175365547 Sap Hr Config All

March 28, 2018 | Author: Sushantgupta015 | Category: Human Resource Management, Employment, Recruitment, Mail, Advertising



SAP HRMContents: • Organizational Management • Personnel Administration • Recruitment • Time Management • Payroll • Travel Management • CATS • ESS. • Schema & PCR • E-Recruitment Organizational Management • Existing Organizational Units • Staff Functions for Organizational Units • Organizational Structure with Persons • Organizational Structure with Work Centers • Existing Jobs • Job Description • Complete Job Description • Periods for Unoccupied Positions • Existing Positions • Position Description • Vacant Positions • Obsolete Positions • Complete Position Description • Reporting Structure without Persons • Reporting Structure with Persons • Existing Tasks • Activity Profile of Positions • Activity Profile of Positions with Persons • Existing Objects • Structure Display/Maintenance 1 Organizational Management Organizational Structure 2 OVERALL ORGANISATION STRUCTURE The overall organization structure can be summarized in the figure below. The various organizational elements are described with the code to be used in configuration alongside. EnterpriseStructure: 3 DefineCompany: 4 DefineCompanyCode: DefinePersonnelAreas: 5 PersonnelSubareas: EmployeeGroups: 6 EmployeeSubgroups: Assignment: 1. Assignmentof Companycodeto Company: 2. Assignmentof Personnelareato CompanyCode: 3. Assignemployeesubgroupto Employeegroup: 7 PlanVersion: Set ActivePlanVersion: Maintain NumberRangesfor OrganizationalObjects: 8 Set up Numberassignmentfor all planversions: DataModelEnhancement: MaintainObjecttypes: MaintainInfotypes: 9 MaintainSubtypes: MaintainRelationships: 10 MaintainEvaluationpaths: Integration: Set up IntegrationwithPersonnelAdministration: 11 TransferdatafromPersonnelAdministration(RHINTE00) 12 PrepareIntegrationwith PersonnelAdministration.(RHINTE01) TransferDatato PersonnelAdministration(RHINTE30) 13 CheckIntegrationConsistency(RHINTE20) 14 PersonnelAdministration MaintainUserParameters: 15 MaintainNumberRangeIntervalsfor Personnelnumbers: DetermineDefaultfor NumberRanges: 16 PERSONAL DATA In this section, the system settings are configured for all the infotypes that store personal data for the employee. This group includes the following infotypes: • Addresses !nfotype 0006" • #erson$l %$t$ !nfotype 0002" • &$'ily()el$ted #erson !nfotype 0021" • !dentific$tion !nfotype 0185" * 17 Create Forms for Address: Create Names Affixes: 18 Maintain Titles: Create Marital Status: 19 amil!"Relate# Person $In%ot!&e ''()* Data concerning, the employee’s family members / other related persons stored in the Family Members/Dependents infotype (0021). All necessary configurations pertaining to this infotype is done under this section. FamilyMembers In this step, the type of relationship between employees and their relatives are defined. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Personal Data ./ amil! -. De%ine &ossi0le %amil! mem0ers DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy SUBTY ZEITB OBJRQ STEXT 01 3 Father 02 3 Mother 03 3 Spouse 04 3 Son 05 3 Daughter 06 3 Brother 07 3 Sister 20 A##resses $In%ot!&e '''1* In the Addresses infotype (0006), the address data of an employee/applicant is stored. The employee’s address is used in conjunction with the employee’s/applicant’s name, taken from the Personal Data infotype (0002), for employee lists of different kinds, for forms, or for address labels. In this step, the system settings for the infotype Addresses (0006) is done. The Addresses infotype is used to store an employee's/applicants address(es). AddressTypes In this step, create the address types as per requirement. The address types are defined as subtypes of infotype 0006, Addresses. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Personal Data ./ A##resses -. Create a##ress t!&es DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy SUBTY STEXT ZEITB 1 Permanent Address 1 2 Temporary residence 3 3 Home address 2 4 Emergency address 2 5 Mailing address 2 6 Nursing address 2 7 Address provided during Separation. 2 8 Present Address 2 21 I#enti%i-ation $In%ot!&e ')23* This infotype is used to store personal identification details of an employee. In this section, settings which affect the infotype Identification (0185) need to be maintained. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Personal Data ./ I#enti%i-ation -. Maintain t!&es o% i#enti%i-ation Contra-t,al an# Cor&orate Agreements Contra-t Elements $In%ot!&e '')1* In the Contract Elements infotype (0016), data related to the employee’s employment contract is stored. 22 Contra-t,al Reg,lations With the Contract type field, you can subdivide contracts of employment in accordance with the planned duration of the work relationship and the employee’s legal status. You can or must also record the following information here: &or te'por$ry wor/ rel$tionships0 you 'ust enter the contr$ct1s e2piry d$te 3$lid until"* ContractTypes In this step, contract categories are configured. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Contra-t,al an# Cor&orate Agreements ./ Contra-t Elements -. De%ine -ontra-t t!&es DeterminedefaultContractelements: 23 E4al,ation 5asis Monitoring o% Tas6 $In%ot!&e '')7* The infotype monitoring of dates (0019) is provided so that HR personnel can monitor certain dates. In this infotype, all the dates that affect an employee and dates which the personnel administrators should be reminded of by the system, are stored. Tasktype In this step, task types with standard lead times and standard follow-up times as well as indicators for additional tests are defined. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. E4al,ation 5asis ./ Monitoring o% Tas6s -. Determine Tas6 T!&e DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy 24 DateSpecifications: 25 Calculationof EmploymentPeriod: DefineConversionRules: 26 Em&lo!ee 8,ali%i-ations This group includes the following infotypes:  4duc$tion !nfotype 0022"  ,ther(#re3ious 4'ployers !nfotype 0023" E#,-ation $In%ot!&e ''((* All data pertaining to employee’s/ applicant’s education qualifications is stored in the Education infotype (0022). The standard system contains different educational establishment types as subtypes: If you want to store information about the complete education and training history of an employee/applicant, you have to create as many data records as necessary for the respective subtypes of this infotype. Enter the respective dates of the training period as the validity period. You can enter the following data for each educational establishment type: Education/training or occup$tion the e'ployee($pplic$nt h$s $c5uired* 4duc$tion $nd tr$ining c$tegory* !nstitute(#l$ce e*g* 6ni3ersity for $pplied science"* 7ountry 8ey0 i*e* the country in which the educ$tion(tr$ining institution is 9$sed* 7ertific$te* %ur$tion of course* &in$l '$r/* Branch of study. 27 SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Em&lo!ee 8,ali%i-ations ./ E#,-ation an# Training -. Create e#,-ation esta0lis9ment t!&es DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Nature Educ.est. text 01 Certificate Course 02 Diploma 03 Doctorate 04 Graduate 05 Master Diploma (2yea 06 Post Graduate 07 Post Graduate Diplom 08 Professional 09 Under Graduate 10 Vocational SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Em&lo!ee 8,ali%i-ations ./ E#,-ation an# Training -. De%ine E#,-ation"Training 28 Otherandpreviousemployers: Ot9er"Pre4io,s Em&lo!ers $In%ot!&e ''(+* In the Other/Previous Employers infotype (0023), information on other work contracts of an employee or applicant is stored. If more than one of an employee’s or applicant’s employers need to be enter, create many data records within this infotype, each with their respective validity period. Specify the employer’s name and the country it is based in for each employer. Following details can be also stored: 7ity in which the co'p$ny is 9$sed* !ndustry in which the co'p$ny is $cti3e* :o9 th$t the e'ployee or $pplic$nt c$rried out or c$rries out* ;or/ contr$ct with other e'ployer* In this section, the necessary settings for infotype Previous Employment (0023) are done. 29 SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Em&lo!ee 8,ali%i-ations ./ Ot9er"Pre4io,s Em&lo!ers -. Create em&lo!er:s in#,str! se-tor DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Indus. Description 0001 Oil & Gas Ind. 0002 Consulting 0003 Consumer 0004 Hi-Tech 0005 Insurance 0006 ITES 0007 Oil & Gas - Downstream 0008 Oil & Gas - Upstream 0009 Telecom 0010 Manufacturing 0011 Pharmaceutical 0012 Others 0013 NGO 0014 Hotels 0015 FMCG 0017 Service Industry 0018 Others 30 SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Em&lo!ee 8,ali%i-ations ./ Ot9er"Pre4io,s Em&lo!ers -. Create a-ti4ities in em&lo!ment DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Job Text 00000001 Geologist 00000002 Site Engg. 00000003 Surveyor Communication:infotyoe:0105. Comm,ni-ation Comm,ni-ation $In%ot!&e ')'3* An employee’ communication ID is stored in the Communication infotype (0105). An employee’s communication ID is valid for a certain type of communication (such as ERP system, Internet). In this chapter, all necessary customizing is prepared for this infotype. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. Comm,ni-ation ./ Create -omm,ni-ation t!&es 31 32 C,stomizing &ro-e#,res In this chapter, system will be set up so that a large part of the work processes used in the enterprise are reflected in the HR System. For example, we can determine which infotypes are to be proposed as defaults when a person is hired or if an employee's organizational assignment changes. In the HR System, hiring is considered to be a personnel action; one can define and describe personnel actions as per requirement of an organization. One can set up own menus as per requirement. One can initiate actions so that they depend on the existence of certain infotypes and/or their contents. A-tions In this chapter, personnel actions together with the possible reasons are defined and the work contents and the choice of actions for the administrator. Defineinfogroups 33 SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. C,stomizing Pro-e#,res ./ A-tions ./ De%ine in%ogro,&s DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Infogroup 01 Hiring User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 00 INS 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 01 INS 0002 Personal Data 99 03 INS 0006 8 Addresses 99 04 INS 0006 1 Addresses 99 05 INS 0007 Planned Working Time 99 06 INS 0008 Basic Pay 99 07 INS 0009 Bank Details 99 09 INS 0021 Family Member/Dependents 99 10 INS 0021 Family Member/Dependents 99 11 INS 0021 Family Member/Dependents 99 12 INS 0021 Family Member/Dependents 99 13 INS 0021 Family Member/Dependents Infogroup AA Confirmation User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext Infogroup AB Promotion User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 34 99 01 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 02 COP 0008 Basic Pay Infogroup AC Transfer User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 01 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 02 COP 0008 Basic Pay Infogroup AD Re-designation User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 00 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment Infogroup AE MidYearSalary Review User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 00 COP 0008 Basic Pay Infogroup AF Secondment User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 03 COP 0008 Basic Pay 99 04 COP 0007 Planned Working 35 Time 99 05 COP 0395 External Organizational Assignment 99 06 COP 0396 Expatriation Infogroup AG Repatriation User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 01 COP 0395 External Organizational Assignment 99 03 COP 0008 Basic Pay Infogroup AH Repatriation User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 01 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 02 COP 0019 Monitoring of Tasks Infogroup AI Goingto be Separated User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 00 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment Infogroup AJ Temporary Assignment User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 03 COP 0008 Basic Pay 99 04 COP 0007 Planned Working 36 Time 99 05 COP 0395 External Organizational Assignment Infogroup AK promotion& Transfer User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 01 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 02 COP 0008 Basic Pay Infogroup AL Transfer& Re- designation User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 01 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 02 COP 0008 Basic Pay Infogroup AM Relocation User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 01 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 02 COP 0008 BasicPay Infogroup AN TempAssignment to Secondment User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 03 COP 0008 Basic Pay 99 04 COP 0007 Planned Working Time 37 99 05 COP 0395 External Organizational Assignment Infogroup 84 Separation User group Infogrmod. No Op. IType SC STy. Infotypetext 99 02 COP 0001 Organizational Assignment 99 09 LIS9 0185 Personal IDs 99 10 LIS9 0185 Personal IDs 99 11 LIS9 0008 Basic Pay Create customer-specific status SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. C,stomizing Pro-e#,res ./ A-tions ./ Create -,stomer.s&e-i%i- stat,s DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Stat. Name 1 On Probation 2 Confirmed 3 On Temp. Assignment / Secondment 4 Inactive Employee Set up personnelactions SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. C,stomizing Pro-e#,res ./ A-tions ./ Set ,& &ersonnel a-tions DescriptionandConfigurationValues 38 The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Act. Nameof actiontype FC Cust. Stat. Empl. Stat. Spe. Stat. Check IG Dte U0000 U0302 Cntry Reass 01 Hiring 1 1 3 10 X X 20 Separation 0 0 0 84 1 X X 62 Hire applicant 7 1 3 1 48 X X AA Confirmation 0 2 3 AA X X AB Promotion 0 2 3 AB X X AC Transfer 0 2 3 AC X X AD Re-designation 0 2 3 AD X X AE Mid Year Salary Review 0 2 3 AE X X AF Secondment 0 3 3 AF X X AG Repatriation 0 2 3 AG X X AH Probation extension 0 1 3 AH X X AI Going to be Separated 0 1 3 AI X X AJ Temp. Assignment 0 3 3 AJ X X AK Promotion & Transfer 0 2 3 AK X X AL Transfer & Re- designation 0 2 3 AL X X AM Relocation 0 2 3 AM X X AN Temp Assign conv to Secondment 0 3 3 AN X X Create reasons for personnel actions SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. C,stomizing Pro-e#,res ./ A-tions ./ Create reasons %or &ersonnel a-tions DescriptionandConfigurationValues 39 The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Act. Nameof actiontype ActR Nameof reasonfor action 01 Hiring 20 Separation 20 Separation 01 Retirement 20 Separation 02 Resignation 20 Separation 04 Termination 20 Separation 09 Death of employee 62 Hire applicant AA Confirmation AB Promotion AC Transfer AC Transfer 01 Vacancy AC Transfer 02 Career progression AC Transfer 03 Personal reason AD Re-designation Better Reflection Of Role AD Re-designation 01 Change in Job /Role AD Re-designation 02 Change in titling Protocol AE Mid Year Salary Review AE Mid Year Salary Review 01 Internal Parity AE Mid Year Salary Review 02 Market Correction AF Secondment AG Repatriation AH Probation extension Unsatisfactory Performance AI Going to be Separated AI Going to be Separated 01 Retirement AI Going to be Separated 02 Resignation AJ Temp. Assignment AN Temp Assign conv to Secondment 01 Changeactionmenu 40 SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. C,stomizing Pro-e#,res ./ A-tions ./ C9ange a-tion men, DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Menu 01 Actions User group No Action Nameof Actiontype 99 01 01 Hiring 99 02 AA Confirmation 99 03 AB Promotion 99 04 AC Transfer 99 05 AD Re-designation 99 06 AE Mid Year Salary Review 99 07 AF Secondment 99 08 AG Repatriation 99 09 20 Separation 99 10 62 Hire applicant 99 11 AH Probation extension 99 12 AI Going to be Separated 99 13 AJ Temp. Assignment 99 14 AK Promotion & Transfer 99 15 AL Transfer & Re-designation 99 16 AM Relocation 99 17 AN Temp Assign conv to Secondment Dynamic Actions Configuration is done to control the initiation of actions when maintaining an infotype record. This can be the maintenance of an additional infotype record or performing a routine. 41 For each action, it can be determined whether it is always carried out when changes made an infotype or a subtype or whether it is only carried out if changes made to certain fields. Settings can be made to specify whether the action is to be carried out for "Change", "Create" and/or "Delete" record. We can also specify default values for a record that is to be created. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Personnel A#ministration -. C,stomizing Pro-e#,res ./ D!nami- A-tions DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy IType STy. Field FC No. S Variablefunctionpart 0000 04 227 *** CALL ROUTINE FOR LETTER* 0000 04 228 P *P0000-MASSN='AD' 0000 04 229 P *T001P-MOLGA='40' 0000 04 230 F *SUB_REDESIGNATION (ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 231 P P0000-MASSN='AH' 0000 04 232 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0000 04 233 F SUB_PROBATION_EXT (ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 234 P P0000-MASSN='AA' 0000 04 235 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0000 04 236 F SUB_CONFIRMATION (ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 237 P *P0000-MASSN='AC' 0000 04 238 P *T001P-MOLGA='40' 0000 04 239 F *SUB_TRANSFER 42 (ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 240 P P0000-MASSN='20' 0000 04 241 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0000 04 242 F SUB_SERVICE_LETTER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 243 P P0000-MASSN='AI' 0000 04 244 P P0000-MASSG='01' 0000 04 245 F SUB_RETIREMENT_LETTER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 246 P P0000-MASSN='AI' 0000 04 247 P P0000-MASSG='02' 0000 04 248 F SUB_ACCEPT_RESIGNATION(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 249 P P0000-MASSN='20' 0000 04 250 P P0000-MASSG='02' 0000 04 251 F SUB_RELIEVING_ORDER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0000 04 252 P P0000-MASSN='AI' 0000 04 253 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0000 04 254 M S0001 0001 04 228 P P0000-MASSN='AD' 0001 04 229 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0001 04 230 F SUB_REDESIGNATION(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0001 04 237 * P0000-MASSN='AC' 0001 04 238 * T001P-MOLGA='40' 0001 04 239 * SUB_TRANSFER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0001 04 249 * P0000-MASSN='AC' 0001 04 253 * SUB_TRANSFER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0008 04 237 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0008 04 238 P PSPAR-MASSN='AC' 0008 04 239 F SUB_TRANSFER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0008 04 241 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0008 04 249 P P0000-MASSN='AC' 0008 04 250 F SUB_TRANSFER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0008 04 253 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 43 0008 04 254 P PSPAR-MASSN='AB' 0008 04 255 F SUB_PROMOTION_LETTER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0008 04 259 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0008 04 260 P PSPAR-MASSN='AE' 0008 04 261 F SUB_REVISED_SALARY_LETTER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0395 04 001 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0395 04 002 P PSPAR-MASSN='AF' 0395 04 003 F SUB_SECONDMENT_LETTER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) 0395 04 004 P T001P-MOLGA='40' 0395 04 005 P PSPAR-MASSN='AJ' 0395 04 006 F SUB_ASSIGNMENT_LETTER(ZHRG_INC_DYNAMICACTION) RECRUITMENT The $9ility to 'eet personnel re5uire'ents is /ey for enterprises* The success of $n enterprise depends on such f$ctors $s the 5u$lity $nd $3$il$9ility of personnel* !t is p$rticul$rly i'port$nt for the de3elop'ent $nd success of e2p$nding enterprises th$t they h$3e 5uic/ $ccess to $de5u$te personnel* This co'ponent h$s $ll the functions needed for wor/ing through the entire recruit'ent procedure0 fro' cre$ting $pplic$nt d$t$ to filling 3$c$nt positions* The )ecruit'ent co'ponent cont$ins $n entire r$nge of powerful0 fle2i9le functions th$t c$n 9e used to i'ple'ent $n effecti3e < $nd l$rgely $uto'$ted < recruit'ent str$tegy* The )ecruit'ent co'ponent c$n 9e used to recruit hu'$n resources $ccording to re5uire'ents0 $t $ny ti'e* Applic$nts d$t$ c$n 9e stored th$t h$3e not dee'ed suit$9le for $ p$rticul$r 3$c$ncy in the Applic$nt #ool0 where they c$n 9e considered for other or future 3$c$ncies* This co'ponent en$9les to define $ recruit'ent procedure th$t suits the needs of enterprise* T$s/s c$n 9e distri9uted $nd responsi9ilities c$n 9e fi2ed to different people0 in3ol3ed in the recruit'ent process* )ecruit'ent supports in di3iding $nd $ssigning $d'inistr$ti3e $nd decision-'$/ing t$s/ $re$s* =$ny t$s/s c$n 9e processed 3i$ '$ss processing* The )ecruit'ent co'ponent pro3ides dyn$'ic $ctions to en$9le to $uto'$te '$ny processes* &or e2$'ple0 when initi$l d$t$ for $pplic$nt is entered0 the syste' cre$tes $ confir'$tion of receipt in the for' of $n $pplic$nt $cti3ity $nd $ letter confir'ing receipt of $pplic$tion* This reduces the $d'inistr$ti3e t$s/s re5uired of the >) dep$rt'ent for $pplic$nt correspondence* 44 ;or6%or-e Re<,irements an# A#4ertising The Recruitment component enables to document workforce requirements and the way it is been advertised in the SAP system. A company's workforce requirements are represented in the Workforce. Requirements and Advertising component by means of vacancies. A vacancy is a description of a position that must be staffed, either completely or partially. The recruitment process is triggered by the creation of a vacancy. The recruitment procedure is initiated by the creation of a vacancy, and its purpose is to fill vacancies. Vacancies are published in advertisements. If a candidate applies for a job in response to an advertisement, he or she must be assigned to this advertisement during the initial entry of basic data phase. By assigning an applicant to an advertisement here, the system can propose a likely vacancy assignment for the applicant. This proposed vacancy assignment can be overwritten if unsuitable. Assignment of an unsolicited applicant to a vacancy depends solely on the decisions of the personnel officer or line manager responsible. For this reason, default values cannot be proposed here. If the candidate has applied in response to an advertisement, he / she must be assigned to a recruitment instrument and a medium using the advertisement. This assignment means that you can analyze the effectiveness of the recruitment instruments and media used by company. In this section, all the necessary system settings are done for the administration of workforce requirements and advertising. Createmedia 45 In this step we create the media used by company. The medium serves two purposes in Recruitment: • It is used to classify all recruitment instruments. For example, the recruitment instruments "Washington Post" and "New York Times" are classified under the medium "Press". The applicant class is an attribute of the medium and indicates whether a medium is used to attract internal or external applicants. SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Re-r,itment -. ;or6%or-e Re<,irement an# A#4ertisement ./ Create Me#ia DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Medium Nameof medium ApCl Applicantclasstext 01 Press AP External applicant 02 Employment office AP External applicant 03 Exec.search agency AP External applicant 04 Posters P Internal applicant 05 Mail P Internal applicant 06 Internal press P Internal applicant 10 University AP External applicant 11 Trade fairs AP External applicant 12 Headhunter AP External applicant 15 Internet AP External applicant Createrecruitmentinstruments !n this step0 the recruit'ent instru'ents0 which co'p$ny uses0 $re 9eing configured* 46 43ery ?o9 $d3ertise'ent is pu9lished in $ recruit'ent instru'ent* )ecruit'ent instru'ents $re cl$ssified $ccording to the 'edi$ used* ;e c$n store $ cont$ct n$'e $nd $ddress /ey for e$ch recruit'ent instru'ent* The $ddress /ey c$n 9e used to store the $ddress of $ cont$ct" for $ recruit'ent instru'ent in step @7re$te $ddresses for recruit'ent instru'ents@* SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Re-r,itment -. ;or6%or-e Re<,irement an# A#4ertisement ./ Create re-r,itment instr,ment DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Instrum. Instrument Medium Nameof medium Address Contact 00000001 Times of India 01 Press 00000002 Indian Express 01 Press 00000003 Monster.com 15 Internet 00000004 Cairn Portal 15 Internet 00000005 Internal magazine 06 Internal press 00000006 Outlook email 05 Mail 00000007 Anna University 10 University 00000008 Naukri.com 15 Internet 00000009 Hindu 01 Press 00000010 Economic Times 01 Press A&&li-ant A#ministration This component is used to coordinate and monitor all the steps involved in applicant administration. The two-tiered data entry concept provides a fast and easy way to enter and structure unsolicited applications, and applications in response to a specific advertisement. CreatePersonnelOfficer 47 !n this step we cre$te co'p$nyAs personnel officers* #ersonnel officers process the $pplic$tions $ssigned to the' $ccording to their $uthoriB$tion fro' the #ersonnel %ep$rt'ent* #ersonnel officers for )ecruit'ent 'ust 9e cre$ted $s p$rt of $d'inistr$tor group A##C* ;e c$n use $n !% of our choice for the personnel officer* SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Re-r,itment -. A&&li-ant A#ministration ./ Create Personnel O%%i-er DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy: Grp Ad. Administratorname Title Tel.no. SAPName APPL NID Nidhi Ms APPL NIR Nirmal Mr APPL PRV Pravin Mr APPL PUR Purnima Ms APPL PUS Pushpendra Mr APPL SHB Shoba Ms APPL STU Stuti Ms APPL SUN Sunayna Ms A&&li-ant Str,-t,re When their data is first entered in the system, applicants are structured according to the following criteria: • Internal or external applicants. • Unsolicited applicants / Applicants who applied in response to an advertisement. • Applicant Groups. • Applicant range. Internal applicants are those employed by the company on the date that the job application is received. External applicants are those not employed by the company on this date. This latter grouping can therefore also include former employees of the company. 48 The procedure for entering data is different for internal and external applicants. We have to manually enter all required data on external applicants. When dealing with internal applicants, however, we can import data such as name and address simply by specifying the candidate's personnel number. We can overwrite this data, if necessary. Both internal and external applicants can submit unsolicited applications, or apply in response to an advertisement. We need to assign applicants who file an unsolicited application to an unsolicited application group during initial data entry. An unsolicited application group is a user-definable criterion for use in structuring unsolicited applications. An applicant group is used to group together applicants on the basis of the type of work relationship for which they have applied (for example, employees with a permanent contract, employees with a temporary contract, freelance workers, and so on). The applicant class is a characteristic of the applicant group. The applicant class indicates whether the applicant is internal (applicant class P) or external (applicant class AP). The applicant range is another user-definable criterion used for classifying applicants. Generally speaking, it classifies applicants on the basis of either hierarchical or functional criteria. Classifying the applicants hierarchically involves dividing them into groups, such as executive employees, salaried employees, skilled workers, and so on. Functional classification involves dividing them according to areas of employment, such as executive board, administration department, production, and so on. ApplicantGroup SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Re-r,itment -. A&&li-ant A#ministration ./ A&&li-ant Str,-t,re ./ Create A&&li-ant Gro,& DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy AG App.group ApCl ApplicantClass Text 1 Nationals AP External applicant 2 Expatriates AP External 49 applicant ApplicantRange SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Re-r,itment -. A&&li-ant A#ministration ./ A&&li-ant Str,-t,re ./ Create A&&li-ant Range DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy: AR Applicantrange 01 Employee 02 Consultants 03 Third Party Consult Unsolicitedapplicationgroups SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Personnel Management -> Re-r,itment -. A&&li-ant A#ministration ./ A&&li-ant Str,-t,re ./ Create ,nsoli-ite# a&&li-ation gro,&s DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy UAGp Unsol.app.group 001 Bihar Asset 002 Business Development 003 CEO's Office 004 Communications 50 005 COO's Office 006 Design Office 007 Drilling 008 Exploration 009 Finance 010 HR & Admin 011 HSE,CSR & LAND Acq. 012 IT&C and IM 013 Legal 014 Petroleum Engg 015 Procurement 016 Production 017 Production -RV & CB A&&li-ant Sele-tion A&&li-ant A-ti4ities In the Recruitment component, applicant activities are used to enter, log, and plan all the tasks performed for an applicant during the selection procedure. Applicant activities are administrative stages through which an applicant passes during the course of the application procedure. The following characteristics are among those used to identify an applicant activity: • Activity type The activity type denotes the activity that is to be carried out for an applicant (e.g. Mail confirmation of receipt, Mail invitation to interview, Appointment for interview). • Activity status The activity status indicates whether the activity has already been performed for an applicant (completed) or is still to be performed (planned). • Performance date For planned activities, the performance date indicates the date by or on which the activity is to be carried out; for completed activities it indicates the date on which they were actually carried out. 51 • Person responsible for activity This employee is responsible for ensuring that the activity is carried out on or by the deadline specified, and may be responsible for carrying it out him/herself. ApplicantActivitytypes SAP R"+ Role Men, #erson$l %$t$ Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> PersonnelManagement-> Recruitment-> ApplicantSelection-> ApplicantActivities -> ApplicantActivityTypes-> Createapplicant activitytypes DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy Ac Activ. sh.text Act.typelongtext System Fnction SystemFunctionText 001 Receipt Mail confirmation of receipt P Applicant correspondence 002 Transfer file Transfer applicant file 003 File returned File returned 004 Video interview Video Conference P Applicant correspondence 005 Telecon-Intrvue Phone based P Applicant correspondence 006 Face-Face-Intrw Face to face P Applicant correspondence 007 Test invitation Mail invitation to test P Applicant correspondence 008 Test date Date of applicant test 009 Appraisal Hand in appraisal 010 Mail contract Mail contract P Applicant correspondence 011 Rejection Mail rejection letter P Applicant correspondence 012 Travel expenses Travel expense accounting 013 Approve hiring Approve hiring 52 014 Hiring date Hiring date 015 Transfer data Transfer applicant data D Transfer data to employee 016 Interim reply Mail interim reply P Applicant correspondence 017 Hire applicant Hire applicant 018 Medical exam. Medical examination 019 Contr.returned Contract returned by applicant 020 Reject appl. Reject applicant 021 Offer contract Mail offer of contract P Applicant correspondence 022 On hold Put applicant on hold P Applicant correspondence 023 Work contract Send work contract 090 Telephonic Int. Telephonic Interview P Applicant correspondence 091 Face-face Int. Face-to-face Interview P Applicant correspondence ________________________ DefaultValues Feature: PACPA PACPA Parameter Settings for Follow-up Actions Object Feature Task This feature defines how the parameters are to be set for actions proposed as follow-up actions. Follow-up actions are defined using feature PACPP. Use In transaction PB60 using "Foll.actions" function key. Procedure The return matrix of the feature has the following structure: XXXXX ZZZZZ. XXXXX: Field name for an action (APLACTI4) 53 o PLDAT Performance date (mandatory field). o PLTIM Performance time. o RECTK Indicator as to whether 'planned' actions are to be carried out using recurring tasks. o IDTXT Text number for standard text. o PERNR Pers.no. of person responsible for action. ZZZZZ: Value entered in field, 20 characters long. o PLDAT ZZZZZ = nn Number of days, added to date of previous action to obtain performance date. If this date is already past, the system proposes the current date as a default. o RECTK ZZZZZ = X Planned action is carried out using recurring tasks. o PERNR ZZZZZ = 8-digit personnel number from the master database. The next line in the feature is accessed by means of operation NEXTR. The last line of an action ends with a comma (not NEXTR). Line Variable key F C Operations 000010 D APACT 000020 004 &PACPA=IDTXT INTERVIEW_INTIMATION_LETTER, NEXTR A 000030 004 A &PACPA=RECTK X, NEXTR B 000040 004 B &PACPA=PLDAT 1, 000050 005 &PACPA=IDTXT INTERVIEW_INTIMATION_LETTER, NEXTR A 000060 005 A &PACPA=RECTK X, NEXTR B 000070 005 B &PACPA=PLDAT 1, 000080 006 &PACPA=IDTXT INTERVIEW_INTIMATION_LETTER, NEXTR A 000090 006 A &PACPA=RECTK X, NEXTR B 000100 006 B &PACPA=PLDAT 1, 54 000110 007 &PACPA=IDTXT INVITATION, NEXTR A 000120 007 A &PACPA=RECTK X, NEXTR B 000130 007 B &PACPA=PLDAT 1, 000140 008 &PACPA=PLDAT 10, 000150 010 &PACPA=IDTXT OFFER-CONTRACT, NEXTR A 000160 010 A &PACPA=RECTK X, NEXTR B 000170 010 B &PACPA=PLDAT 20, 000180 011 &PACPA=IDTXT REJECTION_LETTER, NEXTR A 000190 011 A &PACPA=RECTK X, NEXTR B 000200 011 B &PACPA=PLDAT 20, 000210 016 &PACPA=IDTXT PRELIMINARY-RECEIPT, NEXTR A 000220 016 A &PACPA=RECTK X, NEXTR B 000230 016 B &PACPA=PLDAT 2, 000240 020 &PACPA=PLDAT 2, 000250 *** &PACPA=PLDAT 2, NEXTR A 000260 *** A &PACPA=PERNR 2, NEXTR B 000270 *** B &PACPA=PERN1 3, NEXTR C 000280 *** C &PACPA=PERN2 4, Time Management The Ti'e =$n$ge'ent co'ponent offers the support in perfor'ing $ll hu'$n resources processes in3ol3ing the pl$nning0 recording0 $nd 3$lu$tion of intern$l $nd e2tern$l e'ployees1 wor/ perfor'ed $nd $9sence ti'es* 55 Ti'e =$n$ge'ent h$s user-oriented interf$ces th$t support centr$liBed $nd decentr$liBed entry $nd $d'inistr$tion of ti'e $nd l$9or d$t$* %$t$ c$n 9e processed centr$lly 9y $d'inistr$tors in the hu'$n resources dep$rt'ent or else in indi3idu$l dep$rt'ents 9y ti'e $d'inistr$tors such $s super3isors0 secret$ries0 $nd e'ployees the'sel3es* WorkSchedules i. Define Public Holiday Classes PersonalSubAreaGroupings i. Group Personal Sub Areas for the Work Schedule ii. Group Personal Sub Areas for the Daily Work Schedule DailyWorkSchedule • %efine Dre$/ +chedule • %efine )ules for 3$ri$nts • Define Daily work Schedule PeriodWorkSchedule • Define Period Work Schedules Da! T!&es • Define Day Types • Define Selection rules • Define Special days WorkSchedulerulesandWorkSchedules  Define Employee subgroup Groupings  Define Groupings for the Public Holiday Calendar  Set Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules  Generate Work Schedules Manually  Generate Work Schedules in Batch PlannedWorkingTime  Set Default Value for the Work Schedule  Set Which Hour Fields Are Entry Fields  Define Working Weeks  Set Default Value for Time Management Status TimeDataRecordingandAdministration  Absences 1) Absence Catalog: • Group Personnel Sub areas for Attendances and Absences. • Define Absence Types • Define Illness Types • Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes. 2) Absence Counting: • Define Counting Classes for the Period Work Schedule. 3) Rules for Absence Counting (New): • Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas. 56 • Group Personnel Sub areas for Time Quotas. • Define Rules for Rounding Counted Absences. • Define Counting Rules. • Assign Counting Rules to Attendance Types. 4) Special Absence Data: • Maternity Protection • Set Eligibility for Info type • Define Absence Types • Define Types of Birth • Define Maternity Protection Periods • Define Default Absence Types ManagingTimeAccountsUsingAttendance/Absence Quotas: • Setting Groupings for Time Quotas • Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas • Group Personnel Sub areas for Time Quotas. • Time Quota Types Create Number Range Intervals Define Absence Quota Types Define Absence Quota Types and Indicate leave. • Calculating Absence Entitlements Automatic Accrual of Absence Quotas Rules for Generating Absence Quotas Setting up Methods for Quota Accrual • Quota Deduction Using Attendances / Absences. Define Deduction Rules for Absence and Attendance Quotas. Assign Deduction Rules to Counting Rules. 57 58 DefinePublicHolidays: 59 P,0li- Holi#a! Calen#ar The pu9lic holid$y c$lend$r pl$ys $n i'port$nt role in the >u'$n )esources 'odules* !t $ffects the definition of the org$niB$tion$l structure of the enterprise $nd pl$ys $ centr$l role in the scheduling process $s well in gener$ting 'onthly wor/ schedules. The public holiday calendar is based on an actual year and allows you to apply your working time models to a specific time period. It is essential to use the public holiday calendar for recording your employees’ attendances and absences: the payroll program can only be run correctly if Sundays and public holidays and so on are taken into account. Create P,0li- Holi#a! Calen#ar The public holiday calendar is created on the basis of the regional and national holidays that are valid for your personnel areas and subareas. Company-specific days off for the festivals can also be entered in the calendar. All National and Festival Holidays for different Locations can be created in the system and assigned to the holiday calendar. CreatePublicHolidayCalendars In this step create the public holiday calendars for locations and assign the public holidays to these calendars. 60 SAP R"+ Role Men, %efine #u9lic >olid$y 7l$sses Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ De%ine P,0li- Holi#a! Classes DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the holiday calendars configured for various locations of Cairn Energy. Calendarid: CB- CairnBarmer& Jodhpur PublicHoliday ValidFrom ValidTo Christmas 1900 2098 Diwali 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Good Friday 1900 2098 Holi 1900 2098 Independance Day (India) 1900 2098 Maharana Pratap Jayanti 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 Sri Krishna Jayanti 1900 2098 Calendarid: CC- CairnChennai PublicHoliday ValidFrom ValidTo Christmas 1900 2098 Deepavali 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Ganesha Chaturthi 1900 2098 Independance Day (India) 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 61 Sri Krishna Jayanti 1900 2098 Tamil New Year 1900 2098 Ugadi Telugu New Year 1900 2098 Calendarid: CG- CairnGurgaon PublicHoliday ValidFrom ValidTo Christmas 1900 2098 Diwali 1900 2098 Diwali1 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Good Friday 1900 2098 Holi 1900 2098 Independance Day (India) 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ram Navami 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 Sri Krishna Jayanti 1900 2098 Calendarid: CK- CairnKakinada PublicHoliday Valid From ValidTo Christmas 1900 2098 Deepavali 1900 2098 Dussehra / Ayudha Puja 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Good Friday 1900 2098 Independance Day (India) 1900 2098 Makra Sankaranti 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 Ugadi Telugu New Year 1900 2098 62 Calendarid: CM- CairnS’yanam Public Holiday Valid From Valid To 1 Ramadan 1900 2098 Deepavali 1900 2098 Dussehra / Ayudha Puja 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Good Friday 1900 2098 Independance Day (Indi 1900 2098 Makra Sankaranti 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 Ugadi Telugu New Year 1900 2098 Calendarid: CP- CairnPatna PublicHoliday ValidFrom ValidTo Chhath Puja 1900 2098 Christmas 1900 2098 Diwali 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Good Friday 1900 2098 Holi 1900 2098 Independance Day (In 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 Sri Krishna Jayanti 1900 2098 Calendarid: CR- CairnRajahmundry PublicHoliday ValidFrom ValidTo Christmas 1900 2098 Deepavali 1900 2098 63 Dussehra / Ayudha Puja 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Good Friday 1900 2098 Independance Day (India) 1900 2098 Makra Sankaranti 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 Ugadi Telugu New Year 1900 2098 Calendarid: CS- CairnSuvali PublicHoliday ValidFrom ValidTo Christmas 1900 2098 Deepavali 1900 2098 Dhulati (Holi Second day) 1900 2098 Gandi Jayanthi 1900 2098 Good Friday 1900 2098 Gujarati New Year 1900 2098 Independance Day (India) 1900 2098 Makra Sankaranti 1900 2098 May Day 1900 2098 Ramazan 1900 2098 Republic Day (India) 1900 2098 Assign P,0li- Holi#a! Calen#ars to Lo-ations The holiday calendar is assigned to a Personnel Subarea / Location. As Employees are assigned to Personnel Sub areas/locations, all the holidays applicable for that location automatically applies to the employee. Any required changes to the public holiday calendar can be made at any time. AssignPersonnelSubareato PublicHolidayCalendar In this step assign the public holiday calendars to the defined personnel subareas (locations). 64 SAP R"+ Role Men, %efine #u9lic >olid$y 7l$sses Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ ;or6 S-9e#,le R,les an# ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ De%ine Gro,&ings %or t9e P,0li- Holi#a! Calen#ar DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. PersonnelArea PersonnelAreaText PersonnelSub Area PersonnelSub AreaText HolidayCalendarID 001 Cairn India 01 Gurgaon CG 001 Cairn India 02 S`yanam CM 001 Cairn India 03 Rajahmundry CR 001 Cairn India 04 Kakinada CK 001 Cairn India 05 Barmer CB 001 Cairn India 06 Jodhpur CB 001 Cairn India 07 Patna CP 001 Cairn India 08 Suvali CS 001 Cairn India 09 Chennai CC ;or6 S-9e#,les With this component, the settings required for creating work schedules for the employees in the enterprise can be made. Work schedules are shift schedules which must be generated for all employees, even those with a set working time (salaried employees) or flextime. A work schedule consists of several different elements. Elements of the work schedule include daily work schedules, period work schedules, and work schedule rules. Work schedules can be defined with flextime models or rotating shifts for particular organizational units. It can also set up the legislative regulations, collective agreements and internal company policies that stipulate employee working time in the system. Personnel S,0area Gro,&ings Personnel subarea groupings are used to group the employees for work schedule rules based on the personnel subareas / locations. GroupPersonnelSubareasfor the WorkSchedule In this step, group the personnel areas and personnel subareas for work schedules. 