14SW Cost Estimation



shah m r al masudSoftware Engineering Software Cost Estimation Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 1 shah m r al masud Objectives To introduce the fundamentals of software costing and pricing To explain software productivity metric To explain why different techniques for software estimation: LOC model Function points model Object point model COCOMO (COnstructive COst MOdel): 2 algorithmic cost estimation model UCP: Use Case Points Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 2 shah m r al masud What is Software Cost Estimation Predicting the cost of resources required for a software development process Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 3 projects in 1995.shah m r al masud Software is a Risky Business 30% Not completed 70% Completed 53% of projects cost almost 200% of original estimate. All surveyed projects used waterfall lifecycle. Estimated $81 billion spent on failed U.S. Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 4 . shah m r al masud Software is a Risky Business British Computer Society (BCS) survey: 1027 projects Only 130 were successful ! Success was defined as: deliver all system requirements within budget within time to the quality agreed on Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 5 . shah m r al masud Why early Cost Estimation? Cost estimation is needed early for s/w pricing S/W price = cost + profit Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 6 . . year. month.. man-week. man-month. day.. week... Duration How much calendar time is needed to complete an activity? Resources assigned Units: hour.shah m r al masud Fundamental estimation questions Effort How much effort is required to complete an activity? Units: man-day (person-day). Cost of an activity What is the total cost of an activity? Project estimation and scheduling are interleaved management activities Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 7 . fax. 3.shah m r al masud Software Cost Components 1. lighting costs of networking and communications (tel.) depreciation costs of assets Activity Based Costing (ABC) Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 8 . Effort costs (dominant factor in most projects) salaries Social and insurance & benefits 2. Tools costs: Hardware and software for development Depreciation on relatively small # of years 300K US$ Travel and Training costs (for particular client) Overheads(OH): Costs must take overheads into account costs of building. staff restaurant.g library. 4. etc. heating. ) costs of shared facilities (e. air-conditioning. shah m r al masud S/W Pricing Policy S/W price is influenced by economic consideration political consideration and business consideration Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 9 . Accepting a low profit on one project may give the opportunity of more profit later. an organisation may lower its price to win a contract. It is better to make a small profit or break even than to go out of business. Developers in financial difficulty may lower their price to gain a contract. SW Cost Estimation Slide 10 Cost estimate uncertainty Contractual terms Requirements volatility Financial health Software Engineering . The price charged may then be less than if the software source code is handed over to the customer. it may increase its price by some contingency over and above its normal profit. If an organisation is unsure of its cost estimate.shah m r al masud Software Pricing Policy/Factors Factor Market opportunity Description A development organisation may quote a low price because it wishes to move into a new segment of the software market. If the requirements are likely to change. high prices may be charged for changes to the requirements. A customer may be willing to allow the developer to retain ownership of the source code and reuse it in other projects. The experience gained may allow new products to be developed. After the contract is awarded. shah m r al masud Programmer Productivity Rate of s/w production Needs for measurements Measure software produced per time unit (Ex: LOC/hr) rate of s/w production software produced including documentation Not quality-oriented: although quality assurance is a factor in productivity assessment Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 11 . shah m r al masud Productivity measures S/W productivity measures are based on: Size related measures: Based on some output from the software process Number lines of delivered source code (LOC) Function-related measures based on an estimate of the functionality of the delivered software: Function-points (are the best known of this type of measure) Object-points UCP Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 12 . documentation team) and incorporating this estimate in overall