2011 Annual Report

March 28, 2018 | Author: mohammed_fathelbab | Category: Specification (Technical Standard), Architect, Standardization, Postgraduate Education, Engineering



http://saisc.co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Contents Chairman’s report ........................................................ Executive director’s report .......................................... Vision and mission ...................................................... Market development and communications .................. 2 3 4 5 PUBLISHED BY Southern African Institute of Steel Construction 1st Floor, Block C 43 Empire Road, Parktown West P O Box 291724, Melville 2109 Tel +27 11 726-6111 Fax +27 11 482-9644 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.saisc.co.za EDITOR Reneé Pretorius [email protected] ART DIRECTOR Sandra Addinall Tel +27 11 868-3408 Fax +27 11 900-1922 E-mail: [email protected] REPRO & PRINT Camera Press Tel +27 11 334-3815 SOUTHERN AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (SAISC) Executive Director: Dr Hennie de Clercq, PrEng. [email protected] Education Director: Spencer Erling, PrEng. [email protected] ISF Director: Neels van Niekerk [email protected] SASFA Director: John Barnard [email protected] Engineering ................................................................ 10 Education .................................................................... 12 Relationships with others ............................................ 15 Influencing the business environment ........................ 16 Advice ........................................................................ 19 Light steel frame building ............................................ 20 Kwa-Zulu Natal committee .......................................... 23 Export promotion ........................................................ 24 Financial report............................................................ 26 Committees ................................................................ 29 Membership list .......................................................... 33 1 http://saisc.co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Chairman’s report It is my privilege to succeed Molefe Kgomo as chairman of the Board. He guided the Institute through the highlights of the construction industry with the delivery of the soccer World Cup stadiums, the Gautrain project, Charles Dednam Chairman of the Board The South African Institute of Steel Construction provides the qualified vehicle to enhance the marketability of the South African steel construction industry throughout the continent and the staff under the leadership of Dr Hennie de Clercq demonstrated their commitment to make this the winning industry for Africa. The dedicated export drive by Neels van Niekerk, the continuous lobbying by Kobus de Beer, the technical support and education drive by Spencer Erling, the new ground breaking for light steel frame buildings by John Barnard are all testimonies of these efforts. One should not forget the exertion the institute is channelling into maintaining high standards for the industry through the development of various expert publications for steel construction under the auspices of the very same people. Last but not the least are the people providing support to the organisation, keeping everything together and making sure that our Institute performs at its best. Looking forward, exciting times await the South African Steel Construction Industry, with new markets opening up on our doorstep and the Institute is dedicated to support the industry being real contenders in the region. the start of the building of the new power generating plants, the national freeway improvement projects, water supply projects and the construction of the multi-product fuel pipeline. This year so far has been rather difficult as the industry is still suffering from ‘post-World-Cup-blues’. The preamble to the event demanded extraordinary performance but it was followed by a scary epilogue as the construction industry is still attempting to find the activity levels they have reached before the World Cup. So far, too little has been implemented of the announced R809 billion infrastructures spend, with State Owned Enterprises also lagging. A major concern remains capacity constraints delaying the tendering processes. This is affecting the recovery and progress within the construction sector. Inevitably the government followed up with the newly established Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission, where a commitment was made to the compilation of a list prioritising economic and social projects and the establishment of public-private partnerships, which could deal with the current backlogs, owing to the limited public resources. We trust that the new emphasis will underline the importance of the promised R1-trillion five-year public investment programme and unblocking impediments to these projects in a bid to stimulate growth and encourage local supply industries to bolster employment. Africa, in particular, offers the prospect of significant growth in the mining, petro-chemical and construction industries. Activity in extended geographies outside the South African borders could just counter the negative cyclicality of the South African construction industry and indeed there are several of our construction companies reaching for these gems on the African continent. Charles Dednam Chairman of the Board 2 operated on its own without government involvement and without working closely with government. and the onslaught from China and other countries has become threatening. But I experienced the year as slightly frustrating. the people who served on committees or got involved in other tasks. Our conversation with government has been on the level of ‘lobbying’: we take those things we think government can assist us with and request their assistance. but consisted of a group of enthusiastic people who brought ideas and energy to the SAISC. like most other associations. During the past year we were. as always.http://saisc. were of great value to us. by competitors that amount to unfair trade practices and that can upset the argument that if you are really good and efficient clients will come flocking to you. And of course. I wish to thank everybody who served and supported the Institute and myself during the past year. totally dedicated to serving the industry. A special word of thanks to our staff. and we also worked on defending the existing market against outsiders. We were successful. The state of the world economy and other factors caused the industry’s markets to be weak. we don’t need actions Dr Hennie de Clercq Executive Director This means that in future we will have to work much more closely with others. So the Institute should be measured by the degree to which we pursued these two things that would make our industry successful. Similarly. Dr Hennie de Clercq Executive Director 3 . We have to change the way we work. and the industry must be able to meet this demand competitively and effectively. and everything we did could be seen as trying to build the industry’s market or making the industry better. as against other industries in the country. intractable problems were experienced on some large projects. We had two chairmen – Molefe Kgomo and Charles Dednam – and both were very supportive and a pleasure to work with. in my view the best and most dedicated group of people one could wish for. But we have come to a situation where the forces stacked up against our industry. such as commenting in detail on the connections book.co. The shortage of skills is an example of the problems facing us. except in the field of export promotion. are huge to the point that a single industry cannot have success on its own any more. The leaders of companies in our industry have to be much more involved. with other branches of business and especially with government.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Executive director’s report Only two things are required to make our industry successful: there must be a demand for our product. We were proud of our independence and it worked. This year it was again a great pleasure to work with the people one encounters at the Institute. not only within the country but especially in other African countries that we have come to see as part of the home market. Up to now the Institute has. The Board was not only supportive. causing us to be influential • The key considerations that drive our strategy are the following: • We have a rejuvenated industry with a capacity in excess of the country’s needs during normal times The staff of the SAISC harbour an exceptionally high level of technical.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Vision and mission We have a vision of an Institute that is respected.http://saisc. The mission of the SAISC is to promote the holistic vigour and prosperity of the people and companies in South Africa that provide steel-related products or services to the building and construction industry. • Steel is used in South Africa for almost all the appropriate applications in building and construction. including industry associations. so effectively that this industry becomes widely known as being characterised by: • long term prosperity and growth as a result of pursuing the opportunities afforded by a healthy and growing demand for its products and services. especially into countries near South Africa and the rest of the continent – our hinterland • Exports are of strategic importance to the industry • The SAISC has a strong brand. • • • • the quality of its products and services. professional associations. and the ability to compete with any of its counterparts anywhere in the world. standardisation bodies and government. the quality and skills of its people. innovation. dynamic and exciting. business and industry knowledge and maintain an extensive network of contacts to sustain the knowledge base and make it available to others. productive. We visualise an exceptional Institute. educational institutions. and which serves all the South African people and companies providing steel-related products or services to the building and construction industry. serving a very successful industry. excellent relations with all the relevant international and local organisations.co. 4 . with the exception of multi-storey buildings and bridges • There is a constant threat of imports. but they are not very active participants. so it’s a bit of a one way street. We certainly reach a good bunch of people. Steelspeak has proven to be a very effective medium for getting our message to our target audience. The jury is still out as to the value of doing this. In doing so.co. This year we went one step further: we went on Facebook.