65 SAP R"+ Role Men, #ersonnel +u9$re$ Eroupings Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Personnel S,0area Gro,&ings ./ Gro,& Personnel S,0areas %or t9e ;or6 S-9e#,le DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. PersonnelArea PersonnelArea Text PersonnelSub Area PersonnelSubArea Text PersonnelSubarea Grouping 001 Cairn India 01 Gurgaon 40 001 Cairn India 02 S`yanam 40 001 Cairn India 03 Rajahmundry 40 001 Cairn India 04 Kakinada 40 001 Cairn India 05 Barmer 40 001 Cairn India 06 Jodhpur 40 001 Cairn India 07 Patna 40 001 Cairn India 08 Suvali 40 001 Cairn India 09 Chennai 40 Group Personnel Subareas for Daily Work Schedule In this step, assign a personnel area grouping for daily work schedules to a personnel area grouping for work schedules. SAP R"+ Role Men, #ersonnel +u9$re$ Eroupings Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Personnel S,0area Gro,&ings ./ Gro,& Personnel S,0areas %or t9e Dail! ;or6 S-9e#,le DescriptionandConfigurationValues 66 The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. PS Grouping DWSGrouping 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 Dail! ;or6 S-9e#,les The daily work schedule determines the structure of working times in the enterprise at the daily level. Also actual normal working conditions can be defined and those that differ from externally or internally determined daily working times. In this way, sets of working times can be defined for specific set of employees. The planned working time specified in a daily work schedule is the basis for payment calculation of actual working times that are relevant for payroll, as well as the valuation of attendances and absences. The daily work schedule, along with Break Schedules, comprise of the working times for a particular day. The break rules in the work schedule for any particular working day can be defied and can be assigned to a personnel sub area grouping for work schedules. This grouping enables to assign a break schedule to as many of the grouping’s daily work schedules as we want, thereby achieving maximum flexibility in combining all elements of the daily work schedule. DefineBreakSchedules In this step, define work break schedules for the enterprise. We can specify exactly when breaks may be taken within the daily work schedule, and whether they are paid or unpaid. 67 SAP R"+ Role Men, %$ily ;or/ +chedules Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Dail! ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ De%ine 5rea6 S-9e#,les DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. Grouping Break No Start End P Unpaid Paid After RefTim Type1 Type2 40 6DAY 01 12:00 13:00 1.00 40 NORM 01 12:00 13:00 1.00 DefineDailyWorkSchedules In this step, daily work schedules for the enterprise are defined. By entering the planned working time, the system calculates the planned planed hours for one day, taking the break schedule into consideration. The daily work schedules for availability are also defined in this step. SAP R"+ Role Men, %$ily ;or/ +chedules Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Dail! ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ De%ine Dail! ;or6 S-9e#,les 68 DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. Grouping DailyWorkSchedule Variant DailyWSText StartDate EndDate 40 12HR 12 Hrs Working 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 6DAY 6 day 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 ASFT A shift (Morng) 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 BSFT B shift (eving) 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 CSFT C shift (night) 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 FLEX Flextime 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 69 40 FREE Free 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 40 NORM Normal Working 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 Perio# ;or6 S-9e#,les The period work schedule consists of a defined sequence of daily work schedules. It reflects a work pattern that is repeated after a defined period of time. Period work schedules can extend over one week, several weeks, or a period that is not divisible by seven. Period work schedule can be created for any length of time: The period work schedule can provide the working time model for one week, as do flextime models, or for an entire year. Period work schedules can also be created for longer term working models, such as those that cover the entire year. The week number distinguishes between the individual elements of a period. DefinePeriodWorkSchedules In this step, the period work schedules are created by specifying the sequence of daily work schedules for a work schedule for one or more weeks. SAP R"+ Role Men, #eriod ;or/ +chedules Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Perio# ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ De%ine Perio# ;or6 S-9e#,les DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. Grp PWS PeriodWSText Week 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 40 10D4 10 Day On 4 Day Off 001 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 10D4 10 Day On 4 Day Off 002 NORM NORM NORM FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 14DY 14 Days Rotational 001 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 14DY 14 Days Rotational 002 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 14DY 14 Days Rotational 003 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 14DY 14 Days Rotational 004 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 15DY 15 Days 001 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 70 Rotational 40 15DY 15 Days Rotational 002 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 15DY 15 Days Rotational 003 NORM FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 21DY 21 Days Rotational 001 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 21DY 21 Days Rotational 002 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 21DY 21 Days Rotational 003 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 21DY 21 Days Rotational 004 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 21DY 21 Days Rotational 005 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 21DY 21 Days Rotational 006 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 001 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 002 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 003 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 004 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 12HR 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 005 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 006 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 007 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 28DY 28 Days Rotational 008 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 6DAY Six days working 001 6DAY 6DAY 6DAY 6DAY 6DAY 6DAY FREE 40 6DRO 6/2 Days Rotatioanl 001 ASFT ASFT BSFT BSFT CSFT CSFT FREE 40 6DRO 6/2 Days 002 FREE * 71 Rotatioanl 40 6WK1 6 Week On 1 Week Off 001 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK1 6 Week On 1 Week Off 002 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK1 6 Week On 1 Week Off 003 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK1 6 Week On 1 Week Off 004 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK1 6 Week On 1 Week Off 005 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK1 6 Week On 1 Week Off 006 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK1 6 Week On 1 Week Off 007 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 001 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 002 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 003 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 004 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 005 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 006 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 007 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 6WK2 6 Week On 2 Week Off 008 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 001 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 002 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 003 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 004 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 72 Week Off 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 005 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 006 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 007 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 008 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 009 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 8WK2 8 Week On 2 Week Off 010 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 40 NORM 5 Days Working 001 NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM FREE FREE ;or6 S-9e#,le R,les an# ;or6 S-9e#,les A work schedule rule is a precise description of the work schedule that specifies the working times of a group of employees. A work schedule rule is assigned a period work schedule, which in turn is made up of daily work schedules. Rotating shifts are set up by assigning a period work schedule to several work schedule rules. Work schedules are not stored all at once, but stored for each month. The work schedule is created regardless of the length of the period work schedule and is not person-specific. DefineEmployeeSubgroupGroupings The employee subgroup grouping for work schedules allows us to group several employee subgroups and base their work schedules on the same rules. SAP R"+ Role Men, ;or/ +chedule )ules $nd ;or/ +chedules Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ ;or6 S-9e#,le R,les an# ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ De%ine Em&lo!ee S,0gro,& Gro,&ings DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. DefineEmployeeSubgroupGrouping 73 ESGrpg ES Grpgfor WS 0 Applicants 1 Hourly wage earners 2 Salaried employees 3 Executive 4 Executive - PH 6 Holder 7 Non-holder GroupEmployeeSubgroupsfor WorkSchedules Emp Group EmpGroupText EmpSub Group EmpSubGroupText ES Grouping 1 Nationals 01 Employee 2 1 Nationals 02 Direct Consultants 2 1 Nationals 03 Third Party Consultant 2 2 Expatriates 01 Employee 2 2 Expatriates 02 Direct Consultants 2 2 Expatriates 03 Third Party Consultant 2 Set WorkScheduleRulesandWorkSchedules In this step, you define the work schedule rules that are assigned to employees in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007). The work schedule rule is assigned to a period work schedule and the holiday calendars. SAP R"+ Role Men, ;or/ +chedule )ules $nd ;or/ +chedules Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ ;or6 S-9e#,le R,les an# ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Set ;or6 S-9e#,le R,les an# ;or6 S-9e#,les 74 DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. ES Grpg ES Grpgfor WS Holiday Calendar Text PS Groping WS Rule Start Date EndDate 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 10D4 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 15DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 21DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 28DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 6WK1 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 6WK2 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 8WK2 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 75 2 Salaried employees CB Cairn Barmer & Jodhpur 40 NORM 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CC Cairn Chennai 40 NORM 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CG Cairn Gurgaon 40 10D4 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CG Cairn Gurgaon 40 NORM 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CM Cairn S’yanam 40 21DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CM Cairn S’yanam 40 NORM 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CP Cairn Patna 40 21DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CP Cairn Patna 40 6DAY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CP Cairn Patna 40 NORM 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CR Cairn Rajahmundry 40 NORM 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CS Cairn Suvali 40 14DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CS Cairn Suvali 40 6DAY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 2 Salaried employees CS Cairn Suvali 40 6DRO 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 GenerateWorkSchedulesManually Work schedules can be generated in this step. The existing work schedules can also be changed or deleted. Create all function can be used to generate for more than a month. The function can be called via the 'Edit' menu option. If the work schedules need to be created from January through December of a particular year, December of the previous year and January of the following year must be included. "Create" function can be used to generate the monthly work schedule one month at a time (with confirmation). the "Create all" function can be used to generate the work schedule for the required period without confirmation. 76 SAP R"+ Role Men, ;or/ +chedule )ules $nd ;or/ +chedules Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ ;or6 S-9e#,le R,les an# ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Generate ;or6 S-9e#,les Man,all! Planne# ;or6ing Time The Planned Working Time infotype (0007) allows us to enter a work schedule to define individual working times for employees. It also allows store the time management status for that employee. The time management status specifies whether an employee participates in time evaluation, and if so, which form. The following are possible values for the time management status: 0 No time evaluation 1 Time evaluation - actual times 2 Time evaluation - PDC 7 Time evaluation without payroll integration 8 External services 9 Time evaluation - planned times Set DefaultValuefor TimeManagementStatus In this step a feature is used to create a default value for the time management status in the Planned Working Time infotype. This default value is proposed when we create an infotype record. It can be determined on the basis of an employee's organizational assignment. 77 SAP R"+ Role Men, #l$nned ;or/ing Ti'e Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> ;or6 S-9e#,les ./ Planne# ;or6ing Time ./ Set De%a,lt Val,e %or Time Management Stat,s Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration The time structures in the company can be represented using working time models, the calendar, and by maintaining the Time Management infotypes. These options allow us to enter all time data and related information for your employees. This time data includes attendance and absence times, availability times, and overtime, for example. With this component, all the necessary settings can be made to allow the recording of working times for individual employees. This includes absences such as illness, leave, substitutions, overtime, and so on. A status for Time Management is defined which indicates whether all attendances are recorded for an employee, or only exceptions to the work schedule. It is also determined that how the system should react if working time data is entered which overlaps with existing data (for example, if an illness record overlaps with a leave record). A0sen-e Catalog Absences are paid or unpaid planned working times during which the employee has not worked. They therefore represent a deviation to the employee's work schedule. Information required for defining and recording absences can be stored in this area. In this section, the settings required for recording and processing absences are made. GroupPersonnelSubareasfor AttendancesandAbsences In this step, personnel areas and subareas are grouped for attendance and absence types. For example, if the same attendance and absence types are to be assigned to personnel subareas 01 and 02, same grouping for these both personnel areas needs to be defined. 78 SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7$t$log Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ Gro,& Personnel S,0areas %or Atten#an-es an# A0sen-es DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. PersonnelArea text Personnel Subarea Text PS Grouping 001 Cairn India 01 Gurgaon 40 001 Cairn India 02 S`yanam 40 001 Cairn India 03 Rajahmundry 40 001 Cairn India 04 Kakinada 40 001 Cairn India 05 Barmer 40 001 Cairn India 06 Jodhpur 40 001 Cairn India 07 Patna 40 001 Cairn India 08 Suvali 40 001 Cairn India 09 Chennai 40 DefineAbsenceTypes In this step, absence types for different personnel subarea groupings are defined. Also the checks which the system performs can be defined when the absence is entered. SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7$t$log Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ De%ine A0sen-e T!&es 79 DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. Personnel Area AbsenceType AbsenceText StartDate EndDate 40 100 Annual Leave 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 200 Casual Leave 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 40 300 Sick leave 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 40 400 Maternity Leave-14 Weeks 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 500 Paternity leave 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 600 Compassionate leave 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 700 Compensatory Off 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 800 Half day Casual 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 900 Unpaid Absence 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 DetermineEntryScreensandTimeConstraintClasses 80 Use the data entry screen number for an absence to determine which screen (entry screen) is used to enter, display and maintain a record of this particular absence type. The time constraint class controls the system reaction if a new record in the Absences infotype (2001) overlaps with existing time infotype records. In the standard system, the following numbers are allocated to the screens: 1. 2000 - General absence This screen is used for all absences which do not require special processing (such as paid leave of absence for getting married). 2. 2001 - Quota deduction This screen is used for entering data on leave or time in lieu of overtime. 3. 2002 - Work incapacity Use this screen for all absence types where continued pay should be taken into account automatically by the system. 4. Special screens have been developed for the following absence types: 2003 - Maternity protection, parental leave 2004 - Military and non-military service 2005 - Work incapacity (Netherlands) 81 SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7$t$log Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ Determine Entr! S-reens an# Time Constraint Classes DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. PersonnelArea AbsenceType AbsenceText StartDate EndDate 40 0100 Annual Leave 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 0200 Casual Leave 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 40 0300 Sick leave 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 40 0400 Maternity Leave-14 Weeks 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 0500 Paternity leave 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 0600 Compassionate leave 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 0700 Compensatory Off 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 0800 Half day Casual 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 40 0900 Unpaid Absence 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 A0sen-e Co,nting When an attendance/absence is recorded, the system refers to the planned working hours in the employee's daily work schedule to calculate the attendance/absence hours. This is not always desirable. There are times when the special regulations for counting attendances and absences need to be applied, such as: • on specific days (public holidays, weekdays) • for specific attendance and absence types • for specific daily and period work schedules The daily duration of an absence can be counted according to the rules which are defined in this section. Thus, it can valuate the duration of attendances/absences differently depending on business requirements. DefineCountingClassesfor the PeriodWorkSchedule In this section, the settings for attendance/absence counting are made. 82 SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7ounting Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ A0sen-e Co,nting ./ De%ine Co,nting Classes %or t9e Perio# ;or6 S-9e#,le DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. PS Grpg PeriodWS Start End Counting Class 40 10D4 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 14DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 15DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 21DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 28DY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 6DAY 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 6DRO 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 6WK1 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 6WK2 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 8WK2 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 40 NORM 01.01.1990 31.12.9999 1 GroupEmployeeSubgroupsfor TimeQuotas In this step, employee subgroups for time quota types are grouped. Employee subgroups for which the same attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types. 83 SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7ounting Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ A0sen-e Co,nting ./ R,les %or A0sen-e Co,nting $Ne=* ./ Gro,& Em&lo!ee S,0gro,&s %or Time 8,otas DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. EE Group Text EE Subroup Text ESG Time !uota Types 1 Nationals 1 Employee 2 1 Nationals 2 Direct Consultants 2 1 Nationals 3 Third Party Consulta 2 2 Expatriates 1 Employee 2 2 Expatriates 2 Direct Consultants 2 2 Expatriates 3 Third Party Consulta 2 GroupPersonnelSubareasfor TimeQuotas In this step, personnel subareas are grouped with regard to the permissibility of time quota types. Personnel subareas for which the same attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types. 84 SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7ounting Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ A0sen-e Co,nting ./ R,les %or A0sen-e Co,nting $Ne=* ./ Gro,& Personnel S,0areas %or Time 8,otas DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. EE Group Text EE Subroup Text ESG Time !uota Types 1 Nationals 1 Employee 2 1 Nationals 2 Direct Consultants 2 1 Nationals 3 Third Party Consulta 2 2 Expatriates 1 Employee 2 2 Expatriates 2 Direct Consultants 2 2 Expatriates 3 Third Party Consulta 2 DefineRulesfor RoundingCountedAbsences In this step, you set rounding rules for absence and attendance counting. Concrete numbers for the rounding rules are used. We can specify whether we want: • Only values within the specified interval to be rounded or the interval to be rolled • The specified upper and lower limits to be included in the calculation • You can specify several subrules for a rounding rule and number them sequentially. The system runs through the subrules in sequential order until it finds one that applies. 85 SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7ounting Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ A0sen-e Co,nting ./ R,les %or A0sen-e Co,nting $Ne=* ./ De%ine R,les %or Ro,n#ing Co,nte# A0sen-es DefineCountingRules In this step, you define rules for counting attendances and absences. The rules are used to determine the payroll days and hours for an attendance or absence. The payroll days and hours that have been counted are used to control the deduction of quotas. They can be used in Payroll to valuate the absence. SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7ounting Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ A0sen-e Co,nting ./ R,les %or A0sen-e Co,nting $Ne=* ./ De%ine Co,nting R,les 86 87 AssignCountingRulesto AbsenceTypes In this step, we determine which rule for attendance or absence counting should be used for each attendance/absence type. SAP R"+ Role Men, A9sence 7ounting Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ A0sen-es ./ A0sen-e Catalog ./ A0sen-e Co,nting ./ R,les %or A0sen-e Co,nting $Ne=* ./ Assign Co,nting R,les to A0sen-e T!&es 88 DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. PSG Absence Type Text Start Date End Date Countin "ule 40 100 Annual ea!e 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 010 40 200 Casual ea!e 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" 020 40 300 #ic$ lea!e 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" 0%0 40 400 &aternity ea!e'14 (ee$s 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 030 40 )00 Paternity lea!e 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 040 40 %00 Compassionate lea!e 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 0)0 40 *00 Compensatory +,, 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 0*0 40 -00 .al, day Casual 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 0-0 "00 /npaid A0sence 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 010 Managing Time A--o,nts Using Atten#an-e"A0sen-e 8,otas An Absence quota specifies an employee's entitlement to time off for a limited period. It is dependent on an absence quota type. The Absence Quotas infotype (2006) can be used to manage all employees' time off entitlements and leave types. The infotype's special functions ensure that an employee can only claim the leave days stipulated in the contract as the absence type Leave. When an absence is recorded in the Absences infotype, the system checks whether the employee possesses sufficient time off entitlement. 89 An Attendance quota specifies a limited period in which an employee has approval for certain activities. It is dependent on an attendance quota type. Setting Gro,&ings %or Time 8,otas Time quotas (time off entitlements and attendance approvals) can be grouped or refined according to the following factors: • Employee subgroups for time quotas (type of employee) • Personnel subareas for time quotas (where is the employee assigned?) • If time evaluation is used: Personnel subareas for time recording (time type determination) • For generating absence quotas: quota type selection rule group (which conditions and rules apply when absence quotas are generated) In this section, employee subgroup grouping and the personnel subareas are grouped together based on the time quota types permitted. GroupEmployeeSubgroupsfor TimeQuotas In this step, employee subgroups for time quota types are grouped. Employee subgroups for which the same attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types SAP R"+ Role Men, +etting Eroupings for Ti'e Fuot$s Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ Managing Time A--o,nts Using Atten#an-e"A0sen-e 8,otas ./ Setting Gro,&ings %or Time 8,otas ./ Gro,& Em&lo!ee S,0gro,&s %or Time 8,otas DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. EE Group Text EE Subroup Text ESG Time !uota Types 1 Nationals 01 Employee 2 1 Nationals 02 Direct Consultants 2 1 Nationals 03 Third Party Consulta 2 2 Expatriates 01 Employee 2 2 Expatriates 02 Direct Consultants 2 2 Expatriates 03 Third Party Consulta 2 GroupEmployeeSubgroupsfor TimeQuotas In this step, personnel subareas are grouped with regard to the permissibility of time quota types. 90 Personnel subareas for which the same attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types. SAP R"+ Role Men, +etting Eroupings for Ti'e Fuot$s Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ Managing Time A--o,nts Using Atten#an-e"A0sen-e 8,otas ./ Setting Gro,&ings %or Time 8,otas ./ Gro,& Personnel S,0areas %or Time 8,otas DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. Personnel Area Text Personnel Subarea Text PS Gropin for time #uotas 1 Cairn 1ndia 01 2ur3aon 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 02 #4yanam 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 03 5a6ahmundry 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 04 7a$inada 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 0) 8armer 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 0% 9odhpur 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 0* Patna 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 0- #u!ali 40 1 Cairn 1ndia 0" Chennai 40 Time 8,ota T!&es In this section the attendance and absence quota types are defined for managing time accounts. Also we specify how attendances and absences are to be deducted from the employees' quotas. DefineAbsenceQuotaTypes In this step, the valid absence quota types (entitlement to time off and leave types) for the employee subgroup and personnel subarea groupings for time quota types are defined. 91 SAP R"+ Role Men, Ti'e Fuot$ Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Time Management -> Time Data Re-or#ing an# A#ministration ./ Managing Time A--o,nts Using Atten#an-e"A0sen-e 8,otas ./ Time 8,ota T!&es ./ De%ine A0sen-e 8,ota T!&es DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table reproduces the initial values configured for Cairn Energy. ESGp PSGp Absence !uota Type !uota Text Start Date End date 2 40 10 Annual lea!e:Cairn; 01.01.1""0 31.12."""" 2 40 20 Casual ea!e 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" 2 40 21 #u<ali 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" 2 40 30 &aternity ea!e'14 (ee$s 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" 92 2 40 40 Paternity lea!e 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" 2 40 )0 Compassionate lea!e 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" 2 40 %0 Compensatory +,, 01.01.1"00 31.12."""" PermitGenerationof quotasin TimeEvaluation SpecifyRulegroupsfor timequotatypeselection: QUOMO 93 Set BaseEntitlement: 94 DeterminevalidityandDeductionperiods: DefinegenerationRulesfor QuotatypeSelection: 95 DefineDeductionRulesfor Absencequotas: 96 AssignDeductionrulesto Countingrules: 97 SettingMethodsfor Quotaaccrual: Set up AutomaticaccrualusingreportRPTQTA00: 98 Output: PAYROLL-INDIA 99 SCOPE O THE DOCUMENT The #$yroll docu'ent cont$ins the configur$tion det$ils of the 'odule* As p$rt of 9usiness process '$pping following configur$tion h$s 9een c$rried out in this 'odule* )>) Pa!roll Mo#,le Con%ig,ration S-o&e Process Functions Organizational Data Payroll Area Default payroll area Control record Basic pay Payscale type and areas Payscale structure and Enterprise structure Default Payscale data ESG grp PCR and Collective agreement provision Payscale groups and levels Wagetypes characteristics and groupings Wagetypes group Basicpay Enterprise structure for wagetype model Default Wagetypes for basic pay Maintain Valuation of Base Wage Types Recurring payments and deductions Wagetypes characteristics and groupings Wagetypes group Recurring payments and deductions Maintain Valuation of Base Wage Types Additional Payments Wagetypes characteristics and groupings Wagetypes group Recurring payments and deductions Maintain Valuation of Base Wage Types Employee remuneration Wagetypes characteristics and groupings Wagetypes group Recurring payments and deductions Reimbursements, Allowances and Perks Assign Wage Type Model for Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances 100 Process Functions Maintain Default Wage Types for Basic Pay Maintain Allowance Rules based on Slabs Calculate Eligibility for RAPs Maintain Extra Eligibility Criteria for RAPs Claims Claims and eligibilities Maintain Salary Year and Period End Treatment of RAP Housing Define Accomodation Types Maintain the Processing Options for CLA Housing allowance and perk Leave Travel LTA eligibility Integration with Absences LTA exemption and period end processing Car and Conveyance Define Vehicle Details Define Conveyance Types Define Amounts and Numbers for Car Schemes Assign Type and Age of Car for Car Schemes Assign Eligibility Criteria for Conveyance Allowance and car maintenance Maintain car Rate of Perquisite Superannuation Maintain Superannuation Trust ID Maintain Superannuation Contrib. Freq and Rel. Wage Types Define Contribution Rates for Superannuation Maintain Eligibility Details for Superannuation Wage types configuration, integration with termination workbench Provident Fund Define Trust Details for Provident Fund Assign Company Rates for Provident Fund Define PF Trust Validity Period Maintain Contribution Details for Provident Fund Define Contribution type for Statutory rates for Provident Fund 101 Process Functions Labour Welfare Fund Define Personnel Area and Sub area Groupings for LWF Assign LWF Groupings for Personnel Area and Subarea Maintain Contribution Rates for Labour Welfare Fund Professional Tax Define Professional Tax Grouping Details Assign PTax Groupings for Personnel Areas and Subareas Assign Amounts for Professional Tax Deduction Maintain Method and Form Layout for PTax Groupings Maintain Cumulation Rules for Professional Tax Income tax Define Personnel Area and Subarea Groupings for Tax Assign Tax Groupings for Personnel Areas and Subareas Maintain Feature to Return Employer IncomeTax Related Data Third Party Deductions Tax Liability on Reimbursements, Allowances and Perks Section 89(1) Relief Recovery of Rounded Off Amounts Recovery of Rounded Off Amounts during payroll run Termination Determine Periods of Notice Determine Deadline Type Maintain Calculation Factor for Retiral Benefits Calculation method for Notice Pay Termination workbench configuration Company Loans Specify Interest Calculation Method Maintain Rule for Interest Rate Advantage Taxation Maintain Loan Types Control Allocation of Loans Maintain Loans Grouping Maintain Salary Components Maintain Maximum Number of Loans Allowed Maintain Maximum amount for loans outstanding Maintain Loans Eligibility Checks and Limits 102 Process Functions Maintain Loans Disbursement Schedule Maintain the Description for the Event Codes Tranche Maintain Penal Amount Percentage for Special Repayment Maintain Deduction Details Under Section 24 Automate Addition of Principal Repayment Amount to Sec 88 Loan balances processing Data Medium Exchange Bank transfers Integration with Time Management Leave Encashment Absences processing Integration with accounting Define Employee Grouping Account Determination Define Symbolic Accounts Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types Assign Balance Sheet Accounts Assign Expense Accounts Assign Technical Accounts Assign Vendor Accounts Set Up Postings for Fixed Costs Assign Substitute Cost Centers Payroll Schema Payroll Schema Personnel calculation rules Personnel calculation rules Remuneration statement Remuneration statement 103 CreatePayroll Area: PM--> PA--> OrganizationalData--> OrganizationalAssignment: • CreatePayroll area • CheckDefaultPayroll area • CreateControlRecord PayrollArea: 104 CheckDefaultPayroll area(ABKRS): ControlRecord-PA03: 105 PayrollBasicSettings: DefineEmployeesubgroupgroupingfor PCR& CAP: Purpose: The e'ployee su9group grouping for the personnel c$lcul$tion rule is re5uired in #$yroll Accounting* The collecti3e $gree'ent pro3isions grouping $re re5uired for indirect 3$lu$tion of w$ge types in the 5asi- Pa! !nfotype 0008"* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 5asi- Pa! Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion  #$yroll %$t$ D$sic #$y  %efine 44 +u9group Erouping for #7) $nd 7oll*Agr't*#ro3* DescriptionandConfigurationValues 4'ployee groups $nd su9groups 'ust 9e set up 9efore this $cti3ity* The 'e$nings of the grouping for the personnel c$lcul$tion rule $re fi2ed $nd '$y not 9e ch$nged* &or e$ch e'ployee su9group0 we define the personnel c$lcul$tion rule grouping th$t indic$tes the syste'0 which set of personnel c$lcul$tion rules $re to 9e processed ( $pplic$9le to e$ch 4'ployee +u9group* 106 The following table shows the details of the Employee sub group groupings configured for Cairn Energy: PayscaleStructure: Pa! S-ale T!&e Pay scale type is a collective agreement type in accordance with the collective agreement in an enterprise. IMGMenuPath SAPR/3 RoleMenu Basic Pay TransactionCode SPRO IMGMenu Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG)  Personnel Management  Personnel Administration  Payroll Data  Basic Pay  Check Payscale type. DescriptionandConfigurationValues !n this step we set up the enterpriseAs p$y sc$le types* The Basic a! !nfotype 0008" is deri3ed fro' the p$y sc$le type* We have configured, the Payroll Scale Types of Cairn Energy as shown in the following table. 107 Pa! S-ale Area A pay scale area is a special area in which a collective agreement is valid. When human resources of an organization are located in different Geographic’s, it is necessary to design company’s pay structure considering the respective state laws and employee unions. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, D$sic #$y Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Im&lementation G,i#e %or R"+ C,stomizing $IMG*  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$  D$sic #$y 7hec/ #$ysc$le Are$ DescriptionandConfigurationValues !n this section0 we set up different p$y sc$le $re$s in $ccord$nce with the collecti3e $gree'ent in $n enterprise* The Pay scale Type configuration details applicable for Cairn Energy are shown in the following table. Assign Pa! S-ale Str,-t,re to Enter&rise Str,-t,re In this step, we assign pay scale types and areas defined in the above steps to the personnel areas and Personnel sub areas. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, D$sic #$y Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion  #$yroll %$t$ D$sic #$y  7hec/ Assign'ent of #$y +c$le +tructure to 4nterprise +tructure DescriptionandConfigurationValues We have to set up the following before configuring this step: • The Personnel areas must be defined. • Pay scale areas and types must be defined. • Determine which pay scale types and areas are assigned to which personnel areas. The following 7onfigur$tion h$s 9een done for 74!C: 108 Personnel Area Personnel AreaText Personnel SubArea PersonnelSub AreaText Pay scale Area PayscaleArea Text Payscale Type PayscaleTypeText 1 Cairn India 1 Gurgaon 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 2 S`yanam 26 Payscale Area S’yanam 26 Payscale Type S’yanam 1 Cairn India 3 Rajahmundry 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 4 Kakinada 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 5 Barmer 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 6 Jodhpur 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 7 Patna 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 8 Suvali 27 Payscale Area Suvli 27 Payscale Type Suvli 1 Cairn India 9 Chennai 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 10 Mumbai 25 Payscale Area Gurgoan 25 Payscale Type Gurgoan 1 Cairn India 11 Pipavav 27 Payscale Area Suvli 27 Payscale Type Suvli 1 Cairn India 12 Gandhinagar 27 Payscale Area Suvli 27 Payscale Type Suvli DetermineDefaultfor pay scaledata: 109 Pa! s-ale gro,&s an# Le4els: A p$y sc$le group is $ criterion used for gr$ding ?o9 e3$lu$tion* A p$y sc$le group is di3ided up into se3er$l p$y sc$le le3els* Each of these groups, share a set of characteristics, to which a standard set of rules can be applied. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, D$sic #$y Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent  #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion  #$yroll %$t$ D$sic #$y  )e3ise #$y +c$le Eroups $nd Ce3els DescriptionandConfigurationValues #$y sc$le types $nd $re$s 'ust 9e defined0 9efore configuring this step* The following #$ysc$le groups $nd le3els h$3e 9een configured $fter $n$lyBing the re5uire'ents of loc$tion wise #$yroll gr$des $nd le3els of 7$irn 4nergy1s #$yroll syste'* Pa!s-ale T!&e: 25 #$ysc$le Type Eurg$on" Pa!s-ale Area: 25 #$ysc$le Are$ Eurg$on" 110 PayscaleType:26 (Payscale Type S' Yanam) PayscaleArea: 26 (Payscale Area S' Yanam) ;AGE T?PE STRUCTURE ;age t!&es %or 5asi- Pa! In%ot!&e $'''2* Earnings and deductions of an Employee are represented in SAP as Wagetypes. 111 In other words, Wagetypes are the payroll and personnel administration objects used to differentiate between monetary or time units, which are used in different ways to calculate Employees Remuneration. The name range reserved for the customer Wagetypes has been described by SAP. The entire customer Wagetypes should begin with a number. Hence, all the Wagetypes configured for Cairn Energy’s Payroll System start with a number. Create " Co&! =age t!&es ;e cre$te the w$ge types for the !nfotype 5asi- Pa! 0008" 9y copying the 'odel w$ge types in the st$nd$rd +A# syste'* ,nly w$ge types for use in !nfotype 5asi- Pa! 0008" $re proposed in this step* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" -. #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ D$sic p$y  ;$ge Types  7re$te w$ge type c$t$log DescriptionandConfigurationValues These copied w$ge types will 9e $3$il$9le in !nfotype 0008 for further processing* ;e c$n $lso 'odify the copies to suit our re5uire'ents* The following are the Wage types defined as part of Basic Pay Infotype 0008, after analyzing the requirements of Cairn Energy’s Payroll System. WageTypeCode WageTypelongtext ShortText 6CFE Consultancy Fee 6CFE 6BLC Barmer Loc Allow. 6BLC 6LOC Location allowance 6LOC C9e-6 ;age T!&e Te@t This section allows us to change the texts of the sample wage types that we have copied in the above step. 112 IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" -. #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ D$sic p$y  ;$ge Types  7hec/ w$ge type c$t$log  7hec/ w$ge type te2t DescriptionandConfigurationValues Wage type short texts are used when printing out in Pay slip. The following table shows the Long text and short text assigned to the wage types. WageTypeCode WageTypelongtext ShortText 6CFE Consultancy Fee 6CFE 6BLC Barmer Loc Allow. 6BLC 6LOC Location allowance 6LOC C9e-6 Entr! Permissi0ilit! &er In%ot!&e We can define the date on which wage types may be entered. For example the "special bonus" wage type may only be entered up to 12/31/2010. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ D$sic p$y  ;$ge Types  7hec/ w$ge type c$t$log 7hec/ enter per'issi9ility per !nfotype DescriptionandConfigurationValues To perform this step we have to have set up the wage type catalog and have configured which wage types can be entered in which Infotype. The details of the Wage type’s validity have been shown in the following table WageTypeCode WageTypelongtext Startdate Enddate 6CFE Consultancy Fee 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 6BLC Barmer Loc Allow. 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 113 WageTypeCode WageTypelongtext Startdate Enddate 6LOC Location allowance 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 Em&lo!ee S,0 Gro,& Gro,&ing or Primar! ;age T!&es This section allows combining employee subgroups for primary wage types, i.e. We group the employee subgroups already named to groups. The Employee sub group grouping determines the applicability of wage types to Employee group and subgroup assigned to an employee in Organizational Assignment Infotype (0001). IMGMenuPath SAPR/3 RoleMenu Wage Types TransactionCode SPRO IMGMenu Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG)  Personnel Management  Personnel Administration  Payroll Data  Wage Types  Employee Subgroups for Primary Wage Type DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table represents the Grouping of Employee sub groups for Primary wage types. ;age T!&e Permissi0ilit! IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7hec/ ;$ge Type 7$t$log Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ D$sic #$y ;$ge Types  7hec/ w$ge type c$telog  %efine ;$ge Type #er'issi9ility for e$ch #+ $nd 4+E DescriptionandConfigurationValues Defore defining the w$ge type per'issi9ility0 we h$3e to ensure the following • Employee groups and subgroups must be defined. • Personnel areas and sub areas must be defined. 