2005 - USA Archives General Index

March 23, 2018 | Author: Dongelx | Category: Genealogy, Microform, The United States, Pension, Unrest



United States GeneralSUBJECTS: Bible Biography Census Census: Military and Naval Census: Soundex Church Emigration and Immigration Genealogy Heraldry Land and Property Maps Military Naturalization Periodicals Public Records Ship Passenger Lists Special Collections: Papers of the Continental Congress Special Collections: Draper Manuscripts United States Possessions Vital Records United States General UNITED STATES –BIBLE Corbin Manuscript Collection, by Walter E. Corbin. * * For Loan Only * * V112-52, item 1 Sub-group 14; Series C, parts 1-98. Contents: Bible records. (Allen-Wright, B) T625-2041 1920 Census: Volume 3, U.S. Naval Forces; Volume 4, U.S. Naval Forces and U.S. Consular Service (ED 444). UNITED STATES –CENSUS– 1900 SOUNDEX, MILITARY AND NAVAL Military and Naval Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Population Schedules, 16mm: T1081-1 T1081-2 T1081-3 T1081-4 T1081-5 T1081-6 T1081-7 T1081-8 T1081-9 T1081-10 T1081-11 T1081-12 T1081-13 T1081-14 T1081-15 T1081-16 T1081-17 T1081-18 T1081-19 T1081-20 T1081-21 T1081-22 T1081-23 T1081-24 T1081-25 T1081-26 T1081-27 T1081-28 T1081-29 T1081-30 T1081-31 T1081-32 A-000 thru A-565 A-600 thru B-400 B-420 thru B-633 B-634 thru C-165 C-200 thru C-520 C-521 thru C-660 D-000 thru D-516 D-520 thru E-524 E-530 thru F-565 F-600 thru G-445 G-450 thru G-663 H-000 thru H-400 H-410 thru H-623 (No roll exists for this number) H-621 thru J-500 J-520 thru K-465 K-500 thru L-165 L-200 thru L-656 M-000 thru M-256 M-260 thru M-524 M-525 thru M-663 N-000 thru O-650 O-655 thru P-625 P-626 thru R-253 R-254 thru S-143 Wood S-146 thru S-360 H. S-360 J. thru S-530 Joe S-530 John thru S-660 T-000 thru U-462 U-500 thru W-325 R. W-325 S. thru W-560 W-600 thru Z-655 UNITED STATES –BIOGRAPHY V160-8 American Biography, Containing Sketches of Prominent Americans of the Present Century, Vol. 3. Variously paged. V160-2 item 6. American Women: Fifteen Hundred Biographies with over 1400 Portraits; a Comprehensive Encyclopedia of the Lives and Achievements of American Women During the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 2. Rev. ed., comp. by Frances E. Willard. Publ. 1897. Index. 413-824p. The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography: Being the History of the United States, as Illustrated in the Lives of the Founders, Builders, and Defenders of the Republic, and of the Men and Women Who Are Doing the Work and Moulding the Thought of the Present Time. Publ. 1899. V160-5, item 1. V160-5, item 2. V160-5, item 3. V160-5, item 4. V160-6, item 1. V160-6, item 3. V160-7, item 1. V160-7, item 2. V160-6, item 2. V160-7, item 3 Vol. 2, 539p. Vol. 3, 535p. Vol. 4, 531p. Vol. 6, 535p. Vol. 7, 560p. Vol. 9, 527p. Vol. 10, 528p. Vol. 11, 560p. Vol. 13, 608p. Vol. 14, 752p. Summary. Indexes to set. UNITED STATES –CENSUS– 1900 MILITARY AND NAVAL T623-1838 1900 Military and Naval Census:Volume 1 (EDs 100-121) T623-1839 1900 Military and Naval Census: Volumes 2 (EDs 150-165) and Volume 3 (EDs 166-168, and ED 169, sheets 1-9) T623-1840 1900 Military and Naval Census: Volumes 3 (cont’d: ED 169, sheet 10-end, and EDs 170-175) and Volume 4 (EDs 176-186) T623-1841 1900 Military and Naval Census: Volumes 5 (EDs 187-195) and Volume 6 (EDs 196-205) T623-1842 1900 Military and Naval Census: Volume 7 (EDs 1-88) UNITED STATES –CENSUS– 1920 SOUNDEX, MILITARY AND NAVAL Military-Naval Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Population Schedules, 16mm: M1600-1 M1600-2 M1600-3 M1600-4 M1600-5 M1600-6 M1600-7 M1600-8 M1600-9 M1600-10 M1600-11 M1600-12 M1600-13 A-000 Andrew A. thru B-362 Zeno B-400 (N.R.) thru B-650 Irvins L.P. B-650 J. thru C-515 Winfield S. C-516 (N.R.) thru D-362 William H. D-400 Aaron thru F-350 William J. F-400 (N.R.) thru G-560 William P. G-600 Albert M. thru H-400 Zeb V. H-415 Albert H. thru J-520 Ivor J. J-520 J.D. thru K-655 William T. L-000 Ah thru M-200 Hoodbury M-212 Alexander thru M-500 Yak M-516 Charles R. thru O-225 Wm. F. O-240 Alfred A. thru P-660 William L. UNITED STATES –CENSUS– 1910 MILITARY AND NAVAL T624-1784 1910 Military and Naval Census: Philippines, Hospitals, Ships, and Stations UNITED STATES –CENSUS– 1920 MILITARY AND NAVAL T625-2040 1920 Census: Volume 1, U.S. Military Forces, American Red Cross in Europe, Philippine Islands, European Forces in Germany, and Philippine Islands; Volume 2, U.S. Naval Forces. United States Genral M1600-14 M1600-15 M1600-16 M1600-17 M1600-18 Q-000 Ah thru S-100 William R. S-110 Charlie thru S-452 Winfield S. S-455 Andrew thru T-500 William E. T-512 Abner thru W-363 Willis W-365 Alfred thru Institutions SW16-151 item E. List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool, 1697-1707, Vol. 64 and 65. Reprinted from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Publ. 1913. Index. 48p. SW16-20 item P. Passenger Lists of Ships Coming to North America, 1607-1825, by A.H. Lancour. Publ. 1938. 26p. SW16-84 item F. Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America, by Charles Knowles Bolton. A systematic treatment of the beginning of a migration of settlers of Scotch and English descent from the north of Ireland to the New World. Publ. 1910. Index. 398p. SW16-78 item I. The Simmendinger Register, by Ulrich Simmendinger. True and authentic register of persons still living, by God’s Grace, who in the year 1709, under the wonderful providences of the Lord journeyed from Germany to America or New World and there seek their piece of bread at various places: Listed alphabetically. Publ. 1934. 20p. SW16-76 item P. or F-1593, 2 fiche. The Winthrop Fleet of 1630, by Charles Edward Banks. An account of the vessels, the voyage, the passengers and their English homes, from original authorities. Index. 119p. UNITED STATES –CENSUS– 1900 SOUNDEX, INSTITUTIONS Institutions Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Population Schedules, 16mm: T1083-1 Alabama - Florida T1083-2 Georgia - Kentucky (S) T1083-3 Kentucky (S) - Mississippi T1083-4 Missouri - New York (S) T1083-5 New York (S) - Pennsylvania (P) T1083-6 Pennsylvania (P) - Virginia (L) T1083-7 Virginia (M) - Wyoming, Philippines Military and Naval, Alaska, Hawaii, Indian Territory T1083-8 All U.S. Military and Naval Installations in the World UNITED STATES –CENSUS– 1920 SOUNDEX, INSTITUTIONS Institutions Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Population Schedules, 16mm: M1605-1 Various Institutions UNITED STATES –GENEALOGY SW16-68 item J. Five Hundred First Families of America, comp. by Alexander DuBin. Publ. 1967-1968. Index. 346p. SW16-10 item I. Index to American Genealogies and to Genealogical Material Contained in All Works Such as Town Histories, County Histories, Local Histories, and Kindred Works. An index to genealogical material contained in works such as county histories, town histories, local histories, historical society publications, biographies, historical periodicals and kindred works. Alphabetically arranged. Publ. 1900. 352p. F-1594, 7 fiche. The Magna Charta Barons and Their American Descendants: Together with the Pedigrees of the Founders of the Court of Runnemede, Deduced from the Sureties for the Enforcement of the Statutes of the Magna Charta of King John, by Charles H. Browning. Publ. 1898, 1969. Index. SW16-80 item I. Magna Charta, Part 8, by John S. Wurts. Index. 2392-3062p. UNITED STATES –CHURCH V160-4 item 2. A History of the Methodist Church, South; the United Presbyterian Church; the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian Church, South; in the United States; by Gross Alexander, et. al. American Church History Series, Vol. 11. Publ. 1894. Index. 487p. V160-4 item 1. A History of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, by Thomas O’Gorman. Publ. 1895. UNITED STATES –EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION SW16-78 item E. American Colonists in English Records, comp. by George Sherwood. A guide to direct references in authentic records, passenger lists not in “Hotten,” etc. Orig. publ. in London. Dates are from 1609-1773. Publ. 1932, 1962. Index. 215p. SW16-54 item D. A Bibliography of Ship Passenger Lists, 1538-1825, comp. by Harold Lancour. A guide to published lists of early immigrants to North America. 137p. SW16-80 item Q. Family Names of Huguenot Refugees to America, by Mrs. James M. Lawton. 20p. SW16-10 item K. List of Emigrants to America from Liverpool, 1697-1707. Publ. 1931. Index. 55p. SW16-79 item F. Lists of Emigrants to America, 1600-1700, by John Camden Hotten. Our early emigrant ancestors. The original lists of persons of quality; emigrants; religious exiles; political rebels; serving men sold for a term of years; apprentices; children stolen; maidens pressed; and others who were from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700, with their ages, the localities where they formerly lived in the Mother Country, the names of the ships in which they embarked and other interesting particulars. Publ. 1880. Index. 580p. American Ancestry: Giving the Name and Descent, in the Male Line, of Americans Whose Ancestors Settled in the U.S. Previous to the Declaration of Independence, 1776, by Thomas P Hughes, embracing . lineages from the whole of the U.S. listed alphabetically. F-7748, 1 fiche. F-7749, 1 fiche. F-7750, 2 fiche. F-7751, 2 fiche. F-7752, 2 fiche. F-7753, 2 fiche. F-7754, 2 fiche. F-7755, 2 fiche. F-7756, 2 fiche. F-7757, 2 fiche. Vol. 1 Publ. 1887. 100p. Vol. 2 Publ. 1887. 155p. Vol. 3 Publ. 1888. Index. 229p. Vol. 4 Publ. 1889. Index. 247p. Vol. 5 Publ. 1890. Index. 240p. Vol. 6 Publ. 1891. Index. 211p. Vol. 7 Publ. 1892. Index. 286p. Vol. 8 Publ. 1893. Index. 244p. Vol. 9 Publ. 1894. Index. 246p. Vol. 10 Publ. 1895. Index. 208p. United States General F-7758, 2 fiche. F-7759, 2 fiche. Vol. 11 Publ. 1898. Index. 238p. Vol. 12 Publ. 1900. Index. 213p. V300-41 The Thirty-second to the Forty-first Congress, Inclusive, 1852-1871. Publ. 1873. 526p. Colonial Families of the United States of America, comp. by George Norbury Mackenzie. Contains history, genealogy and armorial bearings of colonial families from Jamestown to Lexington. Index. Vol. 6 also contains an index to families listed in Vol. 1-5. Publ. 1907-1920. SW16-80 item H. Vol. 1 730p. V300-39 items 1-3. Vol. 2-4 (part). V300-40 items 1-3. Vol. 5-7. UNITED STATES –MAPS GM778-1 Ward Maps of United State Cities: a Selective Checklist of Pre-1900 Maps in the Library of Congress. Maps from the 18th and 19th centuries of major U.S. cities including Albany, Allegheny, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, Essex County N.J., Hartford, Indianapolis, Jersey City, Kansas City, Louisville, Manhattan, Memphis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Haven, New Orleans, New York City, Newark, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Providence, Rochester, St Louis, St Paul, San Francisco, Tonawanda, Twin City, and Washington City. 232 maps. Lineage Book (National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution). Lineage books are compilations of information contained in the application papers of DAR members. Publ. 1937-1938. Index. V300-76 V300-77 V300-78 Vol. 154-157. Vol. 158-162. Vol. 163-166. UNITED STATES –MILITARY SW16-83 item D. Arnold’s March from Cambridge to Quebec: A Critical Study Together with a Reprint of Arnold’s Journal, by Justin H. Smith. A history of the American invasion of Canada in 1775 and 1776. Publ. 1903. Index. 498p. F-1037, 17 fiche. General Register of the Society of Colonial Wars, 1899-1902: Constitution of the General Society. Publ. 1902. Index. SW16-52 item E or F-1450, 6 fiche. The German Allied Troops in the North American War of Independence, 17761783, by J.G. Rosengarten. Publ. 1893. Index. 351p. T577-1 Index to Names of U.S. Marshals, 1789-1960. Lists name, vice, district, date, and source. SW16-54 item K. The King’s Mountain Men, by Katherine Keogh White. The story of the battle with sketches of the American soldiers who took part. Includes militia rosters and sundry pension declarations. Publ. 1924. Index. 271p. V101-22 A List of the Officers of the Army and Marines: A Succession of Colonels; and a List of the Officers of the Army and Marines on Half to Pay, 47th ed. Index. 655p. M922-1 Orders, Returns, Morning Reports and Accounts of British Troops, 1776-1781. Publ. 1973. Contains a British orderly book, 2 volumes of returns, morning reports, and lists relating to the British Brigade of Foot Guards. Also a ledger containing the accounts of soldiers serving in the 1st Company, 1st Battalion. Corbin Manuscript Collection, by Walter E. Corbin. * * For Loan Only * * V112-50 Sub-group 14; Series B, parts 1-101. Contents: Miscellaneous genealogies. (Achilles - Hyde) V112-51 Sub-group 14; Series B, parts 102-202. Contents: Miscellaneous genealogies. (Ingersoll - Wyllys) UNITED STATES –HERALDRY SW16-82 item I. Bolton’s American Armory, by Charles Knowles Bolton. A record of coats of arms which have been in use within the present bounds of the U.S. Index, with mottoes at the end. Publ. 1927. 222p. SW16-80 item V. General Armory, by William Armstrong Crozier. A registry of American families entitled to Coat Armor. 155p. UNITED STATES –LAND AND PROPERTY American State Papers: Public Lands, by U.S. Congress. V300-69 V300-70 V300-71 V300-70 V300-72 V300-73 V300-74 V300-75 Vol. 1 Jul 1789 - Feb 1809. Vol. 2 Jun 1809 - Feb 1815. Vol. 3 Dec 1815 - May 1824. Vol. 3 Dec 1815 - May 1824. Vol. 4 Dec 1823 - Mar 1827. Vol. 5 Dec 1827 - Feb 1829. Vol. 6 Dec 1829 - Apr 1834. Vol. 7 Apr 1834 - Mar 1835. UNITED STATES –MILITARY– PHILIPPINE INSURRECTION Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the Philippine Insurrection. This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who participated in halting the Philippine Insurrection. Each index card gives the name of a soldier, his rank, and the unit or units in which he served. Some cards also refer to miscellaneous personal papers. There are cross-references to names that appear in the records under various spellings. M872-1 M872-2 A - Ba Be - Bo Digested Summary and Alphabetical List of Private Claims Which Have Been Presented to the House of Representatives: the First to the Thirty-first Congress, Inclusive. Alphabetical list of private land claims, 1789-1851. Publ. 1853. V300-43 V300-44 V300-45 Vol. 1 A - G, 782p. Vol. 2 H - O, 620p. Vol. 3 P - Z, 21p. Ny O .Lun Lup .Wh Wi .Min Mio .Kirb Kirc .Cher Ches .United States Genral M872-3 M872-4 M872-5 M872-6 M872-7 M872-8 M872-9 M872-10 M872-11 M872-12 M872-13 M872-14 M872-15 M872-16 M872-17 M872-18 M872-19 M872-20 M872-21 M872-22 M872-23 M872-24 Br .Dh Di .Gas Gat .McCu McD .Far Fas .Gut Guv .Er Es .Pl Po .Burk Burl .Holl Holm .Bar Bas .Hax Hay .Fran Frar .Clarki Clarks .Lef Leg .Lik Lil .Harc Hard .Go Gr .Mi Mo .Ne Ni . M871-1 M871-2 M871-3 M871-4 M871-5 M871-6 M871-7 M871-8 M871-9 M871-10 M871-11 M871-12 M871-13 M871-14 M871-15 M871-16 M871-17 M871-18 M871-19 M871-20 M871-21 M871-22 M871-23 M871-24 A .Casr Cass .Hul Hun .Mat Mau .Log Loh .Ri Ro .Cz D .Moon Moor .Hars Hart .John Joho .Ful Fun .McCa McCe . and the unit in which he served.Meo Meq .Z M871-25 M871-26 M871-27 M871-28 M871-29 M871-30 M871-31 M871-32 M871-33 M871-34 M871-35 M871-36 M871-37 M871-38 M871-39 M871-40 M871-41 M871-42 M871-43 M871-44 M871-45 M871-46 M871-47 M871-48 M871-49 M871-50 M871-51 M871-52 M871-53 M871-54 M871-55 M871-56 M871-57 M871-58 M871-59 M871-60 M871-61 M871-62 M871-63 M871-64 M871-65 M871-66 M871-67 M871-68 M871-69 M871-70 M871-71 M871-72 M871-73 M871-74 M871-75 M871-76 M871-77 M871-78 M871-79 M871-80 M871-81 M871-82 M871-83 M871-84 Cup .Cors Cort .Hn Ho . his rank.Sc Se .Cold Cole .Ken Keo . the compiled service records to which this index applies are not on microfilm.Hall Halm .Bial Blam .Cl Co .By C .Sz T-V W .Cark Carl .Fl Fo .Hex Hey .Dw Dy .Ber Bes .Marr Mars .Browm Brown .Morrin Morris .Iso Isr .My N .And Ane .Hem Hen .Cun .Ho Hu .Grah Grai .Dona Donb . There are cross-references to names that appear in the records under more than one spelling.Bal Bam .Fir Fis .Mah Mai . Each index card gives the name of a soldier.Mul Mum . Except for the Florida Infantry.Ol UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WAR WITH SPAIN General Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War with Spain.Caf Cag .Kei Kel .Ei Ek .Har Has .Goe Gof .Conn Cono .Gih Gil .Alk All .Lal Lam .Lat Lau .Au Av .Fol Fom .Ko Kr . Some cards also refer to miscellaneous personal papers.McM McN .McG McH .Dea Deb .Bon Boo .Jer Jes . This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers in the war with Spain.Judi Judk .Bre Bri .Beg Beh .Ky L Ma .Millen Miller .Drep Dres .Dr Du .Boz Bra .Ny O .Greg Grei .Hov How .McF McG .Ka Ke .Sn So .Bru Bry .Dar Das .Cra Cre . Sa Sb . In a few pension files are final payment vouchers that sometimes contain information about the date and place of a pensioner’s death and names of his heirs.S. 47p. M.Stp Str . Listed alphabetically by state. naval. and date and place of death of her husband. The files are part of Record Group 15. commissions. Smith.Ror Ros . UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR SW16-65 item C.Pim Pin .Pes Pet . were selected in whole or part: pension applications. Occasionally some other document was selected. the records described have not been reproduced in this microfilm publication unless they also contain genealogical information.Rif Ri . and orders in some files based on service at sea. family-record pages from Bibles or other books. which give firsthand accounts of military. copies of marriage records. These files may be recognized by a star next to the veteran’s surname in the heading. On the rolls of this microfilm publication are reproduced selected genealogical records from an estimated 80. Furloughs. A copy of a marriage record made by a town clerk. property schedules.000 pension and bounty-land-warrant application files based on the participation of American military. often accompanied the widow’s pension application. Genealogical information is usually available in a file containing original application papers.Wak Wal .Simo Simp . From envelope files containing more than 10 pages of records. bounty-land-warrant applications. jackets showing the act under which pension payments were made. all the records have been microfilmed in their entirety. Section of Files and Records Each file that is a single 10"x14" summary or cross-reference card has been reproduced in this microfilm publication. order. and from the muster roll.Rej Rek . From envelope files containing a total of 10 or fewer pages of records.Steu Stev .Yos Yot . Most of the records are dated between .Va Ve .Pz Q .Waz Wea .Schr Schu . details of battles and campaigns.Robe Robi .Rb Re .Wilk Will . passes.Taw Tay .Pov Pow . may be obtained from application statements of veterans. maiden name. jackets showing the warrant numbers of warrants granted. UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files.Sq Sr . A few files containing letters written to or by soldiers and sailors during the Revolutionary War. or a justice of peace. The records contain both historical and genealogical information.Pag Pah . and other original records of the period 1775-83 are also in some of the files. for 1813. Application papers submitted by children and other heirs or dependents seeking pensions or bounty-land warrants generally contain information about their ages and residences. enlistment papers. residence. and sometimes his birthplace.Tz U .Woz Wr . A veteran’s pension application normally gives—in addition to his former rank.Pat Pau . only the more significant genealogical documents have been selected for reproduction.Rus Rut .Sha She . Revolutionary Pensioners. Naval and privateer operations are documented by applications. date and place of her marriage. affidavits. marriage. naval. diary. From each file some of the following documents. A transcript of the pension list of the U.Wap War . Generally.Shin Ship . and final payment vouchers.Wilr Wils . if present. or orderly book that was occasionally submitted as proof of service and was not sent by the Bureau of Pensions to another Government Department or Agency.Woj Wol . Historical information pertaining to the organization of military units. .Som Son .Sek Sel . and civil events and conditions.Z 1800 and 1900. and death of family members. unit.Whitl Whitm . movement of troops. Property schedules often give names and ages of a veteran’s wife and children.Wer Wes .Tik Til . a clergyman.Smith.Thi Tho .Tref Treg . and marine officers and enlisted men in the Revolutionary War. T516-1 Index to Compiled Military Service Records of Revolutionary War Naval Personnel. 1800-1900. and activities of individuals.Su Sv . pay receipts. his residence. Family-record pages from Bibles and other books submitted by pension and bounty-land-warrant applicants give the dates of birth. L. The application of a widow seeking a pension or a bounty-land warrant may give her age. warrants.United States General M871-85 M871-86 M871-87 M871-88 M871-89 M871-90 M871-91 M871-92 M871-93 M871-94 M871-95 M871-96 M871-97 M871-98 M871-99 M871-100 M871-101 M871-102 M871-103 M871-104 M871-105 M871-106 M871-107 M871-108 M871-109 M871-110 M871-111 M871-112 M871-113 M871-114 M871-115 M871-116 M871-117 M871-118 M871-119 M871-120 M871-121 M871-122 M871-123 M871-124 M871-125 M871-126 Om . Because not every page of every selected document was microfilmed. and period of service—his age or date of birth.Smis Smit . Records of the Veterans Administration. from affidavits of witnesses. Henry .Benedict. John Bloom. Jesse Bailey. David Bennett. William . Jacob .Barnes.Barleys. Anthony . James Beal. John Bingham.Aston. Henry Bemis.Ballard. Jesse . . Isaac Bennet. Andrew .Bezard.Adams. Zachariah Barbey. Wyatt Ballenger.Aorson.Andrekin. Josiah Andrews. Israel Allen.Allen.Basye. Peter . Corbin Barnes. John .Bedford. Deodate Bean. Aner . Hezekiah Barr. Jacob . Michael .Blanchard.Bacon.Blackwood.Battershell.Abston. the further arrangement of the files based on their service is generally alphabetical by the name of the State or organization for which a veteran served. Thomas Bieber. John Alexander.Blazeur. James Aray.Bidwell.Apthorp. Moses .Atkinson. Richard Baars. Lemuel . Willis . Humphrey Ball. Francis Andress.Blythe. James Amacker.Barrett.Barber. Francis .Ausley. Abraham . Samuel Avary. James . Rosiah Beek. Benjamin . Edward Beetam. Josiah Bacon. William Beneger. Joshua Bliss. “Former Widow” cross-reference cards are arranged by the surname that the former widow acquired upon remarriage.Balance. William . Lemuel .Babcock. Oliver Adams.Allen.Barrows. Reading . John Biteley.Allen.Auxtier.Belknap. Aaron . M805-1 M805-2 M805-3 M805-4 M805-5 M805-6 M805-7 M805-8 M805-9 M805-10 M805-11 M805-12 M805-13 M805-14 M805-15 M805-16 M805-17 M805-18 M805-19 M805-20 M805-21 M805-22 M805-23 M805-24 M805-25 M805-26 M805-27 M805-28 M805-29 M805-30 M805-31 M805-32 M805-33 M805-34 M805-35 M805-36 M805-37 M805-38 M805-39 M805-40 M805-41 M805-42 Aaron. Thomas .Beckenbaugh Becker. Hugh Black. Oliver Barrett. Daniel Bass. Jacob Barns. Amos . Matthew Anders. Abraham . Eldridge Baily. When two or more veterans have the same surname and given name. John Baldwin. Samuel Blade. Lemuel .Beakney.Baldwin. Asahel . Jacob . Aron . Amasa . David Baxter. Chloe .” “Navy. Jesse Austen.Banghart. Leven . Abiel . James . William Abby. Benjamin Allen. Henry Atset. Freeman Batterson. William Alfin. George .Bently.Betton. Jabez . Wolcott Alman. Zadock Bartley. John . William Bellamy. Jeremiah Blake. William Bearden.Birth. Aaron .Bartlet. Morris Baker. the records are not arranged. Jonathan . Zebulun Berryhill.” or some other service designation placed in the heading of some files above or before the name of a State. John Beabout.Alexander.Arnott. Abraham .Bates.Blake.Bell. Richard Batchelder.Baxter.United States Genral especially in the case of lengthy documents.Bishop.Bason.Beamont. George . Jack .Ball. David . David Berry. Joseph Anderson.Addoms. Eli . M805-43 M805-44 M805-45 M805-46 M805-47 M805-48 M805-49 M805-50 M805-51 M805-52 M805-53 M805-54 M805-55 M805-56 M805-57 M805-58 M805-59 M805-60 M805-61 M805-62 M805-63 M805-64 M805-65 M805-66 M805-67 M805-68 M805-69 M805-70 M805-71 M805-72 M805-73 M805-74 M805-75 M805-76 M805-77 M805-78 M805-79 M805-80 M805-81 M805-82 M805-83 M805-84 M805-85 M805-86 M805-87 M805-88 M805-89 M805-90 M805-91 M805-92 M805-93 M805-94 M805-95 M805-96 M805-97 M805-98 M805-99 M805-100 M805-101 M805-102 Balcam. Thomas Benton. John .Andrews. Thomas Blackman.Ashly. Ezekiel Baker.Banquet. Nathan Arrangement of Files and Records The files. Alexander . Abijah . William Baber. Samuel Bartlett.Beedy. Wolcott Benneville.Allyn. James . William Barrup. John . Alexander . Adam . Francis . James Atayataghronghta. Richard . William Bell. Lawrence Bleakley. Frederick . James . Matthew .Beard. Elijah . Ebenezer .Black.Bemies. Abraham D.Berry. Joseph Beatty. some records reproduced in this microfilm publication end abruptly in midsentence. The unfilmed pages generally consist of attestations or endorsements of no apparent genealogical value. Edward .Beatty. are arranged in alphabetical order by the surnames of the veteran. William Blancher.Aleshite. Aaron . Aaron . Samuel Arraby.Baggs. Abraham .Alworth. John Boggs. Thomas Bill. Within each file.Azelip. James .Bennett. Abraham .Alcox. Cady . Lewis .Bennett. Azariah .Baker. Barney Bangs. Ezra Bates.Biles.Baker. William Banta. Mary Boachus. Eleazur . Lydia Allen. Abijah . Benjamin . Nahum . Brownell Amet. Joseph .Berringer.Bliss. Moses . George .Barnitz. Thomas Blan. Ezra Barker. James Armsbey. Adnah .Amyx. William Angel. with the exception of “Former Widow” cross-reference cards.Biswell. John Betts. Abiather . Callam .Bazzell. John Bagley. Jacob .Bing. Daniel . Abner .Bailey.Allen. Richard Awalt. William Arnaud.Bolster. Alexander .Bailis. Edward .Aitchley. Paul . Job . Ebenezer . John Acart. Henry . Seth . Samuel .Armour.Acton.Barker.Beeson. Archibald Bisbe. Ebenezer . Issacher Adams. Benjamin .Abbott. Daniel . or by the word “Continental. Stephen Bedient. Abraham Akaley. John . Jonas Adee.Amesbury. James .Armstrong. William Ashman.Bennet.Blackly. John .Bartlett. Samuel Alday.Barott. Conrad . Conrad . George . Gardener . Anthony . John Bias.Avit.Barnes.Bogge. William Barnet.Blalock.Anderson.Adams.Andruss. Smallwood Adair. Aaron Apgar. Levi Bishop. Azariah . John . Zoheth Aller.Bloodgood. John . James Barlow. United States General M805-103 M805-104 M805-105 M805-106 M805-107 M805-108 M805-109 M805-110 M805-111 M805-112 M805-113 M805-114 M805-115 M805-116 M805-117 M805-118 M805-119 M805-120 M805-121 M805-122 M805-123 M805-124 M805-125 M805-126 M805-127 M805-128 M805-129 M805-130 M805-131 M805-132 M805-133 M805-134 M805-135 M805-136 M805-137 M805-138 M805-139 M805-140 M805-141 M805-142 M805-143 M805-144 M805-145 M805-146 M805-147 M805-148 M805-149 M805-150 M805-151 M805-152 M805-153 M805-154 M805-155 M805-156 M805-157 M805-158 M805-159 M805-160 M805-161 M805-162 Bolt, Abraham - Bonker, William Bonnel, Aaron - Booten, Travis Booth, Beverly - Boskitt, John Boss, Adam - Bottger, Andrew Bottom, Abel - Bovier, Conrad Bow, Edward - Bowerman, Peter Bowers, Alpheus - Bowling, William Bowman, Abiathar - Boyce, William Boyd, Abraham - Boyes, Samuel Boyington, Andrew - Brackenridge Bracket, Cornelius - Bradish, Daniel Bradley, Aaron - Bradwell, Nathaniel Brady, Benjamin - Branard, Ansel Branch, Aholiab - Brattle, William Bratton, Bartholomew - Brensinger Brent, John - Brey, Christopher Brian, Daniel - Briges, Benjamin Briggs, Aaron - Briggs, Zephaniah Brigham, Aaron - Brintnal, Peter Brisban, John - Brizendine, William Broach, Benoni - Bronson, Titus Broocke, William - Brooks, Josiah Brooks, Lemuel - Brower, William Brown, Aaron - Brown, Cyrus Brown, Daniel - Brown, Gershom Brown, Hamilton - Brown, Job Brown, John Brown, Jonah - Brown, Nicholas Brown, Obadiah - Brown, Stukely Brown, Tarlton - Brown, Zephaniah Browne, John - Bruizee, Wynsen Brumback, Peter - Brutton, Arthur Bryan, Asa - Bryant, Zenas Bryce, John - Buck, Zebediah Buckalaw, John - Buell, Timothy Buff, Michael - Bullard, Thomas Bullefant, James - Bunker, Richard Bunn, Barnes - Burckher, George Burd, Benjamin - Burgoon, Robert Burhans, Abraham - Burlin, Isaac Burlingame, Benedict - Burney, Samuel Burnham, Abner - Burnlev, James Burns, Alexander - Burr, Zebina Burrage, Charles - Burrows, William Burrus, Jacob - Busey, Josiah Bush, Abijah - Butland, Nathan Butler, Allin - Butler, Zebulon Butman, Benjamin - Buzzell, Solomon Byam, Jesse - Byxbe, Ebenezer Caar, Thomas - Cains, Richard Cairll, David - Califf, Stephen Calkin, Eli - Calnan, Thomas Calvert, Jonathan - Camp, William Campbell, Abraham - Campbell, John Campbell, Joseph - Campbell, Winny Campen, James - Cannion, William Cannon, Cornelius - Carbury, Francis Card, Elisha - Carle, Joseph Carleton, Benjamin - Carlton, Woodman Carly, Mary - Carothers, Thomas M805-163 M805-164 M805-165 M805-166 M805-167 M805-168 M805-169 M805-170 M805-171 M805-172 M805-173 M805-174 M805-175 M805-176 M805-177 M805-178 M805-179 M805-180 M805-181 M805-182 M805-183 M805-184 M805-185 M805-186 M805-187 M805-188 M805-189 M805-190 M805-191 M805-192 M805-193 M805-194 M805-195 M805-196 M805-197 M805-198 M805-199 M805-200 M805-201 M805-202 M805-203 M805-204 M805-205 M805-206 M805-207 M805-208 M805-209 M805-210 M805-211 M805-212 M805-213 M805-214 M805-215 M805-216 M805-217 M805-218 M805-219 M805-220 M805-221 M805-222 Carpanter, Philip - Carpenter, William Carper, John - Carrell, William Carrick, Patrick - Cart, William Carter, Aaron - Carter, Jonas Carter, Joseph - Carty, Timothy Cartz, Thomas - Case, William Caseldine, John - Cassedy, Michael Cassel, Abram - Cates, Matthew Cathcart, James - Cazey, Ambrose Ceace, Michael - Chaffey, Thomas Chaffin, Christopher - Chamberlayne, Edward Chamberlin, Aaron - Champion, Samuel Champlin, Adam - Chandler, Zebedee Chandley, William - Chapline, Abraham Chapman, Abner - Chapman, Rufus Chapman, Salathiel - Chartier, Samuel Chase, Aaron - Chasteen, James Chatfield, Dan - Cheney, William Chenoweth, John - Chilcott, Thomas Child, Abel - Chips, Morris Chisam, John - Christie, Thomas Christler, David - Churchfield, John Churchill, Elijah - Clanning, Henry Clap, Caleb - Clark, Benjamin Clark, Bennoni - Clark, Ezra Clark, Field - Clark, Job Clark, John - Clark, Joshua Clark, Josiah - Clark, Rufus Clark, Salvanus - Clark, Zelotes Clarke, Abashaba - Claxton, Rosannah Clay, Benjamin - Cleavland, Solomon Cleer, Peter - Clevedence, John Cleveland, Absalom - Clinkenbeard, Isaac Clinton, Alexander - Cloutman, Thomas Cloward, Abraham - Cobann, Joseph Cobb, Abel - Cobler, Frederick Coborn, James - Cocks, Benjamin Codding, Abijah - Cofren, Robert Cogan, Richard - Colburn, Zeruiah Colby, Aaron - Cole, Benjamin Cole, Charles - Cole, Jonathan Cole, Joseph - Colehoof, Frederick Coleman, Benjamin - Colkins, Matthew Coll, Levi - Collins, Jeremiah Collins, John - Collins, William Collinsworth, John - Colyer, John Combe, Peter - Compton, Thomas Comstock, Aaron - Condy, Thomas Cone, Beriah - Conkwright, Gerardus Conley, Charles - Connite, Conrad Connolly, Charles - Conyne, Peter Cook, Aaron - Cook, Job Cook, Joel - Cook, Richard Cook, Robert - Cooledge, Silas Cooley, Aaron - Coop, Horatio Cooper, Abel - Cooper, William Coosard, Valentine - Corbett, Samuel Corbin, Anderson - Cornelius, William Cornell, Benjamin - Corwine, Samuel Cory, Abraham - Cottrill, Thomas United States Genral M805-223 M805-224 M805-225 M805-226 M805-227 M805-228 M805-229 M805-230 M805-231 M805-232 M805-233 M805-234 M805-235 M805-236 M805-237 M805-238 M805-239 M805-240 M805-241 M805-242 M805-243 M805-244 M805-245 M805-246 M805-247 M805-248 M805-249 M805-250 M805-251 M805-252 M805-253 M805-254 M805-255 M805-256 M805-257 M805-258 M805-259 M805-260 M805-261 M805-262 M805-263 M805-264 M805-265 M805-266 M805-267 M805-268 M805-269 M805-270 M805-271 M805-272 M805-273 M805-274 M805-275 M805-276 M805-277 M805-278 M805-279 M805-280 M805-281 M805-282 Couch, Abraham - Covenhover, Thomas Coventry, John - Cownover, Garret Cox, Andrew - Coxe, Bartlett Coy, Christopher - Cragan, Dennis Crage, Nathan - Craley, Hugh Cram, Benjamin - Crandol, Ammariah Crane, Aaron - Crane, Zebulon Crank, Peleg - Crawford, William Crawley, Charles - Cripps, John Crise, Barnet - Crofut, Seth Croghan, William - Crosby, William Crose, Philip - Croswell, John Crouch, Christopher - Crozer, John Cruff, Thomas - Culton, Joseph Culver, Aaron - Cumpston, Mathias Cundiff, Isaac - Currie, Samuel Currier, Abi - Curtis, David Curtis, Ebenezer - Curtis, Zarah Curtiss, Agur - Cushman, Zebedee Cusick, Christopher - Cyrus, Exeter Daball, Benjamin - Daily, William Daimwood, Boston - Dame, Theodore Dameron, Charles - Danforth, William Daniel, Andrew - Danielson, Timothy Danks, Eliakim - Darron, William Darrow, Ammirias - Daves, John David, Azariah - Davies, William Davis, Aaron - Davis, Dudley Davis, Ebenezer - Davis, James Davis, Jesse - Davis, Jonathan Davis, Joseph - Davis, Nicholas Davis, Obadiah - Davis, Surry Davis, Thomas - Davise, John Davison, Benjamin - Day, Isaac Day, James - Dazey, Thomas Deacon, Aaron - Dean, Levi Dean, Micajah - Deaver, William Deavours, George - Deets, Adam Defance, John - Delany, Martin Delap, Henry - Demler, Henry Demming, Andrews - Denning, William Dennis, Adonijah - Denson, Thomas Dent, George - Derumple, Robert DeRussy, Thomas - Dewett, George Dewey, Abijah - Dews, William Dexter, Abigail - Dickerman, Peter Dickerson, Abraham - Dickisson, Isaac Dickman, John - Dikeman, Levi Dikins, Richard - Diner, James Dingee, Elijah - Dixon, Joseph Dixon, Marshall - Dockum, William Dod, Daniel - Dodge, William Dodson, Caleb - Donaho, James Donald, William - Dopson, Jessey Doran, Abraham - Dotter, Samuel Dotty, Moses - Doughten, William Doughty, Benjamin - Dovin, John Dow, Alexander - Downie, Alexander Downing, Daniel - Dozier, Richard Drake, Abial - Draught, Richard M805-283 M805-284 M805-285 M805-286 M805-287 M805-288 M805-289 M805-290 M805-291 M805-292 M805-293 M805-294 M805-295 M805-296 M805-297 M805-298 M805-299 M805-300 M805-301 M805-302 M805-303 M805-304 M805-305 M805-306 M805-307 M805-308 M805-309 M805-310 M805-311 M805-312 M805-313 M805-314 M805-315 M805-316 M805-317 M805-318 M805-319 M805-320 M805-321 M805-322 M805-323 M805-324 M805-325 M805-326 M805-327 M805-328 M805-329 M805-330 M805-331 M805-332 M805-333 M805-334 M805-335 M805-336 M805-337 M805-338 M805-339 M805-340 M805-341 M805-342 Dreahr, George - Drullinger, Frederick Drum, Christopher - Dufrence, Joseph Dugal, Thomas - Dunber, Ebenezer Duncan, Alexander - Dunkill, George Dunkin, Anthony - Dunnells, David Dunning, Abel - Durgey, Moses Durgin, Henry - Dutail, John Dutch, Jeremiah - Dwinnell, Thomas Dwire, Thomas - Dyson, Thomas Eabs, Emanuel - Easly, Daniel Eason, Cyrus - Eatinger, Jacob Eaton, Abiathar - Eatton, Joseph Eavans, Wiggin - Edenfield, David Edens, Alexander - Edmiston, Thomas Edmond, Andrew - Edwards, Jesse Edwards, John - Eggert, John Egglesone, Asa - Elderkin, Elisha Eldred, John - Ellinwood, Benjamin Elliot, Archibald - Elliott, Zachariah Ellis, Aaron - Ellison, William Ellithorp, Azariah - Elwood, Thomas Ely, Abner - Emery, William Emes, Alexander - Enlow, Deason Ennis, Abraham - Erskine, John Ervin, Charles - Etz, William Eubank, Achilles - Evans, Lewis Evans, Moses - Everingham, William Everit, Ebe - Ezell, Timothy Fackenthall, Michael - Falkner, Robert Fall, Aaron - Farmbrough, William Farmer, Aaron - Farrand, William Farrar, Abigail - Faunce, Thomas Fauntleroy, Griffin - Felkins, John Fell, Catharine - Fent, Matthew Fenton, Adonijah - Ferquher, James Ferral, John - Fidler, John Fiealds, John - Figla, Peter File, Samuel - Finks, Mark Finlay, Robert - Fishburn, Philip Fisher, Aaron - Fisher, Zachariah Fishley, George - Fitz, Robert Fitzgarrel, Thomas - Flaridy, John Flash, Lewis - Fletcher, William Fleuhart, Massy - Flud, William Flue, William - Fondey, John Fones, John - Forbush, William Force, Amariah - Ford, William Fordham, Nathan - Fortune, William Fosbrook, John - Foster, Joel Foster, John - Foster, William Foulk, John - Fowls, Samuel Fox, Aaron - Fox, William Foxworthy, John - Franey, James Frank, Adam - Frary, Seth Frasar, Benjamin - Freelove, David Freeman, Aaron - Freemen, Phillip Freemoult, Robert - French, Zenas Freneau, Philip - Fronebarger, John Frost, Aaron - Frymire, John Fuchs, Jacob - Fuller, Gershom United States General M805-343 M805-344 M805-345 M805-346 M805-347 M805-348 M805-349 M805-350 M805-351 M805-352 M805-353 M805-354 M805-355 M805-356 M805-357 M805-358 M805-359 M805-360 M805-361 M805-362 M805-363 M805-364 M805-365 M805-366 M805-367 M805-368 M805-369 M805-370 M805-371 M805-372 M805-373 M805-374 M805-375 M805-376 M805-377 M805-378 M805-379 M805-380 M805-381 M805-382 M805-383 M805-384 M805-385 M805-386 M805-387 M805-388 M805-389 M805-390 M805-391 M805-392 M805-393 M805-394 M805-395 M805-396 M805-397 M805-398 M805-399 M805-400 M805-401 M805-402 Fuller, Ichabod - Fuller, Witt Fullerton, Arunah - Fysel, William Gabbard, Jacob - Galbreath, William Gale, Abraham - Galworth, Gabriel Gamage, Joshua - Garden, Andrew Gardener, Elijah - Gardner, William Garee, Christopher - Garrisham, James Garrison, Aaron - Gaston, William Gatchell, Benjamin - Gaw, Chambers Gay, Allen - Gehret, Henry Geib, Henry - Gerwas, John Getchel, Zachariah - Gibbs, Zenas Giberson, James - Gilam, Robert Gilbert, Allen - Gilby, Thomas Gilchrist, George - Gillespy, William Gillet, Adna - Gilman, William Gilmor, Thomas - Glanton, John Glasco, Caleb - Glisson, James Glode, John - Godwin, Pierce Goe, John - Goldy, Nicholas Golear, William - Goodloe, Henry Goodman, Ansel - Goodwill, John Goodwin, Aaron - Goosely, James Gordon, Bernard - Gory, Thomas Gosa, James - Gould, William Gouldman, Francis - Gragg, William Graham, Amos - Granniss, Enos Grant, Aaron - Gratton, Thomas Gratzinger, Peter - Grawbarger, Henry Gray, Aaron - Gray, John Gray, Joseph - Greely, Nicholas Green, Aaron - Green, John Green, Jonas - Green, Zeeb Greenawalt, John - Greenwood, Thomas Greer, Henry - Grey, Isaac Gribbens, John - Griffing, Stephen Griffis, Abner - Grimson, Samuel Grinard, Paul - Gront, Silas Groom, George - Grownhart, John Grub, Darius - Guiza, John Guldy, Nicholas - Gurney, Zachariah Gushee, Elijah - Gwynn, John Haas, Christian - Haffernan, Hugh Hagadorn, Jacob - Hains, Simeon Hair, Daniel - Halkuston, Robert Hall, Aaron - Hall, Hudson Hall, Ignatius - Hall, Lyman Hall, Martha - Hall, Zachariah Halladay, Eli - Hamill, Robert Hamilton, Abner - Hamilton, William Hamiston, Jared - Hammons, Joseph Hamner, Henry - Handford, Timothy Handley, Charles - Hanmore, Moses Hanna, Adam - Harbert, William Harbeson, John - Hardwick, Mehitabel Hardy, Abraham - Harlow, William Harman, Charles - Harps, Manon Harradon, John - Harriott, Samuel Harris, Abiel - Harris, John Harris, Jonathan - Harris, Winans M805-403 M805-404 M805-405 M805-406 M805-407 M805-408 M805-409 M805-410 M805-411 M805-412 M805-413 M805-414 M805-415 M805-416 M805-417 M805-418 M805-419 M805-420 M805-421 M805-422 M805-423 M805-424 M805-425 M805-426 M805-427 M805-428 M805-429 M805-430 M805-431 M805-432 M805-433 M805-434 M805-435 M805-436 M805-437 M805-438 M805-439 M805-440 M805-441 M805-442 M805-443 M805-444 M805-445 M805-446 M805-447 M805-448 M805-449 M805-450 M805-451 M805-452 M805-453 M805-454 M805-455 M805-456 M805-457 M805-458 M805-459 M805-460 M805-461 M805-462 Harrison, Aaron - Harsin, Garret Hart, Aaron - Hart, Zachariah Hartchell, John - Harvest, John Harvey, Anna - Hasiltine, Jonathan Haskall, Moses - Hastings, Zacheus Hasty, Archibald - Hatfield, Richard Hathaway, Abial - Havlich, Melhoir Hawa, Nicholas - Hawks, William Hawley, Abel - Haydon, Peleg Hayes, Aaron - Hayns, Joseph Hays, Aaron - Hayword, Daniel Hazard, Charles - Heady, Jacob Heagan, John - Heath, Zebadiah Heathcock, James - Hefner, Valentine Hegaman, John - Hendershot, John Henderson, A1exander - Hendryx, Nathaniel Hendy, John - Henry, Wills Hensel, George - Herrendeen, Thomas Herrick, Abel - Hervey, Paul Hescock, Samuel - Hezelton, Joseph Hiatt, Asa - Hickox, Stephen Hicks, Abraham - Higginbotham, William Higgins, Ananias - Hiliard, Joseph Hill, Aaron - Hill, John Hill, Jonas - Hill, Zimri Hillan, James - Hilton, William Hilts, George - Hinkson, Samuel Hinman, Benjamin - Hitchman, Salisbury Hite, Abraham - Hobbs, William Hobby, Hezekiah - Hodgkins, William Hodgman, Abel - Hohne, Christopher Hoisington, Bliss - Holdaway, Henry Holden, Aaron - Hollanbeck, Ruth Holland, Charles - Hollinshead, Sarah Hollis, Adam - Holman, Thomas Holmes, Abijah - Holms, John Holmstoff, William - Honson, Aurt Hood, Aaron - Hooven, Henry Hoover, Anthony - Hopkinson, David Hopper, Abram - Horth, Francis Horton, Abel - Hosum, Jonathan Hotchkis, Thebus - House, William Householder, Jacob - How, Timothy Howard, Aaron - Howard, Zachariah Howd, Benjamin - Howe, Zadok Howel, Charles - Hoyles, John Hoyt, Abraham - Hubbard, Israel Hubbard, Jedidiah - Huckstep, Charles Hudchins, William - Huff, Stephen Huffman, Christian - Hugon, Thomas Huiet, Philip - Hull, Zephaniah Hullderman, John - Humphrys, Jacob Humpton, Richard - Hunt, Julius Hunt, Laban - Hunting, Moses Huntingdon, John - Hurd, Zadok Hurdell, Lawrence - Hustler, Thomas Huston, Alexander - Hutson, William Hutt, Gerard - Hyslop, Levin Iams, John - Ingersull, John Ingham, Daniel - Irwin, Thomas United States Genral M805-463 M805-464 M805-465 M805-466 M805-467 M805-468 M805-469 M805-470 M805-471 M805-472 M805-473 M805-474 M805-475 M805-476 M805-477 M805-478 M805-479 M805-480 M805-481 M805-482 M805-483 M805-484 M805-485 M805-486 M805-487 M805-488 M805-489 M805-490 M805-491 M805-492 M805-493 M805-494 M805-495 M805-496 M805-497 M805-498 M805-499 M805-500 M805-501 M805-502 M805-503 M805-504 M805-505 M805-506 M805-507 M805-508 M805-509 M805-510 M805-511 M805-512 M805-513 M805-514 M805-515 M805-516 M805-517 M805-518 M805-519 M805-520 M805-521 M805-522 Isaacs, Isaac - Izeley, Philip Jabine, John - Jackson, Jesse Jackson, John - Jackson, William Jackway, Daniel - Jakways, William Jamar, Henry - Janson, Johannes Japson, William - Jeffs, Thomas Jelliff, James - Jennifer, Daniel Jennings, Aaron - Jett, William Jewel, Ephraim - Johns, Zachariah Johnson, Abel - Johnson, Ebenezer Johnson, Edmond - Johnson, Jacob Johnson, James - Johnson, Jonathan Johnson, Joseph - Johnson, Rufus Johnson, Samuel - Johnson, Zopher Johnston, Andrew - Johnston, Witter Johnstone, George - Jones, Darling Jones, David - Jones, Jacob Jones, James - Jones, Josiah Jones, Lazarus - Jones, Squire Jones, Stephen - Jones, Zimri Jongst, Peter - Jordon, William Jose, John - Juckett, Elijah Judd, Abia - Justus, Moses Kachlein, Peter - Keator, William Keblinger, Adam - Keenon, Nicholas Keep, Jabez - Keller, Simon Kelley, Charles - Kellum, Reuben Kelly, Abraham - Kelly, William Kelp, Andrew - Kendle, William Kendrick, Abel - Kensyl, Frederick Kent, Abel - Kerns, William Kerr, Andrew - Kever, James Key, Bingham - Kickeland, Heinrich Kidd, Alexander - Kilty, William Kimbal, Abraham - Kiney, James King, Aaron - King, Jesse King, John - King, Zebulon Kinglay, Savil - Kinney, William Kinnicut, Elizabeth - Kirkwood, Robert Kirres, Peter - Klyne, Gabriel Knap, Charles - Kniffing, Amos Knight, Abraham - Knouts, Jacob Knowels, Ezekiel - Kollock, Shepard Konkle, Lawrence - Kyzer, Frederick Laar, Jacob - Lady, Philip Lafar, Joseph - Lamaster, Joseph Lamb, Abner - Lamott, George Lamper, Benjamin - Lands, Lewis Lane, Abial - Lane, William Laneey, Thomas - Lanter, Thomas Lap, John - Larow, Abraham Larrabe, Richard - Lathrop, Solomon Latimer, Charles - Lawman, Jacob Lawrence, Abraham - Lawrentz, Wendel Lawrey, Giles - Lazier, John Lea, Major - Leasure, Joseph Leathe, Elijah - Ledyard, Robert Lee, Abial - Lee, Zebulon Leech, Archibald - Leidey, Samuel Leigh, Joseph - Lentz, Henry M805-523 M805-524 M805-525 M805-526 M805-527 M805-528 M805-529 M805-530 M805-531 M805-532 M805-533 M805-534 M805-535 M805-536 M805-537 M805-538 M805-539 M805-540 M805-541 M805-542 M805-543 M805-544 M805-545 M805-546 M805-547 M805-548 M805-549 M805-550 M805-551 M805-552 M805-553 M805-554 M805-555 M805-556 M805-557 M805-558 M805-559 M805-560 M805-561 M805-562 M805-563 M805-564 M805-565 M805-566 M805-567 M805-568 M805-569 M805-570 M805-571 M805-572 M805-573 M805-574 M805-575 M805-576 M805-577 M805-578 M805-579 M805-580 M805-581 M805-582 Leonard, Adam - Leonardson, John Leper, Jacob - Lewin, Thomas Lewis, Aaron - Lewis, Joel Lewis, John - Lewis, Willis Lewter, Hardy - Lightner, John Ligon, Blackman - Lindersmith, George Lindey, Jacob - Linsly, Solomon Lint, Isaac - Lithgow, Arthur Litle, Alexander - Littrel, Richard Litts, Hendrick - Lockridge, John Lock, Ayres - Locus, Valentine Lodder, William - London, Eliel Long, Adam - Long, William Longby, James - Lorance, William Lord, Aaron - Lord, William Lorden, George - Loux, Hendrick Love, Charles - Lovern, Richard Lovett, Ebenezer - Lowman, Philip Lown, Peter - Luches, Henry Luck, John - Lunsford, Rodham Lunt, Amos - Luther, Wheaton Luts, John - Lynott, Thomas Lyon, Abraham - Lyttle, Thomas Maabe, John - Madding, Chapness Maddis, John - Maillett, Baptiste Main, Amos - Mallow Henry