estimate Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 13 .shah m r al masud Measurement problems Estimating the size of the measure Estimating the total number of programmermonths which have elapsed Estimating contractor productivity (e.g. person-month effort and ease of maintenance What's a line of code? The measure was first proposed when programs were typed on cards with one line per card How does this correspond to statements as in Java which can span several lines or where there can be several statements on one line? What programs should be counted as part of the system? Assumes linear relationship between system size and volume of documentation Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 14 .shah m r al masud Lines Of Code (LOC) Program length (LOC) can be used to predict program characteristics e.g. shah m r al masud Versions of LOC DSI : Delivered Source Instructions KLOC Thousands of LOC DSI One instruction is one LOC Declarations are counted Comments are not counted Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 15 . shah m r al masud LOC Advantages Simple to measure Disadvantages Defined on code: it can not measure the size of specification Based on one specific view of size: length. What about complexity and functionality !! Bad s/w may yield more LOC Language dependent Therefore: Other s/w size attributes must be included Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 16 .. shah m r al masud LOC Productivity The lower level the language. the less productive the programmer The same functionality takes more code to implement in a lower-level language than in a high-level language Measures of productivity based on LOC suggest that programmers who write verbose code are more productive than programmers who write compact code !!! Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 17 . shah m r al masud Function Points: FP Function Points is used in 2 contexts: Past: To develop metrics from historical data Future: Use of available metrics to size the s/w of a new project Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 18 . error messages User interactions: inquiries Logical internal files used by the system: Example a purchase order logical file composed of 2 physical files/tables Purchase_Order and Purchase_Order_Item External interfaces: files shared with other systems A weight (ranging from 3 for simple to 15 for complex features) is associated with each of these above The function point count is computed by multiplying each raw count by the weight and summing all values SW Cost Estimation Slide 19 Software Engineering .shah m r al masud Function Points Based on a combination of program characteristics The number of : External (user) inputs: input transactions that update internal files External (user) outputs: reports. interfaces count-total count weighting factor simple avg.shah m r al masud Function Points . complex X 3 X 4 X 3 X 7 X 5 4 5 4 10 7 6 7 6 15 10 = = = = = complexity multiplier function points Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 20 .Calculation measurement parameter number of user inputs number of user outputs number of user inquiries number of files number of ext. 7. 2. 3. Backup and recovery Data communication Distributed processing functions Is performance critical? Existing operating environment On-line data entry Input transaction built over multiple screens SW Cost Estimation Slide 21 Software Engineering .shah m r al masud Function Points – Taking Complexity into Account -14 Factors Fi Each factor is rated on a scale of: Zero: not important or not applicable Five: absolutely essential 1. 6. 4. 5. Code design for re-use 12. Are conversion/installation included in design? 13. Master files updated on-line 9. Application designed to facilitate change by the user Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 22 . files.) 8. Complexity of processing 11.shah m r al masud Function Points – Taking Complexity into Account -14 Factors Fi (cont. Complexity of inputs. Multiple installations 14. outputs. inquiries 10. 01 * i=1 F i ] UFC: Unadjusted function point count 0 <= Fi <= 5 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 23 .shah m r al masud Function Points – Taking Complexity into Account -14 Factors Fi (cont.) i=14 FP = UFC * [ 0.65 + 0. We need only a detailed specification Not restricted to code Language independent More accurate than LOC Disadvantages Ignores quality issues of output Subjective counting . Automatic function-point counting is impossible Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 24 . depend on the estimator Hard to automate....shah m r al masud FP: Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages Available early . shah m r al masud Function points and LOC FPs can be used to estimate LOC depending on the