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Market development and communications Last year we added the newsletter Steelspeak to the media we use to communicate with our members and with a broader audience. we were one of the first associations in the country to use social media as a communications medium.http://saisc. and we regularly get requests from people who want to be Steel Construction Journal SAISC website 5 . The audience we target is quite conservative and there has not been a flood of people to our page. co. But most effort still goes into the journal. which also demonstrates that Steel Construction is regarded as an effective medium for reaching the steel industry and the professions. Every indication is still that the people we want to reach prefer to get their communications on paper and that they appreciate the quality and contents of the journal. We were rather concerned this year: during the past number of years the event just Steel Awards 2011 6 .saisc.za is equally important and very well visited. Steel Awards maintains its status as not only the Institute’s prime event of the year. In the care of Mr Viv van Zyl the advertising for the journal has increased handsomely. Our website www.http://saisc. but also the whole South African steel industry’s. Steel Construction.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON on the circulations list.co. pleasant surprise.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON seemed to grow and grow. But what would happen now that the World Cup is behind us and the economic slowdown has worked its way down to our industry? The reality proved to be a big. airport terminals and industrial projects that blew everybody’s socks away. In support of the Institute’s introduction of Facebook in our communications strategy the theme of Steel Awards this year was social media.co. so we limited attendance in Johannesburg. primarily because experience taught us that squeezing too many people into a venue detracts from the enjoyment of those attending and makes the function less sleek. The number of entries was certainly down. The FIFA World Cup and the general buoyancy of the economy also assured that we had entries in the form of stadiums. but the general quality was still good and the winners surely deserved to be winners. and the entries for the competition also relied on people using the electronic media effectively. Johannesburg and Cape Town was slightly down on last year. We are waiting to see whether this will make people more receptive to the modern media. Publicity 2011 7 . The overall number of people attending the concurrent functions in Durban. The sponsorships for the function have also held up very well and we thank our sponsors sincerely. to the extent that we had to move the Johannesburg event to a bigger venue to accommodate more of those who wanted to attend.http://saisc. co. which refers to our interaction with our members. For some 13 years now the Institute and the Department of Architecture at the University of the Free State have collaborated to bring a Right: Allan Widlake. and much has been said about us or by us in papers and journals targeted at segments of industry. In a few instances a large part of the contents of some trade journal would have its origin with us. property owners and others. The event’s attendance can’t grow – it is always over-subscribed. speaking on the rescue of the Chilean miners Below: SAISC Golf Day Notices to publicise SAISC events 8 . but they also need to come together sometimes. remains extremely important. but it is reassuring to see that many companies are represented on the highest level and bring their top clients to this event. Internal marketing. and they give their support. we have been quoted in the business press. but also with industry and the professions through a variety of media. The Institute can only be effective if our members think we are doing a good job. The Institute’s media are important in reaching our members.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON The institute is in constant communication with the broader public. they know what the Institute is all about. and the annual Golf Day is one opportunity for that.http://saisc. where members can learn about issues of importance to the industry from authorities on various subjects. Other opportunities for members to come together come in the form of breakfast meetings. During the past year we have often spoken on the radio about issues affecting the industry. the professions. co. using steel to great effect. The Institute has improved its staff situation and is gearing up to tackle this project. Having such a person sing the praises of steel as ‘green’.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON prominent architect from somewhere in the world to South Africa. and there is reason to believe that the time is now right for steel to make inroads. We have worked on this project.http://saisc. as it has become very popular among architects (some 1 300 architects and architectural students attend the lectures offered in several cities each year) and has elevated steel in their minds to the level of a material of huge architectural and aesthetic potential. 9 . Growing the market for structural steel is of fundamental importance. ‘beautiful’. This has proven to be one of our very best market development endeavours. etc. One of the projects identified during the Board’s strategic planning exercise at the end of last year was the promotion of steel in multi-storey buildings. as a number of factors which can favour steel have shifted in the building industry. while some of the projects we worked on with a view to having them built with steel structures were postponed due to the general slump in the property industry. but were hindered by not having adequate and suitable staff. amounts to an advertisement money can’t pay for. Our visitor this year was a very famous American architect. Tom Kundig. who has done remarkable projects in many countries. This also allows us to speak directly to large audiences of architects and to bring the Institute and steel to their attention. Our expectation is that the new connections book will be a prime seller and will come to be regarded as something every design engineer or draughtsman should have. Two years ago the Institute hosted the first conference on Structures for Mining and Related Materials Handling (SMMH). the USA and further afield. and the outcome more in line with the processes employed by steelwork contractors with modern equipment. especially for projects with special requirements. Another investigation resulted from arguments around steel specified. Larger organisations may even have staff dedicated entirely to advising engineers. so as to make the SANS Codes and SAISC publications 10 . aside from Steel Awards. The contents of the book was further refined during the course on the design of connections run towards the end of October. The book covers the whole subject of connection design. A document resulted. questions and arguments emerging from the issue of the bolts specified for the new power stations caused us to do an in- depth study of the specifications governing the production and use of bolts in Europe. which received the greatest amount of time and effort from SAISC staff and members this past year. The draft of the book was handed to the members of the Engineering Committee and the Professional Individual members of the Institute. This resulted in a series of articles in Steel Construction. The next such conference will be held in October 2012 and we have obtained the support of all our sister organisations from the Englishspeaking countries of the world and many others. Sometimes trying to respond to an enquiry can grow into a whole research project and publications flowing out of it. which will in future be a valuable resource for those who have to specify bolts. was the writing of a new handbook on the design of connections. which greatly assisted in the resolution of the uncertainties. All institutes of steel construction in the world tend to consider giving technical advice as one of their primary tasks.http://saisc. with the Red Book the top seller. The book will be printed and ready at the beginning of 2012. It keeps surprising us that the demand for this book seems never to diminish. and for those who have to procure and install such bolts. from foundations to semi-rigid connections. to replace our old ‘Green Book’. who provided valuable comments and ideas. and the requirement for remedial action.co. Firstly. defects observed during different stages. The Bookshop remained a prime source of income for the Institute. and is intended to make the process easier and more correct. That happened on two occasions this past year.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Engineering The single project. No new publications were added to the list this past year. co. as the South African standard. This was done to overcome certain weaknesses in the old SANS 10162-2. which oversees all standards relating to the use of steel in construction. was changed this year by adopting the Australian standard. We can but only admire the dedication and the quality of work produced by Dr Geoff Krige and his committee. which deals with the specifications governing the execution of steel structures. We are also active participants in the ISO committee ISO/TC 167. developed under the auspices of the SAISC and generally regarded as the most advanced in the world. including the quality standards to be achieved in fabrication and erection.http://saisc. and with further developing the standards and writing commentaries to explain the standards to users.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON conference a truly international event. Standards The committee responsible for the SANS 10208 set of standards continued meeting on a monthly basis during the year. which itself was based on the North American standard. as well as site visits. the standard governing the design of cold-formed steelwork. 11 . such as that it did not allow for screwed connections. which are very common in light steel frame building. The coming conference will be accompanied by courses for designers and maintenance managers. SANS 10162-2. Progress with the writing of the cladding standard SANS 10237 was hampered this year by the fact that huge problems were experienced with a testing programme at the University of Stellenbosch that were aimed at gaining clarity about the behaviour of roof sheeting in tests and the test procedures specified in the standard. The Executive Director is the chairman of the SABS committee SC 59F. The conference builds on the set of SANS 10208 standards governing the design of structures for the mining industry. we have continued to assist the universities offering civil engineering. as well as some of those offering architecture or mechanical engineering. cladding and other subjects. light steel frame building. aimed primarily at steelwork contractors Basics of steel course. In its place we are putting more emphasis on the sponsoring of post graduate research. The reason for the move is that experience has shown that we gain much more from the post graduate programme. but the students are more mature and they get immersed in steel for an • • • • As in the past. This was a singular opportunity to preach our gospel. Course on connections for structural steelwork. based on the new connections handbook. The following 12 . tendering and financial control of projects.