16630071 Unigraphics Interview Question a Ire

April 4, 2018 | Author: Sandeep Chauhan | Category: Technical Drawing, Geometry, Space, Mathematics, Computing And Information Technology



UNIGRAPHICS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS• Questioner 1) What is NX? NEXT 2) What are the versions of UG? -UG-18,NX/2, NX/3,NX/4,NX/5 3) How many types of modeling are in UG? -Solid, Surfacing, sheet metal, 4) How many types of co-ordinate system are in UG? -WCS, CSYS,MCS 5) Which is better option to mirror- Instance or Transform? –Mirror-instance: its associative. 6) How to remove parameters, by keeping model intact and how to retrieve it back? -Edit->feature->remove parameter. 7) How to find center of gravity of the model? -Analysis->mass property 8) How to modify model created in inches to millimeters? -Go to dos command in NX- ug_convert_part –in <file name> 9) How to create your own user-defined symbol? -File ->utility->create custom symbol. 10) How do you represent weld in part model. 11) What are the necessary things to be incorporated in complete final drawing? 12) How do you confirm whether the sketch is fully constrained / parts in assembly are fully mated? -Message shows in que line. 13) Tell some options of section in freeform features? -End-apex-shoulder , End-slopes-shoulder , fillet-shoulder ,three-point-arc, Ends-apex-rho,five-points. 14) What is the use of simple in thru curve? When using the Simple option, the tolerance values (Distance Tolerance and Angle Tolerance) are ignored. By requesting a simple surface, you are asking that the generating curves be refit to reflect the degree and segmentation of the template. The system does the best refit it can to those constraints and builds the surface directly from the refitted curves. 15) What is the use of reducing patches in surfacing? 16) What is the use of spine in thru curve mesh and swept? -Shape controls. 17) Which are the options in fff to which we r defining spine 18) What are the maximum strings that we can use in thrucurve, thru curve mesh, swept? -thrucurve, thru curve mesh -150 , swept-3, 19) How to reduce the no of decimal places of dimensions that appear in information window? -preference<sketch<decimal places 20) What is dual dimensioning? -It shows combine mm & inches 21) What does parametric modeling mean? -Its Editable,associative 22) How do you taper 1/4th of a face? 23) What is the use of associative point in sketch? -To control the sketch. 24) How to change the profile of sketch with out deleting any entities? Prepared by: Prudvi Raj faces.close file. Drafting.Edges. 29) What is the use of Wave geometry linker? -Used for linking of two bodies. 46) In which option we can remove faces? 47) What is the use of removing parameters? -To covert into unparametric .Positioning dimensions let you position a sketch in relation to external objects -Used for given dimension from ref. Catia. Unbounded. 37) Explain term “bi-directional associativity” b/w drafting and modeling? 38) What is the meaning of G0. 56) What are the types of Miters UG? Prepared by: Prudvi Raj . Tracking Bar. G1. 40) What is the Use of giving GD&T to solid Model compare to Drafting 41) What are the changes between UG18 and UGNX series? 42) What is the use of Model parameter in Drafting? 43) What we can do with Gateway application? Open file. Tell me the comparisons between UG.UNIGRAPHICS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS -By the use of Geometrical constaint. 25) Can we transform a plane? . body. and G2 in surface modeling? GOG1G239) If u know. Pro/E.prt. 30) What is the use of Zones? 31) What is the use of Direct Modeling? 32) What is the use of Envelopes? 33) How to check time taken to complete the project? 34) What is diametric view how many are there? 35) How to build custom Templates? 36) What is inter part modeling and inter part expressions? -Used for linking of two part object. 28) What is the use of positioning in sketch? . 44) What is the extension file for UG Assembly. Angle Increment.. and Manufacturing? . Parallel options. and AutoCAD etc. 48) What is the use of simplifying curve? -Insert->curve from curve->simplify 49) What is the advantage of constructing splines with less degree? 50) What is the maximum degree of splines in UG? -All splines are limited to a degree of 24 51) What is the meaning of Point of Inflation in splines? 52) How to represent Brake line dimension? 53) What is Actual or Basic dimension? 