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Hkkjrh; ekud IS 14982 : 2017Indian Standard fcVqeu ,Mhlu osQ fy, — ,UVh&fLVªfiax inkFkZ — fof'k"V ( igyk iqujh{k.k ) Anti-Stripping Agents for Bitumen Addition — Specification ( First Revision ) ICS 17.140 © BIS 2017 Hkkjrh; ekud C;wjks BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ekud Hkou] 9 cgknqj'kkg ”kiQj ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110002 MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110002 www.bis.org.in www.standardsbis.in December 2017 Price Group 4 Since publication of this standard in 2001. The structure of a saturated amine octadecylamine is shown as under: CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 NH2 The physical properties of fatty acid amines depend on the length and nature of the hydrocarbon chain. This revised standard accommodate all classes of additives and become performance based. Minimum wet strength is defined in order to ensure the additives do not reduce the absolute value of wet strength required for pavement performance.Bitumen. Unsaturated hydrocarbon chains give lower melting point than saturated ones. The shorter the chain. Optimum performance is obtained with 14-18 carbon atom chain amines. Tar and their Products Sectional Committee. thus ensuring that the solid is coated with a regular layer of binder. many new technologies have emerged globally. Stearyl diamine is an example of fatty acid amine which is often used as anti-stripping agent. Most of the aggregates are more easily wetted by water than by bitumen. with one or especially two amine groups. the Boil test has been extended from 10 min to 30 min to ensure excellent retention of bituminous coating to reduce the stripping and raveling further to eliminate pot holes. Short hydrocarbon chains are less soluble in bitumen than longer ones and their bond to the bitumen is weaker. It contains both primary and secondary amine groups. To the long fatty hydrocarbon chain an amino group-NHz is attached. and an elongated ‘body’ which holds on equally strongly to the binder. the nature of aggregate surface is changed and aggregate becomes more liophilic (oil loving). Anti- stripping agents improve the bond between binder and aggregate. the lower the melting point. to overcome the stripping problem in bituminous pavements. Most commonly used anti-stripping agents now-a-days are long chain organic amines of relatively high molecular weight. The typical chemical formula for oleyeamine is as given below: CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH = CH CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 NH2 The hydrogenated tallow (saturated) has a melting point of about 50°C. (Continued on third cover) . as they are produced from fatty acids. The balance between the length of the hydrocarbon chain and the number of amine groups has therefore great influences on the adhesive power of doped bitumen. The chemical properties of fatty acid amines can be varied by changing the number of amine groups and their positions in the molecule. Looking at high temperature in our climatic zone and rainy monsoon season of 3-4 months. In the presence of anti-stripping agents. For example. Each molecule of these cationic fatty acid amines has a little ‘head’ which attaches itself with incredible force to the stone aggregate surface irrespective of the presence of water on the aggregate surface. PCD 6 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. oleyeamine (unsaturated ) is liquid at a temperature of 25°C. after the draft finalized by the Bitumen. one of which is primary amine group. Tar and their Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum. Coal and Related Products Division Council. This standard was prepared for the guidance of the users and manufacturers of the anti-stripping agents of fatty amine type. The earlier standard was product specific to one category of product (amines). Anti-stripping agents are used the world-over. The fatty amines having long hydrocarbon chain are the most suitable anti-stripping agents for bitumen. Water during certain conditions has the ability to strip bitumen from aggregate and once this process starts it is accelerated by traffic. They are called fatty amines. The tensile strength ratio has been added to assess the loss of strength under wet condition. Very often the cause of damage in road surfacing can be attributed to adhesion failure or stripping of bitumen film from aggregates. The adhesion between bitumen and aggregate is an important factor for the stability of bituminous pavements. 2 The physical and performance requirements of the 1211 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and anti-stripping agents shall comply with the requirements bituminous materials — specified in Table 1. 