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Education The following courses were offered during the year. specification of architectural steelwork. The Institute is bringing its bursary scheme for engineering students to a close.http://saisc. aimed at giving a wide range of people a reasonable generalised knowledge of the material steel and the issues around it A half day workshop for architects. items encompass most of what we do: • Senior members of the SAISC staff are regularly asked to serve as external examiners for Masters and PhD theses.co. serving to give them a basic feel and understanding of steel as a construction material. Not only do we get useful research results. during which they were given information on structural concepts. The two to three day Steel Awareness course was offered to students in engineering or architecture at several universities. some on more than one occasion or at more than one venue: • • Course on estimating. Spencer Erling attended a conference in the United Kingdom on the suitability of engineering education at universities. The reports we receive on the performance of assemblers who have undergone this training is hugely heartening. A substantial number of prizes have been awarded to top students. welding. as well as a lecturer from most of these institutions. The measure of what the Institute does in education is not how much energy we expend on the issue. London.co. and who thank the Institute for its contribution to their success. where they make a significant contribution to the country and to our industry. causing to build a relationship with and deeper understanding of the material. In this regard we are happy to report that we constantly bump into people in the professions or in the industry who have achieved positions 13 . They concluded the day by attending the Steel Awards function.http://saisc. were bought to Johannesburg under the New Generation banner. to South Africa to present post graduate courses in steel design at the Universities of the Witwatersrand and Cape Town. but what lasting results we achieve. mostly for projects relating to steel construction. He also presented talks to audiences of practicing engineers. A number of companies sent some of their senior boilermakers for a ‘training the trainer’ session conducted by us. and exceptional structure and a construction site to witness steelwork being erected. during which he learned much that can be of benefit to us. During Steel Awards the two top students in structural engineering from six universities. and are proceeding to provide directed training to aspirant assemblers. • Senior staff of the Institute offered lectures at several universities to groups of students on such topics as multi-storey buildings. • • • Steady progress was made during the year with the Institute’s programme for the training of structural steel assemblers. The Institute invited and covered the costs of Dr Leroy of Imperial College. They spent a full day learning about steel construction and visiting a workshop. and light steel framing.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON extended period. Every year we undertake field trips to expose the learners and to give them a better understanding of industry.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON SAISC School of Draughting The school is now an accredited CETA Training Provider. This full accreditation status has been granted for five years. 14 . in the latter instance to make them familiar with structural drawings and specifications. The School is also involved in the further development and training of a number of draughtsman already in the employ of companies in the industry. Three learners are trained on AutoCad Structural Detailing 2010 because this is the program they are going to work on in their work place. These students have completed the basic training on how to apply drawing techniques to produce detail drawings of basic structural steelwork assemblies. We are now in a position to issue the National Diploma in Structural Steelwork Detailing (SAQA QUAL ID 48636) to our learners. as well as steel merchant sales staff. In February we said farewell to the third group of students. They all had basic training on both Tekla Structures 17 and StruCad Evolution. Because of the conditions in the steel construction industry the school Above right: The SAISC/DSE Draughting School Class of 2011 Right: The top students who were invited to the Steel Awards had a small student intake of five learners in March 2011. They also attend any SAISC and other seminars and workshops that they can benefit from. These students will be the first to receive the National Diploma in Structural Steelwork Detailing at a graduation function planned for October 2011.co. On their return to the School they had to submit a portfolio of work as evidence on what they have learned and the skills they have acquired during this ten week practical period. During November 2010 they went to their employers for a ten week training period on workshop and site procedure. After the basic training the students specialised in their dedicated program which they will use in their work place.http://saisc. The forth group is currently in their final year. za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Relationships with others We are members of the International Steelwork Contractors Group (ISCG). • • 15 . Aside from ISCG.co. Singapore and China. architectural and quantity surveying professions • Property Building and construction Organised business Aside from the reaffirmation of our ties and the knowledge we gained or got access to. New Zealand in March and the exchanges at this meeting confirmed again the importance of the SAISC’s membership of it. Australia and New Zealand. The group had one of its bi-annual meetings in Paihia. and that we are effective. South America and the Far East. An official delegation of the Chinese Institute of Steel Construction visited us. including the USA. UK. This has become a closelyknit group from which we receive a huge amount of support and information. and we showed them around the country. in many cases very close. a loose association of the bodies representing the steelwork contractors in the English-speaking countries. following our visit to China last year. but our conclusion is that we are doing the right things for our specific industry. In comparing ourselves with others. we have to allow for the fact that we all come from countries of widely varying size and that the fundamental purpose of each is not the same. including those in Japan. with some 35 associations and statutory bodies serving the following industries: • • Steel and associated Engineering. Canada. the meeting also serves as a benchmarking exercise for us. we also maintain relations with many other associations in Europe.http://saisc. In South Africa we maintain ties. export promotion clusters. import protection through duties. applications for the use of foreign labour. IPAP I & II. Incentive schemes. Although all the various activities are integrated with the regular SAISC activities it is convenient to briefly describe them here. SAISI Downstream Development Committee. The subcontracting of steel to local fabricators is problematical in a number of respects and this is being monitored and support given where appropriate. steel supply and pricing. None of the activities listed below were done in isolation and many people contributed to the positive outcomes. Steel for powerstations: The decisions to buy local steel are now fully supported by ESKOM and their major contractors. Efforts continue to limit the tonnages of steel imported for these projects. Competitive Supplier Development Program (CSDP). the Chinese and Indian import ‘threats’. and import substitution. 16 . etc. skills development.http://saisc. During this period the Institute has been involved in a wide range of issues. by influencing the environment within which the steel construction industry operates.co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Influencing the business environment The Southern African Institute of Steel Construction appointed an ‘Industry Development Executive’ in 2007 to actively promote the growth of and investment in the Steel Construction Industry. government programs such as NIPP PPPFA. DTI and IDC . This would form the basis for supplying structural steelwork for Southern Africa and for Africa from South Africa. including the following: Construction Sector Charter. New Growth Path. The SAISC was registered as a SPX (Subcontractor and Procurement Exchange) Centre with UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) to facilitate the industry’s participation in the various SOE’s purchasing processes. The ‘Benchmarking’ of members was done using a modern business approach to make comparisons with the best practices worldwide and also to facilitate continuous improvement processes at individual participants. electronically coding members’ capabilities and products using standardised international systems.e. It involves ‘profiling’ of industry members. This is an area where much pressure towards imports of complete process plants is experienced 17 . ESKOM has appointed dedicated managers to drive the process and has formed a number of product hubs such as the ‘Boiler Hub’ and a ‘Turbine Hub’ where various ‘Task Teams’ are appointed to explore specific opportunities. This was followed up by the compilation and submission of a formal application to ITAC (International Trade Agreements Commission) for the imposition of 15% import protection on power pylons and cellular tower steelwork in spite of objections from ESKOM. Our exercise on promoting structural steel for power stations is used as a model for other CSDP initiatives. Publication of the application in the government gazette took place in March 2011. NIASA and Transwerk and are interacting with representatives of these organisations.http://saisc. As requested by the DTI we are participating in the CSDP feedback sessions with ESKOM. Contact is maintained with the Chinese industry to keep abreast of developments. SASOL and PetroSA are also targeted. Imports from China and elsewhere – we have established contact with the DTI and authorities involved in granting import licenses and regularly provide input. Follow up involvement is being maintained with PetroSA. This will assist participating companies to receive additional export enquiries. Following the import of some 27 000 tons of steelwork for power lines recently from India we formed a ‘power line task team’ at the SAISC where industry representatives and ESKOM met monthly to analyse the industry requirements and problems and develop joint strategies towards local supply. TRANSNET and PBMR.co. We led a very successful delegation to Houston to introduce the industry. Progress was reported on to ITAC during August 2011. A consultant was appointed by the SAISC and visited member companies to implement this.