1.Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Markets
1.Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Markets
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Ultima™ FortéRequired Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure (appropriate for Ultima™ Forté v 3.9) Copyright Notice Due to a policy of continuous product development and refinement, Schema reserves the right to alter the specifications and descriptions outlined in this publication without giving prior notice of any kind. In addition, no part of this publication, taken as a whole or separately, shall be deemed to be part of any contract for equipment or services. Schema retains the sole proprietary rights to all information contained in this document. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to: electronic, mechanical, magnetic, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, in use now or in the future, without prior written consent from Schema. Copyright ©2007, Schema ...............................................................9 2...... 12 2.............. 12 2.......3.........................................2 MRR Recordings ..................................6 2.............2 MRR Recordings .................... 4 2.........................................................................1 Ericsson BSS Network Configuration .....3 Handover Statistics ..2............4 2.4..........3...........................................2...................................................2...............................................................3......................1.......Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure Table of Contents 1 2 Introduction..............4............................................. 10 2......................................................................4 Network Performance Statistics ......................................................2 Text Format Files ..1 NCS Recordings ..............................3 Mobile Measurements Data Collection.......6 2....3 RIR Recordings ..................1 Binary Format Files ..........................3. 3 Required Information and Data.................................................................................... 13 3 Data Collection Checklist......................................2.5 2...............................1.....4.................1 Network Performance Evaluation..........................................2....... 10 2.............................................................................................3 FAS Recordings...........5 2...............................2 Network Data ...........................................................4 2..............3...........1 BAR Recordings .......................................................3 Additional KPI’s for Network Performance Evaluation................................................3.................3....................................4 2......................................3........1 Optimization Goals Area and Zones.....................................2 Sector Coordinates File ..............1.............. 11 2.....................2 Radio Network Performance KPI’s Calculation.......................... 10 2..............................................3........................... 15 Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 2 of 15 ......................... 11 2................. 10 2....8 2.... Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 3 of 15 .Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure 1 Introduction This document contains a list of all the required information and data that must be collected on Ericsson GSM infrastructures in preparation for installation of Ultima™ Forté. Required information and data include the following: o Optimization area and optimization goals o Ericsson BSS network configuration data o Sector coordinates data o Mobile measurements recordings o Performance reports The following sections provide a more in-depth description of the required data sources and the manner in which they can be obtained. …) o Desired optimization strategy (BB.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure 2 Required Information and Data 2. o The BSS network configuration file should be generated just before initiating the BAR and MRR recording session. BSC_REF=all.CELL_REF=all.1:1. 1:2. Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 4 of 15 . per site. BSC=all. MM – month. o The BSS network configuration should be retrieved for each OMCR relevant to the optimization and surrounding areas in the network. 1:1.txt (where: YYYY – year. per site. 2. 