1989 IBP Elections 178 SCRA 398

March 18, 2018 | Author: Mar Sayos Dales | Category: Celtic Polytheism, Business



Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANCIN THE MATTER OF THE INQUIRY INTO THE 1989 ELECTIONS OF THE INTEGRATED BAR OF THE PHILIPPINES. A. M. No. 491 Octobe !" 19#9 RESOLUTION PER CURIAM: $n the election of the national office s of the $nte% ate& Ba of the Philippines 'he eafte "IBP() hel& on *une +" 19#9 at the Philippine $nte national Con,ention Cente 'o "PICC")" the follo-in% -e e electe& b. the /ouse of 0ele%ates 'co1pose& of 123 chapte p esi&ents o thei alte nates) an& p oclai1e& as office s4 NAME Att.. 5ioleta 0 ilon Att.. Bella Ti o Att.. Sal,a&o 8ao Att.. Renato 9. Ron:uillo Att.. Teo&o o ;uico. Att.. Osca Ba&elles /ouse of 0ele%ates Att.. *ustiniano Co tes Att.. Ci iaco Atien>a Att.. Ma io *alan&oni Att.. *ose A%uila < apilon Att.. Teo&o o Al1ine Att.. Po fi io Si.an%co Att.. Rica &o Te uel Att.. <la&.s Tion%co Att.. Si1eon 0atu1anon% <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo No the n 8u>on <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo Cent al 8u>on <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo Met o Manila <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo Southe n 8u>on <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo Bicolan&ia <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo Easte n 5isa.as <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo ?este n 5isa.as <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo Easte n Min&anao <o,e no = 5ice7P esi&ent fo ?este n Min&anao POS$T$ON P esi&ent E6ecuti,e 5ice7P esi&ent Chai 1an" /ouse of 0ele%ates /ouse of 0ele%ates Sec eta . T easu e " /ouse of 0ele%ates Se %eant7at7A 1s e&" an& that %o.e the $nte% ate& Ba " esol. 0 ilon" the alle%e& use of %o.e se co11ents publishe& in the colu1ns of so1e ne-spape s about the intensi.The ne-l.78a-s -hich p ohibit such acti.e boa &. an& influence to -in o. the ($BP Co1elec"( hea&e& b..) ca1pai%nin% fo he .ie-e& -ith consi&e able conce n -as the epo te& electionee in% an& e6t a.( M . the th ee p incipal can&i&ates4 Att.ent ta1pe in% -ith" an& 1a @in% of" the ballots. *u a&oDs info 1ants alle%e& that the e -as a1pant ..als -ho felt at a &isa&.ice safe%ua &s to p e.e n1ent positions -e e p o1ise& to othe s b. 0 ilonDs f ate nit. the pa ticipants an& obse ." Atto ne.nato Puno of the Cou t of Appeals" -as unani1ousl.ities" the Sup e1e Cou t en banc" e6e cisin% its po-e of supe .anta%e of ha. a&Au&%e& b.ention of ce tain public officials to influence the . Si%1a Rho 9 ate nit.e spen&in% b. e1plo.e colu1ns4 (The $n.e electionee in% an& o.) as -ell as b. $t shoul& be state& at the outset that the election p ocess itself ' i. (pou e& hea t" soul" 1one.Offices) -he e M s.ision o. E1il *u a&o" in his colu1n ($BP < oup .e& in the ca1pai%n b.s. /o-e. I.ote7bu.a%ance that cha acte i>e& the ca1pai%n con&ucte& b.in% e%ional &i ecto s an& labo a bite s of the 0epa t1ent of 8abo an& E1plo. in an a ticle entitle& (Pa17Pa1( 'The Philippines 9 ee P ess" *ul.e the 123 $BP &ele%ates.es of absence b. 4"19#9 befo e the Sup e1e Cou t en banc. 0 ilon" Ne eo Pacul&o an& Ra1on Nisce" -ho epo te&l.uestions 0 ilon Election( 'Manila Stan&a &" Sun&a.iolation of the $BP B.e& to suspen& the oath7ta@in% of the $BP office s7elect an& to in:ui e into the . . 'Sec eta .otes on *une +" 19#9) -hich -as con&ucte& b.e s of ACCRA 'An%a a" Concepcion" C u>" Re%ala an& Abello 8a. 0 ilonDs i. MEDIA ACCOUNT OF THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN.e s -ho ha& -itnesse& o pa ticipate& in the p ocee&in%s an& the a&. #"19#9)" an& the e&ito ial" entitle& D? on% 9o u1( of the 0ail.a" *une 13" 19#9) an& (The 0isinte% atin% Ba ( 'Mala.in% b. the 1ain p ota%onists fo the office of p esi&ent of the association" na1el... so1e la-.assin% of . the office of the 8abo Sec eta . so1e 1e1be s of the U.7electe& office s -e e set to ta@e thei oath of office on *ul. so1e 1e1be s of the Cou t f o1 la-. 9o *ustice Puno too@ it upon hi1self to &e.e n1ent planes" an& the officious inte . the -i&esp ea& epo ts ecei. *u a&o 1entione& the esent1ent of Att.e& b.e " &istu be& b.anta%e because Att. c itical of the (.e teb ate& Ba ( 'Mala. 0 ilon alle%e&l.s Ne eo Pacul&o" Ra1on Nisce" an& 5ioleta C. he husban&" the 8abo Sec eta .e s to be abo. of the epo ts.ote7bu.e.isit fa 7flun% $BP chapte s on the p ete6t of &ist ibutin% Bigay Pu ! &onations" an& she ha& the a&&e& a&. the .a" *une 23" 19#9)C an& Teo&o o 8ocsin * .e acit. use& PNB helicopte s to .otin%" all of -hich -e e &one in . <lobe '*une #" 19#9)" -e e unani1ousl.1ent '-ho ha& been % ante& lea.in% an& p essu e tactics( alle%e&l. 5ioleta C. the can&i&ates" le& b." *une 1B" 19#9)C 8uis Mau icio" in t-o successi. 0 ilon is e1plo. the th ee can&i&ates fo p esi&ent of the $BP.P. ?hat the Cou t .otin% an& the can. *ustice Re. The 1eetin% bet-een the Cou t en banc. b. in.entionFelection -e e hel&) &u in% a ecess.." *une 23" 19#9" at 2433 oDcloc@ p.. b. in a oo1 of the P$CC 'the Philippine $nte national Con.( The . Mau icio" in his colu1n ..in% ai& an& co1fo t to he 'Att.ote about the sa1e 1atte s an&" in a&&ition" 1entione& (tal@ of pe sonnel of the 0epa t1ent of 8abo " especiall..e to t-ent.e no s an& of the /ouse of 0ele%ates" an& of the $BP office s" national" o e%ional" o chapte .otes.e the p ice of thei . -e e epo te&l.ene able eti e& Sup e1e Cou t *ustice an& $BP P esi&ent E1e itus" *ose B.e ca1pai%nin% b. conciliato s an& e1plo. on the one han&" an& the out%oin% an& inco1in% $BP office s" on the othe " -as an info 1al one. &istu be& to note that in connection -ith the election of 1e1be s of the Boa & of <o.( The Resolution -ent on to sa. to se .( -hich alle%e&l.(C the billetin% of out7of7to-n &ele%ates in plush hotels -he e the..itation of the Cou t" to %i..M .e& hi1self in $BP politics on election &a....e acit.1.( M .otes -hich -e e belie. Re. e7echoe& Mau icioDs epo ts -ith so1e e1bellish1ents.a top official of the Au&icia . 