54) How to represent reference dimension? 55) What are line types in UG? -Point Method.No 26) What is use of overflows? 27) What is use of examine geometry? -Used for checking of object. trim. of other object eg-hole on block. 45) Which is the alternate method for Unite and Subtract? -Sew. Law curve. Faceted Representation. Left. Timestamp. 24. Isometric. 34. 19. 36.UNIGRAPHICS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 57) What is the geometry output by iges? 58) What are translators? Name few Translators. -IGES. 20. 64) What is the advantage of Beziers surfaces in manufacturing? 65) Tell me the Applications of Wave Engineering? What is advantages of Wave • 1. parasolid. 29.Preferences->Drafting->view->unmark delay update view. segments. 28. EXPLAIN:Gateway B-surface. 5. 3. Global Shaping. Attributes. 17. Pattern and group features.Why Master model Consept Non-master part How to Display Detailed Threading in Drafting Name Some Utility Symbols How Many Number Of Icons in Preference Annotation How to Create User Defined Views How to convert Block to Sphere Give Dimensions For U Slot in UG Prepared by: Prudvi Raj . 23. to model View Dependent Edit Can it is possible to link Geometry to Model from Drafting or Vice versa Feature Model parameters How to represent Hole Dia & Cylindrical Dia Product outline. 63) What are the types of Views in UG? -Trimeric. etc. 27. 14. jpeg. 37. isolate Component Part List. Use Of view Operation origin How to draw Dimensions. 15. Poles.STEP214. Anchor point or apex point Macro. 35. Ordinate Dimension. 4. 22. 18. 7. 32. 8. annotations. Right. 21. 31. udf. 62) Did you come across Out of Date in UG? Than how to solve that Problem . 26. 12. 6. 30. Top. 10. 9. knots How to check Deviations What is the use of Assembly wait managament How to check interference in assembly What is the use of Delay interpart Update Heal Geometry Extention Files for Dxf/Dwg. 59) By which option of translators we will get solid body? 60) How to check manual dimensions in UG? 61) Information>other>object specification>dimention with manual text -Analysis->Distance. Bottom. Front. Types Of Dimensioning Types of Constraints How many types layers. 25. Back.STEP203. Visible in view. 2. 16. 13. 33. iges. 11. Wcs & Absolute Parasolid Tell any 2 Web render images Layer Selectable and Visible only Insert Annotations & preference Annotation in drafting Reference sets and Layers Prepared by: Prudvi Raj . Diff between parametric and associative What is the diff between parametric and arc length alignment in fff What is the diff. Quilt and Sew. Planar view and pictorial view Studio surface and through surface Thicken sheet and Sew. 44. 41. Smooth edges Wave. Sheet from curves and Bounded plane. 42. 49. Sketch with 0 constraints and fully constrained. Cubic and Quantic. WCS rotate. Between User defined Symbel in insert Drafting & Insert Anotation Edge blend and Face blend and Soft blend. Part families and User-Defined features. • Master Model Concept. 46. Area using Solids & Wait Management Diff between wave link Geometry and Assembly navigator Wave Wave link geometry and Promotion bodies. Difference: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) B-curve and B-spline Single segment and multisegments in spline Replace view and orient view Swept and Sweep along guide. Diff. RPO BOM Knowledge Fusion. 43. Patch and Trim. Iso-parametric and Isocline curves. Planar surface and B-surface. 50. between ruled and thru curve? What is the advantage of reducing number Of patches in surfaces Blank and Layer. 48. Through points and through poles. 39.UNIGRAPHICS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 38. Material Properties. Grip. Part Cleanup. between Slot & Hole && Hole & Cylindrical Pocket Diff. Smart Models. 45. Curve and String. Interoperate. dynamics and orient. Drafting and Detailing. PLM. 47. NURBS. swept and lofted surface class-A surface Class-B surface Curve and Form extract. PDM I-MAN. 40. CAD engineer and Design engineer.UNIGRAPHICS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) Emboss and Coin Flange and General Flange Sequencing and Assembly mating conditions Clone Assembly and ordinary Assembly Top Down Assembly and Bottom Up Assembly Breakout & Broken View Load as saved and from directry U-FUNC and Grip. IGES and STEP. Third angle projection and first angle projection Prepared by: Prudvi Raj .
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