average number of LOC per FP for a given language LOC = AVC * number of function points AVC is a language-dependent factor varying from approximately 300 for assemble language to 12-40 for a 4GL Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 25 . shah m r al masud Relation Between FP & LOC Programming Language Assembly language C COBOL FORTRAN Pascal C++ Ada Visual Basic Smalltalk Power Builder (code generator) SQL Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation LOC/FP (average) 320 128 106 106 90 64 53 32 22 16 12 Slide 26 . shah m r al masud Function Points & Normalisation Function points are used to normalise measures (same as for LOC) for: S/w productivity Quality Error (bugs) per FP (discovered at programming) Defects per FP (discovered after programming) $ per FP Pages of documentation per FP FP per person-month Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 27 . shah m r al masud Expected Software Size Based on three-point Compute Expected Software Size (S) as weighted average of: Optimistic estimate: S(opt) Most likely estimate: S(ml) Pessimistic estimate: S(pess) S = { S(opt) + 4 S(ml) + S(pess) } / 6 Beta probability distribution Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 28 . Cost $/LOC • Calculate the system total cost in $ and effort in months .shah m r al masud Example 1: LOC Approach • A system is composed of 7 subsystems as below. Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 29 . • Given for each subsystem the size in LOC and the 2 metrics: productivity LOC/pm (pm: person month) . 9 13.4 24.000 60.7 15.000 60.000 655.000 107.000 Effort (months) 7.9 24.4 30.360 LOC/pm 315 220 220 240 200 140 300 $/LOC 14 20 20 18 22 28 18 Cost 32.0 145.000 151.000 136.0 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 30 .000 109.2 28.shah m r al masud Example 1: LOC Approach Functions UICF 2DGA 3DGA DSM CGDF PCF DAM Totals estimated LOC 2340 5380 6800 3350 4950 2140 8400 33. shah m r al masud Example 2: LOC Approach Assuming Estimated project LOC = 33200 Organisational productivity (similar project type) = 620 LOC/p-m Burdened labour rate = 8000 $/p-m Then Effort = 33200/620 = (53.6) = 54 p-m Cost per LOC = 8000/620 = (12.9) = 13 $/LOC Project total Cost = 8000 * 54 = 432000 $ Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 31 . shah m r al masud Example 3: FP Approach Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 32 . ) Complexity Factor Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 33 .shah m r al masud Example 3: FP Approach (cont. ) Assuming i F = 52 i FP = UFC * [ 0.01 * i Fi ] FP = 342 * 1.17 = 400 Complexity adjustment factor = 1.shah m r al masud Example 3: FP Approach (cont.65 + 0.17 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 34 . 5 FP/p-m (person-month) Burdened labour rate = 8000 $/p-m Then Estimated effort = 401/6.5 = (61.) Assuming Estimated FP = 401 Organisation average productivity (similar project type) = 6.5 = 1231 $/FP Project cost = 8000 * 62 = 496000 $ Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 35 .65) = 62 p-m Cost per FP = 8000/6.shah m r al masud Example 4: FP Approach (cont. COCOMO II.shah m r al masud Object Points (for 4GLs) Object points are an alternative function-related measure to function points when 4Gls or similar languages are used for development Object points are NOT the same as object classes The number of object points in a program is a weighted estimate of The number of separate screens that are displayed The number of reports that are produced by the system The number of 3GL modules that must be developed to supplement the 4GL code C:\Software_Eng\Cocomo\Software Measurement Page.htm Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 36 . object points. shah m r al masud Object Points – Weighting Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 37 . shah m r al masud Object Points – Weighting (cont.) srvr: number of server data tables used with screen/report clnt: number of client data tables used with screen/report Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 38 . reports and 3GL modules At an early point in the development process: Object points can be easily estimated It is very difficult to estimate the number of lines of code in a system Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 39 .shah m r al masud Object Point Estimation Object points are easier to estimate from a specification than function points simply concerned with screens. shah m r al masud Productivity Estimates LOC productivity Real-time embedded systems.50 object points/person-month depends on tool support and developer capability Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 40 . 40-160 LOC/P-month Systems programs . 150-400 LOC/P-month Commercial applications. 