15. IGEM2013 Executive Report

March 28, 2018 | Author: Faiq Fuat | Category: Photovoltaic System, Hybrid Vehicle, Waste, Waste Management, Sustainability



ZT2 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT CONTENTS FOREWORD OVERVIEW OF IGEM2013 OPENING CEREMONY COUNTRY & PAVILIONS KETTHA CHINA EUROPEAN UNION GERMANY JAPAN KOREA KEITI KOREA KEPA MALAYSIA SINGAPORE TAIWAN PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS ONE-TO-ONE BIZMATCH PROGRAMME MIDA BUSINESS CLINIC MATRADE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MATCHING GREEN INSIGHTS MGBC EASY SUNDAE NETWORKING COCKTAIL IGEM2013 AWARDS EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING LAUNCH OF MYHIJAU DIRECTORY GREEN BUILDING INDEX SHOWCASE EU-KETTHA BREAKFAST INDONESIAN DELEGATION VISIT VIP VISITS TESTIMONIES ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS MEDIA COVERAGE IGEM2013 FACTS & FIGURES IGEM2013 ORGANISING COMMITTEE 2 6 10 14 18 20 25 26 32 34 38 44 48 52 54 56 58 63 64 66 70 72 73 74 75 76 80 84 95 99 101 ......................................................................................... Disclaimer : This Executive Report serves as a brief summary of exhibits and events during IGEM2013. While all care is taken to ensure fair representation, the organising committee extends apologies for the inability to feature every booth and occassions due to space constraints. ZT 3 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT FOREWORD YAB DATO’ SRI MOHD. NAJIB TUN HAJI ABDUL RAZAK Prime Minister of Malaysia Sustainable economic development is an important agenda in Malaysia’s long term development plan. It is essential not only to ensure sustainable green growth for the future through energy interdependence and effciency utilization, but also to support the sustainability of our country economically, socially and environmentally. Realizing this, Malaysia has put in place strategic enablers and key drivers to build a “green economy”. Four years after the Government ushered in a new green deal, it has become one of the most exciting and dynamic destinations for green technology businesses in the region, if not the world at large. Success will require smart engagement with the private sector and organisation of events such as IGEM to further leverage on the country’s great potential to develop a world-level industry downstream. In this regard, I am pleased to note that IGEM has grown from strength to strength. Into its 4th year, IGEM2013 is the legitimate platform for serious green stakeholders to participate, network, showcase and explore the latest green technology, innovative eco-products and services. It is also heartening to note that IGEM2013 is held in partnership with the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES). Aptly themed “Advancing Green Growth and Global Entrepreneurship”, I hope it can attract more entrepreneurs around the globe, particularly from small and medium enterprises sector (SMEs), to embrace green technology initiatives and help unleash the potential of new areas in the economy, while creating a core group of ‘ecopreneurs’ to be in the forefront of the green growth, consistent with Malaysia’s vision to position itself as the region’s green technology hub. In addition, I believe that more banking and fnancial institutions will join the green wave and step forward in providing fnancial facilities and assistance to our entrepreneurs in green development projects and portfolios. This will also promote increased foreign and domestic direct investments (FDIs and DDIs) in green technology manufacturing and services sectors. In turn, it will be a step closer to achieve ultimate sustainability and green growth. On this note, it is my fervent hope that exhibitors, technology providers, and visitors will fnd IGEM2013 to be the confuence for the exploration and establishment of stronger networks and business partnerships towards innovative green markets. Finally, I would like to congratulate the organiser, namely the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water Malaysia (KeTTHA) and its co-organisers, the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation and Expomal International for yet another successful IGEM2013; and hope that IGEM will continue to be the region’s largest exhibition on green technology & eco products! Excerpt from IGEM2013 Message ZT 4 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT FOREWORD YAB TAN SRI DATO’ HAJI MUHYIDDIN BIN HAJI MOHD YASSIN Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Green Technology has been identifed as one of the key drivers of our economic growth that allows us to progress more rapidly and at the same time minimizes the negative impacts to the environment. The organisation of IGEM2013 and its concurrent activities will create the necessary impetus for quicker adsorption of our green growth strategies. I am confdent that the IGEM series has been a precursor in creating more new opportunities for businesses and industries to bring a positive impact to our sustainable economic growth. It will also provide the basis for all Malaysians to enjoy an improved quality of life, in line with the government’s overall socio-economic policies in achieving the high-income nation status by 2020. IGEM2013 is a good showcase of innovation should be given emphasis. Schools and institutions of higher learning should organize specifc visits to IGEM2013 for greater awareness and insights into the green technology. This is consistent with the government’s support for lifelong learning which is essential to the competitiveness of the knowledge or e-economy. The ideas of sustainability and resource effciency should be inculcated as social values so that they become part of the Malaysian culture and lifestyle. Excerpt from IGEM2013 Message ZT 5 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT FOREWORD YB DATUK SERI PANGLIMA DR MAXIMUS JOHNITY ONGKILI Minister of Energy, Green Technology & Water Malaysia Green technology application is one of the sensible solutions to address climate change issues and support environmental conservation. In this regard, KeTTHA facilitates and take steps to enable the adoption of green technology into demands of products and services that will improve our living standard, livelihood and communities. The use of renewable natural resources that never depletes will save our planet and our future generation. Widespread usage of green technology will also boost Malaysia’s export of green technological products and services. To this end, IGEM gathers the commerce and industry’s fore-runners in green technology to showcase their latest innovations and make the sector a mainstay towards growing the green economy for big and tangible outcomes. Themed “Advancing Green Growth and Global Entrepreneurship”, IGEM2013 has grown not only in size, but also in enriched contents to draw attention of exhibitors and visitors globally. Hence, IGEM befts its claim as the region’s largest exhibition on green technology and eco products with the participation of world-class organisations around the globe. I laud our co-organisers Greentech Malaysia, Expomal International, The International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) and the Green Purchasing Network Malaysia (GPNM), exhibitors, media representatives and supporters, as well as visitors for making IGEM2013 a huge success. Excerpt from IGEM2013 Message ZT 6 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT FOREWORD YBHG DATUK LOO TOOK GEE Secretary-General, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water Malaysia Together with our all supporting partners, organisations and collaborators, we stand proud as we look at the profle of IGEM, which we have all worked hard over the last few years to make IGEM an exciting yearly world-class affair. IGEM2013 was aptly themed as “Advancing Green Growth and Global Entrepreneurship”, taking into account the partnership with the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES). This partnering event served as an excellent platform for industry players to collaborate with global entrepreneurs for information exchange, networking as well as providing access to the rising tide of investment in innovative green technology initiatives around the globe. Green technology growth requires the conviction of stakeholders and consumers that environmental conservation and preservation should not be treated as a trade-off for sustainable production and consumption. Rather it must be seen as a harmonious and symbiotic relationship for a better quality of life for everyone. I am indeed delighted that this has always been the prime objective of IGEM, not only to create such awareness but also to promote better understanding of this relationship among businesses. IGEM2013 continued with the high-impact Green Insights presentations, with more new products and launches from the exhibitors to potential buyers and visitors on their latest products and services. In addition, the One-to-one BizMatch Programme and the MATRADE’s International Business Matching programme were given greater emphasis to provide a conducive environment for buyers and sellers to conduct face-to-face business meetings for trade and collaboration opportunities. It is our fervent hope that IGEM will become the synonymous annual gathering and exchange centre for all stakeholders in green technology. Excerpt from IGEM2013 Message ZT 7 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT OVERVIEW OF IGEM2013 OVERVIEW OF IGEM2013 Behind the seamless unfolding of events at IGEM2013 is an entire year of ingenious planning, discussions, coordination and implementation by the Organising Committee. The organising of the 4th edition of the International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia began in January 2013 with a soft launch by the Former Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Tan Sri Peter Chin Fah Kui, at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur on 15 January 2013. Announcing the theme of IGEM2013 as “Advancing Green Growth”, Tan Sri Peter Chin emphasised that the IGEM series has garnered growing success since its inception in 2010, and is now prepared to scale new heights in 2013 and beyond. He also revealed that the reported total business transactions and trade leads rose from RM1.2 billion in the inaugural edition of IGEM2010 to RM1.35 billion in 2011. The fgure was maintained in IGEM2012 and is expected to be exceeded at IGEM2013. Excitement doubled in Q2 of 2013 when it was announced that the US-initiated 4th Global Entrepreneurship Summit will be held for the frst time in Asia, in conjunction with the frst two days of IGEM2013. Both concurrent events, renowned in their own rights, would create a powerful synergy of thought-provoking journey and knowledge exchange that were believed to have an even bigger impact upon every participant, visitor and delegate alike. Drawing close to the exhibition date, an Exhibitor and Contractor Briefng was conducted on 13 September 2013 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre with the GES being held concurrently, all exhibitors were carefully briefed on the tightened security and were instructed to ensure all their personnel were registered to gain offcial entry into the exhibition venue. ZT 8 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT OVERVIEW OF IGEM2013 A week before IGEM2013, a Media Preview was held on 3 October 2013 to further boost publicity for IGEM2013. Like previous years, the Media Preview provided media representatives an insight into the exciting programmes and activities during IGEM2013. For the frst time, the trade fair will see the participation of almost all Malaysian state representatives, evidence of full buy-off from the states with regards to green technology. Held from 10-13 October 2013, IGEM2013 housed more than 460 booths covering over 1000 sq metres, spanning across fve halls at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Comprising eight International, ASEAN and Malaysia State pavilions, IGEM2013 featured six major sectors: renewable energy and energy effciency; water and waste management; green transportation and logistics; eco- products and services; green building and interiors; and green ICT. Participating international pavilions consisted of EU, Japan (JETRO), Korea KEITI, Korea KEPA, Singapore, China, Germany and Taiwan, showcasing ingenious innovations that can be utilised as timely solutions for many of the world’s environmental problems. Apart from call cards, best practices and experiences were freely shared for the betterment of all, in lieu of the fact that green businesses extend beyond dollars and sense by default. The exhibitor profle continued to be diverse, with participation of companies from over 23 countries and regions. ZT 9 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Breaking tradition, the Registration Counter was located at Hall 6, the extended canopy, where visitors were greeted by a living and breathing Vertical Garden as soon as they stepped in. The vibrant colours and shades, hung from sturdy steel frames and equipped with self- watering mechanisms, were an embodiment of IGEM – the greening of spaces and improvement of life using the latest advancements in green technology. The four-day exhibition received over 56, 500 visitors from across 60 countries, the majority of which were serious trade visitors. As the stakes are high, one dominant and commendable feature of IGEM visitorship is that it comprises decision makers and top management personnel who waste no time in getting down to business. To facilitate partnerships particularly for time-strapped visitors and exhibitors, Business Matching sessions were conducted by the organisers, MATRADE and MIDA in various halls at KLCC. Buyers and sellers were provided a free fow of drinks and snacks throughout the day amidst a conducive environment to discuss and explore opportunities with potential business partners. A less formal setting to network and rewind was also made available through the Networking Cocktail at Hall 6 on the frst day of IGEM2013, where exhibitors could continue to discuss business over drinks and music. One of the highlights of IGEM2013 was the Green Insights educational series, which saw full-house attendance throughout the four days of the trade fair. The talks given by experts from all over the world provided participants in-depth knowledge of greentech innovations and technologies, adding real value in terms of information and special insights. More connections were in store, with the offcial launching of the Green Career Matching sessions that bridged green employers with employees. Potential jobseekers and employers had more reasons to rejoice, because the service will continue to be available online all year round, even after IGEM2013 was over. Other workshops, seminars and showcases being held during IGEM2013 included the Green Building Index (GBI) showcase, Green IT, Greening the Economy and Adopting a Green Lifestyle. IGEM2013 was organised by the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and co-organised by Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia), Expomal International Sdn Bhd, International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN) and Green Purchasing Network Malaysia (GPNM). This Executive Report is a compilation of the exhibition sector of IGEM2013 which brought together all green players under one roof. While all care has been taken to provide a comprehensive report, not all exhibitors had been highlighted due to space constraints here. OVERVIEW OF IGEM2013 ZT 10 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT OVERVIEW OF IGEM2013 ZT 11 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT OPENING CEREMONY OPENING CEREMONY The Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak made his presence warmly felt on the second day of IGEM2013, giving a ringing endorsement of the event as a catalyst for entrepreneurs to forge new business alliances and smart partnerships. Accompanied by an entourage that included the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Second Minister of Finance Dato’ Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah; Deputy Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Dato’ Seri Diraja Mahdzir Khalid and Secretary General of Treasury Tan Sri Dr. MohdIrwanSerigar bin Abdullah, the Prime Minister stopped by at local and international booths to gather frst-hand insights on