
March 30, 2018 | Author: unisgroup | Category: Power Supply, Power Inverter, Bipolar Junction Transistor, Automation, Mains Electricity



2011 Catalogue Inverter AC • System DriveSIEIDrive ADV200 AFE200 The new generation of high efficiency English 2 Introduzione Gefran is a leading manufacturer of automation components Forty-five years of experience, an extensive know-how, a structure precisely geared to our customers' requirements and continued investment in R&D, make Gefran a leader in the field of components for automation and industrial process control systems. Customers know they can always depend on Gefran to provide the best solution for all their needs in terms of sensors, components, automation and motion control. 3 By working in partnership with qualified Research Centres and Universities and continuously investing in R&D, the Gefran Group is at the forefront of technology, developing products that anticipate its customers' needs. Gefran is based in Italy, where it has three engineering and production facilities. The Group has some 800 employees. It is directly present in 12 countries with 7 production plants and a global sales network with more than 70 authorised dealers around the world. Gefran Spa has been listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 1998 and has been traded on the Star segment of high requirement shares since 2002. The Gefran Drive & Motion Control Unit, based in Gerenzano (Varese, Italy), designs, develops and manufactures electric drives and power regeneration systems used to control motors and application systems in the main industrial sectors, including: plastics, civil lift engineering, water treatment and ventilation, as well as control architectures for renewable energy systems. The ADV200 and AFE200, a complete range of solutions dedicated to the most advanced industrial automation systems, are the fruit of this experience. 4 Introduzione The GEFRAN “SYSTEM DRIVE” range The new generation of energy efficiency With the new series of ADV200 vector inverters and AFE200 “Active Front End” regenerative power supply units, the GEFRAN “SYSTEM DRIVE” range meets the demands of systems integrators and machine builders, for solutions at the forefront of technology featuring high-level configurations. A wide range with power ratings from 0.75kW up to 1.2MW and compatibility with all 400Vac - 460Vac and 690Vac power supplies or systems on a common DC Bus, make it possible to engineer and develop practically any kind of application architecture. Thanks to the modular mechanical structure, compact modules and integration of accessories such as EMC filters and input chokes, the system takes up significantly less space, wiring costs are optimised and flexibility is assured. Available in 7 stand alone and “parallel" configurations, the ADV200 and AFE200 are drives of innovative design, stemming from continuous technological research and the experience that GEFRAN has acquired in working alongside leading operators in the sector. The 32-bit microprocessor and innovative control algorithms, guarantee excellent performance, both in terms of the dynamics and precision of motor control and in terms of their advanced clean power control in power regeneration systems. The man/machine interface is totally intuitive and "open", thanks to the powerful programming platform. Customised menus and dedicated application software programs provide complete machine management at all levels, with the availability of specific functions and integration of the IEC61131-3 programming environment. 5 » Certified quality (Quality Management System complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008) » Italian Technology » User Friendly Performance up to 1.2 MW » All in One design with integrated EMC filters and choke » "Clean Power" platform for energy efficiency of automation systems 6 Overview of the "ADV - AFE200 System Drive" range Power (kW) 1000 1200 0.75 18.5 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 400 500 630 710 800 900 1000 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30 37 45 55 75 Size 5 Size 5 Size 5 S.4 S.5 110 S.6 132 Size 7 250 Parallel size 7 (*) 500 630 90 Models Introduzione ADV200-4 ADV200-DC ADV100 AFE200 Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 3 Size 4 Size 4 Size 4 S.3 Size 6 Size 6 Size 7 Size 7 Parallel size 7 (*) Parallel size 7 (*) Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 75 S.6 Models ADV200-6 90 Size 7 S.9 Size 10 Power ratings of up to 1.5 MW to follow. (*) Inverters of between 400 kW and 710 kW comprise one master and one slave. Inverters of over 900 kW comprise one master and two slaves. .60 Input Data .......................34 Input Data .................54 General Characteristics.....52 ADV100 • 230....55 Standard connections .................44 Weights and dimensions ........................51 Order codes...86 Programming Keypad ..27 Standard connections .........................................................................28 Weights and dimensions ..............61 Cooling ......................................34 Output Data ..............................30 Choosing the Inverter ......................9 Standard connections ........................10 Weights and dimensions .112 Inverter Warranty.................................................com 7 Introduction ..................................................................110 After-sales Service .63 Order codes......90 Chokes .............gefran.................................................................16 Output Data .........68 General Characteristics......................73 Choosing the Inverter ..................................................................................................................................................79 Output Data ........................21 Order codes...............................Gefran Spa .........8 General Characteristics.................................70 Weights and dimensions ...............................42 General Characteristics................93 External EMC filters ........................101 Gefran Service Options APPENDIX Calendar of courses and education days ...........48 Output Data ...........114 Solutions ......................6 ADV200-DC ADV200-DC • DC bus power supply ADV200 ............................... Programming AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .................................................480 VCA POWER SUPPLY Introduction ..............26 General Characteristics..38 ADV200-6 • 690 Vac Power Supply Introduction .....Drive & Motion Control Unit • www............................87 Softscope ....82 Order codes...........................................22 Introduction ..83 “GF_eXpress” PC Configuration Tool ............64 AFE200 • Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit Introduction ..16 Input Data ...........11 Choosing the Inverter ....................................77 Input Data ................................48 Input Data ......43 Standard connections .............................................................57 Choosing the Inverter ...69 Standard connections ...............................49 Cooling ........................88 Accessories Fuses .......................................56 Weights and dimensions ...116 PROGRAM....................................460 Vac Power Supply .......................................................................................4 ADV200-4 • 400.......................................................60 Output Data ....................................................................................................................17 Cooling ................................99 Braking resistors ...........................81 Cooling .........................................................................45 Choosing the Inverter .............................37 Order codes...............87 "MDPlc" advanced development environment .....................35 Cooling .. Ideal sizes The ADV200-4 offers a choice of technical features so that you can choose the drive that represents the best technical and most costeffective solution depending on the type of application and characteristics of the motor. Integrated reliability The ADV200-4 features high-quality engineering solutions that guarantee long-term reliability. The use of the integrated safety function depends on the type of application and applicable standards.8 1.2MW in "parallel" configurations Safety Card – SIL3 Level ADV200-4+SI models integrate the EXP-SFTy-ADV Safety Card (standard in parallel master drives). • Two overload modes for “servizio pesante” with duty cycle of 150% of In for 1 minute every 5 minutes or for “servizio leggero” (variable and/or quadratic torque) with duty cycle of 110% of In for 1 minute every 5 minutes • Optimisation of dinamica della modulazione. EMC-compliant start-ups. The mechanical structure guarantees simple and fast product management.safety integrity level SIL 3 according to EN 61508 and EN61800-5-2 (maximum available for drives) .4 Vector Inverters offer technologically advanced solutions for automation systems with stand-alone drives. Total ease of use Designed with the user in mind. . from accessing the extractable terminal strips to rack-mounting of options. Serial line The RS485 serial line is incorporated as standard across the range to enable peer-to-peer or multidrop connections using Modbus RTU protocol. applied and integrated correctly to achieve the required level of safety. to prevent torque on the motor by blocking IGBT commands. project flexibility. The card: • performs the STO (Safe Torque Off) function. • can diagnose 99% of internal faults. which is the system level function. The dedicated accessories guarantee simple wiring and cable shielding to achieve immediate. reduce overall dimensions and lower wiring costs. according to EN 1037:1995 + A1 ADV: 2008 on safety of machinery.460 Vac Power Supply ADV200 . according to the type of "duty" and drive temperature during duty cycles. All operations are simple and immediate. ADV200-4 • 400. • Fieldbus interface card • I/O expansion card • Interface card for feedback with single or multiple encoders (up to 3).2 MW for three-phase power supplies of 400 VAC to 460 VAC. Back-up power supply The ADV200-4 is compatible with a separate +24VDC external power supply. if covered by risk-assessment. The range features power ratings from 0. The ADV200-4 is available in 7 hardware sizes • from 0. regardless of installation and assembly conditions. Designed to facilitate installation and guarantee ease of use. The integrated "STO" function may be used to replace the motor contactors for controlling unexpected start-ups. This solution makes it possible to maintain all display and drive configuration functions and manage the connected fieldbuses in the event of a power failure. The safety function may be used to perform an "emergency stop" with the drive still connected to the power supply (stop category 0 according to EN 60204-1).PL d according to EN13849-1 The integrated EXP-SFTy-ADV safety card in the ADV200-4+SI series of drives achieves "Prevention of unexpected start-up".. The integrated input choke on the DC side reduces THD by up to 40% and the mains filter ensures compliance with EMC EN61800-3.4 • Basic ADV200 . All system parts and components must be chosen. Integrated accessories such as the filter and mains choke enhance long-term reliability. Drives provided with the safety card are just one element in an STO safety control system.75kW to 355kW in the stand-alone configuration • from 400kW to 1..1 Introduction SIEIDrive ADV200 . • meets the latest legal requirements with the integrated "Safe Torque Off" function: .75 kW up to 1. Flexible Modular Technology The ADV200-4 is based on a fully modular hardware with power structures that can be installed side by side.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 1. The integrated safety function replaces the external safety components. optimisation of space and reduction of wiring costs. Management of optional cards The ADV200-4 uses an intelligent rack system that allows 3 optional cards to be installed at the same time. +40°C (+14°F .+SI models)  GF-eXpress multi-language programming SW (5 languages)  PLC with advanced IEC61131-3 programming environment  IP20-rated protection (IP00 size 7 and parallel) Conformity Fieldbus management ®  Immunity/Emissions:  Programming:  Safety standards: EEC ..com 9 1.2 General Characteristics  Power supply:  Power ratings: 3 x 380VAC -15% … 500VAC +5%.2MW Standard supply configuration  Integrated KB_ADV programming keypad  Regulation: • 2 bipolar analog inputs (Voltage/Current) • 2 bipolar analog outputs (1: Voltage/Current.75kW to 1. Precision FOC with feedback Open-loop FOC V/F ± 0. 1: Voltage) • 6 digital inputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 digital outputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 relay outputs. EN 954-1 Cat.A.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .98 x Vin  Control mode: • Open-loop vector control • Vector control with feedback • Open loop V/f and V/f with feedback  Light or heavy overload control  Integration of up to 3 options onboard the drive  "Safety" card compliant with machine safety directives (for ADV200-.Gefran S... (up to 1000 m without current limitations)  Altitude: Performance The ADV200 offers state-of-the-art control technology based on the use of a powerful 32-bit microprocessor able to guarantee maximum precision and performance of the motor as well as sophisticated management of the most advanced application systems.p.  Markings Complies with directives for the American and Canadian markets. single contact • RS485 serial line (Modbus RTU)  Power: • Integrated choke DC side (up to 132 kW) • Integrated mains filter • Integrated dynamic braking module (up to 55kW)  Max output voltage 0. 3 EN 61508 and EN 61800-5-2  Ambient temperature: -10°C .01% motor speed rating ± 30% motor slip rating ± 60% motor slip rating 1 : 1000 1 : 100 1 : 30 (*) for standard 4-pole motor APPENDIX PROGRAM.gefran.. 50/60Hz ±2% from 0. ..4 ..Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.EN 61800-3 according to IEC 61131-3 STO (Safe Torque Off): IEC 61508 SIL 3. Control mode Speed control precision (*) Control range AFE200 Complies with the EEC directive concerning low voltage equipment ADV100 • Environmental conditions ADV200 . +40°C…+50°C (+104°F…+122°F) with derating Max 2000 m.+104°F). ..AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 1.. 3ph V Input fuse Input choke (mandatory) ADV.4 • Basic Standard connections and default drive configuration. (***) Please refer to the user guide for fan connections Input fuse Input choke (mandatory) ADV.. L1 L2 L3 C D U V W Output choke (mandatory) LINE 380-500Vac.....10 SIEIDrive ADV200 . L1 L2 L3 C D U V W Output choke (mandatory) To motor U Block diagram power section sizes 900 .MS..... See diagram at the top for the regulation section..  ADV71600: external choke mandatory (**): Only for sizes  ADV71600.3 Standard connections ADV200 .....MS..... 710kW. 1000kW... See diagram at the top for the regulation section.SL...... (*): ADV1007 .SL.. 61320: Integrated choke on DC link... . L1 L2 L3 C D U V W Output choke (mandatory) W Input fuse Input choke (mandatory) ADV. 3ph V Input fuse Input choke (mandatory) ADV.SL. L1 L2 L3 C D U V W Output choke (mandatory) W To motor U Block diagram power section sizes 400 . L1 L2 L3 C D U V W Output choke (mandatory) LINE 380-500Vac. Input fuse Input choke (mandatory) ADV. 33”) 70 mm (2.84”) 360 mm (14.32”) ADV200-DC 307 mm (12.25”) 322 mm (12.25 kg 5.09”) 235 mm (9.6 [14.8 Size 2 mm (inches) 150 mm (5.. .65 x 12.p.06”] 82 mm (3.8 Weight lbs 12..gefran.42”) 306.4 .76”) PROGRAM. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 . 2110 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 150 x 392 x 250 inches 5.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.6 59 mm (2.65”) 100 [3.43 x 9.91 x 15.68”) ADV200 .84”) 250 mm (9.A...4 Weights and dimensions Size 1 mm (inches) 118 mm (4.2 Weight lbs 22.83”] Size ADV200-4 2055 .5 APPENDIX 110 mm (4.32”) 377 mm (14.43”) 440 mm (17.Gefran S.17”) 376.1040 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 118 x 322 x 235 inches 4.12”) 290 mm (11.72”] 392 mm (15.23”) Size ADV200-4 1007.94”] 384 mm (15.91”) 120 [4.com 11 1.84 kg 10.4 [12.7 x 9. 55 x 24.12 Size 3 mm (inches) SIEIDrive ADV200 .93”) 135 mm (5.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 180 mm (7..25 x 10.85”] 612 [24.4450 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 268 x 616 x 270 inches 10.25”] Weight lbs 70.09”) 150 [5.70”) 500..31”) Size ADV200-4 3150.35 x 8.6 70 mm (2.84”) 496 mm (19..4 • Basic 517 mm (20.09 x 20.55”] 682 [26.5 Size 4 mm (inches) 268 [10.63”] Size ADV200-4 4300.85”] 270 [10.35”) 250 mm (8.84 kg 16.1 [19.63 kg 32 616 [24.2 48.76”) 475 mm (18.3185 3220 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 180 x 517 x 250 inches 7.09”] 682 [26.4 22 Weight lbs 36.7”] .91”] ADV200 ..53”) 557 mm (21. .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.Gefran S.5900 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 311 x 767 x 325 inches 12..6 ADV200-DC 853 [33.45”] 767 [40.91”] 360 [14.2 kg 90 Weight lbs 198.3 mm (inches) 422 [16.2”] 730 [28.43”] 279 [10.com 13 Size 5 mm (inches) 311 [12.8”] 265 [10.89”] 853 [33.4 .2 x 12.78”] 175 [6.4 APPENDIX PROGRAM.24 x 40.A. AFE200 ADV100 Size 6 ADV200 .gefran.57”] 836 [32.74”] 325 [12.66”] 748 [29. .24”] 220 [8.8 kg 60 Weight lbs 132.61”] 350 [13..p..6 x 14.61 x 34.98”] Size ADV200-4 5550.58”] ADV200 . 61320 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 422 x 878 x 360 inches 16.17”] Size ADV200-4 61100 .58”] 878 [34. 4] 1636.6] 9.42 x 55.5 [64.5 (47.25 13 (*) 310.5 240.8 .2 617..5 62 62 62 62 62 485 (19.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 417 (16...4 x 19.710kW Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm inches kg Weight lbs 837 x 1407 x 485 33.4) 1407 (55.6) 1230 (48. 710 kW mm (inches) (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate 1209.7 Sizes 400 ..4) 355.14 Size 7 mm (inches) SIEIDrive ADV200 .2 R3 (*) 6.8 420 177.4] 573.0 x 55.4) 332 5 .0] 6.5 9.6 (14.25 416.1 260 280 300 1407 [55.1] Size ADV200-4 400kW 500kW 630 .5 170.4 • Basic 87 6.5 Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7 See Size 7 for dimensions without protections.5 [47. 73550 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 417 x 1407 x 485 inches 16.4 661.7 330.1) (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate Vista senza protezioni View without protections 155 Size ADV200-4 71600..6 308.4 x 19.7 (Optional BARS KIT) 31 93 155 177.5 1209..8 485 [19.1 kg 130 140 150 837 [33.0) 177. Weight lbs 286.72000 72500 73150 .4 .5 10 ) (x8 70 35 13 (*) ADV200 . A.25 13 1407 [55.1 APPENDIX PROGRAM.4] (*) 310.5 [47.5 x 55. .7 ADV200-DC 1636.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. AFE200 ADV100 Size ADV200-4 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth Weight ADV200 .5 Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7 See Size 7 for dimensions without protections.8 420 420 485 [19.1 kg 450 lbs 992.49] 6. (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate 1209.1000kW 1257 x 1407 x 485 inches 49.5 (Optional BARS KIT) 31 93 155 177.1000 kW mm (inches) 1257 [49.6] 9.4 .gefran.5 170.com 15 Sizes 900.Gefran S.4 x 19..p.1] mm 900 .5 [64.4] ADV200 ..6 240. 3 39 53 64 74 100 143 171 200 238 300 350 420 580 640 665 800 1100 1215 1650 1800 @ 400 VAC [A] 3.0 19.16 SIEIDrive ADV200 .6 Input Data Input voltage ULN [VAC] 1007 1015 1022 1030 1040 2055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW Three-phase mains 380 VCA -15% .1 11.7 4.1 3.0 19.4 32.4 • Basic 1.. The same engineering criteria apply for operations with additional derating factors: • KV Power supply voltage • KT Ambient temperature • Kf Switching frequency • KALT Altitude of installation ADV200 .1 14.5 8. The combinations listed in the table thus show the current that can be delivered by the drive during continuous operation and overload conditions.9 6.4 32. ± 2% 820 380 50% Heavy Duty (at rated current) Sizes ADV200 Input frequency [Hz] AC input current for Undervoltage continuous operation IN threshold Total harmonic distortion Heavy Duty Light Duty (Overvoltage) (Undervoltage) (150% overload) (110%overload) Overvoltage threshold [VDC] [VDC] [THD] % @ 400 VAC [A] 2.6 26.. For motors with different voltage ratings the inverter must be chosen according to the current rating of the motor.7 4.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 1.1 14.5 8. according to the mains voltage.9 6.3 39 53 64 74 89 143 171 200 238 285 350 420 580 640 710 800 1100 1215 1350 1800 2020 .5 Choosing the Inverter The combinations of motor power ratings and inverters listed in the table envisage the use of motors in which the voltage rating is equal to that of the mains power.1 11.6 26. 500 VCA +5% 40% Light Duty 50/60 Hz. .5 26. 450 External optional (BUy series) AFE200 175 ADV100 ADV200 .5 2.9 21.0 5.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 450 500 650 850 950 1200 1300 Light Duty (110% overload) @400 VAC [kW] 1.6 9 11.6 Internal (with external resistor).0 4.7 3. fsw = default) Light Duty [kVA] 3.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 400 500 630 710 800 1000 1200 @460 VAC [HP] 2 3 5 5 7.0 4.A.Gefran S.0 5.3 32 43 52 60 73 104 125 145 173 208 267 319 409 450 506 603 776 852 956 1247 1420 Heavy Duty (150% overload) @400 VAC [kW] 0.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 400 500 630 710 900 1000 @460 VAC [HP] 1 2 3 5 5 7.75 1.5 2.5 7.p.4 15.4 15.9 21.gefran.6 9 11.5 11 15 18.2 3 4 5.5 26.7 Output Data Inverter Output Sizes ADV200 Heavy Duty [kVA] 1007 1015 1022 1030 1040 2055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW 1.4 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 Maximum Maximum output output voltage U2 frequency f2 IGBT braking unit [V] [Hz] 500 Internal optional 0. braking torque 150 % MAX ADV200-DC ADV200 .com 17 1.0 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.98 x Uln (Uln = AC input voltage) 200 250 300 400 500 650 850 950 1100 1300 1600 200 APPENDIX PROGRAM.2 3.0 4.3 6.3 6.3 32 43 52 60 73 104 125 145 173 208 267 319 409 450 506 603 776 852 1108 1247 Pn mot (Recommended motor rating. 12 6. 8.5 13 16.4 55.9 0.7 0.2 1.9 0.9 0.2 1.9 0.3 5.9 0.2 6.9 0.9 0. 8 6.6 11.9 0.9 0. 8 6.7 14.9 0. Value to be applied = 1.9 0. 10.9 0. 8.5 4.9 52 6.2 1.9 0.9 0.2 1.2 1.9 0. 12 6.9 0.3 94.5 135 162 189 225 270 347 414 531 585 657 783 1008 1107 1242 1620 1845 Kf (@ 8 kHz) (3) 0.5 78 94. 8.9 0.5 13 16.3 3. 12 6.2 1.9 0. 8 6.7 - KALT (4) 1.9 0. 8.9 0. 12 6.9 0.9 0.9 0. 10.7 0.5 23 31 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 460 590 650 730 870 1120 1230 1600 1900 Derating factor for mains voltage at 460Vac Derating factor for ambient temperature of 50°C (1% every °C above 40°C) Derating factor for higher switching frequency Derating factor for installation at altitudes above 1000 meters a. 10.2 41.9 0.9 0.3 5.9 Sizes ADV200 Heavy Duty (150% overload) @400 VAC [A] @460 VAC [A] 2.2 1.9 20.9 Reduction factor KT (2) 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.2 1. Kalt = 1.9 0.7 27. 