17-M.Techn Mechanical Engg. (Specialization in Thermal Engg).pdf

May 13, 2018 | Author: Mukesh Bohra | Category: Combustion, Fluid Dynamics, Wind Power, Thermal Conduction, Boundary Layer



Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (With Specialisation in Thermal Engineering) Submitted byDepartment of Mechanical Engineering MD University, Rohtak Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (With Specialisation in Thermal Engineering) EFFECTIVE FROM THE SESSION 2012-13 Semester wise Course Scheme FIRST SEMESTER S. No . 1 2 3 4 5 Subject Code MT-TH 501 MT-TH 503 MT-TH 505 MT-TH 507 MT-TH 803A MT-TH 509 MT-TH 813A Subject L-T-P Marks Weightage Theory Advanced Thermodynamics Advanced Dynamics Heat Transfer-I Combustion Engineering Instrumentation & Measurements Advanced Lab 3-0-0 100 50 150 3-0-0 Fluid 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 100 100 100 100 Sessional 50 50 50 50 Grand total 150 150 150 150 6 7 Thermal 0-0-4 0-0-2 15-0-6 50 25 575 50 25 325 100 50 900 Instrumentation & Measurements Lab Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (With Specialisation in Thermal Engineering) EFFECTIVE FROM THE SESSION 2012-13 SECOND SEMESTER S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MT-TH 504 MT-TH 506 Subject Code MT-TH 502 MT-TH 508 MT-TH 801A Subject L-T-P Marks Weightage Theory Heat Transfer-II Advanced Gas Dynamics Numerical Analysis and Optimization General Elective Programme Elective – I Numerical Analysis and Optimization Lab Heat and Mass Transfer 0-0-2 Lab 15-0-4 25 550 25 300 50 850 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-2 100 100 25 50 50 25 150 150 50 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 100 100 100 Sessional 50 50 50 Grand total 150 150 150 General Elective Program Elective – I MT-TH-510 – Design of Thermal Systems MT-TH-516Thermal Nuclear Plant and Power MT-TH-512 – Heat Exchangers – MT-TH-518 – Steam Generator Technology MT-TH-514 Energy Management MT-TH 520Wind Energy Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Subject Code MT-TH 601 MT-TH 603 MT-TH 605 Subject L-T-P Marks Weightage Theory Minor Project Turbo-machinery Seminar Programme Elective – II Programme Elective – III 0-0-10 3-0-0 0-0-4 3-0-0 3-0-0 9-0-14 100 100 50 100 100 450 Sessional 100 50 50 50 50 300 Grand total 200 150 100 150 150 750 Program Elective – II Program Elective – III MT-TH-607Energy Conservation MT-TH-613Computational Dynamics Fluid MT-TH-609Solar Energy Systems MT-TH 615Non-Conventional Energy Resources MT-TH-611Cogeneration & Waste Heat Recovery Systems MT-TH-617-Energy Economy & Environment Policy . No.Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (With Specialisation in Thermal Engineering) EFFECTIVE FROM THE SESSION 2012-13 THIRD SEMESTER S. 1 Subject Code MT-TH 602 Subject L-T-P Marks Weightage Theory Dissertation 0-0-24 0-0-24 400 400 Sessional 200 200 Grand total 600 600 . No.Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (With Specialisation in Thermal Engineering) EFFECTIVE FROM THE SESSION 2012-13 FOURTH SEMESTER S. University. B) Actual percentage of Marks Obtained and Corresponding grades should be mentioned on detailed marks certificate of student. Rohtak Scheme of Studies & Examinations for Master of Technology Mechanical Engineering (With Specialisation in Thermal Engineering) The Performance of the student of M.D. .M. C) Student who earned an 'E' grade or less than 40% marks in any subject shall have to reappear in that subject.Tech shall be graded on the basis of percentage of marks and corresponding grades as mentioned below : A) Marks 85 75 60 50 40 00 Letter Grades A+ A B C D E Grades A+ A B C D E < < < < < Marks 100 85 75 60 50 40 Division First First First Second Third Fail Performance Excellent Very Good Good Fair Pass Repeat Note : The Candidate who have passed all the semesters examination in the first attempt obtaining at the 75% marks in aggregate shall be declared to have passed in the first division with Distinction mentioned in the degree. To obtain 'D' grade a student must have secure at least 40% marks in each subject of the semester Examination. Referigeratiion – Optimal Intermediate Cooling. Thermo dynamics. Zemansky and R. New Delhi. BOOKS 1. Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics. Heat and Thermodynamics. JP Holman. availability. Heat Exchangers with Negligible Pressure-Drop Irreversibility. M. Internal Irreversibilities.Psychrometric chart. Combined Steam-Turbine and Gas-Turbine Power Plants. Fundamentals Of Engineering Thermodynamics. McGraw Hill International Editions. Supercritical power cycle. Evaluation of Thermodynamic properties of working substance.W. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. The chemical potential and phase Equilibrium – The Gibbs phase Rule. F. A. The vant Hoff’s Equation. Desmond E. Convectively Cooled Collectors. exergy. first. M. Bejan. John Wiley and Sons. Winterbone: Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers. Salinger. and Solar-Driven Refrigerators.MT-TH 501 Advanced Thermodynamics L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. 2007. Extraterrestrial Solar Power Plant.Sears and G. First and second analysis of simple closed and open systems. Narosa Publishing House. 4.J. Psychrometry . Combustion Reactions. Dittman. Single-component Pure Substances– Equations of state – Real Gas Behaviour – Vander Waal’s equation . McGraw Hill 6. Combustion. H. W. Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics. 5. Evaluation of properties. Reversible Processes. Advanced Steam-Turbine Power Plants. Thermodynamics of Reactive Mixtures. Introduction to instability of thermodynamic equilibrium.Moran and H. Magnetic Refrigeration. L. 3. Elsevier. External Irreversibilities. Mixture of Real Gases. Maximum Power from Hot Stream. Applications to Air conditioning processes and Cooling Towers. Time-Varying Conditions. Entropy Generation Minimisation – Trade-off between Competing Irreversibilities. Mechanical Engineering Applications of Thermodynamics: Power Generation – Maximum Power Subject to Size Constraint. 3rd edition. Concepts of Entropy. Chemical Equilibrium of Ideal Gases – Effects of Non-reacting Gases Equilibrium in Multiple Reactions. Solar Power – Thermodynamic Properties of Thermal Radiation. General conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium. Entropy of Formation – Reference Levels for Tables – Energy of formation – Heat of Reaction – Adiabatic flame Temperature General product – Enthalpies – Equilibrium. Each Question carry equal marks Review of Thermo dynamic Laws and Corollaries – Recapitulation of zeroth. 3rd edition. Multi-component Systems .Generalised compressibility Factor – Energy properties of Real Gases – Vapour pressure – Clausius – Clapeyron Equation – Throttling – Joule – Thompson coefficient. Refrigerator Models with Heat Transfer Irreversibilities. Enthalpy of Formation. Balanced Counterflow Heat Exchangers. Liquefaction. Irreversible Processes. 7th edition. 1996 . Advanced Gas-Turbine Power Plants. Thermodynamics. The Ideal Conversion of Enclosed Blackbody Radiation. Maximization of Power Output per Unit Collector Area. Storage Systems.N. John Wiley and sons. 2. Governing Laws. irreversibility.Non-reactive Mixture of perfect Gases. Nonisothermal Collectors. 1998.Shapiro. 2006. second laws of thermodynamics. 5. Superposition of basic plane potential flows.. Stream and Velocity potential function. Finite volume method and Finite element method. Fluctuations and time-averaging. Basic discretization – Finite difference method. Integral and differential forms of governing equations: mass. momentum and energy conservation equations. John D. Boundary layer equations. John D. Newtonian fluids. 6. Fourth Edition. 2008. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics. Flat plate turbulent boundary layer. 1995. Sixth Edition. Books: 1. Source and Sink. 2005. 