

INDEX1. Cautions ......................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................ 3 3. Product Configuration................................................................................................................... 3 1) Product Overview .......................................................................................................................... 3 2) Operation Panel ............................................................................................................................. 4 4. General Information of OBD II ..................................................................................................... 6 5. Diagnostic ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1) Reading Codes............................................................................................................................... 7 2) Erasing Codes ................................................................................................................................ 8 3) Live Data ....................................................................................................................................... 9 4) Viewing Freeze Frame Data ........................................................................................................ 13 5) Retrieving I/M Readiness Status ................................................................................................. 14 6) O2 Monitor Test .......................................................................................................................... 15 7) On-Board Monitor Test ............................................................................................................... 16 8) Component Test........................................................................................................................... 18 9) Viewing Vehicle Information...................................................................................................... 19 10) Modules Present ........................................................................................................................ 20 11) DTC Lookup.............................................................................................................................. 20 6. Injecter Cleaning.......................................................................................................................... 20 1) Preparation before testing or cleaning injectors .......................................................................... 21 2) Operation Instructions ................................................................................................................. 21 3) Uniformity/Spray test .................................................................................................................. 22 4) Reverse flush ............................................................................................................................... 24 5) Leakage test ................................................................................................................................. 25 6) Fuel flow test ............................................................................................................................... 26 7) Auto. cleaning & test ................................................................................................................... 26 8) On-vehicle cleaning..................................................................................................................... 27 7. System Parameter......................................................................................................................... 30 8. Product Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................. 33 1. Cautions To prevent personal injury or damage to vehicles/equipment, read this manual and strictly abide by the following safety cautions before operation. Keep the equipment at least 3 meters away from fire. Always perform automotive test in a safe environment. Wear safety goggles that meets ANSI standards. Ground connection is required. Non-qualified persons are prohibited to dismantle or try to repair the equipment. Put the gears in PARK (for automatic transmission) or NEUTRAL (for manual transmission) and make sure the hand brake is applied. To ensure that the equipment performs reliably please utilize recommended detergent and test liquid. Keep the OBD Test Box dry and clean, free from oil, water or grease. Use mild detergent on clean cloth to clean the outside of the OBD Test Box when necessary. -2- 2. Technical Specifications 1. Input power:□AC220V±10% 50/60Hz 2. Equipment output:250W 3. Ultrasonic cleaner output:100W 4. Tank Cappacity:4200ml 5. LCD Display: Backlight, 128 x 64 pixel display with contrast adjustment 6. Wireless communication distance: 15 to 50m 7. Wireless frequency: 433MHz 8. Diagnostic protocol standard: All OBD compliance (OBDII, EOBD, and CAN) car makes. 9. Fuel system cleaning pressure: 0~7bar □AC110V±10% 60Hz 3. Product Configuration 1) Product Overview OBD Test Box The Main Unit -3- DOWN key: Move to item downward. Or change the parameters -4- . contrast adjustment. Or increase the value to set. or next page. or previous page. LEFT key: Move to the left.2) Operation Panel Key/Icon DEXITription LCD screen. 