Manufactured and assembled in the United States EXPERIENCE • 42 years designing and manufacturing electronic display systems • 23 years designing and manufacturing transportation DMS • Developing and assisting NTCIP DMS standards since 1998 • More than 4. So has the demand for innovative ITS solutions. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 .7 million • Publicly traded on the NASDAQ: DAKT • Ability to meet bonding for large projects DESIGNING RELIABLE PRODUCTS In the ITS industry. traffic density has steadily increased and budgets have continued to tighten. Dedicated salespeople. Daktronics uses a sophisticated reliability lab — the only of its class in the ITS industry — to ensure product reliability.ABOUT DAKTRONICS Since Daktronics began producing transportation DMS in 1988. but what is even more certain is that agencies will count on Daktronics to continue providing the solutions.500 square foot stress test chamber) • Climate Chamber (component-level extreme temperature and humidity testing) • Thermal Shock Chamber (alternates between extreme heat and cold for periods of up to a month) • Salt Fog Chamber (tests the corrosive effects of salty coastal air) • Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) chamber (extreme temperatures and mechanical vibrations to locate vulnerable areas) • NEMA Standards Publication 250 (enclosures for electrical equipment [1000 Volts Maximum]) We also test our DMS on our outdoor viewing structure. Daktronics serves immediate needs and supports long-term ITS goals with the most comprehensive customer support and the most reliable DMS in the industry. The lab enables accelerated environmental DMS testing. Daktronics demonstrates the security and stability needed for any successful ITS project. allowing customers to view their DMS in a realistic environment during factory acceptance tests. helpful project managers. RELIABILITY • Vanguard® DMS are field-proven for simple maintenance. The future will undoubtedly bring even more daunting transportation challenges. With the experience of thousands of projects and with agencies throughout North America testifying to the company’s product quality and reliability. Our engineers are committed to meeting and exceeding your specifications through proven design practices which maximize performance without maximizing price. and dedicated phone support staff. we staff more than 120 highly-trained technical service specialists who provide local on-site service. Daktronics Transportation offers a wide menu of options which can fit any agency’s budget while helping them meet long-term goals. Our service capabilities are unmatched in the ITS industry. Daktronics Customer Service Representatives exercise a thorough understanding of service options. Daktronics offers a variety of extended service plans which can be customized to meet particular customer needs.DAKTRONICS CUSTOMER SERVICE Innovative systems rely on quick. Daktronics delivers the most comprehensive support in the industry. nor are there two transportation agencies with identical service needs. In the US and Canada. Daktronics has a passion for delivering quality products and customer service that stems from an intimate understanding of customers’ needs gained from decades of service. comprehensive support.S. DEPENDABLE Over the past 40 years. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 . shipping. they all want to protect their investments. With this commitment. Daktronics Customer Service is comprised of over 120 technicians located across the U. DRIVEN Daktronics Certified Field Engineers combine extensive experience installing and maintaining Daktronics products with a helpful and cooperative attitude. convenient reference • Industry-standard support plans plus extended service options • The industry’s largest and most organized field service network These options allow any agency to rely on Daktronics for the industry’s most stable and coprehensive service provision to maximize the life of their DMS systems. DAKTRONICS FIELD SERVICE Daktronics has established a world-wide service network with local support for all major metropolitan areas in the United States. Daktronics has earned a worldwide reputation for its exceptional engineering and outstanding technical capabilities. we also design our service operations to fit our customers’ universal and unique needs. However. Customer Service Technicians and Account Managers form agency-specific teams dedicated to maximizing DMS support. Technical Support Representatives have the resources of Daktronics computerized customer and product databases at their fingertips. With comprehensive service plans and dedicated personnel. DEDICATED Project Managers. local support • Onsite commissioning and service from certified Daktronics Engineers • Millions of dollars of spare parts inventory ready for quick shipment • Tiered extended service plans • Toll-free phone support • Onsite training Contact Daktronics Transportation Customer Service at 800-833-3157 or 605-697-4958. receiving and return processing. DESIGNING RELIABLE SERVICE Not only does Daktronics design the industry’s most reliable products. We support our customers with: • Expert service representatives who are trained and prepared to handle any service situation • Organized and accurate database records for fast. • A nationwide network of service technicians provide fast. Just as no two ITS installations are exactly the same. ordering parts. A pixel can be made up of a single LED. multiple LEDs of the same color or multiple LEDs of different colors. 70 30 70 PIXELS are points of light that illuminate together to form letters. −700 ft −600 ft −500 ft −400 ft −300 ft −200 ft −100 ft −100 ft −100 ft 100 ft 200 ft 300 ft 400 ft 500 ft 600 ft 700 ft 800 ft −200 ft −300 ft −400 ft −500 ft −600 ft −700 ft 900 ft 1000+ ft *70 degree viewing angle only available on VL-3500 30° 70° RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS −0 ft 4 . Vanguard® DMS offer two viewing angle options: • 30 degrees — wide viewing angle for roadside placement • 70 degrees* — wider viewing angle for broad roadways and municipal streets Use the graphic to the right to learn how wide a viewing cone should be to fit your application. Contact Daktronics for help in determining what viewing angle is best for your application. Different chemical compounds emit different colors of light.LED TECHNOLOGY BASICS LED is an abbreviation for light-emitting diode. Unlike incandescent lamps. words and MUTCD symbols. Recent LED technology developments allow agencies to install DMS with LEDs that have a greater viewing angle rather than tilting the modules or display. An LED is a solidstate electronic device that is more efficient at creating light than an incandescent lamp. LEDs contain chemical compounds that emit light when electric current passes through them. LEDs have no filaments that can burn out or fail. 30 30 15 VIEWING ANGLE CONSIDERATIONS Road configurations and DMS locations affect DMS legibility. 1 25 8.7 5.2 Shaded areas indicate adequate viewing time (in seconds) to read at the indicated character height.1 11.8 24. The greater the number of pixels per square foot.5 45 4. Viewing times are in seconds.1 5.7 41. MAXIMUM VIEWING DISTANCE 300 ft/91m 450 ft/137m 650 ft/198m 1100 ft/274m MINIMUM CHARACTER HEIGHT 6 in/152mm 9 in/229mm 12 in/330mm 18 in/457mm MPH 15 13.9 13.6 6.6 8.2 65 3. the greater the amount of detail displayed. DMS used in roadway applications typically do not require resolutions of less than 20 mm.9 8. The three examples below show MUTCD-approved graphics as if they were displayed on a five-foot-high DMS.8 9.2 12. Contact Daktronics for help in determining what viewing angle is best for the application.7 4.LED TECHNOLOGY BASICS 66mm 21 pixels per sq foot 66mm 21 pixels per sq foot RESOLUTION means the number of pixels in the physical area of the DMS.8 12.8 9.8 8.3 17.5 75 2.2 4.7 20.5 29. 34mm 85 pixels per sq foot 34mm 85 pixels per sq foot 20mm 236 pixels per sq foot 20mm 236 pixels per sq foot TEXT SIZE VIEWING RANGE The table below can help determine the appropriate character size for a display based on viewing distance or the speed at which the viewer may be traveling. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 .7 17.7 6. Factoring in viewing distance.7 55 3.6 35 5. text and MUTCD symbols quickly inform drivers of changes in traffic. • Create extremely legible MUTCD-compliant graphic symbols and much sharper characters • The added detail provided by high-resolution DMS significantly improves legibility FULL COLOR** HIGH RESOLUTION (20 OR 34 MM) Daktronics incorporates world-leading experience in full-color and high-resolution LED technology to deliver products specifically designed to meet ITS standards. high-resolution DMS further improve message legibility. These signs offer many more pixels in the same display area. Wang and Collyer University of Rhode Island Study on Adding Graphics to Dynamic Message Sign Messages AMBER HIGH RESOLUTION (20 OR 34 MM) Full-matrix.” -Hesar. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 . the graphic-aided messages could be identified easier. FULL COLOR** FULL MATRIX (46 OR 66 MM) Color graphics. road conditions or payment options. Full-matrix displays help to ensure motorists receive your message by allowing multiple font sizes and graphics. and understood better by people who cannot understand the language in the text. seen better under adverse viewing conditions. quicker and from a further distance. Common uses include: • Highly recognizable MUTCD-compliant graphic symbols • Warnings in low visibility weather like smoke and fog • Toll plaza lane icons • AMBER Alerts AMBER FULL MATRIX (46 OR 66 MM) Today’s typical DMS configuration.TECHNOLOGY COMPARISON “Compared with text-only messages. TECHNOLOGY COMPARISON BENEFITS OF GRAPHICS* • 94% of study subjects preferred graphical DMS to text-only DMS • Improves recognition among non-native English speakers • Strongly decreases the time older drivers need to comprehend messages *THE BRAIN DECODES ICONS MORE QUICKLY THAN TEXT 35% faster reaction time on average when using MUTCD graphic symbols on DMS (Source: University of Rhode Island Study) **USE OF COLOR AIDS IN SYMBOL RECOGNITION • Daktronics was the first DMS manufacturer to develop full-color DMS that adhere to all US ITS standards • Daktronics full-color DMS can display more than 32.000 colors using high-quality LEDs • Full-color technology can reduce the time required for motorists to recognize a message VANGUARD DMS SUPPORT THESE MUTCD GRAPHICS AND MORE RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 . Washington HOT Lanes VF-2320-16x80-34-A Eagle Pass Bridge Eagle Pass. economical DMS display symbols. FACILITIES