1982469 SYB Updating SAP ASE With Saphostctr
1982469 SYB Updating SAP ASE With Saphostctr
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2017-11-14 Page 1/131982469 - SYB: Updating SAP ASE with saphostctrl Version 66 Type SAP Note Language English Master Language English Priority Recommendations / Additional Info Category Upgrade information Release Status Released for Customer Released On 02.11.2017 Component BC-DB-SYB ( SAP Business Suite on Sybase ASE Database Platform ) Please find the original document at https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/ 1982469 Symptom You want to install a new software release of SAP ASE in an SAP Business Suite environment. This can be an installation of a new major version (for example upgrade from ASE 15.7 to ASE 16.0) or an installation of an updated software level of the current major ASE version (for example update from ASE 15.7 SP110 to ASE 15.7 SP122). The former is referred to as a major ASE upgrade, the latter as a minor ASE upgrade. You want to update the ODBC and/or JDBC driver for SAP ASE in an SAP Business Suite environment. Other Terms SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, SAP ASE, Sybase ASE, saphostctrl, sapdbctrl, syb_update_db.txt Reason and Prerequisites This note describes how to obtain and install updates for SAP ASE and the ODBC and JDBC driver software for SAP ASE in an SAP Business Suite environment. For more information about ASE versions supported for SAP Business Suite, see SAP Note 1590719. Updates to ASE for SAP Business Suite are delivered as a full installable image. You can use these images to update an existing copy of SAP ASE. Software updates for ODBC and JDBC drivers for SAP ASE are delivered as SAPCAR SAR archives. The tool saphostctrl supports the SAP ASE update to releases 15.7 SP100 or higher, and ASE 16.0 or higher. The SAP Host Agent must be installed on the system and the version must be 7.21 SP10 or higher. We recommend to install the latest version before you perform the ASE upgrade. To check the installed version, execute the following command: saphostexec -version For details on how to update/install SAPHOSTAGENT see also SAP Note 1031096. If the SAP Host Agent cannot be installed on the system, you can also use the instructions for a manual ugrade in SAP Notes: 2162715 - SYB: Performing a major ASE upgrade (UNIX/LINUX) 2162735 - SYB: Performing a major ASE upgrade (Windows) © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved or <DRIVE>:\sybase\<DBSID> plus a system image (Windows) before you perform the upgrade. Here.7) Note that upgrading an ASE server from 15.0 is a major upgrade which requires special © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.SUITE (choose this link if you want to download the DB Client Software for SAP Business Suite on ASE for ASE 16. Download the SAP NetWeaver specific upgrade script syb_db_update. or for the JDBC and ODBC drivers to be used with SAP Business Suite products are provided solely through the SAP Service Marketplace at https://support. Important ! It is recommended to create a file system backup of directory /sybase/<DBSID> (UNIX / Linux). 3. 2. or for the JDBC and ODBC drivers directly from Sybase websites or from other locations in the SMP.0 FOR BUS. All rights reserved . 4. the SAP ASE database patches for SAP Business Suite are available under --> Databases --> SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise --> Database Patches --> SAP ASE for Business Suite --> SAP ASE 16 DBCLIENT BUS. Solution Topics: Last Change: 1 Overview Oct/2014 2 Important Information Jul/2016 3 Troubleshooting Mar/2015 +===================================================================+ Overview +===================================================================+ Updating ASE software consists of these steps: 1.7 FOR BUS. 1.7 to 16. All updates for the SAP ASE server. and SAP Note 1599814 for Linux/Unix. Update the ASE software. and SAP Note 1599814 for Linux/Unix rather than using saphostctrl for the ASE upgrade.com/software. Update the ODBC and JDBC drivers.TXT. SUITE (choose this link if you want to download the ASE Server 16.sap. For instructions on how to update to an ASE release < 15.7 SP100 you have to follow the instructions in SAP Note 1607816 for Windows. SUITE (choose this link if you want to download the ASE Server and DB Cilient Software for SAP Business Suite on ASE 15. Download the software from the SAP Service Marketplace.2017-11-14 Page 2/13 When performing a minor ASE upgrade you may also follow the instructions in SAP Note 1607816 for Windows.html.0) --> SAP ASE 16.0 for SAP Business Suite on ASE) --> SYBASE ASE 15. Additional important information is provided in an additional section at the end of this note. Download the software from the SAP Service Marketplace Do not download updates for the SAP ASE server. see SAP Note 1868514. An in-place downgrade from any version of ASE 16. log in as user <sid>adm and execute the command (exe directory of the installed SAP Host Agent): UNIX/Linux only: Before you can call saphostctrl as user root you have to