
March 17, 2018 | Author: Nonoy Justiniane-Giray Jr | Category: Galvanization, Screw, Fracture, Reinforced Concrete, Concrete



AUSTRALIAFastening Technology Manual Australia Fastening Technology Manual Issue 2007 Sept Re-print Hilti. Outperform. Outlast Hilti. Outperform. Outlast. Hilti Australia Pty Ltd 23 Egerton Street, Silverwater New South Wales 2128 T 131 292 F 1300 135 042 www.hilti.com.au Issue 2007 Sept Re-print AUSTRALIA Fastening Technology Manual Issue 2007 Sept. Re-print 1 Important notice 1. Construction materials and conditions vary on different sites. If it is suspected that the base material has insufficient strength to achieve a suitable fastening, contact the Hilti Technical Advisory Service. 2. The information and recommendations given herein are based on the principles, formulae and safety factors set out in the Hilti technical instructions, the operating manuals, the setting instructions, the installation manuals and other data sheets that are believed to be correct at the time of writing. The data and values are based on the respective average values obtained from tests under laboratory or other controlled conditions. It is the users responsibility to use the data given in the light of conditions on site and taking into account the intended use of the products concerned. The user has to check if the listed prerequisites and criteria conform with the conditions actually existing on the job-site. Whilst Hilti can give general guidance and advice, the nature of Hilti products means that the ultimate responsibility for selecting the right product for a particular application must lie with the customer. 3. All products must be used, handled and applied strictly in accordance with all current instructions for use published by Hilti, i.e. technical instructions, operating manuals, setting instructions, installation manuals etc. 4. All products are supplied and advice is given subject to the Hilti terms of business. 5.Hilti’s policy is one of continuous development. We therefore reserve the right to alter specifications, etc. without notice. 6. The given mean ultimate loads and characteristic data in the Fastening Technology Manual reflect actual test results and are thus valid only for the indicated test conditions. Due to variations in local base materials, on-site testing is required to determine performance at any specific site. 7. Hilti is not obligated for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, losses or expenses in connection with, or by reason of, the use of, or inability to use the products for any purpose. Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose are specifically excluded. Head Office: Hilti (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. ABN 44 007 602 100 (ACN 007 602 100) 23 Egerton Street Silverwater NSW 2128 Phone: (02) 8748 1000 Fax: (02) 8748 1190 Website: www.hilti.com.au Telephone: 131 292 Anywhere in Australia Hilti = registered trademark of the Hilti Corporation, Schaan Right of technical and programme changes reserved S. E. & O. 2 In our strive to become your best partner, we have compiled all design data relevant to anchoring solutions in this new Fastening Technology Manual. It is intended to make your work easier, help to solve fastening problems in their many forms safely as well as reliable and furthermore to optimize the entire fastening system cost. Through our world-wide direct sales organisations, contact is made with more than 70,000 customers every day, ensuring that we keep abreast of market needs and fastening problems. International application know-how, highly specialised research and development, the latest production plant and equipment as well as an optimised quality assurance system give our customers the assurance of receiving top quality and enjoying a maximum of safety with the products they use. The Fastening Technology Manual will be a reliable reference work for you when solving your design and fastening problems. It is verification that you are working with a partner aware of the demanding responsibility of modern fastening technology. Please contact us anytime if your have questions or require additional information or guidance. Danilo Calabrò 3 Engineering Support Engineering support We have Field Engineers in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. How can they help you, the consulting engineers? • Ensure that you can choose or specify the right product for each application, in particular in the field of anchor fastenings for concrete and firestop systems. Provide a problem solving and technical support function. Carry out seminars on Hilti products and technical related subjects at your request. • • This compact Fastening Technology Manual, which you have in your hands, is just part of a comprehensive range of engineering software which includes • More detailed technical information on specific topics or products as required • Anchor Design programme PROFIS Anchor. Hilti Field Engineers Located at the Following Addresses: Sydney: 23 Egerton St, Silverwater. 2128 Fax: (02) 8748 1191 203-205 Normanby Road, South Melbourne. 3205 Fax: 1300 135 042 Unit 2, 160 Fison Ave West, Eagle Farm. 4009 Fax: 1300 135 042 52 Richmond Rd, Keswick. 5035 Fax: (08) 8371 2553 23 Belmont Ave, Belmont. 6104 Fax: (08) 9479 4687 Melbourne: Brisbane: Adelaide: Perth: NATIONAL PHONE NO. 131 292 Head office: HILTI (AUST.) PTY. LTD ABN 44 007 602 100 (ACN 007 602 100) 23 Egerton St, Silverwater NSW 2128 Tel: (02) 8748 1000 Fax: (02) 8748 1190 www.hilti.com.au 4 ...................................................................................... Why does an anchor hold in base material? ....................................1 Ultimate limit state design method...1 Failure modes..................................................5 Traditional Hilti design method ......................................3 1.....................................................2......................................4..................1 1......................................................................... 5....... Masonry........ Light duty anchors HIT-HY 20 with HIT-AN/-IG injection adhesive anchor ...................................1..............................................................................1 Effect of static loading .............................. 1.............1 5.............2......2 Differences according to ETAG ...............................2 Safety concept ......................................................................1......1 Adhesive anchoring systems Heavy duty anchors HVU with HAS adhesive anchor (externally threaded rod) ....2 Influence of cracks ..................................................... 5........2 1...................2................................................................2.................. 5. 1... 51 60 68 78 87 95 5 ............................... 6 Specifying Hilti anchors 7........... 8 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 23 26 30 32 36 36 37 38 41 42 43 47 48 51 2 Corrosion 3....................................................2.................................. Design methods ........... HVU with HIS-N/-RN adhesive anchor (internally threaded sleeve).............3 Anchor Design Program PROFIS Anchor .............................................................................................................................. Other base materials ............................ HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with HAS rod ..............................1 Dynamic design for anchors 3........................................ 1.......................................Contents Application guide 1 Base materials 1..............................................4 Anchor Design according to the Ultimate limit state design method (Hilti CC method) 5....................................... 5....................... Medium duty anchors HIT-HY 150 with HAS injection adhesive anchor (externally threaded rod) .................................................................. HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with HAS rod ................................2 Dynamic set for shear resistance upgrade 4 5 Resistance to fire Anchor design 5.............4...................4........................................4 Concrete............................................... ........................................................................................................................5.........................4......4............. HSL-G-R stainless steel heavy duty anchor ............................... 161 161 161 161 164 165 174 174 175 178 182 186 187 190 190 190 192 8.................................................................................. Rebar fastening design concept ........ Medium duty anchors HSC safety anchor ................. HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive with rebar (Anchor design) .............................................................3 Test results: Full scale beam test ........................................................................................1 Rebar fastening application .........................................................2 8...........................................................................2 Mechanical anchoring systems Heavy duty anchors HDA design anchor .........................................4 8....................... HUS-H screw anchor ..................2 Application examples . Differences between anchor & rebar fastening design ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8....1 Relevant reports ..........................................................................................................Contents 7...................................................... 8.....................................................................5..............................................................5 Test reports.........1 Scope ...................................... 98 98 108 116 122 124 133 143 150 159 8 Rebar fastening 8.......1 Post-fix system advantages ................2 Test results: Pull-out tests on rebars ............................................................................................................4 Design tables ..................4...........................................................................1........................ Tilt-up construction ................................ 8.................5................. Supplementary information .............................................2 Symbols.................................................... Worked example .................................... 8.............................................................................................................................. 8...................1.....................................4..... HSL-3.................. HSL-3-B heavy duty anchor ........................................ 8....... 