128 x 64 pixel. with backligt. Or reduce the value to set. LED indicator: Indicates the communication state. UP key: Move to item upward. -5- . ENTER KEY – Confirm and start running. EXIT key: Stop and return to the previous menu.RIGHT key: Move to the right. Pressure adjustmente: Ajust the pressure by pressing “Up” and “Down” keys. Or change the parameters. Drainage: Open de electromagnetic valve to drain the liquid in the glass tubes into the tank. Here below follow three pieces of such valuable information: Whether the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) is commanded 'on' or 'off'. The OBD II system is designed to monitor emission control systems and key engine components by performing either continuous or periodic tests of specific components and vehicle conditions. P30-P33 B1.4. all numbers. The other four characters. C3 U0. These codes identify a particular problem area and are intended to provide you with a guide as to where a fault might be occurring within a vehicle. The system will also store important information about the detected malfunction so that a technician can accurately find and fix the problem. Here below is an example to illustrate the structure of the digits: DTC EXAMPLE P 2 1 0 3 Systems B=Body C=Chassis P=Powertrain U=Network Code Type Generic (SAE): P0. U3. Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes are codes that are stored by the on-board computer diagnostic system in response to a problem found in the vehicle. the OBD II system turns on a warning lamp (MIL) on the vehicle instrument panel to alert the driver typically by the phrase of “Check Engine” or “Service Engine Soon”. a letter. This second generation of On-Board Diagnostic regulations is called "OBD II". U2 Identifying specific malfunctioning section of the systems Sub-systems 1= Fuel and Air Metering 2= Fuel and Air Metering 3= Ignition System or Engine Misfire 4= Auxiliary Emission Controls 5= Vehicle Speed Control and Idle Controls 6= Computer Output Circuits 7= Transmission Controls 8= Transmission Controls -6- . Manufacturer Specific: P1. B3 C0. General Information of OBD II On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) II The first generation of On-Board Diagnostics (called OBD I) was developed by the California Air Resources Board (ARB) and implemented in 1988 to monitor some of the emission control components on vehicles. a new generation of On-Board Diagnostic system was developed. identifies which control system sets the code. P34-P39 B0. Readiness Monitor status. C2 U1. The first character. When a problem is detected. if any. Which. provide additional information on where the DTC originated and the operating conditions that caused it to set. As technology evolved and the desire to improve the On-Board Diagnostic system increased. B2 C1. Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are stored. P2. OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes consist of a five-digit alphanumeric code. The most often to be selected are the Powertrain Control Module [PCM] and Transmission Control Module [TCM]. Use UP/DOWN l key to select Diagnostics from the menu. They indicate problems that the control module has detected during the current or last driving cycle but are not considered serious yet. CAUTION: Don’t connect or disconnect any test equipment with ignition on or engine running. (1) Turn the ignition off. Main Menu ========================= ►Diagnostics DTC Lookup Injecter Cleaner System Parameter (6) Press ENTER key to confirm. (1) Use UP/DOWN l key to select Read Codes from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key. Turn the ignition back to on and repeat the procedure from step 5. the code clears from memory. These codes cause the control module to illuminate the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) when emission-related fault occurs. please select one and Press ENTER key to confirm. Pending Codes are also referred to as “maturing codes” or “continuous monitor codes”. If the fault does not occur within a certain number of warm-up cycles. (5) Press ENTER key to enter Main Menu.5. If the screen shows over 2 wireless signals. Pending Codes will not turn on the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). Check if the OBDII Test Box is securely connected to the vehicle’s DLC. (4) Turn the ignition on. (3) Plug into the OBDII Test Box to the vehicle’s DLC. Engine can be off or running. Verify that the vehicle is OBD2 compliant. Stored Codes are also known as “hard codes” or “permanent codes”. -7- . Diagnostic When more than one vehicle control module is detected by the Diagnostic Box. A sequence of messages displaying the OBD2 protocols will be observed on the display until the vehicle protocol is detected. Turn the ignition off and wait for about 10 seconds. Verify that the ignition is ON. If the screen fails to communicate with the vehicle’s ECU (Engine Control Unit). a message shows up on the display. 1) Reading Codes Reading Codes can be done with the key on engine off (KOEO) or with the key on engine running (KOER). you will be prompted to select the module where the data may be retrieved. (2) Locate the vehicle’s 16-pin Data Link Connector (DLC). until all the codes have been shown up. The control module number. (1) Use UP/DOWN scroll keys to select Erase Codes from Diagnostics Menu and press ENTER key (2) A warning message comes up asking for your confirmation: -8- . the I/M Readiness Monitor Status for all vehicle monitors is reset to Not Ready or Not Complete status. but also “Freeze Frame” data and manufacturer specific enhanced data. If the manufacturer for your vehicle is not listed. If retrieved DTCs contain any manufacturer specific or enhanced codes. a “Manufacturer specific codes are found! Press any key to select vehicle make!” message comes up prompting you to select vehicle manufacturer to view DTC definitions. (4) If more than one DTC is found. use UP/DOWN key. the display indicates “No (pending) codes are stored in the module!” Wait a few seconds or press any key to return to Diagnostic Menu (3) View DTCs and their definitions on screen.Diagnostic Menu ========================= ►Read Codes Erase Codes Live Data View Freeze Frame I/M Readiness (2) Use UP/DOWN key to select Stored Codes or Pending Codes from the Trouble Codes menu and press ENTER key. use UP/DOWN key to select Other and press ENTER key. sequence of the DTCs. Trouble Codes ======================== ► Stored Codes Pending Codes If there are no Diagnostic Trouble Codes present. This function is performed with key on engine off (KOEO). Do not erase the codes before the system has been checked completely by a technician. total number of codes detected and type of codes (Generic or Manufacturer specific) will be observed on the upper right hand corner of the display. Do not start the engine. 