
March 26, 2018 | Author: ali raza | Category: Chemical Industry, Acetic Acid, Polyester, Chlorine, Thermoplastic



IHS Chemical Economics HandbookMarket and Business Research Reports are available as an annual subscription or as single report purchases. activities of competitors. Most reports are updated every three years.The IHS Chemical Economics Handbook (CEH) (formerly SRI Consulting’s Chemical Economics Handbook) is the world’s leading chemical market and business research service. analysis and evaluation exercises. Specialty Inorganic Acetylene Biodiesel Copolyester-Ether Elastomers Fibers. the Chemical Economics Handbook provides timely information and market analysis of the international chemical industry and its major products. Acrylate Esters Boron Minerals and Chemicals Crude Petroleum and Fluoroelastomers and Superabsorbent Polymers Bromine Petroleum Products Fluoropolymers Acrylic and Modacrylic Fibers Butadiene Cumene Fluorspar & Inorganic Fluorine Acrylic Resins and Plastics Butanediol. Published continuously since 1950. Program members utilize the information in many cost-saving ways as it frees company staff from time-consuming primary and secondary data collection. quick reference and training tool for staff Commercial Development — Forecasts of future demand and discussion of important competitive changes Trade — Import/export volumes and major trading partners Corporate Planning & Competitive Analysis — Important Finance & Administration — Overview of key trends and developments regarding competing materials and driving forces differentiating properties Investment Banking — Source of economic and market data Marketing & Sales — Current listings of potential customers on the chemical industry and competitors. including: Market Research — Market-by-market analysis of trends and Business & Product Management — Trends in competing driving forces influencing current and future product demand products. Specialty Organic Acrylamide Bisphenol A Cresols Xylenols and Cresylic Acid Fluorocarbons Acrylic Acid. while some reports are published more frequently.and Slow-Release Fibers Overview Acetonitrile Biodegradable Polymers Fertilizers Fibers.1-4 Cyclohexane Compounds Acrylic Surface Coatings Butanes Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone Formaldehyde Acrylonitrile Butyl Elastomers Cyclopentadiene/Dicyclopentadiene Formic Acid Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Butylenes Detergent Alcohols Fumaric Acid (ABS) Resins C2 Chlorinated Solvents Diisocyanates and Polyisocyanates Fumigants and Nematicides Activated Carbon Calcium Carbide Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT) and Fungicides Adipic Acid Calcium Carbonate. Fine-Ground and Terephthalic Acid (TPA) Furfural Air Separation Gases Precipitated Dimethylformamide Furfuryl Alcohol and Furan Resins Alkyd/Polyester Surface Coatings Calcium Chloride DL-Malic Acid Gasoline Octane Improvers Alkyl Acetates Caprolactam Dyes Glycerin Alkylamines (C1-C6) Carbon Black Economic Environment of the Glycol Ethers Alkylbenzenes. Inorganic Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Resins Lactic Acid Its Salts and Esters . Linear and Branched Carbon Dioxide Chemical Industry Helium Aluminum Chemicals Carbon Disulfide Elastomers Overview Herbicides Amino Acids Carbon Fibers Epichlorohydrin Hexamethylenediamine/Adiponitrile Amino Resins Cellulose Acetate and Triacetate Epoxy Resins Hydrochloric Acid Ammonia Fibers Epoxy Surface Coatings Hydrocolloids Ammonium Nitrate Cellulose Acetate Flake Ethane Hydrogen Ammonium Phosphates Cellulose Ethers Ethanol Hydrogen Cyanide Ammonium Sulfate Chelating Agents Ethanolamines Hydrogen Peroxide Aniline Chlorinated Isocyanurates Ethyl Ether Hydroquinone Animal Feeds: Non-protein Chlorinated Methanes Ethylbenzene Hypochlorite Bleaches Nitrogen (NPN) Supplements Chlorinated Polyethylene Resins Ethylene Insecticides Animal Feeds: Phosphate and Elastomers Ethylene Dichloride Isophthalic Acid Supplements Chlorine/Sodium Hydroxide Ethylene Glycols Isoprene Animals: Chemical Inputs for Nutrition Chlorobenzenes Ethylene Oxide Isopropanolamines & Health Overview Chlorosulfonated Ethyleneamines Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) Aroma Chemicals and the Flavor Polyethylene Elastomers Ethylene-Propylene Elastomers Ketene/Diketene & Fragrance Industry Chromium Compounds. analysis of supply/demand trends Purchasing — Producer lists for all major commercial chemicals and producers’ capacities Available IHS Chemical Economics Handbook reports: Acetaldehyde Aromatic Ketone Polymers Citric Acid Explosives and Blasting Agents Acetic Acid Benzene Commercial Hazardous Waste Fats and Oils Industry Overview Acetic Anhydride Benzoic Acid Recycling Treatment and Disposal Ferric Chloride Acetone Benzyl Chloride Controlled. Industrial Polysulfide Elastomers Sulfuric Acid Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) Phosphoric Acid. Related information on manufacturing processes. • Trade: Import/export data.and Triethylene Glycols Pigments. Inorganic Paint and Coatings Industry Overview Low-Density Sodium Chloride .Reports Program Scope The Chemical Economics Handbook reports provide evaluations The Chemical Economics Handbook includes detailed of supply/demand relationships and analysis of the industry information on and analysis of the history. status and projected competitive environment for over 300 chemicals and chemical market trends for the industry’s major products in most commercial markets. plant locations. Unsaturated Silicones Wood Preservatives Organometallics Polyether Polyols for Urethanes Sodium Bicarbonate Xylenes Oxalic Acid Polyethylene Resins. capacity utilization and production volumes agents and food chemicals) • Demand: Analysis and forecasts. current and future consumption • Petrochemical feedstocks and basic petrochemicals trends with forecasts. chemical markets: producers and plant capacities.Di. Linear Low. Natural Water-Soluble Polymers Synthetic Nylon Fibers Polyester Polyols Silicates and Silicas Waxes Nylon Resins Polyester Resins. chelating capacities. surface active agents. Normal Polyethylene Resins.United States Polyisoprene Elastomers Styrene-Butadiene Elastomers (SBR) Chemicals Petroleum Liquid Feedstocks . including market size. Wet-Process Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol Superphosphate.North America Polychloroprene (Neoprene) Rare Earth Minerals and Products Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) Nonene (Propylene Trimer) and Elastomers Rayon and Lyocell Fibers Vinyl Surface Coatings Tetramer Polyester Fibers Resorcinol Vitamins Nonwoven Fabrics Polyester Film Rubber. Sodium Cyanide Lime/Limestone Pesticide Industry Overview Density (LLDPE) Sodium Sulfate Linear Alkylate Sulfonates PET Polymer Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Sorbitol Linear alpha-Olefins Petrochemical Industry Overview Solid-State Resins Styrene Liquid Crystal Polymers Petroleum and Coumarone-Indene Polyimides and Imide Polymers Styrene-Acrylonitrile (SAN) Resins Lithium Lithium Minerals and Lithium Resins . factors affecting prices Lignosulfonates Paraffins (C9-C17). Polyolefin Fibers Styrene-Butadiene Latexes Magnesium Oxide and Other Naphtha and Gas Oil Polyphenylene Ether Resins and Styrenic Block Copolymers Magnesium Chemicals Phenol Alloys Styrenic Copolymers Maleic Anhydride Phenolic Resins Polyphenylene Sulfide Resins Sulfone Polymers Manual of Current Indicators Phosgene Polypropylene Resins Sulfur Melamine Phosphate Rock Polystyrene Sulfur Chemicals. Inorganic Color Polyvinyl Acetate Sweeteners. consumption trends and competing The CEH website is updated monthly. High-Density Sodium Carbonate Zeolites Oxo Chemicals Polyethylene Resins. the program has access to extensive • Elastomers databases and ongoing contact with the global chemical industry.Miscellaneous Methanol Phosphates. is searchable and is materials simultaneously accessible by all subscribed users. Annual subscribers receive access to the CEH website. end-use applications. annual pigments. • Fibers • Agricultural chemicals Report Contents • Inorganic commodity chemicals • Summary: Global supply/demand and regional analysis of future growth including five-year forecasts • Industrial gases • Manufacturing Processes: Description of the various • Surface coatings commercial processes and the basic chemistry involved • Other chemical product groups (biodiesel. High-Intensity Monochloroacetic Acid Pigments. Additionally. unit sales volumes and discussion of of the Chemical Industry publications. High-Pressure Sodium Chlorate Zinc Chemicals. • Supply: Information on producers. Organic Color Polyvinyl Alcohol Tartaric Acid Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Plasticizer Alcohols (C4-C13) Polyvinyl Butyral Tetrahydrofuran Naphthalene Plasticizers Polyvinyl Chloride Resins Thermoplastic Polyester Engineering Natural Fatty Acids Plastics Additives Potash Resins Natural Gas Plastics Recycling Potassium Chemicals. Inorganic Thermoplastic Polyolefin Elastomers Natural Gas Liquids Polyacetal Resins Propane (TPOs) Neopentyl/Polyhydric Alcohols Polyalkylene Glycols Propionic Acid Titanium Dioxide Nitric Acid Polyamide Elastomers Propylene Toluene Nitrile Elastomers Polyamide Resins (Non-nylon types) Propylene Glycols Urea Nitrobenzene Polybutadiene Elastomers Propylene Oxide Urethane Surface Coatings Nitrogen Solutions Polycarbonate Resins Pyridines Vinyl Acetate Nitrous Oxide . • Organic intermediates In addition to working with industry experts to ensure the highest • Polymers (plastics and resins) quality data and analysis. including countries of origin and annual subscribers receive both the IHS Chemical Manual of destination and shipment values Current Indicators and the IHS Chemical Economic Environment • Price: Histories. Triple Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol (MIBC) Chemicals Polyurethane Elastomers Surfactants Household Detergents & Methyl Methacrylate Phthalic Anhydride Polyurethane Foams Their Raw Materials Mono. dyes. Normal Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) and Phosphorus and Phosphorus (PTMEG) Superphosphate. prices and international trade is also provided. vitamins. For consultations beyond the scope of the inquiry service. cultures and knowledge. A key feature of an annual subscription. Middle East and Africa Customer Care: Tel: +91 22 4090 7132 [email protected] 9453_0413PO . Inquiry & Consulting Privileges Annual subscribers to the Chemical Economics Handbook enjoy access to analysts in North America.ihs. please contact us using one of the appropriate email addresses below.com Email: APAC_lead@ihs. Europe and Asia.com/chemical Asia Pacific Greater China Americas Tel: +65 6439 6000 Tel: +65 6439 6000 ChemicalSalesAmericas@ihs. inquiry privileges give clients answers to specific immediate questions in a timely fashion. To learn more about IHS Chemical.com South Asia Europe. International Focus IHS Chemical’s worldwide team is rich in its diversity of people. and our clients have benefited from the various cultural insights and perspectives of the societies in which we do business. In keeping with the increasingly interconnected nature of the global economy. the program will develop additional information under a separate research or consulting contract.com supportapac@ihs. For more information www. we are constantly expanding our coverage. this group of experts is on hand to provide global information and insight. All inquiries remain strictly confidential. Thanks to our employees.
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