19th Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference - Agenda



10 September 2013 – PROGRAMMETime 9.30 – 10.30 Session Registration - tea and coffee Location 10.30 – 12.00 OPENING PLENARY SESSION Professor Marilyn Taylor Emeritus Professor, University of West of England and Chair of Institute for Volunteering Research advisory group 12.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 15.00 Lunch Parallel sessions 1 A [PANEL] THE WAY FORWARD IS COLLABORATION? – PANEL EXPLORING DEVELOPMENTS AND POTENTIAL IN THIRD SECTOR RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE PRIVATE AND GOVERNMENT SECTOR Alex Murdock (London South Bank University), Karl Wilding (National Council for Voluntary Organisations), Brian Lamb (Achievement for All), John Tizard (Collaborate Institute) ‘WE’RE WORTH IT’: THE ATTRACTIONS OF MEASURING SOCIAL VALUE The demand and need for social investment: a charity perspective Leila Baker (Institute for Voluntary Action Research) and Niamh Goggin (Small Change) Rethinking social return on investment (SROI): the possibilities of well-being valuation as an approach to monetising the improvement of personal utility Chris Dayson and Ian Wilson (Sheffield Hallam University) How are commissioners assessing the social impact of third sector services in adult social care? Dr Jenny Harlock (University of Birmingham) Above and beyond: managing social value in voluntary organisations. Dr Christopher Newis (Third Sector Research Centre) WHY WE DO IT: VOLUNTEERS’ MOTIVATIONS AND PATHWAYS B C Managing volunteers: London 2012 Olympic Games Makers, their motivation and expectations Gorana Gavrilov (Ryerson University) A longitudinal study exploring continuity and change in volunteering attitudes and behaviours, 1981-2012 Dr Rose Lindsey, Third Sector Research Centre Volunteering in deprived communities: How realistic is an approach which seeks to increase formal voluntary activity in deprived communities? Antje Otto (Volunteer Now) From organisation clients to volunteers – Philanthropy in the “first person” Galit Yanay-Ventura (The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College) QUANTIFYING THE VOLUNTARY SECTOR The income approach to calculate voluntary sector’s economic contribution Mehdi Hasan and Ben Binsardi (Glyndwr University) Improving the national accounts estimates for the not-for-profit sector Sarah Howe and Victoria Darke (Office for National Statistics) Should the voluntary sector worry about inflation, and can we calculate the rate of inflation the voluntary sector faces? David Kane and Peter Bass (NCVO) The sources of charities’ income: an organisation-level perspective John Mohan and David Clifford (Third Sector Research Centre) D LIFE AT THE TOP: GOVERNMENT, THE VOLUNTARY SECTOR, GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP Representing the ‘loose and baggy monster’: exploring legitimacy and leverage in national leadership of the third sector Heather Buckingham *, Pete Alcock *, Angela Ellis Paine *, Jeremy Kendall ** and Rob MacMillan * (*Third Sector Research Centre, ** University of Kent) Governing public – third sector partnerships: an evolutionary perspective Chris Cornforth, John Paul Hayes and Siv Vangen (Open University) A civil society model for the transition context: Russian NPOs transactional activism for survival Sergej Ljubownikow (Nottingham Business School) and Jo Crotty (Salford Business School) E What happened in between: Implementing compacts in England and Wales Meta Zimmeck (Practical Wisdom R2Z) F 15.00 – 15.30 15.30 – 17.30 NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSION Break Parallel sessions 2 NEW AND CHANGING RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES Twitter is facilitating wider forms of voluntary action. What are the implications for the social sector? Sinem Cakir (Clore Social Leadership Programme) Reclaiming the visual: An argument for visual methods in voluntary sector research Jon Dean (Sheffield Hallam University) Charitable giving: a reminder of how different ways of asking about it give different results Joy Dobbs *, Veronique Jochum *, Richard Harrison **, Malcolm Smith **, Karl Wilding * (* National Council for Voluntary Organisations, ** Charities Aid Foundation) Community participation in research: paradigms in practice Dr Jurgen Grotz (University of East Anglia) A THINKING ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF THE VOLUNTARY SECTOR International connections of philanthropy: the global geography of UK charities working overseas David Clifford (Third Sector Research Centre) Picturing different traditions of voluntary action: the geographies of philanthropy and mutual aid Richard Kapend, David Clifford, Steve Barnard, John Mohan (Third Sector Research Centre Citizens resigned? “Late modernity” in Finnish and Estonian Civil