10.2 1.9 0.9 0.7 0.9 0. 12 6. 12 6.2 1. 12 10.5 135 162 189 225 270 347 414 531 585 657 783 1008 1107 1440 1620 Light Duty (110% overload) @400 VAC [A] 4.2 1.8 67. 12 6. 10.2 1.2 41. 8.7 0.2 1. 12 6.2 1.7 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.2 ADV200 .8 8.9 0. In derated = (100 .9 0.9 0.9 0.2 1.2 1.8 67.7 0.7 0. 10.9 0.6 9.8 7. 12 6. 8 6.5 78. 8.9 5. 12 6.l.9 0.2 1.2 1.2 1. 8.9 0.9 0.s.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Rated output current In (fsw = default) Switching frequency fsw Default Higher Kv (1) 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10. 10.9 34.9 0.9 0.12) % = 88 % In . 8.2 1. 8.9 0.5 23 31 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 460 590 650 730 870 1120 1230 1380 1800 2050 @460 VAC [A] 3.2 1.9 0.9 0.9 0.2 1.9 0.7 0. 12 6.2% each 100 m increase above 1000 m.9 0.8 8.6 9.7 0.2 1.9 0. 10.4 • Basic 1007 1015 1022 1030 1040 2055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW (1) Kv : (2) KT : (3) Kf : (4) KALT : 2.7 0.2 1.7 27.2 1.7 0. 8 0. 12 6.9 20.9 0.2 1.9 0.18 SIEIDrive ADV200 .2 1.9 0. For example: Altitude 2000 m.7 0.7 0. 8.2 1.8 7.6 11.7 14.2% * 10 = 12% derating.9 0.9 0. 10.2 1.9 0.9 0.9 0. 10.9 34.4 55. 8 6.9 0. 8. 10. com 19 Sizes ADV200 150 % x In (1’ every 5‘) HD 180 % x In (for 0.a. [A] 2.5 4. n. n.a.5 19 23 31 37.3 18.a. the factory setting of Mod freq commutaz.a.6 ADV200-DC 3 ADV200 . n.6 37.a. mode) PAR: 568 is changed from 0=Fixed to 1=Variable. n.5’‘) HD 110 % x In (1’ every 5‘) LD 2 kHz 4 kHz 6 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz 12 kHz Heavy Duty K1 HD [%] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 100 100 100 90 100 90 K2 HD [Hz] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 Light Duty K1 LD [%] 100 75 75 80 100 100 75 75 75 85 80 80 80 80 85 85 85 100 100 80 100 75 100 90 100 75 100 90 100 90 K2 LD [Hz] 3 [A] 1007 1015 1022 1030 1040 2055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW • • [A] 4. n.a.a.a. n.a. n.2 45 n.8 111.5 13 16.6 26.1 52.5 4.3 5.5 8.3 5.a.1 14.2 82. n.7 6. n. n. n.a.a. n.2 5. n.8 74 89 128 153 179 213 n. n.a.4 32.4 29.a. n. n. n. n. APPENDIX PROGRAM.a.5 57 69 93 113 131 157 225 270 315 375 450 578 690 885 975 1095 1305 1680 1845 2400 2700 3 3 3 3 3 5 7 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 In Light Duty mode the switching frequency is fixed at 4 kHz.a.5 13 16. n. [A] 1.a. n.75 6.a.4 10.a.a.A.4 13. n.a.a.7 34.5 95.9. [A] 2.Gefran S.a.a.5 46. n.7 10. n.6 9.3 6.a. For further information see the ADV200 Functions and Parameters manual.a.gefran.8 7.6 22. n. menu 4.a.8 68. 3.7 116 165 198 231 275 330 424 506 649 715 803 957 1232 1353 1518 1980 2255 [A] 2.7 9.2 43.a.6 16.a.3 4.9 6. n. n.a.1 11.a.a. n.7 11.a.5 15.8 7.3 4.7 3. n. If. n.1 41. n. n.8 9.a. n. n. n. n.a.7 26.1 23.8 27.0 19. n. n. n.a. n. n.8 18.7 7.a.1 3.a.a. n.a.1 25.3 39.7 63.5 4. n. n. n. .6 135 157 189 270 324 378 540 540 693 828 1062 1170 1314 1566 2016 2214 2880 3240 [A] 4. n.5 8.25 11. n.a. AFE200 ADV100 3 ADV200 .a.4 8.1 5. n. n.p.a.5 8.5 7.6 68.a. n.1 11.a.a.a.a.a.8 3 3 3 4.5 23 31 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 460 590 650 730 870 1120 1230 1600 1900 [A] 2.a. n. the switching frequency is controlled by the temperature of the drive heat sink and the output frequency.7 17. n.a.8 50. (Switch freq.a. n.6 32.a.5 60.7 4.a.5 23 31 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 n. n. n.5 14. in the Heavy Duty mode. n.a. n.a.a.4 52.3 34.a.4 55.a.75 6.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.6 9.4 14.a.a. n.a.9 13.a.1 21.5 24.a.5 n.5 4. n. and no derating factor is applied.4 Overload Derating according to switching frequency (HD) Overload according to output frequency .3 19.7 41. [A] 2.9 74 105 126 147 175 n.a.4 82. n. n. AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200 . __ In .4 • Basic 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 0 I out [%] k1 k2 1 2 3 4 5 f [Hz] 6 7 8 9 10 _ _ Islow.20 Overload SP SIEIDrive ADV200 ... __ In Overload SL 120 110 I out [%] k2 k1 100 90 80 70 0 1 2 3 4 5 f [Hz] 6 7 8 9 10 _ _ Islow.. . Ifast. - AFE200 - ADV100 2 x 170 ADV200 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.A. .Gefran S.6 ADV200-DC 32 ADV200 .gefran.com 21 1.4 .p. Size ADV-1007 ADV-1015 ADV-1022 ADV-1030 ADV-1040 ADV-2055 ADV-2075 ADV-2110 ADV-3150 ADV-3185 ADV-3220 ADV-4300 ADV-4370 ADV-4450 ADV-5550 ADV-5750 ADV-5900 ADV-61100 ADV-61320 ADV-71600 ADV-72000 ADV-72500 ADV-73150 ADV-73550 400 kW ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 900 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL Dissipated power [W] 60 90 100 120 160 200 250 300 380 460 600 900 1000 1290 1760 2150 2400 2850 3600 3900 4000 5200 6000 6500 4000 4000 5200 5200 6000 6000 6500 6500 6000 6000 6000 6500 6500 6500 Fan capacity Dissipator [m3/h] 32 32 32 32 32 32 56 x 2 56 x 2 80 x 2 80 x 2 80 x 2 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 285 2 x 355 2 x 355 3 x 310 3 x 310 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 - Internal [m3/h] 26 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 2 x 50 2 x 50 2 x 50 1 x 170 2 x 170 2 x 170 2 x 170 - - 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW - APPENDIX - PROGRAM.8 Cooling All inverters are equipped with internal fans. ADV200 series YES= included 4 = 400 Vac X = standard B = included K = included 040 = 4.0 kW 2500 = 250.0 kW 4 = size 4 5 = size 5 6 = size 6 Example: ADV .0 kW 750 = 75.0 kW 1320 = 132.0 kW 055 = 5.4 .5 kW 110 = 11.0 kW 05 = 500.0 kW 450 = 45.SI ADV200 .9 Order codes Product identification SIEIDrive ADV200 .1 040 .SI EXP-SFTy-ADV safety card Rated voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: Mechanical dimensions of the drive: Inverter.Y .XX YY .5 kW 022 = 2.0 kW 1 = size 1 .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV .0 kW 3550 = 355.0 kW 09 = 900. ADV200 series 4 = 400 VAC X = standard X = not included X = not included 150 = 15.0 kW 1100 = 110.5 kW 075 = 7.4 • Basic EXP-SFTy-ADV safety card Only for parallel versions: YES= included XX : MS = MASTER SL = SLAVE [empty]= not included YY : Inverter power in kW 04 = 400.0 kW 370 = 37.0 kW 300 = 30.0 kW Mechanical dimensions of the drive: 1 = size 1 2 = size 2 3 = size 3 Inverter.0 kW 4A = 460 VAC B = included K = included 900 = 90.X X X .22 1.X XXX .0 kW 1600 = 160.2 kW 030 = 3.0 kW 3150 = 315.0 kW 07 = 710.K B X .0 kW 040 = 4.0 kW 2000 = 200.0 kW 10 = 1000.75 kW 015 = 1.0 kW 185 = 18.0 kW 7 = size 7 Rated voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: 007 = 0.0 kW 550 = 55.0 kW 06 = 630.5 kW 220 = 22. 5kW 11kW 15kW 18.Integrated Filter .6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .3 X 460VAC (-4A) HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%).Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 315kW 355kW LD 1. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .1kW 2.Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .gefran.5kW 11kW 15kW 18.Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .A.Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Braking . LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) .Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .5kW 7.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.Integrated Choke Integrated Braking . .Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .p.Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .4 • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad Power Supply 3 x 400VAC (-4) .75kW 1.Integrated Filter .2Kw 3kW 4kW 5.com 23 ADV200 .Standard Version CODE S9O01 S9O02 S9O03 S9O04 S9O05 S9O06 S9O07 S9O08 S9O09 S9O10 S9O11 S9O13 S9O15 S9O17 S9O19 S9O12 S9O14 S9O16 S9O18 S9O20 S9O21 S9O22 S9O23 S9O24 S9O25 S9O26 S9O27 S9O28 S9O29 S9O30 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV-1007-KBX-4 ADV-1015-KBX-4 ADV-1022-KBX-4 ADV-1030-KBX-4 ADV-1040-KBX-4 ADV-2055-KBX-4 ADV-2075-KBX-4 ADV-2110-KBX-4 ADV-3150-KBX-4 ADV-3185-KBX-4 ADV-3220-KBX-4 ADV-4300-KBX-4 ADV-4370-KBX-4 ADV-4450-KBX-4 ADV-5550-KBX-4 ADV-4300-KXX-4 ADV-4370-KXX-4 ADV-4450-KXX-4 ADV-5550-KXX-4 ADV-5750-KXX-4 ADV-5900-KXX-4 ADV-61100-KXX-4 ADV-61320-KXX-4 ADV-71600-KXX-4 ADV-72000-KXX-4 ADV-72500-KXX-4 ADV-73150-KXX-4 ADV-73550-KXX-4 ADV-73150-KXX-4A ADV-73550-KXX-4A PN @ 400Vac HD 0.Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .2Kw 3kW 4kW 5.Integrated Choke APPENDIX PROGRAM.5kW 7.5kW 2.Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Power Supply 460 Vac Integrated Filter .Gefran S.Integrated Choke Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke Integrated Filter Integrated Filter Integrated Filter Integrated Filter (No UL Mark) Integrated Filter (No UL Mark) Integrated Filter .5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 400kW 355kW 400kW CONFIGURATION Integrated Braking .Power Supply 460 Vac Integrated Braking . Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 315kW 355kW LD 1.Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .2Kw 3kW 4kW 5.75kW 1. LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) CODE S9O01SI S9O02SI S9O03SI S9O04SI S9O05SI S9O06SI S9O07SI S9O08SI S9O09SI S9O10SI S9O11SI S9O13SI S9O15SI S9O17SI S9O19SI S9O12SI S9O14SI S9O16SI S9O18SI S9O20SI S9O21SI S9O22SI S9O23SI S9O24SI S9O25SI S9O26SI S9O27SI S9O28SI S9O29SI S9O30SI PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV-1007-KBX-4+SI ADV-1015-KBX-4+SI ADV-1022-KBX-4+SI ADV-1030-KBX-4+SI ADV-1040-KBX-4+SI ADV-2055-KBX-4+SI ADV-2075-KBX-4+SI ADV-2110-KBX-4+SI ADV-3150-KBX-4+SI ADV-3185-KBX-4+SI ADV-3220-KBX-4+SI ADV-4300-KBX-4+SI ADV-4370-KBX-4+SI ADV-4450-KBX-4+SI ADV-5550-KBX-4+SI ADV-4300-KXX-4+SI ADV-4370-KXX-4+SI ADV-4450-KXX-4+SI ADV-5550-KXX-4+SI ADV-5750-KXX-4+SI ADV-5900-KXX-4+SI ADV-61100-KXX-4+SI ADV-61320-KXX-4+SI ADV-71600-KXX-4+SI ADV-72000-KXX-4+SI ADV-72500-KXX-4+SI ADV-73150-KXX-4+SI ADV-73550-KXX-4+SI ADV-73150-KXX-4A+SI ADV-73550-KXX-4A+SI PN @ 400Vac HD 0.5kW 11kW 15kW 18.Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .Standard Version + SIL3 Safety Card • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad Power Supply 3 x 400VAC (-4) .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .5kW 7.Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200 .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .1kW 2.Power Supply 460 Vac Integrated Filter + Safety Card .Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .5kW 2.3 X 460VAC (-4A) HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%).Integrated Filter .Power Supply 460 Vac CONFIGURATION ADV200 .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter + Safety Card Integrated Filter + Safety Card Integrated Filter + Safety Card Integrated Filter (No UL Mark) + Safety Card Integrated Filter (No UL Mark) + Safety Card Integrated Filter + Safety Card .24 SIEIDrive ADV200 .4 • Basic .5kW 7.Integrated Filter .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .2Kw 3kW 4kW 5.Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Filter .5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 400kW 355kW 400kW Integrated Braking .Integrated Choke + Safety Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .5kW 11kW 15kW 18. 6 710kW 800kW Integrated EMC Filter .com 25 ADV200 .4 • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad Power Supply 3 x 400VAC (-4) .SL ADV-73150-KXX-4A-MS 09-SI ADV-73150-KXX-4A -SL ADV-73150-KXX-4A -SL ADV-73550-KXX-4A.gefran.2MW Integrated EMC Filter .Power Supply 460 Vac 710kW 800kW Integrated EMC Filter + Integrated Safety Card .Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) 630kW 710kW Integrated EMC Filter + Integrated Safety Card .MS 10-SI ADV-73550-KXX-4A.MS 07-SI ADV-73550-KXX-4A. . LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) .Gefran S.Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) 1MW 1.3 X 460VAC (-4A) HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%).Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) 900kW 1MW Integrated EMC Filter .p.Power Supply 460 Vac 1MW 1.SL ADV-73550-KXX-4A.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) ADV200-DC ADV200 .2MW Integrated EMC Filter + Integrated Safety Card .A.SL PN @ 400Vac HD 400kW LD 500kW CONFIGURATION Integrated EMC Filter + Integrated Safety Card 500kW 630kW Integrated EMC Filter + Integrated Safety Card 630kW 710kW Integrated EMC Filter .Power Supply 460 Vac 900kW 1MW Integrated EMC Filter + Integrated Safety Card .Parallel Configurations + SIL3 Safety Card CODE S9O25M S9O25S S9O26M S9O26S S9O27M S9O27S S9O28M S9O28S S9O27M1 S9O27S S9O27S S9O28M1 S9O28S S9O28S S9O29M S9O29S S9O30M S9O30S S9O29M1 S9O29S S9O29S S9O30M1 S9O30S S9O30S PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 -SI ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 -SI ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-73150-KXX-4-MS 06 -SI ADV-73150-XXX-4-SL ADV-73550-KXX-4-MS 07 -SI ADV-73550-XXX-4-SL ADV-73150-KXX-4-MS 09 -SI ADV-73150-XXX-4-SL ADV-73150-XXX-4-SL ADV-73550-KXX-4-MS 10-SI ADV-73550-XXX-4-SL ADV-73550-XXX-4-SL ADV-73150-KXX-4A-MS 06-SI ADV-73150KXX-4A -SL ADV-73550-KXX-4A. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .Power Supply 460 Vac APPENDIX PROGRAM. Ideal sizes The ADV200-DC offers a choice of technical features so that you can choose the drive that represents the best technical and most costeffective solution depending on the type of application and characteristics of the motor. The integrated safety function replaces the external safety components. supplied by conventional AC/DC power supply units or “Active Front End” regenerative units like the AFE200. Power ratings range from 18. • Fieldbus interface card • I/O expansion card • Interface card for feedback with single or multiple encoders (up to 3).2MW in "parallel" configurations Safety Card ADV200-DC+SI models integrate the EXP-SFTy-ADV Safety Card (standard in parallel master drives). • meets the latest legal requirements with the integrated "Safe Torque Off" function: . Factory-set to achieve the best technical and economic performance. • .5kW to 1.26 2. if covered by risk-assessment. EMC-compliant start-ups. Serial line The RS485 serial line is incorporated as standard across the range to enable peer-to-peer or multidrop connections using Modbus RTU protocol.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 2. project flexibility. according to EN 1037:1995 + A1 ADV: 2008 on safety of machinery. according to EN 60204-1). from accessing the extractable terminal strips to rack-mounting of options.safety integrity level SIL 3 according to EN 61508 and EN61800-5-2 (maximum available for drives) . applied and integrated correctly to achieve the required level of safety. ADV200-DC • DC bus power supply ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 . Designed to facilitate installation and guarantee ease of use. The ADV200-DC is available in 5 hardware sizes • from 18.2MW for three-phase external power supplies of 400 VAC…460 VAC. The dedicated accessories guarantee simple wiring and cable shielding to achieve immediate. Back-up power supply The ADV200-DC is compatible with a separate +24VDC external power supply. Drives provided with the safety card are just one element in an STO safety control system. All operations are simple and immediate. regardless of installation and assembly conditions. the ADV200-DC range does not integrate the three-phase power supply input components: • • • AC/DC input rectifier stage EMC filter choke on DC side Flexible Modular Technology The ADV200-DC is based on a fully modular hardware and power structures that can be installed side by side. The card: • performs the STO (Safe Torque Off) function. Management of optional cards The ADV200-DC uses an intelligent rack system that allows up to 3 optional cards to be installed at the same time. to prevent torque on the motor by blocking IGBT commands.1 Introduction SIEIDrive ADV200 . compared to the basic version.5kW to 355kW in the stand-alone configuration • from 400kW to 1. optimisation of space and reduction of wiring costs. Total ease of use Designed with the user in mind. which is the system level function. The mechanical structure guarantees simple and fast product management. • Two overload modes for “heavy duty” with duty cycle of 150% of In for 1 minute every 5 minutes or for “light duty” (variable and/or quadratic torque) with duty cycle of 110% of In for 1 minute every 5 minutes Optimisation of modulation dynamics. All system parts and components must be chosen.4 Basic ADV200-DC Vector Inverters are optimised for multi-drive or single-drive system configurations on a common DC Bus. The use of the integrated safety function depends on the type of application and applicable standards. The integrated "STO" function may be used to replace the motor contactors for controlling unexpected start-ups. according to the type of "duty" and drive temperature during duty cycles.PL d according to EN13849-1 The integrated EXP-SFTy-ADV safety card in the ADV200-DC+SI series of drives is used to achieve "Prevention of unexpected start-up". This solution makes it possible to maintain all display and drive configuration functions and manage the connected fieldbuses in the event of a power failure. The safety function may be used to perform an "emergency stop" with the drive still connected to the power supply (stop category 0. • can diagnose 99% of internal faults. EN 61800-3 according to IEC 61131-3 STO (Safe Torque Off): IEC 61508 SIL 3. ADV200-DC ADV200-DC ADV200-DC SM32 Example of multi-drive system configuration on a common DC Bus with SM32 power supply unit APPENDIX PROGRAM..2MW Precision Control mode Speed control precision (*) Control range FOC with feedback Open-loop FOC V/F ± 0.com 27 2. 3 EN 61508 and EN 61800-5-2 •  Safety standards: Environmental conditions  Ambient temperature: -10°C . EN 954-1 Cat. AFE200 Complies with the EEC directive concerning low voltage equipment ADV100 ADV200 .5kW to 1. single contact ADV200-DC ADV200 . +40°C (+14°F .4 .2 General Characteristics  Power supply:  Power ratings:  Control mode: • Open-loop vector control • Vector control with feedback • Open loop V/f and V/f with feedback  Light or heavy overload control  Integration of up to 3 options onboard the drive  "Safety" card compliant with machine safety directives (for ADV200-..01% motor speed rating ± 30% motor slip rating ± 60% motor slip rating 1 : 1000 1 : 100 1 : 30 (*) for standard 4-pole motor Standard supply configuration  Integrated KB_ADV programming keypad  Regulation: • 2 bipolar analog inputs (Voltage/Current) • 2 bipolar analog outputs (1: Voltage/Current... (up to 1000 m without current limitations) Performance The ADV200-DC offers state-of-the-art control technology based on the use of a powerful 32-bit microprocessor able to guarantee maximum precision and performance of the motor as well as sophisticated management of the most advanced application systems.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.gefran. +40°C…+50°C (+104°F…+122°F) with derating Max 2000 m.   Altitude: Markings Complies with directives for the American and Canadian markets.+SI models)  GF-eXpress multi-language programming SW (5 languages)  PLC with advanced IEC61131-3 programming environment  IP20-rated protection (IP00 size 7 and parallel) 450…750VDC from 18.+104°F).Gefran Spa ...6 Fieldbus management • 2 relay outputs. 1: Voltage) • 6 digital inputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 digital outputs (PNP/NPN) • RS485 serial line (Modbus RTU) ® Conformity  Immunity/Emissions:  Programming: EEC . 3 IS1 14 G1 U V W M 3~ E M1 Resistenza frenatura (opzionale) BR2 C D BR1 Standard connections and default drive configuration.10 V + - + - .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 2.5Arms 73150 . Output 1 (Relay 1) Dig.4 Basic Azionamento OK Azionamento pronto 1 3 4 K1M 2 (**) OK Relay (70-72) K2 12 Sorg reset guasti K1M 7 Mon ing digitale E (Abilitazione) K0 C2 COM ID C D (*) RS 485 R11 R14 R21 R24 11 Sorg sel muti rif 1 10 Sorg sel muti rif 0 Monitor Indietro FR 9 8 Monitor Start FR C3 0 V24 S3 + 24V PS Dig.28 SIEIDrive ADV200 .2 C D ADV200-DC (..4 0 V 10 + 10 V .3/4 SMPS 4 3 2 1 C1 S1+ S1- 6 C1 5 IC1 13 Dig.. 72500: 1 x 230V / 50/60Hz.7Arms (**): Only for sizes  ADV71600. Connection of multi-drive on common DC bus with AC/DC power supply unit (with pre-load). Out. F12 C D ADV200-DC (1) U V W 3 M1 F22 C F1 L1 3ph .3/4 Dig.. Out..55Arms or 3 x 460V / 60Hz. Dig.400 VAC / 460 VAC. 1..3 Standard connections F1 ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 . (*) Fan connections: 71600 .. Out. 73550: 3 x 400V / 50Hz. Out.) U V W 3 M. Output 2 (Relay 2) Analog output 2 Analog output 1 Analog input 2 Analog input 1 EXP-DE-.. 1. L2 50/60 Hz L3 L1 K1M AFE200 or SM32 or DC Power supply D ADV200-DC (2) U V W 3 M2 F32 C D ADV200-DC (2) U V W 3 M3 F... 3. (opzionale) COM Dig. ..MS........SL.. Input fuse ADV.. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .-DC C U V D W Output choke (mandatory) W To motor U Block diagram power section sizes 400 ...SL..6 ADV200-DC ADV200 ....MS. See diagram at the side for the regulation section.. See diagram at the side for the regulation section.-DC C U V D W Output choke (mandatory) Block diagram power section sizes 900 .... 1000kW.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. 710kW.Gefran Spa ...4 From SM32 or AFE200 .SL...-DC C U V D W Output choke (mandatory) From SM32 or AFE200 V Input fuse ADV.-DC C U V D W Output choke (mandatory) W To motor U Input fuse ADV...com 29 Input fuse ADV. APPENDIX PROGRAM.-DC C U V D W Output choke (mandatory) V Input fuse ADV.gefran... AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 2.63 kg 24 616 [24.9 475 mm (18.84”) Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 180 x 517 x 250.25 x 10.25”] Weight lbs 52.35 x 9.4450 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 268 x 616 x 270 inches 10...91”] ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 .7 Size 4 mm (inches) 268 [10.1 [19.55”] 612 [24.35”) Weight lbs 39.85 kg 18 496 mm (19.7”] .30 SIEIDrive ADV200 .4 Basic Size ADV200-DC 3185..55 x 24.63”] Size ADV200-DC 4300.53”) 517 mm (20.3220 250 mm (8.1 inches 7..09”) 150 [5.09 x 20.4 Weights and dimensions Size 3 mm (inches) 180 mm (7.70”) 500.09”] 270 [10. 6 ADV200-DC 748 [29.57”] 360 [14.4 [28.78”] Size ADV200-DC 61100 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 421 x 924. 5900 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 311 x 730.76”] 730.8 kg 40 Weight lbs 88.17 kg 68 Weight lbs 149.83”] 175 [6.com 31 Size 5 mm (inches) 45.24 x 30.43”] Size ADV200-DC 5550 .9 APPENDIX PROGRAM.5 x 360 inches 16.gefran.57 x 36.24”] 190 [7..96”] 350 [13.5 [1.4 .55 x 12.80”] 265 [10.79”] 311 [12.07”] 836 [32.2 mm (inches) 275 [10..91”] 888 [34.55”] ADV200 .5 [34.48”] 325 [12.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.Gefran Spa .45”] 730.17”] ADV200 .89”] 865.4 [30. AFE200 ADV100 Size 61100 421 [16.4 x 325 inches 12.4 x 14. 5 (47.6) ) 416.4) 1407 (55.5 62 62 485 (19.4 x 14.6 308.72000 72500 73150 .32 Size 61320 mm (inches) SIEIDrive ADV200 ..4 Basic 836 [32.5 9..4”] Weight kg 68 355.9 Size 7 mm (inches) 10 .1 kg 130 140 150 Weight lbs 286.5 (x8 70 35 13 (*) 87 6. 