set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH for root to the installation location of saphostexec (typically this is /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe).ASE 160 SPaa PLbb) File ASEBC160aabb_0. and application processes will be disrupted.0 to any version of ASE 15. Unpack the SAR archive file containing the ASE server package using the command: SAPCAR -xvf <file>.SAR contains the ASE server software (aa and bb are two numbers and refer to the current ASE support package and patch level .be patient.txt' Download the script 'syb_update_db. 3. or <DRIVE>:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\work\<SAPSID>\ (Windows). If the script is not downloaded. The SAP system has to be offline.txt' is always attached to this note. 2. The latest version of script 'syb_update_db.txt'.2017-11-14 Page 3/13 upgrade steps. Update the ASE Software SAP ASE has to be up and running before the upgrade starts. The script checks the newly installed ASE version and sets important SAP-specific parameters depending on the ASE version.txt' which is attached to the current SAP Note and place it in directory /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/<SAPSID> (UNIX/Linux). When downloading an update for ASE release 16. For rolling maintenance in HA/DR enabled environments.SAR Do not unpack the SAR file containing the client software in this temporary directory. execute the required ASE upgrade scripts and the SAP NetWeaver-specific upgrade script 'syb_update_db. © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. open connections from applications will be terminated. Make sure user syb<sid> does have at least read and execute permission on the temporary directory and all its subdirectories. File DBCLNT157SPxx_x.7 File ASE157SPxx_x. upgrade the ASE software. Make sure that all executable files in this temporary directory tree have read and execute permission for user syb<sid>.7 is not possible. Stop the application servers before upgrading ASE. If the directory <SAPSID> does not exist.0 File ASEBS160aabb_0.however. saphostctrl generates this script . start the database. SAP ASE will be stopped and restarted during the installation process.SAR contains the ODBC and JDBC drivers.SAR contains the ASE server software (xx_x is a three-digit number and refers to the current ASE patch level). To update the ASE software. The upgrade procedure will stop the database server. Copy the downloaded files to a temporary directory. The whole procedure may take several minutes . depending on the saphostctl version you are using the contents might not be totally current. When downloading an update for ASE release 15. create it. Download the SAP NetWeaver-specific upgrade script 'syb_update_db. All rights reserved .SAR contains the ODBC and JDBC drivers (version SPaa PLbb). the user needs to be unlocked. If for some reason you have to reinstall the currently active ASE version again. It has to be restarted for the new version to be used. sets a password and locks the user again after the upgrade has been completed. the 'startdb' script of the SAP kernel needs to be adapted. specify the UPDATE_FORCE option as follows: saphostctrl -user <user><password> -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SAPSID> -dbtype syb -updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=UPDATE_ASE -updateoption UPDATE_FORCE=1 -updateoption DROP_LOCATION="<drop location>" The default for option UPDATE_FORCE is 0. It is recommended that this directory is local on the machine where the upgrade is executed. saphostctrl unlocks user sa.dat © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. If you do not want to perform an upgrade of the SAP kernel at this point in time. Install the latest SAP Kernel which provides the changed 'startdb' script. However. you have to log out and log in again once the upgrade finishes.2017-11-14 Page 4/13 saphostctrl -user <user><password> -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SAPSID> -dbtype syb -updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=UPDATE_ASE -updateoption DROP_LOCATION="< drop location>" <drop location> is the directory where the software has been extracted previously.0 or higher.SAR 5. the upgrade log files will be written on the database server. Update the ODBC and JDBC drivers You do not have to stop the SAP system when you copy the new ODBC and JDBC software to the global directory. saphostctrl can execute commands remotely using the host option. To run ASE upgrade scripts. Log files: The upgrade procedure logs the current upgrade phase at /sybase/<SAPSID> /sapdbctrl-config/ASE_UPDATE. The ASE user sa is normally locked. you may download the adapted startdb script which is attached to SAP Note 1973855. 