2006 Sanjay Prabhakaran

March 22, 2018 | Author: S1536097F | Category: Python (Programming Language), Ancient Astronomy, Astrology, Astronomy, Science



Nakshatra Drishti|| Om Gurave Namah || Dear Jyotishas, Today was thinking about the drishti's arising due to nakshatra, So thought will just write a ew note on it! "e have two ty#es o dristi's arising on $ashi level namely, %! Graha Drishti on $ashi! &ll grahas' 'e()e#t *etu+ as#e)t the seventh rashi rom their #osition! The higher grahas' ,ars, Ju#iter, Saturn and $ahu have additional s#e)ial as#e)ts namely, - and ./ 0 and 1/ 2 and %3 / 0,1 and %4 'in reverse or $ahu+! 4! $ashi Dristhi! 5i(ed signs as#e)t movable and movable signs as#e)t i(ed! The dual signs as#e)t ea)h other! No sign )an as#e)t the adja)ent sign! Draw the 6odia) in s7uare orm draw hori6onal and diagnal lines rom ea)h rashi to remember it! 8n Jyotish, we always have two 'hora+ basi) level identi i)ations, One lunar and the other solar! Sin)e the above is solar as#e)ts, we also should have lunar as#e)ts similar to the above! The Solar division is rashi and lunar division is nakshatra! So we have two ty#es o Drishti on nakshatra level! %! Graha drishti on Nakshatra 9 &ll Graha's as#e)t the %0th nakshatra rom their #osition! The additional drishti is as, Sun 14,15 Moon 14,15 Mars 1,3,7,8,15 Mercury Jupiter 1,15 10,15,19 Venus 1,15 Saturn 3,5,15,19 The table below gives the aspect of a graha in any given nakshatra. No. Nakshatra Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn 1 Aswini 14 1! 14 1! 1 " # $ 1! 1 1! 1% 1! 1& 1 1! " ! 1! 1& ' (harani 1! 1) 1! 1) ' 4 $ & 1) ' 1) 11 1) '% ' 1) 4 ) 1) '% " *rittika 1) 1# 1) 1# " ! & 1% 1# " 1# 1' 1# '1 " 1# ! # 1# '1 4 +ohini 1# 1$ 1# 1$ 4 ) 1% 11 1$ 4 1$ 1" 1$ '' 4 1$ ) $ 1$ '' ! Mrigasira 1$ 1& 1$ 1& ! # 11 1' 1& ! 1& 14 1& '" ! 1& # & 1& '" ) Ar,ra 1& '% 1& '% ) $ 1' 1" '% ) '% 1! '% '4 ) '% $ 1% '% '4 # -unarvasu '% '1 '% '1 # & 1" 14 '1 # '1 1) '1 '! # '1 & 11 '1 '! $ -usya '1 '' '1 '' $ 1% 14 1! '' $ '' 1# '' ') $ '' 1% 1' '' ') & Aslesha '' '" '' '" & 11 1! 1) '" & '" 1$ '" '# & '" 11 1" '" '# 1% Makha '" '4 '" '4 1% 1' 1) 1# '4 1% '4 1& '4 1 1% '4 1' 14 '4 1 11 -oorva -halguni '4 '! '4 '! 11 1" 1# 1$ '! 11 '! '% '! ' 11 '! 1" 1! '! ' 12 Uttar Phal uni 25,2! 25,2! 12,14,18,19,2! 12,2! 21,2!,3 12,2! 14,1!,2!,3 13 "asta 2!,27 2!,27 13,15,19,20,27 13,27 22,27,4 13,27 15,17,27,4 14 #hitra 27,1 27,1 14,1!,20,21,1 14,1 23,1,5 14,1 1!,18,1,5 15 S$ati 1,2 1,2 15,17,21,22,2 15,2 24,2,! 15,2 17,19,2,! 1! Visa%ha 2,3 2,3 1!,18,22,23,3 1!,3 25,3,7 1!,3 18,20,3,7 17 &nura'ha 3,4 3,4 17,19,23,24,4 17,4 2!,4,8 17,4 19,21,4,8 18 Jyestha 4,5 4,5 18,20,24,25,5 18,5 27,5,9 18,5 20,22,5,9 19 Moola 5,! 5,! 19,21,25,2!,! 19,! 1,!,10 19,! 21,23,!,10 20 Poor(a &sha'a !,7 !,7 20,22,2!,27,7 20,7 2,7,11 20,7 22,24,7,11 21 Uttar &sha'a 7,8 7,8 21,23,27,1,8 21,8 3,8,12 21,8 23,25,8,12 22 Sra(ana 8,9 8,9 22,24,1,2,9 22,9 4,9,13 22,9 24,2!,9,13 23 )hanista 9,10 9,10 23,25,2,3,10 23,10 5,10,14 23,10 25,27,10,14 24 Sata*hisa% 10,11 10,11 24,2!,3,4,11 24,11 !,11,15 24,11 2!,1,11,15 25 Poor(a*ha'rapa'a 11,12 11,12 25,27,4,5,12 25,12 7,12,1! 25,12 27,2,12,1! 2! Uttara*ha'rapa'a 12,13 12,13 2!,1,5,!,13 2!,13 8,13,17 2!,13 1,3,13,17 27 +e(ati 13,14 13,14 27,2,!,7,14 27,14 9,14,18 27,14 2,4,14,18 4! Nakshatra Drishti! Draw the sarvatobhadra )hakra 'The s7uare orm o drawing the nakshatras+! Draw :erti)al and diagonal lines to note the nakshatra as#e)t! The table below gives the list in detail! No. Aspecting Nakshatra Nakshatras receiving the aspect 1 &s$ini Poor(aphal uni Jyeshtha +ohini 2 ,harani Ma%ha &nura'ha -rithi%a 3 -rithi%a Sra(ana ,harani Visa%ha 4 +ohini &*i.it &s$ini S$ati 5 Mri ashirisa Uttar &sha'a +e(ati #hitra ! &r'ra Poor(a &sha'a Uttara*ha'rapa'a "asta 7 Punar(asu Moola Poor(a*a'rapa'a Uttaraphal uni 8 Pusya Jyeshtha Sata*hisa% Poor(aphal uni 9 &slesha &nura'ha )hanista Ma%ha 10 Ma%ha ,harani &slesha Sra(ana 11 Poor(aphal uni &s$ini Pusya &*i.it it +ohini Poor(aphal uni Sata*hisa% 23 Sra(ana -rithi%a Ma%ha )hanista 24 )hanista Visa%ha Sra(ana &slesha .harani 18 Jyestha Pusya S$ati &s$ini 19 Moola Punar(asu #hitra +e(ati 20 Poor(a &sha'a &r'ra "asta Uttara*ha'rapa'a 21 Uttar &sha'a Mri ashirisa Uttarphal uni Poor(a*a'rapa'a 22 &*i.12 Uttaraphal uni +e(ati Punar(asu Uttar &sha'a 13 "asta Uttara*ha'rapa'a &r'ra Poor(a &sha'a 14 #hitra Poor(a*a'rapa'a Mri ashirisa Moola 15 S$ati Sata*hisa% +ohini Jyeshtha 1! Visa%ha )hanista -rithi%a &nura'ha 17 &nura'ha &slesha Visa%ha . 25 Sata*hisa% S$ati &*i. thanks or sharing se)ret o astrology with us i think this has not been e(#lain in any astro books )an you tell how we )an )al)ulate the timing o event by using the nakshtra dristi )an you e(#lain some e(am#le )hart amit#uri %%92% &. 1 comments: Anonymous said. mantra et) gets in luen)ed by this! The Graha drishti on nakshatra level is desire on #arti)ular mental as#e)t and nakshatra drishti indi)ates the mutual de#enden)e o )ertain emotional a)tors! "hereas the rashi indi)ates the desire and mutual in luen)es on environment level! "arm $egards Sanjay < <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %3944 <.. <ost a =omment Links to this post ..mind and $ashi indi)ates the resour)es and environments! The Nakshatra drishti indi)ates the desire.it Pusya 2! Poor(a*ha'rapa'a #hitra Uttar &sha'a Punar(asu 27 Uttara*ha'rapa'a "asta Poor(a &sha'a &r'ra 28 +e(ati 2! Uttarphal uni Moola Mri ashirisa The Nakshatra's indi)ate the emotions. sweet / Gamla. Just some thoughts . bitter / and .मधुरH . will add more later! The tastes are )alled $asas.ितकH .u Pun ent %/1ra Salty ti%ta .$मलH .onier "illiams Di)tionary gives the si( tastes 'rasa+ as रस / rasā taste . vi6! Gmadhura.लवणH . kaTu(&ratiktamishramadhuraaamlakashh&yak&> | krameNa sarve viG?ey&> s@ry&d8n&. $asas are o si( ty#es! .aharishi <arashara states them as. o whi)h there are F original kinds .uk/AratiktamiBramadhurAamlaka/AyakA0 | krame1a sarve vijCeyA0 sDryAdEnA2 rasA iti || 2-|| कटु कारितकिमशमधुरामलकषायकाः। कमेण सवे िवजेयाः सूयारदीनां रसा ित! "#! To Tabulate them /raha Sun Moon Mars Mercur y Jupiter Venus Saturn 0aste %a.Create a Link Newer <ost Older <ost >ome Subs)ribe to9 <ost =omments '&tom+ Shad Rasa/Six Tastes || Om Gurave Namah || Dear Jyotishas. salt / GkaTuka. #ungent / Gtikta.itter 2i3ra Mi4e' 2a'hura S$eet 12la Sour %a/1ya astrin ent कटु कार ितक िमश मधुर $मल कषाय .कटु कH . sour / GlavaNa. lavour 'as the #rin)i#al 7uality o luids . ras& iti || 2-|| ka. 43 o 2 . the natural kaala#urusha is taurus ruled by :enus #rovides the basi) sensory #leasure o taste! The '. *etu graha )onjun)t :enus in Taurus+ Thank you. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Friday. F o 0 . %0 mi(tures o 4 .@mami <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %%9-F <. 2006 Adhi De ata !orship Sri Guru $aghavendraaya Namah >ari Jeevottamah Dear Jyotish Gurvis and gurujis. htt#9.en!wiki#edia!org..कषायH . The 4nd house is the organ o taste. August 25.www!lives)ien)e!)om.er)ury #re ers mi(ed taste.er)ury who likes various kinds o tastes! "arm $egards Sanjay < Other $eadings.GkaS&ya.antra bhaava+ to 4nd whi)h is Fth house! The Natural kaala#urusha lord is .41KbadKtongue!html htt#9. and % o F lavours+ S2Ir! J)! J)! The si( are the basi) tastes..humanbiology. <ure water is tastless whi)h orms a base or all the tastes! The Si( tastes are governed by Fth house. Jayashree .3F3. *indly enlighten me when is the #ro#itiation o a #lanet #re erred over the adhi devata worshi#M "hat are the undamental di eren)es between how the graha mani ests the results in either o the above orms o #ro#itiationM &lso is the adhi devata di erent between the times when the graha signi ies a male orm vs! a emale orm natallyM '5or e(am#le. vi6! beside the F original ones . astringent / sometimes F2 varieties are distinguished .antra' or mental notation o taste )omes rom 0th '.wiki. . %0 o .. hitragupta +er"ury 0udha Jupiter 1enus *aturn 5ahu /etu 0rihaspati *hu2ra *hanais"hara )ra3apati 5ahu /etu )itris 0rahma #6able used !rom http788www.ater% *hiva Gauri Pratyadi Devata *oul )rithvi #&arth% /setrapal 1isnu Indra *a"hi Narayana 0rahma Indra 4ama Durga . In Jyotish we use prime !a"tors to understand horos"ope #$ Lagna%.<. &a"h o! the parameters are !urther divided in ' Levels.e also have ' Levels o! ea"h o! the parameters. . 9sually during "omplete poo3a all the three are invo2ed together. August 15. Graha Devata )hysi"al *un +oon +ars *urya . (t the basi" level these are graha. 2006 La"namshaka Dasha .|| Om Gurave Namah || Dear Jayashree. Just as we have three prime re!eren"es to analyse "hart namely. -or the third level you "an use /arthi2eya !or +ars. *un. at the higher level they are (dhi devata and )ratyaadhi devatas. *adashiva #or 0rahman% !or Jupiter. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Tuesday. La2shmi !or 1enus and Ganesha !or /etu.arm 5egards *an3ay ) <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 190.shtml % Depending on the type o! strength you want you "an do the mantras o! Graha."om83yotishNavagraha*u2tam.shri!reedom. +oon and Lagna. Let me try to explain this to you by my understanding.handra +angal Adhi Devata +ental (gni #-ire% (pas #. . (dhi or )ratya adhi devata. !-1" (7: 9: 7 am) .!-1" (7: 9: 7 am) 'a: 189 .!-1" (11:! : am) .!-1# ($:"7:! am) .19 1.!-1! (#:!$:!% pm) . The )om#lete arti)le )an be read rom the maga6ine! The ollowing )ase study is not in the #rint! "arm $egards Sanjay < NLagnamshaka DashaN by Narayan 8yer and Sanjay <rabhakaran Case #: Scientist A$%ert &instein Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Pi: 1879.189 .188 .!-1! (#:!$:!% pm) &r: 188 . 5ollowing a )li# rom the arti)le in Jyotish digest.|| Om Gurave Namah || Dear Jyotishas. of @as/deva C/t/m9a0 'he +hole +orld as single famil. -ncidentall. )ocialismD:0E!7F &l9ert *instein descri9ed the :predator. -nterestingl.0 as a so/rce of evil to 9e overcome. titles affecting his image in this societ. it contains the &r/dha Lagna0 'his a+ard is one of primar.!-1# (": %:1# am) . 3/t in the end part of his life +e get &4/ari/s dasa0 -nstead lets anal.!-1# (8: #:" pm) .!-1# (9:#%:1% pm) Aq: 1947-03-15 (9:56:16 pm) .19$1.sics for his e6planation of the photoelectric effect in 19 # (his :+onderf/l . 7e form/lated the theor.. and aspect of )/n in Pisces. -n fact0 7e +as a+arded the 19$1 8o9el Pri5e for Ph.!-1# (#:#":!" am) Vi: 1921-03-15 (5:54:34 am) . *instein sa+ the far reaching effects of his kno+ledge. @irgo dasa0 <hich also also lorded 9.19!7. 'he fo/r articles contri9/ted a large portion of the fo/ndation for modern ph.ear:) and :for his services to 'heoretical Ph.1909-03-15 (4:06:15 am) (n: 19 9.!-1# (8:18:11 am) . evident.0 +as ver. 'he Merc/r. phase of h/man development:0 e6emplified 9.19%9. heavil.: 'he aspect of )/n and Lagna Lord made him /nderstand a9o/t properties of Light and 'ime. his lagna lord and aspecting )/n +as another important period (19$1-19$%0 7e +as a+arded 8o9el pri5e0 Ane of the highest hono/r achieved in his life.sics. . -n a 19"9 article entitled :<h.19!#.!-1# (#:"$:"8 pm) .ear 19 #0 called the .ear?) are the papers of &l9ert *instein p/9lished in the :Annalen der Physik: 2o/rnal in 19 #. the person +ill do man.!-1# (1:!%:!9 am) . 'he effect of 1/piterBs philosoph. in 19 #. containing0 Lagna Lord0 )/n or 1/piter in his ma2or ad/lt period.!-1# (8: #:" pm) )g: 19!#. -n those . &4/ari/s dasa contains 1/piter0 &s e6pected +e can sa. is also con2oined lagna lord merc/r. of special relativit.1958-03-15 (5:42:48 pm) Pi: 19#8.19"7.sics. for 8/clear disarmament and for a +orld government.1926-03-15 (12:39:24 pm) Li: 19$%.ears the +orld +ar had 2/st ended +ith the /se of &tomic 9om9.stem . a chaotic capitalist societ.19!$.!-1# (8:18:11 am) (p: 19!7. 7e p/9lished 'he Annus Mirabilis apers (from Annus mirabilis0 Latin for ?e6traordinar. one of the most famo/s scientific person dint r/n the Lagnamasaka dasa directl.Ge: 1901-03-15 (2:47:30 am) .!-1" (11: 9:#! pm) .. 7e started to lo99.191%. 'his dasa is from 19 1 to 19 90 &s e6pected he made one of his important scientific papers in this period.!-1# (1$:!9:$" pm) .!-1# (1:!%:!9 am) )c: 19!$.!-1" (11: 9:#! pm) Le: 191%.!-1# (1:$": # pm) *instein lifetime +as from 1879 to 19##. 7e disapproved of the totalitarian regimes in the )oviet Gnion and else+here0 and arg/ed in favor of a democratic socialist s.<onderf/l =ear> in his life falls in this period. activities for the social good. 'he .5e the dasa of Lagna0 Parts of this dasa +ill give res/lts of Lagna Lord Merc/r. 6his would be my re"omendation. August 08.mi"roso!t.N&6 and windows on destination ma"hines.eb *ervers.0 )/n and 1/piter pla.mudgala. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Tuesday. 4ou "an download it !rom http788msdn. all the ph. very similar to J:ora in layout.indows DLL. other ph. *harp "ompiler to edit this so!tware. 1/piterBs ethereal element +as also visi9le in his scientific tho/ghts An March ! 0 19#!0 *instein released a revised uni!ie" !iel" #$e%r&0 'his theor.<*harp%. Python . 6his port is very good !or ma2ing web based Jyotish tools.rgbso!t.ed a ver.."om8vstudio8express8visual"sharp8de!ault. 0ut still I li2ed (3it 2rishnan=s wor2 here. PHP Location: http788swephp. Disadvantages: It=s +i"roso!t spe"i!i">. C# Location: http788www. 2006 'e% %ased open source (ree )yotish so(t!are Om Gurave Namah Dear )ra!ulla.+hich +o/ld com9ine a planned econom. +as an attempt to /nif. It wor2s good. +ith a deep respect for h/man rights.aspx 4ou would need to register the so!tware !or !ree to use it !or long duration o! time. cr/cial role in all his important intellect/al achievements in his life.html Description: +ade by (3it /rishnan. so some disadvantage. :ere is a summary o! all the !ree open sour"e so!twares available !or Jyotish. <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 193. 4ou would need at least express edition o! . runs on apa"he and wide range o! . 'h/s itBs ver. evident from Lagnamsaka dasa that Lagna Lord merc/r. 9ses . I tried "ompiling and editing it a bit."om8mhora8index.sics researchers for /nderstanding this ph.sical +orld. I was able to su""ess!ully "ompile the program with 3ust view warning messages. 4ou would need .sical forces in nat/re. #. 'his is a +ork +hich is still 9eing done 9. Disadvantage: 6he "ore swiss ephemeris is still a .net8 Description: ):) is a web server s"ripting tool.<. 6hen you "an download a !ree open o!!i"e version at http788www.org .htm Description: +any would li2e this. Disadvantage: . I! someone !igures it out please in!orm me.geo"ities. .antra || Om Gurave Namah || >are $ama *rishna . .net8?solo38pysweph. 6hen some web servers provided by some vendors dont support )ython>. )ersonnaly I dont use Java mu"h be"ause o! all the over heads. I would still pre!er a "omplete )erl Languange port o! swiss ephemeris.ore swiss ephemeris is also ported so you need not depend on *wiss ephemeris>. 6his is an ex"el sheet based tool to help you with "omputations whi"h may not be available in many so!tware programs. 6his is very easy to edit and wor2 with i! you 2now ex"el. (nd you "an get many programmers to get this done too.hen you use the openo!!i"e &x"el to load it. <. is li2e )erl.)omments Links to this #ost Monday. 0ut the world )ython #*arpa% puts me o!!> 7%.arm 5egards *an3ay ) <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 193.earthlin2.ore swiss ephemeris is also ported I thin2. . It has some some error appearing. It "an be both a stand alone s"ripting tool and web based s"ripting tool li2e (*) and ):).Location: http788home.Cip Description: 6his is my "ontribution to the "ommunity. August 07. Excel Based Location: http788www.openo!!i"e."om83ephem8astro8ephemeris8et @A*wiss&phemBen. 6hese sheets are basi"ally !or users who 2now how to do the 3yotish "omputation manually and also 2now to use ex"el. I! you do not have mi"roso!t &x"el.he"2 this out. 6he . :ope!ully I will get one soon. 6his would be I thin2 Narayan Iyers re"ommendation 7%. Disadvantage7 I! you want to deploy it as web based tool. 6he advantage is that the .htm Des"ription7 )ython. Java Location: http788astrosur!."om8san3ayprabha2aran81Dasa. 2006 *areRama+rishna . .433F O 3.3%.<osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 194F &.3%.3%.easurements and results 6 5eb '0+  Gandhi's Datta <utra '&do#tion yoga+  8ndia's ne(t #hase Sun Dasa  LTTQ =hie :ellu#illai <rabhakaran  &LTQ$N&T8:Q TO @<&<&D& 5&ST8NG  Sri Lanka >oros)o#e o 6 Jan '2+  Iara)k Obama @S <residen)y )hart  Navakkari =hakra  5wd9 RsohamsaS >a##y New ?ear 6 433. '%F+ o 6 O)t '%+ o • .3%.ar '%+  :astu . 3 )omments Links to this #ost %3.433F 3P.433F O %%.433F >ome Subs)ribe to9 <osts '&tom+ Blog Archive • 5 4331 '1+ o 5 . arriage  <an)hanga Iasi)sONakshatra Sights  @#agrahas  $e9@S& =harts  @S& =harts o 6 Jan '%+  Ihavat Ihavam or Natural <ada 6 433P '%3+ o 6 De) '-+  .y Other <ages 6 433F '4P+ o 6 O)t '%+  Nakshatra Drishti o 6 &ug '0+  Shad $asa.• •  Serious illness remedy 6 Jul '0+  Narayana *ava)a  8ndian Tithi <ravesha or SinoO8ndianK"ar  Dwadasa'Twelve+ orms o Ganesha  :edanga Jyotisham  <an)hanga *arana o 6 Jun '-+  Graha motions  Sri &)hyutaananda some reading materials!  Navagraha Stotra  Iara)k Obama o 6 5eb '0+  Timing .:arga :ishwa  Ihaava.uhurtha  <an)hanga java s)ri#t!  Shree Gayatri ?antra  Shata <atha )hakra o 6 O)t '%+  Divisional @nderstanding o 6 &ug '%+  %& 'व()ा 9 Graha &vastha o 6 Jul '%+  *ala Sar#a J *ala &mrita ?oga o 6 Jun '4+  $etrogression &nalysis  <hases o good and bad #redi)tions o 6 &#r '%+  .Si( Tastes  &dhi Devata worshi#  Lagnamshaka Dasha  "eb based o#en sour)e ree jyotish so tware  >are$ama*rishna ?antra o 6 Jul 'F+  Divisional "eightage.$ashi *aaraka  Sarvotabhadra =hakra  Nadiamsa and Shodasha :arga  GSL:O534 )arrying 8NS&TO-= ailed  @nderstanding &ntardasa o 6 Jun '2+ o . ay '4+ o 6 &#r '-+ o 6 . 8 will try to )olle)t some o the interesting dis)ussions on Jyotish and allied subje)ts in various dis)ussion grou#s! :iew my )om#lete #ro ile .Iombay M =urses 6 .ar 'P+ o 6 Jan '%+ Related Links • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sri Jagannatha =enter Jyotish Digest .ay '0+ 6 &#r '2+ 6 .