73550 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 417 x 1407 x 485 inches 16.2 R3 (*) 6.4) 924.6 (14.25 1209.7 .83”] 175 [6.17 lbs 149.91”] 853 [33..78”] Size ADV200-DC 61320 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 421 x 924.5 x 360 417 (16.57”] 275 [10..8 inches 16.57 x 36.58”] 350 [13.1) (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate Vista senza protezioni View without protections 155 Sizes ADV200-DC 71600.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 421 [16.42 x 55.89”] 360 [14.5 [36.7 330.4) 332 5 .4 x 19.5 1230 (48.0) 177.17”] ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 . 6] 1407 [55..5 x 55.5 837 [33.1 260 280 300 573.2 617.5 [47.25 1257 [49.4] 1636.5 170. mm (inches) 13 1209.1000kW Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 1257 x 1407 x 485 inches 49.1 APPENDIX PROGRAM.5 [64.4 ADV200 .49] 6.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .4 x 19.4 x 19.Gefran Spa .6] 1407 [55.4 (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate 9.1000 kW mm (inches) 9.5 170. (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate 13 1636.4] ADV100 837 x 1407 x 485 33.4 661.710kW Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm inches kg Weight lbs Sizes 900.. 710 kW 6.1 kg 450 Weight lbs 992.0 x 55.4] (*) 310.com 33 Sizes 400 ..8 420 177.7 (Optional BARS KIT) 31 93 155 177.5 [64.8 485 [19.5 240.1] Sizes ADV200-DC 400kW 500kW 630 .1] Size ADV200-DC 900 ..25 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.5 [47.gefran.8 420 420 485 [19.0] Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7 See Size 7 for dimensions without protections.4] (*) 310.7 31 93 155 177. AFE200 1209.5 (Optional BARS KIT) 240.5 Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7 See Size 7 for dimensions without protections. 34 SIEIDrive ADV200 - AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 2.5 Choosing the Inverter The combinations of motor power ratings and inverters listed in the table envisage the use of motors in which the voltage rating is equal to that of the mains power. For motors with different voltage ratings the inverter must be chosen according to the current rating of the motor. The combinations listed in the table thus show the current that can be delivered by the drive during continuous operation and overload conditions, according to the mains voltage. The same engineering criteria apply for operations with additional derating factors: • KV Power supply voltage • KT Ambient temperature • Kf Switching frequency • KALT Altitude of installation ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 - 4 Basic 2.6 Input Data Sizes ADV200-DC 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW 450 ... 750 VCC 820 380 Input voltage ULN [VDC] Overvoltage threshold (Overvoltage) [Vdc] Undervoltage threshold (Undervoltage) [Vdc] DC input current for continuous operation IN Heavy Duty Light Duty (150% overload) @ 540 Vdc [A] 39 48 65 80 90 125 175 210 240 290 370 430 510 710 780 815 980 1350 1490 2020 2200 (110% overload) @ 540 Vdc [A] 48 65 80 90 125 175 210 240 290 350 430 510 710 780 850 980 1350 1490 1650 2200 2470 Gefran Spa - Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.gefran.com 35 2.7 Output Data Inverter Output Sizes ADV200-DC Heavy Duty [kVA] 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW 26.3 32 43 52 60 73 104 125 145 173 208 267 319 409 450 506 603 776 852 1108 1247 (Recommended motor rating, fsw = default) Pn mot Light Duty [kVA] 32 43 52 60 73 104 125 145 173 208 267 319 409 450 506 603 776 852 956 1247 1420 Heavy Duty (150% overload) @400 VAC [kW] 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 400 500 630 710 900 1000 @460 VAC [HP] 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 450 500 650 850 950 1200 1300 Light Duty (110% overload) @400 Vac [kW] 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 355 400 500 630 710 800 1000 1200 @460 Vac [HP] 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 450 500 650 850 950 1100 1300 1600 Maximum Maximum output output voltage U2 frequency f2 IGBT braking unit [V] [Hz] 500 0.98 x ULN (Uln = AC input voltage from separate SM32 or AFE200 power supply unit) Internal standard (with external resistor); braking torque 150 % MAX 200 Rated output current In (fsw = default) Switching frequency fsw Default Higher Kv (1) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6, 8, 10, 12 6, 8, 10, 12 6, 8, 10, 12 6, 8, 10, 12 6, 8 6, 8 6, 8 6, 8 6, 8 6, 8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Reduction factor KT (2) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Sizes ADV200-DC Heavy Duty (150% overload) @540 VDC [A] @650 VDC [A] 34.2 41.4 55.8 67.5 78 94.5 135 162 189 225 270 347 414 531 585 657 783 1008 1107 1440 1620 Light Duty (110% overload) @540 VDC [A] 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 460 590 650 730 870 1120 1230 1380 1800 2050 @650 VDC [A] 41.4 55.8 67.5 78.3 94.5 135 162 189 225 270 347 414 531 585 657 783 1008 1107 1242 1620 1845 Kf (@ 8 kHz) (3) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 - KALT (4) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 (1) KV : (2) KT : (3) KF : (4) KALT : Derating factor for mains voltage at 650Vdc (460Vac) Derating factor for ambient temperature of 50°C (1% every °C above 40°C) Derating factor for higher switching frequency Derating factor for installation at altitudes above 1000 meters a.s.l. Value to be applied = 1.2% each 100 m increase above 1000 m. For example: Altitude 2000 m, Kalt = 1.2% * 10 = 12% derating; In derated = (100 - 12) % = 88 % In APPENDIX 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 460 590 650 730 870 1120 1230 1600 1900 PROGRAM. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 - 6 ADV200-DC ADV200 - 4 36 SIEIDrive ADV200 - AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Overload Sizes ADV200-DC HD HD LD Derating according to switching frequency (HD) Overload according to output frequency Heavy Duty K1 HD [%] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 100 100 100 90 100 90 K2 HD [Hz] 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 - 4 Basic 150 % x In 180 % x In 110 % x In (1’ every 5‘) (for 0.5’‘) (1’ every 5‘) 2 kHz 4 kHz 6 kHz 8 kHz 10 kHz 12 kHz Light Duty K1 LD [%] 85 80 80 80 80 85 85 85 100 100 80 100 75 100 90 100 75 100 90 100 90 K2 LD [Hz] 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 [A] 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 61100 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW • • [A] 68.4 82.8 111.6 135 157 189 270 324 378 540 540 693 828 1062 1170 1314 1566 2016 2214 2880 3240 [A] 50.6 68.2 82.5 95.7 116 165 198 231 275 330 424 506 649 715 803 957 1232 1353 1518 1980 2255 [A] 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 460 590 650 730 870 1120 1230 1600 1900 [A] 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 210 250 300 385 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. [A] 32.3 39.1 52.7 63.8 74 89 128 153 179 213 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. [A] 26.6 32.2 43.4 52.5 60.9 74 105 126 147 175 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. [A] 22.8 27.6 37.2 45 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. [A] 19 23 31 37.5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 57 69 93 113 131 157 225 270 315 375 450 578 690 885 975 1095 1305 1680 1845 2400 2700 In Light Duty mode the switching frequency is fixed at 4 kHz, and no derating factor is applied. f, in the Heavy Duty mode, the factory setting of Mod freq commutaz, (Switch freq. mode) PAR: 568 is changed from 0=Fixed to 1=Variable, the switching frequency is controlled by the temperature of the drive heat sink and the output frequency. For further information see the ADV200 Functions and Parameters manual, menu 4.9. Overload SP 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 0 I out [%] k1 k2 1 2 3 4 5 f [Hz] 6 7 8 9 10 _ _ Islow, .... Ifast; __ In Overload SL 120 110 I out [%] k2 k1 100 90 80 70 0 1 2 3 4 5 f [Hz] 6 7 8 9 10 _ _ Islow, __ In 6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .8 Cooling All inverters are equipped with internal fans.com 37 2. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .gefran.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.4 . Size ADV-3185 ADV-3220 ADV-4300 ADV-4370 ADV-4450 ADV-5550 ADV-5750 ADV-5900 ADV-61100 ADV-61320 ADV-71600 ADV-72000 ADV-72500 ADV-73150 ADV-73550 ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04-DC 400 kW ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL-DC ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05-DC 500 kW ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL-DC ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06-DC 630 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL-DC ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07-DC 710 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL-DC ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09-DC 900 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL-DC-DC ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL-DC-DC ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10-DC 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL-DC ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL-DC Dissipated power [W] 460 600 900 1000 1290 1760 2150 2400 2850 3600 3900 4000 5200 6000 6500 4000 4000 5200 5200 6000 6000 6500 6500 6000 6000 6000 6500 6500 6500 Fan capacity Dissipator [m3/h] 80 x 2 80 x 2 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 285 2 x 355 2 x 355 3 x 310 3 x 310 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Internal [m3/h] 32 32 2 x 50 2 x 50 2 x 50 1 x 170 2 x 170 2 x 170 2 x 170 2 x 170 - APPENDIX PROGRAM.Gefran Spa . 0 kW 4A = 460 VAC / 60 HZ B = included K = included 900 = 90.0 kW 300 = 30.XX YY -DC .0 kW 07 = 710.0 kW 06 = 630.0 kW 1320 = 132.0 kW 3550 = 355.K B X . ADV200 series 4 = 380 VAC / 50 HZ X = standard B = included K = included 185 = 18.0 kW 1100 = 110.0 kW 6 = size 6 7 = size 7 YES= included [empty]= not included Fan power supply voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: 4 = 380 Vac / 50 Hz X = standard X = not included X = not included 185 = 18. ADV200 series Example: ADV .Y .0 kW 3150 = 315.0 kW 550 = 55.0 kW 10 = 1000.0 kW 1600 = 160.4 Basic ADV .4 -DC DC link power supply versions Fan power supply voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: Mechanical dimensions of the drive: Inverter.X X X .38 2.0 kW 09 = 900.0 kW 2000 = 200.0 kW 05 = 500.5 kW 220 = 22.0 kW 2500 = 250.0 kW 370 = 37.0 kW 450 = 45.X XXX .SI EXP-SFTy-ADV safety card DC link power supply versions Only for parallel versions: XX : MS = MASTER SL = SLAVE YY : Inverter power in kW 04 = 400.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 .3 185 .0 kW Mechanical dimensions of the drive: 4 = size 4 5 = size 5 Inverter.0 kW 750 = 75.9 Order codes Product identification SIEIDrive ADV200 .5 kW 3 = size 3 . choke and filter (No UL Mark) Conf.com 39 ADV200-DC . LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) ADV100 ADV200 . choke and filter . choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.Common DC bus power supply CODE S9O10DC S9O11DC S9O12DC S9O13DC S9O14DC S9O15DC S9O16DC S9O17DC S9O18DC S9O19DC S9O20DC S9O21DC S9O22DC S9O23DC S9O24DC S9O25DC S9O26DC PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION HD ADV-3185-KXX-4-DC ADV-3220-KXX-4-DC ADV-4300-KXX-4-DC ADV-4370-KXX-4-DC ADV-4450-KXX-4-DC ADV-5550-KXX-4-DC ADV-5750-KXX-4-DC ADV-5900-KXX-4-DC ADV-61110-KXX-4-DC ADV-61132-KXX-4-DC ADV-71600-KXX-4-DC ADV-72000-KXX-4-DC ADV-72500-KXX-4-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4A-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4A-DC PN @ 400Vac LD 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 400kW 355kW 400kW 18. without rectifier.Power supply for Common DC Bus + SIL 3 Safety Card CODE S9O10DS S9O11DS S9O12DS S9O13DS S9O14DS S9O15DS S9O16DS S9O17DS S9O18DS S9O19DS PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION HD ADV-3185-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-3220-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-4300-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-4370-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-4450-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-5550-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-5750-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-5900-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-61110-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-61132-KXX-4-DC+SI PN @ 400Vac LD 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 160kW 18. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.4 • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter Model with "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%). choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. without rectifier.5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW CONFIGURATION Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.gefran.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter . choke and filter AFE200 • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter Model with "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%).380Vac/60Hz fan power supply Conf. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) . choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 . choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.380Vac/60Hz fan power supply ADV200-DC +SI . choke and filter APPENDIX PROGRAM. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 315kW 355kW CONFIGURATION Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter (No UL Mark) Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.Gefran Spa . choke and filter (No UL Mark) Configuration without rectifier.4 Basic . choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. without rectifier. choke and filter . choke and filter Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter (No UL Mark) Conf. without rectifier.380Vac/60Hz fan power supply ADV200-DC • DC bus power•supply ADV200 .40 CODE S9O20DS S9O21DS S9O22DS S9O23DS S9O24DS S9O25DS S9O26DS SIEIDrive ADV200 . choke and filter Configuration without rectifier.380Vac/60Hz fan power supply Conf.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION HD ADV-71600-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-72000-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-72500-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-73150-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-73550-KXX-4-DC+SI ADV-73150-KXX-4A-DC+SI ADV-73550-KXX-4A-DC+SI PN @ 400Vac LD 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 400kW 355kW 400kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 315kW 355kW CONFIGURATION Configuration without rectifier. choke and filter . choke .SL-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4.filter + Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) 1MW 1.MS 07-DC-SI ADV-73550-KXX-4A.SL-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4 -MS 06-DC-SI ADV-73150-KXX-4 -SL-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4.filter + Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) ADV200-DC ADV200 .choke .SI ADV-72000-KXX-4.Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) 630kW 710kW Without rectifier .filter .filter + Integrated Safety Card 380Vac/60Hz fan power supply 710kW 800kW Without rectifier .choke .choke .filter + Integrated Safety Card 630kW 710kW Without rectifier .choke .6 710kW 800kW Without rectifier . LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) .2MW Without rectifier .Parallel Configurations + SIL3 Safety Card CODE S9O25MC S9O25SC S9O25MC S9O25SC S9O27MC S9O27SC S9O28MC S9O28SC S9O27M2 S9O27SC S9O27SC S9O28M2 S9O28SC S9O28SC S9O29MC S9O29SC S9O30MC S9O30SC S9O29M2 S9O29SC S9O29SC S9O30M2 S9O30SC S9O30SC PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV-72000-KXX-4.MS 04-DC. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .filter + Integrated Safety Card (No UL Mark) 900kW 1MW Without rectifier .MS 04-DC.2MW Without rectifier .SL-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4A.filter + Integrated Safety Card 380Vac/60Hz fan power supply 1MW 1.choke .gefran.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.SL-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4 -MS 09-DC-SI ADV-73150-KXX-4 -SL-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4 -SL-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4.filter + Integrated Safety Card 500kW 630kW Without rectifier .choke .filter + Integrated Safety Card 380Vac/60Hz fan power supply 900kW 1MW Without rectifier .MS 10-DC-SI ADV-73550-KXX-4A.SL-DC PN @ 400Vac HD 400kW LD 500kW CONFIGURATION Without rectifier .4 • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad in the Master version (MS) Power supply for Common DC BUS HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%).filter + Integrated Safety Card 380Vac/60Hz fan power supply APPENDIX PROGRAM.SL-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4A-MS 06-DC-SI ADV-73150-KXX-4A -SL-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4A.SI ADV-72000-KXX-4.choke .MS 07-DC-SI ADV-73550-KXX-4.Gefran Spa .MS 10-DC-SI ADV-73550-KXX-4.SL-DC ADV-72000-KXX-4.choke .SL-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4A-MS 09-DC-SI ADV-73150-KXX-4A -SL-DC ADV-73150-KXX-4A -SL-DC ADV-73550-KXX-4A.choke .com 41 ADV200-DC . 42 3. EMC-compliant start-ups. The integrated input choke on the DC side reduces THD by up to 40% (up to size ADV71320) Total ease of use Designed with the user in mind. Serial line The RS485 serial line is incorporated as standard across the range to enable peer-to-peer or multidrop connections using Modbus RTU protocol. The mechanical structure ensures simple and fast product management.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 3. project flexibility. Integrated reliability The ADV200-6 features high-quality engineering solutions that guarantee long-term reliability. reduce overall dimensions and lower wiring costs.2MW for three-phase power supplies of 690 VAC. The ADV200-6 is available in 5 hardware sizes: • up to 250 kW in the stand-alone configuration complete with rectifier stage • from 500 kW to 1. Designed to facilitate installation and guarantee ease of use. The range features power ratings of 75kW up to 1.2 MW in stand-alone configurations for common DC Bus input. All operations are simple and immediate. Integrated accessories such as the mains choke enhance long-term reliability. This solution makes it possible to maintain all display and drive configuration functions and manage the connected fieldbuses in the event of a power failure. . Management of optional cards The ADV200-6 uses an intelligent rack system that allows 3 optional cards to be installed at the same time. Flexible Modular Technology The ADV200-6 range reflects the philosophy of the entire ADV range and is based on a fully modular hardware with power structures that have been optimised for modern automation systems. ADV200-6 • 690 Vac Power Supply ADV200-6 • ADV200 . from accessing the extractable terminal strips to rack-mounting of options. • Fieldbus interface card • I/O expansion card • Interface card for feedback with single or multiple encoders (up to 3). Back-up power supply The ADV200-6 is compatible with a separate +24Vdc external power supply. optimisation of space and reduction of wiring costs.4 •supply 690V power Basic ADV200-6 Vector Inverters offer the best system solutions for drives with stand-alone configuration or common DC Bus power supply. regardless of installation and assembly conditions.1 Introduction SIEIDrive ADV200 . The dedicated accessories guarantee simple wiring and cable shielding to achieve immediate. Gefran Spa - Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.gefran.com 43 3.2 General Characteristics  Power supply:  Power ratings: 3 x 690VAC ±10%; 50-60 Hz ± 5% from 500kW to 1.2MW Standard supply configuration  Integrated KB_ADV programming keypad  Regulation: • 2 bipolar analog inputs (Voltage/Current) • 2 bipolar analog outputs (1: Voltage/Current, 1: Voltage) • 6 digital inputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 digital outputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 relay outputs, single contact • RS485 serial line (Modbus RTU)  Max output voltage 0.98 x Vin  Control mode: • Open-loop vector control • Vector control with feedback • Open loop V/f and V/f with feedback  Heavy overload control (136% x 1')  Integration of up to 3 options onboard the drive  GF-eXpress multi-language programming SW (5 languages)  PLC with advanced IEC61131-3 programming environment  Protection class: • IP20 (ADV-6750 ...ADV-92500) • IP00 (ADV-10500 ... ADV-1012000) Conformity  Immunity/Emissions:  Programming: EEC - EN 61800-3 according to IEC 61131-3 Environmental conditions Fieldbus management ®  Ambient temperature: 0°C ... +40°C (+14°F ...+104°F), +40°C…+50°C (+104°F…+122°F) with derating Max 2000 m. (up to 1000 m without current limitations)  Altitude: • Markings Complies with the EEC directive concerning low voltage equipment Performance The ADV200-6 offers state-of-the-art control technology based on the use of a powerful 32-bit microprocessor able to guarantee maximum precision and performance of the motor as well as sophisticated management of the most advanced application systems.  Precision Control mode Speed control precision (*) Control range FOC with feedback Open-loop FOC V/F ± 0.01% motor speed rating ± 30% motor slip rating ± 60% motor slip rating 1 : 1000 1 : 100 1 : 30 (*)for standard 4-pole motor APPENDIX PROGRAM. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 - 6 ADV200-DC ADV200 - 4 44 SIEIDrive ADV200 - AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 3.3 Standard connections L1 L2 L3 N PE ADV200-6 • ADV200 - 4 •supply 690V power Basic F1 K1M 2 4 6 Azionamento OK 1 3 5 Azionamento pronto L1(*) L1 L2 L3 K2 12 Sorg reset guasti 11 Sorg sel muti rif 1 10 Sorg sel muti rif 0 Monitor Indietro FR 9 8 Monitor Start FR K1M 7 Mon ing digitale E (Abilitazione) C2 COM ID C3 0 V24 K0 S3 + 24V PS Dig. Out.3/4 IS1 14 Dig. Out.4 (**) RS 485 R11 R14 R21 R24 Dig. Output 1 (Relay 1) Dig. Output 2 (Relay 2) Analog output 2 Analog output 1 Analog input 2 Analog input 1 EXP-DE-... (opzionale) COM Dig. Out.3/4 SMPS 4 3 2 1 C1 S1+ S1- 6 C1 5 IC1 13 G1 U V W M 3~ E M1 Resistenza frenatura (opzionale) BR2 C D BR1 Standard connections and default drive configuration (sizes ADV-6750-KXX-6 ... ADV-92500-KXX-6) (*): external choke mandatory (**) Please refer to the user guide for fan connections R1 690Vac S1 T1 FCFU21 700A Standard connections ADV-106300-...-6-DC-IP00 EMI FILTER (OPTIONAL) EMI 690-1000 (S7DGT) u v w INDUCTANCE (Mandatory) LR3y-6-630 (70µH, 760A) ADV-106300-...-6-DC-IP00 (Drive - 690Vac, 630kW) U V W PE U V MAINS W + - D C U2 V2 W2 SM32-690-800A (DC-LINK POWER SUPPLY) u v w LU3-6-630 (36µH, 800A) U V W C D M 3~ 630kW 690V Schema elettrico ALIMENTAZIONI ADV-106300-...