4. Get a file system backup of the global client driver software directory: on UNIX/Linux: /sapmnt/<SID>/global/syb/<platform>/ on Windows: <drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\global\syb\NTAMD64 Copy the SAR archive file containing the client software from the temporary directory (step 1) to the global client driver software directory. All rights reserved . Log in as user <sid>adm. To activate the new environment. Unpack the SAR archive file with the command: SAPCAR -xvf <archive_file>. Restart the SAP system when the ASE upgrade has finished Note: After an upgrade of ASE to 16. <user> should be sapadm. +===================================================================+ Important Information +===================================================================+ The envrionment for users syb<sapsid> and <sapsid>adm change during a major upgrade of ASE. Windows: <Sybase Drive Letter>:\sybase\<SAPSID>\ASE. execute these commands as user <sapsid>adm : rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_USER sa -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_PASSWORD <password> Required users for the ASE update: By executing © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. Handling of user sa during the ASE update In order to run the ASE update. For security reasons users sapsa or sapsso should be used in all other cases.log. To add ASE user sa to the secure storage. Perform the ASE upgrade as described.20 PL 191 the saphostctrl tool unlocks user sa.Failover Cluster Manager ->[cluster host name] ->Services and applications ->SAP ASE for [SID] ->Other Resources ->SYBSQL_[SID]. Perform the following steps: 1. saphostctrl needs to access the secure storage to retrieve the required users and passwords. saphostctrl will then use the stored password from the secure storage.20 PL 191 and add ASE user sa to the SAP secure storage. All rights reserved . In case the service user (sapadm) does not have the required privilege to access the global directory for a distributed installation on Windows and thus cannot access the secure storage. sets a random. upgrade saphostctrl to at least 7.2017-11-14 Page 5/13 Windows: <Sybase Drive Letter>:\sybase\<SAPSID>\sapdbctrl-config\ASE_UPDATE. Bring these resources online. User sa is only used for ASE updates. Ensure that ASE and the backup server are both up and running. saphostctrl log file is: /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/dev_sapdbctrl. use a local secure storage.log ASE Upgrade on MSCS: You have to ensure that the database does not failover during an ASE upgrade.dat. Also saphostctrl commands use the SAPHostExec service. To build a local secure storage. 3. Execute the command (starting from 7. If this is unwanted. Access to SAP secure storage: To execute the ASE update. add the required users and passwords to the local secure storage. user sa will be unlocked temporarily. Windows: C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\work\dev_sapdbctrl ASE software update log file:/sybase/<SAPSID>/ASE.21 PL7): saphostctrl -user <user><password> -function SetDatabaseProperty -dbname <SAPSID> -dbtype syb -dbuser <user> -dbpass <user password> USER=<authentification> or saphostctrl -user <user><password> -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SAPSID> -dbtype syb -dbuser <DBadmin username>][-dbpass <DB admin password>] -updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=SET_USER_PASSWORD -updateoption USER=<authentication> Subsequent calls to saphostctrl will now use the local secure storage. Open the Failover Cluster Manager. 6. 2. 5. With versions lower than 7. Repeat the same for …Other Resources -> SYBSQL_[SID]_BS resource. 4. For more details on using the secure storage with saphostctrl. see SAP Note 1797040. and check if you can failover to the standby. Navigate to . unknown password and locks the user again. Right-click on the node and take this resource offline. Log in as user <sapsid>adm and execute: rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SYBSID_USER syb<sapsid> -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SYBSID_PASSWORD <password> rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAPSID_USER <sapsid>adm -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAPSID_PASSWORD <password> Important: On Windows domain installations add <domain>\syb<sapsid> and <domain>\<sapsid>adm to the secure storage. call: rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SSODB_USER sapsso -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SSODB_PASSWORD <passwd> Major upgrades on Windows only (for example. upgrades from 15. use the following command: rsecssfx list Validate the secure store records to ensure that passwords are maintained correctly © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved .7 to 16. call: rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_USER sapsa -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_PASSWORD <passwd> sapsso: DB_CONNECT/SYB/SSODB_USER DB_CONNECT/SYB/SSODB_PASSWORD In case those entries do not exist. call: rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_USER sa -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_PASSWORD <passwd> sapsa: DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_USER DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_PASSWORD In case those entries do not exist.2017-11-14 Page 6/13 rsecssfx list check that the secure storage contains entries for users sa. To check whether the entries exist. sa: DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_USER DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_PASSWORD In case those entries do not exist. sapsa and sapsso.0): The secure storage requires an entry for the operating system ASE users syb<sidadm> and <sapsid>adm as the environment of these OS users needs to be adapted. +===================================================================+ Troubleshooting +===================================================================+ -----------------------<D053089. so the upgrade program can be extract and executed. SERVER ERROR: The 'sybmgmtdb' database size is too small: alter database to add at least '13' MB of data space Task failed: upgrade the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise.. Ensure the value of the parameter max memorydefined in the configuration file is high enough so that other parameter values can be increased during the upgrade procedure. Increase size ofsybmgmtdbto at least 160MB. waiting for server 'S35' to boot. Solution: Increase the sybmgtbd as follows: 1. Finally ensure the temporary folder has enough free space. Otherwise resources would be locked throughout the running database processes. The log file for this session is 'D:\sybase\S35\ASE-16_0\init\logs\log1216. Furthermoresybmgmtdbmust have free log space of at least 60MB. Configuration failed. 'max memory' should be greater than the 'total logical memory' '<higher value Connections to ASE Server: Ensure there are no active connections with ASE server. Available Free Space: 1. 2015>----------------------- Problem: The major upgrade from source release < 15. Dec 17. Increase size of sybsystemprocsdatabase to at least 196 MB..0 fails during execution of the major upgrade script with the following error: The log file for this session is 'D:\sybase\S35\ASE-16_0\init\logs\log1216.2017-11-14 Page 7/13 Secure storage records can be checked on validity by executing: saphostctrl -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SID> -dbtype syb -updatemethod Check -updateoption TASK=CHECK_UPDATE_ASE -updateoption DROP_LOCATION="<drop location>" In a similar way as it is described in section Overview. Running task: upgrade the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise. 4. Running task: start the SAP Server. 5. 'Update the ASE Software'.7 SP63 to 16. 2. Task succeeded: start the SAP Server. nor active or scheduled scripts that would connect with the ASE server during the upgrade. All rights reserved © 2017 . Alternatively.001'. Exiting. 3.001'. Terminating configuration. SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. change the ASE listener ports and server name to something random while upgrading ASE. The value of the 'max memory' parameter (<value>) defined in the configuration file is not high enough to set the other parameter values specified in the configuration file. State 2: . Level 11.7 SP137.4838.4838. /sybase/< DBSID>/OCS-16_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -S<dbserver>:<port> -X -Dmaster -t3 -l3 -b -h-1 -w10000 -i /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/<DBSID>/in. -----------------------<D0555565. Oct 14. State 2: Server 'ASE'.0. 'max memory' should be greater than the 'total logical memory' '<higher value>'. © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. Log in as user <sid>adm. 2015>----------------------- Problem: The upgrade of SAP ASE to any ASE version 15. The problem arises from the fact that you created the optional database dbccdb. : command /bin/sh -c " .1. Execute the following commands to increase sybmgtdb using isql: >use master >go >disk resize name = 'sybmgmtdev'. the ASE defect is CR 623613. Jul 30. [PID 24505] isqlCall: throw error: 2 execution of statement <> failed. /sybase/<DBSID>/SYBASE. (fault code: 127) Operation ID: 00226494ECCF1EE588995CEDB0A89C02 In the ASE error log you will find a message similar to the following: 00:0000:00000:00000:<data><time> server The value of the 'max memory' parameter (<value>) defined in the configuration file is not high enough to set the other parameter values specified in the configuration file. It is planned to be fixed in SAP ASE version 15.0 SP01 to SAP ASE 16. create the database dbccalt. 2. -----------------------<D0555565. The CR has been fixed in SAP ASE version 16. size = '90M' >go >alter database sybmgmtdb on sybmgmtdev = '90M' >go 4.2017-11-14 Page 8/13 1. but did not create the optional database dbccalt.1. All rights reserved .isql ": failed with exit code 255.0 SP02 fails with an error message similar to the one below: Error: Command execution failed.7 fails. 2015>----------------------- Problem: The upgrade from SAP ASE 16. Level 11.isql -o /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/<DBSID>/out.sh. Continue with the upgrade. Make sure that name is entered properly. [PID 24505] [PID 24505] . Line 24: Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'dbccalt' by name failed .no entry found under that name. As a workaround. The problem is due to a known problem in the SAP ASE script installmaster. Error: Msg 911. Execute isql -Usapsa -P<passwd> -S<SID> -X 3. In file dev_sapdbctrl you will find a message similar to the one below: Tue Oct 13 10:54:49 2015 [PID 24505] isqlCall: failure: line Msg 911. When the s-bit is set. The requested operation requires elevation. -----------------------<D0555565. Mar 11. Make sure that the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the correct installation directory for sapdbctrl and that the shared library exists. SAP ASE will not start. 