<2 &udio Lessons Sarbaniji's "ebsite Sri 5reedom =ole's "ebsite Sri :isti Larsen's "ebsite <ersonal "ebsite Sri Das Goravani's Site Sohamsa SJ= Jyotish Dis)ussion Grou# Jyotish Dis)ussion Grou#'one more+ Sri Sarajit <oddar's Ilogs#ot Sri Narayan 8yer's Ilogs#ot &jit *rishnan's #ageRNQ"S =olle)tion o Jyotish &rti)les Sri <t! Sanjay $ath's Ilogs#ot @se this to kee# tra)k o blog About Me Sanjay <rabhakaran & Jyotish student o <t! Sanjay $ath and <:$ Narasimha $ao! 8n this blog.umbai.o o o o • Jyotish Time @nits Name .ar '%+ 6 Jan '2+    6 4330 '-3+ o 6 De) '2+ o 6 Nov 'P+ o 6 O)t '2+ o 6 Se# '0+ o 6 &ug '0+ o 6 Jul '%+ o 6 Jun '4+ o 6 .aga6ine Sri <t! Sanjay $ath's "ebsite Sri <t! Sanjay $ath's Lessons Sri <:$ Narasimha $ao's "ebsite >is . # 1.Dasvarga for !ata"a Add the #ast s$% and get Shodasvarga for &a'-'ata"a or Manush(a !ata"a" 5or .# .uhurtha Sa#tvarga 'Grou# o P9 Se#tet+ )an be used! &s e(#lained by.# .# .# 1.# .# 1.Saptavarga for Mundane.# 1. @se dasavarga and shadvarga or natal horos)o#y! "arm $egards Sanjay < <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 49-1 &. D12.# 8n :edi) astrology one )annot make any meaning ul #rognosti) without the use o divisional )harts! The above table gives the relative weightage or ea)h grou# o divisionals! The sele)tion o the a##ro#riate grou# is essenstial! 8n the words o <t! Sanjay $ath.Di isiona$ 'ei"hta"e/-ar"a -ish!a '$a"(ar)a 'ap#a(ar)a *asaVar)a '$%"asaVar)a D1 D$ D! D9 D1$ D! D7 D1 D1% D% D$ D$" D$7 D" D" D"# 6 $ " 5 $ 1 5 $ ! $. Add D-10. D30 Shadvarga for Prasna. D3.# 1.# 5 3+5 1 1 3 .# 4+5 $ 1 3 1.# 1 . D2. 3 )omments Links to this #ost .# 1.# 1.# .# $ 4 . D9.# . D-16 D-60 . "D1. <t! Sanjay $ath Shadvarga 'se(tet+ and Sa#tavarga'Se#tet+ should not be used in natal horos)o#y. Add D-7 . aheshwara! The individuals. sustaines and destroys due to they being )ontrolled by Irahma. &ll a)tivities done to Lagna it's ruit is given by . :ishnu and . The a)tivities are )ontrolled by Ihaava'emotion.haa a/Rashi +aaraka || Om Gurave Namah || Dear 5riends.#eo#le are )ontrolled by Grahas. 2006 .nature+ and The Rashi/Si"ns gives the the o##ortunity and results! . Just as small re resher on *aarakas. 8 you read Irihat <arashara >ora Shastra. %+ +aa$a /urusha is time incarnate0 >e gives the results o *arma! 5or e(am#le. Mars 4#$ 5%use Moon Moon 5#$ 5%use )/n 1/piter 6#$ 5%use Merc/r. &ll hard work done gives the ruit thru a ben i)ial saturn.aara/a23%4%r/er )/n 1/piter Mars Moon 1/piter Mars @en/s )at/rn 1/piter Merc/r. July 28.ahararishi <arashara also e(#lains whi)h Grahas #er orm the tasks or ea)h Ihaava and rashi in our horos)o#es! Let me summari6e them in the below table! . Merc/r. Later in kaarakatwa )ha#ter .aara/a 1s# 5%use Mars Moon 2n" 5%use @en/s Moon 3r" 5%use Merc/r.aharishi <arashara de ines &tmakaaraka et)'=harakaaraka+ and Sthira kaaraka! Thus every graha )reates.Friday. >en)e gives you good s#ou)e and )on orts! The a)tivities done to maitain a good amily is rea#ed thru *ala <urusha 4nd Lord! Like all karma %3th house work. 7#$ 5%use @en/s @en/s 8#$ 5%use Mars )at/rn 9#$ 5%use 1/piter )/n0Moon 10#$ 5%use )at/rn )/n 11#$ 5%use )at/rn )/n0Moon 12#$ 5%use 1/piter )at/rn >ere is a brei e(#lanation o ea)h.ars! >en)e makes you strong! &nother e(am#le is all a)tivities done to 4nd house gives you results thru :enus. similarly everything we take '%%th+ rom others the ruit is given -$aa(a0s . 1/piter )at/rn .r%m . The *aaraka 'Doers+ are de ined in irst ew )ha#ters until the last shloka in Divisional =onsiderations )ha#ter! 5urther a ter on *arakatwa )ha#ter more elaboration is done on tasks done by ea)h graha in nature and in ea)h bhaavas! The irst ew )ha#ter de ine the natural signi i)an)e o ea)h graha.aala urus$a -$a(a .aara/a 1%)a. 9-.%st house is gi t o mother.any stars in the sky )an be ormed into #i)tures! Like S)or#ion ty#e o ormation is ormed )onne)ting stars in S)or#io et)! This )an be 7uite #rominently seen on the sky! Iut the 7uesion is why only )an you orm only S)or#io. Nakshatras are grou#ed in a . "hi)h is not dire)tly visible on the sky by )onne)ting the dots'stars+! Like you )an arrange a grou# o Nakshtra's to orm a Tortoise and it's )alled *urma 'Turtle+ =hakra! "hen you orm a . 3 )omments Links to this #ost Friday.haa a1s (rom +aaraka:Qvery kaarka blesses us with something. The lords rom lagna will indi)ate how the individual is varying rom the above #re)e#ts! de)lare good or bad knowing the above #re)e#ts! "arm $egards Sanjay < Note9 Q(#e)t Detailed arti)le in Jyotish Digest! <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at .(. Qa)h house u#li tment is taken )are by a graha. 8t )ontrols the 7ualtity we eat and benevolent nature towards the amily. et) Now. 2006 Sar ota%hadra Chakra || Om Gurave Namah || Dear 5riends. The body is made or the soul 'Sun+. s7uare with P nakshtras in ea)h side! =li)k on the below image or a bigger #i)ture! .thru Saturn or $ahu'natural %%th lord+! 4+ . >en)e Sun takes )are o u#li tment o the soul. July 21. Like -th rom moon gets us the mother. the Fth rom mer)ury is gives us strength! 2+ .ost im#ortant ones are divined by the $ishi's or our usage! One su)h arrangement )alled Sarvotobhadra =hakra! "here 4. There is also subtler orms )reated by these nakshatras 'grou# o stars+.haa a1s kaaraka: =ounted rom lagna. Leo. s#okes out o the nakshtras/s 8t's )alled *aala =hakra! <otentially there )an be in inite number o su)h )hakra you )an draw! . The Fth rom mer)ury gives us good relatives and thus redu)es enmity. 4nd rom Lagna is )ontrolled by Ju#iter. <. The Nakshatra's re#resent the #ower o Shakti! Thru Shakti's #ower everything gets )reated! Qven The Signs in Todia) are )reated thru Nakshatras! . Lagna. hen)e %st rom moon is what we get rom mother. 5or e(am#le. the houses )ounted rom *aaraka 'doer+ shows what blessings we get rom ea)h kaaraka. et) out o those starsM! =an you grou# the stars in other waysM! ?es.sel . "ater+. %! Nakshatra: &iry.This is a very im#ortant orm o =hakra whi)h in)ludes all the 5ive Qlements o Time. whi)h radiates to be)ome all sounds! 2! -aara: 5ire Qlement.&kaash Qlement. The 4. .:aayu Qlement.oonU<ushy Degree! <ushya is ruled by Irihas#ati. >en)e The sound )hakra is )alled >odaa =hakra and to re#resent ether element these sounds are #la)ed adja)ent to ea)h nakshtra! The vowels are #la)ed in diagonals! The =enter is ull o Qther and one )an imagine NO. The ?oga is de ined as SunU. Sun and .ars is taken as ire element. nakshatras are #la)ed rom *rittika onwards in grou#s o P! 4! . The Guru o Devas! >e re#resents the mantras and sound elements! Qa)h Nakshatra is given a sound element! The NhaN sound goes to <ushya and NdaN sound goes to &shlesha. and ke#t besides the :aara '"eekday+! They orm A)r$ta *oga 'The s#e)i i) )ombination o "eekday element U Tithi Qlement+! Nanda tithi on Sunday. The transits or Natal #osition o Grahas is #la)ed on Nakshtras! >ori6ontal and diagonal lines are drawn to note the e e)ts! These lines are )alled :edhas! .Tuesday et) is )alled &mrita yoga or Qternal! Thus signi y aus#i)ious nature in Sarvatobhadra )enter! 0! +arana9 *arana is the Qarth'<ritvi+ element in <an)hanga! 8t signi ies a)tions! 8t's a)tually hal o Tithi to signi y a)tions )oming rom Desire 'Tithi. =alled <an)hanga! The ive elements are listed as below. The Tithi is grou#ed in 5ive.o"a: Qther.N in the )enter. Iut in horos)o#es a)tions are #er ormed on Signs and >ouses! >en)e the %4th houses are #la)ed around the =enter! Now.oon and :enus is taken as "ater 'Jala+ element! -! Tithi: "ater element o <an)hanga. $e#resented by the "eekdays are also #la)e around the )enter! The weekdays are again grou#ed into ive elements. Ju#iter.=rude.So t '.oon. *arma '%3th rom . The grahas are divided in Saumya. Saturn and nodes+! The moons gets troubled by =ruel grahas and eels so t rom so t grahas! The :edha by =ruel Graha gives mental turmoil and by so t graha gives mental #leasures! Note S#e)ial Nakshatras like Janma '%st rom moon+.ars.ha'ra Monday ednesday ट Uttara *ha'rapa'a Poor(a *ha'rapa'a Meena -u2*h -anya 0ula 1 'ः3a0 'ं3a2 .3ca द3'a स3sa '3a -35 Mesh व3(a Vrisha* क3%a Mithun &3ha -ar% +34a .Sin)e this Sarvatobhadra is Lunar tool. .oon+ is in luen)ing you a)tions in dharma et)! This being just an introdu)tion.oon+ et) to note e e)ts on mind .harani -rithi%a +ohini Mri ashirisa &r'ra Punar(asu Pusya & *3u ल3la . . :enus. Jataka <aarijaata and su)h )lassi)s! "arm $egards Sanjay < Saturn/ NORTH Moon/ EAST Sun/ Venus/ M '3a . #ro ession et)! Note vedha on akshara'#honemes+ to see what mantra is getting in luen)ed in mind Or your irst #honeme o name! Note vedha on say 1th sign rom you Lagna to note how the so)iety'.er)ury+ and *roora. 5urther readings )an be done rom <haladee#ika.=ruel 'Sun. &s$ini -35i म Si2ha +e(ati /3o +i%ta Friday 7an'a Sunday Tuesday Poorna Saturday Jaya Thursday 03au . sanjay#rabhakaran!blogs#ot!)om.71 ! .!8 %.!8 $%.7# #.7# 1.$# 17.# %.7# 7.7# !.it 73.7# 1#. 7. . $. 1.%7 1 . %.! . htt#9.%7 11.# !.!! .%! 1. 8. ". 2006 Nadiamsa and Shodasha -ar"a || Om Gurave Namah || Dear $eaders.$# #. 8n urther thoughts to a #revious arti)le rom this blog at. 1%. .$$ 1!."! $#. .!! 1%.7# $. #.$# $.$# 7.#% !.%7 9.%7 ". 8.# %. 1 .#7 1$.88 !.!! $.!! 1".# #. .Sata*hisa% 23 a 33ai Ma%ar )hanus Vrischi% 43e न3na Jyestha त Mars/ )hanista 536i 63%ha Sra(ana &*hi.%7 1.$# ".!! 11.11 $. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Thursday.4330.32. 8.8% 17.a Uttar &sha'a 83*ha Poor(a &sha'a य3ya Moola 937 & EST Rahu/ Given above is #la)ement o Grahas in Sarvotobhadra at my birth as an e(am#le! <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %49-3 &.$$ !.$# 1!. July 13.7# %. .# ". 7. 9. 7.nadyamsaO romO #arasarasOshodasaOvargas!html &s )an be be seen rom the above list not all divisional )harts are needed to make the Nadiamsha '%03+ division o the 6odia)! The .78 #.89 %.. ".$9 8.# 1 ."" !. 8. 9.%7 1!. $".# .$# 1$.ininum <arasari Divisions needed to make %03 ine7ual division o the 6odia) are as listed below in the table! &msha D7 D1% D$" D$7 D" D"# .11 1$.%! $$."" 1#.# 11.$# 1.1! 1#.88 18.7# 8.7# $ .1" $1.!! 9. would have been pre!erably better #*till should be avoided%. . 3 )omments Links to this #ost Tuesday.# !. Indi"ates many doshas troubling the laun"h. 1. 6he Indian sattelite laun"h o! Insat<D. +ars in Eth also indi"ates some dosha in -ire related elements. ". Naadi Jyotish. 6he original proposed time had *"orpio lagna. with *un in Eth. laun"h time is given below. 2006 2SL-3456 carryin" 7NSAT38C (ai$ed || Om Gurave Namah || Dear -riends.# 7. $.# ".33 divisions o whole 6odia)! ONotes &dded by editor Sanjay <rabhakaran <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 492% &. D4P. Nadi readings et)! This shows that <arasari si(teen divisions and Nadi Jyotish are related! Qa)h individual )onstru)tion o divisional )harts like D2 ')y)li). July 11. #arasari et)+ )an vary but the degree boundaries would remain same! So <arashara's basi) si(teen divisional )harts lead to %03 division o ea)h sign or %03(%4V%. In !ront o! so many doshas. *o -eul system "ould have been a !ailure. .# %. *aturn7 *loppy exe"ution or timing related issues. Indi"ate +is"ommuni"ation. naadi amsa.# 1. Thus DP. D-0 and DF3 seems to be minimum #arasari divisions needed to divide sign by %03! The Nadiamsha is also re erred as naadiamsa. +ars in an engineering e!!ort should never be in Eth sin"e the 2aar2a !or &ngineering in Eth having a !ault. #.# $. D4-.# #.arm 5egards *an3ay ) Insat-4C Launch Natal Chart Date: Time: July 10. &ven ( strong -ull moon in Lagna !ails to prote"t.D% . D-3. *un in Eth would have given leader ship "risis or again energy related issues. 6he heavily a!!li"ted Eth house. !. +er"ury. 2006 5: !:00 "m . %. D%F. 42142. 26146.shatra *a/a 9asi Na7amsa (ool *una *-ha 0sre *ush ->at (ri8 0sre @=ha @*ha 3isa ->at *-ha 0r/r (ool =har 0s>i -ata **ha 0nu 0nu **ha *=ha . In/ia 0100 meters 3yaya .shatra: 2o8a: . 011:1. 5!124.etu . 3enus . 521 .arana: <ora Lor/: (aha. -aturn . 2010:. 5!124./ay: Na. 0511:. 5!124.etu (aan/i 'uli. :1:4. 411:. 221:!. Ju"iter .0m.aala Lor/: -unrise: -unset: Janma 'hatis: 5: 0:00 $%ast o& '(T) !0 % 15+ 00.ala <ora: . 24144.*. 4:16 . 1 N 45+ 00.*i.0.ala: -aturn) 5:51:1! am 6: ::14 "m 241445! 0yanamsa: 2 -56-5 1 4 -i/ereal Time: 12:42:0: =o/y La8na -un . 51120. 0161. 05104. 01 5. 1!124.'.aala (rityu 0rtha *rahara 2ama 'hanta. (ars . 0144. 5!124. 26146.shma Tri-"huta Tri-"huta Chatus-"huta *ancha-"huta . Na. 2016!. 5 16!.a =ha7a La8na <ora La8na 'hati La8na 3i8hati La8na 3arna/a La8na -ree La8na *rana"a/a La8na In/u La8na Dhooma 3yati"ata *ari7esha In/ra Cha"a @"a. 2102.D. 24104. -rihari. :1:4. (ercury $9) . 4!1 2. 26146. 2:1 !. 141::. 9ahu .a *rana -"huta Deha -"huta (rityu -"huta -oo.rit (ri8 (ool 0sre **ha <ast 0s>i *una .ota. 0 16!.0sha/ha *ournimasya $-a) $641105 le&t) (on/ay $(o) *oor7asha/ha $3e) $!01445 le&t) In/ra $9a) $441:05 le&t) 3ishti $-a) $ !1205 le&t) -un $5 min si8n: Ta) -un $5 min si8n: C") -aturn $(aha. 14141.rit (a8h @=ha 0r/r 9ohi *ush 4 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 4 2 4 2 1 4 1 4 4 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 -8 'e -8 Cn Cn Li Ta Cn *i 3i Li Li -8 'e -8 0r *i 0? Le -c -c Le 0? Ta Ta -8 Cn Le 3i 0r 'e Ta Le *i 'e Ta Cn Cn Ta Le *i Le 0? Le -8 Le 0? 'e *i Li *i 'e 3i 'e *i 3i -c 3i Li 0r *i Le Cn *i 3i 0r 'e Ta C" Ta -c -8 0r Li .(. (oon .=. .un/a Lon8itu/e 10 24 15 2! 6 15 25 1: 4 4 24 1! 20 1: : 1: 10 1! 1: 15 : 22 22 : 24 12 26 14 1 ! 25 0 -8 'e -8 Cn Cn Li Ta Cn *i 3i Li Li -8 'e -8 0r *i 0? Le -c -c Le 0? Ta Ta -8 Cn Le 3i 0r 'e Ta Le 14 *i ! 'e 1 Ta 11 Cn 0!+ 04+ 52+ 2:+ 11+ 0 + 4 + 22+ 5:+ 5:+ 0:+ 00+ 22+ 02+ 04+ 11+ 0!+ 44+ 4+ 52+ 24+ 0+ 0+ 24+ 04+ 4!+ 41+ 4 + 14+ 4 + 00+ 1 + 56+ 01+ 11+ 04+ 24+ 0161. 4!115. 011:1.Time #one: *lace: 0ltitu/e: Lunar 2r-(o: Tithi: 3e/ic 6ee.. 2 14!. et .et 204 -0 -14 3en 204 -0!-1 -un 2044-10-1 (oon 2045-02-15 9ah 9ah 2045-04-14 Ju" 204!-05-24 -at 2050-10-26 (erc 205 -0!.et 20 5-12-1! 3en 20 6-0:-1! -un 20 !-0 -1: (ars (ars 20 !-04-14 9ah 20 4-02-12 Ju" 2040-0 -01 -at 2041-02-06 (erc 2042-0 -1: . B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A 3imsottari Dasa $starte/ &rom (oon): 3en 3en 2002-04-14 -un 2006-01-16 (oon 200:-01-16 (ars 200!-04-1! 9ah 2004-11-1! Ju" 2012-11-1! -at 2015-0:-14 (erc 201!-04-14 .A-----------------------------------------------A B9a B B3e B-u <L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B B B(a (e9 B B B B-a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------B 9asi B-----------B B B B0L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B0s (o B BJu (/ B.et 202:-05-11 3en 202:-04-14 (oon (oon 202!-04-14 (ars 2024-0:-14 9ah 20 0-02-15 Ju" 20 1-0!-14 -at 20 2-12-1! (erc 20 4-0:-14 .0 3en 20!6-0:-10 -un 20!4-04-10 (oon 2040-0!-2 (ars 2042-0 -20 9ah 204 -04-24 Ju" 2046-0 -05 (erc (erc 204!-04-20 .et 2115-04-21 3en 2116-02-14 -un 211:-04-14 (oon 211:-0!-24 (ars 211!-0 -21 9ah 211!-0!-21 Ju" 2114-04-04 -at 2120-0!-14 (erc 2121-04-2 .et 20!5-05.et 2101-02-1 3en 2102-02-10 -un 2104-12-1 (oon 2105-10-21 (ars 210:-0 -14 9ah 210!-0 -15 Ju" 2110-10-06 -at 211 -01-04 .et 20:0-0!-26 3en 20:1-0!-01 -un 20:4-0 -24 (oon 20:5-01-1: (ars 20:6-05-1: 9ah 20::-04-22 -at -at 20:4-04-20 (erc 20!2-04-22 .et 2056-0 -16 3en 205:-04-04 -un 2060-04-04 (oon 2061-02-2: (ars 2062-04-01 Ju" Ju" 206 -04-20 -at 2065-11-0: (erc 206!-05-1: .1 .et 2021-0:-14 -un -un 2022-04-14 (oon 202 -01-05 (ars 202 -0:-06 9ah 202 -11-1 Ju" 2024-10-0: -at 2025-0:-25 (erc 2026-0:-06 .e B B'L B B'. digital satellite news gathering and #rovide :S&T )onne)tivity to National 8n ormati)s =entre! 8NS&TO-= is the se)ond satellite in the 8NS&TO. hrs 8ST! 8t was de erred till %P%0 hrs 8ST. *o we "annot predi"t using muhurtha "hart be!orehand. %3th July 433F. the latest satellite o the 8ndian $emote Sensing Satellite series. Latitude9 %2o-0'N Longitude9 . be ore it was i(ed at %P2.series! The li tOo took #la)e at %P2.K!K. Shriharikota. 8ndia.3o%0'Q Originally Set Laun)h Time9 %F92.%F.04-2 On P.%3. GSL:O534 was )arrying a 4. oot$a WvvootlaXgmail!)omY wrote9 Laun)h Date O . hrs 8ST! 8t was not immediately known whether adverse weather )onditions #osed a threat as the sky remained over)ast! regards O<rasad ! KK. &<.hereas in +uhurtha its !or !resh 2arma. a)ilitate video #i)ture transmission.onday. so sele"tion o! muhurtha is important.Okg 8NS&TO-=. +uhurtha is di!!erent !rom Janma Jata2a.KKK Dear Sanjay < "hy ?ou Did not <redi)t it earlier thenM "hy are you sele)tively analy6ing a ter it >a##enedM anand Dear (nand. aimed at augmenting the Dire)tOToO>ome television servi)es. hrs 8ST . Janma Jata2a indi"ates the 2arma done at past and hen"e you "an say when it will !ru"ti!y #predi"t%. &)tual Laun)h Time9 %P92. e(a)tly one hour behind s)hedule! The laun)h was originally s)heduled at %F2. .3F. +ost people plan to do it a "ertain time but the a"tual start muhurtha "hanges to something else. +uhurtha is ta2ing the blessings o! the graha=s so that our . . Ju#iter is #la)ed whi)h is marana karaka stana rom &L!*etu is in the 4nd! house rom &L! $ahu has rasi drishti with . F +oon and Jupiter are in the same degree.5ahu has rasi drishti with *un also.!uture 2arma is bene!its to sel! and the world in general. are virgo and )a#ri)orn! These are also vulnerable #eriods! Iut the shuttle ailed during the irst ew minutes! $egards . $ahu takes over!$ahu should have )onne)tion with Sun or &*! $ahu as#e)ts . is with :enus!Take the Pth! rom &. F 1enus the 2ara2a !or long travel should have "onne"tion with 5ahu.rityuO#adaO&. :irgo.5ahu should have "onne"tion with *un or (/.r! Sanjay. )an)er and aries! These are vulnerable times! The .oon and hen)e re)overy is not #ossible! $ahu as#e)ts S)or#io. but :enus is in . whi)hever is stronger!&. 8 have the ollowing to say! There is )hara karaka re#la)ement during the laun)h o the s#a)e shuttle! .urali || Om Gurave Namah || Dear +urali.oon and Ju#iter are in the same degree! Ju#iter the Gnati karaka takes over rom .arm 5egards *an3ay ) Dear . F Jupiter the Gnati 2ara2a ta2es over !rom +oon the )utra 2ara2a. F *in"e the spa"e shuttle "omes under the *tira 2ara2a s"heme. Depending on your a"tual 2arma you may8maynot be able to start a tas2 in a planned time.n JK= G . ..DGI (sre D .arana *araka sthana! The &L is in simha and the 2rd! rom &L.ith this you "an dedu" many things. F 5ahu aspe"ts +ars<(/.!$!. 5ahu ta2es F over. F 6here is "hara 2ara2a repla"ement during the laun"h o! the spa"e shuttle. is stronger! The trines rom &.arsO&*!$ahu has rasi drishti with Sun also! :enus the karaka or long travel should have )onne)tion with $ahu! 8n this )ase there is no )onne)tion.oon the <utra karaka! Sin)e the s#a)e shuttle )omes under the Stira karaka s)heme.n )i . 