1995. Panton R. Magnus effect. and Biswas G. Fluid Kinematics. Introduction. Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics. Tata McGraw-Hill. Entry flow into a duct. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Second Edition. White. Fluid Mechanics. Creeping flows. . Couette flows. and flow equations: steady and unsteady turbulent boundary layers. 2005. Free turbulent flows.L. models. Academic Press (ELSEVIER). Ideal and non-ideal flows. Pijush K. Poiseuille flows. physical significance of irrotational motion – Kelvin’s theorem – Differential equation in terms of velocity Potential and stream function – Flow with small perturbation – flow past a wave shaped wall – Gothert’s rule – Prandtl-Glanert rule – Hodograph method Navier-Stokes Equations and their exact solutions. Potential Flows. McGraw-Hill Series of Mechanical Engineering. Boundary layer on a flat plate. Turbulent Flow. Fourth Edition. 2010 2. Laminar Boundary Layers. Anderson Jr. Irrotational vortex. Muralidhar K. Fully developed flows in non-circular cross-sections. Flow past a circular cylinder. 3. Cohen. Turbulent boundary layer equation. Tata McGraw Hill... Recapitulation of fluid kinematics. Singapore. Narosa. Alan. Kundu and Ira M. Incompressible Flow. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Prandtl mixing hypothesis. Anderson Jr. Flow separation. 2008. Robert. John Wiley and Sons. Approximate Methods. Vortex flow. Turbulent pipe flow.MT-TH 503 Advanced Fluid Dynamics L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. 7. John Wiley & Sons. Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications. Kutta-Joukowski lift theorem. Doublet. similarity solutions. Fluid Mechanics. 8. S M Yahya. Compressible Fluid Flow. Integral form of boundary layer equations. General equations of turbulent flow. Reynolds transport theorem. Two dimensional flow – subsonic flow. Concept of lift and drag. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Boundary conditions. Fluid statics. Basic plane potential flows: Uniform stream. continuum view point and general equations of fluid motion. 4. 2005. Boundary layer thickness. Unsteady flows. Frank M.. Fox W. McDonald T. McGrawHill. Turbulence modeling. Circulation. Turbulence. Each Question carry equal marks Recapitulation of basic laws of fluid flow in integral and differential form. Generalized Thermal Resistance Networks. and Crawford. Convection heat transfer. Ill. R. Each Question carry equal marks INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS – Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. Radiation Exchange with emitting and absorbing gases. W. Heat conduction in cylinders and spheres. G. P. F. 4. D. Books: 1. Heat and other form of energy. New York. 6. Atmospheric and solar Radiation.C. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. gray surfaces. Heat Conduction Equation – Statement of Problem. Problem-solving Technique. Two. Transient Heat conduction in Multidimensional systems NUMERICAL METHODS IN HEAT CONDUCTION – Reasons for Numerical methods. and Kruger. Thermal Radiation. New York. and DeWitt. 8. Radiation Heat transfer: Black surfaces. View factor relation. F. Fin Effectiveness. F. TRANSIENT HEAT CONDUCTION – Lumped System Analysis. P. Viscous fluid flow. Heat Transfer of common configuration. J. Convective heat and mass transfer. Thermal contact resistance. 2010 2. Radiation shied and Radiation effects. McGraw-Hill Publishers. M. Long cylinders. Heat transfer from finned surface – Fin Equation.. Washington. General Heat conduction Equation in Rectangular. Wiley. New York. Kays. McGraw-Hill. Thermal radiation heat transfer. 5. FUNDAMENTAL OF THERMAL RADIATION – Introduction. Variable Thermal conductivity. Radiation Heat transfer: Diffuse. W. 1995. Surface energy balance. White. 1991. Combined one dimensional Heat conduction Equation.Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation in large plane wall. 1965. H. Radiation Intensity.. One. Transient Heat conduction in large plane walls.. Siegel. critical radius of insulations. D... in long cylinder and in a sphere. A.. and Howell. Energy balance for steady.flow systems. New York. 1993. Vincenti. Finite Difference Formulation of Differential Equations. R. Wiley.. Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates. Convection Boundary condition. Transient Heat Conduction. Steady Heat conduction – Steady Heat conduction in plane walls – Thermal Resistance concept. 3. Simultaneous heat transfer mechanism. 1996. 7.MT-TH 505 Heat Transfer-1 L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all.. E. Specified heat flux Boundary condition. Interface Boundary condition and Generalized Boundary condition. Solution of steady One-Dimensional Heat conduction Problems. New York. 1995. Thermal Resistance Network and Multi layer plane wall. 1992.. Introduction to physical gas dynamics. Boundary and initial condition – Specified Temperature Boundary condition. Bejan.. Multidimensional Heat Transfer. One. Heat and Mass Transfer. RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER – The View factor... M. Y A Cengel – Heat & Mass Transfer. Steady versus Transient Heat transfer. Heat Transfer Mechanisms. Chicago.. Radiative Properties. Irwin. J. M. Corp. 4th Edition. Transient Heat conduction in semi-infinite solids. McGraw-Hill. Fin Efficiency. C.. and sphere with spatial Effects.Dimensional steady Heat conduction. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass transfer. Radiation Boundary condition. Hemisphere Pub. Incropera. Blackbody Radiation.Dimensional steady Heat conduction. Mills. A. Wiley. Proper Length of a fin. . Global Reactions. CFD Modeling of Diesel Combustion.Steady-State Detonation.Atmospheric fluidized-Bed Combustion Systems. Thermodynamics of Combustion – Review of first Law concepts. McGraw-Hill Publishers.Emissions from Gas-Fired Furnaces. Laminar Flame theory.Emissions from Spreader Stokers. One-Dimensional Model for Propagation Velocity andPressure and Temperature Rise across a Detonation. Detonation of Liquid-Gaseous Mixtures: Detonation of Liquid Fuel Sprays. 2nd Law Analysis. Pulverrized Coal Combustion.k.Kushari. Oil-Fired Furnace Combustion: Oil-Fired Systems. Preignition kinetics. Narosa Publishing House 3.Combustion Rates. & Tech.Location of Fuel and Air Nozzels/Furnace Design. Combustion of Liquid Fuels – Spray Formation and Droplet Behavior : Spray Formation.Cyclone Combustors. Soot kinetics. Reactions at solid Surface.Fuel Injection. Alternative Automobile Engines.Properties of Mixtures. Direct-Injection Engine Combustion: Introduction to Diesel Engine Combustion.Emissions from Pulverized Coal Furnaces. Isothermal Plug Flow of pulverized Coal/Nonisothermal Plug Flow Of pulverized Char Suspension.Detonation of Liquid Fuel Films. Borman – Combustion Engineering. Environmental effects of Combustion.Circulating Fluidized Beds.Spray Dynamics.MT-TH 507 Combustion Engineering L T P 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Diffusion Flames. Combustion of Solid Fuels – Solid Fuel Combustion Mechanisms: Drying of Solid Fuels.. Stoker-Fired Boilers.Flame Structure and Correlations. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. 2.Chamber Design.G. Modeling Fixed–Bed Combustion.Pulverized Biomass and refuse-Fired Boilers. Emissions.Fuel substitution.Burner Types.Engine Efficiency.Fuel Injectors.Vaporization of Single Droplets.Maintained Detonations.Low-Emissions Combustors. A.Miller-Coal Energy Systems.Combustor Design.Runchal –Combustion Sci. Diesel Design Improvements. Fixed-Bed Combustion: Wood Stoves and Dutch Ovens.A. Each Question carry equal marks Basic Concepts – Scope and History of Combustion. Downdraft Systems. Nitrogen Oxide Kinetics.Pressurized Fluidized-Bed Combustion. Turbulent Premixed Flames.Charge Preparation. Devolatilization of Solid Fuels.K. combustion Stoichiometry. 