2008 Indian Overseas Bank PO Exam-Solved Question Paper

March 27, 2018 | Author: Sri Ramrajan | Category: Economies, Financial Services, Money, Banking, Service Industries



2008 Indian Overseas Bank PO Exam., 2008 Solved Paper Question paper General Awareness 1. As we all know rise of the ‘BRICs’ has left a vast impact on almost all aspects of the global economy. owever! which of the following cannot be calle" as the "irect effect#s$ of ‘Rise of the BRICs’ on global%other powerf&l economy%economies ' 1. Co&ntries like China wish to learn more abo&t o&tso&rcing from In"ia. (. It has ma"e co&ntries to s&ffer from )&b*prime Crisis. +. ,-R. has become a powerf&l currency an" many non*,&ro co&ntries are in ‘)wap Agreement’ with vario&s nations. #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly + #/$ All 1! ( an" + #,$ 0one of these (. As per the reports p&blishe" in the newspapers%1o&rnals how m&ch amo&nt the Govt. of In"ia is planning to inf&se in 2&blic )ector Banks to make them competitive an" strong globally ' Abo&t3 #A$ Rs. 14!444 crore #B$ Rs. 15!444 crore #C$ Rs. (4!444 crore #/$ Rs. (5!444 crore #,$ Rs. +4!444 crore +. 6hat is the ma7im&m stake the Govt. of In"ia has in any p&blic sector bank at present ' #A$ 849 #B$ 8:9 #C$ 549 #/$ ;89 #,$ <89 8. 6hich of the following is not a ma1or highlight of the -nion B&"get (44=*4: ' 1. A target of Rs. (>=4 lakhs crore is fi7e" for provi"ing cre"it to agric&lt&re sector. (. ?imit of the Banking Cash @ransaction @a7 is raise" from present 19 to 1>59. +. 2A0 reA&irement is not man"atory for financial transactions. .ther I"s are also acceptable. #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly + #/$ Both ( an" + #,$ All 1! ( an" + 5. As per the news in ma1or financial newspapers a ‘Rashtriya )wasthya Bima Bo1ana’ is la&nche" in /elhi an" aryana )tates for members of &norganiCe" sectors. -n"er the scheme each family is likely to get the benefit of Rs.DDD #A$ 15!444 #B$ (4!444 #C$ (5!444 #/$ +4!444 #,$ 54!444 ;. As propose" in the -nion B&"get (44=*4: a ‘Risk Capital E&n"’ is set &p by the Govt. of In"ia. 6ho amongst the following will maintain an" operate that f&n" ' #A$ 0ABAR/ #B$ )I/BI #C$ ,CGC #/$ RBI #,$ 0one of these <. As per the ,conomic )&rvey (44<*4= presente" in the ?ok )abha in Eebr&ary (44=! what has been the percentage growth in Bank cre"it ' Abo&t3 #A$ 149 #B$ 159 #C$ 1=9 #/$ (19 #,$ (;9 =. As per the b&"get of the In"ian Railways for (44=*4: the operating ratio of the railways has3 #A$ Improve" only by 4>59 #B$ /ecrease" by 4>59 #C$ Remaine" at the same level on which it was in (44<*4= #/$ Reache" at the level of =19 #,$ Re"&ce" to the level of ;+9 which was the level of (444*41 :. @he government of In"ia has la&nche" a new scheme for the ‘Girl Chil"’. 6hat is the name of the scheme ' #A$ Ra1 ?akshmi #B$ Rani Bitia #C$ /han ?akshmi #/$ Aanan"ita #,$ 0one of these 14. @he 2resi"ent of In"ia recently signe" the m&ch*awaite" notification for the implementation of the s&ggestions ma"e by the ‘/elimitation Commission’. 6hat will be the effect of this notification ' #A$ 2arliamentary an" Assembly constit&encies will be re"efine" #B$ Can"i"ates from )C%)@ categories will get all benefits for another 15 years’ time #C$ @he bo&n"aries of the 0ational Capital! 0ew /elhi will be e7ten"e" f&rther #/$ .perations of the Cooperative Banks an" )ocieties will not be limite" to the state of their origin. @hey will also be like 2&blic )ector Banks #,$ 0one of these 11. As per the new policy the n&mber of F&"ges in the )&preme Co&rt wo&l" be now3 #A$ (1 #B$ (5 #C$ (; #/$ +4 #,$ +1 1(. As per the reports p&blishe" in the newspapers the banks! partic&larly p&blic sector banks are tying &p with vario&s rating agencies for provi"ing a A&alitative assessment of the cre"it nee"s of the borrowers. 