0ody Longitude Na2shatra )ada 5asi Navamsa Lagna GA *g AE= 'A.J I )una J Ge 6a Moon P! "# $g #%& %'()'* P$ha " $g Le +ars < (/ JE .n *un < 0/ JD Ge A = @E.HGI +ool D *g . arm 5egards *an3ay ) <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %493F &. &lse we "annot veri!y with dasa and show "learly the !ailure in dasa8periods8maturity o! the related grahas.at . 0ut to veri!y this "on"lusively.hara 2aara2a whi"h repla"es !or example G/ .GKI (sre G .reation is o! good Luality. 6he Dasa systems indi"ates the 2arma whi"h is "urrently !ru"ti!ying.hen the sustenan"e !ails the destru"tion "omes in.n *g 5ahu D )i @K= 'K. *thira 2aara2a=s role !or Gnaathi is to 2eep in "ontrol the Naisargi2a /aara2 or to ma2e sure .hat would you thin2 is the purna ayush o! the "hartM. :en"e the . (nalysis o! the dasa and .n Le J+piter G! "# Li . Nodia" with all the divisional analysis indi"ates all the 2arma the native has a""umulated so !ar.-& %'()'* $. One has to BtimeB the above yogas.K I 90ha G )i Le /etu D 1i @K= 'K. Let me (dd. 6he Gnaati is indi"ated by +er"ury Natural /aara2a and I thin2 +ars will the *thira /aara2a !or Gnaati. 6he de!e"t in "hara 2aara2a indi"ates that there is problem in sustenan"e related issue in the "hart. 0ut not all o! us may have the "han"e to do it.AKI +rig G 6a Le *aturn < +/ GK .hat you say is an ex"ellent point.+er"ury #5% < D/ H . . *o the )urna (yush o! the spa"e "ra!t should be 2nown. :en"e. :ere is ta2es the role o! death hen"e *thira 2aara2a !or the signi!i"ator !or Gnaati ta2es over. *o the 9""ha bala !or +ars is nearly Nil. . 3 )omments Links to this #ost Saturday.n JJ= ' . :en"e +ars ta2es 5udra !orm !or Gnaati. 2006 9nderstandin" Antardasa || Om Gurave Namah || Dear Jyotishas.n GG= DK.H'I )ush G . It=s pre!erred to be aware o! all past sams2aara and do proa"tive remedies. 6his indi"ates that IGnaatiI or relatives in "hart were not doing the !un"tions right. I would thin2 that 5elatives indi"ates "o<wor2ers or supporting organiCation !or this +undane "hart. ( thing gets destroyed by 5udra #*thira /aara2a% be"ause o! it=s de!e"ts. July 01. .Li A/ 1enus < (m/ J@ 6a D'= JA. .K I 9)ha ' 1i (L 4es. (lso note that +ars is nearly in deep debility point. 433F O 31.3%. '. 9nderstanding that (ntardasa gives mana #+ind% level in!luen"e we "an do the !ollowing to understand it !or a given "hart. 6he +ahadasa indi"ates what the person learns in soul level. eating et". Interested 5eaders may post one examples o! the above usages in their respe"tive "hart !or any given event. 0hoga means en3oyment is synonym to 0hu2ti. 6he student "an learn and apply the same !or suitable remedies. Ar+dha: . GJ and 'rd !rom (ntardasa lord. 6he word 0hu2ti hen"e gives good des"ription o! (ntardasa results.onsider (ntardasa !rom +oon lagna #*eat o! +ind%.3%. 6he (ntardasa indi"ates the +ana#+ind% level in!luen"e !rom the environment.3%. G.3%. D.remedies based on the "urrent dasa is another solution. J.433F >ome Subs)ribe to9 <osts '&tom+ :yotish Time 9nits || Om Gurave Namah || . o .onsider (rudha=s "ontrolled by the (ntardasa.. :ere in this writeup I will try to explain my understanding o! (ntardasa. . &n3oyer o! (ntardasa is +ind Or +oon.. It indi"ates the nature o! the sel! !or a longer durations o! time. 3 )omments Links to this #ost 3. (nd see the pla"e !rom where (ntardasa gives the en3oyment. o .ompute 0hoga. . Moon: . li2e pleasures o! senses. Bhoga: .433F O 3P. 6he in!luen"es on mind "hanges !aster. 0hu2ti means en3oyment.433F 3F.ount as many signs !rom (ntardasa lord to get the sign !rom where en3oyments are "oming.J and GGth !rom +oon. :en"e "onsider GA. o (rudha=s are in!luen"es on mind and hen"e give en3oyments.arm 5egards *an3ay ) <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %4902 &. (ntardasa is also "alled Bh+0ti.onsider moon lagna in various divisional "harts to understand the in!luen"e !rom ea"h environments o )rimarily "onsider +oon dispositor and D.al"ulate the distan"e o! (ntardasa lord !rom Dasa Lord. 6ime span as seen !rom mana on atma is very slow or. 6he above "lues "an be intelligently applied by students o! Jyotish to unravel the results o! antardasa. Argala Given by (ntardasa lord7 6he (ntardasa lord tries to in!luen"e the moon#mind%. in other words. (tma level learnings are very slow to sin2 in. U. -t?s $ th of a 3haava.th house in Jyotish denotes it! 8t's Time measured in <raanas or breaths in human lives! .: This is derived rom . The divide by eight shows *aala's blo)king nature! The . signi ies <raana or longevity. Di ide %y 6: Jyotish shastra also )alled >ora Shastra basi) division is by 4! "here ea)h )reations <urusha and <rakriti in luen)e is noted! Di ide %y 16: Twelve is number asso)iated with Sun! Divide by %4 is )alled &rkamsha or Suryamsha! Sun is su##osed to have %4 orms! Di ide %y .Ihaava+.night+. . the . s#okes o *aala )hakra. in regular measure o hours. basi) unit o Time is )alled Ahoratra 'One Day and Night+! &ho is Day and $atra is Night! The various ty#es o measure is derived rom this basi) units! :arious ty#es o division is done on this Iasi) @nit o &horatra. There is division by 4 'day.uhurtha+. %4 '$ashi.# 7o/rs "8 Min/tes $" Min/tes 8aadika % Min/tes 3rief Description Da. and 8ight Da.oods! 8n Jyotish. %0U%0 '.Dear 5riends.(&ho) D/ration 8ight(Haatri) D/ration 1$th part of &horatra 1$th Part of Dina or Haatri Maana0 7ora from &$%67atra 8th part of &horaatra 8th part of Dina Ar Haatri Maana 1#th Part of Dina or Haatri Maana % th Part of &horaatra &lso called Jhati or 8aadi Pada means 4/arter0 -t?s K/arter of a 8aadi.'kaala+. Signi i)an)e o ea)h or o Division. or your easy re eren)e in your uture studies. 8ormal D/ration &horaatra $" 7o/rs Dina Maana 1$ 7o/rs Haatri Maana 1$ 7o/rs HaashiI3haava$ 7o/rs Gnit 7ora =ama Caalam M/h/rtha 8aadika Jhatika Praana pada 1 7o/r ! 7o/rs 1. Jyotish is study o Time and karma on individual! One o the im#ortant ste#s to understand Time is the various ways to measure it! This gives better understanding o Time's various #ro#erties or . F3 'Nadi+! Let me list them out. . 4'hora+.'?ama+. June 21.eg$nn$ng of the Shan$ dosh 8Saturn ru#es the 2$t( )a"$ng $t un#u2"(9. astro#ogers sa( f#oods.om%ay = +o). $t>s 2orre2t to sa( that the na)e +o).un"u)+(. 4h$2h . >ora Lagna. <.a$6? . /etan &anga and Deepa" 0o"hande !une 20.*aalam unit o times is derived rom this! @nits indenti ied thus are like $aahu *aalam. )a#nutr$t$on and a sto2" e%2hange 2rash. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Wednesday.a$ 4$## undergo a ser$es of 2a#a)$t$es6 7##ustrat$ng the$r po$nt.a$6 7f the 2$t( 4ants to progress.:ighatika is F3th #art o 4. 4h$2h 4$## 2ont$nue for the ne%t seven-and-a-ha#f (ears6 5h$s )eans Mu).a$ $s un#u2"( for the 2$t(6 7n fa2t. Ihaava Lagna. proves 4hat the stars forete##6 5he so#ut$on.. Gullika *aalam et)! Di ide %y 1#: The jyotish term or divide by %0 is )alled Tithi amsha! Tithi means %0 to denote the %0 a)es o . 2006 Name <um%ai/.egan #ast (ear. #ead$ng astro#ogers sa( 84$thout a tra2e of $ron(9.a( .inutes hen)e is 4Se)onds! The &bove measures o time is used to derived various divisional )hart in Jyotish and the in luen)e on the #erson! The time #eriod whi)h the #erson is Nsti)king toN Lagna is )alled $ashi Lagna. =7 fee# the na)e +o).etter than Mu).oon! 5urther subOdivision o the above units )an also be made! Su)h division's nomen)lature is by adding #re i(es to above notations! 5or e(am#le.a( . 200: sa4 the . "+o). N:iN is #re i( is to indi)ate urther division o the unit by F3.a( $s 100 t$)es .9-. Astro#ogers sa( 2a#a)$t$es #$"e 2637 #ast (ear.a2" to +o). <hang$ng the na)e .etter than Mu). 4$## 2ont$nue for seven-and-a-ha#f (ears 5he na)e Mu). Like :iUNaadika or :iUGhaatika. 2006 1#ood 2ontro#.a(6 +o).a( $s . :ighatika Lagna et)! &bove given are some o the basi) demar)ations o time! Detailed study )an be made rom books on <an)hanga! "arm $egards Sanjay < <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at .a( #u2"( Sa$d astro#oger +e'an Daru4a#a.un"u)-. #eptosp$ros$s. Ghatika Lagna. :inaadi. e$ng deve#oped6? " ---------Om Gurave Namah Dear 5riends.etter .e#$eve $n su2h superst$t$ons6 Co4 2an 4e sa( that the 2$t( $s go$ng through a .Added astro-nu)ero#og$st & D Pa#a.a$ as +o). =7t 'ust sho4s that so)e peop#e are st$## not a22usto)ed to the fa2t that +o).a$ and Maharashtra are proud of the ne4 na)e6? Ce sa(s the )$sfortune surround$ng the na)e 2hange $s hu).a$6 5he na)e 2hange of the 2$t( 4as $n tune 4$th Maharashtra>s 2u#ture and an( Maharashtr$an shou#d .ut sure#(.ahalakshmi! 8n a)t the )urrent transit o Saturn in Fth rom &7uarius is good! . 4ho ushered $n the na)e 2hange $n 199: sa$d. $s . Aas $t . those 4ho rea##( #ove Mu).a( has .V S)or#io bhaV bhaVeV3 . Dn the 2ontrar(. my own o#inion mumbaiVG023HV320V%%V &7uarius &ssigning *at#ayaadi numerals to al#habets 'negle)ting hal sounds+! ma V 0 baV2 eeV3 bombayVG--3HV3--V.efore the na)e 2hange.#e to rena)e Mu).ug6 =7 s$)p#( don>t .a$ for seven-and-ha#f (ears6 5h$s $s 2a##ed a Sade saat$6 Batura# 2a#a)$t$es have $n2reased and are e%pe2ted to $n2rease6 Saturn 2auses suffer$ngs and therefore $t $s adv$sa.ad phase after the na)e 2hange.e proud of $t6 7 .e#$eve that the 2$t(. s#o4#( .a( under 5aurus6 Ahereas Saturn 8Shan$9 ru#es under 0eo $n the 2ase of Mu).een rena)ed Mu).e#$eve. 7 strong#( .umbaiV&7uarius being Natural %%th house and trines to Libra is good or inan)ial well being o the )ity! Libra is a ruit ul sign having blessings o . =@enus $s the ru#$ng p#anet for +o).a(6? Proud of ne4 na)e 1or)er 2h$ef )$n$ster Manohar !osh$. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Thursday. DD+.8 am sure the matters o lood et) )an be e(#lained by &nnual =hart or 8ndia o that #arti)ular year! <lease re er my earlier #ost on similar to#i) on &nnual =harts! So The New name should #rove better than s)or#io. 0160361990 5D+. B B B B B B B B B B B B B B .$rth deta$#s. whi)h natural . he has fa$#ed $n a## su. <henna$. &. 5a)$# Badu P#ease he#p h$) 4$th (our gu$dan2e 3 pred$2t$ons p#ease6 A-----------------------------------------------A B B(o B BJu B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B-u (e B B. G60G a) PD+.#( fa$#ed $n h$s 10th 2#ass e%a)6 *es. June 08. not suitable or inan)e matters! "arm $egards Sanjay < <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %49%.e B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------B 9asi B-----------B B0s 3e B B'L B B9a (/ B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B(a -a B0L B B B B<L '. Ce #ost h$s father 4hen he 4as F (ears o#d6 C$s . 2006 Curses || Om gurave Namah || P#ease he#p th$s nat$ve 4ho $s )( un2#eEs son to g$ve an astro#og$2a# gu$dan2e on h$s 2areer path6 Ce has )$sera.'e2ts6 7)portant event $n h$s #$ft.th house. am+ .O3%O4P '49%093% am+ Sat: 1>>.ars'&nger+. "hi)h is )ausing him to air badly in e(ams! &s you )an see the Dasa ends in 433P. Lagna >is intelligen)e is a e)ted. .D9 %113O32O3% '-93-933 am+ O 433PO32O3% '%492P90.=heating+ as#e)ting by Graha drishti any two o *aarka and Ihava or Ihava Lord )onstitutes a )urse! 8n =urse the Saturn ruled houses gives trouble! 4ather +aaraka Sun 9 8s &s#e)ted by $ahu '4nd house as#e)t o $ahu+ and Saturn '2rd as#e)t+ +aaraka .D9 $ah9 %113O32O3% '-93-933 am+ O %112O3PO%4 '%%9%F920 am+ :en9 %112O3PO%4 '%%9%F920 am+ O %110O31O%F 'F9-29%4 am+ *et9 %110O31O%F 'F9-29%4 am+ O %11FO3-O%F '292P9F3 am+ .90092.#m+ O 4330O32O31 '.ha a Lord0 >th Lord: 8s with Sun hen)e like gets as#e)ts rom $ahu and Saturn The . 8 give the reasons below.aha dasa and Saturn &ntardasa the 5ather o the native died due to the above mentioned )urse! Sin)e Saturn rules the natives.32 e(ams! Tell him to go to Ganesha Tem#le regularly.#m+ Sun9 433-O3%O34 '%%9%390. &nd :enus dasa starts! :enus is ?oga kaaraka or the native and will do well or the native in Lagna! ?ou )an e(#e)t him to do good a ter 433P.#m+ &ntardasas in this .am+ O 433PO32O3% '%492P90.#m+ 8n $ahu . The Ioy is having )urse o 5ather.er)9 4330O32O31 '.oon9 %11FO3-O%F '292P9F3 am+ O %11.B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A Dear &shwin.oola Dashas shows )urses ru)ti i)ations.ars9 433%O3FO3P '%39%290P am+ O 4334O3%O%3 '-93-9%2 #m+ Ju#9 4334O3%O%3 '-93-9%2 #m+ O 433-O3%O34 '%%9%390.oola Dasa 'dasa showing the root o events O #ast karma+9 $ah . =urse9 &ny two o the three male i)s . &nd re)ite the below given Naarada Stotra regularly! . Saturn'Sorrow+ and $ahu'Sho)k.90092.32.ha a >9 8s &s#e)ted by $ahu '1th as#e)t+ and Saturn '%3th as#e)t+! +aaraka . >en)e is in trouble! On)e this )urse#eriod over he will be better! 5or Those interested in Jyotish analysis.35136? @6:1#:51 amA 3 655135B35? @15:1C:#? amA . is it also a )urseMM Do we see )urses by the #lanets'as#e)t on ju#itor. No e(#lantion needed! 4! :enus9 Good S#ou)e. Iut it sets the rules and #unishments i broken! Trouble with ather. "ho do you many small errands! =urse o . "ho sa)ri i)es or many things or the individual.! authority or )hildren o))urs due to this! 0! *etu9 Ta#asvi's. Only #eo#le who have done good to you )an )urse you! The Natural law has to be violated or the )urse to take e e)t on you! >en)e male i) grahas )annot )urse you! >ow )an road side begger )urse you or not giving him moneyM! <eo#le who generally do good in so)iety are re#resented by."arm $egards Sanjay < Dear Shri Sanjay ji .1. Sin)e it has es)hewed #ersonal level emotions! *etu usually )auses a #erson to mistakenly do a harm to rishi or someone like that '$ead <uraanas to understand more+! The )urse rom *etu is usually )aused by mistake 'No eyes.er)ury is like :ishnu's =urse! "hen one has little or no relatives.oon9 . out o #assion or native! 2! Ju#iter9 Qlders.%4!! Getting to know about 4nd as#e)t or the irst time!!! "hat i one o these #lanets 'Su##ose $ahu as#e)ts Saturn.ars+ . Or renun)iate monks or muni's! *etu also does not a)utally ')urse'.gyaana or so)ial well in general! . "ho set rules or your and so)ieties well being! @sually Sun does not literally ')urse'.er)ury9 $elatives.P.sun et)+ Or by as#e)t on >ouses too!! Or we take )ombined e e)t!! "aiting or your esteemed re#ly!! $egards &mit || Om Gurave Namah || Dear &mit.other. and #rovide many )om orts like wealth. riends! 8 #resent they )ould be really be given mu)h trouble! -! Sun9 5ather and authority. %! ..head+! Iut the trouble so generated leads to knowledge. Gurus "ho wish your well being. Not everybody )an )urse you. guidan)e and )on iden)e during bad times! -! . "hat are the as#e)ts o $ahu !! &ren't these 0. So)ial riends. )hildren. P. . May 31.433F >ome Wednesday. environments are also trouble to )on irm the )urse! Then @se moola dasha to time the #eriods o su erings! "arm $egards Sanjay < <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at P901 <.3%. 0 )omments Links to this #ost 3P.1! &)utally rahu as#e)ts %4.0. Sho)k'due to )heating et)+ or sorrow! Graha drishti o .5or The )urse to be #resent. @nderstand Qa)h dasa to be like a time )y)le whi)h )ontrols a )ertain as#e)t in your li e! Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time )ontrols your Dhi Shakti! The 5ollowing =hart a)tors are very im#ortant to understand Dhi Shakti. 5irstly the above mentioned kaaraka has to be a li)ted by Graha Drishti! sin)e =urse usually leads to lot o Qmotional turmoils! =urse is only )aused i the native generates &nger. to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning! Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa '$e er Narayana Dasa Iook or details+! Lagnamsaka dasa is one o the im#ortant dasa indi)ate your #rogress in Dhi Shakti.0. $ahu and Saturn indi)ates the #la)es where the native generates these emtions on his.433F 30.P.her surroundings! So &tleast two o these bad emotions has to be generated by the native! @se $ahu's drishti 4.3%.0 in reverse order due to retrograde nature! "hi)h be)omes 4.3%. %! Ju#iter.1..1 when )ounted in orward! 8 it's )on imed that any o the above mentioned kaaraka is a li)ted then look at the as#e)ts on either the kaarka bhaava or kaaraka lord to see i the #ersons emotions. The Natural *aaraka or Dhi! 4! Lord o Sign '&adhi #ati. 2006 La"namshaka Dasa || Om Gurave Namah || Ans4er to Huest$on +e#o4 Dear <rashanth. a)tions.3%.ars. &tmakaaraka asso)iation with %%th is an im#ortant yoga or Learning jyotish! ?our &tmakaaraka is Sun. #resent in %%th >en)e this )ombination will hel# you to develo# your Jyotish knowledge! Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have )on iden)e to learn Jyotish better! Till the time you get )on iden)e you )an )ontinue reading Dr! I: $aman's Iooks and <t! Sanjay $ath's books you have bought! $ely solely on $ishiis in your learnings! Now.P.eans Lord o Dhi+ is intellegen)e or the Sign! .433F O 3.433F O 3F. 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) Ta: 2021-11-14 $5:25:14 "m) .20 4-11-15 $!:0!:2! am) 0?: 20 4-11-15 $!:0!:2! am) .14!1-11-14 $11:16:14 am) 'e: 14!1-11-14 $11:16:14 am) .<arti)ularly Lord o Lagna indi)ates your intelligen)e and #rote)ts the native! 5or 2! Sun. A-----------------------------------------------A B.a Dasa &rom D-4 chart $a 7ersatile "halita rasi /asa): (aha Dasas: -c: 14::-11-14 $10: 5:00 am) .2000-11-14 $!:16:54 am) Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) . B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------B 9asi B-----------B B B B-a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B0s (o B(e B-u 3e B9a 'L B B B B B0L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A La8namsa.2064-11-14 $5:5::56 "m) 'e: 2064-11-14 $5:5::56 "m) .2054-11-15 $4: 0:00 am) 0r: 2054-11-15 $4: 0:00 am) .2056-11-14 $4:4!:41 "m) -c: 2056-11-14 $4:4!:41 "m) . . Ju#iter is higher )y)le o Sun! Taking in a)tor the above )onsider your )hart to time your #rogress in your Dhi shakti.2044-11-14 $ :00:04 "m) 3i: 2044-11-14 $ :00:04 "m) .14!6-11-14 $6:0 :60 "m) C": 14!6-11-14 $6:0 :60 "m) .e B B BJu9 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B<L (/ B B(a B B'. Sun is the *aaraka or Lagna and gives sel knowledge. Lagna Lord is Ju#iter! >en)e Ju#iter #lays a very im#ortant role or your intelligen)e develo#ment.2026-11-15 $12:06:25 am) -8: 2026-11-15 $12:06:25 am) .1441-11-15 $12:44:1 am) Le: 1441-11-15 $12:44:1 am) .20:1-11-15 $1:06:54 "m) 8n your =hart.2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) .20 2-11-14 $1:11:24 "m) Cn: 20 2-11-14 $1:11:24 "m) . oo"s $n2#ud$ng San'a( '$Es <ru% of @ed$2 Astro#og(. >en)e the #erson may undergo soul sear)hing! &tma $emembers everything and hen)e )auses the Dhi'8ntelligen)e+ to mani est! & #erson may read Ihagavata geeta in this #eriod! 