2 PD S M PDMA 0407 011 Erection Procedure

March 22, 2018 | Author: charan213 | Category: Duct (Flow), Furnace, Chimney, Energy Technology, Mechanical Engineering



DOC. NO. PROJ.REF.PD-S-M-PDMA/0407-011 PDMA/0407 1 of 12 01.05.2012 KUWAIT NATIONAL PETROLEUM CO (K.S.C) PROJECTS DEPARTMENT SHEET DATE REPLACEMENT OF AIR PREHEATERS IN HP UNITS (UNIT – 48, 49 & 88) At Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery ERECTION PROCEDURE FOR WORK REQUISITION NO. KNPC/ WR- xxxx 0 REV 03.05.12 DATE MI/MAK PREP’D WAA APP’D ISSUED FOR TENDERING DESCRIPTION 0 4.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV.0 2.DOC.0 3.0 7. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ INDEX 1.NO.0 5.0 6.0 GENERAL SAFETY PRE-ASSEMBLY AT SITE ERECTION SEQUENCE INSTALLATION NOTES PRE START-UP REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 3 4 5 5 9 10 10 Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure 2 of 12 18/08/2013 . 3 Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure . The existing air pre-heaters shall be replaced.1 This procedure is only a guideline for the installation of all components for the replacement of existing air pre-heaters E-48/49/88-015A/B in the existing furnace H-48/49/88-001 respectively. Further installation work shall be for the new APHs “E-48. 1. Work include providing the new interconnecting (hooking up) Air & Gas ducts as indicated here under between the new APH inlet / outlet connections and the existing Reformer & Fans connections at the available space.2 1. There will 3 of 12 18/08/2013 1. This procedure does not describe the erection in details. The same has been replaced at Unit 89 in January 2012.NO.. The most important steps have been described in sequences. Contractor should study the supplied documents.015 A & 015B Air Pre-heaters are going to be replaced per furnace.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV. The new air pre-heater consists of four (4) blocks plus a return duct piece.0 GENERAL It is proposed to replace the existing Heat Pipe type Air Pre-heaters (APH) with new Plate type APHs in Steam Reformers of Hydrogen Plant Units 48. The new air pre-heater and the connecting ducting will be delivered in transportable modules and pieces. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the transportation of new APHs along with all loose items from the lay down area to the plant site including route survey. Contractor shall follow the attached Erection Procedure Drawing No. understand. Two (2) numbers E. and assembly modules / erection of the new APHs in accordance with the referenced drawings and specifications. All the blocks and ducting pieces shall be installed a n d a s s e m b l e d in the existing furnace structure. Work involves the removal of existing Q-Dot APHs and installation of the new Top Mounted Plate Type Air Pre-Heaters on the top of existing Reformer at the same place where the existing APH has been removed.DOC. discuss and make all necessary preparations to complete the job to the satisfaction of KNPC. including the ducting between tie-in point TP-01 through TP-08 as indicated on the general arrangement drawing ND62591DWG1100 and the ducting layout drawing ND62591DWG1600. 49 & 88-015A/B” at Units 48. 49. 49 & 88. 10042-G3002. & 88. 2 2. are not allowed in the furnace at any time (fire hazard).4 not be any pre-assembly at grade level. piping to the air pre-heater. All materials shall be installed as per LHT drawings. Only in special cases drawings and/or details are mentioned in this document. etc. Erection contractors are responsible at all times for safe working conditions.8 1. Overall responsibility for erection stays in the scope of construction contractor.0 2. expansion bellows and expansion joints. It shall be noted that this procedure shall be studied in conjunction with all the latest issues of documents issued by KNPC.10 2. paper.1 2.DOC. Combustible materials such as cardboard. plastic. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1. instruments supplied with the air pre-heater.7 1. If the erection contractor wants to deviate from this procedure t h e y a r e required to contact KNPC representative for approval in advance for liability purposes.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV.9 1. specifications and LHT vendor drawings and instructions.NO. It is expected that the responsible construction supervisor and the erection contractor shall have good understanding of the installation of the air preheater and ducting to guarantee a trouble free operation. SAFETY Safety rules as per Project Safety Directives must be adhered to. His role will be advisory only.3 Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure . 1.6 1. unless otherwise specified. 4 of 12 18/08/2013 1. Option of a LHT construction advisor i s available for a limited duration during erection.5 The erection tolerances shall be as per AISC Code of Standard Practice. The erection consists of: • • • • Installation Installation Installation Installation of of of of the the the the ducting pieces and the air pre-heater blocks. 2. 3.1 ERECTION PROCEDURE Erect the adjustable scaffolding at suitable locations in work area to suit the job requirements. PRE-ASSEMBLY AT SITE There will be no pre-assembly. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. All air pre-heater and duct pieces shall be installed i n p o s i t i o n piece-bypiece. 2. Remove all ducting and the existing air pre-heaters as indicated on the demolition drawing ND62591DWG1110.0 4.6 3.0 4.5 Never leave unfinished erection without safety rope and warning signs. Air Inlet / Outlet Expansion (Joints) Bellows: Two (2) Nos.3 Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure . Air bypass damper: One (1). 4. In between tie-in points TP-01 and TP-04 for air pre-heater E-48-015A and in between tie-in points TP-05 and TP-08 for air pre-heater E-48-015B.NO. 6.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV. The air pre-heater is supplied as following major parts (numbers indicated are per air pre-heater): 1. Wrapping and crating materials must be removed from the furnace area and cleared from site immediately after materials are unwrapped at site.2 4.4 2. 7. 8. Adherence to the Safety Health Welfare and Environment Plan is mandatory. Remove the existing pipelines which are obstructing the installation of New APHs as indicated in the attached Piping SOW Doc No PD-S-M/p5 of 12 18/08/2013 4. Cold flue gas duct: Four (4) separate panels.DOC. 10. Air bypass duct : One (1) 9. Cold air duct: One (1) separate piece. Hot air duct: One (1) separate piece. Flue Gas Inlet / Outlet Expansion (Joints) Bellows: Two (2) Nos. Air pre-heater: Four (4) separate blocks (with lifting lugs bolted on top). Air pre-heater return duct: One (1) separate piece. 5. Hot flue gas duct: One (1) separate piece. O. Reinforce the existing columns (HSH400/173) at gridlines 5 and 7 as per drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./07. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ PDMA/0407-012. Keep the existing HE260A bracing for reuse as per Section A-A of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. iii..O./07. EL+24809 [81'-4 %''] at gridlines 5 and 7 as per Section C-C of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. This can be done simultaneously while dismantling the existing APH by following all safety guidelines./05./07. 4.7 4./05.4 The following steps describes the installation of the new Air Pre-heater and the connecting ducting. to be able to install the air pre-heaters in parallel action. The vertical bracing may be removed in both bays at the same time. The remaining platforms shall be supported by additional supporting brackets as indicated on drawings D62591DWG1110 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.. for a short and temporary period of time./05./05. Demolish the bolt connection plates at the bottom (near EL+25959 [85'-2"]) and grind the top of the existing support beams for the new air pre-heater flat as indicated on Section A-A of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.NO. 6 of 12 18/08/2013 4. Remove the vertical bracing in between gridlines 3 and 5 and in between gridlines 7 and 9 as per Section A-A of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./05. Install new tie-in beams (W10x49) at T.6 4. Dismantle the part of existing platform in between gridlines D and E as indicated on the demolition drawings ND62591DWG1110 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./05. i. EL25959 [85'-2"] as indicated on the demolition drawings ND62591DWG1110 (Section A-A in demolished situation) and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. Remove the existing tie beams at T.S.5 4. Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure .DOC.8 ii.S.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV. Keep the bolt connection plates at the top (near EL+32614 [107'-0"]) for reuse as indicated on Section A-A of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and. 4./02 4. Install the hot flue gas duct piece.