150518 Final PhD Adm Info-Brochure 2015-16-VJTI

March 29, 2018 | Author: Saurabh Pednekar | Category: Thesis, Doctor Of Philosophy, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Network, Heat Transfer



VEERMATA JIJABAI TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE(V.J.T.I.) (Central Technological Institute, Maharashtra State) (Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai) H. R. MAHAJANI MARG, MATUNGA, MUMBAI 400 019 INFORMATION BROCHURE For Admission to Ph.D. (Technology) Programmes 2015-16 1 VEERMATA JIJABAI TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (V.J.T.I.) (Central Technological Institute, Maharashtra State) (Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai) INFORMATION BROCHURE For Admission to Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D. (Technology) Programmes in Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Production Engineering Textile Technology Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering 2 (Rupees Five Hundred Only) for General candidates and Rs.in by 1st July. Submission of Hard Copy of the application: After submitting the online application form. printout of the application along with necessary FEES and copies of supporting documents (Refer annexure -1 ) should be forwarded to “The 3 .(Rupees Three Hundred Only) for candidates belonging to Reserved category SC / ST / VJ/DT/ NT / OBC/SBC to be paid by Demand Draft or Pay Order drawn in favor of “Director.org.INTRODUCTION The information described in this brochure is applicable to the Ph.D. 300/. 2015 a. 1 2 3 4 5# 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name of the Programme Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Production Engineering Textile Technology Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering Important dates: Activity Date Date of start of online application 18th May 2015 Last Date for online application 17th June 2015 a. 500/. b. VJTI”.b Last Date of receipt of Hard Copy at VJTI 24th June 2015 Display of shortlisted candidates on website 29th June 2015 Last date for receiving Clarification/Objection on shortlisted 1st July 2015 candidates Display of corrected shortlisted candidates 3rd July 2015 Written Test in respective departments at VJTI 6th July 2015 Display of list of candidates qualified in the written test 9th July 2015 13th & 14th July Interview at VJTI 2015 Display of Final Merit List on website 16th July 2015 Confirmation of provisional admission by paying fees 21st July 2015 Day Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Thursday Mon & Tue Thursday Tuesday # In case of any clarification or objection on shortlisted candidates. No. along with the Hard copy of the application. Application Processing Fee: An application processing fee of Rs. the candidates may communicate by sending an email to deanrandd@vjti. Sr. programmes listed below: Programme Code 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 1. payable at Mumbai. 2. b) Having THREE years technical/ industrial experience in the field of interest. Mumbai – 400019” superscribing the envelop with “Application for Ph. Matunga.D.75 or above on a 10 point scale (CPI/CGPA of 6. H. R. Infrastructural and financial support will come from the sponsoring organization (with Memorandum of Understanding between the sponsoring organization and VJTI). peer reviewed journals and/or research project completion in the field of interest.D.25 or above on a 10 point scale in case of reserved category) ii) Candidate who is currently an approved teacher having full time teaching experience of at least FIVE years as approved teacher. provided that the candidate satisfies one of the following: i) Candidate must have obtained Bachelor‟s degree and Master‟s degree in Engineering or Technology with minimum 60% marks (55% marks in case of reserved category) in either of the two or a CPI/CGPA of 6. Supervision will be jointly done by a faculty from VJTI and a person qualified to supervise Ph. (Candidate shall submit a sponsorship letter from the parent organization in the prescribed format) Such Candidates will preferably be selected for a joint research project from sponsoring organization. 5:00 pm. Eligibility for Admission A candidate shall be considered eligible for registration for the degree of Ph. iii) A candidate from a research organization or industry is considered eligible for registration for the degree of Ph. VJTI.Director. work from the sponsoring research organization/industry. c) Having visibility/acceptability of his/her work by way of paper presentations in reputed conferences. provided that the candidate satisfies the following: a) Having obtained Bachelor‟s degree and Master‟s degree in Engineering/Technology. 