5or other signs understand the intelligen)e develo#ment using the Lord o the Sign and Ihaava! Now.er of fa2ts 2o##e2ted $n )( head 4$th near Lero a. . $e er your )hart above! ?our are running <is)es dasa sin)e 4333 to 4331! <is)es lord is Ju#iter and &lso the Lagna Lord. 4h$2h 2ou#d never have . due to )( 2ous$n 4ho 4as "$nd enough to g$ve )e an $ntrodu2t$on to the su. 4h$2h 7 found to .e ver( advan2ed6 So.h(o na)aha6 Dandavat pranaa)s6 7E) fu##( 2ons2$ous of )( unf$tness to open )( )outh $n su2h a #earned asse). >aving Sun 'The Natural and Tem#roary &tmakaaraka in your )hart+! >en)e your #rogress in Jyotish a ter 4331 is will be very good! This is or sure! "arm $egards Sanjay < Dn :330306.@sually in the ollowing dasas o Lagnamaska dasa is very im#ortant.h(o Juru. the #ate Dr6 + @ &a)an stresses the $)portan2e of $ntu$t$on $n )a"$ng . %! Sign >aving Lagna Lord! This gives tremendous )hange in #erson's intellegen)e! The #erson goes ra#id )hange in thinking and o#inions about the world! 4! Sign >aving Ju#iter! The <erson tries to understand Dharma! The #erson tries to learn various s)ri#tures and im#lement them! The #erson )ould take some dharmi) habits! 2! Sign >aving Sun! The Sun is natural &tmakaaraka. )( 2ond$t$on no4 $s that 7 have a nu). $ashi as#e)ts the Gemini! >en)e This dasa made you learn Dharma.$#$t( to read a horos2ope .een guessed.er of .'e2t6 S$n2e then 7 have pur2hased and read a nu).e$ng read fro) a horos2ope6 7n h$s . pras"a) pras"a)I(ahoo62o) 4rote. Jyotish et)! This is a very good time or you to )ontinue learning! The Ne(t dasa is o Libra.#(6 +ut st$## 7 4ant to ra$se an $)portant Kuest$on6 Dver a (ear ago 7 deve#oped an $nterest $n astro#og(. Sarve.oo" EM( M%per$en2es $n Astro#og(E 8and e#se 4here too9.and th$s after a (ear of effort6 7 have great respe2t for astro#og(6 7 have seen 4$th a4e so)e th$ngs. 2orre2t pred$2t$ons6 Ce sa(s "no4$ng a #ot of te2hn$Kues $s f$ne.oth ras$ and nava)sa6 Date.od( at su2h honoura.S2ho#ars 4$## .e outs$de the s2reen and edu2ta$on Kua#$t( 4$## . As (ou 4$## see.oo"s that Mer2ur( shou#d .ut $ntu$t$on $s the "e(6 7n fa2t.e strong#( p#a2ed to ga$n "no4#edge of astro#og(6 Ce sa(s that Me shou#d . he re#$es a#)ost so#e#( on the @$)shottar$ dasa s(ste) and on &as$3Bava)sa 2harts 4$thout re2ourse to !a$)$n$ te2hn$Kues or referr$ng to shad.#essed . 1G31131977 P#a2e. Prashanth <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %%9-P <.e p#a2ed $n a Kuardrant6 Dr Su3Me 2on'un2t$on $n the se2ond house6 7 f$na##( 2o)e to the Kuest$on6 J$ven )( horos2ope.3: a) 7 apo#og$Le for the ra). . 3 )omments Links to this #ost Reser ation 7ssue @ 7ndia <undane :yotishA || Om Gurave Namah || Care &a)a /r$shna &espe2ted Juru'ans and 0earned )e).#$ng nature of th$s )a$#6 7 4$## . 7 have a#so read fro) h$s .hav$sh(a of th$s 2ountr( $f su2h a)end)ents 2ont$nue to happen. 10. Ndup$.oo"s.e the . 13 B 139 5$)e. /arnata"a 87G M 23. &egards and respe2t6 Care &a)a /r$shna Dear <aul. 8n 8ndian 8nde#enden)e )hart we have 1th and %3th Lord as Saturn! That is the <oli)ies and nature o work done by the 8ndian govt! will be governed by Saturn! >en)e 8ndia has strong leaning to *aaraka o Saturn or #oli)y .e .out ho4 to deve#op $ntu$t$on e%2ept to sa( that pra2t$2e of E2erta$nE 8he doesnEt spe2$f(9 )antras 4$## he#p the pro2ess6 Add$t$ona##(.ers 6 Pranaa).#e seat )anage to sa( that he does not "no4 an(th$ng 4hats happen$ng.e d$#uted6Cere $s ar'un s$nghs $nterv$e4 4$th "arana thapar on the re2ent reservat$on $ssue6/$nd#( f$nd the atta2h)ent6<an an(. too heav( a re#$an2e on )athe)at$2a# te2hn$Kues )a( )ar the $ntu$t$on6 Mven $n h$s . do 7 have an( 2han2e of deve#op$ng th$s $ntu$t$on. Ahat 4ou#d .( an( gu$dan2e6 Aar) regards. Me $s $n 12 house $n .a#a et26 Ce ho4ever doesnEt sa( an(th$ng a. message.ars will inally di)ate the <oli)y! .er)ury sin)e it's )hange a house with .er)ury! Iut 8t has to listen to .making! Saturn indi)ates the lower strata o )ommunity. ..grou#s!yahoo!)om. su##ort et)! 8t's #resen)e in with .ars! &nd 1th >aving Saturn! &gain a ?oga *aaraka or Libra lagna! >en)e Saturn and .vedi)O astrology.er)urial 0th >ouse is giving argala obstru)ted by Saturnine 1th! . B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B<L B B-u (o B B B B(e 3e B B B B-a B B B B B B B B B B-----------B 9asi B-----------B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B B.er)ury are again in ight this time! So this govt will also try to im#lement <oli)y di)tated by Saturn in 1th! Iut the <arivartana with .er)ury.ost in)ome is by =hea# Labour in engineering.er)ury wants Talent ONL? to )ome u# sin)e its a very rajasi) #lanet.ars is riendly to neither Saturn or . the under #rivileged et)! Saturn is ?oga *aaraka and Situated in %%th rom &rudha Lagna! >en)e 8n)ome rom Saturn related terms gives lot o growth but in slow manner! ?ou should undertand that when 8ndia is now in a growing #hase.grou#.er)ury! R&lso See9 htt#9. the kaarka or %3th 'The sour)e o "ealth+! >en)e the )urrent debate! A-----------------------------------------------A B B B0s 9a B(a (/ B B B B'L B'.=hart is atta)hed! 8t's observed that the hora Lord is .e BJu B0L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A Let's see what the )urrent Government will do or the Natal )hart's indi)ation! The =urrent 8ndian =entral Govt! 433.P-1%4S .er)ury in 2rd house make the labour very talented! Ieing in %%th rom &rudha gives mu)h in)ome! Iut Sin)e 1th >ouse is also badhakesha or Taurus. There di i)ulty in understanding the <oli)y to im#lement! >en)e is )ausing mu)h trouble! . The 1th $uler having <arivartana with . uhurtha =hart .oon+9 . who needs s#e)ial treatment! The Natal )hart o 8ndia is Taurus L&gna with Saturn as the 1th and %3th Lord! >en)e the Natal )hart o india itsel indi)ates that the under#reviledged 'Saturn+ will be one o the driving a)tors or <oli)y making and &dministration! The Same )omes u# in this Govt!'s Swearing in )hart! "ith Saturn sitting in 1th house being! The 5irst time this Govt! mentioned about reservations was in De)ember %. ..%22F021!)ms The =om#ressed :imshottari was Saturn dasa :imsottari Dasa 'started rom .anmohan Singh Govt! o 8ndia! 5irst Some basi)s.grou#s!yahoo!)om.aha Dasas9 $ah9 4332O%4O2% '%290F90-+ O 433-O%3O34 'P90494P+ Ju#9 433-O%3O34 'P90494P+ O 4330O30O23 '%193F9%0+ Sat9 4330O30O23 '%193F9%0+ O 433FO32O%0 '-90%931+ &ntardasas in this . et) The 5inal <oli)y im#lemented may not be avourable to saturn 'reservation+ in this )urrent govt! Sin)e .arti)leshow..ars is having #arivartana on 1th! The Govt! >as to )ome ba)k again with better #oli)y or 8ndia's Natal Saturn to un)tion better! "arm $egards Sanjay < 5urther )ontent rom htt#9.timeso india!indiatimes!)om. mer)ury #arivaratna is )oming u# in other State's )hart like the )urrent Tamil Nadu government.P-1%4 Ielow is the =hart or swearing in time or the ..?ou should understand that the this mars.grou#.message.vedi)O astrology.D9 .$ules+ o the Govt! The $eservation #oli)y in di)tated by Saturn! &s Saturn indi)ates the weak in the so)iety.th! The 1th >ouse in Govt! 5orming )harts indi)ates the #oli)ies'Dharma. 4330 htt#9.th house indi)ates the weaknesses in the a)tivity! 8t's #re erred to have no graha in . Sat9 4330O30O23 '%193F9%0+ O 4330O3PO%P '%9%P93-+ ,er)9 4330O3PO%P '%9%P93-+ O 4330O3.O4. '-93490P+ *et9 4330O3.O4. '-93490P+ O 4330O31O%- 'P94-9-2+ :en9 4330O31O%- 'P94-9-2+ O 4330O%%O3% '%39%%90P+ Sun9 4330O%%O3% '%39%%90P+ O 4330O%%O%0 '%-9-.933+ ,oon9 4330O%%O%0 '%-9-.933+ O 4330O%4O31 '%90192.+ ,ars9 4330O%4O31 '%90192.+ O 4330O%4O40 '%39%%9--+ $ah9 4330O%4O40 '%39%%9--+ O 433FO34O30 '%39%%9%F+ Ju#9 433FO34O30 '%39%%9%F+ O 433FO32O%0 '-90%931+ ,er)9 433FO32O%0 '-90%931+ O 433FO%4O3% '%1922901+ *et9 433FO%4O3% '%1922901+ O 433PO32O%0 '%39-%9-3+ :en9 433PO32O%0 '%39-%9-3+ O 433.O3%O%0 'F940901+ Sun9 433.O3%O%0 'F940901+ O 433.O3-O%- '390P941+ ,oon9 433.O3-O%- '390P941+ O 433.O31O%F '429-29-P+ ,ars9 433.O31O%F '429-29-P+ O 433.O%4O23 '%193.90P+ The ,ahadasa lord Saturn in 1th house indi)ates the same! The )urrent dasa is o ,er)ury! ,er)ury is in #arivartana with ,arsZ! in natal )hart! ,er)ury is 1th lord and ,ars is the Pth Lord! >en)e <oli)y seeming )ontrolled by ,er)ury is a)tually determined by ,arsZ! "hi)h is inimi)al to Saturn! >en)e Saturn determined <oli)y will not avour well or the )urrent govt! The Q()hange in lordshi#s will avour more ,ars related #oli)y! ,ars avours #oli)y in De en)e, Qngineering, et)! so the Govt, will show reverse this )urrent #oli)y, Qlse :oilen)e Due to mars will surely show u#! "arm $egards Sanjay < 5-yr chart Date: Time: Time #one: *lace: 0ltitu/e: (ay 22, 2004 1:: 2:00 5: 0:00 $%ast o& '(T) :: % 12+ 00,, 2! N 6+ 00, Ne> Delhi, In/ia 0100 meters Tarana - Jyeshtha -u.la Tritiya $(a) $01445 le&t) -atur/ay $-a) 0ar/ra $9a) $4:1225 le&t) -oola $Ju) $6 1605 le&t) 'ariCa $Ju) $11!!5 le&t) Lunar 2r-(o: Tithi: 3e/ic 6ee./ay: Na.shatra: 2o8a: ;arana: <ora Lor/: (ercury $5 min si8n: 3i) (aha.ala <ora: 3enus $5 min si8n: -8) ;aala Lor/: (ars $(aha.ala: 3enus) -unrise: -unset: Janma 'hatis: 5: 1:02 14:05:00 010404 0yanamsa: 2 -54-541:1 -i/ereal Time: 4:12: 6 =o/y Lon8itu/e Na.shatra *a/a 9asi Na7amsa Li Ta 'e 'e 0r Le 'e 'e 0r Li Ta Ta -c Ta -c Ta Cn *i *i 0? 0? Le Le Li *i Le 0? Cn *i 3i *i 3i 0r 0? La8na 1! Li 01+ :152, ->at 4 -un - '; : Ta 4!+ 5:1:4, ;rit 4 (oon - *i; 1 'e 42+ 12120, 0r/r (ars - 0m; 15 'e 40+ !110, 0r/r (ercury - *; 1 0r 2:+ 211:, =har 1 Ju"iter - =; 15 Le 2:+ 121 4, **ha 1 3enus $9) - D; 1 'e 4!+ 2!155, (ri8 -aturn - 0; 1: 'e 05+ 541!2, 0r/r 4 9ahu - (; 16 0r 14+ 2:1!4, =har 1 ;etu 16 Li 14+ 2:1!4, ->at (aan/i 20 Ta 4+ 01146, 9ohi 4 'uli.a : Ta 20+ 041 4, ;rit 4 =ha7a La8na : -c 4+ 61!4, 0nu 2 <ora La8na : Ta 44+ 04150, ;rit 4 'hati La8na ! -c 2+ 4:150, 0nu 2 3i8hati La8na 12 Ta 10+ 5:150, 9ohi 1 3arna/a La8na 1! Cn 01+ :152, 0s>i 1 A-----------------------------------------------A B B(e 9a B-u <L B(o (a B B B B(/ '. B3e9 -a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B0L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------B 9asi B-----------B B B BJu B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B B'L B0s ;e B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %%92F <, % )omments Links to this #ost Monday, May 2 , 2006 <eanin" .ehind The <adhu +aita%ha Story 5rom9 Narasimha /.-.R. Rao W#vrX)harter!netY Date9 ,ay 4., 433F %%90F <, Subje)t9 RsohamsaS ,eaning Iehind The ,adhu *aitabha Story To9 JyotishGrou#Xyahoogrou#s!)om, vedi)OastrologyXyahoogrou#s!)om , sohamsaXyahoogrou#s!)om 8amaste learned friends0 )omeone 4/eried a +hile 9ack on the meaning 9ehind the stor. of Madh/ Caita9ha, 7ere is a 4/ick repl. 9ased on m. limited /nderstanding, LLL Madh/ means hone., :Madh/ keeta: means an insect of hone.0 i,e, hone. 9ee, Madh/ kaita means 9elonging to hone. 9ees, -t can 9e the 4/alities or nat/re of hone. 9ees, Ane of the meanings of :9ha: is :having a similarit. to:, 'h/s0 in m. 2/dgment0 :Madh/ Caita9ha: means :having a sem9lance to the nat/re of hone. 9ees:, LLL Like - keep sa.ing0 )anskrit is a fantastic lang/age, )anskrit names selected 9. Hishis for e6pressing vario/s concepts and stories are ver. tho/ghtf/l, Depending on ho+ deep one goes0 there are man. meanings of the same +ord, 'h/s0 Hishis e6pressed concepts that ma. have one meaning to a la.man and a different meaning to one +ho is read. to /nderstand the deeper meaningM - sal/te to the +isdom of o/r HishisM - +as sa.ing the same thing at &rsha @id.a J/r/k/lam last +eekend, <hen some9od. said at an open disc/ssion that the idea is important and not the name0 as there are man. names of the same thing in man. lang/ages0 - made a 4/ick point a9o/t the val/e of )anskrit names, - said that )anskrit names have not one meaning0 9/t la.ers of meanings that can 9e /nderstood 9ased on the capa9ilit. of the reader, Hishis /sed this to hide some special meanings and to keep some higher kno+ledge as secret0 even tho/gh it is ver. m/ch o/t thereM 'he e6ample - gave +as of 9hava and pada, Parasara descri9ed 9havas (ho/ses) and ho+ to find their respective padas (ar/dha padas of ho/ses) and said that a 9hava and its pada sho/ld 9e 2/dged to see the matters of a ho/se, 'ho/gh he did not e6plain the difference 9et+een a 9hava and its pada f/rther and did not el/cidate +hen to /se +hich one0 - said that the ver. choice of names is a h/ge cl/eM 3hava0 +hich is /s/all. translated as a ho/se0 also means :a tho/ghtIconceptIfeeling: and pada means :a s.m9olI+ord: /sed to e6press a tho/ghtIconcept, 'h/s0 ho/ses are to their ar/dha padas +hat tho/ghts (9havas) are to the +ords (padas) that attempt to e6press them, Nor e6ample0 if the "th ho/se sho+s one?s happiness0 the pada of "th ho/se sho+s the tangi9le articles that attempt to thro+ light on one?s happiness (e,g, vehicle o+ned 9. one0 '@ o+ned 9. one etc), 7o/ses (9havas) sho+ intangi9leIinternal aspects of a matter (2/st like tho/ghts inside one?s head)0 +hile their ar/dha padas sho+ tangi9leIe6ternal aspects of a matter (2/st like the e6ternal +ords spoken that attempt to e6press the tho/ghts in the head), -f .o/ /se the *nglish +ords to translate Parasara0 this hidden meaning ma. 9e lostM )o0 arg/ed that )anskrit names /sed 9. Hishis are not like +ords in an. lang/age, LLL &n.+a.0 let /s come 9ack to the Madh/ Caita9ha stor., &s - said0 Madh/ Caita9ha means :having a sem9lance to the 4/alit. of hone.9ees:, <hat is the 4/alit. of hone. 9eesD <ell0 the. keep +orking hard to acc/m/late the s+eet hone.M 'he. are not intelligent eno/gh to think a9o/t an. higher things in life, 'h/s0 Madh/ Caita9ha are an allegor. to the 4/alit. +ithin /s +hich makes /s +ork hard0 like hone.9ees0 +ith a single-minded foc/s on acc/m/lating material comforts, Like hone.9ees acc/m/late e. Moreover0 it is apt that someone 9orn in the ears (!rd ho/se) of @ishn/ fo/nd end in the thighs (9th ho/se0 i. m/ch active. 'he foc/s on +orking like hone. 'he a9ilit. element.0 the path to self-kno+ledge 9ecomes open then and 3rahma 9ecomes elated. 'he fact that earth. (8ote: -f (handra 7ari is reading this0 he +ill pro9a9l. a terri9le thing.. 9e +h. @ishn/ 9attles Madh/ Caita9ha for #0 . to +ork hard like a 9ee is not reall. )+adhishthana chakra is s/pposed to control desires and hence +ater s.) &ccording to Parasara0 thighs are seen from the 9th ho/se of dharma. ask 7im to kill them in a place +here there is no +ater. earth.). different topic.do +ant to ackno+ledge that this s/pports his vie+.e. 'here are so man.0 fier. 'he Mooladhara0 )+adhishthana0 Manipoora0 &nahata and @is/ddhi chakras are the seats of earth.m9oli5es the commitment and sta9ilit. @ishn/0 the.m9oli5e the s/preme and li9erating kno+ledge of self and 3rahma0 the carrier of @edas0 s. taamasi shakti0 i. is essentiall.+ill not sa. 'h/s0 the instinct +ithin /s to keep acc/m/lating material o92ects like hone.m9oli5es the sadhana to achieve the s/preme kno+ledge. 'heir satt+a is in deep sleep and Madh/ Caita9ha 9orn from that asleep sattva are ver. from s/preme 9liss. @ishn/ goes to sleep0 +hen there is a change of 3rahma. find 7is end in the 1$th ho/se of @ishn/ (feet)0 +hich is the 7th ho/se of death from the %th ho/seM 'hat ma. reali5e that this point s/pports his vie+ on MooladharaM 3/t . 8at/rall.m9oli5es desire.thing more on it for no+0 as it is a totall. 'his s/ggests that Parama P/r/sha?s Mooladhara chakra is in the thighs of @ish/. elements respectivel. +ant a place that has no +ater0 @ishn/ sho+s his thighs. to do sadhana and o9tain s/preme kno+ledge of self. agree to 9e slain 9. an. Madh/ Caita9ha?s attack on 3rahma and @edas is s. 3/t . 'his a9ilit. &s long as there is desire0 it is to/gh to overcome the instinct of 2/st +orking for material o92ectsM <hen the.e. . satt+a g/na covered 9. see that there is +ater all aro/nd and think that there is no place +here there is no +ater. 'here is no +ater there and onl. 'hen +e are f/ll. @edas s. and ether.ears.m9olic of that.. Devi 3hagavatam even descri9es that @ishn/ +ondered in the middle ho+ to defeat Madh/ Caita9ha0 as 7e finds them 4/ite formida9leM *ven +hen the sattva in /s a+akens0 it is diffic/lt for it to overcome the formida9le instinct to lead the life of a hone. 'he.0 +e acc/m/late material o92ects and spend +hole life +orking hard doing 2/st that. @ishn/ is a personification of the satt+a g/na of the Parama P/r/sha (GniversalI&9sol/te 3eing). 'he earth.0 +ater. 'he pro9lem +ith this foc/s on hard +ork and acc/m/lation of material o92ects is that it keeps /s a+a. a+ake spirit/all. satt+a g/na that :manifests: in a taamasik +a.hone.e. +hen the satt+a g/na +ithin /s follo+s its dharma. good people in this +orld0 +ho 2/st spend their entire lives in honest la9or like the hone.9ees and acc/m/lating material o92ects tries to kills one?s a9ilit.0 air. in this creation. 7th ho/se of death from the !rd ho/se) of @ishn/M )imilarl. <hen Madh/ Caita9ha finall. <ithin /s0 @ishn/ is an allegor. to the satt+a g/na +ithin /s. 9ees acc/m/late hone. element came from the thighs of @ishn/ sho+s that it is the dharma of satt+a g/na s/staining this /niverse that ens/res that there is commitment and sta9ilit.0 3rahma0 +ho is 9orn from the navel (%th ho/se) of @ishn/ sho/ld nat/rall. finds its end in the dharma of the satt+a g/na0 i. Madh/ Caita9ha +ere 9orn from @ishn/?s ear+a6 +hen 7e +as alseep. 9orn from the satt+a g/na +ithin /s0 +hen it is in deep sl/m9er (i.9ee and to acc/m/late the material o92ects for oneself and others.9ees and acc/m/late things for themselves and others aro/nd them. element s.. %" da. . -f one is atleast capa9le of /nderstanding a stor.- .am mis/nderstood0 . -t is not that important. -n a )hata (handi homam0 D/rga )aptashati is to 9e recited 1 times. perhaps do the ne6t )hata (handi homam in the P/ne area in $ 7 or $ 8.o/ did not /nderstand m. the light of 3rahman shine +ithin0 8arasimha ---------------------------------------------------------------Nree 1. -f an. specific goal 9/t 2/st for /niversal +ell-9eing0 in the coming .heard D/rga saptashati for the time in this life in Acto9er $ # and read it for the first time on the morning of March !0 $ %. .0 to the instinct most of /s have to+ards leading a :reg/lar: life0 +orking hard like hone. <hat . even 9e a9le to do a )ahasra (handi 7omam soonM Please spread D/rga )aptashati reading among people .0 after e6actl.o/ can come there and contri9/te to+ards the co/nt of 1 . 