March 25, 2018 | Author: JakeGrahamBell | Category:
Mortar (Masonry)
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I[ffi fl] ilil lillt lill fllt CitySp Guilds ilil ll] ilr 6165-002 DECEMBER 201 Certificate in Construction Basic construction skills principles 61 61-OO2t Tuesday 1 You should have the following for this examination 6 December 2011 14:00 - 15:00 . a rnultiple-choice answer sheet . a pen with black or blue ink . a non-programmable calculator This question paper is the property of the City and Guilds of London lnstitute and is to be returned after the examination. following notes before you answer any questions . You must use a pen with black or blue ink to complete all parts of the answer sheet. . Check that you have the correct answer sheet for the examination. . Check that your narne and candidate details are printed correctly at the top of your answer sheet. . lnform the invigilator if your name or examination details are not correct. . Each question shows four possible answers (lettered 'd','b', 'c' and 'd'); only one is correct. . Decide which one is correct and mark your answer on the answer sheet with your pen. Read the For example if you decide 'a' is correct, mark your answer like this mo i--/t c**i @ f c""""r c I I c*r @ ) t c*' I lf you want to change your answer, cancel your first choice by filling in the 'cancel' box below the circle like this v l,*lo (-J I @o t c*""r I fc*..' @ I f c""""r'l Then rnark the answer which you have now decided is correct. For example if you now decide 'c' is correct, mark your answer like this 11,-r Oe OO Il-crer ll-crer ll-c*r I Any other marks on the form rnay invalidate some of your answers. . Any calculations or rough working can be done on the question paper. . Attempt all questions. lf you find a question difficult, leave it and return to it later. This paper contains 40 questions. Answer them using the 'boxes' numbered 1 to 40 on the answer sheet. @ The City and Guilds of London lnstitute 201 1 . I ilrfl illr]lfll ilfi L693499 ililt ]il illl llil ll] 3 parts fine sand. 6 parts coarse aggregate one part lime.6 concrete mix ratio means Damaged cables on portable tools must be a 1 filled with gravel ready for the next day filled with large stones until next mixing required filled with sand and water washed out with water and a brush. one part lime. . 3mm 5mm 7mm 10 mm. 3 parts coarse sand. 6 parts all-in gravel one part cement.Which one of the following is the best shape for the end of a screwdriver blade when driving round-headed screws? "UU NN Figure 6 The joint shown in Figure 1 is a tee bridle mortice and tenon tee halving dove tail. a b c d An orbital sander would be most suitable for removing a b c d excess width on a comPonent setting out lines on the face of a product setting out lines from the internal corners of frames excess length on a component. a two side opening. When mixing has finished. one fixed pane window to fit an opening 1350 mm x 1205 mm high is washed and dried free of any resin build-up and stored safely kept in watertight containers wrapped in oily rags. 6 parts coarse sand one part cement. glue and screws glue and dowels wedges and screws wedges and dowels. b c d a b c d replaced taped soldered and taPed spliced and taPed. a rotary concrete mixer drum should be a b c d 1-693499 r Fine aggregate particles have a maximum size of From the following pairs of fixings the most suitable for securing a halving joint is a b c d I A 1 : 3 . a b c d 10 JC3N12CV JC2N12CC JC2N12V JC3N12CC. woodworking tools should be a b c d Using the extract from a supplies catalogue in Figure 2 attached. a b c d 2 Question 7 refers to Figure 2 on page 7 After use. 3 parts coarse sand. 3 Parts crushed sandstone. 6 Parts crushed gYPSum. 20 d Scraper. The two liquids would remain separated. a b c d 14 b c d d 19 smooth out small imperfections in the final finish of cement rendering compact the sand bedding for paving slabs apply the first coat of plaster on block walling smooth and polish the final skim coat on gypsum plastering. Vinyl. ln white spirit then hot soapy water and hang to dry. Which one of the following roller coverings is used to apply Paint? a b 16 polythene bag vapour box jar of white sPirit can of paint. the next operation should be to a b c d Which one of the following film formers would not be used in a water-based paint? a b c d After use. Leather. The water-based paint would float off the roller. left on the scaffold rubbed with a stone. What is the correct waY to clean a lambswool roller that has just been used in oil-based paint? a b c d L693499 gives it added strength is cheaper to Produce gives a smoother finish holds paint better. which tool would be best suited to the job? a b -/C c A wood or plastic float is used to a 15 b compact with a hammer level off using a brush compact with a tamPing beam rub over with a wood float. Latex. 18 left in a bucket of water washed. Rubber. stored in a tool box washed. which had been used to apply water-based paint. Nylon is sometimes added to a bristle brush because it a b c d 21 The white spirit would dissolve the paint. 