2) Erasing Codes CAUTION: Erasing the Diagnostic Trouble Codes may allow the Diagnostic Box to delete not only the codes from the vehicle’s on-board computer. Use UP/DOWN key to select manufacturer and then press ENTER key to confirm. Further. as necessary. Turn Key on with Engine off!” message appears (4) Press any key to return to Diagnostic Menu. press EXIT key or use LEFT/RIGHT scroll key to select NO to exit. (3) Use UP/DOWN key to select View Data from Live Data menu and press ENTER key. (3) Press ENTER key to confirm.Erase Codes ========================= Erase trouble codes! Are you sure? YES NO If you do not want to proceed with erasing codes. then an “Erase Failure. (1) To view live data. A message of “Command Cancelled!” show ups. If the codes are not cleared. use UP/DOWN key to select Complete Data Set from View Data menu and press ENTER key. Wait a few seconds or press any key to return to Diagnostic Menu. If the codes are cleared successfully. 3) Live Data Viewing Data The View Data function allows viewing of live or real time PID data of vehicle’s computer module(s). Use UP/DOWN key for more PIDs if an or arrow appears on the -9- . an “Erase Done!” confirmation message shows on the display. Live Data ======================== ►View Data Record Data Playback Data Viewing Complete Data Set (4) To view complete set of data. use UP/DOWN key to select Live Data from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key (2) Wait a few seconds while the Diagnostic Box validates the PID MAP. View Data ======================== ► Complete Data Set Custom Data Set Unit of Measure (5) View live PIDs on the screen. press LEFT key. (8) Observe on-screen instructions (9) Use RIGHT key to deselect/select data parameters. if you decide not to. The number “x” to the upper right corner of the screen indicates sequence of highlighted item. CAUTION: DO NOT try to drive and operate the Diagnostic Box at the same time! Always have another person operate the Diagnostic Box while driving. If you decide to deselect these items. it indicates graphic information is available. press ENTER. There are two trigger modes used to record data: A. press EXIT or use UP/DOWN key to select NO to continue PID selections. DTC Trigger . (6) Press EXIT key to return to previous menu. Viewing Custom Data Set (7) To view customized PID data.screen The number “x” to the right of the screen indicates sequence of highlighted item. Selected parameters are marked with solid squares. If the selected PIDs exceed 18. use UP/DOWN key to select Complete Data Set from Record Data menu and press ENTER key. Press ENTER to view graph. a “The selected data list is full!” message displays on the screen. Following screen shows when Manual Trigger is selected: Manual Trigger ========================= Ready to record! Press [ENTER] to start recording…… Press [EXIT] to exit . If data from previously tested vehicle is not erased. If the “G” icon appears when a PID is highlighted. A message comes up to ask for your confirmation.allows user to press ENTER key to start recording. and “#x” are the order that the parameters are selected and will be displayed.10 - . use UP/DOWN key to select Custom Data Set from View Data menu and press ENTER key. A recording includes 5 frames of live data before trigger event and several frames after trigger event. use UP/DOWN scroll key to select Record Data from Live Data menu and press ENTER key. B. Record Data The Record Data function allows recording vehicle modules’ Parameter Identification (PID) data to help diagnose intermittent vehicle problems. and use UP/DOWN key to move up and down. (10) Press ENTER key to view selected PIDs on screen (11)Use EXIT key to return to View Data menu and/or return to Live Data menu. Manual Trigger . You are allowed to pick up a maximum of 18 PIDs.automatically records PID data when a fault that causes a DTC to set is detected by vehicle. (3) Use UP/DOWN key to select a trigger mode and press ENTER key. Recording Complete Data Set (2) To record complete set of live data. If you want to deselect all marked items. data from current test will be stored in a temporary cache. (1) To record live data. press ENTER key. Select Memory ========================= A previous recording exists! Do you want to overwrite it? YES NO If you wish to proceed with overwriting the old recording. if you do not wish to overwrite it. If you select a location marked with an asterisk (*) icon.0 . Drive till a DTC is detected when DTC Trigger is selected.11 - . If no DTCs are detected. (5) Observe on-screen instructions. (6) Wait for DTC to trigger recording or press ENTER to start recording. Select Memory ========================= ► Location #1 * Location #2 Location #3 The asterisk (*) icon on the screen indicates that there is a previous recording in the memory location.Or following screen shows when DTC Trigger is selected: DTC Trigger ========================= Waiting for DTC to trigger recording… Press [EXIT] to exit (4) Use UP/DOWN key to select a memory location and press ENTER key.0 ETC(℃) -40 ►SHRTFT1 (%) 0. use LEFT/RIGHT key to select NO or press EXIT key to pick another memory location. press EXIT to exit recording. Recording… ========================= DTC_CNT 6 FUELSYS1 OL FUELSYS2 N/A LOAD_PCT (%) 0. a message prompting to overwrite old recording displays. use UP/DOWN key to select Custom Data Set from Record Data menu and press ENTER key. if you decide not to. (11) Use UP/DOWN key to select a trigger mode and press ENTER key. or use UP/DOWN key to select NO and press ENTER to continue PID selections.. (9) Observe