8ocsin in his colu1n an& e&ito ial substantiall. of the afo e1entione& epo ts an& to eco11en&" fo the consi&e ation of the Cou t" app op iate app oaches to the p oble1 of confi 1in% an& st en%thenin% a&he ence to the fun&a1ental p inciples of the $BP." -o1ene& an& subAecte& to en&less ha%%lin% o.e& . The fun&a1ental assu1ption -as that office s" &ele%ates an& %o.8. st esse& at the ti1e of its o %ani>ation an& co11ence1ent of e6istence" is that the $BP shall be non7political in cha acte an& that the e shall be no lobb.es" atten&e& the &ialo%ue" upon in.( $n his secon& colu1n" M .e counsel an& a&. can&i&ates" inclu&in% . can&i&ates fo $BP positions as -ell as e6pen&itu e of consi&e able su1s of 1one.ice.ol.. 0 ilonDs) can&i&ac.. Respon&in% to the c itical epo ts" the Cou t" in its en banc Resolution &ate& *une 1E" 19#9" &i ecte& the out%oin% an& inco1in% 1e1be s of the $BP Boa & of <o.e s" notabl." an& the e to info 1 the Cou t on the .ention Cente -he e the con. The eafte " the Cou t esol.. $n that Resolution" the Cou t (calle& to 1in& that a basic postulate of the $nte% ate& Ba of the Philippines '$BP)" hea. ( an%e& f o1 PlE"333 to P23"333" an&" on the &a. Mau icio 1entione& (ho.e no s an& of the /ouse of 0ele%ates" the e is a -i&esp ea& belief" base& on epo ts ca ie& b.ote7bu.e no s -oul& be chosen on the basis of p ofessional 1e it an& -illin%ness an& abilit. -o & of 1outh" that the e -as e6tensi. plotte& thei election st ate%..il.in% no ca1pai%nin% in the choice of 1e1be s of the Boa & of <o. closetin% hi1self -ith ca1pai%ne s as the. . 1e&ia an& t ans1itte& as -ell b.e& c ucial" app eciate& to PE3"333. alle%e&l. of the election" so1e t-el. THE COURT"# DECI#ION TO IN$E#TIGATE. that the (Cou t is &eepl.in%" &i ect o in&i ect.e an& intensi.e.e no s" the p incipal office s an& Chai 1an of the /ouse of 0ele%ates" to appea befo e it on Tues&a. Chinese 9ilipinos" %i.. II. (-ine& an& &ine& continuousl. p ohibite& an& shall be penali>e& acco &in%l. sai&" on lette s" phone calls an& pe sonal inte .co" Ab aha1 9. (.ention.i&ence %i. <anca.e to the $BP elections. III. Na ." in.ision o inst u1entalit. The Co11ittee has since sub1itte& its Repo t afte ecei.e &i ect an& pe sonal @no-le&%e of the ele. & The $nte% ate& Ba is st ictl.. No la-. The ne-spape colu1nists" Mess s.in% an& anal.e& to accept an& a&opt the sa1e. ten&in% to i1pai this basic featu e is st ictl. acti.e f ee ai fa es to &ele%ates to the con.asa" as Chai 1an" an& Associate *ustices Teo&o o R.e hol&in% an electi. billete& thei suppo te s" -e e su11one&. A total of fo t. Sa 1iento" an& Ca olina C.to con&uct a fo 1al in:ui . ca1pai%ne& o -o @e& fo the election of Att. The Philippine Ai lines officials -e e calle& to testif.e . non7political" an& e.o@in% the P ess 9 ee&o1 8a-" efuse& to i&entif. the1 to &istant places in thei ca1pai%n to -in the . non7political( cha acte of the $nte% ate& Ba of the Philippines" thus4 "#ec. set up thei especti. 8uis Mau icio" *esus Bi%o nia an& E1il *u a&o -e e subpoenae& to &ete 1ine the natu e of thei sou ces of info 1ation elati.e @no-le&%e of the facts" but -ho1 the. The Cou t en banc fo 1e& a co11ittee an& &esi%nate& Senio Associate *ustice An& es R. Thei sto ies -e e base&" the.ie-s -ith pe sons -ho clai1e& to ha. 0 ilon. The office of the Philippine National Ban@ an& the Ai T anspo t Office -e e calle& to enli%hten the Cou t on the cha %e that an $BP p esi&ential can&i&ate an& the 1e1be s of he slate use& PNB planes to fe .. office in the <o. Chapte the eof.. PROHIBITED ACT# AND PRACTICE# UNDER IBP B%&LA'#. < iGo7A:uino" as 1e1be s" to con&uct the in:ui . chapte the eof shall be consi&e e& i) ! -ac+! esi%ne& f o1 his position as of the . 0aniel Ma tine>" acte& as the co11itteeDs Reco &in% Sec eta .att" an& the /oli&a.. A ticle $" Section 4 of the $BP B. position in the $nte% ate& Ba o an. political sub&i. Officials of the 8abo 0epa t1ent -e e also calle& to enable the Cou t to asce tain the t uth of the epo ts that labo officials openl. A &ele%ate" %o. such pe sons as -e e pe cei. N!n&)!*i+ica* Ba.e" Au&icial" :uasi7Au&icial" o p osecuto .it..ities enu1e ate& in the $BP B.7nine '49) -itnesses appea e& an& testifie& in esponse to subpoenas issue& b.ee of an.e n1ent o an. on the cha %e that so1e can&i&ates %a. $nn -he e the th ee p ota%onists '0 ilon" Nisce an& Pacul&o) alle%e&l.. Pa&illa" E1ilio A.ee of the $nte% ate& Ba " o an office o e1plo.e hea&:ua te s an& -he e the. The Cle @ of Cou t" Att.78a-s e1phasi>es the (st ictl.e& to ha..otes of &ele%ates.en b.e no " office o e1plo. the eof shall be eli%ible fo election o appoint1ent to an.>in% an& assessin% e.ant factsC an& the Cou t" afte &elibe atin% the eon" has Resol. to &ete 1ine -hethe the p ohibite& acts an& acti. The 1ana%e s of th ee fi. the Cou t to she& li%ht on the con&uct of the elections.e7sta hotels the Philippine Pla>a" the /.78a-s -e e co11itte& befo e an& &u in% the 19#9 elections of $BPDs national office s. a ticle of . e in% 1e1be pu suant to the B. At the fo 1al in.!/ibi+e0 ac+ an0 ). the in. .7la-s of the $nte% ate& Ba .e public office o accepts appoint1ent to an.e" Au&icial" :uasi7Au&icial o p osecuto . +/e H!u e !. pe sonC o '+) 1a@in% a p o1ise o causin% an e6pen&itu e to be 1a&e" offe e& o p o1ise& to an. a can&i&ate fo an.3 P.e to election a e p ohibite&" -hethe co11itte& b. pe sons othe than those autho i>e& b.e to $BP elections4 #ec. the eof." of election ca1pai%n 1ate ialsC 'b) 0ist ibution" on election &a.e*a+i1e +! e*ec+i!n .e n1ent o an.78a-s enu1e ates the p ohibite& acts elati.e office in the $nte% ate& Ba o b. o in&i ectl. (D Section 14 of the sa1e B. othe 1e1be " &i ectl. & The follo-in% acts an& p actices elati.1!