(1999) Some Mechanical Properties of Untreated Jute Fabric-reinforced Polyester Composites



Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 277–284Some mechanical properties of untreated jute fabric-reinforced polyester composites T. Munikenche Gowda a, A.C.B. Naidu a,*, Rajput Chhaya b a b B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore-560019, India Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore, India Received 10 December 1997; accepted 1 July 1998 Abstract This research work is concerned with the evaluation of the mechanical properties—modulus, Poisson’s ratio and strength—of woven jute fabric-reinforced composites. The specimens are prepared using hand lay-up techniques as per the ASTM standard. This is the first report by any single group of researchers in which tensile strength, compressive strength, flexural strength, impact strength, inplane shear strength, interlaminar shear strength and hardness are given. This work being an experimental study on untreated (‘as received’ jute fabric) woven jute fabric-reinforced polyester composites, demonstrates the potential of this renewable source of natural fibre for use in a number of consumable goods. q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: B. Mechanical properties; B. Strength; A. fibres; woven fabric 1. Introduction Glass, carbon, boron and Kevlar fibres are being used as reinforcing materials in fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) which have been widely accepted as materials for structural and non-structural applications. The main reason for the interest in FRP is due to their high specific modulus, high stiffness to weight ratio and high strength to weight ratio compared to conventional materials. However, these materials are prohibitively expensive and their use is justified only in aerospace applications. Therefore, natural fibres like banana, cotton, coir, sisal and jute have attracted the attention of scientists and technologists for application in consumer goods, low-cost housing and other civil structures. It has been found that these natural fibre composites possess better electrical resistance, good thermal and acoustic insulating properties and higher resistance to fracture. Among all the natural fibre reinforcing materials jute appears to be a promising material because it is relatively inexpensive and commercially available in the required form. It has higher strength and modulus than plastic [1] and is a good substitute for conventional fibres in many situations. However, the jute fibre has a multicellular structure composed of microfibrils and the cross-section is highly non-uniform. It has been found that the mechanical and physical properties are highly inconsistent and depend on geographic origin, climatic growth conditions and processing techniques. Bhattacharyya et al. [2] have studied the effect of process variables such as curing temperature and time on the mechanical properties of jute fibres in phenolformaldehyde. Scientists at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (Trivendrum) and the National Aerospace Laboratory (Bangalore) have carried out considerable work on jute fibre in epoxy polyester resins. However, their emphasis is more on product development. Verma et al. [3] and Mohan et al. [4] have studied the mechanical properties of jute/glass hybrid composites in polyester resin and epoxy resin. Chawla and Bastos [5] studied the effect of the volume fraction of untreated jute fibres in unsaturated polyester resin made by the leaky mould technique on Young’s modulus, maximum strength and impact strength. Winfield [6, 7] studied the application of jute-reinforced plastics to low cost housing. In this detailed study jute fabric is directly used as a reinforcing material. Literature in hand reveals that no single group of researchers has completely characterised the mechanical properties of jute fabric-reinforced polyester composites for (i) tensile strength and modulus, (ii) compressive strength and modulus, (iii) flexural strength and modulus, (iv) impact strength, (v) inplane shear strength and modulus, (vi) interlaminar shear strength, and (vii) * Corresponding author. 