6 .......... HSA stud anchor ............3 Fastening design approach ..........................................................................................................................3 8..... HKD-S............................................ HKD-SR drop-in anchor................................ 8......................................... Design tables for Hilti HIT-RE 500 ........................................................... 8.............................................. Design tables for Hilti HIT-HY 150 . 8.................. ......... sand lime masonry & steel .......................... sand lime masonry & steel .......................................................... X-CR stainless steel nails for concrete.. X-FCM & X-FF grating fastening.....4 9....9 Introduction to DX fastening ....................2 9......................................................................................7 9............5 9..............................3 9..... X-FCP floor plate fastening ............1 9.... X-BT stainless steel threaded studs .....................................Contents 9 DX Powder actuated fastening 9........................ Table of DX symbols & nomenclature ................6 9....... 193 193 194 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 7 ...... X-CR stainless steel nails for fastening to steel ...... X-CC wire/rod ceiling clip ...................... X-HS threaded rod hanger system........................8 9... X-CRM stainless steel threaded studs ........ X-DNI general purpose nails for concrete......................................................................................................................... Hilti HIT can be used predominantly with reinforcing bars. Available with external and internal threads. M6-M20 sizes available (HSA.Application guide Application guide Anchor Details Concrete HVU adhesive anchor Comprises a foil capsule & threaded rods or internally threaded sleeves. with shallow embedment depth. Indicator nut version. Where high loads and stringent safety requirements must be met. A stud anchor complete with nut and washer. but also anchor rods. Hilti HIT can be used with a wide variety of connections: anchor rods. Sizes M10-M20. A concrete screw anchor. For temporary indoor & outdoor fixings. Once injected into the hole. Sizes M8-M16. Wide range of sizes and lengths available. Sizes M8-M24 (& above as specials). with red cap nut which breaks off when anchor correctly set. set with a special setting tool. Suitable for in-place through fastenings. Once injected into the hole. good bonding. HSL-3 heavy duty anchor HSC-A safety anchor HSC-I safety anchor HSA stud anchor HKD-S drop in anchor HUS-H concrete screw anchor 8 . The undercut is produced simultaneously when driving the anchor sleeve over the anchor. rebars etc. permanent indoor fixings. An internally threaded metal anchor. HIT-HY 20 injection mortar The two component Hilti HIT adhesive is supplied in a composite dual foil pack with mixer. HSA-R) M6-M20 sizes available. HSC produces its own undercut when set. internally threaded sleeves. M6-M20 internal thread sizes. which can be set flush with the surface. Hilti HIT can be used with a wide variety of connections: anchor rods. A steel mechanical expansion anchor for heavy duty fastenings. directly into a drilled hole. Sizes M8 to M36 The two component Hilti HIT adhesive is supplied in a composite dual foil pack with mixer. HSL-3-B. internally threaded sleeves etc. Once injected into the hole. Hilti HIT injection technique HIT-HY 150 injection mortar The two component Hilti HIT adhesive is supplied in a composite dual foil pack with mixer. give high loadings. Visual check for correct setting. using a simple setting tool. Sizes M8-M24. where safety is a key requirement. Styrene free vinylurethane resins. Sizes M8-M12. HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive HDA-P design anchor HDA-T design anchor An undercut is formed during the setting operation. Complete removal possible. & anchor spacing Stainless steel avail.Application guide Solid Masonry Hollow Masonry Flush setting/or removable Dynamic loading Small edge dist. Fire rating 9 Application guide . cyl = 25MPa Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist. depth (mm) Nrd (kN) fc.cyl = 25MPa Vrd1) (kN) fc.3 34.8 199. For shear loads and closer edge distances or spacings please refer to the Hilti Fastening Technology Manual or contact your local Hilti Engineer 10 . refer to the critical edge distance and spacing to retain full load capacity in tension only.5 M20 22 170 38.0 M36 40 330 213.2 M24 28 210 47.0 M16 18 125 36.4 M20 24 170 66.8 (M30 .5 Hilti HIT-HY 150 injection mortar Thread size Hole diameter (mm) Standard embed.9 M10 12 90 17.5 Loads are based on HAS-E rod.4 M20 24 170 66.8 420 210 HVU-M24 x 210 199.3 34.M24) and grade 8.6 250 140 HVU-M16 x 125 54 340 180 HVU-M20 x 170 77.3 540 270 HVU-M30 x 270 291. min (tension) (mm) Ordering designation For external thread HAS-E rod M8 10 80 12. grade 5.M36) Nrd Vrd1) Spacing min (kN) (kN) (tension) fc.0 M24 28 210 95.0 M24 28 210 95.cyl = 25 MPa fc.6 54.4 M12 14 110 25.6 7. depth (mm) Nrd Vrd1) Spacing min (kN) (kN) (tension) fc. based on Hilti CC method) Edge distance min.9 160 80 HVU-M8 x 80 12.cyl = 25 MPa (mm) Edge dist.4 M12 14 110 25. and spacing min.6 180 90 HVU-M10 x 90 18. min (tension) (mm) Ordering designation For external thread HAS-E rod M8 10 80 8.4 M12 22 125 22.3 220 110 HVU-M12 x 110 34.M24) and grade 8.2 47 180 220 250 340 410 90 110 140 180 210 HVU-M10 x 90 HVU-M12 x 110 HVU-M16 x 125 HVU-M20 x 170 HVU-M24 x 210 HIS-N M8 HIS-N M10 HIS-N M12 HIS-N M16 HIS-N M20 Load values for HIS-N are based using grade 4.7 7.0 M16 18 125 36.8 M10 12 90 11.8 M10 18 110 15.0 M36 40 330 213.M36) HAS-E M8 HAS-E M10 HAS-E M12 HAS-E M16 HAS-E M20 HAS-E M24 HAS-E M30 HAS-E M36 7 11.6 M16 18 125 22.0 77.8 ( M30 .8 steel (M8 .8 M12 14 110 17.1 M30 35 270 153.9 12.8 160 180 220 250 340 420 80 90 110 140 180 210 HAS-E M8 x 80/14 anchor rod HAS-E M10 x 90/21 anchor rod HAS-E M12 x 110/28 anchor rod HAS-E M16 x 125/38 anchor rod HAS-E M20 x 170/48 anchor rod HAS-E M24 x 210/54 anchor rod Nrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Tensile Resistance (static) Vrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Shear Resistance (static) Vrd1) = Steel failure in shear (with no edge distance or anchor spacing influences.cyl = 25 MPa fc.5 160 180 220 250 340 420 540 660 80 90 110 140 180 210 270 330 HAS-E M8 HAS-E M10 HAS-E M12 HAS-E M16 HAS-E M20 HAS-E M24 HAS-E M30 HAS-E M36 Loads are based on HAS-E rod.6 bolt Hilti HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive Thread size Hole diameter (mm) Standard embed.6 18.cyl = 25 MPa (mm) Edge dist. min (tension) (mm) Foil Capsule designation Threaded rod designation For external thread HAS-E rod M8 10 80 12. grade 5.5 M16 28 170 41.8 M20 32 205 65.1 M30 35 270 153.5 660 330 HVU-M36 x 330 steel ( M8 .2 30.9 12.1 16. depth (mm) 7.8 For internal thread HIS-N sleeve M8 14 90 9.6 18.3 291.6 54 77.9 M10 12 90 17.Application guide Application guide HVU adhesive capsule Thread Size Hole diameter (mm) Standard embed. cyl = 25 MPa (mm) Edge dist.5 7.cyl = 25 MPa Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist.5 For Internal thread HIT-IG sleeve M8 16 85 1.7 181 246.6 222. refer to the critical edge distance and spacing to retain full load capacity in tension only.6 31. based on Hilti CC method) Edge distance min. For shear loads and closer edge distances or spacings please refer to the Hilti Fastening Technology Manual or contact your local Hilti Engineer 11 Application guide . depth (mm) Nrd (kN) fc.cyl = 25 MPa fc.3 321.cyl = 25 MPa Vrd1) (kN) fc.1 16.2 174.5 M12 16 85 1.6 bolt Hilti HIT-HY 20 injection mortar Thread size Hole diameter (mm) Standard embed.5 M10 16 85 1.2 30.4 125.2 3.2 3.2 502.5 2.5 4 3.3 198.7 45. min (tension) (mm) Ordering designation For internal thread HIS-N sleeve M8 14 90 9.8 3 4 3 3.5 M12 20 85 1. and spacing min.1 7 11.2 47 180 220 250 340 420 90 110 140 180 210 HIS-N M8 x 90 anchor sleeve HIS-N M10 x 110 anchor sleeve HIS-N M12 x 125 anchor sleeve HIS-N M16 x 170 anchor sleeve HIS-N M20 x 205 anchor sleeve Load values for HIS-N are based using grade 4. min (tension) (mm) N10 N12 N16 N20 N24 N28 N32 N36 N40 12-14 15-16 20-22 25-28 29-32 34-37 39-42 44-46 48-50 90 110 125 170 210 270 300 330 360 20.0 76. depth (mm) Hollow concrete block Nrec Vrec (kN) (kN) Extruded brick Nrec Vrec (kN) (kN) Use with Ordering designation required sleeve For External thread HIT-AN rod M8 16 85 1.9 M16 28 170 32.7 180 220 250 340 420 540 600 660 720 90 110 125 170 210 270 300 330 360 REBAR FASTENING DESIGN MODEL for N500 Grade Rebar See design tables on pages 186-189 This model is used when the designer is required to transfer the existing steel stresses in a cast-in reinforcing bar to a "post-fixed" reinforcing bar.5 M16 20 85 1.8 3 3 3. Nrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Tensile Resistance (static) Vrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Shear Resistance (static) Nrec = Recommended working tensile load (static) Vrec = Recommended working shear load (static) Vrd1) = Steel failure in shear (with no edge distance or anchor spacing influences.9 148.5 7.Application guide Hilti HIT-HY 150 injection mortar Thread size Hole diameter (mm) Standard embed.5 2.4 45.5 3.7 M20 32 205 39.4 117.9 M12 22 125 18.2 80.3 29.8 M10 18 110 14.5 M10 20 85 1.5 5.5 10 HIT-SC 16/85 HIT-SC 16/85 HIT-SC 16/85 HIT-SC 20/85 HIT-AN M8 x 80/9 anchor rod HIT-AN M10 x 80/16 anchor rod HIT-AN M12 x 80/19 anchor rod HIT-A M16 x 130 anchor rod 2. depth (mm) Nrd Vrd1) Spacing min (kN) (kN) (tension) fc.7 407.5 5.5 HIT-SC 16/85 HIT-IG M8 anchor sleeve HIT-SC 20/85 HIT-IG M10 anchor sleeve HIT-SC 20/85 HIT-IG M12 anchor sleeve Hilti HIT-RE 500 injection adhesive ANCHOR FASTENING DESIGN MODEL for N500 Grade Rebar Bar size Hole diameter (mm) Standard embed.5 2. 