200-800 LOC/P-month Object points productivity measured 4 . Effort = 840/50 = (16.8) = 17 p-m Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 41 .shah m r al masud Object Point Effort Estimation Effort in p-m = NOP / PROD NOP = number of OP of the system Example: An application contains 840 OP (NOP=840) & Productivity is very high (= 50) Then. % reuse / 100) Example: An application contains 840 OP. of which 20% can be supplied by existing components.4) = 14 p-m Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 42 . Adjusted NOP = 840 * (1 – 20/100) = 672 OP Adjusted effort = 672/50 = (13.shah m r al masud Adjustment for % of Reuse Adjusted NOP = NOP * (1 . The larger a project. The development process used can have a significant effect on productivity. a quiet working environment with private work areas contributes to improved productivity. Good support technology such as CASE tools. Less time is available for development so individual productivity is reduced. This is covered in Chapter 31. Engineers whoalready understand a domain are likely to be the most productive. As discussed in Chapter 28. SW Cost Estimation Slide 43 Software Engineering . supportive configuration management systems. the more time required for team communications.shah m r al masud Factors affecting productivity Factor Application domain experience Process quality Project size Technology support Working environment Description Knowledge of the application domain is essential for effective software development. etc. can improve productivity. then an approach based on counting lines of code (LOC) is not meaningful Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 44 .shah m r al masud Quality and Productivity All metrics based on volume/unit time are flawed because they do not take quality into account Productivity may generally be increased at the cost of quality If change is constant. shah m r al masud Estimation techniques There is no simple way to make an accurate estimate of the effort required to develop a software system: Initial estimates may be based on inadequate information in a user requirements definition The software may run on unfamiliar computers or use new technology The people in the project may be unknown Project cost estimates may be self-fulfilling The estimate defines the budget and the product is adjusted to meet the budget Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 45 . shah m r al masud Estimation techniques Algorithmic cost modelling Expert judgement Estimation by analogy Parkinson's Law Pricing to win Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 46 . Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 47 .shah m r al masud Algorithmic code modelling A formula – empirical relation: based on historical cost information and which is generally based on the size of the software The formulae used in a formal model arise from the analysis of historical data. Advantages: Relatively cheap estimation method. Can be accurate if experts have direct experience of similar systems Disadvantages: Very inaccurate if there are no experts! SW Cost Estimation Slide 48 Software Engineering .shah m r al masud Expert Judgement One or more experts in both software development and the application domain use their experience to predict software costs. Process iterates until some consensus is reached. shah m r al masud Estimation by Analogy Experience-based Estimates The cost of a project is computed by comparing the project to a similar project in the same application domain Advantages: Accurate if project data available Disadvantages: Impossible if no comparable project has been tackled. Needs systematically maintained cost database Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 49 . shah m r al masud Estimation by Analogy : Problems However, new methods and technologies may make estimating based on experience inaccurate: Object oriented rather than function-oriented development Client-server systems rather than mainframe systems Off the shelf components Component-based software engineering CASE tools and program generators Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 50 shah m r al masud Parkinson's Law “The project costs whatever resources are available” (Resources are defined by the software house) Advantages: No overspend Disadvantages: System is usually unfinished The work is contracted to fit the budget available: by reducing functionality, quality Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 51 shah m r al masud Pricing to Win The project costs whatever the customer budget is. Advantages: You get the contract Disadvantages: The probability that the customer gets the system he/she wants is small. Costs do not accurately reflect the work required Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 52 shah m r al masud Pricing to Win This approach