Mallugan, John - Manly, Nathan Mann, Abel - Manrow, Noah Mansell, Joseph - Marcy, Stephen Marden, James - Marselus, John Marsh, Aaron - Marsh, Zebulon Marshal, Benjamin - Marther, Abner Martin, Aaron - Martin, Jonathan Martin, Joseph - Martling, Deliverance Martrick, Quorck - Mason, William Massay, John - Matheson, Daniel Mathew, Isaac - Matthewson, William Matthey, Frederick - Maxwell, William May, Abram - Mazyck, Stephen McA, Eliezer - McCalpin, George McCam, John - McChristy, Michael McClain, Abijah - McCluskin, Matthew McCobb, Samuel - McCown, Alexander McCoy, Alexander - McCuistin, Thomas McCulla, Alexander - McDole, John McDonald, Alexander - McDurmid, Francis McElcarr, John - McFerson, John McGaffey, Andrew - McGuinnes, James McGuire, Allegany - McJutty, Samuel McKafferty, Joseph - McKimmins, John McKinley, Alexander - McKree, Griffith McLachlan, Colin - McLusky, William McMachon, Charles - McMyers, Andrew McNabb, Charles - McPike, Richard McQuaddy, John - McWright, Matthew Meach, Elijah - Means, William Meara, Patrick - Meier, John Meigs, Abel - Mercy, John Meredeth, David - Merrifield, Robert Merril, Aaron - Merryman, Thomas Missinger. William Powel. Job . Abel .Peirson.Pratt. Andrew .Parsons. Zenas Right. Basil . James .Roberts.Morrow. Dewalt . Stephen Privit. Abraham .Reece. William Morrs. Joseph Penn. Benjamin .Phillips. John Paugh. Nathan Ream. Zephaniah Mitchellor. Aaron . Joseph Plonk.Nye. John . William Partee. William Persell. Peter . Barnabas . Zophar Robison. Edmund .Morgan.Petters. Alexander Miller. Abner . Peter .Pecard. Aaron . Benjamin Neal. Aaron .Mitchell. William Reinecker.Raymond. Jeremiah Rogers. Zebulon Pierceall.Page.Pytts. Aaron . Henry Purnell. William Robinson. Abraham Pace. William Oadham.Rand. Abel . Nathaniel Pearsall. William Porterfield. Libbeus Rabenstine. James Orr.Penly. William . Amos .Pritchett.Mosier.Parsley. Asahel . Judah Roberts. Joel Parmenter. Jonathan Miller. Jonathan Roberts. Charles . Jeremiah Nix. Jeruel Phillips.Nevius. Theophilus Montacue. Abraham . Peter New. Aaron .Reymond.Reale.Reynolds.Muret. Abial . Boston Olive.Rodricque. John . Moses Mount. John .Miller.Phillips. Jeremiah . Zachariah Randal.Osburne.O’Rouke. Benjamin . Young . William Rich. Jacob Nabb.Moultroup. Thomas Overton. John . Jacob . Zephaniah Rogerson. John .Price. Charles Nelson. Henry Miller. Peter . Edward Risdale. Jacob Patterson. Ichabod . Christopher .Mulherin.Northwear. Benjamin . Silas Robards.Powe.Murrill. Aaron . George .Pilkinton. Archibald .Nichols. Amos . Aaron . Isaac Palmer.Paty. Joel Mitchel.Perryman. Solomon Pierce.Norman.Neagus.Mills. Charles .Morss. Amos .Reed. Abel .Phelon. Sally Munnerlyn. Aaron .Purkitt. George . Benjamin . Isaac Reynold.Parker.Pond.Pribble.Rogers.Power. Thomas Price.Miller.Payton. William Perrill.Moore. Hezekiah .Rice. James Nichol. Wyman Parkers.Richardson.Olis. Abel . Lyman Potter. Charles Murfree. Warren Odom. Moses Page. John . Aaron .Onderkirk. Robert Ranlet. Basil . Mahlon .Pier.Ricks. John Muliken.Morris. Yelverton Peabbles. Peter Phelps. John .Plomondon. Bazzell .Riggs.Middlesworth. Britain . Asa Richardson. Williamson Prichard. Emanuel Roe. Jesse Parker. Larkin Pillsbury. Mariam . John .Palmer. Adam . John Reed. William Powers.Parke. Thomas Pratt.Prather.Nelms. James Richart. Zebulon Millsaps. Boling . Joseph .Pattengell. Zebulon Ponder. Aaron . Mark Murrow.Perkinpine. Jacob . William Peckam. Andrew . Lewis Peck. George Norton.Potter.Pitmon. Zuer Palmerton.Philippie.Overstreet.Palmatier. Zedekiah Moorehead.Pierce. Jacob . Zadock Reeder.Moony. Moses Moore. Adam . Daniel . Eli . William Norris. Thomas . John .United States General M805-583 M805-584 M805-585 M805-586 M805-587 M805-588 M805-589 M805-590 M805-591 M805-592 M805-593 M805-594 M805-595 M805-596 M805-597 M805-598 M805-599 M805-600 M805-601 M805-602 M805-603 M805-604 M805-605 M805-606 M805-607 M805-608 M805-609 M805-610 M805-611 M805-612 M805-613 M805-614 M805-615 M805-616 M805-617 M805-618 M805-619 M805-620 M805-621 M805-622 M805-623 M805-624 M805-625 M805-626 M805-627 M805-628 M805-629 M805-630 M805-631 M805-632 M805-633 M805-634 M805-635 M805-636 M805-637 M805-638 M805-639 M805-640 M805-641 M805-642 Mersellus. William . Zuriel Rayner. John . Jacob . Joseph . Joel Reed.Rice. Isaac Moore.Newkirk.Rogers. Ashbel Rice.Parmell.Rippy. Alexander . Nathan . Zebedee Phillis. Jonathan Morris. James . Jacob .Nowell. James Mitchell. Jonathan . Samuel Osgood. Braddock . Solomon . Thomas . Archibald . Asa . Stephen Morgan. Nathaniel . Abner . Benjamin . Bailey . Famous . Charles . Enoch Mortimer.Puding.Rawls.Ralyea.Roberson. George . Ziba Robertson. Joseph . William .Reed. John Ramage.Pearre. Abner .Porch. Amos . Zackquil Morgert. Jonathan Quackenboss. Thomas Parson. William Moor.Morford.Moore.Mitchell. Conrad Puffer.Richardson.Nichleston. Jacob Millican.Munn. Benjamin .Millford. Henry Porter.Odle.Mytinger.Porter. John . John .Robinson.Roath. William Pettes.Ozmund. Abraham . Edmund Riddall.Millener.Quy. William M805-643 M805-644 M805-645 M805-646 M805-647 M805-648 M805-649 M805-650 M805-651 M805-652 M805-653 M805-654 M805-655 M805-656 M805-657 M805-658 M805-659 M805-660 M805-661 M805-662 M805-663 M805-664 M805-665 M805-666 M805-667 M805-668 M805-669 M805-670 M805-671 M805-672 M805-673 M805-674 M805-675 M805-676 M805-677 M805-678 M805-679 M805-680 M805-681 M805-682 M805-683 M805-684 M805-685 M805-686 M805-687 M805-688 M805-689 M805-690 M805-691 M805-692 M805-693 M805-694 M805-695 M805-696 M805-697 M805-698 M805-699 M805-700 M805-701 M805-702 Pelfrey. Daniel . Amos . Elizabeth Perkins.Nivington.Moore. William Mosley.Roosa. Jesse . John Middleton. Thomas Pitney. John .Perrigo. John . Joseph .Robins.Roberts. Zachariah Nowlan. William . Zebulon Parker.Polke. William Newkum. Adam . Aaron . John . Joel Robinson. George . Christopher Philips. Edward .Reily. Zepaniah Nicholson. Zimri Praul. William Rawsey. Edward . George . John O’Neal. Simeon . Isaac Polland. Zachariah Reynow. Benjamin . Richard .Rankins.Monson. Andrew . Abraham . Aaron .Robinson.Peck.Parker. Cornelius . Solomon Sawyer. George Tabb.Thompson.Stewart. James . Peter .Smith. Robert . Benjamin Stechter.Scott. John .Stone. Abigail . Nathaniel Taylar. Willard Smith.Tilyou. Nicholas Smack.Smiley.Stevens. Abiather . Edward Stevens. Philip Shefer. Aaron . Abraham . John (R. Francis . James . Beverly . Jacob . Zacchens Spera. Henry . Ebenezer Talcott. Elias . Richard Van Camp. Mary . Henry Rose.Stratton.Russell. William Sparlin. Henry Turner. David Sumerlin.Smith. Aaron . Jacob Taylor. William Tom. Jonathan Tway. Michael . Zalmon Tayntor. Samuel . Moses Stevens. Peter Stannage. Windsor Stonebarger.Tay.Rowdon. Nathaniel . Christian . Jehiel .Sawtell. Shubael Smith. Thomas Tucker. Aaron . Charity Trip. Mary Thomas. Jacob Stone.Scholl. John Sherwood. Elias . John . Henry . Samuel Silver.Traynor.Topping. Zephaniah Rossell. Zacheus Sanger. Frederick . Jacob Vacher.Sherwin. Jesse Thomas. Jacob .Sexton.Tiers. Roger Thompson. Abner .Stebins. Dorothy Sherborn. Squire . Israel . Martiness Van Deusen. Aaron .Turner.Strongman William Stroop.Shortt. Joel Smith. Aaron . John Spence.Stuppleton.Shavers. Zebulon Straughan. Caleb .Tutwiller.Sleeper. William . Owen . Simon Treacle. William Shires. Jasper . Jacob .Van Guilder. Augustus .Roxford. Aaron . Anthony . Aaron .Taylor. Andrew . Lewis .Roso. Abel . Johan Schoolcraft. William . Adam .Shaner. William Russey. Job . Robert . Susannah Saben.Thompson. Thomas Southwell.Slyter. Major . Sihon .Utzman. Richard Scaggs.Sult. Burwell . Anthony . Everitt .Towles. Buckner Smith. Abraham Tuder. William Stag. Silas Ross. Aaron . Zachariah Shawke.Scutt. James . Isaac . Richard Squares. Cummy .Spenser. Morton Thorber.Starkweather. James Thompson. John (S.Thaxton.Swany. Peter Timberlake.Roscrow.Sayward.Sizer.Tozier.Ross. Gabriel Udell.Smith. William Torian.Templeton. Thomas Starling. James Stimmel.Russ.Shippey. Aaron . John Stout. Hannah . Denison Roy.Tuck. Isaac . Aaron . Luther Smith. Jairus Smith. Zaccheus Salisbury. Thomas . Lemuel Trabis.Tison.Thomasson. Elizabeth Stencel. William Thayar.I.Simms. Alexander . Abel .Sampley.Seaus.Stewart. Ralph . John True. York Ruick. William Sockman. Joseph .Smith. Abraham . Daniel Swetland. John .C. Henry . David .Van Buskirk. Margaret Tiff. Jesse Slaback.Suts. Albert . Abel . Stephen Snagg. William . Aaron . Archibald Shoto. Abel .Salier. James Stewart.Smith.Smith. Philip Snow. Aaron . Thomas . Amos . Peter . Calvin .Shenefelt. Nicholas Shepard.Scoonmaker. Meredith Taylor. William . Elkanah .Terrybury.Thom.Sky.Tuckerman.Silsby. Winburn . Michael Shuster.Smythers. John .Southward. Christian . Jedediah . Daniel .Sanford. Samuel Sanders.Smith.Sauls.Snyder. Abel . Calvin . John Terwillegar.Smith.Stilwill. William Steymets. William Simon. Augustin . William Serls. Robert Sleet. William Skaddin.Sandeford. James .Stouseberger. John M805-763 M805-764 M805-765 M805-766 M805-767 M805-768 M805-769 M805-770 M805-771 M805-772 M805-773 M805-774 M805-775 M805-776 M805-777 M805-778 M805-779 M805-780 M805-781 M805-782 M805-783 M805-784 M805-785 M805-786 M805-787 M805-788 M805-789 M805-790 M805-791 M805-792 M805-793 M805-794 M805-795 M805-796 M805-797 M805-798 M805-799 M805-800 M805-801 M805-802 M805-803 M805-804 M805-805 M805-806 M805-807 M805-808 M805-809 M805-810 M805-811 M805-812 M805-813 M805-814 M805-815 M805-816 M805-817 M805-818 M805-819 M805-820 M805-821 M805-822 Sprage. Reuben . Melchior Seiberling.Thruston. Daniel Scott. Sylvanus Scott.Thomy.Steurt. Peter Sutten. Nathan Russel.Spradling. Adam . Peter Seaver. Mathias Shank.Segrist.) Smith. Henry .Taylor. William Thombs.Thomas.Snook.Sparks. Nathan . Griffith Smith.Vanderwerkin. Aaron .Talbut. Robert Thum.Taylor. William Smith. George Rowe. Andrew . Christian . William Seybert. Asahel . Nicholas .Spelts.Smith. John . James Titchenor.Stanly. Adam . Moses Stocklon. William .Steller.Trion.Shaw.Tzor.Turnee. John . Abel .Stolts. Preserved Smith. William . Zebadiah Simrall. William Scypeart. Timothy Swart. Jacob Sturdevant.Trucks.) .Steves. William . Robert Tenair. Jeremiah Steward. Daniel .Ruggles. William .Stocking.Stafford. David .Swesey. Oliver Town.Smith. Caesar .Shurts. Edmund Smith.Sytez. Margaret . Edward .United States Genral M805-703 M805-704 M805-705 M805-706 M805-707 M805-708 M805-709 M805-710 M805-711 M805-712 M805-713 M805-714 M805-715 M805-716 M805-717 M805-718 M805-719 M805-720 M805-721 M805-722 M805-723 M805-724 M805-725 M805-726 M805-727 M805-728 M805-729 M805-730 M805-731 M805-732 M805-733 M805-734 M805-735 M805-736 M805-737 M805-738 M805-739 M805-740 M805-741 M805-742 M805-743 M805-744 M805-745 M805-746 M805-747 M805-748 M805-749 M805-750 M805-751 M805-752 M805-753 M805-754 M805-755 M805-756 M805-757 M805-758 M805-759 M805-760 M805-761 M805-762 Root. William Tar.Simpson. Shadrach Shaw. James . Absalom .Tapscott. John . Henry Saunders.Shepperman.Tolson. Jarrel . Zebedee Turney.Ryon. Jesse Sampson.Sheetz. Joseph .Serjeson.Spyres. Andrew . Jeduthan M805-883 M805-884 M805-885 M805-886 M805-887 M805-888 M805-889 M805-890 M805-891 M805-892 M805-893 M805-894 M805-895 M805-896 M805-897 M805-898 Withington.Withey. Absalom . Andrew . The files. Peter Webster. or a justice of the peace often accompanied the widow’s pension application.Welch.Wilby.Wilson.Williams.Watson. William Welchel. Winthrop Watt. James . Francis .West. George . William Welch. John . William Work.Wakefield.Waliser.Williams. William Willbanks. Asa . Jacob White. Aaron .Woodyard. date and place of her marriage.Williams.William. Richard .Young. William Waterman. Benjamin Warren. his residence. Henry .Vawter. Cornelius .Woodsum. Henry . Squire Woodmore.Wheeler.Weedon. Charles .Weber. Property schedules often give names and ages of a veteran’s wife and children. John . Tall Williams. Richard Woolard.Wingrove. or by the word “Continental”. David . 1800-1900.Whipple. John Van Patten. Zenas Wheeley.Wilsie.Wordin. Richard . Aaron . Samuel Woodward.Youmans. with the exception of “Former Widow” cross-reference cards.Van Osdoll. William . maiden name. A veteran’s pension application normally gives—in addition to his former rank unit and period of service—his age or date of birth. a clergyman. Zephaniah Woodall. Genealogical Value of Records: Genealogical information is usually available in a file containing original application papers. James . Zachariah Whitecar. Thomas Wright. Peter Wilson. Philip Whitney. Andrew . Amos . Henry Whalan. James Wilson. and sometimes his birthplace.Waltamyer.Weysor. George .Woodmansee.Warneck. A copy of a marriage record made by a town clerk. Jacob Wilson. Familyrecord pages from Bibles and other books submitted by pension and bounty-land-warrant applicants give the dates of birth. Abner . David . John UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files. Richard Wood. Application papers submitted by children and other heirs or dependents seeking pensions or bounty-land-warrants generally contain information about their ages and residences. James . Aaron . Abel .Whiting. Pfillib . Prince Williams.Weatherstine. William Wallar.Wintworth. “Navy”. Elizabeth . Aaron . Henry Yacobi. James .Wright. the further arrangement of the files based on their service is generally alphabetical by the name of the state or organization for which a veteran served. Aaron . John . Aaron . Mabel West.Whitcraft. Abner . William Vibbard.Wilkins. Jacob . Aaron . Abner . Abram . Elijah . John . Joel Wood.Ward. Peleg Weekes.Wesson.Young. William Vleit.White. John .Zweier.White. Richard .Wiett.Wells. Zachariah Welman. Zenas Warrener.Warble.Warral. Rhoda Waggener.United States General M805-823 M805-824 M805-825 M805-826 M805-827 M805-828 M805-829 M805-830 M805-831 M805-832 M805-833 M805-834 M805-835 M805-836 M805-837 M805-838 M805-839 M805-840 M805-841 M805-842 M805-843 M805-844 M805-845 M805-846 M805-847 M805-848 M805-849 M805-850 M805-851 M805-852 M805-853 M805-854 M805-855 M805-856 M805-857 M805-858 M805-859 M805-860 M805-861 M805-862 M805-863 M805-864 M805-865 M805-866 M805-867 M805-868 M805-869 M805-870 M805-871 M805-872 M805-873 M805-874 M805-875 M805-876 M805-877 M805-878 M805-879 M805-880 M805-881 M805-882 Vanhining. Jacob . The application of a widow seeking a pension or a bounty-land-warrant may give her age.Wood.Walker. James . Potter White. John . Joel Williams. and date and place of death of her husband.Wood. Abigail .Whitney. Joel Wright. Jacob Webb. “Former Widow” cross-reference cards are arranged by the surname that the former widow acquired upon remarriage. Randolph . Faddy . Aaron . Amasa . William Whitington. Willoughby Westbrook.Yeaty. Henry Wiley. Elisha Williams. Edward Wiggin.Vittum.Wagg. John . Remembrance . Jacob . Alexander . Aaron .Warren. Timothy Wakeland.Wheeland. Arrangement and Selection of Files and Records: Each file that is a single 10" x 14" summary or cross-reference card and all envelope files in the series of Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files have been reproduced in this microfilm publication.Wriggins. Adam . Abel . Aaron .Viars. Aaron .Walker.Waterhouse.Watrus. Aaron . Jellis Van Vracken.Wellons. Joseph . Henry Ward.Van Vost. Isaac .Vyer. George . When two or more veterans have the same surname and given name. Zebulun Whiton. Abiel .Wysor. John Yeaw. Johannis .Weavor.Willits. Jane . William Veach.Wallace. Abel . are arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the veteran. Michael Wheeler.Wilson. Levi Wirble.Wiles. Zebediah Wardell.Welburn. . Frederick Warner. Jonas Young. Aaron . Jacob . William Wrightington. William White. Zebulon Youngblood. marriage. Abijah . Zebulon Whippy. Christian Walker. residence. and death of family members. Zachariah Wilt.Wonicutt.Williams. John Winham. Jonathan Walker. John Weaver. Charles Wells. Richard Watson. David Waltar.White. Jonathan Wilcklow. Robert . Amos . William Wilkinson. Joseph . Jeremiah Young. Gerret .Wilson.Whitmyer. or some other service designation placed in the heading of some files above or before the name of a state. Isaac Willkey.Willard. In a few pension files are final payment vouchers that sometimes contain information about the date and place of a pensioner’s death and names of heirs. Zebulon Walkup. Zebedee Williamson. Aaron .Wright. John Waalradt. Atwill. John Arman. John . Howard Allen.Andros. Lewis . Christian Arno. Jack . William Alfin. William Abbott. Benjamin . Aaron . Nathaniel . Seth . Samuel Alban.Ayers. The documents may include pension applications.Ames.Andrews. John . Jonathan M804-45 M804-46 M804-47 M804-48 M804-49 M804-50 M804-51 M804-52 M804-53 M804-54 M804-55 M804-56 M804-57 M804-58 M804-59 M804-60 M804-61 M804-62 M804-63 M804-64 M804-65 M804-66 M804-67 M804-68 M804-69 M804-70 M804-71 M804-72 M804-73 M804-74 M804-75 M804-76 M804-77 M804-78 M804-79 M804-80 M804-81 M804-82 M804-83 M804-84 M804-85 M804-86 M804-87 M804-88 M804-89 M804-90 M804-91 M804-92 M804-93 M804-94 M804-95 M804-96 M804-97 M804-98 M804-99 M804-100 M804-101 M804-102 M804-103 M804-104 Alley. Ezekiel Adams. Amos . Thomas . Reuben . Thomas . Jesse . John Ashe. William Angel.Allen.Arwood. William . Samuel Avary.Allembaugh. John Aeisla. Abraham . Aaron .Ahl. Abraham Akaley. George Acron.Adams. Stephen Allis.Adams.Armstrong. Jacob Backus. George . John . George . Moses . Josiah Andrews. Richard Baars.Aldrich. Martin . Abraham .Allen.Andrews.Allen.Ackler.Alexander.Alexander. Daniel . Abraham .Akley.Anderson. Samuel Babbs.Allen. Reuben . Owen Arnold.Andrekin. M804-1 M804-2 M804-3 M804-4 M804-5 M804-6 M804-7 M804-8 M804-9 M804-10 M804-11 M804-12 M804-13 M804-14 M804-15 M804-16 M804-17 M804-18 M804-19 M804-20 M804-21 M804-22 M804-23 M804-24 M804-25 M804-26 M804-27 M804-28 M804-29 M804-30 M804-31 M804-32 M804-33 M804-34 M804-35 M804-36 M804-37 M804-38 M804-39 M804-40 M804-41 M804-42 M804-43 M804-44 Aaron. Samuel Allen. in each envelope file containing more than 10 pages of records.Arney. Levi .Armsted.Aleshite.Applegate. the more significant genealogical documents were filed first. Henry Atset. Abel . Elihu . Timothy Anderson. Jesse Aldrich. Israel Arnold. Thomas . William Baber. Joshua Austin. Zenas Ashlock. Job .Ashton. John Adare. Nathaniel Algood.Atkison. Jesse Babcock. Wyman Avery.Babbitt.Allen.Amyx. Coonrod .Allen. Gabriel . David . Jeremiah . John Adkin. Samuel . Elijah .Adams. Jotham Ames. Jason Allen. family-record pages from Bibles or other books. These files can be recognized by a star next to the veteran’s surname in the heading. Daniel Allen.Amminet.Arnott. Samuel .Alexander. Abner . Ezra Abbot. property schedules. Jacob Anderson. Edward .Acres.Adams. John . Luke Adams. James Anderson. Andrew . Edward . Phinehas Adams. John (pt. William Almy. James .Aderton. Martin Albright.Antrim. Robert Ausley. John Angst. Jeremiah Alderman.Arnold. All remaining documents in that file were filmed after a target headed “Nonselected Records”. Walter . Daniel . Moses Allen. James . John . David . Jonathan . Abel . jackets showing the act under which pension payments were made. Aaron . Philip Anthony. Matthew Anders. Joel .Arbuckle.United States Genral Within files. John . James Amacker.Arnold. John Alvey.Andruss. copies of marriage records. William Archabald. John Aorson. Leonard Ackley.) . Moses Abbott. John .Avery.Allerton.Anderson. and final payment vouchers. John Avery. Barnabas . Lemuel . Gad . Jabez . Abram .Amerman. Ichabod . Joel Adams. John (pt. James . David . Silas . Frederick . Alpheus .Abell.Anderson.Albrecht. preceded by a target headed “Selected Records”.Ashcroft. Titus Adams.Abbot.Auxtier. Francis Andress.Adams. David . Jacob . Zaccheus Aubony.Alder.Backman. Israel . Robert Atkinson. John .Allen.Adams.) Allen. Denney Anderson. Williams Avis. Francis .Bacon.Abston.Adams.Atkins. Zebulon Appleman. John Alexander.Averill.Avery. Jabez .Alday. Abiather . John Adams. William . James .Appleby. John Asay. Seth Alden. Richard .Angling.Allen. James . John .Ashley.Ausburn. Thomas Ashur.Aston. William . Phinehes Allen. Isaiah .Austin. Norman . Abel .Alverson.Abbot. Ezekiel Austin. John . Henry Bacon. John Atkins. Jonathan Allen. Vincent Allen. bounty-land-warrant applications. James Atayataghronghta.Aitchley.Atkerson. William Applegate.Almond. William . John Acart. John Aiken.Babcock. Gardener . Amos .Austin.Adams. Adam .Anderson. jackets showing the warrant numbers of warrants granted. Elihu Allen. Thomas .Allen.Babcock. Christopher .Bacon. However.Algier. William Armstrong. Jonas .Allison. Peter Allen. Stephen Andrews.Allen. Samuel Arraby. Alexander . Jedediah .Alling. Joshua Armstrong.Adamy. Powel Ames. James Alexander.Atwood.Alworth. Isaac Armstrong. the records are unarranged. Nicholas . Thomas Allman. Thomas Aber. Aron . Susannah Alexander.Armstrong.Abbott. Andrew .Andrews.Arington.Adye. Mark . John . Remington . Peter Atwood. Ebenezer Ayers. No distinction was made between selected and nonselected records in filing the envelope files that contained 10 or fewer pages of records. Joseph . George .Allen. Thomas Andrus.Ante. Nathan . Joseph . Israel Andrews. John Ammon.Azelip. Shubael Adams. Robert . Bryant Adams. Peter Anderson. Issacher Adams. Azor Allen.Andrews. Benjamin Andrews. Silas Bartlett. Ebenezer Bean.Bennett.Barns.Bemis. Ebenezer . Eleazer . Supply Belden. Jeremiah Bennett. John . Nehemiah .Benedict. Samuel .Banghart. Ezekiel Baker. Abraham . Doughty Bates. Abel .Benjamin.Belcher.Baker.Bearmor. Jacob . Seth Barnum.Barter. Thaddeus Bemiss.Bell. Nathaniel . George . William Barrons.Belfield. George . Foard . Lowell Barns. Henry . Reuben Baldwin.Bason. Ephraim Bailey. Oliver . Roswell .Beach. Nicholas Baker. Loudon . John .Barrows. Henry Beer. Darius .Bateman.Barringer.Benner. Azariah . Henry . Aaron . Isaac . John Bartlet. Nehemiah .Bennet. Stephen Bathurst.Barrett. Charles . Jonathan .Baley. Henry Bemis. Zachariah Barbey.Beckwith.Baxter. William Beckes.Barker. Thomas Baith. John Bayley. William . William Becraft. Cornelius Bassett. Isaac Barker.Baldry. Benjamin . William Bailis.Bailey. William Barnet. Lewis Bears.Beale.Bartlett.Bailey. Azor . Zacheriah Beerworth. Nathan Ballard. William Beneger. Jonathan Baker. Joel Bailey. George Benedict. Henry Baley. Jonathan . Enoch Baldwin. Nathan Barber. Anthony .Beebe. Lewis . Aaron . Seth Baker. William Barrett. John Benson. Peter Bennet. Aaron .Bailes.Barnard. Henry Bell. Jacob Barns. Eldridge .Bancraft. Daniel . Aaron .Barnes. Oliver . John Ben. Nathaniel Bassett.Benton. Jonathan . Ebenezer Ballard.Bartle. Samuel .Baker. Alexander . Jonah .Bagent. David .Bartlett.Barney.Barber. William Bay. Jesse . Andrew .Barton.Bailey.Beaty. Thomas . Andrew . Alexander . Stephen . Nicholas . Nicholas Barton. Joseph Barto.Bardsley.Baker. Aaron . William Barrup.Bellows.Ball.Barr.Beach. Joel Barnett. Phineas Bennett.Beard. Reuben . Andrew . William Bently. Benjamin . Joseph . Adonijah .Ballantine. Jonathan Ball. Wolcott Benneville.Baldwin.Bechtel.Bently. John Bancroft. John . Joseph . William Beaulieu. Abner . Josiah Bailey. William Beebe.Bean. Uriah Beam. George .Benson.Barnum. John Bauman. Isaac Baldwin. William Beatty. Morris .Baker.Bankes. Peter . Daniel Benjamin. Nathaniel Barker. Philip . Ebenezer . Ebenezer . Jeremiah Bennet.Beers. William Beall. John Belknap. Archibald .Barker.Bennett. John . Daniel Bass. Waterman Baker. Benjamin . Pardon . Sarah Baylor. Henry .Bentheusen. Phinehas Bates. Timothy Belman.Beedy. Samuel Bantham. Benjamin Baxter.Batchelder. Roderick Beebe. Adnah .Barber. Abijah .Becker.Beals.Ballou.Bates. George . Joseph .United States General M804-105 M804-106 M804-107 M804-108 M804-109 M804-110 M804-111 M804-112 M804-113 M804-114 M804-115 M804-116 M804-117 M804-118 M804-119 M804-120 M804-121 M804-122 M804-123 M804-124 M804-125 M804-126 M804-127 M804-128 M804-129 M804-130 M804-131 M804-132 M804-133 M804-134 M804-135 M804-136 M804-137 M804-138 M804-139 M804-140 M804-141 M804-142 M804-143 M804-144 M804-145 M804-146 M804-147 M804-148 M804-149 M804-150 M804-151 M804-152 M804-153 M804-154 M804-155 M804-156 M804-157 M804-158 M804-159 M804-160 M804-161 M804-162 M804-163 M804-164 Bacon. Robert Bailey.Baker. Mark . John Baldwin. Obadiah .Baum. Joseph .Bemies. David Barnes.Baxter.Bayley. James Barr. Abraham . John . Charles . Barney Bangs. Jesse .Bartlett.Becktel. Nathan Banks. James .Bassett. Elijah .Ball. George Barber.Been.Bennett. Benjamin Barker.Barnitz.Bell. Walter Barrington. Charles . Obil Beach.Battin. John Battis. John . Dewalt .Bartman. John . George . George .Bell. John Bagg.Bennett. Moody Badgely. Jonathan M804-165 M804-166 M804-167 M804-168 M804-169 M804-170 M804-171 M804-172 M804-173 M804-174 M804-175 M804-176 M804-177 M804-178 M804-179 M804-180 M804-181 M804-182 M804-183 M804-184 M804-185 M804-186 M804-187 M804-188 M804-189 M804-190 M804-191 M804-192 M804-193 M804-194 M804-195 M804-196 M804-197 M804-198 M804-199 M804-200 M804-201 M804-202 M804-203 M804-204 M804-205 M804-206 M804-207 M804-208 M804-209 M804-210 M804-211 M804-212 M804-213 M804-214 M804-215 M804-216 M804-217 M804-218 M804-219 M804-220 M804-221 M804-222 M804-223 M804-224 Bartlett.Barret. Dan . Philip Beck.Barker.Barner. Abraham . William Bellamy.Baldwin.Beans. William Bear.Bayliss. Azel . David Barlow. Miles Barrett. Jonah Barnes. Jonas . Lawrence .Badel. Peter .Bedworth. Aaron . Joel Baker. Cornelius . Edward .Bathrick.Benedict. James Beal. Obadiah . Oliver .Banks. Amasa . Joseph .Baldwin.Baker.Bates.Bailey. David .Baird. Benjamin .Bailey. Zadock Bates. William Bennett. Abraham . Silas . Zenas Barkers.Beatman. James Bates.Barnes. Solomon . Bradford Baker. Andrew Banks. Abner . David Ball. Josiah Batchelder.Baker. Daniel Bartlett. Silas . John . Prince Barney.Barber.Bassett.Barron. Reuben . Alexander . Catharine .Ballard. Jesse Ballou. Thomas Benton. Isaac . Nathaniel .Barnes. Pelatiah Barth.Barker. William Bearden.Banta. Grove Barnard. James . John Barnes. Rosiah Beek.Bates. Reuben . John . William Bardwell. John . George Beckwith. Daniel Bennett. Zebulon .Barlow. John .Beakney. Ashbel Beach.Bennet. Edmond . Samuel Bailey.Barnett. William Brewington. Charles . Charles . John Boggs. Ansel Branch.Borden. Francis .Boucher. Thomas Boyles.Britton. Abel .Blair.Bigelow. Uriah .Bowerman. Stephen Billingsley. Francis Bradley. Peter Bowers. Samuel Bonner. Francis . Owen Briggs.Bradish. William Bosworth. Lemuel Bolton.Bowen. Adam .Brister. Daniel . Scarborough Blue. Edmund . James . Eli Bickford. Nathaniel Brady. David . Richard . Sampson Bratcher. William Borders.Boskitt. Simeon Branthifer. Christopher Brian. Stephen Boice.Britt. Zachariah Blackmar.Bleuford.Bickford. William Boothby. Simeon .Boswell.Bing.Bizzel.Brey. Abraham . John . John Bliss.Bloggett.Berry. Richard Bouck. Asahel .Bozzell. Willyoube .Blizzard.Bicknell.Brevett. Thomas Bingley. Nicholas Blankenship. Samuel Bowen. Isaac . Benjamin .Bogge.Breech.Boardman. Nicholas . Adrian . George . Isaac Brewer. John . Stephen Breidegan.Bigelar.Branard. Ebenezer . Thomas Bisson.Bolter.Bouney.Blasdell.Bodfish.Billings.Brackett.Berry. Abraham . Thomas Blackman. Gamaliel . Richard Brittain. Job .Briggs. John . John Boyd. Henry Bird. Abraham . Aaron . John Betts. William Boyden. John .Bradwell.Bishop.Boyer. Aaron . Backus . Delius Briggs.Bloodgood. Ephraim Blanchard.Bowland. Ezra Bliss.Bosworth. Zadock Botan.Blunk.Bragdon. Ignus . Abraham .Bonar. Abel .Bradley. Alexander . Jared Bishop.Briggs. Benjamin Blood. Benjamin . Holland .Bradley. Joel .Boston. William Braydon. Travis Booth. Enos .Blake. Amy Blachford. Samuel .Boyd. Adonijah . John Bias. Charles .Briggs.Brandon.Boyd. Thomas Bill.Bloxsom.Blackly. Jeremiah Bowen.Brigham.Booten. Abijah .Blackman.Boyle. Lemuel . Timothy Braithwaite.Brant. Samuel . John Bristol.Blaksley.Braswell. William Brandow. Andrew Blunt. Jacob . Charles . Aaron . John Boss. Peter . Casper .Best. Zebulun Berryhill. Benjamin Briggs. Samuel Billings. William Bigford. Thomas Biddie.Betts. Zepheniah Bison.Bish. Jeremiah .Bray. Alpheus . Henry . Isaac Blackwell. William Bowman. Burton Blockmon. John . Moses Bradley. Andrew . Mary Boachus. Abiel . John . Gee . Jonathan . William Blaisdell. Allen . Asa .Bird.Bishop. Aaron . Abraham . Jacob .Bowen.Black.Blaine. Allen . Joseph . Daniel .Bouton.Biles.Boomer. Reuben Brabrook. Frederick Bishop.Blythe. Joseph .Brink. Chloe . Joab Black. Jesse Briggs. John Bloom. Samuel Bowen. Willing Blakely. Joel .Bowels.Black.Blackwelder. Lawrence Bleakley.Blanchard.Bradley.Bivins. Chloe .Boley. Robert Berry. Asher . Solomon . George . Peter Brinker. Nicholas Bigelow. David Berry. Aholiab . William Blevens.Bezard.Bohonon.Boynton. Amos . Frederick . James . Daniel .Bingham. William Bragg. William Bixbe.Bridges. Abraham .Blazeur.Briges.Brewer. Abiathar . Paul Bishop. Joseph Bourn. Samuel Besterfield.Bowling.Bonsall. William Blancher. John Bingham.United States Genral M804-225 M804-226 M804-227 M804-228 M804-229 M804-230 M804-231 M804-232 M804-233 M804-234 M804-235 M804-236 M804-237 M804-238 M804-239 M804-240 M804-241 M804-242 M804-243 M804-244 M804-245 M804-246 M804-247 M804-248 M804-249 M804-250 M804-251 M804-252 M804-253 M804-254 M804-255 M804-256 M804-257 M804-258 M804-259 M804-260 M804-261 M804-262 M804-263 M804-264 M804-265 M804-266 M804-267 M804-268 M804-269 M804-270 M804-271 M804-272 M804-273 M804-274 M804-275 M804-276 M804-277 M804-278 M804-279 M804-280 M804-281 M804-282 M804-283 M804-284 Bentschoten. Joseph . Asamus . Obadiah .Bowers Josiah Bowers. Anthony . William . Zephaniah Brigham.Blake.Boyce. James . Ezekiel Bradford. Winthrop Bostwick. Elisha . Jonathan Blake.Bowman.Billing. Enos Blalack.Brillifont.Booth.Breeze.Berry. William Blashfield. Lewis . Henry Bond. Abraham . James . Thomas Bowles.Bondy. William Boyd. Prestley Bolick. Winslow Bright.Berringer.Bliss. Isaac Blake. William Brackin. William . Clement Bonsted. Adam . Abel . Charles .Blanchard. William Bodine. Thomas Boyt. John Brewer. Daniel .Briggs. Ephraim Blair. Christopher .Blankenbaker. Alexander . Zophar Bettsworth. Amos . John M804-285 M804-286 M804-287 M804-288 M804-289 M804-290 M804-291 M804-292 M804-293 M804-294 M804-295 M804-296 M804-297 M804-298 M804-299 M804-300 M804-301 M804-302 M804-303 M804-304 M804-305 M804-306 M804-307 M804-308 M804-309 M804-310 M804-311 M804-312 M804-313 M804-314 M804-315 M804-316 M804-317 M804-318 M804-319 M804-320 M804-321 M804-322 M804-323 M804-324 M804-325 M804-326 M804-327 M804-328 M804-329 M804-330 M804-331 M804-332 M804-333 M804-334 M804-335 M804-336 M804-337 M804-338 M804-339 M804-340 M804-341 M804-342 M804-343 M804-344 Bone.Betton.Bradford. Thomas Breed. Valentine Boyers. Joshua . Benjamin . James . Martin Boon. Joseph .Birdwell. Austin . Charles . John . Henry . Aaron . Aaron . Beverly . Archibald .Blanchard. Aron . William Blackard. Jeremiah Berry. Nathan . Benjamin .Blake. William Bownd. Benjamin . William Bouttell. John . James Brim. John Bridges.Blish. William Boardwine. Frederick . William Bradly. Nathaniel Blanchard. Paul .Brainerd.Brewer.Bonnell. Benjamin Birge.Bissell.Bishop. Daniel Bradley. William . Alexander . Thaddeus M804-355 Brooks. James M804-368 Brown.Bullock. Caleb M804-361 Brown. Chauncy Camp. George .Butland.Callaway.Butler.Broyles. Thaddeus . Joseph . Josiah Burnham.Brown. Josiah Butler. Lambert . Zachariah M804-356 Brookshier. Samuel .Campbell. Lewis Burton. Nathaniel Call. Thomas Burbridge.Brown. Sanford . John . Jeremiah Burnham.Caldwell. William Campbell.Burns. Abraham Burley. Abijah .Brown.Burdge. Jesse M804-391 Bryant. Joseph . Israel .Bumpus.Browning.Brown.Brown. Zebediah M804-396 Buckalaw. Ebenezer . John . William . Benjamin . John Caldwell. William (NC) .Brown. John .Buchter. Daniel .Burkdoff. Lewis . Thomas Burbank.Brougher. Edward M804-387 Brush. John (Navy) . Joshua . John . Jacob Campbell.Cadwell. Abraham . William Butterfoss. Moses M804-374 Brown.Cains. Ebenezer . William M804-404 M804-405 M804-406 M804-407 M804-408 M804-409 M804-410 M804-411 M804-412 M804-413 M804-414 M804-415 M804-416 M804-417 M804-418 M804-419 M804-420 M804-421 M804-422 M804-423 M804-424 M804-425 M804-426 M804-427 M804-428 M804-429 M804-430 M804-431 M804-432 M804-433 M804-434 M804-435 M804-436 M804-437 M804-438 M804-439 M804-440 M804-441 M804-442 M804-443 M804-444 M804-445 M804-446 M804-447 M804-448 M804-449 M804-450 M804-451 M804-452 M804-453 M804-454 M804-455 M804-456 M804-457 M804-458 M804-459 M804-460 M804-461 M804-462 M804-463 Bully. David M804-352 Brooks.Campbell.Brooks. Theodore Cady. William Buxton. Robert M804-386 Brundage. Samuel Bunnel. Jebediah . Alexander .Buzzell. Moses .Brown.Burr.Bronson. Stephen . William Burgess. William . Samuel Burnham.Caldwell. William (NY) M804-381 Brown. Naomi Burnell. Henry .Camp. Abraham .Buck. James Burns. Lawrence . Ichabod . Samuel M804-400 Buford. Thomas . Andrew . Andrew .Bunn. John . Samuel Candel. Bristol . Nicholas M804-375 Brown. Abijah . M804-371 Brown.Burdick. Aaron . Asa . William Caleb. Thaddeus M804-379 Brown.Butler. Abijah . Andrew . William Burnett. William . John (CT) .Camp. Ziba Bushee.Cady.Campbell.Bush. Christian M804-357 Broughton. Josiah Bush. Micajah .Brown.Candee. Stephen M804-392 Bryant.Brown. Arthur M804-388 Bryan. Samuel Callender. Israel M804-395 Buck. Obadiah .Brizendine.Brower.Butler. James . Anthony . Nathan Butler. Michael Burdick. Charles .Buffum. Michael M804-384 Bruce. Eleazer . William Bumstead. Christopher Campbell. Isaac M804-347 Brock. Daniel M804-363 Brown. James .Burney. John . Cyrus M804-362 Brown. Ebenezer Caar.Brown.Brooks. Alexander . Esek M804-365 Brown. Zachariah Burcham. Abraham . Charles M804-397 Buckman. William (Armand’s Corps) . Titus M804-350 Broocke. Abner .Buie. Purchis M804-376 Brown.Burrows. Benjamin . Amos . Asa .Butler.Brown. Bartholomew . Silvanus Cambray. Joel . Christopher . Edmund . Jacob Bussell. Eden Burrows.Bruce. William Burton. Abijah . Joseph M804-373 Brown. Sampson M804-377 Brown. Zuba Byland. David .Burges. John M804-351 Brooks. John Burke.Burgess.Buck. Amos M804-359 Brown. Alexander . Thomas . Gardner . Jonathan Burk. Samuel M804-378 Brown.Byxbe. Jonathan . Jesse .Cann.Butterfield. Littleton M804-354 Brooks. Jonah . William Burrus.Bryant. Jethro .United States General M804-345 Britton. Zachariah . Samuel . John M804-348 Brockway. Walter Burdin.Burton. Zadok Caesar.Bryan. John Campbell. Aaron . Joseph . Marshall . Jonathan . John M. Edward M804-364 Brown. David . Jesse Campbell. Thomas M804-403 Bullefant.Cambell. William Burnside. Joel Burr. Solomon Byam. William Burget. Benedict M804-360 Brown. William M804-358 Brown.Brookover.Browne.Bush. Jacob .Burrowes. William M804-383 Brownlee.Burriss. Joel M804-353 Brooks. William M804-346 Broach.Brumpton. John .Bucklip.Burnap. Benjamin .Burk.Bryson. Joseph .Burlew. Benjamin . Winny Campen.Campbell. Aaron .Brown. Samuel M804-393 Bube.Brown. James Butler. Edward .Brutton. Daniel . Consider .Burbage. Robert Campbell. Japhet Bush.Butts. Walter Campbell.Bryant. Jonathan M804-372 Brown.Brocaw. Joseph . Daniel . Humphrey M804-366 Brown. Billa M804-390 Bryant.Campbell. David .Brown.Brooks.Campbell.Brown. Nathan . Zebulon Butman. Ahira . Thomas .Busey. Richard Cairll.Brown.Burlingame.Burnley.Brooks. Andrew . William M804-402 Bullard. Robert Burrel. Thomas . William M804-385 Bruch. Philip M804-349 Brokaw.Calkins.Burnham.Brown. Caleb . Mathias M804-394 Buck.Buel. James .Burtless. Allin .Bull. John M804-382 Brownell. Absalom .Burnet. Absalom .Burch.Burrance.Burbeck. Aaron . William Burlinggame. John M804-389 Bryan. Jacob M804-367 Brown.Bryant. Asa . Louis .Byington. Waller M804-380 Brown. Ezekiel .Brooks. Solomon Butler. Adam .Brown.Buckstaff.Brown.Broile. John . Israel . Job M804-369 Brown. Jesse . Bezzant .Brus. John (MA) M804-370 Brown. Ephraim .Bussard.Burnham. John M804-401 Buker. Benoni .Bullard. Solomon M804-399 Buell. Peter M804-398 Budd.Brockus. John Burritt. Reuben . James . Ebenezer . D.Clifton. Sarah . Abijah .Cheard. Joseph Caslar. John S. William .Carr. John . William . Dwelly Clapp.Champlin. John . Abraham .Carregen.Chapman. Jonas .Clark.Cannon.Clinton. Newport Champlin. John M804-524 M804-525 M804-526 M804-527 M804-528 M804-529 M804-530 M804-531 M804-532 M804-533 M804-534 M804-535 M804-536 M804-537 M804-538 M804-539 M804-540 M804-541 M804-542 M804-543 M804-544 M804-545 M804-546 M804-547 M804-548 M804-549 M804-550 M804-551 M804-552 M804-553 M804-554 M804-555 M804-556 M804-557 M804-558 M804-559 M804-560 M804-561 M804-562 M804-563 M804-564 M804-565 M804-566 M804-567 M804-568 M804-569 M804-570 M804-571 M804-572 M804-573 M804-574 M804-575 M804-576 M804-577 M804-578 M804-579 M804-580 M804-581 M804-582 M804-583 Chard. Joel .Clarke.Cleaveland.Chilcott. William (NH) . Mordecai Chandler. Elisha . John Chittenden. Abraham . Archibald . John Carter. Simeon Casey. Aaron . Caleb Cheatham. William Clevenger.Casewell. Abel . Zachariah Chappel.Carty. John .Catterlin. William Canous.Chandler. John . Giles . William (MA) Clark. Jesse Cloud. Eliphalet Clark. William Carman. John . Lyman Clark. Zachariah Childers. Thomas Child.Chaffy. Elihu Church. Ichabod . Aaron .Chase. Samuel Chase. William Champ.Clays. Zelotes Clarke.Carter. Thomas Caple.Christeyance. William Caswell.Casterline. Thomas . Gardner . Philip . Abraham Chapman. Francis Clark. Edward Chamberlin. Barce . Joshua Clarke. Thomas Christler.Carbury. Freegift . Daniel Carlton. Adam .Clapp.Carlow. Christopher .Childrey.Cavett.Carpenter.Clark. Benjamin .Churchill. Nicholas .Carnagey.Chandler. Charles . Alexander . Isaac Christiaan. Thomas Catlin. Nathaniel . Horatio . William Chafe. Samuel Clark.Church.Cardwell.Carpenter.Carrington. Salathiel . Joseph .Clark. John . William Choat. Zebulon Catchum.Chivvis. Abiel . James Carter. Joseph Clark. John Carick. John (NY) .Claflin. Abraham .Child. Jonah .Carter. Timothy Clagett.Chapman. Clark.Clother. Albert . William Chambers. Levy Chace.Clark. Luke Chapin. John . Earl .Chamberlain. Caleb .Capin.Carwill. Jr. William Carter. Ephraim Chamberlain.Cheston. William Caryl. Joseph Chilton. Jonathan Clough. Fairbanks .Clark.Chartier.Cezar.Church. Jonathan Caughey. Julius Chandler. Jeptha . Forest . Lemuel . Samuel . Levin Clark. Peter Chapen. Thomas . Abraham Carson. Barnabas .Clark. John .Chambers. William Carnahan. Moses Chase. Rosannah Clay. Perez Cheshier.Cheney. John Clement. Joshua Carpenter. John Cheney. Tunis . Nathaniel Clark.Clark. Joel Chandler. Isaiah Case. Augustine .Chapman. Benjamin.Clark.Cluff. Joseph .Chendweth. William Clemm.Cary. William Case Clarkson.Clark.Carothers. Champion Clark.Carshaw. Theophilus Cassada.Chamberlayne.Chapline. Robert Carr.Chapin. Constant Chapman.Carmack. Samuel .Chapple. Robert Clark. Isaac .Christie.Clearwaters. Timothy Carris. John (MD) .Claridge.Chase.Chesebrough. John (DE) Clark. Benjamin . Jesse Carr. Wiltshire Care.Carhartt. Alexander . Dennis Clark. William Clinckenbeard. James . William . Rufus Chapman. Moses .Clark. William .Clements. Jonathan Clark. Benjamin . Hugh . John Cheuvront. Aquila .Clemens. John . Aaron .Clark. Andrew . Elisha . Absalom . Frederik .Clark. William Carper.Clarke. John (NJ) Clark. Abel . James .Carpenter. John Chapman. Peter Clayton.Clark. Benjamin . . Silvester Church.Chapman. Samuel . Charles . John . Ezekiel Chapman. Andrew . Constantine .Cleveland. Timothy Carley. Francis Card.Casey. Aaron . Thomas Chalfant.Church.Chapman.Cart.Clark. Maltiah . Joseph . William Chadwick.Chadwick. Joseph .Castor.Carter. Samuel . William (CT) . Gideon Carter.Chamberlin. Jirah .Carleton. Willard Churchell.Caswell. Nathaniel .Chancler. Alexander . Nathan . Abner . Elijah . Benjamin Cleary. Isaiah . Rufus Carter. William Childs. Aaron .Chandler. William Chute.Carter. William Casgrove. Jacob Clark. Timothy Cartz.Clough. Abraham .Casky. Gilbert Carrel.Carter. William Cleavenger. Achsa .Catlett. John Cleveland. Eden . Abijah . William Chasey. Dan . John . Richard Cavilier.Clark. Rodman . Abel .Clark. William Carteret. Wells Clark. Richard . Samuel .Clark.Carr.Chapelon. Lewis . John . Elias Carpenter. Aaron . William Clizbe. Grindal Chase. Zachariah Cary. Loammi Castile. David . William Chenoweth.Chilson. John . Joshua Church.Clevedence. Peter . Abashaba . Ambrose .Chadwell. Augustus Clark. Zebedee Chandley. James Clark.Chittam. Oliver .Chun.Chase.Case.United States Genral M804-464 M804-465 M804-466 M804-467 M804-468 M804-469 M804-470 M804-471 M804-472 M804-473 M804-474 M804-475 M804-476 M804-477 M804-478 M804-479 M804-480 M804-481 M804-482 M804-483 M804-484 M804-485 M804-486 M804-487 M804-488 M804-489 M804-490 M804-491 M804-492 M804-493 M804-494 M804-495 M804-496 M804-497 M804-498 M804-499 M804-500 M804-501 M804-502 M804-503 M804-504 M804-505 M804-506 M804-507 M804-508 M804-509 M804-510 M804-511 M804-512 M804-513 M804-514 M804-515 M804-516 M804-517 M804-518 M804-519 M804-520 M804-521 M804-522 M804-523 Cannaday. Thomas Carpanter. Joshua . David . Hezekiah Clark.Claxton.Cass.Clark. United States General M804-584 M804-585 M804-586 M804-587 M804-588 M804-589 M804-590 M804-591 M804-592 M804-593 M804-594 M804-595 M804-596 M804-597 M804-598 M804-599 M804-600 M804-601 M804-602 M804-603 M804-604 M804-605 M804-606 M804-607 M804-608 M804-609 M804-610 M804-611 M804-612 M804-613 M804-614 M804-615 M804-616 M804-617 M804-618 M804-619 M804-620 M804-621 M804-622 M804-623 M804-624 M804-625 M804-626 M804-627 M804-628 M804-629 M804-630 M804-631 M804-632 M804-633 M804-634 M804-635 M804-636 M804-637 M804-638 M804-639 M804-640 M804-641 M804-642 M804-643 Clum. Sands Cole. William Cottrell. William . Johnson .Craford. Daniel . Samuel .Coxe. Horatio Cooper.Cozzens. Zebediah Cochran. Jacob Crawford. Silas Cooley. Jabez . Timothy Court. Samuel Covington.Corun. Anderson .Cole.Connely. Aaron . Gideon Cole.Coburn. Job Cole. Ammariah Crane. Alexander . John . Daniel . Daniel . William Como.Cogswell. John . John Cook. Moses Cross.Crary.Coleman.Cook. Nathaniel . David Cooper.Cook. Seth . Jonathan .Crandal.Covill. Andrew . John .Cooper. Henry Crampton. Justin Cole.Coe.Corey. Abel . William Cohen. Adam . Wright Connerly.Cowdry. Elizabeth . Christopher Cook. Thomas Cone. Ansel . Elisha Cook. William Connally.Colbey. William Collin.Comstock.Converse. John .Cole. John . John . Nathan Crass. James . Robert Cole. Beriah . Seth Conklin.Craig.Collier.Crofut.Cockley. Aaron . Garret Cox. John Crawford. Jonathan Cowin. Zebulon Crockett. Salem Colby.Cooledge.Collins.Coombs. William Corvin. Andrew . Abijah . John . David .Coop.Corn. William Cornenelison. Michael .Collester.Conyne. Asa .Cronts. James Cooper. William Cornagey.Cody. Hugh Cram. Robert .Collins. John Coffin.Coltman. Richard Crabb. Job Coleman. Elizabeth . Robert Coleman. James Cox.Conant. Peter . William Copp. Samuel Coe. Caleb Comstock.Collins. John . Charles Cole. John .Cole. William Craighead. Nicholas Conner.Crammer. Christopher Colborn. William Comee.Cluxton. Abraham .Cory. Samuel Coakley.Corbitt. Redman Crider. Able .Coggeshall. Lucy Cook.Coffin. Bartlett Coy. Jonathan . Landal .Conrad.Conine. Robert Collins.Crosman.Cobann.Crews. Samuel Corbin. William Coryell.Croce. Samuel Colwell.Conner. William Corothers.Cochran. Lemuel . Michael Crook. Jonathan .Creepman. Benjamin . Elizabeth .Cowherd. Thomas .Cropper. Zephaniah Colebath. Philip Conk.Crawford.Combs. Javan .Crow.Couch. Isaac . Blaney .Coplin. Robert .Colby.Crocker.Cook. Frederick Coborn. Zenos . Matthew . Aaron . John . Robert .Cooper. Phinehas Cox. Peter Cook. David . John Crosby.Craigee. John .Cone. Oliver . George .Colvin. Arthur . Obed Crosby. Robert . Jacob .Colburn. James . Thomas Conway. Thomas Covert.Conable.Condy. Isaac . Charles .Croswell. Andrew . William Coomer.Copeland. Nathan . Abraham .Cross. Seth Croghan.Cox. David . Thomas . Francis . Burgun .Cobler.Crawford. James Craft.Cook. William Conaway. Samuel Critchet. Zachariah Crossan.Crago. Obediah .Crosby. Isaiah Cobb.Coverly. David . Jonathan . Thomas .Cole. Aaron . Eiles . Samuel . Joseph Cobb.Collins. Michael . Aaron .Cotton. Thomas Cordell. Valentine . Samuel . John Creery. Marimon . Abel . Samuel . John Cockran.Cole.Conklin.Cotterill. Thomas Cottle. John . Alpheus . William . James Crane. William Coriell. Abner .Crandol. Abner . Joseph . Rachel Conrey. Stephen . Abijah . Philip Crocker. Warren Cook.Coldwell. Arthur . William Cowell. William . Aaron . William M804-644 M804-645 M804-646 M804-647 M804-648 M804-649 M804-650 M804-651 M804-652 M804-653 M804-654 M804-655 M804-656 M804-657 M804-658 M804-659 M804-660 M804-661 M804-662 M804-663 M804-664 M804-665 M804-666 M804-667 M804-668 M804-669 M804-670 M804-671 M804-672 M804-673 M804-674 M804-675 M804-676 M804-677 M804-678 M804-679 M804-680 M804-681 M804-682 M804-683 M804-684 M804-685 M804-686 M804-687 M804-688 M804-689 M804-690 M804-691 M804-692 M804-693 M804-694 M804-695 M804-696 M804-697 M804-698 M804-699 M804-700 M804-701 M804-702 M804-703 Coolidge.Cook. Elisha .Corbett. John Craig. John . Hamlin . William .Cobb. William Cochrane.Cross.Crane. William Crowder. Robert Craig.Crawford. William Crawley. Abner . Stephen . Zachariah Coelman. Alpheus . Zachariah Cooke.Cornwell. William Couger.Cornell. Robert Colton. Benjamin . Sylvester Crandall.Cook. Abel . Reeves . John Collett. Mayfield Crane. John Crouch. Solomon Cook.Crane. Zeruiah Colby.Cooper. William .Coley.Crowell.Cownover.Craley.Cook. Isaac Covel. James . Paul Cook.Cooper. William Colfax.Cook.Commins. Joel .Cook.Cobb. William Copelin.Covart. Zebulon Crank. Thomas Cross. Abijah . William Conery. Isaac Collins. John .Coleman. William . Christopher . Peleg .Conn. Samuel Conant.Courson. Moses Cooper. Jacob Cook. Benjamin . Daniel .Cox. Salmon Cobb. William Coggin. Charles .Cole.Criswell.Crane.Cooley. William Coosard. William Collinsworth. Samuel . Christopher . John Collins. Dobbs. John . William Davis.Davenport.Dickinson.Cutler.Davis. James Cuming. Christian . Jonathan Davis.Dilleber.Delaney.Deveaux.Cyrus. John .Dixon. Russel . William Curtice. James . Jacob Davis.Daniels. Benjamin . Thomas Deer.Dickson. Joel Curtis. Ezra Davis. John .Day. Jonathan . Elias . Nicholas . Adin .Dibol.Dilks.Demery.Davidson. James Cunningham. James Crunk. Leonard .Daniel. lsaac . Zebina Dayhoff. George Dewey. Jeremiah . William Cutting. William Deckirtt. Daniel . Aaron . Anthony . Daniel .Dews.Darrow. John .Davis. Exeter Daball. William Daw. Daniel . Jarret .Dean.Dempsey.Darlin. William Daimwood.Diggs. Ichabod .Danforth. John . George . Andrew . Cyrus Davis.Cushman.Davol. John Cummings.Davis. John . Moses Dewitt. Gamaliel Dampeer. Thomas Danielson. Charles .Dehart. Samuel . Christopher .Davis.Deen. Giles Davidson. Joel . Simon Dearing. Edward .Davis.Davies. Ashbel . Kitteridge Davis. John Dellinger. Robert Curtis.Delano. Jonah Cushman. Lemuel . James .Davis.Decker. James Devoe. Thomas Deming. Rudolph . Moses Davis.Day.Davis.Dickey. Richard . Joel Dickinson. John . Edward .Devlin. Joseph . Benaijah . Zebulon Demint. Samuel Dill. John (NJ) . Ephraim Dean. William .D’Antignac. Zebedee Cusick.Dazey.Dean. Paul . Justin Day. Isham Dickey.Currier. Jonathan . John . John . Frederick . Aaron . John (VA) . Nancy . Zarah Curtiss. William Dexter.Dix. Isaac Day.Dickens. Anthony . Sanford . Winant Dehaven.Cutter. Thomas Davis. William Dickenson.Dawson.Daily.Darling.Curtis.Daulton. William Curtner. Moses Davenport. Jacob Decker. Boston .Cunningham.Dearborn. Abigail . Ellen .United States Genral M804-704 M804-705 M804-706 M804-707 M804-708 M804-709 M804-710 M804-711 M804-712 M804-713 M804-714 M804-715 M804-716 M804-717 M804-718 M804-719 M804-720 M804-721 M804-722 M804-723 M804-724 M804-725 M804-726 M804-727 M804-728 M804-729 M804-730 M804-731 M804-732 M804-733 M804-734 M804-735 M804-736 M804-737 M804-738 M804-739 M804-740 M804-741 M804-742 M804-743 M804-744 M804-745 M804-746 M804-747 M804-748 M804-749 M804-750 M804-751 M804-752 M804-753 M804-754 M804-755 M804-756 M804-757 M804-758 M804-759 M804-760 M804-761 M804-762 M804-763 Crower. Daniel .Denning.Crumpton. Daniel . William Daghl. Jeremiah Cucksey.Davis.Dean. Moses Dibrell. Timothy Denbo. Willis Currill.Curtis. Joel . John .Depuy. Peter Cunningham. Surry Davis. William Dixon.Dagger.Danfield. Dudley Davis. Levi . John Dam. Benjamin . David . Thomas Deacon. Reuben . Martin .Davis. John .Crysel. Silas Daliba. James Davenport. George . Peter Deveney. Timothy Dewing. John . John Darbe. Charles Culp. Anthony . Henry . Henry . Simon Disharoon. David Currier.Dimond. Sampson M804-764 M804-765 M804-766 M804-767 M804-768 M804-769 M804-770 M804-771 M804-772 M804-773 M804-774 M804-775 M804-776 M804-777 M804-778 M804-779 M804-780 M804-781 M804-782 M804-783 M804-784 M804-785 M804-786 M804-787 M804-788 M804-789 M804-790 M804-791 M804-792 M804-793 M804-794 M804-795 M804-796 M804-797 M804-798 M804-799 M804-800 M804-801 M804-802 M804-803 M804-804 M804-805 M804-806 M804-807 M804-808 M804-809 M804-810 M804-811 M804-812 M804-813 M804-814 M804-815 M804-816 M804-817 M804-818 M804-819 M804-820 M804-821 M804-822 M804-823 Davis.Dickinson.Davis.Day.Davis. James . William Dickison. Elijah . Zebulon Davise. William (MD) Davis.Davidson. William (MA) . Amos . Alpheus . Cornelius . Josiah . Jacob .Davis.Desbrow.Davis. Alexander .Daley.Dickeson. Zaccheus Darsey. David Curtis. William Cump. David Defrance. Moses Dequise. Aaron . William Cupp.Currier. Ebenezer . John . Thompson . William Deck. Henry . William Daverson.Davenport.Cushman.Cumberford. Gilbert Denison.Deamer. Edward . John Daniels. Henry . Ebenezer .Curtis. David Dimick. Joseph Davis. Peter Dagget. Aaron . William (PA) . Asa . Joshua .Curtiss. Lathrop .Davis.Dean.Cunningham.Delleber. John . Aaron .Dewitt.Cunningham. William Dike.Decker. Josiah Dean.Denny. Josiah Davidson. Ebenezer . Samuel Davis.Cummings. Amos . Nancy . Zelek Darlington. John Danford. David Darling.Deming. William (NC) Davis.Disbrow.Davis. Reuben Dinah. Forrest . William Dicsen. Archibald . William Dey.Daggett.Cruize. William Dickin. William Daniel. Wynne Dixson. Martin Delano. William Denoon. Thomas .Curtis.Curry. Zimey Deane. Aaron .Daniels. Jesse . Benjamin .Decilva. William Cushman. Altamont . Nathaniel . William Day. William Dennis.Dewey. Gideon . Abner .Denwood. Asa Davis.Denison. Robert Dean. Phinehas Davis.Cushing. Aaron . Hugh Davis.Cummins. William Danielly. Joseph . John Dillen. William Dennison. Adam . Hezekiah . Thomas Delanoy.Dexter.Diman.Daly. Walter Crum. Abijah . John (NH) Davis. Adam .Davis.Dewett. Adonijah .Davis. Benjamin . Jonathan .Deforrest. Isaac Cutler. Justus Desearn. Philip Dean.Cully. John (SC) Davis. Levin Deo. James Davis.Damons. Agur .Dennis. Isaac Drake. Jacob . Abner .Elsworth. William Eschleman.Dougherty. William Dod. Robert Dyer. Robert . Marvel .Dycus. Nicholas .Eittinger. Jessey Doran. Timothy Dwinel. John . Moses .Dowrey.Dungan.Dolley. Nancy .Ellis.Estes. George . William Ellwell. James .Edson. Andrew . Abiathar .Dovin.Eddy. Jacob Eaton.Dormire.Douglass. Roger Ensign.Enos. Jacob Ekeheart. David . Robert Elliott. Hannah Dunphey. Joseph Eavans. Charles . Daniel . Reuben .Eastman. Jacob Dunham.Dunbar.Downing. John Engly.Dryden.Eaton. Moses Drake. William Dunlavy. Jerathmeel Doty.Durand. Thomas Dunham.Edgar. John . Daniel . Lyman Ellis. Anna Dorn. Gideon .Donnolly. Zachariah Dodge. Nathan .Drought.Dodds. Eliphalet Elmore. Leonard Englis. Gamaliel . John Dudley. Henry Earl.Drew. Isham .Edwards. William .Ellworth.Drake. Samuel Eldredg.Eatton. William Dodson.Doty.Dressner. William .Eggert. Jonathan .Erwin. Henry . Edward .Ellinwood. Richard . John Dow. William Emmert. Phineas Emory.Dorville.Elkins. William Emert.Dunham.Emons. Rawleigh . Johathan .Dutton. John . Emanuel . Alexander . Peter Edwards. William Doughten. John Dollif. John . Fletcher . John .Edwards.Elliot.Evans. Aaron . Jesse Evans. William . Alexander . Moses Eaton. Joshua Emery. Jacob .Eaton. Daniel . David Evans. Daniel . John Donoho.Durham.Erskine. Joseph Durgey.Eatinger. Richard Done. William Edegh. William Duggins. Zacheus Dutail.Douge. John M804-884 M804-885 M804-886 M804-887 M804-888 M804-889 M804-890 M804-891 M804-892 M804-893 M804-894 M804-895 M804-896 M804-897 M804-898 M804-899 M804-900 M804-901 M804-902 M804-903 M804-904 M804-905 M804-906 M804-907 M804-908 M804-909 M804-910 M804-911 M804-912 M804-913 M804-914 M804-915 M804-916 M804-917 M804-918 M804-919 M804-920 M804-921 M804-922 M804-923 M804-924 M804-925 M804-926 M804-927 M804-928 M804-929 M804-930 M804-931 M804-932 M804-933 M804-934 M804-935 M804-936 M804-937 M804-938 M804-939 M804-940 M804-941 M804-942 M804-943 Eames. Moses Evans. Jacob .Essop. Peter . Henry .Eustis. Levi . William Evans. Ahimaaz . Joe Dows.Evans. John Ervin.Duncan. Abraham . Samuel Eddings. Roger Edgman. Alexander Downing. George . William . John Dodge. Samuel Estabrook. Ambrose . John . George . Peter . Thomas Evans. William Ellison. George . George Dupar.Elliott.Dyer. Ebenezer Duncan.Emerson. Samuel . Hannah . John Drew.Egolff. Andrew . Archibald .Dow. Samuel Duduit. William Dralle.Drake. William Edmonds.Emmerson.Dyson. Richard Drake. Henry .Duston. Charles . Jacob . Caleb . Timothy . Thomas Edward. Allen . Andrew . Samuel Dotty. William Ella. William Durant. John . George Dunbar.Eddy.Dunn. John . Abishai .Edmond. Moses . Edward Dye. John Eddy.Elwood. Cornelius . William . Cornelius .Durfey.Dotter. Walter .Dunn. William Edy. Zachariah Ellis. John Dunn. Esek Dyer. Frederick . Jacob Dowlan. John . Frederick . Charles .Dond.Earick. Samuel . Abraham . Moses .Dunber. John . William Elter. Evan Edwards. William Dunnavant. Aaron East.Dunham. David .Doty. Joshua .Evelt.Dopson. Abraham .Evans.Dunovan.Dunlap. Thomas Estey. Richard . John Epperly.Eldrige.Ely. Francis . Edward . James . Abel . John Dosher. Asahel .Eldred. William Drewry.Dudly. Richard Drown. Watson Earls.Dolby. James .Everett.Dozier. Samuel .Ector. Daniel Evens. Eleazer . Stephen Downman. Frederick . Andrew .Downie.Dodge.Douglas.Edwards. John Emerson. Zebulon Douberman.Dugger.Ealy. William Dum. John . Thomas Edgarton. William .Etter.Eply. Artemas Duba. John .Evans.Emery. Ezra Eaton. Abner . John Edwards. Henry . Robert Drumbar. Levi . Eli Eastman. William . Phinehas Douglass. Daniel . Anthony . William Durnell. Francis . Freeman Ellis. Peter Dougherty. Zebulon Dowberman. Zachariah Easton. Thomas Eabs. Abial . Jesse Duncan. Abraham . Wiggin . Henry Ehle. William . Benjamin Elliot. Thomas Ely. William . John Egglesone.Edgerton.Earll. Randall .Dunworth. John Ettick.Elmes. William Edney.Emerson.Easor.Dwight. William Durkee.Dyer.Eastman.Durkee. Thomas Douglass. William Duttroe.Englisher. Amos . William Elzey. Hannah Eley. Robert .United States General M804-824 M804-825 M804-826 M804-827 M804-828 M804-829 M804-830 M804-831 M804-832 M804-833 M804-834 M804-835 M804-836 M804-837 M804-838 M804-839 M804-840 M804-841 M804-842 M804-843 M804-844 M804-845 M804-846 M804-847 M804-848 M804-849 M804-850 M804-851 M804-852 M804-853 M804-854 M804-855 M804-856 M804-857 M804-858 M804-859 M804-860 M804-861 M804-862 M804-863 M804-864 M804-865 M804-866 M804-867 M804-868 M804-869 M804-870 M804-871 M804-872 M804-873 M804-874 M804-875 M804-876 M804-877 M804-878 M804-879 M804-880 M804-881 M804-882 M804-883 Dobel. William Dunikin. Alexander .Drum. Asa .Dudderow.Drake. William Dole.Dodge.Edmundson. William Elliott.Ellis.Dull. Abiathar .Elliott. Caleb . Aaron .Dockum. John .Edwards. Joseph .Dowers.Engler.Ellis. Anthony George.Everitt. Gardiner .Fairbank. Joseph .Finks.Fay.Garrisson. Isaac Fobes. Nathaniel Fox. Ebenezer Fuller.Frazar.Fisher.Fuller. William Fordham. Bethuel .Freligh.Forguson. Levi . Zenas Gager. Abigail . George .Fowler.Fronebarger. William Floyd. John Garlinghouse. Moses Fradenburgh. Jonathan . Stephen Every.United States Genral M804-944 M804-945 M804-946 M804-947 M804-948 M804-949 M804-950 M804-951 M804-952 M804-953 M804-954 M804-955 M804-956 M804-957 M804-958 M804-959 M804-960 M804-961 M804-962 M804-963 M804-964 M804-965 M804-966 M804-967 M804-968 M804-969 M804-970 M804-971 M804-972 M804-973 M804-974 M804-975 M804-976 M804-977 M804-978 M804-979 M804-980 M804-981 M804-982 M804-983 M804-984 M804-985 M804-986 M804-987 M804-988 M804-989 M804-990 M804-991 M804-992 M804-993 M804-994 M804-995 M804-996 M804-997 M804-998 M804-999 M804-1000 M804-1001 M804-1002 M804-1003 Everhard.French. Israel Fox. Samuel .Farris. Emanuel Farrell. Conrad . Isaac .Gates. Thomas Everly. Meshack Fuller. Amos .Fossett. Faith .Gardner.Galbreath. William Garee. Matthew .Gallup.Fairchild. James Garrison.Ferver. Abraham . Uz Fenn. William Fincher. Charles . David .Fisemire. Nathaniel French. Joshua . Thomas . Frederick Fisher. John . Alexander .Figla.Everts. Aaron . Allen . William Gabbard. David . William Gale. Jabez . Aaron . Henry Faxon. Luther Gates. Daniel .Fox. Samuel Garrabrants. Abel . John . George . Henry Finch.Finnell.Fuller.Gay. John Fogle.Gardner.Gary. Timothy Fackenthall. Stephen M804-1004 M804-1005 M804-1006 M804-1007 M804-1008 M804-1009 M804-1010 M804-1011 M804-1012 M804-1013 M804-1014 M804-1015 M804-1016 M804-1017 M804-1018 M804-1019 M804-1020 M804-1021 M804-1022 M804-1023 M804-1024 M804-1025 M804-1026 M804-1027 M804-1028 M804-1029 M804-1030 M804-1031 M804-1032 M804-1033 M804-1034 M804-1035 M804-1036 M804-1037 M804-1038 M804-1039 M804-1040 M804-1041 M804-1042 M804-1043 M804-1044 M804-1045 M804-1046 M804-1047 M804-1048 M804-1049 M804-1050 M804-1051 M804-1052 M804-1053 M804-1054 M804-1055 M804-1056 M804-1057 M804-1058 M804-1059 M804-1060 M804-1061 M804-1062 M804-1063 Forrey.Fariss.Freeman. Arunah . Hugh . William Ferier. Willard Frisbee.Georgia. Ebenezer Farquher. Charles . Henry .Fuller.Flinner. William Faulconer. Joshua . James .Farrare. Alexander Ferris. David . David Freeman. William Fiendley. Edward .Gantt. John Fish. Jonathan . William Fairbanks.Foster. John Gee.Foght. Marvin . Zephaniah Frothingham. Dorus Felps. Thomas Folts. Cornelius Gardner. Stephen Flanigan. John . Benjamin . Edmund .Fenly.Ford.Ford.Garlin.Fullam. Joel Freeman.Folsom. Joseph .Flowers. Doss Freeman. John Foster. Allison . John . Abraham . Theophilus Fryer. Jacob .Flanders. William Farnam. Job Fuller. Patrick . William Farley.Frye. Joseph Fitzgibbons.Farmer. Ezra Foster.Forrester.Foster. Rufus Ewing. John Garrit. John Gardner. Coenradt .Fergusson. Henry Farnsworth. James Forburk.French.Frost.Frazier. Thomas . Jacob . Thomas Fishback.Geohegan. Benjamin Ford. John Fent. Robert .Frankfort. William Gammar. John . Caleb .Fowls. Benjamin .Gammage. Aaron .Fortner. Stephen Fopless. Abel . William Foulk. Joshua Field. Samuel . James . Aaron . Ezekiel Fortune. John Frost. Samuel Gall.Garnsey. John Forgy.Francis. John Foot. William Gallusha.Freeman.Forbs.Farnworth. Isaac Fowler.Fenstermacher. Aaron . Abraham . Benjamin . Zebulon Gatewood. Jacob French. John .Flagg. Jacob . Nehemiah .Ford. George . John .Fisher. Micajah Francis. Lemuel . Aaron . George . Amos . William Fayerweather. John .Fidler. Joseph Furbeck. Zerobabel Gaylard. Aaron .Farnsler. Mark Finlay. Charles Finney. Aaron . Edward Franks. Adam . Simon Gephart. William . Erasmus Gapen.Fletcher. Abel . Salisbury .Foat. Zacheus Flippen. John . Rufus Foster. Robert Foster. Samuel Fox. Zenas Freneau.Flemming.Giard.Geery. Aaron . Jonathan .Field. Stephen .Filmore. Dudley . Squire Fislar.Fiske.Felmott.Gale. Chambers Gay. Nathan . Frederick .Fanshar. Robert Fall.Falkner. Witt Fullerton. Jonah . Jonas . Michael . Abraham .Franklyn. John Ferguson.Geddins. Abraham . James Fant.Fooshee.Fawver. Samuel .Fox.Gates. James . John . John Felch.Gage. Jabez . Peter Fleming. Garabrant .Flint.Frink. Aaron . George .Fitch. James . Zachariah Gates.Flek. William Fitchett. Henry Franklin.Freelove.Ferrioll. John Fiealds. William Fream. Christopher .French. Gabriel . Robert . Joseph Ford.Fish.Feith. John . David .Fysel. Peter File.Fields. Mary .Gaw. John Geesler. George .Freeman.Fuqua.Fishley. Luke Fletcher. Philip . William Farrow. Robert Flenniken. James .Foster. Allen . George Fisk.Foster.Ewers. Alexander .Gafford.Gatchell.Foye. Joseph . Benjamin .Garrisham. Nathan .Faughey.Fergus. William Flake. John Fisher. Benjamin . Oliver Fuller. James Frazee. Rufus Freeman. Jacob . Henry Fesemire. Abijah .Gardner. Stephen Faire. Daniel .Finch. Thomas Gasaway. Joseph Gage. John . John . Valentine French.Fitzgerrald. Henry Flint.Ezell. Samuel .Fuller. Thomas .Foote. James Gordan.Hains. Bernard .Haldridge.Halkuston. Allen .Gragg.Hall. Austin .Graves. William Grantham.Green. Henry . Chauncey .Green. Laban . Samuel Gill. Presley Gray. Julius Graves. Eli . Simeon Goodrich.Gould.Guilder.Hanscome.Gilam.Griffy. Thomas Hammond. Jacob . Zaccheus . John . Philip . Benoni Hall. Jeremiah . Asa . Andrew .Glanton. Abram .Gibbs.Granniss.Goodrich. Abraham . Robert Gregory.Hall. Jonathan . John . John Griger. Jean Gish. Zachariah Greenelsh.Gilkie. Josiah Gunsalus. Thomas .Hally. John Goodwin. Jeremiah Griffith. Jacob Grose. James Gilbreath. John . Gabriel . Aaron .Gilman. David Goodhue. Zachariah Gushee. Jesse Grant. Wildman .Handly. Joseph Hamilton.Gray. Joshua . Adam Grainger. James .Haigler.Gordon. Henry . John Grace.Grownhart. Edward .Gilbert.Gillespy. Caleb .Haffernan. Joseph .Hannah. Levi . James Gibbs. Adna .Grove. John Grub.Grant. Avery .United States General M804-1064 M804-1065 M804-1066 M804-1067 M804-1068 M804-1069 M804-1070 M804-1071 M804-1072 M804-1073 M804-1074 M804-1075 M804-1076 M804-1077 M804-1078 M804-1079 M804-1080 M804-1081 M804-1082 M804-1083 M804-1084 M804-1085 M804-1086 M804-1087 M804-1088 M804-1089 M804-1090 M804-1091 M804-1092 M804-1093 M804-1094 M804-1095 M804-1096 M804-1097 M804-1098 M804-1099 M804-1100 M804-1101 M804-1102 M804-1103 M804-1104 M804-1105 M804-1106 M804-1107 M804-1108 M804-1109 M804-1110 M804-1111 M804-1112 M804-1113 M804-1114 M804-1115 M804-1116 M804-1117 M804-1118 M804-1119 M804-1120 M804-1121 M804-1122 M804-1123 Gibb. Zenas Giberson. Ambrose .Green. Jacob Goodrich. Ignatius . Aaron .Gray. William Hamiston.Glazebrook. John .Goffe. Amos . Valentine Gridley. Abijah .Hamilton. Ard .Hancox.Goss. Zebulon Gore. Simeon Hair. Amos .Grawbargar. Sany .Hall. John Gould. Stephen Green.Goodown. William Grimke.Grimes. Asahel .Goodall. Lemuel . Joseph . Paul . Jonathan Green.Hall.Graham. Jonathan Gilbert. Edward Hand.Griswold. Boston Graves. Robert Hall.Goodwin. William . Windle Grovener.Goosely.Grier. John . Garet Goff.Graaf. Zeeb M804-1124 M804-1125 M804-1126 M804-1127 M804-1128 M804-1129 M804-1130 M804-1131 M804-1132 M804-1133 M804-1134 M804-1135 M804-1136 M804-1137 M804-1138 M804-1139 M804-1140 M804-1141 M804-1142 M804-1143 M804-1144 M804-1145 M804-1146 M804-1147 M804-1148 M804-1149 M804-1150 M804-1151 M804-1152 M804-1153 M804-1154 M804-1155 M804-1156 M804-1157 M804-1158 M804-1159 M804-1160 M804-1161 M804-1162 M804-1163 M804-1164 M804-1165 M804-1166 M804-1167 M804-1168 M804-1169 M804-1170 M804-1171 M804-1172 M804-1173 M804-1174 M804-1175 M804-1176 M804-1177 M804-1178 M804-1179 M804-1180 M804-1181 M804-1182 M804-1183 Greenawalt. Abel . Joel Gibson.Gray.Hales. John . Samuel Gorton.Grider. Beriah . William Giddeman.Gwynn. Caleb . Abraham Hancock.Handy. Francis . Richard . Joseph Gregory. Abraham .Gully. Julius Glazer. Caleb Glen. Hudson Hall. John . Daniel .Goodwyn. Willis Graybill. John . William Gossard. George Grout. Jacob Griswold. Joseph Griffin. Ebenezer Hall.Hammond. William Gillam. Samuel Handy. William Graham. John Glasco. Jared . Elijah . Benjamin . Hosea Hamilton. Joshua . Alexander .Hamilton.Greene. John .Glover. Philip . Francis Griswold. James Gilpatrick. Thomas .Gregory. Polly . Daniel Guile. Robert Gilbert. William . Peter . John Gum. Aaron . Samuel Goffigan. Francis Green. William . Thomas . Jehiel Hale.Green. William Gouldman. Thomas . Obadiah Hammond. Abner . Benjamin . Thomas Grifen.Gorsline. Darius . Abner . Joseph Hamner.Hall.Grouse.Gill.Green. John Graham.Gibson.Graims. Job Hall.Gurney. Andrew . Christian .Gilbirt. Jacob Hail.Hamill.Hamlin.Gough. William Hamar. Robert Hall.Guttry.Griswold.Goewey. Henry Gray. Benjamin Green. Benjamin . William Goody.Guernsey. Abraham . James . Joseph .Hall. John Greentree.Hall.Hamilton.Goodhard. James .Hammon. Solomon .Hager. Garshom .Griffin.Greenslit. John Hall.Hammons. Daniel . Ezekiel . Samuel . John . James . William Greinder. Timothy Goldy. Abner . Joshua .Hackworth. Joseph . Martha . Shepherd . Julius Goodwin. William Hadar.Gilmour. Francis . John Haas. Lyman Hall. Benoni Gilley. William Gillet. Aaron . Frederick Gray. George .Gregory. Cato . Daniel . Southmayd Guess. Aaron . Benjamin . Stephen Griffis.Grant. Nathaniel Guy. Aaron . Hugh Hagadorn. William Gloyd.Gloucester. Isaiah Haley. William Gilman. Titus Hall. Joseph .Gibson.Grist.Griffing. Edward . Robert Hamilton. Abel . Timothy Halsey. Zenas Grite. Joel Green.Gibbs. Enos Grant.Graves. Zachariah Halladay.Gordon.Goldthwait.Gillette. Stephen Hagerman.Green.Gleezen. Joel Gray. Barnet .Gillum. Aaron .Groscost. Joseph .Giroux.Goodwill. Jonathan Gould. Jesse Gordon.Goddy.Hall. Rufus . John .Ham. Abel . Silas Goodcourage. Bartholomew Godfrey.Gray.Greggs. William Haner. Aaron . William . William Hamlinton.Hancks. Martin . Gabriel .Griffith. William Gilmor. John .Gould. William .Hankinson. John Hannaman. Aaron . Peleg Green. Lambert . James Glover. Joseph Hanks.Gunnison.Green. Hegin. William Henry. Levi Hayes. Thomas Hasbrouck.Hart. Abraham . Abraham . Peter . Ichabod . Abraham . Benjamin . Jesse Harris.Hicks. Samuel Hinman.Hendershot.Hodgeman. William Hoffmire. Joseph Hiatt.Haydon. Bartimeus . Ananias . Abraham .Hoasman.Henze.Hitchcock.Harwood. Henry Hawkins.Hebron. James . Richard Hopkeys. Britin .Hitch.Hawwawas. Jonathan Harvey. Samuel . Abraham .Henderson.Hillock. Archibald . John .Hines. Oliver .Hermann.Hickmon. Hosea Hart.Hart. Adam . Alexander . Edward Heidler. Ansel . Walter Harris. William Higgs.Hill. James .Hawkins. Ezra Hayden. Aaron .Hesser. Abel .Harringer.Hearsey.Hendrixen. Gillis Hitchcock. John Henry. Josiah Hinckley. William Higgins.Healy. Samuel Hodge. William Harrington. Ziba Haywood. Jesse Holbrook.Hatch. Moses Hatch.Hart.Harvey. Zimri Hillan. William Hewitt. Gideon . Zopher Hawkinsbury. Samuel Harris. William Hardison.Hawkins. Thomas Herrick.Hennussey. Stephen Hill. William . Zimry Hillsinger.Hawkey.Hiland. John Harris.Headly. Abraham . William . David .Harper. Benjamin . Adam . Benjamin . Frederick Hepburn.Haskell. William Hastings. James . Nicholas Hay. Adam .Hitchman.Hayne. Zadock Harvick. Thomas .Haskill.Hincher.Herrendeen. Garret Hart. Joshua . Jacob .Hobbs. Abner .Hardy. William Hardyear. Josiah M804-1244 M804-1245 M804-1246 M804-1247 M804-1248 M804-1249 M804-1250 M804-1251 M804-1252 M804-1253 M804-1254 M804-1255 M804-1256 M804-1257 M804-1258 M804-1259 M804-1260 M804-1261 M804-1262 M804-1263 M804-1264 M804-1265 M804-1266 M804-1267 M804-1268 M804-1269 M804-1270 M804-1271 M804-1272 M804-1273 M804-1274 M804-1275 M804-1276 M804-1277 M804-1278 M804-1279 M804-1280 M804-1281 M804-1282 M804-1283 M804-1284 M804-1285 M804-1286 M804-1287 M804-1288 M804-1289 M804-1290 M804-1291 M804-1292 M804-1293 M804-1294 M804-1295 M804-1296 M804-1297 M804-1298 M804-1299 M804-1300 M804-1301 M804-1302 M804-1303 Heath. William . Henry . James Hicks.Harris.Harriott. Amasa Hilbert. John .Higgins. Aaron .Henderson.Hinton. Allan .Harrison.Heath. Benjamin . Nathan .Hayward.Hardee.Harrington. Robert Hills. Aaron . Ithurel . David . William Harmony.Henry. William Hewet. Winans Harrison.Hatfield. Philip . Aaron . Philip Hause. William Heap.Hawley. Youst . Jonathan . Henry Haynes.Harris. William Hoadley. Henry .Hayns. John Henderson. Manon . John Henderson.Hill.Hodgman.Harsin. Joseph .Hazeltine. Aaron . James Hinds.United States Genral M804-1184 M804-1185 M804-1186 M804-1187 M804-1188 M804-1189 M804-1190 M804-1191 M804-1192 M804-1193 M804-1194 M804-1195 M804-1196 M804-1197 M804-1198 M804-1199 M804-1200 M804-1201 M804-1202 M804-1203 M804-1204 M804-1205 M804-1206 M804-1207 M804-1208 M804-1209 M804-1210 M804-1211 M804-1212 M804-1213 M804-1214 M804-1215 M804-1216 M804-1217 M804-1218 M804-1219 M804-1220 M804-1221 M804-1222 M804-1223 M804-1224 M804-1225 M804-1226 M804-1227 M804-1228 M804-1229 M804-1230 M804-1231 M804-1232 M804-1233 M804-1234 M804-1235 M804-1236 M804-1237 M804-1238 M804-1239 M804-1240 M804-1241 M804-1242 M804-1243 Hansdon. Job Harrison. Joseph . Joseph Hill.Helme. William Heck.Hedger. Frederick Hester.Hayden. Jonas . Zadok Heart. Wills Hensel. Aaron Holbrook. Nicholas .Hatch. Benjamin . John Hartshorn. Leonard . Aaron . John .Hayes. Levi .Harmon. Peleg Hayes. Jonathan Harrington. Benjamin . John Hayslet. Joseph . Allen . Abraham .Henry. Elizabeth . Holiday . Lemuel Hitchcock. Abiel .Hastings. Zacheus Hasty. David . Frederick . John Hill. William Havey. Joshua .Hill. William Harding.Hodgdon. Morral .Harvey. Israel Hill.Harlow.Hezelton. Abial .Hicklin. Carey Headman.Hoffman.Harlon. Ezekiel Harris. Jesse . Fanny . Salisbury Hite. Primus Hill.Haupt. Vespasian Hoit. Jacob . Paul .Holbrook.Hinkson. Daniel Hill.Hills.Hastin. Daniel . James Hawley.Harding.Hodges. Zacheus Hodsdon.Hogeboom. Hezekiah . Reuben . John . Isaac Hendron. Drewry Hemenway.Hewit. Abiel .Hathaway.Hazzard. William Helmer. Job Haskell.Hilton. Sarah .Hatch. Abednego . Emanuel . George . Benjamin . William Hazelton. Zachariah Hartchell. Abijah . William Harman. Abraham Haraden. Frederick . William . Richard Hathaway. William Head. John .Hill.Harris. Benjamin . Zebulon Herriden.Harpoole. Nathaniel Haskin. John Hawkins.Havens. John Harper. Zachariah Hatcher. William Hobby. Theophilus Hickock. Abel .Hill. Elias . Timothy Hathcock. Samuel .Harris. Joseph Hays. Abijah . Stukley . Robert Harrison.Haptonstall.Hixt.Hicks. Thomas Hartwick. William Harden. Zoath Hendley.Hartsfield. Lewis Hiott. Jacob Haring. Thomas Hodges.Hill. John . Zechariah Hicock.Herrick. Zebulon Hodggets. John .Hewes. Aaron . William . Charles . Joseph .Heath.Hembree. William Hinesman. Archibald . Asa . Jonathan Harlow. Ede Hatch.Hariman. Benjamin Herman. Poal Hoback. Jonathan Hickman. Joseph Hilton. Overton Harris. Henry Harps. Zebadiah Heathcock.Hindman. Nicholas Hart. Jacob . Abiel . Joseph . Eliakim .Hartwell.Herington. John Herron. Peleg . Nathaniel . Abram .Hoisington. Culpeper .Higginbotham.Hayse.Holbert. Barent . Jonathan .Hardin.Holburton. William Hedges. Elijah .Harris.Harrison. Joseph . Asahel .Hiliard. Aaron . William Hubbert. Carter . Isaac Horton. David .Holliday. William Jenkins. Barnabas . John .Holston.Hudson. Zaccheus How.Johnson.James. Caleb . Zephaniah Hortwick. William Hubbart.Ingols.Irwin.Izeley.Hutchings. Eliphalet .Hopkins. Benjamin . William Jennison. Charles . William Jewett. Jonathan James. Julius Hunt. Caleb . Amasa . John Irvin. Joseph . Aaron . Simeon Holmes. John . Joseph Jacobs. William Jewel. Samuel . William Hyde. Benjamin Jackson.Jewitt.Jenkins. John .Hollowell. Reuben . Solomon .Jackson. Jonathan . Abel . Zadok Hurdell.Jennings.Hubbard. James . Johannes Japson. Timothy Holder. John Holt. John Hooker.Howe. Zadoc Hutchinson. John . Samuel Hunt.Holmes. Abraham . Thomas Isaacs.Johnson. Sarah . Ephraim . Timothy Howard. Thebus .Johnson. William Humphreys. Joel Howe. Abijah . John Hutchens.Hood.Huntoon. Ebenezer Houk.Huntington. Amos Ingraham.Hoyt. William Huse.Hull. Jonathan .Hollanbeck.Jett. Joseph . John Hyde. Robert Hooper. Hugh Johnson. Christian . James Houghton.Hunt. John Hukell. Zadok Howel. Philip Howel.Humphlet.Holmes. John . William Hollaway.Houston.Jarvins.Ittig. Lazarus Holmes. Samuel . Daniel . Agur . Martin . Jesse Hopkins.Howe. Job . John .Howard. Daniel Johnson. Isaac .Hubpert. William Hutchins.Hyatt. John .Jackson.Hubbard. William Householder. Christopher . William Jameson.Hunt. William Hollister. John Houston. Job Howard.Hungerman.Humphrey. Robert James. Elijah Johnson. Joseph . Aaron .Ingell. Peter Hughes.Honson. Adam .Hoyles. Thomas Holmes.Hunt.Johnson.Janson.Huff. Asa .Jeffers. William Hollidayoke.Howell.Holt.James.Horton. Amos .Hunting. Aaron .Hyde. Zebulon Hunter.How. Abel . William Hornbaker.Horsley. Richard .Horless. William Jefferson. Bill .Hyslop. Richard . William Hubard. George . Anthony . Aaron . Casper Hucans. Jacob Hunt.Hooker.Jackson.Holden.Johnson. Elisha . John . Basil .Inlow.Holmes. Zaphas Hopkinson. Jonathan . George Howland. John . Peter . Abraham . Joseph . Esbon Jennings. Abraham .Howdershell. Zaccheus Jenkinson. Zadock Ingersol. John Hopkins.Hurd. George . Ruth Holland. Abel . Abraham . Isaac . Andrew . John Hunter. Henry Hutton.Hopewell. Lawrence . William Hudspeth.Holt. John . Jacob Johnson. John Hull. John Jigney. William Jackway.Hulit. Miles Holly. William Hoof. Davis Hunt. Daniel . John . Benjamin . Ruth Howard. Philip .Hunt. Moses Huntingdon.Humphries. Samuel Horsom.Houghtalin. Jonathan Jackson. Peter . Michael .Hougton.Hutch. Alexander .Holden.House.Howey. Trueman Hotman. Edward Howard. Daniel . William Holt. James Hudson. James . Aurt Hood. Lemuel . Reuben .Johnson.Howard. Ichabod .Jackson. Abner . Philip Horn. Archibald . Abner .Jackson. Aaron . Jonathan Hotchkis.Hollis. Arthur . George . Jabez .Horton. William .Irons.Horn. Joel Hubbard.United States General M804-1304 M804-1305 M804-1306 M804-1307 M804-1308 M804-1309 M804-1310 M804-1311 M804-1312 M804-1313 M804-1314 M804-1315 M804-1316 M804-1317 M804-1318 M804-1319 M804-1320 M804-1321 M804-1322 M804-1323 M804-1324 M804-1325 M804-1326 M804-1327 M804-1328 M804-1329 M804-1330 M804-1331 M804-1332 M804-1333 M804-1334 M804-1335 M804-1336 M804-1337 M804-1338 M804-1339 M804-1340 M804-1341 M804-1342 M804-1343 M804-1344 M804-1345 M804-1346 M804-1347 M804-1348 M804-1349 M804-1350 M804-1351 M804-1352 M804-1353 M804-1354 M804-1355 M804-1356 M804-1357 M804-1358 M804-1359 M804-1360 M804-1361 M804-1362 M804-1363 Holcomb. Abijah . Daniel Jarvis.Huitt.Johns. Aaron . Justinian . Aaron . Nicholas Hunkins.Jenkins. Abraham . Isaac Holmes. James . Israel M804-1364 M804-1365 M804-1366 M804-1367 M804-1368 M804-1369 M804-1370 M804-1371 M804-1372 M804-1373 M804-1374 M804-1375 M804-1376 M804-1377 M804-1378 M804-1379 M804-1380 M804-1381 M804-1382 M804-1383 M804-1384 M804-1385 M804-1386 M804-1387 M804-1388 M804-1389 M804-1390 M804-1391 M804-1392 M804-1393 M804-1394 M804-1395 M804-1396 M804-1397 M804-1398 M804-1399 M804-1400 M804-1401 M804-1402 M804-1403 M804-1404 M804-1405 M804-1406 M804-1407 M804-1408 M804-1409 M804-1410 M804-1411 M804-1412 M804-1413 M804-1414 M804-1415 M804-1416 M804-1417 M804-1418 M804-1419 M804-1420 M804-1421 M804-1422 M804-1423 Hull.Husbands. Job Holden.Hunt. James . Jacob . Isaac .Jenison.Hovey. Thomas Humphrees.Hutchinson.Hosum. Isaiah Imeson.Hurleroy. James . John Hoyt. Lawrence Howe.Hull.Jennings. Cornelius . Stephen . John Jenkins.Hoskins. John . Jonathan . Charles . Philip Jabine.Hopkins. Potter Inman.Hooper. Obed Holcomb.Ilsley.Hughe.Hudnut.Holland.Jacobs. Henry Jackson. Ebenezer . Thomas Huntress. William Hutchison.Hunter.Holman.Howard. Daniel . Thomas . Benedict Johnson. Robert Humphry. Charles .Jamerson. Laban . Jacob Ivens.Hutto. Jonathan Hoyt.Hubbell.Jewell. Ziba Huntley. John .Hoyt. Alexander .Hutchins. Pomp Jackson. William . John Hurley.Hotchkiss. George Hughes. William Holten. Levin Iams. Zipporah Hoskinson. Stephen Huffman.Hughes. Absolom . Aaron . Alpheus . Abner . Moses .Hudson. Lemuel . Sarah . Richard Hudson. Abiah . Zephaniah Hullderman. Zachariah Johnson.Holcomb. Jonathan . John . Abraham . Jacob Jones. Peter Kausler.Kever. William Keizer. William (NH) Jones. Daniel Lauaray. Jabez .Killam. Gideon . Joseph Kittredge. Giles . Thaddeus Kouchenour.United States Genral M804-1424 M804-1425 M804-1426 M804-1427 M804-1428 M804-1429 M804-1430 M804-1431 M804-1432 M804-1433 M804-1434 M804-1435 M804-1436 M804-1437 M804-1438 M804-1439 M804-1440 M804-1441 M804-1442 M804-1443 M804-1444 M804-1445 M804-1446 M804-1447 M804-1448 M804-1449 M804-1450 M804-1451 M804-1452 M804-1453 M804-1454 M804-1455 M804-1456 M804-1457 M804-1458 M804-1459 M804-1460 M804-1461 M804-1462 M804-1463 M804-1464 M804-1465 M804-1466 M804-1467 M804-1468 M804-1469 M804-1470 M804-1471 M804-1472 M804-1473 M804-1474 M804-1475 M804-1476 M804-1477 M804-1478 M804-1479 M804-1480 M804-1481 M804-1482 M804-1483 Johnson.Kimball. John . Josiah . Uriah Keeley.Lands. Philip Lafar.Landerkin. Richard .King. Phinehas Johnson.Kniffing. William Lathers.Jones.Kittle. Daniel Landers. Rozina King. William .Lamson. Asa .Lee. John Knight.Lavoke. John . Simon Kelley.Krom. Andrew . Joshua . Barton . George . Richard . William (NJ) .Lawrence.Johnson. Abia . William Knecht. Joel Jones. William Kercheval.Layman.Kinyon. Andrew Lacorn.Jordon. Isaac .Lee. Alexander . Antoine . Joseph M804-1484 M804-1485 M804-1486 M804-1487 M804-1488 M804-1489 M804-1490 M804-1491 M804-1492 M804-1493 M804-1494 M804-1495 M804-1496 M804-1497 M804-1498 M804-1499 M804-1500 M804-1501 M804-1502 M804-1503 M804-1504 M804-1505 M804-1506 M804-1507 M804-1508 M804-1509 M804-1510 M804-1511 M804-1512 M804-1513 M804-1514 M804-1515 M804-1516 M804-1517 M804-1518 M804-1519 M804-1520 M804-1521 M804-1522 M804-1523 M804-1524 M804-1525 M804-1526 M804-1527 M804-1528 M804-1529 M804-1530 M804-1531 M804-1532 M804-1533 M804-1534 M804-1535 M804-1536 M804-1537 M804-1538 M804-1539 M804-1540 M804-1541 M804-1542 M804-1543 Kimball. Jacob .Kennedy.Kirtland. Joel Knapp. Charles . William Kip. Jonathan King.Jumpt. Thomas .Juckett. Heinrich Kidd.Lane.Leavitt.LaTurrett. Joseph . William Keysacker. Ebenezer .Johnson. Lewis Lane.Lee. Abraham . William Judkins. Thomas Kimmer. Paul Larken. Clayton . William Leas. Thomas Jones. Adam . Andrew . James .Knight. Hazadiah . Matthew Jones. John . James . Aaron .Kelly. Elijah Judd. Richard Keeler. Richard . Francis . Taverner Jones. Joshua . Witter Johnstone.Keith. Joseph .Larner. Nicholas Kemble. Thomas Kennedy. Edward . Simeon Kronkhite. Michael . Abraham . Israel Lee. David King. Sarah .Lady. Benjamin . John .Knowles. Jonathan .Johnson. Peter Keith. Thomas . Henry Jones. James .Leavesley. Michael Johnston. Mary . Benjamin . Sabrit .Kaup. Nicholas Keep. Samuel Kinsaul.Kensyl.Knowlton. Reuben . Nathaniel . Cadwallader .Leary. William Lawton.Lakin.Keltz.Jones. Abraham .Kent. Charles . Samuel Johnson.Jones. Thomas Kendal. Jacob . Owen Lee. Zebulon Kinglay.Kenneday.Keeler.Jones. Aaron . Bingham . Nicholas . Thomas Lamunyon. Abraham . Eaton . Joseph . Tim .Kiney. William Lambart.Johnson. Seth .Johnson.Lamkin. Jonathan Kelly. Zimri Jongst. John . Thomas Knows. Lewis . Aqrilla .Knapp.Keister.Kench. Peter . William Kendrick.Kickeland.Kirkham.Justus. Jacob . Phineas Kent. Thomas Leavett.Johnston. John (NY) . Owen Leach. Wendel Lawrey. Britain Jones. Abiathar . Amos Knight. Prudent Lake. William Kimbal. David . John . William Koch. Michael .King.Leach.Jourden. Parker .Kendle. Thomas .Kelley. James King.Kosciuszko. Joseph Kellogg.Kilander.Jones.Kersche. Tilley Kingsley.Knapp. Aaron . Joseph Kinnaston. John Jordan. Joseph Lanphear. Increase . Jonathan Johnson.Johnson. James Key. Jonathan . Isaac King. John . Anthony .Knight. George . Gabriel Knap. Joshua Langlee.Keele. Shubael . Thomas Lasambert.Johnson.Jordan. Frederick Kent. Frederick Laar. James Lawrence. Isaac .Klyne. Moses Kachlein. Zemus Leadbetter.Larymore.Kinnard.Keys. Abial . Kinchan . John . Zopher Johnston. John (NJ) Johnson. Henry .Jonce. Reuben Jones.Jones.Ledyard.Johnston. Winslow Lallen.Jones. John . James Johnston.Kinny. John Jones. William Kellicut.Knox.Lane. William June. John . Samuel . Diodate Jones. William Leay.LaJenness. Abner . Reuben Kelly.Keenon. William Layne. Robert LaRochelle. Philip .Keller.Lacky.Johnson.Lannum.Larkcom.Jones.Kellum. George Kersey. William (NJ) . William Knowlton. Robert Lee. Alexander . Philip Kilbern. Andrew .Johnston. Abel .Lamb.Latham. Hezekiah Lane. William Kennelly.Kerby.Judd. David . Aaron . Timothy .Langham. Joseph .Jones.Lea.Lawrentz. Zebulon . William Laneey.King. Edward . William (NH) Johnson. Thomas . Abel .Kyzer. William Jose.Laquir. Christian . Abial . John . Phinehas Killebrew. Thomas Johnson. Sampson Lamley. Nathan Kisby.Kingsbury. Joseph . Augustus Law. Peter .Kellogg. Josiah . Edmund Joy. John Lara. Michael .King.Jones.Kelly. Zachariah Knighten. Joseph Lane. John . Jacob .Kimbrell.Jones. George . Savil . James . Samuel Jones.King. William Kelp. Luther Johnson. Samuel Kirkland.Lane. John .Lawson. Gabriel Jones. Philip .Kilty. Maphet. Jonathan Marsh. Jeremiah . John Mathews. James Mack.Martin.Leonardson. Aaron . William Lincoln. John .Martin. Henry . Rufus Mackintosh.Maynadier. Trueman Loveless.Lincoln.Martin.Lentz.Macumber. John .Lord. William Lyons. Eben . Randolph Lucas. John Lilburn.Lockwood. Aaron .Martin. Cornelius Martin. John Lyon.Lidy.Lochridge.Lufberry. Betsey .Locks. Jerome Lincoln. Hugh McBride. Moses Lockwood.Loofbourrow. Yelles Mandigo. Barnabas . Jesse Mann. William Matthewson. John .Likes.Lewis. Aaron . George Mason. Cheney . Samuel . Jacob . Peter . Aaron .Mann. Catharine Marks. Joseph Logsdon.Loux. Michael Mason. Edward . Abraham Luffkin. Benjamin Man. Frederick Matthew.Lewis. Daniel . Jerome . Jonathan Low. John .Marshall.Maillett. Peter .Loucks. Adam .Lyon. James .Mason. Abiathar . Hannah . Benjamin . Charles .Marther. Thomas . Joseph . James . John . Abijah .Marselus. Ayres . Amos . James Lot.Lutes. Henry Leonard.Maury. Moses . George Lester. Samuel Lovewell. Aaron . Zachariah Martindale. George . William Maus. Stephen Maxwell.Matthews. Abner Martin. Edmund Leha. Henry Luther. Aaron . Thomas . William Marean. Thomas Maabe.London. Joel Lewis.Lord. David .Litzinger. Aaron Locke. Zebediah Mayner.Lowrance. Luther Manning. Jonathan Long.Lynott. Francis Lewis.Little. John .Low. Henry . Aaron .Mason. William Mathias. Michael . Solomon Lint. Baptiste Main. Joseph Maeck. Adam .McBrayer.Lincoln. John Makemson.Lunter.Lewis. Abel . Abner .Legue. Charles .Martin. George . Thomas Lind. John . Samuel . John . Samuel . Nathaniel .Maxwell. Ebenezer .Lewis.Losley.Mansell. Nehemiah . Jacob . Nathaniel .Malshall.Lumereaux. Adam . Henry Maynard. George . Beriah Lewis. Daniel Mathew. Alexander . William May. Thomas . John .Lowe.Lewis.Letts.Lewin. William .Mallen. Abel . Norman Maguira. Job Martin.Lippitt. Thomas Marbury. William Longby.Leitz.Mathewson. Sebastian . Ambrose .Matheny. William Mannan. William Marshammer. Elisha . Abisha .Linch.Maynard. Thomas Lyon.Lucas. John . John . Abraham . John . Joseph .Leonard.Love. Robert Lindsey. Isaac .Mashler.Mardis. Benjamin . Alexander .Long. William Maybee. Ichabod . Hampton . Thomas Lipscomb.Mansfield. Sarah . Isaac .Lining. Philip .Lithgow.McCalla.Lovett. William Massay.Lindsey. Barnard .Manly. Andrew .Magruder. Joseph Martin. Peter . Jenepher .Linsly.Leeton.Long.Login.Lyttle. Adam Mason. Jacob Lowrey. William Mather.Lesson. Frederick . Valentine . Joseph . Thomas Lyman. Asa .Lorance. Abram .Mallory. Hardy . John McAfee. Wheaton M804-1604 M804-1605 M804-1606 M804-1607 M804-1608 M804-1609 M804-1610 M804-1611 M804-1612 M804-1613 M804-1614 M804-1615 M804-1616 M804-1617 M804-1618 M804-1619 M804-1620 M804-1621 M804-1622 M804-1623 M804-1624 M804-1625 M804-1626 M804-1627 M804-1628 M804-1629 M804-1630 M804-1631 M804-1632 M804-1633 M804-1634 M804-1635 M804-1636 M804-1637 M804-1638 M804-1639 M804-1640 M804-1641 M804-1642 M804-1643 M804-1644 M804-1645 M804-1646 M804-1647 M804-1648 M804-1649 M804-1650 M804-1651 M804-1652 M804-1653 M804-1654 M804-1655 M804-1656 M804-1657 M804-1658 M804-1659 M804-1660 M804-1661 M804-1662 M804-1663 Luts. Peter Lupardus. Robert Maple.Maxson. Peter Martin.Lockart.Lewis. Nathan Mann. Isaac .Martin. Jacob Mast. Jacob Loomis. Benjamin . William Malleroy. William Lorden.Machrell. Henry Livasay. George . Mathew .Martin. David .United States General M804-1544 M804-1545 M804-1546 M804-1547 M804-1548 M804-1549 M804-1550 M804-1551 M804-1552 M804-1553 M804-1554 M804-1555 M804-1556 M804-1557 M804-1558 M804-1559 M804-1560 M804-1561 M804-1562 M804-1563 M804-1564 M804-1565 M804-1566 M804-1567 M804-1568 M804-1569 M804-1570 M804-1571 M804-1572 M804-1573 M804-1574 M804-1575 M804-1576 M804-1577 M804-1578 M804-1579 M804-1580 M804-1581 M804-1582 M804-1583 M804-1584 M804-1585 M804-1586 M804-1587 M804-1588 M804-1589 M804-1590 M804-1591 M804-1592 M804-1593 M804-1594 M804-1595 M804-1596 M804-1597 M804-1598 M804-1599 M804-1600 M804-1601 M804-1602 M804-1603 Leech. Joshua . Harvey Libby. Benjamin Leface.Lemon.Libby.Maltsar. Arthur Litle. Frederick .Loomis. Joseph .Livingston. William Lowell. Lockhard Lewis.Lucado.McAdow. William Lemond. Andrew Lynch. Stephen Martin. Jacob . John Leucaw. Thomas Lewis.Majory. Hugh Martin. Samuel Lewis. Hendrick Love.Luches. William Mallow. Zebulon Marshal.Madon. Willis Lewter. Bateman . John Maddan. Simon Lierly. James .Matheson. Matthew . James Leonard. Joseph Lumis. Zachariah . James Marshall.Mason. John Leper. William Littlebridge.Marsh.Loveland. Alexander . William Lloyd.Mandeville. David . William Manship. Henry Luck. Lawrence . Oliver . Jonas . Marsh . William . John . Henry Leland. David Look.Markley.Matthay. William Loud.Mathews. John . William Locus. Joseph Mansfield.Mann.Massy. Abner . John Lock. David .Manning. Charles Link. Jeremiah . John Marsh. William Lovegrove. Adam .Marsh.Luther. Eliel Long. John . William Lord.May. Archibald .Lynam. Isaac Lucas.Lyles. Jeremiah Lord.Marble.Lyon. Caleb .Mackintire. Ambrose .McLucas.Miller. Benjamin . Robert McMillan. James . John McFarran. James . Thomas McDuff. Daniel .Mileham. John Moody.Metcalfe.McCarroll.Morse. John Meigs. Stephen Morgan.Meek. Reuben Moulton. Abijah .Mizner. Paul . James .Mitchell. Rotheas Mitchell. Isaac Miller.Moulthrop. Josiah Morse.Meltz.Miller.Millener. George . William Mellott. William Morril. Emanuel .Moulton. William McCracken. Abel .Meier. Fredrick Miller. Daniel .McKinstry. Jonas .Mellon. William Moor. Abel . Benjamin . Elijah Morse. Joel Moore.Morris. William McFarland. Charles . Jonathan . George .Merow. William Morvies. Patrick . John .McCown. Cornelius McCleland.Middlesworth. John McMurdy. Peter . William Morris. William McCorkel.Meade. William McHenry. Jasper Mead.Morrill.Monroe.McKee. Jacob . William McNees. William . Peter Montgomery. Jesse Merrill. William Merriwether. Caleb . Charles .Mitchell.Miles. William .Moltrup. Oliver .Miner. Elijah .McMullin. Michael McClain. Andrew . William Morrs. John McPheran. John .Mitchell. Samuel . Charles . William McIsaacks. William Morehouse. Alexander . Alexander . Nathaniel . Benjamin . Zephaniah Mitchellor. Peter .McClunie. Samuel .Moser.Meryman.Milloway. Barney McEntire.McGeary.Miller. Reuben .Montgomery. Moses Morrison. John Mitchell. Aaron . William Mosley. William McKinney.McCulluck. Jeremiah . William Mitchell. Daniel .McKent. Gavin . Barney Mclntier. Jacob .Moore. Aaron .Moore. Jonathan . Benjamin . John .Miller.McGhee.Mills. John (SC) .United States Genral M804-1664 M804-1665 M804-1666 M804-1667 M804-1668 M804-1669 M804-1670 M804-1671 M804-1672 M804-1673 M804-1674 M804-1675 M804-1676 M804-1677 M804-1678 M804-1679 M804-1680 M804-1681 M804-1682 M804-1683 M804-1684 M804-1685 M804-1686 M804-1687 M804-1688 M804-1689 M804-1690 M804-1691 M804-1692 M804-1693 M804-1694 M804-1695 M804-1696 M804-1697 M804-1698 M804-1699 M804-1700 M804-1701 M804-1702 M804-1703 M804-1704 M804-1705 M804-1706 M804-1707 M804-1708 M804-1709 M804-1710 M804-1711 M804-1712 M804-1713 M804-1714 M804-1715 M804-1716 M804-1717 M804-1718 M804-1719 M804-1720 M804-1721 M804-1722 M804-1723 McCalley. Hiram Mitchell. William Miles. Lewis Miller. Samuel .Moore.McColm. John (CT) .Merritt. Matthew Meach. Eliphalet . Judah .McNeely. Abraham . Cyrus M804-1724 M804-1725 M804-1726 M804-1727 M804-1728 M804-1729 M804-1730 M804-1731 M804-1732 M804-1733 M804-1734 M804-1735 M804-1736 M804-1737 M804-1738 M804-1739 M804-1740 M804-1741 M804-1742 M804-1743 M804-1744 M804-1745 M804-1746 M804-1747 M804-1748 M804-1749 M804-1750 M804-1751 M804-1752 M804-1753 M804-1754 M804-1755 M804-1756 M804-1757 M804-1758 M804-1759 M804-1760 M804-1761 M804-1762 M804-1763 M804-1764 M804-1765 M804-1766 M804-1767 M804-1768 M804-1769 M804-1770 M804-1771 M804-1772 M804-1773 M804-1774 M804-1775 M804-1776 M804-1777 M804-1778 M804-1779 M804-1780 M804-1781 M804-1782 M804-1783 Miller. Zeally Mosser.Miller. John McKinzey. Aaron . James . David Moore.Morgan.McCarty. William McDanal. Richard . Obadiah .McRoberts.Meanly. Zebulon Millsaps.Morgan.McGrigger. Alexander . Alexander . Andrew . David .McEntee.Morewise.Miller. William .McFarling.Morrell. John .Moore. Jonn . William Mines.McCrum. William McCubbin. Charles . Basil . Jacob . Zackquil Morgert. Andrew . Joseph . Frederick Melven. Hugh . James McKenzie. William Month.Mills. John McCarter. Ebenezer .McDade. William Moses.Moor. James Mills. Thomas . Jacob . Noah Miller.Medcalf. Aaron . John (RI) Miller. William McLaurine. James . Joseph .Milligan. Samuel Miller.McMickin. David .Minear.McWright. John Middleton. John McDonald. Asaph . Philip Mills.McKinley. Micajah Morris. Aaron . Aaron .Merrifield.Mercy. Alexander McCoy.McLachlan. James . Joseph . John McLuer.McClease.McCoy.McManners. James Monroe.Morse. Timothy . Daniel . Neal McGee. Isaac Mills.Mead. Samuel Merriman. Thomas McCary.McIntee. David Miner. Thomas .Morris. Johannes Miller.McPheeters.McFaren.Montfort. Moses Millign. John Meredeth. Daniel . Jacob . William Miley.Morehead.Moony. George . George . William Minott. Jacob Morey. Thomas Moore.Moss. Simon Metcalf. Bartholomew .Miller. Michael McClure. John McShane. Luke .Morford. Isaac Moore.Miller.Morrow. Charles . William Morseman. James . Zedekiah Moorehead. William McMannis. Ichabod .Moore. Sampson Moore. Robert . James . Henry Moast.Merrils.Mitchell. Robert . Alexander . William McDonel. Alexander . Samuel Meeker.Morrison. Benajah . Alexander . William Meadearis. Abel . Rhoda . Robert McCullum.Mitchel. William . Hezekiah . Zephaniah Millerd.McDowle. Zephaniah Morrison. Alexander Miller.McDonald. Evan Morgan.Moody.Minor.Morgan. Abiather . Abigail . John Means.Morton. Aaron .Morgan. Samuel .Mosier. William Meser. Ludwick . Sarah .Morse. Reuben Morgan. Levi . Jacob Morris.Mills. William McGhoggan.McChristy. John Meddack. Robert Merril. Abraham . Colin McLaen.Morris. Samuel McComas. William Moore. Jedediah . William .McDole. John Moore.Moore. Isaac .Messler.McLaughlin.Merrill. Samuel Meteer.Mclntyre. Nicholas Moore. James McGuier.McHatton. David Merrel. William McKeel.McCord. Gilbert . John Morgan. Daniel . Moses Momie.Moore. John .Miller. Ezra Parker. Wyman Parkers.Parker. William Partee. Zebediah Painter. Jacob Nabb. Daniel . Samuel Parker.O’Gullion. John Nash. Benjamin . John .Parker. Nicholas . William .Nye. Aaron . Uriah Nickins. Reuben .Noakes. Kader . Nathaniel . Adam .Muret.Neely.Payne. Jonathan Oliver. Abraham .Parsley.Palmer.Murphy. Ashbel . Moses Mullens. Abner .Owen. John .Myers. Dennis . Simon Pearce. John . William Patton. Richard Ott.Neale.Orwig. David Page. William Nowe.Olliver.Osterhout. Christian .Niblet.Paris. Joseph . George Onion. Henry Osbon.Oldham. Jesse Parker.Paige.Peabody. Adam .Newlun. William Neu. Philip Newnam. Thomas . Peter Pardee. William Parley.Pastley. Ebenezer . Samuel Neer. Abner .Pattengell. Calvin .Pearce. Lewis . Samuel .Pattee.Nourse. William Paulding. Joseph . William Mulloy. Levi . Andrew . James Nealey. Ebenezer .Nichols.Northwear. Abner . Woolcot Pate. Benjamin . Andrew .Odum. Johnathan Peck. Joel Palmer.Osborn.Parrish.Nash. William Oadham George . Zechariah Peasely. Richard Patten. Abijah .Osbourne. John . Eldredge . Lorant Omack.Oatley. William Pearcy. Reuben . James . John Nelson. Wilmot Murcer. Abner . John .Pease.Palmer.Parker.Parsons. Isaac Palmer. John O’Hara. David .Parkman.Ozmund. Thomas . Aaron . William M804-1844 M804-1845 M804-1846 M804-1847 M804-1848 M804-1849 M804-1850 M804-1851 M804-1852 M804-1853 M804-1854 M804-1855 M804-1856 M804-1857 M804-1858 M804-1859 M804-1860 M804-1861 M804-1862 M804-1863 M804-1864 M804-1865 M804-1866 M804-1867 M804-1868 M804-1869 M804-1870 M804-1871 M804-1872 M804-1873 M804-1874 M804-1875 M804-1876 M804-1877 M804-1878 M804-1879 M804-1880 M804-1881 M804-1882 M804-1883 M804-1884 M804-1885 M804-1886 M804-1887 M804-1888 M804-1889 M804-1890 M804-1891 M804-1892 M804-1893 M804-1894 M804-1895 M804-1896 M804-1897 M804-1898 M804-1899 M804-1900 M804-1901 M804-1902 M804-1903 Olmstead. William Paynter. Edmund . Henry Myers. John Nichols.Palmer. David Nichols. Boling . Charles Parnell. James Muchemore.Nelson. John .Mowlan. Francis . James . James . Jacob . Jacob Patterson. Daniel Ovaitt.Newelle. William Nephew.Mullins. William Newall. William Niccols.Neagus. Thomas Newens. Eliphalet Nuckolls. Ebenezer . Winthrop Pease. William Nason.Paine. Charles . Alexander . John . Zebulon Parker. Abraham . William Murrah. Andrew .Pattison. George . John Nolte. Thomas Mursh. George . Abel . Deliverance . Hugh . William Nobles.Mullener.Nurss.Peaney.Nelms. Deborah .Olvie.Norris. Boston Olive. Alexander . Peter . Sherman .Page. George . William Munford. Thomas Odall. Aaron .Newmann.Outwater. Thomas Parks. James Orr. John .Nobel.Parsons. William Norris. Johannes .Nuttle. Philip Owen. David Peck. Thomas Parson. Joshua . Joshua . William Peckam.O’Rouke. Charles Nelson. Braddock . Richard Oldis. John Myer. Abraham Northrop.Norton. James . Nehemiah .Palmatier.Norman.Otis. George Murphy. John . Jesse .Ore.New. Philip Nichols. Jotham Parker.O’Niel. John . Aaron .Parmor.Peck.Noys.Munrow. Mary .Nelson. Isaac Osterman.Newcomer.Northgate. John Pearson. Jared Norton.Nichols. Shepard Packer. Charles .Pearson. Charles Nye. James . Ebenezer .Narramore. Silas .Peedrick.Munson. Seybert O’Farrell.Paul. Mathias . Loftus Munro. James . Zepaniah Nicholson. Charles Murfree. Abraham . Benjamin Neal. Joss Page. John .Parke.Mundy. Tahan .Peary. Benjamin Peek. Timothy Pain. William .Mozley. Benjamin Parker.Nettleton.Myat. John .Paylor. Mark .Norton. Azer .Peck. Thomas Peace. Abigail . Robert . William Nillson. Thomas Parrit. George Norton. Abel . Zerah Norvel.Pagan.Peck. Ephraim . Henry . Hannah Newton. Edward .Patchon.Parchment.Palmer. Joseph .United States General M804-1784 M804-1785 M804-1786 M804-1787 M804-1788 M804-1789 M804-1790 M804-1791 M804-1792 M804-1793 M804-1794 M804-1795 M804-1796 M804-1797 M804-1798 M804-1799 M804-1800 M804-1801 M804-1802 M804-1803 M804-1804 M804-1805 M804-1806 M804-1807 M804-1808 M804-1809 M804-1810 M804-1811 M804-1812 M804-1813 M804-1814 M804-1815 M804-1816 M804-1817 M804-1818 M804-1819 M804-1820 M804-1821 M804-1822 M804-1823 M804-1824 M804-1825 M804-1826 M804-1827 M804-1828 M804-1829 M804-1830 M804-1831 M804-1832 M804-1833 M804-1834 M804-1835 M804-1836 M804-1837 M804-1838 M804-1839 M804-1840 M804-1841 M804-1842 M804-1843 Moultrie. Henry . Fones . Jonathan Parsons.Niles. Jonas .Newton. Silas . John .Olis. Jonathan . Joseph O’Bannon.Patterson.Parker. Joseph . Abraham Pace.Nichols.Parker. Enos . William Payn. Aaron . Cader . Francis . Thomas Osburn. William Parish.Murray.Ovutt. Ezekiel Palmer. Zuer Palmerton. Jacob Orear. Samuel Munsel.Parker.O’Conner. William Owan. William Pattrick.Peiffer. Asa . George Nobel.Patton. Richard .Nickerson.Parks.Packard. Peter Newel.Nolom. Timothy Nute.Mytinger. Robert .Murphy. John Murray.Oliver. Aaron . Noah Palmer. Leme . Matthew . Ziba Norstrant. Josiah Osborn. William . Samuel Patterson. Richard Mowrey. Benjamin . Charles . John Patch. Ozias .Nichols.Murry.Munnerlyn. William Newman. Robert . Thomas . Francis . Zebulon Pendock. Arent Pope.Reigel.Perry. Abraham . Joseph Purkett.Price. Daniel Pitkin.Pendleton.Randall. James Pember. John .Raxford. Nicholas Reddick. Jonathan Petty.Pitchford. Leonard . Abel . William Putney.Reece. Lancelot .Ragland. Adam .Perkinpine.Perady. Henry .Pinckney. Mariam . William Ramson. Joseph . Joseph Putman. Turner Petigru. John Pinto. Holliman . John . Zera Prestwood. Matthew .Porter.Perkins. Francis . Aaron .Porter.Porter. Joseph Rear. Zebedee Phillis. Andrea .Pintard. Jonathan Quackenboss. Abraham Phillips. William .Philippie. Samuel Phillips. Aaron . Job Perry. Williamson Prichard. James . Nicholas Post. Zimri Praul. Jonathan . Abijah . Abner . Aaron . Aaron . Edward . Kenaz Ralph.Perkins.Probasco. George Purbeck.Pelts. Jacob . Britain . Abiel .Powers.Reed.Phillippi.Quarrell.Raymond. Libbeus Rabenstine.Peters. Charles . George Read. Henry . Jonas . Elkanah . Joshua Pool. Alexander .Ray.Phillips.Pierce. Alexander . Nicholas Porter. Welcome Pike. Charles . Benjamin .Pratt. George Pleasant. Abel .Rankhorn. Casper . Jacob . Joseph . John . Frederick Reed. Abraham . Seth Pratt. Jacob Read. Emanuel Peran.Pryor.Poobles.Pope.Phelps.Pribble. Jonathan Powers. John Ragsdale. James .Powelson.Petts.Purinton. John Plant.Plympton. William Pulley. John Phillips. Abijah .Remmington. Solomon Pierce. Thomas Price. Abraham . Thomas Pool. Jonathan . Gerrit Procter.Ralls. Zachariah Quin. Lewis Remick.Pierce.Presson.Phillips.Pier.Pringle. Christopher Philips. John Penney. Solomon .Peirce. Ezekiel . Moses Raymond.Pomroy.Pollard. Andrew . William . Sarah . Garret . Aaron . Isham . William Pucket. Baxter . Anthony .Polland. Isaac . Zebulon Pikins. John Reed. Jacob .Priest.Platz.United States Genral M804-1904 M804-1905 M804-1906 M804-1907 M804-1908 M804-1909 M804-1910 M804-1911 M804-1912 M804-1913 M804-1914 M804-1915 M804-1916 M804-1917 M804-1918 M804-1919 M804-1920 M804-1921 M804-1922 M804-1923 M804-1924 M804-1925 M804-1926 M804-1927 M804-1928 M804-1929 M804-1930 M804-1931 M804-1932 M804-1933 M804-1934 M804-1935 M804-1936 M804-1937 M804-1938 M804-1939 M804-1940 M804-1941 M804-1942 M804-1943 M804-1944 M804-1945 M804-1946 M804-1947 M804-1948 M804-1949 M804-1950 M804-1951 M804-1952 M804-1953 M804-1954 M804-1955 M804-1956 M804-1957 M804-1958 M804-1959 M804-1960 M804-1961 M804-1962 M804-1963 Peirce.Ransone. John .Prier. Stephen Provance.Read. Joseph .Phillips. William .Rathfon. John .Pullen. Jacob Ratliff. William . Zeba Poage. Israel Phillips. Abner . Josiah . Lyman Potter. Dewalt . John .Pike. Aaron .Price. William Reewark.Pratt. William Priestley. James Quarrier. Stephen Petticrew.Reade. Abel . Benjamin . Benjamin . Zachariah Randal. Mathew Price. Joshua Reed. Aaron .Potter.Rand. William Pindar. Sarah .Poss.Plank.Phillips. William . Silas . Zophar Perkinson. Billy Porter. Richard Prescot. Elias .Phelon. James . Ezekiel Perkins. Abraham . Adam . Eliphalet . Zebedee Potterf.Perkins.Quy. William Polleresky. Jonathan . Abraham . Zaccheus Raybold. William Priest. Eli .Pettibone. William Peterson.Reab.Powell. Robert Ranlet. Samuel Reed.Plumbe.Potter.Pootman. William . Charles .Presby.Ray.Remer.Pickard. Martin . Jonathan . William . Thomas Pratt. William Porterfield.Reesor.Peterman.Pigsley. Jabez Potter. Lemuel Preston. Zadock Reeder. William Proffit. Sylvanus Perry.Rankins. William Powel.Puntenney. Richard .Ramsey. Samuel Pollard.Pratt. William Phexix. Michael Reilay. Asa . Ockelo . Josiah . Thomas Pittsley. Joshua Perkins. Joel Reed. John Pierce. Benjamin . Abel . Jedediah . John . Naphtali .Proctor. Philip Reeve. Ziba Rande. Zebulon Pierceall.Randall. William . Aaron .Ramser. Amos Readen.Prather. Elijah Phelps. Absalom . James .Preston. Oliver . Elisha . Andrew .Redder. Isaac Porter. William Popham. John Powell. John . William Plumer.Pytts.Reany. William . Jacob . Simeon Pond. Thomas Ranstead. Aaron . Nathan .Phelps.Reed.Pratt.Pottage. Nathaniel .Phelps. Jacob Peters.Pitts. Amos .Perry. Daniel Perry. Joseph Printrop. Abraham . Joseph Ray.Quick.Porter.Reeves. Andrew .Potter. Henry M804-1964 M804-1965 M804-1966 M804-1967 M804-1968 M804-1969 M804-1970 M804-1971 M804-1972 M804-1973 M804-1974 M804-1975 M804-1976 M804-1977 M804-1978 M804-1979 M804-1980 M804-1981 M804-1982 M804-1983 M804-1984 M804-1985 M804-1986 M804-1987 M804-1988 M804-1989 M804-1990 M804-1991 M804-1992 M804-1993 M804-1994 M804-1995 M804-1996 M804-1997 M804-1998 M804-1999 M804-2000 M804-2001 M804-2002 M804-2003 M804-2004 M804-2005 M804-2006 M804-2007 M804-2008 M804-2009 M804-2010 M804-2011 M804-2012 M804-2013 M804-2014 M804-2015 M804-2016 M804-2017 M804-2018 M804-2019 M804-2020 M804-2021 M804-2022 M804-2023 Power.Reed.Peterson.Pennetent. James .Pool. Samuel Quickel. Jesse Ray. James Randall. Elizabeth Perkins. Gilbert Potter.Prouty. Zebulon Peirson. Adam .Puterbaugh. Thomas Pickens. Peter Phelps.Reed. Joseph . Joseph Rankin. Judah Phelps. Christopher Ramsey. Absolem . Jonathan Pratt.Perrow. Elam Pratt.Powe. Asahel . Rufus .Putnam. Eli .Quimby.Reed. Joel Richards. John. Isaac . Henry M804-2084 M804-2085 M804-2086 M804-2087 M804-2088 M804-2089 M804-2090 M804-2091 M804-2092 M804-2093 M804-2094 M804-2095 M804-2096 M804-2097 M804-2098 M804-2099 M804-2100 M804-2101 M804-2102 M804-2103 M804-2104 M804-2105 M804-2106 M804-2107 M804-2108 M804-2109 M804-2110 M804-2111 M804-2112 M804-2113 M804-2114 M804-2115 M804-2116 M804-2117 M804-2118 M804-2119 M804-2120 M804-2121 M804-2122 M804-2123 M804-2124 M804-2125 M804-2126 M804-2127 M804-2128 M804-2129 M804-2130 M804-2131 M804-2132 M804-2133 M804-2134 M804-2135 M804-2136 M804-2137 M804-2138 M804-2139 M804-2140 M804-2141 M804-2142 M804-2143 Rose. Joseph Reynolds.Saylor.Rousse.Rodgers. Owen .Rose. Alexander . Rufus Roberts.Rundleman. Philander . John .Scott.Roberts.Richardson.Sealy. Joseph Rybecker. Phillip Russell. David . William Rutland. Silas Richards.Schreeder.Sargeant.Sampson. Jacob Ritter.Savedge. William Rodman. David . Zaccheus Salisbury. David .Russell.Rickert.Russ. Ebenezer .Ryant. Joseph . Enoch Richardson.Scott. Abednego . Thomas Rhodes. William Rippeto.Sager. Eber . Mary Sanders. Adam . Andrew . Thomas Ripley. Abel . Abraham .Ryon. Eber Robinson. Christopher Rimee. Kinsey .Scott. John Rose. Torey Scriber. Solomon Sawyer.Saner.Robertson. Joseph .Sanders. Jeremiah Rogers. William Russey. Abel . Robert Rogers. Joseph . Amos .Roosa.Reynolds. Angus .Reymond. John . Alexander . Prince Robinson. Ebenezer Rogers.Rose.Scranton. Thomas . Absalom . Jesse Rice.Richardson. James Scoffield.Roberts.Schoff. John . Edmund .Robinson.Rideout.Russell. Samuel Seaman. William Richardson.Sauls.Search.Roff.Rogers. Jonathan Scott. George Ross. Zerah Scouten. Issac Reynold. Bazzell . Edmond .Richards. Chrineyonce . Ziba Robertson. William Rider. Jonathan Robinson. William .Sanborn. James . Miller . John Rucker.Ripley. John Sailor. Zachariah Sanderson. Thomas . James Riggs.Saunders.Richardson.Richmond.Salsbury.Rowe. James .Requa. Jesse Sampson. David .Richard.Sandeford. Andrew . Edward . Jonas . Marcus Rickets.Root. Reuben Rowlee. Aaron .Roughfcorn. William Richman.Robinson. Benjamin . Samuel . Zephaniah Rogerson. Jonathan . Cornelius Russell. Samuel Scott. Grindall Reynolds.Rogers. Joseph Ross. Abraham Schenck. Zachariah Robecheau. Nathaniel Rice.Richie. Peter Rodgers. Joseph Root. Adam . Naum . William Robinson. Henry Saunders.Scantling.Riggs. Aaron .Rion. Abraham . Denison Roy. Zephaniah Sams. Peter .Sawtell. Samuel . George . Adam .Scott. Nathan Russel. Amaziah .Roscrow.Rice.Robbins.Runyon. Samuel . Hartwell Savell. Lot . John . Amos . Samuel Sanders.Robbe. Anna .Rutherford. John .Sampley. John Schrimshear. Daniel . Jonathan Robbins.Rucastle. Joel Robinson. John . Lemuel .Schellinger. George Rowe. Anne . Abraham .Sanford. Simeon . Joatham Sawyer. Anthony . William Rockafellar. Ephraim Roberts.Robinson. William Salter.Russell. Peter Rice.Robbins. Joel Scott. Samuel Robbens.Rice. Abel . James . Zephaniah Rossell. Horatio .Roberts.Rowdon.Scobey. Aaron . Zebulon Richter.Sanders. William Saunderson.Roberts. Peter . Seely . Abel .Salier. Johan Rudy. Ezekiel . John . Samuel Rupert. Reuben .Rowlandson. Samuel Rogers. Jeffrey Russell. Reuben . Elijah Sarle. Edward . Philip Roney. Archibald .Riblett. John .Rogers. Joshua .Scoonmaker.Rogers. William Roads.Robinson. Nathaniel .Sawyers. Elias . Zacheus Sanger.Roxford. Daniel . Simon Roun.Robins. Conrad .Ross.Rily.United States General M804-2024 M804-2025 M804-2026 M804-2027 M804-2028 M804-2029 M804-2030 M804-2031 M804-2032 M804-2033 M804-2034 M804-2035 M804-2036 M804-2037 M804-2038 M804-2039 M804-2040 M804-2041 M804-2042 M804-2043 M804-2044 M804-2045 M804-2046 M804-2047 M804-2048 M804-2049 M804-2050 M804-2051 M804-2052 M804-2053 M804-2054 M804-2055 M804-2056 M804-2057 M804-2058 M804-2059 M804-2060 M804-2061 M804-2062 M804-2063 M804-2064 M804-2065 M804-2066 M804-2067 M804-2068 M804-2069 M804-2070 M804-2071 M804-2072 M804-2073 M804-2074 M804-2075 M804-2076 M804-2077 M804-2078 M804-2079 M804-2080 M804-2081 M804-2082 M804-2083 Remsen. Mingo . David Rice. Christopher . Nathaniel .Russell. Zachariah Reynow.Scott. . Susannah Saben. John .Robinson. Joseph . John .Rider.Sacrey.Rogers.Rice. Michael Sayre. George . Michael Sanford. Thomas Rollins. Abel . Mourning .Rittenhouse. James Saddler. Drury Scott. Zenas Right. Daniel Scott.Rice. William Rich. Peter . Augustus . Joel Roberts.Roach.Ruggles. William Scull. Eleazer . Francis . Timothy Ridgeway. John Robertson. Samuel Richardson. James .Ross. Hamilton . Martin Rundler.Sarjeant. Nathaniel . Israel . Joshua . John Richardson. Jacob . Jacob .Roots. Josiah Rogers. Zebulon Rowel. Joseph Roberts. Justus . Abel . Jacob Schofield. Abiathar .Rollings. Winthrop Roseberry. York Ruick. Zachariah Robeson. Zophar Robison. William Sargent.Richards. Oliver Routon. Beverly . Peter Root.Rudtolfh.Rodes. Aaron . Severn . Benjamin Sanborn.Rock.Rigdon. Andrew .Roberts.Sawyer. Sanford . Esek . John .Robertson.Rhoden. Abner .Ronemous. William Sax.Reynolds. Elisha . Abel . Joseph Resseguie. William Scarborough. Daniel .Scudder.Ross. Michael Roper.Reynolds. David . Joseph . Theophilus Smith. VA) Smith. William Sowder. Aaron . Obadiah .Smith. Thaddeus Snellbaker.Sherwin. Edward Sherman. Jonathan . Samuel Sears. Lemuel Specht.Shepherd. Christopher Soul. Adam .Spencer. Elkanah . William Speagle.Simons. William (MD. Johnson . Eliab . Abraham .Spradling. John Shaw. Asa Seley.Seldon. William Son. Zenas Skipper. James . John Sherwood.Sharpe.Smith. Noah Smith. John . Thomas . Thomas Smith. Philip Snow.Spainhour.Sherwood.Smith. William Southgate. William Spickard. Cummy .Slone. Anthony . Amos . Zachariah Sheshing.Simmers. Jesse Skinner.) Smith.Shaw. Reuben .Skinner. Christopher . Abiather . William Smart.Skinner.Shimp.Smith.Shumway. Burges .Speary. Griffith Smith. John . Stephen Shuntz. Joel Simmons. Roswell Smith. James Sloan. Bryant . Philip Shufeldt.Spofford.Snagg.Smith. Christian .Smith. Thomas .Simpson.Springum. Israel Smith.Slitor.Sherlock.Spatz. Abraham . Nicholas Shepard. Dennis . Joshua .Shearin. Peter Spencer.Slasson. Peter Smith. Augustine Smith.Smith.Shed. William Simon. Christopher .Snell. Ephraim . Benoni . Thomas . William Sockman. Jacob .Sommerville. Abigail . Ezekiel Shelden. Deliverance Slate.Slauterback.Snyder.Smith.Smith.Sharlock. Robert . Jonathan Smith. George . Joseph Snow. Comfort Smith. William .Smith.Snook.Smith. Timothy . Samuel .Shadwick. John Shor. Henry . Michael Spaulding. Ithamar . John . Nicholas Smack.Spalding. Lewis Shearman. Isaac Sewal. Asa .Smith.Snelbaker. Lewis . Samuel . Jonathan .Smith.Shoefelt. John Sessions.Skain.Servoss. Christopher . David . James .Smith. Jabez .Sidore. Reynard Smith. Jairus Smith. Eben . Thomas Seber. Michael Slaven. John .Shaw. Wright Spanbergh. James . John .Shelcut. Abel .Seekell.Shaffer. Joel Smith.Shaw. Christian . John Sibbliss. Leven .Shippey. Levi Shaeffer. Henry .Smith.Spraker.Shavers. Amasa . Zachariah Shawke.Shoptaw. Thomas Shaffner. Willard Sease. Robert Shaw. John . Hugh Smith. Gabriel . John Smith. Jasiel Smith. Alexander . Elnathan Smith. Peter Sellman.Shenefelt. David Shaw. Elijah . Moses Spera. Aury . Aaron . Nicholas Sisim. Reuben . Abraham . John . Aaron . Stephen Seymour. Gabriel .Simpson.Shouler. Jeremiah Simpson. Abraham .Simms. Hannah . Allen . Samuel Spohn. William (RI) . Elwiley .Smallwood. Jacob . William Sexton. Abiel . Henry Snail.Spicer.Smiley. Seth Seemore. George . Abijah .Skillman. John . Thomas . Christopher Shoemaker. John (Hazen’s Regiment) Smith. Henry . Zephaniah Smither. Duncan Smith.Smith.Slyter. Benjamin Smith. Nathan Spencer.Smith. John (RI) . Peter . Shadrach Shaw.Spenser. Ichabod Sharp.Searls.Spence.Soward. William Shepardson. John (PA.Shuck.Smith.Siscow.Smith. Christopher . Jedediah . Sarah . John (MD) .Smith.Smith. Ira . Conrad . William Shepherdson.Smith. Eleazer Smith.Shepard. Jacob .United States Genral M804-2144 M804-2145 M804-2146 M804-2147 M804-2148 M804-2149 M804-2150 M804-2151 M804-2152 M804-2153 M804-2154 M804-2155 M804-2156 M804-2157 M804-2158 M804-2159 M804-2160 M804-2161 M804-2162 M804-2163 M804-2164 M804-2165 M804-2166 M804-2167 M804-2168 M804-2169 M804-2170 M804-2171 M804-2172 M804-2173 M804-2174 M804-2175 M804-2176 M804-2177 M804-2178 M804-2179 M804-2180 M804-2181 M804-2182 M804-2183 M804-2184 M804-2185 M804-2186 M804-2187 M804-2188 M804-2189 M804-2190 M804-2191 M804-2192 M804-2193 M804-2194 M804-2195 M804-2196 M804-2197 M804-2198 M804-2199 M804-2200 M804-2201 M804-2202 M804-2203 Searcy.Seelye. William Slonecker. Daniel Smith. Valentine Sillery.Sherman. Alexander . John Shindel. Abiathar Seele. Solomon Smith.Sillcocks.Seayres. John Simmins. John Sproat.Snowden.Smith. William Sheley. Nathan .Smith.Smith.Smith. George . William Simonson.Sheldon. Aaron . Peter Sherman.Snow.Smith. Richard . William M804-2204 M804-2205 M804-2206 M804-2207 M804-2208 M804-2209 M804-2210 M804-2211 M804-2212 M804-2213 M804-2214 M804-2215 M804-2216 M804-2217 M804-2218 M804-2219 M804-2220 M804-2221 M804-2222 M804-2223 M804-2224 M804-2225 M804-2226 M804-2227 M804-2228 M804-2229 M804-2230 M804-2231 M804-2232 M804-2233 M804-2234 M804-2235 M804-2236 M804-2237 M804-2238 M804-2239 M804-2240 M804-2241 M804-2242 M804-2243 M804-2244 M804-2245 M804-2246 M804-2247 M804-2248 M804-2249 M804-2250 M804-2251 M804-2252 M804-2253 M804-2254 M804-2255 M804-2256 M804-2257 M804-2258 M804-2259 M804-2260 M804-2261 M804-2262 M804-2263 Smith. Joseph Smith. Michael Spalding. Nicholas Skeel. Peter . Asahel . Peter .Sellick.Shaw.Smith. George Snell. John (NJ) Smith. Richard . Daniel . Michael . John Sprage.Smith. Henry . William (MA) .Smith. William (PA) Smith.Sinclear. Sparrow . Samuel Sine. Samuel . Nahum . Samuel Smith. Aaron .Sears. Israel Spencer.Souder.Seymour. Phebe .Smith. James . John (NY) .Southern. Jonathan Snyder.Sewell. William . Joshua . William Shires. William Sharpless. Zebadiah Simrall.Spaulding. John .Sias.Spencer. MA.Smith. Isaac Sidway.Smith.Sevy. Nicholas .Spyres. Frederick Smith. Moses Smith.Smith. Adam . Lemuel Sheehane. David . Thomas Skimmer. Levi Smith. John Shoun. Philip . John . Caleb . John Sprigg.Simmons. Albertson Smith. Thomas . Abiel . Eli . Adin .Syfritt. Barnabas .Story. John . Jabez Thompson. Anna . Abraham . Alexander .Stewart.Steurt. Eliphalet .Stryker.Taylor.Stanard. John . Melzar . William Stoutenburgh. Lewis . Andrew Sykes.Swift.Thompson.Taylor.Stron. Alexander .Steves. William Stanbery. Michael .Stowell. Isaac Taylor. Richard Strong. Samuel Stone. Mary Thomas. Joshua . Christopher Stewart.Taylor.Starke.Stevens. Simon Stuart. Recompence .Stewart. Elijah Taylor. Paul Stribling. John . John (VT) Taylor.Sullings. William Stipe.Tewgood.Tanney. Christopher . Jeremiah Stanley.Thomas. Zebulon Suydam. Andrew . Thomas .Studwell. Ashbel .Tallman.Terhune. Joel Thompson. John . Tertius . Richard Tate.Stiles.Thomas. Jesse Thomas.Stevens. Jacob Storer.Sweeny. Samuel Stoel. Jacob .Thom. George . Calvin .Thomas. Ralph . Lemuel Thorp.Strong. Richard . Windsor Stonebarger. Edward Stevens. Thomas .Taylor. Daniel Stevens. Ebenezer Talcott. Holmes Thomas.Sterrit.Sweet. Henry Thayer. Aaron . James . William Steymets. Benjamin . William Tager.Thomas. John Thompson.Starns. John . Cyprian . Joel Taylor.Thompson. Joseph .Sutton. Burwell Thompson. William Stapel. Amos . Aaron . Clement . Adam . Lemuel Stutson. John . John . Paul . Owen Sweet. Asaph . Jonathan Stone. Joseph .Thomas.Taylor.Sullivant. Clayton .United States General M804-2264 M804-2265 M804-2266 M804-2267 M804-2268 M804-2269 M804-2270 M804-2271 M804-2272 M804-2273 M804-2274 M804-2275 M804-2276 M804-2277 M804-2278 M804-2279 M804-2280 M804-2281 M804-2282 M804-2283 M804-2284 M804-2285 M804-2286 M804-2287 M804-2288 M804-2289 M804-2290 M804-2291 M804-2292 M804-2293 M804-2294 M804-2295 M804-2296 M804-2297 M804-2298 M804-2299 M804-2300 M804-2301 M804-2302 M804-2303 M804-2304 M804-2305 M804-2306 M804-2307 M804-2308 M804-2309 M804-2310 M804-2311 M804-2312 M804-2313 M804-2314 M804-2315 M804-2316 M804-2317 M804-2318 M804-2319 M804-2320 M804-2321 M804-2322 M804-2323 Squares. Christopher Taylor. William Sweeten.Terry.Straley.Taylor. Abraham . William Stephenson. Mark .Talbut. William Stebbens.Thayer. Andrew .Stout. Charles Story. Andrew Strang. Edward Sutton.Stopplebeen.Stanwood. Edmund .Stafford. Abel . David Thomas. Jonathan . Jesse Stewart. Peter Swasey. Jacob Stone. Zephaniah Steen. Othniel Taylor. Thomas Srope. William . Samuel Stowers. Abel . Abraham . Rufus Thayer.Stolts. Aaron . Lemuel . Francis .Staniford. Abiathar . Timothy Swart.Stocum. Andrew . John Stout. John Terms. Augustin . Isaac . Paul Stewart. Lewis .Straughan.Taylor.Squyres. Zeno Terrybury. David .Swetland. William Stearnes. Michael Teed.Stevens. Benaiah . John Sullivan. Victor . Samuel . William Stag.Thompson.Steedman.Taylor. Ebenezer . Jonathan . Robert . Theodore Thompson. Richard Thompson.Thomlinson. William Starker.Stober. Ashbell .Thompson. Lawrence Tarr. William Swindel. Isaac M804-2324 M804-2325 M804-2326 M804-2327 M804-2328 M804-2329 M804-2330 M804-2331 M804-2332 M804-2333 M804-2334 M804-2335 M804-2336 M804-2337 M804-2338 M804-2339 M804-2340 M804-2341 M804-2342 M804-2343 M804-2344 M804-2345 M804-2346 M804-2347 M804-2348 M804-2349 M804-2350 M804-2351 M804-2352 M804-2353 M804-2354 M804-2355 M804-2356 M804-2357 M804-2358 M804-2359 M804-2360 M804-2361 M804-2362 M804-2363 M804-2364 M804-2365 M804-2366 M804-2367 M804-2368 M804-2369 M804-2370 M804-2371 M804-2372 M804-2373 M804-2374 M804-2375 M804-2376 M804-2377 M804-2378 M804-2379 M804-2380 M804-2381 M804-2382 M804-2383 Sutherland. Othniel Stephens. Zopher Tapervine.Thayer. George Tabb. Isaac . Judah Stevens.Tarpening. James Stevens.Tannehill. Benjamin .Swartzwalder. Josiah Tanner. John (VA) .Tay. John . Silas Still.Swany. Ichabod .Thompson.Terrill.Stone. Hanjoost Tharp. William Stotes.Thaosagwat. Jedediah . Adin . Caleb . Daniel . Henry Stufflebean. Dorothy .Stadleman.Stent.Taft.Stodder.Stouseberger. William . Seth . Peter . Isaac . Seth . Thomas . Edward Steel. Alexander .Thompson.Stilwill. John . Zachariah Stevenson. Andrew . Thomas Sumner.Stone.Stewart. Albert . Robert Sturges. Abraham . John Stafford.Storum. Thomas . Hugh Thompson. Nathan Temple. Aaron .Thorowgood. Samuel .Tasker.Summersett.Thaxton. Balam . Nathaniel Taylar. Aguila . William Stapleton. Safford Stevens. Joseph Thomas.Taylor. Isaac .Steel. Laroy . Luke Swett. William Tallow. Jeremiah Steward. Levi . Seth Stanphill.Sytez. Jasper . Frederick .Suttle.Stone. William Ten Eick. Stephen Terry. Andrew Swan. Gilbert .Sturgeon. Zebah Theames. Daniel . Stephen Taylor. Samuel .Stinson. John .Swallow. Ezekiel Stone.Sturtvant. David .Taylor.Thayer.Thompson. Russel Taylor. William Thayar.Steelman. Zebulon Thoms. Alexander Taff. Jeduthan .Tedrick. William . Jacob . Samuel . Asa . Alexander . Jude Taylor. Thomas Thornbury.Staples.Tellotson. Owen Sulser. Detrick . Edward . William Starr. Samuel Thomas.Tench. William Strongman. Zalmon Tayntor. James Strause.Stone.Stearns. George . Reuben Stodard.Suthard. William Steele. Jonathan Thacher. John .Thorp.Stewart. Valentine Stoch.Stephens. Allen .Stannard.Stearman.Thompson.Stevens. Cornelius .Tackles.Stigefuse.Stevens. James Stimmel. David . Elias .Thorn.Streve. Timothy Thompson. William . Aaron . Archibald . Stewart Sterry. John Stiles. Elijah .Walker. Frederick Van De Bogart.Utzman.Van Hoosen. Arthur . Alexander . William . Nathaniel M804-2496 Warner. John M804-2480 Wallace.Wallinback. Elsie . Abiathar . John . Thomas Upson. Garret M804-2447 Van Horn. George Turner. Jacob . Cato Tree. William Treadway.Tooly. John .Tuttle. Joseph Tod.Warren.Wade.Wade. James M804-2470 Wakefield. Laban . Isaiah Tuttle.Van Buskirk. Joseph Townsen. Samuel M804-2490 Ward.Timson. William M804-2492 Ware.Ward.Verony.Vanderwerkin.Wardwell. Cornelius M804-2451 Van Tassel. Moses M804-2476 Walker.Vansyckle. Aaron . Aaron . Cornelius .Thurston. John .Tredwell. William Tompson.Van Netter. William M804-2467 Wadham. Frederick M804-2494 Warner. George . Thomas Thweatt. Aaron .Warneck. Henry M804-2487 Ward. Adam . Adam M804-2460 Villas. Abigail .Trowbridge.Trask. Jared . Solomon Tignor.Turner. George . Joseph .Waliser.Warren. Joseph .Washburn. Joanna M804-2475 Walker. Henry M804-2464 Vowles. William M804-2486 Walts. Adam . Benjamin Vanacka.Wagg. Evert . Isaac . William .Tyler. Joseph M804-2458 Verrian. James .Tuckerman. Dan .Vanzile. Lemuel Tucker.Treuttle. Elnathan M804-2488 Ward. Jonathan Tyler. Zebediah M804-2491 Wardell. John M804-2489 Ward.Van Volkenburgh. Arthur .Vigal. Oliver Town. William M804-2481 Wallar.Vanfliet. Yale Todhunter. Peter Uselton. William . John .Warner. Zebulon Trueman.Tift. Ezekiel M804-2474 Walker. Israel M804-2495 Warner.Washam. Elias .Tuttle. Robert . Benjamin M804-2497 Warren.Torrens. Conrad .Turner.Von Steuben. Benjamin Tullis. Henry . Samuel . Solomon M804-2485 Walthall. Major . Abraham . John . John .Walker. Thomas Traver. Peter .Townshend.Walker. Asa . Joseph M804-2448 Vankauren.Tison.Turner.Tibo. Michael Tice.Vandventer. Cornelius . Simon . Emanuel . Simons M804-2477 Walker. John .Upshaw. Samuel Tillien. Jesse . John Van Der Cook. George M804-2466 Wade. Abraham .Tullerton.Torry. Henry Turner. Gabriel Udell.Venus. William Trowell.Tinor. Christopher Tomkies. Peter . Joseph . Harmonus M804-2454 Vargison. Daniel .Waltamyer. Joseph . Thomas Tucker.Tye. Joseph . Rhoda M804-2468 Waggener.Vanderburgh.Wagster. Morris . John . Charles . James M804-2445 Van Dyck. William Trask. Christian M804-2473 Walker. Peter . Henry .Waldren. William M804-2456 Vawler.Ward.Warren. James . David M804-2459 Vicall. Joshua Tinsley. Aaron . Aaron . William M804-2479 Wallace.Tompkins. James . Oliver .Walker. David M804-2484 Waltar. Amos . William .Toby. Thomas . William M804-2469 Wahr.Walters. William M804-2453 Van Wickle. Frederick M804-2462 Voorhees.Waterhouse.Wak-ar-an-thar-aus. Martines M804-2444 Van Deusen. Isaac .Warble. Richard Van Camp. William Troup. Elias . Everitt .Tuck. Michael M804-2457 Verano.Towles. Nathan .Van Ingen.Todd. Joseph . Amos . John M804-2465 Waalradt. John Try.Underwood. Henry .Tilson. James . Elias M804-2493 Warfield. Aaron .Wallace.Tiers. Abraham Tuder. Carhart . Cornelius Van Atta. Hugh M804-2498 Warren. Charles M804-2501 Washbourne. Samuel M804-2449 Van Ney. Abraham M804-2455 Vaughan.Warral.Tilley.Tracy. Robert Tinan.Tuthill.Turnee.Ward.Vaughn. Amasa . Aaron . Francis . John M804-2472 Waldrepe. Christian .Vought. William . Bartholomew M804-2452 Van Voorhase. Robert .Tomer. Jonas .Wallace. Neverson M804-2499 Warren. George . Abraham . Abraham . Alden . Abraham .Towns.Treacle.Vandaman.Ward.Vanpool.Tomm.Vibbird.Walliser. Isaac Tucker. Jonathan Trevett. Zenas M804-2500 Warrener. William Tutle. Jacob .Wall. Lawrence . Thadeus . William M804-2461 Vinton. Hazael . William Tutwiler.Vamilia. James Toombs. Benjamin .Trasee. James Titchenor. Timothy Toser. Abigail . Charity Trip. Andrew . Isaiah M804-2463 Vosberg. Abel .Warner.Turner.Vorys. Henry . Robert Townsley. Abel .Wakly.Vanasdall. Jacob Vacher. Josiah Turner. Charles. William Trader. Aaron . John Tracey. Henry .Trotter.Van Wart. Henry . Seth Turner.Thruston. William .Vyer. John . Timothy Tilton. Jabez .Vinson.Tzor.Walkup. William M804-2502 Washer. Alpheus . Noah . Simeon . William Unger. Margaret Tiff.Trabue. Zebedee Turney. Jacob M804-2450 Van Rensselaer. John . Nicholas . Aaron . Abram . Samuel Torrey.Tucker. Jabez . Robert Thum. William Tylar. Solomon . Carick M804-2446 Vanfossen.Walton.Towberman.Tucker. Cornelius . Asa . Samuel M804-2478 Wall. Henry Tower. Henry Tompkins.Wares.Vastfall. Michael M804-2483 Wallradt. Vincent .Trion. Benjamin .Trux.True.Urton. Frederick . John M804-2471 Walace.United States Genral M804-2384 M804-2385 M804-2386 M804-2387 M804-2388 M804-2389 M804-2390 M804-2391 M804-2392 M804-2393 M804-2394 M804-2395 M804-2396 M804-2397 M804-2398 M804-2399 M804-2400 M804-2401 M804-2402 M804-2403 M804-2404 M804-2405 M804-2406 M804-2407 M804-2408 M804-2409 M804-2410 M804-2411 M804-2412 M804-2413 M804-2414 M804-2415 M804-2416 M804-2417 M804-2418 M804-2419 M804-2420 M804-2421 M804-2422 M804-2423 M804-2424 M804-2425 M804-2426 M804-2427 M804-2428 M804-2429 M804-2430 M804-2431 M804-2432 M804-2433 M804-2434 M804-2435 M804-2436 M804-2437 M804-2438 M804-2439 M804-2440 M804-2441 M804-2442 M804-2443 Thrall. John M804-2482 Walling. John . Weston.Wheeler. Jabez .Watson.Weatherstine. Zenas Waterous. Francis . Jesse Weed. William .White.Williams.Williams. Thomas M804-2599 Willis. Aaron . Joab M804-2607 Wilson. Israel . John M804-2568 Whitney. Zachariah M804-2612 Wilt.Whitney.Weeks. Moses .Whipple. John (Pa. George Wentworth. John M804-2613 Winchester.Wilsie. John (no Revolutionary War. Anthony . John . Joseph M804-2598 Williamson. James . Anthony . Davis . William Welch.White. Abijah . Richard .Wilder. Zachariah Watlington. Thaddeus M804-2595 Williams. Joseph . Zachariah Westray. Benjamin .Williams. Hezekiah West. Nehemiah .Wilkie. Aaron . Jacob Webb. Robinson . Benjamin M804-2586 Williams.) . Jacob . William M804-2579 Wilfong. William Wentz. Jacob M804-2575 Wilcox. Jonas .Weed. Joel .Wilson.Wilcklow. Elisha . Richard Whelchel. Abner . John . Uzziel . Guy Watson.Whitman.Wells.Wilkins. Abiel . William Waufle. Ezekiel M804-2588 Williams. Samuel . William M804-2583 Willbanks. Harmar’s War. William M804-2564 Whitington.White. Moses M804-2593 Williams. William Webber.Wilson.Winmer. Oliver Wells. Isaiah Wheeler.Webster.Williams.Wilson. William Weaden. Alexander .Wilde.Wells.United States General M804-2503 M804-2504 M804-2505 M804-2506 M804-2507 M804-2508 M804-2509 M804-2510 M804-2511 M804-2512 M804-2513 M804-2514 M804-2515 M804-2516 M804-2517 M804-2518 M804-2519 M804-2520 M804-2521 M804-2522 M804-2523 M804-2524 M804-2525 M804-2526 M804-2527 M804-2528 M804-2529 M804-2530 M804-2531 M804-2532 M804-2533 M804-2534 M804-2535 M804-2536 M804-2537 M804-2538 M804-2539 M804-2540 M804-2541 M804-2542 M804-2543 M804-2544 M804-2545 M804-2546 M804-2547 M804-2548 M804-2549 M804-2550 M804-2551 M804-2552 M804-2553 M804-2554 M804-2555 M804-2556 M804-2557 M804-2558 M804-2559 M804-2560 M804-2561 M804-2562 Waterman.Wigginton.Wheeland. William M804-2574 Wilbar.Welch. Thomas M804-2584 Wille. Gen.Whipley. Charles M804-2605 Wilson. Jack .Wells. Aaron .Waterman. William .Whitin. Stafford . Wilke M804-2596 Williams.Whitcraft. Isaac .Williamson. John . John .Whitlow. John . Andrew . Jacob M804-2616 Winn. John .Whatley. William M804-2618 Winstead.White. Zachariah Whitecar.Watson. Joseph .West. Jacob . Israel M804-2606 Wilson. Thomas M804-2565 Whitman. John . Jonathan M804-2592 Williams.Westcott. Young M804-2582 Wilkison.Willard.Wilkinson.Whitehouse.White. Tall M804-2585 Williams. Zebedee M804-2597 Williamson. Aaron . Peleg Weekes. Royal White.Watford. Benjamin . Paul .Whitting. Abel . James .White. Joseph . Abner .Willoughly. Jesse Weston.Witham. Peter Webster. Winthrop Watt.Whitcher.Willington. Robert . Philip M804-2567 Whitney. Benjamin .Welburn. John . Abel . Zophar M804-2571 Wicket. Aaron . Richard . Daniel .Webb. Chace Whitcom. Abner . Hannah .Wilson.White.Williams. Aaron . Peleg .Westmoreland. Daniel . Zachariah Welman. Elias White. Amariah .Wiley. Conrad . William Weld. Joseph . Joseph M804-2600 Willis. Thomas M804-2621 Withee. Elijah .William. Joel M804-2590 Williams. Jacob . William M804-2614 Winchip. Levin Watson. Lewis .White. Abner . Jacob .Welles. Alpheus .Wayt. James . Michael Wheeler.Williams. Francis . Alexander .Williams.Webb.Whitmyer. Joseph .Wiett.Winfrey. John Welch. Ichabod .Weysor.Winchell.Wilson.Winchester. Gideon Wells.Weaver. Wright Westerdall. Aaron . Abiel . Edlyne M804-2601 Wills. Edward M804-2572 Wiggin.Wesson.. 1790) M804-2591 Williams. John M804-2573 Wigglesworth. Noah Welling. Tarpley . Woolery M804-2566 Whitmarsh. Zenas Wheeley. Zephaniah Wechter. Davenport M804-2587 Williams. Vincent White. David . Jonathan . Richard M804-2577 Wilder.Watson. Aaron . William M804-2603 Willy. Abisha . William M804-2581 Wilkinson.Wilson. Abraham . Aaron . Mil. Amos Whippel. Henry Whalan. Nathaniel M804-2609 Wilson. John . Samuel . Major . Zebulon Whippy. Prosper . Isaiah M804-2589 Williams.Winship. Stephen White. Faddy .Wheeler. Charles White.Whitney.Whelan. William Wheadon. Thomas Whitehurst.White. Benjamin . Ebenezer . Amos .Wilbanks.West. KY.Willis. Charles .Weavor. Obadiah .Withrow.Wissenbagh. John Weaver. Philip M804-2615 Wing. Christopher .Willsie.Wilson. Abram . Isaac Webb.Williams. John .Wickes.Williams. William M804-2602 Willson. Robert M804-2594 Williams.Willson.Wentworth. William White.Wilson. Daniel . Littleton . Cornelius . John . Joel White. William Watkins.Williams.White.Williams. Zebulun M804-2569 Whiton. Jonathan Webb.Williams. Samuel M804-2610 Wilson. William .Wentling. John Weaver.Webster. George . Warren M804-2611 Wilson.Welchons.Wilcox. Francis . Thomas .Weber.Whiting. Benjamin . Moses White. Willis M804-2578 Wildes. John White.Wirtz.Wheeler. Augustus M804-2580 Wilkin. James . Abner . Littleton West. Abel . William M804-2619 Wiscarver. William Weemer.Wellons. John . Edward . Plomer Wheeler. William M804-2576 Wilcoxen. Jonas . Nancy .Watkins. Samuel M804-2563 Whiting.Webb. David .West.Winsor. Abner . Jonathan .Watts. Nathan . Richard M804-2617 Winslow. Bennett . John Webster. Henry M804-2620 Wisswell. Charles Wells.Weedon. Jacob M804-2604 Wilson. Jacob . Willoughby Westbrook. Samuel M804-2570 Whittington. Mabel West. Abraham . Israel White. John M804-2608 Wilson.Willcutt. Souse Sousl .Brown.Woodrum.Works. Samuel Yerks.Wright. This microfilm publication reproduces the most comprehensive name index to American soldiers who served during the Revolution. The index may refer to more than one jacket envelope if a soldier served in more than one unit. Samuel .Young. William Woodcock.Wooton. Ziba Woody. Aaron . Benjamin . Cyprion Wright.Pato Patr . William .Cul Cum . Archibald .Wriggins.Box Boy . Guy Young.Yarbrough. Daniel . profession.Hamle Hamli .Jw K . Roxavene Wright. James Wordley. Abel .Zweier.Eccles Ecclest . Zephaniah Woodall. Richard Wood. Baldwin . Polley . Zebulon Youngblood. Aaron .Woodbury. Aaron .Cartel Carter .Steward Stewart . Jon . Joel Wright. Henry .Young. William Yorkshire. Martinis .Hilk Hill . Michael Woelper. John Woodward.Langden Langdon .Bur Bus . Abel .Bearne Bearnh .Wood. laundresses. O. Clement .Cold Cole .Cy D .Glascoe Glascow .Yeomans.Young. Stephen Woods. and civilian .McGinta McGinte .Swil Swim .York. Thomas .Yurkse.Farge Fager .Chp Chr .Worster. George Wright. Joshua . John Woolley.Wizer. Eldad . . Jacob .Woodrow.Wolever.Woollard.Lillie Lillin . Samuel .Fond Fonda . Simeon Woodruf. Thomas Wright. Aaron .Q R .Woods.Wood. Lydia Woodworth.Nc Ne .Wyly. Caleb . or office. John Zachary. Jonathan . William Wort. Joseph Wood. John . Daniel .Moore Mooree .Johnson.Woodwell. Hannah .Biso Biss . Thomas Wood. Bartholomew .Richard Richards .Wright.Fyk Fyl .Pri Pro . Henry .Wood.Sits Sitsl .Young.Shanna Shanne . Asa .Delone Deloney .Woodland.Young. M860-1 M860-2 M860-3 M860-4 M860-5 M860-6 M860-7 M860-8 M860-9 M860-10 M860-11 M860-12 M860-13 M860-14 M860-15 M860-16 M860-17 M860-18 M860-19 M860-20 M860-21 M860-22 M860-23 M860-24 M860-25 M860-26 M860-27 M860-28 M860-29 M860-30 M860-31 M860-32 M860-33 M860-34 M860-35 M860-36 M860-37 M860-38 M860-39 M860-40 M860-41 M860-42 M860-43 M860-44 M860-45 M860-46 M860-47 M860-48 M860-49 M860-50 M860-51 A .Wright. Joseph Young. Asa .Wood. John York. Joseph Wright.Wood. John .Rolend Rolens .Hawkin Hawkis .United States Genral M804-2622 M804-2623 M804-2624 M804-2625 M804-2626 M804-2627 M804-2628 M804-2629 M804-2630 M804-2631 M804-2632 M804-2633 M804-2634 M804-2635 M804-2636 M804-2637 M804-2638 M804-2639 M804-2640 M804-2641 M804-2642 M804-2643 M804-2644 M804-2645 M804-2646 M804-2647 M804-2648 M804-2649 M804-2650 M804-2651 M804-2652 M804-2653 M804-2654 M804-2655 M804-2656 M804-2657 M804-2658 M804-2659 M804-2660 M804-2661 M804-2662 M804-2663 M804-2664 M804-2665 M804-2666 M804-2667 M804-2668 M804-2669 M804-2670 Witman. Pfillib . Gideon Wood. John Miscellaneous Records employees—teamsters. Samuel Woodward. Phillip Wolf. Abraham . Joshua . James Wyman.Wright.Wright. Samuel Wyer. Joel Wood. Abner . Nathan Yard.Grego Gregr . Aaron . Johnson.Dougg Dough .Olk Oll . Johannis Young.Hop Hor .Hur Hus . George Zielie.Kinler Kinley .Ph Pi .Woodburn. Sampson . The index also contains entries for several small series of Revolutionary War compiled military service records of sailors. David . Thurston .Ange Angi . members of army staff departments.Wysor.Wyckoff.Ballan Ballar . Adam .Woodworth.Corm Corn .Young. John .Lyon Lyone . George .Yoress. carpenters.Egler. Levi . Joh Brown. Each card of the index gives the name and unit of a soldier or civilian and sometimes his rank. The compiled service records to which this index refers are microfilmed on M881. and cooks— contracted to the American Army and Navy.Wood. Moses Woodbury. Peter Yeates.Woodsum. Rhode Woodman. Anna . Falks . William Woodside.Wonicutt. Henry Yacobi. Charles Wood.Merrill Merrills .Matthews Matthewson .Woodward. Benjamin . William Wrightington.Wright.Thorn UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR General Index to Compiled Military Service Records of Revolutionary War Soldiers. Benjamin Young.Wood. Ruth Young. N. Robertson Wood.Yeasting. Silas Worcester. Charles .Ziegler. John .Sanders Sanderso . George . Light Dragoons A-D M881-15 1st Regiment. Continental troops: M881-1 M881-2 M881-3 M881-4 M881-5 M881-6 M881-7 1st Regiment. Artillery Br-Cl 1st Regiment. Light Dragoons N-Z M881-49 5th Regiment.Wats Watt . formed the Continental Army. gunners. Gist’s Regiment A-B UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War. Artillery St-Y M881-10 1st Regiment A-E M881-11 1st Regiment F-K M881-12 1st Regiment L-Q M881-13 1st Regiment R-Z M881-14 1st Regiment. or in small groups. Artillery D-E M881-22 2d Regiment. Artificers were civilian or military mechanics and artisans employed by the Army to provide necessary services.Wright. F. 3d Regiment. rather than as regiments. 4th Regiment. and others who served with them. towns. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of soldiers who served in the American Army during the Revolutionary War.Z M881-8 1st Regiment.Willsi Willso . Artillery U-We M881-33 2d Regiment. Artillery E-Hi M881-40 3d Regiment.United States General M860-52 M860-53 M860-54 M860-55 M860-56 M860-57 M860-58 Thoro . lieutenant colonel. and matrosses (gunner’s mates who helped load. although cavalry companies were frequently called troops.” might contain field officers. and counties. 22d Regiment M881-57 23d Regiment A-F M881-58 23d Regiment G-P M881-59 23d Regiment R-Y. Light Dragoon M881-44 4th Regiment. Light Dragoons M881-63 Baldwin’s Regiment. 2d Regiment M881-34 2d Regiment. Artillery A-B M881-38 3d Regiment. Artillery Me-N M881-28 2d Regiment. authorized by the Continental Congress. and major. but this Army frequently was supplemented by units of militia and volunteers from the States. Records for soldiers and employees listed by first name only in the original records are filed under that name. Wright. There are cross-references for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling.White. such as a colonel. Artillery companies included specialized soldiers. surgeon. Light Dragoons E-J M881-16 1st Regiment. Artificers A-J M881-64 Baldwin’s Regiment. surgeon’s mate. and sponge the guns).Tur Tus . 26th Regiment A-J M881-61 26th Regiment K-W. 17th Regiment. Artillery T-Y. paymaster. Artillery A-J M881-45 4th Regiment. wheelwrights. Artillery Ho-L M881-41 3d Regiment. Light Dragoons F-M M881-48 4th Regiment. Artificer companies included carpenters. The soldiers in artillery units often functioned individually. generally referred to as a regiment or battalion without the designation “infantry. Artillery E-G 1st Regiment. . Artillery L M881-26 2d Regiment. harness makers. a regimental staff including an adjutant. Artillery H-J 1st Regiment. Artillery M-P M881-42 3d Regiment. 6th Regiment.” A typical infantry regiment in the Continental Army. Light Dragoons F-O M881-36 2d Regiment. Artillery Me-Q . Artillery K-Y M881-46 4th Regiment. Artillery A-Ba M881-19 2d Regiment. Artillery R-Sp M881-9 1st Regiment. towns. and chaplain. 24th Regiment M881-60 25th Regiment. White G. 10th Regiment M881-51 11th Regiment. 9th Regiment. The compiled service records reproduced here contain record for the soldiers of the Continental Army and for the militia. nailers. 12th Regiment M881-52 13th Regiment. Light Dragoons A-E M881-47 4th Regiment. Artillery St-T M881-32 2d Regiment. Light Dragoons K-R M881-17 1st Regiment. The American forces included many types of military organizations: some created by the Continental Congresses. and counties. Artillery Co-D 1st Regiment. such as bombardiers. 14th Regiment M881-53 15th Regiment M881-54 16th Regiment. Light Dragoons P-Y M881-37 3d Regiment. Artillery A-Bo 1st Regiment. 18th Regiment M881-55 19th Regiment M881-56 20th Regiment. Artillery O-Q M881-29 2d Regiment. Artillery J-K M881-25 2d Regiment. 3d Regiment. volunteers. Artillery Sa-Sq M881-31 2d Regiment. Artillery Wh-Y. Light Dragoons S-Z M881-18 2d Regiment. Artillery K-Mc 1st Regiment. blacksmiths. Light Dragoons A-E M881-35 2d Regiment. fire. quartermaster. Artillery Be-By M881-20 2d Regiment. Artillery R M881-30 2d Regiment. others by the States. Artillery C M881-21 2d Regiment. Regular units. and 8 to 10 companies. The larger entity is referred to in these records as the “American Army. 27th Regiment M881-62 Armand’s Independent Corps. Cavalry and artillery regiments were organized in a similar way. L. Artillery C-D M881-39 3d Regiment. . J.Voe Vog . coopers. Artillery Ma-Mc M881-27 2d Regiment. and farriers (blacksmiths who shoed horses). Artificers K-Y M881-65 Forman’s Regiment A-R M881-66 Forman’s Regiment S-W. 21st Regiment. Compiled service records for soldiers whose names are incomplete due to the mutilation or deterioration of the original records are arranged at the end of the other compiled service records for their units. 7th Regiment M881-50 8th Regiment. Artillery H M881-24 2d Regiment. Artillery Q-S M881-43 3d Regiment. Artillery F-G M881-23 2d Regiment. Captain Menard’s Company. Corps of Sappers and Miners German Battalion A-Ba German Battalion Be-By German Battalion C-D German Battalion E-F German Battalion G-Ha German Battalion He-J German Battalion K German Battalion L-Ma German Battalion Mc-My German Battalion N-R German Battalion Sa-Sm German Battalion Sn-V German Battalion W-Z Clark’s Company. Artillery L-Z Thruston’s Regiment. Jones’ Company. 1. Artillery M881-149 Bateaumen. Corps of Engineers Corps of Invalids. and other miscellaneous personnel. Artillery A-K Steven’s Corps. Artillery. volunteers. The Revolutionary War rolls reproduced in this microfilm include those of units of the Continental Army and of units of militia. Hartley’s Regiment M881-78 Hazen’s Regiment A-Bi M881-79 Hazen’s Regiment Bl-By M881-80 Hazen’s Regiment C M881-81 Hazen’s Regiment D M881-82 Hazen’s Regiment E-F M881-83 Hazen’s Regiment G M881-84 Hazen’s Regiment H M881-85 Hazen’s Regiment I-K M881-86 Hazen’s Regiment L M881-87 Hazen’s Regiment Ma-Mc M881-88 Hazen’s Regiment Me-O M881-89 Hazen’s Regiment P-R M881-90 Hazen’s Regiment S M881-91 Hazen’s Regiment T-Z M881-92 Henley’s Regiment M881-93 Lee’s Legion M881-94 Lee’s Regiment. James Clinton at Forts Constitution and Montgomery on Hudson River. payrolls. Commander In Chief’s Guard M881-150 Commander In Chief’s Guard A-D M881-151 Commander In Chief’s Guard E-J M881-152 Commander In Chief’s Guard K-R M881-153 Commander In Chief’s Guard S-Y. and Bakers. Men Mustered by Colonel Ellis for New. Artillery Artificers. Artificers and Others Employed by Brig. but this Army was frequently supplemented by units of militia and volunteers from the States. Artillery. Artillery. A manuscript register of the series is filmed on roll 1. Canadian Volunteers. Artillery. The larger entity is identified in this . Captain Montour’s Company of Delaware Indians M881-147 Patten’s Company. Lee’s Independent Company. Warner’s Regiment A-H Warner’s Regiment J-Y Corps of Artificers. Regular units authorized by Congress formed the Continental Army. 1775-83. and counties. Livingston’s Battalion A-B M881-95 Livingston’s Battalion C-F M881-96 Livingston’s Battalion G-L M881-97 Livingston’s Battalion M-R M881-98 Livingston’s Battalion S-Z M881-99 Malcom’s Regiment A-H M881-100 Malcom’s Regiment I-Y M881-101 Morgan’s Rifle Regiment A-F M881-102 Morgan’s Rifle Regiment G-Mc M881-103 Morgan’s Rifle Regiment Me-Y M881-104 Patton’s Regiment A-E M881-105 Patton’s Regiment F-N M881-106 Patton’s Regiment O-Y M881-107 Count Pulaski’s Legion A-M M881-108 Count Pulaski’s Legion N-Z. Gen. 1-Dec. Aug.United States Genral M881-67 Gist’s Regiment C-G M881-68 Gist’s Regiment H-K M881-69 Gist’s Regiment L-M M881-70 Gist’s Regiment N-R M881-71 Gist’s Regiment S M881-72 Gist’s Regiment T-Y M881-73 Grayson’s Regiment A-F M881-74 Grayson’s Regiment G-L M881-75 Grayson’s Regiment M-R M881-76 Grayson’s Regiment S-Y M881-77 Gridley’s and Knox’s Regiment. Von Heer’s Independent Troop M881-148 Independent Companies of Artificers. Carpenters. Hampshire Regiments. This microfilm publication reproduces muster rolls. and counties. 