1359-835X/99/$ – see front matter q 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S1359-835 X( 98)00 157-2 taking care to maintain practically achievable tolerances on fabric alignment.5 tex but the average is between 1. Fabrication method A simple hand lay-up technique has been used for preparation of specimens. The matrix material is prepared from commercially available general purpose polyester resin. Micro-organisms (mainly bacillus bacteria) decompose the gums and soften the tissues in 5 to 30 days depending upon temperatures and the type of water used. The retting process also influences the strength. A fibre volume fraction of 45 ^ 1% is achieved by using the hand lay-up technique. 3. PC . pectin 0. polyester resin and laminates All mechanical tests except impact tests have been carried out on a computer-controlled closed-loop servohydraulic MTS-810. Twisting is done by flyers rotating at speeds of 3550–4000 rpm. the fibres are freed from the stalk by tapping lightly with a mallet and then lashing the stems in water. Load. greatly reducing the time of retting and the quantity of water needed.1. however. This is done by steeping the stems in water and is known as retting. After retting.2. The fibre cross-section is highly irregular. The messy nature of the reeds must be split-up and fibres separated as far as possible. linearly variable differential transformer (LVDT) and clip-on type extensometer. Mechanical testing of fibres.2. / Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 277–284 hardness of untreated jute fabric-reinforced polyester composites. During manual retting. Calcutta.026. colour and lustre of the fibre. 5.% is: cellulose 71. the 1 metric ton range is used. a mechanical decorticator frees the fibres from the stalk.3.7 to 5. 2. there are features common to all systems. one has very little control over the properties and characteristics of jute fibres. In mechanical retting. 4. Each layer of fabric is pre-impregnated with matrix material and placed one over the other in the mould. Munikenche Gowda et al. hemicellulose 13. The yarn is obtained by a spinning process which depends upon the class of goods being made. The fibres are bound together by gummy materials (pectinous substances) which keep the fibre bundles cemented with non-fibrous tissues of jute bark.2. having a maximum capacity of 10 metric ton. These encircling soft tissues must be softened. fat and waxes 0. a unidirectional type of fabric weave having a count of 20 × 12 (for yarns of 245–302 tex) is investigated. Processing and chemical composition of jute fibres 2. water soluble compounds 1.5. Fibres are drawn evenly into slivers or loose untwisted strands and then drawn out to the desired yarn thickness. The working surfaces are treated with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to facilitate easy removal of moulds. respectively. The longitudinal and lateral strains used to calculate the Poisson’s ratio are measured by strain gauges mounted on the specimen in conjunction with strain indicator B and K type 1526. Specimens are prepared to required dimensions according to ASTM-D standards as shown in Table 1.6. hessian yarns which are made from long jute fibres are used. There are two main types of retting (i) manual and (ii) mechanical. 20 × 12 indicates 20 in number larger yarns in the warp direction and 12 in number smaller yarns in the weft direction per inch are used. 2. fibres are collected and laid out on bamboo racks to dry for 2–3 days.9 and 2. displacement and linear strain are measured using a load cell.4.02:0. Preparation of specimens All specimens are fabricated individually to avoid voids and to minimise edge and cutting effects during machining. this is then wound on to bobbins. accelerator and catalyst in a weight ratio of 1:0. fabrics. respectively. The optimum water temperature for retting is 808F.2 tex. approximately one thousand varieties of jute have been identified by the raw jute division of the Indian Jute Institute Research Association (IJIRA). Jute yarn In the present research. Jute must be softened and lubricated with batch oil so that the fibre may be processed without excessive fibre breakage and waste.278 T. Thus. For the tests. ‘As-received’ jute fibres will have very irregular transverse sections and a microcellular structure composed of microfibrils. Jute fibre Jute is a bast fibre obtained from inner bast tissues of the plant stem [8]. In addition. dissolved and washed away so that the fibre can be obtained from the stem. lignin 13. The biological division of IJIRA has been engaged in intensive study of the improvement of retting. The weight per unit length of individual fibres varies from 0. The casting is cured under light pressure for 30 min before removal of the mould. Arrangements were made to avoid leakage of matrix material by keeping the two opposite ends open to allow hot air to escape during curing. Jute fabric In this research. It has been found that the presence of higher amounts of calcium and magnesium tend to increase the tenacity of fibre.1. 