9e a9le to read a fe+ times at the ne6t )hata (handi homamM -f there are eno/gh reciters0 +ho kno+s0 +e ma.o/ kno+.o/ sho/ld easil. -n fact0 +hen a =ogi is a9le to transport conscio/sness to a partic/lar plane0 7eI)he can vividl. as an allegor. <e?ll see.need to clarif. see these stories act/all. LLL Lest . -f .ing is that there is an allegorical link 9et+een vario/s planes of conscio/sness. <e intend to do more )hata (handi homas0 this time +itho/t an.o/ practice reading D/rga )aptashati0 . -f some of .comcast.o/ can read it +ell0 .ing that these stories are not real. in another plane of conscio/sness.0 that +ill serve a val/a9le p/rposeM -f .home.am sa. )till .s passed since the poornaah/ti of that homam0 some political events happened in (hennai0 +hich M&= 9ring some relief. of Madh/-Caita9ha refers0 allegoricall. 'hese stories &H* ver.otish soft+are (<indo+s): http:II+++.otish lessons (MP!): http:IIvedicastro.@edic&strologer.relief for a spirit/al master of so/th -ndia from /nfort/nate legal tro/9les.'h/s0 the stor.)ri1agannath. of .net Nree 1.org )ri 1agannath (entre ()1() +e9site: http:II+++.o/ can vol/nteer and help /s the ne6t time.ended /p contri9/ting 1# or so readings to the )hata (handi homam.ears. m/ch real. -f )he is +illing0 +e ma. -f interested0 please start practicing the recital of D/rga )aptashati.9ees and acc/m/lating o92ects for self and others and ho+ that instinct needs to 9e defeated 9. -nterestingl. last point0 please feel free to ignore it. +aking /p the satt+a g/na and allo+ing to perform its dharma. <hat is real in one plane of conscio/sness is an allegor. 'he stories are as real as o/r o+n e6istence as 9eings made of flesh and 9lood is0 in the normal plane of conscio/sness.org ---------------------------------------------------------------Dtat sa7itur 7arenyamD 3e/ic astrolo8y so&t>are 3e/ic astrolo8y -*EN-E9%D LIN. LLL 'he )hata (handi 7omam +e did in (hennai d/ring March 1-7 +as for a specific goal .o/ practice from no+0 . happening. Ma. one thing.am not sa. May 16.B(e *een thin%in o8 $ritin a*out )e(i Mahat2ya2 8or a $hile an' ha(e an occasion to 'o it no$? 0here is so2ethin %no$n as )ur a Saptashlo%i. they are arran e' in 3 parts CcharitasD? So2e parts ha(e 2ore chapters an' so2e parts ha(e less? 0he three parts ha(e Mahaa-aali. .sohamsa.M"H. @a. Shu2*ha. $hich is 7 (erses in the prayer o8 )i(ine Mother? 0his is a short 8or2 o8 a *i er treatise %no$n as )ur a Saptashati? . $ill 8ocus on the latter in this 2ail? )ur a Saptashati Ca%a )e(i Mahat2ya2 or #han'i saptashati or #han'ipathD is a collection o8 700 (erses a*out )i(ine Mother? . ha(e hear' a lot a*out )ur a saprastuti< $hat is )ur a saptastuti= >hat is its si ni8icance in (e'ic astrolo y= 9 9 &ny pointers or e4planation in this re ar's are appreciate'? 9 9 +e ar's. 2006 Dur"a Saptashati/De i <ahatmyam 5rom9 Narasimha /.R.   3isit your 8rou" .is. +a%ta*ee. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Tuesday.-.t is 8ro2 Maar%an'eya Puraana2? 0he 700 (erses are arran e' in 13 chapters? &lso. 7ishu2*ha etc? 0hey (ie$ it as a collection o8 stories? . 9 :o2 ura(e na2ah : 9 +especte' /uru.ay %2.ut.ahatmyam 'long+ To9 sohamsaXyahoogrou#s!)om 7a2aste 8rien's. on the >eG1 To unsuGscriGe &rom this 8rou". Rao W#vrX)harter!netY Date9 . that is a (ery li2ite' (ie$? )e(i 2ahat2ya2 is 2uch 2ore than a collection o8 stories? Ve'as are its s$arupa2I .ur(e'a an' Sa2a(e'a as the s$arupas.a. artha an' %aa2a respecti(ely? 0hey ha(e ai2. hree2 an' %lee2 as the *ee.LIN. 433F -9-4 <. Mun'a.as? GGG So2e people 2ista%enly thin% that it is 2erely an account o8 the e4ploits o8 )ur aa an' her slayin o8 'e2ons Mahisha. 9 9 . Subje)t9 RsohamsaS On Durga Sa#tashati. i?e? each Ve'a is a 'i88erent representationF8or2Fessence o8 each part? 0he purposes o8 the three parts are 'har2a.20<EEF '9E@*. #han'a. 9 Prana( @ou as%e' a oo' Auestion? . sen/ an email to: sohamsa-unsuGscriGeHyahoo8rou"s1com 2our use o& 2ahooF 'rou"s is suGCect to the 2ahooF Terms o& -er7ice 1 <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 1933 <.Devi . MahaaEa%sh2i an' MahaaSaras$ati as the 'eities? 0hey ha(e +i (e'a. 8or2s only Jli2itJ "i2? "is hi hest nature is that "e has no 8or2 or attri*utes? Si2ilarly. Si(a'ooti an' #haa2un'aaF-aali. then 7arayani is his Sha%ti an' She is the root cause o8 all creation? She is insepara*le 8ro2 "i2? )onBt i2a ine 7arayani as a separate 8or2? 0hat is a 2ista%e? She is si2ply the po$er o8 7arayana? 7either 7arayana nor 7arayani ha(e a 8or2? &8ter all.otto2line is that She is the Moola Pra%riti.0ini 2ah&(a.8 you ha(e .rUpe n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K1! +Lih.tapara2&yu'he : pras. so2e call her #han'i an' so2e call her Mahaala%sh2i? 0he na2e 'oes not 2atter that 2uch? . copy the te4t into it an' see it in Sans%rit? haMsayu%ta(i2&nasthe *rah2&7. $hich is *eyon' na2es an' attri*utes? 0he *otto2line is that there is a Para2a Purusha a*o(e the 0ri2urthis C.to ra2ah&cha%re 'aMSh0ro''h+Lita(asun'hare : (ar&harUpi7. Vaishna(iFEa%sh2i. a2 tal%in a*out unli2ite' Sha%ti Cener yD *ehin' all li2ite' Sha%tis? So2e people call her )ur aa.re sahasranayano.s$arUpe7a n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K14 2ayUra%u%%u0a(+Lite 2ah&sha%ti'hare?ana he : %au2&r. Vaaraahi.(ale : (+Litrapr&7ahare 'e(i n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K19 shi(a'Ut. o8 all that 2ani8ests? She is the 8orce that 'ri(es e(erythin in the uni(erse? 0o$ar's the en'. it is 8oolish to ar ue a*out the na2e? &8ter all. 7arayana is unaateeta an' 8or2less? 0hou h "e #&7 ta%e 8or2s.rUpasaMsth&ne n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K15 shaM%hacha%ra a'&sh&rM7 a +Lih. &2*a is not a separate person. *ut si2ply the po$er o8 Sa2*a Shi(a? 0hey are insepara*le C. .0ranslator. *ut let us not et cau ht in na2es? >hen $e are essentially spea%in a*out an entity that is *eyon' attri*utes.'a (aiSh7a(.shi(e n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K17 n+LisiMharUpe7o re7a hantuM 'aity&n %+Lito'ya2e : trailo%yatr&7asahite n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K18 %ir.8 $e call hi2 7arayana. the 11th chapter Ctitle' J7aaraayani StutiJD 'escri*es o's prayin to the )i(ine Mother a8ter slayin all the 'e2ons? 0hey a''ress "er as J7aaraayaniJ? 0his is consistent $ith the 'i88erence *et$een 7arayana an' Vishnu that $e 2aintain at SJ#? Vishnu is one o8 the 0ri2urthis? "e is o8 Satt(a una an' sustains the creation? 7arayana is unaateeta Ca*o(e unasFattri*utesD? "e is the Sahasraseersha an' Para2a Purusha? So2e people 2ay 'escri*e the sa2e as Sa2*a Sa'a Shi(a. the root nature.. a2 Auotin the slo%as *elo$ in . the na2es essentially capture the nature o8 the path those people too% to e4perience the Para2a Purusha rather than the nature o8 Para2a Purusha.rah2aani. a2 not tal%in a*out li2ite' 8or2s? .rUpa'h&ri7i : %aush&2*ha"%Sari%e 'e(i n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K13 trishUlachan'r&hi'hare 2ah&(+LiSha*ha(&hini : 2&hesh(ar.rah2a. na2e too is an attri*ute? 0hou h reat people a(e 'i88erent na2es to the Para2a Purusha. Vishnu an' Shi(aD? . the nine Sha%tis $ho 8ou ht 'e2ons. 7aarasi2hi.ust as Soura( sai' in a separate 'iscussion on JSa2*a Shi(a an' &'$aitaJD? #o2in *ac% to the point. -au2aari. are all 'escri*e' as 'i88erent 8or2s o8 7aaraayani? . i?e? .0rans 8or2at? .)e(i 2ahat2ya2 is the (ery 'e8inition o8 the nature o8 )i(ine Mother? >hen .s$arUpe7a hata'aitya2ah&*ale : . Maahes$ari. say )i(ine Mother. this is ho$ it is 'escri*e' C8K14DN J>hate(er 8or2. act etc? &ny other e4ternal 8or2 is a lo$er nature o8 "er? 0hus. that is a li2ite' 8or2 an' "er true nature is *eyon' that? "er true an' hi hest nature is that She is an insepara*le part o8 Vishnu an' represents the ener y o8 Vishnu? She is the part o8 Vishnu that 2a%es Vishnu thin%. 'ecoration. Maahes$ari.rah2aani ca2e on a s$an $ith a%sha sutra an' %a2an'alu C$orn *y .a e(en at *irth? &s Vaishna(i. $eapons an' (ehicle?J 0he ne4t 9 (erses 'escri*e ho$ . *oth the 2eanin s are lin%e' an' the $or' co2es 8ro2 the root ran.rah2a? Maahes$ari is si2ply the sha%ti C(italityFener yD o8 Mahes$ara? &n' so on? H8 course.rah2a an' .ut. is there is a 'eeper 2eanin in it= >hy $as -aali the chosen one an' not Vaishna(i or 7aarasi2hi or &in'ri= 0he $or' ra%ta 2eans *loo'? &nother 2eanin is J'esireFpassionJ? &ctually.t $ill ena*le you to appreciate the hi hest nature o8 Sha%ti? C2D 0a%e +a%ta*ee. another 'e2on $ill *e *orn 8ro2 it an' $ill *e o8 the sa2e siPe.aBs slayin ? +a%ta*ee. She 2ay 2ani8est li2ite' *y your i2a ination an' e(en i(e you a 'arshan in that 8or2? "o$e(er. &in'ri etc $ere hurtin +a%ta*ee. i8 you i2a ine Vaishna(i CEa%sh2iD as a separate person $ith certain attri*utes.rah2aani are not separate? Mahes$ara an' Maahes$ari are not separate? Vishnu an' Vaishna(i are not separate? &n' so on? . . 2ore an' 2ore 'e2ons $ere *ein *orn an' all the o's $ere scare'? 0hen #han'i%aa tol' -aali to e4pan' her 8ace an' eat all the 'e2ons as they are *orn? #han'i%a oes aroun' the $ar roun' eatin all the 'e2ons as they are *orn an' e(entually +a%ta*ee. 'ecoration. there are (ery (alua*le lessons on "er nature in it? 0he 'eeper you o. )e(i Mahat2ya2 is a*out the nature o8 the 2ost supre2e ener y o8 this uni(erseI GGG 0hou h )e(i Mahat2ya2 loo%s li%e stories. that they are not really separate 8ro2 the 2ale counterparts? . a e an' stren th as the ori inal +a%ta*ee. $eapons an' (ehicles su ests. 'esire. )e(i Mahat2ya2 is essentially a*out the Sha%ti o8 /unaateeta Para2a Purusha C7arayanaD? &ll 'e(atas co2e 8ro2 "i2 an' hence the sha%tis Cener iesD o8 all 'e(atas co2e 8ro2 "is sha%ti C7arayaniD? 0hus. conte2plation on these (erses $ill 2a%e you un'erstan' the true nature o8 2ale 'e(atas an' 8e2ale 'e(atas an' their relationship *etter? . .Fran . Maahes$ari ca2e on a reat *ull $ith a 0rishoola an' She $ore a *i sna%e an' Moon? &n' so on? >hat is the 2essa e hi''en in the a*o(e 'escription= 0he 8act that these 8e2ale 'eities are i'entical to the 2ale counterparts in 8or2. 'ecoration.8 a 'rop o8 *loo' 8alls 8ro2 his *o'y on the roun'. to 2e. the 2ore you can un'erstan' an' appreciate the lessons in the stories? Eet 2e i(e a couple o8 e4a2ples? C1D >hen (arious Mothers are oin to $ar $ith 'e2ons. his sha%ti Cener yD ca2e in the sa2e 8or2. $eapons an' (ehicle each o' has.rah2aani is si2ply the sha%ti C(italityFener yD o8 .a runs out o8 *loo'? 0his loo%s li%e a nice story? .a in the 8i ht.a is a 'e2on $ith a special a*ility? .horarUpe 2ah&r&(e n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K20 'aMSh0r&%ar&la(a'ane shiro2&l&(i*hUSha7e : ch&2u7)e 2u7)a2athane n&r&ya7i na2o?astu te :: 11K21 0he nine Sha%tis that 8ou ht the 'e2ons are 'escri*e' as (arious 8or2sF2ani8estations o8 7aaraayani here? 0hus.rah2aD.rah2aani etc ca2e? Oor e4a2ple. n astrolo y.t is 2ore e88ecti(e i8 you rea' the 2oola 2antra Cthe 7a(a%shari 2antra or. Moon sho$s ra%ta 'hatu C*loo'D an' he is also the %ara%a 8or 'esires? +a%ta*ee.t is (ery auspicious to rea' e(ery'ay or on &shta2iF7a(a2iF#hatur'asi 'ays? . pre8era*ly. there is so2ethin in #han'ipath 8or e(eryoneI .a $ithin us is 'e8eatin the o's $ithin us? 0he thin is that 'esires are 'i88icult to et ri' o8? @ou et ri' o8 one 'esire an' another 'esire is *orn? 0hat is $hat +a%ta*ee.a 2eans Jthe see' o8 'esireJ? +a%ta*ee. one nee's to 'e(elop (airaa ya2 an' 'etach2ent an' %eep on 'estroyin 'esires as they are *orn an' persist li%e that? &8ter persistin 8or a lon ti2e. $e associate Mahaa%aala an' Mahaa%aali $ith Saturn? -aali sho$s 'etach2ent an' (airaa ya2? She $ears a arlan' o8 s%ulls.hu. in our astrolo y also. the Jsee' o8 'esiresJ $ill run out o8 'esires an' one $ill o(erco2e 'esires? 0hus.a Maha Ea%sh2i C7arayani $ith 942R18 han'sD? GGG . as that 'epen's on the e(olution le(el o8 sa'ha%a an' his attitu'e? .t ta%es 1K2?5 hours? >hen . si2ple stories ha(e 'eep 2eanin s? 0his particular story cele*rates the (alue o8 'etach2ent. (airaa ya2 an' persistence K Saturnine Aualities? GGG )ur a Saptashati is $hat is use' in #han'i ho2a2? .$hich 2eans Jto colorJ? H8 course. $ill i(e one interestin personal anec'ote? . starte' rea'in )ur a Sapta Shati 'urin Shata #han'i "o2a2 at #hennai in March? . rea' it 8or the 8irst ti2e on March. a priest $ho ca2e to our house i8te' 2e a one 8oot tall panchaloha i'ol o8 &shta'asa . 8inishe' e4actly 40 'ays o8 rea'in it.t is tou h to e4actly say $hat *ene8it it i(es.ut. too% a (o$ to rea' it 8or 108 consecuti(e 'ays? &8ter .u' 2ent an' oo' Aualities? Qach hu2an *ein is a 2icrocos2 o8 the 2acrocos2 that the uni(erse is? &ll 'e(atas resi'e in us as (arious oo' Aualities an' all 'e2ons resi'e in us as (arious un'esira*le Aualities? >hen $e are o(erco2e *y 'esires an' 'o *a' 'ee's. the +a%ta*ee. it too% 2e 2 hours? 7o$ it ta%es 2e 50 2in? .8 you 'onBt ha(e 2uch ti2e.a 8i htin $ith o's sy2*oliPes 'esires ta%in the *etter o8 our oo' . sy2*oliPin that there is an en'less cycle C arlan'D o8 *irths a 2aterial 8or2 Cs%ullD oes thru? 0he $ay -aali sho$s to o(erco2e the cycle is (airaa ya2 an' 'etach2ent? She sho$s 2eanin 8ul an' hi hest le(el o8 (airaa ya2 that co2es $ith a 'eep un'erstan'in o8 the cycle o8 2aterial 8or2s? 0o 8ully cut o88 the Jsee' o8 'esiresJ so that one 'oes not et any 2ore 'esires.t has (arious *ene8its at (arious le(els o8 sa'hana? . you 2ay $ant to rea' one chapter per 'ay? Merely chantin it $ithout un'erstan'in the 2eanin is also e4cellent an' pro'uces results? Un'erstan'in the 2eanin an' 2ar(ellin at the po$er o8 the Mother 2a%es one 8earless an' ener etic an' also i(e 2aterial *ene8its? Un'erstan'in the 'eeper 2eanin s an' appreciatin the 0rue 7ature o8 the Mother 2a%es one realiPe oneBs o$n true nature? . )asa%shari 2antra $ith H2 a''e'D 108 ti2es *e8ore &7) a8ter chantin 700 (erses? .aBs special a*ility 2eans? 0he Jsee' o8 'esiresJ $ithin us $ill %eep pro'ucin 2ore an' 2ore 'esires? . $hy -aali to 'estroy "i2= .t is (ery resource8ul? 0hen. In the Gemini Lagna !or )ramod bhai. 7arasi2ha KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Oree Jyotish lessons CMP3DN httpNFF(e'icastro?ho2e?co2cast?net Oree Jyotish so8t$are C>in'o$sDN httpNFF$$$?Ve'ic&strolo er?or Sri Ja annath #entre CSJ#D $e*siteN httpNFF$$$?SriJa annath?or KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at .ay 1. 6he Luestion I was raising was not about the sans2rit part. whi"h is de!initely not disputed < *arbani also has given a !ine opinion to me the other day.ahajan To9 sohamsaXyahoogrou#s!)om | om gurave namah | Dear Narasimha. A-----------------------------------------------A B B9a B B0s B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B B B(/ '.hat is this philosophy and what is the relevan"e o! =saamba= to thisM :oping to hear some great thoughts !rom all o! you. 2006 Sanskrit and /ramod <aha)an 5rom9 San)ay Rath gurujiXsrath!)om Date9 .rah2aaniN Jupiter Maahes$ariN Moon -au2aariN Mars Vaishna(iN Mercury VaaraahiN +ahu 7aarasi2hiN -etu &in'riN Sun Si(a'ootiN Venus #haa2un'aaF-aaliN Saturn May the li ht o8 .924 <. 6he point I was hoping would bedis"ussed slightly more was the "on"ept o! (dvaita. La2shmi &x"ellent points about =*aamba= and the point is well a""epted now. $ho 8ou ht $ith 'e2ons? .ut o*(iously there 2ust *e a lin%? "ere is 2y 8irst shot at itN . on the 2appin *et$een the the nine planets an' the nine 8or2s o8 7arayani 'escri*e' in Saptashati.)omments Links to this #ost Tuesday. 433F P903 &. . . B . to 2y %no$le' e.0here are no classical re8erences.rah2an shine $ithin. May 0 . Subje)t9 $Q9 RsohamsaS Sanskrit and <ramod . B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------B 9asi B-----------B B<L B B-a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B BJu 'L B(a B-u .'GO le!t% 4oga7 1ish2ambha #*a% #@G.ee2day7 *aturday #*a% Na2shatra7 :astha #+o% #H. )ramod Date7 O"tober 'A.e B(o (e B B B B B3e 0L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A A-----------------------------------------------A B B BJu B<L 'L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B-u 3e B B (o -a B B(/ B B9a B B B B B B B B B B B Na7amsa B B B-----------B B-----------B B. GK N J'= AAI :yderabad. India Lunar 4r<+o7 *arva<dhari < (swayu3a 6ithi7 /rishna .J O le!t% .J@O le!t% 1edi" . G DE 6ime7 7JG7AA pm 6ime None7 @7'A7AA #&ast o! G+6% )la"e7 KE & JE= AAI.e B D-4 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B0s B(a '. B0L B(e B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A +aha3an.haturdasi #1e% #K . I told him that during *aturn dasa his 5a3yoga would not be disturbed as the elders li2e 1a3payee3i and (dvani3i will li2e him very mu"h < *aturn is the lord o! 1isha2umbha yoga. +ethod o! the three +oons Q +iddle li!e < very spe"i!i"ally danger is expe"ted in *at85ahu period #see the navamsa with the +oon. Now "oming to *hula dasa < yes the dasa was o! Gemini and you always underestimate the power o! the 5udra yoga "aused by 1enus $ +oon or +ars $ +oon.. I! you loo2 at the pan"hanga.... *imilarly when he was very worried a!ter the G' day govt. GA year8sign +iddle group stru"ture is 'H.. *o... 6here is no 2a2shya hrasa or vriddhi in this as although +er"ury "ould have given 2a2shya hrasa. In my written predi"tions to him.haturdasi dosha i. Long group stru"ture is DA. KJ and GAE . in this battle between +er"ury P Jupiter on one side prote"ting him and +oon and 1enus on the other destroying him. H. 6his is a grave dosha that "an harm longevity 3ust li2e amavasya dosha that "an "ompletely destroy !ortune and longevity.. 6he Luestion is when will Jupiter turn awayM :owever. HD and H.. Note that the +oon has serious .. longevity indi"ator in the Eth house a!!li"ted by *aturn and 5ahu... *hoola dasa #troubles and death%7 Ge +D7 JAAJ<GA<'G < JAGG<GG<AG (ntardasas in this +D7 . . I !ailed to see that it would be murder by his own brother> I always thought it would be a brea"h o! se"urity as +ars also indi"ates se"urity people and 5ahu indi"ates dangerous "riminals. 