+e by +/e can0i0a+e -!.1o1ent he files his ce tificate of can&i&ac.n!.0 !. electi. fo 1 o 1anne " b.iolation of the ules %o. P.e to ElectionsH of the B.alue" o an.iolations of the abo.e tise1ent the eofC 'e) 9o the pu pose of in&ucin% o influencin% a 1e1be to -ithhol& his .esti%atin% co11ittee" the follo-in% . fo an. . office in the <o.al f o1 office if electe&" -ithout p eAu&ice to the i1position of sanctions upon an. Au&icial" :uasi7Au&icial" o p osecuto .e nin% elections o co11ission of an. office in the <o. can0i0a+e -!. an. political sub&i. si1ila consi&e ation to an. of the p ohibite& acts an& p actices &efine& in Section 14 'P ohibite& Acts an& P actices Relati. electi. pe son.G!1e. . the office p esi&in% at the electionsC 'c) Ca1pai%nin% fo o a%ainst an. o inst u1entalit.ac+ice .ote" o to .(." of election ca1pai%n 1ate ials othe than a state1ent of the bio&ata of a can&i&ate on not 1o e than one pa%e of a le%al7si>e sheet of pape C o causin% &ist ibution of such state1ent to be &one b. the eofC '&) 9o 1ation of tic@ets" sin%le slates" o co1binations of can&i&ates as -ell as the a&." in an.e ules4 '&) An. can&i&ate" -hile hol&in% an electi.ote fo o a%ainst a can&i&ate4 '1) pa.!/ibi+e0 ca4)aigning an0 !*ici+a+i!n !. !. +/e !--ice.7la-s of the $nte% ate& Ba shall be a % oun& fo the &is:ualification of a can&i&ate o his e1o. political sub&i.78a-s p esc ibes sanctions fo . e5ecu+i1e 1ice&).in% of foo&" & in@" ente tain1ent" t anspo tation o an.iolations -e e establishe&4 2. . hi1self o th ou%h anothe pe son4 'a) 0ist ibution" e6cept on election &a.e i0en+.ision" a%enc.1ent of the &ues o othe in&ebte&ness of an.De*ega+e an0 B!a.e i0en+.ision o inst u1entalit. ). 1e1be C '2) %i.( Section 12'&) of the B.esti%ation -hich -as con&ucte& b.e n1ent o an. " Cesa C.otes in the election 't." A senio C. Me&ial&ea" * .s. Bala" * . Salun7at" <lo ia C.s. Be na &o" 9eliciano 9. 4)" the. Pa1intuan" Atlee T. 5illalon" Renato 9. #27#E)." Coni>a&o 5. Balbin" * .n. /e sta te& ca1pai%nin% an& &ist ibutin% the no1ination fo 1s in Ma ch" 19#9" afte the chapte elections -hich &ete 1ine& the 1e1be ship of the /ouse of 0ele%ates co1pose& of the 123 chapte p esi&ents 't." *une 29" 19#9" pp. A%unos" Osca B. 4B) -he e the." *ose P. Att. Cit. 5iola" Osca C. Pe e>" Abela &o 9e 1in" 0ios&a&o B. to solicit the . 12+)" in Ta%a." &u in% the confe ence of chapte p esi&ents of No the n 8u>on 't. 9e nan&e>" Rica &o B.n.otes" an& secu in% thei . Unfo tunatel. Te uel Ro& i%o R. Atien>a" *ose N." an& Manuel S.itation of $BP P esi&ent" 8eon <a cia" * . 't." *ul. $ba a" *ose M.n. atten&e& the Bench an& Ba &ialo%ues hel& in Cotabato in Ap il 19#9 't. 5i a.ta. Upon the in." *ul. Pa son. Ron:uillo" Antonio <.n. #27#!). Buban" 0ios&a&o J. +"19#9" p.coco" A1o 8." *ul. 13" p. Cabanas" *ose S.s." E1esto A. han&7ca ie& no1ination fo 1s an& e:ueste& the chapte p esi&ents an& &ele%ates to fill up an& si%n the fo 1s to fo 1ali>e thei co11it1ent to his no1ination fo $BP P esi&ent. ?. 0in * . Nalapo" Ro1ual&o A. see@in% the help of $BP chapte office s" solicitin% thei . 1+"19#9" p.ellin% a oun& the count . 9lo es" Si6to Ma ella" * .. Nisce a&1itte& that he ese . 14 .itten en&o se1ents. /e pe sonall.otes of &ele%ates as ea l.n.The th ee can&i&ates fo $BP P esi&ent" 0 ilon" Nisce an& Pacul&o" be%an t a.n. Att. Maca ae%" Confeso R. Cla in" *ulius J." *une 29" 19#9" p. Neil" Roe1 *.n. $caonapo * .s.s.ui ico 8.n. Posa&as" . A1o es" Ro1eo 5. ." Pa1pan%a" an& in Ba%uio Cit. as Ap il" 19#9. TeAa&a" Can&i&o P. ReloA" * . '43) co11it1ents. 11+C t. /e obtaine& fo t." Paulino <. Pefianco" Au%u io C.e& oo1s at the /." Cefe ino C. N$SCE as National P esi&ent of the $nte% ate& Ba of the Philippines IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Chapte Si%natu e( A1on% those -ho si%ne& the no1ination fo 1s -e e4 Onof e P." *ul. 41C t. /e sub1itte& photocopies of his no1ination fo 1s -hich ea&4 (No1ination 9o 1 $ *oin in No1inatin% RAMON M. Sansano" 0ionisio E." 0aniel C." *une 29" 19#9" pp." *une 29" 1 . 5illa in" * .s. Men&o>a" 8eo C.." &espite those fo 1al co11it1ents" he obtaine& onl.ui ico" E nesto S. Nisce a&1itte& that he -ent a oun& the count .att /otel base& on the co11it1ents he ha& obtaine& 't.s. Cont e as" Ro1eo T.s. announce& thei can&i&acies an& 1et the chapte p esi&ents. 1+" p. A bola&o" 0e1oc ito M. Antonio T ia. 5ioleta 0 ilon" A tu o Tusi 'Tiu)" Assistant Sec eta . Tiu about the a." *ul. ?on%" <la&. Att.that Sec eta . T ia is his f ate nit. C727C u&o) liste& Att.in% fo 1e& thei o-n slates fo the election of $BP national office s on *une +" 19#9. 263 U e !. /is e:uest -as % ante&. 0 ilon a&1itte& that she (hitche&( a i&e on a PNB plane.i on1ent an& Natu al Resou ces K0ENRH Ton." Att.phoon that hit the e%ion in the 1i&&le of Ma.. 19#9" he faile& to obtain boo@in% f o1 the Philippine Ai lines fo the p oAecte& t ip of his % oup to Bicol.. E6cept fo Ton.up so1e pape s fo a client. of a PNB plane 't. 11!7 11#). 0 ilon an& he % oup. /e -ent to the 0ENR alle%e&l. Thei pu pose in %oin% to Bicol -as to assess thei chances in the $BP elections. Antonio S.s.n. 273 F!.) -ent to the 0ENR office an& e:ueste& the Sec eta .. +"19#9" pp.n. The eason" he sai&" is that. E49).s. <la&. 9acto an" * . She sai& that she -as info 1e& b.. fo En. T ia" to%ethe -ith the 0 ilon % oup -hich inclu&e& Atto ne. 4" 19#9" pp." *ul. T ia -as %oin% on an official business in Bicol fo Sec eta .9#9" p.s. /e ecalle& that on Ma. Att. 9ul%encio 9acto an an& that he -oul& be ta@in% a PNB plane. Att. 9acto an inst ucte& hi1 to %o to Bicol to 1onito ce tain e%ional &e.s 0 ilon" < apilon" A1. The th ee can&i&ates" Pacul&o" Nisce an& 0 ilon" a&1itte& ha. E47!9).e 5ice7P esi&ent in the 0 ilon tic@et" testifie& that so1eti1e in Ma. #!).n. 2+"19#9" 0ENR Sec eta .s Tion%co" an& A1.n.i on1ent = Natu al Resou ces '0ENR) bo o-e& a plane f o1 the Philippine National Ban@ fo his Bicol COR0 'Cabinet Office s fo Re%ional 0e.elop1ent) Assistant" Un&e sec eta . tal@e& -ith the $BP Chapte P esi&ents in 0aet" Na%a an& 8e%aspi" an& as@e& fo thei suppo t 't. The plane 1anifest 'E6h. b othe " he as@e& if he" to%ethe -ith the 0 ilon % oup" coul& hitch a i&e on the plane to Bicol.s Tion%co" an& Tiu" too@ off at the 0o1estic Ai po t boun& fo Na%a" 0aet an& 8e%aspi." an $BP Chapte P esi&ent 't. #!9EC E6hibit (M747Nisce"( t. 13371 34).. Tiu" a f ate nit. As Assistant Sec eta .s. to follo. 