19 Biodet. Stone in Trop.

March 30, 2018 | Author: Francis Guillen | Category: Subtropics, Climate, Rain, Microscopy, Bacteria



The Getty Conservation Instituteresearch in conservation Biodeterioration of Stone in Tropical Environments An Overview Rakesh Kumar Anuradha V. Kumar The Getty Conservation Institute research in conservation Biodeterioration of Stone in Tropical Environments An Overview Rakesh Kumar Anuradha V. Kumar 1999 Neville Agnew, Series Editor Dinah Berland, Managing Editor Suzanne Sherman-Aboulfadl, Manuscript Editor Anita Keys, Production Coordinator Hespenheide Design, Designer Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 © 1999 by the J. Paul Getty Trust All rights reserved. The Getty Conservation Institute The Getty Conservation Institute works internationally to further the appreciation and preservation of the world's cultural heritage for the enrichment and use of present and future generations. The Institute is an operating program of the J. Paul Getty Trust. Research in Conservation The Research in Conservation reference series presents the findings of research conducted by the Getty Conservation Institute and its individual and institutional research partners, as well as state-of-the-art reviews of conservation literature. Each volume covers a topic of current interest to conservators and conservation scientists. Other volumes in the Research in Conservation series include Inert Gases in the Control of Museum Insect Pests (Selwitz and Maekawa 1998); Oxygen-Free Museum Cases (Maekawa 1998); Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research (Price 1996); Accelerated Aging: Photochemical and Thermals Aspects (Feller 1994); Airborne Particles in Museums (Nazaroff, Ligocki, et al. 1993); Epoxy Resins in Stone Consolidation (Selwitz 1992); Evaluation of Cellulose Ethers for Conservation (Feller and Wilt 1990); Cellulose Nitrate in Conservation (Selwitz 1988); and Statistical Analysis in Art Conservation Research (Reedy and Reedy 1988). ISBN 0-89236-550-1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kumar, Rakesh, 1962Biodeterioration of stone in tropical environments : an overview / Rakesh Kumar, Anuradha V. Kumar. p. cm.—(Research in conservation) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-89236-550-1 (pbk.) 1. Stone—Tropics—Deterioration. Deterioration. 1965. 2. Building stones—Tropics— I. Kumar, Anuradha V., 98-49800 CIP 3. Monuments—Conservation and restoration—Tropics. II. Title. III. Series. 4. Art—Conservation and restoration—Tropics. TA427.K86 1999 620.1'3223—dc21 Contents v Foreword Neville Agnew vii vii viii ix Introduction Aims and Scope of This Volume General Outline Authors' Acknowledgments General Aspects of Biodeterioration in Tropical Regions Characteristics of Tropical Regions Wet tropical climates Monsoon tropical climates Tropical wet-and-dry climates Subhumid climates Ecological Aspects of Biodeterioration Identification of Biodeteriogens and Their Activity Characterization of biodeteriogens Study of microbial activity Phenomenology of Biological Alterations Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms Bacteria and Bacterial Biodeterioration Bacteria Bacterial biodeterioration Fungi and Fungal Biodeterioration Fungi Fungal biodeterioration Chapter 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 7 8 Chapter 2 12 12 14 16 16 16 18 18 18 20 20 20 23 23 24 25 25 25 Algae and Algal Biodeterioration Algae Algal biodeterioration Lichens and Lichenic Biodeterioration Lichens Lichenic biodeterioration Biodeterioration by Mosses and Liverworts Mosses and liverworts Biodeterioration caused by mosses and liverworts Biodeterioration by Higher Plants Higher plants Biodeterioration by higher plants . and seeds Water repellent and consolidant treatments Remedial Methods Cleaning of stone surfaces Biocidal treatments Selection of Chemical Treatments 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 40 Chapter 5 Some Considerations in Biocide Selection Efficiency against target organisms Resistance of target organisms Toxicity to humans Risks of environmental pollution Compatibility with stone and other conservation treatments Biocide Application: Procedures and Precautions Chemical Treatments Used to Control Biodeteriogens Current Research Status and Areas for Further Investigation Current Research Status 47 47 49 51 51 53 56 77 86 State of biodeterioration research Preventive and remedial methods Evaluation of biocides Areas for Further Investigation Glossary References Index About the Authors . spores.Chapter 3 Preventive and Remedial Methods 29 29 29 30 31 31 32 Chapter 4 Preventive Methods Routine maintenance and design solutions Periodic cleaning of dirt and dust. The Getty Conservation Institute has been engaged in studying stone for several years. As always. In addition. Rakesh Kumar and Anuradha V. we welcome readers' comments and observations.Foreword Stone has been one of the most intensely studied materials in conservation. This publication concentrates on the action of biodeteriogens from bacteria to algae to higher plants. avenues of research are opened for further investigation. as are a selection of chemical treatments. While at the Getty Conservation Institute. buildings. A. We hope their clear presentation of the issues will be of value to professionals involved in the field of stone conservation. Price (1996). Many agents contribute to the deterioration of stone monuments. Two previous volumes in the Research in Conservation series have also addressed this subject: Epoxy Resins in Stone Consolidation by Charles Selwitz (1992) and Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research by C. and other objects of cultural value. Preventive and remedial methods are surveyed. Neville Agnew The Getty Conservation Institute . The problem of understanding the deterioration of stone is compounded by the large range of types with different mineralogical and physical characteristics and their varying weathering responses under different climatic and environmental conditions. The present volume reviews research undertaken in tropical regions with climates that vary from wet to dry. Kumar undertook the research for this review of the literature. and current research. sunlight. Biodeterioration of stone.Introduction Biodeterioration may be defined as any undesirable change in the properties of a material caused by the vital activities of living organisms. chemical. high relative humidity levels. or physicochemical deterioration processes. and physical influences. When the surface of the monument has undergone this process of alteration. It generally occurs with other physical. which have been known to cause direct and dramatic physical damage to stone structures. There is a general consensus among conservators and conservation scientists that the alteration of stone monuments due to living organisms is usually indicative of an advanced state of deterioration predetermined by physical and chemical parameters. This definition distinguishes biodeterioration from fields of study such as corrosion and wear of materials that relate to undesirable changes in the properties of a material brought about by chemical. and heavy rainfall favor the growth and sustenance of a wide variety of living organisms on stone surfaces. Biodeterioration of stone monuments and buildings is a wellrecognized problem in tropical regions. mechanical. It outlines . cannot be considered as an isolated phenomenon. Its study. therefore. is complex and interdisciplinary and takes into account the numerous interrelationships among various biological populations and between these populations and the other processes occurring in the surrounding environment. These agents cause an increase in the surface area of stone by the formation of micro. living organisms begin to colonize the area.and macrofissures or formation of encrustations. and pollution may be due to physical and chemical processes. hence. wind. In other words. where environmental factors such as high temperatures. available preventive and remedial treatments. Aims and Scope of This Volume This publication aims at establishing the continued need for focused scientific investigations on the subject of biodeterioration of stone in tropical regions through discussions on the extent of the problem. except in the case of higher plants. the initial deterioration of stone exposed to the outdoor environment and action of agents such as rain. viii Introduction possible directions for future research that could significantly expand knowledge in the field. The information contained therein has been synthesized in the second chapter to provide better understanding of the mode of action of various microorganisms. The extent to which these organisms are involved in the stone decay process has been increasingly clarified and discussed in the literature. this volume reviews only literature on microorganisms and lower and higher plants. where known. Review of the literature on both preventive and remedial measures has been included in the third chapter. It must. To reduce the vast scope of the subject. However. however. as well as of lower and higher plants. the review and analysis of the available literature on remedial and preventive measures primarily focuses on tropical regions. it has been necessary to review literature on relevant primary research on the mechanisms of biodeterioration that have not necessarily been conducted in tropical regions. and control measures that can be undertaken once infestation has already set in. design strategies/approaches. The extent and type of biological degradation induced in different types of stone depend on the type of organisms found thereon. This chapter also describes the phenomenon of biological alterations and available tools and techniques for identifying biological agents and associated deterioration on the stone substrate. the relative susceptibility of different types of stone. Evidence and quantitative data establishing the presence of a large variety of microorganisms on stone monuments in tropical regions and their contribution to the destruction of stone have been presented by a number of authors. some references to such measures in other climatic regions and associated laboratory studies have been included to highlight their overall effectiveness and limitations. To better understand the extent of the problem. and chemical conservation treatments that prevent retention of moisture and humidity in outdoor monuments and consequently discourage biological growth. Preventive measures include regular maintenance procedures. be emphasized that biodeterioration caused by animals. and the factors conducive to their growth on stone. The second chapter also provides a review of this literature and a concise summary of the various mechanisms and symptoms of biodeterioration of stone including. including humans. Remedial measures include physical as well as chemical measures that directly kill and inhibit bio- . General Outline The ecological aspects of biodeterioration and the environmental conditions of the tropics are discussed in the first chapter of this publication. The treatment of stone designed to minimize biodeterioration follows two general courses of action: preventive measures aimed at forestalling the possibilities of destruction. On the other hand. is of considerable importance and must be addressed elsewhere. mode of action. and Valerie Greathouse for tracking down and obtaining every obscure reference." Rome. the volume's managing editor. Advantages and limitations of each of these measures have been mentioned wherever references were available. and strong support of our initial thoughts on reviewing the status of research on biodeterioration of stone monuments in tropical regions. and Giuila Caneva of Universitá Degli Studi "Roma Tre. and Carol Cressler. risk of environmental pollution. K. Italy. Alberto Tagle. and compatibility with stone substrates and other conservation treatments on stone monuments in tropical regions. Sincere appreciation is also extended to the editorial professionals who helped to bring this book to light: Dinah Berland. Massachusetts. toxicity. and to Ralph Mitchell of Harvard University. These available treatments have been considered in the fourth chapter with regard to their apparent activity. We are especially grateful to William S. reference editor and electronic file manager. production coordinator for Getty Trust Publication Services. Scott Patrick Wagner. An enormous variety of chemical treatments are available today for the prevention and destruction of biological infestation. Authors' Acknowledgments We wish to thank Neville Agnew. Sharma. for their invaluable advice and their constructive and critical review of the manuscript. Suzanne Sherman-Aboulfadl. scientific copy editor. This publication concludes with a chapter on possible directions for future investigations based on the status of current research in tropical regions and the critical review of available literature. Ginell for his continuous support and review of this work since its inception. and Anita Keys. Cambridge. R. advice.Introduction ix logical growth on stone. . Patricia Martinez. We would also like to thank Jackie Zak for assistance with the extensive bibliographic search. and Martha Demas for their encouragement. Jill Markman. botanists require the tropics to be distinguished by particular vegetation assemblages. the above definition is too rigid and does not adequately delimit regions with distinctive physical or biological characteristics. climatologists perceive the tropics as areas where specific atmospheric conditions prevail. This region occupies more than one-third of the earth's total surface (about 20% of the land area and just over 40% of the oceans). and tropical wet-and-dry (or wet-dry).Chapter 1 General Aspects of Biodeterioration in Tropical Regions Characteristics of Tropical Regions The term humid tropics collectively refers to those parts of the world that lie between the Tropic of Cancer (23. It is unusual for boundaries of various classification systems to correspond exactly. These. geomorphologists. Some authors include an additional division of Subhumid climates to encompass those areas (approximately 30° N to 30° S) within which geomorphological processes. Tricart 1972).5° S).5° N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23. seasonal fluctuations in temperature are minimal. Gamier 1958. Akin 1991). Some classifications are directly based on climatic parameters such as temperature and rainfall (Köppen 1936. which makes it the most extensive climatic area on earth. and biologists. however. as each scientific discipline has different requirements for developing a classification system. For most geographical and ecological purposes. monsoon tropical. For instance. and there is no distinct or true winter season (Reading. and Millington 1995). especially weathering patterns. Köppen's classification is the most widely recognized and forms the basis from which most other classifications (Mink 1983) have developed. Numerous other schemes of defining or subdividing the tropics have therefore been proposed by climatologists. Thompson. Latitude is a major factor affecting the climatic conditions of a region through its control on the amount of solar radiation received. . The modified Köppen's system recognizes three major divisions of humid tropical climates on the basis of rainfall amounts and seasonal patterns: the wet tropical. are very similar to those of humid tropics proper (Tricart 1972. and geomorphologists prefer that boundaries describe areas where physical processes take place with a certain intensity or magnitude. As a result. are also problematic. The tropics receive large amounts of solar radiation throughout the year. Gourou 1966. Conditions within the wet tropical climate are always warm and moist. within 10°–20° of the equator. Monsoon tropical areas exist on the coastal margins of northeastern South America. Tropical rainforests occupy large areas of land within this climate. but the annual mean rainfall is more than 2500 mm. these areas have a well-defined short dry season. the soil remains moist enough throughout the year to support the growth of evergreen rainforests. Monsoon tropical climates Poleward of the core of the wet tropical climatic areas. and Southeast Asia. particularly in parts of the Zaire (formerly Congo) Basin. principally in the form of precipitation. these tropical highlands also receive high degrees of solar radiation and do not have a thermally depressed winter season. Average precipitation for the driest month is less than 60 mm. where the equatorial low-pressure zone dominates weather patterns. which has also been designated as "tropical rainforest climate" by Köppen and many others in earlier classification systems used from the 1930s to the 1970s. West Africa. the monthly mean temperatures lie between 27 °C and 30 °C. which make up around 25% of land surface within the tropics. Since insolation and temperature are relatively uniform at any tropical site. Central America. particularly on the eastern margins of the continental masses. and the numerous islands and peninsulas of Southeast Asia. is a broad area in which the annual precipitation average is between 1500 mm and 760 mm and where there is a severe dry season. It is therefore generally accepted that moisture is a valid criterion for differentiating among types of tropics. except for cooler tropical highlands. In common with the tropical lowlands. with no month receiving less than an average of 60 mm. there are almost always rainy and less rainy seasons. Tropical wet-and-dry climates Lying poleward of the core of the wet tropical climates. are climates with average annual precipitation equal to or exceeding that of the wet tropical climates. The wet tropical climate is most widespread in three areas: the Amazon Basin and adjacent parts of South America. largely account for regional and seasonal differences in tropical regions. Unlike the wet tropical climates. within 10°–20° of the equator. differences in the amount and temporal distribution of available water. with an annual range of less than 3 °C between the coolest and the warmest months.2 Chapter 1 The thermal requirement for a tropical climate is considered to be an average mean temperature above 18 °C for the coldest month. Wet tropical climates A major part of the area characterized by wet tropical climates lies within 10° to 15° of the equator. central and western Africa. Although by this definition there is no dry season. . Mean annual rainfall usually exceeds 1500 mm. Because of the heavy seasonal rainfall and the relatively short dry season. however. At lower elevations. regardless of the severity of the dry season. or moist. It also depends on certain environmental factors (temperature. Savannas are a mixture of grass and trees. texture). Eastern coastal location places these climates on the western. the shift toward the equator of middle-latitude cyclonic storm tracks in the westerlies generally brings some precipitation in some of these regions. where monsoonal circulation causes an onshore flow of moist. whereas the drought of the low-sun ("winter") season is reminiscent of the deserts and steppes. relative percentage of various minerals. humid summers. The driest month averages precipitation of less than 600 mm. The wet-dry tropics constitute a broad transition zone between wet equatorial areas and the great low-latitude steppes and deserts. the response of living organisms to a potentially colonizable surface depends on the ecological and physiological requirements of the biological species involved (Caneva and Salvadori 1988). these areas are dominated by the doldrums of the rainy season and the great subtropical highs. Subhumid climates occupy the east coasts of continents between 20° and 30° latitudes. and dry margins. . of the trade winds during the dry season. or "winter. wind. Subhumid climates Subhumid climates are transitional climates between the winterless tropics and temperate regions that have a severe winter climate. during which conditions are like those of the wet tropical areas. salinity. Major areas of tropical wet-and-dry climate exist in Africa. Major areas of this climate extend considerable distances inland from the coasts.General Aspects of Biodeterioration in Tropical Regions 3 Rainfall is concentrated in the high-sun. where tropical savannas are an important component of natural vegetation. although in many areas the dry season is almost absolute. or relatively dry winters and hot." season. The annual pattern of rainfall results from shifts in the semipermanent belts of wind and barometric pressure." season. side of the subtropical highs. High-sun ("summer") rainfall brings a rainy season. or "summer. pH. with temperatures of the coolest month averaging below 18 °C but above 0 °C. Essentially. and eastern Australia have no dry season. including northern India and interior of China. atmospheric pollution levels. and the dry season coincides with the low-sun. Southeastern United States. moisture content. have a distinct dry winter. South America. relative humidity. This pattern of atmospheric circulation assures mild. moist. rainfall). In winter. Ecological Aspects of Biodeterioration The development of specific biological species on a particular stone surface is determined by the nature and properties of the stone (mineral constituents. southeastern South America. They have a definite but mild winter. In other words. and Australia. light conditions. whereas margins of the wet-dry tropics in Southeast Asia. tropical maritime air during summer months. Southeast Asia. the basis for the designation of "tropical savanna climate" in earlier terminology. Meincke et al. Mishra. S 2O3 Oxygen Photoheterotrophs or photoorganotrophs Sunlight (photosynthetic organisms ) Organics Organics Oxygen H2S H2 Organics Chemoheterotroph s or chemoorganotroph s Redox reaction s (chemosynthetic organisms ) Oxygen Aerobic organisms: Actinomycetes Animals Fungi Respirator y bacteri a Anaerobic organisms: Fermentativ e bacteria Denitrifying bacteria Sulfur-reducing bacteri a Organics Organics 2S. The presence of sunlight is essential for photosynthetic organisms and provides the necessary energy for biosynthesis. inorganic surface constituents represent potential nutritive substances and are important factors that condition their growth. Stanier. except xerophilous species. and Singh 1993. . For all autotrophic organisms.1 Classification of organisms based on their nutritional requirements Carbon Source CO2 Nutritional Category Photoautotrophs or photolithotrophs Energy Source Sunligh t (photosynthetic organisms ) Electron Donors Water Electron Acceptors Oxygen Organics Groups of Organisms Aerobic organisms: Cyanobacteria Algae (Bacillariophyta or Diatoms ) Algae (Chlorophyta) Lichens Mosses and liverworts Higher plants Aerobic organisms: Hydrogen bacteria Iron bacteri a Nitrifying bacteria Sulfur-oxidizin g bacteri a Aerobic organisms: Photosyntheti c bacteria Some algae Anaerobic organisms: Green and purple sulfur bacteria Purpl e nonsulfur bacteria Chemoautotrophs or chemolithotrophs Redo x reaction s (chemosynthetic organisms ) CO2 H2 Fe 2+ + NH4 NO2– 2S. They derive energy for biosynthesis from chemical reactions (Krumbein 1968. such as high temperatures and high relative humidity levels. Doudoroff. As already mentioned. Nugari. Tiano 1993). all living organisms can be classified as autotrophs and heterotrophs on the basis of their nutritional requirements (Table 1. prefer surfaces with a high moisture content. and Salvadori 1991. heterotrophic organisms grow only when organic matter is present on the surface. Table 1.1). In most instances. Jain.4 Chapter 1 Broadly speaking. Caneva. Most organisms. Caneva and Salvadori 1988. are favorable for the sustenance of most organisms. environmental factors in tropical regions. Chemosynthetic organisms can survive without sunlight. S 2O3 H 2S Organics – NO3 2– SO 4 See Glossary for definitions of terms . On the other hand. [1988]. and Adelberg 1970. flowers. Friedmann 1971. both qualitatively and quantitatively. but it is also important to assess the cause-effect link of biodeteriogenic action of a specific identified biological agent. and stereo microscopic examination of samples collected from monuments. and algae are not as easily identifiable through direct visual examination. are easily identified using visual observations in the field and in the laboratory through microscopic diagnostic methods. and Salvadori 1991. However. fungi. Heck and Brandt 1977). soot and other organic pollutants can help maintain the growth and activity of certain heterotrophic organisms (Saiz-Jimenez 1994). and Le Campion 1970. Examination of morphological and physiological characteristics—such as the thallus and reproductive elements of the lichens and bryophytes.General Aspects of Biodeterioration in Tropical Regions 5 atmospheric pollutants. and liverworts. Such knowledge is therefore critical to the appropriate choice of preventive and eradication methods. Nugari. mosses. Tiano 1993). and other related subjects. Jain. some basic qualitative information about microorganisms on stone surfaces has been obtained from optical. of all the organisms active on the stone. to understand the role of these biological agencies in the stone-decay process. Brunet. and characterization of the reaction mechanisms of active microbial agents (Ehrlich 1981). 