6hich amongst the following is%are s&ch cre"it rating agencies in In"ia ' 1. CAR, (. CRI)I? +. -?I2 #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ 1 an" ( only #/$ .nly + #,$ All 1! ( an" + 1+. As per the newspaper reports the RBI is planning to intro"&ce ‘2lastic C&rrency 0otes’. 6hat is%are the benefits of ‘2lastic 0otes’ ' 1. @heir )helf life will be longer. (. It will replace plastic money or cre"it! "ebit car"s which are giving birth to many fra&"&lent practices. +. 2rinting will be cheaper. #A$ .nly + #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly 1 #/$ All 1! ( an" + #,$ 0one of these 18. ‘)&b 2rime ?en"ing’ is a term applie" to the loans ma"e to3 #A$ @hose borrowers who "o not have a goo" cre"it history #B$ @hose who wish to take loan against the mortgage of tangible assets #C$ @hose who have a goo" cre"it history an" are known to bank since 14 years #/$ @hose borrowers who are most preferre" c&stomers of the Bank #,$ 0one of these 15. As per the reports p&blishe" in vario&s 1o&rnals an" newspapers the ‘small borrowers’ in r&ral areas still prefer to take informal ro&te for their cre"it nee"s. 6hich of the following is the ‘informal ro&te’ of cre"it in financial sector ' #A$ Credit cards #B$ ?oan against gol" from financial instit&te #C$ /ebit car"s #/$ Goney len"er #,$ 0one of these 1;. @he 2lanning Commission of In"ia has set &p a 1( member committee on financial sector reforms. 6ho is the Chairman of the Committee ' #A$ Fanki Raman #B$ Ragh&ram Ra1an #C$ Rakesh Gohan #/$ H. I. Hamath #,$ 0one of these 1<. Basel*II norms are associate" with which of the following aspects of the banking in"&stry ' #A$ Risk management #B$ Ganpower planning #C$ Retirement benefits for the employees #/$ Corporate Governance #,$ 0one of these 1=. 6hat is meant by ‘-n"erwriting’ the term freA&ently &se" in financial sector ' #A$ -n"er val&ation of the assets #B$ @he Act of taking on a risk for a fee #C$ Giving a G&arantee that a loan will not become a ba" loan #/$ @he act of permission to float an I2. #,$ 0one of these 1:. @he government of In"ia recently constit&te" the 0ew Finance Commission #1+th$. 6hat are its ma1or f&nctions ' @o "eci"e3 1. @he salary str&ct&re of the employees of the Central Government. (. @he "istrib&tion of the net procee"s of ta7es between states an" Central Govt. +. Rate of Income @a7 an" other ta7es collecte" by the -nion Govt. #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly + #/$ All 1! ( an" + #,$ 0one of these (4. 6ho amongst the following was the Captain of the In"ian cricket team which registere" its victory in tri*series ./I matches against A&stralia playe" in Garch (44= ' #A$ G.). /honi #B$ Anil H&mble #C$ Rah&l /ravi" #/$ )a&rav Gang&ly #,$ )achin @en"&lkar (1. Gr. 0icolas )arkoCy who was the chief g&est "&ring the Rep&blic /ay E&nction (44= is the3 #A$ 2resi"ent of BraCil #B$ 2rime Ginister of BraCil #C$ 2resi"ent of Erance #/$ 2rime Ginister of Erance #,$ Eoreign )ecretary of -)A ((. 6ho amongst the following has taken over as the 2resi"ent of )erbia after the General elections hel" there in Eebr&ary (44= ' #A$ Boris @a"ic #B$ @omislav 0icolic #C$ )amak )&n"arave1 #/$ 0ovak /1okovic #,$ 0one of these (+. In"ra H. 0ooyi who was electe" as the Chairperson of the -)*In"ia B&siness Co&ncil is the C,. of which of the following Companies ' #A$ 2epsi Co. #B$ Infosys #C$ @ata Cons&ltancy )ervices #/$ 0II@ #,$ 0one of these (8. Garia )harapova won the A&stralian .pen (44= 6omen’s singles by "efeating3 #A$ )hahar 2eer #B$ Hateryna Bon"arenko #C$ )ania GirCa #/$ Iictoria ACarenka #,$ Ana Ivanovic (5. )aina 0ehwal won the )eniors’ Championship match of which of the following games hel" in Goa in Fan&ary (44= ' #A$ Golf #B$ @ennis #C$ @able tennis #/$ Archery #,$ Ba"minton (;. As per the news p&blishe" in some newspapers magaCines two 2)-s 0ational @hermal 2ower Corporation an" Coal In"ia ?t". are going to float a 1oint vent&re ‘)2I’. 