1:2. SITE=all. DD – day) Note: o The export of foreign cells data is required only in the case where BSS network configuration data for surrounding networks has been provided. FCELL_REF = all. ad-hoc. per cell.2. FCELL = all.2 Network Data 2. OUTPUT=AllParameters_YYYYMMDD. SITE_REF=none.txt cna_export NW = all.a general description of the optimization goals for the intended area is required. OUTPUT = foreign_HO_YYYYMMDD. MSC_REF=none. MSC=all. o The BSS network configuration file should be retrieved per each day of mobile measurements recordings. Optimization goal/s .1 Ericsson BSS Network Configuration The required BSS network configuration file can be retrieved from the Ericsson OSS from the CNA (Cellular Network Administrator) by using the following commands: cna_export NW=all. …. …. ad-hoc. per cell.1 Optimization Goals Area and Zones 1. Network area: o List of cells in the optimization and surrounding areas o Available spectrum for all bands o List of frequencies to be used as BCCH channels o List of frequencies to be used as TCH channels o Current frequency planning strategy (BB.CELL=all. …) o List of cells in the guard zone (if any) 2. 2.txt. the command name (RLCRP. for instance – RLCRP_BSC1. azimuth and antenna changes Frequency changes (BCCH and BSIC) Neighbor additions or deletions The following changes should be performed only during the maintenance window (not while recording is taking place): o o TRX additions Frequency changes (TCH) All other parameters should not be changed. RAEPP) should be at the beginning of the file name. The following activities should be halted during data recordings: o o o o o o o BSC split Site rehoming (BSC/site relations change) Changes of LAC and CI Site additions Sector mechanical changes such as tilt.3 Mobile Measurements Data Collection A network freeze is strongly recommended during the recording time frame. For each output type. The file should contain the following columns: o o o o Sector Latitude Longitude Azimuth The latitude and longitude values should be in decimal format. 2.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure At the beginning and the end of the data collection process the following data should be retrieved for all BSCs to be included in the network environment creation for Ultima™ Forté: RLCRP:CELL=ALL. RXMOP. Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 5 of 15 .2 Sector Coordinates File The sector coordinates file should be in tab delimited text file format with geographical information for all the sectors in the network.2. The output of the commands printout should be stored in text files.DETAIL Cell Resources Details RXMOP:MOTY=RXOTG Managed Object Data RAEPP:ID=ALL BSC Exchange Properties Data retrieval should be performed via the BSC command line interface. Note (2):There are 3 types of Mobile Measurements files. Set BA List Change interval to 15 minutes 8.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure Note (1): Version of BSC and OSS must be R8 or later. Select Frequencies . BSC command interface To perform BAR recordings using the RNO interface.3.e. Enter repeat value (set to daily) and number of times to repeat (set to 5) 11. Set number of test frequencies to add to each interval to 10 9.1. Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 6 of 15 . Start RNO 3. In order to provide full functionality of handover optimization. Each of these can be extracted and then used by Ultima™ Forté either in binary format or text format. Set Absolute SS Threshold to -80dbm 7. Go to File -> New Recording -> NCS 4.1 Binary Format Files BAR Recordings These files contain the C/I measurements.1 2. 2. Set Relative SS Threshold to -12db 6. the each band cell set should record frequency set. Provide the recording session with a name 5. There are 2 possible ways to activate BAR recording: 1.Monday to Friday) 12. the inter band recordings suppose to be performed as well. which is contain the BCCH frequencies for both bands. follow the instructions below: 1. BAR recordings should be performed over 5 consecutive working days.Create a Frequency Set for BAR recordings including all frequencies used for BCCH in the desired band for the entire network 16.3. working days only (5 consecutive working days . Enter Start date 10. RNO interface (depends on availability) 2. Set Cell Filter to desired (available) frequency band (limits recorded cell set to specified frequency band) 15. Login to OSS 2. Save and schedule the recording Note: In dual band network the recording should be performed separately according to cell band. Enter date type. Select the cell set or BSC (should include all cells of the entire network) 14. i. Enter hour range (recommended to define 4 hours around network busy hour) 13. the BAR text output can be generated at the BSC command terminal. ** . Binary BARFILs files are located at the OSS in the following directories: ¾ R8: o Note: /var/opt/ehpt/eac/data/fs/”BSC_NAME”/ ¾ R9/R10 with IOG20: o /root/var/opt/ericsson/nms_eam_eas/data/fs/”BSC_NAME”/ ¾ R9/R10 with APG40: o /root/var/opt/ericsson/brf/data/db/tmpfileStore/”BSC_NAME”/ When BARFILs are transferred from Unix to Windows by using FTP. RABDC:RID=BARID00.in some cases when a binary file cannot be created. recording period time in minutes . this command should be run in order to create the output binary file at the OSS 15. store the BARFILs files for each BSC on FTP no later than 48 hours after the recording (otherwise it will be deleted from the system). all cells of a BSC will be recorded 6. Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 7 of 15 . * . RABDC:RID=BARID00.IO=FILE. IO=AT-##.RELSS2P=0.TMBCCHNO=50&&124. RABDC:RID=BARID00. positive signal strength thresholds 11. The text output will be produced at AT-## device**. RABDC:RID=BARID00. RABTI:RID=BARID00.RELSSN=12. RABRP:RID=BARID00.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure When the RNO application is not available. terminate an NCS recording 2. print BAR recording status (optional) 5.NUMFREQ=10. Store the generated printout as a text file. All BARFILs recorded on the same day should be stored in the same directory. RABDC:RID=BARID00. frequencies to measure 50 to 124* 7. RABDC:RID=BARID00.the recording starts as soon as this command is entered! 14. ABSS=80. view recording properties 13. Follow the instructions below: 1. after recording is complete. RABRE:RID=RARID00. RABDC:RID=BARID00. substitute at-## with the number of the AT device from that which you see when you connect to this BSC. RABIE:RID=BARID00. negative signal strength thresholds 10. BAR recordings can be activated by using the BSC command line interface. number of test frequencies at each interval 8.DTIME=120.SEGTIME=15. CELL=ALL. delete a recording 3. RABRI:RID=BARID00. the transfer method should be defined as Binary. recording segment time in minutes 9. initialize a new recording 4.the relevant frequency set should be used for each specific case. RABII. RABDP:RID=BARID00. Once recording is complete. RABTI:RID=BARID00. absolute signal strength (means negative dBm) 12. print status (optional) 5.the recording starts as soon as this command is entered! 8. all measurement types will be collected 7. Enter date type. Save and schedule the recording When the RNO application is not available. print status (optional) 9. RNO interface (depends on availability) 2.Monday to Friday) 8. Set Cell Filter to desired (available) frequency band (limits recorded cell set to specified frequency band) 11. Enter Start date 6. BSC command interface To perform MRR recordings using the RNO interface. RAMDC: RID=MRRID00. MRR recordings should be generated in parallel to the BAR recordings and for the same cell set.2 MRR Recordings These files contain RxLevel and traffic data. Follow the instructions below: 1. Login to OSS 2. RAMTI: RID=MRRID00. after recording is complete. RAMRP: RID=MRRID00.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure 2. Enter repeat value (set to daily) and number of times to repeat (set to 5) 7. Start RNO 3. MEASTYPE=NOTYPE. No filtering or thresholds should be applied to the MRR recordings. RAMIE: RID=MRRID00. RAMRP: RID=MRRID00. DTIME=120. Go to File -> New Recording -> MRR 4. RAMRE: RID=MRRID00. working days only (5 consecutive working days . recording period time .1.3. RAMII. RAMRI: RID=MRRID00. terminate an MRR recording 2. Select the cell set or BSC (should include all cells of the network) 10. follow the instructions below: 1. initialize a new recording 4. MRR recordings can be activated by using the BSC command line interface. CELL=ALL. RAMDC: RID=MRRID00. all cells of a BSC will be recorded 6. Provide the recording session with a name 5. There are 2 possible ways to activate an MRR recording: 1. Enter hour range (suggested to define 3 hours around network busy hour) 9. this command should be run in order to create the output file Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 8 of 15 . delete a recording 3. Follow the instructions below: 1. this command should be run in order to create the output file Once recording is complete. frequencies from 60 to 124 will be recorded 7. store the RIRFILs files for each BSC on FTP no later than 48 hours after the recording (otherwise it will be deleted from the system). Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 9 of 15 .Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure Once recording is complete. RARTI: RID=RIRID00. initialize a new recording 4.1. the transfer method should be defined as Binary.3 RIR Recordings These files contain uplink interference data. RARDC: RID=RIRID00. Binary MRRFILs files are located at the OSS in the following directories: ¾ R8: o /var/opt/ehpt/eac/data/fs/”BSC_NAME”/ ¾ R9/R10 with IOG20: o /root/var/opt/ericsson/nms_eam_eas/data/fs/”BSC_NAME”/ ¾ R9/R10 with APG40: o /root/var/opt/ericsson/brf/data/db/tmpfileStore/”BSC_NAME”/ Note: When MRRFILs are transferred from Unix to Windows by using FTP. CELL=ALL. store the MRRFILs files for each BSC on FTP no later than 48 hours after the recording (otherwise it will be deleted from the system).msmt and . recording period in minutes . RARII. RARIE: RID=RIRID00.the recording starts as soon as this command is entered! 8. terminate an RIR recording 2. end of recording 3. RIR recordings should be generated only in case of some external interference observed in the network on uplink. All MRRFILs recorded on the same day should be stored in the same directory. RARDC: RID=RIRID00. RARRP: RID=RIRID00. In this case both export files (.conf) should be transferred. ARFCN=60&&124. This type of recording mainly relates to the GSM900 band. print status (optional) 5. CSYSTYPE=GSM900. 2. RARRI: RID=RIRID00. print status (optional) 9. RARRP: RID=RIRID00. This data can be used to back up the MRRFILs files. after recording is complete. RIR recordings can be activated by using the BSC command line interface. RARRE: RID=RIRID00. MRR recordings may also be exported to ASCII files using the RNO GUI. all cells in the GSM900 band in a BSC will be recorded 6. DTIME=300.3. 2. This type of recording mainly relates to the GSM900 band. as in para.3.msmt extension (which contains the data) and one with a . 2.3.conf) should be transferred.conf extension (which contains the file configuration and recordings).1.1. 2. In this case both export files (.msmt extension (which contains the data) and one with a . FAS recordings should be generated only in case of some external interference observed in the network on uplink.3.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure Binary RIRFILs files are located at OSS in the following directories: ¾ R8: o ¾ R9/R10 with IOG20: o ¾ /var/opt/ehpt/eac/data/fs/”BSC_NAME”/ /root/var/opt/ericsson/nms_eam_eas/data/fs/”BSC_NAME”/ R9/R10 with APG40: o /root/var/opt/ericsson/brf/data/db/tmpfileStore/”BSC_NAME”/ Note: When RIRFILs are transferred from Unix to Windows by using FTP.msmt and .2 2.3. Text FAS files are extracted in pairs: one with an .2 MRR Recordings These files contain the RxLevel and traffic data and can be extracted either in binary format (as in para.2. 2. FAS recordings may also be exported to ASCII files using the RNO GUI.3 FAS Recordings These files contain uplink interference (the parallel of RIR files. NCS files are extracted in pairs: one with an .3. 2.2.1). 2.3.1 Text Format Files NCS Recordings These files contain C/I measurements (parallel format to the BAR recordings as in para. the transfer method should be defined as Binary. Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 10 of 15 .2.conf extension (which contains the file configuration and recordings). This data can be used to back up the RIRFILs files.1. All RIRFILs recorded on the same day should be stored in the same directory.2) or in text format.msmt extension (which contains the data) and one with a .conf extension (which contains the file configuration and recordings).3. Text MRR files are extracted in pairs: one with an .3). TFMSESTBSUB. TFDISSSBL. TFCASSALL. Traffic per OL/UL. THNDROP. TFDISQADL. THTRALSUB. TFDISSSULSUB. THNSCANSUB. THDISSSULSUB. THDISQAUL. TFNCASSALLSUB. TFSUDLOS. TFMSESTB. TFDISTA. THDISQABL. TFTCONSUB. THDISQABLSUB. TFTCONGS. TMSESTB. THTCONSUB o TCH Performance (Drops. TFNSCANSUB. THDISTASUB. TFSUDLOSSUB. THNRELCONG. TFNDROPSUB. The following network performance statistics should be collected on a per cell basis with hourly resolution over 7 consecutive days: o SDCCH Assignments CCALLS. THNDROPSUB. THNCASSALLSUB. TFDISSUL. THNSCAN. Normal Disconnection Bad Quality). CCALLSSUB. CCONGSSUB. These statistics should include the following counters: TFTRALACC. THDISSSDL. TFDISQABLSUB. THDISSSBL. THSUDLOS. TFDISQAUL. THTRALACC. CCONGS. TSCAN. TFDISTASUB. TFCONGSAS. Traffic AMR FR/AMR HR and per OL/UL). TFNRELCONGSUB. THTCONGS. TFNRELCONG. THDISSSBLSUB. TFDISSSBLSUB. TFDISQABL. THSUDLOSSUB The following performance statistics should be collected on a per cell (cell relation) basis with daily resolution over 7 consecutive days: Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 11 of 15 . Drops Reason per OL/UL. THCASSALL. TFDISSSDL.4 Network Performance Statistics Network performance statistics should be collected for the purpose of network traffic modeling and post-optimization network performance benchmarking. CMESTABSUB. THDISQADLSUB. TFDISQAULSUB. CTRALSUB o SDCCH Performance CNDROP o TCH Assignments. TFTRALSUB. Drops Reason. TFNSCAN. TTCONGS. CMESTAB.3 Handover Statistics For handover optimization purposes the handover statistics per cell-to-cell relation should be collected. CNRELCONG o SDCCH Traffic CTRALACC. THCONGSASSUB. These statistics should include the following counters: TASSALL. THNRELCONGSUB o TCH Traffic (Traffic per Cell. This data should be aggregated over one week per cell-to-cell relation. Traffic HR/EFR and per OL/UL. THMSESTBSUB.3.