7 24.cyl = 25 MPa fc.cyl = 25 MPa Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist.0 130.0 49.3 93.9 141.3 53.6 300 14 44.5 36. (mm) Max thick. depth (mm) min.) torque (mm) (Nm) Ordering designation M10 20 100 M12 22 125 M12 22 125 M16 30 190 M16 30 190 M20 37 250 M20 37 250 * may be subject 20 30 50 40 60 50 100 to lead 12 30.3 53.9 240 240 300 300 375 375 450 450 120 120 150 150 190 190 225 225 Automatic Torque Control Cap HSL-3-B M12/25 HSL-3-B M12/50 HSL-3-B M16/25 HSL-3-B M16/50 HSL-3-B M20/30 HSL-3-B M20/60 HSL-3-B M24/30 HSL-3-B M24/60 Nrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Tensile Resistance (static) Vrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Shear Resistance (static) Vrd1) = Steel failure in shear (with no edge distance or anchor spacing influences.7 130.9 113.7 84.5 113.6 67.0 84.9 57.4 750 22 130.5 26. based on Hilti CC method) Edge distance min. refer to the critical edge distance and spacing to retain full load capacity in tension only.0 140. min (tens.4 80.cyl = 25 MPa fc.0 375 18 84.0 300 375 375 570 570 750 750 150 187 187 285 285 375 375 50 80 80 120 120 300 300 HDA-T 20-M10x100/20 HDA-T 22-M12x125/30 HDA-T 22-M12x125/50 HDA-T 30-M16x190/40 HDA-T 30-M16x190/60 HDA-T 37-M20x250/50 HDA-T 37-M20x250/100 HDA-P* Thread Hole Anchor.7 78.0 375 14 44.7 17.9 80. Max thick.9 67.6 51.4 57.cyl = 25 MPa (mm) (mm) Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist.9 51.6 570 18 84.7 43. Tightening Ordering Size dia. Clearance Nrd Vrd1) Spacing min Edge dist. and spacing min.7 44. min Tight.9 36.3 93. For shear loads and closer edge distances or spacings please refer to the Hilti Fastening Technology Manual or contact your local Hilti Engineer 12 .3 140.Application guide Application guide HDA-T* Thread Hole Anchorage Max thick.cyl = 25 MPa Vrd1) (kN) fc.4 750 time.cyl = 25 MPa (mm) (mm) (Nm) M10 M12 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 20 22 22 30 30 37 37 100 125 125 190 190 250 250 20 30 50 40 60 50 100 21 23 23 32 32 40 40 30. depth fastened hole (kN) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) fc.7 24.7 78. Clearance Nrd Vrd1) fastened hole (kN) (kN) fc. Tight. Clearance Nrd Size dia.6 570 22 130. Contact your local Hilti Engineer 150 187 187 285 285 375 375 50 80 80 120 120 300 300 HDA-P 20-M10x100/20 HDA-P 22-M12x125/30 HDA-P 22-M12x125/50 HDA-P 30-M16x190/40 HDA-P 30-M16x190/60 HDA-P 37-M20x250/50 HDA-P 37-M20x250/100 HSL-3-B Thread Hole Hole Size dia. depth fastened hole (kN) (kN) (tension) min (tension) torque designation (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) fc.0 49.7 44. (tension) torque (mm) (Nm) Ordering designation M12 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 M24 18 18 24 24 28 28 32 32 105 105 125 125 155 155 180 180 25 50 25 50 30 60 30 60 20 20 26 26 31 31 35 35 26.5 141. 1 23. refer to the critical edge distance and spacing to retain full load capacity in tension only.9 63.9 195 M10 15 90 20 17 15.2 11.9 113.cyl = 25 MPa fc. Clearance Nrd Vrd1) Spacing min fastened hole (kN) (kN) (tension) fc.9 16.3 390 * available subject to lead time.cyl = 25 MPa (mm) Edge dist.1 34. depth (mm) min.4 17. min (tension) (mm) Tight.1 240 M16 24 125 25 26 30.5 26.5 225 M12 18 100 25 20 19.5 141.4 57.9 180 210 210 240 240 300 300 375 375 450 450 90 105 105 120 120 150 150 190 190 225 225 25 50 50 80 80 120 120 200 200 250 250 HSL-3 M8/20 HSL-3 M10/20 HSL-3 M10/40 HSL-3 M12/25 HSL-3 M12/50 HSL-3 M16/25 HSL-3 M16/50 HSL-3 M20/30 HSL-3 M20/60 HSL-M24/30 HSL-M24/60 HSL-G-R* (stainless steel) Thread Hole Size dia.5 113. (mm) Max thick.5 68 15 20 20 9 12 14 9.5 36.9 51.4 57.0 120 120 180 60 60 90 10 20 30 HSC-A M8x40/15 HSC-A M10x40/20 HSC-A M12x60/20 Nrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Tensile Resistance (static) Vrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Shear Resistance (static) Vrd1) = Steel failure in shear (with no edge distance or anchor spacing influences. fastened (mm) Clearance Nrd hole (kN) fc. Ordering designation torque (Nm) M8 M10 M12 14 16 18 46 46.6 27.cyl = 25 MPa Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist.9 36. and spacing min.4 39.4 14.4 80.4 9.9 141.6 51. min Tight. (mm) Max thick.6 315 M20 28 155 30 31 47.cyl = 25 MPa (mm) (mm) (mm) Edge dist.9 39. torque (Nm) Ordering designation M8 12 80 20 14 10.9 26.9 24.9 80.3 99.9 67. Contact your local Hilti Engineer 165 190 200 265 325 25 40 80 120 200 HSL-G-R M8/20 HSL-G-R M10/20 HSL-G-R M12/25 HSL-G-R M16/25 HSL-G-R M20/30 HSC-A Thread Hole Hole Size dia. For shear loads and closer edge distances or spacings please refer to the Hilti Fastening Technology Manual or contact your local Hilti Engineer 13 Application guide . based on Hilti CC method) Edge distance min.7 18. Ordering designation (tension) torque (mm) (Nm) M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 M24 12 15 15 18 18 24 24 28 28 32 32 80 90 90 105 105 125 125 155 155 180 180 20 20 40 25 50 25 50 30 60 30 60 14 17 17 20 20 26 26 31 31 35 35 11. depth (mm) (mm) Max thick. min (tension) (mm) Tight. (mm) Hole depth min.6 67.cyl = 25 MPa fc.cyl = 25 MPa (mm) Vrd (kN) fc.Application guide HSL-3 Thread Hole Hole Size dia. Clearance Nrd Vrd1) Spacing min fastened hole (kN) (kN) (tension) (mm) (mm) fc.5 16. 5 56 68 68.1 17.6 3.5 6.5 26. For shear loads and closer edge distances or spacings please refer to the Hilti Fastening Technology Manual or contact your local Hilti Engineer 14 . min (tension) (mm) Tight.7 M10 10 70 37 12 6. torque (Nm) Ordering designation M6 6 55 10 7 3.2 14.2 14.6 6.9 M12 12 95 55 14 11.2 26.7 M8 8 65 27 9 6.cyl = 25 MPa Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist.3 Load values are based on standard anchorage depths 3.9 M12 12 95 25 14 11.3 M20 20 130 30 22 33.3 M16 16 115 75 18 23.3 M6 6 55 30 7 3.cyl = 25 MPa Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist.6 120 150 180 180 60 75 90 90 10 20 30 30 HSC-I M8x40 HSC-I M10x50 HSC-I M10x60 HSC-I M12x60 HSA (common sizes here only) Thread Size Hole Hole dia. based on Hilti CC method) Edge distance min.2 9.cyl = 25 MPa Vrd1) (kN) fc.Application guide Application guide HSC-I Thread Hole Size dia.5 120 120 144 144 150 150 150 210 210 210 210 252 252 252 309 60 60 72 72 75 75 75 105 105 105 105 126 126 126 154 5 5 15 15 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 200 HSA M6 x 65 HSA M6 x 85 HSA M8 x 75 HSA M8 x 92 HSA M10 x 90 HSA M10 x 108 HSA M10 x 120 HSA M12 X 100 HSA M12 X 120 HSA M12 X 150 HSA M12 X 180 HSA M16 X 120 HSA M16 X 140 HSA M16 x 190 HSA M20 x 170 Nrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Tensile Resistance (static) Vrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Shear Resistance (static) Vrd1) = Steel failure in shear (with no edge distance or anchor spacing influences. (mm) Hole depth (mm) Clearance hole (mm) Nrd (kN) fc.5 26.5 9 12 12 14 9.3 M16 16 115 25 18 23. (mm) Max thick.9 9.7 M10 10 70 50 12 6. and spacing min.7 M10 10 70 20 12 6.9 M12 12 95 85 14 11.2 14.9 M16 16 115 5 18 23. min (tension) (mm) Tight.2 12.3 M8 8 65 10 9 6. refer to the critical edge distance and spacing to retain full load capacity in tension only.4 13.9 14.5 41.8 12.cyl = 25 MPa Vrd1) (kN) fc.9 9. fastened (mm) Clearance hole (mm) Nrd (kN) fc.2 14.7 M12 12 95 5 14 11. torque (Nm) Ordering designation M8 M10 M10 M12 16 18 18 20 46.2 17.5 9. depth (mm) min. 4 14.8 7.3 10.4 4.4 14.Application guide HKD-S drop-in anchor Thread Hole Hole depth Screwing Size dia.5 x 55 HUS-H 10. or contact your local Hilti Engineer.7/37.1/6. (mm) Hole depth min.5 27. refer to the critical edge distance and spacing to retain full load capacity in tension only.1 M10 12 43 12/16 7. Nrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Tensile Resistance (static) Vrd = Ultimate Limit States Design Shear Resistance (static) Vrd1) = Steel failure in shear (with no edge distance or anchor spacing influences.4 5.8 5.3 M8 10 33 10/13 5.1 65 HUS-H 16.1 5.3 10.8 75 90 90 120 150 190 235 88 105 105 140 175 227 280 5 8 15 15 35 60 120 HKD-S M6 x 25 HKD-S M8 X 30 HKD-S M10 x 30 HKD-S M10 x 40 HKD-S M12 x 50 HKD-S M16 x 65 HKD-S M20 x 80 HUS-H concrete screw anchor Hole dia.1/36. and spacing min. depth (mm) (mm) (mm) Nrd (kN) Vrd1) (kN) Spacing min (tension) (mm) Edge dist.5 x 75 HUS-H 10.2/8. fastened (mm) Nrd (kN) fc.1 M10 12 33 12/12 5.1/6.8/24. min.4 14. torque (Nm) Ordering designation 8 8 8 8 50 50/60 50/60 50/60 5 15/5 25/15 40/30 5.5 x 65 HUS-H 10.5/30 34.2/8.5 x 75 HUS-H 12.4 45 45 45 45 Concrete Screw Anchor 14 14 70 10 15. For shear loads and closer edge distances or spacings please refer to the Hilti Fastening Technology Manual or contact your local Hilti Engineer 15 Application guide .8 7. torque (Nm) Ordering designation fc.cyl = 25 MPa M6 8 27 11 3.2/8.6 grade bolt) 2.5 x 100 10 10 10 10 60 60/70 60/70 60/70 5 15/5 25/15 40/30 7. min (tension) (mm) Max.9 6.4 M20 25 85 23/34 26.8 65 HUS-H 16.8 5.5 x 115 For anchor spacings & edge distances please refer to relevant pages in this manual.8 34.5 x 80 14 70/90/110 45/25/5 15.5 (Shear values are based on using a 4.1 17.5 x 90 Concrete Screw Anchor 10 HUS-H 12.cyl = 25 MPa Tight. Tight.4 10.5 x 85 HUS-H 12.3 10.8 14.9 M16 20 70 18/28 19.8 10. based on Hilti CC method) Edge distance min.cyl = 25 MPa Vrd1) (tension) fc.cyl = 25 MPa fc.3 35 35 35 35 Concrete Screw Anchor 8 HUS-H 10.1/6.2 7. (mm) Max thick.8 M12 15 54 14/22 10.5 x 65 HUS-H 12. Base Materials 16 . If cracks in the tension zone exist. etc. which. plaster coating is not a base material for fastenings. Cutting through reinforcement when drilling anchor holes must be avoided. e. Other types of anchors can be used if they are set at such a depth that their anchoring section is positioned in the compression zone. your local Hilti sales representative will be pleased to provide assistance. the HPS-1. be used in the tension zone of concrete components. The specified anchorage depth (depth of embedment) must be in the actual base material. suitable anchor systems are required. HDA and HSC. 17 . If a concrete component is subjected to a bending load. HSL-3. sand-lime bricks or concrete bricks. If there are doubts when selecting a fastener/anchor. w ≅ 0. If anchors are loaded immediately after they have been set. HUD. Owing to the relatively low strength of masonry.g. care must be taken to ensure that a layer of insulation or plaster is not used as the base material. the loading capacity can be assumed to be only the actual strength of the concrete at that time. i. If an anchor is set and the load applied later. the loads taken up locally cannot be particularly high. The hole being drilled for an anchor can run into mortar joints or cavities. if the concrete is under a constant load. clay bricks. individual cracks might be wider if no additional reinforcement is provided in the concrete to restrict the crack width.2 Masonry Masonry is a heterogeneous base material. cracks form. HRD.g. If it is subjected predominately to forces of constraint. the range of the cylinder compressive strength. e. e. Generally. If this is not possible. Expansion anchors should not be set in concrete which has not cured for more than seven days. Different types and shapes When making a fastening.e. HIT. e.Base Materials If the tensile strength of concrete is exceeded. Experience has shown that the crack width does not exceed the figure regarded as admissible.g. It is recommended that anchor systems which have the follow-up expansion feature and are of the force-controlled type.cyl is between 20 and 50 MPa. DBZ. Observe curing of concrete when using expansion anchors.g. all of different shapes and either solid or with cavities. cannot be seen.3mm. the design engineer responsible must be consulted first. or undercut anchor systems. Anchors are set in both low-strength and high-strength concrete. as a rule. Hilti offers a range of different fastening solutions for this variety of masonry base material. A tremendous variety of types and shapes of masonry bricks are on the market. the cracks have a wedge shape across the component cross-section and they end close to the neutral axis. 1. Avoid cutting reinforcement. the loading capacity can be assumed to be the concrete strength determined at the time of applying the load. ƒ′ c. testing on the jobsite should be arranged to verify the suitability and the loading capacity of the selected anchor. to which less important. e. etc. special building components are also made from the previously mentioned materials which. 