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV.15 Install the air pre-heater blocks by means of trolley beams as indicated on drawings ND62591DWG1560 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./05 with reinforcing plates./04.DOC. Install the air pre-heater return duct. Drill the holes by means of a template or any other means. Install the cold air duct. iii./05. Provide the required temporary support Install the hot air duct.14 Install the return duct and the duct pieces by means of trolley beams as indicated on drawing ND62591DWG1560 from the west side for air preheaters E-48-015A and E-48-015B in the following sequence: i../02 from the west side in the following sequence: Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure 7 of 12 18/08/2013 . 4./05 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ii.12 Install the trolley beams (supply by KNPC) into the existing furnace structure as per drawings ND62591DWG1560 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.13 Install the hoists (supply by KNPC) on the trolley beams.9 Reinforce the web of the existing support beams for the new air air-preheater as per drawing ND62591DWG1501 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. Modify and strengthen the APH support beams as shown in ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. This can be done at any earlier stage in the erection sequence. This can be done at any earlier stage in the erection sequence. to ensure that the distance between the bolt groups are correct and independent of any misalignment of the existing beams. Also provide additional support -brackets for the beams where new APH is supported as shown in Modify and strengthen the APH support beams as shown in ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. Provide the required temporary support. 4.11 Remove the beams at gridlines A as indicated on Section B-B of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. 4. iv. Provide the required temporary support.NO./04 . 4./07.10 Drill slotted holes in the existing support beams for the new air pre-heater as per drawing ND62591DWG1501 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. Install the second block on top of the first block. during the erection of APH Remove the trolley beams as shown on drawing . 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ i. Install the fourth block on top of the third block with gaskets installed in between. Install the third block on top of the second block with gaskets installed in between. Pick over the air pre-heater blocks from the crane by means of the hoists on the trolley beams as is shown on drawing ND62591DWG1560 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. 4. Bolt the fourth to the third block. Reinstall the piping which was removed as mentioned in 4.000 lbs]. vi./05. The maximum weight of one block is 10. ii./05./05. Install the air pre-heater bottom sliding plates as per drawing 10042G3001.. Reinstall the beams at gridline A as per Section B-B of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./05 8 of 12 18/08/2013 4..20 Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure ./04. Bolt the third to the second block. iv. Bolt the second to the first block.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV.. with gaskets installed in between.19 4. Install the first block with its supports on the existing supporting beams and install the bolts.and ISCO/590/W67APH/DWG. with the connection details provided in drawings ND62591DWG1500 and ND62591DWG1501 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.17 4. iii.2./02. v. Remove the reinforcement partially only from of the existing columns HSH400/173 at gridlines as shown in ND62591DWG1500 (section D-D) and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.000 kg [22.DOC.NO.16 Install the new vertical bracing members in between gridlines 3 and 5 and in between gridlines 7 and 9 as per Section A-A of drawing ND62591DWG1500 and ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG. Lift the blocks by crane by means of the bolted lugs on the top. vii.18 4. 26 4. Install and bolt the spool piece with the air by pass damper on top of the hot air duct with gaskets installed in between.0 6. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Install the platforms ladders etc as per the drgs .25 4.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV.28 4.22 4. the ducting and the piping Install the actuator on the air bypass duct damper. Install and bolt the panels of the cold flue gas duct on top of the air preheater with gaskets installed in between. Install the expansion bellow cloths as per drawing ND62591DWG1600 and ND62591DWG1601.30 5. Install the external insulation to the air pre-heater.NO. It is recommended to install the bellows just before mechanical completion to avoid damage of the bellows cloth by other parties working in the area. the mechanical acceptance form shall be signed by all parties involved. Install the ceramic fibre ropes in the expansion joint of the hot flue gas duct as shown on drawing ND62591DWG1600./01-5sheets Install the piping to the air pre-heater as per Isometric Drawing Nos SL48/49/88-36001-A6-3” and FW 48/49/88-36002-L2-3”.1 INSTALLATION NOTES Expansion bellows and air cylinders shall be installed as per (vendor) drawings and specifications.1 Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure . 4. ISCO/590/W67APH/DWG. 9 of 12 18/08/2013 5. PRE START-UP After completion and corrective action of all punch items (if any).0 5.27 4.DOC.21 Bolt the already installed (and temporary supported) ducting to the air preheater with gaskets installed in between.24 4.29 4.2 6. Install the instrumentation to the air pre-heater and the ducting.23 4. and the access doors.Air Preheater Stub Ductings 1702-H48/49-001-313 1702-H48/49-001-314 1702-H48/49-001-316 1702-H48/49-001-317 Steel Arrangement.Stack and Stub Duct from Flue 1702-H48/49-001-312 Steel Arrangement.Air Preheater Ducting Sheet #1 10 of 12 Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure 18/08/2013 .Htr. particular in expansion joints and other parts where movements are expected.4 7.NO.Top Conv. Wall Structure Elevation Sheet #1 Steel Arrangement.Htr. Process and utility piping.2 Make sure that all foreign materials have been removed prior to heater closing. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Wall Structure Elevation Sheet #2 Steel Arrangement. on Air Prehtr.Convection & Flue 1702-H48/49-001-311 Steel Arrangement. electrical and instrumentation cables must be kept clear from expanding pipes.0 For the Existing Steam Reformers and Steel Structure (Existing Situation) 2102-H88/89-001-001 General Arrangement Sheet #1.Longitudinal Section 1702-H48/49-001-309 Steel Arrangement.DOC.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 6. Stack & Fan's Supports Steel Arrangement.Cross Section 2102-H88/89-001-002 General Arrangement Sheet #2.3 6. General cleaning. Platforms Sheet #2 New A P H M a n u f a c t u r e r ’ s Drawings (By LHT): 10042-G3001 ND62591DIA2000 ND62591DWG1100 ND62591DWG1110 ND62591DWG1500 ND62591DWG1501 ND62591DWG1560 ND62591DWG1600 ND62591DWG1601 ND62591SPC0006 General Arrangement Flue Gas Air Preheater.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV.Existing Air Preheaters and Ducting Modifications Existing Steel Structure Modifications Existing Steel Structure.for Erection of Air Ducting and Air Preheater New Air Ducting and Flue Gas Ducting.Air Preheaters and Ducting Demolition Plan.E48/49/88-015A/B Piping and Instrumentation Diagram. 048) General Arrangement.Layout Including Tie-In Point Locations New Air Ducting and Flue Gas Ducting.HP Unit (Unit No.Details Air Preheater Support Beams Trolley Beam Layout and Design.Air Preheater Ducting Sheet #2 Steel Arrangement. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1702-H48/49-001-318 1702-H48/49-001-319 Steel Arrangement.DOC.Details Tie-In Points and Bellows Specification External Insulation Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure 18/08/2013 11 of 12 .Air Preheater Ducting & Steam Drum Structures 1702-H48/49-001-321 Steel Arrangement.NO. /05 Modification of existing Steel StructureColumn Strengthening and Bracings Modification Air Pre-Heater Erection Procedure 18/08/2013 12 of 12 .NO./01-Sheet 2 of 5 Modification of existing Steel StructurePlatform Elevation ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.: PD-S-PDMA-0407-011 REV. 0 __________________________________________________________________________________ ND62591SPC0008 Specification Expansion Bellows Modification of Structural Steel Fabrication Drawings ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./01-Sheet 1 of 5 Structural Steel Dismantling Layout Modification of existing Steel StructurePlatform Layout ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./02 Trolley Beam Layout and Design for Erection of Air Preheater ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./04 Modification of existing Steel StructureDetails of Air Preheater Support Beam ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./07 ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./01-Sheet 5 of 5 Modification of existing Steel StructureGratings and Ladder ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG./01-Sheet 3 of 5 Modification of existing Steel StructureBeam Detail ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.DOC./01-Sheet 4 of 5 Modification of existing Steel StructureHandrail Detail ISCO/590/W67-APH/DWG.
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