Societies Mikko Lagerspetz and Susan Sundback (Åbo Akademi University) Rethinking voluntary action – a relational approach Rob Macmillan (Third Sector Research Centre) B C INVOLVING PEOPLE: IMPROVING OUTCOMES Involving beneficiaries in grant-making – opportunities and challenges Leila Baker, Charlotte Hennessy, Marilyn Taylor (Institute for Voluntary Action Research) Developing models of ‘sweat equity’ with young people Catherine Boswell and Liz Hayes (Cardiff Metropolitan University) The position and power of volunteers within palliative care: A Bourdieuian analysis Matthew Hill *, Nick Ockenden *, Sara Morris **, Sheila Payne ** (*Institute for Volunteering Research, ** Lancaster University) Cooperative housing institutions and social capital building: a comparative study between England and Austria Richard Lang and David Mullins (University of Birmingham) WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS: NETWORKING AND COLLABORATION Networking modes and performance in Israel’s non-profit organizations Rita Mano (University of Haifa) Working smarter, not harder: the role networks could play in improving voluntary and community sector performance Stephen Miller *, Carolina Di Centa **, Chunchun Xu **, Pooja Gupta ** and Yiqing Sun ** (*UnLtd, ** London School of Economics) D Connecting to local networks of support: a qualitative study exploring the role of voluntary and community groups in long term condition management Dr Rebecca Morris *, Dr Sue Kirk *, Dr Anne Kennedy **, Dr Ivaylo Vassilev *, Dr Christian Blickem *, Mark Jeffries *, Amy Mathieson *, Helen Brooks *, Dr Caroline Sanders *, Professor Anne Roger ** (* University of Manchester, ** University of Southampton) An exploration and analysis of practice encountered in voluntary sector collaborative partnerships with FE Colleges in Yorkshire & Humber Amanda Vickers (Involve Yorkshire & Humber) E [PANEL] STRATEGIC AND LOCAL?: LEARNING FROM THE DH’S HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE VOLUNTEERING FUND – A WORKSHOP Ashfa Slater (Ecorys UK), Stephen Moreton (Attend), Jane South (Leeds Metropolitan University), and Nahid Rassoul (Calderdale Parent and Carers Council) F 17.30 – 19.00 NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSION CAMPBELL ADAMSON MEMORIAL PRIZE GIVING DRINKS RECEPTION 11 September 2013 – PROGRAMME Time 08.30 – 09.30 09.30 – 11.00 Session Registration for those arriving on the 11th Parallel sessions 3 UNDERSTANDING VOLUNTEERING BY YOUNG PEOPLE Volunteering and civic engagement in the 1958 British birth cohort: not all volunteering is created equal Victoria Bolton (University of Southampton) Location A The ‘lost generation’ of youth – The role of volunteering in helping to find the way Christine Irvine (Volunteer Now) How important is ‘faith’ in voluntary faith-based organisation in today’s society? A discussion of the volunteers of the Boys & Girls Brigade Northern Ireland Anna Rowan (University of Liverpool) BOTTOM’S UP: GRASSROOTS VOLUNTARY ACTION Harnessing community-led development in Scotland: findings from two LEADER evaluations Ellie Brodie (Blake Stevenson) B Two years on – did the NIMBYs win? (And what have we learned along the way?) Liz Millward Hayes (Cardiff Metropolitan University) The partner programme: A national model of good practice Vicky Ward (The Cathedral Archer Project) ADDITIONALITY OR SUBSTITUTION: VOLUNTEERING AND PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY Valuing – and paying for – voluntary group peer-support for amputees in Liverpool. Peter Bates (Merseyside Disability Federation) Workforce planning in UK Mountain Rescue Geoff Nichols, Rohan Goel, Tom Nichols, Will Jones (Sheffield University Management School) Volunteering and public service reform: what can we learn from rural Scotland? C Dr Mike Woolvin (SRUC) and Dr Alasdair Rutherford (University of Stirling) NEW APPROACHES TO GIVING MONEY Philanthropic journeys: a life-course approach to understanding high-income donors Dr Eddy Hogg and Dr Beth Breeze (University of Kent) D Looking at the real motivations for charitable giving Peter Maple (London South Bank University) Profits soar while giving to charity falls: Do companies really care about the community? Dr. Catherine Walker (Directory of Social Change) E 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 13.00 NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSION Break Parallel sessions 4 THE HOLY GRAIL: VOLUNTEERING AND EMPLOYABILIY Volunteering during unemployment: more skills but where is the job? Dr. Daiga Kamerade (University of Salford) A ‘It’s paradoxical’: grassroots volunteers’ perceptions of the impact of government policy on their experiences and prospects Anita Mangan and Mihaela Kelemen (Keele University) Volunteering and Employability: Supply and Demand Christine Reilly (Heriot-Watt