on-screen instructions. selected memory location is full. A message comes up to ask for your confirmation. Recording Custom Data Set (8) To record customized data. Record Data ========================= Record Done! Playback data? YES NO If you wish to playback recorded data. or it completes recording. Custom Data Set ========================= [ ] – Select/deselect [ ] – Deselect all [ENTER] – Confirm [EXIT] . . press EXIT key.Cancel (10) Use RIGHT key select/deselect data parameters. The number “x/x.” to the upper right corner of the screen indicates the maximum frames that can be recorded and the number of recorded frames. Custom Data Set ========================= ■DTC_CNT #01 □FUELSYS1 ■FUELSYS2 #02 ■LOAD_PCT(%) #03 □ETC(℃) ►□SHRTFT1(%) You are allowed to pick up a maximum of 18 PIDs. If you wish to deselect all marked items. press ENTER. press EXIT key. a “The selected data list is full!” message displays on the screen. press ENTER key. A message prompting to playback data shows on the screen. Selected parameters are marked with solid squares. or use LEFT/RIGHT key to select NO and press ENTER key to return to Record Data menu. (12) Later is same as the 3)-10) of Record Data. press LEFT key.. if you do not wish to playback. Wait a few seconds or press any key to continue. (7) The scan tool keeps recording PID data until user presses EXIT key. Press ENTER key to confirm. If the selected PIDs exceed 18.12 - . If you decide to deselect these items. (1) To playback recorded data. 4)-Viewing Freeze Frame Data (1) To view freeze frame data. Use DOWN scroll key. (5) If you want to view full name of a PID.13 - .Playing Back Data The Playback Data function allows viewing of previously stored PID data. use UP/DOWN key to select View Freeze Frame from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key. View Freeze Frame ========================= DTC_CNT 1630 ►FUELSYS1 OL FUELSYS2 N/A LOAD_PCT (%) 0. (4) Use LEFT/RIGHT key to view PIDs of next or previous frames. You are also allowed to playback recorded data immediately after recording. and positive frames indicate data recorded after trigger event.0 ECT(℃) -40 SHRTFT1 (%) 0. you do not have to select memory location. If there is no recording in selected location. use UP/DOWN key to select Playback Data from Live Data menu and press ENTER key. The number “x/x” to the upper right corner of the screen indicates total number of recorded frames and sequence of frame being displayed. use UP/DOWN key to select the PID. (3) Use UP/DOWN key to view recorded PIDs of each frame. View Freeze Frame ========================= Reading PID. and press ENTER key. as necessary.01 . an advisory message “No freeze frame data stored!” shows on the display. . a message “Not Supported or Stored No Data” displays on the screen. (2) Use UP/DOWN key to select the memory location marked with an asterisk (*) icon. For data stored in temporary cache. (2) Wait a few seconds while the scan tool validates the PID MAP. until all the data have been shown up.0 If there is no freeze frame data available. Negative frames indicate data recorded prior to trigger event.Please Wait - (3) If retrieved information covers more than one screen. then a down arrow will appear. one or more such monitors may be allowed to be “Not Ready” to pass the emissions inspection. (6)Wait a few seconds or press any key to return to previous screen. “N/A” -. 5) Retrieving I/M Readiness Status I/M Readiness function is used to check the operations of the Emission System on OBD2 compliant vehicles. I/M Readiness ========================= ►Since DTCs Cleared This Drive Cycle . It is an excellent function to use prior to having a vehicle inspected for compliance to a state emissions program.indicates status of monitors since the beginning of the current drive cycle.FUELSYS1 ========================= Fuel System 1 Status Press any key to con. I/M Readiness ========================= Reading PID… . An I/M Readiness Status result of “NO” does not necessarily indicate that the vehicle being tested will fail the state I/M inspection.Indicates that a particular monitor being checked has completed its diagnostic testing. then both types will be shown on the screen for selection. (1) Use UP/DOWN key to select I/M Readiness from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key. This Drive Cycle . Some latest vehicle models may support two types of I/M Readiness tests: A. For some states.Please Wait - (3) If the vehicle supports both types of tests. (2) Wait a few seconds while the scan tool validates the PID MAP.14 - .The monitor is not supported on that vehicle. “OK” -. Since DTCs Cleared . “INC” -.indicates status of the monitors since the DTCs are erased. B.Indicates that a particular monitor being checked has not completed its diagnostic testing. Comprehensive Components Monitor EGR -.Catalyst Monitor EVAP System Mon -. . to view the status of the MIL light (“ON” or “OFF) and the following monitors: Misfire monitor -.Evaporative System Monitor Oxygen Sens htr --O2 Sensor Heater Monitor Sec Air System -. These tests are not on-demand tests and they are done automatically when engine operating conditions are within specified limits.15 - .Fuel System Monitor Comp. see chapter “OnBoard Mon. (2) Wait a few seconds while the scan tool validates the PID MAP.(4) Use UP/DOWN key.Misfire monitor Fuel System Mon -.O2 Sensors Monitor Catalyst Mon -. (1) Use UP/DOWN key to select O2 Monitor Test from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key. The O2 Monitor Test function allows retrieval and viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the most recently performed tests from the vehicle's on-board computer.A/C system Monitor Since DTCs Cleared ========================= MIL Status OFF Misfire Monitor OK Fuel System Mon OK Comp. Component -. 