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON CSDP (Competitive Supplier Development Programme): The DTI (Department of Trade & Industry) and DPE (Department of Public Enterprises) are driving this program as part of the government NIPF (National Industrial Development Program) initiative with ESKOM. PetroSA has slowed down progress with the planned Mthombo refinery at Coega. i. the Xstrata Lion project at Steelpoort are being investigated and strategies developed. ISF and SASFA are maintaining meetings in a compliant manner. An analysis was done of the impact on the South African business environment of actual steel construction projects done by members.http://saisc. etc. Busa. Consultants were identified and commissioned to conduct a study on the ‘Multiplier Effect’ applicable to steel construction projects. Nedlac. Regular liaison with DTI officials takes place to provide information on industry activities and to provide input on possible new incentives. Variation in price of steel over the years 18 . etc. Close liaison is maintained through the CEA with SEIFSA. A number of projects such as the Sepaku cement plants. Contact was made with and meetings held with representatives of the Competitions Board to clarify the position of Associations. particularly with the Rand remaining relatively strong. The SAISC is an active participant in the NIASA (Nuclear Industry Association of SA) in terms of preparing for nuclear industrialisation requirements and meeting future BBBEE requirements. Presentations were prepared and presented to the applicable Parliamentary Committees commenting and providing information on the effects of IPAP2 and steel pricing on the South African industry. The SAISC.co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON and as expected it is getting worse. The results are being published widely and can be extra-polated to other projects. Input is provided from time to time at the Gauteng Development Group. Information sessions for members have been arranged. in that they bring contractors together to learn from each other. to the benefit of its clients. 19 . steel and steel fabrication arose during the year and exercised the minds of the committee. especially world leaders. with the intent of offering the course early in 2012. in Germany. the manufacturers of large machines for steelwork fabrication. also on issues not adequately covered by even the most advanced standards. whenever we can.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Contractors The meetings of the Contractors Committee serve a purpose in themselves. and providing guidance to the industry. whose training is often limited to welding issues. although the supervisors also need to learn about many other things. and this is currently in progress. The committee instructed the Institute to develop a course aimed at these two groups. It should be added that great care is taken to avoid any discussion that could in any way fall foul of the Competitions Act. quality and quality assurance of bolts. This is in line with the objective of learning from others.co.http://saisc. A group of steel fabricator members attended the bi-annual meeting and exhibition of Kaltenbach. to discuss how the industry can be improved. and to address common problems. working out what international specifications actually say. The committee is a demonstration of the fact that competitors in an industry can indeed meet with the objective of improving the industry as a whole. and also of inspectors. The technical knowledge required by supervisors and inspectors is largely the same. The committee has recognised that there is a need for the training of supervisors in steel fabricating companies. Much work was dedicated to understanding these problems. A number of problems related to specifications. SASFA exhibited at the Green Building Conference held in the Sandton Convention Centre.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Light steel frame building The South African Light Steel Frame Building Association (SASFA) During the past year SASFA has actively pursued several initiatives to contribute towards the establishment and growth of the light steel frame building industry in Southern Africa. Training had again been identified as a priority activity for SASFA. Furthermore. and the judges selected the Athlete’s Residential Village for the Pan Africa Games in Maputo as the winner of the Light Steel Frame Building Category. The 6-day training course for 20 .http://saisc. Lively interest was received from mainly architects. we received 8 quality entries for Steel Awards 2011.co. A steady level of publicity was maintained through ongoing placement of articles in prominent media. Durban and Cape Town to provide feedback on developments and to serve as a platform for networking. Five final year engineering students at the University of Pretoria are engaged in research projects on different aspects of light steel frame building.co. This program will be extended to universities in Durban. to establish understanding of light steel framing amongst the next generation of designers. As suggested during the AGM of November 2010.http://saisc. we approached the Institute of Architects to establish closer relationships. to ensure that SASFA activities are not anticompetitive in nature. Two meetings were held with the Competition Commission. Cape Town and Bloemfontein. Industry meetings were held in Johannesburg. and 38 certificates of successful completion were issued. and two very successful workshops regarding the use of steel (including light steel frame building) in buildings were arranged. Durban and Cape Town.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON building contractors was presented in Johannesburg. Lectures on light steel frame building were presented on request to senior building science students at the Universities of Pretoria and the Witwatersrand. SASFA was accepted as an Associate Member of the Master Builders’ Association of SA. A total of 44 people attended the courses. 21 . and submitted to the SABS. It is noteworthy that the manufacturers of light steel frame buildings are expecting to process some 21 000t of galvanised steel sheet during 2011. of which 22% will be exported to sub-Saharan African countries. 22 . especially in winter. Progress has also being made with the adoption of the Australian standard to replace the outdated SANS 10162-2. Editorial changes and corrections to SANS 517 were approved by the Technical Committee. as part of SASFA’s quality monitoring activity. to 40% in the current year. These assessments are planned to take place before the end of the year. SASFA was represented at a light steel frame building conference in New Zealand.co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Three member surveys were undertaken – two to determine the levels of light steel frame building activity. A number of light steel frame building projects were visited. Training was again identified as top priority. where a paper was presented on light steel frame building developments in South Africa. It is also encouraging that the share of complete buildings (as opposed to roof trusses only) has increased from 20% three years ago. Invitations have been sent out to SASFA Manufacturing Members to apply for assessment for Stage 2 Accreditation. SASFA has also commissioned the CSIR to carry out research to objectively establish the energy efficiency of well insulated light steel frame buildings in comparison to conventional masonry buildings – early indications are that the findings will offer strong support in our efforts to promote LSFB as a sustainable alternative to brick and mortar. and the other to obtain input from members regarding the strategic direction to be followed by SASFA during the next 18 months. followed by the need to market light steel frame building to future home owners and architects.http://saisc. We also obtained testimonials from people living in light steel frame building houses – not surprisingly. the majority found light steel frame building houses more comfortable than masonry buildings. as well as a cocktail evening on the use of light steel frame construction. A course on the design of steel structures according to 23 .za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Kwa-Zulu Natal committee Business conditions have been quite tough and highly competitive in the region during the year. The committee has been active and enthusiastic. An interesting development is the increased use of steel for aesthetic Ricardo Avellini Kwa-Zulu Natal Region Chairman SANS 10162-1 was offered. A new subcommittee was established to serve the interests of contractors. the annual Steel Awards function in Durban was a huge success as an event that brings everybody in the industry together for an evening of enjoyment and networking. purposes in upmarket houses. although there has been quite a bit of activity in retail projects. with some new members joining. The KZN Golf Day has achieved a similar status. As has become a tradition now. emulating the successful example of the Contractors Committee in Johannesburg.http://saisc.co. The major issue concerning the committee is the poor quality of documentation and bills of quantity provided to steelwork contractors. uranium projects in Namibia and steady exports into Zambia. However we observed during the past few years that more and more exports of structural steel are done by non-fabricating companies. This approach was well received by the main contractors. the DRC. Neels van Niekerk ISF Director un-assembled structural product. We have already been successful in attracting the construction company with the largest footprint in Africa. following the global meltdown.http://saisc. and in particular the Sub-Saharan African mining industry which is our prime export destination. The increased focus of China on Africa coupled with the strong Rand made it extremely difficult to maintain export volumes. We are also witnessing an increasing Our members’ widespread exports into demand for higher value-add product such as modularised structures with the mechanical and electrical components already fitted. Structural fabricators only basing their business on ex-work supply can expect to see their margins being eroded coupled with a drop in volume over time.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Export promotion The South African International Steel Fabricators (ISF) The ISF and its members had a difficult but exciting year. This forced the ISF to re-strategise and re-analyse our competitive advantages in the export market. Our recent delegation to Australia was a true multi-disciplinary eight person team of whom only two were traditional structural fabricators. Clients are increasingly looking for solutions and not 24 .co. Namibia. All the objectives that were set at the beginning of the year were achieved. Historically the main focus of the ISF was on its fabricating members. We are awaiting our first major success in South America. The first step in the new evolving value proposition of the ISF was to market membership to the non-fabricating construction companies active in Africa. etc. Most Africa include structural steel for gold mining projects in Mauritania. However. major coal projects in Mozambique. Botswana. the market for mining structures remained depressed and is only now starting to recover. The project management and construction companies are more and more taking over the role of structural steel exporters. We trust that more will soon follow. The ISF arranged a cross-industry delegation visiting the funding organisations in Washington DC as well as arranging seminars for three major Korean project houses visiting South Africa. we received a delegation of Chinese officials and structural fabricators. In our efforts to stay abreast of international developments in our industry. We jointly took part in Government-arranged or -financed national pavilions. Portugal. likely it will only happen when our mining service companies. Maintaining contact with industries around the globe remains one of the priorities of the ISF. • 150000 The ISF continues to interact with the Government on various subjects including the national 100000 export strategy. who are active in Africa and secondly active in South America where there is exceptional growth in major mining projects.