
May 27, 2018 | Author: Abhishek Shetty | Category: Ecosystem, Carbon Cycle, Soil, Water Pollution, Agriculture



DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING2016 ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES- 15CIV18/28 Prepared By Mahesh D Department Of Civil Engineering Alpha College Of Engineering 1 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES- 15CIV18/28 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES [As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme] (Effective from the academic year 2015 -2016) SEMESTER - I/II Subject Code 15CIV18/15CIV28 IA Marks 10 Number of Lecture Hours/Week 02 Exam Marks 40 Total Number of Lecture Hours 25 Exam Hours 03 CREDITS – 01 Course Objectives: 1. Recognize major concepts in environmental sciences and demonstrate in-depth understanding of the environment. 2. Develop analytical skills, critical thinking, and demonstrate problem-solving skills using scientific techniques. 3. Demonstrate the knowledge and training for entering graduate or professional schools, or the job market. Module - 1 Introduction: Environment - Components of Environment Ecosystem: Types & Structure of Ecosystem, Balanced ecosystem Human Activities – Fo od, Shelter, And Economic & Social Security. 2 Hours Impacts of Agriculture & Housing Impacts of Industry, Mining & Transportation Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainable Development. 3 Hours Module - 2 Natural Resources, Water resources – Availability & Quality aspects, Water borne diseases & water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in drinking water Mineral resources, Forest Wealth Material Cycles – Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cyc le & Sulphur Cycle. 2 Hours Energy – Different types of energy, Conventional so urces & Non Conventional sources of energy Solar energy, Hydro electric energy, Wind Energy, Nuclear energy, Biomass & Biogas Fossil Fuels, Hydrogen as an alternative energy. 3 Hours Module -3 2 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES- 15CIV18/28 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 Environmental Pollution – Water Pollution, Noise po llution, Land Pollution, Public Health Aspects. 2 Hours Global Environmental Issues: Population Growth, Urbanization, Land Management, Water & Waste Water Management. 3 Hours Module -4 Air Pollution & Automobile Pollution: Definition, Effects – Global Warming, Acid rain & Ozone layer depletion, controlling measures. 3 Hours Solid Waste Management, E - Waste Management & Biomedical Waste Management - Sources, Characteristics & Disposal methods. 2 Hours Module - 5 Introduction to GIS & Remote sensing, Applications of GIS & Remote Sensing in Environmental Engineering Practices. 2 Hours Environmental Acts & Regulations, Role of government, Legal aspects, Role of Non- governmental Organizations (NGOs) , Environmental Education & Women Education. 3 Hours Course Outcome: Students will be able to, 1. Understand the principles of ecology and environmental issues that apply to air, land, and water issues on a global scale, 2. Develop critical thinking and/or observation skills, and apply them to the analysis of a problem or question related to the environment, 3. Demonstrate ecology knowledge of a complex relationship between predators, prey, and the plant community, 4. Apply their ecological knowledge to illustrate and graph a problem and describe the realities that managers face when dealing with complex issues Text Books: 1. Benny Joseph (2005), “Environmental Studies” , Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Limited. 2. R.J.Ranjit Daniels and Jagadish Krishnaswamy, (2009), “Environmental Studies”, Wiley India Private Ltd., New Delhi. 3 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES- 15CIV18/28 2004 6. 4 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Thomson Brooks /Cole. 2006 3. Eleventh Edition. “Environmental Science and Engineering”. “Environmental Studies – From Crisis to Cure”. Thomson Brooks /Cole. R Rajagopalan. Ltd. Ltd. University press. “Environmental Science – working with the Earth” . Erach Bharucha.AnoopSingh and Dr. S.Tyler Miller Jr. 2005 2. G.15CIV18/28 . for UGC. Raman Sivakumar. Acme Learning Pvt. G. Elite Publishers Mangalore. 2012. 2005 5.. Universities Press (India) Pvt. 4. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 3. 2005. Second Edition. Dr.Piyush Malaviya. Reference Books: 1. Tenth Edition. “Principals of Environmental Science and Engineerin g”. “Text Book of Environmental Studies” .Tyler Miller Jr.Pratiba Sing. “Text Book of Environmental and Ecology” . Oxford University Press. Dr. “Environmental Studies”.. 2007 4. “Environmental Science – working with the Earth” . P.M. Cengage learning Singapore. Prakash. Aloka Debi. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. New Delhi. 2006 7. “Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering” . New Delhi. Meenakshi. Atmosphere consists of 79 per cent Nitrogen and 21 per cent Oxygen by a) volume b) weight c) Density d) All the three 6. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 Module-1 1. Which of the following statements is false? (I-2007) a) Inorganic nutrients are recycled in an ecosystem b) Energy „flows‟ through the ecosystem in the form of carbon-carbon bonds c) Energy is recycled in an ecosystem 5 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Which Pyramid is always upright(I-2006) a) energy b) biomass c) numbers d) food chain 9. The sequence of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called a) Food Chain b) carbon cycle c) hydrological cycle d) anthroposystem 12. Which of the following is a producer in an ecosystem (I-2006) a) Plants and some bacteria capable of producing their own food b) Animals c) Human beings d) Fish 13. Which of the following components of the environment are effective transporters of matter? (II-2007) a) Atmosphere and Hydrosphere b) Atmosphere and Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere and Lithosphere d) Biosphere and Lithosphere 4. The organisms who directly feed on producers are called a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Decomposers d) Saprophytes 11. In an ecosystem. Which of the following is a biotic component of an ecosystem? (I-2007) a) Fungi b) solar light c) temperature d) humidity 7. Which of the following conceptual spheres of the environment is having the least storage capacity for matter? a) Atmosphere b) Lithosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Biosphere 3.15CIV18/28 . In complex ecosystems the degree of species diversity is a) poor b) high c) medium d)none 10. the flow of energy is a) Bidirectional b) Cyclic c) Unidirectional d) Multidirectional 8. Biosphere is a) The solid shell of inorganic materials on the surface of the earth b) The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of earth comprising of all the living things c) the sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all of the spheres d) all of the above 5. The term „Environment‟ has been derived from the French word which means to encircle or surround a) Environ b) Oikos c) geo d) Aqua 2. Primary consumer is a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Macro consumers d) Omnivores 24. In an ecosystem biological cycling of materials is maintained by(I-2006) a) Producer b) Consumer c) Decomposer d) All of the above 19. Which of the following statement is true a) Green