-6-DC-IP00 DATA: 9-2-10 Pag. Dig. Out.3 0 V 10 + 10 V - 10 V + - + - + Ope.: BRI Foglio Mod. Gefran Spa - Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.gefran.com 45 3.4 Weights and dimensions Size 6 - IP20 12.75 (.5) 400 (15.7) 23 (.9) 119 (4.7) ø 30 (1 mm (inches) 200 (7.9) 100 (3.9) ) .2 520 (20.5) 7.5 (.3) Sizes ADV200-6 6750 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 520 x 942 x 318 inches 20.5 x 37.1 x 12.5 kg Weight lbs 23 (.9) mm (inches) 200 (7.9) 100 (3.9) ø3 0 Size 7 - IP20 400 (15.7) 119 (4.7) 1095 (43.1) 1113 (43.8) 1134 (44.6) 319 (12.6) 12.75 (.5) 7.5 (.3) Sizes ADV200-6 7900 - 71100 - 71320 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 520 x 1134 x 319 inches 20.5 x 44.6 x 12.6 kg Weight lbs APPENDIX 520 (20.5) PROGRAM. AFE200 ADV100 (1 .2 ) ADV200 - 6 318 (12.5) ADV200-DC 904 (35.6) 942 (37.1) ADV200 - 4 3) 1343 (52.9) 400 (15.9) 300 (11.6) Sizes ADV200-6 105000 .8) 600 (23.2) 715 (28.4 •supply 690V power Basic 965 (38) 472 (18.4) 947 (37.6) 200 (7.9 kg Weight lbs ø3 155 (6.9) 1300 (51.6) 7 (.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 7 ADV200-6 • ADV200 .1) 0 (1 .1) 150 (5.3) 30 (1.IP20 mm (inches) SIEIDrive ADV200 .7) Sizes ADV200-6 92500 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 522 x 965 x 472 inches 20.1 x 52.6 kg 9 (.9 x 18.46 Size 9 .0 x 18.DC-IP00 mm (inches) 15 (.9) 481 (18.106300 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 715 x 1343 x 481 inches 28.2) Weight lbs Size 10 .9) 522 (20.6 x 38.6) 100 (3.2 ) . 4 H6 mm 85.8) Sizes ADV200-6 108000 1012000 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 934 x 1084 x 606 934 x 1284 x 606 inches 36.1) Ø3 H2 0( 1.ADV-1012000-KXX-6-DC-IP00 mm (inches) 60 (2.3 H3 mm 25 40 H4 mm 915 1050 H5 mm 279.Gefran Spa .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.2 ) H2 H2 Ø9 (.9) 606 (23.4) H2 606 (23.1) ADV200 .4) H1 Ø3 H2 0( 1.9) 915 (36) 934 (36.77 x 42.68 x 23.7 kg Weight lbs 507 529 230 240 APPENDIX PROGRAM.8) Size 10 .2 ) H5 H6 (.6 H7 mm 323.4 .com 47 Size 10 .63 x 23.ADV-108000-KXX-6-DC-IP004 mm (inches) 60 (2.9) ADV200-DC H4 ADV200 .9) 915 (36) 934 (36.86 36. AFE200 H4 ADV100 25 (1) 130 (5.77 x 50.86 H mm 1084 1284 H1 mm 26 40 H2 mm 216 281.4 Ø9 ) H7 H3 H 100 (3.gefran.6 H3 H 100 (3.4) H1 25 (1) 130 (5. 5 Choosing the Inverter The combinations of motor power ratings and inverters listed in the table envisage the use of motors in which the voltage rating is equal to that of the mains power. ± 5% (Voltage balance 3%) [VDC] [VDC] [THD] % @ 690VAC [kA] 5 5 1200 675 40 5 5 18 @ 690 VAC [A] 100 120 140 150 280 (Overvoltage) (Undervoltage) Input voltage ULN Sizes ADV200-6 Overvoltage threshold Undervoltage threshold (Overvoltage) (Undervoltage) Total harmonic distortion AC Input current (SM32 side) AC short circuit current AC input current for continuous operation IN Heavy Duty (136% overload) [VCC] 105000 106300 108000 1012000 700 .4 •supply 690V power Basic 3.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 3. 1200 [VDC] [VDC] [THD] % @ 690VAC [A] 600 @ 690VAC [kA] 20 20 20 20 @ 930 VDC [A] 700 830 930 1400 1200 675 40 (*) 700 800 1200 Devices may be used on a circuit designed to supply only symmetrical amps in milliseconds as shown in the table (maximum 690 volts).. 50/60 Hz. (*) with SM32-690V and mains choke.48 SIEIDrive ADV200 .. The combinations listed in the table thus show the current that can be delivered by the drive during continuous operation and overload conditions. For motors with different voltage ratings the inverter must be chosen according to the current rating of the motor. according to the mains voltage.6 Input Data Input voltage ULN Sizes ADV200-6 Overvoltage threshold Undervoltage Total harmonic AC short threshold distortion circuit current AC input current for continuous operation IN Heavy Duty (136% overload) [VAC] 6750 7900 71100 71320 92500 Three-phase mains 690 Vac ±10%. The same engineering criteria apply for operations with additional derating factors: • KT Ambient temperature • Kf Switching frequency • KALT Altitude of installation ADV200-6 • ADV200 . . -6 series) Rated output current In (fsw = default) Recommended motor power IEC 146 class 2 (150% x 60") @690 VAC [A] 84 100 121 145 255 537 637 728 1092 [kW] 75 90 110 132 250 500 630 800 1200 Sizes ADV200-6 IEC 146 class 1 (continuous duty) @690 VAC [A] 6750 7900 71100 71320 92500 105000 106300 108000 1012000 92 110 133 159 280 590 700 800 1200 APPENDIX PROGRAM.6 0. fsw = default) Heavy Duty (136% overload) @690 VAC [kW] 75 Maximum output voltage U2 Maximum output frequency f2 IGBT braking unit [V] [Hz] 400 90 0.Gefran Spa .4 .98 x ULN 110 (ULN = AC voltage input) 132 250 500 630 800 1200 (ULN = AC input voltage from separate SM32 power supply unit) 200 External optional (BUy. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 ..Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.98 x ULN ADV200-DC ADV200 .7 Output Data Inverter Output Sizes ADV200-6 Heavy Duty [kVA] 6750 7900 71100 71320 92500 105000 106300 108000 1012000 110 131 159 190 335 705 837 956 1434 Pn mot ((Recommended motor rating.com 49 3..gefran. 2 1. Reduction factor KT (2) 0.2 1.8 0.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Overload capacity Sizes ADV200-6 IMAX [A] X 60" 6750 7900 71100 71320 92500 105000 106300 108000 1012000 n.4 •supply 690V power Basic 150 % x In (1’ every 5‘) 2 kHz 4 kHz [A] 125 150 181 216 381 802 952 1088 1632 [A] 166 198 239 286 [A] 92 110 133 159 280 590 [A] 92 110 - n..36 x ICONT 1..a.8 0.8 0.2 Overload SP 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 0 I out [%] k1 k2 1 2 3 4 5 f [Hz] 6 7 8 9 10 _ _ Islow.2 1.2 1.8 0.2 1. Ifast.2 1..2 1.8 0.8 0. 1. 700 800 1200 Switching frequency fsw Sizes ADV200-6 Default [kHz] 6750 7900 71100 71320 92500 105000 106300 108000 1012000 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 n.50 SIEIDrive ADV200 .5" Overload HD HD Derating according to switching frequency (HD) 180 % x In (for 0.2 1.8 0. __ In .83 x ICONT [A] X 0.5’‘) ADV200-6 • ADV200 . .a.a.8 0.8 Overload according to output frequency Heavy Duty K1 HD [%] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 K2 HD [Hz] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Higher [kHz] KALT (4) 1. com 51 3.6 x 600 (50 Hz) Internal [m3/h] - APPENDIX PROGRAM.6 x 600 (50 Hz) n.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.4 .2 x 900 (50Hz) n.3 x 325 (50Hz) n. Sizes ADV200-6 6750 7900 71100 71320 92500 105000 106300 108000 1012000 Max dissipated power [W] 1500 2000 2000 2400 5000 8000 10000 15000 20000 Fan capacity Dissipator [m3/h] n.Gefran Spa . AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .2 x 325 (50Hz) n.2 x 1500 (50 Hz) n.2 x 1500 (50 Hz) n.8 Cooling All inverters are equipped with internal fans.gefran.3 x 325 (50Hz) n.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .3 x 325 (50Hz) n. 0 kW 6 = 690 VAC X = standard X = not included X = not included B = included K = included Example: ADV .52 3.X XXX .9 Order codes Product identification SIEIDrive ADV200 .0 kW 12000 = 1200.0 kW Mechanical dimensions of the drive: 6 = size 6 7 = size 7 Inverter.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV .X X X .6 -DC -IP00 ADV200-6 • ADV200 .K X X .4 •supply 690V power Basic Open versions DC link power supply versions Rated voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: 750 = 75.0 kW 900 = 90.6 -DC DC link power supply versions Rated voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: Mechanical dimensions of the drive: Inverter.0 kW 6300 = 630.0 kW 6 = size 6 .0 kW 8000 = 800.0 kW 1320 = 132. ADV200 series 6 = 690 VAC X = standard X = not included K = included 750 = 75.6 750 .0 kW 2500 = 250. ADV200 series 9 = size 9 10 = size 10 5000 = 500.0 kW 1100 = 110. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .IP00 Open Version Without rectifier .6 • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter Model with "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad Open versions Power supply for Common DC Bus ADV200-DC ADV200 .com 53 ADV200-6 CODE S9O60X S9O61X S9O62X S9O63X S9O66X PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV-6750-KXX-6 ADV-7900-KXX-6 ADV-71100-KXX-6 ADV-71320-KXX-6 ADV-92500-KXX-6 PN @ 690Vac 75kW 90kW 110kW 132kW 250kW CONFIGURATION Compact IP20 Compact IP20 Compact IP20 Compact IP20 Compact IP20 ADV200-6-DC CODE S9O70X S9O71X S9O72X S9O73X PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV-105000-KXX-6-DC-IP00 ADV-106300-KXX-6-DC-IP00 ADV-108000-KXX-6-DC-IP00 ADV-1012000-KXX-6-DC-IP00 PN 500kW 630kW 800kW 1200kW CONFIGURATION Without rectifier .IP00 Open Version APPENDIX PROGRAM.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.Gefran Spa .gefran.4 • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter Model with "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad 3 x 690 Vac power supply .IP00 Open Version Without rectifier .IP00 Open Version Without rectifier . with value settings in engineering units.1 Introduction SIEIDrive ADV200 . All these elements offer real advantages in terms of product optimisation and savings in panel space and wiring costs. smart PID controller. Flexible Modular Technology The ADV100 is based on a fully modular structure with a choice of standard configurations. Serial line Integrated standard RS232 serial line with Modbus RTU protocol. . bringing considerable economic benefits.-C models) makes saving and loading data and configurations with the ADV100 very simple.. for peer-to-peer connections Encoder The ADV100 interfaces with incremental digital encoders (DE) for field-oriented vector control (FOC) of asynchronous motors. optional cards and integrated accessories such as EMC filters and mains chokes. and thus current absorption. in reduced load conditions.4 Supply The GEFRAN range of ADV100 inverters is specifically designed to give the utmost flexibility of application to modern automation systems and ensure ease of use. ADV100 • 230.. SD Card port The SD memory card (standard on ADV120-... while guaranteeing advanced control capabilities for all asynchronous motors.480V Power • Basic ADV200 . Brake Control The ADV100 can control an electromechanical parking brake mounted on the motor. Energy Saving The ADV100 has a dedicated function that decreases the voltage applied at the motor terminals.480 VCA Power Supply ADV100 • 230V.54 4. Two self-tuning modes Self-tuning of motor parameters: • “Reduced” for faster start-up • “Complete” to obtain maximum efficiency.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 4. easy-to-program. leakage function and programmable stand-by... PID Control The ADV100 integrates a complete. .com 55 4..-C models) ADV200 .01% motor speed rating ± 30% motor slip rating ± 60% motor slip rating 1 : 1000 1 : 100 1 : 30 Environmental conditions ADV100  CANopen / DeviceNet communication (integrated in ADV120.4 ..  55kW: C3 Category / 2nd Environment / Motor cable length 100m). +40°C…+50°C (+104°F…+122°F) with derating Max 2000 m.. 1: Voltage) • 6 digital inputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 digital outputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 relay outputs..gefran.+104°F). APPENDIX PROGRAM.6  Multilingual programming keypad with LCD screen (5 lines x 20 characters) and memory for 5 parameter sets ADV200-DC ADV200 ... 50/60Hz ±2% from 4kW to 90kW Standard supply configuration  Regulation: • 2 bipolar analog inputs (Voltage/Current) • 2 bipolar analog outputs (1: Voltage/Current. AFE200 FOC with feedback Open-loop FOC V/F ± 0.45 kW: C2 Category / 1st Environment / Motor cable length 30m.. Precision Control mode Speed control precision (*) Control range Conformity  Immunity/Emissions: CEE ... +40°C (+14°F ..98 x Vin  Control mode: • Open-loop vector control • Vector control with feedback • Open loop V/f and V/f with feedback  Overload: • 150% In for 60 seconds every 5 minutes • 180% In for 0.Gefran Spa .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. (up to 1000 m without current limitations)  Altitude: Markings Complies with the EEC directive concerning low voltage equipment Complies with directives for the American and Canadian markets.5 seconds every 5 minutes  Integration of up to 2 options onboard the drive  GF-eXpress multi-language programming SW (5 languages)  IP20-rated protection Options Fieldbus management CANopen / DeviceNet comunication (integrated into ADV120.2 General Characteristics  Power supply:  Power ratings: 3 x 230VAC -15% … 500VAC +5%. single contact • RS232 serial line (Modbus RTU)  Power: • Integrated choke DC side (from size 4300) • Integrated mains filter (≥ size 4300) • Integrated dynamic braking module (up to size 3150)  Max output voltage 0.EN 61800-3  Ambient temperature: (*) for standard 4-pole motor -10°C .-C models)  Input choke  Output chokes  Braking resistors  Incremental digital encoder feedback card (EXP-DE-I1R1F2ADL)  expansion cards I/O ®  External EMC filter (4. 3 Standard connections 3 Phase Mains ADV100 • 230V.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 4.56 SIEIDrive ADV200 .480V Power • Basic ADV200 ...4 Supply F1 1 3 4 5 6 K1M 2 OPTIONAL L1 AC BREAKING RESISTORS L1 L2 L3 PE KEYPAD PC L SH CAN RS232 H 40 AI2N 41 AI2P 42 AI1N 43 AI1P 44 AO2N 45 AO2P 46 AO1N 47 AO1P 48 -10V 49 +10V U1 OPTIONAL BR C C1 V1 W1 P-ADL ADV100 EXP-DE-I1-ADL ENHW RC-ADL EXP-IO-D6A4R2-F-ADL L1 DC D 24VOUT DICM DI6 DI5 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1 0VOUT Relay 2 Relay 1 U2 T1 V2 W2 T2 T3 PE PE 54 55 56 48 -10V 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Not used Fault reset src Multi ref sel 0 src FR reverse src Multi ref sel 1 src FR forward src Drive ready K2 K1M K0 M 3~ Standard connections and default drive configuration: sizes ADV120-1040-F-C .. ADV120-3220-F-C 3 Phase Mains F1 1 3 4 5 6 K1M 2 BREAKING RESISTORS L1 L2 L3 PE KEYPAD PC L SH CAN RS232 H 40 AI2N 41 AI2P 42 AI1N 43 AI1P 44 AO2N 45 AO2P 46 AO1N 47 AO1P OPTIONAL BR1 BR2 C P-ADL ADV100 EXP-DE-I1-ADL ENHW RC-ADL EXP-IO-D6A4R2-F-ADL L1 DC D 24VOUT DICM DI6 DI5 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1 0VOUT Relay 2 Relay 1 U2 T1 V2 W2 T2 T3 PE PE 54 55 56 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Not used Fault reset src Multi ref sel 0 src Multi ref sel 1 src FR forward src FR reverse src Drive ready K2 K1M K0 M 3~ Standard connections and default drive configuration: sizes  ADV120-4300-F-C Drive OK 57 +10V U1 V1 W1 Drive OK 49 57 .. 04 x 6.5 (12.8 (16.49”) ADV100 369.52”) Size 1 159.47”) ADV100 158.25”) Run 135 (5.04 x 6.31”) 115 (4.67 (6.4 .2 (5.2 x 331.53”) 331.54”) ADV200 .53”) Size ADV100 1040 .53”) mm (inches) 382.Gefran Spa .04”) 418.8 Weight lbs 12.2 (6.6 (14. 158.05 (15.7 inches 6.2 APPENDIX PROGRAM.1055 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 159.8 Weight lbs 17.25”) AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .17”) 27 (1.1 (.6 ADV200-DC 318.7 inches 6.25 kg 7.06”) 115 (4.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.2110 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 159.53”) Size ADV100 2075 .1 x 158.8 Size 2 mm (inches) 159.5 (5.18”) 27 (1.5 (14.55”) Run 135 (5.gefran.04”) 367.67 (6.27 x 15.06”) 115 (4.com 57 4.27”) 131.1 (13.27”) 131.25 kg 5.2 (6.1 x 158.4 Weights and dimensions mm (inches) mm (inches) 13.27 x 13.2 x 382.31”) 115 (4. .6 (0.95”) 27 (1.06”) 220 (8.2 (5.8 x 387 x 178 inches 8..69”) mm (inches) 268 (10.9 (23.5 Weight lbs 23.01 kg 10...55 x 24.87”) ADV100 ADV100 682 (26. 4450 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 268 x 612 x 276 inches 10.97 x 15.74”) .65”) 178 (7.6 594.61”) ADV100 • 230V.09”) 276 (10.4 Supply 387 (15.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive mm (inches) 13 227.42”) 374. 3220 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 227.8 (8.06”) 168 (6.5 (14.4 (17.5”) 164 (6.01”) 165 (6.85”) 254 (10”) 254 (10”) Size ADV100 4300 .55”) 250 (9.15 Size 4 mm (inches) 17.24”) 448.46”) Size ADV100 3150 .84”) 27 (1.87 kg 32 Weight lbs 70.24 x 7.09 x 10..85”) 682 (26.97”) 151.480V Power • Basic ADV200 .58 Size 3 mm (inches) SIEIDrive ADV200 .66”) 612 (24.. 24") 304..74") ADV200 .com 59 Size 5 30 (1.Gefran Spa .43") Size ADV100 5550.1 (11.5900 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 311 x 748 x 330.01") 265 (10.48") 710.4 x 123.4 mm (inches) mm (inches) 311 (12.24 x 29.6 .52 (13.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.4") 767 (30.3 APPENDIX PROGRAM.gefran.5 inches 12.01 kg 60 Weight lbs 132.18") 190 (7.72") 330.6 ADV200-DC 748 (29.5 (279. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 ..97") 26 1.2") 730 (28. 4 Supply 4.480V Power • Basic ADV200 .5 Choosing the Inverter The combinations of motor power ratings and inverters listed in the table envisage the use of motors in which the voltage rating is equal to that of the mains power. ± 2% 820 .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 4... @ 400V = 390Vdc. 500 VCA +5% @ 480V = 470Vdc. @ 230V = 225Vdc > 100 % (without choke) Sizes ADV100 Input frequency [Hz] Overvoltage threshold (Overvoltage) [VDC] Undervoltage threshold (Undervoltage) [VDC] Total harmonic AC input current for distortion continuous duty In (@ In out) [THD] % @ 230-400 VAC [A] 11 16 20 28 40 47 53 53 64 74 100 143 171 @ 480 VAC [A] 10 14 18 26 38 44 49 50 60 71 92 135 165 50/60 Hz.6 Input Data Input voltage ULN [VAC] 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 < 50 % (with integrated choke) Three-phase mains 230 VCA -15% .. according to the mains voltage. For motors with different voltage ratings the inverter must be chosen according to the current rating of the motor.60 SIEIDrive ADV200 . The combinations listed in the table thus show the current that can be delivered by the drive during continuous operation and overload conditions. The same engineering criteria apply for operations with additional derating factors: • KV Power supply voltage • KT Ambient temperature • Kf Switching frequency • KALT Altitude of installation ADV100 • 230V.. 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 Sizes ADV100 I2n (Rated output current) @400 VAC [A] 9. 8. Value to be applied = 1.5 7. 12 6. 12 6.5 0.9 0.2 1.5 0. 10. 0.7 0. 12 6.5 0. 12 6.2 1.5 11 15 18.9 20.7.5 0.9 0.5 0. 0.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.2 [Hz] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 1.5 135 162 External optional (BUy series) 0.com 61 4. 8.2 Derating factor for mains voltage at 460Vac Derating factor for ambient temperature of 50°C (1% every °C above 40°C) Derating factor for higher switching frequency Derating factor for installation at altitudes above 1000 meters a. 0.2 1.5 Pn mot (Recommended motor rating.7 KALT (4) 1. 0.85. 0. 12 6.9 0.85. lswf = Switching frequency when Fout or T reach the values showed in table).7 36.6. 8 6.9 0. 12 6.6. 0.9 0.2 1.9 0. 10.9 0.7 32.9 0.2 AFE200 1. 0. 8. 0.9 0. 10. 0. 0.6 36.4 55.7 27.7 0. 0.9 Reduction factor KT (2) 0.7. In derated = (100 . 0.98 x ULN (ULN = AC input voltage) 500 Internal (with external resistor). 8 6.5 13 16. 8.s.85. 0.7 Output Data Inverter Output for continuous duty [kVA] 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 7.9 0.6. 0.4 .9 0. braking torque 150 % MAX Sizes ADV100 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 (1) Kv : (2) KT : (3) Kf : (4) KALT : Switching frequency Default (5) [KHz] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 F out hswf (6) [KHz] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5) 6) T Kv [°C] 70 75 70 70 70 75 75 65 70 75 70 65 65 (1) 0. 8 6.85.1 118.85.85. APPENDIX PROGRAM. 0.9 0. 8.6.5 23 31 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 @460 VAC [A] 8.2 1. For example: Altitude 2000 m. 0.2 ADV100 ADV200 .6. 8 lswf (6) [KHz] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Kf (3) 0.5 0.9 0.7. 10.5 78 94. 0.9 0.6 11. 12 6.3 51. 10. 10.Gefran Spa . 0. 0. 10.9 0.6. 0.85.5 0. 10.9 0.9 0.6 Maximum Maximum output output voltage U2 frequency f2 IGBT braking unit [V] [Hz] 14. 0. 1.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 @460 VAC [HP] 5 7.6 ADV200-DC 11.12) % = 88 % In PAR 568 Switching freq mode = [0] Constant PAR 568 Switching freq mode = [1] Variable The switching frequency is variable between two levels (hswf and lswf) which are defined by the heatsink temperature and output frequency (hswf = Default switching frequency.9 0.2 1.3 99.85. 8.2% each 100 m increase above 1000 m. 0.4 27.7 0.3 69.9 Higher (5) [KHz] 6.85.7. 8. 0. 0.5 0.85.9 19.l. 10.7.9 0. 12 6.7.6. 0. 0. fsw = default) @400 VAC [kW] 4 5.85.2% * 10 = 12% derating. 0.85.2 41. 0.9 34.2 1.9 0.2 1.5 0.7 44. 12 6. Kalt = 1.2 1.6.7. 0.8 67.gefran. 0.9 0.7 ADV200 .1 13.9 0.7. 0. 0.85.9 0. 8. 5 46.62 Overload Sizes ADV100 150 % x In ( 1’ each 5‘ ) SIEIDrive ADV200 .5 157.5 24.480V Power • Basic ADV200 . the active current limit is SLOW.8 34.6 135 156.7 41. The active current limit is always FAST. Ifast.5 225 270 Current limits positions according to output frequency 200 180 160 SLOW current limit 140 FAST current limit I out [%] 120 100 80 K2 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 K1 K3 RATED current limit 6 7 8 9 10 _ _ Islow..8 111.4 Supply 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 14. OT (Drive overload temperature limit) below this temperature the 150% FAST current limit is also enabled for frequencies lower than k2. If SLOW I2t is loaded the active current limit is RATED.4 29. __ In • • • k1 indicates the direct current (as a percentage with respect to the rated current) that the drive can deliver at a frequency of 0 Hz. . if fast I2t is loaded.. k2 indicates the frequency at which the drive can deliver the 150% limit.5 57 69 93 112.3 19..6 189 270 324 [A] 9.5 13 16.. Between 0 Hz and k2 the limit follows a linear pattern and thus also determines the k3 frequency at which the drive can deliver the 180% limit.4 82.5 130. .1 23.8 68.5" each 5‘ ) [A] [A] 17.5 23 31 38 46 62 75 87 105 150 180 [%] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 [%] 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 [°C] 78 80 80 85 92 85 87 87 88 90 85 90 93 ADV100 • 230V.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive In K1 K2 OT 180 % x In ( 0.4 55.. above this temperature only the slow current limit is enabled and this varies according to the output frequency and the ambient temperature (max 50°C). AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.460Vac. values that refer to operation at default switching frequency. APPENDIX PROGRAM.4 .com 63 4..6 ADV200-DC - ADV200 . Size 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 Pv (*) (Heat dissipation) [W] 120 160 200 250 300 380 460 600 900 1000 1290 1760 2150 Fan capacity Heat sink [m3/h] 32 2 x 56 2 x 56 2 x 32 2 x 80 2 x 80 2 x 80 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 250 2 x 285 2 x 355 2 x 355 Internal [m3/h] - 32 32 32 2 x 50 2 x 50 2 x 50 1 x 170 2 x 170 2 x 170 (*) : @Uln=400.Gefran Spa .gefran.8 Cooling All inverters are fitted with internal fans (+ 24V) and threshold control (ON @ 55°C and OFF @ 45°C). 0 kW 900 = 90..Y .0 kW Mechanical dimensions of the drive: [empty] = not included 4 = 400Vac X = not included X = standard X = not included X = not included 185 = 18.4 .480V Power • Basic ADV200 .4 Supply CANbus: Rated voltage: EMI Filter: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: 040 = 4. ADV100 series Example: ADV 120 -1 040 . see Appendix 110 = FOC Sensorless 120 = FOC Closed loop Inverter.0 kW 150 = 15.5 kW 075 = 7.4 .F .64 4.X X X .0 kW 4 = size 4 5 = size 5 Regulation mode: 100 = BASIC.0 kW 1 = size 1 120 = FOC Closed loop .C CANbus: Rated voltage: EMI Filter: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: Mechanical dimensions of the drive: Regulation mode: Inverter.0 kW 300 = 30.