6hat is the f&ll form of ‘)2I’ ' #A$ )mall 2ower Ient&re #B$ )pecial 2&rpose Iehicle #C$ )pecial 2ower Ient&re #/$ )mall 2&rpose Iehicle #,$ 0one of these (<. @he @elecom Reg&latory A&thority of In"ia #@RAI$ recently agree" to allow foreign "irect investment in the fiel" of mobile television services. -pto what e7tent E/I is allowe" in this fiel" ' #A$ 549 #B$ ;49 #C$ ;89 #/$ <49 #,$ <89 (=. As per the performance assessment "ata release" by the ,conomic A"visory Co&ncil #,AC$ in Fan&ary (44=. 6hich of the following sectors registere" a growth of +>; per cent ' #A$ Agric&lt&re )ector #B$ Banking )ector #C$ @o&rism )ector #/$ Aviation )ervices )ector #,$ 0one of these (:. 6hich of the following is the name of very violent an" serio&s types of win"s which bring lot of "isaster ' #A$ @ra"e win"s #B$ &rricane #C$ Cirr&s #/$ )trat&s #,$ 0one of these +4. @he Global ,mployment @ren"s Report (44= p&blishe" by the International ?abo&r .rganiCation has in"icate" that there may be increase in global &nemployment. 6hat accor"ing to them is%are the ma1or reasons of this possibility ' 1. @&rmoil in Cre"it Garkets all over the worl". (. Rise in oil prices in international market. +. Civil &nrest in some &n"er an" &n"evelope" nations. #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly + #/$ .nly 1 an" ( #,$ 0one of these +1. As we have notice" many banks of In"ian origin are opening offices%branches in foreign co&ntries. 6hy is this tren" emerging at a very fast pace ' 1. @hese Banks wish to provi"e banking facilities to foreigners as banking facilities are not plenty in many foreign co&ntries. In"ia wants to take an a"vantage of the sit&ation. (. @hese banks wish to help In"ian firms to acA&ire f&n"s at internationally competitive rates. +. @hese banks wish to promote tra"e an" investment between In"ia an" other co&ntries. #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly + #/$ All 1! ( an" + #,$ .nly ( an" + +(. Gany economists! bankers an" researchers in In"ia often a"vocate that banks sho&l" eA&ip themselves for new challenges. @hese challenges are in which of the following shapes%forms ' 1. As In"ian economy is getting increasingly integrate" with the rest of the worl" the "eman" of the Corporate banking is likely to change in terms of siCe! composition of services an" also the A&ality. (. @he growing foreign tra"e in In"ia will have to be finance" by the local banks. +. Eoreigners are habit&al of the comforts provi"e" by the technology. In"ia has to "o a lot in this reference. #A$ .nly 1 is correct #B$ .nly ( is correct #C$ .nly + is correct #/$ All 1! ( an" + are correct #,$ 0one of these ++. As per the reports p&blishe" in the newspapers In"ian R&pee is now f&lly accepte" in Asian co&ntries like! )ingapore! ong Hong! Galaysia etc. 6hat "oes it really mean ' 1. Anybo"y from Asian co&ntry can p&rchase In"ian R&pee an" keep it in his%her bank acco&nt in his%her co&ntry witho&t any restrictions. (. 0ow people in these nations are not reA&ire" to go for a "o&ble conversion first in "ollar an" then in r&pee. +. 2eople travelling ,&ropean%Asian co&ntries can make their payments in r&pee anywhere witho&t any problem. #A$ .nly 1 is correct #B$ .nly ( is correct #C$ .nly + is correct #/$ All 1! ( an" + are correct #,$ 0one of these +8. 6hich of the following is not a banking%finance relate" term ' #A$ Cre"it wrap #B$ ,GI #C$ el" to Gat&rity #/$ ,7pos&re limit #,$ /iff&sion +5. Iery often we rea" abo&t the /oha Ginisterial Conference (441 in reference to 6@. negotiations. 