
March 25, 2018 | Author: Vivek Padhye | Category: Planets In Astrology, Ancient Science, Astrology, Esoteric Cosmology, Divination



Srigaruda.com: a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...http://www.srigaruda.com/wordpress/jaimini-sjc/2007/05/13/mixed-di... Home About Consultations Books Articles Jaimini SJC Mantra Links Glossary A Vedic Astrology resource based in Frederiksberg, Denmark: devoted to the teaching and practice of Vedic Astrology. mixed discussions A mixed discussion on various topics: o Lagna and appearance o Argala and placement of planets o Importance of fifth house o Bhojana prasna Mixed discussions: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download Posted in 2007, Basic principles, Jaimini SJC, Other | RSS 2.0 21 Responses to “mixed discussions” 1. Puneet Says: May 14th, 2007 at 12:43 am Hi Visti How do you know if an event happens in a particular day or nakshatra that it will repeat or happen again? Is it by the nakshatra or yog?? And how to deduce when repeat event can happen again? I’m thinking along lines of say punarvasu nakshatra where “punah” means “again”. My thinking may be ungrounded, I’m not sure so wanted to post it for your reply. Hope you have some time to shed some light. Thanks, Puneet 2. Visti Larsen Says: May 14th, 2007 at 9:40 am हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Puneet, Namaskar. Your thinking is not completely ungrounded. Events happening on certain nakshatras can indicate whether the problem will end quickly, after some time or not at all. This is especially important when it comes to disease. In the Bhavisya Purana Kausika Muni instructs on which nakshatras carry which traits when it comes to disease. 1 af 7 18-03-2009 21:27 Srigaruda.com: a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i... http://www.srigaruda.com/wordpress/jaimini-sjc/2007/05/13/mixed-di... The issue here is that one needs to know the starting nakshatra for the disease, and not the starting nakshatra for its manifestation.. this is a predicament that requires a deeper insight into Prasna. Yours sincerely, Visti. 3. Venkatesh Says: May 15th, 2007 at 9:56 am JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, Did the Malavya Mahapurusa yoga work during the Venus Moola dasa? Can Moola dasa be used to time the working of these yogas? Can budi gati dasa used for the life long and all events because of graha malika yoga? Thanks, S.Venkatesh 4. Visti Larsen Says: May 15th, 2007 at 7:33 pm हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar. When Grahamalika yoga occurs, then this will dominate fully. All the planets will follow those grahas beginning and ending the yoga, and thus any yogas you find will all be colored by the grahamalika yoga. So forget all the other yogas and dasas and focus on those beginning and ending the mala. Yes, Budhi Gati dasa is used lifelong because of the Mala. Yours sincerely, Visti. 5. Venkatesh Says: May 16th, 2007 at 6:47 am JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, Now i am in Jupiter Bdhi Gati Dasa.I am unable to corelate my life events with this dasa starting from Mars continued by Sun and Mercury.Please help me. Thanks, S.Venkatesh 6. Venkatesh Says: May 18th, 2007 at 10:15 am JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, My recorded birth time is 20.40.I corrected it by using Janma Vighti Graha,Kunad and pranapada to 20.37.27. I request to kindly rectify it by using 2 af 7 18-03-2009 21:27 Srigaruda.com: a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i... http://www.srigaruda.com/wordpress/jaimini-sjc/2007/05/13/mixed-di... Shastiamsa(D60). Thanks, S.Venkatesh 7. Visti Larsen Says: May 19th, 2007 at 5:14 pm हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar. When a discussion on Graha Malika yoga comes we can discuss it. In the meantime i would expect you to go through the past shastyamsa classes on this website. Yours sincerely, Visti. 8. Anna Says: May 28th, 2007 at 11:01 pm Dear Visti, Where can we read more on this nakshatra ’speed’ signification, lenght of n. duration/if not from you? LOL! Thank You so much, in advance, Anna 9. Venkatesh Says: May 29th, 2007 at 6:47 am JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, From the following statements in the Lord Rama chart,Jupiter aspects Mars but Saturn in kendra to Jupiter and simillarly Pt.Sanjay chart also rahu is in kendra to Jupiter,so what is the impact of that malefic is in kendra to benefic/Jupiter and how far it blocks the aspect benefit “Jupiter & ninth lord help /protect. A natural benefic in the ninth or ninth Lord in strength in a quadrant or Jupiter in Lagna/aspecting Lagna are a few of the combinations for protection. If malefic are in quadrant to them, they will strongly block the efficacy”. Thanks, S.Venkatesh 10. Visti Larsen Says: June 3rd, 2007 at 11:06 pm हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar Paraspara karaka is the principle. Planets in 4th/10th from each other are supposed to work together… how easy this is depends on the sambandha between these planets. Yours, Visti. 