19th Ed. Bluebook Citation Format

April 2, 2018 | Author: Ashutosh Kumar | Category: Citation, Writing, Politics, Government



EXAMPLES – CITATIONS OF ...§ 3-100. Electronic Sources § 3-110. Electronic Citations – Core Elements Illustrations American Bar Association, Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, Legal Education Statistics from ABA-Approved Law Schools, available at http://www.americanbar.org/groups/legal_education/resources/statistics.ht ml (last visited Oct. 15, 2012). Dep't of Veterans Affairs, M21-1, The Adjudiciation Division § 2.03 (LexisNexis Veterans Benefits Manual and Related Laws and Regulations CD-ROM, 2011). § 3-200. Judicial Opinions § 3-210. Case Citations – Most Common Form Illustrations Wilson v. Mar. Overseas Corp., 150 F.3d 1, 6-7 (1st Cir. 1998). Meier v. Said, 2007 ND 18, ¶ 22, 726 N.W.2d 852. § 3-220. Case Citations – Variants and Special Cases Illustrations Flamme v. Wolf Ins. Agency, [Insurance] Auto. L. Rep. (CCH) ¶ 18,307 (Neb. Nov. 8, 1991). Collins v. United States, 3 Fed. Est. & Gift Tax Rep. (CCH) ¶ 60,060 (W.D. Okla. Jan. 31, 1991). United States v. Moore, No. 04-2183, 2005 U.S. App. LEXIS 16211, at *22 (7th Cir. Oct. 13, 2005). S. N. § 2. § 3-230. Case Citations – Conditional Items Illustrations City of Indianapolis v. 9. 04-2183. Const. C. § 3-300.2d 734. Const. Foster v. For short form examples see § 6-530. No. aff'd.W. XIII. 1997 ND 64. slip op. U. 531 U. III. Hoffman. Ill. 183 F. § 3-240. Constitutions Illustration U. at 16 (N. Oct.S. Davis v. 531 U. 2005) (unpublished). § 9. Constitutions and Statutes § 3-310. Edmond. § 2. Medium-Neutral Case Citations Illustration Linderkamp v. art.3d 659 (7th Cir. 04C43.Y. 31. 12. cl. Oct. XIV. ¶ 11.S.J. 2004). art. 13. 562 N. . LEXIS 22201 (11th Cir. Dec. 50 (2000) (Rehnquist. Const. 2005 WL 1836817. No..D. Barnhart. Barnhart. § 1.S. amend.S. 2005). amend. 2. Const. I.S. cl. 2. dissenting). Additional Examples U. App.United States v. Goldsmith. Moore. 1999). 2005 U. 31 (2000). at *7 (7th Cir. Edmond v. Regulations.1614 (2012). Chambovey & Seung Wha Chang.Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations. Books § 3-710.C. Statute Citations – Most Common Form Illustrations 42 U. § 294 (2011).1 (1991). § 3-400. Limitation of Actions § 12." World Trade Organization No. Arbitration Decisions Illustration United States . R. § 3-700.R. .S.F. § 405(c)(2)(C) (2006 & Supp. § 3-500. 2002) (Falconer. 108 (Aug. 2010). Henry Julian Abraham. Iowa Code § 602.). Justices. Presidents and Senators 290-95 (5th ed. Arbs. Code Me. Book Citations – Most Common Form Illustration 2 Calvin W. 2008). 30.§ 3-320. Corman. Regulation Citations – Most Common Form (BB) Illustrations 46 C. 12 170 7 § 5 (2012). Other Agency and Executive Material § 3-410. 1991). LaFave & Austin W. Rep. Book Citations – Variants and Special Cases § 3-721.D.Wayne R. § 3-720. Valley Contracting.N. [2 Wages-Hours] Lab. Norling v. Inst. Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 57 cmt.) 20120 (2d Cir. 2000 Annual Report 30 (2001). b. National Urban League. Eugene F.307 (Neb. Oct.543 (D. Annotations . S. June 11. L. Rep.10 (5th ed. Skinner. Scott. 3 (1982). Criminal Law § 5. Flamme v. L.. U. Nolan J. § 3-722. 1991).. Works by Institutional Authors Illustrations Enron Corp. 24. n. [Insurance] Auto. 2010). The Impact of Social Security on Child Poverty 5 (2000). Scoles et al. Agency. (CCH) ¶ 35. 1986). Restatements Illustrations Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 30 (1981). 22 Envtl. Bureau of the Census. L. Rep.20. Malone. (Envtl. Evaluating Components of International Migration: Consistency of 2000 Nativity Data (2001). Services Illustrations Vill. For short form examples see § 6-550. Wolf Ins. Conflict of Laws § 13. (CCH) ¶ 18. § 3-724. 8. of Grand View v. illus. L. Research and Public Policy Department. 1991). Nov. § 3-723.4 (2d ed. The Constitutional Case Against Intracircuit Nonacquiescance. § 3-800. Articles and Other Law Journal Writing § 3-810. Journal Article Citations – Most Common Form Illustration Dan T. § 5-000. 1341 (1991). Annotation. § 5-100. emphasized text was underlined. made possible by word-processing software and modern printers. Insurer's Tort Liability for Wrongful or Negligent Issuance of Life Policy.Illustrations Francis M.R. In Citations The following citation elements should be italicized:  case names (including procedural phrases)  book titles  titles of journal articles  introductory signals used in citation sentences or clauses  prior or subsequent history explanatory phrases . that format has largely been replaced by the use of italics. Rev. L. 974 (1985). 37 A. 1339. While older citation reference works may still call for underlining.L. Dougherty. UNDERLINING AND ITALICS [BB|ALWD] When briefs and memoranda were prepared on typewriters. 