2015>----------------------- UNIX: saphostctrl fails with the following error message : ERROR: Failed to load database control library 'libsapdbsybctrl. Check your installation. 2015>----------------------- Windows: saphostctrl .Error 1057. If the new memory requirement is higher than the current value of max memory. [PID 2572] CreateProcessAsUser failed © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved . the s-bit for the executable is set. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not taken into account to search for shared libraries. SAP ASE uses slightly more memory even though the configuration has not changed. Operating system returned error: ' Operating system error = 1057' Solution: If the users syb<sid> and <sid>adm are domain users.0 SP01. Mar 11. could not create Service Control Manager entry for SAP Server 'Y57' Problem: dev_sapdbctrl contains the following error: INTERNAL ERROR: could not create Service Control Manager entry for SAP Server 'Y57'.0 SP02 some structures require more memory than in SAP ASE 16. Problem: sapdbctrl has incorrect permissions.Error 740.2017-11-14 Page 9/13 With SAP ASE 16.so' for database type 'syb'. The requested operation requires elevation Problem: dev_sapdbctrl contains following error: [PID 2572] Error: 740.ASE upgrade fails . group sapsys and have the following permissions: 'rwxr-x---' (octal notation 750) -----------------------<D053089.ASE upgrade fails . sapdbctrl should be owned by user root. May 20. Solution: Increase max memory as indicated. Solution: Correct permissions for sapdbctrl. it is required to add these users to the secure storage including the domain as follows: rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SYBSID_USER <domain>\syb<sapsid> -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SYBSID_PASSWORD <password> rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAPSID_USER <domain>\<sapsid>adm -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAPSID_PASSWORD <password> ----------------------<D053089. 2015>----------------------- Windows: saphostctrl . 2017-11-14 Page 10/13 Solution: Start Menue -> Run -> secpol.log for errors Solution: Wrong domain user being used: Use 7..Microsoft. it might be possible that the sapadm user does not have sufficient permissions. 2014>----------------------- Windows: ASE upgrade stops .ps1:5 char:14 + Start-Process <<<< "C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\work\<SID>\installer.0\install\<SID>. File%SYBASE%\ASE-15. In this case. Feb 23.Unable to boot old server Problem: The following error occurs: >===> Start old SAP ASE server "<SID>".. Nov 24.msc -> Local Polices -> Security Options -> Disable "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode" Restart Windows so that changes get applied.C ommands. InvalidOp erationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException. Once the ASE Upgrade succeeded you can enable this specific UAC option again. 2015>----------------------- Windows: saphostctrl .21 PL 18.StartProcessCommand [PID 5160] readLiveUpdateParamFile: Could not open file 'D:\sybase\J67\log\ASE_Suite. [PID 5160] LiveUpdateOption update ASE software failed [PID 5160] *** ERROR => 'Database live update' failed: Updating ASE software failed. For older versions: If domain users are involved. All rights reserved . Please check the old >SAP ASE server log in D:\sybase\<SID>\ASE-15_0\install for error.bat" -W orkingDirectory "C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\work\<SID>" -Credential ($credent ials) -Wait + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process].Step: Updating ASE software failed Problem: dev_sapdbctrl contains the following error: Start-Process : This command cannot be executed due to the error: Access is denied. Check logfile D:\sybase\J67\log\ASE_Suite.log contains error message similar to the below messages: 00:0000:00000:00000:2014/04/29 15:26:30.log'. At C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\work\<SID>\installer. >Unable to boot/login to old SAP ASE server "<SID>".09 kernel FATAL: shared memory region is being held at © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. log in as Global Administrator (Windows) and perform the ASE update using the sapdbctrl command instead of the saphostctrl command as follows: sapdbctrl LiveUpdate <SAPSID> -tsyb -mExecute -oTASK=UPDATE_ASE -oDROP_LOCATION="<drop location>" -----------------------<D053089. -----------------------<D053089.PowerShell.ASE upgrade fails . 