1776. and supply records of American Army units. and others who served with them. strength returns. Rawlings’ Regiment M881-109 Sherburne’s Regiment A-B M881-110 Sherburne’s Regiment C-D M881-111 Sherburne’s Regiment E-G M881-112 Sherburne’s Regiment H-Mc M881-113 Sherburne’s Regiment Me-Se M881-114 Sherburne’s Regiment Sh-W M881-115 Spencer’s Regiment A-Bo M881-116 Spencer’s Regiment Br-Cl M881-117 Spencer’s Regiment Co-D M881-118 Spencer’s Regiment E-G M881-119 Spencer’s Regiment H M881-120 Spencer’s Regiment J-L M881-121 Spencer’s Regiment Ma-Mc M881-122 Spencer’s Regiment Me-N M881-123 Spencer’s Regiment O-Ri M881-124 Spencer’s Regiment Ro-Sm M881-125 Spencer’s Regiment Sn-U M881-126 M881-127 M881-128 M881-129 M881-130 M881-131 M881-132 M881-133 M881-134 M881-135 M881-136 M881-137 M881-138 M881-139 M881-140 M881-141 M881-142 M881-143 M881-144 M881-145 M881-146 Spencer’s Regiment V-Y Steven’s Corps. American forces during the Revolutionary War included many types of military organizations created by the Continental Congress. 1775-1783. Continental Troops M881-154 Miscellaneous A-C M881-155 Miscellaneous D-H M881-156 Miscellaneous I-P M881-157 Miscellaneous Q-Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Revolutionary War Rolls. pay. towns. Randall’s Company. States. Major General Sullivan’s Life Guard. towns. 1777-79 (131). 1776 (103). 1776 (99) M246-123 24th Regiment. 1781 (71). 1777-78 (74). Perry’s Independent Company. 1781-82 (6). 26th Regiment. 1777-79 (154-160). 1777-79 (104-108). 1777-80 (184-190) M246-131 German Regiment (or Battalion). Prisoners of War (4). Brown’s Detachment of New Hampshire. 1776 (88). Jan . Hartley’s Regiment. Lee’s Legion (15). 2d Regiment Light Dragoons. Post’s Company of Artificers. 27th Regiment. 1775 (181). 16th Regiment. Armand’s Independent Corps of Light Dragoons. 1776 (80). 1777-79 (51-57). Jul 19. 1777-83 (20-25) M246-117 1st Regiment of Artillery. 1st Regiment of Artillery. 1777-79 (119-125) M246-125 Grayson’s Regiment. 1777-79 (139-144). Livingston’s Regiment. Quartermaster General’s Department. 1782 (76). 1775-76 (180). Invalid Corps. Pulaski’s Legion. 1776 (227). 1776 (83). 2d Regiment of Artillery. 1776 (79). Divisions. Massachusetts. Miscellaneous: M246-135 General and Staff. 1775 . 1776 (215). etc. Patten’s Company of Artillery Artificers. Quartermaster General’s Department. 3d Regiment. Corps of Sappers and Miners. Patton’s Regiment. 1777-83 (47-50). 1777-78 (67). Armies. 1777-79 (109-118) M246-124 Grayson’s Regiment. 1777-80 (191-193). 1776 (92). Hospital Department (3). etc. Henley’s Regiment. 1777-80 (216-218) M246-133 Livingston’s Regiment. 1778-79 (194-207) M246-132 German Regiment (or Battalion). 1777-78 (59-65). 1777-79 (68). 1776 (89). Various Organizations (231) Continental Troops: M246-115 1st Regiment Light Dragoons. 1778 (228). 1782 (72). 1776 (101). 1776 (86). 1776 (95). Sullivan’s Life Guard. Returns of Various Organizations. 1777-79 (66). Clark’s Company of Artillery. 1777-83 (37) M246-118 2d Regiment of Artillery. Field and Staff and Line Officers. and Vermont Militia. 1778 (14). 1779-82 (5) M246-136 Returns of the French Army Under Count Rochambeau. 1780-81 (214). 19th Regiment.” Numbers in parentheses are “jacket” or folder numbers of the records for that organization on that roll. 1777-78 (73) M246-122 Independent Companies of Artificers. 1777-80 (171-178). 1776 (100). 13th Regiment. Commander in Chief’s Guard. Malcolm’s Regiment. 1777 (129). 17th Regiment. 10th Regiment. Lee’s Independent Company. Hazen’s Regiment. 1776 (87). 1776 (96). 3d Regiment of Artillery. Virginia and North Carolina. 1779 (229) M246-134 Warner’s Battalion or Regiment. 1778-80 (78).. 1776 (84). 21st Regiment. Gist’s Regiment. 1777-80 (162-170) M246-129 Spencer’s Regiment. (7-9). 1775-83 (1). 14th Regiment. 177679 (153) M246-127 Sherburne’s Regiment. Lee’s Regiment. 1779-80 (18). 1776 (93). 1777-79 (126-128). 3d Regiment Light Dragoons. 25th Regiment. 1777-79 (226). 1777-80 (219-225). 8th Regiment. 1777-80 (161) M246-128 Spencer’s Regiment. 1777-80 (208-213). Signed by the Adjutants General of the Army (10) M246-137 Returns of the Army Under General Washington. 1777-83 (26-36). 1776 (98).Dec 1782 (11-18) M246-138 Returns of the Army Under General Washington. 1777-79 (145-152). 1776 (82). 12th Regiment. 1776 (81). 1777-83 (58) M246-121 Corps of Artillery. Rawling’s Regiment. 6th Regiment. Gridley’s and Knox’s Regiment of Artillery. Jones’ Company of Artillery. 1778 (130). 4th Regiment of Artillery. Artificers. Morgan’s Rifle Regiment. 7th Regiment. Thruston’s Regiment. 1778 (179). 1777-83 (1-11). Steele’s Detachment. 1776 (102). Corps of Engineers. 1783 (19-20) . Randall’s Company of Artillery. Canadian Volunteers. 1777-81 (69). 23d Regiment. 1777-83 (182). Bateaumen. Delaware Indians. Baldwin’s Regiment of Artificers. 1780-81 (183) M246-130 German Regiment (or Battalion). 9th Regiment.Aug. 1776 (19). Commissary General of Military Stores Department. 5th Regiment. 1776 (91). 1777-79 (230). 4th Regiment Light Dragoons. 1777-83 (43-46) M246-120 2d Regiment of Artillery. 1777-80 (70). 1776-80 (2). Spencer’s Regiment. 11th Regiment. Corps of Artificers. 1779 (13). 1780-83 (77). Employed by General Clinton at Forts Clinton and Montgomery (75). 20th Regiment. 15th Regiment. 1776 (94). 1778-79 (16) M246-116 Von Heer’s Independent Troop of Light Dragoons (17). 4th Regiment. 1776 (90). Guard Reports. 1776 (85). Returns of Brigades. Forman’s Regiment. 1777-83 (38-42) M246-119 2d Regiment of Artillery. 1776-83 (12). Artillery and Artificers. M246-1 Register (“Catalogue of Records”) 22d Regiment. 1777-79 (132-138) M246-126 Malcolm’s Regiment. 18th Regiment.United States General publication as the “American Army. 1776 (97). the number of the book or unbound record in which his name appears. Governors. and military officers. pay receipts. Many index cards. account books. forts. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of American naval personnel and members of the Departments of the Quartermaster General and Commissary General of Military Stores who served during the Revolutionary War. Sometimes his rank or profession is given. and pay and settlement of accounts of officers and men. As the Record and Pension Office compiled military service records for Revolutionary War soldiers. minutes of boards. Most of the records were created between 1775 and 1783.000 cards in the index give the name of a sailor or civilian employee. Volume 163 contains only the names of British soldiers. letter books. Some cards contain only a surname and a number. surgeon. quartermaster. In a few instances. military personnel. the carbon copy of a War Department answer to an inquiry about a person named in the Special Index has been filed with the index card. About a third of the volumes in this series are orderly books. and information describing the record. and receipts for money and supplies. prize vessel accounts. receipt books. A significant and frequent departure from strict alphabetical arrangement of cards in the Special Index occurs in most cases of surnames that pronounced similarly but spelled differently. numbered records pertain mainly to military operations. but some are later. The names reproduced in this microfilm publication are duplicated in M860. A complete index card for a U.United States Genral UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR M879-1 Index to Compiled Service Record of American Naval Personnel Who Served During the Revolutionary War. his rank. and lists pertaining to Colonel Flower’s regiment of artillery artificers. enlistment papers. to names of persons that appear in three series containing numbered record books and numbered unbound documents relating to the Revolutionary War period. A complete index card for a civilian shows occupation instead of rank and State or place of residence instead of organization. officer or enlisted man shows his given name and surname. and some U. oaths of allegiance.S. typically as seaman. The second series consists of the photographic copies made by the War Department in 1914 and 1915 of State records from Massachusetts. and records of pay and settlement of accounts of the Paymaster General’s Department. The records that were photographed were primarily correspondence and reports of State boards of war. One series is a file of miscellaneous numbered records. pilot. payrolls. There are crossreferences for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling. supply returns. Thus index cards for persons named “Kain” are filed UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Compiled Service Record of American Naval Personnel and Members of the Departments of the Quartermaster General and the Commissary General of Military Stores Who Served During the Revolutionary War. the general index for Revolutionary War soldiers. the name of the State and organization in which he served. The remainder consists chiefly of lists of officers and men of various military organizations. Records consists of many series of related records. French and German officers. naval personnel. M880-1 Quartermaster General’s Department Commissary General of Military Stores Department A-E M880-2 Quartermaster General’s Department Commissary General of Military Stores Department F-Y M880-3 Naval Personnel A-J M880-4 Naval Personnel K-Y UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Special Index to Numbered Records in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records. and orders—were numbered and placed in the Manuscript File. The numbered record books are microfilmed on M853. The photographic copies of State records have not been microfilmed. commissions. and Virginia. and British prisoners of war. depending on the completeness of the indexed record. The entries refer mainly to names of U.S. and oaths of office. The third series is composed of 199 record books that were numbered and bound by the War Department. called the Special Index. service of individuals. 1775-1783. Although the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War . Each of the approximately 1. and private persons. The records are microfilmed on M859. lack items of information. The Special Index indexes all or some of the names in the three series of records. A single index card may list many numbered records in which the name of a person appears. lieutenant. For some people. referred to collectively as the Manuscript File. North Carolina. rolls and returns. There are cross-references for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling. court records. procurement and distribution of supplies. The 17 unbound records abstracted for the compiled military service records filed under “Commissary General of Military Stores Department” consist of muster rolls. This microfilm publication reproduces a name index to the compiled service records of American naval personnel who served during the Revolutionary War. and other records of the activities of the Quartermaster General’s Department and of the Commissary General of Military Stores Department. or midshipman. however. it placed the muster rolls and related personnel records in a file arranged by military organization. the page number if necessary.S. several index cards were required to list all the numbered records containing their names. Government officials.500 items indexed by the Special Index. This regiment was composed primarily of civilian and military mechanics who were organized into companies of artificers and stationed at the various posts. Cards for such names are generally filed together under the most common spelling of the surname and arranged thereunder by given name. This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetically arranged card index. which contains about 35. only three of them are indexed in whole or in part by the Special Index. carpenter. and laboratories within the jurisdiction of the Department. Unbound records that were not abstracted—including letters. The indexed. volumes containing commissions. transportation. certificates of nonindebtedness.” Cross-reference cards direct searchers to the proper index locations.Dh Di . and supplies. inventories and invoices of supplies.Tz U-V W .Z service of individuals. The descriptive pamphlet to M859 includes three appendices: an outline of the arrangement of the Manuscript File.500 miscellaneous numbered records (the Manuscript File). cross-reference cards direct the researcher to the proper index location. and settlement of accounts. The Manuscript File mainly concerns services performed by individual military officers and enlisted men. military orders. pertaining to Revolutionary War military operations.We Wh .Gy H . assignments of pay.By C .Bram Bran .Gn Go .My N-O P . originals and copies. resignations. and pensioners. courtmartial proceedings. . Index cards for persons identified in records by only their given names are filed under the given names. There are usually hundreds of each of these kinds of records. “Mac” may be filed as “Mc” and vice versa. A few cards for illegible or incomplete name are filed under “Miscellaneous” at the end of the Special Index.Sh Si . final settlement certificates. lists of supplies. other military officers. pay accounts of civilians. inspection reports. Index cards for persons with surnames such as St Clair and St John are filed in the “St” section of the index. The records also include abstracts of payrolls.Ry S .Mi Mo . oaths of allegiance and of office.United States General with those for persons named “Cain. letters of administration. estimates of needed supplies.McW Me . muster rolls and payrolls.Sr St . correspondence between heads of Continental Army staff departments and subordinates. receipts for supplies. The records primarily include pay accounts of officers and enlisted men.Ly M . enlistment papers. correspondence between military officers about military operations. pension certificates. and other sums of money.Ri Ro . powers of attorney. and a chronological list of sources of records in the Manuscript File. the operations of several large staff departments of the Continental Army responsible for supplying and paying troops.Pf Ph . books showing receipt and delivery of supplies. registers of certificates issued in settlement of account. minutes of councils of war. 1775-1790s. Most of the original records date from 1775 to the early 1790s. abstracts of records of issuance of supplies.Maz McA . commissions.Le Li .Q R .Con Coo . and military operations.Dy E F . In such cases. M859-1 M859-2 M859-3 M859-4 M859-5 M859-6 M859-7 M859-8 M859-9 M859-10 M859-11 M859-12 M859-13 M859-14 M859-15 M859-16 M859-17 1-369 3691/2-770 771-1080 1081-1267 1268-1593 1594-1907 1908-2234 2235-2460 2461-3018 3019-3397 3398-3889 3890-4096 4097-4455 4456-4749 4750-5088 5089-5359 5360-5660 UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Miscellaneous Numbered Records (The Manuscript File) in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records. petitions to State legislatures. pay orders and orders for the delivery of supplies.Th Ti . M847-1 M847-2 M847-3 M847-4 M847-5 M847-6 M847-7 M847-8 M847-9 M847-10 M847-11 M847-12 M847-13 M847-14 M847-15 M847-16 M847-17 M847-18 M847-19 M847-20 M847-21 M847-22 M847-23 M847-24 M847-25 M847-26 M847-27 M847-28 M847-29 M847-30 M847-31 M847-32 M847-33 M847-34 M847-35 M847-36 M847-37 M847-38 M847-39 A B . contracts for supplies. but some were created in the 19th century. pay.Hy I-J K L . personal letters sent and received by Army staff officers. military organizations. This microfilm publication reproduces about 35. returns of supplies and personnel.Bem Ben . generally in connection with settling accounts and granting pensions to former servicemen and their heirs. military discharges. and resolutions of State legislatures and the Continental Congress concerning military matters. pay and settlement of accounts. civil officers. a list of the principal kinds of records in the Manuscript File. and private citizens about supplies.Hop Hor . the settlement of their pay and other accounts.Fy G .Sy T .Ci Cl . The name index to these records is microfilmed on M847.Fl Fo .Wl Wo . accounts of supplies received and delivered. pay.Cy D .Ha He .” and cards for persons named “Rodgers” are filled under “Rogers. recommendations concerning the discharge of officers. and statements of service performed by individuals. 50202-50208. and supplies. pay and settlement of accounts. Unnumbered Records UNITED STATES –MILITARY– REVOLUTIONARY WAR Numbered Record Books Concerning Military Operations and Service. concerning Revolutionary War military operations and service.United States Genral M859-18 M859-19 M859-20 M859-21 M859-22 M859-23 M859-24 M859-25 M859-26 M859-27 M859-28 M859-29 M859-30 M859-31 M859-32 M859-33 M859-34 M859-35 M859-36 M859-37 M859-38 M859-39 M859-40 M859-41 M859-42 M859-43 M859-44 M859-45 M859-46 M859-47 M859-48 M859-49 M859-50 M859-51 M859-52 M859-53 M859-54 M859-55 M859-56 M859-57 M859-58 M859-59 M859-60 M859-61 M859-62 M859-63 M859-64 M859-65 M859-66 M859-67 M859-68 M859-69 M859-70 M859-71 M859-72 M859-73 M859-74 M859-75 M859-76 M859-77 5661-5960 5961-6261 6262-6542 6543-6860 6861-7279 7280-7466 7467-7859 7860-8092 8093-8393 8394-8712 8713-8950 8951-9424 9425-9669 9670-9957 9958-10296 10297-10605 10606-11047 11048-11375 11376-11712 11713-12086 12087-12439 12440-12774 12775-13176 13177-13569 13570-13866 13867-14369 14370-14392 (with gaps) 14393-14576 14577-14775 14776-15198 15199-15549 15550-15700 15701-15976 15977-16486 16487-16865 16866-17132 17133-17471 17472-17694 17695-17940 17941-18256 18257-18456 18457-18746 18747-18976 18977-19397 19398-19760 19761-20155 20156-20420 20421-20542 20543-20718 20719-20941 20942-21059 21060-21154 21155-21266 21267-21393 21394-21806 21807-21829 21830-21962 21963-22063 22064-22237 22238-22538 M859-78 M859-79 M859-80 M859-81 M859-82 M859-83 M859-84 M859-85 M859-86 M859-87 M859-88 M859-89 M859-90 M859-91 M859-92 M859-93 M859-94 M859-95 M859-96 M859-97 M859-98 M859-99 M859-100 M859-101 M859-102 M859-103 M859-104 M859-105 M859-106 M859-107 M859-108 M859-109 M859-110 M859-111 M859-112 M859-113 M859-114 M859-115 M859-116 M859-117 M859-118 M859-119 M859-120 M859-121 M859-122 M859-123 M859-124 M859-125 22539-22740 22741-23070 23071-23359 23360-23661 23662-23949 23950-24243 24244-24541 24542-24837 24838-25137 25138-25435 25436-25715 25716-26032 26033-26329 26330-26610 26611-26916 26917-27306 27307-27602 27603-27931 27932-28286 28287-28610 28611-28636 28637-28834 28835-29090 29091-29371 29372-29564 29565-29802 29803-30074 30075-30462 30463-30631 30632-30745 30746-30849 30850-31123 31124-31469 31470-31755 31863-32248 32249-32646 32647-32761 32762-33201 33202-33529 33530-33809 33810-34127 34128-34390 34391-34543 34544-34850 34851-35192 35193-35317 35318-35501 49984-49999. and Supplies in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records. . Pay and Settlement of Accounts. with related separate indexes and one unnumbered record book. This microfilm publication reproduces 199 numbered record books. Receipt Books of John Pierce. *105. 169: Commissions and Resignations. 185. 2.Jan 20. 196. *93: Letters Sent by Samuel Hodgdon. M853-9 Vols. and Disbursements Associated with Samuel Hodgdon. *152. and [4] supply records. M853-29 Vols. and Disbursements Associated with Samuel Hodgdon. 102. M853-34 Vols. [3] records of pay and settlement of accounts. *30-31. M853-23 Vols. 1781. 183. *35-42: Orderly Books. Quartermaster General.Sep 27. M853-14 Vols.May 10. 177. 191-192: Records of Disbursement. 1778. Jul 19. Sep 21. M853-28 Vols. 1775-80. 189. 1781. Letters Sent by John Pierce. commissions. *55-60: Orderly Books. 126. 99. Quartermaster General’s Department. *61-66: Orderly Books. M853-30 Vols. Register of Letters Received by Timothy Pickering May-Aug 1781. May 7 . 1775-1856. 1786 . M853-7 Vols. 160. 179. M853-3 Vols.Jun 14. [2] records of military operations and service. *49-54: Orderly Books.Dec 10. 1782. 154. 1776-90. *103: Estimates and Returns of supplies. *23-29: Orderly Books. oaths of office. 1775-85. as dictated by the nature of the records. *148. 1783. 1781 . M853-6 Vols. 83: Supply Records. 137: Records of Pay and Settlement of Accounts. 81. 84. 78. 1783. 1776-83. Quartermaster General.Jun 21. Aug 9. 123-125: Supply Records. 1830. 186. 1780 . 1779 . Disbursements. *117. 1780-93. 159. Assistant Deputy Quartermaster. 149. 188. . 1775-84. 1780.Jul 5. M853-18 Vol. *45. and New Hampshire. 143. The records are arranged in four categories: [1] comprehensive indexes. 1782. M853-26 Vols. 101: Records of Pay and Settlement of Accounts Pertaining to Officers and Men of Various States.United States General Most of the numbered record books were created from 1775 to 1783. In each category records have been further arranged by subject matter. Apr 18. 142: Records of Pay and Settlement of Accounts Pertaining Mainly to Maryland and North Carolina Officers and Men. Massachusetts. M853-37 Vols. Sep 8. *47-48: Orderly Books. 1781. 163. 1775-83. an “asterisk *” before a volume number indicates that a separate index to the volume exists and has been filmed before the volume on the same roll. 107. Jul. 108. 3. 4. 164. 12. 1782 . 1787. 157: Records of Pay and Settlement of Accounts Pertaining to Pennsylvania Officers and Men. *96: Records of Accounts. 1784.Mar 22. 114: Records of Accounts. M853-8 Vols. M853-19 Vols. 138. M853-11 Vols. 144. 139-140: Records of Pay and Settlement of Accounts Pertaining to Virginia.May 14. 7: Lists of Delaware. New York. and Benjamin Flower. 1. 1778 . 82. 86: Letters Sent by Timothy Pickering. M853-4 Vols. 109: Records of Capt.Dec 30.Aug 4. 184: Miscellaneous Records of Receipts. Accounts. 1789. Oct. *111. *92. Jun 23.May 24. 136. Issuances and Activities. M853-12 Vols. M853-13 Vol. unnumbered volume. 1784 . M853-17 Vols. *156. 1788. and Feb 27. 134: Records of Pay and Settlement of Accounts. 193. 135. 1781 . Jan 15 . 85. Feb 15. index to oaths of allegiance and fidelity. Accounts Receipts. *13-14. and personnel. M853-33 Vols. and Pennsylvania Troops. 77. M853-5 Vols. 1780. 95. 1779. 97. Including Connecticut. Records of military operations and service: M853-2 Vols. 8: Lists of Connecticut. Jan 8. 190. 1790. 1775-83. Feb 21. 161. 158: Miscellaneous Records of Military Operations and Service. Aug 5. 187. 136½. 1794. Feb 20. M853-16 Vols.Jun. or author or office of origin. The descriptive pamphlet for the publication summarizes the number and overall character of the records and provides additional information that may aid in using or understanding them. 1786-90. M853-35 Vols. *33-34: Orderly Books. 1775-83. 165-168: Oaths of Allegiance and Fidelity and Oaths of Office. *133. 1778-1781. 182.Jul 9. *94: Records of Military Stores Received and Delivered at Philadelphia. New York. Accounts Receipts.Nov 14. Quartermaster General’s Department. Jan 4. 162. M853-31 Vols. 1788. 1780 . Massachusetts. 1777 . and to the Quartermaster General’s Department. 1789. M853-36 Vols. Jan. Aug 22. John White.Nov. Letters Sent and Received by Joseph Howell. *16-22: Orderly Books. Quartermaster General. funds. Jan 2 .Nov 2. and Joseph Howell.Mar 1784. *67-76: Orderly Books. 153. *32. 170. a few are copies made after 1800 of earlier records. M853-27 Vols. The name index to these records is microfilmed on M847. M853-15 Vols.Mar 25. Comprehensive indexes: M853-1 Catalog and subject index of numbered record books. Returns.*46. 104: Receipt Books of Samuel Hodgdon. kind of record. 80. 1785-1813. M853-20 Vols.Aug 9. 147-147½. *155.Sep 20. 178. 9-11: Lists of North Carolina and South Carolina Troops and of Officers and Men of Continental Organizations Raised from More than One State. New Jersey. 145-146: Records of Pay and Settle-ment of Accounts. 1780. Charles Russell. 1777 . 6. 1777-98. 194. M853-22 Vols. Quartermaster General’s Department. George Reid. 1775 . *15. Aug. *43. 100. 180-181. and resignations (unnumbered indexes).Jul. M853-10 Vols. 858: Letters Sent by Timothy Pickering. 1778 . Aug 13. M853-24 Vols. Virginia. 1783 . 175-176. 89. 1783 Aug. Apr 19. 127. 1818. Letters Sent by Timothy Pickering. M853-32 Vols. In the roll list below. but some were begun or continued in the early postwar years. 106. 1782 . Feb. 5. 1778-92. 195. 87. 174. and Rhode Island Troops. 1782. Richard Frothingham. 171-173. and Georgia Officers and Men and to Members of the Hospital Department for the Southern Army. 1780 . 1777 . *110. 1778 . 98. May 23. M853-25 Vols. 197: Orderly Books. *90. 1778. 1780 . 79. 141. M853-21 Vols. Militia. Militia. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served from 1784 to 1811. M853-38 Vols. Rangers. Volunteers. Militia M905-25 Captain Davidson’s Troops. 150. Pay Orders and Accounts. Parke’s Squadron. Feb 15.S. Militia. 121: Records of issuance and receipt of provisions. Militia.S. 2d (Scott’s) Regiment. Thereunder they are arranged by unit. Major Robb’s Detachment. organizations. and thereunder alphabetically by surname. Hamilton District Militia Ac-Ew M905-30 Knox County Regiment. 132: Records of Military Stores Received and Delivered at Philadelphia. 128. M694-1 M694-2 M694-3 M694-4 M694-5 M694-6 M694-7 M694-8 M694-9 A-B C D-F G-Hi Ho-L M N-R S-Th Ti-Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WARS. Militia. Regiment (Harmar). Battalion of Artillery.. Militia M905-26 Territory South of the Ohio River. Captain Savage’s Co.S. Militia. 1785-90 M-Z. Allison’s Regiment 1790. Orleans Territory: 10th Regiment. Hamilton District Militia Mc-Yo M905-32 Sergeant Lowry’s Detachment. Militia. Light Dragoons. Sumner County Militia. Orleans Territory: DuBourg’s Battalion. *129-131. Mounted Militia.. Unfiled papers: Aaron Adams William Aggie Thomas Anderson Henry Anslee Robert Barr . 1777 Aug 8. 1781 . Miscellaneous Units. Mounted Riflemen. 1776-85. 1800 Territorial organizations: M905-22 Lieutenant Berry’s Detachment. Corporal Hazlett’s Detachment. The service records are microfilmed on M905. Militia. 1784-1811 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served from 1784 to 1811. M905-3 U.. Militia. Hamilton District Militia Fa-Ma M905-31 Knox County Regiment. 1st U. M853-39 Vols. 1785. Militia. 116.S. Militia. Levies. Militia M905-27 Christian’s Regiment. Detachment UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WARS. 1785-90 A-L M905-2 1st U. *122. Spies and Guides. Dragoons. Militia. James Robert’s Regiment. Mounted Riflemen. Militia. Regiment (Harmar). Mar. Militia M905-29 Knox County Regiment. Ford’s Regiment. There are cross references for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling and for service in more than one unit or organization. 151: Records of Military Stores Received and Delivered at Various Places. 91. Lieutenant Hinds’ Troop. Beard’s Battalion.United States Genral 1783.. 1783. 112. Captain Johnston’s Corps of Artillery. 1784. The records are indexed on M694 U. 1776-83. Doherty’s Regiment. Ensign Blair’s Detachment. Militia.S. Militia. They are grouped by category: U.. 1784-1811 Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served from 1784 to 1811. M853-41 Vols. Territory Northwest of the Ohio River: Gano’s Command. Organizations: M905-1 Forerunners of the Regular Army of the United States. Captain Burbeck’s Co. Davidson County Rangers. or Territorial organizations. 1786. State organizations. Lieutenant Williams. 115: Miscellaneous Records of Military Stores Received and Delivered. Captain Robb’s Co. This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served from 1784 to 1811. M853-40 Vols. Guards. Militia. Ensign Brooks’ Detachment. Mounted Riflemen.Sep. Carter’s Regiment. Mounted Infantry. Sergeant Gibbon’s Detachment. Captain DuBois’ Co. Dragoons. Militia (1793). Corporal Horton’s Detachment. Isaac Roberts’ Regiment. 113. Shorey’s Corps of Cherokee Scouts. Indiana Territory Militia (Various Organizations). Ore’s Regiment. 1st Regiment (Darke) A-L M905-4 1st Regiment (Darke) M-Y M905-5 2d Regiment A-L M905-6 2d Regiment M-Y. 1st American Regiment. 1784. Johnson’s Detachment. Mounted Militia. Militia. The records were compiled from original records maintained by the Office of the Adjutant General. Militia M905-28 Donaldson’s Regiment. Kennedy’s Regiment. Receipts. Captain Beard’s Co. Commissary General of Military Stores. Orleans Territory: 8th Regiment. Mounted Infantry. Militia (1794). Returns. *118-120. Scott’s Regiment. Captain Spencer’s Co. Lieutenant Walker’s Co.. Cornet Davidson’s Detachment. General Staff. 1815: F-G 1798 . 1815 . place of birth. 1815 .90: A-K 1885 . 1904 . Entries for each man may show when. The records are arranged chronologically and thereunder alphabetically by first letter of surname (i.May 17. 1815: D-E. Greater James Grimes Thomas Hickman Jonas Ingham Josiah Ingham Thomas James Michael Kerrel Baptiste Latulipe G. 1846 Jul.Dec. The entries for individual soldiers are chronological by date of enlistment.United States General Stephen Cleaver Charles Connor Ebenezer Cummings Sam R. 1815: A-B 1798 .May 17. 1905: A-K Jul.May 17.May 17.Jun 30. 1828 .Sep. 1850 . 1798-1914. 1815: W. 1857 Oct.97: A-K 1893 . and additional remarks. 1815: S-W 1798 .77: H-O 1871 . 1821: N-Z Jun. Saunders. Except for pension records.Jun 30. M233-1 M233-2 M233-3 M233-4 1798 .97: L-Z 1898: A-K 1898: L-Z 1899: A-K 1899: L-Z 1900: A-K 1900: L-Z 1901 . 1847 .Jun.May 17. unit or regiment to which he was assigned. where. 1902 . 1815: B 1798 .Dec.Oct.Jun. period of enlistment. 1849 (Mexican War Enlistments) Oct. 1846 . 1821 .63: A-K 1859 . these registers may be the only source of information on enlisted personnel serving in the Regular Army during the 19th century. Robinson Frederick Simpf John Smiley Richard Taylor Nathaniel Teel John Twiggs Luke Vories James White Caleb Worley M233-5 M233-6 M233-7 M233-8 M233-9 M233-10 M233-11 M233-12 M233-13 M233-14 M233-15 M233-16 M233-17 M233-18 M233-19 M233-20 M233-21 M233-22 M233-23 M233-24 M233-25 M233-26 M233-27 M233-28 M233-29 M233-30 M233-31 M233-32 M233-33 M233-34 M233-35 M233-36 M233-37 M233-38 M233-39 M233-40 M233-41 M233-42 M233-43 M233-44 M233-45 M233-46 M233-47 M233-48 M233-49 M233-50 M233-51 M233-52 M233-53 M233-54 M233-55 M233-56 M233-57 M233-58 M233-59 M233-60 M233-61 M233-62 M233-63 M233-64 1798 . H .e. 1815 . Sutherland.May 17. 1815: L-M 1798 . 1821: A-D May 17.May 17.58 1859 .84: H-O 1878 . 1857 .90: L-Z 1891 . 1902: L-Z Jun.May 17.May.65: A-K 1864 . civilian occupation.84: A-G 1878 .70: P-Z 1871 .92: A-Z 1893 . 1821: I-M May 17.7: L-Z 1908 -Jun. This microfilm publication reproduces registers of names of enlisted men in the Regular Army. P. 1904: A-K Jun. The information was compiled from enlistment papers.Jun 30.May 17.70: A-O 1869 .63: L-Z 1864 .7: A-K 1906 .May. Y-Z May 17. and other records. Martin Walter Maxey James McCoy Britton McDonald Florence McGiggen Charles McLean John Nelson William O’Neal Francis Oumy Samuel Philips Hanray Pickel John H. 1854 Jan. 1815 .May 17. 1815: M.35 1835 .77: P-Z 1878 . 1909: L-Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– ENLISTMENTS 1798-1914 Registers of Enlistments in the United States Army. 1902 .Jun 30. 1904: L-Z Jul. 1815: I-L 1798 . 1815: P-R 1798 . 1815: C 1798 . 1904 .May 17. Smith.Dec. 1902: A-K 1901 .77: A-G 1871 .65: L-Z 1866: A-O 1866: P-Z 1867: A-O 1867: P-Z 1868 1869 .Jun. 1815: H 1798 . Davidson Timothy Demumbroe John Dohathy James Dougan James Graham Richard H. Samuels). and by whom he was enlisted. muster rolls of the Regular Army. 1855 . physical description. 1815: M-O 1798 .A. 1905: L-Z 1906 . 1821: D-H May 17.May 17.May 17.Jun. 1909: A-K 1908 -Jun. age at time of enlistment.Dec.39 1840 . R-S 1798 . 1827 Jan..84: P-Z 1885 . 1850 Jan. 1816-72 M233-74 Hospital Stewards. and Clerks and Messengers. 4th Regiment of Infantry M233-80 Record of Prisoners.United States Genral M233-65 1909 .Jol Jon .Fla Fle .Lon Loo . 1832-33.Crav Craw . The files in this War of 1812 series relate to claims based on service rendered between 1812 and 1815.Morr Mors .Bear Beas .12: L-Q M233-68 1909 .Dunh Dunk . however. 1901-14) M233-70 Indian Scouts.Merr Mers . Commissary. The amount of information shown on the envelopes varies considerably. 1859-62 M233-77 Duplicates.Edr Eds .I J . and Porto Rico Provisional Infantry.Jod Joh .Dau Dav .Gy H . 1862-63 M233-78 Duplicates. may contain bounty land applications even though there is no such indication on the face of the envelope.Baro Barr .Go Gra .And Ane . UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WAR OF 1812 Index to War of 1812.Gi Gl . and some indication either of the type of service or of the organization in which the veteran served.Burm Burn .Mann Mano . 1872-1901 M233-81 Miscellaneous Indexes.Ga Ge .Hed Hee . the pension claim or file number or numbers.Bop . M313-1 M313-2 M313-3 M313-4 M313-5 M313-6 M313-7 M313-8 M313-9 A .Cla Cle .Dot Dou . Information in the upper right-hand corner of some of the envelopes relates to applications for bounty land.Corm Corn . 1901-13 M233-73 Ordnance.Howe Howk . the name of his widow if she applied. All pensions granted to veterans of the War of 1812 and their surviving dependents before 1871 were based exclusively on service connected disability or death.Gree Greg .Fa Fe .Ben Ber .12: R-Z M233-69 Miscellaneous Registers (including Mounted Ranger. 1854-99 M233-75 Duplicates.Mill Milm .Broo Bros .Alld Alle . 1816-62 M233-76 Duplicates. 1833-91.Moon Moor . Pension Application Files.Conl Conn .Bak Bal . 1863-64 M233-79 Regiments of Artillery and Infantry. H-Z. There are cross-reference cards for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling.Ne UNITED STATES –MILITARY– BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE T1085-1 Muster Rolls and Payrolls of Militia and Regular Army Organizations in the Battle of Tippecanoe November 1811.Hon Hoo .Aus Aut .Daz De Di .Carl Carm . Many of the envelopes also give certain personal identifying data about the veteran and/or his widow.Lez Li .Mu My .Ep Er .Full Fulm .Brai Brak .Cum Cun . 1828-52. 1878-1914 M233-72 Philippine Scouts.12: E-K M233-67 1909 .Ly M .Blai Blak . and Lists of Officers.Hame Hami .Broz Bru .Ke Ki . 1866-77 M233-71 Indian Scouts.Cold Cole . Each shows the name of a veteran. Oct. 1865-1914 M313-10 M313-11 M313-12 M313-13 M313-14 M313-15 M313-16 M313-17 M313-18 M313-19 M313-20 M313-21 M313-22 M313-23 M313-24 M313-25 M313-26 M313-27 M313-28 M313-29 M313-30 M313-31 M313-32 M313-33 M313-34 M313-35 M313-36 M313-37 M313-38 M313-39 M313-40 M313-41 M313-42 M313-43 M313-44 M313-45 M313-46 M313-47 M313-48 M313-49 M313-50 M313-51 M313-52 M313-53 M313-54 M313-55 M313-56 M313-57 M313-58 M313-59 M313-60 M313-61 M313-62 M313-63 M313-64 M313-65 M313-66 M313-67 M313-68 M313-69 Bor .Hib Hic . This microfilm publication reproduces the faces of the envelopes containing War of 1812 pension applications arranged alphabetically by name of veteran.Hiz Hoa .Harm Harn .Fou Fow .Kna Kne .Che Chi . and Post Quartermaster Sergeants.Led Lee .Huns Hunt .McC McD .12: A-D M233-66 1909 .McK McL .Mas Mat . A-G.Cast Casw .Land Lane .By C . A file.Ju K .Has Hat . Cow Cox .Sto Str . Smith.Wats Watt .Smil Smit .Carq Carr .Colb Colc .Clap Clar Clas .Bran Brar .Wie Wig .Ear Eas .Az B .Boo Bop .Blan Blar .Burf Burg .Turb Turc .Willi Willk .By C .Ry S .Fl UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WAR OF 1812 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812.Ando Andr .Ny O P .Denn Deno .Wr Wu .Ale Alf .Dos Dot .Wes Wet .Sy T .Pen Pep .Pic Pid .Davis.Bal Bam . Each index card gives the name of a soldier.Buc Bud .Cap Car . Brown.Benn Beno .Dib Dic .Bat .Bek Bel .Boz Br .Step Ster .Brid Brie .Rice Rich .Duq Dur . The compiled service records to which the index applies are not on microfilm except for records of the Territory of Mississippi.Fis Fit .Boh Boi .Chao Chap . J. M602-1 M602-2 M602-3 M602-4 M602-5 M602-6 M602-7 M602-8 M602-9 M602-10 M602-11 M602-12 A .Cor Cos .Won Woo .Diz Dl . .Fh Fi .Edv Edw . .Carz Cas . E.Rol Rom . There are cross-references for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling. Davis.Bez Bh .Dum Dun . M678.Bowe Bowg .Ded Dee .Crav Craw .Ada Adc .Ra Re .Sci Sco .Cror Cros .Ez F . I.Che Chi .United States General M313-70 M313-71 M313-72 M313-73 M313-74 M313-75 M313-76 M313-77 M313-78 M313-79 M313-80 M313-81 M313-82 M313-83 M313-84 M313-85 M313-86 M313-87 M313-88 M313-89 M313-90 M313-91 M313-92 M313-93 M313-94 M313-95 M313-96 M313-97 M313-98 M313-99 M313-100 M313-101 M313-102 Ni .Thi Tho .Walk Wall . F. .Em En .Dan Dao .Coll Colm .Bis Bit .Por Pos .Cul Cum .Shy Si .Pr Pu . S. This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served during the War of 1812.As At .Elk Ell .Vanr Vans .Tim Tin .Bron Broo .Davy Daw .Smith.Barm Barn .Bean Bear .Robb Robe .Burr Burs .Coon Coop .Brown. and the unit or units in which he served.Dra Dre .Camo Camp . R.All Alm .Cly Co .Eu Ev .Barr Bars .Pas Pat . his rank.Brox Broy .Fat Fau .Z M602-13 M602-14 M602-15 M602-16 M602-17 M602-18 M602-19 M602-20 M602-21 M602-22 M602-23 M602-24 M602-25 M602-26 M602-27 M602-28 M602-29 M602-30 M602-31 M602-32 M602-33 M602-34 M602-35 M602-36 M602-37 M602-38 M602-39 M602-40 M602-41 M602-42 M602-43 M602-44 M602-45 M602-46 M602-47 M602-48 M602-49 M602-50 M602-51 M602-52 M602-53 M602-54 M602-55 M602-56 M602-57 M602-58 M602-59 M602-60 M602-61 M602-62 M602-63 M602-64 M602-65 M602-66 M602-67 M602-68 M602-69 M602-70 M602-71 M602-72 Bau .Cur Cus .Conn Cono .Arl Arm .Bai Bak .Shar Shas .Caz Cc .Spe Spi . McF McG .My N .Pat Pau .Halk Hall .Harris.Pan Pap .Owe Owi .Hod Hoe . Roberts.Oc Od .Huk Hul . W.Mars M602-133 M602-134 M602-135 M602-136 M602-137 M602-138 M602-139 M602-140 M602-141 M602-142 M602-143 M602-144 M602-145 M602-146 M602-147 M602-148 M602-149 M602-150 M602-151 M602-152 M602-153 M602-154 M602-155 M602-156 M602-157 M602-158 M602-159 M602-160 M602-161 M602-162 M602-163 M602-164 M602-165 M602-166 M602-167 M602-168 M602-169 M602-170 M602-171 M602-172 M602-173 M602-174 M602-175 M602-176 M602-177 M602-178 M602-179 M602-180 M602-181 M602-182 M602-183 M602-184 M602-185 M602-186 M602-187 M602-188 M602-189 M602-190 M602-191 M602-192 Mart . Miller.Lom Lon .Nel Nem .Hanf Hang .Rez Rh .Poq Por .McW Me .Hil Him .Lov Low .Mis Mit .Parq Parr .Kel Kem .Morris.Je Jh . O.Mon Moo Mop . P.Prim Prin .Holl Holm .For Fos .Mau Mav .Gooc Good .Mep Mer . M.Mot Mou .Hark Harl . P.Rou Rov .Ses Set .Len Leo .Scy Se .Gree Gref .Gilk Gill .Hic Hid .Raz Re .Hun Huo .Lez L’H .Kim Kin .Jan Jaq .McKa McKe .Jond Jone Jonh .Fre Fri .McLm McLo .Hopi Hopk .Ris Rit .Hame Hami . W.Mann Mano .Nich Nick .Gap Gar .Pf Ph .Nors Nort . .Perl Perm .Ped Pee .Miller.Gla Gle . V.Shop Shor .Sil Sim .Lun Lup . .Mic Mid .Herl Herm .Pic Pid .Foz Fr .Gri Gro . Harris. .Hub Huc .Masp Mass .Kir Kis .Mad Mae .Sme Smi .Lec Led .Hav Haw .Shav Shaw . N. V. J.United States Genral M602-73 M602-74 M602-75 M602-76 M602-77 M602-78 M602-79 M602-80 M602-81 M602-82 M602-83 M602-84 M602-85 M602-86 M602-87 M602-88 M602-89 M602-90 M602-91 M602-92 M602-93 M602-94 M602-95 M602-96 M602-97 M602-98 M602-99 M602-100 M602-101 M602-102 M602-103 M602-104 M602-105 M602-106 M602-107 M602-108 M602-109 M602-110 M602-111 M602-112 M602-113 M602-114 M602-115 M602-116 M602-117 M602-118 M602-119 M602-120 M602-121 M602-122 M602-123 M602-124 M602-125 M602-126 M602-127 M602-128 M602-129 M602-130 M602-131 M602-132 Fo . .Pix Pl .McCl McCo .Graw Gray .Kea Keb .San Sap .Lis Lit .Rusp Russ .Py Q .Smith.Muro Murp .Gy H . .Ker Kes .Sai Sak .Sce Sch .Lamd Lame .Ges Get .Harv Harw .McB McC .Fuq Fur .Johnson.Reed Reef .Hy I J .Rich Rick .Got Gou . Morris. Johnson.Haz Hd .Ord Ore .Siz Sk .Lav Law . .Lan Lao .Poz Pr .Roby Roc .Rol Rom .Roberts.Hou Hov .Ranc Rand .Hem Hen . R.McCy McD .Ko Kr .Shep Sher .Gas Gat . 1814.Z Arkansas). warrant nos. 63 .Wilk Will . The second series resulted from an act of December 10.Woodn Woodr . warrant nos.Walk Wall .Vang Vanh .83. 17827 Act of 1812: Vols.Thompson. 1 .Was Wat . Thompson. 55 . 1 . For warrants appearing in this microfilm publication. or their heirs. Warrants issued under this act were called double bounty warrants.Star Stas . A total of 6 million acres of land were to be surveyed and reserved for this purpose. Act of 1812: Vols.Vy W . Smith. Four indexes. Williams. L. 7 .Whitc White Whitf . 18151858.3. warrant nos.Woy Wr .Wilz Wim . 39 .Sy T . 669). 1815.78.). 15 . and 4 volumes of indexes to the warrants. 2 million acres in each of the Territories of Michigan. warrant nos. 1727 . 1814 (3.Warc Ward .Sni Sno .14. 1815. Stat. 23871 -24770 M848-12 Act of 1812: Unnumbered (7 vols.Ha He .Wes Wet .Stez St G .Smith. and branch of service. This microfilm publication reproduces 105 bound volumes containing two series of military bounty land warrants issued between 1815 and 1858 to veterans of the War of 1812. to June 2. 1858. warrant nos.28085 M848-14 Act of 1814: Vols. R. 4011 Act of 1812: Vols.1726 Act of 1812: Vols.62. 24771 . would be entitled to 160 acres of land from the public domain in partial compensation for military service.Ted Tee . . 6315 Act of 1812: Vols.Toz Tr Ts . warrant nos. warrant nos.855.Tav Taw .Suts Sutt . K.Wiz Wl .Stro Stru .Willy Wilm . 15525 Act of 1812: Vols. 47 . (2) his rank on discharge from military service (3) his company. .Spal Span . M652-1 M652-2 M652-3 M652-4 A-B C-D E . 1811 (2 Stat. 160 acres) extend from August 19. M. warrant nos. 10919 Act of 1812: Vols.1076 UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WAR OF 1812 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812 in Organizations from the State of South Carolina.L . The warrants contain the following information: (1) the name of the veteran. 13221 Act of 1812: Vols. J. and Louisiana (present-day Act of 1812: Unnumbered (3 vols. The first series of warrants resulted from acts passed December 24.22. 1812 (2 Stat. 31 . 20121 Act of 1812: Vols.Step Ster .Ston Stoo .). 1839.). and May 6. 1 . Act of 1814: Unnumbered (1 vol. 320 acres) from August 23. warrant nos. and for the second series (Act of 1814.Vaz Vd . warrant nos. warrant nos. warrant nos. 729).4010 Act of 1812: Vols.Thol Thom . . January 11.Waz We .Wig Wih .6.Welc Weld .30. 79 . to April 1. N. and (5) usually the date the land was located and the page on which the location is recorded in Abstracts of Military Bounty Land Warrant Locations. applying to both series.70.46.54. 856 . S. 8619 Act of 1812: Vols.Tur Tus .Spr Sps .Thy Ti . 1842. issue dates of the first series (Act of 1812. Indexes for Acts of 1812. 1812 (2 Stat. 71 .38. 23 . . 147). warrant nos. by which Congress doubled the acreage offered to soldiers enlisting after that date.U V .Ya Yb . warrant nos. 672).United States General M602-193 M602-194 M602-195 M602-196 M602-197 M602-198 M602-199 M602-200 M602-201 M602-202 M602-203 M602-204 M602-205 M602-206 M602-207 M602-208 M602-209 M602-210 M602-211 M602-212 M602-213 M602-214 M602-215 M602-216 M602-217 M602-218 M602-219 M602-220 M602-221 M602-222 M602-223 M602-224 M602-225 M602-226 M602-227 M602-228 M602-229 M602-230 M602-231 M602-232 M602-233 M602-234 Smith. M848-1 M848-2 M848-3 6314 M848-4 8618 M848-5 10918 M848-6 13220 M848-7 15524 M848-8 17826 M848-9 20120 M848-10 22382 M848-11 23870. 1 . warrant nos.26870 M848-13 Act of 1812: Unnumbered (8 vols. warrant nos. (4) the date the warrant was issued. They are arranged according to warrant number and are in chronological order. 26871 .Tod Toe . Illinois. are included on roll 1.).Williams. in which Congress provided that noncommissioned officers and soldiers serving for 5 years (unless discharged sooner). regiment. 22383 - UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WAR OF 1812 War of 1812 Military Bounty Land Warrants. 1815-1926. Succeeding payments are in the next volume.Bl Bo .Th UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WARS. 1813-1861 Old War Index to Pension Files.Pel Pem . Lemuel Herring. . Daniel C.Ro Ru . Each entry shows the name of the pensioner. T316-1 T316-2 T316-3 T316-4 T316-5 T316-6 T316-7 Aaron.B. This microfilm publication reproduces a card index to the “Old Wars” series of pension files. and unit. There are crossreferences for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling. . James McDonnell. Anton UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WARS.Sullivan.Smil Smit . Eugene .Sr St .S.Po Pr . the date of death of the pensioner is given and the date of the final payment made to the family or heirs.Re Rg . Navy. each index card also includes the name of the war or disturbance. the name and class of dependent. 