75 Minn. Coenen.4th 972. . In Text The following words or phrases should be italicized when they appear in the text of a brief or legal memorandum:  references to titles or case names in the text without full citation (even those which would." and "infra" If underlining is used instead of italics it should continue under successive words that are part of the same phrase but break between items. words or phrases attributing one cited authority to another source  the cross reference words: "id. in full citation. not be underlined)  foreign words that have not been assimilated into lawyer jargon  quoted words that were italicized in the original  emphasized words § 5-300." appears with another signal the two together are treated as a single item. When "e." "supra. Citation Items Not Italicized The following citation types or elements should not be italicized:  constitutions  statutes  restatements  names of reporters and services  names of journals  rules  regulations . but punctuation that separates that element from other parts of the citation should not be. Punctuation that is part of any of the above elements is italicized along with it.g. § 5-200. g. but begins flush with the left margin «e.g. all items for which italics is not specified should appear without it. Principle 2: Longer quotations (50 words or more) and shorter quotations to which the author wishes to give special emphasis are set off from the text by being indented both right and left (without quotation marks) «e. PLACING CITATIONS IN CONTEXT § 6-100. other administrative materials Indeed.g. And when that quotation shows alterations or omissions that should be indicated with the parenthetical clause "(alteration in original)". that quotation should if possible be attributed to the original work in a parenthetical clause.».». When omitted material comes at the beginning of a quotation the omission is shown by capitalizing the first letter of the first quoted word and placing that letter in brackets rather than with ellipses.». . Any quotation marks within such a quote are converted to a single mark ('). ") «e. § 6-000. § 6-200. .g. Quoting [BB|ALWD] Principle 1: Short quotations (fewer than 50 words) are generally enclosed in quotation marks «e. Principle 4: Changes to a quoted work are shown with square brackets and ellipses (" . Principle 3: Both forms of quotation are followed immediately by a citation to the quoted work. Citations and Related Text [BB|ALWD] . (With an indented quotation the citation is not part of the indented material.».) When the quoted work itself includes a quotation. Changes in emphasis and omissions of citations or footnotes are indicated by parenthetical clauses. When a citation or citations relate to a portion of a sentence they should be embedded in the sentence as a citation clause.».S. Principle 2: Under most circumstances citations should take the form of citation sentences. first.g. beginning with capital letters and ending with periods.S. § 6-400. the signals should appear in the order in which they are listed in § 6-300.». According to The Bluebooksignals of different types should be grouped in different citation sentences. first. Principle 2: Section 6-300 breaks signals (and their references) into four different "types": (a) supportive. Principle 3: When more than one citation is preceded by the same signal. preceded by the appropriate signal.g.g. should follow in a separate citation sentence. In other words. citations in memoranda and briefs are integrated with the text «e.Principle 1: While footnote citation is the norm for law journal and treatise writing. and any authorities in contradiction. directly following the sentence they support or the quotation they identify «e. Principle 3: Multiple citations whether within a citation sentence or a citation clause are set off from one another with semi-colons «e. followed by states in alphabetical order*) . Principle 1: When a series of citations includes material grouped after more than one signal. (c) contradictory. Signals of the same type must be strung together within a single citation sentence and separated by semicolons. and (d)background. Order [BB|ALWD] Sometimes multiple citations or "strings" are necessary. set off by commas.». a period should end the string of authorities indicating support. the citations are grouped by type in the following order:  constitutions (U.». followed by states in alphabetical order*)  statutes (U. The ALWD Citation Manual allows all to be contained in a single sentence with only a semicolon separating the four different categories and their signals. directly following that portion «e.g. (b) comparative. precede the rest. Neither approach works in all cases. except for "e. Placed in front of a citation these words are italicized (or underlined). In a brief to the Second Circuit of the U. ** The