4 . D. d) Having sponsorship from the parent organization. admission-2015” to reach the office on or before 24th June 2015. Mahajani Marg.D. Pattern of question paper: The question paper will consist of three sections: Section I: Objectives (40 marks) Section II: Short answers (30 marks) Section III: Long answers (30 marks) d. the candidate will be informed regarding selection and shall be offered admission to Ph.3.4 The recommendations of the department will be forwarded through respective Departmental Academic Committee (DAC) to Dean (Academic Programmes) for final approval of Director / Chairman Academic Council. Syllabus It shall consist of the various topics included in the compulsory / core papers at Post Graduate degree level in the respective disciplines. D. 3.II for detailed syllabus) c. Selection process 3. program in the concerned department. including Head of the department and all research guides / supervisors of the department.5 After approval process.D. If candidate fails to accept the offer of admission within a specified time limit. Completion of course work 5 . Ph. b. D. Entrance Test The test will consist of one paper of 100 marks in the relevant discipline. program of the Institute after payment of necessary fees within stipulated time. Standard of passing: Candidates securing forty (40) or more marks in this test will be declared as successful and will be eligible for appearing for interview. the offer of admission shall stand cancelled and the candidate will have no claim afterwards.3 The eligible candidates will have to undergo an interview by a panel formed for the purpose.2 Department shall provide candidates with the details of research areas in the department.1 The candidate has to undergo a written test as per the UGC norms for Ph. 3.6 Candidate has to prepare an outline of the proposed research work in consultation with the supervisor/s and submit the same to respective DAC within a maximum period of nine months from the date of admission / registration. 3. (Refer annexure . a. 3. 3. conducted by the department. 5.1 A candidate who has appeared for the Ph. 4.2 A candidate with valid score of GATE / CSIR. Exemption from the Written Test 4. The copy of approval letter has to be attached as proof along with application..2 Part-time research scholar Candidate is required to complete at least two semester of residential requirement at the institute (VJTI). candidates under following categories: 5.D. Types of Ph.D. 6 . registration. Sponsored candidates have to produce sponsorship letter in given format along with application form.D.1 Full-time research scholar Candidate is required to be available in the institute full time for period of at least three years.D. 4. 5. There is possibility of Research / Teaching assistantship available to the candidate from institute funds or research projects..D.0 & above and approval of the proposal by the Ph. candidates The Institute admits Ph.3 Teachers of the University of Mumbai working in a University Department or an affiliated college with approved teaching experience of at least 05 years at degree and/or post graduate degree level shall be exempted from the written examination for Ph. entrance test (PET) of University of Mumbai or any other statutory University of the state of Maharashtra and has valid PET score is exempted from the written examination for Ph.NET (JRF) Examination in the relevant field of Engineering is exempted from the written examination for Ph.. Institute internal candidates have to apply as part time research scholars only.D. conducted by the departments. Candidates sponsored by their parent organizations cannot avail of Research / Teaching assistantship. 4.D. affairs committee is must for further continuation of the Ph.D.with a CPI of 6. Sponsored candidates have to produce sponsorship letter in given format along with application form. conducted by the department. Internal candidates have to work under VJTI supervisor and/or external supervisor from IIT or other research organizations (optional with recommendation from DAC). D. and satisfactory performance is must for further continuance of registration. .Tech. with whom VJTI has MOU. who are conversant with the field of research and shall include. (Internal research scholars must register for the courses in IIT.External member from IIT or other institutes / organizations of repute The names of RPC members along with the courses to be completed by the research scholar shall be communicated to Director / Chairman Academic Council through Dean (AP) within nine months of provisional admission to the programme.2 The course on research methodology is compulsory for all the research scholars admitted in the Institute. programme are required to acquire minimum credits from amongst M. 6. 7 .0 in the registered courses for further continuation in the Ph. level courses within first two semesters after registration. The research scholar who fails to satisfy the requirement of minimum CPI of 6.Internal faculty of VJTI having knowledge of the research area .5 The research scholar should acquire a minimum CPI of 6. Course credit requirements 6. 6.D. on the advice of the supervisor(s) and recommendation of respective DAC. 6. 7.4 Every registered scholar will have to deliver a seminar by studying at least five quality research papers in the chosen field of interest as suggested by the supervisor.1 All research scholars registering for Ph. . which will be evaluated by a committee of three faculty members who are research supervisors.6. programme. 