the latest technologies, much to the delight of the exhibitors. After putting his signature on the offcial backdrop, the Prime Minister embarked on a comprehensive tour of the exhibition halls. Demonstrating his support to home-grown efforts in promoting green technology as a strategic socio-economic engine, he frst made a stop at ZT 12 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT OPENING CEREMONY ZT 13 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia), where CEO Ir. Ahmad Hadri Haris was only too happy to explain the rationale behind their latest initiative, MyHijau Directory. Newly launched by the KeTTHA Minister a day earlier, MyHijau Directory provides detailed information on companies that provide green products and services in Malaysia and is expected to be a highly sought-after tool for traders and investors alike. Following detours to the Biotechcorp, Sarawak and Hitachi booths, the Prime Minister went on to explore the offerings at Panasonic Malaysia’s showcase. The frst item to catch the Prime Minister’s eye was a strategically-positioned life-size HIT photovoltaic (PV) panel. Explained Managing Director Yosuke Matsunaga, unlike conventional solar cells, HIT PV panels maintain their high effciency at high temperatures – making them the world’s highest-effciency solar panel at this time. OPENING CEREMONY ZT 14 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Panasonic is also one of the suppliers of key solar PV modules and systems to Cypark, the leading solar farm operator in Malaysia. The Prime Minister was also intrigued by the cool-looking Solar Lantern, a white-and- green multi-function light that can serve as a rechargeable unit for USB devices. Toyota’s concept vehicles, Toyota Tsusho’s micro electric vehicles COMS and the latest Toyota NS4 Concept Plug- In Hybrid powered by a new generation Hybrid Synergy Drive® captured the entourage’s attention as they discussed the new technologies in transportation. After dropping by the Japan Pavilion, the Prime Minister made a pit stop at DFRAN Research Technologies, a local company specialising in high-value innovative products and solutions including IP licensing and cohesive mobility solutions. The Prime Minister spent some time understanding its latest brainchild named Revolo, a retroftting hybrid technology which basically enables any existing vehicle to be converted into a hybrid vehicle. His fnal stop was the booth of Taiwan-based solution provider Saturn Power Ltd, where General Manager Jason Lee explained that the initial cost of LED lighting may be double of conventional lighting – but the startup cost could soon be recovered due to energy savings within 18 months. With IGEM2013 held concurrently with the Global Economic Summit, security measures were signifcantly increased, with several security offcers placed at every entrance and exit points. Initially regarded as an inconvenience as the increased security required exhibitors and visitors to register and get their photos captured for security passes, the joint partnership later proved to be a boon, with many high- level participants visiting IGEM2013 to get a frst-hand look at the region’s leading greentech and eco-products event. OPENING CEREMONY ZT 15 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KETTHA Sustainability is Key The Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), the organiser of IGEM and the key driver for green development in Malaysia, provided an impressive showcase at IGEM2013 to reinforce the Ministry’s initiatives in support of the Prime Minister’s commitment to reduce carbon emission intensity of up to 40% by the year 2020. The KeTTHA Pavilion located at Hall 6 housed several agencies under its umbrella, including the National Water Supply Department (Jabatan Bekalan Air), Sewerage Service Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembentungan), Pahang-Selangor Raw Water Transfer Project (Pasukan Projek Penyaluran Air Mentah dari Pahang ke Selangor), National Water Services Commission (Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara), Sustainable Energy Development Authority (Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Tenaga Lestari) and Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga). ZT 16 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KETTHA Together, these divisions are responsible for many of the country’s essential services. With sustainability a key philosophy of KeTTHA, the Ministry’s pavilion was designed to be approachable from all directions to include different focal points refecting all the divisions. A host of representatives were at hand to provide information. Small shelves attached to different columns held an assortment of educational materials explaining the roles and responsibilities of each agency & division, past and present projects, and advice for more sustainable living, such as reducing water and energy usage. To complement the booth offerings, KeTTHA also conducted a series of talks during IGEM2013, where Ministry representatives presented on topics such as ‘Renewable Energy in Malaysia’, ‘An Overview of Water Services Industry Reform in Malaysia’, ‘Low Carbon City Framework’ and ‘National Green Technology Policy’. The Low Carbon City Framework (LCCF), which sets the target of 40% carbon emission intensity reduction per GDP per capita by 2020, is aimed at ameliorating the effects of environmental degradation in urban areas where population density – and accompanying greenhouse gas emissions – continues to climb. As a guideline, the LCCF focuses on four key elements: Urban Environment, Urban Transportation, Urban Infrastructure and Building. ZT 17 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KETTHA ZT 18 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT With water supply becoming a public interest topic of late, representatives from the Water Supply Department (JBA – Jabatan Bekalan Air) were present at IGEM2013 to explain their roles and functions to concerned visitors. JBA oversees projects such as the implementation of NRW Works at the Federal Territory of Labuan, Subsea Pipe Replacement Project to Pulau Ketam in Selangor and Alternative Water Supply for Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang. The National Water Services Commission (SPAN – Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara) serves a different role, which is to oversee water operators to ensure drinking water quality. SPAN produces reports on performance in water services, leakage, and meeting water demands in the country. According to SPAN, Malaysia’s domestic water use per capita in 2010 was 203 litres (signifcantly higher than usage in neighbouring Singapore at 154 litres/capita/ day), which needs to be reduced in view of Malaysia’s growing population and increasing demands for drinkable water. One of its efforts is the implementation of the Water Effcient Products Labelling Scheme – the voluntary system rates products based on one to three stars, with three stars indicating the highest level of water effciency. The Sewerage Service Department (JPP – Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembentungan), a technical agency dedicated to the development of sewerage system infrastructures that meet international standards was also present at IGEM2013 to enlighten businesses and public about a topic that is often under wraps- sewerage. Among JPP’s many services are the management of septic tanks and projects such as the Pahang-Selangor Raw Water Transfer Project and Pantai 2 Sewerage Treatment Plant Project. Offcers at the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia, a statutory body that was formed under the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act 2011 [Act 726] was kept busy explaining the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) mechanism as more corporations and consumers contemplate the use of solar energy. Similarly the Energy Commission of Malaysia, a statutory body responsible for regulating the energy sector, particularly the electricity supply and piped gas supply industries in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah, provided tips to consumers on how to reduce energy usage, timely messages in this time of rising costs of living. COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KETTHA ZT 19 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | CHINA The country’s huge population, coupled with rapid urbanisation, has led to dramatic increases in solid waste generation – from 31 million tonnes in 1980 to 157 million tonnes in 2009. It is projected to reach 585 million tonnes in 2030, that its waste management technology has been at the forefront of advancement. It was no surprise then that many business representing China at IGEM2013 focused mainly on waste management operations. For I ECO Green Technologies International Co., Ltd, their emphasis was on managing food waste. The company’s goal is to move towards zero food waste in landflls, hence it manufactures both large, industrial-sized models, as well as family-friendly food waste systems such as Magiccara Portable Compact Food Waste Digester CS10. Normally, food waste left to decompose in landflls generate methane, the second most common greenhouse gas, producing 21 times as much heat as carbon dioxide. Magiccara was designed to treat food waste at its source, converting it into an odourless by-product in three to six hours in dry form that comprises only 10% to 20% of its original weight. Waste management also requires transportation, and that is what CN-NL Waste Solution Company provides. Established as a Sino-Dutch joint venture, CN-NL is now a market leader in Municipal Solids Waste Transfer Station Systems. Conventional practices require collection trucks to collect and transport waste to disposal sites. However, CN-NL’s Waste Transfer Stations use transfer trucks to make the long haul. Waste Management at its Best CHINA ZT 20 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | CHINA These trucks carry three to fve times more waste than collection trucks and are more effcient over long distances, thus reducing transportation costs. This results in signifcant cost-savings and lowered greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the number of trucks on the road. When it comes to waste processing and recycling, Sanwa Environment provides ample equipment to deal with specifc types of discarded materials; from waste plastic, metal and home appliances to food, industrial waste, and even landfll waste. A ‘Solid Waste Recycling Expert’, this company is a Sino- Japanese Joint Venture with offces in Tokyo and Shanghai that specialises in recycling solutions, engineering, and manufacturing that are relevant and helpful in reducing waste across all consumer and industrial markets. For Sinosteel Equipment & Engineering Co. Ltd, their expertise encompasses incineration plants, as well as clean energy production across China and other countries. Their products range from biomass to solar and wind power. The company has built on its experience in the metallurgical, mining and construction material industries to become a global player; and was ranked by Engineering News Record among its Top 225 International Contractors for three years running. Among the company’s 400 projects are: Liuching 2x15MW Biomass Power Project, which processes sugarcane leaf and cotton stems; Jilin Shuanglong Wind Power Station; Jiangxi Tianli 500KW Photovoltaic Power Station; and the Letan 4x150MW Hydro Power Station. Other exhibitors from China include solar panel producers Sungrow Power Supply and Co., Ltd, Jinko Solar Co. Ltd, as well as engineering frms CALB, Changzhou Gaorui Electric Co. Ltd., and Guangzhou Henglaida Optoelectronics Co., Ltd,. JONO Recycling Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., and Ottovatte Inc. ZT 21 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Driving Green Growth via Knowledge Sharing For the fourth consecutive year, the EU Projects Desk of the EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI) coordinated the prominent EU Pavilion at IGEM2013. Twenty-three European companies were under the EU Pavilion, each offering various forms of expertise in keeping with IGEM2013’s theme – Advancing Green Growth and Global Entrepreneurship. Alstom Asia Pacifc Sdn Bhd, for example, is a global leader in the world of power generation, power transmission and rail infrastructure, and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally-friendly technologies. A key player in Malaysia’s power (generation and transmission) and rail infrastructure sectors for more than 40 years, Alstom’s focus is in supplying local and regional customers with cost-effective solutions, as well as developing optimum solutions that conform to the company’s stringent standards. Alstom currently provides key rail transport equipment and services to Peninsular Malaysia’s main rail operators – Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad or Malayan Railways Limited – and Rapid KL’s Star and Putra Light Rail Transit lines. Ecoclean Technology Sdn Bhd is another company with solid presence in Malaysia and the ASEAN region; it holds the licence to market and provide Continuous Defective Separation (CDS) Stormwater Treatment Technology to Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | EUROPEAN UNION EUROPEAN UNION ZT 22 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | EUROPEAN UNION ZT 23 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | EUROPEAN UNION ZT 24 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT CDS technology offers an effective method of separating solids from liquids. Based on a surprisingly simple combination of non-blinding screens and fow management, it is a non-powered, low maintenance alternative to traditional screening systems. The major application for this technology is to rid gross pollutants from storm waters before releasing into natural waterways. Ecoclean’s other felds of expertise include rainwater harvesting systems and drainage cells for roof gardens. Meanwhile, German b*green-project Green Tech Solar Systems SEA specialises in planning and constructing turnkey solar projects for various customer groups. Since the beginning of 2013, the company exports solar installation engineering (produced and tested according to German standards) to Malaysia. B*green-project offers commercial and individual customers the complete planning and implementation of grid-connected turnkey solar systems from a single source. Before the conclusion of the contract, the company counsels its clients on which systems to adapt, and the framework for fnance and legal issues. In 2012 alone, b*green-project completed solar projects with the capabilities of outputting more than 20 MW of overall power. Projects conducted by the company guaranteed certifed completion of each system, smooth operation and sustainable earnings. Besides professional implementation, the company also offers monitoring and servicing for its solar systems. Apart from companies providing eco-services, products and solutions, there were also government bodies such as the Spanish Trade and Investment (ICEX), UBIFRANCE, and trade and investment promotion sections of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and the Embassy of the Czech Republic. COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | EUROPEAN UNION ZT 25 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | EUROPEAN UNION These departments are dedicated to promoting their country’s know-how and expertise in green technologies, offering detailed information about products and services provided by companies they helped showcase. Other European companies participating under the EU Pavilion were Biogasmart, CTP Environment Asia Pacifc Pte Ltd, Dresser-Rand Guascor, HOCER, IBC Solar Teknik Sdn Bhd, M+W Malaysia, Mercu Samudera Sdn Bhd, PP- Eko SP. Z.O.O (LTD), Siemens Malaysia, Sistem Vakuum Sdn Bhd, SOMEFLU, Spain Trade And Investment (ICEX), Synergie, AVAS Export Import, SVCS Process Innovation s.r.o. and Leosphere. The EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI), a non-proft organisation to promote, support and develop European Union’s (EU) business interests in Malaysia, carries out activities that serve as networking platforms for European companies and Malaysian business communities, business associations, relevant ministries, offcial representations and other Chambers in Asia. Green growth is an area of particular interest to European