1st Law Combustion Calculations.Spray Combustion in Furnaces.Ignition Delay.Emissions from Oil Furnaces. Chemical Kinetics of Combustion – Elementary Reactions. A.S.Aggarwal. Chemical Equilibrium.Agarwal.Emissions Control. Elsevier .Pulse Combustion Furnace.Plug Flow Model of Distillate Spray Combustion. Char Combustion. Chemical Energy. Combustion of Gaseous and Vaporized Fuels – Flames: Laminar Premixed Flames. Combustion in a Bubbling Bed.Liner Heat Transfer. Fuels– Gaseous. Gas Turbine Spray Combustion: Gas Turbine Operating Parameters. B.Behavior of Ash. Liquid & Solid Fuels. Books: 1.G. Size Distributions. Detonation of Gaseous mixtures – Transition to Detonation. Premixed-Charge Engine Combustion – Introduction to Spark-Ignition Engine Combustion.Flame Quenching.Spray Models for CFD Programs. Suspension Burning: Pulverized Coal-Burning systems.Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling.L. Ignition. WCB. Explosion Limits.Refuse-and Biomass-Fired Boilers.Coal-Water Fuel.K. Gas-Fired furnace Combustion – Energy Balance and furnace Efficiency. Chamber Geometry. Combustion Rate. Chain Reactions. Fluidized-Bed Combustion: Fluidization Fundamentals.Ignition and Burning Rate Analysis. Major elements of a measurement system. frequencycontent of a signal. Instrumentation and Measurement. by JP Holman. quartz thermometer. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions.Order. air conditioning plant control. Common measuring instrument: Multimeters. using induced strain. Resistance Thermometer: RTD. laser Doppler flowmeter. open channel flowmeter. Positive displacement flowmeter: Rotary-vane meter.Errors and response characteristics of sensors. display and recorder. Bourdon tube pressure gauge.MT-TH 803A Instrumentation and Measurement L T P 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. pressure thermometer. pitot tube. hot wire anemometer. . oscilloscope. Temperature Measurement: Thermal expansion method: Liquid-in-glass thermometer.Importance ofsensors in measuring system. Statistical analysis of data: Concept of normal distribution. Seismic instrument: Accelerometer. piezoelectric force transducer. linear variable differential transformer. aliasing. Displacement and Motion Measurement: Potentiometer. impedance matching. John Wiley & Sons. Experimental Methods for Engineers. spectrumanalyzer. concept of FFT. bimetal type thermometer. rotameter. transmission dynamometer. response of instruments. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction to Instrumentation. bellow-type. manometer. Mechanical Measurements. ultrasonic flowmeter. Wheatstone Bridgetechnique. magnetic flowmeter. torque reaction method. industrial robotics system.Measurement error. mechanical & hydraulic method. Narosa Publishing House. Pressure Measurement: Measuring static pressure: Piezometer. 2. discretization. thermistor. type of signals. Text Book(s): 1. by JW Dally. etc. by Thomas Beckwith and Lewis Buck. radiation thermometer. Flow Measurement Obstruction meter: Venturi meter. orifice meter. Thermocouple. Measuring dynamic & static pressure: Pressure transducer. diaphragm-type. by BC Nakra & KK Choudhry. Power measurement: Absorption dynamometer. Reference Book(s): 1. meanand variance (standard deviation). hydraulic and pneumatic method. McGraw Hill. plotter. Torque & Power Measurement: Force measurement: elastic force transducer. Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements. Torque measurement: Using shaft deflection. torque meter. Force.Measurement Techniques Signal conditioning: Amplification and noise filtering. nozzle. Angular velocity measurement: Mechanical and electric tachometer. strain gauge. 2. Special methods: Turbine flow meter.Digital signal processing: Sampling rate. Examples of Instrumentation: Boiler power plant instrumentation. A/D and D/A converters. piezoelectric. proximity probe. 7.I. 3. 5. 9. 2. 4.I. 8. .MT-TH 509 Advanced Thermal Lab Students shall perform any 8 of the following experiments: 1. 6. Engine Performance testing refrigeration systems Performance study of heat exchangers Performance study of Air conditioning system Performance study of solar water heater Comparative study of fuel oils Study of Fuel cell system To study the performance of steam turbines To determine gas pollutants and smoke density of exhaust gases. Engine Performance testing on C.pass condenser Efficiency Measurement of Steam turbine Measurement of combustion generated pollutants Boiler Efficiency testing Performance testing on S. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L-T-P 0-0-4 Energy audit of steam generators Performance study of cooling tower Performance analysis of a two. Applications of plotters and recorders.MT-TH 813A MECHANICAL MEASUREMENT LAB LTP002 Experiments on measurement of linear displacement and motion by LVDT. pressure and fluid flow. temperature measurement by RTD Thermistor and Thermocouple. . the load measurement by load cell and strain gauge based cantilever. Inductive Pick up Strain Gauge based cantilever. Equation of Motion and the Grashov Number. Y A Cengel – Heat & Mass Transfer. M. D. 7. Advantages of Heat Pipe. Boundary Conditions.. Convective heat and mass transfer. 1992. Mills. 6. Irwin. 1996. New York. Bejan.. Washington. C. Combined Natural and Forced Convection. P. Vincenti. Hemisphere Pub.. Limitation of Heat Pipe. Condensation Heat Transfer.. General Thermal Analysis. .. Convection heat transfer.. Chicago. G. Velocity Boundary Layer. Basics of Heat Exchangers – Types. Thermal radiation heat transfer. R. Boiling and Condensation – Boiling Heat Transfer. A. F. F.. New York. D. Thermal Boundary Layer. W. Wiley. Average velocity and temperature. Performance of Heat Pipe. 4. 3.C. External Forced Convection –Dragand Heat Transfer in External Flow. MassConvection. M. R.Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer. Ill. M. McGraw-Hill. and Howell. 5. Fundamentals of Mass Transfer –Introduction. 4th Edition. Siegel. 1995.. Application of Heat Pipe. Classification of Fluid Flows. and Kruger.. 1965. Pool Boiling. and Crawford. Natural Convection over Surfaces. Introduction to physical gas dynamics. and DeWitt. Natural Convection inside Enclosures. Differential Convection Equations and their Solutions.. The entrance Region. J. J. P. A. Film Condensation.. Heat and Mass Transfer. Working of Heat pipe. H. White. 8. New York. Viscous fluid flow. Different types of Heat Pipe. Internal Forced Convection –Introduction. Natural Convection from Finned Surfaces and PCBs. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient. Wiley. Incropera. Kays. 1995. Corp. F.NTU Method. Flow over Tube Banks. New York. Detail of Heat Pipe components. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass transfer. The Effectiveness. McGraw-Hill. Mass Diffusion. Analysis of Heat Exchangers. W. Wiley. 2010 2. E. Flow across Cylinders and Spheres. Heat Pipe -Introduction. Natural Convection – Physical Mechanisms. Heat and Momentum Transfer in Turbulent Flow. New York.. 1993. Laminar Flow in Tubes.. Books: 1. Selection of Heat Exchangers. 1991. Turbulent Flow in Tubes. Parallel Flow over Flat Plates. Each Question carry equal marks Fundamentals of Convection – Physical Mechanism of Convection. The LMTD Method.. Analogies between Momentum and Heat Transfer. Dropwise condensation. McGraw-Hill Publishers. Analysis of Heat Pipe. laminar and Turbulent Flows.MT-TH 502 Heat Transfer-2 L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Analogy between Heat and Mass Transfer. Normal and oblique shocks. SM Yahya – Fundamentals of Compressible Flow. Compressible boundary layers. Prandtl–Meyer expansion. Basic equations for one dimensional flows.MT-TH 508 Advanced Gas Dynamics LTP 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. 1986 Shapiro A F – The Dynamics of Compressible flow Vd 1. New Delhi Mohanty A K – Fluid Mechanics. Interaction and intersection of shocks. Speed of sound and Mach number. 5. P-M expansions and boundary layers. governing equations. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction to compressible viscous flow. Rankine–Hugnoit relation. Application of method of characteristics applied to two dimensional cases – simple supersonic wind tunnel. 3. Quasi-one dimensional flows. Flow with friction – Fanno flow. New Age Publishers. Multi-dimensional flow. 4. flow with heat transfer – Rayleigh flow. MC grow Hill 1962 Book Company 1962 Schlichting H – Boundary layer theory MC Grow Hill Book company 1979 . 2. Application to simple problems related to propulsion and flow through turbomachines. flow though nozzle and diffusers.Mach waves. Reflection of shocks and Prandtl–Meyer expansion from solid surfaces and fluid surfaces. Off-0design performance of nozzles. Isentropic relations. Books: 1. Prentice Hall of India. Design of supersonic wind tunnel and nozzle. T Radhakrishnan – Gas Dynamics Prentice Hall. The Ronald Press Company 1963 Shames – Mechanics of Fluids. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. 2011. 6. engineering applications of optimization. optimization techniques. computational procedure in dynamic programming. spline interpolation. forward difference quotient. central difference quotient. by MK Jain. gradient method. by E. bounds on Eigen values. unconstrained optimization techniques: direct search method. by SS Rao. multivariable optimization with equality constraints: solution by direct search method. classification of optimization. Newton-Cotes method. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Text Book(s): 1. Richardson extrapolation techniques. Lagrange interpolation. New Age International Ltd. application of dynamic programming. Numerical methods for Scientific & Engineering Computation. Balaguruswamy. Tata McGraw Hill. Constrained optimization techniques: separable programming. Numerical Method. trapezoidal rule. 2. Solgebery. Pearson Education Ltd. by SS Sastry. multivariable optimization with inequality constraints. Jacobi methods for symmetric matrices. Applied Numerical Analysis. Optimization: basic concept of optimization. by Taha H Hamidi. interpolation with equidistant points. types of multistage decision problems. 4. derivatives from differences table. Gauss method. Reference Book(s): 1. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. classification of nonlinearprogramming problem. linear interpolation. Revindran. New Delhi 2. Milne’s method. error analysis. Romberg integration. solution by Lagrange-multipliers method. Engineering Optimization. New Delhi . Adam-Bashforth-Moultan method. principle of optimality. SRK Iyengar and RKJain. multivariable optimization. Prentice Hall of India. Prentice Hall of India. multivariable optimization. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Taylor’s series method. linear programming as a case of dynamic programming. by Curtis F Gerald & Patrick G Whealley. 3. Gauss-Jordan method. Interpolation and approximation: interpolation problem. coversion of nonserial system to a serial system. householder’s method for symmetric matrices. Newton interpolation. Kuhn-Tucker conditions Non-linear optimization: general non-linear programming problem. least square approximation Numerical differentiation and integration: differentiation of continuous functions. Each Question carry equal marks System of linear algebraic equations and Eigen value problems: elimination method. Wiley ISE 3. Operations Research. Operations Research. Eigen values and Eigen vectors. Runge-Kutta methods. quadratic programming Dynamic programming: Multistage decision process: representation of a multistage decision process.MT-TH 801A NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION LTP300 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Classical optimization techniques: unconstrained optimization single-variable optimization. New Age International Ltd. Simpson’s rule. higher order rules. higher-order derivatives. Euler and modified Euler method. by Philips. . Solution of Linear & Non-linear equation using MATLAB.MT-TH 504 Numerical Analysis and Computation Lab LTP 0-0-2 Introduction to MATLAB. Experiments based on syllabus of M 801A relevant to thermal engineering can be performed. 2. To determine natural convective heat transfer coefficient and to calculate and to plot variation of natural convective heat transfer coefficient along the vertical tube. 8.MT-TH 506 Heat & Mass transfer Lab L-T-P 0-0-2 Experiments based on syllabus of MT 505 & MT 502 can be done: 1. stainless pipe). To study and evaluate. 5. v/s time response of the three pipes(test pipe.copper pipe. To plot the temp. 3. copper pipe. Solar radiation. stainless pipe). 7. 4. . Study of pyranometer. To plot the temperature distribution along the length of test pipe . To demonstrate the super thermal conductivity of heat pipe. 6. Study of variation of emissivity of test plate with absolute temperature.performance of solar cell. topic. Marks to be decided on the basis of a mid-term and an end-semester presentation following the demonstration vis-vis the approved work plan. deliverables and work plan (in the preceding semester). . and an end-semester demonstration to Project Evaluation Committee. objectives. The topic should be of advanced standing requiring use of knowledge from programme core courses and be preferably hardware oriented.MT-TH 601 Minor Project L-T-P 0-0-10 Identification of faculty supervisor(s). Topic will have to be different from the major project. regular work during semester with weekly coordination meetings of about 1 hour duration with the faculty supervisor. Axial flow Compressor – Construction and operating principles – Stage Velocity triangles– Enthalpy Entropy diagram – stage losses and efficiency – Work done factor –Performance Characteristics.. McGraw-Hill.White. Basic concepts of Wind Turbines. CRC Press. Centrifugal Compressors – Construction and operation principle. 1998. elementary concept of three dimensional flow. 1964.M. 4.L. Wilson. Axial flow fans – construction and operation – types of stages – performance of fans – applications .M. Fluid Mechanics. New York. Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery. Wind tunnel testing. Gas Turbine Theory – Cohen Rogers .MT-TH 603 Turbo-Machinery L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all.. – Stage Velocity triangles – Enthalpy Entropy diagram – stage losses and efficiency – Slip factor – Performance Characteristics.Centrifugal fans and blowers – Construction and operation – types – fan stage parameters – drum type and partial flow fans – losses . Recapitulation of thermal turbines.Yahya – Tata McGraw-Hill company. T. Logan.Future trends.SaravanaMuttoo. Future trends. Configuration of modern steam and gas turbines. Books: 1. S. Classification of turbo machines. . NY. G. UK. D. Diagnostic monitoring. F. Theory of Turbomachines.. 2002 2. Review of flow through nozzle and diffuser. Velocity triangles. pressure distribution over a symmetrical and inclined airfoil. Principles of operation. 2000. Csanady. New York. 1999. McGraw-Hill.Wright. 1993. flow over immersed bodies.T.. New York. Axial flow steam and gas turbines. NY. 7. Fluid Mechanics. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Pergamon Press. The Design of High-Efficiency Turbomachinery and Gas Turbines. their types. Losses and efficiencies – performance characteristics. Losses and efficiency issues. Upper Saddle River. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction to Turbo machines. 8. NJ.. Dixon. E. Boca Raton.G. FL. Fluid Machinery. NY. Future trends in turbine practice. compounding.. and Korakianitis. T. Long man Publishing2004 3. 6. 