may seem unethical and unbusiness like However. when detailed information is lacking it may be the only appropriate strategy The project cost is agreed on the basis of an outline proposal and the development is constrained by that cost A detailed specification may be negotiated or an evolutionary approach used for system development Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 53 . shah m r al masud Top-down and Bottom-up Estimation Top-down Start at the system level and assess the overall system functionality Bottom-up Start at the component level and estimate the effort required for each component. Add these efforts to reach a final estimate Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 54 shah m r al masud Top-down Estimation Usable without knowledge of the system architecture and the components that might be part of the system Takes into account costs such as integration, configuration management and documentation Can underestimate the cost of solving difficult low-level technical problems Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 55 shah m r al masud Bottom-up estimation Usable when the architecture of the system is known and components identified Accurate method if the system has been designed in detail May underestimate costs of system level activities such as integration and documentation Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 56 shah m r al masud Estimation Methods S/W project estimation should be based on several methods If these do not return approximately the same result. there is insufficient information available Some action should be taken to find out more in order to make more accurate estimates Pricing to win is sometimes the only applicable method Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 57 . Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 58 . The accuracy of the model can be improved by calibrating the model to your specific development environment. The formula is based on the analysis of historical data. Costs are analysed using mathematical formulas linking costs or inputs with METRICS to produce an estimated output. (which basically involves adjusting the weighting parameters of the metrics).shah m r al masud Algorithmic Cost Modelling Most of the work in the cost estimation field has focused on algorithmic cost modelling. .shah m r al masud Building Metrics from measurements Project 1 M ea sure men ts Historical Data Project 2 Measurements Analysis of historical data METRICS . Project n nts e rem u s a Me . . Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 59 . shah m r al masud New Project estimation using available Metrics METRICS Estimates for new project New Project Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 60 . shah m r al masud Empirical Estimation Models Algorithmic Cost Modelling exponent effort = tuning coefficient * size usually derived as person-months of effort required usually LOC but may also be function point empirically derived either an organisation-dependent constant or a number derived based on complexity of project Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 61 . B and M Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 62 . process and people attributes Most commonly used product attribute for cost estimation is code size (LOC) Most models are basically similar but with different values for A.shah m r al masud Algorithmic Cost Modelling Effort = A × SizeB × M A is an organisation-dependent constant B reflects the nonlinearity (disproportionate) effort for large projects M is a multiplier reflecting product. shah m r al masud Estimation Accuracy The size of a software system can only be known accurately when it is finished Several factors influence the final size Use of COTS and components Programming language Distribution of system As the development process progresses then the size estimate becomes more accurate Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 63 . 5x Lower uncertainty 0.shah m r al masud Estimate Uncertainty 4x measurements 2x Cost estimate Higher uncertainty x Feasibility Requirements Design Code Delivery 0.25x Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 64 . etc. Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 65 . reuse. Well-documented. ‘independent’ model which is not tied to a specific software vendor COCOMO II (2000) takes into account different approaches to software development.shah m r al masud The COCOMO Cost model Constructive Cost Model An empirical model based on project experience COCOMO'81 is derived from the analysis of 63 software projects in 1981. b a s e d o n 1 5 c o s t d riv e rs K D S I: T h o u s a n d s o f D e liv e re d S o u r c e In s tru c tio n s (K L O C ) Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 66 .0 ( K D S I) 1 .1 2 × M P M = 3 .6 ( K D S I) 1 . so ftw a re . re g u la tio n s and o p e r a tio n a l p r o c e d u re s .2 0 × M M : m u ltip lie r s im ila r a s fo r C O C O M O I I .4 ( K D S I) 1 .shah m r al masud COCOMO 81 P ro ject c o m p le x ity S im p le (O rg a n ic ) M o d e ra te (S e m id e ta c h e d ) E m bedded F o r m u la D e s c r ip tio n P M = 2 . C o m p le x p ro je c ts w h e re th e so ftw a re is p a rt o f a s tro n g ly c o u p le d c o m p le x o f h a rd w a re . P M = 3 . M o re c o m p le x p ro je c ts w h e re te a m m e m b e r s m a y h a v e lim ite d e x p e r ie n c e o f re la te d s y s te m s .0 5 × M W e ll-u n d e rs to o d a p p lic a tio n s d e v e lo p e d b y s m a ll te a m s . b that best fit the measurements Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 67 . … Get metrics parameters a. yi) Required: Best fit of measurements to get metrics parameters Assume: A linear relation between measured pairs: Y=a+bx Other relations may be assumed as quadratic ‘or higher’: Y = a + b x + c x*x .shah m r al masud Metrics: Parameters calculations Least Squares method – Curve fitting Given: n measurements of pairs (xi. yi) Measured xi Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 68 . b Fitting Line Yi = a + b*xi Fitted Yi Measured yi Fitting Error ei = Yi .shah m r al masud How to get parameters a.yi Measured Pair (xi. yi) S = S(a.shah m r al masud How to get parameters a. b) 2 2 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 69 . b ei = Yi – yi = a + b*xi .yi For all measurements get S as: S is the sum mover n measurements of squared values of ei S = Σ (ei) = Σ (a + b*xi . Solve and get a and b. Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 70 .shah m r al masud How to get parameters a. b Best fitting when S is minimum S is minimum when both the partial derivatives of S with respect to a and b are zero. This leads to 2 equations in a and b. and embedded) Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 71 . semi-detached.shah m r al masud COCOMO II COCOMO II is a 3-level model that allows increasingly detailed estimates to be prepared as development progresses Early prototyping level Estimates based on object points and a simple formula is used for effort estimation Early design level Estimates based on function points that are then translated to LOC Includes 7 cost drivers Post-architecture level Estimates based on lines of source code or function point Includes 17 cost drivers Five scale factors replace COCOMO 81 ratings (organic. NOP is the number of object points and PROD is the productivity Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 72 .COCOMO II Suitable for projects built using modern GUI-builder tools Based on Object Points Supports prototyping projects and projects where there is extensive reuse Based on standard estimates of developer productivity in object points/month Takes CASE tool use into account Formula is PM = ( NOP × (1 .%reuse/100 ) ) / PROD PM is the effort in person-months.shah m r al masud Early prototyping level . shah m r al masud Early Design Level: 7 cost drivers . development flexibility. B is calculated using a Scale Factor based on 5 exponent drivers PMm: represents manual adaptation for automatically generated code Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 73 .5 in initial calibration.24 depending on novelty of the project.1 to 1.COCOMO II Estimates can be made after the requirements have been agreed Based on standard formula for algorithmic models Effort for Manually developed code Effort for Manual adaptation of Automatically generated code PM = A × SizeB × M + PMm M = PERS × RCPX × RUSE × PDIF × PREX × FCIL × SCED A = 2. Size: manually developed code in KLOC Exponent B • • varies from 1. risk management approaches and the process maturity. PMm : Manual Adaptation for Automatically Generated Code . 2400 source statements per month) AT: % of adapted code (that is automatically generated) Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 74 .. PMm = (ASLOC × (AT/100)) / ATPROD shah m r al masud Used when big % of code is generated automatically ASLOC :Size of adapted components ATPROD: Productivity of the engineer integrating the adapted code (app. the team support facilities Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 75 .product reliability and complexity RUSE .platform difficulty PREX .shah m r al masud COCOMO II Early Design Stage Effort Multipliers: 7 cost drivers Multipliers reflect the capability of the developers.required schedule FCIL .personnel experience PERS .the reuse required PDIF .personnel capability SCED . etc. RCPX . the non-functional requirements. the familiarity with the development platform. COCOMO II Exponent B for effort calculation B = 1. 