6) O2 Monitor Test OBD2 regulations set by SAE require that relevant vehicles monitor and test the oxygen (O2) sensors to identify problems related to fuel efficiency and vehicle emissions.Secondary Air Monitor Htd Catalyst -. The O2 Monitor Test function is not supported by vehicles which communicate using a controller area network (CAN). For O2 Monitor Test results of CAN-equipped vehicles. as necessary. Test”. These test results are saved in the on-board computer's memory.Heated Catalyst Monitor A/C Refrig Mon -. Component OK Catalyst Mon INC Htd Catalyst N/A (5) If the vehicle supports readiness test of “This Drive Cycle”. Component OK Catalyst Mon INC Htd Catalyst N/A (6) Press EXIT key to return to Diagnostic Menu. a screen of the following displays: Since DTCs Cleared ========================= MIL Status OFF Misfire Monitor OK Fuel System Mon N/A Comp.EGR System Monitor Oxygen Sens Mon -. . Test from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key.16 - . 7) On-Board Monitor Test The On-Board Monitor Test is useful after servicing or after erasing a vehicle’s control module memory.O2 Monitor Test ========================= Reading PID… . O2 Bank1 Sensor2 ========================= Rich-Lean Threshd (V) MOD: MEAS: MIN: $11 0.Please Wait - (3) Use UP/DOWN key to select O2 sensor from O2 Monitor Test menu and press ENTER key. (2) Wait a few seconds while the scan tool validates the PID MAP.580 0. The On-Board Monitor Test for CAN-equipped vehicles retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems that are and are not continuously monitored.100 MAX: ----- (5) Use UP/DOWN key to view more screens of data if an UP or DOWN icon displays. Test and components IDs are determined by the vehicle manufacturer. an advisory message will be displayed on the screen. O2 Monitor Test ========================= O2 Bank1 Sensor1 ►O2 Bank1 Sensor2 If the vehicle does not support the mode. The On-Board Monitor Test for non-CAN-equipped vehicles retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems that are not continuously monitored. (6) Press EXIT key to return to the previous menus. (1) Use UP/DOWN key to select On-Board Mon. (4) View test results of selected O2 sensor. B1 EGR Mon. On-Board Mon. test selections can be as below: On-Board Mon. B1S2 Catalyst Mon. Bank1 (4) Use UP/DOWN key to select the desired monitor from On-Board Mon. Test ========================= The selected mode is not supported Press any key to con.On-Board Mon.Please Wait - (3) From On-Board Mon. B1S1 O2 Mon. Test ========================= ►Test $01 Data Test $05 Data Test $09 Data If the vehicle under test does not support the mode. Test ========================= ►O2 Mon. . Test ========================= Reading PID… . For CAN-equipped vehicles. use UP/DOWN key to select a test to view and press ENTER key.17 - . an advisory message will be displayed on the screen. (5) View test data on screen. On-Board Mon. Test menu. Test menu and press ENTER key. Test $01 Data ========================= ID : 00 MOD : $11 MEAS: 0 MAX : 0 MIN : -------For CAN-equipped vehicles. B1S1 ========================= Rich-Lean Threshd (MV) MEAS: MIN: MAX: STS: 0. The scan tool itself does not perform the leak test.Please Wait - (3) From Component Test menu. (2) Wait a few seconds while the scan tool validates the PID MAP.18 - . Before starting the Component Test. 8) Component Test The Component Test function allows initiating a leak test for the vehicle's EVAP system. Different vehicle manufacturers might have different criteria and methods for stopping the test once it has been started. refer to the vehicle service manual for instructions to stop the test. use UP/DOWN key to select the test to be initiated. (1) Use UP/DOWN key to select Component Test from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key.312 0.450 0. Component Test ========================= Reading PID… . test results displayed can be as below: O2 Mon.630 OK (6) Press EXIT key to return to the previous menus. but commands the vehicle's on-board computer to start the test. Component Test ========================= ►Evap Leak Test . from the Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key. (CVNs) and In-use Performance Tracking on 2000 and newer vehicles that support Mode 9. If the vehicle under test does not support the EVAP Leak Test. (6) Press EXIT key to return previous menu. Number (5) View retrieved vehicle information on screen. use UP/DOWN key to select an available item to view and press ENTER key. Working ========================= Command Sent! Press any key to con. Vehicle Info. function enables retrieval of Vehicle Identification No. (VIN). (4) From Vehicle Info. an advisory message is displayed on the screen. Some vehicles do not allow scan tools to control vehicle systems or components. (3) Wait a few seconds while the scan tool reads vehicle information. (1) Use UP/DOWN key to select Vehicle Info. menu. a message shows on the display warning that the mode is not supported. Wait a few seconds or press any key to continue. Calibration ID(s). ========================= Vehicle ID Number ►Calibration ID Cal. If the vehicle does not support this mode. Component Test ========================= The selected mode is not supported Press any key to con. Calibration Verification Nos. (5) Wait a few seconds or press any key to return to Diagnostic Menu.19 - . a confirmation message will be displayed on the screen.(5) If the test has been initiated by the vehicle. 