businesses, which are keen to invest in Malaysia. With Europe considered as a world leader in green technology policy incentive schemes, products and services, EUMCCI is committed to helping foster green development as a key driver of sustainable economic growth in Malaysia. ZT 26 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | GERMANY Green Revolution from Germany Germany is a well-established world leader in today’s global green economy. In previous IGEM instalments, Germany has always exhibited under the European Union (EU) banner. In a telling move, Germany had its own independent pavilion at IGEM2013, indicating the country’s growing confdence in the event’s broadening role in the green crusade. A clean, streamlined design even helped the Germans win a commendation award in the IGEM Best Pavilion Award Competition. The pavilion was represented by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Known in short as BMWi, the Ministry supports German companies by creating an innovation-friendly policy environment and by promoting market-oriented R & D and innovation projects. In Germany, the Ministry has the lead responsibility of formulating and implementing energy policies. Economic effciency, security of supply and environmental compatibility form the central axis of those policies. Since 2002, the German government has been closely involved in supporting the global transfer of technologies for renewable energies, under the banner “Renewables - Made in Germany”. In addition to disseminating information on Germany’s technical expertise in the feld of renewable energy, the Ministry promotes mutual trade and investment between Germany and the rest of the world. IGEM2013 proved to be fruitful, as high-potential areas of collaboration were formulated, including with the host, Malaysia. Martin Krautkramer, Country Manager of Economic Relations with Asian Pacifc Countries, acknowledged that both countries share common interests and strengths in green technology. Singling out Malaysia’s forte in the renewable energy sector, particularly in solar power and biogas, Krautkramer believes both countries, which are already long-term trade partners, can potentially collaborate in those areas. Information on trade fairs, conferences, training seminars, and the Business Marketplace activities organised by Germany’s bilateral chambers of industry and commerce were distributed to companies that are interested in facilitating more trade activities with German companies. GERMANY ZT 27 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | JAPAN From Inspiration to Innovation It is often said that “within crisis are the seeds of opportunity”. Many, including Japan’s businesses, are targeting green opportunities by focusing on innovation and sustainability. Fourth-time exhibitor JETRO (the Japan External Trade Organization) is a government-funded organisation that aims to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world, including Malaysia. Established in 1958, JETRO Kuala Lumpur is one of its oldest overseas offces. “IGEM has created new opportunities for JETRO to maximise the global export potential of small-to-medium- size Japanese frms”, revealed Shigeyo Nishizawa, the Deputy Director of Energy and Environment Industry Division, Manufacturing and Environment Industry Department of JETRO. “It makes good economic sense to strengthen ties between Japan and Malaysia as well as foster infrastructure development with Malaysia and the surrounding region.” This year, JETRO brought in 12 companies with a wide range of expertise ranging from solar energy to recycling. “During the exhibition, we arranged targeted business meetings for our exhibitors to ensure that they were the right ft,” said Shigeyo Nishizawa. “It was a hit, as many of our exhibitors were able to identify potential business opportunities that hopefully will be fruitful in the next couple of months.” JAPAN ZT 28 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | JAPAN Companies like Hanshin Engineering Co. Ltd, Japan System Planning Co. Ltd and Koyo Sangyo Co. Ltd, showcased advanced cost-saving tools in the effcient usage of energy; while OYO Corporation provides consultancy services on disaster-prevention and construction. Nissen Techno Corporation that offers green technology systems and equipments were also part of the exhibition. Other companies present included Moki Co. Ltd which caught a lot of attention with its Separate Master – a garbage separable machine that automatically separates expired foods into food wastes and plastics; and Denryo Co. Ltd and Laplace System Co. Ltd, pioneers in producing solar energy software products and systems that are convenient, reliable and environmentally-friendly. To conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions, companies like IZ Co. Ltd and Ecofactory & Co. Ltd provide the latest technologies and green innovations. Keeping heat out and increasing energy savings, particularly for homes, factories and manufacturing plants, are the focus of Fumin Co. Ltd’s Blue on Tech insulation painting and Fumin coating, while Sketch Co. Ltd showcased a new Anti-fouling Surface Coating Hot Guard SC, a coating product designed for windowpanes. ZT 29 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | JAPAN Aside from JETRO’s Pavilion, other formidable Japanese companies exhibiting some of the latest green solutions included Sumitomo Electric Industries, which showcased the innovative Di-BSCCO, a bismuth based zero- resistance superconducting wire that carries 200 times more power than a copper wire. Introducing state of the art waste-to-energy and renewable energy facilities to Malaysia, JFE Engineering Corporation is making inroads into countries with its solid waste incinerator, biogass technologies, and energy plant. Nobody says innovation better than by a company which started its recycling processes even before green technology was in trend! Matsuda’s precious metal recycling operations began in 1935 with the recovery of silver from unnecessary photosensitive materials. By taking the processing technology developed over the years and applying it to the processing of various other waste materials, the company continues to develop its environmental operations. Reduction of paper-use will reduce solid waste production, as well as air and water pollution. With the Toshiba e-STUDIO306LP multi-function printer, one sheet of paper can be reused up to fve times, thanks to the printer’s unique toner that can be erased multiple times without affecting the quality of the paper used. To better manage the print, energy and paper, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacifc Pte Ltd held their frst ever Green Print Clinic at IGEM2013. ZT 30 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | JAPAN In response to a high demand for energy-effcient electrical appliances, Hitachi uses ecological technologies that save energy and reduce harmful substances at home. Some of its fagship green products exhibited include its quiet anti-shake washing machines, intelligent fridges, and a vacuum preservation system. Design meets green with beautiful environmentally friendly cars at IGEM2013 such as Honda’s sleek and powerful hybrid CR-Z, Civic, Insight and Jazz models. Using its proprietary technology, the Honda Hybrid i-VTEC engine is fuelled by an electric motor, and its light system helps save on fuel consumption. ZT 31 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | JAPAN Tapping into the public domain of hybrid vehicles is Toyota Tsusho, the sole trading company of carmaker Toyota which introduced its micro-electric vehicles COMS. Currently on a trial run in Singapore, these vehicles are stationed at buses and train stations and rented to customers to commute seamlessly from point to point. UMW Toyota Motor caught everyone’s attention by giving a frst-hand preview of the latest Toyota NS4 Concept Plug-In Hybrid that is powered by a new generation Hybrid Synergy Drive® with improved fuel economy, better acceleration, longer electric range, short charging time and state-of-the-art safety features. The concept vehicle also lists several new technologies including a hydrophobic coating, anti-fog flm, high ultraviolet absorbing inner layer and anti-solar flm with radiowave transparency. ZT 32 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | JAPAN Caring for your engines is also key to reducing harmful emissions and increasing fuel effciency, as Idemitsu, Japan’s leading lubricant brand, showcased its latest engine oil - The 5W20 SM/CF - a fully synthetic formula that provides environmentally-friendly protection for engines. Another prominent and yet exciting booth is the Panasonic booth. Returning for the fourth time, it creatively features the concept of “A Better Life, A Better World” that included HIT solar panels, Eco Navi washers and refrigerators. They have also collaborated with Federal Furniture Industries to create the innovative Shi-Ma-U smart storage system for easy retrieval of kitchen items. Similarly, Rinnai is dedicated to providing quality appliances that use natural gas, the cleanest burning fossil fuel. ZT 33 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KOREA-KEITI KOREA- KEITI Balancing Economic Progress and Environmental Protection As our world continues to develop, the confict between economic growth and environmental protection continues to increase. Yet, we need both economic progress and a healthy, green environment for sustainable and quality living. Founded in 2009, the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) is a public organisation that plays a leading role in generating a green future where environmental protection and economic development go hand-in-hand. Its core services lie in implementing environmental R&D grant programmes, enhancing the competitiveness of eco-industries, certifying environmental technology and eco-friendly products, and executing action programme of sustainable consumption and production. Companies exhibiting under the KEITI Pavilion are: Kukjae Environmental Technology Co., Ltd, Sewoon T&S Co., Ltd, Shingang Hi-tech Co., Ltd, PPI Pyungwha Co., Ltd, and M.I.R. Co., Ltd. These companies were exhibiting in IGEM for the frst time. “They are all very reputable in Korea and have been awarded the Green Certifcate by KEITI, thus the quality and eco-friendliness of their products are well recognised. They are new to the Malaysian market, and therefore, are here to promote their products, create networks and meet potential dealers. Overall, they are happy with the response. KEITI will most likely be back again next year,” said Yu Nan-Mi, Senior Researcher of KEITI’s Environmental Technology Verifcation Offce. Kukjae Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is the top company in Korea in the development and production of solid and liquid livestock wastewater separators. The company has received the Green Certifcation by KEITI for developing the Authothermal Aerobic Bacillus Liquid Fertiliser Process through cooperation with Kyungsung University. The process is currently being supplied commercially. Innovation is the most suitable word to describe Sewoon T&S Co., Ltd. Starting out as a manufacturer of sound absorption insulation for vehicles, the company today produces HITLIN (high temperature layered insulation) for industrial pipes and board insulation. Made with E-Glass Fibre and inorganic binder, HITLIN provides excellent thermal resistance to high temperature pipe lines and equipment for fre prevention, sound absorption, and insulation purposes. ZT 34 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KOREA-KEITI Committed to becoming the world’s best environmental company with competitive technologies, Shingang Hi-Tech Co., Ltd restores the environment through various means; including water purifcation of rivers, ponds and lakes, and soil and groundwater pollution remediation. The company is continuously involved in R&D. PPI Pyunghwa Co., Ltd is a leader in the feld of PVC piping materials for water and sewage management, drainage, venting system and building equipment with over 30 years of experience. Among its leading products are the Hard Type Vinyl Chloride Pipe, Spin Pipe, DRF Connecting Pipe, 2040 Soundproof Pipe, and Bell-Clip Type Shockproof Water Pipe, which is South Korea’s frst shockproof and vibration-absorbing water pipe system with three fexible structures for vibration, bending, and expansion/contraction. M.I.R. (Meter Medical Image Reading) Co., Ltd supplies Off-Site Meter Reading System (OMR), a water meter reading device for automation of the billing system and management of feld workers. The product aids the improvement of service quality, reduction of civil complaints, prevention of repeated work, and improvement of meter reading reliability. “Our objective here is to promote the excellence of South Korean products, develop our market, and increase our knowledge on other companies’ initiatives in advancing green technology. We have indeed widened our knowledge and network during this exhibition period and we thank the Malaysian government for the opportunity,” said M.I.R.’s Director Mr. Lee Hyunu. Other independent companies from Korea included Solaris Energy Sdn Bhd, C & Energy Co., Ltd (CM Tire Shredding System), and HydroNet Co., Ltd. Solaris Energy Sdn Bhd specialises in the design, supply, and installation of grid-connected solar photovoltaic system under the Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) programme, as well as stand-alone solar systems. The company also distributes TUV-certifed PV module and solar photovoltaic system components including: solar inverter, solar charge controller and solar battery. Solaris is also the offcial distributor of KACO Inverters in Malaysia and Asia. Inverters are a critical component in a photovoltaic system, as it converts the variable direct current (DC) output of a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel into a utility frequency alternating current (AC), that can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network. Ever wondered what happens to old, worn out tires? C& Energy Co. Ltd solves the problem of scrap tire disposal through their CM Single Speed Tire Shredder, which reduces whole tires into clean-cut nominal tire chips. This leads to cost savings and increased production for many companies. The shredder can process up to 900 passenger tires per hour. Lastly but not least, HydroNet Co., Ltd provides the Smart Water Quality Monitoring System, Automated Remote Metering System and Small Scale Water Supply Plant Management System targeted for water quality ministries, construction companies, etc. “Malaysia is our potential market. This is our frst time here and it has been a positive experience,” General Manager of HydroNet Johny Hwang concluded. ZT 35 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT KOREA- KEPA Environmental Preservation a Priority The Korean Pavilion presented by the Korea Environment Preservation Association (KEPA) comprised nine companies, mostly involved in heavy-duty green technology industries. The non-governmental organisation that was established in 1978 serves to promote, develop and educate corporations and the public on the importance of and ways to environmental preservation. With a row of solid-coloured striking urinals lining its booth, ECOSH Inc. stood out like a shining star, attracting every visitor who passed by. The patented waterless urinals are ideal options for places with limited or no water supply, with a special design that removes odour and bacterial growth. The urinals received an endless stream of enquiries, such as maintenance, bulk purchase, colour options, shipping charges, minimal orders and others. With many countries around the world facing the problem of dirty public toilets, ECOSH’s product holds high promise as a possible solution. Equally prominent is SUDOKWON Landfll Management Corporation (SLC), the company who manages the biggest sanitary landfll in the world located 40 minutes COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KOREA-KEPA ZT 36 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT from Seoul. Recognised worldwide as a best practice in landfll transformation, SLC turns 14,000 tonnes of daily waste into electricity worth USD$50 mil, saving 800,000 tonnes of carbon credits from the environment at the same time. What’s more, the beautifully landscaped site has been earmarked for the horse-riding, golf and swimming events