1985. An understanding of these characteristics is required to identify accurately the biological species that have established themselves on the surface of. Koestler et al. and sometimes within. and Salvadori 1991). especially SO2 and NOX. the building stone of ancient monuments. Their study involves the isolation and characterization of the active microbial agents in a field sample. microbiology. 1976. re-creation of geomicrobial process under laboratory conditions using an enriched or pure culture from the field sample. Characterization of biodeteriogens Lichens. organisms such as bacteria. Levitt 1972. have been found to be detrimental to the growth of biodeteriogens (Rao and Le Blanc 1966. as well as higher plants. On the other hand. and leaves. Only rarely can visual observation of the microbial flora be made in situ. Nieoboer et al. Golubic. Fluorescence microscopy used in conjunction with staining with fluorescent dyes and fluorescent antibodies (Ehrlich 1981) or scanning electron microscopy (Sieburth 1975. Mishra and Singh 1993. Nugari. . as it has been adequately established that the type of biodeterioration depends on the type of organism involved (Caneva. Knowledge of the types of species present and their activity is valuable to conservators and conservation scientists. Identification of Biodeteriogens and Their Activity Information on the main morphological and physiological characteristics of biological agencies is available in a plethora of journals and books on biology. actinomycetes. On the other hand. it is not only essential to establish the exact characterization. Bassi and Giacobini 1973. and fruits of higher plants—provides clues for the accurate identification and classification of a species (Caneva. electron. In most instances. (3) utilizes methodology appropriate to the nature of the sample and types of micro- . is to dissolve the particles in question. An alternative approach. In situ visual estimation of most microbes usually requires staining with a fluorescent dye or fluorescent antibody followed by fluorescence microscopy (Ehrlich 1981). Differential interference contrast optics and epifluorescence have also been used for in situ observations of biodeterioration (Fliermans and Schmidt 1977.g. 1985). it is possible to obtain valuable information from such procedures if the investigator (1) has an understanding of the nature of the sample to be tested. and Krumbein 1990). Since different kinds of microorganisms harbor different amounts of ATP. Warscheid. Quantitative information is usually obtained from the suspension with count methods. (2) gives attention and care to the preparation of the sample. with and without prior enrichment. actinomycetes. the nitrogen concentration per cell may vary depending on age and nutritional conditions. Despite the shortcomings of enumerative methods. the freed microbial cells. however. cannot be easily converted to cell number when dealing with a mixed population. may remain intact and may thus be countable by direct microscopic enumeration.6 Chapter 1 Giacobini et al. may be cultured aerobically on a variety of media. The size of the microbial population in a field sample may be determined visually and by culturing. Koestler et al. Petersen. or exposure to ultrasound (sonication). an indirect estimation such as the measurement of cell nitrogen may be performed. In the case of a mixed population. Tomaselli. or anaerobically cultivated in liquid and solid media (e. Isolated colonies of microorganisms grown in the culture can then be investigated by optical and electron microscopy. If the dissolution process destroys cells. Cultural estimation of specific microbes in a field sample involves dislodging organisms from the stone surface by agitation. and Orlando 1989). although killed. Different organisms may be isolated from field samples using standard microbiological techniques such as staining (Curri and Paleni 1981) and enzymatic testing (Curri and Paleni 1976. vortexing. when the cells to be enumerated are firmly attached to the particles. and fungi from field samples. agar-shake cultures). algae. including plate counts and most-probable-number methods (Tiano. Microbes. 1988) has proven to be very useful for identifying microorganisms and their activity. like the cell nitrogen measurement. and then suspending them in a suitable liquid medium. Microorganisms may also be detected in field samples by enrichment culture techniques (with mineral culture media). Even in a pure culture. Another indirect method of microbial enumeration involves the extraction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from microbial cells on the field samples (Ehrlich 1981). the ATP measurement. If the treatment is mild enough. especially bacteria. Such culture methods may fail to detect all organisms present in the field sample because of the culture media's nutritional insufficiency.. cell nitrogen measurement cannot readily be converted to cell numbers because different microbes do not necessarily contain similar concentrations of cell nitrogen. 1976a. Gugliandolo and Maugeri [1988]. and histochemical techniques used to quantify. and respiration bell-jar methods. With this technique it can be determined whether mineral deposit is biogenic or abiogenic (Ehrlich 1981). Microbial activity that occurred in the geological past may under certain circumstances be identified indirectly using isotope fractionation techniques. Ferrari. and adaptation of biochemical culturing. that microbes destroy rocks and that this process is faster than exclusively physical-chemical destruction (Warscheid 1990. polarized light microscopy (PLM). and in some cases quantitatively determine. and establish the presence of biological organisms. Lazzarini and Salvadori 1989). Galizzi. Krumbein and Altmann 1973. X-ray diffraction (XRD). Bell 1984. In practice. Diakumaku 1996. and infrared spectroscopy (IR). qualitative identification of organic and inorganic chemical species using techniques such as energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). With such interdisciplinary cooperation. especially under conditions of limited growth. have been found useful for the investigation of biodeteriora- tion processes (Becker et al. carbon. [1988]. and (6) realizes that numerical results are only indicative (Gavin and Cummings 1972). Study of microbial activity Studies of geomicrobial phenomena require ingenuity in applying standard microbiological. geochemists. These methods include microscopy. Salvadori and Zitelli 1981. identify. and physical techniques and often require collaboration among microbiologists. Benassi et al. In situ nondestructive techniques such as videomicroscopy. 1985. isotope fractionation is measured by determining isotopic ratios by mass spectrometry and then calculating the amount of isotope enrichment. the products of metabolism will be enriched in lighter isotopes. Several scientific techniques have been used recently in the study of biodeterioration (Bassi and Giocobini 1973. or unsuitable for use by conservators. 1996). and fluorescence microscopy. Traditional microbiological procedures for detecting microbial activity are highly specialized. Curri and Paleni 1981. Sterflinger 1995. time consuming. gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). prefer to metabolize substrates containing the lighter isotopes of these elements. Koestler et al. Certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes can distinguish between stable isotopes of elements such as sulfur. Krumbein et al. Kuroczkin et al. and nitrogen. thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Consequently. 1994). Eckhardt [1988]. it is possible today to strongly suggest. The microbes.General Aspects of Biodeterioration in Tropical Regions 7 organisms to be enumerated. oxygen. results. chemical. and Ginetti 1976. such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM). 1976b. remission spectroscopy. counting. if not accurate. (4) includes calibration standards when required and/or possible. A simple method of measuring microbial activity using calorimetric assays of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and 2-(4-iodophenyl)3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) helps evaluate the potential risk to the integrity of the stone by microbial populations . mineralogists and other specialists to unravel the problem. (5) provides sufficient replicates to obtain statistically precise. Bech-Anderson 1986. However. macroorganisms and higher plants are easier to recognize than microorganisms because their dimensions permit observation with the naked eye. Schnurer and Rosswall 1982. and often the period of the year (Table 1.2). algal patinas. Quinn 1984. Phenomenology of Biological Alterations The ability to recognize the nature of biological alterations on stone is of practical importance to conservators. The simplicity of the method makes it suitable for nonscientific personnel with minimal scientific equipment to identify stone at risk from active microbial populations. King and Parker 1988. genus. The enzyme test complements the usual microbiological examination procedures. Petersen. The detailed systematic information (order. inactive cells may lead researchers to overestimate the activity of the active population (Tayler and May 1995). The modified assay of dehydrogenase activity (DHA) is useful in the study of microbial influence on the decay of stone (Warscheid. and sometimes lichens are frequently confused with each other by the nonbiologist. FDA offers obvious advantages over INT because of its greater sensitivity and rapid reaction rate with natural stone and its ability to produce measurable positive reactions in less than an hour of incubation. family. The test can also be used to assess the influence of different nutrient compounds on microorganism metabolism. Obviously. FDA measures general enzymatic activity. Comparisons between amounts of FDA cleaved and INT reduced for pure cultures of bacteria and natural mixed microbial populations on stone also indicate that it is possible to use FDA as an indirect measure of metabolic activity. enzymes released by damaged. as well as the application of stone preservative. class.8 Chapter 1 (Harvey and Young 1980. can be easily assessed. The phenomenology of alteration varies according to the biological species involved. Tayler and May 1995). the climate. the nature of the surface. However. To recognize a biological attack and distinguish it from other causes requires a typical morphology of the alteration. In many cases an unspecialized person can affirm whether the cause of deterioration is biological. In addition to the quantification of microbial activity. whereas INT is a measure of metabolic activity. providing a rapid quantification of the actual metabolic activity of the microbial communities colonizing the surface layers of the stone in historic monuments. Thus. Bitton and Koopman 1982. a red-colored indicator for DHA facilitates the examination of the spatial distribution of microorganisms over the rock profile from the surface to deeper and less infected layers of building stone. mosses. Still. Recognizability depends upon the experience of the person observing the phenomenon and upon the level of taxonomical accuracy required. potential biodeterioration activity due to accumulation of biogenic substrate or air pollutants on the stone surface. and species) that is necessary for selecting and performing the correct preventive or control measures can be obtained only with specific analyses. . and Krumbein 1990). powdering Black crust. exfoliation. detachment of materials Autotrophic bacteria Heterotrophic bacteria Actinomycetes Cyanobacteria Fungi Algae Lichens Mosses and liverworts Higher plants . patches.2 Organism Phenomenology of biological alterations in stone monuments Alteration Black crust. color change Whitish gray powder. patinas. green-gray patches Cracks. collapse. white efflorescence Patinas and sheets of various colors and consistency Colored stains and patches. exfoliation. exfoliation. pitting Patinas and sheets of various colors and consistency Crusts. black patinas. black-brown patinas. and pitting Discoloration.General Aspects of Biodeterioration in Tropical Regions 9 Table 1. Silverman and Munoz 1970. and Petersen 1987. Leznicka et al. The mechanical and structural damage caused by the roots of higher plants and the discoloration produced by microorganisms and lower plants are obvious indications of a biogenic problem. much of the primary research on the mechanisms of biodeterioration has not been conducted in tropical climates. Mishra. and Salvadori 1991. Schaffer 1972. Indictor. Strzelczyk 1981. In some cases. Krumbein [1988]. These organisms can cause direct or indirect damage to many kinds of stone. high temperatures. Hueck-van der Plas 1968. the ability to cause serious damage has been well established. Caneva. Jain. Eckhardt 1985. Although the deterioration of stone monuments in tropical regions due to the action of biodeteriogens has long been recognized. and Koestler 1991) of microorganisms that are more difficult to appreciate and separate from purely physical and chemical phenomena. It is the metabolic (Lewis. Henderson. and Taylor 1963. Krumbein 1983. Jain. and Singh 1993. Seaward et al. it remains conjectural. Biodeterioration of stone monuments in the tropics may be classified broadly into three categories: biophysical. Grote. Henderson and Duff 1963. the extent of overall damage that can be attributed specifically to biodeteriogens is a matter of controversy since much of biodeterioration occurs in conjunction with other physical and chemical decay processes. and aesthetic deterioration (Allsopp and Seal 1986. In the past. A wide variety of biodeteriogens have been identified on stone monuments in tropical environments due to the particularly favorable environmental conditions (high relative humidity.Chapter 2 Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms A biodeteriogen is an organism that is capable of causing biodeterioration. Nugari. and heavy rainfall) in those regions. in others. Grote. Petersen. Depending on the bio- . Tiano 1993). Moreover. Pochon and Jaton 1968. only in the past few years has this subject received attention by conservators and conservation scientists. However. these studies are useful because they form the basis of much of our understanding of the basic mechanisms of biodeterioration (Kauffmann 1952. May. biochemical. Krumbein and Jens 1981. 1991. and Singh 1993). and Bravery 1988) and mechanical effects (Griffin. Krumbein. Stambolov and Van Asperen De Boer 1967. Webley. The problem remains one of establishing whether such growth is a primary or secondary cause of damage. 1989. Mishra. and Krumbein [1988]. Caneva and Altieri [1988]. Attachment devices. and Singh 1991. Gayathri 1982. Griffin. is probably more easily understood than deterioration resulting from dissimilatory processes. penetrate deeply into the stone through preexisting cracks or crevices. The biochemical deterioration of stone due to corrosive metabolites occurs when inorganic and organic acids form. These acids decompose stone minerals by producing salts and chelates. changes into carbonic acid in an aqueous environment. where the organism uses the stone surface as a source of nutrition. Carbonic acid can dissolve carbonates such as limestones and marbles (Caneva. and Koestler 1991. particularly biochemical. it is usually considered preferable to eliminate biological growth for conservation reasons and to create an impression of order and care. Today. Saxena. causing stresses that lead to physical damage of surrounding stone material. Most autotrophic microorganisms and plants produce acids that can attack and dissolve some types of stone (Keller and Fredrickson 1952. and Salvadori 1991). Jain. Tandon 1991. May. Jain. The growth of biological populations on stone surfaces alters their appearance due to chromatic alterations and development of biological patinas. Heterotrophic organisms also produce organic acids that are capable of dissolving stone with the leaching of cations (Lewis et al. and Singh 1993). Insoluble salts and chelates may concentrate or precipitate on the stone surface as crusts. some of which may be subsequently dissolved and washed away. Tayler 1992). produced by aerobic organisms through respiration. Caneva. Biochemical deterioration resulting from assimilatory processes. Jain. Several decades ago. Jain. Hellebust 1974. . these processes may occur separately or simultaneously. Williams and Rudolph 1974. as were algal and lichen patinas. and environmental conditions. The aesthetic or visual effects of biodeterioration of stone are conceptually subjective but nonetheless important. Strzelczyk 1981. and Singh 1993). the nature of stone. and Singh 1991. May et al. climbing plants were considered to enhance the aesthetic value of ruins (Martines 1983). An increased volume of soluble salts or chelates may also cause stresses in the pores. it becomes more susceptible to other deterioration factors. Arai 1985. Bell 1984. Mortland. and Uehara 1956. Indictor. Jain. Nugari. 1993. where the organism produces a variety of metabolites that react chemically with the stone surface (Seshadri and Subramanian 1949. Carbon dioxide. Voute 1969. Saxena. 1987. Caneva and Altieri [1988]. Nugari. resulting in the formation of cracks (Saxena. Lawton. such as hyphae and extensive root systems. Biophysical deterioration of stone may occur due to pressure exerted on the surrounding surface material during the growth or movement of an organism or its parts.Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 11 deteriogens. Saxena. and Salvadori 1991). Once the stone is damaged as a result of biophysical processes. Jain. Mishra. and Singh 1991. Lewis. Mishra. and Singh 1991. Fragmentation may also occur due to periodic loosening of attachment devices during repeated wet and dry cycles. and Greenwood [1988]. s . Desulfovibrio sp . Cuba Cambodia . Indonesi a Thailand Thailand . They include autotrophic and heterotrophic species (Martin 1985. Thailand . Nitrobacter sp . andesite Quartzite. 1985). Indonesi a Thailand . Warschei d et al. Staphylococcus sp . 1992 Limestone Sandstone n.s . and Sanchez 1993 Ceper o et al. Chemoheterotrophs Bacillus sp . Ceper o et al.s . Brazi l Thailan d Brazi l Voute 1969 Aranyanak 1992. Micrococcus sp . Cuba Cuba Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Cambodia Aranyanak 1992. and their presence on stone is normally determined microscopically or by the chemical changes that they bring about in the stone. Nitrifying bacteri a Nitrosomonas sp . Walker 1989. Quartzite. soapstone Cambodia . Pseudomonas sp . Nitrogen and sulfur bacteria are the only chemoautotrophic bacteria that have been detected on stone monuments in tropical regions. this fouling may exceed purely aesthetic biodeterioration and cause physicochemical damage to the stone.1 lists various species of bacteria that have been found in historic buildings and monuments in tropical regions. Table 2. n. n. Nugari. Microellobosporium sp . However.1 Bacteria reported found in historic buildings and monuments in tropical regions Surfac e Occurrence Referenc e Organism Chemoautotrophs Sulfur-oxidizing bacteri a Thiobacillus sp . Pietrini et al. Sorlini. Caneva. Ceper o et al. Nitrosococcus sp . and Sanchez 1993 Voute 1969 Aranyanak 1992 Aranyanak 1992. They may be motile or immotile. Micropolyspora sp . Bacteria and Bacterial Biodeterioration Bacteria Bacteria are a group of prokaryotic unicellular or colonial organisms of various shapes (spherical. soapstone n. rodlike.s . Streptomyces sp.s . 1992 Aranyanak 1992 Warscheid et al. and Salvadori 1991). n.s . with time. 1992. especially where the surface exhibits a high water content.12 Chapter 2 Microorganisms found growing on otherwise undamaged stone surfaces. 1992. they develop easily on outdoor stone objects and monuments. 1992 Aranyanak 1992 Aranyanak 1992 Aranyanak 1992 Aranyanak 1992 Hyvert 1966 Sandstone Andesit e n. Castro . n.s . Table 2. Martinez. Castro . or spiral). Limestone Limestone n. utilizing surface dirt and detritus. Indonesia Singapore Singapore Hyvert 1972 Wee and Lee 1980 Wee and Lee 1980 . and Bassi 1985. Martinez.s . Photoautotroph s Cyanobacteria Anabaena anomala Anacystis montana Anacystis thermale Sandstone . may not initially cause any noticeable change in the chemical composition of the stone (Realini. Owing to their simple ecological and nutritional needs. Actinomycete s Nocardia sp . Micromonospora sp . Bacteria are small. and Salvadori 1991).s . India Cambodi a Singapore Singapore Singapore Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia . may be present but have thus far not been isolated. They occur in great numbers with fungi. Porphyrosiphon sp . Singapore India Guatemala . Marble. immotile bacteria that were at one time considered microscopic fungi because they exhibit forms with ramified mycelia during all or some phases of their life cycle (Martin 1985. = not specified Surface Andesite Andesite Andesite n. sandstone Marble. Chroococcus turgidus Chroococcus sp . Schizothrix calcicola Schizothrix friesii Schizothrix rubella Scytonema julianum Scytonema mirabile Scytonema sp . sandstone Limestone Marble. Nugari. sandstone Marble. sandstone Marble. commonly known as blue-green algae. Lyngsya cinerescens Lyngsya lutea Lyngsya maiuscola Lyngsya sordida Microcystis ramosa Nostoc calcicola Nostoc ellipsosporum Nostoc microscopicum Nostoc minutissima Nostoc sp . sandstone Limestone Sandstone n. sandstone Marble. are mostly colonial. Gloeocapsa livida Gomphosphaeria aponina Heterohormogonium sp . marble . n. Cambodia . 1995 Fuse y and Hyvert 1964 Wee and Lee 1980 Wee and Lee 1980 Wee and Le e 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972.s . Stigonema hormoides Stigonema minutum Synechocystis aquatilis Tolypothrix campylonemoides Tolypothrix conglutinale Tolypothrix sp .Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 13 Organism Aphanothece pallida Aphanothece castagnei Aulosira fertilissima Calothrix parietina Chlorogloea sp . Entophysalis sp . 1995 Tecnec o 1976 Hale 1980. Caneva. Tecneco 1976 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Fusey and Hyvert 1964 Indonesia Indonesi a Cambodia Other chemoautotrophic bacteria.s . algae. Singapor e Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia .s. Phormidium angustissimus Phormidium sp . n. Andesite Andesite Andesite Sandstone Marble. India Reference Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Wee and Lee 1980 Fuse y and Hyvert 1964 Tecnec o 1976 Gar g et al. and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in environments characterized by warmth (10-30 °C). limestone . Cyanobacteria.s . Nugari.s . Wee and Lee 1980 Tecnec o 1976 Hale 1980.s. heterotrophic. Sandstone Marble. such as iron and calcite bacteria. sandstone Andesite Andesite Sandstone Occurrence Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Singapore Cambodia India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Cambodi a India India Indonesi a India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia India India Guatemala . sandstone Andesite Andesite Andesite . Actinomycetes are a group of mostly aerobic. and the presence of plentiful organic matter (Delvert 1963. sandstone Marble. and Salvadori 1991). Gloeocapsa magma Gloeocapsa punctata Gloeocapsa sp . sandstone n. 1995 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Fuse y 1964 Tecneco 1976 Tecneco 1976 Hyvert 1972 Tecneco 1976 Tecneco 1976 Tecneco 1976 Tecneco 1976 Tecneco 1976 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Garg et al. Voute 1969. sandstone Andesite Marble. Walker 1989. Honduras . Oscillatoria annae Oscillatoria sp . Fusey and Hyvert 1964 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972. constant high humidity (90-100%). Hyvert 1966. n. immotile photoautotrophic organisms containing . Andesite Andesite Andesite . Garg et al. Caneva. sandstone Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite n. 1995). and Salvadori 1991. and Salvadori 1991). Jain. allowing the Cyanobacteria to survive in adverse environmental conditions such as persistent desiccation. Monte Sila and Tarantino 1981. Nugari. including actinomycetes. Wolters et al. 1969. Stone dissolution. Mishra. Walker 1989. Winkler 1975.14 Chapter 2 chlorophyll and other types of pigments (carotenoids. May et al. Calcareous stones are especially affected (Lepidi and Schippa 1973. Saxena. May et al. Jain. Sulfur compounds from pollutants or from previous biological colonization may also act as an energy source for sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (Caneva. Mishra et al. they may still be significant (Jain. manifested as exfoliation.g. and formation of soluble nitrate salts that appear as efflorescence on the stone surface are processes that have all been demonstrated experimentally (Jain. Strzelczyk 1981. dark blue. 1987. they can exert tremendous stresses on the pore walls due to an increase in volume causing stone damage. which appear as crusts on the stone surfaces. Autotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria attack stone under aerobic conditions by producing inorganic acids (Voute 1969. Mishra. Mishra. and Singh 1991). They oxidize sulfur-containing nutrients from the soil to sulfuric acid. Some species are able to fix nitrogen. Gugliandolo and Maugeri [1988]. Caneva. Each cell is surrounded by a gelatinous pigmented sheath that imparts various colors to the cells (golden yellow. 1993). Ciarallo et al. Although such bacteria have not yet been isolated from stone monuments in tropical regions. brown. May et al. and Singh 1993. Jain. xanthophylls. . 1975. [1988]). and Bravery 1988. It has been suggested that sulfur-reducing bacteria in the soil at the base of stone monuments can reduce sulfates to sulfides. and Singh 1993). Tiano et al. Lewis. and heterotrophic bacteria. These sulfides then pass into stone through capillary action and provide an energy source to sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (Pochon and Jaton 1967. This sulfuric acid can react with constituents of the stone to form sulfates. red. 1993). phycocyanins. which may result in nitric acid formation. Mishra. gypsum) or may be precipitated within the pores of the stone. Lewis et al.. where. May. These bacteria are particularly active on limestones and calcareous sandstones (Stambolov and Van Asperen De Boer 1967. and Singh 1993. and Singh 1993). violet. They contribute to dissolution of cations from the stone and surface staining (Koestler and Santoro 1988. phycoerythrins). Autotrophic nitrifying bacteria oxidize ammonia to nitrite and nitrate ions. photoautotrophic Cyanobacteria. azure) (Martin 1985. three bacterial groups have been identified as potentially causing the deterioration of stone structures: chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing and nitrifying bacteria. emerald green. Bacterial biodeterioration In tropical environments. powdering. The sheath allows rapid absorption and slow release of moisture. Nugari. 1993). 1985. Other autotrophic bacteria are capable of oxidizing some iron and manganese minerals. These sulfates may be dissolved by rainwater (e. upon recrystallization. Danin 1986. Golubic 1973. Some heterotrophic bacteria have also been associated with the discoloration of stone surfaces (Realini. Webley. Wee and Lee 1980. Saiz-Jimenez 1994). and Scott 1963.Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 15 Heterotrophic bacteria have received comparatively little attention. Sorlini. and Si (Duff. thereby soiling the structures and giving them an unsightly appearance of neglect. Henderson. Saxena. Friedmann. and Scheider 1981. 1992. Hyvert 1972. leading to pitting (Golubic. 1989). Fe . It has been reported that the presence of a microbial layer of epilithic Cyanobacteria may help create a distinctive microenvironment where respiration and photosynthesis may produce acids as by-products. and Singh 1991). The slimy surfaces of these bacteria facilitate adherence of airborne particles of dust. Cepero et al. some references describe direct physical and chemical damage produced by them (Hyvert 1973. Danin 1983. Danin and Caneva 1990. Tiano 1993). although this view is still controversial. . Tiano 1987). Caneva and Salvadori 1988. and Taylor 1963. 1973. Considerable force may be exerted through repeated shrinking and relaxing of the slimy sheath of the Cyanobacteria during their cycle of drying and moistening. Biophysical deterioration of the stone may also occur. Jain. and Sanchez 1993). Martinez. Voute 1969. Crystal coherence decreases in areas dominated by Cyanobacteria. Al . These microbial films may contain significant amounts of adsorbed inorganic materials derived from the substrata (quartz. Caneva et al. clay) and detritus (dead cells or microbial by-products). Wilderer and Characklis 1989). giving rise to hard crusts and patinas that are difficult to eliminate (Hueck-van der Plas 1965. It has been documented that pitting of marble by Cyanobacteria has been due to their establishment in microscopic depressions such as crystal interfaces of the stone. Campbell 1979. 1994). Castro. SaizJimenez 1984. Their deterioration mechanism involves the evolution of biogenic acids (some of which have chelating abilities) that may cause stone dissolution through mobilization +2 +3 +2 +3 +4 of cations such as Ca . Robins et al. Fogg et al. which promotes further increase in their population. and coal ash. although their presence on stone in tropical regions has been well established (Hueck-van der Plas 1968. De Winder et al. Apart from the aesthetic deterioration mentioned in most of the literature on Cyanobacteria on historic buildings. Economou-Amilli. and Roussomoustakaki 1983. pollen. 1992. oil. especially in carbonates (Viles 1987. It is well known that Cyanobacteria cause aesthetic damage to stone monuments by creating variously colored microbial films on their surfaces. 1986. Anagnostidis. and rainwater detaches the crystals. calcium carbonate. Aggressive action of Cyanobacteria on the stone surface where they develop has been considered negligible by some authors (Dukes 1972. They increase the local water retention capacity of the stone by dissolving the adjacent material. and Bassi 1985. Webley. Aranyanak 1992. Mn . This eventually loosens mineral grains of the stone surface (Friedmann 1971. Shephard 1987. These acids cause biochemical deterioration of the stone through the etching of mineral components and dissolution of binding minerals. Warscheid et al. Tayler 1992). and iron. Laboratory experiments have indicated that their acidic metabolic products (e. Fungi and Fungal Biodeterioration Fungi Fungi are a group of chemoheterotrophic organisms characterized by unicellular or multicellular filamentous hyphae. especially in tropical areas. Kuroczkin et al. Stone. They lack chlorophyll and. . unless some organic food is present.16 Chapter 2 Cyanobacteria may also play a direct role in supporting the growth of heterotrophic organisms such as fungi or other bacteria that have a higher destructive potential by becoming their nutrient sources (Strzelczyk 1981. leaving a more easily soluble lattice. decaying leaves. Caneva. being inorganic. pyroxene). Tripathi and Talpasayi 1990). fungi degrade stone chemically (Silverman and Munoz 1970. Andreoli et al. 1985). does not by itself favor the growth of fungi. The biochemical action of fungi on stone appears to be a more important process than mechanical degradation. [1988]. It has not been well established whether or not their metabolic activity contributes to the biodeterioration of stone in the tropics.. Biophysical deterioration of stone has been demonstrated by the extensive penetration by fungal hyphae into decayed limestone and. 1985). and nitrifying bacteria (Delvert 1963. silicate minerals (mica and orthoclase). Nugari. The waste products of algae and bacteria (or the dead cells of these organisms). apparently. Fungi are believed to be potential contributors to decay of limestones. Griffin. olivine. Hence.g. hydrolyze some silicate minerals. or chelate the metallic ions. Indictor. Hyvert 1966. by burrowing into otherwise sound stone (Lepidi and Schippa 1973). they cannot live on stone. and bird droppings can provide such food sources (Sharma et al. and Koestler 1991) and sometimes mechanically (Bassi. Saiz-Jimenez 1984. Actinomycetes often occur with fungi. Voute 1969). and Bonecchi 1984). however. algae. even if it is permanently wet. Research in areas other than the tropics suggests that. The presence of organic residues on stone.2 lists fungi found on stone monuments in tropical regions. encourages their growth. Table 2. Some endolithic fungi are reported to produce pitting through a chemical action (Danin 1986). thus. Eckhardt 1985. Walker 1989. 1985. oxalic acid and citric acid) can attack calcareous stone. Hyphal penetration along crystal planes in calcitic and dolomitic stones has also been demonstrated (Koestler et al. the ability to manufacture their own food by using the energy of sunlight (Martin 1985. and Salvadori 1991). Fungal biodeterioration Several species of fungi have been isolated from weathered stones. once established.and magnesium-bearing minerals (biotite. May and Lewis [1988]. [1988]. Barbieri. Koestler et al. but the extent of total decay attributable solely to them is undetermined. Cuba. = not specified Marble.s. sandstone Marble. . limestone Soapstone. India Cuba Cuba India India Cuba Indonesia Brazil. Basalt Limestone Andesite Soapstone. Cambodia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia. quartzite. Cladosporium cladosporoides Cladosporium sp. Similar experiments involving stone have demonstrated the formation of oxalate crystals. and oxalic acids (Eckhardt 1985). 1992 Mathur 1983-84 Mathur 1983-84 Cepero et al. Indonesia India Indonesia India India India Cuba Indonesia Brazil Cuba Brazil Indonesia India Indonesia Reference Tecneco 1976 Hyvert 1972 Cepero et al. 1992 Hyvert 1972 Warscheid et al. sandstone Andesite Andesite Andesite. India India Indonesia. 1992 Tecneco 1976 Hyvert 1972 Tecneco 1976 Mathur 1983-84 Tecneco 1976 Cepero et al. 1992 Cepero et al. quartzite Marble. Tecneco 1976 Cepero et al. quartzite Andesite Marble. marble. 1992 Warscheid et al. India India Cambodia Cuba. 1992. limestone. The acids produced by various species of fungi function as chelating agents that can leach metallic cations. Aspergillus elegans Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus nidulans Aspergillus niger Aspergillus versicolor Aureobasidium sp. iron. sandstone Sandstone Andesite. from the stone surface (Caneva and Salvadori 1988). sandstone Andesite Tecneco 1976 Fusey and Hyvert 1966 Hyvert 1972. Fusey and Hyvert 1966 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that basic rocks are more susceptible to fungal attack than acidic rocks. and basalt by filamentous fungi through the action of excreted oxalic and citric acids has been reported in the literature (May et al. limestone.s. Penicillium multicolor Penicillium crustosum Penicillium frequentans Penicillium glabrum Penicillium lilacinum Penicillium notatum Rhizopus arrhizus n.Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 17 Table 2. 1992 Cepero et al. Cepero et al. Indonesia. sandstone Marble. limestone Marble. granite.2 Fungi found on stone monuments in tropical regions Surface Occurrence India Indonesia Cuba. limestone n. 1992. 1992 Hyvert 1972 Tecneco 1976 Hyvert 1972 The deterioration of marble. 1992. Jones. and Sollins 1977. Gliocladium virens Humicola grisea Lipomyces neoformans Macrophoma sp. sandstone Andesite Andesite. marble. sandstone Limestone. 1992 Hyvert 1972 Warscheid et al. Cromack. 1992. Fusarium roseum Fusarium sp. Cepero et al. Tecneco 1976 Organism Alternaria sp. marble Marble. Blastomyces dermatitis Candida albicans Cephalosporium sp. sandstone Marble. Cepero et al. such as calcium. 1993). which adhered to lichen and fungal hyphae or were deposited nearby (Gaustein. Cuba. It has also been shown in the laboratory that fungal species such as Aspergillus niger were able to solubilize powdered stone and chelate various minerals in a rich glucose medium because they produce organic acids such as gluconic. or magnesium. marble. Oxalic acid can cause extensive corrosion of primary minerals and the complete dissolution of ferruginous minerals through the formation of iron oxalates and silica gels. sandstone Andesite Marble. Tecneco 1976 Tecneco 1976 Hyvert 1972. Cladosporium sphaerospermum Cunninghamella echinulata Curvularia lunata Curvularia verrugulosa Curvularia sp. Wilson. citric. Hyvert 1972. and McHardy 1981). Monilia sp. limestone. sandstone Marble. sandstone Stone. sandstone Limestone Andesite Soapstone. Grote. or diatoms—have been isolated from stone monuments in tropical regions (Table 2. the species of two major groups—the chlorophytes and bacillariophytes. Algae and Algal Biodeterioration Algae Algae are diverse groups of eukaryotic. Fungi have also been shown to oxidize manganese in the laboratory. but decay has so far not been ascribed to algae alone (Krumbein and Lange 1978). and euendolithic algae. and Palacios 1993. ribbonlike. 1988). 1993). Some algae are also able to survive heterotrophically when necessary (Martin 1985. which colonize structural cavities within porous substrate. evidence for algal contribution to the decay process of stone has been conflicting. algae can be divided into two groups: epilithic algae. photoautotrophic organisms of various shapes (filamentous. Wee and Lee 1980. Riederer 1981. However. preferring acidic surfaces. Of the eleven classified groups of algae (Bold and Wynne 1985). and Bassi 1985). which live inside preformed fissures and cavities open to the surface of the substrate. unicellular or multicellular. Nugari. and Krumbein [1988]. but for some this value is not growth limiting (Strzelczyk 1981). de la Torre. which grow on the exposed surface of the substrate. The most important conditions for establishing algae on stone surfaces are dampness. Jain. and inorganic nutrients. Jain. Siswowiyanto 1981. Nugari. recrystallization. Singh. and Salvadori 1991).18 Chapter 2 The dissolution. Algal biodeterioration Several authors have reported examples of disfigurement and possible damage to stone monuments in tropical regions due to presence of algae (Fusey and Hyvert 1966. carotenoids. which colonize the interior of the substrate. Fungi have also been associated with the formation of a powdering stone surface (Realini. Loss of aesthetic value is considered to be the most obvious type of damage caused by algae to stone monuments. or platelike) that contain pigments such as chlorophyll. Petersen et al. Lee and Wee 1982). de la Torre et al. causing staining in stone (Petersen. Many algae show a marked sensitivity to the pH of the surface. and Salvadori 1991). and Singh 1993). Algal communities . Based on their relationship with the substrate. Endolithic algae may be further classified as chasmoendolithic algae. cryptoendolithic algae. warmth. Walker 1989. and Agrawal [1988]. which actively penetrate into substrate (Caneva. and endolithic algae. Sorlini. particularly calcium and magnesium (Richardson 1973a. and xanthophylls. Caneva. Damage to building stone caused by algae associated with bacteria and fungi has been reported. light. Hyvert 1972. Ionita 1971).3). There have also been reports about similar effects of fungi on stone monuments (Hyvert 1966. and redeposition of calcite by fungi have been studied (Jones 1987. Mishra. Gomez-Alarcon. Jones and Pemberton 1987. and of various colors such as green. Honduras. However. liverworts. Dhawan. orange. India Singapore Guatemala Indonesia Singapore Indonesia Cambodia Reference Wee and Lee 1980 Hyvert 1972 Wee and Lee 1980. 1995 Wee and Lee 1980 Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Wee and Lee 1980 Hyvert 1972 Fusey and Hyvert 1964 Guatemala. They produce a variety of metabolites. gelatinous. Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Singapore Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Hale 1980. they are thick. Mishra. Cylindrocapsa sp. Gonggrosira sp. Hormidium sp.s. Hyvert 1972 Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Limestone Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Wee and Lee 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 are usually readily recognizable on stone surfaces because they form patina or sheets varying in extent. This is a natural successional sequence. Wee 1988. Tiano 1993.s. the final stage does not develop (Wee and Lee 1980. These acids either actively dissolve stone constituents or increase their solubility in water and stimulate migration . Andesite Sandstone.s.Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 19 Table 2.3 Algae isolated from stone monuments in tropical regions Organism Chlorophytes Chlorella sp. Garg et al. = not specified Surface n. Dermococcus sp. Pleurococcus sp. in poorly lit and damp places (interiors of monuments. and Salvadori 1991. Nugari. Algae may also cause biochemical deterioration. mosses. walls of caves). they indirectly damage stone by supporting growth of more corrosive biodeteriogens (lichens. and higher plants). consistency. marble. n.s. Saiz-Jimenez 1994). Limestone Andesite n. but unless there is a complete lack of maintenance. Griffin. Indictor. Hueck-van der Plas 1968. Nitzschia amphybia Nitzschia denticula Nitzschia frustulum Pinnularia borealis Pinnularia hemiptera Pinnularia intermedia Pinnularia interrupta Pinnularia leptosoma Pinnularia mesolepta n.s. They cause deterioration primarily by staining the stone surfaces and obscuring relevant details. and very often gray or black. Singapore. sometimes green. yellow. In well-lit and relatively dry environments. Jain. and Koestler 1991. Garg. tough. limestone Limestone. patinas on stone surfaces are thin. Oocystis sp. Andesite n. and Singh 1993). and color. Bacillariophytes Achnautes lanceolata Caloneis bacillum Cymbella ventricosa Navicula breakkaensis Navicula minima Navicula mutica Navicula sp. thickness. Staining generally results from the different-colored pigments of the algae (Caneva. Trentopohlia sp. violet. and Agrawal 1988). andesite Occurrence Singapore Indonesia Singapore. Chlorococcum humicola Chlorococcum sp. predominantly organic acids (Round 1966. Although direct damage by algae may not always be significant. and red. which promote the growth of heterotrophic epilithic bacteria (Bell. together with the dissolutive effect of water. including those normally hostile to other life forms (Martin 1985. the algae were growing together with fungi. Caneva. such as proteins.) Lichenic biodeterioration The characteristics of lichens and their deleterious effects on stone have been reviewed by several authors (Hale 1983. Algal growth. and Salvadori 1991).4 Lichens found on stone monuments in tropical regions Organism Crustose Aspicilia cinerea Arthopyrenia sp. and Singh 1993). (See Table 2. which can increase the sensitivity of stone to physical processes of deterioration. They can be epilithic (living over stone) or endolithic (entirely living beneath a stone surface). However. Jones and Wilson 1985. which are chelating agents contributing to the dissolution of stone (Jain. It is also possible that endolithic algae may widen preexisting fissures in stone through increased volume and mass resulting from their growth and water-binding capacity. Mishra. Table 2. Lang. Thus far. Biatoria immersa Blastenia sp. such as its coefficient of thermal expansion. Singh and Upreti 1991 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980 . or pitting of the stone. Bacidia rosella Bacidia sp. in all such reported cases of actual biophysical deterioration of the stone surface. Nugari. it has not been established that the deterioration was solely due to the algae and not to fungal activity (Garg. and Agrawal 1988). may also result in microcavities. causing powdering of its surface. Giacobini et al. Together with Cyanobacteria they play an important role as pioneer organisms in colonizing rocks. The change in solubility of stone constituents alters properties of the stone. and sugars. India Indonesia Guatemala. Honduras Reference Hale 1980 Singh and Upreti 1991 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980. Dhawan. and Mitchell 1974). Algae also secrete other products of metabolism. Three types of lichens that attach themselves to the surface with devices such as rhizoids (foliose and fruticose lichens) and hyphae (crustose lichens) have been isolated in tropical regions (Seshadri and Subramanian 1949. Hale 1980). Florian 1978. Due to their resistance to desiccation and extreme temperature and efficiency in accumulating nutrients. lichens occur in a wide range of habitats. Walker 1989. Lichens and Lichenic Biodeterioration Lichens Lichens are a large group of composite organisms formed by the symbiotic association of Chlorophyta or Cyanobacteria and a fungus. Bech-Anderson and Christensen 1983.20 Chapter 2 of salts in stone. Surface Limestone Limestone Andesite Limestone Andesite Limestone Occurrence Honduras India Indonesia Guatemala.4. Honduras India Honduras Honduras Honduras Indonesia India Hale 1980 Singh and Sinha 1993 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Singh and Sinha 1993 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Singh and Sinha 1993. Ephebe pubescens Lecanora sp. Honduras Honduras Guatemala. Parmelia tinctorum Parmelia grayana Parmeliella pannosa Parmelina minarum Parmotrema crinitum Parmotrema cristiferum Parmotrema dilatatum Parmotrema endosulphureum Parmotrema mordenii Parmotrema praesoediosum Parmotrema sancti-angelii Parmotrema sulphuratum Parmotrema tinctorum Peltula sp. Laboria pulmonia Leptogium sp. Garg et al. Honduras Guatemala. Peltula obscurans Peltula patellata Phylliscum indicum Phylliscum macrosporum Physcia sorediosa Pyxine sp. Honduras Indonesia Guatemala.s. Andesite Limestone Limestone Andesite Limestone Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Limestone Sandstone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Sandstone Limestone Limestone Sandstone. 