6hat were the ma1or iss&es over which nations were of "ifferent opinions ' 1. 2rovi"ing s&bsi"y to agric&lt&re. (. ,7port of patente" "r&gs%me"icines by "evelope" nations. +. Restriction on nat&ral movement of people from one nation to other. #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly + #/$ Both 1 an" + #,$ 0one of these +;. @he @echnology Gission on Cotton was la&nche" "&ring Jth plan. @he scheme was "esigne" to get increase in pro"&ction of cotton by which of the following levels by the en" of the plan ' #A$ 144 lakh bales #B$ 154 lakh bales #C$ 1<5 lakh bales #/$ (44 lakh bales #,$ 0one of these +<. A 0ational /evelopment E&n" was create" by the Government of In"ia a few years ago. 6hat was the p&rpose of the f&n" ' 1. Boost investment in social sector pro1ects to promote e"&cation! healthcare an" employment. (. Capital investments in selecte" profitable 2),s to yiel" a"eA&ate ret&rns. +. @o f&n" revision in pay str&ct&re of Central Government employees. #A$ .nly 1 #B$ .nly ( #C$ .nly + #/$ Both 1 an" ( #,$ 0one of these +=. .lympic (44= are sche"&le" to be hel" in3 #A$ 2aris #B$ @okyo #C$ ?on"on #/$ Goscow #,$ 0one of these +:. @he general elections took place in which of the following co&ntries in Garch (44= ' #A$ Iran #B$ IraA #C$ Afghanistan #/$ Gyanmar #,$ )ri ?anka 84. 6ho amongst the following is the a&thor of the book ‘,conomic 0ightmare of In"ia’ ' #A$ Gorar1i /esai #B$ H. Ra1eshwar Rao #C$ Charan )ingh #/$ Fyoti Bas& #,$ 0one of these 81. As per the targets for 11th plan e"&cate" &nemployment is to be re"&ce" to which of the following levels ' #A$ 59 #B$ ;9 #C$ <9 #/$ =9 #,$ :9 8(. ‘?ong 6alk’ to Eree"om’ is a book written by3 #A$ )onia Gan"hi #B$ ?. H. A"vani #C$ 0elson Gan"ela #/$ BenaCir Bh&tto #,$ 0awaC )heriff 8+. In"ia recently signe" a pact with which of the following co&ntries on solving the problems of In"ian labo&r in that co&ntry ' #A$ Iran #B$ -A, #C$ Galaysia #/$ H&wait #,$ 0one of these 88. 6hich of the following co&ntries is trying to la&nch a )atellite to st&"y the s&n ' #A$ -)A #B$ In"ia #C$ R&ssia #/$ China #,$ 0one of these 85. Fang y&n Fong who was a"1&"ge" as the ‘Asian ockey 2layer of the year’ is from 3 #A$ China #B$ )ingapore #C$ )o&th Horea #/$ In"ia #,$ 0one of these 8;. 6ho amongst the following is the winner of 2a"ma Iibh&shan Awar"s given away recently ' #A$ Rah&l Gan"hi #B$ 2riya /&tt #C$ Iino" /&a #/$ Ratan @ata #,$ 0one of these 8<. 6hich of the following films was a"1&"ge" ‘Best Eilm’ in 18th )tar )creen Awar"s given away in Fan&ary (44= ' #A$ .m )hanti .m #B$ G&r& #C$ @aare Kameen 2ar #/$ Fab 6e Get #,$ Chak /e In"ia 8=. A meeting of the ,&ropean ?ea"ers was hel" in Fan&ary (44= at which of the following places to "isc&ss ‘Global ,conomic @&rmoil’ ' #A$ ?on"on #B$ 0ew /elhi #C$ 0ew Bork #/$ @okyo #,$ Gilan 8:. Castro )ibling is the new 2resi"ent of3 #A$ Romania #B$ C&ba #C$ Israel #/$ IeneC&ela #,$ 0one of these 54. Hosovo "eclare" itself in"epen"ent from which of the following co&ntries ' #A$ -kraine #B$ Croatia #C$ )erbia #/$ R&ssia #,$ 0one of these Answers with ,7planations L 1. #B$ (. #C$ +. #,$ 8. #A$ 5. #/$ ;. #B$ <. #/$ Accor"ing to ,conomic )&rvey (44<*4=! the percentage growth in bank cre"it is (1>59. =. #/$ :. #C$ 14. #A$ 11. #,$ 1(. #A$ 1+. #C$ 18. #A$ 15. #/$ 1;. #B$ 1<. #A$ 1=. #A$ 1:. #B$ (4. #A$ (1. #C$ ((. #A$ (+. #A$ (8. #,$ (5. #,$ (;. #B$ (<. #,$ (=. #A$ (:. #B$ +4. #/$ +1. #,$ +(. #A$ ++. #/$ +8. #,$ +5. #A$ +;. #/$ +<. #A$ +=. #,$ +:. #A$ 84. #C$ 81. #A$ 8(. #C$ 8+. #/$ 88. #A$ 85. #C$ 8;. #/$ 8<. #,$ 8=. #A$ 8:. #,$ 54. #,$
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