in the upcoming 2014 Incheon Asian Games. What was previously a landfll is now Dreampark, an environmental theme park for the metropolitan citizens. Trash-to-treasure technology appears to be the trademark of Korean exhibitors under KEPA, with KC Cottrell Co. Ltd., showcasing the technology for their biomass plant that produces energy (heat and power) through the combustion of organic matter, waste wood, sawdust, plantation, agricultural and horticultural wastes. The company with 40 years experience in air pollution uses the electricity and steam generated for recycling and energy-related business activities. Their biomass plants are already being used by the Governments of Korea, South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, China and India. COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KOREA-KEPA ZT 37 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KOREA-KEPA ZT 38 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Machinery manufacturers Cheonho Industrial Co. Ltd. and JEIL Machinery Co. Ltd. showcased their briquetting machines that turn coal, sawdust, mill scale, industrial products or food waste into regular sized pellets to be used as fertiliser. Jin Won, JEIL’s Head of Research Lab, expressed satisfaction with the number of leads he derived at IGEM2013. “Many people are impressed with our product, which is backed by 9 patents. We are already exporting to the Middle East and hope to reach new international markets.” Several wastewater treatment companies also presented their technology, such as BKT Co Ltd., whose customers are mostly corporations and governments. According to their Marketing Leader Peter Lee, their wastewater treatment systems are already being exported to Netherlands, Malaysia, China and USA. Similarly, Royal Precision Ind. Co. Ltd, Triton Pump and ARK Co Ltd. presented technology related to wastewater treatment, such as centrifuge devise to separate suspended solid materials from water; high-technological pumps, mixers, reducers, scum and Sludge Dewatering Machine with Concentrator. The companies dealing with wastewater treatment technology are mostly seeking international distributors to widen their global outreach. These loyal IGEM exhibitors, who have been coming to IGEM in the previous years without fail, view the greentech event as a must-attend event of the year, resulting from good feedback and high exposure in the past. COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | KOREA-KEPA ZT 39 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | MALAYSIA Competent Companies from a dozen Stellar States The best of the country was on display at IGEM2013, boosted further by the clean, green, IT-savvy companies that showcased examples of local creativity and innovation applied to the basics of Food, Shelter and Clothing. Participating states included Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor and Terengganu. Johor showcased the Iskandar Development Region, which is using its low-carbon blueprint strategy to attract foreign investment, while Kedah, long known as the Rice Bowl of Malaysia, impressed with its efforts at developing industrial parks that focus primarily on biotechnology, bio-agro, high technology and manufacturing. Kelantan’s focus was on “green” agriculture, including waste conversion and all things organic – farming, certifcation, soil fertility, livestock immunity and the maintenance of water bodies and waterways. Malacca announced its intention to become a Green City State in seven years, and has drawn up a blueprint to this end, which includes the RM46 million Melaka World Solar Valley that features solar farms, BIPVs, low-energy public buildings, and solar-powered LED streetlights. Negeri Sembilan, home of Malaysia’s most advanced airport, KLIA, is making itself even more attractive to investors by spurring its manufacturing sector. The state has great infrastructure, such as its state-of-the-art international airport and a Multimedia Super Corridor, but has managed to keep its land, living and human resource costs low. The island state of Penang is also doing well, with many NGOs and not-for-proft organisations such as the Penang Green Council, collaborating with the state government to encourage community involvement in sustainable living and development projects. Perak is looking to increase its power generation capabilities while ensuring that its hydroelectric projects are not detrimental to the environment, while the tiny MALAYSIA ZT 40 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | MALAYSIA state of Perlis is concentrating on innovation and ingenuity in recycling and reusing waste. One of these is a new application for chicken feathers – to reinforce the properties of polymeric engineering products – and using charcoal industry waste to remove water pollutants. Natural resources were also the focus of Sabah, as evidenced by the presence of several government bodies such as the Department of Fisheries, the Forestry Department, Tourism Board, as well as commercial ventures Lobster Aqua Technologies, and POIC Sabah, a leader in the East Malaysian palm oil industry. Sarawak strutted big plans for renewable energy, with its dedicated Corridor, one of the country’s fve regional development areas. The core of the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy is the hydropower, coal and natural gas resources of the state, and the development of priority industries, such as petroleum, aluminium and palm oil. Selangor, widely regarded as the most developed Malaysian state, is still intent on attracting investment via high-tech applications in the E&E sector, life sciences, green technology, renewable energy, machinery, transport, petrochemicals and polymers. New industrial parks and hubs were debuted, and the state’s infrastructure, accessibility and incentives took centrestage. Terengganu chose to showcase its natural beauty and the efforts that have gone into maintaining it, particularly Lake Kenyir, and some of the world’s oldest rainforests. The future of Kenyir is solar, the renewable energy source that will power the industries which are to be developed in the man-made lake’s proposed Free Trade Zone as well. ZT 41 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | MALAYSIA Other Malaysian companies at IGEM2013 included waste managers, renewable energy developers, recyclers, frms that applied innovation to public utilities like transport, and creative food growers. Recognising the role that waste management increasingly plays in keeping this world liveable and clean, the Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM) advises on all waste management-related matters. As a association overlooking waste management, WMAM also brought in several of its members such as Alam Flora Sdn Bhd, Environment Idaman Sdn Bhd, Solid Waste & Public Cleansing Management Corporation (PPSPPA), SWM Environment Sdn Bhd, Universal Environmental Resources Sdn Bhd and Schaefer Systems International Pte Ltd., each promoting various aspects of environmental protection. Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, a key waste management player in Malaysia, maintains 16,000km of sewage lines in Malaysia, manages 5880 sewage plants, and creates by-products like biosolids, bio-effuents and biogas from the waste. They may have cornered the market on waste, but ECOLOO Malaysia may give them a run for their money, with its enclosed, odour-free, maintenance-free toilet that uses no water or energy, and transforms waste products into organic fertiliser. The effcient use of heat and water is central to Rinnai and its Infnity system, which has high-effciency, low- emission burners. Water temperature control prevents scalding and eliminates temperature fuctuations, so less water is wasted in adjusting hot/cold fow, and the system lifespan is prolonged. More effcient renewable energy management can be seen in Malaysian Solar Resources products: photovoltaic modules and BIPVs that can generate up to 420 watts of power. Solar energy is emission-free, noise-free, and reduces dependency on the national grid. ZT 42 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | MALAYSIA ZT 43 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | MALAYSIA Ligetech Automation Sdn Bhd’s efforts at environmental sustainability have moved it to develop LED lights that use less energy than many other lamps, and last longer. IRIS Corporation focuses on public transport, with Malaysia’s frst-ever electric bus, targeted to serve MRT passengers from 2017. Powered by a rapid-charging battery pack, the bus has zero fuel emissions. DFRAN Research Technologies retrofts cars, turning them into hybrids that run on petrol or electricity. Responsible for the nation’s Bioeconomy Transformation Programme, the Malaysia Biotechnology Corporation helps frms like Airestec Innovations Sdn Bhd, which specialises in environmentally-friendly cleaners. But for increasing yields, MARDI-All Cosmos Industries has the edge, with their new-generation fertiliser that has shown amazing results with kale, spinach, mustard greens and melons. And perhaps the future will see the fruits of their labour served up on Telic Paper products, practical, functional, totally biodegradable paper pulp trays and food containers. ZT 44 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | MALAYSIA ZT 45 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | SINGAPORE Lion City Shapes a Bright Landscape The Singapore Pavilion showcased a wide representation of products and services ideal for industrial, home and public endeavors in conservation and energy savings. This year, in particular, solar energy solutions were strongly featured and organisations reaching out regionally were also there to promote corporate networking and environmental educational programmes. Those looking for energy savings and even health solutions at home were also not disappointed. As Singaporean children traditionally sing of a “Sunny Island Set in the Sea”, it is no surprise to fnd a variety of photovoltaic energy solutions experts who were busy engaging visitors with their respective set of expertise in the entire solutions processes among the exhibitors at the Singapore Pavilion. Singulus Technologies Asia Pacifc Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of Singulus Technologies Germany is a front-end producer of equipment for crystalline solar cells and thin-flm solar panels. One of Singulus’ highlights was their R & D involvement in the increase of the conversion effciency of screen printed silicon solar cells. It is one of the highest effciencies worldwide, from today’s industrial 18.5 percent to a record value of 20.1 percent. In Germany, Canadian Solar South East Asia Pte. Ltd. stood out as one of the world’s largest solar farms (166 MW) using 148 MW of Canadian Solar modules. POWER-GEN International has awarded this project as “The Best Solar Project in the World”. SINGAPORE ZT 46 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | SINGAPORE All under one solar-powered roof, Conergy Asia & ME Pte. Ltd. is a system supplier providing all the components and services for a solar installation. Director of Marketing Michelle Gozum, explained how they made inroads into Thailand with solar parks in Suphanburi and Kanchanaburi (21 MW combined), Nakhon Pathom (12.4 MW), and Nakhon Ratchasima (9 MW) among many other Thai sites. Conergy has made a signifcant impact in Bario, in the Kelabit highlands of Sarawak, Malaysia by providing the design and equipment for a 36KW solar rooftop installation. They are looking for more partners for photovoltaic projects in Malaysia. Schmid Singapore Pte. Ltd. a provider of integrated fab solutions from silicon, wafer, cell and module production, offers process and automation equipment as well as turnkey solutions for wafer, cell and module production. Edmund Sing, Sales Manager at the Sales & Marketing Division stated that Schmid provides projects of solar mounting systems with modules and wafers. Singapore Environment Council (SEC), the organisation responsible for the Singapore Green Labelling Scheme (SGLS) and the Asian Environmental Journalism Award made its debut at IGEM2013. ZT 47 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | SINGAPORE ZT 48 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT These materials can be used to protect houses and cool rooms, saving on air-conditioning and lowering harmful VOC’s (volatile organic compounds found in paints). For agriculture, this enzyme solution promotes plant growth, while protecting soils and the health of the farmers who use them. The waste water from the used enzyme solution can also clean rivers, as shown in their experiment in Okinawa, Japan. Hotbed rejuvenation therapy centerswith tiles that emit high doses of negative ions can help increase blood circulation, strengthen immune systems and metabolism rates for a clean bill of health. CEO Takanobu Unno, one of the pioneers of Ecoparadise stated, “We’ve no interest in selling products, as we want to share with everyone, including governments how we can save time, money and effort in caring for the environment”. Together with City Developments Limited (CDL – a Singaporean property pioneer), SEC has initiated the Project: Eco Offce to help Singaporean offces implement eco-friendly practices. Apart from offering the Eco-Offce Rating System, SEC provides the Eco Offce Kit to remind folks to switch off lights and save paper at offces. “We believe that by infuencing the mind, we can change the behaviour of people. This could have a cascading effect when people bring these practices home,” said Director of Partnerships Development Damon Yong. Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS) was busy promoting the inaugural Cleaning Management & Environmental Technology Exhibition and Conference in 2014, a platform for industrial and commercial cleaning industry practitioners to keep abreast of the latest cleaning developments. WMRAS also promoted WasteMET Asia 2014 as an opportunity for companies looking to venture into the Asia market in waste-related projects. Electrique Energie & Metering Pte Ltd’s smart energy monitoring systems proved to be popular among visitors. Electrique Energie offers the wireless energy monitor, an energy data gateway which enables you to view energy use on their web portal or a smartphone app and energy monitoring socket to see the cost of using individual appliances. First-timer Ecoparadise Pte Ltd promotes the philosophy of “deoxidation” which reverses the effects of free radicals caused by oxidation, radiation and even cigarette smoke. Its unique enzyme solution can be mixed into buildings and paint materials so that they continuously emit negative ions. COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | SINGAPORE ZT 49 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY& PAVILIONS | TAIWAN Taiwan Lights Up Taiwan returns to IGEM again this year, with the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), introducing companies with a variety of green technology and eco- products. Autotronic Enterprise showcased their indoor air quality monitor. According to Product Application Division Manager, Seng-Yong Lau, high levels of carbon dioxide in a closed environment may cause dizziness, sleepiness and loss of concentration. During the demonstration of the monitoring device at the exhibition, he stressed that a reading of above 1000 ppm is harmful to health. Such monitoring systems proves to be necessary in green buildings, as indoor air quality is a component of the Green Building Index certifcation. With Chunghwa Telecom’s remote surveillance system, you can keep an eye on your home or business from your mobile phone while on the go. The largest telecommunication service provider in Taiwan featured the CHT UCAM system, which allows users to stream videos live or download archived images to be viewed later. Your data will be secured as the system has been awarded the BS 7799/ ISO 27001 certifcation. FALON Inc. specialises in a range of mounting products for solar panels. They have successfully collaborated with PV HiTech Solar Sdn Bhd to build a 5-megawatt solar power plant in Melaka. Falon has extensive experience working with solar farms in Japan, Europe and the US, and now look to strengthen its presence in Malaysia. Besides providing the mounting products, the company also manufactures hardware, such as clamps and connectors in accordance to specifc designs of the PV panels. TAIWAN ZT 50 