University) SESSION TITLE TO BE CONFIRMED Searching for meaning in longitudinal participation data: a mixed methods study of volunteering and civic participation over the lifecourse of the 1958 British birth cohort Jane Parry, Katherine Brookfield, Victoria Bolton, John Mohan (University of Southampton) B Meeting needs at both ends: Survey findings on volunteer participation and the capacity to reach disadvantaged communities in Volunteering Fund projects Dr. Gianfranco Giuntoli and Prof. Jane South (Leeds Metropolitan University) New ways of giving time? Challenges and opportunities in microvolunteering Veronique Jochum*, Jon Paylor **, Jurgen Grotz ** (* National Council for Voluntary Organisations, **Institute for Volunteering Research) INFRASTRUCTURE ORGANISATIONS IN A CHANGING WORLD Investing in innovative infrastructure: What are the distinguishing characteristics of support for innovation which is channelled through infrastructure organisations? John Carlin (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) and Jurgen Grotz (Institute for Volunteering Research) Bridging the gap? The repercussions of the economic downturn for volunteering Andrew Curtis (Institute for Volunteering Research) Local infrastructure organisations and chargeable services: a multi-sited ethnography Dawn Elliott and Gareth Morgan (Sheffield Hallam University) C AT THE SHARP END: VOLUNTARY ACTION AND PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY What next for Scottish volunteering policy and practice? Identifying volunteer development needs of Scottish charities Helen Harper and Kathleen Doyle (Volunteer Development Scotland) D Taming the ‘loose, baggy monster’: A quantitative analysis of what determines organisational choice when local authorities procure public service delivery from an external partner Adam Leeder (Birkbeck College) Fragmentation and competition: voluntary organisations’ experiences of support for family carers Jo Moriarty and Jill Manthorpe (King’s College London) E 13.00 – 13.45 13.45 – 15.45 NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSION Lunch Parallel sessions 5 REGULATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY What is the accounting paradigm developing in the voluntary sector? How does it differ from the mainstream “for profit” paradigm? What might the mainstream learn from the voluntary sector? Maureen McCulloch (Oxford Brookes University) Charitable incorporated organisations: An analysis of the three A UK jurisdictions Gareth Morgan (Sheffield Hallam University) Using content analysis to inquire as to the nature of public discourse regarding the financial management of Australian notfor-profit organisations Professor Donald Ross and Dr Dorothy Wood (Australian Catholic University) Incorporation act issues for revenue generating green social enterprises and NGOs transforming into green social enterprise microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Ontario, Canada Dr. Kazi Abdur Rouf (University of Toronto) B [PANEL] VOLUNTEERING IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE: HOW CAN IT EFFECTIVELY, EQUITABLY AND SUSTAINABLY CONFRONT THE FUTURE? Nick Ockenden (Institute for Volunteering Research), Shereen Hussein (King’s College London), Jane South (Leeds Metropolitan University), Matthew Hill (Institute for Volunteering Research), Sara Morris (Lancaster University), Sheila Payne (Lancaster University), Justin Davis Smith (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) THE STATE AND THE VOLUNTARY SECTOR IN TIMES OF AUSTERITY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Complicity or resistance: agency and the third sector in postbanking crisis welfare reform Nick Acheson (University of Ulster) Cuts and chaos: weakening field constraints and instances of institutional work in voluntary sector organisations Ellen Bennett (Sheffield Hallam University) Complying, transforming or resisting in the new austerity? Realigning social welfare and independent action among English voluntary organisations Linda Milbourne (Birkbeck College) Voluntary sector and government authorities: analysis of their relationship and of their impact on voluntary entities Juan Mª Prieto Lobato (Universidad de Valladolid) C D [PANEL] EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VOLUNTEERING, WORK AND LEISURE Anjelica Finnegan (University of Southampton), Naomi Harflett (Third Sector Research Centre), Dr Eddy Hogg (Univerity of Kent) Chair: Dr Rebecca Taylor E 15.45 – 16.00 16.00 – 16.30 NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSION Break CLOSING PLENARY An opportunity to reflect on the conference; identify some new directions for research; and highlight some of the implications for practice and policy of what we have discussed over the past two days.
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