13" 19#9" pp.s.4a+i!n !. The 0 ilon co1pan.e. Tiu" -ho an fo the position of $BP E6ecuti.otes to hi1 -e e (1anipulate&" inti1i&ate&" p essu e&" o e1une ate&( 't. of the 0epa t1ent of En. 13" 19#9" pp. $n 8e%aspi" the 0 ilon % oup ha& lunch -ith Att. 9ul%encio S. ?hile at the 0ENR" he lea ne& that Assistant Sec eta . Assistant Sec eta . Assistant Sec eta ." *une 29"19#9" pp.. ?on%.ailabilit.+ic8e+ an0 ing*e *a+e .. ." *ul. so1e of those -ho ha& co11itte& thei .. b othe '1eanin% that Tiu belon%s to the Si%1a Rho f ate nit. 5icente Real" * . The eco &s of the Philippine National Ban@ 'E6hibit C717C u&o an& E6hibit C727C u&o) sho.n. Att. T ia" the est of the passen%e s -e e $BP can&i&ates..elop1ent p oAects the e an& to su . T ia" Att. '9acto an) if he 'Tiu) coul& be allo-e& to hitch a i&e on the plane. the effect of the t. On the sa1e &a." *ul.PNB )*ane in +/e ca4)aign. T ia confi 1e& the use of a PNB plane b. itten co11it1ent f o1 hi1 because Att.5." Osca C. To &illa" * .in% bou%ht plane tic@ets fo so1e &ele%ates to the con.an%co 'Easte n 5isa. Al1ine" * .. Ba&elles -as a ." *ul.s.e no s4 *ustiniano P. Buban" *oel A.Att.ention.as)" Po fi io P. Co te> 'No the n 8u>on)" Osca C.otin% &ele%ate.as)" <la&. 0717Calica)" Cesa Batica 'E6h. 2:3 Gi1ing -. 0727 Calica)" 0elsanto Resuello 'E6h.as)" *oselito Ba e a '?este n 5isa. Balbin * .. 5ioleta C. 9e nan&e>" Cesa <. *ul. Ron:uillo" <lo ia C. 0 ilon fo P esi&ent" A tu o Tiu fo E6ecuti. Nalapo" Renato 9.s.as)" *esus S.ee /!+e* acc!44!0a+i!n .e no s4 Basil Rupisan 'No the n D8u>on)" Acon% Atien>a 'Cent al 8u>on)" A1. Me&ial&ea assu e& hi1 'Nisce) " igu. ?on% 'Met o Manila)" *ose < apilon 'Southe n Ta%alo%)" Teo&o o Al1ine 'Bicolan&ia)" Bal&o1e o Esten>o 'Easte n 5isa. Pacul&oDs slate consiste& of hi1self fo P esi&entC Bella 0. A%unos" Ma io 5al&e a1a" Can&i&o P. 4"19#9" pp." Ba&elles -on as Se %eant7 at7A 1s" not in NisceDs tic@et" but in that of 0 ilon.. 8in&a 8i1 of Ja1boan%a. Ba&elles. The 0 ilon tic@et consiste& of. Sansano" BenAa1in B. 'E6h. NisceDs line7up liste& hi1self an& Confesso B. Si. Nisce a&1itte& ha." 5icente P. Atilano" -ho -as his can&i&ate" an& anothe tic@et to M s. 07+7 Calica)" an& Cefe ino Cabanas 'E6h. Nisce" ho-e. *alan&oni '< eate Manila)" Pet onilo A. +" p. 0717Calica)" Ro1eo 9o tes 'E6h.+a+i!n +! !u+&!-&+!9n 0e*ega+e an0 a*+e. an0 en+e. 0. Reco &s of the Philippine Ai lines sho-e& that Att. Albacite" an& Osca 5.an )!. A&a>a" * . /"9ag 4! nang )a)i. of the /ouse of 0ele%ates 't. 07+7Calica).a0! na "yan. to Manila an& [email protected] 'E6h. NEREO PACU80O .e " faile& to %et a .a&o 8ao fo Chai 1an of the /ouse of 0ele%ates" an&" fo <o. Anonat '?este n Min&anao)" an& < e%o io A. Att.n.e 5ice7P esi&entC an& fo <o. 'Easte n Min&anao).na+e . KaH ATTL. Nisce pai& fo the plane tic@ets of 5icente Real" * . Me&ial&ea" * . Ba&elles a&1itte& that Nisce sent hi1 th ee ai plane tic@ets" but he 'Ba&elles) sai& that he &i& not use the1" because if he &i&" he -oul& be co11itte& to Nisce" an& he 'Ba&elles) &i& not -ant to be co11itte& 't. Te uel '?este n 5isa. Att. /e 1entione& Osca Ba&elles to -ho1 he %a.s Tion%co 'Easte n Min&anao)" an& Si1eon 0atu1anon% 'Easte n Min&anao).in8 . 1!1). Nisce also sent a plane tic@et to Att. Be na &ino" Antonio 8. 2(3 Gi1ing -. 5iola" 8eo C.n. Ra1on N. BB7B9" 9E79!).. 8losa" *esus T. KE6hibit M7NisceH.ee +.. one of NisceDs can&i&ates -on4 Renato Ron:uillo of Manila 4" as Sec eta . -!!0. &e la C u> 'Southe n 8u>on)" Teo&o ico C.. 'Bicolan&ia)" Rica &o B. 0727Calica)" *ose Buban of 8e." *ose S. 9e nan&e> 'Cent al 8u>on)" Ma io C.e fou oun&7t ip tic@ets '-o th about P13"333) f o1 $li%an Cit.4a/in. $n spite of his effo ts an& e6penses" onl. Ti o" fo E6ecuti.e 5ice P esi&ent" Sal.+ain4en+ +! 0e*ega+e . KE6hibit M717NisceH. Ma io *alan&oni.. The total su1 of P+1!"411.a" Att.en Jach" an& BenAa1in Pa&on. 0R$8ON The &ele%ates an& suppo te s of Att.a" Se apio C ibe" *uanita Subia" Teo&o ico *... Callanta fo the oo1s" foo&" an& be.e he the na1e of Att. A&a>a" 9 ancisco Ro6as" An%elita <acutan" *esse Pi1entel" *u&%e *ai1e /a1o.a" Philippine Pla>a Ban:uet an& Con. The % oup boo@in%s -e e 1a&e b.#9 -as pai& to /oli&a. She su%%este& that he obtain a % oup 'o &iscounte&) ate. Noel &e <u>1an" /oli&a. M . Those liste& as %uests of Att.uico. Callanta. $nnDs C e&it Mana%e " testifie& that Att. Moises" Ra1on Roco" Albe to T ini&a&" Teo&o o ..( M s. Al1ine" Ru&. <u1ban" Roel A bola&o" Rica &o Te uel" Shi le.. $nn fo the use of the oo1s. !+7!#). $nn -hich se . 5illanue. Bene&icto tu ne& out to be the Assistant Sec eta . /e pai& P1E3"333 fo the hotel bills of his &ele%ates at the /oli&a. Ma iano Bene&icto -ho fi st ca1e to boo@ oo1s fo the $BP &ele%ates.. $nn" -he e a oo1 cost P993 pe &a..e& as his hea&:ua te s. the 0 ilon % oup" -ith an unpai& balance of P+32"19B. Callanta still has an outstan&in% account of P2+2"B#2. his staff '1ostl.E+ -as pai& b. Att. 9o 1ille>a" * . Callanta si%ne& -ith the Philippine Pla>a -as 1a&e in the na1e of the ($BP cFo Att.e sation -ith Ms. -ith b ea@fast.." *u&%e Ca lito Eis1a" *u&%e *esus Ca bon" *o. hi1self" the office s of the Capitol Ba Association" an& Att. /e %a. Callanta -ho -oul& 1a@e the a an%e1ents -ith he .entions Mana%e " the cont act that Att. Pacul&o at the /oli&a." Ma ciano Ne i" <ue e o A&a>a" 0ios&a&o Pe alta" 8uis C. *une 2#" 19#9" pp. The 24 oo1s -e e to be occupie& b. Pacul&o boo@e& E2 'not 24) oo1s" inclu&in% the p esi&ential suite" -hich -as use& as the Sec eta iat.." Manito 8uce o" 9 e& Cle&e a" 5icente To &illa" *ulian Oca1po" 9 ancisco 9eli>1enio" Ma .el Cla. 5illanue. Renato Callanta" boo@e& 43 oo1s" E of -hich -e e suites. Pe e>" Tolo1eo 8i%utan" *u&%e Alfonso Co1bon%" Rica &o Cali-a%" Antonio Bisna " Bene&icto BalaAa&ia" *esus Cast o" Restituto 5illanue. 5$O8ETA C.e a%es consu1e& b.!E at Philippine Pla>a.n.an%co" ?illia1 8lanes" * .1ent '0O8E).+3. la&ies) an& the $BP &ele%ates. . 