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY& PAVILIONS | TAIWAN eze-energy, specializing in green products, presented an electrode-less discharge lamp where the ballast is housed externally. This feature means that the lamp itself will contain only the sealed lamp tube and the electromagnetic device. This will lead to huge cost savings, as the lamp can be replaced separately from the ballast during maintenance. While the green industry is buzzing with LED as the greener alternative, YK Star is out to prove that fuorescent lighting is still the better option. Because of its lower temperature, cold cathode fuorescent lamps (CCFL) boasts longer lifespan and uses up to 50% less energy as compared to incandescent lamps and conventional fuorescent lights. The CCFL also has a colour rendering index (CRI) of more than 80, making the light easier on the eyes, and more suitable for use in schools and workplaces. Cheng Long complements other energy-saving products with their Intelligent Energy Management System that monitors and manages energy usage. Companies looking to cut down on costs should consider reducing energy consumption with Cheng Long’s Intelligent Energy Management System. Designed to monitor and manage energy usage in commercial buildings, the device used in the system can remotely, via a cloud storage system, monitor the homes or offces’ water heaters and air conditioning systems. ZT 51 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY& PAVILIONS | TAIWAN ZT 52 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COUNTRY & PAVILIONS | TAIWAN Allucid, Inc., in collaboration with the National University of Kaohsiung, is another successful partnership worth mentioning, as they have brought the latest technology in metal fnishing to IGEM2013. Their non-toxic and highly resistant anti-corrosion metal fnishing is the only product of its kind in the world. “Other anti-corrosion materials in the market contain chromate, which is carcinogenic and harms the environment. Through years of research, we have formulated FastKoat CEMP 28, which is a safer, toxic-free alternative,” touted Managing Director Eric Chen. Saturn Power brought their revolutionary, award-winning Airdolphin wind turbine for showcase at IGEM2013. Although lightweight, it is able to withstand strong typhoon winds and can reach a maximum generating capacity of 4KW. There were also car products showcased within the Taiwan Pavilion, such as Prosperco Petrochemicals Inc’s PROSBLUE, a nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction agent and denitrated additive. When ftted to a vehicle’s exhaust system, PROSBLUE, catalyses NOx into nitrogen and water, and increases the NOx conversion rate by 80%. By decreasing toxic gas release, vehicles can be certifed EURO 4, 5 or 6 emission standards-compliant, so diesel- powered vehicles will not produce more harmful emissions than petrol-powered ones. In a fast-moving world such as ours, even plants can be made to grow faster. IKATECH introduces a new technology using blue and red coloured LED lights, which has been proven to increase chlorophyll and carotene production in plants and ultimately increase growth rate by at least 25%. Coupled with IKATECH’s smart control system that controls the pH level, water level, and humidity in the soil, farmers will fnd their workload reduced and their plants growing faster than before. The Taiwan Pavilion was presented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), a non-proft trade promotion organisation that brings together various companies to promote Taiwanese technology in the green industry and increase their visibility in the international market.“After each IGEM, we would receive very positive feedback from the participating exhibitors. As such, many of the exhibitors this year are IGEM regulars. In these four days alone, we have had at least 200 leads,” stated Katherine Leung, the Project Manager of TAITRA. ZT 53 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT “ We are here for environmentally-friendly products such as chemical-free home products and technologies for wastewater treatment. Last year, I came with a government-sponsored delegation and we found a Japanese manufacturer of lab equipment, which we are now importing from. I met some companies with high potential for further collaborations, such as an Austrian frm with a water purifcation technology that makes water safe for children. Our market for green products is still relatively new but we foresee that it will grow with time. ” “ I feel IGEM2013 is very well organised, compared to an earlier exhibition I attended in Austria. This is my frst visit to Malaysia and I am here to fnd suppliers of Renewable Energy products and other biotech products for use in various industries such as food, biopolymers, nuclear decontamination, skincare products and wastewater management. I was surprised and delighted to fnd even more, such as solar optimising products and high-tech systems for climate protection. It was also great to meet so many greentech experts. ” PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS ONE-TO-ONE BIZMATCH PROGRAMME Peerless Potential at IGEM2013 The One-to-One BizMatch Programme, which was held for three days from 10-12 October 2013 at Hall 5 of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, drew active participation from trade visitors and exhibitors alike, a clear indication of its growing popularity. According to O2O BizMatch Programme Manager Ms Yolanda Chan, response has been overwhelming every year, with a record 30% increase in participation this year. “We experienced increased interest among international buyers for the technologies from European nations this year, while interest towards Japanese and Korean companies, renowned for their high environmental consciousness and standards, continued to rise,” she noted. She also attributed O2O’s success to word-of- mouth recommendations and growing awareness of IGEM as an ideal platform to make important green connections. “Companies who have beneftted from the O2O sessions in the past know that it is an effective way to do business in the shortest time possible, as they are meeting a targeted crowd,” she said. O2O participants were provided a designated lounge to discuss business, coupled with free fow of refreshments, tea and coffee all day long. The team at the O2O Zone also spared no detail in attending to each participant’s individual needs in terms of scheduling and confrming the sessions. Participants consisted of those who had pre-registered online, walk-in exhibitors, trade visitors and conference delegates; as well as buyers sponsored by the organiser. Erwin Setiawan, Technical Manager, PT Mitra Kimia Mas, Indonesia Bela Tozser, Managing Director, Environ DC, Hungary ZT 54 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT “ My colleague attended IGEM2012 and returned with excellent feedback, which is why we are here this year to expand our greentech contacts. I met many companies with high potential for further cooperation, such as Singaporean company that specialises in recycling waste products. We’ve many landflls in my country and this technology may be benefcial. Another company that seems promising is a Taiwanese producer of high- effciency catalyzers that reduce car emissions. I am impressed with the way the O2O is organised; it is very effcient and the response time is very fast from the frst point of contact until IGEM2013. ” “ We assist building owners achieve Green Building Index ratings by guiding them on the materials and processes needed to achieve the green certifcation. As professionals, we need to keep ourselves updated in green technologies in order to provide the best solutions to our clients. Through this One-to-One business matching, I’ve met representatives from a Japanese company that produces light refectors which also works with LED lights, a very innovative product that I can introduce to my clients. I fnd the list of exhibitors provided by IGEM useful as I can plan meetings with potential business partners. ” “ I have 25 years experience in the hotel industry and my company is the sole distributor of biodegradable garbage bags in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and the bags are made in Malaysia. I’m here again this year to look for interesting eco products to bring into my country; some exciting ones are the biodegradable tableware and non-toxic machines that clean kitchen tops may be suitable for hospitals, and homes with children. We’ll explore whether we can purchase the machine but produce the raw material ourselves to reduce cost, while maintaining the service and consultancy services of the manufacturer. ” “ This business matching is a very useful platform to allow buyers and sellers to meet very quickly and explore potential business opportunities. This is important to me as it allows me to fnd out about the technologies that they offer in order to fnd out how to integrate it into a whole solution spectrum. The Economic Development Board of Singapore encouraged me to participate in IGEM as it showcases not only Malaysian technologies but also other international technologies as well. ” PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Petr Ruzicka, Sector Manager for Energy & Cleantech Industries, CzechInvest, Czech Republic Steve Lee, Consultant, Edisi Hijau Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Abdalla El-Gendy, Chairman, Green Gate, Egypt Nigel Whyte, Managing Director, Environmental Dynamics International, Singapore ZT 55 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS MIDA BUSINESS CLINIC On Incentives and Investments The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) took the opportunity to conduct a Business Clinic at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Day 1 of IGEM2013 to offer advice on investment opportunities, tax incentives and governmental policies. According to MIDA’s Director of Clean Technology & Environment Management Division, Ahmad Khairuddin Abdul Rahim, many business owners are not aware that there are government incentives to help promote green technology. Some of the key government incentives include the Pioneer Status incentive, Investment Tax Allowance, Import Tax and Sales Tax exemption, and Reinvestment Allowance. MIDA also provides tax incentives to companies that are involved in greentech businesses such as renewable energy, energy effciency, waste recycling and green transport. The MIDA Business Clinics were attended by business owners from various industries; some whose companies were planning to expand or change their business models to a more environmentally-friendly format. ZT 56 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Some sought advice on application processes for incentives or tax rebates, while others who had previously faced problems getting their applications approved took the opportunity to get further clarifcation. “Since our Prime Minister made the commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by the year 2020 at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen, the government has established various initiatives to help achieve this goal,” said Ahmad Khairuddin. The goal can only be achieved with the commitment of all stakeholders involved, starting with political will, he added. The incentives will go a long way to drive Malaysian businesses towards greener options. ZT 57 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS MATRADE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MATCHING Full-house at MATRADE Business Matchings In conjunction with IGEM2013, MATRADE conducted a full day of International Business Matching (IBM) sessions at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel from 9 am to 5 pm. Nearly 200 meetings were held between foreign buyers and Malaysian companies, attracting participation from 9 countries. MATRADE’s Director of Health & Environmental Products, Mohammad Sabri Abdul Rahman noted that the IBM during IGEM has been increasing in popularity due to rising concerns over environmental issues around the world. Based on the interest from foreign companies, he opined that there is huge potential in what Malaysian companies can offer in terms of eco products and services. The majority of business matching participants expressed their satisfaction with the sessions, especially with the high quality matches consisting mainly of decision makers and top management level offcers. Participants were also happy with the professional and orderly way the business matches were conducted. For foreign participants, MATRADE’s IBM provides valuable insights into what Malaysian companies have to offer, which cuts the chase and gives them time to achieve more. Malaysian participants, on the other hand, were pleased to have the opportunity to meet and potentially strike up deals, without incurring huge costs from travelling overseas. “ I’m from a trading company from Poland and it’s my frst time participating in this IBM. I was matched with 12 companies, many of whom showed high promise. ” Adam Bednarz, Deputy Director of Development Programming, Centrela Zaopatrzenia Hutnictwa S.A “ My company has a booth at IGEM2013 and this IBM helps to complement what we are offering at our booth. It also helps us fnd targeted markets in the current and near future. For instance, one of my matches from Vietnam had something which we do not need at the moment; but I can foresee that it holds promise in the next 3-5 years. ” Faidz Redza Md Hafidz, Sales & Customer Relations Manager, Nes Solar (National Energy Solutions Sdn Bhd) ZT 58 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS “ I’m based in Shanghai and my company deals with the entire spectrum of diversifed biomass production, ranging from machineries to wood pallets. I attend three to fve B2B every year and I feel this IBM at IGEM2013 is impressive and well organised, one of the best in the region defnitely. ” Kaegan Rubel, Managing Partner, Ecoenergy Co “ Many Malaysian products have good potential in the Hong Kong market, such as LED lights and wooden panels that can improve indoor living quality. I’m here to look for potential suppliers and have met some very promising ones. ” Thomas Lee, Managing Director, Hong Kong Facility Solutions Co Ltd ZT 59 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS GREEN INSIGHTS Experts share Knowledge The Green Insights educational forums, formerly conducted for the frst three days of IGEM, have met with such high demand this year that the organisers have lined up a full schedule of talks and presentations for the entire 4-day tenure of IGEM2013. Held at Hall 3 from 10-13 October, the talks were provided from industry experts, either to shed light on an innovation, product, technology or green concept. Each topic was explored with in-depth intensity beftting the participants’ advanced levels of knowledge. One clear sign that the Green Insights holds tremendous value was the increasing number of participants at each talk. The interest levels exhibited by trade visitors and fellow exhibitors also indicated a keen interest in knowledge exchange and innovation. Day 1 (10 Oct 2013) The frst day saw four sessions of Green Insights being presented by EUMCCI from 11am-2.55pm. Illustrious speakers from the Czech Republic, Poland and Malaysia presented insightful talks on stormwater treatment, green technologies from Poland, water treatment and Czech- Malaysian greentech partnerships. ZT 60 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS From 12 noon, speakers from DRFAN Research Technologies Sdn Bhd, ecofactory & Co. Ltd, Shanghai Shenjia Sanwa Co Ltd, Mun Hean (M) Sdn Bhd, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacifc Pte Ltd, Usains Infotech Sdn Bhd, and Universiti Sains Malaysia presented on a wide range of topics including hydro retroftting, energy-saving turnkey solutions, inverters, the Usains intelligent Energy Management System and green printing solutions for offces respectively. Day 2 (11 Oct 2013) The frst session kicked-off by the Iskandar Regional Development Authority on ‘Green Growth’, This was followed by Singapore Environmental Council on ‘Building a Green City’, Master Jaya Environmental Sdn Bhd on ‘Effective Air Pollution Control & Systems for Manufacturing and Biomass Industries’ and Alam Sekitar Eco-Technology on ‘BI ACT SDO Technology Breakthrough’. After a lunch break, the sessions continued with Prospero Petrochemical Inc speaking on ‘Diesels come clean’, Toshiba