1995 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980. Honduras Honduras India India India India India Guatemala. Parmelia sp. Candelariella sp. limestone Andesite Limestone Sandstone Andesite Granite Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Sandstone Lime plaster Lime plaster Lime plaster Lime plaster Limestone Sandstone Limestone Limestone Limestone Andesite Granite India. limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Sandstone Andesite Limestone Lime plaster Lime plaster Lime plaster n. Leptotrema santense Peltigera malacea Phyllopsora corallina Placynthium nigrum Porina fafinea Septrotrema pseudoferenula Thermucis velutina Verrucaria rupestris Foliose Candelaria concolor Candellaria sp. Heterodermia casarettiana Heterodermia leucomelaena Heterodermia sp.Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 21 Organism Caloplaca sp. Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980 Singh and Sinha 1993 Hyvert 1972 Gayathri 1982 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Singh and Sinha 1993 Singh and Upreti 1991 Singh and Upreti 1991 Singh and Upreti 1991 Singh and Upreti 1991 Hale 1980 Singh and Sinha 1993 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Gayathri 1982 . Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Honduras Guatemala. Chiodecton antillarum Chiodectron sp. Honduras Honduras Guatemala. Endocarpon fusitum Endocarpon nanum Endocarpon pusillum Endocarpon nigro-zonatum Endocarpon rosettum Endocarpon sp. India Guatemala. Honduras Indonesia Guatemala. Diploschistes sp.s. Coccocarpia cronia Collema sp. Honduras Guatemala India Indonesia India India India India India Indonesia Honduras. Honduras India Indonesia India Guatemala. Sticta weigelii Usnea rubicunda Xanthoparmelia subramigera Fruticose Roccella fuciformis Roccella montagnie n. Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Singh and Sinha 1993 Hyvert 1972 Singh and Upreti 1991 Singh and Upreti 1991 Singh and Upreti 1991 Singh and Upreti 1991 Garg et al. Dirinaria confluens Dirinaria picta Dirinaria sp. 1995 Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Sedimentary rock. Honduras India Honduras Honduras India. = not specified Surface Occurrence Reference Singh and Sinha 1993. Honduras Honduras Guatemala. Honduras Honduras Guatemala. Honduras Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Honduras India Guatemala. 1984. Del Monte 1991. Pallecchi and Pinna [1988]). 1984. Jones. 1989. Olivine grains exhibit deeply penetrating etch pits. Lallemant and Deruelle [1978]. Effects of lichens on stone vary according to the stone's chemical composition and crystallographic structure (Jones. Several studies pertaining to the ability of lichens (particularly crustose) to cause chemical disintegration of the surface minerals indicate that the biogenic organic acids and other chelating agents produced by the organism play significant roles (Iskandar and Syers 1972. however. Seaward 1988. as well as silicate minerals such as mica and orthoclase. Saiz-Jimenez 1994). Jones and Wilson 1985). calcareous sedimentary rocks have been found particularly susceptible to physical penetration by lichens. carbonate and ferromagnesian silicate minerals weather easily (Jones. and McHardy 1987. Petersen. and Schellnhuber 1989. The carbon dioxide produced by lichens due to respiration is transformed within their thallus into carbonic acid. Singh and Sinha 1993). . resulting in the loosening of rock mineral grains (Jones. This may also be the case for monuments in tropical regions. and iron minerals. Biopitting due to lichens has been observed mostly in marble monuments in Europe (Krumbein 1987. Sometimes intergranular cementing substances are acted upon. Porous. Dhawan. cross-cutting. Some authors attribute pitting to the action of endolithic lichens (Krumbein. and Schellnhuber 1989. Krumbein. Del Monte 1991). and Agrawal 1988. Wilson. foliose and crustose lichens are probably the most harmful biodeteriogens (Riederer 1981. Jones and Wilson 1985). Petersen. Due to the nature of their attachment. and fissures in the stone. Biophysical stone degradation by lichens results primarily from the penetration of the attachment devices of the thallus into the pores. Siswowiyanto 1981. Wilson.22 Chapter 2 1985. Garg. This action causes a stone surface to appear honeycombed with etch pits. Monte 1991. The organic acids produced by lichens are capable of attacking calcium. trenchlike features (Jones. Wilson. preexisting cracks. but their detachment from the surface is by the physical activity of lichens (Syers and Iskandar 1973. and McHardy 1981). These cracks and fissures may subsequently widen due to an increase in the mass of the thallus during growth. Riederer 1981. Periodic detachment of the thallus related to fluctuations in humidity may also result in the loss of adherent mineral fragments (Hueck-van der Plas 1968. and McHardy 1987). magnesium. Seaward et al. Wilson. however. the contribution of this carbonic acid to the disintegration of the stone surface is significant only after a considerable period of time. Singh and Upreti 1991). others consider that pit formation results from the action of water on the stone surfaces with structural and textural defects (Saiz-Jimenez 1994). Wilson and Jones 1983. Loosening of minerals in the form of granules may occur due to chemical weathering. Singh and Upreti 1991). Owing to their slow metabolic activity. whereas the surfaces of augite grains may reveal deep. Generally. Danin and Caneva 1990. and McHardy 1981. especially over long periods of time (Jones and Wilson 1985). Wilson. and McHardy 1981) and show characteristic dissolution features. although such studies have not been specifically conducted there. Carbonic acid is a potent weathering agent. 1986. Wilson. Oxalate formation may result in discoloration by a surface patina. Ascaso. The fungal half of the lichen produces oxalic acid in addition to other organic acids. lead. and certain plagioclase feldspars may be characterized by extensive etching out of lamellar intergrowths. Weathering of granite statues due to lichen growth has been reported in India (Gayathri 1982). and Ortega-Calvo 1976. They are simple photoautotrophic organisms that contain pigments (chlorophyll and carotenoids) and possess rudimentary rootlike organs (rhizoids) but no vascular tissues or transport organs (phloem and xylem). They represent a bridge between primitive plants without tissues or organs and evolved plants with differentiated tissues and organs. Wilson. The accumulation of acids increases with the age of the lichen and is more prevalent in calcium-loving species. Jones. although calciumrich feldspars may be easily reduced. As a result many lichens penetrate into the stone material and become endolithic (Syers and Iskandar 1973). a chelator of metallic ions. In tropical regions some importance may also be accorded to the production of chelating agents. Purvis 1984. Agrawal et al. but it is not completely invulnerable. and McHardy 1981). There are many examples of stone deterioration resulting from oxalate formation. Biodeterioration by Mosses and Liverworts Mosses and liverworts Mosses and liverworts are bryophytes. was found in the thallus of lichens growing on monuments in Borobudur (Seshadri and Subramanian 1949). an action that is attributed to crustose lichens (Siswowiyanto 1981). Galvan. magnesium oxalate dihydrate. sodium. Their role in stone deterioration is established but less well studied than the role of oxalic acid. Quartz does not seem to have been much affected by lichens. and McHardy 1987). Crystals of calcium oxalate monohydrate. Lazzarini and Salvadori 1989). by lichens (Jones and Wilson 1985). Salvadori and Zitelli 1981.Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 23 Feldspars are usually more resistant to lichen activity. which is most pronounced on light-colored stones. zinc. such as polyphenolic compounds. 1987. Other instances of pigmented calcium oxalate films have been attributed to past decorative or preservative treatments (Charola et al. There are reports of etching of quartzite surfaces by a particular species of lichen (Hallbaur and Jahns 1977. The selective enrichment of lithium. and Rodriguez-Pascual 1982. and cadmium was found in their thalli. An unusually high percentage (20-30%) of lecanoric acid. Calcium carbonate of the stone is slightly soluble in water and is attacked by oxalic acid. They frequently occur in association with algae in a variety of . calcium oxalate dihydrate. Galvan. Jones. Action of oxalic acids with the metallic ions in minerals produces insoluble oxalate crusts (Singh and Sinha 1993). a transitional group of the kingdom Plantae. potassium. and manganese oxalate dihydrate have been identified at the stone-lichen interface (Ascaso. Mosses grow in high-humidity environments and are generally found at the base of porous stone walls. Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Hale 1980 Aongstroemia orientalis Barbula indica Barbula javanica Bryum coronatum Calymperes sp. which may result from accumulations of dead algae. As mosses die. Mosses and liverworts may cause some degree of biochemical disintegration of stone surfaces. Table 2. They also produce carbonic acids as a result of cellular respiration processes that are harmful to the stone over an extended period of time. Honduras Guatemala Honduras Guatemala Honduras Guatemala Honduras Guatemala Honduras Guatemala Reference Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980 Hyvert 1972 Hale 1980. Nugari. Saiz-Jimenez 1994). Ectropothecium monumentum Eusomolejeunea clausa Frullania riojaneirensis Frullania squarrosa Groutiella schlumbergeri Haplozia javanica Hyalophila involuta Leijeunea calcicola Lejeunea flava Marchantia chenopoda Mastigolejeunea auriculata Neckeropsis undulata Neohyophila sprengelii Octoblepharum albidum Papillaria nigrescens Plagiochila distinctifolia Rhacomitrium tomentosum Sematophyllum caespitosum Stereophyllum cultilliforme Weisia jamaicensis . Table 2. these organisms have a high capacity for extracting mineral cations from the stones (Bech-Anderson 1986. Although rhizoids are capable of penetrating stone. Mosses occur only where there are humus deposits. Walker 1989. Garcia-Rowe and Saiz-Jimenez 1991. The presence of clay in the stone favors their growth (Hyvert 1972). the humus deposits extend. and Salvadori 1991). Caneva and Salvadori 1988. Biodeterioration caused by mosses and liverworts Biodeterioration of stone by mosses and liverworts is predominantly aesthetic. Indonesia Guatemala. Honduras Indonesia Guatemala Honduras Guatemala Guatemala Indonesia Guatemala Guatemala Honduras Guatemala Guatemala.5 Mosses and liverworts found on stone monuments in tropical regions Organism Surface Andesite Limestone Andesite Stone. Shah and Shah 1992-93.5 lists some common mosses and liverworts that have been found on stone monuments in tropical regions.24 Chapter 2 damp habitats from fresh water to damp rock surfaces in tropical regions (Martin 1985. Due to the higher acidity of their rhizoids. limestone Limestone Andesite Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Andesite Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Limestone Occurrence Indonesia Guatemala Indonesia Guatemala. Caneva. The mechanical action is less threatening than in higher plants because these organisms possess rhizoids rather than real roots. and these cause indirect damage to the monument by supporting the growth of more destructive higher plants (Shah and Shah 1992-93). g.. woody species and trees can cause much more damage due to the expansion of their root systems. Biodeterioration by Higher Plants Higher plants Higher plants are photoautotrophic. vascular. Although massive monuments may not be significantly affected in this manner. Caneva and Altieri [1988]. The biophysical decay is mainly due to the growth and radial thickening of the roots of plants inside the stone. which results in an increasing pressure on surrounding areas of the masonry. This is a dangerous condition that can result in collapse. and depth (Riederer 1981. Jain. the stability of smaller buildings may be compromised (Mishra. Caneva and . Keller and Frederickson 1952. Mishra. It has also been established that some fast-growing species of trees can progressively lower the average moisture content of surrounding clay soil and thus cause sufficient shrinkage to damage the foundation of nearby structures. and Garg 1995). in plaster or mortar between stones. width. and secretory functions. Biochemical deterioration results from the acidity of root tips and is responsible for the etching of minerals and the chelating action of root exudates. The acidity of root tips is maintained by a layer of H+ ions that can be exchanged with nutritive metal cations in the solution following the lyotropic series (Williams and Coleman 1950. Jain.Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 25 the actual deterioration of stone because of this mechanism has not yet been established (Shah and Shah 1992-93. Walker 1989. Jain. Shah and Shah 1992-93. and Singh 1993). and leaves. stems. Some common higher plants that have been found on stone monuments in tropical regions are listed in Table 2. Mishra. Tissues originate from the functional differentiation of meristematic cells and can have fundamental. detachment. Compared to herbaceous plants. and Salvadori 1991). Jain. tegumental. pigmented (e. and damage of stone monuments. and Garg 1995). Higher plants can be subdivided into pteridophytes and spermatophytes on the basis of the absence or presence of seeds. chlorophyll and carotenoids) organisms with specialized tissues and organs that permit a subdivision of activities. Winkler 1975. and Garg 1995). Nugari. Caneva. They have a differentiated structure composed of roots. Root growth tends to occur in preexisting fissures or cracks on stone surfaces and in zones of least resistance—for example. which can grow to many meters in length.6. Spermatophytes can be distinguished into gymnosperms and angiosperms on the basis of the absence or presence of flowers in which the reproductive organs are clustered (Martin 1985. Mishra. thereby increasing the size of the fissures and cracks and decreasing the cohesion between stones (Gill and Bolt 1955. Biodeterioration by higher plants Available literature indicates that the mechanism of deterioration of stone monuments by higher plants is quite complex and consists of both physical and chemical processes. s. Jain. n. and Garg 1995 Mishra.s. n. Jain. and Garg 1995 Mishra.s.s. Sandstone Sandstone n. Agropyron repens Albizia lebbeck Argemone mexicana Azadirachta indica Boerhavia diffusa Calotropis procera Canscora decurrens Canscora diffusa Cantella asiatica Capparis flavicans Capparis horrida Cassia accidentalis Catharanthus roseus Chloris barbata Coccinia indica Commelina bengalensis Convolvulus sp. n. Jain. Jain.s.s. Ficus bengelensis Ficus religiosa n.s.s. n.s. Digitaria adscendens Dryopteris sp.s. n.s. n. Notochlaena sp. Jain. n. n. and Garg 1995 Aranyanak 1992. Jain. and Garg 1995 Aranyanak 1992 Mishra. n. Physalis minima Piperomia sp.s. n.s. and Garg 1995 Mishra. and Garg 1995 Mishra.s.s. Andesite Andesite n. n. Jain.s.26 Chapter 2 Table 2. Mishra.s. n.s. and Garg 1995 Hyvert 1972 Mishra.s.s.s. n. Jain. Pityrogramma sp. and Garg 1995 Aranyanak 1992 Mishra. n.s. n. n.s. Jain. n.s. and Garg 1995 Mishra. Jain. Jain. and Garg 1995. n. Jain.s.s. Saccharum munja Sida cardifolia Solanum nigrum Trachyspermum stictocarpum Trichodesma amplexicaule Tridax prostala Woodfordia fruitcoae Zizyphus jujuba n.s. n. and Garg 1995 Acacia arabica Adiantum sp.s. Sandstone n. n. and Garg 1995 Aranyanak 1992. India Indonesia India Thailand. Jain. Aranyanak 1992 Aranyanak 1992 Mishra. Jain. 1993 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Mishra. and Garg 1995 Mishra. n.s. and Garg 1995 Mishra. Ficus rumphii Fleurya interrupta Heliotropium indicum Holoptelea integrifolia Imperata cylindrica Kickxia incana Leucas biflora Lidenbergia indica Lycopodium sp. n. and Garg 1995 Giantomassi et al. Jain.s. n.s.s. and Garg 1995 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Shah and Shah 1992—93 Aranyanak 1992 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Mishra. 1993 Giantomassi et al. n. n.s. Jain.s. Occurrence India Indonesia India India India India India India India India Thailand Myanmar Myanmar India Thailand Thailand India Thailand India India India.s. n.s.s. and Garg 1995 Mishra.s. and Garg 1995 Mishra. n. = not specified . n. and Garg 1995 Mishra. Jain.s. Andesite n. India Myanmar India India India India India India India Indonesia India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia India India Indonesia Indonesia India India India India India Thailand India India Reference Mishra. and Garg 1995 Aranyanak 1992 Aranyanak 1992 Mishra. and Garg 1995 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Hyvert 1972 Mishra.s. Jain. 1993 Mishra. Jain. Andesite n.6 Higher plants found on stone monuments in tropical regions Organism Surface n. n. Eclipta alba Euphorbia hirta Euphorbia sp. n. n. n. n. and Garg 1995 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Aranyanak 1992 Giantomassi et al. Jain. and Garg 1995 Hyvert 1972 Mishra. Jain.s. Jain.s. and Garg 1995 Aranyanak 1992 Mishra.s. Jain.s. Oxalis sp. n. Ophioglossum sp. Croton bonplandianum Cynodon dactylon Cyperus brevifolius Cyperus rotundus Dactyloctenium aegyptiacum Dalbergia sisso Datura sp. and Garg 1995 Mishra. and Garg 1995 Mishra. Jain. and Garg 1995 Shah and Shah 1992-93 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Mishra.s. Jain. n. n.s. n.s. Jain. n. and Garg 1995 Mishra. and Garg 1995 Hyvert 1972 Hyvert 1972 Mishra.s. Jain.s. Thailand Thailand India Thailand India India Thailand India India Thailand. Mishra. Mimosa pudica Nepeta hindostana Nephrolepsis sp. Andesite n. Jain. Jain. Andesite Andesite Andesite n. and Garg 1995 Mishra. Jain. n. leafy cover on a surface reduces the evaporation of moisture and consequently reduces the rate and impact of salt crystallization processes (Honeyborne 1990. 1995).Biodeteriogens: Characteristics and Biodeterioration Mechanisms 27 Roccardi 1991. the carbonic acid produced by means of cellular respiration processes can attack mineral particles and may also be a factor in the biodecay of stone (Mishra et al. and Singh 1993. and Singh 1993. . Mishra. amino acids. Jain. However. which favors the growth of other microorganisms. Jain. Also in areas of higher atmospheric pollution. oxalic. The presence of plants also influences the microclimate of the stone surface by increasing relative humidity and water retention. Saxena. Jain. amides. The root exudates—such as carbohydrates. Caneva and Altieri [1988]. In addition. Mishra. tartaric. Jain. Mishra. Jain. and citric acids—tend to form salts and chelates upon interaction with stone minerals (Winkler 1975. Jain. a change in the microclimate of a stone surface is not necessarily harmful and may actually help protect it against other factors of decay. and Garg 1995). and Singh 1991. Bech-Anderson 1987. and Garg 1995). the attack of acidic gases could be greater on wet surfaces. For instance. and Garg 1995). Mishra. Mishra. also called indirect methods. and the stone surface. The efficacy of the treatments depends on the methods and products chosen. Remedial methods are aimed at the direct elimination and control of all biodeteriogens. The alteration of any one of these can impact the growth of biodeteriogens and thereby biodeterioration. and light can be modified in indoor environments. the environmental conditions and physicochemical parameters of a stone surface so they become unfavorable for biological growth. 1993). Although one particular method may be sufficient to achieve the desired results. steam cleaning. When considering solutions for stone biodeterioration problems. Several preventive and remedial methods have been used in tropical environments for control and eradication of microorganisms on stone monuments. and low-pressure water washing are the direct means available to eliminate and control the growth of biodeteriogens. nutritive factors that are not related to the composition of the stone—such as deposits of organic debris. The strong dependence of the viability of the biodeteriogen on the environment makes this approach the most effective method for eliminating undesirable growth.Chapter 3 Preventive and Remedial Methods A review of the literature indicates that research has concentrated on the elimination of microorganisms. but new growth invariably reoccurs if environmental conditions promoting biological growth are not modified. chemical treatments. where possible. and the like—can be reduced. Preventive methods. Richardson 1988. three factors must be considered: the organism. At present. but outdoor interventions to control these factors are rarely feasible and very limited. pigeon droppings. the environment. Environmental parameters such as humidity. both to prevent deterioration and to remedy its effects once it has occurred (Tiano 1987. mechanical removal. May et al. temperature. It is also possible to alter the physicochemical parameters of the stone surface by applying preservative treatments. . dirt. include all activities aimed at inhibiting biological attack on stone monuments by modifying. On the other hand. a combination of methods often provides the best results. with an additional focus on waterrepellent and other preservative coatings. bird droppings. minimize evaporation. and reduce erosion (Fosberg 1980. and other water-shedding systems. moist environment for biological growth. Suitably chosen vegetation may lower the water table. and Dinelli 1990). Higher plants generally grow in the cracks. gutters. and installation of damp proofing to control rising damp all aid in drying the stone masonry. Dhawan. and Garg 1995). protective coverings may sometimes be used to reduce excessive dampness or water stagnation. such as repointing of open joints and sealing of cracks. Installing narrow flashing strips of thin-gauge copper has been shown to have a long-term inhibiting effect on the biological growth on stone walls. and Saiz-Jimenez 1993. a light green stain must be anticipated. where humidity and precipitation levels are high. However. and unsuitable restoration materials—must be removed from stone surfaces. Jain. several references mention such measures as part of the overall conservation process. BRE 1982. will automatically prevent the establishment of plant growth (Mishra. spores. Ortega-Calvo. Therefore. cavities. In archaeological sites in tropical regions. Rain washing over the strips subjects the face of the masonry to a mildly toxic copper-ion wash. and crevices already present in stone monuments. The flashing strips are tucked into the length of horizontal joints in the masonry at intervals of approximately one meter. Caneva. however. and seeds Sources of nutrition for organisms—such as dust. reduce air salinity and pollution. frequent vigilant inspections and timely curative measures. which makes the system unsuitable in several instances (Brightman and Seaward 1977. a careful choice of plants is critical to optimize results and minimize risks related to destructive effects of their root systems. De Marco. improvement of drainage systems. Sometimes vegetation may be used as a preventive and protective measure in archaeological sites or outdoor environments. Seaward 1974. Garg. and Agrawal 1988. Measures such as the repair of roofs. Hernandez-Marine.Preventive and Remedial Methods 29 Preventive Methods Routine maintenance and design solutions Considering the ethics of monument conservation. Periodic cleaning of dirt and dust. at least partially (Siswowiyanto 1981. Vegetation for landscaping around monuments and sites may help modify the microclimate and thereby impact biological colonization of masonry structures. Periodic cleaning as a . deposits of various organic substances. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988). Although publications specific to such routine preventive measures have not been found. it is not possible to alter or change the general design of a monument to eliminate places for accumulation of water and organic debris that provide a favorable. Routine preventive measures that control humidity and eliminate causes of dampness in buildings help reduce the extent of development of biological growth and slow its development. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988). Salvadori and Nugari 1988. and Koestler 1991. for the ways in which they influence growth— either directly or by the change in the microenvironment they create (Griffin. Kumar 1989. [1988]). such compounds need to be evaluated. algae. It has been acknowledged that. and Sarkar 1989. lichens. These treatments work more effectively when applied to new stone or to clean stone that has already been treated with a biocide. some of them could be a source of nutrients for microorganisms (Price 1975.30 Chapter 3 preventive conservation measure is the principal and sometimes only way to prevent and control biological attack in outdoor tropical environments. Field experience has suggested that since growth of microorganisms is usually associated with moisture retention. Shah and Shah 1992-93). Sharma [1978]. and higher plants by discouraging the accumulation of wind-borne spores and seeds of plants and their subsequent germination (Hale 1980. In recent studies of preservation treatments. For instance. However. it was found that applying 2% polymethyl methacrylate solution in toluene to sandstone after a wet cleaning and biocidal treatment was effective in inhibiting biological growth for at least five years on several monuments in India (Lal [1978]. particularly in tropical regions. extrapolation to practice must not be made until full correlation from field trials is possible (Grant and Bravery 1985a. fungi. acrylics. 1993). and Sarkar 1989. Richardson 1988. on the contrary. 1987. Sharma. 1993). various protective coatings have been screened for microbial susceptibility in the laboratory before being applied to stone in the field (Koestler and Santoro 1988. Santoro and Koestler 1991. It has also been found effective in controlling the initial establishment of mosses. silicones. Bradley 1985. Krumbein et al. Garg. Kumar and Sharma 1992). Nugari and Priori 1985. Kumar. Indictor. Krumbein et al. The results of most laboratory studies indicate that some of these water repellents and consolidants—including organosilanes. Kumar. Koestler and Santoro 1988. most of these experiments with stone consolidants and hydrophobic substances provide only a means of comparing the efficacy of such coatings. Therefore. for microorganisms on stone. Clearly. Sharma. some such substances appear to resist microbial growth. Kumar and Sharma . 1993). and polyvinyl acetates—appear to have practically no effect on the growth of microorganisms on stone and that. Krumbein et al. and Agrawal 1988. in general. when interpreting data from such laboratory studies. The tests are usually very severe in that they provide optimal conditions for growth of microorganisms and may not be truly representative of field conditions. Dhawan. possibly due to the presence of additives (such as dibutyltin dilaurate) that have biocidal characteristics or due to the addition of toxic solvents (Koestler et al. Kumar 1989. epoxies. 1993). Mamonova et al. Water repellent and consolidant treatments Synthetic polymers and resins have been used as protective coatings and consolidants in tropical environments (Sengupta 1979. Krumbein et al. certain water repellents may be used to increase the effective life of a biocidal treatment and inhibit growth on clean surfaces. To completely eradicate biological growth. BRE 1982. conservators have favored mechanical methods for removing biological growth. spatulas. Microorganisms associated with the visual disfigurement of monuments can be gently removed mechanically by dry or wet scrubbing or brushing. and plants may resprout rather rapidly when suitable environmental conditions exist (Richardson 1973a. Mishra. For trees and creepers that attach themselves to the surface of monuments with suckers and tendrils. or a toxic material may be applied to hasten its destruction. Ashurst 1994). or hoes. and Garg 1995). This procedure hastens biocidal activity by allowing better penetration (Richardson 1973a. as removal of superficial mycelium or cutting of vegetation alone does not completely arrest vegetative activity of these organisms. lichen hyphae remaining within the stone may produce a new thallus. pick axes. Garg. Mosses and lichens may be more easily removed by low-pressure washing and/or after the application of certain chemicals that destroy them (Siswowiyanto 1981. Algae. there is always the danger that such methods may damage a stone surface. and Agrawal 1988. Garg. Dhawan. for example. These methods involve physically removing biological material by hand or with tools such as stiff bristle or nonferrous soft-wire brushes. Dhawan. It is also important to remember that water-repellent treatments should never be applied to surfaces that are subject to internal wetting. scrapers. The plant may then be left in this state to die of its own accord. Although frequently used. the operation must be repeated from time to time. Jain. Steam cleaning may also be useful in killing mold and algae on damp surfaces. may easily be removed by low-pressure water rinsing prior to general cleaning. Brushing and washing with water have been found effective for some algae. as there is a danger that salt crystallization may occur beneath the treated surface. Remedial Methods Cleaning of stone surfaces Partially removing biological growth before applying biocidal agents is usually recommended. sickles. scalpels. particularly where stone structures become encrusted with thick cushions of mosses. these methods have not produced long-lasting results. Traditionally. and Agrawal 1988). spermatophytes. causing it to spall (Richardson 1973a. Garg. . Sadirin [1988].Preventive and Remedial Methods 31 1992). Dhawan. and washing with water. The literature is full of references to such measures as part of overall conservation efforts to restore stone monuments and sites. it may be necessary to cut the length of the main stem at a convenient height above ground level. and algal growth over a protracted period of time. from rising damp. Algae may redevelop from airborne spores. heavy lichen. which die from lack of moisture. and pteridophytes but mostly ineffective for mosses and crustose lichens. and Agrawal 1988). as they eliminate the danger of leaving behind unwanted substances on the stone. Moreover. It is composed of a mixture of sodium and ammonium bicarbonates. . and Salvadori 1993). They are frequently used to eliminate and inhibit biological growth. Garg. Several studies exist on the effect of biocides on the activity and growth of microorganisms on stone in tropical regions (Fusey and Hyvert 1966. and sometimes a disinfectant (Garg. Sharma [1978]. Petersen. Mishra. Caneva. fungicides. Caneva. Garg. as it has been found that such treatments reduce the amount of infestation only for a relatively short time (Warscheid. This gelatinous solvent paste is known as AC 322 in Indonesia and AB 57 in Europe and the United States.to eight-month delay in reappearance of microbial growth in the absence of subsequent application of any biocidal or preservative treatment (Bettini and Villa 1981). be carefully evaluated (Nugari. Dhawan. Jain. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988). 1985. The bleaching action of these solutions on stone must. May et al. Siswowiyanto (1981) and Sadirin ([1988]) mention the use of a poultice based on the chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) to remove biological growth on stone monuments in Borobudur. Richardson 1988. carboxymethyl cellulose. D'Urbano. Lal [1978]. Sengupta 1979. the effectiveness of all cleaning methods involving large quantities of water must be carefully assessed in relation to microbial loading. Kumar and Sharma 1992. and Salvadori 1991. Dhawan. Nagpal 1974. algicides. Sharma et al. and Agrawal 1988. algae. and Sarkar 1989. Dhawan. Nugari. and Krumbein 1988). Biocides may inhibit the metabolic activity of target organisms. and Agrawal 1988. Sharma. thereby causing irreparable damage and even death (Denyer 1990). and Salvadori 1991). lichens. and fungi without creating any side effects. and Agrawal 1988. 1993. as it assists in the swelling and softening of the thalli (Sneyers and Henau 1968). however. Sharma et al. EDTA. Kumar 1989). and Agrawal 1988. Prior application of dilute ammonia has often been recommended to facilitate the mechanical removal of lichens on stone. Gairola 1968. The use of diluted solutions of hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite to clean algae on stone surfaces has also been widely reported (Spry 1981. Literature indicates that 2-5% aqueous ammonia has been found to be very effective in cleaning the stone monuments in India that were covered with mosses. and Garg 1995). This problem may be avoided by applying a biocidal treatment after water cleaning. and herbicides. This cleaning is usually followed by a biocidal treatment to inhibit biological growth and a water-repellent or preservative treatment to act as a water barrier (Lal [1978]. Dhawan.32 Chapter 3 However. Hence. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988). Hale 1980. Kumar. Evaluation of chemical cleaning processes usually indicates a six. a detergent. Siswowiyanto 1981. 1985. Garg. Biocidal treatments Biocides refer collectively to bactericides. Nugari. it must be remembered that water introduced during cleaning processes may actually encourage rapid algal regrowth (Richardson 1973a. Preventive and Remedial Methods 33 Numerous studies have tested the effects of biocides on microbial growth on stone (BRE 1982; Tiano 1979; Bassi, Barbieri, and Bonecchi 1984; Sharma et al. 1985; Richardson 1988, Grant and Bravery 1985b). Several authors have developed laboratory testing methods that evaluate the effectiveness of biocides on different organisms and stone surfaces (Grant and Bravery 1981a, 1981b, 1985a, 1985b; Koestler and Santoro 1988; Krumbein and Gross 1992, Lisi et al. 1992; Nugari, D'Urbano, and Salvadori 1993). Grant and Bravery (1981a) reviewed the range of test methods for assessing the effectiveness of biocides in stone conservation and suggested a new technique that allows for a more realistic simulation of in situ conditions. After twenty years of research on biocides, Richardson (1973a, 1976, 1988) found that biocidal activity appears to be most strongly developed in surface-active quaternary compounds. These compounds are effective against most microorganisms on stone monuments. Dawson (1982) states that they are effective against gram-positive bacteria but not against gram-negative bacteria. The most effective eradicant with persistent inhibitory action was observed to be tributyltin oxide emulsified with quaternary ammonium compounds (Richardson 1988); however, the use of organotin compounds is not acceptable in many countries because of their high toxicity. Application of aqueous solutions of benzalkonium chloride (20%), sodium hypochlorite (13%), and formaldehyde (5%), using soaked cotton strips for about 16 hours, followed by scrubbing with a brush and water, effectively killed lichens on stone (Nishiura and Ebisawa 1992). A quaternary ammonium compound (Hyamine 3500) applied on sandstone monuments after chemical cleaning has effectively inhibited microbial growth (Siswowiyanto 1981; Sadirin [1988]). However, this treatment is known to provide only temporary inhibition, suggesting that periodic treatment is required to prevent reinfestation, particularly in tropical environments, where environmental conditions promote rapid biological growth. Polybor (a mixture of polyborates and boric acid) has been found effective on stone in field trials in tropical environments without any noticeable adverse effects. Although its eradicant action is not rapid, its inhibitory action on algal growth lasts for at least two or three years and substantially longer on mosses and lichens (Richardson 1976, 1988). Hale (1980) used borax and Clorox on Maya ruins in two or three successive treatments to completely eradicate microbial growth. As it is impossible to eliminate the natural sources of these microscopic, windborne spores, Hale suggested that the biocide be sprayed at least every year to control the biological growth. Sodium salts of pentachlorophenol (Richardson 1973a; Kumar 1989; Cepero 1990) have been investigated for their ability to eradicate or inhibit biological growth on stone. Sodium pentachlorophenate (2%) was not found to be very effective in field trials. It could prevent microbial growth only for six to twelve months (Kumar 1989). Besides, these treatments are toxic and may stain light-colored stone by reacting with the iron of the stone surface. Further, the introduction of 34 Chapter 3 alkali metal salts in stone will produce soluble salts that may cause crystallization damage (Richardson 1988). Copper compounds have residual effects and may remain longer on stone surfaces than other biocides. The drawback with these compounds is that they stain the stone surface. Copper sulfate, which is frequently used as a biocide, is much more effective against algae and fungi than bacteria (Salle 1977; Richardson 1988; Ware 1978; Dawson 1982; Cepero et al. 1992; Shah and Shah 1992-93). However, a literature search showed no evaluations of copper compounds on stone monuments in tropical environments. A recent review of biocides used to control lichens on building materials showed that treatments containing copper had the greatest potential for controlling lichen growth (Martin and Johnson 1992), although some lichens were capable of growing on substrates containing high concentrations of copper (Alstrup and Hansen 1977; Gilbert 1977; Jahns 1973; James 1973; Purvis, Gilbert, and James 1985; Martin and Johnson 1992). The application of zinc hexafluosilicates, followed by a treatment with a dilute solution of a moisture barrier such as acrylics or PVA, has been used effectively to inhibit microbial growth on several stone monuments in India. This treatment was found to be effective for at least four or five years (Gairola 1968; Nagpal 1974; Lal 1970, 1978; Sharma [1978]; Kumar, 1989; Sharma, Kumar, and Sarkar 1989; Kumar and Sharma 1992; Cepero et al. 1992; Shah and Shah 1992-93). Mercurial compounds have also been found to be effective in eradicating microorganisms, although their action was relatively transient (Richardson 1988; Shah and Shah 1992-93). Their use has been discontinued because of their high toxicity and instability under the rather extreme conditions existing on stone surfaces. Chapter 4 Selection of Chemical Treatments Some Considerations in Biocide Selection While the term biocide pertains to any chemical able to kill or inhibit the growth of living organisms, it is most commonly used with regard to microorganisms and higher plants. These chemicals, however, are also potentially harmful to wildlife and humans. For this reason, there is a mandatory need to identify and disclose the toxicological properties of biocides and to perform a risk assessment for each specific biocide application. When considering biocides for controlling and eradicating biological growth on stone monuments, several factors, such as efficiency against target organisms, resistance of target organisms, toxicity to humans, risks of environmental pollution, compatibility with stone, and effects of interactions with other chemical conservation treatments, need to be discussed (Dawson 1982; Caneva, Nugari, and Salvadori 1991; Krumbein et al. 1993; May et al. 1993; Wakefield and Jones 1996). Efficiency against target organisms Biocide efficiency generally refers to its ability to effectively kill or inhibit growth of target organisms. The first step in choosing a biocide for stone should be to identify the biodeteriorating agents as accurately as possible. Often biocides tend to be more efficient on some organisms than others. Efficiency depends on the type of biocide and the conditions under which it is applied. Parameters such as temperature, rainfall, pH, relationship between concentration and activity, and contaminants, which determine the effectiveness of a biocide, must be carefully considered. Biocides with a wide spectrum of action against most target organisms and persistent activity seem most suitable for inhibiting organism colonization (Dawson 1982; Agarossi et al. [1988]; Caneva, Nugari, and Salvadori 1991). At present, there are few compounds that are equally efficient in eradicating all types of biodeteriogens. Although a residual biocide with persistence activity is advantageous with regard to long-term inhibition of biological growth, it may be a potential public health and environmental hazard. Casarett. This biocide must be compatible with the previously applied biocide. It then becomes necessary to apply a different biocide. Toxicity to humans Before using a biocide on stone surfaces. Dawson 1982). sodium pentachlorophenate oral LD50r = 180 mg kg +1. LC50 (Lethal Concentration 50%) is a similar and a widely used measure of chronic toxicity or long-term exposure to a gaseous substance through inhalation over a specified period of time. most biocide formulations are not an industry secret because federal regulations require biocide ingredients. this information is provided on the Materials Safety Data Sheets obtainable from the manufacturer. LD50 figures are usually reported as units of milligrams of the substance per kilogram body weight of the animal species concerned. and this can be assessed only experimentally. can develop resistance to a particular biocide over a period of time. where r = rat). Nugari. In the United States. Interestingly. Some organisms. It is essentially the amount of active substance that can be expected to cause death in half (50%) of a group of a particular experimental animal species. which may prove more effective against growth. toxicological category. Therefore. Such information can be obtained from the manufacturer.. LC50 figures are usually reported as milligrams of a substance per cubic meter of the atmosphere to which the animal is exposed over a particular time period. appropriate government regulatory agencies. Caneva. LD50 is an abbreviation for Lethal Dose 50% and is the most common measure of acute or short-term. . which have been shown to increase in numbers after effective control of fungi and actinomycetes with biocides has occurred (Agarossi et al. [1988]. when entering their bodies orally or through dermal exposure (e. Rotation of biocidal products may help avoid the development of resistant strains of microorganisms (Caneva. This is especially true of bacteria. such as rats or rabbits. and Klaassen 1995). Amdur. as well as handling instructions to be listed on shipping containers. The literature describes several parameters that define the toxicity of a compound (Gangstad 1982. single-exposure toxicity for a particular substance. one should be aware of not only its toxicity to biological growth but also its toxicity to humans. and Salvadori 1991. Nugari.36 Chapter 4 Resistance of target organisms Resistance—which is the natural or genetic ability of an organism to tolerate the toxicity of chemicals—is a very important consideration in the effective use of biocides. Identification of microorganisms is important in making the choice of the subsequent biocide (Ware 1978. especially bacteria. and Salvadori 1991). or toxicology sourcebooks. Studies also indicate that eliminating a particular species of microorganism may result in the increase or development of more resistant organisms on the stone substrate.g. The most common indices for quantifying toxicity are LD50 and LC50 values. 1993). The amount required to kill individual animals is related to their body weight. May et al. and inhalation LC50 value is between 2000 and 20. the effects of such chemicals on stone has largely been ignored at the manufacturing level (Wakefield and Jones 1996). and inhalation LC50 value is between 0 and 2000. such as organotin compounds. The problem is especially relevant where the risk of contamination of soil and water is high.Selection of Chemical Treatments 37 From the foregoing. for example. dermal LD50 value is between 200 and 2000. composition. and disposal. biocides used in the field of stone conservation should have high LD50 or LC50 values. whereas their use is permitted in other places. and appearance of stone. dermal LD50 value greater than 2000.000. Biocides have typically been formulated for use in other areas where biological control is necessary. agriculture. Ideally. its moisture content. and aquatic life. It should not alter the nature. handling. Substances are considered extremely toxic when oral LD50 value is between 0 and 50. and inhalation LC50 value greater than 20. in recent years there has been increasing concern for the potential of biocides to cause stone decay. Compatibility with stone and other conservation treatments A biocide should be compatible with the surface on which it is applied. Risks of environmental pollution As a result of an increasing interest in the conservation of the environment. This is correlated with the chemistry of the soil. and present flora and fauna. They are moderately toxic when oral LD50 value is between 50 and 500. the lower the toxicity of the substance. plant. The risks from biocides are linked to factors such as drift and undesirable effects on nontarget microflora. They should be toxic to target organisms but neither pose health hazards to those applying them nor introduce other environmental hazards. These figures may vary somewhat in different countries. dermal LD50 value is between 0 and 200. Very few formulations have been designed specifically for application on stone or other valuable cultural materials. This could be one of the reasons why some substances. it is clear that the higher the LD50 or LC50 value. However. and environmental science. particularly in the fields of agriculture. particularly wind conditions. . public health agencies have assigned various toxic hazard categories to substances in decreasing order of human risk. are prohibited by law in some countries. medicine. To protect nontarget species from injury and extermination due to direct or indirect exposure to these toxic substances. the climate. and offshore industry. Considerable information on this subject can be found in the literature. it requires expert judgment to assess the relevance of toxicity data derived from animals to humans. federal environmental protection agencies in different countries have established different standards for their use. the pH. health.000. however. Consequently. On the basis of the LD50 and LC50 values. The category "slightly toxic to relatively nontoxic" is assigned to substances with an oral LD50 value greater than 500. ecology. hydrology. apprehension regarding the risks of environmental pollution from the use of biocides has grown. animal. Heavy encrustations of lichens and mosses. Nugari. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988). 1988. Dhawan. even if they are applied at different times. D'Urbano. 1976. when biological encrustations are not very heavy. Lal 1962-63. Hale 1980). Details of rates. Certain biocides not only kill biological organisms. Studies of effects of biocides on stone have shown that some of these substances may cause etching and dissolution of stone minerals and result in color change and salt crystallization damage (Richardson 1973a. depending on the site conditions and species involved. The solution of an appropriately chosen biocide must then be carefully prepared and applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for safety and protection of operator and the environment. 1988). and other factors are available from the manufacturers. as surface conditions and stone mineralogy often affect biocidal activity (Grant and Bravery 1981a. Undesirable chemical reactivity of the biocide may not only cause aesthetic damage but also render any or all other conservation treatments useless (Caneva. Garg. Lisi et al. at least partial removal (mechanical or manual) of the biomass may be necessary before the biocide can be applied. Nugari. D'Urbano. Such research should consider problems of compatibility with other conservation treatments and collateral effects of interactions between the chemicals. modes. 1988. depending on the type of growth. Biocidal treatments should therefore be undertaken during dry conditions. and Agrawal 1988. Nugari. It has also been found that the efficacy of biocides in killing target organisms is usually not the same on different stone substrates. Nugari. Pallecchi. Light brushing and mechanical cleaning may hasten the process (Richardson 1973a. and Salvadori 1993. and established plant life. timing of application. Richardson 1973a). Wakefield and Jones 1996). On the other hand. Windy weather may lead to excessive drift of biocidal spray and pose health and environmental hazards. For instance. and Salvadori 1993). thereby affecting the stone's durability. In some instances. Dry growth may eventually crumble and fall away naturally through the action of wind and rain after six to twenty-four months of treatment. and Pinna 1993. they also prevent subsequent water absorption. treatments with a sodium salt of phenol suffer from the serious disadvantage that they may cause staining in some stones through the reaction of the alkali phenol with iron in the substrate (Richardson 1973a. 1976. may not allow sufficient penetration of the biocide to the stone surface (Ramchandran 1953. prior cleaning may not be necessary.38 Chapter 4 Some of the chemical ingredients in the biocide may interact with stone minerals. 1992. Biocide Application: Procedures and Precautions Biocides may be washed out by rain before they have had time to act. When handling and . and Salvadori 1991. The use of different biocides to avoid growth of resistant species requires careful study. causing the existing growth to become dry and brittle. Caneva. holes have been drilled into the stumps of trees and bushes in order to facilitate injection of biocidal solution (Peevy 1972a. 1993. Giantomassi et al. Worldwide spraying and brushing of diluted biocidal solutions appear to be the most common modes of application. repeated application cycles may be required for certain biocides (Garg. In several instances. one must remember to always wear rubber gloves. Mishra. Only the required quantities of diluted biocides should be prepared. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988. safety glasses. herbaceous. Dhawan. Mishra. as their effectiveness may be reduced when they are stored for a long time (Ashurst and Ashurst 1988. and Garg 1995). and Garg 1995). Spray application usually should commence at the top of the vertical surface to be treated and move horizontally and slowly to allow rundown. To avoid the hazardous effects of spillage. For taller plants—such as perennial. 1972b. brushing. Brushing is recommended when the stone surface is in fairly good condition and the area required to be treated is relatively small. and Garg 1995). In areas close to bodies of water. and Salvadori 1991. it may be prudent to perform only mechanical cleaning during and after treatment to avoid contamination caused by leaching of biocide from the treated surfaces. Jain. and a respirator. After pumping the container. Meyer and Bovey 1973. and Agrawal 1988). the organisms to be eliminated. Spraying is the preferred choice for deteriorated stone surfaces. Diluted biocidal solutions may be applied with a pneumatic garden-type sprayer with adjustable nozzles. Adequate care must always be taken to protect the vegetation in the area surrounding monuments. The next horizontal pass should be made across the previous rundown (Richardson 1976). applying poultices. These poultices have usually been covered with sheets of polyethylene to reduce . Mishra. the density and diffusion of biological attack and product chosen. or injection. Some references and case studies of biocidal treatments on stone monuments mention not only the mode of application but also the reasons for the choice. To successfully inhibit biological growth. to increase contact time and make use of the dissolving action of water itself. treatments may be carried out by spraying. solution pressure and droplet size should be such that the spray saturates the surface of the masonry without causing excessive bounce back and spray drift (Richardson 1976. Jain. Jain. especially in the case of hard encrustations. Biocides are applied in sufficient quantities to wet the top and sides of the stumps (Ashurst and Ashurst 1988. Nugari. Jain. Mishra. preferably two-thirds full of the diluted biocides. Brush or spray application of biocides on stumps of herbaceous and woody species of plants prevents resprouting and hastens their destruction.Selection of Chemical Treatments 39 mixing biocides. and Garg 1995). Diluted solution of biocides has also been applied in cellulose poultices. Depending on the state of conservation of the stone. and woody species of weeds—spot spraying or brushing is usually the best approach. protective sheets must be laid over plants and the ground before biocide application. and Agrawal 1988). and Agrawal 1988). 1993. Some of these chemicals have not been tested on stone in tropical regions.3 is based primarily on data reported on the use of products in the conservation field and may be incomplete. a second biocide may be applied according to manufacturer's specification to inhibit biological growth successfully (Garg. tamping. Mishra. widely used for cleaning of stone. Chemicals that have been used in the past in tropical regions are marked in the table. Chemicals used for cleaning biological growth and preservative treatments. Sadirin [1988].2 and 4. The dead biological growth can then be brushed off with bristle brushes. pointing. and resetting of stones—especially on wall tops—all need to be anticipated as part of the followup remedial work (Giantomassi et al. Oral lethal doses LD50r for rats are also given.2.1. Great care must be taken during the removal of dead plants and well-established mats of vegetation from stone surfaces after biocidal application. The wedging of stone blocks. Dhawan. and Garg 1995).1 from several references mentioned in this book and a list of biocides compiled by Allsopp and Allsopp (1983). (The information provided in Tables 4. 4. Biocides are listed on the basis of their chemistry and are identified by their chemical name. The trade names of compounds and their manufacturers are mentioned in a separate column if they have been specified in literature. Sometimes the chosen biocides have been added to a gelatinous solvent paste called AC 322 (AB 57 in the United States and Europe). such as water repellents and consolidants. and Agrawal (1988). Jain. Dhawan. and Martin and Johnson (1992). that were used specifically to inhibit biological growth by enhancing the residual effect of biocides are listed in Tables 4. In cases where two biocides have been used to completely eradicate biological growth. the area treated after one biocide application is left for at least one week to effect the initial kill. With more persistent biological activity. and 4. These values are not sufficiently useful in determining the toxicity of the compound to humans.3. Chemical Treatments Used to Control Biodeteriogens Relevant information on commercially available biocides used to control microbiological growth on building materials is summarized in Table 4. Dhawan.) . Garg. but they are useful for having a general idea of hazard in the use of the products. as described in the previous chapter (Siswowiyanto 1981.40 Chapter 4 evaporation. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988. Garg. grouting. Mature growth must be carefully cut or pulled out at every joint. 1976. Brown and Souprounovich 1989 — LD50r = 300 mg/kg — Algae and lichens Concrete and terracotta Stone Brush or spray application Residual effect that prevents biological growth for several years Division of Building Research. Schaffer 1972.5-5% aqueous solution) Zinc compounds Zinc fluosilicatea (1-2% aqueous solution) Aldehydes Formaldehyde (2-5 % solution) — LD50 = 200 mg/kg (guinea pig) a a Fungi. and Agrawal 1988. relatively transient eradicant Residual effect that prevents biological growth for 3-5 years BRE 1982 Magnesium compounds Magnesium fluosilicatea (0.5 years and from moss and lichens for a substantially longer period Richardson 1973b. and mosses Stone and concrete Brush application BRE 1982. b Fungi. and mosses Low-pressure spray application Provides freedom from algae for 2.Table 4. algae. CSIRO 1977.1 Chemicals used as biocides to remove or control the growth of microorganisms on building materials Chemicals used as biocides Boron compounds Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (4-5% aqueous solution) Copper compounds Copper sulfatea (4% aqueous solution) Copper nitratea (3-5% aqueous solution) Copper-8-hydroxy quinolinolatea (1-5% aqueous solution) Trade name (Manufacturer) Toxicity data Organisms targeted Surface Stone Method of application Effectiveness of treatment References Polybor (ICI Chemicals) LD50r = 2000 mg/kg Fungi. Fielden 1982 Formalin (Sigma) LD50r = 800 mg/kg Fungi. and lichens Stone Very effective in preventing biological growth for more than two years Leznicka 1992 (continued on next page) . but does not have residual effect to prevent further colonization Esters Ethyl ester of p-hydroxybenzoic acid Aseptine-A (Synteza Chemical) n. 1975. and mosses Stone and concrete Mostly spray application. algae. Richardson 1988 — LD50r = 100 mg/kg Stone Spray application after cleaning with ammonia Gairola 1968. lichens. algae. and mosses Fungi. but sometimes brush application Brush application Kills organisms.s. Shah and Shah 1992-93 Lloyd 1972 LD50r = 940 mg/kg LD50m = 67 mg/kg Algae and lichens Algae and lichens Spray application Spray application Relatively transient eradicant action Kills biological growth in five months — Buildings Copper carbonate + Ammonia + water (1:10:170) — LD50r = 159 mg/kg Algae and lichens Buildings Brush application after cleaning Prevents growth for 2-3 years. lichens. Dhawan. algae. Plenderleith 1968. Shah and Shah 1992-93 Garg. Clarke 1978. 1988. Cepero 1990. Keen 1976. Tanner et al. Kumar and Sharma 1992 BRE 1982. but on dense surfaces annual treatment may be necessary Effective with wide range of organic growth. algae. lichens. BRE 1982. lichens. and mosses Buildings Spray application Brush application preferred. lichens. regrowth occurs if conditions of dampness arise again BRE 1982 — 2500 mg/kg LD50r = Concrete Keen 1976 . lichens.b Lichens n. and mosses Algae. carcinogenic. lichens. and unpleasant Eliminates existing growth.5'-dichloro2.5 % solution) Mystox QL (Catomance Ltd. and mosses Stone Spray application Effective relatively long-term BRE 1982. algae.55%) Phenola (5% aqueous solution) Sodium o-phenyl phenate (1-2.1 continued Chemicals used as biocides Methyl ester of p-hydroxybenzoic acid Phenolic compounds 5.b Lichens Cemented wall Lloyd 1972 Pentachlorophenyl laurate (14.) LD50r = 2000 mg/kg Algae. may require retreatment at the beginning of each rainy season BRE 1982 Chlorinated phenolic compound with other active ingredients o-Phenyl phenol in an aromatic organic solvent (2%) + siliconeresin masonry water a repellent (5%) Halophane (Winton Chemicals Ltd. but too hazardous. b Concrete Effective Keen 1976 Pentachlorophenol + ammonium sulfate (5% aqueous solution) Pentachlorophenol + 2. algae. lichens. and mosses Bacteria. and mosses Surface Stone Method of application Brush application Effectiveness of treatment References Leznicka 1992 n. and Agrawal 1988 — LD50r = 530 mg/kg Lichens.s.s.b Spray or brush application Spray or brush application Kills lichens in 6 weeks to 5 months Kills lichens in 6 weeks to 5 months Lloyd 1972 — n. mosses.7%) + cetyl pyridinium bromide (3%) + p-chloro-m-cresol (1. Dhawan.b Effective for fast disinfecting. and mosses Buildings Spray application Effective for 2-3 years. b Buildings Spray application Brush application Effective for 2-3 years BRE 1982 n.Table 4.6-trichlorophenoxy1-isopropanol (1% alcoholic or aqueous) — n.) — n. lichens. and fungi Lichens. and mosses Stone and Concrete Brush application Eliminates existing growth and has sufficient residual effect to prevent further colonization BRE 1982. Garg.s. lichens.s.s. lowpressure spray application possible Effective.s. algae. algae.b Algae.4. long-term effectiveness is not known diphenylmethane (1-4% aqueous solution) Chlorinated phenolic compound Dichlorophen (Ward Blenkinsop) 2690 mg/kg LD50r = Algae. Keen 1976.) n.2'-dihydroxy Trade name (Manufacturer) Aseptine-M (Synteza Chemical) Toxicity data Organisms targeted Fungi.s. Clarke 1978 Thaltox C (Wykamol Ltd. R90 (Bayer) Desogen (Ciba Geigy) n. and algae Algae. mosses. algae. and mosses Buildings Spray application Destroys growth. 1985. and mosses Lichens. Nugari. algae. Dhawan. Lisi et al. algae. and mosses Bacteria. 1973b. Cepero 1990 n. lichens. Wright 1986 Richardson 1976 LD50r = 240 mg/kg Stone Hyamine 3500 LD50r = (Rohm and Haas) 240 mg/kg Preventol R50. 1992 Lisi et al. and fungi Stone Spray application Brush application Effective long-term with some degree of persistency BRE 1982. long-term effectiveness is not known Effective Siswowiyanto 1981. R80. 1993 Fungi. and Salvadori 1991. b Stone Very effective Richardson 1973a Quaternary ammonium compounds Alkyl benzyl trimethyl Gloquat Ca ammonium chloride (ABM (1% solution) Chemicals) Alkyl benzyl trimethyl ammonium chloride + alkyl benzyl dimethyl a ammonium chloride Alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride — LD50r = variable Lichens.s.Sodium pentachlorophenate (1-2% solution) Sodium salt of phenol such as pentachlorophenol or o-phenylphenol + sodium methyl siliconate — LD50r = 180 mg/kg — Lichens. fungi. Kumar 1989. and lichens Stone Low-pressure spray application Low-pressure spray application Spray application Effective in killing and inhibiting growth 2-3 years Kills growth in 2 weeks. Sharma et al. but needs periodic retreatment BRE 1982 (continued on next page) . mosses. Caneva. lichens. does not have long-term effectiveness Richardson 1973a. and Agrawal 1988 Nuodex 87 (Durham Chemicals) — 2000 mg/kg LD50r = 5000 mg/kg LD50r = Algae and lichens Buildings Brush or spray application Effective for 2-3 years BRE 1982. Sneyers and Henau 1968. Frey et al.b a Stone Effective in eradication.s. fungi. 1992 Di ␣ (p-tolyl)-dodecyltrimethylammonium methoxy sulfate Bacteria and fungi Algae Stone Brush application Brush application Diisobutyl phenoxy ethoxy ethyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride Hyamine 1622a (Rohm and Haas) Hyamine 2389 (Rohm and Haas) a LD50r = 420 mg/kg Stone Effective Siswowiyanto 1981 Methyldodecyl benzyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (40%) + methyldodecyl xylylenebis-(trimethyl ammonium chloride)(10%) Salicylate Compounds Dodecylamine salicylate (1-5% aqueous solution) Salicylanilide (1-2% aqueous solution) LD50r = 389±28 mg/kg Algae Stone Brush application Effective Garg. algae. lichens. recolonization occurs after 6 years Brown and Souprounovich 1989 Thaltox Q or Murasol 20 (Wykamol Ltd. BRE 1975. lichens. and mosses Surface Stone Method of application Spray application after cleaning with dilute ammonia Brush or spray application Brush application Brush application. lichens. b Fungi. ) LD50r = 2150 Effective for 2-22 months Giacobini and Bettini [1978]. takes 3–12 months to eradicate lichens. no information on longterm effectiveness Very effective eradicant with persistent inhibitory action — n. Bettini and Villa 1981 mg/kg LD50r = 6416-8000 mg/kg Sandstone. tuff.s. Fry 1985 Dukes 1972 Tributyltin oxide + silicone water repellent Tributyltin oxidea emulsified with alkyl benzyl trimethyl ammonium chloride Tributyltin naphthenate Stone mg/kg Effective eradicant.s. and marble Marble. 1976.Table 4. and mosses Fungi. b Lichens Buildings Low-pressure spray application Effective long-term.) — a LD50r = 500-1000 mg/kg LD50r = 87-200 Fungi. but needs periodic retreatment References Sneyers and Henau 1968 Sodium salt of salicylanilide (1% aqueous solution) — n.b) S-triazine 3-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl) 1. lichens and mosses Algae and lichens Stone Effective for more than a year Effective for 6 months Giacobini and Bettini [1978]. 1988. and mosses Stone Brush or spray application Brush application Brush application Effective long-term Richardson 1973a.s.1 continued Chemicals used as biocides Sodium salicylate (1% aqueous solution) Trade name (Manufacturer) — Toxicity data n. and mosses Fungi.5%) + alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (2%) Tributyltin oxide + quaternary ammonium compound — n.s. and basalt Granite Chlorobromuron b (n. 3-chlorophenyl) 1-methoxy-1 methyl urea Fluometuron or Lito 3 (Ciba Geigy) LD50r = 2400-2980 Algae and lichens Algae. repeated after 60-90 days Brush or poultice application Effectiveness of treatment Effective.) Brush application Effective for three years Clarke 1978 Tributyltin oxide (0. algae. Tiano 1979 mg/kg Organotin and Organotin with quaternary ammonium compounds Tributyltin oxide TBTO Lichens LD50r = (1% solution) (Merck) 87-200 mg/kg Thaltox (Wykamol Ltd. lichens. b Organisms targeted Algae.s. algae. Tiano 1979 Giacobini and Bettini [1978]. Clarke 1976 Compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur Terbutrin 2-terbutylamine4-ethylamine-6 methyl(n. and mosses Bacteria and fungi Stone and concrete Richardson 1988 Mergal HS 21 (Hoechst) LD50r = 224 mg/kg Stone Brush application Effective Krumbein and Gross 1992 .1-dimethyl urea (3% aqueous solution) 3-(4-Bromo. b Buildings Effective BRE 1982. limestone. Ashurst 1975. lichens. algae. 1973b.s. travertine. algae. discolored. and basalt Stone Spray or poultice applications in various concentrations Brush or spray application Brush or spray application Effective for 1-2 years Giacobini and Bettini [1978] Streptomycin sulfate Streptomycin (Sigma ) Kanamycin (Sigma) LD50r = 430 mg/kg Bacteria Effective for 7 years Orial and Brunet 1992 Kanamycin monosulfate LD50r = > 4 mg/kg Bacteria Stone Effective for 7 years Orial and Brunet 1992 a b has been used in the past in tropical regions n.s.s.b Lichens Granite Clarke 1978 n.s.b Lichens and mosses Stone Very effective Sadirin [1988] Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate + sodium 2-mercaptobenzothiazole Vancide 51 LD50r = (R. tuff. effective for one year Gilbert 1977 n. and could be brushed off. T. = not specified . travertine. but ineffective after a year Within two hours lichens curled up. Vanderbilt) 3120 mg/kg Algae and lichens Marble.Miscellaneous compounds 4-chloro o-tolyloxyacetic — acid An amine based compound (10% aqueous solution) Lithium salt of bromacil + benzyl alkyl trimethyl ammonium chloride + halo biphenyl sulfur (1% aqueous solution) Chlorea (ICI Chemicals) Hyvar XLa (Dupont) LD50r = 700-800 mg/kg Lichens Sandstone Spray application Brush or spray application Brush application Severe damage to lichens. 1973b. algae. algae.Table 4. = not specified Table 4.3 Chemicals used as water repellents and consolidants to inhibit the growth of microorganisms on building materials Chemicals used as water repellents and consolidants Organisms targeted Surface Stone Method of application Effectiveness of treatment Effective inhibition for 5 years References Sharma. Nugari. Schaffer 1972. lichens. Shah and Shah Siliconates Silicone resin water repellent (5%) + 2% o-phenyl phenol in organic solvent Fungi. lichens. algae. 1977. Clarke 1977. and lichens Fungi. lichens. and Salvadori 1991. and mosses Algae. fungi. Keen 1976.s. Ashurst 1994.s. lichens. and mosses Clay poultice application Poultice application Sodium bicarbonate + ammonium bicarbonate + ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) + carboxymethyl cellulose + Di ␣ (p-tolyl)-dodecyltrimethylammonium methoxy sulfate (Desogen) a b n. lichens. lichens. Kumar and Sharma 1992 Polymethyl methacrylate (1-3% solution in toluene) Polyvinyl acetatea 1992-93 (1-5% solution in toluene) a Fungi. algae. and mosses Brush application after treatment with zinc fluosilicate Brush application after treatment with zinc fluosilicate Stone Effective inhibition for 3-5 years Gairola 1968.b Stone Very effective Siswowiyanto 1981. and mosses Algae. Fielden 1982 BRE 1952.2 Cleaning agents used to clean the growth of microorganisms on building materials Cleaning agents Ammonium hydroxide (3–10 % in water) Trade name (Manufacturer) Ammonia a Toxicity data LD50r = 350 mg/kg Organisms targeted Surface Stone and brick Method of application Brush application Brush application Effectiveness of treatment Safe and very effective References Gairola 1968.s.b Bacteria. and mosses Stone and brick Effective has been used in the past in tropical regions . and Sarkar 1989.b Stone and concrete Limestone Effective with a wide range of biological growth Very effective in breakdown of sulfate crust formed due to the activity of microorganisms Hempel biological pack AC 322 (Also known as AB 57 in the US and Europe) n. lichens. Wright 1986 Ashurst 1994 Fungi. 