8ou &es *uco" a Sales Mana%e of the Philippine Pla>a" ecalle& that it -as M ." *esus Anonat" Ca los E%a.Att. The th ee suites -e e to be occupie& b. Pacul&o alle%e& that he boo@e& 24 e%ula oo1s an& th ee suites at the /oli&a.. 0 ilon -e e billete& at the Philippine Pla>a /otel -he e he ca1pai%n 1ana%e " Att.s. KbH ATTL. <lo ia Pacul&o" the -ife of Ne eo Pacul&o 't.ecilla" A1a&o Capi al" Euf onio Ma istela" Po fi io Si. $nn -e e4 E1esto C. 0aniel Ma tine>Ds last telephone con. Att. Acco &in% to Ms. The total su1 of P22B"114.." 0e1oc ito Pe e>" B uno 9lo es" 0ennis Ren&on" *u&%e Cefe ino Chan" Ma io *alan&oni" Menneth Si uelo" Bella Ti o" Antonio Santos" Tibu cio E&ano" *a1es Tan" Cesilo A. Pe Atto ne. of the 0epa t1ent of 8abo an& E1plo.. consi&e Att. B!B#) &u in% the le%al ai& se1ina an& the $BP con. But she &i& as@ fo a oo1 -he e she coul& est &u in% the con. Callanta ha& billete& he &ele%ates at the Philippine Pla>a. b othe s of Sec eta .n.).e& b.Att. 0 ilon '1eanin%" 1e1be s of the Si%1a Rho 9 ate nit..n.. Most of the 1e1be s of his la..Office of -hich he is a senio pa tne " %a. Att. Consulto" A&o 8ao" 5icto ia Bo a" A1. e. 4" 1 9#9" pp.s. Att.Office) 7 13"333 '&) *a.that Att.ention" too. Callanta" th ou%h Att. The. +74).. 8oan>on" 8eopol&o A. 5e ciles" 5icto ia C. 0een 7 23"333 'f) An%an%co Tan 'An%a a 8a.e P2E"333 to Callanta fo oo1s at the Philippine Pla>a so that so1e 1e1be s of his la. The follo-in% -e e liste& as ha.fi 1 a e f ate nit.Office) 7 P 2E"333 'b) Antonio Ca pio 7 23"333 'c) Toto 9e e 'Ca pio 8a. of Att. ..e& a oo1 fo the 1e1be s of his o-n fi 1 -ho atten&e& the le%al ai& se1ina an& the con.in -hose na1e the oo1 she occupie& -as e%iste e&. ?on%" Callanta" Pena" Tiu" <alla &o" Acon% Atien>a" 0. *ul. Antonio Ca pio" also a Si%1a Rhoan" ese . This ti1e" the. cont ibute& so that thei pa tne s o associates coul& atten& the le%al ai& se1ina an& the $BP con.e liste& pe sons ha.e been cont ibutin% 1one.1pathetic to the can&i&ac. Callanta e6plaine& that the abo. !"19#9" pp. *ul.uasha 8a..1ent of P12+"333.n.1ent4 'a) Nilo Pena '. *ul.fi 1 coul& ca1pai%n fo the 0 ilon % oup 't.. Att. Cast o 7 13"333 'e) 0ann.n.s.atan" $l&efonso C. ti1e the $BP e1ba @s on a p oAect. /is -o @in% sheet sho-e& that the follo-in% pe sons cont ibute& fo that &o-npa. +37+4).in% occupie& the oo1s ese .. Callanta a&1itte& that he si%ne& the cont act fo 43 oo1s at the Philippine Pla>a. &i& not also @no.io Casunca& Espina" <ue e o" *ulius Ne i" 8in&a 8i1" Ben 8i1" C. Att.l. Callanta to -ho1 he pai& P23"333 't. She alle%e&l...s. Nilo Pena a&1itte& that the .e . Co ot" 0i1a@uta Co ot" Ro1eo 9o tes" $ .ention. Batica" 8uis 9o 1ille>a" 9eli6 Macala% Ma iano Bene&icto" Atilano" A aneta" Renato Callanta. +"19#9).ention.uasha 8a. 8oan>on 't.ention.. Att.ation th ou%h Att.Office) 7 13"333 '%) Alfonso Re.. 0 ilon an& the 1e1be s of he slate" t-o of -ho1 *ose < apilon an& Si1eon 0atu1anon%" a e Si%1a Rhoans. 0 ilon alle%e& that she &i& not @no. Pue to" Nesto Atien>a" <il Batula" A a. Att.in% Petilla" Teo&o o Pal1a" <il Pal1a" 0anilo 0een" 0elsanto" Resuello" A aneta" 5icente Real" S. Be na &o" A1o es" Silao Cain%at" Manuel Luson" Si1eon 0atu1anon%" Manuel Pecson" Si6to Ma ella" *oselito Ba e a" Ra&on Macalala%" Osca Ba&elles" Antonio Ac. 0 ilon as a (Si%1a Rho siste "( he husban& bein% a Si%1a Rhoan. E"19#9" pp. Callanta at the Philippine Pla>a4 5ioleta 0 ilon" 5icto ia A.e " that she pai& fo he hotel oo1 an& 1eals to Att..no 7 23"333 'h) Cos1e Rossel 7 1E"+33 't. /e a&1itte& bein% s. She a&1itte&" ho-e. /e 1a&e the ese . /e 1a&e a &o-npa. *ul.s. ?hen as@e& about the si%nificance of Si%1a Rho" Sec eta . Cecile 9lo es" Ms. Ms. Albacite" his fo 1e teache 'but the latte -as al ea&.. 14'c)" A t. ?on%" Att. Pilotin Re. /e &i& so because he is a 1e1be of the Si%1a Rho 9 ate nit.ation Mana%e " especti. EB7E#C E6hibits E79lo es" 97*acinto <7Oca1po).nal&o Co tes" 8ou &es Santos" El1e 0atuin" Ro1ual&o 0in" Antonio Nalapo" $s ael 0a1asco" Can&i&o Balbin" Se ano Balot" $ba a" *oel 8losa" Eltanal" Rupe to" Asuncion" . A total of 11+ phone calls 'a1ountin% to Pl"+E!) -e e eco &e& as e1anatin% f o1 his oo1.n.s.e n1entD KSec.e (so1e 1o al assistance( to Att.'t..iolation of the p ohibition a%ainst (ca1pai%nin% fo o a%ainst a can&i&ate -hile hol&in% an electi." $caonapo" Abela &o 9e 1in" C. 0 ilon -hen he spi its -e e lo-. /e tal@e& to he i11e&iate ci cle -hich inclu&e& A t Tiu" Ton. As ea lie 1entione&" Att. Re.B4 't. Roo1 114" the suite liste& in the na1e of Assistant Sec eta . /e sta. 0 ilon" <la&.. co11itte& to Nisce) an& Att. . Batula" *ohn E.( /e chee e& up M s. Nisce" th ou%h his b othe 7in7la-" Rica &o Pa as" ente e& into a cont act -ith the /.uiaoit" Au%u io Pa1intuan" 0aniel Maca ae%" an& Onof e TeAa&a. Ca pio" Nilo Pena" A1. Asuncion" Re. Bene&icto" tote& up a bill of P2+"113 &u in% the 27&a.. Ron:uillo" 0o1ina&o Ca illo" 9ilo1eno Balinas" E nesto Sabulan" Lusop Pan%a&apun" A.e no " Easte n Min&anao) an& A1.. Mila% os Oca1po" an& M .1ent" testifie& that he too@ a lea. *ul.n. 5i a.. Opposite Roo1 114 -as Roo1 112" also a suite" liste& in the na1es of M s.ention.no. E#) on Ap il 23" 19#9" an& P+B"!+2. The.c< ATT%. < apilon" 5icto 8a>atin an& Bo.78a-sH" Ma iano E.i*!n $n . as the late pa t of Ma. $BP con.. Att. The hotel %uests of Att.=< Ca4)aigning by *ab!.1un&o P. office in the <o. Ra1on *acinto" the Sales 0epa t1ent Mana%e " C e&it Mana%e " an& Rese . 0 ilon bein% 1. of the /.s. A++y.e of absence f o1 his office to atten& the $BP con. *une 2#" 19#9" p. $i!*e+a D. 22" 29" +9). . *une 2#" 19#9" pp.s..entionFelection.P. 5ioleta 0 ilon.. boss" the si%nificance the e is that the husban& is 1.enth7floo oo1. ?on% 'can&i&ate .. <u>1an" Joilo A%uinal&o" Cla in R..otes of &ele%ates he @ne-" li@e Att. !--icia* -!.e& oo1s fo those -ho co11itte& the1sel. /e 1a&e a &o-npa. b othe in the Si%1a Rho. Bene&icto e6plaine&4 (Mo e than the husban& of M s. Nisce a&1itte& that he ese .n. .Ca pio assiste& Att. !" 19#9" pp. $" $BP B. 0 ilon in he ca1pai%n &u in% the con.1ent of P23"333 't.att /otel fo a total of 29 oo1s plus one '1) se. 13" o a total of PEB"!