Guide motorists around facilities such as airports. Vanguard DMS can display character heights ranging from 6 to 18 inches. These smaller. They also require easily maintainable DMS that minimize disruptive lane closures. Texas VL-3500-32x176-20-RGB RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 . Minnesota VL-3500-24x64-34-RGB Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission VF-2420-27x60-46-A MANAGED LANES Increase the effectiveness of HOV lanes. travel times and speed limits as well as dynamic lanes are gaining popularity on arterial roads. instantly directing traffic to the most convenient lane and maximizing the benefits of an HOV or HOT project. parking lots. ARTERIAL ROADS Minimize congestion. park and ride lots and more.DMS APPLICATIONS Daktronics offers a wide range of DMS products for any roadway application. reduce accidents. FREEWAY High-speed freeway applications require large. bright characters to maximize viewing times that may last only a few seconds. attracting customers and increasing revenue. Variable toll rates. text and numbers. manage event traffic and communicate alerts on roads with high traffic volumes. convention centers. Permanent DMS can advertise parking facility entrances and rates. City of Minneapolis. HOT lanes and more. fairgrounds. as well as the viewing angles and industryaccepted brightness to ensure DMS legibility in any roadway setting. KY VF-2000-27x105-66-A Connecticut DOT Hartford. high resolution capabilities of these displays to improve communication as motorists approach toll booths. Indiana DOT Gary. CT VF-1350-27x65-66-A RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 9 . smaller dedicated displays installed on the same route ensure the availability of the travel time information. Indiana VM-1020-7x15-66-A Ohio Turnpike Commission VL-3500-48x128-20-RGB TUNNELS Tunnel DMS alert motorists of emergencies. possibly saving project costs. BRIDGES Mounting DMS to bridges can reduce the amount of structure required. Rear-access DMS are often installed on bridges so technicians can easily access the back of the display. DMS provide valuable communication during inclement weather or other events.DMS APPLICATIONS TRAVEL TIME Displaying travel times can effectively increase the public’s perception of DMS. weather conditions and other incidents. construction. creating another incentive for motorists to use the road. TOLL FACILITIES Provide convenience and reduce toll booth congestion by displaying clear instructions and lane options. Many toll agencies choose the full-color. Cumberland Gap Middlesboro. Several Daktronics DMS help agencies manage America’s heavily-traveled tunnels in emergency situations. heavy traffic. When large DMS must display other critical information. DMS also benefit toll roads by offering traffic information. including pixels POWER RELIABILITY Redundant power supplies provide back-up assistance if first supply fails VENTILATION Positive-pressure ventilation extends LED lifetime.000+ colors to display enhanced text and MUTCD symbols SPECIFICATIONS LEGIBILITY • 30-degree viewing angle • Minimum sign intensity: 9. NEMA TS-4.200 cd/m² (Amber) or 12. easy swapping of all components • Conformal coating on all circuit boards • Complete customer service options. FCC. AASHTO. UL. tie offs.400 cd/m² (Full Color) • 0-100% automatic and 248 levels of manual brightness control • Advanced 3-sensor external brightness detection • High-quality LEDs with latest technology • Built-in 3º face panel tilt RELIABILITY • Full diagnostics monitor pixels. Variable LED brightness provides optimal ITS visibility in all conditions FULL DIAGNOSTICS Run diagnostics and monitor every system.VANGUARD WALK-IN ACCESS DMS ® VF-2020 MINIMUM PIXEL PITCH CHARACTER MAXIMUM COLOR VIEWING AVAILABLE HEIGHT DISTANCE 66 mm 34 mm 18 inches 9 inches 1100 feet 450 feet full or amber MATRIX TYPE VIEWING ANGLE CONE SIGN FACE full masked Inside the VF-2020 FEATURES WALK-IN ACCESS Eliminates lane closures and provides a safe working environment EASE OF MAINTENANCE Ample work space and conveniently-located components allow technicians to complete work more efficiently HIGH LEGIBILITY Black aluminum masking over polycarbonate improves contrast and reduces glare. power supplies. on-site maintenance and toll-free help desk COMMUNICATION • Ethernet. fiber. fans and more • Withstands humidity. high wind. direct or radio • Includes the VFC-3000 sign controller. modules.2 Structural Welding Code. compliant with NTCIP 1203 v02 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 . guard rails and other cabinet space provide a safe working environment for technicians RANGE OF SIZES See page 11 for a listing of standard configuration options and find the model that fits your project needs VFC-3000 SIGN CONTROLLER Built for reliability and simplifies maintenance with an intuitive menudriven LCD screen AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL Provides convenient local diagnostics without need for an onsite laptop DESIGNED TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS NTCIP 1203 v02. extreme temperatures and adverse weather • Redundant power supply systems provide uninterrupted operation • LED modules removable without tools. NEC COLOR CAPABILITY Use amber or 32. including parts exchange. cellular. heating systems eliminate condensation SAFETY OSHA-compliant equipment. ANSI/AWS D1. 54 x 1.21 2.558 1.769 21 24 25 25 26 26 21 24 25 25 26 26 515 564 652 669 701 717 596 661 810 831 874 896 24 25 30 30 32 32 26 32 34 36 39 41 20 21 22 24 25 26 1.21 2.24 2. Please contact Daktronics for more information. Contact Daktronics for details about other fonts. The number of characters per line is calculated using a fixed-width 7-pixel-high by 5-pixel-wide font and one pixel seperator between characters.21 2.39 x 6.39 x 8.39 x 7.24 2.650 3.223 1. Consistent with Daktronics continuous improvement program.05 x 1.204 1.55 x 1.24 2.86 x 1.486 1. Contact Daktronics for character capacity using other fonts. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.130 1.21 2.99 x 5. all product features are subject to change without notice.39 x 8. Contact Daktronics for specific mounting details.700 4. 2.601 1.87 x 1.21 2. Amps Per Leg numbers are based on a maximum load of typical DMS.99 x 7. 3. Nominal character heights and number of lines that fit on each DMS are calculated using 7-pixel-high fonts.53 x 1. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/ CHAR. 7.724 1.550 3.047 677 757 878 963 1003 1084 VF-2020-27x110-66-A or RGB 7'11" x 25'10" x 4'0" VF-2020-36x110-66-A or RGB 9'10" x 25'10" x 4'1" Notes 1.53 x 1.39 x 9.000 3.155 2.361 1.678 1.99 x 8. such as cabinet heaters and auxiliary control panels.24 2.678 1.21 2. 6.000 3.350 4. This number could vary depending on options installed in the DMS.56 x 1.39 x 6.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VF-2020 WALK-IN ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 18" CHARACTERS (66 mm) & 9” CHARACTERS (34 mm) 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VF-2020-27x90-66-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.550 3.633 1.150 3.21 2.56 x 1.397 1.39 x 7.21 2.39 x 5.437 1.900 2.748 1.24 2.999 2.99 x 8.39 x 8.750 4. Many other font sizes are available. Contact Daktronics for more information.86 x 1. 4.39 x 8.800 3.600 3.474 1. 5. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 .21 2.04 x 1.3 PER LINE 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/18 3/20 3/21 4/12 4/15 4/17 4/18 4/20 4/21 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/18 3/20 3/21 POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT AMPS PER LEG4 (AMBER) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (AMBER) AMPS PER LEG4 (RGB) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VF-2020-27x75-66-A or RGB VF-2020-27x90-66-A or RGB VF-2020-27x105-66-A or RGB VF-2020-27x120-66-A or RGB VF-2020-27x125-66-A or RGB VF-2020-36x75-66-A or RGB VF-2020-36x90-66-A or RGB VF-2020-36x105-66-A or RGB VF-2020-36x120-66-A or RGB VF-2020-36x125-66-A or RGB VF-2020-54x150-34-RGB VF-2020-54x180-34-RGB VF-2020-54x210-34-RGB VF-2020-54x225-34-RGB VF-2020-54x240-34-RGB VF-2020-54x255-34-RGB 7'11" x 18'3" x 4'0" 7'11" x 21'6" x 4'0" 7'11" x 24'9" x 4'0" 7'11" x 28'0" x 4'0" 7'11" x 29'1" x 4'0" 9'10" x 18'3" x 4'1" 9'10" x 21'6" x 4'1" 9'10" x 24'9" x 4'1" 9'10" x 28'0" x 4'1" 9'10" x 29'1" x 4'1" 7'11" x 18'3" x 4'0" 7'11" x 21'6" x 4'0" 7'11" x 24'9" x 4'0" 7'11" x 26'5" x 4'0" 7'11" x 28'0" x 4'0" 7'11" x 29'8" x 4'0" 2. including a fully loaded 15A convenience outlet.900 1.429 1.973 2.542 1.250 3.87 x 1.400 3.157 1.200 4.700 1.21 2.013 1.157 1.54 x 1.55 x 1. Line and character matrix also available.905 1. Typical power includes a partially illuminated LED sign (with 15 percent of the pixels at 100% intensity).99 x 6.54 x 1.656 1. the sign controller and ventilation system.518 1.39 x 5.53 x 1. Maximum current is a per leg value for 120/240 3W+G system.55 x 1.700 3.21 2. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.24 2.39 x 7.361 1. Display cabinet depth dimensions include zee-extrusion mounting brackets on the rear of the cabinet.99 x 7.56 x 1.530 3.21 2. easy swapping of all components • Conformal coating on all circuit boards • Complete customer service options.400 cd/m² (Full Color) • 0-100% automatic and 248 levels of manual brightness control • Advanced 3-sensor external brightness detection • High-quality LEDs with latest technology RELIABILITY • Full diagnostics monitor pixels. no-lift doors lock open for easy access EASE OF MAINTENANCE Interchangeable modules and conveniently-located components allow technicians to complete work more efficiently HIGH LEGIBILITY Black aluminum masking over polycarbonate improves contrast and reduces glare.000+ colors to display enhanced text and MUTCD symbols SPECIFICATIONS LEGIBILITY • 30-degree viewing angle • Minimum sign intensity: 9. including parts exchange. NEMA TS-4. including pixels POWER RELIABILITY Redundant power supplies provide back-up assistance if first supply fails VENTILATION Positive-pressure ventilation extends LED lifetime SAFETY OSHA-compliant equipment. UL. cellular. fiber.VANGUARD MASKED FRONT-ACCESS DMS ® VF-2420 MINIMUM PIXEL PITCH CHARACTER MAXIMUM COLOR VIEWING AVAILABLE HEIGHT DISTANCE 66 mm 46 mm 34 mm 18 inches 12 inches 9 inches 1100 feet 600 feet 450 feet full or amber MATRIX TYPE VIEWING ANGLE CONE SIGN FACE full masked VF-2420 with doors open FEATURES FRONT-ACCESS Smaller cabinet surface area contributes to weather/wind resistance. compliant with NTCIP 1302 v02 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 12 . modules.200 cd/m² (Amber) or 12. power supplies. ANSI/AWS D1. verticallyhinged. AASHTO. NEC COLOR CAPABILITY Use amber or 32. tie offs and lock-open doors provide a safe working environment for technicians RANGE OF SIZES See pages 13–15 for a listing of standard configuration options and find the model that fits your project needs VFC-3000 SIGN CONTROLLER Built for reliability and simplifies maintenance with an intuitive menudriven LCD screen AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL Provides convenient local diagnostics without need for an onsite laptop DESIGNED TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS NTCIP 1203 v02. extreme temperatures and adverse weather • Redundant power supply systems provide uninterrupted operation • LED modules removable without tools. fans and more • Withstands humidity. direct or radio • Includes the VFC-3000 sign controller. high wind. Variable LED brightness provides optimal ITS visibility in all conditions FULL DIAGNOSTICS Closely monitor every system. FCC.2 Structural Welding Code. on-site maintenance and toll-free help desk COMMUNICATION • Ethernet. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/ CHAR.790 1.8 x 6.660 1.910 2. Typical power includes a partially illuminated LED sign (with 15 percent of the pixels at 100% intensity).54 x 0.34 2.53 x 0.39 x 5.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VF-2420 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 18" CHARACTERS (66 mm) 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VF-2420-27x90-66-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.34 2.34 2. all product features are subject to change without notice.57 x 0.8 x 7. Amps Per Leg numbers are based on a maximum load of typical DMS.021 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 16 18 19 21 22 387 456 526 595 688 709 759 446 574 658 743 797 827 882 15 15 16 18 19 21 22 15 18 22 26 27 29 31 455 586 672 759 815 846 901 592 702 812 966 1.53 x 0.34 1.320 1.86 x 0. Contact Daktronics for more information.8 x 8.34 2.56 x 0.400 1.56 x 0. the sign controller and ventilation system.520 1. Contact Daktronics for character capacity using other fonts. Please contact Daktronics for more information. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.34 1.39 x 4. The number of characters per line is calculated using a fixed-width 7-pixel-high by 5-pixel-wide font and one pixel seperator between characters.170 2.39 x 6.029 1.34 Notes 1.34 910 1. 4. Line and character matrix also available.139 7'11" x 25'10" x 1'2" 2.590 1. including a fully loaded 15A convenience outlet. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 13 .87 x 0. 3.34 2. 7.3 PER LINE 2/10 2/12 2/15 2/17 2/18 2/20 2/21 3/10 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/18 3/20 3/21 POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT AMPS PER LEG4 (AMBER) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (AMBER) AMPS PER LEG4 (RGB) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VF-2420-18x60-66-A or RGB VF-2420-18x75-66-A or RGB VF-2420-18x90-66-A or RGB VF-2420-18x105-66-A or RGB VF-2420-18x110-66-A or RGB VF-2420-18x120-66-A or RGB VF-2420-18x125-66-A or RGB VF-2420-27x60-66-A or RGB VF-2420-27x75-66-A or RGB VF-2420-27x90-66-A or RGB VF-2420-27x105-66-A or RGB VF-2420-27x110-66-A or RGB VF-2420-27x120-66-A or RGB VF-2420-27x125-66-A or RGB 5'11" x 15'0" x 1'2" 5'11" x 18'3" x 1'2" 5'11" x 21'6" x 1'2" 5'11" x 24'9" x 1'2" 5'11" x 25'10" x 1'2" 5'11" x 28'0" x 1'2" 5'11" x 29'1" x 1'2" 7'11" x 15'0" x 1'2" 7'11" x 18'3" x 1'2" 7'11" x 21'6" x 1'2" 7'11" x 24'9" x 1'2" 7'11" x 28'0" x 1'2" 7'11" x 29'1" x 1'2" 1. Maximum current is a per leg value for 120/240 3W+G system.8 x 7. Consistent with Daktronics continuous improvement program. 5.86 x 0.34 1.57 x 0.34 1.34 2. Nominal character heights and number of lines that fit on each DMS are calculated using 7-pixel-high fonts.8 x 4. Many other font sizes are available. 6.39 x 8.55 x 0.87 x 0. 2. Display cabinet depth dimensions include zee-extrusion mounting brackets on the rear of the cabinet.39 x 8.34 1.39 x 7.39 x 7.076 1.150 1.110 1.8 x 8.55 x 0. such as cabinet heaters and auxiliary control panels. This number could vary depending on options installed in the DMS.54 x 0.720 1.000 2. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.8 x 5.250 413 503 599 689 721 780 812 522 635 753 866 907 984 1.34 1. Contact Daktronics for specific mounting details. Contact Daktronics for details about other fonts. 34 1.41 x 0.01 x 3.30 x 0. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.74 x 0.3 PER LINE 2/10 2/12 2/15 2/17 2/18 2/20 2/21 3/10 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/18 3/20 3/21 4/10 4/12 4/15 4/17 4/18 4/20 4/21 5/10 5/12 5/15 5/17 5/18 5/20 5/21 POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT (AMBER) AMPS PER LEG4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 18 19 TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (AMBER) AMPS PER LEG4 (RGB) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VF-2420-18x60-46-A or RGB VF-2420-18x75-46-A or RGB VF-2420-18x90-46-A or RGB VF-2420-18x105-46-A or RGB VF-2420-18x110-46-A or RGB VF-2420-18x120-46-A or RGB VF-2420-18x125-46-A or RGB VF-2420-27x60-46-A or RGB VF-2420-27x75-46-A or RGB VF-2420-27x90-46-A or RGB VF-2420-27x105-46-A or RGB VF-2420-27x110-46-A or RGB VF-2420-27x120-46-A or RGB VF-2420-27x125-46-A or RGB VF-2420-36x60-46-A or RGB VF-2420-36x75-46-A or RGB VF-2420-36x90-46-A or RGB VF-2420-36x105-46-A or RGB VF-2420-36x110-46-A or RGB VF-2420-36x120-46-A or RGB VF-2420-36x125-46-A or RGB VF-2420-45x60-46-A or RGB VF-2420-45x75-46-A or RGB VF-2420-45x90-46-A or RGB VF-2420-45x105-46-A or RGB VF-2420-45x110-46-A or RGB VF-2420-45x125-46-A or RGB 4'0" x 10'2" x 1'2" 4'0" x 12'4" x 1'2" 4'0" x 14'6" x 1'2" 4'0" x 16'8" x 1'2" 4'0" x 17'5" x 1'2" 4'0" x 18'10" x 1'2" 4'0" x 19'7" x 1'2" 5'4" x 10'2" x 1'2" 5'4" x 12'4" x 1'2" 5'4" x 14'6" x 1'2" 5'4" x 16'8" x 1'2" 5'4" x 17'5" x 1'2" 5'4" x 18'10" x 1'2" 5'4" x 19'7" x 1'2" 6'7" x 10'2" x 1'2" 6'7" x 12'4" x 1'2" 6'7" x 14'6" x 1'2" 6'7" x 16'8" x 1'2" 6'7" x 17'5" x 1'2" 6'7" x 18'10" x 1'2" 6'7" x 19'7" x 1'2" 7'11" x 10'2" x 1'2" 7'11" x 12'4" x 1'2" 7'11" x 14'6" x 1'2" 7'11" x 16'8" x 1'2" 7'11" x 17'5" x 1'2" 7'11" x 19'7" x 1'2" 1.34 2.330 1.41 x 0.74 x 0.34 1.74 x 0.01 x 5.74 x 0.410 1.34 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 14 .61 x 4.34 1.000 1.96 x 0.34 2.34 1.41 x 0.34 1.61 x 5.350 1.30 x 0.21 x 5.120 1.07 x 0.01 x 5.34 2.34 2.34 1.30 x 0.30 x 0.96 x 0.34 2.41 x 4.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VF-2420 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 12" CHARACTERS (46 mm) 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VF-2420-27x90-46-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.01 x 3.34 1.160 710 870 1.61 x 3.035 1.07 x 0.34 1.41 x 0. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/ CHAR.34 1.34 2.170 1.34 2.01 x 5.34 1.41 x 3.61 x 5.41 x 5.220 1.07 x 0.41 x 5.07 x 0.180 1.21 x 5.96 x 0.74 x 0.01 x 5.020 1.530 1.07 x 0.07 x 0.34 2.07 x 0.96 x 0.74 x 0.34 2.34 2.34 2.41 x 3.21 x 5.21 x 3.34 2. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.34 2.41 x 5.74 x 0.030 1.21 x 5.01 x 4.74 x 0.61 x 3.61 x 5.380 820 1.41 x 5.34 1.34 1.07 x 0.61 x 5.061 VF-2420-45x120-46-A or RGB 7'11" x 18'10" x 1'2" 2.34 1.34 490 600 700 810 840 920 950 600 730 860 990 1.21 x 3.21 x 4.590 222 272 318 367 381 417 431 272 331 390 449 467 508 526 322 395 463 531 553 603 626 372 454 535 612 640 694 721 314 335 396 457 464 479 486 356 388 460 503 542 563 574 398 441 523 650 664 692 706 441 494 631 724 742 777 795 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 18 19 15 15 18 21 22 24 25 15 18 22 26 27 29 30 356 388 460 532 543 608 619 420 468 600 688 704 735 751 528 592 695 799 820 907 928 592 671 791 955 981 1. 29 x 0.34 1.49 x 2.9 x 3. The number of characters per line is calculated using a fixed-width 7-pixel-high by 5-pixel-wide font and one pixel seperator between characters.79 x 3.49 x 4.09 x 3.29 x 0. This number could vary depending on options installed in the DMS.49 x 3. 6.29 x 0.29 x 0.28 x 0. Contact Daktronics for character capacity using other fonts.79 x 2.9 x 4.79 x 4. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.20 x 4.34 VF-2420-45x105-34-A or RGB 5'11" x 12'5" x 1'2" 1.9 x 3.79 x 3.77 x 0.20 x 2.09 x 4.49 x 3.28 x 0.34 320 390 460 530 590 380 470 550 630 710 450 540 640 730 830 510 620 730 840 940 580 700 820 940 1.49 x 2. Line and character matrix also available.27 x 0.060 145 177 209 240 268 172 213 249 286 322 204 245 290 331 376 231 281 331 381 426 263 318 372 426 481 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 247 302 316 371 386 276 338 360 422 444 306 375 404 473 503 335 411 448 524 605 364 448 536 620 663 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 243 296 310 363 376 269 330 350 410 430 296 363 390 457 484 323 397 431 504 538 350 431 471 552 636 4'11" x 10'9" x 1'2" 1.27 x 0. Maximum current is a per leg value for 120/240 3W+G system.34 1.09 x 3. 5. such as cabinet heaters and auxiliary control panels.34 1.3 PER LINE 2/10 2/12 2/15 2/17 2/20 3/10 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/20 4/10 4/12 4/15 4/17 4/20 5/10 5/12 5/15 5/17 5/20 6/10 6/12 6/15 6/17 6/20 POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT AMPS PER LEG4 (AMBER) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (AMBER) AMPS PER LEG4 (RGB) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VF-2420-18x60-34-A or RGB VF-2420-18x75-34-A or RGB VF-2420-18x90-34-A or RGB VF-2420-18x105-34-A or RGB VF-2420-18x120-34-A or RGB VF-2420-27x60-34-A or RGB VF-2420-27x75-34-A or RGB VF-2420-27x90-34-A or RGB VF-2420-27x105-34-A or RGB VF-2420-27x120-34-A or RGB VF-2420-36x60-34-A or RGB VF-2420-36x75-34-A or RGB VF-2420-36x90-34-A or RGB 3'0" x 7'6" x 1'2" 3'0" x 9'2" x 1'2" 3'0" x 10'9" x 1'2" 3'0" x 12'5" x 1'2" 3'0" x 14'0" x 1'2" 4'0" x 7'6" x 1'2" 4'0" x 9'2" x 1'2" 4'0" x 10'9" x 1'2" 4'0" x 12'5" x 1'2" 4'0" x 14'0" x 1'2" 4'11" x 7'6" x 1'2" 4'11" x 9'2" x 1'2" 0.34 2. 2.34 0. 3.34 0.78 x 0 . the sign controller and ventilation system.77 x 0. Consistent with Daktronics continuous improvement program.79 x 2. all product features are subject to change without notice.28 x 0. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 15 .34 1.34 0.34 VF-2420-54x120-34-A or RGB 6'11" x 14'0" x 1'2" 2.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VF-2420 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 9" CHARACTERS (34 mm) 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VF-2420-18x90-34-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.34 1.78 x 0.20 x 3.34 1.34 1.77 x 0.28 x 0.09 x 2.34 VF-2420-36x120-34-A or RGB 4'11" x 14'0" x 1'2" 1.29 x 0.78 x 0. Contact Daktronics for details about other fonts.34 VF-2420-54x105-34-A or RGB 6'11" x 12'5" x 1'2" 2.77 x 0. 