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV 1X0 -X XXX .5 kW 110 = 11.X X X .0 kW 450 = 45.5 kW 220 = 22..0 kW 370 = 37.9 Order codes Product identification SIEIDrive ADV200 .C ADV100 • 230V. ADV100 series C = included 4 = 400Vac F = included X = standard X = not included X = not included 040 = 4.0 kW 1 = size 1 2 = size 2 3 = size 3 C = included F = included B = included K = included 550 = 55.0 kW 055 = 5.0 kW 750 = 75. 5kW 11kW 15kW 18.gefran.Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .480VAC Optional Programming Keypad .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Gefran Spa .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW CONFIGURATION Integrated Braking .480VAC Optional Programming Keypad CODE S9ADV03 S9ADV13 S9ADV23 S9ADV33 S9ADV43 S9ADV53 S9ADV63 S9ADV74 S9ADV84 S9ADV94 S9ADV104 S9ADV73 S9ADV83 S9ADV93 S9ADV103 S9ADV113 S9ADV123 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV120-1040-XBX-4 ADV120-1055-XBX-4 ADV120-2075-XBX-4 ADV120-2110-XBX-4 ADV120-3150-XBX-4 ADV120-3185-XBX-4 ADV120-3220-XBX-4 ADV120-4300-XBX-F-4 ADV120-4370-XBX-F-4 ADV120-4450-XBX-F-4 ADV120-5550-XBX-F-4 ADV120-4300-XXX-F-4 ADV120-4370-XXX-F-4 ADV120-4450-XXX-F-4 ADV120-5550-XXX-F-4 ADV120-5750-XXX-F-4 ADV120-5900-XXX-F-4 PN @ 400Vac 4kW 5.Integrated Filter .6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .400VAC .400VAC .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card APPENDIX PROGRAM.Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Without encoder feedback ADV120 • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter Control for asynchronous motors in closed loop Power Supply 3 x 230VAC .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .com 65 ADV110 CODE S9ADV01 S9ADV11 S9ADV21 S9ADV31 S9ADV41 S9ADV51 S9ADV61 S9ADV72 S9ADV82 S9ADV92 S9ADV102 S9ADV71 S9ADV81 S9ADV91 S9ADV101 S9ADV111 S9ADV121 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV110-1040-XBX-4 ADV110-1055-XBX-4 ADV110-2075-XBX-4 ADV110-2110-XBX-4 ADV110-3150-XBX-4 ADV110-3185-XBX-4 ADV110-3220-XBX-4 ADV110-4300-XBX-F-4 ADV110-4370-XBX-F-4 ADV110-4450-XBX-F-4 ADV110-5550-XBX-F-4 ADV110-4300-XXX-F-4 ADV110-4370-XXX-F-4 ADV110-4450-XXX-F-4 ADV110-5550-XXX-F-4 ADV110-5750-XXX-F-4 ADV110-5900-XXX-F-4 PN @ 400Vac 4kW 5.Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking . AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW CONFIGURATION Integrated Braking .5kW 7.Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .5kW 11kW 15kW 18.Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .4 • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter Control for asynchronous motors in open loop Power Supply 3 x 230VAC .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking .Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .5kW 7.Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Without encoder feedback Integrated Braking . .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Integrated Filter ..Integrated Filter .480V Power • Basic ADV200 .5kW 22kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 30kW 37kW 45kW 55kW 75kW 90kW CONFIGURATION Integrated Braking .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV100 • 230V.Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .5kW 7.4 Supply • • • • • Field-Orientated Vector Inverter Control for asynchronous motors in closed loop Power Supply 3 x 230VAC .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .5kW 11kW 15kW 18.Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .66 ADV120-C SIEIDrive ADV200 .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .480VAC Optional Programming Keypad Integrated CAN CODE S9CDV05 S9CDV15 S9CDV25 S9CDV35 S9CDV45 S9CDV55 S9CDV65 S9ADV76 S9ADV86 S9ADV96 S9ADV106 S9ADV75 S9ADV85 S9ADV95 S9ADV105 S9ADV115 S9ADV125 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ADV120-1040-XBX-4-C ADV120-1055-XBX-4-C ADV120-2075-XBX-4-C ADV120-2110-XBX-4-C ADV120-3150-XBX-4-C ADV120-3185-XBX-4-C ADV120-3220-XBX-4-C ADV120-4300-XBX-F-4-C ADV120-4370-XBX-F-4-C ADV120-4450-XBX-F-4-C ADV120-5550-XBX-F-4-C ADV120-4300-XXX-F-4-C ADV120-4370-XXX-F-4-C ADV120-4450-XXX-F-4-C ADV120-5550-XXX-F-4-C ADV120-5750-XXX-F-4-C ADV120-5900-XXX-F-4-C PN @ 400Vac 4kW 5.Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card .Integrated Filter .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Filter .400VAC .Digital encoder 2 Channels Card Integrated Braking . Gefran Spa .4 .com 67 Remarks : APPENDIX PROGRAM.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .gefran. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 . Ease of use and intuitive programming make it possible for users of any level to exploit the high-level performance of Active Front End technology for a broad range of applications where there is a need for real energy saving. Ideal for powering the batteries of drives connected on the same DC Bus or even for managing single-drive configurations. All structures are extremely easy to handle and the terminal strips and optional card racks are readily accessible. Designed to facilitate installation and guarantee ease of use. Flexible Modular Technology The AFE200 is also based on a fully modular hardware with power structures that can be installed side by side. The dedicated accessories guarantee simple wiring and cable shielding to achieve immediate.68 5.2MW for three-phase power supplies of 400VAC to 500VAC. Serial line The RS485 serial line is incorporated as standard across the range to enable peer-to-peer or multidrop connections using Modbus RTU protocol. • Two overload modes for “heavy duty” with duty cycle of 150% of In for 1 minute every 5 minutes or for “light duty” (variable and/or quadratic torque) with duty cycle of 110% of In for 1 minute every 5 minutes. AFE200 • . The dedicated AFE PRE-CHARGE KITS are supplied complete with pre-wired resistors and contactors. This solution makes it possible to maintain all display and drive configuration functions and manage the connected fieldbuses in the event of a power failure. quick.1 Introduction SIEIDrive ADV200 .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 5.4 • Basic AFE200 is the range of regenerative power supply units incorporating Active Front End technology. economical connections to the system to be powered. Ideal sizes The AFE200 offers a choice of technical features so that you can choose the drive best suited to the loads of the system to be controlled and specific operating conditions. The AFE200 is available in 5 hardware sizes • from 22kW to 355kW in the stand-alone configuration • from 400kW to 1. Total ease of use The AFE200 is designed to enable simple. EMC-compliant start-ups. The AFE200 offers a number of advantages: • • • • • • “Clean Power” thanks to the unit power factor and reduced harmonic distortion (<5%) Enhanced system dynamics during drive and regeneration Considerable energy savings during regeneration transients Improved stability of the DC Bus circuit under load changes Significant cost-effectiveness with the single power supply system Elimination of uneconomical conventional braking systems and braking resistors The AFE200 range has power ratings of 22kW to 1.2MW in "parallel" configurations Pre-load system External management of the intermediate circuit pre-load is a feature of the entire range. AFE200 • Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 . project flexibility. Management of optional cards The AFE200 uses an intelligent rack system that allows the following optional cards to be installed at the same time: • Scheda per interfaccia bus di campo • Scheda per espansione I/O Back-up power supply The AFE200 is compatible with a separate +24Vdc external power supply. optimisation of space and reduction of wiring costs. +40°C…+50°C (+104°F…+122°F) with derating ADV200-DC  Climatic conditions EN 60721-3-3 ADV200 . Markings Complies with the EEC directive concerning low voltage equipment Standard supply configuration  Integrated KB_ADV programming keypad  Regulation: • 2 bipolar analog inputs (Voltage/Current) • 2 bipolar analog outputs (1: Voltage/Current. test Fc. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .2MW Options • Input choke (mandatory) • Pre-load kit.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. +40°C (+14°F . UL508C..4 .6 -10°C .gefran. 1: Voltage) • 6 digital inputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 digital outputs (PNP/NPN) • 2 relay outputs.2 General Characteristics  Power supply:  Power ratings:  Cosphi ≥ 0. AFE200 ADV200 ADV200 ADV200 Controlled power exchange on DC-bus circuit: excess energy re-introduced into the mains APPENDIX PROGRAM.com 69 5. single contact • RS485 serial line (Modbus RTU) Complies with directives for the American and Canadian market. EN61800-3 Fieldbus management ®  EMC Environmental conditions  Ambient temperature: •  Altitude: Max 2000 m. includes resistor and 2 pre-load contactors (mandatory) • External EMI mains filter Conformity  Electrical safety EN 50178..99  THD ≤ 5%  Overload 150% for 60 sec every 5 minutes (Heavy duty) or 110% for 60 sec every 5 minutes (Light duty)  Integration of up to 2 options onboard the drive  GF-eXpress multi-language programming SW (5 languages)  IP20-rated protection (IP00 size 7 and parallel)  Vibrations 380VAC -15% …500VAC +5%. 50/60Hz from 22kW to 1.. EN 61800-5-1. UL840 pollution level 2 EN 60068-2-6.Gefran Spa ..+104°F). (AFE3220 .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive D 5 Analog input 1 2 4 6 XS C (+) D (-) INVERTER(S) DC SUPPLY BUS To inverter 1 To inverter 2 To inverter n C1 1 3 Analog input 2 Internal power supply D E APPR.70 AFE200 • 3 5 4 6 7 Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 . D E 1 7 1 1 2 Standard connections and default drive configuration. it shall neither be copied in any manner. APPR. 24 I-21040 Gerenzano (VA) DES.. 480 V + 10% 50-60 Hz A 1 2 A L1 L2 L3 PE N Q1M F11 F12 F13 EMI FILTER I> I> 01 13 B 5... AFE 73550) 3 .4 • Basic 380 V .3 Standard connections R1 Q2 S1 T1 F1 To inverter(s) ENABLE chain In case of external supply of control board (+24V) R' S' T' 230 Vca R14 N N 230 Vca R11 B Q1 R1 R2 PRECHARGE KIT 14 K2 S3 8 8 7 9 V1 R11 R14 R24 R21 13 W1 S3 14 10 U1 IS1 IC1 11 12 C2 C3 S3 IS2 C IC2 K1 ENABLE E 2 3 4 5 DIGITAL INPUTS R2 Sync. DATE MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION NAME AFE 200 Typical connection diagram FILE NAME: Drive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci. MOD. ESE 4301-A_Pag1. INDEX A DATE 14/09/09 LPZ 4 5 6 CODE PAGE OVER This document is our intellectual property. voltage EXP-SINC-ADV BOARD 24 V S2 T2 COM DI C Drive READY +24V K1 Acknowledge U V W K1 command (Precharge cmd) Digital outputs n°3-4 REGEN CHOKE XT AFE 200 Analog output 1 0V24 0V24 C Analog output 2 Keypad SMPS RS-485 Serial interface SIEIDrive ADV200 . nor communicated to third parties.15%.vsd SCH. DOC ID MOD. Without our written consent.. nor used for manufacturing. nor communicated to third parties. D E GHD LPZ 6 1 7 1 1 2 71 APPENDIX Standard connections and default drive configuration (parallel versions).com Internal power supply D C (+) D (-) INVERTER(S) DC SUPPLY BUS To inverter 1 To inverter 2 To inverter n E APPR. DATE MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION NAME AFE 200 PARALLEL Typical connection diagram FILE NAME: Drive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci.1 5 2 3 4 6 7 To main supply To main supply Q1M A Q1M N N 230 R11 230 R14 230 R14 230 R11 A R’ N N S3 L1 L2 L3 PE N S’ T’ R’ S’ T’ Q1M EMI FILTER 380 V . 3 PROGRAM. voltage EXP-SINC-ADV BOARD 24 V S2 T2 COM DI C Drive READY +24V K1 Acknowledge U V W K1 command (Precharge cmd) Digital outputs n°3-4 REGEN CHOKE XT AFE 200 MASTER Analog output 1 0V24 0V24 C Analog output 2 Keypad SMPS RS-485 Serial interface D 5 Analog input 1 2 4 6 XS C1 1 3 Analog input 2 Gefran Spa . 480 V + 10% 50-60 Hz PRECHARGE KIT SLAVE 1 EMI FILTER PRECHARGE KIT SLAVE 2 F11 F12 F13 R1 S1 T1 R1 S1 T1 8 S3 R2 S2 T2 R14 To inverter slave1 To inverter slave2 R2 S2 T2 8 R' S' T' 230 Vca N N 230 Vca R11 EMI FILTER I> I> B R1 Q2 To inverter(s) ENABLE chain 01 13 S1 T1 F1 B Q1 R1 R2 In case of external supply of control board (+24V) PRECHARGE KIT MASTER 14 K2 S3 8 8 7 9 V1 R11 R14 R24 R21 13 W1 S3 14 10 U1 IS1 IC1 11 12 C2 C3 S3 IS2 C IC2 K1 ENABLE E 2 3 4 5 DIGITAL INPUTS R2 Sync. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .15%.. it shall neither be copied in any manner. nor used for manufacturing. OVER This document is our intellectual property. PAGE CODE APPR.4 .gefran.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 ..Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. INDEX A DATE 5-02-10 BRI 4 5 SCH. 24 I-21040 Gerenzano (VA) DES. MOD. Without our written consent. DOC ID MOD. 72 SIEIDrive ADV200 .2 C D ADV200-DC (. Connection of multi-drive on common DC bus Generator mode Motor mode AFE200 • .) U V W 3 M. L2 50/60 Hz L3 L1 K1M FILTER EMI L1 AFE200 F32 C D ADV200-DC (2) U V W 3 M3 F...AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 .400 VAC / 500 VAC..4 • Basic F12 C D ADV200-DC (1) U V W 3 M1 F22 C D ADV200-DC (2) U V W 3 M2 F1 3ph . 35 x 9.25”] Sizes AFE200 4450 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 268 x 616 x 270 inches 10.70”) 500.7 Size 4 mm (inches) 268 [10.4 Weights and dimensions Size 3 mm (inches) 180 mm (7.gefran.4 .84”) 496 mm (19.7”] ADV200 .35”) Sizes AFE200 3220 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 180 x 517 x 250.Gefran Spa .53”) 517 mm (20.09”) 150 [5.55”] 612 [24.55 x 24.63 kg 24 Weight lbs 52.6 ADV200-DC 475 mm (18.85 kg 18 Weight lbs 39.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.63”] AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .9 APPENDIX PROGRAM.09”] 616 [24.1 [19.1 inches 7.com 73 5.91”] 250 mm (8.25 x 10. 270 [10.09 x 20. 4 • Basic 311 [12.55 x 12.78”] AFE200 • Sizes AFE200 61320 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 421 x 924.55”] Weight lbs 88.57”] 275 [10.58”] 350 [13.4 [28.4”] Weight lbs 149.48”] 325 [12.83”] 175 [6.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 .57 x 36.4 [30.24”] 45.74 Size 5 mm (inches) SIEIDrive ADV200 .91”] 853 [33.5 [1.4 x 325 inches 12.79”] 190 [7.43”] Sizes AFE200 5900 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 311 x 730.5 x 360 inches 16.24 x 30.5 [36.4 x 14.17 kg 68 924.80”] 748 [29.45”] 730.89”] 360 [14.76”] 265 [10.8 kg 40 730.2 Size 6 mm (inches) 421 [16.17”] 836 [32.9 . 1) (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate Vista senza protezioni View without protections 155 Sizes AFE200 71600.2 R3 ADV200-DC 332 1209.4 x 19.5 62 62 485 (19.Gefran Spa .6 APPENDIX PROGRAM. 73550 Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 417 x 1407 x 485 inches 16.4 416...42 x 55.8 70 35 13 (*) 87 6.4) 1407 (55.5 9.6 5 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.4) 355.6 286.0) 177.gefran.6 308.72000 72500 73150 .25 .5 (*) 6. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .5 10 ) (x8 .6 (14.1 kg 120 130 140 Weight lbs 264.com 75 Size 7 mm (inches) 417 (16.5 (47.6) 1230 (48.4) ADV200 ... 710kW Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm inches 837 x 1407 x 485 33.5 170.7 31 93 155 177.4] 1636.5 [64. 710 kW SIEIDrive ADV200 ..6] 1407 [55.8 420 420 485 [19.5 170.4 661.8 485 [19.4 x 19.49] 6.1 1636.1 kg 450 Weight lbs 992.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 837 [33.1] Sizes AFE200 900 .4] (*) AFE200 • 310.0 x 55.5 Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7 See Size 7 for dimensions without protections.2 617.6] 9.25 1257 [49.1000kW Dimensions: Width x Height x Depth mm 1257 x 1407 x 485 inches 49.1] Sizes AFE200 400kW 500kW 630 .4 • Basic mm (inches) 13 1209.5 x 55.7 (Optional BARS KIT) 31 93 155 177.1000 kW mm (inches) 9. (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate 13 1209.5 (Optional BARS KIT) 240.5 [47.0] 6.4] . (*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente (*) Protective trasparent policarbonate Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 .4 Sizes 900..5 [64..4 x 19.5 240..5 [47.1 Weight kg 260 280 300 lbs 573.5 Quote senza protezioni vedere taglia 7 See Size 7 for dimensions without protections.76 Sizes 400 .4] 1407 [55.8 420 177.25 (*) 310. from the simplest. even with a DC or line choke).4 . obtained from the total of the parallel connections.90 * 0. then: ADV61132-. which is usually an ADV200-DC. In certain cases the size can be chosen according to the work cycles and load profiles of each drive...com 77 5. Another calculation to be performed is the sum of the loads connected to the DC-LINK. This section provides some examples of design.2 kVA Note! Drive ADV200-DC Drive + components AFE regenerative Line chokes EMI filter Pre-charge kit Fuses mains side connection Description ADV-61132-KXX-4-DC Description AFE200-61320-KXX-4 LR3-280-500-0.ty 1 1 1 1 1 3 DC-Link total capacity: AFE200-61320 with ADV-61132-. single-motor configuration to more complex ones.97 From ADV200-DC Quick Start Guide: Heavy overload @ 400V -> ADV-61132-. AFE200 ADV100 For special applications or more accurate calculations.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. please contact technohelp@gefran. The DC-Link input power is a function of the output power on the drive shaft.-4-DC Supposing the load demands a heavy overload.90 ηD=0. As a general rule.-4-DC Light overload @ 400V -> ADV-61110-.-4-DC = 13600 +13600 = 27200 μF < 30000 μF ok APPENDIX PROGRAM.. The same power is requested for the AFE200 drive output.5 Choosing the Inverter Design AFE200 drives are normally used in applications that require the re-introduction of power into the mains.Gefran Spa ..6 ADV200-DC η M * ηD ADV200 . POUTM PDC = Example 1: POUTM= 132kW ηM= 0.com.gefran.Link • Single-motor calculation based on motor output power Example of calculation of a single-motor system connected to a motor having a defined power. the AFE2000 should be at least the same size as the drive. The sum of the loads of each drive must be less than the maximum value specified in the AFE200 user guide in order to guarantee correct pre-load circuit operation. to achieve unitary cos phi or low total harmonic distortion values (which standard inverters do not guarantee.32 EMI FN3120 -480V-230A S726401 Code S9O19DC Code S9AF04 S7AL03 S74EE S726401 F4G30 Q. in both motor or generator mode.. From the AFE200 user guide (size AFE200 . Key to symbols POUTM POUTD ηM ηD PDC Motor output power (continuous operation) Drive output power (light or heavy overload) Typical motor efficiency Typical drive efficiency Power requested by the DC .-4-DC 132 PDC = 0.61320): ADV200 ..97 = 151... They can also be used when regeneration is not required. 14+3. Example 2: Drive ADV200-DC= ADV-61110-KXX-4-DC ηD=0.97 (4*0.-4-DC = 13600 +11200 = 24800 μF < 30000 μF ok PDC2 = = 3. take into account the fact that the power requested by the load is normally lower than the total power of the drives installed.24 kVA From the AFE200 user guide (size AFE200 . 1 ADV200-DC 4kW configured for HD (heavy overload). Example 3: Consider a system comprising: 1 ADV200-DC 15kW configured for HD (heavy overload).97=136kVA From the AFE200 user guide (size AFE200 -5900) Drive ADV200. 1 ADV200-DC 11kW configured for HD (heavy overload). This motor acts as a brake generating at least 10% of its power rating.45 EMI FN3120 -480V-230A S728401 Code S9O18DC Code S9AF03 S7AL02 S74EE S728401 F4G28 Q.ty 1 1 1 1 1 3 For all drives consider ηD=0.5 EMI FN3120 -480V-50A S726401 Code S9O19DC Code S9AF01 S7AC5 S7DGV S726401 F4EAF Q. The total output power of the AFE200 can be calculated by summing the power actually exchanged by each single inverter. the single inverters (e.5 kVA PDC3 = = 3. The motor being controlled (15kW) is designed so that its continuous load does not exceed 85% of its power rating.g. ADV200-DC) control the motors following different load profiles..AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 .6-1 = 13.85) 0.ty 1 AFE200 • 1 1 1 1 3 DC-Link total capacity: (15kW) 1500 +(4kW*2) 340*2+(11kW) 830 +(AFE 22kW) 1500 = 4510 μF < 10000 μF ok .97 13.4 • Basic • Single-motor calculation based on drive data • Calculation for multi-motor system The power requested by the inverter at the DC input is equal to the output power in the desired overload mode.1) 0.61320 with ADV-61110-. 1 ADV200-DC 4kW configured for HD (heavy overload).97 With light overload @ 400V POUTD= 132KW PDC=132/0. In that case the following applies: POUTD PDC = ηD In a typical multi-motor application.6 kVA PDC4 = = -1 kVA PDC TOT= = 19. The motor being controlled (4kW) is designed so that its continuous load does not exceed 90% of its power rating.97 Calculation of total power absorbed by the DC-Link: PDC1 = (15*0.5+3. The motor being controlled (4kW) is designed so that its continuous load does not exceed 85% of its power rating.97 (-11*0.9) 0.78 SIEIDrive ADV200 .85) 0. At the design stage.14 kVA DC-Link total capacity: AFE200.97 (4*0.3220): Drive ADV200-DC Drive + components AFE regenerative Line chokes EMI filter Pre-charge kit Fuses mains side connection Description ADV-61132-KXX-4-DC Description AFE200-3220-KXX-4 LR3-48-150-1.DC Drive + components AFE regenerative Line chokes EMI filter Pre-charge kit Fuses mains side connection Description ADV-61110-KXX-4-DC Description AFE200-5900-KXX-4 LR3-200-350-0.. 6 Input Data Sizes AFE200 3220 4450 5900 Input voltage ULN [VAC] Overvoltage threshold (Overvoltage) [VDC] Undervoltage threshold (Undervoltage) [VDC] Input current THD Cosphi 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 380 .6 500 kW ADV200-DC 61320 ADV200 ..gefran.com 79 5.99 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW Input current THD “Clean Power” Technology.15% .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.. 500 VAC +5% 820 380 ≤ 5% ≥ 0. Mains voltage Mains current From AC inverter From AFE200 power supply unit APPENDIX _____ _____ PROGRAM. Mains input power factor AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .4 . From AC inverter From AFE200 power supply unit The AFE200 uses advanced control algorithms to maintain the input current in phase with voltage.Gefran Spa . The AFE200 integrates cutting-edge energy recovery and energy efficiency technology. 9 0.9 0.9 0.2 1.9 0.9 0.2 1.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 .7 0.2 1.9 0.9 0.2 1.8 0.9 0.9 0. and no derating factor is applied.2% * 10 = 12% derating.2 1.5’‘) 110 % x In ( 1’ every 5‘ ) Heavy Duty (1) .2 1.9 0.9 0. .9 Capacity KALT (4) 1.2 1.9 0. Kalt = 1.2 1.9 0.9 0.9 0.2 1.2 1.8 6.9 0.9 0. Value to be applied = 1.l.2 LD @400 VAC [A] 60 100 200 280 340 400 500 560 600 760 950 1060 1150 1500 1730 Kf (@ 8 kHz) (3) 0.80 SIEIDrive ADV200 .9 0.Current rating (A) 3 kHz 40 80 160 230 280 340 400 500 560 4 kHz 40 80 160 230 280 340 400 6 kHz 40 80 136 196 8 kHz 40 80 112 161 - AFE200 • (1): In Light Duty mode the switching frequency is fixed at 4 or 3 kHz.s.4 • Basic AC Input current for continuous operation IN Sizes AFE200 HD @400 VAC [A] 3220 4450 5900 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW 40 80 160 230 280 340 400 500 560 600 760 950 1060 1400 1500 Switching frequency fsw Default Higher Kv (1) 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 6.