7.0 within first year of admission has to discontinue the programme. RPC shall consist of members.2 The research scholar has to submit progress report through Supervisor to the RPC at the end of every year.3 The courses may also be taken from other departments of VJTI or from IIT or other reputed institutes. 7.1 Evaluation and assessment The DAC will form at least a three member Research Progress Committee (RPC) for every research scholar.) 6.Supervisor/s. 10 If two of the referees recommend not acceptance of thesis. The RPC may instruct the research scholar to carry out further work also. Colloquium and present his research in form of a poster presentation. in the third or any subsequent APS will decide whether the scholar has completed research work to an extent that his pre-synopsis seminar can be held and note its recommendations in the APS report. Such seminars are required to be given every year until the submission of synopsis. Finally the research scholar has to undergo a comprehensive viva-voce examination which has to be openly defended.4 The RPC will monitor the progress of research work of the candidate until completion of the programme. 7.6 The delay in submission of progress report and presentation may lead to discontinuation of Institute assistantship or/and cancellation of registration for the program. who will work as Chairman of the committee. the research scholar will present his research work in an Annual Progress Seminar (APS) to the RPC.3 At the end of every year. The modified thesis is resubmitted to the 8 . The committee of examiners for the open defense shall consist of one of the external referees. 7.7. to the satisfaction of evaluators. The RPC. the RPC will meet to review the reports submitted by the referees and with regard to referee‟s comments instruct the research scholar to modify the thesis. 7. the supervisor and the Head of Department / Professor. The final thesis has to be submitted within three months of the pre-synopsis seminar. After successful defense of the comprehensive vivavoce. the name of the research scholar shall be communicated to the University of Mumbai for award of Doctor of Philosophy (Technology) degree in the concerned discipline of engineering.7 The research scholar has to give at least three Annual Progress Seminars. At least two referees have to recommend acceptance of thesis with or without corrections / modifications. Further.9 The thesis submitted by the research scholar will be evaluated by three external referees.5 The continuation of registration of scholar is subject to satisfactory progress and recommendation of respective RPC on annual basis. 7. 7. the research scholar has to mandatorily participate in the annual VJTI Ph.8 The research scholar during the pre-synopsis seminar has to present her / his complete research work and include all suggestions of the RPC in the final thesis. 7. 7. postgraduate students and faculty.D. a work for which a degree or diploma or any other academic award has been conferred on the candidate by any university / academic body. If the two of the referees still recommend non acceptance of thesis. the candidature of the research scholar will be terminated. 9.3 A research scholar will not be permitted to submit a thesis. 8. 9 . including internal research scholars. have to work for a minimum period of four calendar years from the date of registration before submission of thesis. Seats Available for Admission in 2015-16 Department Civil / Structural Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Production Engineering Textile Technology Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering Total Seats Available 16 07 05 03 05 05 04 45 NOTE: The seats allocated against the department may vary depending of the availability of the research supervisors in the departments.4 A research scholar will be permitted to submit thesis. 8. 8. 8. (All the publication will have to be jointly authored by the research scholar and research supervisor). Validity of Registration and Award of degree 8.2 The validity of registration of the research scholar is six calendar years. while all part time research scholars.referees. only if the candidate has published (or accepted for publication) at least one research paper in his /her research domain in a referred Journal which is indexed in Scopus / Web-science and should have presented at least one conference paper (oral presentation by the candidate in person) in a conference organized by IITs / NITs / reputed engineering institutes / reputed professional societies.1 All full time research scholars have to work for a minimum period of three calendar years from the date of registration before submission of thesis. No. VJTI”. Fees Sr.E. Fees Fees in Rs. students (Sponsored) (Non Sponsored) 1 Tuition Fees 2 Development Fees 3 Laboratory Fees 4 Library Fees 5 I. 11. of appropriate amount as given above. 