7. Amps Per Leg numbers are based on a maximum load of typical DMS.27 x 0.27 x 0. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.78 x 0.34 1.34 Notes 1.34 VF-2420-36x105-34-A or RGB 4'11" x 12'5" x 1'2" 1.34 0.77 x 0. Many other font sizes are available.34 VF-2420-45x60-34-A or RGB VF-2420-45x75-34-A or RGB 5'11" x 7'6" x 1'2" 5'11" x 9'2" x 1'2" 1.34 2. Display cabinet depth dimensions include zee-extrusion mounting brackets on the rear of the cabinet.28 x 0. 4.27 x 0. Contact Daktronics for more information.9 x 2. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/ CHAR. including a fully loaded 15A convenience outlet.78 x 0.20 x 3.34 VF-2420-45x120-34-A or RGB VF-2420-54x60-34-A or RGB VF-2420-54x75-34-A or RGB VF-2420-54x90-34-A or RGB 5'11 x 14'0" x 1'2" 6'11" x 7'6" x 1'2" 6'11" x 9'2" x 1'2" 1.09 x 2.20 x 2.34 6'11" x 10'9" x 1'2" 2. Nominal character heights and number of lines that fit on each DMS are calculated using 7-pixel-high fonts.9 x 2. Please contact Daktronics for more information. Contact Daktronics for specific mounting details.34 VF-21420-45x90-34-A or RGB 5'11" x 10'9" x 1'2" 1. Typical power includes a partially illuminated LED sign (with 15 percent of the pixels at 100% intensity). AASHTO. cellular. optimize brightness. including pixels POWER RELIABILITY Redundant power supplies provide back-up assistance if first supply fails VENTILATION Positive-pressure ventilation extends LED lifetime SAFETY OSHA-compliant equipment and module tie offs provide a safe working environment for technicians RANGE OF SIZES See page 17 for a listing of standard configuration options and find the model that fits your project needs VFC-3000 SIGN CONTROLLER Built for reliability and simplifies maintenance with an intuitive menudriven LCD screen AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL Provides convenient local diagnostics without need for an onsite laptop DESIGNED TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS NTCIP 1203 v02.400 cd/m² • 0-100% automatic and 248 levels of manual brightness control • Advanced 3-sensor external brightness detection • High-quality LEDs with latest technology • Ability to show 32.000+ colors RELIABILITY • Full diagnostics monitor pixels. fans and more • Withstands humidity. UL. FCC. no glare and wider viewing angles • Minimum sign intensity of 12. high wind.VANGUARD LOUVERED FRONT-ACCESS DMS ® VF-2320 MINIMUM PIXEL PITCH CHARACTER VIEWING COLOR AVAILABLE DISTANCE HEIGHT 20 mm 6 inches 300 feet full MATRIX TYPE full VIEWING ANGLE CONE SIGN FACE louvered Louvered modules on the VF-2320 FEATURES FRONT-ACCESS Smaller cabinet surface area contributes to weather/wind resistance. detaching modules provide quick access to internal components EASE OF MAINTENANCE Module tie-offs and conveniently-located components allow technicians to complete work more efficiently VISIBILITY Durable louvers enhance contrast.2 Structural Welding Code. NEMA TS-4. extreme temperatures and adverse weather • Redundant power supply systems provide uninterrupted operation • Conformal coating on all circuit boards • Complete customer service options. eliminate glare and allow for wider viewing angles FULL DIAGNOSTICS Closely monitor every system. including parts exchange. NEC COLOR CAPABILITY 32.000+ colors to display enhanced text and high-resolution MUTCD symbols SPECIFICATIONS LEGIBILITY • 30 degree viewing angle • Louvered modules for optimal contrast. fiber. on-site maintenance and toll-free help desk COMMUNICATION • Ethernet. ANSI/AWS D1. direct or radio • Includes the VFC-3000 sign controller. power supplies. modules. compliant with NTCIP 1302 v02 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 16 . 89 x 0.62 x 3.62 x 2.26 x 0.52 x 0.94 x 1.26 x 3.31 1.62 x 1.26 x 1.31 1.16 x 0.31 0.62 x 4.47 x 0.31 1.26 x 4.26 x 2.26 x 0.31 0. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/CHAR.26 x 1.11 x 0.94 x 1.62 x 2.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VF-2320 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 6" CHARACTERS (20 mm) 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VF-2320-16x48-20-RGB PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.31 0.26 x 1.94 x 3.62 x 3.31 0.94 x 1.31 0.26 x 2.11 x 0.3 PER LINE POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT AMPS PER LEG4 RGB TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 RGB MODEL NUMBER VF-2320-16x48-20-RGB VF-2320-16x64-20-RGB VF-2320-16x80-20-RGB VF-2320-16x96-20-RGB VF-2320-16x112-20-RGB VF-2320-16x128-20-RGB VF-2320-16x144-20-RGB VF-2320-16x160-20-RGB VF-2320-16x176-20-RGB VF-2320-16x192-20-RGB VF-2320-32x48-20-RGB VF-2320-32x64-20-RGB VF-2320-32x80-20-RGB VF-2320-32x96-20-RGB VF-2320-32x112-20-RGB VF-2320-32x128-20-RGB VF-2320-32x144-20-RGB VF-2320-32x160-20-RGB VF-2320-32x176-20-RGB VF-2320-32x192-20-RGB VF-2320-48x48-20-RGB VF-2320-48x64-20-RGB VF-2320-48x80-20-RGB VF-2320-48x96-20-RGB VF-2320-48x112-20-RGB VF-2320-48x128-20-RGB VF-2320-48x144-20-RGB VF-2320-48x160-20-RGB VF-2320-48x176-20-RGB VF-2320-48x192-20-RGB 2'1" x 4'2" x 1'1" 2'1" x 5'2" x 1'1" 2'1" x 6'3" x 1'1" 2'1" x 7'3" x 1'1" 2'1" x 8'4" x 1'1" 2'1" x 9'4" x 1'1" 2'1" x 10'5" x 1'1" 2'1" x 11'5" x 1'1" 2'1" x 12'6" x 1'1" 2'1" x 13'6" x 1'1" 3'1" x 4'2" x 1'1" 3'1" x 5'2" x 1'1" 3'1" x 6'3" x 1'1" 3'1" x 7'3" x 1'1" 3'1" x 8'4" x 1'1" 3'1" x 9'4" x 1'1" 3'1" x 10'5" x 1'1" 3'1" x 11'5" x 1'1" 3'1" x 12'6" x 1'1" 3'1" x 13'6" x 1'1" 4'2" x 4'2" x 1'1" 4'2" x 5'2" x 1'1" 4'2" x 6'3" x 1'1" 4'2" x 7'3" x 1'1" 4'2" x 8'4" x 1'1" 4'2" x 9'4" x 1'1" 4'2" x 10'5" x 1'1" 4'2" x 11'5" x 1'1" 4'2" x 12'6" x 1'1" 4'2" x 13'6" x 1'1" 0.62 x 3.21 x 0.57 x 0.89 x 0.62 x 1.62 x 2.31 0.52 x 0.26 x 3.94 x 4.84 x 0.57 x 0.94 x 2.84 x 0.79 x 0.31 1.11 x 0.16 x 0.79 x 0.31 1.57 x 0. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.31 0.47 x 0.94 x 2.31 0.79 x 0.31 1.31 1.16 x 0.52 x 0.31 1.31 0.26 x 0.31 2/8 2/10 2/13 2/16 2/18 2/21 2/24 2/26 2/29 2/32 3/8 3/10 3/13 3/16 3/18 3/21 3/24 3/26 3/29 3/32 5/8 5/10 5/13 5/16 5/18 5/21 5/24 5/26 5/29 5/32 380 405 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 410 445 475 510 545 580 610 645 680 715 440 485 525 565 615 655 695 740 785 830 172 184 193 204 215 227 238 249 261 272 186 202 215 231 247 263 277 293 308 324 200 220 238 256 279 297 315 336 356 376 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 118 124 131 209 216 222 229 308 314 321 137 150 163 248 261 274 288 373 386 399 157 176 196 288 307 327 346 438 457 477 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 17 .26 x 3.31 0.89 x 0. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.94 x 2.31 0.31 0.31 0.62 x 1.31 0.26 x 2.31 1.31 0.31 1.31 0.47 x 0.21 x 0.31 0.94 x 3.31 0.31 0.94 x 3.84 x 0.21 x 0. pull out and securely slide along a grooved rail EASE OF MAINTENANCE Sliding doors allow instant access to components and freedom of movement HIGH LEGIBILITY Black aluminum masking over polycarbonate improves contrast and reduces glare.2 Structural Welding Code. on-site maintenance and toll-free help desk COMMUNICATION • Ethernet. ANSI/AWS D1. power supplies. modules.000+ colors to display enhanced text and MUTCD symbols SPECIFICATIONS LEGIBILITY • 30-degree viewing angle • Minimum sign intensity: 9. direct or radio • Includes the VFC-3000 sign controller.400 cd/m² (Full Color) • 0-100% automatic and 248 levels of manual brightness control • Advanced 3-sensor external brightness detection • High-quality LEDs use latest technology RELIABILITY • Full diagnostics monitor pixels. including parts exchange.VANGUARD REAR-ACCESS DMS ® VF-2120 MINIMUM PIXEL PITCH CHARACTER MAXIMUM COLOR VIEWING AVAILABLE HEIGHT DISTANCE 66 mm 46 mm 18 inches 12 inches 1100 feet 600 feet full or amber MATRIX TYPE full VIEWING ANGLE CONE SIGN FACE masked VF-2120 rear sliding doors FEATURES REAR-ACCESS Quick-access rear doors unlock. NEMA TS-4. compliant with NTCIP 1302 v02 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 18 . extreme temperatures and adverse weather • Redundant power supply systems provide uninterrupted operation • LED modules removable without tools. fiber. easy swapping of all components • Conformal coating on all circuit boards • Complete customer service options. Variable LED brightness provides optimal ITS visibility in all conditions FULL DIAGNOSTICS Closely monitor every system. UL. high wind. cellular. NEC COLOR CAPABILITY Use amber or 32. FCC. including pixels POWER RELIABILITY Redundant power supplies provide back-up assistance if first supply fails VENTILATION Positive-pressure ventilation extends LED lifetime SAFETY OSHA-compliant equipment. tie offs and lock-open doors provide a safe working environment for technicians RANGE OF SIZES See page 19 for a listing of standard configuration options and find the model that fits your project needs VFC-3000 SIGN CONTROLLER Built for reliability and simplifies maintenance with an intuitive menudriven LCD screen AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL Provides convenient local diagnostics without need for an onsite laptop DESIGNED TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS NTCIP 1203 v02. fans and more • Withstands humidity. AASHTO.200 cd/m² (Amber) or 12. 21 x 6.21 x 6.89 x 0.21 x 4. 7. Display cabinet depth dimensions include zee-extrusion mounting brackets on the rear of the cabinet. Many other font sizes are available.41 1400 1700 2000 2300 2405 2600 2705 1165 1415 1665 1910 2000 2160 2250 1430 1735 2045 2355 2465 2665 2775 635 771 907 1043 1091 1179 1227 528 642 755 866 907 980 1021 649 787 928 1068 1118 1209 1259 30 28 28 30 30 30 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 27 28 30 26 27 27 28 515 714 833 951 968 1070 1086 378 480 511 613 624 645 725 420 532 575 768 789 810 894 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT DAKTRONICS 874 1099 1323 1453 1591 1678 2848 564 640 811 887 912 963 988 665 861 963 1159 1193 1260 1294 VF-2120-27x110-66-A or RGB 7'11" x 27'10" x 1'4" 2. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX. such as cabinet heaters and auxiliary control panels. Consistent with Daktronics continuous improvement program.18 x 0.41 2.39 x 9.41 1.89 x 0. Contact Daktronics for more information.41 2. 3.17 x 0.47 x 0.41 1.41 2. Line and character matrix also available.41 1.41 2. Contact Daktronics for specific mounting details.39 x 9.41 2.16 x 0. The number of characters per line is calculated using a fixed-width 7-pixel-high by 5-pixel-wide font and one pixel seperator between characters.81 x 3.81 x 6. all product features are subject to change without notice. Contact Daktronics for character capacity using other fonts. 6.21 x 3.21 x 5.41 2.