6he vaara lord *aturn is badly pla"ed !or long li!e indi"ations being in GJth !rom (L and 'rd !rom lagna. Jupiter turns away due to "haturdasi dosha #shiva dosha% ad +er"ury alone "annot battle a debilitated 1enus "on3un"tion and the dire"t "onta"t o! the /GD +oon...hen people said that he would have problems with seniors. I had guaranteed him the return o! 0J) due to the !a"t that *aturn is also the lord o! the /arana.. @.... I agree with you that ma2ing a death predi"tion would be very very di!!i"ult unless a!ter the atta"2 event as the !or"es are very deli"ately and eLually balan"ed. lagna lord $ Eth lord Q long li!e ".... *o *aturn dasa was his great 5a3yoga period.... EA P GJA.. +ethod o! ' pairs is as !ollows7 a... the pointers are also very "lear.. both +oon P 1enus be"ome very very male!i" and at the vital time Jupiter "an turn his !a"e away.. +ethod o! ' lords gives +adhya (yus as *aturn is ill pla"ed !rom both lagna and arudha while +er"ury P Jupiter are strong...... )rima !a"ie we get long li!e in the short group stru"ture even i! we are going to ignore the +oon.@AO le!t% G. 6he prote"tors Jupiter and (/ +er"ury also aspe"t the lagna and "an prote"t..e.. D.. :owever...... +oon $ *aturn Q long li!e ... 6he na2shatra lord +oon is in . *o we should never undrestimate the power o! the 5udra yoga.E year8sign '..haturdasi dosha and this "an be dangerous !or longevity./arana7 1ishti #*a% #@E. year8sign *hort group stru"ture is 'J... it has the "on3un"tion o! the "haturdasi #shiva% dosha... this dangerous period was "learly indi"ated. lagna $ :L Q alpa ayus b. J. ". the Gregorian "alendar is eLually stupid. 3 )omments Links to this #ost 3F. without written #ermission rom the author's+ mentioned herein! :i -riends. O6O:.n7 JAAE<AG<JE < JAAE<GA<'G Le7 JAAE<GA<'G < JAA <AK<'G 1i7 JAA <AK<'G < JAGA<AD<JE Li7 JAGA<AD<JE < JAGG<AG<JE *"7 JAGG<AG<JE < JAGG<GG<AG 6he only time that Jupiter would turn away would be the antardasa o! 5ahu8(ries. there may or may not be any astronomi"al similarity.*g7 JAAJ<GA<'G < JAA'<AK<'G . Sanjay $ath <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< )ersonal7 .433F 3-.grou#. b. Iest wishes and warm regards. and it is then that the evil stru"2. lunar and savana #!ixed% "alendars o! India #and mu"h o! the old world% have a sound astronomi"al basis.3%. No numerologi"al theory that hinges on this alphabet order is meaning!ul.3%.3%.eb)ages7 *ri Jagannath .eb)ages R 5ath=s 5hapsody *J. . d et"% has no phonologi"al signi!i"an"e whatsoever. It is an SarbitraryS "alendar whi"h attempts to address only some mundane issues. R JI1( )ubli"ations7 6he Jyotish Digest R *agittarius )ubli"ations <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at F9-% <.433F O 3P.433F O 30.&5.p7 JAA'<AK<'G < JAAD<AD<JE (L7 JAAD<AD<JE < JAA@<AG<JK )i7 JAA@<AG<JK < JAA@<GA<'G (r7 JAA@<GA<'G < JAAH<AK<'G 6a7 JAAH<AK<'G < JAAK<AD<JE Ge7 JAAK<AD<JE < JAAE<AG<JE .3%. *imilarly. 6he ordering o! letters #a. the solar. 0etween (pril H o! one year and (pril H o! another year. (gain.vedi)Oastrology "arning9 ?ou )annot re#rodu)e any #arts o this arti)le. .enter R *J. no numerologi"al theory that hinges on this arbitrary "alendar "an be meaning!ul. Namaste to all o! you a!ter a long hiatus> &nglish language is as uns"ienti!i" and as unsystemati" as any language "an get.grou#s!yahoo!)om..433F >ome -edic Numero$o"y -edic Numero$o"y <)15 Narasimha 5ao [ 4334 :edi) &strology List O htt#9. here is the table !or a Lui"2 re!eren"e.e "an 3udge the natal planetary positions using nama rasi o! a person to see whi"h indi"ations o! the natal "hart re"eive support !rom the name. name o! a "ompany et"% to see the impa"t o! that wor2 or venture on the native. . name o! a boo2.ell. . It 3ust so happened in your "ase. In !a"t. (s it is always easier to learn !rom real examples. I will give a !ew.g. I want to write a little more on this !or the bene!it o! those who are interested in genuine 1edi" numerology. in "ase you don=t have *an3ay 3i=s IJaimini +aharishi=s 9padesa *utrasI boo27 1a2le " !atapayaadi 3arga =li)k on 8mage to enlarge . 0e!ore I pro"eed. the nama rasi #name sign% does not have to I!itI with .*o numerology as pra"ti"ed by many people today #based on &nglish alphabet and dates as per the Gregorian "alendar% is 3ust nonsense. we "an also see the nama rasi "orresponding to a wor2 or venture by a native #e.handra lagna or anything else. 6he name analysis given in the ex"hange between (n3aneya and 5obyn is an example o! the systemati" approa"h o! 1edi" numerology. th house o the SJ:= )hart showing hard work and resear)h! The venture known as NJDN will make SJ:= work hard and s#read o))ult knowledge! Taurus )ontains GL and has argala rom the raja yoga giving #lanets in Leo! This shows that JD will make SJ:= very #o#ular and amous! Iut. it is 81! Dividing by 16.. we get 6 as the remainder! 8t shows Taurus as the nama rasi o JD! Judge the im#a)t o Taurus on SJ:= )hart! 8t is the .Ce#..1! Take /t. but the ame and )ontribution to the s#reading o o))ult knowledge will be immense! 2! 8've been using the abbreviation N:*oraN or the u#)oming N:a"annatha *oraN so tware to be released by SJ:=! The nama rasi o NJ>oraN is /isces ')0 h0 r E . but so many hurdles in inishing it! . moreover.0 61n6?A. this venture known as N:*oraN is likely to be inan)ially #ro itable! Ju#iter and <is)es also show that this venture will go towards establishing the tea)hings o maharshis! <erha#s the retrogression o Ju#iter in <is)es is one a)tor slowing down this J>ora venture! The so tware is almost ready. it is the %4th rom &L 'arudha lagna+ showing e(#editure! This does not really show SJ:= making a lot o money on this venture! The inan)ial gains o SJ:= rom JD may be modest. it does not as#e)t >L 'hora lagna O money+ and. remainder is #! This shows Leo! So Leo is the rasi that shows how this book is known! "hat is its im#a)t on Sanjay ji's natal )hartM 8n his natal rasi )hart. Leo )ontains . and Q(#ress Star Teller as QST+! "hat will it then do to SJ:=M The two )onsonants ) and d show . and C. 16+! Ie)ause >L in SJ:= )hart is in Sagittarius and <is)es )ontains >L lord Ju#iter and as#e)ts >L. by 16. San)ay Rath1s chart @?th Au"ust 1>BC0 >:18:#5 pm @7STA0 . Remainder is 50 i.0 >:C# am @7STA0 Ne! De$hi0 7ndiaA.0 .0 6E6.aga6ine is known as &.e. >is se)ond book NCrux o( -edic Astro$o"y: Timin" o( & entsN was #o#ularly known as NCD-AN and he be)ame very #o#ular in the world o Jyotish a ter that book! CD-A @ko aaA has two )onsonants O k and ! They stand or 1 and 8 res#e)tively! $eversing the order. SJ:='s irst major venture is the N:yotish Di"estN maga6ine! Let us say this maga6ine be)omes wellknown as N:DN 'like &strologi)al . Dividing C.er)ury 'writing+ and it is as#e)ted by GL 'Ghati Lagna O shows #ower and ame+! This shows be)oming very #o#ular as a writer! "riting a book that was known as N=O:&N made him amous as a writer! 4! Take the )hart o S:-C @15th Septem%er 1>>. Gaurava O res#e)t. this is a key sign! 0! Take Iill Gates '4. The numbers o % and ) are C and 6. #eo#le started )alling me Rao@raa A! This is just one syllable with the leading )onsonant being R@6A! The nama rasi is Taurus! 5rom Taurus. his nama rasi would've been Taurus! "ith Taurus being the %4th house with *etu in it. i!e! 4-%! The remainder when 681 is divided by 16 is 1! This shows Aries! &ries. Samartha O enter#rise+. 1940 #m '<ST+. 4. he is known as N .syllables ONNFaG RFaG SFimG *FaGN! The leading )onsonants in the our syllables are n0 r0 s and h.0 1Bn15! . nama rasi o his )om#any <icroso(t @sy$$a%$es: <FaikG RFoeG SFo(tGA is LeoZ This )om#any brought him moeny and #ower! F! Q(er)ise or the interested9 & native has the ollowing )hart O .ahayogada o my natal )hart 'Sun+ owns the %3th rom S)or#io and o))u#ies 0th rom it! This shows #ro essional su))ess! *etu in %3th rom S)or#io shows s#iritual '*etu+ a)tivities in so)iety '%3th+! "ith S)or#io )ontaining &L and various im#ortant sahamas ':idya O edu)ation. 8 obtained 4 di#lomas e7uivalent to a ba)helor's degree in Sanskrit literature. Narasimha RaoN! 8n my )hildhood. one o them with distin)tion! 8t also hel#ed that &7 was the strongest sign in the S&: 'Samudaya &shtaka:arga+ o my natal rasi )hart! 4! During the ages o %2O4%. when divided by %4! This shows Scorpio! S)or#io as#e)ts the raja yogas in &ries! The . has all the raja yogas o my )hart! 8t is also as#e)ted by &* 'atma karaka O .R. %44w43. *arma O #ro ession. 8've been known as NNarasimhaN! This has . 8 was known as /-R @pee ee aarA O my initials! ?ou )an see that p0 0 r gives %.oon and $ahu! 8 did not enjoy good health! Iut .%! .y own birthdata is9 8th Apri$ 1>?50 #:8?:65 pm @7STA0 .Fi$G 2FaetsGA and the nama rasi is Sa"ittarius.er)ury and .oon is &* 'atma karaka+ and is as#e)ted by Ju#iter 'Libra+ and raja yoga #lanets in &ries! Ie)ause o &* and Ju#iter.Faa%G and :FeeG. whi)h stand or 50 60 ? and . res#e)tively! The number . -. i!e! AHuarius! &7uarius is the Fth house in my natal )hart with . i!e! 6C! The remainder when 6C is divided by 16 is 11.a%)iN! The syllables in it are .-. )ontaining >L 'money+ and as#e)ted by ?ogada . 8 learnt traditional knowledge so e ortlessly as i 8 was remembering it rom my #ast li e! Iy an age o %%.th O)tober %100.oon here+! 8t was a great #eriod and 8 su))eeded in everything 8 tried! 2! "hen 8 )ame to @S& or masters '%11%O12+. his s#irituality would've #ros#ered! 8nstead.i$$ 2atesN @sy$$a%$es: . $ajya O kingdom.ars! The name is more )ondu)ive to the entre#reneur in him than the s#iritual #erson in him! Leo is the strongest sign in his S&:! 8t is the 2rd house o enter#rise! 8t )ontains >L lord 'bringer o money+ and as#e)ts GL and GL lord '#ower+! 8t is a key sign and brings money through enter#rise and #ower through money! 8n)identally.1e. -Pn2F+! >ad he been known as N'i$$iamN or N'i$$iam 2atesN.?65 gives a remainder o . 8 was known by a ni)kname o N. with #lanets.y ull name is N/. ?asas O ame. my raja yogas are in %4th! This #eriod was not so good! 8t was a #eriod o disillusionment and )hange in li e! -! Sin)e 8 returned to @S& in %110. )ontaining >L lord and as#e)ting GL! . i!e! #alatals is ruled by :enus! The alveolar. .er)ury 'earth+. kh. use the #lanetary rulershi#s o the irst letter! The kOgrou# 'k.S": La"naI Cp: Sat0 :upI AH: +etI Ta: -enI 2e: <erc0 *LI Cn: SunI Le: <ar0 RahI Li: 2u$ika0 <andiI Sc: 2L.er)ury! These two #lanets '%st and 1th lords+ have a raja yoga within hal a degree in SJ:= )hart ' or all the data. let us say he ounded a )om#any )alled NThank &n"inesN! 5ind the nama rasi o the venture and judge i it brings him money or not! b! Su##ose the )om#any's irst #rodu)t is )alled NTip Dne ThousandN! 5ind the nama rasi o the #rodu)t and judge i this is the #rodu)t that brings him a lot o money! )! 8 he is )onsidering NTip T!o ThousandN and NTip Three ThousandN or the name o the ne(t #rodu)t. see the original #ost with this title+! .i)roso t was the sign )ontaining the ma(imum s)ore in S&:. voi)ed as#irated and nasal sounds! They are res#e)tively subO lorded by Saturn 'air+. . you )an also see i the irst letter is )hosen #ro#erly! $uling #lanet o the irst letter is as im#ortant as the ruling o sign o the whole name! 5or that. :enus 'water+ and Ju#iter 'ether+! Let us revisit the #revious e(am#le9 "e saw that SJ:='s venture known as JD 'Jyotish Digest+ has Taurus as nama rasi and Taurus )ontains GL in the )hart! 8n addition. there are 0 letters! 5or e(am#le. are ruled by . the irst letter o NNarasimhaN is lorded and subOlorded by Ju#iter in the 4nd house! The #eriod when 8 was known as Narasimha was also the #eriod when my interest in astrology be)ame dee#! . kh. Saturn was the ruling #lanet o the name when 8 was known as N<:$N! Nee)ha bhanga raja yoga Saturn's in luen)e dominated then! OTO>. voi)ed. voi)eless as#irated.ars! The )hO grou#. joined by dis#ositor :enus! The irst letter o his name 'b+ is also lorded by e(alted Saturn in GL! >ad he been known as "illiam Gates or "ill Gates.er)ury! The dental tOgrou# is ruled by Ju#iter! The #Ogrou#. gh. its irst sound NJN is lorded by :enus and subOlorded by . ng+.oon rules semiOvowels and sibilants! "ithin ea)h grou#. . i!e! gutturals.oon would've been the #lanet 'not as strong as e(alted Saturn in GL+! 8n my own )ase. i!e! labials is ruled by Saturn! Sun rules vowels and .)erebral tOgrou# is ruled by . the sound NmN is lorded by Saturn who is e(alted in GL. what will you adviseM 5ind the nama rasis o the two names and judge whi)h one is better! Ru$in" /$anets: 8n addition to seeing how the rasi )orres#onding to the name its with the native's )hart. :enus owns lagna and GL and is a ?ogada #romising #ower and authority! This su##orts the )on)lusions drawn rom nama rasiZ 8n Iill Gates )hart.oreover.oreover. we saw that nama rasi o . gh and n'g+! These are the voi)eless. g.ars ' ire+. kOgrou# has k. a! >y#otheti)ally. g. =4 et)+ re#resents a )onsonant. they are like the se)ond hal o a trun)ated #revious syllable! 5or e(am#le. O"e get O sh ')erebral+. m/ s. >ere =% 'leading )onsonant+ is also o#tional 'along with the trailing )onsonants at the end. a. a.alveolar+. a.FC6G FCCG FC8G. not two+ So siddhamsa V s. "e get sh ')erebral. a. ignore them! Te)hni)ally. and : a vowel! Then any syllable that is not the irst in a word will be o the orm C1 . "hatever is in #aranthesis is o#tional! 8t may or may not be there! Iut a )onsonant '=%+ and a vowel ':+ will always start the syllable! >ere =% is the main )onsonant o the syllable and its number should be taken! 8 you have multi#le )onsonants together 'e!g! NvyN in NkavyaN+. y and s '#alatal+ 2! ashtamsa V ash. it does not be)ome the leading )onsonant o NsravN. a. t 'alveolar. k/ sh. tam. sa So ashtamsa V O. sh/ t. take its number! 8 not. d 'dental+. e.FC6G FCCG. a. i. a. s '#alatal+! . t/ y. v.)erebral+. m/ s. OThe three leading )onsonants are s.. sravya is basi)ally s U rav U ya! The irst letter NsN is not a )om#lete syllable and hen)e )lubbed in the irst syllable as NsravN! >owever. a. s '#alatal+ as the 2 )onsonants! -! akshavedamsa V ak/ sha/ ve/ dam/ sa So akshavedamsa V O. O/ d. d/ dh. sh. m/ s. NkavyaN be)omes NkavN U NyaN! The irst syllable o a word is o a di erent orm! 8t is o the orm9 FC1G ... O/ v. =4 =2 =-N et)! %! siddhamsa V sid/ dham/ sa 'dh is one )onsonant. only the last one remains in the syllable and others will be the trailing )onsonants o the #revious syllable! 5or e(am#le.The ruling sign and ruling #lanet o the name by whi)h most #eo#le )all us de)ide whi)h as#e)ts o our natal )harts get stressed! The ruling sign and ruling #lanet o the name we give to our ventures ')om#anies or books or maga6ines et)+ de)ide how those ventures a)tivate various as#e)ts o our natal )harts! Ru$es o( Decomposition Let us say = '=%. as it is te)hni)ally the trailing )onsonant o a #revious trun)ated 'nonOe(istent+ syllable! So the leading syllable o the irst syllable NsravN o sravya is r! Q(am#les9 Let us write ea)h syllable in the orm o N=%. a. take 3! &nother )ase is that there may be more )onsonants be ore =% 'e!g! sravya+! 8 there are. a. dh 'dental+ and s '#alatal+ 4! shashtyamsa V shasht/ yam/ sa So shashtyamsa V sh. a. :. a.. whi)h are always o#tional+! 8 it is #resent. "e get O 'none+. m/ s. starting sound d would belong to itZ :owels are the #rana 'li e+ o syllables and )onsonants the body! No syllable )an e(ist without a vowel and ea)h syllable will )onsist o e(a)tly one vowel 'one #rana+! The number o syllables in a word )orres#onds to the number o vowels! Drona)harya has o. d. but it is not ne)essary to a##ly the rule! Q(am#le9 Take a hy#otheti)al name O &lguntyolis)ha 5ind the vowels in this! 8 #ut them in )a#ital letters here O &lg@ntyOlis)h&! There are e(a)tly 0 se#arate vowels in this word O a. a. O The leading )onsonants are w 'note+. u. a. a. oo are one vowel and not two+! Take the )onsonant immediately be ore ea)h vowel! Do this or all the vowels! This rule will allow you to get the )orre)t sounds or nama rasi! @nderstanding how syllables are ormed enables you to see the logi) behind this rule and also hel#s you a##re)iate the rules o Sanskrit )hhandas 'metrology or #oetry+. s '#alatal+ as the 2 )onsonants! F! dwadasamsa V dwa/ da/ sam/ sa So dwadasamsa V d w. a. s 'both #alatal+! The irst syllable dwa is e7uivalent to a )ombination o a tun)ated syllable NdN and a ull syllable NwaN! 8 there was a #revious letter. u.syllables and not two! Let us start rom the end and #ut a boundary be ore the #re)eding )onsonant o ea)h vowel! Then we get9 drona)har | y& drona | )h&r | ya dro | n& | )har | ya d | rO | na | )har | ya >ere d is not a )om#lete syllable. m/ s. )h and y 'd | $o | Na | =>ar | ?a+! 8 you are still )on used. l be ore i and )h be ore last a! So take these ive! This #ro)edure should be easy to ollow! . o. a "e get r.0! rudramsa V rud/ ram/ sa So rudramsa V r. it may be )lubbed with NroN! The . m/ s. ai. r. O/ s.ost #eo#le #ronoun)e the vowel ou )orre)tly! So you )annot take a )onsonant v there! 5or that . a. m The 4 leading )onsonants are w 'note+ and w! The irst syllable dwan is e7uivalent to a )ombination o a tun)ated syllable NdN and a ull syllable NwanN! 8 there was a #revious letter. a.ore )omments9 %! Some #eo#le may misO#ronoun)e ou in NthousandN as avu! Iut that's not how most #eo#le #ronoun)e it! . a and a 'drOn&)h&ry&+! So it has . d/ r. starting sound d would belong to itZ P! dwandwam V dwan/ dwam So dwandwam V d w. a. n. s. n d/ w. i and a 'in that order+! Now see the )onsonant sound immediately #re)eding ea)h vowel! There is none be ore the irst a! There is g be ore u! There is y be ore o. O/ d. as it has no vowel! So. a. inally.letters are r. here is a short)ut9 Just orget syllables et)! Just look at the vowels 'au. antras! =an you let me know something on thatM &gain. there are two vowels O ou and a! The )onsonants immediately #re)eding them are th and j! The numbers are P and . A!ril 06. that's not the only thing that im#a)ts one's ortune! <<S9 & series o arti)les by Sanjay ji and me on a hitherto se)ret te)hni7ue is starting in JD rom . but the most )ommon #ronun)iation has no vowel at the end! . 8 really a##re)iate your writing this to me! &nd 8 am e(tremely thank ul to you or taking time or this! 8 do some mantra )hanting! Though 8 am not very amiliar with all what you wrote! 8 it is all right. Iob OOOOOOOOOO 5orwarded message OOOOOOOOOO . with lots o e(am#les thrown in! 8 you haven't already subs)ribed to JD.y #roblem is 8 am terribly )on used what to do in li e! Qverything is a blank! 