10 . D. & P. b) Candidate belonging to reserved category will be eligible for fee concessions as applicable by Maharashtra State rules subject to submission of necessary certificates. for Ph. Fees 7 Other Fees / certificate fee 8 Annual Social Fees 9 Social Activity Fees 10 Exam Fees 11 SDCM Fees 12 Institute Registration Fees 13 Gymkhana Fees 14 DSA Fees 15 Contingency Fees 16 Insurance Fees 17 Sponsorship Fees Total Fee Fee payable at time of admission 10000 5000 4000 700 500 0 225 125 100 2400 1000 1050 500 50 5000 432 10000 41082 41082 10000 5000 4000 700 500 0 225 125 100 2400 1000 1050 500 50 0 432 0 26082 26082 Notes:a) For confirmation of seat allotted. Reservations The reservations will be as per the reservation policy of the Government of Maharashtra.10. payable at Mumbai. all candidates have to submit Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favour of “Director. Mail Fees 6 T. Annexure -I Attested photocopies of following documents/certificates should be attached with the application form. SBC category are required to submit Caste Validity Certificate.B. Candidates suffering from Dyslexia. NT(C). N. V. OBC.O.T.T. ST. 3. • Documents related to educational qualification/s as claimed in the application form. N. Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital.(C). • The employed candidates should attach a Sponsorship certificate from the employer in the prescribed format (Refer Annexure . must note that the provision of reservation is NOT applicable to him/her. dated 27th February 2009 or its updated versions from time to time./D. V. • Caste Certificate (if applicable): Candidates belonging to categories SC. N. CBC/10/2008/CR‐697/BCW‐5. • Nationality Certificate: In lieu of this “Certificate of Indian Nationality” following Certificates/Documents will also be acceptable‐ 1. N.(D) . Birth Certificate of the Candidate indicating the Place of birth of the Candidate is within India./D. All India Institute of Physically Handicapped.(B). 2.T.(A). ST.T. NT (B). • Non‐Creamy Layer Certificate (if applicable):‐ A candidate belonging to „Creamy Layer‟ amongst the categories SBC. Dysgraphica & Dyscalculia are required to produce certificate issued by the „Learning Disability Clinic. SBC will be required to submit a Caste Certificate. 11 .T.III).T. Indian Passport in the name of the Candidate. VJ/DT-NT (A).J.T. Sion. and ability to undergo all parts of syllabus for the normal course. • Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate Validity Certificate (if applicable):‐ Candidates belonging to SC. N.(D). NT(D).B. NT(D).(C).-N.J. regarding his or her physical disability. The School Leaving Certificate indicating the Nationality of the Candidate as „Indian‟. Mumbai or Dean/Civil Surgeon of the Government / CIVIL HOSPITALS normally located at the District Headquarters.(A). NT(B). NT(C). • Disability Certificate (if applicable): The candidate claiming to be physically handicapped shall produce a certificate from the Director. OBC. • Documents related to experience as claimed in the application form.C. VJ/DT-NT(A). issued by appropriate authorities. will be required to produce “Non‐Creamy Layer Certificate” in the name of the candidate as specified in the Government Resolution No.C.-N. A candidate claiming benefit of reservation under the categories SBC.T.T. O. Mumbai‐22‟. The certificate must be valid up to 31 March 2016.T. N.(B). 4.D. Advance Hydraulic . foundation engineering and Low cost housing. Advanced structural analysis. Pre-stressed Concrete. logical reasoning and aptitude Discrete Mathematics Set and Propositions. Contract management. He or She will be admitted only in the Ph.D. Dam and Hydraulics Structure Structural dynamics. Ground Water Hydrology.No 1. programs in Civil Engg with specialization areas in Structural Engineering. Memory interface. Transportation Engineering Environmental engineering. Construction techniques. Geospatial technology. No. Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits. Probability. Graphs and planar Graphs . Impact Assessment. Construction Engineering. Structural Engineering Syllabus for entrance Test Construction Management. 1. Geotechnical engineering. 3. Graph Theory. Water resource management Irrigation Engg. Advance Hydraulic . Secondary Engineering Mathematics 12 . Advanced Hydrology. I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode). Instruction pipelining. ALU and data-path. Environmental Engineering 3. Environmental Engineering and Water resource Engineering 2) Candidate must appear for the entrance test of his or her M Tech specialization / other specialization. Concrete technology. FRP Composites. Tree and Cut-Sets . 