16 Lab Guide Prime Lms

March 22, 2018 | Author: Arunkumar Kumaresan | Category: System Software, Areas Of Computer Science, Telecommunications, Network Architecture, Digital Technology



!"#$%&'"()*+,-! !"!!"#$%&#'()*+!!" #$%&'()&* The objective of this lab is to discover some of the Cisco Prime LMS advanced capabilities. Basic knowledge of Cisco Prime LMS is a prerequisite This document will cover the following topics : ! ! ! ! ! ! Lifecycle Report (EoX, EoS) Compliance Checking Template Center IPSLA EnergyWise WorkCenter CiscoPrime Widget +" ,-../)&0.1*&-*&2/*3($* We have 7 pods on the lab, numbered from 1 to 7 (pod1 is reserved for instructor) Lab is on a DMZ and you must install anyconnect vpn client on your laptop first. +"!*4-5*6-.7&*2(8/*(.9*)-../)&* If you don’t have anyconnect installed , launch your browser to https://entnmsvpn-eu.cisco.com Username/password are pod1/pod1 , pod2/pod2 , pod3/pod3 and so on… Click AnyConnect in left column , then StartAnyConnect on the main window Accept Certificate . and allow anyconnect to install You are now in the lab +"+*4-5*2(8/*(.9*)-../)&* Launch AnyConnect , use entnmsvpn-eu.cisco.com as server. Group will be 8616 :" ,-../)&0.1*&-*3;%* You have 2 options. Either you connect directly to LMS from your browser, or you connect first on a Windows 2008 serverin remote desktop in the lab then connect to LMS LMS server are : - lms-pod1.rack-nms.cisco.com - lms-pod2.rack-nms.cisco.com - lms-pod3.rack-nms.cisco.com - lms-pod4.rack-nms.cisco.com - lms-pod5.rack-nms.cisco.com - lms-pod6.rack-nms.cisco.com - lms-pod7.rack-nms.cisco.com user http://lms-podx.rack-nms.cisco.com:1741 (where x is your pod number) lms credentials are admin/cisco Windows 2008 server are : - - - - - - - (pod1) (pod2) (pod3) (pod4) (pod5) (pod6) (pod7) Windows credentials are administrator/C1sc0123 <" =#>*!*?*. Manually copy this file in the appropriate directory in LMS We will use option 1 Configure your cco credential on LMS From Admin>System>Cisco. Periodically load this file automatically in LMS 2. Download EoX definitions are available on CCO 2.com settings>user Account Setup Use your own personnal credentials (not mine) Configure LMS to periodically download the EoX definition From Admin megamenu.*2('6@('/*A-B*'/C-'&"* Two steps are needed : 1.'/(&0. Create the report by comparison of these definition with the LMS inventory To create load the EoX definition you have 2 options.1*(. 1. select Network> PSIRT/EOS/EOL Settings . Select admin>jobs>browser You can use a filter on job type : This job type is SystemPsirtJob .Change the date to run the job in a minute (as you don’t wont to stay this night in the lab) *** Check the job result from the admin job browser. name the Job. and click finish Job is created and you can see it running .Run a Report Now Select Reports>hardware>EoS/EoL hardware Report Select all devices. unselect attachment (we don’t sent the result in mail). 1* .)/*)2/)E0.Wait until status becomes succeded Click to view to see the report Click one number on the left column to launch the product bulletin D" =($*+*?*)-.C30(. . then the hostname must start with site4- Select Configuration>Compliance>Templates Select Create . select switches and Hubs family . give a name .4.Objective of this lab is to ensure that the switches in your environment comply with the following rules : If the management ip address (Vlan1) start swith 10. to create a new « baseline template » Select a Basic Template. It’s a conditional template . interface Vlan1 In this test we must find (« + » in the beginning of the line) an ip address starting with 10. any number of times validate Check Compliance now Select your template and click compliance check (bottom right) .Create the template . with a test on submode . needed because « .* » means any character . « * » in regex means any number of times. Means any character). So « .4. To do that create a regex placeholder between the delimiters [# #] « \ » is an escape character . » has a special meaning in regex (. Select devices Execute the job immediately. without attachement (no mail) . View the result Select Jobs Click on the link 2 out 32 Compliant . excluded : condition is false Select a Compliant Device and click the link under latest version Verify the prerequisite is met by selecting the vlan1 interface Verify now that the compliance rule is met by displaying the hostname in the global section Redo the same operation with a non compliant device The prerequisite condition should be met .non compliant : condition is true.compliant : condition is true .You have 3 types of devices : . compliance rule is not met . compliance rule is met . com 172.192.com 10.com 172.6.cisco.com 10.pod4-host.rack-nms.5.254.17.com 10.254.254 .251.com 10.rack-nms.17.com 10.cisco.193.cisco.254.17.254. g0/0 .17.1 .pod6-host.4.cisco.192.com 172.pod1-host.1 .cisco.rack-nms.com 172.17.rack-nms.com 10.252.pod1-nam.cisco.1 Router name . ip address and interface to enable netflow : .rack-nms.pod5-nam.pod3-host.3.rack-nms. f0/0 .1 . g0/0 ./.rack-nms.pod2-host.1*H/.1 .pod6-nam.