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON The marketing focus of the ISF remains the main contractors in other countries. 25 . Argentina. exhibitions.S. Australia. and international trade missions to Zambia.co. enabling it to advise on trends and arrange introductions to various players around the globe. Tanzania. like shaft sinkers. Namibia. Peru. and Iran. Ecuador. The value proposition of the ISF does not only include assistance in exports but also assistance in understanding how the world’s structural steel market operates.A. implementation of IPAP2 and the steel industry in 50000 • 0 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Exports of fabricated structural steel from South Africa Exports (tons pa) 200000 general. notably Australia and Canada. Kenya.http://saisc. Chile. achieve their first successes. Mauritania. Canada and the U. India. The ISF advises its members and international wind power companies on potential local supply of the structural steel components thereof. The ISF is a founder member of The Engineering and Technology Export Council Apex Organisation and often takes a leading role in this joint voluntary affiliation. 250000 • • • Highlights for the year included: The ISF and members jointly marketed to potential clients in Mozambique. France. Morocco. together with a major drop off The financial year was a difficult one for both the steel construction industry and.co. The full financial reports have been presented to the respective AGM’s. 26 . SASFA and ISF. in the case of SASFA. resulting in both SAISC and ISF showing a small loss for the year. Our continued efforts to collect outstanding debtors quickly and to do in course attendance.http://saisc. We are delighted to report that the auditors were very complimentary regarding the way the books were presented to them for the audit and thus there were no issues raised in this regard. together with the general financial situation would only be felt in the 2011 year. 35% was put through for the 2010/2011 year. In last year’s annual report we commented that the board of management requested that the institute should try to make itself less dependent upon financing from the steel makers. Unfortunately this was the case. the building industry. To do this an increase in membership fees of some This report covers the SAISC.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Financial report ‘write offs’ as soon as we become aware of ‘bad news’ preventing us from collecting a debtor amount has ensured that cash flow has remained strong and that bad debts at the end of the financial year are small for all 3 divisions. We further commented that the impact of this. together with information on the pie chart highlights just how important the DTI support for these trips is to efforts of the ISF SASFA Finances The continued depressed situation in the building industry continues to affect SASFA membership. the trend of losing existing members and thus their financial contribution continues. ISF showed a loss for the period. ISF Finances Despite the continued increased support of the DTI.co. we do still have a suitable cash investment at the banks in case of the proverbial rainy day. Since the start of the new financial year. The anticipated return of Evratz Highveld to the SAISI fold will hopefully have a meaningful positive effect of our cash flow from the new calendar year. Neels van Niekerk undertook some 13 trips in the period. This. the nett expense to ISF will be of the order of R120 000. as reported last year. Once the funding for these trips is fully recovered from the DTI. with some leads and lags of payments over the end of the financial year. many of them being multidestination visits.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Never-the-less. At least one ‘founder member’ has downgraded its membership to ordinary membership 27 .http://saisc. We look forward to strong sales from the new connection book which will make its appearance late in the financial year. The relatively small attendances at courses also had its impact.http://saisc. Book sales continue to be an important source of funding for the institute. together with the serious drop off in course attendance had their effect. The SAISC management team did their best to work within our reduced budget and this managed to contain the size of the loss at the expense of what we have achieved for the industry. Were it not for a once off fine from the revenue department relating to incorrect VAT assessments (going back 5 years) the SAISC would have made a small profit. but the courses continue to bring in a positive revenue. SASFA should continue to remain profitable albeit with relatively small profits. The loss was smaller than budgeted for.co. 28 . The impact of not having a contribution from Evratz Highveld. SAISC Finances The SAISC ran at a loss for the financial period.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON once again with the corresponding drop in income. Our performance level is directly related to our staff component. With careful selection of venues and attention to costs. Whether or not SASFA can continue to attract new membership to make up for these write offs. only time will tell. http://saisc.co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Committees Board Ricardo Avellini Dave Dawkshas Kobus De Beer Hennie De Clercq Spencer Erling Jim Guild Brent Harris Freddie Herselman Mike Lomas Michael Mamotte Kobus Marais Helgaard Meaker Stewart Murray Johann Nel Neil Penson Malcolm Royal John Swallow Tim Tasioulas Neels van Niekerk EXCO Kobus De Beer Hennie De Clercq Spencer Erling Helgaard Meaker John Swallow ISF Kobus Marais (Chairman) Francis Braz Dave Dawkshas Kobus De Beer Hennie De Clercq Charles Dednam Spencer Erling Michael Mamotte Dodds Pringle Elwyn Steenkamp Grinaker-LTA Cosira International SA (Pty) Ltd Macsteel Service Centres SA (Pty) Ltd SAISC SAISC ArcelorMittal SAISC Genrec Engineering (Pty) Ltd Vital Engineering & Angus McLeod (Pty) Ltd DSE Structural Engineers and Contractors SAISC SAISC SAISC Robor (Pty) Ltd J W Swallow & Associates Avellini Bros (Pty) Ltd Macsteel Service Centres SA (Pty) Ltd SAISC SAISC SAISC SA Institute of Welding Vela Steel Building Systems (Pty) Ltd Dept of Trade and Industry Tubular Holdings Genrec Engineering (Pty) Ltd Grinaker-LTA Robor (Pty) Ltd MiTek Industries SA (Pty) Ltd SA Iron and Steel Institute Babcock Africa Design Engineer FLSmidth Roymec (Pty) Ltd J W Swallow & Associates Tass Engineering (Pty) Ltd ISF Neels van Niekerk Alan Van Rooyen SASFA Stewart Murray (Chairman) John Barnard Hannes Basson Steve Cullender Hennie De Clercq Brent Harris Garry Hoey Reitze Hylkema Len Lategan Steward Murray Harold Rugara Andre Schlunz Andrew Scott Johan Stoltz Jurgen Stragier Kwa–Zulu Natal Region Ricardo Avellini (Chairman) Sunthosh Balchund Hennie De Clercq Spencer Erling Don McLean Gordon McNeill Greg Parrott Fred Rodwell Paul Simpson Kurt Smith Pauline Steel Ian Upton Rob Young ISF Trident Steel (Pty) Ltd MiTek Industries SA (Pty) Ltd SAISC ArcelorMittal Scottsdale Construction Systems SA SAISC Vela Steel Building Systems (Pty) Ltd Global Innovative Building Systems Kare Industrial Suppliers (Pty) Ltd Innosteel (Pty) Ltd MiTek Industries SA (Pty) Ltd Circle Capital Developments (Pty) Ltd Saint-Gobain Gyproc SA (Pty) Ltd Saint-Gobain Isover AC Group Holdings Everite Building Products (Pty) Ltd Charles Dednam (Chairman) ArcelorMittal SA Avellini Bros (Pty) Ltd BNC Projects (Pty) Ltd SAISC SAISC Young & Satharia Structural & Civil Engineers Impact Engineering cc Durban University of Technology Macsteel Trading Durban SiVEST Durban University of Technology Martin & Associates Young & Satharia Structural & Civil Engineers Charles Dednam (Chairman) ArcelorMittal Western Cape Region (Interim Committee) Tony Cooksey Alan Davies Spencer Erling Henry Herring Michael Papanicolaou PD Naidoo & Associates (Pty) Ltd Bergstan South Africa SAISC Aurecon Union Structural Engineering Works (Corresponding) 29 . za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Dave Scott Gerard Adema Chris Brink Neville De Villiers Rodney Dicks Marius Du Plessis Henry Fagan Andrew Hakin Wynand Jordaan Ronny Mazor Marinus Muilwijk Jan Van Gysen Carl Van Rooyen Richard Williams Contractors Tim Tasioulas (Chairman) Ricardo Avellini Sunthosh Balchund Louis Breckenridge Richard Butler Danie Claassen Kobus De Beer Hennie De Clercq Spencer Erling Steve Horwitz Claudio Leita Michael Mamotte Scott Steel Projects (Pty) Ltd Adema Structural Consultancy cc SA Institute of Draughting Steel Pipes For Africa KFD Wilkinson (Pty) Ltd Triomf Staalwerke BK Henry Fagan & Vennote WSP Group Bigen Africa Mazor Steel Macsteel Trading Cape Town Van Gysen Consulting Engineers Transcape Steel (Pty) Ltd ADM Engineering cc Kobus Marais Gordon McNeill Peter Millar Herman Potgieter Malcolm Royal Craig Schneiderman Tim Tasioulas Neels Van Niekerk Bryan Wilken Engineering Paolo Trinchero (Chairman) Eddie Biagio Jim Collins Alan Davies Grinaker .co.LTA Impact Engineering cc Omni Struct Nkosi (Pty) Ltd Genrec Engineering (Pty) Ltd Roymec (Pty) Ltd Genrec Engineering (Pty) Ltd Tass Engineering (Pty) Ltd ISF B & T Steel Macsteel Trading Trans African Consulting Engineers Walker Ahier Holtzhausen Engineering Consultants (WAH) cc Bergstan South Africa SAISC Cadex SA (Pty) Ltd Goba Consulting Engineers and Project Managers Steel Fabrication Consultants & Allied Services SAISC DSE Structural Engineers and Contractors Aurecon Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd Malitech Engineering Robor Tube SABS Tass Engineering (Pty) Ltd Avellini Bros (Pty) Ltd BNC Projects (Pty) Ltd Constructional Engineering Association Cadcon (Pty) Ltd B & T Steel SAISC SAISC SAISC Central Welding Works A Leita Steel Construction Genrec Engineering (Pty) Ltd Hennie De Clercq John Duncan Nicholas Featherston Shaun Green Christopher Greensmith Albert Hafkamp Tommé Katranas Elvis Mabasa Sipho Malinga Franco Mordini Gabriel Mothokoa 30 .http://saisc. za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Ferdie Pienaar Simon Roche Dennis Nash Michael Papanicolaou Bruce Saxby Rob Schaffner Colin Shaw Marius Smith John Swallow Ian Upton Willem Van Schalkwyk Don Walker Matthew Wolstenholme Rob Young DA Walker & Associates MCB Consulting Engineers Young & Satharia Structural & Civil Engineers AKI Union Structural Engineering Works Metallurgical Consultant Consultaurie Design (Pty) Ltd Association of Steel Tube & Pipe Manufacturers KMG Holdings (Pty) Ltd J W Swallow & Associates Martin & Associates Mining Structures Geoff Krige (Chairman) Hennie De Clercq J J Durand Spencer Erling Nic Henderson Cladding Hennie De Clercq (Chairman) SAISC Richard Bailey Hannes Basson Victor Booth Gerard Ehlers Jeffery Lyle Danie Joubert Eric le Roux Gabriel Mothokoa Dennis Nash Eben Nel Tony Paterson Dion Perotti MaxSpan cc ArcelorMittal Victor Booth Consulting ArcelorMittal SAFINTRA (Safal Group) (Pty) Ltd Clotan Steel Hulamin Roofing Solutions SABS AKI SAFINTRA (Safal Group) (Pty) Ltd Aluminium Federation of SA