114 EE Group Nameof employeegroup Employee subgroup Nameof employeesubgroup Employees subgroupgrouping 1 Nationals 2 DirectConsultants 1 • Employee groups, subgroups and personnel areas must be defined for primary wage types. • The wage type catalog must be defined. Assign the $ppropri$te indic$tors to the w$ge types0 in the det$ils section of e$ch ;$ge type* The indic$tor 'ust 9e @1@0 if we define this w$ge type $s per'issi9le* A 9l$n/ signifies th$t the w$ge type '$y not 9e entered* WageTypeCode WageTypelongtext Startdate Enddate 6CFE Consultancy Fee 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 6BLC Barmer Loc Allow. 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 6LOC Location allowance 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 C9e-6 ;age T!&e C9ara-teristi-s The Wagetype characteristics describe how the wagetype should behave while entering in Infotypes. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ D$sic #$y ;$ge Types  7hec/ w$ge type 7$t$log7hec/ w$ge type ch$r$cteristics DescriptionandConfigurationValues Wagetype Characteristics determine the following based on the entries made: • Whether the wagetype is a payment wagetype or deduction wagetype • The Unit of the wage type • Indirect valuation 115 116 Val,ation o% ;aget!&es After we configure the w$getype ch$r$cteristics0 for e$ch w$getype0 defined the indirect 3$lu$tion in the step @7hec/ w$ge type ch$r$cteristics@* %epending on which 'odule we use for indirect 3$lu$tion $Mo#,le name*0 we need to define $ddition$l procedures to ensure th$t indirect 3$lu$tion functions correctly* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ D$sic #$y ;$ge Types  %efine 3$lu$tion of 9$se w$ge types DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table shows the details of valuation base Module Valuated WageType WageTypelong text No StartDate EndDate Base Wage Type WageTypelong text Percent PRZNT 1CLA HRA Differential 1 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1BAS Basic Salary 40 PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 1 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1BAS Basic Salary 20 117 Module Valuated WageType WageTypelong text No StartDate EndDate Base Wage Type WageTypelong text Percent PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 2 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1HRA House Rent Allowance 20 PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 3 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1CON Conveyance Allowance 20 PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 4 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1OAL Car (Allowance- PY) 20 PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 5 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1ACT Activity Allowance 20 PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 6 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1HDA Hard Duty Allw 20 PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 7 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1CLA HRA Differential 20 PRZNT 1DSA Deputation / secondment Alw 8 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1SPA Special Allowance 20 PRZNT 1HRA House Rent Allowance 1 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1BAS Basic Salary 40 PRZNT 1SAS Special Allw- Superanuatin 1 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1BAS Basic Salary 15 PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment Allw 1 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1BAS Basic Salary 20 PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment Allw 2 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1HRA House Rent Allowance 20 PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment Allw 3 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1CON Conveyance Allowance 20 PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment Allw 4 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1OAL Car (Allowance- PY) 20 PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment Allw 5 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1ACT Activity Allowance 20 PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment Allw 6 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1HDA Hard Duty Allw 20 PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment 7 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1CLA HRA 20 118 Module Valuated WageType WageTypelong text No StartDate EndDate Base Wage Type WageTypelong text Percent Allw Differential PRZNT 1TAA Temporary Assignment Allw 8 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1SPA Special Allowance 20 ;aget!&es %or In%ot!&e '')A Create"Co&! ;aget!&es In the Recurring Payments/Deductions infotype (0014), we can enter an amount and/or a value and a unit of measurement for a wage type that is always paid or deducted during payroll accounting. Recurring payments/deductions are wage elements that are not paid / deducted in every payroll period. In contrast to additional payments, recurring payments/deductions are paid or deducted with a defined periodicity. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ )ecurring p$y'ents $nd deductions ;$ge Types 7re$te w$ge type c$t$log DescriptionandConfigurationValues All deduction w$ge types $nd )ecurring p$y'ents 42cluding +t$tutory" designed for 7$irn 4nergy is listed in the t$9le* OriginalWage Type WageTypelongtext Starting Date En# Date 6CRD Credit Card Recovery 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 6DED Other Deductions - Cons 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 6LUN Lunch Recovery 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 6ORV Other Recovery 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 6PMR Perl Mobile Recovery 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 6REA Relocation Allowance 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 6TAR Trvl Adv Recovery - Cons 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 6TDS Tax deduction 01*01*1900 31.12.9999 119 Permissi0ilit! o% ;age T!&es %or In%ot!&e '')A We can define the date on which wage types may be entered in Infotype 0014. For example the "Special bonus" wage type may only be entered up to 12/31/1995. \IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7hec/ ;$ge type c$t$log Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ )ecurring p$y'ents $nd deductions ;$ge Types 7hec/ ;$ge type c$t$log7hec/ entry per'issi9ility per !nfotype DescriptionandConfigurationValues To perform this step we have to have set up the wage type catalog and have decided which wage types can be entered in which infotype. The details of the Wagetypes validity have been shown in the following table Wage Type WageTypelongtext StartDate EndDate Once Several Times 6CRD Credit Card Recovery 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6DED Other Deductions - Cons 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6LUN Lunch Recovery 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 X 6ORV Other Recovery 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 X 6PMR Perl Mobile Recovery 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 X 6REA Relocation Allowance 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 X 6TAR Trvl Adv Recovery - Cons 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6TDS Tax deduction 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 X 120 IT 0014Screen: ;age t!&es %or In%ot!&e '')3 Create " Co&! ;age T!&es By specifying a wage type in the Additional Payments (0015) infotype, we can store an amount and/or a value and a unit of measurement that should be paid or deducted in a certain period by Payroll. Additional payments are wage elements which are not paid or deducted in every payroll period in contrast to recurring payments and deductions which are paid or deducted within a defined periodicity. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ Addition$l #$y'ents ;$ge Types 7re$te ;$ge type c$t$log DescriptionandConfigurationValues 121 All the additional payment Wagetypes designed for Cairn Energy Payroll Process are listed in following table. OriginalWageType WageTypelongtext Starting Date En# Date 6AOI Other Allowances 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6CLU Club Membership 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6COM Compensatory Allow 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6DIS Disturbance Allowance 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6IMB Impact Bonus 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6JOB Joining Bonus 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6NTP Other-Non Taxable 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6OER Other Earnings 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6OMH Mobile Handset Allow 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6PEI Performance Incentive 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6REA Relocation Allowance 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6REB Referral Bonus 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 6TPR Telephone reimbursement 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 Permissi0ilit! o% ;age T!&es %or In%ot!&e '')3 IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7hec/ ;$ge Type 7$t$log Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #ersonnel =$n$ge'ent #ersonnel Ad'inistr$tion #$yroll %$t$ Addition$l #$y'ents ;$ge Types 7hec/ ;$ge type c$t$log 7hec/ entry per'issi9ility for Addition$l p$y'ents DescriptionandConfigurationValues To perform this step we have to set up the wage type catalog and have decided which wage types can be entered in which infotype. The details of the Wagetypes validity and permissibility of Wagetypes have been shown in the following table: 122 Wage Type WageTypelongtext StartDate EndDate Once Several Times 6AOI Other Allowances 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6CLU Club Membership 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 x 6COM Compensatory Allow 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 x 6DIS Disturbance Allowance 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6IMB Impact Bonus 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 x 6JOB Joining Bonus 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6NTP Other-Non Taxable 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 x 6OER Other Earnings 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6OMH Mobile Handset Allow 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 x 6PEI Performance Incentive 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6REA Relocation Allowance 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 x 6REB Referral Bonus 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 x 6TPR Telephone reimbursement 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 x IT 0015-Screen: Payscalegroupingsfor allowances: 123 !n this $cti3ity0 we define p$y sc$le groupings for $llow$nces to differenti$te 9etween e'ployee groups* These groupings deter'ine which 9enefits $pply to $ p$rticul$r group of e'ployees* To en$9le this: 1. Identify the different benefits each person is entitled too 2. Create groupings for each category, and assign the privileges IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, #$y +c$le Eroupings Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Im&lementation G,i#e %or R"+ C,stomizing $IMG*  #$yroll: !ndi$ #$y sc$le groupings%efine p$y sc$le groupings for $llow$nces DescriptionandConfigurationValues #$y sc$le grouping for $llow$nces h$s 9een configured $s shown in the following t$9le0 $fter $n$lysing the different set of re5uire'ents )egion ;ise ( Coc$tion ;ise G Er$de ;ise* Assign Pa! S-ale Gro,&ings %or Allo=an-es The defined #$ysc$le groupings $re to 9e $ssigned to the following p$r$'eters* These p$r$'eters configur$tion is '$nd$tory 9efore configuring the Allow$nce groupings* • Pay Scale Area • Pay Scale Type • Pay Scale Group • Pay Scale Level and • Employee Sub Grouping for Collective Agreement Provision (ESG for CAP) IMGMenuPath 124 SAP R"+ Role Men, #$y +c$le Eroupings Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$#$y sc$le groupingsAssign p$y sc$le groupings for $llow$nces DescriptionandConfigurationValues PayscaleArea PayscaleType ESG/CAP PayscaleGroup PayscaleLevel Allowance Grouping 25 25 3 CS 01 CS01 25 25 3 CS 01 CS01 25 25 3 CS 01 CS01 Maintain De%a,lt ;age T!&es %or 5asi- Pa! In this step, we can set up default wage types based on the internal company structure for the Basic Pay Infotype (0008) using the feature Planned remuneration specification (LGMST) defined in the next step. When we create a record in Basic pay Infotype, certain wage types will be defaulted based on the Payscale group and Level assigned to the particular employee. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, #$y +c$le Eroupings Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ )ei'9urse'ent Allow$nces $nd #er/s =$int$in %ef$ult ;$getypes for D$sic#$y DescriptionandConfigurationValues 125 WageType Model Seq.No Start Date EndDate Mode WageType WageType LongText CS01 1 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 O 6CFE Consultancy Fee CS01 2 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 O 6LOC Location allowance Assign ;age t!&e Mo#el %or Pa! S-ale Gro,&ing or Allo=an-es The H;$ge Type =odelsI is $ssigned to e$ch H#$y sc$le grouping for $llow$ncesI th$t w$s cre$ted* The ;$ge Type =odel will indic$te which 9enefits would $pply to or wh$t $'ounts will 9e deducted fro' $ p$rticul$r #$y +c$le Erouping for Allow$nce* ;$ge type =odels $re $ set of A;$ge TypesA used 9y +A#* These ;$ge types c$n 9e $n $'ount or $ deduction* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll  #$yroll: !ndi$  )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s  Assign ;$ge Type =odel for #$y +c$le Erouping for Allow$nces DescriptionandConfigurationValues The ;$ge type =odels 'ust 9e prefi2ed with A('"A to indic$te th$t0 $ '$2i'u' of 20 w$ge types c$n 9e stored in $ p$rticul$r ;$ge types 'odel* AllowanceGrouping WageTypeModel CS01 20/CS01 126 Eligi0ilit! %or RAPs In this step, we set up the eligibility details to calculate the employee's Reimbursement, Allowance or Perk (RAP). We associate the eligibility criteria for a salary bracket to a Wage type and specify the type of allowance. These Wage types are read by the Basic Pay Infotype (0008) and processed as per the criteria applicable for the employee's 'Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances'. IMG Menu Path SAPR/3 RoleMenu Reimbursements, Allowances and Perks TransactionCode SPRO IMGMenu Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) Payroll Payroll: IndiaReimbursements, Allowances and Perks Calculate Eligibility for RAPs DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following Allowance groupings contain the Wage types and the eligibility which are configured in the Table V_T7INA9. The configuration details can be accessed in the details section of each Allowance grouping. AllowanceGrouping StartDate EndDate CS01 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 127 Maintain Salar! ?ear an# Perio# En# Treatment o% RAP !n this $cti3ity0 we $ssign the s$l$ry ye$r or c$lend$r type $nd period end tre$t'ent for $ p$rticul$r rei'9urse'ent* The T$2 7ode field defined in T7!JT9 $nd eligi9ility $'ounts for p$y sc$le grouping for $llow$nces in T7!JA9 deter'ines the T$2 e2e'ption process0 while processing the CTA cl$i' su9'itted 9y the e'ployee* D$sed on the #eriod end tre$t'ent configured here0 the cl$i' c$n 9e $ c$rry forw$rd of 9$l$nce or dis9urse'ent of 9$l$nce which is p$id $nd $ccordingly t$2ed* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, Ce$3e Tr$3el Assist$nce Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll  #$yroll: !ndi$ )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd per/s 7l$i's  =$int$in +$l$ry Ke$r $nd #eriod end tre$t'ent DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table shows the allowance grouping wise LTA details like Tax code, carry forward and the calendar type assigned to LTA claim. AllowanceGrouping Taxcode Cal Type C/FPeriod Pay&Tax Wagetype 000N SLTA C 1 000R SLTA C 1 001N SLTA C 1 001R SLTA C 1 1A1N SLTA C 1 128 AllowanceGrouping Taxcode Cal Type C/FPeriod Pay&Tax Wagetype 1A1R SLTA C 1 COMPAN? LOANS ;e '$/e the settings in this section th$t $re re5uired to enter d$t$ on e'ployer lo$ns $nd to en$9le you to process lo$ns* A-ti4ate Cal-,lation In this step, we specify whether the data that has been stored in the Loans Infotype (0045) is to be processed in Monthly Payroll. In the standard system, loan processing is active, which means that loans are processed in Payroll. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7o'p$ny Co$ns Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll  #$yroll: !ndi$ 7o'p$ny Co$ns Acti3$te c$lcul$tion A#B,st Val,e Date We have to adapt the value date for payroll to the payment date for the payroll areas. In an enterprise, payroll is performed for salaried employees at the start of the month using payroll area. In this case, the repayment installment should reduce the interest-yielding capital on the first of every month. Payments and special payments made via payroll should also be made at the start of the month. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7o'p$ny Co$ns Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$7o'p$ny Co$nsAd?ust L$lue %$te DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following table shows the details of Payroll and Loan adjustment value period; Payroll Area PayrollAreaText Start Date EndDate Valuedate 129 25 Payroll Area Cairn - Nationals 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 Start of the Period Master Data The settings for master data editing in the Loans infotype (0045) are maintained in this section: Maintain Loan T!&es Employees in the enterprise have the option of taking out different kinds of Loans. Loans can an be loans with constant repayment (installment loans) and loans with a constant total made up of repayment and interest payment (annuity loans). IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7o'p$ny Co$ns Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ 7o'p$ny Co$ns =$sterd$t$ =$int$in Co$n Types DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following are the Loan Types configured for Cairn Energy’s Payroll system after analyzing company loans requirements: LoanSubType Nameof the Loan 9000 Short term Loan > Rs.20,000 9001 Short term Loan < Rs.20,000 9002 Gurgaon Loan The details section of each Loan Type allows us to configuration the following:  The Debit Interest Rate  The Reference Interest Rate (The difference between the company interest rate and the market interest rate)  Interest Advantage calculation  Interest Calculation method  Interest cycle HOUSING De%ine A--ommo#ation T!&es The code for >ousing type is defined here $nd then $ssoci$ted with $ t$2$9ility code* The t$2$9ility code c$n 9e one which h$s 9een pre-defined* 130 The w$ge type corresponding to the >ousing type is '$int$ined in t$9le LMT7!JA9 $g$inst e$ch Allow$nce grouping* The t$2 code $ssigned to >ousing w$getype est$9lishes the c$lcul$tion process of >ousing e2e'ption or >ousing per5uisite during 'onthly #$yroll )un* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, >ousing Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) Payroll  Payroll: India  Housing  Define Accommodation Types DescriptionandConfigurationValues The configured Housing Types are available in Infotype HRA/CLA/COA (0581). &ollowing pre-configured codes for >ousing Type h$3e 9een configured* HRAType TaxCode Rent CityCategory Text 1 SHRA Mandatory Non-mandatory Rented Accom. 4 SHRA Hidden Hidden Own Accom. 5 SCLA Mandatory Hidden Company Leased 6 SCOA Non-mandatory Mandatory Company Owned D$sed on the chosen code for housing type in !nfotype 05810 w$ge type def$ult or su9stitution will h$ppen in !nfotype 0008* CAR AND CONVE?ANCE De%ine Con4e!an-e T!&es ;e define the con3ey$nce types re5uired for $n org$niB$tion $fter $n$lyBing the re5uire'ents on 7on3ey$nce ( 7$r eligi9ility0 Allow$nce groupings $nd T$2 co'put$tions* D$sed on the chosen code for 7on3ey$nce type in !nfo type 7$r $nd 7on3ey$nce 0583"0 the w$getype pl$ce'ent or su9stitution will t$/e pl$ce in !nfotype D$sicp$y 0008"* The t$2 codes for con3ey$nce type will 9e $ssoci$ted with the e2e'ptions $nd per5uisite c$lcul$tions during 'onthly #$yroll )un* IMGMenuPath 131 SAP R"+ Role Men, ;$ge Types Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll  #$yroll: !ndi$  7$r G 7on3ey$nce  %efine 7on3ey$nce types DescriptionandConfigurationValues &ollowing pre-configured codes for 7on3ey$nce type h$3e 9een pro3ided to 7$irn 4nergy #$yroll +yste'* They $re: Car & ConveyanceType Text 6 Conveyance Allowance 7 Car Running Expenses(FI) 8 Other Allowance (PY) De%ine Amo,nts C N,m0ers %or Car S-9emes !n this $cti3ity0 we '$int$in det$ils $9out the e'ployee1s entitle'ent to $ co'p$ny-owned c$r* &or e$ch $llow$nce group0 we define the tot$l 3$lue of the c$r $nd the nu'9er of c$rs0 e'ployees in the group is entitled to* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7$r $nd 7on3ey$nce Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) Payroll  Payroll: India  Car & Conveyance  Define Amounts & Numbers for Car Schemes DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following t$9le shows the $llow$nce grouping wise c$r sche'e eligi9ility det$ils: Allowance Grouping Car Scheme No. of Cars AmountLimit Currency From To 2A1N 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A1N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A1R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A1R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A2N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 132 Allowance Grouping Car Scheme No. of Cars AmountLimit Currency From To 2A2N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A2R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A2R 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A3N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A3N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A3R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2A3R 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B1N 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B1N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B1R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B1R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B2N 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B2N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B2R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B2R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B3N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B3N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B3R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B3R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B4N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B4N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B4R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B4R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B5N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B5N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B5R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B5R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B6N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B6N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 133 Allowance Grouping Car Scheme No. of Cars AmountLimit Currency From To 2B6R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2B6R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C1N 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C1N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C1R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C1R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C2N 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C2N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C2R 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C2R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C3N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C3N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C3R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C3R 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C4N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C4N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C4R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C4R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C5N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C5N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C5R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C5R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C6N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C6N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C6R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C6R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C7N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C7N 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 134 Allowance Grouping Car Scheme No. of Cars AmountLimit Currency From To 2C7R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2C7R 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3A1N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3A1N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3A1R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3A1R 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3B1N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3B1N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3B1R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3B1R 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3C1N 7 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3C1N 8 2 160,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3C1R 7 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3C1R 8 2 150,000.00 INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 Eligi0ilit! Criteria %or Con4e!an-e Allo=an-e ;e $ssign ;$ge type $nd con3ey$nce type th$t will 9e used to c$lcul$te the eligi9ility $'ounts for 7on3ey$nce Allow$nce* These inputs $re used to c$lcul$te the eligi9le $'ounts p$y$9le to e'ployees who 9elong to the respecti3e $llow$nce grouping* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, 7$r $nd 7on3ey$nce Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) Payroll  Payroll: India Car & Conveyance  Assign Eligibility Criteria for Conveyance Allowance DescriptionandConfigurationValues The eligi9ility $'ounts for 7on3ey$nce Allow$nce h$3e 9een configured for e$ch Allow$nce Erouping $s shown in the following t$9le* 135 Allowance Grouping Car & ConveyanceType WageType From To 000N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 000R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 001N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 001R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A1N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A1R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A2N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A2R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A3N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A3R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A4N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A4R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A5N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A5R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A6N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A6R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A7N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A7R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A8N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1A8R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B1N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B1R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B2N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B2R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B3N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B3R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B4N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B4R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B5N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 136 Allowance Grouping Car & ConveyanceType WageType From To 1B5R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B6N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B6R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B7N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B7R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B8N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B8R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B9N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1B9R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C1N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C1R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C2N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C2R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C3N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C3R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C4N 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 1C4R 6 1CON 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A1N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A1N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A1R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A1R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A2N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A2N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A2R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A2R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A3N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A3N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2A3R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 137 Allowance Grouping Car & ConveyanceType WageType From To 2A3R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B1N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B1N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B1R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B1R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B2N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B2N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B2R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B2R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B3N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B3N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B3R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B3R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B4N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B4N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B4R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B4R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B5N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B5N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B5R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B5R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B6N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B6N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B6R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2B6R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C1N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C1N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C1R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 138 Allowance Grouping Car & ConveyanceType WageType From To 2C1R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C2N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C2N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C2R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C2R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C3N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C3N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C3R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C3R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C4N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C4N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C4R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C4R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C5N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C5N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C5R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C5R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C6N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C6N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C6R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C6R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C7N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C7N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C7R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 2C7R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3A1N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3A1N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3A1R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 139 Allowance Grouping Car & ConveyanceType WageType From To 3A1R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3B1N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3B1N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3B1R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3B1R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3C1N 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3C1N 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3C1R 7 2OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 3C1R 8 1OAL 01.01.1900 31.12.9999 PROESSIONAL TAD De%ine Pro%essional Ta@ Gro,&ing Details The personnel $re$ $nd su9 $re$ groupings for #rofession$l T$2 #T$2"0 which $re used to group $ll personnel $re$s0 $nd su9 $re$s th$t contri9ute to the s$'e profession$l t$2 circle or" )egion* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, #rofession$l T$2 Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$#rofession$l T$2%efine #rofession$l T$2 Erouping %et$ils The following table provides the details of Professional Tax Regions and the circles configured for Cairn Energy. PT Grp. PTGrp destination Regio n Zone no. Division Regn. Cert.No. OfficeCircle name Ptax Circle no. Enddate Startdate 1 Vijay Wada Region 1 RGCRT0 412 EAST VIJAYAW ADA 35903 31.12.9999 01.01.1800 7 Chennai Corporation 22 ZN65 D002 RGCRT0 709 CHENNAI CENTRAL 79894 31.12.9999 01.01.1800 Assign PTa@ Gro,&ings %or PA an# PSA Professional tax groupings created in the previous step are assigned to personnel areas and Subareas. IMGMenuPath 140 SAP R"+ Role Men, #rofession$l T$2 Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll  #$yroll: !ndi$  #rofession$l T$2  Assign #T$2 Eroupings for #ersonnel Are$s $nd +u9$re$s DescriptionandConfigurationValues The Personnel Area and Personnel Sub Area are grouped as mentioned in the following table with respect to Professional Tax: PersonnelArea PersonnelAreaText Personnel Subarea PersonnelSubareaText PS grp. for Ptax 1 Cairn India 1 Gurgaon 0 1 Cairn India 2 S`yanam 1 1 Cairn India 3 Rajahmundry 1 1 Cairn India 4 Kakinada 1 1 Cairn India 5 Barmer 0 1 Cairn India 6 Jodhpur 0 1 Cairn India 7 Patna 0 1 Cairn India 8 Suvali 2 1 Cairn India 9 Chennai 7 3 Cairn Bangladesh 1 Cairn Bangladesh 0 Assign Amo,nts %or Pro%essional De#,-tion #rofession$l T$2 #T$2" r$te is $ssigned to $ sl$9 code* +l$9s $re s$l$ry 9r$c/ets $s specified for $ +t$te 9y the respecti3e +t$te Eo3ern'ent or loc$l $uthority* To $ssign r$tes to sl$9 codes for $ st$te0 for e2$'ple Eu?$r$t0 we 'ust first define the sl$9 code $nd then $ssign seri$l nu'9ers0 '$2i'u' li'its $nd the r$tes* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, #rofession$l T$2 Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll  #$yroll: !ndi$ #rofession$l T$2  Assign A'ounts for #rofession$l T$2 %eduction Des-ri&tion an# Con%ig,ration Val,es The following t$9le shows the det$ils of #rofession$l t$2 sl$9 codes $nd the deducti9le $'ounts for e$ch sl$9* 141 SlabCode Sr. No RangeEnd Professional Taxamount Currency AP01 1 1,499.99 INR AP01 2 1,999.99 16.00 INR AP01 3 2,999.99 25.00 INR AP01 4 3,999.99 35.00 INR AP01 5 4,999.99 45.00 INR AP01 6 5,999.99 60.00 INR AP01 7 9,999.99 80.00 INR AP01 8 14,999.99 100.00 INR AP01 9 19,999.99 150.00 INR AP01 10 9,999,999.99 200.00 INR TN01 1 21,000.99 INR TN01 2 30,000.99 75.00 INR TN01 3 45,000.99 188.00 INR TN01 4 60,000.99 390.00 INR TN01 5 75,000.99 585.00 INR TN01 6 9,999,999.99 810.00 INR INR Met9o# an# orm La!o,t %or PTa@ Gro,&ings !n this $cti3ity0 we $ssign the c$lcul$tion 'ethod used for $ sl$9 code in $ region $nd specify the l$yout of the for' to 9e su9'itted0 to the st$tutory Authorities* The for' l$yout $nd the 'ethod used for c$lcul$tion0 refer to $ ti'e dependent entry in the HR S,0ro,tines t$9le* #rofession$l T$2 deduction $'ount will 9e $rri3ed in the #$yroll )un0 9$sed on the e'ployee $ssign'ent to #ersonnel +u9$re$ $nd the sl$9 code ( )egion code $ssigned to the #ersonnel +u9$re$* IMGMenuPath 142 SAP R"+ Role Men, #rofession$l T$2 Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ #rofession$l T$2 =$int$in =ethod $nd &or' C$yout for #rofession$l T$2 Eroupings DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following t$9le shows the det$ils of #rofession$l HT$2 sl$9 codesI $ssigned to the regions Andhr$ #r$desh $nd T$'il J$du* Region Slab code Method FormLayout BasisType Typeof Carry Forward Start date Enddate 01 AP01 40PTXCAP 40PTXFAP Due Basis Gross Carry forward 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 22 TN01 40PTXCTN 40PTXFTN Due Basis Gross Carry forward 01.01.1998 31.12.9999 INCOME TAD 5asi- Settings Personnel Area an# S,0area Gro,&ings %or In-ome Ta@ We have to create the personnel area and sub area groupings for tax, to group employees, who belong to the same tax office circle. In the next step we assign the groupings to the relevant personnel areas and sub areas. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, #rofession$l T$2 Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$T$2 D$sic +ettings %efine #ersonnel Are$ $nd +u9$re$ Eroupings DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following t$9le shows the det$ils of #ersonnel +u9$re$ groupings for !nco'e T$2* TaxGroup TDScircle WardNo PayeeKey 1 ACIT TDS CIRCLE I SALARY WARD 3(1) INPAY01 143 2 ACIT TDS CIRCLE I SALARY WARD 3(1) INPAY01 Assign Ta@ Gro,&ings %or Personnel Areas an# S,0 areas In this step we assign the groupings defined in the above step to the relevant personnel areas and sub areas IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, D$sic +ettings Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ T$2 D$sic settings Assign T$2 Eroupings for #ersonnel Are$s $nd +u9$re$s DescriptionandConfigurationValues The profession$l t$2 groupings cre$ted in the pre3ious step $re $ssigned to personnel $re$s $nd su9 $re$s* PersonnelArea PersonnelAreaText Personnel Subarea PersonnelSubareaText PS grpTax 1 Cairn India 1 Gurgaon 1 1 Cairn India 2 S`yanam 1 1 Cairn India 3 Rajahmundry 1 1 Cairn India 4 Kakinada 1 1 Cairn India 5 Barmer 1 1 Cairn India 6 Jodhpur 1 1 Cairn India 7 Patna 1 1 Cairn India 8 Suvali 1 1 Cairn India 9 Chennai 1 3 Cairn Bangladesh 1 Cairn Bangladesh 1 Maintain eat,re to Ret,rn Em&lo!er In-ome Ta@ Relate# Data In this feature, we set up the criteria to return the following information about the employer based on the company code: • Employer Classification Code • Employer Permanent Account Number (PAN) • Employer Tax Account Number (TAN) • Employer GIR Number These values are required for the purpose of reporting. 144 This feature returns a table with the above information as records. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, D$sic +ettings Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ T$2 D$sic settings =$int$in &e$ture to )eturn 4'ployer !nco'e T$2 )el$ted %$t$ T9ir# &art! De#,-tions Details o% Se-tion 2' an# Se-tion 2' C 7ontri9utions or in3est'ents '$de under +ection 80 $nd +ection 80 7 $re considered $s deductions fro' Eross Tot$l !nco'e ET!" $s per the li'its specified 9y 7entr$l Eo3ern'ent* Dy $ssigning $ w$ge type0 we ensure th$t the $nnu$l 3$lue of the w$ge type $long with the entries '$de in +ection 80 %eductions0 !nfotype 0585" $nd +ection 80 7 %eductions0 !nfotype 0586" 9eco'es eligi9le for deduction fro' ET! for the specified su9-section ( di3ision co'9in$tion* =ore th$n one w$ge type c$n 9e $ssoci$ted with s$'e su9-section ( di3ision co'9in$tion using the se5uence field* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, Third #$rty %eductions Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ T$2 Third #$rty %eductions 7onfigure ;$ge types for +ection 80 $nd +ection 80 7 DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following $re the t$9le entries* These $re +A# +t$nd$rd entries* Subsection Division Sequence DivisionDescription Wage Type 1 1 Contribution to Certain Pension Funds 2 1 Medical Insr Premium (Non-Senior Ctz) 2 1 1 Medical Insr Premium (Non-Senior Ctz) 2 2 Medical Insr Premium (Senior Citizen) 3 1 Deduction for dependent with disability 4 1 5 1 Medical Treatment 145 5 2 Medical Trtmnt for Senr Citizen 6 1 Repayment of Interest on Loan for Higher Education 7 1 Donation to CRY 7 2 Donation to PM's Relief Fund 8 1 Deduction in respect of rent paid 9 1 Donation for Scientific/Rural Devlpmnt 10 1 Interest on Certain Securities/Dividends 10 2 Interest on Certain Securities/Dividends (incl Govt Securities) 12 1 Prof Income from Foreign Sources 13 1 Remuntn recvd for services rendrd abrd 14 1 Deduction for self disability Details o% Se-tion 2'C Contributions or investments made under Section 88 are considered as rebates from the total tax payable by the employee. By assigning a wage type, we ensure that the annual value of the wage type along with the entries made in Section 88 Deductions infotype (0586) becomes eligible for rebate from tax payable otherwise for the specified investment. More than one wage type can be associated with the same investment type by using the sequence number field. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, Third #$rty %eductions Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #$yroll: !ndi$  T$2  Third #$rty %eductions  7onfigure ;$ge types for +ection 88 DescriptionandConfigurationValues Investment InvestmentText Sequence WageType 1 Payment towards Life Insurance Policy 2 Contribution to Superannuation Fund 3 Subscription to notified Central Government security (NSS) 4 Contribution to ULIP 5 Subscription to approved equity shares or 146 Investment InvestmentText Sequence WageType debentures (Infrastructure) 6 Subscription to approved mutual fund (Infrastructure) 7 Contribution to Public Provident Fund 8 Contribution to Recognised Provident Fund 9 Deposit under Post Office Savings Bank(Cumulative Time Deposits) Rule1959 11 Subscr to notified Central Govmt Savings certificate (NSC VIII issue) 12 Contribution to notified unit linked insurance plan of LIC Mutual Fund 13 Contribution to provident fund as per PF Act,1925 14 Repayment of Housing loan 16 Interest on NSC VIII issue 17 Contribution to notified annuity plan of LIC 18 Subscription to notified mutual fund 19 Subscription to notified pension fund 20 Subscription to notified deposit scheme of the National Housing Bank 21 Subsr to dpst schm of a pblc sectr com or any constituted athry in house constrc 22 Contract for a deferred annuity on life of specified persons 23 Deduction from salary for a deferred annuity Ta@ lia0ilit! on Reim0,rsementsE Allo=an-es an# Per6s De%ine Ta@ Co#es !n this $cti3ity we define T$2 7odes $nd descri9e the' 9riefly* IMGMenuPath 147 SAP R"+ Role Men, T$2 Ci$9ility on )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ T$2 T$2 Ci$9ility on )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s %efine T$2 7odes Des-ri&tion an# Con%ig,ration Val,es The following t$2 codes $re in the syste': TaxCode TaxCodedescription SAGA Taxation as per gratuity act SBON Income Tax Deduction at Source for Bonus SCAR Car maintenance Reimbursement 1 SCEA Children Education Allowance SCLA Company Leased Accomodation SCNE Conveyance Act Expenditure SCNO Conveyance Act Expenditure OTHERS SCNV Conveyance Allowance SCOA Company Owned Accomodation Assign ta@ Co#e limits to ;age T!