Bluebook and the ALWD Citation Manual take opposing positions on whether the circuits of the U. while those of other circuits can reasonably be lumped together as those of a single court. with decisions of a single court** arranged chronologically. District Court on whom its decisions are binding. Only the signal beginning a citation sentence has its initial letter capitalized. while the ALWD Citation Manual specifies that each circuit and district be treated as a separate court. and regulations of that state should. decisions of that circuit should be treated as one court.S.». as applied to courts with subunits. There is a standard set of clarifying or qualifying words used with citations.S. Signals [BB|ALWD] Citing an authority without any preceding word to clarify or qualify its connection to the text represents that the citation directly states the proposition or identifies a quotation or authority with which the citation is associated «e. statutes. most recent first)  regulations (U.S. first.S. cases. followed by states in alphabetical order*)  books (arranged alphabetically by last name of author)  journal articles (arranged alphabetically by last name of author) * If the writing concerns the law of a particular state.g. first.S. The Bluebook states without qualification that all circuits should be viewed as one court. § 6-300." which needs a comma before and after it. Courts of Appeals or a U. When instead they form the verb of a sentence that includes the citation they are not italicized (or underlined). The Bluebook's approach. however. followed by states in alphabetical order* and grouped within each jurisdiction by court in descending order. District Courts should be treated as separate courts for this purpose. The standard clarifying or qualifying words include: . is inappropriate in any context where decisions of all those circuits or districts or divisions do not carry the same precedential weight. cases (U.g. Courts of Appeals and different districts of the U.S. No comma separates the signal from the rest of the citation. citations to the constitution.  E. .». parenthetical explanations of the analogy are strongly recommended «e.  See also o Authority is additional support for the proposition with which the citation is associated (but less direct than that indicated by "see" or "accord"). (b) Signals that suggest a useful comparison. with .»." used with other signals (in which case it is preceded by a comma) similarly indicates the existence of other authorities not cited." The citation will only appear relevant to the reader if it is explained.. but the text quotes only one.. "E. o Authority supports by analogy "Cf. not cited. The use of a parenthetical explanation of the source material's relevance following a citation introduced by "see also" is encouraged.».g. o Authority states the proposition with which the citation is associated.g. the law of one jurisdiction may be cited as being in accord with that of another «e.  Compare .».  Cf.». do as well «e. "See also" is commonly used to refer readers to authorities already cited or discussed «e.g..g. Consequently. Similarly." literally means "compare.g.(a) Signals that indicate support.  See o Authority supports the proposition with which the citation is associated either implicitly or in the form of dicta «e.  Accord o Used following citation to authority referred to in text when there are additional authorities that either state or clearly support the proposition with which the citation is associated.g. Other authorities..g.. g. Parenthetical explanations of the analogy are strongly recommended.g. support.»..».g.  See generally o Authority presents useful background. or contradict the proposition (with the other signal indicating which) but citation to them would not be helpful or necessary.».».  But see o Authority clearly supports the contrary of the proposition with which citation is associated «e.  Contra o Authority directly states the contrary of the proposition with which the citation is associated «e.  But cf.o Comparison of authorities that supports proposition.». (c) Signals that indicate contradiction. (d) Signals that indicate background material.g."  E.g.g." by a comma«e. o Authority supports the contrary of the position with which the citation is associated by analogy.g. The word "but" is omitted from the signal when it follows another negative signal «e. there are numerous others that state.».g. o In addition to the cited authority. Either side of the comparison can have more than one item linked with "and"«e. The preceding signal is separated from "e. Parenthetical explanations of the source materials' relevance are encouraged «e. Parenthetical explanations of comparison are strongly recommended. .g. (e) Combining a signal with "e.
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