5. Turbines Compressors and Fans – S. free and forced vortex Cascade theory. Special features of last stage and wet stages. Prentice Hall. Energy transfer in turbomachines. Marcel Dekker. Design of flow path. lift and drag coefficients. Blade technology – blade cascades and nomenclature.Oxford.. Inc. Turbomachinery. degree of reaction etc. MT-TH 602 Dissertation L-T-P 0-0-24 The students are required to undertake Analytical/Experimental investigations in fields of Thermal Engineering. The investigation they undertake should be innovative to the level of PG study. They would be working under the supervision of one faculty member. gaining knowledge and further research.MT-TH 605 Seminar L-T-P 0-0-4 Seminar on Advanced topics so as to provide a full exposure of the advanced topics of both currently running technologies and the ongoing research topics. . This must give students complete room for discussion. Applied Systems Analysis by R. Heat Gain Through Fenestrations.necessary and sufficiency conditions . Modelling overview. F.applications of energy analysis for selected energy system design.overview of econometric methods dynamic programming .examples of models. V. dynamic behavior of thermal systems Introduction to Piping Systems. Janna Elements of Thermal-Fluid System Design by L.levels and steps in model development . Jaluria Design Analysis of Thermal Systems by R. L-T-P 3-0-0 MT-TH 512 Heat Exchangers 1.constrained optimisation. Intro to Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. G. solution of set of nonlinear algebraic equations. Taylor Design of Fluid Thermal Systems by W. McGraw Hill. McGraw-Hill Companies. sensitivity analysis.information flow diagram. Objectives-constraints. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. 2. Economics Review. Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. regression analysis. Thermal Design and Optimization by A. 5. Introduction to economics.dead states and energy components-energy balance for closed and control volume systems . Burmeister Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems by Y. International Edition. Optimization.energy and environmental Input / Output analysis – energy aggregation – econometric energy demand modelling . 7. NPSH and Dimensional Analysis. Double Pipe Heat Exchangers. Arici and N. 1989 Analysis and Design of Energy Systems by B. Bejan. Suryanarayana.Equation/curve fitting. System simulation. John Wiley and Sons. K. Introduction to Solar Radiation. Flow Rate Measurement. Piping Systems.unconstrained problems . Newton Raphson . Principles of designing a workable engineering system. solar collectors.General Electives MT-TH 510 . Review of Radiation Heat Transfer. Pumps and Piping Systems. Optimum Economic Diameter. 6. Solar Flat-Plate Heat Exchangers Optimization of Thermal Systems. probabilistic approaches to design. Modelling of energy systems – heat exchanger. Modeling of thermal properties. Cross Flow Heat Exchangers. linear programming . S. Each Question carry equal marks Fluid Mechanics Review. 4. constrained variations. dynamic programming. search methods. Tsatsaronis and M. .examples of energy systems simulation. . calculus methods of optimization. Energy. Introduction to Thermal Systems Design.Economy Models: Multiplier analysis . turbo machinery components. Pumps in Series and Parallel Introduction to Heat Transfer Fundamentals.simplex tableau. O. rectifications. 1996. Introduction to Heat Exchangers (LMTD).search techniques . pivoting. Moran. 9. distillation. Effectiveness-NTU. Suryanarayana 8. successive substitution. refrigeration systems . Hodge and R. Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers. Parallel Piping Systems. geometric programming. modeling systems. Boehm Design and Simulation of Thermal Systems by N. Books: Design of Thermal Systems by W F Stoecker. Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs . lagrange multiplers. Primary energy analysis . steady state simulation. P. 1990.Design of Thermal Systems L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all.Univariate / Multivariate.LaGrange multipliers. de Neufville. problem formulation . system simulations. 3. Mathematical modeling. C. Heat exchangers: Selection. Kuppan. 2003. John Wiley & Sons. Tubular Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop. Quantitative Considerations.Selection Criteria Based on Operating Parameters. Shah & Dus an P. Interactions Among Design Considerations. Experimental Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlations for Complex Geometries. 2002. Selection of Heat Exchangers and Their Components .K. Tube-Fin Heat Exchangers.The P-NTU Method. Heat Exchanger Optimization. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Additional Considerations for Shell-and-Tube Exchangers. Size. Other Considerations. Shell-and-Tube Exchangers with Segmental Baffles. Plate Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop. Thermal and Hydraulic Design. Influence of Superimposed Radiation. P–NTU Relationships. Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers. Regenerator Pressure Drop. CRC Press MT-TH 514. Influence of Matrix Material. Heat Exchanger Design Problems.Hongtan Liu. Analytical and Semiempirical Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlations for Simple Geometries. The -NTU Method. Heat Exchangers . Manufacturing Considerations and Cost Estimates. Influence of Superimposed Free Convection. Comparison of the -NTU. 4. Heat Exchanger Variables and Thermal Circuit. The -NTUo Method. Influence of Longitudinal Wall Heat Conduction. Influence of Temperature-Dependent Fluid Properties. P–NTU.P2 Methods. General Selection Guidelines for Major Exchanger Types. Thermal Design Theory for Regenerators – Heat Transfer Analysis. Regenerators with Continuous Cylindrical Passages. Non-uniform Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients. Experimental Techniques for Determining Surface Characteristics. Sekulic. F Factors for Various Flow Arrangements. Plate Heat Exchangers.The -P and P1. Books: 1. Pressure Drop Associated with Fluid Distribution Elements. Tube-Fin Heat Exchangers. and Arrangement. Overview of Heat Exchanger Design Methodology – Process and Design Specifications. Optimum Design.ENERGY MANAGEMENT L-T-P 3-0-0 . The – Method. Each Question carry equal marks Classification of Heat Exchangers. Influence of Pressure and Carryover Leakages. Pressure Drop Presentation.The Mean Temperature Difference Method. Trade-off Factors. Influence of Transverse Wall Heat Conduction. Rating. and Thermal Design by SadikKakaç. and MTD Methods. Pressure Drop Dependence on Geometry and Fluid Properties. Additional Considerations for Thermal Design of Recuperators – Longitudinal Wall Heat Conduction Effects. Mechanical Design. Heat Exchanger Design Handbook by T.Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Extended Surface Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop. Dimensionless Groups. Fundamentals of heat exchanger design by R. InTech 2012. Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers. Surface Basic Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Characteristics – Basic Concepts. 3.Basics Design Applications – EditorJovan Mitrovic. Heat Exchanger Surface Geometrical Characteristics – Tubular Heat Exchangers. Basic Thermal Design Theory for Recuperators – Formal Analogy between Thermal and Electrical Entities. Effectiveness – Number of Transfer Unit Relationships. Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop Analysis – Introduction. 2. CRC Press. Correction Schemes for Temperature-Dependent Fluid Properties. Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers. AnchasaPramuanjaroenkij. Heat Exchanger Design Procedures – Fluid Mean Temperatures. Solution Methods for Determining Exchanger Effectiveness. Additional Considerations for Extended Surface Exchangers. Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers. Energy Consultant: Need of Energy Consultant – Consultant Selection Criteria. Process Industry.Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Role of Energy Manager in each of these organization. Financial Management by S. Energy Conservation: Technologies for Energy Conservation . Turner (Ed) 2.C. Commerce. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Characterization of an Investment Project – Types of Deprecication – Time Value of money – budget considerations. Organising and Managing Energy Management Programs Energy Audit: Definition and Concepts. .C. Methods of Evaluation of Projects : Payback – Annualised Costs – Investor’s Rate of return – Present worth – Internal Rate of Return – Pros and Cons of the common methods of analysis – replacement analysis. Initiating. Government.Koontz and Cyrill O Donnell 3. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction: Principles of Energy Management – Managerial Organization – Functional Areas for Manufacturing Industry. Energy Management Principles by CB Smith. Energy Management by W. Alternative Energy Sources: Solar Energy – Types of devices for Solar Energy Collection – Thermal Storage System – Control Systems-Wind Energy – Availability – Wind Devices – Wind Characteristics – Performance of Turbines and systems. Energy Management Hand book by W.Murthy and G. Economic Analysis: Scope.Mc Kay 5. Kuchhal 4. Risk Analysis.R. Management by H. Design for Conservation of Energy materials – energy flow networks – critical assessment of energy usage – formulation of objectives and constraints – synthesis of alternative options and technical analysis of options – process integration. Types of Energy Audits – Basic Energy Concepts – Resources for Plant Energy Studies – Data Gathering – Analytical Techniques. BOOKS : 1. Fluidized Bed Combustion – Advantages & Disadvantages. Multigeneration. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction – Sources of Energy.Programme Electives . Nuclear waste disposal.I MT-TH 516 . Gas Turbine Power Plant: Cogeneration. types of Power Plants. Jet & Surface Condensers. Analysis of Combustion gases. Cooling Towers. Combustion of Coal. A. Combustion Equipment. Methods to Control. Compounding of Turbines. Pollution – Types. Economics of Nuclear Power Plants. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions.P. 2006. Steam Turbines. CEGB Series (12 volumes) 3. Nuclear Reactors. Black & Veatch – Power Plant Engineering. Energy Sources in India. . Steam Condensers. M Dwivedi – Power Plant Engineering. Temperature measurement and Flow measurement. Water Treatment. Modern Coal-fired Steam Power Plants. Steam Power Plants: Introduction – General Layout of Steam Power Plant.K. 2006. Ash handling.THERMAL AND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Nuclear Power Plants in India. IGCC Power Plants. Springer. 2. Future of Nuclear Power. Steam Generators: Types. Power Plant Instrumentation: Classification. Nuclear Power Plants Safety: By-Products of Nuclear Power Generation. Pressure measuring instruments. Waste-Heat Recovery. Dust Collectors. Combined cycle Power Plants. Power Plant cycles. Volumetric Analysis. Feed water heaters. Recent developments in Power Generation. Classification – Types of Reactors. Direct Energy Conversion System. El Wakil. Gravimetric Analysis. New Age Publishers. Site Selection. Raja. M. Performance of Boilers. Analysis. Flue gas Analysis. Power Plant Technology – M. Supercritical and Ultra-supercritical power plants. Accessories. Methods of fuel enrichment – Uranium and thorium. Fuel handling. Nuclear Power Plants: Recapitulation of relevant topics of Nuclear Physics. Srivastava. A. BOOKS: 1. Introduction to fusion. 4. Pulverizing properties of coal – air system for pulverization. Boilers – Type. Ganapathy.MT-TH 518 – STEAM GENERATOR TECHNOLOGY L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. DESIGN OF BOILER FURNACE . Industrial Boilers.al. water wall arrangement.oil burners – design of supply system – oil atomiser – air register – design principles. material issues. David Gunn. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. air preheater . superheater. dry-out load.General design principles – flame emissivity.Design of economizer. distribution of heat load in furnace. Marcel Dekker Ink.Buecker-Steam Generation Chemistry.Tangential fired burners – basics and design methods . McGraw Hill Publishers. DESIGN OF CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER SURFACE . Longman Scientific and Technical Publication. Characteristics and Functions. water wall circuitry. DESIGN OF BURNERS . Robert Horton. 2. Springer. heat transfer calculation for pulverised coal boiler furnace. DESIGN OF COAL PREPARATION SYSTEM . reheater. Books: 1. STEAM GENERATORS FOR SUPERCRITRICAL POWER PLANTS – Furnace sizing and layout. Boilers and Burners – Design and Theory. 4. Each Question carry equal marks INTRODUCTION .Boilers – classification – basic design steps – fuel stoichiometry calculations – enthalpy calculation of air and combustion products. Prabir Basu. heat balance. Springer 6. Carl Schields. 5. 1986. furnace emissivity. Cen Kefa et. V. Pennwell . 2000. size reducing machines – design of coal preparation system for pulverised coal boilers – fuel feeding arrangements. 3. Donatello Annaratone-Steam Generators. main steam and reheat temperature control.temperature control insuperheater and reheater. 1982. Industrial Boilers and Heat Recovery Steam Generators. B. 2003. Life Cycle analysis. Net energy analysis. Wind driven roto-dynamic pumps. Pressure plate anemometer.MT-TH 520. Induction generator. Safety brakes. Pay back period.Wind Engineering & Technology L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Noise emission. Offshore wind farms. Matching the turbine with wind regime. Dynamic loading of the pump’s lift rod. Weibull distribution. Sonic anemometer. Pressure tube anemometers. Time variation. Cost of wind energy: Initial investment. Rotor Performance Analysis of Wind regimes – The wind. Basics of Wind Energy Conversion – Power available in the wind spectra. Synchronous generator. Energy parameters. Brendan Fox. Measurement of Wind – Ecological indicators. Weibull based approach. Springer 2. Rayleigh distribution. Reyleigh based approach. Rayleigh based approach. Double acting pump. Incentives and exemptions. Limitations of wind driven piston pumps. Wind energy and Environment – Environmental Benefits of wind energy. Anemometers: Cup anemometer. Capacity factor. Aerodynamics of wind turbines. Tax deduction due to investment depreciation. Wind pumps – Wind powered piston pumps. Benefit cost ratio. Machine parameters. Turbulence. Propeller anemometer. Performance of wind powered pumping systems.& Tech. Statistical models for wind data analysis. Environmental problems of wind energy. Mismatch between the rotor and pump characteristics. Sathyajith Mathew. Classification of Wind turbines. Grid integration. Instititution of Engg. Wind electric pumping systems. Analysis of wind data – Average wind speed. Distribution of wind velocity. Power regulation. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction – History of wind energy. Current status and future prospects. Characteristics of wind rotors.Wind Energy. Energy estimation of wind regimes – Weibull based approach. Performance of wind energy conversion systems – Power curve of the wind turbine. Rotor. et al. Wind driven piston pumps. . Wind Farms. Yardsticks of economic merits: Net present value. Fixed and variable speed operations. Books: 1. The hysteresis effect. Visual impact Economics of wind energy – Factors influencing the wind energy economics. Acceleration effect. Internal rate of return. Site specific factors. Wind direction. Operation and maintenance costs. Avian issues. Energy generated by the wind turbine. Present value of annual costs. Life cycle emission. Wind electric pumps. Wind turbine power and torque. Gear Box. Wind Energy Conversion System – Wind electric generators: Tower. Benefits of wind energy. Wind driven roto-dynamic pumps. Rotor Design. The ‘present worth’ approach. Generator. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions.Wind Power Integration. energy intensive industry – an overview . production. Hamies. energy performance contract and role of ETCOS. power plants. role of energy manager – energy audit questionnaire – energy conservation act. energy economics – discount rate. . Industrial Energy Management and Utilization.Energy Conservation L-T-P. methodologies. electric motors. capacitors. financing.Programme Elective .energy conservation and energy efficiency – needs and advantages. 1997. Energy Auditing and Conservation. R.Importance of energy management. R.. Books : 1. 5. energy conservation potential – various industries and commercial. THERMAL ENERGY AUDITING-Energy audit – purpose. K. Each Question carry equal marks INTRODUCTION. 4. Management and Case Study. life cycle costing risk and sensitivity analysis. P. wind and diesel power generation – KVA demand estimation – wheeling and banking concept – EB bill detailing. Energy Management.. Hemisphere. 1981.II MT-TH 607 . payback period. Energy Management Principles. 2. Cumulative sum of differences (CUSUM).3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. barriers. Larry C. New Delhi. and Jolka. TERI. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF ELECTRICALUTILITIES Principle – types – performance evaluation of transformers. Hemisphere Publishers. establishments. 2001. internal rate of return.Captive power generation systems – biomass. Common Wealth Publication. energy auditing – types. ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS . ENERGY MANAGEMENT . Pergamon Press. data and information analysis techniques – energy consumption. basics of monitoring and targeting – elements of monitoring and targeting. New York. Trivedi. electrical heating and lighting systems.Energy scenario – India and world – energy resources availability in India – energy consumption – pattern. CB Smith. methodology with respect to process industries. 1998. energy distribution . – characteristic method employed in certain energy intensive industries –various energy conservation measures in steam systems – losses in boiler – methodology of upgrading boiler programme – energy conservation in refrigeration and airconditioning systems. boilers etc. 1980. Measurements. Write. Methods. Handbook on Energy Efficiency.cable selection and cable losses. Washington. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. 3. Washington. New Delhi. PV for Schools. PV System Testing Rules. Solar Trajectory.Dimensional Conduction heat Transfer in a Rectangular Coordinate. PV Balance of Systems. Generation and Recombination. Operation. Cash Sales. Energy Bands.Dimensional Conduction heat Transfer in a Cylindrical Coordinate. Tracking Systems. Cell Physics. Lead-Acid Battery Characteristics. Dynamic Systems. Plate Grids. Water Demand. Determination of Battery Failure.SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Pumping Requirements. The PV Array. 7. R Foster.M. Economic Factors. Real Body Radiation. Thermal Resistance Circuits. 3. Charge Controller Terminology. Crystal Structure. Photovoltaic System Sizing and Design – Introduction. Photovoltaic (PV) Applications – Introduction. Tariffs and Payment. Transport. 5. Japanese PV Development and Applications. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Efficiency. Surface Property. Introduction to Thermodynamics – The First Law of Thermodynamics. Battery Maintenance. and Maintenance. Grid-Tied PV. Current Research. Stand-Alone PV Applications. Future Japanese Trends.Earth Geometric Relationship. Program Implementation. Solar Energy System Sizing. Sustainability. Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation. Solar Irrigation Case Study. One. Direct and Indirect Band-Gap Materials. Measurement of Terrestrial Solar Radiation. Economic Feasibility. Types of Motors Used with Solar Pumps. Operation and Maintenance of the Systems. Equation of Time. Photovoltaic Conversion Systems – Solar Benefits. PV Water–Pumping: Static Head. A Cota – Solar Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment. The p-n Junction. Solar Water Pumping System Sizing. Electrons and Holes. Solar Thermal Systems and Applications – Introduction.MT-TH 609. Charge Controller Algorithms. Economics – Cost of Solar Energy. . One. Cell Applications. Charge Controller Selection Criteria. Radiation Heat Transfer. M Ghassemi. Grounding and Lightning Protection for Solar Water Pumps. Externalities. Sun. Life Cycle Cost. Water Pumping Example. PV for Protected Areas. Solar Resource Sizing Considerations. Terrestrial Insolation on Titled Collectors. Battery Problem Areas. Stakeholders. Books: 1. Battery Selection Criteria. Characterizations. Conduction Heat Transfer. Solar Tracking for Solar Water Pumps. Electromagnetic Radiation. PV Water-Pumping Results. Generic Water Pump Sizing Methodology. Electrical Codes for PV System Design. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction to Solar Energy – Renewable Energy Solutions. Solar Collectors. PV System Safety. PV Array Tilt. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Institutional Models for Solar Energy Dissemination. The Third Law of Thermodynamics. Management and Ownership. Present Value and Levelized Costs. Other Critical Issues. 4. Lead–Acid Battery Operation. Institutional Issues – Introduction. Structure of the Sun. Convection Heat Transfer. Energy Storage – Introduction. Electrons and Their Energy. Basic Module Electrical Concepts. El Wakil 8. Installation. Pumping Mechanisms Used for Solar Pumps. PV Arrays. 6. Solar Constant. Terrestrial Solar Radiation. Global Solar Resource Solar Resource – Introduction. Annualized Cost of energy. Blackbody Radiation. Fundamentals of Engineering: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer – Introduction. Solar Energy System Sizing Considerations. Batteries in PV Systems. Principles of solar engineering – Kreith and Kerider Solar energy thermal processes – Duffie and Beckman Solar energy – Sukhatme Solar energy – RD Garg Solar energy – Magal Solar energy – Tiwari and Suneja Power plant technology – M. Battery Safety Precautions. PV System Utility. Storage of Water versus Storage of energy in Batteries. CRC Press. Lead–Acid Battery Construction. System Installation. 2. Pump Selection. Solar Cell Equations. Solar Spectral Distribution. Photovoltaic Cells – Introduction. Solar Pump Controllers. Institutional Considerations. Stand –Alone PV Lighting Design Example. Solar Thermal Systems. Economic Analysis. Doping. plate heat exchangers. Horlock. design considerations . 1983... fuel cell.Investment cost – economic concepts. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS. location. Thermodynamics and Economics. heat pumps. Charles H. COGENERATION TECHNOLOGIES. Lee SS EDS. Institute of Fuel. 3. Stirling engines. procedure for economic analysis. 4. Air Polllution Control Engineering. rural sector. impacts of cogeneration plants – fuel. Waste Heat Recovery.COGENERATION AND WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all. Sengupta Subrata. examples. Industrial sector.waste heat boilers classification.MT-TH 611. regenerators. 1995. measures of economic performance.Selection criteria for waste heat recovery technologies – recuperators. Chapman and Hall Publishers. Oxford. 1984.Heat and Power. London. ISSUES AND APPLICATIONS OF COGENERATION TECHNOLOGIES.fluidized bed heat exchangers. Second Edition. Butler. Each Question carry equal marks INTRODUCTION-Introduction . absorption systems. Books : 1. thermic fluid heaters .principles of thermodynamics . Hemisphere. procedure for optimized system selection and design – load curves . 1987. combined cycle. electricity and environment. . Washington. WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS. 2001. De Nevers. New York. London. McGraw Hill Book Co. Noel. organic Rankine cycle – performance indices of cogeneration systems – waste heat recovery – sources and types – concept of regeneration. 1963. regulatory and financial frame work for cogeneration andwaste heat recovery systems. 