11. Venkatesh Says: June 13th, 2007 at 10:17 am JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, 3 af 7 18-03-2009 21:27 Srigaruda.com: a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i... http://www.srigaruda.com/wordpress/jaimini-sjc/2007/05/13/mixed-di... Your chart has GMY,but you used Vimsottari successfully in the parivartna.pdf,shall Budhi Gati dasa not applicable to the mala in your chart? Thanks, Venkatesh 12. Visti Larsen Says: June 13th, 2007 at 7:22 pm हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar Correction, I have Kala Amrita Yoga. Instead Kala Chakra Dasa should be used… But everyone can use Vimshottari dasa. Yours, Visti 13. Dinesh Says: June 14th, 2007 at 7:57 am Respected visti jee Pranam You have told me i have parvajya yoga and even it is true that i am not against marriage in my life as You have said and i have aim to earn money and fame through good works .i like to work in field of computer so please kindly help me to remove form confusion that can i do good in material world ?. i am Leo ascendant with following planet there Ketu (2:03) in leo in 1st house Mercury(2:56) in leo 1st house Moon(3:42) in leo 1st house Mars(6:00) in leo 1st house Venus(18:22) in leo 1st house Ascendant in 20:37 in leo sign Saturn (R) 14:46 in sagitarrius in 5th house Rahu in Aquarius 2:05 in 7th house Jupiter in gemini (AL) in 6:56 in 11th house Sun in cancer in 17:02 in 12th house with Libra ascendant in navamsa with venus in 12th house of debillation.moon 10th lord exalted in 8th house conjoined with mars 7th lord and mercury and ketu in 7th house 14. Venkatesh Says: June 14th, 2007 at 11:08 am JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, 1.Without nodes GMY starts with Mars and ends with Venus like Jawharlal Nehru chart. 2.In the Vimsottari dasa variation what is the rule for Utpanna star Vimsottari dasa? Thanks, Venkatesh 15. Visti Larsen Says: June 15th, 2007 at 4:08 pm 4 af 7 18-03-2009 21:27 Srigaruda.com: a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i... http://www.srigaruda.com/wordpress/jaimini-sjc/2007/05/13/mixed-di... हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar 1. Even in Nehrus chart, we should apply the rules for KSY/KAY to the chart, as this is dominating over the GMY… when you ask who is king in the chart, then surely with the presence of KSY that is the dominating effect of the chart. 2. People say that when Moon is in 3rd or 11th (some say upachaya) then use Utpanna Dasa. Yours sincerely, Visti 16. Venkatesh Says: June 21st, 2007 at 6:44 am JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, In my chart due to exchange between Mars and Rahu,Can Rahu will start the GMY? Thanks, Venkatesh 17. Visti Larsen Says: June 21st, 2007 at 9:14 am हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar Rahu is not starting the GMY, but he is letting his presence be felt in it due to the Parivartana with the initiating planet Mars. Do see my reply in the parivartana-thread. Yours, Visti 18. Usha Says: August 23rd, 2007 at 3:41 pm Your children’s career, especially the career of your first child, is seen in 10th-from-5th dhana bhava. (Also see 10th-from-L5, and second house within saptamsha.) Sir, Vistiji Namaskar, i read this and want to understand and know based on the above, Could you please look up and let me know what will be my first child’s career. i’am layman in reading charts but i read a lot and try to understand. i will be ever gratefull if you could lead me Thanks my DOB NOVEMEBR 7TH 1962, 10PM HYDERABAD. 19. Venkatesh Says: September 17th, 2007 at 12:17 pm JAI SRIRAM Dear Visti, How is the nakshatra lord of a planet should be used in timing the results? Thanks, 5 af 7 18-03-2009 21:27 Srigaruda.com: a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i... http://www.srigaruda.com/wordpress/jaimini-sjc/2007/05/13/mixed-di... Venkatesh 20. Usha Says: September 28th, 2007 at 3:10 pm Respected Sir Vistiji, i come here everyday, hoping you would interpret my query, Regards Usha 21. Visti Larsen Says: September 28th, 2007 at 9:47 pm हरे राम क ण॥ ृ Dear Usha and Venkatesh, Namaskar Usha I’m happy that you are so diligent in seeking the answers to your queries. If only I had time for each and every question on this site. Now some are misusing this service to ask personal questions and aren’t keen on learning Jyotish at all. For this reason i have started closing down those posts which i feel have received sufficient attention, and will then be able to open new subjects to debate. Your Saptamsa lagna is Scorpio. Your first child is indicated by the ninth lord Moon. The Moon is in Cancer, and the tenth therefrom (aries) will indicate this childs work/profession. Jupiter and Venus are there and indicate consulting, teaching, etc. work. Whereas Venus indicates the involvement of management and design. Based on this we can rectify the Saptamsa chart as well. This should be sufficient for you to know how to interpret this. Venkatesh When we discuss nakshatra dispositor we will get to this. Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen Your Vedic Astrology reading Get your personal Vedic Astrology reading by Visti Larsen. Click here to learn more. Learn Vedic Astrology 6 af 7 18-03-2009 21:27 Srigaruda.com: a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i... http://www.srigaruda.com/wordpress/jaimini-sjc/2007/05/13/mixed-di... Learn Vedic Astrology through formal online courses. Sohamsa.com now offers a formal and professional course, by Pt. Sanjay Rath. Click here for more info. SJC: Achyuta Gurukula RSS is not available for this group. SJC: Jaimini Danmark Re: (a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Visti Larsen Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Visti Larsen Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Friday, March 13, 2009 Raman Deep Singh (a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka hims Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Somnath Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from AL Friday, February 27, 2009 Raman Deep Singh Site Calendar May 2007 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 « Apr Jun » Site items Copying of material is allowed, but give due respect to the author(s) Licensed under a Creative Commons License. Log in 7 af 7 18-03-2009 21:27
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