2. Computability and formal languages. Computer Engineering & Information Technology Sr. Number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point). Groups and Rings Digital Logic Logic functions. program of that specialization in which the candidates will pass the entrance test and not in any other specializations. Set Theory & Algebra. Areas of research for Ph. Plastic analysis. Water resource management. Syllabus for entrance Test Mathematical Logic. Earthquake engineering. Solid waste hazard mgmt. Finite element method. Industrial waste hazard mgmt.D. Numerical Methods. Permutation.Discrete Numerical Function and Generating function . in Civil Engineering Construction Management 2. CPU control design. Building drawings. Computer Organization And Architecture Machine instructions and addressing modes. Calculus. Construction Materials. Plate and shell design. Minimization. Adv. NOTE: 1) Separate entrance test will be conducted for Ph. Combinations and Discrete probability .Annexure -II Syllabus for Ph. Water Resource Engineering 4. Relational and Functions. Env. Combinatory. Recurrence relations and recursive Algorithms . Cache and main memory. Construction Management. Linear Algebra.D. Entrance Examination CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Sr. Open channel flow. Searching and sorting Analysis. Divide-and-conquer. OSPF . Real time Design Techniques. Scope.TFTP . ER-model. Databases And Mining 11. Class modeling. Web Application Design . 5. File structures (sequential files. Routing Protocols . SOA. Compiler Design 9. Binary heaps. Dynamic programming. I/O systems. Congestion control. ICMP. Shortest paths. UDP . Software Project Management: Structured project . Software Requirement Specification . Asymptotic analysis (best. Stacks. Planning A Network . tuple calculus). Web Mining. Object Oriented Design. multimedia databases. Dynamic Modeling. Parsing. Synchronization. Theory of Computation 8. Transactions and concurrency control. NP. Connected components. Web Engineering: Modeling Web Application.Network Design: Internet work Connectivity –MAU’S. Data Oriented Design. Protection and security. Action Oriented Design. Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines. Worst and average case analysis. RARP. Software Engineering 12. Intermediate and target code generation Processes. NP-hard. average cases) of time and space. Basic concepts of complexity classes – P. B and B+ trees). Database design. Binary search trees. Spanning trees.OO Project & Web Project ISO/OSI stack. Component Level Design. Design: Greedy approach. Arrays.SNMP. Network Layer: IP.RIP . Context free languages and Push-down automata. Routing algorithms. worst. Real Time Traffic over the internet (RTP. Runtime environments. Data Mining-association. Binding. Deadlock. Notions of space and time complexity. Bridges. Application Layer Protocols :HTTP. File systems.DNS. Recursion. Structured Systems Analysis & Design: Requirement modeling. Inter-process communication. Sorting. Gate. Computer Networks 13 . BGP .RPC. RTCP) . Programming And Data Structures 6.WWW. Transport Layer : TCP. indexing. Hubs.NFS. User Interface Design . Relational model (relational algebra. Linked Lists. Token ring). code optimization. Threads. Syntax directed translation. Queues. upper and lower bounds. Query languages (SQL). Network Design 10. Functions. Flow and error control techniques. parallel databases. Concurrency.SMTP. CPU scheduling. NP-complete Regular languages and finite automata. VLANS. Abstract data types. classification. Parameter passing. Repeaters. Trees. normal forms. Tree and graph traversals. Multiplexers. IGMP .Object Oriented Analysis & Design: Use case modeling. Software Reengineering . Design Concept. spatial databases. Searching. clustering. Asymptotic notation. Routers. Networking Fundamentals: Introduction to OSI Model and TCP/IP Protocol Suite.FTP. Hashing. Algorithms 7. Undesirability Lexical analysis. LAN technologies (Ethernet. Operating System Programming in C. IP Addressing. distributed databases. ARP.storage. Architectural Design. Memory management and virtual memory. Authorization.SAN. Protocol Handlers. Web Technologies 19. JSP . Exploring cloud services . XML. Cloud Service Providers . Anonymity. Web Search And Multimedia Retrieval Systems 15. Scheduling. Broadcast vs. NAS Theoretical methods for distributed algorithms.URL Decoder. Network Programming Introduction Security. Socket for Server. Multicast. Synchronization. Protocol Handlers. Java Bean. Asynchronous distributed systems.Audio Indexing and Retrieval . Network interface Class. Object Oriented Programming 18. Web Search Basics . Engineering Mathematics 2. Threads: Returning Information from Thread. JavaScript .. Cryptography.Transform Theory Network theory Electronic devices and Circuits Analog and Digital Signal Processing 14 . Basics of Cloud Computing . Secure Socket . Cloud architecture. Electrical Engineering Linear Algebra Calculus Differential equations Complex variables Probability and Statistics Numerical Methods . URL & URLs: The URL Class . Database Security. Operating systems security. Output Stream and Filter Stream. Distributed Algorithms 17. Minimum Spanning Tree . Services and Applications . Leader Election . Attacks on Integrity. Network and web attacks and defense mechanism.13. Authentication. Cloud Infrastructure and Virtualization . Current Trends in Video Search. Non-repudiation. Candy and Lamports. arbitrary network MST. FIFO. Server Database Access. UDP Datagram and Socket. Confidentiality. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) . Multimedia Retrieval systems . Socket Programming Socket for Client. Threats. Fault Tolerance in synchronous and Asynchronous systems C++ / Java HTML. Thread Pool. Application and Security Server Side Programming. Vulnerabilities. 