1710J 86 Pre Q Survey

May 11, 2018 | Author: Ayie Khairi | Category: Valve, Switch, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering



(EPCC) OF TELOK GONG LOOP PIPELINE PROJECT, MELAKA (TUAH) Pre-Q Survey Description Scope Unit Capable Experienced Please Tick (scope interested) Please Tick Please Tick 4. PROCUREMENT Engineering (May include Supply + FAT + Install + SAT + Process, Control & Spares required Commissioning Instrumentation, Civil, Mech & Piping, Electrical) 4.A SCRAPER LAUNCHER STATION 4.1 Mechanical & Piping System LS 4.1.1 Scraper Barrel & Quick Opening End LS Closure (QOEC) 4.1.2 Valves & Actuator LS 4.1.3 Monolithic Isolation Joint (MIJ) & Spark ü LS ü ü gap 4.1.4 Bulks Material (Pipes, Fittings, Flanges, LS Gasket etc) 4.2 Instrument & Control System LS 4.3 Electrical System ü ü ü LS ü ü 4.B TAKE OFF VALVE STATION 4.4 Mechanical & Piping System LS 4.4.1 Monolithic Isolation Joint (MIJ) & Spark ü LS ü ü gap 4.4.2 Bulks Material (Pipes, Fittings, Flanges, LS Gasket etc) 4.5 Instrument & Control System LS 4.6 Electrical System ü ü ü LS ü ü 4.C BLOCK VALVE STATION 4.7 Mechanical & Piping System LS 4.7.1 Valves & Actuator LS 4.7.2 Monolithic Isolation Joint (MIJ) & Spark ü LS ü ü gap 4.7.3 Bulks Material (Pipes, Fittings, Flanges, LS Gasket etc) 4.8 Instrument & Control System LS 4.9 Electrical System ü ü ü LS ü ü 4.D SCRAPER RECEIVER STATION 4.10 Mechanical & Piping System LS 4.10.1 Scraper Barrel & Quick Opening End LS Closure (QOEC) 4.10.2 Valves & Actuator LS 15.3 Multi Stream Flow Computer LS 4.1 Pressure Safety Valve LS 4.11 Human Machine Interface (HMI) LS 4.12 VSAT LS 4. Flanges.4 Transmitters LS 4.15. Flanges.10. Poles LS and Luminaires .2 Valves & Actuator LS 4.13.2 24V DC UPS Charger and Batteries LS System Distribution Board LS AC UPS and Batteries LS 4. Fittings.5 Monolithic Isolation Joint (MIJ) & Spark ü LS ü ü gap 4.15.5 Gauges LS 4.E METERING STATION 4.14.10 Programmable Logic Control (PLC ) LS 4.15.13. Fittings and Accessories ü LS ü ü 4.14.3 Monolithic Isolation Joint (MIJ) & Spark ü LS ü ü gap 4.14.2 Ultrasonic Flow Meter LS 4.9 Instrument Cables LS 4.14. LS Gasket etc) 4.13.6 Earthing & Lightning Protection LS 4. Lighting Fixtures.4 Bulks Material (Pipes. Electrical System ü ü ü LS ü ü 4.8 Ethernet Switches LS 4.15.6 Manual Valve Limit Switch LS 4.13 Mechanical & Piping System LS Others: Gas Chromatograph LS (BIDDER to Specify.10. Fittings.1 Dry Gas Filter LS 4.14. 4.5 Cables.14.14 Instrument & Control System LS 4.3 Manual Valves LS 4. if any) 4. LS Gasket etc) 4.12 Electrical System ü ü ü LS ü ü 4.13.4 Fire Alarm & Fire Suppression System ü ü ü LS ü ü 4.7 Socket Outlet.11 Instrument & Control System LS 4.6 Others (BIDDER to specify) LS 4.15.7 Junction Box ü LS ü ü 4.4 Bulks Material (Pipes. 21 FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST (FAT) For supplied items LS ü ü i. Spares required Commissioning Coating.20 a Polarization Cell Replacement (PCR) ü ü ü LS ü ü 4. Actuator and etc 4.20 c Zinc Ribbon standard size ü ü ü LS ü ü 4.16 Induction Bends LS 4.15.22 OPERATIONAL SPARES PART For supplied items LS ü ü .e.8 Air Conditioning System LS 4. USM. for Valve. MIJ.20 b Permanent Reference Cell ü ü ü LS 4. Pipeline. if any) 4.9a Oil Cooled Transformer Rectifier for ü ü ü LS ü ü Cathodic Protection System 4. Civil.17 Monolithic Isolation Joint (MIJ) & Spark ü ü LS ü ü gap 4. 4. CP) 4. Hot Tap.9 Others: _________ LS (BIDDER to Specify.15.15. if any) 4.F PIPELINE Engineering (May include Supply + FAT + Install + SAT + Process.20 Others: _________ LS (BIDDER to Specify. 