2. There is no clearly defined average fibre length and any sample of jute fibres contains large numbers of short fibres and few long ones. At the spinning frame the material is given its final drafting down to the required weight and the fibres are twisted together to form yarn (245–302 tex). The approximate chemical composition of jute fibre [9] in wt. 5. Interlaminar shear test (ILSS) This test is mainly used to determine the delamination effect of the layers and interlaminar shear strength (SH) of the composites by using the specimen ratios span/ thickness ˆ 5. the diameter of the slightly stretched yarn is measured. s ˆ FL/bd 2 MPa. All the tests are carried out at room temperature.3 mm/min. Munikenche Gowda et al. with application software was employed for composite testing.75Pb/bd MPa. Tests on polyester resin and composite specimens are carried out to determine tensile strength.2 10 4. A 10 mm hemispherical head impacts a test specimen at a constant velocity of 1.7 2.06 m/sec at an impact energy of 15. Eb ˆ L 3m/4bd 3 GPa.6.2. L ˆ span length. The cross-sectional area of fabric is obtained by multiplying the number of yarns per inch of fabric and average crosssectional area of each yarn in the fabric.3 32.6 4. The cross-sectional area of a yarn is assumed to be circular and with the help of a profile projector. Flexural test The polyester resin and composite specimens have a length/thickness (L/d) ratio of 32:1. Impact test The instrumented impact tester used in this study was a TINIUS OLSEN Dynatup model 730. and the formula SH ˆ 0. Tensile test Tests on yarn and fabric (count 20 × 12) having a gauge length of 200 mm are carried out at a cross-head speed of 1.3 1. / Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 277–284 279 Table 1 Standards.3 1. Analysis of the output files was by MAT LAB software for post-processing and graphics.4 4 Impact 256 – 63 10 40 5 Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) 2344 1. where F ˆ load. N. 25. mm. and Eb ˆ 0:21L3 m=bd3 .4.75 3.3 130 25.26 J. respectively. The specimens are end loaded.5. 5.T.3 280 280 250 0. The load and energy absorbed with respect to time are recorded.1 200 200 25 12. 5. dimensions and configuration of test specimens Sample No. Specimens tested ASTM-D Cross head standard speed (mm/min) Length Width (mm) (mm) Tabs/span Depth Guage Configuration length (mm) (mm) length (mm) 1 Tensile: Jute strand Jute fabric Composite/resin 3039 1. The relations for flexural strengths and moduli are s ˆ 3FL/ 2bd 2 MPa.3 120 25. Inplane shear test (IPS) 5. pendulum type. N.1.4 4. m ˆ slope of the load–deflection curve at a linear region. where Pb ˆ breaking load.65 50 25.7 – – – 25 initiated by applying the load perpendicular to the fibre direction. Compression test Tests are carried out on polyester resin and composite specimens to determine compressive strength. A minimum of five composite samples were tested to account for statistical scatter and to arrive at mean values. For composite specimens a three-point bend test and for resin specimens a four-point bend test are adopted.4 200 200 172 2 Compression 3410 1.3. modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio.7 10 23. 5.4 12. length/thickness ˆ 7. the distance between inner and outer loading point is L/3 and the load span is also equal to L/3 as per ASTM-D 790 standard. the tensile strength and modulus are thus obtained.65 .7 100 172 . leaving an unsupported length as the test section. The load cell and strain gauges are . The flexural test is This test is carried out to determine the ultimate inplane shear strength and shear modulus of the laminate with a fibre orientation of ^ 458. 5.4 3 Flexure 790 5.8 250 based Test Work-II.9 6 Inplane shear strength (IPS) 3518 1. modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio. 6 mm. and corresponding values for polyester resin are 12. respectively. The deviation from linearity is an indication of the beginning of initial matrix cracking.38 (Table 2).) and the corresponding resin stress is 5. corresponding values for jute fabric are 85 MPa and 0.257.12 GPa. For both fibre and fabric. It has been observed that strands in the fabric begin to fail from the centre of the fabric and propagate width-wise on either side. 7 GPa and 0. The values obtained by the rule of mixture is 63 MPa and 1. The variation in the values of strengths may be due to: (i) the assumption that the cross-sectional area of each yarn is circular.75 GPa. the curves are initially horizontal due to the stretching effect caused by removing slack from the system.1 MPa.280 T. The difference in the initial tangent modulus obtained from experiment and rule of mixture is due to initial stretching and the nature of the fibres. The rest of the drops in the curves are indications of progressive failure of fibres as the applied load increases. 