1976 Silicone resin water repellenta a Fungi. Ashurst and Ashurst 1988 has been used in the past in tropical regions n. Caneva.s. and mosses Algae. Shah and Shah 1992-93. and mosses Sodium hypochloritea (1-5% solution) Urea (25 g) + glycerol (10 ml) in 500 ml of water + clay (attapulgite and sepiolite) Clorox n. lichens. Lal 1970. Kumar. algae. algae. and mosses Stone Concrete Brush application Brush application Brush or spray application after toxic wash Effective Effective Dukes 1972 Keen 1976 Richardson 1973a. the understanding of biodeterioration mechanisms is based on primary research conducted elsewhere. Nevertheless. occurring in conjunction with other causes of decay. . and only some emphasize the importance of field research and the need for long-term evaluation of remedial measures. have been assumed to be a major cause of destruction of monuments. Biodeterioration is a complex phenomenon. However. when present. On the other hand. that microorganisms cause stone deterioration and that the deterioration process in the presence of microorganisms is more rapid than exclusively physical and chemical deterioration of stone. Much research has been centered on lichens. State of biodeterioration research Our understanding of the interaction between microorganisms and stone materials has advanced greatly in the last thirty years. algae. and bacteria. There is still much debate about the contribution that microorganisms make to the observed damage to stone materials. Most are descriptive. Few identify promising avenues for further research. and their impact has been considered primarily aesthetic. There are innumerable papers published on biodeterioration and control methods. mainly because of dramatic improvements in scientific methodologies and awareness of a need for systematic research strategies by multidisciplinary groups. It has therefore not been possible to evaluate and isolate the extent of decay caused by biological agencies. The phenomenology of this decay is also similar to other physical and chemical causes.Chapter 5 Current Research Status and Areas for Further Investigation Current Research Status The importance and significance of the biodeterioration of stone in tropical environments is not disputed. Most of the techniques for identifying microorganisms are well established. an increasing effort is being made to fully understand the state of biodeterioration in these areas. sometimes even quantitatively. higher plants. Mosses and liverworts have drawn comparatively less attention. biodeteriogens have been extensively identified prior to the application of biocides. it is possible today to suggest strongly. particularly microorganisms. fungi. Whenever resources have been available. In tropical regions. 48 Chapter 5 Although microbial activity is not always correlated with the number of microorganisms on stone. fungi. Literature review indicates that although actinomycetes have frequently been identified along with nitrifying bacteria. results from laboratory experiments cannot always be directly correlated with metabolic activities of fungi on the stone surface in the field. mosses. It is. The literature also provides considerable evidence that points to the direct physical and chemical damage caused by these organisms. it has also been acknowledged that they may cause some degree of biochemical disintegration. and higher plants. A large number of bacteria have. The level of the "normal environmental biological populations" above which these microorganisms could become pathogenic for stone monuments is yet to be established in the field. traditional counts of microbial populations have often been found in the literature. intact stone exhibits only a minimal presence of bacteria. The role of chelating agents. liverworts. however. frequently been detected along all surfaces of weathered stone structures. however. difficult to evaluate whether such observations indicate that bacteria are primarily responsible for stone decay or if weathered surfaces merely provide a more suitable habitat for bacterial growth. and algae. in stone deterioration has been established but is less well studied than the role of oxalic acids. such as polyphenolic compounds. especially within cracks and crevices. the quantitative aspect has been the primary basis for evaluating their importance in the stone deterioration processes. They are known to cause chemical damage through the production of biogenic acids and physical damage through the penetration of their rhizoid/hyphae into the fissures in the stone. the action of actinomycetes on stone surfaces has not yet been fully understood. Algae are known to produce a variety of acids that may cause stone deterioration. For instance. The role of acids produced by fungi isolated from the stone monuments has been well demonstrated in the laboratory. The direct role that Cyanobacteria play in supporting the growth of heterotrophic organisms has also been acknowledged. it is not always clear whether the crusts are protective or detrimental to stone. . The activity of fungi in causing stone deterioration has largely been attributed to the production of corrosive metabolites that can solubilize minerals in a manner similar to other chemical processes. More significant is the fact that algae support the growth of more corrosive biodeteriogens such as lichens. The contribution of lichens in stone degradation has been well documented. however. The aesthetic and chemical deterioration caused by algae has been well recognized. There is also some evidence that endolithic algae have the ability to penetrate into the stone and widen the preexisting cavities and fissures. The most widely recognized form of deterioration by the mosses and liverworts is aesthetic. however. For all microorganisms. There is a general consensus that Cyanobacteria cause significant aesthetic deterioration. It has been found that oxalate crusts may be the direct result of oxalic acids released by lichen and fungi. however. However. Literature review indicates that no biocides are uniformly effective on all organisms. In instances where several types of microorganisms are present. Biodeterioration caused by higher plants has been extensively discussed in the literature. there is insufficient published information on their relative effectiveness over an extended period of time in the field. fungi-algae. in all environments. These organisms have also been found to support the growth of more destructive higher plants. . Not many studies exist on interactions among different groups of organisms in a single ecosystem. for example. and on all stone surfaces. and their affordability. This study may be helpful in selecting suitable biocides. the selection of biocides for use on stone monuments in tropical regions has been based on their apparent successful use elsewhere on different materials. The role of microbial biofilms in deterioration and discoloration of various stone types is also not fully understood. particularly in relation to tropical environments. since organisms can act in a synergistic manner in deterioration of stone. Most of the evaluation tests have been based on empirical tests in the field. However. To date. mosses-algae. bacteria-algae.Current Research Status and Areas for Further Investigation 49 The mechanism of physical damage that may occur due to the penetration of their rhizoids into stone has not been well established. it is important when selective biocides are used. a situation that sometimes results in misleading conclusions regarding the situation in the field. Periodic qualitative and quantitative monitoring has not been generally considered vital in the assessment of the efficacy of biocides on the substrata. their availability. These are important areas for investigation. some basic qualitative information on biodeteriogens on the stone surface and their deterioration mechanisms has been obtained by examining field samples with various analytical tools such as scanning electron and fluorescent microscopy. In practice. Generally. the chemical role of plant roots in the mechanism of stone deterioration has also received some attention. visual observation of the appearance of microorganisms on monuments has been the sole method for evaluating the long-term effectiveness of biocides in tropical regions. in tropical regions. particularly within the framework of other conservation treatments in order to avoid interactions with conservation materials that may be used later. More work needs to be done specifically on testing of biocides on different stone surfaces. Although this has not received particular attention. potentially dangerous activities of biodeteriogens have generally been demonstrated in the laboratories. There is also not much information available on the susceptibility of a wide range of stone types to microbial deterioration. Although biophysical deterioration has been acknowledged to be the most destructive in these regions. it is difficult to assess whether or not each one is detrimental to the stone. Preventive and remedial methods There are several accounts of biocidal treatments worldwide. 50 Chapter 5 Not much attention has been given to selection of new biocides based on their molecular structure and activity relationship properties. Research is required to identify such residual biocidal systems within the established criteria of biocides selection for combating the biodeterioration of stone monuments. the development of effective residual biocides. particularly in tropical regions. However. Consideration must. Thus far. these treatments are usually effective in inhibiting biologi- . however.or zincbased compounds. This literature survey indicates that most of the existing research on biocides has been concerned with eliminating algae. lichens. Testing has relied heavily on information provided by the manufacturers. the use of higher concentrations of this compound in some cases has been reported to produce hard surface skins on limestones. a residual biocide. following a biocidal treatment in order to keep the stone surfaces dry and thereby inhibit biological growth. Although these compounds have residual effects that could enhance their long-term efficacy on stone. Copper compounds are well known for their toxic effects on biodeteriogens and their low environmental impacts. The ability of these substances to enhance the longevity of biocidal activity has also been considered. the results of their studies indicate that many of the materials traditionally used in conservation have the ability to support microbial growth. Use of copper compounds has seldom been reported in tropical regions. Use of preservative coatings such as water repellents has been recommended. relatively little research has been conducted on antibacterial treatments for stone. has usually been based on their physical and chemical stability and their physical and chemical interactions with the stone surface. the successful use of low concentrations of zinc hexafluosilicate (~1-2%). however. Several research groups and microbiological laboratories have recently focused their attention on the interaction of stone conservation treatments with microorganisms inhabiting stones. suggests that when appropriately applied on clean stone surfaces. There is a great need to study thoroughly the chemistry of substances that are being considered for use as biocides. Rarely has their interaction with potential microbes on the stone surface received consideration. In areas of heavy rainfall. has been extensively documented in the field in tropical regions. The availability of this type of information may help eliminate the selection of inappropriate or ineffective biocides. and higher plants. The evaluation of their effectiveness. be given to the potential environmental and public health hazards due to prolonged exposure to the substance. Despite the extensive work on the role of bacteria in stone decay. On the other hand. More research into possible antibacterial treatment is necessary. mosses. could be very useful in prolonging the time between reapplications. The importance of the interaction of these preservative coatings with microorganisms on the stone surface has only recently been acknowledged. their use has been restricted due to the possibility of staining. however. such as copper. fungi. liverworts. Field experience. However. both in the field and in the laboratory. Evaluation of biocides Most researchers have been successful in devising their own laboratory procedures for evaluating treatments. The following areas need to be considered for further study. In tropical environments this may prove to be a more viable and cost-effective solution than the use of some chemicals and synthetic products.Current Research Status and Areas for Further Investigation 51 cal growth. periodic cleaning has been found not only necessary but also critical in controlling the initial establishment of biodeteriogens and their subsequent growth. The problem seems to be underresearched. This does not imply that long-term strategic and fundamental research should be discouraged. their potential toxicity to humans must not be ignored. Few efforts have been made to investigate traditional techniques that used natural products as biocides. In tropical areas. • More precise methods for identifying biodeteriogens • Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the damage caused by individual biodeteriogens • Interrelationships of various biodeteriogens • Microbial interactions with various types of stone • Ecology of biodeteriogens • Possibility of other conservation treatments supporting microbial growth • Traditional methods for control of biodeteriogens on stone monuments • Criteria for selection of biocides • Methods of in situ evaluation of biocides • Relative long-term and short-term effectiveness of biocides . Although these natural products may not be hazardous to the environment. In light of the foregoing. and much of the work published to date has yet to be adequately substantiated by long-term experimentation. are essential if meaningful comparisons of the results of different laboratories are to be made. Evaluation procedures for biocides can be designed to demonstrate short-term effectiveness or may be concerned with monitoring long-term performance. Such criteria and methods for evaluation of biocides. Standard criteria to assess the extent to which the treatment has been successful do not exist. Areas for Further Investigation Biodeterioration research demands an interdisciplinary approach. they have not been as successful in the field. but that such work must ultimately contribute to the care and preservation of cultural heritage. and the outcome of the study must have application in the field. any decision concerning biocide application must not be undertaken hastily or without careful consideration of the wider implications and long-term effects. .52 Chapter 5 • Interaction of biocides with various stone surfaces • Interaction of biocides with other conservation materials applied to the stone surface before or after biocide application • Development of effective residual biocides • Development of biocidal consolidant • Antibacterial treatments • Possibility of inoculating a microorganism that kills and prevents the invasion of damage-causing microorganisms but does not itself attack stone surfaces The above tasks are interdisciplinary and will require collaboration among specialists from various organizations and institutions that are not necessarily involved in the conservation of cultural heritage. cultural ) objects . that adheres to surfaces submerged in. a chemotroph that obtains energy by the oxidatio n of inorgani c substrate(s ) (i. of nonbiological origin. chlorophytes A group of algae characterized by a combinatio n of features (e. or subjecte d to. .e. a lithotroph . bear flagella . an organotroph. the main storage polymer is starch. as obligat e autotrophs appear to be either chemolithotroph s or photolithotrophs . Motile cells . usuall y embedded in extracellular polymers . chelate chelation A chemical agent that combines with metal ions. efflorescence Growth of salt crystal s or powdery deposit s on surfaces due to evaporation of salt - laden water. biofilm A fil m of microorganisms . one that obtains energy by metabolizin g organic substrate(s ) (i. neoxanthin. aquatic environments . chloroplasts Organism s evolved by a double membrane.. A chemical process involving the formation of heterocycli c ring compounds containin g at leas t one metal cation or hydrogen ion. the group (often classified as a clas s or division) Anthophyta or Magnoliophyta. crustose Forming or resembling a crust. some forming fila- ments) and that have a characteristic type of cell wall . which is formed withi n the chloroplast .g. often used to impl y lithoautotrophy .. autotroph An organism that uses carbon dioxid e for its carbon requirement. calle d a chemoorganotroph). especially of lichens. being attached to the substratu m (over the whole of its lower surface) by hyphae of the medulla . violax anthin. calle d chemolithotroph). lutein . containing chlorophylls a and b.Glossary abiotic angiosperms Nonliving . and zeaxanthin). when formed. light-independent chemical reactions (a mode of metabolism termed chemotrophy). chemoautotroph An organis m whose energy is derived from endogenous. biodeteriogen An organis m or microorganism that causes undesirable changes in the constituen t material s of (esp. and xanthophyll s such as antheraxanthin. consisting typically of a siliceous structure encased in an organic layer. . ß-carotene.e. bacillariophytes A large group of algae that are essentially unicellular (some colonial . containing seed plants in which the ovules are enclosed within carpels. having a thallus that generally lacks a lower cortex. Flowering plants . literally those having "nuclei" in their cell s (i. lichens. gymnosperms A group (classified as a division Gymnospermophyta or a class Gymnospermae. and either erect and shrubby or pendulous . . as some algae. An organis m that uses inorgani c substrate s (e. or regarded as polyphyletic ) containing those seed plants in which the ovules are not enclosed in carpels . A mass of branching hyphae. the pollen typically germinating on the surface of the ovule. club mosses. although chemolithotroph s and phototrophs may als o be heterotrophic. many of which together constitute the vegetative form of the organism and (in some species ) form the steril e portion of a fruiting body. sulfide .54 Glossary endolithic epilithic eukaryotes Growing within rocks. of a lichen: having a thallus that is threadlike (terete) or straplike (more or less flattened). sulfur . See also mycelium .. arising mainl y from the lower surface of the (usually foliose) thallus and serving to anchor the thallus to the sub- rhizoid stratum. . may also facilitate the uptake of water and nutrients by thallus. meristematic metabolite mycelium photoautotroph Rapidly dividing cells at the tip of the stem.g. heterotroph An organism that uses organic compounds for most or all of its carbon requirements. A group of organisms . H . or molecules . of a lichen : having a flattened leaflike thallus more or less firmly attached to the substratum. redox reaction A chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred between atoms. often used to refer specifically to chemoorganoheterotrophs. possessing a nucleus bounded by a membranous nuclear envelope and having many cytoplasmic organelles . having a body differentiate d into stem and leaves . and bacteria do in limestone. in some species. prokaryote A type of microorganism in which the chromosomes are not separated from the cytoplas m by a specialize d membrane that is typicall y devoid of sterol s and in which mitochondri a and chloroplast s are absent. A rootlik e structure consisting of a compact bundle of hyphae. photoheterotroph photolithotroph A heterotroph that requires sunlight to provide necessar y energy for biosynthesis .e. the vegetative body (thallus) of most true fungi. pteridophyte Any plant of the division Pteridophyta (including the ferns. Growing on a rock surface. animals . fruticose Shrublike. water. hyphae Branched or unbranched filaments. which include s all seed-bearing plants . the thallu s being attached to the substratu m by a holdfas t or unattached. and horsetails). photoorganotroph An organism that uses an organic substrat e as an electron donor in phototrophic metabolism . and fungi) in contrast to the prokaryotic cell s of bacteria and blue-green algae. ions . root. An autotroph that requires sunlight to provide necessar y energy for biosynthesis . plants . or thiosul 2 phate) as an electron donor in photosynthesis . or branch. which does not bear seeds . foliose Leafy. Any of various compounds produced by metabolism . spermatophyte Any plant of the division Spermatophyta. . stems. thallus Plant body not differentiated into leaves. xerophilous Flourishing in or able to withstand a dry. and roots. or a large branching multicellular structure. xylem and phloem).g. a filamen t of cells . fungi. and liverworts. but consisting of a mycelium or a colony. a mycelium . . including the study of the means of specie s formation. the plant body of the algae. vascular Relating to vessels that convey fluids or provide for the circulation of fluids (e. hot environment.Glossary 55 taxonomy The science of classification as applied to living organisms. provided with vessels for the circulation of fluids . T. and E. R. Ciabach. vol. 23-33. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. Australia. Roussomoustakaki 1983. Allsopp. and C. ed. Galvan. P. Gugliandolo. Rhizocarpon geographicum and Umbilicaria pustulata. Akin. Agarossi. Rascio. 447-51. Greece).. V.. 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In 6th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. Y. Sheila Barry and D. R. D. G. Wee. J. and D. 1. D. D. E. Special publication of Geological Society. 1986. Poland: Nicholas Copernicus University Press Department. 76 References . 13-14. 14 Akin.. 12-14 bacterial biodeterioration. 32 Barbieri.. 22. 9t Adelberg. 10 Agarossi. See adenosine triphosphate autotroph. definition of. 46t with Ashurst. 43t Barros.. 12t. 53 AC 322. 33. 32.. with Pietrini. 33 Barov. 35-36 Agrawal. J. 17. W. 28. 10 with Allsopp. 15. 23 with Garg. 43t-44t anaerobic organisms. A. J. extraction of. 35-36 Alstrup. 11 produced by lichens.. 53 autotrophic nitrifying bacteria. 12t. 31.. 32. 4 with Wolters. D. A. with Caneva. 18-20 algicides. E.. with Casarett. 48 phenomenology of alterations by. 40 with May. with Frey. 19-20 current knowledge about. as biocides. 18 removal of. for cleaning. 19-20 produced by autotrophs. 29. B.... quarternary. 41t algae. 14 bacillariophytes. 17t Bartolini. 53 bacteria. 30 actinomycetes. 29. 1 aldehydes. 9t autotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. H. 40 Allsopp. 11 aesthetic deterioration. 19-20. 18 groups of. 16 current knowledge about. 23 Ashurst. 16. 53 Arai. E. 32 Allsopp. 4t aesthetic biodeterioration. 31-32 algal biodeterioration. with Bassi. O. for organism identification. 32 ammonium compounds. C. 24 produced by roots.. 34 Altieri. as biocides. K. 32.. with Meincke. 38-40. N. 12t-13t. C. 38-40. V. 20 epilithic. 46t ATP. 11.. 26t Ascaso. 19-20 and aesthetic biodeterioration. 12 . 15. 25-27 acrylics as biocides.. for cleaning. 7 Amdur. 31 with Singh. 32. for cleaning. N. M. 15 Andreoli. C.. C. 4 acids produced by. 18-19 and biochemical deterioration. 11 phenomenology of alterations by. 16 angiosperms. 17 produced by heterotrophs.. 22-23 produced by liverworts. 18 definition of. 34 as coverings.. G.. J. 4 adenosine triphosphate (ATP). P. with Stanier. 19 phenomenology of alterations by. classification of. O. with Warscheid. classification of. 25. 6 aerobic organisms. 9t relationship with substrate. D.. 40 acids produced by algae. 11 produced by fungi.. 36 ammonia. Z. 18.. 18 indirect damage by. 32. 19t acids produced by. M. 27 Altmann. 46t Ashurst. 14-16 bactericides. C. definition of. T... 18 Ahlers. H. 18. 11 Aranyanak.Index AB 57. 24 produced by mosses.. 44t. 4t Anagnostidis. 40 abiotic. with Krumbein. 14. 11. 25 definition of. 48 endolithic. 14 autotrophic organisms. 45t Brunet. 39 brushing of. 47-52 current status of. factors in. W. 24-25 research on.. 41t Bovey. W. 28 factors in.. K. with Bassi.. 41t.. 5-7 chemical treatments to control. with Kuroczkin. 40. T. G. S. 15. as biocide. 42t-44t. with Tanner. 