&es We assign the tax code limits, wage types and other criteria to a tax code. This value is taken into account when calculating the employees tax liabilities on certain benefits. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, T$2 Ci$9ility on )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E" #$yroll  #$yroll: !ndi$  T$2  T$2 Ci$9ility on )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s  Assign T$2 7ode Ci'its to ;$ge Types DescriptionandConfigurationValues In this activity, we assign the tax code limits, wage types and other criteria to a tax code as shown in the following table. This value is taken into account when calculating the employees tax liabilities on certain benefits. Example Similarly, employees who claim exemption on Medical allowance (Tax code SMED) benefit from tax exemption of up to a maximum of Rs.15, 000. 148 These tax limits or rates and other details are used for verification during a payroll run, to calculate Tax Exemptions. Wage Type Taxtype Frequency ExemptionLimit TaxCode Currency Start To 1CLA Tax exemption is Rule Based 0 SCLA INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 1CON Tax exemption is Limit Based Limit for Tax Exemption is Monthly 800 SCNV INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 1HRA Tax exemption is Rule Based 0 SHRA INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 1LEN Tax exemption is Limit Based Limit for Tax Exemption is Annual 240,000.00 SLEA INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 1LTA Tax exemption is Rule Based 0 SLTA INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 1OAL Tax exemption is Limit Based Limit for Tax Exemption is Monthly 0 SEXM INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 2OAL Tax exemption is Limit Based Limit for Tax Exemption is Monthly 0 SEXM INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3MER Tax exemption is Limit Based Limit for Tax Exemption is Annual 0 SLEA INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 3TPR Tax exemption is Limit Based Limit for Tax Exemption is Annual 0 SLEA INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 4OAL Tax exemption is Limit Based Limit for Tax Exemption is Annual 0 SLEA INR 01.01.1999 31.12.9999 PA?ROLL SCHEMA AND PERSONNEL CALCULATION RULES Pa!roll S-9ema The p$yroll sche'$ cont$ins c$lcul$tion rules to 9e used 9y the p$yroll dri3er during p$yroll* +A# h$s de3eloped country-specific sche'$s* A sche'$ consists of #ersonnel 7$lcul$tion )ules0 ,per$tions $nd &unctions* A sche'$ perfor's the following: • Imports required Infotypes • Updates the databases 149 • Gross calculation of pay • Processes basic data and time data • Reads payroll account of the last period accounted • Processes time data and calculates the individual gross values • Performs factoring • Net calculation of pay IMGMenuPathor Transactioncode SAP R"+ Role Men, #$yroll +che'$ $nd #ersonnel 7$lcul$tion )ules Transa-tion Co#e #401 Des-ri&tion an# Con%ig,ration Val,es The following t$9le shows the 'odified sche'$ for 7$irn 4nergy #$yroll syste': Schema Textof the Schema ZN00 Payroll Schema_Cairn Energy_ Nationals Ne= re<,irement F ;>e>%> ')st A&rE '7 )e5uire'ent: !n $ccord$nce with the pro3isions of !nco'e T$2 under u(s 1014" re$d with rule 2DD0 loc$tion $llow$nce of $n e'ployee wor/ing $t D$r'er site is eligi9le for inco'e t$2 e2e'ption N )s* 1000 per 'onth $s H7o'pens$tory =odified &ield Are$ Allow$nceI* +olution: ;e pl$nned to use !J7TO function for this e2e'ption* ;e h$3e cre$ted one w$ge type 5C,7 Coc$tion $llow$nce" fro' =200* 4ligi9ility is getting 3$ried fro' gr$de to gr$de for this $llow$nce* 42$'ple)s*5000 to 10000 per 'onth"* As per the re5uire'ent0 we h$3e to configure this w$ge type for e2e'ption of )s*1000 per 'onth u(s 10* !n LMT7!JA90 we '$int$ined this w$ge type $nd 'entioned th$t it is Allow$nce* !n LMT7!JT90 we '$pped the +t$nd$rd T$2 code +C,7 to the w$ge type 1C,7 $nd 'entioned the fre5uency $s =onthly G 42e'ption $'ount $s )s* 1000* !n T591A0 we h$3e copied the st$nd$rd su9type +4O= $nd n$'ed the su9type $s +C,7 < Eeneric T$2 e2e'ption $nd in the T7!JT70 the t$2 code $s +C,7 < Eeneric T$2 e2e'ption* 5C,7 ;$ge type is '$int$ined in the !nfotype 0008 G 42e'ption for the 'onth April 09 in !nfotype 0582 $s )s* 1100 $g$inst the su9type +C,7* ;e copied $nnu$l G 'onthly custo'er specific e2e'ption w$ge types =7AO G =7=O $nd cre$ted $s 1CAO G 1C=O* !n +che'$0 it is '$int$ined $s !J7TO +C,O 1CAO A 1C=O 150 +ince we '$int$ined the '$2i'u' li'it $s )s*1000 in LMT7!JT90 +yste' considers only )s* 1000 9ut !n 0582 !nfotype0 e2e'ption $'ount entered for the 'onth of April 09 is )s*1100* !n =$y 090 we entered )s* 3000 so the syste' $uto'$tic$lly pro?ects the 3$lue $nd displ$y the $nnu$l e2e'ption $s )s*4300* Schema $ %&'' #chema =N00 is used ,or Cairn ener3y nation employees Payroll run. Acti(ate )&CT* 151 Copy )&+, - Create %&+, .odifications in %&+, as per our re#uirements / 152 Copy 0ae type .CA* - .C.* and create 0ae type ,1A* - ,1.* 153 )n Table / 23T+)&A4 )n Table / 23T+)&T4 154 )n Table / 23T+)&T+ )n Table / 23T54,A )n )nfotype '567 / Subtype S18C is maintained 155 ,18C Wae type maintained )nfotype '''6 "esult > Exemption is displayed u?s 10 156 Tax Calculation / 1ncome 5,7'''' #td. dedn. 1)0000 4"*0000 10@ 1)0000 1)000 4-20000 20@ 200000 40000 4%20000 30@ 13-%000 TD# 10@ #ur Edu Cess Tot Tax ,99,''' 144100 1)-)100 4*))3 ,:;7:5; 1ncome 5,7'''' u?s 10 Exemp ,7''' 157 5,'6''' #td. dedn. 1)0000 4")-000 10@ 1)0000 1)000 4-0-000 20@ 200000 40000 4%0-000 30@ 13-2400 TD# 10@ #ur Edu Cess Tot Tax ,9;+9'' 143*40 1)-1140 4*434.2 ,:765+9 ast &onth Exemption A April 200" ,''' Current &onth Exemption A &ay 200" 300 Pro6ection : 1ncludin3 Current &onth ; 11 8alance month includin3 Current month ;;'' 158 Total Exemption 9;'' Tax Calculation / 1ncome 5,7'''' u?s 10 Exemp 9;'' 5,,5+'' #td. dedn. 1)0000 4"%)*00 10@ 1)0000 1)000 4-1)*00 20@ 200000 40000 4%1)*00 30@ 13-4*10 TD# 10@ #ur Edu Cess Tot Tax 159 ,9;4+,' 143"*1 1)-3%-1 4*)10.43 ,:;,,4, Personnel -al-,lation R,les #ersonnel 7$lcul$tion )ule is $n instruction to e2ecute defined t$s/s in Ti'e =$n$ge'ent $nd #$yroll* #ersonnel c$lcul$tion rules consist of one or 'ore oper$tions* They h$3e $ decision tree structure* A personnel c$lcul$tion rule '$y cont$in one or 'ore su9 $re$s* A personnel c$lcul$tion rule is $ type of wor/ instruction th$t chec/s the e2isting conditions $nd e2ecutes indi3idu$l $ctions* The country-specific p$yroll 'odule 9y +A# t$/es the st$tutory $nd $d'inistr$ti3e regul$tions of $ country into $ccount $nd designs the #$yroll sche'$s $nd #ersonnel c$lcul$tion rules* IMGMenuPathor Transactioncode SAPR/3 RoleMenu Payroll Schema and Personnel Calculation Rules TransactionCode PE02 Des-ri&tion an# Con%ig,ration Val,es Since each country payroll has a modular structure, we can use the Customizing functions/Rules to quickly modify the payroll procedure to meet the particular requirements of an enterprise. On this way, we have designed the following customer specific Personnel Calculation rules to suit the requirements of the Payroll module of Cairn Energy: Rule Textof the PersonnelCalculationRule P4%C >)-!J: 4'ployer 4%C! contri9* $s 0*005Q 0*01" $nd 'ultiply 9y 1l$/h P4)7 >)-!J: 4'ployer #&(#en contri9utions 1l$/h di3ision PJ)T >)-!J: 7u'ul$te #$y'ents for T%+ in )egul$r )un PJLT >)-!J: Lolunt$ry t$2 deduction P#4) >)-!J: Adding the =onthly #er/ to Annu$l #er/ P)4T >)-!J: #& $nd #T )etro 7$rry forw$rd in c$se of Arre$rs PCR GEDL: 160 PCR: GERC: PCR: GNRT: 161 PCR: GNVT: 162 PCR: GRET: 163 PA?ROLL ORGANISATION Perio# Parameters !n this step0 the period p$r$'eters for p$yroll $re defined* #eriod p$r$'eter is $ two-digit nu'eric$l p$r$'eter th$t defines the ti'e inter3$l for running p$yroll* IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, #$yroll ,rg$niB$tion Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG)  Payroll Payroll: India Basic settings Payroll organization Define Period Parameters DescriptionandConfigurationValues In Cairn Energy the Payroll run is Monthly Payroll run for all the employees. We have configured the Monthly Payroll to suit the requirement as shown in the following table PeriodParameters Name TimeUnit StartDate 1 Monthly 1 01.01.1990 67 Monthly - IN 1 01.04.1998 Date Mo#i%iers The data modifier is only a means of differentiation allowing defining different payment dates for various employee groups. Date Modifiers defined in this step are assigned to Payroll Areas. IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, #$yroll ,rg$niB$tion Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG)  Payroll  Payroll: India  Basic settings  Payroll organization  Define Date modifiers 164 DescriptionandConfigurationValues The following date modifier has been configured for Cairn Energy DateModifier Name 00 Standard Modifier Generate Pa!roll Perio#s The period for which payroll regularly runs. In an abstract sense, payroll period is the name given to the interval for which Payroll regularly runs, such as Weekly or monthly payroll periods. &or e$ch period p$r$'eter th$t is $ssigned to $ p$yroll $re$0 the syste' re5uires the following d$te specific$tions: • Start date and end date of each payroll period (Ex: 01.04.2007 – 31.04.2007) • Payment date of each payroll period (Ex: Payment date for April 2007 is 30.04.2007) IMGMenuPath SAP R"+ Role Men, D$sic #$y Transa-tion Co#e +#), IMG Men, !'ple'ent$tion Euide for )(3 7usto'iBing !=E"  #$yroll #$yroll: !ndi$ D$sic settings#$yroll org$niB$tion Eener$te #$yroll #eriods DescriptionandConfigurationValues We have generated the payroll periods for the period parameters i.e. MONTHLY for the years 2006 to 2010. The start and end dates of the periods should be the same as the start and end dates of the calendar months. The period’s payment dates should be three days before the end of the period. The following table represents the Payroll Periods defined for Cairn Energy’s Payroll Nationals. Payrollyear Payroll Period Startdate Enddate PreviousPayroll year PreviousPayrollPeriod 2007 1 01.04.2007 30.04.2007 2006 12 2007 2 01.05.2007 31.05.2007 2007 1 2007 3 01.06.2007 30.06.2007 2007 2 2007 4 01.07.2007 31.07.2007 2007 3 2007 5 01.08.2007 31.08.2007 2007 4 2007 6 01.09.2007 30.09.2007 2007 5 2007 7 01.10.2007 31.10.2007 2007 6 2007 8 01.11.2007 30.11.2007 2007 7 165 Payrollyear Payroll Period Startdate Enddate PreviousPayroll year PreviousPayrollPeriod 2007 9 01.12.2007 31.12.2007 2007 8 2007 10 01.01.2008 31.01.2008 2007 9 2007 11 01.02.2008 29.02.2008 2007 10 2007 12 01.03.2008 31.03.2008 2007 11 2008 1 01.04.2008 30.04.2008 2007 12 2008 2 01.05.2008 31.05.2008 2008 1 2008 3 01.06.2008 30.06.2008 2008 2 2008 4 01.07.2008 31.07.2008 2008 3 2008 5 01.08.2008 31.08.2008 2008 4 2008 6 01.09.2008 30.09.2008 2008 5 2008 7 01.10.2008 31.10.2008 2008 6 2008 8 01.11.2008 30.11.2008 2008 7 2008 9 01.12.2008 31.12.2008 2008 8 2008 10 01.01.2009 31.01.2009 2008 9 2008 11 01.02.2009 28.02.2009 2008 10 2008 12 01.03.2009 31.03.2009 2008 11 2009 1 01.04.2009 30.04.2009 2008 12 2009 2 01.05.2009 31.05.2009 2009 1 2009 3 01.06.2009 30.06.2009 2009 2 2009 4 01.07.2009 31.07.2009 2009 3 2009 5 01.08.2009 31.08.2009 2009 4 2009 6 01.09.2009 30.09.2009 2009 5 2009 7 01.10.2009 31.10.2009 2009 6 2009 8 01.11.2009 30.11.2009 2009 7 2009 9 01.12.2009 31.12.2009 2009 8 2009 10 01.01.2010 31.01.2010 2009 9 2009 11 01.02.2010 28.02.2010 2009 10 2009 12 01.03.2010 31.03.2010 2009 11 166 Payrollyear Payroll Period Startdate Enddate PreviousPayroll year PreviousPayrollPeriod 2010 1 01.04.2010 30.04.2010 2009 12 2010 2 01.05.2010 31.05.2010 2010 1 2010 3 01.06.2010 30.06.2010 2010 2 2010 4 01.07.2010 31.07.2010 2010 3 2010 5 01.08.2010 31.08.2010 2010 4 2010 6 01.09.2010 30.09.2010 2010 5 2010 7 01.10.2010 31.10.2010 2010 6 2010 8 01.11.2010 30.11.2010 2010 7 2010 9 01.12.2010 31.12.2010 2010 8 2010 10 01.01.2011 31.01.2011 2010 9 2010 11 01.02.2011 28.02.2011 2010 10 2010 12 01.03.2011 31.03.2011 2010 11 2011 1 01.04.2011 30.04.2011 2010 12 2011 2 01.05.2011 31.05.2011 2011 1 2011 3 01.06.2011 30.06.2011 2011 2 2011 4 01.07.2011 31.07.2011 2011 3 2011 5 01.08.2011 31.08.2011 2011 4 2011 6 01.09.2011 30.09.2011 2011 5 2011 7 01.10.2011 31.10.2011 2011 6 2011 8 01.11.2011 30.11.2011 2011 7 2011 9 01.12.2011 31.12.2011 2011 8 A5AP DEVELOPMENTS Sl. No. Description TransactionCode 1 Car running Expenses Monthly Report ZPY007 2 Car running Expenses Period end treatment Report ZPY008 3 Telephone reimbursement Period end process Report ZPY004 167 4 Telephone reimbursement Display claim details Report ZPY004_Disp 5 Telephone reimbursement Outstanding balance Report ZPY001_Outstan ding 6 Medical Reimbursement Period end process Report ZPY017 7 Medical Reimbursement claim display details Report ZPY017_Disp 8 Medical Reimbursement Outstanding balance Report ZPY018 9 FHPL Monthly Report ZPY005 10 Leave encashment details Report(Display mode only) Zpy014 11 Coff encashment details Report(Display mode only) Zpy015 12 N/F Holidays History of Employee Report ZPY010_D 13 Pay register Report ZPY019 14 Generation of Allow. in lieu of Superannuation report ZPY009 15 Updation of data table (ZPY_SUPER_ANNU) ZPY009 16 Generation of Monthly Superannuation report ZPY012 17 Standard Vs Actual Reconciliation ZPY021 18 Allowance in lieu of superannuation automatic updation IT0008 ZPY026 19 Full & Final settlement Infotype updation Report ZPY020 20 Salary Transfer ZPY016 21 Mode wise Reconciliation of Salary Disbursement Monthly Report ZPY013 22 Income Tax computation Statement ZPY024 23 Full & Final settlement Final Report ZPY023 24 Telephone Reimbursement Claim creating process ZPY001 25 Car running Expenses Claim Creation Process ZPY002 26 Salary Advance ZPY003 27 Medical Reimbursement Claim creating process ZHR007 28 Medical Reimbursement claim approval by CMO ZHR007 29 FHPL Claim creating process ZHR007 30 FHPL Claim approval by CMO ZHR007 31 LTA application process ZLTACF 32 National/Festival holidays Pay application process ZPY010 168 ProcessingClasses: 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 Cumulation Classes/ 1. Total 3ross amount 180 10. Net payments?Deductions 11. EPB 8asis 12. E#1 8asis 13. E#1 8asis Nominal 14. .5A 8asis 1). C+A?CA 8asis 1%. 2ratuity 8asis 1*. #uper anuation 0asis 1-. Ptax 8asis 1". Ptax 0asis Nominal 2-. ea!e Encashment 0asis 32. &onthly Exceptions 33. Annual Exceptions 3". CPB 0asis 40. (B 0asis E(aluation Classes/ PA30-MasterData: 181 IT-0000-Actions: IT-0001-OrganizationalAssignment 182 IT-0002-PersonalData: IT-0003-PayrollStatus: 183 IT-0006-Address: IT-0007-PlannedWorkingTime: 184 IT-0008-Basicpay: IT-0009-BankDetails: 185 IT-0014-Recurringpayments/Deductions: IT-0015AdditionalPayments: 186 IT-0016-Contractelements: IT-0019Monitoringof Tasks: 187 IT-0021FamilyMembers/Dependence: IT-0022Education: 188 IT-0023Other/PreviousEmployers: IT-0031ReferencePersonalNumbers: 189 IT-0045-Loans: IT-0050TimeRecordingInfo: 190 IT-0105-Communication: IT-0185PersonalID’s: 191 IT-0580-PreviousEmploymentTaxDetails: IT-0581-HRA: 192 IT-0582-Exceptions: IT-0583-Car & Conveyance: 193 IT-0584-IncomeFromOtherSources: IT-0585-Section80 Deductions: 194 IT-0586-Section80CDeductions: IT-0587-PF: 195 IT-0588-OtherStatutoryDeductions: 196 IT-0589-IndividualReimbursement: Payroll-Run: 197 PC00_M40_CALC_SIMU-Simulation: PC00_M99_PA03_RELEA-ReleasePayroll: 198 PC00_M40_CALC-Start Payroll: PC00_M99_PA03_CHECK-CheckResults PC00_M99_PA03_CORR-Corrections 199 PC00_M99_PA03_END-Exit Payroll PC00_M40_CEDT-RemunerationStatement 200 PayrollResults:T.Code:PC_payresults,PC_M40_CLSTR 201 RT Table: CRTTable: 202 BT Table: Reportingfor PostingPayroll Resultsto Accounting: 203 EmployeeGroupingfor AccountDetermination: DefineSymbolicAccounts: 204 DefinePostingCharacteristicsof WageTypes: OtherSteps: MaintainPostingdatefor Payroll Periods CreatePostingVariants Activitiesin AC System(AssigningAccounts) PostingRun: ExecuteRun:PC00_M99_CIPE 205 Edit Run-PCP0 206 OtherLegalReports: "#$%& C#%'IG(R$TI#% Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> !aintain oan Types >> oan Types "efinition 207 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> !aintain oan Types >> Country #ssignment Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> !aintain oan Types >> Technical #ttributes Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> !aintain oan Types >> Conditions 208 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> $et up Customer Payment Types >> "efine Payment Types Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> $et up Customer Payment Types >> #ssignment of %age types to payment types 209 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> Control #llocation of oans >> #dopt &eature Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> Control #llocation of oans >> "efine 'alues 210 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> !aintain oans (rouoping Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> !aintain $alary Components 211 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> !aintain !a)imum *o. of oans allowed >> !aintain !a)imum *o. of oans allowed at a time +Country (rouping ,-. Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> !aintain !a)imum *o. of oans allowed >> !aintain !a)imum *o. of oans allowed Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> !aintain ma)imum amount for oans /utstanding 212 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Company oans >> !aster "ata >> Customer Pay Types >> !aintain oans Eligibility Chec0s and imits Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> Claims >> 1eimbursement Type $ettings >> !aintain #ttributes of 1eimbursement Types Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> Claims >> 1eimbursement Type $ettings >> "efine (roups for 1eimbursement Types 213 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> Claims >> 1eimbursement Type $ettings >> "efine Payment mode of 1eimbursement Types Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> Claims >> 1eimbursement Type >> !ap $ubtypes of oan infotype to 1eimbursement Types 214 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> oans >> oans >> "efine *umber 1ange for oans Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> oans >> *ode Te)t *ot &ound >> "efine oan types and conditions +Country (rouping ,-. 215 Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> oans >> *ode Te)t *ot &ound >> "efine oan Payment Types +Country (rouping ,-. Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> oans >> *ode Te)t *ot &ound >> "efine oan 1e2Payment Types +Country (rouping ,-. Payroll >> Payroll India >> Employee $elf $ervices >> oans >> *ode Te)t *ot &ound >> !ap oan Types to #pprovers TravelManagement +A# >)=*******************************************************************************************************1 7ontents:******************************************************************************************************1 ,rg$niB$tion$l =$n$ge'ent****************************************************************************1 216 ,L4)ACC ,)EAJ!+AT!,J +T)67T6)4 ***************************************************3 #4)+,JAC %ATA ********************************************************************************17 &$'ily()el$ted #erson !nfotype 0021"***********************************************************20 Addresses !nfotype 0006" ***************************************************************************21 !dentific$tion !nfotype 0185"************************************************************************22 7ontr$ctu$l $nd 7orpor$te Agree'ents**************************************************22 7ontr$ct 4le'ents !nfotype 0016"*****************************************************************22 43$lu$tion D$sis*********************************************************************************24 =onitoring of T$s/ !nfotype 0019"*****************************************************************24 4'ployee Fu$lific$tions***********************************************************************27 4duc$tion !nfotype 0022"*****************************************************************************27 ,ther(#re3ious 4'ployers !nfotype 0023"******************************************************29 7o''unic$tion**********************************************************************************31 7o''unic$tion !nfotype 0105"*********************************************************************31 7usto'iBing procedures **********************************************************************33 Actions********************************************************************************************************33 ;or/force )e5uire'ents $nd Ad3ertising***********************************************45 Applic$nt Ad'inistr$tion**********************************************************************47 Applic$nt +tructure***************************************************************************************48 Applic$nt +election******************************************************************************51 Applic$nt Acti3ities***************************************************************************************51 #u9lic >olid$y 7$lend$r***********************************************************************60 7re$te #u9lic >olid$y 7$lend$r***********************************************************************60 Assign #u9lic >olid$y 7$lend$rs to Coc$tions****************************************************64 ;or/ +chedules**********************************************************************************65 #ersonnel +u9$re$ Eroupings************************************************************************65 %$ily ;or/ +chedules***********************************************************************************67 #eriod ;or/ +chedules**********************************************************************************70 ;or/ +chedule )ules $nd ;or/ +chedules*******************************************************73 #l$nned ;or/ing Ti'e**********************************************************************************77 Ti'e %$t$ )ecording $nd Ad'inistr$tion************************************************78 A9sence 7$t$log ******************************************************************************************78 A9sence 7ounting*****************************************************************************************82 =$n$ging Ti'e Accounts 6sing Attend$nce(A9sence Fuot$s*********************89 +etting Eroupings for Ti'e Fuot$s ****************************************************************90 Ti'e Fuot$ Types ***************************************************************************************91 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT...........................................................100 1*1 #$yroll =odule 7onfigur$tion +cope*************************************************100 #$y +c$le Type*********************************************************************************107 #$y +c$le Are$**********************************************************************************108 Assign #$y +c$le +tructure to 4nterprise +tructure********************************108 WAGE TYPE STRUCTURE...............................................................111 ;$ge types for D$sic #$y !nfotype 0008" *******************************************111 7re$te ( 7opy w$ge types****************************************************************************112 7hec/ ;$ge Type Te2t********************************************************************************112 7hec/ 4ntry #er'issi9ility per !nfotype*********************************************************113 4'ployee +u9 Eroup Erouping &or #ri'$ry ;$ge Types**********************************114 ;$ge Type #er'issi9ility*****************************************************************************114 7hec/ ;$ge Type 7h$r$cteristics*****************************************************************115 L$lu$tion of ;$getypes ******************************************************************************117 ;$getypes for !nfotype 0014**************************************************************119 7re$te(7opy ;$getypes *****************************************************************************119 #er'issi9ility of ;$ge Types for !nfotype 0014**********************************************120 ;$ge types for !nfotype 0015*************************************************************121 7re$te ( 7opy ;$ge Types***************************************************************************121 217 #er'issi9ility of ;$ge Types for !nfotype 0015**********************************************122 Assign #$y +c$le Eroupings for Allow$nces*******************************************124 =$int$in %ef$ult ;$ge Types for D$sic #$y*******************************************125 Assign ;$ge type =odel for #$y +c$le Erouping &or Allow$nces *************126 4ligi9ility for )A#s ****************************************************************************127 =$int$in +$l$ry Ke$r $nd #eriod 4nd Tre$t'ent of )A#**************************128 COMPANY LOANS........................................................................129 Acti3$te 7$lcul$tion***************************************************************************129 Ad?ust L$lue %$te*****************************************************************************129 =$ster %$t$*************************************************************************************130 =$int$in Co$n Types**********************************************************************************130 HOUSING....................................................................................130 %efine Acco''od$tion Types*************************************************************130 CAR AND CONVEYANCE................................................................131 %efine 7on3ey$nce Types*******************************************************************131 %efine A'ounts G Ju'9ers for 7$r +che'es****************************************132 4ligi9ility 7riteri$ for 7on3ey$nce Allow$nce****************************************135 PROFESSIONAL TAX.....................................................................140 %efine #rofession$l T$2 Erouping %et$ils *******************************************140 Assign #T$2 Eroupings for #A $nd #+A ***********************************************140 Assign A'ounts for #rofession$l %eduction *****************************************141 =ethod $nd &or' C$yout for #T$2 Eroupings****************************************142 INCOME TAX................................................................................143 D$sic +ettings***********************************************************************************143 #ersonnel Are$ $nd +u9$re$ Eroupings for !nco'e T$2***********************************143 Assign T$2 Eroupings for #ersonnel Are$s $nd +u9 $re$s********************************144 =$int$in &e$ture to )eturn 4'ployer !nco'e T$2 )el$ted %$t$************************144 Third p$rty %eductions**********************************************************************145 %et$ils of +ection 80 $nd +ection 80 7**********************************************************145 %et$ils of +ection 807*********************************************************************************146 T$2 li$9ility on )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s ************************147 %efine T$2 7odes****************************************************************************************147 Assign t$2 7ode li'its to ;$ge Types***********************************************************148 PAYROLL SCHEMA AND PERSONNEL CALCULATION RULES..............149 #$yroll +che'$********************************************************************************149 #ersonnel c$lcul$tion )ules****************************************************************160 PAYROLL ORGANISATION.............................................................164 #eriod #$r$'eters*****************************************************************************164 %$te =odifiers**********************************************************************************164 Eener$te #$yroll #eriods *******************************************************************165 ABAP DEVELOPMENTS.................................................................16 >u'$n )esources < Tr$3el =$n$ge'ent 7onfigur$tion +cope*****************221 %efine Trip Ju'9er )$nges****************************************************************221 %efine 7ontrol p$r$'eter for Tr$3el 42penses***************************************221 %efine Trip #ro3ision L$ri$nt************************************************************************221 %efine Elo9$l +ettings*********************************************************************************222 %efine 7ontrol p$r$'eter for Tr$3el %$t$*********************************************223 %efine Trip Are$s****************************************************************************************223 ****************************************************************************************************************224 %efine Trip Acti3ity Types ************************************************************************224 Kou h$3e to define the 3$rious Trip )e$sons in this $cti3ity******************************224 Tr$3el 42pense Types************************************************************************224 7re$te Tr$3el 42pense Types for !ndi3idu$l )eceipts***************************************224 %i$log $nd Tr$3el 42penses 7ontrol*****************************************************226 218 %efine +che'$ $nd !ndi3idu$l &ield 7ontrol***************************************************226 Kou h$3e to define the screen l$yout for the 3$rious Trip #ro3ision L$ri$nt in this $cti3ity*******************************************************************************************************226 )estrict tr$3el e2pense types for Trip +che'$s***********************************************227 1*1*1 Tr$3el =$n$ge'ent Tr$3el 42penses %i$log $nd Tr$3el 42penses 7ontrol %i$log 7ontrol )estrict tr$3el e2pense types for Trip +che'$s************************227 &ield 7ontrol for Addition$l )eceipt !nfor'$tion *********************************************227 Kou define the field st$tus of the $ddition$l receipt ****************************************227 +etup 3$ri$9le l$yout for Account $ssign'ent o9?ects*************************************229 ****************************************************************************************************************230 Tr$3el 42penses 7ontrol*********************************************************************230 ;$ge Types for !nterf$ces******************************************************************231 Assign ;$ge Types to Tr$3el 42pense Types for !ndi3* )eceipts **********************231 >ere in this $cti3ity we $ssign w$ge type to the e2pense type**************************231 Tr$nsfer to Accounting***********************************************************************232 Ju'9er )$nges for #osting )uns *****************************************************************232 Kou h$3e to pro3ide nu'9er r$nges for posting run for tr$nsfer to $ccounting* * *232 Ju'9er )$nges for Trip tr$nsfer docu'ents *************************************************233 Kou h$3e to define the nu'9er r$nge inter3$l for the intern$l $ssign'ent of trip tr$nsfer docu'ent***************************************************************************************233 Assign'ent of ;$ge Type to +y'9olic Account *********************************************233 Kou h$3e to pro3ide $ sy'9olic $ccount to e$ch w$ge type for tr$nsfer to $ccounting**************************************************************************************************233 7on3ersion of +y'9olic Account to 42pense Account **************************************234 Kou h$3e to pro3ide $ sy'9olic $ccount to $ctu$l e2pense EC $nd 4'ployee Account for tr$nsfer to $ccounting*****************************************************************234 ****************************************************************************************************************234 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT...........................................................236 SETTINGS FOR ALL USER INTERFACES...........................................236 7re$te AuthoriB$tions for d$t$ entry profiles*****************************************236 6se*************************************************************************************************236 #rocedure****************************************************************************************236 )esult**********************************************************************************************236 SPECIFIC SETTINGS FOR CATS REGULAR.......................................236 +etup d$t$ entry profiles********************************************************************236 6se*************************************************************************************************236 #rocedure****************************************************************************************237 )esult**********************************************************************************************237 SPECIFIC SETTINGS FOR CATS REGULAR.......................................239 %efine &ield +election************************************************************************239 6se*************************************************************************************************239 #rocedure****************************************************************************************239 )esult**********************************************************************************************239 TIME DATA RECORDING ! ADMINISTRATION..................................242 %efine Attend$nce types********************************************************************242 6se*************************************************************************************************242 #rocedure****************************************************************************************242 )esult**********************************************************************************************242 Eroup e'ployee su9groups for ti'e 5uot$s******************************************243 6se*************************************************************************************************243 #rocedure****************************************************************************************243 )esult**********************************************************************************************243 Eroup #ersonnel su9$re$s for ti'e 5uot$s********************************************244 6se*************************************************************************************************244 219 #rocedure***************************************************************************************244 )esult**********************************************************************************************244 %efine 7ounting )ules***********************************************************************245 6se*************************************************************************************************245 #rocedure***************************************************************************************245 )esult**********************************************************************************************245 Assign 7ounting )ules to Attend$nce types*******************************************247 6se*************************************************************************************************247 #rocedure***************************************************************************************247 )esult**********************************************************************************************247 +elect Allowed A9sence types*************************************************************247 6se*************************************************************************************************247 #rocedure****************************************************************************************247 )esult**********************************************************************************************248 %efine re?ection )e$sons********************************************************************248 6se*************************************************************************************************248 #rocedure****************************************************************************************248 )esult**********************************************************************************************248 Tr$ining $nd 43ent =$n$ge'ent*******************************************************************249 CONFIGURATION STEPS"..............................................................22 !nterf$ce 7onfigur$tion for ;e9dynpro !nterf$ce in Tr$3el =$n$ge'ent:* *272 &e$tures 6sed for Tr$3el &or 4++":*****************************************************274 DA78E),6J% *********************************************************************************276 +cen$rio: 4'ployee +elf +er3ice********************************************************276 #rocess Eroup: #rocess on 4++***********************************************************276 ;ho1s ;ho************************************************************************************************276 #erson$l !nfor'$tion***********************************************************************************277 Tr$ining $nd 43ent =$n$ge'ent*******************************************************************278 Tr$3el =$n$ge'ent************************************************************************************279 #$yroll $nd #$y'ents**********************************************************************************280 Ti'e G Ce$3e =$n$ge'ent**************************************************************************281 Appr$is$l +yste'****************************************************************************************283 1*1*2 1* +yste' #rere5uisites***********************************************************************365 1*1*3 * 6ser Ad'inistr$tion***************************************************************************367 1*1*4 3* Dusiness #$rtner 7onfigur$tion**********************************************************372 1*1*5 4* ;or/flow 7onfigur$tion********************************************************************382 1*1*6 5* +e$rch 4ngine 7onfigur$tion*************************************************************388 1*1*7 5* #eriodic ser3ices******************************************************************************399 1*1*8 6* +A# 477 !ntegr$tion************************************************************************402 1*1*9 7* D$sic +ettings*********************************************************************************406 1*1*10 8* T$lent ;$rehouse**************************************************************************413 1*1*11 9* Applic$nt Tr$c/ing*************************************************************************436 1*1*12 10* )e5uisition =$n$ge'ent **************************************************************452 1*1*13 11* Addition$l Tools *************************************************************************458 1*1*14 12* !7= !nternet 7o''unic$tion =$n$ger" T$s/s********************************461 220 H,man Reso,r-es F Tra4el Management Con%ig,ration S-o&e The Tr$3el =$n$ge'ent section cont$ins the configur$tion det$ils of the 'odule* As p$rt of 9usiness process '$pping following configur$tion h$s 9een c$rried out in this 'odule* D#$%&# T'%( N)*+#' R,&-#. You have to define number ranges personnel area wise for creation of trip in this activity Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  Financial Accounting →Travel ManagementSet Up Trip Number Ranges T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO De%ine Control &arameter %or Tra4el E@&enses De%ine Tri& Pro4ision Variant You have to define the trip provision variant under which all the customizing settings will be done. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagementravel "#penses!aster $ata %ontrol Parameters from ravel "#penses 221 $efine&$elete&Restore rip Provision 'ariants T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO De%ine Glo0al Settings You have to define the global settings in the trip provision variant. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagementravel "#penses!aster $ata %ontrol Parameters from ravel "#penses $efine (lobal Settings T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 222 De%ine Control &arameter %or Tra4el Data De%ine Tri& Areas You have to define the trip areas for to allow entitlement as per the area&region. )ut in order to suit the )usiness re*uirements+ instead of defining trip country+ we have used this field to define ,Self travel - Yes or .o/. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagementravel "#penses!aster $ata %ontrol Parameters from rip $ata $efine rip Areas T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 223 De%ine Tri& A-ti4it! T!&es You have to define the various rip Reasons in this activity Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagementravel "#penses!aster $ata %ontrol Parameters from ravel Privileges %ontrol Parameters from rip 0acts $efine rip Activity ypes T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO Tra4el E@&ense T!&es Create Tra4el E@&ense T!&es %or In#i4i#,al Re-ei&ts You have to define the various rip e#pense types in this activity. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagementravel "#penses!aster $ataravel "#pense ypes%reate ravel "#pense ypes for 1ndividual Receipts 224 T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 225 Dialog an# Tra4el E@&enses Control De%ine S-9ema an# In#i4i#,al iel# Control You have to define the screen layout for the various rip Provision 'ariant in this activity. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagementravel "#penses $ialog and ravel "#penses %ontrol $ialog %ontrol $efine Schema and 1ndividual 0ield %ontrol T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 226 Restri-t tra4el e@&ense t!&es %or Tri& S-9emas 1n this step+ you assign to a trip schema those travel e#pense types that need to be available under that trip schema. 1f you do not specify any travel e#pense types for a trip schema+ then all e#pense types stored in the system apply to that trip schema. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) )>)>)T',3#4 M,&,-#*#&0 T',3#4 E5(#&.#. D%,41- ,&2 T',3#4 E5(#&.#. C1&0'14 D%,41- C1&0'14 R#.0'%/0 0',3#4 #5(#&.# 06(#. $1' T'%( S/7#*,. T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO iel# Control %or A##itional Re-ei&t In%ormation You define the field status of the additional receipt 2i3e 4. Re*uired 5. Optional 6. $isplay 7. 8idden Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses $ialog and ravel "#penses %ontrol $ialog %ontrol 0ield %ontrol 227 for Additional Receipt 1nformation T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 228 Set,& 4aria0le la!o,t %or A--o,nt assignment o0Be-ts 1n this 1!( activity you define the screen layout for the account assignment ob9ects : the selection and order of these ob9ects. 1n addition you can specify the field characteristics for each of the account assignment ob9ects. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses $ialog and ravel "#penses %ontrol $ialog %ontrol Setup variable layout for Account assignment ob9ects T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 229 Tra4el E@&enses Control ravel "#penses %ontrol ;"#pert 'iew< 1n this 1!( activity+ you can edit the matri# of accounting rules. 0or each position in the matri#+ you can access documentation ;04 8elp< and input help ;07 8elp<. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses $ialog and ravel "#penses %ontrol ravel "#penses %ontrol 230 ravel "#penses %ontrol ;"#pert 'iew< T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO ;age T!