1.5 Santiago-Calatrava Raluca Simota

March 26, 2018 | Author: Claudia Milea | Category: Railway, Transport, Science, Engineering



Santiago Calatrava Valls was bornin 1951 in Benimamet near Valencia [Valence], Spain. He started his stdies in 19!" at the school o# arts in Valencia. $rom 19!9 to 19%&, Calatrava stdied architectre and rbanistics at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectur de Valencia, then civil engineering at Swit'erland(s $ederal )nstitte o# *echnolog+ [,idgen-ssische *echnische Hochschle, ,*H] in .rich, #inishing with a doctorate in technical sciences in 19"1. Santiago Calatrava reali'ed a nmber o# pro/ects in Swit'erland and thogh he has been wor0ing all arond the globe in recent +ears, he still lives in .rich and has o##ices there 1as well as in 2aris and Valencia3. Calatrava combines a strong sense #or art and beat+ 4 he also wor0s as a sclptor and a painter 4 with a pro#ond 0nowledge o# engineering allowing him to constrct metallic strctres that seem to de#+ the laws o# gravit+. His ma/or wor0s o# architectre inclde bridges and train stations Check these out. I think that Sanitiago Calatrava is one of the best, most original architects on the planet! *he 5lamillo Bridge in Valencia6 *rning *orso, de Santiago Calatrava, es na torre de 197 metros de altra + 5& plantas sitada en 8alm-. ,s el edi#icio residencial m9s alto de Secia + #e inagrado en agosto de :775. ;a #eria de la constrcci<n de Cannes del mismo a=o lo premi< como me/or edi#icio residencial del mndo. *he 2ente del 5lamillo in Seville 199: $amed Spanish 5rchitect, Santiago Calatrava , 0nown #or sch bildings as the recent 8ilwa0e e 5rt 8sem, has moved #rther down the la0e to Chicago to create what might be his most endring wor0 in a long career o# endring wor0s Soldier $ield, Chicago >ellness Center, Swit'erland, 8orse ?.S. Corthose, *,@ AB> HB?S,S )@ A?C)@,;;B48);5@ A,H5B);)*5*)B@ B$ S5@*5 C5*,A)@5 85AD,* Barcelona, Spain $,E,A5*)B@ SF?5A, 8elborne, 5stralia GShard o# Class *ower,G ;ondon, *H,5*A, S*?E)B $BA ?@)V,AS)*H Brno, C'ech Aepblic 8ilwa0ee 5rt 8sem Vatican Ibilee Chrch :77& *eneri#e Concert Hall, Santa Cr' de *eneri#e, @,> HBAD Chicago Planetarium of the Valencia Alamillo Bridge/Cartuja Viaduct, 19"%49: Seville, Spain Lyon Airport Railway Station, 19"949& Satalas, ;+on, $rance Communications Tower, 19"949: Barcelona, Spain Santiago Calatrava riente Station, 199J49" ;isbon, 2ortgal Wingspan of the Milwaukee Art Museum designed bridge-Bilbao Wohlen High School Peace. All best wishes for the Holidays and the ew !ear "ommunications #ower$ Barcelona Quadracci Pavilion "iudad de las Artes y la "iencias %a disco en Puerto Madero ITAIA ! Ponte di Calatrava al casello autostradale di "# Milwaukee Art Museum The official ceremon$ opening the light rail bridge in %erusalem Se&illa &are do 'riente, isboa (urich )niversit$ a* ibrar$, (urich, S*it+erland "ierro los o'os... #urtle Bay - (edding$ "alifornia Sundial Bridge ,e* -ork .orld Trade Center Site Transit Station
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