1815-58.Or Os . Alexander Duncan. Wm. 1815-1858.Dan Dar .Ar As . Wm.Sr St . Zebulon Briscoe. 1815-1926.Ba Be .Bri Bro .Porter.McC McD . Each volume contains a record of payments made for a specific period.Brinson. This microfilm publication reproduces Treasury Department pension payment volumes that record semiannual payments for 1818 to 1871. M629-1 M629-2 M629-3 M629-4 M629-5 M629-6 M629-7 M629-8 M629-9 M629-10 M629-11 M629-12 M629-13 M629-14 M629-15 M629-16 M629-17 M629-18 M629-19 M629-20 M629-21 M629-22 M629-23 M629-24 M629-25 M629-26 M629-27 M629-28 M629-29 M629-30 M629-31 M629-32 M629-33 M629-34 M629-35 M629-36 M629-37 A .Hul Hum .C. from Records of the Third Auditor of the Treasury.Ce Ch . Charles .By C . the name of the veteran (if different).Mel Mem .Gh Gi . This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served in the various Indian wars or participated in the quelling of Indian disturbances or problems.Ky L .Map Mar .Gra Gre . the service unit. These files relate chiefly to claims based on death or disability incurred in service in the Regular Army. and certificate number. 1818-1872. Each card shows the name of a veteran.Cot Cou .Z T718-16 T718-17 T718-18 T718-19 T718-20 T718-21 T718-22 T718-23 Widow pensions: 1843-62 Widow pensions: 1836-48 Widow pensions: 1835-50 Widow pensions: 1848-62 Widow pensions: 1848-62 Widow pensions: 1862-72 Widow pensions: 1853-72 Widow pensions: 1858-72 UNITED STATES –MILITARY– WARS. 1813-1861 Ledgers of Payments. the application. and the State from which the claim was filed. file.Haz He . or Marine Corps between the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783 and the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.Cl Co .Hof Hog .Duncan. the name of the pension agency through which payment was made. and the quarter and year of the last payment to the pensioner. Thomas J. 1813-1861 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During Indian Wars and Disturbances.Sy T .Ka Ke .Do Dr .Na Ne . . John .E F . W.Fo Fr .Moon Moor. to U. if any.Ham Han . Along with the soldier’s name. . Pensioners under Acts of 1818 Through 1858. Dennis Sullivan. Porter.Se Sh . rank.Herrin. T718-1 T718-2 T718-3 T718-4 T718-5 T718-6 T718-7 T718-8 T718-9 T718-10 T718-11 T718-12 T718-13 T718-14 T718-15 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1818-32 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1818-32 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1820-42 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1833-48 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1833-49 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1831-48 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1831-48 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1831-48 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1849-64 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1831-50 Invalid pensioners: 1843-56 Invalid pensioners: 1855-67 Invalid pensioners: 1855-66 Revolutionary War pensioners: 1848-68 Widow pensions: 1831-43 . The pensioners’ names appear in rough alphabetical order by initial letter of surname.Zeuinge.United States Genral M652-5 M652-6 M652-7 M-O P .Le Li . The entries are arranged by the act of Congress under which payment was made and thereunder by name of pension agency.S.McDonnell. When an heir or a legal representative claimed an unpaid balance due the pensioner at the time of death.Joe Joh . UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. relating to individuals. This microfilm publication reproduces 427 bound volumes of records relating to Confederate prisoners of war confined by Federal authorities. UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. rank. CONFEDERATE Selected Records of the War Department Relating to Confederate Prisoners of War. sailors. with two of the volumes extending to 1866. payrolls. consists of cards containing abstracts of entries relating to the individual in Union and Confederate hospital registers. 1861-1865. It also includes original papers. Any of the Cherokee Nation. regiment. and (3) reference cards and papers relating to marine personnel. 1861-65. and volumes in the War Department Collection of Confederate Records. The first series. M918-1 Register of Confederate Soldiers. although a few cemetery names are also listed. and Citizens Who Died in Federal Prisons and Military Hospitals in the North. These records are in three series (1) compiled hospital and prison records of naval and marine personnel. CONFEDERATE Reference Files Relating to Confederate Medical Officers. the significance of the number is obscure. Sailors. CONFEDERATE Records Relating to Confederate Naval and Marine Personnel. 1861-1865. (2) reference cards and papers relating to naval personnel. In the alphabetically arranged volumes there are no names under “X”. muster rolls. arranged alphabetically by surname. A -V. Some of the original documents relating to a particular individual were at some time removed from the second and third series. . T456-1 T456-2 T456-3 A -G H -P Q -Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CHEROKEE DISTURBANCES Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the Cherokee Disturbances and Removal in Organization from the State of Tennessee and the Field and Staff of the Army of the Cherokee Nation. however. date of death. dates of capture. M908-2 Tennessee organizations L . and some letters are missing.Tz U . and number and location of grave for each individual interred. There is a vast duplication of names of prisoners and information relating to them throughout the volumes. Various numbers indicating several prior numbering schemes appear in the volumes. the envelopes—which show the serviceman’s name and rank—were retained in the files. information regarding military organizations. For these reasons. Some volumes have page or folio numbers. Entries on the individual burial lists are arranged alphabetically by name of deceased and generally give the name.Whid Whig .Will Wilm . and citizens who died in Federal prisons and military hospitals in the North.Z M260-6 Reference cards and papers relating to naval personnel: H-P M260-7 Reference cards and papers relating to naval personnel: Q-Z. M908-1 Tennessee organizations A . A few volumes contain name indexes. The volumes have no standard overall arrangement.” and “J.Y. and Union prison and parole rolls. Volunteer field and staff.Wap War . company. “I. 1861-65. This microfilm publication reproduces records relating to individuals serving in the Confederate Navy and Marine Corps. The volumes consist mainly of registers and lists.” and “U” and “V” are sometimes combined: “Mc” is generally combined with “M”. appropriate page numbers are cited in each instance. arranged alphabetically by surname of sailor or marine.United States General M629-38 M629-39 M629-40 M629-41 M629-42 Ti .K. and other data. The second and third series consists of reference cards and the originals of any papers relating solely to a particular sailor or marine. The burial lists are generally arranged alphabetically by name of prison camp or other location where the deaths occurred. primarily from prison records. The register was compiled in 1912 in the Office of the Commissioner for Marking the Graves of Confederate Dead. UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. M260-1 Hospital and prison records of naval and marine personnel: A-E M260-2 Hospital and prison records of naval and marine personnel: F-L M260-3 Hospital and prison records of naval and marine personnel: M-R M260-4 Hospital and prison records of naval and marine personnel: S-Z M260-5 Reference cards and papers relating to naval personnel: A-G UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. The reference cards indicate the rank of the sailor or marine and contain references to vessel papers. CONFEDERATE This microfilm publication reproduces a 665-page register of Confederate soldiers. but many pages are unnumbered. the volumes have been renumbered by the National Archives in a continuous series from 1 to 427. Reference cards and papers relating to marine personnel: A-Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CHEROKEE DISTURBANCES M256-1 Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the Cherokee Disturbances and Removal in Organizations from the State of North Carolina. In general. There are discrepancies in the spelling of names. and to prevent confusion in the citation of volume numbers. In some instances. The table of contents at the beginning of the volume is similarly arranged. prescription books. 1865 M598-76 Vols. . and various other records. with a unit raised directly by the Confederate Government. 424: Register of prisoners at Fort Delaware. while others are complete within a volume. CONFEDERATE Consolidated Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers. comp. S. Maryland.Amay Ambar . May 1865 Other prisons: M598-144 Vol. and Correspondence of the Commissary General Of Prisoners. 1865 M598-78 Vols. and dispositions of prisoners. lists of prisoners. 1863-65 M598-4 Vol. The general registers are the basic record of arrivals. 259-264: Registers of prisoners paroled in Mississippi and Alabama. by the Surgeon General’s Office. regardless of whether the service was with a unit furnished by a particular State. 5: Register of Deaths of Prisoners.Jul. one for officers and another for other prisoners. 1862-65 . Many volumes contain lists of contents that refer to letters of the alphabet and to page numbers. comp. 1863-64 M598-145 Vols. Jun -Jul. 1862-65 Records Relating to Individual Prisons or Stations: Department of the Gulf. James Allen. For some places of confinement other than military prisons neither type of register has been found.Alfont Alford . 1861-65 UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. by the Surgeon General’s Office. comp. comp. and Fort McHenry. the entries for names of prisoners are numbered either within each letter of the alphabet or consecutively for the entire volume. and records of individual military prisons or stations.Alcutt Ald .Applegate Records relating to all prisoners.Andresse Andreu . This consolidated. 1862-65 M598-11 Vols. J. by the Office of the Commissary General of prisoners. Some registers have two separate lists under each letter of the alphabet. The auxiliary registers consist of registers of prisoners confined. Records of Individual Prisons or Stations The volumes are arranged alphabetically by the name of the military prison or other place of confinement. 240-243: Registers of Prisoners Paroled at Grainesville. M598-73 Vols. 1865 M598-77 Vols. 1863-65 M598-8 Vols. N. general registers.Anderson. Many registers and other volumes include records of civilian and Federal prisoners with those of Confederate prisoners. May. the entries are arranged alphabetically. comp. This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of Confederate soldiers. M598-1 Vol. Several volumes contain information relating only to paroled prisoners. and auxiliary registers. A third section contains a few records of several prisons. In many of the Commissary General registers. Del. 246-249: Registers of Prisoners Paroled in Louisiana and Texas. 1863-65 M598-2 Vol. correspondence. morning reports. 2: Register of Prisoners. For some prisons there are no Commissary General registers. 6: Register of Deaths of Prisoners. 7-9: Registers of Applications for Release and Decisions. registers of deaths. 1862-66 M598-10 Vols. 14-16: Registers Relating to Prisoners’ Possessions. 244-245: Registers of Prisoners Paroled in Louisiana. or master. 19-20: Registers of deaths of prisoners. 17-18: Registers of deaths of prisoners. comp. R.Adams. confinements.Allen. Jason . For each prison or station there are generally three main types of records: registers compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. index contains all the names of Confederate soldiers found in the records used in compiling the service records. by the Office of the Commissary General of prisoners. 1865 M598-74 Vols. and for others there are no general registers.Y. 1863-65 M598-3 Vol. . by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. 1862-65 M598-12 Vol. or as a staff officer. comp. Anderson. by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners.Agbert Age . comp. I.Adaholts Adain . Alabama.United States Genral The various series of bound volumes have been arranged in two main sections: records relating to Confederate prisoners of war and to political prisoners without regard to specific prison or place of confinement. by the Surgeon General’s Office. by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. by the Office of the Commissary General of prisoners. Not all of the records relating to Confederate prisoners of war are reproduced here. Misc.. Fort Lafayette. 1865 M598-75 Vols. ledgers. 425-427: Registers of prisoners at various military prisons. 1862-65 M598-6 Vol.. comp. In a few groups of registers the numbers continue under each letter of the alphabet from one volume to another. 255-258: Registers of prisoners paroled in Mississippi and Alabama. M253-1 M253-2 M253-3 M253-4 M253-5 M253-6 M253-7 M253-8 M253-9 M253-10 M253-11 A . The arrangement of entries in both Federal and auxiliary registers is usually alphabetical by initial letter of the prisoner’s surname or chronological. May . The records under the second heading have been further arranged by the name of the particular prison or station to which the records pertain. 3: Register of Prisoners. 1863-65 M598-5 Vol. Adams.Jul. In some registers. Reports. Jun . 21: Registers of deaths of prisoners. comp. M598-7 Vols. by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. Registers for a particular prison seldom give a complete listing of all prisoners who were confined. Some of the registers continue from volume to volume. by the Office of the Commissary General of prisoners. 1861-65 M598-9 Vols. comp.Allguier Allhams . May. There are name indexes in most of the ledgers and letter books and in a few of the other volumes. 250-254: Registers of prisoners paroled in Mississippi and Alabama. 10-13: Registers Relating to the Release of Prisoners. 1: Register of Prisoners. and a few volumes contain only names of Federal prisoners. 4: Register of Prisoners. L. A. J. C.Coleman. Atkins. .Brooks. W. Baker. L. D.Cox. S. . .Czerney D . Boyd. . M.Brown.Boojer Book . .Bush. Clayton. . K.Crocketts Crockfield .Chapman. Barnett.Brusseaux Brussel . S. M. Benson. G. M253-72 M253-73 M253-74 M253-75 M253-76 M253-77 M253-78 M253-79 M253-80 M253-81 M253-82 M253-83 M253-84 M253-85 M253-86 M253-87 M253-88 M253-89 M253-90 M253-91 M253-92 M253-93 M253-94 M253-95 M253-96 M253-97 M253-98 M253-99 M253-100 M253-101 M253-102 M253-103 M253-104 M253-105 M253-106 M253-107 M253-108 M253-109 M253-110 M253-111 M253-112 M253-113 M253-114 M253-115 M253-116 M253-117 M253-118 M253-119 M253-120 M253-121 M253-122 M253-123 M253-124 M253-125 M253-126 M253-127 M253-128 M253-129 M253-130 M253-131 Campbell. Bailey.Cumly Cumm .Cousey Cousin .Cannafax Cannahan . .Austin.Dexton Dey . G. F.Davenger Davenpert . B. .Brewyer Brexson .Bzzle C .Dorrity Dorroch .Azu B . .Armstrong.Coirrier Coissart . C.Childress. F.Deqnire Derabary .Castons Castor .Bransem Bransfield . Coleman.Cockeran Cockerel .Davis. Collins.Costelbar Costell .Carlsted Carltain . . P. . . Armstrong. . I.Christian Christianburg . . G.DeEspir Deetche .Dantagnan Dante . Jr.Breatton Breau . N.Bradey Bradfield .Cononta Conor . A.Bradys Braek .Bailey.Baker. Dickson. Joel Brooks.Craford Craft . J.Colvert Colville . Carter. .Bdnlefelt Bea .Bibal Bibb .Brown. W.Dockey Dockham . L. Davis.Biyegas Bize .Dawsey Dawson . .Basreaux Bass . Jacqueline . I. H.Beckly Beckman . D. Jessey Davis. O. M. . Austin.Bunford Bungamar . S. Cox.Biochett Biodd .Cooper.Crely Creman . B.Bryants Bryar . H.Aruvant Arvea .Donalds Donaldson . H. A.Dean. Cook.Damzery Dan .Atkins.Balph Balridge .Capers Capert . .Butran Buttrell . Davis.Bowles Bowley .Bourquine Bourre .Burrelson Burrem . .Clark. . J. Clark.Campbell. H. L. . G. Brown. Jetediah .Carter. John .Barlow.Boey Bofard . L.Blackwell. W. Brown. J. .Crump Crumpacker .Brocius Brock . . V.Baldridge Baldru .Doyorn . . L. L.Benson.Cheeirs Cheek . .Conkright Conlan . L. D.Cavin Cavinah .United States General M253-12 M253-13 M253-14 M253-15 M253-16 M253-17 M253-18 M253-19 M253-20 M253-21 M253-22 M253-23 M253-24 M253-25 M253-26 M253-27 M253-28 M253-29 M253-30 M253-31 M253-32 M253-33 M253-34 M253-35 M253-36 M253-37 M253-38 M253-39 M253-40 M253-41 M253-42 M253-43 M253-44 M253-45 M253-46 M253-47 M253-48 M253-49 M253-50 M253-51 M253-52 M253-53 M253-54 M253-55 M253-56 M253-57 M253-58 M253-59 M253-60 M253-61 M253-62 M253-63 M253-64 M253-65 M253-66 M253-67 M253-68 M253-69 M253-70 M253-71 Applehard .Dickson. . . . Berry. Bush. Chapman.Brown.Bendan Bendec . V.Barrons Barrontine . B.Davis.Battles Battley .Brown.Borzoni Bos . K. E.Boyd.Barbow Barbr .Crouce Crouch .Curles Curley .Carpman Carr . T.Barnett.Bueye Bufalow .Burness Burnet .Davis. M.Chambers Chambin . L. M.Cordeol Corder . T. G. .Caserto Cases .Carrolton Carron . R. I. Brown. Childress.Clayton. . Caldwell. B.Demory Demos .Dinks Dinmark .Callow Calloway .Berry. J.Clark.Bland Blandeau . Cooper. .Cook. F. Douglass.Bell.Burgiss Birgit . J.Bolt Bolta . .Caldwell. Y. Blackwell.Cravy Craw .Douglass.Brily Brim .Collins. .Clickley Clide . Dean. L.Coans Coap . Barlow. Clark. . Jacob Brown.Bearwood Beary .Bloddo Blodget . Bell. E. Dunn.Hornsdy Hornsey . John .Hellums Hellundoll .Grimstone Grin .Herage Heral . Johnson.Jeanrett Jeans .Gilbert.Dziuk Eabank .Jocy Jodie .Eshly Eshman .Hanky Hanlan .Hardy. Green.Dunn.Johnson.Goodwich Goodwin .Gleavy Gleber .Hubban Hubbard .Houseman Housen . .Hyver Isabell . J.Hunny Hunnycup .Hudson.Geordie Geordon .Gilstrop Gilter . .Gallawalk Gallaway . F.Foster.Holdeness Holder . J. William . . . .Hamrey Hamric .Durham.Griffin.United States Genral M253-132 M253-133 M253-134 M253-135 M253-136 M253-137 M253-138 M253-139 M253-140 M253-141 M253-142 M253-143 M253-144 M253-145 M253-146 M253-147 M253-148 M253-149 M253-150 M253-151 M253-152 M253-153 M253-154 M253-155 M253-156 M253-157 M253-158 M253-159 M253-160 M253-161 M253-162 M253-163 M253-164 M253-165 M253-166 M253-167 M253-168 M253-169 M253-170 M253-171 M253-172 M253-173 M253-174 M253-175 M253-176 M253-177 M253-178 M253-179 M253-180 M253-181 M253-182 M253-183 M253-184 M253-185 M253-186 M253-187 M253-188 M253-189 M253-190 M253-191 Doyse .Gontin Gonto . W.Johnston.Holmer Holmes .Harris.Gillesia Gillespe .Jenninger Jennings .Hall.Ediker Edilen . W. P.Hollewman Holley . K.Howarde Howardon . Hardy. .Granger Granget . J. .Haywell Haywood .Ezzle F . Foster. Henderson.Fanver Fanville .Grubble Grubbs . . .Gaville Gavin . Jonathan .Fish Fishach .Duncan. L. F.Harris.Eastermond Easternook .Gywn H .Fifsey Fig .Flago Flaharty .Heath Heathcoat .Holysinger Holz .Hinsor Hinston . Johnson. P.Elmondorf Elmore . G.Herrings Herrington .Elliott.Fry Fryan .Harvew Harvey .Flether Fletos .Gibby Gibel .Higgerty Higgeson . V.Harmann Harmans . . .Foy Foyard .Englittle Englond .Forcythe Ford .Johnson. G. Hudson.Gorely Gorem . Griffin. Hawkins.Gunius M253-192 M253-193 M253-194 M253-195 M253-196 M253-197 M253-198 M253-199 M253-200 M253-201 M253-202 M253-203 M253-204 M253-205 M253-206 M253-207 M253-208 M253-209 M253-210 M253-211 M253-212 M253-213 M253-214 M253-215 M253-216 M253-217 M253-218 M253-219 M253-220 M253-221 M253-222 M253-223 M253-224 M253-225 M253-226 M253-227 M253-228 M253-229 M253-230 M253-231 M253-232 M253-233 M253-234 M253-235 M253-236 M253-237 M253-238 M253-239 M253-240 M253-241 M253-242 M253-243 M253-244 M253-245 M253-246 M253-247 M253-248 M253-249 M253-250 M253-251 Gunlach . I. I.Garner. L. J.Hillhouse Hilliaid . H.Johnson.Haleton Haley . N. J. L. Harris. W. .Garter Gartey . R. G.Haifry Haig . Elliott. E. . Will Harris.Green. T.Hockey Hockings . Hall.Gray. Gray. .Hogam Hogan .Fyser G .Freezor Fregan . G. Durham.Halzie Ham .Henlory Henly . H.Evans.Farriott Farris . Duncan. .Hill. Gilbert. Jackson.Hayes Hayett .Feezer Feff . . R. O.Eubank Eubankes .Hatch Hatchar .Fergusson Ferhake . . James.Druls Drum . O.Forrestier Forreston .Frazell Frazer . K.Dugane Dugar . S.Flye Flyin .Hamilton Hamiltree . F.Hibbots Hibbs .Harrold Harroldson . .Izzell Jabine .Greene Greenebaum . P.Godfry Godges . K.Harreld Harrele . . John Johnson. F.Hutchins Hutchinson . V.Greshan Gresher . . Hill.Elby Elcaine . Evans.Hoovin Hoowie .Irvey Irvin . Garner. . .Jackson.Huggleback Hugh .Hulbard Hulbert . W.Graceson Gracey . I. V.Hawkins.Gantry Gants .Edwards.Hurdage Hurdel .Hardcustle Harde .Henderson.James J. . I. Joel Edwards.Fulton Fults . K. Lanier.Keinle Keinner . Joh Miller.Merphy Merr .Jones. .Owen.Ozuno P .Morary Moras .Leigon Leihrs . John .Mimus Min .Lowrey Lowrhead .Masner Mason . Mitchell. . S.Nelton Nelty .Moore. . N. W.Kennedy. J. Joel Owen.McCorde McCordel . J. M.O’Neil O’Neill . O.Nilch Nile . R.Painter Paintermuhl . . K. O. Morgan.Navet Navicy . T. .Lewinson Lewis .Laxton Lay . J.Liveless Liveley . P.Mhoon Miad . King. I. J. Lane.Moses Mosesley . B.Kelloker Kellom .McLeny McLeod .Parish. K. . M.Ludwick Ludwig . . Parrish. . . James Jones. D.Miller. L.Lane. G. Johann . .Makay Make .King. Parker. J. G. Kingade . D.Nzon Oadel . R.Lajuste LaKaester . William B.Jordon.Paythress .Patnal Pato .Mitchell. .Moyze Mozango .Morris.Muncell Muncey .Maynan Maynar .Mantze Manual . H.Maxey Maxfield . A.Meley Melfi .Marquze Marr . . . Kennedy. Long.Koener Koenig . V. . McGee.Kzeppa Laack .Odeon Oder . G.McCalls McCallum .Mizzles Moach .McClittic M253-312 M253-313 M253-314 M253-315 M253-316 M253-317 M253-318 M253-319 M253-320 M253-321 M253-322 M253-323 M253-324 M253-325 M253-326 M253-327 M253-328 M253-329 M253-330 M253-331 M253-332 M253-333 M253-334 M253-335 M253-336 M253-337 M253-338 M253-339 M253-340 M253-341 M253-342 M253-343 M253-344 M253-345 M253-346 M253-347 M253-348 M253-349 M253-350 M253-351 M253-352 M253-353 M253-354 M253-355 M253-356 M253-357 M253-358 M253-359 M253-360 M253-361 M253-362 M253-363 M253-364 M253-365 M253-366 M253-367 M253-368 M253-369 M253-370 M253-371 McClland .Lampton Lams .Kearns Kearny .Madison Madix . . . Kemp. . P. Jones.Lebist Leblac .Nicholas Nicholason . K.Norton.Kirkis Kirklad .Kemp.Moore.Long. K.Loveless Lovelett .Jones.Lewis. Lee. F. .McNeigh McNeil . Jones. Moore.Morgan. J. Jared .Kernop Kerns .McRea McReada . K.Murphy. John . . Z.Lyun M . Moore.Murtay Murtchin .Milhan Milhare .Nehan Nehar . Charles Jones.McAnliss McAnn .McCaulay McCauleff . N.Limes Limet .Noleo Noles .Parrish. Martin.Jyner Kaaf .Lequire Ler . Newman. Lewis. Jordon. . O. .Martin.Pattman Patton .Lassetter Lasseur . William C.Kimble Kimbler . . C.Jones.Lyells Lyen . Parish.McCrayer McCrayon .Moomaw Moon . .King. C. McDonald.Jones. Norton.Kibler Kibley . J. J.McMillark McMillen .Osborne Osbornes .McGee.Parker.United States General M253-252 M253-253 M253-254 M253-255 M253-256 M253-257 M253-258 M253-259 M253-260 M253-261 M253-262 M253-263 M253-264 M253-265 M253-266 M253-267 M253-268 M253-269 M253-270 M253-271 M253-272 M253-273 M253-274 M253-275 M253-276 M253-277 M253-278 M253-279 M253-280 M253-281 M253-282 M253-283 M253-284 M253-285 M253-286 M253-287 M253-288 M253-289 M253-290 M253-291 M253-292 M253-293 M253-294 M253-295 M253-296 M253-297 M253-298 M253-299 M253-300 M253-301 M253-302 M253-303 M253-304 M253-305 M253-306 M253-307 M253-308 M253-309 M253-310 M253-311 Johnston. H. J. P.Meaes Meag .Lavystin Law .Lanier.Milliard Millicain .McElry McElsey .Kline Klineau .Maton Matoney .Monky Monlas .McDanie McDaniel .Lores Loret .Martin. Joel Murphy.Lofits Loflan . . .McKyle McLachlan .McInturff McInturn . . K. Charley . Morris. I.McDonald.Lee.Morrison Morriss . Q.Manez Manfield .Maswell Mata .McGrason McGrat .Myzer Naake .Linticum Lintinger .Oldhouse Olding .Newman. Martin.McKeown McKer . I. R. Thomas. K. . Rush.Sheery Sheet .Silmore Siloff . G.Ray Rayal .Philps Philput .Skelleton Skelley . Tucker. K. .Steaton Steavans . . H.Snidar Snidel . . .Uzzle Vaas .Tucker. J.Vickney .Robertson.Porter.Shulebranger Shuler . Robinson. .VanVoores Van Vorice . F.Tauzine Tavall . John .Tidrow Tidwal . G. . I. Sparks.Shephard M253-432 M253-433 M253-434 M253-435 M253-436 M253-437 M253-438 M253-439 M253-440 M253-441 M253-442 M253-443 M253-444 M253-445 M253-446 M253-447 M253-448 M253-449 M253-450 M253-451 M253-452 M253-453 M253-454 M253-455 M253-456 M253-457 M253-458 M253-459 M253-460 M253-461 M253-462 M253-463 M253-464 M253-465 M253-466 M253-467 M253-468 M253-469 M253-470 M253-471 M253-472 M253-473 M253-474 M253-475 M253-476 M253-477 M253-478 M253-479 M253-480 M253-481 M253-482 M253-483 M253-484 M253-485 M253-486 M253-487 M253-488 M253-489 M253-490 M253-491 Shephardson .Pullamon Pullan .Toury Tous .Tzson U .Prestorions Prestrage .Poogstardt Pool .Sweeney.Riddle Riddleback . L.Taylor. L.Thompson. Thompson. . J. Rice.Robinson. Richardson. Stone.Richardson. Z. S. . . Thomas . M.Rice. C. M. Thom Smith.Shoble Shocase . H.Smith. . I.Satgee Satham . Strickland. . E.Scotland Scott .Sutton.K. J.Pifling Pig .Rives Rivet . .Strickland.Staley Staliens . K. Sbewart.Scherrer Scherrick . J.Tannequin Tanner .Thompson.Rand Randal . H. Terrell.Sharp Sharpe . K.Rush.Sheuburk Sheudecker .Peavyhouse Peay . .Sudduth Sudellert . Smith.Rodens Roder .Stansen Stanser . I. M. R. W. F. G. Taylors .Renfro Renfrod .Pzburn Qeugh . J. Petty.Stevens. D. Spencer. J.Rose.Stilts Stilwell . H. . . . L.Perkins.L. E.Simon Simonan . Stephens. I. F.Reynolds.Thorntin Thornton . . Pitman. Stuart. K. B.Stuart. I. Smith.Stone.Pounders Pounds .Sams Samsan . J.Smith. I.Traylor Trayman . Reynolds. O.Taylor. Reed.Spratts Sprauberry . . Smith.K.Raineu Rainey .Trouty Trouzler .Qwimer R . V. Thompson. John Smith. H. G.Roundy Roune . J.Plylor Plymail .Rzeppa S .Terrell.Thibodeux Thice .Rogers.Szymauski T . John A. .Smith.Semzy Sen . J. J. .Sanders Sandersalls . J.Roberson. . J.Reed. Riley.Royster Royston .Perry Perryclear . M. .Pitman.Shackford Shackle . J. Robertson. .Phillippson Phillips .Penderhome Penders .Sawner Sawrey . Thomas. Sweeney. Sutton.Summerhour Summeril .Vaune Vaunghn . Rogers. J.Tolly Tolman . W. E.Russy Rust . . Roberts. .Smith.Turnly Turnman . I. . Joel Taylor. V. Smith. L.Proctow Proddy .Sonyley Soo .Stephens. .Roleson Roleter . . Perkins. Turner.Sebbitt Sebel . I. .Price Pricer .Sinckclear Sinclair . .Slazy Sleade . Rose.Reconlley Recor . W. Porter.Powers.Stovalt Stovan .Stewart.Riley.Petty. . .J. W. . P. E. Roberson.Sparks.Rathke Rathledge .Regestr Regg .Tinnie Tinnille . L.Smith.Spencer. L. J. V.Roberts.Scroble Scrock . Stevens. J. . .Smith. I. Powers.Smitchild Smith . J. F. W.United States Genral M253-372 M253-373 M253-374 M253-375 M253-376 M253-377 M253-378 M253-379 M253-380 M253-381 M253-382 M253-383 M253-384 M253-385 M253-386 M253-387 M253-388 M253-389 M253-390 M253-391 M253-392 M253-393 M253-394 M253-395 M253-396 M253-397 M253-398 M253-399 M253-400 M253-401 M253-402 M253-403 M253-404 M253-405 M253-406 M253-407 M253-408 M253-409 M253-410 M253-411 M253-412 M253-413 M253-414 M253-415 M253-416 M253-417 M253-418 M253-419 M253-420 M253-421 M253-422 M253-423 M253-424 M253-425 M253-426 M253-427 M253-428 M253-429 M253-430 M253-431 Payton . I. .Turner. . Witcover Wite .Wright.Mh Mi .Vyse W .Sil Simm . John . .Walker. Record-of-events cards indicate the activities in which any part of the unit had been engaged. there are usually empty envelopes on which the officers of the unit are listed. John Williams.Weeks Weelch .I J .Pa Pe . Johnney . Walker.Ke Ki .Wilmouth Wilmut .Walker. Joel Wilson. Two or three of these organizations seem to have been originally considered units of the Confederate Regular Army. T. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of Confederate soldiers who served in military organizations raised directly or otherwise formed by the Confederate Government and therefore not identified with any one State.Womun Won .Wasoon Wass . Several others were raised among residents of Indian Territory.Zymann M818-2 M818-3 M818-4 M818-5 M818-6 M818-7 M818-8 M818-9 M818-10 M818-11 M818-12 M818-13 M818-14 M818-15 M818-16 M818-17 M818-18 M818-19 M818-20 M818-21 M818-22 M818-23 M818-24 M818-25 M818-26 B . R.Hap Har . H. White. T. Williams. G. Wright.Watson.Warn Warnac . B.Yzanaga Zaa . .Ro Ru . W. This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of Confederate soldiers who served (1) in military organizations raised directly or otherwise formed by the Confederate Government or (2) in some capacity that did not involve belonging to a unit at or below the regimental level. White. Walker. 1st Confederate Regular Cavalry UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. . S. E. Young. .Whitworth Whity .Wauhope Waukin . Preceding the jacket-envelopes for the individual soldiers in such organizational unit.Foo For . William A.Cle Cli . Walters. M818-1 A . G.White. CONFEDERATE Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations Raised Directly by the Confederate Government and of Confederate General and Staff Officers and Non-regimental Enlisted Men. I. . U.Wilson.Word Wordall .Williams.Willifor Williford .Wood Woodail . I.Gon Goo . Jacket-envelopes contain cards showing the exact captions of muster-in and muster-out rolls that were copied and the certifications of the mustering officers verifying the accuracy of the rolls.Wik Wil . Webb.Ward.Thl Tho .Webb.Wethers Wethersbee . Willis . J.Wilkierson Wilkin . S.White.Williams. .Wilson. .Yearwood Yeary . . I. Willie Wilson.Williams.Wak Wal . H.Beo Ber .Wallace. D. V. .Wyzzell Xandry . D. J. CONFEDERATE Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations Raised Directly by the Confederate Government. E. Wallace. .Walters. one was made up of foreigners recruited among Union prisoners of war.Williamoner Williams . Record-of-events cards are more numerous. .Woods Woodsell . Because of the irregular way in which most of these units were organized. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilmed publication are indexed on M818.Wilcot Wilcox .Q R . C.Hi Hl . I.Whitler Whitley .Young. M258-1 1st Confederate Cavalry A-C M258-2 1st Confederate Cavalry D-H M258-3 1st Confederate Cavalry I-N M258-4 1st Confederate Cavalry O-T M258-5 1st Confederate Cavalry U-Y.Ma Mc .Whidby Whidden . but they sometimes do not contain any account of happenings because no such notation was made in the original records. William Wright.Stc Ste . The compiled service records indexed in this publication are reproduced on M258 and M331. .Cz D E . .West.Li Ll .Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR.My N . H. Ward. Watson.By C .Winkurn Winlen .Wagnut Wagol . J. .United States General M253-492 M253-493 M253-494 M253-495 M253-496 M253-497 M253-498 M253-499 M253-500 M253-501 M253-502 M253-503 M253-504 M253-505 M253-506 M253-507 M253-508 M253-509 M253-510 M253-511 M253-512 M253-513 M253-514 M253-515 M253-516 M253-517 M253-518 M253-519 M253-520 M253-521 M253-522 M253-523 M253-524 M253-525 M253-526 M253-527 M253-528 M253-529 M253-530 M253-531 M253-532 M253-533 M253-534 M253-535 Vicknoir .Wright. West. there are relatively few caption cards. D. Williams. .Wellox Wells . C.Bre Bri . United States Genral M258-6 1st Battalion. Army of Northern Virginia).. Confederate Cavalry F-He M258-43 Wood’s Regiment.A.A. Lyon’s Escort. Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry) L-R M258-22 8th (Wade’s) Confederate Cavalry (2d Regiment. Confederate Artillery. Confederate Cavalry M-O M258-45 Wood’s Regiment. C. Confederate Artillery. Independent Rangers A-K M258-37 Clarkson’s Battalion. Confederate Cavalry Hi-L M258-44 Wood’s Regiment. Confederate Artillery (Battalion C.. Huger’s Battalion. Virginia Light Artillery. Blake’s Scouts. Confederate Partisan Rangers): Pe-S M258-17 7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne’s Regiment.S.S. Spies and Guides) M258-49 Capt. Clarkson’s Battalion. Confederate Cavalry P-Sl M258-46 Wood’s Regiment. Mounted Spies and Guides (Phillips’ Mtd. Wheeler’s Scouts. Louisiana Heavy Artillery) M258-48 Capt. Lewis’ Battalion. Independent Scouts and Rangers (Nelson Rangers and Scouts).. Capt. Confederate Cavalry. 7th Battalion. 7th Regiment. Cutshaw’s Battalion Confederate Artillery. Lillard’s Co. McIntosh’s Battalion. Light Artillery. C. Confederate Cavalry Ce-E M258-42 Wood’s Regiment. Burrough’s Battalion. 7th Regiment. Haskell’s Battalion.. Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry) S-Z M258-23 10th Confederate Cavalry A-E M258-24 10th Confederate Cavalry F-K M258-25 10th Confederate Cavalry L-P M258-26 10th Confederate Cavalry R-Z M258-27 14th Confederate Cavalry A-K M258-28 14th Confederate Cavalry L-Z M258-29 15th Confederate Cavalry (1st Regiment. Powers’ Regiment... Confederate Cavalry M258-36 Bell’s Battalion. Ochiltree’s Detachment of Recruits (Detachment of Regulars).S. W. . Confederate Partisan Rangers): L-Pa M258-16 7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne’s Regiment. Alabama and Florida Cavalry) D-Ha M258-31 15th Confederate Cavalry (1st Regiment. Confederate Heavy Artillery (4th Battalion... Maj.S. Partisan Rangers. Confederate Light Artillery (Semmes’ Battery. Confederate Cavalry) M258-18 8th (Dearing’s) Confederate Cavalry M258-19 8th (Wade’s) Confederate Cavalry (2d Regiment. C.C. Baxter’s Battalion. Confederate Artillery (Battalion C.M. Montague’s Battalion. Confederate Cavalry M258-12 7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne’s Regiment.S. C. Confederate Artillery (Brown Horse Artillery). Dent’s Battery. Carter’s Scouts. Confederate Artillery (Carter’s Battalion of Artillery. Forrest’s Cavalry. 2d Corps. Alabama and Florida Cavalry) Mo-R M258-33 15th Confederate Cavalry (1st Regiment. Army of Northern Virginia). Alabama and Florida Cavalry) He-Mi M258-32 15th Confederate Cavalry (1st Regiment. Trans-Mississippi Confederate Cavalry (1st Battalion.A. 6th Battalion. Reserve Corps Artillery.A. Capt. Confederate Cavalry) A-M M258-35 20th Confederate Cavalry (Lay’s Regiment.A. Martin’s Escort. Page’s Battalion.A. Partisan Rangers. Marshall’s Co. Confederate Artillery.. Arkansas and Louisiana Cavalry) M258-7 3d Confederate Cavalry A-C M258-8 3d Confederate Cavalry D-H M258-9 3d Confederate Cavalry I-N M258-10 3d Confederate Cavalry O-S M258-11 3d Confederate Cavalry T-Y. Light Artillery). Independent Rangers L-Y. Capt. Raum’s Co. C. Alabama and Florida Cavalry) A-C M258-30 15th Confederate Cavalry (1st Regiment. C. 7th Regiment.. Partisan Rangers. Confederate Partisan Rangers): A-B M258-13 7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne’s Regiment.S.A. Partisan Rangers.. Confederate Artillery (31st Battalion. C. Partisan Rangers. 3d Battalion Reserve. M258-38 Mead’s Confederate Cavalry (Mead’s Regiment of Partisan Rangers) M258-39 Murchison’s Battalion. Braxton’s Battalion of Artillery).. R.S. 7th Regiment. 7th Regiment. Alabama and Florida Cavalry) S-Z M258-34 20th Confederate Cavalry (Lay’s Regiment. Nelson’s Battalion. Cunningham’s Battalion. Confederate Artillery. Confederate Cavalry Sm-Z M258-47 1st Regular Battery. 1st Tennessee Mounted Scouts) M258-40 Wood’s Regiment. 7th Regiment. Cavalry. Martin’s Battalion. Confederate Cavalry. De Gournay’s Battalion. (Hawkins’ Scouts. Braxton’s Battalion.S.A. Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry) E-K M258-21 8th (Wade’s) Confederate Cavalry (2d Regiment. Confederate Heavy Artillery). Confederate Partisan Rangers): T-Z. Partisan Rangers. Confederate Reserve Artillery. Confederate Cavalry A-Ca M258-41 Wood’s Regiment. C. Confederate Partisan Rangers): C-F M258-14 7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne’s Regiment.B. Mississippi and Alabama Cavalry) A-D M258-20 8th (Wade’s) Confederate Cavalry (2d Regiment. Confederate Artillery. Barnes’ Battery). Confederate Cavalry) N-Y. Confederate Cavalry. C. Confederate Cavalry (Warren Dragoons). Heavy Artillery (12th Battalion. Davis’ Co. Lt. Confederate Partisan Rangers): G-K M258-15 7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne’s Regiment. Confederate Cavalry (Prentice’s Battalion. Confederate Artillery. Confederate Light Artillery. Madison’s Co. Courtney’s Battalion. Capt.S. Partisan Rangers (Princess Anne Partisan Rangers).A. Fort’s Scouts. McLaughlin’s Battalion. S. Alabama. Arkansas. P-W Lt. and Mississippi Infantry) O-Y M258-67 8th Battalion. Confederate Heavy Artillery. 2d Regiment. Lt. Gillum’s Regiment. Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Holt’s Squadron. Creek Mounted Rifles or Riflemen. 1st Regiment. Davis’ Co. 2d Regiment. C..A. Exchanged Battalion. Georgia Volunteers) He-K M258-56 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment. .. Tennessee.A. Cherokee Mounted Rifles or Riflemen) L-Y. Indian Volunteers) M258-82 1st Choctaw Mounted Rifles M258-83 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles A-G M258-84 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles H-N M258-85 1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles O-Y M258-86 1st Creek Mounted Volunteers (1st Regiment. (Trans-Mississippi Battalion. Creek Mounted Rifles or Riflemen. Army of Northern Virginia). Mounted Infantry. 1st Squadron. White’s Battery. 5th Confederate Regiment. Creek Regiment.(Reserve Squadron of Cavalry). Arkansas Creeks) T-Z. Mounted Indian Volunteers. Tennessee. Tucker’s Regiment.. Capt. Bradford’s Corps. Washington’s Squadron of Indians. M258-50 Maj. Smith’s Battalion.S.A. 5th Confederate Regiment. McDaniel’s Co. Confederate Light Artillery (Battalion B. Tennessee. C. Haskell’s Co. Young’s (5th) Co.S.A. 2d Regiment. 1st Osage Battalion.A. Poague’s Battalion. Horse Artillery M258-52 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment.S. Capt. and Mississippi Infantry) G-N M258-66 4th Confederate Infantry (1st Regiment. Arkansas Creeks) A-H M258-87 1st Creek Mounted Volunteers (1st Regiment.S. Infantry) M258-68 9th Confederate Infantry (5th Confederate Infantry. Mounted Riflemen). Tennessee Infantry) Mo-Y M258-71 Bailey’s Consolidated Regiment of Infantry. Arkansas Creeks) I-S M258-88 1st Creek Mounted Volunteers (1st Regiment. Confederate Light Artillery (Battalion A. Scouts and Guards (Bradford’s Battalion) M258-72 Brooks’ Battalion. Confederate Infantry A-D M258-76 Tucker’s Regiment. Cuyler’s Ordnance Detachment) Capt.S. Retributors M258-77 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles (1st Arkansas Cherokee Mounted Rifles) A-L M258-78 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles (1st Arkansas Cherokee Mounted Rifles) M-Y M258-79 1st Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Watie’s Regiment. Forrest’s Scouts. Secret Service. of Guides. Infantry. Confederate Infantry (Forney’s Regiment.United States General Palmer’s Battalion.S. C. Western Battalion) A-N M258-74 Exchanged Battalion. Georgia Volunteers) L-M M258-57 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment. Richardson’s Battalion. Alabama. 2d Regiment.A. Cherokee Mounted Rifles or Riflemen) A-K M258-80 1st Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Watie’s Regiment.A.A. Cherokee Mounted Rifles. F.. Creek Regiment. Cunningham’s Ordnance Detachment (Capt. C. Georgia Volunteers) A-B M258-53 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment. Stark’s Battalion. Stirman’s Regiment. Georgia Volunteers) C-E M258-54 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment. (Trans-Mississippi Battalion. Cherokee Regiment (Special Service).S. C.. Deneale’s Regiment. 3d Confederate Infantry A-D M258-63 3d Confederate Infantry E-W M258-64 4th Confederate Infantry (1st Regiment. Confederate Artillery (Robertson’s Battalion of Artillery). Confederate Infantry E-Z. Brush Battalion. Georgia Volunteers) T-Y M258-60 1st Battalion. M258-75 Gillum’s Regiment (Henry Gillum’s Regiment. and Mississippi Infantry) A-F M258-65 4th Confederate Infantry (1st Regiment. Gillum’s Regiment. Shecoe’s Chickasaw Battalion. 1st Corps Artillery. C. Georgia Volunteers) Ro-S M258-59 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment. Alabama. 1st Corps Artillery. Confederate Infantry) L-W M258-62 2d Confederate Infantry. Lt. Mounted Volunteers. Western Battalion) O-Z. 5th Confederate Regiment. Georgia Volunteers) F-Ha M258-55 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment. Infantry. Army of Northern Virginia) M258-51 Stuart’s Horse Artillery. Confederate Infantry) A-K M258-61 1st Battalion. 1st Regiment. Cherokee Mounted Volunteers) M258-81 1st Chickasaw Infantry (Hunter’s Regiment. C. Creek Mounted Rifles or Riflemen. Mounted Indian Volunteers. C. Cherokee Mounted Volunteers. Arkansas. Cherokee Mounted Rifles. Georgia Volunteers) N-Ri M258-58 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment. Mounted Indian Volunteers. Tennessee Infantry) G-Mi M258-70 9th Confederate Infantry (5th Confederate Infantry. 1st Seminole Mounted Volunteers A-C M258-89 1st Seminole Mounted Volunteers D-Y M258-90 2d Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (2d Regiment Cherokee Mounted Rifles or Riflemen) M258-91 2d Creek Mounted Volunteers. Confederate Infantry (2d Foreign Battalion. Tennessee Infantry) A-F M258-69 9th Confederate Infantry (5th Confederate Infantry. Creek Regiment. C. Artillery. Choctaw Warriors (Deneale’s Confederate Volunteers). Confederate Regular Infantry.W. A-O M258-73 Brush Battalion. Sharp Shooters. 2d Regiment. Cherokee Mounted Volunteers.S.. Jackson’s Co. Confederate Infantry (Forney’s Regiment.A. 2d Foreign Legion. A.Bark Barl .Cart Caru . C-Di M258-105 Engineers.A. .A. G-L M258-119 Signal Corps.S.A. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication are indexed on M818 M331-1 M331-2 M331-3 M331-4 M331-5 M331-6 M331-7 M331-8 M331-9 M331-10 M331-11 M331-12 M331-13 M331-14 M331-15 M331-16 M331-17 M331-18 M331-19 M331-20 M331-21 M331-22 M331-23 M331-24 M331-25 M331-26 M331-27 M331-28 M331-29 M331-30 M331-31 M331-32 M331-33 M331-34 M331-35 M331-36 M331-37 M331-38 M331-39 M331-40 M331-41 M331-42 M331-43 M331-44 M331-45 M331-46 M331-47 M331-48 M331-49 M331-50 M331-51 M331-52 M331-53 M331-54 M331-55 M331-56 A . chaplains.Bom Bon .Burs Burt .A. This class of military personnel included general officers: officers and enlisted men of the socalled staff departments..A.S.A. C. War Department.Calv Cam . C.A. Choctaw Infantry.Belv Bem .A.Box Boy .. A-B M258-117 Signal Corps.S.S. C-F M258-118 Signal Corps. members of army corps.S.Ap Ar .Bru Bry Bu .Ay B .United States Genral Capt. P-W M258-114 Sappers and Miners A-K M258-115 Sappers and Miners L-Y M258-116 Signal Corps. R. The so-called staff departments were those of the Adjutant and Inspector General. President’s Guard.S. Anderson.S.Am An . C. C.. Brown. Ro-S M258-110 Engineers.Cham Chan .Brown.S. Ho-L M258-108 Engineers. C. separate company or comparable unit. C..Chai Chal . G-Hi M258-107 Engineers. C.A.A..Bap Bar .Ak Al .Clai Clam . C. P. and Non-regimental Enlisted Men. UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. Miscellaneous Indian Records M258-92 1st Confederate Engineer Troops A-C M258-93 1st Confederate Engineer Troops D-F M258-94 1st Confederate Engineer Troops G-L M258-95 1st Confederate Engineer Troops M-R M258-96 1st Confederate Engineer Troops S-Z M258-97 2d Confederate Engineer Troops A-J M258-98 2d Confederate Engineer Troops K-Z M258-99 3d Confederate Engineer Troops A-F M258-100 3d Confederate Engineer Troops G-O M258-101 3d Confederate Engineer Troops P-Z M258-102 4th Confederate Engineer Troops A-R M258-103 4th Confederate Engineer Troops S-Z.Braz Bre Bri Bro ..A. Wilkins’ Co.Cak Cal . and various appointees with special status such as aides-de-camp.A.A. and the Ordnance Department.A.. .S.S.A. division..Bor Bos . C. H. Engineers.Anderson. C.Bald Bale .Bun Bur .Beld Bell ..S. Officers Surnamed Morgan.As At . Brown.Buc Bud . A-B M258-104 Engineers. C.Bai Bak . .Bly Bo .S.A.Bay Bea Bec . War Department.Brown. the Quartermaster General. and brigade staffs. O-S M258-121 Signal Corps.Baru Bas .A. Lt.S. C. I-N M258-113 Nitre and Mining Bureau.Ben Ber .. R. or special corps.Camr Can . Click’s Co.Bram Bran . M-N M258-120 Signal Corps. Infantry School of Practice M258-123 Invalid Corps. C. .Blai Blak . J.Andr Ang .Carre Carri Carro .Arm Arn .Adams. Ordnance Scouts and Guards. R... C.S.. the Commissary . CONFEDERATE Compiled Service Records of Confederate General and Staff Officers.S. the Medical Department. C. L. agents.S. C.Bux By .Bi Bl .. M-Ri M258-109 Engineers. C.. A-H M258-112 Nitre and Mining Bureau. C. I.Alg All .Clark.Bus But . Adams. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of Confederate officers and enlisted men who did not belong to any particular regiment.A.Barn Barr . T-Z M258-122 Bands.A.S.S.Alle Alli .S. C.A. military judges.Brok Bron .Boz Br . Do-F M258-106 Engineers. T-Y M258-111 Nitre and Mining Bureau.S.Cho Chr .Che Chi . Miscellaneous Records General. C. C.S.Carl Carm . and drillmasters. P. War Department. .Hill. G.Key Ki .Fitz Fl .Foy Fr .Mast Mat .Kea Kee .Ek El .For Fos .Hit Ho . .Jones.Gl Go .United States General M331-57 M331-58 M331-59 M331-60 M331-61 M331-62 M331-63 M331-64 M331-65 M331-66 M331-67 M331-68 M331-69 M331-70 M331-71 M331-72 M331-73 M331-74 M331-75 M331-76 M331-77 M331-78 M331-79 M331-80 M331-81 M331-82 M331-83 M331-84 M331-85 M331-86 M331-87 M331-88 M331-89 M331-90 M331-91 M331-92 M331-93 M331-94 M331-95 M331-96 M331-97 M331-98 M331-99 M331-100 M331-101 M331-102 M331-103 M331-104 M331-105 M331-106 M331-107 M331-108 M331-109 M331-110 M331-111 M331-112 M331-113 M331-114 M331-115 M331-116 Clark.Kemp Ken .Ez F .Cor Cos . Joo .Fy G .Hilt Hin .Cummings Cummins .Hall Halla .Hardm Hardw . Jones. S.McCa McCh .Ham Han .Goz Gra Gre Gri .Hou How .Gin Gir .Holi Holl . W.Dy E .Goo Gor .Dun Dup .LaR Las .Gry Gu .Eo Ep .Gea Ged .Gy H .Kn Ko .Dul Dum .Hays Hayw .Hap M331-117 M331-118 M331-119 M331-120 M331-121 M331-122 M331-123 M331-124 M331-125 M331-126 M331-127 M331-128 M331-129 M331-130 M331-131 M331-132 M331-133 M331-134 M331-135 M331-136 M331-137 M331-138 M331-139 M331-140 M331-141 M331-142 M331-143 M331-144 M331-145 M331-146 M331-147 M331-148 M331-149 M331-150 M331-151 M331-152 M331-153 M331-154 M331-155 M331-156 M331-157 M331-158 M331-159 M331-160 M331-161 M331-162 M331-163 M331-164 M331-165 M331-166 M331-167 M331-168 M331-169 M331-170 M331-171 M331-172 M331-173 M331-174 M331-175 M331-176 Har .Coxw Coy .McG McH .Dave Davi . I.Mary Mas .Johns Johnson Johnston Jol .Eu Eva Eve .Hy I Ja Je . H.Garl Garm .Lea LeB . Davis.McK McL .Fis Fit .Hemp Hen .Cri Cro Cru .Hup Hur .McMa McMe .Edn Edw .Lin Lip . S.Lov Low .Far Fau .Doz Dr DuB .Fre Fri .Cog Coh .Mh .Fil Fin .Ly M .Cy D .Den DeP .Hep Her .McCl McCo .Hul Hum .Lam Lan .Dou Dov .Gibb Gibs .Conn Cono .Gary Gas .Davis.Lee Lef .Holm Holr .Mac Mad .King Kinl .Cup Cur . H.McW Me . R.Harrin Harris Harrison .Cole Colg . Hill.Lawr Laws .Mal Man .Hoy Hu .Fen Fer .Lev Lew .Coon Coop .Dic Dig .Gan Gar .Clo Clu .McCu McD . . .Jones.Gai Gal .Day De .Hart Harv .Hop Hor .Cow Cox .Ellio Ellis .Mel Mem .Hav Haw .Hey Hi .Dan DaP .Fol Fon .Loc Lod .Humr Hun .Mars Mart .Max May .Keo Ker .Dix D’L .Maz McA . Wei Wel . Horse Artillery M861-74 1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment.Ree Rei .Slau Slay .O’N Oo . Williams.My N . . White’s Battery.Wilk Will .Taylor.Smith. .Smy Sn .Moot Mor .Rico Rid .Murp Murr . CONFEDERATE Compiled Records Showing Service of Military Units in Confederate Organizations.Sha She . .Rey Rh .Ve Vi . L.Wilm Wils . The pension applications to which this index .Wad Wag .San Sap . G.Miscellaneous Records UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR.Ser Ses .Miz Mo .Taylor.Smith.Wom Woo . F.Williams. I.Warn Warr .Thomas.So Sp .Roberts Robertson Robi . Smith. Smith.Tup Tur . .Nol Nor .Mon Moo .Rip Rit .Pet Pey . 1861-1934 [Best Copies Available].Tw Ty .Sw Sy . W.Simo Simp .Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. Because many Confederate Army records were lost or destroyed by the end of the war. .Whitw Who . .Pas Pat . Smith.Roy Ru . .Sth M331-237 M331-238 M331-239 M331-240 M331-241 M331-242 M331-243 M331-244 M331-245 M331-246 M331-247 M331-248 M331-249 M331-250 M331-251 M331-252 M331-253 M331-254 M331-255 M331-256 M331-257 M331-258 M331-259 M331-260 M331-261 M331-262 M331-263 M331-264 M331-265 M331-266 M331-267 M331-268 M331-269 M331-270 M331-271 M331-272 M331-273 M331-274 M331-275 Sti . T. L. H. the compiled military histories of most units are incomplete.Wir Wis . M.Thon Thor .United States Genral M331-177 M331-178 M331-179 M331-180 M331-181 M331-182 M331-183 M331-184 M331-185 M331-186 M331-187 M331-188 M331-189 M331-190 M331-191 M331-192 M331-193 M331-194 M331-195 M331-196 M331-197 M331-198 M331-199 M331-200 M331-201 M331-202 M331-203 M331-204 M331-205 M331-206 M331-207 M331-208 M331-209 M331-210 M331-211 M331-212 M331-213 M331-214 M331-215 M331-216 M331-217 M331-218 M331-219 M331-220 M331-221 M331-222 M331-223 M331-224 M331-225 M331-226 M331-227 M331-228 M331-229 M331-230 M331-231 M331-232 M331-233 M331-234 M331-235 M331-236 Mi .Pos Pot . P.Smith. G.Milt Mim .Pic Pie .Ray Re .Shi Sho .Talc Tali .Pra Pre .Sq Sta Ste . UNION General Index to Pension Files.Ry S .Rop Ros .Sca Sch .Tev Th .Ne Ni .Pay Pe . This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled records of Confederate military units. Thompson.Thompson. Taylor.Smith.Q R .O’K Ol .Walku Wall .Pon Poo .Toy Tr .Sty Su .Pit Pl . S.Walw Wam .Oz P . T.Sto Str .Thw Tic .Wor Wr Wu .Mili Mill . A. Te .Sco Scr .Pric Prit .Way We .Pem Pen . J.Wim Win .Was Wat .Morg Mori . B. 1861-934.Ny O .Pai Pal .Tro Tru .Ram Ran . This microfilm publication reproduces a general index to pension files.Seld Sell . W.Smith.Capt. Smith. . J.Rice Rich . Organizations Raised Directly by the Confederate Government: M861-73 1st Confederate Cavalry .Rank Rann .Walke Walker . Thomas.Van Var .Wey Wh . Smith. Georgia Volunteers) . .Tan Tap .Whitc White Whited .Priv Pro . 0.Mort Mos . H.Bluit. and the State from which the claim was filed. Anson . Hardin . Robert H.Andrews. Felix Atkinson. There are no records of service in Confederate forces.Brockway. Katie Brewer. George . .Bacon. Christian Baumgardner. Gottfield Birk. Conger. T. Byron Browne. Adel Chadwick.Butcher. John Carkhuff. Jacob Baker. Gust. . George Bechtol. Jeremiah . John Callahan. records. Wm. Geo. Dennis Bernard. Wm. Brophy.Cheney. Most of the records relate to Civil War service. Blasedell. Wm.Axe.Arthurs. Anthony .Bartlett. F. . Jeremiah Brennan. Onesime . Charles . Vincent B.Armstrong. James . James R.Anderson. James .Chrisman. .Carroll. John W. Dennis . Luther . Charles F. Alge . Charley .Boreman.Burns. Thomas .Carter.Boyd.Bradford. James Bradford. Frederick Appenfelder.Burt. and the Regular Establishment. Oscar Brown. Cline.Blair. John H.Cotter. Lucius Barre. Peter . Dan Andrews.Brennan. Michael . Albert B. Buzan. Jamers . Crandall. .Cornelius. James Armstrong. James B. Lester Bacon. Castle.Branum. Walter Aldrich. Fredrick R. Hiram Burns. Benford. Edward Ames. Wm. Geo.Appenfelder. John .Allen. the Philippine Insurrection.Buck.Colton. Campbell. Wm. Henry O. Case. and Marine Corps service performed between 1861 and 1916. Alfred Bettman. Batchelor.Americas. . Navy. Wyley Cooper.Carkhuff. . James Barnes. James Beamenderfer.Crosser. Bernard .Brown. . Isaiah Cheney.Clark.Buzan. Joseph .Boner. Charles .Chappel. Samuel . Lauritz Barepole. James S. Wm. The darker cards relate to naval service. not Federal. the filing date. the Boxer Rebellion. Joseph . Francis T.Clark. Wm.Bell. Abraham Arthur. Alex.Cobb. rank. James B. Nathan L.Allen. Theodore Cowan. . W. Peter Boner. Lorenzo Chrisman. Clarence . Samuel Bailey.Cooper.Coyle. Kenneth Boult. Garrett Ackerman. Jesse Butcher. Oscar . Stephen . Youle . Haven Buck. Christopher . John W.Adams. contact the Museum of the Confederacy. Hiram . Chance. Edward H. Elisha . Bertrand . Daniel . Dennis . Charles G. Robert Chappel. Charles Branum.Bangert. Daniel .Chance. the application number. James Carroll. .Baker.Brown. Dennis Brown.Burke. Henry .Brewer. Robert C. Henry . Jacob Boreman. Oliver Cobb.Castle. Her Saw Ah. Burd. Richmond. James R. Confederate pensions were granted by Southern States after the war.Cager. Samuel O.Biggs. Amos . William Allen. Lyman . Wm.Boulson. some relate to earlier service by Civil War veterans. and term of service.Carpenter.Ah. Hinman H. James R. Wm.Braisted. . James R. Stephen Brockway. Christopher Cook.Aldrich. Each card in the general index gives a veteran’s name. Cornelius.Baumgardner.Crays. David .Crandall.Ackerman.Cook. For more information. .Atkinson. unit.Black.Bechtol. Eugen Brusse.Bettman. .Cleveland. Wm. Henry . .Bailey.Case. . Peter . Adam . Jacob . Jacob .Bull. Harry . T288-1 T288-2 T288-3 T288-4 T288-5 T288-6 T288-7 T288-8 T288-9 T288-10 T288-11 T288-12 T288-13 T288-14 T288-15 T288-16 T288-17 T288-18 T288-19 T288-20 T288-21 T288-22 T288-23 T288-24 T288-25 T288-26 T288-27 T288-28 T288-29 T288-30 T288-31 T288-32 T288-33 T288-34 T288-35 T288-36 T288-37 T288-38 T288-39 T288-40 T288-41 T288-42 T288-43 T288-44 Aab .Brophy. Arthur Beekman.Callahan.Cooley. Bull. Wm.Coggin. Levi . Robert Cagg. James .Canfield. Jonas . Lige Adams.Crockett.Brown. Jefferson . Thomas Burke.Conger. Hiland Clark. Vincent E.Cole.Cline. Nathan M.Batchelor. Ithamar . 1201 East Clay Street. Lewis . Frank . Coggins. Lewis . Wm. . Luke . Frederick . Lewis Canfield.Collins. Henry . . .Blase. Warren . Blair. Qua Rah . . Daniel .Barnes. Elijah Biggs. 23219. Clark.Brussard. T. John H. Justin R. . Francis . Peter Brilhart.Barentzen. Brown. Black. Engracio . . . Coyle.Burd. Lorenzo Axe. Boyer. Gotleib . Bell. .Birk. John Benning. .Baldwin. Lincoln . Lewis Carter. Bangert. James J. Albert .Benford. Chancey . Braisure. S. others relate to service in the Spanish-American War. Va. Geo.Browne. .Campbell. John . Silas Bogue. Thomas .United States General applies relate chiefly to Army. Wm. Robert M. Jacob Clamor. Harry Carpenter. John W. Wm. Albert H. Lucius Burt. James Anderson. Julius Baldwin. Geo. D. Jas. Wm. Bart Connolly. Charles . Henry W. names of dependent(s). Bartlett. . Cole. Crockett. Francis M. and the files are State. Wm. Oliver .Beamen. Andrew .Brileya. James J. Stephen .Bowles. Theodore . Lafayette . Robert . William .Clammer. Anthony Bluitt. Cleaveland. the certificate number.Benning. Berta Collins. . Michael Cotter. Andrew Crays. Harvey . Daniel T288-45 T288-46 T288-47 T288-48 T288-49 T288-50 T288-51 T288-52 T288-53 T288-54 T288-55 T288-56 T288-57 T288-58 T288-59 T288-60 T288-61 T288-62 T288-63 T288-64 T288-65 T288-66 T288-67 T288-68 T288-69 T288-70 T288-71 T288-72 T288-73 T288-74 T288-75 T288-76 T288-77 T288-78 T288-79 T288-80 T288-81 T288-82 T288-83 T288-84 T288-85 T288-86 T288-87 T288-88 T288-89 T288-90 T288-91 T288-92 T288-93 T288-94 T288-95 T288-96 T288-97 T288-98 T288-99 T288-100 T288-101 T288-102 T288-103 T288-104 Bowles.Barre. Edward Colton.Clarence Allen.Bogue. Cooley.Beekman. Hiram .Chadwick.Connoly.Bernard.Cowan. Greenburgh. Mikal O. Edwin Givier. Charles B. Clarence Danforth. James P. Daniel Gross. John A.Hanchett.Gresh. Stephen Harris. J. Charles B.Gehris.Fuller.Hockman.Davis. Ernest .Dohn. Wm. Albert M. David O. Benjamin Dickson. Emil Eggers. Ivory Hall.Gray. Furneld. Charles W.Fitch. John . Joseph . W. James M. Hoffman. David M. Henry Frech.Fesler.Flanders. Michael B. John . John C.Frost. Gibson. . .Grane. . Evans. John P. Harry . James . Samuel B. Cornelius . Dow. Eli W. Jack Hazel. . . James W. Aaron Foster.Davis. Charles Henderson. Benjamin . Peter .Hazel.Duff. Edward . Wm. Thomas J. Bethuel . Daniel Holly.Delap. Charles Doss.Gaston. Harrison .Haffner.Foster. T.Heiple. Wm. Thomas Halliman. .Gutline. Samuel Flanders. William .Garnier. Cornelius Doyle.Hepler.Griggs.Drinkwater.Gilbert. John .Faunce. Joseph C.Callagher. David G. Ruburtus . Hayes.Erb.Gowman. Clarence . James H. Fish. Edward Dutton. . James Gaston. Cornelius . John . Henry Gresh. Ivory A. Michael Curry. . Thomas Dunn. James H. Thomas B. Gutling. Charles R. Alpheus Drinkwater. John Engstrom.Hatch. Alfred Davenport. Joseph Duncan. Gee. Francis R. . . Joseph .Guest.Dabney. Valentine .Golden. H. Dewitt. William Donnely. Linsey German. Edward . Alfred .Estover. James L. William Haw. B. Augustus . Charles Failing.Fish. .Harmer.Dutton. Werner L.Emerson. Hatch.Gee.Fowler. Andrew .Doss. John B. Isaiah Daniels. . Wm. Joseph Delap. B. John . Joseph . John A.Hopes.Hirschfeld. . . Adam Harvey. James R. . Eleano . . W. George Estrada.Ellis. Joseph . Oliver Cummins. .Engstrom.Doyle. Littleton . . Dixon. John W.Eliott.Hardin.Green. Davis. John P. Filley. Henry Fenner. J. Robert . Orange S. . George . . Albert P. Hafford. Herman Grane. . . Silas Halbert. Maurice Deschler. George Faunce. Charles W. Daniel W.Dean. H. Isaac . . Aaron . . Henry H.Dennewitz. Daniel .Edmonds.Eberling. Robert W. John Hanchett.German. Halver . . . Charles W. Joseph . Benjamin Fesler. John French.Filey. Earl. John W.Hamilton. Frank Holverson. Jacob Hart. Wm.Deschler. Foglesang. . Andrew Golden.United States Genral T288-105 T288-106 T288-107 T288-108 T288-109 T288-110 T288-111 T288-112 T288-113 T288-114 T288-115 T288-116 T288-117 T288-118 T288-119 T288-120 T288-121 T288-122 T288-123 T288-124 T288-125 T288-126 T288-127 T288-128 T288-129 T288-130 T288-131 T288-132 T288-133 T288-134 T288-135 T288-136 T288-137 T288-138 T288-139 T288-140 T288-141 T288-142 T288-143 T288-144 T288-145 T288-146 T288-147 T288-148 T288-149 T288-150 T288-151 T288-152 T288-153 T288-154 T288-155 T288-156 T288-157 T288-158 T288-159 T288-160 T288-161 T288-162 T288-163 T288-164 Crosser. Wm. T288-165 T288-166 T288-167 T288-168 T288-169 T288-170 T288-171 T288-172 T288-173 T288-174 T288-175 T288-176 T288-177 T288-178 T288-179 T288-180 T288-181 T288-182 T288-183 T288-184 T288-185 T288-186 T288-187 T288-188 T288-189 T288-190 T288-191 T288-192 T288-193 T288-194 T288-195 T288-196 T288-197 T288-198 T288-199 T288-200 T288-201 T288-202 T288-203 T288-204 T288-205 T288-206 T288-207 T288-208 T288-209 T288-210 T288-211 T288-212 T288-213 T288-214 T288-215 T288-216 T288-217 T288-218 T288-219 T288-220 T288-221 T288-222 T288-223 T288-224 Fuller.Hiltman. Geo. Bertrand Goodrich. Emanuel Hirschfeld. . William Gorham. E. H.Hoffman.Daniels. Albert . Peter Gilliam. William Flewallen.Halbert. John A. Alfred Harmer.Givier.Ford. Dean.Hennessy. Alexander . Antonio .Francisco. Edward Holder.Hill.Holder. Adam Dohn. Joseph . James .Goodrich. Ethru F. . Hill. Frank .Dow. Gowner. Clifford . . Michael Hennessey. Martin . Guest. W. Emerson.Evans. .Harris.Davison.Davenport. Clarence . Hubert . Halbert Eliott. Wilson Gehrike. Lewis . Wm. Eberly. George .Hannefin. . James . . Jason Higgins. Charles .Duncan. Robert Hardin.Frech.Hart. Primus . Fowler. Thomas S. . . Abram . . Wm. Wm. W. John F. Jasper . John Garnier. Duff. Edward Gray.Holverson. Henry Heiple. . Harvey . Green. John B. Griggs. Harris Hibbard.Gilliam. . W. Solomon . Amos . Benjamin . Garch.Decook. Oliver . Peter .Donnely. Jacob Doyle.Flew. Albert C. James W. Michael Harrington.Dixon.Holly. Jacob . Robert Hamilton. . Smith .Farmer.Curry.Dewitt. Hockman. Theodore Hechinger. Abraham Hiltman. John B.French. Nathaniel . Olin N. Hanneford. Gilbert. J. Wm. W.Harrington. David L.Garcelon.Foglesang.Eggers. Michael .Cummins.Halliman. Benjamin Frost. William . T. Henry F. John Edmonds. Bishop Crumrine. Jacob . Wm.S. Conrad Denney. .Danforth. John C. .Gibson.Hibbard. Arno Glidden. Clark Dabney. Dillon. Isaac Hershey. Ellis. Gallagher. George Erb. . Charles . Geo.Greenberger. Levi . Henry H.Dillon. Isaiah Davison. Cassius A. Stephen . Thompson Farmer. Henry Decook. Robert R.Haw.Failing.Dunn.Gorham. John F. James W.Hall. Jas. Traais .Gross.Higgins.Furneisen. Ford. Andrew Hepler. Christopher C.Glidden. Wm. Andrew . Fitch. Boyd .Earl. . Alfred . Samuel .Hershey. . Decon Davis.Dickson.Henderson.Heck.Hayes. Dewey . H. Juan Francisco. Albert . Michael .Fennen.Doyle. Wesley R. Samuel .Crumrine.Harvey. John W. Loucks. Thomas W. Wm. Jones.Morgan.Lyle. H. Whit . Lewis. John .Merithew. Thomas . .Johnson. . Ombro . Edward Lennon. John Ludwig. . William . Henry W. Geo. C. Aamon .Lawrence.Miller. John . . Irvine. Richard .Myers.Hudon. .Lee. Myers. John . P. McCartney. Earl .Jenkins. Henry L.Moulton. Wm.McLaughlin. Samuel P. James Leach. P. William Legere. John M.Mathers. Charles A. Julian Maglalang. Christian .McTigue. Martin V. James . McClintick. . Abner P. Miller. George . Chas. Chas.Kirkendall.Livermore. Peter Loucks. Marvin Miller. . C. John Lamont. .Jones. Thomas Marshall. James Metcalf.Imfeld. Mullaney.Johnson. John . Theo. .Jauslin. H. Charles M. Peter B. John Jenkins. . James .Kriege. John . Geo.Houghton. George Hughes. . Thomas Lincoln. J.Jordan Wm. .McClintick.Kleinhans. . .Maglalang.Marshall. John McGuire. John . Edward J. . Obediah Leven. Michael . Samuel S. Morris. . Carroll . W. Robert W. McCune. Dion B.Mickleborough. William P. Wm. Mitchell.Horney.Mayer. Moore. Henry C. H. William. . Kimball. Harry .Lane.Miller. Wm. Lowe. Wm. Chris . John M. . Houghton. .McKain. Zero Knappe.McComb. Wm. James . Charles H. Albert . . Rich.Ludwig. Thomas . Joseph M.Martin. Millington.McCornic. Harry King. John Humber.McMican. . . Aaron A. A.King. James. James .Howard. . W. Edward J. .Mullane. Chesley .Lapay.McDonald. James J. Chesley Jones.Lewis. Samuel Meloon.Humbell. Wm. Joseph Jauss. John Kurtz.Marlin. Thos. Chris Johnson. Noah . George McNeil. . Jewett. John B. A. W. Charles A.Kimball. Mathers.Kinley. A. McGinnis.Keeley. Robert . John Howard. Augustus A. Thomas A. Thomas . Charles Mattoon. H.Melcoon. George Mayer.Kelter. Kellum. Abraham .Loftus. Lane. Wm. Michael McTigue. George .Lythe. McFadden. . Long. Samuel P. Hurd. Mabel Mortimer.Millington. Geo. . Daniel Keltner.James. Kleinhays.McCabe. Nathaniel Kell. Fred . Wm. Frank Moulton. Herbert V. M.United States General T288-225 T288-226 T288-227 T288-228 T288-229 T288-230 T288-231 T288-232 T288-233 T288-234 T288-235 T288-236 T288-237 T288-238 T288-239 T288-240 T288-241 T288-242 T288-243 T288-244 T288-245 T288-246 T288-247 T288-248 T288-249 T288-250 T288-251 T288-252 T288-253 T288-254 T288-255 T288-256 T288-257 T288-258 T288-259 T288-260 T288-261 T288-262 T288-263 T288-264 T288-265 T288-266 T288-267 T288-268 T288-269 T288-270 T288-271 T288-272 T288-273 T288-274 T288-275 T288-276 T288-277 T288-278 T288-279 T288-280 T288-281 T288-282 T288-283 T288-284 Hopes.Hughes. W. Adolph . Aaron W. Joseph Lewis. James Moran. . Herman . LaGraff.Kaf Fes Sah Kaffey. Moody. Charles F. John D.Knowlton. Henry M. James M. Miller. Okey M. Mickleby.Kauble. . Lyles. Amos Mechling.Monaghan. Ben. James B. . James Johnson. Anthony W.Jackson. Jackson. T.Moore. Edward Lawrence.Metcalf. Theo. Francis McCabe.Moody. Moore. Dwight. Pedro Lape. John .Moran.McCune. .Hurd. Thomas Murphy. . .Levan. .Nash. Smith E. . Samuel Morgan. Tousan McCornice. H. Howland.Johnson. James W. . .Kooner. Joseph . Michael . John McComb.Morinmer. . Thomas . Timothy Kerney. F. Charles A. John Lathe. Benjamin Kauble. Lytle. Lee. William Hunt. Francis . Henry H. Mathias Hutchinson. . Charles Minnis.Lewis. Southey Keys. Marline. . McLaughlin. Thos. Geo.Howland. Thos. . Marcellus . Anthony M. . Fred Munson. May E. Anthony . . Koones. Wm. . Jesse G.LaMont. Francis . Wm. Geo. .Lathbury. . Charles F. Emil F. Alex.Mattoon. Benjamin F. Mayheir .Long. Thomas Monaghan. Marcelin Manuel. John . William James. . . Wm. Wm. James McKibben. John Mangan.Knapp. Marce .Leger. . Dennis Malarkey. Meritt. . . Mark . Johnson. Wm. . W. Daniel Knowlton.Jones. .McKibbin. Patrick . Andrew .Mangan. John McDonald. William A. Kirkendall.Kennedy. . .Jewett. M.Kellum. Imfeld. W. Edward . Allen .LaGraff.Kell.McNeil.Morris. John . William Kriegel. Wm. Oscar .Kurtz.McFadden. Wm. Philip . Samuel . Thomas W.Linson. James B. Jackson. James McKain. Q.Mechling. John Martin.Lennon. Wm.McGinnis. Ogden Johnson. B. Ferd. W.Irvine. Joseph McMichael. . James . Stephen W.Hunt.Malarkey. O. H. John W. John F.Mary. James F.Minnis. Wm.Jackson. I.Keys. John . Martin . . J.Moore.Manuel. Joseph Horney. . Daniel . Alexander .Hutchinson. Livermore. John Keeley. Frank P. Daniel F.McCartney.McGuire. Edward M. . Lyman T288-285 T288-286 T288-287 T288-288 T288-289 T288-290 T288-291 T288-292 T288-293 T288-294 T288-295 T288-296 T288-297 T288-298 T288-299 T288-300 T288-301 T288-302 T288-303 T288-304 T288-305 T288-306 T288-307 T288-308 T288-309 T288-310 T288-311 T288-312 T288-313 T288-314 T288-315 T288-316 T288-317 T288-318 T288-319 T288-320 T288-321 T288-322 T288-323 T288-324 T288-325 T288-326 T288-327 T288-328 T288-329 T288-330 T288-331 T288-332 T288-333 T288-334 T288-335 T288-336 T288-337 T288-338 T288-339 T288-340 T288-341 T288-342 T288-343 T288-344 Linson.Lowe. H. Matthew Marx.Leach.Munson. Martin Loftus. Louis Hudon. Smith Jones. Ben. Thomas . Richard Kennedy. Alex. John .Johnson.Jones. Franz .Lincoln. Jordan.Miller. Jacob Kinley.Murphy.Kerney.Mitchell. Samuel B. Wm. Almond Swartwood. Charles Speakman.Nesbitt. John Peary. . Sells.Noble. Wm. Isaac .Stanbrough.Rigby. Peter Rinier. John E. E. Benjamin .Smith. . H.Pick. . Jacob W. . . Abraham Starlin. Francis W. Isom Savage. Chas. Smith.Olds. Robert Siver. John Richards. . Archibald Sim. Alexander Rannie.O’Neal.Nuckles.Root. Smith. .Powell. George T288-405 T288-406 T288-407 T288-408 T288-409 T288-410 T288-411 T288-412 T288-413 T288-414 T288-415 T288-416 T288-417 T288-418 T288-419 T288-420 T288-421 T288-422 T288-423 T288-424 T288-425 T288-426 T288-427 T288-428 T288-429 T288-430 T288-431 T288-432 T288-433 T288-434 T288-435 T288-436 T288-437 T288-438 T288-439 T288-440 T288-441 T288-442 T288-443 T288-444 T288-445 T288-446 T288-447 T288-448 T288-449 T288-450 T288-451 T288-452 T288-453 T288-454 T288-455 T288-456 T288-457 T288-458 T288-459 T288-460 T288-461 T288-462 T288-463 T288-464 Ross.Reed. . Parker. W.Shinkle. Marcelino . Wm. John G. Roberts. John C.Pama. Benjamin Spickler.Rhone. Snyder. . Charles F.Putnam. Varius Q.Paulter. Alonzo F. Pablo .Rizer. Isaac Olds. Nesbitt. Chas. John S. Geo. . Jacob . William Rambo. Rigby. John .Sames. . Smith. . John L. Thos. Robinson. Robinson. John M. . John B. L. John . Charles C.Shaw. George A.Painter. Wm. John Robin. Geo.Sherman. F.Owens. Geo.Spurgeon. . Wm. Daniel B.Savage. S. Thomas Powell. Reuben Smathers. E. Charles Roe. John J.Rogge. Shepard . Adam .Smith.Smith. Wm. . Dandridge Rhone. John J. A. Joseph Parrett. Wallace . Prince Shaw. W. W.Taylor.Simpson.Robinson. . Schuler. Erasmo Pamanyag. Edward . John T. Sylvester .Richmond. Nuckolls. John L. Charles A. O’Neal. . Neff.Snakle. .Price. . Geo. Pence. Scott.Smith. Slaughter. .Soules.Sterling.Pence.Pigott. Wm. Nicholas .Sheldon.Sandquist. Jacob . Jacob Smith.Russum.Roberts. H. Abraham .Taylor. Stork.Records.Strauch.Quino. . Nicholas Schafer. Joseph Post. G. G.Pruett. . .Nichols. William . . Smith. Henry C. Charles . One V. Wm.Surkant.Reissig. Flavio Quino. Gustave Sandra. Francis Soules. .Sells. . Peter Snaman Geo. John T.Sullivan. Charles H.Robinson. Daniel . Albert . . John . Jeremiah .Schuler.Post. W. Charles . . Leon . Adolph Reissig. Clark . John H. David L. Ray. James W. William . Wilber Nichols. . Joseph . Geo.Smith. . .Reynolds.Rannie.Slaughter.Stevenson. . Wm. Vincente . .Ross.Schnelzer.Rupley. Wm.Tallmadge. Noble.Plunket. Jeremiah Spurgeon. . John E. George . Alonzo .Otly. John H. Earle Pick. . John O. Wm.Stoddard. Louis Stryke. R. . F. .. Wm. Chas. Sheldon. John . Wm. Wm. Ernest . Thomas Owens. James L. Isaac . H.O’Donnell. Wilbur . Richmond Wm. John A.Saunders. Frederick . Wm. Thomas F. Hez. Pixley. F. Wm. Shannon. Simpson. Charles Steers. George Roush.Pixley. . . Charles Y. Chas. Sherman. Records. . Abraham . Otman.Peary.Pool. William J. Geo. John W.Shannon. William J. David M. Stevenson.Stryhn. Oscar C. Robt.United States Genral T288-345 T288-346 T288-347 T288-348 T288-349 T288-350 T288-351 T288-352 T288-353 T288-354 T288-355 T288-356 T288-357 T288-358 T288-359 T288-360 T288-361 T288-362 T288-363 T288-364 T288-365 T288-366 T288-367 T288-368 T288-369 T288-370 T288-371 T288-372 T288-373 T288-374 T288-375 T288-376 T288-377 T288-376 T288-379 T288-380 T288-381 T288-382 T288-383 T288-384 T288-385 T288-386 T288-367 T288-388 T288-389 T288-390 T288-391 T288-392 T288-393 T288-394 T288-395 T288-396 T288-397 T288-398 T288-399 T288-400 T288-401 T288-402 T288-403 T288-404 Nash. John . John E. John R.Newman. Francis H. E. Franklin . Abraham . Alonzo Patterson. Archie .Steerman. William Rizer.Roush.Pettegreew. Timothy .Neff. Charles A. Fred Swink. Root.Perkins.Rambo. Herman Philipsen. S. Nenell . Reed. . Shade. Jacob Painter. Erastus Shinkle. Rodney K.Orr. . Dawson A. Joseph B. Wm. Chas. Fred . James .Swartwood.Reeves.Scott. Harry .Shuttlesworth. Edward Sullivan. Thomas . Henry Schlaich.Spickler.Schlaich. Thomas Scoville.Sabin. Saunders. Stoddard. Daniel O’Donnell. Varde Smith. John S. Short. Isaac . Thomas Strauch. Charles H. George .Starling. Shuttleton.Richards.H. Francis Schnemilch.Speakman.Rinier. Wm. . George . Eugen M. William . Wm. Prentice. Lazarus Newman. W. Thomas Pool. Sabin.Patterson. . Isaac Norris. Stanbrough. John A. James W. Wm. . R.Perry. Mose Tallmadge.Siver. Rogge.Scoville. Oscar . Edmund Reynolds.O’Brien. Thomas . John Pigott. Wm.Prentice. Robert . Perry. . . Wm. Isa Perkins. John C. John H. . K. Thomas H.Sedelbauer. Wm. Sterling. .Swink. H.Robilliard.Smith. Timothy Price.Smith. Russum.Smathers. William Orr. Alfred .Ray.Schaefer. . Edwin . Wm. .Short. .Shade. George Smith.Sim. Arcadio Rubio. Jacob . . . Pearl Sames. John A. J. . . . John O’Brien. . Reeves. H. Thomas . Thompson. Daniel L. Geo. Geo.Stickle. Plunkett. Louis Surd. Shepard L. Charles H.Philipsen. G. Chas. H.Stork. Samuel .Rubin. Diedrich . John L. Taylor. . Thos. Daniel Pruett. James L. Henry Rupley. John R. Pettengail. A. Stickle. W.Parker. Robert F. R. John W. Wm. W. H.Norris.Roe.Parrett. Robert A. Putnam. John Paulus. Asa H. Sedello. J. Levi . . Thos G. John J. . .Snyder. James K. Walter.Wilcoxen. Leander Turner. Wm.Wright. Ferdinand . S. Wise. DeForest Wheelock. Signal Corps. M-R M1290-26 Conf. Infantry.Young. David Weidenhamer. 1780s-1917. Trask. Infantry.Washington.S. A.Weeks. Lyman .S. James E. Salathiel .Wilson.Whitten. L-Z M1290-3 U. Henry R. A-D M1290-19 U. Truman.Vermillion.Taylor. Washington Tharp.Wise. Volunteers. H. Wilson. Volunteer Infantry. Charles L. Abram . George . . S-Z . W. Addison Tompkins. Hiran E. Elisha Towle.Thomas.S.Visscher. Isaac Wolverton. Army. Louis Wright. .Weaver. M1290-1 U. Henry R. James . Frank H. Veteran Volunteers.Woods. John M.Wm. Wm. A T288-525 T288-526 T288-527 T288-528 T288-529 T288-530 T288-531 T288-532 T288-533 T288-534 T288-535 T288-536 T288-537 T288-538 T288-539 T288-540 T288-541 T288-542 T288-543 T288-544 Willoughby. . Levi Watt. Jacob . K. Leander . Jeremiah . James Wood. Joseph Wilson. Edward M. James Tittsworth. Visscher. L-Z M1290-5 Pioneer Brigade. James H. .Wm. Whitlock. Jos.VanZant. Anthony Wilcoxen. Young. John Welch.S. W. Lewis Tilford.Welch. Edson S. A-K M1290-2 U.Valentine. Veteran Volunteers.S. . Albert . E-J M1290-20 U.Warren. Williams.Wm. Palmer C. . . .Tullar. Volunteer Infantry.Underwood. Henry . Joseph . Thomas Willan. George Thomas. .Thompson. Veteran Volunteers. .West. The indexes reproduced in this microfilm publication. John C.Williams. Marcus Vermillion. Daniel . Daniel . . . Rutledge E. Geo.Watkins. Infantry. Signal Corps. H. James . Benjamin Vreeland. Geo. Thomas . Edmund UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR. Tullar. Levi . Infantry. Nicholas .Wilson. Infantry. Charles White.Wootton.Wilkerson. Septimus Taylor. Henry P. Daniel H. Thompson. L-Z M1290-7 U. Veteran Volunteers.Turner. Robert . Abram Vandermark.S. A-K M1290-4 U. T-Z M1290-23 Conf.Wallace. James H. K-L M1290-14 U. Woods. Edward W. . Infantry. Levi Valentine.William K.Trask.Truman.Triplett. Martin . Joseph . Asa Yates. Thompson. Engineers. .Wm. Manuel Williams. Veteran Volunteers.Wyatt. A.Waldron. Simon . S. T-Z M1290-18 U.White. Garland M. . . .Willan. Andrew A. Young. Frederick Wyatt.Walker.S.Winkley.Williams.Whitlock. . Almon . Army. Samuel Wentzel. Infantry.Wood. Volunteer Infantry. Andrew F.Wolverton. John C. Sharp Shooters. . . L-Z M1290-9 U.Wentzel. John VanMarter. David J.Tittsworth.S. James H. Geo. Joseph .Wm.White. A-K M1290-6 Pioneer Brigade. Joseph . .Woodcock. Jacob Williams. Charles . Whalen.Watt. Infantry. .Zytkoskie. James . George .Tompkins. Mengo Wixson. Daniel Williams.Tyas. Patrick F.Young. UNION Indexes to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations Not Raised by States or Territories.S.Williams. Triplett.Temple. James H. James W. M-O M1290-15 U. Winkley. John Zellman. . John B. Army. are part of Records of the Adjutant General’s Office. Veteran Volunteers. H-J M1290-13 U. Whitehead.Wiesman.S. Alburtus . John F. Gus Weeks.Tharp. Alonzo S. Dan C.S. Prisoners of War Who Enlisted in the U. Prima West. Volunteer Infantry.S. K-O M1290-21 U.Tilford. David I. William Thomas. Chas.Whitehead.Towle.Thompson. Geo. .Wagner. Washington. Veteran Volunteers.Yates. James B. Isaac Waldron.S. Whitten.Wheelock. Adolph .Wm. . W.S.Wells.Wardell.S. Alexander B.Wandross.Williams.Vandermark. . Wells. . . York.VanMarter. . Henry VanZant. . Alexander Wright. . Patrick H. A-K M1290-8 U.S. Geo. E-G M1290-12 U. Geo.S.Thomas.S.S. Veteran Volunteers. Charles B. Sharp Shooters. Prisoners of War Who Enlisted in the U. Wilber A. Mansfield . Levi . Henry . Geo.Vreeland. Veteran Volunteers. Charles .Weber. George J.S. Ambrose .Wright.Willoughby. Thos.S.United States General T288-465 T288-466 T288-467 T288-468 T288-469 T288-470 T288-471 T288-472 T288-473 T288-474 T288-475 T288-476 T288-477 T288-478 T288-479 T288-480 T288-481 T288-482 T288-483 T288-484 T288-485 T288-486 T288-487 T288-488 T288-489 T288-490 T288-491 T288-492 T288-493 T288-494 T288-495 T288-496 T288-497 T288-498 T288-499 T288-500 T288-501 T288-502 T288-503 T288-504 T288-505 T288-506 T288-507 T288-508 T288-509 T288-510 T288-511 T288-512 T288-513 T288-514 T288-515 T288-516 T288-517 T288-518 T288-519 T288-520 T288-521 T288-522 T288-523 T288-524 Taylor.Whalen. Ralph M. Gilman . and the records to which they apply. Jasper Wagner.Wixson. Volunteer Infantry. Veteran Volunteers. Seth B.Wilson. Berhard Wiesman. Wardell. . Infantry. Richard . Alonzo Warren. Jacob . P-R M1290-16 U. George T. Veteran Volunteers. David . Mingo Wands. Ole . P-S M1290-22 U. Aubyn Arthur . John . Geo.S.S. Edgar L. . Adolph Weber. W. . George Wilson. F-L M1290-25 Conf. Weaver.Wm. Lyman Walker. Temple. Julius Thostenson. . Volunteers. Wallace. Jonathan Tyas. Henry L. C-D M1290-11 U. Alonzo Underwood. Army. Louis H. Park E.York.Thost. Prisoners of War Who Enlisted in the U. Jordan White. S M1290-17 U. Watkins. Walter. Prisoners of War Who Enlisted in the U. . Alexander Woodcock.Zellman. Burton Wootton.S. . A-B M1290-10 U. Engineers. Ethelbert . A-E M1290-24 Conf. S. service data.United States Genral M1290-27 Brigade Bands. UNITED STATES –MILITARY– MEXICAN WAR Index to Mexican War Pension Files. Marine Brigade/Marine Regiment. Adolphe . Each index card gives the name of a soldier.To Tr .S. . Marine Brigade/Marine Regiment.Sz T .Ka Ke .Pap Par . Varner’s Battalion of Infantry.Cy D . T-Z M1290-33 Miss. M616-1 M616-2 M616-3 M616-4 M616-5 M616-6 M616-7 M616-8 M616-9 M616-10 A . Otten.Zexick.Memorank.Dy E F .Con Coo .Fl Fo .S.He Hi . UNION Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in the Veteran Reserve Corps.Cha Che . Now in the War Department Library.Dom Don . 1887-1926.P. Army to the Mississippi Flotilla.Brooks. February 21-23.Bron Brow . Volunteers. James H. E-J M1290-30 Indian Home Guards. Charles . the application number. Thomas .Mat Mau . A-Y M1290-36 Departmental Corps (Department of the Monongahela).By C . and.Wrigh. Wm. H. I-R M1290-35 Miss.Ry S . These pension files are based on service performed in 1846-48. the pension certificate number and the State from which the claim was made. A. John .Mor Mos . Marine Brigade/Marine Regiment.Howard. .S. Wm. . A-D M1290-29 Indian Home Guards. U. Volunteers. for an approved claim. D.Sh Si .Hos Hot . John T. A-H M1290-34 Miss.Bur Bus .Ni No . Heinrich .Sc Se .Dy .Ra Re . Alfred B. J. Horace K. A-Z. and the unit or units in which he served.Sn UNITED STATES –MILITARY– MEXICAN WAR Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the Mexican War This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical card index to the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served during the Mexican War.As At .La Le . .Cok Col .Bri Bro .Dh Di . . Stephen Elmore. J. James M. Robert Robey. An entry in this index shows the name of a veteran.McI McK . 1962. Volunteer Pioneers.Coz Cr .Wel Wem . A-Z M1290-28 Indian Home Guards. his rank. UNION T251-1 List of the Photographs and Photographic Negatives Relating to the War for the Union.Bla Ble . the name and class of dependent. T317-1 T317-2 T317-3 T317-4 T317-5 T317-6 T317-7 T317-8 T317-9 T317-10 T317-11 T317-12 T317-13 T317-14 Aaron . UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR.Griffith.Gal Gam .Anderon.Sti St J. Wright. U.Gy H . Menard.Ott.Wil Wim . M636-1 M636-2 M636-3 M636-4 M636-5 M636-6 M636-7 M636-8 M636-9 M636-10 M636-11 M636-12 M636-13 M636-14 M636-15 M636-16 M636-17 M636-18 M636-19 M636-20 M636-21 M636-22 M636-23 M636-24 M636-25 M636-26 M636-27 M636-28 M636-29 M636-30 M636-31 M636-32 M636-33 M636-34 M636-35 M636-36 M636-37 A Ba Be .Me Mi . S-Z. Enlisted Men Transferred from the U. Wm.Elmore.Go Gr . Wm. Ussey. if any. Josiah . Thomas . John Smith. John P.Har Has .I J .Bl Bo . Wm.Pi Pl .Smith.Z UNITED STATES –MILITARY– CIVIL WAR.Ba Bd . Brooks. Volunteers. Aucley Anderson. A-W M636-38 M636-39 M636-40 M636-41 M636-42 M636-43 M636-44 So .Cooley. Griffith. F.Ki Kl . Captain Turner’s Co. Robert Lea.Ri Ro . U.Usher.Robeson. A-Z. P-S M1290-32 Indian Home Guards. Edward Cooley.Dau Dav .Ca Ce .. There are cross-references for names that appear in the records under more than one spelling. Joshua Howard.Lazenby. . K-O M1290-31 Indian Home Guards.V W . . 1887-1926 This microfilm publication reproduces an alphabetical index to Mexican War pension files.Lo Lu . Fa Fe .Rie Rif . 1828-1839. Vols. 18. South Carolina. Vols. Publ. Indiana. Barnstable. 1839-1845. Belfast. cemeteries. Mormon organization.Ly M . on July 20. Vol. pensions. Gump. then en route to California. Peet. 2-3.Me Mi . Vols. This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of volunteer soldiers in two Mormon organizations that served in the Mexican War. Also includes a section called Family Migrations from Census Records and Queries. Kirtland. 1803-1812. Davis. Family names: Davids. Vol. 14 Louisiana. Vols. 1846. on July 16.Ph Pi . 1809-1817. Vol. Michigan. Maryland. Ohio. 1800-1816.Ry S . an attempt was made to re-enroll all the members. Vols. Nebraska. 6 fiche. Tucker. Louisiana. 1790-1896. 4. Bangor. South of the River Ohio. Virginia 1820-65. Mississippi.Len Leo .Mop Mor . Maine. Florida. .S. 1820-1873.Hol Hom . 1819-1829. Canada. 1821-1828. North Carolina. and land records throughout the United States. F-1606. Vol. North Carolina 1865. 1787-1803. New Jersey.McJ McK . Vols.. Draper. 22-23. 21. Vol. Maine 1848. Missouri. Cape May. Holbrook.Fo Fr .Se Sh . Florida. Vols. Giuseppi. Publ. family Bibles. 1829-1837.StD Ste . 5-6. designated as Capt. 10-11.Sme Smi . Vol.I J K . and Jennings. 19-20. 7-8. Waugh. Vermont. Thompson. Connecticut. Volunteers S-Z.Kn Ko .Hap Har . served for 6 months. 26.We Wh . Johnson. Arkansas. probates. 1817-1819. A compilation of marriage. Maine 1820-51. and Indiana. 8 Iowa. M575-1 Alexandria. Maryland. Vols. Owen-Gardner. Volunteers H-R M351-3 Mormon Battalion. 1805-1829. church. Sands. comp. 24-25. Mormon Volunteers. This battalion consisted of five companies of Mormon emigrants. who enlisted for 1 year. Calif. Naturalization of Foreign Protestants in American and West Indian Colonies. by M. Connecticut 1870. Florida.Q R .Hel Hem . Alabama. and Corbin. 1829-1836. UNITED STATES –SHIP PASSENGER LISTS Copies of Lists of Passengers Arriving at Miscellaneous Ports on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and at Ports on the Great Lakes. 16-17. Publ. Tennessee. The first of these organizations the Mormon Battalion. Iowa. Idaho.Z UNITED STATES –PERIODICALS Ancestral Notes from Chedwato and Supplement. 1803-1821. Indiana. 1921. UNITED STATES –MILITARY– MEXICAN WAR Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the Mexican War in Mormon Organizations. Beaufort.Ti To . Vol. 1964-1966. At the end of this term of enlistment. New Jersey 1828 UNITED STATES –NATURALIZATION SW16-76 item O. New York. but only one company was organized at Los Angeles. 9. Michigan. Annapolis.Ne Ni .O P . Pennsylvania. Mormon Volunteers UNITED STATES –SHIP PASSENGER LISTS Note: All ship passenger lists may be found under the state where the port is located. 1967. Texas. Index. Massachusetts.Gre Gri .V W . Bristol and Warren. Publ. Orleans. 1847 The second. North Carolina. Maine 1825-67. Shiles. Bridgeport.Ma Mc . Davis’ Company A. 12. M351-1 Mormon Battalion. Family names: Webster. Maryland 1849. Illinois. Index: M721-2 M721-3 M721-4 M721-5 M721-6 M721-7 M721-8 M721-9 M721-10 M721-11 M721-12 M721-13 M721-14 M721-15 M721-16 Vols. Volunteers. Massachusetts 1820-26. Capt. Perkins.Sz T .United States General M616-11 M616-12 M616-13 M616-14 M616-15 M616-16 M616-17 M616-18 M616-19 M616-20 M616-21 M616-22 M616-23 M616-24 M616-25 M616-26 M616-27 M616-28 M616-29 M616-30 M616-31 M616-32 M616-33 M616-34 M616-35 M616-36 M616-37 M616-38 M616-39 M616-40 M616-41 E . Davis’ Company A. was organized at Council Bluffs. Connecticut. Volunteers A-G M351-2 Mormon Battalion. 13-15. 2 fiche. 195p. New York. 1961. Vol. Contains an index for the years 1962. Northwest of the River Ohio. Rhode Island 1820-71.Wil Wim . Holmes. Mississippi. 1961-1967: F-938. 1809-1818.Gh Gi . Massachusetts. Arkansas. UNITED STATES –PUBLIC RECORDS Territorial Papers. Bath. Vermont. Barz Bas . Hampton.Ak Al .Aq Ar .Boyk Boyl . Sag Harbor. Rhode Island 1820-49 Providence.Donn Dono . Saybrook. Massachusetts 1821-44. Plymouth. Darien. Massachusetts 1820-36.Brov Brow .Bob Boc . New Jersey 1836.Del Dem . New Hampshire 1820-61. Richmond.Beb Bec . Dighton. Massachusetts 1852. St Johns.Coll Colm .Chp Chr . Connecticut 1820.Sep. New York 1821-23 Passamaquoddy. Maine 1848-58 Portland and Falmouth. North Carolina 1820. Sandusky. New York 1866. Connecticut 1837.Call Calm . Plymouth. This publication indexes the passenger lists included under the alphabetical listing of ports in M575. Florida 1865. Portland and Falmouth. Maine 1820 UNITED STATES –SHIP PASSENGER LISTS A Supplemental Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast Ports (Excluding New York).United States Genral M575-2 Charleston.Bk Bl . M334-1 M334-2 M334-3 M334-4 M334-5 M334-6 M334-7 M334-8 M334-9 M334-10 M334-11 M334-12 M334-13 M334-14 M334-15 M334-16 M334-17 M334-18 M334-19 M334-20 M334-21 M334-22 M334-23 M334-24 M334-25 M334-26 M334-27 M334-28 M334-29 M334-30 M334-31 M334-32 M334-33 M334-34 M334-35 M334-36 M334-37 M334-38 M334-39 M334-40 M334-41 M334-42 M334-43 M334-44 M334-45 M334-46 M334-47 M334-48 A .Bran Brao .Canm Cann .Brif Brig .Boq Bor .Duk Dul . Rochester. Savanah. Rhode Island 1820-57. Maryland 1820. Yarmouth.Conz Coo . Virginia 1820-57 Oswegatchie. Massachusetts 1837-65. Fairfield. Georgia 1823-25.Clar Clas . Connecticut 1820-47. Connecticut 1820-73 New London. Perth Amboy. Virginia 1830.Brum Brun . Newburyport. Maine 1820-42. Providence. Virginia 1820-44. New Jersey 1831. New Bedford. Massachusetts 1820-70. New Haven. North Carolina 1820-65. New Jersey 1820-32.Burm Bu . Gloucester. New Berne.Coe Cof .Crah Crai . Massachusetts 1820-62. Waldeboro. Fall River. 1867 . Maine Oct. South Carolina 1865. Georgia 1820-68. Newport.Cors Cort . Edgartown. New York 1829-34.Doug Douh . Massachusetts 1865-66. Virginia 1820-21. Massachusetts 1826-52.Dus M575-3 M575-4 M575-5 M575-6 M575-7 M575-8 M575-9 M575-10 M575-11 M575-12 M575-13 1867 M575-14 1868 M575-15 M575-16 . Maine (part) 1820-44 Passamaquoddy. South Carolina 1820-28. Massachusetts 1820-49. Newark. Texas 1846-71 Georgetown.Dah Dai . Washington. Little Egg Harbor. Virginia 1820-21. Petersburg. Connecticut 1820-21.Buj Buk . Kennebunk. Edenton. Florida 1821-70.Bem Ben . Maine 1821-27 Galveston.Byrm Byrn . Penobscot.Ber Bes . North Carolina 1820-40 Portland and Falmouth.At Au . Marblehead. Maine Jan. Maine 1820-33.Bak Bal . Wilmington. North Carolina 1820-48. Portsmouth.Dar Das .Carz Cas . Norfolk and Portsmouth.Dold Dole . Port Royal. Key West. Salem. Massachusetts 1821-39. Maine 1863-65 Portland and Falmouth. Havre de Grace. Alabama 1832-52 Nantucket.Devi Devl . 1820-1874. Ohio 1820.Mar. Frenchman’s Bay. Hartford.Caz Cea . Rhode Island 1850-67.Deam Dean . 1866 . District of Columbia 1820-21.Drir Dris .Amf Amg . Massachusetts 1820-70.Barm Barn . Mobile. East River. Maine 1851.Connel Connen . Delaware 1820-48.Cum Cun . Maine (part) 1845-59. Maine 1859-62 Portland and Falmouth.Cror Cros . Maine 1820-47 Portland and Falmouth.Carp Carr . Hingham. Florida 1837-68.Diu Div . St Augustine. Mim Min .Stev Stew .Reill Reilm .Ros Rot .Hars Hart .McCn McCo .Pom Pon .Pes Pet .Kem Ken .In Io .Mann Mano .Lif Lig .Sit Siv . C. J.Frn Fro .McR McS .Lym Lyn .Jones.Kak Kal .Harf Harg .Ril Rim .Fee Fef .Mez Mi . Smith. .Saq Sar .Mac Mad .Ob Oc . Murphy.Smitz Smo .Kraf Krag .Schm Schn .Muller. McCarthy.Kea Keb .Mars M334-109 M334-110 M334-111 M334-112 M334-113 M334-114 M334-115 M334-116 M334-117 M334-118 M334-119 M334-120 M334-121 M334-122 M334-123 M334-124 M334-125 M334-126 M334-127 M334-128 M334-129 M334-130 M334-131 M334-132 M334-133 M334-134 M334-135 M334-136 M334-137 M334-138 M334-139 M334-140 M334-141 M334-142 M334-143 M334-144 M334-145 M334-146 M334-147 M334-148 M334-149 M334-150 M334-151 M334-152 M334-153 M334-154 M334-155 M334-156 M334-157 M334-158 M334-159 M334-160 M334-161 M334-162 M334-163 M334-164 M334-165 M334-166 M334-167 M334-168 Mart . B.Fitzg Fitzh . Muller.Spen Speo .Morr Mors .Nichm Nicho . I.Pid Pie .El Em . C.Kerp Kerr .Pra Prc .Rog Roh .McGr McGu .Olh Oli .Sco Scr .Hun Huo .Greg Greh . .Pc Pe . .Gral Gram .Kinga Kingb . F.Ral Ram .Ruo Rup .McA McB .Gem Gen .Lat Lau .Rea Reb .Rib Ric .Star Stas .Herb Herc .McDo McDr .Fran Frap .Gll Glo .Mom Mon . A.Hel Hem .Sho Shr .Hab Hac .Nortm Norto .United States General M334-49 M334-50 M334-51 M334-52 M334-53 M334-54 M334-55 M334-56 M334-57 M334-58 M334-59 M334-60 M334-61 M334-62 M334-63 M334-64 M334-65 M334-66 M334-67 M334-68 M334-69 M334-70 M334-71 M334-72 M334-73 M334-74 M334-75 M334-76 M334-77 M334-78 M334-79 M334-80 M334-81 M334-82 M334-83 M334-84 M334-85 M334-86 M334-87 M334-88 M334-89 M334-90 M334-91 M334-92 M334-93 M334-94 M334-95 M334-96 M334-97 M334-98 M334-99 M334-100 M334-101 M334-102 M334-103 M334-104 M334-105 M334-106 M334-107 M334-108 Dut .Eu Ev . K.Sto Str .Heap Hear .Math Mati .Ham Han .Kna Knc .McKem McKen . .Halk Hall .Loc Lod .McCy McD .Hop Hoq . B.Robe Robi .Sullivan.Hic Hid .Pari Park .Hok Hol .Land Lane .Fll Flo .Smith.Johnse Johnso .Oss Ost .Gark Garl .Fam Fan .Schuk Schul . C.Galk Gall .Quh Qui .Mel Mem . Jones.His Hit .Kellw Kelly . .Lou Lov .Shec Shed .Moo Mop .Murphy.McMt McMu . .Scha Schb .Ford Fore .Kw Ky .Ed Ee .Fil Fim .Murpy Murr .Lenf Leng .McGim McGin .Rya Ryb .Mah Mai .Janr Jans .Hub Huc . H.Gilc Gild .Nc Ne .Hauk Haul .Lear Leas .McCarthy.Sge Sha .Gord Gore .Gro Gru .McLa McLe . Note: The Draper Manuscripts are for Loan only.Tep Ter . 56-60 Series J. D.Tag Tah . 1-3 UNITED STATE –SPECIAL COLLECTIONS– DRAPER MANUSCRIPTS– Draper Manuscripts. Vols. Harper. Vols. As a member of Heritage Quest. 6-9 Series F.Woode Woodf .Tro Trr . Vols. 1-2 Series N.Web Wec .Warda Wardb . 1-3 Series O.Um Un . Vols. Non-members may purchase it for $30. Vols. 26-29 Series J. the researcher is further cautioned that .Wins Wint .00 for postage and handling (E0007). Vols.Weng Wenh . 23-25 Series J. 61-64 Series K. Vols. 19-22 Series C. Vols. The microfilm edition of the Draper Manuscripts and the microfiche of the Draper calendars and documentary series are available for purchaseonly from the Sales Department. the resources he gathered for his own historical and biographical research comprise the most noted and widely recognised manuscript collection owned by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 5-7 Series E. 1-5 Series E. 47-51 Series J. However.Wagm Wagn . 19-22 Series G. 13-15 Series C.00. as exclusive custodian of the Draper Manuscripts. Vols. a twelve-year Bicentenial project has resulted in a new microfilm edition (1980) of the papers. Vols. 1-3 Series J. To faciliate using the papers. Ann Arbor. Vols. 6-9 Series J. Vols. Vols. 10-12 Series C. Vols. 12-16 Series J. 1 Series B. Vols. Vols. Vols. Vols. These microfilms are not for sale by Heritage Quest. Vols. Vols. 1-3 Series F. Vols.Whitc White . Inc. Vols. 1-2 Series M. 1-5 Series C.Sum Sun . plus $3. 43-46 Series J. Vols. 10-11 Series J. Therefore. Vols.Thomp Thoms . Chadwyck-Healey. Vols. Publ.Tom Ton . Vols. 1-4 Series E. 23-27 Series C. 30-34 Series J. a Guide to the Draper Manuscripts has been prepared by Josephine Harper of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. It is the responsibility of the author or his publisher to secure permission from the copyright owners. Some papers within the collection may be under copyright.Yal Yam . Draper last browsed among his cherished manuscripts and notes on the western frontier prior to 1830. Vols. DR-1 DR-2 DR-3 DR-4 DR-5 DR-6 DR-7 DR-8 DR-9 DR-10 DR-11 DR-12 DR-13 DR-14 DR-15 DR-16 DR-17 DR-18 DR-19 DR-20 DR-21 DR-22 DR-23 DR-24 DR-25 DR-26 DR-27 DR-28 DR-29 DR-30 DR-31 DR-32 DR-33 DR-34 DR-35 DR-36 DR-37 DR-38 DR-39 DR-40 DR-41 DR-42 DR-43 DR-44 DR-45 DR-46 DR-47 Series A. We ask that you do not order these films for purchase from us. Vols. Although more than ninety years have passed since Lyman C. Vols.United States Genral M334-169 M334-170 M334-171 M334-172 M334-173 M334-174 M334-175 M334-176 M334-177 M334-178 M334-179 M334-180 M334-181 M334-182 M334-183 M334-184 M334-185 M334-186 M334-187 M334-188 Sullivan. expressly prohibits the unauthorized reproduction of this material by any institution or individual. 1-2 Series P. Vols. 38-41 Series J. The Primary Objective of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in issuing the Guide and the microfilm is to make the Draper Manuscripts widely available and freely accessible to researchers. 