&es %or Inter%a-es Assign ;age T!&es to Tra4el E@&ense T!&es %or In#i4> Re-ei&ts 8ere in this activity we assign wage type to the e#pense type Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses =age ypes for 1nterfaces Assign =age ypes to ravel "#pense ypes for 1ndividual Receipts T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 231 Trans%er to A--o,nting N,m0er Ranges %or Posting R,ns You have to provide number ranges for posting run for transfer to accounting Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses ransfer to Accounting Set >p .umber Ranges for Posting Runs T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 232 N,m0er Ranges %or Tri& trans%er #o-,ments You have to define the number range interval for the internal assignment of trip transfer document. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses ransfer to Accounting Set >p .umber Ranges for rip transfer document T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO Assignment o% ;age T!&e to S!m0oli- A--o,nt You have to provide a symbolic account to each wage type for transfer to accounting Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses ransfer to Accounting $efine Assignment of =age ype to Symbolic Account T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 233 Con4ersion o% S!m0oli- A--o,nt to E@&ense A--o,nt You have to provide a symbolic account to actual e#pense (2 and "mployee Account for transfer to accounting Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) ravel !anagement ravel "#penses ransfer to Accounting %onversion of Symbolic Account to "#pense Account T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO 234 CATS-Configuration: 235 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT The Ti'e +heets docu'ent cont$ins the configur$tion det$ils of the 'odule* As p$rt of 9usiness process '$pping following configur$tion h$s 9een c$rried out in this 'odule* SETTINGS FOR ALL USER INTERFACES C'#,0# A)071'%8,0%1&. $1' 2,0, #&0'6 ('1$%4#. U.# o assign users authorization for specific data entry profiles+ you do not have to assign each user all the relevant profiles individually. 1nstead you can define profile authorization groups and use them to group data entry profiles with common attributes. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  %ross Application %omponents ? ime Sheet ? Settings for all user interfaces ? Authorizations ? %reate Authorizations for data entry profiles T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 SPECIFIC SETTINGS FOR CATS REGULAR S#0)( 2,0, #&0'6 ('1$%4#. U.# 1n this activity+ you set up the =eb application %AS regular for the %ross: Application ime Sheet 236 P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  %ross Application %omponents ? ime Sheet ? Specific settings for %AS regular ? Record wor3ing time ? Set up data entry profiles T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 237 @he ,A$!1./ profile is without an approval procedure A changes even after approval of ime Sheets are possible. 238 @he ,"!P2OY""/ profile is with an approval procedure A changes after approval of ime Sheets are not possible. SPECIFIC SETTINGS FOR CATS REGULAR D#$%&# F%#42 S#4#/0%1& U.# 1n this step+ you decide which fields should appear on the screen when maintaining or displaying the time sheet+ and also define their attributes P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  %ross Application %omponents ? ime Sheet ? Specific settings for %AS regular ? Record wor3ing time ? $efine field Selection T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 *SelectWorklist& clickInfluencingto selecta dataentryprofile. 239 Worklistfieldsneedto chosenfor boththe dataentryprofiles,whichare ‘ADMIN’& ‘EMPLOYEE’. Similarly, fieldsfor Data entrysectionof time sheetcan be selectedin the belowscreen. 240 *SelectDataentrysection& clickInfluencingto selecta dataentryprofile. Dataentrysectionfieldsneedto chosenfor boththe dataentryprofiles,whichare ‘ADMIN’& ‘EMPLOYEE’. 241 TIME DATA RECORDING ! ADMINISTRATION D#$%&# A00#&2,&/# 06(#. U.# 1n this step+ you define attendance types for a personnel subarea grouping for attendance&absence types. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  ime !anagement ? ime data recording A Administration ? Attendance&Actual wor3ing times ? $efine Attendance types T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 *Attendancetypesrepresentthe kindof workdoneby a time-writerandtheseattendancetypeswouldbe available underthe field‘Activitytype’ on ESS. 242 Gro,& em&lo!ee s,0gro,&s %or time <,otas U.# 1n this step+ you group your employee subgroups for time *uota types. "mployee subgroups for which the same attendance and absence *uota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time *uota types. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  ime !anagement ? ime data recording A Administration ? Attendance&Actual wor3ing times ? Attendance counting ? Rules for Attendance %ounting ;.ew< ? (roup employee subgroups for time *uotas T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 243 G'1)( P#'.1&&#4 .)+,'#,. $1' 0%*# 9)10,. U.# 1n this step+ you group your personnel subareas with regard to the permissibility of time *uota types. Personnel subareas for which the same attendance and absence *uota types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time *uota types. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  ime !anagement ? ime data recording A Administration ? Attendance&Actual wor3ing times ? Attendance counting ? Rules for Attendance %ounting ;.ew< ? (roup personnel subareas for time *uotas T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 244 D#$%&# C1)&0%&- R)4#. U.# 1n this step+ you define rules for counting attendances. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  ime !anagement ? ime data recording A Administration ? Attendance&Actual wor3ing times ? Attendance counting ? Rules for Attendance %ounting ;.ew< ? $efine counting rules T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 245 246 A..%-& C1)&0%&- R)4#. 01 A00#&2,&/# 06(#. U.# 1n this step+ you determine A assign the respective counting rule for attendance counting to each attendance type. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  ime !anagement ? ime data recording A Administration ? Attendance&Actual wor3ing times ? Attendance counting ? Rules for Attendance %ounting ;.ew< ? Assign counting rules to attendance types T',&.,/0%1& C12# SPRO R#.)40 S#4#/0 A441:#2 A+.#&/# 06(#. U.# 1n this section+ you define the absence types that the employees are allowed to enter in CATS R#-)4,'. o do this+ deactivate & tic3 all the absence types that are not be entered using ESS. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  %ross Application %omponents ? ime Sheet ? Specific settings for %AS regular ? Record wor3ing time ? Select Allowed Absence types. 247 R#.)40 D#$%&# '#;#/0%1& R#,.1&. U.# 1n this step+ you define the re9ection reasons that the person approving the data can attach to a re9ected record. =e have simply created a re9ection reason ,R%:0or Re9ection/ with long: te#t functionality as active in order to enable the approver write a comment while re9ecting the time entry. P'1/#2)'# Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG M#&) SPRO  %ross Application %omponents ? ime Sheet ? Settings for All >ser 1nterfaces ? Approval procedure ? $efine re9ection reasons R#.)40 PersonnelDevelopment 248 The following standard reports are available in the Personnel Development component: • Profile Match-up • Profiles • Find Objects • For Qualifications • For a Development Plan • For a Development Plan Item • Appraisals Followingreportscanbe executedfor Organizationunit • Profile Match-up: Position/Holder • Profiles • Succession Overview Training an# E4ent Management Training and Event Management offers extensive and comprehensive reporting functions. One can request a wide variety of reports for business events, resources, and attendees. One can also get reports for training and event costs, business event appraisals, attendee appraisals, or missing resources. For attendance • Attendee List • Attendance List • Employee list • Bookings per Attendee • Attendee's Training History • Attendance Prerequisites • Attendee's Qualifications • Prerequisites Matchup • Attendee Appraisal • Prebookings per Business Event Type • Prebookings per Attendee • Attendees to Be Rebooked • Attendance Statistics • Attendance and Sales Statistics • Cancellations per Business Event • Cancellations per Attendee • Budget Comparison For resources • Resource Equipment • Resource Reservation • Instructor Information • Graphical Resource Reservation • Available/Reserved Resources • Resource Reservation Statistics • Resources Not Yet Assigned per Resource Type 249 For businessevents • Business Event Demand • Business Event Schedule • Business Event Appraisal • Business Event Hierarchy • Attendance Statistics • Business Event Brochure • Business Event Information • Business Event Dates • Resource List per Business Event • Resources Not Yet Assigned per Business Event • Material Requirements per Business Event Business Event Prices ESS- Configuration: Customizing Screen (PTARQ) 250 WorkingTime– LeaveRequest 1) Processing Process Step-1 i) Create a Rule Groups ii) Maintain WEBMO Feature assigning the Rule Group 251 Step-2 Step-3 252 i) Define Absences/Processing Processes -> This leave types will be appeared in ESS while raising the leave request. 253 254 2) Layout of Web Application Step-1 255 Specify how leave is displayed. Step-2 #peci,y Display o, A0sence Duotas 256 257 WorkingTime– RecordWorkingTime Step-1 Setup Data Entry Profile 258 Step-2 Select the allowed absence type 259 CATSDB -> CATS: Database Table for Time Sheet BenefitsandPayments-> Claims BasicSettings Step-1 260 Perquisites: TaxCodesshouldalreadybeencreatedin Payroll Step-2 Maintain attributes: Customized Fields for Expart Claims: Table Name: V_T7INFLD_OUTLK 261 "e#uest Type "eimursement Type Customer <ield <ield 1able C Claim EC.5 C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim EC/8 C/#EBD2 Name o, the Clu0 C Claim EC/8 C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim EC/8 C/#EBD" Amount #pent C Claim EC/8 982DT Brom Date C Claim EC/8 9ENDT To Date C Claim ED# C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim E2EN C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim E2EN C/#EBD" Amount #pent C Claim E1DT C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim E1&/ C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim E1&/ C/#EBD" Amount #pent C Claim EP&E C/#EBD2 Name o, &em0ership C Claim EP&E C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim EP&E C/#EBD4 &em0ership Cost C Claim EP&E 982DT Brom Date C Claim EP&E 9ENDT To Date C Claim E5EB C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim E5T C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim E5N5 C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim E5N5 BA&#A1 Bamily Details C Claim E5N5 +89P#1 Child C Claim E#.C C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim E#.C C/#EBD" Amount #pent C Claim E#PE C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 262 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim E#PE C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim E#P5 C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim E#P5 C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim E#/P C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim ETE C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim ETE C/#EBD" Amount #pent C Claim ETBE C/#EBD3 Payment &ode ' 1N5?/#D?28P C Claim ETBE C/#EBD% Name o, Child C Claim ETBE C/#EBD" Amount #pent C Claim #C8 C/#EBD2 Name o, the Clu0 C Claim #C8 C/#EBD4 &em0ership Cost C Claim #C8 C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim #C8 982DT Brom Date C Claim #C8 9ENDT To Date C Claim #EDD C/#EBD1 Course Bee C Claim #EDD C/#EBD) Name o, the Course C Claim #EDD C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim #EDD 982DT Course #tart Date C Claim #EDD 9ENDT Course End Date C Claim #ED+ C/#EBD1 Course Bee C Claim #ED+ C/#EBD) Name o, the Course C Claim #ED+ C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim #ED+ 982DT Course #tart Date C Claim #ED+ 9ENDT Course End Date C Claim #2EN C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim #TA DE#TN Destination point o, 9ourney C Claim #TA BA&#A1 C Claim #TA 982DT #tart Date o, 9ourney 263 C Claim #TA 9ENDT End Date o, 9ourney C Claim #TA +89P#1 C Claim #TA #TPNT #tart point o, 9ourney C Claim #TA T7TN+ 8ills #u0mitted Amount C Claim #TA TGE&P Tax Exemption C Claim #PB& C/#EBD2 Name o, &em0ership C Claim #PB& C/#EBD4 &em0ership Cost C Claim #PB& C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim #PB& 982DT Brom Date C Claim #PB& 9ENDT To Date C Claim #TE C/#EBD* Telephone No1 C Claim #TE C/#EBD- Telephone No2 C Claim #TE C/#EBD" 8ills Attached :F?N; C Claim #TE 982DT Brom Date C Claim #TE 9ENDT To Date Step-3 Maintain Approvers: 264 Step-4 Define Approver Privileges: 265 Step-5 Mapping approver groups to reimbursement types: ReimbursementTypeSettings Step-1 266 Maintain attributes for reimbursement types: Step-2 Group reimbursement types: 267 Step-3 Maintain payment mode for reimbursement types: 268 TravelManagement: Travel Requests personalized fields on portal front end: T5ACE 5ED/E#T <ield description Chaned to 2eneral Data Tra!el details #tart Date #tart date o, trip End Date End date o, trip Planned Acti!ity Trip type ocation Birst Destination 269 <ields remo(ed Time Time Country?5e3ion Estimated Costs .y Trips - Expenses Screen Tabs kept/ All my tra!el reHuests All my expense reports )n Edit Ad(ances button/ Bields remo!ed>' Exchan3e rate Amount Accountin3 in )n tra(el ser(ices button/ Bields remo!ed>' Credit card in,ormation Screen after =re(ie0= Bields remo!ed>' #ummary credit card in,o i) Travel Expense report: EGPEN#E 5EP+5T remo(ed <ields in display only #chema #election All ,ields to 0e made display 270 only Time Time per'deims &ilea3e Edit Ad!ancesI ' +nly the 0utton <ield description Chaned to #chema Type o, trip Screen after =Enter receipts= Bields remo!ed>' #ummary credit card in,o A!aila0le credit card receipts I ' +nly the 0utton #canned receiptsI ' +nly the 0utton Screen after =&e0 entry= Bields remo!ed>' Amount local currency short in,o con,irmed +ri3in country?re3ion participants enter participants 271 ,rom ' to num0er Screen after ="e(ie0= Bields remo!ed>' Entire #ummary screen CONIGURATION STEPS: Inter%a-e Con%ig,ration %or ;e0#!n&ro Inter%a-e in Tra4el Management: For ESS Settings for Travel management go to -> FITVFELD_WEBTcode 1) Activate Request/Plan/Expense Report in Travel Manager 2) Set Up Variable Field Control via Feature TRVFD 3) Schema and Single Field Control for Web Dynpro 272 Select the CN Trip Provision variant and after that ---- 273 eat,res Use# %or Tra4el $or ESS*: Form Variant for Travel Request: TRVFR YFITP_REQUEST_FORMsmartformusedfor travelrequest Form Variant for Travel Planning: TRVFP 274 Form Variant for Travel Expenses: TRVFE TravelExpenseReportfor ESSmodifications:ZZPTRV_EXPENSE_FORMSmartForm 5) PersonalInformation: SM 30 -> Table -> V_T7XSSPERSUBTYP Country 2roup 1n,otype #u0type use case 40 2 81 40 % 1 A1 40 % 4 A2 40 % ) A2 40 " 0 81 40 " 1 83 40 " 2 82 40 21 1 A1 275 40 21 2 A% 40 21 3 A4 40 21 4 A4 40 21 1 A1 40 21 2 A% 5ACHGROUND CairnEnergyIndiaPty. Limitedis one of the leading Oil Exploration and Production Company with an exciting growth portfolio of assets in India. The parent company Cairn Energy Plc, located in Edinburgh, Scotland is one of Europe’s largest independent Oil and Gas companies. The world class oil and gas discoveries in Rajasthan, along with existing joint venture production in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat, have the potential to contribute significantly to India’s growing energy needs. S-enario: Em&lo!ee Sel% Ser4i-e Employee Self-Service (ESS) enables employees to create, display, and change their own data in the intranet used at their enterprise. By enabling employees to access their own data, HR processes are standardized and simplified. As a result, employees in the Human Resources Department can concentrate on other tasks of greater strategic importance. Pro-ess Gro,&: Pro-ess on ESS ;9oIs ;9o This feature enables employees to search for other employees in the organization based on various parameters. The following search fields shall be made available –  Personnel Number (D)  First Name, Last Name  Residence Telephone Number (D for all)(M for self)  Cubicle Number (D for all)  Extension Number (D for all)  Office Email (D for all)  Mobile Number (D for all)(M for self)  Company Code  Employee Group (Search)  Employee Sub Group (Search)  Personnel Area (Search)  Personnel Sub Area (Search)  Position (Designation)  Immediate Manager (D)  Organization Unit  On ESS other than employee photograph will not be displayed WHO’S WHO ESS SCREEN: Employee Search: i) Who’s Who ii) Change Own Data 276 Personal In%ormation i) Personal details Employees access the personal details through “Personal Information” tab. The following fields shall be available –  First Name  Last Name  Date of birth (Display only)  Marital status  Marriage date ii) Address check Employees access the address data through “Personal Information” tab. The infotype maintained in R/3 is available for maintenance. The following address types shall be available –  Permanent address  Mailing address  Emergency address  Onsite Address  Current Location iii) Family details Employees access the family data through “Personal Information” tab. The infotype maintained in R/3 is available for maintenance. The following relationship types shall be available –  Spouse  Father  Mother  Son  Daughter iv) Bank details 277 Employees access the family data through “Personal Information” tab. The infotype maintained in R/3 is available for maintenance. Using this link, employee can change bank key and account number. Bank key will be displayed as a label on Bank tab page. These will be only salary bank keys. v) Other details – Link to Infotypes (Suggestion)  Infotype 0185 – Personal ID – Subtype - 4 wheeler license  Infotype 0185 – Personal ID – Subtype - PAN Number  Infotype 0105 – Communication ID – Subtype - Personal email id Changes done on any infotype link will update the changes in R/3 PERSONAL INFORMATION ESS SCREEN: Training an# E4ent Management This feature enables the employees to view the Training Calendar and make the bookings (book, cancel, rebook). i) Training center  List of Events  Find Events  Book Events (Workflow is triggered)  Shopping Basket ii) My Bookings  Display Bookings  Display Status  Participation Status  Cancel Booking (Workflow is triggered)  Appraise Event iii) Training Feedback 278 Online Training Feedback link will be available on ESS, where employee can log on to the ESS and give the feedback of the Training/Course. (The Training Feedback template for the feedback will be developed in the Backed end system) TRAINING ESS SCREEN: Training: i) My Bookings ii) Business Event Catalog (Training Center) He! Data Str,-t,re i) Booking Priority: To set up a booking priority that is specially assigned to bookings made using ESS services for Training and Event Management. ii) Cancelation reason for employee in ESS: This enables you to store information about the cancellationreason from table T77CAR to be used when an employee cancels an event booking in the Employee Self-Service My Bookings (transaction PV8I). Re&orting Re<,irements i) Training programs attended Tra4el Management In the Employee Self-Service application Travel and Expenses, employees can perform the following tasks:  Create travel requests  Travel Request is sent through workflow to the relevant DOA for approval. (Workflow is configured at the Backend system R/3)  Enter travel expenses for the trip after completion of their Trip.  Now the travel expense report is sent for approval to the Immediate Supervisor and one copy goes to Finance Administrator.  Any charges incurred while rescheduling / cancellation of travel are captured in the travel expense report by the travel desk.  Process trips for other employees (requires authorization for Administrator) TRAVEL ESS SCREEN: 279 Travel: i) Create Travel request ii) Crate Travel Expense report Screen 1: Screen 2: Pa!roll an# Pa!ments This process shall be applicable to the following types of payroll reimbursements: Reimbursement  LTA Process  Club Membership  Medical Reimbursement  Telephone Reimbursement  Remote Location Allowance  Educational Assistance 280  Professional Membership Once an employee selects the appropriate reimbursement type, a detailed screen will open up. This will have details like – Bill date, Amount, Family members etc. Employee fills in the necessary details and submits the claim form. This triggers a mail is sent to the concerned person/departments. Employee shall take a print of this and submit to the concerned person/departments and send the intimation. The details of the individual payments made shall be through payroll. SalaryStatement If current remuneration statement to be displayed on ESS there is a standard feature available and will be displayed on ESS in PDF format. If PDF format to be changed like company logo etc to be displayed on Salary statement the “Z” development to be made in Smart forms (Z report needs to be developed separately in R/3). Note: Developments on Claims to be discussed PAYEMENT ESS SCREEN: Time C Lea4e Management LeaveRequest:  Any leave approval request will take place through ESS workflow. Employee has to apply for the leave (preferably in advance).  Leave balance will be displayed for information purpose, which can be used for availing leave.  All leave requests go to the superior and from UWL he/she can approve/reject the approvals. TimeManagement:  Link for Time Sheet entry would be visible only to the time-writers. 281  Working Time function enables time-writers to book their working times. Through in-built checks, system can determine whether they have recorded sufficient working times or not (8.50 hrs / day. Mon-Fri except for weekends & holidays).  Employee would release the Time sheet and the same goes to the approver through workflow for review / rejection.  Time Sheets are deemed approved if not rejected.  Relevant reports can be churned-out by Finance administrators.  Employee should not be able to fill Time Sheets for anyone else apart from his own Id.  Administrators to have authorization to edit time data for others. WORKING TIME ESS SCREEN: i) Time Management a. Record Working Time ii) Leave Management a. Leave Request b. Quota Overview c. Leave Request Approver He! Data Str,-t,re i) Message Output to be customized 282 A&&raisal S!stem Process To be decided. Standard Appraisal Template: >aseline Trainin - Payroll 283 .aintenance of Payroll .asterdata ,? >asicpay )nfotype '''6 STEP ) Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter 000- or 8asic pay in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then 8asic pay in,o type screen <ill appear. STEP )) 1n this screen enter the start date in the date ,ield and select the pay scale 3roup and pay scale le!el in the respecti!e ,ieldsJ (here the Pay scale type and pay scale area are de,aulted. Next enter in the (a3e type ,ieldJ Then automatically all 8asic <a3e components <ill 0e de,aulted. Enter the Direct amounts o, (a3e components in the amount coloum.1ndirect amounts o, <a3e types <ill 0e de,aulted automatically. Then clic$ on the sa!e icon. 7? "ecurrin payments - Deductions )nfo type '',9 STEP ) Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '',9 in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then 5ecurrin3 payments K deductions in,o type screen <ill appear. 284 STEP )) 1n this 1n,o type screen enter the start date and End date in the respecti!e ,ields. Then select the <a3e type in the <a3e type ,ield and enter the amount and unit?num0er in those ,ields. 1, the selected <a3e type is !aluated indirectly the amount <ill 0e de,aulted in the amount column. Then clic$ on the sa!e icon. ;? Additional payments )nfo type '',5 STEP ) Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '',5 in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then Additional payments in,o type screen <ill appear. STEP )) 1n this 1n,o type screen enter the <a3e type in the <a3e type ,ield and enter the amount in the amount ,ield. Enter the start date o, the particular payment o, the month in the Date o, ori3in ,ield. Then sa!e the entries. 285 9? @ousin )nfotype 56, STEP ) Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '56, in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then .ousin3 1n,otype 0)-0 screen <ill appear. STEP )) Enter the date in the start date ,iled and select the housin3 type. #elect the City Cate3ory and enter the rent amount. #a!e the entries. The system dynamically updates the 8asic Pay in,otype :000-;J <ith respecti!e <a3etype and the amount 0ased on the .ousin3 type selected in 1T)-1. 5? Car and Con(eyance )nfotype '56; Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '56; in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then car and con!eyance 1n,otype 0)-3 screen <ill appear. STEP )) 286 Enter the date in the start date ,iled and select the con!eyance type. Enter the car details i, you selected Car scheme. #a!e the entries. The system dynamically updates the 8asic Pay in,otype :000-;J <ith respecti!e <a3etype and the amount 0ased on the Con!eyance type selected in 1T)-3. :? Section 6' Deductions )nfotype 565 STEP ) Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '565 in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then #ection -0 Deductions in,o type screen <ill appear. STEP )) 1n this screen enter the amounts a3ainst each su0 section in the proposed contri0ution or in the actual contri0ution ,ield he contri0utions ,or the current ,inancial year. The imit K Tax exemptions and currency o, the each contri0ution are de,aulted. Then sa!e the entries. The tax exemption is calculated durin3 the payroll run. +? Section 6' C Deductions )nfotype 56: STEP ) 287 Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '56: in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then #ection -0 C deductions in,o type screen <ill appear. STEP )) 1n this screen enter the amounts in the proposed in!estment ,ield or in the actual in!estment ,ield in respect o, the contri0utions ,or the current ,inancial year. The imit and currency o, the each in!estment are de,aulted. Then sa!e the entries. The tax re0ate is calculated durin3 the payroll run. 6? Pro(ident fund contribution )nfo type 56+ STEP ) Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '56+ in the in,o type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then Pro!ident ,und contri0ution in,o type screen <ill appear. 288 STEP )) 1n this 1n,o type screen enter the pro!ident ,und and Pension Trust 1D employee 0elon3s to. Enter the PB Num0er K Pension Num0er o, the employee in the ,ields. Enter the CPB @ in the CPB ,ield i, the employee opted ,or !oluntary PB contri0ution. 8asis o, contri0ution is selected as PB 8asis 0y de,ault. #elect the chec$ 0ox LContri0ution to<ards PensionM and sa!e the entries. PB contri0ution <ill deducted ,rom employee salary durin3 the payroll run. 8ther statutory Deductions )nfo type 566 Professional tax ASubtype ''';? STEP ) Transaction PA ;' 1n this screen enter +5 select the personnel num0er in the personnel no. ,ieldJ and enter '566 in the in,o type ,ield and select the su0type Pro,essional tax in the su0type ,ield. Then clic$ on the create icon on top o, the screen. Then other statutory deductions screen o, PTax <ill appear. STEP )) 1n this screen enter the start date o, pro,essional Tax deduction in the Brom Bield and also select the chec$ 0ox LEli3i0le ,or PTax ,ieldM. Then clic$ on sa!e icon. PTax is calculated and deducted durin3 monthly payroll run. 289 Payroll Process Simulation ATest "un ?/ 8e,ore you start the payroll run ,or all employeesJ you can run a Pay roll simulation ,or indi!idual employees. To do this ,ollo< the 0elo< path. K procedure. STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources  Payroll  Asia?Paci,ic 1ndia Payroll Accountin3  #imulation or TC PC00E&40ECACE#1&/ No< Dou0le clic$ on #imulation or #elect the #imulation and Enter. Then Payroll Dri!erJ 1ndia #creen <ill appear. STEP )) 1n this screen ,irst enter the Payroll Area as 2% and select the current period or other period 5adio 0utton depends upon runnin3 the payroll. Enter the personnel num0er and payroll area in those ,ields. 1n the schema ,ield #chema 1N00 is de,aultedJ chan3e this to =N00. #elect the Display !ariant remuneration statement ,ield to sho< the 5emuneration statement. Then clic$ on Execute icon o, the top o, the screen. STEP ))) 290 1n the Display o3 screen #uccess,ul Personnel num0ers and 5e6ected Personnel num0ers <ill 0e displayed. 1, the re6ected personnel num0ers are displayedJ <e ha!e to correct the master data accordin3 to the error messa3e. To see the remuneration statement clic$ on the Display ,orm icon on the top o, screen. Then 5emuneration statement <ill 0e displayed. "elease the payroll/ STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esourcesPayrollAsia?Paci,ic 1ndia Payroll Accountin3  5elease payroll or TC PC00E&""EPA03E5EEA STEP )) No< Dou0le clic$ on "elease payroll or #elect the 5elease payrollJ then speci,y the payroll area 2% ,or <hich you <ant to release payroll in popup 0ox con,irm the messa3e to continue. Start payroll STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll Asia?Paci,ic 1ndia Payroll Accountin3 #tart payroll or TC PC00E&40ECAC .ere Dou0le clic$ on #tart payroll or #elect the #tart payroll and enter. Then payroll Dri!erJ 1ndia #creen <ill appear. STEP )) 1n this screen Payroll areaJ current periodJ schema fields are de,aulted. #elect the chec$ 0ox in the test run fieldB #elect the Display (ariant remuneration statement field to see the remuneration statement Then clic$ on Execute icon o, the top o, the screen. STEP ))) The Display o3 screen <ill appear in the Display o3 #creen. Then #elect the <orm )con ,or Displayin3 the CPAF #1PD or 5emuneration statement. STEP )2 1, no errors in the Display o3J deselect the chec$ 0ox in the test run ,ield and Execute the payroll a3ain. The payroll has 0een run ,or all P.Nos o, the payroll area 291 "eleased for corrections STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll  Asia?Paci,ic 1ndia Payroll Accountin3  Corrections or TC PC00E&""EPA03EC+55 STEP )) .ere Dou0le clic$ on Corrections or #elect the corrections and enter to release ,or corrections. No< the master data is unloc$ed ,or corrections. Then maintain the reHuired master data in the in,o types as per the errors displayed in the Display lo3. 5epeat the process o, "elease the payroll and Start payrollB 5epeat these steps until payroll has 0een per,ormed ,or all personnel num0ers success,ully <ithout errors. Check "esults STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources .uman 5esources Payroll  1ndia Payroll Accountin3  Chec$ 5esults or TC PC00E&""EPA03EC.EC7. STEP )) 1, any errors are displayed in the payroll lo3 a,ter executin3 the payrollJ then it should 0e corrected. Exit payroll STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll  Asia?Paci,ic 1ndia Payroll Accountin3  Exit payroll or PC00E&""EPA03EEND STEP )) 292 LExit PayrollM dialo3 messa3e appearsJ con,irm the messa3e (hen you exit payrollJ payroll is ,inished ,or all the personnel num0ers in the payroll area and the payroll period is complete. The personnel num0ers ,or the payroll area can 0e processed a3ain. 293 Generation of Statutory "eports P< .onthly "eports ,? <orm 5 - 5eturn o, Employees Huali,yin3 ,or mem0ership STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll  Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Per Payroll period e3al 5eportsEmployees Pro!ident ,und Borm)J Borm10 K Brom12A or TC ' PC00E&40EEPB STEP )) .ere Enter the ,ollo<in3 details>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name as Borm ) #elect LExecuteM 0utton 7? <orm ,' - 5eturn o, &em0ers lea!in3 the ser!ice STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources  Payroll  Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Per Payroll period e3al 5eportsEmployees Pro!ident ,und Borm)J Borm10 K Brom12A or TC ' PC00E&40EEPB STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name as Borm 10 #elect LExecuteM 0utton ;? <orm ,7A- &onthly contri0ution statement STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Per Payroll period e3al 5eportsEmployees Pro!ident ,und Borm)J Borm10 K Brom12A or TC ' PC00E&40EEPB STEP )) 294 Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name as Borm 12A #elect LExecuteM 0utton P< Annual "eports ,? <orm ;A - Contri0ution #tatement Bor /nexempted Esta0lishments STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Annual  e3al 5eportsPBAnnual PB 5eport : Borm 3A J Borm %A ; or TC ' PC00E&40EPBF STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  PB Trust 1D  Fear  5eport Name B+5&3A #elect LExecuteM 0utton 7? <orm :A -Consolidated Contri0ution statement STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Annual  e3al 5eportsPBAnnual PB 5eport : Borm 3A J Borm %A ; or TC ' PC00E&40EPBF STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name as Borm %A #elect LExecuteM 0utton Pension .onthly "eports ,? <orm 4 - 5eturn o, Employees Huali,yin3 ,or mem0ership STEP ) 295 Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources  Payroll  Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Per Payroll period e3al 5eportsPension Borm4JBorm) K Borm% <ith Annexure ,or Trust <ise Detls or TC ' PC00E&40EEPN STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name as Borm 4 #elect LExecuteM 0utton 7? <orm 5 -5eturn o, &em0ers lea!in3 the ser!ice STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources Payroll Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Per Payroll period e3al 5eportsPension Borm4JBorm) K Borm% <ith Annexure ,or Trust <ise Detls or TC ' PC00E&40EEPN STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name as Borm ) #elect LExecuteM 0utton ;? <orm : -&onthly contri0ution statement STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources  Payroll Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Per Payroll period e3al 5eportsPension Borm4JBorm) K Borm% <ith Annexure ,or Trust <ise Detls or TC ' PC00E&40EEPN STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name ' B+5&% 1"") #elect LExecuteM 0utton Pension Annual "eports ,? <orm + A<P<? ' Fearly 5eports in Detail ,or Exempted Esta0lishment 296 STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources  Payroll Asia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Annual  e3al 5eportsPensionAnnual Pension 5eports :Borm-J Borm * ; or TC ' PC00E&40EPNF STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  PB Trust 1D  Fear  5eport Name B+5& *:EPB; #elect LExecuteM 0utton 7? <orm 6 A<P<? 'Fearly 5eport Bor Exempted Esta0lishment ' 1"*1?") STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources PayrollAsia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Annual  e3al 5eportsPensionAnnual Pension 5eports :Borm-J Borm * ; or TC ' PC00E&40EPNF STEP )) Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PB Trust 1D  5eport Name as Borm -:BPB; #elect LExecuteM 0utton Professional Tax .onthly "eturn STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources PayrollAsia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Per Payroll period e3al 5eportsPro,essional Tax Pro,essional Tax 5eports or PC00E&40EPTG STEP )) 1; Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Period  PT 2roup  #tate ?5e3ion 2; #elect LExecuteM 0utton <orm ,: 297 STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources PayrollAsia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Annual  e3al 5eports1ncome Tax Borm 1% or PC00E&40EB1% STEP )) 1; Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Company code  Taxation Fear  5eport Name B+5&3A 2; #elect LExecuteM 0utton <orm 79 STEP ) Brom the #AP Easy Access screenJ choose .uman 5esources PayrollAsia? Paci,ic 1ndia #u0seHuent Acti!ities Annual  e3al 5eports1ncome Tax Borm 24 or PC00E&40EB24 STEP )) 1; Enter the ,ollo<in3>  Payroll Area.  Company code  Taxation Fear 2; #elect LExecuteM 0utton FeaturesUsedIn Payroll: ABKRS 298 TARIF 299 LGMST: 40EPF: 300 40ECS: 40CLM: 301 16EVA: 40LTR: 40SAN: 40LCM: 302 40PTX: 40ECC: OCEDT: 303 ALOAN: EDTIN: EDPDF: 304 DTAKT: PPMOD: NUMKR: PINCH: 305 VDSK1: PLOGI: SCHKZ: TMSTA: 306 QUOMO: PFREQ: 307 MonthlyPayroll-Run-EndUsermanual: Sim,lation R,n Pa!roll ;e c$n si'ul$te p$yroll for indi3idu$l e'ployees 9efore perfor'ing the regul$r p$yroll run for $ll the e'ployees in $n enterprise* !f we h$3e '$de $ny ch$nges to $n e'ployee1s '$ster d$t$0 which '$y le$d to f$r-re$ching ch$nges in his or her p$yroll results0 sti'ul$tion co'es into pl$y* !n this w$y0 we c$n recogniBe sources of errors in ti'e to '$/e corrections 9efore the regul$r p$yroll run* ;e c$n e3en si'ul$te p$yroll for indi3idu$l e'ployees $t $ny ti'e during the regul$r p$yroll process0 in order to tr$ce the c$use of $ny errors* A si'ul$tion run corresponds to $ regul$r p$yroll run with the following restrictions: • The results of $ si'ul$ted p$yroll run $re not s$3ed on the d$t$ 9$se* ;e c$n 3iew $nd print the results in the p$yroll log* • The syste' does not loc/ $ny '$ster d$t$* • The current p$yroll period in the p$yroll control record is not ch$nged* • The steps )ele$se p$yroll $nd 42it p$yroll do not $pply* Sim,lation o% Pa!roll Pat9:. 308 1. &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll  Asi$ ( #$cific  !ndi$ #$yroll Accounting #$yroll +i'ul$tion in the +A# 'enu* S-reens9ot: After entering the $9o3e det$ils0 clic/ H42ecuteI 9utton* Then0 p$yroll sche'$ will run p$yroll $nd displ$ys the #$yroll Cog $nd #$y slip* 2* 4nter the necess$ry d$t$ $nd choose H42ecuteI 9utton* ;e c$n $ccess the initi$l screen of the p$yroll progr$'* The Test )un Jo 6pd$te" indic$tor is set $nd c$nnot 9e ch$nged* Releasing Pa!roll This is to rele$se the #$yroll Are$ to en$9le the #$yroll %ri3er to run p$yroll* ;hen we rele$se p$yroll syste' $uto'$tic$lly incre$se the p$yroll period 9y 1 fro' the e2isting p$yroll period* Pat9:. 1. &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll Asi$(#$cific  !ndi$ #$yroll Accounting )ele$se #$yroll in the +A# 'enu* 309 Enter Payroll Area number 25 – Payroll Area Nationals Enter P.No, we want to run payroll. If we do not enter P.No, payroll will run for whole Payroll Area 25; choose the period to be return. Enter the schema “ZN00”. This is the schema designed for Cairn Energy National Employees Select the Variant Remuneration Statement, to view Pay slip. This is the test Run S-reens9ot: 2> 7hoose Kes* ;e c$n run p$yroll for this p$yroll $re$* The syste' h$s incre$sed the period nu'9er in the p$yroll control record for the p$yroll $re$ 9y 1* The p$yroll control record is used to loc/ the personnel nu'9ers in the p$yroll $re$ for ch$nges to the '$ster $nd ti'e d$t$ reflecting the p$st $nd present* Start Pa!roll $Li4e Pa!roll* ;e h$3e rele$sed the p$yroll $re$ or $re$s for which we w$nt to run p$yroll* Pat9:. 1. &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll  Asi$ ( #$cific  !ndi$ #$yroll Accounting +t$rt #$yroll in the +A# 'enu* ;e c$n $ccess the selection screen of the p$yroll progr$' $s shown in the +tep +i'ul$tion #$yroll* 2* 4nter the d$t$ re5uired*  The current period indic$tor is set in the #$yroll period group* %epending on the p$yroll $re$ specified0 the syste' re$ds the current period fro' the p$yroll control record* !f we fl$g %ispl$y log0 we get $ det$iled p$yroll log $fter the p$yroll run*  The Test run no upd$te" indic$tor 'ust not 9e fl$gged 9ec$use otherwise the syste' will not s$3e the p$yroll results* 3* 7hoose #rogr$' 42ecute 9utton* 310  The syste' perfor's p$yroll usu$lly in the 9$c/ground"* !f errors occur0 we will get $ list with the rele3$nt error 'ess$ges $fter p$yroll* Use t9e error messages to -9e-6 =9et9er &ersonnel n,m0ers 9a4e 0een reBe-te# or not sele-te#>  !f personnel nu'9ers $re re?ected or not selected0 we 'ust not e2it the p$yroll progr$'* ;e 'ust correct the '$ster $nd ti'e d$t$ !nfotype" for the rele3$nt e'ployee $nd fin$lly perfor' $ correction run* Dis&la!ing t9e Pa!roll Log The p$yroll log gi3es us cle$r $nd det$iled infor'$tion on the p$yroll run $nd its results* !t is di3ided into different le3els th$t we c$n displ$y depending on the $'ount of det$il re5uired* The Eener$l d$t$ le3el gi3es infor'$tion on the processed d$t$ $nd shows the p$yroll sche'$ used 9y the syste'* The +uccessful personnel nu'9ers $nd )e?ected personnel nu'9ers include processing of the sche'$ for e$ch personnel nu'9er • Na4igation in t9e log tree> To displ$y lower le3els0 clic/ on the structure node 9elonging to the le3el th$t we wish to open* To displ$y $ll le3els 9ehind $ higher le3el0 pl$ce the cursor on the rele3$nt le3el $nd choose 42p$nd* • Ol# log !f we use custo'er functions with their own logs0 we c$n displ$y these logs 9y clic/ing on the ,ld log push9utton* !f #$yroll is running retro$cti3ely0 for $ny e'ployee0 we c$n displ$y the det$ils of )etro Acti3e results 311 S-reens9ot: Corre-ting Pa!roll.Rele4ant Master an# Time Data ;hen we run p$yroll occurrence of in error is possi9le* To co'plete the p$yroll run successfully0 it is necess$ry to correct the '$ster d$t$ of the e'ployee* Pat9:. 1. &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll  Asi$ ( #$cific  !ndi$ #$yroll Accounting 7orrections in the +A# 'enu* S-reens9ot: 312 The Payroll log displays the sequential steps of Payroll Run The status of Selected and Rejected P.Nos Click here to view the Remuneration Statement 2* 7hoose Kes The syste' sets the p$yroll st$tus for the p$yroll $re$ to )ele$sed for correction* =$ster $nd ti'e d$t$ processing for the personnel nu'9ers in the p$yroll $re$ h$s 9een rele$sed $g$in* 3. 7hoose >u'$n resources  #ersonnel '$n$ge'ent  Ad'inistr$tion >) '$ster d$t$  =$int$in* #A 30" 4* 7orrect the rele3$nt infotypes* R,nning Pa!roll %or Error P>Nos Jow0 we h$3e rele$sed the p$yroll $re$ or $re$s for which we w$nt to run p$yroll* 1. &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll  Asi$ ( #$cific  !ndi$ #$yroll Accounting +t$rt #$yroll in the +A# 'enu* ;e $ccess the selection screen of the p$yroll progr$' $s shown in the step +i'ul$tion #$yroll 2* 4nter the d$t$ re5uired*  The current period indic$tor is set in the #$yroll period group* %epending on the p$yroll $re$ specified0 the syste' re$ds the current period fro' the p$yroll control record* !f we fl$g the %ispl$y log0 we get $ det$iled $fter the p$yroll run  The Test run no upd$te" indic$tor 'ust not 9e fl$gged 9ec$use otherwise the syste' will not s$3e the p$yroll results* 3* 7hoose H#rogr$' 42ecuteI 9utton*  The syste' perfor's p$yroll usu$lly in the 9$c/ground"* !f errors occur0 we will get $ list with the rele3$nt error 'ess$ges $fter p$yroll* 313 Use t9e error messages to -9e-6 =9et9er &ersonnel n,m0ers 9a4e 0een reBe-te# or not sele-te#> Sim,lating a Posting R,n ;e reco''end th$t we si'ul$te $ posting run 9oth 9efore $nd $fter co'pleting 42it #$yroll" p$yroll* !n this w$y0 we c$n recogniBe posting-rele3$nt errors in the p$yroll results e$rly on0 $nd $3oid errors when cre$ting $ li3e posting run* ;e c$n repe$t si'ul$tion of posting runs $s often $s we re5uire0 $s this does not0 unli/e cre$ting $ li3e posting run0 le$d to the p$yroll results 9eing selected* Jote: - The det$iled e2pl$n$tion h$s 9een pro3ided in the section posting to Accounts 6ser =$nu$l* E@iting Pa!roll ;e h$3e '$de $ll '$ster d$t$ corrections0 h$3e run p$yroll for $ll the e'ployees of the #$yroll Are$ with out errors* Pat9:. 