(pod7 please use pod8 router) pod8-host.cisco. f0/ . .192. Each pod will have one nam and one router NAM credential are admin/cisco NAM name and ip address are : .1 .254.rack-nms. g0/0 .but not the compliance rule F" =#>*:*?G%0.17. g0/0 .6. g0/0 .193.&/'"* During this lab you will import a template to deploy netflow on a router and to send Netflow data export to one NAM .rack-nms.cisco.4.cisco.com 172.pod3-nam.rack-nms.cisco.C3(&/*.192.254.pod2-nam.com 172.pod5-host.rack-nms.rack-nms.252.com 10.cisco.cisco.cisco.com 10.pod4-nam.193.253.cisco.pod7-nam.rack-nms.rack-nms.251.5. xml. Launch Template Center and select import .Verify the on the nam that the Netflow datasource doesn’t exist or at least is inactive. Connect to you nam go to setup data source No NDE (Netflow datasource) Now load the Netflow template into lms A template file has been provided called tnf. It contains a template named netflow. xml file from on your client desktop Now deploy this template on your router pod Select deploy and choose the template called netflow .Browse to select tnf. Select next and choose your device only in the device selector fill the form Skip adhoc commands And deploy (you can preview the CLI) . Go to Templacenter>jobs and wait until success Use configuration difference features to check what has been deployed Select Configuration>Configuration Archive> View>Version Summary . rack-nms.pod2-host.cisco.192.rack-nms.252.254 .17.17.pod4-host.1*JKL=#* In this lab you will use the following routers as IPSLA source . .254 .cisco.pod3-host.pod1-host.cisco.cisco.rack-nms. .com 172.Select your device then select config difference between latest and latest-1 Launch the NAM and see if you now have a Netflow datasource I" =#>*<*?G%0.254 .com 10.rack-nms.251.com 172.com 172. 192.pod5-host.5. and select UDP Jitter as type .254 The ip sla responder you will use is the site5-ipsla-shadow router The objective of this la bis to create and IPSLA operation to enable MOS score calculation on g711 codec traffic and then to use this operation to create a collector between your dedicated router and the ipsla responder.3.rack-nms.cisco.254 .193.pod6-host.(pod7 please use pod8 router) pod8-host.254 .com 10.com 10.6.cisco.com 10.rack-nms. Select Monitor>IPSLA>Operations Select Create to create a new operation Fill first form with a Name .rack-nms. Start to create this operation.cisco..193. you can also change the DSCP field to EF (DSCP 46) to take benefit of QoS setting. finish . Use now this operation in a collector .Fill the second form with a codec type. select your router as source. select the responder as mentionned previously and the MOS operation you created Continue … keep default setting for scheduling .Select Collector then select create Give a name to the collector. .Continue until finish Now you can monitor in real time From the collector page. Real-time monitoring display is refreshed every minute. select your collector and click monitor Wait a couple of minutes. EW-pod6 Pod7 : site6-switch11. EW-pod2 Pod3 : site6-switch4. EW-pod3 Pod4 : site6-switch6. EW-pod7 Launch The EnergyWise Workcenter Readiness assessment You should find your switch in the EW capable devices . EW-pod5 Pod6 : site6-switch9. EW-pod4 Pod5 : site6-switch7 .1*A.&/'* Below are the switches you can use for the lab as well as the EnergyWise domain name you will create Pod2 : site6-switch3./'19N0%/*N-'E)/.M" =#>*D*?G%0. Click Create to create a new one Fill the form as indicated below and save NTP is highly recommended as Energywise event are time based .Now you will in the same workflow. create your EnergyWise Domain and put you switch in it. Select your switch and click Enable EnergyWise You can see the existing domain. Select the domain you created continue until deployment (You can skip Energywise attribute) Check in Energywise job until you job has been deployed . Now configure attribute on your endpoints to differentiate them Select Configure attributes on endpoint Select your switch first Configure the endpoint Keyword to RSPVT and importance to 20 for the first phone and 100 if you have a second phone (some pods are lucky). . Deploy Again verify the job is succeded . Then create add the first event click save and add another . every Friday at 7pm .Now you will create an Energywise Policy to shutdown endpoint power of all endpoints with an importance less than 50 . and to power on all end-point on Monday at 7 am Go to configure and select Manage Policies. the keyword RSPVT and an importance to 100. Activate autopush policies and monitoring.click save Now you will create an endpoint group to collect your endpoints . . then you will assign this policy to the group Select Manage Endpoint group and create Fill as below. Select your domain. Now select Your endpoint group and click Apply Policies . Select your policy and continue until deployment. Verify the job . /*=PL*N061/&* Download Adobe Air from Adobe site and install it . Configure the Dasboard with your settings (click the weel to enter configuration of portlets) Below the portlets you should get O" =#>*F*?.You have successfully configured EnergyWise.0%)-*K'0. Download LMS widget from cco and install it Launch the widget and connect to your pod ip address Accept Certificate Explore items .
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