plants are self nourishing b) Producers depends on consumers c) Biotic components includes all non-living components d) Herbivores depend on Carnivores 23. The basic requirements of human beings are provided by (I-2007) a) Industrialization b) Agriculture c) Nature d) Urbanization 17. In aquatic ecosystem phytoplankton can be considered as a a) Consumer b) producer c) Saprotrophic organisms d) Macroconsumer 16. The word „Environment‟ is derived from (I-2008) a) Greek b)French c) Spanish d) English 26. The largest reservoir of nitrogen in our planet is a) Oceans b) Atmosphere c) biosphere d) Fossil fuels 15. Organisms which feed directly or indirectly on producers are called a) Prey b) Consumers c) Decomposers d) Detritus\ 20. Factors responsible for balanced ecosystem are 6 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 d) Respiration process releases energy 14. The primary producers in a forest ecosystem are a) Chlorophyll containing trees and plants b) Herbivores c) Carnivores d) Bacteria and other microorganisms 21.15CIV18/28 . Which of the following is the terrestrial ecosystem? a) Forest b) Grass land c) Desert d) All of the above 28. World Environment day is on (I-2008) (I-2007) (II-2007) (I-2006) a) 5th May b) 5th June c) 18th July d) 16th August 29. Which among the following is a climatic factor? a) pressure b) humidity c) temperature d) all of the above 27. Environment is the life support system that includes a) Air b) Water c) Land d) All of the above 18. Abiotic component includes a) Soil b) Temperature c) Water d) All of the above 22. A predator is a) An animal that is fed upon b) An animal that feeds upon another animal c) Animal that feeds upon both plants and animals d) A primary consumer 25. a) Light b) Temperature c) Humidity d) All the above 40. a) Unit where in all organisms live a healthy life. 37. b) Atmosphere around one self. 38.15CIV18/28 . 39. biological behavior of animals. Which of the fallowing is not the meaning of ecosystem. a) Forest b) Desert c) Water d) Grassland. Economical . Which of the fallowing are producers‟ a)Animals b) Human being c) Plants & Bacteria d) Fishes 34. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a) Balance between predator and prey b) Balance between vegetation. c) Sum total of social. 36. in which organisms live. c) Co-Existence of diverse things by mutual adjustment. which of it is not an example for an terrestrial ecosystem. c) Competing species & Biotic factor d) All the above. Important physical factor responsible for a good habitat of a organism. A food web consists of(II-2007) a) a portion of a food chain b) an organism‟s position in a food chain c) interlocking food chains d) a set of similar consumers 33. d) Sum total of development activities around. a) Predators & Pray b) Vegetation. d) A unit includes all of the organisms in a given area interacting with the physical environment to form a natural unit of stability. Which of the fallowing is a ecosystem. Herbivores & carnivores. herbivorous and carnivorous c) Balance between competing species and biotic factors d) All of the above 30.Environment means a) Surrounding(Biotic + Abiotic components). a) Forest b) desert c) Mountain d) All. The factor responsible for stable ecosystem are balance between. Habitat refers to a) Physical conditions of the place where organisms live b) Chemical conditions of the place where organisms live c) Both a & b d) None of a or b 32. a) O2 b) CO2 c) SO2 d) Nutrients 7 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Which of the following is absorbed by green plants from the atmosphere? a) Carbon dioxide b) Water c) Nutrients d) All of above 31. b) a small unit that can be self sufficient. 35. Which of the fallowing is not a prominent chemical responsible for a good habitat. 43 The term ecosystem was first proposed by(II-2008) a) Jacob van verkul b) A G Transley c) Costraza d) Marie Gibbs. Biotic components includes (II-2008) a) All living organisms b) water. 46. 42. mineral & gases c) Self-nourishing green plants d) Light. India has the largest share of which of the following? a) Manganese b) Mica c) Copper d) Diamond 8 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. 44. to check pollution due to mineral resources c. The transfer of energy & nutrients from one feeding group of organization to another in a series is called. The two major components of ecosystem are(II-2008) a) Adiabatic & Isotropic b) Ecologic & climatologic c) Cyclic & biologic d) Abiotic & biotic. --------is termed as the life zone of the earth. Food chain is divided into ---------basic categories (II-2008) a) Four b) Three c) Five d) seven 47. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 41. a) Atmosphere b) Hydrosphere c) Biosphere d) Stratosphere. temperature etc. An ecosystem is a region in which(II-2008) a) Dead organism interact with their environment b) Living organism do not interact with their environment c) Living organism interact with their environment d) All the above. 45. to extract minerals and ores d.15CIV18/28 .Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining? (I-2008) a) Air pollution from dust b) Water pollution c) Soil degradation d) All of the above 50. Mining means(II-2007) a. to conserve & preserve minerals b. (II-2008) a) Energy chain b) Food Chain c) Balanced ecosystem d) Food Web 48. None or Mining means a) To check pollution due to mineral resources b) to conserve and preserve the mineral resources c) Process of extraction ores to obtain the metal of interest d) All the above 4. Mining practices lead to(I-2008) a) Population growth b) Rapid urbanization c) Loss of grazing and fertile land d) None of these 49. Which of the fallowing are major environmental issues involved in mining a) Air pollution from dust b) Water pollution c) Soil degradation d) All 52. 12. in general a) Solid waste b) Water pollution c) Air pollution d) Economical growth. Mineral is a a) Organic matter b) Naturally occurring inorganic substance c) Synthesis compound d) None. Most common type of mineral used in a) Soil b) Iron c) Coal d) Copper 53. 54. 9 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. The most abundant element in the earths crust is a) Oxygen b) silicon c) Sodium d) Iron 60. Which of the fallowing is not a natural mineral a) Asbestos b) Feldspar c) Phosphate d) Nitrogen. Environmental impact of mining(I-2008) a) Brings order into social setup b) Devastation of ecosystem c) Present mining activity is a sustainable development d) Mining has no adverse effect on ecosystem as it is located in remote areas 58.15CIV18/28 . Ore deposits enclosed in a rock is called a) Hot rocks b) Deposit rocks c) Secondary rocks d) Both a & b. Gold occur in a) Sedimentary deposits b) Places deposits c) Hydrothermal deposits d) None. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 51. Ore is a a) Metallic element b) Non-metallic element c) Both a) & b) d) None. 55. Mining of ore is done by a) Surface mining b) Sub-Surface mining c) Tunneling d) Both a & b. 13. 59. 61. 62. Which of the fallowing is not the environmental effect of industrialization. Environmental issues of mining activities are a) Contamination of ground water by chemicals b) Loss of biodiversity c) Formation of sink hole & deep holes d) All 56. Mineral resource are (I-2006) a) Renewable b) Available c) Non-renewable d) equally distributed. About ¾ of the country‟s coal deposits are found in(II-2008) a) Karnataka b) Tamil Nadu c) Kashmir d) Bihar & Orissa 57. or Which of the fallowing is not a natural mineral (I-2008) a) Asbestos b) Fluorospar c) Lime stone d) Nitrogen. Environment & Industiral Act b. can be expanded as a. Traffic congestion d. Environmental Impact Assessment d. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 63. Thorium oxide is available in a) Orissa b) Kerala c) Tamilnadu d) All. 64. The most important remedy to avoid negative impact due to industrialization is a. Sustainable development will not aim at a) social economic development which optimizes the economic and societal benefits available in the present. Industry should treat all the wastes generated by it before disposal d.I. Environment & Impact Activities c. Industries should be shifted far away from human habit tats. Type of the vehicle‟s engine b.A. Industry should be closed b. E. 67. None of the above 70. Shift them (people) to other places d. In order to protect the health of people living along the adjoining areas of roads. without spoiling the likely potential for similar benefits in the future b) reasonable and equitably distributed level of economic well being that can be perpetuated continually c) Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs d) Maximizing the present day benefits through increased resource 10 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. one should. a. Environmentally Important Activity 68.15CIV18/28 . The Gold field in Kranataka a) Ramagiri b) Hutti c) Talcher d) Singrauli. Don‟t allow new industrial units c. The pollution caused by transportation/vehicular activities depends on a. Plant trees alongside of the roads b. E.I.A. 65. All of the above 69. Age of the vehicle c. All of the above 71. Not allow diesel driven vehicles c. Efficient equipment/process c. Waste minimization d. is related to a. Resource conservation b. Sustainable development means a) Meeting present needs without compromising on the future needs b) Progress in human well beings c)Balance between human needs and the ability of Earth to provide the resources d) All the above 66. Major purpose of most of the Dams around the world is a) Power generation b) Drinking water supply c) Flood control d) Irrigation 76. Water logging is a phenomena in which a) Crop patterns are rotated b) Soil root zone becomes saturated due to over irrigation c) Erosion of soil d) None of the above 80. Which of the following statement is true a) Surface runoff do not carry pesticides into streams 11 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Which of the following is a key element of EIA? a) Scoping b) Screening c) Identifying and evaluating alternatives d) all of the above 73. The impact of construction of dams a) Submerges forest b) Loss of wild life habitat c) Damages down stream ecosystem d) All of the above 81. drainage pattern and crop management practices d) Soil erosion helps to retain water and nutrients in the root zone 82. The adverse effect of modern agriculture is a) Water pollution b) Soil degradation c) Water logging d) All of the above 78. Eutrophication is a) an improved quality of water in lakes b) a process in carbon cycle c) the result to accumulation of plant nutrients in water bodies d) a water purification technique 75.15CIV18/28 . Soil erosion removes surface soil which contains a) Organic matter b) Plant nutrients c) Both a and b d) None of the above 79. Which of the following is the most environmental friendly agriculture practice? a) Using chemical fertilizers b) Using insecticides c) Organic farming d) None of the above 77. slope. „Earth Day‟ is held every year on a) June 5th b) November 23rd c) April 22nd d) January 26th 74. Which of the following statement is false a) Soil erosion effects the productivity of agriculture fields b) It takes 300 years for one inch of agricultural top soil to form c) The amount of erosion depends on soil type. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 consumption 72. cement. steel plastic etc are required to be produced b) Housing is required to provide shelter to growing population c) Majority of housing projects are concentrated in cities only d) Standard of living is increased by modern houses 89. Environmental impact assessment a) Is a study of feasibility of a project b) Is a study of bio-physical characteristics of the environment that may result from a human action c) Both „a‟ and „b‟ d) None of the above 87. stone. What would you do to prevent environmental damage a) Plant trees b) Halt deforestation c) Control pollution d) All of the above 86. Organic Farming is a) Farming without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers b) Enhances biodiversity c) Promotes soil biological activity d) All of the above 85. Environmental impact of mining a) Brings order into social setup b) Devastation of ecosystem c) Present mining activity is a sustainable development d) Mining has no adverse effect on ecosystem as it is located in remote areas 90. Bio-remediation means the removal of contaminants from a) Soil b) Wastewater c) Groundwater d) Both Soil and Groundwater Module-2-Natural Resource 12 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES.15CIV18/28 . Ecosystem is disturbed by housing activity because a) Large volume of raw materials like brick. EIA study will help a) Maximizing the benefits without overloading the planets ecosystem b) To estimate the future needs of the society c) To smooth implementation of the project d) To cope up with rapid growth of population 88. Effect of modern agriculture on soil is due to a) Erosion b) Acidification c) Salinization d) All 91. timber. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 b) Water percolating downward through agriculture lands carries with it dissolved chemicals and contaminate ground water c) Present agricultural practice does not contaminate water d) None of the above 83. Farmers have a tendency to a) Use optimum quantity of water b) To over irrigate their crops c) To conserve water d) All of the above 84. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 1. 10% c. Skeletal flurosis is characterized by a. United states public standards (USPH) and Indian standard institution are related to a. None 13 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Dental flurosis b. Methane d. 1mg/L 4. Nervous breakdown d. Water-borne disease b. Water supply units d. Water quality characterization b. 15mg/L 8.8% b.15CIV18/28 . Malaria is a a. Decrease of oxygen level in water mainly causes a. 0. Fluorosis is caused due to a. 5mg/L d. meningitis. No fluoride intake b. Dirty water d. Obesity C. Electromagnetic radiation b. The permissible limit of the important constituent Lead in domestic potable water as per BIS is a. Percentage of fresh water available on the earth is a. 0. Fluoride through is an effective agent to preventing dental caries. None 10. both a & b d.005 mg/L c.5mg/L b. radioactivity of nuclear reaction c.15% 12. 5mg/L d. Hepatitis A & B are the diseases caused due to a. Disordered blackened c. 2. Cholera. Tooth decay c. Presence of high levels of nitrates in water causes a. Excessive fluoride intake d.2% c. 1. Death of aquatic life c.5mg/L c. Low fluoride intake c.05 mg/L b. 0. Blood Disorders (Blue Baby Syndrome) D. water pollution d. 0. 