18 calorimetric assays. with Tanner. 7. 38 with Lewis. 49-51 study of. 17t Bell. 24-25 mechanisms of. 28. See also Cyanobacteria Bock. 44t-45t Bianchi. with Orial. C. 8 blue-green algae. with Meyer. 3-5 fungal. 53 biological alterations. M. 33 Bettini. S. 33 with Giacobini. 41t Brown. 16. 38-40 procedures for. 16-18 by higher plants. D. 37-38 compatibility with other conservation treatments. 7 in tropical regions.. 12t. 5 brushing. 37-38 compatibility with stone. as biocide. 39-40 research on. with Heck. 53 identification of. E. 29 carbon dioxide and biodeterioration. 38-39.. 41t-45t definition of. P. S. 7. 7 with Warscheid. 41t-45t application of precautions for. E. and fungi.. 39 bryophytes. with Meincke... 20. 35-36. 10 ecological aspects of. 35 and environmental pollution.. 22 . G. of biocides. 28 preventive methods. 15 Caneva. 31. 5. F. 46t calcite. 33 borax. 47-51 solutions for and environmental parameters. 7. 46t with Danin. R. 39 as cause of deterioration. research on. 24. 43t.. 10-11 biocidal treatments. 22 Bitton. 20 Benassi. 18 Bolt. 10-20. 13-14. 49-51 remedial methods. 11 Bell. 5 Bravery. 30.. 44t Brunet. 8. 23 Building Research Establishment (BRE). 49-51 residual. 44t with Giacobini. G. 50 resistance of target organism to. 14 Bode. J. 12. 41t. 11 and lichens. 33 boric acid. 7 benzalkonium chloride. 7. G. phenomenology of. 33. 28-31 research on. 16. 6 with Realini. 7-8 Campbell. 51 injection of. 20-23 by liverworts. with Tiano. 33. 32. H. 16 Bold. 39 Bradley. 25 Bonecchi. M. 33 boron compounds. 18-20 bacterial. definition of. H. See Building Research Establishment Bridges.. 15. 9t biophysical deterioration. 25-27 lichenic. 1-9 biofilm. 39 natural products as. R.. R. 22 with De Marco. 36 rotation of. 14 biochemical deterioration. 18 Bech-Anderson.. 24-27.. 51 in poultices.. H.. 10-11 biopitting.. 29 Broadbent. 32. 3-5. as biocides. 39 evaluation of. 10-11.78 Index Bassi. 41t Brightman. 36 selection of. 5-8 biodeterioration algal. 29. K. 35-38 spraying of. 10. A. F. 4 with Wolters. 39 toxicity to humans. J. 15. as biocide. 31-34 research on.. with Golubic. S.. R. techniques used in. 32-34 biocides. 10-27 by mosses. W.. 14-16 categories of. 30 Brandt. H. 37. general aspects of. 10-27 characterization of. with Grant. C. 14 BRE. with Gill. 38-40 techniques for. 36-37 biodeteriogens characteristics of. 27 Becker. 37-38 efficiency against target organism. for measurement of microbial activity.. A. C. Index 79 carbonic acid and biodeterioration, 11 and lichens, 22 carbonic acids and liverworts, 24 and mosses, 24 Casarett, L. J., 36 Castro, J. with Cepero, 12t, 15, 17t, 34 with Martinez, 12t, 15 Cepero, A., 12t, 15, 17t, 33-34, 41t, 43t Characklis, W. G., with Wilderer, 15 Charola, A. E., 23 with Koestler, 5-7, 16 Chaturvedi, K., with Sharma, B. R. N., 16, 32-33, 43t chelate, definition of, 53 chelates, and biodeterioration, 11 chelation, definition of, 53 chemical cleaning, 32 chemicals as consolidants, 46t as water repellents, 46t chemical treatments to control biodeteriogens, 40, 41t-45t selection of, 35-46 chemoautotroph, definition of, 53 chemoautotrophic bacteria, 12-14 Chemoautotrophs, classification of, 4t Chemoheterotrophs, classification of, 4t chemolithotrophs, classification of, 4t chemoorganotrophs, classification of, 4t chemosynthetic organisms, 4 chlorophytes, 18 definition of, 53 and lichens, 20 chloroplasts, definition of, 53 Christensen, P., with Bech-Anderson, 20 Ciarallo, A., 14 Clarke, J., 41t-42t, 44t-46t cleaning agents used for, 46t chemical, 32 of dirt, dust, spores, and seeds, 29-30 of stone surface, 31-32 with water, 31-32 climbing plants, and biodeterioration, 11 Clorox, as biocide, 33 Coleman, N. T., with Williams, D. E., 25 consolidant treatments, 30-31, 46t Conti, C., with Caneva, 15 copper compounds, as biocides, 34, 41t Cox, P., with Tanner, 41t Cromack, K., with Gaustein, 17 crustose, definition of, 53 crustose lichens, 20 Cummings, D. P., with Gavin, 7 Curri, S. B., 6-7 with Benassi, 7 Cyanobacteria, 13-16 and biophysical deterioration, 15 current knowledge about, 48 effects on marble, 15 and heterotrophic organisms, 16 and lichens, 20 phenomenology of alterations by, 9t photoautotrophic, 14 Daley, B., with Lewis, 11, 14 Danin, A., 15-16, 22 with Caneva, 15 Dawson, J., 33-36 Dehydrogenase activity (DHA), modified assay of, 8 Del Monte, M., 22 Delvert, J., 13, 16 De Marco, G., 29 Denyer, S. P., 32 De Reus, L., with De Winder, 15 Deruelle, S., with Lallemant, 22 De Winder, B., 15 DHA. See dehydrogenase activity Dhawan, S., with Garg, 19-20, 22, 31 Diakumaku, E., 7 Diakumaku, S. E., with Krumbein, 7, 30, 35 diatoms, 18 Dinelli, A., with De Marco, 29 dirt, cleaning off, 29-30 dissolution process, for organism identification, 6 Doudoroff, M., with Stanier, 4 Duff, R. B., 15 with Henderson, 10 Dukes, W. H., 15, 44t, 46 t D'Urbano, M. S., with Nugari, 33, 38 dust, cleaning off, 29-30 Ebisawa, T., with Nishiura, 33 Eckhardt, F. E. W, 7, 10, 16-17 Economou-Amilli, A., with Anagnostidis, 15 EDTA. See ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid efflorescence, definition of, 53 Ehrlich, H. L., 5-7 Eliasaro, S., with Warscheid, 12t, 15, 17t endolithic algae, 18, 20 endolithic, definition of, 54 endolithic lichens, 20 environmental pollution, with biocides, 37, 39 enzymatic testing, for organism identification, 6 epilithic algae, 18 epilithic, definition of, 54 80 Index epilithic lichens, 20 epoxies, as coverings, 30 esters, as biocides, 41t-42t ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), for cleaning, 32 eukaryotes, definition of, 54 Favali, M. A., with Giacobini, 6 Fay, P., with Fogg, 15 FDA. See fluorescein diacetate Ferrari, R. with Agarossi, 35-36 with Galizzi, 7 Festa, L., with Ciarallo, 14 Fielden, B. M., 41t, 46t flashing strips, 29 Fliermans, C. B., 6 Florian, M. L. E., 20 fluorescein diacetate (FDA), for measurement of microbial activity, 7-8 fluorescence microscopy, for organism identification, 5-6 Fogg, G. E., 15 foliose, definition of, 54 foliose lichens, 20 formaldehyde, as biocide, 33 Fosberg, F. R., 29 fractionation, 7 fragmentation, 11 Frederickson, A. F., with Keller, 11, 25 Frey, T., 43t Friedmann, E. L, 5, 15 with Golubic, 15 fructiose, definition of, 54 fructiose lichens, 20 Fry, M. F., 44t fungal biodeterioration, 16-18 fungal hyphae, and biophysical deterioration, 16 fungi, 16, 17t acids produced by, 17 biochemical action of, 16 and calcite, 18 current knowledge about, 48 filamentous, 17 and lichens, 20, 23 phenomenology of alterations by, 9t fungicides, 32 Fusey, P., 13t, 17t, 18, 19t, 32 Gairola, T. R., 32, 34, 41t, 46t Galizzi, A., 7 Galvan, J., with Ascaso, 23 Gangstad, E. O., 36 Garcia, M. T., with de la Torre, 18 Garcia-Rowe, J., 24 Gargani, G., with Tiano, 14 Garg, K. L., 13t, 19, 19t, 20, 21t, 22, 29-32, 38-40, 41t-43t with Mishra, 14, 25, 26t, 27, 29, 31-32, 39-40 Garlet, L., with Andreoli, 16 Gamier, B. J., 1 Gaustein, W. C., 17 Gavin, J. J., 7 Gayathri, P., 11, 21t, 23 Gehrmann, C., with Krumbein, 7 Giacobini, C., 6, 20-22, 44t-45t with Bassi, 5, 7 with Seaward, 10, 22 Giantomassi, C., 26t, 39-40 Gilbert, O. L., 34, 45t with Purvis, 34 Gill, W. R., 25 Ginetti, A., with Galizzi, 7 Giuliani, M. R. with Pietrini, 12 with Seaward, 10, 22 Golubic, S., 5, 15 Gomez-Alarcon, G., with de la Torre, 18 Gonzalo, G., with de la Torre, 18 Gorbushina, A. A., with Krumbein, 7 Gourou, P., 1 Grant, C., 30, 33, 38 Greenwood, F. J., with Lewis, 11 Griffin, P.S., 10-11, 16, 19, 30 Gromov, V. V., with Mamonova, 30 Gross, M., with Krumbein, 33, 44t Grote, G. with Krumbein, 7, 10 with Petersen, 10, 18 with Warscheid, 12t, 15, 17t Gugliandolo, C., 7, 14 with Agarossi, 35 gymnosperms, 25 definition of, 54 Hale, M. E., 13t, 19t, 20, 20t-21t, 24t, 30, 32-33, 38 Hallbaur, D. K., 23 Hall, D. O., with Robins, 15 Hansen, E. S., with Alstrup, 34 Harvey, R. D., with Benassi, 7 Harvey, R. W., 8 Heck, W. W., 5 Hellebust, J . A., 11 Henau, P. J., with Sneyers, 32, 43t-44t Henderson, M. E. K., 10 with Webley, 10, 15 herbicides, 32 Hernandez-Marine, M., with OrtegaCalvo, J. J., 29 heterotroph, definition of, 54 heterotrophic bacteria, 13-15 heterotrophic organisms, 4, 16 acids produced by, 11 phenomenology of alterations by, 9t Heyn, C., with Krumbein, 7 Index 81 higher plants, 25, 26t and biochemical deterioration, 25-27 and biodeterioration, 25-27 current knowledge about, 49 and microclimate, 27 phenomenology of alterations by, 9t types of, 25 Honeyborne, D. B., 27 Hueck-van der Plas, E. H., 10, 15, 19, 22 humid tropics, definition of, 1 Hyamine 3500, 33 hydrogen peroxide, for cleaning, 32 hyphae, 20 definition of, 54 Hyvert, G., 12t, 13, 13t, 15-16, 17t, 18, 19t-21t, 24, 24t, 26t with Fusey, 13t, 17t, 18, 19t, 32 Indictor, N., with Griffin, 10-11, 16, 19, 30 injection, of biocides, 39 insoluble salts, and biodeterioration, 11 INT. See 2-(4-iodophenyl)-3(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) for measurement of microbial activity, 7-8 Ionita, I., 18 Iskandar, I. K., 22 with Syers, 22-23 isotope fractionation techniques, 7 Jahns, H. M., 34 with Hallbaur, 23 Jain, K. K., 4-5, 10-11, 14-15, 18-20, 25, 27 with Agrawal, 23 with Garg, 13t, 19t, 21t with Mishra, 14, 25, 26t, 27, 29, 31-32, 39-40 with Saxena, 11 with Singh, T., 18 James, P. W., 34 with Purvis, 34 Janssen, D., with Warscheid, 12t, 15, 17t Jaton, C., with Pochon, 10, 14 Jens, W. E., with Krumbein, 10 Johnson, G. C., with Martin, A. K., 34, 40 Jones, B., 18 Jones, D., 20, 22-23 with Wilson, 17, 22 Jones, M. S., with Wakefield, 35, 37-38 Joshi, J. P., with Agrawal, 23 Jung, L., with Warscheid, 12t, 15, 17t Kamlakar, G., with Mishra, 14, 27 Kauffmann, J., 10 Keen, R., 41t-42t, 46t Keller, W. D., 11, 25 Kharbade, B. V., with Agrawal, 23 King, L. K., 8 Klaassen, C. D., with Casarett, 36 Koestler, R. J., 5-7, 14, 16, 30, 33 with Charola, 23 with Griffin, 10-11, 16, 19, 30 with Santoro, 30 Koopman, B., with Bitton, 8 Köppen, W, 1 Krause-Kupsch, T. with Meincke, 4 with Wolters, 14 Krieg, E., with Meincke, 4 Krumbein, W. E., 4, 7, 10, 18, 22, 30, 33, 35, 44t with Becker, 7 with Kuroczkin, 7, 16 with Leznicka, 10 with Petersen, 10, 18 with Warscheid, 6, 8, 12t, 15, 17t, 32 Kumar, R., 30-34, 41t, 43t with Sharma, R. K., 30, 32, 34, 46t Kuroczkin, J., 7, 16 with Krumbein, 7 with Leznicka, 10 with Petersen, 18 Lal, B. B., 30, 32, 34, 38, 46t Lallemant, R., 22 Lange, C., with Krumbein, 18 Lang, J. M., with Bell, 20 latitude, and tropical climate, 1 Lawton, M. M., with Mortland, 11 Lazzarini, L., 7, 23 with Charola, 23 LC/d50/D. See Lethal Concentration 50% LD/d50/D. See Lethal Dose 50% Le Blanc, F., with Rao, D. N., 5 Le Campion, S., with Golubic, 5 Lee, J. J., with Koestler, 5-7, 16 Lee, K. B., with Wee, 12t-13t, 15, 18-19, 19t Lepidi, A. A., 14, 16 Lethal Concentration 50% (LC/d50/D), 36-37 Lethal Dose 50% (LD/d50/D), 36-37 Levitt, J., 5 Lewis, F. J., 10-11, 14 with May, 11, 14, 16-17, 28, 32, 35-36 Leznicka, S., 10, 41t-42t with Andreoli, 16 lichenic biodeterioration, 20-23 lichens, 20, 20t-21t acids produced by, 22-23 and biocides, 34 and biophysical deterioration, 22 T. 34 Nieoboer. G. 22 crustose. 18. 14 Melnikova. 10-11. I. 12t.. E. 20 fungal half of. 17t. 54 Nagpal. with Warscheid. 16-17. 12t. 12 nitrogen compounds. M. with Tiano. 32. M. 16 Mur. B. 20 current knowledge about. 20 epilithic.. 41t Mamonova. 15. 20 Lisi. 14. with Jones. J. P.. as biocides.. 44t Orial. 16. 25. 7 study of. P. M. 35 Maugeri. 23-24. definition of. 43t. 41t-42t Lujàn. 16.. J. 30 organisms classification of... with Warscheid. 5 Ortega-Calvo. 38 with Caneva. G. 26t Palacios. 33. A. R. 24-25 Mascarenhas.. P. 7. as coverings. M. 27 Mitchell. 34. 32. M.. S. 15 mycelium. 17t McHardy. K.. 24 and biodeterioration.. G. 26t Machado. 4 with Wolters. 48 endothilic. 21t with Jain.. 12t. 38. 27. M. M. M. 15. autotrophic. P. 31-32. 18 . 29. A. 23 Pagnin. 20-22 microbial activity in geological past.. 28. A. with Cepero. 23 Ortega-Calvo. 15. with Ascaso. 20 fructiose. 18-20. M. 18-20. 30. 11. A. 49 Millington. M. 22 with Agarossi. with Warscheid. characteristics of.. 6-7 microbial microfilms. 17t Maugeri. 40 Martines.. 4-5. 20... 4-5.. 7-8 microbial enumeration. 17t Mortland. 54 Meyer. L. 12t. with Meincke.. 54 metabolite. 4t organiosilanes. as biocides. 14 with Tayler.. 9t types of.... based on nutritional requirements.. J. 5 Nishiura. C. 8 Mazzone. 36 organotin. V. 44t Nugari. 3-5.. 48-49 phenomenology of alterations by. with Silverman. 24 and biochemical deterioration. 48-49 phenomenology of alterations by. K. L. E. 17t Materials Safety Data Sheets. 36 Mathur. 24-25. 12t. 39-40 with Garg. 38-39. as biocides. J. 20-22 Mazzoni. 24-25 current knowledge about. S. 24 and biochemical deterioration. with Reading. 11 mosses. 34 magnesium compounds. 14 Moreira. O.. 19t. 33 nitrifying bacteria. 14. 12t. 32. D. with Giacobini.. 35-36 with Lewis. R. with Giantomassi. L. R. 24t acids produced by.. 30 mercurial compounds.. definition of. E. 11 Martinez. T. P. E. C.. with Bell. 46t with Giacobini. 15.82 Index and chemical deterioration. with Mamonova. definition of. with Agarossi. 17t. 30 nutrition. 10. with de la Torre. E. I. K.. B.. 10-11. with Giacobini.. with Gugliandolo.. 24 and biodeterioration. C. 17 and lichens. 14 May. 15... S. 23-24. 10-14. 25. 1 Mink. C. M. 14. 17 Meincke. 9t Lloyd. P. J. 9t Munoz.. 39 Micheli. W. 26t. 43t liverworts. 34 meristematic. F. 20 foliose. 23 oxalic acid. 35-36. 23 phenomenology of alterations by. 29 oxalate formation. J. C. 12-14. 24t acids produced by. 34 Martin. 4t identification of. as biocides. with Giantomassi. 22-23 with Wilson. 15 with Cepero. 20-22 with Salvadori. R. P. 3-5. with De Winder. 14 Meyer. 33. identification of. classification of organisms based on. P. M. 30 Martin. M. 4 with Wolters.. 14 nitrogen bacteria. 1 Mishra.. 2 Monte. 45t Orlando.. Y. 35 Monte Sila. 13t. 20 monsoon tropical climates... A. 24-25 current knowledge about. 5-7 resistance to biocides. J. of target organism. 28. with Caneva. O. 30-31 Price. dust. 15-16. 31-34 biocidal treatments. R. J. C. J. with Ciarallo. 27 Rascio. H. F. 33 polyvinyl acetates (PVA). with De Winder. with Mishra. 49-51 routine. J. 12 Ricco.. 7 with Curri. E. S.. 50 resistance. with Koestler. 15 Roccardi. 10. 10.. J.. 45t Saiz-Jimenez.. N. 43t Richardson. A. A. with Schnurer. A.. 16 Reading. 15. definition of. 4t photoheterotroph. 32 phenolic compounds. 35-36 Petersen.. 43t-44t. 4t photolithotroph classification of. 39 Pemberton. C.. 22. 24 . A. 54 remedial care methods. E. 54 photosynthetic organisms. 49-51 research. 22 Rodarte. 51-52 Resende. 28-31 cleaning of dirt. 54 rhizoids. F. S. 30 Parker. 43t-44t Quinn. M. 50-51 Preusser. 7. 28. H. A. 25-27 and biodeterioration. 33-34 Pereira.. 39-40 preservative coatings.. P. F. with Nugari. 14. P. as biocide. classification of. 14 photoautotrophic organisms. M. M. 42t-43t photoautotroph. 35 with Kuroczkin... 54 Photoheterotrophs. 29-30 consolidant treatments. 14 Rao. spores. 38 with Pallecchi. See polyvinyl acetates quarternary ammonium compounds as biocide. as biocides. definition of. 8 Ramchandran.. definition of. 15 Pochon. 30 Priori. 25 Photoautotrophs. 18 redox reaction. 14 polybor. 10. E. with May. 14 Pietrini. 33. of biocides. 54 protective coverings. B. 4t definition of. 17. 5 Rao.. 15.. as coverings. 7. 18 pentachlorophenol. 23 roots acids produced by. with Jones. to biocides.. 29 Pteridophyte. A. definition of. with Lisi. D.. 19 Roussomoustakaki. 23. 5 Purvis. M. 38 Panarin. 6 with Seaward. with Caneva. 30 poultices. 38 Raniello. research on. with Anagnostidis. 18. with Koestler. 25-27 with Giacobini.. S. B. 13-14 photoautotrophic Cyanobacteria. 41t Pluia... 12. 54 Puckett. with Ascaso. 1 Realini. 25 definition of. 6. 5 Riederer. 30 Rodriguez-Pascual. M. P. 14. 22 pitting. W.. 8. with King. A. C.. 29 water repellents. J. 6-7 Pallecchi. N. M. with Nugari. 7 residual biocides.. K. with Ciarallo. F. 34 polyvinyl acetates. 5. T.. G. C. J. D. J. 33 polyborates. 15 Rudolph.. E. 32. H. J. with Robins. 46t Richardson.. 12t. 32-34 research on.. 4t definition of. 10. D. 22.. 8 Round. 30 preventive care methods. V. as biocide. sodium salts of. 54 photoorganotroph classification of. B. 18. F. A. 22 with Nugari. 38-39. on biodeterioration.. 17t.. 15. K. 41t. as biocide. with Williams.. 15 with Pietrini. G. classification of. with Nieoboer. 40. A. 10 with Warscheid. 20 Rhodes. with Becker. with Nieoboer.. 23. as biocides. M. 4 Piccioli. definition of. 16 with Leznicka.... 25-27 Rosswall. N. 11 Sadirin.Index 83 Paleni. 30 prokaryote. M. 33 as biocides. 47-52 future aims of. 30-34. 30-31 research on. 22.. 11.. 8 Peevy. 34 PVA. 25 Robins. D. 28. 18. with Benassi. A.. 12 Pinna. 15 Ricci. J. C.. 31-33. 38. and seeds. 19.. with Mamonova.. with Andreoli. 18 with Krumbein. 30.. 54 photoautotrophic bacteria. 22 Plenderleith. 36 rhizoid. C. with Realini. 6 Sorlini. with Krumbein. 4 with Wolters.84 Index with Garcia-Rowe.. C. 10 Seaward. S. N. 14-15. 43t. 10-11. 33. with Golubic. P. 30-32. E. R. J. 41t Tarantino. 22. cleaning off. R.. 39 Spry. 26t. 23 with Nugari. 32. 15 Tecneco. 29 with Giacobini. with Shah. 5 . 46t Shah. 16 Schmidt. with Gaustein. 34 with Martinez.. 11. 30 Silverman. 32. 11. 38 Samadhia. as biocides. 14 Santoro. 7 Scott. 30. R. 7 with Krumbein. with Fogg. C. B. 32. 34 Salvadori... 17 Solovsky. M. R.. 33. 54 spermatophytes. 10 Strzelczyk. 10. P.. 40. 30.. 15 Sand. 6 Tomassini. J. R. with Webley. 11 with Jain. G. 44t Tomaselli.. K. F. N. 32. with Monte Sila.. with Reading. N. 23. P. K.. N. 11 Tanner. 33-34 Sollins.. J. P. J. 22-23. 29 salicylate compounds. 29 with Brightman. O. with Benassi. 7 Stewart. 14-15. with Tripathi.. 46t with Lazzarini. 14. with Meincke. A. 15 Strzelczyk. T. 18 Souprounovich. 10. 35-36 Taylor. as biocide. M. for cleaning.. 43t Sameluck. P. A. R. 25 spores. 17t. 28. 46t Saxena.. 17t thallus. 17. 18-20. 24-25. 15. 55 Tayler. J. 35-36 seeds. with Lepidi. E. S. S. 5 silicones. L. D. with Andreoli. R. 16. 17.. H.. 15. with fliermans. definition of. 30 sonication.. S.. 15 Seal. 22 Schippa. N. 14 Stanier. 7. with Meincke. K... L. 16. 43t. definition of. D. R. 20. 4 with Wolters. 27 Schaffer. 41t.. 24 with Ortega-Calvo. H. 14 Syers.. 46t Sharma. B. 22-23 with Iskandar. as biocide. V. 33 sodium hypochlorite. N. 19t. 30 with Koestler.. 41t. with Nieoboer. J. K. V. 22-23 with Garg. A.. 34. with Mamonova. L. 46t Schellnhuber. 20.. 43t-44t Salle. 32 staining. 14. 21t Singh. 30. N. 31-33. A.. A.. J. 44t spermatophyte. 25. 30. R. 32-33. 18 with Agrawal. 34. with Sharma. 18 with Petersen. 30. 10. 10-20. 44t sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. 6 Stambolov. O.. 16 Simonoes. 20-22 with May. with Tiano. 8.. R. E. 3 Subramanian.. 30. A.. of biocides. K. R. 12t. 11. characteristics of. as biocides.. 32 sodium salts of pentachlorophenol. R.. S. with Sharma. 16. definition of. 16.. A. 18 Subhumid climates. M. F. 29-30 Sengupta. 12. D... 16 with Leznicka. 14. 29. 12t. D. 55 Thompson. 23 sulfur bacteria. R. 11. 10.. 14. D. 10-11. for organism identification. 32-33. 32. 43t Sharma.. 3-5. 15 with May. 24-25. A. W.. 19. with Warscheid. 1 Tiano. W. 34. P.. A. 12t. I. 6 Schneider. 32 Serk-Hanssen. 38-39. 23 with Jain. J.. 15 Sieburth.. N.. 41t. 8 Schostak. 33 Sarkar. J. 28. 10. V. 7 Seshadri. 34. 26t. K.. B. 14. 15. J.. 11. P. R. B.. 11 Sinha. 12 sulfur compounds.. H. N. with Brown.. 34. 35-36. M. 32-34.. T. with Singh. for organism identification. 14-15. 46t with Kumar. 29-30 spraying. J. autotrophic. R. 30. G. 27 with Saxena. 4-5. 15 Shi. D. K. 17t Singh. cleaning off. P. 30 with Caneva. T. 32. 14 taxonomy.. 46t Sneyers. 18.. A.. K. 14 Sanchez. 11. 16 Tandon. with Seshadri. 24-25. K... with Krumbein. with Duff. 10.. 13t. with Allsopp. 22 Tailor. 20t-21t. K. 4-6. V. S. M. 7. C. 23 Shah.. with Cepero. F.. 13t. 41t. with Robins.. 28.. 21t. Y. B.. 22-23 Siswowiyanto. as coverings. R. 43t Talpasayi. 43t-44t sodium hypochloride. with Sharma. 4 Sterflinger. 41t Shephard. 15 Schnurer... 2 Subhumid. N. 2-3 Turner. 43t Van Asperen De Boer. A. 3 wet. C. D. with Mortland. 35 water. R. with Lisi. with Bettini. 16. as biocide. 2 tropical wet-and-dry climates. G. 36 Warscheid. 23 Wilderer. 7. 4 Wright. as protection. with Giantomassi.. with Krumbein.. characteristics of. 11 ultrasound. 15 Uehara. 7 Zagari. M.. 35 with Lisi. 8 Yun-Kyung. with Charola. 41t zinc hexafluosilicate. definition of. 13-16 Wakefield. 1 thermal requirement for. 2 tropical regions biodeterioration in. 1 and latitude. 32. P. A. with Frey. 6 Upreti. 12t-13t. 2 tropical rainforests.. C. 17t. G. 46t Wynne. 12-14. 55 vegetation. A. J. E. Y. R. D.. with Tiano. C.. B. P. cleaning with. quantification of. L. 7 Wolters. Y. 18 toxicity.. 15 Williams. H. C.. M.. as biocides.. 14 vascular. 50 Zitelli. C. for organism identification... 12t. 55 Young. 43t Walsby. 14 with Meincke. 20t. H. Y. 30 Zari. as biocide. 38.. 33. with Salvadori.. A. 18. 44t Vizcaino. J.... M. 36-37 tributyltin oxide. N. M.. 16 tropical climates monsoon. 2-3 wet tropical climates. D. R. M. E. 7 with Krumbein.. de la.. A. B. definition of. 18 Von-Reis. with Krumbein. 12t. 32 with Becker. 33. J. 15 Ware. with Harvey. 43t Zaikina. 50-51 Webley. general aspects of. M. 38. D. C. 43t. 20. 18 Wypyski.Index 85 Torre. 25 Williams.. with Krumbein. 1-3 Köppen's classification of. 2 Wheeler. 5-7. 7 Wollenzien. I. 15 with Duff. J. 30. 34. 6-8... M. with Krumbein. A. S. with Koestler.. 17 with Jones. 14 Vannucci. 18-19... 20. J. characteristics of. 35. 15 Villa.. 14. A.. E. T. with Fogg. 7. 11 Wilson.. with Stambolov. 25. 19t wet-and-dry tropical climates. D. 10. 24-25 ... with Robins. 16 xerophilous. 27 Wolf. 46t research on. 34. W. with Mamonova. E. D. A.. 1 modified. 22 Urzi. 11. 33 Tricart. K.. with de la Torre. 15 Wee. E. 10. with Bold. G. 37-38 Walker.. 22-23 Winkler. 30.. 23 Voute. 31-32 water repellents. B. M.. 26t zinc compounds. J. 1 Tripathi. characteristics of. 1-9 characteristics of. S. with Singh. 15.. 29 Viles. 15. 30-31.. U. Bethel. in Mt. Kumar received her B. S.About the Authors Rakesh Kumar received his Ph. Los Angeles. Louisiana. Los Angeles. has provided her services for many historically significant buildings in the United States. and her M. particularly for application in tropical regions. Inc. Natchitoches. She has worked for institutions such as the Society for Preservation of New England Antiquities. where he is working on the development and evaluation of ultraviolet-cured coatings for architectural panels. Central America. She is currently an architectural conservator at the New England Regional Office of Building Conservation Associates. Boston. in Historic Preservation in 1992 from the University of Pennsylvania. for more than eight years. and the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training. in organic chemistry from the University of Gorakhpur. Natchitoches. and the Indian subcontinent. he is technical director at United Panel. Anuradha V. his research was focused on new coatings and biocides for the preservation of historical building materials. India. Philadelphia. . the Getty Conservation Institute. His professional activities have centered on the development and evaluation of consolidants and coatings for preservation of architectural building materials. He has worked for organizations such as the science branch of the Archaeological Survey of India. Massachusetts. India. During this time. Arch. Pennsylvania. and the Getty Conservation Institute. in 1989 from the Center for Environmental Planning and Technology. Ahmedabad.D. Currently. National Center for Preservation Technology and Training. in Dedham. Louisiana. She has specialized in the conservation of historic masonry structures and preservation planning and.. Inc.. in 1989 and completed his postdoctoral work in 1992 at University College London.
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