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VF-2120 REAR-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 18" CHARACTERS (66 mm) & 12” CHARACTERS (46 mm) 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VF-2120-27x90-66-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.39 x 6.22 x 0.41 2.39 x 8. Contact Daktronics for details about other fonts. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/ CHAR.81 x 4.39 x 8.55 x 0. including a fully loaded 15A convenience outlet.89 x 0.41 2.41 1. Amps Per Leg numbers are based on a maximum load of typical DMS.78 x 0.41 2. the sign controller and ventilation system.55 x 0. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 19 .3 PER LINE 3/10 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/18 3/20 3/21 3/10 3/12 3/15 3/17 3/18 3/20 3/21 4/10 4/12 4/15 4/17 4/18 4/20 4/21 POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT AMPS PER TYPICAL LEG4 POWER (AMBER) USAGE WATTS5 (AMBER) AMPS PER LEG4 (RGB) TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VF-2120-27x60-66-A or RGB VF-2120-27x75-66-A or RGB VF-2120-27x90-66-A or RGB VF-2120-27x105-66-A or RGB VF-2120-27x120-66-A or RGB VF-2120-27x125-66-A or RGB VF-2120-27x60-46-A or RGB VF-2120-27x75-46-A or RGB VF-2120-27x90-46-A or RGB VF-2120-27x105-46-A or RGB VF-2120-27x110-46-A or RGB VF-2120-27x120-46-A or RGB VF-2120-27x125-46-A or RGB VF-2120-36x60-46-A or RGB VF-2120-36x75-46-A or RGB VF-2120-36x90-46-A or RGB VF-2120-36x105-46-A or RGB VF-2120-36x110-46-A or RGB VF-2120-36x120-46-A or RGB VF-2120-36x125-46-A or RGB 7'11" x 17'0" x 1'4" 7'11" x 20'3" x 1'4" 7'11" x 23'6" x 1'4" 7'11" x 26'9" x 1'4" 7'11" x 30'0" x 1'4" 7'11" x 31'1" x 1'4" 6'0" x 12'9" x 1'4" 6'0" x 15'0" x 1'4" 6'0" x 17'2" x 1'4" 6'0" x 19'4" x 1'4" 6'0" x 20'1" x 1'4" 6'0" x 21'6" x 1'4" 6'0" x 22'3" x 1'4" 7'3" x 12'9" x 1'4" 7'3" x 15'0" x 1'4" 7'3" x 17'2" x 1'4" 7'3" x 19'4" x 1'4" 7'3" x 20'1" x 1'4" 7'3" x 21'6" x 1'4" 7'3" x 22'3" x 1'4" 2.81 x 5.89 x 0.39 x 7.81 x 6.41 2.41 1.41 2. This number could vary depending on options installed in the DMS.11 x 0.21 x 5.11 x 0.55 x 0.41 1.22 x 0.41 Notes 1. 4. 5.15 x 0.81 x 5.39 x 5.55 x 0.14 x 0. Nominal character heights and number of lines that fit on each DMS are calculated using 7-pixel-high fonts.81 x 6. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX. Please contact Daktronics for more information.41 1.41 2.78 x 0. Maximum current is a per leg value for 120/240 3W+G system.21 x 6. Typical power includes a partially illuminated LED sign (with 15 percent of the pixels at 100% intensity). 2.48 x 0. MUTCD symbols and other logos or icons SPECIFICATIONS LEGIBILITY • 70-degree viewing angle • Minimum sign intensity: 5. eliminate glare and allow for wider viewing angles VENTILATION Positive-pressure ventilation extends LED lifetime RANGE OF SIZES See pages 21–24 for a listing of standard configuration options to fit your project needs CONTROLLER Built for reliability and seamless. high wind. designed to International Building Code to withstand vibration COLOR CAPABILITY Use amber or 32. on-site maintenance and toll-free help desk support COMMUNICATION • Ethernet.500 cd/m² (Full Color) • High-quality LEDs with latest technology • 0-100% automatic or 64 levels of manual brightness control • External brightness sensor RELIABILITY • Will withstand humidity. NEC.VANGUARD LOUVERED FRONT-ACCESS DMS ® VL-3500 MINIMUM PIXEL PITCH CHARACTER MAXIMUM COLOR VIEWING AVAILABLE HEIGHT DISTANCE 34 mm 20 mm 9 inches 5 inches 450 feet 300 feet full or amber MATRIX TYPE full VIEWING ANGLE CONE SIGN FACE louvered Low profile VL-3500 FEATURES FRONT MODULE ACCESS Access internal components through lightweight. extreme temperatures and adverse weather conditions • Conformal coating on all circuit boards • Complete customer service options. fiber. quick-detach modules PROVEN LED PROTECTION UV-inhibiting epoxy dome and potting material protects the LEDs from excess heat and the elements VISIBILITY Durable louvers enhance contrast. including parts exchange. UL. cellular.000+ colors to display enhanced text.500 cd/m² (Amber) or 9. direct or radio • Control system compliant with NTCIP 1203 v02 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 20 . optimize brightness. FCC. remote NTCIP compliance DESIGN STANDARDS NTCIP 1203 v02. 020 1.20 .MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VL-3500 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 9" CHARACTERS (34 mm) 70 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VL-3500-16x48-34-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.520 1.73 x .11 x .20 .02 x .47 x 4.57 x .11 x .20 .47 x 3.81 x .27 x .20 1.460 1.20 .20 .930 310 400 490 550 610 700 760 810 930 930 1.02 x .20 1.47 x 2.140 1.20 .47 x 6.70 x 7.47 x 1. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.0" x 8" 1'7" x 14'9" x 8" 1'7" x 16'6" x 8" 1'7" x 18'3" x 8" 1'7" x 20'1" x 8" 1'7" x 21'10" x 8" 1'7" x 23'7" x 8" 1'7" x 25'5" x 8" 1'7" x 27'2" x 8" 1'7" x 28'11" x 8" 2'5" x 5'10" x 8" 2'5" x 7'8" x 8" 2'5" x 9'5" x 8" 2'5" x 11'2" x 8" 2'5" x 13.20 1.20 .280 2.700 1.01 x 4.02 x .20 .40 x .19 x .20 .20 .01 x 5.20 1.200 1.70 x 3.01 x 3.47 x 3.70 x 5.20 .70 x 1.81 x .3 PER LINE POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (AMBER) MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VL-3500-8x48-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x64-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x80-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x96-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x112-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x128-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x144-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x160-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x176-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x192-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x208-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x224-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x240-34-A or RGB VL-3500-8x256-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x48-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x64-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x80-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x96-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x112-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x128-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x144-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x160-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x176-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x192-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x208-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x224-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x240-34-A or RGB VL-3500-16x256-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x48-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x64-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x80-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x96-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x112-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x128-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x144-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x160-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x176-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x192-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x208-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x224-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x240-34-A or RGB VL-3500-24x256-34-A or RGB 1'7" x 5'10" x 8" 1'7" x 7'8" x 8" 1'7" x 9'5" x 8" 1'7" x 11'2" x 8" 1'7" x 13.70 x 4.01 x 8.20 .20 .20 .47 x 8.01 x 7.20 .20 .20 1.40 x .580 1. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.57 x .70 x 2.86 x .70 x 8.19 x .70 x 6.20 .57 x .170 2.01 x 6.47 x 7.350 720 930 1.800 1.20 1.47 x 5.94 x .86 x .48 x .27 x .20 .050 2.310 1.140 1.050 1.70 x 6.20 .700 2.580 1.47 x 2.32 x .360 480 580 700 830 920 1.460 1.350 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 21 .73 x .050 1.0" x 8" 3'4" x 14'9" x 8" 3'4" x 16'6" x 8" 3'4" x 18'3" x 8" 3'4" x 20'1" x 8" 3'4" x 21'10" x 8" 3'4" x 23'7" x 8" 3'4" x 25'5" x 8" 3'4" x 27'2" x 8" 3'4" x 28'11" x 8" .65 x .050 1.94 x .0" x 8" 2'5" x 14'9" x 8" 2'5" x 16'6" x 8" 2'5" x 18'3" x 8" 2'5" x 20'1" x 8" 2'5" x 21'10" x 8" 2'5" x 23'7" x 8" 2'5" x 25'5" x 8" 2'5" x 27'2" x 8" 2'5" x 28'11" x 8" 3'4" x 5'10" x 8" 3'4" x 7'8" x 8" 3'4" x 9'5" x 8" 3'4" x 11'2" x 8" 3'4" x 13.20 1.140 1.01 x 3.20 1.81 x .20 1.20 .01 x 2.65 x .110 1.20 .01 x 6.20 1.20 1.01 x 5.78 x .300 1.01 x 7.20 1.48 x .78 x .20 1.70 x 3.900 2.70 x 8.20 .520 2. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/CHAR.78 x .47 x 7.94 x .01 x 8.240 1.20 .910 2.70 x 2.760 1.32 x .230 1.47 x 6.710 1.20 .65 x .940 3.70 x 5.19 x .20 .73 x .70 x 7.20 .20 1.32 x .01 x 2.11 x .48 x .140 1.27 x .20 .330 1.01 x 1.47 x 8.47 x 5.20 1/9 1/12 1/16 1/19 1/22 1/25 1/29 1/32 1/35 1/38 1/41 1/44 1/48 1/51 2/9 2/12 2/16 2/19 2/22 2/25 2/29 2/32 2/35 2/38 2/41 2/44 2/48 2/51 3/9 3/12 3/16 3/19 3/22 3/25 3/29 3/32 3/35 3/38 3/41 3/44 3/48 3/51 80 100 120 140 170 190 210 230 250 280 300 320 340 370 120 160 190 230 260 300 330 370 400 440 470 510 540 580 160 210 260 310 350 400 450 500 550 590 640 690 740 790 37 46 55 64 78 87 96 105 114 128 137 146 155 168 55 73 87 105 118 137 150 168 182 200 214 232 245 264 73 94 118 141 159 182 205 227 250 268 291 313 336 359 260 290 360 420 450 480 540 540 460 610 700 730 730 790 360 420 510 610 670 730 830 920 980 1.310 1.230 520 640 780 930 1.080 2.86 x .110 3.40 x . 420 91 123 150 177 205 232 259 286 313 341 368 395 422 454 114 146 177 214 245 282 313 345 382 413 445 481 513 549 132 173 209 250 291 327 368 409 445 486 527 563 604 645 580 730 860 020 1.20 1.20 1.370 2.490 2.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VL-3500 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 9" CHARACTERS (34 mm) 70 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VL-3500-16x48-34-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.0" x 8" 4'3" x 14'9" x 8" 4'3" x 16'6" x 8" 4'3" x 18'3" x 8" 4'3" x 20'1" x 8" 4'3" x 21'10" x 8" 4'3" x 23'7" x 8" 4'3" x 25'5" x 8" 4'3" x 27'2" x 8" 4'3" x 28'11" x 8" 5'1" x 5'10" x 8" 5'1" x 7'8" x 8" 5'1" x 9'5" x 8" 5'1" x 11'2" x 8" 5'1" x 13.760 3.20 1.420 1.28 x 7.070 1.73 x .78 x .40 x .490 2.960 3.760 2.78 x .55 x 8.20 1.050 2.11 x .78 x .170 3.20 1.28 x 2.82 x 1.78 x .28 x 8.28 x 6.20 1.82 x 1.55 x 2.28 x 4.460 1.20 1.20 1.11 x .300 2.830 2.860 2.330 1.86 x .78 x .110 4.20 1.20 1.580 3.210 5.78 x .02 x .57 x .55 x 1.820 4.290 3.20 4/9 4/12 4/16 4/19 4/22 4/25 4/29 4/32 4/35 4/38 4/41 4/44 4/48 4/51 5/9 5/12 5/16 5/19 5/22 5/25 5/29 5/32 5/35 5/38 5/41 5/44 5/48 5/51 6/9 6/12 6/16 6/19 6/22 6/25 6/29 6/32 6/35 6/38 6/41 6/44 6/48 6/51 200 270 330 390 450 510 570 630 690 750 810 870 930 1.20 1.240 4.430 3.20 1.48 x .20 1.20 1.20 1.0" x 8" 5'1" x 14'9" x 8" 5'1" x 16'6" x 8" 5'1" x 18'3" x 8" 5'1" x 20'1" x 8" 5'1" x 21'10" x 8" 5'1" x 23'7" x 8" 5'1" x 25'5" x 8" 5'1" x 27'2" x 8" 5'1" x 28'11" x 8" 6'0" x 5'10" x 8" 6'0" x 7'8" x 8" 6'0" x 9'5" x 8" 6'0" x 11'2" x 8" 6'0" x 13.050 3.850 4.19 x .27 x .530 3. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.130 1.20 1.55 x 3.530 4.550 1.94 x .81 x .700 1.82 x 1.20 1. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.20 1.300 1.820 4.20 1.55 x 8.020 2.78 x .86 x .160 1.78 x .20 1.960 2.28 x 3.28 x 7.110 2.55 x 7.27 x .82 x 1.580 2.875 930 1.580 1.82 x 1.82 x 1.20 1.3 PER LINE POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (AMBER) MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VL-3500-32x48-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x64-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x80-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x96-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x112-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x128-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x144-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x160-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x176-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x192-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x208-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x224-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x240-34-A or RGB VL-3500-32x256-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x48-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x64-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x80-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x96-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x112-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x128-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x144-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x160-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x176-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x192-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x208-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x224-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x240-34-A or RGB VL-3500-40x256-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x48-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x64-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x80-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x96-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x112-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x128-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x144-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x160-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x176-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x192-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x208-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x224-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x240-34-A or RGB VL-3500-48x256-34-A or RGB 4'3" x 5'10" x 8" 4'3" x 7'8" x 8" 4'3" x 9'5" x 8" 4'3" x 11'2" x 8" 4'3" x 13.28 x 6.350 1.230 2.78 x .40 x .240 1.430 700 860 1.490 2.20 1.140 1.94 x .530 1.340 1.080 1.20 1.28 x 8.73 x .820 2.20 1.19 x .32 x .650 3.890 6.78 x .78 x .060 1.460 1.20 1.710 2.300 6.82 x 1.65 x .060 5.990 2.65 x .170 1.20 1.20 1.82 x 1.48 x .78 x .210 2.78 x .55 x 6.780 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 22 .28 x 1.55 x 4.240 2.20 1.55 x 6.20 1.580 3.20 1.82 x 1.28 x 5.000 3.170 4.770 1.240 1.57 x .20 1.78 x .0" x 8" 6'0" x 14'9" x 8" 6'0" x 16'6" x 8" 6'0" x 18'3" x 8" 6'0" x 20'1" x 8" 6'0" x 21'10" x 8" 6'0" x 23'7" x 8" 6'0" x 25'5" x 8" 6'0" x 27'2" x 8" 6'0" x 28'11" x 8" 1.81 x .82 x 1.390 1.55 x 3.820 3.300 1.82 x 1.20 1.410 3.20 1.20 1.930 3.20 1.82 x 1.78 x .32 x .480 5.20 1.000 250 320 390 470 540 620 690 760 840 910 980 1.880 5.78 x .800 2.20 1.140 1.28 x 5.740 1.55 x 7.82 x 1.55 x 5.28 x 2.20 1.180 2.20 1.55 x 2.55 x 5.120 830 1. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/CHAR.050 1.210 290 380 460 550 640 720 810 900 980 1.28 x 3.20 1.20 1.170 2.82 x 1.610 1.650 5.02 x .180 3. 21 . CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.52 x 3.70 x .84 x 1.21 .3 PER LINE POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (AMBER) MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VL-3500-16x48-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x64-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x80-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x96-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x112-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x128-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x144-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x160-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x176-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x192-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x208-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x224-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x240-20-A or RGB VL-3500-16x256-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x48-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x64-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x80-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x96-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x112-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x128-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x144-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x160-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x176-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x192-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x208-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x224-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x240-20-A or RGB VL-3500-32x256-20-A or RGB 1'9" x 3'8" x 8" 1'9" x 4'9" x 8" 1'9" x 5'9" x 8" 1'9" x 6'9" x 8" 1'9" x 7'10" x 8" 1'9" x 8'10" x 8" 1'9" x 9'11" x 8" 1'9" x 10'11" x 8" 1'9" x 12'0" x 8" 1'9" x 13'0" x 8" 1'9" x 14'1" x 8" 1'9" x 15'1" x 8" 1'9" x 16'2" x 8" 1'9" x 17'2" x 8" 2'9" x 3'8" x 8" 2'9" x 4'9" x 8" 2'9" x 5'9" x 8" 2'9" x 6'9" x 8" 2'9" x 7'10" x 8" 2'9" x 8'10" x 8" 2'9" x 9'11" x 8" 2'9" x 10'11" x 8" 2'9" x 12'0" x 8" 2'9" x 13'0" x 8" 2'9" x 14'1" x 8" 2'9" x 15'1" x 8" 2'9" x 16'2" x 8" 2'9" x 17'2" x 8" .110 1.21 .01 x .250 260 300 380 420 460 500 570 610 690 730 770 810 880 930 390 500 610 700 810 900 980 1.84 x 2.21 .52 x 2.84 x 5.690 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 23 .84 x 2.600 1.84 x 4.84 x 4.21 .84 x 1.21 .21 .21 .84 x 2.21 .43 x .21 .290 1.52 x 2.21 .84 x 3.21 .23 x .21 .21 .490 1.38 x . CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/CHAR. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.11 x .23 x .06 x .96 x .96 x .21 .52 x 5.21 .21 2/9 2/12 2/16 2/19 2/22 2/25 2/29 2/32 2/35 2/38 2/41 2/44 2/48 2/51 4/9 4/12 4/16 4/19 4/22 4/25 4/29 4/32 4/35 4/38 4/41 4/44 4/48 4/51 60 70 80 100 110 130 140 160 170 180 200 210 230 240 90 110 130 160 180 200 230 250 270 300 320 340 370 390 28 32 37 46 50 59 64 73 78 82 91 96 105 109 41 50 59 73 82 91 105 114 123 137 146 155 168 177 220 250 310 340 360 390 450 480 540 570 590 620 680 710 300 390 480 530 620 680 730 820 910 960 1.70 x .84 x 4.11 x .21 .21 .21 .200 1.28 x .52 x 3.74 x .21 .52 x 4.21 .21 .06 x .52 x 3.33 x .52 x 1.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VL-3500 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 5" CHARACTERS (20 mm) 70 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VL-3500-16x48-20-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.65 x .21 .21 .090 1.52 x 4.050 1.28 x .65 x .52 x 1.74 x .52 x 4.84 x 3.84 x 3.84 x 1.91 x .400 1.01 x .21 .84 x 3.60 x .33 x .21 .38 x .21 .52 x 1.60 x .91 x .52 x 3.52 x 2.210 1.43 x . 480 1.21 1.15 x 3. Please contact Daktronics for more information.43 x . Contact Daktronics for details about other fonts.15 x 4.15 x 3.21 1. and ventilation system.330 1.47 x 3.65 x .15 x 3.47 x 1.47 x 3.47 x 1.15 x 3.38 x .70 x .47 x 2.47 x 2.190 2.21 1.21 1. The number of characters per line is calculated using a fixed-width 7-pixel-high by 5-pixel-wide font and one pixel seperator between characters.15 x 1. Typical power includes a partially illuminated LED sign (with 15 percent of the pixels at 100% intensity).21 1. This number could vary depending on options installed in the DMS.65 x .21 1. such as cabinet heaters and auxiliary control panels.15 x 4. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX. Contact Daktronics for character capacity using other fonts.21 1.21 1.21 1.15 x 2. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 24 .23 x .190 1.01 x .15 x 1.21 1.23 x .15 x 1.160 2.33 x .15 x 4.21 1.250 1.450 1.47 x 2.350 2.530 1.21 1. 7.620 1.15 x 2. Contact Daktronics for specific mounting details.21 1. Amps Per Leg numbers are based on a maximum load of typical DMS.21 1.21 1.130 1. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxWxD) LINES2/CHAR.21 1.11 x .480 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Notes 1.38 x .06 x .60 x .21 1. 6.21 1.620 1. all product features are subject to change without notice. Contact Daktronics for more information.28 x . the sign controller.91 x . 4.74 x .020 1. Maximum current is a per leg value for 120/240 3W+G system.010 1.47 x 4.21 6/9 6/12 6/16 6/19 6/22 6/25 6/29 6/32 6/35 6/38 6/41 6/44 6/48 6/51 8/9 8/12 8/16 8/19 8/22 8/25 8/29 8/32 8/35 8/38 8/41 8/44 8/48 8/51 120 150 180 210 250 280 310 340 370 410 440 470 500 530 150 190 230 270 310 350 390 430 480 520 560 600 640 680 55 69 82 96 114 128 141 155 168 186 200 214 227 241 69 87 105 123 141 159 177 196 218 236 255 273 291 309 420 500 650 730 820 900 1.11 x .28 x . VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.21 1.96 x .MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VL-3500 FRONT-ACCESS FULL-MATRIX DMS 5" CHARACTERS (20 mm) 70 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VL-3500-16x48-20-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.3 PER LINE POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (AMBER) MAXIMUM POWER USAGE WATTS4 (RGB) MODEL NUMBER VL-3500-48x48-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x64-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x80-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x96-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x112-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x128-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x144-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x160-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x176-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x192-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x208-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x224-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x240-20-A or RGB VL-3500-48x256-20-A or RGB VL-3500-64x48-20-A VL-3500-64x64-20-A VL-3500-64x80-20-A VL-3500-64x96-20-A VL-3500-64x112-20-A VL-3500-64x128-20-A VL-3500-64x144-20-A VL-3500-64x160-20-A VL-3500-64x176-20-A VL-3500-64x192-20-A VL-3500-64x208-20-A VL-3500-64x224-20-A VL-3500-64x240-20-A VL-3500-64x256-20-A 3'10" x 3'8" x 8" 3'10" x 4'9" x 8" 3'10" x 5'9" x 8" 3'10" x 6'9" x 8" 3'10" x 7'10" x 8" 3'10" x 8'10" x 8" 3'10" x 9'11" x 8" 3'10" x 10'11" x 8" 3'10" x 12'0" x 8" 3'10" x 13'0" x 8" 3'10" x 14'1" x 8" 3'10" x 15'1" x 8" 3'10" x 16'2" x 8" 3'10" x 17'2" x 8" 4'10" x 3'8" x 8" 4'10" x 4'9" x 8" 4'10" x 5'9" x 8" 4'10" x 6'9" x 8" 4'10" x 7'10" x 8" 4'10" x 8'10" x 8" 4'10" x 9'11" x 8" 4'10" x 10'11" x 8" 4'10" x 12'0" x 8" 4'10" x 13'0" x 8" 4'10" x 14'1" x 8" 4'10" x 15'1" x 8" 4'10" x 16'2" x 8" 4'10" x 17'2" x 8" 1.360 1. Display cabinet depth dimensions include zee-extrusion mounting brackets on the rear of the cabinet.15 x 2.700 530 650 820 930 1.70 x . Line and character matrix also available.33 x .21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.47 x 1.91 x .47 x 4.60 x .170 1.21 1. including a fully loaded 15A convenience outlet.15 x 5.01 x .96 x .47 x 3.910 2.020 2.070 2.21 1.450 1.47 x 3.47 x 4. Consistent with Daktronics continuous improvement program. Many other font sizes are available.43 x . 