2. Water availability measurement c. all the above 11. has a permissible limit of a. 100% 2.6% d. Anemic 9. Severe and permanent bone joint deformation b. DDT & Heptachlor c. Mathemoglobinemia d. 2. CO2 b. excessive concentration of nitrates in water causes a. Presence of pesticides in water causes cancer and neurological disorders because of a. None of the above 3. Fluorosis 6. water induced disease c. None 13. Percentage of worlds total water supply that is considered easily accessible fresh water for human use a. 1% b. 20% d. Dehydration b. Typhoid. Fluorosis b. Deforestation 5. SO2 7. Plants use ………. None 20. Deforestation can a) Increase the rain fall b) Increase soil fertility c) Introduce silt in the rivers d) None of these 21.. Deforestation means a) preservation of forests b) destruction of forests c) monocrop cultivation d) agriculture or Deforestation means a) Maintenance of forest for recreation purpose b) Creating forest land for habitat of wild life c) Conversion of forestland to agricultural land cattle pastes. Non-Renewable c. improves sanitation d. 23. 71% d. Improper sanitation c. 6. 6 to 8. trees produce a) Oxygen b) Carbon Dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Carbon Monoxide 25. In India ground water rich in a. The Gangetic Plains d. Major causes of deforestation are(I-2006) 14 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. 6 to 9 b.5 to 7. 6. Renewable b. River water b.5 to 8. None 15. homes etc d) Planting trees. Food products 18. The plains of Netravati & Kapila c. Plains of rivers Kaveri & Krishna b. The Deccan plateau 19. Equality distributed d. Forests prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their a) Stems b) roots c) leaves d)buds 26. 90% 16. During photosynthesis. about-------------% of the earth‟s surface is covered by water a. Major source of fluoride is a. What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under forest cover? a) 23% b) 43% c) 13% d) 33% 24.gas for photosynthesis a) Oxygen b) methane c) Nitrogen d) Carbon dioxide 22.Tooth paste c.5 17.5 c. 19% c. Proper sanitation b.Ground water d. 53% b.15CIV18/28 . Water borne diseases can spread rapidly due to a.5 d. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water? a. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 14. Mineral resources are a. are referred to as Earth’s lungs. water sources d. c) CO2 d) O2 29. Forest are extremely important because a) Provides clear air b) Provides habitat for wild life c) Provides recreation d) All 34. The depletion of trees is causing accumulation of a) NO3 b) SO2. Which of the fallowing is not an adverse effect of deforestation a) Destruction of biodiversity b) Dry up of moist land c) Causing air & water pollution through dams & mining industries d) Deplication in mineral resource. Water b. a. Forest rich area in Karnataka is found in ______ a) Western Ghats b) Bandipur c) Nagarhole d) Mangalore 30. Wood 38. Which of the following statements about forest is not correct? (I-2006)(I-2008) a) Forests reduces soil erosion b) Provides recreational opportunities c) Provides a source of economic development d) None of the above 28.00% d) 16. The major renewable and important forest resources is a. At present Karnataka is having forest cover of a) 20. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a) shifting cultivation b) Fuel requirement c) Raw materials for industries d) All of these 27.15CIV18/28 . Extensive plantings of trees to increase forest cover is called a) A forestation b) Agro forestation c) Deforestation d) Social forestry. The earth‟s land surface covered by the forest is about(I-2008) a) ¼ b) 2/3 c) 1/3 d) 1/5 36. Carbon cycles c. ________ are referred to as Earth‟s lungs.4%. 35. --------. Biodiversity d. 37.10% c) 28. Forest are effective sink of a) O2 b) CO2 c) NO d) All.19% b) 18. 32. 33. Mines 39. Mineral c. A major storage reservoir in the carbon cycle is (II-2008) 15 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Forests b. (I-2006) a) Forests b) Carbon cycles ` c) Water sources d) Mines 31. atmosphere. Plants uses -----. Carbon content is higher in a) Soil b) Atmosphere c) Water d) Living matter. Fixing of nitrogen is done by (I-2008) a) Lightning b) Fixing bacteria c) Fertilizers d) All the above. 49. The chief reservoir for CO2 is in (II-2007) a) Oceans & rock b) Plants c) Pesticides d) Precipitation 41.gas for photosynthesis a) Oxygen b) Methane c) Nitrogen d) CO2 45. Earths atmosphere Contains ------. 40. a) Nitrogen cycle b) Sulphur cycle c) Carbon cycle d) Hydrological cycle 42. Plants use ………. Conversion of ammonium to NO3 by chemical oxidation is termed as (I-2008) 16 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. 44. water & Proteins b) Carbon dioxide. Respiration & photosynthesis are the keywords related to. The volume of nitrogen present in the troposphere is (II-2008) a) 85% b) 78% c) 21% d) 5% 51. Pick out which is not concerned to carbon cycle a) Respiration b) Combustion of fossil fuels c) Photo synthesis d) Transpiration 50.15CIV18/28 . nitrate. During Photosynthesis. water & Energy c) Sulphur dioxide. Carbon cycle involves a) Ammonia. trees produce a) Oxygen b) CO2 c) CO d) N2 46. 53.% nitrogen a) 98% b) 12% c) 21% d) 78% 52. hydrosphere & geosphere.gas for photosynthesis a) Oxygen b) methane c) Nitrogen d) Carbon dioxide 47. a) Atmosphere & biosphere b) Atmosphere & hydrosphere c) Geosphere & atmosphere d) Biosphere. Sulphur & Proteins d) None of the above.. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a) Rivers b) Atmosphere c) Oceans d) Trees. Which of the following does not add to release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in a carbon cycle? a) Combustion of fossil fuel b) Respiration by animals c) Volcanoes and in limestone d) Respiration by plants 43. 48. The movement of carbon between _________ is called carbon cycle. a) Sulphur b) Carbon c) nitrogen d) All 65. 66. 59. Eutrophication is (I-2008) (I-2006) a) An improved quality of water in lakes b) A process in carbon cycle c) The result of accumulation of plant nutrients in water bodies. Conversion of ammonium to NO3.15CIV18/28 . d) Release of N2 through Volcanoes. (I-2008) a) Mineralization b) Leaching c) Nitrification d) Denitrification. Nitrogen fixing bacteria exists in -----of plants a) Leaf b) Roots c) Steam d) Flower 60. Which of the fallowing falls under sedimentary cycle. Conversion of nitrates into gases of nitrogen is called a) Nitrification b) Nitrogen fixing c) Reduction d) Denitrification 55. Denitrification is a process where in a) Soil microorganisms break down soil nitrate into N2 b) Plants & animals release N2 to atmosphere. 64. Good example for Sedimentary cycle is (II-2008) a) Carbon cycle b) Oxygen Cycle c) Nitrogen cycle d) Sulphur cycle.& NO3 b) NH3 & N2 c) NO3 d) NO2 58. (I-2008) a) Manocoteliden b) liguminus c) Both a & b d) None of these. 56. a) Decay of plants & animals b) Excreta of animals c) Water d) Micro organisms 62. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a) Mineralization b) Leaching c) Nitrification d) Denitrification 54. Conversion of nitrates into gases of nitrogen is called___(I-2008) a) Nitrification b) Nitrogen fixing c) Reduction d) Denitrification 61. 