8 am assuming that it is just a #hase in my li e! "hat 8'd like to know is that will this #hase be over ast! 8 not what kind o #rayers would 8 need to doM 8 am willing to do #rayers to any e(tent to alleviate this! &bout what you just wrote. )an you sim#ly it and tell me s#e)i i)ally what 8 need to doM . Narasimha <S9 Name is not everything! $emember that it is only ONQ o the a)tors! Though this arti)le )on)entrated on just that a)tor. % )omments Links to this #ost Thursday. 8 really a##re)iate your taking time on this and 8 don't know how to thank you! "ith warms regards.oreover.matter. 8 strongly advise you to do it right away! <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 4941 &.ay Ju#iter's light shine on us. distan)e rom relatives is a very true a)t! &nd it is also true that 8 am away rom my #la)e o birth '8 was born in *uwait+! Iut 8 always assumed that 8 had an in)lination towards Siva! 8 used to ind #ea)e with Siva mantras! 8 am not aware o any Narasimha .ay 4334! 8 assure that this is the most reliable te)hni7ue o #redi)tive astrology that 8 know o or o)ussed yearly #redi)tions! Don't miss the irst arti)le o the seriesZ 8t is written in the same easy style that you ind in Sanjay ji's books and my book. NsN in thousand is not #ronoun)ed by most #eo#le as NjhN! 8t is )loser to NjN instead! 8 we write it as NthoujandN. some #eo#le may mis#ronoun)e it as NthousanduN or NthousandaN.! 4! The name sign is only one as#e)t o the name! 8 told you how to see the #lanet ruling a name based on the irst letter! That's even more im#ortant! Look at that too! . 2006 De ata 'orship Dear Sanjay. 5rom9 San)ay /ra%hakaran Wsanjay)hettiarXgmail!)omY Date9 &#r -. Dharma et) )omes rom 1th! 0+ Ihakti Ihaava9 Look the #lanets in 0th 'Ihakti Ihaava+ in $ashi..other orm o worshi# et)! &s an Q(am#le in Iob's =hart! Qvery day he )an s#end some time in the ollowing worshi#! you )an kee# the ollowing images and read about the dieties in internet or stories! .oon in luen)e in 0th may give .or *arthikeya 2+ :ishnu '&ny o the %3th &vatars o :ishnu mantra )an be taken+ -+ Shiva '&ny o Shiva mantra+ 0+ . 433F %393% <.$e9 Rvedi)OastrologyS =on usion!!! To9 vedi)OastrologyXyahoogrou#s!)om || Om Sri Gurave Namah || Dear Iob and 5riends. 8 none then sele)t the 0th Lord! This Graha may indi)ate your natural Ihakti tenden)y! male i)s may redu)es bhakti and natural mental in)lination! Look or this in $aashi )hart as this will give you idea as to what is obtru)ting and natural in)linations in you! Q(am#le :enus. %+ Ganesha 4+ Surya and.other worshi# '<aarvati. Subje)t9 Devata "orshi#. %+ 8shta devata9 The <lanets in %4th rom &tmakaaraka in Navamsa Qlse the %4th Lord! ?ou )an sele)t the orm o :ishnu i you want! This diety gives #ea)e o mind and o)us in Li e! 4+ Dharma Devata9 The <lanet in 1th rom &tmakaaraka'&k+ i none then 1th lord rom &k in Navamsa! ?ou =an sele)t Shiva. 8 not #lanets look at as#e)ts on the 0th in $aashi.:ishnu orm! This diety gives you higher learnings and #rote)ts your #ath ollowed! Or you )an sele)t a 5orm o Surya! 2+ <aalana Devata9 The <lanets in Fth house rom &maatyakaaraka '&mk+ in Navamsa i none then Fth lord rom &mk! <re erably Sele)t a . =an be any o the %3 . Shankara)hary has suggested to worshi# 0 Dieties everyday! The ive dieties worshi##ed enhan)e the 0 Tatwa and 0 Lower )hakras or everyday living! the list and se7uen)e o 0 dieties are. .ahaavidya mother orms.other orm o diety indi)ated by Graha! -+ Ihraatri *aaraka9 Look at Ihraatri kaaraka #osition itsel in Navamsa! Sele)t a orm o Shiva or one o the orms o Guru! 5or all above look in Navamsa. Lakshmi or Saraswathi+ 8 you have &ny Guru mantra re)ite it be ore the above list Qlse one )an worshi# Shiva as Guru! The above list diety orms )an be e(a)tly worshi##ed i you know your )hart. Sin)e Navamsa indi)ates the 1th house signi i)ation and Ta#asya '<enan)e+. an/ /urin8 the &irst she >as also ma/e in&ertile1 -ee ho> -un-9ahu in Taurus eK"lains the sur8ery on the eyes clearly1 2s. 5rom9 San)ay /ra%hakaran Wsanjay)hettiarXgmail!)omY Subje)t9 $e9 Rvedi)OastrologyS >oros)o#es o animals To9 vedi)OastrologyXyahoogrou#s!)om || Sri Gurave Namah || Namaste Dhira. althou8h the time is not . =el8ium1 Dayli8ht sa7in8s time. :enus rules his <aalana devi! This worshi# will give him good work! &lso it's seen that :enus gives rashi drishti to 0th. this will hel# in his Dharma devata! &s the 1th rom &k is ruled by Surya in Navamsa! 2+ "orshi# Narasimha Devata.%+ "orshi# Ganesha '"ill hel# in 8shta and Dharma Devata+ 4+ "orshi# Surya 'do surya namaskaara or light lam#+. *ee# a manOLion orm o :ishnu #hoto at altar 'this will hel# his 8shta devata as Narasimha deva rules mars.no>n1 *erha"s you >oul/ li. This will hel# his Dharma Devata! &s Shiva is indi)ate by Surya and it's 1th lord rom &k! '8t's seen that sin)e his 0th house is as#e)ted by Surya andJu#iter+ >is natural in)lination is to worshi# Surya! >en)e >is dharma is in)reasing! 0+ "orshi# Lakshmi. . Iut )onjun)tion with $ahu may give him some trouble in understanding Lakshmi! "arm $egards Sanjay < >are $ama *rishna <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %394. 3 )omments Links to this #ost *oroscopes o( anima$s On Tue. you to /o the "rashna. Dhira +rsna .e to loo. Dhira .<.rsna /asa. Sin)e we are just e(#erimenting with ideas. into "rashna to /etermine the timeI -anCay can I as.CS W Dhira!*rsna!I=SX#amho!netY wrote9 <are 9ama . -he ha/ a o"eration on the eyes t>ice last year. then >e may analyseI =irth/ate is 21 (ay 200 so time Jone is '(TA21 in =russels.&#r 433F 4%943 U3433.rsnaF I ha7e chart &or my mom+s "et /o8. the %4th lord rom &k+ -+ "orshi# you regular Shiva mantra. Let me )aution about #ossible #it alls in my understandings be ore 8 #ro)eed! Other Learneds' o#inions are wel)ome! . oon is taken as one o the longitude or :imshottari or >umans! So )an we say . *ush Cn Li 9ahu . 0r/r 2 'e C" (ars .=. 3isa 2 Li Ta 3enus . easily trainable '.er)ury longitude 'S#huta+ should be taken or dogsM! 8 would assume so! Qven with so many '8 '. $eason being that the 8n *aala)hakra #la)ement o animals Dog is assigned the .ala <ora: -un $5 min si8n: 0?) . *rashna Date: 0"ril 4. @=ha *i Li .0.arana: 3aniCa $3e) $ 010!5 le&t) <ora Lor/: -un $5 min si8n: 'e) (aha. *=ha 2 0? Ta Ju"iter $9) 0m. 2006 Time: :41: 2 "m Time #one: 4:00:00 $6est o& '(T) *lace: :: 6 01+ 45.la -a"thami $-a) $151045 le&t) 3e/ic 6ee. They are usually very un)om ortable to #resen)e o s#irits )ould be reason 8 suggest or the theory that they sense s#irits! >aving said that. The reason being that it's Pth ruler in *aal)hakra to #la)ement o dog and it's also said that Dog's )an sense #resen)e o s#irits! 8 will go by *aaraka as . 6ashin8ton. <ast 1 3i 0r (aan/i 5 Cn 15+ 511 5. @-0 0ltitu/e: 62100 meters Lunar 2r-(o: 3yaya . (a8h 2 Le Ta -un . 10 Cn 25+ 541 4.. 20 *i 5:+ 22146. 8 would assume that <raana#ada lagna'43 times Lagna U navamsa lagna+ should be in trines to . *ush 1 Cn Le 'uli. 9e7a 2 *i C" (oon .shatra *a/a 9asi Na7amsa La8na 4 Le 54+ 541! .D.er)ury sin)e Dogs have keen sense o Smell ruled by <ritvi tatwa ruled by . So it's di i)ult to #rove em#iri)ally and we have to either sear)h shlokas o $ishi et) or de#end on our reason! Now.er)ury trait+ et)! Sin)e .er)ury )orner 'SouthO"est+! 8 have also heard o other o#inions o giving $ahu as the kaaraka. 2 Li 2:+ 24150. 8 would take kaaraka or Dog as mer)ury.'. D= or your dog. Dhan 4 0? -c -aturn $9) . 1225 I -t N6. 8 )asted a #rashna )hart at "ashington.a 5 Cn 15+ 511 5. District o& ColumGia. 1 'e 04+ 0616:. 0 'e 46+ 6121.etu 10 3i 05+ 0114!.*. 10 *i 05+ 0114!.(. Let me try your given )hart.er)ury kaaraka is against $ahu kaaraka. 2 0? :+ 041 2.*i.aala Lor/: (oon $(aha./ay: Tues/ay $(a) Na.5irst.Chaitra Tithi: -u. ! N 54+ 06.ala: 9ahu) -unrise: 6:50: 4 am -unset: :: 4:25 "m Janma 'hatis: 2211240 0yanamsa: 2 -56!144 -i/ereal Time: :25:21 =o/y Lon8itu/e Na. 4 0? 45+ 54104. *ush 1 Cn Le A-----------------------------------------------A . Taking one ste# urther! The .er)ury in Navamsa or dogs! Sin)e in your given )hart the time is not given 8 really )annot justi y my understanding using that data! &lso even i the time is a))urately given the << )ould still )orre)ted to any )onsidered lagna.shatra: 0ar/ra $9a) $511 65 le&t) 2o8a: -oGhana $-u) $141145 le&t) .er)ury! &lso dogs are usually very a)tive. (ri8 'e Li (ercury . er)ury and Ju#iter! There ore its #ossible that the $ising sign or the Dog )ould be Trines to Taurus Or the Pth! The rising sign in $asi is Leo. 50 N 50+ 00./ay: 6e/nes/ay $(e) Na.shatra *a/a 9asi Na7amsa La8na 24 3i 54+ 55146. (ri8 4 'e -c 9ahu .aala Lor/: 9ahu $(aha. -ra7 4 C" Cn (ars . 5 Ta 40+ 44140.*i. 1: 0r 1:+ 5144. 4 'e 2:+ 0:145.B B. . 20 C" 05+ 461 1.arana: 3ishti $-a) $:01045 le&t) <ora Lor/: -un $5 min si8n: Li) (aha.rishna -a"thami $-a) $!51025 le&t) 3e/ic 6ee.*.ala <ora: Ju"iter $5 min si8n: 'e) .e B0s (e B B B B BJu9 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B0L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Na7amsa B B B-----------B B-----------B B-u (o B D-4 B<L 'L B B B B(/ '. .ha Tithi: .. 6 Ta 1:+ 5514!.rit Ta 0? (oon .shatra: -ra7anam $(o) $2412!5 le&t) 2o8a: =rahma $(a) $521045 le&t) . =russels.3aisa.=. The Navamsa rising in <rashna )hart is Taurus with . B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B B3e B(a -a9 B B B B B9a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A &s seen. & Day Sign. 1: Cn 26+ 401:4. 12 0r 25+ 5!1:0. 200 Time: 1!:01:5 Time #one: 2:00:00 $%ast o& '(T) *lace: 4 % 20+ 00. Chit 2 3i 3i -un .0m. 0sre 1 Cn -8 3enus . =el8ium 0ltitu/e: 0100 meters Lunar 2r-(o: -uGhanu . =har 2 0r 3i Ju"iter . 8ndi)ating that it's #ossible Day Iirth! Now taking a look at the )hart or your given date and other data. 2 C" 10+ 5140. -ra7 4 C" Cn (ercury .'.0.(. 0s>i 4 0r Cn -aturn D.ala: 9ahu) -unrise: 5:50:10 -unset: 21: 1:20 Janma 'hatis: 014!!6 0yanamsa: 2 -54-00144 -i/ereal Time: !:14:45 =o/y Lon8itu/e Na. Dog Natal Chart Date: (ay 21. 0nu 1 -c Le (aan/i 22 Cn 45+ 51166.318 @.O%0 '29%F903+ O 43%3O3-O%4 '393.th )onjoined %3th Lord . Jye 2 -c C" 3imsottari Dasa $starte/ &rom (ercury): Ven 3en 144:-06-12 -un 2000-10-14 (oon 2001-10-15 (ars 200 06-1 Rah 2004-08-14 Ju" 200:-0!-15 -at 2010-04-12 (erc 201 -06-12 . 0sre 2 Cn C" 'uli.:#B:56A 3 655?35.'4%90%92F+ Sun9 4333O%3O%.th '$ahu gives results o dis#oser+ and :enus lords the 4nd in .'4%90%92F+ O 433%O%3O%0 '29029-P+ .9%1+ O 43%2O3FO%4 '439-09%F+ .th Lord usually a li)ts the Sign+ Fth Lord is $ahu )onjoined Sun.et 2016-04-11 Now 8 tried all the #ossible lagnas in Taurus trines! 8 elt the :irgo )ould it the des)ri#tion %+ Qye <roblems9 4nd is or #hysi)al Qye and ninth rom it %3th is sight! Should be a li)ted or eye de e)ts! The Natural %3th >ouse =a#ri)orn is or Sight and Natural 4nd is or sight! 8 we )onsider :irgo Lagna we see that.. That 4nd Lord :enus in .etu 5 -c 40+ 44140.er)9 43%2O3FO%4 '439-09%F+ O 43%FO3-O%% '%490. 0nu 2 -c 3i <ora La8na 11 Ta 40+ 24104. :imsottari Dasa 'started rom .th Lord .th! 8 we assume the above weakness to lead to #roblem then the Dasa should also a)tivate the weakness or su erings! The :imshottari dasa as started rom .93F+ .31# @C:1B:#5A Ju#9 433PO3.ars is in =a#ri)orn 'The . 0sre 2 Cn C" =ha7a La8na ! -c 44+ 0116. The kaaraka or sight! %3th >ouse is having Saturn! 4+ 8n ertility9 8n 5emal )harts the 1th house stands or ertility! >ere we see that 1th is a li)ted by %4th Lord Sun and Fth Lord $ahu 'Fth Lord usually a li)ts the house results+! The Sun and $ahu is e)li#se )ombination and here it's tightly )onjoined! The same e)li#se )ombination as#e)ts the 4nd house rom lagna! &lso $ahu's dis#oser is :enus in . 9ohi 1 Ta 0r 'hati La8na 20 -c 2!+ 051!:.ars9 4332O3FO%2 'P93F924+ O 433-O3.D9 :en9 %11PO3FO%4 '%.rit Ta 0? .er)ury is.:18:8CA 3 651?35B316 @61:65:#?A &ntardasas in this .a 22 Cn 45+ 51166.er)ury+9 -en <D: 1>>?35B316 @1.90F934+ Rah: 655835.oon9 433%O%3O%0 '29029-P+ O 4332O3FO%2 'P93F924+ .O%.9%-9-2+ O 4333O%3O%.'.9%1+ Sat9 43%3O3-O%4 '393.er)ury! So #ossibly we )an a))e#t this! . O30O4% '39-094.&ntardasa ea)h+! Giving the sign the irst #riority to de)ide.O42 '49%394. Due to somany 8 )onditions! >o#e ully this was o interest to your learned taste! .93%90-+ O 433.92-+ &79 433PO3PO42 '%294.2rd #art! >en)e .th results is seen in middle %.+ O 4330O3%O43 'F9239-2+ Le: 655#351365 @B:C5:8CA 3 655#35B361 @18:6#:#BA -i: 655#35B361 @18:6#:#BA 3 655#311366 @16:88:#CA Li: 655#311366 @16:88:#CA 3 655B3583 65 @1C:1B:#BA Sc: 655B358365 @1C:1B:#BA 3 655B35>36C @16:5C:5#A Sg9 433FO31O42 '%4932930+ O 433PO34O%1 '193F902+ =#9 433PO34O%1 '193F902+ O 433PO3PO42 '%294.93F+ O 43%PO3FO%4 '4%94390P+ "e see that the Dasa is o :enus and antardasa is o $ahu! >en)e it's 7uite #ossible that 8 )ould be in right tra)k here! Now to see the Ihoga'enjoyment+ in the antardasa. Narayana Dasa o DO% )hart 'a versatile #halita rasi dasa+9 :i .O42 '49%394.D9 4332O30O4% '%.92-+ O 433PO%4O44 '%-9439-.+ &ntardasas in this .ahadasa lord rom &ntardasa lord! >ere $ahuO&D is in 4nd rom :enusO. "e arrive at %3th house! So the enjoyment.D9 &r9 4332O30O4% '%.'490P934+ Ta9 4332O%3O4.+ =n9 433-O3.93%90-+ O 4332O%3O4.su erings would be %3th house related in this dasa! 8 we assume the Lagna to be )orre)t.'490P934+ O 433-O32O43 '%29-F9-0+ Ge9 433-O32O43 '%29-F9-0+ O 433-O3.&ntardasa! Ne(t giving the Lord o sign to de)ide it's timing! "e see the Lord is in <rishtodaya sign &ries! >en)e the Lord would o#t the later o the remaining 4 #arts o 2! >en)e Lord will give results in middle .er)ury in .antardasa! The remaining slot i!e %st o 2 #art.*et9 43%FO3-O%% '%490.aybe this lagna )ould e(#lain the results! 8 really dont want to venture in N&vamsa and <raana#ada in Navamsa.D. =ount as many signs rom &ntardasa lords is away rom .+ O 433. the Sign :irgo is #rishtodaya! The sign results will )ome in Last .th )ould be seen! .th house results o mer)ury as Lagna lord 'health. )ounting 4 rom &D.+ The Narayana dasa is o :irgo! Let's divide the Dasa in 2 #arts '.O30O4% '39-094.+ <i9 433PO%4O44 '%-9439-. will have to give results o as#e)ts on :irgo! >ere we see that Lord . Lets take the Narayana dasa and see.#raana+ and %3th Lordshi# in . u>ait . it coul/ in/ee/ Ge 3ir8o la8na &or the "et1 -un conCoins (oon in "rashna an/ is in (oon+s eKaltation si8n in natal chart1 9ahu is in 6th in "rashna an/ Gecomes 6th lor/ in natal chart. I re8ularly "ractice me/itation >ith mantras1 %arlier that use/ to /is"el all my /ar. it+s Gecause o& the uncertainty that I &ace in li&e1 I seem to Ge 7ery lethar8ic >ith a 8loomy eK"ression in my &ace1 I /on+t seem to ha7e an enthusiasm &or anythin8 in li&e1 I >oul/ Ge really 8rate&ul i& I coul/ &in/ out i& I ha7e any astrolo8ical "roGlem an/ i& there is any reme/y to this1 (y Chart: *lace o& =irth: .3%.rsna /asa. (y name is =oG. % )omments Links to this #ost 30."arm $egards Sanjay < >are $&ma *rishna Dear -anCay.3%.in81 I thin. an/ >hy >oul/ >e use these /asha other>iseI Than.433F O 3-.433F 32.. your i/ea o& ta. &eelin8s1 =ut no> nothin8 seems to Ge >or.o"a On 2.433F O 3F.e to than. Rea$ <cCoy WrealKm))oyXhot#o#!)omY wrote9 <i 0ll.3%.433F >ome Danda . >eG sites: Lhtt":MM>>>1Cyotishi1150m1comM0yanamsa1htmlN Lhtt":MM8rou"s1yahoo1comM8rou"MDhiraOayanamsaN <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %3942 <. Dhira . you &or your analysis o& "rashna1 6ith (ercury in Na7amsa la8na an/ -un in 4th. &irst I+/ li. Than.3%.4.3F. so you may Ge correct1 I thin.in8 3imsottari &rom (ercury &or /o8s is also correct1 *arashara Li8ht so&t>are an/ I 8uess Jhora also 8i7e those o"tions. you e7eryone &or the 8enerosity they eK"ress in this &orum1 I ha7e Geen rea/in8 &or a>hile thou8h this is only my &irst "ost1 I ha7e Geen lately eK"eriencin8 a "roGlem1111I am totally con&use/ >ith >hat I >ant &rom li&e1 Thou8h I am an 0merican.sF 2s. 2h$#dren and the$r o4n 4ea#th. 11 th .oon for persons 4ho tr( to sett#e or v$s$t d$stant #ands for the$r #$ve#$hood6 7n horos2opes $n 4h$2h the 10 th .oreover The *etu in &rudha lagna )an make you s#iritual. Subje)t9 $e9 Rvedi)OastrologyS =on usion!!! To9 vedi)OastrologyXyahoogrou#s!)om || Sri Gurave Namah || Dear Iob.e separated fro) persons affe2t$onate to the) and 4$## not hes$tate to earn the$r #$ve#$hood . >o#ing that it may hel# ew Jyotish Students! ?our )hart has "hat's )alled as danda yoga! This o))urs when &ll the our houses rom %3th is o))u#ied by a graha! 8t's a ty#e o &kriti ?oga.ar 23.( e)p#o($ng #o4 2#ass )eans6 7n Sans"r$t. 14!0 5rom9 San)ay /ra%hakaran Wsanjay)hettiarXgmail!)omY Date9 . 433F 49%% <. Let me write ew words on your )hart. the nat$ve e$ther sett#es do4n $n a fore$gn 2ountr( or )a( v$s$t fore$gn 2ountr$es freKuent#( to earn )one(6 Danda means #unishments. i!e learnings related to understandings rules and regulations will be o))uring during this #eriod! >en)e the de#ression et)! a )hara)teristi)es o Saturn! &lso &nother a)tor you understand in your )har is the #resense o all #lanets in the #ath o *etu till $ahu! This )onstitutes *aala &mrita ?oga.e a4a( fro) 4$fe. &nd it re ers to the $od held by Lord ?ama! The giver o ruits or our karma and maintainer o Dharma! >en)e This yoga indi)ates that you need to understand Dharma well and ollow the rules well! ?ou also try to sele)t a #ro ession whi)h would need you to do that! The *aaraka 'or Signi ier+ or This yoga is >en)e Saturn! Saturn is also )alled ?ama Dharma $aaja! The =urrent Dasa you are running is also Saturn and hen)e the oundations or this yoga.antardasa o $ahu you should try to visit many #ilgrimage sites! . Su2h persons 4$## . )a( have to adopt 2rue# )ethods. . Danda *oga $s for)ed6 Mffe2ts.#e. 8n Nabhasa yoga )lassi i)ation! http.e )$sera. $ahu in %3th is good or making many #ilgrims in dasa.Time: !:15 am Date: 14 -e". 11 th . . 12 th and 1 st houses are o22up$ed.$rth $n the sear2h of #$ve#$hood6 7n o#den da(s th$s 4as a . Danda $s $nd$2at$ve of persons 4ho roa) a4a( fro) p#a2e of . #$ve a4a( fro) the$r re#at$ves and fr$ends.ad $nd$2at$on and the ev$#s atta2hed to su2h 2$r2u)stan2es are )ent$oned $n th$s *oga6 7n the )odern age su2h a *oga )a( prove a . 12 th and 1 st 9. and )a( even serve )ean peop#e6 @araha M$h$ra sa(s that su2h persons 4$## .33sr$'agannath6org3'(ot$shd$gest3vo#-3-1-36ht) 13" #anda $Sti%& ' (oga) Ahen a## the p#anets o22up( four houses fro) the 10 th house 8$6e6 10 th . 0r/r 2 'e C" (rityu -"huta 0 -8 45+ 4514!.ala: (ars) -unrise: 5: 2:1! am -unset: 5:5 :0: "m Janma 'hatis: 61::42 0yanamsa: 2 .0. 