18 . 3 1800kg/m. HUD. fastenings can be made to these materials. In some cases. Hilti offers the HGN and HRD anchors for this base material. The Hilti anchors suitable for this material are the HLD and HHD. can be encountered in practice. HGN.g. Furthermore.3 Other base materials Aerated concrete Gas concrete: This is manufactured from fine-grained sand as the aggregate. etc anchor systems for this base material. Hilti offers the HRD. hollow ceiling floor components. The density is between 400 and 800 kg/m 3 and the compressive strength 2 to 6 MPa. company carrying out the work and Hilti technical staff hold a discussion in each case. e. result in base materials with peculiarities that must be given careful attention.e. because of manufacturing method and configuration. Lightweight concrete Drywall/gypsum panels Variety of base materials Jobsite tests In some cases. Generally though. natural stone. a large variety of others. In addition to the previously named building materials. etc. It is also recommended that the design engineer. Drywall (plasterboard/gypsum) panels: These are mostly building components without a supporting function. i.Base Materials 1. lime and/or cement as the binding agent. so-called secondary fastenings are made. water and aluminium as the gas-forming agent. Descriptions and explanations of each of these would go beyond the bounds of this manual. test reports exist for these special materials.g. such as wall and ceiling panels. and a porosity that reduces the strength of the concrete and thus the loading capacity of an anchor. Lightweight concrete: This is concrete which has a low density. this expansion force causes permanent local deformation of the base material. is in equilibrium with the supporting forces. such as with the HVU anchor. Combination of working principles 19 . A keying action results which enables the longitudinal force in the anchor to be transferred additionally to the base material. above all in the case of metal anchors. Keying Bonding An adhesive bond is produced between the anchor rod and the hole wall by a synthetic resin adhesive. Friction Keying R N R The tensile load. acting on the base material. For example. R. by driving in an expansion plug (HKD). such as with the HDA anchor. This permits the longitudinal force to be transferred to the anchor by friction. At the same time. Fexp. N. an anchor exerts an expansion force against wall of its hole as a result of the displacement of a cone relative to a sleeve.4 Why does an anchor hold in a base material? There are three basic working principles which make an anchor hold in a building material: Friction The tensile load. is transferred to the base material by friction. T he expansion force.Base Materials 1. is necessary for this to take place. It is produced. for example. R. N. Bonding Combination of working principles Many anchors obtain their holding power from a combination of the above-mentioned working principles. edge breaking. Modes of failure. are subjected to a pure tensile load. Combined load 20 . On the other hand. achieves a local keying action in addition to the bond. Basically. break-out.4. failure of anchor parts. 2. 3a. edge breaking and splitting. The mode of failure 1. expansion takes place over a distance that is predetermined by the geometry of the anchor in the expanded state. the same modes of failure take place under a combined load. loading capacity of anchors.1. 1. Thus an expansion force is produced (HKD anchor) which is governed by the modulus of elasticity of the base material. Adhesive/resin anchor The synthetic resin of an adhesive anchor infiltrates into the pores of the base material and. 2. 1. after it has hardened and cured. a small edge distance causes mode of failure 4. The weakest point in an anchor fastening determines the cause of failure. and thus controlled. In the case of movement-controlled types. when a tightening torque is applied to expand the anchor.. This tensile force is produced.1 Effects of static loading Failure patterns The failure patterns of anchor fastenings subjected to a continually increased load can be depicted as follows: 1.4. 3. a distinction is made between force-controlled and movement-controlled types.Base Materials Force-controlled and movementcontrolled expansion anchors In the case of expansion anchors. The ultimate loads are then smaller than those of the previously mentioned modes of failure. The expansion force of force-controlled expansion anchors is dependent on the tensile force in the anchor (HSL-3 heavy-duty anchor). anchor pull-away and.1 Failure modes 1. The tensile strength of the fastening base material is exceeded in the cases of break-out. These causes of failure govern the max. Causes of failure 3a.. 3. becomes more seldom as the angle between the direction of the applied load and the anchor axis increases. occur mostly when single anchors that are a suitable distance from an edge or the next anchor. 4. break-out. T he reinforcement is only utilised efficiently if the concrete in the tension zone is permitted to be stressed (elongated) to such an extent that it cracks under the working load. T he disruption caused disrupted by the crack reduces the loadbearing capacity of the anchor system. such as with reinforced concrete slabs stressed in two planes. T he position of the tension zone is determined by the static/design system and wher e the load is applied to the structure. Shear load 1. Only in rare cases. When anchor fastenings are made in non-cracked concrete. can cracks also run in two directions. T hese will guarantee the functional reliability and safety of anchor fastenings made in cracked concrete. the loadbearing mechanisms are seriously disrupted because virtually no annular tensile forces can be taken up beyond the edge of the crack. Testing and application conditions for anchors are currently being drafted internationally based on the research results of anchor manufacturers and universities. however. the designer of a structure assumes that cracks will exist in the tension zone of reinforced concrete components when carrying out the design work (condition II). the edge breaks away.4.1. equilibrium is established by a tensile stress condition of rotational symmetry around the anchor axis. Provided that they do not exceed a certain width. T ensile forces from bending are taken up in a composite construction by suitably sized reinforcement in the form of ribbed steel bars. If the distance from an edge is small and the shear load is towards the free edge of a building component.2 Influence of cracks It is not possible for a reinforced concrete structure to be built which does not have cracks in it under working conditions. whereas the compressive forces from bending are taken up by the concrete (compression zone). it is not at all necessary to regard cracks as defects in a structure. however.Base Materials Generally. the anchor parts suffer bending tension or shear failure. Normally. a shear load causes a conchoidal (shell-like) area of spall on one side of the anchor hole and. Very narrow cracks are not defects Efficient utilisation of reinforcement Loadbearing mechanisms Crack plane a) Non-cracked concrete b) Cracked concrete 21 . If a crack exists. the cracks run in one direction (line or parallel cracks). subsequently. W ith this in mind. for example. the clamping force and pretensioning force in an anchor bolt /rod play a major role. Since international testing conditions for anchors are based on the above-mentioned crack widths. The properties of this fastening for dynamic loading will then have deteriorated. the safety factor to use to allow for the failure of cracked concrete is not the same as the figure given in product information. all previous figures in the old anchor manual. not only anchors. Pretensioning force in anchor bolts/rods Loss of pretensioning force due to cracks The statements made above apply primarily to static loading conditions. the clamping force and pretensioning force in the anchor must be upheld. the clamping force from the fixture (part fastened) will be reduced (lost). as a result. but also cast-in items. no theoretical relationship between ultimate tensile loads and different crack widths has been given. To ensure that an anchor fastening remains suitable for dynamic loading even after cracks appear in the concrete. If the loading is dynamic.3mm is assumed when designing anchor fastenings. If a crack propagates in a reinforced concrete component after an anchor has been set. The reduction factor which can be used for the ultimate tensile loads of anchor fastenings made in cracked concrete as opposed to non-cracked concrete may be assumed to be 0. it must be assumed that the pretensioning force in the anchor will decrease and.70 for the HSC anchor. such as headed studs. A crack width of about 0. 22 .65 to 0. Larger reduction factors for ultimate tensile loads must be anticipated (used in calculations) in the case of all those anchors which were set in the past without any consideration of the above-mentioned influence of cracks. In this respect.Base Materials Reduction factor for cracked concrete The width of a crack in a concrete component has a major influence on the tensile loading capacity of all fasteners. and adding suitable information to the product description sheets. i.e. This is an unacceptable situation which is being eliminated through specific testing with anchors set in cracked concrete. Suitable measures to achieve this can be sets of springs or similar devices. no condensation Zinc plated 5-10 microns Protection due to alkalinity of concrete Zinc plated or coated Zinc plated 5-10 microns Hot-dipped galvanised / sherardized min. 45 microns Dacromet / plastic. insulation fastenings. site fixtures. A4 (316) steels Zinc plated 5-10 microns Hot-dipped galvanised / sherardized min. 45 microns. combined with industrial atmosphere Inside application Outside application Insulating materials Zinc plated 5-10 microns Hot-dipped galvanised / sherardized min. suspended ceilings. scaffolding Structural fastening: Brackets. no condensation Damp inside rooms with occasional condensation due to high humidity and temperature fluctuations Frequent and long-lasting condensation (greenhouses). chlorides from road salt can accumulate/ concentration on parts not weathered directly Industrial atmosphere: High SO2 content and other corrosive substances (without halides) Inside application Outside application Insulating materials Inside application Outside application Insulating materials Coastal atmosphere: High content of chlorides.Corrosion 2 Corrosion Material recommendations to counteract corrosion Application Initial/carcass construction Temporary fastening: Forming. possibly hot-dipped galvanised Zinc plated 5-10 microns General conditions Recommendations 23 . columns. curtain wall cladding. fire escapes Facades / roofing Profiled metal sheets. 