57. c) Decay of dead organic residue releases N2 to atmosphere. Plants can take up nitrogen in two forms a) NH4. Identify the role of sulphur bacteria in a sulphur cycle (II-2007) 17 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Which of the following is not a source of organic residue in a nitrogen cycle. d) A water purification technique. Live stock wastes releases large amount of ------. a) NH4 b)NH3 c)NO3 d)NO4 63. Nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere is high in the type of plants.into environment.by chemical oxidation is termed as. The effluents from urban areas contain a. Nutrients d. Rivers d. Agricultural wastes d. Both a & b d. Vitamins d. Detergents c. Aquatic animals b. PH d. Which of the following property is inductive of water pollution? a. Floating materials 11. Dissolved oxygen b. Which of the following compounds may be toxic to human beings? a. Which of the following is the source of surface water? a. Turbidity c. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a) Acts as a media for exchange of sulphur within ecosystem b) Converts the dead plants & animals into organic residue c) Both a & b. Odorless c. Many rivers of the world are polluted due to a. Water bodies may deteriorated by a. Decomposed vegetables d. Oceans b. PH b. All 6. Industrial effluents c. Parasitic worms c. Phytoplankton c. Amino acids b. Streams b. Colorless b. Oils & greases b. Oily & greasy d. it is volatile c. None of these 8. Suspended particles d. springs c. Silt & grit b. None of the above 9. None 7. Polychlorinated biphenyls c. All 2. Turbidity c. Chemical pollution of water is due to a. Deep wells d. All 3. Heavy flux of sewage b. Sulphur occurs in soil and rocks in the form of ______ a) Oxides of Zn & Fe b) Sulphates of Zn & Fe c) Nitrates of Zn & Fe d) Sulphides of Zn & Fe Module-3-Enviromental Pollution 1. Proteins 4. Physical pollution of water is due to a. Water is an excellent solvent because a. Springs c. 67. All 18 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Color d.15CIV18/28 . Which of the following is the source of ground water? a. d) None of the above. None 5. Bacteriological pollution of water is due to the presence of a. It has high dielectric constant b. None 10. Water pollution can be minimized by a. Sewage treatment plants c. Is detrimental to environment b. Factories b. To kill pathogenic microorganisms b. Kidney damage c. None of these 13. Maximum dissolved oxygen is required by a. A measure of dissolved solids c. Metallurgical plant d. None of these 19. Vegetables d. Fish b. Rainwater Harvesting b. Chlorine can be used a. Helps to improve ground water quality c. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 12. Avoiding water wastage 19 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Releasing sewage to ocean b. All the above 14. Sewage contains large amount of phosphate based detergents d. All the above 15. Heavy metals b. Detergents d. Improving irrigation efficiency d. Usually greater than COD d. All the above 17. Human waste b. Which of the following industry produces inorganic process wastes? a. Lead poisoning may cause a. Heavy metals c. Bacteria c. All of these 18. All of the above 23. Ground water extraction c. Cola manufacturing industry c. To increase the PH c. The main source of nitrogen in water is the agricultural run off c. Which of the following statement is not true? a. Decreases the collection of water in dams d. Sewage contains nitrogen and phosphorous b. Heat c. All of these 22. Hotel industry b. To clear the turbidity d.15CIV18/28 . The process of rainwater harvesting a. All 16. All of these 20. Dissolved solids d. BCD is a. Which of the following is oxygen demanding waste? a. None of these 21. Which of the following is a nonpoint source of water pollution? a. Mental retardation d. Urban & suburban lands d. Reduction in hemoglobin b. Treating waste water d. Thermal power plants pollute the water by adding a. Biochemical oxygen demand b. Which of the following is not a method for water conservation? a. Releasing effluent to waste land c. Traffic density c. Preventing its transmission 20 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Oxygen b. Plastic pollution c. Speaking 33. joules c. Car b. Which of the following type of noise is least serious? a. Noise pollution controlled by a. Scooter b. Road traffic noise varies depending on a. The most abundant element in the earth‟s crust is a. Loud sound b. Domestic sewage c. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 24. Which of the following is not a component of soil? a. Thunder d. Soil air 28. Which of the following vehicles emits noise at the maximum ear level of the driver? a. Which of the following is one of the classifications of noise? a. Number & type of operating vehicles b. Noise from the animals b. Mineral matter b. Silicon c. Bursting of crackers on Diwali mainly causes a. Storm waste d. Factories b. Marine pollution d. Definition of Noise is a. Rail traffic noise b. Urban & sub-urban Lands d. which of the following is a major cause of soil pollution? a. Natural source of noise is a. Sodium d. Constant sound d. Railway c. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers from agricultural lands c. None 37. Which of the following is a point source of water pollution? a. Occupational Noise (Industrial Noise) c. Noise pollution b. All of these 34.15CIV18/28 . a & b 26. Organic matter c. The hour of the day d. Road traffic noise d. Noise at public place d. Aircraft noise c. Sound of high Frequency 30. Car d. None of these 31. Sullage b. The liquid waste from baths and kitchens is called a. Unwanted sound c. Accidents involving the vehicles that are transporting waste material b. Industrial noise 35. Bus c. Auto 36. Iron 27. All of the above 29. Improper solid waste disposal d. PPM d. The Noise is measured in a. Ozone d. Sewage treatment plants c. Run off 25. Reducing the noise at the source b. Decibels b. ms or NTU 32. 1 billion c. 950 million d. Reducing noise at source d. Sound beyond which of the following level can be regarded as a pollutant a. 80dB c. Population explosion will cause a. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 c. 190dB Environmental Issues 1. Stress on ecosystem c. 150dB 41. 45dB b. India b. Normal sound level of quiet speech is a. 80dB c. India‟s projected population for the year 2050 is a. The world population in 2000 was around a.Km b. Population explosion will cause a. 4.Km d. Socio economic problems b. Population growth c. 375 per sq. All 3. Animal‟s behavior b. Which of the following is the problem not associated with population growth a. Noise pollution limits in industrial area a. 40dB b. Which of the following is having high population density a. 8 billion b. Maintaining silence c. 1525 million c. 1628 million b. 110dB c. All 38. None 2. Protecting the receiver d. Increase resource consumption b. 55dB d.Km 7. 90dB 40. 425 per sq. Biodiversity b. 50dB 43. USA d. 1027 million 6. The noise level human can hear without discomfort is a. 350 sq. 1000 million c. None 42. 120dB d. Western Europe 4. More employment d. 1103 million b. Urbanization b. Demography is the study of a.Km c. Environmental pollution 21 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. 140dB d. 1375 million 8. 65dB d. 80dB d. 6. Noise pollution limits at residential area a.15CIV18/28 . Rivers d. India‟s density of population according to cencus 2001 a. 4 billion d.80dB c. Noise pollution can be minimized by a.5 billion 5. Population of India according to census 2001 a. 45dB b. 120dB b. China c. 90dB 39. 324 per sq. None 9. Energy crisis d. 1650 million d. Food scarcity c. 90dB c. 140dB b. Increasing b. Major objectives of family welfare programs in India is a. 40% b.