14!0 Time: !:15:00 am Time #one: :00:00 $%ast o& '(T) *lace: 4: % 5!+ 00. @*ha 3i 0? 9ahu . orms o )ontrol indi)ated by Saturn+! &lso worshi# Lord Narasimha deva and Sudarshana )hakra or urther dire)tions in your li e! Lord N&rasimha is your 8shta devata indi)ated by .shma Tri-"huta 2: Ta 1!+ 541:5./ay: -un/ay $-u) Na.(. 2: Le 21+ 16152.ala <ora: (ercury $5 min si8n: 0?) . 2: Le 5:+ 44161. Jye 4 -c *i *rana -"huta 1 Cn 2:+ 411 0. @-ha 2 C" C" =ha7a La8na ! Li 1+ 41 .*. (a8h 1 Le 0r In/u La8na 20 C" 20+ 10141. @-ha 2 C" C" 'uli.shatra: 3isa. ->at 2 Li C" *rana"a/a La8na 1 Le 2!+ 0616:. Dhan 1 C" . <ast 1 3i 0r Ju"iter .=. 5 3i 1+ !156. 1 Cn 1:+ 61 2. 0s>i 1 Ta Cn -ree La8na 11 Li 41+ !1:!. *-ha 2 -8 3i In/ra Cha"a 11 Cn 1:+ 44161.etu 2: Cn 5:+ 44161.ars and worshi# o Sudarshana )hakra '=hakra aalwaar+ is good or *etu! "arm $egards Sanjay < GoG Natal Chart Date: -e"temGer 14.D. 3isa 1 Li 0r (ars . 1 3i 1 + 1:1::. 9e7a 2 *i C" 3i8hati La8na 1 -8 21+ 0124. 16 Li 54+ 2610:. Jye 1 -c -8 'hati La8na 21 *i 1 + 4 1:4. Chit Li Li -un .0m.u>ait 0ltitu/e: 0100 meters Lunar 2r-(o: 9au/ra .etu 24 C" 41+ 241 1. 20 Li 20+ 10141. @*ha 1 Le -8 3enus .5-0 154 -i/ereal Time: !:00:1 =o/y Lon8itu/e Na. *ush 4 Cn -c Deha -"huta 1 'e 05+ 2:14:. -ra7 4 C" Cn Dhooma 11 C" 1:+ 44161. . @*ha 4 3i *i (rityu 1: Li 2 + 441:5.The =urrent Narayana dasa is o Sagittarius. *ush Cn Li -aturn .*i. -ra7 1 C" 0r 3yati"ata 1! 'e 42+ 151 4. Dhan 1 C" Le (aan/i 0 C" 24+ 00120. ->at 4 Li *i (ercury . (ool 1 -8 0r 3arna/a La8na 2 Ta 6+ 44122. 0r/r 4 'e *i *ari7esha 1! -8 42+ 151 4.arana: =a7a $-u) $2:1105 le&t) <ora Lor/: (ercury $5 min si8n: Ta) (aha. ->at 1 Li -8 <ora La8na 14 -c 12+ 10144. *ush Cn Li @"a.u>ait. (ri8 2 Ta 3i Tri-"huta 2 C" 20+ 551 .aala Lor/: (ars $(aha. 24 N 22+ 00. 24 Cn 41+ 241 1. The natural 1th or Dharma and as#e)ted by Saturn! 8n )unjun)tion with :imshottari dasa o Saturn both the environment and mood around you 'made by so)iety.a 0 C" 24+ 00120.la *anchami $Ju) $6 1555 le&t) 3e/ic 6ee.a 2: -c 04+ 261!0. 0nu 2 -c 3i 2ama 'hanta. ->at 4 Li *i 0rtha *rahara : -c 04+ 4016!.. 0sre 4 Cn *i .=ha/ra"a/a Tithi: -u. .'. 0sre Cn 0? .moon+ is Saturn natured with learning o Dharma! >en)e 8 would re)ommend you to Learn ?oga asaanas 'The .aala : 3i 10+ 55151. @*ha 1 Le -8 (oon .shatra *a/a 9asi Na7amsa La8na 2 Li 6+ 44122.ha $Ju) $4:14!5 le&t) 2o8a: 3ai/hriti $Ju) $!:1:65 le&t) . (ool 1 -8 0r -oo. .et 2041-10-21 3en 2042-11-0: -un 2045-11-0! (oon 2046-10-02 (ars 2044-0 .0 .3%. ->at Li 0? .et 200112.et 205!-02-15 -un -un 2054-04-1: (oon 2054-0!-0: (ars 2060-02-04 9ah 2060-06-11 Ju" 2061-05-05 -at 206202-21 (erc 206 -02-04 .et 20 2-04-16 3en 20 2-04-16 -un 20 -11-16 (oon 20 4-0 -20 (ars 20 4-10-2 9ah 20 5-0 -1: Ju" 20 6-04-04 -at 20 :-0 -11 (erc 20 !-04-20 3en 3en 20 4-04-1: -un 2042-0!-20 (oon 204 -0!-20 (ars 2045-04-16 9ah 2046-06-1! Ju" 2044-06-1! -at 2052-02-16 (erc 205504-1: .rit 2 Ta C" A-----------------------------------------------A B 'L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A-----------------------A-----------B B B B3e 9a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------B 9asi B-----------B B.et 20:2-0:-14 3en 20: -02-15 -un 20: -10-20 (ars (ars 20:5-04-1: 9ah 20:404-1: Ju" 20:5-10-05 -at 20:6-04-10 (erc 20::-10-20 . *una 1 'e 0r *ancha-"huta 16 Li 00+ 04124.433F 3%. .un/a 1 Ta 5+ 41146.0 3en 200 -02-06 -un 2006-04-0: (oon 200:-0 -20 (ars 200!-10-22 9ah 2004-11.433F O 30. 0L B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B-----------A----------------------A-----------B B B<L B0s (o B(e -a B B B B(a B B B B B B B B B B B BB B B B B A-----------------------------------------------A 3imsottari Dasa $starte/ &rom (oon): Ju" Ju" 14!0-04-16 -at 14!2-06-05 (erc 14!4-12-1! .3%.et 206 -12-1 3en 2064-04-16 (oon (oon 2065-04-16 (ars 2066-02-15 9ah 2066-04-20 Ju" 206!0 -1: -at 2064-0:-14 (erc 20:1-02-16 .3%.et 14!:-0 -2 3en 14!!02-2: -un 1440-11-01 (oon 1441-0!-20 (ars 1442-12-1! 9ah 144 -11-24 -at -at 1446-04-16 (erc 1444-04-20 .e (/ B B-u Ju B B'. 3 )omments Links to this #ost 3-.et .0 -at 20!:-05-24 (erc 2040-0 .ears Om Gurave Namah Dear 5riends.0 <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at %490F &.3%.et 201:-04-16 3en 201!-04-1 -un 2021-0:-1 (oon 2022-05-1: (ars 202 -10-20 9ah 2024-10-16 Ju" 202:-05-02 -at 2024-0!-10 .433F >ome Subs)ribe to9 <osts '&tom+ /$anetary <aturation .0 Ju" 2012-10-0: (erc (erc 201504-1: .et 20:!-10-1: 3en 20!0-0 -11 -un 20!1-05-11 (oon 20!0-04-14 9ah 9ah 20!2-04-1: Ju" 20!4-12.433F O 34.Le Chatus-"huta 21 'e 1!+ 414 . The e e)ts )ould be visible at the age o 4Pth or 4. ru)ti i)ation o ortunes'1th+.th year! &s another.th years! This )ould mean or e(am#le i a #erson is having . some Jyotisha's kee# the o#inion that .-4nd ?ear! So till the ?ears %1-PU-4V%1.aturity o grahas et)! The below table is 7outed rom Sri <t! Sanjay $ath's.th year a ter birth! >en)e. #arti)ularly *etu is very dominant in the )hart! Now to see how long these e e)ts will be dominantM! 5rom the above table we see that *etu matures till -%.1! "e see in that year major #oliti)al )hanges ha##ened both in 8ndia and <akistan! The 8ndian =ongress #arty whi)h held majority started to undergo )hanges rom Nehru amily dominan)e! &nd <akistan General Tia dies in <lane )rash! Lets take another e(am#le o )urrent @S <resident Sri George " Iush. =ru( o :edi) astrology! 8n that book these dates are #arti)ularly used in 1th house )ha#ter or ru)ti i)ation o ortunes! PL&8*' )G8 MAA8 M&H) M*H(GH= 1GP-'*H @*8G) )&'GH8 H&7G C*'G 8GM3*H 1 $ 9 # ! % 8 " 7 =*&H) AN &NN*('-8J NAH'G8* Primar.ars matures at the 4Pth and 4.Let me today talk to you about graha maturity years! These years are very use ul in timing o events at sim#le glan)e o a jataka'horos)o#e+! These year are very use ul #arti)ularly in timing o =hara kaaraka re#la)ements. . $10$$ "807 $!0$" #0"9 $70$8 1 0!9 !10!$ $ 0#" !!0!" $"0#% $#0$% %0#$ !#0!% !908$ 41842 45846 @se in maturity. e(am#le su##ose a )hart has *aala &mrita ?oga where all other grahas are alling in #ath between *etu to $ahu! This yoga )auses the Nodes to be very dominant in the )hart! &n e(am#le whi)h )omes to the mind is the =harts o 8ndia and <akistan! Ioth )ountries be)ame an se#erate nation in %-O%0th &ugO%1-P! So the e e)ts o nodes. 5or e(am#le . . )econdar.angal dosha.angal dosha is not very e e)tive i the #erson marries a ter the 4. hours long! <eo#le were #robably wishing. 3 )omments Links to this #ost Saturday.ars and <itri kaaraka .een .e)hani)s9 "hat $eally .oon was mu)h )loser to Qarth than it will be tonight! 8ts tighter orbit meant it needed just 43 days to go around us.e$ng one of the fa2tors $n h$s de2$s$on to stop dr$n"$ng a#2oho# $n 19F66 P3Q N . she )arr$ed h$) on Bove).er)ury'%1PP+! &s #er A$"eped$a "http.er)ury is )onjoined Pth Lord Saturn and Pth kaaraka :enus! .e)ury! 5rom the above table we take the ma(imum #rimary year o these graha to see when the )hange will be )om#leted! "e see that the )hanges starts on 4Pth'.eKue at the ho)e of )utua# fr$ends6 After a three-)onth 2ourtsh$p. January 07. N8 only 8 had 4.oon . 2006 <oon <echanics: 'hat Rea$$y <akes Dur 'or$d 2o 1Round S<&=Q!)om OO ."e see that 8n his )hart there is a )hara *aararaka re#la)ement ha##ening at the %Pth degree. too! & day on Qarth ba)k then was only %.apt$Led $n6 P1Q 0aura +ush $s 2red$ted 4$th $nf#uen2$ng the )aturat$on of her hus.ars+ age '%1P2+ and is )om#leted at the age o 24 ruled by .akes Our "orld Go '$ound9 N . the .ar)h 4332N & billion years ago. to make a lunar month! Other things were noti)eably di erent.hours in a dayN .er : of that (ear at the 1$rst Nn$ted Method$st <hur2h $n M$d#and.ar.akes Our "orld Go '$ound Iy $obert $oy Iritt Senior S)ien)e "riter #osted9 3P933 am QT %. between <utra kaaraka . . the sa)e 2hur2h that she had .arriage and tremendous )hange in his li e! OOOm Tat SatOOO <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 193% <.e)hani)s9 "hat $eally .oon .33en64$"$ped$a6org34$"$30auraO+ush 0aura Ae#2h )et Jeorge A6 +ush $n 1977 at a .a2"(ard .ars is on @L the &rudha or getting )ommitted to someone! >en)e these re#la)ement bought about the .and $n the 19F0s and 4$th . we're here when the . let alone evolve! &nd biologists s#e)ulate that tides. #reventing otherwise dramati) movements o the #oles that would uel )limate swings that some s)ientists igure might have doomed any )han)e or li e to orm. but the )ritters o the time eventually got their wish! 8n the intervening eons.P. none o this is )oin)iden)e at all! 8 not or the .)entimeters+ arther into s#a)e! 8t is a )oin)iden)e o orbital and s#e)ies evolution that we humans are on this #lanet during an era when we )an work 4-. should that be demanded! &lso by )oin)iden)e. we arrived )om ortably a ter the #o)kmarked satellite began showing just one a)e to Qarth.oon. or e(am#le.oon has been dri ting away! Qa)h year.oon. one )ould argue.oon has had dramati) e e)ts on our #lanet and the li e that inhabits it.Okay.oon. some say. the . generated mostly by the . love as we know it would never have ha##ened and we wouldn't be here to )ontem#late Qarth's orbiting treasure! The . )osmi) governor o terrestrial love and a lot o loony ideas!able OOY Or. resear)hers believe! The . would have been a logi)al #la)e or li e to originate! Sea )reatures might have . so that a total solar e)li#se is #ossible! 5urthermore.oon's a##arent si6e in the sky is e7ual to that o the Sun. it moves about %!F in)hes '. there were no #eo#le then.oon stabili6es Qarth's rotation. #roviding that immutable and un)hanging bea)on we )all a ull . oon does not make its own light+! . destined or a slightly o O)enter im#a)t that will set everything that isn't already rotating into a ren6y o s#in! @#on im#a)t. about the si6e o . involving tides.ars.oon system were then #lanned out or all time! The im#a)t im#arted angular moment on the system. material rom the in)oming obje)t and rom the new Qarth is )ast into s#a)e! & ring o debris orbits the #lanet. the s#e)i i) relationshi#s would )hange over time OO dramati)ally OO and the shi ts )ontinue today! The a)e o )hange During the #ast -!0 billion years. and in an ama6ingly short amount o time OO about one day OO it begins to )oales)e into a satellite! 8t takes somewhere between % and %33 years or the . likely %33 million years or less. when there was no . or now. the orbital and rotational me)hani)s o this new QarthO. Qarth's overwhelming gravity has slowed the . but this one is widely a))e#ted as the most #lausible! Qarth may or may not have been rotating be ore the im#a)t. and there ore as an e()use to develo# lungs! <ut short.oon is also going around the Qarth! This orbit also takes 41!0 days! Ie)ause the . the .oon in the sky! -!0 billion years ago The Qarth has re)ently been orged out o the detritus o star ormation.oon to gather most o the stu into a ball! There are other theories or how the . the satellite always shows the same a)e to Qarth! "e see that a)e be)ause sunlight re le)ts o it 'the .oon 41!0 days to make one revolution about its a(is! &ll the while.oon's rotation down and #ushed the satellite away! The )ause is )om#le(.oon's orbit and rotation times are the same. but it )ertainly was a terward! 8m#ortantly. a s#in that )ould never be destroyed. your gilled an)estors might have used the .oon ever )ame to e(ist in the irst #la)e! 5or there was a brie time in the early history o our #lanet. o )ourse. is doomed! 8t's heading toward Qarth. the laws o #hysi)s tell us! =uriously. the only )oin)iden)e in all this is the a)t that the . then boulders that )ollided and grew! Other #lanetary ho#e uls roam the solar system! 8m#a)ts are re7uent! The s)ene is he)ti)! & large ro)k. whi)h we'll dis)uss below! One ama6ing result. is a readily observable set o very interesting a)ts9 8t takes the .oon was born. assembled rom dust that be)ame ro)k.oon like a gravitational guiding light to the irst nonOa7uati) #ro)reation! 8n that sense.then used tidal regions as e(#erimental sites or testing the habitability o land. but it is always at work! This a)t is the #rimary driver o tides! The side o Qarth nearest the . o a s#a)e)ra t orbiting Qarth! 8ts astronauts e(#erien)e 6ero gravity! That's not be)ause there's no gravity u# there! 8t's be)ause the shi# and its o))u#ants are )onstantly alling toward Qarth while also moving sideways around the #lanet! This sets u# a #er#etual ree all. )alled a bary)enter! The mass o ea)h obje)t and the distan)e between them di)tates that this bary)enter is inside Qarth.oon and away rom Qarth's sur a)e OO a se)ond high tide! Our #lanet rotates under these )onstantly shi ting tides. too.oon. in essen)e. all this means that the Sun rises every our weeks.oon+. there are two high tides on this #lanet at any given moment! True! &nd another ar more )om#le( set o #henomena e(#lains this! The . whi)h is why high and low tides are always moving about.oon is said to be new.On the . . the or)e o the . you might say.oon is at a 13Odegree .oon's gravity is less than at the )enter o the Qarth. when the timing was mu)h di erent! Shi ting tides Gravity is said to be the weakest o all the undamental or)es! Iut one as#e)t o it is very )onse7uential9 Gravity never goes away! 8t weakens with distan)e. be)ause o the greater distan)e! 8t )an a)tually be thought o as a negative or)e.oon.oon system! >ere's the ki)ker9 On the side o Qarth o##osite the . and it re le)ts no sunlight our way! There was a time. the two obje)ts orbit about a )ommon gravitational mid#oint. when the . however. by about F #er)ent! >ey. #ulling water away rom the . about threeO ourths o the way out rom the )enter! So #i)ture this9 The )enter o the Qarth a)tually orbits around this bary)enter. but be)ause o its great distan)e it is res#onsible or only about oneOthird o the range in tides! "hen the Qarth.oon is between Qarth and the Sun! 8n this )on iguration. on both the high and low ends! "hen the .oon we )annot see rom Qarth gets its ull share o sunshine #eriodi)ally.oon and Sun are aligned 'at ull or new .oon does not just go around the Qarth! 8n reality. roughly! 8t also means there is no Ndark sideN o the . or 6eroOg! Like the orbiting s#a)eshi#. rolling in and rolling out as ar as observers on the shore are )on)erned! The Sun.oon. at least not to someone living in any hy#otheti)al Lunaville! The side o the . tides )an be unusually dramati). has a tidal e e)t on Qarth.oon always gets tugged more than the other side. on)e a month! The e e)t o this is very im#ortant! Think. the )enter o the Qarth is in reeO all around the bary)enter o the QarthO. the . or a se)ond. oon.oon orbital system! >ere's how9 Qarth s#ins on)e a day. down where it meets the o)ean loor. too! &nd Qarth's gravity li ts tides on the . raising relatively small bulges in the seemingly solid satellite! 'Similarly. o )ourse! Qarth's rotation rate is still slowing down OO our days are getting longer and longer! Qventually. and it su))eeds a bit! The highOtide bulges are #ulled just ahead o an imaginary line )onne)ting the )enters o Qarth and the . but a terrestrial bulge o water has enough mass to tug at the .ore than just water is #ulled u# by tides! Qarth's solid sel a)tually stret)hes. and our #lanetary rotational )hange will #retty mu)h )ease! Qarth's day will be a month long! "hen this ha##ens. while the .angle to the Sun in our sky 'at irst 7uarter or last 7uarter+ tides tend to be mellower! Q e)t on orbits Qarlier.oon goes around the #lanet at a more #lodding #a)e.hours in a day instead o the mere %. and the slowdown sto##ed! &t that moment. whi)h e(#lains why it is moving away rom us! The . we need to bring u# another a)tor that hel#ed all these o##osing dynami)s rea)h an agreement o sorts9 . meanwhile.oon! 8t might seem rather ama6ing. billions o years rom now. e(#laining why there are 4.oon9 =ontinual tugging on the lunar bulges redu)ed the .oon.oon's rotation rate over time! "hen the rotation had slowed to the #oint that it e7ualed the time it took or the . stret)hing some so dramati)ally that the a)tion generates enough heat to maintain li7uid o)eans under their ro6en shells. the lunar bulges lined u# with our #lanet. is yanking ba)k on the tidal bulges! So the water.oon. we said tides are at the root o alterations in the entire QarthO.oon be)ame orever lo)ked in our dire)tion! & moment in time Things )ontinue to )hange. Ju#iter's gravity raises tides on its i)y moons in the rigid outer region o the solar system. on)e a month! So the #lanet is always trying to drag tides along. our #lanet's tidal bulges will be assemble along that imaginary line running through the )enters o both Qarth and the .oon rom yet another angle! The e e)t is to )onstantly #rod the .oon to go around the Qarth. o a billion years ago! 5inally. s)ientists believe!+ Ia)k to our . the terrestrial month will be longer OO about -3 o our )urrent days OO be)ause during all this time the .oon will )ontinue moving away! 8n this uture #i)ture. any lunar )olonists would then hen)e orth see just . rubs against Qarth! This slows the #lanet down.oon into a higher orbit. one a)e o the . 3%. the strange lore they might )onjure! & note about this arti)le9 The )om#le( dynami)s o tides are re7uently e(#lained in)orre)tly! This arti)le owes to several )onversations with astronomers over the years and many s)ienti i) #a#ers and books! 8n #arti)ular. just think what #eo#le there do not see! . delves more a))urately into the s)ien)e o this.oon or what seems like days and days! 8magine the loony things they'll have time to imagine. than any other writer 8'm aware o ! OO $$I \ S#e)ial $e#ort9 5ull .one a)e o Qarth! ?ou )an imagine this setu# by stret)hing your arm out and looking at your #alm! Now twirl around! ?ou're a)e and your #alm stare at ea)h other the whole time! 8 the @nited States ha##ens to be on the ba)k o your head. hal the world will be able to stare u# at a ull .3%.3%. will have at least 1F3 hours to work with ea)h day! On some nights.3%.a# the .433F O 3-.oon 5ever <osted by Sanjay <rabhakaran at 49-3 &.oon rom >ome I@? 8T NO" The u#shot9 One day your des)endants. 4334+! 8ts author.433F %4. <hili# <lait. while e(#laining it in a sensible and sim#le manner. one book #roved invaluable9 NIad &stronomyN '"iley J Sons.4330 O 3%.433F >ome . 3 )omments Links to this #ost 32. well. i they survive a swelling Sun and other )osmi) and human #erils.
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