1Z0-052 Dumps | Oracle Database Administration Exam

April 2, 2018 | Author: Thomas William | Category: Professional Certification, Test (Assessment), Certification, Databases, Oracle Database



Are You Ready to Attempt Oracle 1Z0-052 Exam?If you are interested in validating your skills to advance your career then you must attempt 1Z0-052 Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional exam. As, this 1Z0-052 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I exam validates your skills and measures your ability to accomplish the technical task such as Database Administration etc. Although each technology varies in complexity and depth of technical knowledge, 1Z0-052 Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional certification exams target customers in an Database Administrator (DBA), Oracle Database Administrator for day- to-day monitoring, maintenance, and basic troubleshooting (diagnosis and/or repair). Oracle 1Z0-052 Exam Information Number of Questions: In Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional 1Z0-052 Exam you will be asked 205 questions and the format of exams would be Multiple Choice Question. A candidate would be given 90 minutes to attempt the exam. Oracle 1Z0-052 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Certification exam is considered as the front-runner in the advancement of credentials and knowledge of the Professionals, also it provides a platform to initiate with more advanced abilities in the field. 1Z0-052 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I exam certifies that you are equipped with a strong foundation of Database Administration, and . If you really aspire to achieve a good status job, then you must pass the 1Z0- 052 Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional Certification, as it will lead you to the excellence. As, this certification will increase the proficiency level of working competently with the database. Its no easy to pass 1Z0-052 Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional Exam, it requires a lot efforts and practice to perform well in the Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I exam. Now Pass 1Z0-052 Oracle Exam with 100% Guarantee Success EBrainDumps is the leader in providing Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional Exam Dumps. As, this 1Z0- 052 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I exam validates your skills and measures your ability to accomplish the technical task such as Database Administration 1Z0-052 exam preparation material and have been providing services for over past 10 years. All the preparation material for 1Z0-052 Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I exam is duly designed by the subject matter experts, which is accessible in two easy formats, PDF and Practice Exam software. The PDF carries all the potential questions which you could be asked in Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional Certification Exam. While, the Practice Exam software is the perfect combination, which allows users to test their knowledge. The interface of the 1Z0-052 exam practice software is user friendly and offers you real exam simulation. It has various assessment tools, which helps the candidate to get acquainted with the actual 1Z0-052 exam format, such as, timed exams, randomize questions, multiple question types, test history and score sheets. Our practice software allows you to track your performance and helps to find out your weak areas, where you need to put efforts. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 Oracle 1Z0-052 Exam Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Thaok yiu fir Diwolianaog 1Z0-052 exau PDF Deui Yiu .ao alsi try iur 1Z0-052 tra.t.e exau sifware Diwolian Free Deuis https://www.ebraindumps.com/1Z0-052-braindumps.html httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 Yiu oit.e that the terfiruao.e if the nataease has negranen ee.ause if frequeot .he.ktiaotswWha.h twi a.tios resilve the assue? (Chiise twiw) Aw Dasaele autiuat. .he.ktiaot tuoaog Bw Che.k the saze if the reni lig fle saze aon ao.rease the saze af at as suall Cw Set