+2.ention" b.e" Au&icial" :uasi7Au&icial" o p osecuto . Nisce -e e4 <lo ia A%unos" 0ennis /abanel B.el. assesse& the p o% ess of the ca1pai%n" an& 1easu e& the st en%ths an& -ea@nesses of the othe % oups The % oup ha& sessions as ea l. to %i.4E..s Tion%co 'can&i&ate fo <o. RAMON NI#CE.att" testifie& that Att. solicitin% the . NisceDs bill a1ounte& to P21!"12B. 9o tes" a class1ate of his in the U." 0epa t1ent of 8abo an& E1plo. Ro1. Colle%e of 8a.4E on Ma.es to his can&i&ac. Bene&icto $$" Assistant Sec eta .e& at the Philippine Pla>a -ith the 0 ilon % oup a&1itte&l.. The ca1pai%n 1ate ials of Att. These t-o oo1s se . election . .e that of last . Be na &ino &isclose& that his cousin" Att.. !. Att. 1+B" 149).n.ia* !+/e.ote fo o suppo t the1" but she has no -a.e i0ing a+ +/e e*ec+i!n ..es.his can&i&ac.#ec. . !.e& as the (action cente D o (-a oo1( -he e ca1pai%n st ate%ies -e e &iscusse& befo e an& &u in% the con. *une 2#" 19#9" pp.in% the $BP &ues of la-.ention b.1e1be s of the ACCRA la.n. of the election" Att. . his o-n p intin% shop. +! 9i+//!*0 /i 1!+e.e no " Met o Manila). Pacul&o cost f o1 P1E"333 to P23"333.ea than in p e. 142714E). Att. 0 ilon 't. +"19#9" pp. %i ls an& b. in0eb+e0ne !.ention floo on the &a. 0 ilonDs slate" but he &ecline& 't.s. la-.ea . Pacul&o cause& to be &ist ibute& his bio7&ata an& copies of a leaflet entitle& (M. ).ention site this .ea 'a non7election .(2a3.n.n.ea " the collections inc ease& b.uc/ +a+e4en+ +! be 0!ne by )e.. Ca pio" Callanta" Bene&icto" the . IBP B%&La9 <. fo chai 1an of the /ouse of 0ele%ates an& to un as . Ro1eo Capulon%" u %e& hi1 to -ith& a. *ul. .. of asce tainin% -hethe it -as a can&i&ate -ho pai& the &elin:uent &ues of anothe " because the eceipts a e issue& in the na1e of the 1e1be fo -ho1 pa.1ent is 1a&e 't. +/an +/! e au+/!. in-*uencing a 4e4be.ea s. . IBP B%&La9 <.uasha an& the ACCRA la-. 0 ilon an& Nisce si1ila l.e s -ho p o1ise& to . IBP By&La9 <.s.)a)e. &u in% an.. $t -as in these oo1s -he e the suppo te s of the 0 ilon % oup" li@e Att. ..B< In0ucing !. Ca pio note& that the e -e e 1o e ca1pai%n 1ate ials &ist ibute& at the con. 2472#). This . . The election -as 1o e heate& an& e6pensi.n. !+/e.s.ious . Att. 't. P133"333 o. !"19#9" p. On the con. again + a can0i0a+e .uest( as -ell as the lists of his slate. *ul.ibu+i!n !.ea ) f o1 Pl"41+"42E to Pl"E24"#BE.e& unifo 1e& %i ls to &ist ibute his ca1pai%n 1ate ials on the con.n!+ 4!..e s. -e e p inte& b.any 4e4be. &ist ibute& thei tic@ets an& bio7&ata. !n !+/e. . 2E). .e s 1et to plot thei 1o.e +/an !ne )age !..*ega* i@e /ee+ !.ention.s.(2e3. /e sa.s.e 't. +"19#9" pp.>< Paying +/e 0ue !.#ec. Pacul&o e1plo.ention floo . BenAa1in Be na &ino" the incu1bent P esi&ent of the $BP Ri>al Chapte " an& a can&i&ate fo chai 1an of the /ouse of 0ele%ates on NisceDs tic@et" testifie& that ca1pai%n 1ate ials -e e &ist ibute& &u in% the con.. +/an bi!&0a+a !. +9).ice7 chai 1an in 5iol.s.ibu+i!n !..?< Di +.s.i@e0 by +/e !--ice.#ec. . The. . Att.fi 1 ca1pai%nin% fo Att.4a+e. *ul. She has notice&" thou%h" that the e is an upsu %e of pa.#ec.(2e3. Te esita C. Att.fo <o. Sison" $BP T easu e " testifie& that she has hea & of can&i&ates pa.(2b3. Att. IBP By&La9 <. .A< Cau ing 0i +. *une 2#" 19#9" p. +! 1!+e -!.1ents in Ma ch" Ap il" an& Ma. n. 8losa" NisceDs suppo te an& can&i&ate fo %o. *une 29" 19#9" p. 1397113).f o1 the ace an& efuse& to be no1inate& 't.e" the Assistant Re%ional 0i ecto of the 0epa t1ent of 8abo in 0u1a%uete Cit. Pacul&o also t ie& to enlist he suppo t &u in% the chapte p esi&entsD 1eetin% to choose thei no1inee fo <o. 19#9" afte the t ipa tite 1eetin% of the 0epa t1ent of 8abo an& E1plo.)..s. To &illa -ho -as NisceDs can&i&ate fo <o.. These t-o" he sai&" offe e& to %i.111). 1317134).in%" ($ a1 not ca1pai%nin%" but 1. Att..( Nisce sai& that the p esi&ents of se. *ul. 4"19#9" pp. &e la Ce na" -ho alle%e&l.. Mansala. -ife is a can&i&ate. Nisce.e& fo hi1.es of Att. /e 1entione& Att.s. Club in Ba%uio Cit. /e @ne.about this because a -ee@ befo e the elections" ep esentati. 132713!). *ul. Nisce testifie& that a Manila Chapte 4 &ele%ate" Ma cial Ma%sino" -ho ha& ea lie co11itte& his . co11itte& to Att.as" e6p esse& his &isappoint1ent o. 4"19#9" pp.e al $BP chapte s info 1e& hi1 that labo officials -e e ca1pai%nin% fo M s. Count . /e testifie& that -hen he a i. Att. 0 ilon in.ite& hi1 to t ansfe to the Philippine Pla>a -he e a oo1 ha& been ese .n. 134)." he al ea&.itation 't. But he &ecline& the offe because he -as al ea&. Ro&il Montebon of the ACCRA 8a.e& at the Manila 0o1estic Ai po t" he -as 1et b. 134). hea sa. 0 ilon" to%ethe -ith t-o labo office s of Re%ion 1" Att.att..e no of the ?este n 5isa.. 4+7E4).ailable fo he .Office" acco1panie& b.e the $BP elections because so1e &ele%ates flip7 floppe& f o1 one ca1p to anothe . @ne.ote to Nisce chan%e& his 1in& -hen he -as offe e& a Au&%eship 'This state1ent" ho-e.n. A%unosD) . an Assistant Re%ional 0i ecto of the 0O8E -ho offe e& to b in% hi1 to the Philippine Pla>a" but he &ecline& the offe . *oel A.n..n. ?hen Nisce conf onte& Ma%sino about the alle%e& offe " the latte &enie& that the e -as such an offe . 0 ilon 't. Att.that the th ee can&i&ates ha& thei hea&:ua te s in sepa ate hotels4 Pacul&o" at the /oli&a. *ul. NisceDs info 1ant -as Antonio <.. /e &ecline& the in.s. Nalapo" an $BP can&i&ate" -ho also -ith& e-. 