(1)Moulton College Management Structure

March 21, 2018 | Author: Deepak Namdeo | Category: Strategic Management, Curriculum, Teachers, Evaluation, Business



Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________MOULTON COLLEGE MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 2009/2010 1.0 INTRODUCTION Moulton College is an independent legal entity operating on business principles. Significant emphasis is placed upon the generation of income from commercial sources, and the College seeks to work closely with a wide range of businesses, industry, and other organisations to deliver education and training. Strategies promoted through the LSC are directed at reducing the skills gap faced by the UK, and towards increasing participation rates in high quality post-compulsory education in a cost-effective manner. More recently a change of emphasis has occurred and greater emphasis is now placed upon the end qualifications gained by students, rather than the total educational experience on offer. These demands upon the College's management and staff are additional to the more traditional role of providing quality education and training for the landbased, furniture and construction industries. In order to respond to these and new challenges, the College requires a flexible and adaptable structure that enables it to respond rapidly and effectively to both challenges and threats, whilst maintaining quality efficiently handling the day-to-day management of a complex business. 2.0 CURRENT STRUCTURE The structure is intended to be flexible and capable of responding to the changing environment in which the College operates. It is designed specifically to cater for the demands that the College faces as a specialist independent institution, whilst bearing in mind the financial restraints faced by all relatively small Colleges. 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 SPECIFIC FEATURES OF THE STRUCTURE A Senior Management Team (SMT) which manages the College in a corporate manner. One member of the SMT takes specific responsibility for each key operational area. Each senior manager also fulfils a strategic cross-college role. The SMT represents all operational areas of the College, but remains small enough to carry out the management function effectively. The SMT is responsible for reviewing current practices and for planning and creating new strategies and policies for the future. Harmonisation of the academic and commercial activity of the College to minimise possible conflict. Review: CM_Feb10 A formal working relationship between College Managers and Governors. And a wider Senior Management Team comprising of:Assistant Principal Academic Assistant Principal Commercial Training & Business Development Director of Higher Education Director of Quality Improvement (interim) In attendance Clerk to the Governors 2.1. 2.1 Lindsey Johnson Orville Gardener Linda Furness Steve Davies Mike Wilkinson Chris Moody Robin Chapman Gerald Davies Jamie Mair Karen Sanders Responsibilities held corporately by the SMT embrace all areas of the College activity and include:Curriculum direction and policy Strategic personnel decision making and full-time staff establishments Capital programme compilation Development of a total quality management policy Budgetary planning and control Strategic planning and development Overall direction of commercial operations Monitor College performance Review: CM_Feb10 .11 An enhanced role for middle managers which raises their contribution and aids their personal development.1. 2.2 SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM The Senior Management team comprises a College Executive comprising the following:Principal Deputy Principal – Curriculum and Quality Deputy Principal – Resources and Development Director of Finance Director of Human Resources . An extended working year for all senior managers to allow the College to respond to threats and challenges throughout the calendar year.1.1.13 Scope for staffing flexibility at middle management levels as programmes develop.1.6 2.Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 2.8 2.7 2.10 A structure which allows maximum delegation of responsibility and accountability.9 Alignment of the internal structure of the College and the Committee structure of the Governing Body.1. Accountable line management without inhibiting cross-College initiatives.2.12 An emphasis upon the development of management teams at all levels.1. 2. 2.1. including its human and physical resources. 2.Sports Studies . and agrees programmes for improvement where appropriate. and is supported in her curriculum role by the 3 Heads of Faculty. the Head of Higher Education and the Director of Sport.Furniture and Design Studies . operates a regular reporting and monitoring process including a regular programme of lesson observation. Neil Dellar Building & Construction . and which operates upon sound managerial.1 Heads of Faculty Each Head of Faculty manages a group of subject areas.Equestrian Studies . administrative and financial procedures within the Division.Horticulture .3. The aim is to maintain a College that is curriculum-led.Animal Welfare & Veterinary Health .2 Director of Higher Education The Director of Higher education is responsible for co-ordination. financial and administrative principles.General Education Claire Whitworth Landbased Studies Richard Dewing Equestrian. and is responsible to the Assistant Principal Academic for the day to day running of the faculty activity. Animal Welfare Equestrian Studies Agriculture & Countryside Research and Technology Transfer Wanda McCormick (SL) Louise Dentith (SL) James Littlemore (SL) Russell Sharp (SL) Review: CM_Feb10 . She is responsible for the annual compilation and validation of the College Self Assessment Report (SAR).Agriculture . delivery and quality of all higher education programmes. staffing. Assistant Principal Academic The Assistant Principal is head of the Academic Division and takes responsibility for the proper implementation of budgetary. Director of Quality Improvement The Director of QI agrees performance targets with the Heads of Faculty. Sport & General Education Director of Sport Lee Howarth 2.Construction Services . She is supported in her role by a team of senior lecturers who co-ordinate higher education programmes in each subject area. each being responsible to a senior manager.Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Building Studies .3.3 MIDDLE MANAGEMENT The College operates through middle management teams. delivery and quality of the curriculum and in addition will undertake a range of responsibilities delegated to them by the subject manager.3 Director of Sport Adrian Stockdale (SL) Peter Jones (SL) The Director of Sport is responsible for the effective recruitment and operation of the College’s Academies.3. 2.5 Course Managers Each course (or for smaller courses. as are details of the Subject Managers' accountabilities.4 Qualification Leaders Leaders’ co-ordinate the production and use of the schemes of work.Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Horticulture & Arboriculture Sports Studies 2. Rugby Basketball 2.4 Subject Managers Subject Managers.3. take responsibility for substantial numbers of programmes with closely related curriculum specialisms. The focus of the Subject Managers' responsibilities is upon the development. These CTL’s are responsible for the development. curriculum leaders are appointed to complement the Subject Manager’s expertise and lead the teams working in each specialist area. Where the enrolment to individual courses is very large. The allocation of courses to subject areas is detailed below.3. He is also responsible for organising a cross-College programme of sports activities and promoting a healthy lifestyle amongst students and staff. delivery and quality of all courses offered in the subject area.3. a Year Tutor has been appointed to assist in the administration of the programme. groups of courses) has a Course Manager who is responsible for the delivery of that course and the students enrolled upon it. with appropriate subject expertise. Each Subject Manager is specifically responsible for a range of courses. Where the volumes of activity are relatively low the subject area may embrace several small curriculum areas. 2.3 Curriculum Team Leaders Where the subject area embraces several discrete specialisms. Usually these courses will involve different specialisms offered within a single subject area. 2.3. teaching materials and administrative procedures associated with all courses leading to a specific qualification. Jon Phillips John Collins Review: CM_Feb10 . although the content of these courses may span a number of curriculum areas. Individual lecturers are appointed as Course Managers on an annual basis and receive a separate Job Specification for that aspect of their work. He is supported by a range of Academy Directors. 3.Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. They are supported by an assistant manager at each academy. students and any staff who operate in that location.3. South Northants VSA Assistant Manager East Northants VSA Assistant Manager Daventry VSA Assistant Manager Sally Dismore Kevin King Nick Brown Gary Sheehan Sally Dismore Ian Dixon Review: CM_Feb10 .3.7 Resource Managers In resource intensive areas of the College.6 Cross College Managers A number of middle managers have cross-College responsibilities as follows:Academic Registrar Apprenticeship Schemes Manager Building and Resources Manager Careers Manager Commercial Training Manager Financial Controller Hotel Services Manager Human Resources Manager ILT Curriculum Support IT Network Manager Learning Centre Manager Learning Support Curriculum Leader MIS Manager Student Services Manager Student Welfare Manager Teacher Education Teaching Services Manager Senior Tutor Learning and Quality Karin Billany Rebecca Kinnear Kevin Bunn Mike Putman Arlo Wood Tony Basham Pam Prouten Steve Lomas Clare Law Andrew Bailey Giles Batchelor Karen Kelly Bridget Walsh Marc Gillham Gill Watkin Johan Diederiks Lynn Hart Jaco Cloete Bridget Walsh 2. including the physical resource. Animal Welfare Centre Equestrian Centre Farms Garden Centre Commercial Training Manager Sports & Equestrian Facilities Manager Workshops Manager Peterborough Centre LearnIT Manager Vicky May Lucy Evetts TBA Mike Liddell Tony Basham Robbie Speirs Phil Coy David Wild Adrian Leahy 2.8 Vocational Skills Academy Managers VSA managers are responsible for the day to day management of their Academies. dedicated managers are responsible for management of those resources and their use for both teaching and commercial activities. evaluation/review of those courses offered within their subject area.Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. planning.5. They have a range of specific responsibilities. as follows:- Review: CM_Feb10 .1 Subject Managers are responsible for the development.4 SUBJECT MANAGEMENT Subject Managers Agriculture Mark Wallington James Littlemore (SL) Animal Welfare and Management Animal Care Building Studies Carpentry & Joinery and Roofing Stonemasonry and Floor & Wall Tiling Brickwork Construction Services Plumbing and Heating Construction Management Equestrian Equestrian Furniture & Creative Studies Creative Studies General Education Rural Skills Horticulture Floristry Arboriculture Sharron Wilkin Jo Daley Wanda McCormick (SL) Geoff Nichols Craig Robertson Craig Murphy Tony Farquhar Syed Mohyuddin Richard Saunders Sean Maxwell Louise Dentith (SL) Harriet Lukens Elaine Greatrex Louise Ball John Pamely Stephen Crane Annette Claybrook Jess West Russell Sharp (SL) Adrian Stockdale (SL) Craig Jackson Jon Meyler Lisa Irons Peter Jones (SL) Craig McIllwain Arthur Ellis Vicky Smith Kim Orton Stephen Robinson delivery and Curriculum Leaders Sports Studies Sports Studies Advanced Practitioners Richard Hoyle Fiona Lee Bruce Marsh Jen Barnett 2. and to follow up all offers made To maintain an overview of all entrants to courses in the subject area. unit costs and SSRs To ensure that all registers and student records are updated: monitor attendance and take appropriate action in response e) Staffing To recruit and monitor the work of part-time teachers To check all part-time claim forms for completeness and accuracy To ensure that all part-time subject specialists are issued with contracts before they commence work To ensure that all specialist subject staff participate in the College Staff Development/Appraisal process f) Finance To monitor and control expenditure budgets To generate commercial income in line with income targets Review: CM_Feb10 . including fulltime. implemented and reviewed d) Performance Criteria To collate a range of data including success and completion rates.Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ a) Recruitment To monitor course numbers against targets To monitor the application and interview process. part-time and trainee To initiate and lead subject-specific marketing activity b) Curriculum To lead the development of both new and existing areas of work To monitor schemes of work and records of work To monitor the production and implementation of assessment plans for all courses To manage the development and use of specialist learning resources and materials To ensure that Course Team meetings take place on a regular basis c) Assessment To liaise with the College Examinations Officer regarding entries and registrations To liaise with external Moderators and Examiners To review and evaluate student performance To review and evaluate staff performance To ensure that student reports are completed and added to the students' personal files To ensure that Course Review meetings take place annually and that Action Plans are produced. destinations and information for monitoring taught hours. Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ SENIOR STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES 2009/10 FINANCE Budget Allocation Budgetary Control New Funding Sources Full-time Staff Part-time Teaching Staff Staff Appraisal & Development Equality and Diversity Marketing Strategy Course Delivery Course Development Review & Evaluation Target Setting and Monitoring Timetabling Room Allocation Academic Board Farms & Estate Sports & Equestrian Centre Animal Welfare Centre Course Provision & Development Project Development Garden Centre Hotel Services Buildings Development Teaching Resources Policy & Procedures College Charter Health and Safety Equality and Diversity Child Protection Governor Liaison Strategy & SAR Monitoring Health and Safety Strategy Hardware/Software Acquisition Director of Finance Director of Finance Assistant Principal Commercial Training & Business Development Director of Human Resources Heads of Faculty Director of Human Resources Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Principal Assistant Principal Academic Assistant Principal Academic Assistant Principal Academic Director of Quality Improvement Assistant Principal Academic Assistant Principal Academic Deputy Principal Curriculum and Quality Deputy Principal Resources /Development Deputy Principal Resources/Development Deputy Principal Resources/Development Heads of Faculty Principal Deputy Principal Resources/Development Deputy Principal Resources/Development Deputy Principal Resources/Development Deputy Principal Resources/Development Principal Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Deputy Principal Resources/Development Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Clerk to the Governors Director of Quality Improvement Director of Quality Improvement Deputy Principal Resources/ Development Deputy Principal Resources/development HUMAN RESOURCES MARKETING ACADEMIC MATTERS COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY PHYSICAL RESOURCES GOVERNORS QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Review: CM_Feb10 . Moulton College Policy Review Academic Year 2009-10 _________________________________________________________________________________________ CAMPUS SERVICES Hotel Services & Security Student Services Wardening Examinations Teaching services Financial Support for Students Business Plan Development Plan ILT Strategy Property Strategy Financial Forecasts Academic Plan Deputy Principal Resources/ Development Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Assistant Principal Academic Deputy Principal Resources/Development Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Principal Assistant Principal Commercial Training & Business Development Deputy Principal Resources/ Development Deputy Principal Resources /Development Director of Finance Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Assistant Principal Resources Deputy Principal Resources & Development Deputy Principal Resources & Development Assistant Principal Academic Assistant Principal Academic Assistant Principal Academic Assistant Principal Commercial Training & Business Development Assistant Principal Academic Director of Quality Improvement Assistant Principal Commercial Training & Business Development Principal Principal Principal STRATEGIC PLANNING SITE MANAGEMENT Holcot Centre Lodge Farm South Lodge Pitsford Centre Peterborough Centre Holdenby Centre LearnIT Great Billing Main (Moulton) Centre Management Centre South Northants VSA East Northants VSA Daventry VSA Review: CM_Feb10 .
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