6. and the first major change in slope in the curve is the sign of a major crack in the matrix or the beginning of fibre failure. / Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 277–284 Fig. The first fibre failure occurs at a stress level of 26 MPa (approx. Strands in the fabric break at different times as each fibre can stretch independently and break individually when reaching their breaking stress. The dimensions of test specimens are 150 × 150 × 2. The tensile strength of a composite material is mainly dependent on the strength and modulus of fibres. Munikenche Gowda et al. However. Stress–strain response of jute fibre and fabric. the strength and chemical stability of the matrix and the effectiveness of the bonding strength between matrix and fibres in transferring stress across the interface [10]. Results and discussion Fig. and the end of the curve represents the ultimate stress which is due to fibre fracture and may be fibre pull-out. 2.4 GPa and 0. The shear modulus is obtained from the formula G12 ˆ st12 =dg12 5. Tensile stress–strain response of jute-reinforced polyester composites and resin. Jute fibre exhibits stiffer characteristics as compared to jute fabric. The indicating dial has 100 divisions. This is because the number of yarns in the warp direction is greater than the number of yarns in the . initial tangent modulus and Poisson’s ratio for these composites are 60 MPa. 1. (ii) the Fig. The ultimate tensile strength and the tangent modulus of elasticity after initial stretching of the ‘as received’ jute fibre is found to be 120 MPa and 3. 1.7. difference in the strength of individual fibres in the fabric arising out of process defects. This is due more to initial stretching of the fabric than the nature of the fibre. used to determine the shear stress t 12 ˆ P/2bd and shear strain g 12 ˆ 1 x 2 1 y (longitudinal and transverse strain). Fig. The initial linear portion of the jute laminate curves show the elastic behaviour of the composite. Barcol hardness The hardness of the composite is determined by use of a Barcol hardness tester.8 GPa. 2 shows the stress–strain diagram for four jute laminates and a polyester resin. it is observed that the resistance offered by the yarns in direction-1 is more as compared to resistance offered by the yarns in direction-2. The failure mode is by progressive breaking of the fibres. The average values of ultimate tensile strength. When the laminate is loaded in transverse direction-2. the failure mode exhibits breakage and little pull-out of fibres.5 MPa for the same amount of strain. 1 shows the stress–strain diagram for jute fibre and jute fabric. However.79) 29(3. The average values of ultimate compressive Table 2 Mechanical properties of jute.43) 0.15) a Polyester resin Strength (MPa) Modulus (GPa) Poisson’s Ratio 1.27) 1. Munikenche Gowda et al.28) 1. The variations in ultimate stress among the same laminate specimens are due to the inconsistent and highly non-uniform nature of the jute fibres. When fibre buckles.2(0. Jute fabric c. the stiffness (Young’s modulus) of the composite depends highly on its reinforcement.76(0.05) 47. Transverse Compression Flexure Impact KJ/m 2 Inplane shear (IPS) Inter laminar shear strength (ILSS) Barcol hardness a Jute laminate (volume fibre fraction Vf ˆ 45%) Strength (MPa) Modulus (GPa) Poisson’s Ratio 1.06) 0.14) 2. The portion of the curve after the ultimate stress is an indication of progressive failure of fibres. Fig. In general. Fig. .30) 60(2.0(8. The longitudinal ultimate compressive strength of the composite mainly depends on the strength of the resin.18(0.2(0.05) 10(0.91) – 0. polyester resin and jute-reinforced polyester composite Properties tested 3 Density g/cm Tensile a.30) 16.24) – – – – – – – – 18(4.93) – – Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations. 