Tec Corporation on ‘The World’s First Eco MFP’, IRIS Corporation Sdn Bhd on ‘Electric Bus 1Malaysia’, Pan World Control Technologies Inc on ‘High-Effciency Fans in Taiwan and Rinnai Holdings Pacifc Pte Ltd on ‘Greener with gas’, RuiGuang Electronic Co Ltd on ‘LED Green Lighting’ and the Credit Bureau Malaysia on customer rights. Day 3 (12 Oct 2013) Green Insights was kicked off on Day 3 with talks from Unique Eco Systems Sdn Bhd on cleaning technology, followed by Esona Technology Sdn Bhd on green living, ECOLOO on their innovative waterless urinals, MARDI & All COSMOS on using PHAGE (a type of bacteria) to control plant disease, Saturn Power Ltd on energy-saving lighting and IRIS KOTO Sdn Bhd on industrialised building systems. In the afternoon, Nanyo Corporation spoke on the use of their NAC System to clean dams, lakes, rivers and waste water treatment, while University of Malaya presented on wind-solar lighting system, Philips Malaysia on energy- effciency in lighting system, Conergy Asia & ME Pte Ltd on the 21 MW Solar System in Thailand, Multico Global Enviro Pte Ltd on renewable energy projects, Cleantech Open on the Malaysia Cleantech Competition 2014 and Natural Energy Solutions Sdn Bhd on their product Nessolar. Day 4 (13 Oct 2013) On Day 4, the Malacca Green Technology Council presented on turning the historical state into a green state, while Inno Integrasi Sdn Bhd presented on the merits of integrated organic waste treatment and CN-NL Waste Solution Co Ltd on the use of a Vertical Operating Waste Transfer Station. Polish company PP-EKO SP ZO.O (LTD) later presented on wastewater treatment using advanced technologies, EcoParadise shared its Special Music Soup and Rejuvenation Centre, while Pakar Management Technology Sdn Bhd introduced his company’s water/wastewater greentech applications, Innovative Environmental Technologies shared his experience on biogas to biopower, Helioz Gmbh on the innovative water disinfecting WADI bottle, Utopia Landscape Services on the environmentally friendly fooring IONWOOD, I Eco Green Technologies International Co Ltd on composting food wastes, UNIDO on industrial energy effciency and Tekital Sdn Bhd on its fully-automated mechanised parking systems. ZT 61 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS The programme of the Green Insights sessions held during the 4-day exhibition are as summarized below:- ZT 62 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS ZT 63 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS “ We cannot afford to have a poor or low- quality product in the market. Natural gas is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel and using it is one of the most environmentally-friendly things consumers can do. ” Dudung Suwito, Project Manager, Rinnai Holdings Pacific Pte Ltd “ To start a power generation project, you have to start off on the right foot from the very outset, or you risk massive failure. You need someone who knows what they’re doing because even a small project that generates the minimal amount of power for, say, a small island, has to be managed with the appropriate expertise that encompasses all aspects of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC). Failure is always possible, and inevitably expensive. ” Peter Wyss, Group PMO, Multico Global Enviro (S) Pte. Ltd “ With Saturn’s lights, every light beam is refected downwards for optimum use of the lamp and better illumination, while decreasing power consumption. Used in offce or factory environments, the lamps don’t get so hot, so this saves on air-conditioning bills as well. ” Jason Lee, General Manager, Saturn Power Ltd “ Our latest LED street lamps boasts better weather and lightning-proofng. To ensure that they withstand the harshest weather, our lamps are submerged in four metres of water to ensure they are really waterproof. ” Zhang Hui, Vice General Manager, Ruiguang Electronic Co., Ltd “ There are many benefts of ozone technology, compared to the more traditional water treatments which use aeration, chlorine or other chemicals. Our NAC (Nature Alive Cycle) is very diverse, and can be used wherever water needs to be treated. It cleans both surface algae and bottom sludge, but does not harm aquatic life. ” Koji Arikawa, International Overseas Business Deputy Manager, Nanyo Corporation ZT 64 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS MGBC Easy Sundae Over a hundred members of the public turned up at the Easy Sundae series of talks held at the One-to-One BizMatch Zone in Hall 5 on Day 4 of IGEM2013, with distinguished speakers sharing their advice and insights on green living. The full-day session presented by the Malaysia Green Building Confederation (MGBC) included talks on solar energy, composting, urban organic farming and rainwater harvesting. Kicking off the seminar was Justin Santiago, Director of Justin Santiago Designs, who presented on Project Planet Blue where discarded building materials can be used in different ways instead of thrown out after the completion of a construction project. Green thumbs enjoyed the talk on the philosophy of organic farming presented by organic farmer Yahqappu Adaikkalam, Director of The Lord’s Garden, while Lr. Tan Siew Luang, Organic Farming Project Coordinator from Centre for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia explained the secrets of composting and kitchen gardening. Other MGBC members also shared their passion and expertise on various topics: Ar. Alice Leong on sustainable home living, Tan Hwee Yinn on rainwater harvesting and MGBC Vice President, Ar. Sarly Adre Sarkum, on the benefts of solar energy. “ Good ideas often never make it to the market because of the lack of funds. It’s our mission to fnd, fund and foster entrepreneurs who have good ideas but may lack the other elements that could help them bring innovative products to market, and build viable businesses in the process. ” Kevin Braithwaite, Global Director, Cleantech Open “ Cleaning agents you use may be the cause of uncomfortable allergic reactions. To clean without using chemicals, try Enjo, manufactured from chemical free ultra-fne fbres. You can just clean with warm water without hazardous cleaning agents. ” Chia Shang Yeet, Director & Founder, Unique Eco Systems Sdn Bhd “ Going green is noble, but it’s also expensive! But you know you’re credit-worthy if banks keep calling you all the time to offer you products. So ensure information about yourself is always up to date and accurate. It’s your right to know what others know about you! ” Eric Chin, Chief Operating Officer, Credit Bureau Malaysia ZT 65 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS NETWORKING COCKTAIL Green Celebrations @ Networking Cocktail As heavy rain pelted down on this particular tropical evening, IGEM2013 guests gathered to applaud and congratulate the time and efforts of fellow exhibitors spent on designing and decorating their booths. An award ceremony was also held to give recognition to those exhibitors who showcased exceptional booths & pavilions. The guest-of-honour was the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, who offciated the IGEM Networking Cocktail and Award Presentation event. More than 300 invited guests comprising exhibitors, diplomats, and delegates from various countries packed into the welcoming enclosure in Hall 6. Within the enclosure, the walls were lined with green botanic living wall panels sponsored by Eden Commerce Sdn Bhd; providing green and freshness for the overall ambience of the cocktail party. The guests took the opportunity to mingle and network, while savouring delightful refreshments and winding down to the soothing sounds of a live band playing popular hit music. A regular feature of IGEM, the Networking Cocktail has grown to become a highly anticipated event for exhibitors, who viewed it as an extended business opportunity in a more casual setting. ZT 66 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS The Networking Cocktail was held in conjunction with the IGEM Awards, where the Best Booths and Best Pavilions were given deserving recognition. As with previous years, the panel of judges had to make challenging decisions to determine the winners due to the high standards of booths and pavilions displayed this year. As a result, extra commendation awards were given out for both booth and pavilion categories to honour those outside the Top 3 that showed exceptional creativity, innovation, and valiant efforts. The Best Booth Awards went to Hitachi Asia (M) Sdn Bhd, Panasonic Malaysia, and Iris Corporation Berhad in frst, second, and third respectively; while Telic Paper Sdn Bhd and the State of Kelantan Economic Planning Unit received commendations. Japan Pavilion with its traditional Japanese patterns came out tops in the Most Creative Pavilion category, followed by the Korea Pavilion, and Taiwan Pavilion. Commendations went to the Korea Pavilion by Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute and Germany Pavilion by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. The Networking Cocktail was a good chance for exhibitors and delegates who have travelled a long way to relax and unwind amidst live music and good food. ZT 67 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT BEST BOOTH AWARDS Hitachi’s booth featured a leafy green-colored theme, cleverly combined with fuid lines of decorative vines and fowers. Together, they projected a contemporary forest feel amidst a high-tech concrete jungle. Panel displays and videos were presented on Gas Turbine, super critical steam generator, air quality control system, monorail system, diesel hybrid drive, wastewater treatment plants, sustainable storageand smart city solutions. These Hitachi technologies are targeted at solving environmental issues caused by rapid urbanisation. BEST BOOTH AWARD HITACHI ASIA (M) SDN BHD PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS ZT 68 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT COMMENDATIONS Prize PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Clean, pristine and sophisticated, Panasonic Malaysia’s booth showcased different sections of the home and offce, providing inspiration and innovations for various lifestyles. Visitors were brought in for a tour of the booth by trained promoters, who sveltely presented on the benefts of household and offce items with built-in ecological benefts and features. The overall inspiration it provided was that everyone could play a part in greening the world through our daily choices of products and services. BEST BOOTH AWARD PANASONIC MALAYSIA Prize Iris’ booth, set as an island, was a sure winner, with neatly lined shelves of fresh leafy vegetables and fruits as well as live fsh in a large aquarium. Attracting a constant stream of visitors to their booth located at the far end of Hall 1, its organic appeal was irresistible, with most visitors enquiring about how they could invest in an indoor vegetable garden that relies on aquatic life to thrive. BEST BOOTH AWARD IRIS CORPORATION BERHAD Prize TELIC PAPER SDN BHD IGEM may be a trade fair but the visitors at the Telic booth had expressions akin to children at a candy store. It was not diffcult to see why – Telic offered paper as it was never known before, in the forms of paper goldfsh, paper planter pots, paper foor-mats, massage mats, and other creative products. STATE OF KELANTAN ECONOMIC PLANNING UNIT The northern state’s booth drew the crowds with its row of test tubes containing effective microorganism (EM) – a liquid formula containing live microorganisms, which can be used to increase the fertility of soil, accelerate decomposition, increase immunity of livestock, and the maintenance of rivers, drains and sinks – as well as biodegradable gloves and the production of organic fertilizers, such as Biochar through waste conversion. ZT 69 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS BEST PAVILION AWARDS Presented by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), the Japan Pavilion combined a modern dynamic logo with traditional Japanese patterns on its signage. Each exhibitor was a living and breathing icon of the country, displaying signature Japanese courtesies, such as bowing to greet and using Japanese-inspired designs in their booths. BEST CREATIVE PAVILION AWARD JAPAN PAVILION Prize ZT 70 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Sprouting a refreshing shade of apple green, the Korea Pavilion presented by the Korea Environmental Preservation Association (KEPA) stood out as clean, bright and cheerful. Shining like a million diamonds from the multitude of LED lights on display, the Korea Pavilion literally dazzled their way to victory at IGEM2013. Purple power in the form of LED lights and colourful signage glittered their way into the judges’ hearts at the Taiwan Pavilion presented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). Products on show included air cleaning devices, power surveillance systems, and various forms of green lighting systems. KOREA KEITI PAVILION Clean and sleek, the Korea KEITI Pavilion was a display of green possibilities in the form of high-tech products and services for individuals, corporations and governmental agencies. GERMANY PAVILION Peddling mainly renewable energy, the German Pavilion presented by the German Federal Ministry of Economics And Technology stood out among its contemporaries with its distinctive national identity, symbolised by rows of black, red and orange placed at strategic spots. BEST CREATIVE PAVILION AWARD KOREA KEPA PAVILION BEST CREATIVE PAVILION AWARD TAIWAN PAVILION COMMENDATIONS Prize Prize Prize ZT 71 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING As the leading greentech and eco-products event in the region, IGEM2013 continues to be a favoured venue for businesses, corporations and governmental bodies to ink deals. A few high impact MOUs were signed, notably between Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) and several governmental entities, further reinforcing the government’s commitment on environmental protection. Greentech Malaysia’s Chief Executive Offcer Ir. Ahmad Hadri signed MOUs with three key partners to collaborate on green labeling development under the MyHijau programme. The Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga) was represented by Datuk Ir. Ahmad Fauzi Hasan, while the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) and SIRIM were represented by Dato’ Teo Yen Hua and Dr Zainal Abidin Mohd Yusof respectively. A MOU was also signed between Greentech Malaysia’s Ir. Ahmad Hadri and Sunthar Raj C Subbiah, the CEO of Bridgit Sdn Bhd to promote Green Project Management practices and training to industry players, the government and the private sector. Recognising the challenges faced by SMEs and companies seeking fnancial support for projects related to green technology, GreenTech Malaysia also inked a deal with Malaysia Debt Ventures Sdn Bhd, represented by CEO and Managing Director Datuk Md Zubir Ansori Yahaya. The MOU would see the two companies jointly promote green technology by making suitably structured green fnancing available to qualifed organisations, while endorsing MDV as the preferred fnancial institution and service provider of the Green Technology Financing Scheme. EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES ZT 72 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Maribumi Starchtech Sdn Bhd and the Malaysia-India Chamber of Commerce (MAICOM) also signed a MOU sealing a deal to cooperate to promote the distribution of starch-based biopolymers in India. Maribumi was represented by Mohd Alias Mukhayat, while MAICOM president Dato Kanagaraja Raman acted on behalf of the organisation, witnessed by KeTTHA. Marubumi is also pushing for the introduction of the “Sehari Bersama Bumi” ( A Day with the Earth ) programme, to replace the current “No Plastic Bag Day”. This initiative aims to encourage the use of biodegradable bags by providing free Earth Starch bags to shoppers. The company’s Assistant Production Manager Zulkifi Awang said that biodegradable bags will make a big difference to the preservation of the environment. “It takes a plastic bag four to 1,000 years to disintegrate,” he said.