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.2 1. For example: Altitude 2000 m.9 Reduction factor KT (2) 0.12) % = 88 % In Overload Sizes AFE200 Heavy Duty [A] 3220 4450 5900 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW 60 120 240 345 420 510 600 750 840 900 1140 1425 1590 2100 2250 Derating according to switching frequency Light Duty [A] 66 110 220 308 374 440 550 616 660 836 1045 1166 1265 1650 1903 2 kHz 40 80 160 230 280 340 400 500 560 600 760 950 1060 1400 1500 Heavy Duty [A] 72 144 288 414 504 612 720 900 1008 1080 1368 1710 1908 2520 2700 150 % x In ( 1’ every 5‘ ) 180 % x In ( every 0.2 1.7 - Rated [μF] 1500 3400 6800 13600 16800 16800 25200 25200 25200 2 x 16800 2 x 25200 2 x 25200 2 x 25200 3 x 25200 3 x 25200 Maximum (AFE+Drive) [μF] 10000 10000 30000 30000 80000 80000 80000 80000 80000 2 x 80000 2 x 80000 2 x 80000 2 x 80000 3 x 80000 3 x 80000 HD: Heavy Duty (150% overload) LD: Light Duty (110% overload) (1) Kv : Derating factor for mains voltage at 650Vdc (460Vac) (2) Kt : Derating factor for ambient temperature of 50°C (1% every °C above 40°C) (3) Kf : Derating factor for higher switching frequency (4) Kalt : Derating factor for installation at altitudes above 1000 meters a.9 0.2 1.9 0.9 0.2% each 100 m increase above 1000 m.9 0. In derated = (100 .2 1. Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .gefran.com 81 ..7 Output Data .780 VDC APPENDIX PROGRAM.Gefran Spa . AFE output Sizes AFE200 Heavy Duty (150% overload) @400 VAC [kW] 3220 4450 5900 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW 1000 kW 28 55 110 159 194 236 277 346 388 416 527 658 734 970 1039 @460 VAC [kW] 29 57 115 165 201 244 287 358 402 430 545 681 760 1004 1075 Output current rating In (DC) (fsw = default) Light Duty (110% overload) @400 VAC [kW] 42 69 139 194 236 277 346 388 416 527 658 734 797 1039 1200 @460 VAC [kW] 43 72 143 201 244 287 358 402 430 545 681 760 825 1075 1242 Heavy Duty 650 VDC [A] 43 85 171 245 298 363 426 532 597 640 811 1012 1129 1492 1598 750 VDC [A] 39 76 153 220 268 325 383 477 536 551 699 873 974 1287 1378 Light Duty 650 VDC [A] 64 107 213 298 363 426 532 597 640 811 1012 1129 1226 1598 1846 750 VDC [A] 57 DC-link voltage rating [Vdc] 191 268 325 383 477 536 573 699 873 974 1058 1378 1592 650..6 ADV200-DC 96 ADV200 .4 5. Sizes AFE200 3220 4450 5900 61320 71600 72000 72500 73150 73550 400 kW AFE200-72000-KXX-4/4A-MS 04 AFE200-72000-XXX-4/4A-SL AFE200-72500-KXX-4/4A-MS 05 AFE200-72500-XXX-4/4A-SL AFE200-73150-KXX-4/4A-MS 06 AFE200-73150-XXX-4/4A 4-SL AFE200-73550-KXX-4/4A-MS 07 AFE200-73550-XXX-4/4A-SL AFE200-73150-KXX-4/4A-MS 09 900 kW AFE200-73150-XXX-4/4A-SL AFE200-73150-XXX-4/4A-SL AFE200-73550-KXX-4/4A-MS 10 1000 kW AFE200-73550-XXX-4/4A-SL AFE200-73550-XXX-4/4A-SL Max dissipated power [W] 400 770 1420 2000 2700 3200 3600 3900 4200 3200 3200 3600 3600 3900 3900 4200 4200 3900 3900 3900 4200 4200 4200 Fan capacity Dissipator [m3/h] 80 x 2 2 x 250 2 x 355 3 x 310 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Internal [m3/h] 32 2 x 50 2 x 170 2 x 170 - 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW AFE200 • .4 • Basic 5.82 SIEIDrive ADV200 .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 .8 Cooling All inverters are equipped with internal fans. 0 kW 1320 = 132.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.0 kW 3550 = 355.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .gefran.XX YY Only for parallel versions: XX : MS = MASTER SL = SLAVE YY : Inverter power in kW 04 = 400.0 kW 450 = 45.0 kW 3150 = 315.0 kW 10 = 1000.0 kW 07 = 710. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .4 Rated voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: Mechanical dimensions of the drive: Regenerative power supply unit.0 kW 09 = 900.0 kW 1100 = 110.0 kW 3 = size 3 K = included APPENDIX PROGRAM.X X X .0 kW 2000 = 200.0 kW 900 = 90.com 83 5.4 .Gefran Spa .0 kW 05 = 500.0 kW 4A = 460 VAC B = included K = included 1600 = 160.9 Order codes Product identification AFE200 .0 kW 2500 = 250.0 kW 6 = size 6 7 = size 7 Rated voltage: Software: Braking unit: Keypad: Inverter power in kW: 4 = 400 VAC X = standard X = not included X = not included 220 = 22.0 kW Mechanical dimensions of the drive: 3 = size 3 4 = size 4 5 = size 5 Regenerative power supply unit Active Front End Example: AFE200 .0 kW 06 = 630.X XXX . serie AFE200 4 = 400 VAC X = standard X = not included 220 = 22.Y .K X X .3 220 . filter CONFIGURATION 500kW 630kW Without choke . LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) CODE S9AF01 S9AF02 S9AF03 S9AF04 S9AF05 S9AF06 S9AF07 S9AF08 S9AF09 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION HD AFE200-3220-KXX-4 AFE200-4450-KXX-4 AFE200-5900-KXX-4 AFE200-61320-KXX-4 AFE200-71600-KXX-4 AFE200-72000-KXX-4 AFE200-72500-KXX-4 AFE200-73150-KXX-4 AFE200-73550-KXX-4 22kW 45kW 90kW 132kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW PN @ 400Vac LD 30kW 55kW 110kW 160kW 200kW 250kW 315kW 355kW 400kW Without choke .filter (No UL Mark) 710kW 800kW Without choke .filter Without choke .) .filter Without choke .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive Active Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit ADV200 .filter Without choke .3 X 460VAC (-4A) HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%).filter Without choke .84 AFE200 SIEIDrive ADV200 .Parallel configurations • • • • Active Front End regenerative inverter Model with "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad Power Supply 3 X 400VAC (-4) .filter Without choke . LD = Light Duty (Overload 110%) CODE S9AF21M S9AF21S S9AF22M S9AF22S S9AF23M S9AF23S S9AF24M S9AF24S S9AF231 S9AF23S S9AF23S S9AF241 S9AF24S S9AF24S Upon request Upon request Upon request Upon request PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION HD AFE200-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 AFE200-72000-XXX-4-SL AFE200-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 AFE200-72500-XXX-4-SL AFE200-73150-KXX-4-MS 06 AFE200-73150-XXX-4-SL AFE200-73550-KXX-4-MS 07 AFE200-73550-XXX-4-SL AFE200-73150-KXX-4-MS 09 AFE200-73150-XXX-4-SL AFE200-73150-XXX-4-SL AFE200-73550-KXX-4-MS 10 AFE200-73550-XXX-4-SL AFE200-73550-XXX-4-SL AFE200-73150-KXX-4A-MS 06 AFE200-73150-XXX-4A-SL AFE200-73550-KXX-4A-MS 07 AFE200-73550-XXX-4A-SL 1MW 1.filter (No UL Mark) 900kW 1MW Without choke .filter (No UL Mark) AFE200 • 630kW 710kW Without choke .filter Without choke .4 • Basic • • • • Active Front End regenerative inverter Model with "KB-ADV" Programming Keypad Power supply 3 X 400VAC HD = Heavy Duty (Overload 150%).filter (No UL Mark) 400kW PN @ 400Vac LD 500kW Without choke .filter Without choke .filter Without choke .filter CONFIGURATION AFE200 .2MW Without choke .filter 710kW 800kW Without choke .filter 630kW 710kW Without choke .filter (Contd. gefran.filter 1MW 1.2MW Without choke .Gefran Spa .6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .4 .com 85 CODE Upon request Upon request Upon request Upon request Upon request Upon request PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION HD AFE200-73150-KXX-4A-MS 09 AFE200-73150-XXX-4A-SL AFE200-73150-XXX-4A-SL AFE200-73550-KXX-4A-MS 10 AFE200-73550-XXX-4A-SL AFE200-73550-XXX-4A-SL PN @ 400Vac LD 1MW CONFIGURATION 900kW Without choke .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.filter APPENDIX PROGRAM. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 . Geflex) CD-ROM drive Serial communication with the device (Modbus) Ethernet communication with TCP Modbus devices Operating systems: Minimum PC requirements: Communication protocols supported: The selected product can be configured as follows: • • using a sub-set of predefined parameters using a guided graphic interface with context menus . This makes it possible to have a single library of devices for all Gefran products. sending serial commands to identify the type and parameters of communication. Drives. GF_eXpress is based on HTML technology. the configuration pages display the value of the single parameter in real-time..86 6. The graphic layout and content are intuitive and easy to use.1 “GF_eXpress” PC Configuration Tool Applications • Parameter configuration of Gefran devices (Instruments. • Print Prints the variables that are displayed or selected. • Monitor Window When the device is connected. . • • • • • • • • • • • Technical data Windows ® 2000. GF_eXpress. Programming SIEIDrive ADV200 . • Oscilloscope Simultaneous monitoring of up to 8 curves. Sensors) Tuning of control parameters with on-line tests and trends Management of parameter archive for multiple configuration The creation of custom parameter menus with a limited sub-set of data is envisaged. Pentium class CPU 512 MB of RAM Free space of > 200MB Graphic card min. etc.). thanks to the graphic interface and devices are grouped according to product type and functions. Besides displaying the value the Monitor Window also enables parameters to be modified in real-time. This function is used to manage same configurations on different devices or the transfer of configurations between different users.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 6. • • Features • • • • • • Guided product selection Simplified settings Multiple languages Parameter printout Creation and storing of recipes Network autoscan • Autoscan Device connection parameters can be configured manually or using the Autoscan function. The interface and descriptions of the configuration parameters are available in multi-language format. The procedures for selecting and configuring parameters are easy and intuitive. The use and support of UNICODE format. to enable better and more effective device configuration. Product searches are performed by means of a context search and a visual selection from among actual images of the products. enables the inclusion of languages that use special characters (Chinese. GF_eXpress is the software used to configure the parameters of the automation components. GF_eXpress also offers the following functions: PROGRAMMING • Keypad. Russian. Vista.g. • Basic ADV200 . The reference value for the curve being displayed can be selected from among all the variables that are available for the selected device. The Print function also includes the preview. • Recipes Saving and archiving a list of parameters. e. The Autoscan function automatically searches for the device connected to the development PC. drives and sensors in the Gefran catalogue. Korean. XP. VGA (1024x768) 1 RS232 or USB serial port 1 Ethernet port (for other Gefran devices. All details for configuration of each single device are set out in XML format to facilitate expansion of the catalogue and parameters. for multi-language management.4 MDPlc.. Turkish and Portuguese). Easy and Expert. ADV100 ADV200 . Stop. The displayed curves can be printed and stored in ASCII format and can be used with the most common data processing tools (for example Excel. Zoom Ramp output phase from 0 rpm to 1500 rpm of the previous cycle. variables to test performance levels achieved or to tune the control loops. The “Wizard” tool ensures totally user-friendly immediate startup functions. German. French.com 87 6. Italian. The curves can be displayed with different colours and they can be enabled/disabled.2 Programming Keypad The KB_ADV programming keypad (supplied as standard) makes the man-machine interface simple. Using SoftScope the user can easily display in a fast way some specific variables. ramp output reaches 0 rpm. Spanish. ramp reference 1500 rpm. climbing leading edge of a specific signal) Recording quality (a multiple of the basic clock at 1ms) Recording duration period System sizes to be recorded. Matlab). • • • • • • • • 4 line x 21 character display Alphanumeric plaintext Complete information regarding each parameter Fast navigation keys Key for displaying the last 10 parameters that have been changed DISP key for rapid display of operating parameters Uploading-Downloading and saving of 5 complete sets of drive parameters Remote control from a distance of up to 10 metres 6. The powerful platform also features a menu/parameter structure that is easy to interpret and is facilitated by the keypad functions and display. The cursor allows detection of the signal peaks and duration. AFE200 Speed cycle Start.g. SoftScope allows the definition of the following parameters: • • • • Trigger conditions (e. Russian. 1) start command 2) ramp input speed reference 3) ramp output APPENDIX PROGRAM. suitable for users of any level and all programming requirements. immediate and highly functional.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .4 . Polish. Romanian. ramp reference 0 rpm. 1) start command 2) ramp input speed reference 3) ramp output The recorded data are displayed as time-based curves and therefore can be analysed.gefran.Gefran Spa . The zoom function allows enlargement of the details.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. ramp output reaches 1500 rpm. for example commissioning variables.3 Softscope SoftScope is a software oscilloscope with synchronous sampling (buffered with a minimum sampling time of 1ms). The programming software is available in 2 modes. Standard features of the ADV200 include programming in 10 languages (English. however complex. automatic warehouse systems. together with the ability to include comments thereby making the program easier to be used. The MDPlc editor is very efficient due to specific functions such as syntax. The application can be structured on different levels. The languages that can be used to program specific custom applications are: • • • • • Instruction List (IL) Structured Text (ST) Ladder Diagram (LD) Function Block Diagram (FBD) Sequential Flow Chart (SFC) These languages can be used simultaneously within the same application so that the most suitable language is used for each application process. accuracy. The user can also use basic library blocks or create custom blocks to be incorporated into personalised libraries. instant voltage and currents. programming flexibility and short development times.3 standard languages. including the system (processor) and DSP ones (for example. • Basic ADV200 . downloading and debugging of the applications. integers. Depending on the application and in order to obtain the desired performance and accuracy levels. Again. The importance of the MDPlc's performance is particularly evident when defining advanced applications. by compiling the application written in the MDPlc environment with PLC languages in compliance with the IEC 61131-3 international standard. etc. MDPlc allows complete personalisation of the drives according to the application requirements using a "friendly" and powerful graphic interface. the user can also define some personalised drive parameter menus that can be used and modified by the GF_eXpress configurator of the drive.. Profibus-DP. including those with floating-point arithmetic.) both via the supervision PC/Plc and via the I/O remote modules.exe Plc Software Development tools Standard languages according to IEC 61131-3 V 10. .AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 6. GF_eXpress. The user can program each task with a high degree of precision in one or more of the IEC 61131 .. Fast Link. One of the two applications (1 or 2) is enabled via a parameter. The primary feature of MDPlc is its ability to create an application code for the drives in assembly language. The application can perform a direct data exchange using the available buses (DeviceNet.10 MDPlc 5. the textile sector and other applications requiring high reliability. the drive's basic functions continue to be executed.88 SIEIDrive ADV200 . etc.4 MDPlc. the user can organise the program to take best advantage of the system capacities in terms of languages and calculation times. 1S3A56 July 2008 CD-ROM MDPlc for ADV200 code 1S3A56 SIEIDrive . It is an integrated tool that allows writing. Inside the MDPlc application the user can define different variables (floating. Two MDPlc application programs can be stored on the drive. encoder variables and parameters).) and parameters.4 "MDPlc" advanced development environment The Motion Drive Programmable logic controller (MDPlc) development environment is a tool for the development of industrial applications based on the SIEIDrive ADV200 series of drives.98 cod. Typical situations where MDPlc applications have been developed are packaging. according to the block hierarchy and sequence. The user can also access all drive variables and parameters. the plastic and glass industry. When using an MDPlc application with the ADV200. PROGRAMMING • Keypad. The MDPlc development environment is structured on 5 "tasks" performed with different cycle times: • • • • • Task “Boot”: application boot (initialisation) Task “Fast”: cycle at 1ms (high priority) Task “Slow”: cycle at 8ms Task “Background”: asynchronous execution (low priority) Task “Parameter": asynchronous if a parameter is modified SIEIDrive ADV200 Requires: Windows ® 2000/XP/NT MDPlc development environment for ADV200 CD-ROM Insert this CD-ROM autorun setup. colouring and automatic insertion.10. CanOpen®. depending on the application. compiling. to create expressions. APPENDIX PROGRAM. This is divided and structured into paragraphs. can be displayed as numbers. which can be configured via a suitable window. CASE) and to implement iterations and loops (WHILE. ST is recommended in the MDPlc Fast Task at 1 ms. LD is based on the methods used to design relay logic. IL. The MDPlc environment supports the application debug by highlighting any programming errors. to evaluate conditions (IF.4 The representation of logical sequences in the form of the ladder diagram originates from the area of electrical plant engineering. which represent the logic units of SFC describes the sequential aspects of a program and it can be used to divide a control problem so that only relevant aspects to a specific phase are considered. • Structured Text (ST) Structured text is a high-level language. the variables are used with high accuracy so as to give a precise analysis of their condition. AFE200 ADV100 Sequential Function Chart is a powerful graphical language for the description of the sequential behaviour of a program in terms of states and transitions ADV200 . which are read in a synchronous way with each trigger. The execution and evaluation of a network is not completed until the output values of all elements have been calculated. represented in the form of electronic circuit diagrams. SFC can be useful for the development of programs with a welldefined "top-down" or "bottom-up" structure. and in suitable windows of all drive and application variables which have been configured via the drag-and drop mode. ADV200 . All input values must always be computed and available before the execution of a function block. which are then displayed in a suitable window during the compiling process. Usually SFC can include functions. the different colours can be connected to configurable events and conditions (trigger). with a structure similar to a simple machine assembler language. ADV200-DC MDPlc integrates a series of diagnostic tools supporting the application debug. ST has a comprehensive range of constructs to assign values to variables. The graphic curves are displayed with different colours for clarity. REPEAT UNTIL). its setting and optimisation. MDPlc allows the display. and also actions and transitions written with languages such as FBD. • Sequential Flow Chart (SFC) IL can be used when the execution time is critical. An ST program is usually organised as continuous text.gefran. as diagrams or tables. which are more suitable for descriptions of specific parts of the program and not of the sequential flow. implemented with the SFC program. computation functions. both numerically and graphically. The variables. Because the synchronous acquisitions are buffered at 1ms. hence its ease of use.Gefran Spa . complex arithmetic calculations and control structure.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. • Instruction List (IL) Instruction List is a low-level language. This form of representation is particularly suitable for implementing relay switching operations in PLC programs. FBD derives from the graphic representation of flow diagrams. Within one network. the execution direction is always from left to right. It is ideal for solving small straightforward problems where there are few decision points and a limited number of changes in the program execution flow. to call functions and function blocks. The wide range of basic commands satisfies the needs of the data management. It has a syntax that on first appearance is very similar to Pascal language. for example in the MDPlc Fast Task at 1ms.6 During the application development and testing. it is possible to insert some triggers into pre-defined code points. FBD is based on viewing a system in terms of the flow of signals. where the execution time is critical.com 89 • Debug tools • Ladder Diagram (LD) • Function Block Diagram (FBD) The basic idea behind PLC programming with the function block diagram is that the program is structured in function-oriented logical sequence cascades (networks). the ST program. . function blocks and programs. The highlighted error is displayed together with its position and error cause showing a direct link to the program section to be analysed. LD or ST. Accessories 7.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 7.1 Fuses SIEIDrive ADV200 .1.1. External network side fuses (F1) ADV200-DC Size Europe America ADV200-4 APPENDIX • Accessories & Options ADV200-6 ADV100 Model Code Model Code ADV200-4 ADV-1007 ADV-1015 ADV-1022 ADV-1030 ADV-1040 ADV-2055 ADV-2075 ADV-2110 ADV-3150 ADV-3185 ADV-3220 ADV-4300 ADV-4370 ADV-4450 ADV-5550 ADV-5750 ADV-5900 ADV-61100 ADV-61320 ADV-71600 ADV-72000 ADV-72500 ADV-73150 ADV-73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW 900 kW ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV200-6 ADV-6750 ADV-7900 ADV-71100 ADV-71320 ADV-92500 ADV-105000 ADV-106300 ADV-108000 ADV-1012000 S00C+/üf1/80/160A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/160A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/200A/690V S1üf1/110/250A/690V S2üf1/110/400A/690V 800A/690V 800A/690V 1250A/690V 900A/690V F4EAL F4EAL F4G23 F4G28 F4G34 A70P175 A70P175 A70P200 A70P300 A70P400 S7G57 S7G57 S7G58 S7G60 S7G62      (1) (1) (1) (2) 1000 kW GRD2/10 GRD2/10 GRD2/10 GRD2/10 GRD2/16 GRD2/16 GRD2/25 GRD3/35 GRD3/50 GRD3/50 S00C+/üf1/80/80A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/80A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/100A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/125A/690V S00/üf1/80/200A/690V S00/üf1/80/200A/690V S1üf1/110/250A/690V S1üf1/110/315A/690V S2üf1/110/400A/690V S2üf1/110/500A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf1/110/800A/690V F4D13 F4D13 F4D13 F4D13 F4D14 F4D14 F4D16 F4D20 F4D21 F4D21 F4EAF F4EAF F4G18 F4EAJ F4G23 F4G23 F4G28 F4G30 F4G34 F4E30 F4E31 F4E31 F4G87 F4G87 F4E31 F4E31 F4E31 F4E31 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 F4G87 A70P10 A70P10 A70P10 A70P10 A70P20-1 A70P20-1 A70P35 A70P35 A70P50 A70P50 A70P80 A70P80 A70P100 A70P150 A70P200 A70P200 A70P250 A70P350 A70P400 A70P500 A70P600 A70P600 A70P800 A70P800 A70P600 A70P600 A70P600 A70P600 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 S7G49 S7G49 S7G49 S7G49 S7G48 S7G48 S7G86 S7G86 S7G53 S7G53 S7G54 S7G54 S7G55 S7G56 S7G58 S7G58 S7G59 S7G61 S7G62 S7G63 S7G65 S7G65 S7813 S7813 S7G65 S7G65 S7G65 S7G65 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813                                       AFE200 .90 7. 