5. 3.290 1.760 1.21 1.270 540 700 850 1.760 1.47 x 5.21 1.06 x . Nominal character heights and number of lines that fit on each DMS are calculated using 7-pixel-high fonts. 2.080 1.600 1.74 x .910 2. power supplies and more • Withstands adverse weather conditions • Redundant power supplies provide uninterrupted operation • Conformal coating on all circuit boards • Complete customer service options.000 cd/m² (Red) 5. including parts exchange. AASHTO. A protective black aluminum mask over polycarbonate provides superior contrast and minimum glare FULL MONITORING CAPABILITY Complete NTCIP diagnostics.000 cd/m² (Green) • High-quality LEDs with latest technology • Light sensor in each LED panel provides consistent LED brightness and optimum legibility in all conditions RELIABILITY • Full diagnostics to automatically monitor pixels. UL 50. ANSI/AWS D1. Critical components are located inside the roadside DDMS cabinet SIMPLE INSTALLATION Lightweight LED panels easily bolt onto static panels mounted on overhead or roadside structures FRONT-ACCESS LED modules are the only components inside the cabinet and can be accessed by opening a swing-down cabinet door LOW PROFILE Absence of internal components creates a two-inch deep LED panel for easy installation and eliminates shadows on the face of static panels HIGH LEGIBILITY Provides the same recommended ITS brightness as a traditional DMS. temperature. See the model specifications on page 26 for a full listing DDMS CONTROLLER Allows instant updating of up to six LED panels AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL Local diagnostics without need for an onsite laptop INDUSTRY STANDARDS Meets NTCIP 1203 v02. NEC COLOR CAPABILITY Bright amber or red/green/ amber models can indicate low.VANGUARD DEDICATED DMS (DDMS) ® VM-1020 MINIMUM PIXEL PITCH CHARACTER MAXIMUM COLOR VIEWING AVAILABLE HEIGHT DISTANCE 66 mm 46 mm 18 inches 12 inches 1100 feet 600 feet tri-color or amber MATRIX TYPE line VIEWING ANGLE CONE SIGN FACE masked VM-1020 swing-down cabinet door Photo courtesy of WSDOT FEATURES EASY MAINTENANCE Reduce the need for bucket trucks or lane closures.2 Structural Welding Code.200 cd/m² (Amber) 5. UL 48. on-site maintenance and toll-free help desk support COMMUNICATION • Ethernet. UL 1433. direct or radio • Control system compliant with NTCIP 1203 v02 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 25 . medium and high travel times and toll rates SPECIFICATIONS LEGIBILITY • 30-degree viewing angle • Amber or red/green/amber models • Minimum sign intensity: 9. fiber. including pixel and system conditions monitoring for all DDMS in a set RANGE OF STANDARD MODELS Range of standard line widths. cellular. FCC. NEMA TS 4. 76 x 0. VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN PIXEL COLUMNS PIXEL SPACING (MM) LED COLOR APPROX.56 x 2. including a fully loaded 15A convenience outlet. external communication equipment within DDMS cabinet.05 0.05 0.66 x 0.75 x 0.05 0.05 0. all product features are subject to change without notice.56 x 1.40 x 0.05 0. along with DDMS controller. PER LINE1 WEIGHT PER WEIGHT PER TYPICAL "PER MAXIMUM LED PANEL LED PANEL SET" POWER3 "PER SET" POUNDS KILOGRAMS WATTS CURRENT2 (1. 4.05 0.41 x 2.05 0. Contact Daktronics for more information. This number could vary depending on options installed in DDMS.79 x 0. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 26 . CABINET DIMENSIONS METERS (HxWxD) CHAR.41 x 0. CABINET DIMENSIONS FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX.05 0.09 x 0. Typical Power includes a partially illuminated LED sign (with 30% pixels at 100% intensity).6 LED PANELS) MODEL NUMBER VM-1020-7x10-66-A or RG VM-1020-7x15-66-A or RG VM-1020-7x20-66-A or RG VM-1020-7x25-66-A or RG VM-1020-7x35-66-A or RG VM-1020-7x50-66-A or RG VM-1020-7x10-46-A or RG VM-1020-7x15-46-A or RG VM-1020-7x20-46-A or RG VM-1020-7x25-46-A or RG VM-1020-7x35-46-A or RG VM-1020-7x50-46-A or RG 1'10" x 2'6" x 2" 1'10" x 3'7" x 2" 1'10" x 4'8" x 2" 1'10" x 5'9" x 2" 1'10" x 7'11" x 2" 1'10" x 11'2" x 2" 1'5" x 1'10" x 2" 1'5" x 2'7" x 2" 1'4" x 3'3" x 2" 1'4" x 4'0" x 2" 1'4" x 5'2" x 2" 1'4" x 7'6" x 2" 0. Amps per leg value for 120/240 3W+G system. 2.41 x 1. 3.05 0.21 x 0.56 x 3. 3.05 0.41 x 1.05 0. such as additional control cabinet.41 x 0.56 x 0. 4 and 5 LED panel configurations.56 x 0.41 x 0. Contact Daktronics for exact power numbers for 2.05 2 3 4 5 7 10 2 3 4 5 7 10 23 43 44 53 71 100 14 19 24 29 53 54 10 19 20 25 33 46 6 9 11 14 25 25 125-185 131-221 137-257 143-293 155-365 173-473 120-159 124-182 128-206 132-229 140-275 151-345 16A per leg *See note 2 below Notes (Specific to VM-1020 product) 1. Consistent with Daktronics continuous improvement program.56 x 1.42 x 0. Number ranges are for one to six LED panels.56 x 1. Amps Per Leg numbers are based on maximum load of typical DDMS.41 x 0. Characters per line are determined using a 7x4 VM series standard font.32 x 0. DDMS cabinet ventilation.MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VM-1020 DEDICATED DMS 18" & 12” CHARACTERS 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VM-1020-7x20-66-A PIXEL ROWS SERIES NUMBER FIXED LOCATION.99 x 0. direct or radio • Control system compliant with NTCIP 1203 v02 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 27 . frontaccessed aluminum cabinet for easy maintenance PROVEN LED PROTECTION UV-inhibiting epoxy dome and potting material protect the LEDs from excess heat and the elements CONTROLLER Built for reliability and seamless NTCIP 1203 v02 connectivity DESIGNED TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS NTCIP 1203 v02. high temperature and adverse weather conditions • Conformal coating on all circuit boards COMMUNICATION • Ethernet. AASHTO. NEC COLOR CAPABILITY LED modules accurately replicate static speed limit signs with black text on a bright white background SPECIFICATIONS LEGIBILITY • 30-degree viewing angle • Minimum sign intensity: 12. fiber.400 cd/m² (Full Color) • 0-100% automatic and 248 levels of manual brightness control • External brightness sensor • High-quality LEDs use latest technology • MUTCD-compliant static sign panel: reflective white sheeting with black E-Series lettering RELIABILITY • Withstands humidity.VANGUARD VARIABLE SPEED LIMIT SIGN (VSLS) ® VS-5220 PIXEL PITCH AVAILABLE 34 mm MINIMUM CHARACTER HEIGHT 18 inches MAXIMUM VIEWING DISTANCE 1100 feet COLOR MATRIX TYPE full VIEWING ANGLE CONE full VS-5220 louvered modules FEATURES FRONT-MODULE ACCESS Lightweight. cellular. UL. NEMA TS 4. FCC. MODEL SPECIFICATIONS VSLS MODEL NUMBER GUIDE VSLS-5220-2-18-RGB SERIES NUMBER DIGIT CAPACITY DIGIT SIZE LED COLOR VARIABLE SPEED LIMIT SIGN VARIABLE SPEED LIMIT SIGN 18" CHARACTERS 30 DEGREE VIEWING CONE APPROX. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 MILLIMETERS (HxWxD) APPROX. SIGN DIMENSIONS1 (HxW) APPROX.52 x 1.4 197 145 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 28 .22 100 45. SIGN DIMENSIONS1 METERS (HxW) POUNDS WEIGHT KILOGRAMS WEIGHT MAX POWER USAGE WATTS5 TYPICAL POWER USAGE WATTS5 MODEL NUMBER VSLS-5220-2-18-34-RGB 2'3" x 2'11" x 0'6" 686 x 889 x 152 5'0" x 4'0" 1. CABINET DIMENSIONS1 FEET / INCHES (HxWxD) APPROX. HIGHEST RESOLUTION FULL COLOR TEXT & GRAPHICS MULTIPLE 30° YES YES YES YES 300' 450' 600' 1100' 15 – 25 MPH 15 – 35 MPH 15 – 45 MPH 35 – 75 MPH VL-3500 SERIES ARTERIAL. ARTERIAL YES REAR FULL AMBER OR FULL COLOR TEXT & GRAPHICS MULTIPLE 30° NO NO YES YES 600' 1100' - VF-2400 SERIES FREEWAY. HIGH RESOLUTION AMBER OR FULL COLOR TEXT & GRAPHICS MULTIPLE 30° NO YES YES YES 450' 600' 1100' 15 – 35 MPH VF-2300 SERIES FREEWAY. but this chart provides basic guidance. ARTERIAL YES FRONT FULL.VANGUARD DMS MODEL COMPARISON ® Choosing the right DMS for your application can be difficult. ARTERIAL YES FRONT FULL. FEATURES INTENDED USE NTCIP COMPLIANT ACCESS MATRIX TYPE COLOR DISPLAY CAPABILITY FONTS AVAILABLE VIEWING ANGLES 6" CHARACTER HEIGHTS 9" 12" 18" 6" CHARACTER MAXIMUM VIEWING RANGE 9" CHARACTER 12" CHARACTER 18" CHARACTER 6" CHARACTER MAXIMUM VIEWING SPEED 9" CHARACTER 12" CHARACTER 18" CHARACTER VF-2000 SERIES FREEWAY YES WALK-IN FULL AMBER OR FULL COLOR TEXT & BASIC GRAPHICS MULTIPLE 30° NO YES NO YES 1100' 35 – 75 MPH VF-2100 SERIES FREEWAY. TOLL PLAZAS YES FRONT FULL. HIGHEST RESOLUTION FULL COLOR TEXT & GRAPHICS MULTIPLE 70° YES YES YES YES 300' 450' 600' 1100' 15 – 25 MPH 15 – 35 MPH 15 – 45 MPH 35 – 75 MPH 15 – 45 MPH 35 – 75 MPH 15 – 45 MPH 35 – 75 MPH RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 29 . Call our sales team at 888-325-8726 for assistance. VF-2300 and VF-2400 DMS models • Integrated dial-up modem.8" H x 6. Operating Temperatures: -34° F to +165° F (-37° C to +74° C) KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS: • Increases safety and reduces maintenance time by reducing trips between the ground and the sign • Controls. 15 W max.36 kg) Power: 120 VAC.6 kg) Power: 120 or 240 VAC.9" W x 3. Operating Temperatures: -34° F to +165° F (-37° C to +74° C) KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS: • Interactive.VANGUARD DMS CONTROL ® VFC-3000 SIGN CONTROLLER Daktronics offers the most powerful and easy-to-use DMS controllers in the industry. the Vanguard® VFC-3000 is a reliable. 