“In the meantime, it produces toxins, pollutes water and is a wildlife hazard. Malaysians need to know this and they need to know that there are viable alternatives.” EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES ZT 73 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT LAUNCH OF MYHIJAU DIRECTORY EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES The Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) hosted the launch of the MyHijau Directory, a comprehensive guide to a wide range of green products and services available in Malaysia on Day 2 of IGEM2013 at their booth. The directory was offcially launched by the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, who said that it was imperative for local manufacturers and businesses to develop sustainable products and services. “This Directory will help consumers make sound decisions when making purchases, and at the same time serves as a platform for manufacturers, providers and resellers to promote their green products and services to a wider audience,” the minister said. Listings in the MyHijau Directory require the fulfllment of several green conditions and each application is strictly reviewed to ensure a business is truly eco-friendly and not merely “greenwashing”. The benefts of being listed in the Directory include higher public exposure and increased networking opportunities, as well as free consultation with GreenTech Malaysia’s panel of experts with regard to business development approaches and strategies. The directory also lists information about the functions, certifcations and vendor locations. GreenTech Malaysia is the implementing arm of the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water Malaysia (KeTTHA) and it focuses on the development and promotion of green technology as a strategic engine for socio-economic growth in Malaysia. ZT 74 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES Building a Sustainable Future Once again at IGEM2013, the Green Building Index (GBI) returned with alluring displays of GBI-certifed buildings at Hall 5. GBI, Malaysia’s recognised green rating tool for buildings and towns, was created to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise awareness of environmental issues among developers, architects, designers and the public. Countless exhibitors and visitors stopped by to admire a wall lined with pictures of beautifully-designed buildings such as the Energy Commission of Malaysia building (Platinum) in Putrajaya, the Setia City Mall (Silver) in Shah Alam, and Malaysia’s frst GBI Platinum-rated residential house, the S11, designed by architect Dr Tan Loke Mun. According to GBI’s Project Offcer Nurhafza Danial, public awareness of GBI is still low since its introduction in 2009, and they hope that through IGEM, they will be able to reach out to more developers, universities, and local council members. During IGEM2013, they received a lot of queries from building owners, developers, and private residential owners regarding the benefts of obtaining the GBI certifcation and the steps and requirements necessary to obtain the certifcation. Many were still unaware that by obtaining the GBI certifcation, homeowners are eligible for income tax exemption, while purchasers are entitled to stamp duty exemption. GREEN BUILDING INDEX SHOWCASE Green building Index Sdn Bhd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Malayasian Institute of Architects (PAM) and the Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM), which was incorporated in 2009 to admionistrate GBI accreditation and training of GBI Facilitators and certifers. The green building rating tool is rated based on six different criteria: energy effciency, materials & resources, water effciency, innovation, indoor environmental quality, and sustainable site planning and management. In order to have the building certifed, homeowners or developers have to obtain at least 50 points of the said criteria. At least 85 points are needed to achieve the highest rating of Platinum. As of Oct 2013, 70 million sq ft of green building space have been certifed. ZT 75 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES EU-KETTHA BREAKFAST An invitation-only breakfast networking session organised by the EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI) saw European industry leaders meet-and- greet representatives from the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) on Day 3 of IGEM2013. H.E. Luc Vandebon, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia, and Fermin Fautsch, EUMCCI Chairman, were on hand to greet KeTTHA Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili upon his arrival. Together with Minna Saneri, EUMCCI General Manager, and Richard Brandt, EUMCCI Head of Environment, Energy and Green Technology (EEGT), the Minister was instantly engaged in conversations on various topics pertaining to the growth and development of green technology in Malaysia. “This is one of the most important events of the year for us, and we always maintain good relationship with KeTTHA and GreenTech Malaysia where strong and fruitful collaborations have taken place,” said Fautsch. One of these, he said, was a recently-signed contract for facilitating the access of European SMEs into Southeast Asian markets, which will further help with ASEAN and European collaboration. Although the EUMCCI has many large corporations as members – such as Siemens and Alstom –medium-sized companies are doing good work too, he explained. The casual session ended with the Minister visiting booths surrounding the EU Business Lounge while EU delegates and KeTTHA representatives continue to share views and information on their respective businesses. ZT 76 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES INDONESIAN DELEGATION VISIT IGEM2013 was honoured with an offcial visit from a delegation of high-level Indonesian Mayors (Walikota) and District Offcers (Bupati) and other representatives from the public sector on Day 4, a clear sign of strengthening bilateral ties between the two countries where green advancement is concerned. Upon arrival, the delegates were escorted to a VIP room for a brief welcome, where they were greeted by Tan Sri Datuk Mustafa Mansur, Chairman of Expomal International and President of the Malaysian Green Business Association (MAGBA). This was followed by a welcome speech by Datuk Loo Took Gee, Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), who transmitted the Government’s appreciation for the visit. Datuk Loo then provided the delegates with an overview of IGEM and expressed confdence in the development of a Malaysian–Indonesian–Thai collaboration to reduce economic tariffs for oil palm industries, resorting instead to advanced green technologies such as those being practised in Denmark and Japan. In view of the impending Visit Malaysia Year in 2014, Datuk Loo took the opportunity to invite the delegates to fnd out more about the country by visiting the state’s booths at Hall 6. She also encouraged them to spend as much time as possible visiting the booths where they can pick up a lot of information and knowledge from exhibitors who came from all over the world. The Malaysian and Indonesian delegates then exchanged tokens before taking a group photograph to commemorate the historic visit. ZT 77 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES VIP VISITS PM pays IGEM2013 a Surprise Visit There was electricity in the air at mid-day on Day 3 of IGEM2013 when Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak dropped by KLCC unannounced with his two children, Nor Ashman Najib and Nooryana Najwa Najib. Sporting a casual polo t-shirt and slacks, the Prime Minister, who had launched the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Summit held in conjunction with IGEM2013 two days earlier, conducted a leisurely tour of the exhibition halls, visiting several booths such as Ecoparadise, Sudokwon, First Solar, University Sains Malaysia and the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) Pavilion. He was later joined by the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili; former KeTTHA Minister Tan Sri Peter Chin; Secretary General of KeTTHA Datuk Loo Took Gee; Chairman of Expomal International Tan Sri Datuk Mustafa Mansur, and other high-ranking offcials. The entourage convened at the KeTTHA booth and held a short discussion on the direction of the greentech movement in Malaysia before the Prime Minister adjourned for lunch with his family. ZT 78 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES ZT 79 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Launching of Green Sabah Sabah, also known as the Land Below The Wind, is already renowned for its vast tracts of green spaces, but most people are still unaware of the importance of eco-friendly, sustainable industries. This was revealed by Sabah’s Deputy Chief Minister, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Pairin Kitingan together with the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili, who had offciated the soft launch of the State Government of Sabah’s booth on Day 1 of IGEM2013. State Secretary of Sabah, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Sukarti Wakiman was also present at the launch. Sabah’s booth showcased the efforts of fve agencies dedicated to keeping Sabah green: the Department of Fisheries Sabah; Lobster Aqua Technologies Sdn Bhd (LAT). POIC Sabah Sdn Bhd; the Sabah Forestry Department; and the Sabah Tourism Board. Deputy State Secretary, Datuk Joseph Pounis Guntavid stressed that community involvement is vital to the success of any green project, citing successful examples such as the Tagal System project involving 502 villages conducted by the Department of Fisheries Sabah, which aims to protect and revive the depleted fsh population in more than 200 rivers as well as the coastal waters in Sabah. As of end August, the project has benefted 170,000 people living along the rivers and over 8,000 traditional coastal fshermen. Other green initiatives include LAT’s development of an integrated lobster aquaculture park; the forestry department’s administration of forests in Sabah for multiple benefts in a sustainable manner and in accordance with the principles of sustainable forest management; POIC’s development of a palm oil industrial cluster that includes downstream biomass industries; and the Sabah Tourism Board’s promotion and preservation of a bio-diverse landscape for sustainable tourism in the region. EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES ZT 80 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Other VIPs who were present at IGEM2013 included Dato’ Seri Diraja Mahdzir Khalid, Deputy Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water; Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Irwan Serigar bin Abdullah, Secretary General of Treasury and Datuk Joseph Pounis Guntavid, Deputy State Secretary of Sabah. Foreign dignitaries who visited IGEM2013 were H.E. Luc Vandebon, Ambassador & Head of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia; H.E. Andrea Wicke, Ambassador of Austria to Malaysia; H.E. Marc Georges Albert Mullie, Ambassador of Belgium to Malaysia; H.E. Zeljko Bosniak, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Malaysia; H.E. Jan Füry, Ambassador of Czech Republic to Malaysia; H.E. Nicolai Ruge, Ambassador of Denmark to Malaysia and the Philippines; H.E. Martine Dorance, Ambassador of France to Malaysia; H.E. Matti Pullinen, Ambassador of Finland to Malaysia; H.E. Holger Michael, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany; H.E. Declan Kelly, Ambassador of Ireland to Malaysia and Thailand; H.E. Mario Sammartino, Ambassador of Italy to Malaysia; H.E Harry Molenaar, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Malaysia; H.E. Adam W. Jelonek, Ambassador of Poland to Malaysia, Brunei & Philippines; H.E Constantin Volodea Nistor, Ambassador of Romania to Malaysia; H.E. Maria Bassols Delgado, Ambassador of Spain to Malaysia and H.E. Bengt Goran Mikael Carlsson, Ambassador of Sweden to Malaysia. Among the VIPs who visited IGEM2013 as a show of support was former KeTTHA Minister Tan Sri Peter Chin Fah Kui, who dropped by on Day 3 to greet exhibitors, many of whom were like old friends. Accompanied by his son, Lester Chin, Tan Sri Peter Chin first visited the KeTTHA booth, moving on to the European Union pavilion as well as other booths including Tenaga Nasional Berhad, UNI10 Energy Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Solar Resources Sdn Bhd, the Malaysian states’ pavilion, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Alam Flora, the Korea Environmental Preservation Association and Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute pavilions. Best known as the founder and key driver of IGEM, the former minister was warmly greeted by many loyal companies who have been exhibiting since the fair started four years ago. He continued his tour for the rest of the day, proving himself to be a strong advocate of national environmental issues. VIPs Display Passion for Greentech EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES ZT 81 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT TESTIMONIES OF EXHIBITORS TESTIMONIES “This exhibition is important as it focuses on green industry, green economy and green technologies. I saw a lot of knowledge exchange and business partnership forming this year. A lot of vital public awareness will result from that. An exhibition like this can really help at the global and regional levels to bring private sectors, civil societies and local level institutions together to promote green technologies.” “KEITI is an organisation that introduces certifed green technology South Korean companies to overseas markets. Thus far, we’ve introduced over 300 companies to Malaysia since taking part last year at IGEM, which resulted in over 2 billion won (RM 5.95 million) of sales for the 5 companies which took part last year.” “We have been participating in IGEM for four years already. The companies participating in IGEM enjoy being part of this exhibition. We were told there have been many fruitful discussions and the results from business matching have been very positive. We select high-technology companies that we think Malaysia needs. We think at the moment, there is room for growth in Malaysia in the areas of for energy saving and waste water treatment.” “We are here to create awareness and share information on energy monitoring so that we are able to identify where energy loss occurs and where we can recover energy. Our devices can track energy use by measuring the kilowatt/ hour energy consumption on a daily or monthly basis. I’ve been here since the frst IGEM and it has improved about 70-80% in terms of public response since. I think consumers are now more aware of how they should monitor energy and I feel that my effort in participating in IGEM every year have been worthwhile.” “We manufacture food separator machine which separates food waste from the plastic packaging automatically. It can achieve 99.6% accuracy in the separation of feed, compost or recycling. We just start introducing this machine to Malaysia and have yet to sell any but there are a lot of people interested in it. ” Pradeep Monga, Director, Energy and Climate Change, UNIDO, Austria Hea-Mee Kim, Research Engineer, KEITI (Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute), South Korea Katsushi Takehiro, Senior Director, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), Japan Noaki Mogi, Director, MOKI Co. Ltd., Japan William Aw, Owner, Electrique Energie & Metering Pte Ltd, Singapore ZT 82 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT TESTIMONIES “We are a German-Malaysian company and we decided to expand our business in Malaysia as we think that it is a great country. I was a visitor in last year’s IGEM and based on my experience, IGEM is one of the best exhibitions in Asia. Compared to an exhibition I attended in Germany, IGEM attracts a much bigger and quality crowd, so I decided to be an exhibitor this year. There were many visitors to our booth and we are extremely satisfed with the response.” “This is our third year with IGEM and this year we had a lot more new products to promote. We launched our new line of products, which are biodegradable tableware made of sugarcane fbre. The response from the public has been very encouraging. Some visitors said they saw our products on TV and decided to come and see it for themselves.” “We have been supporting IGEM as an exhibitor since its inception. We are very impressed by the outcome and so we come back as an exhibitor year after year. We consider last year’s participation to be a huge success as we managed to provide fnancing for two projects by IGEM exhibitors, one of which is a