Silvana Lo Drago Brian O'Connor Tony Paterson Hamish Riddet Dave Robinson Jacob van Antwerpen Stefan van der Watt Rodney Voigt Bert Werkman Mushir Khan Pieter Kruger Zigi Holtzhausen Dennis White Sarit Shah John Swallow Colin Thomas Johan Van Der Westhuizen Gert Visser Eric Whelan BKS Roche Projects SAFINTRA (Safal Group) (Pty) Ltd J W Swallow & Associates ArcelorMittal Global Roofing Solutions (Pty) Ltd Molapo Projects Robertson Ventilation Industries (RVI) Macsteel Roofing Anglo Operations Ltd SAISC Shaft Sinkers SAISC Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd Walker Ahier Holtzhausen Engineering Consultants (WAH) cc TWP Projects (Pty) Ltd Murray & Roberts Engineering Solutions Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd Anglo Platinum Aluminium Federation of SA Anglo Gold Ashanti De Beers Consolidated Mines Anglo Gold Ashanti Read.co. Swatman & Voigt (Pty) Ltd AMCI Africa WJ Engineering (Pty) Ltd 31 .http://saisc. co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON SASFA Technical Enver Adams John Barnard Steve Cullender Hennie De Clercq Reitze Hylkema Mulder Kruger Xolo Mdake Barend Oosthuizen Grant Richardson Annemarie Robertson Anna-Marie Sassenberg Andre Schlunz Terry Smith Colin Thomas Chris Van Den Berg David Van Zyl Rob White Brits Nonwoven SAISC Scottsdale Construction Systems SA SAISC Kare Industrial Suppliers (Pty) Ltd Metal Rollforming cc NHBRC By Design Saint-Gobain Isover Everite Building Products (Pty) Ltd AMS Consulting Engineers Saint-Gobain Gyproc SA (Pty) Ltd Hot Dip Galvanizers Association SA ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal Vela Steel Building Systems (Pty) Ltd International Zinc Association SA (IZASA) SAISC Staff Debbie Allcock John Barnard Jenny Claassen Kobus De Beer Hennie De Clercq Dennis De Nysschen Spencer Erling SASFA Training Roly Adams John Barnard Mike Crawford Hennie De Clercq Ewalt Futter Riaan Jansen Grant Richardson Doreen Smuts Chris Van Den Berg MiTek Industries SA (Pty) Ltd SAISC Everite Building Products (Pty) Ltd SAISC Stedone Hazy Crest Steel Structures University of Pretoria Saint-Gobain Isover MiTek Industries SA (Pty) Ltd ArcelorMittal Tiana Ferreira Amanuel Gebremeskel Patricia Khunou Roelf Lizemore Marlé Lotter Pamella Mnyanda Reneé Pretorius Lisa Smith Neels Van Niekerk Viv Van Zyl Bookkeeper Director SASFA Secretary DSE Draugthing School Industrial development executive Executive director DSE Draughting School Education director Office manager Development engineer Office assistant Principal DSE Draughting School Events manager Receptionist Communications consultant Kwa-Zulu Natal representative Director ISF Membership & advertising 32 .http://saisc. za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Membership list SAISC MEMBERSHIP STEEL PRODUCERS ArcelorMittal South Africa Representative: Charles Dednam Tel: (016) 889 9111 Fax: (016) 889 5668 charles.co.za www.za Ferro Eleganza (Pty) Ltd Representative: Chris Narboneses Tel: (012) 803 8035 Fax: (012) 803 5645 [email protected] Viva Steelfab Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Collen Gibbs Tel: (011) 454 3405 Fax: (011) 454 5694 [email protected] Nancy Engineering Representative: Ricardo Adriano Tel: (011) 493 1585 Fax: (011) 493 1564 [email protected] SE Steel Fabrication (Pty) Ltd Representative: David J Essey Tel: (011) 953 4584 Fax: (011) 660 5855 [email protected] Prospan Structures cc Representative : David Paola Tel: (011) 440 2116 Fax: (011) 440 2135 [email protected] Sectional Poles (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Phil M Koen Tel: (012) 348 8660 Fax: (012) 348 9195 [email protected] www.co.za www.co.cosiragroup.co.malitech.co.co.za www.za Fabricated Piping Systems SA (Pty) Ltd Representative: Craig Fyall Tel: (011) 828 4388 Fax: (011) 828 2147 [email protected]://saisc.za QM Steel cc Representative : Quintin Venter Tel: 011 864 7885 Fax: 086 594 2008 [email protected]@[email protected] Magnet Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Paul G Catalo Tel: (011) 908 3500 Fax: (011) 908 2723 [email protected] www.co.za Trentbridge Engineering cc Representative: David Hunter Tel: (016) 365 5327 Fax: (016) 365 5320 [email protected] www.co.cadcon.co.co.za www.za www.za OmniStruct Nkosi (Pty) Ltd Representative: Dave van Asche Tel: (011) 474 9140 Fax: (011) 474 7487 [email protected] Mfana Projects cc Representative: Henry Schoeman Tel: (011) 900 2489 Fax: (011) 900 2328 [email protected] Bessemer (Pty) Ltd Representative: Fritz Hoogendyk Tel: (011) 762 5341 Fax: (011) 762 5345 [email protected]@spanafrica.concor.za L & D Contracting cc Representative: Donald Koertzen Tel: (011) 786 2429 Fax: 0865 082 543 [email protected] Churchyard & Umpleby* Representative: Keith Ball Tel: (031) 705 4008 Fax: (031) 705 5815 [email protected] www.za www.za Louwill Engineering cc Representative: Deon Kotzé Tel: (011) 818 5186 Fax: (011) 818 5185 [email protected] Midvaal Structures (Pty) Ltd Representative: Christo Van Dyk Tel: (016) 365 5961 Fax: (016) 365 5951 [email protected] www.za CIS Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Christo Marais Tel: (016) 422 0082 Fax: (016) 422 0975 [email protected]@vbvholdings.spiralengineering.co.za Scaw Metals Group Representative: Chris Booysen Tel: (011) 842 9364 Fax: (011) 842 9705 [email protected] Cadcon cc Representative: Richard Butler Tel: (012) 664 6140 Fax: (012) 664 6166 [email protected] Van Driel's Steel Construction Representative: Robby van Driel Tel: (016) 341 6102/5 Fax: (016) 341 6685 [email protected] www.linrose.za www.co.za Genrec Engineering (Pty) Ltd* Tel: (011) 876 2300 Fax: (011) 827 1733 www.ferroe.za PH Projects Representative : Andries Du Plessis Tel: (011) 828 0427 Fax: (011) 828 0442 [email protected] DSE Structural Engineers & Contractors* Representative: Gary Jones Tel: (011) 871 4111 Fax: (011) 871 4141 [email protected] www.za www.co.za www.za SpanAfrica Steel Structures (Pty) Ltd Gauteng branch Representative: Peter Commons Tel: 082 901 2607 gauteng.co.scaw.co.co.maceng.za www.za www.com IVMA Engineering cc Representative: Mauro Munaretto Tel: (011) 814 3124 Fax: (011) 814 1505 [email protected] www.com Central Welding Works Representative: Stephen Horwitz Tel: (012) 327 1718 Fax: (012) 327 1727 [email protected] www.com BNC Projects (Pty) Ltd Representative: Sunthosh Balchund Tel: (031) 902 3777 Fax: (031) 902 6798 [email protected] SASSI Metal Innovations cc Representative: Ignazio Plumari Tel: (011) 795 4049 Fax: (011) 794 4684 [email protected] Spiral Engineering cc Representative: Colin Kirkland Tel: (011) 474 9119 Fax: (011) 474 6528 [email protected] Khombanani Steel (Pty) Ltd Representative: Tim Tasioulas Tel: (011) 975 0647 Fax: (011) 970 1694 [email protected] Boksan Projects cc Representative: L Boksan Tel: (011) 316 2172 Fax: (011) 316 1645 [email protected] MPW Steel Construction (Pty) Ltd Representative: Paolo Visentin Tel: (011) 887 8430 Fax: 0866 856 543 [email protected] Carbon Steel Fabricators Representative: Gerhard Van Zyl Tel: (011) 762 5209 Fax: (011) 762 7723 gerhard.co.co.co.co.co.co.co.za STEELWORK CONTRACTORS Eastern Cape Uitenhage Super Steel cc Representative: Ginkel Venter Tel: (041) 922 8060 Fax: (041) 992 5923 [email protected] Gauteng A Leita Steel Construction (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Claudio J Leita Tel: (012) 803 7520 Fax: (012) 803 4360 [email protected] MM & G Mining & Engr Services (Pty) Ltd Representative: Dawie Vos Tel: (011) 914 4740 Fax: (011) 914 4673 [email protected] www.co.arcelormittal.za www.za Branch Engineering (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Shannon Van Den Heuwel Tel: (011) 493 1197 Fax: (011) 493 7884 [email protected] Concor Engineering* (a Division of Concor Holdings (Pty) Ltd) Representative: Michelle Vermeulen Tel: (011) 249 7800 Fax: (011) 249 7984 [email protected] Betterect (Pty) Ltd Representative: Thomas Siebert Tel: (011) 762 5203 Fax: (011) 762 5286 [email protected] Tudor Engineering & Draughting cc Representative: Braam Beukes Tel: (011) 914 5163 Fax: (011) 914 5165 [email protected] www.co.ao Malitech Engineering Representative: Sipho Malinga Tel: (016) 931 2069 [email protected] Cosira International (SA)* Representative: John da Silva Tel: (011) 626 2317 Fax: (011) 626 2917 john.co.za Linrose Engineering Gauteng (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Jorge Pereira Tel: (011) 827 0314 Fax: (011) 827 0878 [email protected] www.co.co.za MAC Engineering cc Representative: Mino Carniel Tel: (011) 814 1834 Fax: (011) 814 6620 [email protected] Steel Band Construction cc Representative: Steven Smit Tel: (011) 425 4569 Fax: (011) 425 0659 [email protected] Tass Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Tim Tasioulas Tel: (011) 975 0647 Fax: (011) 970 1694 [email protected] www.za Cousins Steel International Representative: Adam Oldfield Tel: (031) 312 0992 Fax: (031) 303 5299 [email protected] Tegmul Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Toby Esterhuizen Tel: (016) 362 2007 Fax: (016) 362 1188 [email protected] 33 .cisengineering.za KwaZulu-Natal Avellini Bros (Pty) Ltd Representative: Pietro Avellini Tel: (031) 464 0421 Fax: (031) 464 0966 [email protected] Structa Technology (Pty) Ltd Representative: Hercules Rossouw Tel: (016) 362 9100 Fax: (016) 362 3608 [email protected] www.za www.co.sectionalpoles.com www.co.com Davsteel (Pty) Ltd Representative: Coen Otto Tel: (016) 980 2121 Fax: (016) 988 3760 [email protected] www.co.steelstructures.co.co.co.za Okirand Construction Representative: Rowan Forte Tel: (011) 463 1423 Fax: (011) 463 1240 [email protected] www.za WBHO Services North Representative: Andrew Breckenridge Tel: (011) 265 4000 Fax : (011) 310 3578 [email protected] www. za Western Cape Macsteel Trading Cape Town Representative: Marinus Muilwijk Tel: (021) 950 5500 Fax: (021) 950 5600 Marinus.za KwaZulu-Natal BSI Steel Limited Representative: Lee Daff Tel: (033) 846 2222 Fax: (033) 846 2233 lee.co.za 34 .za First Cut (Pty) Ltd Representative: Steve Van Wyk Tel: (011) 872 1138 Fax: (011) 873 3066 [email protected]@mactrading.za Scott Steel Projects Representative: Dave N Scott Tel: (021) 671 3176 Fax: (021) 671 8736 [email protected] www.za www.tubular.co.co.za www.co.co.za Tubular Technical Construct (Pty) Ltd Representative: Jorge Bonifacio Tel: (013) 690 2335 Fax: (013) 656 2408 [email protected] Maree Structural Representative: Johan Maree Tel: 082 458 5365 Fax: 086 678 5876 [email protected] Quality Steel Representative: Andre D Potgieter Tel: (013) 752 2723/4 Fax: (013) 752 2407 [email protected] Steel Services and Allied Industries Representative: Kevin Harris Tel: (018) 787 2059 Fax: 086 575 1790 [email protected] RSG Engineering Representative: Rudzani Mposi Tel: 073 191 8943 Fax: 086 525 5973 [email protected] DEVELOPING/EMERGING CONTRACTORS Four Tops Engineering Services cc Representative: Essau Motloung Tel: 072 229 9128 Fax: 0866 911 619 [email protected]@macsteel.co.za [email protected] Macsteel V R N Representative: Mike Hall Tel: (011) 861 5200 Fax: (011) 861 5203 Mike.co.cavotec.com Bolt & Engineering Distributors Representative: Mike Giltrow Tel: (011) 824 7500 Fax: (011) 824 0890 [email protected] www.co.za www.co.co.