72000-.com 91 ADV200-DC Size Europe America ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100 Model Code Model Code ADV100 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 AFE200 AFE-3220 AFE... APPENDIX PROGRAM. . weights..73150-..85000 AFE. GRD...71600 AFE.73150-.72500-.Gefran Spa .4450 AFE..-MS AFE. Bussmann (1) : 3 internal fuses in the SM32-...72500 AFE... .73550-.73550 AFE...-6 power supply unit. Z22. (2) : 6 internal fuses in the SM32-.-MS AFE... can be found in the manufacturers' catalogues: Tipo M.. etc.910000 Technical data for fuses.87100 AFE. Eltville A70.61320 AFE. S..... fuse blocks..73150-..-SL S00C+/üf1/80/80A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/125A/690V S1üf1/110/250A/690V S2üf1/110/315A/690V S2üf2/110/400A/690V S2üf2/110/500A/690V S3üf1/110/630A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S2üf2/110/500A/690V S2üf2/110/500A/690V S3üf1/110/630A/690V S3üf1/110/630A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V F4EAF F4EAJ F4G28 F4G30 F4G34 F4E30 F4E31 F4H02 F4H02 F4E30 F4E30 F4E31 F4E31 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 F4H02 A70P80 A70P150 A70P250 A70P350 A70P400 A70P500 A70P600 A70P800 A70P800 A70P500 A70P500 A70P600 A70P600 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 A70P800 S7G54 S7G56 S7G59 S7G61 S7G62 S7G63 S7G65 S7813 S7813 S7G63 S7G63 S7G65 S7G65 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813 S7813                        GRD2/20 GRD2/25 GRD2/25 GRD3/35 Z22GR63 Z22GR63 Z22GR80 S00C+/üf1/80/80A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/80A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/100A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/125A/690V S00/üf1/80/160A/690V S00/üf1/80/200A/690V F4D15 F4D16 F4D16 F4D20 F4M17 F4M17 F4M19 F4EAF F4EAF F4G18 F4EAJ F4EAL F4G23 A70P20 A70P25 A70P25 A70P35 A70P60-4 A70P60-4 A70P80 A70P80 A70P80 A70P100 A70P150 A70P150 A70P200 S7G48 S7G48 S7G48 S7G51 S7I34 S7I34 S7G54 S7G54 S7G54 S7G55 S7G56 S7G56 S7G58              AFE200 AFE.-SL AFE.73150-. Ferraz FWP..73150 AFE..-SL AFE.-MS AFE.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. including dimensions.73550-.-MS AFE.73550-....gefran..73550-...... AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 . dissipated power..5900 AFE.72500-..72000-..-6 power supply unit.-SL AFE.86300 AFE..73150-.-SL AFE.. Jean Müller.-MS AFE.84000 AFE.-MS AFE.-SL AFE.4 .-MS AFE. (a coltello)...73550-.99000 AFE....-SL AFE.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 ..72000 AFE. ADV-3220 ADV-4300 ADV-4370 ADV-4450 ADV-5550 ADV-5750 ADV-5900 ADV-61100 ADV-61320 .. Z22. Eltville A70. Ferraz FWP..ADV-71600 ADV-72000 ADV-72500 ADV-73150 . fuse blocks. Bussmann (1) : Please contact the Gefran Sales Office.ADV-73550 ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 400 kW ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 500 kW ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 630 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 710 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 900 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV100 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 ... Fuses for the DC connection (F2) Size Europe America ADV200-DC ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100            APPENDIX • Accessories & Options Model Code Model Code ADV200-4 / ADV200-DC ADV-1007 ... including dimensions... 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 ADV200-6 ADV-6750 .-6 power supply unit. (2) Internal fuses in the SM32-. (1) (2) GRD2/10 GRD2/16 GRD2/20 GRD2/20 GRD3/35 GRD3/50 S00C+/üf1/80/80A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/100A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/125A/690V S00C+/üf1/80/160A/690V S00/üf1/80/200A/690V S1üf1/110/250A/690V S1üf1/110/315A/690V S2üf1/110/400A/690V S2üf1/110/500A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S2üf1/110/630A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/800A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V S3üf1/110/1000A/690V GRD2/20 GRD2/25 GRD3/35 GRD3/50 Z22GR63 Z22GR80 S00C+/uf1/80/100A/690V S00C+/uf1/80/125A/690V S00C+/uf1/80/160A/690V S00/uf1/80/200A/690V S00/uf1/80/250A/690V F4D13 F4D14 F4D15 F4D15 F4D20 F4D21 F4EAF F4G18 F4EAJ F4EAL F4G23 F4G28 F4G30 F4G34 F4E30 F4E31 F4H02 F4H03 F4E31 F4E31 F4H02 F4H02 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4H03 F4D15 F4D16 F4D20 F4D21 F4M17 F4M19 F4G18 F4EAJ F4EAL F4G23 F4G28 A70P10 A70P20-1 A70P20-1 A70P30-1 A70P40 A70P50 A70P80 A70P100 A70P150 A70P150 A70P200 A70P250 A70P350 A70P400 A70P500 A70P600 A70P800 A70P1000 A70P600 A70P600 A70P800 A70P800 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P1000 A70P20 A70P25 A70P35 A70P50 A70P60-4 A70P80 A70P100 A70P150 A70P150 A70P200 A70P250 S7G49 S7G48 S7G48 S7I50 S7G52 S7G53 S7G54 S7G55 S7G56 S7G56 S7G58 S7G59 S7G61 S7G62 S7G63 S7G65 S7813 S7812 S7G65 S7G65 S7813 S7813 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7812 S7G48 S7G48 S7G51 S7G53 S7I34 S7G54 S7G55 S7G56 S7G56 S7G58 S7G59                                                          AFE200 .92 SIEIDrive ADV200 . weights.... can be found in the manufacturers' catalogues: GRD.2.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive 7. ADV-1022 ADV-1030 ADV-1040 ADV-2055 ADV-2075 ADV-2110 ADV-3150 .. ADV-1012000 Technical data for fuses... Jean Müller. ..... etc.. ADV-92500 ADV-105000 .1.. dissipated power. AC) A three-phase mains choke is mandatory for sizes of ≥ 160 kW.2..2 Chokes 7.04 0.085 0. Input choke (L1 .com 93 7.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.1.04 309 420 420 550 700 700 420 420 550 550 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 618 710 710 1050 900 900 710 710 1050 1050 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 LR3-160 LR3-200 LR3-200 LR3-315 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-200 LR3-200 LR3-315 LR3-315 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 LR3-ADV-355 S7D40 S7AE9 S7AE9 S7D28 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7AE9 S7AE9 S7D28 S7D28 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 S7LR01 (1)                         APPENDIX PROGRAM.085 0.085 0.gefran.04 0.04 SP / SL 0.04 0.06 0.085 0. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .04 0.04 SP / SL 0..6  ADV200-DC [mH] [A] [A] AFE200 ADV200 . ADV200-DC Size ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV100 ADV200-4 ADV-1007 .04 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.Gefran Spa .04 0. ADV-61320 ADV-71600 ADV-72000 ADV-72500 ADV-73150 ADV-73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 900 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV200-6 ADV-6750 ADV-7900 ADV-71100 ADV-71320 ADV-92500 ADV-105000 ADV-106300 ADV-108000 ADV-1012000 ADV100 (THD < 70 %:) 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 9 13 16 22 30 38 45 LR3y-2040 LR3y-2055 LR3y-2075 LR3y-3110 LR3y-3150 LR3-022 LR3-022 S7AAG S7AB5 S7AB6 S7AB7 S7AB8 S7FF4 S7FF4        135 70 70 55 40 335 580 760 780 1150 365 750 900 1050 1550 LR3y-6-250 LR3y-6-500 LR3y-6-630 LR3y-6-800 LR3y-6-1200 S7AD6 S7AF6 S7AD7 S7FO7 S7FO2 (1) (1) (1) (1) SP / SL SP SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL 0.4 .06 0.085 0.04 0. 21 0.-SL AFE.-MS AFE.72500-.15 0.21 0...-MS AFE.18 0.18 0.-SL AFE.72000 AFE.-MS AFE. use DC chokes wired between terminals C1 and C.910000 AFE..72500 AFE.-SL AFE..15 0.15 0..72500-.15 0..85000 AFE..-SL SP / SL SL SP SP SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL SP SL SP / SL SP SL SP SL SP / SL SP / SL SP SL SP SL SP / SL 1.73150-..73150-..61320 AFE..-SL AFE..73550-.18 0.73550-.73550 AFE....73150-.21 0.32 0..73150-.4450 AFE.21 0.73150-.86300 AFE..-SL AFE.21 0. AFE200 .45 0.84000 AFE.15 0.73150-.15 48 60 94 200 280 280 430 430 430 530 530 600 600 430 430 430 430 530 530 530 530 600 600 600 600 530 530 530 600 600 600 600 600 600 150 100 290 350 500 500 900 900 900 1125 1125 1250 1250 900 900 900 900 1125 1125 1125 1125 1250 1250 1250 1250 1125 1125 1125 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 LR3-4-022-AFE LR3-4-030-AFE LR3-4-045-AFE LR3-4-090-AFE LR3-4-160-AFE LR3-4-160-AFE LR3-4-250-AFE LR3-4-250-AFE LR3-4-250-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-250-AFE LR3-4-250-AFE LR3-4-250-AFE LR3-4-250-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-315-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE LR3-4-355-AFE S7AC5 S7AL01 S7AE7 S7AL02 S7AL03 S7AL03 S7AL05 S7AL05 S7AL05 S7AL06 S7AL06 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL05 S7AL05 S7AL05 S7AL05 S7AL06 S7AL06 S7AL06 S7AL06 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL06 S7AL06 S7AL06 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL04 S7AL04                                   8 12 15 20 28 35 40 LDC-004 LDC-005 LDC-007 LDC-011 LDC-015 LDC-022 LDC-022 S7AI10 S7AI11 S7AI12 S7AI13 S7AI14 S7AI15 S7AI15 (1) : integrated choke on DC-Link Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue ( 1S9I09) for choke weights and dimensions.-SL AFE.-MS AFE.73550-..15 0.18 0.-MS AFE...94 SIEIDrive ADV200 .-SL AFE.-MS AFE.-MS AFE.2 0..18 0. (3) To reduce the line current THD even more (< 35%).15 0.72000-.73550-.15 0.21 0..-SL AFE..18 0..715 0.85000 AFE..86300 AFE..99000 AFE.99000 AFE.73550-.5 1.-MS AFE.-SL AFE..32 0.-MS AFE..73150-.18 0.-SL AFE.73150 AFE.73150-.72500-..-MS AFE....71600 AFE.73150-.5900 AFE.....87100 AFE.18 0.....15 0.72000-.72500-.15 0..15 0.73150-.21 0.18 0..AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC Size ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV100        APPENDIX • Accessories & Options [mH] [A] [A] ADV100 (THD < 35 %) : (3) 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 AFE200 AFE-3220 AFE.. 87 1.03 0.24 0.43 0.4 0.com 95 7.Gefran Spa .4 0.03 0.87 0.gefran.07 0..2.5 16 9.24 0.041 0.4 0.18 0.43 0.5 16 9.5 16 9.041 0.12 0.041 0.33 0.2.87 0.07 0.51 0.87 1.Size 1007 .12 0. AFE200  ADV100   ADV200 .07 0.5 16 16 27 27 32 27 32 32 42 42 58 58 58 58 76 76 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 310 310 310 310 310 310 400 400 580 20 34 20 34 20 34 20 34 20 34 34 57 57 68 57 68 68 72 72 100 100 100 100 130 130 205 205 310 310 310 310 310 310 540 540 540 540 540 540 770 770 1100 LU3-003 LU3-005 LU3-003 LU3-005 LU3-003 LU3-005 LU3-003 LU3-005 LU3-003 LU3-005 LU3-005 LU3-011 LU3-011 LU3-015 LU3-011 LU3-015 LU3-015 LU3-022 LU3-022 LU3-030 LU3-030 LU3-030 LU3-030 LU3-037 LU3-037 LU3-055 LU3-055 LU3-090 LU3-090 LU3-090 LU3-090 LU3-090 LU3-090 LU3-160 LU3-160 LU3-160 LU3-160 LU3-160 LU3-160 LU3-200 LU3-200 LU3-315 S7FG2 S7FG3 S7FG2 S7FG3 S7FG2 S7FG3 S7FG2 S7FG3 S7FG2 S7FG3 S7FG3 S7FG4 S7FG4 S7FM2 S7FG4 S7FM2 S7FM2 S7FH3 S7FH3 S7FH4 S7FH4 S7FH4 S7FH4 S7FH5 S7FH5 S7FH6 S7FH6 S7F10 S7F10 S7F10 S7F10 S7F10 S7F10 S7FH8 S7FH8 S7FH8 S7FH8 S7FH8 S7FH8 S7AF0 S7AF0 S7FH9                                                               APPENDIX  PROGRAM.23 0. 73550 Size Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV200-DC ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100 [mH] [A] [A] ADV200-4/ ADV200-DC ADV-1007 ADV-1015 ADV-1022 ADV-1030 ADV-1040 ADV-2055 ADV-2075 ADV-2110 ADV-3150 ADV-3185 ADV-3220 ADV-4300 ADV-4370 ADV-4450 ADV-5550 ADV-5750 ADV-5900 ADV-61100 ADV-61320 ADV-71600 ADV-72000 SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL SP SL 1.43 0.07 0.4 0.51 0.07 0.87 1.51 0.041 0.041 0.4 .041 0.07 0. Output choke (L2) .87 1.23 0.5 16 9.4 0.33 0.6 ADV200-DC  AFE200 ADV200 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.18 0..022 9. 87 0. Motor cables up to 50 metres in length. AFE200 AFE200 .022 0.07 0.4 0. 7. Motor cables up to 80 metres in length.015 0.015 0.07 0.51 0. * 2 chokes for each inverter.015 0.33 0.015 1.2.18 0.43 0.3.07 580 580 730 730 730 730 9.022 0.5 16 27 27 32 42 58 58 76 120 180 180 180 1100 1100 1240 1240 1240 1240 20 34 57 57 68 72 100 100 130 205 310 310 310 LU3-315 LU3-315 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-003 LU3-005 LU3-011 LU3-011 LU3-015 LU3-022 LU3-030 LU3-030 LU3-037 LU3-055 LU3-090 LU3-090 LU3-090 S7FH9 S7FH9 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FG2 S7FG3 S7FG4 S7FG4 S7FM2 S7FH3 S7FH4 S7FH4 S7FH5 S7FH6 S7F10 S7F10 S7F10             Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue ( 1S9I09) for choke weights and dimensions.96 Size SIEIDrive ADV200 .51 0.23 0.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV100              APPENDIX • Accessories & Options [mH] [A] [A] ADV-72500 ADV-73150 ADV-73550 ADV100 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 SP SL SP SL SP SL 0.23 0. Output choke (L2) .ADV200-6 Size Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV200-DC ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100 [μH] [A] [A] ADV-6750 ADV-7900 ADV-71100 ADV-71320 ADV-92500 ADV-105000 ADV-106300 ADV-108000 ADV-1012000 280 230 230 200 90 36 36 20 10 102 148 148 160 350 600 800 400 600 125 180 180 220 385 800 950 550 815 LU3-6-75 LU3-6-110 LU3-6-110 LU3-6-132 LU3-6-250 LU3-6-500 LU3-6-630 LU3-6-800/2 * LU3-6-1200/2 * S7AE1 S7AE2 S7AE2 S7AD8 S7AF7 S7AD9 S7FO6 S7FO1          Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue ( 1S9I09) for choke weights and dimensions.12 0. Current distributor output choke ADV200-DC Size ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV100 AFE200 AFE200 [μH] [A] [A] 400 kW 500 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 SP / SL SP SL SP / SL SP / SL 7.0 5. choose from one of the options listed below.0 5.4 The use of output chokes is mandatory for these sizes.5 5.0 5. AFE200 ADV100 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL SP / SL 5.0 5.2.0 5.0 5.5 7.com 97 7.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .gefran.4.Models with parallel connection 400.5 7..0  ADV200 .5 7. Bus bars with integrated output chokes Nota: viste senza protezione.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.Gefran Spa .0 5.0  Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue ( 1S9I09) for choke weights and dimensions. 2.0 5. Note: views without protections ADV200-DC Size ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV100 [μH] [A] [A] 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL EAM 2641 EAM 2641 EAM 2641 EAM 2641 S72641 S72641 S72641 S72641         APPENDIX PROGRAM.0 5. as a function of the application/connection : .. Output choke (L2) .0 450 450 450 450 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 675 675 675 675 975 975 975 975 975 975 975 975 975 975 975 975 LU3-4-500 LU3-4-500 LU3-4-500 LU3-4-500 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 LU3-4-800 S7FFI2 S7FFI2 S7FFI2 S7FFI2 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1 S7FFI1                               900 kW SP / SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL 5. Note: views without protections Nota: viste senza protezione. 1000 kW 1. AFE200 AFE200 .98 Size SIEIDrive ADV200 .015 0.015 0.03 0.015 Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue ( 1S9I09) for choke weights and dimensions.015 0.022 0.03 0.015 0. EAM 2641_1 S726411   EAM 2641_1 S726411   3.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 400 400 580 580 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 770 770 1100 1100 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 1240 LU3-200 LU3-200 LU3-315 LU3-315 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 LU3-400 S7AF0 S7AF0 S7FH9 S7FH9 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8 S7FO8                                 900 kW SP / SL 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL SP / SL 0.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code ADV100 ADV100 APPENDIX • Accessories & Options [μH] [A] [A] ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 900 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue ( 1S9I09) for choke weights and dimensions.022 0.015 0.015 0. Standard output chokes (with motor cables > 100 metres long) ADV200-DC Size ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Output inverter Choke rating Current rating Current saturation Model Code [μH] [A] [A] 400 kW 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 SP SL SP / SL SP / SL SP / SL 0. 6  ADV200-DC Model Code Model Code AFE200 EN 61800-3 : Category / Environment / Length of motor cables ADV200 . ADV200-DC Size Heavy Duty Light Duty ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100 ADV200-4 (Supply voltage 3 x 380Vac -15% … 500Vac +5%) ≥ ADV-1007 ADV-1007 ADV-1015 ADV-1022 ADV-1030 ADV-1040 ADV-2055 ADV-2075 ADV-2110 ADV-3150 ADV-3185 ADV-3220 ADV-4300 ADV-4370 ADV-4450 ADV-5550 ADV-5750 ADV-5900 ADV-61100 ADV-61320 ADV-71600 ADV-72000 ADV-72500 ADV-73150 ADV-73550 400 kW 500 kW 630 kW 710 kW ADV-72000-KXX-4-MS 04 ADV-72000-XXX-4-SL ADV-72500-KXX-4-MS 05 ADV-72500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 06 ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 07 ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-KXX-4-MS 09 900 kW ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-731500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-KXX-4-MS 10 1000 kW ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ADV-735500-XXX-4-SL ECF3 EMI FTF-480-7 EMI FTF-480-7 EMI FTF-480-7 EMI FTF-480-7 EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-30 EMI FTF-480-30 EMI FTF-480-42 EMI FTF-480-55 EMI FTF-480-75 EMI FTF-480-75 EMI FTF-480-100 EMI FTF-480-130 EMI FTF-480-180 EMI FTF-480-180 EMI-480-250 EMI-480-250 EMI-480-400 EMI-480-400 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-400 EMI-480-400 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 F4ZZ2 S7GHL S7GHL S7GHL S7GHL S7GHO S7GHO S7GHO S7GHP S7GHP S7GOA S7GOB S7GOC S7GOC S7GOD S7GOE S7GOF S7GOF S7DGG S7DGG S7DGI S7DGI S7DGL S7DGM S7DGM S7DGI S7DGI S7DGL S7DGL S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM ECF3 EMI FTF-480-7 EMI FTF-480-7 EMI FTF-480-7 EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-30 EMI FTF-480-30 EMI FTF-480-42 EMI FTF-480-55 EMI FTF-480-75 EMI FTF-480-75 EMI FTF-480-100 EMI FTF-480-130 EMI FTF-480-180 EMI FTF-480-180 EMI-480-250 EMI-480-250 EMI-480-320 EMI-480-400 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-600 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 EMI-480-800 F4ZZ2 S7GHL S7GHL S7GHL S7GHO S7GHO S7GHO S7GHP S7GHP S7GOA S7GOB S7GOC S7GOC S7GOD S7GOE S7GOF S7GOF S7DGG S7DGG S7DGH S7DGI S7DGL S7DGL S7DGM S7DGM S7DGL S7DGL S7DGL S7DGL S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM S7DGM C4 / 2° / 100 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C2 / 1° / 30 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m                                      APPENDIX PROGRAM.4 .3 External EMC filters Standard ADV200 inverters are provided with an internal filter to guarantee performance levels required by EN 61800-3 (for the second environment. Optional external filters for different installations are listed in the table below.  AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. maximum 20 metres in length (up to 50 metres for size 5 and bigger).com 99 7.gefran. Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue (1S9I09) for filter weights and dimensions.Gefran Spa . category C3) with a shielded motor cable. ..-MS AFE-99000 AFE-73150-.-SL AFE-73550-.....-SL AFE-73150-.......-MS AFE-910000 AFE-73550-.-MS AFE-73150-... 5900 AFE200 AFE-3220 AFE-4450 AFE-5900 AFE-61320 AFE-71600 AFE-72000 AFE-72500 AFE-73150 AFE-73550 AFE-84000 AFE-85000 AFE-86300 AFE-87100 AFE-72000-..-SL AFE-73150-.-SL AFE-73550-. ADV-71320 ADV-92500 ADV-105000 ADV-106300 ADV-108000 ADV-1012000 ADV100 (Supply voltage 230 Vac -15% ..-SL EMI FN3120-480-50 EMI FN3120-480-80 EMI FN3120-480-230 EMI FN3120-480-230 EMI FN3359-480-320 EMI FN3359-480-400 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-400 EMI FN3359-480-400 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 S7DGV S73EE S74EE S74EE S7GOH S7GHY S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHY S7GHY S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW EMI FN3120-480-80 EMI FN3120-480-110 EMI FN3120-480-230 EMI FN3359-480-320 EMI FN3359-480-400 EMI FN3359-480-400 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-400 EMI FN3359-480-400 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 EMI FN3359-480-600 S73EE S7DGZ S74EE S7GOH S7GHY S7GHY S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHY S7GHY S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW S7GHW C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m C3 / 2° / 50 m                        EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-16 EMI FTF-480-30 EMI FTF-480-30 EMI FTF-480-42 EMI FTF-480-55 EMI FTF-480-55 EMI FTF-480-75 EMI FTF-480-75 EMI FTF-480-100 EMI FTF-480-130 EMI FTF-480-180 EMI FTF-480-180 ECF3 S7GHO S7GHO S7GHP S7GHP S7GOA S7GOB S7GOB S7GOC S7GOC S7GOD S7GOE S7GOF S7GOF F4ZZ2 C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C2/1°/30m C3/2°/100m C3/2°/100m C3/2°/100m C4/2°/100m EMI 690-180 EMI 690-320 EMI 690-600 EMI 690-1000 S7DGP S7DGR S7DGS S7DGT C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m C3 / 2° / 100 m     (1) (1) (1) : Please contact the Gefran Sales Office. (2) The ADV100 inverter from size 4300 and higher is provided with an internal filter as standard.100 Size SIEIDrive ADV200 .-MS AFE-72500-.-SL AFE-73550-..-SL AFE-72500-. Optional external filters capable of enhancing system performance are listed in the table below.... 500 Vac +5%) 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 5900 1040 ...AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC Heavy Duty Light Duty ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100               Model Code Model Code APPENDIX • Accessories & Options ADV200-6 (Supply voltage 690 ±10%) ADV-6750 ...-SL AFE-73150-....-MS AFE-73550-..... AFE200 EN 61800-3 : Category / Environment / Length of motor cables .....-MS AFE-72000-. 7 7.5 1..service 10% Braking resistor value Housing ADV200-DC ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Ebr (kJ) Ebr (kJ) Pnbr (W) Rbr (Ω) ADV100 ADV-1007 ADV-1015 ADV-1022 ADV-1030 ADV-1040 ADV-2055 ADV-2075 ADV-2110 ADV-3150 ADV-3185 ADV-3220 ADV-4300 ADV-4370 ADV-4450 ADV-5550 ≥ ADV-5750 ADV100 1040 1055 2075 2110 3150 3185 3220 4300 4370 4450 5550 5750 .. Size Model Code PBraking resistor power rating Max.. APPENDIX PROGRAM. overload 30”. (2) External braking unit (series BUy-.5 2.4 .gefran. Refer to the Gefran Accessories catalogue (Code 1S9I09) for resistor weights and dimensions.Gefran Spa . optional).com 101 7.5 9 11 19 40 40 40 40 40 40 11 11 19 19 38 38 48 58 75 150 150 150 150 150 150 220 220 300 300 750 750 900 1100 1900 4000 4000 4000 4000 8000 8000 100 100 100 100 100 68 68 40 28 15.7 7..6 11.4 Braking resistors Suggested braking resistors for use with an internal braking unit.6 7. overload 1”.6 ADV200-DC ADV100 AFE200 ADV200 .7 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20                (1)               (1) (2)           (1) (1) External braking unit (series BUy-.5 9 11 19 40 40 40 40 40 40 38 38 48 58 75 150 150 150 150 150 150 750 750 900 1100 1900 4000 4000 4000 4000 8000 8000 100 68 68 40 28 15. for information please contact the Gefran Sales Office. 