45 microns A4 (316) steels. elevators. Hilti-HCR if chlorides exist A4 (316) steels Zinc plated 5-10 microns A4 (316) steels A4 (316) steels Zinc plated 5-10 microns Hilti-HCR Hilti-HCR Dry inside rooms. beams Outside and inside applications Dry inside rooms. open inside rooms or open halls / sheds Composite construction Interior finishing Drywalls. facade support framing Rural atmosphere (without emissions) Inside application Outside application Insulating materials Town / city atmosphere: High SO2 and Nox contents. windows. railings / fences. doors. crash barriers / guard rails. cable runs. traffic signs. temporary fastenings High humidity. cellar / basement shafts.. often a superimposed "industrial atmosphere" or changes of oil / sea water On the platform / rig Industry / chemical industry Conduit installation. occasional condensation due to high humidity and temperature fluctuations Frequent and long-lasting condensation (greenhouses). barriers. conveyors.g. A4 (316) steels. Hilti-HCR Hot-dipped galvanised Hilti-HCR Secondary relevance for safety Highly relevant to safety Duplex steel. A4 (316) steels Hilti-HCR Hot-dipped galvanised / sherardized min. dock / harbour Secondary relevance for safety. air ducts. cable runs. 45 microns. galvanising / plating plants etc. poorly ventilated rooms. very heavy exposure to SO2 Zinc plated 5-10 microns A4 (316) steels Zinc plated 5-10 microns A4 (316) steels. e. very corrosive vapours Outside applications. Directly weathered (chlorides are traffic signs. aerials Industrial equipment: Crane rails. air ducts Electrical systems: Runs. cable runs. 45 microns A4 (316) steels. ceiling suspensions. lighting. poss. machine fastening General conditions Recommendations Dry inside rooms. tunnel wall cladding / lining. lighting Dry inside rooms Corrosive inside rooms. very heavy exposure to SO2 and additional corrosive substances (only acidic surroundings) Power plants Fastenings relevant to safety Dry inside rooms Outside applications. 4-5% Mo Hilti HCR A4 (316) steels A4 (316) steels 24 . noise-insulating regularly washed off) walls. etc. possibly hot-dipped galvanised Road and bridge construction Conduit installation. no condensation Damp inside rooms. lighting. fastenings in laboratories. nonenclosed inside rooms or open sheds / buildings Zinc plated 5-10 microns Hot-dipped galvanised / sherardized min. connecting structures. chlorides. Duplex steel or austenitic steel with approx.Corrosion Application Installations Conduit installation. reinforcing mesh. highly relevant to safety Tunnel construction Tunnel foils / sheeting. Dock/harbour/port facilities/off-shore rigs Fastenings to quaysides. connecting structures Frequently heavy exposure to road salt. municipal sewage / waste water. suspended ceilings Sports grounds / facilities / stadiums Fastening of. cable runs. seats. for ex ample. lightening conductors General conditions Recommendations In lower section of stack In top section of stack. 45 microns Hot-dipped galvanised / sherardized min. 45 microns A4 (316) steels A4 (316) steels Fastenings relevant to safety Hilti-HCR Large amounts of chlorides (road Hilti-HCR salt) carried in by vehicles. high humidity. for ex ample.Corrosion Application Smoke-stacks of waste incineration plants Fastening of. handrails. sewage / digester gases etc. handrails. fences In rural atmosphere In town / city atmosphere Inaccessible fastenings Hot-dipped galvanised / sherardized min. service ladders. condensation of acids and often high chloride and other halide concentrations Hot-dipped galvanised/sherardized min. service ladders. balustrades Indoor swimming pools Fastening of. 45 microns A4 (316) steels Hilti-HCR 25 . handrails. connecting structures etc. for ex ample. 45 microns A4 (316) steels Hilti-HCR Sewage / waste water treatment Conduit installation. many wet and dry cycles Hot-dipped galvanised/sherardized min. In the atmosphere. industrial waste water Multi-storey car parks Fastening of. for ex ample. Underwater applications. guard rails. machines.1 Dynamic Design for Anchors Detailed informations are available from your local Hilti Engineer or in the brochure: Dynamic Design for Anchors. When evaluating actions causing fatigue.). where static simplification may cause severe misjudgement and usually under-design of important structures.g. which is all the greater the larger the change in stress and the larger the number of load cycles are (fatigue). Hilti AG. all fastenings in structures situated in seismically active areas can be subject to seismic loading. However. Repeated loading and unloading of structures with high loads and frequent recurrence (cranes. but also the planned or anticipated fastening life expectancy is of major importance. screed. Generally. usually only critical fastenings whose failure would result in loss of human life or significant weakening of the overall structure are designed for seismic loads. 2001 W 2611 0601 20-e Actions Common engineering design usually focuses around static loads. not only the type of action. robots. This chapter is intended to point out those cases.Dynamic Design for Anchors 3. Dynamic actions can generally be classified into 3 different groups: Fatigue loads Seismic loads Shock loads Two main groups of fatigue type loading can be identified: Vibration type loading of fasteners with very high recurrence and usually low amplitude (e. e.). Static loads Static loads can be segregated as follows: Own (dead) weight Permanent actions Loads of non-loadbearing components. Actions relevant to fatigue Actions causing fatigue have a large number of load cycles which produce changes in stress in the affected fastening. These stresses result in a decrease in strength. etc. These forces result from induced acceleration and must be taken into account when determining section forces and anchoring forces. or from constraint (due to temperature change or sinking of supports / columns) Changing actions working loads (fitting / furnishing . elevators.g. floor covering. due to cost considerations. etc. production machinery. “normal” wear) Snow Wind Temperature The main difference between static and dynamic loads is the effectiveness of inertia and damping forces. Dynamic actions Typical Dynamic Actions Examples for Fatigue Loads Examples for Seismic Loads 26 . ventilators. Shock-like phenomena have generally a very short duration and tremendously high forces which. the parts fastened and the installations. Due to the stiffness of the structure. however. Earthquake frequencies often lead to resonance phenomena which cause larger vibration amplitudes on the upper floors. As the probability of such a phenomenon to occur during the life expectancy of the building components concerned is comparably small. In view of the low ductility of anchors / fasteners. crash barriers. Examples of Shock Loading Shock loads are mostly unusual loading situations.Dynamic Design for Anchors Earthquakes / seismic actions Ground movement during an earthquake / seismic tremors leads to relative displacement of a building foundation. etc.). ship or aeroplane impacts and falling rocks. protection nets. the building cannot or is unable to follow this movement without deformation. Owing to the inertia of its mass. avalanches and explosions. generally only occur as individual peaks. Shock 27 . This results in stress and strain for the structure. seismic loads generally have to be taken up by a high loading capacity and very little deformation. even though sometimes they are the only loading case a structure is designed for (e. A fastening should be able to withstand design basis earthquakes without damage.g. restoring forces are set up and vibration is induced. plastic deformations of fasteners and structural members are usually permitted. Determining the forces acting on a fastening is difficult and specialists thus provide them. after 2 million load cycles or more) is approx.under fatigue impact 28 . which are attributable to the aggregates hindering shrinkage of the cement paste. etc. influence the behaviour much more. . If a material is subjected to a sustained load that changes with respect to time. it can fail after a certain number of load cycles even though the upper limit of the load withstood up to this time is clearly lower than the ultimate tensile strength under static loading. .under seismic or shock impact The material strength is not as much influenced as under fatigue impact. Concrete strength is reduced to about 55 – 65% of the initial strength after 2’000’000 load cycles. This loss of strength is referred to as material fatigue. The fatigue strength of concrete is directly dependent on the grade of concrete.. These properties are generally determined by carrying out simple tests with specimens..Dynamic Design for Anchors Material Behaviour . the final strength (i. Other factors... In the case of structural and heat-treatable steels.e..under static loading The behaviour is described essentially by the strength (tensile and compressive) and the elastic-plastic behaviour of the material. 25-35% of the static strength. In the non-loaded state. as inertia. concrete already has micro-cracks in the zone of contact of the aggregates and the cement paste. The grade and quality of steel has a considerable influence on the alternating strength. cracks.. however. such as behaviour in a fire.Dynamic Design for Anchors Anchor Behaviour Fatigue When a large number of load cycles is involved. More recently. This leads to a redistribution of the forces in the anchors during the appearance of the load cycles. the base material and the type of anchor. under circumstances. The concrete can only fail when an anchor is at a reduced anchorage depth and subjected to tensile loading or an anchor is at a reduced distance from an edge and exposed to shear loading. Suitability under fatigue loading Suitability under seismic loading Suitability under shock loading 29 . it is important to remember that they cannot be regarded as something isolated to take up seismic forces.) With any earthquake design of fasteners. adhesive systems suitable for use in cracked concrete have been developed. The following main effects can then be observed: • • • deformation is greater when the breaking load is reached.g. Both mechanical and chemical anchors are basically suitable for fastenings subjected to fatigue loading. Hilti manufactures the HDA and HVZ anchors of special grades of steel resistant to fatigue and has also subjected them to suitable tests.e. Individual anchors in a multiple-anchor fastening can have a different elastic stiffness and a displacement (slip) behaviour that differs from one anchor to another. n>10 4. In this respect. To date. but that they must be incorporated in the overall context of a design. Stiffer anchors are subjected to higher loads. the