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure 2. Data should be provided in tab-delimited text file with the following fields: o Serving Sector o Target Sector o Handover Attempts 2. These statistics should include the following counters: TFNDROP. THDISQAULSUB. THMSESTB. Drops per OL/UL. THDISQADL. TFDISSSDLSUB. THDISSSUL. THDISSSDLSUB. TFDISQADLSUB. THDISTA. HO Reversions. HOINDQA. HOATTHSS o Intra-Cell Performance (Attempts. Reason Uplink/Downlink).1 Network Performance Evaluation Each KPI improvement rate will be calculated as: KPI _ improvement _ rate = KPI before − KPI new KPI before × 100% For the handover success rate the improvement will be calculated as: HO _ Success _ improvement _ rate = KPI before − KPI new 1 − KPI before × 100% Each KPI will be calculated for improvement rate separately over working 5 days (24 hours or a selected hours range) before and after optimization. HOVERSUC. Lost. HOATTLSS. HO Lost. Network performance KPIs that are not related to the BSS subsystem will be excluded from the calculation.4. HOINBQA 2. These statistics should include the following counters: HOVERCNT. HOINUQA.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure o HO Performance (Cell to Cell Relation. HOASWCL. Reversion. HOINBOCH.2 Radio Network Performance KPI’s Calculation The following calculations will be used for KPI’s proposed for radio network performance evaluation: SDCCH _ Drop _ Rate = TCH _ Drop _ Rate = ∑ (CNDROP) ∑ (CMESTAB + CMESTABSUB) ∑ (TFNDROP + THNDROP + TFNDROPSUB + THNDROPSUB) ⎛ ⎝ TCH _ Erlang _ to _ Drop = TFCASSALL + THCASSALL + ⎞ ∑ ⎜⎜ + TFNCASSALLSUB + THNCASSALLSUB ⎟⎟ ⎠ ∑ (TFTRALACC + THTRALACC) / 360 ∑ (TFNDROP + THNDROP + TFNDROPSUB + THNDROPSUB) Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 12 of 15 . HOASBCL. HOUPLQA. HODWNQA.4. Assignment to Best/Worst due to BQ Uplink & due to BQ Downlink). These statistics should include the following counters: HOINSUC. 2. HORTTOCH. HO Attempts. 2.4.Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure 7 TCH _ Bad _ Quality _ DL = ∑ RxQual _ DL x ∑ RxQual _ DL x x =5 7 x =0 7 TCH _ Bad _ Quality _ UL = ∑ RxQual _ UL x ∑ RxQual _ UL x x =5 7 x =0 Outgoing _ HO _ Success _ Rate = ∑ (HOVERSUC) ∑ (HOVERCNT) Notes: The Bad_Quality statistics will be retrieved from the MRR data directly.3 Additional KPI’s for Network Performance Evaluation The following calculations providing additional KPIs for network performance evaluation: ∑ (CMESTAB + CMESTABSUB) ∑ (CCALLS + CCALLSSUB) ∑ (CNDROP) SDCCH _ Drop _ Rate _ Total = ∑ (CMESTAB + CMESTABSUB) SDCCH _ Assignment _ Success = SDCCH _ Congestion = ∑ (CCONGS) ∑ (CCALLS) TFCASSALL + THCASSALL + ⎛ TCH _ Assign _ Success = TCH _ Congestion = SDCCH _ Traffic = TCH _ Traffic = ⎞ ∑ ⎜⎜ + TFNCASSALLSUB + THNCASSALLSUB ⎟⎟ ⎝ ∑ (TASSALL) ⎠ ⎛ CNRELCONG + TFNRELCONG + THNRELCONG + ⎞ ⎟⎟ TFNRELCONGSUB + THNRELCONGSUB ⎠ ⎝ ∑ ⎜⎜ ∑ (TASSALL) ∑ (CTRALACC + CTRALSUB) 3600 ∑ (TFTRALACC + THTRALACC) TCH _ Traffic _ FR = 360 ∑ (TFTRALACC) 360 Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 13 of 15 . Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure TCH _ Traffic _ HR = ∑ (THTRALACC) 360 ∑ (HODWNQA) ∑ (HOVERCNT) ∑ (HOUPLQA) HO _ BQ _ UL = ∑ (HOVERCNT) HO _ BQ _ DL = Schema Confidential & Proprietary page 14 of 15 . Ultima Forté Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure 3 Data Collection Checklist SOURCE COMMENTS CHECK Network Data BSS Network Configuration Sector Coordinates File Traffic File Mobile Measurements Recordings Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 BAR Files MRR Files BSS Network Configuration Network Performance Statistics SDCCH Assignments SDCCH Traffic SDCCH Performance TCH Assignments TCH Traffic TCH Performance Handover (HO) Performance per Cell Relation Intra-Cell Handover Performance Schema Confidential & Proprietary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Immediate assignments attempts Immediate assignments failures SDCCH traffic per cell SDCCH congestion SDCCH drop SDCCH drop reason TCH assignment attempts TCH assignment failures Traffic per cell Traffic FR/HR Drops Drops per reason HO attempts HO success HO reversion HO drop HO reasons HO attempts HO success page 15 of 15 .
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