92500 please see the Accessories catalogue ( 1S9I09).7 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 RF 220 T 100R RF 220 T 100R RF 300 DT 100R RF 300 DT 100R RFPD 750 DT 100R RFPD 750 DT 68R RFPD 900 DT 68R RFPD 1100 DT 40R RFPR 1900 D 28R BRT4K0-15R4 BRT4K0-15R4 BRT4K0-11R6 BRT4K0-11R6 BRT8K0-7R7 BRT8K0-7R7 S8T0CE S8T0CE S8T0CB S8T0CB S8SY4 S8T0CD S8SY5 S8SY6 S8SZ5 S8T00G S8T00G S8T00H S8T00H S8T00I S8T00I 1.5 7. AFE200  ADV100  ADV200 . 5900 RFPD 750 DT 100R RFPD 750 DT 68R RFPD 900 DT 68R RFPD 1100 DT 40R RFPD 1900 D 28R BRT4K0-15R4 BRT4K0-15R4 BRT4K0-11R6 BRT4K0-11R6 BRT8K0-7R7 BRT8K0-7R7 S8SY4 S8T0CD S8SY5 S8SY6 S8SZS S8T00G S8T00G S8T00H S8T00H S8T00I S8T00I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.4 15.. for bigger sizes please contact the Gefran Sales Office..5 2.-6. size 6750 ..4 11.5 7.6 7.5 7. optional)..4 11..service 25% Max.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.6 11..4 15. 4 digital outputs .2 freeze channels    S5L31 EXP-SE-I1R1F2-ADV Sinusoidal incremental encoder expansion card 1 encoder input .1 encoder input 1 encoder output . Options SIEIDrive ADV200 .4 relay S569L EXP-IO-D12A2R4-ADL S566L EXP-IO-D16R4-ADL S567L EXP-IO-D4-ADL 2 digital inputs .2 freeze channels    S5L32 Sinusoidal incremental encoder expansion card EXP-SESC-I1R1F2-ADV + Absolute SinCos .2 freeze channels    S5L33 EXP-EN/SSI-I1R1F2ADV EXP-HIP-I1R1F2-ADV Expansion card for Sinusoidal incremental encoder + Absolute SinCos .2 analog inputs .2 relay 8 digital inputs .2 freeze channels    Expansion card for Sinusoidal incremental encoder S5L34 + Absolute Hiperface .2 digital outputs S580L EXP-IO-D6R2-F-ADL 6 digital inputs .2 analog outputs -4 relay 12 digital inputs .2 analog outputs .1 encoder input 1 encoder output .4 digital outputs .2 freeze channels    S5L04 EXP-DE-I1R1F2-ADL Digital encoder 3 Channels + Repeat + 2 Freeze I/O expansion cards S526L EXP-IO-D6A4R1-ADV 4 digital inputs / 2 digital outputs / 2 analog inputs / 2 analog outputs / 2 double contact relays     S568L EXP-IO-D8R4-ADL 8 digital inputs .4 relay 8 digital inputs .1 encoder output .2 freeze channels    S5L35 EXP-DE-I2R1F2-ADV TTL/HTL digital encoder expansion card 2 encoder inputs .1 encoder output .1 encoder output .1 encoder input 1 encoder output .102 8.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC Code Option Description ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100        APPENDIX • Accessories & Options Encoder expansion cards S5L30 EXP-DE-I1R1F2-ADV TTL/HTL digital encoder expansion card 1 encoder input .4 relay S570L EXP-IO-D8A4R4-ADL AFE200 . Gefran Spa .Bus address: 1. 4 PDO of 4 I/O words for fast access .Data frame: configuration channel for access to all drive parameters. 16 Polling I/O words for fast access Expansion card for Profibus_DP interface S530L EXP-PDP-ADV     - EXP-GDNET-ADV Expansion card for GD-net interface .6 kbit/s ...Transmission speed 9..Data frame: Explicit Messaging for access to all drive parameters. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .128     DeviceNet: .. 12 Mbit/s ..Drive & Motion Control Unit • www. 500 kbit/s ..Transmission speed: 125.125 .Transmission speed: up to 1 Mbit/s S527L EXP-CAN-ADV .4 ADV100 AFE200 .Data frame: 1 SDO to access all drive parameters.gefran. ADV200-DC CANopen: ADV200 .For information please contact our Sales Office     - EXP-ETHERCAT-ADV Expansion card for Ethercat interface . 250.Support Sync and Freeze.Bus address: 1.com 103 ADV200-DC Code Option Description ADV200-4 ADV200-6 Fieldbus expansion cards Expansion card for CANopen ® and DeviceNet interface . 16 I/O fast words for fast access .For information please contact our Sales Office     APPENDIX PROGRAM..Bus address: 1.63 ..6 . S72641 OUT-PW-KIT 2P Bus bar for 2-bridge output power .Includes ferrite transformer  S726411 OUT-PW-KIT 3P Bus bar for 3-bridge output power .4. 900-1000kW  AFE200 . sezione 6. 250-315-355kW  Pre-load kit for AFE200. 500-630-710kW  Pre-load kit for AFE200.2.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC Code Option Description ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100 APPENDIX • Accessories & Options Bus bar for parallel connection Per maggiori ulteriori informazioni vedere Appendice.104 SIEIDrive ADV200 .Includes ferrite transformer  Pre-charge kit (mandatory) S726391 PRE CHARGE KITAFE-022-4 PRE CHARGE KITAFE-045-4 PRE CHARGE KITAFE-132-4 PRE CHARGE KITAFE-160-4 PRE CHARGE KITAFE-200-4 PRE CHARGE KITAFE-200-4 (x 2) PRE CHARGE KITAFE-355-4 PRE CHARGE KITAFE-355-4 (x 2) PRE CHARGE KITAFE-355-4 (x 3) Pre-load kit for AFE200 22kW  S726392 Pre-load kit for AFE200 45kW  S726401 Pre-load kit for AFE200 90kW and 132kW  S72647 Pre-load kit for AFE200 160kW  S726471 S726471 (x 2) S726472 S726472 (x 2) S726472 (x 3) Pre-load kit for AFE200 200kW  Pre-load kit for AFE200 400kW  Pre-load kit for AFE200. 4 ADV100 AFE200 .Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.500A Dimensions (L x H x d .mm): 311mm * 388mm * 270mm Weight: 26 kg  ADV200 .In @ 480Vac = 650A Dimensions (L x H x d .In @ 480Vac = 1.000A AFE200 Semi-controlled AC/DC power supply unit (internal pre-loading) .mm): 525mm * 554mm * 343mm Weight: 63 kg  S9V71 SM32-480-1500A Semi-controlled AC/DC power supply unit (internal pre-loading) .050A ADV100 Dimensions (L x H x d .Gefran Spa .mm): 500mm * 855mm * 420mm Weight: 75 kg  APPENDIX PROGRAM. Semi-controlled AC/DC power supply unit (internal pre-loading) .In @ 480Vac = 185A Dimensions (L x H x d .In @ 480Vac = 420A Dimensions (L x H x d .mm): 311mm * 388mm * 305mm Weight: 31 kg  S9V72 SM32-480-1050A Dimensions (L x H x d .mm): 311mm * 388mm * 270mm Weight: 30 kg  S9V76 SM32-480-650A Semi-controlled AC/DC power supply unit (internal pre-loading) .In @ 480Vac = 1.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 . UL mark Braking unit for 230VAC…480VAC lines In= 85Arms. UL mark Braking unit for 690VAC line In= 65Arms   S9D56 BUy 1050   S9D57 BUy 1085   S9D30 BUy 1065-6  AC/DC power supply units S9V73 SM32-480-185A Semi-controlled AC/DC power supply unit (internal pre-loading) .In @ 480Vac = 280A S9V75 SM32-480-420A Semi-controlled AC/DC power supply unit (internal pre-loading) .In @ 480Vac = 2. UL mark Braking unit for 230VAC…480VAC lines In= 50Arms.mm): 551mm * 686mm * 380mm Weight: 85 kg  S9V63X SM32-480-2000A Dimensions (L x H x d .gefran.com 105 ADV200-DC Code Option Description ADV200-4 ADV200-6 External Braking Unit S9D55 BUy 1020 Braking unit for 230VAC…480VAC lines In= 20Arms.mm): 311mm * 388mm * 270mm Weight: 18 kg  S9V74 SM32-480-280A Semi-controlled AC/DC power supply unit (internal pre-loading) . 03 lbs]  AC/DC power supply unit for power ratings of 800kW S9W20 SM32-690-1000A Dimensions (L x H x d .106 SIEIDrive ADV200 .03 lbs]  S9W21 SM32-690-1400A AC/DC power supply unit for power ratings of 1200kW Dimensions (L x H x d .mm [inches]): 855mm [33.54"] Weight: 75 kg [165.75"] Weight: 49 kg [108.AFE200 • AC Inverter • System Drive ADV200-DC Code Option Description ADV200-4 ADV200-6 ADV100     APPENDIX • Accessories & Options S9V69 SM32-690-800 AC/DC power supply unit for power ratings of 500kW and 630kW Dimensions (L x H x d .PCI COM PCI COM Shielded cable for PCI 485 USB-RS232 CONVERTER Optoisolator for RS485 for Multidrop connections Optoisolator for RS232 for Multidrop connections Universal kit for RS485 serial line (PCI COM + connection cables) Universal RS-232 / RS-485 serial interface RS-485 serial interface cable (L = 5 m)                 S5A20 USB .mm [inches]): 500mm [19.35lbs]  Connection via serial line S533L S573L S50T6 S560T 8S8F59 OPT – RS485 – ADV PC-OPT-ADL Kit RS485 .38"] * 400mm [15.66"] * 670mm [26.RS232 serial protocol converter     Various S5P3T KB-ADV100 Programming keypad with memory S576L PTC-D01 Interface for PTC sensor    S5TT0 KB-ADV Remoting Kit 5m KB-ADV Remoting Kit 10m KB-ADV remoting kit with 5-metre cable    S5TT1 8S8F59 8S874C KB-ADV remoting kit with 10-metre cable    Keypad cable 5 metres Keypad extension length 5 metres Keypad cable 10 metres Keypad extension length 10 metres AFE200 .38"] * 400mm [15.38"] * 420mm [16.69"] * 670mm [26.75"] Weight: 49 kg [108.69"] * 670mm [26.mm [inches]): 500mm [19. L = 1 m.10 cod. AFE200 Insert this CD-ROM autorun setup. 1S9O06 February 2011 Insert this CD-ROM autorun setup.710kW = 1 cable Size 900-1000kW = 2 cables   S574L SD-ADL Adapter for SD card (data loading memory  S72610 S72650 KIT-POWER-SHIELD S1-S2 KIT-POWER-SHIELD S3 Power cable shielding kit (size 1-2) Power cable shielding kit (size 3)   SIEIDrive ADV200 Requires: Windows ® 2000/XP/NT Insert this CD-ROM autorun setup.Gefran Spa .0 V 13.10. 1S9O02 October 2010 Insert this CD-ROM autorun setup.98 cod.Fw ver 3. Size 400. 1S9O04 V 11.10 MDPlc 5..6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .gefran.exe 1S9O04 CD-ROM Configurator GF-eXpress + AFE200 Instruction manuals  ADV100 ADV200 .1.17 cod.10.X.14.4 ADV100 AFE200 .6.11. Two quick coupling male MDR connectors at the ends.exe 1S9O06 CD-ROM Configurator GF-eXpress + ADV100 Instruction manuals  SIEIDrive Requires: Windows ® 2000/XP/NT/VISTA AFE200 (V.12 June 2010 APPENDIX PROGRAM.exe 1S9O02 CD-ROM Configurator GF-eXpress + ADV200 Instruction manuals    SIEIDrive ADV100 Requires: Windows ® 2000/XP/NT/VISTA/7 GF-eXpress Drive Configurator Instruction manuals GF 1. 1S3A56 July 2008 SIEIDrive ADV200 Requires: Windows ® 2000/XP/NT/VISTA GF-eXpress Drive Configurator Instruction manuals GF 1.6.Fw ver 1.exe Plc Software Development tools Standard languages according to IEC 61131-3 1S3A56 CD-ROM MDPlc MDPlc development environment for ADV200    V 10.com 107 ADV200-DC Code Option Description ADV200-4 ADV200-6 8S860B Parallel interface signal cable Connection of parallel drive.8 .6 .0 V 10.0) GF-eXpress Drive Configurator Instruction manuals cod.Drive & Motion Control Unit • www.. Solutions You can be assured that your plant will be backed by a wealth of professional expertise Pre-sales support Our pre-sales support includes preliminary technical and commercial advice.Service . with recommendations for professional and economically advantageous solutions.Warranty . APPENDIX • SERVICE: Courses . flexible partner capable of providing specialised. Our aim is to provide innovative products and solutions tailored to suit each individual requirement. We tailored service backed by a wealth of technical and professional expertise.108 GEFRAN SERVICE  guarantee each customer a high-quality. global support. . which makes GEFRAN a reliable. Customers can always rely on fast.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 . limiting machine downtimes to a minimum without affecting production capacity. worldwide support.4 . professional service and an efficient telephone support line. APPENDIX PROGRAM. Customers know they can rely on fast.109 Purchasing a GEFRAN product provides access to a global package of exclusive services. GEFRAN has an international team of engineers who are specialised in the installation and commissioning of proprietary drives and control systems. GEFRAN offers a highly professional after-sales service to customers worldwide. AFE200 Installation and After-sales Start-up Service ADV100 ADV200 . Solutions Calendar of courses and education days  “Gefran Drive & Motion” training courses are intended to provide industrial automation sector operators with a basic grounding in SIEIDrive DC. AC and Servo-brushless drives.Warranty .  The courses are structured so that participants are able to acquire a general theoretical grounding in drives and include a detailed description of Gefran products covering theoretical/practical use of the drives. Training addresses internal technical and service personnel of the Gefran Group and system maintenance engineers.Service . machine manufacturers and control system designers .110 APPENDIX • SERVICE: Courses . p. training courses can be organised at other times. Italy. . level 2 (high) and level 3 (advanced) mainly addressing MDPlc application developers.A.Drive & Motion Control Unit will book overnight hotel accommodation.p.30 / 13.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 . The frequency of the courses shown my be changed according to demand. These courses. For foreign branches. Education days (on demand) In addition to scheduled courses.30 – 17.p. problems and specific aspects of SIEIDrive products can be examined during “Education” days. Gefran S.A. This service is available at the following times: 9. Frequency and number of participants The courses planned for 2010 envisage a minimum and maximum number of participants.com.00 or send an e-mail to: marketing@gefran. dedicated exclusively to individual requirements.111 Venue of courses The courses are held at the Gefran S. The duration of "Education" days may vary according to the issues that are dealt with. please call us on +39 02 967601 / +39 02 96760500. are available on request and must be defined directly with sales staff at Gefran S.A. AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 .00 – 12. Reservations To book a place on these courses.4 . APPENDIX PROGRAM. directly at the branch or Gefran distributors' facilities. production facility Drive & Motion Control Unit in Gerenzano (Varese). Levels Courses are normally based on three levels of difficulty: level 1 (basic). 112 APPENDIX • SERVICE: Courses .  GEFRAN responds to this important requirement by offering a highly professional aftersales service to cover each step.Service .Solutions After-sales Service  Faults must be detected and repaired as soon as possible in order to guarantee continuous operation of industrial production systems.Warranty . High-level performance. from the first day onwards . With offices and service centres throughout the world. GEFRAN guarantees a prompt. installers and project designers.6 ADV200-DC ADV200 .com to receive immediate assistance in the form of technical or commercial advice. reliable service to ensure continuous plant operation. Repairs are carried out at our works or on-site by skilled technicians. The dedicated helpline operates from 8 am until 8 pm.4 .  +39 02 967 60428 Online assistance GEFRAN also operates an online technical service. ON-SITE assistance AFE200 ADV100 ADV200 . from Monday to Saturday. APPENDIX PROGRAM. Contact us any time at technoHelp@gefran. We welcome enquiries from end users.113 Telephone helpline The Contact Centre helpline is available to deal with your requests and answer your technical queries. Service . any parts that are found to be faulty during the warranty period.Warranty . in good time. GEFRAN guarantees the quality and functionality of its products when dispatched and will: .114 APPENDIX • SERVICE: Courses .Solutions Inverter Warranty  replace faulty products with an equivalent or similar product or:  repair. Italy. In case of assistance provided by our technical staff. etc. AFE200 • work.115 Warranty WARRANTY terms and conditions Products to be replaced must be returned in their original packaging or in other adequate or equivalent packaging.6 ADV200-DC 3 years ADV200 . fire. GEFRAN guarantees assistance within 48 working hours following receipt of the written request. in which GEFRAN declines all responsibility: • use of the product other than for its intended purpose. Exclusion of WARRANTY The warranty does not apply in the following cases. war. overvoltage. etc. damage caused by water. corrosive substances.) or damage due to unforeseeable circumstances (lightning. The customer will be responsible for the cost of forwarding the product to GEFRAN (Drive & Motion Control Unit Gerenzano (Varese). For repairs carried out on-site at the customer's premises. transport. earthquake.) damage during transportation or in any case occurring after the transfer of risk and damage resulting from incorrect packaging by the customer inadequate ventilation out-of-pocket expenses (travel. incorrect use or installation under conditions other than those described in the user guide damage caused by foreign bodies (smoke. while the latter will bear all costs relating to the materials and transport charges to replace all or part of the product. work may be performed at the GEFRAN facility. riots.4 . • • • • APPENDIX PROGRAM. modifications or repairs carried out on the customer's own initiative ADV100 ADV200 . board and lodging) incurred by technical staff in order to carry out repairs at the customer's premises are excluded. GEFRAN has acquired a technological know-how in the control of all-electric and hybrid injection presses and of equipment used for blowing. film processing.Warranty . upon request.  “Custom-built” single or multiple-drive control systems to individual specifications and hardware and software system architecture for automation systems to control the very latest machines.  Innovative technological solutions based on an extensive range of process control products and 45 years of experience.Service . to consolidate its undisputed leadership in terms of product and sector. acquired in working alongside leading sector operators. in the “clean power energy” featuring the use of Active Front End regenerative power supply units with IGBT technology. .116 APPENDIX • SERVICE: Courses . mixing. extrusion..  GEFRAN offers Drive Cabinet Solutions with the standard “plug and play” protocol or. Plastic Configurations GEFRAN “Drive Cabinet”: GEFRAN's Power Electronic Drive solutions have always been used with success in the various plastic processing industries. etc.Solutions Solutions GEFRAN system technology  GEFRAN applies its application experience to the design and development of specific automation systems for a broad range of industrial sectors. guarantee system efficiency and offer energy-saving technology for high power industrial machinery. Clean power technology also guarantees better power control with real energy-saving benefits. GEFRAN's Power Electronic Drive platforms. Specific SW functions enable control of highly optimised systems. APPENDIX PROGRAM. The availability of specific power structures for variable or quadratic loads results in the best possible design in terms of technology and cost-effectiveness. GEFRAN develops complete control systems based on the highly specialised System Drive platform.4 . used in sheet metal. AFE200 Metal Sheet metal Water Treatment ADV100 ADV200 . GEFRAN's Power Electronic Drive platforms offer dedicated application solutions for the air-conditioning and water treatment industries.6 HVAC ADV200-DC ADV200 .117 With its technological products and dedicated application programs. metal wire and metal processing. Remarks : . All rights reserved Certificate No. GEFRAN S. dimensions at any time without the obligation of prior notice. GEFRAN always meets the demands of high-tech users with the certainty of total quality. please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] you have any suggestions that you think might help us to improve this catalogue. Our primary corporate goal is customer satisfaction: it is from this that mutual collaboration. FM 38167 Gefran S.p. data.A. maximum trust in the company and a consolidated long-standing partnership role stem. which are more highly specialised than those which large multisector companies are able to offer. .p. reserves the right to make changes and variations to products. Gefran ensures total support through its technical services (from design and start-up right up to onstream assistance).A. operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 The company operates a ISO 9001:2008-certified quality system. The data indicated are provided for the sole purpose of describing the product and must not be considered as legally binding characteristics. (Drive & Motion Control Unit Gerenzano VA). 1285. M.p.29-07-2011 1S9A1EN . Bhukum. INDIA Ph:+91-20-3939 4400 Fax: +91-20-3939 4401 gefran.br GEFRAN DEUTSCHLAND Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a 63500 SELIGENSTADT Ph.A. Pune .UK Ltd. Shanghai. 7 Pearson Road. 1285. +44 (0) 845 2604555 Fax +44 (0) 845 2604556 sales@gefran. Beihe Road.in AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS Argentina Austria Australia Brasil Bulgaria Canada Chile Cyprus Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Finland Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Iran Israel Japan Jordan Korea Lebanon Malaysia Maroc Mexico New Zealand Norway Peru Poland Portugal Rumania Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovakia Republic Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates Venezuela G E F R A N CERTIFICAZIONE DEI SISTEMI QUALITÀ DELLE AZIENDE UNI EN ISO 9001 CERTIFICATO nr. Via Sebina 74 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) ITALY Ph.com GEFRAN SIEI .es GEFRAN FRANCE 4.com www.cn GEFRAN SIEI Electric (Shanghai) Pte. 163 2°-6ª 08020 BARCELONA Ph. No. +1 (781) 7295249 Fax +1 (781) 7291468 info@gefraninc. Paud road. +41 (0) 329684955 Fax +41 (0) 329683574 office@gefran. Shanghai.com.SP Ph. Ltd.com. 30 Loyang way 03-19 Loyang Industrial Estate 508769 SINGAPORE Ph.com Ph. Ltd.fr GEFRAN SUISSE SA Rue Fritz Courvoisier 40 2302 La Chaux-de-Fonds Ph.sg GEFRAN SIEI Drives Technology (Shanghai) Co. Head office (Pune office) Survey No: 182/1 KH. Ltd.espana@gefran. +65 6 8418300 Fax. +91 22 2540 3384 Ph. Road Naupada. No.co..MA 01890 Toll Free 1-888-888-4474 Ph.G. +33 (0) 478770300 Fax +33 (0) 478770320 [email protected] Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse 17/3 D-74385 Pleidelsheim Ph. +39 02 967601 Fax +39 02 9682653 infomotion@gefran. +49 7144 89 736 0 Fax +49 7144 89 736 97 [email protected] SIEI AREG . Thane (W) 400602 Mumbai Ph.com.GEFRAN BENELUX Lammerdries-Zuid.de GEFRAN ESPAÑA Josep Pla. +34 934982643 Fax +34 932662713 comercial. 0.ASIA Blk.uk GEFRAN Inc.com Drive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci 24 21040 Gerenzano [VA] ITALY Ph.com. Jiading District. Central Park TELFORD. 377/379 Vila Clementino 04042-032 SÂO PAULO .com Technical Assistance : technohelp@gefran. +39 030 98881 Fax +39 030 9839063 [email protected]@[email protected] GEFRAN BRASIL ELETROELETRÔNICA Avenida Dr. +32 (0) 14248181 Fax. +49 (0) 61828090 Fax +49 (0) 6182809222 vertrieb@gefran. +32 (0) 14248180 info@gefran. 9115 GEF1 Gefran worldwide FM 38167 GEFRAN S. 8 Lowell Avenue WINCHESTER . 14A B-2250 OLEN Ph.gefran.cn GEFRAN INDIA Pvt.com Customer Service : motioncustomer@gefran. China 201807 Ph. +86 21 69169898 Fax +86 21 69169333 info@gefransiei. Taluka – Mulshi.ch GEFRAN . +55 (0) 1155851133 Fax +55 (0) 1132974012 gefran@gefran. +65 6 7428300 info@gefransiei. +39 02 96760500 Fax +39 02 96760278 Rev. +91 22 2542 6640 Fax +91 22 2542 7889 support. Jiading District. Altino Arantes.3 .BP 8237 69355 LYON Cedex 08 Ph.411 042. China 201807 Ph. MH. rue Jean Desparmet . +86 21 69169898 Fax +86 21 69169333 [email protected] Branch office (Mumbai office) Laxmi Palace. TF2 9TX Ph. Beihe Road.
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