17-20 Series J. Heritage Quest has received permission from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin to make available the Draper Manuscripts. Vols. the reader is cautioned that the Society. Vols. 4-5 Series F. . 1-6 Series C. 21-22 Series J. Michigan 48105 Telephone: (313) 662-2662. Vols. Vols.Zyn neither the Society’s exclusive ownership of the collection nor authorization to publish materials in the collection constitutes a conveyance of those literary rights not held by the Society. plus $3.Wall Walm . 35-37 Series J. Vols. by Josephine L. Vols. Vols. To meet the needs of current historical and genealogical researchers. permission to publish any unpublished material from the Draper Manuscripts must be secured from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Vols. 13-15 Series F. you may purchase the Guide for $27. Vols. 7-9 Series C. 1-3 Series H. 11-16 Series F. Vols. 1-5 Series L. Following is an excerpt of the preface from the Guide to the Draper Manuscripts. Vol. Vols. 8-10 Series E. With the exception of brief extracts. 1-5 Series J.Vez Via . Generally accepted research use of the collection is unrestricted.. 16-18 Series F. Vols.00 for postage and handling.Willia Willib .00. 10-12 Series F. Vols. 52-55 Series J.Wig Wih . Vols. 2511 Pontiac Trail. 42-42A Series J. 28-33 Series D. by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 16-18 Series C. Vols. Vols. Vol. Vols. Vols. Vols. 1-3 Series GG. comp. Vols.1. 10-16 UNITED STATES –SPECIAL COLLECTIONS– PAPERS OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention Index: Papers of the Continental Congress. Vols. 8-10 Series SS. 4-7 Series U. Vols. Vols. 9-10 Series CC. Vols. Vols. 35-40 Series Y. Vols. Vols. Vols. 1-4 Series CC. 20-27 Series Y. 4-6 Series RR.2 and 3. 1-4 Series VV.P M247-3 Card Indexes: No. 28-31 Series S. Vols. Vol. Vol. 1779 . A . Nos. 1-9 Series Y. Vols. 1-5 Series NN. Vols. 6 and Index No. Vols. All persons. 1 Series AA. Vols. This comprehensive index covers all of the records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses except the Journals and two manuscript indexes. 1-2 Series X. Vols. 5-6 Series DD. Vols. 1-2 Series VV. 29-32 Series CC. 33-36 Series DD. 4-5 Series XX. 12-13 Series DD. 1774 . 6-7 Series YY. 14-20 Series U. Q . 2-4 Series KK. 10-19 Series Y. 1-3 Series XX. Vols. 11-13 Series ZZ. Vols. 1-3 Series RR.Hardcover only . Vol. Vols. 28-34 Series Y. 11-13 Series VV. 1-6 Series YY. Vols. 3-5 Series Q. Vols. Vols. Vols. 5-9 Series S. Vols. Vols. Heritage Quest member price is $70 plus $4 postage and handling.$85. 1 Series QQ. 41 Series Z. 10-11 Series DD. 14-16 Series VV. 23-27 Series S.G M247-2 Card Indexes: No. 21-24 Series V. Vols. 1-9 Series U. Vol. 1-3 Series S. Vols.1.Nov 8. Vol. 1-3 Series U. Vols. Papers of the Continental Congress “The Papers of the Continental Congress” is a term applied to the records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the records of the Constitutional Convention of 1787.Aug 24. 20-28 Series CC. Vols. 10-14 Series S. Vols. 1778 . Vols. 7. Vols. 8 and 9 M247-8 Rough Journals: Sep 5. 1-5 Series Y. 1 Series W. 1 Series UU. 1-4 Series XX. 1-4 Series ZZ. 19-22 Series S. 5-7 Series VV. Vols. Vols. 1st Series M247-6 Bound Manuscript Indexes: Index No. Vols. 1-5 Series BB. Vols. 7-10 Series YY. 1-2 Series DD. 1-4 Series S. Vols. Vols. 8-10 Series VV. 1777 . 16-18 Series EE. Vols. Vols. Vols. 4-7 Series RR. Vols. 1774 . Vols. Vols. 1-2 Series BB. Vols. Vols. 11-13 Series U. by John P. Vols.United States General DR-48 DR-49 DR-50 DR-51 DR-52 DR-53 DR-54 DR-55 DR-56 DR-57 DR-58 DR-59 DR-60 DR-61 DR-62 DR-63 DR-64 DR-65 DR-66 DR-67 DR-68 DR-69 DR-70 DR-71 DR-72 DR-73 DR-74 DR-75 DR-76 DR-77 DR-78 DR-79 DR-80 DR-81 DR-82 DR-83 DR-84 DR-85 DR-86 DR-87 DR-88 DR-89 DR-90 DR-91 DR-92 DR-93 DR-94 DR-95 DR-96 DR-97 DR-98 DR-99 DR-100 DR-101 DR-102 DR-103 DR-104 DR-105 DR-106 DR-107 Series Q.1. 1-3 and 5 M247-5 Bound Manuscript Indexes: Vol. 2nd Series M247-7 Bound Manuscript Indexes: Indexes No. 6-8 Series R.615 pages. Vols. Vols. Vol. 13-19 Series CC. 1-3 Series NN. 1-3 Series QQ. 10-13 Series CC. 6-9 Series BB. Vols. 1 Series FF. Vols. Vols. A . 1978 #100024 . Vols. Vol. and subjects are indexed in a single alphabetical sequence which is followed by a chronological list of every document. 1-5 Series TT. 15-18 Series S. 21-24 Series WW. 7-9 Series DD. Vols. Vols. 11-12 Series CC. Vols. Vols.1789 M247-1 Card Indexes: No. 6. Vols. 8 1/2 x 11 5 volumes. Vols. 1777 M247-9 Rough Journals: Apr 14. 17-20 Series VV. 1-3 Series HH 1-2 Series JJ. Vols. Vols. Vol. Vols. Vols. 1-2 Series Q. It also covers the records of the Constitutional Convention of 1787.00. Vols.Apr 12. 8-10 Series U. 1774-1789.Z. Butler. Vols. Vols. 6-10 DR-108 DR-109 DR-110 DR-111 DR-112 DR-113 DR-114 DR-115 DR-116 DR-117 DR-118 DR-119 DR-120 DR-121 DR-122 DR-123 DR-124 DR-125 DR-126 DR-127 DR-128 DR-129 DR-130 DR-131 DR-132 DR-133 DR-134 Series OO. places. Vols. Papers of the Continental Congress. 5-8 Series CC. Vols. Vols. Vols. 14-15 Series DD. 1 Series PP. 1778 M247-10 Rough Journals: Aug 25. 32-33 Series T. 1 Series MM. Vols. Vols. Vol. 1 Series LL. 5-9 Series ZZ.Z M247-4 Bound Manuscript Indexes: Vols. Vols. 1 Series JJ. 3-4 Series DD. 7. H . 1776 .1788 M247-44 Other Reports of Committee of Congress: Marine Committee and the Board of Admirality.B M247-49 Memorials Addressed to Congress: C . 1777 . With a Few Reports Thereon. 1775 . 1786 M247-23 Letter Books of the President of Congress: Sep 15.1784 M247-59 Miscellaneous Papers: Papers Relating to the Seizure of Property.1788 M247-39 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: States. 1765 .1785 M247-65 Miscellaneous Papers: Intercepted Letters. 1775 .1789 M247-70 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters and Papers Concerning the Convention Troops. 1779 . 1778 M247-24 Letter Books of the President of Congress: Dec 11. Papers and Affidavits Relating to the Plunderings. 1776 .Aug 14. 1779 . Domestic Loans and Loan Offices. 1777 Transcript Journals: Sep 3. Letters and a Memorial Relating to American Trade in the French West Indies. 1775 1781 M247-66 Miscellaneous Papers: Papers and Letters Relating to the Trial of Certain Counterfeiters in New York and the British Evacuation of New York.1783 A History of the Confederation.1788 M247-35 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Prisoner’s Dept. 1784.1786 M247-42 Motions made in Congress: Feb 1777 . Book of the Committee to Headquarters 1780. and Memorials A .Aug 9. 1778 .L M247-55 Petitions Addressed to Congress: M . 1775 .Aug 19. Commissioners of Accounts for the Clothing. 1776 .Dec 31. 1780 . With Papers of the Office of Congress.G M247-50 Memorials Addressed to Congress: H .1788 M247-38 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Clothing Dept. 1782 Rough Journals: Aug 15. 1777 . Reports with Lists of Postponed Reports. Treaties. 1776 .1788 M247-32 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Foreign Affairs. 1788 Secret Journals: 1776 . Letters from the Comptroller of the Treasury and Claims of Canadian Refugees. 1789 Transcript Journals: Sep 5.1789 M247-68 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters and Papers of Thomas Paine. Beaumarchais and Arthur Lee. Book of Estimates.1785 M247-40 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Conference With the Commander-in-Chief and the Convention of Committees at New Haven and Hartford. 1775 . 1781 .1788 M247-30 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: 1775 1788 M247-31 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: 1775 .Mar 2. Loss of Certain Army Posts. 1787 Secret Journals: Nov 29. 1785 .1780 . 1783 . The Admiralty and Agent of Marine. 1776 .1781. 1785 Rough Journals: Apr 11. 1777 . 1793.1789 M247-64 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters and Papers of Oliver Pollock.Z M247-53 Petitions Addressed to Congress: A . the Executive Depts. M247-27 Reports of Committee on Applications of Individuals: Reports H .1789 M247-61 Miscellaneous Papers: Articles of Confederation.1786 M247-60 Miscellaneous Papers: Proposals on Locating the Seat of Govermment and Printing the Journals.1786 M247-36 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Commissary’s Dept.Jan 20. Journal of the Committee of the States.R M247-52 Memorials Addressed to Congress: S . Plans and Drafts of Treaties.1788 M247-33 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Treasury and Finance. 1787 M247-25 Letter Books of the Secretary of Congress: General Index and Letter Books.R M247-56 Petitions Addressed to Congress: S . Foreign Loans.Oct 26.May 1. 1776 . 1776 .Y M247-29 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: 1777 . 1782 .1785. 1777 . 1780 Rough Journals: Dec 4.1788 M247-34 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: War Office and Dept of War.Dec 1. 1776 . 1783 .May 14.1785. and Various Subjects. 1779 . Commerce and Misc. 1777 .1784 M247-48 Memorials Addressed to Congress: Index No. Burnings.O M247-28 Reports of Committee on Applications of Individuals: Reports P . Apr 18. and the Week. Nov 20.L M247-51 Memorials Addressed to Congress: M . Jun 4 .1780 M247-41 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Committee Appointed to Public Debt and Estimates of Expenses with Related Papers 1779 . 9.1789..Dec 8. 1781 . and Ravages committed by the British. 1779 Secret Journals: May 10. 1781 .1784 M247-62 Miscellaneous Papers: Memorials of the Inhabitants of Illinois. 1781 .1786 M247-37 Other Reports of Committees of Congress: Indian Affairs and Lands in the Western Territory.1788 M247-58 Miscellaneous Papers: Claims for Captured Vessels. and Other Miscellanous Papers . Kaskaskia and Kentucky.1788 Secret Journals: 1776 . 1775 .Y M247-57 Miscellaneous Papers: Remonstrances and Addresses to Congress. 1789 M247-26 Reports of Committee on Applications of Individuals: Index to Reports of Committees. and Papers Relating to Counterfeit Money. 1788 . 1775 1784 M247-67 Miscellaneous Papers: Papers and Accounts of Silas Reane. 1776 Transcript Journals: May 14. 1776 . 1777 . M247-45 Other Reports of Committee of Congress: Philadelphia Meeting and the Peace Establishment. 1780 .Apr 8. 1775 . Hospital and Marine Depts.Apr 1785 M247-43 Motions made in Congress: 1785 . and Reports A-G. and Courts of Appeal.E M247-54 Petitions Addressed to Congress: F .1786 M247-46 Other Reports of Committee of Congress: Letters and Papers of the Committee to Headquarters. 1776 . 1776 M247-69 Miscellaneous Papers: Papers Relating to Indian Affairs. 1775 .1789 M247-63 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters and Papers of Charles Thomson.Sep 20. 1780 M247-47 Other Reports of Committee of Congress: Papers Relating to the New Hampshire Grants.United States Genral M247-11 M247-12 M247-13 M247-14 M247-15 M247-16 M247-17 M247-18 M247-19 M247-20 M247-21 M247-22 Rough Journals: Nov 9.Sep 16. 1776 .1784. 1755-81. 1788 M247-76 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters and Reports.1780 M247-111 Letters from John Adams. 1777 .1796 M247-127 Transcript of Letters of Benjamin Franklin. 1776 1784 M247-122 Letters Received from Charles W. New Jersey. M247-74 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters of Joseph Carleton and Thomas Hutchings.1788 M247-79 State Papers: Massachusetts State Papers.1779 M247-78 State Papers: Bound Manuscript Indexes and State Papers of New Hampshire and of Rhode Island. 1775 . South Carolina and Georgia. I-II. 1779 . 1775 1787 M247-80 State Papers: Connecticut State Papers. Smith. 1775 . 1775 1786 M247-90 Letters Addressed to Congress: A M247-91 Letters Addressed to Congress: B M247-92 Letters Addressed to Congress: B M247-93 Letters Addressed to Congress: C M247-94 Letters Addressed to Congress: D . 1783 . 1782 1783 M247-133 Transcript of Letters of Thomas Jefferson. 1779 . Connecticut. 1778 . Vols. Dumas. 1776 1788 M247-109 Letters Received from Benjamin Franklin. 1776 .1782. 1781 1788. With Plans of the Treaties in French and Italian. 1776 .1789. Lee.1784. Vols. 1776 1783 M247-106 Letters from John Jay. Secretarty for Foreign Affairs. 1784 .1788 M247-86 State Papers: North and South Carolina State Papers. 1782 . Henry Laurens. Pennsylvania. Letters from the Joint Commissioner for the Formation of Treaties of Amity and Commerce. 1775 .1788 M247-81 State Papers: New York State Papers. from John Pierce. Francis Dana.1788 M247-83 State Papers: Pennsylvania State Papers. 1785 1787 M247-134 Transcript of the Letters of William Carmichael. S. and Francis W. 1774 . and Virginia. Delaware.1783 . Morgan and to British Advances in the Mohawk Valley. Dana.1787.1789 M247-121 Letters Received from Charles W. 1776 . 1782 . 1780 .United States General M247-71 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters of John Hancock and Miscellaneous Papers. 1776 1791 M247-117 Letters Received from Ralph Izard. and John Laurens. 1775 .1784 M247-136 Transcripts of the Letters from Ministers of France in the United States. 1778 .1795 M247-126 Letters from Pieter Johan Van Berckel and Frances Petrus Van Berckel. 1774 . 1781 . 1784 1796 M247-123 Letters Received fromMinisters of France in the United States.1788 M247-89 State Papers: Papers Relating to Claims of Territory by Pennsylvania and Connecticut. 1777 . 1775 . 1777 .1791 M247-84 State Papers: Marlyland and Delaware State Papers. 1777 M247-88 State Papers: Acts of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. 1775 . and Jonathan Williams. III-IV.1789. S.1779 M247-130 Transcript of Letters from John Adams. F. 1777 . 1776 . Lee. Forest and Moustier.1788 M247-87 State Papers: Georgia State Papers.K M247-98 Letters Addressed to Congress: L M247-99 Letters Addressed to Congress: M M247-100 Letters Addressed to Congress: N . 1785 . Samuel Parsons. 1776 .1789 M247-116 Letters Received from William Carmichael. Maryland. 1785 . Postmasters General.1782 M247-119 Letters Received from Thomas Barclay and John Lamb. Acts of Rhode Island. and of William Lee.1781 M247-77 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters and Papers Relating to Charges Against Gen. and the Joint Commissioners to France.1780 M247-112 Letters from John Adams. William Lee. Barbe-Marbois.1788. John Bondfield. 1779 . New York. and Petitions About the Indiana Regions.1780 M247-129 Transcript of the Letters of Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. 1779 . 1776 1788 M247-110 Letters Received from Arthur Lee. 1785 .1779. Paymaster General and Commissioner for Army Accounts and Papers Relating to Investigations of Treasury Offices.1788. M247-75 Miscellaneous Papers: Letters from Bache and Hazard.1788 M247-108 Letters Received from Benjamim Franklin. W. Dumas. and Others.1786 M247-115 Letters Received from Thomas Jefferson. 1777 . Sullivan and Dr.1784 M247-124 Letters from Molker. Richard Garrison. 1776 . 1783 . J. 1776 .1788 M247-107 Reports of John Jay.G M247-96 Letters Addressed to Congress: H M247-97 Letters Addressed to Congress: I .1789 M247-85 State Papers: Virginia State Papers. 1775 .1783 M247-113 Letters from John Adams. M247-73 Miscellaneous Papers: 1770 . Trade Regualations for the US. 1775 .1782 M247-131 Transcript of Letters from John Adams. and Committee Reports on the Post Office. Joseph Gardoqui and Sons. Izard. 1777 .1788 M247-82 State Papers: New Jersey State Papers.1788 Acts of North Carolina. John Jay. 1775 . 1777 . and Papers relating to Military Affairs.1788 M247-132 Transcript of Letters of the Joint Commissioners to France. F. Secretary for Foreign Affairs.1785 M247-72 Miscellaneous Papers: 1770 . and Sir John Temple. John Adams.1788 M247-128 Transcript of Letters from A.Z M247-105 Letters of the Committee for Foreign Affairs and of Robert R. R.1784 M247-135 Transcript of the Letters from John Jay.. 1779 . Henry Laurens. 1776 .E M247-95 Letters Addressed to Congress: F . Transcript of Letters of the Joint Commissioners for Negotiating a Treaty of Peace With Great Britain.1788 M247-114 Letters from the Joint Commissioners for Negotiating Treaties With France and Great Britain. 1775 .1788 M247-120 Letters Received from W.P M247-101 Letters Addressed to Congress: R M247-102 Letters Addressed to Congress: S M247-103 Letters Addressed to Congress: T M247-104 Letters Addressed to Congress: U .1790 M247-125 Letters and Papers Relating to Spain and to the Barbary Powers. Livingston.1784 M247-118 Letters of William Binghham. at War. 1778 Sep 12. 1784 M247-172 Letters from Maj.1783 M247-140 Resolve Book of the Office of Foreign Affairs. Secy. Proceedings of the Commissioners Appointed to Negotiate a Treaty with the Six Nations of Indians. Register of Incidental Accounts. Nixon.1789 M247-157 Reports of the Board of War and Ordnance. Horatio Gates. Artemas Ward.1788 M247-165 Letters from Maj. 1775 . 1777 . 1776 .1782 M247-163 Letters and Reports from Maj. 1776 . 1784 .1789. Gen. Henry Knox. Benjamin Lincoln. 1777 M247-168 Letters from George Washington. Armand. 1781 .1789. Sundry Motions and Resolves of Congress. Colonels Niccla.1786 M247-152 Reports of the Board of Treasury on Applications from the States and Various Other Subjects.1782. 1785 . Transcript of the Instructions to Thomas Barclay and John Lamb. Sullivan’s Expedition. and Patterson. Copies of Bonds required by Commissioners Appointed to the Board of Treasury. Appendix. 1777 . Item 146. Jun 1775 Dec 1776 M247-173 Letters from Maj. With an Appendix. at War. Philip Schuyler. Jun 24. 1775 . Feb 26. 1775 . Philip Schuyler.1791 M247-186 Transcript of the Letters from George Washington. 1779 Feb 25. 1777 Dec 13. 1787 . Pierce. 1785 . E. Gen. Fair Copies of Letters of Credence of Foreign Ministers and Consuls.1777.1788.Dec 1780 M247-160 Reports of the Board of War and Ordinance. 1779 M247-170 Letters from George Washington.1788 M247-155 Accounts of the Registrar’s Office. Gen.1790. and William Moultrie. and Thomas Conway. 1776 Aug 27.Dec 1779 M247-158 Reports of the Board of War and Ordnance. Henry Knox. Edward Hand.1793.Aug 28.1788 M247-141 Transcript of the Reports of John Jay.1787. Andrew Lewis. 1778 .1787 M247-144 Transcript of the Letters of John Paul Jones.1789 M247-153 Letters of the Board of Treasury. Gen.1783.1788 M247-154 Estimates and Statements of Receipts and Expenditures. 1785 . at War.1788.Jun 7. Jan 5 Sep 1. and Returns of Stores. Dumas. Letter Book of the Executive Committee of Congress. 1780 . 1776 .1789 M247-181 Letters from Generals Pulaski. 1776 . 1778 . Dec 1779 . Dec 16. 1781 M247-171 Letters from George Washington.1783. Nathaniel Greene.1783 M247-164 Letters from Maj. 1783 . of Finance and Agent of Marine.1781 M247-148 Letters and Reports Received from Robert Morris. 1779 .1790 M247-143 Fair Copies of Commissions of Foreign Consuls. Jun 1776 Jun 1785 M247-174 Letters from Maj. Benjamin Lincoln. 1781 Jan 19. 1779 M247-159 Reports of the Board of War and Ordinance. Henry Knox. Item 123.1778. 1785 . Copies of Applications for Passports or Sea Letters. Secy.1785. Von Steuben. William Thompson. Supt. 1780 .1788 M247-185 Letters and Papers of John Paul Jones. Letters from Generals Charles Lee. Poor. 1785 . 1781 . George Weedon.1784 M247-156 Estimates and Papers Relating to the Treasury.1781 M247-146 Reports of the Board of Treasury. Generals Lafayette and Coudroy.1787 M247-177 Letters from Gen. Muhlenberg. 1784 . Gen.1786 M247-151 Reports of the Board of Treasury. 1775 .1782 M247-175 Letters from Maj. Papers Respecting Unsettled Accounts. and J. 1785 .1783 M247-150 1783 . 1781 . 1781 . and Sundry Acts and Proceedings of Congress Pertaining to the Negotiations (Negotiations Book). Sep 19. 1775. Hugh Mercer.United States Genral M247-137 Transcripts and Duplicates of Letters from Charles W. 1775 Sep 18. 1785 1788 M247-166 Letters from George Washington. 1783 . Daily Journal or Despatches of the Office of Foreign Affairs. 1776 . W. Laurens.1781. Dec 29. 1776 M247-167 Letters from George Washington. 1776 . 1776 . Jan 1780 .1789 M247-180 Letters from Generals Clinton. Gen. 1780 . 1778 1780.Nov 1781 M247-162 Letters and Reports from Maj. Letters and Papers of Bankers in Holland.1785 M247-179 Letters from General Officers. Sep 13. Palfrey. 1780 . Aug 1776 . Gen.1782 M247-149 1782 . 1785 . and Lieutenant Luckett. 1775 1779 M247-184 Letters and Papers Relative to Exchange of Officers and Other Miscellaneous Papers. 1781 . 1782 . Reports of Maj. and the Northern Indians. DuPortail. Jun 16. and Item 151. and Ethan Allen and the Count d’Etaing. Gen.1785 M247-176 Letters from Maj. 1785 .1782 M247-178 Letters from Generals Isaac Putnam. 1785 . 1788. Benjamin Lincoln. 1781 . Records of Foreign Treaties and Contracts 1778 .1789 M247-142 Transcript of Correspondence Between John Jay and Don Diego de Gardoqui. 1778 M247-169 Letters from George Washington.1788 M247-145 Reports of the Board of Treasury. 1779 M247-147 Reports of the Board of Treasury. Harmar and Patterson. Letters from Generals John Sullivan and Robert Howe. F. Aug 28. Gen.1783 M247-183 Letters and Papers Relating to Canadian Affairs. 1783 1785.1821. 1785 M247-139 Transcripts of the Foreign and Domestic Letters of Robert Livingston. 1776 . Secy.1789 M247-138 Letter Book of the Joint Commissioners for the Formation of Treaties of Amity and Commerce. 1781 M247-161 Letters from the Board of War and Ordnances.1786 M247-182 Letters received from Colonels J. 1775 . Morgan. Blain. 1777 . 1777 . DeKalb. 1780 . and Contracts for Loans. 1777 . William Heath. 1786 . Nathanael Greene. New York. 1787 . Canal Zone.1783. Thomas Barclay.1789 M332-9 Papers Kept by the Office of the Secretary. John Bondfield.1788. Dana. M247-202 Ships’ Bonds Required for Letters of Marque and Reprisal.United States General M247-187 Transcript of the Letters from George Washington. Receipts for Documents. 1783.3.1780.1779. and Virgin Islands. 1777 . 1778 .1785. Returns of Inhabitants of Various States and Miscellaneous Papers. and Copies of Resolves of Congress. Alphabetical Index to Oaths of Allegiance. 1779 1780. Printed Copies of Certain Revised Articles of War. Offices.Ziphyr. 1780 . M247-193 Various Letters and Reports: 1779 . M332-8 Credentials of Delegates from Each State to the Congress: All States. M247-194 Copies of Indian Treaties. 1779 . Jan 2. and Committee Book. 1774 . Card Index No. List of Books Reported by a Committee. 1782 M247-201 Oaths of Allegiance 1776 . Memorandum Book. 1778 . 4-5. Register of Letters and Reports from the Superintendent of Finance. Dumas. and Benjamin Franklin. Pennsylvania.1787. 1789 1795 Committee Reports on the Departments of Finance. and Broadsides Issued by the Continental Congress: (1) Journal of the Continental Congress.1783.1783 M332-7 Papers Relating to Specific States: Massachusetts. 1780 .Jul 26. Apr 14. John Jay. 1780 .1785 M332-5 Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs: Letters Relating to Spain M332-6 Papers Relating to Naval Affairs: Reports of the Marine Committee.1788 M247-199 Letters and Papers Relative to the Quartermaster’s Dept. 1926. Wisconsin. and Post Office. 1779 . 1775 . and an Account of Commissions for Private Armed Vessels Received and Forwarded to the Several States. 1782. 1781 . Nansemond . 1782 . Reports of the Secretary of the Confederation Congress.1784 M247-200 Correspondence of Captain John Paul Jones and Letters and Papers Relating to the Trials of Captain Landais and Lieutenant Deggs. 1781 . 1777. 1780 . (2) List of Currency Notes Issued by the United States. and Despatches Received from Agents and Consuls.1781. With a Detached List of Abridged Resolves.1789. 1776 .1789. Puerto Rico. 1776 .Nancy. and Arthur Lee. 1785 M332-2 Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs: Diplomatic Despatches Received from William Carmichael. Connecticut. Lists of Letters of Commendation and 1778 .1781 M247-190 Transcript of the Letters from Maj.1781 M332-4 Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs: Letters of John de Neufville and Son of Amsterdam. 1785 .1783.1785.1788. M332-1 Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs: Diplomatic Despatches Received from John Adams.Fairplay. Abingdon . and Committees of the Congress. M247-204 Ship’s Bonds Required for Letters of Marque and Reprisal. 1785 . 1778 1789 M247-197 Despatch Books. Virginia.Dec 30. Vols. Contains data on social customs and history of colonies before 1699 in addition to its marriage names and dates. 1777 . Colonial Names: Genealogical Records of Births. and Jonathan Williams. John Lamb. Wyoming. UNITED STATES –CANAL ZONE– CENSUS T1224-60 1920 Enumeration District Descriptions: West Virginia. 1774 . Registers of Reports from Boards.1786. 1779 M247-188 Transcript of the Letters from George Washington. Clemens. 1781 .1786.1776 M247-196 Records of Credentials of Delegates to the Congress. 1776 . 1775 . 1780 . UNITED STATES –SPECIAL COLLECTIONS– PAPERS OF THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress.1785. Papers Relating to Fiscal Affairs.Dec 21.1782. (3) Broadsides of the Continental Congress.1780. Henry Laurens.1788 and of the Dept of State. 1774 . Gen. Copies of Ordinances Relating to the Western Territory of the United States.1779. 1780 .1788.1784 M332-3 Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs: Diplomatic Despatches and Letters Received from Ralph Izard. 1774-89.1783 M247-192 Letters of Nathanael Greene. Philip Schuyler.1786 M247-195 Abridged Resolves of Congress. 244p. 1777. 1774 . Gen. 1777 . Deaths. 1785. by William H. 1775 . 1786. 1775 . 1779 .1788. American Marriages Before 1699. List of Abridged Resolves Relating to Prisoners.1783. 1780 . Form Book. 1781 1784. Listed alphabetically. and Marriages from Family Bibles. 1-3. 1781. 1779 . Fairtrader . 1784 . and Deeds of Cession of Western Land. Richard Harrison. Jan 2. 1777 .1786. . Hawaii. Panama. John Laurens.1788 UNITED STATES –VITAL RECORDS SW16-3 item D. SW16-225 item B. May 10 .1783. M247-203 Ship’s Bonds Required for Letters of Marque and Reprisal. 1783 . Francis W. Marine Committee Letter Book. 1779. 1776 .1783. 1782 . and Bonds Submitted to the Continental Congress by the Commissioners of the Board of Treasury. 1781. 1783 M247-189 Transcript of the Letters of Maj. Charles W. With Various Papers Relating to the Quartermaster’s Dept. Vols.1781 M247-191 Transcript of the Letters of Maj.1781. Alaska.1785 M247-198 Memorandum Book of the Office of the Secretary of Congress. Gen. 1776 . Foreign Affairs. 15811917. 1775. Copies of Letters and Papers Relating to the Trial of Captain Richard Lippcott for the Murder of Captain Huddy.1789. 1775 . Publ.1787.1780. F.1785. 1783. 1787. Samuel Parsons. Horatio Gates. 1790. Item 183. 1785 . 1779 .1780. 1781 . 1777. 1785. 732. Municipio Barranquitas (EDs 737. 203206. 182. 60. and 145). Municipio Guaynabo (EDs 40. 900. 603. 562. 770. 714. 581. 920a. 202. and 333) and Municipio Aguas Buenas (EDs 940. 616. Military and naval districts as well as institutions such as jails and almshouses are listed as separate EDs in the state) T625-2042 1920 Census: Canal Zone (EDs 1-8) and Civilian. 719. Sinajana Barrio. T625-2054 1920 Census: Municipio Corazal (EDs 78. and 782). T625-2048 1920 Census: Municipio Bayamon (EDs 31-33. 188. 942. 401. 909. and 574). 109. 186. 903. Mauputasi. 958. 946. Panama. 270-272. 619. 617. Alaska. Piti Town. 884. Talofofo Barrio. 736. 274. 320. Tualanta. Municipio Guayanilla (EDs 573. T625-2053 1920 Census: Municipio Coamo (EDs 713. 987. 397. 740. 733. and Municipio Comerio (EDs 59. 41. Municipio Culebra (ED 1042). 1028. and 913). 151. Municipio Camuy (EDs 276. 39. 53. and Municipio Barros (EDs 747. 79a. Ituau.R. 759. 932. 931. 572a. 722. 273. 16mm M1599-1 M1599-2 M1599-3 A-130 (N. 821-838) UNITED STATES –PUERTO RICO– CENSUS T1224-40 1910 Enumeration District Descriptions: Washington . and 183). 86. 168-174. 325. 147-149. and 178). Panama. and Sumay Town). 961. Tepungan Barrio. 755. 974a. and Vaifanua. 45. Itulagi. 721. 753. and Tualatai ). 914. Municipio Guayama (EDs 771. 1025a. and Municipio Coamo (EDs 711. 287. T625-2046 1920 Census: Arecibo (EDs 201. 266. and 887). 396. 741. 613. 65. and 563). 91. 491). 601. Tutujan Subdistrict. 419. 34-36. 578. 576. 288. and 208). 768. 54. 494. 1054. Lealataua . 895. Leasina . 84. 400. 218. 888. 1017. and 752). 749. 896. 959. Military. and 927-930). and 742). and 944). 423. 1055. 729. Stuoii. 779. 734. 769a. Canal Zone. 1026. 81. 1015. 193. 275. 38. 330. 750. 936. 110. 277. 889. Aga-Inarajan District. 85. 748. 754. 281. 278. Malolos-Inarajan District. and Pogo-Sinajana Barrio). 977. 480. and 726). 941. 614. 921a. Agana. 773. 609. 906. 585. UNITED STATES –GUAM– 1920 SOUNDEX Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Population Schedules. and 730). 485. Canal Zone. 79. 776. 774. Municipio Agasco (EDs 412-417. and 489). and 1023a). 422. 44. 715. 610a. 324. 328.) thru H-200 Woodford H-255 (N. 921b. 490. 280. 612. 38a. 933. 735. 738. 618. and 43). 329. 66. UNITED STATES –PANAMA– CENSUS T1224-60 1920 Enumeration District Descriptions: West Virginia. 978. 902. Municipio Dorado (EDs 108. Saole. 323. 925. 321. 731. T625-2051 1920 Census: Municipio Cayey (EDs 893. and 87). 61. 720. 1024. 947. 52. 766. 743. T625-2052 1920 Census: Municipio Ciales (EDs 179-181. and Municipio Guanica (EDs 570-572. 90. Municipio Ceiba (EDs 1022. 924) T625-2050 1920 Census: Municipio Caguas(EDs 938. and 907). 981. 911. 187. 285. 50. and Municipio Aguado (EDs 391. 610. 583. Sua. . 746. and 112). Municipio Cidra (EDs 908. and Municipio Arecibo (EDs 184. 982-985. 608. 606. 577. 392. 760-763. 62. 963. 217. Umatac Barrio. 185. Bubulao-Inarajan District. 921.Puerto Rico T1224-60 1920 Enumeration District Descriptions: West Virginia. 716. Manua District (Faleasao. and Virgin Islands (There are no descriptions of enumeration districts for Guam or American Samoa. 398.United States Genral UNITED STATES –CANAL ZONE– 1920 SOUNDEX Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Population Schedules. and 772). and Merizo Town). and Municipio Gurabo (EDs 882. 56. and 620). Aniga-Agana City. 335. 602. 1023. District 4 (Agat Town. and 279). 482. 912a. 1024a. 934. 175. 421. 890. 207. 980. Dededo Barrio. 46. and 724). 935a. 604. 269. 111. 758. Alaska. 484. 1020. 332. Municipio UNITED STATES –GUAM– CENSUS T625-2032 1920 Census: District 1 (Agano City. 192. and 268). 393. 756. Municipio Arroyo (EDs 99. T625-2055 1920 Census: Municipio Fajardo (EDs 1043. 150. 176. 615. Wyoming. 315. 191. 885. 481. Wisconsin. 580. 584. 745. Military and naval districts as well as institutions such as jails and almshouses are listed as separate EDs in the state) T625-2043 1920 Census: Municipio Adjuntas (EDs 600. T625-2049 1920 Census: Cabo Rojo (EDs 486-488. 579. 725. 898. 1019. 937. 334. 739. 883. 82. 64. 892. 326. 1022a. Puerto Rico.R. 1052. 723. 267. 586. 57. 289. 51. 611. 89. 975. 37. 949. 765. Tau ). 322. Alataua. 209214. 219. 420. 939. and Naval Forces (EDs 498a-498m. 190. 67. 712. 68. 718. Vaifanua. 607. 917. 894. Luanuu. Machanao Barrio. 915. 189. and 1007). 1021. 1025. 891. 901. 317. 483. and 418). 886. 912. 1027. 767. Barragado Barrio. Hawaii. 42. and 63). 781. 948. 562a. T625-2056 1920 Census: Municipio Hatillo (EDs 265. 728. 83. 605. Hawaii. 1016. and Yona Municipality). Agano City. Eastern District (Ituau. 1029. and Municipio Ciales (EDs 167. 399. District 5 (Inarajan District. 757. 282. and 1044). 49. 935. and 979). 780. 177. thru Z-160 Vicente E. Wisconsin. 916. 923. 283. T625-2045 1920 Census: Municipio Aibonito (EDs 727. Mauputasi. Wyoming. 286. and Western District (Lealataua . 945. and 47) and Municipio Cabo Rojo (EDs 479.) thru P-520 Zena P-600 Aida thru Institutions T625-2044 1920 Census: Municipio Aquadilla (EDs 319. 922. 331. 493. 582. 327. 424. 195-197. 717. and Municipio Carolina (EDs 974. 775. Fitiuta. District 2 (Agana City. 402. 986. 935b. 943. 764. 318. 55. 1018. 284. 897. Puerto Rico. and Virgin Islands (There are no descriptions of enumeration districts for Guam or American Samoa. Sua. 146. 769. District 3 (Asan Barrio. 80. 58. 926. 976. 198-200. 575. 751. 216. 88. 910. and Moina Subdistrict). 904. 194. 215) T625-2047 1920 Census: Municipio Barceloneta (EDs 144. and Caguas (EDs 918-920. 16mm M1602-1 A-142 Alfonso C. 48. 351. 232. 824. and 710). 821. and 72). 127. 818. and 1003). 261. Angel thru A-613 Vicente A-614 (N. and 553). 834. 811. 530. and 341-343). 1030. and Port of San Juan. 460. 426. 793. 552. 233-235. 797. 262. 870. 447. 865. 366. 649. 522. 550. 440. 644. 1036. 642. 788. 678. 567. 869. 125. 517. Municipio Toa Baja (EDs 102. 160. Municipio Juncos (EDs 856. 595. 314. 503. 990. 18-25) T625-2071 1920 Census: Municipio San Juan (EDs 26-30). 545. 694. and 455). 458. 315. 688. Municipio Maunabo (EDs 796. 16mm M1601-1 M1601-2 M1601-3 M1601-4 M1601-5 M1601-6 M1601-7 M1601-8 M1601-9 M1601-10 M1601-11 M1601-12 M1601-13 M1601-14 M1601-15 M1601-16 M1601-17 M1601-18 M1601-19 M1601-20 A-000 (N. 96.R. 128. 132. 1037. and 676) and Municipio Yauco (EDs 541-543. 349. and 385) and Municipio Las Marias (EDs 457. 95. 997-999. 564. Municipio Santa Isabel (EDs 698-702). 159. 566. T625-2070 1920 Census: San Juan (EDs 12-17. 411. 952. T625-2058 1920 Census: Municipio Jayuya (EDs 239. 686. 1001. 339. 874. 591. 823. 812. 129. 847. 868. 965. UNITED STATES –PUERTO RICO– 1920 SOUNDEX Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Population Schedules. 805. 685. 668. 651) T625-2066 1920 Census: Municipio Ponce (EDs 664. 709. 472. 953. 846. 1047. 804. 346. 1000. 248. and Municipio Mayaguez (EDs 427. 875. 99. 565. 1057. 787. 132a. 516. 143a. 1060. 451. 599. 164. 431. 858. 71. 507. 791. 354. 785. 790. 344. 554. 661-663. 836. 375. and Municipio Naranjito (EDs 69. 640. 695. 515. 140. 708. 704.R. 568.United States General Hormigueros (EDs 450. 316. 526. 933. 367. and 949). 593. T625-2063 1920 Census: Municipio Morovis (EDs 152. 539. A-400 Juana thru A-416 Hutero A-416 Iginia thru A-420 Justo A-420 Laura thru A-453 Agunzany A-453 Rodriguez thru A-536 Lula A-530 M. 687. and 254-256). 468. and 543-546). 540. 955. 245. 242. T625-2061 1920 Census: Municipio Manati (143. 648. and Municipio Salinas (EDs 703. Municipio Loiza (EDs 988. 839. and 114). 407-409. 656. 73. 657. 858a. 231. 348. 596. 848. 312. 795. 241. 124. 300. 850. 382. 6-9. and Municipio Viegues (EDs 1033. 859. 104. 139. 502. T625-2057 1920 Census: Municipio Isabela (EDs 299. 229. 429. and 142). 964. 471. 105-107. 105. 636. 689. and 794). 461. 718. 679. and 960). 643. 221. 165. 786. 876.R. 864. and 814). 390. 556. 368. 504. 1040. 954. 538. 386. 523. 1038. 157. 652-654. and 246). 549. 682. 514. T625-2069 1920 Census: Municipio San German (EDs 495. and 1032). 877. 307. and 133-135). 376. 851. 879. T625-2074 1920 Census: Municipio Yabucoa (EDs 810. 437. 806. 377. 852. 141. and Municipio Rio Piedras (EDs 950. 569. 637. Municipio Sabana Grande (EDs 529. 559-561. 1041. 425. and 1039). and 478). 537. 383. T625-2068 1920 Census: Municipio Rio Piedras (EDs 967. 340. 696. 247. 866. 308. 75. 801. 137. and 305) and Municipio Juana Diaz (EDs 667. 253. 527.) thru A-153 Sanchez Micaela A-153 Miguel thru A-213 Otirores A-213 Pablo thru A-215 Toncasa A-246 (N. 665. 225. 119. 833. 857a. 1034. 991. 163. T625-2073 1920 Census: Municipio Utuado (EDs 222. 445. 1009. 863. 994. 592. 1005. 454. T625-2060 1920 Census: Municipio Las Piedras (EDs 841.R. 373. 459. 594. 871-873. 532. 808. 405. Municipio Naguabo (EDs 843. and Municipio Ponce (EDs 621 and 625-630). Municipio Quebradillas (EDs 290-298). 464. and 878). 815. 655. 499. 97. 857. and 130). 1004. 835. 123. 799. 674. 77. 70. and 3). 684. 996. 338. 880. 497. 677. 430a. 968-970. 438. 659. 361. 365. 844. 1013. 356. T625-2072 1920 Census: Municipio Toa Alta (EDs 92. 800. 845. Municipio Rio Grande (EDs 1002. and 230). 166. 345. and 971-973). 381. 513. 683. and 862). 434. 433. 831.) thru B-343 Lydia B-323 Rodriguez Eduardo thru B-463 (N. 1035. 501. 369. 809. and 838). 865a. 258.R. 840. and 101). 371). 1045. 126. 681. 379. 136. 590. 410. 303. 388. 466. Municipio Vega Alta (EDs 113-120. and 370. Municipio San Sebastian (EDs 350. 521. 352.) thru A-400 Juan T. 837. 817. and 962). 153. 94. Municipio Maricao (EDs 470. and Municipio Humacao (EDs 820. 645. 448. 264. 802. Municipio Vega Baja (EDs 121. 2. 506. 122. and Municipio Lajas (EDs 518. 469. 825-828. 597. 842. 443. 669-671. 353. 520. 362. 93. T625-2067 1920 Census: Municipio Rincon (EDs 403. and 830). and 404). 378. 547. 453. 1058. 496. 572. 432. 5. 257. 525. 439.R. 509-511. 251. 359. 263. 406. 304. 76. 650. 692. 641. 249. 244. 956. 236-238. 855. and 598). 240. 301. 832. and 690). 531. 789. 544. 1053.) thru B-650 Rodriguez Justo B-650 Leoncia thru C-120 Wenceslao C-122 Enrique thru C-166 Justo C-166 Lampon thru C-236 Fundidor C-236 Gabina thru C-262 Isidro C-262 Janiela thru C-420 Jovita . 1046. 646. and 158). 389. 156. and 660). 707. 442. 853. 1. 558. 243. 819. 138. 260. T625-2075 1920 Census: Municipio Villalba (EDs 672. 456. 250. and 435) and Municipio Moca (EDs 336. 465. 589. 74. 302. 548. 313. 1008. 306. and 798). 647. 154. T625-2059 1920 Census: Municipio Lares (EDs 372. 1049. 881. T625-2065 1920 Census: Ponce (EDs 622-624. 813. 500. 784. 4. 387. and Municipio San Lorenzo (EDs 867. 252. 357. 1051. 658. and 816). 697. 691. 680. 243. and Munivipio Tabucoa (EDs 803. 363. Municipio Luquillo (EDs 1031. 673. 957. 588. 861. 374. 428. 505. 807. T625-2062 1920 Census: Municipio Mayaguez (EDs 430. and 462). Municipio Pe¤uelas (EDs 587. 436.) thru B-132 Victor Manuel B-145 (N. 444. 100. 360. 524. 155. 337. 103. and Municipio Manati (EDs 131. 441. 223. 951.) B-465 Angela thru B-541 Tomassa B-550 Adonale thru B-622 Ezequiel B-622 (N. 161. 473-477. 1059. 384. T625-2064 1920 Census: Municipio Patillas (EDs 783. 380. 259. 11. 706. 829. 546. 1010-1012. 675. 792. 224. 822. 98. 309-311. 1006. 358. 355. 831. 162. 854. 996a. 452. 463. 446. 631-635. 992. 860. 638. 666. and 989). and 519). 693. 226-228. 551. 995. 364. 528. 10. 347. 553-555. 705. 498. 557. and Municipio Utuado (EDs 220. 115-117. and 499). R.) thru O-632 Esteban O-632 Estebania thru O-632 Juan Vicente O-632 Juana thru O-632 Quintin O-632 R.) thru M-453 Ulsera M-453 V.R.) thru C-635 Fundadora C-635 Gabriel thru C-650 Dorotea C-650 Elvarista thru D-140 Ismael D-140 Jacinta thru D-200 Ernand D-200 Ernesto thru D-200 Marina D-200 Mario thru D-222 Fundadora D-222 Gabina thru D-414 Lopez D-414 Magdalena thru D-426 Isidra D-426 Juanita thru D-660 Walter E-123 Antonio thru F-236 Ruperta F-236 Saba thru F-260 Antonio F-260 Antonio thru F-260 Margaro F-260 Maria thru F-425 Buenaventura F-425 Maria thru F-462 Fulgencio F-462 Gabina thru F-535 Ezequiel F-535 Faustino thru F-655 Ezequiel F-655 (N. Luis thru M-350 Fongerrat Carmen Polar M-350 (N.R.) thru M-450 Ruperto M-450 (N. thru C-620 Vicente C-620 Victor thru C-630 Williams C-631 (N.R.R.) thru L-120 Juan I.) thru P-250 Heibran P-250 Igino thru P-340 Extermina P-340 Fabiana thru P-430 Zoila P-436 Sharon Adolfo thru P-560 Isidro P-560 J.) L-242 Adolfo thru L-500 Ovidio L-500 Pablo thru M-200 Cuslian M-200 Daniel thru M-300 Brijida M-300 C. thru R-160 Ramiro R-160 Ramon thru R-160 Victor V.M. thru G-524 Ramanda G-524 Ramon thru G-600 Ezequila G-600 Feliciano thru G-620 Flor Maria G-620 Flora thru G-620 Miguel G-620 Miguel thru G-650 Frutos G-650 Acerido thru H-655 Casarias H-655 Cecilia thru H-655 Lucrecia H-655 Luis thru I-242 Julio I-242 Leo thru J-220 Semidie Braulio J-220 Galletano thru J-612 Juana J-620 Adela thru L-120 Custodia L-120 (N.) R-120 Mercodo Pablo thru R-160 Figueroa Angel R-160 Angela thru R-160 Conceion R-160 Concepcion thru R-160 Feliso R-160 Felix thru R-160 Jorita R-160 Jose thru R-160 Judith R-160 Julia thru R-160 Maria R-160 Maria A.) thru R-260 Otila R-260 Pablo thru R-362 Caro R-362 Arcadia thru R-362 Dales R-362 Dolores thru R-362 Francisco J.R.United States Genral M1601-21 M1601-22 M1601-23 M1601-24 M1601-25 M1601-26 M1601-27 M1601-28 M1601-29 M1601-30 M1601-31 M1601-32 M1601-33 M1601-34 M1601-35 M1601-36 M1601-37 M1601-38 M1601-39 M1601-40 M1601-41 M1601-42 M1601-43 M1601-44 M1601-45 M1601-46 M1601-47 M1601-48 M1601-49 M1601-50 M1601-51 M1601-52 M1601-53 M1601-54 M1601-55 M1601-56 M1601-57 M1601-58 M1601-59 M1601-60 M1601-61 M1601-62 M1601-63 M1601-64 M1601-65 M1601-66 M1601-67 M1601-68 M1601-69 M1601-70 M1601-71 M1601-72 M1601-73 M1601-74 M1601-75 M1601-76 M1601-77 M1601-78 M1601-79 M1601-80 C-420 Juan thru C-450 Antonila C-450 Antonio thru C-450 Jorje C-450 Jose thru C-450 Ramero C-450 Ramon thru C-520 Justo C-520 La O.) S-300 Juan thru S-410 Donatos .R. Cristina thru M-650 Rada de Caballero M-650 Cristina thru M-660 Jorge M-660 Jose thru N-120 Juan I.) thru C-565 Victoria C-600 (N. Maria thru P-620 Emeterio P-620 Emilia thru P-620 Juan W. N-120 Juana thru N-260 Jovita N-260 Juan thru N-340 Luz Maria N-340 Magdalena thru O-220 Quintin O-220 Racilio thru O-315 Consuelo O-400 Aqueda thru O-631 Anastasio O-632 (N.R.R.) thru G-255 Bruno G-255 Coxlito thru G-362 Ismael G-362 Jasinta thru G-520 Jovina G-520 Juan thru G-524 Casimiro G-524 Catalina thru G-524 Gregorio A.R.) thru M-410 Evangelista M-410 Ortiz Facio thru M-435 Judith M-435 (N. Maria thru M-635 Carlota M-635 Carmen thru M-635 Jose Vidal M-635 Josefa thru M-635 Quiterio M-635 Rodanies thru M-642 Sixta M-642 Ruiz Clara thru M-642 Luz Maria M-642 M. G-524 Guadalupe thru G-524 Lydia G-524 M. thru R-200 Picarco R-200 Ricardo thru R-220 Bruno R-230 Caciano thru R-232 Victoriana R-240 (N. thru C-535 Brigida C-535 (N.R.R. thru M-622 Morse M1601-81 M1601-82 M1601-83 M1601-84 M1601-85 M1601-86 M1601-87 M1601-88 M1601-89 M1601-90 M1601-91 M1601-92 M1601-93 M1601-94 M1601-95 M1601-96 M1601-97 M1601-98 M1601-99 M1601-100 M1601-101 M1601-102 M1601-103 M1601-104 M1601-105 M1601-106 M1601-107 M1601-108 M1601-109 Rafael M1601-110 M1601-111 M1601-112 M1601-113 M1601-114 M1601-115 M1601-116 M1601-117 M1601-118 M1601-119 M1601-120 M1601-121 M1601-122 M1601-123 M1601-124 M1601-125 M1601-126 M1601-127 M1601-128 M1601-129 M1601-130 M1601-131 M1601-132 M1601-133 M1601-134 M1601-135 M1601-136 M1601-137 M1601-138 M1601-139 M-622 Narcisa thru M-623 Juntin M-623 R.R.) R-562 Miguel thru S-200 Quinton S-200 Rafael thru S-300 (N.) R-362 Modesta thru R-362 Reinaldo R-362 Reinaldo thru R-435 Zenita R-436 Adam thru R-520 Ezequiela R-520 Fabiana thru R-520 Micagros R-520 Miguel thru R-550 Carlos R-550 Carlos thru R-560 Antolima R-560 Antonia thru R-562 (N. Juan thru P-163 Reparada P-200 (N. L-120 Juana thru L-120 Rosa Maria L-120 Rosalia thru L-200 Carmelo L-200 Carmen thru L-240 (N.R.) thru C-614 Zoila C-615 Adela thru C-620 Ezequila C-620 Fabian thru C-620 Lydia C-620 M. R-362 Francisco thru R-362 Jose R-362 Jose thru R-362 Librado R-362 Lidia thru R-362 (N. P-620 Juana thru P-620 Ramira P-620 Ramon thru P-650 Tomas P-652 Alfred thru Q-552 Fundador Q-552 Gabina thru R-120 (N. R-160 Victoria thru R-200 Casilda R-200 Casimiro thru R-200 Guillermina R-200 Guillermo thru R-200 Lydia R-200 N.R.R. Fulion thru M-524 Bruna M-524 Camila thru M-532 Justo M-532 Laura thru M-535 Issac M-535 J. S. and Western District of Tutuila) UNITED STATES –SAMOA– 1920 SOUNDEX Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Population Schedules. Maria thru V-220 Juan Sinforioso V-220 Juan thru V-220 Zoraida V-223 Ana Livina thru V-420 Avelino V-420 B. St John (EDs 17-21). Wisconsin. St Thomas (U. 16mm M1604-1 M1604-2 M1604-3 A-134 Abraham thru G-663 Wilmutt H-000 Alfred thru P-412 William P-420 Adelacide thru Institutions .) thru Institutions UNITED STATES –VIRGIN ISLANDS– CENSUS T1224-60 1920 Enumeration District Descriptions: West Virginia. Vixen.R. EDs 1.) thru S-522 Gutrudes S-522 Ortiz Habaita thru S-524 William S-525 Abelardo thru S-532 Custodio S-532 Dalia thru S-532 Joryita S-532 Jose M.R.) P-140 (N. Hawaii. 22-31). Eastern District of Tutuila. Puerto Rico. Military and naval districts as well as institutions such as jails and almshouses are listed as separate EDs in the state) T625-2076 1920 Census: St Croix (EDs 32-43. Ventura thru V-420 M.R. and Virgin Islands (There are no descriptions of enumeration districts for Guam or American Samoa. 16mm M1603-1 M1603-2 A-000 (N. S-562 Alberto thru S-650 Buenaventura S-650 Calistia thru T-410 Victorio T-416 Adolf thru T-620 Antolino T-620 Antonia thru T-620 Felesita T-620 Felix thru T-620 Judith T-620 Julia thru T-620 Ramiro T-620 Ramon thru T-630 Susano T-630 Todes thru V-200 Gregoria V-200 Gregorio thru V-220 Bienvenido V-220 C. V-453 Damasia thru V-600 Quientina V-600 Rafael thru V-640 Virginia V-642 Andres thru Institutions UNITED STATES –SAMOA– CENSUS T625-2032 1920 Census: Guam and Samoa (Manua District.United States General M1601-140 M1601-141 M1601-142 M1601-143 M1601-144 M1601-145 M1601-146 M1601-147 M1601-148 M1601-149 M1601-150 M1601-151 M1601-152 M1601-153 M1601-154 M1601-155 M1601-156 M1601-157 M1601-158 M1601-159 M1601-160 M1601-161 M1601-162 M1601-163 M1601-164 M1601-165 S-410 Edelmira thru S-465 Torres Liborcio S-500 (N. thru S-532 Maria S-532 Maria thru S-532 Ursula S-532 Vasilio thru S-560 Yrma G. 11-16) UNITED STATES –VIRGIN ISLANDS– 1920 SOUNDEX Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Population Schedules.R. Alaska. Panama. Wyoming. Canal Zone.S.) thru P-100 (N. Zulina V-420 Mariana thru V-422 Justo V-422 Lalo thru V-453 Cruz M.
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