respective suitability tests are carried out using a level of action (loading) that is considerably higher than the working load level. the energy absorbed by an anchor is also much higher. accompanying requirements to be met. In view of this. Shock Load increase times in the range of milliseconds can be simulated during tests on servo-hydraulic testing equipment. whereas the loads in the weaker anchors are reduced. it is usually the anchor in single fastenings that is critical (due to steel failure). e. if an anchor is set in a crack. more recent investigations show that the base material (cracked or non-cracked concrete). e. These restrictions can make mechanical systems preferable. the HVZ anchor. concrete cracks resulting from seismic activity should be taken into consideration. When designing anchor fastenings. Allowance is made for these two effects by using a reduction factor for multiple-anchor fastenings. Earthquakes Anchors (fasteners) subjected to seismic loading can. breaking loads are of roughly the same magnitude during static loading and shock-loading tests. After an earthquake. mechanical anchor systems have been used primarily for applications in civil defence installations. has no direct effect on the loadbearing behaviour. i. The behaviour of anchors under seismic action depends on the magnitude of loading. the direction of loading. chemical anchors take preference.g. be stressed far beyond their static loading capacity. Where fastenings subjected to seismic loading are concerned. the loading capacity (ultimate state) of an anchor is considerably reduced (to 30 – 80% of the original resistance. There are. perspective injection washer plan view spherical washer nut lock nut By using the dynamic set for static fastenings. An uneven shear load distribution within the anchors in the fastening is the result as the clearance hole is always larger than the anchor diameter to ensure an easy installation. the gap between anchor shaft and clearance hole has an important role. An example from this test programme. the shear resistance is improved significantly. a spherical washer. double fastenings with HVZ M10 anchors with and without the Dynamic Set are shown to compare resulting shear resistance and stiffness.2 Upgrading shear resistance using the Dynamic Set If a multiple-anchor fastening is loaded towards the edge of a concrete member (shear load). The effect of the clearance hole gap on the internal load distribution increases if the shear load direction changes during the service life. which permits HIT injection adhesive to be dispensed into the clearance hole. row of load-bearing edge of concrete row of non load-bearing anchors V concrete failure surface The second row of anchors can be activated only after a considerable slip of the anchoring plate.Dynamic Set for Shear Resistance Upgrade 3. This consists of a special washer. a nut and a lock nut. Hilti developed the so called Dynamic Set. To make anchors suitable for alternating shear loads. 30 . Design methods take this fact into account by assuming that only the row of anchors nearest to the concrete edge takes up all the shear load. A series of experiments has verified this assumption. The unfavourable situation that only one row of anchors takes up all loads no longer exists and the load is distributed uniformly among all anchors. This slip normally takes place after the edge failure of the outside row. no eccentricity. When carrying out a simple fastening design. when the concrete edge has already failed. Spherical washer: Reduces bending moment acting on anchor shaft not set at right angles and thus increases the tensile loading capacity. member thickness ok. = 3 x (V Rk. it may be assumed if the Dynamic Set is used the overall load bearing capacity of the multiple fastening is equal to the resistance of the first row of anchors multiplied by the number of rows in the fastening. the ETAG restrictions on more than 6 anchor fastenings can be overcome.V A0 c. c ) Improvements with Dynamic Set: Injection washer: Fills clearance hole and thus guarantees that the load is uniformly distributed among all anchors. V 0 Hilti (extended Hilti CC Method using the Dynamic Set): V inject. If injection with the Dynamic Set is used. Example: Resistance to concrete edge failure of a nine (3x3) anchor plate (no other edges. 31 .c = VRk. Lock nut: Prevents loosening of the nut and thus lifting of the anchoring plate away from the concrete in case of cyclic loading. V A c. V A0 c. The injection and the Dynamic Set resulted in a continuous load increase until the whole multiple fastening fails. c A c. loading direction towards the edge): c1 s1 s2 V ETAG: 0 x VRk.Dynamic Set for Shear Resistance Upgrade with Dynamic Set (extended Hilti method) slotted hole standard clearance hole injected without Dynamic Set (ETAG) member edge The test results show clearly that according to the current practice the second row of anchors takes up the load only after significant deformation of the plate. c x Rk. 00 9.50 7.30 1.00 3177 / 1722-1 3.80 1.50 F120 1.50 HSC-I 3177 / 1722-1 HSC-AR (s/s) 3177 / 1722-1 3.00 4.50 1.00 10.50 1. x60 M12x60 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 3.20 3.00 0.00 25.70 Report from IBMB / Technical university of Brunswick.00 6.00 2. DIN 4102 T. x60 M12x60 M8x40. approvals and directives / guidelines specific to country or technical data in the Hilti fastening technology manual are decisive.50 1.00 12.40 15. x50 M10x40 M12x60 M8x40 M10x50.50 7.00 30. TU BR UTZ uwesen AUN CH as Ba e d Anchor / fastener The max.00 3.00 20.50 3.00 5.50 3.50 6.00 7.00 1.00 21.00 5. In the case of planning and design.00 3. x50 M10x40 M12x60 M8x40 M10x50.50 10.00 3.90 10.00 F90 1.80 4.00 0.00 7.00 15.00 8.60 1.00 F180 0.70 0.00 9.00 2.10 4.50 3.50 2.50 1.00 2.90 10.20 3.30 1. BRA IVB fanstalt NDS für SS ialprü r Tested according to the international standard temperature curve (ISO 834.00 2.00 20.00 8.00 3027 / 0274-5 HSC-IR (s/s) HSL-3 1. loading given here applies only if the fastening maintains proper functioning in a fire.00 1.10 2.00 20.2) Tested when set in cracked concrete and exposed to flames without insulating or protective measures.00 12.50 10.00 15. M BAU F.70 1.00 4. Amtliche Mat A AU U.00 1.00 7. no.00 1.00 15.40 15.40 0.20 3.00 5.Fire 4 Resistance to fire Tested fasteners for passive structural fire prevention STOFFE.00 7.00 F60 2.70 1.50 2.20 3.00 0.00 10.50 2.00 6.00 2.00 34.30 2. 3039 / 8151 HDA-F 3039 / 8151 HDA-R (s/s) 3039 / 8151 HSC-A 3177 / 1722-1 3.50 1.60 45. loading (kN) for specified fire resistance time (fire resistance time in minutes) F30 HDA M10 M12 M16 M20 M10 M12 M16 M10 M12 M16 M8x40. C 1000 500 0 30 60 90 120 Min D.50 2.80 2.60 4.00 4.50 7.20 3.50 14.00 HSL-G-R (s/s) 3027 / 0274-5 .00 20.00 6. 32 EIG INSTIT UT HW SC 1 F Size Max.00 1.00 6.00 1.70 34.00 50.00 30.80 4.00 25.00 2.00 4. 00 9.00 25.00 1.50 1.20 3.75 7.00 1.00 9.00 1.00 26.00 1.40 0.00 4.5 (M5) 8 (M6) 10 (M8) 12 (M10) 16 (M12) 20 (M16) 6/45 6/35 0.00 6.50 14.30 0.20 F180 Report from IBMB / Technical university of Brunswick.10 2.30 0.00 2. strength class 12/II) 3794 / 7949-1 DBZ The max.00 1.00 5.00 7.00 15.00 13. no.15 0.00 0.80 3.70 3. In the case of planning and design.70 0.20 0.60 1.00 4. approvals and directives / guidelines specific to country or technical data in the Hilti fastening technology manual are decisive.25 0. loading (kN) for specified fire resistance time (fire resistance time in minutes) F30 HSA M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 0.00 0.30 F90 0.00 2.50 0.50 1.75 0.50 1.40 0.20 2.30 1.65 3.50 4.30 0.40 1.40 0.80 0.50 3.Fire Anchor / fastener Size Max.00 1. loading given here applies only if the fastening maintains proper functioning in a fire.00 0.00 F60 0.00 0.40 0. 33 .20 3.00 8.00 9.80 F120 0.50 10.00 5.00 5.30 2.15 0.80 1. 3049 / 8151 HSA-R (s/s) 3049 / 8151 HKD-S HKD-SR (s/s) 3027 / 0274-4 HKD-E HUS-H 10.50 1.50 0.25 0.00 2.25 0.50 18.00 3.60 6.00 7.20 3.30 3.00 4.15 0.50 14.5 (concrete) 12.50 0.00 1.80 7.20 0.40 0.00 3.00 7.25 0.80 3.80 2.70 1.00 4.50 7.00 2.15 3304 / 1255-2 3133 / 0856-2 (Mz) (solid sand-lime brick KSV.50 11.00 1.80 0.80 4.60 1.5 3950 / 7261 HLC 6.20 0.20 2.00 1.60 1.25 0.80 1.90 1.50 7. 00 50.00 5.40 0.50 15.00 0.00 15.00 5.00 17.00 58.00 13.00 1.00 2.00 8.00 11.00 6.00 24.00 10.00 12.00 7.00 30.00 65.00 51.00 19.50 F90 0.50 10. 34 .80 3.90 1.50 15.00 6.00 F180 Report from IBMB / Technical university of Brunswick.Fire Anchor / fastener Max.50 5.80 4.00 82.90 1.00 5. In the case of planning and design.00 25.50 0.50 1.00 16.00 0.00 9.00 1.00 20.50 0.80 4. 3245 / 1817-7 HVU + HAS-ER M8 / HCR M10 (S/S) M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 HVU + HIS-N M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M8 M10 M12 3245 / 1817-7 3245 / 1817-7 HVU + HIS-RN (S/S) 3245 / 1817-7 Hilti HIT-HY 20 + HIT-AN/ANR (S/S) 3357 / 0550-4 The max.30 1.00 1.00 50.00 15. approvals and directives / guidelines specific to country or technical data in the Hilti fastening technology manual are decisive.00 36.50 1.40 1.00 0.50 14.20 3.00 0.00 1.50 5.00 24.00 15.50 0.00 16.00 7.20 0.30 1.00 34. no. loading (kN) for specified fire resistance time (fire resistance time in minutes) F30 HVU + HAS-E M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 1.00 36.00 5.00 0.00 70.00 12.00 0.50 5.40 0.20 3.50 9.50 1.80 2.00 56.00 10.00 13.00 3.20 F120 0.80 4.00 3.00 3.00 35.00 85.00 7.00 120.00 3.00 6.00 10.50 25.50 10.00 0.00 9.20 0. loading given here applies only if the fastening maintains proper functioning in a fire.00 24.00 9.50 4.00 35.50 38.50 4.50 1.50 F60 0.00 2.00 9.50 1.00 25.00 7.00 20.80 2. 80 2.Fire Anchor / fastener Size Max.50 F90 0. loading (kN) for specified fire resistance time (fire resistance time in minutes) F30 Hilti HIT-HY 150 + HAS-E M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 2. 3027 / 0274-6 Hilti HIT-HY 150 + HAS-ER 3027 / 0274-6 Hilti HIT-HY 150 + Rebar Loads dependent on reinforcing bars and concrete coverage / overlay 0.00 10.50 1.00 F60 1.60 6.00 5.00 F120 0. Tested fasteners for passive structural fire prevention STOFFE.00 2.50 1.60 2. Amtliche Mat A AU U. In the case of planning and design.50 0.1648 The max.50 F180 Report from IBMB / Technical university of Brunswick.20 3.5 x Frec to F180 3162 / 6989 DIBt approval Z-21. Additional report to 3245/ 1817-2 HVU+ HAS-HCR M8 M10 M12 M16 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 0.10 1.5 – 1. BRA IVB fanstalt NDS für SS ialprü r C 1200 800 400 0 30 60 90 120 Min Tested according to the german tunnel temperature curve (ZTV-tunnel.00 2.00 12.00 12.00 7.00 12.60 6.60 1.00 0.50 16.00 3.20 8.20 2.70 3.50 5.00 10.90 4.40 0.00 2.00 7.50 8.00 6. no.40 0. part 1)) Tested when set in cracked concrete and exposed to flames without insulating or protective measures. approvals and directives / guidelines specific to country or technical data in the Hilti fastening technology manual are decisive. M BAU F.00 12.90 3. TU BR UTZ uwesen AUN CH as Ba e d Anchor / fastener EIG INSTIT UT HW SC 1 F Size Max.00 6.50 1.50 16.00 10.00 8.