4. the matrix/fibre interface may fracture in shear and lead to ultimate failure. Jute strand b.26) 92.44) – 2. In the case of longitudinal tensile tests.05) 0.47) 5. The values of transverse ultimate tensile strength and transverse modulus of elasticity are 35 MPa and 3.03) 120(12) 85(3. the values for tensile strength and modulus of composite laminate are almost five times the tensile strength and modulus of the polyester resin and two times that for the transverse tensile laminate.60) 3.38(0. subjected to compressive load. 4 shows the stress–strain diagram for five identical jute laminate specimens and one polyester specimen.5(5.1(9. In the present experiments.80) 35(3.27) 45(2.22(0. Fig.17) – – – – 12.5(1. Longitudinal d. 4. 3.5 GPa.43) 0.4(0. weft direction per unit dimension.75(0. This statement is clearly proved and demonstrated in Fig.12) 3.06) – – 29.8(0. / Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 277–284 281 Fig. since Young’s modulus for the composite and resin is 2.4(0. composite specimens under compression fail by shear crippling or kinking [11] at the load introduction point and by a combination of shear and compression.T.1(0.94(0.22(0. Transverse stress–strain response of jute-reinforced polyester composites and resin.96) – – 0.0(1.5(0. Matrix or fibre failure may begin after a stress level of 22 MPa.25(0.392(0. Compressive stress–strain response of jute-reinforced polyester composites and resin. respectively (Table 2).10) 7.94 GPa.1(2.12) 48.1 GPa and 0.39) 2. specimens are mostly the subject of a shear–compression type of failure mode.1(0. 3 shows characteristic curves for five jute laminates and a polyester resin. respectively (Table 2). For reinforced specimens like glass/ epoxy [13] and Kevlar/epoxy [14]. It can be seen from Table 2 that the flexural strength of the composites at failure is greater than the tensile or compressive strengths.94 GPa (Table 2). The ratio of Ep/EI is called the ductility index. No specimen has failed by delamination during loading and the failure mode shows little or no fibre pull-out. Load–energy–time response of jute-reinforced polyester composite. as well as of instrumentation sensitivity.2 GPa. Flexural load–displacement response of jute-reinforced polyester composites and resin. respectively. The average impact energy unit area of composite Fig. 6. Thus. Both load–time and energy–time traces can be acquired and recorded by an IBM PC/AT during the impact event. Flexural strength and modulus are controlled by the strength of the extreme layer of reinforcement. [15] termed the energy to peak load as the initiation energy (EI). 6 that it is linear up to some value and then follows a nonlinear path up to the peak load before dropping suddenly. However. These effects are a function of the relative material and structural stiffness between the specimen and machine. Fig. and the corresponding values for the polyester resin are 47. it has been well documented that the impact force versus time trace is approximately linear to the point of peak force and then drops suddenly. Average values for the ultimate flexural strength and flexural modulus for the composites are 92. The initial jagged load line before the peak value is reached is believed to be primarily due to stress-wave propagation and inertial effects such as vibration inside the strain-gauge tup [16]. Normally. 7. Fig. and the energy absorbed after peak load as the propagation energy (Ep).282 T. respectively. 5. Beaumount et al. None of the composite specimens were broken into two pieces at the middle and all specimens were pushed through the Charpy anvils during the impact process. / Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 277–284 Fig. it can be seen from the curve in Fig.5 MPa and 5. strength and modulus for the composite are 45 MPa and 2. Deviation of the load–signal curve from linearity is an indication of incipient damage.1 MPa and 0. The crack always initiates on the tension side of the beam and slowly propagates in an upward direction. Munikenche Gowda et al. The impact load–time and energy–time traces of a composite are shown in Fig.1 GPa. a low ductility index is supposedly an indication of a brittle material. and the corresponding values for the polyester resin are 48 MPa and 2.1 GPa. 5 shows flexural load–displacement characteristic curves for three composites and a polyester resin. 