3ee next page . ln hot soapy water then hang to dry' ln cold water with no soap or white spirit then hang to drY. The white spirit would dissolve the lamb's wool.11 The brick layers trowel is used to a b c d 12 cut lightweight blocks mix batches of mortar smooth the surface of rendering pick up and sPread mortar. Real bristle. ln white spirit with no soap or water. a steel plastering trowel should be 13 17 c d Synthetic fibre. Putty knife. lf a lamb's wool roller. Chisel knife. was placed in a container of white spirit in an attempt to clean it. Acrylic. dried. Shave hook. which of the following would happen? a After pouring concrete between forms for a floor. A paint brush wetted in oil-based paint is best stored for the short term in a a b c d When removing Paint from a moulded surface with liquid paint stripper. Alkyd. lightly oiled. annealed. A successful method of joining polythene water pipes would be bY solvent welding compression fittings and inserts the use of adhesives capillary fittings with inserts. A high-speed twist drill is used to drill a b c d An electrically powered hammer drill in conjunction with a tungsten tipped twist drill is specifically designed for drilling into a b c d A swaging tool is used to make the joint hotter reduce the formation of oxides reduce the amount of filler rod (solder) needed make faults in the joint easier to identify. ln a refrigeration pipework system. the purpose of flux is to a b c d j2 holes in concrete blocks holes in brick walls holes in metal any hole quicklY.22 Which one of the following is the most suitable position for controlling the movement of the blade when using a hand hacksaw for cutting a round metal bar which is held in a vice? a b c d 23 One hand on the griP and one on the front of the frame. When making a brazed or soldered joint. A stop valve is used to a b c d meter the flow of water prevent a back-flow of water isolate a sYstem from the suPPlY prevent the system from overflowing' L693499 thick-walled. are used as a b c d little as possible because of the effect on final installation cost little as possible because of the effect on refrigerant flow often as possible to keep the pipework neat often as possible to keep the pipework in a small area. annealedlstandard-walled. hard-drawn. Both hands on the griP. annealed standard-walled. One hand on the griP and one on the vice. c d 31 cliP a saddle band c d pipeboard continuous suPPort. On pipework which is subject to condensation. One hand on the griP and the other resting on the work. . soft-drawn. ! . soft-drawn. the most suitable type of pipe clip is a a b c d 27 30 The purpose of the flutes on a twist drill used for drilling metals is to a b c d 25 plastic sheets laminated sheets expand the end of a coPPer PiPe to make a soldered joint seal the end of a copper pipe to prevent leakage protiide an access point in a system without service valves clean the inside faces of a service valve. hard-drawn. short radius bends (also known as elbows). Copper pipe used for refrigeration and air conditioning sYstems is a b masonrY. annealed thick-walled. 28 a b c d 29 24 26 steeljoists promote swarf clearance allow fast cutting sPeeds maintain a gootl cutting angle clean the sides of the hole. 39 The type of cable used for domestic single-phase circuits is a b c d thermoplastic (p.c. Replace any worn carbon brushes. clean tool and lead with an oiled cloth before storing. 38 Which one of the foltowing types of driil bit phillips star spiral ratchet battery operated. wrap the flexible lead around the tool before storing. clean ventilation grills off with compressed air. 36 lo Which one of the following types of electric drill would be most suitable for preparing cable fixings in brick walls within a work area that is constanfly wet? a b c d 37 Which one of the following methods of storing portable electric power tools should be used? a b c d Figure 3 34 The type of screwdriver shown in Figure 3 isa a b c d 35 b c d l-593499 Wipe casing of tool clean with a paraffin soaked cloth. A rechargeable battery operated hammer drill.) _insulated and sheathed multi-core thermoplastic (p. A 230V1110 V a. should be used to drill a hole of 20 mm to allow a steel conduit to pass through a block partition? a b c d High-speed steel. ensure all parts are secure and clean before storing. rotary electric drill.c. Auger point. lubricate all moving parts. hammer drill.v. rotary electric drill.) -insulated single_ core braided rubber insulated single-core impregnated paper insulated multi-core. lnspect flexible lead. wiped the metal with paraffin oil and wrapped the chisels together in a cloth placed them in separate pockets of a tool roll and locked them in a secured steel tool chest locked them.v. A 230 V a. Masonry. in a tool box carefully laid them on a bench top and then covered them with a cloth.c. lnspect lead and connections.The lighting switch for a flammable gas store should be located externally to ttre store 33 . Sharp edged wood chisels should be stored on-site having a A 230 V a. Core.c. i See next page . b c d prevent anyone tripping over gas bottles in the dark to prevent electrical arcs from igniting gas so that the light is on before anyone enters so that the light is switched off as the door is locked. together with other hand tools.c. LIGHTING LIGHTING HEATING (IMMERSION HEATER) RING RING COOKER Figure 4 item shown in Figure 4 is connected into a domestic single-phase installation and is identified as 40 The electrical the a b c J suPPIY authoritY's fusegear suPPlY authoritY's meter consumer's control unit earthing equiPment' "on"urer's WORK NOW GO BACK AND CHECK YOUR . . IMPORTANT sheet correct? Are the details at the top of the answer sheet? INK in the apbropriate boxes on the answer Have you filled in your answers in L693499 t. 8( e1s8.l:::j.$( E?34-5( .35 t150:60 [166.90 E123r30 838.91813E .3 IC3N1.2t F179 8r :::837.6161-002 / 6165-002 December 2011 Figure 2 NON.c3N13CC ' .c3N11ec x147.El0:?51.I..0( JC3NOSCC .5E )sl_: r:.!O3. .q t37S:3: JC3NOTCC 8288..B( flo3 7f .8C 938fi 7.=3<l ICsNOgCV JC3N1zCV .}IL 600 .BAR SIDE HUNG NAFIROW MODULE (MEIHIC} *oo(5 rq-c =rrx c: Po xo .c L&L .9 109.61 cr 27.g P350.c3NtSGV L693499 et3a.45 )SLihli:..3{ 8305t€ JC3N12CC LJJJ. :.o -TII trooo o000 ooNa' OF.- l7-r !o oo ?6 iIJ LC €E.: P.OI .4c F{2? 3! F?OR C i57_3( 936.! E54.F /I tg2:5( q8s.7! e154.'C\A nfl E3rIlO.::fI17.l o 60L It.5{ )SF 'l:irtl e4fi. 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