1 . Hydrated lime and binder the adhesive bond is broken. Determination of flash point and fire point (first revision) 5. even wet aggregate 1. In such case the passive adhesive is the ability of the through reference in the text. may be used. Determination of water content 6 SAMPLING (first revision) 1448 [P : 10/Sec 2] : Methods of test for petroleum and 6. All standards are subject to once bond formation is achieved.2 This standard also provides guidance with respect surface may be coated.3 Passive Adhesive — The process of forming and maintaining a strong adhesive bond between binder and 2 REFERENCES dry aggregate surface is defined as passive adhesive. Determination of specific gravity (first revision) 5 REQUIREMENTS 1209 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and 5. Where practicable. precautions. This is defined as active to applications. to 10 min. which is effective to prevent the IS No. and dosage of anti-stripping agents for use in bituminous materials and mixes.1 Stripping — Stripping is the breaking of the adhesion before sampling. the content of that tank shall be agitated by forced circulation or air 3. IS 14982 : 2017 Indian Standard ANTI-STRIPPING AGENTS FOR BITUMEN ADDITION — SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) 1 SCOPE bond between the aggregates and the bituminous binder.2 Active Adhesive — If an anti-stripping agent is added to the bituminous binder. 3. Title stripping of any aggregate. The following standards contain provisions which. the definitions given rolling to and fro on the ground for a period of 5 in IS 334 and the following shall apply. 3. At the time of publication the editions with aggregate to prevent stripping under wet condition indicated were valid.1 This standard prescribes the requirements of anti- film and the aggregate surface and because the aggregate strip additives for reducing moisture susceptibility in surface has higher attraction for water than for bituminous bituminous mixes and materials. storage.1 Antistripping agent either liquid or powder shall bituminous materials — be homogeneous materials having tolerable odour. cement which are added directly to the aggregates are not in the scope of this standard. handling and safety adhesive. Section 2 The content of drum or barrel from which the Determination of pour point sample is to be drawn shall be warmed up to 3 TERMINOLOGY 45-55°C. if required. in case of modified binder it shall not bituminous materials — adversely affect the specification parameters. the sampling procedure 2013/ISO 3016 : its products [P : 10] Cloud point from drums. When 334 : 2002 Glossary of terms relating to optimized dosage of the additive is added to the bitumen bitumen and tar (third revision) binder it shall not change the original viscosity grading 1202 : 1978 Methods of testing tar and of the binder. In one way or the other water gets in between the binder 1.1 For the purpose of testing. revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility 4 MATERIALS of applying the most recent editions of the standards Any chemical additive suitable for modification of listed below: bituminous binder. and thoroughly mixed by For the purpose of this standard. constitute provisions of bitumen to maintain the integrity of the adhesive bond this standard. barrels or tank shall be as follows: 1994 and pour point. 6. the lot grout. dressing. For this purpose the anti-stripping agent must be well b) Indication of the source of manufacture.10 IS 1202 ii) Pour point °C. percent by volume. Min 80 percent Annex E x) Wet strength. 8. Min 75 IS 1209 iv) Water content. bituminous macadam. °C (COC). the aggregate is normally dried and Bureau of Indian Standards. Ref to No. and bulk distributor through the manhole preferably fitted e) Expiry date. It will be fed into the d) Batch number or code number.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the operation.1 Anti-stripping agents can be used for the following be mixed by gentle shaking to ensure uniformity.1 Preparation of Samples 9 APPLICATIONS Before carrying out any of the tests. sample shall be It covers road construction like surface drawn on the basis of 6.0 95 percent Annex D percent of anti-stripping agent (boiling water test for 30 min). Max 1.85-1. Max 42 IS 1448 [P : 10/Sec 2] iii) Flash point.1 for testing in the same manner. penetration macadam. with a stirring device.0 IS 1211 v) Solubility in high diesel oil in the ratio of 2 : 98 at ambient Complete Annex A temperature vi) Thermal stability at 163°C. b) For bituminous surfacing (Premixed surfacing) — It covers bituminous surfacing 7 TESTS like open graded premix carpet mix seal Unless otherwise specified. the sample shall 9. dense according to the