the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET taraueter as ter the anva.e gaveo ey the MTTRAnvasir Dw De.rease the ouueer if reni lig ueueers af there are uire thao ioe reni lig ueueersavaalaele ao ea.h reni lig griut Aoswern B,C Question 2 Ineotfy the ueuiry .iutioeot friu wha.h ueuiry uay ee alli.aten firs Sessaio ueuiry fir the sharen serverBufers fir I:O slavesOra.le Dataease Re.ivery Maoager(RMAN) ea.kut aon restire iteratios Aw Large Piil Bw Reni Lig Bufer Cw Dataease Bufer Ca.he Dw Prigrau Glieal Area (PGA) Aoswern A Question 3 Yiu exe.uten the filliwaog .iuuaon ti .reate a taelesta.e .allen SALES_DATAs SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE sales_nata DATAFILE SIZE 100M SEGMENT SPACEMANAGEMENT AUTO; Wha.h twi stateueots are true aeiut the SALES_DATA taelesta.e? (Chiise twiw) Aw The nataease autiuat.ally neteruaoes the exteot-sazaog tila.y fir thetaelesta.ew Bw The segueots are autiuat.ally shruok wheo the .ioteots are reuiven friu theuw Cw The alli.atio if exteots wathao thetaelesta.e as uaoagen thriugh the na.tioary taelesw Dw The sta.e utlazatio nes.rattio if the nata eli.ks ao segueots as re.irnen ao eatuat eli.ksw Ew The sta.e utlazatio nes.rattio if the nata eli.ks ao segueots as uaoagen thriugh free lastsw Aoswern A,D Question 4 httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Io wha.h if the s.eoarai wall the DBA terfiru re.ivery? (Chiise all that attlyw) Aw The alert lig fle as .irrutten Bw A taelesta.e as a..aneotally nritten Cw Ooe if the reni lig ueueers as .irrutten Dw A nataease user teruaoates the sessaio aeoirually Ew The harn nask io wha.h the nata fles as stiren as .irrutten Aoswern B,E Question 5 Yiu waot ti eoaele ar.havaog io yiur nataeasew Preseotly, the nataease as ruooaog ao NOARCHIVELOG uinew Gaveo eeliw are the stets ti a..iutlash the task ao raoniu irners 1w Shut niwo the aostao.ew 2w Exe.ute the ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG .iuuaonw 3w Start ut the aostao.e aon uiuot the nataeasew 4w Set the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST aoatalazatio taraueter ti $ORACLE_HOME:nest_1w 5w Oteo the nataeasew Wha.h as the .irre.t sequeo.e if stets fir a..iutlashaog the task? Aw 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 Bw 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 Cw 1, 3, 2, 5; 4 oit requaren Dw 4, 1, 5, 2; 3 oit requaren Ew 1, 3, 4, 5; 2 oit requaren Aoswern C Question 6 Yiu waot ti .he.k the netaals if few errirs that users have retirtenw Yiu sear.h fir the alert ligfle aon exe.ute few .iuuaons ti fon the li.atio if the alert lig flew Vaew the Exhaeat aon .he.kthe .iuuaons exe.utenw What as the li.atio if the alert_ir.lwlig fle? See the Exhaeats httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aw ORACLE_HOME:nes Bw ORACEL_HOME:rneus Cw :u01:att:ira.le:anuao:ir.l:anuut Dw :u01:att:ira.le:fash_re.ivery_area Ew ORACLE_BASE:naag:rneus:ir.l:alert Fw ORACLE_BASE:naag:rneus:ir.l:ir.l:tra.e Aoswern F Question 7 Wha.h stateueots are true regarnaog the USERS taelesta.e? (Chiise all that attlyw)See the Exhaeats httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aw A eatuat as usen ti re.irn free exteots Bw Free exteots aofiruatio as uaoagen wathao the taelesta.e Cw Free exteots aofiruatio as uaoagen ao the SYSAUX taelesta.e Dw The nata na.tioary taeles are utnaten wheo exteots are alli.aten ir nealli.aten Aoswern A,B Question 8 Exauaoe the values fir the filliwaog aoatalazatio taraueterss FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET=0 LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL=0 Wha.h twi wall ee the autla.atios if these values ao yiur nataease? (Chiise twiw) Aw The SGA anvasir wall ee nasaelen Bw The MTTR anvasir wall ee nasaelen Cw Autiuat. .he.ktiaot tuoaog wall ee nasaelen Dw Che.ktiaot aofiruatio wall oit ee wrateo ti the alert lig fle Aoswern B,C Question 9 Io yiur nataease aostao.e, the STATISTICS_LEVEL aoatalazatio taraueter as set ti BASICw Whats the auta.t if thas setog? httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Aw Ottuazer statst.s are .ille.ten autiuat.allyw Bw Ooly tuen iteratog systeu (OS) statst.s aon tlao exe.utio statst.s