1. &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll Asi$(#$cific  !ndi$#$yroll Accounting42it #$yroll0 for' the +A# 'enu* S-reens9ot: 2* 7hoose Kes ;hen we e2it p$yroll0 p$yroll is finished for all the personnel nu'9ers in the p$yroll $re$ $nd the p$yroll period is co'plete*  !f we w$nt to e2it the p$yroll run for se3er$l p$yroll $re$s0 it is e$sier to use the p$yroll control record* To do so0 proceed $s when rele$sing se3er$l p$yroll $re$s*  !f we e2it p$yroll using the p$yroll control record0 we c$n si'ult$neously ch$nge the e$rliest possi9le retro$cti3e $ccounting period for the rele3$nt p$yroll $re$*  As long $s we h$3e not perfor'ed the p$yroll run without errors0 it is not suggesti9le to ch$nge the e$rliest possi9le retro$cti3e $ccounting period* &or this re$son0 we c$n only '$/e entries in this field in the p$yroll 314 control record a%ter we h$3e chosen 4nd of p$yroll $nd 0e%ore we s$3e the p$yroll control record* Dis&la! Pa!roll Res,lts ;e c$n use report >99M%!+#CAKM#AK)4+6CT %ispl$y #$yroll )esults" to displ$y the p$yroll results for one or se3er$l personnel nu'9ers* Pat9:. 1. &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll Asi$(#$cific  !ndi$ utilities7luster displ$y fro' the +A# 'enu* S-reens9ot: 2* 4nter the personnel nu'9ers The sy'9ol in the )esults colu'n shows if there $re results $3$il$9le in the selected period*  )esults e2ist Ereen +y'9ol"  Jo results e2ist )ed +y'9ol"  ;e h$3e no $uthoriB$tion to displ$y results Erey colour +y'9ol" !f the current personnel nu'9er is no longer selected for e2$'ple 9ec$use we selected $ colu'n"0 we c$n renew the selection 9y choosing 6pd$te )esult* 3* ,3er3iew of $ll the p$yroll results for $ personnel nu'9er cluster 76" 4* ,3er3iew of T$9les for $ #$yroll )esult ;e h$3e displ$yed the p$yroll results for $ personnel nu'9er* !f we w$nt to displ$y the t$9les for $ p$yroll result0 select this p$yroll result $nd choose %ispl$y ,3er3iew* The syste' displ$ys the o3er3iew of $ll t$9les of the p$yroll result th$t $re rele3$nt to the country of the e'ployee0 $nd the nu'9er of entries per t$9le* Rem,neration Statement 315 %ou9le clic/ on the line to 3iew the det$ils $nd )esults t$9les !n the )e'uner$tion +t$te'ent0 +A# )(3 lists $'ounts $nd infor'$tion for the e'ployee per p$yroll period* This includes0 for e2$'ple: • Eross $'ount for e2$'ple0 p$y'ents" • Jet $'ount for e2$'ple0 $fter deductions" • ,utgoing p$y'ent for e2$'ple0 9$n/ tr$nsfer" • Addition$l infor'$tion for e2$'ple0 org$niB$tion$l $ssign'ent0 le$3e0 notes to the e'ployee" 1* ;e c$n $ccess the #$y slip0 directly while running p$yroll0 using #$yroll %ri3er* 2* After #$yroll run $nd e2iting the p$yroll run0 we c$n gener$te the )e'uner$tion +t$te'ent* Pat9: 1) &ro' the +A# 4$sy Access screen0 choose >u'$n )esources  #$yroll Asi$(#$cific  !ndi$#$yroll Accounting)e'uner$tion +t$te'ent0 fro' the +A# 'enu* S-reens9ot: 2" 4nter the det$ils $s 'entioned $nd 7hose H42ecuteI 9utton* The )e'uner$tion st$te'ent will $ppe$r $s shown in the following screenshot* 316 Enter Payroll Area number 25 – Payroll Area Nationals Enter P.No, to view Payslip of one employee. Do not enter P.No, to view for entire Payroll Area 25 Dou0le'clic$in3 on a su0'schema <ill ta$e you to the maintenance screen ,or that schema. Dou0le'clic$in3 on any o, the rules :PC5Is; <ill ta$e you to the rule editor. Fou can tell the di,,erence 0et<een su0'schemas a rules 0y loo$in3 at the parameters. The name o, the su0'schema can 0e ,ound in the Par 1 column. The main schema 3enerally calls all the di,,erent su0'schemas. The su0'schemas <ill then call the payroll rules. 1n most casesJ <hen a rule is calledJ there <ill 0e parameters in the Par 2 or Par 3 columns. 1n the mainJ most su0'schemas are called 0y the NcopyN command. #chemasJ rules and ,eatures in #AP use the ,ollo<in3 line editor commands. This allo<s you to mo!eJ deleteJ copy and insert lines. All the commands are entered in the area used ,or the line num0ers. +!er<rite any o, the num0ers <ith the commands sho<n 0elo<. Bor the commands usin3 1 letter ' hit the return $ey once you ha!e entered the letter. Bor the commands usin3 2 letters ' hit the return $ey a,ter the ,irst 2 letters ha!e 0een entered or a,ter 0oth sets ha!e 0een entered. The most commonly used commands are> 1ine Command Description D Deletes a line ) 1nserts a line . &o!es a line C Copies a line 317 DD 1ndicates the start o, a 0loc$ to 0e deleted DD 1ndicates the end o, a 0loc$ to 0e deleted CC 1ndicates the start o, a 0loc$ to 0e copied CC 1ndicates the end o, a 0loc$ to 0e copied .. 1ndicates the start o, a 0loc$ to 0e mo!ed .. 1ndicates the end o, a 0loc$ to 0e mo!ed +nce you ha!e chosen the 0loc$ to mo!e or copyJ you need to sho< <here to mo!e or copy it to in the schema. The ,ollo<in3 commands indicate <here you can copy or mo!e the lines to. 1ine Command Description A Places the 0loc$ a,ter the chosen line > Places the 0loc$ 0e,ore the chosen line 5emem0er <hen callin3 the PC5 ,rom the schema> 2EN means that the wagetype is OOOO i.e. you ha!enIt speci,ied one and N+A8 means that it <ill loo$ at any EE #u0'2roupin3. 1, you <ant the rule to use speci,ic <a3e types or 3roupin3sJ then lea!e either 0lan$. /se the print option and CA5 :PA5 2; in the schema to output the !aria0le ta0le durin3 processin3. Position is !ery important ,or schemas. oo$ to see <here a similar piece o, processin3 has ta$en place. 1, in dou0tJ place the rule a,ter the similar data has 0een read and processed. Commonly used Bunctions <unction Description P)T Process 1nput Ta0le P"T Process 5esults Ta0le C8PE Calls a schema placed in PA51. >18CF De,ines the start and end o, a nested node )<GE1SEGE&D)< The schema is processed i, the condition is ,ul,illed Pxxx Processes the in,ormation held in in,otype xxxx. ACT)8 Actio calls a PC5. 1t is processedJ irrespecti!e o, <hether the <a3e type exists or not. Commonly used Parameters Parameter Description GE& Process any <a3e type 4''' Processes only <a3e type "000 318 &8A> Process ,or any EE su0'3roup 3roupin3s , Processes the rule only ,or EE su0'3roup 3roupin3 o, 1 Payroll PC"=s Transaction Code/ PE02 .enu Path/ @uman "esources Payroll Europe Great >ritain Tools .aintenance Tools "ules Commonly used operations in payroll con,i3uration 8peration Description H This co!ers all the remainin3 entries not already speci,ied. 1, you lea!e the line 0lan$ ,or the operation then the (T is dropped. 5emem0er you al<ays ha!e to ha!e an option ,or O in your PC5. ADDCI Cumulates the <a3e type into the rele!ant cumulation :?101...; and !aluation:?201...; <a3e types ADD&A H Brom the 1TJ Num0er and Amt are cumulated into the +T. 8lan$ is +T <hilst E re,ers to the 5T. ADD&A 9':+ Current Num and Amt are added in to <a3e type 40%*. ADDWSE4&'; This operation is !ery similar to ADD(T. The only di,,erence is that it <rites the !alue to ta0le C0 as <ell ADDWS)H #tore the current <a3e type in the 1T. ADDWT H #tore <a3e type in 1T?+T ADDWT ,,'; All the current !alues ,or amtJ num and rte are added to the !alues that are currently held in <t 1103 ADDWT-T Adds the current <a3e type to the !aria0le ta0le as T ' <hich can 0e used at a later sta3e ADDWTAH The !alues in the <a3e type are copied to the pre!ious employer ta0le CA2 ' called in the rules GDP1J GDP5 K GDPT ADDWTCH The !alues in the current <a3e type are added into the C5T ADDWTCG,', The !alues in the current <a3e type are added into the C5T ,or the technical <a3e type ?101 ADDWTDH The !alues in the current <a3e type are added into the Di,,erence ta0le DT ADDWTDG55, The !alues in the current <a3e type are added into the di,,erence ta0le DT ,or the technical <a3e type ?))1 ADDWTDGAP8 Add the current <a3e type to the di,,erence ta0le :DT; 319 ADDWTE #tore amount in 5esults Ta0le :5T; ' di,,erence <ith line 0elo< ADDWTEH Add the current <a3e type to the results ta0le 5T ADDWTEG,', Add the current <a3e type to the results ta0le as ?101 ADDWT@G7', Add the current <a3e type to the old results ta0le :+5T; as <a3e type ?201 ADDWT)H Add the current <a3e type to the input ta0le 1T ADDWT)G,', The !alues in the current <a3e type are added into the input ta0le 1T ,or the technical <a3e type ?101 ADDWT1H Add the current <a3e type to the results ta0le last payroll :5T; ADDWT& /sed in G+N ADDWT&G1"P :oans ' G+N; ADDWTW Add the current <a3e type to the <a3e maintenance ta0le A.T- 4'7; #u0tract amount ,ield ,rom <a3e type "023 ,rom Ta0le 1T :i, <a3e type "023 is a!aila0le.; A.TJ;;B;; &ultiply the amount 0y 33.33@ A.TJFSAP"8 &ultiply the amount 0y the !alue #AP5+ held in ta0le T)11$ A.T-- T Amount minus the !alue held in !aria0le T A.TH-, Amount multiplied 0y ne3ati!e 1 A.TH,7 &ultiply amount 0y 12 A.THFGE&AI &ultiply the amount 0y the constant 2ENA/ held in ta0le T)11$. 2ENA/ is used to ,actor up 0y 4 or ) ,actors o, 10 to a!oid the issue o, errors caused 0y roundin3. A.T-B'9 #u0tract 0.4 ,rom the amount ,ield A.TG7 Di!ide the amount 0y 2 A.TGFGE&AI Di!ide the amount 0y the ,actor 2ENA/ held in the constants ta0le T)11$ A.TGFPFWP" Amount di!ided 0y the constant P7(5P held in ta0le T)117 A.TGF%<'', Amount is di!ided 0y constant =B001 ,rom ta0le T)117 A.TK H Compare the !alue held in the amount ,ield ,or all <a3e types A.TK GGPE Compare the !alue held in the amount ,ield ,or <a3e type ?2PF 320 A.TK- %AP" Compare the !alue held in the amount ,ield a3ainst the constant =AP5 A.TK' Compare the !alue held in the amount ,ield a3ainst 0 A.TKE G,:+ Compare the amount a3ainst the !alue o, the amount held in the results ta0le 5T ,or <a3e type ?1%* A.TK)G"IE> Compare the current amount a3ainst the limit held ,or the 0an$ trans,er A.TL G5:9 Add the amount ,rom <a3e type ?)%4 ,rom the 1T A.TL ''', Add amount ,ield ,rom <a3e type 0001 ,rom Ta0le 1T :i, <a3e type 0001 is a!aila0le.; A.TL 4',; Add amount ,ield ,rom <a3e type "013 ,rom Ta0le 1T :i, <a3e type "013 is a!aila0le.; A.TL- %SAP Add the !alue held in the !aria0le =#AP to the amount ,or the current <a3e type 0ein3 processed A.TLE 4,'> Add the current amount to the 5T and place in <a3e type "108 A.TL8 G%P8 Add Amt ,rom <a3e type ?=P+ into C+5T :#ummarised +5T; A.TM G5:7 Chec$s <hether the currently held amount is less that that held in the <a3e type ?)%2 A.TN H This sets the amount P Qero ,or the <a3e type in Huestion A.TN G,,, #tore the !alue in the amount ,ield o, <a3e type ?111 in the amount ,ield o, <a3e type 2110 A.TN ,''' #tore the !alue in the amount ,ield o, <a3e type 1000 in the amount ,ield o, <a3e type 2110 A.TN >ET"G et the amount eHual the !alue held in the 8ET52 :amount; ,ield ,or the <a3e type in Huestion A.TN PFWW" 5eset the amount on <a3e type xxxx to that held in the !alue ,or 7((5 held in T)117 A.TN P1A&S #ets the amount P position num0er A.TN- G97: #et the amt P amt held on technical (T ?42% A.TN- TASA 5eset the amount on <a3e type xxxx to that held in the temporary <a3e type TA#A A.TN' et the amount eHual Qero A.TNA H The amount is set to the !alue held in the ta0le CA2 ' pre!ious employee data 321 A.TNE H ets the Amt P the Amt held ,or the current <a3e type in the 5T A.TNE G,:+ ets the Amt P the Amt held ,or technical <a3e type ?1%* in the 5T A.TNFSAP1" #et the amount P the !alue #AP5 held in ta0le T)11$ A.TN1 H ets the Amt P the Amt held ,or the current <a3e type in the 5T ' last result ta0le A.TN1 G5:, ets the Amt P the Amt held ,or the <a3e type ?)%1 in the 5T ' last result ta0le A.TN& G1>> Add the amount !alue in technical loan <a3e type ?88 :loan 0alance; to speci,ic loan 0alance <a3e type A.TN& G18P Add the amount !alue in technical loan <a3e type ?+P :loan payment; to speci,ic loan payment <a3e type A.TN& G1"P Add the amount !alue in technical loan <a3e type ?5P :loan repayment; to speci,ic loan repayment <a3e type A.TN! GGPE ets the Amt P the Amt held ,or the <a3e type ?)%1 in the +C5T ' old cumulati!e result ta0le A.TN%E"8 5educe the !alue in the amount ,ield to Qero A.TOH N&aximum ,ormation> The 3reater !alue o, O and the current !alue o, the A&T ,ield is determined and <ritten to the current A&T ,ield.N A.T-, &ultiply the amount 0y '1 ' 1 thin$ this should 0e su0tract 1 ,rom the amt A.T5' 1, the amount ,ield !alue is smaller than )0J it is retained. +ther<ise it is set at )0 :,ormin3 a minimum amount;. A.T-E G,:+ #u0tract the Amt !alue held in the 5T ,or ?1%* ,rom the currently stored amount A.T-F9;;', Ta$e the !alue held a3ainst payroll constant 43301 ,rom the annual salary A.T-8 G,:+ #u0tract the Amt !alue held in the +5T ,or ?1%* ,rom the currently stored amount A.T-" 4',4 Amt ,or the current <a3e type less the !alue held in the 5T ,or "01" :5esults <a3e types usin3 exact splits; A.TS G5:9 #u0traction to Qero ' the !alue cannot 0e less than Qero. A.TSH #u0traction to 0 :not ne3ati!e; ,or the current <a3e type A.TSH 4',; #u0traction to 0 :not ne3ati!e;. Current <a3e type less "013 A.TSE 4'9; #u0traction to 0 :not ne3ati!e;. Current <a3e type less Amt held in the 5T ,or 322 <a3e type "043 >T"EC G556 N#ets the recipient data ,or 0an$ trans,ers. Can only 0e run a,ter 0an$ trans,er data has 0een read ,rom an in,otype. Data on <a3e type and amount are trans,erred ,rom the current ,ields :+T; and retained in the trans,er ta0le to3ether <ith data on the recipient o, the record last read.N C.PE" '5,' Compares the current amount <ith that held ,or period 10 in year 0). D Expect a decision in this line D A.TK' The amount ,ield !alue is compared <ith 0J and the result :IRIJ IPI or ISI; is placed in the !aria0le $ey. D 2WTC1 ', &a$e a decision on processin3 class 01 D)2)D A&" Di!ide the amount 0y the num0er and store the result in the rate ,ield D)2)D A"A Di!ide the !alue in amount ,ield 0y the !alue in the rate ,ield and put the result in the amount ,ield D)2)D A"" Di!ide the amount 0y the rate and store the ans<er in the rate ,or the <a3etype D)2)D &"& Di!ide the num0er 0y the rate and store the ans<er in the num0er ,ield E1).) H Eliminate all splits E1).) A Eliminate splits ' <or$ center period :(P8P; E1).) F Eliminate splits ' cost accountin3 E1).) FT* Eliminate the splits ,or cost accountin3J alternati!e payments and !aria0le assi3nment E1).) " Eliminate splits ' employee su0'3roup 3roupin3 ,or PC5s E1).) T Eliminate splits ' alternati!e payments :AP; E1).) I Eliminate splits ' 0an$ trans,er :8T; E1).) * Eliminate splits ' !aria0le assi3nment E1).) E Eliminate splits ' a0sence assi3nment E1).) % Eliminate splits ' time unit E""8" Processin3 terminates ,or the current employee <)11< A 5estore the ori3inal !alues ,or the amount ' i.e. The !alues that <ere held ,or the amount ,ield in the (T 0e,ore any processin3 in this rule <)11< & 5estore the ori3inal !alues ,or the num0er ' i.e. The !alues that <ere held ,or 323 the num0er ,ield in the (T 0e,ore any processin3 in this rule <)11< &"A 5estore the ori3inal !alues ,or the num0erJ rate and amount ' i.e. The !alues that <ere held ,or the num0erJ rate and amount ,ields in the (T 0e,ore any processin3 in this rule <)11< " 5estore the ori3inal !alues ,or the rate ' i.e. The !alues that <ere held in the (T 0e,ore any processin3 in this rule G>2"T N28 speci,ic processin3 o, A(E operation 28 speci,ic operation to o!er<rite the a!era3e 5ATE o, <a3e type ?&AE in ta0le 5T in case o, a retro calculation.N GCE %I.7 Call PC5 =/&2 GCEG*A1! Calls PC5 GAD ,or all <a3e types ' sets <a3e type to OOOO GEW"T Elimination o, (P8P split in the 5T GS*P7 Ne< Chan3es Across End o, Fear solution acti!e ,or 28#GP phase 2 GS*PD Chec$ on 1mplementation Date o, ACE5A ,or #xP A(E. Called in 22*0 and ensures that the old and ne< technical <a3e types ,or a!era3es donIt 0oth exist. 1"TST E E!aluates the status o, the 5T ta0le. Processin3 is only continued i, the pre!ious month ,alls in the current year. .EA&2 ', Calculation o, a!era3es ,or 01 :,rom ta0le T)11A; .EA&2G'; Calcualation o, a!era3es ,or 03 :,rom ta0le T)11A; ' not sure <hat the 2 implies .ESSGxxxxx Can use a ) character messa3e. Comes up <hether the lo3 is turned on or o,,. Can 0e used as a customised error messa3e. .8D)< ,N'7 #ets the modi,ier ,or (a3e type 3eneration :T)10#; to 02 as the employee 3roupin3 .8D)< 7N', #ets the modi,ier ,or Constant !aluations :T)109; to 01 as the employee 3roupin3 .8D)< AN', #ets the modi,ier ,or the a0sence !aluation rule :T)44C; to 01 .I1T) A&& &ultiply the amount 0y the num0er and store as the num0er ,ield ,or the <a3e type .I1T) &"A &ultiply the !alue in num0er ,ield 0y the !alue in the rate ,ield and put the result in the amount ,ield &E*T" Process the next line. Placin3 an O in the last column in the operation column has the same e,,ect as NnextrN. 5emem0er to put a letter or num0er in the next line under the N column. 324 &E*T" A Continuation line. A...= ,ollo<ed 0y 0..." DonIt ,or3et to put in the letter ,ollo<in3 the NEGT5 in the continuation line o, the next line. &E*T" > Continuation line. A...= ,ollo<ed 0y 0..." DonIt ,or3et to put in the letter ,ollo<in3 the NEGT5 in the continuation line o, the next line. &I.H >SG"D &ultiply the !alue in the num0er ,ield 0y the !alue held a3ainst the capacity utiliQation le!el on in,otype 000- &I.H,B5 &ultiply the !alue in the num0er ,ield 0y 1.) &I.G,'' Di!ide the !alue in the num0er ,ield 0y 100 &I.K' Test the !alue in the num0er ,ield a3ainst 0 &I.L ;+,' Add the !alue in the num0er ,ield o, <a3e type 3*10 to the num0er ,ield in the (T 0ein3 processed &I.L- %&)1 Adds the num0er held in the temporary !aria0le =N1 to the currently held !alue ,or the num0er &I.L;4 Add a !alue o, 3" to the num0er ,ield &I.LC ;''' Add to the N/& !alue ,rom <a3e type 3000 held in the C5T ta0le ' to the N/& !alue o, the (T 0ein3 processed &I.LE G657 Adds the num0er held in technical <a3e type ?-)2 to the currently held !alue ,or the num0er &I.LTSAPHH Adds the num0er ,rom the partial period parameter ,or the paid a0sence measured in <or$in3 hours ,or xx is the sum o, all paid a0sences :totalled o!er all classes; &I.N ;''' #et the current N/& to the !alue held in <a3e type 3000 &I.N A&%@1 Trans,ers the !alue o, the AN=. ,ield to the num0er ,ield. &I.N >WG"1 #ets the num0er eHual to the !aluation 0asis per hour &I.N E.PCT N/& P Capacity utiliQation le!el ,rom P000* :called record layout ,ields in #AP .elp; &I.N P1A&S #ets the num0er eHual to the position num0er o, the employee &I.N STDA% #ets the num0er eHual to the num0er o, hours ta$en ,rom 1T 000* &I.N- %S@< #ets the num0er eHual to the num0er held in the temporary !aria0le =#.B &I.N' #et the num0er ,ield to Qero &I.N;4 #tore 3" in the num0er ,ield &I.N>P"STD #ets the num0er eHual to the position num0er o, the employee 325 &I.N>TGSTD #ets the num0er eHual to the daily hours <or$ed 0y the employee &I.N>W8STD #ets the num0er eHual to the <ee$ly hours <or$ed 0y the employee &I.NE GSSP #et the N/& P the !alue o, ?##P held in the results ta0le &I.NGSD)2P #ets the num0er eHual to the <or$in3 hours ,or the employee ,or the entire payroll period &I.NGSS811 #et the num0er P planned <or$in3 time measured in <or$in3 hours ta$en ,rom the <or$ schedule rule &I.NTSAIHH #ee part period parameter help :,unction PA5TT; &I.NTSA*HH #ee part period parameter help :,unction PA5TT; &I.NTSD)2) #ee part period parameter help :,unction PA5TT; &I.NW8STD #ee part period parameter help :,unction PA5TT; &I.NECI"PP #et the N/& P current payroll period :T; &I.-5, 5educe the hours held in the num0er ,ield 0y )1 &I.-E G695 Ta$e a<ay the num0er ,or technical <a3e type ?-4) held in the 5T ,rom the currently held num0er &I.-TSD)2P Current !alue in the num0er ,ield less the total <or$in3 time measured in <or$in3 hours ta$en ,rom the total <or$in3 time in payroll accountin3 period 8P)&D E!aluates operation indicator ' used immediately a,ter a data0ase record has 0een read. &ultiplies 0y '1. 8ITWPA>A"T oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' payroll area 8ITWPCTE.8 oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' country modi,ier 8ITWPPAES> Decide <hich payroll accountin3 area the employee is in 8ITWPPE"S> oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' employee su0'3roup 8ITWPPE"SG oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' employee 3roup 8ITWPP1A&T oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' personnel area 8ITWPP1TSC oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' personnel su0'area 8ITWPS@)<T oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' shi,t indicator 8ITWPT"<A" oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' pay scale type 326 8ITWPWWEEF oad (or$ Center and 8asic Pay Data ' <or$in3 <ee$ ,rom 1T 000* PCE *'5DH 5uns PC5 G0)D ,or all employee su03roup 3roupin3s PCE *4;> 5uns PC5 G"38 PPPA" A 5eads part period parameters> lea!ers durin3 payroll period PPPA" > 5eads part period parameters> paid a0sences durin3 payroll period PPPA" E 5eads part period parameters> ne< 6oiners durin3 payroll period PPPA" < 5eads part period parameters> lea!ers on the ,irst day o, the next payroll period PPPA" P 5eads part period parameters> i, the time unit ,or the payroll area is di,,erent to the time unit ,or the pay scale type and area PPPA" " 5eads part period parameters> is the employee is in an acti!e <or$ centreT PPPA" S 5eads part period parameters> 0asic pay chan3es durin3 payroll period PPPA" I 5eads part period parameters> ,or unpaid a0sences in the period P")&T Prints the 1T P")&T- WTG Prints (T2 ,rom the !aria0le ta0le P")&TC Prints the contents o, the C5T P")&TE Prints the contents o, the 5T P")&T1 Prints out the contents o, the old results ta0le :5T; P")&T8 Prints the summarised +5T :C+5T; " Employee <or$ centre is inacti!eJ there,ore do nothin3 "5,P,K,'& Fou <ant to $no< i, there is an entry in ta0le T)1P1 <ith indicator 10 ,or the current 1T <a3e type. 1, an entry is ,oundJ processin3 should 0e continued. "5,P,N'," Fou <ant to read the entry in ta0le T)1P1 <ith indicator 01 ,or the current 1T <a3e typeJ and store it in the +T ta0le. 1, an entry is ,ound it should 0e re6ected "5,P:A N+peration 5)1P% reads an entry ,rom ta0le T)1P%. This ta0le determines the characteristics o, the deduction <a3e types. The !alue o, the arrears characteristic should 0e placed in the !aria0le $ey.N "E5,'T 5ead Pay #cale Ta0le ' 3roup and le!el "ESET H #ets the splits 0ac$ up a3ain ' has the opposite e,,ect to the E1&1 O operation. "ESET , 5esets the ,irst national split :?#1; 327 "ESET A" 5esets the amount and the rate ' is the opposite o, E1&1. 5eset O ' resets all the split indicators. 2i!e the meanin3 o, all the other !aria0les else<here in the document. "ESET F" 5esets the cost accountin3 and employee su03roup 3roupin3 !alues "ESET " 5esets 5 ' is the opposite o, E1&1 ' resets the employee su03roup 3roupin3s ,or the employee "ET"8 Chec$s i, the payroll run is a retroacti!e accountin3 run "8I&D 5ounds o,, the A&T ,ield ' see #AP help ,or speci,ics "8I&D ''5 5ounds the A&T ,ield up so that it is di!isi0le 0y 00) "8I&D L,'' 5ounds the A&T ,ield to the next a!aila0le num0er "8I&DA 5ounds o,, the N/& ,ield ' see #AP help ,or speci,ics "8I&D> 5ounds o,, the 5TE ,ield ' see #AP help ,or speci,ics "8I&DG 5ounds o,, the A&T ,ield ' see #AP help ,or speci,ics "TEJ;;B;; &ultiply the !alue held in the rate 0y 33.33@ ' so e,,ecti!ely multiply 0y .3333 "TE-- @A1< #u0tract the !alue held in the constant .AB ,rom the rate "TEH >SG"D &ultiply the !alue held in the rate 0y the capacity utiliQation le!el ,ield on in,otype 000- "TEH-, &ultiply the rate 0y ne3ati!e 1 ' e,,ecti!ely s<itch the si3n ,or the !alue "TEH,'' &ultiply percenta3e held in rate ,ield 0y 100 "TEHFGE&AI &ultiply the rate 0y the constant 2ENA/ held in ta0le T)11$ "TEHFGE&AI &ultiply the !alue in the rate ,ield 0y the payroll constant 2ENA/ :10J000;. "TEG,'' 5ate di!ide 0y 100 "TEGGFD)2) 5TE? total <or$in3 time in calendar days "TEGTAD)2) 5TE? total <or$in3 time in <or$in3 days "TEGTAS811 5TE? planned <or$in3 time measured in <or$ days "TEGTFD)2) 5TE? Total <or$in3 time measured in calendar days "TEGTSD)2) Di!ide the !alue in the rate ,ield 0y the <or$ed hours ,or pay period 0ein3 processed. "TEGTSD)2P 5TE? total <or$in3 time measured in <or$in3 hours 328 "TEK- 21>S Chec$ to see ho< the current rate compares a3ainst the !alue held in the temporary !aria0le C8# "TEK' Chec$ to see ho< the current rate compares a3ainst a !alue o, Qero "TEL ,'', Adds the rate held in <a3e type 1001 to the currently held rate "TEL- .. Adds the rate held in the !aria0le && to the currently held rate "TELH Adds the current rate to the 1T "TEL,''B'' Adds a !alue o, 100 to the currently held rate "TEL>>ET"G Add the amount ,rom ta0le to the currently held rate "TELTFAI,' Add the unpaid a0sences measured in calendar days ,or countin3 class 10 ,rom ta0le T))4C "TEN ,'', #et the rate eHual to the !alue held in the rate ,ield ,or <a3e type 1001 "TEN >ET"G #et the rate eHual to the amount "TEN >SG"D #et the rate eHual to the capacity utiliQation le!el held on in,otype 000- "TEN >WG"1 #ets the rate eHual to the !aluation 0asis per hour "TEN- A> #ets the rate eHual to the !alue held in the temporary !aria0le A8 "TEN' #et the rate ,ield to Qero "TEN,'''' #tore 10000 in the rate ,ield o, <a3e type xxxx "TEN>>ET"G #et the rate eHual to the amount pulled ,rom the ta0le "TEN>W8STD #ets the 5TE eHual to the <ee$ly hours <or$ed 0y the employee "TENGFS811 #et the rate as the planned calendar days "TENF;'55, #tore the !alue held a3ainst payroll constant 30))1 in ta0le T)11 in the rate ,ield o, <a3e type xxxx "TENFGE&AI 5TE set to the !alue o, 2ENA/ ,rom ta0le T)117 :de,ault set at 10 000; "TENTAD)2P 5TE P Total <or$in3 time measured in <or$in3 days "TENTAS811 5TE P planned <or$in3 time measured in <or$ days "TENTFD)2) 5TE P Total <or$in3 time measured in calendar days "TENTFS811 #tore the planned calendar days in the rate ,ield o, the <a3e type 0ein3 processed "TENTSAI'+ 5TE P unpaid a0sence measured in <or$in3 hours ,or countin3 class 0* 329 "TENTSD)2P 5TE P total <or$in3 time measured in <or$in3 hours "TENTSS811 5TE P planned <or$in3 time measured in <or$in3 hours "TEN%E"8 5educe the !alue in the amount ,ield to Qero "TE-GFAIHH 5ate su0tract the part period unpaid a0sences in calendar days ,or all unpaid a0sences :totalled o!er all a0sence countin3 classes; "TE-TAAIHH 5ate su0tract the part period unpaid a0sences in <or$in3 days ,or all unpaid a0sences :totalled o!er all a0sence countin3 classes; "TE-TFAIHH Ta$e a<ay any unpaid a0senceJ in calendar daysJ ,rom the current rate :totalled o!er all a0sence countin3 classes; "TE-TFAI7' Ta$e a<ay any unpaid a0senceJ in calendar daysJ ,rom the current rate :,or a0sence countin3 class 20; "TE-TSAIHH Ta$e a<ay any unpaid a0senceJ in <or$ed hoursJ ,rom the currently held rate :totalled o!er all a0sence countin3 classes; SC8&DN< )< The condition ,or ,unction 1B is ,alse SC8&DNT A1 #et condition ,or Bunction P8E2 <hen the condition is true SC8&DNT )< The condition ,or ,unction 1B is true SC8&DNT )< The condition ,or ,unction 1B is true SET)& AN', #et the <or$ center ' 0asic pay split ,or the <a3e type as 01 SET)& "N, #et the E#2 ,or PC5 as 1 SET)& *N&* Fou <ant to set G <ith num0er 01 as a !aria0le splitU the num0er o, the split is to 0e increased 0y 1 0y e!ery call. STATI 7P #tatus ,ield 2 <hich is !alid at the start o, the in'period is entered in the !aria0le $ey. SI>"CKSET The return code set in the second example must 0e e!aluated. SI>"CN' The internal return code is set to the !alue 0 SI>WT H #u0tracts the current <a3e type ' e,,ecti!ely chan3in3 the si3n o, the N5A. SI>WT ,'75 #u0tracts the current <a3e type :si3ns chan3e; and stores it as 102). SI>WT-%"EG #u0tracts the current <a3e type and stores it as a temporary !aria0le =5E2. SI>WTDH #u0tracts the current <a3e type :si3n chan3e; o, the N5A in the di,,erence 330 ta0le :DT; SI>WTDG55, #u0tracts the current <a3e type and stores it in the di,,erence ta0le :DT; as a temporary !aria0le =5E2. SI>WTE Blic$s the si3n ,or N5A o, the currently processed <a3e type and stores it in the 5T SI>WTEH #u0tracts the current <a3e type :si3n chan3e; o, the N5A and stores in the results ta0le :5T; SI>WTEG,7, Blic$s the si3n ,or N5A o, the currently processed <a3e type and stores it in the 5T as technical <a3e type ?121 SI>WT)H Blic$s the si3n ,or N5A o, the currently processed <a3e type and stores it in the input ta0le :1T; SI>WT)G,', Blic$s the si3n ,or N5A o, the currently processed <a3e type and stores it in the input ta0le :1T; as technical <a3e type ?101 TA>1E 5'; Ta0le Huery on employee 3roupin3s ? areas TA>1E 5'6A Ta0le Huery on shi,ts ? time 3roups TA>1E 5,'P Ta0le Huery on premium ta0le TA>1E 5,7W Ta0le Huery on !aluation o, <a3e types TA>1E 576> Ta0le Huery on positions ta0le in PA TA>1EA1P Ta0le Huery on the Alternati!e Payments ta0le TA>1EP'',9 Ta0le Huery on data held in in,otype 0014 ' recurrin3 payments and deductions TA>1EP'',5 Ta0le Huery on data held in in,otype 001) ' additional payments 2AFEEA1%&" Place in the !aria0le $ey ' F?N alternati!e payment 2AFEEAI<F% Place in the !aria0le $ey ' extra pay indicator ,or o!ertime 2AFEE>&FSA Place in the !aria0le $ey ' !aria0le $eys are held in a certain ta0le 2AFEE>&FSA Place in the !aria0le $ey ' type o, 0an$ details P000" 2AFEE1GA"T #tore in the !aria0le $ey the <a3e type 2AFEE1&C1S Place in the !aria0le $ey ' loan type 2AFEE1&TPE Place in the !aria0le $ey ' loan type P004) 2AFEE1&TEP Place in the !aria0le $ey ' loan type P004) 2AFEEPAETE Place in the !aria0le $ey ' payroll type 331 2AFEEP"AF& Place in the !aria0le $ey ' premium indicator time 1Ts 2AFEETG"1E Place in the !aria0le $ey ' !aria0le $ey is ,illed out 0ased on the !alues in the T5B25 and T5B#T ,ields ,rom the current P= record 2AFEE2E"S1 Place in the !aria0le $ey ' clearin3 $ey ,or o!ertime 2AFEE%E)&@ Place in the !aria0le $ey ' time unit 2AFEE%1SC@ Place in the !aria0le $ey ' payment $ey ,or 0an$ trans,ers 2A1>SK The system chec$s to see <hether a !aluation 0ase exists 2A1>SK' The system chec$s i, a !aluation 0asis is ,or the current <a3e type in ta0le T)12(. :That the N0N line o, !ie< CET)12E8 is read;. 2A1>S' The current <a3e type is e!aluated <ith the !aluation 0asis that is entered ,or the current <a3e type itsel,. :That isJ the N0N line o, !ie< CE)12(E8;. 2A1>S' H The system multiplies an entry that already exists in the 5TE ,ield ,or the current <a3e type <ith the percenta3e rate ,rom a line 0 o, !ie< CE)12( and then replaces the <a3e type names o, the current <a3e type <ith the name o, the <a3e type ,rom the same line in CE)12(. 2A1>S' > #ame as CA8#0 O <ith the exception that the data ,rom in,otype 2010 is used. 2A1>S, 5eplaces the current <a3e type <ith the statement <a3e type that is entered in ta0le T)12( ,or the second <a3e type deri!ed ,rom the current <a3e typeJ and then you <ant to !aluate this usin3 the correspondin3 !aluation 0asis. 2A1E& 7 #ets the len3th o, the !aria0le $ey to 2 2A1E& ; #ets the len3th o, the !aria0le $ey to 3 2A8<< 7 Caria0le o,,set ' set here to 2. The system <ith then i3nores the ,irst 2 di3its. 2A"G>)&D>W Place the ta0le ,ield Nindicator ,or indirect !aluationN in the !aria0le $ey 2A"G>P"AF& Place the ta0le ,ield Npremium num0erN in the !aria0le $ey 2A"G>T"<F% Place the ta0le ,ield NE# 3roupin3 ,or collecti!e a3reement pro!isionN in the !aria0le $ey 2WTC1 :9 1nterro3ate processin3 class %4 WGTEPK /sually part o, a decision ' <here the <a3e type is Hueried WGTEPNH Passes throu3h the <a3e type as unchan3ed WPA11K1AST Decide i, employee has had a pay chan3e in pay period K i, the one 0ein3 332 processed is the last WP>PC +peration (P8PC distri0utes the amount o, the current <a3e type to the acti!e (P8P periods in the payroll period. WP>PCW This operation splits the amounts 0ut does not distri0ute them to the di,,erent periods % Expect to call another PC5 in this line %E"8N A& #ets the A&T and N/& to Qero %E"8N "&A #et the !alues ,or the rateJ num0er and amount eHual to Qero %E"8N- A>CD 1nitialises the !aria0le A8CD %E"8N&"A #ets the N/& 5TE and A&T to Qero Wishin to retrie(e pre(ious payroll period results to be used in a PC"K Fou can do so 0y usin3 the operation 1&P5E <ith parameter NN :NN periods 0e,ore current payroll period;. Also ha!e a loo$ at the documentation o, 1&P5E. An example in usin3 this operation is as ,ollo<s :readin3 the period % months a3o;> D =E5+ P N5A 1&P5E % #/85CT1&P O 0 A&T P + 1001#ET1N AP01#ET1N 5P3 =E5+P N5 ADD(T11001 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 Customized-SCHEMA’S: 352 INAL: INAP: 353 INEI: INLN: YNC0: 354 ZNNC: 355 SAP 8(er(ie0 1. Explain the structure o, the client?ser!er ,rame<or$. 2. Pro6ect 1mplementation Tools 1. (hat is the 1&2T 356 2. (hat is a pro6ect 1&2T ;B >asics of @uman "esources 1. (hat are the most important processes supported in .uman 5esources :.5;T 2. (hat are the most important structures in .5T 3. (hat is meant 0y Employee #el,'#er!iceT 4. (hat <ays are there to select an 1n,otypeT ). .o< do you hire a ne< employeeT %. (hich steps ma$e up the payroll processT *. (hy is there a cross'application time sheetT (hat are the possi0le tar3et componentsT -. (hat is the purpose o, time e!aluationT ". (hich reportin3 tools do you $no< o,T 10. .o< is the recruitment component inte3rated <ith the other .5 componentsT 11. (hat is an applicant actionT 12. (hat is the di,,erence 0et<een Huali,ications and reHuirementsT 13. (hat is the di,,erence 0et<een career plannin3 and succession plannin3T (hat is a de!elopment planT 14. Descri0e the day'to'day acti!ities in Trainin3 and E!ent &ana3ement. 1). (hat is the appraisal system component used ,orT 1%. (hat are the main ,unctions o, Compensation &ana3ementT 1*. (hat personnel cost plannin3 methods are there in #AP .5T 1-. (hich 1n,otypes do you need to implement Tra!el &ana3ementT 9B 8raniQational .anaement 1. (hat are plan !ersions used ,orT 2. (hat are the 0asic o06ect typesT 3. (hat is the di,,erence 0et<een a 6o0 and a positionT 4. (hat is the di,,erence 0et<een an or3aniQational unit and a <or$ centerT ). (here can you maintain relationships 0et<een o06ectsT 357 %. (hat are the main areas o, the +r3aniQation and #ta,,in3 user inter,acesT *. (hat is Expert &ode used ,orT -. Can you create cost centers in Expert &odeT ". Can you assi3n people to 6o0s in Expert &odeT 10. Can you use the or3aniQational structure to create a matrix or3aniQationT 11. 1n 3eneral structure maintenanceJ is it possi0le to represent the le3al entity o, or3aniQational unitsT 12. (hat is the +06ect 1n,otype :1000; used ,orT 13. (hat is the 5elationships 1n,otype :1001; used ,orT 14. (hich status can 1n,otypes in the +r3aniQational &ana3ement component ha!eT 1). (hat is an e!aluation pathT 1%. (hat is &ana3ers Des$top used ,orT 1*. 1s it possi0le to set up ne< e!aluation paths in CustomiQin3T 1-. (hich situations reHuire ne< e!aluation pathsT 1". .o< do you set up inte3ration 0et<een Personnel Administration and +r3aniQational &ana3ementT 5B .aster Data 1. (hich elements ma$e up the enterprise structureT 2. (hich elements ma$e up the personnel structureT 3. (hich elements ma$e up the or3aniQational structureT 4. (hich criteria play a role in esta0lishin3 these structuresT ). (hich control ,eatures are controlled usin3 the personnel su0areaT %. (hich control ,eatures are controlled usin3 the employee su03roupT *. (hat is a payroll areaT -. (hat is an 1n,otypeT ". (hich criteria determine payroll areasT 10. (hat is the or3aniQational $ey used ,orT 11. 1n <hich 1n,otype are administrators de,inedT 12. (hy are administrators de,inedT 358 13. (hat can ,eatures 0e used ,orT 14. (hat is the connection 0et<een Planned (or$in3 Time :1n,otype *; and 8asic Pay :1n,otype -;T 1). (hich <ays are there to de,ine de,ault !alues ,or the pay scale area and pay scale typeT 1%. (hat is the employee su03roup 3roupin3 ,or collecti!e a3reement pro!isions used ,orT 1*. (here are pay scale 3roups and pay scale le!els de,inedT 1-. .o< are <a3e types created in the #AP 5?3 systemT 1". Can all <a3e types 0e entered into all 1n,otypesT 20. (hat does the input permissi0ility o, a <a3e type depend uponT 21. (hat is the personnel su0area 3roupin3 ,or primary <a3e types used ,orT 22. (hat is the employee su03roup 3roupin3 ,or primary <a3e types used ,orT 23. (hat <ays are there to !aluate <a3e typesT (here are <a3e type !aluations de,inedT 24. .o< can you e!aluate <a3e types indirectlyT 2). .o< can you de,ine de,ault <a3e types ,or the 8asic Pay 1n,otypeT 2%. (hat <ays are there to per,orm pay scale reassi3nmentsT 2*. (hat <ays are there to per,orm standard pay increasesT 2-. (hat is the di,,erence 0et<een the simple and extended pay increasesT 2". Can se!eral personnel actions 0e per,ormed on the same dayT 30. (hat is the Additional Actions 1n,otype used ,orT 31. 1, an employee lea!es the enterpriseJ are all 1n,otypes delimitedT 32. (hich control options do you ha!e ,or CustomiQin3 <hen con,i3urin3 1n,otypesT 33. Can a screen in .5 data consist o, se!eral 1n,otypesT 34. (hich <ays are there to modi,y screens in CustomiQin3T 3). (hat is an 1n,otype menu and <hat is its purposeT 3%. (hat is an in,o 3roupT (hat is a personnel actionT 3*. .o< can a personnel action chan3e the status ,eature o, an employee in 1n,otype 0000T 3-. .o< are personnel actions and dynamic actions lin$edT :B AuthoriQations 1. (hat is a role and <hat is it made up o,T 2. .o< are the authoriQations in a role maintainedT 3. Are authoriQation o06ects or pro,iles assi3ned to usersT 4. (hich authoriQation o06ect can you use to control an employeeMs access to his or her o<n 359 personal dataT ). (hat are the main ad!anta3es o, the Pro,ile 2eneratorT %. Can roles and their authoriQation pro,iles 0e assi3ned to a user ,or a limited time periodT *. .o< do you create structural pro,ilesT +B Payroll 1. .o< does the system $no< <hen to tri33er retroacti!e accountin3 ,or a particular employeeT 2. .o< is the earliest retroacti!e accountin3 date determined ,or an employeeT 3. (hat is the payroll control record used ,orT 4. 1s the exact date o, the payroll period ,or an employee determined 0y the payroll area or the payroll control recordT ). (hat acti!ities are possi0le <hen the payroll control record is set to V5eleased ,or PayrollWT %. 1s it possi0le to 0ranch directly ,rom the payroll lo3 to master data and time data maintenanceT *. (hat is &atchcode ( used ,orT -. (hat e,,ect does 3roupin3 employee su03roups ha!e on personnel calculation rulesT ". Can you e!aluate payroll results usin3 #AP Duery?Ad .oc DueryT 10. (hat steps are reHuired to post payroll results to Accountin3T 11. Can a postin3 run 0e deletedT 12. (here do you speci,y <hether an employee is paid in cash or <hether the money is trans,erred to a 0an$ accountT 6B Time Data 1. (hat are the 0asic concepts ,or recordin3 time dataT 2. (hat steps are reHuired to set up <or$ schedulesT 3. Can you de,ine your o<n pu0lic holidaysT 4. .o< do you de,ine <hich pu0lic holiday calendar is !alid ,or an employeeT ). (hich characteristics does a pu0lic holiday class 0lan$ ha!eT %. 1s there an employee su03roup 3roupin3 ,or daily <or$ schedulesT *. (hat is a !ariant o, a daily <or$ scheduleT -. 1s there an employee su03roup 3roupin3 ,or time HuotasT 360 ". (hat <ays are there to de,ine 0rea$s <ithin a 0rea$ scheduleT 10. (hich characteristics does a daily <or$ schedule <ith daily <or$ schedule class 1 ha!eT 11. (hich elements ma$e up a period <or$ scheduleT 12. (hich characteristic does a day <ith day type 1 ha!eT 13. (hich <ays are there o, representin3 part'time <or$ in the #AP 5?3 systemT 14. (hich <ays are there o, representin3 su0stitutions in the #AP 5?3 systemT 1). (hat is the di,,erence 0et<een a0sences :1n,otype 2001; and attendances :1n,otype 2002;T 1%. (hat is an a0sence HuotaT 2i!e examples. 1*. (hat is the di,,erence 0et<een a !alidity inter!al and a deduction inter!al ,or time HuotasT 1-. Fou need to deduct an a0sence ,rom a Huota. (hich CustomiQin3 settin3s are reHuiredT 1". #hould a Huota 0e assi3ned directly to an a0senceT 20. (hat is the remuneration 1n,otype used ,orT 21. (hat are countin3 rules used ,orT 22. Can you set up de,ault !alues to create a0sence HuotasT 23. Can you 3enerate a0sence HuotasT 24. (hat is the schema TDTA used ,orT 2). (hat <ays are there o, enterin3 in,ormation ,or Controllin3 <hen recordin3 time data in the Time &ana3ement 1n,otypesT 4B "eportin in @uman "esources .anaement 1. (hich reportin3 tools are a!aila0le in .uman 5esources &ana3ementT 2. 1s the 8usiness 1n,ormation (arehouse part o, the #AP 5?3 systemT 3. (hat is .1#T 4. (here do you ,ind standard reports in .5T ). Can you also e!aluate cross'client data <ith standard reportsT %. Can customer'speci,ic reports 0e incorporated in the &ana3ers Des$topT *. (hat is a lo3ical data0ase used ,orT -. (hich lo3ical data0ases exist in .5T ". (hat is a user 3roupJ <hat is an in,oset and ho< are the t<o relatedT 10. (hat is a ,ield 3roupT 2i!e examples ,rom .5. 11. (hat are selection and output ,ieldsT 361 12. (hat can an Ad .oc Duery 0e used ,orT 13. (hat are the steps ,or con,i3urin3 an #AP DueryT 14. (hat are payroll 1n,otypes used ,orT E-Recruitment Configuration Guide Contents ,L4)ACC ,)EAJ!