9) Viewing Vehicle Information The Vehicle Info. (2) An advisory message comes up to remind you. . Verif. use UP/DOWN key to select Injecter Cleaner and press ENTER key. use LEFT/RIGHT key to move to the desired character. (5) To enter another DTC. use UP/DOWN key to change selected digit/character and press ENTER key to confirm. Main Menu ========================= Diagnostics DTC Lookup ►Injector Cleaner System Parameter (1) From Main Menu. . press EXIT key. use UP/DOWN key to select DTC Lookup and press ENTER key. Main Menu ========================= Diagnostics ►DTC Lookup Injector Cleaner System Parameter (2) From DTC Lookup menu.20 - . (3) View the DTC definition on screen. (1) From Main Menu. the Diagnostic Box displays “DTC definition not found! Please refer to vehicle service manual!” (4) To view next or previous DTC in the built-in DTC library. (2) From Injector Cleaner menu. use UP/DOWN key. (1) Use UP/DOWN key to select Modules Present from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER key. 6. you need to select a vehicle make on an additional screen to look for DTC definitions. use LEFT/RIHT key to view additional information on previous/next screens. For manufacturer specific codes. When DTC definition covers more than one screen. (2) View modules present with their IDs and communication protocols. 11) DTC Lookup The DTC Lookup function is used to search for definitions of DTCs stored in built-in DTC library.10) Modules Present The Modules Present function allows viewing of the module IDs and communication protocols for OBD2 modules in the vehicle. (6) To exit to Main Menu. press EXIT key to return to previous screen. If definition could not be found (SAE or Manufacturer Specific). use UP/DOWN key to select the function and press ENTER key to confirm. Injecter Cleaning The Injecter Cleaning function is to clean and test the auto injectors of the fuel system. (5)Use UP/DOWN key to select the Ultrasonic Cleaning function and press ENTER key to confirm. (Recommended detergent level till 5~10mm over needle valve of the injectors). Cleaning&test On-vehicle cleaning 1) Preparation before testing or cleaning injectors (1) Remove the injectors from the vehicle. (2)Put the injectors into the support in the ultrasonic cleaner. switch on the power supply. and set cleaning time. .21 - . (2) Check and fill test liquid. check if the O-rings are in good conditions o no. (4)Connect the pulse cables.Injector Cleaner ========================= Ultrasonic Cleaning Uniformity/Spray Test ►Leakage test Fuel flow test Auto. Fill test liquid through “Return/fill” port on top of the equipment. 2) Operation Instructions Ultrasonic cleaning (1)Connect the power supply with ultrasonic cleaner. Any O-ring damage may cause leakage during test or cleaning. Cleaning&test On-vehicle cleaning (6)Use UP/DOWN key to set the cleaning time and press ENTER key to confirm. (4) Select the appropriate injector connection parts. (3)Fill the ultrasonic cleaner tank with detergent. It is recommended that the detergent immerse the needle valve of the injectors. Injector Cleaner ========================= ►Ultrasonic Cleaning Uniformity/Spray Test Leakage test Fuel flow test Auto. It is recommended that fill the tank up to 2/3 level. (3) Fill the ultrasonic cleaner with recommended detergent. Otherwise damage may be caused. As graph 2. A、Installation and test procedure of top supply injectors (1) According to the type of injectors. (3) Adjust the position of screw and knurled nut according to the height of the injectors. press ENTER key to confirm.Set Cleaning Time ========================= 1min [ ] [ ] – Adjust [ENTER]. Otherwise damage may be caused.start (7) Ultrasonic cleaning automatically stops while time is up. (4) Connect pulse cables. (2) Mount the injectors (lubricate the O-rings in the injectors). Mount fuel distributor and injectors in the support. Cleaning&test On-vehicle cleaning (6) Use UP/DOWN key to select the parameter and use LEFT/RIGHT key to adjust the value. take out the injectors. 3) Uniformity/Spray test Fuel supply entrance is located in two different parts in the automotive injectors: top supply and side supply. select appropriate straight adaptors and mount them in the adaption assembly of the fuel distrbutor. . (5) Use UP/DOWN key to select the Uniformity/spray test function and press ENTER key to confirm. Injector Cleaner ========================= Ultrasonic Cleaning ►Uniformity/Spray Test Leakage test Fuel flow test Auto. Caution: (1) Ultrasonic cleaner should never be operated without liquid in the tank. Tighten the two knurled nuts. Press “Drainage” key to empty the glass tubes.22 - . (2) The pulse cable are prohibited to be immersed in the liquid. Adjust [ENTER]. select the appropriate side supply adaptation assembly (Appropriate Oring should be selected to install on the assembly.0 ms 100 rpm – Select . 5-Straight adaptor.start (7) The system stop working automatically when the test is completed. And the buzzle will sound. With reference to Graph 3. O-rings in the assembly and injectors should be lubricated) (2) Mount the injectors in the adaption assembly. 3-CrEXITent plate. (1) From accessory box. tighten the screws. 4-Plug of fuel distributor. (3) Mount the cross plate. 1 Graph 3 .Uniformity/Spray Test ========================= Time: Pulse: Speed: 0 min 25. 2-knurled screw. 6-Top supply injector. mount them in the fuel distributor. Graph 2 1-Plate screw. (4) Other procedures are same as in A.23 - . 7-Knurled nut. 8-Adjustment screw. B、Installation and test procedure of side supply injector (Note: Appropriate side supply adaptors should be selected). 4. System pressure can be adjusted by press "Up" and "Down" key. spray should be even. Otherwise the . the liquid in the glass tubes should reach 30ml. In spray test. Taking account of foam of the liquid to prevent overflow. By pressing "Item" and "Start" key can recover default pressure value. and no jet flow. 4) Reverse flush Reverse flush can only be executed for top supply injectors under Uniformity/spray test funcion. increase pulse width during running untill being able to observe the spray of injectors (can use background light). Mount the fuel distribution assembly and injectors on the support.5-O-ring. can select "rotation speed" or "pulse width" parameter to change stimulated work conditions by constantly pressing injectors should be changed. and this pulse width value is minimu open pulse width. During the running. Can press "Drainage" key to switch between Non-drainage and Drainage. 