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 10. D. no.50 5. loading given here applies only if the fastening maintains proper functioning in a fire.8 . loading (kN) for specified fire rating/integrity Report from IBMB / Technical university of Brunswick.20 7.70 3.60 5.30 1.50 1.00 HKD-SR Additional report to 3027 / 0274-4 35 .50 5.50 1. HHD-S.Anchor design 5 Anchor design 5. HWB Ru. HPS-1. ϒM . HRA. IN. which uses the global safety factor. is being increasingly replaced by the partial safety factor concept. 1) k. HSC. HGN. i. HLD. HSA.m mean ultimate load 1) ⋅(1 − k ⋅ v ) Rk characteristic load ϒM ⋅(1 − k ⋅ v ) Rk characteristic load 1) Rd design load ϒF ≤ R d ⋅ν 1 ϒF S actual load Rrec Recommended load Rrec Recommended load The safety concept. depends on the number of tests. DBZ. the load bearing capacity of the fastening. Partial safety factors for resistance covers uncertainties and the scatter pertaining to the resistance. HIT-HY 150. HIT-HY 50. IDMR. IZ. HUS.m mean ultimate load Ru. HRD. coefficient of variation. ϒF (Ultimate limit state design) The partial safety factor concept is valid for all versions of the following anchors: HDA. HRT. One important feature of this partial safety factor concept is the strict separation of the partial safety factors for the applied loads and the partial safety factors for the resistance of the fastening to these loads Partial safety factors for loads are intended to cover uncertainties and scatter where loads are concerned. HST.1 Safety concept This Fastening Technology Manual uses two different safety concepts: Partial safety factor concept. HVU. HIT-ICE. HKD. HRC. IDMS. HIT-RE 500. HVA-UW. HLC. v. HVZ. HIT-HY 20. HSL-3. HUD-1.e. 36 . Global safety factor concept. HSP. ν (working stress method) The global safety factor concept is valid for the following anchors: IDP. HA 8. HUD-L. DBZ. [1]). HST. it is often necessary for them to be sized in accordance with standard engineering practice to make sure that not only the anchor fastening design is optimally utilised. HA8. HGN. HIT-TZ. The different failure modes. while including as much of the latest approach as possible.2 Design methods When top-quality medium and heavy-duty fastenings have to be made in concrete. IDMR. HVA-UW. IDMS. IZ. HUS-S.Anchor design 5. January 1997. HRA. HIT-HY 20) as well as the anchors for special applications (HRC. HRT. This design method. HVZ. Thus leading to higher loads in certain applications. HSA. IDP. HIT-HY 150. HSP. which uses the global safety concept. The anchors for which this design method is used are: HDA. The current international state of the art regarding the design of fastenings [1]. The main features of the new design method are: • • Differentiation between failure modes: pull-out/concrete or steel failure. 37 . HIT-ICE. HPS-1. HVA. HHD. but also that the required level of safety is guaranteed. The anchor for which the Traditional Hilti Desgin Method can be used is: HSL-G-R The anchors for light-duty (HLC. HIT-HY 50. is being increasingly replaced by the above mentioned design methods (Hilti CC or ETAG CC) with the partial safety factor concept. the so called concrete capacity method (CC-Method) was used as the basis for this product information. Design of Fastenings in concrete: Design Guide . The load values are based on test results. made in mainly inhomogeneous base materials and under special conditions. • The data given are in conformance with upcoming design codes such as the design method according to ETAG Annex C or ACI 318 chapter 22 (or see Ref. The benefits of this approach are: • The new method reflects the actual anchor behaviour in a more accurate fashion. How these features are used in the actual fastening design is shown on the following pages.Parts 1 to 3. IN. Differentiation of the safety factors based on different failure modes. Thomas Telford Publishing. HUD. only on a very simple basis. Bulletin 233. [1] Comité Euro-International du Béton. HRD. HWB) are used with the anchor fastening being designed. HKD. shown on page 47. This design method was simplified to retain as much as possible of the previous design method. HSC. HLD. HSL-3. which occur when the anchor is loaded to failure are treated separately. HIT-RE 500 This Fastening Technology Manual also includes the Traditional Hilti Design Method. • The differentiation between failure modes allows more flexibility with regard to the steel elements without having to perform a new design calculation. N edge distance influencing factor Final design resistance against concrete failure: 0 NRd.Anchor design 5.N concrete strength influencing factor fB.N Final design tensile resistance: NRd = min NRd.s .c · fB.N concrete strength influencing factor fT anchorage depth influencing factor fT anchorage depth influencing factor Final design resistance against pull-out failure: 0 NRd.p = NRd . namely pull-out failure.N · fT · fA.1 Ultimate limit state design method Tensile resistance: Three failure modes can appear in this load direction.N · fR.c = NRd .2.p basic value of design Concrete failure 0 NRd . concrete failure and failure of the steel element.p .c basic value of design Steel failure NRd. NRd.s { } Safety check: NSd ≤ NRd NSd design value of applied tensile loads 38 .c . NRd.N anchor spacing influencing factor fR. The following chart shows the flow of required calculations: Pull-out failure 0 NRd . design tensile resistance resistance resistance of steel fB.N · f T fA.p · f B. V anchor spacing and edge distance influence factor fβ. V influencing factor for direction of loading Final design resistance to concrete failure: 0 VRd. V · f AR. The following chart shows the flow of required calculations: Concrete edge failure 0 VRd .c = VRd .s. design tensile resistance of steel fB. breaking away of the concrete component edge and the shear failure of the steel element.c · fB.e. i.c .VRd. V · fβ. V concrete strength influencing factor fAR.s } Safety check: VSd VRd VSd design value of applied shear loads 39 .Anchor design Shear resistance: A distinction is made between two failure modes with this type (direction) of loading. load: VRd = min { VRd.c basic value of design resistance Steel failure VRd. namely concrete edge failure. V Rec. e. Using the parabolic curve relationship ⎛ N∗ ⎞ ⎛V ∗ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ ≤ 1 N V ⎝ Rd ⎠ ⎝ Rd ⎠ α = 2. 1.Anchor design Combined load: If there are combinations of tensile and shear loads.5 If N Rd and V Rd are governed by steel failure For all other failure modes α α N∗ 2. F∗at an angle α is given by: F∗ = N∗ 2 + V∗ 2 V∗ N∗ N∗ F∗ α = arctan V∗ Where N∗ = tensile component V∗ = shear component There are two common methods of checking the anchor suitability. loads under an angle α with respect to the anchor axis. the design check is given by: F∗ (α) ≤ FRd (α) The design action. i.0 α = 1.2 ⎝ NRd ⎠ ⎝ VRd ⎠ 40 . Using the straight line relationship V∗ ⎛ N ∗ ⎞ ⎛V ∗ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟ ≤ 1. V .c · Ac . N Ac0.N .V Ac0.c = VRk . N · Ψ ec . Guideline for European Technical Approval Annex C“. • Resistance to splitting failure: If the minimum value for the thickness of the concrete member is considered splitting is not decisive. The factor fB. Resistance to Tension Loads: • Resistance to steel failure: no changes • Resistance to pull-out failure: no changes • Resistance to concrete cone failure: The general formula for concrete cone resistance is: 0 N Rk .V · Ψχ .2. The factor Ψucr .V · Ψ s .V Ac0. N relates to an eccentricity of the acting load on the anchor plate. N relates to an eccentricity of the load on the anchor plate. • Resistance to concrete pry-out: This failure mode is only decisive with short. N takes into account the different resistances for cracked and uncracked concrete.V · Ψ h .2 Differences compared to the design method according to ETAG Annex C To allow a simple manual calculation with this handbook different factors in ETAG Annex C are combined in one factor and some of the factors are not taken into account. In this manual these different values are given in separate tables.V · Ψ h . N · Ψ s . Resistance to Shear Loads: • Resistance to steel failure without lever arm: no changes • Resistance to steel failure with lever arm: With this simplified method a stand-off fastening cannot be calculated. N The factor Ψec .c · Ac .V combines the factors 0 Ac . N is not necessary. Therefore the Ψucr . N relates to a spalling of the concrete above the first layer of rebars.R combine the factors Ac . which are already integrated in VRk . Details for the statements below can be found in the document „Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete. This failure mode is not decisive for embedment depth bigger than 100mm or a reasonable layout of the rebars. The factor Ψre . N · Ψucr .N and fA. N The resistances to concrete cone failure given in chapter 2 and 3 relate to a standard concrete quality of C20/25. The factor Ψχ . Ac0. N The resistances given in chapter 2 and 3 relates to a standard concrete quality of C20/25 at a minimum edge distance.V · Ψ ec .c = N Rk . N · Ψ re .c . This factor is not included in the simplified design method.Anchor design 5. The factors fA.V · Ψ s . • Resistance to concrete edge failure: The general formula for concrete edge resistance is: 0 VRk . c .V calculates the effect of the load direction and is fβ.V · Ψucr . This is not taken into account in the simplified method.N takes into account the different concrete grades. The factor Ψec .N takes into account the different concrete grades. The factor fB.V in this manual. N · Ψ s . which are already respected in 0 N Rk . stiff anchors and is therefore not considered in this simplified method. 41 . The factors fAR. The main assumption is the even load redistribution on all anchors. Both calculations. In this manual these different values are given in separate tables. rigid anchor plate).3 Anchor Design Program PROFIS Anchor In addition to the possible design according to different national and international approvals a new Hilti design method SOFA (=Solutions for fastenings) is introduced. For bonded anchors with a bigger embedment depth than standard the concrete resistance is calculated as a combination of concrete cone failure and pull-out failure. SOFA allows all geometries for anchor plates and all anchor positions. Therefore the results can be different as well. This leads to different results as if the anchor forces are calculated according to simplified measures. This method is different in several points from the simplified method in this manual. 5. 4. N takes into account the different resistances for cracked and uncracked concrete. N is not necessary.e. 3. the results are on the safe side.Anchor design The factor Ψucr .g. 42 . 1. 