+AT!,J +T)67T6)4 ***************************************************3 #4)+,JAC %ATA ********************************************************************************17 7ontr$ctu$l $nd 7orpor$te Agree'ents**************************************************22 43$lu$tion D$sis*********************************************************************************24 4'ployee Fu$lific$tions***********************************************************************27 7o''unic$tion**********************************************************************************31 7usto'iBing procedures **********************************************************************33 ;or/force )e5uire'ents $nd Ad3ertising***********************************************45 Applic$nt Ad'inistr$tion**********************************************************************47 Applic$nt +election******************************************************************************51 #u9lic >olid$y 7$lend$r***********************************************************************60 ;or/ +chedules**********************************************************************************65 Ti'e %$t$ )ecording $nd Ad'inistr$tion************************************************78 =$n$ging Ti'e Accounts 6sing Attend$nce(A9sence Fuot$s*********************89 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT...........................................................100 1*1 #$yroll =odule 7onfigur$tion +cope*************************************************100 #$y +c$le Type*********************************************************************************107 #$y +c$le Are$**********************************************************************************108 Assign #$y +c$le +tructure to 4nterprise +tructure********************************108 WAGE TYPE STRUCTURE...............................................................111 ;$ge types for D$sic #$y !nfotype 0008" *******************************************111 ;$getypes for !nfotype 0014**************************************************************119 ;$ge types for !nfotype 0015*************************************************************121 Assign #$y +c$le Eroupings for Allow$nces*******************************************124 =$int$in %ef$ult ;$ge Types for D$sic #$y*******************************************125 362 Assign ;$ge type =odel for #$y +c$le Erouping &or Allow$nces *************126 4ligi9ility for )A#s ****************************************************************************127 =$int$in +$l$ry Ke$r $nd #eriod 4nd Tre$t'ent of )A#**************************128 COMPANY LOANS........................................................................129 Acti3$te 7$lcul$tion***************************************************************************129 Ad?ust L$lue %$te*****************************************************************************129 =$ster %$t$*************************************************************************************130 HOUSING....................................................................................130 %efine Acco''od$tion Types*************************************************************130 CAR AND CONVEYANCE................................................................131 %efine 7on3ey$nce Types*******************************************************************131 %efine A'ounts G Ju'9ers for 7$r +che'es****************************************132 4ligi9ility 7riteri$ for 7on3ey$nce Allow$nce****************************************135 PROFESSIONAL TAX.....................................................................140 %efine #rofession$l T$2 Erouping %et$ils *******************************************140 Assign #T$2 Eroupings for #A $nd #+A ***********************************************140 Assign A'ounts for #rofession$l %eduction *****************************************141 =ethod $nd &or' C$yout for #T$2 Eroupings****************************************142 INCOME TAX................................................................................143 D$sic +ettings***********************************************************************************143 Third p$rty %eductions**********************************************************************145 T$2 li$9ility on )ei'9urse'ents0 Allow$nces $nd #er/s ************************147 PAYROLL SCHEMA AND PERSONNEL CALCULATION RULES..............149 #$yroll +che'$********************************************************************************149 #ersonnel c$lcul$tion )ules****************************************************************160 PAYROLL ORGANISATION.............................................................164 #eriod #$r$'eters*****************************************************************************164 %$te =odifiers**********************************************************************************164 Eener$te #$yroll #eriods *******************************************************************165 ABAP DEVELOPMENTS.................................................................16 >u'$n )esources < Tr$3el =$n$ge'ent 7onfigur$tion +cope*****************221 %efine Trip Ju'9er )$nges****************************************************************221 %efine 7ontrol p$r$'eter for Tr$3el 42penses***************************************221 %efine 7ontrol p$r$'eter for Tr$3el %$t$*********************************************223 Tr$3el 42pense Types************************************************************************224 %i$log $nd Tr$3el 42penses 7ontrol*****************************************************226 Tr$3el 42penses 7ontrol*********************************************************************230 ;$ge Types for !nterf$ces******************************************************************231 Tr$nsfer to Accounting***********************************************************************232 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT...........................................................236 SETTINGS FOR ALL USER INTERFACES...........................................236 7re$te AuthoriB$tions for d$t$ entry profiles*****************************************236 6se*************************************************************************************************236 #rocedure****************************************************************************************236 )esult**********************************************************************************************236 SPECIFIC SETTINGS FOR CATS REGULAR.......................................236 +etup d$t$ entry profiles********************************************************************236 6se*************************************************************************************************236 #rocedure****************************************************************************************237 )esult**********************************************************************************************237 SPECIFIC SETTINGS FOR CATS REGULAR.......................................239 %efine &ield +election************************************************************************239 363 6se*************************************************************************************************239 #rocedure****************************************************************************************239 )esult**********************************************************************************************239 TIME DATA RECORDING ! ADMINISTRATION..................................242 %efine Attend$nce types********************************************************************242 6se*************************************************************************************************242 #rocedure****************************************************************************************242 )esult**********************************************************************************************242 Eroup e'ployee su9groups for ti'e 5uot$s******************************************243 6se*************************************************************************************************243 #rocedure****************************************************************************************243 )esult**********************************************************************************************243 Eroup #ersonnel su9$re$s for ti'e 5uot$s********************************************244 6se*************************************************************************************************244 #rocedure***************************************************************************************244 )esult**********************************************************************************************244 %efine 7ounting )ules***********************************************************************245 6se*************************************************************************************************245 #rocedure***************************************************************************************245 )esult**********************************************************************************************245 Assign 7ounting )ules to Attend$nce types*******************************************247 6se*************************************************************************************************247 #rocedure***************************************************************************************247 )esult**********************************************************************************************247 +elect Allowed A9sence types*************************************************************247 6se*************************************************************************************************247 #rocedure****************************************************************************************247 )esult**********************************************************************************************248 %efine re?ection )e$sons********************************************************************248 6se*************************************************************************************************248 #rocedure****************************************************************************************248 )esult**********************************************************************************************248 CONFIGURATION STEPS"..............................................................22 !nterf$ce 7onfigur$tion for ;e9dynpro !nterf$ce in Tr$3el =$n$ge'ent:* *272 &e$tures 6sed for Tr$3el &or 4++":*****************************************************274 DA78E),6J% *********************************************************************************276 +cen$rio: 4'ployee +elf +er3ice********************************************************276 #rocess Eroup: #rocess on 4++***********************************************************276 364 )>)>( 1. System Prerequisites 1.1. Required Components • Software Component ERECRUIT !" • S#P $et%ea&er '.!( En)ancement Pac*age 1 o Enterprise Porta+ o TRE, '.!!."-.!! or )ig)er. #+ternate+y( TRE, '.1! can .e used from E)P" onwards. TRE, '.1! does not support /rac+e p+atform( supports on+y 0inu1 and %indows .ased systems. o #2S 3#do.e 2ocument Ser&er4 5 for certain functiona+ity suc) as data /&er&iews o S#P $et%ea&er 6irus Scan Interface 3$%-6SI4 compati.+e software( optiona+ o #do.e 7orms -.1 • ERP .! E)P" 38anager In&o+&ement4 1.2. Latest versions of ERecruiting • Insta++ En)ancement Pac*age "( • #cti&ate 9usiness 7unction HCM, SAP E-Recruiting 2 - HCM_ERC_CI_2 3Transaction S%7:4. Pre-requisite for .usiness function ;C8<ERC<CI<=> 1. #cti&ate .usiness function HCM, SAP E-Recruiting 1- HCM_ERC_CI_1 =. #cti&ate .usiness function HCM, SAP E-Recruiting Search Functions 1 - HCM_ERC_SES_1 1.3. Portal Content for SAP EhP for SAP ERP !." #usiness Pac$age %ame Soft&are Component 'ersion Role 9P for Recruiter 9P ERP RECRUITER 1."! Recruiter 9P for E-Recruiting #dmin. 9P ERP RECRUITI$G #28I$ 1."! E-Recruiting #dministrator • To insta++ porta+ content 39usiness Pac*ages4 for E-Recruiting( you must insta++ t)e fo++owing product instances and software components. • Product instance S#P $% - EP Core is required as a .asis. #s part of S#P ERP .! S#P $% 5 EP Core .ased on S#P $et%ea&er '.! 5 Usage Type #pp+ication Ser&er ?a&a. #s of 365 en)ancement pac*age " for S#P ERP( t)e usage type is a&ai+a.+e on en)ancement pac*age 1 for S#P $et%ea&er. • #+ways refer to t)e +atest &ersion of t)e 8aster Guide - S#P en)ancement pac*age " for S#P ERP .! w)ic) contains important information a.out t)e insta++ation sequence and t)e components to .e insta++ed. It +in*s to a++ ot)er documents t)at are required for t)e imp+ementation of a specific scenario. 3)ttp>@@ser&ice.sap.com@erp-inst4 366 )>)>+ . User #dministration ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A User #dministration ,escription+ T)is I8G acti&ity is used for creation and maintenance of ERecruiting specific users( ro+es and User categories. T)e +ogica+ sequence is 5 - Creation of aut)oriBation profi+es@ro+es - Creation of ERecruiting specific specia+ users - #ssignment of aut)oriBation profi+es to reference users - #ssignment of reference users to eac) ERecruiting end user in SU!1. - /ptiona++y( grouping t)e interna+ end users in user categories. 2.1. Creation of Authorisation Profiles ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A User #dministration -A Create User Profi+es -ransaction+ P7CG #++ ERecruiting specific standard ro+es )a&e prefi1 as CS#P<RC7D. Copy t)e standard ro+es pro&ided .y S#P to custom ro+es. T)is is done to *eep t)e standard ro+es untouc)ed and refer at a +ater stage in case of issues in t)e custom ro+es. %e )a&e configured t)e ro+es wit) prefi1 as CEERD. 367 %e are using ro+es ZER_RECRUITER_EHP4 and ZER_BUSINESS_ADMIN_EHP4 for recruiter and administrator respecti&e+y instead of ro+es ZER_BUSINESS_ADMINISTRATOR and ZER_RECRUITER w)ic) .ecome o.so+ete on acti&ation of %e.2ynpro &ersions in E)P". 2.2. Creation of Special users ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A User #dministration -A Create Specia+ Users -ransaction+ SU!1 Users can .e grouped in F categories> 1. Reference users =. Communication Users F. Ser&ice Users ". System users Reference users are used as temp+ates for assigning security aut)oriBations. T)ey are not dia+og users .ut are assigned to dia+og users. T)e dia+og users in)erit a++ aut)oriBations of t)e assigned reference user. Communication users are used for remote communication .etween = systems. T)ese are not dia+og users and must .e used pure+y for communication purposes in t)e system. In ERecruiting framewor*( communication users are used for connecting ERecruiting system and t)e Content Ser&er. Service .sers ena.+es system access for unnamed users. In e-recruiting t)ese are used for unregistered candidates 3e.g.( RC7<U$REG4. Certain 9SP@%e.dynpro ser&ices are accessi.+e to candidates w)o are not registered app+icants. 7or suc) ser&ices( t)e ser&ice user RC7<U$REG is assigned against username in transaction SIC7. T)is e+iminates t)e need to *ey in username password w)en t)e ser&ice is instantiated on t)e internet. S/stem .sers System users are required during t)e e1ecution of specific S#P processes. ERecruiting requires system users in t)e form of wor*f+ow user %7-9#TC;. #++ .ac*ground wor*f+ow tas*s are e1ecuted using t)e %7-9#TC; id. Specia+ users do not e1ist in t)e standard system. T)ey need to .e created. "eference Iser Iser Type "ole to be assined "ole Description 368 5CBEAD&1N 5e,erence =E5E8/#1NE##EAD&1NEE.P4 Administrator 5CBEC+NTENT Communication =E5EC+NTENTE#E5CE5 Access to #earch En3ine 5CBECANDEEGT 5e,erence =E5EEGTE5NAECAND1DATE External Candidate 5CBECANDE1NT 5e,erence =E5E1NTE5NAECAND1DATE 1nternal Candidate 5CBE&ANA2E5 5e,erence =E5E&ANA2E5 &ana3er 5CBE5EC5/1T 5e,erence =E5E5EC5/1TE5EE.P4 5ecruiter 5CBE5ED/E#T 5e,erence =E5E5ED/1#1T1+NE5ED/E#TE5 5eHuester :not used; 5CBETC 5e,erence =E5ETAENTEC+N#/TANT Talent Consultant :not used; 5CBE/N5E2 #er!ice =E5E/N5E21#TE5EDECAND1DATE /nre3istered Candidate Creation of Samp+e Reference User RC7<C#$2<I$T is s)own .e+ow> Go to SU!1( enter RCF_CAND_INT in User fie+d and c+ic* t)e New icon. Enter t)e required detai+s. 369 Se+ect t)e User Type as CReferenceD. #+so enter t)e password. 7or reference users( once t)e password is set( it s)ows a C2eacti&atedD status as s)own .e+ow> #ssign t)e custom interna+ candidate ro+e created in t)e a.o&e step. Simi+ar+y( create ot)er reference users. 370 2.3. ,efine Roles in ERecruiting ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A User #dministration -A Create Specia+ Users 'ie&+ T''RC7<R/0E ;ere we map t)e specia+ users against t)e user categories to .e used. T)e reference users need to )a&e e1act+y same name as a.o&e. In case of a requirement w)ic) demands a different reference username( t)e names in t)e CReference UserD co+umn s)ou+d .e updated according+y. 371 )>)>A F. 9usiness Partner Configuration T)e component S#P 9usiness Partner ena.+es you to create and manage .usiness partners centra++y. Gou can create a .usiness partner in different .usiness partner ro+es( and during t)e course of t)e .usiness re+ations)ip t)e .usiness partner can assume ot)er .usiness partner ro+es. $o new data )as to .e created eac) time( meaning t)at redundant data creation and retention is a&oided( and t)ere can .e no inconsistencies. In E-Recruiting( t)e 9usiness Partner concept is used for maintaining persona+ data of a++ entities in&o+&ed 3candidates -A emp+oyees -A candidates4 and for t)e addresses of t)e &arious .ranc)es of your company. ()* Path> SPR/ -A I8G -ACross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner 372 3.1. ,efine #usiness Partner Roles ()* Path + SPR/ -A Cross-#pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness Partner -A 9asic Settings -A 9usiness Partner Ro+es -A 2efine 9P Ro+es 'ie& Cluster+ 9UP#<T9!!F ,escription + In t)is I8G acti&ity( you define .usiness partner ro+es and its attri.utes. T)ese attri.utes s)ow effect in transaction BP used for .usiness partner maintenance. T)e ro+es t)at need to .e configured are> 1. 9UP!!F =. RC7#GG F. RC79R# ". RC76E$ #.P""3 373 To configure( c)oose t)e row and c+ic* on t)e detai+ icon . T)e fie+ds t)at need to .e entered for eac) ro+e are> 1. 9P Ro+e Cat. =. Std. #ssignment 9P Ro+e 5A 9P Ro+e Cat. F. 9P 6iew T)e &a+ues in t)ese fie+ds s)ou+d .e> 1. 9P Ro+e Cat. 5 Same as 9P Ro+e 3in t)is case( 9UP!!F4 =. Std. #ssignment 9P Ro+e 5A 9P Ro+e Cat. 5 S)ou+d .e C)ec*ed. F. 9P 6iew - Same as 9P Ro+e 7o++ow t)e same procedure for remaining .usiness partner ro+es. 3.2. ,efine %um0er Ranges for #usiness Partners ()* Path > SPR/ -A Cross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness Partner -A 9asic Settings -A $um.er Ranges and Groupings -A 2efine $um.er Ranges 374 -ransaction+ 9UC7 ,escription + ;ere( you maintain t)e num.er ranges for .usiness partners. Two num.er ranges( one eac) for interna+ and e1terna+ num.er range s)ou+d .e defined. T)e e1terna+ num.er range is required for .usiness partners transferred from e1terna+ systems. $o c)anges are required )ere. %e are using t)e S#P de+i&ered standard settings. Ensure t)at t)e current num.er is set to !. 3.3. ,efine *roupings and Assign %um0er Ranges ()* Path + SPR/ -A Cross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness Partner -A 9asic Settings -A $um.er Ranges and Groups -A 2efine Groupings and #ssign $um.er Ranges. 'ie& + 6<T9!!1 ,escription+ T)e num.er range grouping determines t)e num.er range to .e used during .usiness partner 375 num.er generation. Standard S#P de+i&ered settings are used. $o c)anges required. 3.. Address ,etermination ()* Path+ SPR/ -A I8G -A Cross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness Partner -A 9asic Settings -A #ddress 2etermination ,escription+ #ddress determination descri.es t)e procedure wit) w)ic) t)e system identifies t)e .usiness partner address t)at is used in a particu+ar .usiness transaction. T)e fo++owing steps are carried out consecuti&e+y unti+ an address is found> 1. If t)ere is a fi1ed address for a particu+ar o.Hect 3e.g. contract account in 7I-C#4 and t)is address sti++ e1ists( it is used. =. If an address type is assigned to t)e 9P ro+e in t)e imp+ementation guide 3I8G4( and at +east one address usage for it )as .een created( t)e standard usage for t)is address type wi++ .e used. F. In a++ ot)er cases( t)e standard address of t)e .usiness partner is used. 376 ,efine -ransactions XXDFLT is t)e standard S#P de+i&ered entry. $o c)anges are required. ,efine Address -/pes+ XXDEFAULT is t)e standard S#P de+i&ered entry. $o c)anges are required. Assign -ransaction to Address -/pe+ #ssign t)e address type XXDEFAULT to transaction XXDFLT. 377 3.1. 2orms of Address ()* Path + SPR/ -A I8G -A Cross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness Partner -A 9asic Settings -A 7orms of #ddress. 'ie& + 6<TS#2F ,escription+ In t)is node( you maintain t)e forms of address for .usiness partners. T)ese entries s)ou+d .e in +ine wit) t)e forms-of-address of Personne+ #dministration. 3.!. ,ata 3rigin ()* Path + SPR/ -A I8G -A Cross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness Partner -A 9asic Settings -A 2ata /rigin 'ie& + 6<T9!!: ,escription+ T)e data origin type determines )ow t)e .usiness partner data comes into t)e system. 378 #dd t)e entry !!!" as s)own .e+ow> 3.4. %ame 2ormatting Rules ()* Path + SPR/ -A I8G -A Cross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness Partner -A Persons -A 8aintain $ame 7ormatting Ru+es 'ie& Cluster+ $#8E7/R8#T ,escription + 7or .usiness partners t)at .e+ong to t)e category Inatura+ personsI t)e name components are stored in se&era+ different fie+ds. Country-specific ru+es can .e app+ied to format t)e name components. If you do not state any specific ru+e( t)e standard setting app+ies. 379 %e wi++ .e using Country CI$D and For!t !s "!1D. T)e components of t)is name format are organiBed as 5 J7orm of addressA Jfirst nameA Jmidd+e initia+A J+ast nameA Position s)ou+d .e in numeric integers. T)e order gi&en in t)e KPositionK determines )ow t)e name of t)e .usiness partner 3candidate4 wi++ .e concatenated in t)e system. 3.5. )arital Status ()* Path+ SPR/ -A I8G -A Cross #pp+ication Components -A S#P 9usiness Partner -A 9usiness 380 %3-E+ 1. T)is transaction a+so s)ou+d .e done in .ot) t)e ;R and t)e E Recruitment systems( in separate instance scenario. Partner -A Persons -A 8arita+ Statuses -A 8aintain 8arita+ Status 'ie& + T9!=' ,escription+ ;ere you maintain t)e marita+ statuses for .usiness partners T)is comp+etes t)e E Recruitment re+ated configuration of 9usiness Partners 381 )>)>3 ". %or*f+ow Configuration .1. 6or$flo& Auto7Customi8ing -ransaction+ S%UF ,escription + T)e acti&ities performed in t)is transaction must .e e1ecuted so t)at wor*f+ows can .e e1ecuted. It pro&ides a runtime en&ironment to a++ wor*f+ows in t)e c+ient. (mportant+ T)e user performing auto-customiBing must )a&e S#P<#00 aut)oriBations and must .e+ong to SUPER user group. C+ic* CConfigure R7C 2estinationD and c+ic* T)e user %7-9#TC;( if does not e1ist( is auto created wit) same aut)oriBations as t)e current user. Enter t)e password and c+ic* . $ow( c+ic* t)e main node in t)e tree C8aintain Runtime En&ironmentD and c+ic* Generate. T)e tree now appears as .e+ow> 382 To acti&ate indi&idua+ nodes( c+ic* on t)e node and press . Simi+ar+y( e1ecute a++ t)e nodes. 7ina++y t)e status s)ou+d .e as fo++ows> 383 T)e node CC)ec* Entries from ;R Contro+ Ta.+esD wi++ initia++y s)ow t)e fo++owing error. To e+iminate t)e errors( e1ecute t)e report R;S/9?C;. E1ecution of t)e report wi++ yie+d fo++owing *ind of output. 384 Se+ect a++ t)e entries and c+ic* C#dHustD. E1it t)e report and try re-e1ecuting it. /utput s)ou+d +oo* as .e+ow> $ow refres)@e1ecute t)e CC)ec* Entries from ;R Contro+ Ta.+esD node in S%UF. It s)ou+d )a&e against it. .2. Activate Event Lin$ages ()* Path + S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A %or*f+ow ,escription+ T)is node +ists a++ t)e ERecruiting wor*f+ows t)at can .e acti&ated and used. #cti&ation of t)ese wor*f+ows is optiona+ and s)ou+d .e strict+y need .asis. 385 Activation Procedure+ To acti&ate t)e wor*f+ow for C!n#$#!te%s re&uest to #e'ete Re($str!t$on( e1ecute t)e node C%or*f+ow after CandidateLs Request to 2e+ete RegistrationD. C+ic* C#cti&ate e&ent +in*ingD. C+ic* t)e C2etai+ 6iewD icon under t)e C2etai+sD co+umn. 386 C)ec* mar* CE&ent +in*age acti&atedD( if unc)ec*ed and Sa&e. T)e e&ent +in*age o&er&iew screen s)ows t)e acti&ation status of t)e wor*f+ow indicated .y green icon C Activated. #cti&ate a++ ot)er required wor*f+ows in a simi+ar manner. 387 )>)>1 :. Searc) Engine Configuration T)e Searc) Engine in ERecruiting contains = main su.-di&isions> 1. 7u++ Te1t Searc) =. #ttri.ute .ased searc) In genera+( we differentiate .etween F searc) types> 1.1. 7u++-te1t searc) for documents 1.=. 7u++-te1t searc) for o.Hects =.1. #ttri.ute .ased searc) for o.Hects 7or documents 3for e1amp+e( t)e creation of a candidate4( t)e data is unstructured. 7or unstructured data( a MPR/ inde1 is used. MPR/ inde1 is accessi.+e from transaction SMPR!'. 7or o.Hects( t)e data is structured. In ot)er words( t)e data from t)e infotypes of t)e ;R o.Hects to .e inde1ed is e1tracted and transferred to t)e SES framewor*. In TRE,( an SES o.Hect inde1 e1ists for eac) .usiness o.Hect. T)e SES inde1es can eit)er .e accessed from SPR/ I8G or using transaction SES<#28I$. If you perform a )u''*te+t se!r,-( t)e system a+ways performs a )u''*te+t se!r,- )or o./e,ts. #t t)e same time( t)e system performs a )u''*te+t se!r,- )or #o,uents - if t)ere are attac)ments and you want to searc) for t)em too. 2uring t)e Attr$.ute*.!se# se!r,-( t)e system on+y searc)es for o.Hects. 1.1. Set up (ndices of SES 309ect ()* Path+ SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A Searc) Engine -A Set up Indices of SES /.Hect -ransaction+ SES<#28I$ T)is step focuses on Attr$.ute .!se# Se!r,- )or O./e,ts. T)e standard system contains t)e fo++owing o.Hects. #usiness o09ect Short description ERC<C#$2 SES .usiness o.Hect Candidate ERC<C2CG SES .usiness o.Hect Candidacy ERC<REN SES .usiness o.Hect Requisition 388 E,T<P/ST SES .usiness o.Hect E1terna+ Pu.+ication I$T<P/ER SES .usiness o.Hect Interna+ Pu.+ication T)is node starts t)e transaction SES<#28I$. Initia++y t)ere wi++ .e no inde1es created. Inde1 can .e created using t)e menu item> In#e+ *0 Cre!te1A,t$2!te In#e+es # dia+og .o1 wit) e1isting inde1a.+e o.Hects pops up. Se+ect t)e re+e&ant o.Hect and continue. It s)ou+d .e noted t)at t)e o.Hects s)ou+d .e se+ected one at a time( not mu+tip+e entries simu+taneous+y. %e se+ect o.Hect EXT_POST of o.Hect type NC. 389 T)e inde1 as s)own .e+ow )as .een created for o.Hect $C. T)is inde1 s)ou+d .e created for ot)er o.Hect types a+so. 9e+ow is t)e comp+ete sequence of steps to .e fo++owed. 1. Create t)e o.Hect inde1 for E,T<P/ST@$C. =. Create t)e o.Hect inde1 for I$T<P/ER@$C. F. Create t)e o.Hect inde1 for ERC<REN@$9. ". Create t)e o.Hect inde1 for #ES<2/C@!!!!!1!!. :. Create t)e o.Hect inde1 for ERC<C#$2@$#. %)en you create t)is inde1( t)e system issues an error message since you sti++ cannot create t)e Hoin inde1. Ignore t)is message. . Create t)e o.Hect inde1 for ERC<C2CG@$E. %)en you create t)is inde1( t)e system creates t)e corresponding re+ation inde1. '. Create t)e re+ation inde1 for ERC<C#$2@$#. $ow t)e inde1es are created .ut documents are yet to .e inde1ed. 7or inde1ing t)e documents( we )a&e to start t)e fu++ inde1ing for eac) of t)e inde1es w)ic) wi++ p)ysica++y send t)e documents corresponding to eac) o.Hect for inde1ing. 9ut .efore t)at we )a&e to e1ecute program RCF_SES_3OIN_INDEX_CREATE. Gou can use t)is program to add furt)er information to t)e Hoin inde1es. ?oin inde1es contain 8eta information a.out t)e re+ations)ips .etween .usiness o.Hects. T)is program s)ou+d a+ways .e e1ecuted w)en you de+ete or re-create one or se&era+ inde1es. /nce t)e Hoin inde1 is created we s)ou+d perform t)e fu++ inde1ing for a++ t)e ERecruiting specific o.Hects. 390 Se+ect t)e o.Hects in t)e same sequence in w)ic) t)ey were created and c+ic* In#e+ Ie#$!te'y. In t)e pop-up t)at fo++ows( se+ect Fu'' 3fu++ inde1ing4 on+y for t)e first run of inde1ing. E&ery su.sequent time( De't! 3de+ta inde1ing4 s)ou+d .e used. 7u++ inde1ing inde1es a++ t)e documents corresponding to t)e se+ected o.Hect. 2e+ta inde1ing se+ects on+y t)e new documents since +ast run for inde1ing. #+t)oug)( se+ecting 7u++ inde1ing for su.sequent runs wou+d do )arm to t)e system( w)en t)e num.er and siBe of documents on t)e content ser&er increase fu++ inde1ing wou+d definite+y ta*e +onger time for e1ecution and may put +oad on t)e system %)en inde1ing is in progress( t)e program s)ows A,t$2e status. 391 T)e status is Co4'ete# once t)e inde1ing is done. /nce t)e status disp+ayed is A,t$2e for a++ t)e inde1es created( #ttri.ute .ased searc) for o.Hects can .e successfu++y performed from t)e porta+. T)e SES o.Hect .ased searc) can .e tested using program COM_SE_SEARCH_IIF_TEST. Gou may face a situation in future w)ere t)e inde1 .ecomes corrupt or t)e inde1ing accident+y stops wor*ing due to some )ardware or compati.i+ity re+ated issues. In suc) situations( you may .e required to de+ete one or more e1isting inde1es. Inde1 can .e de+eted using menu pat)> In#e+ *0 De'ete In#e+. C+ic* 5es on t)e pop-up t)at fo++ows. T)is wi++ de+ete t)e respecti&e inde1. Gou can t)en re-create it. 392 1.2. Set up Access to ,ocuments ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A Searc) Engine -A Set Up #ccess to 2ocuments -ransaction+ SIC7 In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you set up access to t)e CONTENTSER6ER ser&ice of t)e S#P ERecruiting system. T)is ena.+es users to access documents of t)e document area HR_78 32ocument Storage for ;R /.Hects4. #ttac)ments( searc) profi+es( and so on( are stored in t)is document repository. T)is ser&ice( if deacti&ated( s)ou+d .e acti&ated .y rig)t c+ic*ing t)e node and c+ic*ing A,t$2!te Ser2$,e. 1.3. (nitiali8e :PR3 ,irector/ ()* Path+ SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A Searc) Engine -A Initia+iBe MPro 2irectory Structure for S#P E-Recruiting T)is node simp+y e1ecutes a program t)at does t)e necessary initia+iBations w.r.t. MPro. Care s)ou+d .e ta*en t)at during t)e e1ecution of t)is program( t)e RC7<PERI/2IC<SER6ICES program is not .eing e1ecuted. 1.. Activate (nde;ing ()* Path+ SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A Searc) Engine -A #cti&ate Inde1ing 'ie&+ 6<S2/MI2SP 393 %3-E: MPro Searc)@7ree Te1t Searc) to .e accessed using transaction SMPR!' configuration starts at t)is point. ;ere( you se+ect t)e document area HR_78 for MPR/ inde1ing .y c)ec*ing t)e In#e+ re'e!se c)ec*.o1. Inde1ing is required to ena.+e t)e searc) engine to searc) t)e searc) profi+es. T)e co+umn Se!r,- Sr2 s)ou+d contain t)e se!r,- ser2er re'!t$on I# w)ic) wi++ .e created in t)e ne1t step. %e )a&e created EREC as t)e searc) ser&er re+ation. %ote+ ;R<M% is t)e 2ocument storage for ;R o.Hects. 1.1. Chec$ Settings ()* Path+ SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A Searc) Engine -A C)ec* Settings -ransaction+ SMPR!' T)is transaction is used for creating TRE, MPro inde1 to .e used for free-te1t-.ased searc). MPro inde1 creation consists of fo++owing steps> 1. Searc) Ser&er Re+ation creation =. Inde1 Category creation F. Trigger inde1ing. 394 Search Server relation creation+ ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A Searc) Engine -A C)ec* Settings -A SSR 8onitor -ransaction+ SR8/ ,escription + T)e SSR is created to connect 7Pro and TREX searc) engine using R7C connection. %e specify t)e se!r,- en($ne ty4e and name of t)e RFC ,onne,t$on9 395 C+ic* on t)e Cre!te SSR .utton to create Searc) Ser&er Re+ation. Enter required name for SSR identification and c+ic* Cre!te SSR. DRFUZZ5 is t)e searc) Engine to .e used .y ERecruiting. Standard recommendation. TREX_:;< is t)e R7C Connection created in S8:O connecting S#P .ac*end 3MPro4 wit) TRE, engine. 396 T)e new+y created SSR is now &isi.+e in t)e +ist of SSRs. To set t)is SSR as defau+t se+ect t)e entry and c+ic* Set SSR !s #e)!u't. (nde; Categor/ Creation and ,ocument (nde;ing+ ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A Searc) Engine -A C)ec* Settings -ransaction+ SMPR!' T)e inde1 category can .e created from t)e section M!ss A,t$ons of transaction S7PR<=.  Unc)ec* L$$te# to se'e,te# '!n(u!(e indicator.  Se+ect Do,uent Are! inde1ing area Create Inde1 category .y c+ic*ing Re*In#e+ .utton. T)is wi++ create a unique inde1 category w)ic) can .e &iewed .y 7" on In#e+ C!te(ory fie+d. 397 T)e inde1 category in 7" +ist +oo*s as .e+ow. /nce t)e inde1 category )as .een created( t)e documents can now .e sent for inde1ing. T)e In#e+1De*$n#e+ section of S7PR<= can .e used for document inde1ing. Tr$((er Pro,ess wi++ inde1 t)e documents in t)e foreground. ;owe&er( inde1ing needs to .e sc)edu+ed on a periodic .asis. Program RCF_PERIODICAL_SER6ICES can .e sc)edu+ed for inde1ing. Status of document inde1ing can .e &iewed from transaction TREX_ADMIN. 398 )>)>J :. Periodic ser&ices 1.1. ,efine Periodic Services ;ere( you specify ser&ices in t)e system t)at can .e performed periodica++y. To do so( you assign eac) ser&ice a c+ass containing instructions on )ow to perform t)e ser&ice. # range of periodic ser&ices are de+i&ered in t)e standard system t)at are required for t)e searc) wit)in E-Recruiting. T)e searc) engine TRE, 3Te1t Retrie&a+ and Information E1traction4 does not searc) using t)e operationa+ data( .ut rat)er using searc) profi+es. T)ese are an e1tract of t)e operationa+ data. To *eep t)e data.ase up-to-date for t)e searc)( t)e searc) profi+es must .e updated periodica++y. 7or t)e same reason( t)e documents t)at are inc+uded for t)e fu++-te1t searc) and t)e searc) profi+es must .e inde1ed from time to time and communicated to t)e searc) engine TRE,. T)is inde1ing is performed .y TRE, and is prepared and acti&ated using t)e ser&ice I$2E,<2/CU8E$TS. 399 .2. Activate Periodic Services ;ere you acti&ate t)e re+e&ant periodic ser&ices for eac) c+ient from t)e a&ai+a.+e +ist of periodic ser&ices. Errors t)at occur w)i+e performing a ser&ice are written to t)e app+ication +og and can .e ana+yBed .y t)e administrator. 1.3. ,etermine Rules from Periodic Services In t)is acti&ity( you set up attri.utes t)at inf+uence a periodic ser&ice according to your requirements. 2or E;ample+ %)en a candidate decides to 2e-register or w)en t)e requisition status is set to CTo .e de+etedD( t)ese o.Hects are not permanent+y de+eted .ut are stored in data.ase .uffer for specific period. T)is time period is determined .y t)e fie+d C#ttri.ute 6a+ueD in t)e .e+ow ta.+e. 1.. Schedule #ac$ground Process for Periodic Services Sc)edu+e t)e report RC7<PERI/2IC#0<SER6ICES as a periodic .ac*ground process. T)is report automatica++y e1ecutes t)e ser&ices specified in C#cti&e Periodic Ser&icesD ta.+e as specified a.o&e. C)oose a period .etween 1! and F! minutes to ensure t)e searc) resu+ts are up-to-date 1.1. #A,(<s Activation #Adi+ ;R#0E!!SP0IT<I$9/U$2 (mplementation+ ;R<I$9<PR/CESS<I2/C. T)e 9#dI must .e imp+emented for S#P E-Recruiting so t)at t)e data of t)e Person o.Hect 3o.Hect type P4 may .e used e1c+usi&e+y in t)e E-Recruiting app+ication. 400 T)is 9#di is e1ecuted during #0E transfer w)en t)e data from I2oc needs to .e used for modu+e- specific con&ersions or processing. #Adi+ ;R#0E!!I$9/U$2<I2/C. (mplementation+ ;RRC7!!<2E0ETE<SPRE0. T)is 9#di de+etes a++ S-P re+ations)ips .etween positions and persons from t)e in.ound I2ocs. 401 NOTE:Both the BAdi must be active and implemented in the ALE destination client/server i.e. the Target system of the IDoc. )>)>2 . S#P ECC Integration ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -A S#P ERP Centra+ Component 3ECC4 Integration ,escription+ T)is I8G node descri.es t)e acti&ities to .e performed in ;R and ERecruiting systems under &arious system scenarios i.e.  ;R and ERecruiting are on same instance  ;R and ERecruiting are on separate instances. %e )a&e ;R and Recruitment .ot) on same instance. T)e ;R system is t)e main system for t)e fo++owing emp+oyee data. T)e data of an emp+oyee is processed using Personne+ 8anagement 3personne+ actions( master data4. C)anges to t)e data in t)e fo++owing infotypes are t)en reconci+ed wit) S#P E-Recruiting. • #ctions 3!!!!4 • /rganiBationa+ #ssignment 3!!!14 • Persona+ 2ata 3!!!=4 • #ddresses 3!!!4 • Communication 3!1!:4 • Nua+ifications 31!!1( su.type !F=4 ,ata Reconciliation 0et&een =R )aster ,ata and ERecruiting ,ata  (nitial ,ata Conversion >3ne time activit/? E&ery user of t)e ERecruiting system( interna+ or e1terna+( )as t)e C!n#$#!te o.Hect NA associated to it. T)e $# o.Hect is connected to Bus$ness 4!rtner o.Hect BP &ia( Centr!' Person o.Hect CP. To get access to ERecruitment specific app+ications( ser&ices and to wor* on ERecruitment porta+ wit)out errors( ;R 8aster 2ata needs to .e integrated wit) 9usiness Partner data i.e.( eac) interna+ user )as to .e trans+ated in terms of ERecruiting o.Hects. 402 Report 5 HRALXS5NC 5 is used for t)e initia+ data con&ersion. Pre7requisite 5 8aintain t)e fo++owing entry in ta.+e T==S<. >RPID SEMID >S6AL TEXT ;R#0, /9P/$ /$ Integraion /-9P #cti&e T)is report ena.+es you to run a consistency c)ec* for t)e integration of ;R 8aster 2ata and 9usiness Partner data. If not a++ data e1ists for t)e .usiness partner( you can first sync)roniBe data. %)en sync)roniBation is run for organiBationa+ units( t)e .asic data 3name( description4 and t)e address data is inc+udedP %)en sync)roniBation is run for centra+ persons( .an* information is inc+uded in addition to t)e .asic data and address data. Gou can restrict t)e emp+oyees to .e sync)roniBed .ased on &arious se+ection criteria as s)own a.o&e. %e are using Centra+ Person o.Hect for sync)roniBation. E1ecution of t)e program wi++ disp+ay t)e status of data updating. Green Signa+ 5 9usiness Partner data is consistent wit) ;R o.Hect data. Ge++ow Signa+ 5 9usiness Partner e1ists .ut data is not consistent wit) ;R o.Hect data. Red Signa+ 5 9usiness Partner does not e1ist or data is incomp+ete. 403 In case t)e record as s)own a.o&e s)ows status in Ge++ow or Red( se+ect t)e entry as s)own .e+ow and c+ic* St!rt Re4!$r. T)e program t)en tries to correct t)e error and if unsuccessfu+( disp+ays t)e error or if successfu+ s)ows eit)er a warning or no message. T)is process )as to .e done for a++ emp+oyees or centra+ persons once initia++y. Refer t)e fo++owing section for auto data sync)roniBation of new+y )ired emp+oyees and c)anges to e1isting emp+oyees to .e rep+icated in .usiness partner ta.+es on a continua+ .asis.  S/nchronous ,ata Conversion >Su0sequent ,ata .pdate? %it) t)e sync)roniBation( t)e data is written automatica++y to S#P E-Recruiting after c)anges )a&e .een made using ;R standard transactions 3for e1amp+e( P#F!( P#"!( maintaining t)e qua+ification profi+e4. #cti&ate t)e fo++owing 9usiness #dd-ins for acti&ating sync)ronous data con&ersion. BAdI Deinition !a"e Q ;RSG$C<P BAdI i"#$e"entation Q C/$6<;R<2#T#<T/<EREC 404 Descri#tion% Con&ersion of Emp+oyeeIs ;R 2ata in E-Recruiting. T)e 9#2I is e1ecuted e&ery time c)anges are done to ;R master data using P#F!( P#"! or ot)er master data transactions. BAdI Deinition !a"e Q ;R9#S!!I$7TG BAdI i"#$e"entation Q ;RRC7!!<ST/RE<;RNU#0 Descri#tion% Updating of ;R Nua+ifications in E-Recruiting Infotype :1!: 405 )>)>7 '. 9asic Settings 4.1. ,etermine Languages Availa0le ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A 2etermine 0anguages #&ai+a.+e ,escription+ ;ere you specify w)ic) +anguages are supported in S#P E-Recruiting.  Gou can perform searc)es on+y in t)e +anguages stored )ere.  Gou can sa&e attac)ments in t)ese +anguages on+y.  Gou can enter te1ts in questions and questionnaires in t)ese +anguages on+y. # separate ta. page is a&ai+a.+e for eac) +anguage to enter t)e te1ts.  Gou can enter Ho. postings in t)ese +anguages on+y. # ta. page is a&ai+a.+e for eac) +anguage to enter te1ts. 4.2. ,efine Enterprise Structure ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A Enterprise Structure ,escription+ ;ere you define t)e companies( t)e .ranc)es for t)e companies and assign t)e .ranc)es to t)e company. 4.2.1. ,efine Compan/ ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A Enterprise Structure -A 2efine Company -a0le + T''RC7<C/8P#$G ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you define t)e indi&idua+ independent companies in your .usiness concern. Gou can differentiate your app+ication processes on t)e .asis of t)e companies. T)is ena.+es different companies to integrate forms for correspondence acti&ities( for e1amp+e. 406 4.2.2. ,efine #ranches ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A Enterprise Structure -A 2efine and #ssign 9ranc)es To Companies -ransaction+ 9P ,escription + # .ranc) can .e defined .y creating a .usiness partner wit) ro+e as RCFA>5 i.e. A(en,y. 4.2.2. Assign #ranches to Companies ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A Enterprise Structure -A 2efine and #ssign 9ranc)es To Companies -ransaction+ 6''RC79R#$C;C/8P ,escription + ;ere you assign t)e .ranc)es created in t)e a.o&e step to ;o+ding companies. 407 4.2. Attachment -/pes 4.2.1. ,efine Attachment -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A #ttac)ment Types -A 2efine #ttac)ment Types -a0le + T''RC7<#TTTGPE<T ,escription+ 2efine t)e attac)ment types t)at s)ou+d .e a&ai+a.+e in ERecruiting. #ttac)ment types specify t)e t)ematic content of attac)ments( for e1amp+e resume( Ho. posting( reference. 4.2.2. ,etermine .se of Attachment -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A #ttac)ment Types -A 2etermine Use of #ttac)ment Types 408 'ie& + 6<'RC7<#TTTGPE<U ,escription+ 2etermine w)ic) attac)ment types are possi.+e for an ;R o.Hect type. 7or e1amp+e( attac)ment type Resue is possi.+e for C!n#$#!te ?NA@ o.Hect type in t)e Resue area or su.type. #ttac)ment Su.*ty4es specify t)e &arious areas on t)e UI from w)ere attac)ments can .e up+oaded for t)e se+ected o.Hect. 4.2.3. #Adi+ .pload documents ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A #ttac)ment Types -A 9#di> Up+oad 2ocuments #Adi %ame + ;RRC7!!<2/C<UP0/#2 ,escription+ T)is 9#di can .e used to incorporate custom c)ec*s during document up+oad as attac)ments. 4.2.. (dentif/ Attachment -/pe as Resume ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A #ttac)ment Types -A Identify attac)ment type as Resume 'ie& + 6''RC7<#TTTGPE<U ,escription+ Specifies w)et)er documents of t)is attac)ment type are resues. 2ocuments can .e c+assified as Resues or )or!tte# Resues. 409 Identify as Resume t)e attac)ment type to w)ic) resumes are up+oaded t)at were created .y t)e candidates t)emse+&es. Identify as 7ormatted Resume t)e attac)ment type to w)ic) resumes are up+oaded t)at were created .y a &endor using Resume Parsing. 4.2.1. #Adi+ 2ilter for Attachments for ,ata 3vervie&s ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A #ttac)ment Types -A 9#di> 7i+ter for attac)ments for 2ata /&er&iews #Adi %ame + ;RRC7!!<2#T#/6R<#TT#C;8E$TS ,escription+ E&ery D!t! O2er2$ew app+ication in ERecruiting )as an Att!,-ents ta.+e at t)e .ottom of t)e page wit) +in* to attac)ments as ta.+e e+ements. Gou can use t)is 9#di to restrict t)e disp+ay of +in*s to attac)ments on t)e user interface for data o&er&iews for S#P E-Recruiting o.Hects. In t)is way( you can ma*e certain attac)ments inaccessi.+e for specific users. 9y defau+t( t)e system disp+ays +in*s to a++ attac)ments t)at are +in*ed wit) t)e re+e&ant ;R o.Hect. 4.3. Status Reasons 4.3.1. ,efine Status Reasons ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A Status Reasons -A 2efine Status Reasons -a0le + T''RC7<RS$C/2E<T ,escription+ Users assign status reasons to an o.Hect w)en t)ey ma*e a status c)ange. Status reasons descri.e w)y a certain status is set. 410 Status Reasons are assigned to O./e,t St!tuses9 4.3.2. Assign Status Reasons to Statuses in Recruitment ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 9asic Settings -A Status Reasons -A #ssign Status Reasons to Statuses in Recruitment -a0le + T''RC7<RS$C/2E<T ,escription+ T)e status reasons are assigned possi.+e statuses of required o.Hects. 411 412 )>)>)' -. Ta+ent %are)ouse ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse ,escription+ T)is I8G node is concerned wit) maintaining a++ candidate re+ated data required .y t)e recruiting organiBation. 5.1. )aintain Candidate @ualifications ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Nua+ifications ,escription+ Nua+ifications refer to t)e competency dictionary defined wit)in t)e organiBation. T)e qua+ification cata+og is actua++y created as a part of /rganiBation 8anagement and can .e used )ere to gi&e t)e app+icants t)e option of se+ecting t)eir strengt)s as a too+ for se+f assessment. 5.1.1. ,efine 'ie&s for @ualifications catalog ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Nua+ifications -A 2efine 6iews for Nua+ification cata+og -a0le + 6<T''NC<6IE%<I2 ,escription+ Standard setting. Use S#P<ERECRUITI$G &iew. 5.1.2. Restrict 'ie& of @ualifications catalog ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Nua+ifications -A Restrict 6iews of Nua+ification cata+og -a0le + 6<T''NC<6IE% ,escription+ 413 T)e recruiting organiBation may )a&e a +arge num.er of qua+ifications@competencies defined for &arious Ho. types. ;owe&er it may want on+y a su.set of t)ese qua+ifications to .e e1posed to ERecruiting. Restrict &iews feature wi++ )e+p to ac)ie&e t)is goa+. Nua+ifications are current+y not used. T)e screens)ot s)own .e+ow is for understanding purposes. 5.1.3. ,efine Scales for @ualifications ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Nua+ifications -A 2efine Sca+es for Nua+ification -ransaction+ //SC ,escription + Sca+es and sca+e proficiencies to .e used .y Nua+ification cata+og are defined )ere. 414 5.1.. ,efine @ualifications Catalog ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Nua+ifications -A 2efine Nua+ifications cata+og -ransaction+ //N# ,escription + Nua+ification cata+og needs to .e defined )ere. 5.2. 6or$ E;perienceA,esired Emplo/ment ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment ,escription+ In t)is customiBing node( you maintain a++ &a+ue +ists used in wor* e1perience and emp+oyment Infotypes. 5.2.1. ,efine =ierarch/ Levels ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A 2efine ;ierarc)y 0e&e+s -a0le > T''RC7<;IER<T ,escription+ T)e )ierarc)y +e&e+s represent t)e pec*ing order in your company wit) re+ation to professiona+ capa.i+ities and management responsi.i+ity. 415 5.2.2. ,efine 6or$ Contract -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A 2efine %or* Contract types -a0le > T''RC7<C/$TTG<T ,escription+ ;ere( you define t)e different categories of wor* contracts t)at your company )as wit) its emp+oyees. T)e wor* contract type is part of t)e terms of emp+oyment w)i+e app+ying for a Ho.. 5.2.3. ,efine (ndustries ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A 2efine Industries -a0le > T''RC7<I$2U<T ,escription+ ;ere( you define t)e industries t)at are re+e&ant for your recruitment process. T)is s)ou+d inc+ude industries t)at e1ist in your company and industries in w)ic) a candidate cou+d )a&e gained wor* e1perience. 416 5.2.. ,efine 2unctional Areas ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A 2efine 7unctiona+ #reas -a0le > T''RC7<7U$C<T ,escription+ ;ere( you define t)e tas* areas in your company t)at contri.ute to t)e ac)ie&ement of t)e corporate goa+. 