are .ille.tenw Cw The soatshits fir the Autiuat. Wirklian Retisatiry (AWR) are oit geoeraten autiuat.allyw Dw Soatshits .aooit ee .ille.ten uaoually ey usaog the DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORYta.kagew Ew The Ora.le server nyoaua.ally geoerates the oe.essary statst.s io taeles as tart if queryittuazatiow Aoswern C Question 10 Yiu have re.eotly .ille.ten statst.s io .ertaao ieje.ts if a s.heua ao yiur nataeasew But yiuieserve sueittual exe.utio tlaos fir the queraes io these ieje.ts afer twi nays if statst.s.ille.tiow The ittuazer statst.s reteotio terain as set ti ats nefault valuew Wha.h a.tio wiulnhelt ti use the trevaius set if statst.s io the ieje.ts? Aw Restire statst.s friu statst.s hastiryw Bw Renu.e the ittuazer statst.s reteotio terain ey 2 naysw Cw Set the OPTIMIZER_PENDING_STATISTICS taraueter ti TRUEw Dw Renu.e the Autiuat. Wirklian Retisatiry (AWR) reteotio terain ey 2 naysw Aoswern A Question 11 Wha.h three stateueots regarnaog the server taraueter fle (SPFILE) are true? (Chiise threew) Aw Ao SPFILE as a eaoary fle Bw Ao SPFILE .aooit resane io a .laeot Cw Ao SPFILE .aooit .iotaao stat. taraueters Dw Ao SPFILE .ao stire .haoges tersasteotly a.riss aostao.e restarts Ew Ao SPFILE .ao ee rean ey the nataease server, eut at as oit wrateo ti ey the server Fw Ao SPFILE uust ee .reaten uaoually, eefire .reatog a nataease, eveo af yiu use theDataease Ciofguratio Assastaot (DBCA) ti .reate the nataease Aoswern A,B,D Question 12 Yiur test nataease as .iofguren ti ruo ao NOARCHIVELOG uinew Ooe if the nata fles ao theUSERS taelesta.e as list nue ti a uenaa faalurew Yiu oit.e that all the iolaoe reni ligs haveeeeo iverwrateo sao.e the last ea.kutwWhat wiuln yiu ni ti re.iver the nata fle? Aw Take the USERS taelesta.e ifaoe aon re-.reate the list nata fle Bw Shutniwo the aostao.e, restire the nata fle friu the last .iosasteot ea.kut aon restart thenataease aostao.e httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Cw Shutniwo the aostao.e, restires all the nataease fles friu the last .iosasteot ea.kut aonrestart the nataease aostao.e Dw Take the USERS taelesta.e ifaoe, restire all the nata fles if the USERS taelesta.e friu thelast .iosasteot ea.kut aon uake the taelesta.e iolaoe Aoswern C Question 13 Exauaoe the .iuuaons SQL>DBMS_STATSwSET_TABLE_PREFS('SH','CUSTOMERS','PUBLISH','false'); Wha.h stateueot nes.raees the efe.t if the aeive .iuuaon? Aw Autiuat. statst.s .ille.tio as stitten fir the CUSTOMERS taele Bw Statst.s fir the CUSTOMERS taele are li.ken aon .aooit ee iverwrateo Cw Exastog statst.s fir the CUSTOMERS taele ee.iue uousaele fir the query ittuazer Dw Suesequeotly, statst.s gatheren io the CUSTOMERS taele are stiren as teonaog statst.s Aoswern D Question 14 The aostao.e aeoirually teruaoates ee.ause if a tiwer iutagew Wha.h stateueot as true aeiutreni lig fles nuraog aostao.e re.ivery? Aw Ioa.tve aon .urreot reni lig fles are requaren ti a..iutlash re.ivery Bw Oolaoe aon ar.haven reni fles are requaren ti a..iutlash aostao.e re.ivery Cw All reni lig eotraes afer the last .he.ktiaot are attlaen friu reni lig fles ti nata fles Dw All reni lig eotraes re.irnen ao the .urreot lig fle uotl the .he.ktiaot tisatio are attlaen tinata fles Aoswern C Question 15 Exauaoe the .iuuaons SQL>ALTER USR skn ACCOUNT LOCK; Wha.h twi stateueots are true afer the .iuuaon as exe.uten? (Chiise twiw) Aw The SKD user .aooit lig ao ti the nataease aostao.e Bw The ieje.ts iwoen ey the SKD user are oit a..essaele ti aoy user Cw The ither users .ao a..ess the ieje.ts iwoen ey the SKD user, io wha.h they have a..ess Dw The tasswirn fir the SKD user extares aon the user as fir.en ti .haoge the tasswirn at theoext lig ao Aoswern A,C httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 Thaok Yiu fir tryiog 1Z0-052 PDF Demi Ti try iur 1Z0-052 tra.t.e exau sifware vasat laok eeliw https://www.ebraindumps.com/1Z0-052-braindumps.html Start Your 1Z0-052 Preparation Use Coupon “20OFF” for extra 20% discount on the purchase of Practice Test Software. Test your 1Z0-052 preparation with actual exam questions. httss::wwwweeraaonuutsw.iu
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