9ilo1eno Balbin an& Att.ite& he to sta.. to ca1pai%n.n.e hi1 t-o PA8 tic@ets an& acco11o&ations at the Philippine Pla>a 't.Att. *une 29"19#9" pp.n. <lo ia A%unos" Pe sonnel 0i ecto of the /. Anothe Nisce can&i&ate" Cesa 5iola" -ith& e.. *ul..." Cou t A&1inist ato Ti o -ent a oun& sa. .1ent at the < een 5alle.s.ote an& in. 1+"19#9" pp.s. /e 1entione& Cion.e no " beca1e Pacul&oDs can&i&ate instea& 't. 5icente P. Att. 0 ilon solicite& he 'Att. ca1pai%ne& in 8a Union 't. *une 29"19#9"p.. 8losa sai& that -hile he -as still in 0u1a%uete Cit. 0 ilon -ent to 0u1a%uete Cit. 0u in% the le%al ai& se1ina " Att.e no fo the No the n 8u>on Re%ion 't. Nisce ecalle& that &u in% the Bench an& Ba 0ialo%ue in Cotabato Cit.e " is a&1itte&l. Att.s." she 1et Att. Att.s... $nnC 0 ilon" at the Philippine Pla>aC an& Nisce" at the /.s. at the Philippine Pla>a -he e a oo1 -oul& be a.att Te aces /otel in Ba%uio an& P esi&ent of the Ba%uio7Ben%uet $BP Chapte " ecalle& that in the thi & -ee@ of Ma. *une 29" 19#9" p. .inces" Pa1pan%a" Ab a" Mountain P o.eale& that befo e he left fo Manila on Ma. Rupe to) ha& ea lie bou%ht thei o-n tic@ets fo Manila 't.i&ent that the 1anne in -hich the p incipal can&i&ates fo the national positions in the $nte% ate& Ba con&ucte& thei ca1pai%n p epa ato . Eltanal an& Att. 0.Att.E+ fo the oo1s" foo&" an& be. Nisce because he an& his t-o co1panions 'Att. Pacul&o.+3 at con. The Capitol Ba Association is a .s. ba association co1pose& of ." app oache& hi1 to con.att" the bette fo the1 to co al an& ente tain the &ele%ates billete& the einC the islan&7hoppin% to solicit the .. Att.. plane tic@ets f o1 Att..s.itten co11it1ents an& the &ist ibution of no1ination fo 1s to be fille& up b. The settin% up of ca1pai%n hea&:ua te s b.entionDs en&. 131).est.e7sta hotels4 The Philippine Pla>a" the /oli&a.olunta .e a%e consu1e& b.e no sC the fo 1ation of tic@ets" slates" o line7ups of can&i&ates fo the othe electi.iolate& Section 14 of the $BP B.e al 1onths befo e the *une + & election" an& his pu chases of ai plane tic@ets fo so1e &ele%ates.. the th ee p incipal can&i&ates '0 ilon" Nisce an& Pacul&o) in fi... The eco &s of the Philippine Pla>a /otel" hea&:ua te s of Att.ue>on Cit.n. 9714).ote fo Att. But 8losa tol& 0. /e &i& not ecei. Pacul&o a&1itte& ha.n.ince hi1 to . *ul. 8losa also e.e P!33"333 in hotel bills. to the elections on *une +" 19#9" .ation of oo1s fo &ele%ates in th ee bi% hotels at the e6pense of the p esi&ential can&i&atesC the use of a PNB plane b. the &ele%atesC the ese .78a-s. that he -as al ea&. SUMMARL O9 CAMPA$<N ENPENSES $NCURRE0 BL T/E CAN0$0ATES Att.in% spent so1e P2E3"333 &u in% his th ee -ee@s of ca1pai%nin%. 't.e positions ali%ne& -ith" o suppo tin%" eithe 0 ilon" Pacul&o o NisceC the p ocu e1ent of . +1" 19#9" a business1an" /en .otes of the chapte p esi&ents -ho co1p ise the 1237 1e1be /ouse of 0ele%ates that elects the national office s an& e%ional %o. 9$N0$N<S 9 o1 all the fo e%oin%" it is e.att a1ounte& to P21!"12B. NisceDs hotel bills at the /. This &oes not inclu&e the e6penses fo his ca1pai%n -hich be%an se.B4. $nn an& The /. la-. co11itte& to Nisce. 0 ilon an& so1e 1e1be s of he tic@et to enable the1 to (assess thei chances( a1on% the chapte p esi&ents in the Bicol . 4" 19#9" p. *une 29"19#9" pp. non7political( $nte% ate& Ba ensh ine& in Section 4 of the B.. Of this a1ount" the Capitol Ba Association 'of -hich he -as the chapte p esi&ent) cont ibute& about P1E3"333. Callanta pai& P+1!"411. of the i&ea of a (st ictl. 0 ilonDs ca1p" sho-e& that he ca1pai%n an% up o.e an.ince an& BulacanH.e s.78a-s an& 1a&e a t a.. 0 ilonDs suppo te s" but still left an unpai& bill of P+32"19B. Att. the e6penses of his t ips to the p o. /e spent about P133"333 to &ef a. Att.inces KBicol p o.. in% of p e7pai& plane tic@ets an& hotel acco11o&ations to &ele%ates 'an& so1e fa1ilies -ho acco1panie& the1) in e6chan%e fo thei suppo tC the pi atin% of so1e can&i&ates b.e s the1sel. Respect fo la.eale& that those pa ties ha& been less than can&i& -ith the Cou t an& see1 to ha.e s" as a co olla .asions" &enials an& out i%ht p e.acant positions in the Au&icia .e .in% of assistance b.es to &ecei.e& to be inhe ent in that office 1i%ht ha.e s 'b. this Cou t" an& to . o anothe ce tainl.alie l. 0 ilon) to &ist ibute thei ca1pai%n 1ate ials on the con.ste1.e it o " at least" -ithhol& . be the eason -h.ance.). of 8abo to M s.el. the Un&e sec eta .ete& (po-e ( e oneousl.incesC the p intin% an& &ist ibution of tic@ets an& bio7&ata of the can&i&ates -hich" in the case of Pacul&o" a&1itte&l. The Cou t notes -ith % a.32" Canon 1" Co&e of P ofessional Responsibilit.es" -ho a e suppose& to be 1inions of the la-" en%a%e in unla-ful p actices an& ca. b ush asi&e the .o at lessenin% confi&ence in the le%al s. The 1uch co. of the association &et acte& f o1 the &i%nit. To i1p ess upon the pa ticipants in that electo al e6e cise the se iousness of the 1iscon&uct -hich atten&e& it an& the ste n &isapp o.ie-e& b. #" A t.iolate& the B.esti%ation con&ucte& b. . pe cei.p o. 0 ilon an& he % oupC the use of 8abo A bite s to 1eet &ele%ates at the ai po t an& esco t the1 to the Philippine Pla>a /otelC the %i. it befo e its fact7fin&in% co11ittee -as c eate&.en 'B) 1e1be s a1on% -ho1 is (a ep esentati. The unsee1l.( 'Rule 1. the position of $BP p esi&ent has att acte& so 1uch inte est a1on% the la-.ote one -a.is % a.i&in% fo a *u&icial an& Ba Council co1pose& of se. to (p o1ote espect fo la.e conspi e& a1on% the1sel. Pacul&o) an& la-. 5$$$) p o. an& uphol& the Constitution an& the la-s" the &ut. of the electionC the %i. CONC8US$ONS $t has been 1entione& -ith no little insistence that the p o. The can&i&ates an& 1an.ities ai1e& at &efiance of the la.an& le%al p ocesses( an& to abstain f o1 (acti.al -ith -hich it is .e of the $nte% ate& Ba "( tas@e& to pa ticipate in the selection of no1inees fo appoint1ent to . The subse:uent in.1ent of unifo 1e& %i ls 'b.7 8a-s of the $BP but also the ethics of the le%al p ofession -hich i1poses on all la-.e cause& the co uption of the $BP elections." 