6. The Charpy impact test provides a record of the impact event. . the modulus is very sensitive to the matrix properties and matrix/fibre interfacial bonding [12]. Load–displacement response (ILSS) of jute-reinforced polyester composites. It is not possible from load–displacement curves to locate the exact beginning of fibre failure of composite laminates because of the non-linear behaviour of the jute laminate under flexural load. respectively (Table 2). For interlaminar shear.M. these composites could be considered for future materials use. G.C. The Barcol hardness of jute-reinforced polymer composites is found to range between 15–25 against 27–30 for polyester resin.J. asbestos etc. and resin specimens are 29 kJ/m 2 and 1. the mode of failure is strongly dependent on the span to depth ratio. wash basins [20] and table tops. automobile components. drainage pipes. and the B. the S. non-health hazardous. Ravindra. even though normal stresses are present the failure is essentially due to shear. for providing us with testing facilities. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the All India Council for Technical Education. simultaneous breaking of fibres and partial pull-out of fibres. There is a wide deviation among the curves even though the specimens are all identical. Stress–strain response (IPS) for the ^ 458 tensile test of jutereinforced polyester composites. Failure of specimens occurs due to bending. Fig. very difficult to explain this behaviour since large numbers of parameters like the breaking of fibres. Rangaiah of the Aeronautical Development Establishment. Fig. they do have better strengths than wood composites [19] and some plastics. It is. A significant change in the slope of the stress–strain curve indicates shear failure. Chickballapur.G. the composites are a good substitute for wood in indoor applications such as shelves. It has been found experimentally for T-300 carbon/epoxy material that the woven-fabric laminates of ^ 458 inplane shear test specimens give a better shear response [18] because of the interlacing of strands and also because of the higher transverse strength of woven-fabric composites as compared to unidirectional composites. Munikenche Gowda et al. / Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 277–284 283 test for four specimens. electrical fittings as well as larger items such as lightweight fishing boats [21]. and the staff of the Structures and Materials division.T. The first author is grateful to his parent organisation. respectively (Table 2). are involved. Srinivasaiah College of Engineering. It may also be due to weak interfacial bonding of the matrix or a lack of proper penetration of resin into the fibres. and may also be suitable for outdoor uses such as roofing. We are sincerely thankful to Dr K. low in cost and easily available as compared to conventional fibres like glass. Bangalore. The interlaminar shear strength is the strength through the thickness of the plies in a plane containing the fibre axis. The composite has mainly failed due to matrix cracking. Kevlar.2 GPa. a few more tests are to be carried out to evolve the hygrothermal and weather resistance properties of these composites. in particular. therefore. . Scientist ‘D’ and V. Fig. To ascertain their suitability for outdoor applications. Narayanan. for deputing him to higher studies. Director. partitions. All specimens were simply supported in a fixture and loaded at midspan. Institute of Technology. 8 shows the stress–strain diagram for the ^ 458 tensile 7.5 MPa and 2. Failure of matrix/fibre usually starts after a stress level of 15 MPa. Interlaminar shear strength is low compared to inplane shear strength since fibres also take a part in the resistance to inplane shear stresses whereas interlaminar shear is resisted by the matrix. In the case of the ^ 458 tension test. 8. the average interlaminar shear strength of the composites is 10 MPa. Therefore. The curve is linear up to 15 MPa (approximately) and then follows a non-linear path.. Conclusion It is concluded that although the mechanical properties of jute/polyester composites do not possess strengths and moduli as high as those of conventional composites. Since the reinforcing material is eco-friendly.P. Bangalore. It is well known and also documented. No delamination of plies has been observed during the test. 7 shows the plot of applied load versus displacement curves for ten identical specimens.. non-toxic. that short beams usually fail by shear and long beams by tension or compression [17].S. The inplane shear strength and shear modulus are 16. Addition of jute to the matrix reduces the hardness of the binding material.76 kJ/m 2. New Delhi. fibre failure and debonding of the matrix/fibre interface. 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