methods referred to in Table 1. heated then mixed with bitumen.IS 14982 : 2017 Table 1 Requirements for Anti-Stripping Agents (Clause 5. Min ix) Indirect tensile strength ratio. The details of conditions under which the license for the 9. shall be accepted otherwise the lot shall be rejected. Min 750 KN Annex E NOTE — The sample of anti-stripping agent shall be drawn within 24 h after delivery and tested within 7 days from the date of drawing. The mixing 2 . bituminous macadam semidense asphaltic concrete and dense asphaltic concrete.1 Each container shall be legibly and indelibly marked 9. This ensures that the agent is mixed in the provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act. Stone 8 MARKING matrix asphalt. unless otherwise specified. built up spray If these samples conform to requirement of 5. bitumen tank. (1) (2) (3) (4) i) Specific gravity at 27°C 0. The type of anti-stripping agent c) Month and year of manufacture.2 Application of Anti-Stripping Agents for with the following: Bituminous Surfacing (Sprayed Work) a) Name of the product.1. mixed with the binder. and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. 1986 tank and also saves time. two applications: 6. The binder with agent shall be circulated by means of spray pump for at least 30 min 8. Complete coating Annex C stripping agent (Active adhesion) for spray work viii) Stripping value with bitumen containing maximum 1. tests shall be carried out surfacing.2.2) Sl Characteristic Requirement Method of Test. It shall be fed by a small dosage pump into the pipe supplying the bitumen throughout the 8. The additive can also The container may also be marked with the Standard be kept heated in a special storage tank attached to the Mark. etc. 24 h No appreciable change in Annex B efficacy vii) Under water coating test with maximum 1 percent anti.3 Application of Anti-Stripping Agents for use of the Standard Mark may be granted to Bituminous Surfacing (Premixed Surfacing) manufactures or producers. maybe obtained from the In asphalt plant. supplied is either liquid or solid.2 BIS Certification Marking to ensure homogeneous mixing. porous asphalt.2 If the single sample from a single run fails to fulfill a) For bituminous surfacing (Sprayed work) — the test requirements specified under 5. 2 The anti-stripping agents are freeze thaw stable.4 Steel. With moist and partially wet aggregate the stripping agents as specified in material safety data sheet. be added depends upon the type and viscosity of the bitumen and type and gradation of aggregate. desired adhesion can be achieved by addition of anti. follow MSDS guidelines. The required adhesion in the process can be ensured by use of an 12. They should be kept away from public. made from teflon or polyamide stripping agent. silicate content and the porosity. are suitable for storage of anti- binder. liquid anti-stripping agents to freeze. then also MSDS In the drum mix process. pumped.1 The anti-stripping agents with HMIS rating 0-3 products. Follow the guidelines of manufacture 10. In 10.douse temperature for many years provided they are stored in bituminous binder a lesser quantity of anti-stripping closed drums. ensure a homogeneous mix and in this case it is especially from children. These should be 12.4 In case of fire. Very often the aggregate contains a certain amount of moisture content and normally 12 ADDITIVE DOSAGES remains in the aggregate after mixing.3 In case of contact with eyes flush with water for any significant loss in efficiency. tanks. the aggregate is mixed with guidelines will be followed to remove contamination.2 When handling anti-stripping agents.1 The dose of anti-stripping agent depends upon the anti-stripping agent. to determine optimum dosage which allows meeting but prolonged storage at low temperature may cause the requirement as specified in Table 1. depend on the quality of anti-stripping agent. depending mainly on the grade of bituminous drums. necessary to use heat stable anti-stripping agent which can be stored in hot bituminous binder for 24 h without 11. 11. etc. nature of aggregates. aluminium containers or plastic such as hot mixes.2 The actual dose of anti-stripping agent shall also allowed to thaw and melt on heating. 3 . Gaskets and hoses. bitumen in the drum. IS 14982 : 2017 temperature varies between 120° and 175°C for warm/ 10. If the bitumen temperature is 130°C-175 °C. The 10. There are two methods for adding an agent. to co-inject using metering pump when bitumen is 11. The second method is outlast 15 min and follow MSDS. always use commonly used is to pour the calculated amount into PPEs as per MSDS guidelines provided by anti-stripping the bitumen tank and allow 15-30 min of circulation to agent supplier. Higher quantity of dose is required for open 10 STORAGE OF ANTI-STRIPPING AGENTS surfaces like surface dressing bituminous macadam. agent is required. 