solar farm project. We hope to be able to help to fnance more companies through our participation in IGEM as we understand that most green technology companies are start-up companies that fnd it diffcult to obtain fnancing from conventional banks.” “The increase in the number of exhibitors and visitors gives wider exposure to our products. It is amazing that we came all the way for this exhibition in Malaysia, and ended up getting enquiries from Taiwanese companies as well.” “IGEM is getting better and better, and there is far more international exposure this year. We captured more opportunities this year, especially in our neighbouring countires. We have been approached by Indonesia, Thailand and Brunei to present our technology at their conferences.” “We are the distributor of ENJO products from Austria. Our fbre technology products clean without using cleaning chemicals and in fact clean better than cleaning with chemicals. The products have just been brought into Malaysia this year and we wanted to promote the brand through IGEM. More than twenty customers have approached us for business collaboration. This exhibition has exceeded our expectations in terms of the number of visitors and the response rate.” Dirk Schmellenkamp, Managing Director, Green Tech Solar Systems SEA Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia Jack Chin Nam Yee, Managing Director, Telic Paper Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Mohamed Rohaizal Alluwi, Business Building Manager, Business Division, Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad, Malaysia Gilbert Yang, YK Star Technology Co. Ltd., Taiwan Yale Wong, Director, Sistem Vakuum Sdn. Bhd. & EcoClean Technology Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia Chia Shanq Yeet, Director, Unique Eco Systems Sdn Bhd, Malaysia ZT 83 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT TESTIMONIES TESTIMONIES OF TRADE VISITORS “ My business deals with water-effcient products, especially hygiene-related products like toilets and urinals. I came to Malaysia to attend the GES and since I am very interested in green technology and products, I decided to drop by IGEM. I particularly like the eco-wood from a Korean company and a Malaysian company, which can be installed as walls and ceilings. I think it is really cool that they have the technology to make the air more hygienic. I am considering in introducing these products to Chile. ” “ I’m here as a buyer on behalf of my trading company which specialises in importing machinery and equipment into India, and exporting marble and granite. We found out about IGEM through the Malaysian Embassy in Chennai and we have found it to be quite interesting, particularly the advancement of technologies for water treatment. We also discovered a few new and interesting green construction materials that we hope to sell in Europe and America. ” “ I am looking for new technology to bring back to Indonesia, especially solar panels. Indonesia gets a lot of sunlight and it is a waste if we do not harvest this resource. The exhibition is impressive in terms of the layout, the presentation, and the level of technology showcased here. ” “ We’re here at IGEM to look for new clients, and this is our frst year attending as visitors because we only found out about it recently. I think it’s fantastic so far, and we want to take part as an exhibitor next year. ” “ I am here today to see the latest technologies from the LED and solar industries. We are looking to buy from Korean and Taiwan companies. Every visit to IGEM is informative and I have made IGEM a must-attend yearly event. ” Vicente, Partner, HINNOV Ltda., Chile Kaliannan C., Buyer, Metal Management Services, India Julius Hartono, CTO/Co-Founder, eCommerce 7, Indonesia Tea Shi Ming, Sales Engineer, LEONI (SEA) Pte. Ltd., Singapore KK Foo, Marketing Director, Wintech Dynamic Sdn Bhd, Malaysia ZT 84 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT TESTIMONIES “ We are an investment promotion agency in Sri Lanka and are looking into updated technologies for proper environment management. I hope to bring some of these technologies back to my country and to implement them in a cost-effective manner. ” “ This is the second time our company is attending IGEM, as we had a good experience last year. We are constantly looking for well-designed products which can be used in the Middle East. Being a growing market in the Middle East, our Government is currently looking into building “green” mosques, implicating that they recognise the long-term impact of going green towards a better future. We are certainly looking forward to visiting IGEM again next year. ” “ We develop fuel from waste and also involve in solar energy products. We are actually sourcing for products to be used for a current project. At IGEM2013, I found a KACO inverter supplied by an international exhibitor. Since inverters are not produced in Malaysia, I have to source them from other countries and I am happy that I manage to fnd these products from several international companies without going overseas. ” “ This is my third time attending this exhibition and I fnd there is an increased awareness on the need to go green and that more people are taking this as a form of social responsibility. Going green will certainly need a lot of support from the government, and I see KeTTHA has done a lot in this aspect, like organising IGEM. Green movement is defnitely a global effort, and I am sure the results can be seen in time. ” “ I am looking for new cutting-edge, energy-saving products to be marketed locally and for export. This exhibition will beneft people who are environmentally conscious and who are concerned about their carbon footprint. I was pleasantly surprised to see the variety of exhibitors here. It seems like there are so many different companies from all nationalities here, from Malaysian to Singaporean, Polish, Swedish, Czechoslovakian companies, you name it; they are all here. ” “ I’m here to check out all the Solar Energy companies. This is my second consecutive day here; as proof to show you how keen I am! ” “ What I found interesting this year was the idea of integrated farming, where water from the fsh farms is processed via a hydroponics system for watering plants, and some of these plants will be used as compost. The worms used in the compost will subsequently be used to feed chicken. IGEM is very useful as a one-stop centre to highlight the latest technologies in the green industry and is a very good platform for companies to market their green products. ” Amara S Beling, Senior Deputy Director, Environment Department, Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Haider Ijaz, Senior Commissioning Engineer, FAC-LEEDership Technical Services LLC., UAE Bala Subramaniam, Chief Technology Officer, General Environmental Solution Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Lawrence Lai, Managing Director, Lightning Power Surge Protection Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Krishnan Srinivasan, Director, Sri Keluarga Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Vince Ser, HY Resonance Technologies Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Peter Bang, Managing Director, ADV Geophysical Services, Malaysia ZT 85 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS Electronic Direct Marketing Campaign e-Green Curtain Specially designed for exhibitors to disseminate information about their products and services to be exhibited, e-Green Curtain is circulated to a targeted database weekly three months prior to the event. This special feature served as an effective build-up to IGEM203, at the same time forming publicity for exhibitors to the intended audience. ZT 86 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS Green Insights Created as a dedicated platform for knowledge sharing, Green Insights allows exhibitors to market and present their innovation and ideas to the trade visitors. Presentation contents were publicised before the event to attract the right target audience to take part in the avenue to unveil thought processes, R&D, far-sighted strategies and innovation. Emailers Specifc emailers targeting at specifc interest group and the industry players via the online channel. ZT 87 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT International Pavilions Emailers Specifc emailers highlighting the activities, products and services that each country pavilion will be presenting during the event. Show Daily A perennial favourite for exhibitors and visitors, the Show Daily reports on the going-ons of the previous day’s activities and programme highlights on-site. ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS ZT 88 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Website & Online Advertising ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS ZT 89 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Newspapers & Magazines ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS ZT 90 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Unipole Outdoor Advertising Jalan Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur Road Buntings Jalan Kia Peng, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Perak, Kuala Lumpur The following pages were the IGEM2013 A&P materials by GreenTech Malaysia ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS ZT 91 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS Kg Pandan Roundabout, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Loke Yew, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Kuching, Kuala Lumpur Temporary Billboards ZT 92 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Pinang - Kia Peng, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Pinang - Kia Peng, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur Digital Advertising LED Screen Digital Bunting Times Square, Kuala Lumpur Maju Junction, Kuala Lumpur ZT 93 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS KLIA Ekspress KL Sentral ZT 94 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS Bus Body Wraps Electric Bus Singapore Bus Rapid KL ZT 95 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Newspapers & Magazines ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS ZT 96 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT MEDIA COVERAGE TV Broadcast MEDIA COVERAGE ZT 97 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT MEDIA COVERAGE Online News ZT 98 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT MEDIA COVERAGE Newspapers ZT 99 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT MEDIA COVERAGE Magazines ZT 100 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT IGEM2013 FACTS & FIGURES Exhibition Area Exhibitors Statistics Visitors Statistics Reported Potential Business Leads IGEM2010 IGEM2011 IGEM2012 IGEM2013 Gross Area (sq.m) 9,710 12,099 12,310 9,808 IGEM2010 IGEM2011 IGEM2012 IGEM2013 No. of Exhibitors 277 353 366 261 No. of Booths 502 610 618 467 No. of Countries / Regions 24 24 24 23* IGEM2010 IGEM2011 IGEM2012 IGEM2013 No. of Trade Visitors 86,372 68,105 61,681 56,552 No. of Countries / Regions 59 62 61 60* IGEM2010 IGEM2011 IGEM2012 IGEM2013 Reported Potential Business Leads RM 1,207 Million RM 1,352 Million RM 1,318 Million RM 466 Million * Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, European Union, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, USA * Algeria, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor Leste, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia IGEM2013 FACTS & FIGURES ZT 101 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT IGEM2013 FACTS & FIGURES IGEM2013 VISITOR PROFILE Influence in Products Purchase Purpose of Visit Nature of Business Final Decision Maker Research & Recommendation Infuencer Purchasing Team Member Not Involved Manufacturer Service Provider Academic Consultation Firm Distributor R&D Government Importer Agent Retailer Wholesalers Exporter Others Source for New Products Networking Education & Training Business Opportunities Industry News & Updates R&D Participate in Programmes Purchase Products & Services Others Building / Construction / Landscape Eco Products & Services Energy ICT Education / Training Environmental Engineering Environment Management / Consultancy Banking / Finance Property Management / Development Water & Waste Management Logistic / Transportation / Shipping Others Type of Industry 15% 15% 11% 10% 13% 9% 9% 6% 13% ZT 102 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT IGEM2013 ORGANISING COMMITEE Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia Dato’ Seri DiRaja Mahdzir Khalid Deputy Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia Datuk Loo Took Gee Secretary General, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia Datuk Hjh. Nor’ Aini Binti Abdul Wahab Deputy Secretary General (Green Technology and Water), Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia Dato’ Hj Badaruddin Bin Mahyuddin Deputy Secretary General (Energy), Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia Y.Bhg Dato’ Paduka Prof (Dr) Ir. Hj. Keizrul Bin Abdullah Chairman of Malaysian Green Technology Corporation Tan Sri Datuk Mustafa Bin Mansur Chairman of Expomal International Sdn Bhd Ahmad Zairin Ismail Ainolmarziah Syukridosi Asdirhyme Bin Abdul Rasib Azlina Hashim Budiotomo Othman Chan Gek Choo Chan Jway How Chan Ming Yee, Yolanda Chan Whye Ling, Melissa Chen Tsuey Wen, Wendy Ching Chee Kang Chong Nok Ling, Christal Chua Tek Ming Devika Rajamanickam Ee She Lian Faizah Ainal Yahya Farah Nijida Ab Jalil Fong Siew Luan, Kelly Goh Siow Chi, Callyster Hsu Hsiu Chien, Tania Ir. Ahmad Hadri Haris Jade Chan Jane Ritikos Kaljeet Singh Khatun Binti Ali Khoo Liang San, Hendry Kiranjeet Kaur Koi Chee Kheng Lai Mee Ling, Sheena Latifah Binti Hamzah Lee Kaw Yeng, Kylee Lee Kian Jiong, Jason Lee Kiyau Loo Lee Moon Sien Lee Shy Chyi, Edmund Leong Ooi Jien, Janice Leong Yew Fun, Nica Leung Cheuk Sing Leung Ka Sing Liew Ooi Lee, Nina Lim Chee Hoong, Henry Lim May Cih Lim Sijian Lio Yuet Ling Long Wai Sen Maisara Noor Ahmad Maria Bernard Sinsoi Mathumathi Ambigabadi Mohamad Syazrul Iqbal Bin Saaid Mohamed Azrin Mohamed Ali Mohammed Ridhuan Bin Najmuddin Mohd Faiz Maamor Mohd Faruqi Bin Badron Mohd Ismail Othman Mohd Nizam Rashid Mohd Rosli Bin Haji Abdullah Mohd Safrol Abdul Majid Mohd Saiful Azmir Rahman Muhammad Farith Rosli Muhammad Haniff Bin Abdullah Muhammad Wahyudi Bin Othman Muhd Muhtazam Nordin Nadia Abdul Rahman Navarani Vejaratnam Naziha Abdul Latif Nik Nurul Fadzillah Noor Akmar Shah Noor Azlin Mahat Noor Yusnisham Yunus Noorazrina Binti Nawi Nor Hisham Bin Razali Noriza Adli Norrizan Abd Majid Norzafrah Ismail Norzarifah Ismail Nur Ayuni Binti Zolkifi Nur Iftitah Mustafa Nur Syahira Abdul Rahim Nur’Ezazulaiqa Binti Mohd Hassanuddin Paul Wong Kok Kiong Punitha Silivarajoo Rafdah Mustafa Ramli Bin Abd Mutalib Rasidah Sulaiman Raudhatul Akmal Roslina Muhamad Rosmah Binti Mamak Rapi Rosnani Zainudin Sallehudin Samsuddin Siti Amaira Binti Samijian Siti Fatimah Noor Saidin Siti Noor Aisah Binti Md. Ali Siti Noor Baiti Binti Mustapha Siti Rafzah Saari Siti Raihana Abu Yazaid Siti Sarah Binti Ismail Sivabalan Dhanabal Suguna Ganesan Suhaidah Sulaiman Syamiullah Mohd Ghani Syed Ahmad Syed Mustafa Tan De Min Tan Sin Yien, Samantha Tan Ya Lo, Anrose Ti Lian Huey Tio Sze Yuen Tio Wen Yuen Tuen Ann Gie Vignesvary Tayanithi Voon Miaw Thin Woon Soo Kum, Kim Yeo Siok Tong Yeoh Yuen Ting Zahilah Zahid Zulikha Ayesha Binti Mohd Marzuki Disclaimer : The IGEM2013 Organising Committee would like to express gratitude towards all parties who have been directly or indirectly involved in making IGEM2013 a success. While all care has been taken to ensure accuracy and fair representation in this Executive Report, we apologise if any noteworthy individuals, companies or corporations have been inadvertently omitted. IGEM2013 ORGANISING COMMITTEE ZT 103 IGEM2013 EXECUTIVE REPORT Disclaimer : The IGEM2013 Executive Report is compiled from onsite observations throughout the 4-day event. While every effort has been taken to ensure that the contents of the report are accurate and current, the organiser cannot be held responsible for any omission or error and is not liable for any loss or dispute arising from the use of the information provided. No part of this publication may be reportduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means - electronic, mechanical or any other form - without the written consent of the publisher.
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