50 or 60 Hz. features and maintainability.5" H x 14. Compliant with NTCIP 1203 v02. high-performance controller unit which sets the standard for quality. Ethernet port and serial ports simplify integration • Fiber-optic controller-to-sign cable eliminates electromagnetic interference • This interchangeability reduces spare parts and simplifies maintenance • Mounts in standard 19-inch equipment cabinet rack AUXILIARY CONTROL PANEL The Vanguard DMS Auxiliary Control Panel complements the VFC-3000 DMS controller by providing a secondary control interface panel at the DMS site.25" W x 9" D (89mm x 362mm x 229mm) Weight: 8.5 lbs (1. 10 W max. menu-driven front panel with keypad.5" D (173mm x 175mm x 89mm) Weight: 2. emulating all functionality of the VFC-3000 and reducing the number of trips between the main controller in the ground cabinet and the sign.500 feet • No field laptop needed RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 30 . Dimensions: 6. VF-2100. This state-of-the-art DMS controller simplifies system installation and operation. Graphical LCD and status indicators are easy to read and use • Integrated surge protection for communication signals and power prevents damage to communication ports • Real-time monitoring of display and all electronic subsystems allows immediate reaction to sign issues • NEMA TS 4-tested means the VFC-3000 can withstand the harshest environmental conditions • Local/remote control mode and controller reset allow for manual override of the display • Compliant with NTCIP 1203 v02 for simple integration with any DMS system • Operates Vanguard VF-2000.0 lbs (3. feature-rich. 60 Hz. configures or monitors the DMS from both the sign and on the ground • Compact size that can be located in pole-mounted cabinet • Connects to a sign from distances of up to 2. Dimensions: 3. Vanguard v4 is available in two versions: Standard for field technicians and Professional for traffic management centers. In addition to its enhanced feature set. diagnostic and scheduling tools. for precise functionality • Universal NTCIP v01 and v02 support to control compliant DMS • Trusted and used as a state-wide DMS system management tool • Intuitive. clicking each DMS opens powerful message creation. which allows implementation of precautionary measures and maximizes functionality. Standard and Professional. ADVANCED SECURITY Security is a crucial factor in DMS software • User profiles with passwords. yet provides in-depth functionality for experts. ORGANIZED Modeled after modern flagship software packages • An intuitive graphical interface guides new users with little training. quick display editing tools and full diagnostics. organized interface DMS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT FLEXIBLE Two different suites allow suitable functionality for your investment • Standard: built for field maintenance and troubleshooting. real-time display status and more ensures your display network is being run properly at all times.VANGUARD v4 ® CENTRAL AND FIELD DMS CONTROL SOFTWARE Vanguard Version 4 continues Daktronics tradition of offering the most robust Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) control software since 1988. KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS: • Complete message creation and playback tools. • Daktronics provides instant Internet updates. • After a display’s parameters are created. including common MUTCDdefined symbols) and much more. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 31 . offers test patterns. • Professional: expands the toolset to provide client-server architecture. Full subsystem and pixel-level diagnostics • Choice of two suites. • More complex features can be made simple—facilitated by step-by-step wizards. an advanced Content Studio (which includes a variety of fonts and a library of pre-designed graphics. remote diagnostics/notifications. • The Quick Message editor allows operators to enter new text messages rapidly. testing and message creation to the field. • The Message Studio is capable of creating powerful messages with text and/or graphics. Vanguard v4 Software also allows users to select messages from pre-programmed libraries for immediate display on a sign. group and monitor multiple DMS in real time • Includes the features of Vanguard v4 Standard • Enhanced security options UNIVERSAL DMS CONTROL NTCIP 1203 v02 COMPLIANCE Daktronics has had representation in the NTCIP DMS Working Group since the standard’s inception in 1998. Through installing and communicating with thousands of NTCIP-compliant DMS. which includes common MUTCDdefined symbols. VANGUARD SOFTWARE DEVELOPER’S KIT (SDK) The Vanguard v4 Software Developer’s Kit is a tool used by integrators to provide expanded control of NTCIP compliant DMS. • Locate pixel failures and monitor component status instantly • Create quick messages with the WYSIWYG editor • Ensure security with username login system • Control any NTCIP-compliant DMS • Run diagnostics and pixel tests VANGUARD v4 PROFESSIONAL Vanguard Professional enacts powerful control over large DMS networks from traffic management centers. The kit contains documentation. controlling and diagnosing DMS has never been easier or more efficient.VANGUARD v4 ® CENTRAL AND FIELD DMS CONTROL SOFTWARE Vanguard v4 Standard Component-Level Diagnostics Vanguard v4 Standard Pixel Test Vanguard v4 Professional Content Studio Vanguard v4 Professional List View VANGUARD v4 STANDARD Install Vanguard Standard on laptops to bring powerful diagnostics. verify and troubleshoot problems and automatically alert TMC staff of problems via email • Pre-schedule scenarios in the Schedule Studio to manage events with a few mouse clicks • Manage DMS networks with list view or map view with live messages displayed • Create advanced text and graphical messages easily with the Content Studio • Run nearly unlimited DMS at once from TMCs with client-server architecture • View. Professional includes all the monitoring. sample application. Daktronics has gained the necessary experience to make NTCIP integration simple. and the Vanguard v4 Server. • Log events. message creation and diagnostics tools necessary to maximize the functionality of state-of-the-art NTCIP DMS. With added standard support for many Daktronics objects in NTCIP 1203 v2. Contact Daktronics for more information. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 32 . It features a variety of fonts and a library of pre-designed clip art. EASY AND POWERFUL MESSAGE CREATION Vanguard software includes two message creation tools. Vanguard v4 will universally interface with all NTCIP-compliant DMS. Vanguard Standard is designed to complement the skills of technicians as they visit DMS for routine and critical maintenance. For more information.com to schedule a visit. The Vanguard road show includes the following models: • Vanguard • Vanguard • Vanguard • Vanguard • Vanguard VF-2020 66 mm . VANGUARD ROAD SHOW Contact Daktronics to schedule a presentation and demonstration of Vanguard DMS products. We’ve assembled material to help you understand our products and DMS technology in general. engineers and consultants. call 888-325-8726 or email
[email protected]
VF-2420 34 mm .DAKTRONICS ITS RESOURCES DAKTRONICS TRANSPORTATION ONLINE Visit Daktronics website at www.com/transportation to find more information about our products and applications. RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 33 .daktronics.Full Color VM-1020 66 and 46 mm Call 888-325-8726 or email transportation@daktronics. We invite you to join the conversation at tbublog. including: • The DMS 101 section with basic information and tips regarding DMS technology • An extensive photo gallery of ITS projects • Usage examples for many ITS applications In addition to the resources on our website.Full Color VS-5220 VSLS VL-3500 20 mm . Daktronics has also created an online community with news and updates for transportation architects.com.daktronics.com. S. VA Blue Water Bridge Authority. AB Pennsylvania DOT Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Port Authority of NY and NJ Port of Los Angeles Port of Portland Rhode Island DOT South Carolina DOT South Dakota DOT Tennessee DOT Texas DOT Utah DOT U. CA City of Chesapeake. NS Colorado DOT Connecticut DOT Cumberland Gap Tunnel Authority Delaware DOT Detroit Windsor Tunnel. VA City of Issaquah. WA Cobequid Pass. FL Oregon DOT Parcs Canada. ON Alabama DOT Alberta Transportation Ministry Arizona DOT Arlington County.CUSTOMER LIST NORTH AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION AGENCIES RELYING ON DAKTRONICS DMS 407 ETR Concession Company. VA City of Dallas. CA City of Minneapolis. TX City of Fairfax. NV City of Orlando. FL City of Roseville. TX Idaho DOT Illinois DOT Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Indiana DOT Iowa DOT Kansas DOT Kentucky Transportation Cabinet King County DOT. CO Florida DOT Florida Turnpike Georgia DOT Harris County Toll Road Authority. MI Douglas County. NY Michigan DOT Ministre des Transports du Quebec Mississippi DOT Missouri DOT Montana Transportation Department MTA Bridges and Tunnels. ON Canadian Federal Government Caltrans Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority Chicago DOT City of Arlington. NY Nebraska Department of Roads Nevada DOT New Hampshire DOT New Jersey DOT New Jersey Highway Authority New Jersey Sports Expo & Authority New Jersey Turnpike Authority New York City DOT New York State Bridge Authority New York State DOT New York State Thruway Authority North Carolina DOT North Carolina Turnpike Authority North Dakota DOT North Texas Tollway Authority Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority Ohio DOT Ohio Turnpike Commission Oklahoma DOT Orange County Expressway Authority. WA Louisiana DOTD Maine Turnpike Authority Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation Maricopa County. Customs and Border Protection Virginia DOT Washington State DOT West Virginia DOH Wisconsin DOT Wyoming DOT CUSTOMERS USING FULL-COLOR DMS RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 34 . WA City of Los Angeles. OH City of Burbank. CA City of San Francisco. TX City of Athens. MN City of North Las Vegas. CA City of Seattle. AZ Maryland Transportation Authority Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Metropolitan Transportation Authority. DAKTRONICS.com ® Vanguard is a registered trademark of Daktronics Copyright © 2011 Daktronics Print Version DD2116398 Rev00 092011 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 35 . South Dakota 57006-5120 tel 800-325-8726 605-692-0200 x57701 fax 605-697-4700 www.COM/DMS 117 Prince Drive PO Box 5120 Brookings.daktronics.DAKTRONICS INSTALLATION MAP States/Provinces using Daktronics DMS State/Provinces using Daktronics Full-Color DMS States/Provinces without Daktronics DMS WWW.com/its email transportation@daktronics.
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