11 HANDLING AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Anti-stripping agents dissolve easily in bitumen 11. The most 11. The amount of anti-stripping agent to should be used. only can be used with proper safety guidelines.1 Anti-stripping agents are stable at normal the case of dense bituminous mixes or semi. open graded premix carpet and mix seal surfacing. detailed in Annex C for spray work and Annex D and Annex E for pre-mix work.3 Solid anti-stripping agents should be stored at method for determination of dose concentration is temperature below their melting point (40-50°C). that is. barrels or tanks.5 If spillage has occurred. IS 14982 : 2017 ANNEX A [Table 1. Remove the material). After This test determines whether any degradation in quality heat exposure. with kerosene oil to obtain cut-back bitumen of consistency of MC-3000 and tested for under water B-2 REAGENTS coating as per Annex C and used as such for HMA Use cut-back bitumen MC-3000 (4 parts of bitumen mixes test described in Annex D and Annex E. B-4 REPORTING OF TEST RESULTS Anti-stripping agent is deemed to be heat resistant. (ix) and (x)]. As bitumen is opaque ( black colour bath and shake vigorously for 10 min. examine for separation and settlement. (viii). 98 ml of the diesel oil and 2 g of anti-stripping agent ANNEX B [Table 1. if B-3 PROCEDURE the dose requirement before and after heat exposure For premix work blends of optimized dosage of anti. 4 . If no separation/ A-3 PROCEDURE settlement is observed after 24 h. Take out the cylinder from water- in bituminous binder. keep the cylinder in water-bath for 24 h and to determine the volubility of anti-stripping agent. For spray it is fluxed NOTE — Test for spray work. A-2 REAGENT A-4 REPORTING OF RESULTS A-2. (vi)] TEST FOR THERMAL STABILITY OF ANTI-STRIPPING AGENT B-1 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD strip agent and bitumen will be prepared and kept in an oven at 163°C for 24 h in the sealed condition. can meet the requirement laid down as per Table 1. Sl No. Table 1 [Sl No.1 Diesel Oil An anti-stripping agent is expected to be completely soluble in high speed diesel oil. (v)] TEST FOR SOLUBILITY OF ANTI-STRIPPING AGENT IN SPEED DIESEL OIL A-1 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD are taken in a measuring cylinder. and one part of kerosene) for spray work and only bitumen for premix. high speed diesel oil of the same family is taken stopper. S1 No. The cylinder along with its contents is kept in water-bath maintained at 50 The test determines the solubility of anti-stripping agent ± 1°C for 30 min. the blended samples can be used for of anti-stripping agent is caused as a result of its storage premix sample preparation to meet the specification of in hot bitumen at 163°C for 24 h. 2. The brownish surface as well as shall be heated to 150°C and mixed with 8g of bitumen completely stripped surface will be considered as and anti-stripping agent blend at 150°C in a casserole stripped area. 0. (viii)] COATING RETENTION TEST (FOR PREMIX WORK) D-1 GENERAL at the room temperature for about 2h. D-4 REPORT After complete coating the mixture shall be transferred The percentage of anti-stripping agent which retains to a tray and allowed to condition at 135°C for 2 h and 95 per cent coating of the aggregate shall be taken as then transferred to 500 ml beaker and allowed to cool minimum dose for premix work. D-3 VISUAL INSPECTION 200 g of coarse aggregates of 13. 0.6.2 mm nominal size The aggregate will be taken out and allow to dry at (passing 22.2 mm nominal size (passing 22. about 200 g of coarse The percent content of anti-stripping agent capable of aggregate of 13.2 mm sieve) room temperature. continue The anti-stripping agent shall be blended in percent boiling for 30 more minutes.0 percent) shall be transferred on to a pieces of white paper and examined blended with cut-back bitumen MC-3000 (4 parts of visually for coating. These blends shall different percentages of antistripping agent. upto 500 ml mark of beaker.4. The lid shall be replaced and C-2 PROCEDURE container shall be vigorously shaken for 2 min. 30 min remove content should be 0. weight of aggregate. IS 14982 : 2017 ANNEX C [Clauses 12. Time of coating should be noted and of the aggregate shall be considered as coated surface.4 mm giving 100 percent coating of coarse aggregate shall sieve and retained in 11. be used for testing their efficacy to coat the road aggregates under water. shall then be added to submerge the coated aggregates stripping agent for premix work.4 mm sieve and retained on 11. The material should be heated till mixing is complete to maintain 150°C mixing temperature.02. 