5 SF = Scale Factor Each SF is rated on 6-point scale (ranging from 0 to 5) : very low (5). high (2).11 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 76 .26 / 20 KLOC ^ 1.58/20. low ( 4).01 x sum [SF (i)] . i=1.01 + 0.01 = 43. nominal (3). extra high (0) 5 Scale Factor (exponent drivers) Precedenteness Development flexibility Architecture/risk resolution Team cohesion Process maturity Ex: 20 KLOC ^ 1.6 = 2.…. very high (1).shah m r al masud The Exponent B Scale Factor(SF) . COCOMO II Scale factor Precedentedness Explanation Reflects the previous experience of the organisation with this type of project. The computation of this value depends on the CMM Maturity Questionnaire but an estimate can be achieved by subtracting the CMM process maturity level from 5. Extra high means an integrated and effective team with no communication problems. Very low means a prescribed process is used. Reflects the degree of flexibility in the development process. Extra high means that the client only sets general goals. Very low means no previous experience. Extra high means a complete a thorough risk analysis. Reflects how well the development team know each other and work together. Very low means little analysis.shah m r al masud Exponent scale factors . SW Cost Estimation Slide 77 Development flexibility Architecture/risk resolution Team cohesion Process maturity Software Engineering . Extra high means that the organisation is completely familiar with this application domain. Reflects the extent of risk analysis carried out. Very low means very difficult interactions. Reflects the process maturity of the organisation. 17 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 78 .No risk analysis – rated Very Low .SF(4) = 3 Process maturity .no client involvement – rated Very high .SF(5) = 3 Then: Exponent B =1.SF(3) = 5 Team cohesion .nominal .SF(2) = 1 Architecture/risk resolution .shah m r al masud Example: Exponent B calculations using Scale Factor Given: Precedenteness .new project – rated low SF(1) = 4 Development flexibility .nominal .some control .new team . ASLOC is the number of lines of reusable code which must be modified. DM is the percentage of design modified. CM is the percentage of the code that is modified .4DM + 0.shah m r al masud Post-architecture stage . Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 79 .3IM)/100 ESLOC is equivalent number of lines of new code. AA is a factor which reflects the initial assessment costs of deciding if software may be reused. IM is the percentage of the original integration effort required for integrating the reused software.3CM +0. SU is a factor based on the cost of software understanding.COCOMO II Uses same formula as early design estimates Estimate of size is adjusted to take into account Requirements volatility: Rework required to support change Extent of possible reuse: Reuse is non-linear and has associated costs so this is not a simple reduction in LOC ESLOC = ASLOC × (AA + SU +0. shah m r al masud COCOMO II Post Architecture Effort Multipliers (17 multipliers) Product attributes (5 multipliers) concerned with required characteristics of the software product being developed Computer attributes (3 multipliers) constraints imposed on the software by the hardware platform Personnel attributes (6 multipliers) multipliers that take the experience and capabilities of the people working on the project into account. Project attributes (3 multipliers) concerned with the particular characteristics of the software development project Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 80 . shah m r al masud COCOMO II Post Architecture Effort Multipliers:17 cost drivers Product attributes RELY Required system reliability CPLX Complexity of system modules DOCU Extent of documentation required Computer attributes TIME Execution time constraints PVOL Volatility of development platform Personnel attributes ACAP Capability of project analysts PCON Personnel continuity PEXP Programmer experience in project domain Project attributes TOOL Use of software tools SCED Software Engineering DATA RUSE Size of database used Required percentage of reusable components STOR Memory constraints PCAP AEXP LTEX SITE Programmer capability Analyst experience in project domain Language and tool experience Extent of multi-site working and quality of site communications Development schedule compression SW Cost Estimation Slide 81 . multiplier = 1 295 person-months Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 82 . multiplier = 0.75 None.12 Accelerated. multiplier = 1.29 2306 person-months Very low. multiplier = 0. multiplier = 1. 