6-Side supply fuel distributor Remarks Non-drainage is defaulted by system during test. the formula: pulse width (ms)Xtime(s)Xrotation speed (rpm)/120≤18000 can be followed to set the parameters.24 - or key. Under this function fuel enters the injector through outlet and outflows through inlet. 2-Side supply injector. (2) Reversely mount the top supply injectors (outlet upwards. After setting one cylinder or all cylinders. inlet downwards). to entirely clean injectors and filters. (5) Following procedures are same as in A. As graph4. Generally the difference of fuel flow of different injectors of same vehicle should be less than ±2%. In uniformity test. (4) Adjust screw and knurled nuts according the the height of the injectors. (3) Select appropriate lower part assembly to support the injectors. tighten the two knurled screws. and electromagnetic valve is closed. With reference to Graph4. The injection angle should be uniform. The difference of minimum open pulse width can be measured. 3-Side supply adaption assembly.1-Cross plate. (1) Select reverse flush adaptors (select appropriate O-ring) and mount them in the adaption assembly of the fuel distributor. the minimum open pulse width can be measured to compare the difference of different injectors of same vehicle. . Generally it is required that the dripping per minute be less than 1 drop (or abide by auto manufacturer standard). 7-Adjustment screw. 8-Knurled screw. 9. 2-CrEXITent plate. 12-Fuel distributor. .start (3) Judge the leakage by observing if there fall fuel drops.10. Cleaning&test On-vehicle cleaning (2) Press ENTER key to start work.13-O-ring. Pressure can be adjusted by pressing ►or◄ keys. and pressure should be set 10% higher than manufacturer stipulation. 5injector. Injector Cleaner ========================= Ultrasonic Cleaning Uniformity/Spray Test ►Leakage test Fuel flow test Auto. 3-Plug of fuel distributor. 6-Knurled nut. 14-Lower part assembly 5) Leakage test Installation is same as Uniformity/spray test.Graph 4 1-Plate screw.25 - . 4-Reverse flush connector. Leakage test ========================= 60 s [ENTER]. (1) Use UP/DOWN key to select the Leakage test t function and press ENTER key to confirm. Default time set by system is 60 seconds.11. Cleaning&test function and press ENTER key to confirm. (1) Press “Drainage” to empty the glass tubes before executing automatic cleaning & test function. press “Drainage” key to empty the glass tubes. pulse width changing). (2) Use UP/DOWN key to select the Fuel flow test function and press ENTER key to confirm. 6) Fuel flow test Installation is same as uniformity/spray test. (1) Before fuel flow test. idle speed. Fuel flow test ========================= 15 s [ENTER]. 7) Auto. cleaning & test Automatic cleaning & test funcion includes the above-mentioned test methods (15-second fuel flow of constant injection. Injector Cleaner ========================= Ultrasonic Cleaning Uniformity/Spray Test Leakage test ►Fuel flow test Auto. And buzzle will sound. high speed.(4) The system stops automatically when test is completed.start (4) Pressure can be adjusted by pressing ►or◄ keys. speed changing. (5) The system stops automatically when test is completed. (2) Use UP/DOWN key to select the Auto. Cleaning&test . The Buzzle will sound. intermediate speed. Installation is same as Uniformity/spray test. Injector Cleaner ========================= Ultrasonic Cleaning Uniformity/Spray Test Leakage test Fuel flow test ►Auto. Cleaning&test On-vehicle cleaning (3) Press ENTER key to start work.26 - . Auto. Cleaning&test ========================= [ENTER].27 - . Fill little fuel to clean the tank. (4) Use UP/DOWN key to select the On-vehicle cleaning function and press ENTER key to confirm. (2) Compound mixture of detergent and fuel (with reference of detergent manual). Injector Cleaner ========================= Ultrasonic Cleaning Uniformity/Spray Test Leakage test Fuel flow test . Fill the tank with the mixture following table. check if the liquid in the tank is test liquid or detergent.(3) Press ENTER key to start work. with reference to "Piping connection of on-vehicle cleaning". Pressure can be adjusted by pressing ►or◄ keys. Replace test liquid with detergent by following procedure: Remove the liquid level display pipe in left side of the equipment.start (4) During the running. Make proper disposal of the used test liquid. 8) On-vehicle cleaning (1) Before executing on-vehicle cleaning. drain the tankl. And buzzle will sound. (5) The system stops automatically when function is completed. Cylinders of engine Volume 4 cylinders Around 800 1000ml 6 cylinders/8cylinders Around 1500ml (3) Connect the injector cleaner piping with automovil piping. 28 - . and switch on the auto engine to begin the cleaning. adjust pressure by pressing ►or◄ keys.(5) Use UP/DOWN key to set the cleaning time. Graph 5 On-vehicle cleaning 1-Quick connector of return pipe. According to the different manufacturer's technical requirements. And buzzle will sound. Set Cleaning Time ========================= 1min [ ] [ ] – Adjust [ENTER]. select appropriate adaptors from adaptor package to connect the hoses of automobiles engine side to fuel system on-vehicle . 3-To connect fuel inlet of engine.start (6) Press ENTER key to start. Engine with return hose(Picture 6) Disconnect the engine fuel supply hose and fuel return hose (Wrap the adaptors with rag to prevent fire caused by fuel flow to the hot parts). 