0.05. Distilled water This test is meant for dose determination of anti.2 and Table 1. 5 . Sl No.1. testing their efficacy in retaining bitumen film on coated aggregates. C-3 REPORT In a tin container of 1litre capacity. Put the beaker on hot plate and start heating. 20. 0. bring the D-2 PROCEDURE water temperature to boiling and note the time. Only glossy black or dull black portion with a spatula.0 percent by stripping agent for sprayed work. (vii)] UNDER WATER COATING TEST ( FOR SPRAYED WORK) C-1 GENERAL The container shall be filled to 3/4th of its capacity with distilled water at 40°C. reported. 0.02 to 1. The water shall be drained off and aggregate piece shall be Anti-stripping agent (0.2.2 mm sieve) shall be taken.8 and the floating bitumen from the top by spatula to avoid 1 percent in bitumen. These blends shall be used for redeposition. The test shall be repeated for bitumen and 1part of kerosene oil). at 10. B-3 and Table 1. be taken as optimum dose for sprayed work. 0. S1 No. ANNEX D [Clause 12. The bitumen anti-stripping This test is meant for dose determination of anti- agent blend shall be added at rate of 5. = A Average tensile strength of Group I × 100 NOTE — The water used for the wet storage of test samples shall be either distilled or otherwise treated to eliminate Average tensile strength of Group II will be wet average electrolytes with conductivity less than 10 micro Siemens/cm. E-3 PROCEDURE E-4 REPORT For quantitative evaluation. Group II specimens shall be immersed in water at 60°C for 24 h. tensile strength. determining their indirect tensile strength.1. strength will be calculated as under: E-2. 6 . Six specimens should be from both sides that have been immersed in water for prepared with 30 blows on each side at 135°C. the test shall be carried out The retained indirect tensile strength will be reported. Retained indirect tensile water in order to determine their densities. The temperature of the (ITS) is obtained by comparing indirect tensile strength mixing should not exceed 175°C.3 Transfer Plates — Sufficient number of flat steel Average tensile strength of Group II plates of sufficient size to keep the test samples. Keep the samples at room temperature bringing the immersed test samples to 60 ± 1°C for and then place in a 25°C water bath for 2 h prior to indirect tensile strength test. Mixes should be of the freshly moulded and cured samples with the prepared with maximum 120 coating time and further indirect tensile strength of triplicate samples at 30 blows conditioned at 135°C for 2 h. percent in air and water.1 Automatically controlled water-bath for tensile strength.1 Water-Baths Group II.IS 14982 : 2017 ANNEX E [ Table 1. on Marshall specimen. Group I specimen shall be tested for indirect E-2.1.2 Water-Bath for Density Measurement — An and then conditioned in water at 25°C for 2 h and then ordinary water-bath for weighing the test samples in tested for tensile Strength. Each set of 6 test specimens shall be sorted out in two E-2 APPARATUS groups of 3 each so that the average specific gravity of the specimens in Group I shall be almost the same as in E-2. 24 h at 60°C. Sl (xi)] DETERMINATION OF RETAINED INDIRECT TENSILE STRENGTH (FOR PREMIX WORK) E-1 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD The Marshall test specimens shall be prepared using mix design with optimum binder content with specified A numerical index of reduced Indirect Tensile Strength percent anti-stripping agents. E-2.2 Balance — Suitable for weighing the test samples Retained tensile strength. E-2. S. Kerala SHRI DINESHCHANDRAN P. (Alternate) Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals. New Delhi SH. P. New Delhi SHRI G. Gurugram SHRI B. GUPTA Highway Research Station. Chennai SHRI THIRU P. New Delhi SHRI P. K. Mumbai DR PRADEEP PRABHU SHRI AMAR KUMAR (Alternate) G R Infra-projects Ltd. IS 14982 : 2017 ANNEX F (Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Bitumen and Related Products. RAMAKRISHNAN (Alternate II) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. SHARMASHRI S. C. BHATTACHARYA Corporation Limited. Kochi Refinery. P. P ARMESWARAN (Alternate) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. R ASTOGI Directorate of General Border Roads. New Delhi THE SECRETARY G ENERAL THE DIRECTOR (Alternate) Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Noida SHRI P. N. K. Chennai SHRI S. (R&D). K. DIWAKAR (Alternate) National Test House. VISWANATHAN MS SONAL MAHESHWARI (Alternate) Central Building Research Institute. Faridabad SHRI BRIJ BEHARI SHRI P. New Delhi SHRI M. New Delhi SHRI S. C. Mumbai SHRI SUBIR KUMAR SOMADDAR SHRI K. Dehradun DR M ANOJ SRIVASTAVA SHRI ANAND SINGH (Alternate) Indian Institute of