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Impact Engineering* Representative: Douglas Nidd Tel: (032) 947 1054 Fax: (032) 947 2017 [email protected] Global Roofing Solutions (Pty) Ltd Representative: Johan van der Westhuizen Tel: (011) 898 2902 Fax: (011) 892 1455 [email protected] www.co.co.steval.za www.net PJ Projects Representative: Russell Welsh Tel: (035) 751 1006 Fax (035) 751 1016 russell@pjprojectsrb. Pietersma Tel: (011) 767 0000 Fax: (011) 767 0150 [email protected] www.za Western Cape Inenzo Water (Pty) Ltd Representative: Jan Cloete Tel: (021) 948 6208 Fax: (021) 948 6210 [email protected] www.qualitysteel.za www.pseservices.com Konti Industries Representative: Costa Kontopirakis Tel: (021) 852 2559 Fax: (021) 852 3115 [email protected] Grating World (Pty) Ltd Representative: George Whittle Tel: (011) 456 5250 Fax: (011) 452 2536 [email protected] [email protected] Sach-Warr Construction cc Representative: Kesavan Moonsamy Tel: 083 283 6636 Fax: (011) 760 2595 [email protected] www.co.co.co.za STEEL PRODUCT MANUFACTURERS Gauteng Augusta Steel (Pty) Ltd Representative: Rory Whelehan Tel: (011) 914 4628 Fax: (011) 914 4748 [email protected] Horne Hydraulics cc Representative: Deon Sharp Tel: (011) 974 1004 Fax: (011) 392 5650 [email protected] George Stott & Co (Pty) Ltd Representative: Johan Venter Tel: (011) 474 9150 Fax: (011) 474 8267 [email protected] Trident Steel (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Alan van Rooyen Tel: (011) 861 7111 Fax: (011) 865 2042 Tel: (011) 908 4686 Fax: (011) 864 7629 alan.za IBC (Integrated Business Construction) International (Pty) Ltd Representative: Tristan Todd Tel: (011) 425 3190 Fax: (011) 425 4308 [email protected] [email protected] Ogilvie Engineering Representative: Allan Olive Tel: (031) 700 6489 Fax: (031) 700 6488 [email protected] Robsteel Structures cc Representative: Rob Drysdale Tel: (032) 946 1922 Fax: (032) 946 2138 [email protected] Powerstation Engineering Services Representative: Henro Pretorius Tel: (017) 712 4837 Fax: (017) 712 4803 [email protected] Macsteel Service Centres SA (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Dave Dawkshas Tel: (011) 871 0000 Fax: (011) 824 4994 dave.za www.za www.co.co.za www.co.za www.co.co.za Mazor Steel cc Representative: Shlomo Mazor Tel: (021) 556 1555 Fax: (021) 556 1575 [email protected] www.mazor.globalroofs.co.za Redfab Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Jay Reddy Tel: (031) 463 1673 Fax: (031) 463 1659 [email protected] SHM Engineering cc Representative: Ahmed Kadodia Tel: (031) 465 5463 Fax: (031) 465 4680 [email protected] Mpumalanga B & T Steel* Representative: Bryan Wilken Tel: (013) 665 1914 Fax: (013) 665 1881 [email protected] NJR Steel Holdings (Pty) Ltd Representative: Chris Kothe Tel: (011) 477 5515 Fax: (011) 477 5550 [email protected] www.http://saisc.co.za www.co.co.bsisteel.vrnsteel.za KMG Service Centres* Representative: Tony Windt Tel: (011) 929 5000 Fax: (011) 929 5062 [email protected] [email protected] North West Rutherfords Representative: Cecil Rutherford Tel: (018) 293 3632 Fax: (018) 293 3634 [email protected] Zamani Engineering Services cc Representative: David Nkosi Tel: (013) 656 1978 Fax: (013) 656 1979 [email protected] STEEL MERCHANTS & SERVICE CENTRES Gauteng Clotan Steel Representative: Danie Joubert Tel: (016) 986 8000 Fax: (016) 986 8050 [email protected] www.za Macsteel Roofing Representative: Dennis White Tel: (011) 878 7500 Fax: (011) 827 1890 dennis.com CBC Fasteners (Pty) Ltd Representative: Rob J.com Le Blanc Communications SA Representative: William Brough Tel: (011) 814 1404 Fax: (011) 814 1444 [email protected] Transcape Steels (Pty) Ltd Representative: Carl van Rooyen Tel: (021) 534 3211 Fax: (021) 534 5890 [email protected]@mactrading.za www.co.co.macsteel.co.za www.genesissteel.co.za Macsteel Trading Germiston South Representative: Granville Rolfe Tel: (011) 871 4677 Fax: (011) 871 4667 granville.za www.za www.co.unionsteel.co.za www.pjprojectsrb.co.za Steval Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Thys van Emmenis Tel: 083 650 3484 Fax: (013) 758 1050 [email protected] www.net Rebcon Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Warren Butler Tel: (031) 705 5851 Fax: (031) 705 5855 [email protected] Da Costa Construction Welding cc Representative: Tobie Oosthuizen Tel: 083 227 0008 Fax: (017) 647 6091 [email protected] www.co.co.rebcon.za Pro-Spec Steel Structures Representative: Tony Jugmohan Tel: (033) 330 2295 Fax (033) 330 2295 [email protected] www.za SpanAfrica Steel Structures (Pty) Ltd* Representative: James Pinnell Tel: (033) 346 2555 Fax: (033) 346 1242 [email protected]@bsisteel.btsteel.co.com Macsteel Trading Durban Representative: Paul Simpson Tel: (031) 913 2600 Fax: (031) 902 2345 paul.za Genesis Steel (Pty) Ltd Representative: Eric Macdonald Tel: (011) 817 4008 Fax: 0865 304 152 [email protected] www.za Cavotec Gantrex (Pty) Ltd Group Representative: Johann M Jankowitz Tel: (011) 963 0015 Fax: (011) 963 0064 [email protected] Stewarts & Lloyds Holdings (Pty) Ltd Representative: Hermien de la Mare Tel: (011) 553 8500 Fax: (011) 553 8510 [email protected] www.jkpg.za Prokon Services (Pty) Ltd Representative: Martin Lotz Tel: (021) 905 4448 Fax: (021) 905 4449 [email protected] Union Structural Engineering Works Representative: Mike N Papanicolaou Tel: (021) 534 2251 Fax: (021) 534 6084 [email protected] www.firstcut. za www.co.co.za TWP Consulting (Pty) Ltd Representative: Mushir Khan Tel: (086) 123 1542 Fax: (011) 356 7500 [email protected] WJ Engineering (Pty) Ltd Representative: Bert J Werkman Tel: (018) 294 3395 Fax: (018) 294 5472 [email protected] www.com Aurecon* Representative: Tomme Katranas Tel: (012) 427 2470 Fax: (086) 607 7838 Tomme.tricom1.za Project Materials Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd Representative: Nishal Sheoprosad Tel: 082 567 2844 Fax: 086 605 7194 nishal.http://[email protected] Pollock Williams James & Partners cc Representative: Tim James Tel: (011) 679 2282 Fax: (011) 679 384 [email protected] www.com Arup (Pty) Ltd Representative: Ric Snowden Tel: (011) 997 9025 [email protected] Malani Padayachee and Associates (Pty) Ltd Representative: Malani PadayacheeSaman Tel: (011) 781 9710 Fax: (011) 781 9711 [email protected] Andrew Wireless Solutions Africa Representative: Sava Savov Tel: (011) 719 6000 Fax: (011) 444 5393 sava.mitek.co.arup.co.co.aurecongroup.za www.co.za.co.com Robor (Pty) Ltd Representative: Franco Mordini Tel: (011) 977 2029 [email protected] www.za Plascon SA (Pty) Ltd Representative: William Waller Tel: (011) 951 4500 Fax: (011) 955 2841 [email protected] Pyro-Cote cc Representative: Trevor Miller Tel: (011) 864 5205 Fax: (011) 908 6636 [email protected] [email protected] www.com Babcock Ntuthuko Powerlines Representative: Kevin Kane Tel: (011) 739 8200 Fax: (011) 739 8201 kevin.co.com TRANSMISSION LINE MANUFACTURERS Africa Cellular Towers (Pty) Ltd Representative: Nick VD Mescht Tel: (011) 907 7364 Fax: (011) 869 9107 [email protected]@bigenafrica.it www.za CORROSION & FIRE PROTECTION TO STEEL Gauteng Armco Galvanisers (Pty) Ltd Representative: Dave Fensham Tel: (011) 974 8511 Fax: (011) 974 8510 [email protected] Bigen Africa Services (Pty) Ltd Representative: Johann Human Tel: (012) 842 8751 Fax: (012) 843 9000 johann.za Holley and Associates cc Representative: David Haines Tel: (011) 803 1159 Fax: (011) 803 0970 [email protected] [email protected] www.com www.za [email protected]@[email protected] www.wspgroup.za Northern Cape Rufco Engineering cc Representative: Gandeloro Ruffini Tel: (053) 313 1651 Fax: (053) 313 2081 [email protected] [email protected] Vital Engineering & Angus Mcleod (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Dodds B Pringle Tel: (011) 898 8500 Fax: (011) 918 3000 [email protected] www.za www.drasa.za www.co.co.com BKS (Pty) Ltd* Representative: Siyanda Ngebulana Tel: (012) 421 3824 Fax: (086) 299 2137 [email protected] www.za Hot Dip Galvanizers Association of SA Representative: Terry Smith Tel: (021) 797 4735 [email protected] KwaZulu-Natal Safal Steel (Pty) Ltd Representative: Tammy Grove Tel: (031) 782 5500 Fax: (031) 782 1400 [email protected] FLSmidth Roymec (Pty) Ltd Representative: Malcolm Royal Tel: (011) 210 4000 Fax: (011) 210 4050 [email protected] www.co.co.co.za Clearspan Structures (Pty) Ltd Representative: Jeff Montjoie Tel: (011) 823 2402 Fax: (011) 823 2582 [email protected] CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PROJECT MANAGERS Gauteng Acecad Software Ltd Representative: Paul Marais Tel: (011) 452 0811 Fax: 086 552 5129 p.za Young & Satharia Structural & Civil Eng Representative: Rob Young Tel: (031) 207 7252 Fax: (031) 207 7259 [email protected] www.za www.co.co.za www.za Robertson Ventilation International (RVI) Representative: Eric Whelan Tel: (011) 608 4640/1 Fax: (011) 608 6443 [email protected]@batemanengineering.com www.hdgasa.babcock.co.srk.za PEL Construction Representative: Ben Delport Tel: (018) 469 3894 Fax: (018) 469 2783 [email protected] www.za www.co.co.za www.za Safintra (Pty) Ltd Representative: Sarit Shah Tel: (011) 944 6800 Fax: (011) 783 1128 [email protected] www.co.za www.co.org.com Bateman Projects Limited Representative: Kurt Waelbers Tel: (011) 899 9111 Fax: (011) 899 2660 kurt.za Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd Representative: Francois du Toit Tel: (011) 239 5300 Fax: (011) 239 5790 [email protected] [email protected]/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Macsteel Tube and Pipe Representative: Peter Curr Tel: (011) 897 2100 Fax: (011) 826 6333 peter.co.yands.za 35 .za International Ficep Spa Representative: Andy Overton Tel: +44 (0) 7709 413 896 [email protected] www.wjengineering.co.net North West Almec Manufacturing Representative: Joan Basson Tel: (018) 469 3202 Fax: (018) 469 3200 [email protected] www.co.co.co.mpaconsulting.za Group Five Projects (Pty) Ltd Representative: Caroline Combrink Tel: (011) 899 4697 Fax: (011) 918 2707 [email protected]@af.za Sigma Coatings (Pty) Ltd Representative: Marius Rademeyer Tel: (011) 3894800 Fax: (011) 3894832 marius.za WSP Structures Africa (Pty) Ltd (KZN) Representative: Deon Du Plessis Tel: (031) 240 8950 Fax: (031) 240 8951 deon.co.gratings.pyrocote.roymec.za www.za www.com SH Services Representative: Simon Du Toit Tel: (011) 918 1991 Fax: (011) 918 1994 [email protected] MiTek Industries SA (Pty) Ltd Representative: Stewart Murray Tel: (011) 237 8700 Fax: (086) 644 4359 [email protected] Bulldog Projects cc Representative: Mike Book Tel: (011) 827 4221 Fax: (011) 827 4561 [email protected] www.robor.co.co.za www.za Walker Ahier Holtzhausen (WAH) Engineering Consultants cc Representative: Graham Cross Tel: (011) 888 2150 Fax: (011) 888 2296 [email protected] Vonmeg Staalwerke cc Representative: Jacques Goosen Tel: (027) 712 2606 Fax: (027) 718 1015 [email protected]@flsmidth.africacellular.co.za www.co.za www.za SRK Consulting (Pty) Ltd Representative: Jaya Omar Tel: (011) 441 1111 Fax: (011) 880 8086 [email protected] www.za.co.com Steel Fabrication Consultants & Allied Services Representative: Alan Armitage Tel: (011) 615 7240 Fax: (011) 615 8913 alan.co.za WSP Group Africa (Pty) Ltd Representative: John Truter Tel: (011) 300 6000 Fax: (011) 361 1595 john.za DRA Mineral Projects Representative: Leon Uys Tel: (011) 202 8600 Fax: (011) 202 8807 [email protected] www.co.bks.net Tricom Structures cc Representative: Udo Topka Tel: (012) 803 0041 Fax: (012) 803 6040 [email protected]@babcock.net