417 5.2.1. ,efine Emplo/ment 2ractions ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A 2efine Emp+oyment 7ractions -a0le > T''RC7<%/RMTI<T ,escription+ ;ere( you define t)e emp+oyment fractions t)at e1ist in t)e company. In t)e process( you specify t)e +imit for t)e num.er of worA$n( -ours 4er weeA as of w)ic) a certain emp+oyment fraction e1ists. 418 5.2.!. Salar/ Ranges ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A Sa+ary Ranges ,escription+ ;ereB you define t)e currency +ist to .e used for recruitment and corresponding sa+ary ranges. T)e recruiter@candidate wi++ )a&e to first se+ect 5.2.!.1. ,etermine Currencies for Salar/ Ranges ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A Sa+ary Ranges -A 2etermine currencies for sa+ary ranges ,escription+ T)e currencies to .e maintained in ERecruiting are to .e +isted )ere. T)is wi++ .e required to get sa+ary re+ated detai+s from t)e app+icants. 5.2.!.2. ,efine Salar/ Ranges ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A %or* E1perience@2esired Emp+oyment -A Sa+ary Ranges -A 2efine sa+ary ranges 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<S#0<R$G ,escription+ ;ere( you determine t)e sa+ary ranges for t)e payment information of t)e Ho.s and sa+ary e1pectations of t)e candidates for eac) currency. 419 5.3. EducationA-raining ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Education@Training ,escription+ In t)is I8G node( you configure a++ education re+ated &a+ue +ists. 5.3.1. ,efine Education -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Education@Training -A 2efine Education Types -a0le + T''RC7<E2UTGP<T ,escription+ ;ere you specify t)ose education types t)at you want to use as se+ection criteria for t)e candidate searc) in t)e ta+ent poo+ and t)at a candidate can specify w)en entering )is or )er education data. 5.3.2. ,efine #road 2ield of Education ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Education@Training -A 2efine Education Types 420 -a0le + T''RC7<E2UTGP<T ,escription+ ;ere( you maintain t)e &arious fie+ds of education considered accepta.+e .y your organiBation. 5.3.3. ,efine Educational CertificatesA,egrees ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Education@Training -A 2efine Educationa+ Certificates@2egrees -a0le + T''RC7<2EGREE<T ,escription+ ;ere( you maintain t)e education certificates and degrees recogniBed .y your organiBation. 5.. (nterest *roups ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A /t)er 7eatures -A 2efine Interest Groups -a0le + T''RC7<TGR/UP<T 421 ,escription+ Interest Groups can .e used .y candidates to associate t)emse+&es to specific Ho. types or industry or areas of interest to pro&ide more c+arity to interna+ recruitment team on ro+e desired .y candidate. #+ternati&e+y( a recruiter can specify in t)e requisition w)ic) interest group is suita.+e for t)e open Ho.. 5.1. Communication Channels ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A /t)er 7eatures -A Communication C)anne+s 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<C/8<C;$ ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you define t)e communication c)anne+s t)at can .e used to contact candidates. #++ c)anne+s specified )ere are a&ai+a.+e on t)e app+icant contact detai+s UI for data input. 5.!. Candidate Search ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) ,escription+ Searc) in ERecruiting is ena.+ed using Se!r,- Pro)$'es and Se!r,- Te4'!tes w)ic) are referred to .y TRE, for te1t retrie&a+. 422 5.!.1. Search Profile 5.!.1.1. ,efine Search Profile t/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Profi+e -A 2efine Searc) Profi+e Types 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<SPT ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you define t)e searc) profi+e types t)at you want to use for t)e Ho. postings( candidates( requisitions( and assignments 3candidacies4. 7ie+ds from information categories are assigned to a searc) profi+e type t)at ser&es as a temp+ate for creating searc) profi+es for t)e o.Hects of a specific o.Hect type. : Searc) Profi+e types are de+i&ered .y S#P Standard. T)ese are usua++y adequate to meet t)e searc) needs. $o c)anges are required to t)e standard entries. 5.!.1.2. ,efine (nformation Categories ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Profi+e -A 2efine Information Categories 'ie& + T''RC7<SPT<IC ,escription+  Information categories map to indi&idua+ ta.+es from w)ic) information is required to .e e1tracted.  Information categories are used to specify t)e .usiness-specific content of structures.  T)e e1traction c+asses contain t)e code +ogic for fetc)ing t)e data .ased on searc) criteria. 423 Gou create new information categories( for e1amp+e( in t)e fo++owing cases>  Gou )a&e created your own infotype and a corresponding structure and want to ma*e t)eir fie+ds a&ai+a.+e for t)e searc).  Gou want to use a different content e1traction c+ass to retrie&e t)e information of an information category. T)e customer namespaces are> information categories GR and ER 5.!.1.3. Assign Languages to a Search Profile -/pe ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Profi+e -A #ssign 0anguages to a Searc) Profi+e Type 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<SPT<0#$ ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you determine for eac) searc) profi+e type t)e +anguages in w)ic) t)e searc) profi+es of t)is searc) profi+e type are to .e created. Gou can searc) for re+e&ant o.Hects on+y in t)ese +anguages. 424 5.!.1.. Assign (nformation Categor/ 2ields to a Search Profile -/pe ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Profi+e -A #ssign Information Category 7ie+ds to a Searc) Profi+e Type 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<SPT<0#$ ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you specify w)ic) fie+ds from t)e information categories are inc+uded for t)e creation of searc) profi+e type. Gou can searc) for on+y t)ese fie+ds. Gou a+so assign t)e F$e'# ty4e to eac) fie+d. F$e'# ty4e specifies t)e type of t)e fie+d t)at is assigned to an information category. T)e type determines )ow t)e system can searc) in t)e associated fie+d.  Free Te+tB /n+y 7ree te1t searc) is possi.+e.  Ent$ty 6a+ues wi++ .e deri&ed from ta.+es in a dropdown.  Bot-C Free Te+t !n# Ent$tyB 9ot) met)ods are app+ica.+e. 5.!.1.1. Assign Attachment -/pes to a Search Profile -/pe ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Profi+e -A #ssign #ttac)ment Types to a Searc) Profi+e Type 'ie& + 6''RC7<SPT<##TGP 425 ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you determine for eac) searc) profi+e type w)ic) attac)ment types s)ou+d .e ta*en into account during t)e fu++ te1t searc). 5.!.1.!. .pdate Search Profile ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Profi+e -A Update Searc) Profi+e -ransaction+ ;RRC7<RECRE#TE<SP ,escription+  T)is I8G acti&ity ena.+es you to update t)e searc) profi+es t)at )a&e .een created on t)e .asis of a searc) profi+e type.  T)is acti&ity must .e performed w)ene&er t)e user c)anges t)e assignment of fie+ds in an information category to a searc) profi+e type.  Creating searc) profi+es for a +arge num.er of o.Hects 3candidates( Ho. postings4 can ta*e a +ong time. It is recommended to start t)e report as a .ac*ground process if se&era+ c)anges )a&e .een done. 5.!.1.4. .pdate Search Profile ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Profi+e -A Update Searc) Profi+e Report + RC7<UP2<2/C<#TTRI9<I$2,<7U00 ,escription+ Gou use t)is report to correct t)e searc)-re+e&ant attri.utes of t)e attac)ments in Mnow+edge Pro&ider 3MPro4. 5.!.2. Search -emplates 426 Se!r,- Te4'!tes represent t)e actua+ UI e+ements a&ai+a.+e on t)e ERecruiting screens during searc). In t)e a.o&e screens)ot( t)e )ig)+ig)ted dropdown represents Se!r,- Te4'!tes. 7or e1amp+e( t)e a+ready se+ected temp+ate a.o&e is "C!n#$#!te%s 8orA E+4er$en,eD. Se!r,- Te4'!te E'eents represent t)e indi&idua+ fie+ds wit)in eac) Se!r,- Te4'!te. 7or e1amp+e( Country@Emp+oyer represents searc) temp+ate e+ements. 5.!.2.1. ,efine Search -emplates ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Temp+ates -A 2efine Searc) Temp+ates 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<S8#SM 427 ,escription+ ;ere( you define t)e searc) temp+ates t)at s)ou+d .e a&ai+a.+e on t)e user interface for searc) purposes. Gou specify for eac) searc) temp+ate t)e searc) profi+e type on w)ic) it s)ou+d .e .ased on. In addition( you determine )ow t)e searc) temp+ate is disp+ayed on t)e user interface. 5.!.2.2. ,efine Search -emplates Elements ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Temp+ates -A 2efine Searc) Temp+ates E+ements 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<S8<E0E8 ,escription+ ;ere( you define a++ t)e fie+ds on w)ic) searc) s)ou+d .e possi.+e from t)e we. front end. T)e possi.+e &a+ues for e+ement type are> 0ist 9o1( 8u+ti-+ine Input fie+d( 2isp+ay fie+d( C)ec*.o1( Radio .utton( 2ate type( Sa+ary E1pectations( ?o. 7ami+y Potentia+( Performance 8anagement. To define a new searc) temp+ate e+ement( a nomenc+ature s)ou+d .e fo++owed as fo++ows> EJo.HectA<Jinformation categoryA<Jfie+d name as in ta.+eA 7or e1amp+e> EC#$2<E2U<E2U0E6E0 428 5.!.2.3. Assign Search -emplates Elements to Search -emplates ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Temp+ates -A #ssign Searc) Temp+ates E+ements to Searc) Temp+ates 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<S8<#S8E ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you specify w)ic) searc) temp+ate e+ements appear in t)e searc) temp+ate and in w)at order. In t)e a.o&e screens)ot( Searc) Temp+ate CCandidateLs EducationD consists of : Searc) Temp+ate E+ements as s)own. 5.!.2.. ,efine Search -emplates *roups 429 ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Temp+ates -A 2efine Searc) Temp+ate Groups 'ie& + T''RC7<S8<GR/UPT ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you define searc) temp+ate groups. Gou assign t)e searc) temp+ates you require to disp+ay a certain searc) on t)e user interface to t)e searc) temp+ate groups. S)ou+d any new Searc) Temp+ate groups .e required to .e defined( t)ey can on+y .e defined in t)e customer namespace starting wit) OR. 5.!.2.1. Assign Search -emplates to Search -emplate *roups ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Temp+ates -A #ssign Searc) Temp+ates to Searc) Temp+ate Groups 'ie& + T''RC7<S8<GR/UPT ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you assign t)e searc) temp+ates t)at s)ou+d .e a&ai+a.+e on t)e user interface for t)e disp+ay of a specia+ searc) to a searc) temp+ate group. #t t)e same time( you determine t)e order in w)ic) t)e searc) temp+ates are disp+ayed on t)e user interface. 430 Se!r,- $n T!'ent 8!re-ouse group corresponds to t)e Candidate Searc) screen. 5.!.2.!. Assign Search -emplate *roups to Search Applications ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Temp+ates -A #ssign Searc) Temp+ate Groups to Searc) #pp+ications 'ie& + 6''RC7<S8G<$#6I ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you specify w)ic) searc) temp+ate groups are used in t)e different scenarios Standard settings de+i&ered for t)e re+e&ant searc) app+ications 3searc) temp+ate groups4 for Re,ru$t$n( A#$n$str!tor and Re,ru$ter porta+ ro+es> Comp(, of Calling Controller Scenario >Search -emplate *roup? cdcycandsearc) Candidate Searc) in t)e conte1t of a requisition or an app+ication 431 group 3recruiter4 cdcyreqsearc)e1terna+postings Searc) for Requisitions in t)e conte1t of an e1terna+ candidacy for recruiters 3wit) e1terna+ postings or wit) and wit)out e1terna+ postings 3you can a+ternate .etween t)e two scenarios44 cdcyreqsearc)interna+postings Searc) for Requisitions in t)e conte1t of an interna+ candidacy for recruiters 3wit) interna+ postings or wit) and wit)out interna+ postings 3you can a+ternate .etween t)e two scenarios44 trmcandsrc) Searc) for Candidates in Ta+ent %are)ouse for Recruiters simp+esearc)<audittrai+ Simp+e Searc) for interna+ and e1terna+ candidates in t)e conte1t of an audit trai+ 3Recruiting #dministrator4 simp+esearc)<de+cand Simp+e Searc) for e1terna+ candidates in t)e conte1t of de+etion 3Recruiting #dministrator4 simp+esearc)<deregcand Simp+e Searc) for e1terna+ candidates in t)e conte1t of deregistration 3Recruiting #dministrator4 quic*searc) Nuic* Searc) Standard settings are de+i&ered for t)e re+e&ant searc) app+ications 3searc) temp+ate groups4 for t)e fo++owing scenarios t)at are rea+iBed for t)e C!n#$#!te> Comp(, of Calling Controller Scenario >Search -emplate *roup? E8P0/GEE=P/STI$G Searc) for Interna+ ?o. Postings for Registered Interna+ Candidates REGISTERE2=P/STI$G Searc) for E1terna+ ?o. Postings for Registered E1terna+ Candidates U$REGE8P0/GEE=P/STI$G Searc) for Interna+ ?o. Postings for Unregistered Interna+ Candidates U$REGISTERE2=P/STI$G Searc) for E1terna+ ?o. Postings for Unregistered Candidates %it) t)is( t)e configuration of Searc) Temp+ates and Groups is comp+ete. T)e fina+ step is to set up t)e Searc) #pp+ications w)ic) is an optiona+ step. 5.!.2.4. Set .p Search Applications ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Searc) -A Searc) Temp+ates -A Set Up Searc) #pp+ications 'ie& + 6''RC7<SRC;<#TTC ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you set t)e attri.utes for t)e searc) scenarios. In t)is way( you can determine for different searc) app+ications w)ic) interface e+ements t)ey contain and w)ic) options for creating searc) queries are a&ai+a.+e. 432 S#P de+i&ers t)e standard entries in ta.+e T==RCF_SRCH_ATTR. T)ese entries get o&erridden .y entries from t)is ta.+e. T)e &arious co+umns )a&e t)e fo++owing meaning> ,ispla/ Ran$ing+ If t)is indicator is set( t)e co+umn disp+aying t)e matc) is s)own in t)e resu+t +ist. T)e indicator is re+e&ant on+y for candidate scenarios. ,ispla/ ,ocumentation+ If t)is indicator is set( a +in* to t)e documentation of t)e searc) app+ication is pro&ided on t)e user interface. T)e indicator is re+e&ant on+y for candidate scenarios. ,ispla/ variants+ If t)is indicator is set( t)e user can sa&e searc) &ariants for +ater use. ,ispla/ )a;imum %um0er of =its+ If t)is indicator is set( t)e settings for t)e ma1imum num.er of )its are disp+ayed on t)e user interface. )a;imum %um0er of =its+ T)is num.er specifies )ow many )its are disp+ayed in t)e )it +ist. $ote> If you do not enter a &a+ue( t)en t)ere are no entries in t)e )it +ist. ,ispla/ -hreshold+ If t)is indicator is set( t)e settings for t)e matc) t)res)o+d are disp+ayed on t)e user interface. -hreshold+ T)is num.er specifies .y )ow muc) a )it must agree wit) t)e searc) criteria for it to .e disp+ayed in t)e )it +ist. ,ispla/ 3perator+ If t)is indicator is set( operators are a&ai+a.+e for t)e recruiter on t)e user interface of t)e searc) app+ication for com.ining &a+ues of t)e same searc) temp+ate e+ement. In t)is way( t)e recruiter can o&erride t)e standard system .e)a&ior. 3perator+ Contains t)e operator t)at dictates t)e standard system .e)a&ior for t)e recruiterIs searc) app+ications w)en com.ining &a+ues of t)e same searc) temp+ate e+ement. Specify #$2 or /R to determine t)e re+ations)ip .etween t)e criteria. 5.4. Candidate Services ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Ser&ices ,escription + Candidate Ser&ices node )as .een added as a part of E)P". Two ser&ices )a&e .een pro&ided>  ?o. #gent  Te++-a-7riend 5.4.1. Co0 Agent 433 ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Ser&ices -A?o. #gent ,escription+ It may )appen t)at t)e organiBation may current+y not )a&e any openings for t)e Ho. category or ro+e t)e app+icant is +oo*ing out for. In suc) cases if t)e app+icant wants t)e company to *eep )im posted on t)e Ho. openings t)at matc) )is ro+e and profi+e( )e wi++ se+ect t)e ro+e criteriaP se+ect t)e frequency for recei&ing notifications and sa&e it as a ?o. #gent. T)e ?o. #gent ser&ice wi++ t)en automatica++y send periodic mai+ers to t)e app+icant w)ene&er openings satisfying t)e sa&ed criteria are posted. ,efine Periodic Services for Co0 Agent ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Ser&ices -A?o. #gent5A 2efine Periodic ser&ices for ?o. #gent -a0le + T''RC7<#S<SER6 ,escription+ Standard S#P de+i&ered settings is used. $o c)anges required Specif/ Rules for Periodic Services of Co0 Agent ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Ser&ices -A?o. #gent5A Specify Ru+es for Periodic Ser&ices of ?o. #gent -a0le + T''RC7<#S<SER6 ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you set t)e attri.utes t)at inf+uence a periodic ser&ice for t)e Ho. agent to suit your requirements. Periodic service Attri0utes ,escription ?/9<#GE$T 8#,<?/9<#GE$TS 8a1imum num.er of Ho. agents t)at a candidate can create ?/9<#GE$T 8#,<P/STI$GS 8a1imum num.er of Ho. postings t)at can .e sent .y a Ho. agent t)at was created .y a candidate 434 Set .p #ac$ground Co0 for Co0 Agent ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Ser&ices -A?o. #gent5A Set Up 9ac*ground ?o. for ?o. #gent ,escription+ Sc)edu+e report RCF_A>ENT_SER6ICES as a dai+y .ac*ground Ho.. $ote t)at t)is ser&ice wi++ not .e run if program RC7<PERI/2IC#0<SER6ICES runs simu+taneous+y. 7or a++ ot)er ser&ices( t)e RC7<#GE$T<SER6ICES report can .e run simu+taneous+y. 5.5. -ell7a72riend ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Ta+ent %are)ouse -A Candidate -A Candidate Ser&ices -A Set up Te++ # 7riend ser&ice ,escription+ T)is ser&ice is a&ai+a.+e to t)e e1terna+ candidate on t)e ?o. searc) screen. Pre7requisite+ 1. # ser&ice user needs to .e assigned to parameter SER6ICE<USER in ta.+e 6''RC7<820<PR8C. %e )a&e assigned t)e ser&ice user RC7<U$REG for t)is ser&ice. T)is ta.+e can .e accessed from I8G pat)> I8G -A S#P ERecruiting -A Tec)nica+ Settings -AUser Interfaces-A 8anager In&o+&ement -A #ssign 6a+ues to Interface Parameters 3%e.2ynpro #9#P4 435 )>)>)) O. #pp+icant Trac*ing ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing ,escription+ #pp+icant trac*ing is done .y performing a series of A,t$2$t$es. #cti&ities are grouped into Pro,esses and +in*ed to any of t)e a&ai+a.+e ;R o.Hects. #pp+icant trac*ing a+so forms t)e .asis for A44'$,!nt R!nA$n(. D.1. Assign Scales to Scale -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #ssign Sca+es to Sca+e Types 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<SC#0ES ,escription+ #pp+icant trac*ing in&o+&es ran*ing candidates on t)e .asis of t)eir suita.i+ity. Suita.i+ity is e1pressed &ia customiBa.+e ran*ing sca+es. Sca+es need .e created and assigned to Sca+e types. ;ere( Sca+e type refers to t)e scenario in ERecruiting w)ere t)e ran*ing functiona+ity can .e e1ecuted. T)ree types of ran*ing sca+es are distinguis)ed>  Ass$(nent R!t$n(B E1presses )ow we++ a candidate suits a requisition.  C!n#$#!te C'!ss$)$,!t$onB E1presses )ow we++ a candidate suits t)e company 3independent of requisition assignment4  8e$(-t$n( )or Se!r,- !n# M!t,-B T)is sca+e type is needed to e1press )ow important criteria are in searc). D.2. ,efine Application Source -/pes and Assign to Application Sources 436 ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A 2efine #pp+ication Source Types 'ie& + 6<T''RC7<#PP0STG( 6<T''RC7<#PP0SRC ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you define t)e app+ication source categories you require w)en you want to report on w)ere candidates +earned a.out your Ho. postings. In addition( you store an /TR 3o.Hect te1t repository4 te1t for eac) source category. T)is te1t is disp+ayed on t)e user interface toget)er wit) a free-form te1t fie+d. #pp+icants can enter t)eir CSource of app+icationD in t)e fina+ step of an app+ication. 2ig 1. #pp+ication Source Types 2ig 2. #ssign #pp+ication Source Types to #pp+ication Sources T)e /TRLs can .e accessed from transaction SOTR_EDIT. 437 D.3. Activities ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities ,escription+ #cti&ities are foundation of #pp+icant trac*ing. T)ey are indi&idua+ steps ta*en on a candidate. For e+!4'eB In&ite for Inter&iew( Send /ffer $otification( Initiate #T/.  #cti&ities )a&e a St!tus. T)ey can eit)er )a&e status P'!nne# or Co4'ete#. Gou can enter a Due D!te for acti&ities wit) status as CP+annedD.  #cti&ities )a&e Notes and Att!,-ents.  #n acti&ity is a+ways assigned to an O./e,t Ty4e. D.3.1. ,efine Activit/ -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A 2efine #cti&ity Types 'ie& + 6''RC7<#CT<TGPE ,escription+ ;ere you define t)e acti&ity types t)at you require for your processes wit)in S#P E-Recruiting. To do so( you assign an A,t$2$ty C!te(ory to eac) acti&ity type. T)is contro+s w)at data t)e acti&ity type contains and w)at system functions can .e e1ecuted for it. #cti&ity Categories de+i&ered in ERecruiting>  Simp+e #cti&ity  Simp+e Correspondence  Nua+ifying E&ent  In&itation  Status C)ange  2ata Transfer for new emp+oyees  Nuestionnaire 438 D.3.2. ,efine Processes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A 2efine Processes 'ie& + T''RC7<#CTPR/C<T ,escription+ # Pro,ess is a grouping of acti&ities used to structure t)e app+icant trac*ing process from a .usiness point of &iew. %e can define custom processes and assign e1isting or custom acti&ities to it. D.3.3. Assign Processes to Recruitment ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A #ssign Processes to Recruitment 439 'ie& + 6''RC7<PR/C=SU9 ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you assign t)e processes you want to use to t)e Recruitment area. In doing so( you use t)e process groups to define t)e su.area of Recruitment in w)ic) your processes wi++ .e used.  Processes t)at are assigned to t)e C!n#$#!te S-ort'$st su.area focus on processing assignments of candidates to Re&u$s$t$ons or #44'$,!t$on >rou4s.  Processes t)at are assigned to t)e T!'ent Re'!t$ons-$4 M!n!(eent su.area focus on maintaining re+ations)ips wit) candidates in t)e Ta+ent Poo+. %it)in a process group( you use t)e sequentia+ num.er to specify t)e order in w)ic) t)e processes are offered for se+ection on t)e user interface. D.3.. Assign Activit/ -/pes to Recruitment Processes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A #ssign #cti&ity Types to Recruitment Processes 'ie& + 6''RC7<#CT=PR/C ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you assign A,t$2$ty Ty4es to Pro,esses in t)e Recruitment su.area. 9y doing so( you store t)e possi.+e acti&ity types t)at are inc+uded in t)e re+e&ant process. D.3.1. Assign =R 309ect -/pes to Activit/ -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A #ssign ;R /.Hect Types to #cti&ity Types 440 'ie& + 6''RC7<#CT=/TGPE ,escription+ Gou assign ;R o.Hect types from E-Recruiting to your acti&ity types It is recommended to assign t)e acti&ity types as fo++ows Activit/ -/pes =R 309ect #cti&ity Types for Ta+ent Re+ations)ip 8anagement Candidate #cti&ity Types for #pp+ication 8anagement #pp+ication #cti&ity Types for Se+ection Process Candidacy D.3.!. Assign Status to Status7Changing Activit/ -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A #ssign Status to Status- C)anging #cti&ity Types 'ie& + 6''RC7<#CT=/TGPE ,escription+ ;ere( you assign t)e possi.+e statuses for eac) ERecruiting o.Hect. 441 D.3.4. Lin$ Activit/ -/pes &ith Referencing Activit/ -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A #ssign Status to Status- C)anging #cti&ity Types 'ie& + 6''RC7<#CT=PR/CR ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you +in* acti&ity types of t)e acti&ity categories St!tus C-!n(e( :u!'$)y$n( E2ent( and :uest$onn!$re wit) acti&ity types of t)e category In2$t!t$on. %)en t)e user creates t)e re+e&ant acti&ity( a suita.+e +in*ed acti&ity of t)e category In2$t!t$on is t)en a&ai+a.+e t)at t)e user can use to send t)e acti&ity. 442 D.3.5. Correspondence ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence ,escription+ #++ t)e settings re+ated to correspondence acti&ities &iB. defining +etter temp+ates( c)angea.+e sections( assigning forms to acti&ity types( etc are configured in t)is step. D.3.5.1. Adapt .ser for Correspondence ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A Genera+ 443 Settings -A #dapt user for Correspondence -ransaction+ SU!1 ,escription+ ;ere( you configure users so t)at t)ey can send or print correspondences. Gou must ma*e t)e fo++owing settings>  Gou need to assign a 4r$nter to t)e user 3output de&ice fie+d in SU!14 so t)at )e or s)e can print t)e correspondence. Gou a+so need to ma*e t)is entry for correspondence output .y e-mai+ to ensure t)e formatting is correct.  Gou need to assign an e*!$' !##ress to t)e user so t)at )e or s)e can send t)e correspondence .y e-mai+. If an e-mai+ address is stored for candidates assigned to t)e user( t)e system uses t)is e-mai+ address. D.3.5.2. Specif/ (-27=-)L )apping ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A Genera+ Settings -A Specify IT7-;T80 8apping 'ie& + T''RC7<8#PPI$G ,escription+ T)e system sa&es +etter temp+ates as S!rt For te4'!tes wit) te+t o#u'es 3+etter sections4. T)e user can c)ange t)ese 'etter se,t$ons w)en sending correspondence. T)e system reads t)e te1t modu+es w)en +oading in Interc)ange Te1t 7ormat 3IT74 format. T)is cannot .e disp+ayed wit) %e.2ynpro. T)e For!tte#Te+tE#$t contro+ 3Contro+ for Editing of 0etter Sections4 used .y S#P e1pects a su.set of ,;T80 as t)e code for t)e formatted te1t disp+ay. T)erefore it is necessary to con&ert t)e ITF )or!t to HTML )or!t( w)ic) can .e interpreted .y For!tte#Te+tE#$t. S#P de+i&ered entries )as not .een c)anged. In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you !ss$(n corresponding HTML )or!ts to t)e ITF 3Interc)ange Te1t 7ormat4 tags t)at you use in t)e sty+es of your Smart 7orm forms. In t)is way( you can specify )ow t)e system con&erts t)e formatting of t)e Smart 7orm temp+ates to ;T80 formatting. T)is is necessary as t)e editor for indi&idua+iBing +etter sections uses ;T80 formats. D.3.5.3. Assign ,ocument Categories to Activit/ Categories 444 ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A Create 0etter Temp+ates -A #ssign 2ocument Categories to #cti&ity Categories -ransaction+ SU!1 ,escription+ Do,uent ,!te(or$es group toget)er correspondence documents of t)e same type and specify t)e tec)no+ogy wit) w)ic) t)e documents can .e customiBed .y t)e user. A,t$2$ty C!te(or$es specify t)e types of acti&ities a&ai+a.+e in ERecruiting. S#P de+i&ered entries )as not .een c)anged. Create 2orms and Changea0le Letter Sections ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A Create 0etter Temp+ates -A Create 7orms and C)angea.+e 0etter Sections -ransaction+ S8#RT7/R8S ,escription+ ;ere( you create t)e Smart forms and Te1t 8odu+es 3used in smartforms4 t)at are used to create +etters for correspondence in S#P E-Recruiting. T)e samp+e forms )a&e t)e prefi1 ;RRC7<CS<IT<R. T)e samp+e te1t modu+es )a&e t)e prefi1 ;RRC7<CS<8T<R. 445 D.3.5.. Assign Changea0le Letter Sections to 2orms ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A Create 0etter Temp+ates -A #ssign C)angea.+e 0etter Sections to 7orms 'ie& + T''RC7<I$C0=7/R8 ,escription+ In t)is customiBing acti&ity( you assign to t)e forms t)e te1t modu+es t)at are a&ai+a.+e to users in correspondence acti&ities as c)angea.+e +etter sections for customiBing t)e correspondence. %)en a correspondence acti&ity is created( on+y t)e specified Te+t Mo#u'e contents are a&ai+a.+e for editing on t)e %e.2ynpro UI. 446 D.3.5.1. Assign 2orms to Activit/ -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A Create 0etter Temp+ates -A #ssign C)angea.+e 0etter Sections to 7orms 'ie& + T''RC7<I$C0=7/R8 ,escription+ ;ere( you assign forms as +etter temp+ates to t)e acti&ity types. T)ese forms determine t)e appearance and t)e content of t)e +etter t)at is generated .y t)e correspondence acti&ity .eing created. Gou can assign se&era+ forms to an acti&ity wit) t)e same attri.utes 3companies( interest groups( candidate c+asses4 .y using sequentia+ num.ers. T)ese forms are offered for se+ection 3if more t)an 14 as +etter temp+ates w)en t)e user creates a correspondence acti&ity. D.3.5.!. Assign -emplates for Cover Letter to Letter -emplates ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A Create 0etter Temp+ates -A #ssign Temp+ates for Co&er 0etter to 0etter Temp+ates 'ie& + T''RC7<C/6=7/R8 ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you assign temp+ates for t)e co&er +etters to t)e +etter temp+ates. 447 T)e system sends t)e +etters &ia e-mai+. T)e e-mai+ sent consists of a co&er +etter and t)e actua+ +etter in t)e form of an attac)ed document. 9y using co&er +etters( you can separate t)e actua+ content of t)e +etter from t)e forma+ co&er +etter. D.3.5.4. Assign ,ocument 2ormats to 3utput Channels ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A #cti&ities -A Correspondence -A /utput C)anne+s -A #ssign 2ocument 7ormats to /utput C)anne+s 'ie& + T''RC7<CS<C;=78T ,escription+ In t)is customiBing acti&ity( you assign document formats to output c)anne+s. In E-Recruiting( documents can .e output in &arious formats using &arious output c)anne+s. S#P de+i&ered entries )as not .een c)anged. D.. @uestionnaires ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A Nuestionnaires ,escription+ # questionnaire is a set of questions t)at can .e comp+eted .y a person 3e.g. candidate( recruiter4 during t)e app+icant trac*ing process. Nuestions first need to .e created forming a question .an*. # samp+e questionnaire is disp+ayed .e+ow. 448 D..1. Set .p Categories ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A Nuestionnaires -A Set Up Categories -ransaction+ //<;RRC7<C#T<CRE#TE ,escription+ T)is I8G node is a report t)at automatica++y ma*es t)e .asis settings and generates t)e re+e&ant ta.+e entries. Gou on+y need to e1ecute t)e report once w)en ERecruiting is .eing set up. 449 D..2. Assign Categories to Activit/ -/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A Nuestionnaires -A #ssign Categories to #cti&ity Types 'ie& + 6''RC7<N#C#T=#CT ,escription+ Eac) Nuestionnaire acti&ity needs to .e assigned wit) a C!te(ory &iB. E&a+ua.+e Information or Equa+ emp+oyment information. %e are not using Equa+ Emp+oyment Information category. T)e standard one itse+f is used.  Gou identify t)e acti&ity types w)ose questionnaires are to .e integrated in t)e app+ication wiBard.  Gou identify t)e acti&ity types w)ose assigned questionnaires are to .e inc+uded in t)e automatic ran*ing of t)e candidateIs questionnaires. T)e system inc+udes a++ questionnaires of an identified acti&ity type on t)e user interface of t)e candidate s)ort+ist in t)e Nuestionnaires co+umnP t)e ot)er questionnaires are inc+uded in t)e 7eed.ac* co+umn. D..3. ,efine @uestionnaire *roups ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A #pp+icant Trac*ing -A Nuestionnaires-A 2efine Nuestionnaire Groups 'ie& + 6T''RC7<N#<GR/UP ,escription: In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you define t)e questionnaire groups in w)ic) you can group toget)er questionnaires or questions on a specific topic in Nuestionnaire or Nuestion 8aintenance. T)e system uses t)e names of t)e questionnaire groups on t)e user interface as tit+es for t)e re+e&ant ta. pages for data storage. 450 451 )>)>)( 1!. Requisition 8anagement ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement ,escription+ Requisition is a forma+ agreement .etween managers and recruiters to initiate t)e recruitment process It is an interna+ document 5  2etermining t)e positions for w)ic) candidates are to .e soug)t  2efining t)e comp+ete Ho. description and *ey requirements t)at candidates must fu+fi++  Sources@c)anne+s w)ere t)e ad&ertisements for t)e &acancies s)ou+d .e pu.+is)ed. 1".1. Requisition 1".1.1. ,efine =ierarch/ Levels ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A Requisition -A ?o. 2escription -A 2efine ;ierarc)y 0e&e+s -a0le + T''RC7<;IER<T ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you define t)e )ierarc)y +e&e+s t)at e1ist in your company. T)e )ierarc)y +e&e+s represent t)e pec*ing order in your company wit) re+ation to professiona+ capa.i+ities and management responsi.i+ity. 452 1".1.2. ,efine 6or$ Contract t/pes ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A Requisition -A ?o. 2escription -A 2efine %or* Contract Types -a0le + T''RC7<C/$TTG<T ,escription+ ;ere( you define t)e different categories of wor* contracts t)at your company )as wit) its emp+oyees. T)e wor* contract type is part of t)e terms of emp+oyment t)at app+y to a Ho.. 1".1.3. ,efine (ndustries ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A Requisition -A ?o. 2escription -A 2efine %or* Contract Types -a0le + T''RC7<I$2U<T ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you define t)e industries t)at are re+e&ant for your recruitment process. T)is s)ou+d inc+ude industries t)at e1ist in your company and industries in w)ic) a candidate cou+d )a&e gained wor* e1perience. 453 1".1.. ,efine 2unctional Areas ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A Requisition -A ?o. 2escription -A 2efine 7unctiona+ #reas -a0le + T''RC7<7U$C<T ,escription+ In t)is I8G acti&ity( you define t)e tas*@functiona+ areas in your company t)at contri.ute to t)e ac)ie&ement of t)e corporate goa+. 1".1.1. ,efine Emplo/ment 2ractions ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A Requisition -A ?o. 2escription -A 2efine 454 Emp+oyment 7ractions -a0le + T''RC7<%/RMTI ,escription+ T)is customiBing acti&ity specifies t)e minimum num.er of wor*ing )ours per wee* t)at constitute a gi&en emp+oyment fraction. T-res-o'# e1presses t)e indi&idua+ wee*+y wor*ing time 3in $o. of )ours4 as a portion or fraction of t)e standard wee*+y wor*ing time. 1".1.!. Currencies for Salar/ ranges ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A Requisition -A ?o. 2escription -A Sa+ary Ranges -A 2etermine Currencies for Sa+ary Ranges -a0le + 6<T''RC7<S#0<CUR ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you determine t)e currencies for t)e sa+ary ranges. T)ese are t)e currencies in w)ic) t)e payment information can .e specified for t)e Ho. and sa+ary e1pectations. 1".1.4. ,efine Salar/ Ranges ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A Requisition -A ?o. 2escription -A Sa+ary Ranges -A 2efine Sa+ary Ranges -a0le + 6<T''RC7<S#0<R$G ,escription+ In t)is customiBing acti&ity( you determine t)e sa+ary ranges for t)e payment information of t)e Ho.s and sa+ary e1pectations of t)e candidates for eac) currency. 455 1".2. Co0 Posting Posting is an #d&ertisement. It contains a++ re+e&ant information you wis) to communicate to t)e pu.+ic a.out t)e &acancy. 7or e1amp+e> Company information( 2epartment( ProHect( Tas*[email protected]+ities( Requirements. 1".2.1. ,efine Posting Channels ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A?o. Posting -A 2efine Posting C)anne+s -a0le + 6<T''RC7<P/STC;$ ,escription+ Posting c)anne+s refer to recipients to w)om you want to send your Ho. postings for pu.+is)ing( for e1amp+e( a dai+y newspaper( a specific Ho. .oard( or your intranet. %)en a manager re+eases a posting instance for pu.+is)ing( t)e pu.+is)er starts t)e necessary routine 3pu.+is)er c+ass4 for pu.+ication of t)e posting. ;e generates a document in a specific format using t)e information contained in t)e posting instance( for e1amp+e. 1".2.2. #Ad(+ *enerate Reference Codes 456 ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A ?o. Posting -A 9#dI> Generate Reference Codes #Adi ,efinition + ;RRC7!!<GET<E,T<C/2E #Adi (mplementation+ E;RRC7<GET<E,T<C/2E<!1 ,escription+ %)en a pu.+ication is created for posting( t)e recruiter can eit)er manua++y enter t)e reference code or if t)is 9#di is acti&ated can get t)e reference code auto generated .y t)e system. T)e recruiter can do t)is .y c+ic*ing t)e .utton >ener!te Re)eren,e Co#e. T)e standard system( .y defau+t( generates a "! c)aracter a+p)anumeric code. T)e 9#di can .e used to inc+ude customer-specific +ogic for t)e reference code. 1".2.3. #Ad(+ Specif/ Proposal -e;ts for Postings ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Requisition 8anagement -A ?o. Posting -A 9#dI> Specify Proposa+ Te1ts for Postings #Adi ,efinition + ;RRC7!!<GET<2E7#U0T<P/ST<TE,TS #Adi (mplementation+ 2oes not e1ist. Can .e created( if required. ,escription+ T)is 9#di can .e used to pro&ide defau+t te1ts for t)e free-te1t fie+ds w)en creating a posting te1t. T)e fie+ds on t)e posting screen t)at can .e defau+ted are - Company( 2epartment( ProHect( Tas*s( and Requirements. T)e interface of t)e 9#dI permits t)e transfer of t)e +ogon +anguage of eac) user so t)at it is possi.+e to create +anguage-dependent te1ts. T)e interface a+so permits t)e transfer of t)e position( industry( functiona+ area( and )ierarc)y +e&e+ to determine t)e defau+t te1t. 457 )>)>)+ 11. #dditiona+ Too+s 11.1. ,elete E;ternal Candidates ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A 2e+ete E1terna+ Candidates -ransaction+ //<;RRC7<2E0<E,TC#$2 ,escription+ T)is program can .e used to de+ete e1terna+ candidates wit) a++ associated +in*s. Enter your se+ection criteria. T)e fo++owing se+ection criteria are a&ai+a.+e> Candidate+ If you want to de+ete a candidate( enter t)e candidate I2. -alent *roup+ If you want to de+ete candidates t)at are grouped toget)er in a ta+ent group( enter t)e ta+ent group I2. Gou can on+y se+ect t)e ta+ent groups for w)ic) you are a mem.er of t)e support team. ,eregistered Candidates+ If you set t)is indicator( candidates are de+eted on+y if t)eir registration in t)e Ta+ent Poo+ )as a+so .een de+eted. Chec$ Legal Conformance+ If you set t)is indicator( t)e program c)ec*s w)et)er t)ere are assignments of t)e candidate to requisitions and w)ic) retention periods are stored for eac) of t)e requisitions. If t)ere are no assignments to requisitions or t)e retention periods )a&e e1pired( t)e re+e&ant candidate is de+eted. -est )ode+ If you set t)is indicator( t)e program performs a test run wit)out any c)anges .eing made to t)e data.ase. Run t)e program. T)e system disp+ays a resu+t +ist. # message appears for candidates t)at were not de+eted. %)en t)e candidates are de+eted( t)e associated .usiness partners are not de+eted( .ut are arc)i&ed. Gou can de+ete .usiness partners +ater from t)e data.ase using t)e transaction 9UP#<2E0 32e+ete 9usiness Partners4. 11.2. Create (nternal .sers and Candidates for SAP E7Recruiting ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Create Interna+ Users and Candidates for S#P E-Recruiting 458 -ransaction+ //<;RRC7<CRE#TE<USER %ote + &his #rogra" shou$d not 'e e(ecuted )here HR and ERecruiting s*ste"s are on sa"e Instance i+e+ integrated scenario &o 'e used on$* )hen HR and ERecruit"ent reside on se#arate ser,ers- i+e+ non-integrated scenario+ ,escription+ Gou s)ou+d run t)is program w)en initia++y creating t)e )$rst user 3for e1amp+e( t)e administrator4. T)e administrator t)en creates a++ ot)er users on )is start page using t)e User 8aintenance function. #s a ru+e( )owe&er( t)e e1terna+ candidates register t)emse+&es using t)e appropriate %e. scenarios( and t)e interna+ candidates 3emp+oyees4 are imported from an ;R system using t)e master data interface 3#0E4. In t)e integrated scenario( you cannot run t)e program as t)is t)en resu+t in data inconsistencies. T)is program creates a++ ERecruiting specific o.Hects for an emp+oyee i.e. e1ecuting t)is program wi++ create 9P( CP( US( and $# o.Hects for t)e emp+oyee. 11.3. Create (nternal .sers and Candidates for SAP E7Recruiting ()* Path + SPR/ -A S#P E-Recruiting -A Create Interna+ Users and Candidates for S#P E-Recruiting -ransaction+ //<;RRC7<C;ECM<SRC; ,escription+ In t)is CustomiBing acti&ity( you can c)ec* t)e consistency of t)e settings t)at you entered in t)e CustomiBing for t)e searc). 459 460 )>)>)A 1=. IC8 3Internet Communication 8anager4 Tas*s 1. Transaction RE11 =. 2isp+ay parameter Cicm@)ost<name<fu++D. T)e fie+ds CProfi+e6a+D and CCurrent&a+ueD s)ou+d )a&e ;ost UR0 entry. 7or e1amp+e> d&F:.re+.co.in F. #+so( c)ec* t)e transaction S8IC8 -A GoTo -A ;ost $ame 9uffer -A 2isp+ay. It s)ou+d )a&e t)e 7u++y Nua+ified ;ost entries w)ic) +oo*s as fo++ows> 12.1. S(C2 Services Activation 0isted .e+ow are some ser&ices t)at must .e acti&ated in t)e system depending on t)e operationa+ scenario>  Support for t)e Internet protoco+ 3;TTP( ;TTPS and S8TP4 in t)e S#P %e. #pp+ication Ser&er @defau+t<)ost@sap@pu.+ic@icman T)roug) t)is t)e IC8an process can 3for e1amp+e4 ma*e decisions concerning t)e distri.ution of ;TTP requests to t)e corresponding ser&er.  Using +oad distri.ution - wit) t)e message ser&er @defau+t<)ost@sap@pu.+ic@icf<info @defau+t<)ost@sap@pu.+ic@icf<info@+ogon<groups @defau+t<)ost@sap@pu.+ic@icf<info@ur+prefi1 - wit) t)e %e. 2ispatc)er @defau+t<)ost@sap@pu.+ic@icf<info 461 @defau+t<)ost@sap@pu.+ic@icf<info@icr<groups @defau+t<)ost@sap@pu.+ic@icf<info@icr<ur+prefi1  Using 9usiness Ser&er Pages 39SP4 @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@sap @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@sap@system @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@sap@[email protected] @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected] 3a&ai+a.+e for =! wit) Support Pac*age F"4 @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@ur 3a&ai+a.+e for =! wit) Support Pac*age F"4 @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@sap@pu.+ic @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@sap@[email protected] @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@sap@system @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@sap@)tm+. 3as of Re+ease =! Support Pac*age S#PM9=!=4  Using t)e 9SP +ogon procedure @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@sap @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@sap@system @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@sap@pu.+ic @defau+t<)ost@sap@[email protected]@sap@system #SP test applications for trou0leshooting @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@sap@it!! @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@[email protected]<)tm+. @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@[email protected]<1)tm+. @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@sap@)tm+.<samp+es #s of Re+ease .F!> @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@.sp@[email protected]<&erificatio  7or e-Recruitment( acti&ate a++ ser&ices wit) t)e prefi1 ;RRC7. 9efore testing t)e e-Recruiting specific 9SP app+ications( test t)e standard 9SP Test app+ications specified a.o&e for trou.+es)ooting of we. en&ironment.  IC7 test app+ications @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@ec)o - #mong ot)er t)ings( t)is ser&ice returns information a.out t)e registration procedure .eing used( t)e )eader and form fie+ds( and t)e generated SS/ coo*ie for t)e e1ecuted request. T)erefore( t)is ser&ice s)ou+d on+y .e acti&ated for trou.+es)ooting purposes. 462 @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@error - T)is ser&ice generates some error situations in t)e system and s)ou+d on+y .e acti&ated for trou.+es)ooting purposes. @defau+t<)ost@[email protected]@srt@1ip@sap - Gou want to fi1 t)e %e. ser&ice error message KCou+d not determine %S20 address 3IC7<ERR/R4( SRT<REG!F-K in connection wit) ,I ser&ices. %3-E+ #.o&e detai+s are as per $ote :1'"-". 12.2. Services to &hich a Service .ser must 0e assigned )rrcf<app+y<e1t #pp+y wit) Reference Code 3$on Registered Candidate4 )rrcf<cand<reg E1terna+ Candidate( Registration )rrcf<unrg<src) $on Registered Candidate( ?o. Searc) )rrcf<searc) Genera+ Searc) #pp+ication )rrcf<unrg<app+ $on Registered Candidate( #pp+ication %iBard )rrcf<pinst<p.+ Posting Instance Pu.+ication Interna+ @ E1terna+ )rrcf<pinstapp+ Posting Instance Pu.+ication Interna+@E1terna+ .ranc)es to t)e app+ication wiBard )rrcf<password #dministration of User Passwords )rrcf<ee<src) Searc) for Interna+ Postings 3wit)out first +ogging on to t)e system4 )rrcf<ee<awBd #pp+ication %iBard 3Entry4 3app+ication wiBard is ca++ed after a successfu+ searc) for interna+ postings4 463
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