2-To connect return pipe of engine. Piping connection of on-vehicle clearing There are two types of on-vehicle piping cleaning: Connection with return pipe and connection without return pipe. (7) Any time can press EXIT key to stop the cleaning. (8) The system will stop automatically when the time is up or the fuel is over. Fill mixed liquid of detergent and fuel to fuel tank of the equipment. or disconnect power supply of fuel pump. and take out fuse of automotive fuel pump. Check reliability of the connections. or disconnect power supply of fuel pump. the volume as below: Cylinders 4 cylinders 6 cylinders 8 cylinders or . select appropriate adaptors to connect hose of the automobile engine side to fuel system on-vehicle cleaning out hose of the equipment. Short the hoses of the automobile fuel tank side with appropriate adaptors.29 - . Hang the end of the fuel tank side to air. or take out fuse of automotive fuel pump. Picture6 Connection for engine with return hose Engine without return hose(Picture 7) Disconnect engine fuel supply hose (Wrap the adaptors with rag to prevent fire caused by fuel flow to the hot parts).cleaning return and out hoses of the equipment respectively. Check the reliability of the connections. Picture7 Connection for engine without return hose A. (2) Clean the tank and piping of injector cleaner with test liquid. Make proper disposal of the used test liquid. 5) Tool self-test: Checks if the LCD display and keyboard are working normally. press “Start” to run the equipment for 2 3 minutes. To enter the System Parameter mode From the Main Menu: Use the UP/DOWN key to select System Parameter. Settings of the unit will remain until change to the existing settings is made.30 - . Also the Diagnostic Box allows viewing of some important information such as serial number and software version number of the scanner. Stop the machine and drain the tank. 2) Contrast adjustment: Adjusts the contrast of the LCD display. and connect the outflow pipe with return port. The procedure is as follows: Drain the tank. use UP/DOWN key to select Language. select “Leakage test” function. System Parameter . 3) Unit of measure: Sets the unit of measure to English or Metric. 4) Beep Set: Turns on/off beep. Follow the instructions to make adjustments and settings as dEXITribed in the following setup options. and press ENTER key. and press ENTER key. switch on the engine and make acceleration.above Filling volume 1/2 Max. liquid level Arrangement after on-vehicle cleaning (1) Swithe off the engine after on-vehicle cleaning. Main Menu ========================= Diagnostics DTC Lookup Injector Cleaner ►System Parameter Language Setup English is the default language. check leakage of connections. liquid level 3/4 Max. fill it with test liquid. (3) Clean up the equipment for future usage. Connect power supply. 1) From System Parameter menu. liquid level 2/3 Max. 7. Recover Automovil piping. System Parameter The Diagnostic Box allows you to make the following adjustments and settings: 1) Language: Selects the desired language. Contrast ========================= 35% 3) Press ENTER key to save your settings and return to previous menu. 2) From Contrast menu. and press ENTER key. use UP/DOWN key to select Contrast.========================= ►Language Contrast Unit of Measure Beep Set Tool Self-test 2) Use UP/DOWN key to select the desired language and press ENTER key to save your selection and return to previous menu. 2) From Unit of Measure menu.31 - . use UP/DOWN key to increase or decrease contrast. 1) From System Parameter menu. use UP/DOWN key to select the desired unit of measurement. Beep Set . Unit of Measure ======================== English ►Metric 3) Press ENTER key to save your selection and return to previous menu. use UP/DOWN scroll key to select Unit of Measure and press ENTER key. Unit of Measurement Metric is the default measurement unit. Language ========================= ►English Français Español Contrast Adjustment 1) From System Parameter menu. Display test The Display Test function checks if the LCD display is working normally. 1) From System Parameter menu. the key name should be observed on the display. Tool Self-test The Tool Self-test function checks if the display and keyboard are working properly. Beep Set ======================== Beep ON ►Beep OFF 3) Press ENTER key to save your selection and return to previous menu.The default setting is Beep On. If the key name does not show up. B. Look for missing spots in the solid black characters.32 - . 1) Use UP/DOWN key to select Keyboard Test from the Tool Self-test menu. 2) Select Display Test from Tool Self-test menu and press ENTER key. 2) From Beep Set menu. Tool Self-test ======================== ►Display Test Keyboard Test 3) Press ENTER key again to start test. press EXIT key to return. then the key is not functioning properly. 1) From System Parameter menu. 4) When completed. and press ENTER key. Keyboard Test ========================= Press any key to start test : KEY: . A. and then press ENTER key. 2) Press any key to start test. use UP/DOWN key to select Tool Self-test. use UP/DOWN key to select Beep ON or Beep OFF to turn on/off the beep. When you press a key. use UP/DOWN key to select Beep Set and press ENTER key. Keyboard Test The Keyboard Test function verifies if the keys are functioning properly. 3) Double press EXIT to return to previous menu. Turn the ignition back to on and continue the testing. 8.33 - . Verify the control module is not defective. You need to do the following to check up: Verify that the ignition is ON. Turn the ignition off and wait for about 10 seconds. . Product Troubleshooting Vehicle Linking Error A communication error occurs if the Diagnostic Box fails to communicate with the vehicle’s ECU (Engine Control Unit). The Diagnostic Box is too far away the OBDII Test Box to communicate. Verify that the vehicle is OBD2 compliant. Check if the scan tool’s OBDII connector is securely connected to the vehicle’s DLC. and meets the Product Quality Standards of TEKTINO. and tested according to the original design aspects. inspected.CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE Serial Number The product has been manufactured. technical specifications. Manufacture Date Quality Inspector . and process flows.34 - . The product has therefore been granted the permission to leave factory.
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