1. Termination detection Self stabilization.Algorithms Logical time Snapshots. Information Security 14. Mutual Exclusion.No. Video Indexing and Retrieval .Ring vs. Cloud Storage. Content URL Connections. Content Handlers RMI and Java Mail API ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Syllabus for entrance Test Sr. Deadlock. network security. Streams: Input Stream. Cloud Computing And Storage Management 16. Resource Allocation Async Network Algorithms. Cloud Security Management . Web Servers and Servlets. Leader election Algorithms. Cloud Administration . URL Connections. Looking up Internet Addresses: The Inet4 Address and Inet6 Address. impact. flywheels. shear force and bending moment diagrams. boundary layer. trusses and frames. fins. dynamic analysis of slider-crank mechanism. velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms. vibration isolation. fatigue strength and the S-N diagram. Electronics engineering Linear Algebra Calculus Differential equations Complex variables Probability and Statistics Numerical Methods Transform Theory Network theory Electronic devices Analog. critical speeds of shafts. failure theories. Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain. resistance concept. unsteady heat conduction.No. Euler’s theory of columns. control-volume analysis of mass. thermal stresses. differential equations of continuity and momentum. dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer. bending and shear stresses. deflection of beams. flow through pipes. effect of damping.Control Systems: Classical Control. Stability and Control Electromagnetic. one dimensional heat conduction. [4] Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems. kinematics and dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion. FLUID MECHANICS AND THERMAL SCIENCES [1] Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties. stress-strain relationship and elastic constants. virtual work. High Voltage Engg. principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted. [2] Strength of Materials: Stress and strain. [5] Design: Design for static and dynamic loading. Non-linear System Analysis and Design Power Systems : Analysis. systems and signal processing Control Systems Electronics communications Electromagnetic Basics of biomedical engineering Microprocessor System and computer organization MECHANICAL ENGINEERING APPLIED MECHANICS AND DESIGN [1] Engineering Mechanics: Free body diagrams and equilibrium. strain energy methods. brakes and clutches. viscous flow of incompressible fluids. gear trains. 1. head losses in pipes. bends etc. electrical analogy. including impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and energy formulations. fluid statics. momentum and energy. ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Syllabus for entrance Test Sr. manometry. elementary turbulent flow. thin cylinders. Digital circuits Signal. 15 . resonance. spur gears. [3] Theory of Machines: Displacement. riveted and welded joints. torsion of circular shafts. buoyancy. rolling and sliding contact bearings. [2] Heat-Transfer: Modes of heat transfer. shafts. Engineering Mathematics 2. Bernoulli’s equation. fluid acceleration. wire and tube drawing. tool wear and tool life. TIG. principles of non-traditional machining processes. Metal Joining Processes: Welding processes – manual metal arc. irreversibility and availability. Metal Casting: Casting processes – types and applications. rolling. Carnot cycle. Engines: air-standard Otto. thermit. assignment. design considerations. moulds and cores. single and multi-point cutting tools. aggregate production planning. moist air: psychrometric chart. scheduling. [4] Joining: Physics of welding. [10] Operations Research: Linear programming. interferometry. network analysis. press tools – configuration. [4] Applications: Power Engineering: Steam Tables. form and finish measurement. making. materials requirement planning. rolling. analysis of thermodynamic cycles related to energy conversion. and bending) metal forming processes. heat exchanger performance. Merchant’s analysis. casting inspection. tool geometry and materials.various correlations for heat transfer in flow over flat plates and through pipes. Rankine. inspection of welded joints. PERT and CPM. 16 . and tolerances. design of casting. heat treatment. selective assembly. 3. metal working defects. coining and embossing. EBM. Metal Forming: Stress-strain relations in elastic and plastic deformation. load estimation for bulk (forging. alignment and testing methods. deformation mechanisms. heat pumps. sheet metal working processes such as blanking. solidification and cooling. allowances. applications. [5] Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining. forge. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (within Mech. hot and cold working – forging. effect of turbulence. Turbomachinery: Pelton-wheel. moulds and cores – materials. [9] Inventory Control: Deterministic and probabilistic models. principles of forging die design. simplex and duplex method. principles of design of jigs and fixtures [6] Metrology and Inspection: Limits. brazing. deep drawing. gauge design. CHM. First and Second laws of thermodynamics. PRODUCTION ENGINEERING 1. economics of machining. black and grey surfaces. transportation. thermal aspects of machining. velocity diagrams. simple queuing models. and drawing) and sheet (shearing.C. LMTD and NTU methods. machinability. cutting fluids. EDM and Wire cut EDM. electro-slag. principles of powder metallurgy. and testing. properties of pure substances. Refrigeration and air-conditioning: Vapour refrigeration cycle. 5. forging. steels and nonferrous metals and alloys. riser and gating design. friction. comparators. linear and angular measurements by mechanical and optical methods. Diesel cycles. defects and remedies. basic psychrometric processes. principles of work holding. 2. submerged arc. braze welding. design considerations in welding. [3] Thermodynamics: Zeroth. behavior of ideal and real gases. defects and remedies. 4. gas refrigeration. selection of machining parameters. safety stock inventory control systems. introduction to advanced welding processes – ultrasonic. analysis of rolling. network flow models. plasma arc. LBM. fundamentals of hot and cold working processes. and design. Metrology and Inspection: Limits. Engg branch) [1] Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials. casting techniques of cast iron. gating and risering. electron beam. deep drawing. economics of machining. extrusion. extrusion and wire /rod drawing. AJM. linear and angular measurements. [7] Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools. extrusion. laser beam. I. tool life and wear. tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly. interchangeability. other joining processes – soldering. [8] Production Planning and Control: Forecasting models. patterns – types and materials. calculation of work and heat in ideal processes. thermal cutting. principles and applications of nontraditional machining processes – USM. ECM. tool materials. stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials. thermal boundary layer. thermodynamic system and processes. design of die and punch. PAM. comparators. fits and tolerances. [2] Metal Casting: Design of patterns. Francis and Kaplan turbines — impulse and reaction principles. resistance. radiative heat transfer. design of limit gauges. [3] Forming: Plastic deformation and yield criteria. bending. concept of flow stress. and explosive welding. Brayton cycles with regeneration and reheat. Reverse Brayton cycle. shape factors. Tool Engineering: Jigs and fixtures – principles. brazing and soldering. WJM. fits. solidification. MIG. piercing. adhesive bonding. Innovation. process planning. 12. duality and sensitivity analysis. CAPP. diversification. push and pull production systems. drilling. measurement of straightness. six sigma. 7. planning. Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Basic machine tools. compaction and sintering. lapping. squareness and symmetry. 9. 21. and CIM. 11. simulation – manufacturing applications. logistics. work measurement – stop watch time study. total productive maintenance – concept and applications. Reliability and Maintenance: Reliability. industrial design and trademark. Disaster management. patent. Organization. Organizational Behavior & Industrial Management: HRD. cutting forces and power requirements. milling. simple queuing models. Quality Management: Quality – concept and costs. Manufacturing Analysis: Sources of errors in manufacturing. Operations strategy. tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly. techniques for evaluation of capital investments. standardization. roundness. Administration. 13. costs. extrusion. Inventory – functions. 19. tolerance design. statistical quality control. molding of composites. MIS & Enterprise Resource Planning. 18. transportation and assignment models. dynamic programming. standard data. timecost trade-off. 17 . quality assurance. principles of motion economy. and supply chain management. simplification. time and cost analysis. 6. Engineering Economy and Costing: Elementary cost accounting and methods of depreciation. quantity discount. shaping. Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAD. resource leveling. constrained optimization and Lagrange multipliers 16. perpetual and periodic inventory control systems. Facility Design: Facility location factors and evaluation of alternate locations. 8. productivity – concepts and measurements. ISO 9000. surface finish measurement. product life cycle. 20. method study. DNC. NC. Polymers and Composites: Introduction to polymers and composites. Entrepreneurship & Business Transformation. Infrastructure Management. types of plant layout and their evaluation. Work System Design: Taylor’s scientific management. Robotics. job evaluation. calendaring and thermoforming. business process reengineering. FMS. broaching. Supply Chain Management. reliability models. preventive maintenance and replacement. quality circles. aggregate production planning. and wage administration. deterministic and probabilistic inventory models. alignment testing of machine tools. copyright. inspection of screw threads and gears. compression and blow molding. Intellectual Property System: Definition of intellectual property. ergonomics. quality and cost considerations. Product Design and Development: Principles of good product design. Management. super finishing. chip formation. distribution of failure and repair times. incentive schemes. CNC. Gilbreths’s contributions. 