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 c. Endemic poverty. Solid waste production d. Decreases in death rates b. Employment opportunities b. Meningitis 15. All 20. low levels of education b. Decreasing c. Air pollution b. National environmental issue c. Both a & b d. The main cause for the decline of the population of Europe in the 12th & 13 th centuries was a. Noise pollution 18. The main impact of urbanization on plant and animals a. During the last 30 years the percentage decrease in agriculture land due to urbanization is about a. Plague d. Which of the following is not the effect of urbanization? a. None of these 11. Loss of water bodies d. Both a & b d.15CIV18/28 . Local environmental issue b. Cholera c. Migration of people from rural areas to urban towns is due to a. Not at all an issue 16. Loss of species 22. The major factors contributing for the decrease in death rate in 20 century were a. sanitation and nutrition 14. Better agricultural practices and industrialization c. Thermal pollution c. Major problems due to industrialization 22 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. None 12. Urbanization is a. Which of the following is the ill effect of urbanization? a. Which of the following is the facility that the urban people enjoy? a. Better quality of air c. Employment generation d. Diphtheria b. Food & energy shortages d. Decrease in agricultural land b. Education facilities c. 30% d. None of these 17. Population growth rate control c. Increase in species b. Large land at cheap rates d. 60% c. Mutation in species c. The major cause of global population growth in 18 and 19 centuries was a. All 19. Diseases control b. Loss of greenery c. None of these 10. Increased birth rate and availability of food d. Not changing d. Stabilizing th 13. The average life expectancy around the world is currently a. Improved medicine . Better infrastructure d. Better communication access b. Industrial revolution d. Decrease in birth rates c. 0% 21. 7% b.52% c. Carbon dioxide d. Urbanization can alter the nature of a. a. The annual rate of the change of urban population for the year 2005-2010 is a. How much of total earth surface is urbanization now a. Use of renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind energy c. Urbanization b. Urban heat island c. It is harmless to human being d. Ozone d. Sulphur dioxide c. 2. Doesn‟t cause global warming b. Carbon monoxide b. All the above 3. Temperature b. 21.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a. The temperature difference with the size of the city is called a. It is the result of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. 45% d. Depletes ozone layer c. Minimizing the use of fossil fuels d. How much percentage of population is living in urban is a. Carbon monoxide c. 300 million b. Carbon dioxide 4. All 23 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. 5% c. b. Increase in forest cover b. 2. 10% b. It is a fuel smelling gas c. Migration of people c.3 million d. Both a & b 25. 533 million c. None 5. The rising level of CO2 in the atmosphere can be reduced by a. 415 million 27. Urban population of the India as per the census 2001 was a. Nitrous oxide.15CIV18/28 . 10% Module-4 1. 0. Which of the following is an air pollutant a. 30% c. is not an air pollutant d. Both a & b d. Heat effect b. Heat wave effect d. 2.25% b. Precipitation c.73% d. Oxygen 2. Which of the following statements about carbon monoxide is true a. Development of slums d. 15% 26. 285. Nitrogen b. None 24. Which of the is a secondary air pollutant a.82% 28. All the above 23. 1% d. Two stroke motor cycles emit a. Oxides of Nitrogen c. Nitrogen d. Which of the following is the current control measure to reduce the automobile pollution? a. Outdated vehicles 9. Electricity d. Which of the following is oxygen supplier and used to reduce CO during fuel combustion in an automobile engine? a. Cycloalkane b. ETBE 19. High vehicular density c. Diesel c. Which of the following is the not reason for automobile pollution in our country? a. All 14. Oxygen b. Coal d. All of these 13. Sulphur dioxide d. Which of the following is the factor adversely influencing automobile pollution? a. Oxides of nitrogen d. None of these 16. Which of the following are considered as alternative fuels? a. Lead 12. Carbon monoxide b. Carbon monoxide b.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 6. Poor quality of fuel b. The major automobile pollutants include 24 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Total ban on vehicles b. The diesel vehicles pollute the environment largely through a. Advancement in automobile technology c. Unburnt Hydrocarbons c. None 10. None 15. Aluminum trioxide d. NOX b. Both d. Kerosene c. CNG 18. Broad and smooth roads d. The first of the major environmental protection act to be promulgated in India was a. Which of the following oxygenate is biodegradable? a. Peroxyacetylnitrate b. Unburnt hydrocarbons d. TBA d. Water act b. Noise pollution rules 7. Ethanol c. Suspended particulate matter 11. MTBE b. C2H5OH c. Environmental act d. Which of the following pollutant is not emitted by leaded gasoline vehicles? a. CO c. Airborne dust particles c. Which among the following is clean fuel? a. Alternative fuel d. Air act c. None of these 17. Outer ring roads c. None of these 8. Which of the following chemical is not emitted by vehicles? a.15CIV18/28 . Hydrocarbons c. Increase in Asthma attacks has been linked to high levels of a. Free moving traffic b. Petrol b. CNG b. Congested traffic d. The 4-stroke engines produce less of the following as compared to 2-stroke engines a. A planet hotter than earth c.CH4 & CO2 d. CO2 7. CO and Hydrocarbons b. CH4 d. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a. CO2. CO2 b. solar radiation d. CO & NOX c. None of these 3. All are correct 5. Particulate matter c. CH4 21. N2O b. Hydrocarbons and SPM d. Co & Hydrocarbons b. Hydrocarbons and SPM b. House surrounded by greenery c. Both a & b d. HFA’s d. CO & NOX b. Hydrocarbons and CH4 c. Increase in the temperature of climate b. NOX b.O3 d. NOX. None Global Warming. CFC b. None of these 2. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas a. House made of glass for growing plants d.15CIV18/28 . SO2 c. CO. Water vapour 4. NOX & SO2 c.5µm b. Which of the following is not a source of CO2 in the atmosphere? 25 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Above 7µ d. NOX. CO d. NOX. The meaning of green house is a. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas? a. Water vapour absorbs IR in the given region a. Heavy duty diesel vehicles contribute more a. None of these 6. Acid rain & Ozone layer depletion 1. Both a & b 22. 5 to 7µm c. All 23. Petroleum based vehicles emit traces of a. The meaning of global warming is a. CO. Major pollutants from light petrol vehicles are a. House painted with green colour b. NOX. Aldehydes d. 2. SPM c.5 to 3. N2O c. Which of the following gases is having maximum GWP? a. CO. Freon‟s and SPM 20. CFC‟s c. All 9. All the above 15. All 10. Melting of glaciers d. The protocol that reduces greenhouse gas emission are a. Acid rain is mainly influenced by a. Any precipitation d. Increase in forest cover b. Reducing fossil fuel consumption b. None of these 26 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Thermal power plants c. Kyoto protocol b. Ozone 17. Presence of particulate d. Sulphur dioxide c. Burning of fossil fuels b. Vienna protocol 14. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas a. Acid rain means a. Carbon monoxide d. planting more trees c. Montreal protocol d. Deforestation d. Use of renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind energy c.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a. Increase in the rainfall b. The primary cause of acid rain around the world is a. The rising level of CO2 in the atmosphere can be reduced by a. Climate b. Global warming could affect a. Direct impact on health human beings d. Deforestation b. None of the above 13. Oceans b. H2SO4 manufacturing d. Rivers d. None of these 12. Adverse effect on food production c. Carbon dioxide b. Drought d. Photosynthesis c. Drizzle c. None of these 11. Which of the following is not a solution for global warming a. Increase in sea level c. Unpredictable weather pattern b. Agriculture c. Volcanoes c. Deforestification c. Volcanic eruptions d. Which of the following is not the effect of global warming? a. The global warming may bring about the following changes in the climate of the earth a. Volcanoes b. Cartagena Protocol c. Minimizing the use of fossil fuels d. None of these 16.15CIV18/28 . All of these 18. Heavy rain b. Which of the following is a source of SO2 in atmosphere? a. Animal & plant respiration and decay 8. Atmospheric oxidation of SO2 to SO3 is influenced by a. 5. Increase in the atmospheric temperature 29. Less than 3. HNO3 manufacturing d.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 19. Transpiration b. none if these 20. Which of the following statement is true? a. Presence of hydrocarbons d.7 d. Causing respiratory problems d. Leaching of heavy metals to water bodies b.7 21. It causes stone erosion c. Acid rain results in acidification of water bodies b. Acid rain has been increasing day by day due to a.7 d. Soil d. Acid rain reduces soil fertility c. The process of movement of nutrients from the soil by the acid rain is called a. Increases atmospheric temperature c. 3. 8. Acid rain results in acidification of water bodies 27 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Plants c. Industrialization c. Leaching d. The effect of acid rain a. Increase in vehicle population d. Which of the following is not ill effect of acid rain? a.7 c. Evapo transpiration c. Less than 1. Both a & b d. All of these 24. Reduces soil fertility b. Less than 2.15CIV18/28 . All of these 22. Humidity c. Which of the following is the source of NO2 in the atmosphere? a. Sunlight b. None of these 23. Infiltration 25. The PH of acid rain is a.7 c. Which of the following is not ill effect of acid rain? a. Microbial action c. The PH of unpolluted rain water[Acid rain water] is about a. Leaches nutrients from the soil b. Which of the following statement is true? a.7 b. Causes cataract 30. All 26. Materials b. Skin cancer 28. Killing of fishes d. All 27. Less than 5. Killing of fishes d. Automobile exhaust b. Damage of sculptures c.7 b. Urbanization b. Acid rain effects on a. ozone is an effective filter capable of absorbing ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between a. 280 to 315 nm 40. Which of the following UV radiation can rapidly damage biota of all types? a. Stratosphere c.> 280 nm d. 315 to 400 nm b. Mesosphere d. Acid rain reduces soil fertility c. UV-B d. CaHCO3 b. Ozone layer is present in (II-2007) a. Ozone protects us from the harmful UV radiation of sun c. Which of the following statement about Ozone is not true? a. Thermosphere 35. Global warming b. UV-C radiation lies in the region a. In the stratosphere.15CIV18/28 . Reduction in brightness of the famous Tajmahal is due to a. Ozone is a major constituent of photochemical smog b). 200 and 315 nm b. <280 nm c. Ozone is highly reactive 28 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. O2 c. Dobson unit c. Ozone depletion d. All the above 31. NOX 36. H2CO2 c. None of these 32. Which of the following is not present in the Stratosphere? a. The term acid rain was coined in the year a. Acid rain c. Centimeter d.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 b. Which of the following is the unit for measuring the thickness of ozone layer? a. Decibels b. 315 and 400 nm c. Carbon dioxide reacts with moister in the atmosphere forming a. H2CO3 d. 1752 33. Ozone is not a greenhouse gas d. Ozone protects us from the harmful uv radiation of sun c). UV-A b. It causes stone cancer or stone leprosy d. Ozone is a major constituent of photochemical smog b. 100 and 150 nm d. CO2 b. None of these 37. All of the above 41. None of these 39. Which of the following statements about ozone is true? (I-2008) a). 1652 d. O3 d.Troposphere b. 1852 c. Ozone is highly reactive d). 400 and 600 nm 38. UV-C c. 1952 b. COHb 34. a. Refrigerants c. Nonflammable c. Methane 45. Solvents b. Carbon dioxide d). CF2ClCF2Cl b. 100 52. b) Atmospheric lifetime of the species. 51.000 d. a) The reactivity of the species. 300DU c. a. CO 44. HFC b. 54. Each chlorine free radical can destroy the following number of ozone molecules a. CFCl2CF3 c. 500DU 43. Freon‟s are a. Chlorofluro Carbon‟s [CFC] are a. Ozone layer thickness of stratospheric ozone layer across the globe is around a. Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric ozone layer is a). 49. Infrared rays c. 50. Cosmic rays d. Which of the following statement is not correct for CFCs? a) They are almost completely inert both chemically & biologically in the earth‟s atmosphere. d) All of these. 400DU d. UV rays b. Non carcinogenic d. Which of the fallowing species has the zero ODP value? a) CFCs b) HCFCs c) HFCs d) none of these. Nontoxic b. 200DU b.00. Blowing agents for polymer foams d. Ozone destruction b) ozone hole or ozone thinning 29 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 42. All the above 46. CFC c). None of these 48. The steady decline of ozone in the stratosphere is called. c) At higher altitudes they are capable of undergoing UV photolytic decomposition. Ozone layers absorbs a. 10. 10 b) 50 c) 80 d) 100. d) None of these. 1. CF3CF2Cl d. Hydrocarbons 53. The ozone layer is located up to ----------------km above the earth surface. The ODP of a specific chemical takes into account. CFC c. NFC d. The formula of CFC-114 is a. b) They are very reactive in troposphere.15CIV18/28 . 1000 b. Oxygen b).000 c. All of these 47. CFC‟s have been used as a. c) Molar mass of the species. Conservation of wildlife d. Desirable c. Draught d. Which of the following statement is true about animal husbandry? a. Ozone hole was first discovered over a. 0. Sulphur dioxide c.01mm 59. Necessary d. Ozone in troposphere is a.1mm b) 0. Methyl Iso Cyanate b. Animal husbandry may result in a. Production of meet c. feeding and management of animals c. Over fishing is a. Bhopal gas tragedy caused due to leakage of a. Production of fiber c. Global warming b. Chapman’s reaction d).15CIV18/28 . September 5th b) October 15th c) September 16th d) September 11th 61. Ozone depletion d. Animal husbandry is protection of wild life 63. Formation of ozone layer is explained by a. Acid rain c. Domesticated animals are used for a.