1997 Exponent value System size (including factors for reuse and requirements volatility) Initial COCOMO estimate without cost drivers (M=1) Reliability Complexity Maximum Memory constraint Tool use Schedule Adjusted COCOMO estimate: Reliability Complexity Minimum Memory constraint Tool use Schedule Adjusted COCOMO estimate: 1.72 Normal.17 128.21 Low. 000 DSI 730 person-months Very high. multiplier = 1. multiplier = 1.39 Very high.shah m r al masud Effects of cost drivers Maximum & Minimum Data are from ref: Boehm.3 High.75 Very low. multiplier = 1. multiplier = 1 Very high. multiplier = 0. m u ltip lie r = 1 2 9 5 p e r so n -m o n th s Π Π (M i ) = 0 .shah m r al masud Effects of cost drivers (M = ?) Maximum & Minimum Data are from ref: Boehm. m u ltip lie r = 1 . m u ltip lie r = 0 .4 0 5 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 83 .7 2 N o rm a l.3 H ig h .7 5 V e ry lo w . m u ltip lie r = 0 . m u ltip lie r = 1 . m u ltip lie r = 1 . m u ltip lie r = 1 V e ry h ig h .3 9 V e ry h ig h .1 7 128.1 5 M = R e lia b ility C o m p le x ity M e m o ry c o n stra in t T o o l u se S c h e d u le A d ju ste d C O C O M O e stim a te : M = 1 .2 1 L o w . m u ltip lie r = 0 .2 9 2 3 0 6 p e r so n -m o n th s V e ry lo w . 000 D SI 7 3 0 p e r so n -m o n th s V e ry h ig h . m u ltip lie r = 1 . m u ltip lie r = 1 . 1997 E x p o n e n t v a lu e S y ste m siz e (in c lu d in g fa c to rs fo r re u se a n d re q u ire m e n ts v o la tility ) In itia l C O C O M O e stim a te w ith o u t c o st d r iv e r s (M = 1 ) R e lia b ility C o m p le x ity M e m o ry c o n stra in t T o o l u se S c h e d u le A d ju ste d C O C O M O e stim a te : (M i ) = 3 .1 2 A c c e le ra te d .7 5 N o n e . shah m r al masud Project planning Algorithmic cost models provide a basis for project planning as they allow alternative strategies to be compared Embedded spacecraft system Must be reliable Must minimise weight (number of chips) Multipliers on reliability and computer constraints > 1 Cost components Target hardware Development platform Effort required Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 84 . Memory upgrade only Hardware cost increase D. New development system Hardware cost increase Experience decrease Software Engineering F. More experienced staff E. Staff with hardware experience SW Cost Estimation Slide 85 . Use existing hardware.shah m r al masud Management options A. development system and development team B. Processor and memory upgrade Hardware cost increase Experience decrease C. 84 1.86 0.39 1.86 1.11 1 1.39 STOR 1.22 0.12 0.11 1.72 1.06 1 1 TIME 1.84 Total effort Software cost 63 88 60 51 56 57 949393 1313550 895653 769008 844425 851180 Hardware cost 100000 120000 105000 100000 220000 120000 Total cost 1049393 1402025 1000653 897490 1044159 1002706 Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 86 .shah m r al masud Management options costs Option A B C D E F RELY 1.39 1.11 1 1 TOOLS 0.39 1.06 1 1 1.22 1 0.86 0.12 LTEX 1 1.39 1.39 1. it has a high associated risk as experienced staff may be difficult to find Option C (upgrade memory) has a lower cost saving but very low risk Overall. the model reveals the importance of staff experience in software development Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 87 .shah m r al masud Option choice Option D (use more experienced staff) appears to be the best alternative However. This computation predicts the nominal schedule for the project The time required is independent of the number of people working on the project Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 88 .shah m r al masud Project duration and staffing .2*(B-1.01)) PM is the effort computation and B is the exponent computed as discussed above (B is 1 for the early prototyping model).33+0. managers must estimate the calendar time required to complete a project and when staff will be required Calendar time can be estimated using a COCOMO II formula TDEV = 3 × (PM)(0.COCOMO II As well as effort estimation. 33+0.2*(1.17 Then: Nominal schedule for the project (calendar time TDEV required to complete the project): TDEV = 3 × (PM)(0.shah m r al masud Project duration and staffing Example Given: Software development effort = 60 PM Exponent B = 1.36) = 13 months Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 89 .01)) = 3 × (PM)(0.17-1. shah m r al masud Staffing requirements Staff required can’t be computed by diving the development time by the required schedule – Non linear relation ship The number of people working on a project varies depending on the phase of the project The more people who work on the project. the more total effort is usually required A very rapid build-up of people often correlates with schedule slippage Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 90 . See file: Use_Case_Points.doc Software Engineering SW Cost Estimation Slide 91 .shah m r al masud Use Case Points UCP Effort: person-month based on Use Case description.
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