09 kernel kistartup: could not create shared memory Solution: To solve this issue.Database user authentication failed: No access to SecureStore Problem: SAP system is 740 with SAP Kernel 741 and higher. Hence sapdbctrl is unable to read a 741 secure storage. : Database user authentication failed: No access to SecureStore or DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_USER or DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_PASSWORD is missing in SecureStore or password is incorrect. It is not compatible with a 720 secure storage. and retry your ASE upgrade. sapdbctrl /saphostctrl return an error message: Error: Command execution failed. Provide credentials for user sapsa via command input or provide access to SecureStore. apply SAP Note 2011550. To workaround the issue . All rights reserved . proceed as follows: Download the latest tool 'rsecssfx' from the 720_EXT Kernel repository (contained in the SAPEXE. 2014>----------------------- 74x based sapsystem . (fault code: 127) Solution: The secure storage and the passwords are properly maintained. On Windows: set RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH=C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\<DBSID>\security\rsecssfs\data set RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH=C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\<DBSID>\security\rsecssfs\key On UNIX (csh Syntax): setenv RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH=/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/<DBSID>/security/rsecssfs/data setenv RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH=/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/<DBSID>/security/rsecssfs/key Create the secure storage for the host agent by executing these commands: rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_USER sapsa -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SADB_PASSWORD <passwd> rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SSODB_USER sapsso -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SSODB_PASSWORD <passwd> rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_USER sa -plain rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/SYB/SAUPDDB_PASSWORD <passwd> rsecssfx list (replace <passwd> as it applies in the above commands) Software Components Software Component Release © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.09 kernel kbcreate: couldn't create kernel region. Currently the only solution is to create a separate secure storage for use by sapdbctrl. -----------------------<D053089. Nov 24.SAR file) and copy it to the exe directory of the Sap Host Agent ( /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/ on UNIX/Linux. "< DRIVE>:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\" on Windows) Set the environment varaibles RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH and RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH.2017-11-14 Page 11/13 1372979200 bytes but 1377959936 bytes are required 00:0000:00000:00000:2014/04/29 15:26:30. The problem is that the format of the secure storage has changed with 741. 00:0000:00000:00000:2014/04/29 15:26:30. 0 1868514 SYB: SAP ASE 15.7.20 SP184 000184 SAP HOST AGENT 7.20 SP181 000181 SAP HOST AGENT 7.20 SP180 000180 SAP HOST AGENT 7.20 .7 and SAP Replication Server 15.Using global or local secure storage 1796540 SYB: Password changes with sybctrl 1607816 SYB: Installing Service Packs for SAP ASE (Windows) 1599814 SYB: Installing Service Packs for SAP ASE (UNIX + Linux) 1590719 SYB: Updates for SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE) 1031096 Installing Package SAPHOSTAGENT © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.20 SP191 000191 This document refers to SAP Note/KBA Title 2162735 SYB: Performing a major ASE upgrade (Windows) 2162715 SYB: Performing a major ASE upgrade (UNIX/LINUX) 2011550 SYB: SAP ASE on Windows fails to start 1973855 SYB: Start database ASE 16. All rights reserved .20 Support Package Patches Software Component Version Support Package Patch Level SAP HOST AGENT 7.7 SP1xx: rolling update 1797040 SYB: SAP Host Agent .20 SP179 000179 SAP HOST AGENT 7.20 SP182 000182 SAP HOST AGENT 7.2017-11-14 Page 12/13 SAPHOSTAGENT 7.20 SP183 000183 SAP HOST AGENT 7. All rights reserved .SAP Business Suite on ASE 2076222 SAP ASE upgrade via saphostctrl fails and does not show correct release .7 and SAP Replication Server 15.2017-11-14 Page 13/13 This document is referenced by SAP Note/KBA Title 2559530 Upgrading ASE of a DR environment having log file shipping .SAP ASE for Business Suite 1602547 SYB: Versions of the syb_update_db script 1607816 SYB: Installing Service Packs for SAP ASE (Windows) 1599814 SYB: Installing Service Packs for SAP ASE (UNIX + Linux) 1973241 SYB: Release information for SAP ASE 16.0 SP00 with SAP Business Suite 2179305 SYB: Usage of saphostctrl for SAP ASE and SAP Replication Server 1868514 SYB: SAP ASE 15.TXT 10 text/plain Terms of use | Copyright | Trademark | Legal Disclosure | Privacy © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.SAP ASE for BS 2490477 ASE DB does not get patched .7 SP1xx: rolling update 1899185 SAP ASE and SAP Replication Server: startdb & stopdb Attachments File Name File Size Mime Type syb_update_db.
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