16 Mechanical & Piping System LS 5.10 Civil & Structure Works LS ü ü 5.3 5.4 SCADA & Telecommunication LS 5.19 Civil & Structure Works LS ü ü 5.18 Electrical System LS ü ü 5.C BLOCK VALVE STATION 5.D SCRAPER RECEIVER STATION 5.18" x 18" x 16" (1no) LS 5. (EPCC) OF TELOK GONG LOOP PIPELINE PROJECT.15 Civil & Structure Works LS ü ü 5.7 Mechanical & Piping System LS 5.36" LS x 36" x 24" (2nos) .9 Electrical System LS ü ü 5.14 Hot Tap Works .3 Electrical System LS ü ü 5. Electrical.5 Civil & Structure Works including SCADA LS Building 5.17 Instrument & Control System LS 5.1 Mechanical & Piping System LS 5. Mechanical & Piping.13 Electrical System LS ü ü 5.2 Instrument & Control System LS 5.4 5. Instrumentation and Control) + SAT + Commissioning 5.E HOT TAP STATION 5.20 Hot Tap Works including piping and valves .12 Instrument & Control System LS 5. MELAKA (TUAH) Pre-Q Survey Description Scope Unit Capable Experienced Please Tick Please Tick 5. CONSTRUCTION Construct (Civil.11 Mechanical & Piping System LS 5. Grading & Site LS Preparation of the Encroached Land 5.6 Site Clearing.A SCRAPER LAUNCHER STATION 5.B TAKE OFF VALVE STATION 5.8 Instrument & Control System LS 5. pipe LS ü ü supports etc.33 Non-Destructive Testing LS 5.23 Instrument & Control System LS 5.39 Markers LS ü ü 5.F METERING STATION 5.25.34 Field Joint Coating LS ü ü 5.21 Civil & Structural Works (i.1 Earthworks LS 5.24 Electrical System LS ü ü 5.) Buoyancy Control LS 5.e. drainage system etc) 5.1 Major road crossings : LS i) Jalan Simpang Ampat-Tampin (KP 0.31 Induction Bend LS 5.25 Civil & Structure Works LS ü ü 5.27 Clearing and Grading LS 5.2 Pipe Supports LS 5.41 Anchor Block LS 5.e.42 Pipeline Crossing LS 5.470) LS .37 Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) LS ü ü 5. fencing.26 Transportation of coated pipe from Coating Yard LS and mobilise to SITE 5. fencing. lighting LS ü ü poles.35 Holiday Test LS 5.3 Control Building including plumbing services & LS sanitary services 5.25. if any) 5.30 Field Bending LS 5.29 Trenching LS 5.6 Others: _________ LS (BIDDER to Specify. access roads.G PIPELINE 5.38 Reinstatement and Revegetation LS 5.28 Stringing LS 5.25.22 Mechanical & Piping System LS 5.5 Infraworks (i.32 Welding LS 5.36 Lowering In and Backfilling LS Shelter including lifting equipment for metering LS and regulating 5. 5. 442) LS ix) Jalan Kuala Sungai Baru .780) LS vii) Jalan Masjid Tanah – Lubuk Cina (KP LS 16.42.118) 5.950) LS iii) PLUS Highway (KM218. analysis and mitigation LS ü ü 5.44c Interference study.700) LS iv) Jalan Padang Kambing (KP 6. At Telok Gong MS LS 2. ii) Jalan Simpang Ampat.H METERING AND CONTROL SYSTEM .44b AC Mitigation Study.3 Waterways LS 5. At Sungai Buloh LS 5. analysis and mitigation LS ü ü 5.555) LS vi) Jalan Brisu – Masjid Tanah (KP 8.4 TNB Overhead Transmission Line LS 5.42.5) (KP 1. if any) 5.44 Others: _________ LS ü ü (BIDDER to Specify.Brisu (KP 3.43 Cathodic Protection System : LS ü ü 1.500) LS v) Jalan Padang Kambing (KP 6.42.070) viii) Jalan Kampung Pulau (KP 17.44a Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS) LS ü ü 5.2 Railway crossing (KP 0) LS 5.Masjid LS Tanah (KP 19. integrate. configure.5. Auto Data Backfilling and Gas Chromatograph Zoning Server • Data Mart • Pipeline Leak Detection Server (PLDS) .45 Interface. upgrade or LS replace hardware (if necessary) for data transfer from SCADA buildings to existing SCADA at Petronas Gas Control Centre (PGCC) Segamat and back-up system in Seremban Regional Office (SRO) for the following systems : • Gas Management System (GMS) • SCADA Host System • Alarm Information Management System (AIMS) • Plant Data Historian (PI) • Petronas Ga Berhad GTR Gas-i-Net • Auto Billing Correction (ABC).
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