Technology. JAYAPRASAD COL O. Roorkee DR B. S RIVATAVA (Alternate) Essar Oil. New Delhi PROF S ATISH CHANDRA (Chairman) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. NAGABHUSHANA MS AMBIKA BEHL (Alternate) Central Public Works Department. Kolkata SHRI UK P ANDIT SHRI VINAY KUMAR (Alternate) National Rural Road Development Agency. New Delhi SHRI ASHOK WASAN SHRI SANJAY NIRMAL (Alternate) Ministry of Defence (DGQA). HARIRAJ SHRI THIRU.Q. Mumbai SHRI T. R. SHROTE (Alternate I) SHRI TEJBIR SINGH (Alternate II) Indian Institute of Petroleum. New Delhi SHRI P. K UMAR (Alternate I) SHRI H. K. CHAUKIMATH (Alternate) Indian Oil Corporation (Refinary Devision). S. S UBHAASH SHRI V. PCD 06 Organization Representative(s) CSIR-Central Road Research Institute. Roorkee DR SATISH C HANDRA Indian Oil Corporation Ltd [(R&D) Centre]. New Delhi SHRI V. Chennai Petroleum DR A. S INGH DR RAJANI LAKHANI (Alternate) Central Road Research Institute. U. P. LALSHRI R. SHRI PRADEEPKUMAR T. TYAGI SHRI P ALASH KATHAL (Alternate) 7 . New Delhi COL R. B. New Delhi SHRI PRABHA K ANTH KATARE OOMS Polymer Modified Bitumen Pvt Ltd. K. CHAUKIMATH SHRI BRIJ BEHARI (Alternate) Indian Roads Congress. SRI GANESH (Alternate I) SHRI ANINDYA GHOSH (Alternate II) Hindustan Colas Limited. D ARORA SHRI JITENDRA PRASAD (Alternate) Engineer-in-Chief’s Army H. S. JHAMB (Alternate) Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research. DR PANKAJ KUMAR J AIN Om Infracon Pvt Ltd. P. Gurugram SHRI NILANJAN SARKER Bitchem Asphalt Technologies. Delhi DR ARAVIND SWAMY In personal capacity PROF P. BHATNAGAR. Chennai PROF J. Scientist ‘F’ and Head (PCD) [Representing Director General (Ex-officio] Member Secretary SHRI CHANDRAKESH SINGH Scientist ‘C’. D. IIT. S. N. VEERARAGHAVAN Total Oil India Ltd. K ANDHAL BIS Directorate General SHRI A.IS 14982 : 2017 Organization Representative(s) CSIR — North East Institute of Science & Technology. BARUAH (Alternate) Shell Bitumen India Pvt Ltd. Guwahati SHRI A. K. Vadodara DR AJAY RANKA SHRI HIMANSHU AGARWAL (Alternate) Department of Civil Engg. Jorhat DR S. BIS 8 . BARUAH DR B. Meghalaya SHRI HEMANTA DUTTA SHRI MUZIBUR RAHMAN (Alternate) IIT Madras. DAS Zydex Industries Ltd. M URALI K RISHNAN PROF A. . shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. the final value. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. expressing the result of a test or analysis. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. observed or calculated.(Continued from second cover) In the formulation of this standard assistance has been derived from following standards: AASHTO T 283 ‘Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture- Induced Damage’ ASTM D 3625 ‘Standard Practice for Effect of Water on Bituminous-Coated Aggregate Using Boiling Water’ The Composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex F. B E N G A L U R U .in Regional Offices: Telephones Central : Manak Bhavan. KOCHI. Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No. PA RWA N O O . New Delhi . P U N E . Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. P.T. D E H R A D U N . Madhya Marg. Road. This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No. Kankurgachi KOLKATA 700054 { 2337 8499. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. B H O PA L . such as symbols and sizes. G H A Z I A B A D . D U R G A P U R . JAIPUR. Andheri (East) MUMBAI 400093 { 2832 9295.Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act.org. E9 MIDC. 4-A. 2323 3375.T. V I S A K H A PAT N A M . 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 { 2323 7617 2323 3841 Eastern : 1/14 C.: PCD 06 (2895). if the review indicates that changes are needed. in the course of implementing the standard. CHENNAI 600113 { 2254 1216. a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed. NAGPUR. V. marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. This does not preclude the free use. Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. of necessary details. Scheme VII M. it is taken up for revision. CHANDIGARH 160019 { 26 50206 265 0290 Southern : C. 2254 1442 2254 2519. HYDERABAD. Standards are also reviewed periodically. BIS. JAMSHEDPUR. PAT N A . B H U B A N E S H WA R .bis. 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization. 2832 7858 2832 7891. 2337 9120 Northern : Plot No. type or grade designations. IV Cross Road. 2323 9402 Website: www. Campus. G U WA H AT I .I. 2254 2315 Western : Manakalaya. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. I. R A I P U R . C O I M B ATO R E . FA R I D A B A D . 2337 8561 2337 8626. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. Published by BIS. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications).I. 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