1a. e o&e& -hen la-.e s. ules that the $BP fo 1ulate& fo thei obse .ate it in the publicDs estee1. of thei obli%ation to obe. this Co11ittee has e. of the le%al p ofession. The spectacle of la-.ention floo on the &a. of the pa ticipants in that election not onl.a ications that tainte& the state1ents of the -itnesses" inclu&in% so1e of the can&i&ates" &u in% the initial hea in% con&ucte& b.e conce n -hat appea to be the e. &i& not uphol& the hono of the p ofession no ele.e s b ibin% o bein% b ibe& to . a &o -ith -hich the can&i&ates pu sue& the p esi&enc.ital info 1ation f o1 it to conceal the i e%ula ities co11itte& &u in% the ca1pai%n. cost hi1 so1e P1E"333 to P23"333C the e1plo.ision in the 19#B Constitution 'See. in&ucin% the1 to (hop( o (flipflop( f o1 one tic@et to anothe fo so1e u1o e& consi&e ationC all these p actices 1a&e a political ci cus of the p ocee&in%s an& tainte& the -hole election p ocess. E.es.esto e the non7political cha acte of the $BP an& e&uce" if not enti el.e no s to be appointe& b. Section ++'b)" A t.78a-s" is he eb. !. not un fo election as E6ecuti. the P esi&ent -ith the consent of the Boa &. The e shall also be a Sec eta .e no s f o1 a1on% nine '9) e%ional %o. & The $nte% ate& Ba of the Philippines shall ha. The inco1in% Boa & of <o. The $BP elections hel& on *une+"19#9 shoul& be as the. succee& to the office of P esi&ent.e no s" as 1uch as p acticable" on a otation basis. an& T easu e of the Boa & of <o. this Cou tDs Resolution &ate& *ul.es 'as p o. upon the e6pi ation of thei t-o7.ea te 1 '-hich -as abolishe& b.e e%ions. .e 5ice7P esi&ent to be chosen b. The i%ht of auto1atic succession b.78a-s) shoul& be esto e&. a1en&e& to ea& as follo-s4 #ec+i!n (>. 5" $BP B. The %o. 9" 19#E in Ba Matte No. 4B" A t.e no s shall be e5 !-ici! 5ice7P esi&ent fo thei especti.e no s of the nine K9H $BP e%ions) f o1 a1on% the1sel. a1on% the nine '9) e%ions shall ha. this Cou t in its Resolution of *ul. 4. o $BP un&e Section BB" A t.e 5ice7P esi&ent to the p esi&enc.e been co1plete&C -he eupon" the otation shall be%in ane-.78a-s fo the &i ect election b. The p o.78a-s. esto e&. N$ of sai& B. conclu&e& elections e. The fo 1e s. eli1inate" e6pensi.i&e& in Sec. 2.78a-s of the +. annulle&.e .e 5ice7P esi&ent shall be otate& a1on% the nine '9) $BP e%ions. The position of E6ecuti. the Boa & of <o. o &e s4 1. Na+i!na* O--ice. &i1inishe& the statu e of the $BP as an association of the p actitione s of a noble an& hono e& p ofession" the Cou t he eb. 2#B) shoul& be as it is he eb.e electionee in% fo the top positions in the o %ani>ation -hich" as the ecentl. 2#B) of the follo-in% national office s4 'a) the office s of the /ouse of 0ele%atesC 'b) the $BP p esi&entC an& 'c) the e6ecuti.ice7p esi&ent" be epeale&" this Cou t bein% e1po-e e& to a1en&" 1o&if. a1en&e& as follo-s4 .isions of the $BP B.e a P esi&ent an& E6ecuti.e 5ice7P esi&ent f o1 a1on% the1sel.e 5ice7P esi&ent electe& b. 9"19#E in Ba Matte No. Section 4B of A ticle 5$$ is he eb.e& b. the E6ecuti.ste1 of ha. epeal the B.e no s shall then elect an E6ecuti. 5$$" O i%inal $BP B. At the en& of the P esi&entDs t-o7. a e he eb.e& as p esi&ent 1a.ea te 1" the E6ecuti.in% the $BP P esi&ent an& E6ecuti. One -ho has se .e 5ice7P esi&ent in a succee&in% election until afte the otation of the p esi&enc. the Boa & of <o.e no s 'co1pose& of the %o. the /ouse of 0ele%ates 'app o.e 5ice7P esi&ent shall auto1aticall.eale&" spa-ne& unethical p actices -hich se iousl. ision as pa t of the fi st pa a% aph4 No con.78a-s" inclu&in% its a1en&1ent b. 2#B) that a e inconsistent he e-ith a e he eb.n!. a+ *ea + !ne 2.e no s shall 1eet at the $BP Cent al Office in Manila to elect f o1 a1on% the1sel.D B.0.ention of the /ouse of 0ele%ates no of the %ene al 1e1be ship shall be hel& p io to an. a1en&e& as follo-s4 #ec+i!n 7A. of the i e%ula ities atten&ant upon that election" a e ineli%ible an& 1a. & The $nte% ate& Ba of the Philippines shall be %o.es" the $BP National P esi&ent an& E6ecuti.e no fo thei e%ion" the choice of -hich shall as 1uch as possible be otate& a1on% the chapte s in the e%ion. '+3) &a. a e he eb. C!4)! i+i!n !.isions of the B. & The &ele%ates f o1 each e%ion shall elect the <o.e no fo each e%ion to be electe& b. a&&in% the follo-in% p o. i&entifie& in Sub7/ea& + of this Resolution entitle& (9o 1ation of Tic@ets an& Sin%le Slates(" as -ell as those i&entifie& in this Resolution as connecte& -ith an. Section++ 'a)" A ticle 5" is he eb.ea . The Sec eta .e 5ice7P esi&ent. election in an election . not p esent the1sel." T easu e an& Se %eant7at7A 1s of the /ouse of 0ele%ates" is he eb. the Resolution en banc of this Cou t of *ul.e no shoul& be otate& a1on% the &iffe ent Chapte s in the e%ion. a1en&e& b." of the /ouse of 0ele%ates.e no s consistin% of nine '9) <o. . position.es as can&i&ates fo an. a Boa & of <o." &elete&. ?ithin thi t. Special elections fo the Boa & of <o. 9" 19#E 'Ba Matte No." T easu e " an& Se %eant7at7A 1s shall be appointe& b.+/e G!1e.+/e B!a.e +/e na+i!na* c!n1en+i!n. The position of <o.'b) The P esi&ent an& E6ecuti. 12. 9. a1en&e& to ea& as follo-s4 #ec+i!n 7>. All othe p o. 13. the 1e1be s of the /ouse of 0ele%ates f o1 that e%ion onl. N!4ina+i!n an0 e*ec+i!n !.s the eafte " the Boa & of <o.e 5ice7P esi&ent of the $BP shall be the Chai 1an an& 5ice7Chai 1an" especti. Section ++'%) of A ticle 5 p o.e no s shall be hel& in the nine '9) $BP e%ions -ithin th ee '+) 1onths" afte the p o1ul%ation of the Cou tDs Resolution in this case.e ne& b. epeale&.. $n these special elections" the can&i&ates in the election of the national office s hel& on *une +"19#9" pa ticula l. 11. Section +B" A ticle 5$ is he eb. the P esi&ent -ith the consent of the /ouse of 0ele%ates.3 4!n+/ be-!. Section +9" A ticle 5" is he eb. Section +9 'a)" 'b)" '1)" '2)" '+)" '4)" 'E)" '!)" an& 'B) of A ticle 5$ shoul& be" as the.el.e no s f o1 the nine '9) e%ions as &elineate& in Section + of the $nte% ation Rule" on the ep esentation basis of one '1) <o.i&in% fo the positions of Chai 1an" 5ice7Chai 1an" Sec eta . epeale& o 1o&ifie&. #. $%A-&#!$ a!) Re. J. Me e!"#$%Herrera. C$r+es.. J. Pa)# a. Ga!"a("$. Cr&'. .a a)$. "$!"&r. The Cou t 1a@es clea that the &ispositions he e 1a&e a e -ithout p eAu&ice to its a&option in &ue ti1e of such fu the an& othe 1easu es as a e -a ante& in the p e1ises. Fer!a!. Narvasa. Gr#. 1r.1+. SO OR0ERE0. Fe #"#a!$. G&+#erre'. a!) Me)#a )ea. JJ.. the Cou t to a&1iniste the affai s of the $BP. B#)#!. Paras. +$$/ !$ 0ar+. C.J. Sar*#e!+$.. #s $! eave.. Pen&in% such special elections" a ca eta@e Boa & shall be appointe& b.
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