5.cycles-topping. Cogeneration. JH. Cogeneration . covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. EDUCOGEN – The European Educational tool for cogeneration. 2. combined cycles cogeneration systems – advanced cogeneration systems. economizers.sensitivity analysis. bottoming. McGrawHill. gas turbine cogeneration systems.Configuration and thermodynamic performance – steam turbine cogeneration systems. building sector. Waste Heat Utilization and Management. 6. heat pipe exchangers. service conditions.Cogeneration plantselectrical interconnection issues – applications of cogeneration inutility sector. reciprocating IC engines cogeneration systems. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction to Numerical Methods . Yeoh.III MT-TH 613 – COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all.Pressure and Velocity Corrections – Pressure Velocity Coupling SIMPLE & SIMPLER (revised algorithm) Algorithm. 2. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. 3. Patankar (Hemisphere Pub.J. Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods – Classification of Partial Differential Equations – Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations – Direct and Iterative Approaches Finite difference methods: Taylor’s series – FDE formulation for 1D and 2D steady state heat transfer problems – Cartesian. W.Prgramme Elective.K. Large Eddy Simulation and RANS Models Compressible Flows: Introduction . Frank Chorlton. Versteeg. Cambridge University Computaional Fluid Dynamics – A Practical Approach – Tu. House) An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics – FVM Method – H. BOOKS: 1. cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems – boundary conditions – Un steady state heat conduction – Errors associated with FDE . Peric (Springer) Computational Fluid Dynamics. CBS Publishers . Liu (Elsevier) Text Book of Fluid Dynamics.Staggered Grid as Remedy for representation of Flow Field . Malalasekhara (PHI) Computational Fluid Dynamics – Anderson (TMH) Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics – Ferziger. T. 4. 8.Finite Difference.Explicit Method – Stability criteria – Implicit Method – Crank Nickolson method – 2-D FDE formulation – ADI – ADE Finite Volume Method: Formation of Basic rules for control volume approach using 1D steady heat conduction equation – Interface Thermal Conductivity .Pressure.V. Turbulent Flows: Direct Numerical Simulation. 6. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer – Muralidharan&Sundarajan (Narosa Pub) Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow – S. Parabolic and Hyperbolic Equations applied to fluid flow – Governing Equations of Flow and Heat transfer – Steady 1D Convection Diffusion – Discretization Schemes and their assessment – Treatment of Boundary Conditions Calculation of Flow Field: Vorticity & Stream Function Method . 5. 7.Extension of General Nodal Equation to 2D and 3D Steady heat conduction and Unsteady heat conduction FVM to Convection and Diffusion: Concept of Elliptic. Chung. Velocity and Density Coupling. Ghosal.. Biological Energy Resources / Malcolm Flescher & Chrris Lawis 4.Survey of Energy Resources – Classification – Need for NonConventional Energy Resources. Deuterium cycle – condition for controlled Fusion. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Renewable Energy Resources / John Twidell & Tony Weir 3. Tides – Diurnal and Semi – Diurnal Nature – Power from Tides. Bio-Energy – Biomass Energy Sources – Plant Productivity.K. Direct Energy Conversion: Fuel cells. Energy from Oceans -Tidal Energy. Solar Energy Applications: Solar water Heating. Biomass Wastes – Aerobic and Anaerobic bio-conversion processes – Raw Materials and properties of Bio-gas-Bio-gas plant Technology and Status – The Energetics and Economics of Biomass Systems – Biomass gasification. Geothermal Energy: Structure of Earth – Geothermal Regions – Hot springs – Hot Rocks – Hot Aquifers – Analytical Methods to estimate Thermal Potential – Harnessing Techniques – Electricity Generating Systems. Thermo electric and Thermionic Power Generation Nuclear Fusion: Fusion – Fusion Reaction.MT-TH 615. Wind Energy-Wind – Beaufort number – characteristics – wind energy conversion systems – types – Betz model – Interference Factor – Power Coefficient – Torque Coefficient and thrust coeff. Renewable Energy Resources – Basic Principles and Applications – G. Hydrogen gas a Fuel – Production methods – Properties – I. MHD power generation. Kenneth-Weston. Fundamentals of Energy Conversion . space heating – active and passive heating – energy storage – selective surface – solar stills and ponds – solar refrigeration – photovoltaic generation . Fuel Cells and Photovoltaic –Thermionic and Thermoelectric Generation – MHD Generator. Ocean Thermal Energy : principles – Heat Exchangers – Pumping requirements – Practical Considerations. BOOKS: 1. Engines Applications – Utilization Strategy – Performances. Solar Energy: The Sun – Sun-Earth Relationship – Basic matter to waste heat energy circuit – Solar radiation – Attention – Radiation measuring instruments. Each Question carry equal marks Introduction – Energy Scenario .Lift machines and drag machines – matching – electricity generation. Wave Energy .Tiwari and M. Narosa Pub 2.P-P Cycle carbon Cycle.NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY RESOURCES Maximum marks:100 L-T-P 3-0-0 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all.N.C. Waves – Theoretical Energy Available – Calculation of period and phase velocity of waves – wave power systems – submerged devices. Energy-Economy-Environment Linkages.W. Integrated Assessment of Energy and Environment: Framework and Models.Bukhootsow. 6. Principles of Energy Conversion: A. Energy Policy and Planning : B. Energy for a sustainable world: Jose Goldenberg. Issues for Developing Countries-Sustainable Development. 5. Climate Change Negotiations: Perspectives. . World Energy Resources : Charles E. Policies and Measures for Long-term Energy and Environment Issues.Parikh. Criteria for Economic Growth. Positions and Status.) 8.N. Local Environmental Concerns. Climate Change: Assessment of and Vulnerability. Concepts of Environment Economics. Energy Security and Regional Cooperation. 3.ENERGY ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT POLICY L-T-P 3-0-0 Maximum marks:100 Time: 3 hrs Note : In the Semester Examinations the examiner will set 8 questions in all.BEE Reference book: no. covering the entire syllabus and the student will be required to attempt only 5 questions. Renewable Energy: Issues. Energy-Efficiency and New Energy Technologies.MT-TH 617 . Culp (McGraw Hill International edition. Prospects and Policies Books: 1. Issues. Robert Williams (Wiley Eastern). Environmental Externalities Technological Options-Technology. Emissions Inventories: Assessment and Policy Relevance. Modeling approach to long term demand and energy implication : J. Each Question carry equal marks Energy and Environment Basic Issues. Bottom-up Energy System Models and Applications. Concepts of Energy Economics.Overview of Global and Local Energy and Environment Scenario and Policy Issues. TEDDY Year Book Published by Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI). Impacts and Adaptation measures for Energy Systems. Rural Energy Issues. Springer2002. Global and Local Environmental Issues-Overview of Global Climate Change. Reforms and Long-term Trends. Analysis Methodologies-Energy and Environment Scenarios and Models: Structures and Classifications. ‘International Energy Outlook’ -EIA annual Publication 7. Incentives for Developing Country Participation.K.Reddy.K. Brown. 2. Top-Down Energy-Economy Models and Applications. A. Clean Development Mechanism. 4. Indian Power Sector: Status. Thomas Johansson. Energy and Environment Policies from Urban and Rural perspectives.1/2/3/4.
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