www.za Goba (Pty) Ltd Representative: John Cowden Tel: (011) 236 3300 Fax: (011) 807 8535 [email protected] Fluor SA (Pty) Ltd Representative: Carlo Zambon Tel: (011) 233 3400 Fax: (011) 233 3522 carlo.za www.za KwaZulu-Natal Gavin R Brown & Associates Representative: Gavin R Brown Tel: (031) 202 5703 Fax: (031) 202 5708 [email protected] TLE (Pty) Ltd Representative: Cesare Di Giacomo Tel: (011) 242 6611 Fax: (011) 242 6644 adele@tle.co.batemanengineering.co.pyrocote.co.co.clearspan.acecadsoftware.bulldogprojects.co.za Mentis Sales Representative: Chris Green Tel: (011) 255 3200 Fax: (011) 828 1463 cjgreen@mentis. latbou.worleyparsons.za Tahzade Disaster Management Manufacturer Rajan Harinarain Tel: 074 848 8881 / 083 492 3851 [email protected] Saint-Gobain Gyproc SA (Pty) Ltd Producer of gypsum board Andre Schlunz Tel: (011) 345 5300 andre.co.steelhomes.co.bluescopesteel.za Stedone Hazycrest Projects (Pty) Ltd Construction and profiler Patrick Swanepoel Tel: (031) 713 0737 [email protected] www.co.za www.kaltenbach.co.za SUPPLIERS OF GOODS AND SERVICES TO THE INDUSTRY Arctex cc Representative: Lenin Kiviet Tel: (011) 900 4136 Fax: (011) 900 1837 [email protected] Lategan Bouwer Civil & Structural Engineers Representative: Anton Van Dyk Tel: (017) 634 4150 Fax: (017) 634 4188 [email protected] Austrian Welding Academy Bohler Uddeholm Africa (Pty) Ltd Representative: Tom Rice Tel: (011) 571 2390 Fax: 0866 233 632 tom.za Kwikspace Modular Buildings Ltd Profiler and assembler Cole Slabbert Tel: (011) 617 8000 [email protected] Kare Industrial Suppliers Distributor of fasteners Reitze Hylkema Tel: (011) 941 3170 [email protected] www.za Clyde Steel Steel service centre Previn Thambi Tel: (011) 363 1960 [email protected]@kaltenbach.com Vela Steel Building Systems Profiler and assembler Brent Harris Tel: (011) 397 8742 [email protected] By Design Representative: Barend Oosthuizen Tel: (083) 287 1995 Fax: 086 547 1607 [email protected]@za.com Global Innovative Building Systems Distributor of cladding and insulation materials Tammy Bywater Tel: (011) 903 7080 [email protected] Vela VKE Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd Representative: John Anderson Tel: (021) 417 2900 Fax: (021) 417 2999 [email protected] www. icapglobal.org.glps.za www.co.com Group Five Manufacturing (Everite) Producer of fibre cement board Annemarie Robertson Tel: (011) 903 8049 arobertson@g5. assembler and builder Schalk van der Westhuizen Tel: (021) 982 6077 [email protected] www.za LARGE MANUFACTURERS Allenby Housing cc Planning.za Voortman Representative: Arnoud Siekmans Tel: (031) 548 536373 [email protected] www.za/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Mpumalanga Ijubane Projects (Pty) Ltd Representative: Kobus Badenhorst Tel: (013) 243 4390 Fax: (013) 243 5005 [email protected] www. development & manufacture of modular building solutions Gonaseelan Govender Tel: (031) 309 5561 [email protected] www.co.co.co.avlock.za www.za Kaltenbach GmbH & Co Representative: Joerg Tetling Tel: 0049 7621 175400 Fax: 0049 7621 175900 j.com www.com www.retecon.stedonehazycrest.com Circle Capital Developments Profiler and assembler Clive Rugara Tel: (011) 463 5795 [email protected] [email protected] Saint Gobain .co.za SASFA MEMBERSHIP MAJOR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS ArcelorMittal South Africa Producer of steel Hannes Basson Tel: (016) 889 3189 hannes.za Light Frame Homes cc Profiler.mondocane.gissa.speedfitafrica.com www. roofing and flooring Thierry Poitel Tel: (011) 268 2561 Thierry.co.za www. [email protected] Razorbill Properties 127 (Pty) Ltd Manufacturers and erectors of LSFB Vernon VD Westhuizen Tel: (016) 423 1749 [email protected] MANUFACTURERS Inno Steel Profiler and assembler Len Lategan Tel: (011) 794 5436 [email protected]/southafrica SA Steelframe Systems Profiler and assembler of LSF & trusses Johan Marais Tel: 082 450 0086 [email protected] Siteform Framing Profiler and assembler Hendrik Fourie Tel: (051) 446 0218 [email protected] Grinaker-LTA Metals & Minerals* Representative: Marius Botes Tel: (011) 681 2252 Fax: (011) 680 1810 [email protected]@voortman.za 36 .co.mii.clydesteel.co.co.co.bpbsa.za www.velasbs.co.bpb.co.za OTHER MATERIAL AND COMPONENT SUPPLIERS Avlock International Fastener and equipment supplier Mohamed Khan Tel: (011) 917 2110 [email protected] Clotan Steel service centre Danie Joubert Tel: (016) 986 8000 [email protected] Global Specialised Systems KZN (Pty) Ltd Distribute and manufacture insulations products and ducted air cons Carole Tomkinson Tel: (031) 468 1234 [email protected] MiTek Industries SA (Pty) Ltd LSF roof trusses Richard Bailey Tel: (011) 237 8700 [email protected]@isover.owenscorning.za www.za Dezzo Roofing Profiler and assembler Brandon Harding Tel: (031) 713 6571 [email protected] www.arcelormittal.co.steelframe.za Marshall Hinds Distributor of Tyvek Building Wrap Brett Goelst Tel: (011) 627 7750 [email protected] [email protected] Speedfit Africa Distributer of John Guest Plumbing and associated technology solutions Gavin van Heusden Tel: (031) 569 3073 [email protected]://saisc.za Howick Ltd Distribute and manufacture specialized roll forming machine Craige During Tel: +64 09 534 5569 / 072 137 7865 / 083 547 9930 [email protected] Producer of insulation products Andrew Scott Tel: (011) 360 8200 Andrew.za Mondo Cane cc Representative: Rob Chalmers Tel: (021) 852 2447 Fax: (021) 852 2447 [email protected] www.co.co.co.co.za Traceability Solutions Representative: Kyle Parker Tel: 011 794 5299 Fax: 011 794 2844 [email protected] www.bydesign.net United Fibre Cement Co (UFCC) Distributer of fibre cement products Leon Bekker Tel: (021) 933 0052 [email protected] MINING HOUSES Anglo Operations Ltd Representative: Geoff Krige Tel: (011) 638 2061 Fax: (011) 638 4636 gkrige@anglotechnical.containerhouses.co.dezzoroofing.co.kwikspace.org.za www.za www.ufcc.co.za www.za Worley Parsons RSA (Pty) Ltd Incorporating KV3 Engineers Representative: Pravesh Naidoo Tel: (021) 912 3000 Fax: (021) 913 3222 [email protected] Western Cape Bergstan South Africa Representative: Alan Davies Tel: (021) 487 4900 Fax: (021) 424 7653 [email protected] www.za www.za www.za www.co.co.za www.co.com www.za www.co.co.co.za SERVICE CENTRES AND DISTRIBUTORS Arcelormittal Construction South Africa Technical solution for cladding.bohler.com Bluescope Steel Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd Manufacture TruecoreTM Steel Wayne Miller Tel: (021) 442 5420 Wayne. marshallhinds.com www.co.de Retecon (Pty) Ltd Representative: Malcolm Moriarty Tel: (011) 976 8600 Fax: (011) 394 2471 [email protected] www.co.za www.arval-construction.za www.co.za www. za www.co.co.techomes.asn.com Group Five Housing Developer and builder Paul Thiel Tel: (011) 253 8833 [email protected] HDGASA Promotion of hot dip galvanized steel sheet Terry Smith Tel: (011) 456 7960 [email protected]@saia.za Entity Engineering Structural engineer Andrew Bull Tel: (011) 462 8564 [email protected]/saisc/2011_annual_report FOLLOW US ON Scottsdale Distributor of LSFB equipment Steve Cullender Tel: (011) 486 4195 [email protected] BUILDING INDUSTRY AC Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd LSFB construction.org.co. ceilings & partitions Johan Stoltz Tel: 082 411 0247 [email protected] [email protected] CSIR (Built Environment) National building research institute Llewellyn Van Wyk Tel: (012) 841 2677 [email protected] IZASA Promotion of the use of zinc Rob White Tel: 083 456 4989 [email protected]. partitions and shop fronts Bjorn Kahler Tel: (033) 386 0100 [email protected] Tec Homes Construction (Pty) Ltd Building/supply of LSFB Schalk VD Walt Tel: (021) 852 4237 [email protected] www.co.au www.za Standard Bank Provider of home loans Johann Strydom Tel: (011) 631 5977 Johanjj.za www.org.nash.co.co.co.za Hull Consulting Engineers Structural engineer Mike Hull Tel: (011) 468 3447 [email protected] Martin & Associates Structural design engineer Ian Upton Tel: (031) 266 0755 [email protected]@yahoo.za Masiqhame Trading 379 cc Building and Construction Bongani Zulu Tel: (031) 702 4619 bongani.co.co.za Delca Project Management cc Construction & Civils Nelisiwe Dladla Tel: (033) 347 0031 [email protected] www.http://saisc.za Silverline Group Developer & Construction Charl Van Zyl Tel: 082 881 6879 [email protected] Shospec (Pty) Ltd Shopfitting ceilings.za Bruün Agencies t/a Eticon Construction Builder of LSFB and renovations Wayne Bruün Tel: 083 260 4339 [email protected] Legna Creative Enterprises cc Erector and builder Angel Mazubane Tel: (031) 563 1371 [email protected] Sidepoint Trading 97 cc Construction & alternative building Thamsanqa Sibisi Tel: 073 897 1881 [email protected] National Association for Steel Framed Housing Australia Ken Watson [email protected] European Light Steel Construction Association (LSK) www.co.za Chad Construction Builder of LSFB Anton Coetzee Tel: 082 715 9411 [email protected] Brainwave Projects 126 cc Builder of LSFB Thami Khanyile Tel: (031) 267 2468 [email protected]. general maintenance Drikus Esterhuysen Tel: (012) 807 3855 [email protected] Zeranza 155 General building Nellie Ndlela Tel: (033) 347 0031 [email protected] www.za www.co. insulation and ceiling systems Hans Schefferlie Tel: (011) 805 5002 [email protected] Steelworx Homes (Pty) Ltd Residential builder Keith van der Linde Tel: (011) 465 2612 [email protected] By Design Structural engineer Barend Oosthuizen Tel: (021) 883 3280 [email protected] FrameCAD Solutions Limited Develop and supply end to end LSF Matthew Day Tel: 00 649 307 0411 [email protected] Hage Projects Structural engineer Gert Visser Tel: (016) 933 0195 [email protected] Big Rigging Crew LSF building Henry Robinson Tel: 082 898 7693 [email protected] DESIGN CONSULTANTS AMS Civil & Structural Consultants Structural design engineer Anna-Marie Sassenberg Tel: (051) 451 2510 ams@ams-sa. hdgasa.com * ALSO A MEMBER OF 37 .za ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AAAMSA Group Promotion of fenestration.izasa. eticon.co.za www.za www.co.co.com SAFINTRA Building Solutions (Pty) Ltd Construction/production of LSFB Patrick Swanepoel Tel: (031) 702 9683 [email protected] Pretoria Institute for Architecture Institute for architects Maureen Van Wyk Tel: (012) 341 3204 admin.co.scottsdale.co.za www.za University of the Witwatersrand School of Mechanical Engineering Educational Kamil Midor Tel: (011) 717 7358 Kamil.co.co.za www.co.za www.za Gecko Development Services Developer and builder Ryan Hesketh Tel: 083 324 5059 [email protected] Innovatio (Pty) Ltd Profiler and manufacturer Duncan Krause Tel: 082 797 9046 [email protected]. Office [email protected] Sixbar Trading 819 cc Construction Wayne Barr Tel: (031) 768 1183 [email protected] Corporate Maintenance Solution LSFB.za Steel Frame Projects Builder of steel frame homes and trusses Johan Venter Tel: 074 128 1840 [email protected] www.co.easysteel.safintra-buildingsolutions.co.com www.saia.ac.steelframeprojects.za www.za C-Plan Structural Engineers (Pty) Ltd Structural engineer Cassie Grobler Tel: (011) 472 4476 cassie@cplan. 43 Empire Road.9644 Email: info@saisc. Melville.co. Block C.6111 Fax: +27 11 482 .SOUTHERN AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 1st Floor.za . 2109 Tel: +27 11 726 . Parktown West PO Box 291724.
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