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 c) ozone formation d) none of these 55. Conservation of biodiversity b. Animal husbandry is nothing but livestock production d.01 mm c) 0. Vomiting 60. Harmful b) Harmless c) Neutral d) None of these 56. Mustard gas d. Perkin‟s reaction 57. None of these 66. None of these 64. Rosenmund reaction b). Animal husbandry is a part of agricultural activity b. Acid rain d. All of these 65. None of these 30 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Undesirable b. Photochemical smog c. Ozone depletion causes a. Henderson‟s reaction c). Arctic b) Antarctica c) tropical region d) Africa 58. Animal husbandry is breeding . Which of the following is the purpose of animal husbandry? a. World Ozone day is being celebrated on (I-2008) a. Methane 62. Snow blindness b. The equivalent of one Dobson unit is (II-2008) a.1m d) 0. Production of dairy products b. Environmental protection is the responsibility of a. Which of the following statement is not true? a. The environment act d. 17th of July d. 1978 b. 1970 b. Increased demand for the food from animal origin is due to a. 1986 d. Environmental vegetarianism b. 1990 7. 5th of June c. The air act c. 1977 b. 1986 b) 1992 c) 1984 d) 1974 2. 1990 9. Government b. 15th of August b. Animal welfare activities. The wild life protection Act in India was passed in a. Change in the diet of people d. 1988 8. Animal production depends on agro-ecological conditions Module-5 1. First of the major environmental protection acts to be promulgated in India was a. 1981 d. Individuals d. Any environmental protection policy should be based on 31 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 67.15CIV18/28 . 1992 6. Environmental (Protection) Act was enacted in the year(II-2007) (I-2006) a. Water ( Prevention and control of pollution) Act in India was passed in a. World Environment day is observed on a. 1974 b. 1975 c. 1982 d. 1980 c. All 4. Animal production doesn’t cause noise pollution d. 1972 c. The Wildlife Protection Act b. The forest [ conservation] Act in India was passed in a. Noise pollution rules 3. None of these 5. 1982 c. None of these 68. Animal production has enormous impact on local environment c. 1986 d. Non-government organizations c. Air [ Prevention and control of pollution] Act in India was passed in a. Animal production is strongly influenced by socio-cultural factors b. The goal of environmental education for all is a. 1990 13. The responsibility of Government d. Centre for science and environment b. Exploitation of natural sources d. Not the responsibility of citizen c. 1974 c. 1981 d. Article 51A (g) of Indian constitution says environment protection and conservation is a. Pollution control board c. Centre for science and environment is a. None of these 11. Which of the following is the authority to monitor industrial effluents a. To make people knowledgeable d. The tiger conservation project was started in a.15CIV18/28 . To promote international trading of animals and their products b. To evacuate tribal people from forest c. The goal of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries is a. Government organization c. Central government b. International body setup by United Nations d. None of these 16. Non-government organization b. State government c. Sustainable development c. Conservation of wildlife d. Municipal authority 14. None of these 15. Which of the following is empowered to take measure to protect and improve environment as per the environment [protection] Act? a. None of these 12. Corporation d.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 a. A fundamental duty of citizen b. To create awareness b. d. All of these 32 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. No development b. Indian environmental association d. To encourage participation c. None of these 10. 1973 b. Water b. 1974 b. Karnataka b. All 25.15CIV18/28 . The Environmental [ protection] Act 1986 deals with a. Black buck b. Which of the following animals is endangered species of India a. „ Earth Day „ is observed on a. Air c. Environmental education is must for a. The objectives of the Wild life [ Protection] Act 1972 is a.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 17. KSPCB d. To preserve the biodiversity b. Elephant c. Punjab c. Rajasthan d. 1982 c. Medha parkar c. Narmada Bachao Andolan b. 5th June c. Everyone d. Vandana shiva d. Scientists 18. The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board [ KSPCB] was established in the year a. The leader of “Chipko Movement” is a. April 22nd d. Sunder lal bahuguna b. CPCB c. All 24. 1st January 22. Air [ Prevention & Control) Act 1981 c. 1st December b. Kerala 33 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. To maintain essential ecological and life supporting systems c. 1986 d. Which of the following is NGO a. None of these 19. Soil d. None 23. None of the above 20. Women c. Which state is having highest women literacy rate in India a. 1976 21. Giraffe 26. Environmental [protection] Act 1986 b. Fox d. The Central pollution Control Board was established under the provision of a. Water [ Prevention & Control of pollution] Act 1974 d. Children b. Protection & conservation of wild life d. Waste management in sea coast b. Stockholm in 2000 31. The objectives of Integrated Child Development Services [ICDS] are a. Green peace c. Immunization b. Rio de Janeiro c. UNICEF b. WHO d. Stockholm 33. The committee which submitted its report to Government of India on Environmental Education is a. The first International Earth Summit was held at a. Pre-school and non-formal education d. Agarwal Committee 34 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Johannesburg b. London 28. Environmental Management d. Banerjee Committee d. New-Delhi d. Kyoto b. Johannesburg in 2002 b. World summit on sustainable development was held at a. All the above 29. Mehta committee c. An International Conference on Environmental Education was held in December 1982 at a. Tiwari Committee b. Kyoto d. Canceling the state government Hydel project and saving the Lion-Tailed Monkeys c. Rio de Janeiro in 1992 c. Health checkup & referral services c. CPCB 32. Risk management c.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 27.15CIV18/28 . ISO 14000 standards deal with a. Vienna c. Kyoto in 1994 d. An important NGO involved in Global environmental protection is a. None of these 30. None of the above 34. Silent Valley movement succeeded in a. Pollution Management b. Promoting marine fishery business in Kerala d. Which of the following is the authority to monitor industrial effluents : a.15% d) 48. environmental pollution is a a. Center for Science & Environment b) State Pollution Control Board c) Indian Environmental Association d) None 36. Kerala state is having women literacy rate of a) 98% b) 99.16% c) 35. Environmental education is targeted to: (II-2007) a. . Mahila Arthik vikas Mahamandal(MAVIM) was setup in the year (II-2008) a) 1955 b) 1965 c) 1975 d) 1985 35 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. 38.35% b) 54. General public b) professional social groups c) Technicians & Scientists d) All 37. the women literacy rate is a) 64.5% 42.DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGG ALPHA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2016 35. Illiterate women have a) High level of fertility & mortality b) Poor nutritional status c) low earning potential d) All 41. Stockholm b) New York c) Montreal d) Basal.5% c) 100% d) 85. States problem b) Global problem c) Countries problem d) regional problem 39. The first united national conference an human environment was held at(II-2007) a.50% 40.15CIV18/28 . As per the census of India 2001.
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