2. This makes an engineering judgement of the design necessary (especially for shear forces close to an edge). If a bending moment is acting on the anchor plate the anchor forces are calculated in relation to the bedding of the anchor plate on the concrete.2. i. according to the manual and using the anchor program. The above mentioned restrictions for eccentricity are not valid in SOFA. lead to conservative results. Therefore the Ψucr . (E. N = NRd.c is tabulated. Where applicable.p is tabulated.p • f BN NRd.cyl = 20 MPa no edge or spacing influences. N0Rd. non-cracked concrete concrete compressive strength. Use formula and observe the limits given fT = 43 . separately.4 Anchor design according to the ultimate limit state design method (Hilti CC method) Basic Load Data • • • The first page of the product data shows the results of an anchor calculation for a specific case. for each anchor size.p = kN NRd.c : Basic concrete cone resistance N0Rd.cracked concrete.c : concrete cone resistance NRd.2. Some anchors have not been tested in cracked concrete.p : Concrete pull-out resistance Take the “basic” value and apply the concrete strength factor. The two results are finally combined to determine the load capacity at angle α TENSION The tensile resistance is the minimum of.p : Basic concrete pull-out resistance N0Rd.p : Concrete pull-out resistance Refer to the tables / formulae under “Detailed design method –Hilti CC Tension “ The “basic” tensile pull-out resistance N0Rd. N0Rd.Anchor design 5.p : concrete pull-out resistance NRd. for each anchor size. f’c.c : Concrete cone resistance Refer to the tables / formulae under “Detailed design method –Hilti CC Tension “ The “basic” tensile concrete cone resistance N0Rd. o N Rd . The calculation method Detailed Desgin Method Hilti CC should be used. for example.p = N Rd . fB. different data is given for cracked and non. The method calculates the resistance to pure tension and to pure shear. For any other scenario. NRd.c = kN fT : Influence of embedment depth An increased tensile capacity may result from setting some anchor products deeper into the concrete. do not use the data as the basis for calculation.s : steel resistance: NRd.p = kN fBN : Influence of concrete strength tabulated. anchor A is the weakest. (formula for other spacings) Multiply together all individual factors for each relevant spacing relevant spacings s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = fAN (for s1) = fAN (for s2) = fAN (for s3) = fAN (for s4) = fAN = fRN: Influence of edge distance tabulated. The small overlap with the lower right anchor can be ignored. consider the spacings and edges affecting the weakest anchor. The stressed areas (cones of influence) can be visualised as circles. then several calculations may be necessary Here. or where they are cut by an edge. If it is not immediately clear which anchor is the weakest.Anchor design fBN : Influence of concrete strength tabulated. Take the “basic” value and apply all the relevant factors. c • fT • fBN • f AN • fRN NRd.s NRd = kN kN 44 . Where the circles overlap.c : Concrete cone resistance.c and NRd. fB.s = NRd : Design resistance for pure tension NRd = minimum of NRd. It is influenced by two spacings and two edges.c = kN NRd.s : Steel tensile resistance Read directly from the table NRd. NRd. reduction factors apply. o NRd . (formula for other edge distances) Multiply together all individual factors for each relevant edge distance relevant edges c1 = c2 = c3 = if more than 3 edges are < ccrn. The factors are independent.N = Note : An anchor may be influenced by spacings and/or edges in up to 4 directions. For TENSION. contact Hilti fRN (for c1) = fRN (for c2) = fRN (for c3) = fRN = NRd. fAN: Influence of anchor spacing tabulated.c = NRd .p . V ).c : concrete edge resistance VRd. When considering concrete edge failure. 4 hole baseplate s 3c . the resistance result will be too high as it assumes benefit from the unstressed concrete between.c is tabulated. it helps to picture the failure as though the shear was towards the edge (The actual shear direction is accounted for by the influence of load direction. they must be treated as single anchors. as assumed in these calculations V0Rd. If they are treated as a group. Above.c : Basic concrete edge resistance The “basic” concrete edge resistance V0Rd. s<3c The actual baseplate design will often contain other anchors which are further from the edge.c = kN 45 .s : steel resistance: VRd.for each anchor size at minimum edge distance cmin (factors are applied which increase this resistance for greater edge distances) c = cmin V0Rd. s3<3c If further anchors are close enough (s<3c) they will influence the edge resistance because the stressed areas overlap.more area means more capacity. These have no affect on the edge resistance (but they must be considered for the tensile calculations). (not only the edge in the direction of shear). fβ.c : Concrete edge resistance Refer to the tables / formulae under “Detailed design method –Hilti CC Shear ” The weakest concrete edge resistance must be calculated.Anchor design SHEAR The shear resistance is the minimum of. All nearby edges must be checked. the resistance for the 2 anchors closest to the edge can be found. s2<3c .treat as two single anchors If further anchors are far enough away from each other (s 3c). The white areas in the following diagrams represent the concrete capacity . Single Pair Row The concrete edge resistance for a single anchor depends on the edge distance. The shape of the stressed area is approximated to a triangle of height c and base 3c as shown. Two individual anchors s<3c s1<3c . It is important that the baseplate be designed and installed such that the applied shear is distributed onto all anchors. VRd. Anchor design COMBINED LOADS There are two common methods of checking the anchor suitability.2 ⎝ NRd ⎠ ⎝ VRd ⎠ 46 .5 If N Rd and V Rd are governed by steel failure For all other failure modes α α N∗ 2.0 α = 1. Using the parabolic curve relationship ⎛ N∗ ⎞ ⎛V ∗ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ ≤ 1 N V ⎝ Rd ⎠ ⎝ Rd ⎠ α = 2. 1. Using the straight line relationship V∗ ⎛ N ∗ ⎞ ⎛V ∗ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟+⎜ ⎟ ≤ 1. Anchor design 47 . with friction taper for easy setting Self undercutting. for heavy duty fastenings High tensile steel mechanical expansion anchor. for use in hollow base materials Internally threaded sleeve. specifically for use with HIT-HY20 in hollow base materials Internally threaded drop-in anchor. for heavy duty fastenings. with friction taper for easy setting Stainless steel threaded rod. "T" for through fastening Zinc plated internally threaded anchor sleeve Stainless steel internally threaded anchor sleeve Threaded rod. specifically for use with HIT-HY20 in hollow base materials HIT-HY SC Composite mesh sieve. Internal thread. "P" for in place fastening Self undercutting. With Torque Indicator Cap Concrete screw anchor Hilti Vinyl Urethane chemical capsule HIT-RE 500 High performance injection epoxy. standard length. zinc plated Self undercutting mechanical anchor for shallow embedment depth. External thread. heavy duty mechanical anchor. for use in solid base materials HIT-HY 20 HIT-IG Two component hybrid mortar injection anchor. specifically for use with HIT-HY20 in hollow base materials HIT-HY 150 Two component hybrid mortar injection anchor. stainless steel Hilti Stud Anchor. ideal for rebar application HKD-S HKD-SR HSA HSA-F HSA-R HSC-A HSC-AR HSC-I HSC-IR HSL-3 HSL-3-B HUS-H HVU 48 . standard length. Internal thread. with friction taper for easy setting Hot dipped galvanised threaded rod. standard length. stainless steel Self undercutting mechanical anchor for shallow embedment depth. stainless steel Self undercutting mechanical anchor for shallow embedment depth.Specifying Hilti anchors Specifying Hilti anchors Glossary of Hilti Anchors HAS-E HAS-E-F HAS-E-R HDA-P HDA-T HIS-N HIS-RN HIT-AN Zinc plated threaded rod. zinc plated Self undercutting mechanical anchor for shallow embedment depth. hot dipped galvanised Hilti Stud Anchor. zinc plated Hilti Stud Anchor. zinc plated Internally threaded drop-in anchor. heavy duty mechanical anchor. External thread. stainless steel High tensile steel mechanical expansion anchor. Standard 170mm embedment HIT-HY20 Hilti HIT-HY20 chemical injection with HAS-E M12 rod (zinc plated) using HITHY SC composite sleeve. Standard 125mm embedment Hilti HIT-HY150 chemical injection with HAS-E-F M16 rod (hot dipped galvanised). Standard 125mm embedment HVU + HIS-N Hilti HVU M20 chemical capsule with HIS-N M16 sleeve (zinc plated). Standard 85mm embedment Contact your local Hilti Engineer Contact your local Hilti Engineer HIT-RE500 + Rebar Hilti HIT-RE500 chemical injection with N16 rebar. 430mm embedment N/A N/A 49 Specifying Hilti anchors . Standard 125mm embedment Hilti HIT-HY150 chemical injection with HAS-E-R M16 rod (stainless steel). Standard 125mm embedment. Standard 170mm embedment HIT-HY150 + HAS-E Hilti HIT-HY150 chemical injection with HAS-E M16 rod (zinc plated). Hot dipped galvanised Hilti HVU M16 chemical capsule with HAS-E-F M16 rod (hot dipped galvanised). Standard 125mm embedment HIT-HY150 + HIS-N Hilti HIT-HY150 chemical injection with HIS-N M16 sleeve (zinc plated).Specifying Hilti anchors Chemical anchors The following are examples of some typical specifications Anchor HVU + HAS-E Zinc plated Hilti HVU M16 chemical capsule with HAS-E M16 rod (zinc plated). Standard 125mm embedment Stainless steel Hilti HVU M16 chemical capsule with HAS-E-R M16 rod (stainless steel). Standard 170mm embedment N/A Hilti HIT-HY150 chemical injection with HIS-RN M16 sleeve (stainless steel). N/A Hilti HVU M20 chemical capsule with HIS-RN M16 sleeve (stainless steel). Standard 170mm embedment. Specifying Hilti anchors Specifying Hilti anchors Mechanical anchors The following are examples of some typical specifications Anchor HDA-P Zinc plated Hilti HDA-P M10x100/20 design anchor (zinc plated) NB: /20 = max. thickness NB: /20 = max. thickness fastened of 25mm -B = automatic torque indicator cap N/A NB: Special length HSL-G anchors can be made to suit design requirements. Contact your local Hilti Engineer N/A Hilti HSL-G-R M12/25 heavy duty anchor (stainless steel) NB: /25 = max. thickness fastened of 20mm fastened of 20mm Hilti HDA-PR M10x100/20 design anchor HSL-3-B Hilti HSL-3-B M12/25 heavy See HSL-G-R anchor duty anchor (zinc plated) NB: /25 = max. thickness fastened of 20mm Hilti HDA-PF M10x100/20 Hot dipped galvanised design anchor (sheradised) Stainless steel (stainless steel) HDA-T NB: /20 = max. thickness fastened of 25mm HSL-3 HSL-G-R HSC-A Hilti HSC-A M10x40 safety anchor (zinc plated) Hilti HSC-I M10x50 safety anchor (zinc plated) Hilti HSA M16x140 stud anchor (zinc plated) N/A Hilti HSC-AR M10x40 safety anchor (stainless steel) HSC-I N/A Hilti HSC-IR M10x50 safety anchor (stainless steel) Hilti HSA-R M16x140 stud anchor (stainless steel) HSA Hilti HSA-F M16x140 stud anchor (hot dipped galvanized) HKD-S Hilti HKD-S M10x40 N/A drop-in anchor (zinc plated) Hilti HKD-SR M10x40 dropin anchor (stainless steel) 50 .
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