15. HRM. concurrent engineering. machining processes-turning. PERT and CPM. zero defects. boring. honing. PMTS. acceptance sampling. work sampling. plastic processing – injection. gear cutting. Powder Metallurgy: Production of metal powders. assembly line balancing. cellular manufacturing. TRIPS and its implications. design of experiments – Taguchi method. system reliability determination. mechanics of machining – geometry of cutting tools. concept of JIT manufacturing system. Production Planning and Inventory Control: Forecasting techniques – causal and time series models. thread production. distribution. total quality management. computer aided layout design techniques. MRP and MRP-II. financial statements. grinding. classifications. scheduling and priority dispatching. materials handling systems. micro-motion study. moving average. master production scheduling. manufacturing technologies – strategies and selection. Technology Management. process capability. importance of IPR. Operation Research: Linear programming – problem formulation. order control and flow control. break-even analysis. routing. value engineering and analysis. availability and maintainability. simplex method. flatness. merit rating. exponential smoothing. parameter selection and comparison of production alternatives. 14.interferometry. trend and seasonality. network flow models. 10. determination of MTBF and MTTR. CAM. Project Management: Risk management. 17. application etc. classification of nonwovens. Dyeing.TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY 1. sewing. structure and structure. Development of ecotextile products coated & laminated materials. processes involved in conversion of polymer to fiber. Apparel Manufacturing & Merchandising: patterning. Raw materials. properties of fiber. Production process & Application of high performance fibers 2. Fiber Science & High Performance Fiber: Polymer. Modern techniques in manmade fiber production. printing and finishing of textiles. Technical Textile & Nonwovens: All areas of technical textiles. bleaching. mercerizing. 6. 3. Different methods of yarn/fabric formation. Testing: Sampling procedures. surface modification techniques for textile materials. structure development in fiber. quality control aspects. Chemical Processing & Eco textile Production: Preparatory processes e. singeing. 5. Yarn & Fabric Formation: Preparatory processes. scouring. visual merchandising. product development & processes.property relationship.g. 18 . Textile composites. drafting and marker planning. Nonwovens. Technological advances in yarn/fabric manufacturing. classification. Knitting techniques. evaluation and applications. desizing. structure property correlation. 4. Fundamentals of testing of textile materials in various forms. retail and supply chain management. testing methods for evaluation of various properties of textiles. heat setting of textiles. …………………………………………………………………………. is a full time employee of our organization since ………………………….years of experience. degree programme as Full Time Sponsored candidate in … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Department of VJTI...D. Seal of Organization 19 .D. Date: …………….. Signature of Sponsoring Authority Place: ……….400019. we hereby sponsor him/her to join the Ph. Designation: …………………………. (Date) and he/she has total …………………….Annexure -III Format for Sponsorship Letter for Full time sponsored candidate (To be filled in by sponsoring organization on their letter head only) Date: SPONSORSHIP LETTER Shri/Smt/Ms. Matunga. programme as a Full time candidate.. Mumbai .. Organization: ………………………. If selected.. We shall relieve him/her of all responsibilities in our organization for a minimum period of 3 years to enable him/her to pursue the Ph... D.Format for Sponsorship Letter for Part-time sponsored candidate (To be filled in by sponsoring organization on their letter head only) Date: SPONSORSHIP LETTER Shri. /Smt... Designation: ………………………….. Seal of Organization 20 . Matunga. we hereby sponsor him/her to join the Ph. Signature of Sponsoring Authority Place: ……….400019. /Ms. (Date) and he/she has total ……………………. Date: ……………. degree programme as Part-Time Sponsored candidate in … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Department of V J T I..years of experience. We shall relieve him/her of all responsibilities in our organization for one year to complete mandatory course work. ………………………………………………………………………….. If selected. is a full time employee of our organization since …………………………. Mumbai . Organization: ……………………….. Thereafter he/she will be allowed to report to the research supervisor for one full day in a span of fifteen days...
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